#Unicorn Vanity
webdiggerxxx · 4 months
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petrovna-zamo · 1 year
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Pink haired Katya
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blakeexists07 · 5 months
My Little Pony Hyperfixation checkkkk
Not my usual Octonauts contact, but I'm currently on an MLP hyperfixation. I made some MLP characters a LONGGGG time ago, and they were based on the Seven Deadly Sins. They were all gay stallions and had their own partners. This first couple is Vanity Mirror, the stallion of pride, and Racer Flash, who used to be a former Wondercolt member. They're married 🤭
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babydolltheunicorn · 2 years
The elements Of disharmony
The elements of dark magic: Morning star
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The elements of despair: pity party
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The element of betrayal: stormy skies
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The element of greed: Vanity
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The element of deceit: rotten core
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The element of cruelty: belladonna
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I might do some bios and more info for these gals once i work more out about them
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motherfuckingcat · 1 year
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babythegod · 1 year
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swollenbabyfat · 2 months
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The Living Toys of the Bethrix Family, created by an ancient toy maker who has been working with the Bethrix's for far more than a millenia. The last living heir, Laverne Bethrix, now owns the remaining living toys, all of them serving her until the day she dies. They all have the magic to be in toy or "actualized" (anthro) forms.
Evelyn and Josephine "Dog Teeth", "The Sisters" // Status: Missing // Conjoined fawn wind up toy twins whose key is stored in their chest, but can be summoned as a sword by them or Laverne. Truly an amazing protector to their lady, Laverne saves a pretty penny by not having a large amount of guards on the premises due to their competency. Evelyn (left) is known as the more level headed out of the two, while her sister Josephine (right) seems to have a great vanity and will often adorn them in ribbons.
Seraphim "The Golden Hound", "The Bounding Twine of Bethrix", "Licorne Hunter" // Status: Present // Borzoi doll that has been serving the Bethrix family since unicorns ruled magic, let alone disappeared. A hunting dog at heart, Seraphim use to run alongside their masters to take the great beast down and helped collect their magical horns. Their life since then seems like a dream, as now the family they have served was down to one woman, and then when she died, her fragile and immortal widow. Seraphim is known to be a gardener in their semi-retired life, and known to be able hold an incredible conversation if interested.
Bernadette "Honeyed Eyed", "Sweetest Heart", "Bleeding Heart"// Status: Deceased // A plush saluki that was created specifically to be a companion to Laverne, a final gift to the family who had been patron of the toy maker for centuries. Incredibly young for a toy, she could be naive, her age not shown yet by a mature living toy's signature - an empty chest cavity with an object of their owners choosing. Known for an incredibly kind demeanor and a great attachment to Laverne, she died of a broken heart at the grave of her lady.
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fakeboyfantasies · 3 months
Olivia's Modeling Career - Chapter 1
Word Count: 950
Kinks: blackmail, misgendering, humiliation
Ryan was a cool guy. Well - “Ryan” was a cool “guy,” as Jacob saw it. He would never admit it to “his” face, but it was honestly laughable that Ryan considered himself a guy. Jacob didn’t really have anything against the whole trans thing, per se. It was just hard to take seriously with someone like Ryan. He joked about dressing like a “faggot,” but his long hair and painted nails just made it super obvious he was a girl. 
His room looked like a girl’s room, too. This was not a surprise to Jacob. Ryan’s bed was full of stuffed animals, and he had a vanity table with makeup and knickknacks sprawled over the surface. 
“This is my room,” Ryan gushed. “I cleaned up a little before you came, just ignore any mess that I didn’t get.” 
“It’s cool.” Jacob sat on the edge of Ryan’s bed, picking up a stuffed unicorn. “These are cute.”
Ryan laughed a little awkwardly, hiding behind his hair. Such a shy girl. Jacob wondered what she looked like naked. “Ah, yeah. I guess I’m a little old for it, but I like collecting. Um, do you want a drink or something?” Changing the subject. Super cute. 
“I’d love a drink.” 
Ryan nodded, forcing an awkward laugh. “Uh, yeah. I’ll be right back, man. Make yourself at home.” 
Ryan left to go to the kitchen, and Jacob immediately set to investigating. He decided to take a closer look at the vanity and see what was laying there. Nestled between a small clown doll and a jar full of pencils, he noticed a pill bottle. Perfect. He bent down, looking for the name on the bottle. 
Olivia. Such a sweet name. Much cuter than Ryan. Learning her real name completely sapped any pretense of her manhood - boyhood might have been a better word - from his mind. Jacob snickered, quickly moving to make it seem like he was checking out the bookshelf when he heard Olivia coming back. 
She had two beers in hand when she returned, smiling much more naturally now. “Hey! Here you go, man.” She handed him his beer, nervously fidgeting with the tab of her own. “It’s been a while since I had a friend over. Sorry if I’m totally awkward. Nerves, you know?” 
“Don’t be nervous.” Jacob put a hand on her arm. “Hey. You want me to teach you how to shotgun?”
Olivia grinned, clearly ecstatic for her inclusion in the male ritual. God, she was cute. “Fuck yeah!” 
“It’s easy. Here, gimmie that.” Jacob put his own beer down, digging out his keys and taking Olivia’s from her. He held the can sideways, carving a hole into the side with his key. “Okay, put your mouth around that, then tilt the can up and crack the top.” 
Olivia took the can hesitantly, wrapping her lips around it. She followed Jacob’s instructions, starting to chug the beer. Some spilled down her chin, staining her t shirt. Jacob wished she wasn’t wearing her stupid binder, so he could see it cling to her tits. “Fuck!” She pulled away, laughing and hiccuping. “Oh, shit, I got it all over myself.” 
“You totally did.” Jacob laughed, patting her on the back hard enough to make her stumble. “Nice job, Liv.” 
She went pale. “What the fuck? Hey - hey, fuck you! That’s not my name.”
“C’mon. Can’t take a joke?” Jacob goaded. “Then you probably don’t want anyone else to know about it, right?” He took a step closer, looming over her. “You have beer on your shirt, Olivia. I think you might want to take it off.”
She shook her head, looking terrified. “I thought we were friends.”
“We are friends. So it’s okay to take your shirt off.” Jacob pulled up the hem of her shirt. Olivia kept her arms pinned to her sides, but didn’t grab his hands to stop him. She was shaking. “I’m not asking, Olivia. God, it really would be fucking horrible for everyone to know that name, wouldn’t it?” 
Face burning red, she silently lifted her arms. Jacob took full advantage, grabbing her binder hem too and yanking them both upwards, over her head. 
Olivia actually screamed. It was hilarious. She clapped both arms over her chest, mortified. “No!” 
“Delusional bitch.” Jacob slapped her, hard. Her head snapped to the side, and she started sobbing. “Put your hands behind your head.” 
“You don’t have to do this,” she whined. Jacob slapped her other cheek and she gasped in pain, reluctantly peeling her hands away from her tits. 
They were gorgeous tits, too. Nice and perky, with stiff nipples. Was she turned on by this shit? Probably. Jacob found that deep down, most females were sluts. “Cute. Can’t believe you’d hide these.” He groped one, then gave it a hard slap, prompting another sob. “Sit the fuck down. Push your tits together, make it look sexy. And stop fucking crying. I’ll give you a minute to get your shit together.”
