#Utsuki Chikage x Reader
noorionoodles · 3 months
❁Spring Troupe Boys and their (S/O)'s Snuggles (Headcanons) ❁
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Spoilers for Act 2! TW/: swearing cuz i'm passionate lol
❁ Sakuya Sakuma
- blushy boi = happy boi
- i'd imagine he'd be rehersing alone in the wee hours of the morning onstage, and your sleepy ass would surprise him by coming up from behind and wrapping your arms around him.
- he'd definitely be startled!
- after the initial shock, he'd give you one of those gorgeous smiles you adore and be like, "Oh, (S/O)! Where did you come from?"
- and when you give a muffled reply through the fabric of his hoodie, he'd stay still with a shade of pink slowly reaching his ears, letting the warmth of your embrace sink in.
- he'd REFUSE to focus on his script again until you let him go. Rest assured he'll walk into practice with that memory for the rest of the day. (the rest of the troupe would definitely pick up on their leader's giddy attitude, but none of them find it in them to tease him cuz omg he's so precious— )
- would be too flustered to ask for some himself so you're gonna have to take the reigns here—
❁ Masumi Usui
- he'd deny it. Oh he'd def deny how good it feels to have your arms slink around his waist, your face buried in the crook of his neck as you wake yourself up from your drowsy state.
- he'd be all flustered and shit and would snap if any of the guys even go so far as to mention it.
- but when it comes to you? Ohhh boy
- You created a monster
- it's taking every ounce of his self-control to not pull you back to his dorm and nap with you.
- rehersals be damned! (Just kidding, he'd begrudgingly get up after a while. Hard to sleep in when you have Sakuya as your personal alarm clock)
- after that moment he'd crave your cuddles.
- Every
- Single
- Day
- he'll beg if he has to (in the end it's your choice anyway lmao)
- and as much as you're annoyed at him for dragging you away from work, all is forgiven since he gives really good hugs.
❁ Tsuzuru Minagi
- congratulations, Mankai Company has finally found a way to get their script writer to get to fucking bed on time.
- pulling all nighters? Throw you on his desk.
- refusing to sleep cuz of early shifts? Throw you on his bed. The others will take care of work.
- has pulled all nighters anyway and is now passed out on the ground? THROW YOU ON THE GROUND—jk both of you are hogging the couch
- just like how Citron's terrible japanese, Izumi's concerning obsession with curry and Banri and Juza at each other's throats 24/7 has become a staple in our theatre group; You clinging to Tsuzuru in your sleep while he makes coffee for himself has swiftly made its way up there.
- if Tsuzuru has completed a script or the Company has produced yet another successful play; it's a guarantee they will find you guys hibernating in at least 45 different spots—
- this'll keep repeating till Omi and Takato carry you two back to your dorms.
- rinse and Repeat lmao
❁ Itaru Chigasaki
- listen
- Imagine it's the weekend and Itaru is sitting on his gloriously comfy beanbag playing yet another one of those RPGs (god I sound like a boomer lol) and he feels a weight on his back and he realises you're snuggling against him still half asleep wrapped in your blanket?
- bro's in heaven
- like deadass, man would stop BREATHING if it means you won't wake up
- he just thinks you're so snuggly and cute and smol like this and AHHHH—
- outside he calm and all suave but inside he panik (in a good way) (like the 'this is so cute ima explode' panik)
- would tease the absolute bajesus outta you once you wake up tho
- ngl he'll want more
- too bad for you he's making this a routine, if it ain't you snuggling then it's him.
- Bonus points if his (S/O) is a stoic and unfeely type, ESPECIALLY if they're touch starved
- like the contrast is wiiiild honey—
- 10/10 would hug again
❁ Citron
- He'd get so giddy and shit when he sees you asking for a hug
- man would casually just pick you up lmao idk man
- he's not that strong but he'd just see you leaning against him half asleep
- and just
- picks you up like bridal style
- that obv wakes you up so you look at your bf like 👁 👄 👁
- and he suddenly spins you around and does the zoomies till you SCREAM at him to put you down
- happens only once though lol (unless you want him to do it again in which case u're in luck)
- other than that, he'd definitely let you sleep on his lap, his legs tucked on either sides of you with his chin on your head
- like a protective mama bird lol
- would sing to you if you allow him
❁ Chikage Utsuki
- yeah good luck surprising him lmao
- I'm sorry you won't be able to do it without him figuring it out beforeand.
- man's already touch aversed (esp around girls) so he'd be on high alert
- but he trusts you
- so when you swallow your pride and ask him, he'd act all smug and tease you about it for a bit
- like what you on about mr. highlighter man I need my cuddles—
- but he'd finally give in and allow you to snuggle against him while he relaxes on the couch
- def the most calm one out of all of them
- he'd feel a subtle warmth in his chest
- it's foreign to him, but the sight of you wrapped around his arms, so vulnerable and safe in his embrace? It reminds him alot of Hisoka back in the day
- and with that connection, he'd pull you to his chest and make a silent vow to himself to always protect you with his life.
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: sakuya sakuma | masumi usui | tsuzuru minagi | itaru chigasaki | citron | chikage utsuki summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: references to injury rating: sfw a/n: this was a different experience to write after all the supernatural nonsense of arcana and obey me, really not sure if this is as exciting as those ones, but y'know, sometimes a bit of a chill pill is a good thing.
└── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
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≿━━━━༺❀ sakuya sakuma ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were, to put it nicer than anyone else at the time bothered to, a disgraced actor who'd just moved away from your home country to japan in order to start over so to speak. mostly you were just in the middle of getting situated into a new country and living style.
✿ you were 18, and out of those years you'd been an actor for nine. sakuya and you had barely a year of age difference, with him being 17 at the time.
✿ you were in veludo way as you'd heard it was a good place to look for employement as an actor, when you came across a young man advertising try-outs for their company, mankai. you politely asked for one, which ended in sakuya staring at you in awe for a long time before you just awkwardly took one of the fliers and fled the scene.
✿ you showed up to the try-outs the next day, which didn't end up being a lot as you were given the position immediately by the eager looking director. sakuya finally introduced himself and the two of you were set to share a room together.
✿ sakuya was immediately in awe upon seeing you, i mean, you were famous! a talented actor who had years on him in the industry! and you were talking to him! after calming down from his fangirling, he actually came to appreciate your positive and cheerful disposition. you thought sakuya was sort of cute, if not a little overwhelming with his hero-worship. but once he managed to calm down, he made for good company and was eager to help you get settled down in your shared room.
≿━━━━༺❀ masumi usui ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were an aspiring actor, who despite your tremendous talent had thus far been rejected from every theatre company you'd tried out for. thankfully, a certain director happened to see one of your try-outs and scouted you to join her company.
✿ you were sixteen at the time, though you'd started your hobby of acting when you were just five years old to the delight of your mothers. masumi was also sixteen.
✿ you were brought to the mankai company doors by izumi, where she informed everyone that you'd be joining the spring troupe. masumi wasn't all too happy about the attention you were receiving from her, and after being informed that the two of you would be roommates proceeded to insult you and walk away.
✿ masumi pretty much ignored you from then on, even as you were moving to your shared room. you didn't really care, though you would've loved if he got off his ass long enough to pick up his own stuff from his side of the room. it's how he ended up with a book thrown at his face.
✿ masumi absolutely did not like you upon first meeting. you were far too pretty and izumi was already praising you, you were bound to take her away from him. the book incident most certainly didn't help his opinion of you either. you didn't pay any mind to masumi really, his opinions on you were his own problem. it wasn't until you actually had to start sharing a living space with him did you start getting even a bit annoyed with him and his habits.
≿━━━━༺❀ tsuzuru minagi ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a set designer looking for work, as you'd just recently become the legal guardian of your three younger siblings and needed to support the three of you. so, you'd applied to work at the mankai company and somehow got roped into doing acting work as well.
✿ you were 20 years old, two years older than tsuzuru. you'd been working as a set designer to about a year at that point, which is probably why you needed to apply at such a small company.
