#Violent MOC
sammygender · 3 months
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^this but unironically
#also this is such a ridiculous comparison#one of them gets more and more angry as the show progresses actively hurting the people around them#and that’s not me being analytical or hashtag deancrit or whatever it’s just. canon#he has a whole fucking arc about how hes becoming more and more angry and its taking him over and turning him into someone awful#like it’s not a well executed arc <3 but it is about that.#it’s not a coincidence that moc happens right after dean does like some of his worst show moments ever#aka being awful to sam all of s8 for daring to try to move on and then getting him possessed and gaslighting him about it#like they don’t tie up moc in a fulfilling way dean just gets worse and worse and never heals but. Whatever#meanwhile. the other (sam) gets villainised by the show for showing entirely appropriate anger Which by the way is never directed violently#at dean in fact we barely even SEE it in him sam just says he FEELS angry all the time and somehow believes this is proof he is innately#evil and the show AGREES with him. and as the show goes on he stops being able to access this anger even in self preservation and has his#sense of personhood and autonomy worn down again and again#. Like that is completely different#‘whenever dean expresses it that’s just him being abusive’#Literally yes. like i worry for you if you think that trying to kill a child because you’re upset your family died is like Good Normal#Behaviour#it’s understandable in the context of deans life! all his behaviour is! but that doesn’t make it good…#spn#fandom wank#oliver talks#supernatural
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soullessjack · 1 year
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hi guys I’m normal again
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maybeimissu · 7 months
"dean! what have you done?"
he solved a problem, stop judging 🙄
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rebellum · 1 year
The weird thing about people who hate the word "transandrophobia" is that so many of them seem to think power is just like.. someone something HAS and is enacted on another. Like a dodgeball or something. That's not how power works, it's a system.
In the middle of the woods, a black trans man and a white cishet man have the same amount of social power. They're just 2 dudes.
But in SOCIETY, the white cis het man is part of a number of in-groups, and that membership gives him power. He has the power with other white people to exclude black people from spaces. He has the power to say "this black man attacked me" and to be believed. He has the power to decide with other cis people that a trans man shouldn't have access to medical care. The power to band with other cis men and argue that the black trans man isn't a real man. If he attacks and sexually assaults the black trans man, to teach him a lesson about where he belongs, other white people, other cis people, other cis men will all band together and say "of course you did the right thing. We got eachother into this places of power (police, jury, judge) and we can see, since you are a member of our group, that you did the right thing, and are not at fault."
Trans people don't have that in-group power of gender. A trans man does not, CAN NOT, engage in the systemic oppression of trans women on the basis of gender. Trans mascs are NOT part of the in-group. They are not prioritized for certain jobs, are not valued more, are not seen as being more truthful. Trans men can't get together and decide to deny a trans women the right to medical care, or to safety from discrimination. While there can be lateral aggression, eg. a trans man being transmisogynistic, he can't DO anything with power he does not have.
When people talk about transandrophobia, they are talking about how they are treated as a group of specifically trans and masculine and trans-masculine people. No one is saying that trans fems are behind systemic transandrophobia.
Arguing that trans men should just shut up about their oppression, and saying that they oppress trans fems, is WRONG. It is inaccurate, and harmful because it is silencing an oppressed group who are trying to raise awareness and to discuss the oppression they face. This whole idea that people (of all genders!) have that trans mascs are using the word transandrophobia as a weapon to harm trans fems is harmful and not based on facts. If you believe in that, you are not helping trans fems, you are just harming trans mascs.
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ciderjacks · 5 months
“Karens are the worst types of bigots ” 🤝 “rap music is more sexist than any other genre” in thinly veiled hatred of a marginalized group for a problem that is not actually specific to said group
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trans-androgyne · 4 months
There seems to be a lack of understanding around here of the way sexism can affect men. Of course men are the privileged gender under patriarchy, but you only reap all the benefits of hegemonic manhood if you’re seen as doing it the Right Way (being a masculine cishetallo perisex White etc. man). Feminine men experience sexist treatment. Black men demonized for being moc experience sexist treatment. Pregnant trans men painted as objects of disgust experience sexist treatment. Any time manhood is used to say men’s bodies must always look a certain way or that men are inherently more violent, aggressive, predatory, emotionally stunted, hypersexual, and dangerous than other genders, that is sexism and gender essentialism. To dismantle patriarchy, we need an accurate understanding of how it functions. Intersectional feminism includes men.