Olivia scanned the room, clearly looking for some kind of escape. Seeing none, she grabbed the second beer, opening it and starting to chug. 
Even fucking better. Jacob quickly whipped out his camera, taking a photo while Olivia chugged her beer, eyes squeezed shut. It was hilarious the way she squealed when she opened her eyes to Jacob showing her the topless photo now on his phone. “Delete that!”
“No way.” He grinned. “But don’t worry. No one will see it, as long as you pose for a couple more for me. Okay?” 
Olivia scrubbed at her face, sniffling. “And - and no one sees but you?” 
“No one but me,” he lied. “Now. Push your tits together, bitch.”
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this is for femmes who love being super girly, being super soft, dressing delicately, angels, collect porcelain figurines, vintage lace, cute boxes, ribbons and bows, frills and ruffles, romance novels, period dramas, being kind and sweet, feeling like a princess, heart shaped anything, pink pearls, stuffed bunnies, canopy beds, silk sheets, pretty lamps with pretty lamp shades, vanity mirrors, fairy lights, mini skirts, tea parties, smelling like strawberries, cream, and roses, pretty quilts, pretty makeup, quilts, thrifting vintage, wearing heels, hello kitty, baby’s breath, bunnies, creating super sparkly adorable art, fashion, rose water, lilac, ballet, ice skating, baby pink, valentine’s day, unicorns, being a lover girl, feeling like a fairy, heart shapes purses, Sanrio accessories, lace curtains, victorian design, art history, peonies, angel themes, pretty post cards, taking yourself on a lil date, getting yourself a lil treat, vintage picture frames, sewing and embellishing, wedding decor, renaissance art, pink and white baskets, art museums, love letters, poetry, fantasy books with magic and fairies, holding hands, matching nail polish with your butch/stud/masc, couples skin care, diy fashion and jewelry, floral scented perfume, mini candelabras, pink candles, wearing skirts, vintage heart soap, tea, fluffy sweaters, gardening, tiaras, glass figurines, little trinkets, classical music, bows on everything, wearing ditsy floral or pointelle knit, making flower crowns, swans, flower crowns, candles, vintage art of flowers, ornate framed mirrors, playing dress up, rose scented body wash, and vintage strawberry shortcake,
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clothodior · 8 months
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seulgi for red velvet's 3rd album "chill kill"/
"portrait of a lady with a unicorn" by raphael/
"mary magdalene" by a master of female half-lenghts/
"vanity" by frank cadogan cowper
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Life After
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Summary: After taking on Chuck, the reader wakes up in a bedroom she doesn’t recognize in September 1984. Only now she’s a small child and has no idea what is going on. When she finds out the Winchesters live across the street, things get even stranger...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 3,300ish
Warnings: language
A/N: I wrote this quite a while ago (pre-finale awhile ago) when one of my theories for the show ending would involve a time reset. A bit of a different read than my usual stuff!
A large boom made your eyes fly open. You sat up, finding yourself in a dark bedroom. You took a deep breath, brain trying to decide on processing what was in front of you and what had just happened.
It went with the later for the moment, eyes closing once more. Your big epic battle with Chuck, saving the world from ending, taking out the big bad of big bads. You knew it had happened. You remembered the day of. Everyone prepared for the worst, knowing that none of you were making it out alive. 
For a split second you allowed yourself to take in the bedroom. Perhaps it was a memory and you were in heaven. But it didn’t look familiar and the loud thunder outside the window didn’t seem like a particularly happy memory if it was one. Something was nagging at you though that you hadn’t died. You threw back the covers and swung your legs over the side of the bed, wide eyed when you took in the sight.
A pair of very short legs with pink and purple unicorn pajamas were somehow attached to you. You glanced down, a short sleeve purple shirt with another unicorn on it, your arms tiny. You pulled down the right side of your pants and your shirt up, no anti-possession tattoo on your hip. 
“What the fuck,” you whispered, eyes adjusting to the darkness more. You spotted a lamp on a nightstand and switched it on. Immediately you sat back against the pillows, swallowing hard as you saw the white bedspread, the lavender walls, stuffed animals in a pile in the corner, a small bookcase of toys and games and what looked like Dr. Seus books. “Oh no.”
You looked around the room and got up, finally exiting it and finding yourself in a dim hallway, the sound of TV going downstairs. You swallowed again and saw an open door to a bathroom. There was a step stool in front of the vanity as you climbed up, finally able to look at yourself.
Your very much five year old self.
“Oh, what the fuck,” you said, quickly hopping off the stool and rushing out the door, heading for the stairs. You went down them quickly, looking around a moment before you spotted a front door.
“Y/N,” you heard from down a hall, a man holding a beer walking over with a tired smile. “That is the third time tonight you’ve snuck down after bedtime. I told you, it’s just a storm, kiddo.”
“I-” you said before he set the beer down on a front table and he picked you up, resting you on his hip.
“Honey. Please go to bed for daddy? Please?” he asked as he carried you up the stairs and down the hall towards your room.
“O-okay,” you said, figuring playing along for the moment was the best move. The guy definitely wasn’t your dad and you had no idea where the fuck you were. If you were indeed only five, you were going to need a better game plan before you snuck off. He sat you down on your bed and pulled the covers over you, kissing your forehead before he turned off the light. “Dad?”
“Yeah, Y/N?” he asked quietly.
“How old am I?” you asked.
“Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?” he teased. “Is that why you’re up so much tonight, cutie?”
“Uh, huh?” you said, the man smiling as he sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re turning five tomorrow. All your friends from school are gonna come over so you better stay upstairs and let mommy and me finish wrapping your birthday presents, alright?”
“Okay,” you said. You got a hug from him and it felt...nice. Maybe it was some kind of dream or something but you were nearly positive that you’d all shown up to face off against Chuck. Hadn’t that been the end of you? 
Hadn’t you died? Or if you’d lived...wouldn’t you still be an adult?
You gave your apparent father a forced smile as he left the room and pulled your door shut. You slumped back against the soft bed, glancing over to the window, the storm raging outside. 
You needed to figure out what the hell was going on and fast.
You groaned as you woke up the next morning, the sun filtering in. You sighed and pushed back the covers, throwing your head back when you caught a small calendar on the wall.
“No, no,” you whined. 
The stark red 1984 stared at you violently on the page and you wanted to cry, unbelievably so. You wanted Dean and Sam and Cas and Jack. You wanted the boys. You wanted it to be 2020. You wanted to go home to your bed and the bunker and be okay again.
Then it hit you that apparently it was 1984. September 1984. Last you checked, you had not turned five in September 1984. After taking a deep breath you reminded yourself that so far, this was not your childhood bedroom and that man from the night before was not your childhood father.
“Somebody fucked with the timeline,” you said to yourself, going over to your small dresser and getting dressed. You were less than thrilled with the options but you managed to pull on a pair of thick black tights, a pink and orange flannel and a pair of socks with circles on them. You found a hair tie in the bathroom and started to work on brushing it and putting it up when you saw your new dad walk by.
“Well good morning, birthday girl,” he said, cocking his head at you. “You want to wear that today?”
“Yes,” you said, working on your hair.
“I thought you wanted the pink dress,” he said.
“No,” you said, deciding minimal conversation was the best bet for now. You finished throwing your hair up and looked in the mirror satisfied.
