#USSR x Nazi
subhelioss · 1 year
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I imagine Soviet and TR living together like Reich trying to murder Soviet on a daily basis
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lilithism1848 · 1 year
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#still not over the insane george orwell post that got reblogged onto my dash yesterday#i unfollowed the person who reblogged it#because either A) theyre a tankie or B) their criticial thinking skills are sub-fucking-zero#like 1) the OP of that post was just copying Hakims awful video on Orwell#2) to read animal farm and come out of it with the interpretation that Orwell was saying that the animals and hence the proletariat in the#USSR were just innately unintelligent shows a reading comprehension so bad its not even like piss poor. its piss impoverished#3) if a post is like ''also look X said Y Bad Thing'' without providing any of the context as to where that quote comes from theyre likely#being deliberately mishonest. it is easy to take someone out if context to make it look like they were saying something they werent which is#exactly what the OP of that post was doing. they took one sentence of Orwells writing on the nazis and Hitler to make it look like Orwell#thought Hitler was a swell guy when actually Orwells writing was about the dangers of charismatic tyrants like Hitler and their rhetoric#the entire thing was about how Hitler was able to amass such power and popularity and use that to his advantage#not every despot is so easy to pick out as dangerous or so easy to detest. hitler was hardly the first charismatic tyrant in history#OP also conveniently left out the fact that like the next sentence is orwell being like yeah no i would fucking kill this man which wow#thats a glaring omission. imagine if people decided to look up what OP was refetencing to verify irs veracity#4) OP does not mention that Orwell fought in La Guerra Civil alongside communists and socialists and anarchists etc.#he fought against the nationalists. he took a bullet to the neck during the fight. he was very much against francisco franco and his fascist#regime who were allied with Hitler and the Nazis#mentioning orwells participation in the spanish civil war really undercuts any of those arguments#5) you know who was actually allied with Hitler and Nazi Germany? STALIN#at the beginning of WWII the soviet union and nazi germany were in alliance. stalin and hitler did not have fundamental ideological#differences. if hitler had not betrayed stalin the soviet union would not have joined the allied powers#your uwu anti-fascist communist idol joseph fucking stalin was joseph fucking stalin. he was a fascist dictator whose actions deliberately#caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. he like vladimir lenin before him did not care for the ideals of marx#marxism leninism is a meaningless political ideology#the soviet union was not a communist paradise. neither stalin not lenin cared about the proletariat#i said this in my tag ramble yesterday but if you want to see a leader who actually followed marxist ideals go look up thomas sankara#im just rambling in the tags today to get out the lingering frustration i have
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reddest-flower · 2 months
In 1917, the Soviets revealed the secret treaties of the imperialist powers. When he released these documents, Leon Trotsky – the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs – noted, ‘Secret diplomacy is a necessary weapon in the hands of the propertied minority which is compelled to deceive the majority in order to make the latter serve its interests. Imperialism, with its worldwide plans of annexation, its rapacious alliances and machinations, has developed the system of secret diplomacy to the highest degree’. The Soviet record against colonialism was clear, even as the Comintern struggled to produce a firm line in this or that country. There was no instance where the Soviets considered colonial rule to be worthwhile. The same with fascism, which the Soviets saw as anathema to humankind. Soviet aid to Republican Spain was one test and the other was the immense sacrifice of the USSR in the fight against fascism in World War II.
In 1931, the Spanish Left won the elections and inaugurated the Second Spanish Republic. An even more radical Popular Front government came to power in 1936. Only two countries, Mexico and the USSR – the two peasant republics that had been formed by revolutions – backed the Spanish Republic. Progressive policies to undercut landlords, the aristocrats and the capitalists set the Republic against the ruling bloc. That bloc would rapidly find solace in the fascist movement as well as in the army of General Francisco Franco that left Spanish colonized Morocco for the mainland. From North Africa, the fascists came into the Iberian Peninsula with the intent of overthrowing the Republic by force. A war ensued, which was – with the fascist Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 – an early frontline of the fascist assault. The Soviets backed the Republic, as did Communist parties from around the world. Communists came to the aid of the Republic from the United States to the Philippines, from India to Ireland. The International Brigades, supported by the USSR, provided a bulwark against the onrush of the fascist armies, which were backed not only by the fascist powers (Italy and Germany) but also by the imperialist bloc (Britain and France). Fissures between the anarchists and the communists fractured the unities necessary in the fight against fascism, surely, but there it is undeniable that without logistical help – Operation X – from the Soviets the Republic would have been crushed immediately and not lasted until 1939.
