tracyfance · 1 year
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There's More To Reiki Than You Think
Welcome, dear readers, to a captivating journey into the world of Reiki, an ancient healing practice that's been around since the 1880's, it transcends conventional boundaries. As a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and an Angel Reiki Master/Teacher, I teach Reiki to so many students, year on year, this year it seems to be particularly popular, it's for this reason that I'm excited to share with you the profound wisdom and versatile applications of this transformative energy therapy.
Understanding Reiki's Essence:
At its core, Reiki is a gentle yet powerful healing modality that originated in Japan. The word "Reiki" can be translated as "universal life force energy" (rei meaning universal, and ki representing life force energy). This practice operates on the belief that life force energy flows through all living beings, and disruptions in this energy can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. Remember we're all energy, everything is energy, which includes your thoughts.
How Reiki Works:
The Reiki practitioner acts as a channel for the universal life force energy. During a Reiki session, the recipient remains fully clothed and lies comfortably on a massage table or sits in a chair. The practitioner places their hands gently on or above specific areas of the recipient's body, allowing the energy to flow through them and into the recipient.
Reiki energy intuitively travels to the areas where it is most needed, helping to clear blockages, restore balance, and stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. It promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and encourages holistic well-being. The experience is often described as soothing, warm, and peaceful.
Expanding the Horizons of Reiki:
Beyond the traditional Reiki session, this versatile healing practice extends its reach into various aspects of our lives. Let's explore some remarkable uses of Reiki beyond the boundaries of a typical session.
Healing Others:
Many of my students decide to learn Reiki because they want to give it to their children, especially if their children have neurodivergent conditions such as:
Tourette's Syndrome
Self-Healing and Self-Care:
Reiki empowers individuals to become active participants in their own healing journey. By learning and practising Reiki techniques, you can tap into its energy whenever you need it. Regular self-Reiki can alleviate stress, promote emotional well-being, and enhance self-awareness, it also improves sleep.
Enhancing Other Therapies:
Reiki beautifully complements other holistic therapies and conventional medical treatments. Its calming influence can enhance the effectiveness of therapies such as massage, acupuncture, counselling, and more. By incorporating Reiki into your existing practices, you can create a harmonious blend of modalities that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit. I have students who use it within a reflexology session or after giving a tarot reading, or during a facial, I use it within my hypnotherapy & NLP sessions to boost the healing for the issue we have worked on. The NHS use it within hospitals to help cancer patients as do some hospices so they can relieve the suffering of those who are end of life.
 Animal and Plant Healing:
Reiki's healing potential extends beyond human beings. Animals, whether domestic or wild, can benefit from the soothing and balancing effects of Reiki, many of my students train in Reiki to help their pets, I also have students who specialise in equestrian healing, work in animal shelters or sanctuaries etc. It can help alleviate anxiety, promote recovery from illness or injury, and strengthen the bond between humans and animals. Reiki can also be directed towards plants, supporting their growth and vitality which is perfect if you grow your own vegetables or herbs.
Cleansing Spaces and Objects:
Reiki energy can be channelled to clear stagnant or negative energy from physical spaces, such as homes or workplaces, if I am going to a client I will often send Reiki ahead of time to cleanse the space but I also use it for spaces where I hold workshops or events. By utilising specific Reiki symbols and intentions, practitioners can infuse spaces with positive energy, enhancing harmony and creating a serene environment. Additionally, Reiki can be used to cleanse and charge objects such as crystals, jewellery, and everyday items, imbuing them with healing vibrations., I even have students who've used it on their car battery!
Medication & Supplements:
I have students who make or sell beauty products or skincare products, they put Reiki in the product to boost it's effectiveness, there is a need to be careful here though, you would not want to make insulin more powerful for instance! Always check with a Dr or specialist if you plan to do this. Vitamins tend to be fine as the body eliminates whatever it doesn't need, however I'd still recommend you check with a health professional before boosting their properties.
