nobigneil · 4 months
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garfunclegaming · 2 months
The Vagabonds are a better faction than anything in Fallout 4 or Starfield.
In Fallout London they are introduced to the player as largely indifferent to you, only handing you a rusted knife and offering you odd jobs because they don't trust you off the bat. It takes several quests where you travel some distance and survive a good deal of hardship before you even become a recruit.
The NPCs in their base swear, joke, and express both frustration and suspicion at you. Making engratiating you with them feel rewarding. They are not all sunshine and rainbows. They have a ruthless edge to them as a post apocalyptic gang. They are motivated not just by smug righteousness, but by revenge and regaining lost territory.
It was so refreshing not to be shoved immediately into leadership or be given asinine handouts like free Power Armor or a Starship because of main character syndrome. The NPCs in a ruined London pub being a big Peaky Blinders reference had more soul and passion put into them than any faction in the base game of 4 or Starfield. The only fault with them is that the awful NPC idle routines inherent to the engine would sometimes interrupt dialogue better than anything Bethesda has done since Morrowind.
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cyber-geist · 1 month
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Orion from 'TommyInnit's Services for Villains, Vigilantes, and Various Other Vagabonds' by @scorpionoesit I had honestly forgotten that I was sitting on some half finished concept designs for this fic. I posted a while ago the rough sketches of Orien, Artemis, and Michael's concept designs and now I'm finally finishing up my final version of their designs. Here's Orion, and yes I fixed the mask it's a boar skull cyberpunk mask now, which let me tell you I have three or four designs for this mask alone because it was a pain in my butt. Scorpio is back, and i had burst of motivation to finish this, will finish Michael and Artemis's final designs.... yes..... I have no idea when tho, but it will happen. For now have Orien and the rough sketches of the others from months ago. Click images for better quality, cause when they scrunched they dont look good. Anyways, Ciao!!!!
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skellymom · 3 months
"Vagabonds" Chapter 13 "Precious Cargo"
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
To read Chapter 12:
Word Count: 1.7K
Background: Hunter contemplates his relationship choices.
Mad comes clean about what EXACTLY transpired during her last job on Ord Mantell.
I was SUPPOSED to have this part of the series done by May. But, got serious writer's block. Sorry so late. THIS is the shoe that needed to drop plot-wise.
To help with any confusion: Mad's Clone trans sister (non bio) is named "SHE" (mentioned in Chapter #9 "In The Beginning") and her name is capitalized to prevent any confusion of what character is being spoken of.
Warning: Swearing, flirting, brief discussion of female reproduction/menopause.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
Hunter laid on his bunk sifting through the events that transpired since he met Mad. 
The throbbing pain between his legs, burning scratch on his face...the deep bite mark that FINALLY stopped bleeding. 
His heart ached a bit too. Pain, love, lust, yearning, uncertainty...so much...felt like it would explode. 
Cid’s words bounced around his head...paining him that she was possibly RIGHT. It was the ONLY accurate intel Cid had ever given him. 
“Ya looking for a world of hurt, Bandana?  “Cause that’s all you’re gonna get with that one.” 
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"Precious Cargo"
She wasn’t the first woman Hunter had...but the first that stayed around longer than a few days. That was a record for him... 
Not due to infidelity or any other reason. It was only due to the war. No time to date. Heck, no time for hobbies, other jobs...or A job. He was property. Owned and controlled. The trajectory of his life beyond his own control. Not just him, either. A planet’s worth of enslaved men posing as blaster fodder. 
He was just a clone. What did he know about women. Dating, sexual relations, or reproduction were NEVER taught on Kamino. It was expressly forbidden among the Kaminoan's...the Republic as well. Hunter was lucky enough with his looks, hair, body to be pursued by MANY women to have learned about these things. However, how their minds worked and long-term relationships...that was another thing altogether.  
But no matter how he doubted, there was still a feeling of euphoria and happiness like he had never felt before. These feelings happened around Mad only. She was brave, vibrant, resourceful, protective... These things excited him. 
Is this what love feels like? 
Well...no lie...some considerable lust in there too.  
I’m sure Mad would agree with me... 