When the Republic fell in March 1939, the imperialist and fascist blocs seemed fused. When Franco marched into Madrid, the British Ambassador went to greet him. When Nehru, who had been to the Republican front-lines and was fully behind the Republic, heard of this, he shuddered. This imperialist and fascist alliance was against humanity. Franco would remain in power until his death in 1975. He remained heralded by the ‘democratic’ countries of Europe.
The USSR, through the summer of 1939, faced the imminent threat of invasion by the fascist and imperialist powers. Such an invasion had taken place right after 1917. In the war in Spain, it became clear that Soviet armaments that went there through Operation X were not of the same quality as those produced by the Germans and the Italians. The Soviets sent 772 airmen in heavy Tupolev SB bombers, which turned out to be far slower and more vulnerable than the German Messerschmitt Bf 109. The Soviet army staff feared that an invasion by the Nazis and the imperialist bloc, after the fall of Spain, would be catastrophic for the USSR. The Nazis had already seized Austria in the Anschluss of 1938 and had threatened Lithuania with conquest in March 1939. The Italians had seized Albania in April 1939 and the two fascist powers – Italy and Germany – signed a decisive Pact of Steel in May 1939. Britain’s appeasement of the fascist bloc at the Munich meeting in 1938 suggested collusion between the imperialist and the fascist bloc. This was the context of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939, where the Soviets hoped to get some time to build up their capacity before an inevitable Nazi attack. Surely there should have been no compromise with fascism. But this was in the realm of realpolitik – a way to salvage time before the war that was to come. Indeed, in September 1939, the USSR opened nine factories to build aircraft and seven factories to build aircraft engines. The Red Army grew from 1 million (Spring of 1938) to 5 million (June 1941).
But Stalin had other ideas as well. On March 10, 1939, when the Spanish Republic was ready to fall, he said that the USSR should allow the ‘warmongers to sink deeply into the mire of warfare, to quietly urge them on’. If Germany and Britain went to war, then it would ‘weaken and exhaust’ both allowing the USSR ‘with fresh forces’ to enter the fray eventually ‘in the interest of peace to dictate terms to the weakened belligerents’. This would not happen. France was easily defeated by the Nazis and Britain could not find the way to bring troops to the European mainland. The war came to the USSR without the imperialists being weakened. The Nazis attacked the USSR as expected. The Soviets fought valiantly against the Nazis, losing over 26 million Soviet citizens in the long war that eventually destroyed the Nazi war machine.
It was the Soviet Union that saved the world from Nazism. It was Soviet armies that liberated most of the Nazi concentration camps, and it was the Soviet armies that entered Berlin and ended the war. General Dwight Eisenhower, the leading American soldier in the European sector, recalled his journey into the Eastern front after the end of the war, ‘When we flew into Russia in 1945, I did not see a house standing between the western borders of the country and the area around Moscow. Through this overrun region, Marshal Zhukov told me, so many numbers of women, children and old men and been killed that the Russian Government would never be able to estimate the total.’
Red Star Over the Third World, Vijay Prashad, 2019
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shipposttt · 11 months
Ship of the Day: Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr
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Character Names: Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr 
Ship name: Cherik 
Original Content: X-Men (also present in the comics but for the purpose of this post, focused on the movies)
Ship Info:
Before getting too far into it, what you must know is that Cherik is not mainly shipped as a fully happy together ship, these two have gone through a divorce and are only just coming back together after a whole bunch of stuff. Either that or fans are being delusional and  ignoring the canon “Beach Divorce” (will be explained later, don’t worry).
The X-Men franchise is an institution in the comics world, a product of some of the best minds at Marvel in the 60s. Homo Sapien Superior are the next stage of human development, dubbed mutants, these people are born with superhuman powers, from telekinesis to intangibility, super speed to power absorption. Standing as metaphors and representations for oppression, the othering of the non-majority, racism, genocide, government control and the fight for equality, the X-Men have stood the test of time and come out of it as a present-forward moving media.
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And at the centre of this media is two figures, Charles Xavier, powerful telepath and creator and head of the X-Men and Erik Lensherr, metallokinetic and leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (if going by comics). Two leaders on what would traditionally be thought of as opposing sides, but in the case of the X-Men sphere, they instead play as two sides of the same coin against the true enemy.
The Government.
(Yeah, the writers weren’t playing about with subtlety, were they?)
