#and wing and ruin is at least a bit more fun than the other two because the stakes feel real
nofable · 2 years
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hellfirenacht · 1 month
Wing Man Part 10
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: It’s no longer Halloween, but the ghosts from yours and Eddie’s pasts are coming back to haunt you.
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(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
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You had always heard the phrase “speak of the Devil and he shall appear”, but you didn’t think that line was supposed to be so literal.
You and Eddie starred in shock as your shared connection stood in front of the two of you, smiling at Eddie as if he were an old friend. If Chris noticed any animosity in your faces, it didn’t show. Either he was oblivious, or you and Eddie were good at hiding what you two were feeling right now. 
“I thought I saw you in the lobby earlier.” Chris said, walking over to the two of you, ruining your moment together. “I didn’t think you were one for the theater since you never did come and see the Spring play that I worked so hard on.”
Eddie looked weirded out by this, to say the least. 
“Sorry, I was busy trying to finish the campaign that you started.” Eddie said. “I didn’t exactly have time to go.” 
Well, you were really in the middle of this now. You shifted slightly closer to Eddie, looking over Chris. He was almost unrecognizable from his school photos and how you remembered him on that day. No longer the pale and scrawny kid with the constantly pissy face, Chris was actually smiling and it was honestly off-putting. He looked more tan than he had in school, but there was a faint orange tint to his skin that looked unnatural under the yellow lighting of the marquis. 
A fake tan. That’s what it had to be. Chris was sporting a fake tan for his role as Rocky. 
You should have been Riff Raff. Or not here at all. You thought to yourself. 
“Are you still mad that I left Hellfire?” Chris asked. “That was four years ago! Plus, I handed everything over to you, didn’t I? You got to finally be the Dungeon Master, and I got to find something I enjoyed. I think it’s a fair trade.” 
Eddie still didn’t seem impressed, but kept his mouth shut. Chris turned his attention to you. 
“I’ve seen you before.” he said. “You come here a lot, don’t you?”
You blinked in surprise. There’s no way you would have missed him if he came to this show a lot, right? 
“Yeah, how did you know?” you asked slowly. 
“I’ve been running tech for the show since March.” Chris had a smug look on his face that made your stomach churn. If he was working backstage, that would make sense why you hadn’t seen him before. “And I got to be Rocky for this run. What did you all think of the show?”
“The movie was fun.” Eddie offered, and you had the feeling that he was trying to decide if he should be honest or to let go of what happened four years ago. 
You, however, were more willing to be honest in the moment. “I’ve seen better performances.” you said bluntly. “The movie was fine, but I expected more for the Halloween showing. Half of the shadow cast was completely different than before and they didn’t seem to know their cues. Also, what happened to the Virgin Sacrifice?”
Instead of being off-put, Chris just laughed and shrugged. “There’s been some recent changes to the theater management.” he explained. “It caused a bit of a commotion and there were some disagreements. Unfortunately, things like this happen in live theater. A lot of the cast bailed on the show at the last minute.”
That made sense, as much as it disappointed you. If there was an internal problem with the company running the show, it would end up bleeding out into the performance. You felt your annoyance calm down a little. It’s not like Chis was the one to run the show into the ground. 
“Well, It’s been nice seeing you again.” Eddie said, as his hand slipped into yours again, “We have to get going, it’s getting late.”
You gave Chris a half-hearted wave and a goodbye, but then Chris started talking again right as you two were turning around to leave.
“Just so you know, auditions will be opening for the shadow cast.” He said. “We’re skipping the next two months to get the show back on track. In case either of you are interested.”
You froze in place for a moment and Eddie noticed and dropped your hand. You turned around to look at Chris, wondering if he was being serious right now. 
“Auditions are never open. Even for the understudies.” you said. “I heard that you needed to know someone on the inside to even have a chance at auditioning.”
“Well, we know each other now, don’t we?” he asked with a smile that had too many teeth for your comfort. “I can get you an audition, if you’re really interested. I think you’d be great on stage.” Chris was looking at you up and down, as if considering you. “I can see you as a great Janet.”
“I’ve always wanted to audition.” you finally admitted. “I’ve been wanting to be a part of this show since I started coming here.”
Chris dug into his bag and pulled out a card for the theater, and scribbled down a date and time on the back. “This is when we’re holding auditions. It’s invite only.” he said. “I’ll put in a good word for you, if you’re serious.” 
You took the card, looking it over. Maybe you and Eddie had been a little hard on the guy. Chris was right, it had been a long time since he was in high school, and people change. You changed. It’d be pretty hypocritical of you to brush this off completely. Everyone here was an adult, right? And this was something you’d wanted for years now. Could you really just pass this up?
“I’ll be there.” you said, without thinking, and when Chris offered his hand, you reached out and shook it. “Thank you.” you added. 
Chris winked at you and said goodbye to Eddie and turned to leave, leaving you and your date alone outside the theater. By now, almost all of the movie-goers had left and the parking lot was nearly empty save for a few cars. 
“Holy shit.” you said, turning to Eddie when Chris was out of earshot. “I did not expect to run into him tonight. Or ever again.”
Eddie let out a small sharp breath that could have either been a laugh or a sigh. “I thought he just disappeared off the face of the earth when he graduated.” His eyes drifted to the card you held in your hand; the same hand that he had been holding on and off all night. “His hair grew out a lot.”
“Yeah, I think it’s even longer than yours now.” You agreed, tucking away the card into your own bag and turning to fully face him again now.
The mood between you two had shifted from what it had been before Chris interrupted the two of you. Whatever moment the two of you were about to have had passed, and as much as you wanted to kiss Eddie, it wasn’t the time. You didn’t want to force anything after the moment had been ruined. 
Dammit, Chris. Why couldn’t he have shown up before the movie started? Okay, maybe you were still able to feel pissed at the guy. 
“Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.” Eddie said, and this time you reached out for his hand instead. Chris might have cockblocked your first kiss with Eddie, but you weren’t going to let him completely ruin the night. You didn’t miss the slight squeeze of his hand as you led him towards your car. 
“I know I totally trashed the performance, but I did have a lot of fun with you tonight.” you told Eddie. “Other than him showing up, I really did like spending time with you.”
“Next date, it’s gonna be just us.” he said. “No chaperones and no Chris-es.”
“So, you want to go on another date with me?” you asked, thinking that maybe the moment wasn’t as ruined as you had thought. 
“I’ll call you this weekend.” Eddie promised. 
He leaned in, and you closed your eyes. Warm lips brushed against your cheek, and you tried not to feel too disappointed. It was still something, after all. The two of you hugged, and you breathed in the faint smell of cigarettes, leather, and popcorn. 
“Not if I call you first.” you said, finding that line was starting to be a small inside joke between the two of you. You hoped that there’d be a lot more shared jokes together in the future. 
You got in your car, and made your way home. Despite the small hiccup, you were starting to feel more confident about the future. Things were going well with Eddie, and you finally had the chance to do something you’d had your heart set on for years now. 
Moving forward wasn’t so bad. 
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Eddie was torn on how tonight went. You had fun, and you said that you had fun with him. He had been ready to lean in and plant one on you to make this feel more official but then Chris just had to show up and ruin the night. As usual. 
It might not have been as bad if he hadn’t started talking about auditions and that was what made Eddie’s stomach twist. You had been mentioned enough times that this was something you had always wanted to do, and Eddie admired that a lot. He loved that you wanted to be on stage like that, and if you were in the cast he was sure that he’d show up for you, just as you had been showing up for Corroded Coffin. 
But Chris had been the one to make the offer to you with his new muscles and hair that was longer than Eddie’s. Eddie didn’t want to feel jealous, and most of him felt like the two of you had bonded enough over talking shit about the guy that there was no way you’d had an interest in him. 
So why did a smaller voice in the back of Eddie’s head feel like this was starting to crumble already? You had talked about changing and being different since you had been in school, and Chris looked different and had pointed out that he had graduated almost four years ago. 
“You aren’t at Hawkins High and these aren’t children.” you had said when he had been taking in the site of so many people who looked and dressed more like him.
You hadn’t meant anything by it, Eddie was sure of that. You didn’t seem like the type to put someone down for what they were or weren’t able to accomplish. That still didn’t change the fact that he was a 20 year old still in high school, while you and Chris were out in the real world working and living on your own. Presumably. Eddie didn’t know where Chris was living and didn’t care to. 
It was pretty late in the evening now, and he found himself wishing he could call Ronnie right now. Actually, he was starting to wish that he had talked to her earlier, had listened to her and taken her more seriously a few years ago. 
Three more stupid credits and I’m out. That’s what he’d told himself since September when he walked into school for his sixth year in high school. He could coast through most of his classes, and he just needed to push through until June. 
1986. That was going to be his year. He just needed to get through the rest of 1985 first. 
Just as Eddie was about to go and crash in his bed the phone rang. You were the only one who would be calling him this late, and the knot in his stomach only tightened. You hadn’t been judgemental to his face about his education (or lack there-of) but what if it did matter? 
He didn’t think you’d just up and drop him because Chris Morrison of all people showed up with his stupid long hair, offering you something that you wanted so badly. Right? Then again, Eddie hadn’t exactly been the best at communicating with you at all, and he had disappeared on you more than once without notice. Chris hadn’t hesitated with giving you a way to contact him.
Expecting the worst, Eddie tried to remain calm as he reached the kitchen.
“Hey.” Eddie said into the phone, “Get home safe?”
That voice wasn’t yours. The last time Eddie heard that voice, Eddie had been covered in blood and soot in Police Chief Hopper’s office. Her voice had echoed so loud that Hopper had even flinched as she cursed him out for ruining a chance for both of them. 
“Paige?” Eddie asked in disbelief, as if he were talking to a ghost. 
For fuck’s sake, Eddie this isn’t something we can just reschedule I know this was your shot this was my shot I stuck my neck out for you I know I’m at the police station What did you do? No room for a little tarnish, huh? Don’t be an asshole I’ve been an asshole all along, I’m just the last person in Hawkins to accept it Fuck you. 
“I’ve tried calling you a few times but you weren’t home.” Paige said. 
“You could have left a message.” Eddie’s voice was colder than he meant it. First Chris, and now Paige. What sick prank was the universe playing on him today? 
“I figured you wouldn’t call back if I did.” Paige said, honestly. 
The clock in the kitchen read that it was late in Hawkins and not quite as late in California, assuming that is where Paige was. He wanted to hang up the phone, leave her on a dead end line, just as she had done to him almost two years ago. 
Don’t be an asshole. He told himself. What had happened between the two of them had been the perfect shit storm of events. Eddie had flown, reached out towards the sun, only to crash and burn. He had been reminded of what it really meant to have Munson attached to his name.
Eddie had been the one to fuck up, not Paige. 
“I probably wouldn’t have.” Eddie admitted. 
“Are you going to hang up on me now?” 
Eddie paused. “No.”
“You know it’s... really late.”
“I know. I probably should have called you in the morning but I thought it was worth a shot calling tonight. Besides, it’s not like you have school in the morning.” 
He didn’t, but that was only because he was planning on skipping tomorrow because he’d been out so late tonight. 
Eddie’s mind went through a rolodex of anything that Paige Warner would want to talk to him about after all this time. Was she wanting to finally know how he ended up in holding? Had her brother told her about how he was now Freak King Supreme in Hawkins? Shit, did he have an estranged child with her that he didn’t know about? They had always used protection but shit happens and who could blame her from hiding a kid from a guy who she had to bail out of jail and had no money- 
“I’m sorry.” Paige said. “For how things ended between the two of us. A lot happened after you called and I couldn’t bring myself to talk to you after.”
Eddie blinked and stared at the faded wallpaper of the kitchen, trying to make sense of the apology. She was apologizing? Why?
“I....” Eddie swallowed. “I think I should be the one apologizing here.”
“Oh, you definitely owe me an apology, too.” Despite her words, there was no bite behind it, no malice. “But I’m offering up my apology first as an olive branch.” 
How come ever since that night at the Palace Arcade, everything had started being so weird for Eddie? 
“What exactly are you apologizing for?” Eddie asked as he rubbed his face, the evening was starting to catch up to him now. 
“For blowing up at you at 4 am when you needed help.” Paige said. 
“It’s.. It’s fine. I deserved it.” Eddie leaned against the refrigerator and slid down. His gaze drifted up to the popcorn ceiling of the trailer’s kitchen, picking out constellations in the flaky white plaster. 
“Maybe, but I should have heard you out after I had cooled off.” Paige said. 
“So, you’re calling me in the middle of the night two years later just so we can talk about what happened?” Eddie asked. 
“Not completely. I’m calling because I want to give you a second chance.”
“Uhhh.....” Had Eddie heard that correctly? 
“A lot happened with WR Records after you bailed on the audition.” Paige continued. “I don’t want to go into details over the phone, but the short version is Corroded Coffin might have another shot.” 
Oh, it can get weirder. 
“Wait, what? Really?” Eddie sat up straight, gripping the phone with a grip so tight his knuckles were turning white. 
“I’m coming back to Hawkins for a few weeks. I’ll be landing in a few days, and I want to meet up with you to give you more information.” 
Corroded Coffin might have a second chance. Not just Eddie, but his band. When Paige had managed to get Eddie the original audition, she had said that only he would be the one to go to L.A. to play for all the suits in the business. They were only interested in Eddie, not Corroded Coffin. Eddie was real. 
“You mean, my whole band?” he clarified. “Not just me?” 
“Don’t get too excited.” Paige said firmly. “This isn’t nearly as nice of an opportunity as last time. But it is an opportunity. I want to meet up with you alone first to go over the details and explain what’s going on.” 
“Why just me?” 
“Because you’re the selling point, Eddie. You always were.” 
Real. I saw it that night at the Hideout. I saw it years ago at the stupid talent show. You get up there and whatever you play, it’s raw. It’s life or death. And people can feel it.
Had you felt it? Eddie thought back to the two times you had shown up to see him play, you’d looked up at him with an excitement that he’d only ever seen from the rest of his band. Eddie could count on his hands the number of people who he could say were fans of his. Paige had been the first to look at him like he was someone while he was on stage, but she wasn’t the last. 
“When do you land?” Eddie asked. 
“Early Saturday, but I’m spending time with my family for the next few days.” she said. “I’ll call you and let you know when we can meet up.”
“Yeah.. yeah alright. Sounds good.” 
Did it?
“Alright, I’ll talk to you later Eddie. Good night.” 
“Hey, Paige?”
“...Thanks. For bailing me out back then. I don’t think they would have released me if you hadn’t.” 
“Just don’t do that again, ok?” Paige said. “And you can give me a proper apology when we meet up.” 
Eddie nodded, and then realized he was on the phone and she couldn’t see him. “Okay. I’ll be there.” he said. 
The dial tone wasn’t as aggressive as it had been that day in Hoppers office, and this time Eddie didn’t slam the phone down on the receiver. Instead he opened up the fridge, stared hard at the six pack of beer, closed the fridge without grabbing one, and went back to his room. He kicked off his shoes, and shrugged off his clothes, and fell face first onto his bed. 
Eddie tried to sleep. He tossed and turned for hours, replaying the events of the night over and over and over again like a bad movie. Seeing you, watching the movie, almost kissing you, Chris showing up, Paige showing up. How could so much happen in the span of less than three hours? 
Paige wanted to talk to him about Corroded Coffin. Eddie was the selling point. There was no way that WR Records was still interested in him, if they were she would have said so and not even brought up the rest of his band.
Shit, what would the rest of the band even say? Only Jeff had been around for the original demo recording that they had all done together. Dougie had left after that year, Ronnie passed her position off to Gareth. 
Face stuffed into his stained pillowcase, he started creating a list of unanswered questions. Why was Paige showing up now? Why was she reaching out to him? Why is she giving Corroded Coffin another shot? Why did Chris have to show up tonight? Could you be attracted to Chris now that he had long hair and wasn’t the scrawny asshole he was in high school? Why did Dustin suggest him to hook you up with? Why did you agree? Why did he care so much that you didn’t remember him? Why did Steve also keep showing up? Why didn’t he kiss you? Wait, did Paige still want to kiss him? Okay, that one at least had to be a no. 
Eddie gave up on sleep when his uncle came home, and heard the faint snoring coming from the pull out couch in the main room. 
With sleep no longer an option for him for the time being, Eddie dug out his notebooks and instead focused on the mountain of song lyrics and notes from over the past few years. With his guitar slung over his shoulder and unplugged, he would be able to work without disturbing Wayne’s sleep. 
Each silent chord and tab that Eddie played whispered through his bedroom. He mouthed along to the words on the pages, his voice occasionally slipping through the cracks as he figured out the rhythm of the lyrics. Playing guitar cleared his head, music always brought everything to the surface one way or another, even if he didn’t realize it. 
As he focused on a specific riff, his fingers and wrist moved over and over in a constant rhythm. Even when he messed up, he didn’t stop the movements of his fingers as they slid along the strings. It was easy, it was challenging, it was meditative. Eddie could finally focus. 
Paige Warner wanted to see him again to discuss Corroded Coffin. Paige was an ex. Sort of. It had been implied that they were going to make it official when he moved to California with her. They were even going to move in together, even if they would have separate rooms. Roommates who sleep together. 
Anyone with half a brain wouldn’t just up and admit that she was an ex girlfriend. Business or not, Eddie was going to have dinner with an ex. 
If he were still the same shitty 18 year old from two years ago, he wouldn’t have thought it was a big deal. Eddie would have had no problem going to see her, and it wouldn’t have even crossed his mind to tell you. But now, as a less shitty 20 year old, he couldn’t do that. You deserved to know who he was going to see if the two of you were going to go on another date. 
He was also going to have to come clean about a lot more than that if things became more serious. That was something that Eddie was dreading. If he told you about Paige, he’d have to tell you about their history together. Telling you that he and Paige had slept together was easy, but what about the rest? How could he explain that she bailed him out of jail after he’d been arrested because a cop was shot on his lawn after two drug mules had burned his house down because Munson and Junior had stolen five pounds of weed from a reefer truck?
Eddie had only told the whole story to one person, and that was Reefer Rick. He hadn’t even had the heart to tell Wayne everything that had happened that Spring out of shame for everything that he’d done. Even Ronnie had been kept in the dark about what happened. 
The sun slowly came up, and his guitar and notebooks were bathed in a warm golden light that contrasted the chill of the beginning of November. Eddie hung his guitar back up and gathered his notebooks, setting them aside for a later time. He laid back down on the bed, and closed his eyes. He decided that the next time the two of you talked, he would be honest about who Paige was and what their main history was. It wouldn’t do anyone any good to dump all of his family trauma on you at once when things were only just starting out. 
It was kind of funny. Eddie had never set out to be anyone's boyfriend. It had never been a priority with him. Even with Paige, he had definitely found her attractive but aside from seeking her out to ask for her help with getting signed, she had been the one to make any move for anything more to happen. He’d been fine with that at the time, but after spending time with you... 
This wouldn’t be easy, but he told himself he wasn’t going to run anymore. When he woke up, he’d call you and tell you exactly what was going on and who he was going to see. Anything about his police record could wait for now. 
With that thought in mind, Eddie was able to finally pass out. 
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It was well into the afternoon when Eddie finally woke up again. He pushed through the grogginess and showered, dressed, and shoved a can of instant pasta into his mouth as he flipped through the limited channels on tv. 
About two hours went by before he remembered that you had today off. You’d mentioned that to him during one of your many long phone calls, and he about smacked himself in the head when he realized it. He’d been sitting around and waiting for you to get off work, and you hadn’t even gone in today. 
Eddie held the phone in his hand, his fingers hovering over the dial pad hesitantly before forcing himself to push the digits that would connect the two of you again. 
You answered on the third ring. 
“No Hellfire today?” you asked. 
“Not this time, everyone bailed out early for fall break.” Eddie said. “We did our Halloween special yesterday.”
“Tell me about it?” 
Eddie felt himself nearly melting into a pile of goo at the words. You always asked about his campaigns and his band, taking an interest in a way that no one ever had before. There was a lot that he had to tell you, but.. He could at least give you this before he gave you the real reason why he called. 
You listened as he told you about how the party went up against a pumpkin creature that had been attacking the town. It was a module he had made himself, and that he’d been working on for the past month between the main story of the campaign. You laughed and gasped at all the right moments, sealing the idea that Eddie was going to make a one-shot for you specifically to play. He couldn’t wait to help you make a character and add you to his table. 
Assuming you would even want anything to do with him after what he was about to tell you.
“Sounds like a Scooby Doo episode.” you said, as he finished his tale. 
“More like Goober and the Ghost Chasers.” Eddie smiled, taking his usual seat in front of the fridge. 
The two of you talked, and it was far too easy to get lost in all of the conversations that he had with you. Every time he told himself to suck it up and tell you who he was planning on seeing, you’d ask him something and the two of you would be off on another tangent. 
But then Eddie found his opening, and it was time to talk. 
“I’ll be at the Hideout again next week.” you said. “I’m really looking forward to hearing that song you keep hinting at. How many original songs are you hiding from me?” 
“We have almost seven by now, but no one wants to hear them.” Eddie lied, knowing full well there had been at least one person before who did. 
“I want to.” 
Two people. 
Fuck, he needed to tell you. 
“So... speaking of Corroded Coffin,” he said carefully. “We actually almost had a chance to audition for WR Records.”
“Hole shit.” you gasped into the phone. “What happened? I would have thought any record company would be tearing down the door to get you to sign with them. Or, oh, were they too mainstream? Did they want you to sell out? Change everything about you? Did you tell them to shove it, and that you wanted to make real music?” 
Eddie couldn’t help but snort into the phone, suppressing a laugh. “Nah, we uh... well we made a demo tape and sent it in, and they wanted us- me. They wanted me to audition.”
“Just you...?”
“Yeah.” Eddie picked at a loose fray in the tear in his jeans. “They didn’t really like Corroded Coffin, but they did like me. But I blew my chance, and never made it to the audition.”
“Shit, Eddie... that sucks.” you said sympathetically. “What happened?” 
Eddie was quiet for a moment as he tried to figure out how to explain to you what happened.
“Eddie?” you asked after he didn’t say anything. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to get into it.”
“I fucked up.” He finally admitted. “I did something stupid, and it stopped me from making it to California for the audition. That was two years ago. And last night I just got news that Corroded Coffin might be having another shot at something.”
“Wait really? That’s incredible that they still want to talk to you! And you said it was for the whole band this time? Not just you?”
“I don’t think it’s WR Records this time but a talent scout found me and is wanting to talk about Corroded Coffin?”
“There was a talent scout at the Hideout?”
“No.... my uh.. My ex.” 
The silence between the two of you was deafening. For a few seconds, the world went completely still, and silent. Eddie always hated silence. 
“Oh.” you said after a while, and Eddie could tell you were trying to process what he had just said. “So your ex wants to talk to you about your band?”
Your voice sounded neutral, almost too casual, and Eddie hated that too. “She- Paige- she was the one to give Corroded Coffin a chance. She paid for the demo herself, sent it to her boss, and got the audition slot for me. But I fucked up, ended up locked up for a few hours, and everything fell apart.”
Eddie wished that he could see your face, would you look at him with sympathy? Disgust? Would you suddenly look at him like everyone else in town? 
“That sounds like a lot.” You said. 
“Not gonna ask me what I was in for?” 
“Do you want to tell me?”
“...Not yet.”
“Are you on some sort of list?”
“Did you kill someone?” 
“I don’t think I’d be let out if I did.”
“Good point. Alright. Then I’ll trust you that you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”
Trust. You trusted him. When was the last time he had anyones trust?
“Paige wants to give Corroded Coffin another chance.” Eddie said. “She wants me to meet up with her to give me details. I don’t know what she’s planning on offering but-”
“She bailed you out of jail and is offering you something you always wanted?” You asked, and he could hear something in your voice that sounded almost like defeat. “You should go. It’s clear that the two of you have a history that you two need to work though. And if she’s offering you and Corroded Coffin a chance, you have to take it, right?”
The way you said ‘right’ made him wonder if you were asking something more than just his current situation. 
Why was it that every time you two started to find your footing together, things slipped up? How could things constantly be so weird with you when this should have felt easy? What force in the universe out there kept dangling good things in front of Eddie just to take them away as a cruel joke? 
“Right.” Eddie said, sounding just about as sure as he felt about this. He didn’t even know what this was. 
“Look, I don’t know what happened between you two, but it sounds like it’s complicated and you two need to talk about it.” you said. “Just let me know what’s going on after, okay?” 
Eddie knew what you really meant. Let me know if this is going anywhere or if you’re going to get back with your ex.
That was a thought he didn’t even want to entertain. It already seemed to be impossible that Paige wanted to talk to him again, let alone date again. 
“I will.” He would. “I’ll let you know when we’re meeting up and what she says.” 
“I have my audition next Saturday.” you added. “And Robin and Steve and I are going to have a movie night later this week to hang out. But, I’ll still be at the Hideout if you all are still playing and not signed by then.”
You were joking with him, and he took that as a sign that maybe he didn’t completely fuck up.
“We’ll be there.” Eddie said. “I guess I’ll see you Tuesday then.”
“See you Tuesday, Eddie.” 
With the phone hook back on the receiver, Eddie took a deep breath. 
Just when things are starting to get good, huh?
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Dividers By: @strangergraphics
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 10 months
Lovers & Friends (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Keigo Takami x Black!Fem!Reader (Friends to Lovers)
Synopsis: In which you and Keigo have begun to realize the strange new feelings you both have for each other after one drunken night at a close friend’s wedding that ends with you in his bed, but because of your longtime friendship and committed relationships with other people, you’re more than happy to forget that night even happened and keep your mutual feelings in the dark…for now, at least. 
Story Warnings: Smutty smut; 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY); Cheating/Infidelity; Mating; Light Degradation; Spanking; Exhibitionism; Multiple Positions; Creampie; Unprotected PIV Sex; Facial; Scent Play; Marking; Spitting; Deepthroating; Cunnilingus; Begging; Edgeplay; Power Play; Wing-Stroking; Daddy Kink; Some Angst; Hurt/Comfort; Mild Violence
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: Got another smutty ass story for y'all! And it's with my baby daddy Hawks!! I had this idea in storage for a while. Idk how long it'll be, but I'll try to finish it before the holidays start coming since shit is gonna get BUSY. Thank you always for the love & views! -Jazz
Chapters: Soundtrack. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Bonus Chapter.
Read on AO3 here!
Chapter One: The Dry Spell. 
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“God, yes, Y/N!” Rei shouts from above you, his hips grinding against yours as he pistons in and out of you. 
The bedsprings to your bed creak in time with his movements which are relentless as he approaches his orgasm. “You feel so good!” he moans, eyes closed and a smile on his face. “Are you feelin’ it too?” 
You stare at him from underneath his body, barely making a peep. “Yeah,” you mumble. “I’m definitely feelin’ something.” Instead of looking at how much ecstasy your boyfriend is in above you from the completely dry and unsatisfying sex, you look off to the window where the warm summer night air blows in. 
