#Variable Q
guitarbomb · 9 months
NAMM 2024: Ibanez PTEQ Equalizer and PTGate Noise Gate
Discover the newest additions to the Ibanez Pentatone series – the innovative PTEQ Equalizer and the versatile PTGate Noise Gate pedals. Building on the success of the 2023 PTPRE Pentatone Preamp, these pedals offer advanced features for guitarists and musicians. PTEQ Equalizer The Ibanez PTEQ Equalizer, also known as the Pentatone Equalizer, is a standalone pedal derived from the five-band EQ…
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Trigger the Variable Flying Fox, via Lubee Bat Conservancy
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blueteller · 2 years
Heya. I have a question. If Cale dies, and get reincarnated, will he retain his aps? I feel like he wont because the aps are not fully integrated to his soul and the aps are left behind when a person dies no? But we dont have a precedent happening or a mention if a person reborn with an ancient power will be reborn with his ancient pwer because... what do u think?
You posed quite the difficult question, I admit! It's such a complex situation, because Cale is an unusual person for so many reasons... Let's try to approach this topic from 4 different angles, how about that?
The first angle is, "Would a person who originally developed a power of nature (which will then after generations become known as an Ancient Power) reincarnate with their Ancient Power, unlike a person who inherited the power further down the line?"
The second angle is, "Does a person who absorbed the Ancient Power fully have different chances of keeping them after reincarnation, when compared someone who didn't absorb it fully?"
The third angle is, "Does a transmigrator have higher chances of reincarnating with their Ancient Power, when compared to a non-transmigrator?"
And the fourth angle is, "Would a person with 5 natural attributes and special bonds with his Ancient Powers reincarnate with all of them intact?"
Each of those questions covers a completely different case.
(Spoiler warning, if you haven't read the whole novel yet!)
For the first angle, we actually got not just one, but TWO examples for the contrary. People who die leave their powers behind, unless they become a divine being. It doesn't matter if they were the "original owner" or someone down the line.
Such is the case for Jour Thames, who (presumably) inherited her power from her family: she died and reincarnated in Korea without Annual Rings of Life.
We see the same thing with Cage, who is strongly implied (practically confirmed) to be the reincarnation of the original Glutton Priestess in the God of Death's journal. Cage apparently went through a whole cycle of dimensions before reincarnating again in the same one after 10,000 years. And she doesn't have the power of the Indestructible Shield anymore. It's not even similar to her current powers.
People like Nelan Barrow/Choi Jung Gun, or Cheapskate and Super Rock, who became divine beings after their deaths... they left their Ancient Powers behind, yes. But kept some sort of power at the time time. I assume that power evolved into a more powerful version of what they could do as mortals.
The second angle, about absorbing Ancient Powers affecting whether a person would reincarnate with them or not... honestly, there doesn't seem to be any proof either way in canon. But considering that being the "original" or the "heir" to an Ancient Power doesn't seem to make a difference, I would assume that it probably makes no difference. Whether Cale fully absorbed his Ancient Powers or not, it wouldn't change his chances of reincarnating with them.
The angle with transmigration is definitely interesting... mainly because reincarnation and transmigration are NOT the same thing.
Cale transmigrated, for example, and he kept his original Earth abilities. However, the same could not be said for Sui Khan/Lee Soo Hyuk, who was able to pass on his Embrace ability onto Cale before recieving his "reward" and being fully reincarnated with his memories. Sui Khan doesn't seem to have either Embrace nor his mysterious slashing ability anymore (which, according to Cale, used to belong to Choi Jung Gun for some reason...), despite having memories of his previous life. I might be wrong about it, of course, but if that was the case then he probably wouldn't even need to pass Embrace to Cale in the first place. The God of Death could have sent Cale in memory-less Sui Khan direction and have HIM use the power on the Sealed God directly. The fact that it was necessary to pass it to Cale at all makes it seem as if the power was lost completely, if it wasn't passed onto someone.
The last angle applies to Cale specifically, as someone who has a truly unusual set of powers and abilities all at once. I'm pretty sure no one else like Cale exists or HAVE ever existed before.