Spiritual Work:
Messages From Beyond: Many Reiki practitioners discover that whilst in the altered state of giving Reiki, they become aware of messages from Heaven/Spirit whether that's from the Angels, family members of the Reiki recipient or the Spirit Guides of the Reiki practitioner, it isn't always appropriate to pass these messages on, however, being aware of Spirit & being able to develop spiritually is a reason why many people pursue a Reiki qualification.
There have been times when I've been shown information about my client's past lives, the journey of their soul & those events where healing needs to go so the person can heal in their life now.
Soul Retrieval: I've also used Reiki for the process known as 'Soul Retrieval' which is where a soul is unaware they've passed away and they need help to pass to Heaven or Spirit as I call it. I've also used Reiki to do house clearances where there is spirit activity that the resident is finding troublesome.
Grounding: One of the basic principles of all spiritual work is to be 'grounded' which means they are energetically tethered to the earth, but we often need to be grounded after something particularly exciting or shocking, hence why we use phrases such as 'coming back down to earth with a bump' or talk about people being grounded even though they're famous etc. Reiki can be used to ground you during and after a plane trip which helps alleviate the jetlag & helps you to feel connected to the earth energy again.
Distance Healing:
One of the most intriguing aspects of Reiki is its ability to transcend physical limitations. Through the practice of distance healing, Reiki energy can be sent across time and space to individuals, situations, or events that are not physically present. As always you will need the permission of the recipient either from them directly or their Higher Self. This method allows practitioners to extend their healing intentions and energies to those in need, regardless of location.
It's a great way to send positive energy to a job interview that's coming up or maybe a 1-2-1 with your boss! If you have to give a talk or a presentation, Reiki can be sent ahead so it goes well. Maybe you or a loved one have an operation scheduled, you can even send Reiki ahead to that event to help it go smoothly.
The Written Word: When writing letters, filling out official forms or journaling the Reiki symbols can be traced on the paperwork to create a positivity to the words. It can be placed under the stamp of a letter or written on the gift tag of a present.
So dear seeker of healing and spiritual growth, Reiki is a mystical art that opens doors to transformative experiences and expanded applications. As you delve deeper into the practice of Reiki, its boundless potential unfolds before you. By embracing Reiki as a way of life, you can embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and service to others.
As a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and Angel Reiki Master/Teacher, I encourage you to explore the vast realm of Reiki beyond the confines of a traditional session. Embrace the power of self-healing and self-care, allowing Reiki to be a guiding force in your daily life. Take time each day to connect with the universal life force energy, allowing it to nourish your body, mind, and spirit.
Remember that Reiki is not limited to individuals alone—it extends its gentle touch to the animal kingdom as well. Share the soothing energy of Reiki with your beloved pets, offering them comfort and support. Whether they are experiencing physical ailments or emotional imbalances, Reiki can contribute to their overall well-being.
Moreover, do not underestimate the ability of Reiki to cleanse spaces and objects. Invite Reiki into your living and working environments, clearing away stagnant energy and creating a harmonious atmosphere. By infusing positive intentions and energy into your surroundings, you can create a sacred space that nurtures your soul.
In the realm of energy healing, distance knows no bounds. With the practice of distance healing, you can extend the healing energy of Reiki to individuals, situations, or events across time and space. Through focused intention and the use of Reiki symbols, you can become an instrument of healing for those who are physically distant but energetically connected.
As you continue your journey with Reiki, consider exploring the infinite possibilities it presents. You may find yourself drawn to additional forms of Reiki, such as Quantum Reiki, Karuna Reiki or Tibetan Reiki, each offering its own unique qualities and healing vibrations. Embrace the knowledge that as a Reiki practitioner, you are forever a student, continuously learning and expanding your understanding of this profound healing art.
In conclusion, my dear reader, Reiki is a sacred gift that has the power to transform lives on multiple levels. Beyond the traditional session, it serves as a gateway to self-healing, a catalyst for enhanced well-being, and a tool for harmonizing the world around us. Embrace the gentle yet profound energy of Reiki, and let its healing light guide you on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, growth, and service to others.