✿ you were hired to design and help build the set for mankai company's first production, which is why you didn't get to meet the rest of the actors at first. it wasn't until izumi brought tsuzuru to see the set for some inspiration did you two meet and hit it off, which lead to the two of you being assigned roommates.
✿ you didn't really spend a lot of time in your room, on account of having to look after your siblings and being busy with the set, so most of the time you only saw tsuzuru and the rest during practice sessions.
✿ tsuzuru admired your work immensely upon first meeting, and came to admire you as a person when he found out about your family situation. you were so... so kind and caring, always hard at work, that he couldn't help but grow a bit of a crush immediately. you didn't have much of an opinion on tsuzuru upon your first meeting beyond him being easy to get along with, but after being placed as roommates you came to appreciate his kindness and dedication to taking care of people.
≿━━━━༺❀ itaru chigasaki ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were recovering from a career ending injury that you had sustained while swimming in the ocean. having previously been a professional swimmer, you were still looking for what you wanted to do next and acting seemed like a good fit.
✿ you were 24, at the peak of your career just before it was all over. you'd been in recovery for about four months at that point. itaru was 23.
✿ you'd actually previously met in some online games you'd been playing while you had to be off your feet, but you didn't officially meet until you moved into the mankai dormitory after izumi recruited you to join the spring troupe. you were placed with itaru, to his initial annoyance.
✿ after moving into your shared room, you discovered itaru's "secret" and subsequently realized that you'd met before. after that whole debacle, itaru made it his life's mission to introduce you to as many games of his as possible.
✿ itaru was initially rather annoyed with your mere presence, but after realizing that you'd met before, playing games, he became much more amicable to your presence in his room. not to mention, you were hot as fuck. you didn't initially think much of itaru, until you figured out that they were your gaming buddy who'd been a great comfort to you during your recovery. after that your relationship skyrocketed in closeness, and your huge crush grew just behind.
≿━━━━༺❀ citron ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ well, truth to be told, you were a princex of a certain country, but due to your status as second born you were allowed certain freedoms that you took advantage of by travelling and looking for your personal paradise in the world.
✿ you were 24, you'd been spending the last five years just travelling and seeing the world. citron was 22, having just recently arrived in japan.
✿ you were vaguely aware of citron's existence even prior to meeting him, which is why it was surprising to come across him on the veludo way while you were sightseeing. extremely curious, you went up to him to have a chat which lead to him (poorly) telling you about the mankai company which led you to wanting to check it out, and then absolutely falling in love with the place and joining the spring troupe.
✿ izumi was... surprised by your enthusiasm for joining, but accepted after seeing your talent and assigned you to room with citron. and let's just say that we don't talk about the disaster that is two members of royalty sharing a room.
✿ citron found you so interesting, with all your worldly stories and knowledge. even if some of your talks were... strange, your free-spirit more than made up for it. if only you would stay still for more than five minutes to have those talks. you thought citron was just the cutest thing ever, especially his rudimentary japanese. sure, you could talk to him in his native tongue, but what's the fun in that? besides, his drive to learn was just too adorable.
≿━━━━༺❀ chikage utsuki ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a nurse working at the mankai company, though recently you'd also been recruited as an actor. while initially you'd started to work just for the free room, now you saw the company as your home and family.
✿ you were 26, the same age as chikage. you'd been working at the mankai company for a year at that point, and had been a registered nurse for three of those.
✿ you weren't around when chikage originally joined the troupe, as you were taking a supplementary medical classes in an another city. it wasn't until you were called back due to an injury to sakuya during practice that you actually met chikage, your new roommate. and to say that you didn't particularly like him at first was an understatement.
✿ you weren't particularly happy about having to share a room originally, especially not with chikage who you found... shady. so your initial days spent together were mostly in uncomfortable silence and several glares sent one way.
✿ chikage didn't originally have much of an opinion on you, as he mostly just heard about how nice you were from the other troupe members. but after meeting you, he found your suspicion of him to be rather amusing. you didn't trust him a single bit to start with, you found him to be incredibly shady and annoying. and it got only worse once he refused your medical check-ups, which you then made your life mission to get him to take.
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mrshamada-dorian · 1 year
rating the a3! boys on how well they would do my hair ( spring edition )
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i first did this on my mcl account ( @rico-the-nicoo ) for the hsl boys and now im doing it for my a3! boys. reminder my hair is type 4C so im gonna format it as if they are learning how to do my hair
cw; hair i guess?
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sakuya sakuma
precious baby sweetie pie boy honey bun sugar plum-
he would suck at doing my hair im sorry-
like he would try his best
does his research and everything
but he just sucks at it.
but he's so passionate about doing it right
so ill keep letting him do it because i don't wanna see my son sad 😥.
masumi usui
surprisingly ( not that surprisingly ) good at.
but he's only good if izumi asked him to do it.
he wouldn't even look at my hair otherwise.
but in the case of izumi asking him to do it, he does a pretty good job.
he does all his research and everything.
i think he’d be perfect at some knotless braids.
i also think masumi is a bit of a perfectionist ( even more so when izumi asks him to do something ) so it’s gonna take FOREVER to get done.
he’s the type to restart the entire braid if it looks even slightly crooked.
not only that i feel like he would pop me with a comb if i move too much.
tsuzuru minagi
he’d definitely be better at simpler styles ( like a twist out or something similar ).
can not figure out cornrows or any sort of braiding to the scalp for the life of him.
( he like me fr. )
he's actually really gentle with my hair and tries not to pull too much lest he damage my hair.
he's also my go-to choice for help on wash day.
tsuzuru is so gentle and thorough with it that you woulda thought i got a new scalp by the time he's finished.
itaru chigasaki
i would only go to him if i was desperate pt 1.
that man is not touching my hair at all.
itaru's problem is that he doesn't know what the hell he's doing.
it doesn't matter how many times you tell him how to do it or how many times he looks it up, he just doesn't get it.
which is fine by him, he hates doing my hair.
if he can't get it done in under five minutes, he ain't doing it.
surprisingly ( actually surprisingly ) good at it.
you wouldn't think so, but he's a great option when it comes to doing my hair and my main hairdressers are not available.
he would be good at the slightly more complicated styles, but nothing too intricate or he will struggle.
citron's also really good at being gentle with my hair and not pulling too hard on it.
problem is he's very antsy and can't stay put for very long so it would take like a week to get some box braids done.
chikage utsuki
no no no no no.
absolutely not.
the idea of chikage being in the same vicinity as my hair is enough to want to shave everything off.
love him though.
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lcs-library · 2 years
hi :) i had a bad day, a few days ago there was some problem in my family. can you write omi, tsumugi, chikage (if you feel like just one of them that's also ok) comforting their s/o who has run away from home due to family problems? thank you
Hello!! That seems terrible, and I hope your situation gets better :(. In the meantime, I hope you can find comfort in my writing, and I’m actually honored you’d come to me with such a personal request. So, with everything I’ve got, please enjoy these!!
Request rules
📷It was just a hard day for you. You wanted nothing more than to just relax a bit in a space away from it all. Away from all the people who had hurt you.
📷 For you, that meant holing up in your room with a video game. Not that it did you any good.
📷The tears still flowed, the pain in your chest didn’t go away, and you still wanted an escape.
📷That was, until there was a knock at the door.
📷”Hey, you’ve been in there for a while. You okay?”
📷A familiar voice rang through the door. Omi’s, to be precise.
📷The second you heard it, you tried to clean yourself up a bit before answering.
📷”’M fine.”
📷”Mind if I come in?” He asked gently, noticing the tone of your voice.
📷”Go ahead.”
📷When he entered, he found a wet, crinkled mess of a person.
📷”Oh.” Omi’s voice softened along with his expression as he shut the door and made his way over to you.
📷”Did something happen?”
📷You shook your head, hesitated, contemplating, then nodded.
📷”Wanna talk about it?”
📷”I guess. Just some issues that led me here are coming up again. It’s a long story.”
📷”I can settle in.”
📷And so you tearfully recounted your tale as Omi rubbed your back, not saying a word.
📷After a while, all he could come up with was “I see.”
📷There was a bit more silence before he spoke again.
