beatleswings · 1 year
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I had to draw this. Inspired from the previous drawings I did of Don and Aran as their VAs, now it’s Doc’s turn. Who knew Doc was a great singer? 😂
Anyways, stream “No Regrets”. 😌
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pubwegf · 1 year
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27goldensun · 1 year
Let’s hear your thoughts about the doc and the stunts. I’d like to hear them.
Heyyyy, I was waiting until we got a first impression from it to post this (but I’ll make a more detailed one after I’ve seen it myself)
We have now confirmed that the only Freddie scenes in it seem to be from when we got the more recent Public push onwards, which is expected but only corroborates to the fakeness of it all (are you telling me you don’t have a single video of your child’s first 4 years??? Like, how is this believable?)
So, for whatever reason, we seem to have a clear timeline of events:
January 2020 - Louis releases his first solo album, dedicating it to his son that we have seen very little in the past years (he didn’t even know what Freddie was wearing on Halloween or what he’d wore on previous years). He also gets caught lying about spending F’s bday with him
Very soon after the pandemic hit and we know they weren’t together as Louis was quarantining in the UK and Freddie was with his fam in LA
It is during this that we see the Clarks mess up the first time (which I believe led louis to take on a more active role in BBG)
1. Briana literally set herself on fire during a livestream, claiming that Freddie was sleeping in the same house, which of course tabloids picked up on quickly, but Louis didn’t comment on it and things remained the same.
Late 2020 we got one bigger misstep from the Clarks
2. Boobgate, I could do a lengthy explanation on this later, but the result of the debacle was that louis came out as absent father who not only didn’t see his kid but also didn’t pay an adequate amount of child support (especially for a millionaire) leaving to Briana’s sugar daddy to buy even groceries for his son
Finally, what I believe solidified the shift in bbg we’ve seen, we have Freddie’s birthday in 2021
3. Fertility clinic sonogram: even non believers were confused by this one, and I have yet to see an alternative explanation other than that kid isn’t Louis
So we had 3 major mistakes that discredited the whole narrative (however fickle) they had set in motion, and I do believe louis needs to have a semblance of control in this mess and that is why he took the role of bbg pusher so far since Christmas 2021, culminating with the doc.
I will expand on louis’ recent actions and the doc later on, but I have some more timelines on this subject that I need to finish before!
(Also, the lack of beard content does seem very on brand for the new image, so I’m not surprised)
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strawbs-screaming · 7 months
assigning the boxers random roles in a restaurant because im bored
shimishimiyayshimiyay, drank swalala swalala swalala
Doc Louis - tired dad with the most annoying kid ever
Little Mac - annoying kid that will not shut up, gets tripped over by someones foot
Glass Joe - orders overcomplicated stuff, waiters hate him and want him gone
Von Kaiser - waiting for his meal that he ordered 30 minutes ago
Disco Kid - random dude loudly chatting with his friends
King Hippo - trying to get the courage to ask the waiter for ketchup
Piston Hondo - actually normal person eating their food in a normal manner
Bear Hugger - also loudly chatting with his friends, laughing like someones holding him at gunpoint
Great Tiger - arguing with the manager
Don Flamenco & Carmen - couple having dinner and pretending nothing is going on
Aran Ryan - kicked out for trying to fistfight a worker
Soda Popinski - ordering another bottle of soda for the 20th time
Bald Bull - fistfighting someone in the back
Super Macho Man - too busy taking photos of his food to actually eat
Mr Sandman - eats one (1) serving of garlic bread, pays and leaves
Gabby Jay - old man randomly approaching you, saying some shit you dont understand & leaving
Narcis Prince - arguing with the manager part 2
Heike Kagero - having the most atrocious, down bad, foul conversation with his friend, unaware that someone is listening in and is traumatized
Dragon Chan - said friend that is having the atrocious down bad and foul conversation with heike
Hoy Quarlow - old
Rick Bruiser & Nick Bruiser - arguing with each other over some fries
Pizza Pasta - depressed waiter ready to quit on the spot
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docholligay · 21 days
Sing Her Down By Ivy Pochoda
the pitch: I started reading this, as I start to read many things, because it was available from the library when I wanted my next book. But I do read the blurbs and stuff before settling on one, and with this sentence, I was intrigued. For myself, but also for you: "No Country for Old Men meets Killing Eve in this gritty, feminist Western thriller."
Like, GIRL.
So I started reading, and within the prologue and about five pages into the first chapter, I knew I would tell you about it. The prose and character voice immediately pop. "Oh yeah, I'm on my way to places Doc will want to visit." Not just with the themes, but the way the author writes reminds me not unlike your own work. She has this beautiful way of weaving metaphors into the narration that amplify tone and mood, it immediately put me in the mind of your writing style. I usually wait until I'm done with something before I rec it to you. Not so here.
"Gripping and immersive, Sing Her Down is a spellbinding thriller setting two indelible women on a path to certain destruction and an epic, stunning showdown."
I mean, COME ON.
Non-spoilery: I’m not even sure if I liked this book but I really appreciated it. It’s an almost-modern-Western (though i would not quite call it that myself) that takes on the idea of victimhood and villainy and obsession, and being tied together. I loved its air of inevitability. I think it wanted for a little editing--I found myself wishing it had been rewritten. It reads like draft four. It’s good! But it could have been great, and unlike a lot of the time, I have the sense the author could have gotten herself there without too much trouble. But it has a really intriguing framing device that i LOVE, and fabulous narrative voice. (big compliment to say it reminds you of my work. I’m not sure I live up to it)  Not a waste of time for sure.  
I’ll leave the non-spoilery section with a quote i loved: “Like there’s no space for regret and power in the same body. Like these two things can’t cohabitate.” 
What a weird book (complimentary). I’m not sure I could ever explain to someone what its about in a way that really conveys the experience of reading it. In short, its about two women who are on their way to an inevitable showdown, and one of them at least must die. There is no evading this. They are as intertwined as the gunman and the outlaw in a Louis L’Amour bit. And the book makes no bones about this. 
Actually, the back of the book calls this “No Country for Old Men meets Killing Eve” and you know part of the reason I hate that fucking “blank meets blank” shit is it’s so often incorrect. This book owes a much greater debt to the ‘gritty’ pulp Westerns of the 70s and 80s than it does No Country. There are two women like in Killing Eve I guess, but Dios wanting to kill Florida, wanting to make Florida kill, has nothing to do with desire, and Florida is mostly a woman trying to escape. Florida is a coward in the face of action, in the face of even recognizing who she is, she sees herself as an innocent flower and not the killer she is, and not even in a cool way just in a way tht manages to dodge all accountability. 