May the universal life force energy of Reiki illuminate your path and empower you to embrace the wonders of the spiritual realm. Open your heart and mind to the boundless possibilities that await you as you embark on this sacred voyage of healing and transformation.
Do you feel drawn to learn Reiki? You can find out about my classes in Angel Reiki & Usui Reiki using the links provided or if you have questions you can message me or call me and we can chat.
Not sure on the difference between Angel Reiki & Usui Reiki? Here's my short YouTube video to help you.
With love, light, and blessings,
Tracy Fance Psychic Coach, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, and Angel Reiki Master/Teacher
#angelreiki #usuireiki #learnreikikent #reikihealer #reiki #reikihealing #healyourselfhealyourlife
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girlfromforeign9 · 2 years
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#girlfromforeign #bobmarley #wisdom #whatbobsaid #reiki #usuireiki #usuimikao #reikiislove #reikiheals #reikimaster #lineage #reikimasterteacher #rihanna #energyiseverything #energyhealing #energywellness #healyourenergy (at Worldwide) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpHxypwu_0v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skydinzeal · 2 years
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😇My Handmade Matching Healing Talisman Set (P.2) Both have 100s of Healing symbols - even inside in hidden compartments. This Entire ring is a dreamy scene of a tree at a pond with a magical cannon that holds a Crystal point of your choice! All the symbols coalesce here to send your helping intentions to your beloved/client. There are also symbols within the canon including Dai Ko Myo so that you can cross great distances to heal! The pool is a satellite that collects universe Reiki energy! You can put healing herbs and oils within it as well! Info on the necklace next! (Continued...) 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 I've had 5 Reiki attunements before I began making healing creations! I began teaching (Psychic Techniques) at the Edgar Cayce Center & Meta Centers in Manhattan back in 2011. During all this time I have Documented & PROVEN which designs, which symbols consistently improve reality! People have reported magical experiences from owning my paintings too! A painting of your loved one will bless them. Visit my site, http://www.skydin.com I am likely LIVE to answer your questions! 💜🗽💜🎿💜❄️💜🦌🔭🌠💜👽✨ I am looking for a quality SPIRITUAL STORE or ART GALLERY to TRULY help with sales/marketing their work & mine! I am a rare, tireless entertainer, salesperson and psychic. I have huge internet reach and can work day and night continuously! I don't even need to eat. I have got by on hard work & skill alone, not cheating & it shows! If you would like to make a connection happen contact me. If it works out I will pay you! 🌟 . . . . . #usui #johrei #sekhem #usuireiki #sekhemhealing #johreihealing #Spiritualhealing #lightwork #lightworker #healer #spiritualhealer #spiritualhealing #Spiritualpurification #sanctification piritual newage #psychicart #Spiritualart #magick #spiritualtools #sacredgeometry #metaphysical #crystalenergy #magical #ascendedmasters #metaphysics #spiritualsymbols starseed #ascension #spiritualartist ls #newageart #energyhealing #magic (at New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoJ2c2Nuy33/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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conduitofhealing · 2 years
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It’s #givingseason once more and Conduit Of Healing: Body & Tea have got you covered. Make sure you check out my #onlinestore for #handmade #healing #wellness products. All products are made with natural ingredients, thoughtfully and intentionally created, and charged with #usuireiki #psychicmedium #reikimasterteacher #spiritualgifts #healinggifts https://www.instagram.com/p/ClOqgLUuFjk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rainbowreikiwalter · 2 years
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falcibaba · 2 years
USUİ Reiki
USUİ Reiki Nedir?
