#la bealtaine
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Dancing in the light
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Tiempo de luz: del 30 de abril (Beltain o Beltane) al 30 de julio (Lughnasadh o Lammas)
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El solsticio de verano, esto es, el día mas largo del año, es a mediado de este período, sobre el 21 de junio. En Lughnasadh, el dios del grano se sacrificaba simbólicamente en el último haz o grano cortado, de modo que las semillas pudieran ser esparcidas para el crecimiento. Con el grano del último haz se cocía un pan para simbolizar la abundancia.
Los asuntos relacionados con la gente joven, el amor y las amistades se verán especialmente favorecidos, al igual que los temas de salud. Es un período en el que aumentarán las oportunidades existentes.
Beltane o Beltain se extiende desde la puesta de sol del 30 de abril hasta la puesta de sol del 2 de mayo y es la segunda gran fiesta o sabbat del año. Su nombre se debe a la Bealtaine irlandesa, que significa "fuego de Bel", el fuego del dios celta de la luz, conocido con el nombre de Bel, Beli o Belinus. En la noche del primero de mayo, se celebra la llegada del viejo verano y el florecimiento de la vida. La diosa se manifiesta como la reina de mayo y como Flora, diosa de las flores, cuya festividad se celebraba en la antigua Roma a principios de mayo.
La puesta de sol del primero de mayo era la señal para que los druidas encendieran los fuegos de Bel hechos con nueve tipos diferentes de madera. Lo hacían girando un palo de roble en un agujero hecho sobre una pieza de roble en la cima de la colina más cercana. A medida que el tiempo pasaba, todos los pueblos tenían sus fuegos de Beltane, a los que se atribuye fertilidad y poderes curativos.
Las parejas jóvenes saltaban por encima de los fuegos de Beltane, corrían entre ellos y bailaban moviéndose en el sentido de las agujas del reloj. El ganado, liberado de los establos después del largo invierno, era guiado entre los fuegos para despojarlos de toda enfermedad y para asegurar la continuación de la fertilidad y la producción de leche suficiente para los próximos meses.
Así pues, Beltane es un festival adecuado para la magia de la fertilidad, tanto para concebir un hijo como para que temas financieros o de negocios den su fruto, para las mejoras de salud y para el aumento de la energía cuando la luz y el calor se acercan al verano.
Como foco de la fiesta, recogemos plantas frescas, especialmente espino (éste se introducirá en la casa solamente el primero de mayo) y flores típicas de la región, y los colocamos en cestas.
Encendemos velas verdes, escarlata y plateadas y usamos citrinas brillantes, cristales de cuarzo transparente, ojos de tigre dorados, ámbares y topacios.
Entre los inciensos y hierbas adecuados para Beltane cabe destacar la almendra, la angélica, el fresno, la primavera, el incienso puro, el espino, la lila, la caléndula y las rosas.
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whitedragonwhispers · 11 months
Wobbler- This Past Presence/La Bealtaine "Live" Québec City 2018
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Lá Féile Bríd
it was an old custom for the children to dress up a rag doll and then go from house to house collecting money. A few days before Brigids day all the girls make crosses and rag dolls. The girls get ready. They put old clothes on them and each of them gets a rag doll. They go out in groups of two. They go round to every house. They used to get a penny in some houses two pennies in other houses and so on like that.
This is still practiced by some communities in Ireland.
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Often these would be straw dolls that they would dress in white. Some people dressed up a sod of turf. Some called it the Biddy, some called it a Brighid óg or Brídeóg. They would go from door to door looking for pennies or anything the people will give them. They have a little song -saying " Something to bury poor Biddy ".
They would go to three or four villages. When they had travelled to all the villages they would count up the money and divide it between them.
Rushes were a big part of tradition. People often made rush hats and crosses (Crosóg Brígdé) that involved special rituals. (The crosses are something that evolved because Brigid was initially a pagan god adopted by christianity
But a lot of the practices to do with the cross are very pagan seeming)
The crosses are left up in the roof of the house. The cross is supposed to save the home from thunder and fire.
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When the meal is being prepared, the family member who cooks gets potatoes ready. They peel the skin off them and boil them. They put salt and onions and mashes altogether with a beetle. These mash potatoes were called Bruightees. When the Bridget's cross is finished. The cross is put under the pot of Bruighteens. The family sit down to supper. They usually had a great feast on Bridgets day.
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Some women would get a silk handkerchief which they called a Brattag-Breeidge. They would bless this handkerchief and give it to one of their daughter's who went with it outside the house.
