#Usually you have to go through my tags a bit
moonit3 · 2 days
Yandere Leonard x male employee.
I imagine that the reader is a restaurant worker, actually a waiter, who attracted Leonard's attention and he decides to harass you.
You refuse his advances and he gets angry, grabs you and you slap him in the face.
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⟡ cw: male yandere, amab/male! reader, toxic behavior as usual, unwanted flirting from yan!, attempted sexual harassment from yan towards reader but nothing happens (i swear), violence, the yan! gets slapped by reader, insomnia from readers part, toxic environment at work, bad people as coworkers.
⟡ word count: 2.8 k
⟡ yandere! male ceo x amab/male! reader
⟡ notes: ah yes, leonard is getting popular and i am happily to announce another fanfic with him today. and i am here to tell why i am not uploading fanfics as usual, the main reason is that i am both busy with college (nothing surprising) and that my family decided to bring me to a surprise vacation with them, my brother and his significant other (everything is going great btw). so yeah, posts might get even slower than the usual, but don’t abandon me, specially the male readers as there will be plenty of content for you guys.
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the small bakery of downtown buzzed with the common saturday’s chatter as you, a young waiter, weaved through the many clients with ease. balancing the tray full of streaming coffee and pastries was a common chore, yet for this evening, things were slightly different as unfamiliar face is sitting at the best table of the place, at the balcony. he is there by himself, unlike other customers, and you approached the table with a smile on the face.
“here’s your cappuccino and macaroons,” you placed the items in front of him, happy to see a new face around the cozy spot. it isn’t always that a new customer manages to get this place, one that has to be reserved weeks in advance. “enjoy the pastry, sir.“
“thank you, mr. [name].” the man replied, his eyes lingering on you for a bit too longer to check the name tag at your name tag. “i have the feeling that you are an attentive waiter, aren’t you? i feel special to have someone like you serving this delicious meal to me.”
you cleared your throat. maintaining your professional demeanor isn’t the easy when a handsome man like this one flirts with you, but you need to keep calm and keep this job. “i-it’s part of the job, sir.” the tiny blush on your cheek is noticeable by the man’s eyes, but he decided to stay quiet about it. “is there anything else you would like to order…?”
he pouted slightly, but quickly a smile made to his face. “i’m sure that you always get compliments from everyone by your appearance and sweet demeanor, am i right?” a finger of his traces the edge of the cup of coffee, it’s almost hypnotic to see his long fingers doing a act so simple, yet to interesting that makes you forget about working. “or could it be that i am the first one to say that?”
another word from this man and you could fainted from embarrassment. it’s quite common when clients flirt with you for all short of excuses such as your personality, appearance, voice and even saying that a young man like you should be pampered by someone older! those people are nuts by telling those things, don’t they know to keep by themselves? you already told him you aren’t interested, but he doesn’t seem to get the hint…
“ahh…” great. now you got nothing to say to him and seeing the smile on the man’s lips, he is probably thinking you are into it and is going to keep bothering you for as long he is here. isn’t life fascinating? well, not for an underpaid employee of this fancy bakery.
his chin rest on the gloved hand, trying a new way to keep looking smooth as you just want to be somewhere else, but here. “well, the answer doesn’t really matter when i am the one who will be the owner of your heart, right?”
you stared at the man in disbelief. not in millions of years, you thought that someone would be so shameless flirting with you like he is, it’s almost like this is a game he has to win. and of course, you are the prize for him. but how far he is willing to go to gain you?
it’s one hundred percent confirmed that rich people are weird and don’t know when to stop talking.
“sorry, sir.” luckily, this time you managed to speak up for yourself. “but like i said, i have no interest in dating. i am happily with my work. sorry for that.”
wait. why are you apologizing? it’s not your fault for making this situation uncomfortable and awkward for both parties, the one who has to be guilt for it is the man! he is supposed to be the one apologizing for making you feel bad for rejecting him. yet he is the one with the money, he is the one who can easily get you fired for the smallest reasons, so you have to act like a good and humble waiter.
the man’s smile disappears when you take a few steps backwards, away from the table and him. he doesn’t look so happy now and he doesn’t bother to hide it, you feel like he is going to explode anytime soon.
“are you sure of it?” he asked, trying to remain his patience in check, but it’s getting hard when you nodded. “if you say so, then i will be taking my leave.”
he gets up from his seat, revealing that he is way taller than you’ve expected and the long coat covering his body makes him twice as intimidating to you. with a final glance at you, the man leave a two hundred bill at the table, way too much compared to his original expenses.
you stood still for about a minute or so after he left, just to make sure he wasn’t coming back to taunt you again. when you felt to go back to work, things got colder and slightly agonizing within the bakery.
the other workers at the bakery began staring at you with jealousy after learning about the man who you served earlier, the one who left an extra tip of one hundred dollars to you. they never liked you, they always felt jealous and envy of the customer who always preferred to be served by you. and the couple who owns the bakery had the brilliant idea of making you the responsible for closing the shop today. according to their words, it is because everyone else has worked so hard and that you look so relaxed that could do just an extra task.
it’s easy to say that you hate everyone at this stupid job and if you could, you would fire yourself to find somewhere else. but things aren’t always so easy and simple like that, also this is the closest place from the apartment complex you currently live.
“idiots…” the heavy trash bags are going to kill your back one day and when that day comes, you will sue everyone here. “fucking idiots who think they are better than me!”
with enough force and courage, you thrown the garbage right into the trash bin. it’s almost pitiful that you feel exhausted for doing a simple task, damn it, you need to work out at the gym if you manage to get back to the morning shift. after throwing the last one out, a tiny piece of happiness reached for your chest, you could finally leave and go back home! after all, you deserve to rest after a long night of working hard and being throwing around by your own coworkers.
you made your way inside the bakery once again through the back doors, then after minutes of checking if everything was in place and changing clothes, you were ready to leave for tonight. you deserve a good rest after everything you went through.
a yawn came from your lips when you began walking away from the bakery, the cold weather of the night always welcomed you during the path back home and it’s nice to have the opportunity to admire the many starts upon the sky. it’s one of the few things you enjoy from working at the afternoon/night shift. looking at the sky never fails to amaze you after working on that stupid place.
becoming so bewildered by the stars always leaves you oblivious to your surroundings. and that makes it twice as easy to someone to just grab and steal you away from the world, am i right? you must be quite stupid to think that you are safe from the consequences of waking home in the middle of the night. don’t you know there will always someone who will try to hurt you? and you are, unfortunately, in this situation.
a pair of hands dragged you to the nearest alley, leaving no time to scream for help nor fight them as the attacker is way stronger than you. you put up a fight despite the little chances of escaping them as they pressed face against the concrete wall, making you unable to catch a glimpse of their face.