USUİ Reiki Usui reiki nedir ve sembolleri nelerdir? Kaç seviyesi vardır? Bu konu hakkında detaylı bilgiler içeren bir yazıdır. Usui reiki, tüm reiki enerjilerinin temelini oluşturur. Diğer enerji sistemleri bunun orijininde gelişmiştir. Ayrıca usui reiki genel olarak reiki adıyla bilinmektedir. Reiki, eller aracılığıyla hasta olan kişiye şifa enerjisi gönderilmesi temeline dayanır. Reikinin esas görevi herkesin vücudunda bulunan enerji akışını düzenlemek ve kişinin vücuduna şifa kaynağı olmasını sağlamaktır. Ayrıca tıpkı bir ilaç gibi bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir, organların düzenli çalışmasını sağlar, hastalıkları tedavi eder ve zararlı toksik maddeleri vücuttan atar. Sadece hastalıklar değil aynı zamanda kişilerdeki stres, depresyon, kaygı gibi sorunları ortadan kaldırarak yerine pozitif düşünceler koyar. Vücudumuz tüm organlarıyla beraber çalıştığı için usui reiki enerjisi verilirken tüm vücuda verilmesi gerekmektedir. Enerji, vücutta sorunlu olan bölgeyi kendisi bulmakta ve oraya doğru akmaktadır. Örneğin kişinin omuzlarında bir problem varsa tüm vücuda verilen enerji omuzlarda yoğunlaşmaktadır.
USUİ Reiki Nasıl Uygulanır
Uygulanırken eller vücudun üzerine konulurak aktarım yapılır. Uzakta olan kişiler içinde aktarım yapılabilmektedir. Yaygın olarak kafa, beyincik, ayak ve dizlerden enerji gönderimi yapılmaktadır. Bu enerji sadece bazı insanlara verilmiş bir yetenek değildir. Herkesin içinde vardır. Doğru kullanıldığı takdirde gerek ruhsal gerekse fiziksel açıdan problemlerin çözülmesini sağlar. Bu enerji son derece güvenli olup ruhsal problemlere yol açmaz. Ayrıca kişinin ihtiyacına göre enerji vücut tarafından alınır. Şifa sağlayan diğer enerji sistemleriyle uyumlu bir şekilde kullanılır. Reiki enerjisi kime uygulanacaksa bu kişi büyük bir masaya sırt üzeri yatırılır. Kollar ve bacaklar kavuşturulmamalı, vücuda paralel uzanmalıdır. Böylece enerji daha rahat akacaktır. Enerjiyi verecek kişiler ise masanın etrafına geçeceklerdir. Genellikle 4 kişi enerji verir. Sırasıyla baş, karşılıklı karın ve ayak uçlarına gelecek şekilde sandalyede otururlar. Eğer yeterli sayıda kişi yoksa tek kişide enerji verebilir. Bir seans ortalama 20 dakika sürmektedir. Enerji aktarımı yapılırken eller bikini bölgesi hariç vücudun diğer bölümlerine konur. Vücuda değdirilebileceği gibi 10 cm kadar uzağında da tutulabilir. Her bölge için eller 5 dakika kadar bekletilir.
USUİ Reiki Sembolleri Nelerdir
Semboller aracılığıyla enerji aktarımı yapmak için 2. aşamaya geçmiş olmak gerekir. Her sembol aynı değildir aralarında küçük farklılıklar bulunur. Uyumlanan kişi için doğru sembol masterı tarafından çizilen ve öğretilen semboldür. Sembollerin aktif olması için kesinlikle ezberlenip iyi bir şekilde çizilmeli. Bir sembol çizildikten sonra ardından üç kere ismi söylenerek aktif edilir. Şifa için enerji aktarımı yapılırken semboller, sorunlu bölgelere veya çakralara çizilir. İlk Sembol: Güç olarak isimlendirilen Cho Ku Rei semboldür. Anlamı ise evrenin gücünü yönelttir. İlk sembol olduğu için adeta diğer sembolleri başlatan buton gibidir. Bu sembol ile kişi negatif enerjiden arınır ve kişinin etrafını pozitif enerjiyle sarar. Sembol master tarafından çizilirken yukarıdan başlanıp soldan sağa doğru çizim yapılır. Ayrıca çizilirken spiral saatin ters yönünde uygulanması gerekir.