Loved Kace! She is both character and framing device and honestly she is the only likeable one. If you go into this expecting to take either Dios or Florida’s ‘side’ you are going to be very disappointed because they both suck utterly. They are both fundamentally broken human beings. There is something WRONG with them. It’s not “what did society do to me” so much as Dios needs Florida to realize that, just like Dios, she is a wolf born into a world of dogs. She needs Florida to cop to that. They are Born Bad. 
But anyway Kace is the exception to all this, despite being 1000% certifiably crazy, she fels like the only fucking reliable person in the whole book. As readers, we trust her more than anyone, and the ways that happen unfold over the course of the book, we realize she thinks she can hear ghosts, or she actually hears them, depending on your take. Some of the best lines, including the one I put above, come from her. She, despite being, like I say, NUTS, is the only character who seems to have self-reflection. And I love that! I love that our trusted character, the one who seems to own up to it all and do what she can with where she’s at, is someone who, in the earliest parts of the novel, seems like your standard crazy burnout. It lets US reevaluate what ‘crazy’ looks like, especially contrasted with Florida. 
Lobos is such a waste in this book that I damn near forgot she was in it. Pochoda never goes far enough with her, and I think the book would be massively improved by either cutting her completely or actually fleshing her out to fully decide what sort of story you want to tell with her. This half-baked thing going on with her is actually my strongest criticism of the novel. 
ANYWAY, the point of these is that I don’t have to write god’s most perfect review, so I’ll let myself stop, but yeah, I think it’s a really fun, very fast read.
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ask-the-boxing-family · 4 months
Mackenzie “Mac” Reyes
17 yrs old
The Bronx, New York
“The ex-champion of Branch A in the WVBA, and the youngest champion to date of the boxing league, came back from retirement after the events of Punch-Out!! 2009 and is now living a double life as a boxer and an engineering student. In the ring, Mac is a force to be reckoned with: he uses his small stature to his advantage with an evasive style of boxing and a high amount of stamina, countering all that comes his way. And of course, he still knows how to use the Star Punch learnt from his coach. He comes across as fierce and stoic, not allowing anyone to get under his skin and putting everything he has into a match. However, outside of the boxing gig, Mac is a kind of rowdy yet sweet boy. Though he might still be trying to appear tough, he’s undoubtedly quite the dork. Unfortunately, Mac does have a problem with his temperament: he’s easily wound up, and is more prone to getting annoyed or irritated than most. Though, he tries to keep his temper in check. He is best friends/has a brotherly relationship with Birdie and has a father-son relationship with Doc. Go ahead and ask the boy wonder himself all your burning questions!”
Pietro “Birdie” Rodriguez
19 yrs old
Staten Island, New York
“The current champion of Branch B’s Special Circuit. He earned the nickname ‘Birdie’ thanks to his bright blonde hair. The only son of the legendary Peter Perfect, one of Branch B’s past champions, he took the challenge of conquering Branch B to honor his father after his passing. After becoming the champion, he decided to shed the name Peter Punch and took on the role of Canary Carnage, his current boxing persona which he feels a more lively connection to. Birdie is a laid-back guy who goes with the flow of life, not easily bothered or angered. And though he is impulsive and fairly dim-witted, he has a good heart and always wants to do what’s right for himself and the people around him. Him and Mac are practically attached at the hip and love spending whatever time they can together, both being the only individuals that can really bring out a playful side of each other. If ya got questions for him, go ahead and ask!”
Oswald “Sandman” Evans
31 yrs old
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“Having regained his World Circuit title after losing it to Mac, and a short break from boxing, he’s back in the game and better than ever. Sandman is straightforward and honest, never afraid to speak his mind on whatever needs speaking on. He’s also rather stern and puts his foot down when he feels it necessary, but otherwise is rational and kind of witty at times. And though he can be downright terrifying in the ring with a fairly villainous persona, it’s really just for the crowd. He’s the eldest brotherly figure to both Mac and Birdie, keeping them in check whenever he’s around, which isn’t often thanks to his champion status. Unfortunately, Sandman does have the habit of not being too humble. Seemingly being a natural prodigy at most activities he does, he may be a bit of a sore loser when faced with loss. But, don’t worry, he’s not unreasonable. It should also be noted that Sandman does suffer from an incurable respiratory disease known as Dreamdust Syndrome that he’s consistently medicated for. Worry not, it’s not fatal, but it is liable to act up at any time. If you ever wanted to ask Sandman anything about his boxing or personal life, now’s your chance.”
Jerome “Doc” Louis
58 yrs old
“The coach and fatherly figure of the boys, and close friend of Mr. Sandman. Doc is an old-fashioned fellow, still having a lot of boxing paraphernalia from back in his hay day. He’s a nurturing and witty older man, quite street smart and brimming with advice just waiting to be shared. Though Doc is a fairly busy bee when it comes to working for the WVBA, he tries to make time for his boys to spend time with them and check on how they’re doing. Though a kind fatherly figure, he makes sure to keep them in line and get stern when he needs to, but he doesn’t do too well with scolding. Doc does also have a couple of health problems that come with time, namely low blood sugar, which is precisely why Doc always has so many chocolate bars on him. If ya got anythin’ for this ol’ Doc, go ahead and ask away!”
- No NSFW whatsoever. C’mon y’all, let’s keep it clean.
- Certain asks may take time depending on what they are so please be patient! Thanks!
With that outta the way, the ask blog is OPEN!
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prouvaireafterdark · 1 year
Practical Ethics || Chapter Two
In which Armand has a meeting with Louis and an unexpected run in with Lestat.
| One |
Also on AO3!
The next day, Armand stands quietly in front of Louis’ closed office door in Trinity Hall, waiting for the hands on his watch to hit one o’clock so he can knock on it.
He knows Louis is in there. He can hear him speaking to someone on the other side of the door. The voices sound agitated to his ears, but the words are too muffled for him to catch any of the conversation.
Armand’s head turns at the sound of creaking hinges as the door swings open suddenly a moment later. He sees none other than Lestat walking out of Louis’ office, his leather messenger bag slung loosely over one shoulder and what looks to be an insulated lunchbox dangling from his fingers. He’s worn his hair down today, his golden ringlets glinting in the light as they bounce with every step he takes.
“What are you doing here?” Armand asks before he can stop himself.
Lestat stops short, and it’s then that Armand notices that his eyes are faintly bloodshot as they swivel in his direction, a sign that Armand has come to associate with Daniel’s recreational drug use. 
Is Lestat high? It would certainly explain some of his behavior, he wonders, but as those eyes fall on him, there’s a sharpness to the expression on Lestat’s face that makes him doubt it. 
