#VPN usage
paleode-ology · 3 months
spent the last solid couple of hours going through my old tumblr likes in order to have things better archived... unfortunately didn't make a note of how many I started at but it was probably in the mid 2000s and I've only cut it down to 2000 now. this is gonna take so long
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caruliaa · 1 year
um fake scaremongering thts not real and also even if it is it wont happen to me fuck you fuck you fuck you
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abrightandbrittlegrin · 7 months
@ people who have been shadow banned in the past--how did you get around it? my comments aren't showing up any more
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news4nose · 9 months
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faerygardens · 10 months
Btw the new dashboard setup for browser is borderline unusable on the mobile browser version of tumblr
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quettasecond · 2 years
time to log in on mobile app finally and show you this weird girl
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ayeforscotland · 4 months
Trying to limit and monitor kids’ social media usage would make so many problems so much worse and I need people to think about it objectively and not take it into consideration just because the concept is a knee-jerk reaction from a grieving mother being exploited by everyone around her.
— Kids already lie about their age, so an age limit is already unenforceable unless you literally require legal ID, which is an incredible breach of privacy with even further safety risks.
— Vulnerable children including LGBTQ kids living with bigoted families would be put in real-life danger of abuse or homelessness if their families had a way of knowing when they’re seeking support.
— The internet and technology is a requirement to navigate the world around you at the most basic level. That is a fact and schools know it too. Limiting access to that in this day and age would be massively limiting one’s knowledge, safety and basic life skills, especially if their family is neglectful or abusive.
— What constitutes as social media cannot necessarily strictly be defined. Some people consider WhatsApp to be social media despite the fact it’s a texting app, and the people you communicate with there are presumably people you’ve spoken to before if you know their numbers. Kids need a way of communicating with people for both practical and safety reasons, and blanketing almost everything as ‘social media’ and limiting access to it inhibits that.
— If you put a ban on all ‘social media’ until the age of 16 and then suddenly allow access, what you end up with is a child who has zero knowledge or experience of something suddenly being thrown into a world where anything is possible. It’s like when teens are forbidden alcohol their whole lives and the day they turn 18 they go on a massive binge not knowing their limits and end up either sick or in the hospital. It’s a recipe for disaster. They NEED exposure so they can learn.
— Let’s be real, kids would find a way around a ban through VPNs or other means anyway. We all figured out how to dodge the website blockers at school when we were 12. I doubt this would be any different.
While the fact that one of the killers watched gore on the dark web is indeed concerning, I really feel the spotlight is being shone on entirely the wrong issue here. Their conversations about the murder were all on social media and provided significant proof for the case. What kids need isn’t for adults to try to control them and read everything into their lives, it’s for adults to communicate with them and make them feel comfortable enough to talk to them when they have a problem. And that’s ignoring the, you know, whole transphobia thing.
(Sorry to write a dissertation in your inbox but despite my deepest sympathies and compassion for Esther seeing people put any stock into her awful, awful idea when that’s so clearly not the problem does quite frustrate me and I need everyone to know just how illogical it is)
I don’t need to add anything to that besides saying this line of argument is very similar to the people who campaign for an internet where no one can be anonymous, it puts so many additional people at risk.
Thanks for taking the time to share!
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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When you arrive in the Devildom as part of the student exchange program, you discover their famous AI program isn't what it seems.
feathered friends | karasu x reader
3.8k words | sfw | gn!reader | canon divergence
cw: implied social isolation/loneliness; protective thoughts/behaviours; jealousy; minor blood/violence.
feathered friends (series): part one | part two | part three (nsfw)
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When Karasu designed the AI program for the D.D.D., he didn’t expect the higher-ups at the Three-Legged Crow Conglomerate would name it after him. By the time he realized it wasn’t a joke, it was already too late – the KARASU AI was born, and it was his responsibility to maintain it.
