#Various Mafia threatening celebrities
msclaritea · 11 months
The Underground Bunker
LAPD was quick to answer Scientology’s call to detain former cop at weekend protest
OCT 25, 2023
Bryan Goland, 48, tells us that in 2021 he left the LAPD after nearly 20 years to get a job he enjoys much more: Providing security to high-profile celebrities like Elton John.
And on Saturday, he agreed to help out Alexa Nikolas, an actress Goland has worked for in the past who is known for the Nickelodeon series Zoey 101. She’s become an activist who has held numerous protests about abusive Hollywood figures. This time, she was aiming at Scientology celebrity and convicted rapist Danny Masterson, whose victims testified that the church protected him from prosecution for years.
Dozens of protesters showed up for the demonstration outside Scientology’s Hollywood Celebrity Centre, and Goland says he enjoyed meeting the people protesting Masterson and the church.
He admits that he was not really aware of the long-running controversy about Scientology’s cozy relationship with the LAPD’s Hollywood Division, which we have documented here over the years, and which became an issue in the Masterson prosecution. (Goland spent most of his career in South Central, as well as stints in West LA and West Valley.)
Saturday, Goland said he got a first-hand lesson in how quickly the LAPD answers Scientology’s call.
As a former LAPD officer, Goland is licensed to carry a firearm, and he had a sidearm on his belt as he approached the protest. He says he was wearing a blue short sleeve shirt, black slacks, and black shoes, a pretty standard look for someone working security at such an event.
But as he neared the group of protesters, he says someone with Scientology shouted out that he had a gun, and apparently called the LAPD. Within seconds, he says, officers pulled up and detained him, slapped handcuffs on him, and stuffed him in the back of a patrol car, where he remained for the next hour and forty minutes.
[Goland being detained]
“I have a gun card. They had that in their possession. And after an hour I’m still in the back of a patrol car,” he complains. And he was in some significant pain, as well.
“They did the twist technique on the wrist bone with the handcuffs. You do that to someone who is acting up. I was not acting up,” he says. “The only smart-ass thing I said to them was I worked at LAPD longer than all of them combined.” (He sent us the photo above to show that the handcuffs had left marks on his wrists.)
But the most disconcerting part, he adds, was that they began accusing him of carrying a stolen gun.
It wasn’t stolen, but after they finally released him, he wanted to know why they had told him that it was.
“No one would answer the question,” he says.
From their behavior, he surmised that they knew they had made a mistake.
“I can tell you they were embarrassed because they fucked up,” Goland says. “I threatened with kidnap charges if they took me to the station. I know my laws.”
We asked him if, based on how quickly the officers answered Scientology’s call, he thought that the church was getting special treatment.
“The fact that they were there that quick, and that they then kept circling around was mind-blowing to me. There’s definitely something going on,” he says.
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promptsblog · 1 year
Hey guys,
I hope you're enjoying the Pride Prompts this month. I plan to continue them to the end of June. But as much as I enjoy making fun absurdist romantic prompts for you, I don't think I can continue without mentioning the elephant in the room. Pride month is for all of us here in the alphabet mafia to celebrate how far we come and commemorate the sacrifices that were made in order to get here, but there's one letter lately that has been bearing the brunt of bigotry, discrimination and straight-up malice.
I can't go anywhere online anymore without seeing and hearing politicians, pundits, religious zealots and even just average people absolutely ripping into trans people simply for expressing themselves openly. It seems like so much of the progress that has been made has been lost, and alot of it is coming from within our own communities. Not only that but new legislation in various countries is threatening the rights of people to exist in public spaces simply because they are trans. And I don't know what to do about it.
I post prompts about talking ostrich robots. I'm not an activist blogger. And I'm bi so I'm pretty isolated from the community. I don't know where to point to donate or volunteer.
But what I can do is put this post up so those of you who have the information but maybe not as many followers as I do can share that info and I can reblog it. And also, if they feel safe to do so, transpeople can share their stories and I can reblog that too so we can better understand what we're dealing with. And maybe it won't make a difference. But we've got to do something because this is so fucked.
I want this month to be about joy and love and art as much as any of us do. Unfortunately, these dickheads won't let us.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑂𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝐹𝑢𝑛 𝑂𝑓 𝐻𝑖𝑚 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
✿*:・゚𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰 ゚・:*✿
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Hongjoong was startled by the sound of the door opening. He watched as you scurried over to his desk, boxes in your hand that you set down on the floor so you could clear off the papers in his desk.
"May I ask what are you doing?" He finally asked when you began placing the boxes on the desk.
"I need your help. It's of utmost importance."
Hongjoong stared in confusion as you began taking out various table decorations in all shades of pink. He pointed at them and looked to you for an explanation.
"It's my cousin's baby shower this weekend and I promised to make the table decorations, but I don't know which one to pick..."
You held up 2 different options for him to look at.
"So I need your opinion."
Hongjoong sighed softly and began pondering over his choices. Sure, they all looked pretty cute already, but he felt like they could be better. He took one of the decorations from your hand and began taking some things off.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" You screeched in horror.
"Relax and give me a moment." He looked inside the boxes and took out the fabric glue and scissors so he could modify it to his liking.
Now you understood what his plan was. You knew he loved to modify clothes, so of course he'd try to modify these ornaments. You decided to just watch him and see what he'd come up with.
You were both so engrossed in his task, you didn't notice Mingi had been standing by the door, trying to get Hongjoong's attention. He cleared his throat loudly, finally catching both of your attentions.
"If you grannies are done with your knitting and sewing, I have some papers for the boss here to see."
Mingi walked over and handed the stack of papers to Hongjoong. He snorted when he took in the sight of Hongjoong holding the glue and pink bows in his hand.
"What? You're telling me that'll cause more damage than a gun and bullets?" Mingi teased him.
Hongjoong threw the glue tube at Mingi, who only feigned to be hurt before walking out of the room, laughing his ass off and planning to tell the others.
You and Hongjoong looked at each other before laughing yourselves.
"Ok. Now back to our task."
✿*:・゚𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪 ゚・:*✿
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Seonghwa hated it whenever anyone would even so much as touch him. If one of the other guys merely brushed against him, he'd already be pulling out his mini lint roller to dust away imaginary dirt that got on his suit.
"Seriously? You're acting like I got the black plague or something." Wooyoung told him when Seonghwa took out a disinfecting wipe to wipe his hands after Wooyoung shook them.
"Worse. You got hoe germs."
When they heard rumors he was dating, they brushed them off as lies.
"No way. Man can't stand being around other people too closely." Yunho said.
"People can't stand being around him." Wooyoung never missed an opportunity to take a jab at Seonghwa.
"I feel bad for who ever does date him." Hongjoong shook his head.
But it turns out the rumors were indeed true, and not only did they find out about you, but they were even more shocked to see Seonghwa practically make out with you in his office. There were so many things going on that normal Seonghwa would have frowned upon.
"Well well well. What have we got here?" Hongjoong smirked at the 2 lovebirds.
Wooyoung let out a dramatic gasp.
"Seonghwa?! Letting someone sit on his desk? Whatever happened to 'don't touch my things?! You'll dirty them?' "
"Did he make you wash your hands before touching him?" Yeosang asked you curiously.
You simply blushed and looked to Seonghwa, wondering what was going on. Seonghwa pulled away from you to usher the boys out the room, threatening to throw bleach at them if they didn't stop. Locking the door, he went back to you and cupped your cheeks.
"Now....where were we my little honey bunch?" He leaned in to kiss you again.
"He even uses lovey dovey terms?!" Wooyoung's voice was heard from outside.
✿*:・゚𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸 ゚・:*✿
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Yunho proudly showed off the sonograms to the other guys.
"Look! You can already see her little hands forming."
The other guys had mixed reactions. While some like Seonghwa, San and Mingi were cooing along with him, Hongjoong, Yeosang and Jongho just awkwardly looked at each other, while Wooyoung was simply on his phone, not even paying attention.
"Need I remind you this was supposed to be an important meeting?" Hongjoong spoke up.
"Oh right! Sorry." Yunho quickly put away his phone and they all looked back at Hongjoong.
"Ok. As I was saying, they are to bring our shipment in on-"
He was interrupted once again by Yunho's phone ringing. Upon seeing it was you, Yunho immediately picked up.
"Hi love! How are you? How's my precious baby mama doing? Is our little dove doing ok?" He cooed into the phone.
Jongho and Yeosang began giggling, mimicking Yunho's love struck expressions and high pitched voice. Hongjoong was about to say something but Seonghwa interrupted.
"Say hi to Y/N for me!"
"Oh hold on! The boys wanna say hi!" Yunho put you on speaker.
"We do?" Wooyoung asked, finally looking up from his phone.
"Hi boys! How's it going?" You asked.
"Oh nothing much. Just witnessing how your husband turns into a baby when anything related about you and your bundle of joy is mentioned." Jongho said sarcastically.
Yunho pouted. " I do not."
"Oh really?"
Jongho turned to Yeosang and smiled like an idiot.
"Wanna see my baby's sonogram? Here let me show you!" Jongho made it a point to use his aegyo voice.
"Ooh! Y/N is getting rounder and chubbier and it's the cutest thing ever! She hates it but the pregnancy suits her well! I can't wait when I get her pregnant again." Yeosang played along adding the fakest laugh he could muster.
"Yes he can." Your voice reminded them that you were still there.
Yunho just blushed and giggled.
"You guys wouldn't understand! But one day you will."
✿*:・゚𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰 ゚・:*✿
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As one of the top snipers in the world, Yeosang had always had an image to uphold. He was rarely seen outside of work related events, he hardly talked and everyone swears he never smiles. His private life is practically classified as well, not even his best friend of 5 years could tell you if he has a family or not. To his friends, Yeosang is just cold and heartless.
"Guys.... is that who I think it is?"
San's voice had everyone looking at what he was pointing at. It took them all a minute to comprehend what they were looking at, but once they did, they were shook.
"It's Yeosang! And he's.....smiling?!" Mingi exclaimed, putting on his glasses to make sure he wasn't seeing things wrong.
"He's not just smiling, he's giggling!" Yunho added.
"And he has.......a girlfriend?!" Wooyoung was offended and hurt that he never knew about this information.
They all stood there, watching as Yeosang and you acted all loving towards each other. They couldn't believe The Kang Yeosang was capable of falling in love. The rest of the boys looked at each other and smirked. This was perfect.
Few days later, they cornered. Yeosang at work.
"What do you dumbasses want now?" He asked, his usual cold gaze on his features.
"We want to meet your girlfriend." San replied.
For a brief second, Yeosang's eyes betrayed him, expressing shock that they knew, but he quickly composed himself.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Yunho quickly took out his phone and presented their evidence in the form of pictures. Yeosang looked at them and gulped, finally realizing his secret was out. He stared at the floor in shock.
Yunho laid his head on Yeosang's shoulder and teased.
"Now unless you want them all over the internet, I suggest you let us meet her."
Yeosang pushed him off and sighed.
"Looks like I have no choice......"
The other guys cheered at the success of their blackmail. But it was a little too early for a celebration as Yeosang finished his sentence with:
"But to take you all out."
They all shut up and looked at him.
"Please say you're joking."
✿*:・゚𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷 ゚・:*✿
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"I told you guys I can't go, I already made plans."
San sighed as his friends wouldn't quit bothering him about going over to Seonghwa's house to get drunk.
"You liar!" Mingi exclaimed through the phone.
"That's rich coming from you. Now bye."
San hung up his phone and decided to turn it off so they wouldn't bother him. He then went back inside the kitchen, where you were already placing the first batch of cupcakes in the oven.
"Baby can you set a timer for 30 minutes?"
San grabbed the stop watch and promptly did as you asked. He then pulled you into a hug and just held you there.
"Don't tell me you're planning on doing this for 30 minutes." You giggled.
"Precisely my plan."
Meanwhile, the other guys were in Seonghwa's car, who was driving well above the speed limit to get to San's house. If he wouldn't come over to them, they'd come over to him.
"We're not letting him ditch us on dude's night." Mingi said.
They quickly went up to his apartment and rang the doorbell. 5 minutes passed though and no answer. They looked at each other for options before Jongho stepped up and kicked the door open.
Hearing the door slam, San and you got scared, thinking it was an intruder. San quickly pulled you behind him, ready to attack whoever came in.
"Surprise! We- AAAAH!" Wooyoung screamed, as he was hit with frosting that San squirted into his eyes.
"What the hell are you guys doing here?" San asked as he helped Wooyoung regain his vision.
"We're doing guy's night out at your place!" Jongho said happily.
"What? No! I told you guys I had plans!" San repeated.
"Well........ here we were thinking you had mission plans.....but instead...it's baking plans." Hongjoong snorted as he looked at the half-decorated cupcakes on the kitchen island.
"I promised my baby we'd make cupcakes for her nephew's birthday party tomorrow." San explained as he went back next to you and wrapped his arm around you, looking at you with fluttering eyes.
"Wow.......you've gone soft Choi San." Seonghwa pointed out.
"What! No I have not!" San defended himself.
"You're softer than this cupcake. Delicious by the way." Yeosang popped up behind him, half a cupcake already in his mouth.
"Hey! That's not for you!"
✿*:・゚𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲゚・:*✿
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It was all tension in the room. A recent mission had gone terribly wrong and what was supposed to be a calm discussion soon turned into a jabbing fest between the men.
"I told you all we shouldn't trust those Stray Kids, but nobody ever listens to me." Mingi huffed.
"Mingi, that's because the last time we listened to you, you cost us 1.5 million dollars!" Hongjoong reminded him.
"Meanwhile you almost costed us our lives today, not to mention about 200 of our best men. What kind of leadership is that?"
Soon Hongjoong and Mingi were up in each other's faces, each waiting for the other to throw the first punch so he can retaliate. The other guys hesitated between telling them to back off or let them blow off some steam.
"Please! We both know you don't have the guts to fight me. I will literally murder you with my bare fists! Don't think I won't hesitate to punch your little face into-"
A knock interrupted Mingi's threat to Hongjoong. He stormed over to the door, ready to shoot whoever dared to interrupt him. He briskly opened the door.
"The fuck you ass- Y/N! Baby, what are you doing here?"
His tone immediately went down once he realized it was only you. You smiled up at him and held out his holster for him.
"You left your gun back home. I was worried you wouldn't be able to defend yourself without it." You answered him.
Mingi blushed and took it from you.
"Awww baby, you really didn't have to. And besides, you know I don't like you carrying things like these. You might accidentally hurt yourself." He whined cutely at you.
The other guys were on the verge of laughing. It was always funny to see how quickly Mingi went soft and sweet for you.
"All right, I promise I won't do it again."
You held out your pinkie to him, which he linked with his own before holding your hand up to kiss it.
"I'll see you later. Love you sweetheart."
With a peck to your lips, he watched as you walked away, letting out a blissful sigh once you were out of sight.
"Ok Romeo, we get it. You're in love and it's gross. Can we get back to what we were saying before I break this table out of anger at this lovey dovey mush?" Jongho complained, groaning at the loving scene that just took place.
✿*:・゚𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰 ゚・:*✿
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"Hyung? Can you buy this for me?"
Jongho held out a bag of chips to Wooyoung, who just scoffed.
"We're in the middle of stalking someone and you're seriously asking me to buy you snacks?" Wooyoung couldn't believe the younger member.
"Hey. We need to look as normal as possible and it's a store! Come on! Buy them for me."
Jongho actually made puppy eyes at Wooyoung but to no avail, he wasn't budging for nothing.
"I'll pay you back later! I left my wallet in the car." Jongho was begging by now.
"No. I, Jung Wooyoung, don't buy anything for anyone but myself."
Just then his phone rang and he picked up.
"Hi pumpkin! How are you? Hmmm? No I'm not busy! Just here at the store with Jongho." He spoke into the phone.
Jongho rolled his eyes.
"Oh no! My little baby is feeling bad? We can't have that." Wooyoung pouted when he heard you were ailing.
Jongho raised his eyebrow at Wooyoung.
"Don't worry sweetheart. I'll get everything for you. See you soon. Bye love."
Jongho thought he was going to barf when Wooyoung actually made kissing noises into the phone.
"Ok, we need to get pads, tampons, ice cream and chocolate asap." Wooyoung declared as he began walking to the freezer aisle.
"What?! No way! How embarrassing!" Jongho crossed his arms in defiance.
"Come with me. That's an order." Wooyoung practically dragged Jongho, who just groaned and complained the entire time.
"Why are you like this Hyung? You weren't like this before. It's so ewww!" Jongho cringed.
"Because Jongho, this is what love does to you."
✿*:・゚𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸 ゚・:*✿
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You were currently cuddled up to Jongho. He had promised only 25 more minutes and he'd take you home, but it quickly turned into an hour and you were tired. You were sitting on his lap, your face hidden in his neck, arms clutching his shoulders as you drifted off to sleep.
Jongho kept one arm around you, the other busy filling out some paperwork. Sensing you were falling asleep, he began to sing softly to you, he knew you loved falling asleep to the sound of his voice. He continued to sing even after you completely fell asleep, smiling occasionally at how adorable you looked.
The door opened and Yunho came in. He was about to ask something, but Jongho held a finger to his lips, ushering him to stay quiet so he wouldn't wake you up. Yunho looked at you two in shock before smirking.
"Aren't you two the cutest things ever?" Yunho teasingly whispered.
Jongho rolled his eyes at him before handing him the papers he came for. Feeling him move, you slightly shifted. Scared of waking you up, Jongho quickly held you closer and began to sing again, happy that he got you to stay asleep.
Yunho clutched his heart and cooed faintly. He actually took out his phone to take a picture.
"So cute." He showed off the picture to Jongho.
Not amused, Jongho held his fist up to Yunho, silently threatening to break him if he didn't leave.
"Ok ok calm down lover boy. Have a good night." Yunho left you two alone.
After a minute or two, Jongho got up and began carrying you bridal style to the car. He had just gotten you in the passengers seat and he himself got on the driver's side when you whined softly and rubbed your eyes.
"Jongho?" You called out.
"It's all right baby. Go back to sleep." He whispered softly to you as he strapped you into the car, kissing your temple before turning the car on to go back home with you.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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jaepies · 4 years
𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙣 - haikyuu!!
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oikawa x fem!reader
mafia au
chapter 1 : probably shouldn’t have seen that
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
it was a monday morning. Possibly one of the worst days of the week in your humble opinion. it was not the fact that it was the first day of a very long school week that was bringing your mood down. not to say that it did not help contribute to your agitated state.
you were angry that it had already been a few weeks and you were no closer to getting your revenge on the brown-haired man who you had recently learnt that his name was oikawa.
no thanks to the swarm of fan-girls that constantly followed his every step, worshipping the ground he walked on and fainting at the mere sight of him.
frankly, it annoyed you. you did not understand what made him so attractive or likeable. after all, all he did was make you feel terrible and then walk all over you like some filth-ridden pavement. 
unbeknown to you, the anger that you were feeling had etched itself onto your face. this was made evident by the obvious stares of your classmate, it was only the second week back at school and you felt like you have had enough attention to last the rest of your high school experience.
it's all because of that poop head.
the quicker you could get your revenge, the quicker he could leave your thoughts and as a consequence, your head would hurt less.
you have been doing too much thinking these past few days,
exhaling a deep sigh, you lay your head in the palm of your hands and the attention of the classmates returning to the teacher. you finally felt at peace until there was a sensation of something hitting your back.
turning around, there were no obvious signs as to who could have thrown this at you however, your curiosity was soon cured as you immediately got your answer.
