#Veronica x reader
aritsukemo · 8 months
The Little Things | Various Characters
Characters: Vanitas, Olivier, Veronica, Sanemi, Hinatsuru, Shinobu, Makio, and Basil
A/N: None
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Vanitas who short-circuits anytime you show him genuine affection/care despite the many times he's flirted with you. He tells you he hates it, but in actuality he's just not used to it. Either way, please don't stop.
Olivier who tries not to smoke around you. He knows you dislike it and even if it helps him destress, he'd never indulge in his own pleasures if it meant making you uncomfortable. Never.
Veronica who can't help but 'apologize' ( Not really but she buys you gifts/treats you in various ways with a sour look on her face ) whenever she makes you sad/mad. She doesn't entirely know why, but she gets this strange feeling in her chest whenever she does or says something that makes you even the slightest bit upset. Is it pity? Dare I say, guilt? She can't tell.
Sanemi who always questions you about your wellbeing whenever you chat. He listens intently on everything you say, genuinely wanting to know if you're alright and if you aren't, he'll take you out to wherever you want to go that day. His treat.
Hinatsuru and Shinobu who sits there, smiling fondly, as she listens to you just talk. Talk about your day, raving about how good it went or ranting about how bad it was, just anything you have to say. She'll listens for hours on end, gently reassuring you whenever you pause to apologize for distracting her from her work.
Makio who loves to go out with you whenever you have the time. Whether it'd be going to the hot springs or shopping at the market, she doesn't care as long as you're the one accompanying her.
Basil who occasionally brings you flower bouquets, all of which are hand grown and arranged by himself. He's shy so he won't have the courage to do anything but maybe mutter out a small 'Hope you like it..' before leaving, but he makes the effort to add short, sweet notes to make up for the words he couldn't say to you.
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest
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laines-laments · 1 month
Speaking of firstborns😭 I couldn't really find a post with rules so sorry if this is outta ur comfort zone, but a while ago I read this REALLY good fanfic where Veronica actually got pregnant from JD and had to go through being a teen mom with depression and trauma(the narrative hates our girl🩷) so I was thinking of like maybe Veronica x her kid reader? Or just your thoughts on what kinda mom she would be, whatever ur comfortable with :3
How Veronica Would Be As a Teem Mom (PG 13)
Veronica Sawyer x Daughter! Reader
c/w - Death ( Jason Dean), Murder, Suicide (kinda implied ? its heathers), Teen Pregnancy
a/n - AHHHHHHH Veronica would be such a good mom i'm convinced. poor girl cannot catch a break though
wc - 555 (sorry it's so short)
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(gif not mine)
When JD pulled his little "blowing himself up in the school parking lot" stunt Veronica had no clue she was pregnant, i mean, the girl had bigger issues at had.
So imagine her shock horror when she learns that she's pregnant with her (now) dead, murderer of and ex boyfriend.
Suffice to say- the girl was freaked.
She tried hiding it for a while, after all, teen pregnancy was bad enough but being pregnant by a dead man ? She was terrified, with no support.
Eventually, after countless mornings of being woken up by Veronica throwing up, her mother confronted her and asked if she could be pregnant.
Veronica IMMEDIATELY bursts into tears and tells her mom.
Veronica's mom is surprisingly accepting. especially by late 80's-early 90's standard.
She decided to not move away for college until after you were born and had gotten a little older, opting to enroll in a local community college. (her father said the free credits would be better for her before any big expensive college anyways)
Fast forward a few months and boom! there's you!
Veronica had never really interacted with babies before, she'd been an only child her entire life, of course.
But the moment she held you for the first, it was an instant click
Everything about being a mother came so naturally to her, and even though she was initially bummed about having to post-pone her dreams of attending a big university like Duke or Brown, she wouldn't trade you for the world.
She's so kind and nurturing towards you, if not a bit over protective.
She'd seen first hand how dark and cruel the world could be and she'd be damned if she let anyone or anything hurt you.
She'd often invite Heather Mac to come over and spend time with you and her when her parents were away and couldn't help with you
"What if i don't like school?" You asked, kicking your feet back and forth as you stared out the backseat window.
"You'll love school, honey." Veronica reassured you, glancing back at you through the rearview mirror. "Just think of all the new friends you'll make!"
You let out a small huff, crossing your arms over your chest. "But what if they don't want to be my friends?" You pout, pushing out your lower lip as Veronica pulled in to the preschool's parking lot.
"Sissy-bug, why wouldn't they wanna be your friend?" Veronica asked as she got out of the car, moving to come and unbuckle you from your car seat. "You're the coolest girl i know."
You eyes shot up with a soft gleam of joy, smiling up at your mother as you clung to her shirt as she picked you up from the seat and planted you down onto the pavement. "Really? You mean it?"
"Of course I mean it!" She said, grasping your tiny hand with one hand and reaching for your backpack with the other. "Would mama ever lie to you?"
You giggled, shaking your head as you reached up to grab your bag out of her hand, slinging it over your left shoulder.
"That's what I thought!" Veronica said with a grin, turning towards the school's entrance and tugging gently on your arm. "Now, come on! we don't want you being late on your first day, do we?"
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Of Course, We Love You
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Summary: you are abused by your parents but never told your partners afraid they would agree with what your parents would tell you and leave you. One day Betty notices a bruise on her neck and tells the others.
A/N: I’m sorry if I’m writing so many ‘dark’ ones. they are the ones I’m used to and read the most so it’s easier.
Warnings: Physical and mental abuse, Alcohol abuse, and intersex girl? (Is that a warning?)
“YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! *Throws glass vase at the wall beside you* GO TO YOUR ROOM!” After your mom was done with you, you struggled to get up and make it to your room. your parents have been abusing you ever since they found out you were intersex. They thought you were a freak but luckily you could find people who accept you for what you are. Those people are now your partners Betty, Veronica, Archie, and Jughead. They had always been there through thick and thin. Despite their unconditional love, you are still scared that they might leave you if they found out what your parents think about you. They could realize your parents are right and leave like everyone in your past did. That’s why you haven’t told them about the abuse, so they wouldn’t leave you.
You were on a date with your partners at pops and having a great time. Archie was on your left and Betty on your right with Jughead in front of Archie and Veronica beside him. you leaned your head on Archie and closed your eyes since you were still tired from last night and ended up falling asleep.
Jughead was holding Archie’s hand from across the table when Betty noticed something on the bottom of your neck going to the top of your shoulder. “Hey, guys.” She whispered to the rest of the group. “Yeah B?” “Do you guys see this big bruise on Y/N’s neck?” The others carefully looked over at your neck and saw the bruise. “Yeah, where do you think she got that from?” Jughead said as he adjusted his beanie. “I don’t know maybe we can as her tomorrow?” “Yeah, we should let her sleep for now,” Archie commented after he put his arm around you. 
The next day at school you were wearing a turtleneck and blue jeans even though it’s summer, (you got home a little late last night). you felt arms wrap around your waist and instantly knew it was Veronica because she was more affectionate. “Hey Baby.” you rasped out softly. “Whoa, are you okay honey? Your throat sounds sore.” “I’m fine, V.” You felt really bad about lying to her after seeing how worried she got but you just couldn’t tell the truth. “A-are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure.” “Okay well, the rest of our partners are waiting for us in the music room.” “Why the music room?” “For some...privacy.” She smiled and you smiled back. 
V and I got to the Music room after the other three were already there. the four of them look pretty nervous once they’re standing in front of me. “What going on?” Betty shifted on her feet. “Well, we wanted to ask you about yesterday’s bruise on your neck.” I quickly brought my hand to my neck and tried to think of an excuse. “A book fell on me at the library.” I thought it was a dumb excuse, but I think they brought it up, or at least Veronica did because she came up to hug me. “Why didn’t you tell us? You know how worried we get.” “I’m sorry, it slipped my mind.” After that, the bell rang, and we hugged before going our separate ways.
In the afternoon I was helping hang up some posters for prom in two months. “Uh, (y/n/n) are you okay?” “What do you mean Cheryl?” “When you were raising that sign, I saw a huge bruise on your side.” I started to in my head. People have never seen bruises before. “Oh, I just bumped into the door. you know how clumsy I can be.” I tried to laugh it off but it kind of hurt. Cheryl just nodded her head. “Ok well, I’m going to the bathroom.” “Bye, Cher!”
I lied. I wasn’t going to the bathroom; I was going to the blue and gold to tell Cousin Betty what I saw. Once I got in there, I saw that it was only me and Betty in the room. “Cousin Betty, I have to tell you something.” Betty didn’t even look up from her computer. “What is it?” “It’s about y/n.” She stopped what she was doing, stood up quickly, and started walking toward me. “What about y/n?” “When we were hanging up the posters for prom, I saw a huge bruise on her side.” Betty started to look really worried. “Ok, thank you for telling me.” “Do you think she’s okay?” I asked. Betty looked at me sadly and said, “Honestly Cheryl, I don’t know.”