He doesn’t attend RAD anymore, but Karasu regularly communicates with Diavolo and Barbatos to ensure that the D.D.D. apps and KARASU AI are designed in correspondence with the Devildom’s long-term goals.
One of Karasu’s responsibilities is to oversee the research and technological development necessary to make communication between the realms more streamlined. In a perfect world, D.D.D. users should be able to use their device and apps outside the Devildom. This was a critical piece of Diavolo’s plan for future students coming from the Celestial Realm and human world to attend RAD.
When the exchange program commences and the students are given D.D.D.s of their own, Karasu oversees their files personally. He tracks their data usage and AI requests to understand how humans and angels interact with Devildom technology. He studies which apps they use the most, and which apps or features they don’t have but might find useful.
Diavolo is most concerned with the types of questions and requests they make of the KARASU AI program. He’s equally concerned about their satisfaction with the Devildom as well as their safety. A newcomer to the Devildom may not have the courage to come forward to a demon about a concern they have, but they might ask the AI instead.
It’s Karasu’s responsibility to sift through the questions and requests the students make while using the AI program. He compiles the data for analysis later, and he forwards any concerning messages to Barbatos or Lucifer directly for follow-up.
Karasu learns quickly that certain students are less capable with technology than others.
Subject: Exchange Student (Simeon – Purgatory Hall)
Based on the data collected so far, it seems that this student is having difficulty using his D.D.D. properly. Immediate action is recommended to prevent further data corruption.
Thank you.
(Despite his warning, Karasu had to replace Simeon’s D.D.D. after the angel managed to brick the device.)
Out of all the exchange students, you’re the one that interacts with the KARASU AI bot the most. Most of your questions are about human world apps and whether you can access or use them in the Devildom. Even though you can’t – and the AI relays that response to you – Karasu notes what apps you’re trying to access, and whether it’s worth developing Devildom alternatives.
(Karasu chuckles when he reads the logs and sees that you’ve asked for a Devildom version of a VPN to access human world websites - how cute! But no, that’s not possible yet.)
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected] Subject: Request for equipment
Please be advised that I have received a request for a computer from the human exchange student residing in the House of Lamentation. They have been provided with one of RAD’s laptop computers (#302) to use for the duration of their stay.
Karasu is monitoring data at his desk when you start asking the AI bot about setting up your new (borrowed) laptop. He can see the two issues right away: the laptop is an older model that doesn't run very well, and you’re unfamiliar with the Devildom operating system installed on that machine.
Karasu disables the bot and takes over manually so he can type instructions and answer your questions instead. He tells himself that it’ll be less frustrating for you this way. He can imitate the bot’s speech patterns easily since they are based on his own. If anyone questions his decision, he can tell them the simple truth: this is more efficient.
With his help, you get the game you want to play installed and running – barely. But you seem genuinely happy, and you thank him with such gratitude he feels a little flustered. He assumes it’s part of your human nature to talk to a piece of technology like it’s a living being.
(He’s glad that he normally works alone – he doesn’t have to explain the bashful smile on his face to anyone.)
After that, Karasu overrides the AI bot more often so he can interact with you personally. He still tells himself it’s more efficient this way - you have such a curious nature, and he enjoys helping you. He feels like it’s his personal responsibility to make sure you’re able to use his software properly - at least, that’s the plausible explanation he tells himself to justify his unusual interest in you.
It also has nothing to do with your requests about job opportunities, or ways to acquire money to pay for things you seem to be missing.
(He starts monitoring your Akuzon search history to make sure Lucifer is aware of any necessities you might be lacking.)
It definitely has nothing to do with his concern for you, even though you’ve admitted (more than once) that you feel isolated in the Devildom without any contact with your friends or family. Part of him wonders if you interact with the AI bot so often because you’re lonely. Do you feel comfortable talking to him – it – more than the demons you live with?
He thinks about you often and decides there’s no harm letting whatever this is continue. If he feels eager anticipation for the next time you want his help – well, that’s what he’s here for, isn’t it?