“Well look at you. Doing your hair all by yourself,” he said as you reached for a toothbrush. It dawned on you that most five year olds didn’t do their hair by themself, not when it involved things like messy buns. You shrugged and hopped off the stool, your dad smirking. “I didn’t see you brush your teeth young lady.”
You rolled your eyes and went back up, brushing them as he watched.
“Alright, birthday girl. What would you like for breakfast? Your choice,” he said.
“Cheese omelette and bacon,” you said as you went past. He chuckled as he picked you up.
“What refined tastes from the big girl,” he said. “Try not to grow up too fast on me now.”
You pursed your lips when he wasn’t looking and forced yourself to wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder.
“I love you,” he said, kissing the top of your head. You still weren’t positive who he was yet but he was a whole lot kinder than your father ever was. You snuggled him harder, the man pulling out a cellphone at the bottom of the stairs.
The most recent iphone if you weren’t mistaken. 
You had to bite your tongue as he took a selfie of the two of you. He set you down and you cocked your head when he started to head away from a front room and down a hall towards what looked like a kitchen and family room area.
1984. Smartphone. Those two things did not go together.
Maybe it wasn’t 1984 afterall? But why the calendar?
“Birthday girl wants a cheese omelette and bacon,” he said. You quickly caught up and saw a woman with a big smile.
“No pink dress today, honey? That’s been the plan for weeks I thought,” she said, giving you a kiss before she went to the fridge. Double doors, stainless steel. You saw a 70” screen smart TV on the wall in the family room and excused yourself to the bathroom, finding a half bath by the front door. 
“Maybe it’s a djin,” you said to yourself. “Maybe it’s all in my head. Maybe we never even went and fought Chuck...or maybe I have finally lost it.”
You sighed and left the bathroom, walking past one of the front windows when you saw her.
She was parked in the driveway across the street, a modern day SUV in the spot next to her along with a pickup truck. You opened the front door and stepped onto a front porch, hearing footsteps behind you.
“I know you’re excited but you will see Dean after breakfast okay?” said your dad.
“Dean?” you asked. “Winchester?”
“You best friends with some other Dean I don’t know about?” he teased as he shut the door. “Now go eat your breakfast, sweetie.”
You wolfed down your food, your parents taking their time, asking about how excited you were for your party that afternoon. The Winchesters were going to watch you so they could set up which was no bother to you. You needed to find the boys and talk to them fast.
“Alright, alright,” said your mom when you looked at the door again. “You would think you two could go more than twelve hours apart.”
“Those two are so getting married someday,” your dad said quietly as you slipped on a pair of velcro sneakers by the door. You opened it and started to head down the path to the driveway, hearing a tsk when you were halfway down. “Y/N. Hold up. What’s the rule about the road?”
“Uh, look both ways?” you asked as he caught up quickly.
“Yes,” he said. He grabbed your hand and you glanced up at him, seeing him smile as he looked up and down the street. “Okay. Now we can go. We gotta do that so you don’t get hurt, remember?”
“Yeah, sorry,” you said as you walked.
“It’s okay, kiddo,” he said, dropping your hand once you were in their driveway. You ran up it and to the front door, ringing the doorbell. You saw John answer, a much younger John than you were used to. He opened the door wide and you saw Dean behind him. You weren’t sure who moved first but you sprinted towards him and gave him a giant hug, Dean returning it.
“Hey,” you said quietly.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he whispered and you instantly relaxed. That was your Dean. Your Dean was now apparently a five year old boy but that was your Dean. 
“You two are being more adorable than usual today, huh?” said John.
“She was very excited to see Dean,” said your dad with a shrug. “Thanks for watching her this morning.”
“It’s never a problem, Dan,” said John as Dean started to pull you upstairs with him. “Try to be quiet for Sammy, guys.”
“I know, dad,” said Dean. You jogged up the flight up steps with him and down a hall, running into a bedroom before he shut a door.
“Dean,” you said, getting pulled into another hug from him and a kiss on the lips.
“Sorry. That’s probably really weird given our current situation,” said Dean.
“I love you. Kisses aren’t weird,” you said, giving him one back, Dean and you holding onto one another for a moment. “What the fuck is going on?”
“From what Sammy and I have figured, the whole timeline has been screwed up. Do you remember anything about what happened with Chuck?” he asked.
“No. You?” he asked.
“Not really. I don’t think he’s alive anymore though,” he said.
“How do you know that?” you asked. The door to the room opened and you saw a toddler walk in, barely tall enough to shut it.
“Y/N. This is Sam. He’s two apparently,” said Dean.
“Sammy?” you asked.
“Yes but I have to share with Cas,” said Sam. “Otherwise I can’t talk or get around this good.”
“Hello,” said a deeper voice, your gaze going back to Dean.
“You see what I’ve been dealing with since last night?” he said.
“Cas, what is going on? Why are we little kids? Why the hell does my new dad have an iphone in freaking ‘84?” you asked.
“The timeline we knew was reset. Completely. That kind of power could have only come from a few sources. I take the fact we are all still alive as proof that Chuck is either dead or has been sealed away,” said Castiel. “As a result, some things have changed. Most things seem the same but technology now is as you all knew it. It seems that whoever sent us all back here attempted to do this for our benefit.”
“Jack would have done that for us,” you said, both of them nodding. “You think he sent us back in time?”
“We’re his family. It’s not crazy to think the kid sent us back to have a second chance. I mean, our mom is alive,” said Dean. “She should have died a year ago. I don’t exactly remember what went down but maybe in this new timeline, she never made a demon deal.”
“Guys,” said Jack, suddenly in the room and sitting down on Dean’s bed. “You could have just asked.”
“What is going on?” you asked as you walked over and gave him a hug.
“Amara, who I think is my great-grandma? She and I...after everything that went down with Chuck, I asked her if we could fix it,” said Jack.
“Fix what, Jack?” asked Sam.
“Everything. So we did. There’s still demons and angels and all that guys but monsters are gone. It’s not perfect here but it’s better off than what we had before,” said Jack.
“Why are we children?” asked Dean.
“He wants us to have childhoods,” you said, Jack smiling. “Jack…”
“You guys were my parents. You still always will be. But you all have trauma. I can’t take it away but you deserve to have normal lives,” he said.
“Okay. That’s great and all but can I least be potty trained?” asked Sam. “Or like, at least five?”
“I can do three,” said Jack. “That would make today your seventh birthday then, Y/N.”
“Yeah, by the way, today is totally not my birthday,” you said. Jack tilted his head and smiled. “What?”
“Yes it is. The year is wrong, I’ll give you that but today is definitely your birthday,” he said.
“Jackie,” you said, closing your eyes. “Today isn’t my birthday. I have no idea who those people-”
“Y/N. Those are your parents. Your real parents,” said Jack.
“My dad was never-”
“That guy wasn’t your dad,” said Jack. Your face fell and you stared at him. 
“Um, what?” said Dean. He took your hand and you looked around. “Her real dad was a piece of crap.”
“Her real dad is actually a really good guy. The parents you grew up with Y/N, in your old life, those weren’t your parents,” he said.
“Well what hap-” you said, the door creaking open. All of a sudden you felt a smidge taller, Dean and Sam growing a bit too, Jack missing. You spun around and saw Mary smiling as she brought in a tray.
