#Until the Cows Come Home
muckyschmuck · 8 months
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until the neighbors file a noise complaint @sexywolfpaws
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fullsaw · 1 year
I look at him and feel urges
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hottakehoulihan · 1 year
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jaewritesfic · 1 month
Everlasting Trio Nobody Knows AU DP x DC Part 5
Part 4
Danny won't lie, he panicked a little inside when he first recognized Sam and Tucker across from him in the cafe.
Irrationally he'd expected to see his parents  the Fentons or GIW agents right behind them. They wouldn't have done it on purpose, but what if they did have contact with them still? What if they'd already messaged them saying they found their missing son miraculously alive?
But they hadn't.
They hadn't, and they don't talk to the Fentons, and they missed him. They missed him as much as he missed them, and that realization had made his core hum intensely in his chest.
He's not sure how to conduct himself around them anymore - he's changed so much. They probably have too, but they're not undead Kings of entire dimensions so he thinks he has them beat.
Still…the last few days their new group chat has been active, and it's felt like they fell back into each other as easy as breathing. Like they never stopped talking at all.
It's nice.
He's found out that Sam has been working at a nursery part time, and that Tucker has been doing some independent contractor work in programming.
He told them he's working in engineering because, well…he is. Somehow. 
He saw himself potentially in engineering, sure, but not for the Bats! And yet, he's currently looking straight at Red Robin.
He definitely cracked Danny's zip file - or, well, Technus’ encryption on Danny's zip file. Danny knows he must have, because he's clearly pissed.
Danny presses his lips together to avoid laughing just imagining how that reveal must have gone.
Thing is, Danny isn't supposed to be looking at Red Robin right now. He's supposed to be looking at a lockbox full of money and more trackers for his growing collection.
(96 and counting.)
He guesses technically he is still looking at that, just…with an extra bird.
Danny's glad he always scopes out these drops invisibly beforehand, or he might have been in trouble here.
The Bats and Birds have always stayed out of the vicinity of the drops until he takes them before, so this is a surprise.
As it is, Danny knows Red Robin cracked that file and is pissed about it because he's standing on a rooftop and looking at 1) the lockbox, 2) Red Robin, and 3) a lawn chair.
To be specific, Red Robin has posted up on the rooftop with enough determination to wait Danny out that he brought his own seating arrangements and has the box of payment sitting smack dab on his lap.
His arms are crossed. He's tapping his fingers on his elbow like a fuming parent waiting for their kid to return home after curfew.
It's kind of hysterical.
It's kind of a problem.
Honestly, it's not Danny's fault they're driving themselves crazy trying to find him. He worked on those pellets the first time out of curiosity and the goodness of his heart.
And maybe a little bit because his Obsession took issue with the idea of leaving it alone when faulty gadgets could get someone hurt.
If Red Robin didn't want a ghost employee, he shouldn't have paid him the first time. What's Danny supposed to do, say no to ridiculous amounts of money?
Fat chance. Not even if it's sitting in the lap of the newest edition of Angry Birds.
Part 6
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paintedpeeta · 1 month
peeta and katniss seem like the types to hang out in the kitchen around the other talking even if they’re both not cooking. they just want to gossip with their bestie
i genuinely could not agree more... this is so them.
i think it’s probably peeta who does most of the cooking but i don’t subscribe to the belief that katniss is a terrible cook, so they both get a chance to make dinner while the other yaps about their day.
like i said in my previous headcanon post they definitely talk smack, and peeta makes her guffaw with laughter when he does impressions of people they know (mainly haymitch if we’re being real).
however, most of the time they have chill conversations and katniss goes on little tangents about the woods and things she saw that day and the seasons and all of that good nature-y stuff that she loves, and that peeta loves to listen to. when she gets so passionate about something he never interrupts, except sometimes to occasionally lean over the counter to let her taste whatever he’s cooking and check if it’s to her liking.
when it’s katniss’ turn to cook, peeta likes to hang around to chit chat but also to help out however he can. most of the time she doesn’t even need to ask him to do anything, he’ll just start chopping up the vegetables or measuring out ingredients for her while continuing the conversation. since he naturally spends more time in the kitchen than her, he just knows where everything is and can always put his hand to whatever she needs (which never fails to impress her)((she gives him heart eyes when he wordlessly grabs the thing she’s looking for without her even asking)).
some nights haymitch joins them for dinner and while they’re cooking together he just sits at the dining table and listens to them blather, only occasionally chewing them out for “never. shutting. up.”
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lxvvie · 4 months
Could you do headcanons about Graves and reader where they’re divorced
Thank you!!
Graves? Divorce?????
