#Venom 2  Film Complet
msbigredmachine · 1 year
On Sight - Part 2 (Jey Uso/OC)
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The fact that we hate each other don’t mean we can’t fuck. Just don’t fall in love with me. Part 2 of my 4-part Jey Uso/OC series.
Warnings: The usual smut, toxic behavior, angst
Word count: 9.9k
A/N: Sorry it’s so long! Enjoy though!
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Jey gif by @jeysuso​
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Part 2 - LOVE?
Punctuality was your middle name. You took great pride in this trait. Today was meant to be no different, with a quick morning workout, an equally quick breakfast at the hotel cafeteria, and then back up to your room for a shower. This morning you were driving into town with the Usos to film an interview for your new YouTube series. However, you’d been sitting in the lobby for the past twenty minutes, backpack in hand and waiting to leave, and neither Jimmy nor Jey were here. It was even more frustrating to check your Apple watch and see you were starting to run behind schedule. Where the fuck are they?
Right on cue, the elevator opened, and out stepped the twins with a young woman following them. You recognized her as Diamond, a new NXT talent that just made it to TV. She was known more for her raunchy, provocative TikTok posts than her wrestling ability, and you guessed that the Usos had fallen under her spell too.
Checking your watch again, you glared at the two men as they approached. “We should’ve left fifteen minutes ago. Where have y’all been?”
“Sorry, girl, we here now,” Jimmy apologized. “You know Diamond, right? From NXT? We ran into her on our floor.” 
Ran into or ran through? “I bet you did.” Bitch was standing wayyyy too close to Jey.
Diamond sized you up, chewing her gum a bit too loudly. “Y/N, right? I watch you on Smackdown all the time. Big fan.” She held her hand out to shake.
Glancing down at her hand, you eyed her like she’d offered you a live scorpion. “If you’re a big fan, you should know I take my work very seriously and I hate being late,” you countered, inwardly reveling in her stunned features as she slowly lowered her hand. You returned your attention to the twins. “I think we can be on our way now, if there are no more…distractions?”
“Ay, come on now, don’t be like that,” said Jimmy.
“Pay her no mind, Uce, she’s just jealous,” Jey declared, his lip curling snidely.
Diamond perked up, intrigued by this new piece of information. You almost laughed at the absurdity of his insinuation.
“Really? Tell me what I’m jealous of, Jey.” You tilted your head, your voice sickeningly sweet. “Please. I need to know. Is it the cheap ass twenty dollar wig or the half baked BBL?”
Diamond’s jaw dropped. “Hey, who the fuck do you th-”
“I’m not talking to you,” you cut her off, not bothering to look at her. “I’m talking to him. Answer me, Jey, since you know my every thought.”
“But you’re damn sure talking about me, bitch!” Diamond spat. She moved towards you, but you leveled her with a glare so scathing that it stopped her in her tracks. Both twins cringed.  
“Take one step closer and see what happens,” you warned, your voice low and venomous. “I may not wrestle, but I can gouge out a bitch’s eyes and think nothing of it. You’re fucking with my time and I take exception to that. So if you’re done with your little meet-and-greet session, you can take your ass back to wherever it is you came from. Is that okay with you?” 
Diamond’s fists clenched and unclenched, visibly fuming. You rolled your eyes, swished your hair over your shoulder and turned your back in a clear-cut sign of dismissal. 
Jey kissed his teeth as he watched Diamond storm off. “There you go again, being a complete bitch to everyone you meet-” 
You rounded on him, indignant. “Are you seriously talking to me right now?” 
“Damn right I’m talking to you!” Jey answered, staring you down. “Why you gotta talk to her like that?” 
“Aww, should I go apologize to your girlfriend, then? Fuck outta here!” 
“Yo yo yo, both of y’all, chill!” Jimmy intervened.  
“Get your brother, Jimmy. I am not in the mood today.” 
Jimmy rubbed his temples. “Why y’all always fightin’? Ain’t it exhausting?” 
You cut your eyes at them. “Can we leave now?”  
Jimmy shoved his hand in his pocket. “Hold up. I gotta take a leak first. Here, Uce.” He tossed the car keys to his brother. “I’ll catch up. And please don’t kill yourselves by the time I get there.” 
If you were him, you wouldn’t hold your breath. 
As you walked to the enclosed parking lot, Jey trailed behind you, wisely keeping his distance. The anger radiated from you like the sun in the morning sky. He knew he shouldn't antagonize you, but he just couldn’t fucking resist. Watching your eyes narrow at him, the way your nostrils flared, the manner in which you eloquently and efficiently served Diamond, made him so hot for you. Right now his eyes were fixated on your ass, swaying from side to side, accentuated by the tight jeans you were wearing. He wanted to grab that ass, smack that ass, worship that ass…preferably with you on all fours as he pounded relentlessly into you and made you scream and beg for him.  
Fuck, his dick was hard. 
So lost was he in his erotic reverie that he almost collided into you. You had stopped, waiting for him to lead the rest of the way to his vehicle. 
“Well? Which one is it?” you demanded. 
Jey raised his hand up like a student in class, his countenance pensive and serious. “I got a question. How’d you fit all that ass in them jeans?”  
If you could throw your backpack at his head, you would. You looked up to the heavens and prayed to God for His strength and guidance. You held your breath as Jey sidled past you with a snicker, the tension simmering between the two of you.  
“Is that what you asked your little groupie back there?” you said, watching him open up a grey Ford SUV remotely. “You got a lot of nerve, calling me jealous in front of that bitch.” 
“Did I lie? You were jealous. I saw it in your eyes.” 
“Jealous of who? That talentless clout chaser? Ain’t nothin’ to be jealous of, cuz you’ll come crawling back to me anyways.” 
“That might be true. But it made your blood boil when you saw me with her. You thought I was all up in her guts last night and you couldn’t handle it, huh? Admit it.” 
“I ain’t admitting shit.” 
“Well, if you must know, none of us touched her, me or my brother. We were already coming down when we saw her.” 
You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t care.” 
“Girl, stop lying. You pressed as fuck right now,” Jey pointed out. 
“Boy, bye. I don’t give a damn what you did with her,” you insisted stubbornly. “Even if you did fuck her, you’d probably be thinking ‘bout me and how much better my pussy is. Hell, you might accidentally scream my name too, so pipe down.” 
“See? Jealous,” he taunted, coming over to the passenger’s side of the car where you stood. “You mad cuz you want me for yourself.” 
“Fuck off,” you shot back, stiffening when he trapped you against the car with his body. His signature scent bombarded you; a sharp, woody musk tantalizingly mixed with vanilla and him. One part of him stood out in particular, straining against your thigh. This man got turned on simply by arguing with you. Deep down it felt good to know you held that kind of power over him. 
“You gonna admit it or not? Tell the truth for once, woman,” Jey pressed, his hands on your hips. 
“You are asking to be kneed in the balls.” 
“Then you’ll never ever fuck me again.” He smiled with triumph at the horror on your face as you dared to imagine life without his magic stick. “Admit it. I wanna hear you say it.” 
“That I was jealous?” You shrugged. “Fine. Maybe I was, a little. I hate when another bitch touches what’s mine.” 
“And what makes you think I’m yours?” he questioned. 
Smirking, you tugged a tuft of his salt-and-pepper beard between your fingers. “Oh, sweetheart. Who else are you fucking besides me? No one, that’s the answer. Don’t worry, I know. You’re not interested in any other pussy cuz ain’t none as sweet as mine.”  
You spoke with confidence, and the hitch of his breath confirmed that he agreed with you. Your hand traveled from his chin all the way down south, startling him when you scooped a handful of his jewels. You held his stare as you fondled him through his sweatpants, feeling him harden in your grasp. “Hmm, so responsive to me. Even your dick knows it’s mine.” You made a show of licking your lips and watched his darkened eyes follow your tongue. “You belong to me, Jey, and I’m not letting you go until I’m good and ready to.” 
Oh, he was obsessed. Your assertiveness, your cockiness. Those pretty fuck-me eyes of yours and that full, pouting mouth. He wanted to deep-fuck your mouth with his cock. He wanted to replace the gloss on your lips with your spit, wanted to kiss you and taste you and possess every inch of you. “Keep playin’ with me, princess. If you think I won’t throw you in the backseat and fuck the shit outta you while my brother drives, you’re mistaken,” he countered, unhanding himself from your clutches and linking your fingers together. “I can say the exact same thing about you, baby,” he continued, his voice low and husky. “You lie awake at night thinking ‘bout this dick, touching yourself, fantasizing about me. Don’t nobody do what I do to you, and you know it.” 
God, you so wished he wasn’t right. “You are a pain in my ass, Jey Uso,” you sighed. 
His smile was sly and panty-wetting. “And you love that shit,” he replied smoothly, cupping your face and pulling your lips onto his. He felt, rather than heard, your moan of surprise at the passion with which he kissed you. But he was making a point, reminding you who truly belonged to whom. His tongue swirled around yours as one of his hands roamed down your back. As he expected, you reacted positively, moaning wantonly against his lips, quickly getting into the kiss as you held him tight.  
“No lie, you sexy as fuck when you’re jealous,” he teased, nibbling your bottom lip playfully. 
“Shut up,” you giggled, tugging him closer. You kissed harder, more urgently, breathing heavily with lust for each other, and together it created a sweltering amount of hunger that demanded satisfaction.  
Pulling you away from the car to throw open the backseat, he hoisted you off your feet and sat you on the edge with your legs dangling out of the SUV. He was quick to close the space between you, and you wrapped your legs around his waist as his lips reclaimed yours. You sucked on his tongue while he caressed your thighs, before sneaking behind you to grip your ass and grind into you. Angling your head to kiss him better, your hands left his face to slip underneath his t-shirt and caress his warm, bronzed skin. It was hot and needy and thrilling, causing both of you to moan greedily into each other’s mouths. You really wanted to be pissed at the crazy things he made you do, behind closed doors and otherwise. But your body always betrayed you in the end, succumbing to the excitement and lack of inhibition that being with him brought. 
A flash of movement over Jey’s shoulder caught your attention. Jimmy had just turned the corner. “Shit,” you muttered, tearing away from Jey and scooting closer to the window of the backseat, fixing your face to its most neutral expression. 
“Sorry guys, got held up by fans,” Jimmy explained, getting into the passenger’s side. Jey felt a pang of resentment towards his brother for the interruption, but he shut the back door wordlessly, rounded the SUV and entered the driver’s seat to begin the drive to town. 
“Y’all quiet as hell. Did you two fight again?” asked Jimmy, eyeing his twin suspiciously. 
“Nope,” Jey answered, but we definitely almost fucked again, he kept that part to himself. Glancing up at the rear view mirror, he locked eyes with you in the backseat. Your nonchalant façade instantly dropped, and he forced down a moan as you slowly licked the remnants of his taste off your lips, keeping eye contact the whole time. Yeah, it was imperative that he found time today to get you alone and finish what you started. 
Another day, another chaotic airport run. All Jey wanted was to check in peacefully and find a quiet corner while he waited for his early morning flight. Obviously it was too much to ask. First off, the attendant handling his check-in had tried to slip him her number, and he’d had to politely refuse her advances. A little boy later came up to him, and he was obliged to stop for a quick photo. But before he could blink, a small crowd had formed, and he’d had to sneak away before it got too rowdy. He eventually found a place to lay low, and it seemed to work after ten minutes of relative peace. It was an airport he’d never been to before and he had yet to learn the good hiding places. 