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utilitycaster · 3 months
I’ve long noticed and previously commented on the odd fandom antipathy towards characters like Suvi of Worlds Beyond Number and Jonas Spahr from Midst; and simultaneously a far, far more generous approach to outright villains like Will Gallows, many of the witches, and Moc Weepe.
I’ve also commented on the favor and endless forgiveness shown villains before, and to get it out of the way, yes, a lot of this is due to horny reasons, and as someone who does not identify personally as a monsterfucker this might be part of my lack of interest. But I think it would be unwise to chalk this up entirely to people wanting to fuck the villains, and given that Suvi and Jonas are both extremely attractive as well it’s certainly not the whole picture.
Suvi and Jonas are born into and achieve positions of privilege - military/political no less - in imperial societies. They are both explicitly indoctrinated. They are not, in my opinion, brainwashed; but they are driven into who they become through competition.
I think a lot of people are really uncomfortable with characters shown to be complicit in and favored within this kind of society. I think Spahr and Suvi occupy a space that they find too close to home; too close to what they themselves are. A villain validates one’s beliefs: Weepe is ruthlessly self-interested, driven by profit, and terribly violent, and so it’s easier to be comfortable with him, ironically enough, because the story tells you he’s a bastard and you can feel good about clocking him as a bastard, and even like that this character is on a meta level telling you that you’re right in your beliefs.
Suvi and Jonas and those like them don’t permit you that validation. They participate in these harmful systems while believing it to be the right thing to do. They are also young people who grew up knowing little else, with unfathomably high expectations placed upon them. They are flawed, with no shortage of harsh edges, but they are also frequently kind and generous people who are incredibly important, as they currently are, to characters one might find more sympathetic. They are deeply human. And they are both the beneficiaries and the victims of a vast and complicated system. You cannot fit them into the box of a “stripped of choice” victim even though both have found themselves backed against a wall by their respective societies. You cannot avoid that the dissolution of their society would have devastating consequences, even if it might be right (which Midst directly explores; I suspect the Citadel might not be a thing to be dissolved). And while many people do so, one cannot in good faith and intelligent analysis treat them as nothing more than a shipping doll who needs to be programmed to become a mirror of the “correct” character of one’s choosing without ignoring who they are and what they bring to the table: a political savvy, a great deal of talent and intelligence, and a desire to embody the best parts of their respective flawed societies.
As Midst reaches its denouement, one of the core messages is that a harmful society is still one comprised of people: some upholding it, some actively furthering it, and some just living within it. While Worlds Beyond Number is nowhere near its end, Brennan Lee Mulligan’s body of work upholds a similar message; that one cannot lose sight of the personhood of people, even those involved in messy and damaging systems, and that people must be judged with that in mind. Suvi and Spahr are not cogs to be wrenched free and corrected, but characters to appreciate in their complexity. It is a shame that so many reject them in favor of those who consistently choose to do harm because it is less difficult and challenging to think in terms of Good Guy/Bad Guy.
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punkeropercyjackson · 11 days
Luke(Pjo)is such a paragon of cisheteropatriarchal violence that i literally have no clue how people unironically read him as gay-coded.He was exclusively attracted to underaged girls in strict canon and 3/4 of them were actually queer-coded,specifically as comphet lesbians or repressed bi women(Annabeth,Thalia and Silena)and the other one was black.'So misogynistic it's gay'He does not like men,he's racist to moc(Ethan and Chris)and the black one got the worst of it from him again(Beckendorf).Self-proclaimed Luke apologists love bragging about how 'unpalpable' their fave and their shipping him of Percy is but age gaps between white dudes are like the most normalized part of being gay by far and if they for real wanted an 'unpalpable' queer Pjo reading,they'd headcanon Percy as transfem because she's coded as such almost textually and transfems are the most oppressed part of the community but that would equal caring about women and as seen by the Thalia/Silena sidelining and Annabeth bashing when her bad coping mechanisms are due to how Luke raised her in his eternal perpetuation of the cycle of abuse,Luke stans can't do that and only care about violent white men🤪
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ardentpoop · 1 month
as requested <3
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Sometimes I think about how supernatural explicitly stated that the MoC just enhances violent/controlling tendancies that are already there and then no part of the MoC storyline involved Dean having to actually confront that.
