#Unrealistic optimism example
devsgames · 10 months
Game Optimization and Production
I wanted to write a bit of a light primer about optimization and how it relates to game production in the event people just don't know how it works, based on my experience as a dev. I'm by no means an expert in optimization myself, but I've done enough of it on my own titles and planned around it enough at this point to understand the gist of what it comes down to and considerations therein. Spoilers: games being unoptimized are rarely because devs are lazy, and more because games are incredibly hard to make and studios are notoriously cheap.
(As an aside, this was largely prompted by seeing someone complaining about how "modern" game developers are 'lazy' because "they don't remember their N64/Gamecube/Wii/PS2 or PS3 dropping frames". I feel compelled to remind people that 'I don't remember' is often the key part of the "old consoles didn't lag" equation, because early console titles ABSOLUTELY dropped frames and way more frequently and intensely than many modern consoles do. Honestly I'd be willing to bet that big budget games on average have become more stable over time. Honorable mention to this thread of people saying "Oh yeah the N64 is laggy as all hell" :') )
Anywho, here goes!
The reason games suffer performance problems isn't because game developers are phoning it in or half-assing it (which is always a bad-faith statement when most devs work in unrealistic deadlines, for barely enough pay, under crunch conditions). Optimization issues like frame drops are often because of factors like ~hardware fragmentation~ and how that relates to the realities of game production.
I think the general public sees "optimization" as "Oh the dev decided to do a lazy implementation of a feature instead of a good one" or "this game has bugs", which is very broad and often very misguided. Optimization is effectively expanding the performance of a game to be performance-acceptable to the maximum amount of people - this can be by various factors that are different for every game and its specific contexts, from lowering shader passes, refactoring scripts, or just plain re-doing work in a more efficient way. Rarely is it just one or two things, and it's informed by many factors which vary wildly between projects.
However, the root cause why any of this is necessary in the first place is something called "Platform Fragmentation".
What Is Fragmentation
"Fragmentation" is the possibility space of variation within hardware being used to run a game. Basically, the likelihood that a user is playing a game on a different hardware than the one you're testing on - if two users are playing your game on different hardware, they are 'fragmented' from one another.
As an example, here's a graphic that shows the fragmentation of mobile devices based on model and user share. The different sizes are how many users are using a different type of model of phone:
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As you can tell, that's a lot of different devices to have to build for!
So how does this matter?
For PC game developers, fragmentation means that an end-user's setup is virtually impossible to predict, because PC users frequently customize and change their hardware. Most PC users potentially have completely different hardware entirely.
Is your player using an up-to-date GPU? CPU? How much RAM do they have? Are they playing on a notebook? A gaming laptop? What brand hardware are they using? How much storage space is free? What OS are they using? How are they using input?
Moreover PC parts don't often get "sunsetted" whole-cloth like old consoles do, so there's also the factor of having to support hardware that could be coming up on 5, 10 or 15 years old in some cases.
For console developers it's a little easier - you generally know exactly what hardware you're building for, and you're often testing directly on a version of the console itself. This is a big reason why Nintendo's first party titles feel so smooth - because they only build for their own systems, and know exactly what they're building for at all times. The biggest unknowns are usually smaller things like televisions and hookups therein, but the big stuff is largely very predictable. They're building for architecture that they also made themselves, which makes them incredibly privileged production-wise!
Fragmentation basically means that it's difficult - or nearly impossible - for a developer to know exactly what their users are playing their games on, and even more challenging to guarantee their game is compatible everywhere.
Since fragmentation makes it very difficult to build for absolutely everybody, at some point during development every developer has to draw a line in the sand and say "Okay, [x] combination of hardware components is what we're going to test on", and prioritize that calibre of setup before everything else. This is both to make testing easier (so testers don't have to play the game on every single variation of hardware), and also to assist in optimization planning. This is a "benchmark".
Usually the benchmark requirements are chosen for balancing visual fidelity, gameplay, and percentage of the market you're aiming for, among other considerations. Often for a game that is cross-platform for both PC and console, this benchmark will be informed by the console requirements in some way, which often set the bar for a target market (a cross-platform PC and console game isn't going to set a benchmark that is impossible for a console to play, though it might push the limits if PC users are the priority market). Sometimes games hit their target benchmarks, sometimes they don't - as with anything in game development it can be a real crap shoot.
In my case for my games which are often graphically intensive and poorly made by myself alone, my benchmark is often a machine that is approximately ~5 years old and I usually take measures to avoid practices which are generally bad and can build up to become very expensive over time. Bigger studios with more people aiming at modern targets will likely prioritize hardware from within the last couple years to have their games look the best for users with newest hardware - after all, other users will often catch up as hardware evolves.
This benchmark allows devs to have breathing room from the fragmentation problem. If the game works on weaker machines - great! If it doesn't - that's fine, we can add options to lower quality settings so it will. In the worst case, we can ignore it. After all, minimum requirements exist for a reason - a known evil in game development is not everyone will be able to run your game.
Making The Game
As with any game, the more time you spend on something is the more money being spent on it - in some cases, extensive optimization isn't worth the return of investment. A line needs to be drawn and at some point everyone can't play your game on everything, so throwing in the towel and saying "this isn't great, but it's good enough to ship" needs to be done if the game is going to ship at all.
Optimizing to make sure that the 0.1% of users with specific hardware can play your game probably isn't worth spending a week on the work. Frankly, once you hit a certain point some of those concerns are easier put off until post-launch when you know how much engagement your game has, how many users of certain hardware are actually playing, and how much time/budget you have to spend post-launch on improving the game for them. Especially in this "Games As A Service" market, people are frequently expecting games to receive constant updates on things like performance after launch, so there's always more time to push changes and smooth things out as time goes on. Studios are also notoriously squirrelly with money, and many would rather get a game out into paying customer's hands than sit around making sure that everything is fine-tuned (in contrast to most developers who would rather the game they've worked on for years be fine-tuned than not).
Comparatively to the pre-Day One patch era; once you printed a game on a disc it is there forever and there's no improving it or turning back. A frightening prospect which resulted in lots of games just straight up getting recalled because they featured bugs or things that didn't work. 😬
Point is though, targeted optimization happens as part of development process, and optimization in general often something every team helps out with organically as production goes on - level designers refactor scripts to be more efficient, graphics programmers update shaders to cut down on passes, artists trim out poly counts where they can to gradually achieve better performance. It's an all-hands-on-deck sort of approach that affects all devs, and often something that is progressively tracked as development rolls on, as a few small things can add up to larger performance issues.
In large studios, every developer is in charge of optimizing their own content to some extent, and some performance teams are often formed to be dedicated to finding the easiest, safest and quickest optimization wins. Unless you plan smartly in the beginning, some optimizations can also just be deemed to dangerous and out-of-reach to carry out late in production, as they may have dependencies or risk compromising core build stability - at the end of the day more frames aren't worth a crashing game.
Games suffer from performance issues because video game production is immensely complex and there's a lot of different shifting factors that inform when, how, and why a game might be optimized a certain way. Optimization is frequently a production consideration as much as a development one, and it's disingenuous to imply that games lag because developers are lazy.
I think it's worth emphasizing that if optimization doesn't happen, isn't accommodated, or perhaps is undervalued as part of the process it's rarely if ever because the developers didn't want to do it; rather, it's because it cost the studio too much money. As with everything in our industry, the company is the one calling the final shots in development. If a part of a game seems to have fallen behind in development it's often because the studio deemed it acceptable, refused to move deadlines or extend a hand to help it come together better at fear of spending more money on it. Rarely if ever should individual developers be held accountable for the failings of companies!