Hunter inhaled sharply, then chuckled... 
Maker...What did I get myself into? 
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Mad finally awoke from the darkness. She lay there feeling weak. A heaviness in her abdomen...again??? 
She glanced down to see Tiggy outstretched and laying over her abdomen. The puppy looked much larger than she remembered. Tig was starting to lose her puppy fat, and her limbs seemed longer. She stretched out and yawned. Her puppy tail wagging and whipping the blanket. 
Mad tried to move, but both arms were strapped to the bunk. One of which had an IV line and fluids. She was also hooked up to a urinary catheter. Mad could feel the line between her legs. 
How long have I been out??? 
A few days. Love’s hand caressed Mad’s head. She looked up at them, levitating near the front of the bunk. You had me worried. 
I’m awake now. You look good for someone who vaporized a Venator. 
Love smugly smiled, then the concerned expression came back. You look BETTER for a person who was unresponsive. 
Sil? Omega? Hunter? 
They’re fine.  
Why am I in restraints??? 
Love looked gravely at Mad 
Oh no... 
Yeah, the dreams came back. 
Was that it?  
Love seemed reluctant to say any more. They didn’t need to as Hunter quietly entered the room. 
“Mad?” He whispered 
She immediately noticed the large bandage at the crook of his neck and the deep scratches on his face. 
“Did I...do that?” she asked quietly. 
He nodded as he sat down on the bunk beside her. 
“Oh Hunter...” Mad was clearly feeling shame and embarrassment. 
“You were delirious at the time...” He started undoing the restraints while giving her a reassuring smile. “The Mad I know wasn’t in control.” 
“This hasn’t happened...for quite a few years.” 
Concern creased Hunter’s brow. He was silent...waiting for Mad to answer if she felt safe enough to.  
Tiggy wimpered quietly and snuggled up next to Hunter. He put his arm around her. 
“My ORIGINAL family were experimental subjects for the Kaminoan’s.” 
Hunter was horrified. He also vaguely remembered strange things happening to him as a very young clone, his brothers too...possibly Omega had as well. 
“What? I thought you’re Nomaadi??” 
“I am. And the Nomaadi are my family now...but I HAD a biological mother and father that were not of The Star People...” 
“All that I remember about them is fuzzy. I was VERY young when Maami and Paapi Daal took me in. A clone squad smuggled me out of the facility...along with a young defective clone. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve acted out in a fugue state...” 
Hunter was shocked. He had NEVER heard of this. 
“Only saw clones on Kamino. We clones were the only test subjects in the laboratories.” 
The Kaminoan’s have more than one facility on several planets. Love interjected. 
Hunter shifted unexpectedly. He forgot Love was able to speak to him through the Force. He wondered if it had to do with his enhanced senses.  
Mad caught Hunter’s expression. “...you can hear Love through the Force, can’t you?” 
He nodded. 
“So can Omega. Other than Sil and Tiggy, nobody else can. It’s a Force Bond...it’s SUPPOSED to be rare.” 
“Wait...you escaped with ANOTHER defective clone???” Hunter shook his head. 
Auntie SHE! Best Auntie EVER...well, next to mom... Love smoothed Mad’s hair back lovingly. 
Love and Hunter gazed at each other and smiled. Tiggy wagged her tail exuberantly. 
“I have SO MANY questions...” Hunter’s mind going in a million directions. 
“We’re pleased to see you awake.” Tech entered bringing Wrecker, Echo, Sil, and Omega with him. Tiggy excitedly ran to the end of the bed and launched herself at Echo. 
“NO!” Echo ducked behind Wrecker. 
Wrecker caught the pup in midair and hugged her to him. “Echo’s still gun-shy. You’re a scary widdle puppy dog!”  
Tiggy then begged to see Omega. Wrecker handed the puppy to her. Tiggy licked Omega’s face into a sloppy mess. The sound of her laughter lightened Hunter’s mood considerably 
Hunter glanced back at Mad. “What exactly happened during that job on Ord Mantell?” 
