clubkidandcollectives · 7 months
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coffeeastronaut · 10 months
i am once again giggling over MOFFAT of all people understanding (or at least getting extremely lucky in how it comes off) doctor gender better then the two ‘progressive’ writers. incredible stuff
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lesbovalentine · 11 months
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this too may be yuri. unless rangiku wants to hmu instead
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katruna · 4 months
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san-sebastienne · 2 months
With truly all the love and empathy in my heart: crying daily over the sexual assault allegations against Gaiman isn’t healthy. I’ve seen multiple people –especially fans of GO – saying this since they came out, and it’s really fucking concerning me.
I wonder if it has to do with the insidious ideas that 1) people are either Bad or Good, 2) Bad people can only do Bad things, and 3) liking Bad things or Bad people makes you Bad.
None of these things are true.
People are mixed up and incredibly complicated. Someone can be an incredible artist/friend/chef/ally against racism/drag queen and still be predatory/homophobic/antisemitic/never tips their wait staff. People do things that harm others in big and small ways all the time. You do too. I promise.
(Also the idea of anyone, even people who do genuinely insurmountable harm, becoming somehow less than human is an inherently fascist ideology)
The fact that you (yes, you!!) do harmful things doesn’t immediately make you Bad. There are certainly things that someone might do that causes more harm (say, assault) versus less, but that doesn’t somehow infect all the things they’ve done in the past with their Badness. Gaiman helped write Good Omens. There’s no way now to say “I was wrong and this book was Bad all along” or even “oh, all the parts I like were written by Pratchett, the Bad parts must have been Gaiman.” You didn’t miss an inherent evil by liking the book in the past. It doesn’t make you Bad for liking it now.
(It also doesn’t mean that people associated with Gaiman, like David Tennant, are also Tainted by inherent Badness. Tennant isn’t, you aren’t. Saying otherwise is also a slippery slope argument into dehumanization and fascist ideas)
By all means: if it feels right, stop giving Gaiman your money. Stop tagging him in your Azi/Crowley fanart. But do this as a way to disentangle yourself from parasocial relationships that are actively causing you grief and to vote with your wallet, not because unlinking yourself from Bad Art and Bad People will somehow absolve you and make you Good again. If you already have a copy of Good Omens or Sandman, whether you reread it is between you and your gods. Interacting with a text you find important doesn’t make you Bad or Good. It’s just reading. What you do with the stories is what matters (ironically, that’s the message of a lot of both Gaiman and Pratchett’s work).
Maybe take a peek at Good Omens and re familiarize yourself with its other core message: People are not Bad or Good. People do bad and good things.
Then maybe drink a cup of tea. You need to rehydrate.
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Now I understand what Helaena felt when she saw Aegon’s body being dragged through the hallway after Rook’s Rest - helplessness (more than concern) because she’d already foreseen it and there was nothing she was able to do about it.
Her husband was burned.
By his own blood.
In a moment of vengeance and mindless wrath.
Her boy taken away from her, and now her husband incapacitated. By one person.
Did she feel Aegon’s heartbreak as it happened in her dream? The moment he celebrated Aemond’s presence there and in a the next second burned to ash. The grandest betrayal - one that stung worse than Alicent’s confrontation. Did Helaena feel Aegon viscerally in that moment?
It’s just so sad the way they’re written. The ache to reach out and tell him everything versus losing to his own impulses. She can’t tell him ‘I told you so’. She doesn’t WANT to tell him ‘I told you so’ because that’s too heartbreaking to vocalise.
My doomed queen, you keep handing us W’s 💚
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caputvulpinum · 2 years
Do you have any recommendations for gay movies? Just woke up to a law being passed in my state banning Critical Race Theory and discussions of sexual attraction/orientation, and I want to have a spiteful movie night. Paris is Burning is already queued up.
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A Sydneyite drag queen gets a call from someone who was a part of her past asking her to do a performance in a few days' time. She takes two of her fellow performers on a road trip out through the outback to reach the venue, with shenanigans ensuing along the way.