“Hey you three. Who wants a snack?” she asked. You stared at her, Sam stepping on Dean’s foot.
“Sammy,” said Dean, pouting at his little brother. 
“Sammy, that’s not nice. You don’t hit your big brother,” said Mary.
“I didn’t!” said Sam, throwing his hands up.
“Is someone cranky?” asked Mary. She picked up Sam and he sighed, sticking his tongue out at Dean as she carried him away.
“I’m pretty sure that was his version of flipping you off,” you said.
“This may have a few benefits,” he smirked. You shrugged and sat on his bed, Dean taking a seat beside you, holding your hand still. “Okay. It’s gonna suck until we get older and can be together the way we want to but we’re both seven. Six more years and we can start making out and a few after that we can move onto other things and I’m gonna have the recovery time of a teenager which is gonna be awesome so…”
You sniffled and he pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek.
“I know. I know it’ll be okay. But I’m gonna miss seeing you guys whenever I want and we’re always going to have to be lying and it turns out those people that raised me weren’t my real parents. They must have stolen me or what, I don’t know but those assholes are the whole reason I became a hunter, why I found you,” you said. Dean smiled and pushed a loose hair behind your ear.
“I’m right here. I will always be right here. We’re gonna live across the street from each other and-”
“What if my parents move? What if yours move?” you asked, sniffling again.
“Y/N. Sweetheart. You’re my soulmate. I will always find you,” he said.
“You’re so fucking corny,” you said, kissing him, laughing when it felt all kinds of funny and different. “I miss your scruff.”
“Tell me about it. You’re taller than me,” he said. “But like I was saying, you’re going to grow up with nice parents that love you and keep you safe, not one’s you’re afraid of.”
“We both get to start over. Sam too,” you said. “I wonder where Cas is though.”
“I did not agree to this,” said Cas, popping up from the other side of the bed. He was about Dean’s height, black hair and a plain t shirt on.
“Oh, he’s adorable!” you said.
“I am an angel of my asshole father,” said Cas, giving you a death glare.
“You are kinda cute,” said Dean with a laugh.
“I believe Jack has made me your older cousin who lives with you for some reason,” said Cas.
“Why do you get to be older?” scoffed Dean.
“I am millennia old, Dean. Do you think I enjoy being ten?” he asked.
“On the plus side, he’ll be able to buy beer for us someday,” you said. Cas rolled his eyes but you wiped off your face, Dean using his flannel shirt to get the rest. “I’m better now. I promise.”
“I doubt that,” said Dean. “Cas, are you still all angel powerful?”
“Yes. In fact, my powers seem to be fully restored,” he said.
“So if I ever asked you to sneak over Y/N for a sleepover,” said Dean with a smile.
“I can do that,” said Cas softly. “I’ll give you two some privacy.”
“Thanks, buddy,” said Dean. Cas exited for a moment, Sam arguing about nap time down the hall from the sounds of it. “He’ll get to be a normal kid.”
“So will you,” you said. “I swear I so much as see you as trying to cook dinner before you hit double digits, Winchester.”
“I know. So, birthday girl, is there anything I can get you for your big day?” he teased. 
“I got you. I’m all good, Dean.”
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flowersandbigteeth · 8 months
Hello lovely, how are you doing? Can I make a request for some more of my unicorn writing? I'm asking as your writing cheers me up and I fell yesterday and broke both my legs... Arianna-irwynarn
This is just a little thing ^_^ I hope it makes you feel a little better!
Unicorn (Ainsel) x fem reader
General Plot: Your unicorn boyfriend takes you to a party
Word count: 2.5K
TW: murder, yandere behaviors, SFW yandere fluff, side character death, murder
For previous part and more yandere fluff, go here
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“I can’t believe those fools called in a welfare check!” Ainsel growled. “You are completely safe with me!” 
You blinked at Ainsel over your breakfast. His chef had made some kind of fancy eggs benedict and you were savoring it. Your new boyfriend was a lunatic, but he provided the best of everything, so you tried to enjoy it. 
“Well, I didn’t show up for work, and I haven’t been answering my phone, Ainsel,” you said. “Of course, they were worried about me. I told you I can’t just disappear, I have friends and family that are worried about me! It’s fortunate they accepted the excuse that I’d just fallen passionately in love and lost my senses and didn’t come here to kick down the door.” 
Ainsel wrinkled his elegant nose across the table from you. 
“They don’t deserve your attention,” he growled. “I don’t want to go to this party.” 
Your friend Josh, the owner of the new restaurant in town, had invited you to his house for a party. You’d convinced Ainsel that showing up would keep your friends from freaking out again and sending the police after you. 
“Don’t be silly, Ainsel,” you sighed. “I obviously belong to you. You know that, but wouldn’t it be nice to have some friends, too? Your dad and mom kept you on a short leash…they wanted to keep you isolated so you wouldn’t fall in love with a human. If you don’t try to make any friends, you’re just falling into the trap they set for you.” 
Ainsel tipped his handsome head and ran a hand through his shiny black hair. 
“I guess,” he muttered, picking at his food. 
“I don’t like that one,” Ainsel huffed as you tried on dresses for the party. “It’s too revealing.” 
You chuffed at him. 
“I’ve been trying on dresses for an hour!” you complained. “You bought all of these! You have to like one of them!” 
He stood and crossed the room from where he’d been lounging on the bed. 
“I bought them for me to see,” he said. “Not your lecherous friends!” 
You rolled your eyes. 
“They are not lecherous; if anyone is going to be looking at one of us, it will be them looking at you, Ainsel,” you huffed. “You’re stunning, I’m just a normal person. I should be the jealous one!” 
“Chk,” he clucked, looking over your shoulder at the dresses hanging in the closet. “Wear this one.” 
He passed you a designer dress with a pleated skirt that fell below your knees and sheer long sleeves. It was very pretty and modest. You almost chuckled, as the dresses Ainsel had you wearing in the house were the exact opposite and almost X-rated. 
You carefully did your makeup at your vanity while Ainsel dressed himself in one of his trim suits. Even though he was absolutely insane, he was very handsome, and it was hard not to look at him. 
His personality with the public (charming, debonair, confident) was completely different from what he showed you in private (insecure, demanding, needy). He hardly let you at an arm’s length, convinced you would run away if you got out of his eyesight for even a moment. That wasn’t entirely false. You found yourself conflicted. 
He was extremely good in bed, gorgeous, and when he wasn’t giving you puppy dog eyes for going to the bathroom without him, he doted on you. No other boyfriend you’d had before had been so dedicated. On the other hand, you knew he was a murderer and completely unhinged. 
You’d gone through five different chefs because he felt they were “looking at you too closely.” Finally, he’d found a woman of about 50 whose gazes were more motherly, and he could tolerate them. He’d outright refused to let you return to your job and cut you off from your friends until they’d gotten worried and called the police. 
It was apparent this relationship was unhealthy, but Ainsel scared you. He was a wild card, sometimes exploding into murderous tirades for seemingly no reason at all. 
Still, he often indulged you, worried you’d be mad at him. He couldn’t tolerate when you gave him the silent treatment, and his neediness got one million times worse, so you’d managed to talk him into going to this party. You hoped some normalcy would pull him out of this psychotic state. 
“My house is larger,” Ainsel huffed as you exited the elevator to Josh’s flat. 