(And people complain that modern comics are too liberal. This shit has always been here, complainers have just been blind to it. Somehow. I really don’t know how. It is a very much integral part of understanding the world the X-Men live in.)
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Charles and Erik meet when they are both in their 20s, Charles recently graduated from Oxford with his doctorate in Genetics and Erik continuing his path of Nazi hunting while searching for the man that killed his mother when they were taken to Auschwitz when Erik was a child. They meet, stuff happens and almost the entirety of X-Men: First Class is just a getting to know you, whirlwind romance summer with a couple of breaks between the flirting and longing stares to further the plot which includes working with the CIA, building a team and, at the culmination of the film, being at the centre of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ah yes, because we needed more of a reminder that we’re in the mid 60s, it’s not like the USSR being a big deal, or the middle-aged Nazi officers or the young looking Holocaust survivors didn’t do a good job of illustrating this point. 
Thus we reach the height of the movie, the missiles are on their way to Cuba and are currently being held in the air by Erik. Erik views the shooting of these missiles as a betrayal as they have been working with those who just sent the missiles for the duration of the movie and wants retaliation so spins the rockets around and sends them back in the direction of the US and Soviet fleets. Charles is also feeling pretty betrayed but does not believe that the men on the ships should die for it. And in a moment of what is probably one of the stupidest moments of Charles Francis Xavier’s life, he tells a child survivor of the Holocaust that the soldiers who have just fired upon them with the intention to kill them are “simply following orders”.
Yikes, Charles.
They have a grapple across the floor, Erik loses concentration, he wins the fight, regains control of the missiles, continues them on their course for the ships before getting interrupted by one of the X-Men team shooting his metal helmet to break his concentration. He deflects the bullets, cause, ya know, metallokinetic. It just so happens that he deflects one of these bullets into Charles’ back. More specifically his spine. Instantly paralysing him. 
There’s a whole moment of Erik cradling Charles' body and apologising. A bunch of other things happen that ends with Erik leaving Charles on that beach with no way to go home and only a couple allies. 
Thus, the beach divorce. 
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It is here that Charles and Erik’s stories can go two ways, because the X-Men movies have fully canon time travel that they used to end the old early 2000’s timeline and restart, allowing them to make more money. In both of these, Erik is arrested for the murder of JFK, in the original timeline he stays there until the mid-2000s and is often visited by Charles. On these visits they play chess and have civil conversations. As elder men, they greatly respect one another and in fact, Erik even comes to Charles’ defence against one of his own brotherhood members when they disparage Charles. Both see that the other is working towards the same goal, they simply have differing opinions on how mutants should get to the equality they are fighting for. Charles believes it can be fostered through education, defanging misinformation and working alongside the human governments. Erik believes that it is too systemic and instead mutants must take their place in the world and not fear or be afraid of humans. By the end of their timeline, they are back to being by each other's sides, any differences are put to the side due to the nature of their existence dwindling. Instead they work together and stay by each other, giving each other comfort in the others continued existence. 
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In the alternate timeline, Erik is broken out of prison in the mid 70s by the combined effort of a time travelling Wolverine, Charles, Charles and Erik’s past teammate and Charles’ caretaker Hank and a very young Quicksilver, who is not yet aware that Erik is his father. Though to be fair, no one on that mission knows that. In these films, Erik attempts to build a life, getting a quickly fridge-ed wife and daughter and goes on to build the mutant nation safe haven island Genosha. Charles goes on to found his school for mutants, as he did in the original timeline. This timeline ends with Erik and Charles meeting at a cafe in Paris (romantic, huh) and sitting down to play some chess (yes, chess is almost definitely a flirting metaphor, the amount they do it).  
Type of ship: Queer Read
Despite the fact that all 4 actors who have portrayed Erik and Charles in these movies have shipped them, at the end of the day there was never an intentional move done by any of the creatives to intentionally mislead fans to the idea that a romantic relationship may develop between the two. 
Both characters have had female partners throughout the duration of the movies and yet, neither of them last. Erik’s wife dies simply to further the plot within 10 minutes of introducing her on screen and Charles has a kind of girlfriend who he ends up wiping the memory of and leaving alone. By the end of the timeline, they don’t have any partners and are instead with each other. 
Erik and Charles are so compelling as characters, both separately and in combination and one of the reasons for that is how they act as foils for one another. Differing values, same mission, the utmost respect for each other. They are lovers ripped from each other by tragedy, both in terms of the divorce and in terms of being on opposite sides. But they are not just on opposite sides, instead they lead them and that is one of the most tragic parts of their existence. They love each other, but not more than the fight they lead, the ideas they believe. 
