#will come online to scream about it i have too much to catch up on
pubwegf · 1 year
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koolades-world · 22 days
Hiya! Hoping you’re having a good day :)
Can I ask for the Obey me! Brothers and the side characters for how they’d react to a low iron MC who just faints in front of them?
For example Beel would give MC more snacks which are rich in iron along side all of his snacks, just making sure they’re getting their iron.
Thank you! <3
hello! yes, of course :)
enjoy <3
Mc with low iron who faints in front of the brother + side characters
he looks calm but he's so freaking out inside haha
he does know what he's doing though and he stays by your side until you come to again
he makes a rule for the house that every dinner cooked must have at least one iron rich food in it so you get some daily
he's for sure panicked, because you're his human after all
he uses his own lap as a pillow for you while he waits for you to come back
after this, he's ten times more protective and practically never leaves your side. he's holding your hand a lot more with some vague excuse of protecting you haha
he's full on panicking
he does need someone to quickly snap him out of it so he can help you
past you knew this might happen, so you told him what to do, and once you're awake again, he thanks you and sends you lots of tips he found online for low iron
he actually catches you but he wasn't actually expecting you to have passed out
he's very put together and makes sure you're breathing before setting you down, head on his jacket so it doesn't have to be on the floor
once you're awake again, he's not pestering you, but he does ask you and make sure you're meeting your iron requirements. if not, he'll help make sure you do :)
he's the type to scream and cause a scene
but, it gets you the help you need and when you wake back up, he's crying happy tears and hugging you
he makes sure you add irons pills to your supplement routine and that you won't be getting too much iron now thanks to that
he's concerned but he's oddly silent the entire time
he totally forgets about his food and watches over you carefully
when you're back, he digs through his snacks and finds one high in iron and actually saves all of those for you in the future <3
he seems pretty calm, and he is, but a small part of him is panicking
but, he knows how to help you and he knows freaking out won't do you any good
once you're awake again, he helps to soothe any injuries you may have gotten and puts in more effort to ensure you're getting your needed iron intake
he really wished he was calmer throughout the entire ordeal, but he was very worried
he lets barbatos care for you and when you wake back up, he's by your side
he's already arranged an appointment with his doctor to make sure this doesn't happen again
he's very collected and knows exactly what to do
he elevates your legs and makes sure you're breathing until you wake up
after this, every time you come over for dinner, he makes sure all the food is iron rich and that it's something you'll be sure to ask seconds of <3
another one who's very calm and knows how to help you
after you wake he, he makes sure you're not hurt after your fall
he has you rest for the remainder of the day so he can monitor your condition and feed you dinner
he's so so worried about you
he'll be right next to you the entire time, very close to crying
once you wake back up, he's hugging you so tightly and is finding ways to sneak more iron into your diet through the desserts he gifts you
he's quick to use a spell to wake you back up
he arranges for someone to craft a quick bowl of fruits high in iron for you to snack on while he checks your vitals
you notice him keeping a much closer eye on you from then on, but you're not opposed to it
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orionremastered · 2 months
Are there another part for shapeshifter golden tiger reader :D i appreciate your writing so much! 💕
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I've gotten another ask regarding a shifter!reader, so Imma just pile em up into one big AU. Send more shifter requests to have them added to the list! Even outside of gotham with other dc heroes would be cool. Like they've all got connections with other shifters online or sumin
shifter gang
Part One
Golden Pt. 2
It's been a few days since you last saw the pair, and maybe you're okay with that. Nights have been quiet yet cold, and you're getting excited about the temperature change that comes with spring.
Night patrols have been close to uneventful; save a kid or two there, maul a criminal of two here- the usual, in other words.
You're expecting the usual again tonight, just quiet patrolling and nothing extreme-
Look, you haven't been here for long, okay? Optimism, got it?
You're on the prowl for a missing girl, one that the bats no doubt have on their radar too, but you never know- you might get to her first. You went to the apartment where she lives and are confident that you could pinpoint her on her scent alone.
It's been an hour or two since you started looking and finally, you catch a whiff of the little girl's scent. You draw closer to an abandoned building, sneaking through structures to hide from the unforgiving street lights that flicker, forgotten by the city.