Putting aside my personal prediction of Cale becoming a divine entity by the end of Part 2... What would happen, in theory, if Cale died and didn't become a god? Would he reincarnate with his Ancient Powers due to his extremely unusual circumstances?
Short answer? Probably he wouldn't. But I can't completely dismiss the theory, either. Cale broke so many rules of the world, what's one more? If someone could reincarnate with his Ancient Powers, despite all evidence pointing to the fact that it shouldn't be possible unless he was a reincarnator like the White Star... Honestly, if anyone COULD do that, it'd 100% be Cale. Especially considering that he has Record, a very mysterious power which has decent chances of preserving memories in spite of all odds. Possibly even death. So...
To answer your question of "Would a person with an Ancient Power be reborn with that power?", I say: probably not. It's unlikely.
Impossible, though? I wouldn't say that.
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rotisseries · 8 months
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uh for starters bro nobody asked about mori. atsushi was talking about the TRAIN. HOW DID WE GET HERE 😭 i do not wanna hear abt mori i an more than a little worried abt this
this line is literally to show dazai's thought process about how mori works to shock you in the next scene so you can see that dazai is wrong on occasion
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purble-gaymer · 5 months
pros of taking chem and hydrology at the same time: hearing a lot about why water is weird because of its polarity, properties of water, phase changes, chemical compounds and contaminants, everything feels cohesive
cons of taking chem and hydrology at the same time: there are seven different K variables and two of them are kappas, there are four Q’s that all mean different things, there are at least a thousand E’s,
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elgallinero · 7 months
Practice English
an independent variable is – Search — Read on www.bing.com/search
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Class-8 Math's Chapter-2 | Ex-2.2 | Q.6 to 7, 8, 9, 10 #Maths With Narendra Sir #mathematics
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felassan · 3 months
Snippets. 🐺💜
The Game Informer article approximately covered the first 4 hours of the game. [source]
Twitter user: "Please please please let me make a feminine shaped body with no chest, begging for non-binary to be something I can present not just a pronoun slap" Saira: "this will be entirely possible with the body sliders!" [source]
''the characters you don’t romance WILL romance each other which can showcase different straight and queer relationships.'' [source] (So it's not only Harding/Taash, but more companion-companion pairings will be possible, and these will be diverse? ^^)
the game will have Brazilian Portuguese subtitles [source].
the community Council, which had long-term fans of the series on it, also had folks on it who had never played a DA game before [source] (this is good! a good mix)
another detail was that they ranged in age from 20s-40s, unfortunately I can't recall the source for this rn but yea.
"Last names are based on your faction. You can customize your first name, however." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"In-world - Rook is a nickname you're given before the events of the game, and it's what everyone refers to you as. It allows for other characters to refer to you in dialogue without awkwardly having to write around not having a defined title, while still allowing for name customization." Also, in the game, it is explained why we got the nickname Rook in the past. [source: the BioWare Discord]
"There are specific lines and dialogue options for different lineages, as well as different backgrounds, and classes, including at least a handful that are unique to lineage/background combinations. No specifics but we wanted to make sure the game felt reactive to the choices you made in creating your Rook." [source: the BioWare Discord] (lineage as in: human, elf, dwarf, qunari)
A user asked whether elven Rook is Dalish or City. Answer: "It'll depend on your background. As mentioned previously, certain lineages will have variations of that background that go into more detail where appropriate." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"Every faction is, ultimately, made up of people. Some good, some bad, and some trying (and failing) to do their best. So it's fair to say that different people in the world might have a different perspective on how the various factions fit in and what they're trying to do." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"Without getting into spoiler territory - Rook's a hero because they chose to be, not because they were chosen. Your choice of background fills in some of the details - and you get opportunities to define it further - but some things we leave up to you to fill in." [source: the BioWare Discord]
A user asked "In what capacity is the Inquisitor going to return? Can we expect something similar to Hawke’s return in Inquisition?" Answer: "This one you'll just have to wait and see as this is well into serious spoiler territory. But more generally, as I said in the Q&A - the Inquisitor's been part of this story all along, and it would be very strange for them to suddenly fall out of it."