At the end, in 1983, when they both finish their missions, passing them on to the next generation, they come together in the romance capital of the world and play chess together. They come back together after so long apart and simply begin to exist in each other's presence in a way they haven’t done since the 60s.
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biblioflyer · 4 months
X-Men: Trust is Cheap When You Have a Trust Fund
Personal experiences can bestow a fundamentally sunny disposition about Mutant assimilation in Human society. They can also inspire the bleakest despair and a level of skepticism about unilateral disarmament.
Previously I discussed why X-Men as a setting is fundamentally pessimistic as a necessity according to the creative choices made. It is an essay in 5 parts:
This is a new series analyzing how experience and social status influences Mutant outlooks on the assimilation vs separatism/supremacy question.
It should not surprise us at all that the Morlocks and Magneto have very different opinions from Xavier about who should regulate their behavior and how. Once he’s confronted with how little protection his wealth affords him, even Sunspot becomes a convert to Magneto’s way of thinking.
When you’ve had a bad experience with someone claiming to be on your side and then contradicting literally every value you thought you shared, it makes a person calloused against appeals to a shared set of values or the innate goodness of humanity. 
For a real life example, George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” is a repudiation of the Soviet Union under Stalin, even though Orwell was no fan of extreme inequality and the violence used by elites to protect that inequality in market driven societies. Orwell was motivated to revisit the idea of whether the USSR was a true reflection of his values due to his personal sense of betrayal when the Soviet Union declined to intervene in the Spanish civil war against the Nazi allied regime.
We ought not to be surprised when impoverished visible Mutants find it difficult to imagine having a seat at the table when they can’t even get a seat at the table masquerading as Sapiens. 
Xavier’s access to power is always depicted as somewhat tenuous and his relationships with Presidents are transactional. Regardless of their personal feelings and long term visions, the leaders Charles interacts with are primarily focused on day to day crisis management. These leaders are ultimately accountable to the overwhelming majority of the population that does not have special abilities and those who are fearful of Mutants and those who are supportive of Mutants vote and contribute to political campaigns.
Xavier isn’t even visibly mutated. The tendency for Humans to perceive Morlocks as hideously disfigured denies them any comfort in mainstream society. Their very appearance reminds Humans that something has gone amiss in the gene pool and that something may not bode well for baselines in the long run.
Magneto’s experiences as a Sapien minority on the wrong side of the boot has made him deeply skeptical of power beyond his own. A Holocaust survivor, Magneto doesn’t need to imagine what the worst case scenario is for Human - Mutant relations.
Like Orwell, he is not easily swayed by appeals to common values or shared interest. For Magneto, trust is earned and the tests to earn it are not easy. As a consequence of his experiences, Magneto has adopted an attitude that only the people that are imminently facing the same type of threats can truly understand each other and be relied upon. 
To the extent that this is a fair and accurate sentiment, taken to an extreme it can be very isolating and leave one with few allies and even fewer people whose insights might be trusted when they contradict Magneto’s own instincts. This becomes a serious problem when Cortez worms his way into Magneto’s inner circle or Magneto rationalizes the fate of Mutants trapped on an Earth incapable of using modern technology as expediting evolution.
Yet, cynic that he is, life as an island is hard and even Magneto is not immune to the occasional savvy operator figuring out how to earn and abuse his trust, like Cortez.
Next up: Power level as privilege. What happens when a cranky Omega isn’t trapped in here with you, you are trapped with them….
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torillatavataan · 2 years
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While constantly losing in Ukraine, Russia desperately seeks victories from the past.
Russia celebrates “liberation” of annexed Finnish land 
Major General Pekka Toveri, former Director of Finnish Defence Intelligence
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Read full article with photos here!
As Moscow prepared annexation of Ukrainian regions, top Russian officials took part in a ceremony on the Soviet "liberation" of the former Finnish town of Alakurtti in 1944.
“We will always remember the ones that gave us the opportunity to live in a free country and we will never forget their courageous bravery,” said Irina Prosolenko.
Fuck. Off. “Liberation”? “Gave you the opportunity to live in a free country?” None of the Finnish population lives there anymore. Finland evacuated the entire region. You are all colonisers living in our homes.