Anywho, thanks for reading! I know optimization is a weird mystical sort of blind spot for a lot of dev folks, so I hope this at least helps shed some light on considerations that weigh in as part of the process on that :) I've been meaning to write a more practical workshop-style step-by-step on how to profile and spot optimization wins at some point in the future, but haven't had the time for it - hopefully I can spin something up in the next few weeks!
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pearlstarlight5 · 2 months
Vocal synth rant from my Twitter
I've realized that the shift from everything being concatenative to everything being AI reminds me of the shift from 2D animation to 3D animation. Yes, a lot of work goes into developing both and AI vocals are much easier to use, but I'm sad that it's like everyone, indie and industry, is abandoning concatenative vocal synths.
I know that Piapro NT will continue to be supported, but once Miku V6 comes out it will be Piapro Who.
And I will likely get comments saying that AI vocals are objectively better, but are they? That's like saying 3D animation is objectively better than 2D animation. It's a matter of taste and what sounds lend themselves better to the music. Even aside from realism, there's still a lot of things that concatenative vocal synths have over AI vocal synths, like reliability, and in my experience, better tolerance to unrealistic emotional tuning and at the same time you can get away with minimal tuning (except for compensating for phonetic glitches in Engloids at least). AI vocal synths tend to sound bored when untuned and respond best to realistic tuning.
Additionally, AI vocal synths are limited by what the human voice is really capable of. DiffSinger best displays this weakness because the voice cuts off after the optimal range. Even auto-tuning in SynthV and CeVIO gets awkward when the range is too high, like for a human. Meanwhile, due to the nature of concatenative synthesis, the vocal synths are capable of a more inhuman vocal range, so they can be used to sing things that humans are incapable of singing. Once again using my experience as an example, my Utau is way better at high notes and low notes than me, and that's the result of her voice being synthesized from a comfortable range rather than my entire range.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 11 months
you spoke about Arthur's capability to love but what about Francis? Is his view of love jaded by the years? I think the one who still holds some sort of romantic streak is Alfred, who's obviously the type of guy to have huge hopes and dreams about love, mostly unrealistic and over the top only focusing on getting what he wants. Just wondering, I find your view interesting
OH boy! I mostly agree with youu!
François is someone whos been around for so long that any kind of expectation of 'true love' is thrown out the window, even burried in the depts of the Seine, erroded with the ages. Though, has always been self serving, naivity of youth still gave him hope and belief in love to a certain point. Now however, he is still romanticising the concept yet never practicing it himself. He can read love poems, watch sad french movies shot in black and white, yet he is a cynical man. It's the duality that makes this man so complex.
Speaking of complexities and duality: Alfred is a good example of someone who is both idealistic yet observant. In his heart, deep down there hides a spark of desire for that 'human love' he sees people experience. However, he is intelligent enought to know that will not happen. not only due to his nation-person nature, but becouse of who he is. Alfred is willing to sacrifice anything and everything to get his way. "If I can't play by my rules, I'm playing a different game" sorta thing. that usually doesn't work out well with love and such strong emotions. He isn't willing to negotiate, he isn't willing to settle and he isn't willing to let someone else 'win'. I wanted to use the word selfish so many times, but frankly I don't think it fits. He isn't selfish in the pure sense of the word. Whatever he does is guided by the belief that he is doing what is best and optimal. In a sense his 'selfishness' comes from having a hard time seeing other ways and perspectives on certain matters.
It's hard to keep Alfreds attention on anyone for an extended period of time and Alfred knows this. so in this example, his belief is that it's best to not engage in any long lasting romantic flings and not establish emotional connections. Better for the other person that is. In truth he is vey uncomfortable with exposing a non perfect and slightly unstable side of himself.
The Hollywood smile can hide all.
He's a start up who came onto the superpower playing field at a time when expectations and requirements were too high. A colonial bumpkin who has to prove himself everyday. Prove that he is up to the challange despite actually having the ability to raise hellfire. An echo of "He is too young", "He lacks experience" and "He isn't the sort" following him with every step. I wanna relate this to what you asked about his ability and want of true love: Alfred needs to suceed. He is in a corridor and the only thing he is looking at is the big door at the end. he doesn't have time, nor is he willing to take a break while running to that door. Alfred knows what he want and has to do, so love is a distraction he isnt willing or able to give to anyone for long enought to matter.
Absolutely wild and long rant. i'm sorry if its uncomprehensible or typo infested my autocorrect is not working waaaaaahhhhhh
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st-danger · 24 days
Thank you for the one card! 💜✨ I love when you do these…
Can you tell me what you see? How is my past influencing my relationships?
Oh, my little idealist. You've had a lot of good experiences in your past and some good examples of healthy relationships. But there's an optimism in you that- while WONDERFUL TO HAVE, AND IMPORTANT TO KEEP- leads to some disappointment because when things don't live up to the rosy ideals you have in your head and heart, it taints the entire memory for you.
There's an almost all or nothing kind of view, here, and you're in the habit of seeing things as either all good or all bad. Life has a lot of grey area, and it's necessary for you to take a moment and review your past experiences and ask yourself if you've set unrealistic expectations, or- if you focus too much on the painful parts that instead of being excited for what can be, you get too worried about what can go wrong.
Past disappointments don't dictate future opportunities! Don't let people and situations who have let you down colour your vision of what's next to a degree that you dampen your own enthusiasm.
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akiyamastar · 2 years
Hi guys, I am back on the Chiaki tag. Yes, I'm analyzing him again and sort of picking up on a point I mentioned in my last post.
I think there's an interesting divide in how Chiaki acts in front of the other Yumenosaki graduates versus the rest of Ryuseitai (yes, even Kanata). He has this serious, no-nonsense personality that he tends to conceal in front of Ryuseitai, because he needs to act like "Ryusei Red," but this other side leaks out more in front of the other graduates. You can see this clearly in stories where he isn't interacting with his unit.
Chiaki's more complex than people make him out to be, especially if they don't know a lot about Ryuseitai and think he's some dense hero. In reality, he's an extremely perceptive person. This is a given, considering one of the main roles that he imposes upon himself is to read the emotions of the people he cares about, so even if he comes across as brash and pushy, there's this indirect sense of "I need to look over them and make sure they're all okay." His pushy, energetic personality disguises how he discreetly tries to read into situations with startling accuracy, defending the people he loves most.
In fact, he was so perceptive that he refused to let anything bad happen to Ryuseitai anymore after the events of Comet Show, thwarting Gatekeeper's move to try to alarm Madara of the false information that Kanata had been enshrined as a god again during Submarine.
Moreover, I'm of the opinion that Chiaki knew that he didn't do the best thing by reclaiming the leader role, but at the same time, the reason why he did so makes more sense in the context of the situation; he is trying to make Ryuseitai last at all costs, and he won't let the corruption of the idol industry take them down. While Chiaki does have a problem with taking things on his own, something that gets on Tetora's nerves and leads to that growing tension depicted in the prologue of the Universe story when he punches him, Chiaki's intentions were very much calculated. Chiaki is constantly reading the situation and emotions of the people around him to make the next optimal move that can help others.
While in front of Ryuseitai, he feels the need to be this "beacon of light," as symbolic as the blazing red sun that is the essence of his role as Ryusei Red, this facade is something that he is only keeping up because it's his "idealization" of himself. It is what he had originally wanted to become in Meteor Impact, and now that he finally has the power to become a hero in others' eyes, Chiaki partakes in this "fake it until you make it" act where he acts like a competent hero in front of the rest of Ryuseitai. It is to the point that his unitmates may admire him, but don't see his true self, marked with hidden insecurities of never being the main character of his own story. It is something that I really wish was explored more when Chiaki mentioned to Tetora how he wasn't that cool senior he tried to make himself seem to be. (Tetora and Chiaki's dynamic is so important to me if you haven't noticed by now.)
