pennamenotfound · 2 years
I love that, when the twins are fucking thrown into Syngorn, not prepared for that, and, oh no, we have to reveal our relationship to our fucking father that we hate (Vax) and have really complicated emotions towards (Vex) and oh, yeah, by the way, he has a full-elf daughter now. Your half sister.
And immediately.
With barely any conversation.
Vex and Vax completely accept her. They embrace her. They say, you call us Vex and Vax. Oh, Father said we’d never come back? And miss the chance to meet you? A travesty.
And it just highlights the difference between them and their father. They embrace their new family. He rejects them. 
God I love Velora. I love that the twins love Velora. *chef’s kiss* well done 
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vampiremeerkat · 2 years
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Whitewashed Scubbadubba kills melanined Shag.
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fire-of-the-sun · 2 years
Vax with Vex, Keyleth and Velora:
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Vax with Percy:
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namig42 · 7 months
random OC ask: say your OC is a love interest (in BG3 or a relationship-heavy game format of your choosing) — what does their first romance or "deepening the relationship" cutscene look like?
Strap in because this is going to be a loooong post. I could make a whole write up for each of these interactions with how intricate they are and my process behind each one. It may even be fun to do another post exploring what their character arc would be if they were proper companions in a BG3 run instead of just a Tav/Durge character.
These are all written with the idea that each of them are companions in your party during a standard BG3 run. There's still the same premise of the threat of tadpoles and the Absolute, so there's some common ground that the love interest (you) has with each of the members immediately to bring them together.
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Wyndolyn will approach you early on in the evening and ask if you'd like to take a walk with her later on when everyone else is asleep. If you agree, then she'll wait for you by the edge of camp that night before leading you down to the river. As you walk in the moonlight along the bank, she'll open up to you a bit and take you to a spot that reminds her of happier days. She smiles a bit more and her face softens as she tells you about one of her sillier memories from when she first used to run off into the woods outside Baldur's Gate. She laughs a bit at how dumb she was, and comments that she probably isn't much brighter now. She meets your gaze for a moment, then turns her eyes to the river. She proceeds to wade into the water a bit and grabs a stone to give to you. It's a smooth, round stone that fits well in your hand. "I always like to keep something like this in my pocket because it makes me feel at home. I thought you might like one, too." She blushes a bit as she takes your hand and places the stone in it, then wraps your fingers around the rock. She holds your hand for a lingering moment before letting it go and taking a step back, smiling at you. After another moment of looking in each other's eyes, she'll say that it's getting late and that you two should head back to camp for the night. With a light touch, she takes your hand and leads you back to your tent, saying a warm goodnight before heading to her own bedroll.
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Helena is often shy. As you garner approval with her, she'll let you in on her witty, snarky comments, small stash of pickpocketed goodies, or the little pranks she plays around camp. She's slow to open up, but she becomes even more fun and chaotic when she does. She especially loves it if you're willing to help her cause a little commotion around camp or while out on an adventure.
The moment you know that you've made strong headway with Helena is that one night, while everyone else is asleep, she'll wake you up with a gentle nudge. When you open your eyes, you see Helena is sitting next to you and shaking. She isn't looking at you, but her hand is still lingering on your shoulder. Her eyes look a million miles away. "S-sorry... I just... really didn't want to be alone right now..." She leaves her hand on your shoulder, the touch so subtle you barely feel her fingers. After a few moments of sitting like that, her breath starts to stabilize and she'll ask if you'd like to take a walk with her. When you two get far enough away from camp that she doesn't think anyone will overhear you, she admits that she's embarrassed about the situation and that she even considered waking you. She tells you how she has nightmares sometimes, bad ones, and always hates waking up alone. You were the first person she thought to reach out to in that moment, and she's grateful you sat with her. "Please don't tell anyone about this. I promise I'll be fine by the morning. This just happens sometimes, is all. I get over it and everything goes back to normal when the sun comes up. This can be our little secret, okay?" She holds her finger up to her lips with that last statement and gives you a playful smirk, though she still looks a bit nervous. You agree to keep this to yourself, and she thanks you while giving your hand a small squeeze. You make your way back to camp afterwards, her hand grazing yours as you walk, and say goodnight to each other before returning to your separate bedrolls.
