toystorymaniac22 · 5 months
You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
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I fear I will never feel clean from the tunnel juice ever in my life.
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smrt-1 · 5 months
i'm gonna be real w/ you. there's a very tiny chance they move me in may when my program extension is happening and i really really hope they move me to the new communicore so if everyone can join hands and manifest i would love that
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lizardsfromspace · 9 months
While Mickey Mouse's earliest incarnation is in the public domain, not all of his beloved traits and design features are available for legal use! Let's go over some fair use #fails surrounding the character to learn more
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Infestation 88
Pros: no pupils, no gloves, nips out, top hat: this is a high-tier non-infringing Mickey Mouse!
Cons: Mickey Mouse didn't start laying egg pods in space stations until 1939, so that may be infringing. Curiously unexplained number 88 probably nothing to worry about
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Farfour the Mouse
Pros: agrees with Walt Disney on certain issues
Cons: Mickey did not gain his gloves until 1929 and his pupils until 1938, making this infringing
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Mickey & Minnie Mouse Babies Missing Abducted Lethal Injection! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Cartoons Full
Pros: on-brand for early Mickey's tendency towards animal abuse and inter-person violence
Cons: Joker Mickey wasn't introduced until 1947 and didn't poison any children until the "banned" episode of House of Mouse
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Abandoned by Disney
Pros: Hard to recognize status of pupils in photo-negative state
Cons: Disney didn't start making "evil suits" until 1971, when they started stockpiling them in the Utilidors "just in case"
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natalieironside · 1 year
We could roast Stephen King for the terrible endings and many other bad things (and rightly) all day long but one thing I would argue Stephen King is in fact very good at it is industrial horror. The demons are real because we built them with taxpayer money. Hell is a warren of steel bulkheads and drywall utilidors where you can hear the whir and rumble of the big machines slowly torquing themselves to pieces with no-one at the controls. Behold the stairways that stand in darkness; behold the rooms of ruin; these are the Halls of the Dead, where spiders spin and the great circuits fall quiet one by one.
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purplecobra52 · 4 months
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Part 4 ish
I actually wouldn't be surprised if the Utilidors showed up in the actual game in some form
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sailforvalinor · 4 months
It was while reading this series that I learned about the Disney utilidor system, a series of some of the largest utility tunnels in the world that run underneath the entirety of the Magic Kingdom that function as both a backstage area and a way for Cast Members to move through the Parks unobtrusively. So next time you’re in the Magic Kingdom, remember, there are probably Cast Members underneath your feet!
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theme-park-concepts · 6 months
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Saw this on the Facebook group WDW Connections and I think it’s the only really good picture of the utilidor construction I’ve ever seen.
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dani-luminae · 1 month
Imagining some of the D23 Expo theme park announcements as a part of Aria's story - especially the "villain's land" coming to the Magic Kingdom - is absolutely hilarious.
The Kingdom Keepers hear about the Villain's Land about to come to MK and they all scream in horror, except for Aria.
"Who thought this was a good idea?!"
"I did," Aria said simply, smiling. She is the Queen of the Magic Kingdom and if she did not permit this, it wouldn't be happening.
All of them pivot to face her. She looks pretty calm. She's just about the only one. "Why would you do that?!"
"Because, half the Overtakers problems' with us is they're not as appreciated by Guests as the heroes are. With their own place to be in the spotlight, I figured we can fix that, at least a little bit."
"Aren't you worried about letting in more villains?!"
"The villains are going to be in the park whether we like it or not. They might as well get their own place to stay without causing a panic," Aria says with a shrug. "Trust me, it's going to be in basically my own backyard, I know what I'm doing."
In the end they admit she's right. Less worry having to track villains creeping around in the Utilidors when they can hang out in the open. Of course some of them will still cause problems... but hey, no one said it was going to solve everything.