Mad’s eyes widened. It didn’t occur to her until now. The dreams were also stirred up from her visiting Dr. Zebba and the violence afterward. Everyone in the room stared expectantly at Mad. 
She and this botched job had thrust everyone aboard into this current situation. 
Sil showed us what was in the cooler. And the shot he gave you. Love Force Spoke and signed in Basic. I thought you were supposed to bring back two people with some cargo? 
“The parameters of the job changed at the last minute.” Mad sighed. 
Everyone in the room glanced at each other. 
Hunter needed answers. “WHAT changed?” 
Mad inhaled deeply. “There were supposed to be a courier for the cargo and a clone bodyguard that I was to pick up and take with us on the Beldame. According to my contact, they ‘didn’t make it’” 
Wrecker couldn’t help himself, wringing his large hands. “Ohh...they’re probably dead.” 
Echo shushed Wrecker. 
“Ok?” Hunter probed. 
Mad had a captive audience. 
“So...a doctor paid me extra to carry the cargo.” 
“...Ok? Where is it? You came back with a cooler of...Tech, help me out.” 
Tech adjusted his goggles “You are currently in possession of a cooler filled with hormone stim syringes. Even with my intellect I fail to see any correlation to this being any type of valuable cargo.” 
“Oh...I have the cargo.” Mad calmly stated. 
“Well...where?” Echo couldn’t contain himself.  
“Inside me.” Then Mad started to weakly giggle. 
Tech perked up. Hunter could smell his brain burning...putting together the pieces. 
“Mad...out with it.” Hunter demanded. He was starting to worry again. 
Mad took another deep breath. “You know the Jedi had the best healthcare that any citizen in the galaxy could receive. Preventative care, health screenings, yearly blood tests and full body examinations. Of course, they were scanned for any disease. Sometimes biological samples are taken to test for ‘health' "reasons... 
...some of that tissue was preserved and saved. Especially reproductive material. SOMEONE somewhere realized that it might be best to not dispose of it...” 
Tech interjected. “Then Order 66 occurred, the Jedi Genocide, and the Kaminoan medical facilities were shut down...” 
Mad finished his sentence. “And I took a job to help smuggle some of the remaining Jedi reproductive material to a safe location. Away from the Empire to a place that will extract it and put it back into storage for possible future use.” 
Everyone was in shock. Except for Tech. He was EXTREMELY interested. 
“My educated guess is that you are carrying ovuum. And that is why that cooler contains hormone syringes. Without that hormone, your body would menstruate and eject the ovuum out of the body. But, in your case...with the recent stress and being of...a certain age...you have lost some of the ovuum already...” 
“Tech...a certain age? Really???” Hunter snapped back and turned around to see Omega’s reaction to the conversation. She was seriously engrossed. 
“Well" Tech pushed his goggles up the bridge of his nose. "Technically she IS past childbearing age and menopausal...” 
“WOAH!” Wrecker shouted, covering Omega’s ears. 
“TOO MUCH INFORMATION!” Echo followed. 
Mad, Love, and Sil laughed at them. 
Hunter spun back around to stare “WHAT???” 
Sil answered in a string of Nomaadi slang. He laughed along with Love and Mad. 
“They are making fun of us.” Tech interpreted and side-eyed his brothers. “Specifically, Echo and Wrecker.” Then shot Sil a look. “Called us Naif’s.” 
“Ah, you know some of our language, eh?" Sil smiled proudly.  
“What’s a Naif?” Wrecker asked. 
Love signed Newbie, naive...you act so silly about body stuff. 
“The Nomaadi learn very early about biology, sex, reproduction, and how our bodies work. Male, female, intersex, fluidsexual, all of our people speak freely about it with ease and no shame.” Mad explained. “Just like eating, sleeping, thinking, feeling...it’s just part of life.” 
“Kamino didn’t really prepare us. Combat was our specialty.” Hunter defended. 
“And yet YOU’RE pretty KNOWLEDGEABLE there Hunky.” Mad winked. 
Hunter flushed deep red. 
“And Tech over there is NO Naif!” Sil and Love erupted into laughter 
Omega looked up at Wrecker pulling his hands from her ears. “I CAN hear everything they’re saying.” 