Alakurtti was Finnish territory until Stalin on the 30th of November 1939 attacked the neighboring country and ultimately annexed major parts of its territory. The attack followed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, the so-called non-aggression agreement between the USSR and Nazi Germany that included a secret protocol on the former’s right to annex parts of Poland, the Baltic states and Finland. Among the ceded areas were the Karelian isthmus and the Salla area, including Alakurtti. Later, also the far northern Petsamo area was ceded.
Alakurtti is located about 50 km from the border to Finland. It has a population of about 5,500. During the Continuation War, Finnish and German forces regained control over the area, but were pushed back in fall 1944 and by mid September Alakurtti and the surrounding Salla area was again under Soviet control.
“These kind of events must be celebrated, because this is patriotism,” Prosolenko underlined in the TV interview. “As long as the memories live, also we live,” she added.
There are remarkable parallells between Moscow’s attack and annexation of Finnish lands in 1939 and early 1940s and today’s onslaught on Ukraine, and the locals that attended the recent event in Alakurtti were carefully reminded about the historical context. During the ceremony, not only Soviet warriors were honored, but also two Russian soldiers that recently had lost their lives in Ukraine were post-mortem awarded medals for bravery.
This is a blatant example of how in the Russian public sphere, official memorial ceremonies dedicated to The Great Patriotic War are now being used actively to legitimate the Russian onslaught on Ukraine. This narrative of continuity between the two wars is of course mythmaking and has nothing to do with the realities neither of the Second World War nor of the present Russian warfare in Ukraine. Still, the ceremony in Alakurtti very explicitly builds on this, honoring fallen soldiers of both wars in the same event and stating that both the Soviet soldiers of the Great Patriotic War and the Russian soldiers in today’s Ukraine sacrificed their lives “protecting the world from Nazism”.
There has come no official reaction to the event in Alakurtti from Finnish authorities. According to Ilkka Liikanen, Professor at the University of Eastern Finland, the event is unlikely to have been addressed to Finland in connection with its upcoming NATO membership.
“My guess is this is targeted more to domestic audiences, and at least I have not noticed that it would have been officially dealt with in Finland,” he says to the Barents Observer.
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Enjoy some old photos of Alakurtti:
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Alakurtti border guard station (x)
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View from Palovaara fell towards Alakurtti village and Lake Ahkiojärvi (x)
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On the new Voittotunturi fell maintenance road during the war (x)
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Peurakoski rapids (x)
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According to Zionist logic, the following historical figures would have been considered “Hamas Terrorist Nazi Antisemites” because they were a) critical of Israeli war crimes and b) supported Palestinians:
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Mahatma Gandhi
Malcolm X
Fred Hampton
Nelson Mandela
Albert Einstein (is Jewish)
Stephen Hawking
Frida Kahlo (is Jewish)
Noam Chomsky (is Jewish)
DJ KHALED 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Muhammad Ali
Jimmy Carter
Ben and Jerry (the ice cream people)
Bernie Sanders (is Jewish)
Susan Sarandon
Now, let’s look at some of the people who have supported Israel since its creation and do to this day/until their death beds:
Donald Trump
Joseph Stalin
Joe Biden
George W. Bush
Bibi Netanyahu (Israeli PM)
Hillary Clinton
Jefferey Epstein
According to Zionist logic, the man who called white supremacists in Charlottesville who chanted “Jews will not replace us”, “fine good people” and the dictator of the USSR who actively persecuted Jews in SSRs like Lithuania, Sakartvelo, and Russia are both actually based liberal kings
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crystalsandbubbletea · 5 months
A rant about something I looked up and regret...
(CW: Swearing, all caps, very cursed things [AKA personifying countries and shipping them], stereotypes)
So my friend told me about this thing called "Countryhumans", and that friend told me that they had mixed feelings, and also told me to not look it up.
And fellas, I made a fatal mistake.
I looked it up, because I'm built wrong, and all I can say is...
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crowofclassics · 6 months
A Brief History of music in Stalinist Russia
From 1946 to his death in 1953, Stalin banned jazz and many other forms of western music in the former Soviet Union. However many found ways around this and sold copies of records on the black market that were etched into the surface of old X-rays. Recordings of artists like Elvis Presley were etched over pictures of rib cages, skulls, or thigh bones. Used X-rays were a convenient replacement for an actual for vinyl records, and due to World War II, hospitals were overflowing with them. So there was no shortage of supply or demand.
