poetry-lair · 5 months
I leave behind
my chains
and my fears.
to the pale moon,
I float
in the night sky
to rejoin
with my companions
and kindred spirits.
“Walpurgis Night (From Goethe’s Faust)” (C): Albert Zimmermann
“Walpurgis Night ” (C): Constantine Nepo
“Nymphs Dancing to Pan’s Flute” (C): Joseph Tomanek
“Walpurgis Night (The Departure of the Witches)” (C): Luis Ricardo Falero
Poem (C): Me
All the rights of the images, effects and GIF belong to their respective owners.
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poupeesdecirque · 1 year
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Burgfest Bad Bodenteich 2023 - Impressions
Some of you might remember the fact I hopped events, and yes this blog is running on queue as I got so much piled up again :’) taken in end of April (April 30th) it took me a while to get through them. Narrowed down from almost 1k pics the leftover photos will be turned into another private photobook <3
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bozemane · 3 months
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samusmaximus · 3 months
fucked up and evil gundam who hates u
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random-brushstrokes · 8 months
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Louis Moe - Valpurgis Morgen (1908)
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gioliana · 7 months
I'm feeling so ambivalent about the last episode of s3
On the on hand I can’t imagine that there's going to be a happy end. Because, honestly, how are they going to resolve all the problems in just one episode? Also, Young royals is a very realistic series and in real life things don't work out sometimes. Love just can’t fix everything.
However I am still very hopeful, since the show was advertised as being about the "choince between love and duty" and Edvin said that love always wins. Also the lake scene hasn't happened yet, and Wille hasn't said "what if I don't want that" ( as an answer to his mother saying he is going to be a fantastic king)
Furthermore the crown on the s3 wallpaper is broken, and up to s3e5 Wille hasn't said or done anything against the monarchy, yet. On the contrary, ha has rather been acting like a puppet of it, even more than in season 1.
But when I'm realistic, I guess they will be together at Valpurgis night "pretending that everything is normal, just for the night"
Then they will swim in the lake and the end scene is probably the scene where they're laying next to the lake, facing each others, crying. I could imagine that they are going to part on good terms. Something like "I love you, but it just doesn’t work, we're too different"
Then it would also make sense that Edvin and Omar cried during the last scene.
It would be hard. It would definitely break my heart. But it would be realistic.
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It's the eve of witch burning or the Valpurgis night in my country and I'm just thinking...
Imagine the gang getting together to celebrate this night on 30th of April 1987. Vecna is defeated, everyone's laughing and drinking, they build a pretty large fire where Dustin's radio used to be. It's not like the fires they built during the days when Hawkins merged with the Upside Down - those brought them safety and protection, but this one? It's to celebrate life, surviving.
The nature around Hawkins has healed and there are flowers again, blooming, and they're plucking them, weaving them into their hair. They also weave flower crowns and bracelets and exchange them. They know that the flowers will bloom next year, that there is a next time.
They build tents around the fire and soon break into their small groups. Jonathan and Argyle are blissed out, smoking and counting stars. Nancy and Robin are bickering with Steve and Eddie about the threat of "witch burning", asking them if they feel particularly flammable this fine evening.
Eddie takes out his acoustic guitar and starts strumming, singing, and everyone else gets dragged to their feet to dance around the fire, then jump over it - Robin read somewhere that it's supposed to make them all healthier and get rid of bad luck and soon they're running in circles, hopping over the low flames, laughing like maniacs.
Nancy is hesitant for a moment, but Steve gives her a boost and Robin catches her in her arms, then tripping backwards and landing in a heap of giggles and gentle kisses.
Argyle and Jonathan hold hands and sprint towards the fire, jumping way too far and rolling down the hill, snickering and howling as they get completely covered in cut grass and pollen.
Steve can't help himself but take Eddie's guitar away gently, nudging him towards the fire. For health and good luck, come, on, Eddie.
But Eddie shakes his head, laughing that he has no bad luck to get rid of, that he graduated, his name got cleared, he survived and got a crazy hot boyfriend out of it. He doesn't feel unlucky at all.