“w-what are you doing?”it’s a terrible decision to be talk the person who will probably kill you, but what option do you have? “leave me alone! i won’t tell anyone about this!”
then you hear *him* laughing and the familiar tone rang inside your head, it’s *the man*. the one who couldn’t respect your boundaries back when you were serving and the very same one who will be the reason of your death. your body tense up when his hands go through under your black shirt, trying to stay calm and to avoid any extra trouble from him.
you can feel the man breathing behind your back, getting too comfortable for your own good with his hands exploring the fabrics covering your body. if you don’t attack him now, then you won’t have another chance before things gets worse. before doing anything that could end with your life, you take a deep breath and let your instincts take the control of your body.
between the hands going through your clothing, ready to unzip the jacket away from your body, a small loophole in the man’s oversized confidence let you struggle against his arms and to finally get away from him, then slapping him on the face without hesitation. the loud bang from your action echoed through the alley, shattering the silence for a split second. then, before you could fully comprehend had happened, your body began moving on its own.
you didn’t stop running, not until you were blocks away from that alley, far from the dangerous man you hoped was still there. deep inside, you know he isn’t there anymore, that he is probably chasing you down and that is why you feel so helpless to go back home.
the tiredness is begging you to go back to the small apartment you live and share with the stray cat that comes around, but that would be the stupidest decision to do. the man is out there, ready to attack you at any moment and since he attacked in your way home, then he must know where you live.
it’s horrible that you can’t go back to your safe space to pretend that nothing happened and even more terrifying is that you realize that you aren’t in the streets anymore, rather you find yourself in front of a receptionist who handles a key to the room you’ve just rented for the night. her voice is almost unheard by you, but seeing how expression of worryingly on her face and her lips moved, she had asked if you are alright as you are standing in front of the balcony for more than you should.
“just tired, nothing special.” you managed to reply, gathering yourself to walk deep inside the hotel to find the room for tonight. “goodnight.”
stepping away from the balcony, you heard the receptionist telling you to rest well for the night which makes you feel a bit better than before, isn’t always that a stranger shows to care about an individual she knows nothing nor will ever see again. who couldn’t think that a simple interaction like this could make you feel more relaxed?
once you entered the room for the night, you locked the door and the windows, double checking to make sure that every way of entering is blocked from inside. even placing one of the chairs at the entrance to prevent anyone who has the key to enter, the chances of the man stealing the master key is low, but not zero.
after checking the windows and door is closed for tonight, you took off your shoes and layer down the bed and stared at the ceiling. the boring bulb up there is quickly turned off when you feel like you’re ready to sleep. with tiredness taking over, you fall asleep.
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you left the hotel in early morning. before the breakfast was served to the guests, but not earlier enough to avoid the receptionist who smiled and told you to visit always, even offering discounts if you stayed more than two days. a lovely lady, but you don’t wish to see her face anymore.
walking around the city to distract yourself, you decided to call work and asked if you could take a day or a week off to resolve ‘personal issues’ with family. as much you need to work to pay for the rent and basic things, you need to stay away from the bakery to make the man gives up on you or at least to give yourself a break from everything.
“sorry, mr. [l.name].” the voice on the phone sounded apathetic, but you had hope for a better ending. “but we can’t give you advanced vacation as some of the waiters were diagnosed with common cold in the last few weeks, so you have to come in the morning shift as well. but we can give you a rise on your salary though!”
damn it.
why is everything going against you? you were almost sexually assaulted yesterday night and you don’t have any option than going back to work at the place where you met him. things are getting worse by every second goes by, you desperately need to fix your life. but with little money in your pocket and no one to support your mental state, you have to go work.
to a bright side, there was no sign of the man inside the bakery nor has anyone dared to bother you during the morning shift. possible due to the lack of that usual smile on your face, instead a tired and anxious appearance takes over you, forcing you to wear a mask to continue to serve the clients. the excuse being that you are recovering from a common cold.
after long hours of working and trying to remain positive that nothing would go wrong, you are finally ready to leave. well, you were, until a last minute customer came in and asked to be served by you, specifically. you are exhausted, but you attempt to keep a pride appearance to serve that customer. even though, you secretly wish that a lightning would strike on him for being so stupid to come over when the bakery is almost closing for he night.
slowly, you approach the table. “good night. what can i do for you tonight?” if any of your coworkers heard you speak like this, they would definitely snitch to the owners about your ‘lacking professionalism’. “there is promotion if you order a slice of cake with any of the drinks of the menu. it would be only cost twelve bucks.”
the menu hid the face of the individual who remained in silence, not bothering to answer your questions. instead, they held the piece of paper closer to their face, one hand signaling for you to come closer. being a little bit curious, you moved closer to them, wanting to know more.
step by step, you approach the mysterious customer to find someone familiar smiling at you. it’s the man. this time his face carries an eyepatch on the left eye with a small cut under his lips, the result from the past encounter between you and him.
your heart almost stop beating when he grabs your hand, preventing you from stepping away from him. with the tiredness controlling your body, there is no chance that you can escape him nor you dare do with the few coworkers still around the bakery, you won’t want to make a scene to everyone to see.
“well, i think you should serve me with that promotion of yours.” he caresses your hand, not bothering if that makes you uncomfortable. “and your bosses told me that since i am an extremely value customer, they let me order for anything this place can offer. include you, [name].”
hearing him saying your name is horrible, it reminds you of a snake killing a prey after spending so long tormenting the animal. and as you know, you are the prey in the situation, incapable of doing anything than submitting to your fate.
the man gestures you to sit down next to him and you obey his commands, not bothering when he removes the mask from your face. the dark bags growing on your eyes and lack of energy is noticeable by him, yet he still admires that you are finally under his control as he always wanted.