📷”I can’t say I know exactly what you went through, but I had a similar experience when my mom died. The family fell apart, leaving me in charge, and running away led me down a pretty dark path. Hell, I lost my best friend down there. But I found my way here. And it’s all I could have ever hoped for. So, I hope you’ll find that place too, if you haven’t already. Either way, I’ll be there the whole time. No matter what. I’ve got you, and all I want is your safety.”
📷His sentiment was sweet, even for one who didn’t bother with flowery language much.
📷And yet, it made the already overflowing emotions run even more rampant, leading him to hold you close.
📷”I’ve got you. You won’t have to worry anymore. I promise.”
📷No matter what he did, he wanted you to feel safe, even if just for a bit.
📷And you couldn’t be any more grateful.
🥚After moving in with Tsumugi, you finally decide to reveal something huge to him about your situation.
🥚Through tears and stammers, you somehow manage to explain why you ultimately rushed moving in with him.
🥚During your entire speech, he made sure to keep quiet, allowing you to get all of your words out, no matter how hard it was.
🥚Once he was entirely sure you were finished talking, he finally spoke up in the softest voice he could muster.
🥚”Though I can’t say I know what that’s like, I do want to let you know that I’m here for you, no matter what. I’ll do anything I can to help you, whether that be resolution or avoidance, just let me know what’s safer. But for now, let’s not focus on that. Let’s just sit here for a bit, okay? We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. Is it alright if I touch you?”
🥚You nod, and he pulls you into a hug.
🥚”There we go. You mind if I stroke your hair?”
🥚Another nod.
🥚”Alright. Just know you’re not alone anymore, alright? I’ll always be here, and even when it seems like nobody’s on your side, I am. You don’t deserve to be alone.”
🥚Somehow, his words made your tears flow even more, and you buried your head into his shoulder.
🥚Tsumugi made a sort of “aw” noise as he felt your body shake in his arms before murmuring sweet affirmations against the top of your head until you cried yourself to sleep.
🥚But just before you could fall asleep, he gave you a soft kiss to the forehead.
🥚”I love you. And don’t worry, I’ll be here whenever you need me.”
🌶️”You know, we’ve never talked about how you joined the company, Chikage,” was what you decided to bring up in the Mankai dorm’s common room after an exhausting practice.
🌶️”How I joined? I used the process the rest of the company did: ask, audition, join. Why are you so curious all of a sudden?”
🌶️”Mm. Just thinking about it.”
🌶️”Well,” he replied with a sly smile, “How about I flip the question right back at you? How did you join?”
🌶️”Same process.”
🌶️”Why did you join, then? Why here?” Chikage asked, sitting beside you, hoping to toy with you a bit.
🌶️The intention didn’t quite reach, however.
🌶️It was as if the question was a gunshot.
🌶️Tears quickly pricked your eyes, and your voice became choppy.
🌶️After finding your words, you explained why and how you ran away only to find this place before your body crumpled against the couch.
🌶️Chikage’s demeanor immediately changed. His eyes widened a bit, and it was as if some sort of mask had slipped. He was hit with a flood of memories and a sense of kinship.
🌶️He remained silent for a bit before finally speaking up, eyes focused on his hands held on his knees.
🌶️”I did the same thing, you know. Not that this was the first place it led me. It actually led me to a pretty dangerous place at first. There, I found a family, then lost it. It broke me, but it led me here, and, despite what I did when I first came here, I found a home and a family. Listen, what I’m trying to say here is that,” he sighs, finally looking over at you, his expression having lost all signs of deception, “I hope that happens to you too. You’ll be happy and safe by the end of this alright?”
🌶️And for the first time since you’d met him, his smile wasn’t fake.
🌶️You finally looked up at him, and, though blurry, he looked so strangely serene in that moment.
🌶️Though you felt it may have been a bad idea, you draped your arms around him to place your head into the crook of his neck, your body shaking as you cried.
🌶️Hesitantly, he returned the action, awkwardly hugging you.
🌶️”You’ll be safe. I’ll make sure of it.”
🌶️You know he’s serious, right? Like he’ll probably commit crimes to make sure you’re safe.
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
Just had an question in mind.
That how Chikage will take care of Her Animator S/O (Because I really want to be one in future)
Goshhh, this question is ringing in my mind for whole day. If it will be short Headcanon, there will be np \^0^/
And I just remembered you do Message Texts too, if it can be possible, can you do it? and I don't have any hurry for it! Take care~
Omg, you remembered it!!!🥺💕 I hope that you like it and have a great day! I also hope that you will become a great animator! I believe in you! You can do it, sweetie 💕
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🌶️ Chikage would do everything for you. He would grab lunch and would bring it to you. 🌶️ Number one supporter, who stays by your side whenever you need him 🌶️ If you don't want to take breaks... He will make you take one...
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imaginesfora3 · 4 years
17 w chikage for the kiss prompt thing?
(here have my first stab at Chikage hopefully it’s good lmao)
Utsuki Chikage: 
17. Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.
Your so-called important work meeting, which was nothing more than your boss droning on about how amazing he was at running a company, had gone on far longer than you expected it to. You’d told Chikage about an hour ago that it shouldn’t be long before you were out and he had elected to wait for you so you could walk home together, perhaps getting a bite to eat on the way home as one of his favorite restaurants was currently have a special on curry. You hadn’t wanted him to wait since it was cold and impossible for him to get in the building after a certain time due to safety reasons but he had told you it was no big deal, brushing off your concerns in an aloof way that you hadn’t felt like arguing with. It would be his problem anyway if he froze to death out there but you found your mind kept wandering to him, checking your phone to see if he’d sent a message saying he’d wait for you at the restaurant or if he’d just gone back to the dorm without you.
Bundled up in your coat you spotted your boyfriend waiting for you immediately, hurrying over to him and carefully stepping through the snow, not wanting to slip and ruin the night further with a hospital visit. When he sees you he waved, taking a few steps in your direction greet you while ignoring your apology completely. You thought he might give you the cold shoulder but you’re happy when he leaned in to kiss you, his lips unfortunately cold, especially compared to your much warmer ones. You supposed you could share a bit of your warmth with him since you had left him waiting, gloved hand touching the side of his face in a loving caress as Chikage’s lips moved with your own.
You let out an unhappy squeal quite suddenly, pulling away from the kiss that you should’ve known was a trap as Chikage’s cold hands found their way to your stomach. How he’d managed to get past your coat without you even noticing was beyond you but you had no brain power left to focus on the conundrum, trying to pull away from him and save your poor skin from potential frostbite. Chikage seemed to find this endlessly amusing, removing his hands once he felt you suffered enough and pulling them back out into the cold night air.
“We’re getting you a damn pair of gloves,” You fixed your shirt and coat, securing it to your body as you crossed your arms in front of you, not giving him the chance for another surprise attack. Chikage smiled at you serenely, his own stomach warm and toasty in his jacket, unaware of the harsh realities of winter (though his nose and the rest of his face couldn’t say the same). “You better make this up to me.”
“Make it up to you? I wasn’t aware you were the one waiting for an hour in the cold.”
“I apologized.”
“Did I accept it?”
You gave him an incredulous look and Chikage had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from laughing.
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Spring Troupe Cuddling HCs
*PS this may be a little bit OOC, my first time writing anyone in spring troupe
Sakuya’s embraces are always so warm and full of love, his eyes sparkle when you let him know that you just want to even be close to him. 
If you’re feeling sleepy, he’ll start reading over his lines for an upcoming play softly while you lazily play with his hair. 
He does tend to ask questions while you guys are keeping each other company. Asking if he’s hugging you too tight, if where his hands are currently are okay, if you’re too warm, too cold, etc etc.. 
It’s the sweetest sentiment but to calm his nerves planting a kiss on his cheek will immediately stop him in his nervous tracks, burying his face in the back of your shirt in embarrassment. 
Sakuya for the most part likes to be the big spoon, hands interlaced with yours while you face away or towards him. 
Sakuya’s pretty shy about being the little spoon, as he gets flustered but feels immensely loved and cared for if he is. 
Masumi is very protective of you while the two of your are in each other’s presence, it only accelerates if you two were to be in each others arms. 