This is a deeply fucking heartfelt movie which deals with themes of growing older as a queer person, the intricate dance of being genuinely authentic versus being genuinely safe in a world which would harm you, the human desire for connection and understanding, and the very frank realities of intracommunity dismissal of trans women's lives and rights as women. It also has something which was and remains extremely radical for a queer-focused movie, which is that everyone gets a happy ending. Period. Everyone gets a happy fucking ending. Their suffering and oppression is acknowledged and never once ignored or toned down--but Priscilla also is a movie which says "The world fucking hates us all, which means we're all standing up to it together, and we find our lives inside of those margins living messily and strangely and uncannily and in love with the luxury of being who we want to be, because that's who we are".
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N 3 W B E G 1 N N 1 N G S : S A T A N
C H A P T E R 1 N E
Warnings: Not in this one so much. Referencing to events of SE7EN series, a short chapter, chapters 2 and 3 is where it's going to be at, there is mentions/references to how Heeseung obtained his y/n, pregnancy, the members are all 7 princes of hell, mentions of demons and angels.
“What’s going on with you? Ever since you came back from your last visit from the mortal realm with Asmo, you seem out of it.” 
A small breeze swifts through Sunghoon’s hair while Jungwon steps into the scene of his royal abode. Each brother inherited their own lavish palace, stationed in separate regions throughout Hell, courtesy of the eldest brother. Within their respective estates, the brothers meticulously designed and decorated the dwellings to reflect their tasteful fashion, mapping out the aura of his own personal nature. Despite being one of the infamous Seven Princes of Hell, Sunghoon had always adored the color white. It reminded him of his formal hearth back when he and his siblings resided in their former master’s Heavenly kingdom, as his main ArchAngels. Keeping in memory of the past, his kingdom flourished in lush white Lilies, surrounding the beige, and gold infrastructures that outlined the points of his castle. The interior matched with tapestries, draperies, and ornaments of similar colors, never to extend past the hues of the soft and natural palettes. 
He doesn’t answer his younger brother, at least not immediately. Detracting his mind, he changes the course of the subject by asking how the Queen and King are fairing. 
“They’re doing well. I stepped in for a visit just yesterday, the Queen is handling the pregnancy rather well, considering she had only adjusted to immortality not long before conceiving.” 
Dragging his finger along the white satin threaded backdrop, Jungwon softly chuckles as he makes his remarks regarding his eldest brother, and his new found bride. “She’s adjusting well….perhaps not by choice, either way, she at least knows her place is by Heeseung’s side.” 
Nodding, Sunghoon’s attention drifts back to the moment when he saw you. In spite of meeting you for a few seconds– if you can even call it a meeting, subsequently you had unknowingly created a stir within Satan himself. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about you that he couldn’t get off his mind. Not a moment had passed since, where he didn’t think of who you were, what continent you came from, or what name you were blessed with upon your birth. Some days, it was more frustrating than nostalgic when drafting the details of your face in his mind, since he couldn’t quite figure out what it was that caused you to become engraved in his heart. Surely, this couldn’t be the very thing that had caused his elder brother to become engrossed with his mortal bride, thousands of years before she even came into existence. This couldn’t be the same tortuous ache that pained him all that time, forcing him to lay dormant in a state of unconsciousness and choosing to dream of her versus spending his time awake. This couldn’t be…
“Where is Heeseung? Is he currently in the Sanguis Orchid Palatium?” 
Jungwon nods with a sly smirk, sensing the urgency of his elder as he immediately exits the great hall. Using the ranges of his abilities in dark magic, Sunghoon transports to the home of his eldest sibling. Arriving at the grand entrance, Heeseung’s empty throne lays ahead, paired with the seating that belonged to his beloved wife. In front of the two royal stations, was the massive pedestal bed that Heeseung had specially made, all for him to keep a solid sight on his darling wife while she laid scantily dressed. The flashback image of when the Queen was initially brought to Hell, abiding by a contract she wouldn’t have been able to escape from, travels in and out of Sunghoon’s memory. At the time, the Queen was transitioning to her immortal state, and succumbed to the King’s maniacal sense of affection and obsession. Never affording the opportunity for her to leave his sight, Heeseung entrapped his lovely darling eternally, not even allowing her to sit on the throne beside him, finding it more suitable for his queen to be in front and in plain view. His twisted obsession had triggered him to become mad with love and possession, opting to observe and study his wife nearly every day, never retiring from his indulgence in her. Even now, after one year’s time had past, the Queen lives a life where she no longer is limited to remain on the boxed framed bedding, shrouded behind sheer chiffon of the canopy that framed the bed, however, she will always remain under the watchful eye of her husband. A price to pay for eternal love and protection. 