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angelsdean · 9 months
the thing tessa uses to try to sway dean to die and go with her? the fact that if he stays behind as a spirit he'll eventually be driven mad and possibly become a vengeful spirit that could hurt people.
"You'll stay here for years. Disembodied, scared, and over the decades it'll probably drive you mad. Maybe you'll even get violent."
that's the thing that gets him. and it's the thing that almost gets him to leave with her, until john makes his deal at that very moment and suddenly dean is back in his body.
but the thing that appeals to dean is the fact that if he stays he could become something that hurts innocent people. dean's whole thesis for hunting is that they can save people. when he's not battling in clutches of john's monster rhetoric of "a monster is a monster" dean's personal monster code is "a monster is someone who hurts / kills innocent people" and under this code humans very much can be monsters too (like the Benders. the traffickers that moc dean kills. the faith healer's wife. etc)
anyway, dean does not want to become that. the thing that haunts him the most about hell is not the 30 yrs of gruesome torture inflicted on him, it's the ten yrs where he had to do the torturing. he hates himself for it.
and when he's got the MOC he tells cas to promise to kill him if he loses control. and when he's worried he won't be able to contain michael for much longer he makes plans to lock himself away in the ma'lak box. he deeply does not want to become someone who hurts innocent people.
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maybeimissu · 7 months
ah.. dean on a murder spree. hot hot hOT HOT
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ca-suffit · 3 months
i think the thing is that calling the scene between Louis and Armand as "fucked up" is not supported by the text of the show. It's a reaction that many people are having, but it's informed by a culture that 1) demonizes the sexuality of MOC and especially Black men and labels them by default as sexually aggressive and 2) has issues with "deviant" sexual behavior in the first place. Loustat fit into conventional marriage dynamics, but it wasn't analyzed as being "fucked up" because it fit into the status quo. The 'wife' figure being expected to perform sexual acts is fucked up if you think about it. But because it aligns with the hegemonic patriarchal structures it's seen as more OK or even normal. And on top of that it's a Black man being required to give his body to a white man, which is seen by the status quo as also being normal--black bodies are meant to "work" for white people--even though that's also fucked up. Imagine if the situations were reversed and it was Louis complaining about Lestat not having sex with him, Louis dropping Lestat from the sky because he was forcing Lestat to stay with him, Louis having sex with a dissociating Lestat. Louis would be considered a MONSTER. He would get constant demonization. And what does Lestat get? He gets: Yeah it was bad but he's the main character/he's going to learn and grow/he's sorry/it's not a big deal/Louis was just as bad/people denying it happened in the first place. Louis would NOT get this forgiveness by the fandom. And this is *proven* by what is happening now--Louis is being demonized for engaging in *consensual sex* with his partner...because he's a dom.
The idea that Armand and Louis would be doing something fucked up if they were recreating a Pimp/prostitute dynamic as a kink is such a weird thing to focus on in a show full of fucked up shit. It plays on the demonization of sex between queer men, sex between MOC, demonization of Black men as violent, demonization of non-traditional sex in general, and the de-sexualization of asian men by denying the sexual desire Armand feels and expresses in this relationship and instead attributing Armand's desire solely to a desire to self-harm.
The interpretation that there is something fucked up about the sex between Louis and Armand is not a smart thoughtful or profound analysis. It is the status quo/hegemonic analysis, part of which the show itself criticizes. (The trial labels Louis as a dangerous pimp.) This is a show about monsters? A show of nuance and subtlety? Then go beyond a shallow interpretation.
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lostgirl677 · 1 year
Nothing can stop me from loving you Part.1
MoC!Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Platonic!Sam Winchester x PlatonicFem!Reader
Established relationship
A/N: I had this idea for a while now and I had to modify a bit the original plot. I'm sorry if it's a bit out of character sometimes and if that's a bit crappy.
Since the Mark of Cain appeared on his arm, Dean had been different. Angrier, even more violent at times. But it has never stained the love I feel for him. I knew that deep down, he was still the brave man I fell in love with. Our relationship even became more passionate than ever at times. But he had to get rid of it as fast as possible. We lost a lot of people in the process. But the greatest loss was Dean himself. When Metatron killed Dean, it felt like he killed me at the same time somehow. No matter how many times I saw him die, it’s always like a piece of my very soul is taken away from me everytime. Even though it was very traumatic, I still couldn’t remember fully that evening, be it the moment we tried to keep pressure on his wounds, the whole ride back to the bunker or the moment we took Dean’s body to his room. Everything was a blur and numbness threatened to overtake sadness. I could barely remember having Dean’s head on my lap during the ride, my hands gently stroking his hair and whispering sweet words to him. 