"don't even try and be first in the dining hall. we both know that we'll get lunch first no matter what, that's just how the school works boo.
you should also get rid of that frown on your face, it's not a good look. apparently, they make you age faster and i don't think you want to look like a grandma more than you already do.
- the man who still waiting for an apology for injuring him, oikawa ;)"
did i forget to mention that pooikawa was in your class?
you had to suffer every single lesson and period with his infuriating presence clouding your vision for hours.
grabbing the nearest pen out of your pencil case, you quickly scribbled a reply on a fresh piece of paper out of your notebook. it was not neat but hey this was a reply fuelled by anger and hatred, who said it had to be pristine?
when the teacher was not looking, you took action. as you took into account all the possible variables that would occur when thrown, you aimed the scrunched up ball slightly to the right. you stuck your tongue out as you tried to figure out the projectile. the exact angle and height to the throw of the ball had to be perfect before launching the grenade.
satisfyingly, you watched it hit the temple of the great man himself before facing the front not wanting to get caught but you cheered silently on the inside.
"mission success, the target was successfully destroyed!"
seems like a dramatic way to think but it was just your nature.
whilst beaming as you reflected on your recent achievements, a wooden stick thumped your head.  as a reflex, you pulled up your hands, gingerly, to rub your head and to help soothe the pain you were feeling. the teacher stood there, looking at you; seething with rage. he seemed to hold a familiar scrunched ball in his clenched fist. you wanted to die right there as it dawned on you that it was your note to oikawa.
"(y/n) (l/n), you know passing notes is unacceptable in class especially with language as vulgar as this."
you internally cringed as you remembered using some not so colourful language in the heat of the moment when writing your response.
"sir, I am so sorry. it will not happen again. i sincerely apologise."
"i hope you stay true to that as this better not happen again."
there was a pause and you thought this was the end of the scolding with no punishment in sight. 
"meet me in the teachers' office after school."
groaning as you realised you allowed yourself to celebrate too early, you caught oikawa smirking his always stupid smirk. however, this time it seemed very much direct at you and as you were already annoyed; you tried sending him your worse glare even though you did not have the energy to do so.
lunchtime eventually rolled around and you were still dismal from class. hikari and your other friends noticed your difference in mood but were not sure as to whether they should mention anything because they did not want to aggravate you even further.
until hikari did the unthinkable and actually talked to you.
"y/n why are you so pissy today and stop picking at your food. either eat it or dump it because i'm not letting you ruin my appetite."
everyone else looked at hikari with worry evident in their eyes; you were unpredictable when feeling miserable.
you were blubbering like a child and holding onto hikari's arm like it would save your life.
"i have to meet the teacher after school because i passed a note in class."
at this point, there were most definitely tears brimming and threatening to spill.
"oh y/n, that's not so bad. everyone has sent a note in class before, you are not the first and you are not the last."
"you don't get it. i swore in that note and now i am going to get detention when i go to the teachers' office and then my school record will be ruined and then that's all universities will see when they look at my application and then no one will want me and then i'll rot in a hole because i wasn't able to go to university and get employed and make money,"
you paused for a breath,
your rant seemed to have come to an end and your friends looked at you like you were an alien who had grown two million heads. nonetheless, you could not blame them because you definitely sounded crazy.
hikari patted you awkwardly, trying to comfort you. She knew that what you needed was time to calm down and rationalise the fact that your life was not over just because you may potentially get detention. you had been a straight-A student for your whole life with a clean record and she knew as much as you would have liked to keep it that way, a single detention was not going to ruin your chances of going to a prestigious university.
dabbing your eyes which prevented any tears to fall, you sat upright and pieced your dignity and pride back together like humpty dumpty.
"you are right hikari, my life isn't over but there is something I need to do."
"no, wait. y/n don't go do anything stupid."
knowing that you were probably going to see oikawa, she let you be. Whatever floated your boat. exhausted, she turned back to her lunch and resumed eating.
meanwhile, you were storming down the corridors. everyone was moving out of your way out of fear of being trampled on.
you knew exactly where the he-devil would be. it was the same place every lunchtime, every day at the same hour.
the school gym.
surprisingly, there were not any students loitering around the area. you noticed that even the birds were not tweeting as they did around the rest of the school. you thought just shrugged it off though by concluding that the students were probably too scared to disturb the volleyball team's practice.
casting a glance at the metal doors and not thinking twice, you pushed the heavy bar handle to open it. with every ounce of your strength, the door flung open. allowing you to see the whole gym.
then there was a loud silence.
looks of horror fell upon the whole volleyball team's faces as they froze in their positions from the sight of you. no one had ever dared to burst in as you had done so they never locked the door but that didn't mean that they wanted others to see what they did in the gym.
your jaw was slack from the sight before you.
there was the volleyball team, the high school volleyball team, holding real-life guns and dangerous-looking knives were laid out on display on the cold, hard ground. punching bags were dotted around the gym which was being utilised by the various members before your sudden entrance. instead of wearing the school's distinct tracksuits, the volleyball team were sporting leather jackets and ripped jeans like they were in some gang.
unable to gather your thoughts, you continued to gape into the room until your eyes landed on the familiar face of oikawa. his face was dark from being caught off guard like this.
stuttering and shaking, you pointed at him.
"t-this is not what a volleyball team looks like. what kind of volleyball team is this?"
that was all you could barely get out as a high pitched squeal. you were flabbergasted and confused. they were holding actual guns, that was illegal, right?
not wanting to see anymore, you decided to pelt off at full speed. not realising that someone else was following you, wondering what your next move was.
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bandaged-writer · 4 years
swan song || dazai
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➤ Pairing: PM! Dazai x Contemporary Dancer! Reader
➤ Genre: fluff, romance, angst 
➤ Warnings: mention of minor character death, mentions of suicide, alcohol consumption, innuendos, murder in the form of a nightmare, violence, language, blood, mental breakdown 
➤ Summary: Not even Dazai could predict that a certain calico cat would lead him to his serendipity made of bruised knees and angelic smiles. 
➤ Word count: 10k
➤ Note: This fic is very important to me since it’s partially based on events I went through as a dancer myself; therefore, I’d be really happy to hear what you think of it. Have fun reading. <3
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It was rare for Yokohama's streets to be completely empty, especially when the moon illuminated even the darkest alleys and offered to lead the way home for many lost souls. Ever since November arrived and the trees' leaves had already fallen, the temperatures had dropped considerably. Snow began to fall and wrapped the port city in a gentle blanket of white; even in the dark of the night, branches shimmered in the moon's light, streets became as clear as day as the artificial light of street lamps was reflected from the snow's surface. 
For once, it was a tranquil night in which blood didn't stain the innocence of Yokohama. 
Dull footsteps filled the silence as Dazai followed the calico cat - Sensei - out of the bar Lupin. The cat had been pawing at the brunette's pants, meowing at him to finally leave the empty bar and catch some fresh air. Truth be told, Dazai didn't know why he listened to a cat of all creatures which graced the surface of this planet. Maybe it was the tiny voice in his head which wanted him to go home, rest his sore limbs and hopefully find some peace and quiet in the form of sleep. 
"Where are you leading me to, Sensei?" Dazai's tongue still tickled with the taste of whiskey, but his head was very much sober. Chocolate orbs watched how the cat left tiny prints of his paws in the snow and merely meowed at him in response as if telling the mafioso to trust him. Who was Dazai to deny the request of a lucky charm on four legs? "Yeah, yeah, got it." Odd, how the mafia executive found comfort in talking to a cat. 
Dazai's breath came out in white puffs of air which dissolved into nothing, the cold nipped at his cheeks and would hug him like the familiar arms of death if it weren't for the black coat wrapped around his slim form. As much as Dazai craved to die, freezing to death wasn't his favorite way to leave this world; he had standards, after all. 
Streets had long since blurred into one another when Sensei suddenly meowed out loud and pawed at the spinning door made of glass which was rimmed by a golden color. Raising his gaze, Dazai recognized the building immediately. It was an expensive theater which was often rented by the mafia to celebrate the success of bigger missions. Famous actors, singers and even dancers held their performances in the vast venue, but it was nothing but another building at night. 
"Are you sure, buddy?" A small smile decorated Dazai's usually unreadable face, a curious shimmer flashed in his eyes as he heard the soft bass of music being played from within. Another proof that Sensei certainly wasn't an average cat. Intrigued by what - or rather who - was awaiting him, Dazai entered and let a sigh of relief slip his chapped lips, Sensei always right by his side. 
Warmth greeted the mafioso, the red carpet below his feet silenced any sound his shoes could cause and possibly startle whoever was at the very heart of the theater. Cash registers were unoccupied, snack bars were filled with various treats, but they seemed to be untouched as well as the alcohol on display. Everything that was of value was still in place, unscathed. 
Every step Dazai took was in sync with the rhythm which faintly caressed his ears and he found himself enjoying the calm beat. Before the brunette knew it, he stood in the middle of rows upon rows of chairs, the cushions cold and unused as his eyes were focused on the dancer, clad in black, on the wooden stage. Dazai only registered how Sensei leapt on one of the chairs, everything else was unimportant. 
Bare feet floated across the floor from left to right, arms moved gracefully like the stretching wings of a swan. Eyes were closed in concentration as your heels turned to the right and your arms rested across your torso. Your left hand went around your head once, traced the line of your right arm and ended up intertwined with your other hand. Stretching your leg out in front of you, you swiftly kicked the limb to your side and let your torso follow the movement by dipping it low and coming to a standing position. 
The song Dazai didn't know came to an end, your heavy breathing filled the room along with the soft sound of your feet padding along the stage. 
"You know that staring at a woman is rude, don't you?" Your voice was rough around the edges as your lungs grasped for some much needed air. A thin layer of sweat made your face shine in the dim light and a smile settled down on your lips. Ripped out of his mesmerized state, Dazai chuckled at your reaction - he had expected you to yell at him, scream, threaten him, but instead, you called him out. "True beauty even makes a gentleman stare," he said. 
A rosy blush bloomed on your cheeks as you suddenly laughed, the sound bouncing off the walls which were decorated with rich designs and several paintings you couldn't name. "You sure know how to flatter a woman. I'll give you that," you sat down on the edge of the stage, right in front of Dazai and reached for your half empty water bottle. Honestly, you couldn't quite believe the stranger's words; who found a sweating person beautiful? Either way, you didn't bother to ask and simply let him have his fun. The mafioso sat down on one of the many chairs, took off his coat and let Sensei cuddle himself into the fabric. 
"Can you do that again?" 
"Dancing. Can you dance once more?" It was an innocent request from Dazai's point of view. He wanted to understand what you danced to, what made your body move and how you moved it. He wanted to understand the story behind it. With a soft gaze, you leaned forward, chin resting on your palm. "In exchange for your name, I will consider dancing, again," the smile on your face was pure, there were no hidden intentions behind your persona, just the innocence of curiosity. You were far from being a threat. "My name is Dazai. Dazai Osamu."
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Dazai. I'm [Name] and not someone to deny the audience a wish," grabbing the hem of your black button down shirt, you wiped some sweat off your forehead and made your way to the bluetooth speakers which stood somewhere in the shadows. 
Dazai found himself drawn to the mere way you walked. Yes, he had seen many confident women, especially in the mafia - Kouyou was the best example for that, but no one carried themselves like you. There was an air of elegant confidence surrounding your being like a halo, every step was memorized by your legs, every turn you took was sharp. Dazai had never interacted with a dancer before, but he could tell you were one. An experienced dancer, too. 
His train of thought was interrupted by the soft sound of a plucking instrument being played and he saw the way you fell into a completely different persona. The air around you seemed to change into a melancholic one, your face reflecting emotions he saw daily: fear, anguish, melancholy. Gone was the friendly you. It was replaced by someone who looked like you. 
Naked feet glided across the stage with ease as you seemed to become the beat yourself. Muscles smoothly tensed up to hit a sharp beat and immediately slid into a more relaxed state like it was the only thing you knew how to do, like it was breathing. 
The closer Dazai looked, the more he noticed the calloused parts of your feet and for a moment, he wondered how much it had to hurt, but your face showed no signs of discomfort - if anything, you were at peace, in the middle of your very essence. 
Much like paintings, Dazai didn't quite understand the story behind it, couldn't put together the pieces you showed him. He only finished the edge of the puzzle you performed which gave the mafioso a slight idea of the bigger picture you were trying to show him and maybe if Dazai asked, you would tell him the story behind the dance. For some reason, he sensed that it was an intimate question to which the answer was the moves you generously provided. 
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A slow jazz beat filled the empty bar named Lupin at nearly 00:00 o'clock, the faint smell of alcohol and cigarettes lingered pleasantly in the air. Only two seats were occupied at such a late hour; one by Dazai and the other seat was taken by Odasaku, the brunette's best friend. 
"You've been looking at the clock quite a few times now. You still got plans?" Odasaku took a sip of his glass of whiskey with a large ice cube in it. The liquor pleasantly burned his throat and warmed the older man up from within - very welcoming considering the minus temperatures waiting outside of the bar. A single finger traced the edge of Dazai's own glass, his mind occupied with something - no, someone - else. "I can't hide anything from you, can I, Odasaku?" A tranquil smile found home on Dazai's slightly chapped lips. Something about Oda figuring him out like any other person made Dazai feel normal instead of an oh-so-called demonic prodigy with an unmatched intellect. 
The mafia executive rested his cheek on his palm as he recalled the recent events. Sensei leading him to the theater, the soft thumping of a bass caressing his ears and his eyes landing on someone who bloomed on stage like a flower which was about to wither. "I was wondering if she was still up." At that, Odasaku's interest was piqued. It wasn't unusual for his suicidal friend to woo a woman, but it was unusual for him to wonder what his latest encounter was up to. "She?" The man was fairly curious, given that he usually witnessed how Dazai took a pretty lady home, but this time, Oda couldn't recall someone catching his friend's interest. 
"Last night, Sensei lead me to the theater which the boss often rents for celebrations. I thought that maybe Sensei just needed a place to sleep at, but when I got there, I met [Name]." Slowly, Dazai twirled his glass and watched the liquid moving around while Oda was attentively listening. It certainly wasn't a common story to meet someone. "She's a dancer. Ah, what was that style called?" The brunette looked up at the ceiling in thought, eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. "Temporary? No, contemporary! She's a contemporary dancer." 
"Let me guess. You want to see her, again." Oda spoke, finished his glass and looked at his dear friend in wonder. He didn't know who you were, probably never even saw your face, but the fact that you somehow managed to charm Dazai was quite a feat. After all, Dazai rarely thought of anything or anyone interesting enough unless it challenged his mind. "I do. But I don't know why." Dazai admitted, his lips pulled into a soft frown as he stared at his still full glass. For some reason, he had lost interest in getting pleasantly buzzed with Odasaku. "There's nothing special about her nor am I interested in dance and yet.." Dazai trailed off for a second and sighed. You confused him, although you were so easy to read and figure out. The blush on your cheeks gave away that you liked having Dazai's attention, you were easy to please. "She's pretty. I guess I enjoy being near her."
If anyone else had told Oda about Dazai's encounter with a dancer, he probably would've thought of it as a joke, but hearing such words from Dazai himself changed the situation. He could tell the younger man meant what he said and wasn't only trying to woo you for as long as you'd please the executive. 
"Well? Is there any more to the story?" 
"I only watched her dance, Odasaku."
"That's it?" 
"That's it." Dazai confirmed with a tender nod of his head, brown locks going with the motion. 
Odasaku looked at the clock - 00:30. For once, he felt like Dazai might see something more in a person than mere profit for one of his plans and he was looking forward to the day that epiphany would reach his friend. Hopefully sooner than later. If someone like Dazai was interested in someone simple like you then you could positively influence the man who had experienced nothing but violence, death and bloodshed for a majority of his life. "You should go, then. It's painfully obvious you want to see her."
"Are you sure?" Dazai asked, eyebrows pulled up in slight surprise. It didn't happen too often that he got to talk to Odasaku so freely without any prying eyes and judgment whispered behind their backs. In this bar, they were only Dazai and Odasaku. Not an executive of the mafia and a mafia member with the possibly lowest rank in the organization. "Why wouldn't I be sure? I can handle going home alone just fine."
There was no point in trying to argue with Odasaku. The man was awfully perceptive and aware of those around him and would probably drag Dazai out of the bar if it was in Oda's nature to do such things. Besides, Odasaku was always correct, right? 
"Then I guess I'll see you around, Odasaku." Dazai wrapped his pitch black coat around his slender form and left with a gentle wave of his bandaged hand. Oda merely made a noise of acknowledgement. 
He knew that one positive influence couldn't fix the trauma that Dazai had gone through, but love made man better, right? Deep down, Odasaku hoped that you would leave some kind of impact on his misguided friend, hoped that at least you could show him a bit of the light Dazai was so severely lacking. 
He hoped that life would be kind to Dazai for once. 
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This time, Dazai was greeted by orchestral instruments put over a simple, consistent beat. No vocals accompanied the song, only the repeated words "save me, save me" echoing throughout the very lonely and cold hall. Yet, your mere presence seemed to fill the theater just fine. 
He noticed you wore shoes unlike last night. Your dancing style was also slightly different. It lacked the element of ballet, yet he found himself watching you all the same. 
How you kicked your leg out to the side, wiped your lips and for a moment, it seemed like you were getting ready to run only to pretend to slip. Skillfully, your hands caught your body before you rested on your back, hand reaching up in the air as if begging someone to save you from misery. The notes gently faded into nothing and found their end. 
"And here I thought this was a one time meeting, Dazai." You teased from your position on the ground, rolled your body up into a sitting position and gave the man a teasing yet welcoming smile. A few strands of hair stuck to your face, some stood in weird directions, yet Dazai would still describe you as lovely. Sitting down on the chair he occupied the last time, Dazai returned the friendly teasing. "I like to make sure I see pretty things several times."
Damn smooth talker. Oh, how you'd love to wipe that cocky smirk off Dazai's stupidly handsome face. Damn him for making you blush so easily when his words weren't even that special. "Whatever you say." You dusted off your pants, let a few joints crack and tilted your head to the side as you took in Dazai's form. 
The cold had bitten his cheeks red, a trail of goosebumps between the bandages around his neck and his jawline revealed itself to your eyes, he was shivering ever so slightly despite the coat clinging to his body. You couldn't blame Dazai - it was probably -10 degrees Celsius outside, some snow had frozen and the theater wasn't known to get heated up at night. Truth be told, you had also been shivering when you came in, but then.. 
Suddenly, your eyes widened in curiosity. "You're cold aren't you?" Dazai nodded his head slightly, not quite knowing where you were going with this. Of course, he was cold. What kind of question was that? Going to the very edge of the stage, you offered Dazai your hand and grinned from ear to ear with that silly blush still on your cheeks. "May I ask for this dance, dear sir?" 
Warily, Dazai's gaze flickered from your palm to your face, his reaction hesitant. "Oh, belladonna, you do know that I'm not the dancer here, do you?" He just wasn't the type to dance, wasn't interested in the art either. Dazai only knew a few basic steps that Kouyou taught him years ago, but he barely ever had to use his non-existent dancing skills. "Aw, come on~" A cute pout adorned your lips as you tried persuading the mafia executive with puppy eyes and hopefully arguments that would convince him. "I'll teach you something really easy. I promise it'll be fun!" 