“They must be inside the palace.” Mentally remarking their absence from their usual standing at the great entrance, Sunghoon makes his way down the elongated pathway that led to the large double doors. The passageway was lined by a parallel row of demonic guards that rendered respect to the demon prince. Breaching the monumental entrance, the sentinels that manned it bowed politely before opening the double doors, admitting the crown prince his entry. Greeted by the massive marble hall, lined by mirrored glass frames, Sunghoon swiftly walks through one regal chamber after another. 
“Your highness, are you here to seek out His and Her Majesties?” Greeted by the precedent chamberlain up ahead, Sunghoon emits a single nod in response. 
“Very well, right this way.” 
The sovereign attendant guides the Hellish prince to the colossal ballroom, which contains a lustrous detail of dark marble walls and flooring, with brass ornaments that symbolizes a Gothic love story, all lining the mighty and elegant pillars that surround the room. Ahead, Heeseung lazily sits in his second throne, with his very pregnant wife atop his lap. In spite of being in the late stages of pregnancy, the queen’s immortal standing allowed for her to remain in her usual appeal, one without a large belly. It was the aura surrounding her that strongly indicated the strength and development of the child she carries, and while she didn’t carry a large belly, there was indeed, a belly. It was subtle and rounded, smaller than what it would be had she still been mortal, yet the fact she was indeed showing could only mean that the child was much stronger than the average offspring, and possibly is taking more after its father. Yet then again, it is the offspring of the Devil. 
“Sunghoon…” Heeseung calmly greets; his deep voice faintly echoes and travels down the narrow corridor hallways. 
“Heeseung, my lady, good to see you both.” Emitting a small bow, Sunghoon lets out a comfortable tone as he greets the pair. Chuckling, the elder strokes his chin as he grows wide eyed from the sudden appearance of his younger brother. Slyly smirking, Heeseung’s devilish senses proceed him, further expanding his great wisdom and intuition. “You have something on your mind–or rather, someone…” 
Sunghoon displays a stunned countenance before relaxing to his composed manner. Chuckling, he closes his eyes as he nods, tilting his head to the side as he swoops his side part. “Has it become that obvious?” 
Responding with his own deep chuckle, Heeseung faintly nods before shifting his gaze upon his queen. Snaking his hand around her waist, he cups the subtle belly protruding under her silk dress, and leaves a tender kiss on the side of her head while issuing gentle taps of his finger tips. “Pretty, sit here for a moment and wait for my return.” She nods gracefully in response, however, contrary to her seemingly obedient nature, a golden chain formulates out of particle speckles that appear out of thin air. Binding her by the ankle, the other end of the chain slithers and encircles around Heeseung’s wrist. No matter how far or wide the owner travels, the piece extends and retracts at the will of its master, in this case, it was Heeseung. It would appear that the King of Hell had every ounce of trust in his Queen, but maintained reservations for closure and comfort in knowing that she remained bound, should he be further than one-arm’s distance away. 
The two walked across the ballroom, stationed between two pillars that faced a large balcony that overlooked the entire region. Heeseung’s castle resided on the highest peak in the underworld, quite fitting for the Prince of Darkness. 
“So who did you see on your last visit to the human world?” Peaking a brow, Heeseung admires the wide open view as he beckons his younger brother. 
“What makes you think it was a mortal?” 
Hearing Sunghoon out, Heeseung flares his traditional smirk as he side-eyes his sibling. “I never said that it was…” 
Sunghoon gives out a series of blinks before sighing in defeat. Heeseung was far too clever to be dragged into the trenches of a guessing game, or perhaps the former was simply terrible in drawing out explanations. Either way, Sunghoon punches through the icebreaker and cuts to the point. “When you saw the Queen, was it the same?” 
Heeseung side-eyes his brother once more, this time without a smirk accompanying it. Clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, he glances over his shoulder and peeks at his beloved, remaining poised and obedient on his throne. Switching his gaze back on the horizon, he understood the pain that Sunghoon was breaching, he understood it all too well. However, his younger sibling has an advantage, one that wasn’t afforded to Heeseung himself, at least not for seven thousand years time. Imparting the only guidance he had to offer, he comforts Sunghoon’s mind and provides a calming solution to the storm that was brewing in his demon heart. 