“Discussing a paper topic, not that it’s any of your business,” Lestat replies, not even trying to hide his look of derision. 
It immediately strikes Armand as a lie, especially as he remembers—
“We don’t have a paper,” he deadpans. They will, sometime soon, he thinks, but Louis hasn’t given them the assignment yet. “Besides, whatever happened to the whole ‘I’m only auditing the class, I don’t need to do anything but sit here and look pretty’ thing you have going on?” 
It is a testament to Lestat’s dark mood that he doesn’t even think to ridicule Armand for his comment about finding him pretty.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, you little fiend?” Lestat spits instead, shoving past him in such a way that his shoulder bumps unnecessarily into Armand’s.
Armand whirls around to argue, cold fury stoked within him by Lestat’s obnoxious behavior and his use of the word ‘little’—he’d be taller than Lestat if it wasn’t for his ridiculous fucking Doc Martens—but the soft sound of Louis’ voice snaps him out of it.
“Armand,” the man says, something like relief in his voice. “Please, come in.”
Armand turns around to face Louis. He looks as tired as he does beautiful, his eyes weighed down by exhaustion even though it’s only one o’clock.
Perhaps he had an early morning, Armand thinks as he steps over the threshold. Or maybe he just finds Lestat every bit as draining as I do.
He’s not wearing a suit today, either, instead opting for a cozy burgundy sweater that looks soft to the touch—an outfit designed much more for comfort than aesthetic. He’s pushed the sleeves up to his elbows and it takes effort for Armand not to stare at the veins on Louis’ forearms as he follows him into his office.
The inside of Louis’ office is something to behold. He has floor to ceiling bookcases lining each wall, except where there’s a break in the shelves just large enough for a door to some sort of closet in the wall opposite the desk. The desk itself is not standard university issue, but made of sleek black wood and neatly organized, clear of clutter except for Louis’ open laptop, a half eaten apple sitting on a napkin, and a few picture frames that are angled away from Armand’s vantage point. The office chair behind his desk has a tall cushioned back, the leather expensive and very likely imported Italian, if Armand’s nose does not deceive him. 
Not for the first time, Armand thinks Louis must come from money.
“I’m sorry about Lestat,” Louis apologizes, gesturing toward the door as he walks around to the other side of his desk. “He’s… in a mood today.”
“When is he not?” Armand quips before he can stop himself. “And it’s fine. It’s not like you’re his keeper.“ 
Silence hangs in the air and Armand is about to apologize for speaking badly about Lestat—as true a statement as it might be, it doesn’t exactly make him come across as professional—but Louis only smiles to himself like Armand has said something funny. Before he can ask what it is, Louis changes the subject.
“Can I get you anything?” he asks, gesturing to the Keurig machine and well-stocked pod rack on the small table behind his desk as he takes his seat. “Coffee? Tea?”
“No, thank you,” Armand declines as he sits in one of the chairs placed on the other side of the desk. “Though I’m curious if anyone has ever taken you up on the tea. I thought all academics ran on coffee in this country.”
“They do,” Louis agrees as he starts to make himself a cup. “We’ve got a few transplants from across the pond, though, so I keep some on hand just in case.”
Armand notices that the side of the mug Louis places under the machine’s filter reads “MY DEGREE IN PHILOSOPHY MAKES ME HIGHLY QUALIFIED TO JUDGE EVERYONE” and can’t help but chuckle. Louis catches him looking at it and huffs a laugh himself.
“A gift from my sister,” Louis explains as he relaxes back in his chair. “She thinks she’s funny.”
“I take it you two are close?” Armand asks.
The smile in Louis’ eyes dims almost imperceptibly, but enough that Armand realizes he’s made a misstep. 
“Not as close as we used to be,” Louis answers him. 
There’s a sadness to his voice that Armand isn’t prepared for. He feels the strangest urge to reach across the desk for Louis’ hand to offer his support, but thankfully has the presence of mind not to act upon it. 
“Anyway,” Louis starts, redirecting the conversation once more, “I pulled together a list of articles and monographs for you to look over. It’s short, but it’ll give you a place to start. I don’t have the physical copies on me, unfortunately, but you should be able to access them through the department library and anything you can’t find there you can obviously put in an interlibrary loan request for.”
The Religion and Philosophy department’s private Talamasca Library is relatively small when compared with the one open to all students on campus, but it holds the finest selection of books on all manner of related topics, ranging from ancient philosophical texts printed in the original Greek to niche modern scholarship on the reception of German mysticism in early modern England. Its catalog is easy to get lost in, but a list geared specifically toward his interests would be very helpful in keeping him on track. 
“Thank you,” Armand says as he reaches out for the slip of card-stock paper that Louis hands him. He hums appreciatively as he glances over the bibliography that’s been neatly handwritten beneath Louis’ monogrammed initials sitting at the top, the LDL printed in elegant and oddly familiar gold script. “I really appreciate this. Dr. de Romanus seems to only have me reading scholarship that was published about fifty to a hundred years ago, so it’ll be refreshing to read something more contemporary.”
“You’re working with Dr. de Romanus?” Louis asks, something suddenly unsettled in his expression. 
“Yes,” Armand says. “We met in Venice years ago when I was studying at Ca’ Foscari University. He was a visiting professor and I took his course on Roman imperial cults and early Christianity. It was… illuminating. I later studied Latin and Greek under his direction as well.” 
For a moment, Armand is reminded of the long nights he’d spent with Marius after his class was dismissed—intriguing and somewhat combative conversations in his office about the nature of divinity and the pietas one has toward the divine, to start with, and later followed by frantic phone calls and lingering embraces as Armand’s carefully constructed worldview crumbled around him the longer he was away from the Children of Satan and under Marius’ influence. 
There’s much he doesn’t remember about that time of his life, nor does he care to attempt to do so now, and so he shakes off the memory as quickly as he can. 
“In any case,” Armand continues, “when I enrolled last semester, I was assigned as his research assistant. He’s taken me under his wing, so to speak. I believe he plans to be my doctoral advisor.”
Louis is quiet for a long, troubled moment.
“I didn’t realize he was still taking students,” Louis says at last, the words slow and diplomatic.
“He wasn’t,” Armand responds, “but I needed funding and with you and Dr. Reeves both on sabbatical, becoming his research assistant was my best and only option.” 
“I see,” Louis says, watching him carefully. “How is it going?”
“I’m learning a lot from him,” he answers as neutrally as he can. He begins to twist his rings around his fingers where his hands rest in his lap as a distraction, trying his best not to think about the long hours of devoted work Marius demands and the abuse he receives when those demands are not met. 
Louis stares at him for a minute more, as if deliberating with himself about something, before he finally speaks.