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One night, around the campfire, Dahlia will ask if she can share something personal with you after everyone else goes to sleep. She doesn't see the issue with her wording, but the way it comes across, it sounds like it could be a confession of sorts. If you tell her yes, she'll smile and tell you to meet her in her tent later that evening. When you come to see her, she's sat on the floor writing in a book. When she hears you come in, she looks at you and her smile brightens. She scooches across the floor to make space for you to sit, but you're still stuck sitting very close because of how cluttered her tent is with books and random bits of cloth that are covered with her yellow and green thread. Not to mention her large stature that already takes up most of the space.
Dahlia shows you the book she was writing in and confides that as much as she's always loved to read, she's never really tried her hand at writing before. She's always wanted to write a book of her own, but felt that she never had the right inspiration. Now though, with an adventure like the one she's been forced into with you all, she thought that it would be a great time to start. She'll ask you if you'd be willing to read what she has so far and tell her your thoughts. When you go to read it, you notice that the name that comes up the most commonly is yours. She mentions the others and is very detailed about the places and events, but her writing seems to be the most focused on you, your actions, and her thoughts about you, all which are quite flattering. She doesn't seem to realize that though, and so after a few moments, she'll say, "I've never felt capable of voicing my thoughts, but for some reason, I feel like I can with you. I'd love to know what you think. Do you think there's anything I'm missing?" She leans in a bit closer to you, and in this moment, you can either kiss her, take her hand and tell her your thoughts, or simply lean back and excuse yourself.
Let's assume you kiss her since we're going for romance. If you do, she'll be shocked. She doesn't pull away, but it takes her a moment to reciprocate. After a moment, she'll pull away with wide eyes. "I... I didn't think... I never thought..." She has a hard time finding her words, but what it comes down to is that she has never been loved like that and never imagined she could experience a kiss like the ones she's read in countless stories. She's ecstatic and stuck in a moment of shock. "Could I try that again?" she asks after she regains a bit of composure, and if you allow her to, she'll lean in and kiss you once more, this time a bit deeper and with more intent. The screen will fade to black afterwards, leaving the two together in Dahlia's tent in each others' arms.
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One night, after making eyes at you across the fire all evening, Vero will make her way over to you and ask if you'd like to spend some time together that evening. She's very collected and precise in her delivery. If you say yes, she gives you a soft smile and tells you to come by when everyone else has gone to bed. "Don't keep me waiting too long, alright~?" With that, she goes off to her tent with a bit of a sway in her step. When everyone else is asleep, you make your way to her tent. Just as you're about to enter, you hear something from inside. It's Vero's voice, and she sounds distressed. "Dammit! Why'd you have to go and make a mess now? You bloody imbecile! Idiot, idiot!" When you open the tent, you see Vero on the floor, surrounded by instruments. She's holding a drum that has a massive hole where the drum skin should be. The wood seems to be cracked and jagged too, as if someone tried to rip it in half or smash it unsuccessfully. There's a few bloodstains on the wood, and looking at Vero's hand, you see a large gash on her right palm. The rest of the tent is very tidy and organized, but Vero looks frantic. She sees you and her shaking ceases. Her eyes are wide and her cheeks turn red, something you've never seen before, as she yells, "get out!" She waves at you frantically with her bleeding hand to get out of her tent, leaving you out in the cold.
After a few moments, she collects herself and steps outside. She smooths her hair back with her clean hand and looks you in the eye as you two stand out in the evening air. "I'm... Sorry about that." You ask what happened, and she tells you that she was trying to tidy up for you. Light some candles, lay out some blankets, all those sorts of things, very romantic and whatnot, and when sorting through her instrument collection, she doesn't know what happened. Her eyes fall to the side with her next words and her hands start to fidget a bit. "Sometimes... Sometimes I do things without realizing what they are until it's too late. For some reason, I saw my drum and... Well..." She turns to meet your gaze again, her fingers still twiddling. "Let's call it an intrusive thought." After a moment, her fidgeting stops and she takes your hand in her uninjured one. She looks at you with a sheepish smile, and her typically cool, calm demeanor is missing. She seems softer, more unsure of herself. "I'm sorry, I must've spoiled your evening with all this." If you tell her that nothing has been spoiled, she'll chuckle a bit. "You're sweet to say such flattering things, even if you don't mean them. Would you still want to spend the evening with me, even after that unsightly display?"