“Do you think of her night and day?”
“Do you know where to find her?”
“Then go get her.”
Sunghoon slowly turns and faces his elder, pawning a reflective stare, only to find Heeseung’s side profile kissed by the permanent moon’s light, enhancing his noble elegance. His eyes remained thoughtful, taking his heart back to a time where he recalled the feeling of longing and desiring for the one thing that remained unreal for so long. His silence spoke louder than any word in existence, and he knew that his message was received.  With that, Heeseung softly pats Sunghoon’s shoulder, before turning away to tend back to his queen. Committing a half turn, watching as his brother takes the queen's hands, and aids her to stand all the while caressing her cheek, Sunghoon reflects back to a time when he and his brothers witnessed a change in Heeseung. Back to a time when he blocked the sight of his eyes beneath black lace, and silently waited for many years, until the time finally came when he rediscovered his love, looking exactly the way she had when he traveled through the corridors of time and became mesmerized by her image. 
And here, he now stands, emotionally resembling his elder brother’s past, although unlike Heeseung, Sunghoon is presented with a choice, one that he does not have to wait seven thousand years for. 
Stroking her cheek, Heeseung dispels a hazy gaze under heavy lids, admiring the most precious wonder in his lifetime. Watching as she turns, looking past the sheer curtains that shelter the grand ballroom of the open air that ties with the deep horizon, she remarks Sunghoon’s sudden disappearance. “He left?” 
Turning his face in the same direction, Heeseung smirks as he softly grips the side of his beloved’s neck. “Yes, as he should.” 
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rebelumbrella46 · 2 months
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As a fan of House of the Dragon, I'm disappointed by the characters' lack of depth this season. Their clear motivations and predictable actions make the story drag.
I expected this season to explore moral ambiguity, especially with Team Black versus Team Green. Instead, both sides feel one-dimensional. Aemond and Daemon are becoming cartoon villains, while Rhaenyra is a goody two-shoes. Baela, Corlys, Rhaena, and even Heleana are sidelined.
For example, what was that disappointing five second scenes between Aemond and Heleana, i thought the promo photo meant that we were going to get a scene that hinted at a complex dynamic that's now forgotten. The potential conflict between Heleana and Aemond's relationship that seemed to be hinted at in S1 and Jaehaerys' parentage. Instead we got a unnecesary scene that looked pulled out of a anime, just so we can see Aemond having his villain moment.
The Daemon/Alyssa scene in Harrenhal felt unnecessary. While Game of Thrones had similar moments, what purpose did it serve? Introducing Alyssa Targaryen, one of my favorite targaryen women, in such a way feels like a missed opportunity. The initial shock value quickly fades into absurdity. The hallucinations were intriguing at first, but they've become tedious. Time to move on.
Corlys offering Baela the Driftmark heirdom? Her cool 'I'm blood and fire' moment followed by a swift exit felt forced (and cringy). Yes, she's channeling her inner Daemon, a true Targaryen. Bu there haven't been scenes that convince me Jace and Baela truly desire marriage. They seem closer to friends or cousins (understandably, having grown up together and actually being related). But power, potentially through Driftmark, is so important to have considering that we are fighting for a queen on the Iron Throne.
Sunfyre's death? I sincerely hope Cole simply believed him dead and left him behind. Sunfyre is crucial to the plot. Please don't deviate from Rhaenyra's death in Fire & Blood. It's a pivotal moment for her son, Aegon III, and a fascinatingly horrific demise.
The loss of Rhaenys, arguably the show's most captivating figure, is a significant blow. Daemon and Aemond, who shouldered the narrative last season, are now falling flat as one-dimensional villains. I do have to say, Jace was really good in this episode.
In conclusion, we have a wealth of potentially fascinating characters who could enrich the story, but it's become clear that, sadly, even Rhaenyra isn't compelling enough to carry it alone. Here's hoping, as always, that tonight's episode offers her a chance to truly shine.