He always makes sure your close to him, that you fall asleep first so he can admire you in a constant light.
Constantly twirling his fingers softly through your hair, gently pushing stray strands behind your ear to get a better look at the face he loves so much.
Masumi loves showering you in compliments when you two are this close, whispering to you how much he appreciates you and loves you, his words making you flush in embarrassment.
Besides that, he’s not much of a talker while cuddling, instead it’s comfortably peaceful and quiet with him. The small actions that Masumi does, like pulling you in closer or pressing tiny gentle kisses across your face is how Masumi enjoys this tranquil moment with you.
He shoots death glares at anyone making a noise near you incase you wake up from it. Keeping your peace is his #1 priority.
If you wake up before him he most likely has a tight but comfy grip on you even in his sleep. His arms snug at your waist and face buried in your shirt.
Mumbles “five more minutes” half awake and hugs you tighter. If you had somewhere to be, you definitely don’t now.
Tsuzuru, although deathly tired, will always somehow be awake much later than you could no matter how messed up your sleep schedule is. 
He’d apologize for not being able to spend enough time with you being swamped in work by making you a cup of coffee or tea when you wake up. He’d know how much a warm cup of caffeine would be godsend to him.
If you show up to his room at 2 AM he’ll beg you to go to sleep, being the biggest hypocrite in the world in that moment. 
He promised that he’d stay with you for the time being and then get back to work, but exhaustion would get the best of him as he falls asleep against you. 
Before then, he’d fight it through small talk, but once he starts descending into cutesy compliments and pet names he’d never say wide awake to you, he’s out mere seconds later.
But during the day, the poor sleep deprived boy will not hesitate to take a cat nap while curling up next to you. 
Wordlessly he keeps you in his arms and rests his head at the crook of your neck. So close his breath tickles your skin.
He doesn’t mind. Relaxation is easy for him when it comes to you.
He’s almost immovable when he’s unconscious and your arms will probably go numb cuddling with him during the day. It would take a literal bulldozer to pry him off of you. 
Citron physically dives into your arms, giving you a deathly tight squeeze, excited to be in the same space as you. 
Citron enjoys holding you on the couch while you lay on top of him, his hand on the small of your back and letting your rest on his chest. 
He hums constantly in excitement of the time he’s spending with you.
But please don’t let him fall asleep. He is an absolute menace and will sprawl over you, taking up all of the space while snoring loudly.
Citron loves talking to you while you two are this close. Often giving you a small massage while asking you how your day’s going excitingly, wondering if you had done anything new to your hair or a new skincare regimen, his hands trailing around your head and face while asking. 
Most importantly, he’s an amazing listener!
He loves this especially when you two haven’t seen each other for so long, these moments he will find difficult to have to part again when needed. Even if it’s to go to the kitchen and find a snack or drink, his touch will tend to linger. 
“Itaru can you please come to bed with me” “Not now Y/N the boys online need me” “ITARU-”
Although this man is genuinely never near a bed, he still makes room for you to snuggle up against him while he’s playing any sort of video game.
It gives him control to not completely rage while you cuddle up next to him, asleep or not, he has a bit of restraint around you when you look so peaceful.
Loves to cuddle up next to you while watching a movie, with tons of food and drink on the table in front of you both.
His arm around your shoulders as you lean your head against him.
Itaru definitely spoils you a little when it comes to these intimate moments. Swallowed under blankets and pillows and snacking on your favorite foods with a movie you both enjoy.
It’s impossible to not fall asleep within the first couple of minutes. Itaru loses all focus when he sees you sound asleep, completely forgetting about the movie, the food getting cold and the drinks warm. At this moment you’re the only thing that matters to him.
He would definitely tease you at first of the idea of wanting to cuddle, but give into any sort of request you had in mind regardless. 
“Well, whatever helps you sleep at night” “Really? That’s what you need? Alright then, come here”
Such a filthy liar about only holding you for your benefit, and it shows in his body language.
Chikage’s constantly tending to you, his fingers trace gently down your arms, eyes locked on you watching your reaction and every move. Any sort of hint of negativity he’ll switch what he’s currently doing.
But when you smile at home, it was insanely difficult to hold in his satisfaction.
He’d rather die than to admit he wants to receive your affection either, so in a way this sort of doting is almost a diversion.
Yet he fell weak to your warm embrace either way. He let his guard down the closer you got to him.
Clasping his hands between yours, planting a small kiss at his fingertips, it made him so embarrassingly weak.
Any form of affection that you gave him seemed to come by surprise. It was a pleasant one, nonetheless, and he made sure to cherish it.
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sly-writings · 2 years
Wife giving birth
Fandom: A3!
Pairings: Itaru x reader • Chikage x reader • Sakyo x reader
Warnings: // Mentions of pregnancy // child birth // mentions of death // mention of car crash
Reader: Female
Last post here since I already finished this and I'm too lazy to move it to my a3! blog
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He was out with Banri when he suddenly got a message from one of the troupe members that his wife is going into labor.
Banri never saw Itaru run so fast just as he did after recieving that message-almost dropping his phone in the process.
Banri was the one driving to the hospital since Itaru was so nervous he was sure Itaru would crash the car if he let him drive.
As soon as they got to the hospital Itaru is out of the car and running to the front desk asking for your name.
He was outside pacing back and forth anxiously waiting.
His gentlemanly facade crumbling away.
After the whole ordeal was done and you safely delivered your child only Itaru begins to calm down.
Plays it cool once the baby is born and denies that he panicked.
Banri has a video of him running and screaming.
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He was with you when your water broke.
Didn't waste anytime and immediately drove you to the hospital.
One you're in the delivery room he messaged the entire troupe about what's happening and they immediate went to the hospital.
Chikage is sitting still waiting for the outcome.
He's very calm outside but he's a nervous wreck on the inside.
He knows the risk of giving birth and he is definitely afraid of the mere thought of loosing you.
Hisoka notices this and tries talking to him to calm him down.
"I am calm." He is absolutely not.
After you gave birth all his worries went down the drain and was so relieved.
A smile that he rarely shows can be seen on his face.
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He had some small business with the Ginsenkai and since no one is with you he decided to bring you along.
He left you with Sakoda while he talks with the Ginsenkai members.
He was in the middle of discussing something with the members when Sakoda suddenly burst in calling for him.
He was about to yell at him when Sakoda informed him that you were about to give birth.
He dropped everything in his hands and immediately carried you to the car.
He was so nervous that he didn't even contact the others and was just walking back and forth outside the delivery room.
Sakoda was the one who informed everyone.
Best to let him be if you don't want him yelling at you.
Looses his composure and is a nervous wreck.
Banri and Azami enjoys this and definitely took some videos of Sakyo.
When you safely delivered the baby he would be all over you asking if you're all right.
Forbids anyone from speaking about how he acted while you gave birth.
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ramen-lord-baku · 2 years
i forgot to add A3! in the fandom art reqs so i just fixed it. pls A3ders where r u
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romijuli · 2 years
iiiii don’t have a title for this thing, i titled the doc “Chikage Experiences an Entire Emotion (maybe even two!)” and laughed too hard to change it, but i also didn’t want to make that the title of the post lmao
anyway!!! this was a request!!! the recipient (i don’t know if they want me to tag them? they know who they are lmao) was not just okay with me posting it but actively enthusiastic about it.
anyway!!! have some chikage x reader fic. (gender neutral reader but like. pronouns are barely if ever used anyway?) chikage is very funny in this one god bless
“Back from your trip already?”
Ah. Chikage had been hoping to settle back into the office without much of a fuss, but of course you, of all people, happen to notice him. It’s nothing that a few sweet words (and, perhaps, a sprinkle of truth) can’t resolve, of course, but it’s still troublesome; too much attention drawn to his “business trips” could be cause for the Organization to relocate him, which could cause trouble for Mankai, and especially for Hisoka. Not to mention it could place him farther from you—
Hm. That line of thought—of theoretical attachments outside of Mankai or the Organization—is equally troublesome, if not more so. Best to lay that to the side indefinitely.
