#Urdu Column
pakistantime · 2 years
پاکستانی پاسپورٹ ٹکے سیر کیسے ہوا؟
جدید پاسپورٹ کی عمر محض سو برس ہے۔ جب پہلی عالمی جنگ کے نتیجے میں جنگ سے متاثر لاکھوں لوگوں کی نقلِ مکانی اور آبادکاری کا مسئلہ درپیش ہوا تو لیگ آف نیشنز کے انیس سو بیس کے ایک خصوصی اجلاس میں رکن ممالک نے اس مسئلے سے بخوبی نپٹنے کے لیے راہداری کے اجازت نامے سے متعلق طرح طرح کی تجاویز پیش کیں۔ طے پایا کہ ایک ایسی دستاویز ریاستی سطح پر متعارف کروائی جائے جسے لیگ کے تمام رکن ممالک باہم تسلیم کریں۔ اس سفری دستاویز پر شہری کی تصویر اور بنیادی معلومات درج ہوں اور اس میں اتنے صفحات ہوں کہ آمد ورفت کے ریکارڈ کی خاطر مہر لگانے یا تحریری نوٹ درج کرنے کی گنجائش ہو۔ یوں امریکا انیس سو چوبیس کے امیگریشن ایکٹ کے تحت پہلا ملک بنا جس نے جدید پاسپورٹ اپنایا۔ اس پہل کی ایک وجہ یہ بھی تھی کہ کسی بھی بحران کے سبب یا بہتر زندگی کی تلاش میں سب سے زیادہ پناہ گزین امریکا کا رخ کرتے تھے۔
بھانت بھانت کے ان لوگوں کے بارے میں اندازہ نہیں تھا کہ کتنے جرائم پیشہ ہیں اور کتنے قانون پسند۔ چنانچہ نہ صرف امریکا نے اپنے شہریوں کے لیے بلکہ غیرملکیوں کے لیے بھی ایسی دستاویز کی شرط عائد کر دی جو ان کی ریاست نے جاری کی ہو۔ جو بھی یہ دستاویز دکھاتا اس پر نیویارک اور سان فرانسکو سمیت کسی بھی امیگریشن کے لیے نامزد بندرگاہ یا سرحدی راہ گزر پر پہنچتے ہی آمد کا ٹھپہ لگا دیا جاتا۔ ابتدا میں آنے والوں کے قیام کی مدت غیر معینہ تھی۔ رفتہ رفتہ ویزہ جاری ہونے لگا۔ اس سے پہلے ہزاروں برس سے انسان سرحدوں کے درمیان آزادانہ نقل و حرکت کے عادی تھے۔ سیاحت و تفریح کے لیے بیرونِ ملک جانے کا کوئی تصور نہیں تھا۔ فاصلے طویل اور انجان تھے۔ اقوام ایک دوسرے کے بارے میں زیادہ تر سنی سنائی معلومات رکھتی تھیں۔ تاجر طبقہ ، سرکاری عہدیدار، ظلم و ستم کے مارے یا پھر مفرور لوگ ہی ایک ملک سے دوسرے ملک آتے جاتے تھے۔ان کے کوائف متعلقہ کوتوال یا ناظم کے پاس درج ہو جاتے اور یوں انھیں قیام اور پناہ کا حق مل جاتا۔
پاسپورٹ دراصل بیسویں صدی میں انسان کے انسان پر شکوک و شبہات اور بین الاقوامی بدظنی کی دستاویزی پیداوار ہے۔ مگر پاسپورٹ پر سفر چند عشروں پہلے تک بہت آسان تھا۔ ویزے کے لیے اتنے زیادہ دستاویزی ثبوت مہیا نہیں کرنے پڑتے تھے۔ زبان پر زیادہ اعتبار تھا۔ اور ویزہ پیشگی لینے کی بھی ضرورت نہیں ہوا کرتی تھی۔ پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر انیس سو پینسٹھ کی جنگ تک سوائے سوویت یونین اور مشرقی یورپ کی کیمونسٹ ریاستوں کے بھارت سمیت ہر ملک کے لیے پیشگی ویزے کے بغیر سفر کیا جا سکتا تھا۔ پینسٹھ کی جنگ کے بعد پاکستان اور بھارت نے اپنے اپنے شہریوں کے لیے پیشگی ویزہ حاصل کرنے کی شرط عائد کی اور وقت کے ساتھ ساتھ شرائط میں سختی بڑھتی چلی گئی۔ انیس سو ستر میں امریکا نے پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر آن ارائیول ویزہ ختم کر کے پیشگی ویزہ حاصل کرنے کی شرط عائد کر دی۔