Echo interrupted “Wait...THAT’S what all of those credits are from?”  
“Yes, with more upon delivery of the ovuum. We are going to be financially set for a while.” Mad nodded to Tech. “I have coordinates to where the extraction point is. I’m supposed to be there within 7 rotations.” 
“Less than that, you’ve been unconscious for over 2 rotations.” Tech corrected Mad “We need that intel to get you safely there.” 
“Wait!” Hunter was wary “How do we KNOW this place is safe? What about any medical risks?” 
“The Empire’s gotta be looking for ALL of us.” Echo added. “The Marauder as well as The Beldame was being targeted.” 
“Hunter, Echo and I can do some digging on our comm channels. However, before we do, I should remove both of your catheter’s.” Tech pointed toward Mad. 
“Everyone out.” Mad motioned with her hand.  
“WHAAT? Thought you were ok about ‘Body Stuff’” Wrecker sassed Mad. 
Echo shook his head, ushering Omega, Sil, and Love out of the room. 
“You REALLY wanna see Tech pull a urinary catheter out of my bladder, big boy?” Mad sassed back. 
Wrecker visibly shuddered. She got him. “Oof...no.” He left the room. 
Hunter grabbed Mad’s hand and squeezed.  
Would he and his siblings have been happier on Ord Mantell still running jobs for Cid?  
No. THIS is where WE need to be right now! 
It was an uncertain journey so far, but Hunter was willing to see it through. 
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PLEASE like, comment, and/or REBLOG!
To read Chapter 14 "In Confidence"
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robertogreco · 2 years
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Snufkin in Comet in Moominland, by Tove Jansson:
But that’s how it is when you start wanting to have things. Now I just look at them, and when I go away I carry them in my head. Then my hands are always free, because I don’t have to carry a suitcase.
From more on Snufkin see ”Understanding Snufkin: A Moomins Essay.”
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roseillith · 6 months
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vagabonds! eloghosa osunde pg 178-179
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smokefalls · 2 years
People who know loss know this: there’s nothing harder to let go of than an already-gone thing.
Eloghosa Osunde, Vagabonds!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 months
"Dugan turned to Cheyenne Shorty, an ex-sheepherder, now half-insane from long association with sheep. Shorty if sober. He was Often, at dusk he would crawl on his hands and knees and bleat at the sky like a sheep.
"Shorty, you defend One-Lung. You're about the type of lawyer a tramp would get in another court."
"Thank you," smiled Cheyenne.
"We will now open the court with prayer. 'Frisco Eddie, lead off. Bow your crummy heads, brothers."
Frisco Eddie's cracked voice began:
"O Lord, Our Heavenly Father of the first well-known hobo, Jesus, look down upon us who are about to com- mend an immortal soul to Thy great care! Thou great befriender of working-girls, Who showest them the way to spend their six dollars a week wisely, and to resist temptations of the flesh, we ask Thee for divine guidance for what we are about to do.
"If we unduly throw this soul in Your face, Lord, it is because we do not know what in the hell to do with it. We realize, dear Lord of us all, Your position in this most trying moment. Neither would we, as humble vagrants along the eternal shore, be guilty of sending one to You whom You could not easily make use of. A stool-pigeon of the first order, Lord, he would keep holy the dark places of heaven, and bring before Your divine officers the indiscretions of Your most beautiful angels. For beauty has ever been tempted, dear Lord, on earth as it is in heaven.
"Lucifer the proud, in all his glory, will not be arrayed in more of Thine eternal salvation than One-Lung. It is true that there may be those who go to Thy everlasting arms of resting need no mourners here below. Rather they should be joyful and sing hosannas in Thy great name.
"A brand snatched from the burning, Lord-a poor soul in Thy blessed image made weary from shooting his own kind. You have ever been on the side of the down-trodden, Lord. You make the spuds to grow near the jungle and the chicken to wander free from care into our willing hands. You help us in the gathering of food for our slum-gullions. You allow us to wander on the open road and give us the blessed benediction of Heaven.
"For is it not true, dear Lord,
"That beggars who walk And Queens who ride To the Valley of Skulls, Sleep side by side"?
