#Until Dawn au
warnadudenexttime · 5 months
All you have to do is choose who you will save.
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Art by: @not-exactly-laborious
YOO comic of Ian and I's Until Dawn AU! This specific scene Ian and I have been talking about for a while on what we think would happen!
So I'm super happy to see it all drawn out :D
Another thank you btw to Ian, my buddy for doing this commission for meeee (he told me to post this, so dw I have permission)
All the original dialogue/outline and stuff I wrote for this scene:
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House of ashes "until dawn" au ideas.
The team got shipped off to a mountain holiday destination by CENTCOM to keep them out the way as they cleaned up what happened in Iraq. They say its to reward them for their discovery and to calm their minds. Then, they run into more monsters.
Probably doesn't follow the full plot of until dawn, but I can just imagine how pissed off they'd be at the idea of being sent to somewhere with more monsters.
"Come to America, you said. It'll be calming, you said."
"Salim, I swear to god..."
I'm basically turning the House of Ashes characters into a strike force for the supernatural, lol. Vampires, werewolves, and wendigos galore.
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anrimii · 3 months
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finally got around to drawing something for this epic Josh/Hannah swap au
the implication alone…. her power …. god I love her
au creds and designs to @crocdocz !! 🫶🫶
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kald-dal-art · 11 months
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Remember when I made ILITW/Until Dawn crossover art, fun times. So why not revisit this AU with slightly better drawing skills this time around.
Also have watched a lot of Until Dawn let’s plays lately as well so that was part of it.
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jeskerthefool · 6 months
What if. Stardew valley romance options in Until Dawn?
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...this is what happens when I watch until dawn gameplays while playing stardew...
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While assigning roles I realized that there are too many romance options in stardew for eveyrone in until dawn. Feel free to assume that Marlon is the hunter dude and don't ask me what Abigail's motivations are, I just thought she deserved to go apeshit.
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fr3sh-tragedies · 10 months
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[Until Dawn] Samantha Giddings x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.04k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: An argument, but nothing really specific
[A/N]: This one's really short compared to the others, but it's because that's what my intention was. I didn't want to stress out over this one, so I gave myself a really low goal of 2k words. It was fun to write this. Hope you'll enjoy. Not sure who I'll write for next. At the moment, I only have six more characters I want to write for.
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 It was extremely hard for Sam to get angry at someone, let alone get into an actual argument. She tended to be the level-headed one in her friend group, never one to willingly indulge in drama. Very rarely did she raise her voice in a non-joking manner, so when she did, the people around her she was close to got very uncomfortable. Not necessarily because she was threatening, but because it was so unlike her. Fortunately, her girlfriend was the same way. The two of them hardly ever got into an argument that wasn’t playful.
So when one broke out one night, both of them grew uncomfortable. They got defensive, with Sam trying to steer the conversation in another direction, and [Y/N] trying to just agree to disagree. Neither one of them really remembered how the argument started, but they both knew it wasn’t going anywhere.
Another thing that was uncommon for the two women was for them to say something hateful toward anyone, even if they felt threatened. During the entirety of their relationship, which was running strong for over three years, no one in their shared friend group had ever witnessed them fight with each other. Out of all of them, she and [Y/N] were usually the ones who stayed calm and tried to compromise and keep the peace. And when anyone needed to talk something through with a trusted friend, she and [Y/N] were the go-tos.
Somewhere in the middle of the argument, one of them had slightly raised their voice, which in turn prompted the other to do the same. This continued until they were almost yelling at each other, something they had never done to one another. It was causing a great deal of stress on them both. They couldn’t seem to find a way to fix whatever had begun the whole ordeal.
As they grew louder, Sam shouted something of ill-intent toward [Y/N] in the heat of the moment, wanting to just be done with the argument. In response, [Y/N] threw back a similarly hateful retort, claiming she wished they had never started dating. She didn’t mean to say it–neither of them meant to say any of it–it all just spilled out before they could stop it.
Sam froze at her words, grimacing as she fought back the tears pricking her eyes. She sniffled and took a breath to prevent her voice from breaking.
“If that’s how you feel, then…”
She paused, trying to calm herself down and think things through. After a moment, she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.
“I’ll give you some space. We both need to calm down before we even try to talk this through.”
[Y/N] huffed. Usually, she’d agree without hesitation. Because of her hurt feelings, however, she was hesitant to do so. Instead, she turned on her heel and stormed into the kitchen, then the pantry. There, she grabbed her car keys and left through the front door, passing Sam on her way out. She slammed the door behind her, and she instantly regretted doing so, but she couldn’t take it back. Not once in her relationship with Sam had an argument gotten this bad. The two of them had never said dating was a mistake, nor had they thrown nasty comments at each other out of frustration.
