#Veganes essen
indischwindisch · 1 year
Chickpea, Spinach and Potato Curry with Quinoa (Vegan)
This meal is a perfect example of how a delicious and wholesome meal can be budget friendly. It's easy to make and requires only ingredients from any the basic grocery store.
This meal is a perfect example of how a delicious and wholesome meal can be budget friendly. It’s easy to make and requires only ingredients from any the basic grocery store. Eating Healthy On a Budget Today I am starting a series “Eating Healthy On a Budget” sharing meals that you can make with ingredients costing under 2€. This series is especially designed for students and busy people who do…
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santmat · 3 days
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Read for free online, The Lost Religion of Jesus: Simple Living and Nonviolence in Early Christianity, by Keith Akers: https://archive.org/details/lostreligionofje0000aker/mode/2up
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lacebird · 2 months
Okay lads, in case anyone is going to German comic con in Essen this year, here's some information about the event. I emailed them some questions I had and thought it might be a good idea to share.
Here's what they said about...
Bag policy: "You are welcome to bring a bag"
Schedule for meet and greet & panels: "The schedule will be posted one to two weeks before the event. It shows who is doing the panels, when the photo shoots and meet and greets are."
Autograph signings: "The autograph times are not listed. The guest signs autographs between the times." (in between panels and photo ops I'm guessing)
Vegan food options at the venue: "I cannot say whether there will be vegan food and I also cannot say whether there are restaurants nearby that offer it." (Any vegans on here that have suggestions on places to eat are welcome to add to this post!)
Card payments at the event: "Since the internet is not that good in the hall, our EC card devices will not work, so it is best to have cash with you."
Water stations: "There are no water stations at the event where you can fill up your bottles."
Reblog to spread the word!
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mylyn9 · 1 year
My Lyn
MYLYN Restaurant Asian Cuisine & Sushi is the best sushi restaurant in Baden-Baden. We offer typical Japanese dishes such as sushi, sashimi, tempura with teriyaki. We also offer Thai food like Pad Thai or Vietnamese Pho Soup!
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Welcome to MYLYN Asian Cuisine & Sushi restaurant! What does it take to come up with the perfect restaurant? Take 25 years of experience, add the finest and freshest ingredients, and fuse with inspiration and passion to create the finest dishes that appeal to all five senses. The result is MYLYN! MYLYN baden baden Asian Cuisine & Sushi restaurant is an exciting Asian restaurant destination located in a neighborhood near you!
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felixthiedemann · 2 years
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Three special meals this week. Very delicious vegan food… of receipts I would never have expected to work vegan. #vegan #homecooking #essen #kochen #felixathome (hier: Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgUwunmoRVwwTiXpPIReJsna4DVBuRXvx-oRqU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sophiiapro · 2 years
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Suuuuuper schnell gemacht & mega lecker! 🤤 Perfekt für heiße Sommertage! 🌞
Nährwerte für ALLES: 383kcal - 20g E - 52g KH - 9g F
▶️ ZUTATEN: 60g Couscous 100ml passierte Tomaten 50ml Wasser 1 Tomate 50g Gurke 30g Mais 50g light Feta Salz, Pfeffer 1 Knoblauch Zehe
Die Passierten Tomaten und das Wasser aufkochen, vom Herd nehmen und den Couscous darin 10min quellen lassen und würzen. Dann das Gemüse und den Feta klein schneiden. Alles zusammen in eine Bowl geben und genießen!
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zweigabeln · 22 days
Cremiges Avocado-Risotto – Ein grünes Geschmackserlebnis
🥑🌿 Entdeckt unser cremiges Avocado-Risotto! Ein einfaches Gericht, das mit frischen Avocados und einem Hauch von Basilikum verfeinert wird. Perfekt für ein nährstoffreiches Dinner. #AvocadoRisotto #EinfachKochen
Einleitung zu Cremigem Avocado-Risotto Das cremige Avocado-Risotto ist eine innovative Variante des klassischen italienischen Gerichts und bietet eine cremige Textur sowie eine reiche Geschmackstiefe. Die Avocado verleiht dem Risotto nicht nur eine wunderschöne grüne Farbe, sondern auch eine butterartige Konsistenz, die perfekt mit dem zarten Arborio-Reis harmoniert. Dieses Gericht ist ideal für…
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heartofcourage · 2 months
Wenn du nichts gegen Tierleid sagst, schreibst oder machst, für die Schwächeren & die Stimmenlosen, bedeutet das, für jede kluge Person um dich herum, dass du für die äußerste Brutalität an Tieren bist. Allen voran dann, wenn du Dritte dafür bezahlst für ihren Diebstahl von Muttermilch & dafür das sie den Schwächeren die Kehle durch schlitzen.
Dass, wird zunehmend unangenehmer, inmitten der Gesellschaft & für deine eigene Intelligenz.