You wonder briefly what other people are doing on a nice night such as this one. Hopefully something better than this: lying underneath a man and pretending to like how his fingers are rubbing your clit too hard.
Not that he notices. He doesn’t notice much when he’s close to nutting. You instantly feel horrible for thinking this way about your man, but shit, after a year of dating, you’d think the guy would know how to please his woman. You guess not since the sex hasn’t gotten any better since you two did had it the first time. 
All you can do is grasp his shoulders and let him do his thing. When he proceeds to rut into you like he’s trying to hit a home run, you know he’s close. He usually only uses about 10% of his quirk at this point into sex. At first, you were uncomfortable with the amount of speed he was using so he cut back, but now you’re used to it. 
“Fuck!” he shouts, his dark coils of hair bouncing around his head as his hips snap into yours again and again. He grips your hips roughly, meaning you’ll definitely have bruises on your hips tomorrow. He goes so fast that you hit your head against the headboard repeatedly, but you don’t say anything. You don’t want to ruin his fun. It’s bad enough you’re not enjoying yourself even the least bit. You don’t even have the urge to reach down and rub your clit to cum with him. 
But you do care about the guy and you don’t want to hurt his feelings, so this is usually the point where you fake your orgasm. Getting into character, you grip his shoulders and wrap your legs around him, pulling him in deeper. “Yeah, baby,” you gasp into his ear. “Cum with me, please! Make me cum! Yes, yes, just like that!” 
A string of fake moans and whines you remember hearing in your favorite porn videos leaves your lips as Rei fucks you until the point of no return. The moans that leave his lips are shrill and loud. You sigh, knowing you’ll have issues with your neighbors again over noise complaints. When he finally cums, it is just as uneventful and anti-climatic as a bad action movie. His muscles clench and his body seizes, his mouth open in a silent O of pure ecstasy. When Rei cums, he always sounds like he’s having the biggest yawn of his life. 
You just continue to play your part, acting like you’re cumming with him. However, your mind is somewhere else entirely. Though his handsome face and sweat-soaked body are nice to look at, you feel nothing even remotely close to arousal that urges you to cum. You feel nothing. And you hate that. 
Finally, after giving you some more sloppy thrusts of his hips, Rei looks down at you and smiles, bliss on his face. “That was amazing,” he sighs. “You’re amazing.” You manage to smile as he lovingly strokes your face. “You’re so pretty when you cum,” he coos before leaning down to kiss your lips. 
Now, Rei is a great kisser–he has these full, pink lips that he knows how to work against yours. You wish you could cum just by his makeout sessions. But this is about the only thing he’s really good at when it comes to physical intimacy, especially in the bedroom. It isn’t that he doesn’t care about your pleasure too, but he isn’t attentive. He doesn’t quite know or understand your body. 
Or maybe you just don’t know yours. That may be another reason why you’re not feeling sexy time with your boyfriend. 
You look away towards the window as your boyfriend rolls off of you, satisfied with the unfulfilling sex you two just had. You don’t tell him you didn’t cum. You just let him feel proud of himself, not wanting to argue or hurt him. But the simmering frustration inside of you doesn’t let up. 
Rei reaches for you for a snuggle like you usually do after sex, but you’re not in the mood to pretend tonight. “Um!” you squeak, suddenly sitting up straight. Rei stares at you, confused. “I-I’m gonna go pee,” you tell him, giving him a reassuring smile. “I’ll be right back.” 
Rei, in all of his beauty, with his tan skin, toned body, and that cute little mole on his chin, smiles at you. “Hurry back,” he coos, sitting up against the headboard of your bed. You smile and slip out of bed, quickly grabbing your robe from the floor that Rei ripped off of you beforehand. 
You slip into your private bedroom and close the door, locking it for good measure. Then you sit on the edge of your bathtub and put your head in your hands. Your body yearns for release and your pussy aches in desperation. You’d run the sink water and masturbate if you didn’t know you’d feel guilty for it later.
You groan, running your hands through your hair. “Why are you like this?” you ask yourself. 
You wish you had the answer. The unfulfilling sex is nothing new–it’s been happening for months now. You don’t know when you realized how much you despised having sex with Rei, but it never let up or resolved itself. 
For one, the sex is boring. While Rei loves his missionary and doggy style but he doesn’t mind switching things up when you ask. You want to 69? He does it. You want to be on top? He lets you with no problem. 
But kink has never been Rei’s thing in the bedroom. There was one time you and Rei tried handcuffs one night, but he had lost the key, so you never ventured down the road to kinkiness ever again. But with every new, adventurous thing you tried in the bedroom, nothing worked. While it’s totally fine for kinky sex to not be someone’s thing, there are times when you want more from Rei. You want some excitement! Some razzle dazzle! Something to have you coming back for more!
Secondly, Rei isn’t as attentive or in tune with your body as you want him to be. Though you’ve tried to teach him, he’s always pinching your nipples just a little too hard or wiggling his tongue a little too fast when he goes down. You often just let him do what he wants now without speaking up because of how hard he’s been going with work. 
And then there’s a third reason: you simply don’t feel that connection with Rei during sex, which is odd because he’s such an attractive and amazing guy! He’s a gentleman; kind and intelligent; sweet and funny. Not to mention he’s an amazing pro hero, ranked at no. 9. He goes by the name “Tempo” to match his speed quirk. He can control and utilize his quirk extremely well during missions. You’ve seen him in action many, many times since you’ve worked together over the years. 
You found yourself working alongside him at your first agency (which you’re still at now) shortly after graduating UA when you were just eighteen. Word around the office was that he was crushing on you, but you never had a chance to investigate because he was transferred to a new agency that paid him a lot more four years later.
Time passed and at the age of twenty-six, you found yourself crossing his path again a year ago during a mission that involved a bank robbery and a villain with a gas quirk. You knew Rei the moment you saw him once you got a look at his hero’s fit and those coils of black hair that reached his shoulders. After an arrest and a job well done, Rei had asked you out for coffee and that was all she wrote. 
Now here you are, about to rip your hair out over a possible future of doomed sex and no orgasms. This is truly a tragic tale for you both. After a few more minutes of moping and regretting your life choices, you splash some cold water on your face from the sink and walk back into your bedroom to find Rei getting dressed. “What’s up?” you ask as he pulls on his briefs and then his jeans. 
“Villain attack,” he sighs, his tall, broad frame silhouetted in the moonlight as he buttons his pants. “Fucker decided to terrorize downtown by setting fire to some buildings. Apparently, he has a Pyro quirk. It’s not nothin’ too bad, but my boss wants me posted with a couple of other heroes I’ve worked with before.” He turns to you, looking apologetic. “I’m sorry, honey. I wanted to stay tonight, especially since Rumi isn’t here, so we could spend more time together.” 
You feel a twinge of guilt in your gut. Here you are, neglecting him and acting distant, and he’s so concerned about spending more time with you because of your work. You feel like the worst girlfriend and person in the world.
You go to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “It’s fine. The work of a pro is never done, ya know.” You peck him on the lips, nuzzling your nose with his. “Go, and be careful. I don’t need to see you on the news tomorrow all bruised up.” 
Rei scoffs, rolling his pine-tree green eyes at you. “Please. Like that’d be possible with my speed.” You stand back and watch him put his shirt and shoes on before he presses another kiss to your lips, holding onto your waist. “I love you,” he whispers against your lips. 
“I love you too,” you reply, which is definitely something you say to someone who loves you. At least that’s what you tell yourself. But even as the words leave your lips, you don’t feel like you truly mean them–yet another reason you’re a horrible girlfriend and person. You’re lying right through your teeth. 
Rei smiles adoringly at you before he leaves your bedroom and minutes later, exits your apartment. As soon as he’s gone and you hear his car pull out of your driveway, you sit down on the edge of your bed and run your hands over your face, trying to fight back the tears threatening to push through and make your night even worse. 
“Fuck, I thought he’d never leave.” 
A very familiar (and sexy, according to some people) voice coming from your window makes you jump right out of your skin and nearly use your quirk to fend off the “threat” you believe they are. However, when a familiar mess of unruly blonde locks and goggles peers around the corner to look into your bedroom, you sigh in relief and irritation. “Keigo!” you scold him as he sneaks through your bedroom window, decked out in his hero’s gear too. 
He gives you his signature dazzling, white-toothed grin as he climbs through your window that even the burn scare that stretched from his jawline down to his neck can distract you from. “What’s poppin’, b?” he asks, using that greeting only he and Dabi use to make you and Rumi cringe. 
“You can’t just sneak up on me like that or come to my bedroom window, especially when Rei is here,” you criticize. “How many times do I have to tell you this shit?” 
Keigo huffs, now standing in your bedroom in the late hours of the night, which is a normal occurrence for the pro hero no. 2 aka Hawks. He’s been crawling through your bedroom window for late-night adventures since middle school when it was just you and him. Rumi aka Mirko, the Rabbit Hero, came later while you attended UA.
Not much has changed since then, except now, instead of your childhood home, Keigo crawls through the window of the condo across the city that you share with Rumi. 
“Oh, relaaax, baby bird,” he chides you. “After the last time I showed up and got a flash of your man’s dick, I learned my lesson. Plus, you act like I’ve never seen you naked before.” He raises an eyebrow at you. “Remember that time in middle school I snuck into the girls’ locker room?” 
You laugh at the memory, remembering the big ass knot he walked around with for days after that you gave him. “Yeah, and I believe that’s when we first met. Shit, that was a long time ago. Weren’t we in fifth grade?” 
“Sixth,” he corrects you, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “But we can reminisce more over our decades-long friendship over some wings, shots, and karaoke at Hoshi’s now that I’m off the clock.” 
You sigh, already exhausted from the idea of going out tonight. Especially with Keigo. The man is like a damn kid with candy once he’s got some alcohol in him. “As much as I’d love to hear your drunk ass attempt at singing,” you sarcastically say, “I’m not really in the mood for all that, Kei.” 
By the look Keigo gives you, with his head tilted to the side like a puppy, he can tell this has to do with Rei. He doesn’t even have to ask, which you also hate. The guy can read you like an open book, but you’d expect nothing less from someone you’ve been friends with for years now. 
Instead of saying anything, he just takes his wallet out of his back pocket and flashes it to you, an eyebrow raised: ‘I’m paying.’ You groan, not being able to turn down free wings, booze, and endless karaoke. “Alright, fine,” you sigh, defeated. “Get out so I can change and don’t wake Rumi.” 
Keigo flashes you a prideful grin at his success. “I never wake cottontail,” he scoffs before turning to the window and climbing back out, laughing into the night as he does. 
You sigh and walk to your bedroom closet, readying yourself for a night of total chaos. 
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siriannatan · 8 months
More Than Just Plus One 3/3
I really need to stop worrying about my chapters being similar in length. It holds me back.
The start of the party was not too bad. Scott stood by, a tall flute of pale champagne in hand as fWhip greeted some acquaintances. Mostly people Scott had no idea who they were supposed to be. fWhip mentioned something about them being important. They had a short chat with Sausage and Gem. 
"Wow. Still around, good job keeping fWhip interested," Sausage suspiciously laughed, patting Scott's shoulder. To fWhip's annoyance. Scott would ignore it, take it as a friendly banter. If not for Gem giving him a weird, borderline shocked look. She did regain her composure quickly and Scott'd probably miss it if he wasn't always looking out for what people think about him. Thanks, Mom... 
But something was going on. 
At least Pix seemed to be normal as he gave them a short introduction to what they were celebrating. Opening of the new wing of the gallery together with an exhibition of his newest collection of paintings. At least partially naked Sausage was a feature of many of said paintings. Scott could appreciate a handsome man but he liked fWhip more. He was handsome and not afraid to be a bit rough.
Scott was subtly looking around for Jimmy. He was somewhat familiar with him. Dad did try to set them up a couple of times. They... didn't work out. Obviously. "I think I see Jimmy and his engineer," Scott hummed, leaning against fWhip as seductively as he could without being crass. They were spotted back. And Tango wanted to talk. How fun.
"Hello," Tango grinned. Wide. Almost annoyingly nice. As much as Scott wanted to dislike him - for personal reasons that didn't really matter but still - he absolutely could not. 
"Hi fWhip, hi Scott," Jimmy grumbled through his teeth. He really didn't want to talk to them. "I'm shocked to see you two together."
"What's wrong with bringing a friend along?" fWhip hummed, arm around Scott's waist pulling him slightly closer. Scott didn't like the sound of it but he just smiled smugly, leaning into fWhip. And hummed affirmatively. 
"Oh, it's great. I'm happy to see some familiar faces among this stuffed-up crowd," Tango laughed. Oblivious to his partner's discomfort.
fWhip hummed eyeing Jimmy. Tango ignored it and chatted about art. Scott was starting to feel awkwardness and stares. It was getting bad. "I think Pix and Sausage are looking for us, sorry we have to go," he interjected the awkwardness. 
That seemed to get fWhip out of his hate-fueled staring match with Jimmy. "Thanks, Scott," fWhip sighed once they were sufficiently away."
"No problem, Jimmy likes being difficult," Scott shrugged. "You think Pix would be angry if we left at this point? Jimmy ruined the mood," he hummed, just then realising one of his hands found fWhip's hair was playing with it. fWhip had really nice and soft and fluffy hair.
After another glance at Jimmy, now much happier that he was away from fWhip, fWhip decided Pix would not mind. They spend a couple of hours at the gallery. It should be long enough no matter what. And there was less media since they didn't expect anyone to leave so early. Meaning they managed to leave relatively unnoticed or bothered.
"Much better," fWhip sighed once out of his blazer and tie. "Though you make it look really good."
"Could say the same back," Scott grinned back. "I..." should you say it. "I think this faking isn't working out, as in..."
"As in we like each other too much and can't pretend to fake it?" fWhip offered, pulling Scott close. 
Scott nodded leaning in for a kiss. "What do you propose we do about it?"
"Well," fWhip hummed, his hands lower and lower on Scott's ass. "We could change and go clubbing, celebrate annoying Jimmy, or go right to bed. Have some arguably better fun? Have a cute breakfast in bed after?"
Pretty obviously they went with the second option. Many fewer steps to the same ending.
Scott woke up immeasurably happy with himself. To an angry text from his mother. She thought he'd be over fWhip by now. 'He's a keeper,' he texted before turning it off. 
fWhip wasn't in bed anymore. But Scott wasn't worried. He did recall something about breakfast in bed. Wouldn't be the first time he was treated to one, in this specific bed. He did pretty much live with fWhip this past week.
"How are we feeling?" fWhip asked, walking in with a big tray full of their breakfast.
Scott hummed, rolling his shoulders. There was only a slightly concerning ache in his spine. "Pretty good. A handsome guy who just happens to be my actual, real boyfriend, just brought me breakfast to bed," Scott grinned, shifting slightly to make space for fWhip and the tray. "Mom's pissed we're still together, might have let her know it can be like this for longer, much longer."
"Good, because I ain't planning on letting you go," fWhip nodded, sealing it with a kiss. Soft and sweet one.
"Any idea why Sausage and Gem were weird? Last night," Scott asked as they enjoyed their French toast. 
fWhip was silent for a second. "Because they have no trust in my ability to keep a man interested," he shrugged, failing to pretend it didn't bother him.
With an unamused snort, Scott shook his head. "Well, someone made a mistake here, because I find you absolutely fascinating," Scott grinned and offered the last bite of his toast to fWhip. "Long morning in bad and late brunch date to show everyone what a cute couple we are?" he offered
fWhip nodded. But the plan failed. They stayed in bed most of the day. Ignoring the outside world completely.
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peakdeer · 2 years
Day 13 - Treasure
Jimmy turned and smiled, seeing Fwhip in his peripheral. Or rather, a blob of color that looked distinctly like Fwhip. His eyesight wasn’t that good, but he’d recognize Fwhip’s red color scheme anywhere. Fwhip looked a little different nowadays—his barely noticeable salmon features were made very prominent by a third ocean orb they found (although the change wasn’t as drastic as his and Lizzie’s had been). Jimmy loved to trace Fwhip’s pretty red and green scales, but unfortunately he didn’t have time for that today. Or, well, he did, but he’d invited Fwhip here for a date of a different kind.
“Fwhip! You finally arrived!” Jimmy turned to greet him with a grin, smiling in satisfaction at how much he dwarfed Fwhip. Who’s short now, salmon-boy?
“Of course! It’s just very hard to fly with a tail now. I have no idea how you do it. Actually, how the flippers does Lizzie do it? She’s ten feet tall!” Fwhip rambled, leaning in affectionately to rest his head on Jimmy’s chest.
“Without whining about it, salmon-boy,” Jimmy snarked, petting Fwhip’s head gently.
“Rude,” Fwhip grumbled, leaning back to look at Jimmy. “So, what’d you call me over here for?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to go scavenging with me!” Jimmy declared excitedly, already pulling Fwhip towards the bank of the swamp. ��I though that it could be something fun that we could do, especially since you can breathe underwater now!”
“Scavenging? Like, finding the remains of a carcass and eating it?” Fwhip inquired nervously, face gaining a rather green and concerned expression.
“NO, Fwhip, get your head out of the gutter! That is not what I meant!” Jimmy yelped indignantly, smacking Fwhip lightly on the shoulder.
“Sorry, Jim, the only other definition I know for scavenging is collecting old pieces of tech to use in future projects,” Fwhip pointed out, shaking his head affectionately.
“That’s the one I meant, silly! We’re collecting cool things from the riverbed! All sorts of awesome things get left in the waters, so Codfolk like to go scavenging to see what they can find!” Jimmy explained, still tugging Fwhip along. He stopped just shy of the water, turning to face Fwhip.
“Oh. Oh. Sorry, I just thought the first one fit better with Codlish culture… I’ll shut up now.” Jimmy could go on a rant about how misinterpreted Codlish culture was, but he supposed he’d let it rest this time. Only this time, though. “What constitutes as ‘cool things’?” Fwhip questioned.
“It’s anything you think is cool!” Jimmy chirped, wriggling impatiently and grabbing at Fwhip’s hand. “Doesn’t matter what it is!”
“Alright, alright, sounds fun. What made you invite me?” Fwhip questioned, smile slowly turning into a smirk. “Is it a date?” Fwhip teased, smug facade ruined by the faint blush that dusted his cheeks.
Jimmy stepped forward, pulling them into the water. “Of course it’s a date! What else would it be?”
The first find of the day came only a few minutes after they started. A gold coin shone from the muddy riverbed, visible even in the murky waters. It looked very old, and curiously enough, it had a sunflower on one side and the outline of a wing on the other. They speculated about what ancient culture it might have come from for about a minute using the siren-language that most merfolk used. (Which he’d had to teach Fwhip to use. That had been annoying. He wasn’t sure who’d raised Fwhip, but they must have been an idiot.) Fwhip glanced at Jimmy, almost as if asking for permission to pick up the coin. Jimmy made the decision for him, collecting the coin and depositing it in Fwhip’s webbed fingers. Fwhip looked adorably delighted about that, and Jimmy couldn’t help but chuckle at the look on his face.
The next two finds were a bit more on the junk side—at least, Fwhip’s finds were. Jimmy’s were a bit more sophisticated than that.
Jimmy was thrilled to notice the hidden pieces of pottery, the brown blending in with the muddy walls of the bank. He carefully pulled the piece out, noticing to his delight that there were several other pieces stuck in the mud. Some of them were colored blue, clearly made using a waterproof glaze, perhaps even in the bubble column kiln, which could be very expensive. He ran his thumb gently over the carvings, enthralled be the detail. Of all the things he could find in a river, he loved the pottery pieces the most. They said so much without saying anything at all, providing a testament to people long gone.
He blurbled excitedly, turning to get Fwhip’s attention. A few pokes to the shoulder did that, and he showed Fwhip the pottery pieces with a proud grin on his face. Fwhip looked curious, tilting his head slightly in a very adorable and distinctly un-fishlike way. He ran his finger over the markings on it before looking back up at Jimmy and making a small noise of affection. Jimmy beamed back at him, holding the pieces close to his chest before storing them away.
As if in response, Fwhip showed Jimmy what he’d been looking at—rather plain granite rocks, all of which had a bit of a quartz-like shine on them. Jimmy blinked for a few moments, glancing from ther rocks to Fwhip and back again. It wasn’t until Fwhip’s expression started to waver that he realized he might have made a mistake. He bumped his head into Fwhip’s shoulder, making a siren shriek to let Fwhip know he thought it was cool—even if he didn’t get it. Fwhip looked pleased, though, so Jimmy wasn’t going to tell him that.
Fwhip tucked the rocks into the little shulker box he’d brought, magically resistant to water and therefore perfect for their little expedition.
A glint on the floor of the riverbed caught Jimmy’s attention, and he swam closer to looks at it. It was a fishing lure, the classic white and red that was used for some reason Jimmy could not fathom—it didn’t look anything like food of any sort—lying alone and discarded. It actually looked quite old, the smooth terracotta worn and cracked in places, some of the paint chipped off and missing.
Jimmy felt a jolt of excitement when he picked up the fishing lure. It was small with a sharp hook, exactly the kind of vibe that Fwhip liked. It was serrated, so not as nice of an earring as he would have liked, but Fwhip had used weirder things as earrings. And even if he decided not to, it would still fit well on a little dagger or a thin spear.
Fwhip noticed that he’d found something soon enough, coming closer to try to peek at whatever it was that he was holding.
Jimmy laughed, bubbles arising to the surface from his mouth. Fwhip paused to watch them rise, giving Jimmy time to hide his little treasure and take off with the currents, leaving a very confused and spluttering Fwhip behind.
At the end of their little trip, they compiled all of their little treasures together—minus all of the gifts they had for each other (and the things they really wanted for themselves and were too stubborn to share). It was actually an impressive haul, with all sorts of pretty clay shards or prismarine or gold coins that they found buried in the riverbed along with the random junk they found and collected just for the sake of it.
All in all, it was absolutely worth it. Jimmy couldn’t stop a rumbling from arising in his chest, nudging his face against Fwhip’s neck. “We did well today, hmm?” Jimmy asked, or rather told, Fwhip as he rubbed his cheek fins against Fwhip’s gills.
“We did! Another win for team Lets-Stop-Killing-Fish-And-Try-To-Be-Friends-With-Everyone-And-Get-Along-Maybe-That-Would-Be-Pretty-Cool!” Fwhip agreed, running his webbed fingers through Jimmy’s hair. “I think I found better things though!”
“No way,” Jimmy argued instantly, his head shooting up. “I found better things! Who found all the pottery pieces?”
“Pottery pieces aren’t treasure,” Fwhip scoffed, rolling his eyes. “That’s old junk.”
Jimmy gasped in horror, smacking Fwhip with his tail. “That’s sacrilege! Pottery is a big deal in the Codlands! We make pottery for special occasions, such as a birth or a marriage or a funeral or for a ritual! You can’t—you can’t desecrate it like that!”
“Oh, shut it. You guys have about three hundred eggs and are constantly getting married to your thirty different partners. At that point, it’s not sacred at all,” Fwhip snorted.
“I- oh- you—” Jimmy had to take several deep breaths to calm himself. “That doesn’t make it any less sacred! Besides, it’s fifty eggs, at most—and nearly all of those eggs get eaten anyway, so Codfolk only end up with a few codlings.”
Fwhip looked horrified at that. “Eaten? You let your eggs get—I don’t know why I’m surprised. Normal fish do that. I just hadn’t expected—you Codfolk to—” He seemed almost flustered at the idea. It was hilarious, in all honesty, and very cute. Fwhip soon recovered though, shaking his head in annoyance. “Whatever. It still doesn’t count!”
Jimmy huffed in irritation, shutting Fwhip up with a webbed hand to the face. “If my pottery doesn’t count—which it absolutely should, by the way—then your random mica rocks don’t count either!”
Fwhip gasped dramatically, bringing a hand above his heart. “How could you? I thought we were partners Jimmy, I can’t believe you would—”
They devolved into further arguing, getting sillier and less serious until they were out of breath from laughing. It was all in good cheer, their fights, and always ended with cuddling. Was there anything better than that?
Jimmy didn’t think so.
Unless Fwhip would allow them to get more partners! Jimmy could think of some boyfriends he’d love to pick up. Fwhip would warm up to the idea eventually, he was sure. Fwhip was just very insecure—so of course he needed more partners to affirm his personality and his little inventions!
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vampyrsutton · 2 years
SakuAtsu~Anal Play
Atsumu desperately wants to hang out with the unfairly pretty wing spiker, but he won't let anyone get close. When he finally convinces the other to let him come over will a few drinks ruin it all?
Ao3 Tags:
Anal Play, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Kinktober, Kinktober 2021, Light Angst, Love Confessions, Getting Together, Miscommunication, Drinking, Alcohol, Drunken Confessions, Drunken Flirting, Miya Atsumu Needs a Hug, Miya Atsumu is a Tease, Miya Atsumu is a Mess, Sakusa Kiyoomi is Bad at Feelings, Post-Time Skip
"Omi-Omi~!" The dyed blonde grins from where he's boxing the spiker into his own locker. "Ya comin' with us tonight?" 
Sakusa blinks at the setter slowly before continuing to pack his bag to head home. "Joining the three loudest people on Earth at a germ-filled club surrounded by sweaty strangers? Pass." 
"But Omiiii! Come on! It'll be good for team bonding!" Atsumu pouts. 
"Hmm, I remember Hinata and Bokuto mentioning their significant others are in town so I highly doubt anyteam bonding will be accomplished." He zips his bag.
Atsumu's eyebrows shoot up in minor shock. "So ya do listen to us, huh Omi-Omi? Yer right though." His pout returns as he crosses his arms so Sakusa can stand. "I just didn't wanna be a fifth wheel." 
It's Sakusa's turn to raise an eyebrow now albeit an unimpressed one. "With how much you overshare about your hookups, I doubt you'd be fifth wheeling long. You're all going to a club. Literally just grab a drink, dance a bit, and I'm sure I'll be getting the hungover details in the morning whether I want them or not." 
An embarrassed flush dust Atsumu's cheeks but he just laughs. "I mean you're not wrong, but that's not the point. Listen, apparently an old friend of Hinata's has connections at this higher-end club and got us in for the night. That means private booth ya can hide at while still bondin' or whatever. Come on, Omi-Omiii!" 
'Why the hell does he want me to go so bad?' "No. Private booth or not, just based on the number of drunk texts you send me and that the lot of you send the group chat, you're probably clingy drunks, and I don't want your germs on me when I undoubtedly end up having to play babysitter." Sakusa glares as he closes his locker and makes his way to the locker room door. 
"But Omi!" Atsumu whines, scrambling to grab his stuff so he can follow after the germaphobe. "Oi! Slow down! Ugh! I'll play babysitter! Just please come with us?" 
Sakusa pauses long enough for black eyes to meet pouting gold as Atsumu attempts to manipulate him with puppy dog eyes. His eyes narrow. "...Why do you want me to go so bad? You're annoyance at having to stay sober enough to get everyone to their Ubers shows you'd have way more fun without me so why?" 
Pink graces the tips of the setter's ears as he mumbles something at the floor. 