If you tell her yes, she'll pull you by the hand and lead you back into her tent where you sit together on the soft purple blanket she laid out, surrounded by soft silk pillows. She reaches into a small chest and pulls out some gauze, then holds it out to you. "Would you mind...?" she asks with that soft, nervous voice. If you say yes, she offers you her hand to gently bandage, then when it's done, she leans in close to you and places a gentle kiss on your lips, her bandaged hand resting on your leg and her other hand on your cheek. After a moment, she pulls away, smiles at you, and thanks you for your kindness. The scene fades away to the next morning from there.
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Sahed approaches you one evening when the others have all moved to their sleeping spots and you're preparing for bed. He pulls you to the side when you're walking to your bedroll and confesses to you that he's been watching you since you've met. He believes you've proven yourself to be a remarkable individual time and time again so far on your journey together. He's not impressed with most people, but he finds you to be a rare specimen. As he's praising you, he steps into your space, closing the distance between you two. His voice lowers and his finger starts to trace the back of your hand as he tells you how he'd like to know more about you and your abilities. He leans in close to your ear as he asks, "won't you let me learn all there is to know about you, little pup?"
If you tell him yes, he'll give you a devilish smile, take your hand with a soft grip, and lead you away from camp. Once he feels he's lured you far enough, he'll release his grip on your hand, take a step away to face you, and command you to remove your clothes. If do as he says, he smirks and will move in close to circle you and examine your exposed form. He does not touch you at all, only looks with an intense, degrading gaze as he moves slowly. After what feels like ages, he steps back to where he was standing before and crosses his arms. "Kneel for me." If you follow his orders and kneel at his feet, he'll reach down and hold your chin with a gentle touch. "Good pet," he says with a silky voice, then kneels down to reward you with a soft, chaste kiss. As he pulls away, he stares deep into your eyes and says, "I want you to be mine. If you serve me and reveal all your secrets to me, you will have all my affection. Is that what you want, little pup? To serve me?" If you tell him yes, then he will kiss you once more, leaning in this time for a much deeper kiss. He leans further into you until he pushes you down to the ground, and from there, the scene fades to black.
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Velora will approach you one night and ask if you'd like to spend a bit of time with her. She has a surprise planned, but needs to wait until everyone else is asleep before she can show you. If you agree, she lights up and tells you to come find her tent when the others have all gone to bed. Later that night in Velora's tent, she has a plethora of flowers scattered about on the floor. She smiles when you enter, waving you to take a seat next to her. "I was hoping to do something nice for everyone and make some flower crowns. Do you think that'd be silly?" If you tell her it wouldn't be, she beams and turns her attention back to her piles. She has them sorted by flower types and colors. "What do you think would work best for everyone? I found a few night orchids, and I know those are Shadowheart's favorite. Maybe these red poppies for Karlach? Though they might burst into flame if she tries to wear it... Maybe I could make her a wreath?" She turns to you and looks in your eyes, pondering what colors would suit you. "What about you?" she asks. "What flowers would you like?" She waits for your answer, and after you point at a flower, she'll pick a few out of the pile she has and begin to weave something together. As she goes, she blushes and tells you about how she used to love making crowns when she was small, but she never had anyone to give them to besides her parents. "I always had so many piled up in a basket in my room. It means a lot to finally have people I can make these for."
She finishes a crown for you and leans in close to place it on top of your head. "Well, what do you think?" You can either simply tell her you like it, or close the gap to kiss her. If you kiss her, she's shocked. She pulls away quickly, falls back on her bottom, and covers her mouth. She is stunned into shock. After a moment of staring at you with wide eyes, she'll stutter and make her way back to the flower crowns, mumbling about what the other party members might like. She avoids eye contact with you and is burning bright red as she tries to weave another crown with shaking hands. You can move closer to her and kiss her on the cheek or ask if she's alright. If you peck her on the cheek, she'll freeze and turn to face you, covering her cheek with her hand and leaning away from your body. You sit like that with her for what feels like a while, and eventually, with a face still burning and eyes wide in disbelief, Velora will slowly and hesitantly lean in to kiss you one more time. Eventually her body relaxes and she leans into the kiss a bit more. After a moment, she'll pull away with a soft, nervous smile on her face. Her eyes, which were wide in panic just a moment ago, are now soft and sparkling. "I've never had a true love's kiss before. What a wonderful experience." If you are willing, she kisses you again, this time without the hesitation that plagued her only a moment ago, and the scene fades out from there.