He made enough money at the restaurant to afford one of those pretty apartments on the top floor with wide balconies overlooking the city.
“It’s not a competition,” you told him, giving him a peck on the cheek. 
He gave you a little smile. He adored it when you gave him some attention. You knocked on the door, and Josh answered, his eyes wide, taking you in. 
“(Y/N)!” he gasped, immediately pulling you in a big hug. “I’m so glad you came! We were all so worried about you!” 
You blushed, and he set you down, trying to avoid the mask of rage you knew was on Ainsel’s face. 
“Oh…you know how it is. New relationship energy,” you said. “I’m sorry I dropped off the face of the planet for a few weeks.” 
“We were very busy,” Ainsel said tightly, yanking you under his arm. 
Josh tried to hide his disdain, but ever the dutiful host, he drew up a smile for the two of you.
“Well, you’re here now. That’s what matters,” she said, waving you inside. “Go and have a drink! I’ll be making the rounds.” 
When you made yourself to the bar, your girlfriends surrounded you, full of questions. 
“Where have you been?” 
“We were so worried about you!” 
“Why didn’t you call?”
You waved them all away with vague excuses. 
“We were just so caught up…it was a whirlwind romance,” you explained. 
“You must accept my apology,” Ainsel told them, turning on the charm. “I fell hard and fast. I hardly let (Y/N) leave my bed for a few weeks. Please forgive me.” 
They looked Ainsel up and down; you could tell they understood the situation. Who would want to leave this gorgeous man’s bed? 
“But what about your job?” Emily asked. “We called the shop, and Mr. Scott said you’d disappeared.” 
Ainsel smirked. 
“Again, my fault,” he said. “I can’t stand the idea of my beautiful girlfriend toiling away when I have plenty of money to take care of her. Perhaps I should have handled things differently, but I was overcome with passion.” 
Emily blushed as he winked at her and nodded, taking a big gulp of her drink. Your friends quickly accepted Ainsel’s answers, both charmed by him and slightly envious of you. 
Since all seemed forgiven, Ainself decided to put his plan into action. He didn’t particularly like you smiling and laughing with anyone but him. He could barely tolerate it if they were your friends, mostly because pleasing them seemed to get him out of the doghouse for kidnapping you. 
The real issue was he couldn’t stop noticing Josh, his competitor, glancing at you from across the room. Ainsel felt he was too informal with you, picking up and hugging you like he had a right to your body. Only Ainsel was allowed to touch you, feel your warmth against his skin. 
Josh needed to be dealt with, but first, he intended to steal his thunder and show him who you belonged to. 
“Just a moment, love,” he said, kissing you on the head and leaving you with your friends to chat while he organized things. He marched across the room back to the bar near where Josh was standing. 
There was a mild stand-off as their eyes met before Josh straightened his shoulders and decided to give Ainsel a piece of his mind. 
“Can I have a word with you?” Josh asked, nodding to a quiet part of the room. 
Ainsel gave him his best innocent smile and nodded. 
“Of course,” he said. 
When they were out of earshot, his easy smile dropped. 
“I don’t like you,” Josh informed him. “What you’re doing to (Y/N) is abusive. Cutting her off from her friends, making her quit her job. Look, I get it, I do. (Y/N) is gorgeous and incredibly sweet, but you are taking advantage of her submissive heart. I don’t know how it is in unicorn culture, but humans don’t do that to their significant others. I am not going to let you abuse her.” 
Ainsel’s elegant eyebrow raised at the challenge. 
“What exactly do you plan on doing about it?” he asked, smirking at his enemy. 
“I’ve known (Y/N) for years,” he said. “She’ll listen to me. She’ll leave you.” 
Ainsel snorted. 
“You’ve known her all this time and never made a move?” he asked. “It’s obvious you’re in love with her, yet you let me, a stranger, swoop in and grab her up without even a fight. Now you’re threatening me?” 
He laughed out loud. 
“You’re pathetic,” he said, smiling. “But I hope you enjoy the fireworks.” 
Josh had no idea what that meant, glaring at Ainsel as he walked away. He would have immediately gone to you, to talk, but Ainsel picked up the microphone the DJ had been using and announced he had a special surprise for the party. 
He invited everyone onto the balcony. 
You looked at him, confused at what he was up to, but you followed the crowd outside like the rest of the guests. Ainsel caught you by the elbow and pulled you up to the front. With you by his side, he turned to his audience, still holding the microphone. 
“I want to thank all of (Y/N)’s friends for coming tonight,” he said. “I know she’s been hard to get a hold of for the past few weeks, but that’s all been my fault. I want to thank you all for keeping her in your thoughts and worrying about her. I was a little selfish, I admit, but who wouldn’t be for this beautiful, wonderful woman? Your care for her touched me deeply. That’s why I thought it was only right to share this special moment with all of you.” 
His eyes flashed. 
“Especially Josh,” he smirked. “Thank you for this party and for giving me the opportunity to express my apologies as well as my passion for my lovely (Y/N).” 
Suddenly, music started playing, songs from the playlist on your laptop– your favorites and there was a loud pop. You turned, looking out over the city to see a display of fireworks Ainsel had organized, sparkling, and exploding along with the music. Your mouth dropped, as did most of the guests. 
He finally turned to you.
“I only wish for your happiness, my love,” he said. 
The fireworks were enough to take your breath away, but what really leveled you were the words set up on the opposite building in massive letters made of lights. 
You turned back to Ainsel, looking for an explanation, but he was on one knee, holding a beautiful, massive engagement ring to you. Glancing up, everyone was staring at you, eyes bright with excitement. You could have said no and embarrassed him, but you had no idea what he would do, who he would kill if you refused him. So, practically dumbfounded, you nodded a silent “yes.” 
His eyes glowed, fireworks reflected in them, and his face was pure joy. He slid the giant diamond, surrounded by more diamonds, on your finger, and everyone clapped. Everyone except Josh who was seething in the corner. Not only had Ainsel made his party all about him, but he’d also cemented your position as the unicorn’s fiancee. 
When Ainsel rose, he pulled you in for a deep kiss while your friends cheered and whistled. Your eyes stung for a moment. Ainsel was a nut case, but this was a beautiful proposal. You couldn’t help but feel spoiled and adored as the fireworks continued to burst behind the two of you. He hadn’t done it in some private place. He’d kindly included all of your friends, which you knew was very difficult for him, and touched you.
He had to reluctantly let you go when your girlfriends surrounded you, wanting to look at the ring. They showered you with praise for how lucky you were and what a fantastic guy Ainsel was. 
Several of your male friends, who had no personal interest in you romantically, pulled him to the side to share a drink, toasting his excellent proposal. A few of them joked that now they were going to have to think of something even more elaborate to impress their girlfriends after this. Ainsel was sure to give Josh, who glared at him from across the room, a satisfied, smug smile. 
As the fireworks finished, one of the guys ordered you all inside for more toasts and drinks to celebrate the occasion. A few guys popped some bottles of  Josh’s most expensive champagne, thinking he’d bought it for the proposal, ushering you inside. Of course, they all thought Josh had helped Ainsel organize this, so they patted him on the shoulder as they passed him for being such a good host. 