The two moles on Omi's face rise with his brow. "What?" 
"...It's not important. Come on, Omi. We've been on the same team for months now and none of us know hardly anything about ya beyond yer hatred of germs and crowds and that ya have freakishly flexible wrists. ...As ya said the other two will probably be busy with their boyfriends... I thought maybe we could at least try gettin' to know each other?" 
Sakusa studies the setter for a moment before pinching the bridge of his nose with a groan. "I'm going to regret this. How about this? You want one on one time?" Atsumu nods enthusiastically. "I'm sure Akaashi is more than capable of being the group brain cell. I'll text you my address that way I can be in a space I know is clean, and you can sate your sudden curiosity. Sound acceptable?" 
Atsumu stares at the other in shock for a moment before breaking into a grin. "Should I bring anything?" 
Sakusa continues walking towards the exit. "I don't mind drinking in my own home, though, all I have is wine so I guess whatever you'll want. I planned to watch the last Adlers game so I'll just put that on while you ask your questions. Do you drive?" 
"Nah. Was just gonna take the train depending on how far ya live" Atsumu shrugs as he keeps pace. 
Sakusa's eyebrows furrow and Atsumu knows he's making a face. "You're taking a shower before you go anywhere near my couch, but at least I don't have to confiscate keys." He mutters, tapping at his phone as they leave the building. Atsumu's phone chimes a moment later. "I'll see you around seven then." 
The blonde reads over the address triumphantly, trying to figure out where it is. "Yeah, see ya then. And don't worry Omi-kun, I won't make ya regret it." He promises with one of his lazy smiles. 
Sakusa just waves him off as they part ways. "We'll see about that."
'Holy shit! Is Omi-kun loaded?!' Atsumu gapes at the upscale apartments that loom before him; complete with a number pad at the front door and what appears to be an underground parking garage. 
Loud "Blonde":[Im here How do I get in]
Omi-Omi:[I'll buzz you up.]
'Yep. Rich.' Atsumu mentally confirms as he approaches the door and rings the buzzer with the familiar kanji before another buzz informs him he can open the door. 
The blonde nods to the person sitting behind the desk with what looks like an expensive gaming laptop who grins and waves in response before returning their attention to the screen. He assumes this means he's fine to go up as he presses the elevator button before stepping in and pressing the button for Sakusa's floor. 
'At least it's not the top floor or somethin'. I'dhave to tease him then.' Atsumu chuckles to himself as he gets out on the third floor. 
The fact that there seem to be only four doors per floor though is not helping the matter as Atsumu walks to the last one on the left side and knocks.
Dark eyes scrutinize him from the other side of the entryway moments later. Whatever Omi is checking for, Atsumu apparently passes as the dark-haired man nods and steps aside. "You can use the white slippers. Bathroom is on the right...Welcome, I guess."
The setter gives one of his easy smirks as he slips past the spiker, careful not to touch him. "Thanks for lettin' me come over, Omi-omi." 
"You would've kept badgering me otherwise." Sakusa sighs as he closes the door behind the blonde. "Just go clean up. Do you want tea or anything, or do you plan to jump right to drinking?"
"Such a good host, Omi-omi." The blonde teases as he takes off his shoes and slips on the offered slippers. "But sure. Thanks, Omi-kun." 
Sakusa just shrugs as he makes his way to where Atsumu assumes the kitchen is. "Shower. Now." 
Atsumu doesn't bother teasing, not wanting to risk getting kicked out now that he's made it this far. "On it." He says instead, making his way to what he finds to be a rather impressive bathroom. 
The setter lets out a low whistle as he closes the door behind him and starts taking off his 'dirty' clothes before shoving them in the backpack he brought with him, taking out the fresh clothes before he does. He was not riskinganything right now. 
'Come on, Atsumu.' He thought to himself as he started to wash himself up. 'Ya've been crushin' on this guy since training camp in high school, and finally, have a chance to get to know him. Ya've got this. Don't fuck it up...not like last time.'
Atsumu shuddered as he remembered his stupid high school self who managed to make Sakusa laugh at training camp and short-circuited at the sound. He could've laughed it off, but nOooo. Upon Sakusa snapping him back to reality, all that left his mouth was a gasped, "Fuck me." 
Sakusa had just blinked at him in confusion and instead of turning it into a joke or the start of a compliment orsomething , Atsumu had flushed, panicked, and fled.
He didn't see the spiker again until he was introduced to the team, and Atsumu hopes he was right in assuming the other had forgotten about it by now. 
Atsumu shakes himself out of the past and continues trying to hype himself up as he rinses off. 'There's no way he remembers yer gay panic. This is yer chance to actually get to know him and maybe one day get somewhere.'
He dries off before getting into his clean clothes. 'Go time.' He nods to himself in the mirror.
As Atsumu exits the bathroom, he's met with the slight scent of tea he had been expecting, but also...is that stir-fry? 
"Omi-omi! Are ya cooking?" Atsumu asks, peeking over Sakusa's shoulder. 
"I hadn't had dinner yet so I thought I'd make something real quick. There should be enough for both if you want some otherwise I'll just have leftovers for tomorrow."  Sakusa answers without even glancing at the blonde. 
"It smells amazin'. I ate a bit since drinks were mentioned, but I definitely wanna try some if yer okay sharin’." Atsumu hums, thrilled that Omi's even offering. 
"Probably wouldn't have made this much if I wasn't. Figured I might as well be a halfway decent host." Sakusa shrugs, inclining his head to a cabinet behind him. "Mind getting the plates? ...If you don't make a mess, I guess we can eat while we watch the game." 
"Gotcha! I won't let a crumb escape!" The setter grins as he gets the plates and brings them over. 
"I'll hold you to that." Sakusa huffs, amusement crinkling his eyes. 
"Did Omi-kun just banter?" Atsumu smirks. 
Omi just shrugs as he loads his plate with food before walking around the setter to let him get his own. "I don't know how hungry you are so help yourself. I'll get the game set up." 
"Thanks, Omi-Omi!" The blonde grins before serving himself and grabbing the remaining cup to follow. 
The apartment was a mostly open floor plan so really all he had to do was walk around the counter to be in the living room, but he hovers by the couch for a moment, waiting for Sakusa to sit first so he doesn't accidentally take his spot. 
Sakusa apparently notices as he sighs. "I usually sit on the left so sit wherever else with that information." He brushes off with an overly flexible flick of his wrist, seemingly looking for new batteries for the remote.
"Thanks, Omi-kun." Atsumu smiles with a flush before sitting on the right, barely catching himself when he almost threw his feet up on the table out of habit. He doesn't and even manages to play it off as a dramatic flopping on the couch before he sets his cup on one of the coasters. "I would figure ya'd have yer entertainment and stuff all meticulously organized, Omi-kun?"
Sakusa tsks in annoyance. "I usually do but my sister visited the weekend,  and she loves fucking up my system in some small way every time. Guess this time it was my batteries." He scowls, checking another drawer.
Atsumu can't help laughing a little as he pictures a faceless woman laughing evilly as she hides the spiker's batteries or tilts frames or something. "Sounds like something Samu and I would do to each other. I didn't know ya had a sister though, Omi-omi?" 
The black-haired male shrugs. "It never really came up. Kimiko and I are close I guess in that she comes to annoy the shit out of me every month or so." Atsumu had apparently got him talking as he continues. "Mom will visit at least twice a year when she's not in Hong Kong with dad, but otherwise we're not that close. My brother is eight years older than my sister and ten years older than me so neither of us was ever close with him, and dad is the stereotypical cold or maybe a more awkwardly distant businessman. He makes sure we're comfortable though and doesn't discourage us from pursuing our dreams so long as we have a concrete plan and backup so I guess that's his way of showing he cares. Really?! She taped them to the back of the T.V.?!"
Atsumu blinks, stunned. "I think that's the most ya've ever said to me, Omi-Omi."
He watches a Sakusa's ears turn pink from where his back is still to the setter. "...You said you wanted to learn about me…?"
Atsumu grins. "I do, Omi! I just thought it'd take more work. Sounds like ya and yer sister are polar opposites." 
Sakusa seems to relax. "Well, every family has their nut. Mom swears Kimiko's the reason she has grey hairs, and I don't doubt it." He's smirking when he faces Atsumu again as he turns to sit on the couch. "After all, what normal person tapes batteries to the back of the T.V.?" 
Atsumu laughs at that. "An absolute madwoman. Sounds like you two get along pretty well though. What's she like?" He asks as Sakusa starts the recording of the last Adlers game. 
"Chaotic, loud, energetic, but also fierce and determined. Once she sets her mind on something it's as good as hers." Sakusa actually chuckles. "She has an entire culinary degree with a focus in pastry, but she couldn't decide if she wanted to do that or continue her cosplay career so she now owns a five-star restaurant known for their desserts and a wedding business because obviously, the  logical middle ground for knowledge of cake and sewing is weddings. She's still a famous cosplayer, too. No clue how she hasn't lost her mind." He glances at Atsumu with a smirk, making Atsumu finally realize he had taken off his mask. "You two would probably get along."
Atsumu couldn't help grinning at the relaxed Sakusa next to him, and the thought of maybe one day being introduced. 'Don't get ahead of yourself.' "She sounds amazing, Omi-kun."
Sakusa smiles slightly. "You'd have to be to pull that off. She made the family proud that's for sure."
"I bet! Ya mentioned yer mom, too. What about her?" Atsumu asks next since family seems to be a safe topic.
The conversation continues like this for a while as they trade questions and stories back and forth while they eat; Adler's game long forgotten. By the time drinks actually make an appearance you'd think they'd been friends before all this rather than just teammates. 
After a few drinks in Atsumu has started asking more truth or dare-type questions as he laughs through his sentences. At least Sakusa looks amused rather than annoyed.
"When- hahaha- When was- snort- When was your first kiss, Omi-Omi?" Atsumu laughs.
"No wonder you're always completely gone whenever you spam me. You're a complete lightweight, Miya." Sakusa smirks at the giggling blonde.
"Omiiii!" Atsumu whines. "Am not! And call me Atsumu! Not Miya!"
Sakusa chuckles, taking another sip of the mixer the blonde had brought with him and managed to talk him into trying. It's fruity, but he can't say he hates it. "You definitely are…'Tsumu." 
Atsumu freezes, staring at Sakusa in awe. 
The spiker cocks a brow. "What?" 
"Omi-Omi just gave me a nickname." The blonde gasps, face almost resembling Bokuto's when he's about to cry.
Sakusa rolls his eyes. "Dramatic. At least you didn't ask me to fuck you this time I guess." He shrugs, taking another drink.
Atsumu turns scarlet as he hides in the throw pillow that had found its way into his lap. "Oh my god, you remember that?!" 
The black-haired male hums into his drink before answering. "Yep. You do know you could've played it off as a joke right?"
Atsumu groans into his pillow shield. "I panicked! I had just managed to make the extremely talented, distant, and pretty spiker laugh at my shitty joke and he sounded like an angel! What was I supposed to do?!" 
Sakusa chokes a little. "You-... You think I'm pretty?" 
The spiker can almost swear there's steam coming out of the setter, but he still answers. "Yer gorgeous, Omi-kun...way out of my league." 
Sakusa is honestly shocked as he stares at the hiding blonde. "I- What? Mi-...'Tsumu, should I cut you off? You must be drunk if you think that." 
"It's true, Omi-kun." Atsumu looks up, pouting. "Yer so pretty. Yer hair is all effortlessly wavy and looks really soft. Yer skin is flawless, and yer little moles are adorable. Yer eyes are so pretty, and I can never make eye contact with ya 'cause I get trapped. Yer body is god tier like please crush me with yer thighs-why did I just say that-anyway, and yer so talented. Ya come off as scary at first, but yer beautiful inside and out. Yer laugh sounds like an angel, and ya know what?" Atsumu was sitting up proud now like he will fight Sakusa on this. "I stand by what I said! I could die happy if I ever so much as got to hug ya let alone if...that happened." 
Sakusa is almost as red as Atsumu now as he stares at the setter in shock. "I- all that spam...those weren't just drunk snaps? ...Is that why you only use Snapchat when you drink?" 
The blonde almost hides again, but nods. "I didn't want to get my hopes up that ya'd feel the same so I wanted to give us both an easy out. Easier to pretend it didn't happen if there's no evidence."
The spiker just stares at the other, blinking. 'That's actually pretty smart.' "I just thought you were a massive flirt. You talk about your escapades all the time in the locker room, I didn't think you were serious." 
Atsumu does hide again, mumbling something into the pillow. 
He huffs before peeking back up. "I looked up fanfiction and asked Sho and Bo-kun to go along with it. Only two were actually real, and they were the ones that didn't go any further than a quick handjob in the bathroom and the one girl that sucked me off under the table. Rest were stories." 
Atsumu shrugs. "I don't know honestly. I think a part of me was hoping ya'd get jealous, but otherwise, it was just locker room talk because yer not the only one with that image of me. " 
Sakusa stays quiet for a minute, processing what he's just heard. 
The minute is apparently too long as Atsumu moves to stand, swaying a little. "I've probably made ya uncomfortable. I'm sorry, Omi-Omi. Ya probably hate me now. I'll just go. "He checks his phone as he picks it up. "I can still catch the train. I'm really sorry again, Om- Sakusa. I'll see ya at practice. Ya can pretend this never happened if ya want. I'm sorry." Atsumu rambles as he grabs his jacket and bag and stumbles his way to the door, fighting on his shoes.
Sakusa blinks, flinching when Atsumu uses his real name instead of Omi. "'Tsumu, wait." 
"No, I'll just get out of yer hair. I'm sorry for annoying ya into hangin' out with me. Ya can keep the mixer." He rambles, giving up on getting the shoes on normally and just slipping into them before going out the door. "Bye!"
Sakusa finally gets his bearings as he stands up to go after him. "'Tsumu, wait! Hold on!" 
The door closes, and Sakusa curses as he looks around for a mask before grabbing the one off the counter and running out just in time to see the elevator doors close. 
"Dammit!" He growls, running back inside for his keys before dashing to the stairs, hoping he can beat the elevator. 
He makes it in time to see the front door closing, the frazzled person at the front desk trying to ask what's wrong. 
Sakusa doesn’t answer, patting down his pockets and realizing he forgot his phone upstairs. It was already 11:30 on a weekend. With the last train usually being around midnight, the bar crowd would be flooding the streets meaning Sakusa had no chance of finding the setter on foot. 
He rushes back upstairs to his phone and immediately calls the blonde. 
"Pick up, you idiot," Sakusa grumbles as the phone continues to ring, cursing when it goes to voicemail. 
He tries several more times to the same result, before sending off a couple of texts. 
'Who can I call? The rest of the team is at the bar, so will be useless.' He thinks, completely forgetting only Hinata and Bokuto had been mentioned. 'I don’t have his brother's number, and the shop would be closed so not like I can call that...Isn't that Suna guy always online?" 
The spiker quickly switches to Instagram and finds the most recent post is from 3 minutes ago. "Perfect."
sakusa.kiyoomi: [Hello. This is one of Miya Atsumu's teammates. He just ran out of my building after admitting some things, but we've been drinking. You're dating his brother, right? Can you ask him to check on him? I don't have his brother's number and Miya won't answer his phone.]
Seen 11:41
sunarin: [typing ]
sunarin: [did he finally confess? do we finally get to stop hearin about how amazin "omi-omi" is?]
sakusa.kiyoomi: [...He talks about me?]
sunarin: [*sigh* another pining idiot. ya really need to private yer accounts because yeah he never shuts up. we're headin to atsumus place rn btw. samu wants to talk to ya.]
sunarin: [Ya better not have hurt him or we're gonna test just how flexible those wrists r when I break yer damn arm!]
sakusa.kiyoomi: [He ran out before I could respond. He's stuck with me at practice so I'll talk to him then. Can you please just let me know he made it back okay and is safe? I may come off as an ass, but he's still my setter.]
sunarin: [Yeah yeah, we're in his house now we'll let ya know when he gets here. Suna's usin' my phone to talk to him rn so he's alive and made it on the train] 
sakusa.kiyoomi: [Thank you.]
Sakusa goes about cleaning up while he waits for one of them to text again. Sakusa had honestly thought Atsumu was just a fuck boy and a flirt, but he was just as much of a mess as Sakusa. 
He manages to get everything cleaned up including vacuuming and putting dishes away when his phone finally buzzes again.
sunarin: [he's back. samu is gettin him water and to bed. he won't stop whinin and blubberin about how "omi-omi" probably hates him now so ya should probably figure out what ya plan to say before next practice. also samu's number]
sunarin shared a contact
sakusa.kiyoomi: [Thank you. I'll be ready when I see him next. Good night]
sunarin: [np]
Sakusa sighs in relief as he saves the younger twin's contact, and gets ready for bed. He has some thinking to do. 
They're on the same fucking team! How can the blonde manage to go an entire practice without so much as speaking to him? He had appeared out of nowhere at the last damn minute at the start, avoided him completely during stretching, not spoken at all during actual practice, then up and vanished before Sakusa could so much as spot him after the coach let them go. Even his gym bag had vanished by the time the spiker made it to the locker room. 
"What the fuck?!" Sakusa curses into his locker as he gets ready, already throwing his bag over his shoulder. 'Should I harass his brother for his address?' 
"Hey, Sakusa!" Hinata grins, suddenly appearing next to him. "I know you'll probably say no, but 'Tsumu seemed really out of it at practice so Bokuto and I were going to stop by and try to cheer him up. Do you wanna come?" 
Sakusa looks up at the ceiling for a moment. 'So you do listen, huh?' "Sure."
"Oh, come on! Please? I know you- wait what?!" Hinata gapes at the spiker.
The taller man just shrugs. "I said sure. Where does he live? We can take my car."
Hinata stares at him like he grew another head. "Uhhh, he's actually in walking distance, but I guess you probably don't want to deal with crowds. Wait, you're letting us in your car, too?!" 
Sakusa raises a brow at the orange-haired man. 'Any other day you couldn't pay me enough, but I need to talk to the dumbass.' "Yes? Are we going or not? I don't have his address." 
Hinata just blinks before nodding slowly. "Yeah, uh, let me grab Bokuto." 
Sakusa almost smirks when Hinata about jumps out of his skin from Bokuto suddenly appearing behind him and clapping him on the back. "No need! So did you manage to convince him or are we seeing TsumTsum solo?" 
"Not only that but we even get to ride in his car!" Hinata grins like he actually did any convincing. 
Large, owl-like eyes turn to him in shock before Bokuto releases his own grin. Sakusa almost worries he might go blind. "Really, Omi?! That's awesome! I promise not to make a mess!"
"If you manage to make a mess in the short distance Hinata claims it is, I would be shocked, but would also be calling your boyfriend on you so I don't strangle you." Sakusa deadpans as he closes his locker.
Bokuto's hair deflates as he whines. "Omiiii! Please don't call Akasi! I'll be good! I'm sorry!" 
The spiker's eyes widen as he realizes he triggered Bokuto's Emo-Mode. "Fine, I won't! Just put that away! I don't want snot in my car. Now come on." 
Sakusa makes his way to the door as both teammates scramble to get their bags and follow. They've caught up by the time he makes it outside, and follow him to his rather expensive-looking sports car with wide eyes. 
"That's so cool!" Hinata grins, running around the car in awe. 
"Just get in and tell me where to go. Whoever can give directions better can have shotgun, just don't unnecessarily touch things." Sakusa sighs, slipping into the driver's seat. 
"Right!" Both men salute before Hinata uses his superior speed to jump in the passenger's seat. Both ignore the now pouting Bokuto. 
"Alright! Go left after you leave the parking lot." Hinata instructs.
Hinata's not wrong that they could have walked, but seeing all the people out makes Sakusa glad they didn't as they pull into the parking lot minutes later and he sees a child wiping their nose on their arm. "Disgusting." 
"What was that?" Hinata asks, already out of the car. 
"Nothing." Sakusa sighs, grabbing his hand sanitizer before getting out as well. "Lead the way." 
The short orangette is more than happy to as he leads the way up the outdoor stairs and makes his way to the third floor. 
When Hinata knocks on the door they hear a faint "Coming!" before the door opens to a grinning Atsumu. Upon seeing Sakusa, however, panic covers his face and he slams the door.
'Great.' Sakusa sighs as a confused Hinata begins pounding on the door and causing a ruckus.
"'Tsumu! Open up! We came to cheer you up you ass so let us in! Come on! Even Sakusa came!" The orangette yells through the wood.
"Nope! Sorry! I gotta, uhhh, water my fish! Try again later!" Is the failure of a response they get in return. 
"What does that even mean?!" Hinata yells as Sakusa sighs again.
"Let me try. Can you two wait by the car? I'll call you up when it's sorted." Sakusa orders rather than actually ask.
The more energetic of the three look at each other in confusion before looking at Sakusa uneasily. 
"Don't kill him, please?" Hinata finally speaks.
Sakusa raises a confused eyebrow, but nods. "Didn't plan to?" 
"Then see you in a bit." Hinata nods in return before grinning and pulling Bokuto along. "Come on, I'm pretty sure there's an ice cream place near here!" 
Sakusa waits until the two are out of sight before sighing for the millionth time since the incident and turning to the door, knocking firmly.
There's silence on the other side before the door cracks open and gold eyes peek out. This time Sakusa has his foot ready in the gap before it can close again. "You have a bad habit of not letting people talk don't you, 'Tsumu?"
Sakusa can see the blonde melt a little at the nickname before he shakes his head and pouts. "I told ya to forget it, Om-Sakusa. I don't need to hear yer rejection. We have practice tomorrow still, and I've re-lived my teenage angst quite enough thank you so if ya could just move yer foot tha-"
"First, stop calling me that. I have never hated hearing my own name so much. Second, who the hell said I was going to reject you?" The spiker glares, forcing a bit more of his leg into the setter's apartment. 
Atsumu blinks in apparent confusion. "I thought you hated that name? And why wouldn't ya?"
"What kind of? Whywould I?" Sakusa rolls his eyes at both questions, cutting Atsumu off when the blonde looks like he might actually answer that. "Shut up. If you had let me finish my own gay panic the other day, I would have admitted that I also find you attractive and wouldn't say no to a date. I haven’t known you long enough to properly like you back, but I did enjoy spending time with you…" Sakusa flushed. "And I think you're pretty, too."
Atsumu had definitely short-circuited again as he stares at the spiker, face a similar color to a Nekoma jersey. "I-...I-...What?"
Sakusa rolls his eyes, but there's a smile behind his mask. "Go on a date with me 'Tsumu." 
Suddenly the door is thrown open and Sakusa would have stumbled forward if he didn't almost fall back due to the sudden armful of happy setter. 
Atsumu jumps away almost immediately, seemingly remembering who it was he was suddenly touching. "Oh my god, Omi-kun! I'm so sorry! I just got really exci-" 
Sakusa holds up a hand, effectively cutting the setter off as he processes. He still felt some unease at suddenly being touched, but it wasn't the normal revulsion and panic, it was more of just discomfort that Sakusa couldn't quite place the source of. "...I don't have the urge to throw you over the railing and scrub my skin raw so I think we're okay, but maybe just a fist bump or a high five for now?" Sakusa explains, offering his hand before flushing slightly. "...and also is that a yes to the date?" 
Atsumu's nervous expression turns to a beaming grin as he bumps the offered hand. "Yes! Absolutely yes!"
Sakusa sighs in relief this time before nodding. "Good. Now the two idiots are down by my car waiting to see you so we should probably deal with that. We'll discuss details later?" 
Atsumu beams at him, nodding. "Okay, Omi-Omi." 
~~~ Several Months Later ~~~
"'Tsumu! I swear to whatever god got me to your house that day, just because I've adjusted enough to make out with and grope you on the couch without drowning in the shower, doesn't mean you can leave your dirty fucking underwear on my bathroom fl-!" 
Sakusa chokes on his tongue and the rest of his rage as he enters his room to find avery naked Atsumu standing in front of the drawer he's taken, bending down with his towel at his feet. His hair and body are still damp and Sakusa wets his lips at the thought of following the droplet rolling down the blonde's neck. 
"'Tsumu?" His voice doesnot crack.
"Yeah, Omi-babe?" Atsumu smiles innocently over his shoulder, not moving from his position. 
"What are you doing?" 
"Looking for some clothes." He answers as though he did not just wiggle his butt teasingly.
'Minx.' "And you had to drop your towel for that because…?"
'Tsumu shrugs, stretching his back muscles delightfully. "It fell." 
"Mhm. Sure. Well, I'm going to either need consent to fuck you on that towel or I'm going to need it to go freeze myself in the shower." Sakusa hums, leaning against the door frame casually. 
Despite the first option obviously being his intention, Atsumu still flushes before perking his ass up anyway. "Would really prefer the bed?" 
"That can be arranged," Sakusa smirks, coming over and delighting in the squeak he gets from lifting Atsumu up and dumping him in the requested location. 
Atsumu scrambles into a more comfortable position as he watches Sakusa slowly undo the buttons on his shirt. He shivers at the hunger in the darker eyes and reaches forward to help with Omi's pants. 
He whines when his hand gets shooed away and a chuckle leaves Sakusa's mouth. 
"Nope. You were being a tease so now you get a taste of your own medicine." Sakusa smirks.
"But Omiiii!" The blonde whines.
Sakusa smiles fondly at the blonde's pout. "Fine. How about you crawl up to the nightstand and find the lube and condoms, okay?" 
Atsumu nods, happy to be given something to do instead of just watch and not be able to touch...though maybe under different circumstances-no. One step at a time and right now that was trying to get Omi inside him. 
He finds both items easily enough and when he turns around, he almost moans from the sight alone. Down at the end of the bed, Sakusa is watching him with a cocky smirk, his chest and arms exposed. Atsumu silently thanked whatever force allowed Omi to be that perfectly sculpted as his eyes followed the line in his abs right to his happy trail that disappeared into his boxers. How did he get his pants off that quick?
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Sakusa jokes.
"Can I?" Atsumu asks before he can think about it.
Sakusa's eyebrows shoot up. "I don't even have my briefs off yet...and maybe some other time." 
It was time for Atsumu's eyebrows to shoot up now at the prospect of Sakusa actually letting him take a picture sometime before he looked to the ceiling and acted as though he was thanking a higher power. 
"Dramatic as always. Get your ass down here." Sakusa laughs, curls bouncing as he shakes his head. 
The spiker catches Tsumu's chin once he's close enough to kiss him deeply. "Guess high school you finally gets to have his wish fulfilled." 
Atsumu blushes, hiding his face in Sakusa's chest. "Omiiii!" He whines. "...he'd probably faint, to be honest." 
"Glad it took a while then. That might've killed the mood a bit." Sakusa hums, before pushing lightly at Atsumu's shoulder to ease him onto his back. "Now lay back, 'Tsumu." 
Atsumu obeys easily, handing over the lube and condoms when prompted before his mouth is being devoured again. 
The blonde moans into the kiss as Sakusa nips at his lower lip before trailing kisses down to his neck. He gasps when he feels a bite at his neck before Sakusa's making a mark that the setter will definitely be teased for in the locker room. "Omiii~" He moans.