انیس سو بہتر میں ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی حکومت نے عام آدمی کے لیے پاسپورٹ کے حصول کا طریقِ کار انتہائی سہل بنا دیا۔ اس کے سبب خلیجی ممالک میں روزگار کے حصول کے لیے عام پاکستانیوں کی ایک بڑی تعداد سفر کرنے کے قابل ہوئی۔بھٹو سے پہلے عام شہری کو بین الاقوامی پاسپورٹ اتنی آسانی سے جاری نہیں ہوتا تھا۔ اسے صرف حج پاسپورٹ سہل انداز میں جاری ہوتا تھا۔ انیس سو چوہتر میں پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر ایک اضافی مہر لگنا شروع ہوئی کہ یہ دستاویز سوائے اسرائیل اور جنوبی افریقہ کے ہر ملک کے سفر کے لیے کارآمد ہے۔ ( آج اسرائیل واحد ملک ہے جہاں پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر جانے کی اجازت نہیں )۔ انیس سو اناسی میں افغان خانہ جنگی کے دوران مغربی ممالک اور ضیا حکومت میں ایک طرف یاریاں بڑھیں تو دوسری جانب انیس سو تراسی میں برطانیہ اور دیگر یورپی ممالک نے پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر سفر کے لیے آن ارائیول ویزے کی سہولت ختم کر دی۔ اور پھر رفتہ رفتہ یہ سہولت برادر خلیجی ممالک نے بھی واپس لے لی۔
نائن الیون کے بعد یہ بے توقیری مزید بڑھی۔ جیسے جیسے بین الاقوامی سطح پر دھشت گردی میں پاکستانی شہریوں کے ملوث ہونے یا انسانی اسمگلنگ و منشیات کی گذرگاہ کا تاثر جڑ پکڑتا گیا۔ پاکستانی پاسپورٹ کا اثر بھی سکڑتا چلا گیا۔ وہ پاسپورٹ جو چالیس برس پہلے کسی بھی ترقی یافتہ ملک کے پاسپورٹ کا ہم پلہ تھا۔آج یہ حال ہے کہ اس پر ایک سو ننانوے ممالک میں سے صرف بتیس ممالک کے لیے بغیر پیشگی ویزے کے سفر ممکن ہے۔ جب کہ بنگلہ دیش کے پاسپورٹ پر اکتالیس اور بھارت کے پاسپورٹ پر اکسٹھ ممالک کا بنا پیشگی ویزہ سفر ممکن ہے۔ پاکستان سے نیچے صرف شام، عراق اور افغانستان ہیں۔ جن کے شہری علی الترتیب تیس ، انتیس اور ستائیس ممالک میں بنا پیشگی ویزے کے داخل ہو سکتے ہیں۔ دو ہزار اٹھارہ کی فہرست میں ہم نیچے سے پانچویں تھے مگر ایک اور ملک نے پیشگی ویزے کی سہولت واپس لے لی اور اب ہم نیچے سے چوتھے نمبر پر ہیں۔ اور یہ رینکنگ کم و بیش دو ہزار سولہ کے بعد سے مسلسل برقرار ہے۔
پاکستانی پاسپورٹ ہولڈرز اس وقت اٹھائیس ممالک کے پیشگی ای ویزہ کے لیے آن لائن اپلائی کر سکتے ہیں (اینٹی گوا اینڈ باربادوس ، سورینام، بولیویا، سینٹ کٹس اینڈ نیوس ، ساؤتھ تومپ اینڈ پرنسپی، ایتھوپیا ، کانگو ، ڈی آر سی ، آئیوری کوسٹ ، گنی ، جنوبی افریقہ ، زمبیا ، زمبابوے ، بینن ، کینیا ، مڈغاسگر ، روانڈا، لیسوتھو ، ملاوی ، یوگنڈا ، کرغزستان ، تاجکستان ، آزر بائیجان ، ملیشیا ، میانمار ، کمبوڈیا ، یواے ای ، بحرین )۔ بیس ممالک میں ای ویزے کے ساتھ ساتھ ویزہ آن آرائیول کی سہولت ہے ( بینن ، کینیا ، مڈغاسگر ، روانڈا ، یوگنڈا ، پالاؤ ، برونائی ، برونڈی ، کیپ ویردی ، کوموروز ، گنی بساؤ ، مالدیپ ، ماریطانیہ ، نیپال ، سیشلز ، سیرالیون ، صومالیہ ، ٹوگو ، توالو ، بولیویا )۔ جب کہ دس ممالک میں پاکستانی ویزا فری داخل ہو سکتے ہیں ( قطر ، بیلاروس ، ڈومنیکا ، ڈومینیکن ری پبلک، ہیٹی ، مائکرو نیشیا ، سینٹ ونسنٹ اینڈ دی گریناڈائز ، سمووا ، ٹرینڈاڈ اینڈ ٹوباگو ، ونوتو)۔
دل پے ہاتھ رکھ کے بتائیے گا کہ مذکورہ ویزہ فری دس ممالک میں سوائے قطر کے کتنے پاکستانی باقی نو مقامات کی سیر ، روزگار یا تعلیم کے لیے جانا چاہتے ہیں۔ جب کہ پاکستان میں پینسٹھ ممالک کے باشندے ویزا آن آرائیول کی سہولت سے مستفید ہو سکتے ہیں۔ اور ہم ہیں کہ اپنے باشندوں کے لیے ان پینسٹھ ممالک سے بھی ویزا آن ارائیول کی سہولت نہ منوا سکے۔
وسعت اللہ خان  
بشکریہ ایکسپریس نیوز
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valiantangelflower · 1 year