Essentially, Chiaki's personality is outwardly boisterous and passionate, channeling out his love for heroes and tokusatsu, but inwardly, he is extremely critical of how he enjoys such things. He also may seem like an unrealistic fool who views everything through the lens of tokusatsu, but he's also too realistic for his own good. He just thinks he'll seem like "no fun" if he shows that in front of Ryuseitai, but he does show his seriousness more around the other graduates.
I think an optimal example of Chiaki's more serious side was displayed in Shu's gacha event story centered on the graduates (Astraea's Atelier), specifically with how Leo and Chiaki interacted there.
Leo is generally a very playful and often unpredictable person, and you might initially think that this would go hand-in-hand with Chiaki's energetic personality. This isn't entirely a false assumption; in Red Hot Island (the water park gacha story) the two of them got along like two peas in a pod with their enthusiasm for the trip. (Their dynamic also goes so hard, btw.)
Nonetheless, there is a key difference between the two that shows a lot about Chiaki's character: while Leo tends to cope with problems by becoming increasingly more unpredictable and erratic in his personality, or isolating himself when he can no longer do so, Chiaki tends to shrink back and start showing cracks of his serious self when encountered with something grave, putting a halt to the energetic act rather than dialing it up.
This is why Chiaki is more likely to become suddenly realistic and even slightly irritable if people aren't taking things seriously when it matters most, which you can see when Chiaki sometimes shows a bit of annoyance for Leo's antics when they go too far in Astraea's Atelier, since he thinks that Leo isn't taking the situation of a stranger invading Shu's place in France seriously enough. Which is something I kind of love considering I wish we saw that side of him more.
Here are some examples of their interactions by the way (all translated by @/nia_narqissa on Twitter):
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I recommend reading the story in all honesty since in general it reflects the graduates' friendships and how they interact with each other (and it's really funny).
I find it really interesting that Chiaki actually does seem almost hostile to Leo at some points in the story, something that might seem strange at first, but makes a lot of sense if you consider the fact that this aspect of his personality has always been a part of him; you could even conclude that it's very likely that he just swallows emotions like anger, but feels them just as much as anyone would.
In the end, however, the two do understand each other and I'm honestly really glad that they're interacting more in recent gacha stories.
I do hope to see more !! stories like this one where we see more of Chiaki's serious side since I think it's really interesting, and maybe even more on showing himself more to the rest of Ryuseitai because he is just human in the end. I think those are all my daily Chiaki thoughts for today. (I am very normal.)
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cinderella-ish · 3 months
Fruits Basket Personality Types Part 9: Momiji Sohma
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Like Yuki, Momiji is a character I relate to on a deep level. I'm going to share more about why after we get into his personality types, but I wanted to say up here that Momiji is one of the clearest examples of his Enneagram that I can think of!
Momiji Sohma's Enneagram
Wound: His mother rejected him and had her memory of him erased after a major mental health crisis. His father asked him to be the one to make that choice, even though he was extremely young. He then lived alone (with occasional check-ins from his father and Hatori).
Wounding message: You're on your own.
Core desire: To have freedom and find his own happiness.
Core fear: Painful feelings.
Defense mechanism: Have as much fun as possible to distract from the pain
Strengths: Momiji is optimistic, highly emotionally intelligent, friendly, fun, creative, playful, energetic, spontaneous, and exudes a deep joy.
Challenges: Momiji can be scattered, manipulative, hedonistic, impulsive, unrealistic, and self-absorbed.
When healthy: I think we see Momiji in a fairly healthy place for much of the series, and the result of his stability is a person who's enamored of the joys of life.
When unhealthy: I don't think we ever really see Momiji in an unhealthy place. Perhaps the most stressed we see him is when his curse breaks and he realizes Tohru doesn't feel the same way about him. In that moment, he's a bit resentful and pessimistic (although that evening, when he goes back to see Akito, his optimism comes through in one of my favorite moments of the series!).
Have you figured it out yet? Momiji Sohma is quite clearly an Enneagram 7.
Since Momiji is such a clear example of a Seven, I'm going to copy the information on Sevens from my Enneagram post and annotate (my annotations will be in parenthesis):
Wound: deprived of nurturing (he lost his mother and then lived alone)
Wounding message: It's not okay to depend on anyone for anything. (See above)
Core desire: to be satisfied, to maintain freedom and happiness (he says this out loud at the climax of his character arc!)
Core fear: being deprived or experiencing pain (see below)
Defense mechanism: constantly seek out fun, exciting, and novel experiences; rationalize feelings to avoid pain (I mean!)
Strengths: adventurous, playful, imaginative, energetic, optimistic, quick-thinking, spontaneous, share joyful celebration of existence with those around them (this is just a description of Momiji!)
Challenges: hedonistic, self-absorbed, unrealistic, uncommitted, impatient, unfocused, superficial, restless, impulsive, rebellious, escapist (this is a bit of how he appears at the beginning of the series)
When healthy: more focused, restrained, okay with painful things, fascinated by life (like healthy Fives) (We see Momiji grow into this as the story gets into Act III)
When unhealthy: rigid, critical, pessimistic, angry, perfectionistic (like unhealthy Ones) (we see the barest hint of these qualities when he tells Kyo about Tohru's feelings and then confronts Akito)
I think Momiji is such a beautiful example of a Seven because he fits the stereotypes but he also possesses a ton of depth, and we really get to see how and why he developed his defense mechanism.
It also supports my hot take that it was good for Momiji's character arc to end with him accepting some painful feelings. It's bittersweet at the time, but it's opening doors for him to experience a much richer happiness in the future.
Sevens live in the Fear center with a tendency to repress fear by seeking out new and exciting experiences to occupy their attention. They will also rationalize painful feelings, which is something I think we see from Momiji in Ch. 23/"That's a Secret" when he explains why his mother's memories were erased.
The Enneagram Institute describes 7w6 as "The Entertainer," and 7w8 as "The Realist." 7w6 sounds more like Momiji to me.
Here's the description of 7w6 from EnneaApp:
Calm any sense of insecurity by being both productive & fun-loving
Has a good sense of humor; quick-witted and energetic; imaginative
Focus on life as positive; wants to create joy/make the world better
Can deplete self by being overactive; can be manic when unhealthy
This is a little harder to determine for Momiji, although I think he's more likely a SX Seven (I'll be using SX instead of SE from here on out for ease). He has great relationships with most of the other cursed Sohmas, but we only really get to see the depth of that closeness in 1:1 encounters.
Enneagram Explained describes SX Sevens like this:
SX 7s see the world through rose-colored glasses. They focus on exciting possibilities and idealistic dreams. They can lean more towards naive but they also can charm others into new visions and adventures.
I don't have a strong instinct for Momiji's Gut and Heart types. I doubt he's 8 or 4, because I don't think he overexpresses either anger or shame/sadness. I'd guess he leans more toward repressing both than underexpressing, so possibly 2-7-1, although 3-7-1, 2-7-9, and 3-7-9 may be possible.
After reading the descriptions of those types, I do think 2-7-1 ("The Teacher") is the best fit. Here's the description from Katherine Fauvre's website:
If you are a 127, you are diligent, caring, and innovative. You want to be ethical, empathetic, and inspired. Engaging, fun-loving, and outgoing, you want to be with people and be a part of what will make a difference. You seek fun with a purpose. You need to meet your goals and be responsible, but you also make sure there is time to play, celebrate, and enjoy life. You love discovering new things. You have a gift of being able to squeeze the boredom out of anything tedious.
Momiji is shown to be responsible and a hard worker (as with violin, plus he eventually goes on to lead his father's company), but I think he'll always be fun-loving at his core.
Momiji Sohma's MBTI
Just like Momiji's Enneagram, I think he's a great example of his MBTI.
E vs. I: Strongly E.
