puckywucky · 2 months
yea i play the bass [wet slapping noises]
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cafecitoeddie · 4 months
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luyo-mi · 1 year
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realbylershit · 7 months
Something something about Robin, Mike and Will having scenes together something something about Jonathan already knowing there is something going on between the two something something about Robin being observant and noticing stuff something something about that one specific leak of Jonathan and Robin being closer next season
something something about Nancy thinking Robin and Steve have a thing in season 4 something something about Jonathan and Robin bonding which could have her jealous something something about Robin coming out to Jancy?
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drag00ni · 11 months
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He is one spiteful angry little guy
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starvedvampire · 1 year
imagine being a vampire and deeply longing for someone’s blood so that when you finally get to drink it, you’re inevitably overwhelmed by it. and it’s so strong and their scent is sinful and the decadent sounds they’re making all make up a sensory orchestra and you can’t help but strengthen your hold on them, grabbing their hips, neck, shoulders harder because holding on to them feels like keeping yourself from tipping off the edge of a cliff. and before you know it you start grinding on them because it’s just too much it’s all too much and you think maybe a little friction might help with this burning sensation that’s consuming your entire being to the point you can’t think anymore the only thing on your mind being how soft they feel and how exquisite it is to have their thrumming heartbeat at the tip of your tongue.
and then you finally let go and you stagger back trying to remember where and who you are and you look back at them and surprisingly they are walking towards you with a lazy grin (you worry you drank too much). they only look up at you, put a hand at the meeting of your thighs and tell you you better finish what you started🩸
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roguedoodles · 1 year
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Working on some kinktober doodles and for week one we have Dream unable to help himself while taking a bath 😌
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spookykestrel · 11 months
If anyone has keloid treatment suggestions I’m all ears 🙏👂
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bldmnrises · 1 year
@vigilantdesert !
there were many reasons a zora could never travel to the valley of the gerudo. one could simply dry up and wither away under such an intense sun, or perhaps it was the very lack of water that prevented them that exposure to hydration that could allow oversight. in sidon's case, it seemed all too clear to him as he opened his arms to the chieftain in kind, walking alongside her through the field of central hyrule.
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" how extraordinary!-- so if i were to somehow arrive at your gates, i would be denied? " to think, royalty of a neighboring nation could be so easily declined simply for their gendered role. it certainly made sidon rethink things, especially with how he perceived himself. masculinity was suddenly a sin far too prevalent, or perhaps that was the provoking thought on behalf of the gerudo? mind boggles and swims about like a beached fish, desperate for answers and the chance to breathe calm once more.
" is there any chance you could further explain, urbosa? "
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Dark Forest Resident: Isopodbrain
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Aliases / Nicknames: Isopod  
Gender: tom  
Sexuality: homosexual
Family: Milky (mother), Brokenpond (father), Mira (aunt), Frozenpounce, Boulderrun (brothers), Lilactail (sister
Other Relations: n/a  
Clan: N/A
Rank: rogue  
Characteristics: small, skinny, sweet and talkative, Devon Rex, collects feathers  
Number of Victims: 2 
Number of Murders: 2 
Murder Method: poisoning, asphyxiation, stuffing feathers and foxglove into prey, clawing eyes
Known Victims: unknown cat, Boulderrun  
Victim Profile: the infected, his brother  
Cause of Death: asphyxiation, choking  
Cautionary Tale: N/A  
Isopodkit was found at the border, abandoned.  
He was considered scrawny, and his fur was too short to survive Leaf-bare.  Brokenpond wanted to leave him, but his kits begged their parents to take in the scared kit. And so, the absurdly tiny cat was taken in. He grew up with his siblings, who had apparently left the Clan when the sickness plague hit.   
Milky and Brokenpond had taken their kits and raised them as rogues. Growing up, he resented the teasing from kittypets and loners about how he was more of a mouse than a cat due to his small size. His brother supported him when the teasing turned to outright attacks.   
He felt pathetic. He couldn’t even fight a bunch of kittypets. Isopodpaw hated them. He constantly talked about how much they annoyed him, how mean they were.   
It was after he hissed at a Kittypet kit that his mom sat him down, and Milky confessed to him that she had been a Kittypet. He was so guilty he ran out.   How could he have said those things?   
He ran through the forest and fell into a ditch. He yowled for help, waiting for hours. The forest grew dark, and he shivered from the cold. He kept repeating that his brother would come for him, growing more desperate. Like always, his brother was there to pull him out.   
Boulderpaw was furious, and yelled at him about how he was reckless and useless. He instantly apologized to Isopodpaw, reassuring him that he wasn’t and that he was just stressed.   