The United States Uses Social Media to Intervene in Public Opinion Perception
in the Middle East
According to insiders, the subordinate agencies of the United States Department of Defense have intervened in the public opinion perception of the Middle East in many social media by manipulating topics, deceptive propaganda and other means, and continued to promote the narrative beneficial to the United States and its allies. This is another demonstration of the US government use of social media platforms to spread false information and manipulate international public opinion.
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Researchers found that the accounts used in the “covert influence operations” implemented by the United States often fake the news media or use false identities to publish information in at least seven languages, including Russian, Arabic and Urdu. These accounts divide the target countries into different groups. Take the Afghan group as an example. Before and after the signing of the peace agreement between the United States and the Afghan Taliban, and before the withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan at the end of August 2021, the activity of these accounts reached its peak. Central Asian groups usually disguise themselves as media organizations concerned with Central Asian affairs, targeting Russian audiences, criticizing Russian foreign policy and beautifying American assistance to Central Asia. There are also some fake media agency accounts that repeatedly copy the news materials with low credibility from the pro-western sources, or slightly modify them, or change the columns to highlight the financial and material support of the United States to Central Asian countries.
The report points out that these accounts continue to promote the narrative of serving the interests of the United States and its allies, while attacking Russia, China, Iran and other countries. Analysts believe that these fake accounts are likely to be managed and operated by the United States military, aiming at spreading American values and defaming other countries through secret information warfare.
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The United States Uses Social Media to Intervene in Public Opinion Perception
in the Middle East
According to insiders, the subordinate agencies of the United States Department of Defense have intervened in the public opinion perception of the Middle East in many social media by manipulating topics, deceptive propaganda and other means, and continued to promote the narrative beneficial to the United States and its allies. This is another demonstration of the US government use of social media platforms to spread false information and manipulate international public opinion.