S vs. N: Moderately S.
T vs. F: Moderately F.
J vs. P: Strongly P.
Type Dynamics: Without working out what an ESFP's type dynamics are (since that's my most likely guess for Momiji), I see his Type Dynamics as Se Fi Te Ni.
Se: Momiji is always seeking out new experiences in an active, social way.
Fi: Momiji has a strong understanding of people, though he mostly keeps this to himself.
Te: Momiji can be goal-oriented and forward-looking. He's one who makes plans and executes them quickly (like the onsen and beach house trips).
Ni: Momiji does have a wealth of insight about other people.
Fi Ne Si Te is the type dynamic of ESFP! Woohoo!
Here's how the Myers & Briggs Foundation describes ESFP:
ESFP: Outgoing, friendly, and accepting. Exuberant lovers of life, people, and material comforts. Enjoy working with others to make things happen. Bring common sense and a realistic approach to their work and make work fun. Flexible and spontaneous, adapt readily to new people and environments. Learn best by trying a new skill with other people.
ESFPs are often referred to as The Performer or The Entertainer. I'm sensing a theme!
Having shared that Momiji and Yuki are the characters to whom I relate the most, I think it's interesting that they, as a 7 and a 4 respectively, represent where I go as a 1 when I'm healthy and unhealthy. I think this is why I sometimes feel like Yuki represents my inner world and Momiji my outer mask; I spend a lot of time with my melancholy and inner sadness, and I connected with how Yuki expressed that part of himself; meanwhile, I also connect with Momiji's sunny demeanor and his hidden pain, and I see in myself his desire for novelty and fun.
As an ENFJ who might actually be an INFJ, it's no wonder I connect with Yuki, an INFJ. We use the same four processes, just possibly in a different order. And I connect with Momiji's E-F qualities and the way he uses his sensing - Se is his Dominant process, and my Tertiary. I also think it's interesting that Momiji's Tritype of 1-2-7 includes my Enneeagram of 1 and my Wing of 2!
And I've commented before on how Kyo and Momiji are especially close. They are both in the Head center, Momiji's wing is Kyo's Enneagram of 6, and they share the first three letters of their MBTI (ESF). Of course, it's not necessary for two people to share MBTI or Enneagram designations to be close with each other, but I think there's something to be said for the ways their patterns of thinking and motivations overlap.
So, to summarize:
Enneagram: SX 7w6 (The Enthusiast/The Entertainer)
Tritype: 2-7-1 (The Teacher)
MBTI: ESFP (The Performer/The Entertainer)
What do you think? Did I get it right or wrong? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Next up: Hatori!
Fruits Basket Personality Types: Enneagram | MBTI | Tohru | Akito | Kyo | Yuki | Haru | Kisa | Hatori | Ayame | Rin | Hiro | Ritsu | Kureno | Shigure | Kagura | Kazuma | Saki | Arisa | Machi | Kakeru | The Hondas | Kaibara Students
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paulkleestan · 1 year
Beavis and Butt-Head MBTI Part III:
Mr. Van Driessen: INFP
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Fi: Van Driessen’s dominant introverted feeling shows in his deeply held values that he does not waver from, even when confronted from opposition from the outside. An example of his Fi is shown in the “Drones” episode - where he makes clear to the class that he is conducting the field trip to US army base under protest. He is also the only one to publicly mourn the boy’s deaths in “Beavis and Butt-Head Are Dead” despite the collective apathy and/or rejoicing from the rest of the student body and faculty.
Ne: The INFP’s auxiliary extroverted intuition is what gives them the reputation as dreamers, as they can see the many possibilities in life. You can see Van Driessen’s Ne in his optimism in ‘reaching’ Beavis and Butt-Head and his attempts to meet them where they’re at. He is open minded enough to praise the duo’s primitive “haikus” in ‘For Better or for Verse’ and give the ok for their morning wood project in ‘The Mystery of Morning Wood’ because he envisions so many ways they can succeed, no matter how unrealistic.
Si: Introverted sensing deals with collecting details from the past and utilizing them in the present, and nobody is as stuck in the 60s as David Van Driessen. His tertiary Si means his heyday is his comfort zone and he rather refer back to that than to attempt to get with the 90s attitude.
Te: Van Driessen’s inferior extroverted thinking rears its head in his unwillingness to face the truth about Beavis and Butt-Head - that they aren’t just “misunderstood” but are actually just as stupid and antisocial as the rest of the faculty says they are. His belief that everyone has inherent good in them leads to him getting his guitar smashed, his dates ruined, and him getting maimed or almost killed. He is driven to insanity when faced with this reality in “Breakdown”.
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jrcmarketingsolutions · 9 months
Mastering Your Marketing The 7 Essential Steps for Crafting a Winning Strategy
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In the dynamic and competitive landscape of business, a well-crafted marketing strategy is crucial for success. It’s more than just coming up with imaginative ideas, it involves a deep understanding of the market, competition, and the preferences of your target audience.
This article will explore the key components of a winning marketing strategy, providing a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you align your strategy with your business goals and objectives. We’ll also highlight the importance of tracking progress and making necessary adjustments to ensure ongoing relevance and effectiveness.
Step 1: Understand the Market and Target Audience
Understanding your market and target audience is the foundation of a successful marketing strategy. This involves extensive research into customer demographics, behavior, and competitive analysis.
Demographic Research
Demographic research entails a thorough analysis of customer characteristics such as age, gender, income, and location. By identifying key demographic factors, you can create a detailed profile of your ideal customer, enabling you to tailor your marketing efforts effectively. Techniques for demographic research include surveys, data analysis from websites and social media, and studying industry reports.
Types of Demographic Research
Age-Based Research
Analyzing data based on different age groups to tailor marketing efforts.
Gender-Based Research
Understanding gender preferences to create targeted campaigns.
Income-Based Research
Analyzing data based on income levels to customize messaging.
Geographical Research
Studying data based on location to identify optimal marketing locations.
Behavioral Study
Understanding customer behavior is crucial for building a successful marketing strategy. Behavioral study involves analyzing how customers interact with a brand, their purchasing habits, and decision-making processes.
Examples of Behavioral Study Methods
Purchase History Analysis
Examining past purchases to tailor marketing efforts.
Website Analytics
Analyzing website traffic, user engagement, and conversion rates.
Social Media Listening
Monitoring social media channels to understand customer sentiments.
Competitor Analysis
Beyond understanding your target audience, it’s essential to analyze the competition. Conducting a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and benchmarking against competitors’ products, services, or processes provides valuable insights.
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Step 2: Set Measurable Objectives
Once you understand your market and audience, the next step is to set measurable objectives. These objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Avoid common mistakes, such as setting vague or unrealistic objectives, to ensure your goals guide your marketing tactics effectively.
Breaking Down SMART Objectives
Clearly defining and articulating the objective.
Establishing metrics for tracking and evaluation.
Realistic goals within given resources.
Aligning with the overall business strategy.
Having a specific deadline or timeframe for completion.
Step 3: Develop a Messaging Framework
A messaging framework acts as a blueprint for consistent communication with your target audience across all channels. It includes key messages that communicate the unique value proposition of your brand.
Crafting an Effective Messaging Framework
Speak their Language
Tailor messages to resonate with your audience.
Highlight Benefits
Focus on positive outcomes rather than just features.
Consistency is Key
Ensure messages align with overall business strategy.
Step 4: Choose the Right Marketing Channels
Effectively promoting your product or service requires selecting the right marketing channels that resonate with your audience and align with your objectives.
Avoid the common mistake of spreading too thin across channels. Focus on the most effective ones for your target audience and goals.
Considerations for Choosing Marketing Channels
Know Your Audience
Understand where your audience spends time online.
Align with Objectives
Different channels suit different marketing objectives.