The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 stunned the unready Soviet forces. Stalin's administration was forced to react quickly and devote all its resources into the war effort. As a result, Soviet music witnessed a relaxation of restrictions on expression. This period was a break from the policies of the 1930s. The Communist Party, seeing as it was allied with several Western powers, focused on patriotic propaganda rather than anti-Western rhetoric. With a restored connection to the west, Soviet music experienced a new wave of progressivism and experimentation.
Following the end of World War II, the communist party were persuaded to put an end to the patriotic propaganda and were encouraged to reinforce themes of the Russian revolution. In response to this, composers were desperate to find acceptable compositions. Some composers such as Prokofiev and Shostakovich turned to film music. Shostakovich did not publish his more expressive works until after Stalin's death.
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Dmitri Shostakovich
Shostakovich was born just before the Russian revolution and grew up in the USSR. Many of Shostakovich’s pieces had to be re-composed or scrapped entirely as they did not fit with the slim criteria that the state wanted music to fit in the USSR. He had to wait until after Stalins death to compose the music he wanted. Many other Russian composers experienced this as well.
Shostakovich was known to display symptoms of anxiety, internalised stress and was said to have been a sensitive individual causing somatic symptoms. His negative relationship with the Soviet Union added to issues he faced in his life and with his mood. He spoke constantly about pain, describing his life under Stalin’s regime as “unbelievably mean and hard. Every day brought more bad news and I felt so much pain. I was so lonely and afraid.”
In 1936 he was denounced as an “enemy of the people” by the Soviet regime after Stalin attended and disliked the composer’s opera Lady Macbeth of the Mtsenk District. Dmitri was “as white as a sheet” when he saw Stalin in the audience, an experience which increased his fears and paranoid thinking. He was known to have kept a small suitcase packed in case of arrest and slept in the stairwell out of fear. He reflected on this anxiety: “When a man is in despair, it means that he still believes in something.”
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httplovecraft1890 · 1 year
Hi, What's your opinion the Lives of Others movie from 2006 and it's presentation of Stasi modus operandi? You're very intelligent in drawing parallels between SxF and it's real life counterparts.
Also may I ask what your music tastes are? thanks.
I'm flattered you have enough confidence in me to think I can answer this question in an intelligent way, but it's been a long time since I've seen The Lives of Others, though I remember liking it when I saw it years ago. However, the Stasi's reputation definitely proceeds them; even if one is sympathetic to the Warsaw Pact, they were the vanguards of a brutal regime. The same thing is true of the SS that the State Security Service also pulls its name from, but I don't think one has to point the obvious when discussing Nazi Germany. East Germany/the GDR is generally less known here in the West in pop culture. Certainly at least, the mention of people fleeing its borders brings to mind the Berlin Wall, even if we haven't seen an equivalent. That said, given that Endo is sometimes frustratingly obtuse on elements of Spy x Family's world (which is fair, since world building doesn't really seem to be something he's super interested in unless it serves a narrative purpose) there are some things we can at least tease out with those two examples about what the Ostanian state is like. Communism, at least as a widespread ideology, doesn't seem to really exist in the SxF universe - or at least their world seems to be having its version of the Cold War from the freer West versus an authoritarian East. Granted, the Red Circus in the Japanese text is described as a far left organization, but we're given no indication it receives foreign backing from a USSR expy. The curious snag is that they use the word 'cosmonaut' to describe their astronauts as well, but perhaps the Russian Empire persists in some form, bankrolling other reactionary regimes that it borders.