Dramatically, Dazai threw his head back and covered his eyes with his palm, his loud voice easily filling the vast space. "How did you know that your mere beauty was my weakness? Truly, my only weak spot is standing right in front of me! How could I say no to a beautiful lady such as yourself?" At his antics, you couldn't help but roll your eyes, grab Dazai's hands and pull him on the stage with you. You noticed how calloused his hands were and wondered what his profession was since the rest of him seemed nearly dreamy. The more you thought about it, the more you could feel a headache approaching, though. 
"First, off with that coat. You're gonna get warm real quick." Contrary to what your words implied, you took the coat off for Dazai and tossed the article of clothing in a corner where it wouldn't get in the way. Another thing Dazai learned about you was that you were touchy - not that he mined. He loved touchy, pretty ladies. But you..you nearly made his heart skip a beat with how eager you were to dance with him. "I didn't know you were so keen on getting me out of my clothes, belladonna."
Maybe the day you'd smack Dazai's face would come sooner than you thought. "Pfft, you wish, don't you?" Laughing, you shook your head a few times and picked your phone up from the ground to choose a song. What song would suit the situation or even Dazai's persona? He sure liked to joke around, yet his attire told you that he worked in a serious field. "I wouldn't mind~" Dazai spoke in a sing-song voice, hell bent on teasing your for whatever reason. However, it was part of his charm, you concluded for yourself. 
In the end, you settled for a song played by only a piano. The mood was neither too sad nor too upbeat - it was a perfect mix of a tinge of sadness and the beauty of emotional clarity. 
Dazai let you hold one of his hands while the other rested on your back, your free hand placed on his shoulder as you gave him instructions. "Take one step forward. Then I'll follow by taking a step backwards." His foot was quick to be placed between yours, chocolate eyes finding the two pairs of feet rather interesting. Dazai simply didn't want to step on your feet. Yet. "Good. Now one step to the right and a step backwards."
Dazai did as he was told and came back to center with you in his arms, leading him around the stage. Moving like this with the peaceful music in the background and your laughter right in his ear, some sort of warmth started spreading from Dazai's core and filled every fiber of his being with each step he took. Or maybe it was just the happiness swimming in your eyes. "See? It's not that hard. Do it again, but a bit faster." You encouraged the inexperienced brunette, grasping his hand tightly in yours. Dazai, on the other hand, felt oddly vulnerable as you lead him, taught him something he usually never used. It was a skill Dazai didn't possess, yet he found comfort in the fact that it was you taking the lead, dancing him through the steps his body had long since forgotten. 
As time passed, Dazai gained security and picked up the speed until you told him that this was the perfect pace. At some point, your palm slid down his chest, the man's own palm coming to rest in the dip of your waist. Neither of you seemed to notice nor to care. Possibly, Dazai even dared to pull you closer, although he knew he shouldn't. Getting attached was a dangerous game, especially in his case. If Mori was to find out who Dazai found himself gravitating toward, he'd lose you. If the enemy was to know of your existence, he'd lose you. 
Everything he'd never want to lose, would eventually slip through his fingers like water. 
But there you were, in the blood-stained hands of a mafia executive, a content smile on your face and your heart beating in sync with Dazai's. The act of dancing with you was pure, probably the most common and innocent thing he had ever done, yet Dazai felt like it was wrong. 
You were an angel, giving herself to the demon himself. 
Yet, why did it feel so right? 
"See? You're much warmer now." You beamed up at Dazai, eyes closed and he knew that this view would haunt him in his sleep. He should've stayed at the bar with Odasaku, drank a bit and then call it a night, but no, Dazai had to be selfish, greedy even, to come see you again when you were nothing but a stranger. Why the hell did you make him feel welcomed like he belonged right here with you? Dazai wasn't part of your blissfully mundane life and if you knew how many crimes he had committed, you'd let go of him like you had just burned yourself. And maybe, you actually would end up scorching yourself if you kept touching him, being near him. 
"Yeah. It's your hard work though." Despite the emotional conflict raging on in Dazai's heart, he returned the smile you gave him, but it never quite reached his eyes. If you noticed, you didn't bother asking which the brunette was thankful for. How was he supposed to explain something he didn't quite understand himself just yet? "I argue we both worked hard." You gave his hand a squeeze. A gentle reminder that you were indeed there and not anywhere else. 
Eventually, hours blurred into one another and Dazai was back in his seat with you sitting next to him, talking about the one time you thought your toaster was broken, but you only forgot to plug the device into the socket. You were silly and clumsy, too, Dazai learned. 
"Oh, time flies, huh.." You looked at the watch wrapped around your wrist and sighed, the hint of a frown settling down on your face. The time read 4:53 am, the sky was still pitch black - definitely a downside to winter. A groan of annoyance rumbled deep within your chest, your head leaned back and eyes closed shut as you voiced out your frustration. "Why can't time go by a bit slower? I was really enjoying myself, too. Being here with you is better than going home."
"Oh? How so?" Dazai didn't expect you to be so open about your way of living, considering that he had met you not too long ago. But he did hear about some people who overshare personal feelings and issues, so were you a part of those people? Or did your trust already run so deep? "You see, I live on my own and it just gets..very lonely. It's almost depressing when there's no one to greet you, nothing to take care of. Agh, I said too much didn't I?" Maybe this was why your friends sometimes told you to shut up at a certain point. You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly, chuckling. "It's okay, don't worry."
But maybe that piece of information was what caused Dazai to offer to walk you home even though you only lived a 8-minute-walk away from the theater. 
Or maybe it was the fact that the sun wouldn't rise until 8 am. 
Whatever reason it was, you felt less lonely when you stepped foot into your home. 
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The meetings continued.
Dazai would occasionally pop up during your practice in the dead of night, after a drink with Odasaku or because he was simply straying throughout Yokohama's streets like a lost dog. You had quickly learned of Dazai's suicidal tendencies, even scolded him whenever the brunette enthusiastically told you about a new suicide technique he had read about. Usually, those around Dazai didn't care about that, because it was normal and he would always show up the next day in one piece, overdramatically devastated that he was still very much alive. 
"Why are you so worried about a stranger's life?" Dazai had asked with a teasing tone lingering on the edge of his voice. He didn't expect a serious answer, didn't expect a response which he couldn't decode right off the bat. "Then who would I be dancing for?" A tinge of blue had colored your words; the color of the ocean. Beautiful to look at, but so unbelievably deep that one could drown in them if they weren't careful. It had left Dazai a tad bit confused; apparently, you had danced just fine without him as well, so why were you so worried about something as trivial as an audience now? Nevertheless, he had smiled - it was a gentle one. 
"I'm sure you would find another audience."
"But none of them are you."
He had felt special and maybe it was delusional of him, but the more time Dazai spent with you, the more he wanted you for himself. No one else should hear your laugh for they might ruin the sound. No one else should be on the receiving end of your teasing for they might corrupt you. No one else should see you dance for Dazai liked to pretend that you only moved for him and his selfish eyes. 
But that was wishful thinking. Just like writers needed readers, just like musicians needed listeners, a dancer needed an audience to gain energy from, an audience to perform for. Dazai knew he couldn't remain your only crowd forever. 
The worst of it all that Dazai did get attached to you. Attached to your clumsiness when you tripped on stage and lied that it was part of the choreography. Attached to the way you'd grin from ear to ear once your eyes spotted him sitting in his usual seat. But most of all, he got attached to your kindness. You always offered him something to drink or some of your snacks, offered to distract him from whatever was bothering Dazai some nights.
You offered him some peace and quiet, physically, mentally and emotionally. 
However, the more time Dazai spent with you, the more his premonition proved to be true. 
You ended up haunting his dreams like a ghost and twisted them into nightmares that he often had, but it was even worse now that you had stepped into his life. It was your fault for ruining his already morbid nightmares by popping up in them out of the blue. Each time Dazai dreamed about shooting someone, your hand would hold his wrist to stop him. Each time he dreamed about a new suicide technique, you'd cry out his name in the ugliest way with tears streaming down your cheeks and a painful strain tearing your vocal chords. 
But this night was so much worse.
"Dazai, we need your help in our current interrogation. The prisoner won't spill, no matter what." A buff man in a suit and shades resting on his nose deadpanned. With a sigh, Dazai put both of his hands on his desk and got up from the comfortable chair, silently wondering if his men were capable of fulfilling a simple mission, at all. He didn't know the details, busy with his own case and trying to come up with a new way to finally get rid of this life he never wanted. 
Empty footsteps echoed right through the cold hallways of the mafia, no word was spoken, no breath could be heard. It was a heartless place which had witnessed the deaths of so many souls that it could be the equivalent of a graveyard. The amount of bloodshed was gross, but necessary in order for the mafia to survive. 
As the heavy door made of pure metal opened, Dazai's eyes widened. He would recognize the person anywhere, no matter how big the crowd was. Cautiously, he approached your shaking form and kneeled down in front of your broken body. Deep bruises in various shades ruined your skin, no doubt you were suffering from a couple of broken bones as well. Upon a closer look, Dazai could see that you definitely lost weight as well. 
Dead eyes met his own, the withering shimmer of recognition floated in your orbs before it rotted away. "Please, kill me, Dazai." Your voice was weak, hoarse from the lack of hydration and screams you let out as the men in black tried to get information out of you. "What the hell are you talking about?" Grabbing your shoulders, Dazai put you into a sitting position and let your chin rest on his shoulders. You were broken beyond repair and it was his fault that you got caught in this mess, in his mess.
"Everything hurts. I'm in nothing but pain, anymore. Please, I'm begging you to take my life." Tears streamed down your cheeks at the mere thought of leaving this world behind. Death terrified you, you didn't know if anything was waiting for you on the other side or if your existence would simply vanish like someone had pressed the delete button. "Don't be stupid, I can get you out of here, I can-" Dazai was rambling and it was the first time you saw him lose his composure. "It would be an honor to die by your hands, Osamu."
Somewhere deep down, Dazai knew he couldn't get you out of this alive. The mafia would kill you. You'd seen their faces, knew where these creatures of the night operated from. Too high was the possibility of you running to the government and spilling all that valuable information. 
Too high was the possibility of his men letting you die a painful death when Dazai could give you a fast, painless way out. 
"I'm sorry." Dazai whispered in your ear, his lips tickled the shell of it and you basked in the gentle feeling for a moment. It was a luxury you wouldn't get to experience, again. A wistful smile settled down on your lips, your eyes closed. You were at peace. "It's okay, Osamu. I'll watch over you from the other side. But for now, this is goodbye."
Dazai's hands shook as he placed the muzzle of his gun right against your chest where your heart was peacefully beating. Why did he have to kill the one person he was attached to? One of the very little good things he ever had in life would slip through his fingers, no matter how desperately he'd reach out for you. Dazai took a deep breath - a futile attempt to keep his composure - and pulled the trigger. 
You immediately went limp in his arms, blood staining the white dress you wore and his own clothes too. The executive dropped the gun, held your corpse tightly in his arms and buried his face in the crook of your neck. He was glad no one was there to see him cry and sob into your hair. No one would ever see the way he held you for an hour, the way he grew terrified of how your body temperature dropped. 
No one would ever see the pure feelings he had towards you. 
"Goodbye, [Name]."
Dazai woke up in a cold sweat, spine as straight as a candle while his mind was slowly realizing that this was nothing but a nightmare. A bad one, too. "Crap.." The executive rubbed the side of his head, his heart still pounding in his rib cage from the vision that had just haunted him. He hated how you tormented his mind and occupied it like it was your own pretty place. You should at least pay some rent.
Checking the time on his phone, the numbers 02:13 am greeted him. At that time, you were normally still practicing, pushing yourself past your limits until you were so worn out that all you could do was lie on the cool ground, panting. Dazai threw the blanket away a little harder than needed, grabbed a pair of pants and a button down shirt. He needed to make sure you were still alive, he seeked your presence. 
Maybe you could tend to the foreign panic he felt. 
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A strong wave of relief and comfort washed over Dazai as he saw you on the stage and the song found its end. His heart no longer beat erratically in his chest, but gradually calmed down. Slumping down in his usual seat, Dazai realized one thing. 
He was scared of losing you. 
And judging by the way you stopped everything and ran off the stage to sit down right next to him, you were worried about him, too. Ah, how nice it was to feel your hand cup his cold cheek, the pad of your caressing the skin right underneath Dazai's eyes. He had grown used to your touchy-ness and right now, it was very welcomed. A confirmation that you were very much real and alive unlike in the nightmare you'd unknowingly put him through. 
"Everything okay?" Carefully, you asked as Dazai didn't mumble a single word and let himself being touched without much of a comment that served the mere purpose to make you blush. The suicidal brunette you grew fond of snapped out of whatever thought he was stuck in, his head whipping towards you. Worry was laced in your eyes and while Dazai definitely expected the devastating look you gave him, it pierced right through a sensitive spot of his. It was weird. 
"Do you think there's a difference between good and evil?" It was an unusually deep question which Dazai had never asked you before. Normally, he asked you for silly favors like choking him to death or using your high kick to break his neck. You blinked once, twice.
Then you realized that this was Dazai being in a vulnerable state. 
A heavy moment of silence filled the air around you and weighed heavily on your slim shoulders, words got stuck in your throat. School, family and society would say yes to that question, but the more you thought about it, the more you realized that maybe it was a matter of circumstances, interpretation and one's own morals. 
With a huff escaping your lips, you sat back in your seat and stared at the empty stage. The one you wanted to perform on with the hall being sold out, one day. "Maybe there isn't that much of a difference, depending on how you look at it," you started and caught Dazai's attention. He had long since figured that you were capable of thinking and feeling for your own, but he wasn't sure if he expected such a response from a citizen. "If two nations are at war and a man kills someone from the opposing country to protect someone close to him and the same happens vice versa, then who is good and who is evil?" Eyes fluttering shut, you tapped your temple with your index and middle finger, Dazai's own eyes always set on you. 
"Then there's also Yin and Yang. A bad seed lies in every good thing, a good seed lies in every bad thing," your gaze flew to the wall high above you, the dim lighting of the theater emphasized the tender structure of your jaw, the light in your eyes and the delicate curve of your neck. "So maybe good and bad are a curious mix of one another and aren't that different from one another."
Gradually, the light returned to Dazai's eyes and dipped them into the rich, chocolate brown color you liked so much. The curve on his lips was tender, the ghost of a smile but it was genuine and came from somewhere deep within his heart. You didn't know where this sudden, fond look came from, but you knew you never wanted it to disappear. "Do you have a camera with you?" Thrown off by his sudden question, you could only nod. "Uh yeah, why?" 
"I want to take a picture of us." Because he feared he might lose you for real. 
Without prodding any more, you dug around in your bag for the black device and came back with the camera in your hands, a smile on your face. "Well then, let's take a fancy picture." You positioned the camera on one of the empty seats. Dazai casually leaned his weight against the stage while you sat on the edge, feet dangling in the air and your arms wrapped around his shoulders to pull the man closer. A tranquil expression was on Dazai's face as you did so and said "cheese!".
The picture ended up in the pocket of his trench coat, reminding him that he had a bit of light in his life. 
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Lady luck certainly wasn't on your side this snowy day since she thought it was really funny to let your tyre drive over some sharp shards of glass. Swerving ever so slightly, you pulled up at a parking lot at an unfamiliar restaurant which was close to the frozen pier. "At least I didn't strand in the middle of nowhere." You huffed and tightly wrapped a scarf around your neck until the warm fabric covered about half of your face. It was a short walk from your car to the restaurant, but there was no way in hell you'd let the cold sink deeper into your bones than necessary. 
Once the engine died down, you got out of your car and entered the small restaurant which was visited by only one man. Red hair, blue eyes and a pleasant voice as he chatted away with who you assumed was the cook and boss of this place. Tugging off your gloves, the scarf soon followed and was placed on the empty stool next to you; at least it was comfortable. 
"Excuse me?" You politely interrupted the conversation between the two men and caught their attention. "My car died and I wondered if I could use someone's phone to get it towed away." The chubby cook was quick to respond as he handed you his old Nokia which was safely stored in the back pocket of his jeans. You thanked the man, glad that someone was willing to help and called the nearest auto repair shop. Ultimately, you didn't have any tyres in your trunk since you rarely drove. Oh, what a stupid decision that was. 
After a small phone call and receiving the information that it would certainly take some time to get to your car, you decided to at least order some food and a glass of water. It was the least you could do after the owner was kind enough to lend you his phone for approximately five minutes. 
While you were obviously enjoying your food, Odasaku couldn't help but wonder how high the probability of meeting you was. 
At first, he thought his eyes were deceiving him, but there you were, sitting a few stools away to keep a decent distance from the stranger who was Dazai's best and only friend. The description Dazai had given Oda was definitely more than accurate and not an exaggeration on his friend's part: the hair, eyes, height and way of dressing up matched Dazai's words all too well. Ah, what did the brunette say about you once? Right, it was like you demanded everyone's attention as soon as you stepped in the room, but in a very positive way. It was simply the aura you gave off. 
Odasaku had seen the picture, too. You were definitely the woman who had hugged Dazai in the picture, beaming into the lens like no one else was watching. 
"It's pretty cold, isn't it?" To Oda's surprise, it was you who actually struck up a conversation out of the blue. You wiped the small heap of snowflakes from your head, some of the melted snow had already dampened your hair and clothes. "You know Dazai, don't you?" Odasaku changed the topic, curious about what you thought of his dear friend, what your feelings were and if you had any concealed intentions. Admittedly, it was impudent of him to question your aim when Odasaku only knew you from words. 
Eyes wide, you blinked in slight confusion before it clicked. "Yes, I do. Are you..by any chance Odasaku?" You had heard about Dazai's friends from some of his stories that either included a bar named Lupin or his job which the brunette still hadn't revealed. Well, it wasn't like it was any of your business, anyway. "I see he has already talked about me, huh? Only good things, I hope." Oda pretty much deadpanned and you couldn't help the laugh bubbling in the back of your throat at how serious he sounded - just like Dazai said. "Of course I heard only good things about you! Don't worry about it."
In-between a quick introduction and a few bites of the pasta you had ordered, you heard the question:"What do you think about Dazai?" Warmth was quick to dip the apple of your cheeks in a reddish color as your brain thought of an appropriate answer and how far you could go. Sure, this man was Dazai's best friend, but in the end, Odasaku was still a stranger to you. "What I think of him?" You repeated more to yourself than to Oda and suddenly got..shy. Odasaku nodded wordlessly. 
"Dazai is an interesting person. It's hard to tell what he's thinking or feeling, yet being with him is fairly easy. Strikes me as someone who's definitely popular with the ladies and knows it, but he seems like a good guy, regardless. Pretty funny, too." For a moment your pursed your lips, fork poking around in your beloved pasta as you possibly shared too much, yet again. "I really like him, I guess.." Oda found no lie in your body language, in the way you talked or reacted when he asked you about the suicidal brunette. However, maybe you liked the mafia executive more than you realized or wanted to admit, Oda silently thought to himself. 