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The door would be latched. The daughter or child leaves the Brattag on a rose bush. Then would come back and raps at the cabin door. The mother asks who is there and the girl answers "I am Bridget". The woman answers a hundred thousand welcomes to ye Bridget. The door is opened and the younger girl enters and this brings a blessing to the home. When morning comes Bridgets day the Brattag is taken in from the rose bush, it is blessed. Brattag is preserved in the home and is used as a cure a sick or dying person. They go to three or four villages. When they have travelled all the villages they count up the money and divide it between them
It is an old custom to measure a piece of ribbon on the wall on the eve of Bridgets Day which is the second of February and to put it out on a tree that night and bring it in next morning and if it measures the same length as the night before it may be used as a cure for a headache by putting it round the head. Some people have great belief in the cure and when they get a headache they put his bandage round the head and get cured immediately.
Theres a saying that if the hedgehog comes out of his hole on Bridgets day, if he see his shadow he will go in again for he knows that Winter is not yet over, but id he does not see it, he will remain outside for he knows Winter is over.
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Beltane grimoire page redo
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turningwheeltarot · 3 years
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Bealtaine (Beltain/Beltane) Themes (May 1st):
Gateway to summer: the light, masculine half of the year
The Divine Masculine rising from the depths of the Divine Feminine:
~ Take action, commit, be in our sovereignty, expand beyond the known/familiar, express ourselves out in the world, manifest what we dreamed of during the feminine half of the year -- bring the formless into form
~ Ensure all action arises from our intuitive inner voice and that we remain connected to in our inner depths (the Divine Feminine)
Coming together at the center (the Sacred Union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine) -- rooting ourselves in our Sacred Center
Stepping outside our comfort zones, taking risks
Solar healing: returning warmth, purification, protection
Fertility, prosperity, abundance
Gathering together
Opposite festival is Samhain -- the life force that went underground at Samhain is now bursting upwards and out. And as with Samhain, the veil is thin at this time.
~ The return of light and warmth
~ What’s blossoming in nature and in our lives
~ The beauty of sexuality and sensuality
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the-clever-cupboard · 3 years
Correspondence: May
Number of Days: 31
Latin Name: Maius
Anglo-Saxon Name: Thrimilcmonath, "Thrice Milk Month"
Frankish Name: Winnemanoth, "Joy Month"
Word Origin: The term “May” is coined by the Greek Goddess Maia (“mother”), the most important of the seven Pleiades and the mother of Hermes. Her Roman equivalent is Maius, the Goddess of summer. Historical names for May include The Anglo-Saxon name “Thrimilcmonath” (“thrice-milk month”), the Frankish name “Winnemanoth” (“joy month”), the Astrau name “Merrymoon”, the Irish name “Bealtaine”, and the Japanese name “Satsuki”.
Traditions and Folklore: The most important date for pagans is May 1st know as Beltane, and in recent years has turned into the holiday May Day. This day is the official end of winter and a festival of welcoming spring. In many traditions, there is dancing around a May Pole and much music and games. In some parts of Britain, May 1st is also known as Garland Day, when school children gather greenery to make garlands. These garlands are displayed in hopes of receiving a few coins. There is another tradition on May 1st where young girls run outside in the morning to wash their faces with the fresh dew because it is said to have magick properties that remove pimples. May 1st also has a tradition known as “May Basket Day”, where people gather flowers and chocolates in Baskets and hang them on the doors of their friends and neighbors. May 29th is known as Oak Apple Day, where villagers wore oak leaves pinned to their clothes in remembrance of King Charles II’s return to London.
Moon: Flower, Fairy, Hare, Milk, Corn Planting, Goddess
Zodiac: Taurus, Gemini
Incense/Herbs: Rose, Sandalwood, Mint, Rose, Mugwort, Thyme, Yarrow, Apple Blossom, Magnolia
Element: Earth, Air
Color: Pink, Green, Brown
Stone: Emerald, Sapphire, Agate, Chrysoprase, Beryl Chrysotile, Septarian, Amber, Rose Quartz
Flowers: Lily-of-the-Valley, Hawthorn
Spirits: Fairies, Elves
Animals: Cat, Lynx, Leopard
Bird: Swallow, Dove, Swan
Tree: Hawthorn, Apple
Energy: Development, Growth, Maturity, Intuition, Duality, Personal Growth, Sex Magick, Expanding Horizons, Divination, Enchantment, Love, Creation, Propagation
Deities: Maia, Bast, Venus, Aphrodite, Diana, Artemis, Pan, Cernunnos
Holidays: Beltane, May Day, Floralia, Fiesta de las Cruces, Walpurgis, Cetamain
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suilinbride · 3 years
I’m Currently Vetting Two New Possible Companions
One of the other things I’ve been up to lately, and one of just a number of things that has kept me quiet for a while now, is that I’m currently in the process of vetting two would be companions. Both are Fey, one of which I have already been vetting for the better part of a month now, while I’m just officially starting the vetting process for the second one. 