"It is a beautiful night, Lord, upon which to die. The stars and the moon and the beautiful river shall sing his threnody. And Lord, if one of us should be shuffled off the gallows to dance with broken arches before Thy throne, it would not be amid such beauty. Rather would the knot be tied behind our left ears, Lord, and as we fell through the trap, dear Lord, the knot would jerk our heads forward and break our immortal necks, dear Lord. We would hang like a cracked scarecrow, All-merciful Lord, while a doctor listened to our hearts pounding their way on the road to Your blessed arms, dear Lord.
"But, Blessed Lord, we are not as those men who do such deeds. We profess no creed, dear Lord. We are but humble servants in Thy name. Ours is a gentler method, Lord. It comes suddenly, Lord. The soul of the departed flies suddenly before You from a hole which a bullet makes. It is more lenient, Lord. There is dignity in death by a bullet...."
"Shut up!" snapped Dugan. "Do you think you're the only one He's got to listen to?"
'Frisco Eddie resumed: "For they who taketh up the Smith and Wesson must die by a Colt, for so it is written, ever and anon, before dinner and after, from now on, Amen."
Weak, bearded, and grimy chins were lifted. Bodies moved. Feet scraped over the hard ground. A drunken derelict yelled,
"Amen - Hobo Ben Chased a pig an' caught a hen!"
"Choke that crummy noose-dodger, some one," commanded Nitro Dugan.
A scuffle followed. A body fell.
'Frisco Eddie chanted dolefully:
"It matters not, so I've been told, Where the body lies when the heart is cold."
"Come on, let's start the trial," cut in Dugan. He smiled urbanely at the detective and asked, "What have you to say before sentence is passed upon you?"
"Sentence? Good God, you're a gang of yeggs! Who the hell are you, to try an officer of the law? You can't do it. Even if you were honest men. I haven't been tried yet."
- the hobo's prayer, from Jim Tully, "Jungle Justice," in Joseph Lewis French, ed., Gray Shadows. New York: The Century Co., 1931. p. 52-54.
(Tully was himself a former hobo and writer of popular stories in the 1920s based upon his vagabond life in North America.)
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
been listening to a more Nigerian audiobooks recently. didn't realize how nice it would be to hear people who sound like my dad tell me stories. I've heard so few people who sound like him in my life.
also so far all the audiobooks have had multiple different readers for characters instead of one person doing all the voices which I personally really like.
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mushroom-boar · 2 years
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Part 1 of the mega commission I finished! This took me a very long time to finish as I wanted everything to be on point <3 This is based on the board game (Root: a game of Woodland Might and Right). You have Marquise de Cat, a warrior from the Eyrie Dynasty, 2 warriors from the Woodland Alliance and finally the racoon vagabond! For more info about the game and characters visit this website: Ledergames and their work
I offer these kinds of work as a commission and you can check it out here: https://ko-fi.com/mushroom_boar And here: https://robinmushroombat.wixsite.com/robin-portfolio
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nobigneil · 4 months
Neil Newbon turns into a cat and it's exactly what you'd expect
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coyotescribbles · 9 months
Fishing the knife out of the garment pile, Leda pressed the tip into the keyhole and jimmied it side to side until she heard a small click as the lock sprang open. Her heart was in her throat as she carefully removed it from the loops and deposited it in the laundry tub, before prying the rusty shackle off of her ankle.
It was harder to unlock the heavy iron collar, but she eventually managed, leaving those in the tub as well.
Only then did she crawl over to where Mara had quietly cried herself to sleep, and gently shake her awake, hushing her before she could say anything.
"Shh, hold still," she whispered, picking up the lock on Mara's own collar and picking that one open as well.
"Leda, what are you doing?" Mara asked under her breath, her small voice shaking.
"Getting us out of here," she replied, "c'mon."
Mara offered no argument as she took her by the hand and tiptoed out to the kitchen, where she helped her quietly gather up armfuls of cheeses and cured meats that were carted back to the laundry. Another trip fetched tin cups and bowls and a serving spoon, as well as a handful of spare flints from the basket by the hearth. The noisier items were bundled up in old clothes, and then rolled with the pilfered food into sheets to form two neat bundles.
