#V: Game Over (Dirge of Cerberus)
dice-hater · 1 year
Game Club #124 [Bowser]
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
I didn't finish this one. I stopped in the middle of Chapter 8, and I just didn't pick it back up.
I was pretty enamored by Dirge's gun customization system, but the actual shooting didn't hook me at all. It may be my fault for playing on the "Hard" difficulty, but I routinely felt like I had little control over avoiding enemy fire. I guess Vincent's best defense is a quick offense. The dodge felt worse than useless.
Pikachu played on "Normal" difficulty, and while she faced fewer enemies, I would say the principal differentiating factor is that the game paused when she opened up the menu. This was not the case for me, which made the item quick use buttons mandatory.
I liked the scoring system quite a bit, though such systems make me want to replay individual levels, a feature Dirge lacks. Being able to redo levels to grind would compromise the scoring system, so I suppose any solution that allowed replaying levels would need complexity to handle reverting your stats and guns. Along with the sheer length of most levels, I understand why it wasn't an option.
I really disliked how opaque the RPG elements were. The option to exchange XP for gil is interesting, but far less so when I don't really understand how Vincent's stats work, and how they compare to the guns' stats. The guns, at least, were quite clear.
I should probably note that VII is not among the several Final Fantasy games I have played. (Those are IV, V, VI, IX, Tactics A2, and both DS Crystal Chronicleses.) So, much of the (lengthy, cutscene-delivered) story of Dirge of Cerberus flew right over my head, and I had absolutely no attachment to the characters. Yuffie seemed pretty likeable, and I'll always root for a Steve Blum-voiced protagonist.
I did laugh when I read the difficulty descriptions in the Final Fantasy XVI demo. Déjà vu, huh?
My Review: ⭐⭐▫️▫️[I don't like it.]
#123? | About Game Club | #125
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kingofthecats · 4 years
@ofgeneticperfection​ (Starter)​
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It had taken quite a bit of time and resources but WRO eventually found the person they had been looking for. Shinra staff documents had been in disarray ever since Midgar’s destruction and a lot of paperwork and ID recognition software had been lost in the collapse of the building. Not that any of it mattered once the mightiest empire in all of Gaia collapsed and people had to find a new way of life to cope with the traumatic effects of a post-meteor world.
Standing before their esteemed guest, Director Reeve Tuesti read from an open file on his desk. “Lead Lab Assistant of Professor Hojo in the Science & Research facility. Name: Ms Isrieal, Last name: Unknown, Date of birth: Unknown. No official birth certificate, no listed next of kin, no adoption papers, no educational certificates, no permanent residency, or any sort of track of history or official documents that say you exist.”
Reeve dropped the open file down on the desk, the ID photo in the corner of the dossier matching the face of the women opposite him. He could not recall if he had ever caught glimpse of this woman in the corridors of Shinra HQ as he never sought out any excuse to visit Hojo or the science department floor, but it would appear she had been working for the mad Doctor for many years.
"I'll get straight to the point Ms Isrieal," he said curtly. "WRO is recruiting volunteers to help clean up the world after what happened three years ago. Your scientific expertise could be of great use to us."
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freyayuki · 3 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet
The Summer Sun 2021 event just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game. As part of the festivities, several banners have shown up featuring lots of relics, including several new ones for a variety of characters.
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There are 5 Summer Sun Festival Banners in total. There’s a Stamp Sheet associated with these Banners. You get a Stamp each time you pull on any one of these Banners. You get different things depending on the number of Stamps you have. Here’s a list of the prizes or rewards:
1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 50 of each 4-star Mote
3 Stamps: 50 of each Major Orb
4 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
5 Stamps: 1 Artifact Stone
6 Stamps: 1 free Ultra Soul Break (USB) pick
7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
8 Stamps: 1 free Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic (LMR) pick
9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
10 Stamps: 1 free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) pick
11 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
12 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
13 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
15 Stamps: 1 free Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) pick
16 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
17 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
18 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
19 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
20 Stamps: 250 Anima Lens+
For the free relic picks, you can choose from a curated list so, unfortunately, not everything’s available.
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I talk more about this in another post, but I did 10 pulls across 3 different fest banners so I could get the Sync select reward on the Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Ultra Soul Break Pick
Not all relics may be available for the Stamp Sheet picks, but there’s still a lot to choose from. To make things even just a little bit easier for me, I removed the relics that can be bought from the The Record Lab with Anima Lenses and then only considered the remaining USBs if I have at least an Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) or a Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) for the char they belong to. Here’s what I have left to choose from:
Aria Benett’s (from Final Fantasy III) USB2, Prismatic Light
Have her AASB and her Glint+ Soul Break 1 (G+1). She’s a healer but since these are my only relics for her, I don’t use her. Her USB2 doesn’t seem that good when compared to the other healer USBs I already have so I don’t think it’ll be worth it to pick her.
Krile Mayer Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) USB4, Terrestrial Incandescence
Have her AASB which deals fire and earth elemental damage, her Limit Break Glint (LBG) which is only for earth, and her USB3 which is also only for earth. Her USB4 is for both earth and fire. Could use more magic fire and magic earth tech but not sure how useful Krile would be with just these. If I had her SASB as well, I’d consider her more.
Vincent Valentine’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) USB3, Marksman's Spite
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Have his SASB, AASB, magic fire Chain Soul Break (CSB), USB1, USB2, Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF) or Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), and Burst Soul Break (BSB). He’s part of both my magic and physical fire teams (he’s a hybrid DPS and support). His USB3 does seem pretty good but with so many other relics for him, I’m wondering if I’d even be able to cast this.
Like, for physical fire, I usually go with his Sync first then, when that runs out, I cast his AASB. When that runs out and the enemy is still alive, I opt to cast his USB2. I prefer it over his USB1 since it can break the damage cap. 
Vincent’s USB3 deals damage and provides a fire reflection barrier for the entire party. It also reduces the delay of the actions of all allies on the same row as Vincent for 1 turn. The effects seem pretty good but, I don’t know. I do have other supports already as well as healers so maybe it’d be better to just have Vincent focus on dealing damage. Besides, he already supports the party via imperiling the fire element and providing his Chain for magic fire fights. Guess I need to think about this some more.
Yuffie Kisaragi’s (from Final Fantasy VII) USB4, Improvised Camouflage
Have her physical water CSB, water AASB1, water Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 1 (AOSB1), water USB2, water G+1, Glint Soul Break 1 (G1), and G2. Yuffie’s USB4 deals earth and water damage. It does seem pretty good but I don’t know. Already have her USB2 so do I really need her USB4 as well? Don’t even have earth tech for her.
Kiros Seagill’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) USB, Katar Dance
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Only have his AASB which deals physical dark and ice elemental damage. Aside from dealing physical dark and ice elemental damage, his USB has the same row fastcast as Vincent’s. I’ve used Kiros for both physical dark and physical ice. He did pretty well even with just his AASB although he was useless once its effects ran out. So it’d definitely be great if I had his USB so I have something else for him to use after his AASB. It’s just too bad I don’t have his Sync as well.
Eiko Carol’s (from Final Fantasy IX) USB5, Soothing Flute
Only have her AASB2. Both are healing relics. With just these though, Eiko doesn’t seem all that usable.
Yuna’s (from Final Fantasy X) USB5, Heavenly Blessing
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Have her magic and mind holy CSB, AASB2, AOSB, G+3, G2, and USB1. Yuna’s part of my magic and mind holy team thanks to her CSB. She’s a healer but she also has some DPS capabilities. Her USB5 is definitely better than her USB1. 
Lion’s (from Final Fantasy XI) USB2, Dancing Edge
Have her physical water AASB. She’s part of my physical water team, mostly because my phys water tech is really lacking. Don’t even have a single water Sync, either magic or physical. Her AASB imperils water though so it is pretty good. Wish I had her Sync as well. Her USB2 appears to be very similar to Vincent’s USB3 except this one reduces the delay of everyone’s physical attacks for 2 turns regardless of row.
Y’shtola Rhul’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) USB3, Dark Expanse
Only have her SASB and her USB2. I think I’ll need way more relics to even make Y’shtola usable. I mean, her Sync deals damage but her USB2 heals and supports the party. Her USB3 deals damage with a bit of party support. 
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) USB3, Excogitation
Have his magic wind AASB, BSB, and G+1. I like Alphinaud. He’s pretty good even with just his AASB. Wish I had his magic wind SASB as well.
Rain’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) USB, Soul Prominence
Only have his earth AASB. My earth tech is lacking but not sure Rain would be all that usable with just these. Wish I have his SASB as well.
Okay, let’s see. Aria’s out. Krile should be out as well. Really need more BDL relics for her. Anyway, this USB of hers should be available to buy the next time the The Record Lab is updated. Actually, the same can be said for all the USBs I just listed except for Yuna’s. 
Hmm, so I guess everyone’s out except Yuna then. I think I’m better off just waiting for the Lab to be updated to get the other Ultra Soul Breaks on my list. Feels like I don’t really need any of these right now anyway. Like, obviously, I wouldn’t mind getting them. 
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But I’m not even using the likes of Krile and Rain yet because my earth tech is really lacking so I can’t quite form a proper physical earth and magical earth team yet. If I had more tech for them, I’d be more inclined to consider their USBs.
Vincent is the one I use most often but since I already have his other USBs as well as a lot of his other relics, I really don’t see how I’d be able to even find the extra gauges to cast this one as well. I think I really will just go with Yuna’s USB. I can just get Vincent’s and the other Ultras I listed the next time the The Record Lab is updated.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic Pick
For the Glints and LMRs, here’s the list I’m trying to choose from:
Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) G+1, Shimmer Flash
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Have basically everything for Sephiroth except for his fire AASB and fire AOSB as well as this Glint+ of his. The other 6 relics I’m missing for him can be obtained via Lenses but they’re all outdated by now which is why I haven’t bothered to get any of them.
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It’d be nice to get this just to be 1 step closer to completing him. I don’t think this is all that necessary for him though considering I’ve been able to use him just fine even without this. I do have his G+2, Fervent Shadow. They’re not the same, of course, but still. 
Fervent Shadow’s effect -  instant dark infuse with stacking 25seconds, self instacast 1
Shimmer Flash’s effect -  instant instacast 3
Also, Shimmer Flash will be available in the next Lab update.