House of the Dragon's potential is undeniable, but to truly capture the complexity of Game of Thrones, it needs to delve deeper into its characters (and give them all their own stories beyond the "I want Rhaenyra on the Throne", "I'm team black" or "I'm team green")
Simple good versus evil isn't enough.
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darthpastry · 4 months
Episodes Editing because typo but I meant- Spoilers for the most recent episode of Doctor Who (Boom) below the cut!
Wasn’t a huge fan of the writing for 11’s run, but Moffat saw he had one chance to go bug or go home and went big of big could possibly be the Doctor standing on a landline literally the entire episode. Also Ruby almost died yayyy
The description is so funny “the Doctor has to stop a war with stepping on a mine” babe, I got HORRIBLE news for you lol.
So glad they were able to shit on capitalism despite Disney. Reminds me of when 12 did it and that makes me so happy. We are so back in comparison to when 13 had to deliver a monologue about how capitalism isn’t the problem that one minimum wage worker was. I will never forgive them for doing that to my poor girl.
It’s also pretty funny in comparison to the last episode, you know? If the Beatles didn’t make MUSIC we would all DIE and this VILLAINOUS DRAG QUEEN FROM ANOTHER DIMENSIONAL PLANE is EATING MUSIC and KILLING anyone who MAKES MUSIC. It was so unserious. Crack treated seriously if you will. Versus capitalism is shitty as fuck and when you combine capitalism and religion you get pointless war that’s impossible to win. But also the DAD killed the EVIL AI with THE POWER OF LOVE and now capitalism is GONNA DIE.
Also as other people have been saying, this season is so unsubtle. Bless.
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clubkidandcollectives · 7 months
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All right lads, it's @writersmonth's Writers' Pride Month again in a couple of days, and this is my bingo card! I have a few ideas for some of the squares but as is by now customary, I'm looking for prompts again!
coming out - could this be Legolas and Kíli owning up to the rest of the group chat in All I Want Is You-'verse? Or Thranduil and Bard making a public statement in Dancing in the Dark-'verse? Or something else?
pride - I know I mentioned a Pride parade in All I Want Is You-'verse during this event last year, but I'm not sure if it might go here, or under 'flag'; what about pride in oneself and one's identity? Who might that be...?
adoption - I am thinking of Thranduil and Bard adopting each other's kids in All I Want Is You-'verse or of my original character Jack and his friendship with Ivana Cutabitch the drag queen which has been developing over the last couple of Writers' Pride Months here...
queen - this is definitely going to be Ivana - or perhaps Queen Sigrid of Dale and her ace identity again?
flag - is this where the Pride parade comes in for All I Want-'verse? My flag is very definitely the ace one, so perhaps something about that? And/or Jack working through perhaps having a flag of his own, having spent the last couple of Writers' Pride Months figuring himself out?
dreams - no ideas for this one yet
dual identity - I am thinking of Jack again here, and his public/stage persona (obnoxious punk who'll shag anything that moves) versus who he really is (damaged, traumatised, sensitive demi/grey/ace boy who uses his obnoxiousness to keep people away and actually never shags anyone except his oldest friend Hal, which probably ought to tell him something)
fear - not sure about this one yet either
violet/spirit - not sure about this one either - the concept of 'spirit' is unfamiliar to me, in that I'm vaguely aware it's a thing in the US but I've never actually encountered it before. Any and all explanations and ideas very gratefully received!
I haven't had anything come to me for a kiss in the cold and dark-'verse yet, or any of my other 'verses or fandoms - so if there's anything you'd like to see for any of these, do please let me know!
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the-iron-shoulder · 6 months
Finally started playing the English version (fan translation) of Mother 3 for the first time a couple days ago. I’m on Chapter 5 (no spoilers for me please, but also be warned that i might spoil a detail or two since this is my post). I have a lot of feelings but I’m not sure what all of them are just yet. This is gonna be a little disjointed and stream-of-consciousness.
EarthBound was HUGELY formative to me growing up… it shouldn’t be surprising to me how much more refined M3 is versus EarthBound, but it really is. (And yet in so many ways, it also isn’t that much more refined? They’re so clearly related, even beyond the art and the music and stuff.)
