#Understand ingredients
shadowkira · 3 months
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Dungeon Meshi Text Posts:
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hamsternamedmarinette · 5 months
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madisoncounty · 6 months
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Oscar Isaac in AGORA (2009)
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cosmicwhoreo · 1 year
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Maybe Grand Reef Cookie shouldn't always try to make the things he finds into some sort of tea or meal....
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hephaestuscrew · 2 years
I'm not the first person to say this, but there really is something groundbreaking about the lack of romantic plotlines in Wolf 359.
Wolf 359 is a story aimed at and about adults. It's partly about what it means to be human. It's partly about how we exist in relation to other people. It's partly about interpersonal connection and understanding. It has character relationships at its heart. It features so many moments of love and care between characters. It takes place across just over two years of the characters' lives, with 61 episodes and a main cast that grows to a decent size.
And despite all this, the show doesn't feature a single canonical 'on-screen' romantic (or sexual) relationship. Perhaps that shouldn't be as rare as it is, but it's one of the many things that makes Wolf 359 special to me.
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spicyet · 8 months
laishuro shippers discussing the history of western and eastern culture clashes and political tensions to gather an idea of how to make two dumbasses kiss in between war zones
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astronomical-bagel · 5 months
genuinely can’t understand character hate in a well-written show. I mean, I can understand here when the character is horribly written because that means they mess up the story, but. In a good show? What are you on about? You’re mad that they were an obstical to the hero’s journey? You’re mad that two character’s flaws interact in a way you don’t like? You’re mad about conflict? Dude. Dude that’s the whole point of a story. A journey without obstacles isn’t a journey anymore it’s just a walk down the road. A plot without conflict isn’t a story anymore it’s just some guy who doesn’t do anything.
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blubujollyrancher · 11 months
furina and focalors are both so tragic, focalors for having power and furina for having none. focalors for wanting to be furina and furina for wanting to be focalors. focalors wanted to be human but was chosen to fill the role of a god, while furina was forced to live and suffer endlessly for 500 years with no power to stop it. i want to cup them gentlee in my hands
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undertheredhood · 1 year
tim drake is the one person nobody is going to steal food from because the only type of meals that tim knows how to make are those five minute depression meals that looks like it could kill you if it touched your tongue.
(the rest of the batfam aren’t picky eaters and will probably eat anything but they’d rather drink paint thinner straight out of the container than ever consume anything that tim makes)
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oxfordsnotr0gues · 10 months
POV: you hiding from you’re parents after telling them you need ingredients for food tech tomorrow
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lord-squiggletits · 7 months
NGL I think one of my least favorite "gotchas" that I see/get while critiquing stories is "so how would you fix it? oh so you don't have an idea of how to rewrite the story to make it better? oh so basically you're just complaining that you don't like it and don't have actual critique."
Sometimes the reason I don't have a "solution" to how the author should've rewritten their story to be better, is because I'm not privy to the author's thought process, what their alternate story ideas were, what they talked about with their editor, what they might've been forced to do by deadlines, or even what they might've thought they were writing towards at first but then later changed the trajectory of their story to be about something else.
It's all well and good for me to say something like, idk, "I think Character A should've gotten more narrative focus because their story could have helped fix XYZ Plot Hole," but it could very well be that the author never intended for Character A to be a prominent character (just a secondary or tertiary character). Maybe using Character A to solve one Plot Hole would've gone against the writer's plans because then it would open up a different plot hole for something else they had planned later in the story. If it's an ongoing story, maybe something I see as a "plot hole" is actually a deliberate mystery that the creator left open to write about later-- or maybe the plot hole is because there was a deadline crunch and the author had to drop a certain character/plot point/etc because they couldn't fit it into the story any more. Maybe having Character A be a more prominent part of the story is just based on MY personal tastes and what I would want to write in MY version of the story, but completely clashes with the characters/conflicts the author wanted to focus on.
Because yes, there are some story critiques that are as simple as "part A doesn't make sense, you could just fix it by doing B", but there are also some story critiques where suggesting a viable "solution" would require BEING the author or someone involved in the production of the story to understand what limitations or plans were involved in the selection of that flawed plot point. There are also some story critiques where even if there is a "problem" and my critique offers a "solution," there could be another "solution" or even dozens that do just as good of a job fixing the issue, but involve vastly different characters, plot ideas, so on and so forth.
Being a good critic isn't (just) about going "the story would've been better if X happened" because the story is ultimately in control of the author and their vision, and without knowing what the author's vision was (something that you almost exclusively know if you're 1. the author or 2. their beta reader), it's impossible to definitively say "this plot point should've been cut/[completely different thing] should've happened instead" because THAT is the point at which you're complaining, not critiquing. I would argue that in some cases, trying to "fix" a story yourself actually makes your critique worse, not better, because it ends up being a case of you simply imposing your artistic vision over the author's to say "I think it would've been better this way."