“Listen… you should be careful around Dr. de Romanus,” Louis tells him. “He has a reputation.”
“For?” Armand asks, as if he doesn’t already know. As if he isn’t already intimately familiar.
Louis swallows. “For inappropriate conduct with students.” 
There it is. Armand shifts unconsciously in his seat, uncrossing and recrossing his legs. His skin crawls as it remembers Marius’ touch—the appreciative caress accompanying honeyed words of praise when he performs his job well, the open handed strike that seems to come from nowhere when he doesn’t. 
He considers, for just a moment, telling Louis of what he’s suffered these last six months. It’s what Daniel is always urging him to do—tell someone, report him, put an end to this before you get hurt—but Armand isn’t stupid. He knows how the system works. 
Marius has tenure. He’s protected. 
Armand is nothing but a graduate student. A budding scholar yet to take full form. A scandal waiting to happen. 
Why would the university side with him over one of the leading experts in his field, who still produces well-regarded research year after year? 
How could exposing Marius’ abuse result in anything other than his removal from the program—the loss of everything he’s worked so hard for?
It’s no matter, Armand tells himself. It’s nothing he hasn’t endured before. He can endure it again, so long as there is still some light at the end of the tunnel. 
Louis could be that light, he thinks. He hopes.
“Thank you for your concern,” Armand says with a forced yet placid smile, “but I’m fine.”
Louis stares at him again, and this time Armand deliberately resists the temptation to fidget, sitting still as a statue.
“Alright,” Louis relents. “But if it ever isn’t fine, please let me or the Director of Graduate Studies know. We can help you.”
Armand doubts that very much, but he nods and says, “Of course.”
As he drifts through the labyrinthine halls that lead from the Religion and Philosophy department’s offices to Trinity Hall’s exit, Armand’s mind is burdened by his thoughts. 
Although he knows it could lead to more problems than solutions, he wonders if he has made the right decision after all. Perhaps he could have told Louis some of his experiences with Marius—not enough to truly cause a stir in the department, but enough that Louis would have felt obligated to find a way to get Armand out of his assistantship with Marius. 
No, Armand reminds himself. Louis is a mandatory reporter. If he has evidence that a crime has been committed, he is legally required to report it. It’s better if he doesn’t know.
Besides, Louis’ obligation isn’t really what Armand wants, is it? He wants Louis to want him to be his research assistant. He wants to earn his respect and his praise, not his pity.  
He’ll have to find another way.
In the meantime, he reaches into his pocket for his phone and shoots a text off to Daniel. 
I’m coming over, he writes, eager to drown out his dark thoughts with the feeling of Daniel’s nails biting into his skin and his body writhing beneath him. 
His phone buzzes in seconds.
Now? Daniel replies. Another buzz. I have class in an hour
You’re going to be late.
Armand watches the little bubble at the bottom of their text thread disappear and reappear a few times before Daniel finally replies.
yes, boss 🫡
Armand smiles and shoves his phone back into his pocket.
The winter air is cold on his face as he pushes the door open and steps outside. A loud sniffle draws his attention to his left and when he turns his head to look, Armand is stunned at what he sees.
Leaning against the front of the building is none other than Lestat de Lioncourt, relying on nothing more than his designer leather jacket to protect him from the cold. He’s furiously smoking the stub of a cigarette with one arm clutched tight across his middle. 
What really draws Armand’s attention, though, is how Lestat’s usually flawless skin is blotchy and pink, his cheeks streaked with tears that leak from his bloodshot eyes. 
The pathetic sight he makes disturbs Armand for some reason and he feels an inexplicable wave of pity and protectiveness wash over him, drawing him closer to Lestat like a moth to a flame. 
“Are you… alright?” Armand asks hesitantly, unable to stop himself.
Lestat jumps as he looks over at him, caught off guard by the sudden question. He scoffs softly when he recognizes Armand, but with less venom than he did before. “What do you care?” he asks, his voice wavering.
“I don’t,” Armand says, almost automatically, but makes no move to leave, something about Lestat’s obvious suffering captivating in a way he can’t explain.
Why is he loitering outside the building? 
What is it that has upset him so much? 
Does it have anything to do with his conversation with Louis? 
These questions and more run through Armand’s mind as he watches Lestat finish the last of his cigarette.
Lestat stubbornly ignores his presence and goes to light another one, grinding the burned down stub of his last one under the heel of his boot. He places the cigarette between his lips, but as he goes to light it, his expensive gold lighter appears to be out of fluid. It sparks uselessly as it tries and fails to hold a flame.
“PUTAIN DE MERDE!” Lestat shouts in a fit of frustration and chucks the lighter clear across the quad. His cigarette falls to the floor as he yells, but rather than recover it, Lestat pushes off the front of the building and heads back inside in a whirlwind of black leather.
Armand blinks, processing what he’s seen for a moment, before continuing on his way down the front steps. He intends to go straight to Daniel’s, but finds himself walking through the quad instead, his eyes combing the frozen ground for any glint of gold.
It’s not long before he finds it resting in the middle of a barren patch of lawn, sinking a bit into the mud from the force of its landing. 
Armand picks it up off the floor. It’s heavier than he’s expecting, the metal casing thick and sturdy, though marked with minor scratches caused by usual wear and tear. 
He begins walking back to the parking lot where he’d left his Vespa, eyes caught on the object in his hands. He wipes bits of dirt off of it with his thumb as he goes and discovers that the metal has been engraved on one side.
There is an intricate fleur-de-lis on the cap, every bit as French as its owner, but it’s what’s written below it that most catches Armand’s eye: a mysterious series of letters and numbers.
L & L
If Armand had to guess, they look to be a set of initials and a date. He wonders idly about their significance as he stores the lighter securely in his pocket and climbs aboard his sleek, black Vespa.
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surrowndedbylights · 8 months
Today, I went to watch Saw X with my friend at the same movie theatre that I watched AOTV (this is in a mall that's not so close to my house, so I don't go there often). So, we waited to go inside, and I mentioned the documentary to her. After I told her it's Louis Tomlinson's doc, she just looked at me and asked, "Isn't he the guy who is with Harry Styles?" and I was like girl, yes, he is. Needless to say that she is not a directioner. She just knows I like them and I have also told her about my Louis concert, but never once mentioned Larry.
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lunearobservatory · 1 year
Okay I LOVE Wild magic Sorcerer Florida but also consider he's a dual class with levels in the Arcane Trickster Rogue subtype.
I can't decide if Loui would be a Circle of Spores Druid or Circle of Land Druid, but honestly Loui as a Druid is so goated.
New York as a barbarian is interesting because I would more consider TEXAS as a barbarian. I was thinking of New York as a Rogue or Monk.