Sakusa smirks against the other's neck, kissing the new mark before making another underneath it. 
"Ah! Omi! Ya know, for someOne so non-touch, ya certainly like shoOowing yer toucheverywhEre ." Atsumu tries to tease between sounds. 
"My sister literally stole my damn mug last month!" Sakusa huffs, marking his way down to Atsumu's collarbone. "Learned to mark what's mine." He punctuates his statement with a dark mark right between the blonde's collarbones making a pretty collar of his own. 
Atsumu flushes clear down to the new mark. "We found the mug in with yer towels." He squeaks.
"And I found you not in yours." The spiker smirks, moving down more. "Mine." He punctuates this one with a hard suck to the setter's left nipple, making the blonde try to arch off the bed and grab at black locks.
"Omiiii~! Ah! N-no! It's sEnsitive!" Atsumu moans, not knowing himself if he's trying to push the other off or pull him closer. 
"Yup." He pops the 'p' as a hand starts playing with the other nipple and creating more pretty sounds. 
Sakusa can feel the blonde's length hardening against his abs and hums at the sound Atsumu makes when he shifts enough to create friction.
"AhH! Don't move! Omiii~! Yer Abs! Ahh!" Atsumu squirms, subconsciously chasing the friction. 
Sakusa just smirks as he sits back to unwrap a condom and the setter whines at the loss of contact. "Shhh, 'Tsumu. Don't worry, I just need to get the condom and lube and you'll feel even better." Sakusa shushes as he leans forward to kiss the other's forehead before sitting back once more and slipping the condom on a finger, letting the lube warm in his palm.
Soon enough, he's lubing the condom and teasing at the blonde's hole. He can't help the sadistic smirk that forms at watching him squirm. 
"Ooomiii~!" Atsumu whines, shooting puppy eyes at the spiker. "Come on! Please!" 
"Hmm, didn't think it'd be this easy to make you beg, 'Tsumu," Sakusa smirks, snickering at the moan that cuts off the setter's impending argument when he sinks his finger in. 
"Shit. Move, please, Omi?" Atsumu groans, trying to fuck himself on the spiker's finger.
Sakusa complied, but at his own pace, taking his sweet time to open the other up and watch him fall apart.
By the time he felt the blonde was ready, said blonde was a babbling mess, clutching the sheets as he begged Omi to fuck him already. 
"Omi! Pleaz! 'M ready! Yer cock! Please!" 
"Shh shh shh. I've got you, baby boy. Just let me get the condom on." Sakusa cooed as he pulled back, reveling in the whine that escapes the other at the loss.
"Hurryyy~" Atsumu groans, subconsciously rutting against nothing.
Sakusa, groans at the sight, snatching a tissue to wrap the used condom in until he can throw it away. He bats at Atsumu's hand when he tries to touch himself before slipping the other condom down his length.
Meanwhile, Atsumu whines at being denied his relief, pouting at the other. "Omi~!"
Sakusa leans forward to silence Atumu with a kiss, sliding in slowly and taking advantage of the blonde's moan to slip his tongue into the kiss. 
He enters slowly, groaning into the kiss himself until he bottoms out. "Fuck, 'Tsumu. You're so tight."
"Move, Omi. Please." Atsumu moans, squirming to try and fuck himself.
The spiker groans at the movement, nipping at the other's lip in retaliation. "Patience. I don't want to hurt you."
This earns him a soft smile as the blonde hooks his arms over his shoulder. "Why do ya think I waited 'til we didn't have practice? I've been waitin' since high school." He pulls the paler down to moan into his ear. "Ruin me, Omi." 
Something in Sakusa snaps at those words as he grips tanned hips and pulls almost all the way out before slamming back in, delighting in the surprised moan it causes before he starts a brutal pace. 
"Ooooomiiii~!" Atsumu screams as he claws at Sakusa back for some kind of hold as the spiker abuses his hole.
Sakusa hisses a bit through his teeth but makes no move to stop the blonde's actions. If anything it almost seems to spur him on as he goes faster.
"Ahhhh~! Yes, fuck please OmMi~ Ah! There! Shit, Omi-kun, there!" The blonde rambles, back arching when Sakusa finds his prostate. 
Sakusa smirks down at Atsumu before groaning when the setter suddenly gets tighter. "Fuck, 'Tsumu…" He then makes it his mission to try and abuse the other's prostate now, hitting it as often as he can manage without slowing down. 
"OmiiIiii!" Atsumu cries out, pulling black curls down so the other's face is in his shoulder. "Harder, please. Bite me more. Mark me. Fuck! Omi! AhHhh!" His voice hitches when Sakusa starts slamming into him harder. "Shit. Please, Omi! I don't care if the guys give us shit, wanna show I'm yers!" 
Sakusa groans into the blonde's ear, nipping at the lobe. "Fuck, 'Tsumu, you're gonna be the death of me." 
Atsumu just pulls him closer, trying to use the spiker's abs for some sort of release to his neglected cock. "Please, Omi~" 
Sakusa reaches between them to offer Atsumu some relief. "Needy." He teases, smirking when Atsumu's offended noise is cut off by the delightful sound he makes at Sakusa pumping his cock in his hand. 
"Ru-AHhhh! Shit, Omi! Nngh! Close, Omi! I'm close!" Atsumu chokes out as he pulls at Sakusa's hair. 
Sakusa smirks as he whispers in the blonde's ear. "Then come for me, 'Tsumu. Maybe I won't even make you clean your own mess." It was a bluff, 'Tsumu was getting spoiled after but he also knew the blonde loved when Sakusa treated him as a lesser. 
As suspected, a few pumps later and Atsumu is arching off the bed and painting their chests white, clenching around Sakusa as he screams. 
The added pressure from Atsumu's release made Sakusa's not too far behind as he bites the blonde's shoulder to hide his own groan and fill his earlier request.  
A few more measly spurts came of Sakusa's action as he filled the condom, and it didn't take long for Atsumu to whine in sensitivity. 
"Omi..." Atsumu grumbles, pushing lightly at Sakusa's chest. "Too much." 
Sakusa gives one last gentle squeeze and smirks at the whine it caused before he lets go, and slowly pulls out. 
Atsumu whines once more, but sighs happily, making grabby hands at the setter. 
Sakusa smiles fondly but pulls back. "Let me get a washcloth to clean us, then we can cud-" 
Atsumu pouts and locks his legs around Sakusa's back before wiggling down and licking at a stripe of white on the other's chest. He smirks at the surprised sound Omi makes despite his own ears turning red. "No. Cuddles now."
Dark eyes blink in shock as his dick twitches in interest despite knowing it's not reviving soon. "I- I was joking about you cleaning it up you know? It's dirty, you don't  hAve to- 'Tsumu!" 
The blonde smirks up at him playfully as he gives little kitten licks across the spiker's chest and stomach. "Yes, Omi-babe."
Omi groans when that tongue flicks a nipple. "Always the sly fox aren't you? If I carry you to the bathroom to get us cleaned then come back and cuddle will you stop your games?" 
Gold eyes gaze up at him innocently as the blonde nods, releasing the other's hips.
"Spoiled brat." Sakusa huffs, grabbing a tissue so they're not just smearing it more before lifting the other up in the world’s most awkward bridal style given they were both over 6 feet. 
He couldn't help but snicker once more when the blonde yelped yet again. "I told you I would pick you up."
"Honestly expected ya to make a break for it and get the washcloth without me." Atsumu pouts, clinging to Sakusa's neck.
"So you thought I was going to trick you? I'm hurt." Sakusa deadpans as he shuffles sideways to get them through the bathroom door. 
"Look me in the eye and tell me ya wouldn't." The blonde huffs as he's set on the counter, yelping when he's almost dropped. "OMI!"
"Sorry," Sakusa mumbles, placing a kiss on the blonde's pouting mouth before smirking. "And you're right. I definitely would." 
Atsumu smiles into the kiss before pouting once more at the dark-haired man's admission. "Yer lucky yer pretty, Omi-omi."
"Hmm. Am I?" Sakusa hums as he wets a washcloth. "I distinctly remember a certain blonde having a full shut down over a laugh, and legitimately trying to lick his own cum off my chest for cuddles. But guess I'm just lucky."
Atsumu's face flames as Sakusa cleans his own chest before moving on to Atsumu's. "Omiii! We agreed to never speak of that again!" 
"But you're so cute when you blush," Omi smirks, kissing pouting lips again as he runs the cloth over the blonde's stomach.
"I'm not cute." The setter huffs. 
"Right, my mistake." The smirk grows. "I believe 'pretty' was the word I used to ask you out." 
The blush spreads down to the blonde's new hickeys. "OMIII!" 
Sakusa just laughs as he helps Atsumu stand so they can clean up the lube around his hole before helping the dopey smiling blonde back to the bed. 
"What are you all smiley about, Baby?" Sakusa asks once they're comfortable. 
Atsumu's smile just grows at the pet name as he nuzzles the spiker's chest where his head is laying. "Just that I love yer laugh, and wish ya'd do it more. 
It was Sakusa's turn to flush a little now as he kissed dyed hair. "Hey, I laughed when Bokuto got himself stuck in the net after missing a spike." 
A laugh escaped Atsumu now. "At something other than our friends' suffering." 
"Friends? What are those? I only have my adorable boyfriend." 
Atsumu lifts his head to fake pout but the amused smile is obvious. "How can ya be such an ass and a sap at the same time." 
"Picked it up from my boyfriend who's a little shit. Does things like stand naked in the bedroom after his shower to coerce his boyfriend into sex only to later degrade himself in his need for cuddles? Maybe you know him?" Omi snickers.
Atsumu huffs, laying back down and making no attempt to deny it. "Well, it worked!" 
Sakusa hums, nodding. "That it did." He starts running his fingers through dyed hair which is much softer than he had first expected. 
Atsumu makes a sound like a pleased cat before whispering a shy, "Love you, Omi."
Sakusa smiles fondly. "Love you too, 'Tsumu." 
They stay there cuddling until they eventually fall asleep, holding each other close. If Sakusa now has a sleeping 'Tsumu as his wallpaper, well, it'll be a while before the blonde finds out.
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vodkaskys · 2 years
Tumblr media
FANFIC REC: pretend
From the start  (Louis has no idea that one act of kindness will cause his life to spiral out of control. But that's what happens when his new friend fake proposes to him and a video of it goes viral.) (32k)
From the start(Traducción) 
Peaches and cream (Louis is allergic to peaches, Harry smells like peaches. Louis just came for the money.) (64k)
Peaches and cream(Traducción) 
Adore you (Vaguely set in the 1920’s. Headpieces, jazz, fashionable canes, and flapper dresses, and that.) (66k)
Let our hearts collide (When Harry, a lonely transit worker, saves the life of the handsome commuter he's been secretly pining for, an innocent mistake results in Liam Payne's family believing that Harry is engaged to their son. In the Paynes, Harry finds the big family he's always longed for...and a love he never saw coming.) (76k)
Wild love ( Two best friends try to date each other for forty days. It's supposed to be fun until emotions make it complicated.) (130k)
And then a bit ( Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real.) (158k)
And then a bit(Traducción) 
Flash (Harry es fotógrafo. Louis se siente solo. Están en una boda. No se conocen. Ninguno de los dos quiere estar ahí.)
Whatever Floats Your Boat (When Harry's mother convinces him to attend his ex's wedding, he must enlist support in the form of his handsome and charming best friend, flatmate and convincing fake boyfriend, Louis. With Louis by his side, the ever present sun and the plenty of open bars, an all expenses paid week long cruise doesn't seem like the worst he could do.) (24k)
white winged dove (Louis isn't expecting it when his parents drag him back to the life of aristocracy that he had left behind three years ago. Pressured to marry in order to save his family from financial and social ruin, Louis finds himself caught between wanting to be selfish and doing what he needs to do for the sake of his sisters, if no one else.Befriending Prince Harry of Wales was not part of that plan, and neither was joining him in an elaborate ruse to fool the country and more importantly, their parents.Marrying him had not been a part of the plan at all.) (100k)
This charade (was never going to last) (On the surface, CitizenX, an international caritative nonprofit, looked like any other nonprofit, funding humanitarian missions worldwide and striving to make the world a better place, one donation at a time.At least, that was what Harry thought, until he was hired as a computer specialist for a spinoff agency called carish, whose true purpose was to reveal CitizenX’s tangled web of lies.As if the whole ‘industrial spy’ business was not stressful enough, Harry found himself in a hatred-at-first-sight relationship with one of his new coworkers, Louis, a man intent on detesting Harry.When the worst happened and Harry and Louis found themselves thrown together in hiding, with only each other to rely on, Harry never could have predicted the turn their relationship would take.Nor could he anticipate that it would all be taken away from him and he would have to decide how far he was willing to go to get Louis back.) (68k)
Last Hope (Louis Tomlinson just wanted to go to sleep until Hot Neighbor Guy asked him for a very mysterious favor. Now he has to stay awake while convincing the most sought out couples therapist that he is in love with Harry Styles.) (1k)
Visions Of A Life (Harry Styles wants nothing more than to be a part of the adaptation of his favorite book and Louis Tomlinson is casually looking for another film to star in. They end up getting casted to play lovers on screen, but behind the cameras, they cannot stand each other. Then months after filming has officially finished, they are forced to date for publicity, no thanks to a video of them becoming popular amongst all the fans. It sounds like a brilliant idea, doesn't it? They acted as boyfriends before, so they should be able to do it again under slightly different circumstances. At least they all hope so.) (86k)
English Football: History in the Making ( another Football AU absolutely nobody asked for) (31k)
Playin' It Safe and Breakin' The Rules ( the One Where Maybe this Fake Relationship Gets a Little Too Real.) (90k)
i'm gonna keep this love, if you let me (Louis makes Harry pretend to be his boyfriend one night out. The rest is history.Here she is! My entry for the 2021 1daboficfest :)Title is from "Burning" by Maggie Rogers.) (26k)
Pretending we're not in love ( Harry and Louis get a year off work and decide to explore North America. What happens when they get drunk in vegas and get married? What happens when they forget to tell their families for a month and now they have to go to christmas together? What happens when they decide to pretend they are not together?) (9k)
Be My Dandelion (Supposedly, what you write on your skin, appears on your soulmate’s. What happens when a few things get in the way and Louis and Harry are too oblivious to notice?) (57k)
Glitter in the sky, glitter in our eyes (What happens when a Duke who will only marry for love and a courtesan who only sells it create a public ruse? Well, nothing boring for sure. An Edwardian AU.) (59k)
Chestnuts Roasting... And All That (Louis is apparently the only person at his new job who is single as can be. It’s not a big deal to just tell his new colleagues that he has a boyfriend, right? Until he has to make this imaginary boyfriend magically appear at the office holiday party. Cue fake relationship antics with a certain someone who is more than willing to play along.) (46k)
Find You Home (When Louis lies to his family and says he’ll bring his new boyfriend home for Christmas, his best friend and roommate Harry agrees to play the part. It’s that, or be left alone over the holidays.What will happen? No one knows! Perhaps Santa will swoop in with a Christmas miracle.Featuring lovesick idiots, kissing and cuddling, pies and Christmas clichés.) (35k)
the frost covers all ( a friends-to-lovers/fake relationship when harry needs a boyfriend for a family thing, and louis obliges.) (19k)
When You're Smiling (and Astride Me) ( Harry, Niall, and Zayn are in an up and coming indie band, White Eskimo. Liam is Harry's best friend. Louis is a writer who only signed on for an interview, but ends up getting much more than he bargained for.) (48k)
Just For Me (Harry is a supermodel with a fake boyfriend. Louis is the captain and star forward of Manchester United with a fake girlfriend. They should have no problem having a completely platonic lunch between friends.) (9k)
Be My Dandelion (Supposedly, what you write on your skin, appears on your soulmate’s. What happens when a few things get in the way and Louis and Harry are too oblivious to notice?) (57k)
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aphroditesacolyte · 11 months
Meryl and Diosia
Ch 8. // (Almost) According to Plan // Read on AO3
Summary: Things can go smoothly, but only so smoothly and only for so long.
Content warnings: Fear/anxiety, profanity (a given in this story lol), stalker/psycho behavior, this story is unhinged, I truly have little else to add, read at your own discretion please!
~Approx word count: 1,896 words
An orb smoothly rolled about a palm and between fingers, its milky-white colour rather precious and likable, and its size was well fancied for the fiddling it endured. This continued absent-mindedly as Diosia’s focus began to center on the darkening sky, close to being illuminated only by moonlight. He had been awake for a little while now—it would be a good idea to get up and stretch his wings, and perhaps scout out for what may happen tonight. Most nights (and always), there were no occurrences of interest. However, he was still quite hopeful that something might appear before him. Even a ship would be quite nice, though his hopes were set on something more… particular.
The way the cliffs mirrored and complimented the path of the ocean water made this quite easy, as he could simply step and caper about the rocks up above to see all below. And now, to his delight, rather than merely seeing water when he casted his gaze down, he saw something within it. Two distinct silhouettes trailed along, a bit too deep beneath the water to be made out in colour, but their shape gave them the clear identity of merfolk.
A subtle smirk came to his face at the sight of it.
It would be fun now, wouldn’t it?
He kept in time with them, his movements unnoticed, and a lack of diligence on his new target’s part heightened his boldness, and so he slid down some of the rocks to get a better look.
What intrigued him most was how they took the same path Meryl had always taken, weaving through certain rocks, and disappearing just to reappear at other parts. If he took a guess at the next turn they’d make, he was always correct, so he came down closer, curiously. In his mind it wouldn’t be Meryl, not very realistically. Meryl always came alone, and what reason would he have to do otherwise? He was sweet and pure; he had no fondness for bringing life into dangerous places—aside from himself. It’s mien to Diosia was amusing, the dichotomy of one who saw little value in himself being the only mer he had found some in. Some value, at least.
Yet, despite the characterization he had assigned the merfolk, whomever lurked beneath the water came closer and closer to his little treasure trove of things, the place he always took Meryl. His suspicions rose—would Meryl take someone else? He hoped at the very least it hadn’t been the creature so unfavourable; the one with scorching, bold colour painted along his frame, and who held a dislikable and plucky manner. As water poured over and retracted from faces now poked above the water, clarity washed over everything.
It was Meryl and Bondi.
How interesting.
Admittedly, he felt a little eager at the sight of Meryl. It was an exciting sight. It meant his plan was working, well, to some form or extent that is. Swiftly, he made it ahead of them and began to prepare himself. Ideally, he would scoop up Meryl, and chase Bondi away so they could enjoy the visit together and alone, although he doubted Meryl would be in much favour of such a plan. Meryl, as the innocent creature he always was, must’ve not considered just how hungry he was. He hadn’t been merely taunting them when he stated Bondi as suitable food. It was extraordinarily tempting, if not a deliberate tease of his instincts. All that stopped him was that doing such a thing in front of Meryl would be counterproductive. He was trying to build trust, not trauma. Sort of.
Besides, discipline truly was his best friend. He couldn’t (and wouldn’t) ruin this game out of impatience or hunger, and a built-up hunger would only make the end more satisfying.
In order to best fill his craving, focus was a must. He would center all his focus on the task at hand, which was the conversation ahead. He set foot upon the flat grounds of the trove, and pretended to busy himself with various trinkets while still keeping his eyes upon the water. His mind buzzed as it rehearsed every possibility, and carefully constructed a plan for each one. When he heard the splash of the water however, he slowly ceased what he had been doing, directing his attention to the sound. A warm, genial face popped up out of the water, and a charming innocence filled all he could see, the only thing there was in the world in that moment. Every thought popped like bubbles, making it so he could hardly say a thing.
“Hey, Diosia.”
Rather than fight the blank that came over him, he stepped over and lowered himself down to Meryl’s level with a subtle smile.
“Hello, Meryl.”
Quicker than he realized, he was lost in the rhythm of conversation, although he wouldn’t allow himself to lose awareness. Between the pauses where Meryl looked off somewhere shyly, or otherwise pulled his eyes away, Diosia would look carefully for the second mer. To his pleasure, Bondi was nowhere to be seen. Pleasure, alas, could not last long, and in perfect, utter contrast to his relief, Meryl was suddenly yanked beneath the water. His heart lurched, and instinctively he wanted to leap after the mer, however, he calmed himself and instead stood up to peer at where the mer had gone.
A moment more passed and a new face emerged, smug and unappealing: Bondi. For a moment Bondi eyed him up, then dismissed whatever he must’ve been pondering and lifted himself fully up onto the land. He tried to push himself back from Bondi, but was quickly stopped.
“You know what?—“ suddenly he felt the dangerous metal Bondi wore graze over his ankle and yank him. “—sit your ass down.”
Unwillingly he lost balance, tumbling to the ground as he was sat down. He gave a sharp smile as his warning sign, like how a dog bares their teeth. Bondi only mockingly leaned over and scrunched up his face.
“Mkay,” Bondi began to speak, “so you have something of Meryl’s.”
Diosia slightly tilted his chin, as if he were confused.
Bondi elaborated, “The claws, asshole.”
He took note of the tone in his movement, his body language, and the way he spoke. It wasn’t necessarily angry, but it was aggressive—sassy, and confident. He merely smirked back, unwilling to communicate with the mer in the slightest.
Both of their gazes averted from one another as their commonality in liking peered out of the water.
“HEY-HEY-HEY! BACK IN THE WATER, MERYL!” Bondi scolded, bringing a chuckle out of Diosia.
Purposefully contradicting Bondi, he urged Meryl closer, “Come here, Meryl.”
When Meryl continued to peer out of the water, and even rose out of it a little, somehow Bondi’s voice grew even louder. He found the squawking quite humorous, so he only pulled Meryl closer. He was tempted to simply sing and will the mer near, but that wasn’t how he played this game.
Meryl whimpered to Bondi, “I didn’t even get to ask him about the gifts.”
His sly, narrowed eyes turned against his will to something a bit more friendly and intrigued, like a cat’s slit pupils widening and rounding.
He asked with a genuine curiosity, “Did you like them?”
Meryl brightened. “It was you?”
“Perhaps…” He teased.
“I liked them very much.”
The words melted like sugar in his mind. But, to his ire, paprika was getting angry  at his side.
“YOU, Meryl, had that WHOLE damn conversation to talk about it. Not my problem if you got busy,”—Bondi’s voice softened—“but I think it’d be safer if you left now. Diosia and I are about to work something out.”
Meryl gave a wistful sigh, and before he could stop him, disappeared.
His only option was to look back to the mer that chased him away.
Bondi’s voice was full of sincerity as he looked to him and said, “All I want is my friend’s defense back.”
Diosia grinned, realizing now that Meryl was gone, there was no one to stand between them.
“Ah, Meryl’s claws? I can’t seem to recall having his, perhaps my own pair but…”
“Ohoho, YOUR pair?”
He nodded back, smugly. “My pair.” He began to ramble off as if he found it dreamy, “They’re so terribly wonderful looking you know, such a fine curve with” —boldly he stood, and paced closer to Bondi— “perfect little points, and I find such a satisfaction in knowing they came from my lovely little Meryl~”
There was the faintest flash of uncertainty, and of fear in Bondi’s eyes. It pleased him.
“Diosia, Meryl and I have agreed he won’t be seeing you again until he has his claws. He isn’t safe without them.”
Diosia hummed slyly as Bondi was somehow receptive to the way he skulked around him. Bondi genuinely wanted Meryl to have then, and Diosia knew why. They both understood Meryl would come back again regardless. However, Meryl couldn’t kill him when he was nothing more than a stranger, how could he do even the littlest of things to someone he now considered his friend? Meryl wouldn’t. Giving up the claws was useless.
“He is rather vulnerable, now, isn’t he?” Diosia purred and brushed a wing by Bondi.
He froze as he felt a grip tighten around said wing as he passed by.
“He may be vulnerable on his own,” Bondi boldly tugged on the feathered frame, forcing it to stretch out uncomfortably, a bit close to being twisted. “But he isn’t on his own. I won’t hesitate like he will, Diosia.”
The grip withdrew, and he let out a low chuckle as his wings fixed themselves.
He taunted back, “Oh? Hesitate to do what? Scratch me?”
Bondi’s flexed his fingers back in the same taunting manner. “I think you forget I have pretty damn good aim.”
“Perhaps we can test it another time?”
“Oh, definitely another time.” Bondi nodded. “Meryl would kill me.”
Diosia leaned in. “What day works best for you?”
Bondi shrugged, casually. “Sundays are pretty free.”
He met the earthy, grounded eyes of the mer for a moment, a rather genuine smile upon his face. Maybe he didn’t mind this mer so much. But still, he was in the way.
He slowly rose back up, never breaking contact as he nodded. “I see. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Sweet, anyways, Meryl and I will be going then.”
“Aww, given up so soon? I figured you’d want them a little more badly than that.” Diosia cooed from behind him.
Bondi craned his neck up to look at him. “Yeah, it’s just that I—" quite suddenly, Bondi sneezed. “—am allergic to assholes. I can’t be around them for long periods of time.” He fake-sneezed again. “See?”
“Ah! Then let me help you.”
And he pressed a foot to Bondi’s back, arms neatly folded behind him as he leaned, pressing all the weight he could manage in order to shove Bondi into the water. A splash ensued, and then a moment went by, before finally, a hand with but one centered finger poked up out of the water in reply. Soon after, both the mer had disappeared, leaving him to ponder the interaction.
So, Meryl has a protector?
He’d have to take care of that.
<- <- <- Last Part | Next Part -> -> ->
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agirlnamedhagrid · 2 years
A Ramble on Sarah J. Maas (SJM)
Okay, so I know I’m pretty late to the Maas party, but I have thoughts and my mother is tired of being a captive audience to my foggy little rants. I will do my best to keep this spoiler-free.
I started reading the Throne of Glass (ToG) series just after the start of the new year. Mostly because my sister went on a weird rant at Christmas about how “obviously Sarah J. Maas was super hungry when she sat down to write because all of the foods are described in crazy and unnecessary detail and I think maybe I might try and come up with recipes to recreate all the foods she mentions in the series because that would be fun.” Which, like, yes Sis go off on a new creative expedition. But also, what? Deciding SJM was hangry when she wrote things?
It took me all of one? two? chapters to figure out why food would be so essential to how SJM built out the world and how Celaena experiences it. [NOT REALLY A SPOILER ALERT]: She’s been in a prison camp and STARVING. OF FUCKING COURSE FOOD IS GOING TO BE A FIXATION FOR HER. She’s a character who has suffered severe abuse and deprivation and is food insecure for much of the early books.
(My sister, while a delightful human, is perhaps not the best at reading comprehension. See: her inability to ever read the gift note included in any mailed package and her messages to the world of “whoever sent me this gift, thanks, it’s delightful!”.)
NOTE: A much longer ramble on Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns and Roses follows the cut. Read at your own peril.
Anyways, while it was exhausting, I plowed through the entire ToG series from January through the first bit of April. And it was, actually, exhausting. Listen, I love fantasy. I love characters working through trauma. I love interesting magical systems. I even love political intrigue done well!