"Much of what would have been abilities or “spells” in the past are now accessed in real-time from the core buttons on the controller! Mana Shield, Mage Beam, Bolts, Magical Blasts, Orb Toss, and Elemental Bomb. Not to mention the elemental types change depending on your weapon. It very much feels like casting spells, but don’t just take my word for it. I’m excited to show more Mage gameplay as we get closer to launch." [source] There will be quick buttons on the keyboard for PC people too. [source]
The Veil Ranger spec can be built around charged ranged attacks, lightning damage, and stagger [source]
Many builds are possible in the game and this is highly variable with gear and companion-set up [source]
At some point this summer, they will be showing more of the skill trees [source]
The music score has variation, flourishes, and great tavern songs [source]
Corinne: "everyone at EA has been incredible in their support for the game and commitment to quality. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to do it [Discord Q&A] again. In the meantime I watch the Discord comments fairly regularly, even if I don’t respond often." [source]
A user asked about cameos of previous characters. "Seeing the surprise appearances for the first time is half the fun! There are some good ones, but I’ll leave the discoveries to you all" [source]
On a post of the table team gathering picture - Corinne: "The moments where you gather the whole team like this are some of my favorites." [source]
When Solas shot Bianca during the prologue during SGF, "Some of the journalists in the live demo audibly gasped!" [source]
In combat there are primers and detonators [source]
Lots of beloved elements from previous DA games inspired the combat of DA:TV [source]
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seraphinitegames · 24 days
The Wayhaven Chronicles— Update 30/August/2024
So, I totally forgot it was a bank holiday on Monday here in the UK, lol!
But it did actually get me thinking about public holidays in Wayhaven. One of the main ones being ‘Rooting Day’—which is the day that the group of people who saw the potential of Wayhaven decided to turn it into the community it is today.
You’d think it being called ‘Rooting Day’ would mean they planted a tree or something to honour it, but no, they laid the first stone at the Cornerstones! I kind of liked the irony in that, hehe. Thankfully, they only developed on the buildings already there and didn’t cut into the nature surrounding the town.
Anyway, apart from me reminiscing about lore for Wayhaven I came it with sooo many years ago, I also got a ton of editing and rewrites done! Though I did at one point rewrite a whole scene for Adam/Ava’s romance…only to realise it was supposed to be for Nate/Nat’s, lol! That was painful to get rid of! But I love what came out of the bones of that scene and sprung to life on rewriting!
I want to do a couple more playthroughs, just to check the new stuff doesn’t bring up any weird bugs or complications, then I’ll be sending it over the editor, which means I’ll be starting the next chapter tomorrow!
One of my amazing patrons did suggest an elegant solution for my conundrum over the randomisation of the unit for the Chapter 3 scene—having the first playthrough be randomised and then having it as a choice for subsequent playthroughs. Really clever and perfect solution!
So, I worked really hard on finding out how this could be achieved! I know in Ren’Py you can use like a ‘global’ or ‘persistent’ variable, I think, to make that work, but I just can’t find anything for Choicescript that would achieve it except changing the ending stuff and setting variables there, which I don’t think would work when it comes to publishing. Which is a real shame, as I think that would have worked! If I can’t find anything after another search, then I’ll be seeing what readers favour, either choice or random for that still.
If anyone has anyone thoughts on coding for this though, I’d be very grateful to learn!
Next week will be social media days before diving into the next chapter!! Social media days will take a while as it’s the Character Q&A on Patreon throughout this whole month, which starts on Sunday. Got some interesting questions I’m excited to answer for that, hehe! ;D
Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week <3
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zzztlk · 4 months
I've really been enjoying your comics so far. Thank you for your doomed yuri services. I was wondering how you made the distressed halftone effect used on the demon and some background aspects of your comic as well as your latest promo art.
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^ like this.
Its texture is so effervescent...