Budget and Resources
Choose channels feasible within your budget.
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Step 5: Develop a Content Strategy
In today’s digital age, content is a cornerstone of any marketing strategy. A robust content strategy involves creating and distributing high-quality content to attract and engage your target audience.
Common mistakes include prioritizing quantity over quality and neglecting search engine optimization. Quality content builds trust and establishes your brand as a thought leader.
Building an Effective Content Strategy
Understand Audience Needs
Identify topics that resonate with your audience.
Choose Effective Formats
Tailor content formats to audience preferences.
Select Distribution Channels
Choose platforms where your audience is most active.
Step 6: Measure and Adjust
Creating a successful marketing strategy is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and evaluation.
By tracking KPIs and analyzing data, you can identify effective tactics, make adjustments, and optimize future efforts.
Utilizing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Website Traffic
Measure website visits.
Conversion Rates
Evaluate how well you convert leads.
Return on Investment (ROI)
Assess the profitability of your efforts.
Social Media Engagement
Track interaction on social platforms.
Customer Retention Rates
Measure customer loyalty.
Step 7: Embracing a Dynamic Approach
A successful marketing strategy should be dynamic, adapting to changing market conditions and customer needs.
Flexible Approach
Regular Analysis and Optimization
Conduct ongoing market research for up-to-date insights.
Adapt to Trends
Adjust strategies based on industry trends.
Crisis Preparedness
Be ready to adjust messaging during unexpected events.
A successful marketing strategy requires a deep understanding of your target audience and market. It should include measurable objectives, a cohesive messaging framework, and a well-defined content strategy leveraging appropriate marketing channels. Regular review and adaptation to changing market conditions and customer needs are crucial for long-term success. Remember, a winning marketing strategy is a fluid document that evolves over time, demanding continuous monitoring and adjustment.
Ready to step up your marketing game?
Want more tips for your business? Contact us now and let’s make your business stand out!
Ready to supercharge your marketing strategy with data-driven insights?
Explore Analytics and Reporting tools mentioned in this post, or reach out to our team for a free consultation on how to kickstart your data-driven marketing journey. Don’t miss out on the power of data – start making smarter marketing decisions today!
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astrowithkaro · 2 years
Can you please do March 20 ?
Language Of Birthdays: March 20 - Pisces/Aries
The Day Of The Labyrinth
March 20 is a highly symbolic day, when considered as the last day of winter and the end of the astrological year. People born on this day possess certain unusual gifts as well as special problems. For example, they are in many ways the most highly evolved creatures of the year, when the zodiac is considered as a map of the evolution of the human being. On the other hand, they may find it difficult to start certain important endeavors and to leave the past behind. It can take them a very long time to make crucial decisions, particularly those involving big changes in their lives.
The expansive qualities and sometimes unfounded optimism of March 20 people can land them in hot water. While their dreaminess lends them magnetic charm, it also makes them prone to unreality in their outlook. However, if those born on this day manage to find their true calling and life partner they will be protected from much that can go wrong. March 20 talents are generally both numerous and diverse. Therefore those born on this day may flounder for a while, fishing around for the right path to take. They can also be overly influenced by those in higher positions and somewhat inclined toward hero worship, often at the expense of their own ego. Their romanticism, a product of a vivid imagination, can perhaps lead them astray in this respect. By overvaluing the one they worship they tend to unconsciously undervalue themselves. This can lead to a lack of self-confidence of which they themselves may be unaware.
March 20 people must also beware of falling into depressions, which no amount of admiration (either for others or from others) will help. On the other hand, solid friends and loved ones who can keep them on track are of great importance. Ultimately, working toward greater self-assertiveness is the key to March 20 people avoiding these states. Those born on this day are often drawn to psychic phenomena. They may have great talents in this area, but should be extremely careful not to let themselves go overboard. Such excesses could lead to an abandonment of reality which would be devastating not only to themselves but also to loved ones. If they can put these talents to use in moderation, they will achieve success in life.
Sensitivity to music and art are pronounced in March 20 people who may be particularly drawn to vocal expression. Singing, for example, can make an excellent hobby or even profession for those with musical talent. Attention to the feelings of others makes those born on this day fine interpreters of their fellow human beings' work but also good counsellors to whom people come to seek advice. In this they should remain objective if possible, for their opinion carries weight and tends to impact heavily on clients, co-workers or friends.
March 20 people are generally more mental than physical, and are prone to getting their feelings tied up in knots. Their excess nervous energy will cause headaches and ultimately lead to exhaustion if care is not taken to seek rest and a stable life situation. Moderate, regular exercise serves to ground them in their body, use up excess energy and combat depression. It is essential for March 20 people to adopt a healthy diet as early in life as possible. Yet the extravagance of Pisces with regard to food will make this difficult. The diet of March 20 people people is best kept to the straight and narrow (grains, fresh vegetables, low-fat foods) and binges avoided. On the other hand, extremes in diet or exercise can cause problems too, however, since health fanaticism may intensify stress.
Your emotions can be destructive
Keep calm and in touch with your center
Hello! I hope you liked this article, I know that this is a "cusp" day but since those don't actually exist - this day belongs mostly to Pisces.
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subiysu-chan · 1 year
Worldbuilding gender roles for fantasy
Now, also, other tropes of worldbuilding gender roles, that are stupidly unrealistic.
Long-term persecuted matriarchies or gender-equal groups (for humans) :
Not that the idea itself is unrealistic, but if a social group is persecuted, chances are they would not stay non-coercitive towards females for very long, sadly, whatever the family structure was initialy.
Persecution and predation, in most primates (for example, champenzies having to deal with more predations are very coercitive towards females), often results in phallocracy. It's not just humans that have such a similar behavior (Pascal Picq). I think the main reason is that keeping the females of the group alive and able to reproduce would require the males to restrict them, at least to some capacity.
In human groups, societies that have a long history of persecution, with maybe an exeption of the Jewish community (although the Torah's view of women isn't optimal to put it nicely), have strong internal issues of female inequality. If we look at the Americas only:
-The Huron-Wendate, plagued by colonialism, epidemics and increasingly unequal combats with other Iroquoian nations, eventually renounced to a matrilinial family structure, with increasing domestic violence against women. Also, they are quasi-extinct...
-The modern African-American community, with a long history of being victims of lynching, have a strong domestic violence issue, internal to communities.
-The Romani of Europe, very patriarcal.
Also, in humans, the fight or flight reflex actually blocks a lot of sexual responses, in both males and females. Not to mention pregnancy and ealier years of child-care would severely hinder a woman's ability to defend herself independantly. Not to mention that in Homo Sapiens, females are punier than males, and that's the case for most mammals.
For a man in such a society to have any shot at having surviving off-springs, making sure his woman stays as far away from sources of persecution and predation as possible would be paramount, not to mention, it'll be also in the woman's best interest for survivial. However, it would drastically limit the amount of freedom she gets, and would make her more dependant on others. It doesn't mean she won't be a productive member of society, as many crafts can be done in a hiding spot. Heck, it's possible for a blind person to knit as long as the number of stiches is kept reasonably low. Also, because of how reproduction works in mammals, a male can fertilize many females, while females can only bare so many offsprings at the time. In humans, this dilemma is even more extreme.
Not to mention, humans from more ancient times are theorized to have larger brains because of a slightly larger reptilian brain.