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Okay, Gardon is a dragon, BUT HEAR ME OUT. Since he is tadpoled in this scenario, the effects it has on his body limit his powers greatly. He is trapped in his dragonborn form for the time being since that was the form he received the tadpole in, but similarly to Astarion, the effects of his curse are negated. He still is sick and breathes lava instead of fire, but he is not compelled to do evil like before and for the first time in centuries can finally act on a will truly of his own. This leads to him being very hesitant to be rid of the tadpole, since in this state, he can finally be a force of honor rather than chaos.
With that in mind, if you show morals of honor and good, Gardon will approach you one evening. He will sit next to you by the fire and stare into the flames. "It's odd..." he speaks, unprompted. "The only being I've ever admired was someone from so long ago. I haven't seen her in centuries. When I look at you though..." He turns his gaze from the fire to you. "You remind me so much of her. You are a mortal she would've found worthy of her respect." He is hesitant to place his hand on yours, but does so with a clumsy touch. He has only hurt mortals like you for so long and is so afraid to do any damage. He leaves his hand on yours for a while, then eventually stands and turns to face you. "It is late. You should turn in for the evening." You stand up next to him, and as you do, he reaches for your hand one more time. He holds it in both of his and squeezes it gently. "Good night, my friend." With that, Gardon makes his way back to his tent, not to sleep, but to think about these feelings and what he should do.
This post is the culmination of hours of thought and editing over multiple days. I really wanted to sit down and think what scenarios would really feel right and intriguing for each character and how they would approach their own vulnerabilities and insecurities (or completely avoid them. Lookin at you Sahed). I think Vero may have been the most difficult to figure out. She's fairly complex, and I wasn't sure if I should approach this with her as a bhaalspawn or not. I did come to a decision, but I'll leave it open to interpretation what you think! We even got Gardon in there for anyone who wants to romance a real dragon, which I totally respect. His scenario is much less detailed for now, but he has a lot of his own character growth to do before being able to romance anyone, especially a mortal.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Who would you try to romance? Let me know if you'd like to see any of these events in more detail or where they lead to next! I could expand on these stories all day!
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utaesthetics · 7 months
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Velora Temple Velora
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star--joy · 2 years
5 Times People Thought Percy and Vex were Dating
And the one time they decided to prove them right.
Chapter Two: Velora
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: None
Words: 1857
Originally posted: 12/12/22
Ao3 link: archiveofourown.org/works/43509219/chapters/109586538
If Velora notices the confused looks she receives from the college students she races by, she doesn’t seem to care. Her thoughts are much too preoccupied with all her plans for today! It’s been ages since she saw her siblings, her best friends in the whole world, and she won’t let a second go to waste during this visit.
They’re going to have so much fun!
By the time Velora has arrived at Vex and Vax’s dorm room, her little legs are aching and her lungs are convulsing. Still, she doesn’t even take a moment to breathe before slamming the door open with a cry of joy. “Vex! Vax!”
Vex startles at the intrusion, nearly knocking her laptop off her legs. “Oh, Jesus!” she exclaims.
Velora giggles and races to the couch her sister is laid out on, clambering up so she can throw her arms around her. The laptop is pushed carelessly to the side. “Hi! I missed you!” she chirps.
A pair of arms settle securely around Velora, holding her in a tight embrace. “Hi, darling. I missed you, too. You’re early, no?”
Sure enough, Velora had managed to convince her mom to take her almost an hour before they were supposed to go. She’d just been so eager! “Mh hm!”
“Is that a little monster I hear?” Vax’s playful voice rings out as his footsteps approach from down the hallway leading to his bedroom.
Velora gasps, jumping out of Vex’s embrace so she can run up to her brother. “Vax!” She only reaches his hip, but it doesn’t stop her from wrapping his legs in the tightest hug she can manage, nearly sending him toppling over.
Not that he minds. All Vax does is scoop her off the ground and throw her over his shoulder like a sack of flour. “Ah, Peanut, you’re getting so big,” he huffs, and Velora isn’t even bothered by the nickname.