After what Cheryl told me I rushed to the lunchroom where my other partners were. “Guys, Cheryl just told me that she saw another bruise on y/n’s side while they were hanging up some prom posters.” “What? Another one? What is happening to her?” Jug said after putting down his burger. “I don’t know, but we got to find out what’s going on,” Archie elaborated. “I knew that excuse was bogus. I mean how could a book even leave that big of a bruise?” I started to pace back and forth and rub my hands on my pants. “Well, we got to find her first.” As if on cue, Y/n walked up to our lunch table, “Hey guys, what’s up. Whoa, Bets are you okay? Why are you pacing?” “No, I’m not okay and neither are you.” V got up and stood behind me, “Maybe we should talk about this in private.” “Talk about what?” Y/n asked. The boys got up too (Not without Jughead taking another bite of his burger) and we started walking to the music room with Y/n right behind us. 
After we made it to the music room Y/n spoke, “I still don’t know what this is about.” Ronnie sighed, “Why did you lie to us?” “Lie to you about what?” “Your bruises Y/n!” Juggie shouted. “Your excuse this morning was a flat-out lie. Cheryl told Betty about the bruise she saw on your side. And don’t even try to say some dumb explanation, we all know that you don’t have a single clumsy bone in your body!” Y/n slightly flinched and took a step back. “What was that?” I asked. She looked away from us and sat down in one of the chairs closest to her. The room was silent for a bit unit y/n finally said something, “If I tell you, will you promise me that yell anymore?” “Y-yeah,” Jughead spoke, “I’m sorry.” Y/n sighed, and some tears came out of her eyes. “It’s my parents okay.” We all sat down around her and just let her talk. “They’ve been abusing me ever since they found out I was intersex when I was one. When the ‘friends’ I had in the past found out they just left me alone. some even started to bully me after I told them. That’s why I never told you guys. I Just can’t-” She was full on sobbing at this point and so were we. We all had a group hug and sat there for a while. “I can’t lose you guys,” she whispered. “You would never lose us,” me, Archie, Juggie, and Ronnie all said at the same time and then we all laughed. We slowly let go of our hug. “We love you Y/n.” “I love you guys too.”
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banana789 · 1 year
Warning spoilers for season 2
You are veronicas girlfriend and get shot by the black hood instead of fred  (I made a few changes to the storyline)
Veronicas pov
I gushed as I saw my girlfriend slowly begin to wake up ,rubbing her eyes and giving the cutest yawn .
'Welcome back to the land of the living Babe ' I said with a laugh knowing she hated mornings
She suddenly gasped realising I had woken up before her
'How long have you been awake ?' She asked as she smiled back at me
'Ummm about an hour ago' I said blushing ,she looked back at me with the cutest pout on her face
'Babe I wanted you to wake me up it's your birthday, you shouldn't have to wait around for me. 'she explained.
'I know but you looked so peaceful I didn't have the heart to ruin that' I replied.
'Well I'm going to make it up to you' she said with a huff giving me a quick peck on the lips before climbing out of bed and going into the bathroom to get dressed
'Y/nkins you really don't ha...'
'No no it's your birthday and I'm your girlfriend so I'm going to treat you' she said cutting me off .
'Okay if you insist 'I said with a chuckle giving in as I knew how stubborn she was
'Now I am going to go and get you breakfast from pops and give you breakfast in bed .'she said with a proud smile
'Okay cutie thank you drive safe' I said as I have her a kiss .She rolled her eyes at my protectiveness
'I will bye babe happy birthday' she replied as she left the room
I snuggled down on her side of the bed and played a game on my phone
Y/n's pov
After ordering breakfast at pops I looked around before Archie and Fred called me over to join them .
'Hey y/n isn't it Veronicas birthday today?' Fred asked me as I sat down
'Yh it is I'm just getting us breakfast' I replied .
'Hey guys do you think Veronica will like this I got it for her birthday 'I asked pulling out a red case and opening it up ,inside was a golden locket in the shape of a heart containing a picture of me and V .Engraved on the heart were the words 'my heart belongs to you'
'Y/n ,Veronica is gonna love that'Archie said smiling
'Thanks Arch' I replied feeling relieved . I had never really bought jewellery before and had to save up for months for this so am nervous to give it to her .Then pops called my order so I began to get up .
'See you later guys have good day 'I said.
However as I was walking towards the counter I heard the bell on the door ring violently and saw a man wearing a black hood step in .I stopped as I noticed him pull a gun out of his pocket and point it towards pops head
'Pops run' I shouted alerting everyone in the diner including the shooter .I gulped in fear as I looked into his eyes and saw no emotion whatsoever just a heartless stare .
A deafening bang echoed through the restaurant as I felt a sudden jolt of pain in my stomach. I looked to down to be greeted with a huge stain of red on my shirt .My vision started spinning as I began getting dizzy and weak on my feet . I could vaguely here the voice of Archie and Fred calling my name as I felt someone catch me from falling . I tried to steady myself as I looked and saw a flash of Archies ginger hair as he held me .I handed him the red case and with my last breath I whispered the message I had been wanting to say for months into his ear. I saw him nod with a weak smile as tears poured down his face as I began to lose consciousness.
Veronicas pov
It's been nearly an hour since y/n left and I was beginning to get concerned .As I paced the living room I heard my phone ringing from the bedroom ,i raced in the and saw Archie was calling me and picked up.
'Archie have you heard from y/n she left for pops over an hour ago im really worried' I explained I could hear Archies heavy breathing  on the line it sounds like he had been crying .This caused a sense of panic to flood over me .
'Veronica my dad's on the way to pick you up but right now I need to tell you something .I want you to take a deep breath and sit down'
'Ok?'I replied ,slowly sitting down dreading what he was about to say.
'There was a shooting at pops .Y/n ... she ... she tried to protect pop and ... I'm sorry veronica but she got hurt and it's not good .I'm at the emergency room with her now and I think you should get down here '
By now tears had flooded my eyes and I couldn't see clearly. I was breathing heavily as I began to let out sobs over the girl I had fallen in love with.
By now I hadn't even noticed that Fred had used y/n's key to let himself in and was holding me in his arms as sobs wracked through my body .
'I love her 'I said in between my crys
About an hour later I was sitting in the emergency room holding Betty and Archies hands as we waited for the nurse to give us an update .
I was a nervous wreck as memories of me and y/n flooded through my mind
Me asking her on a date because she was too nervous
Us cuddled up on the sofa watching disney movies
Us having food fights every time we try to bake
'Veronica' I heard Archie calling my name pulling me out of my thoughts.
'Before she passed out y/n gave me this .Its your birthday present 'He explains handing me a red case .I released Bettys hand from my grip and with shakily opened it up and saw the most beautiful heart shaped locket. Tears ran down my cheeks as I opened up the locket .Inside was a photo of me and y/n .It was taken after our first date .I turned over the locket to the message 'my heart belongs to you' engraved on the back .
'She also wanted me to tell you that she loves you 'He said with tears in his eyes .
Before I had time to process what had just happened i spotted a nurse walking towards us. We all stood up as she began to explain y/n's condition . We found out that she was in a coma and if she woke she would have a full recovery .Smiles suddenly covered Fred ,Archie and Bettys faces but the only thing I could focus on was the word if .
Betty seemed to notice this and held me her arms whispering comforting words in my ear .
I gathered up the courage to slowly walk to y/n's room .I opened the door and saw my girlfriend lying on the bed .She looked so small .
I walked towards her hospital bed and gently took her hand .
'I love you too y/n .So much .I want to spend the rest of my life with you .I know that you are going to wake up because you are so strong .You can't leave me and I swear to god if you die on me I will bring you back and kill you myself and then bring you back again so that we can live happily and spend the rest of our lives together .'I said to her my voice breaking and tears rolling down my face .I slowly leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her head all the while clutching the locket she got me.
This is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with . I just hope her life doesn't end here.