Oh, wait, looks like I’m also missing Sephi’s Legend Materia Relic 3 (LMR3), Cruelest Cut. It gives 25% chance to dualcast Samurai-type abilities. This is the only LMR I’m missing for him. It’s gonna be available in the next Lab update. 
Not really interested in this though. Well, not unless I happen to get his fire AASB. His dark tech, which is what majority of the relics I have for him are, all make use of Darkness-type abilities.
Angeal Hewley’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) G+1, You Owe Me One
Angeal’s G2, Blade Invocation
Have his SASB, AASB2, and his LBOF. His G2′s out. I don’t use Glints since they cost 1 bar to cast and most, if not all, don’t deal damage at all, so they feel like a waste. I prefer Glint+ Soul Breaks since they buff the user but doesn’t deplete the Soul Break gauge so I can still cast their offensive relics.
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Angeal’s G+1 is one of the few Glints that deal damage. It also grants Last Stand to all allies. Unfortunately, it doesn’t give him an elemental infusion for either holy or wind so this doesn’t seem all that good, especially since I already have other sources for Last Stand.
Both of these will be available in the next Lab update.  
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) G+3, Truth and Illusion
Have his AASB, True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Overstrike Soul Break 1 (OSB1), USB2, USB3, G1, G+1, and G+4. It’d be nice to get Cloud’s G+3, but I do already have his G+1 which seems most similar to Truth and Illusion in that both give infusion for the wind element. 
Truth and Illusion will also be available in the next Lab update.
Vincent Valentine’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) G+, Munitions Reload
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This will also be available in the next Lab update. Munitions Reload will instantly give Vincent 2 Soul Break gauges. Since he has so many relics, including his Chain, this is actually really good even if it doesn’t give him an infusion or anything else other than the Soul Break bars.
This G+ may not be all that necessary for my physical fire team since Vincent isn’t my Chain holder but it’d still be nice to have. For my magic fire team, Munitions Reload is definitely very welcome so it’d be easier to have Vincent as my Chain holder as well as one of my DPS.
Laguna Loire’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) G+, Junction Freeze
Have his AASB1 and AASB2. His G+ gives him Empowered infusion for the ice element. This could go well with his AASB2 which doesn’t give him an infusion. Junction Freeze will be available - welp, at this point, it’s probably better to just say which relic will NOT be available in the next Lab update. LOL. 
Yuna’s (from Final Fantasy X) G+2, Yearning Prayer
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This is the same as Vincent’s G+. This is useful to have too although it isn’t really a priority since I don’t have a lot of relics for Yuna and I’m not trying to juggle two roles with her unlike with Vincent in my magical fire team. Yuna’s primary focus is to cast her Chain. If she can spare the gauges, she can cast her AASB2 and help with the healing as well. Out of all the relics I listed, this is the only one that will NOT be available in the next Lab update.
Balthier’s (Ffamran mied Bunansa from Final Fantasy XII) G+1, Snatch Heart
Will be in the next Lab update. Balthier’s my physical fire Chain holder. Also have his AASB, both of his BSBs, his AOSB, his USB2, and his G+2 (Scarlet Sky Fluke).
Snatch Heart’s effect - instant physical 3.12/6 fire + non-elemental ranged, fire infuse stacking 25seconds, fire infuse 25seconds
Scarlet Sky Fluke’s effect - instant fire infuse with stacking 25seconds, self +250 Soul Break points
Looks like his G+2′s better thanks to being able to fill the Soul Break gauge even if it’s just by 1 bar.
Papalymo Totolymo’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) G+, Sharpcast
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Will be available in the next Lab update. Have his AASB, SASB, and BSB. Its effect is:
instant fire infuse with stacking 25seconds, self +250 Soul Break points
Looks like it’s exactly the same as Balthier’s Scarlet Sky Fluke.
Now to decide which Glint to pick. Didn’t bother with any of the LMRs since Glints seem to be more important. Honestly though, the Stamp Sheet should have split the picks for this. There should be a pick for Glints only and another for LMRs only like how there’s one for USBs only and one for Syncs only.
Since everything in my list, except for Yuna’s G+2, will be added to the The Record Lab when it gets updated, I should just go with Yearning Prayer, right? It’s just that I’m not sure this is the best course of action. 
Like I said earlier, I’m not really trying to juggle Yuna’s roles. She’s mostly here to cast her Chain. I’m not relying on her to deal damage or heal her allies although she can help with those too. So, although I’d love to have her G+2, it feels like I don’t really need it and that I can make do without it.
I guess I should take another look at the rest of my possible picks. Sephiroth’s Glint+1 is also something that’s really nice to have but isn’t necessary. I think I can wait for the Lab update before getting this. The same can be said for Angeal’s and Cloud’s Glints. This is especially so with Cloud since I already have a lot of his other Glints.
I think I can wait for the update for Laguna’s Glint+ as well. After all, I had him in my ice team even back when I only had his AASB1 and he did well enough. Now I have another BDL relic for him, which is great, but I’d say that Laguna’s more of a support or secondary DPS. He can imperil ice and buff his allies.
Balthier’s so out of this list. His Scarlet Sky Fluke’s way better than Snatch Heart. Have Papalymo’s AASB and SASB, and I’ve heard a lot of good things about him. His G+ should speed things up a bit so I can cast either his Sync or Awakening faster. Vincent’s G+ will make it a bit easier to juggle between his role as my magic fire Chain holder and one of my DPS.
So now it’s down to Papalymo, Yuna, and Vincent. Need to think about this some more. It’s probably better to just go with Yuna’s since hers won’t be available in the next Lab update but I really don’t feel like I need it. Actually, the same could be said for Papalymo. I think I can just wait and get his G+ when it shows up in the next Lab update. It feels like Vincent’s is the one I need right now because he’s both my Chain holder and DPS so I really need all the gauges I can get for him.
Also, out of those 3 chars, Vincent is the one I use most often by virtue of being part of my physical fire team, which I love to bring basically everywhere. I’m also thinking of doing the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking (DK) fight soon. Vincent will likely be part of my FF7 team. 
On the other hand, I’m gonna need a lot more tech for Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XIV chars before I can even think about working on their respective Dragonking and Dreambreaker (DB) (already finished the FFVII DB) fights.
Right, I think that settles it then. I’m going for Vincent’s G+ even if it’s gonna be available in the next Lab update and even if it will be featured in an upcoming banner I’m planning to pull on. I don’t want to wait that long to get it. Want to use it now. I’m well aware that I’m most likely gonna end up getting dupes of Vincent’s G+ on the aforementioned banner but it’s fine as long as I can still get the rest of the relics that I want on that banner.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Synchro Arcane Soul Break Pick
Compared to the long list of Glints, LMRs, and USBs that you could choose from, the Sync select list is much smaller. Here are the ones that I don’t have:
The Warrior of Light’s (from Final Fantasy I) SASB1, Photon Wave
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) SASB1, Armageddon XCIX
Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III) SASB1, Channel Water
Locke Cole’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB1, Phoenix Heat
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) SASB1, Apex Slash
Cloud Strife’s SASB2, Meteor Rain
Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) SASB2, Angel Wing Cross
Tidus’s (from Final Fantasy X) SASB1, Blitz Yell
Rikku’s (from Final Fantasy X) SASB1, Tidal Wave
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca’s (from Final Fantasy XII) SASB1, Saintly Pride
Lightning’s (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB1, Gestalt Drive
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) SASB1, Child of the Dawn
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s (from Final Fantasy XV) SASB1, For the King
Noctis Lucis Caelum’s (from Final Fantasy XV) SASB1, True Ignis Link
Cidolfus Orlandeau’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB1, Seiken Perfection
Goffard Gaffgarion’s (Gaff Gafgarion from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB, Dark End
Rain’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Crimson Nova
Lasswell’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Winter's Oblivion
Fina’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Eternal Light
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Welp, that’s still a lot to choose from. Right, let’s try to narrow it down further. 
Have the Warrior of Light’s AASB as well as a few of his other relics but I heard he wasn’t that good so he’s out. Have nothing for Maria so she’s out. Have Onion Knight’s earth SASB. His SASB1 is for water so there’s no synergy between the 2. Even if they had synergy though, it wouldn’t matter because each char can only equip one Sync. I do have Onion Knight’s AASB but it’s his physical one. His earth and water Syncs are magic so, yeah, he’s out.
Locke’s SASB1 is for physical fire. Have his fire AASB and his fire Chain. His Chain’s inferior to Balthier’s which is why he’s not part of my physical fire team. Heard his Sync 1 wasn’t that good either. Seems like his Sync 2′s better so he’s out.
Cloud’s SASB2 is out because I don’t even have his dark AASB. Most of my relics for him are for the wind element so his SASB1, which is for physical wind, is in. Rinoa’s out since I don’t even have her AASB. Tidus is in since I have his AASB and his TASB. But, man, I wish this Sync of his was his second one instead ‘cause that one’s way better. Rikku’s out since I have nothing for her.
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Ashe is possibly still in since I have her TASB. However, that’s the only relic I have for her. I think her second Sync is better anyway. Maybe she’d better be out as well. 
Lightning is in just because her SASB1 is really OP. I do have her AASB but it’s for the holy element. Her SASB1 is for the lightning element. Wish I had her lightning AASB to go with it. Would also love to have her holy Sync to go with her holy AASB. Too bad only her SASB1 is available for the select. Maybe she’d better be out as well then since there wouldn’t be much synergy between her lightning Sync and holy AASB. 
Alphinaud is in. Have his wind AASB and been wanting his SASB1 to go with it. Lunafreya is out since I only have her USB. Noctis is also out since I don’t have any of his BDL relics. The same can be said for Orlandeau, Gaffgarion, Lasswell, and Fina. Rain is in since I have his AASB.
That leaves me with:
Cloud SASB1
Tidus SASB1
Alphinaud SASB1
Much more manageable. Now to try and narrow things down further. Let’s see. Tidus should probably be out. His Sync 2′s way better than his Sync 1. If I somehow manage to luck into his Sync 2 then his Sync 1 will just be rotting in my inventory, useless since I can’t equip both at the same time and there’s no way I’ll be using Sync 1 if I have Sync 2.
