#VERY interesting stuff
cartoonsbyandie · 1 month
I always kinda imagined Kogoro's fear of heights was just like, a normal old fear he had that didn't have any kind of dramatic reason for it, but the longer the show goes on the more it feels like it has to have some kind of traumatic reason behind it. Man has a full on panic attack looking over the side of the building, that had to be caused by Something right??
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yooniesim · 4 months
why is it that black simmers seem more drawn to alpha cc?
Good question, nonny! Of course the answer to this varies by individual simmer, but I believe alpha cc is more appealing because of more representation of black culture. This is primarily seen with hairstyles, because for a long time, the only people making black hairs were black alpha simmers. Nowadays, there's slightly more representation in the MM style because there's more EA meshes to choose from, but sadly it's still a pretty untapped outlet. Most cc these days is made with profit in mind, and unless it's an attempt to appeal to a wider market, most non-black MM simmers don't put the time into making them. Black cc in MM style is almost exclusively made by simmers that are black themselves, and there's less of us I believe. So, alpha still reigns supreme in a lot of black simblr. I myself prefer MM, but if it wasn't for a few OG black MM cc creators such as sheabuttyr, I probably would have switched to alpha a long time ago.
I also notice that some other fashion choices beyond hair options are represented by alpha style. Clothing, accessories, nails, and makeup for example. I have a good amount of alpha style nails bc there really just isn't a lot in MM style that look right. Oh, also, there are a lot of black alpha simmers that are roleplayers/storytellers as well, and that has been popular for a long time, thus making alpha cc more popular too. That's most of what I can think of for now :)
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redshoes-blues · 1 year
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Ted Lasso S3, Ep3. Parallels. 
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sleep-nurse · 2 days
i just read the entire wikipedia page for dreams
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fluffbeast7 · 11 months
i found a fake art Channel that's an ARG :) its called ''Snowbird.Rogers''. This post will be about me diving in completely with what i found so far about the channel, if you want to explore it on your own, feel free to skip this!
Im pretty sure this channel is an ARG, the first vid has a weird scene at the end and the second one had all sort of recordings.
The banner has these weird numbers:
2438723490 2947034545 3542524545
and above "snowbrid.rogers" (brid? Not bird like the title?) There's something written in a language i dont understand, but from google translator it means: "what's wrong with zyul?", which I'm assuming is the character or to represent the person posting
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i hadn't catched anything wrong with the first video, just at the end that it plays out a video in the dark, i have no idea what it means
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in the second video is FILLED with recordings.
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''at first, the audio plays of someone trying to call 'Alex', i think it is someone called ''Grim''. They have to record their message (number being 0123456789?)
'' hey alex its Grim, i'm glad to hear that you're back home for the summer. Sorry again that i didn't pick up when you first called, i was- i was busy, but, anyway, uhm, yeah! just glad to hear that you're back, we really need to catch up, its been too long dude. uhm just shoot me a text whenver you're free and, oh, oh- sorry i gotta go again, but, anyway, glad to hear you're back home.''
nothing too weird about the rest of the video then, which comes back with the speedpaint- the channel only has 2 videos, so you'd think that's the end of it? but nope! lets dig in a little bit deeper!
found this at their community tab, but the artwork can also be found at their instagram (which, so far, they only have instagram and youtube.). and loook, A CLUE! we find out that Grim, The one who called Alex, is also an artist and interacts with the person who owns the channel from time to time! and yes, the person who owns the channel is alex, Grim confirms it on their instagram
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so.. we know alex has been away, and is coming back from college for summer, (it's mentioned a few times on their instagram)
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Don't think i didn't see the link! :D i was just pointing out sum details haha
this is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_vSRk84CWI
and it leads you to this vid!
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let's look at the title first, i put it in a morse code translator and it said ''CANARY'', in the video, a bird is singing, and the video does not fail to point that out-
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''The canaries are most often associated with happiness, compassion, and the ability to help others through a hard time. They can sometimes come into our lives to remind us of what is important and to keep our optimism in times of sadness.''
I think this video is about Grim and Alex talking to each other, i wrote in what they said but i will put here the most important parts (for me at least)
''you know about the kidnapping that happened a couple years ago in the woods that weren't far away'' (this doesnt have a continuation but its interesting)
''you're lucky enough to see me Outdoors, it's taken me so long to get that far, so yeah''
''I've told you about how Robin's been acting lately right? she just did a whole jerk about the whole thing I I don't know why and I don't know if it's gotten into her, it, it's just weird I-''
''don't sound like her from what you were saying'' ''I know that's why I'm so shocked, it's like I don't know what happened and I am I don't know I'm worried but I don't know at the same time I I just could be''
robin is a new character here, but we dont know much abut her.
this is pretty much all i got, Alex posted on the community tab about getting a new social media account but they haven't shared it yet
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saucetail · 17 days
Watching a presentation about Kafka and dude. Those drawings of him are a fucking mood aren't they
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daryfromthefuture · 1 year
Do you think 40s Doc felt any guilt after seeing what his research was used for?