“Well, well, look who it is.” 
Picking up his dropped hoodie, he exhaled and turned in the direction of your voice, laying eyes on you for the first time in over a week. Even in a simple t-shirt and leggings with no makeup on, you looked gorgeous. “You following me now, princess?” he asked. 
“You wish. How long have you been hiding here for?” 
“Been a minute. I’m not too familiar with this airport,” he informed. 
“I’ve been here once before,” you explained. “There’s a VIP lounge around the corner where no one will bother us. It’s huge and really comfortable. You can come along if you want, as long as you don’t stress me out.” 
Jey didn’t need to think too long, already gathering his things with him. It sounded like a plan, plus he would never pass up on the chance to stress you out. 
When the large mirrored door opened, he realized you were right. It was massive. Four large flat screen TVs adorned opposite walls. A fireplace crackled at the far end of the room. Stuffed chairs and leather couches were arranged artfully around the room. There was no one else in the lounge except for the attendants, who immediately let you both in because they were wrestling fans.
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“You want anything? Booze? Food?” you asked Jey as you put your hand luggage beside the couch he settled down in. Jey did the same with his small duffel bag and tugged your hand sharply. You landed on his lap with a startled ‘oof’, making him laugh.  
“What are you doing?” Your glare was half-hearted, giving him hope.
“Ain’t nobody here but us. Come sit with me.”
You raised your eyebrow. “Sit with me or sit on me? And the attendants can probably see us.” 
“No they can’t, we’re far away. And they know better than to invade guests’ privacy, unless they want a lawsuit on they ass. Relax, baby, damn.” 
“I told you not to stress me out,” you griped, but despite your mild annoyance, you leaned back against his chest, feeling the warmth of his body through your layers of clothing. “Happy?” 
“Hell yeah. I got a baddie on my lap.” 
You burst into a fit of giggles. “You stupid.” You snuggled against him, relaxing when he wrapped you up in his arms and kissed your hair. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, it was nice being with him like this, with the quiet, the privacy; few and far between these days but welcome every time. 
“Where are you off to, anyway? Home?” you asked, breaking the comfortable silence. 
“Not yet. Chi-town.” You felt his body heave in a sigh. “Twin and I got a meeting with Papa John’s for a commercial deal,” he said proudly. 
“Securing the bag. I dig it,” you smiled, happy for him. Your hand brushed over his, and Jey did not hesitate to loosen his grip and intertwine your fingers. Your skin tingled. 
“I kinda wish we were flying together,” you confessed in a small voice. 
“Me too. Best believe you’ll be joining the Mile High Club with the quickness,” he wiggled his eyebrows dramatically, earning your laughter. 
“Who says I’m not a member already?”  
“…Oh. My bad, then.” 
You quickly pursed your lips together to keep from laughing again. “You look disappointed. Are you jealous, Uso?” 
Jey cleared his throat, avoiding your teasing gaze. “No.” 
“Don’t be,” you assured him, stroking the back of his mullet. “I’m not a member just yet. But when I do join, I wanna do it with you.” 
“Hit me up whenever you’re ready. I’ll borrow the jet from Roman.” 
“Yeah, maybe we should leave Roman out of it.” You took a long look at him. “You haven’t fucked me in a week, by the way. You’re slacking big time, Uce,” you pointed out jokingly. Or maybe not. 
“Nine days to be exact, but who’s counting, eh? And trust me when I say I jacked off to you every single day." 
You would have preferred to hear that Jey had missed you during the time you were apart, but it was still nice to know that you had at least made several appearances in his sexual fantasies. The thought of him pleasuring himself to mental images of you was undeniably hot. “You did, huh?” 
"Mm-hmm. All I kept thinkin’ about," he said, squeezing the top of your thigh suggestively, "was bending you over and fucking this sweet pussy of yours. I could almost hear you beggin’ for it," he growled.
You swallowed when his hand circled around to your inner thigh. "What are you doing?" Your voice quivered, anxious but also aroused. You quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching. 
"Just showing you some of the places I imagined I was touching," he replied casually, like you were having an innocent conversation. He stared into your eyes, gauged your reaction. "Like here, for one..." With his other hand, he gently cupped the underside of your breast, making you bite your lip. He watched your reaction with a smile. He loved watching you squirm. He'd made you squirm many times before, but not in public like this. It was quite the turn-on. Your gasp as he pressed soft kisses to your throat spurred him on, trailing his lips up to your ear. "Here..." The hand on your thigh slid up to the waistband of your leggings, dipping inside and brushing over your panties. "And my tongue was right here..."
"Shit..." You gasped and ducked your head when he rubbed you there. You could already feel your panties dampening, the gathering wetness causing him to rub you faster. Grabbing his bicep, you whined into his neck from pleasure. When he tugged your panties to the side, you knew you were in big trouble. “Jey, wait,” you begged, squeezing your legs together. But there was no stopping him - his fingers were already brushing over the slick folds of your pussy. His low moan made you shiver, and you wondered if there was enough time for a quickie in the lounge’s restroom. 
Just as his fingers made to push inside you, the airport’s PA system announced your flights. Jey sighed and withdrew his hand. "Sorry, babe. I guess we gotta finish this some other time." 
“And when exactly will that be?” you asked, your face heating up at the thought of having him again. Without saying a word, he kissed the corner of your mouth and gently eased you to your feet. Your legs wobbled and your face burned. No answer, huh? Oh, he was so going to pay.
You made a quick stop at the restroom before leaving the lounge. Together, you headed to your gates, coming to a stop when you had to go in opposite directions. For several long seconds, the two of you regarded one another, before you tiptoed up to kiss his cheek, reaching around him to stuff something into his back pocket. 
“What’s that?” he asked. 
“Something to remember me by when you’re in Chicago,” you replied mysteriously, your irises twinkling as you bit your lip. 
Letting out a deep chuckle, Jey took your hand and drew you closer. “Come here.” Gripping your chin between his long fingers, he sucked your bottom lip between his, savoring the feel of your plump flesh in his mouth. In turn, you pressed yourself against him as your tongues touched. You felt your insides melt, and you desperately wished you had taken him into the restroom with you. When his mouth parted from yours, you were paralyzed. Your eyes were still tightly closed as you ran your tongue along your bottom lip and moaned softly. Opening your dark orbs slowly, you reached up to cup the side of his face. His eyes blazed with barely concealed desire, just as affected as you were. He shifted his face, pursing his lips against your palm. 
“I’ll see you soon, princess,” he whispered. 
With that, he slipped past you, allowing his fingertips to graze your own as he passed. His touch sent jolts of electricity through you, as powerful as a lightning strike. As the distance extended between you, you dared to look back at him, right as he turned back to look at you. It was then he remembered you had put something in his pocket. He stuck his hand inside, and swallowed hard when his fingers brushed over the unmistakable piece of fabric. 
Panties. Damp lace panties. 
Days later… 
What was this hell you were in? 
This was not what you expected when you touched down in Miami. You expected some warmth, some clear skies. Instead, the downpour had been relentless all evening. And you definitely didn’t expect the thunder to be this loud and frightening. 
Thunder scared you, ever since you were a little girl, and worsened as an adult for reasons you’d rather not revisit. It was sudden and loud and made you feel like the world was coming to a fiery end. Right now it felt just like that, and it had been going on for hours. You were bunked down in your hotel room, alone. Buried under the covers because your headphones were doing nothing to block out the earth-shattering noise. 
Another loud crack of thunder shook the hotel room and you screamed. The aggressive rain didn't help your nerves. You couldn’t go on like this. Left with no choice, you grabbed your phone and dialed a number with shaking hands. 
“You missing me, princess?” 
“Can you come over, please?” you squeaked out. 
The tone of your voice must have alerted him, because his own softened immediately. “Hey, you alright?” It sounded like he was sitting up. 
“No. Please get here, I’ll explain everything.” 
“I’ll be there. What’s your room number?” 
Jey was at your door in ten minutes. You barely opened the door when you rushed back across the room and dove into the bed, the covers wrapped tightly over you. He could see you shaking, could hear you crying. He doubted you even noticed when he climbed in next to you. Or when he began to lightly rub your back. 
"It's okay," he whispered, his heart cracking with each sob that broke free from your throat. “Shh. Hey, it’s okay.” He held you close, whispering and murmuring what he hoped were soothing words. With each passing boom of thunder outside, you cried. Jey had a younger cousin that suffered from a similar ailment, so he had an idea of what you were currently enduring. He focused on trying to calm you down. 
"You're okay, baby," he whispered, making sure the blanket covered you completely. He smoothed a hand over your head, and slowly but surely, he felt you begin to relax. You tucked your head into the crook of his neck, wanting nothing more than to climb into his skin and hide in his embrace until every second of your ordeal from seven years ago was erased.  
It took another hour and a half for the last of the storm to sweep away, and Jey felt you shiver when the thunder gave one last half-hearted rumble. "It's okay, princess, you’re okay," he murmured, using his thumbs to wipe away your tears. “Why are you all alone in here?” 
“I was meant to be with Samantha, but Ricochet happened.” 
“You shoulda come to me.” 
“I didn’t want to intrude.” 
“And when has that ever stopped you?” 
A short laugh escaped you as you tapped his chest with the back of your hand. Loosening your grip on the covers, you let him wrap his arms around you completely, and rested your head on his chest.
“College,” you said. 
“The…thunder problem. It started in college. The final semester of my Masters. I was rushing home one night from a study group. There were reports going around that someone was out there assaulting women on campus. It was raining heavily but I really wanted to return to my dorm. It was a couple of blocks away, but I had my mace on me so I was sure I would be fine. 
“I remember reaching the steps of my building, literally moments away from safety. But then someone attacked me from behind. He shoved me face first into a wall and then dragged me to some dark alleyway. He had a knife, and his hand was on my mouth so I couldn’t scream, but the rain and the thunder was so loud that nobody heard me either way. Everything was so wet and dark. I can still smell everything, the dirt, the rain…his breath...” You inhaled sharply, fighting back the terror already creeping into your skin, threatening to consume you like it always did. 
Jey could see your struggle. “Hey, you don’t have to-” 
You shook your head before he could finish. “I’m fine,” you promised. You swallowed hard. Continued. “He threw me down on the ground, I remember hitting my head, bleeding. He never spoke, but with the way he kept choking me and trying to drag down my jeans, I knew who he was immediately, and I had to stop him somehow. I would have rather died than let him do what he wanted to do.” 
“Did he…” asked Jey, holding you tighter, as though trying to protect you from your own memories. 
You shook your head with a small smile. “Believe it or not, two days before that, I’d watched the Smackdown episode when you and your brother turned heel on American Alpha. You kicked Chad Gable in the leg. l don’t know why, but that clip flashed through my mind. I don’t remember what distracted him, but it gave me an opening to kick him right in the balls. He dropped like a ton of bricks. I beat his ass with my umbrella. I never ever knew I could fight like that. I guess it was the adrenaline, and the fact that my life was in danger.” Taking a deep, shaky breath, you wiped your eyes. “It was the most traumatic experience of my life, and I’m reminded of it every time it rains. That’s why I live on the fucking West Coast. Ain’t no rain over there to trigger me.” 
“Have you considered therapy, or counseling?” asked Jey. 