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sebongica · 9 months
sebongica's reading recommendations 💌 (svt edition, pt 1 - hiphop unit)
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this is PART ONE of my svt recommended fics. this post contains hiphop unit fics. you can access vocal unit's recos here and performance unit's recos here. don't forget to like and reblog the fics below to show some appreciation for the writers <3
💋 - smut ☁️ - fluff 🧃 - angst 🎧 - absolute fav
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crossing boundaries - wonusite 💋☁️
bouquets for a friend (from a friend) - thepixelelf ☁️
gryffindor captain - http-mianhae ☁️🧃 (part of the amortentia series)
very nice - venerex ☁️
hello tutorial - 97-liners ☁️🧃🎧
livestream - pileofwords ☁️
what besties do - wonusite 💋
neighborly (ft. mingyu) - ncteez 💋🎧
what a bore (ft. chan) - hwanghyunjinenthusiast 💋
cupid - yoongiseesawmp3 💋☁️
caught with your pants down (ft. chan) - bitchlessdino 💋
good boys (ft. hoshi, dokyeom, chan) - beahae 💋🎧
fuck. marry, kill (ft. hoshi, chan) - bitchlessdino 💋
fuck, marry, kill: with the experienced (ft. wonwoo, mingyu) - bitchlessdino 💋
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underlying pretense - lovelyhan (part 1 of the game over series) 💋🎧
catnaps - wheeboo ☁️
homie train (ft. hoshi, woozi) - bitchlessdino 💋☁️
meant to be yours - cheolhub 💋🧃
the peephole - rubyreduji 💋
homewrecked - ncteez 💋🧃
meet cute of the century - lovelyhan ☁️🧃💋
needy - cheolhub 💋☁️
two is better than one (ft. mingyu) - beahae 💋
25¢ magic - thepixelelf ☁️
shiny star - wonwoonlight ☁️ (part of the shiny star series)
getting closer (ft. mingyu) - milfgyuu 💋
fuck, marry, kill: with the experienced (ft. seungcheol, mingyu) - bitchlessdino 💋
eggs, bacon, and sausage sandwich (ft. mingyu) - bitchlessdino 💋
strawberry taste - multi-kpop-fanfics 💋☁️ (part of the love me tender...or maybe not series)
between heaven + hell (ft. mingyu) - beahae 💋
andante, andante - sluttywonwoo 💋☁️🎧
you vs. the universe - cheolism ☁️
glitch (ft. mingyu) - gamerwoo 🧃💋🎧
sharing is caring but i don't care - gamerwoo ☁️🎧
favorite - wonusite 💋🎧
a break (ft. mingyu) - smileysuh 💋🧃☁️🎧
class project (ft. mingyu) - smileysuh 💋🎧
anteric (ft. mingyu) - smileysuh 💋☁️🎧
besties (ft. mingyu) - smileysuh 💋🧃☁️🎧
for worse or for better - sluttywoozi ☁️🧃
"there's a cat in my kitchen. i don't own a cat." - 97-liners ☁️🎧
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the alpha's right hand - smileysuh 💋🎧
kim mingyu's unhelpful guide to losing your virginity - shuaflix 💋
birthday boy - odxrilove ☁️🎧
caught in the middle (ft. wonwoo) - lovelyhan (part 3 of the game over series) 💋☁️
with mingyu - wonlouvre ☁️🎧
first date - cheolhub 💋
just the tip? - cheolhub 💋
two is better than one (ft. wonwoo) - beahae 💋
sweet night - wooahaes 🧃
getting closer (ft. wonwoo) - milfgyuu 💋
my daisy - wonwoonlight ☁️
fuck, marry, kill: with the experienced (ft. seungcheol, wonwoo) - bitchlessdino 💋
eggs, bacon, and sausage sandwich (ft. wonwoo) - bitchlessdino 💋
between heaven + hell (ft. wonwoo) - beahae 💋
the only exception - wonusite ☁️💋
glitch (ft. wonwoo) - gamerwoo 🧃💋🎧
new rules - leejihoonownsmyheart ☁️🧃💋🎧
let me - sluttywoozi ☁️🎧
a break (ft. wonwoo) - smileysuh 💋🧃☁️🎧
class project (ft. wonwoo) - smileysuh 💋🎧
anteric (ft. wonwoo) - smileysuh 💋☁️🎧
besties (ft. wonwoo) - smileysuh 💋🧃☁️🎧
addicted - wonusite 💋🧃☁️🎧 (part 3 of the spoiled series)
it's all fun and games - dontflailmenow 💋
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on love, friendship, and jane austen - suhnshinehaos ☁️🧃
vernon and chan's solution to love triangles (ft. chan) - bitchlessdino 💋 (part of the party chronicles series)
sure - beahae ☁️🧃
too close (i might just burn you whole) - sluttywonwoo 💋
you get me so high - cheolhub 💋
shiny star - wonwoonlight ☁️🎧 (part of the shiny star series)
risk it all - sluttywoozi 💋🎧
not a virgin - ncteez 💋☁️🎧
operation: hot girl summer - shuaflix 💋☁️
work husband - wondernus ☁️
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youaintnothinbuta · 1 year
Jd - “How’d you know it was me?”
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Summary: you climb into Jd’s room after your horrible encounter with Kurt and ram in the cow pasture, crying.
Pairing: Jason ‘Jd’ Dean x reader
Warnings: murder plotting? Fluff? Idk it’s Jd what do you expect
Word count: 271
Request something here !
Jd was woken from his midnight slumber by the familiar sound of his window being forced open, accompanied by muffled sniffles.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” His voice had a slight rasp, not having spoken for a few hours prior.
Through your tears, you managed to mumble, “How’d you know it was me? What if I was a murderer or a robber?”feeling around the dark room as you made your way to his bed.
Chuckling softly, Jd replied, “Murderers don't usually break into houses whilst crying. What’s wrong?” Pulling you close to his chest, he gently brushed your hair away from your tear-streaked face. A hesitant sniffle escaped your nose as you mumbled, “Promise you won't get mad?”
I don’t do promises.
“I promise, baby.”
“Kurt an-and Ram. They— well the heathers called me and— they left me alone with—“ you choppily tried your best to explain what happened. Jd took a very deep breath, your head rising and falling with his body as he did so.
I’m going to kill them. Literally kill them.
“I’m sorry, baby, you can cry, it’s okay, you’re safe with me now.” Jd whispered, kissing the top of your head. You winced, letting yourself cry while being coddled in Jd’s arms. Eventually, you managed to regain control over your breathing, your sobs subsiding. Sniffing softly, you mustered the courage to make a simple request, “Can I sleep here tonight?”
“Yes, darling.”
Jd drew you even closer to his body, getting comfortable again to sleep with you in his embrace. You pressed your face against his chest and shut your eyes, allowing yourself to drift off into sleep.
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tonixe · 1 year
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"Only for you"
n.o.t.e.s - BRO, HE IS SO FINE, also altered timeline not cannon to the movie.
w.a.r.n -📓 Nsfw, dub-con, penetration, p in the v, fingering, bathroom sex, and protected sex.
p.a.i.r.i.n.g - 🔪 Jason Dean x Fem!reader
w.c. - 🎬1.7k
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The savior of the Westerburg
You were the rival girl of Heathers, especially Heather Chandler. You were prettier, smarter and better dressed her not to mention the better attitude
It was a slap on the face for Heather, you shared 2 classes, and every time you walked past her, you can see her turn red just like her ribbon. You held your tray with whatever they served at lunch, the lunch ladies were nice to you, due to your good attitude and smile. You manage to get something much better than the school served.
Walking by Heather's table, where they sat near the jocks as they start catcalling you. You walked to the back of the cafeteria, where Martha's 'dump truck' was sitting, you did get some eyes from the whole cafeteria.
"Can I sit here?" you asked as you flashed her your signature smile.
The cafeteria went silent, as you heard whispering. Martha was shocked by what you said, she looked around to see if you were playing a cruel joke on her.
"No jokes, just friendship" You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, cocking your head to the side.
"U-um, s-sure!" she said quietly.
You sat down, and as you started eating your lunch, "Why sit in the back of the cafeteria, you don't get to see the action" you said, looking up from your tray.
"Nobody likes me, so I just resort here" she muttered. "I get it" you responded, biting into the sandwich.
You looked up, trying to find something amusing to take about with your new acquaintance, your eyes landing on a black-haired guy, sitting conveniently in the back as well. Wearing a trench coat over his clothes oddly enough.
As you brushed your fingers together on your tray, get rid of the crumbs off your fingers. "So who's the hot kid there" You pointed at him, winking at him too.
He waved to you.
"That's Jason Dean, he's been here for 5 months, not much new" she responded as ate her lunch.
"Gosh, how was I ignoring a hottie," you said
"He used to date, Veronica Sawyer" she piqued, "Oh really, I guess he's single right now," you declared, you got up from your chair leaving your lunch behind, walking towards the suspicious hottie.
"I guess you're the infamous Jason Dean" You place your hand on the table, cocking your body to the side.
"-And what do I owe you, wonder girl" he responded with a smile.
"More than what you think, if I could join you in what you doing," you asked him, butterflies were swimming in your stomach, you never really had this moment before even with the jocks that try to pin you to your locker.
"I should have brought you a throne" he teased, he combs his hair back with his fingers.
You laughed at the comment, putting your face in and your palms. Dipping your head towards Jason. "Are you single currently?" you whispered, you glanced back to see the Heathers and Veronica looking at you and JD.
"No, not currently you asking?" he responded, his eyes checking you out.
"Yea, how about a little date at Kekes" you proposed, "A cutie like you, should already have a girlfriend and maybe have a chance with getting laid with me" you whispered, a Cheshire cat smile spreading on your lips.
"Oh, who knew wonder girl was so dirty" he gave you a smirk. "Truly, I am" You fluttered your lashes at him.
"Never knew," he whispered.
"So..what you have next period, Jason"?" you prompt, your head on your palm, pointing at him with your manicured nail.
"Math, how about you" he leaned back to the wall, he brushed his hair back, crossing his arm with a playful look.
"Same, maybe we're in the same class" you chirped.
The bell ranged, motioning for the next period.
"Welp, hopefully, you can come to our date," you took some paper and wrote your number down on it, passing it to him.
"See you later" You gave him a wave, walking out of the cafeteria for your next class; you purposely swayed your hips when you were walking out, wanting him to look at your ass.
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You were leaning to the side of the diner, blowing puffs from your cigarette. Placing the cigarette between your lips. Crossing your arms as your leg supports your balance.
You weren't surprised to see Jason or JD walking up to the diner; you blew the smoke out from your lips. Leaning off the wall, finishing off your cigarette.
Walking towards him, "I guess you really did take the bait" You flashed him a smile. "I mean, how could I not with the wonder women of our school," he answered, putting his hand on his chin, cocking his head to you.
"Especially with the offer," he said as he walked into the diner; you followed, "I said you had a chance," you asserted. "Besides, you're cute," you murmured.
"I'm what?" he teased, holding the door.
"Just buy me a coke, jackass" You walked inside the diner. "Yes, princess," he walked into the diner.