(he does jump at the end, side by side with Steve. They are the last two ones awake, Eddie gently plucking on guitar strings and Steve braiding his hair, with more flowers and soft kisses on his nape)
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magicallifesworld · 5 months
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Beltane: (Bealtaine, May Eve, Valpurgis) - April 30th/May 1st
Incense: Lilac, Frankincense
Decorations: Maypole, Flowers, Ribbons
Colours: Green
The Fire Festival of Beltane
This festival is also known as Beltane, the Celtic May Day. It officially begins at moonrise on May Day Eve, and marks the beginning of the third quarter or second half of the ancient Celtic year. It is celebrated as an early pastoral festival accompanying the first turning of the herds out to wild pasture. The rituals were held to promote fertility.
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saax2 · 10 months
Streghe (witches)
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Virgil Finlay (1914-1971, USA)
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Trois femmes et trois lupus | Eugene Grasset (1845-1917, France)
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La sorcière, 1882 | Luis Ricardo Falero (1851-1896, España)
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Metamorphosis - black cats transforming themselves into witches, late 19th century | Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923, Switzerland)
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The night of wicked fairies | Michel Simonidy (1870-1933, Romania)
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Demon | Franciszek Żmurko (1859-1910, Poland)
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Walpurgis Sabbath- cover from 'Jugend' magazine, 1909 | Adolf Münzer (1870-1953, Poland)
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Linda maestra (pretty teacher), from the ‘Caprichos’ series, 1797-99 | Goya (1746-1828, España)
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Valpurgis morgen, 1908 | Louis Moe (1857-1945, Norway)
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Sorcières, 1888 | Joseph Apoux (1846-1910, France)
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Streghe moderne (Sorcières modernes) | Jean Veber (1864-1928, France)
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Evohé, 1888 ca. | Joseph Apoux (1846-1910, France)
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Intimite, 1888 ca. | Joseph Apoux (1846-1910, France)
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La strega sul caprone (La sorcière renversée sur la chèvre), 1500-05 | Albrecht Durer (1471-1528, Germany)
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The magic circle | John William Waterhouse (1849-1917, England)
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Trumpf (carta vincente) - from 'Die muskete' magazine, 1926 (december) | Karl Alexander Wilke (1879-1954, Germany-Austria)
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La Femme Chauve-Souris (The Bat-Woman), 1890 | Albert Joseph Pénot (1862-1930, France)
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Départ pour le Sabbat, 1910 | Albert Joseph Pénot (1862-1930, France)
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L'amour libre | Georges De Feure (1868-1943, France)
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Aradia dea delle streghe, 1900-10
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Rito di Benedizione al parto (birth blessing rite), Roma, 2021 | ph., Valeria Gradizzi (1979, Italia)
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Magia nera, XVIII-XIX secolo (18th-19th century) | Giuseppe Bernardino Bison (1762-1844, Italia)
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Walpurgis Night Scene (from Goethe Faust), 1910 | Fritz Roeber (1851-1924, Germany)
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Gentile Budrioli (she died at the stake in Bologna accused of witchcraft) | Charles Frederick Naegele (1857-1944, USA)
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Anniosette | ph. Mogens Berger (1933-1993, Denmark)
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The Walpurgisnacht Portfolio (one of six etchings after Gustav Meyrinks), 1922 | Stefan Eggeler (1894-1969, Austria)
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The Walpurgisnacht Portfolio (three of six etchings after Gustav Meyrinks), 1922 | Stefan Eggeler (1894-1969, Austria)
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The Walpurgisnacht Portfolio (four of six etchings after Gustav Meyrinks), 1922 | Stefan Eggeler (1894-1969, Austria)
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The Walpurgisnacht Portfolio (five of six etchings after Gustav Meyrinks), 1922 | Stefan Eggeler (1894-1969, Austria)
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Untitled (witches) | Stefan Eggeler (1894-1969, Austria)
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Beltane grimoire page redo
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poetry-lair · 5 months
Lascio alle mie spalle
le mie catene
e i miei timori.
alla pallida luna,
nel cielo notturno
per ricongiungermi
con i miei compagni
e spiriti affini.