EarthBound was super up-front about Giygas being your antagonist and Ness being specifically tasked with stopping it (wait, shit, is Giygas it/its or he/him or something else?), whereas M3 is a lot more coy about what’s actually going on (I mean, Fassad introducing Money And Television into a utopian commune pretty clearly marks him as Very Bad, to say nothing of the casual animal torture, but I doubt that he’s The Main Antagonist, and no one is saying anything about the party being uniquely responsible for stopping him or anything).
i like the fact that the narrative viewpoint keeps changing. That’s interesting so far.
i love Flint, he’s simply great, and I hope he joins the party again later. (I’m prepared to be disappointed on this but I’m still hopeful regardless.)
there does seem to be a little bit of casual racism that seems out of place? The whole “Ma[slur]” people seem a bit… eh, i feel like maybe tossing a slur into the name of the drag-queen-coded genderfucky inhuman demigods could maybe have been avoided, and i also feel like everything about Reggie could have used a little (read: a lot) more care. So that’s, you know, not great. Don’t love those parts.
tbh, so far i don’t see why Lucas is a pivotal character… i know he’s apparently the MC but it feels like there’s plenty of options for more interesting characters to have taken the lead role. Idk. Maybe he’ll be more interesting later.
i absolutely cannot get the hang of the rhythm battle thing (even when the enemy is asleep)… if i can get three hits, i can usually get a few more, but getting the combo to start at all (except through luck of button-mashing, which of course ends the combo on the second hit) is something i seriously struggle with. And i have a pretty decent sense of rhythm (i mean, I’ve only been playing drums for six and a half years now), but… it’s just starting the chain that trips me up.
it’s still very funny to me that the sprites are so much more involved and expressive than in EarthBound and yet Lucas and Kumatora (and most people tbh) have faces that are just :|
M3 somehow feels like less of a genre parody than EarthBound was, which is both good and bad. I guess i respect not wanting to just do the same thing over and over.
probably more later… still forming my thoughts.
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Probably unrelated but I found funny that Rhaena; the neglected daughter of Daemon, ended up marrying a Hightower who was not even an heir, he literally was a little brother and ended up having six daughters with him (like she probably was traumatized after her mother died on childbirth because contrary to what Team Black wants to think Rhaenyra is not the only one with that trauma); and unless something else is revealed in other book she probably was happy with him.
Like this girl was probably looked down by her father; he is Viserys brother after all and that men looked down on one of his kids for not having a dragon; and as some like to point out Viserys kind of have to raise Daemon, so he also probably did the same to her as a little girl. But Daemon hated the Hightowers so much that one of his two daughters marrying one is so… funny, karma, the cherry on top 👌; like you go girl, drag him, end him, destroy him.
*Side note: I would love that Aemond and her could have bonded when children, like they have a big thing in common; George missed a great ship in there with those two; tragic lovers sort of Romeo and Juliet 😢
Yeah it is quite ironic, and I tend to believe that Rhaena married for love (or at the very least liked Garmund). She literally just wanted a nice husband, which is so sad and bare minimum but the bar is so low during that time. And it’s nice she went onto have so many kids, safely one can hope, after miscarrying the baby she would have had with Corwyn.
Everyone always focuses in on Aegon 3 post dance which I totally get, but idk Baela and Rhaena have the most interesting journeys imo. How their places almost end up getting switched in a way.
I always idk slightly balked the ‘Baela is like her father’ thinf simply bc I think she would have moved differently if that was the case. Though I do get the stipulations she had as a girl/woman versus daemon. But she goes from fighting in the war, a dragon rider, hot girl in the streets, possibly future Queen consort -> almost killed, no dragon, her husband (the one that ends up once again leading to her not getting driftmark) being an ass imo. Then rhaena who had little part in the war, poetically comes out pretty ok. Ofc she has trauma from it like baela, her family died. But she seems to move on. She has a dragon for some time. The council thing she’d make a good queen.
There’s something… jarring about how Baela literally fled to get away from marriage and then boom her and rhaena offer up their six year old family member. The cycles keep cycling.