“good boy.” he said. “i can already imagine the many things we need to do together after tonight. but first, let’s enjoy our time together in this beautiful bakery as you won’t need to return to work anymore.”
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@moonit3 . don’t repost it, don’t modify it, don’t plagiarize, translate it without my permission.
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chaossturns · 2 days
Hii!! can you do chris x f!reader where she posts on tiktok to the audio that goes “give bitch sum head or sum” and chris sees it and takes her up on it?? tag me if u do it pls!!
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synopsis: you filmed a tiktok to the sound “give a bitch sum head or sum” while Chris is filming but he sees it while he’s out, so what will happen when he comes home?
chris sturniolo x poc!reader
warnings: oral (fem!receiving) , use of pet names , swearing , face riding , slight fluff & aftercare , established relationship , and overstimulation
a/n: i loved writing this request so much, also thank you for 100 followers ! 👅
a/n: join the taglist , ts looking empty 🫡
word count: 1.5k
not proofread
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You were sitting at Chris’s desk, Tiktok sounds filling the emptiness of his room as you scrolled. Chris was currently out with his brothers filming a video, leaving you to be bored and alone.
While scrolling you stop on a video, the sound intriguing you. It was the beginning of the song “Slob on My Ckat” , the lyrics being “Give a bitch sum head or sum.”
You get up from Chris’s desk, walking into his bathroom and looking into the mirror. You place your phone on the counter, putting all your focus on your hair, fluffing it out a bit. You then pick up your phone, getting a good angle through the mirror.
As you film, you save some as drafts, and have different options to choose from. You finish up, heading to Chris’s bed, sitting up by the headboard.
While sitting there you start to go through the multiple takes, figuring out which one is posting worthy. You find the best video out of the bunch, captioning it, then posting it.
The fans knew you and Chris were together, so you got a lot of recognition on your Tiktok account. Some fans were not really fond of yours and Chris’s relationship, but it didn’t really bother you.
You get up from the bed and go upstairs, wanting a snack and a drink. Upon opening the fridge, your eyes wander throughout the various drink options. Lyrical lemonade decorating the shelves, along with pepsi, root beer, and water.
You grab a watermelon lyrical lemonade, going to the cabinets to get a bag of popcorn, and venture your way back down to Chris’s room.
Before sitting down on his bed, you grab his tv remote off his dresser, thinking about what to watch. You pick out the movie “Get Out” by Jordan Peele. The movie proceeds, but your phone is blowing up with notifications from Tiktok
Opening the app, your notification box is filled with likes and comments. You go and view your Tiktok, reading some of the comments as well.
likes: 106.4k Comments: 10.1k Shares: 120
@ christophersturniolo
- 👀
@ lucy50
- omg you’re so pretty 😍
@ sturniolofan111
@ spam.jess
- lord chris is lucky 😩
You took notice of Chris’s like and comment, not thinking much of it since it was normal for him to do so. Getting more comfortable under his covers, you put your phone down and regain your focus on the movie.
Me, Matt, and Nick were out filming a video. Nick’s timer had gone off, meaning we had to reset the camera. While doing so, I opened Tiktok, browsing through my following.
I came across my girlfriends video, listening to the audio, and smirking to myself. I liked and commented as usual, looking at how good she looked. An idea came to my head, now wanting to hurry up and get home.
Matt bangs on the window, telling me to look up from my phone and face the camera.
“Chris and Nick look towards me!” Matt yells, his voice slightly muffled since he’s outside. Me and Nick just look at each other, wondering where such anger came from.
Matt then walks to the driver side, getting into the car, and fixing his hair while doing so.
“So where were we?” Nick asks, wanting to get back on track with the video. I left him unanswered, impatiently wanting to go home.
We talked for about 10 more minutes before putting the camera up and making our way towards our apartment. I texted my girlfriend that we were on the way home, placing my phone in my lap, and glancing out the car window.
You get a notification on your phone, causing you to jump as you were absorbed into the movie. The text was from Chris saying he was on his way home. You grab the remote and pause the movie, getting up and using the bathroom.
Coming out of the bathroom, you collect your trash, and throw it away in the trash can in Chris’s room. You lay back down in the bed, grabbing your phone and scrolling through instagram.
A couple of minutes later you hear the garage door open and close, signifying the triplets were back home. You continue to be on your phone, waiting for Chris to come into his room.
You hear his bedroom door open and shut, footsteps coming closer to the bed. You look up from your phone and smile at Chris, getting out of bed, and giving him a hug.
“I’ve missed you too mama.” Chris says, gripping that back of your thighs, and hoisting them around his waist. You press a kiss to his lips, Chris using his free hand to grasp around your neck.
You pull away, smiling as you climb out of his arms. Turning away from Chris, you plop back onto the bed. But Chris doesn’t come and lay down he just stares at you, his blue eyes becoming intoxicating.
“Chris, why are you looking at me like that?” You question him, he just smirks and comes closer to the bed.
“Y’know I saw your video right?” He asks, you slowly nod, trying to understand the connection between this. He grabs onto your ankles, pulling you even closer to him.
“Chris what are you doing?” you ask, becoming flustered from all of this.
“Hmm, how did the audio go?” he taps his index finger against chin, making it seem like he’s deeply pondering about something. “Give a bitch sum head or sum?” He asks again, causing you to finally understand what’s going on.
Chris is now on his knees at the foot of the bed, stripping you of your jean shorts, leaving you in your pink laced underwear. He opens your thighs, peppering kisses to the left and right, slowly moving closer to the clothed cunt.
You sigh out, enjoying the feeling of his lips dancing across your thighs. You begin squirming as his lips get closer to your core, making Chris grip onto your hips to prevent you from doing so.
Chris plants a hot, wet kiss upon your covered clit. You whimper out, just wanting Chris’s lips on your leaking core.
“Please Chris.” you whine out, looking down at him between your thighs.
“What do you want, baby?” He asks, now sucking on the inside of your thighs, creating hickeys.
“I need your mouth against me please.” you say, sifting your fingers through his brunette locks. Chris then proceeds to peel your underwear off of you, stuffing them into his pocket.
His lips finally attach to you core, you dragging out a loud moan from your throat. Chris’s tongue leaves long licks to your slit, slipping it into your soaked hole from time to time.