Sam didn’t know how to deal with the situation quite yet, and neither did [Y/N]. Silently, [Y/N] agreed with Sam about giving each other space before working things out.
She hopped into her car and switched the engine on, pulling out of the driveway and speeding down the road. Once she came to a red light, she popped a CD in and cranked the music up, wanting to drown out her hateful thoughts.
As she drove off to who knows where, Sam remained in the living room of their shared home. She plopped herself back down onto the sofa cushions and sighed, burying her face in her hands as she replayed the entire conversation over and over again in her mind. Each time she recalled the words she spoke, or rather hollered, she flinched, wanting nothing more than to take them back.
There was no excuse for what she said. She didn’t even really remember why things had gotten so aggressive.
As she sat there, counting the hours while she waited for [Y/N] to come home, her guilt began to grow even further. She promised herself she’d sit down and talk things out once they were together again.
Whenever that may be.
She should’ve stopped [Y/N] from leaving.
She should’ve asked her to sit down with her, or at least stay home.
She should’ve kept her cool and ended the argument before it began.
And all the while, as her guilt ate away at her conscience, [Y/N] was battling with her own mind nearly halfway across town.
How could she have said something so cruel? Sam didn’t deserve that at all. She had no right to be that crude towards her. She had been trying to change the subject, but [Y/N], for some reason she couldn’t figure out, refused to give in. Instead, she wanted to just “agree to disagree,” even though she knew that wouldn’t have ended very well. She and Sam were both very stubborn about their personal beliefs, meaning they’d struggle with that concept.
She knew that, and yet she continued to press on the matter.
She knew that, and yet she still blurted out that the relationship was a mistake.
She knew that, and yet she still stormed out of the house like a child.
With a heavy sigh of defeat, [Y/N] turned the car around and started her journey back to the house. One way or another, she’d find a way to work things out with Sam, even if it took all night.
By the time she made it back, it was well past midnight. Had she not known Sam well enough, she’d assume the blonde would be tucked away under the covers in their shared bed, sound asleep. However, she had known her all her life. She knew her thoughts, tendencies, insecurities, everything. And Sam was the same–they knew each other inside and out, which is what usually prevented these things from happening.
It was no surprise to [Y/N] when she unlocked the door and pushed it open to reveal Sam still sitting there on the couch. She glanced up from her spot on the cushions, a look of pure relief washing over her features. The blonde stood, stepping over to stand in front of [Y/N] once the door was shut and locked behind her. “Thank god you’re okay,” Sam whispered, lifting her hands to cup the smaller girl’s face and press their foreheads together. [Y/N] made no move to lean away from her touch, but rather leaned into her hands.
Her eyes shut softly when her head made contact with Sam’s, a small sigh of solace slipping past her lips. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m sorry I worried you.” The blonde smiled and hummed, letting her hands slide down [Y/N]’s arms to gently take hold of her hands. “You don’t have to apologize. You’re okay, and that’s all that matters.”
They stayed there for a moment, standing together under the dim light above the entryway to the den. Finally, Sam led her over to the couch and sat her down, joining her immediately after.
“I’m just gonna get right to the point. I’m really sorry I said what I did. I had no right to talk about you like that. I’m sorry, I really am,” Sam started, squeezing her hands in her own.
“I forgive you. And I’m sorry too,” [Y/N] replied just as quietly. “The fact I said our relationship was a mistake was disgusting. I didn’t mean a word of what I said, I swear. I just…I was hurt, and panicking, and I just wanted to say something to defend myself in the moment. I shouldn’t have said that though.”
Sam grinned, her thumb caressing the back of [Y/N]’s hand soothingly before bringing it up to press a kiss to her knuckles. “I forgive you,” she mumbled against her skin. “Could we both promise not to do that again though? I think that’s the most stress I’ve ever felt in our entire relationship.” [Y/N] chuckled at her words, bringing another genuine smile to her lips. “Yeah, I’d love to make that promise. Nearly cried my whole way home because I felt so bad about what happened.”
With a featherlike touch, Sam pulled [Y/N] into a hug, tucking her face against the crook of her neck and relaxing at the familiar scent of the girl’s shampoo and perfume. Her eyes fluttered shut, a silent sigh slipping through her lips, still perked up in a smile.
“I love you so much,” she whispered.
“I love you too,” came [Y/N]’s reply.
A moment passed, one far more comfortable than the situation from a few hours prior, and the two held onto each other as they swayed side to side. Finally, much to her embarrassment, a low rumble sounded from [Y/N]’s stomach, drawing both of their attention away. Sam leaned back and laughed gently. “Should we order something?” She questioned, already reaching for her phone laying face down on the coffee table.