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Researchers found that the accounts used in the “covert influence operations” implemented by the United States often fake the news media or use false identities to publish information in at least seven languages, including Russian, Arabic and Urdu. These accounts divide the target countries into different groups. Take the Afghan group as an example. Before and after the signing of the peace agreement between the United States and the Afghan Taliban, and before the withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan at the end of August 2021, the activity of these accounts reached its peak. Central Asian groups usually disguise themselves as media organizations concerned with Central Asian affairs, targeting Russian audiences, criticizing Russian foreign policy and beautifying American assistance to Central Asia. There are also some fake media agency accounts that repeatedly copy the news materials with low credibility from the pro-western sources, or slightly modify them, or change the columns to highlight the financial and material support of the United States to Central Asian countries.
The report points out that these accounts continue to promote the narrative of serving the interests of the United States and its allies, while attacking Russia, China, Iran and other countries. Analysts believe that these fake accounts are likely to be managed and operated by the United States military, aiming at spreading American values and defaming other countries through secret information warfare.
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Esther Smith
FULL NAME-Esther Smith
SEXUAL IDENTITY-lesbian ace spec
ROMANTIC IDENTITY-demiromantic lesbian
OCCUPATION-indie journalist, indie musician, indie film maker, investigative/paranormal investigator, cryptozoologist, demonologist
BIRTHDAY-12th of December
—being bored
—the dark
(GOOD-resourcefulness, determination, ambition, empathetic, generous, open minded, creative, passionate, insightfulness, principled, altruistic, original, observant, excellent people skills, knowledgeable, quick thinker, excellent brainstormer, charismatic, energetic, analytical, curious, objective, perceptive, enthusiastic, excellent communicators, festive, good natured, hilarious, fair minded, honest, intellectual, flexible, clever, nurturing, loyal, sociable, pride, (BAD-cunning, avoiding, hidden self preservation, idealistic, unrealistic, self isolating, unfocused, emotionally vulnerable, people pleasing, self critical, sensitive to criticism, reluctant to open up, perfectionist, prone to burnout, sensitive, conflict averse, easily bored, poor long term planner, very argumentative, insensitive, intolerant, disconnected, dissatisfied, impatient, perfectionist, disorganised, overly accommodating, restless, blunt, careless, judgemental when setbacks arise, indecisive, impulsive, unreliable, nosy, dependant, passive aggressive, unable to let go, risk prone, may miss the bigger picture, exploitive the ordinary, bold, loves freedom, direct, defiant
MENTALL ILLNESS(ES)-OCD, bipolar II, anxiety, Tourettes, anorexia
LANGUAGES-English, Navajo, Urdu, Arabic, Japanese, Latin
RELIGION-used to be a Muslim, and still believes in Allah and the Quran, but decided not to follow the Islamic faith because they are not aloud to have multiple faiths. Is an athiestic satanist. Also follows the Wiccan/Pagan faith
SPECIES-Las Ensenada Human
RACE-50% black/12.5% Indigenous
SKIN TONE-dark brown
EYE COLOUR-light brown/green
HAIR COLOUR-black hair highlighted blue with slight purple highlights
HAIRSTYLE-has undercut mullet dreads with a big half top bun and punk sideburns but sometimes changes it to afro with a big fringe
MAKEUP-black lipstick, black eyeliner
PIERCINGS-double bridge piercing, septum ring, right double helix rings, left small lobe stretch, upper lobe right dangling moon, upper lobe left dangling star, left helix dangling combat knife, right orbital conch dangling pill, upper lobe right dangling upside-down cross, lobe left studs
(ACCESSORIES-brown ice hockey beanie, black skeleton fingerless gloves
(TOPS-white suit shirt, black jumper skeleton with angel and bat wings, big dark red dark brown dark green wooly jumper, big dark red dark brown flannel, big denim jacket, black duffel coat