“Oh, shit Chris.” you yank his hair that’s tangled in between your fingers , resulting in him groaning out into your pussy. Chris then begins to suck on your clit, the knot in your stomach becoming more apparent.
You rock your hips into Chris’s face, his nose hitting your sensitive bud every time you do so.
“Mmm, Chris i’m close.” you sigh out, Chris now increasing the speed of his tongue.
“Cmon, give it to me mama.” Chris mumbles into you, making a rush of pleasure cascade over your body as you cum.
Chris doesn’t give you time to rest, he gets up from his kneeling position, lays his head by the head board, and pulls you over his mouth.
You feel his mouth enclose around your dripping cunt, your hand automatically gripping the headboard due the vast amount of pleasure. Chris moves his hands around your hips, tightly holding onto them as he moves them against his face.
“Fuck Chris!” you say, a moan flowing from your mouth. You throw your head back, leaving your mouth agape, overwhelmed by all of this.
“Is it too much baby?” he asks, you whine out in response. The sound of Chris slurping up your juices filled your ears, driving you completely overboard.
“C-c-can’t take it anymore Chris.” you say, slightly lifting your hips away from Chris’ lips. He then goes to wrap his arms around your thighs, keeping you trapped above his mouth.
“You taste so fucking good, just give me one more please?” he asks, continuing his torturous assault on your pussy. You collect his hair back into your hand, moans and whimpers leaving your lips as your second orgasm begins to take over.
Your breathing becomes heavy, now releasing your cum all over Chris’ face. He cleans you up, not leaving any left over cum.
You fall to the side of Chris, looking into his face and giving him a lazy smile as you see your juices glistening off him in the light. He gets up, grabs a warm towel, and cleans off your thighs.
He then grabs another pair of your underwear and one of his hoodies, and puts them on you. You slide underneath the covers, your body sore. Chris then comes next to you, wrapping your legs around his waist as you snuggle into his neck.
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for - @ellaynaa 🔥
tags: @mattslolita @muwapsturniolo @luverboychris @sturnsslut @bigbeefybitch @rileysturniolo @itsnotmariahh @summerssover @l0ver-i @thenickgirl
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eiluned · 2 days
Fic: Dangerous [BG3; Astarion/Tav, Explicit]
by eiluned
Read on AO3
Summary: It grows in his mind, the thought of coming inside her. What would it feel like to let go, to lose control in the sweet heat of her body?
Tags: Astarion/Tav, porn with feelings, mild CW for Astarion briefly thinking about his sexual trauma.
Notes: The continuing smutty adventures of Tavriel and Astarion. This one's set in act 1. Thanks to Amanda for the beta read!
If you're new to my stuff, Tavriel is my high elf bard, and I'm slowly writing up her romance with Astarion (and later, their romance with Halsin).
Comments encourage me to write faster. I'd love to hear what you think!
The first time he fucks Tavriel, he's shocked to find himself enjoying it.
He's fucked or been fucked by hundreds. Sex is rote, repetitive, something to tolerate, something he has to do so he won't have to be whipped or locked in a crypt or otherwise tortured. The physical pleasure is there sometimes, but it's usually not enough to overcome the distaste or revulsion or sheer boringness of it all.
But Tav is playful, teasing, seductive in a way he's not used to being on the receiving end of. And she's objectively attractive, with her beautiful face and striking green eyes and the soft curls of black hair streaked through with wine-purple, the surprising curves of her petite body and the fullness of her breasts. It's no real chore to sleep with her, to use sex to ingratiate himself with her, but he wasn't expecting to get swept up in the pleasure of it.
She rolls them over, spreading her legs so he can settle between them, and her moan as he drives his cock back into her makes pleasure twist up at the base of his spine. Her hips lift to meet his thrusts, and her hands slide up his chest, fingertips teasing his nipples. Her body is hot, and his own soaks up that warmth so that it feels a bit like standing in the sun when he presses himself against her fully.
With a smile that curls one side of her lush mouth, she lifts her chin, baring her neck in a blatant invitation. And how can he say no? She offers herself so sweetly, so fully, and he can't resist.
Her breath hitches in her throat when his fangs pierce her skin, and her cunt tightens around him as he draws blood from the little wounds into his mouth. Heat floods his body with the first taste of her, and oh, but she tastes different than the last time he drank from her, richer, more luscious. He knows she gets aroused when he bites her; he can hear her heartbeat change, smell it on the air, but he hadn't realized that he could taste it in her blood. It was sweet, the flavor of her desire, a smaller component of her taste before but now it overwhelms him, bursting on his tongue like honeyed wine.
She shudders, grinding against him with a cry as she suddenly comes, and just as suddenly, all the pleasure that had been coiling up inside him unwinds.
Gasping, he rises onto his knees, pulling out of her a split second before an orgasm rips through him. It's shocking how good it feels, especially when her warm hand wraps around his cock, stroking him as he spurts seed onto her belly and breasts.
He can't remember the last time he came so hard, the last time he let himself be overwhelmed like this. It feels dangerous, but it's too good for him to care in that moment.
"Couldn't get enough?"
Her voice is a purr, her clever hands unlacing his trousers, and she smirks at him when he arches into her touch.
He's supposed to be in control here, but his body responds to her without his brain's input. And that's dangerous, so he catches her wrists and puts them behind her back before kissing her hard.
He can't lose control again, not if he wants to keep the scales balanced in his favor.
But her body is warm and pliant, breasts molding to the shape of his hands, her cunt wet and hot. He fucks her on her hands and knees, working her clit with his fingers until she comes with a hoarse moan.
And he's there just as suddenly as the last time, pulling out and coming on her back.
It's dangerous, but it's so good that he doesn't want to stop. He wants more.
It grows in his mind, the thought of coming inside her. What would it feel like to let go, to lose control in the sweet heat of her body? To watch her walk back to camp and know his cum is soaking her underclothes? 
He's never come inside anyone, not that he can remember. He never wanted to; it would have felt like he was giving too much of himself. It was his one way of maintaining his sense of self while out doing Cazador's bidding.
But he isn't doing that bastard's bidding now. He is fucking Tavriel because he wants to. Because it will ensure that she will have his back when the time comes. Because it feels good, even muddled up with all the pain and guilt that he can't seem to escape. Because he wants her.
And he wants to know how it feels to come inside of her.