Sometimes when you ask the AI bot silly questions, Karasu will give you silly answers. (You have such a nice laugh.)
“Karasu, why does Mammon gamble so much when he’s so bad at it? I think he’s being strung up again…”
KARASU AI: Well, you know what they say – go big, or go home. Unfortunately for Mammon, he goes home to Lucifer.
Karasu doesn’t realize how comfortable he’s gotten speaking to you like this, and he doesn’t realize you’re becoming suspicious of the AI bot. Sometimes the responses you receive are too intuitive, like it can read between the lines of the questions you’re asking. Sometimes it makes witty or sarcastic remarks that feel too real.
You know technology has come a long way, but you doubt even the Devildom’s AI is capable of reproducing sentient conversation the way the KARASU AI does. When you borrow the angels’ phones to compare your bot responses to the ones Luke and Simeon receive, you know there’s something strange going on.
“Karasu, you’re not really a bot, are you?”
KARASU AI: …do you want me to be?
“I would feel better knowing that someone I talk to on a regular basis is a real live demon, instead of a fake one that lives inside my phone.”
He’s caught off-guard by your confession. He’s an old demon, well-known and respected within the Devildom for his work, but he’s not very sociable. He has many acquaintances but no one he would consider a friend. Perhaps the hope of friendship is the true motivation that’s kept him interested in you this whole time?
Whatever the reason is, Karasu accesses the Contacts directory on your D.D.D. profile and adds his own personal contact information. He feels bad for deceiving you, and he sends you a message with a heartfelt apology. You seem so excited to be talking to him - the real him - that his guilt doesn’t last for very long.
You: Since your name is Karasu, won’t that confuse the bot if I’m trying to talk to you instead?
Karasu: I admit that I didn’t anticipate this situation. Perhaps I can modify the name triggers for the bot, but that will take some time to test before I can patch the AI software on your device.
You: Do you have a nickname I can call you instead?
Karasu: I don’t have many friends, so I’ve never needed one.
Karasu: That is to say, I don’t have a nickname.
Karasu: Many nicknames seem juvenile, but for you…I think I would make an exception.
Karasu: If you find it more convenient, of course.
You: Definitely, it’s all about convenience. Sure.
You: How does Kay sound to you?
Karasu: I think I like it very much.
You: :D
Karasu: :)
(He doesn’t tell you how much he treasures the name you gave him as a sign of friendship. He cherishes it and is fiercely protective of it; only you are allowed to call him that from now on.)
Karasu starts to consider you a friend when you text him about how classes are going, or the things in the Devildom that amaze you (and frighten you). Sometimes he calls you in the evenings once he’s done his work for the day, and he enjoys relaxing conversations with you while he makes himself dinner.
You convince him to play a multiplayer game with you, and he doesn’t have the heart to tell you that he dislikes video games. He’s grateful for your company instead, and he surprises himself that he doesn’t mind making simple concessions if it means spending more time with you.
One evening you’re playing a game together after you finished your homework. You disconnect from the game suddenly. He calls you and walks you through the troubleshooting steps when your school laptop shuts down and won’t turn back on. He knows that the machine is an older model and, based on your feedback, he makes an educated guess that it’s no longer usable. 
“I’m worried Lucifer will think I had something to do with this,” you confess to him quietly. You’ve been lucky and avoided his punishments so far, but you don’t want to make a bad impression now.
Karasu is already drafting an email on your behalf so that any concerns Lucifer has about the school’s faulty equipment will go to him instead of you. “I’ve mentioned to the RAD administration in the past that some of their technology needs to be updated. There’s no need to worry - you won't be blamed for this.”
You chuckle quietly. “I’ll miss playing games with you,” and you realize it’s a silly thing to admit, but you can’t help it. “I’ve tried to invite Levi to play games with me, but he usually ignores me. I’m not sure he likes me very much.”