Rain should be out as well. The only relic I have for him right now is his AASB. If I’m going for his Sync, then I might as well get his G+ and USB from the Stamp picks as well but those relics are gonna be available in the next Lab update so I’m better off just waiting. 
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Besides, since my earth tech is really lacking, I can’t really field a full earth team yet so Rain won’t be of much use to me yet until I can get more earth-type Soul Breaks. Heck, I don’t even have a decent physical earth Chain. Really need one as well as more BDL earth relics like Awakenings and Syncs. 
That leaves me with Alphinaud’s SASB1 and Cloud’s SASB1. Interestingly, both are for the wind element. Alphinaud’s is for magical wind while Cloud’s is for physical wind. Both are part of my wind teams.
My magical wind tech is pretty lacking though and could definitely use more improvement. Aside from Alphinaud’s Awakening, I also have Barbariccia’s (from Final Fantasy IV) AASB, Storm of Darkness, and Ultimecia’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) SASB1, Shockwave Pulsar. I have Fujin’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) magic wind Chain. Unfortunately, I don’t have either her AASB or SASB.
Needless to say, I’d love to be able to improve my magical wind team. I’d really like to be able to get at least 2 BDL relics for my DPS. It’d be nice to get stuff for Fujin too since she’s my Chain holder.
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So getting Alphinaud’s SASB1 will definitely help. But I don’t think it’s gonna be enough. I’d still need more magical wind relics such as Ultimecia’s AASB and Fujin’s stuff before I can really think about tackling all the hard content that requires a magical wind team. 
I think I’m better off passing on Alphinaud’s Sync for now. Because, in contrast to my magical wind tech, I have a lot more physical wind relics. For instance, I have Zack Fair’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) AASB2, Road to Heroism, and SASB, Come Get It!, and Angeal Hewley’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) AASB2, Burden of Pride, and SASB, White-Winged SOLDIER. Also have a few of their other relics.
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For Cloud, he has the following:
TASB, Omnislash
AASB1, Angelic Synergy
USB3, Darkpetal Bloom
USB2, Climirage
OSB1, Finishing Touch
G+4, Triple Slash
G+1, Aerial Fang
G1, Mako Power
LMR5, Borrowed Blade
LMR2, Truth Surmounted
LMR1, Sprinting Wolf
Getting Cloud’s wind Sync would definitely greatly improve my physical wind team. I think I might even be able to take on physical, wind-weak White Odin or Argent Odin. Cloud should also help me with the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking fight. Right, I think that settles it then.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Picks
So to recap, I went with the following Soul Breaks for my Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet picks:
Yuna’s Ultra Soul Break 5, Heavenly Blessing
Vincent’s Glint+ Soul Break, Munitions Reload
Cloud’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1, Apex Slash
No regrets so far. Pretty pleased with my picks. Gonna try some hard content soon with these relics as well as the ones I got on the Summer Sun fest banners.
So, what about you? Did you pull on any one of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Festival Banners? What relics did you get? Were you able to get the ones you wanted? How much of the Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet did you fill out? What relics did you choose to get from the Stamp Sheet select? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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buffaloborgine · 4 years
An over-review and (many) theories of FFVII compilation - Part V
Part I: The Timeline - https://buffaloborgine.tumblr.com/post/624717906149818368/an-over-review-and-many-theories-of-ffvii
Part II: The Fated Trio(s) - https://buffaloborgine.tumblr.com/post/624817710806827008/an-over-review-and-many-theories-of-ffvii
Part III: To be or not to be - https://buffaloborgine.tumblr.com/post/625180368648159232/an-over-review-and-many-theories-of-ffvii
Part IV: LOVELESS -https://buffaloborgine.tumblr.com/post/625631759219015681/an-over-review-and-many-theories-of-ffvii 
Part V: The Culprit 
Before I get on with this part, let’s all agree (again) on one thing: The timeline of FFVII Remake was a mess even before Cloud comes back to Midgard in the beginning of it, as I have explained in part I. 
[If you don’t agree with that, or haven’t read part I, then this part will have a lot of problems to argue, so just go read part I again, please] 
“The most useful form of time travel is to go back a year or two and rectify the mistake we made.” - Matt Lucas. 
Whoever decided to go back and wreck the timeline of FFVII must have their purpose and it is shown clearly in Remake: To change the flow of events and defy destiny. 
To Aerith, if she could stop Sephiroth from becoming the one who calls down the Meteor to destroy the Planet then she can change her own destiny. At the  end of the highway, it is Aerith, who actually shows sympathy to Sephiroth, saying “They.. Their words... They don’t reach him. All these moments and memories, precious and fleeting... they’re like rain rolling off his back. And when they are gone, he won’t cry... or shout... or anything.” Instead of trying to fix other things, Aerith knows that Sephiroth is the main cause and that if she can fix him, then everything will not happen the way they were supposed to. 
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To Sephiroth, if he can manipulate Cloud sooner than he did in the original timeline then Cloud and the team won’t be able to stop him from destroying Gaia, therefore he can reach his true aim, becoming God. We can see Sephiroth trying to reach out to Cloud very early in the game, just right after Cloud is back to Midgard, then the moment Cloud meets Aerith, etc; what Sephiroth does is emphasizing his influence on Cloud, telling Cloud that his purpose is to save the Planet, asking for Cloud’s help. By changing his method to approach Cloud, Sephiroth is trying to fix his “fault” so as to defy his destiny. 
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But then, let’s be honest, do you believe that the mess in FFVII Remake is caused by either Sephiroth or Aerith, or even both? 
We already know that Banora still exists on the map since Shinra didn’t bomb them because the poster of Banora White juice in Midgar. We also know that Tseng had his hair down before the time Before Crisis actually happened, thanks to the flashback cutscene of Elmyra. Also, the Wutai War is still going on. Therefore, if there is someone who actually messed up the timeline, that must be someone who knows about the events of Crisis Core and Before Crisis, and that can’t be neither Sephiroth nor Aerith.
So why I am so certain about that?
- First of all, Banora. There is no point for Sephiroth to actually try to prevent the bombing of Banora, he doesn’t even know about it, or if he does, he wouldn’t mind. It has been shown in Crisis Core that after that event, Sephiroth doesn’t even mention about it, he doesn’t care. It also is no problem to Aerith, she may know about Banora, but does she know about it being bombed? Aerith can sense when someone entered the Lifestream, but she doesn’t know exactly where they were; or she may get the knowledge about it after she entered the Lifestream, but even if she knows about it, does she needs to actually prevent it? No. 
- Secondly, Tseng. The best I could come up with the scenario for Tseng to let his hair down before the events of Before Crisis is that Veld was never a Turk which leads to Kalm never got bombed wrongly and Veld lives a normal life with his family (or maybe Kalm was still bombed and Veld died along his family in it, causing the whole Before Crisis event never happened). Sephiroth may know about those events in Before Crisis, but he never actually had any significant part in it, and he doesn’t care about the Turks so there is no point for him to fix this. Aerith knows about Tseng, and yes, she could want to fix Tseng’s destiny, so let give Aerith some possibilities here. 
- Finally, Wutai War. The fact that this war is still going makes it impossible for both Sephiroth and Aerith to get involved in this. Sephiroth was the hero of Wutai War and Aerith obviously wants peace, not war, both of them have no reason to let the war continue. 
Then, the question is, if neither of them is the culprit behind the mess in Remake, then who is? 
Well, the culprit must have all the connection to the three events above, also, must be someone who has already died in the original timeline so they are in the Lifestream and can manage to manipulate the Lifestream, or must be someone that is still alive after Dirge of Cerberus (the last point in the chronological line of the original timeline) and has a connection to the Lifestream so they can manipulate it for the time travel. By doing a quick short, we narrow down the list. 
- Vincent is alive after DoC but he seems fine with the result of DoC so he doesn’t need to travel backward for anything.
- Zack is tied to all of those events above but as the end of Remake, he is surprised that he is alive, so it means that he is no culprit. 
- Angeal could be the culprit, because he is the type of person that wants to fix things and save people, but exactly because of that, if he is the culprit, he would want to end the Wutai War. 
- And finally, Genesis. We see him still alive after DoC, he is closely tied with Banora, there is no proof that he needs to fix Tseng but we know that he does know a lot of things about the Turks (due to the way he talks to Tseng in the factory in CC), and as for the Wutai War, Genesis was jealous with Sephiroth about being the hero, so by keeping the war continue, Genesis could prevent their relationship from faltering apart. Also, he did say that he will come back, and I believe he will. 
In conclusion, I believe it is Genesis would be the most possible to be behind the timetravel;ing trainwreck in Remake, because he has the most reasons to do it. (Also the Stamp mascot, as it is shown in Remake that there are two different Stamp puppies in two timeline, it is obvious that the mascot is changed between different timelines. And besides, why a puppy? As we know Zack is referred as "Zack the puppy" by Angeal but from whom did we know about that? Angeal's mom, and then Genesis)
Thank you for reading, this is basically the last part of my theory, maybe there will be more, but for now, it ends here.  
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lessrthanthree · 4 years
SORRY got distracted on sending a followup ask, but ye! So my current hyperfixiation is final fantasy 7 rn, and the series of ff7 is a compilation! It goes Before Crisis -> Crisis Core -> FF7 -> Advent Children -> Dirge of Cerberus. These are just the games (except advent children, thats a movie but we'll get to that), theres also a 20 minute animation called The Last Order, and theres two novels called The Kids Are Alright and On The Way To a Smile. The thing is, it is often debated if Before Crisis is canon- it was only released in japan on mobile, and in 2004 at that. It contradicts with the continuity of Crisis Core, which is more canon, arguably, since it lines up more with FF7 itself. And i hate admitting that its hard to see as canon, because Before Crisis has alot of my favorite characters (which happen to be extremely obscure bc theyre from before crisis). But, recently, square enix announced a new mobile game: Ever Crisis. It is a chapter based game with new chapters every month, and it covers the *entirety of the ff7 compilation*. And yes, they included Before Crisis in that announcement. It makes me extremely happy to see square enix acknowledge Before Crisis because they havent really. Acknowledged its existence in years. And as a major fan of alot of the characters but not with the story, i am extremely extremely excited for Ever Crisis! Another interesting thing is that theyre including Advent Children in Ever Crisis, which is a movie. I wonder how theyre gonna translate a movie to a game...but, im sure itll be great anyway! Thanks for listening, and i migjt send more asks if you dont mind? The ff7 story is EXTREMELY long, complicated and fucked up, so id rather stick to a certain character if you wanna know more about one! Just say the word! But yea, ty!!