The thought becomes an obsession, one that he only entertains in the privacy of his tent, his cock in his hand and his eyes clenched shut, thinking of nothing but her: the heat of her body, the softness of her skin, the scent of her hair. Her throaty gasps, the way she moans his name when she comes…
He remembers how it feels to sink into her cunt, how wet with desire she is, how wet she gets for him. The clenching, rippling feel of her climax, the way she clutches at his back or his arms or his ass as she writhes against him. He imagines how it would feel to drive his cock deep and let go, to spill inside the grasping, delicious heat of her body. 
He bites back a gasp and comes, hips bucking, heels digging into his bedroll, his seed splattering in ropes onto his chest. 
Emotions roil in his head, but he doesn't want to deal with them. He has a plan; he'll stick to it.
He wipes himself clean and stares at the ceiling of his tent.
She’s bent forward, hands gripping the cave wall, as he fucks her from behind. Her skin glows with a sheen of sweat in the lantern light, warm like sunlight in the depths of the Underdark, and he feels desire winding up tight in his body.
“Gods, yes,” she breathes, arching her back and thrusting against him. “Astarion…”
Her hand is working between her legs, and he can feel the tension building again in her body. He’s already made her come on his tongue–he tries to not think about how delicious she tastes when she loses control against his mouth–and it’s clear she wants to come on his cock, too. 
And gods, but he wants to come with her, to come inside her, to fill her up while she shudders around him. This isn’t part of his plan, but to the hells with the plan. He’s so wrapped up in her body, in her, in her pleasure and his own, that he forgets himself. 
Brushing her hand aside, he strokes her clit firmly, driving into her sweet cunt. “Fuck,” she gasps, pressing her back against his chest. “Yes…”
“I want to come inside you,” he groans against her ear, his hips snapping against her ass, one hand working her closer to her peak while his other arm snakes around her torso, grasping her breast. 
She makes a soft sound, a little “oh” of surprise. Her cunt starts to flutter around him, and gods, he’s so close, too. “Please, Tav,” he moans, grinding her body between his cock and his fingertips. “Please let me come inside you, please, please–“
“Yes,” she gasps, her hands clutching at his forearms.
She cries out as pleasure overwhelms her, shuddering in his arms, and he follows her into oblivion, his own body wracked with ecstasy the likes of which he hasn’t felt in centuries. His cock jerks, spilling his seed as deep inside of her as he can possibly go. Her cunt squeezes him, milking him, their bodies spasming together until every last drop of pleasure is wrung from them. 
They stay like that for a long moment, clutching and grasping at each other, until her legs start to shake with strain. She lets out a throaty little laugh as he pulls out, bracing herself against the rock as she catches her breath. “Fuck, Astarion,” she says breathlessly, giving him a sly grin over her shoulder. “That was incredible.”
He can see his cum starting to slide down the inside of her thighs, and it sends a jolt of desire through his already-sated body. And a strange feeling, too, one that’s unfamiliar but nearly overwhelming. Possessiveness?
He’s startled by the intensity of it, the way seeing his seed between her legs makes him want to yank her into his arms and never let her go, to take her over and over and listen to her cry out his name.
"You know," she says, turning to him, sweat gleaming on her naked body, "I like it when you say please."
"Oh gods," he groans with a roll of his eyes, embarrassed, but he can't turn away because she's sliding her hands up his chest, pressing her lips to his.
He sighs into her kiss, soaking in the warmth of her body as she insinuates herself into his arms. "You beg very nicely," she murmurs, a smirk curling her lips.
"If you ever tell anyone about that, I will knife you in your sleep," he murmurs back, taking two handfuls of her ass and pulling her against his swiftly reawakening erection, drowning in her kiss and her body and her teasing affection.
This is dangerous; he knows it, but somehow the sound of her laughter and the feel of her body are so good that he just doesn't care.
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GOD chapter 59 was SO GOOD n i have a lot to say so sending an ask instead of leaving it on the post.
i /love/ when you make things hyper detailed, because your shading techniques are so much fun to sit n stare at and soak in for a while. that being said, the coloring of the wine spilling is what does it for me this time. it still would have been really cool in bw, but not as cool as seeing all the shades of red over the dark blue bg. you did the glass really well too!! I don't think there's a noticeable difference between the wine color inside and outside the glass which is fine bc it's clear, so it RLY makes me appreciate the lighting you have around the glass rim to show the edge in contrast. that tiny little detail makes the image for me. stellar work. i love it
also i do wanna throw in appreciation for the handwritten serif. super well done at first glance it did look like you'd jus typed it out. idk what texture you have on the brush you use for words but it's rly nice to look at up close.
i think the color kinda tipped me off but i waffled bc i couldn't remember if either of his parents spoke in serif font and was a bit daunted to dig thru 50+ chapters to confirm who it was if it didn't turn out to be them. i'm glad i looked at your tags tho haha saved me the trouble. what a way to end the act too!! i read this one on my phone and was scrolling thru the images at full size and after four or so i kept expecting it to cut off. it was a very pleasant surprise to have it keep going, worth the wait to have a longer chapter :)
maybe it jus wasn't meant to be a la sabo getting the letter from sally. it might have to be stelly after all tho there are things that come before then. what a bad time to have one or both of his parents speak to him for the first time that night. oof can't wait for the next act lets goooo
Oh wowww what a beautifully long review!
Thanks so much im glad you like how it turned out, i’m really happy with it, too! Ive never drawn fluids like this before, but i really needed this page to have that extra kick because it was such a short one.
Because i couldnt figure out how to make this moment look slow mo with multiple different panels on one page, I really wanted to make a piece that is like,, frozen in time instead.
A page like this, you can keep on it as long as you’d like. You can make it as slow mo as you want it to be.
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The serif lettering is that of outlook’s!
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I dont know if you can see the difference between this and my usual handwriting, but it’s supposed to look taller. Higher up. Neater. Cleaner. (Still my handwriting though so like so actually neat or clean, but you know like,,, in comparison to the norm.)
His dad only talks in one scene, and his mother has never said anything yet, so i dont blame you if you couldnt find it. In my. Large repertoire of chapters ive accumulated.
I definitely felt the same about the pages when drawing them. But probably the opposite feeling lol. Mine was more like “ugh i forgot theres so many. How many more of these do I have to get through??? How did i do this the first act ending with 11 pages???”