Leviathan isn’t the most sociable of the seven brothers you live with, and Karasu feels disappointed on your behalf that they might not be treating you well. You’re such a nice, warm human. What problem could Leviathan possibly have with you?
“I’ll think of a better solution for you so that you’re not without a computer for long,” Karasu says, trying his best to reassure you. “And I guarantee it’ll be more dependable than the paperweight of a machine they gave you before.”
Karasu’s heart races long after your phone call finally ends. He thinks about you often, more than he probably should, and he tells himself it’s out of concern. You’re still a stranger to the Devildom and he knows you struggle to find your place within it.
He thinks about your busy schedule that’s full of classes at RAD, followed by the chores you share with your demon roommates. He thinks about how difficult it might be for someone of your status to get a decent-paying job, or to save enough money for a replacement computer of your own. 
He thinks about your problems, and he knows how he can help. The simplest solution is usually best, after all.
Two days later, he’s finishing some coding updates for the KARASU AI bot when he picks up your incoming call. He can’t help the laughter that bubbles out of him when you thank him, loudly and excitedly, over the phone.
“Kay, what did you do?!” You came home from RAD and found several large, heavy boxes from Akuzon stacked near your room. The gift receipt for all the pieces to build your new computer said it was from Your Friend.
Your happiness is contagious and he can’t stop smiling. “I’m hoping we’ll have more uninterrupted game nights together,” he teases. “I suggest you put it together and test everything to make sure none of the parts are defective.”
He frowns worriedly when you sigh, and your voice is a bit deflated, lacking the joyful enthusiasm from only a few moments ago. “I’m not great with building computers like this,” you admit. “I asked Levi for help, and he said – well, he told me he was busy,” you mumble awkwardly, and you hope your lie is convincing.
Your ignorance of technology - especially Devildom technology - irritated Levi when he noticed that someone sent you a cutting-edge, state-of-the-art computer. All you had to do was put it together, and you couldn’t even do that! He sneered and told you he wasn’t going to help you if you couldn’t figure it out on your own. When Levi stomped off towards the stairs to his room, he was still grumbling about normies and stupid humans and what a waste of space you are.
Despite your effort to hide the truth from him, Karasu can tell you’re not being completely honest. You’re not a very good liar, and if it were about something less serious, he would let it slide. Instead, he thinks about what he knows about Leviathan - the Avatar of Envy, the anti-social self-proclaimed otaku that viciously guards his interests. Karasu can imagine how the demon treated you when he realized what was in those boxes.
He knows how hard you’re trying to get closer to the demons you live with, and it seems that Leviathan purposefully stonewalls all your attempts to find common ground. It’s not the first time you’ve mentioned it, and it might not be the last unless something changes.
This is another problem he believes he can solve for you.
“Don’t worry about it tonight,” Karasu suggests, and he changes the subject to distract you. You tell him about one of the RAD classes you’ve been enjoying and some of the nice classmates you’ve met. 
After you go to bed, Karasu feels lonely without your voice in his ear. He thinks about your situation with Leviathan, and he feels indignant on your behalf. He ignores the twinges of rage that make his fingers twitch with the urge to defend you. He decides he can - should - fix this without bloodshed. It doesn’t take long to access Leviathan’s device history, and his lips twitch into a sharp smile when he finds what he’s looking for.
Karasu is suspiciously less talkative the next day, even though he still responds to your text messages. He tells you an amusing anecdote about Simeon sending Barbatos photo-spam of the inside of his pocket by accident, but otherwise he’s quieter than usual.
You try not to take it personally, but it’s difficult not to worry about his sudden change in demeanor. You glance worriedly at the boxes near your desk and wonder if he regrets getting to know you. Maybe he’s realizing later than everyone else that you’re really as useless as Levi says you are–
The sound of the doorbell echoing in the hallway scares you. The House of Lamentation doesn’t receive many visitors, and some of the demon brothers are just as curious as you when you head to the front hall.
