cyanocoraxx · 7 months
moving Keter the heteropoda venatoria to a new enclosure look how big he's gotten <3 also that's not his old enclosure it was just something to catch him with
transcript: not yet buddy, gimme like 5 minutes... then you're free- oop, just wait there, be good
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ayanos-pl · 4 months
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giant crab spider, pantropical huntsman spider or cane spider (Heteropoda venatoria)
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sinnerclair · 1 year
venatoria whilst her entire colony gets murdered
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sugar-phoenix · 4 months
Intro + Masterlist 📖🌱✒️
take two on my big intro post
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Hello! I'm sugarphoenix (you can call me sugar or phoenix) and I'm a writer and aspiring author from the US. Here's the basic rundown:
19 years old
she/her pronouns
aside from writing, I am an aspiring UX/UI designer. I hope to one day be a pioneer in the industry.
feel free to tag me in anything! I enjoy being tagged in tag games, even if I might not have the time to get around to all of them.
Genres I often write in:
animal elements i.e. at least one character is an animal shifter/has animalistic traits/characters are compared to animals metaphorically
finding oneself in the mess
dark fantasy/ethereal vibes
You can also find me on ao3 with the same name + here's my kofi if you ever want to tip me <3 taglist: @ashirisu
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Current WIP(s)
The Blood That Bonds Us: A fantasy novel that can be succinctly summed up as Rapunzel with Red Riding Hood elements; where Rapunzel is also the Wolf, and the Prince is also Red Riding Hood.
There is a prophecy in the kingdom of Venatoria that a Black Wolf will rise from the forest and bring destruction and a new reign to the kingdom. Because of this, generations of royals have hunted down and killed most of the Wolves that reside in the surrounding forest.
Prince Rhydian's father was no different, and he died in a hunt when Rhydian was only a child. But now Rhydian is no longer a child, and he's old enough to prove his worthiness to the crown and possibly take the kingdom back from the greedy crown regent, Alaric. Alaric, however, sets a heavy task for the prince: he must go and rescue a maiden that has been locked in a tower by a witch near a neighboring village. Many young men have tried and failed to rescue her, and the witch is ruthless. But Rhydian will do anything if it means he can reclaim his father's crown and throne.
Daciana has spent all her life in a tall tower. She is protected and held captive by the witch Dame Gothel, who found her in the forest and recognized her for what she is: the Black Wolf. Dame Gothel doesn't hold back on telling her this, and Daciana knows of her fate. She is a monster, a bringer of destruction, and one of the most hated enemies of Venatoria, who are blissfully unaware of her existence. Daciana doesn't feel like a monster, and perhaps life outside the tower isn't that bad, despite what she's been told. But although Dame Gothel has done all she can to keep Daciana within the tower, it's often ill-advised to try and fight destiny. And it will only be so long before the beast is freed from her prison.
CHARACTER TAGS: #♚ . rhydian / #✧ . daciana / #◦ . vincent
This is my main WIP, and the one I'm working the most on.
Blood That Bonds Us Snippets -- screenshots taken directly from my scrivener that give you a little peek into the first draft
Chapter 1 snippet -- snippet of chapter 1 of the first draft
rhydian. -- short character exploration for Rhydian
mourning your captor, your only mother -- short snippet of Daciana's POV (spoilers)
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As of 6/22/2024, any further fanfiction will be posted on my fanfiction blog @sugarphoenixlovesfanfic !!
Fandoms that I'm in:
Honkai Star Rail
Wuthering Waves
My Hero Academia
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Honkai Star Rail Fics
the new barista -- a super short drabble about a college au in which Dan Heng is the cute barista at your college's cafe.
Death of a Cowboy -- in which I rewrite and expand upon Boothill's past.
𖥔 . overheating . 𖥔 -- Boothill overheats in your getaway vehicle.
cowboy, you have a hard time wrapping things up neatly. ✦ -- Boothill is loud and messy but he grows on you. One day he does something unexpected.
I think I'll take my noodles spicy -- You stop by Jiaoqiu's stall to try his noodles. They are very. Spicy.
My Hero Academia Fics
unfinished hawks x oc fanfic (ao3 link)
"there's this thing I want to say to you" -- short fluffy drabble about Hawks confessing his love to unnamed fem character
Deponia Fics
maudlin -- a short fluffy fic that expands a scene in Deponia Doomsday (spoilers)
All fanfiction can be found under the tag #✤.fanfics .