“No. I’ve dealt with it as best as I could.” 
“You should. It’s okay to get professional help. My cousin got therapy for something similar to this, and she’s doing much better today. I was forced to ask for help…when I struggled with painkillers back in the day.” 
He hesitated for a second, and you saw something flash in his eyes. Gently, you rubbed his arm, transferring some of the comfort he’d given you to him. When he spoke again, his voice was a little more than a hoarse whisper. “It’s been a long road, but therapy has helped me. Still helping me. Give it a shot, or at least think about it.” 
Letting his advice sink in, you nodded and leaned into him. “Okay,” you replied quietly, allowing your fingers to trace the intricate tattoos on his forearm. “You came over fast. Did anyone see you?” 
“Nope. And even if they did, who gives a shit?” Jey said, his fingers closing around yours in a gentle grip. “I’m glad you called me.” 
You smiled. “Surprisingly, I didn't think twice about calling you. I just knew you’d be here for me. I know this might sound a little strange considering we’re always at each other's throats, but I feel…safe…with you.” Daring to glance his way, you rolled your eyes at his teasing grin. “I know, I know, I’m being all mushy and sappy. After all, we’re in this weird ass situationship...” 
“Nah princess, it’s cool. I’m kinda glad you feel that way. I know you’ve only been with WWE for like a year, but it feels like I’ve known you for longer. You're beautiful and you're ambitious and you’re stubborn as hell, and that’s why I’m so attracted to you. I’ve tried not to be. I’ve tried to stay away from you, but something about you just keeps me coming back.”  
A husky, grim chuckle escaped his throat. “I thought fighting with you would do the trick. Thought I could push you away. But that shit backfired. Now we havin’ sex all the time and I come running at the snap of your fingers like a fucking lapdog. You’re right. Our situationship, as you call it, is weird as fuck. I’ve heard the word toxic thrown around, too. But the crazy part is I don’t mind one bit, cuz it’s you. You don’t make it easy to resist you, princess. Not at all.” 
There was a longing in his voice that your heart reached out and grabbed onto, latched onto it with an iron grip. With only a few sentences, the two of you had encroached on something far more intimate than anything you were used to. You were drawn to it, this new possibility…drawn to this crazy notion that you’d developed feelings for each other. It frightened you so much, because the sane, sensible part of you was screaming that it would all end in tears and a broken heart. 
But you had since realized that when it came to Jey Uso, you and sanity were complete strangers.  
“Well then,” you breathed, your lips mere inches from his, “Maybe you should stop resisting me.”  
With that, you closed the hair's breadth that remained between you and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. All that could be heard in the small room from then on were soft sighs and mouths meeting and parting as the two of you embraced. Your hands explored together, traveling under clothing to linger against bare skin, reacquainting yourselves with familiar curves and contours. You grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, craving to feel his bare skin against yours. Jey pulled away sharply to swipe his tongue along your throat, making you tremble and dig your nails into his muscular back. He cradled the back of your head for another kiss, then scooped your ass in his hands, squeezing and kneading the soft fleshy skin that he was so infatuated with. Taking his hand in yours, you guided it around to your thigh, then slid it to exactly where you wanted it. A moan issued from his lips as he palmed your sex and rubbed your already wet pussy. 
Your breathing quickened as he circled your clit with the pad of his thumb, then, you let out a rough grunt as he slid two fingers inside you. To your ears, it was quite an unfeminine sound, but it might as well have been a porn star’s perfected moan from the way Jey’s eyes darkened. His tongue darted across his full lips before his mouth crashed against yours. He worked your dripping cunt, pumping his fingers inside you, and you began to feel hot and tingly. The kiss quickly intensified as you rolled him onto his back, feeling his growing bulge pressing directly on your core. Not missing a beat, you dipped your hand inside his pants, swallowing his quiet moan as you fondled him until he was rock-hard.  
With him flat on his back and defenseless, you took the opportunity to crawl down his body and rid him of his pants and briefs. You did the same with your robe, watching his heated eyes scan your nakedness. Licking your lips at the sight of his glorious cock, you gently squeezed it, staring into his eyes and loving the lust and anticipation that shone in them. You dragged your tongue up and down the underside of his shaft, once, twice, until you reached the head. Taking him between your lips, you kept your suctions light at first, then, your mouth lowered further and further until he disappeared completely in your mouth. Suckling him harder, stroking the base of his shaft with your hand. Humming around his cock, you opened your mouth wider to make him feel the angles in your throat. You slurped his flesh then bobbed on his dick, never letting him escape the tight confines of your starving throat.  
At this point, Jey was gasping uncontrollably, his hand shooting out to grab your hair as his length stiffened in your mouth. You loved the way he threw his head back, groaning from how deep you had him down your throat, coupled with the saliva dribbling from your lips. You used it to lather his dick as you released him to give your mouth a breather. Then, going back in, you sucked him with added fervor. You were on a mission, sucking him off like rent was due, showing his luscious dick no mercy. A satisfied moan rumbled from your stuffed throat as he erupted inside your hot mouth. He tasted warm and salty and perfect; you were so turned on that your pussy trickled onto the sheets between your knees. You pulled your lips off him with an audible pop after he was finished and lay on your side next to him. You could watch his cum face forever, it was so sexy. 
“Fuck, princess,” Jey gasped, massaging your jawline in gratitude, “Damn, you made me nut so hard, baby, that was great.” 
“I try, Daddy,” you replied, watching him grab his semi-hard length and caress it in his hand. He glanced over at you, noted the famished look on your face, and made a show of stroking himself deliberately for your benefit. 
“You want more, baby?” he asked, the question bordering on a taunt. When you nodded eagerly with a lick of your lips, he moaned softly. “Goddamn, you so fucking sexy. Get on top of me,” he instructed. 
Obediently, you swung your leg over his torso, straddling him carefully. He held you by your waist to steady you while he guided his dick inside your pussy, your bodies merging into a single perfect unit. Resting your hands on his chiseled abdomen, you wiggled your ass and tilted your head back with a moan, your eyes closing as you took in more of him. You loved the feeling of him inside you, where even the smallest movement sent pleasure vibrating up your spine. Looking back down, you locked eyes with your man. His gaze bored into yours, practically panting for breath as his hands ran over your stomach and then higher, closing over your breasts. You moaned as he toyed with your dark brown nipples, and your legs squeezed just a little tighter against his muscular thighs. You rocked your hips forward, a teasing, tiny, motion. Still, his jaw clenched, his head arched back as a pleasurable groan escaped from his throat. You moved in earnest, slow and steady, taking him deeper, the sensation of you wrapped snug and tight around him.
"Aw, babe, you're so wet," Jey moaned, pulling you down for a steamy kiss, his arm around your waist. Satisfied moans and desperate groans were muffled as you feasted on each other's tongues. You ground down on his cock, and he rocked his hips up in sync with yours. It was slow, sensual, and deeply erotic. There was no part of your body that didn't line up perfectly with his. The friction between you was the sweetest agony, setting all of your senses on fire.
Jey groaned against your shoulder, his hand coming down on your butt. "Come on, ride me baby," he encouraged, holding on to your ass as you rode him at an increasing gallop. His panting breaths on your skin teased your climax from somewhere on the outskirts of pleasure. "Oh shit," you whimpered, fucking him with a newfound desperation. You honed in on his voice, his deep groans, the creamy sounds of your pussy, feeling their impact as you worked to meet his furious strokes.
Sweeping you into his arms, Jey rolled you onto your back and glided down your body until his mouth pressed against your center. Hoisting your legs in the air, he lapped hungrily at your folds and spread them with his fingers, dragging his tongue upward to your clit, then back down and then up again. He buried his face in your treasure, eliciting a loud moan from you. You spasmed beneath him and came almost immediately, as he continued to torment your swollen pussy with his talented mouth, making it wet and soft. Finally, you couldn’t take anymore and sat up, forcing him up with you. You kissed him full on the mouth, tasting the tangy sweetness of your own pussy. He laid you flat on your back again, bringing his full weight back onto your waiting body, and ground his hips into yours as you kissed. His hot mouth parted from yours to attack your neck and jawline, and you moaned again, lost in the sensations he was eliciting from you.  
So distracted were you that you didn’t realize his dick was in his hand, sliding it back inside you before you could recover your bearings. He proceeded to grind into you, making you feel every inch he was filling you up with. He would withdraw until only the tip of his dick was left, then literally grind his way back inside, your eyes rolling back with every mouthwatering roll of his hips. Your lips were in constant contact as he took his time with your pussy, alternating slow, decadent thrusts with hard, deep, punishing strokes that knocked the wind out of you. Your pussy was eating good and it made you dizzy in the best damn way, as he wrapped you up in his strong sturdy arms. 
“You’re mine. You belong to me,” he whispered to you. 
“Yes Daddy…” 
He reached up to squeeze your left breast. “Tell me. I wanna hear it.” 
“I’m yours. I belong to you. Fuck, Jey, ohhh,” you moaned, your head rearing back as your body accepted his deep, pummeling thrusts. The pleasure he was giving to you was nothing short of incredible. You wanted to say he was fucking the shit out of you, but this didn’t quite feel like fucking. He was making love. To you. With you. As you stared into his eyes, the emotions bubbled to the surface, consuming your entire being and his. You knew. He knew. 
Running your hands along his muscular triceps, you felt him shiver from your caress. “This your pussy, Daddy?” you asked him, gazing up adoringly at him.
“Yeah, this my shit.” 
“This your pussy?” 
“You know it is.” He kissed your lips. 
“Then fuck it like it’s yours.” 
And that, he did. Pushing your legs back, speeding up his thrusts. Wet sounds permeated around the hotel room as his hips pistoned to beat up your soaked pussy. He leaned forwards and nudged your legs up higher until your knees were by your ears. Your foreheads met, his lips parted over your own, exhaling labored breaths as he thrust into you with much more vigor. He was doing his best to stuff his thick shaft into you, hitting your sweet spot each time he hammered into your pussy.  
“Oh god, Jey!” you whined, staring helplessly down between your bodies as he plowed into you, the tightness in your belly intensifying. “Yeah, fuck me, fuck me, fuuuck!” 
This was what being on drugs felt like, Jey thought. The potency, the high, the addiction, the need for it at every waking hour. Your sex was his new drug, and he was a fiend for it, a slave for you and your intoxicating taste. Trembling from both pleasure and realization, Jey nuzzled the skin of your throat and lavished it with wet licks and breathy kisses. Grabbing the headboard for leverage, he plunged into your warm depths, going so deep in you, his balls pressed against your ass. He hissed softly as he felt your hands smooth down his back and squeeze the taut skin of his ass, drawing him closer to sweet release. “I’m ‘bout to buss in this pussy, princess…Fuck…” 
You had to come. The incredibly hot noises coming from his throat made it impossible to hold it in any longer. Your pussy gushed like a sprung leak, wetting his thighs up. Jey wrapped one arm underneath you and lifted your ass off the bed, holding you right up against his groin and pounding you even as you were coming hard. Moaning uncontrollably, your hands clutched wildly at the sheets for balance before grabbing his back, only to be slammed back down to the bed by his hand around your throat as he kept pounding his dick into you. The rough, sudden switch was primal and erotic as hell, and your pussy agreed, quivering around him, making your legs shake in midair from the force of yet another mind-blowing orgasm.  