After you guys get situated at your table, you want to make this date last forever in his mind; maybe he was one of those guys that got obsessive. A waitress passed by as you looked at the menu, rubbing your foot over his leg up to his thigh. You shot him a sly smile, "I'll get a rusty burger with fries" you said, giving her a grin.
"I'll just get a Diet Coke" he answered, looking straight out at you, as you rubbed your foot closer to his groin. "Your not hungry?" you piqued, biting your lip.
"Nope," he answered; he popped the p. "Why not" You rubbed his leg more, looking through your eyelashes, fluttering your eyes. "Just not hungry when you here," he winked at you.
"You're a sly dog, you know that." you blinked, prompting your hand on your palm.
"Wanna do something fun, Y/N?" he gave you a smug grin at you, "What do you mean?" his idea peeped your interest, "Something that sped up the process, why sit here and wait when he can do something fun" he grins.
He got up from his seat, grabbing your hand from the booth as you followed him to the bathroom. "What are you doing" you questioned, "Something fun" he opened the door, pulling you inside.
Before he pinned you to one of the stalls' doors, " You're really that needy," you bit your lip. "After pulling that stunt with me under the table," he panted, his forehead bumping into yours.
You felt his boner on your pelvis and his breath on your cheek, making you feel yourself becoming wet. You hated how he made you aroused, it was supposed to game for you to win, but he was slowly winning you over. You felt him grabbing your chin, "Don't get shy on me now, wonder girl," he snapped at you; he snuck his fingers down to your thigh, dangerously under your skirt.
His hand inches away from your panties, and you felt your breathing becoming heavier by the second. "Wanna live up to what you said earlier" he whispered in your ear, slowly sliding his fingers into your cunt.
Your pants becoming heavier, feeling his finger pumping into you. "Eager aren't you" he whispered.
Moans escaped your lips as you felt your nipples becoming hard in your bra. "Gosh, I would never know someone like you would enjoy this" he pumped his fingers into you faster, plunging them.
You clasp your hands to your mouth, hiding your moans. "Don't be like that; I wanna hear you; I want this whole fucking diner to hear you," he whispered, thrusting his finger into you.
"Haah-" you moaned, throwing your head back in ecstasy, "God, your pussy is tightening around my fingers." he mocked, taking his fingers out of you.
He licked his finger in front of your red face, you panted "Why" you muttered throwing your head to the side pissed off.
"So I can enjoy you all to myself," you turned your head back, seeing him holding up a condom. "Your seriously going to fuck me in a bathroom," you muttered, your cheeks stained red.
"Yea," he responded; you heard him unzipping his pants, you glanced to see his dick, and you were shocked at how big it was, making you wetter by the second.
"Turn around," he demanded
You obeyed, turning around and placing your hands on the stall as you felt him lining into your wetness. Your nipples were hardened against your bra, moaning against the friction.
You were startled as you felt him thrust into you; it was painful, tears building up on your lash line, biting your lip. His dick was splitting, you open, and you enjoyed every minute.
Thrusting inside you, feeling him in places you didn't even know existed. "Haah," you moaned, and you arched your back. You felt his hand on your chest, pulling up your shirt and bra in one motion.
His rough hands groped your chest, playing with your sensitive nipples. "F-fuck...Jason," you groaned out. He grabbed your jaw, forcing you into a heavy kiss.
His tongue dances with yours, exploring your mouth. You withdraw from the kiss for oxygen as you pant out. His thrust getting sloppier inside. "We should make quick" He lifted you by your waist, his dick still inside you, "Jason wait-" You were cut off by his dick going into you farther; you moaned loudly.
"J-Jason, im close," you panted, "God, me too" he thrust into you a few more times before you cummed on his dick; he thrust into you a few times from spilling into the condom. Some of the cum in the condom dripped onto the floor, and he placed you on the stall wall. You panted out; your face was still red.
You glanced back at Jason, zipping himself up and throwing out the condom. "Fuck you," you muttered, juices dripping down your leg.
"Your moans said the opposite," he whispered; he put your panties into his trench coat pocket.
You were too tired to argue, and sweat was glistening on your body. "I'll be outside, waiting, wonder girl" he slapped your ass, leaving you in the bathroom.
"Bastard," you muttered, dropping onto the bathroom floor, your legs giving up.
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southparkhcsocs · 2 months
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Stuck in the middle
Part 64
Part 66
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rip-quizilla · 3 months
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We Could Be Beautiful: Dead Girl Walking
Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
🔹An AU in which you and Eddie are both actors in a community theater production of Heathers: The Musical🔹
Word count: 1.6K
A/N: Just an idea I’ve had rolling around in my head for a while. This will probably become a series of short blurbs within this AU, taking place between the auditions and the cast party following the final performance of the show.
Tags: mutual pining, unconfessed feelings, allusions to sex, passing mention of suicide (pertaining to the plot of Heathers), references to Heathers: the Musical, song lyrics
If you’d like a visual for the scene described from the original musical, click here
🔹divider made by @k1ssyoursister 🔹
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You took your role as Veronica’s understudy seriously. 
You’d copied down every stage direction, every line, every director’s note- you’d made sure you were prepared. Now, the ultimate test would determine just how prepared for this you really were.
Barb, the actress playing Veronica, had warned you that her sister might go into labor early, and that had been exactly what happened. That meant she would be in the delivery room on opening night, and every program in every audience member’s hand would have a little insert with your picture on it, alongside your name followed by “-will be playing the role of Veronica Sawyer.”
Already, you had managed to make it to the first quarter of the show. “Beautiful” had gone without a hitch, and you’d gotten through “Fight for Me” without your voice cracking. But next was “Dead Girl Walking,” and you were just about ready to fling yourself in front of a bus. Or drink some drain cleaner. 
You hadn’t rehearsed this song with Eddie yet; you knew the words, knew the blocking, knew exactly which note you were expected to sing and every riff you had to hit. But standing behind that velvet curtain as you waited for your cue, you were practically on the verge of a panic attack. When you finally had to enter the stage, you channeled it all- the panic, the nerves, the terror of what comes after tonight.
I need it hard
I’m a dead girl walking
I’m in your yard
I’m a dead girl walking 
You’d watched him sing this song with Barb so many times, and each time you’d wished it was you- now, you had your chance. 
Sorry, but I really had to wake you
See, I’ve decided I must ride you ‘til I break you
Tonight I’m yours, 
I’m your dead girl walking
Get on all fours, 
Kiss this dead girl walking
You knew Eddie’s wide, wet eyes were those of an actor. The eyes of JD as he watches the girl of his dreams. Still, the heat and want you felt right now wasn’t Veronica’s- it was purely yours. So you let it feed Veronica’s words as you held his face in your tender hands and told JD the things you wished you could say to Eddie.
And you know, you know, you know
It’s ‘cause you’re beautiful
You say you’re numb inside
But I can’t agree
You were the one in the blue blazer now. Tonight, he was your JD, and you were scared shitless that when your lips hit his in a stage kiss that was supposed to have so much fire it set the stage ablaze, it might feel a little bit too real. 
So the world’s unfair
Keep it locked out there
In here it’s beautiful
Let’s make this beautiful
Eddie- JD- gazed at you with all the wonder and adoration of a man on his knees for a generous god. His head shook gently, bewildered by his luck as he delivered the next line. “That works for me.”
Then your lips were on him, and for a second you let yourself pretend he was kissing you back and not Veronica. His mouth was warm, his hands hungry as they roamed over your clothes and subtly squeezed until you felt your blazer’s polyester pucker.
When you pulled away for your high note, you gazed into his eyes and saw nothing but truth looking back at you. That fire you’d been feeling all this time was reflected in his eyes tonight. Sure, maybe it’s the stage lights. Maybe he’s just a really good actor. Maybe you’re fucking obsessed with him- but whatever it was, you felt wanted in those eyes. So yeah, you let yourself believe it. You let the script burn you alive.
Full steam ahead, 
Take this dead girl walking
Let’s break the bed,
Rock this dead girl walking
You were drunk on the awe in his gaze, the way he looked up at you like he wasn’t sure if you’d really just barged in through his window to ride him until he was a broken mess, or if you were a fantasy his mind had conjured to fuel his desire to belong to someone who would cherish all he had to give. 
Again, Eddie was a talented actor. You knew that was his interpretation of how his character felt about your character. Still, you let yourself fall into the script as you straddled his tense, shirtless body, his abs crunching under the blue stage lights in a way that made you salivate. You wondered what your spit would look like on his skin. 
You were far too horny to be professional. At least you weren’t so far gone that you couldn’t remember your blocking. 
No sleep tonight for you,
Better chug that Mountain Dew
Your heart fell into your core upon hearing Eddie’s whimpered ‘okay, okay’ in character, needy and submissive beneath you. 
Get your ass in gear,
Make this whole town disappear
His eyebrows pulled together, voice stronger and raspier as it ripped from his chest. ‘Okay, okay!’ His fingers snuck underneath your skirt, fingertips digging into the soft flesh of your ass. You wished it was real. 
You eyed him like a predator eyes a kill, determined to stay in his head until he needed you for real. You ran your palm over your cheek, brought your other hand up to fist in your hair, and pretended both hands were his.
Slap me,
Pull my hair,
You grabbed his wrists forcefully, bringing them up one by one to grope each of your tits. 