You clear your throat, loudly. “I said, back from your trip already?” It seems you’ve misinterpreted his silence, assuming he hasn’t heard you rather than simply being lost in thought. (And thank god for that.)
“The contract was resolved far more quickly than I’d anticipated, so we moved my return flight up a few days,” he replies. (Not entirely a lie; the information the Organization sought was more easily obtained than any planning had predicted, and there was only so long Chikage could spend without doing anything before someone caught on, so back he went.) “Unfortunately, I had no time to gather any souvenirs, if that’s why you’re asking.”
“Uh-huh.” Your eyes narrow; for an instant, he wonders if you can see right through him. “I don’t remember hearing anything about a contract before you left, though.”
There’s a moment, one dread-filled moment, where he thinks you have, in fact, seen through his lies—or at least that he’s somehow failed to recall his own cover story—before you burst into laughter. “I’m kidding, relax. It’s just fun to ruffle your feathers from time to time.” 
Chikage manages to suppress a sigh of relief. If he can keep you on your toes, it should be easy to keep his true identity from being discovered (and, thus, to keep his life at Mankai safe). “Ah, I was lying about one thing,” he adds, just to throw you off. “There was an emergency at the theater, so I was summoned back at the earliest possible opportunity.”
“Which one’s the lie and which is the truth, I wonder…” You roll your eyes. “Whatever. Keep your secrets,” you tell him, turning back to your work. “But if you get tired of lying and wanna be honest for once, I’ll be right here.”
For a moment, in spite of the danger this would present to everyone, he almost agrees. Hm. Troublesome indeed.
The curtain falls, the actors make their way offstage, and Chikage makes it about two steps into the lobby before you shove a bouquet into his hands. 
“Nice work. Though I’m sure it’s not much trouble for a gifted liar like you to act so well,” you say, a smug grin planted on your face.
It’s more complex than that, of course; acting isn’t about lying so much as it is about finding a different sort of honesty in the characters one portrays. (In some regards, Chikage is more honest on stage than he ever is offstage; once the lights dim and the audience leaves, he reverts back to the same old lying Chikage.) But that in and of itself is hard to understand for someone who’s never stood in the spotlight themself.
“Oh, didn’t I tell you?” he asks, not even trying to hide the fact that he’s bullshitting. (The rational parts of his brain say that he ought to be more convincing, that being this upfront runs the risk of unraveling a number of other lies, but something about you makes him care just a bit less.) “I performed in a theater as a child—”
“That’s a less-than-stellar performance. Nope, not buying it, I’m taking this back now.” You move to snatch the bouquet back from him; futile, considering he’s a well-trained secret agent (not that you know this, hopefully) and you’re an everyday office worker. 
“Ah, no, I’m afraid you won’t. It would be rude to take back a gift, don’t you agree?” He grins as he blocks each of your movements, watching you grow more and more irritated—or, at the very least, feigning irritation—by the second.
Still, the banter isn’t unwelcome. Strange how he feels that way.
You sigh, over-exaggerating as you so often do when it comes to him, dropping any attempts at taking the flowers back. “Yeah, you’re right. Just keep it, then. Terrible excuse for a backstory aside, you did great today.” You smile at him, not quite the same sort of grin you wear when messing with him, or when he messes with you back, for that matter. It’s almost vulnerable—admittedly a concept that Chikage, as guarded as he tends to be, is not entirely familiar with. “Well, I mean, you always do.”
He loathes to admit it, but it’s a look he’d like to see on you more often. Just because it means he caught you off-guard somehow. Nothing more, nothing less.
For once, you’re not pestering him at his desk. Strange.
What’s stranger, perhaps, is that he feels disappointed about this, rather than relieved that he can work (or pretend to work, or focus on Organization projects, which technically qualify as either of the above, depending on what exactly the project is) without distraction. Has your presence here, constantly trying to sneak a look at his monitor to see what exactly he’s working on and sticking your nose into his business during lunch breaks, become not just routine but something he looks forward to? Honestly, sometimes Chikage wonders if he’s been in civilian guise for too long, if he’s softening up like that.
He scowls as he continues his work (actual work, today, in that he’s fabricating numbers from his last “business trip”), barely sparing a glance at the world around him until he hears the tapping of a familiar pair of shoes on the floor. Ah, there you are—
Except, instead of coming to bother him, you choose to spend your time speaking with Chigasaki. Hm. He really shouldn’t be annoyed by this, yet here he is with a peculiar sinking feeling in his gut, much like the kind he felt when he first saw December (pardon, Hisoka) with his newfound family while he was left behind in the Organization.
Ah, but he’s not jealous. That would be silly to suggest. Chikage Utsuki does not get jealous. It’s simply unbecoming of a spy such as himself. (Not to mention that Hisoka would absolutely use that against him, should he find out.)
…And yet, it’s hard to ignore the fact that your decision to bother someone else for one day leaves him, for whatever reason, deeply irritated.
You catch his eye for just a moment, grinning at him devilishly before returning to your conversation. Infuriating. Are you doing this deliberately, then?
Well. If you’re ignoring him, then he can easily ignore you in turn. He returns his focus to the almost-meaningless spreadsheets in front of him, gritting his teeth and perhaps putting a bit too much force behind his keystrokes. (It’s quite alright, the keyboard can handle it. And Chikage can always fix it on the off-chance that it can’t handle some particularly aggressive calculations.)
He makes it about halfway down the first spreadsheet before something—someone—taps him on the shoulder.
Of course, Chikage Utsuki is a trained spy. He’s been taught to keep an eye and an ear on his surroundings, to ensure no one can sneak up on him or his fellow agents. (Or, more recently, his newfound family at Mankai.) As such, the fact that he is apparently so irritated that he managed to block out any background noise and ignore everything in his peripheral vision is both impressive and rather embarrassing.
For his sake, your sake, and the sake of his coworkers, he chooses to ignore Chigasaki’s laughter. (He can always get his revenge at the dorms, anyway.) 
“That absorbed in your work, huh?” you taunt him as he jolts upright, slamming a hand on the keyboard and messing up a particularly complicated calculation. “I’ve never seen you that interested in…” You trail off, squinting at the heading at the top of the page. “The earnings at our Himalayan branch.”
“We still don’t have a Himalayan branch,” Chigasaki chimes in, apparently choosing to be a proper hellion today. “Reread the manual.”
“I know that. I’m not so sure our senpai does, though.” You grin, eyes sparkling mischievously; ah, you’re messing with him. 
“Merely a placeholder,” he replies. “I’ll edit the title before I send it, of course.”
“Uh-huh. Sure.” You shrug. “I’m pretty sure they don’t check these docs that thoroughly anyway, but it would suck to see you get in trouble for something as dumb as that.”
They do not, in fact, check most of the documents very thoroughly. The benefits of being in an Organization front, even if you and Itaru are completely unaware. (Ideally unaware, at any rate; it seems you’ve managed to see through some of his lies without trying, so you may very well be aware of the office’s true motivations.)
“I mean, really,” you continue, “I dunno what I’d do if you got fired and I wasn’t able to bug my favorite coworker anymore. I might just quit, honestly.”
You’re messing with him, he’s certain of it…and yet, there’s a sort of honesty in your tone. Perhaps you’re being sincere when you call him your favorite coworker? 
The thought sparks a peculiar feeling, one Chikage genuinely hasn’t felt in years. If Muku was here, he’d certainly be starry-eyed, musing about how this situation was exactly like one of his manga—
Oh, no, Chikage can’t feign ignorance any longer; he knows exactly why your compliments catch him off-guard, why your brief focus on Chigasaki irritated him to the point of losing all thought of anything else. It appears he’s had the misfortune of falling for you.
God damn it.
Once you return to your desk, his head slams against his desk as Chigasaki laughs at him from across the room, as though he’s seen into Chikage’s head and knows exactly what he’s thinking.
Not for the first time today, Chikage genuinely contemplates murdering his roommate.
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bambuwu-writes · 3 years
How they act when you’re overworked, Spring Troupe version!