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Usui reiki İkinci Sembol: Bu sembolün adı Sei He Ki olup ruhsal ve duygusal şifa için kullanılır. Bilhassa bilinçaltına yerleşmiş ruhsal problemlerin giderilmesi, beyin içi enerjinin dengelenmesi için kullanılır. Bu sembol uygulandığında birtakım ağlama nöbetleri, duygusal boşalmalar yaşanabilir. Sigara, alkol, takıntı gibi istenmeyen alışkanlıkları değiştirmek için ideal semboldür. Üçüncü Sembol: Bu sembolün adı ise Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen olup uzaklığı ve uzaktan şifayı temsil eder. Bu sembol ile uzak mesafede yer alan kişiye, geçmişe veya geleceğe şifa enerjisi yollanabilir. Usui reiki öyle bir enerjidir ki evinizin diğer odasına gönderebileceğiniz gibi dünyanın öbür ucuna da gönderebilirsiniz. Bu sembol tahmin edeceğiniz gibi eğer enerji gönderilecek kişi uzaktaysa kullanılmaktadır. Sembol uygulanırken kişinin fotoğrafı kullanılabilir veya zihinde düşünülebilir.
USUİ Reiki Seviyelerin Amacı
Usui reikinin her seviyesinin farklı bir yeri vardır ve kişiye kattığı farklı değerler söz konusudur. Her seviyede ne kadar durduğunuzdan ziyade seviyenin derinliğine inilmesi daha önemlidir. İlk Seviye (Arınma): Başlangıç seviyesi daha çok maneviyat içindir. Şimdiye kadar olan yaşantısında maddiyatla iştigal olmuş kişiye maneviyatı keşfetmesinin yolu açılır. Bu seviye genel olarak kişinin yaşantısındaki bazı şeyleri değiştirmesini sağlayan bir arınma sürecini kapsar. Bu seviyenin en temel öğretisi kişinin manevi yaşama uyum sağlaması ve bilhassa affetmesidir. Affetme çalışmaları ile kişinin hem kendisini hemde geçmişte kalanları affetmesi öğretilir. Topraklama çalışmalarıyla dünyaya bağlılık azaltılır ve negatif düşüncelerden nasıl kurtulanacağı öğretilir. İkinci Seviye (Gizli Bilgi): Bu seviyede kişiye 3 boyutlu şifayı bulması amacıyla 3 kutsal sembol öğretilmektedir. Bu semboller oldukça sırlı ve derindir. Bu seviyede kişi aldığı darbeler ile sınanarak tekamüle erer. En zorlu seviyedir. Bu seviyede yeterli çabayı gösteremeyen kişiler 3. seviyeye geçemeyeceği gibi bir süre sonra bu seviyedende düşecektir. Maneviyatın artık bütünüyle içine girmiş olan kişi bu seviyede sembollerin gizemlerini çözmeye başlar. Bilinçaltını temizlemeyi öğrenir. Kişi reiki enerjisini tamamen özümser ve bu enerjiyi nasıl yönlendireceğini öğrenir. Üçüncü Seviye (sükunet ve huzur): Bir önceki seviyede çeşitli şekillerde sınanan ve çilelere katlanan kişi artık olgunlaşmıştır. Hayattaki en zor şeylerden olan sabretme, kabullenme, ön yargıları kırma, vazgeçme gibi şeyleri öğrenmiş ve artık üçüncü seviyeye gelmiştir. Bu seviyeye geldiğinde kişiyi dengeli bir huzur hali kaplar ve enerjisini dört boyuta çıkarmıştır. Bu seviyede yeni bir sembol söz konusudur. (3a) sembolüyle kişi eriştiği olgunluk sayesinde başkaları için verici olmaya başlar ve başkalarını arındırmayı öğrenir. Ardından gelen 3b seviyesiyle ise kişi artık öğretmendir. Evrensel iletişimin parçası olmuştur ve öğretmenlik bilinciyle olması gereken yerde olacak ve şifa dağıtacaktır. Read the full article
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reikisthan · 2 years
What is Healing? | Self healing from Reiki | #healing #reiki #aathmabandhukannada
#AathmaBandhuKannada #abk #reiki #reikimaster #reikivideo #reikipractice #reiki_in_kannada #reikimusic #reikitherapy #reikidistancehealing #reikitraining #usuireiki Read the full article
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kungseyesfr · 2 years
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An analogy to an ordinary vice could lead us to believe that here the person adopts a degenerate ethical principle, makes an erroneous judgement and an immoral decision. However in the case of brutish cowardice (which seems to be an irrational phobia rather than a conscious implementation of rational decision), compulsions fall under the category of brutish self indulgence (such as trichotillomania, onychophagy or pica) or self indulgent behaviours resulting from madness.