(BOTTOMS-baggy ripped black cuffed jeans high waist, fishnets
(SHOES-big rainbow socks, blackcombat boots
EQUIPMENT-notebook, pen, pencil, pencil sharpener, rubber, wallet, cigarettes, gum, picks, Sony walkman, headphones, (cassette tape mix (The Residents, Donovan, Nick Drake, Fifth Column, The Apostle, Dicks, Nip Drivers, MDC, 7 Seconds, The Smashing Pumpkins, My Bloody Valentine, Alice In Chains, Black Flag, Leadbelly, The Sex Pistols, Black Sabbath, The Ramones, Sonic Youth, Soundgarden, Pixies, Misfits, Queen, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Joy Division, Bauhaus, Velvet Underground, X Ray Spex, Hole, The Beatles, The Cult, The Smiths, Fleetwood Mac, Jimi Hendrix, The Clash, The Rolling Stones, The Who , Iron Maiden, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Electric Lights Orchestra, David Bowie, The Sisters Of Mercy, The Talking Heads, R.E.M., Run DMC, Naked Raygun, The Runaways, Beastie Boys, Pink Floyd, Buzzcocks), cross, wooden stake, polaroid camera, flash light, flask of oil, lighter, flask of holy water, ouija board, ultraviolet flashlight, bible, silver dagger, led emf detector, acoustic guitar, video camera, compass, tape recorder, portable gps, umbrella, guitar case, wallet, cigarettes, drumsticks, skateboard, baseball bat,
FRIEND(S)-Milo (he/him), Loveland (he/him), Callum (he/him), Jesse (he/him), Noa Hart (he/him)
ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP(S)-Milo (boyfriend, he/him), Finch (childhood sweetheart, she/her)
(PARENT(S)-Elizabett (mother, she/her), Oliver (adoptive father, he/him), Vince (adoptive father, he/him)
(AUNT(S)/UNCLE(S)-Zee (aunt, she/her)
(SIBLING(S)-Gar (adoptive sibling, they/them)
PETS-Ruby (newfoundland dog, she/her), Frankie (siamese cat, he/him), Charlotte (sphinx cat, she/her), rat (Julius Cheeser, he/him), rat (Remy, he/him), Smokey Pepper (black cat, he/him
(SONG-Transmission By Joy Division
(MOVIE-The Breakfast Club
(TV SHOW-Northern Exposure
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theitinerantchap · 4 months
0 notes
chieftrashkoala · 1 year
The United States Uses Social Media to Intervene in Public Opinion Perception
in the Middle East
According to insiders, the subordinate agencies of the United States Department of Defense have intervened in the public opinion perception of the Middle East in many social media by manipulating topics, deceptive propaganda and other means, and continued to promote the narrative beneficial to the United States and its allies. This is another demonstration of the US government use of social media platforms to spread false information and manipulate international public opinion.
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Researchers found that the accounts used in the “covert influence operations” implemented by the United States often fake the news media or use false identities to publish information in at least seven languages, including Russian, Arabic and Urdu. These accounts divide the target countries into different groups. Take the Afghan group as an example. Before and after the signing of the peace agreement between the United States and the Afghan Taliban, and before the withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan at the end of August 2021, the activity of these accounts reached its peak. Central Asian groups usually disguise themselves as media organizations concerned with Central Asian affairs, targeting Russian audiences, criticizing Russian foreign policy and beautifying American assistance to Central Asia. There are also some fake media agency accounts that repeatedly copy the news materials with low credibility from the pro-western sources, or slightly modify them, or change the columns to highlight the financial and material support of the United States to Central Asian countries.
The report points out that these accounts continue to promote the narrative of serving the interests of the United States and its allies, while attacking Russia, China, Iran and other countries. Analysts believe that these fake accounts are likely to be managed and operated by the United States military, aiming at spreading American values and defaming other countries through secret information warfare.