Lucifer is the first to arrive and opens the door. “Karasu,” he says, obviously surprised, “we weren’t expecting you. I take it this isn't an official visit?” Even though Lucifer is visibly confused by his sudden appearance, he steps aside and lets in the unexpected visitor.
You’ve tried to imagine what Karasu might look like. Part of you wondered if he was just a large talking crow, but the thought seems ridiculous now. He’s shorter than the demons you live with, and his form-fitting suit compliments and accentuates his slender build. You’re captivated by his deep red pupils and dark sclera behind the glasses he wears. You assume his wings are only visible when he's in his true demonic form because you see none now.
He still looks more monstrous than the other demons you’ve met so far. Before coming to the Devildom, you might’ve found him terrifying. Instead, you’re just excited to finally meet him. You offer him a bashful grin, and he turns to you properly, offering you a bow and small but genuine smile.
He straightens and clears his throat, addressing Lucifer properly who watches your exchange with wary amusement - Karasu isn't known for making friends.
“I’ve come to help my dear friend with some technical concerns,” his eyes flickering briefly in Leviathan’s direction. “I hope that’s not a problem.”
Lucifer seems satisfied and they exchange a few more pleasantries. Eventually he and the rest of his brothers disperse.
“You didn’t have to come all this way for me,” you remind him nervously when you're alone with him. You already felt guilty before, and now he’s here because of you–
But he steps forward and places his hands on your shoulders and squeezes them gently. “I came because I wanted to come,” he admits, and his eyes gaze into yours with so much sincerity that you believe him.
You lead him to your room, and you’re thankful it’s not a complete mess when you let him inside. He looks around your room with interest, glancing at the books on your shelves and the small stack of movies you’ve been watching. He’s happy to see your room is comfortable, although the stack of Akuzon boxes take up a lot of space.
He should’ve offered to do this for you from the start.
Karasu slides off his jacket and drapes it over your bedspread, and he rolls up his shirt sleeves to his elbows. He opens the boxes carefully, inspecting each computer component for damage and explaining how the different pieces should be assembled. He takes care of putting together the complicated parts himself, but he guides you through some of the simpler steps.
He realizes that it’s so satisfying doing this with you. You’re even funnier in person, and you don’t shy away from casual touches - brushing against him when you reach for something, touching his arm when you thank him for coming. He’s not used to this kind of attention, especially since you offer him compliments and praise and kind words so freely.
There’s a warm current of emotion simmering under his skin. He recognizes what it is - attraction, desire, overwhelming need - and it blindsides him. He hasn’t felt this way for anyone in so long. How did things between you lead to this?
When your new computer is set up and working perfectly, he tries to shove aside those thoughts so he can bask in your excitement instead. He enjoys your pleasant company and he wishes he could stay with you, but he has one more task to accomplish while he's here.
“I need to have a word with Lucifer before I go,” he murmurs apologetically, a small lie but a necessary one. When your face falls, he adds quickly, “I’m not leaving just yet, but I don’t want to disturb him too late in the evening.”
You walk him to your door and point down the hall where he might find Lucifer in the library or his private study. You offer to go with him, but he insists that he’ll be fine. He wants you to stay and enjoy your gift instead. 
Karasu walks slowly down the hall, humming quietly while his shoes click lightly against the floor. He studied the layout of the House of Lamentation before he arrived and knows exactly where to go. He breezes past the library, heading towards the stairs leading to the second floor instead. He finds who he’s looking for before he gets there.
Leviathan is surprised to see him wandering around the house alone, but his expression quickly shutters into a frown. He ignores Karasu instead and tries to push past the crow demon blocking his path.
There’s a small gust of air and a metallic swish, and Leviathan walks into one of Karasu's wings, a barrier of steel-hardened black feathers that appears out of nowhere. He jumps back and hisses in pain. One of the feathers scratched his arm, and he covers it with his hand to stop blood from dripping on the floor.