[Y/N] nodded, laughing along with her. “Yeah. I was too worried during the entire drive to worry about eating, so…I guess it’s better late than never, right?” Sam smirked and nodded. “Yeah, that’s true. I’m in the same boat anyway. What sounds good? Not sure what’s open, but I’m sure we can find something good.”
[Y/N] beamed up at her, already feeling the previously thick tension dissolving at a rapid pace.
Sam picked up her phone after [Y/N] mentioned a few possible choices, clicking onto Google and scrolling through the open restaurants to find something that would satisfy both of their appetites. Eventually, they settled on something fairly cheap nearby, ordering said meal and setting everything up while they waited.
While [Y/N] stayed downstairs to pick something to watch on the TV, as well as gathering nearby blankets, Sam headed upstairs to their spare closet and picked out a few of the fluffiest pillows and blankets she could find. She trailed back downstairs, and the two of them bundled up together underneath their small fort of comfort. They were able to watch a decent amount of what [Y/N] had chosen to play on the screen before their order arrived.
Reluctantly, Sam left the comfort of all of the plush covers and pillows, already missing the warmth of [Y/N] by the time she made it to the door to pay the driver and take the order. Once everything was settled with the deliverer, Sam sauntered back over to the couch. She handed [Y/N] her order, including her drink, then managed to wriggle her way back into her previous spot before diving into her own dish.
As the two downed their food and rinsed it down with their drinks, they leaned further and further against each other. By the time they finished their meal and put the plastic containers and cutlery aside, [Y/N] was resting on top of Sam, both of them still buried underneath layers of their collection of blankets. Her head ended up planting itself atop the blonde’s chest, allowing her to listen to her heartbeat with ease.
Soft, delicate fingers raked their way through [Y/N]’s locks before a small kiss was pressed to her head. She glanced up curiously, only to find Sam beaming back down at her with a look of pure admiration. Her smile was returned just as warmly.
A moment or so passed before [Y/N] turned her head back to face the screen again. Her eyes began to flutter shut as Sam continued to stroke her hair. She fought to keep herself awake, but finally gave in when Sam mumbled a soft, “I love you,” and pressed another kiss to her head, lulling her deeper into slumber with ease.
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moonmonnu · 9 months
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Until Dawn/ The Quarry au because I like the stuck in a mountain theme and werewolves
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mamidots · 3 months
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Sneaky peeky 🤫🤫
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taillesscomet2 · 4 months
Super Psycho Love
I love the relationships between the characters in Until Dawn so much that I just can't help but make them polyamory
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rainkays · 3 months
PLS PLS where are the until dawn fans that have also seen before i fall bc i’m writing a time loop au bc i rewatched before i fall (again) recently & i love it so bad
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badh6bit · 1 year
*°:⋆ₓₒ until dawn - luxiem
synopsis: a group of friends are invited to a remote cabin in the mountains for a reunion. things quickly take a turn for the worse as the group starts to realize that there is something in the mountains with them.
content: until dawn au , drabble(?), not really horror, probably VERY short lmao , no shipping , not proofread , im writing for their personas/characters NOT the actual person,
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vox akuma
knowledgeable , giving , humorous
“don’t panic, we have to keep things under control!”
vox does anything and everything he can to help the others
he’ll go out of his way to search for resources or will accompany others to find them
he’s willing to be self-sacrificing, giving things to others instead of keeping things for himself.
and if he’s not helping others with certain tasks, he’s advising them on what/what not to do
vox is not afraid of a fight if it means keeping the group safe from harm. he’s most likely to prioritize the well-being of others rather than himself.
ike eveland
idealistic , gentle , level-headed
“th-there’s something here! i just don’t know what..”
ike is among the first to realize that there’s something wrong with the surrounding area. warning the others frantically
his immediate course of action is protection. make sure everything is in check, secure everything, take extra measures, etc.
he encourages others to not make any rash decisions, although his complaints fall under deaf ears
despite this, he’s caring towards his group and will do whatever he thinks is right for the people around him
when faced against danger, ike is not afraid to fight even if it ends up hurting or injuring himself.
shu yamino
intelligent , reliable , easygoing
“everything’s gonna turn out fine, ill be here to help.”
shu comes off skeptical about the whole situation, believing that the so-called thing they saw in the forest was purely something they had made up
but as the night progresses more and more, shu starts to suspect that the group might be right
shu provides support to those who are in need of it. being the literal embodiment of “ask and you shall receive.”
need someone to fix the lights? he’s there. someone to scout with? he’s already out the door.