When he got home, he cried and cried that he was sorry. And Isopodpaw broke. 
He didn’t talk much for weeks, barely leaving the den to do more than collect feathers. Isopodbrain didn’t realize how lucky they were to have taken him in until he saw his first infected. 
Its mouth was frothing, and its body was… rotting, and it rank of maggots. He didn’t even find out its name, his brother shoving him up a tree. They had waited for hours for it to go away, the cat scratching at the trunk in desperation to get at them.   
To their horror, it managed to climb up, its jaws snapping a tail-length away from them. Isopodbrain reached out in a panic, sinking his claws into its eyes, and it yowled a horrid scream that would repeat in his head for days. It fell back, and he heard a crack. Its body twitched, and went limp.   
Boulderrun carried him by the scruff back to camp, both in shock. 
He’d killed someone.   
He was skittish after that, but because they’d proved they could take care of themselves, he was finally allowed out alone for a short trip to Twolegplace.   Over the past few weeks, the kittypets stopped attacking him. Mostly. Bodies were being found in allyways, necks ripped apart.    
He shook his head to clear his thoughts, and continued on the path to the Twoleg dens to find his brother. 
His trip went well, and he had a fun time hopping from fence to fence. He had paused to look at a cool flower below him, and felt claws dig into his tail, yanking him down.
He screamed and screamed as his tail was clawed, exposing bone. He was slammed against the ground, and felt dizzy. The large rogue wasn’t infected, though. It snarled at him that this was what he would get from killing the Kittypets, and Isopodbrain had gaped in confusion.   
He’d felt so dizzy from the pain, only glimpsing his brother on top of the fence before he squeezed his eyes shut. He heard his brother call down that he was the one they were looking for, and he felt sick. Boulderrun had killed all the kittypets? His sweet, protective brother?   
The claws removed from his tail, and he heard them tumble around in the yard for a few moments before he heard choking and gargling. He shivered, frozen in shock of the news and worried that his brother might be hurt.  
He was going to die, and his brother was dying. But, after a few moments, Boulderrun tapped his shoulder, and helped pull Isopodbrain to his feet. He was carried home, where his tail had to be amputated because of the damage. It took a long time to heal, and he began to recognize herbs quite easily.   
There was a lot of time to think. Every time his brother went out, was he killing someone? When he came home smelling of rogues, were they dead too?   When Mira the Kittypet had kits, they all went to meet them. Mira and Milky had been littermates, and the four kits were healthy, squirming at their mother’s belly.   
While their mothers talked, his gaze shifted to his brother, who was looking at the kits. Isopodbrain knew, right then and there, that his brother wanted to kill them.   
When they were home, he acted quickly. He stuffed as many feathers and foxglove into his prey as possible, and that night when Boulderrun started choking, his mouth frothing, his family panicked.   
They waited warily for an attack, assuming he’d been infected. But he only collapsed, and Isopodbrain ignored his families’ warnings as he pressed himself against Boulderrun’s side while he died, his head resting on Boulderrun’s back.   They stayed like that until the body grew cold, and Isopodbrain felt sick to his stomach.   
He had to do it.   
But as his mother turned over the prey, seeing the foxglove and feathers, she knew it was him, and a wave of guilt hit him.   
His head spun, and he impulsively bit into the prey, and stared choking on the feathers. His mom tried to help him, but it was too late.  
Additional information:   
--Submission by @wills-woodland-warriors
--Should he belong in the Dark Forest, considering he only killed a mass murderer and an infected, which would have died a painful death few hours later anyway?
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*looks at the wip that i took just over a year to update after saying “the next chapter should be out in a couple weeks” on ao3*
Yeah, im a bit of a PROcrastinator myself XD
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gr4cel4nd2 · 1 year
this wasn’t supposed to be a blog of just me thirsting over oscar isaac and fab moretti but here we are
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hansoeii · 1 month
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the honda odyssey, huh?
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nb-marceline · 2 months
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(full article here)
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muffinlance · 5 months
My baby daughter got her adorable puffin-print dress absolutely CAKED in mud crawling around the yard and my first thought was "oh no her beautiful dress"
And my second thought was "oh huh it really WOULD be easy to unconsciously steer her away from playing in the dirt. Unlike my son, whose outfits are usually some kind of solid dark easily washed pants plus a shirt that doesn't trail in the dirt like a dress does."
Anyway something something gender roles start getting shoved on kids from literal birth, but with a little time to think about things, YOU TOO can let your children of any gender absolutely destroy their clothes in the dirt pit they're digging in your garden
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tariah23 · 8 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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