#disney secret tunnels
gusty-wind · 1 year
REVEALED: The nine-acre system of tunnels underneath Disney built in 1971 that connects every single area of Florida's Walt Disney World - and is so large staff need golf carts to get around
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it-happened-one-fic · 3 months
Might've Walked Slower - Floyd
Author Notes: So, I was actually planning on posting a different fic today, but then the Stitch even came out today so I decided Floyd would get a fic posted today instead. I've actually had this written for a little bit, but it's been undergoing polishing and gathering dust in my google docs. I had fun writing and working on this one, though I have to admit it really doesn't have any specific source of inspiration beyond NRC having an old building and me wondering if there were secret passageways. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ sfw/ fluff/ flirtation
Word count: 1685
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It started the same way a great many things at NRC seemed to start. With a task from Crowley.
To be fair, this task wasn’t particularly difficult or even that annoying. It was just returning some books to the school library for him.
The only trouble came in the form of a bored Floyd Leech, who was currently lurking in the library for unknown reasons. Luckily, Floyd had thus far opted to sit and boredly watch as you shelved books once he’d discovered your presence didn’t mean anything exciting.
But nothing could stay simple in NRC, and today served as still more evidence for that fact.
You’d simply put one hand down on a strangely empty shelf to support yourself while you stretched upwards to place a book on a still higher shelf. And that was when everything went horribly wrong.
You leaned forward ever so slightly more, frowning as you stretched just a little bit more, and all at once the shelf let out a horrible groaning sound and gave way. Your eyes widened, and you realized exactly what was going to happen.
You plummeted forward with a shriek that had Floyd jerking upright from his previously relaxed position of stretching his upper body across the top of a table, “Shrimpy?!”
His voice sounded equal parts startled and concerned, but you paid him little mind as you scrambled, catching yourself against a web-coated wall as you tumbled through where the bookshelf had just been. Your shoulder slamming hard against the cold stone in a way that promised you would have some impressive bruises tomorrow morning.
You groaned slightly as you pushed yourself back, your uninjured arm wrapping around your body so that you could press a hand to your now-throbbing shoulder. But all thoughts of how much that was going to hurt tomorrow fled as you stared at the gaping hole in the wall that was now in front of you.
You stared in quiet horror at the hole before your brain kicked into gear, noting that the edges of the opening were smooth and that this area had obviously been built this way to let the bookshelf swing open like a demented door to reveal the tunnel lined with sconces that hung on the filthy walls.
Though you’d initially thought you’d somehow caused the entire bookcase to topple, that was obviously not the case. Instead, it looked like you’d managed to somehow trigger a mechanism that had opened some sort of hidden door to a passageway that you were now standing in the entrance of.
“Shrimpy, are you…” Floyd trailed off from where he’d appeared behind you as he beheld the darkened path you’d uncovered.
Both of you stood in silence, staring down the stone tunnel whose walls bore unlit sconces before giving way into a deep darkness. You slowly stood as you continued to stare into the darkness from next to Floyd. Wondering what, exactly, this passage was and where it led.
“What have you found this time, Shrimpy?” Floyd’s amused voice snapped you out of your silent gaping, and you shot him a look only to find him staring into the darkness with sparkling eyes that spoke of an emotion that one should always be wary of if it were coming from Floyd. 
With a simple gesture that was not unlike snapping his fingers, magic shot out from where the young man stood, and flames began to flicker in the sconces as he stepped past you into the passageway. Before you could say anything, he’d already reached back and wrapped one hand around your wrist with a smooth rolling motion of his long fingers. 
“Floyd, wai-” You were cut off by him giving you a slight tug and pulling you into the tunnel-like space with him. He was already grinning in a way that told you that you were probably going to be stuck going with him no matter what you said.
“Come on~ it’ll be fun,” His eyes were alight, and the yellow one had a slight glow to it that reminded you of the deep-sea fish that used lights to tempt prey in closer. 
And, in some ways, it was tempting to check out the tunnel-like passage you’d discovered. After all, just finding it brought to light numerous questions. 
Were there more? What was it for? And how old was NRC anyway if it had hidden passageways like this?
You hesitated though, glancing back towards the library as your freehand fell away from your shoulder before Floyd’s sing-songy voice came from far closer than it had been before, telling you he’d stepped closer to you, “Don’t you wanna know where it leads~?”
You looked back towards him, finding that he had indeed stepped closer and was now looking at you, still holding onto your wrist and smiling in a way that told you he knew he was going to win. Because, unfortunately, you were curious about this hidden passage that you’d discovered.
“Just for a little while. I’m not spending all day and night exploring some creepy path with you,” Your tone was firm, but still drew a giggle from the tall young man who now turned to lead you down the path. His hand sliding down until your hands were interlocked.
“It's not creepy, just a little dark. Kind of like home,” You all but snorted at his utterly relaxed demeanor. Of course he wouldn’t find previously secret, web-encrusted tunnels lit only by widely spaced sconces creepy.
But then there was no telling what he was used to seeing from his time living under the sea. Creepy might be an everyday commodity for him. And he had said it was sort of like his home….
When you didn’t actually respond as you glanced around at your surroundings, he twisted, looking back at you with an amused, almost mocking grin, “Aw, don’t tell me you’re afraid of the dark, Shrimpy~”
“Hardly, I just tend to be wary of places that strike me as fishy,” If anything, your words seemed to delight him further as he tugged you up closer to him so that you were walking side by side as he leaned towards you.
“Don’t worry. I’m way more fishy than anything that’ll be in here,” He winked in a way that had you rolling your eyes, but not pulling away from him even as he giggled. Because, for better or worse, having Floyd with you while exploring some dark hole in a magical school was far better than being alone.
After all, he could probably take on anything you found.
Floyd stopped, tugging you to a stop by simply not letting you pull him with you as you came to the edge of the set of stairs. 
Glancing back, you noticed him tilting his head with a thoughtful expression before he met your gaze and smiled teasingly once more, “Reckon it goes to the dungeon?”
You couldn’t stop the snort that came from your throat as you shook your head, “Why would a school have a dungeon?”
He shrugged, staring down the stone steps and soon guiding you down with him as he kept lighting sconces as you approached them, and amusingly, it made you wonder if he really was worried that you were afraid of the dark, “Don’t know, maybe for bad kiddies?”
“Shouldn’t most of the school, including you, be down here then?” Your wry words had him snickering even as you pondered where the staircase led. 
You tilted your head as you carefully followed Floyd down the stone staircase, “Has this place always been a school?”
Floyd gave you a sideways glance before shrugging in a perfectly nonchalant manner, “Don’t know. You’d have to ask one of the history buffs about that.”
Your mind briefly flickered to Malleus’s analysis of the gargoyles on every building on the campus before you dismissed the thought with a shrug, “Either way, I hope this staircase ends with a door out of here.”
“Aw, you aren’t enjoying our date?” You grinned despite yourself at Floyd’s potentially faux pout.
“I didn’t realize this was a date?” You glanced up, still smiling, at Floyd in time to watch as he briefly went wide-eyed before recovering with record timing.
“You think I just casually take all cuties down some potentially forbidden tunnel?” Floyd’s grin was perfectly shameless, but it had laughter bubbling out of you as you shook your head at his antics.
And a large part of you couldn’t believe that you were slowly slipping into the all-too-obvious trap of flirting with Floyd. But here you were, and in no way were you uncomfortable.