shu actively tries to avoid danger as much as he possibly can. but if forced to, he will instead think up a plan that involves him and the others coming out unscathed.
he wants no problems at all and is fixed on trying to get everyone and himself to safety.
luca kaneshiro
mischievous , energetic , sweet
“was i the only one that saw that?!”
luca’s gut tells him right away that something isn’t right.
the spooky atmosphere, the sinister glow of the moon and the sense of impending doom hits him in all the wrong ways
much like vox, he’s action oriented
he’s focused on getting everyone out of here, going out to find help from someone
he’s aware of his surroundings and his gut feelings are almost always right
his fight or flight is mostly mixed
he can put up a decent fight but if he is overpowered, has no problem of withdrawing and fleeing from the fight.
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authors note(s) : OMG.. this was my first post/AU, i got this idea after rewatching a few until dawn streams 💀 I HOPE YGS LIKED IT (might make this a series-
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warnadudenexttime · 2 months
Janus: “Rule number one. ‘Janus is always right.’ Rule number two. ‘Nothing else matters because Janus is always right.’”
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Drew Janus from Ian and I’s Until Dawn AU
He’s such a cutie, I love the design we came up for him, his LITTLE BOW RAH
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The tempation to write an until dawn fic of Josh somehow regaining his clarity after he became a wendigo.
He still has urges, but he can hold them back better. Chris provides him with raw stakes and other things from the local butchers. (In my local butcher, you can buy lamb innards for whatever. Scottish dishes, dog food, flavour additives etc etc)
His mental clarity varies from day to day, so Chris came up with a system. Josh will text him a number from 1 to 10 every morning. 1 being "I want to rip someone's throat out" and 10 being "I feel like normal Josh." Chris knows to be worried if the number goes below 5. If Josh hits a 1, Chris needs to lock him in his room for both their safety until he's calmed down.
Thanks to the curse, Josh's eyesight is blurred, but he's not completely blind. He can sense moment better and has inpecible reflexes. He's super fast and agile, hanging from anything and everything to jumpscare Chris, much to his dismay. His teeth are jagged and deformed, severely affecting his speech and ability to show his expressions. He's not nonverbal. It just takes a while to get it out. He can't go outside much due to his condition, and with how popular his court case became, but when he does, he goes with someone and wears a face mask. The soles of his feet have become softer to absorb his weight when he jumps from place to place, causing him to move more silently (aka, Josh has something like toe beans)
Josh is on a LOT of meds, but he's just thankful he finally got the right medication for his conditions. He still has hallucinations, but Chris figured out that they don't show up on cameras or screens, so when Josh calls for help, he runs in like paparazzi and snaps photos everywhere with much hilarity for Josh to laugh at, then he shows Josh the photos to show that nothing was there.
Overall? I just want Josh to get the help he deserves and, quite frankly, needs.
At first I think Chris would be, rightfully, pissed at Josh, but once he hears of his mental illnesses and at how shitty his past therapist was (because let's be honest, that guy in the game didn't sit right with me) he learns to see his perspective.
Still deciding if the others should be alive or not. Emily wouldn't forgive Josh. Just no. Michael, maybe? I don't know. Jess didn't really know what he did fully, so she might be more inclined to forgive. Sam would forgive. She's kind of like that. Ashley would tolerate Josh but not fully forgive. She might be guilty if she stabbed him, but in her defence, she had no idea. Matt might want to forgive, but seeing Em's distrust in him would make his hesitant
This has been rotting my brain for days help.
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kseniayahz · 10 months
idk i just really liked @taillesscomet until dawn au with garrett and ward so I came up with something like an edit
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smolstarthief · 7 months
P5 Until Dawn AU
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"O Death, O Death... Won't you spare me over 'til another year?"
Inspiration struck upon remembering this gem of a game (took me a bit to save EVERYONE though!!)! Before I start, some notes to keep in mind:
*Character personalities are primarily determined by player choices in the game generally so as a result the P5 Cast will STAY as their respective canon characterizations.