Touch me 
There (left tit)
And there (right tit)
And there 
To punctuate the final syllable, you couldn’t stop an involuntary writhe of your torso into Eddie’s hands as he grasped your white button down (which was actually a snap-up) at the chest and pulled hard, simultaneously pinching your nipples through your bright blue bra and ripping open your blouse to showcase the swell of your chest for the whole audience to see. You didn’t notice them, though- you noticed the way he looked at your chest like it was the second coming of Christ. You witnessed that fractional widening of his eyes, the way he was entranced by every move you made as you writhed in his lap. 
And no more talking
Love this dead girl walking
Eddie’s voice was lightning in the wake of thunder, bright and jagged and beautifully raw with power as he crooned a harmony to your lead as the song drew to a close. This song wasn’t an easy one to sing; had you not been so distracted by how it felt to have Eddie’s hips between your thighs you might have been nervous that you’d flub your high notes- but you didn’t. In a moment of sheer improvisation you did what just felt right, and that meant grabbing Eddie by hair at the base of his neck and wrenching his head back as you rolled your hips into his.
You knew your blocking was to arch your back away from him, but instead you brought your face close enough to his that it’s possible his mic picked up your perfect, clear falsetto as you pleaded, ‘Love this dead girl walking’ with the cadence of a lover asking, begging their beloved ‘don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop’. Eddie’s eyes registered your improvisational choice, and maybe you imagined it but behind those big brown button eyes he seemed to come alive with you, sitting up even further and digging one hand into your soft, hot skin while the other flexed against the stage floor to keep him balanced. His little ‘whoa, whoa, hey, hey, yeah yeah’s were short and breathy, sounding more like moans and whimpers as he rolled the sturdy bones of his hips into you as you matched his rhythm. 
If you closed your eyes, you could pretend. If you didn’t have blocking to follow, you might have kissed him again, might have bitten his lip, might have reached for his belt buckle with reckless abandon and let a summer’s worth of pining win over in your mind. Instead, you channeled that passion into the way your hips ground into him with the fervor of a woman with nothing to lose. 
Together the two of you finished out the song with heavy breaths and belted lyrics. You writhed. He thrusted.  ‘Love this dead girl,’ your voices intertwined in a desperate dance for release from the tension between you that, at some point, had grown thick as two oak trees planted near enough to forget where one ends and the other begins.
Your hand on his chest splayed out over faded ink. Your hips swiveled against his groin.
His hand fisted in the plaid fabric of your skirt. That wasn’t in the blocking- had they added that? Was this improv?
Using the grip on your skirt, he tugged you further into him as his hips bucked up just enough to bounce you on his groin and shake your exposed cleavage. Without thinking, your hand flew into his hair, grasping the sweaty curls at the nape of his neck and tugging sharply back. You weren’t supposed to do that. 
It wasn’t supposed to be a moan, but that was definitely what you would call the sound you pulled from Eddie’s mouth. A soft yet sharp, breathy moan that existed somewhere in the valley between pleasure and pain and definitely sounded more sexy and less funny, which is how it was supposed to sound. You saw Eddie’s eyes go wide as he too came to this realization. 
No matter; if you played it off, no one in the audience would know the difference. You let go of his hair and flung your hand into the air above you, reaching for heaven and belting out your last ‘Yeah’ into the stage lights that lined the rafters above you. Your back arched, and you felt one final push of Eddie’s pelvis into yours, weaker this time as he too came down from the endorphins that ravaged every thought in both your mind and his. 
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Taglist (people I've been talking to about this since the idea spawned): @ghost-proofbaby, @the-unforgivenn, @munson-blurbs, @hellfire--cult
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theitgirlnetwork · 4 months
Better Index
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The story that Lip Gallagher deserves.
Charlotte Fisher Aesthetic
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
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starletdawn · 5 months
palces out of paragraphs
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You sit on your bed eyes glued to your notes and your a sheet of paper. You had a 6 page essay coming up and it was worth 70% of your grade. You suddenly hear a knock. you jump from your bed. “Coming!” you say loudly expecting your parents back from their date night. As you open the door weirdly enough no one is there. You hear the knock again you turn around, and see your boyfriend Jason Dean waiting for you like a little puppy outside your bedroom window. For some reason he was obsessed with climbing your window this was honestly normal behavior for him. You quickly open the window and before you can say anything he goes into your room. He immediately wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into a soft kiss. “What are you doing here baby?” I say as I pull away softly. “Well, I’ve barely seen you today at school. Where have you been my love?” he responds “I’ve been working on my essay I want a really good grade,” I say softly. “Well, now that you’re done with your essay what should we do? I mean I saw your parents leave the house earlier and I was thinking we could…” He smirks now putting his hands on your hips. “There are still some things I still have to review for my test.” You sigh as you bite your lip nervously “And I don't want any distractions.” “C’mon let me stay darling” He pouts leaning in to your cheek giving it a gentle kiss. “Okay, but promise to not distract me.”Promise!” He says you go back to studying. He plays with my hair and fidgets with your cat plushie. “I don’t understand why you try so hard once we get married I’ll spoil you with everything you want.You won’t have to work for a day.” He remarked although you rolled eyes your heart flutter at the thought of you being more than just a highschool fling. “On second thought I would love a smart-ass as my lover” JD teases. After a few minutes you started getting frustrated and tired. Your hands starts hurting and you can barely keep your eyes open the worst part was that you weren’t even close to done. “You should take a break sweetheart” Jason says looking into your tired eyes “No, I can’t” I groan. “You’ll be able to get more done if you’re energized. “C’mon just take a short break and then you can go back to working.” ”Fine” You finally give in. You lay your head on his chest He caress your hair and cheek. “You’re so gorgeous my dear I could stare at you forever and never get tired. You’re honestly the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” His words, his tender touch on my skin, His beautiful eyes all caused my body to relax and before I knew it I was in a deep slumber.
The cold breeze hits your arms goosebumps on your skin. You slowly open your eyes to complete darkness. You look over to your clock it’s 2:00am and Jason is no longer here. “He must’ve left” you thought to yourself. You quickly realized that you forgot to finish your essay you panic searching inside you backpack you find the essay and you suddenly realize It’s all done. All 6 pages filled with information you found a sticky note plastered to it. It read “I used all your notes and resources I tried my best to follow the prompt and use correct grammar I hope you like it my dear. Sincerely, JD” After reading through it. I was honestly surprised I knew Jason was smart (when it benefited him) but oh shit the essay was perfect. Despite his usual bad handwriting he wrote the essay in neat writing and honestly it looked like he put a lot effort into the paper for such short time. You put your essay back into the paper thinking about how lucky you were to have such a precious boyfriend.
This my first writing I’ve published so please be nice but feedback is welcome!!💗💗
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vympirestake · 11 months
Hello, could I please request head cannons for: Veronica Sawyer, poly Billy and stu, brahms heelshire, and marko from the lost boys where their s/O is very insecure about how they look and always wear a mask and maybe their reaction to seeing their face for the first time.
— Insecure Masked S/O
— Various x GN!Reader, just fluff, headcanons
— Mentions of insecurity, a little bit of bullying maybe
— Veronica Sawyer
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Veronica is your knight in shining armor, your protector and biggest supporter
Her alliance with the Heathers makes it so, if she so chose, she could squash anyone who dare try to shun you either for your mask or (this bring a semi small town) your actual face if they've seen it
She's always quick to your defence, whether or not you were going to defend yourself she is chewing everyone out and moving you to where she can check up on you
Literally starstruck when she sees your face
She's more gentle than the others, opting to gently brush her fingertips along your cheeks, across your jaw, smoothing your hair down if the mask had covered it
She is really just in awe, wanting to make you feel wholly loved and appreciated for everything you are
If anything, she gets more protective of you. Feeling as though, because you entrusted her with the barest part of you, she needs to keep it safe
For a complete sidenote, I think in this AU instead of thirsting for Veronica, JD sees himself in her fierce passion for you (and he just thinks you're neat, probably always talking down society and norms to encourage you) so he ropes her into killing in your name
— Poly Ghostface
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In a couple words, the general idea is that these boys would kill and be killed for you
This goes for really just in general, mask or no mask, but the fact that you are so insecure almost seems to triple this instinct
You can bet they're shoved right into your sides whenever you're in public, staring down and threatening anyone who even looks at you funny
When you finally decide to show them your face they both sit in their anxious anticipation
They'll love you no matter what, don't get me wrong, but they don't want to mess this up and make you more uncomfortable
When you actually show them they both just sit there like :0, literally in the gif just wide eyed with their mouths slightly agape
Stu giving a quiet whisper of "woah, man" before diving in to finally kiss your face for the first time
Billy (lowkey pissed Stu beat him to it) moves the blonde out of the way so he can get his smooch too, both assuring you beyond a shadow of a doubt that they love you masked or not
Billy especially gets almost a power thrill from seeing your face, knowing he's one of a very select few to actually see you which, in his mind, makes you all the more his
— Brahms Heelshire
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Of anyone, Brahms is going to understand your insecurities the best
Your mask is probably what made him comfortable in his choice to finally reveal himself
He knew that you wouldn't judge or be afraid of him purely because of his face or his way of hiding it
When you do finally reveal your face to Brahms, he is filled with nothing but pure adoration
He knows that taking off your mask, removing that layer of security, and being so very vulnerable around him makes Brahms fall that much deeper in love with you
Unfortunately, this probably means he would end up staring for an uncomfortably long amount of time, nearly making you regret removing the mask in the first place
Before you could fathom apologizing Brahms, in turn, removes his own mask
It's such a gentle moment, quietly and with so much care exploring the newly revealed skin of the other
— Marko
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While Marko doesn't necessarily understand your insecurity, he nontheless tries his hardest to make sure you're more or less as comfortable as possible
He strives to make you as comfortable in your own skin as he can
He's always right by your side, offering a comforting hand or a moment alone
You know the other boys are always checking back on you two, especially looking out for Marko flagging down their newest meal who thought being disrespectful towards you would be ok
Marko has an interesting opinion on it, knowing that his "human" face is really only a mask for the vampiric one but it makes him not as serious as the others might be
Not to say he doesn't understand the importance of this! But more that he feels the removal of the "mask" is empowering and therefore should be celebrated
So when you remove the mask for the first time, he's whooping and hollering
"yeah! that's my s/o" while he bounds up to kiss you
probably immediately shows you his vampire face (if you haven't seen it already) so you can finally see each other bare
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trancylovecraft · 4 months
Headcanons for Yandere JD from Heathers the musical?