Thrusting only a couple more times, Jey let out a low cry as his body seized up, his dick throbbing as he came hard inside you, making a chill run down your spine. He was at your mercy as your pussy kept its strong grip on his cock, milking him to the very last drop. When he released your throat and let you straighten your legs, it felt like they didn’t work anymore as they hung limply around his waist. He looked on in mild amusement at your shell-shocked expression, your body twitching as you took in gulps of precious air.  
“You okay?” he asked. 
“I…think you broke my pussy,” you gasped. 
“Let me pet it, then,” he offered, laughing when you quickly smacked his hand away. 
“Um, no, you’ve done enough damage,” you giggled.  
Rolling off you and onto his back, he gathered you into his arms. “That was so fuckin’ hot, princess. I love how your body reacts to me,” he said. 
“I love the way you fuck me. It turns me on,” you disclosed with a kiss to his lips. You rested your head in the hollow of his neck afterwards, inhaling his scent, luxuriating in the rapid pulse of his heartbeat and his hand caressing your hip. 
“So…I heard you get to work from home this week,” Jey spoke up. 
You rolled your eyes with a giggle. “Boy, quit bribing Kayla for information on me.” 
“Whatever. It’s my week off and I’m heading to Key West tomorrow after the show. I got a place by the beach there. Come with me. It’ll be fun.” 
Not wanting to appear too eager, you waited a few seconds to reply. “Fine. But it better be worth my while.” 
Jey only smiled. Words were not needed. You would see for yourself.
One week later  
The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and you were smiling from ear to ear. You had Tamia’s “So Into You” on repeat from how euphoric you were feeling. You were walking on air and you didn’t want to come down, because you couldn’t get last week out of your head.  
Key West was a beautiful part of Florida. It was the perfect place to unwind from the craziness of the circus that was the WWE. Jey’s secluded beachfront home was cozy and beautiful; he was the consummate host and made sure you were comfortable and well taken care of. He showed you a great time, treating you to good food, grade A ganja, and spectacular sex.  
Lots of it. 
Heat spread through your body whenever you thought about the way you slutted each other out for five straight days. Damn. Jey Uso was quite the athlete and had a creative mind, and he put that shit to good use in bed. But this trip wasn’t all about sex. You learned a lot of other things about him. Like his ability to play the piano. He had one in the house and he played it every night. Watching his fingers move so skillfully across the keys made you understand why he was so good with your body. You learned that he loved walks on the beach. They calmed and centered him, and it did the same for you whenever you went with him. You learned bits about his life that he had kept from even his brothers and cousin. It warmed your heart to know that he was now comfortable enough to confide in you. A lot of your conversations were deep and personal, and both of you kept every single word exchanged dear to your hearts. 
And then, on the final night, Jey made love to you as the sun set. Yes. Made love. There was no mistaking it this time. It was hands down the most intimate, most passionate, and, dare you say, romantic experience you’d had with him to date. The way you stared into each other's eyes as if you never wanted to look at any others again. The way he slowed his strokes to take his time with you rather than fucking you into the bed like he often did. The way he kissed you sensually and held your hands as you moaned your names, felt a whole lot like…that. Different. Amazing. You saw in his eyes that he felt the same way, and as you returned to work, you both knew that your relationship had taken a new turn. 
Cody Rhodes was helping you set up your equipment for your YouTube show inside one of the media rooms in the arena. You noticed he was being extra attentive today, hanging around you more. But this was him, always nice to everyone and genuinely interested in what they were doing, so you thought nothing of it. You’d caught a glimpse of the Convertible he had driven in with today. It looked just like the one Jey used to show you the beautiful night view from a secluded hilltop overlooking the city of Key West. You had shown him your appreciation by riding him in the backseat in full view of the bright city lights… 
Sheesh, you really couldn’t stop thinking about him, could you? You wondered where he was as he hadn’t texted you all morning. 
Looking around the room and satisfied with your handiwork, you dusted off your hands proudly. “Perfect. Anyone who walks in here will feel the vibes,” you declared with enthusiasm. 
“Yeah, it looks amazing,” said Cody, an indecipherable look on his face as he watched you. Sitting down next to him, you opened up your MacBook and started work. 
“Can I ask you something?” Cody spoke up. 
“Sure.” You glanced over at him, doing a double take at the look on his face. “Everything okay?” 
It certainly didn’t look that way. He seemed to be struggling with some kind of internal battle and it had you a little concerned. Staring at you for another long, charged moment, he shrugged his shoulders. 
“Ya know what? Fuck it.” 
Reaching over and grabbing your face with both hands, he pressed his lips to yours.  
A surprised grunt escaped you, a sound that was soon muffled by his mouth moving against yours. His hands framed your face, holding you to him as you froze in complete shock. You had no idea how long you sat there for while Cody kissed you. You were just wondering what the fuck was going on. 
From the open door a few feet away, with a bouquet of red roses in his hand, Jey’s shadowed expression was as hard as stone. Without uttering a word, he moved back as silently as he had emerged and disappeared from sight, going back the way he came. 
As though sensing another presence in the air, your paralysis snapped, and you jerked back, your eyes wide in surprise. “What the fuck, Cody!” you exclaimed, almost tripping over your own feet as you shot out of your chair. 
It only now seemed to hit him, the full realization of what he had just done coming together in his mind. “Shit…Y/N I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he stammered over and over. 
You studied the man in front of you, who was now staring back at you with a mixture of embarrassment and disappointment. This had to be a bad dream. Were you being Punk’d? “What was that? Why did you do that?” you demanded.
“I swear, I just…I thought I felt something between us, you know,” the American Nightmare answered sheepishly. “I thought you were just shy and wanted me to make the first move and…Fuck, how stupid am I?” He scratched the back of his head, pacing back and forth in front of you. 
What?! “I’m sorry, but I don’t know where you got that from,” you said carefully but firmly.  
He cringed at the look on your face. “I made you really uncomfortable, didn’t I? I am so sorry…I promise, I didn’t mean…” 
“Yeah…I need some air.” Without waiting for him to respond, you stood up and walked out. You were reeling, desperate to make sense of what just happened. 
What the fuck. What the fuck! 
You leaned against the wall next to the Gorilla position, taking several deep breaths that only made your lungs feel tighter, shutting your eyes as the moment played over and over in your head. It had been half an hour since it happened, and you were still completely flabbergasted. 
What the hell was Cody thinking? What in the world made him think you were attracted to him, so much so that he would kiss you?! How long had he been wanting to do that? Did you send any mixed signals to him? Yes, you’d spent a lot of time with him recently, but only because of his return and you assumed he was treating everyone the same way, catching up with old friends and acquainting himself with the new talent, like you.  
What the fuck! 
An icy feeling of dread gripped your stomach, and you swallowed hard as you recalled the first person that had popped into your mind when Cody kissed you. Jey. You felt like you betrayed him. Another man, a man who wasn’t him, had kissed you. 
What the fuck! 
You summoned the courage to leave Gorilla and stepped out to the entrance of the arena. Wrestlers and crew members were scattered around the empty arena where the ring was being set up, no one noticing you or the sense of complete disorientation that had gripped your being. 
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Sweeping the vast space with your eyes, you spotted the Bloodline brothers by the announce table, resting on the barricades, saying all sorts of goofy stuff into the microphones and making everyone laugh. You hesitated, but only for a moment, before making your way over to them. You had to tell Jey. It would be wrong to keep it from him, especially if you were going to be together. If you told him the truth, it would turn out fine. You were certain of it. 
All four members of the Bloodline wore varied expressions as you stood amongst them; from Solo’s stoic mild curiosity, to Jimmy’s trepidation, to Roman’s passiveness - you would have thought they were watching completely different TV shows or movies. But it was your lover’s face that you honed in on, confused by why he was looking at you so coldly and with such...anger?
“Can we talk?” you said to him, your voice small and nervous.
 And then it hit you. This was how Jey had glared at Sami during that now infamous Ucey promo. Mic in his hand, deliberating over Sami’s apology before ripping the Canadian to shreds with his acid tongue. By the time you realized you were about to receive the same treatment, it was too late. 
Jey raised the mic to his lips. “Depends. You done suckin’ Cody’s face off yet?” 
The air whooshed out of the arena. You went completely still, your eyes widening in stunned surprise. Your face sagged, your jaw dropping open on its own accord. How does he… Your mind struggled over what to process first; the horrifying fact that somehow, Jey had seen you and Cody…or the fact that he had just announced it to half the roster…You could still hear the reverberations of his words booming all around the arena. 
Frantically, your eyes scanned his face, searching for a hint of the trademark dark humor that you’d become accustomed to from him. But there was no joking smile, no warmth. Instead, he regarded you with the same notion as something he had discovered on the bottom of his shoe. There was nothing in his eyes…no, wait, that wasn't true. There was something in the back of his gaze; it looked like…hurt. You felt your stomach disintegrate, as though a giant hand had grabbed it and was crushing it into powder. 
A mocking grin touched the corners of the Tag champ’s mouth; your reaction had not been lost on him. Pushing off the barricade, his voice was cold and terse as he spoke. “Yeahhh, I saw y’all…in that little room backstage. You and Cody…Y’all were real cozy back there, making out and shit.” 
A myriad of emotions swept through you; comprehension, confusion, panic. You didn’t know exactly what he saw, but you needed to set the record straight now. 
“Jey," your voice came out as a squeak, and you chastised yourself for being so weak. "Jey, I can explain. What you saw-" 
“I know what I saw, bitch. His tongue was down your fucking throat," he interjected, practically spitting out the words. “How long have you been fucking him, huh? Who’d you start fucking first, him or me?” 
The way Jimmy’s jaw dropped was almost comical. Even Solo looked surprised. You forgot that Roman was the only member of the Bloodline who knew about you and Jey. 
“I’ve never fucked Cody! What you saw back there was not what you think! I don’t know why he kissed me, but I didn’t kiss him back! I didn’t! If you really saw what happened then you’d have seen my reaction-”  
“You got quite the nerve, standing there lying to my face like I’m some kinda punk. You got me fucked up. Tell me something, princess. Was I just a placeholder while you fucked around with Cody behind my back? Oh I get it, it’s because you think he better than me, right? He’s the bigger star, right? I know that’s how you get down. Clout is everything to you and you’d do anything…and anyone…to get it.”  
Closing the distance between you, he got right in your face, his lips curled in a vicious snarl. "Did last week even mean...anything...to you… or were you just bullshittin' me the entire time?"  
By now, you were surrounded by superstars from Raw and SmackDown alike, everyone gathering around to witness this mess. They all had the exact same reaction, thinking the exact same thing. You and Jey Uso, the two eternally warring bitter enemies…sleeping together?! 
But you took no notice of any of them; no one except the man standing in front of you mattered. "Stop it, Jey! I did not kiss him! I’m telling the truth!” Your voice broke, as did your features, crumpling in misery. You moved forwards, reaching out to him. "Baby, please, listen to me…”  
The second you touched his arm, something snapped inside him. "Don't! Don’t touch me!" he roared, swatting your hand away. You gasped and shrank back, but didn't tear your eyes from his face. You couldn’t even if you tried. His handsome face twisted in a sneer, his dark irises were filled with rage as they stared accusingly at you. “I trusted you! I opened up to you and you played me! Why the fuck you gotta do me like that? I told you so much about me, maybe too fuckin’ much…I fell-”  
He turned away from you before he could finish, dragging a hand angrily down his face to calm himself down. When he looked back at you, the pain in the depths of his gaze was so raw you could almost taste it.  