In fact, despite yourself and the environment, you were perfectly enjoying your little jaunt through this web-encrusted passage. And you had a sneaking suspicion that the sole reason you were having fun was the young man next to you.
Looking ahead, you could indeed see a door at the foot of the stairs, no doubt the exit to the lengthy tunnel, “How about next time you tell me we’re on a date before whisking me off down some dark tunnel? I might’ve walked slower.”
You could’ve sworn his eyes were sparkling as he grinned at both you and your words before he turned to look at the door, “Well, let’s see where our secret path leads.”
With that, he pushed open the door, scaring the ghosts on the other sides and letting the scent of cooking food spill into the passageway. Your new location could be in only one place. The kitchen.
Floyd was laughing as the two of you entered the hot room filled with now flustered spirits, but before he let go of your hand, he tugged you closer to him and leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Next time you go exploring, make sure to tell me.”
You looked up to see him grinning at you, utterly delighted by the happenings of the day and a long way off from the bored Floyd of earlier as he winked at you, “I’ve got to hold you to walking slower on our next date.”
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svtskneecaps · 11 months
one of these days i'm going to snap and build a model of a secret minecraft organization that is hiding from the evil minecraft server surveillance state shadow government and THEN YOU'LL SEE. THEN YOU'LL SEE. all of my rants out espionage have built up to this. all my bemoaning missed opportunities. YOU'LL SEE. YOU'LL ALL SEE!!!!!
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non-beanary · 7 months
Maybe I'm just hot off the disappointment that was Disney+ PJO but personally I love the ATLA live action!!
Yes I know there's things missed, but they've kept the feelings, essence, and so much of the original show!! We got references even if we didn't get the full storylines! Pipinpaddleopsicophilis!!! Cabbages!!! SECRET TUNNEL SONG!!!!!
I'm impressed they managed to fit the inventor AND Jet AND secret tunnel all into OMASHU and I didn't hate it!!! They made it fit and did it quite well! Bumi was a bit difficult to watch but I think that's just my personal preference.
I think some of the lines were cheesy, sure, but also I watched the katara v pakku fight- IMMEDIATELY went and watched the animated version and BRO THEY ALMOST GOT IT EXACT!!!! THAT IS SOME DEDICATION!!!!!
And CASTING?! Perfect! All of them, Aang is great, Sokka, Katara, Zuko, Azula, even Iroh !!
My one and only actual problem with the show is that they're showing everything in a very chronological order, and I believe we needed more nuance to Iroh and his son, we know Iroh and Zuko love each other, I think it didn't need to be as explicitly stated this first season at least.
Everything looks great, costumes, sets, cgi but that's mainly agreed upon. As a designer I HAVE TO APPRECIATE the level of detail they have managed to extract and extrapolate from the original show!
But yeah. Hands down, maybe I had low expectations but the occasional cringey power-of-friendship line does nothing to temper my happiness right now.
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alex51324 · 21 days
I went to the lake today
Sometimes in Pennsylvania in autumn we get these almost obnoxiously perfect days, where the sky is so blue and the clouds are so fluffy it doesn't look real.
Here, look at this shit:
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Does that look like it should be happening in real life, 20 minutes from my house? It does not. And I took this picture with my $15 phone; it was even better than that in person.
Here's another one:
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There in the distance, that is an actual motherfucking teeny-tiny sailboat, with the two triangular sails like you drew with your crayons when you were six. What was the Platonic Ideal of Sailboat doing on a dinky little lake in Pennsylvania? I have no idea, but it was there!
Here's a normal looking picture that looks like it could take place in the real world:
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But do you see that bird right in front of my boat? That is a Great Blue Heron, and it flew right between my boat and somebody else's, and then landed there and just hung out in plain view, sticking its neck out for fish and shit, like this is a goddamn Disney movie.
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Look at those fake-looking fluffy clouds, casting shadows over the forested hillsides! And that house with the honest-to-fuck white picket fence. Somebody lives there!
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Look, you can take this little tunnel into a secret cove. Full of turtles. I mean, goddamn it.
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Here's the sailboat again! Look at those ripply little waves!
Christ, what a time to be alive.
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animusicnerd · 2 years
Briar Valley Lore Dump!
Notes: This is in honor of Diasomnia chapter coming out. Most of the information my lore is from is from twst, disney, or general faery lore. This is for my Lilia story that I'm currently planning and this is honestly just for shits and giggles. This will change when I actually post the story but for now, it is an intro guide to all the world building that I did before Diasomnia chapter came out. I don’t mind getting questions since it will help flesh out this world a little more so don’t hesitate to message me about this!(This is also long btw so click at your own risk.)
The Draconia family is the second family to rule Briar Valley. It was once ran by a different fae family but the Draconias staged a successful coup d'état and gained the throne.
The Valley has been in two wars against the neighboring human kingdom due to humans wanting to expand their land for resource purposes. Both times Briar Valley has won and although the kingdoms used to have a friendly relationship with each other that is no longer the case.
The first war was caused by human greed for land and resources while the second also included revenge for what the faeries had done to them.
Many humans have immigrated into Briar Valley due to discrimination from their fellow humans. The Fair Folk of the Valley tend to stay away from them but most look down on them, but it was better than being hunted and being burned at the stakes. Little human towns are spread throughout the kingdom's lands.
Malleus's grandmother stepped down from the throne a little before the Second Human-Fae War started and his father was crowned king. After ten short years, he passed away and his mother came back to rule as queen regent in Malleus's place, who is technically the current King of Briar Valley.
The kingdom is most active at night as most of its residents are known to be nocturnal. The Briar Markets are busiest around this time and buyers often have to be careful when bargaining. The Fair Folk do not lie but their words can have double meanings so you might end up losing your first born child or buying a cursed item. Gold coins are accepted as well.
The kingdom is surrounded by forests and mountains so they are very rich in natural resources. Magic is also used in everyday life.
Not all villages are under Briar Valley but all pay a tithe for protection purposes, especially after humans arrived and desecrated their lands.
Maleficient was the one to overthrow the first ruling family and made peace with the first humans who hailed from the Queendom of Roses. Her daughter, Malleus's grandmother, was the one who went to war with them for disrespect to the lands and its residents after King Stefan went mad for more power.
Briar Castle as located at the highest peak of Briar Valley. With mountains acting as a natural barrier, leaving and entering the castle is near impossible without the use of some sort of flight magic. The Northern and Southern gates are the main ways to leave the castle but there are also hidden tunnels that lead down to the base of the mountain for the royal family, nobility, and any other residents in the castle. Secret passageways are also in the castle but are known to very few people.
While the Draconias may rule Briar Valley, there are seven noble families in Briar Valley in total that includes the Vanrouges, the Aldens, the Amaris, the Rannulfs, the Lavinias, and the Altairs. Each family specializes in something and all have pledged their loyalty to the Draconias when they first started to rule.
Courting rituals in the Valley often start with giving away a precious or sentimental item to each other and exchanging letters. Times are varied but most couples seem to exchange letters until the twenty-fifth moon where they meet in person (often times, it's not the first time they meet each other) and discuss their futures. Once again, timing and how these rituals go vary because of different cultures among the fae but most seem to start with exchanging an item of some sort.
Faeries tend to age at a slower rate than humans but most are fully-grown by the time they are a hundred years old. Unlike humans, faeries get stronger with age and they are also immortal. However, they are not un-killable and iron is one of the only things that can truly hurt them. Humans have used iron weapons against their wars with them. Knowing their true names will also have them in your control but that is usually the case with weaker faeries. Big names like the Draconias or the other noble families would not be affected by that as their magical prowess goes far beyond than just their names.