Aristotle explains that animals are not self-indulgent or continent because they lack the ability to reason and to make decisions. This suggests that it is understood here not as a specifically human ethical disposition but rather as an essentially animal state, which exceptionally may also be experienced by a human being.
Aristotle compares the moral condition of the man with the state of an ordinary animal. t is to be assumed that since a person affected by Manava foi is no longer a human being in the full sense of the word, Aristotle can juxtapose the beast with the man, although the beast, which interests him here the most, is obviously a man who has been downgraded to the level of an animal.
This approach seems to be quite accurate for cases of self-indulgence caused by madness, for compulsive behaviours, and even for brutish cowardice. The simple reasoning: “Because my life is the highest good and this battle threatens it, I run away” sounds quite credible, but fails to carry the concept that a Vairua stays on the earth plane and recycles. Each wasted life delivers it back to the start line to try again until it rises past the green ray of the heart chakra.
By contrast, the case of innate self indulgence leading to cannibalism is slightly less obvious. Assuming that the simplified syllogism of an ordinarily self indulgent person would be: “Since my pleasure is the highest good, and eating this cake would be pleasant, I will eat it,” the syllogism of a self indulgent brutish person could be: “Since my pleasure is the highest good, and eating this person would be pleasant, I will eat her”.
Aristotle’s rejection of such a genesis of self-indulgent brutish behaviours seems to indicate that the psychological and moral state he describes is not the same state that modern psychology describes as psychopathy.
Aristotle’s beasts are not intelligent and ruthless manipulators, but beings whose affective responses and resulting actions (in a certain area of behaviour) completely escape rational conditioning, analysis and control, thus resembling the instinctive behaviours of animals rather than normal human actions.
The Manava He of the Vairua collective’s associated with the Kingdom of Tonga collective (and to be truthful other Polynesian tribes) is a wilful and cowardly aversion to their own soul work. They well know on the higher planes the nature of the karmic sins that have occurred generation on generation, and they well know the individual karmic judgements awaiting each banner.
But for a culture that speaks so much of Mana you continue to shy away from the deep shadow work and collective clearing required to salvage fallen genealogy and bloodlines. Where are the mighty psychics, priests and wizards of old willing to fight for the Vairua of Tongatapu? Launch the Vaka and pay your debt to the Universe! Cowardice is the cry from Lord Tangaloa ‘Eiki!!
You continue to drink kava, feast at every option, kai puaka and boast on your courage? But the vairua of each successive generation borders on collapse from poor physical, mental and spiritual health while you waddle through church dressed in finery!