“I was right all along. You are a whore. An obnoxious, selfish, clout-chasing little bitch who thinks she can play with people’s lives and get away with it.” 
“Jey, fuckin’ stop, man!” Jimmy ordered, coming between you and him. It was clear that everyone had heard too much already. 
Jey didn’t take his eyes off you; you were seconds away from crumbling under his hateful stare. "A’ight. I’ll stop, Uce.” His tone was bitter and filled with the barest trace of sarcasm. “Matter of fact, I’ll stop all of this. All this shit ends right now, because I’m fucking done with you, princess.”  
In spite of yourself, and the enormous wad of emotion in your throat, you felt a cold, dull anger take hold of you. This was uncalled for. No matter how ‘badly’ you treated him in the past, you didn't deserve this, this public humiliation, this unwarranted bile and venom. You weren’t going to take it and you were going to let him know.
“Fuck you!” you spat, your sudden outburst taking everyone by surprise, including Jey. “I’ve done nothing wrong! Don’t fucking stand there and call me a liar just because your feelings are hurt over nothing! You're being an ass for no reason and I’m not having it! I told you, I did not kiss Cody. Period. If you don’t believe me, then go fuck yourself! If anyone should be done with anybody, it’s me, Jey. I’ve had it with you and your bullshit, you fucking asshole!” 
For a second, something flashed across his expression…a look of remorse, longing, even…but in the next, it hardened. That settled it for you. He had made up his mind, and you planned on making him regret it. Casting him one last deathly glare, you turned your back and weaved through the cluster of Superstars, who quickly parted to let you pass.
You walked away as fast as you could. You ignored Jimmy’s calls to come back and kept walking, back up the ramp, down the hallway, escaping outside to the parking lot, your heart cracking with every step you took. You could feel a cry building up inside of you; a loud, primal wail that would not stop if you permitted it to escape.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. It was a text message from Ryan Satin, a popular wrestling journalist you worked with on PLEs. 
You need to see this, now.
You typed in the link to the website he sent you. Clicking the page, what you saw caused your jaw to drop. Your stomach plummeted and your heart began to race.
Photos of you and Jey at the airport, sitting on his lap in one and kissing in the other. Above the photos was the caption:
Thoughts? What did you think of Jey’s actions in the last scene? What about the rest of Part 2?
Please leave comments. I love comments!
Banner made by me. Credit to owners of the other pics and gifs.
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fortunelowtier · 8 months
I still 100% unironically wholeheartedly believe that this scuffed ass reality tv show from 2007 where CBS stranded 40 children in the middle of the NM desert a la Lord of the Flies is one of the most genuinely fascinating pieces of TV I've ever watched just because of how ABSURD it is on every level
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-Their society is a bizarre Communism/Democracy hybrid whose entire economy is based on the barter system
-There is a set class system everyone is sorted into against their will who each get paid more or less money depending on how high or low they are on the ladder, and at the end of each episode they must compete in competitions to decide who gets to be at the top, with the "strongest" being able to get the esteemed title of "upper class"
-Every time they would complete a challenge, at the very end they were given a choice of 2 things that could be added to the town, to which the leaders of the teams would vote on which to get (For example, in one episode they had to choose between fresh produce or 50 pizzas). One of these things was letters from the children's parents, implying that the adults on site were receiving the mail from these kid's parents and deliberately withholding it from them
-In one episode the district leaders of each of the 4 teams (the classes) go out and find a chest full of buffalo nickels (the town's currency), they bring the chest to the town and naturally, this creates unprecedented inflation near instantly, as there's now a mass amount of currency that suddenly appeared in the economy
-Their entire society existed in relative stability until the moment religion was introduced in the form of various religious texts (Bibles, the Quran, etc), after which the town immediately started to go to shit. The Jewish kids and Christian kids were at each other's throats about which religion was """better""" (because they're children who had religion forced upon them at a young age before they were able to think for themselves but that's an entire can of worms I won't open), while the 1 (one) Hindu kid was trying to keep the peace
-At one point the kids start to crave meat, as their food up to that point was mostly canned goods and various produce, so one of the """eldest""" members of the group, (I say """eldest""" because he was still only like 14 or 15) who had worked as a butchers apprentice, took one of their chickens and lead the kids into the desert to where he then taught them how to decapitate, pluck, drain, and cook a chicken.
-One of the kids later did a Reddit AMA about his experience on the show, where he then disclosed various things that happened outside of the camera such as, but not limited to: Oil burns, a kid drinking bleach, scorpions, venomous snakes, an outbreak of herpes, the lack of showers, the lack of multiple toilets (up until I believe a few weeks in they only had one outhouse), etc etc etc
-The parents of these kids allegedly had to sign a 22 page waiver that was basically CBS going "If ur kids get hurt you can't sue us", specifically noting "acts of god" in the contract of things that they weren't to be held accountable for
-At the end of every week, the 4 leaders got together to choose which person would receive that week's "gold star", a star made out of 20,000 USD of solid gold (around 30k after adjusting for inflation), an unfathomable amount of money to give to kids who likely had no concept as to how much money 20 grand was
-The town used for Bonanza City is actually a ghost town/film set located just 20 miles from Santa Fe used as a filming location for movies like A Million Ways to Die In the West (2014) and The Legend of the Lone Ranger (1981). The reason I bring this up is because it's the same film set in which 14 years later, Alec Baldwin would accidentally discharge a firearm on the set of Rust, resulting in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins
To anyone asking where to watch this, I genuinely don't know. All of the 13 episodes used to be available on YouTube by someone who re-uploaded them in 2010, but the channel was terminated last year. I've heard that there are a few Google Drive folders floating around that have the raw MP4 files and you could watch them that way but you'd probably have to go digging for it
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also-fours · 6 days
spider-man 2 discourse has been full of three types of problems
1. actually valid criticisms of the story (symbiote invasion being rushed, them backtracking on previous events and making harry possessed at the last second, etc)
2. "wow, this really fucking sucks (has not been paying attention to the story, proceeds to make up problems that aren't there)"
3. "this isnt exactly what i wanted/is accurate to the comics therefore it is baaaaaaad"
note that the person making these claims has actually read peter parker spider-man comics that came out before 2007
and has read miles comics too
with this game it just kinda feels like people have just been. looking for things to be mad at
i feel with all the accusations that miles's main story in his own game got, those were all filled with genuine critiques and i completely get why people said those things and i agree with most of 'em
but with spider-man 2's main story i feel most people (again, MOST PEOPLE, if you do not make these claims i am NOT talking about you) are either needlessly suckin the game off or looking for things to complain about even if those things aren't there
...at least it's this way on twitter and youtube, y'all on tumblr are normal and cool about this game from what i can tell
also btw have y'all ever noticed that spider-man fans physically cant talk about something they like WITHOUT using it to bash something that another person made in the head? "yeah miles was super cool like this :))) UNLIKE THAT GARBAGE THING I DONT LIKE WOW THATS SO STUPID >:(((((("
i hate this fandom
spider-man fans NOWADAYS are what sonic fans USED to be, i swear to god (or maybe they're still like that, i dunno. they're less angry, i think. less loud.)
except it's even worse because spider-man fans tend to be a bunch of film and writing buffs so they always gotta act like they're right about everything, they can't just think a certain way, no they GOTTA be right
btw, i read VENOM comics too, i miss eddie brock, i didnt want harry to be venom, and i hope they introduce him next time around but fuck, y'all got WAY too mad at harry as venom, he wasnt THAT bad.
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taraljc · 1 month
I rewatched the Andrew Garfield Amazing Spider-Man movies and I continue to desperately hope that he and Gwen Stacy show up in the third Venom film.
But if the spell in No Way Home pulled everyone who knew Peter was Spider-Man into the MCU, why did it pull in Electro because Max had absolutely no idea who Peter was or that Peter was Spider-Man so I don't get it. is there a line of dialogue somewhere that I missed? Harry knew, but Electro didn't.
(also I had completely and totally forgotten that Colm Fiore was in Amazing Spider-Man 2 so there is a Loki story somewhere where he is going to be really confused about that particular variant of Laufey.)
Anyway, if Max was returned before Gwen was killed, then he can actually save her from Harry. like completely dodge that entire bullet. Or even just yell to Peter that he needs to get her out of there.
(Similarly, wouldn't the spell have also pulled Gwen and her dad before the moments of their deaths? so if they were also sent back then the entire Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies may have a completely different history that Peter doesn't know but Gwen does, which would be kind of awesome actually.)
Also Andrew Garfield's Peter sincerely apologising to Max for not being Black is still one of my all-time favourite moments in the MCU. I really hope Max gets to meet Miles Morales someday. That would be so awesome.
I really wish that they had just not made Multiverse Of Madness and just made no way home and that was the only sequel to Doctor Strange. That's the only one we needed and it's a better movie in every way.
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itscharh · 2 months
Hey @marvelentertainment what makes you think strobes make a good movie? I would've paid to see New World Order but your trailer editing, VFX and marketing departments have made it so I can't. (Don't worry I also blame the producers)
I most likely won't even be able to watch it on streaming seeing as I barely made it through the trailer. How did that pass the Harding Test? Or do you simply not care anymore? ( I understand that you're a major corporation so it's easy for you not to.)
People with photosensitivity make up 5-20% of the population, and while those numbers may seem small to you now, add them to your dwindling popularity, super hero fatigue, and desperate hope that this film changes the tides of box office reviews. It may start to seem like this subsect of the population is not as small as we appear. And for the record we talk. We tell each other what is safe to see and what isn't. There are communities that review films from 20+ years ago, so when trying to find something to watch on streaming, we have reliable sources.
Right now I'm telling you that your movie looks dangerous, it looks like it could send someone to the ER during a screening. It looks like people losing hope not regaining it, as they're hooked up to an EEG waiting to find out how drastically Captain America has changed their lives. I'm telling @moviehealthcommunity to flag this film trailer immediately because I nearly had a seizure sitting on my couch excited for a new chapter of the MCU.
Instead I'm mad that studios are still doing this after the mess that Venom (2018) and Incredibles 2 (2018) were. Disney had their sticky hands in both and has learned nothing within six years. In fact, the Pixar trailer for Elio is also completely unwatchable and that's for children. Feel free to search up febrile epilepsy. I have more to say but a relentless headache from my brain over firing is taking over.
Goodnight. I hope you change the damn trailer at the very least.
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Peter Tork and his grandmother, Catherine McGuire Straus (in photo 2 at the premiere of Head, 1968; photo by Art Zelin/Getty Images).
“One of my favorite people in the world is my ‘Grams,’ Mrs. Catherine McGuire Straus. She lives in Manhattan in the West 50’s. She calls Colgems regularly to check on our record sales, keeps an enormous scrapbook on the activities of the Monkees (favoring me a little bit, of course), and she visits all the record stores regularly to make sure that they are well stocked with Monkees singles and LP’s.” - Peter Tork, 16’s The Monkees: Here We Are (1967)
Many are no doubt familiar with Peter’s grandmother’s contributions to U.S. teen magazines. A few things that might have have fallen through the cracks of Tork and Monkees history are his grandmother’s letters to two British music magazines in 1967...