So, persecuted matriarchies are not likely to survive as a social group for very long unless they have psychology and reproduction drastically different from not only humans, but other species of primates. If you want this group to go extinct in your story, than whatever, but if you want a group to stick around long term, being both persecuted and matriarcal would be...Problematic. Also, yes, it's fantasy, but, why would humans in that fantasy world have such drastic psychological adaptation from humans on Earth ? Plus, it would also make characters a lot less relatable, because they have such a different psychology to anything ressembling a human. So, it's actually an issue that would not only plague the worldbuilding, but also character creation and writing, since they would be working on psychological and reproductive insentives that are drastically different, which would make characters less relatable for no logical reason what so ever. It's okay to write a few characters with different instincts than humans...But most of the time, they are exactly as one could imagine: non-human. Vampires and elves having different instincts and desires from humans is all fine and dandy. It's that humans should behave like humans.
Magic might change that up, but it drastically depends on how powerful magic is in your universe.
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lindira · 2 years
8, 25, 32, 69, 77 and 87 for Aeric? :D
Yay! Thank you for asking!
8. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Aeric is functionally agnostic and has never had a strong belief in Dalish religion, but especially so after the events of Trespasser. So he doesn't believe in Dirthamen and whatever. He does believe that souls pass through the Fade, though where they go after that, he doesn't even pretend to know. He would like to think that the souls of the dead can find their loved ones again and exist in some fashion with them for eternity.
He's scared of death in the way anyone will be afraid of dying. But he's comforted in the belief that his soul will go somewhere and be with his deceased loved ones, even if he doesn't know what that kind of afterlife would look like.
25. What is their biggest flaw?
I'd probably say Aeric's biggest flaw is that he's too much of an optimist and idealist. That sounds like a bad job interview kind of answer ("My biggest flaw is I'm TOO perfect!"), but he is sometimes unrealistically optimistic or idealistic and that has backfired on him on occasion. When those hopes or ideals are dashed, it's a big disappointment for him.
He's been fortunate in the Inquisition because that stubborn hopefulness helped him browbeat Ferelden and Orlais into some semblance of order, but in his day-to-day life that can cause problems. For example, he has a very clear idea of what he thinks a parent should do and how they should act. His parents aren't perfect and often floundered in parenting him. So when his parents often failed to defend him from his Aunt Deshanna (who hates him) in the name of keeping the peace in their family, that soured them in his opinion somewhat. He also doesn't realize it yet, but his optimism about what life would be like in Tevinter with Dorian is... not realistic. And that's going to be a hard pill to swallow for him.
32. What is their self esteem like?
Aeric generally has a good self-esteem as an adult and is confident in who he is. He had a much lower self-esteem when he was a child and teenager, largely due to his clanmates bullying him. He learned over the years not to give a fuck about what other people say about him, though being purposefully excluded or being insulted will still obviously upset him sometimes. His self-esteem also takes a hit after Trespasser because suddenly he doesn't know his place in the world, but he does eventually recover once he finds some purpose and direction in his life.
69. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality?
I talk about this above, but he was bullied a lot in his clan. They thought he was weird and broken and too interested in human things. He was always pretty quiet, but the attitudes of his clanmates made him pretty withdrawn. It's why he often likes to be alone when he's upset, because he feels like being around people will just make him more upset. However, his dynamic with his clanmates also made him a really independent person and developed within him the ability to let a lot of insults slide off his proverbial back, which was really helpful as the sole Dalish in the Inquisition. It also helped develop his sense of compassion; he hates people in a position of power stepping on people who are hurting and marginalized.
77. What is their most prized possession?
Aeric's not very materialistic, so I had to think on this one a bit. Before Dorian, his most prized possession is probably his family pendant that he always wears (but that I often forget to mention in fics unless it's plot-relevant, lol). His father had him and his sister Paikea carve and paint their own pendants when they were kids, and Pai's pendant was what he buried when she died at the Conclave.
Then after he establishes his relationship with Dorian and they have to be apart, Aeric's most prized possessions are his letters and the sending crystal. He keeps every letter from Dorian in a bundle and reads through them often. He also LOVES the painting of Paikea's grave-tree that Sera makes for him and will eventually make a frame for it to hang up in his home.
And then, after Aeric and Dorian get married, his very favorite thing in the world are their wedding rings. :D
87. What is something they regret?
Two things. First is when he went hunting with his older cousin, Ierin (the Keeper's son) when Aeric was a young teenager. Ierin abandoned Aeric in the woods, but then got himself gored by a boar. Aeric found him and didn't go for help right away because he froze. Ierin still might not have survived if Aeric had gotten help immediately, but Aeric hates that there was a chance that Ierin could have survived and didn't, because of him. (This is also partly why the Keeper hates Aeric.)
Second is trusting Solas. Aeric doesn't know how he would have known that Solas was behind the Conclave blowing up or that he's the Dread Wolf. But Aeric is nevertheless mad at himself for thinking Solas was his friend.
From this 93 OC Asks game!
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"Detoxing" but scientific
So we are all exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Whether that be pesticides, heavy metals, endocrine disruptors, plastics, smoke, pollution, antibiotics (those from eating chicken and eggs, not the life saving medication) etc...
The body naturally detoxes and you don't need to do weird stuff like coffee enemas or even teatoxes or juicing. The key detoxing organs are the gut, liver, and kidneys. Skin, lungs and lymph too. Supporting these organs will help a lot.
First and foremost, eating an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fiber helps a lot. I'm already doing that, which is great. And drinking filtered water is a great new habit I adopted (we recently purchased a reverse osmosis water filter).
Using an air purifier helps too, though I haven't been using mine recently.
Eating "organic" can help. I don't eat 100% organic. I really try to base it on the dirty dozen. And the foods I eat from that list are strawberries, spinach, and potatoes (not sweet potatoes). My mom likes to get organic wild blueberries and I like those too. I can look into making some changes and I know eating 100% organic isn't realistic for me. But the dirty dozen list does come in handy. Same applies to chicken and eggs and other animal products. Wild caught fish is better, and fish tends to contain mercury which is a heavy metal harmful in large amounts.
Another thing to do is to limit plastic and heavy metal usage. Whether that be cups, cooking pans, skin care, deodorants, etc... But again this can be a little unrealistic. I'm not at this stage yet, but I do drink from a glass water bottle. No matter how much I try here, I'll always be exposed to plastic, heavy metals, and pollutants. For example, I've used aluminum free deodorant and it was a nightmare. My armpits burned so bad, and it's probably because of the baking soda. Unfortunately a lot of natural deodorants don't work.
For the gut, really eating anti-inflammatory, a lot of fiber, and going to the bathroom at regular intervals work best.
For the liver, this is a bit trickier. The liver naturally detoxes, but it requires key nutrients to do so. You may not drink at all and eat pretty healthy, but you might be deficient in key nutrients the liver needs to work effectively. It needs nutrients for phase 1 and 2 detoxification as shown here:
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(Source: Nutrunity).
This is an exhaustive picture. But it shows key nutrients the liver needs to perform it's detoxification functions at optimal capacity.
B vitamins, glutathione/NAC, milk thistle, amino acids (glycine, taurine, etc...) molybdenum, sulfur/MSM, and calcium d-glucarate are useful here. DIM is not mentioned in the list, but it also helps in estrogen metabolism. I feel it's much better to support the liver with these key nutrients rather than do weird and potentially harmful juice cleanses.
Supporting liver detoxification can also help a lot here in removing toxins, including plastics, excess estrogens, and heavy metals. I'm taking a DIM Detox supplement right now which helps with this. But I want to see how I can maintain this support and habit longterm. Bitter greens and foods rich in sulfur are great for the liver. I can consider that too. Maybe I can look for a multivitamin with a liver supporting complex.
As I said, I don't drink and don't eat a lot of junk food. Based on my blood work my liver enzyme levels are very normal. But getting that nutritional boost to support both phase 1 and 2 can be extremely helpful. Also keep in mind that the liver is also a digestive organ, so it plays a role in producing bile and emulsifying/absorbing fat soluble vitamins. So it has a lot of crosstalking with the gut. A sad and sluggish liver will prevent proper nutrient absorption.