But holy goodness, it was. a. lot. And it was a long slog. And honestly, Chaol deserved better. There was a lot more to unpack there and SJM just. . . didn’t? I mean, sort of, but not really. Chaol deserved understanding from more than just his endgame romantic focus. Especially because in the grand scheme of things he did not do nearly the same amount of horrible terrible things to others that the key protagonists did (and they got a lot more forgiveness, particularly the women). Someone else discussed this really well, and if I can find it again, I’ll share their thoughts.
And yes, I know, typically male protagonists in classic fantasy literature also got free passes and the females were disproportionately punished. But the way SJM wrote ToG, this felt less like a deliberate choice to subvert the classics and more like a swing-and-a-miss?
This summer I started reading SJM’s Court of Thorns and Roses series (ACOTAR), which is arguably more beloved? Or at least it seems that way among my fantasy-reading friends and the corners of Instagram I lurk in. But I struggled. Seriously, I was driving the Struggle Bus down SJM Memorial Parkway while falling asleep at the wheel and trying desperately to make it to the next point of “oh, that’s mildly interesting.” 
I DID. NOT. LIKE. ANYONE. for probably the first half of the book. I struggled to care. There was lots of lush scenic description and no meat. When things finally, finally, took a turn towards interesting, it also went horrifically dark. But it was still, largely, done well, even if I struggled to understand why love was supposedly a core motivation for our characters when none of them had really seemed to feel or demonstrate it beforehand?
And then the second book, A Court of Mist and Fury (ACOMAF), was actually really appealing! I ran through it so fast! It was so good! Especially in comparison to ACOTAR. I had a reason to keep reading, I wanted to keep reading.
But here I am, having stalled out after reading A Court of Wings and Ruin (ACOWAR). I don’t really understand why there are two more books. Especially if they continue to be told primarily through Feyre’s first-person perspective. Why? SJM had to streeeeeeeeeetch to justify showing some truly key scenes in the final conflict from Feyre’s perspective. Scenes that could have been much more powerful and impactful if told through the eyes of the characters experiencing those choices. 
So many readers seem to hate Nesta, and I LOVE her. I love her in all of her brokenness and fury. 
Part of what made the ToG series work for me, even when I was so exhausted, is that it was an ensemble story told by the entire ensemble. It wasn’t totally balanced, and it shouldn’t have been, but we didn’t bend over backwards to make sure that we only ever saw things from one primary character’s perspective. And no, 3ish chapters spread between ACOMAF and ACOWAR in one other character’s view don’t count.
In ACOMAF, we build out a strong ensemble of characters with truly unique views on the world. It made sense to stick with Feyre in ACOTAR, but as the world expanded, I wish the narrative voices had too.
Having just finished ACOWAR, I just don’t see how there is enough plot/conflict of specific interest and impact to Feyre to justify two more books told through her eyes. And maybe the next two books aren’t just in her view. But what matters is that as a reader I am content to let the five book series end as a trilogy! Which is wild! I haven’t made the deliberate choice to stop reading a series entirely since Sherilyn Kenyon published Bad Moon Rising and completely let me down with a couple that her entire fandom had been anticipating for YEARS.
And I still haven’t touched on some weirdly biblical tie-ins to the ACOTAR universe. We have a Moses retelling! Why? What purpose did that serve? It was jarring and felt forced. And a race called the Seraphim? And a swan princess storyline? At least in ToG, the Baba Yaga references/borrowing felt a bit more natural, even if the actual character name was definitely on the nose. It’s just so odd that SJM builds out these rich worlds and lore that feels fresh and original and then cheapens it by being so heavy-handed in dumping a scoop of extremely familiar, real-world mythology onto her entirely made-up fantasy world. And not “well, everyone knows vampires die from a stake to the heart” things but “most people are familiar with this commonly told Christian parable or European fairytale” things. Yes, ultimately, the first one and a half ACOTAR books can be read as a reimagining of Beauty and the Beast, but SJM handles it so well that it feels fresh! It feels new! And then she blew it (for me at least) and twisted it all up in a strange fusion that no longer felt immersive.
At this point, I don’t know whether I’ll ever go back to finish ACOTAR. I might. But right now I’m enjoying taking a break from fantasy entirely.
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rocorambles · 3 years
Ruined Innocence
Pairing: Fallen Angel!Daichi x Angel!Reader
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, NSFW, Manipulation, Dub-Con/Non-Con, Tentacles-ish, Forced Bondage, Corruption Kink, Dacryphilia
Summary: Not everyone is what they appear to be and you learn that the hard way.
A/N: This is for @seijorhi 's Deal with the Devil Collab! Masterlist can be found here.
You don’t love the way older angels endearingly pinch your cheeks and fondly ruffle the top of your head, sending you off on your way as they go about their chores. But you love the freedom to explore that comes with your new wings and you flit around heaven, adventuring out to the corners of the beautiful realm, eyes sparkling and mouth open wide in wonder as you see visions and scenes you wouldn’t even have been able to imagine back when you were a human.
Most angels congregate with each other, floating and meandering together as they perform their heavenly duties, content with harmony and unity. But maybe because your newly purified soul is still finding its way, you feel antsy, a very human adventurous streak still driving you as you sniff out remote and quiet corners, eager to see what’s around every corner.
There’s not a hint of wariness or sense of danger as you trek around, squealing as you continue testing your wings. Maybe it’s naivety, but who can blame you? You’re in heaven. Why would you ever think anything or anyone would harm you here?
Little do you know the archangels whisper to each other, sentries standing guard at every known opening between realms as the threat of warfare and espionage increases between heaven and hell after a devastating betrayal by one of God’s own most trusted archangels.
Sawamura Daichi.
It’s a name and a face that God has striked from heaven’s history, wiping the minds of anyone outside his inner circle clear of to maintain peace among the realm. And it works. Maybe too well.
A handsome brunette amusedly smiles at the lack of fear and recognition in your face as you cheerfully greet him, not a care in the world as you perk up and fly over to him, curious about the strange angel you’ve never met before.
Daichi had only meant to sneak in and out, hopefully spy and return back to hell with any secret information he could get out of his old fellow archangels. But like an attuned predator, his attention had snapped at the pretty little fawn he had seen playing in the outskirts of heaven, so vulnerable, so far from the rest of your feathery flock. And his mouth had salivated, something dark and yearning inside of him as he imagined how delicious corrupting your soft and sweet soul would be.
There’s no lack of powerful, beautiful, sensual female entities in hell willing to warm his bed. Daichi knows from firsthand experience, rarely spending a night alone. Even eternity is too short not to indulge in the sins of the flesh. But a part of him misses the docile submissive natures of angels, the thrill of power he feels knowing how easily his more angelic partners would listen and obey to his every whim and fancy. Playing with your food is all fun and games, but Daichi’s always found the actual act of devouring to be the best part of any meal. And you look absolutely mouth watering.
It doesn’t concern you that you’ve never seen this handsome angel before. Heaven is vast and as a novice angel, you’re sure there’s plenty of feathery companions you haven’t met yet. You’re more pleasantly surprised by the fact that there even is another angel in your secluded nook of the realm. And you’re quick to get comfortable with Daichi (although you blush when he so quickly tells you to call him by his first name).
He’s kind and funny. You can tell he’s actually listening to your every word and not just politely nodding like most of the other older angels you’ve met so far. He has a certain vibrancy to him that you can’t pinpoint, something so much more raw and vivid than what you’re used to from the more austere and demure palette of the rest of heaven.
But you startle when Daichi suddenly reaches out and slowly trails his fingers along the soft velvety plush of your wings, eliciting a startled gasp from you and a strange stirring feeling inside of you.
“They’re so pure and white.”
You try to laugh off the way your heart is pounding, the way your body wants to instinctively lean in closer to his warm touch as he continues languidly stroking your wings.
“Don’t be silly, Daichi. I’m sure your wings are just as pure and white, just like everyone else in this realm.”
You’re confused by his silent smile as he continues lacing his fingers between your downy feathers, but you don’t think to question it, not when it feels so right to just melt in the soothing feeling.
You don’t know how much time has passed, but you startle awake when someone nudges you, face heating in embarrassment when you realize you’ve fallen asleep quite literally in Daichi’s arms. But you shyly smile when he waves off your profuse apologies, playfully whispering that you can make it up to him by keeping your meeting with him a secret so he doesn’t get in trouble for slacking off on work to hang out with you.
Your lips are sealed and in return for your slightly naughty deal, your heart warms and your eyes sparkle when he somehow finds you almost every day. You’re tempted to make a game of it, wondering if you made more of an effort to hide if he’d still find you. But somehow deep inside you know he would, that it wouldn’t deter him at all. And that thought alone brings a smile to yourself.
Is this what having a soulmate feels like? Do angels even have soulmates?
You know marriage is still a thing in this realm and you can feel yourself falling more and more head over heels for Daichi, letting yourself dream and think of what life would be like married to him, by his side for all of eternity. It would be a wondrous thing. A life full of adventures, laughter, kindness, and warmth. A life where you know you could always depend on him and trust him.
So when he kisses you one day, wrapping his strong arms around you and pulling you in close, you don’t resist. Instead you sigh in bliss as you feel your lips meld against each other. He’s so gentle, so careful as he deepens your connection, coaxing you into following his lead as he maneuvers the two of you on the wispy cloud cocoon beneath your feet.
You feel so loved, so taken care of as he murmurs sweet praises in your ear about how beautiful you are, how soft you are, how sweet you taste. But when you find yourself horizontal beneath him, scandalously molded to his body, hesitation and apprehension have you reluctantly separating your lips.
“What’s wrong?”
His hand cups your cheek, brown eyes staring down at you in concern and you feel more at ease as you nuzzle against his palm, gently pecking the center of it, ignorant of the way brown eyes darken at the action.
He’s going to fucking ruin you.
“Can we- Can we slow down a bit? I love you, but we shouldn’t go any further until God blesses our relationship and we’re married. Right?”
It’s adorable how you know what’s right by heavenly standards, what you should and shouldn’t be doing. Yet there’s still a questioning lilt in your voice as you look at him for guidance, ready to take his lead and listen to whatever he says. You really are precious, aren’t you?
“We’ll be together forever. So what’s the harm in indulging ourselves now if we know that we’ll be bound for eternity anyway? Consider it a little sneak peek. Surely God will be forgiving if we go straight to him after this and ask him to bless our union.”
Hook. Line. Sinker.
He internally smirks at how your eyes light up when he expresses his desire to be with you. To his defense, it’s not a lie. He truly does want you with him forever, although he doubts it’s in the way you’re thinking. He’s no mind reader, but he can imagine the scenes of soft radiant glowing days and peaceful strolls hand in hand that race through your mind when you think of love. Unfortunately for you, the reality you’re being sucked into is much darker and much more stationary. (He sincerely hopes you appreciate the costs and efforts he’s gone through to spruce up his bedroom and bed as much as possible for your long-term stay considering it’s the only place he intends for you to see for at least a few centuries.)
This time you welcome him when he swoops down to capture your lips once more, your arms gently wrapping around the back of his neck as you pull him down even closer to you. You bare your neck, easily following his silent commands as he trails kisses down from the corner of your lips to the side of your neck, gasping and arching into him when his tongue swipes a hot wet line at the junction of your shoulder.
You’re nervous as he coaxes you out of your delicate clothing and his cock twitches in interest at how you try to instinctively shield your body from his eyes, your arms crossing your chest, thighs clenching together. So different from the shameless females down below and he enjoys how it feels like he’s unwrapping an exclusive present as he eases your body, comfortingly kissing you as he guides your hands above your head and nudges your legs apart until he’s in between them.
You moan, writhing underneath him in a way that makes him groan as he sucks one of your nipples, rolling the other between his fingers. And he can’t resist how right it feels to grind and rut his clothed cock against your bare core, chuckling at how you whine and get flustered as he whispers to you about how wet you are, how much of a mess you’re making of his clothing.
You’re so sensitive, so reactive. He wonders if you could cum just like this, nipples toyed with and humping like wild beasts. You certainly look like you’re almost there and a mean smile splays across his face when he wonders what God would think if he saw his baby angel now, a lewd blissful expression blatant on your face, wanton moans filling the air. But time is limited especially when he’s not on his own turf and as much as he’d like to ruin you over and over again right here, right now, he knows he needs to deal the final blow.
He’s quick to shed his own clothing, firmly wrapping your spread legs around him as he finally sinks his cock inch by inch inside of you, throwing his own head back in pleasure as your tight wet walls wrap around him, eagerly sucking him in and clenching around him. It’s like you were made for him, made for this. And his eyes ravenously watch as you mindlessly blabber on and on about feeling full, feeling good.
He doesn’t usually like noisy bed mates, but you might be the one exception and he revels in your wails and broken cries as he begins to move his hips back and forth, observing how his fat cock obscenely stretches your pretty folds as he thrusts in and out. It’s impressive how you’re still hanging by a single fraying strand of consciousness when even seasoned succubi have succumbed into mindless pleasure-addicted messes from his cock. And he gifts the slipping clarity of your mind that recognizes him and calls his name over and over again with skillful circles around your clit, relentless until you’re thrashing and convulsing, practically screaming as you fall over the edge, pussy milking him and begging for his essence.
Who is he to deny you what your body wants? What your body needs? What he himself wants and needs?
So he finally lets himself go, sealing the deal with his own release, eyes twinkling in crazed amusement as his own wings finally flair out, revealing themselves to you for the first time as his body lances with pleasure. A sound halfway between a laugh and a groan escapes him as fear has you tightening around him and if he thought you looked beautiful before, you’re absolutely stunning now, shock and disbelief slicing across your perfect angelic face when you fully grasp the importance of his pitch black wings that shadow the both of you.
“Don’t be like that, sweetheart. I thought you loved me.”
There’s no point in pretending to be gentle now and he forcefully pins your body down, slamming his lips against yours in a bruising kiss, biting on your lower lip and lapping at the blood that drips from your now marred face. Delicious. So fucking exquisite.
It’s tempting to continue and as he pulls away to regard you, he can feel arousal swirling inside of him at the sight of glistening tears streaming down your face. But he’s curious about your reaction, eager to hear what you have to say about this utter betrayal.
“A fallen angel…I slept with a fallen angel. How am I ever going to face God now?”
You’re not even looking at him anywhere, eyes glazed over as you mumble to yourself, mind still trying to process everything. And as pretty as you are with agony and sickening realization settling into your features, he scowls at the mention of God, irritation swelling inside of him at how fast you are to think of Him over Daichi, the fallen angel literally still inside of you.
He’s swift in his punishment, reminding you exactly where you are and who you’re with right now as he sharply juts his hips in a way that forces a surprised shriek from you as his cock rubs against your still sensitive walls.
“God isn’t your problem anymore, love. Look at your wings.”
Every part of you still in denial screams at you not to listen, to pretend none of this has happened, is happening. You want to believe God can make this right, that he’ll surely forgive you. But as if you’re in one of those inevitable horror films you used to watch as a human, your head slowly turns to the side, body going rigid when you see the expanse of ebony feathers where heavenly white used to be.
Now this reaction is much more satisfying and Daichi inhales your fear, a cold smile on his face as he watches you flail, wings wildly flapping as you try to somehow shake off the color, praying that it’s all a lie, that it’s not entirely irreversible. But he pins your wrists above your head when you attempt to painfully pluck out your own offensive feathers, peppering humiliatingly affectionate kisses all over your face to placate you.
“Please stop. Isn’t this enough? You got what you wanted. Tricked the silly angel. Made me an exile, a monster. There’s no place for me in heaven anymore. So just leave me alone. Please.”
You shudder at the dark laugh that seems to echo in your ears with his face right besides yours, cringing when you feel his wings droop down to rest against your own in an action far too intimate for what the two of you are.
“It’s not enough, darling. It’ll never be enough. But you’re right about one thing. You’re no longer welcomed in heaven, so let me bring you to your new home.”
You barely have time to understand the meaning of his words before you’re being whisked away, strong arms holding you tightly to a broad chest, the air around you growing darker, heavier, warmer. And then suddenly everything is still and you gasp as you’re thrown onto a silky plush surface, scrambling to sit up only to freeze in terror as you take in the grand and imposing bedroom you’re in, cold realization of exactly whose bed you’re currently on and what realm you’re in sinking in.
“No no no no no...At least let me go to Earth!”
You make to lunge off the bed, but an eerily familiar body forces you back down, once comforting brown eyes now only making anxiety churn alarmingly inside of you.
“I know it’s hard to believe me after all the lies, but I wasn’t lying about one thing. I do intend to be with you forever, so get comfortable, angel.”
You recoil at the mocking sneer associated with the pet name, the ironic use of the word disintegrating any fight left in you when the true hopelessness of your situation makes itself known. And Daichi watches in satisfaction at how you don’t even twitch as black shadows coil around your wrist and ankles, pulling you into a spread-eagled position, leaving your beautiful naked figure on full display for him.
But as despondent as you are mentally and emotionally, your body is already well on its way to adjusting and molding to his desires and he hungrily eyes the way it betrays you, arching and silently begging for more as additional shadow tendrils snake their way on and around every inch of you, some tendrils beginning to make their way in your gaping mouth, your still cum-filled hole, and oh...maybe he should have warned you that he planned on training all your holes, but he does so love the way your eyes blow wide open when a curios tendril wiggles its way into your puckered hole.
“Consider this your new full-time job, angel. Can’t have you living here rent-free after all. Now be good while I’m away and try not to be so loud. Wouldn’t want anyone else to hear you and decide they want a taste of a new fallen angel. I guarantee you no one else down here in hell is going to be as patient and kind as I am. Welcome to your new forever home.”
He doesn’t wait for a response, not that you’d be able to utter anything remotely intelligible around your screams and moans and the tendrils fucking your mouth. And as he makes his way to another meeting with Satan, he proudly flaunts his pitch black wings, a thoughtful smile on his face as he thinks of all the plans he has for you.
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keilemlucent · 3 years
mother knows best
hawks | takami keigo x reader
word count: ~4.6k
keigo’s dick catches up with him in the form of a fat, red strap
warnings: daddy kink, subby hawks, mean reader, lingerie, pegging, dumbification (a wittle), dacryphilia, revenge sex, degradation, keigo’s a cock slut ❤️
oh wow so this is actually a wip from all the way back in august!! i got some good inspo, so enjoy some subby hawks goodness loveys <3
You wanted nothing more than fucking ruin Keigo.
He’d been a shit lately, more annoying than usual. Fuck, you’d even say that he had been a downright brat.
It was obviously somewhat endearing, getting bent over countertops, teased through your clothes and getting left wet and wanting as he would just so happily walk away, whistling triumphantly to himself. 
Or, maybe, it was how at the recent Hero’s Gala, Keigo had dragged you into one of the hotel’s lavish bathrooms, meters away from his colleagues and shoved you up against the large dressing mirror, his bulge shoved against your ass, whispering about how he was going to shred your dress from your frame. 
“You just look too good, babe,” Keigo’s hands raked up and down your chest, nearly pulling your breasts from the delicate fabric of your dress. 
You’d pleaded with him, “I get that you’re horny, but this really isn’t the place.”
You still let him fuck your mouth to orgasm.
He’d been at least nice enough to help you wipe the smears of the professionally done makeup from your face.
“Sorry,” Keigo spoke with a smile, thumbing away a run of mascara from under your eyes as you sat on the edge of the sink. “You did great though. You were so beautiful for me, angel. So sexy. ”
You frowned, grabbing his hand and pulling it away from your face, meeting his eye with an uncomfortable amount of intensity. 
He blinked.
You felt his palms begin to sweat in your grip.
You smiled, something eerily dark.
“How do you feel you’ve been lately?”
You watched his throat bob, his keen mind going just where you wanted it to. As much as you loved indulging in Keigo’s insatiable, unstoppable, carnal need to bend your back until it broke, you were also very tired of the attitude he’d gotten from it lately. 
“I think...” Keigo wet his lips, pressing between your spread legs from your perch, “I think I’ve been good.”
“You do?!” You repeated, laughing a bit as you squeezed your thighs around Keigo’s trim waist. You grabbed his cheeks between your thumb and middle finger, forcing his gaze to be on your messy, smeared face. “I didn’t think my ‘good boy’ was such a fucking dumbass.”
A whimper dripped from the back of his throat as you frowned, knowing how quickly being taken down a peg got him hot and bothered.
“You’ve jumped my ass without any regard for circumstances how many times in the last week?” You sneered, digging your nails into baby fat above his jaw. “Did you think about the consequences of your actions, babe?”
Keigo let out a deep breath, “Angel, I—”
You fully grabbed his cheeks and jaw, squeezing his lips puckered, “What did you just call me?”
His eyes went wide, hands tensing on the tops of your thighs.
“If I let you speak, are you going to do so properly?” You relished the frantic nod he tried to give you.
You dropped your hand to the front of his dress shirt, hooking your fingers into the top of his tie, “Speak then.”
“I’m sorry, mommy,” Keigo’s eyes went big and doughy, refusing to look at you. 
“That’s better,” You hummed, playing with the silky fabric. “Here’s what’s gonna happen, okay, sweetheart?”
He forced his gaze up to yours.
“We’re gonna go back out there, smile for the cameras, and then head home and get some good sleep.”
“B-but aren’t you going to p-punish—” Keigo words were gluey and slow, giving you all the more reason to interrupt him, even going so far as to shift to tighten his tie around his neck, perhaps a bit too constricting.
“I will, when the time is right. You just try to be a good boy until then, see you actually can.”
A filthy, but very fun plan was brewing in your head. It just would take some time.
The opportune time struck a few weeks later. Though Keigo had at first been on some better behavior, he reverted to his typical, bratty self a week after your threat was made.
You were just biding your time, besides, custom orders took some time.
It wasn’t hard to contact Keigo’s PA, requesting his measures for ‘unknown’ purposes. 
What was harder was wading through the hundreds of beautiful designs you could order for him. You spent a good few hours scrolling and fantasizing about what colors and patterns Keigo’s pretty, lithe body would look best in. After beating one out, you made your decision, entered his measurements, and sent the order off. It might’ve been the fervor of hot pleasure you had, but you threw in an extra item or two to your purchase. You were spoiling yourself, really. 
Three weeks later, it arrived, perfect in every way, along with the extra items.
Then, it was just about watching Keigo and waiting to strike.
He came in late one night, feathers all but bare, uniform muddled.
As Keigo fell on the bed following his shower, you took note of his downy stubs, bare of most of his usual feathers. You grinned something wicked. 
Tomorrow was the day.
Keigo crawled up to you, immediately pulling your back to his chest, peppering your shoulders with kisses before drifting off. You turned to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, hoping he’d get enough rest to be ready for all you had planned.
The next morning, Keigo lumbered out of bed while you were finishing your coffee on the couch, already donned in your business casual attire (with some additions, but he couldn’t see those yet). 
“Hey, angel,” His voice was scratchy with sleep as he plopped down next to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “How’d you sleep?”
“I slept super good,” You smiled, returning his sweet gesture. “How about you?”
“Good, very good. I’m just glad I have a day off.” Keigo relaxed into the cushions. He flexed the roughly two-foot-long stubs of crimson feathers, “Gotta grow these back out, and that means I’m relaxing all day.”
You grinned, the pieces of your plan having perfectly fallen into place.
“I’m very glad, sweetheart,” You gave him a fleeting kiss before standing up and heading back to the bedroom. 
Keigo called after you, “Where’re you off to, angel? I wanna give you some love before you gotta leave me.”
“One sec! I just gotta get my shit together for work,” You purred back knowingly. Your purse was already packed and ready. You had other traps to lay.
Flitting into the closet, you rummaged through a small set of drawers to retrieve one of the several packages you received. It was a clean, white box, about half the size of a pillow, wrapped in red ribbon. 
You laid it on the freshly made bed, adjusting some of the satins as you did. 
Keigo beamed at you as you exited to the living room, sauntering up and wrapping his hands around your waist to kiss your forehead. 
He stiffened when he felt the straps beneath your work blouse.
“Angel?” He squeezed your waist. 
You smirked, kissing the corner of his mouth before gently cupping his jaw, “Now, sweetheart, can you be a good boy for me today?”
Keigo, the sweet thing he was, turned to putty in your hands.
He nodded, his bottom lip poking out. 
“Good,” You tightened your grip on his jaw. “You have a lot to make up for, considering what a brat you’ve been lately.”
The way Keigo trembled in your hold, cheeks hot, made your head spin with your ideas for the evening. 
“You didn’t forget, did you?” You walked him back, only stopping when his ass hit the kitchen table. He jumped when he slid just the slightest bit back, forced to sit. 
“F-forget what?” Keigo genuinely couldn’t remember, based off the quirk in his brow.
You clicked your tongue, shifting a knee between his legs, “At the Gala. Use your brain, sweetheart.”
His expression fell with the revelation. 
Your punishments were never easy. Very fun, but god, they were excruciating. 
Watching the expression on Keigo’s face drift as he worked out the context of your actions made you shiver. You were sure he’d be a brat later, but catching him off guard always made him particularly weak to your touch.
“Now, baby, I was nice enough to leave a pretty present for you in our room.” You pinch his plump bottom lip between your fingers, “When I get home, I want you on the bed all dolled up for me, understand?”
He swallowed, nodding against your hold as enthusiastically as he could manage.
“Good.” You released him, kissing the indent that your nails left. “I’ve got to get going, but I love you lots, okay?”
Keigo was comically stunned with a very noticeable bulge in his boxers, “I l-love you too.”
You throw your purse over your shoulders, smug at your ability to turn Keigo into obedient mush. 
As you opened the door to leave, you were gracious enough to shout and remind him, “Oh, and sweetheart? Be a good boy and don’t you dare touch yourself today, or I’ll make tonight far worse for you. Have a good day off, love!”
The moment you left the apartment, Keigo let out a tight breath.
Holy fuck.
He really thought he’d get to spend the day relaxing and letting his wings regrow, but as it turned out, you had far better plans for the two of you and Keigo didn’t have the mind to fight it.
Not yet, anyway.
He’d give you shit later. It was fun to push you around, in any context.
When he was sure you were far out the door, he quickly padded to the bedroom, eyeing the box that lay on the duvet.
Slipping onto the sheets, he kneeled and pulled it closer. He rubbed at the ribbon, frowning. 
The two of you had used toys and...  devices plenty of times, tending to each other, just in different ways. But, when Keigo picked up the parcel, it seemed far too light to have any sort of toy in it.
Keigo frowned, slipping off the satin and pulling off the lid.
Oh fuck.
Inside, neatly packaged with crisp tissue paper, was a carefully folded set of clothes. Special clothes, notably.
This became abundantly clear as Keigo carefully pulled the mesh and lace out of the box, blood rushing to his half-hard cock. 
It was an incredibly pretty set. Stockings, garters, even a ribbed bodice with lacey cups, all pale pink with gold embroidery and accents. 
It was pretty, but not your size at all.
As he pulled out the last item, a pair of satin and lace panties with extra fabric at the front, he realized that these were undoubtedly for him.