California as the worst Bard ever is also hilarious. I think he's just waiting it out until he can take a dual class. Maybe he'll takes levels in being a wizard or a warlock.
OOH I see it yeah I see it HMMMM i have a few others as possible multiclassers so mayb Florida is a special lil guy (he has a secret he has a secret he has a secret im not gonna say what it is yet heehoo) as long as he's able to cause some chaos he's happy. I just... the surge table is so important, whatever else he is or does, I need him to have it
On my funny little ideas doc Texas is a (possibly minotaur?) barbarian hehehe don't you worry, that was like the literal first thing I put down. Get me this freak in a rage state !!!
WAIT A MINUTE... you may be on to something,,,, monk with a club (baseball bat) NY. LMAO ok ok ok. I'm writing that down I'm gonna play with that
I like California being a cringefail bard so much. Like. Honestly I said I have him as a wildfire druid but I am noooootttttt settled on it at all (it was a mostly haha fire joke recommendation from my brother who's a professional DM, he's helping me with this lol) and alsoooo that's kinda cramping louie's whole druid thing. I just think he should try giving bardic inspo and be like. erm !! 😀😀😀 yeah !!!! 😄😄😄😁 woo yeah !!! 😁🙂🙂 lets go gamers !!! 🫶🫶🫶 yeah girlie go get em !!!! What a fucking dweeb I want him to trip over his shoelaces that Florida tied together
SPEAKING OF LOUIE. WOAAAAHHH CIRCLE OF SPORES... HOLLLYYYY SHIIIIITTTTTT UR SO RIGHT. FREAKY MUSHROOM AAAH I wanted to give him sooommeeething to do with death but wasn't committed to giving him full on necromancy 🥲 that feels like too much, but fungal infestation is so fucking perfect for him WOWWIE AAA hell yeah HELL YEAH
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seikilos-stele · 11 months
At one time, I was a prolific writer, now I’m a busy commentator who flings an idea now and then when people seek me out. The one thing that did not change in either role was that I could not work on more than two projects at the same time -possibly three-otherwise, they would begin to influence each other. Perhaps I have a limited attention span.
Today, I opened my in-box to no less then ten of your potential projects, and at least four WIP.
That was today. In actuality, I believe that you have about seven WIP that have been active in the last ten days. I want to know a few things about both the ability and the methodology for managing this many projects.
First, I want to note that while all the WIP & finished projects are of the same Fandom, essentially, that is all they have in common. We have potential TV episodes, AU, OC, Angst, Hope, Illness and so forth. No easy bridges for immediate crossovers.
So what is the trick?
Do you keep each fic logged into your head so that you can pick them up at any moment? Do keep the detailed outlines close at hand, so you can review before you begin?
I can imagine that working on one fic my possibly inspire ideas for another WIP, or do all others remain outside your scope when actively writing? Do you ever conflate multiple WIP (bleed characteristics from one fic to another)
Do the 5X a character did this or that always begin as a group concept, or have you ever looked at prompts a say, “Hey! These ideas all share a them” and decide to combine them.
Finally, one of my absolute favorite collections of yours was the NighThrawn fics. At some point you broke them up up. Were they created originally to be a related collection?
I hope I’m not distracting the creative machine, too much!
Ooh!! No worries, I'm not doing anything creative at the moment 😆 I'm annoying my brother by practicing Louis Armstrong songs over his silent films. (Ain't Misbehavin'....fits really well with Sangue Bleu...somehow).
Um, let's see. I'd say that some days a fic really gets you. The long one I just wrote on Sunday, the 18K oneshot about a political prisoner coming home from the war and making friends with an "enemy" kid -- that's the sort of idea that comes at the right time, when you're in just the right mood, and you can breeze through it in just a few hours. It's like the stars align and everything goes perfect.
But most of the time I just really want to write and I like to have a full stable of ideas to choose from. Like, it's easier if you can just pull up a list, scan through it, and pick one. You can write 1K, and then when you get sick of it, you can pick a different idea and keep going. Spit out another 1K, switch ideas, do another...
I don't keep them logged in my head, I 100% forget all about them as soon as I switch to a different fic 💀 The only reason I get anything done is because Google Docs always suggests your most recent documents to you when you open it up in the morning. As soon as it stops suggesting a doc I basically forget about it forever. I definitely need the outlines to refresh my memory, and I've sometimes had to stop working on fics because I wrote my outline down in two different spots and can't find it or remember where I was going. Very bad memory for that stuff.
Hmm, as for conflating multiple WIPs, or ideas bleeding over, definitely yeah. Sometimes a seed will be planted in WIP 1, develop a little in WIP 2, get more interesting in WIP 3, and then become fully realized in WIP 4. To go back to the political prisoner fic, you've seen how that works. It's like:
What if this character was a political prisoner, and he got rescued, and then later he moved back to his hometown and met--
Oh shit BUT WHAT IF that traumatic incident I mentioned in Chapter 2 actually also involved Character B!
OOH and then what if Character A and B were both rescued by C--
Wait a second back to Idea 1, what if B and his wife were there at the end, and they--
OOH WAIT I really want to write that idea with the kid, back in his hometown, let me just--
Hey hang on a second I could totally finish Idea 1
And why have I never addressed A's abandonment issues? I'll mention that right now, in Fic #1, but I really need to add it to Idea #4 and write that as its own oneshot...
And for now, 6/7 are written, so that's not a bad record. I hope to do the last one soon. It was the same with Thrawn fics, you'd be halfway through a oneshot with a set plot when you suddenly think of a cool touch that you'd love to explore more, so you finish that fic and immediately start another one, where you go really in-depth. Or you think, "I would love it if this horrible whumpy trauma happened, but I really can't justify it with this plot. I should construct a whole DIFFERENT plot so I can write this scene!"
Hmm. I don't think I've actually done a 5 Times fic that started out as separate ficlets. I wish I did that more. It would work better. Usually, I come up with the 5 Times title and then wrack my brains trying to contrive six entirely different scenarios that are still interesting to read.