It’s been hours and I still had a sore throat from desperately calling Cas for help. I knew that he wouldn’t have been able to help with his grace problem, but I wasn’t capable of thinking properly at that moment.So here I was, in a dimly lit room next to a lifeless Dean. Sam was somewhere else in the bunker, more than probably getting drunk. As I began to feel uncomfortable, I shifted position on the chair that I placed next to Dean’s bed. The more I looked at him, the more he looked asleep, despite his wounds. “Why did you have to try to handle it alone?” I whispered in my shattered voice while looking at his face. I couldn’t believe that he was dead again. When I reached out to grab his hand I couldn’t help but gasp a little. His hands were getting cold. Instinctively, I took his right hand in mine and tried to warm it. It took me a few seconds to realize it was utterly pointless. Tears were forming again at the corners of my eyes. I slowly got up and got closer to his bed. I couldn’t sit next to him, I knew that I would break in tears on his chest and that I would not feel his warmth nor his heartbeat. I just looked at him. Yesterday at that time, we were in this bed, laughing at one of his jokes. Just 24 hours earlier from this. Part of me knew that I needed to accept his death but the other part was clinging to the hope that he could come back.
In order to regain a bit of my sanity, I needed to walk a bit away from Dean and to take a deep breath. So I let go of his hand that I had in mine without even realizing it and walked toward the tiny sink. My breathing was heavy, but not heavier than my heart. I managed to open the faucet and I cupped my hands to gather a bit of cold water to wet my face. Its contact pricked my skin but it helped. As I raised my head, the first thing I saw in the medicine cabinet mirror was Dean. I came back next to him. I just leaned over him again.As I did so and gingerly brushed his face, I saw some of my tears falling on him. For a brief moment, I naively thought that maybe my tears could wake him up. But it only moistened the dried blood of his cuts, making it look like he was bleeding again. 
I suddenly felt on automatic and acted  as if he just came back wounded from another hunt. So I grabbed a first aid kit and a new flannel shirt in his closet. I then took a gauze that I soaked in antiseptic and began to wipe the blood.”It's going to hurt a little” I whispered. I almost expected him to flinch a little, but he didn’t. He was perfectly still. “Hey.” said Sam from the doorway, making me go back to reality. Even in the poor light of the room, I could see his red eyes and his tear stained cheeks.“I think you should come to eat something and maybe shower and change your clothes.” he said in a hushed tone. “Uh, no thanks. I have to clean his wounds and at least change his shirt. And…” He didn’t let me finish my sentence and embraced me in his arms. For a bit, it was calming. I noticed that he had a strong smell of alcohol. “It’s gonna be okay, Y/N.” He whispered as he stroked my back with his giant hands. “Dean wouldn’t like to see you in such a state for him.” I knew that he was right but I couldn’t reason myself. I turned my head to look at Dean one last time then looked at Sam again. I then realized how much of a terrible friend I was. “I’m sorry, Sam. I didn’t even ask you how you handle all of this.” He released me from his arms and looked at me. “It’s okay, don’t worry.” He simply said. I saw that he was about to cry again. He then directed me toward the door. “Now go to the kitchen to eat something, you need it.” “I’ll go. Just leave me a few minutes to grab clean clothes.” He looked at me as if he tried to analyze my face but said nothing. He just nodded his head and got out of the room.
As I made my way to the drawers, I tried to not look at him again. Even if I managed to, once in front of the drawers, I ended up with various pictures of Dean and his loved ones. I took them in my hands and tried to reminisce about better times. Some were with his parents or his friends, a lot with Sam and a bunch of just us. I swallowed the lump in my throat and when I had the picture of us, feeding each other a bite of pie, I put the pile of pictures down. I quickly opened the drawer and grabbed the first shirt I found. I walked toward the door and turned my head to whisper “I’ll come back, Dean. I promise. I love you.” Then I closed the door.