#tokiukamea #healing #hooponopono #usuireiki
#love #ofaatu #yoursoul #yourjourney #divinity #spirituality #spiritualhygiene #loveistheway #conciousness #trauma #grief #collectiveconsciousness #shame #karma #karmicdebt #chthonia #madness #cannibalism #boardingaxe #animalconduct #manavafoi #brokenmana
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cjoyvibrancy · 3 years
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We are all pure energetic beings of unconditional love. At our cores, this is the truth of who we are. When you strip away all in the external world, this is what remains. We have the infinite capacity to be, do, & experience anything within this world. Because life is truly like an illusion. It bends & molds to suit your mind. Whatever you believe, you experience. And so, the more you understand the infinite power that you possess, the more you can recognize the infinite possibilities that this world can provide. For, there truly is infinite potential that exists within each moment. And the more you recognize, honor, & commit to the unconditional love that is the truth of your being, the more life aligns in such a way to honor this. The more you see this in others, the more aligned you are to their potential. For, when anyone behaves in any other way, it is simply because of an outdated understanding of how you are "supposed to" behave within this world. And whether or not they realize it, is their own path to walk. All you can simply do is stay attuned to this infinite truth within you, the light that eternally shines, & illuminate the path for others to find the way. Imagine everyone in the world doing this, what life would be like on this planet. Heaven on Earth is here right now. It all starts with you. ⁣ ⁣ Daily inspiration at: ⁣ Instagram.com/cjoyvibrancy ⁣ ⁣ Reiki healing & Life coaching available worldwide⁣ DM or email for info: ⁣ @cjoyvibrancy⁣ [email protected]  ⁣ ⁣ #StayInspired ⁣ ⁣ Original 📷: @lawofunity ⁣ ⁣ #CJoyVibrancy #Reiki #ReikiMaster #UsuiReiki #ReikiPractitioner #LifeCoach #Holistic #Healing #Physics #Art #Poetry⁣ #Infinity #Divine #Love #Unity #Empowerment #Liberation #UnityConsciousness #KeepingItReal #Authenticity #Motivation #Inspiration #Community #Unite #InfinitePossibility #WorldPeace⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/CTZ1avJHot4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shreemwellbeing · 4 years
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The Reiki precepts (principles) are one of the five main elements of the system of Reiki. . The founder of Reiki, Dr Mikao Usui, introduced these Precepts as a way to bring change into the daily lives of his students. . He required his students to meditate on these words in the morning and at night so that the meaning of the words deepened within them and helped them on their spiritual path. . The Precepts are as follows - . Kyo dakewa – (Just for today) .
Ikaru na (Do not anger) .
Shinpai suna (Do not worry) .
Kansha shite (Be grateful) .
Gyo o hagame – (Work with diligence) .
Hito ni shinsetsu ni – (Be kind to others) . . . . . . . . . . #shreemwellbeing #reikiprecepts #reikipriciples #gassho #drmikaousui #usuireiki #reikihealing #reiki #reikimaster #reikimasterteacher #usui #reikipractitioner #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikihealingenergy #energy #energyhealing #holistichealing #wellness #wellbeing #spiritualhealing #meditation #meditate #mindfulness #reikilove #reikilife #reikitherapy #spirituality #spirituallife #consciousliving https://www.instagram.com/p/CBDUDWanKIl/?igshid=5b10vp0cpotw
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kayleightarot · 4 years
hi there! been having a p blah day so far but long story short just stumbled upon ur most recent “woo wednesday” video and it made me feel so much less anxious! first off, just wanted to say thanks for posting🤍💙💛second, i was wondering like... **why** and **how** it made me feel better? like, what abt certain tones makes them magical? i plan on doing some more research on this after work so no need for an all inclusive reply (or any reply at all, for that matter), but just thought i’d pop in and ask a local expert🤓
hope u have a great day and thanks so much for ur work!!✨✨
Hi there! Hands down this is the best message I’ve had in a long time. You rock. Thank you for letting me know! I really appreciate the feedback on what’s working for people. I’m SO glad it made your day a little better.  As to why or how, Reiki is about harnessing Universal energy and letting it flow through the practitioner and to the client to boost their natural energies, and connection to the Universe, and their Higher Self.  Although you don’t see me in the video (I should probably change that) I set up the music and the crystals exactly as I do for a person in the room, and then channel the energy to everyone who sees the video, so the effect is similar to what happens for an individual in person.  I choose music that has Binaural tones, which calm and relax. :) Like ASMR for your soul.  I offer researching suggestions of Binaural tones, and Usui Reiki. Feel free to hit me up anytime. 
Happy hunting! Hope the rest of your day is FABU!