You jump onto a dumpster and into a broken window above it, landing quietly on the dusty floorboards. You can hear crying and the little girl's scent gets stronger.
Someone snaps at her as you draw closer, creeping up the stairs to the second floor. Thankful that the floor doesn't creak, you continue through the corridor of apartments, the number of each room fading from their painted places upon doors.
The screaming gets louder until you stop at a door, slightly ajar. You nudge it open with your nose and- you've luck- it's silent too.
"Shut the fuck up, dammit, you'll-"
The man doesn't get much more out of his mouth before you pounce, toppling both of you to the floor. Your fangs lock around his wrist, making him cry out in pain as you reach for the gun in his hand and throw it to the farthest corner of the room.
You snarl, pushing a set of sharp claws into the top of his spine. He yells curses that one should not around a child.
The window shatters beside you and two figures gracefully land in the room, one larger and one smaller by the sound of the thuds. You turn your head to glare, teeth bared and gleaming before you realise it's Robin and Batman- the duo one only fears if they're a criminal in the light of justice.
The man continues screaming, but not after giving one threatening snarl, deeper than any other you ever have.
"Leave the rest of this to us," Robin says calmly, and you're certain you like him more than the brooding knight in the corner near the gun.
He's allergic to those things anyway, so it's not like you're worried.
You step off the man's back and slowly approach the girl. She scrambles back and you remember you have blood still on your fangs. Still, you lower your head and attempt to look as harmless as a big cat can.
You can't grin when she reaches out to pet your head in case she sees your bloodied teeth. Once she realises you won't do her any harm, she scratches your neck and ears. Purring, you nudge her gently and lower yourself to the floor.
She's small enough to climb onto your back without it being too much of a struggle to stand and walk- she must be only five. She giggles, eyes red with tears, but she finds comfort in the warmth of your fur.
"GCPD has been called," the Bat says, glaring down at the criminal. You and Robin do the same. "Would you like us to take the girl to a hospital?"
You raise your head to look at him and flash your fangs, a solid 'no'.
"Whatever you think is best," Robin says, the Bat looking at him with a stare only a father could give to his son. "But wait, before you go-"
Robin smooths the short furs of your head and scratches underneath your ear. It takes you by surprise at first, but you don't snarl or bare your fangs at him, so he continues until he feels as though his father's glare has gone on long enough. "I told my siblings I'd pat you first. It's a bet, the only one I have participated in so far-" Batman snorts- "And I have won. As expected, I have succeeded."
You make a sound of amusement.
"Perhaps we shall work together again," the older of the two says. You huff, knowing you did all of this yourself, but nod anyway.
Perhaps it's time to make some friends -ones that aren't drowning in coffee and assignments, anyway.
Taglist: @veunho, @chevysstuffs, @carewerff, @xxrougefangxx, @yorkeylover
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starvity · 10 months
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— ☆ sides zb1 only show when they’re with you
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, drabble // warnings: insecurities, jealousy, a bit angsty for gyuv and yujin
author’s note: this was such an interesting request and i had so much fun thinking about what to put for each member!! (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong - his funny side
okay i’m not saying jiwoong isn’t funny usually but he would be the FUNNIEST when he’s with you. he's most of the time someone kind of serious and reserved in public settings but then he would suddenly whisper a funny comment (that only you heard) and you would have to fight internally to not burst out laughing. some other time, you’re just getting ready to sleep, already cuddled up in the blanket while waiting for jiwoong, when his silly side would appear. like he would be brushing his teeth then he would start running around and doing some handstands on you idk???? he’s just a silly guy
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao - his protective side
hao loves himself a good princess treatment. he would always use his puppy eyes to get whatever he wants from you and you both know it, that you can never win. and that dynamic works for your relationship!! but then sometimes you appear in front of hao looking a bit more tired, stressed, or sick than usual and it’s like something switches in his brain. he will treat you like absolute royalty, that being by doing the chores, giving you a massage, cooking for you, cuddling with you? ANYTHING YOU WANT!!! that always happens when you’re away from him too, walking home or coming back late from a party. he will come pick you up whenever he can or at least ask you to facetime him.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin - his jealous side
i am certain that not a single person on this planet can dislike this man. he is loved by everyone and everyone knows him. when you two go out on a date he would usually be the one to meet like 5 of his friends on the way. but today it was your turn to randomly meet one of your old high school friends in a store. naturally, they come to hug you and keep an arm around your waist while you two catch up on each other’s life. suddenly, you feel hanbin’s arm slide around your shoulders as he pulls you closer. "i’m their boyfriend, by the way." he says, with a smirk on his face and his eyes turning dark.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew - his insecure side
matthew is your biggest fan. he will always hype you up, telling you that you’re the most beautiful and amazing person he’s ever met. he will brag about you to his friends and talk about you to his family all the time. but when you do the same for him, he immediately gets shy, saying that it isn’t true and that you’re doing too much. you frown, repeating that he’s just perfect and he shakes his head again. you cup his jaw with your hands to make him look at you. "you.are.amazing.matt." you repeat, kissing his lips between every word. he lowers his gaze, a pinkish color settling on his cheeks "you really think so?"