Tyy, the program I use (procreate) has a built in halftone feature but I like to use external brush packs with it or instead of it for a more variable feel. I'll go over the screen with a bunch of textures and do an overlay (blend mode varies, just what looks coolest) over the drawing. Here's what it often looks like:
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It's a mixture of the dot brush from https://www.truegrittexturesupply.com/products/krafttone (it's pretty expensive but if you sign up for their email you get a free sample pack with similar dot brushes + a bunch of other stuff) and the ripply envelope texture from, https://halftonehospital.com/l/securityenvelopes (this one's free and the website has bunch of other cool stuff for digital comic artists) I use the liquify tool to make it warbly looking and I'll adjust the curves + blend layers for different vibes.
And here's what it's looks like before and after overlaying with vivid light at 87% !
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I'll probably make a big old process video to reference in the future for these kinds of q's so if anyone has any other process questions lmk
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rainstormwrite · 3 months
The new update is now public.
Hello again, people!
That's it. This is the day.
The new update is now public.
(You're required to start a new playthrough if you don't want any game-breaking bugs, by the way.)
What's done:
All three routes are finished.
All the POVs are rewritten to be in the third person (they actually feel way better than I thought they would be).
Some parts of the first fight scene are fixed and clarified.
Some pronoun bugs are fixed.
What's planned:
Writing another update, obviously.
Word count:
Including command lines: 271245 Excluding command lines: 260837
But, I would ask you to temper your expectations in terms of the new content's single playthrough length. I'm going to paraphrase this from my previous post: the actual amount of content that was added with this new update is somewhere between 15 to 25 pages (approximately).
Even though the word count increased from 53k to 260k, the only event to happen in this update is one conversation/confrontation (ridiculous, I know). This is primarily due to the overwhelming amount of variable text that changes depending on your earlier choices and due to the number of routes you can take. If you're interested in the reasons for me to decide to do that, check out my previous post.
So, basically, each reader will experience the new content very differently but may not get as much satisfaction due to its shortness. If that is the case, I can only suggest you make another playthrough with different choices, but, if that's not your cup of tea, I would totally understand. But, overall, the game is very… how do I put it..? Multiple-playthroughs-friendly, I'd say.
Safe to say, the update will be incredibly polarizing, no doubt, but I'm always open to feedback.
And, even though I haven't found any bugs or inconsistencies, I am obviously aware that someone else may find them, so, if you are that someone, please report the bugs to me.
I think that's all regarding the update itself, so go ahead and play it. Hope you will like it!
Now, onto other interesting things…
From this point onward, I'm starting to take writing seriously, and that's why I've finally decided to open my Patreon page.
I've made a free introductory post there that explains what I'll be offering, but, right off the bat, I want to tell you that I can't offer you things that other creators are usually offering: Q&As and What-if scenarios. If we're talking about Q&As, I don't want to do them because I consider mystery to be a big part of my work, so I don't really want to wiggle around every question that people will ask me because it won't be fair to them and won't feel good to me. As for What-if scenarios, I don't want to write out some hypothetical scenarios when I can spend that time to progress the plot forward in the actual story. And, trust me, if I'm going to spread my attention too thin, I'm never going to finish this project… And I don't think you and I want that.
What I will provide, however, are progress updates, sneak peeks, early access, and monthly side stories, which the community will be able to choose by voting.
So, I'd advise you to read through the new update first, decide whether you're willing to put up with my approach to the content, and then consider subscribing if what I offer on Patreon is enough for you. If, after all that, you decide to become a member, I'll be very grateful to you. If not, I will still appreciate you being interested in my work and taking the time to read through it.
Thanks for tuning in, and have a pleasant day or a peaceful night!
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cicerfics · 2 months
Having A Silly Thought about this post:
I think, at some point, Q-branch becomes very absorbed in the discussion of how Evil Overlord and Evil Consort are clearly two separate genders which bear no relationship to the gender binary of masculinity vs. femininity. A cis man can certainly be an Evil Consort! A nonbinary individual or a person whose gender presentation leans more toward the femme side of things can certainly be an Evil Overlord! These things are complex and variable and must not be restricted based on the artificial confines of the gender binary!