"Put these on, you're gonna want them" Leda whispered, handing Mara a bundle of clothes consisting of a heavy woolen shirt, a shawl, and thick woolen socks; the shirt hung almost to her knees, and she had to roll the sleeve up to her elbows, and the socks were so loose that she had to tie torn strips of cloth around the tops to keep them from falling off. By the time she was dressed, and had her bundle tied across her back, she barely looked like a girl at all.
Neither did Leda, for that matter.
The last thing she gathered up was a torn wool blanket, which she rolled up and, with Mara's help, wrapped around the top of her supply bundle. Then, with silent footfalls, the pair slipped out of the laundry, back out into the kitchen, and started for the back door.
On the way, though, Leda paused. "Wait a second…"
Her gaze fell on the buckets of old kitchen oil set beneath the counter, and she remembered how their final escape attempt as kittens had been foiled.
Unbidden, she remembered all the abuses they had suffered at the innkeeper's hands.
(All the abuses Mara had suffered at that horrid woman's hands.)
She couldn't let them be chased down again. This was going to be their last escape, she swore it.
Snatching up a bucket, she hurried to the dining area and splashed the greasy oil across the wooden floors and furniture. A second bucket followed, and a third left a trail of oil from the dining room, through the kitchen, to the door.
Her heart was hammering deafeningly in her ears as she crouched by the door and fumbled with a flint while Mara huddled against the wall nearby, knowing that any second someone could wake up and catch them and then it would be over and she couldn't let that happen-
A spark flew from the flint.
It hit the puddled oil and sizzled.
A second spark followed, then a third, and a fourth.
The oil hissed and spat.
And then a tongue of flame licked up. In moments, the blaze was creeping across the floor, lapping at every bit of fuel it encountered.
Choking on a gasp, Leda grabbed Mara's arm, and the two of them fled across the courtyard and across the back pasture, towards the rickety wooden fence that butted up against the treeline.
There, she paused one last time, looking back at the inn. It all seemed eerily calm under the light of the moons, the warm orange glow filling the kitchen looking almost inviting from a distance.
"Leda, c'mon!" Mara pleaded, tugging on her arm.
One moment more. One moment to take it all in as she watched the fire begin to creep higher, consuming everything in its path like a ravenous animal. They were far enough away that the alarmed squealing of the horses was barely a whisper.
If the innkeeper was screaming, too, she couldn't hear it, and that was the only thing she regretted as she finally turned away and fled into the forest with Mara at her side.
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cyber-geist · 8 months
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Aight did I spend an unhealthy amount of time reading and re reading the fic scouring for details on what both their vigilante outfits looked like….maybe. I also asked the author…..I’m lost ok!!!! I know they both have hoods, armor, and full face masks, and Artemis has his hair somewhat free out of the hood (I think again half of this is guess work y’all) regardless I have like soooo many concept sketches but these two are my favorite right now, cause they have the dynamic poses down and the armor pattern mostly right. So Techno and Ranboo y’all. Techno and Ranboo. @scorpionoesit
Edit: I’m aware Techno has a skull mask and a cape……leave me alone. I was tired when I posted this and I have like twelve designs for Techno alone I just really like his pose in this one ok
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skellymom · 7 months
"Vagabonds" Chapter 10 "Stranded"
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
To read Chapter 9:
Word Count: 1.2K
Background: Time is running out for Hunter, Omega, and the crew of The Beldame.
Warning: Star Wars swears, Earth swears, fear, physical pain, fainting, blood, hypothermia, dog bites human, canon-typical violence.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
As the jovial banter continued, a group of clones stood around the window, watching the planet recede from view. 
“You think She and Little One have a chance?” 
“Much better than staying on Kamino.  The Nomaadi will take good care of ‘em.” 
“Wish I could’a stayed on the planet with ‘em.  Kriffin tired of this rat race.” 
“Miss them already...” 
“Shhh...we can’t.  At least not right NOW.”   
“Maybe sometime...in the future...” 