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae - his calm side
dating taerae can be a bit exhausting sometimes (especially if you’re introverted) because this man YELLS. like it’s not even that he does it on purpose most of the time, he just has a really prominent voice. he would be playing video games online with his friends and he wouldn’t even hear how loud he is screaming because of his headphones. you throw a pillow at him, monitoring a "silence" motion with your index finger as you were trying to take a nap. after mouthing a sorry, taerae delicately turns off his computer, puts his headphones aside and takes his guitar before sitting next to you on the bed. he strokes your hair, apologising with now the calmest voice before he starts singing you to sleep with his sweet voice.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky - his attentive side
you don't even try to figure out what's on ricky's mind sometimes. he would start talking about some random subject, then starts talking about another, then another... he himself would be distracted with his own words when he's talking to you that he would need to get quiet, blink a few times and let out a "what?" before laughing and trying to focus again. he can be easily distracted but he is also really observant, especially around you. one day he started talking about all the little habits you have that he finds endearing and you realised that you weren't even aware that you had half of these.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin - his serious side
one thing about gyuvin is that he's always going to make fun of people. and you being his partner gets the WORST treatment. he was on his phone when he suddenly laughs, shoving it in your face. you were horrified when you saw the ugliest picture of you sleeping and started begging him to delete it. he continues laughing as you try to snatch the device out of his hands but, again, he was too tall. without even you knowing, tears roll down your cheeks and the expression on gyuvin's face completely changes. he takes you in his arms, stroking you back and apologising over and over again. later in the evening, you two had a deep conversation and he asks to set boundaries because he never wants to hurt you ever again. (he won't stop making fun of you though, as far as you allow him <3)
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook - his cute side
mister giant baby thinks that his role is to protect you no matter what. he thinks he always need to be tough, and that you're probably just dating him to open jars and carry heavy stuff for you??? "can i be the big spoon today?" you ask, opening your arms for gunwook who had just showered after coming back from practice. he looks at you confused, at first disapproving because blah blah he's the big boy here before sighing and placing his head on your chest. you suddenly see his eyes soften at the sudden contact as you pull him closer. gunwook hums contently and closes his eyes. "not so bad , after all?" you chuckle while stroking his cheek with your thumb. "shut up~" he whines in a cute voice, hiding his face in your neck.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin - his emotional side
you know that it is not easy to read yujin like an open book. and since he's also pretty new to the whole relationship thing, he finds it quite hard to express his emotions, especially around you. you were studying in yujin's room while he was practicing his vocals in the bathroom (the acoustic is good, apparently). and you were so focused on studying for your next test that you didn't hear nor see the door open a minute ago. "can i talk to you?" yujin's voice startles you from across the room and you gulp nervously, inviting him to sit next to you. he suddenly leans his head on your shoulder and your hand naturally comes up to pet his head. "i feel like i haven't been doing really good lately, with my vocals and dancing... and like i don't know if i'm even good enough..." you listen attentively to his worries and reassures him that he's doing great and that you're proud of him. (might have teared up a little).