Die Meerjungfrau Soldatin &
Die Regen Königin
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pane-bistecca · 5 months
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guenstigkochen · 5 months
Mit diesem Tipp läute ich das Blogger-Jahr 2024 auf guenstig-kochen.at ein 🥰
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indischwindisch · 1 year
Arugula-Grapes Salad
This side salad has been our current everyday favourite. It goes well with almost all kinds of dishes.
This side salad has been our current everyday favourite. It goes well with almost all kinds of dishes. Fun Fact I have never had arugula until I came to Germany about 12 years ago. Arugula doesn’t grow in India, and hence it isn’t available ( at least not in the small town where I come from). My first encounter with it in Germany was when I ordered a pizza and there were a few arugula leaves…
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santmat · 10 months
The Vegetarian Christians of Early Christianity - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast
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One thing that might be rather surprising to most people that can be learned by doing a study of the gospels, acts and other literature of the Hebrew Christians -- the Ebionites -- the Christianity that Existed Before Paul -- is that, rather than some imagined Sunday school notion of a fish market in the village of Galilee being operated by the disciples of Jesus, there is significant evidence that the Original Jesus Movement and well-known apostles became vegetarians. And furthermore, this vegetarianism of the disciples and Jesus Movement is fairly widely known and mentioned by the early church fathers. It's not that this information is coming from recently discovered writings dug up in the Middle East. Rather, these are old texts that have been with us since the early days of Christianity but didn't seem all that meaningful and significant to a pro-meat carnistic population. Vegetarians however would indeed be most interested finding this out! (Peace be to you)
The Vegetarian Christians of Early Christianity - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Listen and/or Download @:
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& @ Wherever You Subscribe and Follow Podcasts (Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon, Audible, PodBean, Overcast, Jio Saavan, iHeart Radio, Podcast Addict, Gaana, CastBox, etc...):
"Jacobus [James], the brother of Jesus, lived of seeds and vegetables and did not accept meat or wine." (Saint Augustine)
"The consumption of animal flesh was unknown up until the great flood. But since the great flood, we have had animal flesh stuffed into our mouths. Jesus, the Christ, who appeared when the time was fulfilled, again joined the end to the beginning, so that we are now no longer allowed to eat animal flesh." (pro-vegetarian early church father Hieronymus [St. Jerome] who apparently read the Gospel of the Hebrews and was influenced by Ebionite views)
"Sacrifices were invented by men to be a pretext for eating flesh." (Clement of Alexandria)
"The steam of meat meals darkens the spirit. One can hardly have virtue if one enjoys meat meals and feasts. In the earthly paradise [Eden], no one sacrificed animals, and no one ate meat." (Saint Basil the Great)
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Sant Mat Radhasoami
A Satsang Without Walls
#veganchristian #christianvegans #christianvegan #veganjesus #SpiritualAwakening #SpiritualAwakeningRadio VeganPodcast #vegan #govegan #vegetarian #SpiritualityPodcast #Podcasts #Essene #Essenes #Religion #ReligionPodcast #Apocrypha #SantMat #Sant_Mat #Radhasoami #Satsang #Radhaswami RadhaSoamiJi #Radha_Soami #ScienceOfSpirituality #Spirituality #Meditation #Mystics
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Kürbis ist in dieser Jahreszeit nicht wegzudenken! Unser Kürbisaufstrich mit Frischkäse wird aus wenigen Zutaten zubereitet, schmeckt hervorragend als Brotaufstrich oder wertet jede Vorspeise auf. Der Kürbisdip ist durch die pflanzliche Frischkäsealternative dazu übrigens auch noch vegan!
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official-knorke · 10 months
I believe in Mettigel Surpremacy. Metiggel ist die Krone der Schöpfung
Ich muss leider sagen, ich bin da voll bei dir. Ich esse zwar keine tierischen Produkte, aber ich find die Idee von rohem Fleisch in der Form von nem Tier, was selbst net gegessen wird, so unglaublich grotesk. Ich find das super.
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alltagsinfo · 1 year
5 einfache Tipps für eine nachhaltige Ernährung
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Erfahre sie hier -> https://alltagsinfo.de/5-einfache-tipps-fuer-eine-nachhaltige-ernaehrung-so-schonen-sie-die-umwelt-und-ihre-gesundheit/…
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ronnyskochshow · 1 year
Milch-Saure Fermentation: Mache deinen eigenen extra-cremigen Joghurt
Wer sich liebt, is(s)t gesund und "kocht" selbst!
Besorg dir ein Glas, oder besser 2, die 20% mehr fasst, als du täglich Joghurt isst Bereite dir deine Lieblingsmilch zu, oder kaufe welche ein. Du kannst z.B. einfach Buchweizen einweichen, oder keimen lassen und pürieren Die nötigen Bakterien sind eigentlich bereits in der Luft. Wenn du eine geöffnete Milch dunkel stehen lässt, sollte daraus bereits Joghurt entstehen. Du kannst, um ganz sicher…
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