At least if you just say "this part of the story was flawed because XYZ" without saying "it should have been ABC instead", then you're stating your grievances with the story without being presumptuous enough to assume that YOUR version of the story would fit the author's original vision, or the constraints they were working under, or the other versions of the story that they were debating over at the time before ultimately settling on one version (even if flawed).
There's a point at which "this plot is flawed, that should've happened instead" is just fix-it fan fiction and not actual critique that could help the writer write their story in a way that fits their vision.
#squiggposting#discourse#i think the closest you can get to definitively saying 'the author should've done X instead'#would be something like JRO and the handbooks he recently released where he actually revealed alternate plot ideas#or like what the reasoning was behind different plot points. as well as what he did and didn't include and why#because THEN with a more clear understanding of the behind the scenes/what the author wanted to achieve#THEN you would have more information to be able to say 'this alternative storyline would've solved this plot hole'#or to even say 'actually those alternate ideas weren't as good and picking the canon flawed plot made a better story'#like for god's sake ppl apparently don't understand that art and storytelling and creativity are subjective#sometimes if i don't have a solution it's not bc my critique is invalid. it's bc there's multiple ways to fix it#and i'm not the author so idk which way of fixing the story would best suit their intentions/purposes/limitations#despite what snobs seem to think it's very possible for you to say 'this is flawed' and not know what the fix for it is#it's like how you can eat restaurant food and go 'something about this tastes bland'#w/o having to know what ingredients went into the recipe or how it's supposed to taste#and in that case unless you literally know the recipe or are a chef you would come off as a dick#if you tried to dictate to the kitchen what they did wrong and how to fix it#for some reason story critics are terrified of ambiguity and uncertainty and subjectivity and idk why#it is very easy and not intellectually wrong for a person to say 'this is flawed' and not have a solution for how to fix it
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rillette · 3 months
If Eastwood could talk it's first words would be to tell charlie to kill himself
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innko · 5 months
osaka -> chiba move day has been so eventful 
it was peaceful and faster than expected all the way up until we got to tokyo but then the maps took us to this thing 
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that massive repeating loop is an entrance for this underground tunnel in tokyo…the loop itself was dizzying and thank God my uncle didn’t crash but the tunnel was super long too, i’m not sure we drove the whole thing but it’s 18 km total. and feels strange and unpleasant in a way that’s different from tunnels cut into mountains since it’s manmade and massive…it’s like a subway for cars 
then we got to our hotel and rested for a bit and went out to eat. the place we went only had obviously foreign staff working and one of them couldn’t understand “without green onion” at all and the other seemed to sort of get it but accidentally charged us ¥100 for it. so we had to go back and get that refunded and they just nodded and wordlessly handed us the money without so much as a “sorry”. short staffing must be so bad in this region if they’re hiring people without the most basic conversation skills…i don’t care if restaurant/shop staff are foreign i just want them to be able to handle basic conversation. and the majority of the foreigners here do not speak english as a first language either, so it’s not like i can just speak english to them…and this low level of language skills is more than just asking someone with an unfamiliar accent to repeat themselves, not understanding a couple words here and there but piecing together the overall conversation…
after that i found someone’s phone left on a chair in the shopping center and went to the info desk to give it to them 
and then back at the hotel, there was some stuff like a toothbrush, individually wrapped q-tips, etc in a box on a shelf just behind and above the toilet and when i looked through it a q-tip fell out and through a space behind the toilet seat…and into the bowl. so then i had to call the front desk to ask for help since i can’t just flush a q-tip not do i want to stick my hand in the toilet - they were nice, came to check, came back with gloves and a new q-tip and took care of it but man i could use a less eventful day 
i’m not the only one though, whoever’s in room 217 in this hotel clearly spilled something in the hall by their door 
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meowyoi · 1 month
i had a leftover packet of those noodles i mentioned a week ago. big mistake i shouldve made my own sauce and thrown the packet straight in the trash, i used like a quarter this time 😭
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creekfiend · 2 years
Yeah, hi “Pip���, nice to meet you. A classroom poster does not in fact constitute fascism. If you had any true hardship in life you might know this was dumb as fuck for you to say. Go to hell! :)
I love online lmao
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basingstokemercury · 4 months
My Advenurer Botanist is my Guy with all the problems who I talk about all the time, though usually I describe him as a Mad Doctor (he is very much both of these things). I painted grass stains on his mini...
Anyway lemons are the central romantic symbol/image of his courtship. He's very enthusiastic about them
Mad Doctor Botanist sounds amazing!
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