(oh my goodness I only realised after the fact that I made almost every character bring you food.,.,,. I guess I was hungry while writing lol)
Sakuya: Saku-saku will actually be very concerned if you’re stressed and overworked. Will continually ask how you’re feeling and if you need anything. Will gently pull you aside every so often to take a nap if you’re falling asleep on your textbook. You don't know when it happened, but you realise that at some point he put his sweater on you and it was super cozy and smelled really good.,.,.,an all around sweetie <3
Masumi: ok, one of two options here, he either acts like he doesn’t care but you will find snacks and drinks on your desk while you work (he has thrown them at your head before and Sakuya made him apologize for that ) OR he will be after you 24/7 to make sure you’re taking care of yourself, he will never leave your room until you’re done.
Tsuzuru: horribly hypocritical, you will get a lecture if you stay up late. But, he will supply you with snacks and very basic meals if you have classes and/or work so you don’t crash
Citron: he tends to just sit next to you, lean against you, keep you company. This’ll be one of the few times he isn’t chattering away or singing something to you out of respect for your concentration. If you get cold he will crawl onto you like a lap-dog, it's just so comfy cozy! Drapes his big warm scarves over your shoulders. Sometimes brings you tea, he brews it himself <3
Itaru: hands you an energy drink or black coffee. “awww poor thing. You’ll be fine tho”,.,.,.meanie /lh. If you want company while you work he’ll sit next to you and play his games without the volume on so he won't disturb you too much.
Chikage: will regularly bring meals in for you. Ok, by meals I mean curry but you knew that already. Hands you a plate of spicy tripe curry and tells you that it cures all symptoms of fatigue but it will also tinge your skin blue from the excess of selenium and zinc (false, that will not happen i promise you). You just squinted at him as menacingly as possible while taking the plate. He does cook really well and the spice has the added side effect of making you drink more water, thus making you hydrated! Evil mastermind behavior right here!!
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noorionoodles · 3 months
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❁ Spring Troupe ❁
↳ Spring Troupe and their (S/O)'s snuggles Headcanons
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❁Sakuya Sakuma
↳ Lemon Tea (What they're like in the mornings) (Headcanons) (Requested)
...more updates soon!
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citowon · 3 years
spring troupe and gender neutral s/o watch horror movies
about time i finally write for this blog... i was hit with the image of masumi watching a horror movie with his s/o, thought how lovely it would be if there was content of that, then realized i have that power now
word count: 1,935
tags: established relationship, non-detailed mentions of horror themes (gore, monsters, etc)
sakuya sakuma
🌸 when the topic of a horror movie date first comes up, he’s a bit scared. he’s only seen a couple, one of which was for mankai play research.
🌸 when it’s actually showing, though, he’s pretty calm! the anticipation was the worst part, and he somehow doesn’t get scared even during the most terrifying movie of the year. he’s great at reminding himself it’s just fictional in the end
🌸 vampires? not scary. aliens? he thinks they’re cute! gore? well, yeah, it’s unnerving at first but it’s all fake, and once he reminds himself of that he’s fine
🌸 he gets scared at the littlest things though. there might be a continuity error where a knife is in its holder on the counter in one shot and then removed the next, and no one in the movie acknowledges it nor is it supposed to mean anything but he can and will psych himself out thinking about just what moved it
🌸 king of predicting plot twists! he might be very good at spotting continuity errors, but he’s even better at picking out little bits of foreshadowing and putting together the mystery
🌸 gets spooked the most by jumpscares. every time he squeaks a bit (on really bad ones he might scream) and every time he always does the same embarrassed sigh afterwards and goes to squeeze your hand to calm himself
🌸 psychological horror is definitely the best pick for sakuya. he thinks a lot about what’ll happen next in the movie and loves to discuss about movies with you regardless of the genre, so with thought-provoking psychological films it fits him like a glove
🌸 and hey, if things ever get too intense he loves b-list horror movies! he thinks the bad acting is endearing and always finds something to compliment even with the trashiest, corniest flick
🌸 if you ever get uncomfortable, he might commentate in the movie and try to poke fun at it- i mean, the killer clown is kind of funny! look how bright and colorful it is compared to the rest of the set! he keeps his voice light and sunny so you have something comforting to concentrate on
masumi usui
🎧 he loves the idea of horror night. cuddling with you, holding you protectively as the suspense rises, stealing kisses to distract you from the monster and erase your fear...
🎧 he’s only seen a few horror movies in his life, less than the fingers he has on one hand, but whatever. it’s a movie. it’s not real. if he got too immersed he could just tell himself it’s fake and be done with it.
🎧 spoiler alert: he didn’t.
🎧 masumi did not, and i repeat, did NOT expect to get so invested??? even if you’re scared, he’s definitely the most terrified
🎧 that’s not to say he’ll show it. he’s doing everything to keep a neutral face, and you’ll probably assume he’s holding to you tighter during the scary parts like he’s protecting you.
🎧 (it’s actually because you’re the one [1] thing grounding him. you’re protecting him, not the other way around! in hindsight, he likes being cared for even when he thought he’d be the one spoiling you, not the other way around. he just wishes it didn’t have to be during such a scary movie, that’s all)
🎧 will take his fear to the grave... unless you ask him directly about it. please hold him and tell him the monsters aren’t real, even though he’s a heavy sleeper he will stay up until 3 am, his mind reminding him how creepy the movie was every time he’s about to drift off
🎧 so does not fuck with ghosts, if he didn’t believe in them before he certainly does now. the poor guy looks up how to ward away spirits and ends up carrying around a salt packet on him for the next two weeks
tsuzuru minagi
📖 tsuzuru’s not exactly a horror fan. he claims it’s brainless and pointless
📖 (admittedly he’s a little scared of them, but he still thinks they’re dependent on shock alone, and have zero rewatch value since the writing is more focused on in-the-moment spooks than actual plot.)
📖 he’ll roll his eyes and tease you a little but eventually he’ll go along with watching a horror movie
📖 to psych himself out of his fear tsuzuru decides to watch them critically and note what plot points to do (or more likely not to do) for future plays
📖 this works out for the beginning but by the middle of the movie he’s enraptured. he can’t tell if it’s actually good or if it’s a car wreck he can’t help but watch
📖 does the corny move where he yawns and wraps an arm around you, and you’d almost buy it from his earlier cynicism but then the killer shows their face and he tenses up like hell and you just know
📖 gets embarrassed every time he’s scared- he even turns pink, and gets even redder if you try to hold his hand or cuddle him closer (even though there’s nothing he’d want more after something that creepy)
📖 by the end he’s got a few new ideas that might go to autumn or winter troupe’s latest plays, and admits okay, fine, maybe horror isn’t so pointless after all
itaru chigasaki
🎮 screw movies, you’re playing horror games instead!
🎮 most of itaru’s horror games are single-player, so one of you takes the controller while the other sits next to the player, but itaru’ll drape his arms around you from behind in a back hug the entire time you play
🎮 he doesn’t really shut up. the entire time, he’s either cracking a joke or trying to freak you out more, if only so he doesn’t get in his head and overthink the creepy atmosphere
🎮 asshole only quiets down when the game gets tense, and then suddenly puts his hands around your shoulders or neck to scare you. regardless if you fall for it or not, he always laughs at himself and just-so-happens to break the tension as a scary cutscene plays
🎮 still commentates when he’s the player, but gasps or jumps even at small atmospheric scares
🎮 itaru definitely overthinks the game. he gets super cautious over tiny details and makes the missions way harder than they should be since he keeps overestimating the enemy line of sight and how noisy the avatar is
🎮 if you happen to be playing a co-op horror it’s a constant “no u” battle over who should do the scariest tasks
🎮 “reader, we need to cleanse the room next. you should do it” “no, you should do it. you have the quartz item remember” “i can give it to you since you have the ghost ward” “the ghost ward doesn’t apply to this quest, besides, you’re better at this ghost attack quick time event than me” “no it does, and you’re more optimized” “i can just give the items to you-“ “no you should do it” “no you” “no you” “no you” “no y-”
🎮 you both lose
🍋 citron loves horror movies! he thinks they’re... comforting?