“As the grandmother of one Monkee, Peter Tork, I have received hundreds of delightful letters from British fans of the Monkees. Recently there have been complaints that some magazines do not print pictures of Peter when they are doing a story on the Monkees. But I find Monkee pictures fairly well distributed in all the pop magazines, though Davy Jones more or less rules the roost! Also received complaints about Peter not appearing with his co-Monkees when they were in London in February. I would assume that the working hours he has every day, seven days a week, are not conducive to his spending a vacation with one’s workers. And I assure you Peter has a mind of his own, so he couldn’t be persuaded to join them. He’s at last been seen and heard — ‘fine’ by his British fans. Do hope the concerts were a SMASHING success — to use a Britishism!” - Catherine McGuire Straus, Disc & Music Echo, July 15, 1967
“Having belatedly read the article by Jeremy Walsh on the Monkees, as the grandmother of one Monkee — Peter Tork — I resent it. It seems to me unnecessarily nasty and rude. His attacks on the group are peculiarly venomous, considering that the Monkees cannot have done anything to promote such anger and, in fact, are the delight of most critics. Well, there’s no use laboring the point. One can only wonder why the hostility. And why make comparisons with the Beatles. Either the Monkees are good in their own right or they’re not. There’s nothing else to consider, is there. Incidentally Peter was marked for the academic world, where both his parents teach. He flunked out of college twice. After his sojourn in Greenwich Village and the concert tours, decided he’d head for the West Coast and Hollywood — every actor’s Mecca. Over 400 applicants auditioned for the Monkees — Peter was one of the four selected and so the Monkees were born etc. Last, but not least, the U.S.A. helped to bring fame and fortune to the Beatles and their super manager, Brian Epstein. Let the British do likewise for the Monkees.” - Sincerely yours, Catherine McG. Straus, Record Mirror, April 8, 1967
“I received hundreds of delightful letters, many of which I answered, in answer to my protest about the article on the Monkees by Jeremy Walsh. All I want is for these charming teenagers to know how grateful I am for their love and devotion to the Monkees.” - Catherine McG. Straus, Record Mirror, June 17, 1967
Here’s part of the opinion of one Jeremy Walsh, referenced by Peter’s grandmother:
“If four good-looking boys, with no talent, can top the charts — can beat the sales of real stars — then it’s all worthless. I’m not saying they can’t play at all. I’m saying that they can’t play well. I’m also saying that their TV series, fount of 90 per cent of their disc fame, is blatantly based on the earlier Beatle films… and that they owe a lot of their disc hits to Beatle influences. I’d feel less strongly about them if only they had tried to adapt something completely new. It’s like some massive act of retaliation by the Americans, still smarting over Beatle-domination. […] The Monkee business really makes me smart. The only consolation is that it should be a short craze. Several people will make their million, then cheerfully abandon the whole project.” - Jeremy Walsh, Record Mirror, February 4, 1967
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - Expanded Marvel's New York
Digital Deluxe Trailer 
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will launch for PlayStation 5 on October 20, 2023.
Latest details
Expanded Marvel’s New York
In the video, Creative Director Bryan Intihar provides a deep dive into our expanded Marvel’s New York, including the ways we’ve evolved the game since we last masked up and played as our Spider-Men. New locations, updated exploration, exhilarating traversal, near-instant switching between heroes, a rogue’s gallery of villains, new abilities and gadgets, and brand-new Suit Styles are just some of the ways we’re upping the game this time around.
So, what’s new?
In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’re nearly doubling the size of Marvel’s New York. Expanding beyond the East River, you’ll swing and soar over iconic landmarks across Queens and Brooklyn—complete with story missions, side quests, and city activities! This expansion also means even faster traversal options such as the Web Wings, which can be combined with traditional web swinging to move at exhilarating speeds.
Players will also be able to switch between Peter Parker and Miles Morales in the open world, near-instantly thanks to the power of the PlayStation 5. Both Spider Heroes are important characters to the grand story we’re telling in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and each will have their own separate side stories to uncover throughout the city. Help students at Brooklyn Visions as Miles Morales or accept new requests for aid as Peter Parker via the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man app—you can even choose to tackle certain activities as either Spider-Man!
Kraven the Hunter and the monstrous Venom join our roster of villains and will strain our heroes, their relationships, and the place they call home. However, they’re not the only two villains causing trouble in the city. We won’t spoil it for you—but our Spideys will need to, ahem, #BeGreaterTogether, to stop them using many new skills, gadgets, and abilities!
In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’ve layered on a new set of abilities and skills for our heroes: Pete’s new Symbiote powers and Spider-Arms are aggressive and relentless; meanwhile, Miles brings an electrifying and thunderous quality to his bioelectric venom power, as well as Evolved venom abilities. Mix, match, and deploy these abilities with ease using a streamlined control scheme and combo them in fights in all-new Spidey style!
Speaking of style, let’s talk suits! Featuring 65 suits, which include new original designs and fan favorites from films and comics, players will have an expansive wardrobe of costumes to equip in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. We’re also delighted to announce Suit Styles, an all-new feature that unlocks alternate color shaders for some suits, which provide over 200 ways for you to outfit your Spider-hero!
The Digital Deluxe Edition
In May, we also revealed the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Digital Deluxe Edition featuring 10 exclusive Spidey suits, additional Photo Mode items, and 2 Skill Points. To bring these 10 suits to life, we partnered with several artists across comics, games, and films! We spoke with these artists to give us a little insight into their designs. We’ll be sharing deeper dives into these suits on Insomniac Games’ official social media accounts, so stay tuned!
Apunkalyptic Suit – Designed by Jerad Marantz: Make the best out of any situation with the Apunkalyptic Suit, featuring a low-tech design that shows what Peter Parker can do with limited resources and a strong will.
Stone Monkey Suit – Designed by Victoria Ying: Heavily inspired by Chinese legends, this suit brings an acrobatic and uniquely mischievous design to the world of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The suit is practical and stylish!
Tactical Suit – Designed by Bend Studios: From Bend’s concept artists Joel Mandish and Darren Quach, the Tactical Suit is inspired by Japanese media and the vast universe of comics. It’s a futuristic and lighter design that stands out in our roster of Digital Deluxe Edition suits.
Aurantia Suit – Designed by Raf Grassetti: The Aurantia Suit is an evolution of traditional Spider-Man designs that incorporates slick and practical spider motifs! Highlights include antennas infused into the mask elements, giving it a stealthy appearance made for Peter Parker!
25th Century Suit – Designed by Anthony Francisco: Featuring an ultramodern design, this suit incorporates a unique fishbowl-like helmet and an array of lights. This futuristic suit sports bulky yet fashionable boots and a sleek design all around.
The EnC0ded Suit – Designed by Kris Anka: The EnC0ded Suit brings a cyberpunk flare to Miles Morales’ wardrobe! If you look closely at the suit, you may spot a few interesting details such as abstract lettering reminiscent of popular phrases from Spider-Man lore!
Biomechanical Suit – Designed by Jerad Marantz: The merger between organics and mechanics, the Biomechanical Suit is inspired by popular anime creature designs, pushing an “otherworldly” style in its use of materials and themes.
Red Spectre Suit – Designed by Sweeney Boo: Let’s paint the town red! The Red Spectre Suit spotlights the young and adventurous nature of Miles Morales. It merges Spidey’s heroic motifs with stylish fashion!
Tokusatsu Suit – Designed by Julia Blattman: This design takes heavy inspiration from the world of insects and live-action Japanese media known as Tokusatsu. The design keeps Miles Morales’ iconic red and black color palette and incorporates a grand sense of Tokusatsu-like heroism!
Agimat Suit – Designed by Anthony Francisco: Inspired by the indigenous tribes of the Philippines, the Agimat Suit is a playful and colorful design suited for Miles Morales. The suit gives off a hint of royalty with its high contrast purple and gold color palette!
On top of all the exciting news today, we’re thrilled to announce a special collaboration with EARTHGANG (feat. Benji) to bring you “Swing,” a new music track featured in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Listen to it first in our Digital Deluxe Edition trailer! For “Swing” and other music from Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, you can listen to the full soundtrack showcasing a score from award-winning composer John Paesano on your favorite music streaming platform starting October 20th.
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fakeuwus · 10 months
here's my orange blood review that absolutely nobody asked for:
sweet venom: i liked the mannequin challenge lowkey LOL it was rlly cool but what i didn't like was how only one set was used and the SAME mannequin sequence was reused, just replacing members. it seems that belift rushed this filming bc it isn't nowhere near the effort they've put into their other mvs. also, HYBE WHY ARE U ALLERGIC TO BRIDGES??? WHY IS SWEET VENOM LESS THAN 2 AND A HALF MINUTES?? like just imagine a bridge where it slows down a little and picks back up with a lil dance break... (i should be a producer me thinks) moving on to the positives, their vocals sound so good!! jay opening the song did it for me and tbh i rlly do like it. it contrasts bite me which was their goal and the "sweet hee hee" is going to catch on fast. plus, i'm one for upbeat, fun songs and im really happy that jay got to contribute to the writing!! i just wish it was longer /: plus u can see the michael jackson influence in this cb which i can appreciate
mortal: i love her so much. there's like A LOT of monolouging but the melody is really pretty and their vocals sound amazing. it makes me feel like im frolicking in a field fr. i love jake's closing lines bc it rlly sets up the storyline of the album.
still monster: don't come for me i know she's already a fan favorite but i'll have to listen to it a few more times. ITS GOOD THOUGH. jungwon's voice in the pre-chorus LIKE CMON. i think it matches the vibe of sweet venom, just a slower ver of it if ykwim. i think the performance will solidify everything for me and reporters said the choreo was rlly good.
blind: ONE OF MY FAVS. jay's vocals omg he is really showing off his singing this comeback. i cant explain why i love it so much BUT JUST KNOW SHE IS IT!! FOR ME. ((the "wait a minute" part HITS)) ((so does the bridge))
orange flower (you complete me): ive already said this before BUT I JUST KNEW IT WAS GOING TO BE MY FAV. (it has the same writer from bills, one of my fav enha songs) they really tricked us playing the slower version for the trailer TT (hybe pls release that ver as well i NEED her) the song makes me feel really happy and the lyrics are so<33 this is definitely a song for the fans with lyrics like "color my world... you complete me" again gotta highlight jay's vocals bc i love vocalist jay!!
sweet venom (eng ver.): same notes as written before but it sounds good in english!! not awkward at all and i can see myself listening to both versions.
overall, the members emphasized the storyline they were trying to create and that it was a continuation from bite me. i think with watching the trailers and knowing both storylines it makes you appreciate the message they were trying to send. the songs fit well together as a mini album and i can see why the members love this comeback so much. i just wish belift/hybe took a little more time crafting the title track and put more effort into the mv but what can we expect from that company... im extremely proud of the boys bc theyve been working nonstop for so long and it makes me happy that they also love the songs bc i want them to release music theyre proud of.
anyways tysm if u read this all, pls send me what u guys think as well and let's talk ab it!!! 🫶🏼
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labwebs · 11 months
A couple of thoughts on post-Spider-Man 2 Peter:
He tends to describe himself as "on an extended break" rather than "retired" from Spider-Man. Though he is finding fulfilling ways to help others outside of the suit, he knows he'll suit up again one day. He hopes it won't be for a big, Avengers-level but they never show up for it, city-wide emergency but... he knows his life.