"I might be sticking my nose into things where it's not wanted, but you definitely caught Dazai's interest." Oda paid for his own food, the cook mumbling something about him not having to do it, but accepting the money, nevertheless. "Huh?" Did your ears betray you or did Dazai's best friend, the infamous Odasaku who the younger man looked up to so much, tell you that Dazai was indeed intrigued? Maybe, you should get your ears checked, soon. Just to be sure.
"If you weren't interesting, Dazai wouldn't visit you. He's not much of a dancer and even less interested in it. But you seem to have caught him in a way."
With those words being said, Odasaku bid his farewell to the cook and you who was still processing his words and contemplating how much weight to give that revelation. Sure, Dazai had told you several days ago that he wasn't a dancer, but you couldn't really figure out why he insisted on still visiting you. 
For the rest of the day, your heart beat a little bit faster than it was supposed to and this time, you were aware of the reason why. 
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Your encounter with Oda should've kept your spirits high, but that wasn't the case unfortunately. This night was void of any stars, thick, dark clouds even hid the moon that was usually watching you akin to a certain brunette. 
But just like the moon, he didn't show up. 
As always, just like every night, you stretched and practiced in the empty theater. The more time progressed, the more you seemed to mess up and feed into your own disappointment which quickly turned into impatience mixed with frustration. It seemed like your legs had a mind of their own and refused to listen to you while your muscles were getting sore from the strenuous training you forced them through. 
You kept tripping over your own feet, painfully fell to your knees and sometimes managed to cushion the fall by dropping on your arms rather than your ribs. The soles of your feet ached, screaming at you to rest while a stifling soreness stretched itself throughout your muscles. But no, you couldn't stop. Not yet. Not when you were so close to perfecting the choreography, not when you were so close to feeling satisfied with the outcome. All you needed was more practice.
Sweat drenched your shirt and made your feet stick to the wooden floor in a disgusting way. But it would be worth it. The pain would pain off. You hoped. 
Stretching your arm out, you felt the pain in your shoulder, but you gave it your all nevertheless. As soon as you stood on one leg, the limb gave out below you and ruthlessly let another bruise bloom on your kneecaps. Red, blue, purple, green and yellow stained your knees. A pained groan strained your throat as you picked yourself back up again, palms red from the amount of times you had done so. It was a painful process, but you needed it. Feeling that pain was so much better than feeling the distress of the impending death as a dancer, again. 
Why couldn't you get that one move right? It was supposed to be easy and yet, you always failed over and over again. "Fuck.." You cussed underneath your heavy breath and wiped a few tears away. This was no time to cry over trivial things. The only reason why you picked up dancing again was to feel something. You had already died once and gosh was that painful. Oh, how you vowed to never die, again. 
Once more. Taking a deep breath to keep your composure under control, you kept your arms straight by your side and put your weight on your dominant leg. You were in the middle of pivoting with your chest nearly touching your upper thighs when you lost your balance and fell to your knees and elbows. This time, tears flowed, the music kept going without you. 
"To hell with it!" You yelled, threw your shoes against the wall in anger, frustration even and slid down the length of the wall. Heavy sobs rocked your body and you forgot that the vast space left an ugly echo of the disappointment you let out freely. At least, you were alone with no one to see you in such a weak moment. No one would see your tears and attempt to wipe them away. No one would tell you to cheer up and whisper sweet encouragements into your ear. 
All you needed was to let it out. 
It took you a while to calm down and find the bathroom of the theater. As you looked into the mirror, you were met with bloodshot eyes, messy hair and sticky clothes. Gazing downwards, you saw just how red your palms were and spotted a few cuts from mean splinters. Worn out, you rolled up the sleeves of your shirt and cringed at your bloody elbows, the red liquid was nearly dry and crusted around more severe bits. Just what you needed, really. 
A sigh slipped your dry lips as cold water hit your hands, the temperature somewhat soothed the ache and calmed you down until you saw how the water turned red. "No, no, no, no!" You called out, eyes brimming with new tears you didn't know you still possessed as you scrubbed your hands, forearms and elbows furiously. The minor wounds reopened, causing fresh blood to leak from the broken skin and stain the sink in an hideous crimson. 
That night, you scrubbed until it hurt. 
No song resonated with you. 
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A few nights had passed when Dazai stepped foot into the theater once again and was welcomed by the sophisticated shadow your silhouette painted on the vast wall like the finest of paintings. Compared to the shadow, you were so bright and oh-so-short. He liked the contrast. 
Silently to not disturb the flow you seemed to be in, Dazai took his seat as always and let his eyes drink in of the passionate smooth image that was you. The executive wondered just how much strength you had to possess in order to quickly switch from sleek moves to sharp ones that made your legs and chest pop. He wondered how many restless nights you had spent dancing in your room, on your own with no one to watch. He wondered why you still danced, although it seemed to be such an exhausting process. 
All these questions were answered as Dazai merely watched you. The way you got lost in the lovely melody of the piano which was akin to a day in spring and spun on stage with your hands resting right above your heart, a happy grin on your face - that was the answer. Dance was something you were good at and found joy in.
Dazai was drawn to the way your shoes squeaked against the wooden floor, how your ripped jeans hugged your legs and the adorably oversized sweater. Everything was so you that Dazai found familiarity in your presence, peace and a bit of warmth which every human so selfishly craved for. 
"It's good to see you, again." You squatted on the stage, arms hugging your shins closer to your body and as the holes in your jeans stretched, Dazai immediately noticed the nasty bruises on your knees. Seeing these stains for the first time, he wondered how hard how hard you had pushed yourself to look like you had fallen into a bucket of paint. How often had you fallen and still continued although it hurt? No doubt that the bruises still hurt at this moment, but when Dazai's eyes fell on your face, he saw nothing of the hell you had put yourself through. The smile on your reddish lips was tender, your eyes twinkled in the dim lighting and you welcomed him like he was your dear friend. 
You never complained about the bruises on your knees. 
"This sounds like you missed me, [Name]." In all honesty, a small, soft part within the brunette hoped you had missed him just like you had occupied his thoughts during his own work. For once, Dazai wanted to be missed by you, even though he had been gone for less five days. Your legs dangled off the edge of the stage, palms behind your back and supporting your weight as you nodded your head slightly. "Honestly? I did. It's not the same when you're absent, Dazai."
The mafia executive came to stand between your legs, bandaged hands resting on your hips and your doe eyes looking up at him in anticipation. His heart was so easily swayed by you and lord punish him if he would ever do anything to hurt you. "You meant what you said, didn't you? About not being able to find another audience." Ah, how were you supposed to respond? This was the first time Dazai got so close to you, touched you and it felt oddly intimate how he spoke, how he looked at you. Your heart pounded in your ribcage. "I always mean what I say, Osamu. None of them would be you." 
Dazai was nearly cautious when he tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ear as if you were to break if he was too rough with you. He so badly wanted to deny himself of you, of your presence and the mere thought of you, but humans were sinful beings who always wanted the one thing they could break, taint and corrupt. When had you made Dazai so weak for you? A foreign emotion which Dazai experienced for the possibly very first time in his lonely life and he didn't want to let go of it. Rather, he wanted to protect and treasure it in fear it'd break. But what if Dazai himself was the one to shatter whatever was going on between you and him? 
Unconsciously, Dazai cupped your cheek in his hand and caressed the skin underneath your eye - much like you had done when the man had searched for you after the nightmare he surely wouldn't forget so easily. Maybe, Dazai wanted to caress all your bruises and wounds away. "Really? I reckon you'd find an audience of much greater size." His voice was barely above a whisper while you leaned into his touch, blushing. Slender fingers tugged on Dazai's tie until the tip of your nose poked his own, your warm breath fanning over his cheeks. "If I could choose between a crowd and you, I'd always choose you, Osamu."
Dazai's lips hesitantly brushed over yours, it was like the touch of a ghost to see how you'd react and you never shied away. Instead, you took matters into your own hands and pressed your lips to Dazai's, gently at first. 
After getting over his initial shock, the executive let his eyes flutter shut while his hand now cupped the nape of your neck, thumb still on your cheek as Dazai let his lips melt into yours. It was a sweet kiss shared between two people who weren't familiar with the concept of loving someone else, but the act felt so awfully right; like one had finally found a long lost piece of a puzzle and could finally finish the picture. 
You smiled once the kiss was broken, but Dazai was quick to chase your lips and engage you in another lip lock. This time, it was firm and you let your lips melt into Dazai's with your palms on his chest to feel his heartbeat. Ah, it was just starting to calm down, you noted and smiled into the innocent kiss. 
You felt warm all over. 
"Let me watch you dance one more time."
Your response came in the form of a simple nod. 
And so, Dazai sat on down on the stage and watched you spin or fall into a half-split to your heart's content. He had no interest in dance, but he was interested in you. 
Hopefully, he would get the chance to see you during the day, as well. 
But that wish wouldn't be granted until four years later, because Odasaku died.
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Spring rolled around and cherry blossoms bloomed throughout the lively streets of Yokohama. Children's laughter filled the playgrounds with some much needed life, the sun smiled down at the city while the salty breeze of the shore cooled everyone down once in a while.
But the most important thing: The agency was as energetic as ever with Kunikida scolding Dazai for having tried to woo the waitress at Uzumaki's in an inappropriate manner. Something about needing her hands around his neck or something like that. Atsushi watched his superiors in shock and mild confusion as the scene continued. "Ah, right, I can't waste any more time on you. A client is on the way." The blonde detective brushed his palms off on his pants as though Dazai had dirtied them just by breathing. 
"Whaaat? But that means more work and even more reports!" Dazai complained and dramatically palmed his face, head leaned back to the ceiling as he dreaded the new amount of work a new client brought. Despite the brunette's constant complaints, Dazai still finished whatever was expected of him; it was Odasaku's wish he was currently living. "Quit complaining and make yourself look acceptable. You look like you just got choked." Kunikida scolded after having choked Dazai himself. 
The opening of a door went unheard as the two detectives kept arguing back and forth and was only interrupted by Atsushi greeting the client as politely as he could. He was told not to ruin the Agency's name and Atsushi was sure that Kunikida would drag him through hell and back himself if he was to mess up. "Welcome! You must be Ms. [Name], right?" Atsushi hoped you'd ignore the mess happening in the background. 
"Exactly. There's an issue and.." Gradually, you trailed off as you raised your gaze, let yourself take in the office until they landed on him. The man you thought had died due to his suicidal tendencies stood right in front of you among his colleagues. The man you had grown so deeply attached to was very much alive and still looked the same, though he had grown and matured a bit. Overall, his entire energy seemed to be a tad bit brighter. 
Your muscles froze, hands shaking as your eyes widened and silent tears rolled down your cheeks. Dazai seemed just as shocked; his gaze was deeply locked with your teary one as he too recognized you. How couldn't he recognize you? You were the first person to soothe the pain he felt even if it was only for a couple of hours. Dazai still carried the picture around. 
"U-uhm.." Atsushi was about to ask what was going on, but Kunikida stopped the rookie by putting a hand on his shoulder and leading him away from the scene. Kunikida didn't know the deal between Dazai and you, but he did know that you two obviously needed to talk about it without anyone interrupting. "Don't. You can ask him later."
"It's you Osamu, isn't it?" Hastily, you wiped your tears away once the shock wore off. How often did you wait for Dazai to come through the doors of the theater with an unreadable expression on his face? How often had you simply sat in the vast hall with Sensei in your lap instead of dancing? How often had you cried thinking that Dazai succeeded in taking his own life? "It's been a while, hasn't it, [Name]?" Dazai's expression softened upon seeing you again, although he was also scared. He never thought anyone from his past would see him ever again, and yet there you were. 
"Would you let me explain?" 
You should be angry at Dazai for leaving you behind just like that, but a bigger part of you was so relieved to see the brunette still breathing, standing in front of you with that same damn look lingering in the depths of his eyes. "You'd better." Dazai offered you his hand to take, hoping to take some of your anxiety and maybe some of his own fears, too. 
Luckily, Dazai found out you were still dancing. 
That night, he watched you once again and never stopped watching you.
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rashamon · 3 years
viewer discretion is strongly advised before continuing:  this headcanon includes strong mentions of self harm, child abuse and neglect, child trafficking, sexual abuse, suicide attempts and ideation, torture and murder.
dazai may be a stray dog but he was not always an orphan, in fact, he is a self made orphan after murdering his mother and father and trying to kill himself. this is the same instance of suicide that brings him to meet mori at the age of fourteen. without the intervention of mori, dazai would have very likely been institutionalized in a juvenile prison. mori is able to use his connections to prevent this from happening so he can groom dazai into becoming his right hand man. 
dazai osamu murdered his parents because they abused, neglected, and trafficked him as a product rather than a son. they were not married to each other and his mother was very young while his father was much older. for fourteen years, dazai was exploited in any way they could manifest to use him and make money for themselves. this often included selling him to people who would sexually abuse him and sometimes harm him in more sadistic ways as well, contributing to his many bodily scars which he hides beneath his bandages. dazai was taught to steal and pickpocket while manipulating adults into forgiving him when he was caught. he can’t recall the exact point when he stopped feeling all together but he soon developed a habit of harming himself in order to create the sensation he was lacking. it was the only sense of connection and fulfillment he knew. this includes cutting himself with various objects, burning himself with flames, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes under the age of fourteen and other various self destructive behaviors. dazai often times started fights even if he knew he couldn’t win.
when dazai finally murdered his parents, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. he hated them, and he had for a very long time. eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore and snapped when he ended his father’s life and then his mother’s when she wouldn’t stop screaming. dazai didn’t try to kill himself at first, but instead continued to live inside their apartment while his parents rotted into the carpet. he felt nothing for them, no guilt or remorse and the smell wasn’t much worse than the disaster they already lived in. the anguish he felt came from not feeling anything at all, it disturbed him and he understood he was not normal. eventually, dazai made his way up to the roof, covered in old blood, and jumped, but instead of ending up in a coffin, to his chagrin, he ended up in a hospital.
dazai doesn’t see the future, he has been ready to die since he was a child and every year he is alive, he feels more like it’s a joke at his expense rather than a gift. he doesn’t celebrate his birthday because he never has and in general feels extreme dysphoria at the fact that he has somehow managed to stay alive. he thinks it’s funny, in a manic sort of way. he wasn’t offered a future until mori entered his life and dazai witnessed him murder the mafia boss at the time. this created a strange bond between them because dazai had never met another murderer before, and felt a kinship with mori in that sense, or perhaps just insidious intrigue.
mori trains him viciously, the only way the mafia knows how to raise kids. he is subjected to various kinds torture to make him impervious to it in the future. he is taught to shoot which dazai quickly excels at, finding it an enjoyable pass time. he practices everyday for hours, wasting thousands of bullets perfecting it. he is taught to fight but he’s never quite good enough at it, his advantage being his speed and leanness. he excels mostly at dodging and avoiding rather than brute force. for the first time in dazai’s life, he is something and he likes it. he’s placed above the others and this only inflates his adolescent ego. he enjoys killing and takes a sick pleasure in how he does it so well. no one really protected him in the mafia, and he was quietly taken advantage of by some of the older peers, which he would inevitably murder too. 
mori found dazai’s inclination to kill himself, unprofitable and distasteful. dazai was his prize and in mori’s mind, dazai belonged to him. dazai, of course, didn’t give one shit about how mori felt about his suicide attempts. he knew mori only cared for his life because he wanted to use him more, their relationship becoming more hostile the older dazai got. dazai once threatening to cut out his own eye to make himself useless to mori as his hired gun. mori goads him further into doing it, telling him if he does that it will only change dazai’s purpose within the mafia - convincing him that there are still uses for young boys with one eye. dazai understands what he means - it’s a threat and dazai believes him. he’d rather be a gun with privilege's than return to the past abuses. there’s a small and faint scar beneath his left eye that goes uncovered since he no longer wears bandages over it. the continuous use of bandages over his eye were more of a reminder than anything that even without two eyes - he is still useful and it hardly ended up effecting his efficacy with a gun.
the first time someone truly cares for dazai in a genuine, non pervasive way, is odasaku. this is confusing to dazai and he makes a joke of it because it doesn’t make any sense to him. given everything he is, he doesn’t think he’s worthy of any pity or any assistance and especially not love. it’s exactly odasaku’s love that sends dazai into a spiral after he is killed and gives him his last words as a parting gift. never in his life has anyone ever believed that he could be good. never in his life has he ever believed that - and yet here is the one person he believes in and trusts - telling him that he can be good. 
"  i know it makes no difference to you, but please become a good human being. save the weak, protect the orphaned. i suppose you don't care for either justice or evil...but striving to be a better person is a wonderful thing.  "
dazai never cared if anyone died, and for the first time he was devastated by a death. dazai abruptly leaves the mafia after this and approaches taneda who directs him toward the ada. taneda tells him he needs to lay low for two years to clean his past, ango is able to help him with that and he goes ahead shuts himself in for a few years with money he had stashed away. spending those years in solitude and bars trying to figure out what he believes about the world and what odasaku meant when he said he could be good. he spends those years pitying himself, and contemplating his existence and suicide. when he comes out of this, it is spawned by another thing within him that he doesn’t understand. this will to live despite having no reason at all. 
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sunnixsunshine · 4 years
Little things about the Spy!Ma AU
Pa!Spy calls every Saturday morning and Wednesday afternoon to check on Scout. Most of the time their conversations are Pa asking how he is and whatnot. Scouts always like "Pa, c'mon! I'm 27! I ain't no kid no more!" But he can't help it. He just gets worried for his youngest troublemaker son. His heart goes soft for his boys.
Spy!Ma has traveled all around the world for various jobs she isn't allowed to speak about for fear of being hunted down or arrested(but almost always let's two or so details slip; she has a bit of a motor mouth sometimes), but she still often goes back to Boston. It's where she was born and raised and by god does she love the awful truck food they sell on the street corners. Can't get anymore questionable, possibly inedible, maybe a little expired hot dogs anywhere else!
Spy!Ma still remembers when each of her sons' birthdays are. She really has no choice to. She bore the pain after all. She never went through to celebrate their birthdays with a bang, though, mainly left them up to their fathers to do(if they were present that is). But sometimes, very rarely, she'd bake a tray of cookies and leave em out for the boys. Hopefully that blasted Red Scout doesn't suspect it was her who'd left them out for him. She has a reputation and job to keep.
Scout has never gotten the truth of where his mother is. His oldest brother Richie bitterly says she's dead. Joe says she ran off. Jack, well he was barely 4 when it happened, but he claims they never had a mother as far he was concerned. All Pa ever does is change the subject when he asks. Sometimes he's gotta agree with Jack. He's got no mother. Never has. Never will.
Pa works two jobs. A used car salesmen on the weekends and Monday and Tuesday nights; and a highschool French teacher weekdays. He mainly took up the teaching job to have the excuse to look after the boys. None of them got into fights as long as he was around that's for sure.
The Blu Medic knows. He knew way before Spy!Ma ever confessed to Red Sniper. Way before even Scout figured it out. The Administrator didn't even know! Her official records were sealed tight thanks to a pal of hers keeping them away. But somehow, someway, Blu Medic found out. Spy!Ma has threatened him with blackmail to keep his lips locked before he loses them but she has doubts he'll be able to. Because of this Spy!Ma has kept the maniac close. And Doctor has some worthy information on her he could use when the time comes.