A hot blush sped to his cheeks as he stared down at the pretty mess in front of him. 
Sure, he’d talked about this kink to you in passing, but you’d never mentioned it and he’d never asked you to indulge him in it. 
However, it was quite clear that that was indeed what you were doing, giving him such a beautiful set. 
There was even a small card.
Despite the fact that you’ve been nothing but an ungrateful brat lately, 
I’ve been gracious enough to give you a sweet gift.
You’ll have to earn it tonight. 
Be good.
(Y/N) <3”
 Keigo stared down at the garments and the note, already far too hard to be comfortable.
It was hardly going to be a leisurely day off.
 You took the opportunity to torture Keigo just a little.
Honestly, you deserved it. With the way he’d been randomly dragging you into bathrooms, alleyways, and dressing rooms to wreck you, it was truly only fair that you got to wreck him. 
So, you started early.
You sent picture after picture to him throughout the day, stepping from your office to tease at your own special garments that hid just under your modest clothing. Keigo probably wouldn’t touch himself, knowing what that would cost him. Fucking with him throughout the day would just make your revenge that much sweeter. 
He was easy to get riled up, it was one of his biggest weaknesses when this dynamic came up. Keigo might’ve had the stamina to go for hours, but he didn’t have the heart or mind not to beg for it.
And god, by the end of reaching your own workday, straps feeling almost too tight and pussy dripping, you were more than ready to fuck Keigo up beyond belief.
 “Kei’? I’m home!” You called as you came in the front door, slipping off your shoes and hanging your purse.
“I’m in here,” Keigo’s voice echoed from the bedroom.
Your plan, long thought-out, had turned out perfectly. Now, you reaped the reward.
You were going to fucking ruin Keigo.
Destroy him.
If he wasn’t a shaking pile of cum and sweat when you were done with him, you’d just keep going. 
You strode to the bedroom, anticipating the sight before you with bated breath.
And god, did Keigo take yours away.
Like a ‘good boy’, he was just as you ordered him to be. 
He was kind enough to keep the lighting the room low, though he was more than visible and fucking gorgeous.
The lingerie set fit him beautifully, as you expected. The pink satin and lace stretched over his tanned skin so well, showing off the tone of his muscles and the swell of his light curves, as well as his already weeping bulge. 
He sat on his spread knees atop the bed, garters pulling tight over his upper thighs. The panties were maybe a bit small for Keigo’s fat cock, but seeing a bit of him peeking out was never a bad thing.
The bodice of the piece was truly beautiful. It was ribbed, a blushing pink and had small threads of golden stitching accenting the lace work. The cups of the piece were pressed to Keigo’s hardened, pierced nipples, the fabric undoubtedly teasing the skin raw (not that you didn’t plan on getting them such a way yourself.) 
“Oh, baby,” You sigh, a light, genuine smile coming to your face. “You look beautiful.”
Keigo must’ve already been pretty deep in it, ducking his head and biting his lip, “Thank you, mommy.”
You smiled at his usage of the proper title, though none of your irritation or anger faded. It was only a few drops of water on a much hotter burn. 
You walked up to the bed, leaning over the end of it to tilt up his face to yours, “Kei’, what’s your safeword?” 
“Quill,” He leaned into your touch, stubbly cheeks brushing against your palms. 
Nodding to yourself, you stepped back from him. Watching Keigo was like observing a moving piece of fine art, the shadows and highlights of his body crafted by some finer being than you. You were just there to tend to him, use him and bend him in the ways you knew he craved.
You fetched the last two parcels from the closet, setting them onto the nearby dresser. Close by and in-sight, teasing the two of you.
 You turned, directly regarding Keigo. He must have been watching you move about the room, eyes rounded and knees spread just right.
“So, tell me, Kei’,” You hummed approaching the bed while popping the buttons on your work blouse. “Have you been a good boy lately?”
His fingers stiffened over the lace of the stockings, stubs twitching behind him, “I... don’t think so.”
You hummed, fully peeling off your top, “Wow, so someone’s finally got some sense to himself now? Mommy’s proud, but it’s a little too late for that.”
Keigo audibly swallowed now that you were barer to him.
Your set was a leather of some sort, black straps adorning and squeezing your frame and flesh in the best ways, linked by o-rings and pretty buckles. If Keigo was in a different mood, he would have half a mind to tug you close by the ring dangling between the slope of your breasts. 
But he wasn’t, he was mommy’s good, sweet brat, and that meant sitting and shutting up unless he wanted this to be worse for himself.  
You tapped your hip, over the slim zipper to your skirt.
Keigo nodded, too quick and too eager as his shaking hands slid the zipper over the curve of your hip.
You stepped back before Keigo could get too much satisfaction from the action, shimming the skirt down your legs—
And the set you had on top kept going.
Garters and black stockings settled over your thighs, perfectly fitted and perfect for you and your perfect body, Keigo just wanted a taste—
You slapped his hand down onto the bed, holding it there and leaning forward with a sickly syrupy smile, “I thought you said you knew you were being a brat, baby boy? Wouldn’t that mean you know not to push your fucking luck—?” 
You left his hand on the duvet with an order to not move it, to which he complied.
And you slipped back over to the dresser, unfurling your last parcels. 
Rope and a pretty new toy.
He didn’t deserve them, they were for you.
The new harness was perfect, custom made to your size, so it sat perfectly over the curves of your thighs and ass. It looked even better when you attached the curved, thick strap to it.
“Is that—”
“For you?” You finished Keigo’s sentence with a click of your tongue. “Maybe. Maybe I’ll just suck on that cute little cock of yours until you’re fucked dry. Maybe, I would let you near my dick. Or, you learn to be a good boy like you say you are—”
You grabbed his jaw in one hand and squeezed, “And you’ll get mommy’s pretty strap?”
To his merit, Keigo really, really was being good. 
Each expression of his was just so, so delicious, and that wasn’t even taking into account the beautiful ways his body arched and writhed below you. 
What would the public think if they knew ‘Hawks’ was fucking mama’s boy who craved nothing more than getting stuffed with thick cock and edged until he was crying sweet, sweet tears?
Who knows! You didn’t, and you didn’t fucking care. 
You’d stuffed Keigo with a cute plug as prep, one with a glittering, yellow gem that just looked so good between his pert little ass cheeks. The new rope was put to use as well. Though, the knots were kept mainly to his arms and wrists. The new lingerie was too pretty to hide. You had tied the intricate knots and binds torturously slowly, as you’d be so kind as to attach a small, vibrating egg to the tip of his dick. 
Though, the first thing you did was lock a cock ring at his base with the promise that he ‘wouldn’t be cumming until he was screaming’. 
You had him under you, tits squished to his ribs. Your thighs slotted on the sides of his braced and squeezing him just enough so he knew not to dare to try and move with your word. 
You smeared lube up and down his angrily red cock, thumbing the head. The slick and pre slipped down and stickied his balls and the roughed-up panties tucked beneath. 
Keigo was a fucking mess for it. Whining and gasping with each breath for little, reverent pleas— ‘more, more, more—’ 
His wrists were tied together, pale pink rope making flushed marks against his heat softened skin. They were secured high on the bed, pulling his body taut and flat against the sheets.
You nipped at one of his pierced nipples, tugging the tender bar with your teeth with little regard for how Keigo squealed again. 
Each sound had you dripping, just as needy and wanting as your sweet, sweet boy, but you’d be damned to let it be as apparent as his wanting.
Keigo was a goddamn sight. 
Blond waves stuck to his forehead and temples, cheeks red and lips bitten to cherry. His mouth hung open, drool spilling from the corner and soaking the pillow you graciously kept under his head. 
(Only because you’d ridden his face for a good while prior, and you were such a nice mommy, you gave him a nice cushion while you let him tongue fuck you to another orgasm.)
“M-mommy,” Keigo’s voice shook. “Please.”
You tsked. 
“Disappointing, sweet boy,” You chastised, lightly. Keigo had already wept hard enough, you didn’t need to push much more before he cracked just as you wanted. “You know to beg better.”
Keigo choked on a sob, something that made his bound, stubby wings shudder and writhe against the sheets.
“But, I-I already have,” Keigo sputtered, tugging on the bindings and breathing hard as you toyed with the ring at the base of his swollen cock. “Please.”
He deserved it, all the teasing and sweet torture, considering what a bastard he’d been in the past week. 
“Needy and you’re talking back?” You rolled your eyes. “So what, you want me to ride your cock? That’s too good for you.”
“‘T-too good for me,’” Keigo repeated, tearfully, stomach shaking with the way he was still trying to holding back.
He just needs to let go. Be the shameless cock slut he is. 
“Guess I’ll just fuck that cute little ass of yours until I’m satisfied.”
Keigo gulped as you helped him onto his tummy, bound hands freed from the headboard to brace below him. His back arched, a practice ‘c’ curve that you made dip deeper with a press to the small of back.
“Do better,” You reminded him, cruelly. He stifled another sob, nodding.
He shrieked as you eased the lubed plug from his ass. You poured a gracious amount over the red strap-on, admiring it. 
It was thick, it’d be a stretch and would press deep enough to knock Keigo out if you so chose.
As much as Keigo loved fucking you hard and fast, wherever and whenever he pleased, he needed this sometimes. A bit of handful (or so) of mean words, and a thick cock to fuck him full and dumb.
“Baby boy,” You cooed, tapping the toy over his blushing bottom. “You ready? Or should we wait—”
The impatient bastard. 
“No, no, no,” Keigo sputtered against the sheets. “I c-can’t mommy, I can’t—”
“Can’t what, baby?”
“I can’t wait!”
It was the concept of waiting any longer for your fat cock that sent him sobbing into the bedding, hiccuping and writhing. 
Keigo, the sweet thing he was, sagged and fell apart. Breaking good and proper, coherency gone. 
You guided him through it, good and proper. 
Truthfully, Keigo had been put through it. The sudden expectations, having him wait his entire day off, tempted by your skimpy little photos. And when you finally deemed him worthy of you, it was just to tease him and pretty cock for a few hours just to let off some of your own steam was cruel. 
But Keigo had been bad, and loved getting used when you both needed it.
His tears must’ve felt damn good, considering when you reached under his hips (while rubbing tender little circles over his spine) his cock was harder than ever, leaking and wet with need.
He seized beneath you, sputtering little ‘n-no’s and ‘p-please’s mixed with his weeping. He twitched in your hand as you ran the pad of your finger around the ring at its base.
“I could take this off,” You mused, pressing the tip of the strap against his hole. “Or—” 
With a slow grind of your hips, you stretched him wide and trembling. 
Keigo’s cries got louder, deeper and rougher as he clasped his hands in their binds. Bent over his body, you teased his cock with a light hand, humming as you nonchalantly fucked him to the hilt of the strap.
“Now, sweet boy,” You nudge your hips flush to his, just barely shifting “If I take this off, can you come for me? I need you to cum for me as much until you can’t anymore. Can you be a good boy?”
After a moment of sniffling, he nodded, “Yes, m-mommy.”
You flicked the clasp on the ring, discarding it and rolling your hips.
And Keigo instantly came. 
With all of that build-up, he shuddered, wings writhing as his back bent harder as he drenched the sheets beneath the two of you.
“My good boy,” You hummed, petting between his wings as he rode it out. “Keep it up.”
And without relenting, you grabbed his wings for leverage and fucked him.
Maybe, it was a little cruel. 
Your pace was set hard and fast, tugging the feathery stubs and enjoying the feel of his round, downy feathers where you held the base. Your grip was the only thing keeping Keigo as he resisted collapsing.
You were nice enough to occasionally reach down and give Keigo a few quick pumps, just enough so he’d crest again, sticking your hand so well and thick. The cum was smeared onto the fatty round of his ass with a slap or two. 
As much as it was a damn treat to see Keigo so fucked up and fucked, you let up when his orgasms were still hot and harsh, but his cock was nearly dry. It hardly sputtered anything, drained and sticky and overstimulated beyond belief.
“N-no more, no more!” Keigo sputtered as he trembled and convulsed with a dry, painful orgasm, your hand still fisting the sore flesh on his cock. 
You knew him well enough to stop then.
Your hips stilled, breath labored, though nothing like Keigo’s teary, nearly-dry sobs. He slowly fell into the sheets, aching body falling with nothing left to give. 
Everything was slow for a moment. 
You pulled out, graciously slow and tender, mindful of his raw state.
With a few skillful tugs, his wrists were free and unbound. Weak arms and shaking hands grabbed for you, needy as ever, but still, you could indulge him. 
‘Mommy, m-mommy, please,” Keigo tried to tug you down into the soaked sheets as you unbuckled the harness from around your hips. 
You raised an eyebrow, “Still needy?”
Keigo choked on something between a sob and scream, nodding and needing. 
(Completely wrecked, just as you craved and planned. He really was good.)
Your heart softened, the energy in the air diffusing as you freed his wings, coaxing them to stretch out and release any remaining bottled up tension.
And you fell into the bed with him, tugging your sweet boy to your chest and peppering kisses over his salt-slicked cheeks.
“You were wonderful dear, my good, sweet boy,” You layered on the praise, enjoying how his shudders came from your words as opposed to the discarded cock. 
Keigo opened his cracked lips but quickly closed them, settling before nuzzling under your chin and practically purring as he came down.
You always knew that you did your job well when Keigo was fucked silent. 
thank you for reading 💞 
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
soo, do you have any crimeboys superhero au recommendations?
Not counting the classics TommyInnit's Unbeatable Method of Avoiding Sudden Death and TommyInnit's Clinic For Supervillains I'll add:
One More Step Out of the Pit Fluff!!!! It has less angst than the other two by a long shot. It isn't all happy and sunshines of course. It takes a but of time for Tommy to get used to his situation. There's also Tubbo destroying the city. That was a thing that happened.
It had been Tommy and Tubbo for practically forever. They clawed their way out of hell together. They discovered their superpowers together. They started working for the Superhero Guild together before even coming of age. Tommy probably owed Tubbo his life ten times over. So, when the three supervillains he'd been assigned to bring in managed to take Tubbo hostage, well, there was really only one thing to do.
He knew, of course, he was signing himself up for torture and death by offering that trade, but that was okay.
It'd have to be okay.
New Deceit's an Old Design First of all: Fuck this fic. Just fuck this one. I can't say anything but aahhh just. I hope you like feeling utter despair.
Wilbur sighed. This kid would be the death of him. “Wednesday,” he said definitively. “If it doesn’t get better by Wednesday, I’ll call a doctor.” That was when he got paid, so maybe it wouldn’t be as bad. They’d just have to be a bit careful about spending money for the rest of the month. “Deal?”
“Fine,” Tommy agreed, though it didn’t look as if he liked it. “Deal.”
Or: Wilbur is sick, Tommy is stressed, and they can't run from the past forever. Crime boys-centric superpowers AU in which I take 'Crime boys' too literally.
Hush Now (You Were Lost but Now You’re Found) - Welcome to conflicting feelings about Dream and Wilbur really said "I'm a possessive bitch" and he means it.
Red Chaos was the name the world had bestowed upon him, and Dream had laughed as he dragged Tommy down against his chest in a rough sprawl back against the couch, squeezing him tight after their first official mission together.
Tommy had done good and Dream had been proud.
Siren shifts, a look Tommy can’t be bothered to understand flashing briefly before his shoulders roll into a shrug.
“You saved my life.”
I know, Tommy thinks, lips drawing back in an ugly grimace. It ruined mine.
The morning paper lies discarded on the couch beside him with black bold headlines:
No Cause for Concern - You know, Tommy really has the smartest of ideas. Working for the Heroes that very much want to catch him for bein a Vigilante? Really big man behaviour. Of course it doesn't go bad at all. Wilbur is a bit conflicted about vigilantes but he'll come around. :)
So maybe applying for a job at the heroes' base of operations when he could be arrested any moment for being an illegal vigilante wasn't Tommy's smartest move. But he gets to work with his idols — Ghostbur, the Blade, and Philza Minecraft, Angel of Death himself, just to name a few — how could he turn down that opportunity, honestly?
And keeping his two identities separate can't be that difficult, really. It'll all be a piece of cake.
or, tommyinnit just wanted to pay the rent and save people at the same time. things can't go his way for just once, can they?
Why Little Songbird (What’s Happened To Your Wings?) - Not finished (RIP) but pretty fun with what it has. Tommy working at a coffee shop? What a surprise /s Philza was the one to find him first which is peculiar, however Wilbur is still the one to truly break the ice and to annoy Tommy as a civilian. ^^
One of those obligatory Superhero AUs every DSMP fanfic writer must attempt at least once.
It’s been about two months since Tommy’s world collapsed around him, and now he’s dragging The Angel of Death up the stairs of his apartment building, because the idiot got stabbed and then passed out in the alleyway next to his house. And he would rather not have to walk by a rotting corpse every time he has to take out the trash. So he attempts first aid, has an odd, brief conversation, stumbles through an awful day at work, and then attempts to continue living his “normal” “civilian life” without anymore unwelcome interruptions.
This unwelcome interruption calls himself Wilbur, and Wilbur has a very punchable face. Tommy tells him this, very helpfully, the first time they meet. Then semi-regularly after that.
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enderwoah · 3 years
(this is really long ENJOY :gun:)
he is phil's son smile
phil's most recent son at least
he's got like one more somewhere
he picked this one up off the dangerous streets a few years ago and he's been sticking with phil ever since
his wings are small- not too small to fly, but they're untrained to the point where it would take a lot or work to get him off the ground
but at first, he didn't really seem to want to learn all that much?
(he has three scars on his face- all from trying to learn how to fly when he was younger)
(he gave up after the third one)
("if at first you don't succeed; try, try again" is his motto, and he tried all three times)
but!! phil and wilbur are very persuasive :) and now that he knows he can fly, he's not going to rest until he does
he's a little manipulative to get what he wants sometimes, but can you blame someone that lived on the street for so long?
he had to do that to survive! it's not his fault.
(it's a great excuse.)
he laughs like a kookaburra amen
he squawks when he gets scared
he chirps. he tries not to because it makes phil go absolutely bird-brained but he does sometimes and he hates it.
god he is. so fucking annoying (/rp)
he simply does not know when to stop
he ignores social cues to see when someone is annoyed
(see: he can read social cues. he does read social cues. when you get annoyed that's when he starts being more annoying, because you're more likely to give him what he wants to get him to shut the fuck up.)
he loves talking to (at) people, especially people he doesn't really know that well
so he's trying to be friends with ranboo, but the absolute prick keeps trying to avoid any actual conversations, so that's not working
he buzzes when he gets excited-happy
his fingertips are completely blackened and horrendously sharp, functioning as ten individual stingers
they don't do any actual damage but he's working on that
wither hybrid (??)
how can you be a wither hybrid?? nobody got down and dirty with the wither
he's an experiment
the reason we haven't seen him yet? he's staying away from the main area of the smp
he doesn't want to ruin its natural beauty with his withering effect, so he keeps to himself on the outskirts of the smp
which sucks
withers get health from killing things
he's not fully a wither, so he gets energy from being around people and sort of draining their life force a little bit
he feels terrible when he's with just one person because they are Literally his life support and it makes the person feel like shit
when he's with a big group of people its great!! he only has to take a little bit from everyone and its barely noticable!!
but then there's the wither part. so he has to stay away.
he's always tired
always exhausted
he's a farmer, so taking it from animals works, but god does he miss people
but he can only visit a few times and for very short
(he's afraid that one of these days he'll get so bad that the next time he sees someone he'll accidentally kill them)
(it already happened once. he's blessed that he's been forgiven, even made friends with by the victims, but he doubts he'll be able to pull that off again with no consequences like last time)
phantlings are dead elytrians, and given that wilbur was phil's son...he's a phantling
he died in the late 50s and was a librarian when he was alive, so he's very possessive (ha) over all of his things
you should never ask to "borrow" anything from him, he will hound you about it until you give it back
it's best to just say that you want something from him to keep
even if youre going to give it back
just for your own peace of mind
phantlings can feel fear and get a genuine feeling of elation from scaring people
of course, sometimes its unwelcome (feeling large amounts of fear from someone they care about in a bad way just makes them pissed)
but for the most part, wilbur loves appearing in the corner of people's visions just to jumpscare them a few minutes later
all in good fun, of course!! it's just hilarious :)
being the lighthearted, fun guy he is, he's not particularly secretive about his method of death
"how did i die? well, it all started -- ended -- on november 16th, 1958!"
"i walked out of the library late, since i took the shift for my wife since she was feeling sick and i worked there anyways,"
"the streets were dark and only lit up by gaslamps...and out of an alley...appeared..........."
he didn't mean it. wilbur isn't at all mad at him (anymore)
he was starving. he didn't know that one touch would be enough to fully revitalize him...
and murder wilbur where he stood.
has details on everyone on the server
you Cannot Hide Shit From Sneeg
its impossible
if you find of his any shittly little mouse holes then you're doomed
you find one and there are twenty more
he's under your floorboards while you're having your important discussion about trapping the nether roof
sucks to suck ig??
he seems to be the favourite of many, which is weird since he rarely goes out of his way to actually talk to many people
he's the only person that tubbo doesn't actively try to annoy (or maybe he just doesn't find tubbo's antics all that annoying)
he's the only person that ranboo stays around (or maybe he stays around ranboo- he and Phil seem to be the only ones not off-put by his slightly sadistic and whiny demeanour (not counting tubbo, who annoys him anyways)
phil seems to be more protective of him than he thinks is normal (he lets sneeg ride on his shoulder while travelling, so he doesn't really complain)
niki is completely protective over him (again, not complaining)
contrary to popular believe, he does not get high from sugar
if anything he gets
(get it)
he's literally just a nine-year old getting a sugar rush leave him alone
take the normal "bird-brain" headcanons and multiply it by like sixty-four
and you've got origins phil
he can't see glass- or, rather, he can, but it doesn't register that 'hey, this is a solid surface i am going to slam into'
its very funny for everyone else but he's pretty sure he has permanent brain damage from the blunt force trauma
if there is ANYONE on the server who dares to chirp, bird or no, they must understand that they are signing away their privacy and giving phil the right to go absolutely bonkers over them momma bird style
(shoutout to tommy, wilbur, ranboo, and fundy for having to suffer through this)
"oh??? you don't have wings?? you don't have feathers?? omg?? then what's this im preening?? what do you mean im just braiding your hair?? nono this is preening smile"
god help you if you dare to have wings
poor tommy, wilbur, sneeg, and tubbo
phil can't help himself alright
do you think he wants to be any sort of protective over sneegsnag?
no!! but he cant stop himself!! sneeg might damage his wings if he keeps flying those super long distances!!! nnnno! carry the bug man!!!
it's weird, he's always had that protective sense over ranboo, too
but ranboo very obviously doesn't have wings, so he doesn't get it...
yes ur a peasant
yes ur poor
yes im cooler than u
what r u gonna do about it
the enderdragon's son! partially a dragon, partially enderman, partially human (don't ask, his other mom is a hybrid), all spoiled brat!
given that he has a ton of dragon genes, he's extremely possessive over his stuff and Yes He Does Do The Hoarding Thing
he has a pile of rings and gold chains and necklaces and most of his jewellery hidden underneath his bed
(if you ask him, no, he doesn't)
not to wear
just to Have
one time, fundy stole one (1) bracelet from the hoard and ranboo was sent into a panic for a good 24 hours
he wouldn't leave his cave and kept counting and recounting as if that'd make the missing piece reappear
(when fundy had to give it back because of the guilt, he expected to get his face bitten off)
(instead, he just watched as the prince was flooded with relief, telling him to get the hell out and nothing more)
it's weird, he has so much gold and even a crown, and yet here he is
living with all those people ^^^
truth be told, the enderdragon isn't a very nice dragon
nor is she a very kind queen
nor was the other queen
nor was her son
there was a mutiny in the end, leading to the dragon queen and her wife being killed brutally by the crowd of angered people
they went after their son next, who had ordered executions and worked servants to the bone just as much as they had
they cut off his wings in the middle of the square
he was sure he was going to die until a random person (a peasant) jumped up and yelled at them for publicly torturing a child
but ranboo didn't really catch all of it, given he was delirious from pain
he got to get some stuff quickly and escape with his life
this wasn't too long ago, either, so he's still trying to...adjust...to people talking rudely to him
(he's also trying to adjust to not having wings)
(hence why he hurls himself off the edges of cliffs and then has to teleport to the bottom instead of glide. he keeps forgetting.)
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chipper-smol · 3 years
Hollow Knight Telephone Round Two: Babysitter SL
Prompt: Shade (lord) is in the midst of final exams and they’re more stressed and tired than usual while babysitting. They accidentally fall asleep in the middle of a calm spell and the god babies become worried. The next time Shade comes over, all of the god babies present a gift they all made together!
By @minnesotamidian-blog​
Shade barely noticed their surroundings as they entered the nursery playroom. Plastic clattered and they sighed as Radiance yelled at the top of her lungs. At least she wasn't screaming. Yet. The scene was set: Unn was still in a crib and chewing on a bar, Root was climbing slowly onto a chair. Radiance was knocking over plastic blocks as Grimm cackled away. For once, Wyrm was playing peacefully with a kick toy, batting at it with his tail. Root got onto the chair and squealed, raising her arms. "Big Root now!" The little blue-eyed godling squeaked out.
Shade picked her up, hugged her to their chest before holding her out. "Now you're a flying Root."
She screamed laughter as Shade tiredly walked her around the room before setting her down near some of her favorite toys. They made sure nobody else had claimed the chair and took a seat, bending over to pick up the fussy moth. "Ancient enemy!" Of course she bit their hand.
Shade winced and just ran a hand over her fluff. "Are you hungry for something that isn't void?" They spoke tiredly.
"Oranges!" She yelled out.
The teen sighed as he went to the mini-fridge with snacks and found some miracle of miracles! pre-peeled oranges. Shade pulled them out and put her in a high chair with one at a time so she wouldn't be tempted to throw the extras at them.
Finals were here and they were really taking it out of the gangly god. Why did they have to know stuff about inorganic chemistry? Why did they have to know about history nobody cared about? There were some fun subjects, but the finals seemed to even suck the fun out of those classes, going over notes and studying everything just in case. They'd been pulling long nights and the night before had been an all-night cram session-and they still had to come to work, they couldn't afford not to. They'd underlined all the stuff the teacher had said was important to remember and had written down stuff from the last finals about each teacher's usual tests.
It made narrowing down what to study from impossible to I'm totally toast. They groaned as they set down a calmer Radiance the opposite side of the room from Wyrm. She found toys that interested her, at least. Root wandered over to Wyrm, who was really into knocking at the kick toy and purring. Root settled nearby and burbled as she hugged and gnawed a plushie.
The teen couldn't help it. The kids were calm for once; their head started to tilt forward, eyes heavy. They were exhausted. Shade's eyes closed and their breathing deepened. At first, their toys were too interesting to notice their babysitter's state; but it didn't take long for Grimm to get bored enough to fly over and notice. "...Shade? Shade's eyes are closed." They landed and the four children not in a crib headed for the batlike godling.
"Is Shade dead?" Wyrm sounded worried.