Peter promised MJ that his break would last at least until a month after everything on their to-do list for their house is completed. Enough time to fix and update everything that needs it, and enough time to enjoy it as well. Of course, if Miles asks he'll be there, but both of them are very confident that he'll be able to handle things on his own for a while.
Though he often uses his usual spider powers around the house casually (really, few things are more freeing than being around those who know his secret so he can be his full self and not have to hide his abilities), he has completely ignored his still-lingering "anti-Venom" abilities. The longer he's had to process everything that happened, the more freaked out he is about still having anything alien still a part of him. So he's just going to ignore it and hope it's never something he has to rely on again. He'd much rather be the best Spider-Man he can be under his own power.
Speaking of processing, dealing with the aftermath of everything that happened without the outlet of swinging around the city does sort of sneak up on him and surprise him with how difficult that becomes. Of course, he relies on MJ and really they both have a lot of trauma to work through from that week... but it sort of hits him like a train when he finally processes that he died. And that he would've stayed dead if it wasn't for Harry... and then he hates himself even more for how he treated his friend.
As a sort of side-project, he picks up photography and developing film as a hobby again. It's about the one thing he cheats on with using his powers outside of his house- though never in an obvious, show-off way. Just sometimes he's gotta get the right angle and the best way to do that is to get to a rooftop, y'know? He's taken a few pictures of Miles in action solo, too- and makes sure to only sell those to not the Daily Bugle. Obviously.
He is determined to work up the nerve to propose to MJ before his break from Spider-Man is over :)
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moonbear-from-space · 2 years
Venom 3 rumors and stuff oh my!
So more news and stuff as of lately as come out with Venom 3. We first got earlier a deleted scene from the first movie shown by Tom Hardy himself. (Really thought this was a teaser for Venom 3 but it's not, they wouldn't be allowed to show that yet.)
We know that filming will start around June time, Toxin will be in it, and of course rumors have slowly started popping up. The two so far I seen both being from twitter is this list of things (and this one too). Also please take with a fistful of salt. Some of these could be easily true and some could be fake.
Next this recent one that was while take from reddit, I first saw on twitter. is probably one of the most oddest yet interesting things I have ever read. xD If this was a really good AO3 fan fic then that would be fine. But as a movie? I'm unsure about that.
Then again these are just notes, so there gonna sound messy at first before you polish them up and expand on them. Anyways, the one thing that both have in common is that mulitverse will play into this in some form.
Spider Man might have some appearance in the movie, but I'm unsure how that would play out. Really hoping it's Andrew Garfield Spidey, but likely won't be. I guess those rumors normally come up just because people wanna see them fight again but I just wanna see them team up that's all.
Other rumors I saw before and in that first post I mention, of Raimi Venom/Eddie making some return in Venom 3 and Madame Web. And if that's the case my likely guess is that he will only appear at the very end of the movie for a post credit scene. But that's my theory, so I could be completely wrong with that.
Lastly Toxin, as we all know they will be in but we don't know if they will be another villian or a rival instead, hoping the second one. Chance are it's gonna be another symbiote that Eddie/Venom will fight, but we shall see. None of us know whats gonna really happen next.
My only hope is that it will be still a fun movie overall and filled with funny moments, cool action and of course romance between our 2 favourite love birds.
Thank you for reading this long ramble of text, it won't be too long now for more rumors and even leaks to show up more around June time. Take care for now. c:
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adamwatchesmovies · 9 months
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes (2023)
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With 2015's Mockingjay – Part 2 the Hunger Games, the story was decidedly over (barring a preposterous Rise of Skywalker-style resurrection or a Forever Purge-like resurgence of the titular games). The only way to keep the franchise going was with a prequel. The Hunger Games: Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes focuses on the storyline's "villain behind it all", Coriolanus Snow, when he was young and making his way to the top. If a prequel had to be made, this is the way you go. Unfortunately, the characters way back when turn out to be much less interesting than they were when we first met them and the same goes for the Games.
Eighteen-year-old Coriolanus Snow (Tom Blyth) is determined to get his once-wealthy family out of poverty. When Casca Highbottom (Peter Dinklage) assigns Coriolanus to mentor Lucy Gray Baird (Rachel Zegler), the District 12 female tribute to the annual Hunger Games, he thinks he’s positioned his student to lose the coveted Plinth Prize scholarship. Instead, Coriolanus displays a type of sympathy that’s uncommon to the people of Panem and his champion becomes a favorite among Panem's people. With the scholarship now within range, will Coriolanus’ sympathy hold up?
While the premise is intriguing, there’s an inherent problem with it. When we met Snow, he was cold, calculating and charismatic, but in a “I love to hate this guy and want to see what’s coming next” kind of way. This younger Snow is sympathetic and innocent. When loss-of-innocence storylines work, it's because a part of you hopes for a happy ending where the protagonist doesn't completely fall from grace. It isn’t a spoiler to tell you that by the time “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes ends, Coriolanus is a murderer with no desire to abolish the Hunger Games who only wants to consolidate more power. You know there's no hope and you’re waiting for the movie to catch up. Making that wait feel even longer is Coriolanus's transformation. It takes a long time, until the final act when the change is so abrupt you feel like you missed a scene.
Another flaw with the film are the titular Hunger Games. Katniss volunteered to participate in the 74th annual Hunger Games. Here, we're getting the 10th. In that gap, there have been some significant changes. Part of what makes winning the Plinth Prize scholarship difficult is that people have gotten bored of the gladiatorial bloodbath. You can see why. The arena is just an empty circle with weapons in the center. Even when the battlefield gets an impromptu facelift, it only allows the children to run and hide so the conflict can last even longer. It's nothing like the arenas we saw before, with varied landscapes and threats ranging from venomous insects to monstrous beasts, poisonous rolling mists and more.
Most disappointing about the picture is that you often see what it could've been. Tom Blyth is great, as is Rachel Zegler. There's a doomed bond that forms between them and it grabs your attention. As Snow becomes increasingly sinister, you wonder what will happen to the people he's allowed close, including his classmates and Lucy. It's a shame the film spends so much of its running time following Snow before he becomes corrupt. If the 157 minutes had leaned more towards the darker chapters of his story, we'd have a real winner.
The Hunger Games: Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is well made, the performances are solid and it has a great concept but the execution is disappointing. For what it does well, I won't say that it feels like an attempt to wring more blood from a stone but this prequel does not feel essential. When you're saying that about the fifth entry in a series, it means you can only recommend it to the most fervent fans, the kind who care more about getting more than anything else. (Theatrical version on the big screen, December 7, 2023)
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charmsandtealeaves · 7 months
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Another week another read list - what’s that consistency? 😱 I didn’t read or write much at all this week. Funny how that happens when you actually get a break 🙃 grumble grumble something about don’t measure your self worth by what you don’t accomplish
Read This Week:
Quest for Camelot by @petalsinwoodvale (Ch.12-13)
WIP, Quest for Camelot Jily AU, Rated T
All Lily has ever wanted is to be a knight, like her father, Sir Lionel. After Camelot is attacked and the magical sword Excalibur is stolen, she finds herself teaming up with James, a young blind hermit, as they embark on a quest to find the lost sword. Together, they face the threat of the evil Ruber, navigate challenges with a two-headed dragon and an ogre, and discover that they're more alike than they initially thought. Will they manage to return the sword to Arthur in time, or will they lose not only each other but also their dreams and the precious Excalibur? Based on the 1998 movie Quest for Camelot, but more plot and less singing.
To Bring Down A Kingdom by @mppmaraudergirl (Ch.2)
WIP, inspired by Tristan and Isolde Jily, Rated M
“If we do this…” “For all of time, they will say it was our love that brought down a kingdom.” A story about forbidden lovers, the battle between duty and love, and the cost of betrayal. Inspired by the film Tristan and Isolde.
Befriend by @jamesunderwater
Complete (1.3k), jilymicro-oops Hogwarts Jily, Rated T
I got bit by the Academic Rivals to Lovers bug. Lily got bit by a Venomous Tentacula.
Coffee and Cream by @eastwindmlk
Complete (6.5k), Order Jily, Rated E
When James breaks up with Lily, she is fine. She has plenty of things to distract her from it and it barely hurts. Until it does and she makes a series of bad decisions. 1. Go drinking alone. 2. Figure out the landline is connected. 3-6. Call James and leave him a voicemail 7. Meet him for coffee. Or was that just what they needed?
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gaiaseyes451 · 7 months
New WIP Tag Game!
thank you @malachitegrey !
Give me three lines/paragraphs that you've written that you love [fiction, non-fiction, from different works or the same, from completed stories or poems or WIPs, from yesterday or ten years ago]. If that seems hard, even one will do. It doesn't have to be perfect. It can just be something silly that gives you joy.
And give me three lines/paragraphs that you've written that you dislike and find shitty. Anything at all as long as you wrote it. If you think it's ridiculous or absolute fucking garbage, even better! That's the point of this game. To see that we all write good things and bad things. Yeah? You can do this. And remember that both these categories are subjective.
Ok, let's start with the ones I don't love. These aren't polished, they haven't come out right yet (2 WIPs and bloody hard to pick without giving major spoilers):
When the alarm buzzed at 10 a.m. on 25-May Ezra was already awake; thankfully Anthony had awoken naturally a bit before the alarm. That boded well for the day, it was always easier when Anthony woke of his own volition and today would be challenging enough. The hope was to keep their routine at home as consistent today as possible until they had to get ready for Adam’s wedding. It was one of the reasons Evelyn had suggested setting the ceremony for 3 p.m., an unhurried morning for Anthony to give him the best possible opportunity to be able to attend and enjoy the wedding. They would miss getting ready at the hotel with Adam and the rest of the wedding party, they would miss the photographs before the ceremony and getting to spend the last few hours with their son before he embarked on married life, they would miss the last chance to give fatherly advice.
“Get out of there! I don’t need you mixing things up. If you can’t keep track of your own things I’d thank you stay out of my personal effects!” He shoos Anthony away from his desk as his phone in his trousers rings. He checks the name on the screen - Tracy - probably looking for Anthony.
Heaven largely didn’t concern itself with Hell’s organogram, but Aziraphale knew even Hell followed the idea that the punishment must fit the crime. A demon found to intentionally have aided and abetted in Good would be severely reprimanded. Crowley’s role in saving Elspeth’s life must have had dire consequences. What did they do to you? He wanted to demand an answer, to know what his role had been in this change in his companion’s countenance. But he remembered the withering glare, the venom in Crowley’s voice earlier in the evening. Careful. Don’t push, don’t demand. Careful.
The ones I do love (3 different WIPs):
It was the sorrow that overwhelmed Aziraphale, that drew the air from his lungs and forced his eyes open. He had felt others’ sorrow many times before, he knew the way it spread like oil over water, leaving a film on everything it touched. The surge and swell before it receded again to the edges of consciousness, not always demanding attention but omnipresent nonetheless. That was not this sorrow. This wasn’t an insidious oil slowly coating every surface. It was an inferno consuming every molecule of oxygen, stoked by every breath taken in vain attempts to smother it. It was keen and blinding and new and it needed to be contained before it reduced everything else to smoke and ash.
“’Magine my surprise, seeing a streak of black and red flash past my office door. No ‘hi Tracy’, no stopping by to complain like you usually would on a Friday, not even frustrated mutterings!” She affects an air of obviously feigned concern. “I’da been worried ‘bout ya if I weren’t so stunned by the peaches ‘n’ cream flash that wasn’t two steps behind ya.”