Fairy circles also tend to act as a teleportation tool. Although most faeries don't use it themselves, many humans or other beings that have stepped into one have reported having been teleported to the nearest fairy in the area. It's more of an annoyance to faeries and non-faeries alike but some of the Fair Folk do use it as a trap to make deals that are often in favor of them alone.
Faeries love music! Most often know how to play at least two instruments on top of knowing how to sing. Humans must be careful as the allure of their songs are very strong and they could end up dancing until someone either pulls them out or they die.
It is also good to note that you should be careful of what food you are being given as most of their food can put you in a deep trance and make you their servants or it can just kill you.
Fairies also tend to dislike humans as most of them do not like magic and tend to think of it as unnatural when it is very much natural in Twisted Wonderland. If a human has magic, they often offer teaching them how to wield their powers in exchange for something which could be your child or just some fresh honey.
If you noticed that a lot of deals involve children, it is because it is very hard for faeries to have their own. It is not impossible but it could take hundreds of years to produce one child to continue a family line and siblings are usually a hundred years apart. However, they often dislike being with someone that is not a faery as some considerate it a disgrace to their bloodlines or their lovers could die of old age, sickness, etc, while they continue to live on. They do make deals not involving children though.
Faeries do not lie because they can't. Most of their words and actions are carefully thought out to avoid being tricked by others and it is always best to think before you speak to any of them. You also have to be respectful and offending them could have grave consequences for you and your entire bloodline.
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daydreamingmia · 4 months
Walker Scobell X Reader I Series | You Belong With Me 🔱 Part 23
A WHOLE LAND?! 🌊🏰Part 2 🩵
You and Walker were sitting on your bed now watching tv
The three come in your bedroom door and Dior hands you the soda
"Thank you!" You smile
"Of course!l Dior replies as the three sit on the bed
"I can't believe it! This is so insane!" Dior says
"I know right! What am I gonna wear?" You think out loud
"I don't know. But you'll look beautiful" Walker looks at you with love in his eyes
"Aww thank you" you blush
Since when did he get so nice??
Ohhhh this was the first time the two of you were going back to Disneyland since your first date! Is he nervous? Is he happy? Both?
You don't really wanna say it in front of Aryan, Dior and Charlie so you text him.
(My phone is acting weird so it’s gonna not be a picture😭 sorry!!)
My seaweed brain🥰😜��
Spit it out!!
What do you want?!
How do you feel about
going to Disneyland again?🥰
I’m thrilled!
Of course! We are gonna walk
through there and remember
all the amazing memories of
our first date
I love you so much!!🥹😎😘
I love you too
You love tv more than you love me😭
—A FEW MOMENTS LATER🍍 (the next day)—
You didn't sleep last night...you were too excited. Walker sweetly said he would stay up with you but...he kinda fell asleep within like 10 minutes of saying that 🤦‍♀️
You were scrolling through your instagram watching edits people made of you and Walker when you look at the time and see it's 5am
"It's late enough" you think to yourself
You lean over Walker as you just stare at him with your face like a centimeter apart
He didn't even wake up💀
"Wake up" you slap him
"Ow" he grumbles as he winces
He opens his eyes and sees how close your face is
He screams😒
"Why did you wake me up to that terror?!" He complains
"Well silly me for thinking you would smile to see the love of your life when you wake up" you roll your eyes
"I would be! Do you know where she is?" He jokes
"Yeah she's sitting here thinking would they miss Walker at the grand opening...eh I'll take my chances" you reply as he just glares at you
"It's 5 am!" He complains
"Yeah so" you shrug
"You woke me up an hour early!" He whines
"Oopsie" you smirk
"I want you to know I really hate you" he grumbles
"I want you to know that you didn't stay awake with me last night and this is your punishment" you laugh at him
"Did you at least pack before you woke me up" he rolls his eyes
"Uhm...yeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhh?" You look away as he rolls his eyes
(Sorry for the time skip lol)
When you get to Disneyland you go through their secret underground tunnels so nobody sees you. Nobody knows still! They just said there is going to be a special Disney plus event today but thats it!
"Do you think anybody is suspicious?" Walker asked you
"I don't know. But boy is everyone gonna be surprised" you laugh
They take you up the stairs and come out a door to the Percy Jackson land.
It is breathtaking! The whole place was decorated like camp halfblood!
"So there are 4 rides, there will be meet and greets with cast members dressed as you, there will be random characters, saytures and campers walking around at all times, there will be a show where the scene where Luke and Percy fight in the first book on stage, there will be a capture the flag game every 4 hours and at night campers will tell stories by the fire. Any questions?" The last asks
"Can we like go on these rides and test them out?" Walker asks with a look in his eye like he's 5
"Yeah that would be amazing!" You agree
"Of course! You will go on all of the rides now and also a few times with the first guests" the lady explains
You and Walker look at each other then the girl. She gives you a smirk kind of like "oh so you two are literally both Percy"
You are Walker dart off in a race to the first ride. You were still holding hands so Walker was trying to push you back. You crash your shoulder into him cause ing him to stumble and you get a foot of a lead. You suddenly came to an extreme stop. You look back at the rest of the group.
"The ride is that way" the lady points in the complete other direction
"See Walker I told you it was that way" you lie
"You know you should have known...after all you are supposed to be a wise girl" he smirks
"And you're supposed to be funny but that didn't work out for you either" you reply as he rolls his eyes
The two of you walk back up to the group
"There is also a gift shop over there" the woman pointed
"Hey can we check that out first?" Dior asks
"Sure" the lady replies
You walk inside and it had all the merch. Shirts and necklaces and a bunch of blue candy.
"Awww look it's a percabeth necklace" you show smiles
"Walker?" You turn around and see him running back to you
"Hey" he says casually
"Uh where did you just go?" You ask
"Nowhere" he shrugs
"Perseus Jackson where do you just go?" You stare at him
"Ugh I bought you this" he gets down on one knee and pulls something from behind his back
It was a RING...pop😒 (aka candy)
"Oh thank you!" You smile and kiss him
"You look like you were expecting something else" he says knowing you so well
"Well..nope never mind" you shrug
"Come on! Now I'm curious!" He complains
"I'm not telling" you roll your eyes
"She though you were gonna propose" Aryan says casually walking past the two of you
"ARYAN!" You yell as he just leaves and walks faster
"You thought I was gonna propose?" Walker asks
"Maybe" you mumble
"Wise girl I love you but we are only 15" he says sweetly holding your shoulders
"I didn't say I was happy about it" you joke
"Oh well then to keep you happy I guess I won't ever propose" he smirks
"ha. ha. You think your so funny" you mock
"I am" he smiles
"I also got you this" he says mischievously as he pulls a water blaster from his back and squirts you in the face
"Walker!!" You scream as you fight him for it
A guest at Disneyland's POV
My mom, sister and I have been here since the park opened. Let's just say I'm not a morning person. I'm absolutely exhausted.
Wait I'm getting ahead of myself. Hi! My name is Sofia! I am 13! I'm at Disneyland right now because I thought it would be fun to come here for my birthday!...Okay I'm gonna be honest why I asked to come here for my birthday...Walker Scobell and y/n came here for their first date and I think that's so cool! Call me weird but I just wanted to come here after that and think they stood right here. Am I a little obsessed with Percy Jackson?...maybe👀 but isn't everyone?
We were walking by some sort of thing Disney covered. It was probably related to the Disney plus event today. Suddenly is heard a girl scream.