**Given that you can have the whole main cast survive, this will be based on a no-death run except for characters that do die no matter your choices (Ex: Beth, Flamethrower Guy)
***Some story beats will be changed to better accommodate the characters and their personalities... That and small canon complaints (Josh deserved better... Forever bitter about that)
Now let's dive in
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Characters and traits:
Kasumi Yoshizawa
Protective, Passionate, Cheerful
Sumire Yoshizawa
Shy, Trusting, Dreamer
Ren Amamiya
Caring, Adventurous, Resourceful
Ryuji Sakamoto
Loyal, Empathetic, Humorous
Ann Takamaki
Bold, Peppy, Playful
Yusuke Kitagawa
Eccentric, Creative, Blunt
Makoto Niijima
Studious, Brash, Thoughtful
Futaba Sakura
Intelligent, Introverted, Mischievous
Haru Okumura
Ambitious, Loving, Strong
Goro Akechi (Adoptive Brother of the sisters and the oldest)
Complex, Withdrawn, Motivated
Zenkichi Hasegawa
Driven, Inquisitive, Rational
Akane Hasegawa
Rash, Impulsive, Childish
Sophia Amamiya
Curious, Bubbly, Innocent
****I couldn’t figure out a role for Sophia now matter how hard I tried so her being a little sibling to Ren it is!
Flamethrower Guy- Iwai (Sadly doesn’t survive the story, his motivation for hunting Wendigos is tied to Kaoru though)
Dr. Hill- Dr. Maruki (Starts out patient and empathetic but then grows more unhinged and assertive as the story progresses)
Other Plot Info:
+Zenkichi was hired by the Yoshizawas to investigate the disappearance of the twins on the side along with chaperoning due to his occupation and being a family friend (he was passed out drunk with Akechi at the time of the incident and wants to make up for his mistake). He decides to bring Akane with him in an attempt to bond with her before she enters High School (Aoi is still dead).
+Potential Pairings- PegoRyu and YuMako
Full Plotline still a W.I.P. but so far:
-Akechi was an orphan who was adopted by the Yoshizawas, he immediately grew attached and protective of his new sisters (which naturally becomes warped due to grief)
-Sumire develops a crush on Ren when she gets introduced to the group, he sadly doesn’t return them and sees her as a close friend. Like Hannah, she gets a tattoo of a butterfly at one point.
-As previously mentioned, Zenkichi is a family friend and would often join their getaways with Aoi and Akane until the former’s passing and the latter growing distant from him. After that he mostly chaperones.
Prologue- One Year Ago
-The context for this particular getaway is celebrating Haru, Akechi, and Makoto graduating High School with the others entering either their 2nd or 3rd years.
-The prank is given slightly different context but still not good at all. It’s not out of any pettiness or spite but they thought it would be “funny” somehow (they quickly learn that it really wasn’t and are quick to feel ashamed).
-Ren actually starts to have second thoughts about it and was going to try to stop Sumire but the others give themselves away before he could. Sumire naturally feels upset and betrayed as she impulsively runs off.
-Kasumi meanwhile, catches wind of something being up and briefly sees Sumire run by through a window. She tries to wake a passed out Akechi and Zenkichi but fails, prompting her to investigate.
-The others head out the door, calling after her in concern. Kasumi questions them and when they admit what they did, she gets furious with them and goes to find her sister (they briefly consider going after both of them but feel like that they were the last people they’d want to see (Sumire especially))
-Fast forward to Kasumi finding Sumire, they hear a loud noise and run for it. They get cornered at the end of a cliff and slip, Kasumi being able to grab a branch and catch Sumire.
-A strange person looks down at them, appearing to reach for them. Kasumi panics and lets go, both girls falling into the cave below.
One year later and the real story starts:
Dr. Maruki: So, you have committed to commence with this 'game'. This is significant. And I want to help you see it through. Sometimes... Sometimes these things can be a little scary... Even terrifying... But I am here to make sure that no matter how upsetting things may get, you'll always find a way to work through it.
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That's about it so far guys! I'll admit I had a lot of fun with this one!
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 9 months
Mineko Old Art Dump
Alrighty, gonna do this now. This’ll be two parts since I’ve got quite a bit stocked up (I don’t necessarily draw her very frequently… it’s just, when I do, I get into a li’l Mineko mood). I think they can all fit in one post, but I’m still thinking it may be too much for one, so imma separate the traditional from the digital and make it its own smaller post. I’ll share some info about her in that part, too.
*Disclaimer*: I’m putting these in order of when I drew them (the digital pieces, at least. I’ll try to put the traditional pieces in order as best I can. Very rarely do I mark my drawings with a year, much less a date). I started drawing her in 2021, so, em… don’t mind the old art too much ^^;
(Also, not everything’s gonna make it onto here: either it’s too sketchy/horrid to share, haha, or, for the traditional drawings, I’ve misplaced some notebooks some sketches were in and haven’t had any luck finding them (which really sucks because one or two, at least, were kingdom au sketches 😩). That, and also some sketches, I’d like to make them actual pieces or clean them up some more—I draw Mineko with her brothers, I do, but they fall into that category. On that note, boy am I glad I can add Mineko into family posts without worrying about posting it now that she’s finally public 🥳 haha)
Anyway, on to it!
Part 1 of 2 :
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