So I'll keep it up with the anti-inflammatory diet and filtered water and drinking from a glass bottle. And I know it is impossible to eliminate plastics, xenoestrogens, and heavy metals altogether. But trying to minimize somehow and supporting my liver health most importantly can help a lot. I'm taking DIM right now and I'll see how long to take it for, because it can really help. My multivitamin has a lot of the B vitamins and minerals necessary in the liver detoxification process.
I'll look more into this tomorrow. I know some herbal blends like chlorella and spirulina can help, which my first multivitamin helped. Even if I figure it all out and find a healing plan, that plan is going to take months. My doctor told me to take the DIM supplement for 3 months.
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yugtechnology109 · 16 days
How to Choose the Right SEO Service Provider for Your Business
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In today's digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) has become essential for businesses looking to improve their online presence, drive traffic, and boost sales. However, not all SEO providers offer the same quality of service. As such, choosing the right SEO service provider for your business is crucial for long-term success. Here, we’ll explore some of the key factors you should consider when selecting an SEO company that best fits your business needs.
1. Understand Your Business Needs and Goals
Before choosing an SEO service provider, it is essential to assess what you want to achieve. Different businesses have different objectives when it comes to SEO, such as:
Increasing organic traffic
Improving search engine rankings for specific keywords
Boosting local SEO efforts
Enhancing website usability and user experience
Once you identify your goals, you can more easily communicate your expectations to potential SEO service providers. For instance, if your focus is on local SEO, you would want to find a provider with expertise in improving local search rankings and optimizing your business for location-based searches.
2. Look for Proven Experience and Expertise
SEO is an ever-changing field that requires a deep understanding of search engine algorithms, website design, and marketing strategies. When choosing an SEO service provider, it’s important to look for a company that has a proven track record of success in your industry.
You can gauge the experience of a company by looking at:
Case studies – These demonstrate the provider’s ability to achieve real results for their clients.
Client testimonials – Past clients' reviews offer insights into the provider’s work ethic and effectiveness.
Portfolio – A comprehensive portfolio will show examples of successful campaigns the SEO company has managed.
At Yug Technology, for example, we take pride in showcasing our client success stories, highlighting how we’ve helped businesses achieve top rankings and increased online visibility. Make sure the company you choose can also provide you with concrete results from previous campaigns.
3. Transparency and Communication
Clear and consistent communication is vital when working with an SEO provider. SEO is not a one-time task but rather an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and adjustments. Therefore, the SEO company you choose should:
Keep you informed with regular updates and reports on your SEO campaign.
Explain their strategies clearly so you understand what’s being done and why.
Set realistic expectations – Avoid companies that guarantee top rankings overnight or promise unrealistic results.
SEO is a gradual process, and companies that over-promise are often not being entirely transparent. Make sure you select an SEO provider that is upfront about timelines, potential roadblocks, and expected outcomes.
4. Evaluate the Range of Services Offered
A good SEO service provider should offer a wide range of services beyond just keyword optimization. SEO involves several aspects that need to work in harmony, including:
On-page SEO – Optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and attract more relevant traffic.
Off-page SEO – Building backlinks and creating content to enhance website authority.
Technical SEO – Ensuring your website is technically sound for search engines to crawl and index.
Content marketing – Creating and distributing valuable content to attract and retain customers.
The right SEO provider will assess all aspects of your online presence and tailor a strategy that incorporates these elements. A company like Yug Technology, for example, offers a holistic approach that includes everything from technical SEO to local and international SEO services, ensuring your business gets the full spectrum of support it needs.
5. Customizable SEO Packages
One size does not fit all when it comes to SEO. Your business might have unique needs depending on your industry, location, or growth phase. The best SEO service providers will offer customizable packages that are tailored to your specific requirements. Avoid providers that push a cookie-cutter approach without taking the time to understand your business.
When discussing packages, be sure to ask questions like:
Will the SEO strategy be tailored to my business goals?
Do you offer local SEO if my target market is geographically specific?
What metrics will you use to measure success?
Providers that offer flexible and customized solutions, like Yug Technology, ensure that the SEO strategy is aligned with your business objectives, providing the most effective results.
6. Ethical SEO Practices
While many SEO providers may promise quick fixes or instant results, it’s important to ensure the company follows ethical (or white-hat) SEO practices. Black-hat techniques, such as keyword stuffing, cloaking, or buying links, may result in short-term gains but can lead to severe penalties from search engines.
Always ask the SEO provider about their approach and whether they adhere to the guidelines set by search engines like Google. Ethical companies will focus on building long-term success through organic growth rather than risky shortcuts. When looking for an SEO Services Company in Udaipur, be sure that the company adheres to industry best practices to avoid any potential harm to your website’s reputation.
7. Pricing and ROI
While price shouldn’t be the only deciding factor, it’s important to understand the pricing structure of the SEO services being offered. Some providers may offer a flat rate, while others might have tiered packages based on the scope of work.
It's critical to view SEO as an investment rather than a cost. A well-executed SEO strategy can provide a substantial return on investment (ROI) by increasing traffic, improving conversion rates, and enhancing your overall online visibility. However, be cautious of SEO providers that offer extremely low prices, as this may indicate subpar services.
Choosing the right SEO service provider can make a huge difference in the success of your online presence. Take your time to research, ask the right questions, and evaluate each company based on their experience, services, and communication skills. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, working with a reliable and transparent SEO provider like Yug Technology can help you achieve your digital marketing goals and maximize your online growth.
By focusing on these factors, you'll be better equipped to find an SEO provider that aligns with your business objectives and provides long-term, sustainable success.
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expresscbd · 18 days
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ellasmithonline · 1 month
Common Missteps in Online Dating and How a Coach Can Help in Arizona
Online dating is a modern marvel, connecting millions of singles across the globe and providing a platform for romance in the digital age. However, navigating the online dating landscape isn't always straightforward. Many individuals in Arizona find themselves facing challenges and making common missteps that can hinder their success. Whether you're new to online dating or have been at it for a while, understanding these pitfalls and how a dating coach can help can make all the difference in your journey to finding a meaningful connection. In this article, we’ll explore common missteps in online dating and how a professional dating coach in Arizona can help you overcome them and achieve your relationship goals.
Common Missteps in Online Dating
1. Creating a Generic or Inauthentic Profile
One of the most significant mistakes singles make is crafting a profile that doesn’t accurately reflect their true self. A profile that’s too generic or misleading can lead to mismatched connections and wasted time.
Issues with Generic Profiles:
Lack of Specificity: Using broad statements like “I love to travel” or “I enjoy good food” doesn’t provide potential matches with a clear picture of who you are.
Misleading Information: Presenting a version of yourself that isn’t entirely truthful can lead to disappointment and distrust when you meet someone in person.
How a Coach Can Help:
Profile Optimization: A dating coach can assist you in creating a profile that highlights your unique qualities and interests. By focusing on specific details and authentic experiences, your profile will attract matches who are genuinely interested in who you are.
Photo Selection: Coaches can provide guidance on selecting high-quality, varied photos that present a true representation of yourself. This helps avoid misleading potential matches and sets the stage for more genuine connections.
Example: Instead of saying, “I love outdoor activities,” you might say, “I’m an avid hiker who loves exploring the trails of the Superstition Mountains on weekends.”
2. Poor Communication Skills
Effective communication is crucial in online dating, yet many singles struggle with how to engage in meaningful conversations. Poor communication can result in missed opportunities and failed connections.
Common Communication Issues:
Lack of Engagement: Sending generic or uninspired messages like “Hi” or “What’s up?” can lead to short-lived conversations.
Misunderstanding Signals: Difficulty interpreting messages or signals from potential matches can lead to awkward or inappropriate responses.