I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stomach any food and I needed to change my clothes. So I made my way to the bathroom that wasn’t far from Dean’s room. Once inside, I realized how terrible I looked under the crude light. I didn’t even realize that my flannel was completely stained in blood. Dean’s blood. That thought made me shiver. I quickly got out of my dirty clothes that I threw in a pile on the floor and changed into clean ones. All of them smelled exactly like him. I sighed while looking at my tired reflection and I got out of the bathroom. I was about to go back to his room but decided to go check up on Sam in the kitchen. I was barely halfway to the kitchen and I could already smell the strong smell of whiskey. The nearer I got, the more I tried to prepare myself to see a drunk Sam on the floor. I wanted to stop him from drinking that much but it was useless to argue. The Winchester were both so hardheaded. So, I entered the kitchen as quietly as I could but I found it empty and completely silent. There were so many bottles scattered on the floor that I had to carefully make my way to the counter. There was a plate with my favorite kind of sandwich on it. I didn’t have time to think about eating as a sudden anguish took over me. What if Sam made a terrible mistake? 
I ended up running in the bunker to try and find him. In my desperate search for Sam, something caught my attention and almost made me trip. Dean’s door was ajar and I remembered closing it behind me. The sudden smell of blown candles made me even more panicked. As I entered the room, his bed was empty. There was just a note. I grabbed it with a trembling hand and I read ‘Sammy, Y/N. Let me go’. I screamed at the top of my lungs “Sam! Sam!” I heard commotion on the corridors and stairs, indicating that Sam was running and that he almost fell. He suddenly appeared at the door “What happened? Are you okay?” he said, panting and trying to catch his breath. Then he looked at the bed and it seemed like realization had struck him. He was about to say something, but I didn’t let him speak. “Where’s Dean? What did you do?” I nearly screamed as I grabbed his shirt and showed him the note. He took the note in hand, read it and his expression changed. He then simply said “Crowley” I looked at him in disbelief.
“What did you just say?”I asked him with both my eyebrows raised and I looked him in the eyes. He sighed, closed his eyes and said “I summoned Crowley to help Dean and I guess that he revived him and they ran away.” I didn’t know whether what I felt was anger or a weird kind of relief to know that Dean was ‘alive’ because of/thanks to Crowley. I released my grip on Sam’s shirt and walked away from him. I could read the guilt on his face and I couldn’t blame him. I finally sighed a bit and walked toward him. “I’m sorry , Sam. I don’t blame you. At least he’s back to life. Now we just need to find him” We both knew that it wasn’t okay at all but I didn’t want to guilt him even more. His features seemed to relax a bit at my words but I sensed that he thought about the same issue. “They could be anywhere. Crowley is incredibly resourceful and he probably won’t want us to find them.” he said after a tiny silence. But he seemed to forget something: there had to be something that Crowley wanted out of this deal. “What did you give to Crowley to seal the deal?” Sam furrowed his eyebrows. “I didn’t make a deal with him but I wanted to. I tried to summon him but it didn’t seem to work. I guess that he decided to show up by himself.” His confession scared me a bit more. ”So, we don’t know what Crowley had in mind when he came here to resurrect Dean? Great…” We both knew what it meant: we had to find him as fast as we could before Crowley could put one of his twisted plans into action.
@vikingqueen28 @mikromoon @hobby27 @multifandomnerd4532
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spnangelbang · 1 year
A Light Above Descending
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Author: Hedderstheowl (@kerryweaverlesbian) Artist: enigmaticNeurologist Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Featured characters: Castiel, Dean, Sam, Anna, Uriel, Rachel, Balthazar, Origional Characters Featured relationships: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Anna/Original Female Character Length: 38,000 words Tags:  MoC!Dean, Worldbuilding, Angel True Forms, Grace-Feeding, Angel Afterlife, Grace-feeding, FIMMF
Summary:  Since Dean became afflicted with the Mark of Cain, Castiel has been feeding him his Grace to mitigate Dean’s violent breakdowns. Cas uses these moments of intimacy to confess his feelings, and treat him with the kindness he wants to, since Dean can’t remember any of it afterwards…or so Cas thinks. Unbeknownst to Cas, Dean remembers, and his snaps into Mark-mode are not always unintentional. Unbeknownst to Dean, Cas’s gift of Grace comes at an immense cost. To try to fix both of these problems, they’re both going to have to face people they thought they’d never see again…
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Wrapping up the year of 2023! Can you believe? I want to say a great big thank you to the writers on this list for providing such rich stories to get lost in in this whirlwind of a year. I wish I could have read more.