For the NightThrawn fics -- well, I got really into Thrawn/Pellaeon, but I didn't feel totally at ease with their voices and personalities. So I had a word generator spit out 30 prompts for me, and I wrote one quick and easy Thrawn/Pellaeon fic per day for a whole month. A little while later I realized how few NightThrawn fics there were, and it really upset me because NightThrawn was THE pairing for me after reading Thrawn 2017. I was totally flabbergasted that people shipped him with Eli! So I applied the same treatment, I grabbed a list of 15 random words and started writing. 15, not 30, because I had to prioritize a collab with NadiaYar. (Well, I mean, I love writing with Nadia. Any collab with her takes priority over whatever random time-waster I'm fiddling with for fun XD)
I think I originally posted them as separate ficlets -- then changed my mind and re-uploaded them as a single multichapter collection. And changed my mind again, and re-uploaded them all as separate ficlets XD Back then, too, I was always juggling WIPs. I remember the 30-day Prawn ficlets were coming out at the same time as Signal Lost // Contact Regained, so every day I was writing about 1K for Prawn and then racing to SLCR to complete my daily chapter and maintain my posting schedule. That got really frantic toward the end. I had a good head start but I ended up taking a month or two off SLCR entirely before I regained interest and wrote the ending.
OK I think that's all XD Thanks for asking, I'm really glad to see the Asker's Studio is back. It was a really bright moment for the Thrawn fandom imo and you made a lot of fic writers happy with questions like this. Your brand of insightful commentary and questioning isn't common in fandom these days -- and I'm sure it was NEVER "common", but even less so now, as fandom becomes more mainstream. So thanks again, and I can't wait to see who else you asked, and read their answers.
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pop-punklouis · 1 year
your opinion is so on point about the making of the doc! the first half and second feel very disconnected imo and it gave me the impression that they began this project thinking of it as a tour doc and later on decided to expand more (even the child parts fit on that view tbh ☠). and yeah also the camping culture thing... is not... it. i wish they explored more of what being a fan of louis entails and not just privileged people who can drop everything to camp (not even gonna start on the americans who were here in latam like. that was so condescending to me personally as a latam fan).
anyway i love your film masters brain hope. kissy
well i personally think the idea of the documentary at first follows what we saw in the first half of the film. louis has talked about how long this idea has been in his head and how long he’s waited for it to be the right moment to have it come to fruition. i think when he left syco, when he signed to bmg, and when he began touring it started turning into overcoming all the set backs of tour and the slow but steady budding of his solo career. which is fine it fits with the narrative of him finding and taking back his voice, generally!! and you can tell how much the tour means to louis which is so lovely to see. but you see where that shifts in the doc because of the speed run given of his life from 2015-2019 and how much more length is given to 2020-2022. but we also have to take into consideration that charlie didn’t come into the picture until 2019 right? so it’s much easier to utilize footage you took and own than it is hunting around for other footage and the rights to use that footage before you were there. anyways, i think that’s why there’s a separation as the first half is a more observational documentary style while the last half is a mix between a live music/tour experience and expository style.
the talking head fan interviews were pretty shallow. and like i said previously, louis is acutely aware of how complex his fanbase is and how diverse the passion and love is there so them choosing to focus solely on fan passion as it comes to “camping out” because it follows the chronological timeline of the touring section feels like a missed opportunity. i do like when they touched a bit on the fan projects with the lights in latam for kill my mind, but there wasn’t a bigger focus on those things. instead we just have privileged fans sleeping on concrete and practically oozing with the idea that they’re #1 fans because they’re giving up so much to be close to louis or support his tour. which again with how young louis fanbase skews when it comes to the tours, it’s a very impressionable thing for them to see being rewarded idk. (and yeah seeing white US fans being interviewed for the latam dates instead of actual latam fans was so ???? like come on)
anyways yeah! just my onion on a few aspects of the film. i love deconstructing music documentaries as i watch a lot of them and as much as i loved aotv and loved the feeling of it, it did have its moments that made me look like psyduck when he’s extremely confused lol
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larryslaurels · 1 year
🎬‼️AOTV Spoilers‼️ babygate free version
OK, I’m going to try organizing my scrambled ADHD brain thoughts on AOTV as several others have done here.
First off, let’s talk about the One Direction nostalgia… FUCK. That killed me. I know it sounds fucking dramatic, but for so many of us having Zayn leave, babygate, and then the break back-to-back was just like blow after blow. I honestly felt some weird kind of grief response as I watching, my heart just broke for Louis and for all of us over again. I realized how NOT over them breaking up I am, but I also am happy it happened. I can’t imagine where they would all be if they were forced to continue down the path they were put on.
I appreciate how honest he was about his grief. We knew, but like, it was never said as clearly as it was in the film just how dark of a space he was in. Hearing about Jay, and everything she was to him again, just wow. What an incredible woman she was. Also Lottie saying they did all they could to help Fizzy but ultimately they failed, that was brutal. Bless them all, they are so strong.
I said this in a separate post, but I feel like those moments that they chose to show H were so so beautiful and important. Louis definitely picked a moment where H was just looking so perfectly feminine and beautiful and himself. Louis is nothing but proud of his person.
I found it hilarious that both Liam and Niall were in it, like fully spent time with him and filmed for this doc. I know they were playing at similar festivals, so it was convenient, but how blatant to have nothing with Harry post one direction, too obvi in my opinion haha.
There was a moment and god I wish I could remember it better, but he mentions how during his struggle with getting back on stage and his confidence, he says he feels like he’s two different people and he struggles to combine and reconcile those two parts of him. I think this was deliberate and obviously much much more layered than just what was shown and I can’t wait to watch that bit again.
Obviously so many good tour moments, except when they talk to fans. I also hate that shit and cringe and I don’t know why they talked to the people they did. The rainbows everywhere was hilarious, because it was clear how they are present EVERYWHERE, no matter which country they are in. If I was in the GP and didn’t know about Louis, I would be hella confused by that, especially because it is just *not mentioned*. I’m OK with that, if Louis really wanted to deny his sexuality again right there, he could have commented on being ONLY a straight ally to all of these queer fans, but chose not to. INCH-resting to say the least.
One thing I can say throughout the entire film is that I do feel like 90% of it is authentic and real and Louis. I feel like we’ve seen glimpses of him because of tour, but even then, he’s in full performance mode. So seeing so much footage of him in his personal and private spaces was wild, something we haven’t seen a long time. That alone was worth it for me to watch the movie and I’d watch it over and over again.
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
Hi Jen
I can't wait for you to watch aotv and share your thoughts. All I have to say is -
- I absolutely adore Jay and I'm in awe of her.
- I don't if there was a little bit too much of Harry at first or if that's what my brain chose to focus.
- At the beach with the kid was pretty meh but the kid at his show was so so cute. Extremely heartwarming watching them together.
- Helene is an absolute gem.
- The fan moments left me appalled because of the white washing and the blatant show of privilege, not my favourite part.
- I'm surprised there was no mention of afhf.
It's been more 30 hours since I watched it, and I haven't had a single thought that didn't start and end with Louis. Nothing we didn't already know, but he's just a wonderful person, warts and all.