"Walker!" She yelled
"They're here" I blurt out and suddenly stop
"Who?" My mom asks as both my sister and she stop with me
"Walker Scobell and Y/n. They're here" I smile
"What?! can you feel them through the force my padawan?" my sister jokes
"No seriously! They're here! I'm sure of it! A girl with the same exact voice as y/n just yelled at Walker from behind this wall!" You exclaim
"Wait are you serious?" She asks
"Yes! I'm dead serious!" You reply
I turn to the wall and try to peak through the cracks
"What are you gonna do?" My mom asked me
"Well if I know my sister she's probably about to climb this wall" my sister jokes
"Oooo!! Do you think I could?" I ask excitedly
"No!!" The say in unison
"Okay okay fine" I reply
I take a selfie and post it on my Snapchat.
Immediately it went viral
"Sofia come on we can't just wait for them to come out" my mom says
"Ugh fine" I pout as we walk off
3rd person pov
"Walker I'm soaked now!" You whine
"Oh stop complaining" he rolls his eyes
You snatch the blaster from him and squirt the water at him
"I'm Percy Jackson do you think a little water is gonna hurt me?" he rolls his eyes
"Yes it wouldn't hurt Percy Jackson but I know you've got ptsd from filming in water so much" you smirk
"So you did it on purpose?!" He yells kind of a proud smile
"Maybe" you giggle
"You are so Loki's sister" walker laughs
"Just call me little mischief" you giggle
You go on the first ride. The tunnel of love one!
The entrance to the ride was just like the show. I don't know what it's called but you know what I mean.
You all separated into different boats. The boat only allows two...hehe romantic.
Walker helps you sit down and you cuddle into his chest. It reminded you of filming.
Just like the show the first thing that happened was the projections on the walls!
🎶What is love? Baby don't hurt me🎶
"I feel like I've heard this before...like in an orthodontist's office maybe" you hear Walker's voice say
But it wasn't Walker. It sounded like his voice during filming. Boy has his voice changed since then.
You then look to your left at boat with 2 animatronics of you and Walker (aka you and Percy) floats along with the two of you
You look at Walker and he looks like a little kid in a candy story. Huge smile and amazed!
"Wait I know this. This is Hephaestus's story" you hear your animatronic say
Wow they looked so real it was kind of creepy
Awww Walker looks so small next to you back then
Sorry ADHD lol back to the ride...maybe you actually are a halfblood
You look at Walker and he's just looking at you lovingly
"What?" You ask
"Nothing. This ride just reminds me how much fun we had filming...and how amazing it was to fall in love with you" he smiles as you blush
"I was thinking the same thing" you reply as he kisses you
The two of you are interrupted by your own voices lol
"Rejected by Hera"
"Rejected by Aphrodite"
"My mom told me these stories all the time.
I remember this."
"She said..."
"She said this is what the gods are like to each other"
"This is the kind of family they are"
"Why didn't you wanna say that just now?"
"She was trying to keep me away from you guys"
"Maybe you were right"
"Maybe she should have been preparing me better"
"Maybe she was preparing you"
"So when you got to us you'd be different than this"
You look at Walker and he's mouthing the words that the animatronics are saying
You hear the crashing of water in front of you
Well I guess this ride has drops
The boat with the two animatronics floats behind a wall as you hear the animatronic yell "Percy!"
Walker hold you right as you go over the drop...which by the way was huge
"Well now I'm soaked again" you laugh
"This really does remind me of filming now" he rolls his eyes
"Percy stand up! I mean it!" You turn the corner and see Percy in the chair
"It's okay" he says softly
"I'm okay" he says sooo sweet
You're almost tearing up watching this...which is a little weird I mean it's you and Walker
“Remember when the water jet went off and I went flying into the wall?” Walker laughs
“Of course I do! You tried to grab me so you wouldn’t hit the wall! I call it a murder attempt” you jokingly punch him
“You know…I can push you off of this boat” he smirks
“You know…I can kill you” you threaten
“So what? You threaten to kill me all the time” he rolls his eyes
“Yeah but if you push me I’ll have no choice but to follow through” you shrug
You look foward as see…
Another drop...yay😒
You get to the next scene and see Percy and you hugging
"Don't ever do that again seaweed brain" you hear Annabeth say
"I love you too wise girl" you hear Percy say with a little smirk in his voice
You get to the end of the ride and wait for everyone to get out
"So what did you think?" You ask them
"Ahh I loved it so much" Dior squeals
"Eh I was waiting for Luke to come in and stab you or something" Luke jokes
"What?!" You turn around sharply as he laughs
"Yeah I mean where was Grover? He's the best character and they forgot about him" Aryan pouts
"I think it's because he's not the best character" walker jokes as Aryan just glared at him
Okay so I'm just gonna describe the rest of the rides you all because it'll take too long to write about you and Walker on the ride right now.
So there is one where you get in a seat and "put on" Luke's winged shoes. You go by a room where Luke is projected and is pacing as he tells you the rules.
"To take flight say Maia. Percy, Grover and Annabeth will meet you." Luke says
The ride takes you through all of camp halfblood and more. Suddenly a monster (aka Mrs. Dodds) attacks you. Percy and Annabeth protect you as Grover accidentally flies away lol
There is a connu (idk if that’s how you spell it lol) where you float through the lake at camp halfblood and Chiron tells stories about the camp and stuff.
There is a "car ride" whet Percy along with Annabeth and Grover drive you to camp halfblood as you are getting attacked by a Minotaur. You've seen Percy's driving...it's a miracle you survive.
There's also like shows and stuff😁
A/n: alright everyone this is gonna have at least 3 parts. I have a surprise in the next chapter😘 again I wrote this at like 5 am so ther may be mistakes😭
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING!! I LOVE YOU SOOO SOOO SOOO MUCH!! If you liked the story please like, comment and share!! You are all amazing and I appreciate each and every one of you!!
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girlactionfigure · 19 days
🟧  Thu - events from Israel  
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️DISTURBING JUSTICE REVELATIONS.. disturbing revelations: Ch. 12 brought evidence of prohibited meetings and secret activity surrounding the appointment of Mandelblit to the position of Attorney General.  The recordings that were revealed paint a difficult picture of manipulations, conflicts of interest, and improper interference in appointment procedures for the most sensitive position in the law enforcement system.  (Movement for Quality Govt.)
.. Revealed: The chairman of the Bar Association put someone on his behalf in the search committee and passed on to Mandelblit the questions that would be asked by the committee. 
.. Revealed: The chairman of the committee, Mandelblit's friend, made sure to talk to the judges of the High Court and make it clear to them that they should reject the petition against Mandelblit's appointment because whoever is appointed in his place will be bad for the system.
.. Revealed: Mandelblit made it clear to the top of the attorney's office what would happen if they were not in his favor, he would be replaced by a candidate who would not align with the system.
▪️US & HAMAS.. A report in the US: the Americans are considering a unilateral deal with Hamas to release the hostages with American citizenship.
▪️HOUTHIS - YEMEN THREATEN.. The Houthis announced an operation to transport soldiers to Gaza. They are currently in the Sada Mountains not far from the border of Saudi Arabia.
▪️THE TUNNEL THAT LEAD TO THE MURDERED HOSTAGES.. entrance was in a children’s kindergarten, with walls covered in Disney characters.  Children shields.
.. Examination of the hostage remains: they were starved.
▪️UN.. After 11 months, the Security Council discussed the situation of the Israeli hostages for the first time.