Regardless, we're given a very narrow view of what Ostania is like for citizens of the middle and upper classes - and it generally seems to be okay. However, we know for certain that this isn't really the true state of affairs given the disappearances of people like Frank the former newspaperman, Biddy's death, how it closely monitors its citizens personal lives by viewing people who're not even married as suspicious, etc. The SSS, even if it bears a superficial resemblance to the organizations it's named after, is clearly intended to be a frightening thing. Billy is very obviously killed after he's arrested in the most recent bus hijacking arc and we know for certain things like wiretapping are commonplace. It is a totalitarian regime where minute actions are scrutinized to the nth degree for supposed subversiveness and no amount of bread or circuses makes up for that. This is a point I think is further supported by a mention of a shadow government doing... something in the cruise arc; whatever they've got going on, it isn't good, and the civilian government led by a bunch of doves seems like an obvious front while the Ostanian political cadres plan what to do next. Sooner or later, they're going to have to fall on the proverbial sword, and the National Unity Party will swoop back in to power. Instead, it seems obvious to me that Ostania is fascist or at least some flavor of far-right. Private enterprise persists, though I would imagine the state intervenes or directs them to do things it sees fit to (real life Imperial Japan comes to mind, especially given Endo's background; while a lot of zaibatsu were disbanded following WWII, others like Mitsubishi weren't) but this was also present in Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Something tells me that Desmond never divested his business dealings when he was prime minister. Further, we can see this exemplified in how Damian boasts about how great his family is, placing an emphasis on heritage and wealth which we can only assume was a foundational belief passed onto him by Donovan at the very least. Melinda is a tougher nut to crack in this regard right now. We've no evidence that a monarchical dynasty currently reigns in either Westalis or Ostania but I think we can infer at least at one point one did, if for no other reason than our Germany parallel from our world; still, it seems that nobility is at least recognized or has a lingering influence on the country's politics even if it's ostensibly a republic now. One of the things I'm personally most curious about is how much the regime, either now or in the past, scapegoated its minorities. Difficult to say if they had some form of Holocaust/Shoah and/or Generalplan Ost, but one thing that might be a snag regarding my cosmonaut theory above is the belief that Slavic peoples were inferior to their Germanic counterparts during the 19th century's formative years with racialist theories. An interesting thing to note is that the Briar family seems to be coded as perhaps coming from this background. Mom Briar's clothing bears some resemblance to traditional Russian dress, Yuri is a Slavic transliteration of the name George, and Yor's name was initially meant to be Yolanda which, while not Slavic in origin, had been used by some queens in eastern Europe historically. Yuri working for the SSS isn't necessarily a deal breaker either since, if there is such an emphasis on one's parentage, perhaps he and Yor have enough 'proper' blood in them that this is seen as acceptable. Even the Nazis' bat shit theories had dispensations for certain percentages of Jewish ancestry (no, really). However, that's my own editorializing on this aspect of the lore, which doesn't have a whole lot of clarity surrounding it. Anyway: my musical tastes are old. I'm a Boomer, if not a Silent Generation type; '30s-'60s stuff is my jam and if I do dip my toes into more modern music, it's usually in the form of mashups (a medium I love and think is very great).
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nitpickrider · 1 year
Tankies freed the Jewish people from the concentration camps and put humanity into space.
Something tells me you prefer the economic system that gave us child sex trafficking.
By the way, every blogger in that screenshot is against AI scraping.
I hope you find the moral courage to become a tankie someday, instead of supporting the ideology that nearly wiped out the Native Americans and the Jews.
Oh yes. Everyone knows how much Joseph Stalin LOVED the Jews. Here's a lesson in maturity for you my friend. Nazis=Bad does not automatically mean USSR=Good X=0 does not make Y=1
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bertmobile · 1 year
We need better history education for our children I swear to fucking God.
When I was in seventh grade, I had a friend who was deep into the Countryhumans fandom (one-sentence horror story right there). And when I say deep, I mean deep. Hentai levels of deep. At the young age of 12, I'd seen things no mortal should be made to witness (she showed me some of the shit saved to her phone).
Now, I genuinely believe that while she did know it was weird, she did not comprehend the extent to which her interests were harmful. She straight up just did not have the historical knowledge to realize the gravity of her USSR x Nazi Germany ship art.
Once there was apparently a trend going around Countryhumans Instagram or whatever where people would draw swastikas on themselves as a fucking Countryhumans reference. Outside, after school, she showed me the one she'd drawn on her hand.
I don't think she knew I'm a direct descendant of Holocaust survivors, but I had probably brought up the fact that I was ethnically Jewish in passing at some point. Maybe she'd forgotten, or maybe I’d never told her in the first place. But even if I wasn't Jewish, that wouldn't have made any of this okay.
Now, if someone I knew did this shit today, I would no way in hell let them get away with it. But at the time, while it definitely did make me uncomfortable, I basically laughed it off as "just a joke" and forgot about it. She wasn't the only undereducated one here, after all. I didn't realize the gravity of the situation either. None of this would have happened if we had been properly taught history in school. But no, instead we had to learn about the fucking American revolution five years in a row. Obviously.
Because of the way this site is, I feel the need to say: please don't be mean to this kid in the notes. Besides this situation, she was genuinely a very nice friend and I really hope she's doing alright, wherever she is (I haven't seen her in over three years). This is not a Bert's Old Friend callout post, this is an American Public Education System callout post. Please understand that.