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: Damn, If it wasn't for my girl Yuno then this bastard would be the poster boy of the yandere trope. tHIS SHITS CANON. FANDOM: Heathers the Musical
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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Okay, JD, This maniac.
I headcannon JD to be an Obsessive, Possessive, Violent and perhaps even a bit Manipulative and Delusional.
Obsessive in the way that its.. Well, It's JD! After a life of moving from place to place after his mothers death, He's become lonely. So when you come into his life, Willing to cure that ailment, JD is instantly all over you. He's not really obsessive about you, But the idea of you if that makes sense.
Possessive in the way that it ties into the last point, You're his only source of social interaction. You're his only friend and JD is not going to let anyone take you from him. You're HIS, Not anyone elses.
Violent in the way that JD get's absolutely livid if you do try to leave him. I mean, He tried to blow up westerburg for fucks sake! He's unstable and will get real volatile if you do try to get away.
Manipulative in the way that JD plays to your emotions. He'll make you feel guilty over the people he's killed, He'll make you feel like shit for trying to leave. Perhaps he'll even get you to assist in these murders, JD loves you but you must understand that this is just how he shows his love!
And Delusional in the way he believes that the entire world is against him, That it's all evil. But not you, You're an angel! You're the good in-between all the dirt, That's why he loves you so much! You can do no wrong in his eyes, Even if you do get a little bit confused sometimes..
I can see JD falling in love with you in a few ways.
The first is where you're an outcast like him, A social loner who doesn't really have anyone to talk to at break times. You're nice but you're quiet, Keeping to yourself.
I can see JD latching onto you after a single interaction. Maybe he drops something and you pick it up for him, Maybe you lend him a pen during class. Either way, It's the single domino to the catastrophe that will come later.
The second way is where you're popular, Really popular. So much so that you're part of the Heathers. Maybe you and Chandler have a history and that's why you're with them, But either way you follow beside her as one of the queen bee's in school.
But you're not mean, You're kind. Maybe you welcome JD into the school once he joins, Maybe you just say hello to him in the halls everyday. And this is enough for him, He becomes infatuated with you.
I'm going to go with the second option.
So you're a heather, You go to parties, You date, You do all the stuff a heather is expected to do. But it's not your style, You're only with them because Chandler was your friend growing up and you were hot enough to stay with her in the group.
But you make do. You're nice to everyone you meet, That's more your speed. You lead the student council, You organise school events and you make sure everyone has a good-time.
It's a good change of pace from all the stuff that comes with The Heathers. You have a decent life and it's future is looking pretty bright, With your good grades and status as the student council leader, You're destined to get into a good college.
Until JD turns up at the school.
It's pretty rare to get a student show up half-way through the year, And it'd be a pretty stressful time too. So you make sure to search him out and welcome him in here with open arms, You would've wanted that if you were in his scenario at least.
So you search him out, Helps that you and him share a class together. And before the bell rings, You find him early in his seat just getting ready for class.
And you walk up to him despite his rather cold demeanour, You introduce yourself to JD anyways and ask him how his first day was.
And JD is shocked.
Someone as pretty and popular like you greeting him? And in such a kind way? JD is at a loss for words, He's not usually welcomed with such warmth on account of his "bad-boy demeanour" and tendency to avoid crowds.
So when you welcome him to the school, Ask him how he's settling in. JD can't help but answer with a witty remark as an instant way to try strike up conversation.
And even though it doesn't last long due to the bell ringing and you needing to sit down and do your work, JD certainly can't take his mind or his eyes off of you. Looking at you more than the work in front of him.
He's the kind of yandere that gets interested fast, Not needing a second interaction to spike his interest. JD can already tell that you're perfect, An angel in your own right. He doesn't need any more confirmation.
Afterwards, Yeah, He's hooked!
After that, JD starts to follow you around just far enough so that you don't notice him. In school or out of it, He's just got to know more.
He eventually learns where you live after he follows you home one day. He learns what you like, Who your friends are. Your favourite flavour, If you have any pets or whether you drink coffee or tea.
Its all so perfect to him.
You start to find little gifts in your locker, Maybe a box of your favourite treats or even a flower that you're particularly fond of.
You of course, Being a heather means that you get a lot of attention from both guys and gals so receiving these things in your locker is not uncommon. Therefore you just go about your day, Maybe eating the treats of placing the flower in a pot.
JD begins to get violent, His tendencies starting to kick up. Anyone else that tries to ask you out, Anyone that you may sleep with, Anyone that you even just talk to gets a beat-down from the man himself.
I mean, How dare they try touch you? JD is by no means deserving of you and he knows it, But that doesn't mean everyone else is entitled either.
JD certainly tries to hang out in spots where you usually go just for the chance of seeing you, To maybe start another conversation with you.
By now you've definetly heard of what JD's been doing. Beating people up, The rumours spreading around about him. It freaks you out, Especially since a lot of the victims were your friends.
So you avoid him, Not wanting to anger him.
You know that JD is probably troubled. He's outcast with low social skills, He's joined the school half-way during the year and he's violent. You've heard the type and realise he probably has some home issues.
But you're not an adult, You're not professionally trained. You're just trying to get through high school, So you have no way to help him. It's not like you could get him any help, Westerberg is not known for it's counselling and you're not his friend so you don't think it's right of you to find him some.
JD for one, Is irked.
He doesn't deserve you in the slightest. Among the filth, The cruelty and the evil of the world you are the angel above them. JD is no better than everyone else, But he's certainly trying his best to get your attention.
He knows he'd be good for you, He knows he'd be the only one who'd be able to keep you away from all the dirt.
JD just wished you'd listen.
So he's gonna make sure you hear him now.
It's a completely normal morning, One day when you walk into school you're instantly bombarded with the news of a body being found in the ditch by the school.
You're horrified as you learn it to be one of the people you talk to often, Sometimes before and after class and within the hallways.
Its even worse to know that the body was mangled so viciously that the police suspected that it was a wild animal like a cougar that got to him, All before figuring out that it was a murder.
More victims pop up over the next few days, More and more bodies pile up. You're terrified, Horrified as they all were people you very much knew.
The next few weeks are tense and distrustful amongst the student body. You as the student council leader should know, As the majority of your school events have been closed due to safety reasons.
Somehow the school has been kept open despite all the victims being apart of their student body. Something about education reasons, You remember one of your teachers saying something about being too far into the school year.
People don't walk alone in the halls, Everyone looks behind their back. Everyone is suspicious of everyone, Mostly because nobody knows if the culprit is one of them.
Parties have started to die down. Not the crazy blow-out ones that you and the rest of the heathers go to, No, The people hosting them are too stupid to do so. But the ones with more common sense decide to just stop until all of this is over.
More and more bodies start to appear, One per week was the current rate. There have even been bets in your school to see who would be next, People rounding up the money. Its disgusting, It horrifies you.
Students have been instructed to walk home in groups. You comply as you walk home with Duke, Chandler and McNamara. You wanna stay safe, You wanna make sure you and your friends get home safe.
All until one day you enter your room, Greeting your parents at the door and going upstairs to your quarters. You only see that your bedroom window is cracked open before you hear the scream of a door slamming shut.
You near get whiplash from looking around so quick, Eyes widening as you stare dead at the face of JD standing in your room Blocking the door.
You can barely scream before he is on you, A hand covering your mouth while another snakes around your waist to form a twisted mockery of a lovers hold. All the while he tells you "It's just him!" "It's gonna be fine."
It certainly will not. Keep in mind the only interaction you two had was months ago, The rest was him beating the shit out of your friends. So you're horrified when he talks to like he knows you..
Thats when the realisation hits you.
You instantly start kicking and screaming in a desperate attempt to get out of his hold. JD tries to calm you but you do not listen anymore, He is the murderer that was terrorising your town.
Once you bite his hand and it relents, You beg for him not to kill you. You cry and scream for your parents, For him to let you go, For you to live!
JD doesn't understand why you're struggling so much, He knows he's not worthy to even touch you but he shouldn't be viewed like this! He should be your knight in shining armour.
JD knows that the people surrounding you have made you like this, Which is why he grabs the nearest blunt object, A lampshade, And bashes it over your head.