🔸DEAL NEWS.. Hamas demands Israel's withdrawal from the buffer zone surrounding the Gaza Strip - the defense belt that Israel created within a kilometer of the border, in order to protect the surrounding settlements. This may be an even more fundamental issue than the Philadelphia axis.
.. The head of the political department of Hamas abroad, Sami Abu Zahari: “We will not fall into the circle of fraud, and that is why we boycotted the last round of negotiations.  The American administration is not serious about reaching any real agreement and its goal is to cover the Israeli position."
⭕Over 100 ROCKETS fired by HEZBOLLAH at northern towns yesterday, and 3 rounds of ROCKETS since our last report.
⭕ROCKET from HAMAS at Nachal Oz.
♦️IDF ATTACKS LEBANON.. A wave of attacks that began at night and continued until dawn... the air force attacked and destroyed targets that were hidden in the forests in southern Lebanon, rocket depots were clearly destroyed.
♦️IDF ATTACKS SAMARIA.. helicopter airstrikes in Tubas and Fara.  5 named terrorists killed.
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atlantis-archive · 1 year
Meet Team Atlantis
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Written by: Deborah Barnes Published in: Disney Adventures Collector’s Issue! Atlantis: The Lost Empire Volume 11, Number 6 (pg.32-35). Publisher: Buena Vista Magazines Inc. Publication date: circa July 2001.
(continued from In Search of Atlantis: The Lost Empire, continued in Dive!)
Meet Team Atlantis
Find out cool facts about the brave explorers who go in search of the lost city of Atlantis!
In 1914, a young adventurer named Milo Thatch dreamed of completing his grandfather's quest to find the legendary lost city of Atlantis. Though some people thought Milo was crazy, a wealthy businessman agreed to sponsor Milo's expedition. Milo joined a group of daredevil explorers on a dangerous mission that took them under the sea and to the center of the Earth.
MILO JAMES THATCH Team position: Linguist, major brainiac. Age: 32. Birthplace: Fishkill, New York. Education: Earned doctorate degrees in linguistic theory and dead languages from Oxford University in England. Major accomplishments: Graduated from high school at age 11; ranked as one of the world's best linguists; translated ancient documents that reveal the location of Atlantis. Best trait: Milo never gives up. Worst trait: Love of work doesn't leave much time for a social life; best friend is his Persian cat, Fluffy. Secret dream: Milo's one and only dream is not so secret: Find Atlantis. Biggest fear: That he might be wrong—that Atlantis doesn't really exist.
LYLE TIBERIUS ROURKE Team position: Expedition commander, serious dude. Age: 54. Birthplace: Beaumont, Texas. Education: Graduated second in his class from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (in New York). Major accomplishments: Led the charge in tons of famous battles as an Army captain; won awards for leadership and heroism; saved the life of his commanding officer. Best trait: Total focus on his mission. Worst trait: A cruel streak—and quick temper! Both make him a little scary. Secret dream: To make lots of money. Biggest fear: That he might actually fail on a mission.
HELGA KATRINA SINCLAIR Team position: Second in command. Age: 30. Birthplace: Frankfurt, Germany. Education: Studied with famous martial arts and weapons experts around the world; trained in military tactics and firearms under Commander Rourke. Major accomplishments: One of only three living people to beat Commander Rourke in both unarmed combat and chess. Best trait: Intelligent and cool under pressure. Worst trait: Can seem icy and unfriendly. Secret dram: To fight someone (or something) that's a real challenge. Biggest fear: What is fear?
[page break]
Meet Team Atlantis
GAETAN MOLIÉRE Team position: Geologist, mineralogist, tunneling expert. Age: 39. Birthplace: Paris, France. Education: Became interested in tunneling by exploring the sewers beneath Paris as a kid; went to college at the Sorbonne; left school to become a miner. Major accomplishments: One of the world's best geologists; can tell where dirt is from by tasting it. Best trait: A master problem-solver and inventor. Worst trait: He likes dirt so much, he hardly bathes. Secret dream: To burrow to the center of the Earth. Biggest fear: Being forced to take a bath.
WILHELMINA BERTHA PACKARD Team position: Communications expert, chatterbox. Age: 61. Birthplace: Whippany, New Jersey. Education: Worked as a research assistant to several famous inventors—and married most of them (including Chichester Bell, cousin of telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell). Major accomplishments: Helped develop several major communications devices, including the radio, batteries and a "talking machine" (the ancestor to the CD player). Best trait: Unflappable sense of humor. Worst trait: Can be too chatty, even in the face of disaster. Secret dream: To finally find the love of her life. Biggest fear: Static.
AUDREY ROCIO RAMIREZ Team position: Mechanic, hothead. Age: 18. Birthplace: Dearborn, Michigan. Education: Began rebuilding engines in her father's car-repair shop at the age of 5; took a job at the Henry Ford Automotive Plant at the age of 9. Major accomplishments: Helped invent new gearing, steering and cooling systems for cars at Ford. Best trait: Spunky and smart. Worst trait: A short temper that gets even shorter when all the equipment keeps breaking down. Secret dream: To build a flying car. Biggest fear: That she'll get caught without her toolbox.
VINCENZO "VINNY" SANTORINI Team position: Demolitions, expert. Age: 38. Birthplace: Palermo, Italy. Education: Learned all about explosives on his own—and has a childhood full of blown up buildings to prove it. Major accomplishments: Can create the right kind of explosion for every occasion. Best trait: Stays relaxed, despite his dangerous job. Worst trait: A passion for practical jokes; seems to like blowing things up just a bit too much. Secret dream: To one day create the perfect explosion. Biggest fear: Working in the family business—a florist's shop!
DR. JOSHUA STRONGBEAR SWEET Team position: Medical officer. Age: 42. Birthplace: Bigelow, Kansas. Education: Earned degrees in medicine, botany (the study of plants) and herbology; learned Native American medicine from his uncle Iron Cloud, an Arapaho medicine man. Major accomplishments: Served as a battlefield surgeon with Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders; treated soldiers on both sides. Best trait: Strong as a grizzly, gentle as a teddy bear. Worst trait: No one's found it yet. Secret dream: To find a cure for all diseases. Biggest fear: Small spaces.
"COOKIE" FARNSWORTH Team position: Cook. Age: 72. Birthplace: Tulsa, Oklahoma. Education: Served as a sharpshooter in the Civil War; became a U.S. Army cook, feeding hundreds with almost no supplies. Major accomplishments: Was General George Custer's personal chef; became a chef at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; owned his own restaurant. Best trait: Can make shoe leather taste good—and he probably has. Worst trait: The military has made him tough—so complain about the food at your own risk! Secret dream: To invent something called "fast-food." Biggest fear: Running out of flour.