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flappingdragon · 5 months
The Brothers Cock Warming M!MC
Probably has been before but oh well. I wanted to add my own little pizazz to it. Also not a lot of male mc.
Tags: the brothers are on the receiving end, cock warming, praise kink, degradation kink, office sex, male mc/AMAB reader, teasing, and edging. Read at your own risk!!
This man is so hard to get away from his work
He’s practically married to it (and maybe Diavolo)
The moment you walk into his study he immediately tried to dismiss you, thinking you are one of his brothers
Boy was he ever so wrong
“Luci.” You would call out
His head immediately shoots up and he drops his pen
He would be so happy to see you he wouldn’t be able to help the corners of his lips curving upwards
You’d walk over to him and waste no time in kissing him
He’d kiss back and your plan is set in motion
Time skip to when you’re shedding his clothes off of him
If you really want him to cockwarm you, you have to get him in the mood
It’s pretty easy to do, too
Start by slowly undoing his tie and slowly unbuttoning his vest while softly kissing his nape
He’ll get impatient but he’ll also be curious
“You know, I haven’t seen you all day. I’ve missed you.”
Find any excuse to praise him
Whether if it be complimenting his looks or complimenting his behavior; it gets him riled up and ready
But what he doesn’t expect is when you both are only sitting there, cock fully sheathed inside him
He gets confused but catches on pretty quickly
He picks up his pen gets back to work
But let’s be real here
He’s not getting anything done
Not when you have the chance to screw with him in the best way possible
You’d start by wandering your hands all over his body while nipping at any reachable exposed skin
Then you’d move on to shifting slightly on purpose so you’d move inside him
You’d continue this until he gets fed up
“You’re being very annoying today.” He’d say a few minutes before he rides you completely
He’d get so lost in the feeling of you filling him up he forgets about his work for the rest of the day
He’s not going to stop riding you until you beg for mercy
Prepare to have a sore dick the next day
Finding Mammon is easy
But if you can’t find him, just text him a “I need you. Come here now.” And it doesn’t matter where he is, he’ll be there in 2 minutes flat.
You get straight to the point
You tell him to undress while you sit in his bed, watching him obey your command
You find it endearing
So you reward him by stuffing him full with your cock
“Look at you taking me so beautifully. So perfectly. Almost as if you were meant for this.”
Praise him but lightly degrade him if you want to reward him
But if you want to punish him? Don’t say anything and watch him squirm on your unmoving length
But it’s only a matter of time before you snap and can’t handle how hard he’s clenching you
Before you knew it, Mammon was on all fours getting pounded into his own mattress
You love the noises that come from his mouth so much you have to praise him for it
“Such a good boy. Taking me with such little effort. Such a good boy for me.”
Praise him and he’s spilling on the sheets while screaming your name
It’s long last an hour before you finish inside him
You love him so much you found it in you to clean up everything (and find a healing spell of some sort bc let’s be honest here. He’s ruined.)
When you’re done with aftercare, you pull the second eldest close to your chest and fall asleep until you wake up a few hours later to do it all over again
Mammon loves it when you do that
Levi lost a bet against you while playing a video game
He lost and now he has to face the consequences
Sitting on your cock while he plays a game with a few online friends
Oh, and open mic, too
“I might not be at my best this time, guys.” He’d say as the round starts bc he knows you aren’t letting him off easy
He lost, remember?