Im so glad you guys are on the edge of your seats with the letter :)
Thanks for the ask!
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thehollowwriter · 1 day
I thought this would be smt fun to post the night before Silas' birthday XD. Blame @the-trinket-witch who was inspired by my Finn shitpost/j
Silas Clearcove x Reader HCs
•Firstly you're going to have to be at least 40 because Silas views young adults as kids, and the idea of dating them is out of the question
•You'll need to have tough skin because Silas is blunt and to the point. He's not purposefully cruel or mean, but he doesn't see the point in tip toeing around things and trying to soften the blow
•Don't be clingy. He's busy, so you won't see him as often as you may like, and he's not very talkative either. He won't ignore you, of course, but he's a man of few words, and if you're chatty, you'll have to carry most of the conversation.
•Don't think he's ignoring you, though. He listens carefully to every word you say and is genuinely interested in what you have to say, even if it's as mundane as accidentally dropping your toothbrush while brushing your teeth or something
•Finn has to like you. It's like a major requirement. Not only has he sat through enough drama in relation to stepparents with Morrigan's family to last a lifetime, but he's simply not going to make Finn go through that
•So yeah, he makes it quite clear that you're second to Finn priority wise and be does not sugar coat it
•Other than that, your gender, species, etc doesn't matter at all to him
•It's impossible to tell if he's interested in you romantically because he acts the exact same as he usually does unless you initiate some form of flirting first, and if he catches on his flirting is a bit weird
•He's pretty to the point, just like Finn, except all he does is give you a courting gift, and if you aren't merfolk, he probably forgets you don't know what that means lmao. But he will clarify after he realises you don't get it
•Silas isn't lovey dovey in the conventional sense, but he loves deeply and fiercely and holds you in high regard
•He's protective and will absolutely kill for you, no questions asked. As long as you're safe, he's happy.
•He gives you things he's found or made that he thinks are interesting or useful, usually weapons
•You will be given lots of food and you will eat it. Nah, he'll just eat it if you don't want it
•This man does not believe in wasting anything, and if there's something you don't want to use anymore, he'll probably find some kind of use for it. There are very few things he can't reuse
•Doesn't mind getting into tussles with you at all and would be quite delighted if you are willing to
•He's paranoid, though he hides it well and frequently checks up on you to make sure you're aliv- *ahem* doing ok
•His toxic trait is that he will compare you to Morrigan internally. He doesn't do it on purpose, but it's a bad habit
•He doesn't take off Morrigan's courting gift either and that might cause some... issues if you have a problem with that
•You'll have to be chill with a lot of things because Silas is by no means morally ok and he does a lot of fucked up shit
•Silas is very loyal and supportive and if there's something you want to achieve he'll help to the best of his ability
•He takes immense interest in your culture and home and will pester you with questions about it
* * *
This started as a joke what happened 😭
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind
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sleepdeprivedweeblol · 6 months
If you see any random Si lore drop in my tags feel free to ignore it!
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lucabyte · 4 months
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you dream of devouring your friends whole
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surreal-duck · 9 days
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master artist and his number one fan
guy who is being so normal about the new additions to their profiles. i think abt midoris initial infatuation with his art slowly developing into appreciating yuzuru himself as a person and idol to the point he worries about how he sees him (ex: a bit of home party and in workplace survival rules) sometimes thats a lie i think about it a lot. and yuzuru learning to enjoy art just for the sake of drawing!! seeing the lets try diy story where he doesnt even refute drawing on midoris desk and was only worried that his doodles might cover up the mascot design compared to how discouraged he usually would be in earlier ! stories. everything to me i adore their dynamic if that wasnt obvious by *gestures to basically everything*
and happy pride month 🏳‍🌈
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feroluce · 8 months
Hello!! I came here because I was informed you had some Wriowinne headcanons and ramblings to share? Would it be alright for me to ask for some 👉👈 (or as much as you want to share please I'm desperate for food)
I feel you anon, I've been shipping them like...since the PV. So I've been stuck in utter absolute hell, getting nothing but father&daughter content from the fandom (shoutout to @hydrachea for being able to dual wield and letting me talk ship to her, light of my life fr weh). I'm hoping now that 4.1 has been out for a little bit, we'll get some more of them, though. I've dug through our dms, and found a hc that takes place after 4.1. So spoilers for that archon quest, but no leaks are involved!
Anyway, I love thinking about how close they cut it at the climax of 4.1, and the aftermath of it all.
Sigewinne somehow finding out what happened down there at the bottom of Meropide while she was evacuating the inmates, and like. She knows what the stakes were. The Primordial Seawater could not be allowed to rise. Clorinde made the right decision in shooting the gate lock. Even if it had killed Wriothesley, it still would have been the right decision.
That doesn't mean it's not a bitter pill to swallow.
Sigewinne can usually put it out of mind during the day, especially when she's busy treating patients, but it's harder when she's asleep. She dreams of the evacuation, and the alarm blaring, and waiting and waiting and waiting, and Clorinde walking past, alone, with her head down and her fists shaking, until Neuvilette finally approaches. Wriothesley isn't with him.
And Neuvilette's face doesn't really show much. It never does. But Sigewinne is close enough to the surface that she can hear the absolute downpour raging outside as Neuvilette tells her that he's sorry, he's so so sorry, and he gives her a gray and black and red coat, so soaked through with Primordial Seawater that he'd been afraid to let anyone else touch it, and the fur collar is matted and wet against Sigewinne's face when she clutches it close-
Sigewinne jolts awake, grasping at whatever is in her reach, which just happens to include Wriothesley's arm. His eyes almost immediately fly open, slurring out a mix of what's goin' on and what's wrong, and then a do we need to evacuate and poor Sigewinne, she feels awful. He hasn't been sleeping as well since the almost-flood, every little sound wakes him up now.
(There are nights where she'll wake up alone, and if she goes looking, she'll find Wriothesley, still in his sleep clothes and looking exhausted, down under their secret passage and staring at Neuvilette's seal over the sluice gate. Like he's keeping watch over it, or just daring it to try and do something.