Yoo that's fine! I fell asleep and then had classes to go to, so sorry this is late too jfjdkdk
Yeah I've heard abt that game series! Ive never played one myself tho, but it's v popular 👀 at least I'm pretty sure nfdnnx, I'm at least 80% sure there's a character(s?) in smash
I had no idea the lore was that intertwined tho, books and a movie and short films, that's v cool- lots of games too apparently 👀 more content the better ig! Esp when it comes to fixating on them
Hopefully with the new game coming out, it can peobably clarify or build upon (or debunk) occurances in the debatedly non-canon game. That'd be good for the fandom!
Wish you luck with all that, hope it turns out well 👀 I may look into the series over the summer if I have free time to play a bunch of games again!
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roloko-karlstein · 5 years
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Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years - my favorite games in the FF franchise it had a pretty damn good story and the characters were really memorable to me. Also its home to two of the few best OST that has Uematsu has composed Red Wings and The Four Fiends. On top of that I really loved how the sequel adds another layer of strategy with its lunar system. I know people hate the sequel cause of how it was spit into multiple episodes you had to buy, but as a person playing the PSP version where the all the stories were all bundled into one price it was actually pretty fun to see how and what the characters has been up to all this time and some fresh faces in forms of either children or comrades of the old IV cast.
Final Fantasy VI: I love this game its my second favorite FF title. I think my favorite thing about it was at different times you controlled different party members it wasn’t just Terra the whole time. Also the fact anybody can learn magic so in a pinch you could use your offensive characters to heal. Who can forget the opera scene and the Dancing Mad song? Instant classic songs
Final Fantasy Type 0: My third favorite game in the franchise. I know that is an unpopular opinion, but I just love the setting and how you can control any character cause its their story and not like a specific character (Ace). Every character has their own weapons and way of fighting I really love using Cinque,Jack, and Trey. I know people hate using her cause she is slow, but I feel like its all about timing she is super strong honestly. I never finished it nor a new game plus where I think it ends differently than the first playthrough. I love the battle system overworld battles play more like Tales of while the missions play out like XV’s battle system, but I think better honestly.
Final Fantasy X: My fourth favorite FF title and if I remember my very first. Touching story and I love the characters. The only real flack I have is unskippable cutscenes even in the remaster. It really makes it annoying when facing two certain bosses.
Final Fantasy IX: My fifth favorite FF title. It had quite a few memorable characters and fun games on the side. I really liked its story too. The final boss really came out of no where I still think it should’ve ended at Kuja, but whatevs.
Final Fantasy VII: This one is a classic which is why it made A rank. I’m fairly certain the remake will be S or S+ tier with how they are expanding on characters and the story (I will cry over Biggs,Wedge, and Jessie I can feel it you know its coming, but I bet Square will pull out all the stops to get us to like them)
Final Fantasy Rhythm games: My other favorite genre after JRPGs which is rhythm games. I love the little chibi characters!
Crisis Core: Its a nice prequel and the ending was really good I remember first playing it I cried even though I knew it was coming. I really like the song “Why” that plays during the credits
Final Fantasy V: Only reason it is below A rank is cause I never really got far in it. And both times I played it I only made it to the part where we find out about Faris and Lenna’s relationship. Job system was pretty cool and was an upgrade from III.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper: For a mobile game its pretty good and the gatcha was I think for weapons and not for characters.
Final Fantasy VIII: I actually like the junction and drawing system it was new. The final boss fight would leave me on the edge of my seat cause the final boss I think draws all of a certain type of magic from you every other turn so it was basically a battle against time. This series had more of a modern day/futuristic vibe to it. The only reason its a B cause I didn’t really care too much for the story.
Final Fantasy II: Its an easy game after hitting yourself for two hours straight. No really. After I got past the first part of the game I find that ya know it isn’t THAT bad of a game kinda tedious at the start to get your stats up there, but after that it really is smooth sailing the rest of the game.
Final Fantasy: It is only at B rank cause this is where everything began even if the game play is simple and the characters have no name and there really isn’t much of a story
Final Fantasy X-2: I think its nice that we get to see a more light hearted story for the most part, but I don’t think this was really necessary. Has one of the best battle systems in the franchise though I have fun playing it and it does have some really challenging fights. 
Final Fantasy XIII: I don’t think its bad as what people make it out to be its honestly an average game and the story is alright. 
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: I used to play this game and the event stories that would come out were really good, but if you do not have 6 Star characters with super strong equipment you would never able to finish the story. Also from what I’ve heard its not even harder to obtain lapis to draw for characters. Gatcha has been going downhill and the events harder which is why I eventually quit.
Final Fantasy III: I haven’t gotten far, but I don’t really care too much for how you can only have so many spells for each level. I think I like V and X-2 more since you can actually learn all the magics by using that class in battle.
World of Final Fantasy: Meh...thats all I gotta say I want to kill that animal thing “THE this” “THE that” if I want to hear shit like that I would go watch Teen Titans Go
Final Fantasy All The Bravest: Again not as bad as the fandom says it is and I breezed through it in a week. I guess I can see why people are ticked though. $1 for a character and it might not even show up in your party. 
Final Fantasy XII: I’m thinking about giving this another chance honestly. I wasn’t a fan of the gameplay or license board.
Final Fantasy XV: Probably one of the biggest disappointments since me playing XII. I payed full price for both AND bought the strategy guides which was not cheap. While XV is better with its gameplay the story felt really rushed and had some of the worst romantic subplot I have ever seen compared to any previous Final Fantasy. Noct had more development with his fellow chocobruhs than he ever did with Luna.
The Dissidia games: I’m not a fan of fighting games I think what I liked most about these were different heroes/villains interacting with each other.
Dirge of Cerberus: Terrible game play, Terrible story, I got motion sickness extremely easy, all around bad game.
Final Fantasy XV mobile game: I never played it, but I have seen ads for it and I’m like really? REALLY?
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skvaderarts · 5 years
Words cannot properly express how much the story in this cheap little notebook means to me.
So, when I was in high school, my life was total and utter shit. I won't go into the specifics as to what the hell was going on because I don't want to upset anyone, but take my word for it when I say that I needed an escape of some sort.
As a result of being dirt poor when I was young, I loved to read because library books were free. I especially loved when back to school started because the notebooks were like 25 cents and that was the only time I could talk my mom into spending any money on me. I hated going back to class though. I was a quiet kid so no one really liked me very much. My love of literature extended to writing stories as well since I didn't have other kids to play with.
When I turned 12 I was lucky enough to have been gifted a very old original PS2 by a much older cousin (Which I still have over ten years later and it still works. The disk drive hates me though) which is when I was first introduced to gaming. My first five games were Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry 3, God of War, GTA3, and Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus, which naturally meant that the adults around me didn't give two shits what I was playing. This was totally amazing to me however because I was amazed at this new form of storytelling. How had I missed out such an amazing form of writing for so long?!
Why is this important? Because it led to the creation THIS:
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This is the oldest notebook that I own. I spent over two years in Highschool carefully cultivating my ideal story in it. For 182 pages, I poured my heart and soul into this notebook in the hopes of taking inspiration from everything I loved and creating a story that one-day people would enjoy reading. I went through countless packs of pens. This book helped me through so damn much. I even contacted a publisher at one point about it to see if they liked it.
And then one day I just stopped writing it.
I forgot about my story and I think I lost a big part of myself when I did.
I just gave up at some point and just didn't even notice.
And then, after FIVE YEARS it just fell out of a box I was unpacking the other day and I picked it up, sat down, and read it cover to cover. The writing was absolutely awful; an accurate reflection of my mindset at the time and my inexperience as a storyteller. But the story its self was actually very good and the grammar was pretty spot on, so I couldn't help but wonder to myself:
Would anyone actually read it if I gave them the chance?
Did anyone else even care that this story existed?
I mean, I never even gave the book a name... 
I had planned to do that when it was finished so that I wouldn't feel pressure to live up to the title. It's a weird problem that I have when I create literally anything.
And that brings me to the point of this post. I wanted to ask a question: If I rewrite and finish this story, would anyone here actually want to read it? Would any of you take the time out of your lives to take a look at the story I spent so long creating? Does anyone want me to finish writing this book?
I wouldn't post it on this blog. It would probably have it's own Tumblr page, but we can get to that at a later date. I guess what I'm trying to ask here is would any of you be interested in reading this story? It's like a weird combination of DMC, supernatural world mythology, and the first two Underworld movies (but it's not another overdone vampire novel. They are in it, but are not a central focus. It just has a similar asthetic, so to speak) with a little bit of Steampunk thrown in for good measure. That's the best way I can explain it without spoiling anything.
Man, this post is long. Sorry about that. I just had a lot to say, I guess.
TL;DR would anyone like me to rewrite my entire mythos that it took me almost three years to create so that they can read it? Because I'm very much considering rewriting it but, I don't think I could convince myself to take on a task this heavy knowing that I would be the only person to ever enjoy the end result. At the end of the day, art is art, but if no one sees that art, it just doesn't feel complete. There are very few people who want to spend a lifetime creating something just to hide it away where no one can ever appreciate it. 
Not that I can guarantee anyone will appreciate or like it... I can only hope.
I wouldn't be giving up writing fics for DMC. Not at all. This would just be another project for me to take on in what little spare time I can find. I can make room in my life for it if I know someone would actually want to experience it. That’s what I did back when my best friend was writing her story and we used to swap every week to see what the other had done.
So... what do you think? Should I do it... or should I just give up?
Thank you for restoring my love for writing, V. Thank you so damn much.
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megamog · 5 years
final fantasy, for the series/fandom thing?