🍋 turns out he’s only seen movies about cursed dolls and b-horror, which explains a lot- he loves dolls too much to be scared by them and he thinks b-list horror is hilarious- but he’ll still proudly proclaim he’s unflappable and swear to protect you from the bad guys
🍋 when you’re actually watching the movie you can’t tell if he’s faking his reactions or not. he’s very noisy
🍋 he gets scared enough during the gruesome and horrific scenes to hold you close and tight like a teddy bear, and during the worst of it he might muffle a scream by diving into the crook of your neck, obscuring his vision until the scene changes
🍋 and yet, he laughs at the next scene’s unrealism, and manages to poke enough fun at the movie that you giggle and his terror disappears, he loves your laugh way more than he can be afraid of monsters
🍋 can’t do gore for the life of him, but when it comes to the actual plot, he’s rather critical of characters acting dumb. he catches on to nonsensical writing quick, but usually asks you to clarify the plot holes before realizing that he found a loophole in the writing
🍋 whenever you’re scared and not even his goofy reactions and commentary can help, he plants a sweet kiss on your cheek, strokes your hair, and holds you close to his chest until the fear goes away. he’s surprisingly good at protecting you from the movie
🍋 after the movie he’ll say his country has a similar legend to the movie monsters, but he claims the legends are true in zafra, and zafrans have a very specific tradition to prevent the monsters from attacking them
🍋 the movie also gave citron the idea of creepily standing behind you silently until you turn around and get startled, or occasionally chanting in a strange, cultish language and pretending he didn’t say a thing, or making a doll with the same markings as the clown puppet from the movie...
🍋 citron continues to be even scarier than the actual horror movie, but can’t wait until the next horror night! maybe watching it was a bad idea after all...
chikage utsuki
🌙 chikage just doesn’t get the appeal of horror. it’s just a fake movie, why do people get so creeped out by terrible sfx and unrealistic monsters?
🌙 he’s seen scarier things than any werewolf pack, zombie outbreak, or witch coven can throw at him. if you insist on watching a scary movie, fine, he’ll be happy to let you sit on his lap, just don’t expect to creep him out as well, or else you’ll be sorely disappointed.
🌙 he analyzes the movie more than he watches it, but doesn’t speak up even though the fight scenes look pitiful. if this were real life, he’d sweep the whole brood of shambling monstrosities in record time and be back home in time for izumi’s curry
🌙 chikage runs his hands under your shirt whenever the monster’s on screen to scare you. it’s actually really creepy- his fingers are light and quick and always makes you flinch, even if you know it’s just your boyfriend
🌙 he’ll listen to your thoughts about the movie, but doesn’t have strong opinions himself. he thinks the scares are mediocre at best, even without considering his background, but won’t mention how unrealistic it was unless you mention it first.
🌙 psychological horror, however, is a whole different story
🌙 maybe chikage can’t get scared by generic spirit halloween monsters but once you introduce thought-provoking plot, questions and dilemmas, now he’s hooked
🌙 he really likes wondering if the protagonist is actually the good guy and making theories about the origins of the monsters and why they’re so destructive, even if he forgets about them once the movie’s over.
🌙 love love looooves the “the monsters were harmless creatures before humans dished out the first blow” trope. he knows how common it is, but there’s a lot of ways to go about it, especially on a subtextual level, and he just can’t get enough
🌙 the deeper the plot is, expect a longer conversation about the ins and outs of it. they get surprisingly thoughtful and introspective, even if chikage throws in a few bullshit stories related to the movie just to watch you squirm
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
Hello! Could I request a scenario with Chikage comforting the reader? Thank you very much in advance!
I hope that you like it! I‘m often unsure if I write Chikage good or at least alright... So; sorry if it isn‘t alright >_<
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You had a bad week. So many things had happened to you! Your favorite clothes got dirty and ripped, by you falling down a small mountain, still unsure of how that happened. Then you run into a wall, having a small fever for two days and you might or might not have accidently destroyed a wedding cake, when you bumped into two now angry people at the full street.
Sighing and grumbling into your pillow, you were currently laying on your stomach, face meeting the comfy white pillow beneath you, as you hear nearby footsteps. A chuckle interrupted your thoughts of sadness and anger that you felt this entire week of weakness and despair.
“Who wants to speak with the unluckiest person on earth?” Your voice was too muffled for many people, but thankfully Chikage knew you better than anybody else on this planet. He could read you like an open book. Always knew what you had in mind and what you wanted. Maybe that is why you cared what he thought about you and what not. Or maybe it was for your strange relationship of are-they/will-they/won’t-they-be-a-couple-thing. You two shared deep feelings for each other, even held hands and kissed each other’s cheeks, but it was never so official with you two, which made you always think of bad scenarios.
“Bad day?” Chikage asked you, walking into your direction to sit next to you. You tried to nod with your head, but it was quite hard with your face laying up flat on the pillow. “Come on. I’m sure that you will be alright. It’s Friday night. Should I show you a few magic tricks?” The greenhaired man asked you, as you turned around to stare into his bright eyes. “No, thanks. That won’t cheer me up… Aren’t you supposed to learn the script for your upcoming play?” Raising your eyebrow at the man you liked a lot, he chuckled into his palm, ruffling your hair a few seconds later. “I should, but cheering you up is much more important to me.”
You eyed the man with a small smile on your lips. Hearing him say that, cheered you up a little bit, until the man sitting next to you said something, that made your heart flutter. “If my magic tricks won’t cheer you up… Maybe a date will?”
“With pleasure.”
And with a lot of hope, Chikage tried his best to cheer you up during your first date. The first date from many others.
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Spring troupe (separately) finding notes in their pockets from their s/o reminding them to take care of themselves and that they love them?
A/N: I wrote this as if it was an event that happened regularly! Hope that’s what you meant :) Also I loved writing this so much! This request was so cute, thank you so much anon ;^; Also Masumi has abandonment issues bc I said so and it makes a lot of sense with his character. And apologies Citron’s is the shortest, I’m still working on figuring out his character tbh
CW(s): slight mention of abandonment issues for Masumi
❀ Sakuya Sakuma
He’d be beyond himself when he found the first one
He blushes really hard whenever he reads them you’ve almost pavloved him into blushing every time he feels a piece of paper in his pocket
After a couple times of finding a note, he’ll definitely look forward to days where he finds them
He doesn’t do anything like run to his hoodie and check all his clothes everyday but when he happens to find one it always brings a smile to his face
He’d definitely text you to say thank you and respond with his own small message
He especially needs the reminders to take care of himself during spring though, as theatre takes up so much of his mind and he can get easily preoccupied
Sakuya sat outside in the courtyard, reviewing his script for the nth time. A cool breeze passed through and tousled his hair. He placed a hand in his hoodie pocket, not wanting to get cold; as soon as he reached in he felt a scrap of paper scrape against his hand. Sakuya immediately began to blush and quickly pulled out the paper.
"Reminder to eat today! Hope you have a great day and good luck with rehearsals <3"
He couldn’t help but let a giant grin spread across his face. Then the realization that he hadn’t eaten yet hit him. Omi had just been out not too long ago, or so he thought, to remind him dinner was ready. Sakuya had responded that he’d be there momentarily, but got distracted by the new script. 
He quickly got up and began to make his way to the kitchen and dining room. There at the table he saw a handful of the Mankai Company members, including Omi.
“There you are! I was about to go remind you again dinner was ready.”
“Sorry, I got distracted. What did you cook today?”
Omi shook his head. “I didn’t. Izumi did.” Sakuya nodded in acknowledgement, knowing exactly what that meant,
“It’s alright. Now sit down and eat!” Sakuya grabbed a plate and served himself some curry and found a place at an empty seat. He pulled the note out from his pocket again, reading and rereading it again and again just like he did with every note. 
After he ate dinner he made sure to text you a thank you.
❀ Tsuzuru Minagi
The first time he found a note he was shocked; he didn’t really have enough time to process it as he was on his way to one of his part-time jobs but during his shift he continued to fumble as he couldn’t get it off his mind
Tsuzuru reached into his pocket for a pen, fingers crossed he didn’t forget one to his server job. He quickly found the writing utensil, but next to it he could feel a scrap of paper. He figured it must have been a reminder he wrote for himself that he forgot about. He pulled the small piece out of his pocket and froze in his tracks once he read it. It wasn’t a note he had written for himself, instead it was a note you had written for him. 