Whenever she finds him like this, Sigewinne tells him to come on, come back to bed, and he'll keep his eye on it until the last possible second, but generally Wriothesley comes when called, and he'll let her lead him away. On his worse nights, he'll tell her to go back without him, he can't sleep anyway, he's going to stay down here for just a little while longer. He'll be back later. And she does occasionally go back to bed, but most of the time she stays, because she doesn't like the idea of him alone down there. Sigewinne will tuck herself into his side, or she'll get him to relax his guard just enough to lay with his head in her lap, and they'll stay there like that until Wriothesley finally decides he can bear to leave it alone and go back to bed with her.)
So with all that in mind, when she accidentally wakes him up, Sigewinne quickly gets her breathing back under control and pets his hair until he relaxes again. She tells him it's fine, everything is ok. Meropide is safe. Their home and everyone in it is safe. Go back to sleep. He needs his rest if he's going to go up to the overworld for supplies in the morning. She'll go sleep in the infirmary, she just had a nightmare, is all (the truth), it was nothing, she barely even remembers it anymore (a lie).
Sigewinne doesn't even make it out of bed, though, because when she tries to go, she finds her wrist suddenly caught. She turns back and Wriothesley is squinting up at her face, human night vision isn't nearly as good as a Mélusine's. They sit there like that for a moment, until she can see through the expression on his face that he's come to some sort of decision. Wriothesley pulls her back in and Sigewinne lets him, lets him rearrange them into something more comfortable. It's easy to give up when it's him, she didn't truly want to leave anyway. By the time he makes a satisfied little huff into her hair, Sigewinne is tucked under his chin, her face against his chest, one arm wrapped around her to keep her there. She pats his side and tells him ok, ok, she gets it. She won't go anywhere.
Wriothesley buries his face in her hair and sighs at that, something deeper and more content that hilariously reminds Sigewinne of a dog asleep on the floor. "Good." Wriothesley sounds like he's already half-asleep again. His arm still tightens around her waist though, just to make a point. "How could I sleep, when I know you're off somewhere crying alone?"
Sigewinne touches her cheek, and sure enough, it's wet? She has tear tracks. No wonder Wriothesley had been staring at her so hard. She hadn't even realized. And she opens her mouth to protest because she wasn't crying, some tears in her sleep doesn't count, but. Wriothesley is already asleep again, breathing slow and deep and even, and his arm is heavy and warm around her, and his sleep shirt is soft and comfortable against her face, not at all like the fur-collared coat in her dreams.
Sigewinne gives in again, curls into all that warmth and wraps herself up in it, until it lulls her back to sleep.
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suffarustuffaru · 9 months
Just wanted to say thank you for the ottosuba posting you've done lately. The English speaking fandom is absolutely barren with Otto content, let alone ottosuba content. So to have someone as awesome about it as you post via Tumblr posts, fanfic, fanart, etc. on a good(-ish) website like Tumblr is like finding a diamond in the rough. Anyhow, looking forward to any future ottosuba content from you!
anon you made my day fr these are very high compliments T^T <3 i appreciate it a lot pfft a part of me is always like "I CANT REVEAL HOW MUCH MY BRAIN IS ROTTING OVER THESE CHARACTERS..." bc i get a little embarassed a little shy bc what if i am posting the same things too much...??? but then i simultaneously go "lol my blog my rules anyway im gonna make a gazillion billion content *clicks post*" which is how all the otto and ottosuba content gets churned out alsdflj. especially bc - like you said - the english speaking fandom is a BARREN DESERT when it comes to otto and ottosuba content T^TT ive been thinking about it lately bc they seem to be a lot more popular in the japanese speaking fandom i think, but theres next to Nothing with the english speaking fandom :o interesting difference there.
but regardless :o yeah i keep making otto and ottosuba content bc i am in Desperate need of it... its a desert and i gotta feed myself too HAH theyve always been interesting to me but in the years ive been into rezero that Interest has skyrocketed bc of all the interesting developments pfft (and also the lack of english fancontent for them HAH). i just think theyre so underrated in the english fandom.... thank you for liking my stuff anon <3 :DD
#ask#also you made me remember that ive been otto(suba) posting in like so many mediums lajdfljsl#i ended up sneaking a bit of meta into these tags oops aljsdfljsf but.#also i just think otto and ottosubas feralness is super interesting and my taste in characters totally isnt predictable (i say this as a p#five shuake fan also. cries.) but also like. people in the english speaking side of the fandom dismiss otto a lot which is interesting to m#like its u know that typical fandom tendency to sometimes only see characters for how they look on the surface. and its also interesting b#ive also been seeing a few people like. almost kind of miss how toxic ottos being in arc 8??? and also ottos general. subaru obsession#things yeah. like why do people miss this stuff??? he literally says his reason for being / existence is to oppose subaru??? what sane#person does that lajdslfjsldfj what sane person is so ride or die theyd rather leave a whole country + their bffs daughter figure to die??#what sane person manipulates all their friends in order to save them??? understandable motive but literally insane lajsdlfjsld#yeah so anyway im super curious on why english vs japanese fandom have different attitudes towards otto and ottosuba HAH#being an emilia otto AND astrea fan is so weird bc people are so kind with the astreas usually and then being an emilia fan means suffering#through all the sexism and then being an otto fan is just going “YOU GUYS WERE FOOLED BY HIS SOFT BOY AESTHETICS???” and begging people to#remember that he cares about subaru. but that goes for many emilia camp members treatment in fanon.#and also yeah being a fan of almost any character in this fandom is suffering i think alsjdfljsd#granted i was also fooled by the soft boy aesthetics but that was way back when okay. i know now. hes my silly fucked up little guy now HAH
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wowitsverycool · 2 years
sometimes i really vibe with disco elysiums brief moments of quiet apathetic misery that are distinctly intimate in the way they cradle you with melancholy’s ice cold hands. you almost want to savor the despair, pull it over you and be consumed by that awful, beautiful feeling of hopelessness. regret can taste so good. it’s a place other than the future, past, or present -- a realm of its own. time moves on, always ticking, travelling down one road forever, but here there is only sinking. to the depths of water you fall, the sound of rushing water so hypnotic and suffocating. a sensation in the back of your neck, the relaxing weight of resignation. as you’re anchored to the bottom, your mind detaches and floats to the surface. fine. you don’t need that here anyway. you don’t think, you only suffer. all that awaits you here is suffering. isnt it wonderful that you can predict everything here perfectly? there are no variables, just a buzzing in your chest aided by your concrete-filled lungs. it’s like they’re glowing. you once swam through your thoughts, but now you sink like a rock. she floats above it all, of course she does. she peers into the water and her reflection fragments in the waves. she can’t even see you. she would look away anyway. oh, beautiful, beautiful suffering, never leave me. all i have left is what you take from me.
that’s what it feels like to me anyway lol haha!!