Spy!Ma very much hates her teams' Medic of course. And in turn he hates her too. She just gets under his skin for some reason! Perhaps it's because she once called his dear birds "city chickens"....
It's unclear whether Spy!Ma has ties to the mafia or dangerous gang or not, but what IS clear is she does have ties.
Rumor has it is thats how she got her start in merc business— she was kicked out for whatever reason, did tons of illegal shit for a measly paycheck, and got hired by the lady in purple herself. And now here she is today...
Spy!Ma met with Pa two years after Scout was hired for the Reds. It wasn't an agreed meeting however. She showed up on his doorstep. He was watching his few grandchildren— her grandchildren— and he was not happy. It did not end well..
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brookelevy · 4 years
What is a gamer? (Week 10)
If asked to picture a “gamer”, many would envision a teenage or young adult male, who is lazy and unattractive. They are often believed to be socially inept and unpopular, as they hide from others alone in their rooms (Grohol 2013). However more formally, a gamer can be defined as “a hobbyist or individual that enjoys playing various types of digital or online games” (Techopedia 2018). This definition does not lend itself to a particular type of person, so why is the world holding onto a stereotype? According to Statista, in 2019 46% of all gamers in the United States were actually women. Although 40% of these gamers are between the ages of 18 and 35, another 40% of gamers are aged 36 and older, with 21% over 50 years (Gough 2019)! Further, gamers are able to form lasting friendships, learn about new cultures and teamwork. The games they play may also teach coordination, comprehension, mathematics and even economics (Hussain & Griffiths 2009).
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Photo capture from @alodia​ on Instagram.
An example of a popular girl gamer is Alodia Gosiengfiao, with almost 1.5 million YouTube subscribers and 1.3 million Instagram followers, she is a Filipina gamer, cosplayer, model, artist, actress and now recording artist (Middle East Film and Comic Con 2020). She uploads videos playing Call of Duty, League of Legends and Horizon Zero Dawn along with vlogs from gaming conventions and conferences. Named by UNO Magazine as one of the Most Influential Women in the Philippines (Middle East Film and Comic Con 2020), Alodia is recognised for her various talents, including gaming. 
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86 year old Hilda is another gamer defying stereotypes. After playing video games for 40 years, Hilda praises them for keeping her mentally active. She plays a variety of games, ranging from puzzles on her iPad to Mafia or Grand Theft Auto on the Playstation. With BBC’s report on her in 2013, Hilda has been celebrated by many within the community (Mackenzie 2013).
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Despite the success of many diverse gamers, they are often overshadowed as a result of the typical male gamer stereotype. The association between young men and gaming leads to less visibility of all other identities. This in turn results in more diverse gaming communities feeling as though they do not “fit in”, and standard gaming figures participating in active discrimination. Women in the gaming community are often made to feel unwelcome, receiving sexual harassment suggesting rape and death threats (Paaßen et al. 2017). If women are being threatened online, it is very likely that they may choose to not play video games and therefore the stereotype progresses. Further, female characters are often hyper-sexualised to please a heterosexual male, leading to the perception of women as ‘objects’ rather than players. These depictions lead to unfavourable attitudes towards womens’ cognitive and physical abilities (Paaßen et al. 2017), providing men with reason to undermine and insult them. 
Nevertheless, society is moving forward. Older women such as Hilda are gaining recognition on media channels, with gamers learning of the diversity within their community. Gaming companies are increasingly engaged with issues of gender representation in games, implementing a conscious approach to creating “aspirational” female characters with appropriate combat outfits and reduced sexualization (Paaßen et al. 2017). To truly combat the stereotypes, those who are dismissed must game proudly, and encourage others to join them. With 70- 85 % of U.S.-American male adolescents wanting to see more female adolescents playing video games, there is hope for a more inclusive space in future years.
Gough, C 2019, Gaming - Statistics & Facts, Statista, viewed 24th May 2020,Available at: https://www.statista.com/topics/1680/gaming/
Grohol, J 2013, Gamer Stereotypes Just Aren't True, World of Psychology, viewed 24th May 2020, https://psychcentral.com/blog/gamer-stereotypes-just-arent-true/ 
Hussain, Z & Griffiths, M 2009, ‘The Attitudes, Feelings, and Experiences of Online Gamers: A Qualitative Analysis’, Cyberpsychology & behavior : the impact of the Internet, multimedia and virtual reality on behavior and society, vol.12, no.6, pp.747-53
Mackenzie, B 2013,  'Computer games keep me mentally active', BBC News, viewed 24th May 2020, https://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-21116544/computer-games-keep-me-mentally-active
Middle East Film and Comic Con 2020, Meet Alodia Gosiengfiao, viewed 24th May 2020, https://www.mefcc.com/en/Overview/Celebrities/2019-Celebrities/Meet-Alodia-Gosiengfiao.html 
Paaßen, B, Morgenroth, T & Stratemeyer, M 2017, ‘What is a True Gamer? The Male Gamer Stereotype and the Marginalization of Women in Video Game Culture’, Sex Roles, Vol.76, no.7, pp.421-435
Techopedia 2018, What is Gamer?, viewed 24th May 2020, https://www.techopedia.com/definition/1912/gamer
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cats the movie was created by the mafia and here's why
so since one (1) person said that they still wanna hear this theory imma post it
first, the reviews of cats are so mixed, it's confusing. im not even sure if everyone is talking about the same movie. lets look at some of the more wild ones:
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but then i found these two:
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both of these reviews (the second one especially) explicitly mention celebrities, which, made me think of a conspiracy theory
i once watched a video (i think it was a shane dawson one) where he discussed how people believe that it could be a possibility that the government uses celebrities and their scandals to distract the population from their wrongdoing and general mishaps. that being said, lets unpack what we know about cats:
-cats themselves (as in the animal) are generally very cute and people find them funny. it is commonly perceived by some that the internet - youtube specifically - is “that place with the cat videos” and people are very entertained by them (think about tik toks, twitter and tumblr threads, vines, and ig accounts) and even interact with cats if they happen to be allergic to them. it is safe to say that the human population has somewhat of an obsession with cats. 
-cats the musical is generally misunderstood by a lot of people. i have never actually seen it but from what i understand its a musical about cats competing to see who will die and theres one good song (memory). the internet has gone about about “what the heck is cats even about” for many years before the movie came out in the form of memes and other random internet jokes.
and now lets address the us government. right now most people agree that its plenty shitty for various reasons. even people in other countries Dont Get It. (im not going to get too into it because chances are if you have an internet connection you've heard about the shit the us government has done recently)
now. onto the movie itself. (hang onto your hats this is where it gets wild)
according to google, cats is a british american film. it is a well known fact that america was originally colonized by the british and we gained our freedom in 1776 (i really hope thats not news to you) but the war didnt end until the british surrendered at yorktown in 1781 and the treaty of paris wasn't signed until 1783. the british were notoriously salty afterwards, continuing to pirate american ships and do other generally annoying things which resulted in the war of 1812. it was not until after the war of 1812 (which officially ended in 1815) that the british recognized america was independent and actually started respecting them. britain and america were also allies and have famously teamed up to stop people from taking over the world (ie ww2 amongst others).
youre probably wondering what the hell this has to do with cats. stick with mw, we’re getting there.
in the weeks after the 2016 election, there were many memes circulating the internet along the lines of this:
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needless to say, it was a wild time for america. 
now, admittedly, britain was Also in the midst of their own wild time because of brexit, but somehow the election results managed to kind of overshadow that (at least in america). 
so lets review some Important Dates:
-june 23, 2016 -> brexit is proposed
-november 8, 2016 -> 2016 election
-march 2017-> britain formally announces leaving the eu
additionally, in 2016 the worlds biggest superpowers were (in order) the us, russia, china, india, and the uk.
now, onto my theory.
the mafia has always notoriously been trying to be stopped by the government for their crime and is a strange organization with a lot of money. the mafia Does still exist although mostly in new england. since 2016 there has been a disconnect between the government and the people due to the staggering amounts that do not support the current president. the mafia may have seen this as an opportunity to overthrow the current government/president and cabinet and place their own person there so that they wouldn't get as much shit from the government. 
this theory does get a little bit complicated regarding the presidents suspected ties to the mafia. however, the mafia is very powerful and i have no doubt that they could have somehow blackmailed trump or implemented false records in order to depict the president falsely. or they could have tricked the president into working with them in order to gain secrets to help them overthrow him. the possibilities are endless. 
so in the time between the 2016 election and when britain formally announced leaving the eu, the mafia probably had some time to scheme a little, thinking up possible ways for them to overthrow the government. 
after britain announced leaving the eu, someone in the government must have realized that it was making britain widely unpopular and they should do something to clean up their image. so they take a peek around and happen to notice that america is royally fucked cause of the president and there are people threatening to move to canada cause of it.
but why is any of this of importance to britain?
well, britain used to be the top world superpower before ww2, but then were beat out by america both after the war and when they announced nsc 68, a plan to make amerias military stronger and provide aid to american allies being threatened by communism. although britain and america stayed allies, it is likely that britain may have been a bit salty about this. and, if they could somehow get rid of trump and weaken the country this may bump the us from the lead world superpower and (if they were lucky) also russia and china who the president was more or less involved with.
low and behold who has the same desires? the mafia.
so the mafia and britain team up to defeat the us government. but how will they do it?
my friends, that is where cats comes in. 
as stated, the government has previously used celebrity scandals to cover up and distract from their own. the mafia and britain would not have wanted to make this seem like anything out of the ordinary, so they decided to implement this form of distraction, but twisted it into grotesque exposure. but they needed a vehicle in which to use this
if you refer to my information on cats from before, american people love cats and cats the musical is a somewhat loved classic that makes little to no sense. additionally, theater fans have recently been calling for screen filmed shows so they dont have to spend lots of money on tickets (see newsies live and bandstand) so in order to pass this off as normal they chose to use cats.
howmst ever, they needed to make the american people not like cats anymore so that they wouldn't be easily distracted by them. how to accomplish this? make the cats in the movie cgi celebrities. 
the celebrity lineup of the movie is quite impressive, containing the following:
james corden, judi dench, jason derulo, idris elba, jennifer husdon, ian mckellan, taylor swift, and rebel wilson. 
these celebrities were all chosen for the type of audience they would draw in so that it would be as vast as possible. (old people, young people, middle aged people, etc).
the mafia paid these celebrities handsomely and coerced them into being in the movie. 
now, lets discuss the timeline. 
the movie itself premiered on december 20th and the mafia and britain would have begun creating it as soon as march of 2017. scripts take up to 12 weeks to write, putting them at june of 2017. pre production takes 10 weeks, putting them at about halfway through september 2017. it takes about an average of 10 weeks to film, putting them at december 2017. and, according to pixar, animating a movie can take between 4 and 7 years, however, the reviews have stated that cats only took about a year to animate the movie, putting it at about december 2018. this would give the mafia about 7 extra months for any needed editing or fixing between when they could have hypothetically started and ended the movie itself because the trailer came out in july of 2019.
they would have wanted to release the movie just before 2020 because that is when the next election takes place and they would need everyone to be immune to propaganda. 
the mafia and britain creating cats explains a lot of things such as:
-why james corden has not gone to see the movie
-why the animation is so horrifying
-why the movie was made in such little time
-why the celebrities in the movie are actually in the movie
-why the budget was able to be so large if it was an epic flop
-peoples general confusion as to why the movie was even made
see, they would have known that even if not a lot of people saw the movie, it would have made headlines just because of how bad it is, terrifying people of both the celebrities in it (remember this includes james corden, a prominent talk show host and taylor swift, one of the top song writers) and of cats themselves.
in conclusion, cats was filmed by the mafia and great britain in an attempt to overthrow the us government.
be careful who you vote for in 2020.
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morbid-n-macabre · 5 years
Los Angeles, California in 2003-
Had you seen her while out and about, it would have been impossible not to notice Lana Clarkson. She was a statuesque blonde who stood at 6 foot tall, and drop dead gorgeous. But Lana was so much more than a pretty face; friends remember her as an intelligent woman with a wicked sense of humor. She had been outgoing, caring, friendly, and the life of the party wherever she went.
Though she'd been the leading lady in many B rated movies and played small roles in a handful of well known films, at 40 years of age Lana was still awaiting her big break. Due to this, the actress took on a job as a hostess at the famous House Of Blues nightclub on the Sunset Strip; her job had been to take good care of the VIP guests in a special area called The Foundation Room where LA's biggest celebrities were known frequent. Lana had not been working here too long, but it seemed to be a great fit for her; though she officially made only $9 an hour, celebrities tended to tip pretty well, and Lana had hoped to meet the right people while there.
In the very early hours of Monday, February 3nd of 2003, less than a hour before closing time, a celebrity by the name of Phil Spector walked into the club and attempted to enter the VIP area. Phil was an extremely wealthy music legend in his sixties, but Lana had absolutely no clue who the heck he was so she refused him entry. If that weren't bad enough, she accidentally misgendered Phil - Lana addressed the celebrity as "Ma'am"! Once the actress was informed of who exactly she had been interacting with, she apologized profusely and, as it was her job to cater to each VIP patron's slightest whim, that's exactly what she did. Sadly, as Lana was about to discover, Phil was much like a grenade who's pin had just been pulled - he was very soon to explode.
There's no denying that the musical genius had some serious demons. When he was only 8, Phil's daddy had committed suicide. As a teenager he was in a musical group called The Teddy Bears; Phil wrote a song called To Know Him Is To Love Him, the name of which had actually been taken from the epitaph engraved on his father's tombstone. By the age of 21 Phil was a millionaire; not only was he an accomplished song writer and musician himself, but he invented what is known as The Wall Of Sound. Phil had discovered a way to layer music, which sounded better on the radio than anything which had been discovered thus far. This was a really big deal, and Phil has been called one of the most influential music producers of all time! Since all of the biggest artists wanted to work with him, the producer became very egotistical; the older he grew the more eccentric, erratic, and violent his behavior became. He was well known for constantly packing heat, and he was absolutely not afraid to threaten someone by pointing a firearm at them - sometimes he even fired it! If this weren't bad enough, there have been a long line of women throughout the decades who claim to have been abused in various ways by Phil; several even swear to have been held captive for several days or longer in the music mogul's mansion! His ex has written a book about the hell on Earth she endured while under Phil's control. Of course Lana had no way of knowing any of this, she barely knew who Phil was.
At closing time, an intoxicated Phil needed help getting outside to his vehicle; the man was a good tipper, and the hostess was happy to oblige. Phil's limousine driver, Adriano De Souza, had been waiting outside the club. Phil insisted that Lana come back to his 33 room mansion known as The Pyrenees Castle for a nightcap. Lana declined this offer several times, but finally relented. Adriano later recalled that Lana had been adamant that she would come inside for just a quick drink, then the chauffer would drive her back. Sometime around 3 am on Monday morning Phil and Lana entered The Castle; the chauffer remained outside, awaiting the actress's promise of a prompt return.
Much of what occurred over the course of the next two hours is still up for debate, mostly we know what the driver has told us. At approximately 5 am Phil walked out of his home carrying a gun in his hands and stated, "I think I killed somebody". The chauffer called the police, with whom Phil refused to comply. He would not show his hands; a scuffle ensued, resulting in the suspect being tased and tackled to the ground.
A deceased Lana was found still seated in the white French provincial chair in the foyer, she'd taken a bullet from a .38-caliber Colt Cobra to the mouth; a firearm lay at the floor near her feet. It was obvious that Phil had attempted to clean up before notifying authorities. Blood was found on the staircase and multiple other areas, and in a bathroom near the foyer lay a cloth diaper drenched in the lady's blood.
The music mogul's account of what had transpired changed multiple times. Phil reportedly told police "I didn't mean to shoot her. It was an accident". After he'd sobered up a bit, Phil claimed to be an innocent man. He'd startled the actress as she'd been playing with the gun, and it had accidentally discharged.
Investigators did not believe Phil's story, and the autopsy agreed with them. The bullet had traveled in a slightly upward trajectory which had severed Lana's spine, and the recoil from the firearm sent several of the actress's front teeth flying to the floor. It was not a pretty death, but thankfully Lana did die instantaneously. The actress's tongue had been bruised, which the coroner stated had been from the gun forcibly entering her mouth - blunt force trauma. An acrylic fingernail from Lana's right hand was missing, had likely broken off during some sort of a struggle. There were bruises on her right arm and wrist, two of which have been described as significant. The lady's leopard print purse strap had been over her right shoulder at the time of death, which indicated that she'd soon intended to leave the premises, and the firearm was found on the floor near Lana's left foot though she'd been right handed.
Phil was arrested for second degree murder, but released on a one million dollar bond. While awaiting trial the music producer married a 26 year old deli waitress named Rachelle Short whom he would show off daily throughout the spectacle of a trial. After trying on a string of high profile attorneys, Phil finally settled on Mafia Boss John Gotti's lawyer, Bruce Cutler. The defense's stance was that Lana had discovered the firearm inside the millionaire's home and had committed suicide. The prosecution and the defense argued about both the gunshot residue and the blood spatter, with both calling experts to prove their point. The prosecution claimed that Lana had likely been grabbing for the gun while Phil was forcing it in her mouth, which would explain why there was so much GSR on her hands. Either way, a good washing can remove GSR from the skin, so Phil could not be eliminated as the killer based on that. The prosecution called a few of the women who had been victimized by Phil, some of which swore that the defendant had pulled a gun on them through the years. One witness, a former friend of the defendant named Dianne Ogden-Halder, claimed that Phil had attempted to rape her at gun point back in the 80's. She had been a guest at Phil's mansion when he'd abruptly changes from friendly to "demonic"; at this point Phil pulled out a gun and threatened to "blow her brains out". Dianne claimed that he refused to allow her to leave the home, and pressed said firearm against her forehead and cheek. Dianne claimed that she was shocked by Phil's behavior as it was unnecessary, had he been romantic with her that would've been fine. This is definitely worth mentioning as there had been sexual activity between Lana and Phil on the night of her death. There was DNA (saliva) which proved that Lana had performed fellatio on Phil, and Phil's DNA was discovered on Lana's breast. The defense called a witness to testify that Lana had been very depressed at the time of her death, and this may have been the tipping point. In the end, a couple of the jury members did have their doubts; after 12 days of deliberation a mistrial was declared.
18 months later, on October 29th of 2008, a second trial began. This trial was not the media circus which the first day been, and Phil did not have the same caliber of a defense. This time around the wealthy music mogul was found guilty of second degree murder and sentenced to 19 years to life; he is currently spending his days in the California Health Care Facility in Stockton. His health is rapidly declining, and it's said that he's not been physically capable of speaking since 2014. In 2016, after 10 years of marriage, Phil divorced his young wife. He stated that Rachelle was "bleeding him dry" with her excessive spending. She'd purchased very expensive jewellery, an airplane, a Ferrari and an Aston Martin. Rachelle had more than one plastic surgeries, bought her mama 2 nice houses, and at the time of he filed, she was in the process of getting herself a jet. All of this spending while Phil was supposed to live off the $300 a month that she placed on his books. The musician wants his daughter to control his money.
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*While researching opinions, I've found that the belief of Phil's innocence is blamed largely on David Mamet's HBO movie starring Al Pacino, "Phil Spector". This movie paints the musician in a completely innocent light, but it is not a documentary. While it's a decent film, it's just not completely factual.