You instantly fall unconcious, If not too woozy to know what the hell is going on. JD catches you before you fall to the ground, Almost seeing it as a romantic gesture.
By now the commotion has alerted your parents, So JD throws you over his shoulder and makes his way back out through the window. Neither of you seen, No witnesses found.
This starts the domestic stage.
You wake up within an abandoned cellar. Its dark, Dusty, Cold and grotty. Spiders being common, Other invertebrates even more so.
The only things in there consist of debree, A makeshift bed of old blankets, A small box containg your belongings (And ones you dont remember keeping) and spiderwebs.
You try to get out but the old trapdoor keeping you in was in suprisingly good condition, And you had no tools to help break it down.
Its only hours after you've given up trying to break down the door, Huddled in the corner with your old dirty clothing does he finally appear.
You found out that he's keeping you in some old abandoned building outside of town that he so happened to have the key for. JD tells you that its not permanent, That he'll take you back once you've realised how shoddy the world is.
You of course, Are strong-minded and refuse to play in. But you can't fight back, Can't escape so all you can do is bide your time..
JD still goes to school to avoid suspicion, Making sure that nothing leads back to him. The outside world has deemed you a body they've yet to find.
When he comes home he always brings you your food and sometimes he brings you a gift too (Something that may help you escape). He also brings you a bunch of spare clothes too.
You're unable to shower since there is no running water anywhere, Your only source of hydration being the pack of water bottles JD brought for you.
JD only comes to see you before and after school, Him going home to sleep and him being in school are the only times he's away from you.
Whenever he is with you though, He keeps rambling on and on about his own plans. How horrid the world is but how amazing you were, Almost worshipping.
He also likes for you to give him physical affection, Him laying his head on your lap is a big thing for him. He'll force you to accept it too, Despite profusely apologising the entire time.
If the topic of another man or woman you particularly like comes into play, JD will instantly darken and get violent. He doesn't like it when you bring up someone other than him, You're his angel, Not theirs.
JD is unstable and might even strike you across the face for this, Not in control of his own actions. But straight afterwards once he sees you crying on the floor in pain. He instantly goes into hundreds and hundreds of apologies, So very sorry for harming you.
He won't forgive himself either, How dare he lay a hand on you?
If you do ever give into him fully then you will be let out of the basement. JD will forge a plan that would make it seem that you were held hostage/attacked, Lost and dazed (Depending on how long you were in there). Westerberg's police, Being underfunded as they are will not look into it.
You'd probably get back to school with a shit-ton of empathy and the man who found you, Now boyfriend, Hanging on your arm with a triumphant grin.
The only way I see you escaping this is to do what Veronica should've done and drive the fuck over to Seattle, Change your name and general appearance and never show your face in Sherwood again.
However if JD does catch you then its going to be messy. This man's violent tendencies will go on overdrive, He'll scream, Cry and may even kill you out of sheer unstable anger.
Of course if he does, He'd never forgive himself. So much so that he'd feel like joining you..
Overall he's JD. Yandere posterboy. Good luck with him!
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lovergirly · 1 year
I read the lip fic with opposites reader can you write a oneshot on when they first met or when she first met his family?
Hiii!! another one shot of rich reader x Lip gallagher! hope you enjoy 😘
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"Ian... I'm nervous I don't think they'll like me."
"will you relax.  Of course they will!"
You and your best friend Ian were about to go meet the entirety of the Gallagher family.  You were beyond nervous.  the only reason you knew Ian was because you had a crush on him and you asked him out.  He obviously said no which upset you at first until he explained he was gay.  after that, you two were inseparable. 
Pulling up to the Gallagher house, you felt nervous butterflies enter your stomach.  what if they hated you? what if they were mean?  what if-
"ready?" ian pulled you out of your thoughts as you got out of your BMW. 
"you might want to lock the car." he chuckles. 
As you walk closer to the door, you can hear more and more commotion coming from the inside of the house.  Instead of knocking, he barges right in and allows you a few seconds to really take in the scene.  Two kids, boy and girl, arguing over a computer, a baby crawling around, and a girl probably in her twenties scrambling around the kitchen.  Finally, you see a boy probably your age smoking a blunt on the couch while watching "to catch a predator". 
He was a sight.  He was hot.  you've seen him around school before, but you don't know his name.  He's known for doing kids homework if you pay him well enough. 
"well well well, look what ian brought here." he gives you a smirk and a once over before adding, "ian found himself some rich girl to smooch off of."
instead of letting ian talk, you immediately say, "sounds like someone's just jealous that you need to do loser's homework to get money."
he looks shocked for a second before adding, "big mouth too.  You smoke?"
"no of course not.  it's terrible for your lungs and I do cheer."
"oh she does cheer?!  her little lungs can't handle it." he mocks a sad face before you add
"at least I'll be alive when my grandkids are born."
he chuckles before taking a drag and going back to his show. ian takes this as invitation to take your hand and lead you to the kitchen.  Where it appears people multiplied as there is now another girl and a guy, you're inferring are a couple. 
"hey guys,  this is y/n.  I invited her over for dinner I hope that's okay." he looks at fiona as the commotion stops for a second.
"Yeah that's fine.  I'm fiona." she gives you a slight wave as she continues scurrying around.
the little girl is the first to run up to you.
"I'm debbie!  you're like soooooo pretty!! are you and Ian dating?" she was so cute. 
"umm no we're just friends"
"then who is your boyfriend?"
"alright shut up debbie!  I'm carl, but you can call me yours."
"yeah i think you're just a little too young for me."
"give it time sweetthing, give it time."
You found yourself getting along really well with the Gallagher family, plus Kev and V you learned.  During dinner, you and the Lip kid kept staring at each other.  You thought he was giving you dirty looks. Maybe it wasn’t going well. You, Fiona, and V end up in a deep conversation about boys, when V mentions, "i saw how you were looking at Lip, it's around 9 right now so if you want to go outside he'll be there smoking a cigarette." Fiona slaps her arm while V defends, "what?! I know sexual tension when i see it!"
"thank you V, but i don't think it's anything like that." you say while standing up to go outside.
"then why is your ass getting closer to the door?" she laughs.
"you know those things will kill you, it's not just a myth."
"that's okay. I’m experimenting to see if i’m the expectation.”
“is that your car?” you point to a beat up car sitting in their yard.
“yeah and no. It doesn’t drive, but i do bring girls here everyone once in a while. wanna hop inside?”
“if you’re insinuating what i think you are-“
“i’m not trust me.”
“whatever Gallagher.”
you two made your way inside the crammed car and it did definitely smell like weed and sex. He wasn’t kidding…
“so… you and ian?” he seriously didn’t know yet?
“umm no just friends. i’ve truthfully never had a boyfriend.”
“a girl like you never having a boyfriend? let me guess… too rich for all the south side boys? or maybe just too hot for all the losers at our school.” that comment made you blush, you were just praying he didn’t catch on.
“you know i’m not some stuck up rich girl right?”
“oh really? Let’s see, your whole family could buy mine. are you sure you’re not that rich?”
“ok fine but i’m not stuck up.”
“you are a little…” he adds wirh a small laugh
“oh yeah? give me that cigarette” you demand. he hands it over and watches curiously as you put it to your lips and suck. immediately, you start coughing which causes him to laugh, “oh god you weren’t kidding that you’ve never had one.”
“you thought i was lying?”
“maybe. thought you might have some secret life behind all the cheer and money.”
“well I do. I’m not like my family i promise.”
“well if you’re not like your family, how about you stay the night and we can just hang out.”
“you better not be insinuating anything again or i swear i’ll-“
“i’m not, you can sleep in ian’s bed, or even mine and i’ll sleep on the couch.”
“thank you Lip. I’d love to.”
little did you know that was the beginning spark of a beautiful relationship
i hope you enjoyeddd!! what else should Lip and y/n get into?? maybe some drama?
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whowantslovergirl · 1 year
Kevin Ball x daughter reader ?
An: YESYESYESYES btw this is not a biological daughter so you can be yourself 💖💖😍😍💋💖😍🤓💖🤧 hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍
The Balls
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Kevin ball x daughter! reader (THIS IS PLATONIC WE DONT DO THAT INCEST SHIT HERE but reader is female with she/her pronouns 🤭)
warnings: just cursing and suggestive cause its kev and reader is in a secret relationship with lip (just wanted to add that in) and that’s it hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍 miscellaneous masterlist
Summary: Cute moments with Kev and his daughter
posted: June 18,2023
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first time you snuck out for a party:
You were walking downstairs to see your dad and your stepmom V dancing and making out in the kitchen. You make fake gagging noises. They turn around to see you.
“Blah! You guys are disgusting.” You say while laughing and getting something to eat out of the fridge.
“Ohhh but Y/N you are going experience this ‘disgustingness’ sooner or later.” Your dad said while going next to you to steal your bread. “Hey give me my bread back!” V laughs while seeing this cute little moment between you two. While you guys are chasing each other your phone buzzed.
V heard this. “Ooo who’s texting us?” She said with a smile. You check your phone. “Oh it’s just my friend Maddie-.”
“Ughh is that the weird one with all the piercings?” Kev asked while being disgusted.
“No that’s Mandy babe.” V answered for you.
“Hey back to my text. Anyway it’s just her asking to go to a party together but don’t worry I’m not going.”