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Short Stories / Miscellaneous
All my writing can be found under the tag #✎ . writings
drabbles in red
complete short stories in pink
she was a monster (monster) -- short drabble that uses experimental writing
Flash Fiction Friday Prompt "On The Edge" -- short drabble that follows the prompt. it may or may not be somewhat connected to "she was a monster (monster)."
I wrote that one tumblr post -- i wrote a couple of one shots of that one tumblr post with a crow and a cat being familiars and trying to find their witches.
dagger queen -- exercise where I write a drabble using two prompts. dark fantasy/romantasy vibes.
un-satyr -- COMPLETE short story about a satyr who is different from the rest.
vampire x poisoned werewolf -- COMPLETE (?) short story about a vampire and a werewolf putting aside their differences (and perhaps getting a bit too close) in order to save one of them.
cherry red -- flash fiction about a girl and what she leaves behind.
my roommate is a vampire -- currently unfinished short story about a college roommate who is, well, a vampire.
dividers by cafekitsune!
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
This blog is delightful!! I see so many new buggy friends every day now and it's lovely! I've always been a fan of an assortment of bugs (I was the kid who would spend all day looking for them instead of playing with the other kids, lol) but I've always had a particularly hard time warming up to the especially spindly and fast moving guys, particularly spiders (somehow, tarantulas do not apply to this statement, my beloveds) but seeing other people be enthusiastic or have neat bug stories has been helping. Are there any particularly "gnarly" (subjectively, of course) speedy arachnids that you wouldn't mind sharing?
Oh, I can relate! I used to be an arachnophobe, and the very large, fast, and leggy ones scared the heck out of me. This is going to be incredibly subjective of course so I'm sorry if my definition of gnarly dudes doesn't fit yours! I'll also stick to spiders one might find in the US, since that's where I'm based.
And just a note that none of these guys scare me anymore! I've grown to love and appreciate all of them, so this post is in no way trying to shed them in a negative light. And none of these dudes are harmful :)
Giant crab spider (actually a huntsman, Olios giganteus):
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Look at that face and the cute little peets. Precious. Photo by deserts
Dark fishing spider, Dolomedes tenebrosus:
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These pals can get up to 4 inches across and are incredibly fast! Photo by jmcardle
Carolina wolf spider, Hogna carolinensis:
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The largest wolf spider in the US! Like the other two, they actively hunt rather than trapping prey in webs, so they're very fast. But look at that adorable little face! Photo by arcebianca0505
Giant house spider, Eratigena duellica:
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Smaller yet somehow more leggy than the others. They're harmless funnel weavers, but holy smokes are they fast! One of the fastest species in the U.S., as it happens. Photo by bryn_
And finally the large and leggy pantropical huntsman, Heteropoda venatoria:
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That's so much leg. Wow. Impressive hunters! They've been known to take down small lizards and snakes. If I could kiss one I would. Photo by mutolisp
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almightyhamslice · 4 months
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Nabnab redesign! I have decided that Banban 2's "rejects" are in fact not complete rejects in my resort setup! They're just... less used and less trusted than the main 6. The posterboy for that is definitely Nabnab.
Banban, Banbaleena, and Nabnab were all engineered with circus performance and acrobatics in mind, but Nabnab was meant to be the best of the three, being created with human and spider DNA (Heteropoda Venatoria), rather than just human DNA like the other two. However, the spider DNA had unforeseen consequences and warped his biology in unexpected ways. Most troublingly, his mouth was huge and took up the majority of his torso, and it was full of venomous teeth. Completely unsafe for children, not to mention incredibly scary.
The scientists took drastic measures to 'fix' him, desperate not to let their creation go to 'waste'. They anesthetized him and sewed his mouth nearly shut, leaving just a small sliver so he'd still be able to eat. Though, even after the surgical procedure, his appearance was still terrifying and grotesque, so his costumers covered him in faux fur and wrapped ribbons all around his body to keep the stitching as hidden as possible. Due to his frightening appearance, he was assigned to be only a circus performer, and not allowed to interact directly with children.
Nabnab is completely mute, unable to make any noise other than hissing and gurgling. The scientists often treat him more like an animal than a human, believing him to be less intelligent and less capable than the other human mascots. He struggles to bond with his fellow mascots because of his inability to communicate, and is very lonely. He is infrequently used because he hates being told what to do.