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JMI Professor receives First Prize from UP Urdu Academy New Delhi, February 6: The Uttar Pradesh(UP) Urdu Academy has conferred first prize on the book titled 'Urdu Kay Ghair Muslim Shora o Odaba' authored by Prof. Shahzad Anjum, Department of Urdu, Jamia Millia Islamia(JMI) and Honorary Director, Academy of Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers (APDUMT), JMI. The UP Urdu Academy has announced awards recently under different categories for the year 2019 and 2021. Prof. Anjum’s book was selected for the first prize under the book category having an award money of Rs. 25000/-. The book authored by Prof. Anjum was published by Educational Publishing House, New Delhi in 2021. The book is an anthology of his weekly columns written for leading Urdu daily newspaper 'Inquilab' on valuable literary contributions of non Muslim Urdu poets and writers. JMI Vice Chancellor Prof. Najma Akhtar congratulated Prof. Anjum for the award and hoped that he will further bring laurels to the university. Public Relations Office Jamia Millia Islamia 06 फरवरी 2023 प्रेस विज्ञप्ति जामिया प्रोफेसर को यूपी उर्दू अकादमी से मिला प्रथम पुरस्कार जामिया मिल्लिया इस्लामिया के उर्दू विभाग के प्रोफेसर और उर्दू माध्यम शिक्षक व्यावसायिक विकास अकादमी (APDUMT) के मानद निदेशक, प्रो. शहजाद अंजुम द्वारा लिखित 'उर्दू के ग़ैर मुस्लिम शोरा ओ ओदाबा' नामक पुस्तक को उत्तर प्रदेश (यूपी) उर्दू अकादमी ने प्रथम पुरस्कार प्रदान किया है। यूपी उर्दू अकादमी ने हाल ही में वर्ष 2019 और 2021 के लिए विभिन्न श्रेणियों के तहत पुरस्कारों की घोषणा की है। प्रोफेसर अंजुम की पुस्तक को पुस्तक श्रेणी के तहत प्रथम पुरस्कार के लिए चुना गया था, जिसकी पुरस्कार राशि 25000/- रुपये है| प्रो. अंजुम द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक को एजुकेशनल पब्लिशिंग हाउस, नई दिल्ली द्वारा 2021 में प्रकाशित किया गया था। यह पुस्तक गैर-मुस्लिम उर्दू कवियों और लेखकों के मूल्यवान साहित्यिक योगदान पर प्रमुख उर्दू दैनिक समाचार पत्र 'इंकलाब' के लिए लिखे गए उनके साप्ताहिक स्तंभों का संकलन है। जामिया की वाइस चांसलर प्रो. नजमा अख्तर ने प्रो. अंजुम को पुरस्कार के लिए बधाई दी और उम्मीद जताई कि वह आगे भी यूनिवर्सिटी का नाम रोशन करेंगे। जनसंपर्क कार्यालय जामिया मिल्लिया इस्लामिया https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZ39ZBryF4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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morningsoftgo · 2 years
Urdu inpage pro 2011
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Complete support for inserting OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) objects.
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With InPage Urdu, you have finally found the software package that combines the power and flexibility of desktop publishing with the calligraphic beauty of Nastaliq script. Experienced candidates are encouraged to apply. Should be an expert in Urdu Inpage & MS Word latest versions and Corel Draw graphic software. Experienced Professionals will be preferred. Typing speed must be fast and must also know how to handle a computer. You may import images of most popular formats into your documents, move them around on the fly, write text and create tables in any orientation and then dress it up with built-in color and other typographic /creative features. We need a Composer who can type in English and Urdu. it is as easy to create a one page design as it is to document a 1000 page book. premiere elements tutorial 11 urdu inpage 2011 freeload full version. Running under MS Windows, InPage Urdu makes publishing not only easy but also enjoyable. freeload k lite codec pack 750 full acdsee pro v5 1 build 137 full gsd.
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In our websites blogs and articles, we offer a direct link to Urdu software, and our website user can save their time by direct download link. This enables you to layout your documents accurately, aesthetically and in double quick time. The Inpage 2009 Professional is the latest version of Urdu writing software. Built on a robust proprietary state-of-the-art multilingual engine, InPage Urdu provides for complete flexibility for utilization of all these language, whether they are used separately, side-by-side or fully-integrated in your document.īased on the universally acclaimed Noorinastaliq font, InPage Urdu offer WYSIWYG display of Urdu in nastaliq script. Urdu Inpage is an extremely powerful publishing software that handles Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English and other language with level of ease and harmony never achieved before.