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bigshotexpress · 4 months
i want to get a job at disney just to see the Tunnels*. I need to see them. the Tunnels. there's not enough visuals of them online.
also i recently learned that the tunnels (utilidors) in florida were built ABOVE ground and then they just landscaped around it basically which. makes sense! if you dont know, florida can't really do 'underground.' you'll dig into water and it will flood and all your hard digging work will have been for nothing. so obviously. they couldnt make it underground. so they simply made new ground Above it.
idk im in a mood where im very obsessed with the 'behind the scenes' aspect of things like theme parks etc etc. and disney is very big and so tight lipped about this sort of stuff so i wanna!! i wanna see it i wanna see it i wanna-
like there is stuff! and i think there is (or was?) a tour you could pay for to see select parts of the Tunnels. but i wanna see ALL of it. and there's footage but its pretty old and of eh quality because it was done Illegally when disney had less Security so they had to film without cast members noticing. so its stealth footage from back when cameras were Less Good to begin with.
i want to see how things function. i need to see the insides of this theme park. i need to rip it apart and dissect it.
*not really i dont actually want to do this it would probably suck. but i do wanna see the tunnels.
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lazymonth · 2 months
Ahh more questions about twst; but do you have any fun headcanons about the school itself?
I haven’t gotten too far into the game yet, but I like to think that there’s maintenance tunnels under the school, like the Utilidors at Disney World, mostly for the ghosts and staff to use. Which makes the school a lot bigger than it actually is!
Honestly, I’m not having any head canon or anything about the school itself even though I have been playing this game for like 2 years 💀
I do like your head canon tho! It’s kinda fun to thinking that the school is similar to Disneyland, LOL
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sigynpenniman · 10 months
I don’t know how to say this without sounding potentially offensive so I apologize in advance but the older I get the more I wonder how it’s possible that anyone doesn’t IMMEDIATELY intuit that I am deeply ND. Particularly the people who look at me and are What Do You Mean, You Are So Normal. 50% of the time I act like an elderly woman and 50% of the time I act like a child. Im on my knees on the zoo boardwalk looking intently at the setup that’s playing ambient music going “oh my god, is that a ZUNE?” I’m talking about infrastructure and logistics im telling my 4th person of the week about the disneyworld utilidors im half asleep in the back seat of my mother’s boyfriend’s SUV cuddling a tiny stuffed lamb. im not normal y’all there’s no getting around it.
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gusty-wind · 1 year
REVEALED: The nine-acre system of tunnels underneath Disney built in 1971 that connects every single area of Florida's Walt Disney World - and is so large staff need golf carts to get around
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talysalankil · 6 months
Okay i thought the disney parks parallels in the gold saucer were just me projecting my special interest but there’s a Utilidor area
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
you mentioned baby being into amusement parks… what are her favorite things about them? how much does she know about them? does it persist into adulthood like her marine biology special interest?
baby loves the engineering and maintenance aspect of them!! honestly, baby isn't super into like. the contents of rides or the shows or the characters walking around (shes not really a disney kid and most of the other IP's behind parks just aren't super interesting to her), but she Loves learning about things like the utilidors at disney and sight lines and how steel coasters are engineered. the history also interests her and once she's finally allowed on youtube, she becomes obsessed with defunctland. baby could watch the documentary about fast passes 1 billion times (and probably has tbh). it does persist into her adulthood, but more so just as a hobby. baby would definitely be very fascinated by "blackfish" and all of the seaworld discourse, and would spend a lot of time reading up on using animals in amusement parks since she usually only sees them in an educational or rehabilitative context. she just adores all the minute details and decisions that go into running something that is, at the end of the day, just an Artificial Environment
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todaysdestination · 1 year
Celebrando Anos de Magia: Curiosidades Incríveis sobre os Parques da Disney!
Olá, viajantes! Como vocês estão? Por aqui a saudade de Orlando está grande, mas o clima ainda é de pura magia!