Soon, only Ainsel and Josh were on the balcony, as your friends had pulled you in with them to take photos, commemorating the occasion. At that point, everyone was nice and buzzed, thinking of nothing but celebrating your engagement to a handsome unicorn. 
“You’re a bastard, you know that?” Josh spat. 
Ainsel’s eyes flashed, and he moved so their chests almost touched. 
“You want to know what else I am?” Ainsel asked, his voice sharp as vinegar.
Josh blinked, confused, but Ainsel was happy to tell him. 
“I’m a murderer,” he said, grinning an unhinged grin as he used his magic to stun Josh just enough that he didn’t fight or scream as Ainsel shoved him off of the balcony. He fell thirty stories to hit the ground with a wet thud, dead from a broken neck. 
Ainsel straightened his jacket and returned inside, where everyone was too drunk at that point to even notice Josh was missing. To prevent anyone from disturbing the rest of his party, he’d cast a spell over Josh just before he pushed him that would make him invisible to passers-by until much later in the night, long after he’d taken you home to celebrate your engagement privately. 
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regalfairytaleacademy · 7 months
Other pixies?!
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All created from barrettes seven demons given to their guardians. It was created with pixie dust, jewelries, and flower powder.
They resides in Devildom and the new village build up at the middle of the forest.
All are energetic, humorous, mischievous, extremely curious and always seeking new experiences. Of course, they have their own personality on different (same as RFA pixies).
Hera (Pride)
Unforgiven any apologies from people after what they done.
Selfishness and vanity.
Actual personally caring but hid it behind a stern face.
Likes bubbles and soap foam.
Taming dreadful creatures suchlike dragons and cerberus.
Got the honor of the general by her leadership.
Born with the power of dark and light.
≿━━━━ ༺❀༻ ━━━━≾
Fortuna (Greed)
Always being fooled by Lyssa's pranks.
Strong desire for have a peaceful and happy life with wealth.
Dislikes to have fights, loud noises and nonsense.
Has ability to talking with corvus and sharing her feelings to them.
Portrayed as a peacemaker of the pixie village. Although, she is the only one have been blamed as an useless pixie.
≿━━━━ ༺❀༻ ━━━━≾
Nemesis (Envy)
Introverted, timid, meek and sweetest pixie.
Submissive in conservations with strangers.
Sometimes she actually really rude and dominant.
Described as the most sensitive one in the village.
Has ability to change her tail to legs, but prefer in the tail. In the mermaid form, she staying in the fish bowl (more bigger than Henry 2's).
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Lyssa (Wrath)
Highly intelligent, outgoing, grace and calm.
Got the title of the prankster in the village, as she likes to make practical jokes on others, mostly Fortuna.
Own the powers of unicorn, she has healing properties that bring people back from the brink of death.
She can talking to animals, especially the forest fellows she live with.
Enjoys using her vivid imagination and sharing stories with people.
Her art style was mentioned as slightly whimsical and brilliant.
Developed a sense of anger issues, yet often.
≿━━━━ ༺❀༻ ━━━━≾
Aphrodite (Lust)
Sweet, narcissistic and a pacifist.
Dedicated to give people a matchmaking and into romance.
Has perfect fluency and understanding of French, as it is the language of love.
Love adorable things such as plushies, clothes and accessories, especially it is color of pink and white with heart patterns.
As the pacifist, she is calm and does not do battle, yet, thinks of a more peaceful way.
Has a limited magic is that wherever she walked, all magnificent flowers would bloom. Also she strew numerous rose petals into a dust.
≿━━━━ ༺❀༻ ━━━━≾
Theia (Glutton)
Passionately to foods, especially sweets.
Skilled in cooking.
Sisterly side, determined and always ready to rush into battle to help her friends.
Has ability of super strength.
Afraid of dentist.
Dislikes to have a bad breath and didn't brushing teeth.
Hate rotten and smelly foods.
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Nyx (Sloth)
Likes to daydreaming and sleeping.
Hate to being interrupted her sleep.
Loyal in her relationship - her neighbors and friends.
Considered for a crybaby.
If fully awake, she would stay up all night making pillows and cushions. Sometimes she would go out and stargaze.
Has ability to make stars and send to the night sky.
Princess of Pixie Village in Devildom and the younger sister of Queen Harmonia. The position of pixie assistant to Diavolo (the current demon king). Sometimes helping him complete the forms together, while taking care of her village.
≿━━━━ ༺❀༻ ━━━━≾
She was nicknamed "Princess of Death" due to the powers she was given, and she was never afraid of death. She can see the souls of the dead, mostly animals.
Also earn the alias for "Pixie of Comedians", as she likes to act any characters and write down dramatic yet funny stories on the books.
Described as elegant and charming.
Highly intelligent and has a sense of humor.
Knowledgeable about the rarest plants.
Vocalizing and singing is the only thing she do for spare time. Oftens visit forest friends with Lyssa.
The only one who can mend Diavolo's relationship with Satan easily.
Likes to open tea parties, plants, and mother nature.
Hate people who never care about the other especially to animals, perverts and the world is under the cruelty.
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theboarsbride · 3 months
Little mister funshine 🥰🫀
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Also Garadd lore...he doesn't speak much because his voice is super light and offsets the intimidating front he tries (and fails to) put on for himself 😔
The person he speaks to the most is the Princess Wynnfrid, a young girl who dreams of unicorns and innocence, and she loves hearing his stories of the forests and animals and the world beyond the castle walls as she is kept confined to her chambers in one of the castle's towers as a result of having pox scars, and her father the king likes to hide embarrassments and imperfections womp womp 😔😔💔💔 the theme of physical beauty and outward perfection and vanity in relation to the perception of one's "purity" is very important in UHBH..........which makes Garadd very angsty and anxious about his new scar heehee🤭
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e-dubbc11 · 1 year
Good Morning
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Fluffy bunnies and unicorns, love confessions, brief mention of smexy time
Word Count: 509
Summary: An ordinary weekday morning turns into so much more than you thought it would
A/N: I’m trying my hand at shorter little drabbles. This one popped into my head while I was getting ready for work one morning, I hope you like it. I have a few more ideas for short little fics like these but if anyone else has any that they’d like me to elaborate on, don’t be shy to drop them into my inbox. 💜 Oh and I wrote this quickly so if there are mistakes, I’m sorry!
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The sound of the alarm shocked you awake, although most mornings you didn’t need one. Your body’s internal clock knew when it was time to get up for work but you were having the best dream that the alarm so rudely interrupted.
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you looked over at the man you were just dreaming about. He was still asleep and you were thankful that the alarm didn’t wake him. His raven colored hair looked like spilled ink splashed across the pillow.
Glancing at his sharp profile, his face was angled up toward the ceiling, his chest slowly rising and falling. He looked so peaceful.
Even in the dark early morning hours, you could still make out his handsome features, the well-groomed beard, his soft lips that were all over you just a handful of hours ago, and his muscular shoulders that you had gripped tightly while he pulled sinful noises from your lips over and over again.
God, you loved him. And you wished he knew just how much, but he didn’t…yet.
Getting out of bed, you took one more look at him and smiled. Even fast asleep, he made you smile. Your monotonous morning routine began by brushing your teeth, washing your face, and putting the kettle on for your tea, followed by your morning skincare.