For the first game you’re completely content, but the second game you get a little more teasing
You start lightly rocking your hips upward and running your hand gently up and down his waist, sometimes squeezing
Each time you do, Levi tries to compose himself by sharply inhaling and keeping his voice down
The next couple games you’re now thrusting a couple inches inside him, enjoying the way he struggles to focus and keep quiet
The next few games you’re now kissing up and down his exposed back while still pumping the same two inches inside him at the slowest pace you could manage
It was starting to make him squirm under you and letting out small breaths and quiet whimpers
You both stay like this until his friends go offline and Levi crumbles as he switches to his demon form
He’d somehow turn around with you still inside him and start bouncing away
His tail comfortably wraps itself around your leg and his hands are on your chest
Each time Levi lowers himself, you raise your hips to meet him halfway
You hit his sweet spot every time
It’s only a small amount of time before he’s gone and spills over both of your chests
You flip him around and start pounding into him
A few thrusts later and you’re stroking yourself, shooting onto his balls
You both quickly recover and clean up before you play another game with him
Levi would be distracted the entire time as he replays what happened mere moments ago in his mind
He looses again
This nerd immediately knew what you were trying to do
So he wasted no time in tying you to his bed and siting comfortably down onto your length with a book in hand
You’re still inside him when he lays back against your chest while reading the rest of his book
He could spend hours just sitting on your dick and you’d be helpless just laying there, hard, inside him for hours on end
Eventually though, he’d get bored and turn his body around to face you, book placed down beside you
“I’m going to make you feel so good you will never want to leave.”
He’d say something so hot you twitch so violently inside him he squeaks quietly
You find it cute
But your little smirk turns into an open ‘O’ when Satan brutally starts bouncing
He’s slamming himself down so hard you’re moaning with him
He wouldn’t stop there either
He’d play with your nipples, pinching and licking them whenever he wants
It’s not a shocker when you’re the one unloading inside him first
Your mind gets so clouded with lust you start to raise your hips in time with Satan’s bounces but the demon wouldn’t allow it
He’d force your hips down and get even more rough, his ass jiggling from how much force he’s using
You cum a second time before Satan cums once
Taking advantage of Satan’s brief break, you take the moment to look down at yourself
Your chest is cover with bite marks and hickeys
The same goes for your stomach, except it’s now coated with Satan’s cum
You’re hard again inside him and Satan smirks
“I’m not stopping tonight. I’m going to put you in a wheelchair by morning.”
He wasn’t wrong
You could barely feel your legs and it felt like yo were missing your pelvis completely not to mention how sore your dick was
You’d wait awhile before attempting something like that again
Satan comes up with an idea to wear cat-themed lingerie next time
He’s sure you’d get a kick out if it
He’d have a blast showing it off to you before brutally riding you all night again
He’d accidentally rip the fabric of the lingerie and get sad
He was really happy with the look of it too
Oh well
He’ll buy another piece
If you thought you’d be in control, you’re sorely mistaken
Similar to Satan, he’s tying you up to his bed
But he’s not just going to cockwarm you
He’s going to edge you beyond humanly possible
He’d start by rolling his hips in a circle before rolling them up and down
Then he’d wiggle his ass a little and delightfully watch you squirm under him
He repeats this more than enough times to start getting you to beg
He hears you but ignores you
He’s too busy with rolling his hips and sucking your nipples and cupping your balls
He’d pleasure you until you feel that knot in your stomach tighten
Then he’d lift himself off your dick and sit on it until you start pouting
Then he starts the process all over again
This time he starts touching himself
He strokes himself in time with his rolling and your moans and desperate cries for more
But he ignores you and says not until he’s climaxing on your chest
And so that’s exactly what happened
He moans your name and spills on your stomach, some shooting onto your face and chest
He licks his mess up before lifting himself off your cock and crawling backwards while still making eye contact with you
Before you know it, your cock is in his mouth as you’re face fucking him stupid
Your length reaches the back of his throat and he happily accepts it
Asmo’s throat game is god-tier
He knows when to swallow around you and when to use his tongue
It’s not long before you’re spilling everything you’ve built up down Asmo’s throat
Asmo smiles and licks his lips before undoing your bindings
“Let’s do that again sometime. I enjoyed it.”
If Beel is going to cockwarm you, it’s with his mouth
You’ll most likely find him in his shared bedroom (alone most of the time considering Belphie doesn’t sleep in one spot too often)
You find him there and you lean against the door, watching him finish the last of his midnight snack
You smirk to yourself and muster up the most not-sexual tone you could manage
“Still hungry? I have a snack just for you if you are.”