I need to watch again because I don't remember seeing some of the things that people are talking about. Hope you have a great time!
anon 2: I thought the hug was weird until I saw the movie myself because the hug was before the last 1d performance bts and Louis was so nervous. Harry and Louis didn't hug Liam or Niall in that room but only eachother for that small second and Helene so it seemed more like a small gesture of comfort, a bit of I am right here if you need anything. Right after everyone leaves the room because Louis needs a bit more practice with Helene (they were all ready to go onstage except for Louis) and Louis goes to the door and asks for Harry so it seems they talked again off camara. They showed the performance and there on stage everyone hugs except Louis and Harry and that made me laugh because bts they did hug and we never knew until this doc. I don't know if they were broken up but still cared for eachother because Harry also kept looking at Louis in that bts footage and he had this worried look on his face.
Just gonna group all these movie-related takes together since I finally watched it! I won't answer your points line by line, but here are my knee-jerk takeaways:
None of this was surprising at all, but it was cool to see it all lumped into one place where people couldn't really erase it.
Love love love and miss Jay, also, Louis is such a tremendously strong person because this is definitely edited, he was bearing a lot more weight than is portrayed here, and yet he perseveres. He seems pretty present in every moment, too, which is impressive.
I hope Helene is making a shit-ton of money because she's doing at least 3 jobs.
The negative space around Eleanor (those 2x the E tat shows up, rip) is really loud, especially with the growing number of rainbow flags (starts with one, ends with hundreds), he is definitely opting to NOT talk about any relationship, draw your own dots (but also? some of the choices here, like the extended kiss during the Grease part, okay). I still feel El was a proxy, and that makes all of her absence even more ohhhhhhkay.
Related: I want to rewatch the first 10 minutes because I could swear he does this whole double layering with the "break up" talk and how it's meant to be about the band, but it's definitely literally focused on Harry (for one, that's mainly where you see Harry, especially in some obvious VO work, but also he says "relationship" singular vs. plural in a place where with the band, the plural makes a helluva lot more sense).
Related related: the way that Louis is interacting with Liam and Niall being at the same festival he was at, yet NOT interacting with Harry when he was at one, too, hmmmm.
I need to watch the Liam G. doc because Charlie's INSANE use of in focus/out of focus/in focus/out of focus, especially with family members, is meant to make it somehow feel unstaged but increasingly becomes annoying.
I felt like the James Corden bit was one of the very truest parts of this, a lot of it was by the numbers rote media training, but Louis disappearing? Maybe he hates James, who knows, but if it's a pattern, oh man.
I felt it was about 20 minutes too long, you could start seeing the template by the end (line up of fans, empty stadium, crowd excitement, Louis's buzzing, on to the next place) to the point where it almost diluted it? I would edit that shit down or compress it, there was a point where you weren't seeing anything new except for the location.
I disagree with anon 2 about the hug (for one, we don't see all the interactions/hug moments, who knows if a lot of hugs were shared, but also when he's calling to someone, Harry's in the back, I think, not to the left? I'd have to rewatch). Also, I'm in the camp that they had a big split around this time, yet were still friendly enough to be close, support each other (possibly fuck, who knows).
The parts with Freddie and his grandparents were incredibly moving, and telling, too, in that I get the anxiety spike because there's a lot here that is telling some people shit they just don't want to hear.
AIMH Oli, you can cause trouble up in [personal details redacted], and I would want to hear more about it. Hope you're being well paid, too.
Personal projection time: there were so many, SO MANY peter pan and the (white) lost boys antics, like, I disagree that all the fan content was white-washing when the entire BAND is white boy coded (at least SOME of the fans weren't white Americans). I don't think it'll change soon, but I like to hope he'll reach out and experiment more (both in terms of music and people around him). I hold out this hope because he clearly laid out the blueprint early on about 1st album is this, 2nd album is that, 3rd album is closer to what I want to do...I promise you, Loueh, plenty of non white dude fish in that sea.
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caralara · 1 year
Or end bg before the doc or it will be his fall. Larries wont pay for it i know more than half fandom will wait what solo louies say and then decide if they go or no. louis fandom is 80% larries if we dont buy louis just disappears, also put him there talk about fatherhood i imagine some shit as it's good seeing your kid at your concert (lmao) the kid is 7 it's a turning point force larries to decide i want to still follow and spent money on someone who have a fake son forever or he is a dad for real so he is a shitty person who i followed all this time
Thats what will happen. I pray that your theory will happen
I’m astounded at all the statistical data you’ve gathered, can you tell me where your sources are for 80%? And how you know that half the fandom won’t pay for the doc if there’s bbg content? And how they will do it when we’ll only know when the tickets are already bought?
All of this to say I get your point but there’s no need to fear monger. I Trust Louis. It’s not like he doesn’t know. It’s not like he’s drawing it out just for shits and giggles. He is heavily involved in the business side of his career, he knows what’s going on, he actually knows the data. He has a plan. It will be okay.
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
get to know you asks!
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What's your favorite color in general? To wear? To use in artwork?
How did you get into writing?
Do you have a favorite book? Favorite author?
If you could take one trait from any animal (tapetum to see in the dark, prehensile tail, claws, etc.) what would it be and why?
What's your favorite type of cuisine?
Do you have a favorite superhero character? Not necessarily the hero themself, anyone from that universe (so you could say Spider-Man or Aunt May, that's what I'm saying)
Do you have a favorite time of day? Why?
Have you ever had pets? What pets would you want in the future?
Thanks for the ask!
1) If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I have a laundry list since I've never left the country. But to name a few... London, England; Scandinavia as a whole; Rome, Georgia to see the Creel House if it ever becomes an AirBNB so I can stay in it for a night; Montepulciano, Italy; and some tropical island, idk which one.
2) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I'm lucky I live in a state that's very... we'll say progressive and it's well known for being so, and I feel very comfortable here. However I've lived here for basically my whole life (wasn't born here, unfortunately) and I keep saying I wanna live somewhere else for a while. Boston's very high on my list since I love the culture and history. But I feel like living in England or even a small Italian town would also be fun.
3) What's your favorite color in general? To wear? To use in artwork?
In General - Sea Foam Green (the color of my walls; I provided the exact paint color name)
To Wear - My favorite clothes are in a Grey-scale
For Artwork - I love shades of blue, but in particular dark blue
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4) How did you get into writing?
I've always been fascinated by coming up with alternate endings, but my hobby really took off when my middle school best friend and I wrote some... really god awful Star Wars fanfics lmao. We spent soooo long on those, meeting up via Google Docs to write them after school for months. I cherish the memories, not the fics.
I got further into it when I started writing Avengers fics which then just evolved from there... and now I unironically write Twilight fanfiction so you make the call on how this went for me lol.