“WHAT THE–” Levi begins to yell, but Karasu interrupts him before he can draw too much attention.
“Your pettiness surprises me, even though I know envy is your specialty,” he lectures him quietly, “but I would reconsider your treatment of our mutual acquaintance. You let your feelings get the better of you, and they only want to be your friend.”
Leviathan’s face crumples into an ugly sneer and looks ready to argue, but Karasu is undeterred.
What a petulant child.
Karasu leans forward, crowding into Leviathan's space, and whispers, “May I remind you, incognito mode doesn’t hide your secrets - not from me.” Leviathan inhales sharply when the threat sinks in. Karasu smiles at him, all teeth and no humor, then steps back. His feathers return to their natural texture before his wings disappear completely.
“Good evening, Leviathan,” Karasu says when he finally moves aside to let him pass. Leviathan turns around and storms back up the stairs to his room instead.
When Karasu walks back to your room, he feels invincible. He protected you and he would do it again, gladly - whether you asked him to or not. He cares for you now, perhaps more than he should. He wants to care for you even more and refuses to feel guilty about it.
It’s getting late and he has to be cautious not to overstay his welcome. He has too many overwhelming feelings to untangle when he’s alone, but now that he’s met you, he’s loathed to be parted from you for long.
He thinks it’s so sweet that you walk him to the front door when it’s time to finally leave. “I hope we can see each other again soon,” you admit, and you try not to pout. “I had fun spending time with you tonight, and I can’t thank you enough…for everything.”
Karasu tilts your chin towards him when you look away, and he smiles reassuringly so you know there’s no reason to feel embarrassed. He hopes you feel the same eager anticipation he does when he asks, “Would you like to join me for dinner this weekend?”
Your happy grin and flushed cheeks answer for you, and when he finally leaves you, it’s with the promise that you’ll see him again very soon.
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read more: karasu masterlist | obey me masterlist
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nyxokal-two · 1 year
Don't use a VPN on Tumblr
Alright now that I'm logged in on browser, I have an experiment to run
My main account @nyxokal got terminated on Sunday 18th. I'm on day four of being without a solution and have sent help tickets already
However during that time I've been doing some digging through a combination of keyword search on Tumblr itself and on Twitter, as well as the fucking Terminated Account subreddit, and have some theories
It looks like either a VPN usage while browsing Tumblr desktop is what's killing blogs, or it's random people being in the crossfire of the porn bot ban war. I'm leaning towards a combination of both being the answer considering the fact that I was using a VPN, but the uptick of porn bots might have Tumblr trying to get rid of them with these consequences/side effects
The reason I've logged on here on desktop is to test this theory. If this account gets deleted as well I will know it's the VPN
All that said, since this is the running theory atm, just be careful if you're using a VPN on desktop
(It would also greatly help if you let people know I'm here, also. Thank you)
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fromkenari · 11 months
Why is Cloudflare blocking me?
Cloudflare is a content delivery network (CDN) and security service that helps protect websites from various threats, such as DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and hackers. If Cloudflare is blocking you, it’s likely because the security settings on the website you’re trying to access have identified your connection as potentially suspicious or harmful. Some common reasons for Cloudflare blocking your access include:
IP reputation: Cloudflare maintains a list of IP addresses known for spam, hacking attempts, or other malicious activities. If your IP address is on this list or has a poor reputation, you may be blocked.
High security settings: The website owner might have set their Cloudflare security settings to a high level, causing more aggressive filtering of incoming traffic. In such cases, even legitimate users might be blocked or challenged.
Rate limiting: Cloudflare can block or limit access from IP addresses that make too many requests within a short period, as this can indicate a DDoS attack or automated scraping attempts.
Browser or user agent issues: Using an outdated browser, a non-standard user agent, or having disabled cookies and JavaScript might trigger Cloudflare’s security measures.
VPN or proxy usage: Using VPNs, proxies, or Tor can sometimes cause Cloudflare to flag your connection as suspicious, as these tools are often used to hide malicious activities.