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caliburn-the-sword · 6 months
since i've been gone:
watched atla live action. hate the tell don't show writing style. got mad every time i saw ian ousley on screen. suki and jet ate that up tho i'm literally SO pan. zuko's flashbacks made me cry. him leading the division that he saved in finding the avatar is a nice touch. love how secret tunnel and two lovers/omashu is gay now
am starting a jade fire gold by june cl tan reread because holy fuck i'm in zutara feels rn
read if you could see the sun by ann liang. made me cry shake throw up. obsessed with her writing and need her book to hurry up and appear in aus
read the first shatter me book since i enjoyed the first 6 chapters on google. BIG mistake. how did simultaneously nothing happen in that book while everything happen at the same time?? why do people hate adam and love warner??? why is every man on the planet obsessed with juliette??? however the last two chapters gave xmen vibes so unfortunately i will be reading the rest of the series at some point in time
i became OBSESSED with the maleficent movies for an entire fortnight. so much so i thrifted a grunge fairycore skirt with NOTHING to style it with. can't wait for maleficent 3!!!!
follow up to maleficent, i ended up rewatching all of descendants. all i'm gonna say is mal did nothing wrong. ben is insanely mid. i think that evie's backstory is a lot darker than let on by the disney channel rating but i'll make a separate post about my headcanons for her. saw the teaser for the 4th movie. rip to cameron
i watched the marvels FINALLY. i ADORED kamala as always even with all the shitty writing changes to her backstory, iman slays as always. i screamed cried and threw up when i saw the og beast from xmen and professor x mention!!! seeing carol from the kree's perspective was also actually REALLY interesting. the family angst between monica and carol also made me emotional. seeing kamala become disillusioned with her hero was also very civil war 2 coded and i'd LOVE to see that fleshed out more. i'm interested to see whether kamala is trying to form the young avengers (which she was never a member of and predates her by 10 years), champions or secret warriors (both of which kate was never a member of if i remember correctly)
because of xmen crumbs i unfortunately rewatched about half of the gifted s1 for those feels
i now know 4 programming languages and am living out my own little cress darnel life
watched a few episodes of love between fairy and demon, thought i didn't like cdramas, gave an episode of who rules the world and actually?? i might be into it. i'll see in a few episodes time (IF i have time)
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cinderswife · 9 months
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a companion piece to my previous outfit ref of rose, here's cinders!! i had so much fun designing her a variety of outfits <33 cinders my beloved cinders my wife :3 i will also do one of these for snow because i can't not!
design notes and lore info dump under the cut
so cinders was design to be a complimentary opposite to rose as well as heavily fire themed. she's tall, she's lanky, and she's one of those people who is uncomfortable to hug because they're so bony. she's also a wolf girl. wolf girl rights <3
cinders is a trans woman !! this is very important to me.
the scar on her torso is actually where a sci-fi hrt implant was implanted so she doesn't have to worry about taking hrt cuz she's got so much other shit going on
cinders has had a hell of a time in cole's prisons over the past 10 years. her tattered ear and lip scar come from some of the several times she has stood up for herself and met violence with violence and she is notably malnourished
the gradient in cinders' hair is a very common trait among the people of her planet Perrault and is also very pretty
the dots on cinders' face are skin picking scars
fun fact: other than the eye color, having been amab, and a few environmental factors, cinders looks exactly like her mother. wonder what that's about
prison uniform
the prison uniform of cole's prisons is pretty standard across the empire: grey with a red triangle on the front. realistically, this should be the only outfit on the sheet because cinders has been in prison for an entire decade but that'd be boring.
cinders' uniform hangs off her body. uniforms her size are designed for peope with a lot more meat on their bones
princess party dress
full disclosure: this was an excuse to design cinders a disney princess dress. lore wise, this is cinders' favorite party dress imported from one of the four planets perrault was in a close trade relationship with. it's also the dress she was captured by cole in. it was her 20th birthday party which was meant to bring a little levity to the people of her planet in the midst of a terrible war. unfortunately, the combination of her stepmother marguerite's betrayal and a promising young soldier named rose grimm accidentally discovering a secret tunnel meant that the party went down in the most tragic way possible.
this dress is made up of lots and lots of orange gradients and was designed to match her hair
the tiger lillies on her dress and gloves are detailed fabric replicas
her tiara and necklace are made of rose gold, which on perrault is its own naturally occurring metal. it's very difficult to refine correctly, so this small amount of it is a fabulous flaunt of wealth and power
the tiara has no special history compared to other royal jewels, this one was commissioned specifically for her
the glitter was painstakingly hand beaded in by an artisan (and was drawn with a glitter brush lol)
queen of perrault
hey wait a minute, isn't cinders a princess? well. this is entirely delving into headcanon/lore territory, but my particular cinders was queen from the ages of 12 to 19 because her father, the heritage king, was old and ailing and her mother died unexpectedly (cough reneged on the deal with a witch that created cinders cough). in order to keep the people from freaking out, her advisors took advantage of her looking exactly like her mother and made her queen. transition by becoming your mother, you know how it goes. this was not approved by her father, who did not die, and it turned into a whole political mess that ended with her as princess instead of queen. she was the best queen her people had had in a very long time, even if she had to lead her people to war in the latter half of her reign. i'll get into the details some other time but. lore!
this is the only outfit on this sheet that reflects the cultural fashion of perrault, specifically in the floating capital
this is an extremely goth outfit by perraultan standards. red is the color associated with mourning and ties heavily into funerary traditions and bone white is the color of death and evil. cinders' reign was haunted by grief and mourning
the gold is just an accent color. all of the embroidery was hand embroidered, which in an era of perfect machine embroidery is a huge flex and considered very fashionable
she is wearing two veils. the first one is mostly to make the crown more comfortable on her head (that sucker is heavy and tugs at her hair) and features elaborate designs on the inside. the second, translucent lace one is to obscure her features so people don't notice she's a lot younger than her mother
the crown cinders is wearing is the rose gold crown of the perrault! it was designed for one of her distant ancestors, the first queen of the grimsnarl dynasty, after perrault formed a coalition with the other four trader planets. aside from being made of pure rose gold and thus the world's biggest flex of wealth and power, every aspect of it has meaning.
the seven peaks of the crown represent the seven great nations of perrault that cinders' rules over. the peaks aren't assigned to any specific nation because one might get mad about being tiny while another flaunts how big it is. the size variation of the peaks is designed to mimic the towers of the castle, which is on a floating island unattached to any nation.
the jewels on the crown are the national jewels of the coalition of five trader planets and represents the strong ties between them. the big topaz represents perrault, the morganite represents telemaine, the heliodore represents anea, the ruby represents charn, and the amethyst represents quaria. all of these planets fell to cole's rule after perrault did
cinders isn't wearing any other jewelry because the embroidery on her dress is worth more than any jewel in the kingdom
the fabric of this dress is very heavy because it gets chilly on a castle on a floating island
day dress
this dress is not of any of the trader planets' fashions. rather, it comes from the six month time period between cinders and rose's marriage (aka signing a piece of paper to get cinders out of jail) and their wedding (the ceremony that kicked off ouatis). this fashion style comes from the star system of delinore, the duchy snow rules over and that snow and rose are from. this is actually my favorite outfit on this entire sheet; cinders in pink gingham is something that can be so personal
look, you actually get to see cinders' feet! she doesn't usually wear dresses this short haha
turns out that this particular pastel pink is cinders' favorite color <3
this dress is a lot lighter weight than cinders has worn previously; the capital city of delinore, chel, is a lot warmer than perrault's capital
the rose necklace was something snow got for her as a wedding gift. cinders like it so much she found shoes to match
big floppy hat rights for cinders !!!! i want her in so many hats you don't understand
this is a gingham dress! its so pretty
the ring on her finger isn't The Glass Ring TM, it's just the one snow grabbed for the impromptu courtroom marriage/pardoning. don't worry, the glass ring will show up at the actual wedding. consider it like an engagement ring
i wanted to give cinders an homage to disney's cinderella (who was my favorite disney princess growing up), hence this dress! much like the previous outfit, this one also originates from delinore. cinders wore it to balls and other formal events that snow hosted that rose was required to be at.
turns out that when cinders has complete control of what she wears (no royal duties or prison) she really likes monochrome pastels. she is my pastel queen.
this dress is made up of a very lightweight silk that shimmers in the moonlight
the glitter on the medium blue is actually baked into the fabric, but it makes her sparkle more
the cowl and the hair fascinator are part of a matched set, hence the matching flowers
cinders does Not like having her arms out, hence the big long gloves. also they're pretty !!
basically cinders is very pretty and i love her
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adarkrainbow · 5 months
Fairytales in BD: Sept nains
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"Sept/7" is a concept serie of the Delcourt publication that works on this concept: each issue is a different story, set in a different world, with each time a different artist and writer. The only thing uniting them is a set of seven characters that form the protagonists each time.