"Don't be stupid, they're having a nap!" Radiance huffed.
Root looked up and swayed before patting Shade's leg. "Grown-ups don't have nap times." She was tearing up.
"Nuh-uh, they're having bad dreams and it's tasty!" Grimm clamored onto their lap.
The others joined, Radiance grabbing Unn to join them on the sleeping teen. Grimm rested between Shade's horns, Unn was on one shoulder, Radiance on the other, with Root and Wyrm curled up together on Shade's lap, Wyrm purring for once.
When Shade woke up, they were surprised by the weight on their body and forced themself to look down and around before moving. "Uh oh, I fell asleep… sheesh, I'm glad this place isn't a fiery disaster." They picked the godlings up. "You're not dead!" Wyrm exclaimed.
Root burst into tears and even Grimm joined in on the crying spat. Shade sighed and spent the rest of the time comforting them until meal time and settled them down. Time to go home for them all!
But the worry didn't leave the heads of the little godlings. "We should make something for Shade. If they're having nightmares, they might be sad." Radiance sighed. "But that doesn't mean I feel bad for my ancient enemy!" "What do we make?" Root twirled around, slowly turning in place until she fell onto pillows in her dizziness.
"Something of clay! I can burn it dry!" Grimm hopped around.
"But there's no clay." Unn spoke slowly, thoughtfully. "But there's crayons and paper."
"Oooh. We can make a pretty picture for Shade!" Wyrm waved his head happily. The group went for papers and each started to draw on the paper. "You're taking up too much paper!" Wyrm whined.
Radiance complained in turn, pointing at the color he was using. "I want that color!"
Wyrm growled and argued back. "I had it first!"
They started rolling around over their drawings, biting and clawing. Grimm gave a solid scream that startled the two. "You ruined Shade's pretty pictures!" He yelled.
The two looked at each other and hung their heads. "...sorry." Radiance muttered.
"-'m sorry." Wyrm looked away from the moth, skulking. "Start again? You can have the crayon, Radiance…"
Radiance took the crayon and they all picked up the last piece of paper. "I think this is better." Root spoke cheerfully.
It was three days later, once Shade had a solid night's sleep and finals completed that they'd returned to work. A large construction sheet of paper in grey covered in scribbles and rough names and messages was waiting for them.
Feel better soon Shade
Love you
Best babysitter
Tastiest nightmare!
Not the worst anciant ancient enemy.Shade could only feel warmth and laugh, hugging the drawing to themself. There were some days the job felt like the best thing in the world.  ------------------------------- By @tomatotimes
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By @loud-whistling-yes
The kids protested louder. Shade lifted the TV remote higher up, now above their head.
"Screentime's over, I said no."
Wyrm attempted to crawl up their leg in what was a rather pathetic attempt at stealing the remote, but was promptly shaken off. Grimm tried next, flying overhead to snatch the controller. Shade ducked and grabbed him by the tail before he could send himself flying straight towards the ceiling fan for the third time that day.
"Find something else to do," Shade said as they stuffed the remote deep into their pocket, much to everyone else's dismay. "Look, as much as I'd love to shut you guys up for the whole day, you've all been staring at the TV for hours now and I don't want to get in trouble with your parents."
Louder complaints.
"No, no, no. I am not cracking this time." Shade announced as they pulled Radi, who was hissing like an angry cat, off their jeans and pulled their phone out. "You guys got me last week, never again. No more TV for you, we're doing something else before I lose my money for tonight. Google almighty, what is your suggestion."
activities to do with children
fun activities to do with children
activities to do with toddlers
what can I do with kids that isn't a major headache to deal with goddamnit
Go to the park? Shade took about half a second to consider the thought before wondering why they even thought it was possible anyways. Five kids from the deepest depths of hell, outdoors? No. No park.
Finger painting? A pain to clean up, but better than outdoors. Then they looked up from their phone and considered the idea with greater thought. Grimm's wings, Radi's legs, Unn and Wyrm's… er…. Body?.... Nevermind.
Play pretend? …. If they hear the name Hallownest one more time they might just go insane.
Hide and seek? No. No no no no no. No more hide and seek. Shade was utterly sick of hide and seek. If they had to spend another second stuffed inside the closet or trying to get Radi off the roof they'll probably quit the job right there and then.
… That might work. Sure, cleaning up is gonna be absolute hell but it's the only thing Google suggested that they haven't tried yet without horrible results.
Shade stuffed their phone back into their pocket and made a getaway to the kitchen, everyone else following, probably still trying to get the remote back. Butter, eggs, flour, sugar, oh, even some chocolate chips…
"Well then," They declared, pulling every ingredient out of the cabinet and fridge. "We're making cookies! And no, no one is allowed to touch the oven when it's hot. If you guys behave we'll have cookies in like, an hour or something like that."
The kids watched in confusion as Shade ran around the kitchen, pulling out bowls and spoons and a bunch of other utensils while typing furiously on their phone.
Cookies recipe
Cookies recipe easy
Cookies recipe for beginners
Cookies recipe for kids
"What do you guys think about chocolate chip cookies?"
Multiple chitters of approval. "Chocolate chip cookies it is then."
Step one: sieve the flour. Oh wyrm, first step and it's already gonna go to shit.
"Okay, you guys can watch this but for the love of the holy wyrm, do not touch it." Shade measured the correct amount of flour before scooping Wrym and Unn off the floor onto the table so they could see while Radi pulled herself onto the chair. The Lady had already clinged herself onto their sweater and Grimm was doing just fine flying nearby.
“You guys get one chocolate chip each if you guys behave and don’t get flour everywhere.” Shade added. “Now, Lady, hold still and don’t move, I gotta keep my hands steady for this…”
"Okay, chocolate chip time." Shade popped open the jar of chocolate as the kids cheered. "Actually, we’re not supposed to be eating this plain, cause it's going into the cookies. But no one actually does that so you guys get five chips each for not setting the kitchen on fire so far."
"The recipe says a cup of chocolate chips but we all know that's a lie." They added while shoving their phone back in their pocket and grabbing a handful of chips before mixing the batter together. "I'm probably not someone you should take life lessons from, but here's one thing I can guarantee you should take to heart: never follow the recipe when it comes to chocolate chips, you count that with your soul."
Final step: oven time. The oven was preheated earlier, and the only thing left was to get the cookies into the tray and into the oven. "Now, who wants to make heart-shaped cookies?"
Three deformed stars, five mutated trees, two malformed cats, several irregular hearts, a couple handfuls of chocolate eaten straight from the jar, and one (1) perfectly round cookie later, the cookies were on the tray, in the oven, and in a surprising turn of events, no one burned themselves… yet. Shade grabbed everyone and made sure no one was in a five-meter radius within the oven before picking up all the dirty bowls and utensils. “Cookies will have to sit in there for about 15 minutes, we’ll be cleaning up in the meantime.”
“Don’t look at me like that, and no whining, if you want cookies you gotta deal with the mess afterwards. That's the payoff, unless you're a wizard who has a passion for baking. Then that's fair, I guess." They dumped all the used utensils they could find and turned on the sink. The sief, three bowls, tablespoons and teaspoons.. Oh wait.
"Radi, the big wooden spoon, please?" Shade called, sponge in their hand and bowls being thoroughly rinsed.
Radi, of course, was not willing to help, because she's basically a feral house cat that just so happened to grow more legs than the average feline. Shade sighed and moved on to finding the next helper they could find.
"Grimm, I know you're touching the oven, stop it. I'm pretty sure you're immune to fire but not everyone else and you're setting a bad example for them. Get me the spoon please."
“Lady, here’s a cloth, help me dry the bowls up. Wyrm, … i have no idea how you can help, no limbs and all but uh, could you go get Unn? I have no idea where she went. Thanks.” The last sentence was to Grimm, who flew over with the mixing spoon and dropped it into the sink while Wyrm scurried away to find Unn, wherever she’s napping at.
"Radi? Radi, I know you're right behind me, stop pretending that you can't hear me. Lady has an extra cloth with her, you're on table wiping duty."
“See? That wasn't so bad,” Shade sent the last of the bowls back into the cupboards and closed it shut. “And the cookies are pretty much done.”
“Also, no. You may not eat the cookies the moment I pull them out of the oven. These rules also apply to Grimm because it's unfair to everyone else.. Don’t look at me like that Grimm, I know you’ll eat them all before they cool and leave us nothing.”
The cookies smelt delicious, and were left on the dining table to cool. “Now that it's cooling down, it's naptime.”
A chorus of groans and wailing.
“It’ll be ready when you guys get up. Up up up, sleep time.”
If you’ve been anywhere near toddlers before, you’d know that getting them to nap in their bedrooms is a near-impossible situation. And Shade was not a person who deals with near-impossible situations well. So following the months old custom, Shade turned on the tv, remote miraculously not pickpocketed, collapsed onto the couch, and waited for everyone piling on them to fall asleep before moving them into their bedroom and pretending they managed to wrangle them all into bed.
And it all goes to plan, the Lady and Wyrm were sound asleep on their lap, Radi and Unn were dozing off on their shoulders, and they're pretty sure the snoring from the top of their head was coming from Grmm. Now, step 2: get everyone off them and onto the beds.
… Or maybe later. It's been a long day, and the couch is pretty comfy. Yeah, just five more minutes, nothing wrong with that…
And if the parents came home to see a cleaner-than-expected kitchen, a tray of chocolate chip cookies, and five kids snoring on top of their babysitter, also sound asleep, then that’s nobody’s business.
And if the originally completely full jar of chocolate chips was pretty much empty, then that’s no one’s business as well.
By @astronomicartz​
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By @hollow-kin​
Shade lord wanted to take a nap. They are sooo tired, but they are babysitting 5 baby gods for 5$/H. Grimm is a brat, Radiance his sister is also a brat. Unn was ether eating or seeping, same with grub1. Lady was, well sweet and cuddly. they needed to find a distraction for the kids, what would work?
Would tv work, would cartoons work? They had dinner already. Tv had to work or grub and radiance would destroy the house. They needed to take a nap. Now what to watch was a different question, they would have to ask the kids. “so, what do guys want to watch? “Movie!” well they were all in agreement, what was good. “What kind of movie do you guys want to watch?” “Fire!” “dath” “animal” “tree” “ok. No, we are NOT watching fire.” “awww” “i do not know what dath means so no. So nature show it is then.” they go over to the tv and turn it on, then select the world around us. Lady was quick to fall asleep, on their lap. Shade lord slowly fell asleep, and grub nested between grub and shade lord. Grimm climed up to shade lord's head. 
By @hawaiianbabidoll
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By @neoliberalsatan
A gentle darkness surrounded the shade lord. He finally felt at ease. "finally", he thought, "rest." it didn't take long after that before the darkness started to take shape and a whole new world created out of shadows sheathed him.
But the happiness of the shadows didn't last long. A new and a new sound drowned out their world and all the animals and plants took to hiding back in his head. The shade lord felt the distressed creations stir inside his mind and woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He rubbed his lowest eyes and accepted the call
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Oh sorry dear, i know it's terribly late but we got an unexpected call and need to leave. Since you've babysat Unn multiple times we assumed she would like to stay with you. Is it okay for you? Can we bring her to your place?" The shade lord thought for a moment and decided he could use the money. "Yea it's fine, she's always such a pleasure to babysit." The voice on the other side sounded relieved. "Thank you. You're a life saver. We will make sure you're compensated accordingly."
Feeling a bit more awake after the phone call he started to prepare for having baby Unn over. After a while her parents arrived and after some greetings he was home alone with the baby. He walked with her in his arms towards the living room and placed her gently inside the crib. She opened her eyes for a moment after losing the feeling of someone holding her, but then closed them again and fell back asleep.
The shade lord decided he couldn't sleep anymore and made some popcorn and decided to put on a movie. It didn't even take 20 minutes before he got called again.
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Oh yes finally someone who answers. Sorry but you're our last hope. We were going somewhere tonight but our babysitter called off. Do you think you could babysit our lovely Radiance? She's very good behaved and won't cause you trouble." "yea, no problem. You'll just need to bring her to my place if it's no trouble"
Not even 5 minutes later the parents showed up and dropped of their larva. Shade lord looked at it a bit confused but didn't get the time to say anything because the parents left as soon as they handed her over. He closed his front door and gave the larva a good look. She was white and had a fluffy appearance. She had 5 pairs of legs and yellow-orange eyes. She started to writhe a little bit and shade lord made sure to hurry to the living room. He took a pillow and placed it on the couch and softly laid her on it. She seemed at ease and rested on the pillow all stretched out
Shade lord continued his movie, which was finally starting to get interesting, but as usual the commercial break hit. He was in the kitchen making more popcorn when he got another call.
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Hello, is this the babysitter?" "Yes, that's the one you're speaking with." "Great, a family member had an accident and i need to be there for them so do you think you could babysit for me?" "Yep, totally." "Thank you, can we bring him to you?" "Oh yea, no problem."
A few minutes later his doorbell rang and he hurried towards it. The father carried his toddler in what could only be described as wing-esque appendages. The shade lord extended his arms for the man to put his toddler in and felt a gentle brush of the leathery membrane. He shivered lightly before feeling a sudden warmth light up in his face, like someone has started a fire. When he looked back up the man was gone and he closed the door. The creature he was holding in his arms was unlike anything he had ever seen. 2 horns sprouted from its black head. The face was as bleak as white linen on a summer day. It seems she likes make-up because she had already 2 black lines running from her cheeks towards her eyes, eventually fading into the darkness of her head. She had the same membranes as her father and no limbs besides it.
He wasn’t even in the living room before he heard his front door being was under siege. He put the weird creature down and opened the front door. Immediately he was assaulted by Hollow, a very energetic child. He was wearing a green cloak today and it finally seemed he was starting to grow bigger than a hand. His horns has also branched into the inside. Immediately after Hollow jumped on his he could hear Pale complain about his unprofessional work attitude. Although he was bigger than most it seems he wouldn’t grow much anymore. His tiny stature didn’t discourage him from being bossy. Finally White entered. By far the biggest of the bunch, she was also the most introverted. Her roots slid elegantly over towards him and even managed to stop Pale from talking for a moment.
He took them inside the living room only to find that somehow the larva and the winged creature had somehow gotten into a fight and now both were in hiding in opposite sides of the room. Normally he wouldn’t make such a big deal out of this if somehow his couch wasn’t full of tiny needles and a chair was on fire. He rushed to the tap to fill a bowl of water to extinguish the little fire. With the attention being diverted Hollow managed to slip from the watch of Pale and could now be found in the corner Radiance was hiding. The larva figured out quickly he liked to play games and had soon enough set up a plan to make him betray Pale.
In the meantime White had climbed the couch and started pulling out the needles while Shade lord had figured out what the membrane between the appendages from the weird creature were for. Namely, for flight. And now she was attacking his horns and he couldn’t reach her. As if her flying was not good enough alone, whenever he raised his arms she would back off and launch a little fireball  All this commotion woke up baby Unn who slowly started to slither away from her crib to find food.
The shade lord finally had enough of the little fire hazard and rushed towards the pantry to get a kettle. Once he had found it he peeked around the corner only to find that fire hazard eating his popcorn! All caution was thrown aside and he grabbed her by the guts and put her inside the kettle. She tried to heat it but he added some water to it. While it evaporated quickly it was apparently enough to bring over the message. Now he could focus his attention back on the larva again, only she could’ve produced those needles, which White was making great progress with removing them as a quick glance told him.
Now back to Pale and Radiance who were apparently having a fight (Darkness, that larva really has a talent to provoke others). They were arguing near the coffee table, because apparently they wanted a fight so bad they just ran to each other and met in the middle. Hollow was climbing one of the legs of the table, but wasn’t noticed by the shade lord because he was too occupied with the other 2. He tried to separate the arguing pair but they were at each other’s throats. They even had summoned a needle and a tiny dagger to fight each other. The shade lord obviously didn’t count on this tiny factor and had soon enough one in each hand. He screamed, trying not to curse, barely not failing miserably, and Pale managed to escape. In any other situation this wouldn’t pose a problem, but Hollow, after eating some popcorn, found himself at the right edge of the coffee table and pulled out his tiny wooden sword he got from Pale. The larva, Darkness curse her, used this to her advantage and made the sign to Hollow to betray Pale. The act of betraying Pale involved jumping off of the coffee table and hitting Pale as hard on the head as possible. Naturally, all of this went according to plan and even brought some extra spectacle. After Hollow had hit Pale on the head he wasn’t prepared for the recoil of the wood and ended up hitting himself in the face.
All of this lead to 3 crying children (1 of them from laughing, the others from pain) and 1 very angry young adult. He put the larva on the couch and took care of the others while White held a close eye on the damned 10 legged thing. After Pale and Hollow weren’t crying anymore he took the little fire hazard out of the kettle and continued his movie, which was getting to an end.
After the film ended a documentary started and had all the kids hooked. He went to check on Unn only to find an empty crib. He could however see a slimy trail lead up his wall and onto the ceiling. It went through the door into the pantry where he kept his food and toys for the toddlers. He looked up on the ceiling only to find a sleepy Unn with a letter block in her mouth. Suddenly Unn started to make a very weird noise and fell from the ceiling onto his face. He swiped her off of his face onto his shoulder and then washed it.
He returned back to the tv to watch the documentary that was still playing and plopped down on the couch. Not long after he was asleep with White on his left shoulder, Unn on his right shoulder, the little fire hazard on the same arm and Pale curled up in his lap. Radiance and hollow were still awake but occupied with the documentary instead of causing trouble. After the documentary ended they crawled up against his sides and fell asleep.
By @constantlost 
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By @bugbeee
Exhaustion seeped into Shadelord’s body, limbs weighed down by a heaviness they hadn’t experienced in a while. The smatter of godlings that lay around them on the couch, or on them in Radi’s case, was enough to convince them that they had died and that this was the Eternal Void that was created to punish them for cheating on that test in the 8th grade. In their defence, it had been on rock sedimentation.
Wyrm continued his grumbling from the corner of the couch, still infuriated by the attack on his person only moments before. Root, the aggressor, looked remarkably pleased with herself. Shade knew they should probably punish her further in some way but... well, to be perfectly honest, they simply were not paid enough to do so.
They really should have charged more. Fifteen dollars at least per tiny demon they had to look after rather than the whole bunch. Fifteen dollars was not enough to encourage discipline. It was enough for them to make sure none of the godlings killed the other. And they had thought they had come up with an ingenious plan to secure some peace and quiet.
After much wrangling, they had finally managed to set up two separate playpens, each far enough away that the godlings wouldn’t start screaming if one of them saw their rival. Wyrm and Root in one pen, Grimm, Radi and Unn in another. It was a gamble, but one that thankfully seemed to have paid off. Radi was still exhausted from the tussle she had just had with Wyrm, and Grimm seemed content to chew off the heads of the plastic Garbies they had found. Unn continued to watch, and occasionally helped Grimm execute a Garbie in a spectacular manner. It was both reassuring, and beyond disturbing. Root and Wyrm meanwhile were cheerfully ignoring each other as they both played with their own toys.
It should have been foolproof.
Unfortunately for Shade however, they were dealing with infants instead of fools.
For some damned reason, Root had decided that now was the perfect time to act up, instead of being the sweet little darling she had been so far. Her target, much to their dismay, had been Wyrm. In all fairness, the godling had probably deserved it in some way; most likely he had tried to worm too close in order to steal some of the grubpaste and mushroom sticks Shade had left out as a snack. Root had seen this theft as a cardinal sin, and had subsequently decided that Wyrm deserved nothing less than absolute annihilation.
The momentary doze Shade had managed to fall into was abruptly interrupted by loud shrieking and wailing, resulting in them vaulting over the couch to hurriedly find out which one of the godlings was being tortured.
The scene that greeted them was... well, it wasn’t any less ridiculous than some of the other stuff the little goblins had pulled before.
Using her flexible tendrils, Root had seen fit to wrap them around Wyrm, and aggressively dunk him into the bowl of grubpaste he had attempted to steal from. His shrieks and hisses had woken up Radi and drawn the attention of the other children, who were now cheering on Root’s attack on Wyrm’s person.
“Enough,” Shade declared, shooting a glare behind them, “Root, let him go.” Root looked up innocently.
No, she seemed to say with her eyes, justice must prevail.
“Justice won’t get me my fifteen dollars,” they hissed out in return, and they could have sworn that Root shrugged, turning away from them to dunk Wyrm into the bowl yet again.
“No!” they cried out, quickly whipping down to grab the poor child before he could be further humiliated. After finally being saved from his vicious tormentor, Wyrm decided it was time to go into hysterics, lashing out with a sharp tail to fully show his displeasure. Root simply watched impassively as the rest of the children cheered.
Shade wondered if fifteen dollars was even worth it at this point.
“Alright, alright, enough! Root, you go in time out. We do not waterboard our fellow godlings in grubpaste. Wyrm, calm down, it’s just grubpaste- Settle down!” they yelped out, flinching as something heavy settled onto their head. The soft fluff revealed that Radi had decided to fly out of her pen and taunt Wyrm in person. Shade wanted to sob with frustration.
The door cracked open, and Ghost peered in, head tilted curiously.
Need help? they signed, and Shade wanted to collapse in relief.
“Please,” they begged, and their sibling nodded grimly, even as amusement danced in their eyes. Shucking off their school backpack, they quickly headed over to the other pen and signed to them, bobbing their head up and down in a soothing motion. Grimm and Unn were entranced. Radi less so. She remained seated on their head, but at least seemed to have finally stopped provoking Wyrm.
“I’m just going to clean him up,” Shade explained uselessly, watching as Ghost simply nodded and waved them off. 
With a tired gait, Shade wandered into the kitchen and turned on the tap, listening as Wyrm’s panicked yelps grew louder at the realisation of what was going to happen next. Radi snickered softly, before leaping off and gliding back into the living room.
Bath time, according to the godlings, was a fate worse than death, and something to be avoided at all cost.
Unfortunately for both Wyrm and Shade, it was a necessary evil. Wyrm disagreed. Loudly. And with claws.
He howled furiously as Shade slowly lowered him into the warm water, softly scrubbing at the now-dried grubpaste sticking to his skin. Despite his attempts, Wyrm failed to prevent them from continuing his bath. He turned to pathetic pleading instead, making soft mewling sounds as though he was nothing more than a poor innocent child who had done nothing wrong, ever.
Shade, who remembered the little bastard knocking a glass ornament onto their head, was not convinced. Ultimately there was no escape, and Wyrm reluctantly gave in to the soft scrubbing, though he made sure his rumbling complaints were known.
“Yes, yes,” Shade said quietly, “I truly am the worst. Close your eyes so I can rinse you.”
Wyrm, in a dumb act of defiance, did not close his eyes. The hysterics started again, and Shade contemplated drowning themself in the half-filled sink. Fifteen dollars, they repeated. Fifteen dollars.
Grabbing a tea towel, they quickly dried the godling off, carefully teasing out water droplets from soft scales. He child gnawed on their fingers in revenge. “I’m done,” they announced, wandering back into the living room with a now clean, and furious, Wyrm.
Ghost looked up from their position on the floor, back leaning against the couch as they played with Grimm. Radi immediately perked up at the sound of Shade’s voice, and quickly flew over, making herself at home on top of their head. Unn seemed to have decided to undertake the momentous task of scaling up the back of the couch, leaving a thick trail of slime behind. Root, still stuck in her pen as punishment, let out a wail, demanding to be let out.
Shade was all out of energy to fight back or deal with a tantrum.
“Alright, alright, out you go,” they muttered, depositing Wyrm on the couch before reaching down to lift out the petulant child from her terrible prison. She clung to them desperately until they finally collapsed on the sofa. She quickly wriggled out of their hold and instead plonked down beside them. Wyrm had hissed at the sight of her, and slunk to the other side of the couch to sulk.
Grimm let out a raspy cackle at the sight, before diving down to nip at Ghost’s fingers.
Unn finally made her way to the top of the couch and waved her eyestalks victoriously. All Shade could do was give her a tired pat.
They sank into the couch, the exhaustion creeping back in. It should have been foolproof.
Fifteen dollars.
By @arandoskeleartist​
158 notes · View notes
alreadyblondenow · 3 years
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Cupid in love
Pairing: Cupid!Jaehyun x female!reader
Genre: SMUT, FLUFF, angst?
WC: 3,150k
Warnings: FANTASY GALORE. rough break up sex, unprotected sex, slight nipple play, swearing, mentions of other idols
A/N: NOT PROOFREAD. I’ll fix it once I have time.. For NCT-WRITERS Cafe Resonance
Walking around the mall alone and witnessing yet another beautiful, and successful Valentines Day for the year of 2021 and you’re the only person in the world who knew the man behind this beautiful day.
“Alone during Valentine’s day Y/n? Jaehyun hyung can’t come?” Mark, the waiter from the cafe asked you while he serves you your third round of your favorite warm drink. This is where you and Jaehyun first met, and you have been celebrating Valentines day for nearly three years here now just because Jaehyun can see all the lovers holding hands through that clear glass. All his hard work has paid off.
But tonight, he is already two hours late and you wonder why because he has never been late on Valentine’s Day.
“Uhm, Jaehyun will be a little bit late. Business trip. But I completely understand his schedule” you smiled and thanked him.
Of course you’re not sad that Jaehyun couldn’t make it on time this year. Maybe he got caught up with a little work an emergency perhaps? But you do hope that this is nothing serious.
Three Valentine’s Day ago
You were sitting quietly at Cafe Resonance with a warm drink on your side. Just admiring the happy couples that are enjoying the day with flowers, sweets, and different kinds of surprises. It was a normal day for you, but not until a very handsome man sat in front of you on the other side of the table. Giving you three pieces of Cafe Resonance’s Valentine cookies.
A cupid in his human form. Came out to play and enjoy his day for his own selfish needs. The gods forbade Jaehyun to celebrate his own day so he could stay pure like the god that he is and remain sinless and worthy. But the young cupid is full of passion and curiosity that he took his chance to walk on Earth and make himself meet someone that can satisfy his physical wants.
“The cafe manager said that if I want someone to fall on love with me, I should give them a Valentine cookie” he said and flashed a very handsome smile at you. Knowing all too well that what the manager told him was complete bullshit, because no one can force love to happen with anyone but him.
At least that’s what he knew.
Your first encounter with Jaehyun was surprisingly refreshing and fun. You ate all the cookies that he gave and to be honest you only did that to show him that you’re interested with him too, and also it’s not so bad to fall in love with someone like him. He’s nice, decent and well mannered. Though it’s pretty obvious that he’s after for some Valentine’s sex, and you have no problem with that.
At the end of the day, the man made you scream in bed, fucked you on the wall and made you cum for more three times using his cock. He sure knew how to fuck, you thought.
But the bitter feeling and ugly thought of waking up without him by yourself the next day is something you don’t want to happen so even though you’re dead tired from the sex, you try si hard not to sleep yet and make the best of this moment by asking too much questions to him that he likes answering.
Was the valentine cookie from Cafe Resonance real? Is it really possible for you to fall in love with a stranger?