“Walpurgis Night (From Goethe’s Faust)” (C): Albert Zimmermann
“Walpurgis Night ” (C): Constantine Nepo
“Nymphs Dancing to Pan’s Flute” (C): Joseph Tomanek
“Walpurgis Night (The Departure of the Witches)” (C): Luis Ricardo Falero
Poem (C): Me
All the rights of the images, effects and GIF belong to their respective owners.
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ruwin-ruwout · 4 years
I feel it’s about the right time to share my Beltane music mix once again.
Now updated ;)
Bring the garland gay! ^^
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annihilorak · 5 years
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Mariano Barbasán Lagueruela | "Noche de Valpurgis ooLa La noche de Walpurguis" (1887)
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bozemane · 3 months
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yugirl · 3 years
Churnabog’s thoughts on the Disney Universe
Ok I know the title sounds weird but this has being going around in my head.
You know Churnabog? The villain from Nightmare on Bald Mountain?
Disney’s version of “the devil”
This guy?
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I’ve been thinking about him ever since watching Colin Looks Back’s Fantasia episode on Disney Villains and the times he teams up with the villains to defeat the good guys. Disney park rides, kingdom hearts, once upon a time, mickey’s house of villains etc
The more I think about it, I don’t think Churnabog is trying any time he fights the good guys.
Because let’s be honest. Do you really think he would actually lose to Micky? Or Sora? Or Elizabeth Swan? Or the Disney Park guests. Like if he was at his full “Nightmare on Bald Mountain” power, do you really think any of them could beat him?
“Ok Yugirl, if he is holding back, why?”
Because Churnabog knows if he went full power he would be able to win instantly. He’s not stupid. He knows if he went to his full power, he could have Valpurgis Night every night if he wanted.
So why doesn’t he?
Because he knows that much like having Christmas every day, having Valpurgis Night all the time would get boring in the long run. It takes the specialness out of the one night a year he gets to muck around and do what he wants to do.
“So, why does he team up with the other villains then? Why does he fight at half power if that?”
I have two possible theories for that
1. Much like the other Disney villains he wants to show he still has his edge
Or the more likely of the two
2. Because it entertains him.
I feel like much like any other pop culture based deity, Churnabog hates being bored. So he finds ways of entertaining himself, be it fighting JRPG kids, hanging out at the house of mouse, showing up to terrorize Mickey and Friends, hitting on Maleficent and everything else.
I mean Hades does all that too and we never question him for it.
Does that mean Churnabog isn’t actually evil? Oh no he’s still part of the Disney Villain group and he still enjoys being evil. It’s just he’s a villain who’s smart enough to know where he stands in this mouse shaped universe. He’s comfortable playing this back and forth between good and evil because it keeps things interesting.
Then on that one night of the year, he wakes up, messes around, hears the church bells and goes “well I’ve had my fun, back to bed”
Honestly you got to respect a demon lord who seems to have it all together
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pinkie-satan · 2 years
the original post was getting too long sorry hahah 😭
thank you for tagging me @roseofcards90 💕💕 I don't know all of your songs, I'll look them up on spotify 🦄
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P- Persefone by Nostra Morte
I- In my secret life by Leonard Cohen
N- Naraku no hana (奈落の花) by Eiko Shimamiya
K- Koszeloczka by Susanna Jara and t dot est
I- Itsuka no Unabara e (いつかの海原へ) by Luck Ganriki and Nel Kino
E- En-counse by xaki
S- Savior by Rise Against
A- Asteroid Blues by Chamberlain
T- Through the Years and Far Away by Ai Miyoko
A- Akuma no Ko (悪魔の子) by Ai Higuchi
N- Nux Valpurgis by Yuki Kajiura
tagging: everybody who wants! show me your url spelled out with song tittles! 🐱💜
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