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loveyoumoah · 1 year
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❁Yêu anh từ cái nhìn đầu tiên❁ {CHS-Ussr x Nazi] - Lần đầu (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1376259206-%E2%9D%81y%C3%AAu-anh-t%E1%BB%AB-c%C3%A1i-nh%C3%ACn-%C4%91%E1%BA%A7u-ti%C3%AAn%E2%9D%81-chs-ussr-x-nazi-l%E1%BA%A7n?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=MatchazzXayz&wp_originator=ZkWVg72YZe9ItgjRiSXQlrviDbQQ2Lh%2FmlzVsmMhVKhruVIi4gjIN4qg7%2BHj%2FNUpa2SUapiZyZbFX2Qh47pwvYJSrJul2FzDv0ffv3aTVTGDN2smA%2F%2BRnX%2BDruaZ76zd Mùa đông trôi qua, xuân lại đến Và em lại yêu anh từ cái nhìn đầu tiên... - - - Thể loại: Thanh xuân vườn trường nhẹ nhàng tình củm༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ(vì t/g deo biết viết seg;-;) Cp: Ussr x Nazi, JE x IE, một chút FE (French Empire) x BE (British Empire) Lưu ý: -Truyện đầu tay, tác giả trình non viet ngu vai lon và hay bị dài lê thê(T_T) -Notp vui lòng click back -Có từ ngữ thô tục -Chỉ nhận cmt của reader, gạch đá xây nhà vui lòng đem về cho Hết òi, iu nhắmm :3 moah~ Bìa lụm gg tại nhìn nó yên bình quớ=))
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feedestanyakrag · 2 years
Ussr x Nazi
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brookstonalmanac · 6 days
Events 9.20 (before 1960)
1058 – Agnes of Poitou and Andrew I of Hungary meet to negotiate about the border territory of Burgenland. 1066 – At the Battle of Fulford, Harald Hardrada defeats earls Morcar and Edwin. 1187 – Saladin begins the Siege of Jerusalem. 1260 – The Great Prussian Uprising among the old Prussians begins against the Teutonic Knights. 1378 – Cardinal Robert of Geneva is elected as Pope Clement VII, beginning the Papal schism. 1498 – The Nankai tsunami washes away the building housing the Great Buddha at Kōtoku-in; it has been located outside ever since. 1519 – Ferdinand Magellan sets sail from Sanlúcar de Barrameda with about 270 men on his expedition which ultimately culminates in the first circumnavigation of the globe. 1586 – A number of conspirators in the Babington Plot are hanged, drawn and quartered. 1602 – The Spanish-held Dutch town of Grave capitulates to a besieging Dutch and English army under the command of Maurice of Orange. 1697 – The Treaty of Ryswick is signed by France, England, Spain, the Holy Roman Empire and the Dutch Republic, ending the Nine Years' War. 1737 – The Walking Purchase concludes, which forces the cession of 1.2 million acres (4,900 km2) of Lenape-Delaware tribal land to the Pennsylvania Colony. 1792 – French troops stop an allied invasion of France at the Battle of Valmy. 1835 – The decade-long Ragamuffin War starts when rebels capture Porto Alegre in Brazil. 1854 – Crimean War: British and French troops defeat Russians at the Battle of Alma. 1857 – The Indian Rebellion of 1857 ends with the recapture of Delhi by troops loyal to the East India Company. 1860 – The future King Edward VII of the United Kingdom begins the first visit to North America by a Prince of Wales. 1863 – American Civil War: The Battle of Chickamauga, in northwestern Georgia, ends in a Confederate victory. 1870 – The Bersaglieri corps enter Rome through the Porta Pia, and complete the unification of Italy. 1871 – Bishop John Coleridge Patteson, first bishop of Melanesia, is martyred on Nukapu, now in the Solomon Islands. 1881 – U.S. President Chester A. Arthur is sworn in upon the death of James A. Garfield the previous day. 1893 – Charles Duryea and his brother road-test the first American-made gasoline-powered automobile. 1911 – The White Star Line's RMS Olympic collides with the British warship HMS Hawke. 1920 – Irish War of Independence: British police known as "Black and Tans" burn the town of Balbriggan and kill two local men in revenge for an IRA assassination. 1941 – The Holocaust in Lithuania: Lithuanian Nazis and local police begin a mass execution of 403 Jews in Nemenčinė. 1946 – The first Cannes Film Festival is held, having been delayed for seven years due to World War II. 1946 – Six days after a referendum, King Christian X of Denmark annuls the declaration of independence of the Faroe Islands. 1955 – The Treaty on Relations between the USSR and the GDR is signed.
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