D I V O R C E ?!!!!
...What the fuck is a divorce, nonnie?
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armoralor · 1 year
whether you ship them or not, can we at least agree the scissoring between Sabine Wren and Shin Hati would be good?
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Everyone thinks it was Jack who asked Davey, but it was the other way around
Jack is a flirt but anything serious and he goes into full-on-crisis mode
Davey is like ok then let’s fUckin go. Do you like me? Amazing we’re dating now.
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whinlatter · 2 years
Also how do you think ginny and Harry's marital life was? Did they get married early?Did Ginny sometimes resent her husband's profession? As a couple do you think they fought often?
Thanks so much for always replying to all the asks so wonderfully! You're so amazing!!!
I think Harry and Ginny's marital life was happy, of course! I think their marriage was a singular source of stability and renewing joy throughout their adult lives. (can you imagine if I was like... nah, it was garbage, divorce)
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Without further ado... here's too many words and thoughts on Harry and Ginny's married life and careers, and some fic recs that have helped shape how I think about it dotted throughout. Come for the twee house descriptions, stay for the rant about neoliberal feminism at the end I guess!
On married life and the Potter household:
I love the idea of the Potters presiding over this ramshackle chaos household in big house near the sea, with a great big garden and treehouse for their kids and the cousins and various pets to maraud about all over the place. I actually think quite a lot about the house they'd be in. I love the idea of them building it from scratch, a big house with modern comforts but rustic, cosy, English country features, more horizontal than vertical (kind of farm/barn conversion vibes). In my mind, their house has lots of light, lots of beams and soft wood furnishings, and then a few quirky features and colours that are all Ginny's idea (Luna paints beautiful murals on each of the kids' walls). I imagine their house has lots of big windows with window seats so the adults can sit out and watch the kids play outside. I think the kitchen/dining room would be the heart of the house. Harry's doing the cooking, Ginny's writing at the table, kids are streaming in and out, it's just a real thoroughfare of teenagers and family friends and grandparents streaming through with the wireless on.
On marrying and having kids young:
I do really think Harry and Ginny got married early and had kids young. As I get older I only get more ok with that as a timescale for them. I think the intensity of their wartime experiences, their very involved role as godparents to Teddy (especially thinking maybe it might be nice for Teddy to have younger god-siblings), and their family reference points (both being from families where marrying young is quite normal, and where babies and toddlers are increasingly around a lot) are all factors that lend themselves to these two locking in in their early twenties. The pieces I love most on their marriage/babies etc are all ones that have a lot of humour and spontaneity and walk this gorgeous line between flippancy and total certainty - acesofdiamond's version of their wedding in Arran, Scotland, is canon to me, and also quickfire by flagpoles, on them having a shotgun wedding, is just so so so good and so them.
On Harry's career:
I think Ginny would understand why Harry chose the career he did, but I think it would be a source of tension for them. I'm thinking a lot about this at the minute for some writing (👀), but I think Harry as an adult would have to confront the fact that he intends to keep choosing to get back in the arena and fight Dark magic, this thing he does it to keep the people he loves safe but that also asks so much of the same loved ones who have to watch him do it. I think Ginny would try to push him to see that, but I don't think those would be easy conversations, and I do think it would be one of the things they argue most about on the occasions when they do, properly, fight. On the day to day, things they bicker over include: whose fault it is that the house is a mess (obviously it's both of them, plus the three messy children those two messy kids created); whose fault it is that the Potters are literally always late to everything (Harry blames Ginny, Ginny says the only reason he was ever on time before was because of Hermione, and he chose not to marry the punctual one so he just has to lump it); and Ginny losing her wand around the house/not keeping her wand on her (it takes Harry a long time to say it, but he's always just thinking of James on the sofa the night he died).
On Ginny's career:
I know this is a bit controversial, but I'm honestly happy with the idea of Ginny quitting playing professional Quidditch young. I think she quits after she has James, or maybe between Albus and Lily, so by the time she's about twenty four, twenty five. This is a bit of a soapbox one for me, and maybe one day I'll write about it in some form, but I think there's quite a lot to be said for freeing yourself from being accountable to career decisions and dreams you once had for yourself when you were seventeen, especially career plans that served as escape hatches from traumatic teen years (for the same reason, I like the idea of Ron quitting the Aurors after a few years). I think, as teenagers, we imagine futures for versions of ourselves we haven't met yet. Renegotiating your hopes and aspirations for yourself can be a real sign of growth; holding yourself hostage to who you thought you'd be can make you very miserable.