She shrieks in laughter, squirming in his hold. “I grew two inches!”
“Two whole inches? Soon, you’re going to be taller than we are,” Vax remarks, plopping her down on the couch again so she’s returned to Vex’s lap. “Oi, Percy, move,” he demands, shooing away the man sitting next to Vex.
The man.
Sitting next to Vex.
Velora hadn’t even noticed him. Immediately, she feels herself shy away a little bit, shrinking into Vex’s hold. He looks fancy, outfit and hair styled in a formal professionalism, like her father’s friends. Her father’s friends don’t tend to like it when she runs around and shrieks with laughter, like she’d been doing just moments prior. “Oh. Um, hi.”
He smiles, and while it’s a bit awkward, it doesn’t seem strained with annoyance at least. “Hello. I’m Percy.”
“Yeah, yeah, get up so I can sit,” Vax huffs.
Vex rolls her eyes, scooting down the couch so Vax has room to sit on the opposite side of her. It presses her body against Percy’s. “Don’t be rude, brother, there’s plenty of room.”
He grumbles, but plops down without further complaint, pulling Velora between him and Vex so she’s sandwiched between her siblings. It must be obvious how the sudden ‘Percy’ character has set her on edge, because he immediately starts brushing through the tangled knots of her hair with his fingers in that soothing way of his. “Ah, don’t worry about Whitey, here, Peanut. He may look decrepit, but he’s not too terrible.”
“Decrepit?” Percy echos, indignant.
Vex shoves both their shoulders. “Play nice, you two. Anyways, Velora, this is Percy. He’s a really good friend of mine. Percy, this is Velora, the best sister in the entire world.”
Velora twists her lips to the side, looking between her sister and her sister’s ‘really good friend’. Hm.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Velora. I’ve heard wonderful things,” Percy says, fiddling with his glasses.
“Well, I’m Vex’s bestest friend,” she says, puffing her chest out. She won’t go letting this man, this unknown third party, try to come between her and her sister. “And you better not forget that.”
“Velora!” Vex hisses. “Be polite!”
Percy, though, waves it off. “No, no, I’ll be sure to remember,” he agrees. “That seems like an important fact one ought not forget.”
Velora nods, satisfied. As long as he respects her status as Vex’s best friend in the world, she doesn’t mind his presence. “Good.” Just for good measure, she gives him a long, hard stare, trying to communicate how serious she is.
“Darling, that’s enough,” Vex says, heavy and firm. “Don’t antagonize my friends, please.”
“Ah, leave her be. She’s just a pit protective, yeah?” Vax defends, resting his chin on the top of her head and pouting at Vex. Velora matches his expression, knowing how she can never resist the puppy-dog eyes of her siblings.
Vex sighs. “Alright, alright. But there’s no need to be protective, Percy is really wonderful.”
As soon as the words leave her mouth, a blush paints Vex’s cheeks and she averts her gaze. Likewise, red begins to coat Percy’s face, and he suddenly becomes very interested in fiddling with his glasses.
Velora’s eyes flick between them. She’s watched enough moves to recognize love when she sees it.
Vex is in love with this Percy. This Percy is in love with Vex.
And Velora… Velora wasn’t told about any of it. Even though she’s Vex’s bestest friend. At least, she thought she was Vex’s bestest friend, but then why didn’t she know? Why did no one tell her?
“Oh,” Velora whispers, looking down. Her fingers trace patterns into the fabric of her pants. “Okay.”
Everyone frowns at her very noticeable deflating. Vex immediately softens, all her reprimands being replaced with a concerned hum. “Are you alright?”
Velora looks at Percy. She doesn’t want to say anything in front of him.
He seems to get the message. “I should be getting back home. Besides, I’m sure you would like some time with your sister, and I wouldn’t want to interrupt,” he hums, standing from the couch.
Vex frowns, then tries to hide it. “If you’re sure. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
Percy nods. “It really was nice to meet you, Velora,” he says with a soft, apologetic smile.
That just makes her feel childish, because he’s not even mean, so she has no reason to hate him, except that he stole her Vex, her sister. All she can muster in response is a small, unintelligible mumble.
And then he’s out the door and Velora sniffles, turning to tuck her face in Vax’s shoulder. He coos, stroking patterns into her back. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?”