“Yeah, younger ones go first.” 
“Gotta be REAL careful if we smuggle any more out.” 
A hush fell among the group as the planet disappeared with only cold black space remaining. 
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Far out in cold black space the Dread Beldame drifted. 
After Mad had fainted and fallen to the floor, Sil turned her over. Pale and with a bruise from the fall developing on her face, he could feel the panic rising. 
“Sil...breathe...” Omega had to keep him calm. “Love?” 
The teen floated above the decking; eyes rolled back in their head. No answer. 
Hunter had finally passed out from the horrific sensory stimuli. 
Tiggy shook it off and ambled over to them whimpering. She pressed her body up against Sil to distract him. 
The lights of the Beldame began to flicker. 
“Sil! What’s going on? Are we losing power???” 
Sil snapped to, furiously stroking Tiggy. “We lost main power after the Venator exploded.” He looked terrified. “The auxillary power is starting to fail...lights, gravity...and life support.” 
Omega felt a chill go through her. “We can fix it...RIGHT???” 
“No... we need another ship to hook up to the ‘Dame for recharge and repair.” 
“It’ll be ok, Sil. The Marauder will be here soon!” 
Sil shook his head. “Omega...the explosion pushed us parsecs away from Ord Mantell.” He got up, leaving Mad and Tiggy to check ships comm. He found them inoperable, then stared out into the blackness of space. 
“I... recognize SOME of these stars. No planets or any other large landmarks. But we’ll continue to drift farther out.” He looked resigned to their fate. “Without coordinates, or a way to radio them, it’s going to be near impossible.” 
“Tech and Echo WILL find us!” Omega was hopeful...but she was also scared. 
The lights dimmed again and stayed at half capacity. 
“It’s going to get VERY cold here soon, Omega. And we need to conserve oxygen best we can.” Sil opened a panel and pulled out insulation blankets and oxygen face masks. 
Omega and Sil pulled Hunter, Mad, Love, Tiggy and each other close into a warm huddle, donned their oxygen masks, and hoped for the best. 
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Echo and Tech furiously checked as many comm channels as possible to hail the Beldame. 
Techs voice was rising, “I cannot find them on ANY channel!” 
Echo was starting to worry, but couldn’t concentrate... 
“You stink!” Echo wrinkled up his face. “Get in the refresher, Wrecker!!!  Pick up your armor, too.” 
“Wait” interjected Tech “Who was that clone with you in the sewer tunnel?” 
Echo perked up and turned around in his seat “Another clone on Ord Mantell other than Rex???” 
“He called himself Riffraff.  Escaped off world after Order 66.” 
Echo smiled from ear to ear, “Thank the Maker!  Vod made it.” 
“You know him?” Tech inquired, still checking comm channels, trying not to panic. 
“Yeah, he was a shiny I met from another unit just before joining the Batch.  Good kid, he had promise.” 
“He looked SO OLD though.  Didn’t recognize him as a clone at first.” Wrecker was shocked.  
“I agree with Wrecker, he must have aged to look like a first-generation clone with all the adversity he witnessed during Order 66 and after.  He said he was staying behind to gain intel for a growing rebellion.” Tech’s brow creased stressfully. “STILL cannot hail the Beldame.” 
“Wrecker, shower!” Echo ordered.
“I’M GOIN’! GEEZ!!!” 
“Well, I hope he accomplishes his goal.  The galaxy really needs a strong rebellion.  Maybe more of our brothers will join the fight.”  Echo looked hopeful.  “Inhibitor chips be damned.” 
“I’m worried about the crew of the Beldame” Tech looked to Echo.  “Without a functioning shield they may not have escaped.” 
Echo shook his head, “I REFUSE to even consider that an option.” 
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Darkness penetrated the Beldame. A thin coating of frost covered the huddled, blanketed crew. Omega and Sil were shivering violently from the cold. Love, Mad, and Hunter were still out, but breathing and warm...for now. 
Tiggy, being small and warmly nestled within the center of the group squiggled up through the bodies. She climbed up on Sil’s chest and pressed her canine head against his forehead.  