5) Do you have a favorite book? Favorite author?
I have so many of both.
Authors is a shorter list:
Christopher Paolini
Neil Gaiman
George R.R. Martin (we're waiting, mister)
Rick Riordan
The icons Shakespeare and Marlowe
Mary Shelley
Basically all my Tumblr author friends because you're awesome.
I wish I had more female authors, but unfortunately most of the ones who I've liked reading are ✨️problematic.✨️
Books is a longer list, I'm sorry:
"Wonder" by R.J. Palacio is one of my all time favorites and I recommend everyone to read it who hasn't. Beautiful story and I share a name and a hobby with one of the characters!
"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson. Musical is absolutely fire, too.
My favorite of Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series is "A Storm of Swords," the third one
Neil Gaiman's works are amazing, but one of his littler known books is "Odd and the Frost Giants" and it's a very funny story. (I have bought a copy of "Good Omens" to read, don't worry, it's just with most of my other books in a box for the summer for apartment move-in. "American Gods" is also on the list after my dad read it.)
I'd be dishonest if I didn't include "Doctor Faustus" by Christopher Marlowe because it's such a goofy little play. I'm glad my poor life choices led me to it 👍
I should also mention that my favorite Shakespeare play is "The Scottish Play"
Claudia Gray's Star Wars tie-in, "Bloodline" is a fascinating read as well, about Leia in the New Republic era navigating her political career and personal adventures while trying to hide that she's Darth Vader's daughter.
Similarly, as a kid I was obsessed with the series of short novels, the "Strange Case of Origami Yoda" book series by Tom Angleberger. Just middle school kids balancing their personal weirdness and hard-ass school policies with Star Wars through origami.
Jennette McCurdy's "I'm Glad My Mom Died" was also a really good read.
Another autobiography I'd recommend is Carrie Fisher's "The Princess Diarist." I miss that woman very much.
...Alright I'm just gonna come out and say it, for all its faults, I like "Breaking Dawn" and I'm actually hunting for a thrift store copy as we speak. Garrett's speech is actually pretty dope and, after noticing the frequency that it happened, I tallied how often Aro had to tell someone to chill the fuck out, put it into a pie chart, and you'll never guess who had to be told to shut the fuck up the most...
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Which is hilarious
6) If you could take any trait from any animal, what would it be and why?
I'm basic, I want wings. Bat wings (like Emily tbh) cause bug wings are too fragile and I don't wanna deal with feathers like on bird wings. Why? Cause even if I'd be a flightless creature, it'd look awesome, that's why.
7) What's your favorite type of cuisine?
I'm a whore for noodles. So Italian and Chinese. We've gone to this one family-owned Chinese place for so long and so often the owners know us by name, they have conversations with us when we eat there, and are always commenting on my brother's height since they remember us from when we were tiny little ones (he's over six feet tall now)... and to the point, their chicken lo mein is to DIE for.
8) Do you have a favorite superhero character?
I have a couple, but in particular I like Loki, the Osborns, Wanda Maximov/ff, and, obscure character alert, Verity Willis from the Agent of Asgard comics because one, sans tattoos, she's very cosmetically similar to me with the glasses, dyed purple/red hair, etc. two, she's snarky and just kind of a badass, and three, she's Loki's best friend and how many people can say that they made friends with a guy like that?
(I don't wanna say her tattoos inspired Emily's, but I feel like they'd get along swimmingly)
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9) Do you have a favorite time of day? Why?
I've always liked it when the sun's gone down but the sky's still blue, especially in the summer when here it cools down to perfection... oh dammit, that's technically twilight, isn't it?
10) Have you ever had pets? What pets would you want in the future?
We used to have two kitties a looong time ago, but now we have these two buffons:
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At some point I'd like a turtle or a lizard though... maybe a cat of my own further down the line.
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hyunjining · 1 year
Hello, I dont usually speak on much but as someone whos also been here for an absurdly long time I too understand how you feel haha and just wanted to give a friendly metaphorical pat on the back because it really does fuck me up too sometimes. I guess ive been wanting to talk to Someone about any part of larry for a long time but for me I guess I dont feel much most of the time because im just waiting :/ I really do believe at some point we will get answers and see whether louis and harry do get to be publicly together (or broken up) but either way its knowing that at some point I will be proven Right that keeps me mainly unbothered by the crap we see day to day. Not to say that I dont get the initial "what the actual fuck are his team doing/ who decided this/ why is this happening for the 100th time" when a new stunt or absurdity comes along - this probably applies to the documentary aswell like I know ill groan and feel terrible for half a minute if Babygate is included but I guess I managed to at some point not let it get to me as like a personal problem? I guess and not feel emotionally attached, and I hope that you too could not have it plague you so much, I wish you the best haha and hope that at some point you would be able to continue to enjoy larry even during absurd times.
Sorry if this is like a rant you dont have to post this I guess I just felt bad seeing your post and would throw in some tiny speck of hope haha but yeah its funny cause I dont think ive ever really doubted the idea that I know they were together - obviously we dont know whether its the same now but since I havent really been proven otherwise whos to say im wrong if I were to believe they managed to have a beautiful long term relationship up until now lol but yeah thats all I got for now since I dont want to make it any longer but yeah im sorry you feel that way and I hope you manage to feel even the slightest bit better about this whole ridiculous circus we all managed to be drafted into hahaha
hey, thanks for your message 💕
i’ve definitely learned to detach myself from a lot of things over the years but idk lately it feels like something has changed and i don’t fully understand it? and i’m ok with acknowledging that there are things i’ll never know and that it’s not my life. i’ve always preached that on here. but some of the more recent stunt stuff/public image decisions really don’t make any sense to me in terms of pleasing fans or marketing to a wider audience or protecting their closets. like it all just seems completely nonsensical and unnecessary and it’s not fun to sit by and watch. i’m not gonna act like i’m being forced to be here, that’s totally on me. but idk i’m just sad that this is where we are now.
there is absolutely nothing in this world that could ever convince me that h&l aren’t gay or that they’ve never been together or that louis is a dad but i hate watching their images rapidly devolve for a reason i can’t begin to fathom. i’ve always been able to be dramatic for a minute and then laugh and move on but the feeling of dread has been more and more frequent and i feel like i’m doing myself a disservice by continuing to act like stuff isn’t affecting me. i don’t really know what to do right now, because i’m not happy but i love h&l so much and they’ve been a huge part of my life for so many years and i don’t know how to let that go. i feel like the doc is going to be a decider for me, but then again i have a louis concert in june lmao so who knows man.
anyway that was massively dramatic fkfjfk but thank you for the metaphorical pat on the back and for giving me a reason to vent some more lol
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