“I— I— I—,” is all she manages, clinging to his black sweater.
“Did you not like Percy, dear?” Vex asks, kissing the top of her head. “I know he seems stuffy, but he’s not bad at all.”
Velora sobs. “You got a boyfriend!” she wails, pulling away to look at Vex through her teary eyes. “And— And you didn’t tell me! Even though I’m your bestest friend, you said I was your bestest friend!”
For a few seconds, neither of her siblings reply, and Velora shrinks back again. She hadn’t meant to raise her voice! Are they mad at her?
“Darling, what are you talking about? I don’t… I’m not seeing anyone, Velora,” Vex says, shooting Vax a confused look. He shrugs, but there’s something hiding beneath his expression that Vex can’t decipher. “Who told you I had a boyfriend?”
“You’re in love with Percy! And I don’t know him! You didn’t tell me ‘bout him!”
Vex blinks. “In love with— with Percy?” 
Velora sobs louder.
“Oh, oh, Honey,” Vex whispers, stroking some of her hair out of her tear-soaked face. “Percy is just a friend.” Vax makes a little noise, like a snort. Vex glances at him, eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“Nothing,” he dismisses, using his thumbs to wipe away some of the tears on Velora’s cheeks. “She’s telling the truth, Peanut. They may act like an old married couple, but they aren’t dating.”
A few more cries choke out of her, even as Velora tries to tame them. She clumsily wipes at the sticky, salty tears on her face. “Promise?”
“Of course, dear,” Vex agrees, holding out her little finger in an offering that Velora can’t refuse. “I pinky promise that when I start dating someone, you will be the first to know. Even before Vax.”
“Well, come on, now, that’s not fair,” Vax grumbles.
Vex kicks his shin. “Hush, you.”
Velora sniffles, bringing her knees up to her chest. “I’m sorry I wasn’t nice to Percy. And that I thought you lied,” she whispers, glancing between her siblings. They’re not the type to get mad, but the shame that wells up inside of her is more than enough punishment.
“I know, sweetheart. We all make mistakes. How about we write him a letter to apologise?”
“Okay. And then we can bake cookies? ‘Cause you said we were gonna bake cookies.” A small smile has returned to her face, and it will only be a little longer before she’s returned to her full excitement. 
Vex smiles. “Of course, dear. But the letter first. Would you like to go pick out a pen?”
She needs no further instruction, rushing off to the small pencil box in Vex’s room and rifling through the assortment of stationary, searching for a green pen, because green is the clearly superior color. On the desk, a picture catches her eye.
It’s a small selfie of Vex and Percy, both of them caught in laughter and pressed tightly together to fit in frame.
Velora twists her lips to the side, thinking. Maybe they are in love, but they just don’t know it yet. Well… Percy hadn’t seemed all that horrible. And Vex looks really happy in the picture.
“You alright in here, Peanut?” Vax asks, peeking his head in the door.
“They do like each other. They like like each other. Right?” she asks, gesturing to the small photo. “But they don’t know it?”
Vax sighs, slipping into the room and closing the door behind him. “Yes, I think so. Does that bother you?”
Velora thinks for a second. “I guess not. But he better not hurt her.”
“I doubt he will. Percy isn’t so bad. They make each other happy, even if they can’t pull their heads out of their arses and see that.”
He realizes his mistake too late. Velora has already adopted an impish grin. “You said arse! That’s a bad word!”
“Shush! Don’t tell Vex, she’ll have my head. Come on, we really do have to write that apology letter. And then I’m looking forward to some cookies, yeah?” Vax tries to distract.
Velora takes the bait easy enough, grabbing a sparkly green pen and racing back out to the main room, where Vex has prepared a piece of paper for the letter. It only takes a few minutes to write, and the rest of the day is spent with the three siblings making a mess of the kitchen, setting off the fire alarm, and having, in Velora’s opinion, the best time in the whole world.
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ravenquingvax · 11 months
Had an idea about eye colours related to my Critical Role headcanons and ended up drawing this art reference.
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Vex - dark brownish hazel eyes with bronze Fey Flecks
Vax - light brownish hazel eyes with gold Fey Flecks
Velora - icy blue eyes with silver Fey Flecks
Elaina - dark hazel eyes
Syldor - dark blue eyes with silver Fey Flecks
Devanna - blue eyes with silver Fey Flecks
Purvan - dark brown eyes with gold Fey Flecks
Now you may be wondering why I've included Purvan Suul with Vax & Vex's family...