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olessan · 7 months
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My arisen, Venatoria, and her pawn, Elseth, reborn into another parallel world in DD2, their fourth run through the cycle together :)
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noneun · 8 months
"La caccia causa ogni anno morti e feriti, spesso non cacciatori, colpevoli solo di essere nel posto sbagliato nel momento sbagliato, per esempio in un bosco facendo una passeggiata. Nella stagione venatoria appena conclusa si sono registrati, secondo i dati dell'Associazione vittime della caccia (Avc), 12 morti, di cui sei non cacciatori, e 56 feriti"
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stefystufy80 · 11 months
Il veterinario del centro ricci,laNinna è stato a aggredito da un branco di cerebrolesi senza palle. Cacciavano vicino alle case.
"Quando un uomo vuole uccidere una tigre, lo chiama sport; quando una tigre vuole uccidere lui, la chiama ferocia."(George Bernard Shaw).
Solo nel 2022 sono morte 24 persone a causa dei colpi sparati dai cacciatori. 100 milioni,gli animali uccisi nella stagione venatoria solo in Italia. Vi sta bene? Altrimenti quando c'è da firmare contro la caccia dove cazzo siete!?
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With the release of the new Spider-Man movie, I remembered a manga with lots of interesting info on spiders and I thought that people would be interested (for their spidersonas or something else).
It's "Arachnid" by Shinya Murata which is a manga... that I frankly do not recommend because of the unhealthy sexualization of minor characters (I stopped at volume 2 before resuming for this post). But the information is very detailed so here is the list:
Liphistiidae (the most primitive species of spiders): does not weave a web but stretches threads all around its nest, which is in a hole. Manages to detect its prey thanks to the vibrations caused by their passage. Does not react if its wires vibrate due to rain or dead leaves. Able to sense the nature of external events solely through the vibrations of its taut threads.
A spider's thread is stronger than steel, it's the sturdiest natural fiber known. It is resistant to a variety of solvents and even has qualities that make it conductive of heat.
Ariamnes cylindrogaster simon: Some spiders are specialized in hunting other spiders. This variety is able to camouflage itself in small branches and foliage. It usually weaves a thread between two branches and then hides. When a spider climbs the wire, thinking it's a shortcut, the ariamnes pounces on its prey.
Some spiders have a 3rd claw to better manipulate their threads. This toothless claw allows the manipulation of webs to the nearest micron, just with the end of its legs, these spiders can develop and weave traps of great complexity.
Heteropoda venatoria : some spiders' main food is the cockroach (which has a reaction time of 0.044s). Thanks to the ability to analyze every dangerous situation with immense concentration, this spider does not need any strategy, so the cockroach cannot guess its actions. Just one of these spiders in a house can quickly eradicate them.
Male cyclosa sedeculata: uses its threads when a female approaches. He stretches a communication wire whose vibrations allow them to "communicate". This thread that connects them is specific and prevents the female from being confused with simple prey. It's a natural communication tool that allows to know the situation of the other even from a distance.
A spider does not prepare for battle. When it comes time to fight, humans adopt various stances. It also exists in some spiders but the majority remain motionless. The more the spider feels in danger, the less it seems to be prepared. It shows docility, which reassures their predators, but when it comes too close, it attacks.
Argyroneta aquatica: there are no amphibious spiders, however some have managed to reproduce living conditions under water that resemble those on land. This spider is the only one capable of weaving underwater. By trapping air bubbles with its web, it can acquire an abdomen which constitutes an important reserve of oxygen for it. By making an air nest, she is even able to hunt, rest or lay eggs underwater.
Salticidae: jumping is the most common hunting technique among spiders and especially this one. It fixes its prey and when it decides to attack, it releases a large quantity of hormones which gives its legs phenomenal power. Researchers have calculated that its explosiveness was just 0.01s, 50 times faster than humans, and is able to jump up to 3 times its size. In full jump, it can quickly switch to attack mode because the world seems shortened to it because of itsextraordinary powers of concentration.
Bonus (because I found this info elsewhere): they have the sharpest vision known for animals of their size (between 1 millimeter to 2.3 centimeters long).
Hyptiotes analis: high-speed prey specialists. Nicknamed "fan" spiders because they weave true fans which they then hold tightly, waiting for aerial prey to rush into their threads to then use the shock of the collision and pounce. All it has to do is close the trap firmly on its prey. Its triangular webs are special, designed to withstand heavier and faster prey. (In the story, the heroine also uses this to control her victims like puppets, and even herself when she no longer has the strength to move. It's also thanks to the "3rd claw")
Caerostris darwini: capable of weaving webs around 1000 times its size. Despite its 18mm long, it can make the largest web in the world, up to 25m in diameter and deployed on either side of a river.