Firewall rules: The website owner may have set specific firewall rules in Cloudflare that block certain IP addresses, countries, or user agents.
To resolve the issue, you can try the following:
Clear your browser cache and cookies, and ensure JavaScript is enabled.
Update your browser to the latest version or try using a different browser.
Temporarily disable your VPN or proxy, if you are using one.
Check your internet connection and restart your modem or router to obtain a new IP address.
If you suspect your IP address has been mistakenly flagged, you can contact the website owner or Cloudflare support to request a review of your IP address.
Remember that these measures are in place to protect websites and their users from security threats. While blocking can be frustrating, the intent is to maintain a safe online environment for everyone.
Source @ao3org
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kouchabu-archive · 2 months
Koisuru Scramble - Chapter 6 [END]
Writer: Nishioka Maiko Translation by: Sophie // Proofread by: Mirei
This story is fully voiced in-game! You should read while listening to it~
Niki: Aaaand, cut!
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Eichi: You both did so well.
Hajime: Ehehe~ I’m glad to hear that…♪
At first, I was at a loss on what to do since you just suddenly invited me for a script read-through.
Aira: Tell me about it~ I was just peacefully eating some cake with Shino-senpai when I suddenly got caught up in it.
Madara: Sorry about that~ We’re actually scheduled to all meet for the movie’s first read-through next week. But since we’re all here, we thought it’d be nice if we could all practice together.
Eichi: We planned to only practice among ourselves at first, but it’s really hard to get in the mood if we don’t have a reading partner.
Natsume: And that’s when you guys happened to pass by. I guess it’s fate that we saw each other here.
Aira: Well, I just hope we were useful~
Hajime: This movie is an adaptation of a really popular shoujo manga right now, right?
I enjoyed reading that title so much~ I had so much fun playing the role of the main character.
Niki: Ah, so that’s how it is~ Thanks to that, it was really good practice!
I’m gonna go make some yummy dessert for all of us now! Let’s all have some tea! Just a payback for your help and it'll be a good use for a break too!
Aira: OMG. Really? I’m soooo excited to eat it if it’s Shiina-senpai’s dessert! Right, Shino-senpai?
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Hajime: Right! Shiina-senpai’s desserts are always so good. They always feel like a good reference for studying how to make delicious snacks.
Eichi: As expected of Shiina-kun, that’s a wonderful idea. We’ll leave it to you then?
Let’s talk about our impressions over some delicious tea ♪
Previous Chapter // Translation Masterlist
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as we did~ If you can, let me know your thoughts via replies or ask box or whatever. I'd love to talk about koisuku more!
Also listen to the theme song on Spotify or YT music (both need VPN for access) IT'S SOOOOOO GOOD!
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magicalgirlagency · 3 months
Why do you always gotta say "or the internet will die forever" and stuff? Ain't that doomer behavior?
Well yes, but actually no.
It's just that I'm trying to get people to wake up and spread the word much, much faster; I mean, the USA wants to ban TikTok because a vocal group of people is using it to raise pro-Palestine awareness, this is just the beginning.
Oh, and before anyone says "Just use VPNs!", the US is also pushing another law to criminalize VPN usage where you could end up in jail for 20 years, as well as pay a $1million fine for your release, so it's useless to dance around the restrictions.
They blab about how much they cherish freedom of speech, but are actively attempting to silence others in the same breath and even willing to violate its own amendment to get even more minorities murdered.
This wouldn't be a problem if a crushing majority of the internet weren't US-based/centralized; even if you aren't from the United States, this draconian bill WILL majorly and totally affect you in one way or another.
And I would like to take this opportunity to tell everyone that I will NOT answer any more asks until I see more people reblogging the previous post. If you guys can interact with me, than you certainly can reblog/share the post informing of KOSA's threat (however, I did have programmed a post for March 22nd, because while I am scared for this blog's survival, I also wanna know if the crisis has been adverted).