There is much discussion on this topic (a very normal topic of conversation in Q-branch, TBH). People begin analyzing themselves to determine whether they are more on the 'Evil Overlord' side of the spectrum or more on the 'Evil Consort' side.
(Soon, a small group insists that a third gender of 'Evil Henchperson' must be created as well, and this is accordingly done. A few other 'evil' genders pop up, too, as some techs choose a different label for themselves. But most people in the department are trying to decide whether they're more of an Evil Overlord or an Evil Consort.)
Graphs and charts are created to analyze the ratio of responses and to sift for patterns in the collected data. (Again, this is a very normal extracurricular activity in Q-branch.)
Q, everyone agrees, is an Evil Overlord and not at all an Evil Consort! This is understood. (Q does not speak to this himself, because he is busy finishing the annual budget, but his minions feel confident that they have assessed him correctly.)
And at some point, 007 turns up in Q-branch and wants to know what's going on with the white board that says 'Evil Overlord' and 'Evil Consort', with tally marks underneath it.
One of the bolder interns explains the matter to him. (Half the techs are now feeling very awkward and avoiding his eyes. How frivolous they must seem to a man who puts his life on the line for England every day!)
But Bond listens very solemnly and then tells them to put a tally mark under 'Evil Consort' on his behalf, because he is UNDOUBTEDLY that type. He is confident that he would look SPLENDID in a skintight black leather outfit, lounging across his overlord's lap while a traitorous minion is brought in for punishment. He would be EXCEPTIONALLY good at climbing out of the water, gleaming and dripping, in a tiny swimsuit, while his Evil Overlord makes evil phone calls on the deck of an evil yacht. He knows EXACTLY what the duties of Evil Consort would entail, and he could perform them with APLOMB. He would bring tremendous style and panache to the role!
...This is probably the point when Q pops out from his office to see what all the ruckus is about, and why Bond is loitering in Q-branch with a bunch of rapt technicians hanging on his every word.
When Bond explains, very seriously, that he is contributing his personal data for use on this important project (he is 100% an Evil Consort, and yes, Carstairs, he WILL fill out your form and offer supplemental data for additional analysis! glad to help!) Q sputters. He tells Bond to stop being ridiculous.
Bond, very seriously, informs Q that he cannot help being so good at smirking, smoldering, and sashaying around in risque outfits. Don't hate the player, Q. Hate the game.
Q is silent for a long, exasperated moment. Then he heaves a sigh and returns to his paperwork.
Meanwhile, the minions nod at each other solemnly, and silently agree that Bond would be an excellent Consort for their beloved Overlord.
...Just another normal day in Q-branch!
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Luna, the Variable Flying Fox, via lubeebatconservancy
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Apocalyptic squirreling
We're not, like, impaling these quotes like the proverbial shrike or anything, just hoarding them away in a nice stash. A collection of Disco Elysium tidbits about the end of the world compiled by @yekokataa and I, feel free to add!
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...starting with the game's earliest teaser trailer.
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(28 rather than 27 could be its own odd math, there's some miscounting in the text now and then just like there's the occasional typo, or it could follow the fact that the year of canon events was changed at some point. for that matter, the infamous 22 years to the nuke should be 21, like it originally followed that same 28 and wasn't edited - consistently, the variable it flags is ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28)
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(this is an example of odd math to me, for the record, as it's 365x27 to the day. It could be it's the EXACT count and also that Elysium doesn't have leap years, but I would've expected a less precise number, personally)
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Ours has actual six thousand years of history: it spans from its own version of the early Bronze Age (Perikarnassian period) to the early Middle Ages (Franconigerian period), to the Renaissance (Dolorian period), right up to a decade we call “The Seventies”. It’s a world like ours, one that has evolved culturally and technologically over widely varied periods of time. No Truce With the Furies takes place in the modernity of this world.