"Remember that I care about you and don't forget to take care of yourself today!"
He could barely register the words as he read them, but the immediate emotion he felt was absolute love for you. 
He most likely finds any note on his way to a college class or while working one of his part-time jobs
If he finds one while he’s with a member of the Mankai company he probably won’t read it as he prefers to read them when he’s alone since they’re personal and special to him
He tries to keep them but sometimes he just gets disorganized so he may accidentally throw them away; he still has at least half though
He tries his best to follow the notes when they’re reminders (e.g. eating when you remind him to eat) as he doesn’t want to somehow accidentally disappoint you
He definitely needs the reminders when he’s writing scripts as he will not step away from his computer once it comes time for another play; if you leave him a note to eat or drink water there’s a higher chance he’ll at least eat something small or take some sips of water
Since he’s someone who tends to look out for other people, knowing someone is looking after him just makes him incredibly happy 
❀ Masumi Usui
He froze as soon as he opened the first note he received as he could barely think; his thoughts were too full of his love for you and he didn’t want it any other way
He probably immediately texted you as soon as he reads it to tell you he loves you and has continued to text you a thank you or ‘ily’ every time he gets a note and decides to check on you in the same message
He loves checking his jackets after he sees you to see if you’ve left a note; and once Tsuzuru told you he checks you started leaving them after every time you went over
He keeps all the notes in a jar on his desk; just seeing them all collected in one place brings a smile to his face
Whenever he feels lonely, or his abandonment issues act up, he brings the jar up to his bed and reads them one by one
Masumi sat in his desk chair, exasperated. He had messaged you a couple times throughout the day and you hadn’t responded despite looking at his messages and he was growing concerned. His mind was beginning to race and he began to assume and fear the worst. Then the jar on his desk caught his eye. He carefully grabbed it, tucked it under one arm, and climbed up to his bed. There he unscrewed the lid and one by one pulled out and read each and every note he had ever gotten from you. 
“Reminder that I love you!’
“Remember to eat and drink water <3”
“(ღ˘⌣˘)♥ love you!”
“This song made me think of my feelings for you- Stupid for You by Waterparks <3”
“Good luck with rehearsal today! (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)"
Tears began to well in his eyes and he made sure to wipe them away with the back of his hand, lest he ruin one of the precious notes with his tears. Never had he felt so loved before you, and he mentally noted to tell you how much he appreciated you the next time he saw you. 
After having dealt with his parents not being there and growing up with no friends, he values you and your reminders an immense amount
He may try to leave you notes as well, but he’d much rather express his love for you in person
❀ Itaru Chigasaki
The first time he found one of your notes, he was overwhelmed with love for you; he could practically see the ‘+10’ affection points above his head as he read it
Itaru probably finds the notes once he’s at work if you put them in his jacket
His morning is much too hectic to be able to read it while at the dorms, so he tends to read it every time he drains his LP (yes, every time; your notes brighten his day)
Itaru stepped away from his desk. He had been watching the clock as his lunch hour ticked closer and closer, and once the time was reached, he made his way out of the office. Once he got to his car and began to drain his LP, he reached into his pocket to pull out the note you had left in his pocket that morning.
"Don’t forget to refill your stats! Remember to eat something and drink water, and keep in mind that ily <3"
He couldn't help but smile at the note, unlocking his phone to both drain his LP and to message you a quick thank you in response to your nerdy reminder.
If you use gamer lingo or nerdy references in the notes he will be positively enamored
He tends to just put them somewhere in a designated desk drawer, sometimes taping his favorites down to the top of the desk to make sure they don’t get lost and to see them while he games
If he’s streaming and he sees one of the notes on his desk out of the corner of his eye, he always ends up smiling and tends to have a habit of taking a drink of water when he sees one
If you leave a note in his gaming sweatshirt, it may take a bit for him to find it but when he does he’s very grateful -even though he has a smaller chance of actually listening to it-
At times when he’s very preoccupied, he may forget that you leave him notes at all so it’s like a new surprise all over again
❀ Citron
He was incredibly happy when he received his first note from you
After the first note he received, he began leaving notes for you as well
Sometimes the notes can be hard to decipher due to him forgetting and switching up words but it’s the thought that counts 
You had left a note on Citron’s desk the night before, and when you arrived at the dorm the next day he thanked you for it and gave you a tight hug. While you were there he was telling stories of his home country. He spoke of the food, the towns, and his pet Juliano. 
Eventually it began to get dark and you had to bid your boyfriend a farewell. He gave you a kiss on your cheek as you departed, and offered a smile and wave as you exited out the door. 
  Once outside the bitter winds nipped at your skin, so you placed your hands in your pockets in an attempt to keep them warm. But once you did so, you could feel a scrap of paper scratch against your fingertips. You quickly pulled it out, wondering what it could be. You unfolded it and there in familiar handwriting you found the following note:
"Remember that I am loving you always! Have a safe trip home and do not forget to crink water!!"
You could assume he meant ‘drink’ instead of ‘crink’. His struggle with language definitely found its way into the notes he gave you, but if anything it made him that much more endearing. On your way home, you made sure to buy a bottle of water.
His notes may sometimes come off as nonsensical due to his issues with language
If you really need help translating it, just ask another troupe member and they should be able to help
He doesn’t check his pockets for notes since he loves the surprise of finding them
❀ Utsuki Chikage
The first time he found a note in his pocket he felt so happy and appreciated it more than anything, although you wouldn’t have been able to tell if you were there due to his amazing poker face
Chikage has guilt and baggage and the fact that you stay with him amazes him, but he’s so grateful
After reading them he does throw the notes away, not because he doesn’t like them, but because they feel so special to him he doesn’t want anyone else to have the opportunity to read the words you wrote especially for him
Because of this, he does his best to memorize them 
It was originally difficult to know if he was even finding the notes since he’d never let you know or anything of that such
You had been leaving notes in your boyfriend’s pockets for months now. They were simple notes, things such as, ‘Don’t forget to eat today!’ or ‘Remember I care about you and like you no matter your past’. It shouldn't have made you so nervous that you couldn’t tell if Chikage had actually found them, or if he found them annoying, but knots of anxiety were developing in your stomach. So you decided to call him. 
He picked up on the fourth ring, “Chikage Utsuki speaking.”
“Hey, Chikage.”
“Oh, hello. To what may I offer the pleasure of this call?”
“Um,” you paused, collecting your thoughts, “so, I’ve been leaving these little..notes? In your pockets? And I was just curious if you had gotten them or if you found them annoying because if you do I can stop-” a laugh on the other side cut you off. “What? What’s so funny?”
Chikage continued to chuckle, “No, I’ve found them.” He lowered his voice to a whisper, like he didn’t want anyone else but you to hear, “I really appreciate them. Thank you.”
“Oh! Well I’m glad.” you were almost positive Chikage could hear your smile through the phone. 
“Was that all?”
“Yeah, sorry. I’ll see you later. Bye!”
“Goodbye.” the click of the end call button rang in your ears, but you couldn’t help but continue to smile.
After a while, it’s easier to tell when he has recently read a note as he may come off as somewhat more affectionate but whether he does it on purpose or not you can’t completely tell 
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mashuhiso-writes · 2 years
helloooo!! I really love your writing, could I request chikage x maybe a reader who loves spicy food just like him! :)
or maybe one that cant stand spicy lol
I decided to do one that loves spicy :D!!! Here you go :)
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Chikage w/ a reader who loves spicy foods!
Chikage would be thrilled to meet someone with a high spice tolerance like himself!
He invites them to spicy curry restaurants when he has a day off, and also recommends restaurants that he finds nice
Spice duels!! They would have playful battles on how much spice they could handle lol
The other Mankai members find them either scary, or super cool!! Some of them even started to build their spice tolerance so they can join them :)
Cooking together! Both of them secretly add more spices to each other's dishes haha
They would help out for dinner occasionally if no one is available at the dorms, they also make non-spicy options for the others! <3
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