With your eyes closed, you sat at your vanity gently smoothing the chilled moisturizer on your face and up and down your neck. Suddenly, you felt someone standing behind you. Slowly, you opened your eyes, felt a smile spread across your face, and peeked into the mirror.
There he was standing in the doorway, leaning up against the door frame with tired eyes, gliding his agile fingers through his beautiful dark brown hair, and gingerly brushing his beard.
“I love you too.” He said out of nowhere with a warm smile.
Surprised, you quickly turned around to face him.
“What?” You said with your eyebrows raised. Maybe you didn’t hear him right.
He moved closer to sit down on the ottoman, his intense brown eyes staring at you lovingly with that perfect smile on his face.
“You were talking in your sleep last night, my love.” He said.
You covered your eyes briefly, feeling slightly embarrassed.
He continued.
“I woke up when I heard you mumbling.” Billy was a light sleeper. “So I listened for a couple minutes, most of it wasn’t clear but then you whispered ‘I love you, Billy. So much.’ And I wanted to tell you that I love you too, sweet girl. With all my heart.” And he leaned forward to place a tender kiss on your lips.
That was the first time Billy Russo told you he loved you…and it wouldn’t be the last.
Moving over to sit on his lap, you returned his kiss. You pulled him into a tight embrace, his body still warm from being in bed, and there was never a more perfect moment than this one.
God, you loved him…and he finally knew just how much.
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @xdervyxccgh @mattmurdocksscars @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams @idek-what-to-put @anastasianeedstoread @ratsys @k-marzolf
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @simple-lovebot @russosafehaven
If you’d like to be added to (or removed from) my tag list for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again
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andydrysdalerogers · 9 months
Yours Submissively ~ Pamper
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, loss of virginity, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
A/N: the taglist is open!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Communication
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Arriving at the penthouse, Belle immediately went to her “room” in the apartment.  She looked around while Steve followed and leaned on the door frame.  He watched as she inspected the bed, vanity and dress, which was filled with clothes.  She picked up a tank top and saw that it was her size. She looked at Steve.  “Bucky has a great eye for sizes.  I just gave it to the personal shopper at Nordstroms.”
“All of these are for me?”
“Of course.  I said I would take care of everything.”
“Steve, this is too much.  You’re taking me shopping as well.”
Steve grew upset.  “Isabella, you promised to try.”
“I didn’t know it would be getting a whole new wardrobe. This is a lot.”
“Ok, fair but I want to do this for you.”
Isabella sighed.  “Fine. You’re right; I did promise to try.” She moved to her bag and removed the few items she had packed.  She hadn’t been kidding about the stuffed bunny, but she also brought her favorite perfume, her makeup bag and a blanket.
She looked up at Steve.  “Yeah, sorry.  It was one of my dad’s.  When I get scared…” she trailed off.
“I understand. But you know, no harm will come to you.”
Belle was grateful.  “Thanks, Steve.” She placed the empty bag in the closet and headed for Steve.  “So what did you have planned now?”
“Thought we could sit and talk. Mrs. Lewis made some desserts for us.”
“Sure.”  Steve took Belle’s hand and went to the living room.  Steve had set out some blankets and pillows and had a bottle of wine on the table.
“It’s Moscato.  I saw it at your apartment.”
“It’s my favorite.  I’m more of a sweet taste kind of girl.”
“I saw that.  You loved that cheesecake way too much.” Steve chuckled as Belle glared at him.
“Cupcakes and cheesecake are God’s perfect foods,” she said with conviction.
“Really?”  Steve slid his arm around her.  “And what if I ate said cupcake off of you?”
Belle shivered. “It’s up to you if it’s the perfect taste.”
“I could find out from you.” He kissed her behind her ear.
She held in the moan and moved herself away.  “Ok, I thought this was a getting to know each other kind of thing.”
“I was trying to get to know you.  Just in a different way.”  Steve smirked.  “Fine, favorite music.”
“80s.  Perfect for dancing and singing along. You?”
“40s, also perfect for dancing and singing.”
They went back and forth on the questions.  Belle inched closer and closer to Steve as the wine and the time started to get to her. Soon she was asleep on his shoulder.  He had learned so much and made mental notes on how to make her stay with him more comfortable.  He lifted her gently and took her to her room.  She had changed earlier to a camisole and unicorn pajamas which had made him chuckle.  He got her under the covers and kissed her forehead.  “Good night sweetheart,” he whispered.
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The next morning, Belle woke up disoriented.  How did she get here?  She recognized the room and remembered her evening with Steve.  He was interesting and funny.  She liked his company.  But when she looked over to see the other side un-rumpled, disappointment flooded her.  She liked sleeping next to him, his warm body a comfort.  He kept the dreams, the nightmares away. She stretched and headed for the shower.
She came downstairs to find Steve and Bucky seated on the couch, sipping from mugs.  She stopped, unsure of how to act around Bucky. All of their interactions started on accident, so she froze in the doorway.  Steve, however, heard her and turned to face Belle.  “Good morning sweetheart.”
“H-Hi,” she stuttered.
Bucky cleared his throat.  “Good Morning, Belle.  I see we went for fully dressed this morning,” he said with a smirk.
Steve glared at his best friend.  “Shut up jerk.  Don’t embarrass her,” as he saw the pink flood Belle’s cheeks.  He stood up and went over to Belle and gave Belle a peck on the lips. “How did you sleep?”
“Ok.”  She didn’t want to give away the nightmare she had.  “Umm, did you want me to make some breakfast?”
“We can go out, if you want.”
“No, its fine.” Belle straightens up. “French toast?”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to, Steve.” He smiles, melting her a little. “Will Mr. Barnes be joining us?”
“Mr. Barnes?”
“I don’t know how to address him.” Belle flushed again.
“You can call him James or Bucky, sweetheart.  Unless you want to keep it formal with him.”
“I’ll do whatever you say.  He’s your friend, help, wait, shit.”  She covered her face.
Steve chuckled. “Breathe, Isabella. He can be your friend too.  His number is in your new phone as well.  I want you to be comfortable.”
“Ok.”  Belle took in a deep breath.  “Bucky, will you be joining us for breakfast?”
“Only if you are ok with it,” he called back with a smile and a wink. “And that you continue to wear pants.”
Isabella groaned from the reminder of the last meal they shared and buried her face into Steve’s chest.  He laughed and held her close. “I can kill him if you’d like sweetheart.”
This got the laugh he was looking for.  “Maybe later. I’m going to start cooking.”
He kissed her forehead.  “I left a mug of coffee for you on the counter.”
“Thanks.”  She headed in and looked for her ingredients.  She saw the mug and opened it to see it has cream already in it.  She sipped and noticed it was made how she liked it.  She smiled.  The consideration Steve took to remember how she prepared her coffee from over a week ago was sweet.  She pulled breakfast together and served it on the dining room table.  “Gentlemen, breakfast is served.”
Steve and Bucky came in to a surprise.  Belle had worked quick but pulled off an amazing breakfast of french toast, bacon, and fresh fruit.  Orange juice and a carafe of coffee sat in the center.  “Isabella, you did all this?”
She shrugged.  “No big deal.”  Steve sat at the head of the table with Bucky and Bella on either side.
He took a bite and stopped.  The warm vanilla, cinnamon flavor spread in his mouth and he closed his eyes.  He savored the bite.  “Isabella, that has to be the most amazing french toast I have ever had.”