Q: How tight is the connection between the book and the game? Is it a Witcher-like situation? KURVITZ: Things in this world are connected to each other like things in our world are connected to each other – not like things are connected to each other in Star Wars. The book and the game share themes and historical developments. The book is set in the early seventies and the game is set in the early fifties. They are connected the way two stories set in our world would be. The fault-lines developing in the fifties are more apparent in the seventies. The situation has worsened, the political climate has shifted, but there is no Skywalker saga. The main story in Elysium is history.
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yes yes we've all seen the nuke convo but let's put it here for completionism's sake
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This connection - saying 22 instead of 27, or 28 as the variable reminds us - could seem strange based on game data alone, but it neatly follows the context of the book, which shows us that the bombing of Revachol is one and the same as the material beginning of the end of the world.
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This one is also a fun book throwback, from apocalyptic Kurvitz self-insert to apocalyptic Kurvitz self-insert
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(being appreciative of that kind of future just nets you a YEEEAGH)
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more personally ominous than globally ominous but ominous nonetheless
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("we become vapour" being, of course, the planned title of the eventual Elysium tabletop setting rulebook. sigh.)
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This one's intriguing, isn't it? With an eye to Le Retour...
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Her echoes of the other dialogue options are similarly ominous, for the record.
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And we don't know if Nilsen had visions of his own (the man sounds well-acquainted with his Half Light, on behalf of the war crimes, so it's not... entirely out of the question) but we do know that his pocket calculator lap cat second-bestie very much did and could've been his source.
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Also a strong book callback, among other things. Remember kids: object permanence!
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Harry, all these quotes like this one sound like they would make sense for the actual guy who goes and blows it all up, not you personal-
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...ah yes. Ambrosius looms... yeah buddy it sure is solemn AND historical, I'm afraid:
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and of course, in closing:
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...for the remaining 276 pages of Elysium tidbits about the end of the world, of course, over here.
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svnnyd4ys · 21 days
the seven + nico incorrect quotes lol
Piper: She's the girl of my dreams! Annabeth: You say every girl is the girl of your dreams. Piper: I have a lot of dreams.
Leo: *watching their house burn down* Leo: Leo: *starts filming* Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.
Jason, looking at a selfie of Leo’s: I hate this photo. Leo: I’m cute as fuck in that photo! I’m smiling kindly. Jason: You’re not smiling kindly; you look like you’re up to something. Leo: Up to kindness.
Hazel: Nico, how do you feel about lifting heavy things? Nico: My doctor just said I should avoid— Hazel: Being a wuss? I agree.
*During a game of Hangman* Piper: Nope, there’s no Q. You lose. Leo: Are you kidding me?! You can still add something! Piper: I already added a belt, four earrings and an extra arm! YOU LOSE!
Jason: Are you guys bringing anything to the party? Nico: Yeah, an empty stomach. Annabeth: My sparkling personality. Percy: A flagrant disregard for common decency. Hazel: ... Hazel: Chips.
Piper, looking at a map: It’s a barren, featureless wasteland out there, isn't it? Jason: Other side, Piper...
Percy: You know, Leo, when you generalize, you tell general... lies. Leo: ... Leo: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.
Annabeth: What time is it? Piper: I don’t know, pass me that saxaphone and we’ll find out Piper: *BLASTS the saxaphone* Nico: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXAPHONE AT TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING Piper: It’s 2 in the morning.
Leo: You’re overthinking this. Hazel: You don’t know the appropriate level of thinking, Leo. What if I’m underthinking?
Frank: I am an expert at identifying birds. Percy: Okay, what about those ones flying over there? Frank: Yeah, they're all birds.
Percy: *Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere* Jason: Where did you get that? Percy: My pocket. Jason: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket? Percy: Skills.
Frank: If I fall down these stairs, I'm just going to lay down and accept my fate.
Frank: I’m taking a look at your numbers, and it doesn’t look good. You have a lot of measurements. Quite a few variables. Jason: Is that… bad? Frank: Variables are the #1 risk factor for outcomes. The past is a big contributor to the future. Jason: Isn’t that just causality? Frank: Causality is the leading cause of death in this country. Jason: So what are my odds? Frank: Do you have a family history? Jason: Of what? Frank: Just, in general. Jason: …Yes? Frank: Oh no.