Aphantochilus rogersi : infiltrates anthills to feed. To get past their safeties, it picks up the head of a dead ant and carries it with it. It responds with the ants' requests for saliva and thus pretends to be one of them. Despite their complex societies, at the forefront of evolution and their perfect identification system, ants have been completely fooled by this method.
Deinopis: able to capture its prey despite extreme low light. If we compared the ability of his eyes to absorb light to that of a camera lens, the aperture value would be 0.58. This far surpasses the ability of the eyes of other nocturnal animals or man-made objects.
Bonus :
Hexophthalma hahni: its very powerful venom causes a hemolytic (rupture of red blood cells and release of hemoglobin) and necrotic (destruction of cells and tissues) effects. Unlike neurotoxic venom, which attacks the nervous system, the sand spider's hemotoxic poison has no known cure.
Atrax robustus: very aggressive, especially during the breeding season. When threatened, the Australian tarantula rears up on its hind legs and shows off its massive fangs capable of piercing a fingernail. Its venom causes severe pain sometimes followed by vomiting and respiratory problems. Its bite can be fatal in children and fragile people if a serum is not administered within an hour of the attack.
Theraphosa blondi (largest tarantula in the world): its 5 cm long fangs can pierce the skull of a mouse and cause severe pain in humans. She also has stinging hairs on the back of her abdomen that cause severe itching.
Heteropoda maxima: one of the largest spiders in the world (35cm). Particularly fast (faster than humans over a short distance) and agile, it does not weave a web, but uses its long legs to pounce on its prey.
Maratus volans (or dubbed peacock spider): considered the most beautiful spider in the world
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Spiders are excellent dancers (useful during breeding season so especially a talent for males).
They can carry 170 times their weight (I thought it was 20).
If anyone has any other informations or corrections, I'm all ears.
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cyanocoraxx · 7 months
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keter 🪐 (heteropoda venatoria)
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ayanos-pl · 3 months
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giant crab spider, pantropical huntsman spider or cane spider (Heteropoda venatoria)
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mycenaae · 2 months
brennan said the ship for this hubristic society of arcane mages congratulating themselves for "saving the world" from the power of the gods is called the venatoria i said oh i'm sure
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dragon age flashbacks from "venatoria"
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zadigo · 8 months
Caccia in Italia, morti e feriti. | Gruppo d'Intervento Giuridico (GrIG)
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mezzopieno-news · 2 years
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Il castoro eurasiatico, il bisonte europeo e la foca grigia sono tornati a popolare diverse aree dell’Europa negli ultimi decenni, aumentati in maniera sensibile come diverse altre specie selvatiche che hanno visto incrementare la loro popolazione, in alcuni casi uscendo dal rischio di estinzione.
L’ultimo rapporto condotto dai ricercatori della Zoological Society of London rileva che i programmi di conservazione e recupero della fauna stanno riportando buoni successi per 37 specie di mammiferi e uccelli le cui presenze si sono riprese in termini di dimensioni e area geografica nell’ultimo mezzo secolo.
Il bisonte europeo, per esempio, si estinse in natura all’inizio del XX secolo a causa della forte pressione venatoria e della perdita di habitat. Dopo un programma di riproduzione e reintroduzione su larga scala basato su individui rimasti in cattività, le popolazioni selvatiche sono state ristabilite nelle aree dell’Europa centrale e orientale. La popolazione totale è cresciuta di oltre il 16.000% (167 volte) ed è ora di più di 7.000 individui.
Per monitorare gli animali i conservazionisti utilizzano grandi reti di trappole fotografiche (telecamere attivate dal movimento), per capire dove si trovano le specie, quanti individui costituiscono la popolazione e come stanno rispondendo alle attività umane. Queste rilevazioni necessitano di un’enorme quantità di tempo e di dati: in questo compito è risultato fondamentale il contributo della collaborazione collettiva attraverso Instant Wild, una piattaforma e un’app che permettono agli utenti di caricare le immagini degli animali avvistati e i dati di geolocalizzazione, contribuendo al lavoro di identificazione.
Fonte: Zoological Society of London; Instant Wild
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