“Hey what! Why aren’t you going?” Kev asked. You just shrugged. “I don’t like parties. I sneak out every time you guys have one in the bar.”
“With who?”
“Li- Liza…” It was Lip but they don’t have to know that. They both narrowed their eyes at you but didn’t say anything. “I’m going to the Gallaghers for a little bit.” They both nodded and you walked to your neighbors.
You were in Lip’s room just talking and giggling with each other. “You know if my parents ask you anything about me sneaking out of the bar that one night, I snuck out with Liza ok?” He just nodded with a confused look on his face. “Do you wanna go to a party later tonight?” You nodded and realized that you already told your parents that you weren’t going.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing it’s just I told them that I wasn’t going.”
“Just sneak out.”
As you were sneaking in after the party, you see your dad under a light.
“I thought you weren’t going to that party Y/N?”
“Ok before you get mad Liza convinced me and-.” You cut yourself off when your dad held up his hand. “I’m so proud of my little girl!” He got up and squeezed you in a hug. You are so confused. “You’re not mad?”
“No! Wait did you have sex of any kind?”
“No dad!”
“Then I’m not mad!”
when they find out you have a boyfriend:
You guys were sitting in the living room watching tv. And you get a text. You check to see who it is and it’s Lip saying and showing some dirty stuff. You giggle and put your phone face down. V saw this and nudged Kev.
“Why are smiling at your phone Y/N? Who’s texting us?” V asked with a smirk on her face.
“Nothing just Liza sent something funny.”
“Well can we see?” Kev asked.
“No it’s an inside joke.” You said while giggling.
They made a face at each other. You can hear them whispering and your dad gets up to the kitchen. “Y/N can you help me in the kitchen?! I need help!”
As you were getting up V got your phone, put in your password and saw ‘L ❤️’
“This picture definitely is not from a girl.” She whispered to herself.
You turn around since it was way too quiet and you see V on your phone. “Hey!” You run over and snatch your phone. “You have a boyfriend!”
“Oh my god my babygirl has a boyfriend!” Kev said while cheering.
Then you got bombarded with questions.
“Do we know him?”
“No he’s from the north side.”
Then the questions got worse.
“Oh my god you have a rich boyfriend!”
“Does he buy you stuff?”
Why did he have to send that?
when they find out the boyfriend is Lip:
Since your parents were out at the bar. You guys were in your room, making out and smiling at each other. “So they know you have a boyfriend now. What did you tell them?”
“Well I said that he’s from north side and my dad calls you you my rich hot daddy boyfriend.” He let out a little laugh. “And he’s right except for the rich part.” You laugh at the face he makes.
“Now let’s stop talking and keep making out with each other.” You lean in and he smiles into the kiss.
“What the fuck.”
You guys jumped off each other.
“Lip is the rich hot daddy boyfriend?!” Your dad yelled. He ran out to tell V.
“V come in Y/N’s room!”
She ran in and gasped. “Lip?!”
This is the worst.
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An: HEYEYEYEYEYE guys ik y’all probably are like ‘this bitch said they were gonna be posting then haven’t posted’ SO IM SORRY im rewriting shocked and scared bc it was fucking terrible but until i post again my lovers 🤍 *hint: it’s a surprise* (i have no idea)
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⠀ 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 – 𝐣. 𝐝. 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✧‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (navi. & masterlist. & tag. )
「 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 」 yandere!jason dean 𝒙 female!reader
「 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 」 in which you try to break up with jason dean, but you find that doing so is a lot harder than you anticipated.
「 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 」 man-handling, murder / death, manipulation, toxic / abusive relationship, unconsensual kissing, threatening, swearing, generally psychotic behavior, implied / referenced stalking, general yandere themes.
「 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 」 1.2k
「 𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 .⁺ ˖ ⌒ this one's a bit on the shorter side, but it was fun to write!
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"You killed her."
Those were the only words you could think to utter staring at your deranged ex-partner. "You fucking killed her, didn't you?"
In spite of your current rage and distress, all J. D. could seem to do was offer you a devilish grin and a smirk. "Well, I wouldn't say killed her, just... I put her out of her misery, is all. Charity work, really."
"You did it. You murdered my best friend. Do you think this is a joke?"
"Well, it is quite funny, if I do say so myself."
You weren't quite sure what you were feeling at the moment. Anger was one thing, but heartbroken, too, for you had lost the person that was closest to you.
And yet, your inner turmoil aside, you felt a terrible, terrible smile slither its way across your face - a not because you were happy by any stretch - the situation you found yourself in was by no means one that'd cause you any feelings of joy - but simply because you had no idea what else to do.
"She was right. I should have stayed away from you. You're not a rebel. You're fucking psychotic."
"Well, you say tomato, I say 'to-mah-to'."
You grated your teeth together. "Just get out, J. D." You were much too tired to play any of J. D.'s mind games. You just wanted him gone. And for a moment - for one beautiful moment - he seemed to consider doing what you asked. But, alas, he was never one for folding so easily.
You drew in a sharp breath. "Excuse me?"
J. D. took a step closer to you. You held your ground, hoping to give off the impression that you weren't intimidated by what he might do; you knew he had a loaded gun on him, and his unpredictable nature didn't ease your racing heart.
"I'm not leaving, and you can't make me."
"J. D., this is my house."
"Well, technically it's your parent's home, and I doubt you want to get them involved, unless you'd like two more of your loved ones with their brains blown out."
You stiffened, your throat tightening up. Upon your lack of a response, J. D.'s mouth curled into a wicked smile. "That's what I thought. Now, how about we both go out to 7-11 and grab a couple of slushies?"
J. D. outstretched his arm in order to grasp your hand, but just as your fingers brushed, you jerked backwards. J. D.'s smile faded.
"Y/n - "
"I'll call the cops - I'll fucking call the cops on you, J. D.!"
J. D. raised an eyebrow and began nodding. "The cops?" He inquired. "Tell me, when they arrest me, do you think they're going to ignore the fact that you somehow knew for a fact that I killed Heather, Kurt, and Ram? What proof do you have that doesn't incriminate yourself? What will you say when they ask you how you know it's me? You wrote the letters."
"Yeah, well I didn't murder people!"
A strangely exuberant laughter escaped J. D.'s lips. "You didn't, did you? Then you didn't give Heather that mug of liquid drainer? And you also didn't shoot Kurt?"
You paused briefly, thinking of a quick defence. "Well I didn't know that was the wrong cup! And Kurt - I was just so shocked - "
J. D. took a step forward. You took a step back. J. D. grinned. He continued his approach until you inevitably collided with the wall, letting out a small gasp. "Admit it, Y/n!" He trapped you with his arms. "You say I'm evil, but look in the mirror! We're the same! We both do fucked up shit, and we like it! I saw that look on your face when Heather died. You were glad."
"We are not the same. I did not want them dead. Whatever you thought you saw in me when Heather died, it wasn't there. You're delusional, J. D. Now, I'm calling the cops, so don't even try to - "
"You can't call them. You know that. The moment you do your parents would be dead - and, besides, you know you couldn't pay to have a lawyer send me to jail. I know your parents wouldn't be able to afford it."
He was right. And you hated him for it. You didn't even ask how he knew your family wouldn't have sufficient funds - at this point, you'd be surprised if he didn't know something about you or your personal life.
"Well, I'm not coming with you, no matter what you'd do. I'd rather - "
J. D. didn't allow you to finish, forcefully swallowing your words with the press of his lips. The kiss was anything then what it should have been - it was greedy, feverish, demanding. You didn't have so much as a moment to breath as J. D. devoured you, leaving you terribly, terribly breathless. His icy fingers tug into your skin, surely leaving bruises, and you shuddered at the feeling of his wandering hands along your exposed skin.
J. D.'s kisses now were not what they once were. A million years ago, they sweet and tender, a warm interlocking of souls on a cold winter's day. They were beautiful and wonderful and tasted of nothing but kindness and thoughtfulness. But this one was nothing like the ones you'd experienced in the past. It was hungry, rough as J. D. pressed you plush against him, searing as opposed to warm, poisonous as opposed to tender.
It was after what could only be described as an eternity that J. D. pulled away, staring at your dizzy self with a satisfied expression upon his face.
Because, at last, here you were, like a bird with clipped wings, caught in J. D.'s trap, the one you'd unknowingly watched him craft bar by bar.
You froze as you felt two arms slither around your waist, firmly pulling you to J. D. He liked you like this - he could practically smell the fear radiating off of you, and it was intoxicating. Neither slushies nor cigars could compare to the high he felt from your presence.
"You're not leaving. You can't. And, besides, I'd kill you if you did." He let out a satisfied sigh. "I worship you - can't you see that?" You shivered as J. D.'s warm breath tickled your ear. "We were meant to be, darling. There was a reason we met... you were made for me."
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as J. D. slowly let you go, grasping your chin between his forefinger and thumb. You naturally diverted your gaze.
J. D. grabbed your arm and squeezed it tightly, causing you to let out a small yelp. "Look at me."
Hesitantly, you obliged, your stomach knotting when you caught the dark glimmer in J. D.'s eyes. It was then that you knew - knew that you'd never once be free again, knew you'd be forever bound to J. D.
"We're going to fix this fucked up world together, Y/n."
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© do not translate, steal, or repost any of my works elsewhere without consulting me and gaining my consent.
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