Bucky hummed in agreement. The girls that Steve brought previous couldn’t cook and he avoid dining with Steve on the weekends.  But he knew he needed to make an effort if he got food like this.  “Seriously, its good.”
“Thanks guys.” Belle ate, avoiding eye contact, embarrassed by the praise.  “So what is the plan for today?”
“Today is shopping and than the benefit.  I figured that you would like to pick your own dress for the party.”
“What’s the theme?”
“It’s a Monte Carlo theme event.  You can play some casino games, dance, anything really.”  He took a sip of coffee.  “Its not as formal as the gala from a few weeks ago.”
“Ok.  Well, then I’m going to clean up and grab my purse.”  Belle stood and reached to take the plates when Bucky stopped her.
“You cook, I’ll clean.  The least I can do.”
“Thank you Bucky.”  She stood up and left the room.
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Sitting in the back of the  SUV, Belle began to realize the enormity of attending an event with Steve.  The press would be there, taking her picture.  She started to get nervous.  Steve felt her tense in his hand.  “Isabella?”
“I’m sorry.  It just hit me  how big of a deal it is to go tonight.”  She paled a little bit more.  “All those cameras…” she trailed off.
“Ok, relax, its ok.”  Steve rubbed  his thumb over her knuckles.  “You don’t have to walk in the front.  I can have Bucky take you through the  back.”  He pulled her hand up to his lips.  “I promise.  Nothing is going to happen to you.”  He could feel her relax.
“I’m sorry.  It’s just, I’ve never been in the spotlight.  My dad kept things very quiet.  Especially when he was on work trips.  This is all new to me.”
“I’ve got you sweetheart. I’ll  take care of  it.  Let’s find  you something ok?”
Bucky let them out at Bloomingdale’s and Steve took her up to the dress area and took a seat. Belle looked  around but was intimated by the amount  of gowns.  She looked  lost until a woman approached.  “Hi, I’m Suzy Phillips.  Mr. Rogers sent me over to help you pick a dress for tonight.”
Belle looked over at Steve who looked up from his phone and smiled at her.  He sat on an oversized couch.  Belle turned back to Suzy.  “Thank you Miss Phillips.”
“It’s my pleasure.  So I know its not a super formal event but do you know what you are looking for.  With your dark hair and amazing eyes, you would look killer in anything really.”
Belle blushed at the compliment.  “It’s a Monte Carlo theme so I was thinking black.”
“Good choice.  You have long legs,” Suzy looked her over, “and I think a shorter dress would work.  Nothing scandalous but just enough to tease.”  Suzy started to pull dresses and taking them  back to the dressing room.  Belle followed and tried dress after dress.  Belle got frustrated until she got to the last  one.   It was a strapless sweet heart dress with a tulle skirt.  She tried it on and it fell just to her knees.  It was flirty and fun. “I know just the shoes,” Suzy said.
She left and came back with a pair of black stilettos pumps but the shoe and heels was covered black sparkles.  “You are going to look amazing in this.”
Belle gave a genuine smile.  “I don’t have to show him, right?”
“No,” Suzy smiled.  “Let’s leave it as a surprise. I’ll take it up and ring it up.”
Belle got dressed and headed out to Steve.  He stood up as she approached.  “Did you find something sweetheart?”
“I did.  She is wrapping it up for me.”
“I don’t get a sneak peek?”  Steve raised an eyebrow.
“Nope. Sorry.  Have to find a way to surprise you.”
Steve huffed.  “As long as they match these, its fine.” He pulled a black velvet box from his pocket.  For you.  He pinched it open to show a pair of drop earrings of sapphires and diamonds.  “They don’t match the exact color of your eyes but they should help your eyes sparkle.”
Belle stared at them.  “I can’t…”
“Yes, you will.” Steve pinched her chin, forcing her to keep her eyes on him. “Please.”
“Thank you,” Belle whispered as Steve got closer.  He kissed her gently, but the intensity was no less than before. The stood with their foreheads pressed together until he kissed her nose and pulled her to a different part of the store.  It had lingerie of different styles.
“Pick what works, I won’t look.  I need to get a new tie.”
“Blue,” Belle blurted out.  Steve looked at her surprised.  “Dark blue, to match my earrings.”
Steve smiled. “Yes, dear.” He kissed her forehead and left.  Belle stopped and selected her undergarments.  Everything was packaged up as Steve walked back in.  He handed his card and signed, never bothering to look at the total.  He took the bags from Belle, and they walked back to the exit.
Bucky jumped out to help with the bags and Steve helped Belle into the car.  They drove to a café for lunch.  Over soup and sandwiches, Steve asks, “so do you know how to play any casino games?”
“Uh, blackjack because its easy and like basic poker,” Belle replies, a twinkle showing in her eye.
“Yeah, five cards, best hand, whatever.  I’ve played a couple of time with MJ and Peter. Usually with candy as our bets,” she says with a giggle.
“Well, the benefit had an entry fee, which I took care of, and they will hand us our chips to play with.  I think the most chips at the end of the night win a prize.”
“That sounds like fun.” 
Steve looked at his watch.  “We gotta go.  I have someone coming by to help with your hair and makeup.”
Belle just nodded, getting used to the opulence that Steve provided. Steve took it as a good sign.  They left the diner and head back to the penthouse.  Belle went to her room with her bags and laid everything but her dress out.  She changed into a silk robe after slipping on her undergarments.
“Belle? Are you ready?” Steve called through the door. She opened to find another man and woman with Steve.  “Belle, this is Marco and Marie.  They will help with your hair and makeup for tonight.”
“Nice to meet you.”  Belle was whisked to her bathroom where there was a director’s chair set up.  Marco started to work on Belle’s hair while Marie started on her face.
“Half up, yes, with curls,” Marco said after looking at her dress.  “Flirty.”  Belle nodded. 
Marie kept her makeup light, only highlighting her eyes but adding a bright red lip.  “No need to add to your eyes, just mascara but let those lip pop.”
An hour later and Belle was getting ready to put on her dress.  Steve came by his shirt still unbutton at the top.  “You almost ready?”
“Just my dress,” Belle replied.  “And shoes, I guess.”  She fastened the earrings on. “I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
“You look beautiful already sweetheart.”  Steve came and kissed her forehead.  “I’m just finishing up. See you in a few.”
Belle stopped to calm her heart.  The man was going to be the death of her.  She pulled off the robe and stared at the black corset with blue ribbons.  The panties matched with a little blue bow and a garter holding her thigh high stockings.  She slipped the dress over her head and realized she needed help with the zipper, getting it only halfway up.  She slipped on her shoes, grabbed her clutch and headed downstairs.  Waiting was Steve in a black suit with the dark blue tie.
He turned as he heard her heels and drew in his breath.  She looks gorgeous in her strapless dress and he felt his cock twitch in his pants.
“Hi,” she said.  “I need help with the rest of the zipper.”  She made it to the bottom and pulled her dark hair away. Steve moved to pull the zipper up, running a finger along her spine, causing her to gasp.  He spotted the top of the corset and fought the urge to start kissing her back.  When he finished, he spun her and took a step back.
“You look exquisite, Isabella. If I hadn’t promised to attend, we wouldn’t leave.”  Belle gasped at his comment.  “Now I can’t wait to get home.  So let’s go before I change my mind.”
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