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alitaimagines · 5 years
request: “so I’ve read all of your pregnancy scenarios and I was wondering if you have enough 2p! italy. I’m a whore for mafia luci and I wanted one where she runs away and he looks for her and after a year, he finds her with the baby and he decides to win her back? fluff ending tho, thanks!” 
luciano vargas (2p! Italy) x fem! reader
fandom: hetalia (Requests open)
You weren’t supposed to be wrangled into the mafia life. It wasn’t your intention at all but you had met Luciano by accident. You were out shopping for stuff that you needed for your house and met your soon boyfriend.
Luci was charismatic, funny, stoic yet approachable. You were also someone he didn’t want to let go just yet. Considering what he did for a living and how well he did it, Luci was hardly around people so innocent. He was able to tell that you weren’t exactly in tune with your surrounding and he was going to use that. 
“Amore, what do you say about dinner tonight?” Luci said as he kissed your hand. “I’ll have the best of my men prepare us dinner tonight. Say what you’ll want and I’ll have it done.” 
Luci noticed that you hesitated but a smile appeared on your face, “Sure, I’ll give you my number and text me for a time.” You whipped out a sharpie from your purse and wrote down your number on his arm. You finished the signature with a heart which made Luciano’s heart flutter. 
After a few more dates, you started putting bits and pieces together. Luciano hardly took you out on dates in the public and if he did, he’d do it with multiple people around the two of you. You didn’t want to believe that Luciano ran the fucking mafia but it would be ridiculous of you to turn a blind eye to it. 
You were getting a lot of expensive things in the mail and things that the normal commoner wasn’t able to afford. Depending on the dates, Luciano would have his brother, Flavio, make you something cute and sexy for a date. You would blush at how revealing some of the dresses were but you complied and wore them. 
Finally after the thought would not leave your head, you finally decided it was time to ask him. 
You had a date with Luciano at his house. It was planned for really late in the evening and while you didn’t mind it, you weren’t exactly in the mood to be staying up until a random hour in the night. 
You put on one of Luciano’s favorite dresses. It was a deep red dress with a slit down the middle. You paired it with black heels and dark makeup. You knew with the conversation that you were planning to have, you knew it wouldn’t be exactly right to have bright colors on. 
One of Luciano’s men drove you to his house. You were beyond the point of getting blind folded and even struck up a friendship with one of Luciano’s right hand man. He was a german boy with an accent that made it very hard to comprehend what he said at times. 
Once you got to the Vargas household, you were escorted to higher level in the house. It was the same details although this time, he was holding the date in a different room. The view outside was beautiful and you were immediately mesmerized by the sight. 
“Bella, is something wrong?” Luciano asked as he held your hand. “I could see that you hardly have touched your food.” 
You sighed, “Luciano, I really like you but I have a question. I hope it isn’t disrespectful nor rude but do you run the fucking Italian mafia? I have theories that you may considering all of the measurements you have to do to keep yourself safe in the public. This doesn’t change anything but I just can’t get the stupid thought out of my head.” 
He belted out a laugh as he stood you up, “It is something that needs to be brought, no?” 
Luciano walked you down a few flight of stairs, being a gentleman that he was, he gave you his shoes once he realized that you were getting tired. You got to the basement and noticed multiple men dressed in black suits doing various things. 
“If you’re going to be mine, you should know what I do.” And with that, he told you about EVERYTHING. How you ran the biggest mafia in Italy, what he exactly did, and now that the two of you were serious, you had a lot of secrets to hide. 
From that point on, he would take you to meetings, dates in other countries, all of that. Luciano didn’t mind having you sit down on his lap during meetings, basically as a show to other men and what they were missing out on. You found it a bit embarrassing but it did amuse you at times 
The sex was banging. He showed you sex that your ex’s wish they could have shown you. Every time it was different and it usually ended with you passed out asleep as Luciano had a cigar hanging loosely from his lips. 
One night, the two of you were celebrating a huge deal that Luciano had closed. He was over the moon excited and he ran immediately to you. The night was filled with passionate love-making and sweet nothings. It was one of the best nights of your life and Luciano was able to say the same. 
A month had passed and you were sitting on your bed as tears prickled your eyes. The pregnancy test read positive and you knew your pregnancy gut feeling was right. You did love Luciano, you really did, but you didn’t know if you wanted to raise your child in a household filled with mafia members. 
You had spoken to a wife of a mafia member and asked for her help. She told you that when she was pregnant with her first child, she left her husband for a year to raise the baby. The first year was crucial to an infant and considering the lifestyle the two of you were in, you should leave for a year. 
You followed the advice and ran away. You left a note explaining everything to Luciano along with the pregnancy test and left. The first night after not sleeping with Luciano was the hardest. 
You woke up to your twins crying from hunger. You kissed both of their heads and trudged down the stairs with them as you had already pre-made their milks. The house you were living in was complete shit compared to how you were living with Luciano but you knew the lifestyle didn’t fit the life you wanted for your babies. 
“I need to get food.  We’re almost out of vegetables!” You said as you strapped on the double-sided baby carriers. You plopped your son on the front and your daughter on the back. “We need to make the trip quick, it looks like it may rain.” 
You ran to the store around the corner and seen the familiar store manager. She waved you a good morning as you grabbed the shopping cart. For a while, you were doing your usual routine, grabbing fruits and veggies before you heard a squeal from the manager. 
You snuck around the corner and seen very familiar faces. The town knew what the mafia could do and everyone in the store as well as outside had petrified looks. 
“We mean no trouble but have you seen this woman?” Luciano’s silky voice said as he whipped out a photo of you. The manager shook her head no but you knew if you continued to hide, they’d tear down the entire store looking for you. 
You gave a big sigh before revealing yourself, “Vargas, did you really need to bring all of them?” 
Luciano ran to you and immediately kissed you. The store manager sighed in relief and slowly got back to what she was doing. Luciano immediately noticed the babies on your body and knew they were his. They both had the familiar curl and darkened colored hair. 
“Follow me.” You stated as you put the basket on the belt. As you were about to take out your card, Luciano being the clown he was, took out the wad of cash and gave the clerk more than enough money. 
As you walked out of the small store, Luciano snapped his fingers and his men grabbed the bags from your hands. By the time you made it back to your tiny apartment, your babies had fallen asleep. 
You silently laid Luciano and Laura in their respective cribs before heading back to Luciano. He was scanning the photos on the furniture. Most of them were of you and the kids but the one that struck him was the photo of you and him. He couldn’t remember when the photo was taken but he was holding you by the waist and kissing the top of your forehead as you were smiling. 
“How did you find me?” You said quietly as you shoved a small cup of coffee to him. “I never gave anyone my address.” 
Luciano laughed, “Mi amore, I know more than you think but why? Why did you leave me?” 
“Luci, you really think that our children should be raised that way?” You asked as tears threatened to escape. “Our babies deserve be surrounded by love. Not by guns and men who could snap at any moment.” 
Luciano ran a hang through his hair, “Amore, they’re my children too. I deserve to see them just as you get too.” 
Luciano had a point. You went to sit down but before he could, he pulled you down on his lap. He started to kiss down your neck knowing this always made you weak. You quietly moaned but before he could do anything else, you pushed away. 
“Luci, no. We need to talk about this.” Luciano nodded as he tightened his grip on your waist. “What if we build another house. Next door to ours and it’s strictly for our little ones. No men, just you and I. How does that sound? We could even put up a private fence.” 
You knew you were going to cave because it didn’t sound like a bad deal. You thought about it some more and as you were going answer, Luciano started to kiss your neck. 
“The babies, they’re going to wake soon and they’re going to be hungry.” You said as you jumped out of his lap and went to make them milk. Luciano wrapped his arms around your waist as he seen you pour the powder. “What are their names?” 
You smiled, “Our son, the first born, is named Luciano. Our daughter, born five minutes after, is named Laura. They’re going to be three months soon.” 
You were able to tell that Luciano was getting teary eyed on the thought that you named his son after him. Hearing the cry of your daughter, Luciano darted to the second room and seen the fragile baby crying. He picked her up, making sure the neck was stable enough, and shushed her as you got into the room. 
You gave Luciano the milk as you grabbed your son before he could start crying. Luciano looked at the three of you and smiled internally. He might have not had the ideal job for someone like you but he loved you. He was never going to let you go and now knowing that you had gave birth to his children, he was more than sure he would never let you leave again. 
“We can move your things back to our house tomorrow and get a contractor to start building us a new house as well.” Luciano stated as he carefully bent down to give you a kiss. You nodded and leaned into him as you felt your own eyes drifting off to sleep. 
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krreader · 6 years
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you all know me, there’s only a few of my scenarios that have only one genre, so if I were you I’d just read through all of them and see what you like. I tried to put each story to the genre section I thought it’d fit most!
masterlists for other idols/groups can be found here here
→ surprising you at school/uni (+ angst) 
 → soulmate!au 
 → soulmate!au - the aftermath (+ crack) 
 → youtuber!reader (+ crack) 
 → meeting you while filming bon voyage
 → meeting foreign producer!reader 
→ falling for a hufflepuff!reader - hogwarts!au (fluff)
 → falling for a gryffindor!reader - hogwarts!au (+ angst ; crack)
 → falling for a ravenclaw!reader - hogwarts!au (+ crack ; mentions of smut) 
→ falling for a slytherin!reader - hogwarts!au (+ angst ; mentions of smut) 
→ falling for a beauxbaton!reader - hogwarts!au (+ angst)
 → your kid writing a poem about why you love their father 
 → approaching you in public, when you don’t speak korean (+ crack) 
 → taking care of you when you’re on your period
 → kissing their best friend (+ crack) 
→ family day at the beach 
 → you thinking you’re not their ideal type, even though you are 
→ playfully shoving you away when you want to help them (+ crack ; smut)
 → you getting a call during tour that your boyfriend is sick/hurt (+ angst)
 → falling for their teacher - college!au / student!bts / teacher!reader (+ crack) 
→ being with their teacher - college!au / student!bts / teacher!reader (+ crack ; smut) 
→ helping you with school work (+ crack) 
 → them being your first kiss 
 → having children different ways 
 → meeting you, a friend of GOT7, at a barbecue (+ hints of angst) 
→ falling for their neighbor (+ crack)
 → taking their family to a vacation
 → cheering you up after an exam (+ angst) 
 → you being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness - the aftermath (happy ending) 
→ you dancing to one of their songs of the new album (+ angst ; crack ; smut) 
→ having to reveal your relationship during an interview
 → you joining them on tour 
 → coming home from tour 
→ spending a cold and rainy day with you (+ mentions of smut)
 → you accompanying them to the UN General Assembly (+ crack)
 → them having to convince their kid they’re okay when flying somewhere (+ angst)
 → being with you when you get your ears pierced (+ crack)
 → you taking care of them when they’re sick (+ crack) 
 → giving/receiving a massage (+ crack ; smut)
 → saying I love you for the first time 
 → randomly complimenting you 
→ talking to your baby belly 
→ winter dates (+ crack)
 → taking care of you when you’re sick 
 → you being their older sister 
 → you being their best friend since childhood (+ crack ; hints of angst)
 → meeting you, their internet friend, for the first time (+ angst)
 → other members teasing your boyfriend for being soft around you 
 → proposing to you during an interview/on a stage (+ hints of angst) 
→ waiting for the result of a pregnancy test when they have to leave for tour (+ crack ; angst) 
→ doing their daughter’s hair/make-up/nails (+ crack)
 → another member comforting you (+ angst) 
→ other members finding you and your boyfriend cuddled up together on the couch (+ crack ; mentions of smut)
 → taking part in Return of Superman (+ crack) 
→ asking actress!reader out after a show (+ hints of crack)
 → becoming insecure because of how famous you are become as an idol (+ angst) 
→ you being the blackpink maknae and meeting the boys 
 → you having to help them when their arm is broken 
→ you as their sister (pre-debut) - sister!reader
 → their nighttime routine with you 
 → your child being obsessed with their BT21 character (+ crack)
 → them as your teachers - non idol!au ; hogwarts!au (+ crack) 
→ cuddling with you (+ crack ; smut) 
→ you being an elementary school teacher and them spending a day with you at school 
 → you being a fan of a girl group and them being supportive of that (+ crack) 
→ falling for you through a partner project - non idol!au ; high school!au (+ angst ; hints of smut) 
→ helping you relieve stress (+ smut) → falling for someone they’re working with (+ angst ; mentions of smut) → learning your native language (+ crack) → making their own lullaby for your baby → asking you out after you successfully finish a collab together → making their surprise return after taking a hiatus because you’ve been sick (+ angst) → you as TXT’s older sister - + txt (+ crack) → playing with your hair → meeting you on the bachelor - bachelor!au (+ hints of angst) → you and him getting your first pet together → home date  → you, an angel, being in love with them, a demon - non idol!au ; demon/angel!au (+ angst) → comforting you before a surgery (+ angst) → telling your children your love story (+ crack) → falling for you, their newest make-up artist (+ smut ; hints of angst) → dating an “average” girl (+ angst) → your child that you raised together, despite not being together, playing matchmaker → proposing to you in the least romantic situations → saying something cute/funny when meeting their parents (+ crack) → spending New Year’s Eve with you → getting your first apartment/house → PDA
→ ruining your round of superstar bts 
 → talking to another member about your sex life and you overhearing it (+ smut ; fluff ; angst) 
 → scaring you on halloween and you accidentally slapping them (+ fluff)
 → marrying you in vegas (+ angst ; smut) 
→ them being horny, but you’re on your period (+ smut) 
→ having a sex dream about you when you’re next to them (+ smut) 
→ you meeting ghost!bts in a haunted house - supernatural!au / non idol!au (+ fluff ; hints of angst ; hints of smut) 
→ no hands challenge (+ fluff ; smut)
 → them being drunk (+ fluff) → you losing a bet and having to be their slave for a day (+ crack) → you calling them - as your best friend - to cheer you up after a bad day (+ angst) → asking another member for a condom (+ smut)
→ reconnecting with their ex girlfriends, which makes you upset (+ fluff) 
 → drunkenly cheating on you during tour
 → you being their affair 
→ meeting your racist parents
 → only realizing that they love you when you already left (+ fluff) 
 → you being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness (angst) 
→ you being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness - the aftermath (angst version) 
→ trying to win you back (+ fluff)
 → leaving for tour when they have a newborn baby at home (+ fluff) 
 → you tending to their wounds - mafia!au (+ fluff)
 → inspired by without me by halsey 
 → inspired by without me by halsey - the aftermath 
 → you being a former foster kid and other members noticing you being “clingy”(+ fluff) 
 → complaining about you behind your back and then you trying to ‘improve’ yourself (+ fluff) 
 → you watching a video of them fainting - sister + idol!reader (+ fluff)
 → frat house leader x unpopular girl - college!au (+ fluff)
 → making you feel insecure (+ fluff) 
→ BigHit forcing you two to break up, but them proposing to you instead (+ fluff)
 → telling you they’re ashamed of you/giving you a reason they never wanted to make your relationship public (+ fluff)
 → falling for someone that’s working for them - royalty!au (+ fluff) → telling you they don’t want the child you’re expecting 
→ telling you they don’t want the child you’re expecting - the aftermath (+ fluff)
 → you confessing to them, even though they’re already in a relationship
 → you confessing to them, even though they’re already in a relationship - the aftermath (+ fluff)
 → rejecting you when you ask them out 
 → rejecting you when you ask them out - the aftermath (+ fluff)
 → being forced to break up with you 
 → being forced to break up with you - the aftermath (+ fluff) 
→ confessing to you when they know you’re dying 
 → inspired by because I had you by shawn mendes 
→ chasing after you after a fight about the child you’re expecting (+ fluff)
 → running into his mean ex (+ fluff)
 → being protective of you - vampire!bts ; human!reader (+ fluff) 
→ you becoming scared of them after you witness them kill someone with a family - non idol!au ; mafia!au
 → falling for their friend with benefits 
 → your child not being happy about you wanting/having another child (+ hints of fluff and smut) 
→ pranking you and it going wrong (+ fluff ; crack)
 → surprising you in a romantic way after a hard day (+ fluff)
 → overhearing your friends telling you to break up with them for your own good (+ fluff)
 → inspired by Kiss and Make Up by Dua Lipa and BLACKPINK (+ smut) 
→ meeting each other as enemies - various au’s ; non idol!au (+ fluff)
 → meeting each other as enemies (the aftermath) - various au’s ; non idol!au (+ fluff) 
→ fighting with you because of wanting to raise your child differently (+ fluff)
 → arranged marriage - mafia!au (+ fluff ; hints of smut) → you telling them you’re pregnant, before they could break up with you (+ fluff)
 → soulmates, but from rivalry houses - hogwarts!au ; soulmate!au (+ fluff) → you comforting them after something went wrong during a concert (+ fluff) → spending one last day together → them cheating with your best friend → you being upset after planning for a trip doesn’t go as planned (+ fluff) → you being upset about them not spending time with you on your days off due to a comeback (+ hints of fluff)
→ exposing your/their kinks to other members (+ crack)
 → sleeping with you while one of their songs is playing (+ crack)
 → taking your virginity as your best friend (+ fluff ; hints of angst)
 → other members teasing you for having been too loud the night before (+ crack)
 → them being the good guy, you being the bad girl (+ angst ; fluff)
 → them being your affair and becoming jealous/possessive (+ angst ; fluff) 
→ neck kissing (+ crack ; fluff) 
→ wanting to have sex without a condom (+ fluff) 
→ being stuck in a closet with you and having a boner - non idol!au ; college!au (+ fluff) → being sexually desperate when they come home (+ crack) → morning sex (+ fluff) → eating you out while you’re doing a livestream - celebrity!reader → foreplay (+ fluff)
→ competition - + got7 / idol!reader (fluff ; angst ; crack) → regrets series - the aftermath (+ fluff) 

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tikitakafullmovie · 4 years
Tiki Taka 2020 ZEE5 Download Hindi Full Movie
Tiki Taka ZEE5 Movie Download 720p HD GDrive, Tiki Taka 2020 Hindi Full Movie Download 1080p Free, Tiki Taka 2020 Movie Watch Online Free
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IMDB Ratings: N/A Directed: Parambrata Chattopadhyay Released Date: 11 September 2020 (India) Genres: Comedy, Sport Languages: Hindi Film Stars: Parambrata Chattopadhyay, Saswata Chatterjee, Ritabhari Chakraborty Movie Quality: 720p HDRip File Size: 710MB
The up and coming parody film Tiki Taka on Zee5 is being examined via online media since the time the film's trailer was delivered on September 4. The trailer has gathered more than 1 million perspectives in only six days of its delivery. Tiki Taka on Zee5 is a variation of the first Bengali film 'Khelechi Ajguba'. Kenichi is an African footballer who has come to Bengal to meet PK, one of the mafias situated in the Indian State. The parody of mistakes starts when Khelechi meets numerous individuals on his excursion to discover PK in West Bengal. Peruse on to discover," What time does Tiki Taka delivered on Zee5?" Read | Vijay Sethupathi starrer cop-dramatization 'Sethupathi'
to debut on Zee5; check subtleties Tiki Taka delivery date is Friday, September 11. The film will be delivered on the OTT stage at 12:00 AM IST. When the film is delivered on the stage, all the ZEE5 endorsers across India will have the option to stream it. Tiki Taka on ZEE5 will be accessible to stream on various occasions as long as the watcher has a functioning membership of the OTT stage. Peruse | What time does 'Illegal Love' discharge on Zee5? Insights regarding each of the four parts Tiki Taka on ZEE5: About the film In the account of Tiki Taka when Khelechi Ajguba shows up in West Bengal he meets a taxi driver named Raju played by entertainer Parambrata Chattopadhyay.