*the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups* Leo, Frank, and Jason: *spinning a little and talking* Nico, Annabeth, and Hazel: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Percy: My dad drowned at sea when I was little so whenever someone jokes about fucking my mom I’ll pretend to be really sincere and say some shit like “Glad to see she’s moving on, my dad’s death hit her pretty hard.” Then watch them absolutely fumble trying to figure out a response to that statement. Percy: Update, she got a new partner I can no longer make the joke.
(pre discovering yk his half God-ness)
Annabeth: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Nico: This is a safety pin. *cuts off end* Nico: It is now a danger pin.
Jason: Sometimes I talk to myself for no reason. Jason: Me too!
Piper, explaining why they are not allowed to cook: I put the noodles in the pot and put the pot on the stove and turned the burner on high. Turns out you don't put noodles in marijuana and I almost burnt the whole house down.
Hazel: *gets set on fire and screams in agony* Hazel: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.
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Genuinely don't think I've seen anyone talk about chapter 25 as a pivotal moment for Dazai so I'm gonna put this out here because I think his reactions here kind of negate that whole omnipotent Dazai interpretation which I hate with every fibre of my being.
Firstly, he's like, clearly caught off guard here. And don't try to tell me he wasn't, because this is just one instance of his genuinely horrified reaction to Q's release and when he realized what was actually going on with Atsushi, Naomi and Haruno.
Him being caught off guard carries significance here because you'd never catch him screwing up this bad later in the series - which is exactly my point.
I wrote a post earlier about how I don't think Dazai really is very much like Mori or Fyodor at all, and I stand by that, because their motives are different. Tldr for that post: Mori and Fyodor are ambitious and proactive, while Dazai is empty/numb and reactive.
What this leads me to believe is that Dazai is less a chess master like those two and more of a contingency planner - he's so good at "predicting" because he is uncannily good at thinking like his opponent and then planning for literally any possibility under the sun he can come up with. He's no gambler. Everything and everyone is practically (and unknowingly) micromanaged. It's almost paranoid in a sense, and I definitely think it's a trauma response to something he went through that we don't know about yet - after all, he was more than capable of this before he even met Mori.
...which brings to me to Mori's influence here. It's straight up like Dazai forgot how willing Mori is to gamble huge risks for a good outcome. It's like he forgot the mafia could be a real threat to his best-laid plans.
Going to throw out a wild claim here that I don't think is actually all that baseless - I think it's widely assumed that Dazai molds himself to what he needs to be (true!) but I think this misses the idea that he is also easily influenced by the mindsets of the people around him (see: the difference between Entrance Exam Dazai and early manga Dazai, the whole "the longer he was in the mafia the darker and more incomprehensible he became" thing from Stormbringer, how dark his eyes get in the prison sections with Fyodor, etc.). I could go on, but for the sake of not making this post too much longer, let's assume this is true because it suddenly makes sense as to why he failed to predict Q but predicted other events much later that were inherently more difficult to predict:
He was in the wrong mindset. He was thinking like an Agency member, and dare I say, he even got a little complacent. He started to get used to not having to manipulate every last variable - he was removed from a toxic environment - only for Mori to pretty much instantly fuck that up in one scene.
Let's also not forget what happened the last time he miscalculated Mori's intentions.
The consequences of this blunder could've been a lot worse and he knows it.
In his mind, thinking like an ADA member wasn't good enough to stop a potentially awful outcome - awful outcomes that could bring him pain. So, he goes back to what he knows - think like the demon prodigy. Think like Mori. Later on, think like Dostoyevsky. Because it seems to me that he believes as long as he is still working for the light that it doesn't matter if he uses these horrifically manipulative and inhumane methods of getting there. But he is wrong. Darkness within the context of good intentions is still very much darkness, and it hurts people all the same.
In the very next chapter, Dazai arranges Ango's car accident. And he only gets worse and worse throughout the series as he regresses back into his paranoid darkness that manifests as this omnipotent facade - his safety net that ultimately prevents him from developing in a positive, more human direction.
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