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fish-bowl-2 · 1 year
Hiya! B F I M P R (:
hiii >:3
B. Any of your stories inspired by personal experience? A LOT lol. I am super super guilty of projecting with these guys. I do it with a lot of my writing though, both fan work and original. I think it is kind of unavoidable. To give a specific example, in YKISBLS, the whole section where Edd starts to blame himself for making Eddy upset with him, and this snowballs into him feeling like he's ruined their friendship, is based off of very similar situations I've experienced when I was around the same age. Social interaction, even among friends, was really difficult for me, and I regularly pointed fingers at myself for being the problem even if it was not necessarily the case. I was one of those annoying kids who would ask my friends "do you hate me? Ok, but what are things you don't like about me so I can fix them." I don't think it is far-fetched to think Edd would be guilty of this as well.
F. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Edd came to a sputtering halt as he considered the statement. “I couldn’t do that. It would be so rude.” He said. “Besides, I mean, you called me a pussy.” the last word fell off in an inaudible whisper.
“So, I don’t think anyone appreciates being called that!” 
“You’re such a drama queen.” 
“Whatever, this is not about that. This is about you forcing me, yet again, to come to the rescue when you can’t do something yourself. You’re always doing that to me and Ed.”
“I do not,” said Eddy. 
“You do too! You drag us into things all the time and then refuse to take accountability.”
“Would you drop it? I’m trying to watch.” 
“There you go again! You never want to talk about it.” 
“‘Cause you’re so annoying about everything!” 
Edd flinched at the term, speaking through gritted teeth. “I am not!” 
“Yeah you are.” 
“You’re just saying that because you know I’m right.” 
“See, that’s what I mean,” Eddy pointed defiantly, “acting all ‘high and mighty’ about everything. You do that all the time now and it’s so annoying! Can’t you just go back to being good at shutting up?” 
Edd stared motionless, arms crossed tightly. Eddy glared back, daring him to go on another exhaustive speech. Edd knew he was waiting, and he hated that even more.
“Fine. So I guess I’m annoying now, according to you.” 
I really like how I structured the back and forth here. I always worry about striking a balance between dialogue and description in my writing, and I think this displayed it in a really natural and easy-to-digest way. Also, if I may be self-indulgent, I like how the whole conflict being expressed comes from both directions. Edd (rightfully) is upset with Eddy for deflecting and going too far in teasing him. Meanwhile, Eddy is (rightfully) upset with Edd for not reading the room. I had fun touching on Edd's discomfort with being called "annoying". Much to unpack.
I. Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)? Bad explicit smut is kind of funny to read. 🙏
M. Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share? A few! I'll avoid going in too much detail (for the sake of keeping my motivation to start them), but I have one idea for a fic involving Edd and his parents, and another taking place in high school with the Eds at a town carnival. Those are at least the ones I have the clearest ideas for.
P. Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?) I guess I would be more of an "architect", in the sense that I need to have the beginning, middle, end, and all the details planned out before I start writing. I usually make a bullet-point outline for each event I want to happen and the details I wish to express before starting a story. I don't always do this with quick, shorter things, but for the longer stories with lots of details and elements to read into, it just makes things so much easier. I feel less guilty about potentially forgetting something. In the process of building these outlines though, I do think there is an element of a "gardener". When I am stumped on a specific plot-element or missing detail, I try not to stress about it, and instead find ways to let it to naturally "take bloom". Sometimes this means I have to wait a while, but I think it is worth it in the end when I get something that I never expected. Granted, sometimes you just have to "pull it out" in order to realize what needs to be done.
R. Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence? Man, I honestly think I pull a little bit out of everyone's whose work I enjoy >_< Specifically for EEnE, with a fandom as intimate as this one, I think it is somewhat difficult NOT to be inspired by those around you. Off the top of my head: I'd say your work, as well as those done by @eddbedandeddy, @doubledyke, @mysticbeaver, @bookworm116, as well as @gettingfrilly and @vhvrs most recently, are on my mind a lot. Actual books, films, and music influence me a lot too. I always pull little elements and bits of things I like and try to implement it in what I do.
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puzzledemigod · 5 months
*spoilers for rupauls drag race and UK versus the world*
Now we're 2 for 2 in wrong winners for this year. Now they'll have to make all stars seasons for both Marina and Saphira to win which will be as unexciting as Jimbo's season because we already know who they want to win. Instead of crowning the queen who deserves right from the start they do this clownery. They pissed off the fanbase with the Marina debacle, and they're trying to appease it with Nymphia. Both wrong decisions. Great.
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