I am slightly astonished you didn’t ask FE but I’m good with FF haha.  
the first character i ever fell in love with:
 It’d have to be Yuna.  X-2 was the first FF game I played.  I played X-2 and X in the wrong order but haha went back for more games after, Yuna has always stuck with me.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: 
I’ve honestly sat and looked at this for ages and am not getting anywhere.  Cid Highwing I guess? 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: 
I’m having a hard time with this one too but Wakka/Lulu I don’t hate it but just kinda eh.
my ultimate favorite character™: 
…Kain, which is not ‘surprising’. 
prettiest character: 
Fang.  She was how I realized I was Bi.  It was so obvious and I never realized until Fang shoved it in my face and made it impossible to ignore.  Thank you Fang. 
my most hated character: 
my OTP: 
Rydia/Edge, Tidus/Yuna, Celes/Locke, Laguna/Raine.  I’ll probably kick myself later for forgetting some.
my NOTP: 
I really don’t get Squall/Rinoa to be honest.  Or the whole fight over Cloud/Tifa or Cloud/Aerith.  
favorite episode game: 
This is really hard haha and it changes a lot depending on what I’ve recently played but I’m gonna say VI.  It does not get enough credit for being a fantastic game, with an amazing female lead, an incredible story, wonderful characters and great music.  X/X-2, IV, VIII, XIII, V, Dissidia 012 get honourable mentions.
saddest death: 
Shalua in Dirge of Cerberus that one still hurts.  (or Raine, she deserved better.  I could say Tidus but he doesn’t necessarily die so…)
favorite season: 
I’m gonna do a spin off game for this I guess, I love the Dissidia games.  
least favorite season: 
can I say FF XV even if I didn’t play it? :3 No?  My next least favourite is a toss up between I and VII (unpopular opinion I know).
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: 
Rinoa maybe??
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: 
Does Irvine count for this?  I can’t think of anyone else haha I’m so sorry Irvine, I do adore you.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: 
Terra did nothing wrong in her life ever.  (or Zell honestly, poor boy doesn’t get enough love.)
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: 
I’m not sure I really have one of these.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: 
Lightning/Fang, Aerith/Tifa, this sounds like a crazy crack ship but hear me out on Faris/Fang it would be damn good.  
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ultrace · 5 years
Soundtrack Update
Tomorrow will bring another batch of soundtracks going onto eBay, for which I will make a post when they go up. For those of you looking to keep convenient track of these, here is a link to my seller page so you can see all of whatever I have up at any given time. The first batch of CDs still has a little over 4 days to go!
Some of you have asked questions. Questions are good! They show that I’m more interesting than annoying, mostly.
Do these soundtracks contain spinecards (obi)? Most of them do. Some may have been acquired without them or I may have misplaced them in the very early days of my collecting. If this is a deal-breaker, ask about any CD you need to.
Can you combine shipping? You sure can. I’ll be more than happy to send multiple CDs and charge only the total amount of shipping.
Is there a full list of all the soundtracks that will be auctioned? There is now. I have painstakingly written down the names of each of the soundtracks to be auctioned, 238 in total. It was a little less than I thought; some of them took up large space on the shelves and skewed my calculations. For the sake of your dashboard, the full list is under the cut.
These soundtracks have been photographed and tested:
Akumajo Dracula / Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow & Dawn of Sorrow OST
Akumajo Dracula Apocalypse OST
Akumajo Dracula Best  (Otakara printing)
Akumajo Dracula Best 2  (Otakara printing)
Akumajo Dracula Nocturne in the Moonlight (Castlevania: SOTN) OST
Akumajo Dracula X
Akumajo Dracula: Gallery of Labyrinth (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin) OST
Castlevania Chronicle Akumajo Dracula
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon / Concerto of the Midnight Sun OST
Anamanaguchi: Dawn Metropolis
Atelier Iris Bonus Soundtrack CD
Bangai-O Spirits Sound Collection Plus
Banjo-Kazooie The Soundtrack
Bastion OST (signed by composer Darren Korb), x2
Baten Kaitos OST
Biohazard 2 (Resident Evil 2) Complete Track
Borderlands 2 OST
Borderlands OST
Breath of Fire III OST
Broken Thunder: Thunder Force VI Doujinshi Soundtrack
C64: 64 Reasons to Live
C64: Best of David Whittaker
C64: Best of Fred Gray
C64: Best of Matt Gray
C64: Best of the Maniacs of Noise
C64: Best of Tim Follin
C64: Creatures the Soundtracks
C64: Thalamusic
C64: Way of the Exploding SID
Capcom Trilogy Box - Capcom Game Music Vols. 1, 2, 3
Chrono Trigger OST
Dance Dance Resolution Ultramix 2 Limited Music Sampler
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme Limited Music Sampler
Dead Rising OST
Devil Crash / Alien Crush
Devil May Cry Limited Soundtrack Box - OSTs for Devil May Cry 1, 2, 3
Diablo 15th Year Anniversary
Disgaea Custom Soundtrack
DK Jamz: Donkey Kong Country OST
Dodonpachi & Dodonpachi II OST
Donkey Kong Country 3 Dixie Kong's Double Trouble OST
Dragon Force Complete Album
Ecco: Songs of Time
Einhander OST
Electronic Arts Music Sampler, "Signature Sounds"
All Sounds of Final Fantasy I & II
Final Fantasy III OST
Final Fantasy IV OST   (gone missing)
Final Fantasy V OST
Final Fantasy VI OST
Final Fantasy VII OST
Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus OST Limited Edition
Final Fantasy VIII OST Limited Edition Limited Edition
Final Fantasy IX OST Limited Edition
Final Fantasy X OST
Final Fantasy X-2 OST Limited Edition  (Rikku Keychain
Final Fantasy XI OST Limited Edition
Final Fantasy XII OST Limited Edition
Final Fantasy XIII OST Limited Edition
Final Fantasy Tactics OST
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles OST
Front Mission 3 OST
G.S.M. Capcom 3: Final Fight (Missing booklet and obi)
G.S.M. Captom 4: Street Fighter II (Missing obi)
Game Sound Museum ~Famicom Edition~ - Full set of 20 CDs
Game Sound Museum ~Famicom Edition~ - Vol. 1: Super Mario Bros.
Game Sound Museum ~Famicom Edition~ - Vol. 11: Nazo no Murasame Jiyo
Game Sound Museum ~Famicom Edition~ - Vol. 3: Donkey Kong Jr.
Game Sound Museum ~Famicom Edition~ - Vol. 7: Light Gun Games
Game Sound Museum ~Famicom Edition~ - Nintendo Dream Special Disc: Super Mario Bros. 3
Gears of War OST
Ghost in the Shell Megatech Body Cd. (European Printing)
Golden Axe: The Music
Gradius Arcade Soundtrack
Gradius III
Gradius V Soundtracks
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Official Soundtrack Box Set
Grandia II ~Deus~
Grandia II ~Povo~
Guiity Gear X Heavy Rock Tracks
Guilty Gear Original Sound Collection
Konami Music Masterpiece Collection (Complete 15-CD set)
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Soundtrack (Black/Gray Cover)
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Soundtrack (Gold Cover)
Makaimura (Ghosts n' Goblins) Ongakutaizen Box Set
Metal Gear Solid 4 OST
Suite Dragon Quest II
That's Atari Games Limited Edition Box - Vols. 1 & 2 in special case
The Last Blade OST
The Music of Command & Conquer
The Music of Command & Conquer: Red Alert
X-Men: Children of the Atom OST
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (Wanderers from Ys) Premium Music Box
Yuzo Koshiro Best Collection Vol. 1
Yuzo Koshiro Best Collection Vol. 2
Z.O.E. Zone of the Enders OST
Zwei!! OST
These soundtracks have not been photographed and tested. If for any reason the discs have failed, they will not be auctioned.
C64: Last Ninja 2 Music Collection   (disc failure, discarded)
C64: Last Ninja 3 Music Collection   (disc failure, discarded)
C64: Last Ninja Music Collection   (disc failure, discarded)
Capcom Music Generation Limited Edition ~Legendary Wings~
Capcom Music Generation: Rockman 1-6 (1st printing with cardboard sleeve)
Capcom Music Generation: Rockman X1-6 (1st printing with special box)
Fatal Fury / Last Resort OST
Genso Suikoden OST
Gokumakaimura (Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins) OST
Gunstar Heroes Sound Collection
Halo 2 OST Vol. 1
Halo 2 OST Vol. 2
Halo 3 OST
Hudson's CD Game Music Collection '93
Hundred Swords OST
Justice High School (Rival Schools United By Fate) OST
Katamari Damacy OST
Killer Cuts Killer Instinct (cardboard sleeve has been sliced in half and put in jewel case)
Konami Game Music Vol. 1
Legend of Mana Music Selection
Legend of Mana OST
Lost Technology: Thunder Force V OST
Lumines Remixes
Mario Kart 64 Greatest Hits Soundtrack
Mars Matrix / Giga Wing
Marvel vs. Capcom OST
Mass Effect OST
Maximo OST
Metal Gear / Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake Music Collection (from the MGS Premium Pack)
Metal Gear >> Solid Snake Music Compilation Red Disc
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty OST
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater OST
Metal Gear Solid Music CD (1 open, 1 sealed)
Metal Slug 3 OST
Metroid Metal: Varia Suite (signed by the band)
Mortal Kombat II: Music from the Arcade Game Soundtrack (also Mortal Kombat)
Music From Ys II
Music From Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
Musik: Mortal Kombat 3 & 4 Arcade Soundtrack
N3 Ninety-Nine Nights OST
Namco Game Sound Express Vol. 18 Air Combat 22
NiGHTS into Dreams Perfect Album
Ninja Blade OST
Ninja Gaiden (XBox) Original Sound Trax
Panzer Dragoon Azel RPG Memorial Album
Parasite Eve OST
Phantasy Star 1st Series Complete Album
Planet Harriers OST
Pocket Fighter OST
Pretty Soldier Sailormoon Another Story Music Collection
Quest For Glory V: Dragon Fire OST
Radiant Silvergun Soundtrack+
Ridge Racer V OST
Rockman 2 The Power Fighters
Rockman Dash OST
R-Type Delta OST
R-Type Final OST
Salamander ~Again~ (Otakara printing)
Salamander 2 OST
Salamander Remixes
Samurai Spirits
Samurai Spirits (Scitron 1500 series)
Samurai Spirits the Best 10th Anniversary Special
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game OST (Arcade Block exclusive)
Sega Ages Soundtrack The Best Plus
Sega Game Music Vol. 1
Sega Game Music Vol. 2
Sega Game Music Vol. 3
Sega Power Cuts 1 (cardboard sleeve version, has been sliced in half and put in a jewel case)
Sega Power Cuts 1 (Jewel Case promotional copy)
Sega Virtual Sonic 5-CD Set with Box Case
Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana) Original Sound Version
Seiken Densetsu 3 OST
Sengoku Musou (Samurai Warriors) OST
Shadow Hearts OST
Shin Contra (Contra: Shattered Soldier) OST
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne OST
Shin Samurai Spirits
Shin Sangokumusou 3 (Dynasty Warriors 4) OST
Shin Sangokumusou 4 (Dynasty Warriors 3) OST
Shin Sangokumusou 4 (Dynasty Warriors 5) OST
Shin Sangokumusou Kyuukyoku Onban
Shinobi (PS2 version) OST
Silent Hill 3 Official Soundtrack
Silhouette Mirage OST
Snatcher Zoom Tracks
SNK Game Music
Soul Calibur OST
Sounds of Onimusha
Star Ocean Till the End of Time Sound Complete Box (Empty box only! Someone gave it to me.)