Relatedly, I do think Ginny in her mid-twenties might have a different relationship to her playing Quidditch than she has a teen. I think lot of her wanting to play professionally is about her having something to prove (I have also totally adopted the headcanon from this fantastic piece on Ginny wanting to be outdoors and in the air as a rejection of the chamber). It feels right to me that Ginny might reconsider her attitude to physical risk and injury by her mid-twenties, particularly if her children are watching her play an extremely dangerous sport week-in week out. I also think she might reconsider how much time she wants to spend away from her family. I wonder if Ginny would also develop a different relationship to the sport outside of a school context, especially the press scrutiny and the big business of sport on the outside. We know that when she quits playing, it's not the end of her professional life, and I think her writing about the sport, and being a voice in the culture of the sport but also in the Wizarding World at large, makes a ton of sense for her. But I think it's good to change jobs because what you want for yourself changes, and I really think it's not a feminist failing to want to spend time with your family and to look for jobs that are interesting and help give your life meaning but that also let you have a family life. It's boardroom girlboss neoliberal nonsense feminism that says wanting to spend time with your friends and family is less of a route to happiness than climbing up some horrendous hyper-individualist career ladder in pursuit of success (especially, in Ginny's case, in professional sport, where careers only ever end on a downturn).
Thank you anon for wanting to hear me bang on about all of this!
Fics mentioned here include:
dancing on to your heartbeat by aceofdiamonds - H/G wedding fic
quick-fire by flagpoles - H/G proposal and pregnancy fic
Little Sugar Men by dopeythedwarf - H/G, on Ginny and flying
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safeashousespdf · 1 year
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911: lone star, 02.07 / the last days of judas iscariot, steven adly guirgis
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selfishpresley · 10 days
All this defending Checo today, please do not forget
I am also one of you 🫵🏼
A carlos girlie
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jaeclerc · 1 year
He had never seen Roscoe act like that - sewis
He had never seen Roscoe act like that.
Sebastian was honestly a little bit baffled if he could be honest. He and Roscoe were cordial, if one could define a human-dog relationship like that. And it took a lot of work to get to that point, where he and Roscoe were something more than polite frenemies.
If Seb had been informed a few years ago that he would be seriously contemplating his strained relationship with his boyfriend’s dog, he would laugh in your face. Who seriously contemplates their relationship with their boyfriend’s dog? Sebastian guesses he does now. Especially in the wake of Lewis’ ex, Nico, coming by after a business trip abroad for his environmental awareness campaign. It was seriously a bit insane, the life that Lewis had.
Sebastian was still a little bit baffled by Nico. And Roscoe. But especially Nico.
He had maybe a moment to contemplate how to approach Nico when Roscoe came barreling down the hall and into Nico’s legs, knocking the other man down by his knees practically to be able to lick over his face. The bastard was even panting, His butt wagging in excitement at seeing Nico, he was clamoring all over the man, ruining his surely ethically sourced designer button up.
That solves it. Sebastian was the other woman in Roscoe’s eyes.
“Well, I mean Nico was Roscoe’s other dad since he was puppy…” Was the only explanation Lewis could give Sebastian, and he was honestly blown away by this whole situation. What did he mean? Why did he never know this was a serious matter?
“I’m just surprised! I didn’t know you shared custody until you messaged me Nico was coming over to have his allotted time. And then come to find out, your dog peed on my shoes because he thought I was the other woman. It’s remarkable, really. I didn’t know a dog could feel that way.” He remarked, looking down at their vegan korean food take away, laughing just a little.
“I don’t exactly know if he sees you as the other woman but Roscoe is very smart! And he was down when Nico and I split. He always loved Nico a little bit more most days.” Sebastian nodded and hummed. This was truly baffling, honestly.
“You certainly have a type, I’m surprised Roscoe didn’t just accept that Nico looked a little different.” He attempted to joke, swirling up his noodles. Lewis just shot him a very unamused look and Sebastian held his hands up in surrender.
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nishaapologist · 6 months
what in the name of god is wrong with fucking enclave roleplayers joining servers and going 'wait you guyz aren't going to ban me for liking the enclave lol? ive been banned from sooooo many servers because they say im a ~White Supremacist~ lmao'
no they didn't ban you for liking the enclave dickweed they banned you for being a rancid fucking person who says the most godawful shit in general and uses the phrase 'triggered' unironically and almost certainly self-reported on the first goddamn message you sent
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aerospectrum · 2 months
pleeeease im begging weeping pleading on main for memes to distract me from the lame-o news I’ve been saddled with today ;__;
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
season 9 is about piling endless suffering on dean for the crime of *checks notes* not wanting his loved ones to die
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 8 months
Spot Conlon is my government-assigned punching bag
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