"Sept nains", "Seven dwarfs", by Wilfrid Lupao and Roberto Ali, is a mature and irreverent parody of Disney's Snow-White, retelling the story with a heavy dose of dark humor, while focusing on the life of the seven dwarfs. Former jesters of the castle banished away due to a joke about the queen's age and vanity, made bitter by their miserable existence as miners in the woods, they end up deciding to dig up throughout the secret tunnels underneath in the castle in order to rob the king's treasury... But this gets them involved into Snow-White's story in many ways - from trying to help a not-so-sweet Snow-White that actually only has hatred from them, to accidentally creating the "magic mirror" and sending the evil queen in her murderous obsessive spiral.
As the subtitle says punnily: "Seven miners undermine a major tale".
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Artemis Fowl and That One Time Opal Koboi Went Full Disney Villain
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Ah yes, the book that explores the aftermath of trying to mind-wipe Artemis Fowl and the consequences of assuming that just because your archnemesis is in a coma, they're not plotting their revenge. It's no secret that we stan Opal Koboi in this house, but uhhh...not gonna lie, she makes that REALLY DIFFICULT in the early chapters of this book. Let's talk Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception.
*As per usual with sequels and books that aren't the first in the series, spoilers abound below the break.*
Opal Koboi being hated by her entire engineering class in college--Foaly included--is most easily and canonically chalked up to systemic fairy sexism. I'm not here to dispute that charge, because there was absolutely airy sexism involved, but I submit to you, dear reader, that the fact that Opal had matered cleansing comas by age 14 and could literally study in her sleep might have also had something to do with it. Although if it had, Foaly might not have been so lackadaisical about letting Opal rot in the J. Argon clinic.
Let's just take a minute to appreciate that cloning herself and plotting a breakout from a stupid secure mental health facility with ADDED LEP SECURITY is the BACKUP plan. Because hot damn honey, replacing yourself with a clone requires a level of planning that is like, fourth-level chess master with a flair for the dramatic--and we'll get back to that flair for the dramatic in a second, because it is fully on display for every single one of Opal's three main plots in this book.
Her first main plan is to get revenge on Holly and Root for disrupting her plan to become Empress of Haven by framing Holly for Root's murder by tricking Holly into taking a practically impossible shot to disarm an explosive device that was strapped to the Commander's chest and broadcasting video but not audio of the whole event to the LEP. Like, Opal. My girl. That is simultaneously brutal and dramatic of you.
And the thing about the entire scene is that it's really, really damn well written. I got this book on release day, and bawled all the way through this and I think the next couple of chapters. The extra cruel thing that Opal did here was choose a murder weapon that there was precisely ZERO hope of coming back from. Holly may have managed a four-minute healing for Butler in the last book, but as (I'm pretty sure) Foaly says, "magic doesn't work on melted slop." The bomb Opal strapped to Root's chest doesn't just kill him, it collapses the chute tunnel behind Holly as she makes a desperate bid to escape in time to rescue Artemis from another bomb. There was no way to bring Root back from this, and because Opal is a high-drama nemesis, Root is of course suffering the whole way down. The bomb is strapped to his chest using octo-bonds, and Opal spends the entire scene remotely tightening them, slowly crushing Root's chest while Holly stands six feet away to stop the proximity sensor from blowing them both to kingdom come. Root's death is brutal, painful, and Holly spends the entire rest of the book mourning him. It is HEARTBREAKING for a middle grade death scene, and really hella extra for a middle grade villain.
Opal's plan for revenge on Artemis is a bit less moustache-twirling, but not by much. She has clocked that Artemis is really into art theft since his mind wipe, so she gets to The Fairy Thief before he does and plants a bio-bomb tracker in the painting tube that will activate once the tube is opened. So her plan was for Artemis to die in a moment of ironic triumph while Holly looked on. Because oh yeah, Holly bails on the explosion in the Haven chute just barely in time on the hope and prayer of saving Artemis. Unfortunately, Holly gets to the hotel just in time to see the bomb go off. Artemis is fine because Butler is just that damn good, but Holly is having arguably the worst day if her life.
As she collapses to the roof of the hotel trying to process the fact that three of the most important people in her life have just been murdered in front of her--and the niggling worry that the sweet spot might not have been real and she might have just flat-out killed Root herself--who shows up to gloat? Opal goddamn Koboi. In tow Opal has a second bio-bomb for Holly that she barely escapes by containing it with her helmet. As a bonus side effect, Ark Sool and everyone in the lower elements thinks Holly is dead now, because all her vitals flattened simultaneously as the bomb fried her helmet. So now Foaly is also having a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.
And in a brief sidebar: Opal might be a dramatical cats villain, but we love her. We DO NOT love Ark Sool, because his ass made Foaly go over the footage of Root's death with a fine tooth comb to try to prove Holly's guilt, and even Foaly almost breaks because he literally has to slow-mo through the footage of Root being blown to hell multiple times. Like, Foaly just has PTSD now. That's just a thing that Ark Sool casually did to the centaur who is almost single-hoofedly standing between humans and the People. NICE GOING, ASSHOLE. We hate Ark Sool.
Now, Opal's track record for successful plans in this book seems to have begun and ended with cloning herself and having the Brill twins break her out of the Argon Clinic, because her revenge plan is 1 for 3, and her backup revenge plan just gets WILD. On discovering that Holly and Artemis suvived, Opal captures them and drops them in a defunct theme park that was human wonders of the world themed and is currently overrun by trolls. And the really wild thing is that Opal had to have either done this before or else has the best freaking team in the world, because the exits are newly blocked and there are little screens with gloats on them scattered throughout the whole park. Holly and Artemis do escape, but it would have definitely easier if the LEP hadn't mind-wiped Artemis, because he was definitely not working with a full deck and kept trying to just *wait out the delusion* instead of actively running from trolls with a taste for human flesh. None of that is ideal, but thanks once again to Butler and Mulch, Artemis and Holly live to foil Opal's big main plan.
The TLDR on this plan is to throw humans and fairies into a massive war by exposing the fairies when they try to sneakily scupper a human attempt to mine the mantle for power. This involves a lot of warheads and phsyics and attempts to direct a metric ton of molten metal eating through the earth's crust. For being the objectively highest stakes plot, the book doesn't spend a whole lot of time on this, and I can't blame them. Opal going full vengeful dramatic villain is WAY more interesting. Unfortunately, Holly and Artemis do manage to thwart Opal, who has the meltdown of all meltdowns right before she spends a week as a human child on a farm--for complicated reason that I cannot be bothered to explain here, because Opal Koboi is objectively too fantastic and dramatic to deserve that...except for how she kind does deserve that for what she did to Commander Root.
Ark Sool probably also deserves it, because he doesn't let Holly attend Root's funeral, and proceeds to bury her in internal affairs investigations. We really, REALLY hate Ark Sool.