Star Ocean: The Second Story OST
Starfox 64: Original Cuts (cardboard sleeve has been sliced in half and put in a jewel case)
Storm of Progear OST
Street Fighter EX2 Arrange Album
Street Fighter Zero / Street Fighter Alpha OST
Street Fighter Zero 3 / Street Fighter Alpha 3 OST
Strider Hiryu 2 OST
Suite Wizardry II Legacy of LLylgamyn
Super Mario 64 Original Soundtracks
Super Mario 64/Waverace 64: Original Cuts from the Hottest N64 Games
Super Metroid Sound in Action
Tales of Eternia OST
Tales of Symphonia OST
Technosoft Game Music Collection Vol. 10: Technology - Thunder Force V
Technosoft Game Music Collection Vol. 2: Excursion - Herzog Zwei
Technosoft Game Music Collection Vol. 9: Voyage - Neorude
Tekken 3 Arcade Soundtrack 001 ex
Tempest 2000 The Soundtrack
Tenchu OST
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim OST
The King of Fighters '95
The Minibosses: Brass
The Music of Suikoden Konami Sampler Disc
The Protomen
The Protomen Present: A Night of Queen (signed)
Threads of Fate Music Selection
Tobal 2 OST
Treasure Quest the Soundtrack
Turrican OST
Vagrant Story OST
Valkyrie Profile OST
Valkyrie Profile Arrange Album
Valkyrie Profile Covenant of the Plume OST
Valkyrie Profile Silmeria OST Vol. 1 Alicia Side (with limited edition "Sound Complete Box")
Valkyrie Profile Silmeria OST Vol. 2 Silmeria Side
Vampire: The New Warriors OST
Vandal Hearts OST
Very Best of Ys
Video Game Orchestra (signed by some members)
Video Games Live Volume One
Viewtiful Joe & Viewtiful Joe 2 OST
Virtua Cop Soundtracks
Virtua Fighter 4 OST
World Heroes 2 Jet OST
World Heroes Perfect OST
World of Tanks OST
Xenosaga OST
Xexex OST
Yu Suzuki: Hang-On/Space Harrier
The following soundtracks are bootlegs (usually SonMay) and therefore of little actual value. They will probably be auctioned as a single lot:
Grandia OST
Dance Maniax OST
Dance Maniax 2nd Mix OST
Arc the Lad OST
Arc the Lad III OST
G-Darius OST
Chaos Legion OST
Breath of Fire II OST
Music From Ys
Virtua Fighter Maximum Mania
Pretty Soldier Sailormoon S Game Music
SaGa Frontier OST
Rock Man (unidentified CD, GAME-089)
Rockman X Alph-Lyra Arranged
Panzer Dragoon OST
The King of Fighters 96
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lesbianora · 8 years
Hello! I'm a huge fan of JRPGs & such, but I've never played Final Fantasy. I'm looking into jumping into it, but I really don't know where to start... How the hell does this series work, and Where do I start?
Hi friend! First off, I want to say: Welcome to the Series! Final Fantasy is a long-running collection of beautiful stories of Love, Loss, Perseverance, and Honor. The Games are one of the reasons I became a composer, and am currently studying music composition.The Final Fantasy Series can be divided into a few chunks, which I will give names to for the convenience of this conversation. You probably know this, but the games are numbered with Roman numerals.The Beginning:Final Fantasy IFinal Fantasy II Final Fantasy IIIFinal Fantasy IVFinal Fantasy VFinal Fantasy VICollection 7:Final Fantasy VIICrisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII A New Generation:Final Fantasy VIIIFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy XFinal Fantasy X-2Final Fantasy XIIFabula Nova Crystallis:Final Fantasy XIIIFinal Fantasy Type-0Final Fantasy XIII-2Lightning Returns, Final Fantasy XIIIFinal Fantasy XVOmitted:Final Fantasy XIFinal Fantasy XIV/A Realm RebornFirst, the Omitted section. 11 and 14 are MMORPGs that, in my opinion, sucked. If you want to play them, play the main games first.The Beginning is the first 6 final fantasy games. They revolve around the 4 crystals which you will learn about in game. Collection 7 revolves around the FF7 arc, and moves away from the crystals. Crisis Core is a prequel, and Dirge of Cerberus is a prequel.A New Generation is the beginning of what was the New Age of Final Fantasy, moving away from the traditional game layout, and presenting something new in 8. 9 tries to move back to the Crystals, but in my opinion Failed. 10 perfected the new age of Final Fantasy(That's why it got a sequel)Fabula Nova Crystallis(Actual Arc Title). Translated from Latin: "A New Fable of the Crystals." FF13 was they're movement back to the crystals... kinda. It's a new form of the crystals, now there's only one, and then there's the Fal'Cie who can force people into becoming L'Cie - that'll make sense when you get there. This is the arc that just ended in 15, when 16 comes out in a few years a new arc may form, or FNC may continue forth(That's what I want, I loooooove this arc. But 15's ending works as a fitting end to FNC as well)My reccomendation(Play all chunks in game order):Play The Beginning chunk first. Play the PSP remakes of 1-3 because they do a much better job of explaining things. After you play through the rest of the series, be sure to play the original versions as well! Play the GBA or DS version of 4, and the GBA versions of 5&6. The SNES versions work just as well, I just prefer the GBA versions.Afterward, hop into Collection 7... that mess. I personally wasn't that big a fan of 7, but it's still not a bad game. Crisis Core was great, and Dirge of Cerberus was okay. CC and DC can be switched if you want, but you definitely have to play 7 first.Once you escape 7, you get to hop into A New Generation. 8 was decent, 9 was meh, 10 was awesome, as well as 10-2, and 12 was my favorite before 13.Fabula Nova Crystallis, AKA prepare to die of feels. Every game in this arc is fucking incredible. 13 was great. Type-0 is a very different Final Fantasy experience. It revolves around the war of the crystals, but that can be explained better by the games. It's quite fucked up, but it's a great experience. 13-2&3 wrap up Lightning's story.And finally, Final Fantasy 15. This game was incredible, and is the best in the whole series by a long shot IMO. You may believe differently when you get there, but it's undeniably a great start for the next Final Fantasy arc.Anyway, that's about it. Play the games in the listed order, and you will thoroughly enjoy yourself. You don't HAVE to do them in order, but the games in each chunk should be played in that order. Wanna jump right into FNC? That's what @slightlystitely is going to do when I finish replaying it. Wanna jump right in with 7? I wouldn't, but if it works for you, awesome.All in all, Final Fantasy will be a series that has something for everybody. There will be a game you relate to on a very personal level. For me that ended up as 15, even after playing every other game, so it may not exist just yet, but it's coming. I know you will enjoy yourself.But for now, I will continue watching over the kingdom of Lucius, awaiting the time you need me again.May the Crystals Guide you, in all your endeavors.
0 notes
kingofthecats · 4 years
Breathing life into a Stone @inanisvitae
Heavy clouds hung over the mountaintops as Shera pierced through the skies, their destination: The Western Continent. The Commissioner of WRO sat in his rickety seat with a laptop balanced on his knees, going through the various files sent to him by WRO volunteers of unusual weather patterns and environmental phenomenons happening all over the world in the last seven days. Opening one of the attachments, there was a blurred photograph of a humanoid figure hovering over the desert region. It was impossible to get a good look at the enigma due to the low quality of the photo through the intensity of the sandstorm, but it looked like a secondary appendage was sprouting out of its back.
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"Like a one-winged angel," Reeve cursed under his breath. "Where's Valentine when you need him?"
The turbulence eventually evened out as they approached the landing pad. Closing his laptop, Reeve unbuckled his seatbelt and disembarked with the captain of the ship at his heels.
"Where's the kid?" asked Cid, lighting a cigarette.
"I want to keep him out of this," said Reeve as various WRO employees rushed about to brief them on the current situation. "Cloud's done more than enough for the planet to earn some peace. Besides, this isn't a warzone, this is a diplomatic mission."
"And what makes you think that son of a bitch wants to sit down and have a nice chat over a cup of tea?"
“The fact he has not sliced through my men and gone on a rampage tells me he is a man that can still be reasoned with.”
“You’re out of your goddamn mind, Tuesti.”
“I just need ten minutes alone with him.”
“-Five minutes!”
The pilot grit his teeth and waved off the docking bay assistants trying to get his aircrafts details and landing permit. “You're mad if you think I'm just going to let you walk in there alone." 
"Then it's a good thing he won't be going alone, Laddie!"
Both men spun around in astonishment as a bouncing ball of black and white fur leapt out of the cargo hold and scurried over to meet the two, a familiar red cape flapping in the breeze and a golden crown miraculously staying perched on its fluffy head.
"Now is not the time for you ventriloquist act, Reeve!"
Reeve did not say anything but stared down at the robotic feline with a neutral expression.