I did that because I kinda headcanon that Purvan is the reason why Vax'ildan ended up Fate Touched after some shenanigans that occurred while Elaina was pregnant.
(I intend on elaborating on that in a fic I'm writing.)
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hotboiessek · 2 years
oh i forgot that in order to meet velora we had to meet syldor
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blackveine · 2 years
Language: English
Chapters: 9/11
Words: 38866
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning(s): Major Character Death
Category: F/M, Gen
Relationships: Keyleth/Vax’ildan, Keyleth/OMC, Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex’ahlia, Scanlan Shorthalt/Pike Trickfoot, Keyleth & Vex’ahlia, Keyleth & Pike Trickfoot, Keyleth & Pike Trickfoot & Vex’ahlia, Keyleth & Velora, Keyleth & Scanlan Shorthalt
Character(s): Keyleth, Vex’ahlia, Pike Trickfoot, Velora Vessar, OMC, Trinket, Kima, Original Female Character(s), Original Non-Binary Character, Scanlan Shorthalt, Lieve’tel Toluse, Cerkonos
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Keyleth Character Study, End of Campaign 1 Spoilers, Mentions of pregnancy and childbirth
Summary: Keyleth outlives every member of Vox Machina. She's always known she will. But even knowing that, she finds peace in all the years they still get to enjoy -- and in everyone who helps her remember them.
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Velora Vessar, owlbear enthusiast and general cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. 
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counterspelling · 2 years
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Endless TLOVM
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"A look into Ambassador Vessar's family and where they are now, by the Tal'Dorei Tourism Board"
Here's my piece for @artists-guild-of-exandria’s #TGTT (South) project! Got to draw Syldor, Devana and Velora (now all grown up!)
✨do not repost my art | Reblogs are love✨
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silentassassin21 · 2 years
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Vax & Vex meet Velora in TLOVM 2x08 Echo Tree
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nothingwithdignity · 2 years
It warms my heart so much that the twins take to Velora so readily. They love her so immediately when it would have been so much easier for them to hate her.
She’s everything they were told they could never be for their entire miserable childhood. She has the life they could have had if their father were a little kinder or their mother a different race.
It would be so easy for them to fall into a ready reservoir of resentment for the child who has everything they should have and didn’t.
It would be so easy for Vax who hates everything to do with his father to hate the child born of his blood and welcomed in his life.
It would be so easy for Vex who craves his approval even now to resent the child who never had to prove her worth.
But they don’t. They love her in an instant. They are kind to their step mother and generous towards their sister. Their hatred toward their father still burns hot and bright but they direct it entirely toward him, never letting it touch even those closest to him.
Syldor is the only one who sees the reflection of the misery he poured into their lives. Everyone else gets to see the best of Elaina shine through. Her strength, her love, her heart, that’s what the rest of the world gets to see. Even Velora.
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namig42 · 7 months
Blog Introduction
Hello! Welcome to my humble little blog! I'm a bisexual nerd that likes to write and explore my many OCs and will post whatever it is I'm feeling like. Sometimes it's BG3 related, sometimes it's OC content, or sometimes it's whatever my little hyper-fixated brain is in the mood for.
My OCs
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Wyndolyn and Dahlia
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Vero and Helena
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Lin'rai and Sahed
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Velora and Gardon
These are all my babies and I'll probably update this as I go if more join the party! The first five are my BG3 characters that I've expanded on, and the last three are OCs of a DnD campaign I've been working on that I made in the BG3 engine because they just look so neat!
Please feel free to send asks! I love talking about my characters. If you don't specify a certain OC, I will answer asks for every OC the question feels relevant to
If you have a prompt you'd like to see written, please send it! I can't make any promises it will get written, but there is a good chance it will!
I love receiving art of my characters, and though I've commissioned a lot of pieces, I do not have an infinite budget. Please keep that in mind when reaching out to offer commissions! I still highly encourage art of my characters though if the mood strikes you!
If you'd like to see content for one of my specific OCs, search their name on my blog. I'm very stringent about tagging each one in any post they're in, so you can easily find their specific content by a simple search!
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blorbologist · 2 years
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