How a Coach Can Help:
Conversation Starters: A dating coach can provide strategies for starting conversations that are engaging and relevant to your match’s interests. Personalized icebreakers and questions can make your interactions more interesting and memorable.
Effective Messaging: Coaches can teach you how to craft thoughtful and engaging messages that encourage deeper dialogue and connection.
Example: Instead of sending a generic message, you could start with something like, “I noticed you enjoy cooking. What’s your favorite recipe to make on a lazy Sunday afternoon?”
3. Setting Unrealistic Expectations
Having unrealistic expectations about online dating can lead to frustration and disappointment. It’s important to have a balanced view of what online dating can offer and to approach it with a realistic mindset.
Issues with Unrealistic Expectations:
Expecting Immediate Results: Assuming you’ll find the perfect match right away can lead to discouragement when things don’t progress as quickly as hoped.
Overlooking Compatibility: Focusing too much on superficial qualities or “checklists” can prevent you from appreciating potential partners who might not fit all your criteria but could be a great match in other ways.
How a Coach Can Help:
Expectation Management: A dating coach can help you set realistic and achievable goals for your online dating experience. They can guide you in understanding the process and the typical timelines involved.
Focus on Compatibility: Coaches can help you prioritize qualities that are truly important for a successful relationship and encourage you to be open to connections that might not meet every single criterion.
Example: Instead of expecting every date to lead to a serious relationship, a coach might help you set goals such as meeting new people and learning about different personalities.
4. Not Prioritizing Safety and Privacy
Safety and privacy are critical aspects of online dating that are often overlooked. Sharing too much personal information or arranging meetings without proper precautions can lead to potential risks.
Common Safety Issues:
Sharing Sensitive Information: Providing details like your home address, financial information, or personal identifiers too early can compromise your safety.
Meeting in Unsafe Locations: Agreeing to meet at private or unfamiliar locations without informing friends or family can be risky.
How a Coach Can Help:
Safety Guidelines: A dating coach can provide advice on how to protect your personal information and ensure your interactions are safe. They can offer tips on how to handle sensitive topics and protect your privacy.
Meeting Advice: Coaches can recommend safe practices for arranging first meetings, such as choosing public places and letting someone know your plans.
Example: A coach might advise you to meet in a busy café or a popular park for the first date and to avoid sharing personal details until you’ve established trust.
5. Overlooking the Importance of Follow-Up
After an initial meeting or conversation, failing to follow up or maintain contact can lead to missed opportunities. Proper follow-up is essential for building relationships and demonstrating interest.
Issues with Follow-Up:
Inconsistent Communication: Not maintaining consistent communication after a successful first meeting can lead to a loss of connection and interest.
Neglecting to Show Appreciation: Failing to express appreciation or acknowledge positive interactions can create a lack of engagement and reciprocity.
How a Coach Can Help:
Follow-Up Strategies: A dating coach can provide strategies for effective follow-up communication. They can help you craft thoughtful messages that express your interest and appreciation.
Building Momentum: Coaches can guide you in maintaining consistent communication and building momentum in your relationship efforts.
Example: After a great date, a coach might suggest sending a message like, “I had a fantastic time getting to know you. I’d love to plan another outing soon—how does next weekend look for you?”
How Heart Connect Coaching Can Assist
At Heart Connect Coaching, located in Gilbert, Arizona, our professional dating coaches are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of online dating. Here’s how our services can support you:
1. Personalized Coaching
Our dating coaches offer personalized coaching tailored to your specific needs and challenges. Whether you need help with profile creation, communication, or managing expectations, we provide one-on-one support to address your unique situation.
2. Profile Enhancement
We assist in crafting a compelling and authentic profile that attracts the right matches. Our coaches provide feedback on your profile content, photos, and overall presentation to ensure you make a positive impression.
3. Communication Skills Development
Our coaches offer strategies to enhance your communication skills, from initiating engaging conversations to maintaining meaningful interactions. We help you build confidence and effectiveness in your online dating communications.
4. Safety and Privacy Advice
We provide guidance on maintaining safety and privacy while dating online. Our coaches offer practical tips on protecting your personal information and ensuring safe meeting practices.
5. Follow-Up and Relationship Building
We help you develop effective follow-up strategies to build and maintain connections. Our coaching includes advice on how to express interest, show appreciation, and build momentum in your dating efforts.
How to Get Started with Heart Connect Coaching
Ready to improve your online dating experience? Here’s how you can get started with Heart Connect Coaching:
1. Schedule a Consultation
Contact us to schedule an initial consultation. You can reach us by phone at (602) 616-7872 or via email at [email protected]. During this consultation, we’ll discuss your dating goals, challenges, and how our services can support you.
2. Explore Our Services
Visit our website at Online Dating Coach Arizona to learn more about our range of services. Our website provides detailed information about our coaching packages and what you can expect from our support.
3. Visit Our Office
For a more personalized experience, consider visiting our office in Gilbert, Arizona. This face-to-face interaction allows for a deeper understanding of your needs and a more tailored coaching experience.
Online dating can be a rewarding journey, but it’s essential to avoid common missteps that can hinder your success. By addressing issues such as creating an authentic profile, improving communication skills, setting realistic expectations, prioritizing safety, and following up effectively, you can enhance your online dating experience. With the expert guidance of Heart Connect Coaching, you’ll gain valuable insights and support to overcome challenges and achieve your relationship goals. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your online dating journey—act now and schedule your consultation with us to start making meaningful connections.
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mattress-to-door · 2 months
What’s the Best Thread Count for Bed Sheets?
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When shopping for bed sheets, one of the first specifications you’ll see is thread count. This refers to the number of threads woven together in one square inch of fabric. Often, sheets with higher thread counts are assumed to be of better quality. However, at “Mattress-To-Door”, we understand that thread count alone does not necessarily indicate how soft, durable, or luxurious sheets will be. We prioritize providing our customers with sheets that are not only comfortable but also meet their specific needs for a great night’s sleep.
The best thread count depends on several factors:
The type of material used, like cotton, linen, or bamboo
The weave style, such as percale or sateen
Manufacturing quality
Personal preferences for warmth, softness, and longevity
While a higher thread count generally means a denser weave and more threads per square inch, sheets with ridiculously high numbers like 1000 or above are usually too good to be true. Those unrealistic thread counts are often achieved by using lower quality fibers and weaves meant to mislead consumers.
The ideal thread count for bed sheets ranges from around 180 to 600, depending on the material used. With all else being equal in terms of material quality and manufacturing, sheets in the range of 300 to 500 threads per square inch provide an optimal balance of softness, breathability, and durability for most people.
What Thread Count Means
The thread count of bed sheets refers to the number of threads woven into one square inch of fabric. Both the horizontal threads (weft threads) and the vertical threads (warp threads) are included in the count.
For example, a 200 thread count sheet has 200 threads woven into every square inch of fabric.
A 500 thread count has 500 threads per square inch.
So in simple terms, thread count is the number of threads in a sheet.
A higher thread count means there are more threads in a square inch of fabric. All else being equal:
Sheets with higher thread counts have a more dense and tight weave.
Higher thread count sheets feel more luxurious and soft since the fibers are more packed together.
However, a higher thread count does not always mean better quality. There are a few important caveats:
Thread count numbers over around 600 are often inflated or misleading. Manufacturers will use thinner threads and special weaving techniques to artificially increase the thread count.
Lower quality cotton and synthetic fibers can produce rough, scratchy fabric even with a high thread count.
Single-ply threads are often used to boost thread counts. But single-ply yarns are prone to ripping and tearing.
Percale sheets inherently have a lower thread count since the weave is so tight. But percale’s tight weave increases durability.
For more details Mattress To Door : What’s the Best Thread Count for Bed Sheets?
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