~I don't recall asking for you to come, Caith Sith.~
~Good. I don't recall asking for your permission.~
~This is dangerous. You could get hurt.~
~So could you. At least when my head gets chopped off my shoulders I can re-attach it.~
~The last time he was running about you died!~
~It was my choice to make~ the doll countered, still remembering the remnants of another life where another Cait Sith sacrificed themselves in order to obtain the black materia. ~You never faced him Reeve, not in person. Besides, what would ma think if I let her son walk into the lion's den alone?~
Cid flicked out the bud of his cigarette, eyes darting back and forth between his friend and the robotic toy he was having a staring contest with. The pilot didn't know the details behind how Reeve could operate Cait sith wirelessly, only that it was a mental thing, but there was something peculiar about the way Reeve was glaring down at his own creation, like he was having a conversation with it. “You ok Reeve?"
Both sets of eyes snapped back to Cid.
"I'll take Cait Sith with me for protection. If after five minutes I cannot get him to hear my proposal, you have permission to coordinate the WRO troops into position and take him out.”
"It's your funeral," Cid snorted but said no more as they got into the jeep that took them to their destination. The sand dunes quickly faded into lush green foliage and both men recognized the area as belonging to the Ancient Forest. They pulled over by a WRO campsite where the red beret troops briefed the two men (and cat) on the situation. This was Sephiroth's last sighting official sighting and if the reconnaissance team is lead to be believed, the target has not moved from this location since.
"You think he's waiting for us?" asked Cid wearily.
"I don't think he's waiting for us specifically," Reeve frowned, fingers running through his goatee, "But he must know we're watching him, and yet he's not making an effort to get rid of us. So we'll take advantage of his hospitality for the moment and try and figure out what he's after."
"Probably another magical stone to finish what he started."
A heavy silence fell over the campsite but Reeve would not be perturbed as he and Cait Sith entered the perimeter of the forest and went looking for Sephiroth based on intel's last report regarding his current location. Cait Sith stayed close to his maker and made quick work of any rogue monster in the area that blocked their path. They didn't need to scout very far as they stumbled through the last of the thick undergrowth and emerged into a clearing where a splash of black and grey greeted them.
Reeve took a moment to exam the face he had only ever seen through Cait Sith's eyes. Pale skin, square jaw, sharp cheekbones, aristocrat nose, long silver hair, black leather coat and boots. It was like glimpsing into the past. The man had not aged a day since the advertisements plastered the General's photo all over the broadcasts. The surrealness of the situation hit Reeve like a tidal wave and he found it hard to stay afloat, caught by the otherworldliness of those serpentines eyes and that pulsing aura that seemed to radiate from his very pores.
A small hand tugged on the hem of his coat, snapping Reeve’s attention back to animatronic feline who was smiling up at him reassuringly. Feeling safer knowing his companion was there to protect him, Reeve took and deep breath and stepped forward..
“Sephiroth,” he greeted courteously with a polite bow. “You probably don’t remember me, but I was the Head of City Planning when you were still in SOLDIER. I am a friend of Cloud Strife and founder of The World Regenesis Organization, a volunteer group working to protect and restore the world after the aftermath involving meteor and Shinra draining life energy from the planet. My team have been watching your movements for some time now and I have a proposal for yo-”
“What about me?” Cait Sith interupted, pointing at himself. “I was there with Chocobo-head at the Northern creator when you went all Bizzaro form and started distorting reality. You probably don’t recognize me without Mog, gimme a moment."
Reeve squirmed as Cait Sith proceeded to crawl up his long purple coat and settle himself on the human's shoulders, getting out his megaphone and waving it about. "What about now?"
~Why did I bring you along again?~
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Magical Fire-Weak Argent Odin Fight
The Argent Odin or White Odin fights in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are quest level 600. They are either weak to physical or magic damage. 
Their elemental weakness depends on the kind of Odin you’re fighting. For instance, the fire-weak version deals ice damage. At the moment, I only have 1 Odin Magicite - a Level 99 Odin (Ultra Attack) with Lord’s Seal: Ice. 
I talk more about this in another post but I took on the physical, fire-weak version of Argent Odin with Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII, Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII, Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper, and Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V.
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More Information About Argent Odin
Ifrit’s, the 6-star fire Magicite, Perdition’s Blessing boosts fire damage. It also decreases fire damage taken in the Argent Odin (fire) battle. 
Shiva’s, the 6-star ice Magicite, Hoarfrost Blessing increases damage dealt and reduces damage taken in the Argent Odin (ice) fight. It boosts ice damage too though that’s not relevant for the fire-weak version of White Odin (WOdin).
Odin’s (either Ultra Magic or Ultra Attack version) Argent Sage’s Blessing increases damage dealt in the Argent Odin fight and reduces damage taken from certain attacks in the Argent Odin battle, depending on the element of the Lord’s Seal Magicite effect. 
You get 1 copy of Odin if you can beat a WOdin fight within 2 minutes. You’ll get Odin (Ultra Attack) if you beat a physical WOdin while you’ll get Odin (Ultra Magic) if you beat a magical WOdin.
The WOdin you get will be Level 1 of 50. You need 4 copies to be able to break its cap up to Level 99. You’ll get a Seal depending on the element of the Odin you beat. 
For instance, if you beat fire-weak WOdin, you’ll get an Odin with Lord’s Seal: Ice. This increases ice damage and reduces ice damage taken.
Physical, Fire-Weak White Odin Fight
They say your first Odin is always the hardest. I’m inclined to agree. I started with physical, fire-weak WOdin because fire’s my strongest element in this game. I thought my physical fire team was pretty stacked since it has several BDL relics.
And yet I still had a hard time anyway. Odin’s a really tough opponent. It didn’t help that I was stuck having to use a 6-star Magicite (Ifrit) as my main. My only other 6-star was Shiva. The rest of my Magicites were all 5-stars.
It took multiple tries before I even managed to win once. Then I still had to try over and over again to get 3 more wins so I could break my Odin’s level cap up to 99. Needless to say, was so freaking glad when I finally got my Level 99 WOdin.
After that, I really didn’t want to do any more Argent Odin fights. Didn’t think I’d be able to anyway. I mean, I might have a shot on some elements like physical wind or magical holy or something, but I was reluctant to even try. I figured it was better to wait until I acquire a lot more relics and really make my teams as stacked as possible before trying. 
Besides, it felt like having even just one copy of Odin was more than good enough. Even if it only had the Ice Seal which didn’t boost Genesis’s fire damage1. Even if I only had the physical version of WOdin2.
1 Currently, Genesis Rhapsodos is my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy 7 (#ad) char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Unfortunately, both my physical and magical water teams are so lacking that there was no way I could take on water-weak WOdin for a shot at the Fire Seal, at least not right now. Gonna need a lot more water tech first.
2 I almost always use a physical team anyway since my fave Genesis is a physical fire DPS. And physical WOdin works well enough on magical teams; having it as your main Magicite was still better than using a 5-star or 6-star Magicite.
Book of Magicite & Cardia Limited-Time Missions
Anyway, fast forward to sometime during the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Festival 2021 event where a limited-time mission (part of the Book of Magicite and Cardia in the Trial Archives) showed up that required players to clear one Argent Odin fight in order to get 1 Realm/Elemental x11 ticket and 1 ticket for the Summer Appreciation Relic Draw 2021 banner.
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I dreaded having to do the physical, fire-weak Argent Odin fight again. But it wasn’t like I had a choice if I wanted to get the rewards since that was the only Odin I’d done and the only one I felt I could do. I put off doing the fight for now.
The Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Festival 2021 event was pretty good to me though (I talk more about this in another post). Spent 500 mythril across the different fest banners in order to fill out the Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet. 
The rewards from that included being able to pick 1 Ultra Soul Break (USB), 1 Glint or Glint+ Soul Break (G or G+) or Legend Materia Relic (LMR), and 1 Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) from a select list.
The aforementioned fest gave me new relics, including Syncs that belong to Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII and Papalymo Totolymo from Final Fantasy XIV. Already have their Awakened Arcane Soul Breaks (AASBs) as well as a few of their other relics.
Papalymo is a really good magical fire DPS while Cait Sith is the premier support for mages. So I thought I might actually have a shot at the magical, fire-weak version of Argent Odin. I decided to give it a try.
Magical Fire-Weak White Odin Team
My team consisted of the following chars:
Papalymo Totolymo from Final Fantasy XIV
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Enochian Despair
Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), A New Beginning
Burst Soul Break (BSB), Enochian Firaja - unused
Surprisingly, I have all of his Legend Materia Relics (LMRs). Chose to equip him with his Legend Materia 2 (LM2), Thaumaturgic Flair, which gives him a 35% chance to dualcast fire abilities, and his LMR2, Sharp-Tongued Lalafell, which gives him a 25% chance to dualcast fire abilities
He has his Hero Ability, Scion’s Fire, and the 6-star Black Magic ability Chain Firaja
Complete Record Board and Crystal Waters
He’s equipped with the Record Materia (RM) that lets him deal much more damage with Black Magic abilities
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Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0
AASB, Wild Card
Overstrike Soul Break (OSB), Mega Burst
Equipped with his basic LMs, the ones obtained from completing his Legend Spheres
Partial Record Board and complete Crystal Waters
Equipped with 6-star Summoning ability Valigarmanda and 6-star Black Magic ability Meltdown
He has the RM that lets him deal much more damage with fire attacks
Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF) or Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Galian Scratch
SASB1, Bestial Claws
AASB1, Chthonian Blaze
Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Lucrecia’s Lament
USB2, Dirge of Cerberus
Chain Soul Break (CSB), Cerberus Soul - magic fire Chain
G+, Munitions Reload
BSB2, Flame Penalty
Equipped with his Trance LM and the LMR that gives him 25% chance to dualcast fire abilities
Complete Record Board and Crystal Waters
Has his Hero Ability, Beast Flare, and the 6-star Machinist ability Burnt Offering, which imperils fire
His RM lets him deal much more damage with fire attacks
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Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
AASB, Hit the Jackpot
SASB, Miraculous Luck
USB1, Danger Dice
USB2, Random Summon?