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ranvwoop · 4 months
its wallowing hours! again.
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throttlegainwell · 5 months
So while I'm going over my fics from last year for continuity (mostly emotional continuity), it occurs to me that, actually, it's not as obvious as I thought it would be how many I wrote with a terrible (but not debilitating) migraine while my neighbors were throwing wall-shaking, drunk-screaming assaults of sound they call parties. I thought it would be! But aside from some typos/formatting stuff and some awkward sentences that I'd have caught in a second pass... it's actually not bad. I'm pleased.
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catastrxblues · 5 months
great i think i’ve finally caught a hint of a cold. my question is, where the fuck were you a month ago, when i could actually afford to take a day off?????
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technicalthinker · 1 year
I haven't even rewatched Rogue One yet but I realise I am still so incredibly emotionally compromised by the ending, specifically the ending Cassian and Jyn scenes. Seeing gifs, bits of it in edits or just thinking about it gets to me and god I rly need to rant about it and explore why (under the cut bc it got long lmao, warning for rogue one spoilers obv if you haven't seen it)
This breakdown is mostly from memory so I've prob misremembered details that is gonna ruin me on a rewatch.
Like ofc we have all the baggage of the entire movie, their conflict and the way they've connected in the background. But I think it's how in the end they're both battered and bruised. They're worn down, struggled to reach this point, and at the end Cassian managed to get up there to save Jyn with his last strength. It is all just scrambling for a win, giving it all they got to just do this one thing (the way everyone on their team has sacrificed themselves to get them here really just enforces that)
And then the moment in the elevator is just... not a word said but it gets me because it's so vulnerable. Both these characters have hard exteriors that they project to the world but in that moment they just look at each other with so much emotion and love. Cassians look especially is just so tired and yet love and admiration for Jyn. The performances here rly are.. it hits me. It's also physically intimate but in a way that just feels calm, soft, like they're resting. And it hits the feeling of, the realisation that exists between the characters from here on out "oh maybe we could've been something-".
and then out on the beach, they're proud. "do you think anybody's listening?". and the thing is, we know SOMEONE IS LISTENING. they did win. this isn't a tragedy of them trying and still failing, they've completed their mission. and they don't know it, but we do, they've saved the galaxy. because they decided to hope and love and do the right thing.
But the tragedy is that they're not going to make it. The fight is over. They're not going to survive this, but there is no fight left to take. They've done enough fighting, so for them to in the end face something so unavoidable is almost peaceful you know? The fact that they get to face the end together is beautiful, but that they have to die at all is so damn unfair. The comfort they share, the support, and god I think Diego Luna summed it up pretty well in the clip that "that hug represents everything that could have been but didn’t happen" ( x ). And so it is sad to mourn what they're losing, that they don't get to live in the galaxy they've saved. They don't get to see the end of the rebellion.
So in the end there's sadness between them as well, sadness and fear of the end, but they hold each other and find comfort in the other. Both emotional, but also as a reminder that they did win this together. Once again, the performances and the shots and everything is just beautiful. It is soft, intimate and the last closeups of their faces as they just hold the other will be stuck in my brain forever.
So in summary, I think the reason why it gets to me, that I'm feeling when typing this out, is that there is this blend of so many different emotions happening in this one sequence. This is also why I've been struggling with grasping it, because there's so much at the same time that captures different things from the human experience.
The vulnerability they dare to share with each other, the pride of winning, the fact that instead of doubt they embrace the hope of their rebellion! But then the sadness and sorrow of what could've been, fear of what to come, but also the comfort of having each other, having shared this experience and saved the galaxy. It is both that we feel what the characters are experiencing, but for the viewers that know they're faith isn't misplaces, that light will prevail, that someone is listening, that really just hits it home for me.
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kimtaegis · 1 year
👋 2022
#I won’t go into detail about real life except that it was. well. a Trip#learned some things went through things. the year of baby steps I guess#BUT I wanna write some thoughts about my 2022 tumblr experience down#it was… also quite a Trip#positive first: learned to stay off this site when necessary! very important mental-health wise#my most used tag this year was my track tag! shoutout to everyone who’s been using it#you bring me much joy by sharing your creations with me. I appreciate it 🤍#another shoutout to all the incredibly lovely people who’ve come to my inbox this year#I’ve been very lucky in that regard. 98% of my anons have been the kindest sweetest most eloquent people#and I’m happy to have been able to have super interesting thoughtful and respectful discussions from time to time#okay what else. oh HIGHLIGHT of my year here – my birthday ADFFGHJ#I felt so so so spoiled and couldn’t (still can’t) believe the amount of spectacular gif(t)s I got. made me feel stupidly happy oh my god#I learned a lot of new skills and techniques for gfx making. kept experimenting with different styles which has been fun!#gif making has turned more into a relaxing activity than something that makes me feel pressured and anxious#I dialed it down a bit compared to last year and I think that was a good decision as well#as for not so positive things. well.#of course there are the usual/ general ‘complaints’ like lack in interaction and the like#got my first proper anon hate in November. that was something#HUGE lesson I learned this year: just because someone states in their bio that they’re adults doesn’t mean they act like ones <3#people can be very childish ruthless and simply not worth one’s effort#and a last thing that fits quite well to that: 9 out of 10 people do not care about you. not about your time and effort you put in content#not about whether you’re online or not. not about how you might feel when they say and do certain things#I think I need to learn how to embrace this kind of insignificance. be more audacious. find validation within myself#okay I’ll stop now#I wanna say thank you to all the lovely people who made this year on tumblr more enjoyable and who truly brighten the place up for me#I love you lots and wish you all the best for 2023#it’s gonna be a hard year for me with lots of challenges and changes#and it’s nice to have this little space here where you can escape to from time to time#mwah. smooches to all of you. happy new year <3
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