Como alguns já sabem, a Disney encerrou suas comemorações dos 50 anos dos parques recentemente. Mas nesse ano, as comemorações dos 100 anos de Disney na indústria já começaram! É muita comemoração né?! Boatos que os fãs estão soltando mais fogos do que o show do Magic Kingdom rsrsrsrs
Enfim, nós sabemos que desde a sua inauguração em 1971, a Disney World tem encantado gerações de visitantes com sua magia única e inexplicável. Decidi então, trazer esse post especial, para que você descubra as 3 curiosidades mais cativantes por trás do reino mágico que fez e faz sonhos se tornarem realidade!
1- O Segredo Sob o Magic Kingdom.
A Disney World é conhecida por suas atrações icônicas, mas muitos visitantes podem não saber que o Magic Kingdom é construído em cima de túneis subterrâneos chamados de "Utilidors". Eles permitem que os membros da equipe, mais conhecidos pelo nome de cast member, circulem pelo parque sem serem vistos, para que assim, não quebrem a magia, mantendo personagens e cenários consistentes.
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2- Árvores com História. 
No Animal Kingdom, as árvores não são apenas parte da paisagem, mas também contam histórias. A base da Árvore da Vida, por exemplo, é na verdade uma antiga plataforma de petróleo, que foi feita para aguentar os fortes ventos e furacões da Flórida. Ela possui 44 metros de altura, 48 de largura e é coberta com 103 mil folhas.
A Árvore da Vida também possui mais de 300 esculturas de animais esculpidos em sua casca, tornando-a uma obra de arte única.
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3- O Segredo de Cinderela.
Os Imagineers (engenheiros da Disney) usaram uma perspectiva forçada no Castelo da Cinderela, no Magic Kingdom.  Para evitar que o castelo pareça menor do que é, as janelas no topo são feitas em tamanhos decrescentes, criando uma ilusão de ótica chamada "forçamento de perspectiva".
O castelo também foi construído com menos de 60 metros de altura para que não fosse necessário o uso de uma luz vermelha no topo. Já que na Flórida isso é uma lei, e todas as construções com mais de 60 metros são obrigadas a ter a luz para conscientizar os pilotos de aviões e evitar acidentes aéreos. 
Esse engenheiros são gênios não é mesmo!?
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Enquanto celebramos a magia da Disney World, essas curiosidades são apenas um pouco do que faz deste lugar um destino verdadeiramente mágico. Que venham mais décadas de diversão, aventura e contos de fadas para todos aqueles que entram no mundo encantado de Walt Disney! 🎉✨🏰
E aí viajante, gostou do post e quer saber mais sobre destinos mágicos e  especiais para conhecer? Me segue aqui e vamos juntos embarcar atrás de aventuras, sonhos e principalmente VIAGENS  ;)
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The Muppets at Walt Disney World (1990)
In this television special, the Muppets are visiting Kermit's family for their annual reunion where they meet up with Kermit's aunts and uncles. When the others learn that the swamp is right next to Walt Disney World, they sneak in, and are pursued by a security guard named Quentin Fitzwaller (played by Charles Grodin). Attractions and areas featured include Big Thunder Mountain, the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular!, Star Tours, the Mad Tea Party, World Showcase, the Walt Disney World Monorail System and the utilidors. The special depicts the three parks (Magic Kingdom, Epcot and Disney-MGM Studios) as one connected area, despite the parks actually being apart from each other.
The story ends with the Muppets having a friendly meeting at Mickey Mouse's office where Mickey and Kermit compare their company's theme songs, "When You Wish Upon a Star" and "The Rainbow Connection" and the ideals behind them. After that, the Muppets return to the swamp, but find out about Miss Piggy remaining stuck in front of The Great Movie Ride with her feet in the cement. They return to Walt Disney World for her afterwards to free her. While stuck in the cement, Miss Piggy shouts for help as the credits roll.
Source: Wikipedia
(image via YouTube)
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