G+, Planetary Protector
Super Soul Break 1 (SSB1), Moogle Dance
Equipped with the LM that gives him a 35% chance to heal the party when a Dancer ability triggers and the LMR that gives him fastcast 3 at the start of battle
Complete Record Board and Crystal Waters
Has his Hero Ability, Joyful Dance, and the 6-star Bard ability Allegro con Moto
Has the RM that lets his Soul Break gauge fill more when using Attack or abilities
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Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V
SASB, White Magic Mastery
AASB2, Spreading One’s Wings
AASB1, Champion of Life
USB4, Princesses’ Prayer
USB3, Essence of Water
G+, Tycoon’s Protection
BSB1, Phoenix of Tycoon
Partial Record Board and complete Crystal Waters
Equipped with the 6-star Dancer ability Passionate Salsa and the 3-star White Magic ability Dispel
Equipped with her basic LMs, like Ace
Has the RM that lets her start battle with 2 Soul Break gauges
Magicite Deck
Odin (Ultra Attack) with Lord’s Seal: Ice - Blade Ward and Spell Ward
Ifrit - 2 Empower Fire
Shiva - Health Boon and Healing Boon
Madeen - Health Boon and Fast Act
Madeen - 2 Magic Boon
Was a bit concerned since I only have 2 relics for Ace. Wish I have his Sync as well to go with his AASB. Heard it was pretty good. If I had it, I’d have readily made his Hero Ability. 
I could have Lensed one of his Ultras from the The Record Lab but I decided to hold off on doing that for now. I wanted to see how the fight went first.
Vincent’s a hybrid attacker. Depending on how he’s set up, he could be dealing magic or physical fire damage. So for this fight, I made sure to boost his magic attack by equipping him with weapons and armor that increased said stat. 
Speaking of Vincent though, another concern I had was about him. He was my DPS alongside Papalymo but he was also my magic Chain holder.
Even with his G+, which I got via the Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet select and which instantly gives him 2 Soul Break bars, I worried that he’d have a hard time juggling between casting his Chain to boost his and everyone else’s fire damage and using his own damage-dealing Soul Breaks like his Awakening or Sync. 
This was why I opted to just bring the fire Roaming Warrior (RW) Chain even though it wasn’t as good as Vincent’s CSB.
Doing that did mean having to lose out on bringing the healing RW though so I was also concerned that I might not have enough healing, especially since I didn’t have Tyro who could Wrath and Entrust his Soul Break gauges to Lenna. 
Speaking of the lack of Tyro, I also worried that I didn’t have Wall for further protection. Even with all these concerns, I still decided to try the fight anyway.
Argent Odin Gimmicks
Here’s a list of some of WOdin’s gimmicks:
He casts Doom on the chars that are in slots 2 and 4 - I put Ace and Cait Sith on these slots
He Slows chars with no en-fire or fire elemental infusion with the Absolute Zero move - the healer needs to be ready to re-Haste or it’s game over. Having learned from my fight against physical, fire-weak WOdin, I have Lenna skip her turn a bit before this is set to happen so the moment it does, she can re-Haste herself and the rest of her allies. Incidentally, a bit after Absolute Zero happens, the Doom count on Ace and Cait go down to 0 so I have Lenna to resurrect them and re-Haste everyone with her AASB1
He has this move called Argent Zantetsuken that has 3 levels. You’ll know this is coming because there’s gonna be a countdown starting at 3. Before the countdown reaches 1, you need to reduce Odin’s rage level down to 1, preferably 0. Level 2 is fine, but Level 3 is literally game over
At certain HP percentage thresholds, he has the tendency to increase his rage. If this happens around the time he’s about to cast Zantetsuken, then you’re dead unless you can break his rage down to 1 or 0
If the fight takes too long, then he’ll use Argent Warp to auto-eject the entire party, automatically ending the battle
He has 2 phases
At certain thresholds, he will use Argent Diffusion to remove 1 stack of en-fire
Your DPS needs en-fire to increase their damage output
He uses Dampen Fire to increase his resistance to the fire element. If he manages to stack this enough, then the damage of your fire DPS will plummet
He uses Mighty Guard which gives him Protect, Shell, and Haste, so it’s necessary to bring Dispel
His Argent Gungnir move drops everyone’s HP down to 1 and interrupts them
He can Sap too which is very bad for Last Stand. Good thing Lenna can also provide Regenga which counters Sap
His Antiheal reduces your healing output for a few seconds
His Achromatic Aegis move will increase his Defense, Resistance, and Mind by a lot for 4 seconds. There are a few relics that can specifically counter this, but over-buffing is also a viable strat. Since the stat up only lasts for 4 seconds, it can also just be ignored. In this case though, I have Cait Sith’s G+ which can counter this move
Magical Fire-Weak White Odin Fight
So the fight went something like this:
Lenna uses her AASB2 for the Protect, Shell, Haste, and Regenga. She Dispels Odin’s Mighty Guard then spams Passionate Salsa. When the Doom counter on Ace and Cait Sith get down to around 4 or 3 or so, I start skipping her turns in preparation for the Absolute Zero move. After it happens, I wait until Cait and Ace croak it due to Doom.
Nearly right after that, Odin attacks. It’s only after that attack finishes resolving that I cast Lenna’s AASB1 to re-Haste and resurrect Ace and Cait. Then it’s back to spamming Salsa. 
Once she has enough gauges, I use her USB4 since this one grants Last Stand. In the last phase of the fight, Odin will use Mighty Guard again so I have Lenna Dispel that before she goes back to the Salsa spam.
Ace casts the RW Chain. He spams Meltdown. When he has enough bars, I have him use his OSB which helps break Odin’s Rage Level. I save his Awakening for later, after he gets resurrected by Lenna. 
After casting his AASB, he spams Valigarmanda. I might cast his OSB even if the effects of his Awakening haven’t ended yet.
Cait Sith alternates between Joyful Dance and Allegro con Moto. The former debuffs Odin and heals the party while the latter reduces the offensive magic casting time of everyone for 3 turns. 
I use his Sync first, trying to time it to go off alongside Papalymo’s AASB. After he’s resurrected, I use his AASB and try to time it to go off alongside Papalymo’s Sync.
Had Vincent and Papalymo build up their gauges. As soon as they had 2 bars, I cast Papalymo’s AASB and Vincent’s Sync. This took care of phase 1. For phase 2, I cast Papalymo’s Sync and Vincent’s AASB.
I made a few mistakes here and there. For instance, the Chain expired and I wasn’t quick enough to refresh it so there were like a few turns wherein Papalymo’s damage tanked. There was also that time wherein I ended up casting his Sync first before Cait’s AASB and the Chain could go up.
Somehow, I still managed to win anyway and on the first try at that. The fight that I’d been dreading and that I hadn’t wanted to do had turned out to be not so bad after all. 
I was really happy about being able to win and get my first copy of Odin (Ultra Magic) but it was also rather baffling. I remembered this fight to be much harder. Was that just because that was my first Odin? 
This time, I actually had an Odin as my main Magicite. Even if it was the physical version, he still managed to break the damage cap and reduce Argent Odin’s Rage Level.
Also, I’d been worried about not having Wall and not having enough healing, but things turned out well. I guess it was because Cait could heal too. He can even provide Last Stand and Regenga as well as a damage reduction barrier with one of his Ultras.
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And Cait’s buffs were really freaking good in boosting the damage of my DPS. Having his G+ to deal with Achromatic Aegis was very welcome too. 
The RW Chain was absolutely terrible but Cait’s buffs helped. He also helped when I ended up having to deal with Odin’s bar fire.
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Near the end of the fight, Odin was able to stack bar fire since I’d already used Vincent’s Sync in phase 1. 
I didn’t have any other way to imperil fire other than via my Odin Magicite’s follow-up attacks. By then, the enemy was at like 4.9% HP left and I was worried I’d end up losing after getting that far. Thankfully, was able to win.
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For my second and subsequent tries though, I decided it was better to use Vincent’s AASB in phase 1 and save his Sync for phase 2. 
I also brought Burnt Offering to help imperil fire. This is a physical ability though so it doesn’t get boosted by Cait’s buffs and since I currently had Vincent set up as a mage, this move’s damage sucked.
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I also decided to try using Vincent’s Chain because the RW Chain was really horrible. Having his G+ helped as well as focusing on having Papalymo as my main DPS and then having Vincent support him. So I prioritized casting Vincent’s Chain to go with Papalymo’s AASB and Sync.
Overall, this fight turned out to be - dare I say it? - not that hard after all. I guess Papalymo and Cait Sith really are just that awesome. 
Heck, I didn’t even need to Lens any more stuff for Ace or even Papalymo since the fight ended after I used Vincent’s and Papalymo’s Syncs and Awakenings. Would still love to have Ace’s Sync though. Maybe someday, hopefully, I’ll luck into it.
I now have my first Odin (Ultra Magic) at Level 99. Yeah, didn’t take that long to get the rest of the copies I needed, especially since I was able to win the fight without having to repeat anything. 
These wins have inspired me to seriously think about taking on another Argent Odin. I would love to have another elemental Seal.
Final Fantasy XV Realm Banner
Since I was able to beat magic, fire-weak Argent Odin, I got the 2 tickets from the mission rewards. The Summer Appreciation Relic Draw 2021 ticket didn’t give me anything good so I didn’t even bother taking a screenshot of my draw results.
As for the Realm/Elemental x11 ticket, after thinking about it for a bit, I decided to use it on the Final Fantasy XV Realm Banner. Have very few FFXV relics. There are stuff here that could help boost my physical dark, physical earth, and physical lightning tech, among other things.
I thought I was gonna end up with trash again when I only got 1 disco orb though so wasn’t expecting much at all. Then Dr. Mog actually showed up to turn the 6-star into a 7-star item. I was like, hell, yes! 
Am I gonna get something for physical dark or maybe physical earth or physical lightning or something else equally as useful? Well, what showed up was this sword, which I didn’t recognize.
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It was only after getting to the draw results screen that I found out that what I got was Mythril Knife (XV), a 7-star, dagger-type relic which contained Ignis Scientia’s (from Final Fantasy 15) SASB, Sage’s Hellfire.
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While I’m pleased to have gotten a Sync, I couldn’t help but feel rather disappointed anyway. This is my first BDL relic for Ignis. His Sync deals physical fire damage. 
My physical fire team’s already pretty stacked. With just his Sync, I don’t see Ignis replacing anyone on my physical fire team anytime soon. Ahh, why couldn’t I have gotten something else instead? Sigh.
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So what about you? Have you tried any of the Argent Odin fights yet? Which chars did you use to take on White Odin? What do you think about these quests? 
Which banner did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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