As the two youngsters get to know each other Raju chooses to help Khelechi in his mission to discover PK. Raju likewise turns into a compatriot for Khelechi who has gone far away from his family and is attempting to comprehend life in an unfamiliar land. The part of PK in the film will be played by Bengali entertainer Saswat Chatterjee. Nonetheless, little does Raju realize the African footballer is concealing a major mystery which he will bit by bit unwind as the story advances. Peruse | 'Dark Widow' Indian redo to deliver soon on ZEE5 as indicated by Sharad Kelkar Tiki Taka is a family parody film that takes us through a story woven with comic scenes a large portion of which emerge out of the mistakes and misconceptions the characters experience.
Khelechi and Raju are the lead teams of this film, yet neither of them communicates in one another's dialect. Thus, fans will see them hurrying over the roads of Bengal, getting into more entangled circumstances the story advances. Peruse | Filmyzilla Leaks ZEE5's Latest Web Series 'Virgin Bhasskar 2' Promo Image Source: Parambrata Chattopadhyay (Instagram) Get the most recent diversion news from India & around the globe. Presently follow your preferred TV celebs and TV refreshes. Republic World is your one-stop objective for drifting Bollywood news. Tune in today to remain refreshed with all the most recent news and features from the universe of amusement.
Welcome Readers. In this article, you are going to see the new up and coming web arrangement of ZEE5 named "Tiki-Taka" which is booked to deliver on eleventh September 2020. Tiki-Taka is a forthcoming parody sport Bengali language arrangement of ZEE5 which depends on the Spanish style football match-up Tiki-Taka. This will be fascinating to watch on the grounds that the trailer of this arrangement is looking astonishing and it accompanies an intriguing story and the bearing of this film is splendid. The areas and the sets in this arrangement look astounding.
The arrangement is chosen to debut on eleventh September 2020 at around 12:00 PM IST just on the ZEE5 application. Tiki-Taka is coordinated by Parambrata Chattopadhyay and composed by Shouvik Banerjee and Rohan Ghose under the dispersion of ZEE5 Original Film and the entire shooting was done in the Kolkata, which is in India. The skilled and flexible entertainers and entertainer are Saswata Chatterjee, which shows in a lead function of the arrangement, Parambrata Chattopadhyay.
Ritabhari Chakraborty, Emona Enabula, and Bruno Venchuro. The account of this spins around an African person who comes to India and the conditions and the scene gets changed and he is pursued by certain cops. To realize the entire story remember to watch this astounding arrangement on eleventh September at 12:00PM IST just on ZEE5 Original Film. CAST: Saswata Chatterjee. Parambrata Chattopadhyay. Ritabhari Chakraborty. Emona Enabula. Bruno Venchuro.
On third September 2020, the arrangement trailer was transferred on the ZEE5 official youtube channel and inside a couple of days, it crosses around 8 Lakh sees with 1,000 preferences. On sixth September 2020, Zee5premium official Instagram posted a banner of it and expressed that "Are Raju and Khelechi outsiders or just companions who haven't met at this point? #TikiTaka debuts on eleventh September #ZEE5Premium #GoalMaal". Discussing the storyline then Khelechi, who was an African man shows up in India with a football loaded down with drugs. At the air terminal, the medication ruler's men get an inappropriate man while Khelechi goes with an extortionist, and afterward the story makes a turn, and entire the circumstance gets changed.
Appreciate this parody of blunders on ZEE5. Debuts eleventh September 2020. Till then read our different articles and follow Dekhnews and stay tuned with us.
At whatever point we've met Ritabhari Chakraborty in the recent years, 'Khelechi Ajgubi' has surfaced in discussions, with the pretty and multitalented entertainer enthusiastically anticipating the Parambrata Chattopadhyay-coordinated film. Depending on a mixed up character, the film is currently set to debut on Zee5 as Tiki Taka on September 11. A talk with Ritabhari who had twofold the motivation to celebrate — the film's delivery and the way that she got to glitz up for this meeting.
The film was at first called Khelechi Ajgubi and is presently delivering as Tiki Taka… Now the film is delivering in both Hindi and Bangla and they needed to go with a title which fits in well with a bilingual film and something that football fans, skillet India, would have the option to identify with. We named it during the lockdown. The film should have a dramatic delivery and now as a result of the current circumstance, we have needed to go for a computerized discharge. In spite of the fact that there is somewhat of a failure since you are passing up a dramatic delivery, the great part is it will contact a greater crowd.
When did you shoot it? 2018. It is Param's executive endeavor and he got truly occupied. The film additionally has a great deal of embellishments and he puts stock in flawlessness. I was continually following up. At that point the pandemic hit us. Presently when I see the yield, I feel pleased that I am an aspect of this film. It's perfect by they way it looks. I am in any event not living in an air pocket and realize what's going on out there, devour a ton of public and worldwide substance and I am glad that the substance I am related with, it's very today and upmarket and pair with the contemporary work that is occurring.
Who is Bonny, your character in the film? She is a writer, very bhola and marginally moronic however with a brilliant heart. Mon ta puro clear and mathatao khanikta clear (snickers). That is what I look like at Bonny. No savvy individual would have purchased that thought in any case. The way Param's character (Raju, a cab driver) disclosed it to her (about Khelechi Ajgubi, an African public, being a footballer) and she gets it, even while shooting it, I felt OMG! (Giggles) Param continued saying she isn't imbecilic, only a little bhola bhala.
She is from the mofussil and on the off chance that she can't break a major news and get a strong balance in the city, she'll be offered. In this way, she has a ton in question. Bonny isn't me, yet I adored playing her. I am a major aficionado of Joey from F.R.I.E.N.D.S and I have for the longest time been itching to play a stupid character. Despite the fact that Bonny isn't Joey imbecilic. Raju and Bonny kind of meet incidentally. He takes a gander at me and thinks of this arrangement. He comes selling me a phony story and I get it and what follows is the film. The entire kind of the film is interesting. A ton of entertainers feel that parody is the most troublesome kind.
What do you feel? It is troublesome in light of the fact that your planning must be correct. You need to include your own flavors which, we continued doing while at the same time shooting Ogo Bodhu Sundori (the mainstream uber sequential which saw Ritabhari become an easily recognized name). Lolita never attempted to be amusing. Same for Bonny and Raju and Khelechi. The outfit cast includes interesting amusing characters… be it Paranda (Paran Bandopadhyay), Kharajda (Kharaj Mukherjee), Kanchanda (Kanchan Mullick), or Saswatada (Chatterjee). I don't actually think satire is the hardest.
Being a persuading reprobate or vamp is the hardest without trying too hard. Unthinkable in Andhadhun isn't exaggerating anything or Priyanka Chopra in Aitraaz or state Bob Biswas in Kahaani. I figure I would need to work the hardest for that sort of a job since I am totally a white individual. Was it scaring to be encircled by entertainers who are known for their comic planning? Truly, I never feel threatened by anybody I work with on the grounds that at whatever point I step on the shooting floor, I sense that I am going to class and there are bunches of educators and there is the head instructor who will manage me. I get truly jumbled if the chief isn't arranged... I realize that the chief must be arranged with his vision. They are so easily acceptable… stunning. Furthermore, the vitality was so high on the sets. One thing I have truly detracted from the experience is to be unconstrained.
Do you follow football? No! Sports isn't my thing. In the event that I was playing, I would appreciate. Thus, I loath watching a shoot. In the event that I am shooting, I will appreciate. I went for the Mukkabaaz shoot since I respect Anurag (Kashyap) to such an extent as a chief. I was there for the peak go for two hours and afterward was chilling with my closest companion since I got so exhausted following two hours. AK is so chill and arranged with his vision. That is everything I could accumulate. Individuals figure you can truly get a great deal.
You really can't on the grounds that film-production is an entire cycle. Things being what they are, you've never really liked an athlete? Not on the grounds that how great a player he is, yet, state… (David) Beckham. I have my reasons. Take a gander at him and you will likewise have your own reasons. Anyway, did you gaze upward 'tiki taka'? I asked Maddy (Madhuja B
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365dniday · 4 years
©HD-Ver 365 DNI (365 Days) (2020) Pelicula Completa Sub Español Online
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365 DNI (365 Days) (2020) Lanzamiento: Feb 07, 2020 Duración: 116 minutos Género: Drama, Romance Estrellas: Anna Maria Sieklucka, Michele Morrone, Bronisław Wrocławski, Otar Saralidze, Magdalena Lamparska, Natasza Urbańska Crew: Barbara Bialowas (Screenplay), Barbara Bialowas (Director), Tomasz Mandes (Screenplay), Tomasz Mandes (Director), Tomasz Mandes (Producer), Tomasz Mandes (Casting)
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365 DNI (365 Days) (2020) - Drama Películas 116 minutos. . Massimo es miembro de la mafia siciliana y Laura es una directora de ventas. Ella no espera que un viaje a Sicilia salve su relación, pero Massimo la secuestrará durante 365 días para que se enamore de él. kidnapping, nudity, relationship, mature
【Kod-HD】 『หนัง 365 Days — 365 Dni』 ดูภาพยนตร์ออนไลน์ 365 Days (2020) 365 Dni [HD][พา��ย์ไทย]365 Days (2020) 365 Dni — ดูหนังใหม่ ดูหนังออนไลน์ หนังชนโรง 365 Days (2020)365 Dni | ดูหนังออนไลน์ HD ดูหนัง*หนัง !”365 Days (2020) 365 Dni 2020"! หนัง HD ออนไลน์ฟรีภาษาไทย* 365 Dni (365 Days in English) is a 2020 Polish erotic film directed by Barbara Białowas and based on the novel of the same name by Blanka Lipińska,[1] which is the first in a trilogy[2] (365 Dni, 2018; Ten Dzień, 2018; Kolejne 365 Dni, 2019).[3] The film starred Anna-Maria Sieklucka and Michele Morrone. It premiered on 7 February 2020 on Netflix in Poland, quickly gaining popularity Plot/sinopsis Five years ago, Massimo's father and his right hand man, Mario, are in meeting with black market dealers. Massimo steps away to watch a beautiful woman play on a beach nearby. After the meeting, Massimo's father suggests that his son become more serious about the family business as one day, Massimo will lead the Torricelli family. As they embrace, Massimo's father is shot from behind, piercing Massimo as well. Current day, Massimo is the leader of the Torricelli mafia. He has become ruthless and violent, and blackmails an investment company in San Francisco into paying back a bad investment with steep interest. In Warsaw, Laura Biel gains the upper hand in a meeting of executive directors for a luxury hotel, and returns to her apartment with boyfriend, Martin, feeling victorious. She tries to initiate sex with Martin, but he puts her off, claiming she needs to rest given her heart condition. As she walks away, Martin reminds her to pack their bags, as they are headed to Italy with friends to celebrate her 29th birthday. Unsatisfied, Laura masturbates in their bedroom. Meanwhile Massimo takes a private flight back to Italy. Mario tries to give Massimo advice, cautioning against brash action. Massimo brushes Mario off, and moves to the back of the plane with the female flight attendant. The mafia boss forces her to sit, and she willfully performs oral sex on him while he ignores sensual texts from a woman named Anna. Once in Italy, Martin coaxes people to sing happy birthday to Laura, to her embarrassment. A bottle of champagne is delivered to their table and Laura is surprised Martin remembered her favorite brand. He admits he didn't order the bottle, and quickly becomes distracted with pouring drinks. With Laura's best friend, Olga, taking selfies, Laura goes for a walk down a quiet lane. She runs into Massimo, whom she does not know. Disturbed, Laura moves around him to walk back to her table. When she checks behind her, Massimo has disappeared. The next day, Olga and Laura are lounging by the pool before she steps away and is kidnapped. When she wakes up, she is in an Italian villa she doesn't recognize. In a panic, she explores the home only to come across Massimo. He approaches her and shoves her into a chair. He explains that when he was shot five years ago, all he could see was Laura's face, as it is revealed she was the woman he was watching on the beach. When he recovered, he searched all over the world for her. By chance, Massimo saw Laura at the Italian airport, and knew he had to have her. He intends to keep her prisoner for 365 days, until Laura falls in love with him. When Laura threatens to escape, Massimo answers that he will have her parents assassinated. When Laura states that people will be looking for her, Massimo hands her photographs of Martin's infidelity and explains that a letter was delivered to Martin on Laura's behalf, stating she was leaving him. Laura tries to fight Massimo, but is once again shoved into a chair. He begins to caress her, explaining that he will not touch her until she permits it. Laura manages to briefly pull the gun from Massimo's waistband but Massimo manages to get the gun and pins her by her throat to the wall. When Mario and Domenico, Massimo's best friend, come into the room, Massimo orders Domenico to take her to her room. Immediately after, Massimo enters the catacombs of his estate where a man is tied to a large pedestal. Once a member of the Torricelli mafia family, he was caught selling young girls to brothels. Massimo states that the man will be erased from history for his dishonor, and orders him brought up to the garden. Laura escapes her room and also finds her way into the garden, arriving just as the man is excecuted. Shocked , Laura faints due to her heart condition and is put into bed . The following day, Massimo takes Laura on a shopping trip. She teases him throughout with expensive clothing and erotic lingerie. When Massimo forces himself into her dressing room, she angrily states if he doesn't leave immediately, it will be the last time he'll see her in lingerie. In response, Massimo pins her to the mirror by her throat, and informs her that if he pays for the garment, he will see it any time he pleases, before leaving the dressing room. Once dressed, Laura runs out into the street in an attempt to escape. She finds policemen and informs them she's been kidnapped, but when they see Massimo, they promptly leave. Massimo repeats his deal of 365 days, promising that Laura will, eventually, love him. In response, Laura demands a normal dinner, and the return of her laptop and cellphone. For dinner that night, Laura dresses in a promiscuous gown with visible lingerie beneath. Massimo briefly describes how his father died. He states he didn't have a choice in becoming the head of the Torricelli family, and asks Laura to help him. Walking to her side, he caresses her body and claims that he wants her to teach him how to be gentle. She goes to her room to find her laptop and cellphone, and calls her mother to tell her she received a job opportunity in Sicily. When she wakes in the morning, Massimo is in bed with her. Stripping naked so he can watch, she begins to shower, and is soon joined by him. She taunts him by staring at his genitals, and he approaches her, demanding why. She doesn't answer, she teases him by caressing his body and when she tries to leave the shower, Massimo grabs her by the chin and forces her against him, warning her once again not to test him. Later, Laura is fighting as she's forced onto a private jet. Inside, she has been bound to a chair. Massimo sits beside her and teases her nipple through her blouse, then unbuttons her pants and caresses between her thighs. He reminds her that he won't touch her unless she begs for it, then leaves her alone to join the other Torricelli men during the flight. Once in Rome, Laura is brought along to his meetings and continually misbehaves, irking Massimo. Back at the hotel, Laura goes to Massimo's room wearing a robe. Massimo, wearing only a towel, invites her inside. Laura teases Massimo, but when she tries to leave, finds the door locked. She demands he open it, but instead Massimo shoves her onto the bed and cuffs her wrists and ankles. Naked, he remarks on how vulnerable she is. Laura is made to watch Massimo receive oral sex from another woman who leaves promptly after. Afterwards, Massimo caresses Laura's body while she begs him to stop. Massimo stops, releases her from her restraints, and orders her to get dressed for a club they'll be visiting in a few hours. Laura arrives at the club with Domenico, who warns that Massimo will be angry about her short dress. Unconcerned, she flaunts herself for Massimo and his friends, earning his ire. He walks away to finish his meeting with a rival mafia family, but keeps an eye on Laura. When she begins to openly flirt with a man from the opposite family, the man fondles and gropes her against her will. Laura fights, and Massimo and the others draw their weapons while Laura is taken out of the club . The following morning, Laura wakes on a yacht to Mario and Massimo arguing. During the night, Massimo shot the man who had tried to rape Laura, inciting a mafia war between the two families. Mario insists that Massimo has to get rid of Laura, but Massimo refuses. Laura interrupts to apologize, she asks if he killed the man and Massimo responds telling her he shot his hands then Massimo turns his anger onto her, informing her that had she not dressed or behaved in the way she had, he wouldn't have had to kill the man. Laura, angry, tells Massimo it wasn't her fault the man tried to rape her. They argue on the upper decks of the ship, and Laura falls into the water. Massimo jumps in after her and pulls her aboard. When she wakes a little while later, Massimo admits he was scared she might not make it because of her heart condition and doesn’t want to lose her . In response, Laura performs oral sex on Massimo. The two then have sex all day long in various locations on the yacht. During a brief respite, Massimo informs Laura they will be going to a masquerade ball. At the ball, Laura meets Anna, Massimo's long-time on-again-off-again girlfriend, who insists she is the true love of Massimo's life. Back at the hotel, Laura is distraught. Massimo approaches her and they have sex. Afterwards, Massimo says he will allow her to visit Warsaw so she can see her family and has rented an apartment for her. As he leaves, he tells Laura he loves her and that he will join her after he concludes some business, likely to do with the brewing mafia war. In Warsaw, Laura waits for Massimo for days with no contact. She reconnects with Olga, who is at first angry at Laura for her disappearance until Laura explains the situation. The girls go clubbing, much to Laura's enjoyment. While at the club, Olga goes off with a man, leaving Laura alone and drunk. Martin finds her and explains he's been looking for her to apologize and explain the photographs. Martin tells her about receiving the letter, and begs her to take him back. He follows her back to her apartment where Massimo is unexpectedly waiting, and tells Martin to go. Angry at being abandoned, Laura slaps and pushes Massimo. Massimo grabs her and puts her against the window and begins to have sex with her. By the time they move to the bed Laura opens Massimo's shirt to see wounds on his torso as a result from the mafia war. Massimo asks what's wrong, to which Laura replies she loves him. The following morning, Laura awakes to find a ring on her finger and Massimo proposes. She says yes. They then go on a shopping trip for Laura's sister's upcoming wedding and have sex in the changing room. At the celebration, Laura asks Massimo to keep his "occupation" a secret from her parents. Massimo and her parents meet, and seem to get along. Back at Massimo's villa in Italy, Mario informs Massimo of rising tensions while they have been in Poland. Laura briefly mentions feeling unwell, and Massimo suggests she see a doctor, which she brushes off. They discuss their upcoming wedding that Laura's family is not allowed to attend, as she does not want them to find out what Massimo does. However, Massimo allows Olga to come as her bridesmaid. After Massimo leaves, Laura asks Mario why the man doesn't like her. Mario states that he does like her, but her relationship with Massimo has complicated matters. With Dominico as escort, Laura picks up Olga and the women have a heated discussion. Olga finds out Laura is pregnant, and is at first against the wedding as Laura and Massimo have only known each other for two months. However, Olga supports Laura and they spend the rest of the day shopping for wedding dresses. On the car ride back to the villa, Olga urges Laura to call Massimo and tell him about the pregnancy. Laura does so, and as she and Massimo are talking, Mario receives a phone call from a Torricelli informant that the rival mafia family is about to kill Laura. Laura's car enters a tunnel, but does not come out the other side. Mario rushes to find Massimo just as Laura's call drops before she can tell him about the baby. When Massimo sees the look on Mario's face, he realizes what has happened and falls to his knees. Back at the tunnel, emergency vehicles arrive. cast Anna-Maria Sieklucka as Laura Biel Michele Morrone as Don Massimo Torricelli Bronisław Wrocławski as Mario Otar Saralidze as Domenico Magdalena Lamparska as Olga Natasza Urbańska as Anna Grażyna Szapołowska as Laura's mother Tomasz Stockinger as Laura's father Gianni Parisi as Massimo's father Mateusz Łasowski as Martin Blanka Lipińska as a bride Definition and definition of film / film While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as minor characters with few roles in the film. This differs from the main actors, who have larger and more roles. As an actor and actress, good acting talent must be required that corresponds to the subject of the film in which he plays the leading role. In certain scenes, the role of the actor can be replaced by a stunt man or a stunt man. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors who play difficult and extreme scenes that are usually found in action-action films. Movies can also be used to deliver certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a person that are visualized in the film. The film itself is mostly fictional, though some are based on actual stories or on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real images or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. This is some information about the definition of film or film. The information has been cited from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful. ❍❍❍ TV FILM ❍❍❍The first television shows were experimental, sporadic programs that from the 1930s could only be seen at a very short distance from the mast. TV events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the crowning of King George VI. In Britain in 19340 and the famous launch of David Sarnoff at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the United States, the medium grew, but World War II brought development to a halt after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television, and in 1948 the popular Texaco Star Theater radio moved to become the first weekly television variety show that hosted Milton Berle and earned the name “Mr Television” demonstrated The medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 4, 1951, when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco on AT & T’s transcontinental cable and microwave relay system was broadcasting to broadcasters in local markets has been. The first national color show (the 1954 Rose Parade tournament) in the United States took place on January 1, 1954. For the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local broadcasts continued to be broadcast in black and white. A color transition was announced for autumn 1965, in which more than half of all network prime time programs were broadcast in color. The first all-color peak season came just a year later. In 19402, the last holdout of daytime network shows was converted to the first full color network season. ❍❍❍ formats and genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres TV shows are more diverse than most other media due to the variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show can be fictional (as in comedies and dramas) or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It can be current (as in the case of a local news program and some television films) or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional films). They can be educational or educational in the first place, or entertaining, as is the case with situation comedies and game shows. [Citation required] A drama program usually consists of a series of actors who play characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (with the exception of soap opera series) generally remained static without storylines, and the main characters and premise barely changed. [Citation required] If the characters’ lives changed a bit during the episode, it was usually reversed in the end. For this reason, the episodes can be broadcast in any order. [Citation required] Since the 1980s, many FILMS have had a progressive change in the plot, characters, or both. For example, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television films to have this kind of dramatic structure [4] [better source required], while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further illustrated such a structure had a predetermined story about the planned five season run. [Citation required] In 2020, it was reported that television became a larger part of the revenue of large media companies than the film. Some also noticed the quality improvement of some television programs. In 2020, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh declared the ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative: “I think these qualities are now being seen on television and people who want to see stories with such qualities are watching TV. ❍❍❍ Thanks for everything and have fun watching❍❍❍ Here you will find all the films that you can stream online, including the films that were shown this week. If you’re wondering what to see on this website, you should know that it covers genres that include crime, science, fi-fi, action, romance, thriller, comedy, drama, and anime film. Thanks a lot. We inform everyone who is happy to receive news or information about this year’s film program and how to watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can be the best partner for you to find recommendations for your favorite films. That’s all from us, greetings! Thank you for watching The Video Today. I hope you like the videos I share. Give a thumbs up, like or share if you like what we shared so we are more excited. Scatter a happy smile so that the world returns in a variety of colors. ”
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fatehbaz · 6 years
The current fear of China’s rising tech industry closely evokes the villainous depiction of Japan in ‘70s/’80s popular magazines and cyberpunk media; the tonally consistent tradition of American xenophobia against East Asia
As a sort of hobby interest, I do a lot of reading about Shenzhen, Chongqing, and Shanghai - three mega-cities and critical economic powerhouses that the Chinese establishment has used since the ‘90s as, essentially, experiments in rapid urban development with the basic intent to create hubs for computer technology industries to rival Silicon Valley. These three cities were essentially minor cities with rural agricultural hinterlands in the ‘80s, but today rank among the Top 20 most populous cities on Earth, with truly massive GDP’s, booming tech industries, thousands of start-up operations, and sophisticated architecture and transportation infrastructure. These cities - especially Shenzhen - have succeeded in rivaling the Bay Area.