So overall, this book really marks a turning point/new beginning for Artemis and Pals, and this book is where Opal Koboi arguably shines brightest because our girl is UNHINGED and we love to watch it happen. Even if we do start watching it through tears.
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hinacu-arts · 8 months
Writing idea and au archive master-masterpost lets go
🦇 DC - #hinacu dc
👿 Demon Slayer - #hinacu kny
👑 Disney Princess - #hinacu dp
👻 DP x DC - #hinacu dpxdc
🔀 Crossovers - #hinacu xover
🧙JJK - #hinacu jjk
🦁 Lion King / Lion Guard - #hinacu tlg
🧝‍♀️ LOTR/The Hobbit
🕷️ Marvel - #hinacu mcu
🦸 MHA - #hinacu mha
🏴‍☠️ One Piece - #hinacu op
⚔️ RWBY - #hinacu rwby
🪨 Secret Tunnel Series (ongoing misc. project)
🦔 Sonic the Hedgehog - #hinacu sonic
🪐 Star Trek - #hinacu st
⭐️ Star Wars - #hinacu sw / #hinacu swr
🐢 TMNT - #hinacu tmnt
🐼 Kung Fu Panda (retired fandom) - #hinacu kfp
🐦‍⬛ Maleficent (retired fandom)
🦋 Merlin (retired fandom) - #hinacu merlin
🐞 Miraculous Ladybug (retired fandom) - #hinacu ml
🌊 Percy Jackson Universe (retired fandom) - #hinacu pjo / #hinacu tkc / #hinacu mcga / hinacu toa
⚙️ Power Rangers (retired fandom) - #hinacu pr
✨ She-ra: POP (retired fandom) - #hinacu spop
🔥 Soul Eater (retired fandom) - #hinacu soul eater
🚀 Voltron (retired fandom)
🗡️ Witcher (retired fandom) - #hinacu witcher
⛸️ Yuri on Ice (retired fandom)
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invadingfrogs · 7 days
If HOHR was like a comic book or an animated series, I really like the idea of the mind episodes being drawn/ animated differently.
Of Mind and Men: Wes anderson esque mixed with a touch of stop motion. Whip pans, chapter like structure, heavy use of symmetry.
Glubhog day: That old disney style reminiscence of the robin hood movie. That style mixed with the sketch marks shining through.
Sorry, not sporey: studio ghibli
Suspicious mind: This is the only one not changed. The happy boys stay the exact same. In fact in the scenery you can find paint cans and tool kits out in the woods. Like a set not yet finished.
Les Whisperales: Cartoon saloon’s stunning style. The wist feels very secret of kells to me and the tunnel prison reminds me of the bread winner.
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bonesxbows · 4 months
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One place for all my fanfics, also on Ao3 under the name ClydeW
Always open to requests and prompts! All fics are marked with warnings in their descriptions and all pronouns are kept neutral unless otherwise specified!
Destiny 2
The Drifter
Hope Comes In Many Forms (Drifter x Reader)
(Self-Harm Warning) The past is being repeated, and the drifter isn't particularly happy about it. But nevertheless he's right there to help you through it, no matter what it takes.
The Only Hope for Me is You (Mithrax x Reader)
You get back to the Elsikni quarter in the last city barely being held together. Mithrax helps you get back on your feet and the two of you make a discovery together.
The Legend of Zelda
I'll Be There For You (Botw Link x Reader)
(Self-Harm Warning) When you both make a trip to the desert things go sideways when you have to wear short sleeves. Link tries to make it all okay though.
Bittersweet Tragedy (TP Link x Reader)
Link arrives back at his home village as a wolf to find the place covered in twilight and the place raided by monsters. His first thought is to find you and make sure you're safe, despite how different he looks.
Shining in the Starlight (Flynn Rider x Reader)
(Fem FTM Trans Reader) You're the princess except you're trans and are actually a prince. Eugene tries to help you through a moment of dysphoria.
The Sharpest Lives (Beckett x Reader)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
(Violence and Torture Warning) Beckett's former gang has ambushed you and captured you, doing whatever they so pleased to you in order to "teach him a lesson." But in one way or another, you escaped from that hellhole they had locked you up in and crawled back home to him.
Old Scars, Future Hearts (Aries x Reader)
After hearing a certain holotape, and it getting stuck in your head, you're plagued with reoccurring nightmares. Aries is there to help you through the aftermath of one and some secrets are spilled.
Something's Gotta Give (Aries x Reader)
(Self-Harm Warning) After a rough run through the big bend tunnel, Aries helps you with your wounds and unexpectedly finds something he wasn't supposed to.
Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall (Hancock x Reader)
There's a radstorm brewing and you and Hancock need to find shelter fast. There's a place nearby that'll work, but it's awfully cramped and the thunder outside isn't helping.
The Other Line (Hancock x Reader)
(Slight Starvation Warning) There's not enough food in your stash for the both of you so you try to give what you have left to Hancock instead of yourself. He isn't having any of it though and insists you at least share, and no isn't an option with him when it comes to your wellbeing.
The Ghoul / Cooper Howard
Ring of Fire (Cooper Howard x Reader)
You and Cooper are heading to collect a bounty, but it's a lot farther away than you anticipated. He's used to the sun but your pristine and non-irriated skin isn't. Heat stroke is imminent and could end up killing you if Cooper doesn't intervene.
Act Naturally (Cooper Howard x Reader)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
(Anger Issues & Sad Ending Warning) While exploring an old section of Hollywood, the two of you stumble upon an old advertisement for a cowboy movie. But the man on the poster looks suspiciously a lot like Cooper, even down to the same smile. But it couldn't possibly be him...right?
Assassin's Creed
Ratonhnaké:ton/Connor Kenway
The Lonely Wolf That Stalks (Connor x Reader)
(Animal Attack Warning) Beauty and the beast/princess and the frog inspired except it's you and Connor and there are no princes or princesses.
Through the Frontier (Connor x Reader)
(Horror Story Warning) You and Connor are riding through the woods at night and Connor can sense that the two of you aren't alone.
Apep's Vengeance
Bayek tells Khemu of his battle with Apep in the form of a bedtime story.
Shay Cormac
Windy Old Weather (Shay Cormac x Reader)
(Panic Attack Warning) A severe storm catches you and Shay off guard and you're forced to face your fears. Luckily he's there to keep you safe and comfort you through your anxiety.
Baldur's Gate 3
Weeping Dawn (Gale x Reader)
You have a breakdown and seek out Gale for comfort.
Colors of the Underdark (Astarion x Reader)
(Panic Attack Warning) A trip to the Underdark goes south and you're left with no light source. Your human eyes become useless and you start to panic. You're terrified of the dark and there's nothing but darkness around you down here. Astarion can tell and can actually see you start to panic. He tries his best to comfort you.
Surgery of a Hope (Astarion x Reader)
(Sexual Assault/Assault Warning) Someone dared to try to lay a hand on you and Astarion finds out. He leaves Gale to comfort you while he goes and "takes care" of it. Or alternatively, Astarion is trying to show you he loves you in one of the only ways he knows how; by killing.
Hazbin Hotel
Wash My Dreams Away (Lucifer x Reader)
You wake up in a panic, a new nightmare still fresh in your mind, but Lucifer isn't in bed with you like he should be. The darkness and anxiety your dreams have left you with won't let you fall back asleep so you search through the castle to find him. He uses his gifts to help calm you down enough to go back to sleep.
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