You lovelies know what to do, heed all the warnings, read what you like and share what you love!!
Happy Reading!
2023 reading list | fic rec masterlist
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
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Bucky Barnes
To Have and To Hold series by @indyluckycharlie Chapters 6-9 Love and obligation. How can you serve one and still save the other? Mafia AU. Warnings: Dark themes. Threats and portrayals of violence, including murder and assault. There are references to but no depictions of noncon. Violent and abusive acts are directed at the reader, but not by Bucky. There is also betrayal, controlling/abusive behavior, death of loved ones/main characters, grief, LOTS of angst, a little bit of fluff, nonexplicit s.mut and sexual references.
Hold Me Down by @flordeamatista Passionate dusk pleasure covers you both with lust, spilling its mist through the night. bull rider!bucky barnes x heiress!reader warnings: best friends to lovers, ranch hand Bucky who works for reader's family, fluff, angst, smut (riding Bucky) soft kisses, nickname- Sweetheart
Hopelessly Devoted by @firefly-in-darkness You visited the Harvest Festival and your boyfriend, James 'Bucky' Barnes surprised you. Warnings: none, fluffy lovey dovey stuff.
Wild Flowers at Sunset by @princessmisery666 Bucky uses an inopportune time to let you know how he feels about you. Warnings/Genres/Troupes: confident reader, Bucky being cocky (that’s a warning), sex work mentioned, prelude to smut, love confession. 
Insatiable by @jobean12-blog Bucky will never tolerate any harm coming to you and he will do anything to protect you. Vampire AU Warnings: soft sweetness, mentions of b-l-oo-d, fi-g-e-r-in-g, p-in-v, Vampire!Bucky bc he's just so hot lol
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Dean Winchester
Stay series by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior Parts 1 & 2 Y/N knows what she's doing is wrong, but she doesn't want to let it go. Warnings: Cheating. (warning provided in each chapter)
Run Away With Me by @deanwinchesterswitch Timing is everything. Warnings: None
I Promised, Too by @deanwinchesterswitch A promise given is a promise kept. Warnings: Language; Canon typical injuries; Implied sex
When the Stars Love You by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior Dean belongs in the starlight. Warnings/Explicit 18+: Nothing really. Implied smut, angst, fluff.
Home by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior Dean comes home. Warnings: None. Major fluff. Angst if you squint.
Wish by @thoughtslikeaminefield You want it to be love — but it isn’t. You want him — but you can’t have him. So you don’t want anything. Warnings: sepia-toned angst ™ @boondoctorwho, not my typical Dean, mentions of alcohol, adult language, mentions of sexual activity
Meeting In the Darkness by @princessmisery666 You forgive Dean for what he did when he had black eyes but he can’t forgive himself. Warnings/Genres/Troupes: angst, blood, implied torture, Demon!Dean, MOC!Dean, unresolved angst.
Get Stuffed by @zepskies Dean enjoys the way you cook Christmas dinner with a Latin flair, even if Sam likes to tease him about his insatiable appetite. You remind Sam about the true reason behind one of Dean’s biggest quirks. Tags/Warnings: Fluff, innuendo, tinge of angst
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Sam Winchester
Sam is Wearing Green Today by @princessmisery666 Purely self-indulgent fluffy Sam appreciation. Warnings/Genres/Troupes: fluff. 
Run Away With Me by @deanwinchesterswitch He can’t let go. Warnings: None
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Live in my memory, You'll always be there by @princessmisery666 Not long after moving to San Diego with your fiancé, Jake, he’s declared missing in action. The Dagger Squad rallies around you as you grieve his loss, and you grow closer to one particular member of the team than you ever imagined. Warnings/Genres/Troupes: angst, character death mentioned, grief, fluff, unexpected love, smut, loss of parents (mentioned).  
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Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Don't Speak series by @hoboal87 In the Spring of 1905 the Winchesters, working a case in London, set the sights on Y/N, and decide to make her theirs. Series Warnings: *Rape/Non-Con, Dub-Con, Historical AU, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, Wincest, smut, Stockholm Syndrome, violence, humiliation/degradation, sexual assault. Assume all warnings will apply to each part. Imagine: You Are Dean's One Exception by @zepskies Request: ...what about Sam having a crush on Dean's gf? How would he react to that...
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