omg a chance to ramble about 40s doc
my answer is yes. he totally felt guilty about what eventually happened.
according to the wiki, he was haunted by nightmares for decades to come and i think that this is what happened. we all know doc is a good person and he wouldn't hurt a fly (in the films, he'd rather die than have marty hurt and immediately is willing to destroy his invention as soon as stuff starts going wrong), so i feel like a thing such as an atomic bomb would very heavily weigh on his conscience.
i mean, he obviously got some knowledge out of all of this, but in general his involment in the manhattan project is one of the things he regrets the most in his entire life. this guy just wanted to do good with his science and then THIS. he'd hate every aspect of it.
i don't think this guilt ever went away. sure, it faded over the years, but occasionally he'd just sit on his couch and get lost in his thoughts. it's impressive that ha managed to pull himself together enough to go on with science and inventing and eventually was able to construct a time machine. bonus, he built it based on plutonium - doing good with the material that once was used for bad.
ending this with a fun fact: doc's truck in part 1 has a sticker that says "one nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day" and i feel like this extensive knowledge about his past gives this sentence even more meaning.
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(you can't read it very well but this is the one)
thank you so much for the ask!
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teaandinanity · 10 months
This is SO interesting, my Dark Urge character in BG3 sometimes just.... does not have the moderate and sane options that my blank slate one did. I definitely feel like this ought to be a second playthrough NG+ kind of thing but also I’m having so much fun with him that I do not WANT to finish my other playthrough first. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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as-i-watch · 1 year
I know you like the baron omatsuri movie and thought I’d recommend this excellent write-up partly delving into its history. The director Mamoru Hosoda used his personal struggles as a creative impetus for that movie
I think now i need to watch Pompo the Cinephile
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chloe12801 · 1 year
Is there a Lana Del Rey fan Trevor Philips lover connection bc I am seeing a consistent pattern
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sing-me-under · 2 years
if im being honest, you're one of the only people i trust with character analyses of the dsmp characters
I’m very glad you trust my analyses! Thank you!
I really enjoy analyzing the characters of the DSMP because they’re all so interesting. Their motives, their actions, their beliefs. They all feel so real! They’re all such nuanced characters, and the content creators did such a good job with consistency! You can trace their individual progressions throughout the years, and isn’t that amazing! The characters have so much heart put into them by their creators.
The characters really feel like real people within their own world. They have their flaws, and they’ve made mistakes and misjudgments. They’ve been hurt and they hurt, but it all feels like the natural progression of choices in their circumstances whether they realize it or not. People are complicated! And that’s fantastic!
I love the DSMP so much, and I believe it deserves to be analyzed with respect for both the characters and content creators. I see so many shallow interpretations fueled by unbridled hate and unconditional praise, so I felt like I should at least throw my two cents into the void.
If you ever want to hear more about my thoughts on anything specific, feel free to drop more asks! I have a lot of thoughts.
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vulcanhello · 2 years
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Are you familiar with the term limerence? It's basically the difference between actually being in love with someone(thing), and being in love with the idea of that person(thing). I'm really interested in psychology concepts like this, so I was watching this video about signs you're using limerence to self-regulate, and the explanation really summed up the behavior a lot of shippers. It's a bit of a long video, but very informative. It made me instantly think about your essay-leaving jkk anon, and how it was apparent that they were hurting... This is probably exactly what they're doing w/their ship. Holding onto the idea of it, in order to self-soothe.
Hi anon!
Very interesting indeed. It certainly has things in common, I do think that anon uses their ship to overcome or deal with their own heartbreak. The way they made excuses for Jk’s supposed behavior in treating Jimin, really seemed like them making excuses for their ex partner. They’re probably not able to get those excuses for themselves, so they kinda live vicariously through Jikook. They got so… almost obsessive in their responses. On the one hand they pulled a lot of moments and information, but on the other hand they were so wrong in their interpretations. I could tell they were really upset. And they started treating me/my blog as a factor in their distress, that is a bit concerning. I really hope they will be alright.
I think limerence is more about having those feelings yourself. Yourself being one part of the ‘relationship’, while anon is not a part of this relationship themselves. It’s more projection I think, it’s very possible the anon doesn’t even realize that they’re doing it. But you are right limerence probably does occur in fandoms a lot. Many a fan imagines themselves in a relationship with one of the members, and I do think there’s cases where this goes rather far. When it stays at fantasies, it’s not that harmful.. probably most for the person experiencing the limerence.
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lukesturns · 1 year
the extremely specific lists people make on here like the statistical placement of a p21 dancer at nuvo based on their solo costume color and whether they are a twin remind me of those dance moms ranking video titles. history repeats itself
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nofable · 2 years
what’s everyone reading right now 
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gayrudeboys · 1 year
me adding LOL to the end of texts that could be read as my final straw
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