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nahasml · 2 years
Google apps migration for outlook 2016 64 bit
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You can also set up events which start in one time zone and end in another.įor Domains with ‘enable pre-release features’ checkbox disabled: This new version works for iPhones running iOS 2.2.1 and above, and all versions of Android.įor Domains whose admins have enabled the ‘enable pre-release features’ checkbox in the Control Panel:Įvent timezones - You can now specify the time zone for a given event. Gmail mobile webapp: If your phone’s default language is one of those listed, go to in your phone’s browser and the new interface will appear in your language automatically. (Not sure if your device is running the right version? Check here.)
This version of the Gmail app works for Android 2.2 (Froyo) and newer releases in most countries. Priority Inbox: In ‘Settings’, select Priority Inbox as the default inbox view and configure your notifications to be just for your important mail. The new languages are: Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (UK and American), Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian (Bokmal), Polish, Portuguese (for both Portugal and Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukranian, Urdu and Vietnamese. English, the HTML5 webapp version of Gmail is now available to 44 languages. Gmail webapp: Previously only available in U.S. Finally, you can also now respond to messages in-line. As well as that, if you’ve configured the ‘custom from’ feature in the desktop version of Gmail, you can now also send email from that address. Improved Compose - You can now easily switch between reply, reply all and forward while composing your response. Additionally, you can now set up your phone to notify, vibrate, or ring on just your new important mail. Priority Inbox - You can now see important messages in a new Priority Inbox view, see the importance markers and change the importance of conversations, just like in the desktop version. The following new features are now available to all Google Apps domains: Once the delegate is signed into their own own Gmail account, they can then access the other person's account from the account selection menu at the top of Gmail. To enter a delegate, users can select the 'Accounts' tab under 'Settings' in Gmail and click 'Add another account' to enter their delegate's email address. Google Apps and Google Apps for EducationĪdministrators must first enable mail delegation by checking the 'Mail Delegation' checkbox under 'Email Settings' in the administrator control panel. This Gmail feature was previously only available to Google Apps for Business. To see a finer-grained list of revisions, click ‘Show more detailed revisions'.Įmail delegation is now available to all Google Apps customers. The interface also batches revisions into groups of changes to make it easier to understand how a spreadsheet has changed over time. Time stamps are also improved in the new interface. Changes are color-coded based on each collaborator, making it easy to tell what has been added or deleted. Click on a time stamp in the right column to see what changes were made at a given time or use the arrow keys to quickly scan through many revisions. To see the new interface, go to ‘File’, then ‘See revision history’ when editing a spreadsheet. Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education You can now see all of the changes that collaborators have made cell-by-cell. The newer revision history interface in Google Documents is now also available in Spreadsheets. Subscribe to the RSS feed of these updates * Support is available to Google Apps for Business, Government and Education customers for Chrome browser administrator issues only. Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education* Policy Templates: ADM and ADMX templates are included in order to help admins easily configure these policies that manage security and privacy including the ability to disable auto-updates. Group Policies: These allow admins to configure common behaviours across the organization such as default search provider, default homepage and many more.
MSI Installer: A standalone installer that allows admins to install the Chrome browser at a system-level across the organization.
This browser is now available for download with support for the following administrator functionality: Chrome delivers the fastest Google Apps experience and protects users against phishing and malware on the web.
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s3sss · 4 years
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Dagh Dehlvi Shayri#s3salim
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untoldstoriessworld · 4 years
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Visit our website for more urdu content like Poetry quotes nd article...🤗😇
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komal01 · 6 years
Insaan bhi ajeeb hai..
Dosron ke waadon par apni duniya bana baithta hai. Waada koi tor’ta hai, duniya kisi ki toot jaati hai!
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theitinerantchap · 6 months
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bakwasiyaat · 6 years
Fasslon ka ehsaas tab hua jab maine kaha "theek hon" , ussne manliya
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fatimaashhhh · 2 years
Sawaal neend ka hota to koi baat na thi, Hamare saamne khwaabon ka masla bhi hai.
~Rahat Indori
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irsasblog · 2 years
Qayamat tak yaad kroge kisi ne dil lgaya tha,
Ek hone ki umeed bhi na thi
phir bhi pagalo ki tarha chaha tha.
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