[This is technically in verse, formatting be damned] He is my after life and my liturgy. I seek not Heaven nor Hell. Valhalla nor the Elysian Fields. I worship him alone and he sanctifies me. He exalts in me as I debauch him. I am his salvation and he my damnation. Together we are Balance. Look away, heavenly hosts, for you cast him aside as wicked. Look away, legions of Hell, you sought to destroy him as righteous. You shall never know a love such as ours.
@hakunahistata, @kotias, @paperclipninja, @the-literal-kj and anyone else who wants to, come play!
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 ‘Expanded Marvel’s New York’ and ‘Digital Deluxe Edition’ trailers
Gematsu Source
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Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Insomniac Games have released two new trailers for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2—one introducing the game’s expanded Marvel’s New York, which now features both Brooklyn and Queens, and the other introducing its Digital Deluxe Edition content.
Get the details below.
Expanded Marvel’s New York
In the video, Creative Director Bryan Intihar provides a deep dive into our expanded Marvel’s New York, including the ways we’ve evolved the game since we last masked up and played as our Spider-Men. New locations, updated exploration, exhilarating traversal, near-instant switching between heroes, a rogue’s gallery of villains, new abilities and gadgets, and brand-new Suit Styles are just some of the ways we’re upping the game this time around. So, what’s new? In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’re nearly doubling the size of Marvel’s New York. Expanding beyond the East River, you’ll swing and soar over iconic landmarks across Queens and Brooklyn—complete with story missions, side quests, and city activities! This expansion also means even faster traversal options such as the Web Wings, which can be combined with traditional web swinging to move at exhilarating speeds. Players will also be able to switch between Peter Parker and Miles Morales in the open world, near-instantly thanks to the power of the PlayStation 5. Both Spider Heroes are important characters to the grand story we’re telling in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and each will have their own separate side stories to uncover throughout the city. Help students at Brooklyn Visions as Miles Morales or accept new requests for aid as Peter Parker via the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man app—you can even choose to tackle certain activities as either Spider-Man! Kraven the Hunter and the monstrous Venom join our roster of villains and will strain our heroes, their relationships, and the place they call home. However, they’re not the only two villains causing trouble in the city. We won’t spoil it for you—but our Spideys will need to, ahem, #BeGreaterTogether, to stop them using many new skills, gadgets, and abilities! In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’ve layered on a new set of abilities and skills for our heroes: Pete’s new Symbiote powers and Spider-Arms are aggressive and relentless; meanwhile, Miles brings an electrifying and thunderous quality to his bioelectric venom power, as well as Evolved venom abilities. Mix, match, and deploy these abilities with ease using a streamlined control scheme and combo them in fights in all-new Spidey style! Speaking of style, let’s talk suits! Featuring 65 suits, which include new original designs and fan favorites from films and comics, players will have an expansive wardrobe of costumes to equip in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. We’re also delighted to announce Suit Styles, an all-new feature that unlocks alternate color shaders for some suits, which provide over 200 ways for you to outfit your Spider-hero!
The Digital Deluxe Edition
In May, we also revealed the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Digital Deluxe Edition featuring 10 exclusive Spidey suits, additional Photo Mode items, and 2 Skill Points. To bring these 10 suits to life, we partnered with several artists across comics, games, and films! We spoke with these artists to give us a little insight into their designs. We’ll be sharing deeper dives into these suits on Insomniac Games’ official social media accounts, so stay tuned!
Apunkalyptic Suit – Designed by Jerad Marantz: Make the best out of any situation with the Apunkalyptic Suit, featuring a low-tech design that shows what Peter Parker can do with limited resources and a strong will.
Stone Monkey Suit – Designed by Victoria Ying: Heavily inspired by Chinese legends, this suit brings an acrobatic and uniquely mischievous design to the world of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The suit is practical and stylish!
Tactical Suit – Designed by Bend Studios: From Bend’s concept artists Joel Mandish and Darren Quach, the Tactical Suit is inspired by Japanese media and the vast universe of comics. It’s a futuristic and lighter design that stands out in our roster of Digital Deluxe Edition suits.
Aurantia Suit – Designed by Raf Grassetti: The Aurantia Suit is an evolution of traditional Spider-Man designs that incorporates slick and practical spider motifs! Highlights include antennas infused into the mask elements, giving it a stealthy appearance made for Peter Parker!
25th Century Suit – Designed by Anthony Francisco: Featuring an ultramodern design, this suit incorporates a unique fishbowl-like helmet and an array of lights. This futuristic suit sports bulky yet fashionable boots and a sleek design all around.
The EnC0ded Suit – Designed by Kris Anka: The EnC0ded Suit brings a cyberpunk flare to Miles Morales’ wardrobe! If you look closely at the suit, you may spot a few interesting details such as abstract lettering reminiscent of popular phrases from Spider-Man lore!
Biomechanical Suit – Designed by Jerad Marantz: The merger between organics and mechanics, the Biomechanical Suit is inspired by popular anime creature designs, pushing an “otherworldly” style in its use of materials and themes.
Red Spectre Suit – Designed by Sweeney Boo: Let’s paint the town red! The Red Spectre Suit spotlights the young and adventurous nature of Miles Morales. It merges Spidey’s heroic motifs with stylish fashion!
Tokusatsu Suit – Designed by Julia Blattman: This design takes heavy inspiration from the world of insects and live-action Japanese media known as Tokusatsu. The design keeps Miles Morales’ iconic red and black color palette and incorporates a grand sense of Tokusatsu-like heroism!
Agimat Suit – Designed by Anthony Francisco: Inspired by the indigenous tribes of the Philippines, the Agimat Suit is a playful and colorful design suited for Miles Morales. The suit gives off a hint of royalty with its high contrast purple and gold color palette!
On top of all the exciting news today, we’re thrilled to announce a special collaboration with EARTHGANG (feat. Benji) to bring you “Swing,” a new music track featured in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Listen to it first in our Digital Deluxe Edition trailer! For “Swing” and other music from Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, you can listen to the full soundtrack showcasing a score from award-winning composer John Paesano on your favorite music streaming platform starting October 20th.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is due out for PlayStation 5 on October 20.
Watch the trailers below.
Expanded Marvel's New York Trailer
Digital Deluxe Edition
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thepowerposter · 11 months
Complete Monstober Day 30: Scar
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I'm not lion when I say that this cruel cat did not have what it takes to be a king. One interesting fact about him is that (unless I'm mistaken) he's probably the only villain in any media to have more than one Complete Monster entry in (I think) the same continuity!
Here's his first TV Tropes entry (from The Lion King):
Scar is the envious younger brother of King Mufasa who, upon losing his position as next in line to the throne by the birth of his nephew Simba, sought to take it by force. First tricking the young Simba and his friend Nala into entering the Elephant Graveyard to be killed by his hyena henchmen, Scar next orchestrates a wildebeest stampede and tosses Mufasa to his death after he attempts to rescue his son. Blaming a grief-stricken Simba for his father's murder, Scar forces him into exile before commanding the hyenas to finish him off. Upon taking control, Scar's incompetence as king leads to a famine, with Scar uncaring that he is sentencing everyone to death, even striking Mufasa's widow Sarabi unconscious when she criticizes his rule. Upon Simba's return, Scar takes advantage of Simba's lingering guilt over his father's death to attempt to execute him publicly, pausing only to mockingly reveal his role in Mufasa's death. Later, to save his own life, he attempts to foist the blame on his hyena henchmen before attempting to kill Simba, even after the latter spares his life.
Now for his second (from The Lion Guard):
Scar, Mufasa's envious younger brother, is just as vile as he was in the original film. Once the leader of the original Lion Guard, Scar decides to overthrow and kill Mufasa when the latter playfully nicknames his brother "Scar" when Scar tried to seek praise for killing a traitorous lion and cobra who scarred him—not revealing that he had been perfectly willing to work with them to overthrow Mufasa. When Scar's fellow Lion Guard members refused to help him overthrow Mufasa, Scar uses the Roar of the Elders to kill them, but ends up losing the Roar in the process. In season 2, years after his initial death, Scar is brought back as a fiery spirit and tries to lead the animals of the Outlands on a brutal conquest of the Pride Lands, first by cutting off the river and entire water supply of the whole Pride Lands, and eventually simply trying to have them burn the savannah and all its inhabitants. In the season 3 premier, Scar attempts to burn the new Lion Guard, Simba, Nala, Kiara, and the hyena clan to death, the latter for one of them considering on defecting to the Pride Lands, before planning on tricking Kion into erupting the volcano with his roar, which will kill everyone in the Pride Lands. When confronted by the Lion Guard, Scar has Ushari scar Kion, with the snake's venom slowly turning Kion evil as Scar declares that Kion will now be just like him. Even after the death of his physical body, Scar remained a hateful creature driven by spite.
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bellmo15-blog · 1 year
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As I’m sure most of you know by now I was largely a 2000’s kid growing up. I was born in 1996 and as a result saw this era all the way though to it’s end until becoming a teenager at the end of the decade. And as a result, I also grew up alongside the Sam Rami Spider-Man trilogy. This trilogy alongside the PS1 game Spider-Man 2 Enter Electro were pretty much the main way I experienced my Spider-Man media as someone who never read any comic books at all outside that one Simpsons and Futurama crossover comic.
As I’m also sure you all know I also have a thing for the Symbiote Suit, one of the most iconic and best suits for Spider-Man and you can’t convince me otherwise! Unless we are talking about the 2099 suit and Spider-Gwens suit which are also peak. You may also remember I’ve said in the past that Spider-Man 3 was the one Sam Rami Spider-Man movie I never saw as a child but not because it was getting clowned on by everyone, in fact I never even knew about the hate this movie had until 2012 when I was only three years into high school and the first Amazing Spider-Man movie had just come out. I just never did watch it as a child and only saw it in full for the first time during the pandemic. Why did I never see Spider-Man 3 when it came out originally? Good question! …………………… Oh were you expecting an actual answer? Yeah sorry, I don’t got a proper answer. I’m pretty sure it was because I had other interest at the time especially as video games became my preferred media for entertainment over movies. Of course, one of the things that always stood out to me was the Black Symbiote Suit seeing as how it was a living black suit that also looked really dam cool. It was only until I became an adult and got as into the stuff I am now that I truly started to develop a real love for the Symbiote. Yeah, even as someone who only ever saw advertisements for this film back in the day the seeds were still planted back in 2007. So of course, I was going to end up getting a pic involving the Rami Black Suit one of these days and now here it is!
Honestly, even though the movie itself isn’t that great I do feel slightly bad that I never got to see the movie in theatres as it’s the only one in the trilogy I never saw in theatres. Some people give this depiction of the Symbiote Suit crap for being more or less just the regular Rami suit but coloured black when the Symbiote Suit in most depictions has a unique design to Peters normal suit and to be honest, that is a completely fair and valid reason to dislike the Rami Black Suit. But I didn’t care back then! This was the coolest shit to me back as a child and it still is pretty cool to me now as an adult and I'd be lying if I said if Symbiote's were real and I was forced to wear one I'd be fine with the Rami Black Suit. Venom himself in this movie was pretty bad though.
Artist is Trujilo: https://twitter.com/NegroTrujillo99
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