So, I won't say it again: If you guys don't spread the word, this blog, as well as other blogs within this platform, and many other social networks, websites of informative/educational nature (LGBTQ+ subjects, pro-Palestine, abortion/reproductive healthcare, etc.) and even fandom-related spaces...
Tumblr media
EDIT: It's sweet that you guys are reblogging this ask of mine, but shouldn't you be reblogging THIS LINK DOWN HERE INSTEAD?
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foxgirltail · 6 months
New tech problem:
And I'm blaming this one on the recent Android update my carrier forced me to get, although that doesn't change that IDK how to fix it
I cant reliably send or receive text messages seemingly at fucking all unless I restarted my phone 5 minutes prior
It may be connected to my VPN usage, but I'm going to be really fucking pissed if that's the case
I turned off my VPN, so NVM that last paragraph, and I still cannot download text messages even though they are only like 300 bytes. pretty cool. Can download multi-gb games on my phone though.
Any advice that doesn't involve rooting my phone would be appreciated because I have restarted my phone more times in the past 2 days than in the past 2 months prior because of this. I have no idea what's wrong or what this update broke
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baldursyourgate · 4 months
I forgot to turn off my VPN and the last post I made didn't make it in the tags; and neither did the reply I tried to make on the post successfully post.
There were reports of people accounts getting terminated (allegedly) due to VPN usage (reddit link), (and this post on tumblr too) if my ass gone u know why lmao.
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lyonface · 1 year
RESTRICT Act - Things you can do
I’m see a lot of people posting about the act but not sharing any links besides the one to the bill.
Change.org has a petition that you can sign: https://chng.it/2vqDbytWyS
RESIST Bot also has a campaign going that you can sign with your phone: https://resist.bot/petitions/PKDTPS
In summary, The RESTRICT Bill is the “TikTok Ban” that severely overreaches in its censorship and does far, far more than banning one application. It uses vague language that seeks to criminalize VPN usage that involves “circumventing government censorship” including VPN usage to access media “by foreign adversaries.” It gives the gov’t the ability to monitor all avenues of your personal online activity, including unrestricted access to your modem, router, and everything else you use to get onto the internet. It’s so bad that everyone on all sides of the spectrum hate it besides totalitarian ghouls.
But also remember that when it fails in the Senate, that we CANNOT LET THEM try to “amend” the bill to make it seem “nicer!” We have to resist continuously!
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I have this theory, that the first ship you get REALLY into preps your expectations for future ships and how they're going to be handled.
For example, if your first "big ship" was Johnlock (poor thing), then you probably don't expect any of your ships to become canon. Two men could literally kiss on screen (ineffable, I know), and you'll still expect them to go through separation and pain the next season, and you're not even sure they'll end up together. You've seen something you thought would be "obviously canon", and were betrayed the worst possible way. You still have trust issues.
Meanwhile, if your first ship was Destiel, you are DETERMINED. No matter how unlikely, or how long it takes, you'd still believe in your ship. It can become canon, you just know it. But you don't trust how the writers will handle it. It will be canon, but... At what cost? You're prepared to choose a fanfic to replace canon in your mind, and to make usage of a generous dose of headcanon.
All this to say that my first ship was Tomitch, or two obscure comedy characters from an obscure french YouTube office comedy show, in an era where homophobia was EXTREMELY rampant in those spheres. I did not believe it would become canon for a SECOND. By season two, they were both engaged to their girlfriends.
Then, season three happened. And the comedy show became increasingly serious, with some drama sprinkled in. And by the end of it, not only is your ship CANON, but they're literally the prophesied lovers from a weird alien cult, and one of the girlfriends comes out as Aro/Ace (kinda, she doesn't outright say it like that).
So yeah.
That's where the bar is.
(Comment your first ship and how it affected the way you view romance to this day! Don't forget to like and subscribe, and thank you to SurfBitch VPN for making this video possible.)
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