He felt a strange presence in his mind. The pitter patter of little paws though his thoughts...was the best he could recall. Sil was too weak to care. Concentrating on this was better than the agony of slowly freezing to death. 
“...mega?” Was the best he could muster. 
“Mmm...” She was barely there. He pulled her closer, trying to keep her warm with his body heat. 
How much oxygen did they have left? Even with the masks...it couldn’t last forever. Was it the low oxygen levels or the cold causing them to fight to stay awake? 
Tiggy crawled away from Sil and pulled herself up to Love, who was still levitating, but tied up close to their group for warmth. She whimpered and scratched at Love’s chest. No response. She barked. 
“Tiggy, leave it.” Sil tiredly commanded. 
The puppy whimpered and whined...then bit Love on the chin, drawing blood. 
Love’s eyes popped open with the pain response. 
“Tiggy, NO!”  
Omega intervened. “Sil...I think Tiggy is trying to do something.” 
“Don’t know...” 
Couzin? Love’s eyes rolled back in their head. 
Tiggy bit Love again. HARDER. 
Love’s eye focused on the pup. Oh...can’t...too weak... 
Then Tiggy MASHED her head up against Love’s. Her little tail wagging furiously. Omega and Sil watched closely. 
For what, they didn’t know. 
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Bubbles filled the refresher shower. Wrecker scrubbed away at the stink on his skin. On his third wash to finally be rid of it. 
Plunging his face under the faucet a tune wound an earworm into his head.  
Wrecker hadn’t turned on his holotunes, but an oddly discordant song kept repeating in his head. More like a repeating snippet of a song...with some percussion. 
It became stronger. Then Wrecker started to hum...over...and over. Tapped his foot even. 
He finished, dried off, dressed. Still humming the tune, tapping the percussion now with his knuckle on the bunkroom wall. 
Wrecker wandered to the cockpit... 
Echo and Tech were backtracking coordinates, retrying comm channels, plotting hyperspace lanes...concerned for the worst. 
“Like they just disappeared!” Echo furrowed his brow. 
“Echo...I think we MIGHT have to entertain the idea...” Tech eyed his brother with concern. 
“I know it’s difficult to consider...Echo...” 
“I WON’T accept that they may be...” 
Tech swung his chair around to look at Wrecker. 
Wrecker was grooving along to some type of internal tune. Humming along and tapping on the Marauder’s interior wall. It wasn’t exactly musical, but Wrecker didn’t seem to mind, eyes closed, and he just kept on jamming along. 
Echo took Tech’s lead and watched Wrecker for a few moments.  
“WRECKER!” Echo shouted. 
“Why are you tapping out Basic Standard Code?” 
Wrecker shrugged. “Stuck in my head...can’t stop.” 
“Keep going, Wrecker.” Tech urged, rubbing his chin. 
They watched Wrecker repeat the humming and tapping over and over. 
Echo broke the silence, “DEFINITELY BSC! The message keeps repeating. Don’t know what the other part is...” 
Tech interrupted excitedly. “Notes on the musical scale!” 
Tech repeated the Basic Alphabet that corresponded with the notes to Echo. 
“With the Basic Standard Code...” Echo started the sentence... 
...and Tech finished it, “They’re coordinates!” 
They both spun their seats around and immediately engaged the Marauder. 
Wrecker stopped humming and tapping. “YOU’RE WELCOME!” 
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To read Chapter 11:
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asoiafreadthru · 9 months
A Game of Thrones, Eddard II
“I’ve half a mind to leave them all behind and just keep going.”
A smile touched Ned’s lips. “I do believe you mean it.”
“I do, I do,” the king said.
“What do you say, Ned? Just you and me, two vagabond knights on the kingsroad, our swords at our sides and the gods know what in front of us, and maybe a farmer’s daughter or a tavern wench to warm our beds at night.”
“Would that we could,” Ned said, “but we have duties now, my liege…to the realm, to our children, I to my lady wife and you to your queen. We are not the boys we were.”
“You were never the boy you were,” Robert grumbled. “More’s the pity.”
4 notes · View notes
roseillith · 6 months
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vagabonds! eloghosa osunde pg 175
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