There was also a third would be companion I was vetting at one point, alongside the one with which I’ve been vetting for the better part of a month now, who had to be dismissed in the end. That third one turned out to be nothing good, nothing good at all, if you catch my meaning. Thankfully that one went quietly enough, without having to be truely shown the door in any way. 
So far the vetting is going well for the two I’m currently vetting. I usually vet various beings for at least six months, though a lot of the time the vetting process can go as long as a year for me. I tend to do the six month vetting cycles starting at either La Bealtaine (like I did this time), or at La Samhain. 
While I’ve always been serious about vetting various beings, my seriousness regarding this practice has been kicked up several notches since my blind Pagan group had to expell our newest member for some nasty shenanigans she started, including that she refused to vet her would be people, didn’t want to learn how to vet her would be people, and blamed the fallout on the rest of us when everything fell apart in such a spectacular fashion that would make the nation’s Fourth of July fireworks show absolutely green with envy. 
So yeah, I have a valid reason to take this even more seriously than what I used to in the past, not that I ever took it non seriously. I’ve just had a very recent reminder of some of the things that can happen when you don’t do jack shit to make sure your people, your companions, your spiritual household even, is on the level and not going to cause all kinds of problems.
Anyway, so far the vetting is going well, though that can change at the drop of a hat. It’s way too soon to tell, but so far things look promising enough. It helps that my long term companions, primarily Ruaidri, Elaf, and Sorcha, are taking an active hand in helping me with the vetting process this time around. I think that’s partly because they had a front row seat when fireworks when down regarding the shenanigans regarding our group’s ex-member, and while they trust and believe in my ability to do the vetting process correctly myself, want to make sure that everything goes as well as possible, and that nothing goes unnoticed, or anything else that could potentially go amiss with this kind of work.
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endivine-rising · 5 years
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entry for flameforgers: Beltane! (also called La Bealtaine but beltane looks spicier so thats its official) 
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petalproufaerie · 5 years
Rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag some to do the same. Tagged by @sunshinequeer  ❤︎
1. Bealtaine, Lunasa 2. A Little Wicked, Valerie Broussard 3. Lava, Still Woozy 4. La Conga Blicoti, Josephine Baker 5. Maiden Rising, Ruth Barrett 6. Walk This Way, Run-D.M.C. & Aerosmith 7. Wicked Game, Ursine Vulpine & Annaca 8. Si Tu Vois Ma Mere, Sidney Bechet 9.  I’m Far Away, (moomin valley soundtrack) MO 10. I Put A Spell On You, IZA I tag @montparnassee @kujaku-myoo @saintless-star and @dianysus ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
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Lá Bealtaine Well Tradition: Nós an Tobar Lá Bealtaine
“In my townland namely the townland of Corraghan there is a well called "Browney" and it is believed that whoever is first at that well on May morning will have the most butter the whole year round.” -(Local Wells and Traditions Connected with them, via https://www.duchas.ie/en/cbes/4602760/4601945 )
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drakewalkerfantasy · 5 years
My favorite fic of yours is La Bealtaine. It was just smoking hot, and I think that's when I discovered you as a Beckett stan. Second fave is your series Without You. I thought it was brilliant. It was very original, beautifully written and had all the feels 🥰🥰🥰
Awwwww, sweetie 😘😘😘 Thank you sooooooooo much. Without You series are my most favourite I wrote by this time. And if not your encouragement this series never would happen 😘😘😘 and you listened to my non stop whining 😁 I love La Bealtaine too and glad you noticed this one shot as this... this was different from everything I ever wrote. And also I loved it because it reminded me of Witcher and his love story. This book showed me that in magickal word this is a night of love. And I wanted them show an hour all they love into this. I loved write it 😘😘😘 thank you my beautiful friend 😘😘😘😘 I even cannot fully Express how much your opinion matters to me 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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La Bealtaine
¿Alguna vez os habéis preguntado que hacen los elfos las noches de Beltane? #NEUH @Noesunhobby