“Go sleep. I promise I’m still here when you wake up” he said.
And he kept his promise not only the day after Valentine’s Day, but also for the next few weeks. Who would expect that a cupid who just wanted to have fun during his day, wasn’t so immune with love after all. And who would expect that he’s willing to be punished by the gods because of you? But what amazes Jaehyun the most, is how you fell in love with him. Because even as a cupid, he didn’t made you like him or used his powers for his selfishness.
Either way, he still refused on believing that the Valentine cookie was real and effective. Such kind of love mustn’t be tolerated he thought.
Life with Jaehyun was sweet and real. Too beautiful to ruin. That’s why when Jaehyun said that he’s leaving, you didn’t take it lightly which soon lead to your first fight.
Jaehyun didn’t have much of a choice but to tell you the truth. Even though you just laughed at him when he finally said the words, he secretly hoped that you’d still understand because he believes that you love him.
“I don’t have a choice Y/n. I’ve been away for months now. I am neglecting my duty as a cupid, by this time the happy couples that we saw during Valentine’s day could have broken up already because I’m not around” he explains frustratedly.
“So you’re saying that you’re the cupid and couples can break up because you’re not around. Because you’ve been busy being happy with me?”
“Yes” he answered weakly and reached for your hand to kiss it. Promising you that he will come back and find you. “It’s just for a year. I’ll sort everything out and I promise I’ll give the love that you deserve”
And as Jaehyun left you as soon as the truth was revealed, you let him leave you with a big doubt and judgement in your heart. Is he secretly married and you’re a mistress now? Have you done something wrong to make him leave you like this? And these ugly thoughts ran thru your mind for months and months during his absence.
During your wait for Jaehyun’s return, you decided to move on and just date anyone to forget everything about Jaehyun. But every time that you plan a date with someone, the set date will be either cancelled or the guy won’t show up. Little did you know that Jaehyun is the man behind those unfortunate events. Secretly watching you from a cloud above you, guiding you towards patience until he returns and win your heart again.
It was not easy for Jaehyun to see you like this, purposely forgetting everything about him like he was just a dream to you. He can’t let that happen, for he knew that what you have is love.
On the next Valentine’s Day, you can’t believe who showed up in your doorstep. He didn’t change a bit, and neither his feelings for you.
“Can I come inside?” the cupid asked nervously.
“I don’t know what game you’re playing, but seriously what are you doing here Jae?”
“I told you I’d come back right? I’m here now, and we don’t have much time-“
“I have a boyfriend now so please leave me alone”
“That’s a lie. I know everything about you, I’ve watch you every day from above for a whole year. Please just believe me. Don’t push me away, I kept my promise didn’t I? I’m here now”
And the thought of Jaehyun keeping his promise was enough for you to welcome him in but your heart is still cold and broken because of what happened from the past.
As you and Jaehyun sit and have a decent conversation, he showed his wings which is enough proof to believe him that he really is the cupid. You were speechless for hours, and your apartment’s for corners was suffocating you so Jaehyun decided to have a walk with you.
He wanted to hold your hand like every couple he sees now. He wanted to whisper how much he misses you and loves you. Ironic isn’t it? He’s the cupid who spreads love on Earth but he can’t have love for himself.
“So how old are you?” you finally spoke. Those were your first words after seeing his wings, and that was four hours ago.
“Human age is 25, but cupid age... I have no idea but let’s say almost 127 years old? That’s still young in cupid years” he smiled and let out a small laugh. Completely missing that you’re shocked to the core upon hearing his age. But now that you know more truths about him, the normal thing you would do was react hysterically and make him leave you alone. Surprisingly, you wanted to hear more about him. To hear more about the truth.
“Tell me more?” You said shyly, slowly reaching for his hand for you to hold and hold it tightly. Oh you missed him.
He smiled so big and reached in for a kiss on the forehead before he tells you more about him and to what he do. The simple walk turned into a date, and of course he brought you to Cafe Resonance to celebrate your reunion and basically your first year of knowing each other. And when you got back to your apartment, he immediately brought you to your room and fucked you all night in different positions.
“When are you going to leave?” you asked while drawing circles on his chest and savouring his warmth.
“Tomorrow” he answered weakly and tightens his embrace, “I can’t be away from duty like what I did last year. The gods might not let me see you if I continue to be stubborn”
“It’s sad. But I understand, and at least now I have something to look forward to”
Three Valentine’s Day later
Thru the years of being together, even when you don’t see each other everyday, Jaehyun always finds a way to show his love for you thru unexpected things. Big or small.
Like during your birthdays, he always sends gifts to you with sweet and short notes. Or like whenever you wake up on your side of the bed and see a feather on his side of the bed. That simply means he’s always with you, like an angel.
This year’s Valentine’s day marks your three years if staying in love with each other, and you’re more than excited with seeing him today. But given that he was hours and hours late already, you decided to call it a day and go home to rest. Maybe he will come by the next day? Nonetheless, you still believe that he will do everything just to be with you.
Three days later, he’s still nowhere to be found and it’s weird how you can’t feel him watching you anymore. What is happening?
“Hi Y/n” Mark greeted you with his normal cheerful aura. “Were you and Jaehyun supposed to meet? You completely missed him. It’s weird actually, he came here not have some coffee but instead he had a talk with the manager”
“Uh- yeah, sorry. I guess I’ll see him at home then,” you answered awkwardly and forgot the cake that you purchased.
When you came back to your apartment, finally you see his unique figure standing by the window and staring blankly at the sky.
“I thought you forgot about me, are you okay? Jaehyun?” You hugged him from behind and kissed his broad shoulders.
“Sorry about that, how are you?” He turned around and return the hug and kisses. Saying that he’s really sorry for leaving you hanging on a very special day.
“I’m fine. What happened? Is there something wrong? You look troubled” you asked, but he didn’t answer your question but instead he kissed you deeply and motioned you towards your bedroom, making a trail of discarded clothes on the floor.
And once you landed on your bed, Jaehyun immediately went on top of you and kissed your neck, all the way down to the valley between your boobs while kneading them and sucking them. His breathing was heavy and you quickly noticed it. You wanted to make him stop and make him talk, but you’re too late.
He already spread your legs wide and positioned himself between your legs, kneeling in front of you so handsomely as he starts touching your pussy with his thumb. Up and down he makes you wet and sensitive, not to mention he was really gentle and slow. At first you thought he was going to fuck you already, but to you surprise he put his two fingers inside you and came closer to you again, to suck your nipples and bite them softly until he’s satisfied.
Swollen and sensitive, that’s how he left your nipples and starts lining his cock on your entrance, slowly pushing in his cock. “Fuck” he comments with a grunt. Putting every inch of his thick and veiny cock inside of you, moving his hips slowly. His head rests on the crook of you neck, his breath tickling you but all you can do now is moan.
Moan and keep him close with your arms wrapped around his frame. And when you whispered “I love you, Jaehyun” that instantly melted his heart and fucked you even more deliciously. But he also wished you didn’t say it to him because now he knows your love is not real. Cafe resonance put you in a spell and only your true love can break it.
He got up from his comfort close to your body and got a hold on your hips, slightly lifting it so he could fuck you harder and so he could see your boobs bounce up and down, grip it whenever he wants to, pinch it whenever he wants to and suck it whenever he wants to.
Suddenly, he pulled out completely only to push back in a little harsher that your head hit the head board. He did it again. Making you hiss with the stretch from your cunt, but the pleasure is driving you insane. He then started to lick your neck and chest, pinning your arms on your side while he fucks you harder. Your moans became louder and you started gripping the sheets and just stop fighting the feeling, and accepting the intensity of every thrust Jaehyun gives you.
“Why are you so rough tonight?” You asked with ragged breaths, toes started curling, and you begged him to go slower because you don’t want to cum yet but he didn’t listen.
He made you cum for the first time tonight and it wasn’t anything you’ve ever had before. You gripped the pillow so tight, moaned his name weakly, and let you shiver and curl beneath him while his hands still roams around your body, his cock still inside you and he hasn’t cum yet, a sign that he is not yet done with you.
Little did you know, he’s scanning every inch of you, engraving your beauty while you’re naked in his mind. For this is your last night together.
“I wanted to talk-“
Jaehyun started talking but to his surprise you voluntarily move your hips and started fucking yourself. He was sure he made you weak already and fucked you hard, how is possible that you still wanted to go for another round? But he wasn’t complaining, in fact he loves the image of you fucking yourself and using him to go off.
“That’s right baby, fuck me. Go deeper” and so you followed what he wanted, after all you’re not doing this for your own pleasure, you’re doing this because you wanted him to cum too.
With widely spread legs and bouncing tits, you moved your hips up and down while Jaehyun is kneeling in between your legs and you have a complete view of Jaehyun’s fucked out face. Eyebrows furrowing, parted swollen pink lips, chanting your name over and over again and telling you how much he loves what he’s seeing and feeling.
“Oh fuck Y/n, you feel so good”
“Fuck baby”
“Go slower, I don’t want to cum yet-“
But you didn’t gave into his request simply because he didn’t go slow earlier with you. So you moved your hips faster, up and down and put on a show for him by kneading your boobs in front of him and pinching your sensitive nipples to make yourself clench around him.
In a matter of seconds, Jaehyun’s hands are around your rib, perfectly placed under your boobs, and your legs are folded so he could go deeper. He took over until he’s finally shooting his warm, thick cum inside you. Satisfied for what you’ve done to him because he landed on top of your body, so weak and his legs are still shaking.
Too tired to clean the cum dripping from your hole, too comfortable in Jaehyun’s arms and presence that you never want to let go.
On the next day, you woke up quite late and you’re all alone in your cold bed. Though you’re completely cleaned and dressed, maybe Jaehyun took care of you last night before he leaves.
Scanning your apartment for something Jaehyun left, a small note or a flower placed somewhere... but you didn’t find anything. He usually leaves with a promise of seeing together again. Maybe he forgot?
When Jaehyun found out the truth about that Valentine cookie, he immediately hated himself for giving it to you and being the root of his heartbreak right now. He needs to fix this by looking for someone that will love you despite still having his effect on you. He’s positive that once your true love showed up, you will completely forget and move on from him.
It’s weird how this year, all you did was feel an unexplainable pain in your chest. A year full of pain and you dont know where your heartbreak is coming. Not to mention, Jaehyun hasn’t been making you feel his presence lately. That’s why you feel so lonely.
6 months have already passed since the last time that you saw him. And suitors always comes in the way, and you wonder how and why because you knew Jaehyun would get rid of them.
And as months passes by, you continue to fool yourself and still believe that Jaehyun will come back to you. Even tho you felt nothing from his presence the whole year.
Until finally, you received a note from him on Valentine’s day 2022.
Go to Cafe Resonance tonight -JH
And so you did, with a big smile on your face and with a new dress you bought specifically for this occasion. You waited for his arrival, looking at your watch every minute... but he never came. Instead, he sent you another note given bu the manager of Cafe Resonance.
“I’m sorry Y/n,” Manager Chenle said handling you the note that contains the saddest news you’ve ever received.
But just before you could open the note, someone sat in front of you and asked permission to share the table with you because everywhere else is full.
“Yes its fine,” you said without even looking at him and proceed to minding your own business. Reading Jaehyun’s last note to you that says.
He is a good man, full of love and has a heart of gold. He is the one destined for you, not me. The love I can give to you, has no match to what he can give to you. I’m sorry.
“By the way I’m Johnny”
The man reached out his hand for you to shake, smiling so handsomely at you. It’s weird how your heart instantly skipped a beat. Jaehyun how could you do this to me.
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basicallysalad · 2 years
A dumb frock fanfic by Basic.
It was just any normal day in frowntown, citizens? Miserable than ever. Streets? Full of traffic. Weather? Stormy as usual. You might think, who could endure these kinds of conditions? Well the answer is, nobody, really. Yeah. To the fact that when given the chance, most citizens would make a run for it to the unikingdom. Which is the neighbouring kingdom from the gloomy town. There, the sky is as clear as ever, citizens happier than anything and generally, the vibe itself, is just happy go lucky! Sounds like paradise huh? Well for a certain Lego, not really. Yeah sure he's a frowntowner, but not like he's that patriotic to his home town in any way. He just prefer be surrounded by misery than rainbow barf. Kinda like when you're served two goods you don't like and just choose what's the least worst of the two. Ahem, anyway, despite the extreme hatred the Lego has for the unikingdom, he frequently takes trips there. Now, you may ask, why?? Well to answer that simply, he's a doom lord tasked with spreading frowns all around the kingdom and he wouldn't be able to do so from his town huh? So, despite hating going there, he HAS to. Talk about bad job. But little did he know, that things weren't as bad then. Though, he wouldn't choose to go back.
Frown was just walking in the streets of the unikingdom as usual, causing trouble and being the little mischievous lil demon he is, with his roommate and dearest friend, Brock. Though being honest, Brock wasn't really liking the things his friend is doing. He probably dislikes it just as much as the other people around him. But he accompanies him anyway. Reason being, well, he just enjoys being in the company of his friend, ya' know? And all that mushy stuff. Plus, sometimes his friend gets in a bit too carried away and gets caught up in the unikingdom law. Which he wouldn't want to happen, definitely. Anyway, as they were walking, Brock saw an ice cream stand nearby, and he was more than happy to buy some. "Hey dude, there's an ice cream stand over there and I'm thinking on getting some, you want one?" Brock asked frown, the last thing he wanted is for the other to steal HIS ice cream. Yeah. He's made that mistake before. He's not doing it again. Frown just looks at Brock, "Does it have cookies and cream?" Brock shrugged, "no idea, dude. I have to and check first. I don't have supervision lol." "Well if there's none than I don't want any!" Frown said crossing his arms. Brock just rolled his eyes "whatever dude, I'll be right back 'Kay? Don't cause any trouble while I'm gone." Brock said as he goes over to the stand. Frown just stood there and immediately, despite his roommate telling him not to, started causing trouble lol.
Frown walked up to a sleeping citizen at the bus stop and spooked him awake with a simple "boo", how rude. The citizen jolted awake in the process all spooked and stuff. Frown then laughed and moved on to his next victims. The others were just the usual. Ruining their day and causing frowns everywhere. That is until he saw a particular citizen and made the wrong choice to bother him. The citizen itself looked weird. I mean, who wears a diaper in public? I mean it looked like a baby, but like, it was flying with wings and seems be talking on the phone? "Ugh, what a weirdo, would be fun to bother the crap out if him!" Frown said as he giggled mischievously. He creeped up behind the citizen and smacked the phone out their hand (yeah I dunno-) which caused the other to gasp and reach down to retrieve their phone only for frown to then kick them with his nonexistent Lego foot I guess. Yeah. The other fell and frown laughed as evil as usual causing the citizen to look angrily at him and flew back up again. "HEY! What was that for?!" The citizen said angrily. Frown just ignored him and continued on with his reign. But, the citizen then pulled him right back by his CLOAK. Okay, crap's getting heated, grab your pop corn everyone. Okay first off, frown JUST got this cloak yesterday and would rather it not be contaminated by unikingdom people out if anything EVER. "Don't you ignore me!" The citizen said annoyed. Frown looked angrily at the citizen "EXCUSE ME? FIRST OF ALL, LET GO OF MY CLOAK!" He said pulling his cloak back. "AND SECOND, I'LL IGNORE YOU WHENEVER I WANT!". The citizen looked absolutely pizzed. "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" The citizen said or rather asked Frown. At this point, their argument was getting the attention of everyone. Especially Brock who came over and stood behind frown, ( he didn't get his ice cream :( ) "Hey hey, what's going on here? Dude didn't I tell you not to get in trouble?" Brock said a little annoyed. Actually, not even a little. He was very annoyed.
Frown turned to Brock, "Don't try getting involved dude! This is between me and whatever that thing is only, You go sit somewhere else, I'll go over when I'm done!" Frown said as he attempts to push his roommate out of the picture which unsurprisingly failed. The citizen was already done with all this and took out what seemed to be a bow and arrow with, hearts attachments? Wait. And aimed for Frown which Brock noticed and attempted to pull frown away from it but,
Both of them got hit by the arrow. Woah. The citizen itself was shocked too lol. I mean it HAS sharpen it's arrows a bit recently, but it didn't expect them to be just as sharp. It just hides the bow and arrow behind it's back and flies away like fricking superman it was that quick to make an escape. The two were just left there standing with the arrow which keep in mind, pierced through their chests. Yeah. They were most probably stuck. "H-HOLY CRAP-" Frown kinda yelled, it was VERY painful for him. Mostly because he got hit first and had the thing go through him. Ouch. "Shoot- dude- try pulling it out-" Brock said trying to contain his urge to fricking scream. Frown shakingly holds the end of the arrow and slowly tries to pull it but it was no use. Not that he was able to pull at it with all his strength anyway. "Ugh- it's no use! Its stuck!" Frown said frustrated. "Forget about the arrow dude! What about us? WE'RE stuck!" Brock said as he starts flailing his arms around. Frown holds Brock's hands so they would be still, "CALM DOWN!! Look, the last thing we want is for people to see us! And by people you know who!". "Wait, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, doesn't unikitty have a friend who's a doctor? She can help us!" Brock said. Frown was not having that, not only does it include them asking for help from their enemies, but it's UNIKITTY'S help for goodness sake. Frown let go of Brock's hand and was about to object until Brock covered his mouth. "Sorry dude but I won't be letting you choose on this. We're going." Frown was furious and bit the hand covering his mouth to which the other responded with an "Ow". "NO! NEVER! YOU WILL NEVER EVER CONVINCE ME TO ASK THAT DUMB CAT FOR HELP EV-"
Cut to the pair being in Unikitty's lil go cart thing. It was a bit cramped in the back. Actually, very cramped. They legit could fall out anytime so they clung onto eachother and holding the sides of the car. "Soo,, how did you guys end up like that?" Unikitty asks as she drives the thingamabob. "None of your business!" Frown said crossing his arms. Brock just sighed "Dude not cool, ahem, well Frown got into some kind of argument with this one dude who then proceeded to shoot us with his arrow." Well that surprised unikitty, who in her kingdom has a bow and arrow at all times? Couldn't be feebee cause she at her flower festival, hmmm, then it clicked. "Oh my gosh,," unikitty said worrying the other two. "W-what?" Frown stuttered. Unikitty turned to the pair with the biggest smile on her face ever. Like jeez. "YOU GUYS ENCOUNTERED THE CUPID!!!" She said excitedly. "The who-AAA- UNIKITTY LOOK OUT-" Frown exclaimed unikitty turned back to the road and nearly hits a truck passing by by a couple of inches at least. "WOAH- Heh- sorry- I'll explain at the castle!" She said as she brought her focus back to the road. Frown just glared at her, clearly not impressed by her driving skills. Brock was still stunned by what just happened lol.
As they arrive at the castle, unikitty gets out of her side of the car and attempts to help the two men in the back but was instead rejected by frown "Oh no no no! We can get off on our own!" Frown said as he epicly fails to get out of the car which cause both him and Brock to fall on the cold hard ground. Which uh hmm, how do I say this? Cause the arrow to go further into him and Brock is now directly Infront of him. Unikitty just watches as Frown then screams in agonizing pain which made her wince. "Uh- you two okay? I can get hawkodile to help carry you guys if you want-" "YEAH UM THAT WOULD BE GREAT UK-" Brock said, I mean he was in immense pain but at the same time, the closeness between him and Frown was making him a bit, uncomfortable? Nah I think it was making him a bit nervous actually. Hah gay- ahem. "Oh- Ok-ayy!! Just wait here for a bit okay? I'll be rigghhtt back!" Unikitty said as she flies off to find hawkodile which just leaves Brock and frown alone. On top eachother. Great, like that won't look off to anyone.
"So uh, how are you feeling right now?" Brock said trying to not make the situation extremely awkward. You know, it could work if the person he was talking to wasn't frown.
"How exactly do you think I feel being crushed by you and having an arrow in my FRICKING chest right now?"
"Well said."
Frown just rolled his eyes. He would cross his hands as usual but he can't cause you know, he's in a bro sandwich position right now. "Hey dude, so like, if you were part of a sandwich, what ingredient would you be?" Brock asked randomly. Frown was confused by the question but like, who wouldn't lol? "What kind of question is that??" "Come on dude, just answer it!". What the frick. "UGHH, fine. I dunno, the meat?" Frown answered. He had no idea what to answer with so he just chose randomly.
"Oh cool, why?" "What do you mean why???"
"I dunno! I'm just curious I guess."
Frown sighed, "I dunno, maybe cause the meat is the most tasty part of the sandwich? It catches your attention immediately after a bite and it's the tastiest if you're not vegan and all that I guess?" Brock just looked at him and snickered a bit "Aw, how cute." Frown was not having that. "What do you mean cute?! That was not cute! That was genius!" "Pfft, sure dude."
"Heyy guys! I'm back! With Hawkodile this time!! So hawkodile, go on and help them out!" Unikitty ordered. "Yes princess." Hawkodile walks over to them and picked them up. Only then did he see how badly stuck they were because of the arrow. "Wow. What happened to you guys?" Hawkodile asked but only got a "long story" as an answer. Hawkodile then turned to unikitty, "Um, princess, Why are we helping them? What this is all a trick?" Unikitty then opened the castle doors, "of course it's not, I trust them! But If it is all a trick, well, let's just say,," her fur turns a shade of red, "Someone might end up getting HURT!" She said which made frown shake to his core, brr, bad memories. She turn back to her normal pink colour, "But I'm sure that not the case! Besides, getting an arrow stuck into you would be a a hard thing to do, why would they go through all that trouble? Anyway, are you guys coming inside or not?" She says as she holds the door open for them. Hawkodile just walked in the castle with the two dudes who seem to be a bit shaken by unikitty still lol.
After a bit of walking, they arrived at Dr Fox's laboratory. Dr fox herself was working on some kind of machine as usual. Unikitty flew? In, "Oh Dr Foxx!! Are you busy right now?" She said with her usual cheerful attitude. Dr fox turned to her and took off her protection goggles, "Oh hey unikitty! Well I'm kinda busy but I think I have time, what do you need?" Unikitty then signalled hawkodile to come in to which he did still holding the mess that is Brock and Frown in his hands. Dr fox was a bit surprised and confused, unikitty knew that just by looking at her, " Soo,, they were in the unikingdom park and crossed paths with the cupid! And you know,, one thing led to another,," "and they got shot by the cupid?" "Yes! Wait, how'd you know??" Unikitty asked confused. Dr fox then walked over to the two and hawkodile too I guess lol, "You can put them down over there Hawk, wouldn't want your arms to get sore now huh?'" Dr fox said as she pointed at some kind of examination table? "Affirmative." Hawkodile did just that then walked back near the entrance of the lab. Frown looked around or at least tries to at what they were on at the moment, he wasn't getting a good feeling about this and neither does Brock. Dr fox then walks over to the and examines their ahem, wound. She then proceeded to grab onto the arrow and pull it out like nothing but in the process causing the two dudes to squeak in a bit of pain. Actually a lot of pain but yeah. The two then slowly move apart from eachother, "FINALLY! I'M FREE!!" Frown yelled finally glad to be free of the arrow. Plus, he finally got some privacy so that's cool. Brock just put his hand on the spot where the arrow was. He was just glad that it's gone, "cool, thanks doc!" Brock thanked. "Aw yay! Thank you so much Dr fox!!" Unikitty said as she happily flew in circles and as sparkle matter flies out of her. Dr fox wasn't paying to much attention though, she was just examining the arrow, how come there isn't any lovey dovey side affects on the two? I mean, this is a cupid arrow, it should come in any second now, "Hey do you two feel any, different?" Dr fox asked the two who looked at each other then back at her, "No? I don't feel anything at least," Brock answered, why should he? Frown just agreed with Brock. "hmm, alright then, oh! I need to wrap your wounds up, hold on," Dr fox then proceeded to look through some kind of aid kit? I dunno 💀 and took out a bandage then we'll, bandaged their wounds. After a bit they were fine and left. Dr fox kept the arrow though, she wanted to figure out why it doesn't come with side affects.
When Brock and Master frown reached their apartment, they just sat on the couch out of exhaustion most likely. Today was a ride for sure. Brock grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, you know, cause nothing's more relaxing than watching some TV. Frown just watched it with him. As Brock was switching through the channels, he noticed Frown slowly leaning on his non existent shoulder. So he just grabbed the lil dude and placed his head on his lap. "Dude what the frick." Frown asked, Brock just turned his attention back to the tv, "What? Just thought it might be more comfy for you to lay on my lap than my non existent shoulder." Frown just sighed, "Why do you always have to act all cute like that. It's weird." "Oho, I'm cute? You should see yourself." Brock said as he put the remote down and booped his friends non existent nose lol. Frown kinda felt a bit weird, like, some weird fuzzy feeling, bleh, he didn't like it, but it made him feel, kinda, comfortable in a way? He got up from Brock's lap and looked at him. Brock places his hand on frowns cheek.
Boom. They kiss.
And it wasn't like any normal kiss they had, this was like, full of love. Actually shows emotions and both of them are actually enjoying it. Is this a make out session? I guess so. Lego make out session woo. They didn't even care if they couldn't breathe they just kept going at it. Though, you know, they have to breathe eventually so they stop for a bit so they can b r e a t h e. After that, Frown pushes Brock onto the other side of the couch making the other lay there while he was on top. "Woah." Brock said as he looked at frown, who was blushing crazy he then just let's go of Brock and silently screams to himself. Brock just giggled a bit and pat his head it's okay dude. We don't have to go that far yet. Frown the looked at Brock and kinda nodded. Brock then kissed him which started round two I guess lol what am I doing with my life. Frown just kissed him back and wrapped his hands around Brock kinda like he's hugging him. Little did they know that-
*Insert sound of door being slammed open here*
"HOLY MOLY YOU TWO WON'T GUESS WHAT I FOUND OUT TURNS OUT THE SIDE AFFECTS OF WOULD BE SLOW AND YOU GUYS WOULD SLOWLY FALL IN LO-" Dr fox rudely barge in and interrupts the two during their bonding time. The two looked over at her in kinda horror as she returns the reaction to them. "Oh- I didn't notice you two were best Heh- I'll uh- tell you guys later-" "NO NO WAIT I CAN EXPLAI-" But before frown could explain she dashes out closing the door behind her. Frown was embarrassed as hecc, like omg. Brock just pat his head for support, "It's okay dude, I'm sure she'll um, forget that ever happened." Frown turns to Brock, "I guess. She better though! If not I swear I'll-" frown was cut of by Brock just kissing him again. "Yeah yeah, but that's for tomorrow. It's getting late. Let's go to bed,. I'm tired." Brock said. Frown sighed, "Fine."
I just threw in whatever I felt like throwing in so I apologize if this made like no sense.
Also if there are spelling mistakes then I'm sorry too- I did not revise this-
Ahh crap I just went back and fixed some stuff so yeah.
Also I apologize sincerely for the describing of pain and all that jazz. And the ending-
I was braindead most of the time cause I wrote this during the night when I'm just sleepy and stuff.
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