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This month instead of doing a 10 person group ritual, I have been feeling pulled to do something more for our collective good than individual good. Instead of my normal reiki ritual, I will be performing a reiki ritual for all of us, the global collective. Today is the New Moon, Solar Eclipse, and Summer Solstice. Tonight I will be sending Reiki, Love, and Healing to everyone in this universe. I will post a picture after the ritual for anyone who wishes to directly tap into or meditate on it. The only thing you need to do to be a part of this, is be open and actively receive/welcome the reiki to you.
In lieu of a direct donation to me, please donation to any BLM cause or your local mutual aid fund. If you'd like a suggestion on who to donate to, message me.
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skydinzeal · 2 years
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💜😀MY HANDMADE FEATURED TALISMANS of this post are matching Reiki HEALING Pendant & LASER RING Set! 100s of symbols - these are healing-based, (Egyptian) Sekhem & Usui Reiki! There are Tibetan and newer Reiki Sigils as well as a unique circuitry based on runes and Elf Magic! Most important instrument to healing is your soul & tools second. 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 I've had 5 Reiki attunements before I began making healing creations! I began teaching (Psychic Techniques) at the Edgar Cayce Center & Meta Centers in Manhattan back in 2011. During all this time I have Documented & PROVEN which designs, which symbols consistently improve reality! People have reported magical experiences from owning my paintings too! A painting of your loved one will bless them. Visit my site, http://www.skydin.com I am likely LIVE to answer your questions! 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 I hand-make talismans, paintings/sculptures for you or your loved ones!🌷All of my creations are made of 100s of ancient, powerful symbols! I've tested and taught Spiritual practices via my classes at NYCs Edgar Cayce Center for 10 years. I am likely LIVE right now on http://www.skydin.com & will sense and gift you what you need! 💜💜💜🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 I am looking for a quality SPIRITUAL STORE or ART GALLERY to TRULY help with sales/marketing their work & mine! I am a rare, tireless entertainer, salesperson and psychic. I have huge internet reach and can work day and night continuously! I don't even need to eat. I have got by on hard work & skill alone, not cheating & it shows! If you would like to make a connection happen contact me. If it works out I will pay you! 🌟 . . . . . #usui #johrei #sekhem #usuireiki #sekhemhealing #johreihealing #Spiritualhealing #lightwork #lightworker #healer #spiritualhealer #spiritualhealing #Spiritualpurification #sanctification piritual newage #psychicart #Spiritualart #magick #spiritualtools #sacredgeometry #metaphysical #crystalenergy #magical #ascendedmasters #metaphysics #spiritualsymbols starseed #ascension #spiritualartist ls #newageart #energyhealing #magic (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDaeH3P8GR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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touchofahealer · 4 years
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Weeks of Monday, 15th of June through 10th of August for my Patreon Group Energy healing I worked with Karuna Reiki for each person. During the first eight weeks, I opened with Usui and Karuna Reiki and then focused on one Karuna symbol for the rest of the session with each individual. I used Harth, Zonar, Hālu, Rama, Kriya, Iava, Gnosa, and Shanti. For the ninth week, I refreshed all eight special symbols for each person. Work on global issues continues each week as well. If you feel drawn to receive weekly energy-focused healing, please join my group with a monthly Patreon membership. Look over past posts to get a more general view. With gratitude, Aria https://www.patreon.com/TouchofaHealer #touchofahealer #distanthealing #healing #healinggroup #healer #karuna #reiki #usuireiki #life #balance #awareness #higherconsciousness #peace #ocean #arch #seaofcortez #cabo (at Baja California Sur, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6_RUqn8Zf/?igshid=1ce0mzm0va357
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rainbowreikiwalter · 2 years
Gerade heute sorge Dich nicht.
Ein interessanter Satz.
Wer befolgt ihn?
Was liesse sich tun, statt sich zu sorgen?
Wenn „Alle“ sich sorgen - dann bedeutet „sich nicht sorgen“ gegen den Herdentrieb zu laufen.
Wer wagt das?
Was wären Motivationen, die stark genug sind, um das zu wagen?
Herzensgrüsse, Walter Lübeck
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queenofcupshealing · 5 years
Free Reiki for the Heart Chakra. Please share.
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