Las piras de Maio ardían alegremente en las colinas alrededor de la aldea, como mandaba la tradición. Sus llamas se repartían por los hogares, y un aura de protección envolvía el valle por completo. Eira caminaba con nerviosismo a la cabeza de la columna, siguiendo el sendero que conducía a la cueva de los Sidhe. —No te pares. La chica que tenía detrás la empujó para que siguiera andando. Tenían…
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sitiomagico · 2 years
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BELTANE. Beltane o Bealtaine (Buenfuego en irlandés) es un antiguo día festivo celebrado el 1 de mayo en el hemisferio norte y el 31 de octubre en el hemisferio sur. Históricamente esta festividad se celebraba en Irlanda, Escocia, Galicia y en la Isla de Man. En las otras regiones con cultura celta como Gales, Bretañay Cornualles había festividades similares el mismo día. Contemporáneamente, sobrevive con prácticas folclóricas en los territorios celtas y en la diáspora, además de experimentar cierto grado de renacimiento en recientes décadas. origen Para los celtas, la noche de Beltane marcaba el comienzo de la temporada de verano pastoral, cuando las manadas de ganado se llevaban hacia los pastos verdes y a las tierras de pasto de las montañas. En irlandés moderno Mi na Bealtaine (Mes de Bealtaine) es el nombre del mes de mayo, aunque a menudo se abrevia como Bealtaine, conociendo al día festivo como Lá Bealtaine. Una de las principales actividades de la festividad consistía en encender hogueras en las montañas y colinas con ritual y significado político. en Oidhche Bhealtaine (La víspera de Bealtaine). En gaélico escocés moderno, se usa sólo Lá Buidhe Bealtaine (El día amarillo de Bealtain) para describir el primer día de mayo. En la antigua Irlanda, la hoguera de Bealtaine principal se encendía en la colina central de Uisneach‘El ombligo de Irlanda’, centro de rituales del país, el cual se encuentra ahora situado en lo que es Westmeath. En Irlanda, el prendimiento de hogueras en Oidhche Bhealtaine parece haber sobrevivido únicamente hasta el presente día en el condado de Limerick, especialmente en la ciudad de Limerick con su noche de hoguera anual, aunque algunos grupos culturales han expresado interés en revivir el hábito en Uisneach y quizás en la Colina de Tara.​ En tiempos modernos también se puede observar la iluminación de fuegos comunitarios de Beltane que se encienden en hogares en algunas partes de la diáspora celta y por algunos grupos neopaganos, aunque en la mayoría de estos casos esta práctica es una celebración cultural más que el renacimiento de una antigua tradición. #beltane #beltaneday #arziade https://www.instagram.com/p/CdA1HlFu4l7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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faichilleach347 · 3 years
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#Bealltainn #Bealtaine #Beltane #Beltaine ☸️🌳À chaque instant,un signal. À chaque signal,une réaction de ta part. C'est là alors VIVRE POUR DE VRAI ! Manuscrit des Paroles du Druir-Weid sans nom et sans visage🌳☸️. 👋Madainn mhath ! Bonjour tout le monde ! 👋 🌳🌿🌿🌿🌿🌳 Bealltainn est la troisième fête majeure celtique, la cinquième fête de la Roue de l’année. C’est une fête lunaire, donc une nuit de pleine Lune, la pleine Lune de Mai. Cette année, la nuit du 25-26 Mai. Nous entrerons dans la Saison Claire. 🌳🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌳 👉Si tu veux une guidance personnalisée ou une consultation -> http://www.cristal-iris.com/consultation-tarifs.html 👈 👋Latha mhath ! Bonne journée ! 👋 🌳🌍🌝Cristal Iris🌚 www.cristal-iris.com ✨ https://m.facebook.com/cristal.iris7/ ✨ https://www.instagram.com/faichilleach/?hl=fr 🌞 #médium #psychic #spirit #coachdevie #lifecoach #guidance #guide #éveil #awakening #spiritualité #spirituality #guidespirite #spiritguide #spirituelle #spiritual #celtique #celtic #TerreMère #MotherEarth #DéveloppementPersonnel #PersonnalDevelopment #RelationsDivines #DivineRelationships 🌳 https://www.instagram.com/p/COVwp_8hHjC/?igshid=1i5repunkzrf4
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wiccareencarnada · 6 years
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Bendición de Los Fuegos de Beltane. Dios padre y Cernunus que moras en los bosques, enciende los fuegos de Beltane en mi alma, para que con tu fuerza y coraje mi corazón arda de amor y pasión por todo lo que hago. Hoy te invoco en esta importante fecha, del equilibrio perfecto entre el Dios y la Diosa, Para Que mi cuerpo y espíritu se colmen de amor para que todo lo inunde tu infinita pasión. invocando el fuego de Beltane:... #wiccareencarnada #virginiaescobar #Wicca #fuegosdebeltane #Bealtaine #beltane
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