There’s a lot at play - politically and socially - in how these projects were achieved (and especially fascinating is how Chongqing’s success is closely related with the city’s adoption in recent years of retro Marxist-Leninist communitarian ideals and programs). But today, I wanted to talk instead about American xenophobia and how these rapidly-growing tech hubs terrify Americans.
This week, I was watching a short-ish small-budget documentary on YouTube, which specifically explores how Shenzhen has become the “Silicon Valley of China.” Shenzhen alone hosts over 12 million people (greater than all of Chicago-land), but the city is physically contiguous with a greater urban area of 45 million people (three times metro Los Angeles-Anaheim) surpassing Tokyo and making it the most populous urban area on Earth; Shenzhen’s GDP is higher than Hong Kong, which happens to be just across a narrow strait from Shenzhen. Anyway, this YouTube documentary focused a bit on how the low-income residents of the otherwise highly-gentrified Shenzhen have become famous in Asia for their extremely passionate entrepreneurial spirit and penchant for re-purposing used and discarded tech parts to create homemade off-brand computer tech to sell at street markets. The narration also mentions how these tech wizards - and the more wealthy tech start-up workers - are able to establish themselves partially because they are not prosecuted for (re-)appropriating American inventions. Many jealous American tech workers allege that Shenzhen start-ups are “infringing on the intellectual property rights” and patents of American corporations.
And let me tell you, these (what I assume must be) young white American guys in the comment section are livid. Just, there is a stunning amount of comments that look like “Shenzhen only has a high GDP because they’re STEALING American intellectual property” or “yea, maybe they’re good engineers, but it was GENIUS AMERICAN MEN who came-up with the code” and “Americans did the hard part, the Chinese are just good at mass-production and cheap knock-offs.”
That last accusation is important: the concession that “China is good at mass production and efficiency” but “Americans are the real innovators who made it possible.”
“It’s not fair that China gets to profit off of technology that American heroes like Mr. Zuckerberg-Bezos McPeter-Thiel came-up with first!”
And these same tropes - “East Asians are frighteningly efficient, but Americans are smarter” - should sound very routine to anyone familiar with American xenophobia in the ‘70s and ‘80s.
So, this is all to say that I was reminded of a nice passage from one of my all-time favorite pieces of cultural commentary, which is Nicola Nixon’s classic “Cyberpunk: Preparing the Ground for Revolution or Keeping the Boys Satisfied?” Nixon’s 1992 article discusses how all the hype that cyberpunk as a literary genre was receiving for being woke and “revolutionary” was not totally justified, at least for parts of the genre; a lot of cyberpunk at the time celebrated the Ayn Rand-style American, individualistic “cowboy-ism” of its male protagonists and included a lot of half-assed women characters. These shallow tropes were especially emphasized in the parts of the genre made for mainstream, popular consumption. Nixon, in the article, also clearly traces how radical feminist utopian science fiction of the 1970s paved the way for the kind of social wokefulness that cyberpunk would later claim.
Nixon’s article takes a momentary aside to address American (and Canadian) anti-Japanese xenophobia during the ‘70s and ‘80s, and how popular cyberpunk stories pitted American exceptionalism and rugged individualism against Japanese corporations. Nixon even suggests that Japanese congolmerates were subtextually conflated with “femininity” to make them even more threatening.
Here’s the fun passage:
Indeed the Yakuza is the paradigm for all the other Japanese megacorporations which appear regularly in Gibson’s texts: a collective construct which conflates the tight familial bonds of the Italian-American mafia with the equally tight employer-employee bonds of the frighteningly efficient Japanese industries. It is the latter which formed the subject of endless documentaries and business-magazine articles throughout the ’80s because their corporate practice presented the most substantial threat to American-style capitalism America had yet experienced.12
American xenophobia and isolationism, particularly with regard to the Japanese scientific and economic invasion, manifested itself in the media through such scare tactics as Andy Rooney’s piece on 60 Minutes (Feb. 5, 1989), which portentously identified various historic American monuments as Japanese owned! And 48 Hours presented a piece called "America for Sale" (Dec. 29, 1988), in which various reporters, including Dan Rather, emphasized American objections to Japanese ownership of American real estate and industry. Amorphous Japanese collectives clearly posed a threat to the land of the free entrepreneurial spirit. This is surely the fear underlying the (defensive?) mockery and ridicule attending representations of Japanese tourists, traveling in tightly-knit groups, sporting extremely expensive, high-tech photographic equipment. If Canada as a whole did not reflect precisely the same degree of anti-Japanese paranoia being played out in America, British Columbia, Gibson’s home, betrayed more conflict about Japanese investment than most parts of the country. In the early and mid-’80s, in the midst, that is, of British Columbian Premier William Bennett’s open-door policy to Pacific Rim investment, reactions to Japanese tourists and potential investors were mixed: their infusion of capital into the flagging B.C. economy was indeed welcomed, and yet their actual ownership of luxury hotels, real estate, and various natural-resource companies (the forestry industry in particular) was both attacked and feared as being, ironically, merely a reenactment of past American practice.
If we examine Gibson’s texts within the context of such conflicting interests, we see the degree to which he deliberately avoids any form of simplistic anti-Japanese paranoia or its attendant racism and ethnocentrism. And yet Gibson’s Japanese conglomerates, in their collective and familial practice, nevertheless form the implicit antagonistic counterpoint to the individualist heroes. The bad guys in Gibson are, after all, the megacorporations—Ono Sendai, Hosaka, Sanyo, Hitachi, Fuji Electric. The good guys are the anarchic, individualistic, and entrepreneurial American heroes: independent mercenaries and "corporation extraction experts" like Turner, console cowboys like Case, Bobby Newmark, Gentry, Tick, and the crew at the Gentleman Loser who jack in and out of the global computer matrix with unparalleled mastery. In Williams’ Angel Station (1989), Bossrider Ubu traverses the galaxy, roping in black holes. In Sterling’s Islands in the Net, American Jonathan Gresham, the self-styled "post-industrial tribal anarchist" (388), rides his "iron camel" through the "bad and wild" African Sahara—one of the few places free of the global Net—and eventually saves the hapless but earnest Laura Webster. The cowboys in Gibson, Williams, and Sterling are heroes who represent, as Williams suggests in Hardwired, the "last free Americans, on the last high road" (10). It seems telling that the American icon of the cowboy, realized so strongly in Reaganite cowboyism, the quintessence of the maverick reactionary, should form the central heroic iconography in cyberpunk.
Cyberpunk’s fascination with and energetic figuration of technology represents the American cowboy as simultaneously embattled and empowered. In ’80s America the Japanese megacorporations did dominate the technological market, but the cowboy’s freedom and ingenuity allow him to compete purely on the level of mastery. The terms of such a competition—Japanese pragmatism and mass production versus American innovation and ingenuity —seem precisely analogous to those of a familiar American consolatory fiction: that free enterprise and privately funded research and development in science and technology have produced in America the most important technological innovations of the 20th century, innovations which the Japanese have simply taken, pirated, and mass produced, thus undercutting the very American market which encouraged their discovery and making it financially difficult for the neophyte technological wizards to get corporate funding. In Interview’s special "Future" issue (1988), almost adjacent to Victoria Hamburg’s interview with Gibson, there appeared an article titled "Made in Japan," which confirmed for the American readership that the Japanese did not "initiat[e] new ideas" (Natsume, 32) and reassured it about the benign nature of the new products coming out of Japan: micro-thin televisions, special low-water-consumption washing machines, camcorders with RAM cards, auto-translation machines—non-essential but nice, unthreatening appliances.13 Computer and technological innovation would still come from American silicon valleys, would still be, by implication, "Made in America." In Gibson’s novels the console cowboys use expensive Hosaka and Ono Sendai cyberspace decks, but such mass-produced technology is always customized and enhanced, its performance and capabilities augmented by the cowboys’ more inventive, finer ingenuity.
In effect, the exceptionally talented, very masculine hero of cyberpunk, with specially modified (Americanized) Japanese equipment, can beat the Japanese at their own game, pitting his powerful individualism against the collective, domesticated, feminized, and therefore impenetrable and almost unassailable Japanese "family" corporations. After all, in the world of the microchip, small is potentially powerful.
Nicola Nixon. “Cyberpunk: Preparing the Ground for Revolution or Keeping the Boys Satisfied?” 1992 - Science Fiction Studies. https://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/57/nixon57art.htm
This right here:
The terms of such a competition—Japanese pragmatism and mass production versus American innovation and ingenuity —seem precisely analogous to those of a familiar American consolatory fiction: that free enterprise and privately funded research and development in science and technology have produced in America the most important technological innovations of the 20th century, innovations which the Japanese have simply taken, pirated, and mass produced, thus undercutting the very American market which encouraged their discovery and making it financially difficult for the neophyte technological wizards to get corporate funding. 
In this passage, you could replace mentions of the Japan of 1992 with the China of 2018 instead, and you’d be describing exactly the comments of and contextualizing proposed by American xenophobes criticizing current Chinese tech development and mass production.
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I just had this awesome dream where Jim and Strickler kept having to work together (from Trollhunters) and eventually had to bring Barbara in for back up, and sometimes Toby was there too and Merida from Brave was also a person of interest, as was Vector from Despicable Me.
At one point Jim and Toby wanted to sneak into Strickler's hotel room but Strickler caught them and said "if you wanted my advice, all you had to do was ask. If you want to defeat the Broad family and take back the child (Merida was a lil 4 year old they were trying to rescue for all different reasons) than I suggest burning their plant to the ground. That will smoke them out, I believe." And they argued about how violent or necessary it was, but they went with Strickler's plan.
They were trying to open Strickler's safe so they could get at his special matches, and Strickler kept repeating the hella complicated pattern code, but Jim kept forgetting a key step.
Sidebar, but one of Strickler's nicknames in my dream was "Jade", and they'd been calling Strickler Jade mostly up to this point.
Jim got really frustrated at the lock and said "why dont you just do it, dad?!" And stomped off.
Then he realized he said DAD instead of JADE and he got suuuuuper embarrassed. Obv Strickler noticed. But he grabbed a plastic fork and resolved to stab him if he brought up the dad/jade thing.
They went and burned the plant. Then returned to the massive hotel where every person of interest was staying and tried to get the baby away from the family. The older members got the call their factory was burning and left Merida in the charge of the younger (but still like not also kids) Broad members.
There was a diverse, giant meeting of minds conference happening at the hotel. They had to dodge all of that while having their almost tug of war "save the kid!" With the others. They got her eventually.
But Jim still needed Strickler's help. They actually got caught on a mission to this dystopian type factory on accident. Like they werent supposed to be on mission yet, but the owners of the factory caught them while they were scoping the place out discreetly in Strickler's fancy car. Got implicated in both a kidnapping (that they witnessed with their own eyes as more kids kidnapping the workers and leaving behind boxes of something on a single wheelchair, which had blocked their exit) and worsening productivity (a higher crime to the despicable higher ups).
Also every time a character died they regenerated in a few hours. That's a pretty key thing to note here.
So they were captured. Brought to questioning.
Also important: I was shifting between a watchful third person pov and Jim's pov, so sometimes I was Jim and sometimes I was just watching. (Only once did I shift to Barbara, and that was when Jim was the one who died for the plan that night, while Strickler and Barbara carried it out. Barbara was helping Strickler stretch before the mission that had so far been a failure for 10 nights in a row, and he was sore from regenerating so often. They were talking and laughing against one of the giant train -ish metal storage units. Like theyd have down by the docks. She was mostly focused on the help, but 'helped herself ' to a good look at Strickler's backside while she did so, realized what she was thinking about a little guilty when they were here for a bigger reason, and snapped out of it. Strickler didn't quite see it but he hoped she would and they were both pretty happy about it overall)
In questioning they were at first together, then broken apart, then put together again. Jim and Strickler were trying to stick together so a rescue op later wouldn’t be as necessary. The whole moment of being forced to stop holding arms or something. It was good. Jim was silent in interrogation. Strickler made vague, unsettling jokes and threats and the questioners quickly threw them back into the one interrogation room, for the main boss to talk to them.
Strickler peeked out the blinds and grinned, slowly, and the main boss pushed him aside as he went to check the window. Strickler came to stand behind Jim, silently urged him to stand, and they backed toward the door. The boss was standing by the window in shock.
Hundreds of people on bicycles were overtaking the compound. In various shades of blues, yellows, greens, and one red man, Vector, who didn’t even like Strickler, yet came to his aid as the rest of them did, pedaling away, then scaling the building, rattling the doors, causing general mayhem. They were shown the door and released.
Strickler and Jim grinned and whooped once they were out. Strickler changed into khaki shorts and a purple Hawaiian shirt and green glasses with pineapples on them (see: Gravity Falls for the look) and celebrated with his friends that had come to wreck the place. 
Their original purpose was achieved. But they realized there was something worse happening inside. Later the security was tighter and the beings they’d brought in to guard it were powerful. Most of his friends tailgated outside the gates and that’s where Jim found Strickler again.
He told him he needed his help to finish the job. The mission. Strickler changed back and agreed. 
Each time they tried to sneak in over the toxic river or between the storage stacks, but once they got to the inner playground, they were stopped by the fearsome beings, killing them, forcing a regeneration.
Dogs, of various shapes and sizes (the smallest was barely 8 inches tall, the largest was bigger than a mastiff or st. bernard, idk which is bigger) that bit you in the butt and dragged you backward, flinging you from this realm and into the regeneration state, where you always would awake just outside the compound’s gates. 
They tried many different types of bait to get around it, but they couldn’t. They died each time. They eventually brought Barbara in (cue the scene described above, on a night she killed Jim before the mission as to try and be an in too the compound, but it didn’t work).
The dream was unresolved in terms of “did they ever get what they were after” and Idk if they ever got in. But in between all the serious stuff was some seriously funny and good moments. Absolutely none of it is really from the show (except for Strickler and Barbara flirting, I guess, lol) but like. It was so flipping fun to wake up from this one.
Strickler and Jim were allies. He accidentally called him dad and then threatened to stab him with a plastic fork if it was ever brought up again. Everybody called Strickler “barrel” as a nick-name and in-dream-universe it made sense so he sighed but rolled with it. Jim did some morally questionable things. Everybody rode bikes everywhere except Strickler had a maserati or something. Strickler had green eyes and a green changeling form so everybody also nicknamed him Jade. Barbara and Strickler had a cute flirting moment before dying again for the mission.
It was just. It was a lot and it was so much fun! Plus Merida was a toddler that Jim and Toby and Strickler had to save from basically the mafia of Arcadia while at a diversity conference celebrating the greatest minds from around the world.
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