You’d walk over to him and sit down on the bed and he’d look at you with a confused look
He looks adorable when he does that
You lean back with one arm supporting you and use your other to lift your shirt up and all Beel could do to respond was nod with a smile
And getting on his knees in between your legs
You both have done this a handful of times before, he knows you like it and he’s happy doing it for you (he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel aroused himself)
So Beel got to work immediately
Undoing your belt (if you have one on) and unzipping your pants to pull your hardening length out through the hole
Beel grabs the base of your shaft before licking your tip
It takes all your strength not to fuck his face
Then he engulfs your entire length in one go, down his throat
Your hand immediately finds is way to his hair and your hips start to grind against his throat
You can’t help but groan when he swallows around you
The warm wetness of his mouth combined with how skilled his tongue swirls around you send heatwaves throughout your loins
You get to full mast after a couple minutes of throbbing in Beel’s throat
By now you’re panting lightly and running your hand through his orange locks
“You’re so good at this, Beel. Oh Shit. Can I?” You’d ask him and he’d hum around you, giving permission
Then, next thing you know you’re holding his head with both hands as you fuck his throat
Surprisingly, no matter how hard you go, he never chokes or coughs
He just swallows all of you
And the thought of that is what sends you over the edge and you’re unloading down his throat
You collapse on the bed behind you
Beel will patiently wait for you to recover before you sit back up again and kiss him
You cup both of his cheeks with your hands and kiss him with such fever it almost felt like a desire. A desperate need
You pull away and grin
“My turn, babe.”
Belphie loves to cockwarm you
It doesn’t take up too much energy and he doesn’t have to do much
You two are normally cuddling when this happens
You spoon him as you two nap on his bed, still inside him
Usually, quite surprisingly, Belphie is the one to wake up first
And being the little shit he is, he loves to mess with you
So he’ll start slowly rocking his hips back against you to wake you up
Once you are awake, you hold him closer to you
“You’re being naughty today, Belphie.”
So you start rocking your own hips against him as you reach around and cup his balls with your hand
Belphie makes little, quiet sounds as you tease him
“So full, love. We’re you having a nice dream?”
You start to whisper dirty things in his ear and he starts to moan more freely, albeit quiet
You still love to here his voice
While still cupping his balls with your hand, you use your other one to stroke him
You stroke at a painfully slow pace, making Belphie thrust himself lightly into your hand and back against your cock
You start leaving kisses on his neck and shoulder, sometimes biting
Over time, you slowly start to increase your stroking pace and thrust speed
The combined pleasure from your cock and you stroking him soon sends him into his climax, spilling onto your hand and the sheets below him
You soon quickly finish off as you pick up your pace thrusting inside him
When you pull out of him, you turn him to face you and you kiss him
“You did wonderful, love. Like always.”
You smile and kiss him again
“So did you.”
Belphie’s words made you feel butterflies in your stomach
He was so cute
It almost makes you want to smother him with kisses
Oh wait
You can
And you do
You kiss him until both of your lips are numb
“I love you, Belphie.”
“I love you, too.”
A/N: Sorry if there’s any typo’s! This took me several days to make considering I didn’t have any motivation to continue working on it until now (and I don’t have the energy to revise and edit any of this). But it’s here and I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if y’all want more or not. I’m always open for requests! I tried to keep everyone canon-accurate so I hope it is. Thanks for reading :)
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 11 months
Headcanon: Just because they are dating it doesn't mean they are less awkward
I was answering a comment I got, when I started thinking about what would happen if Miles and Gwen started dating?
My first thought: "Oh the adaptation period is going to be fun."
Both in fiction and in real life, you can have a period of time when friends who had been crushing for too long may be trying to not come too strong to the other person in case their new partner hasn't fallen as deeply in love as themselves.
Do I think this would happen with Miles and Gwen? Oh for sure.
Gwen in general tries to hide her emotions and while I think being with Miles will loosen her up a bit, I think she may get shy about how much she likes him (specially considering some things she did while crushing.) Miles I think would do so as well, since it has been his normal to try to tone down his crush, and seeing how "collected" Gwen can be, would try to act "cool."
All of this rambling is now for a list of headcanons of the stupid things they did because of this and that they try to hide from each other before they realize how silly they are.
Let's go!
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They both do a victory lap, or the spidey equivalent, swinging across their respective New York after Miles asked Gwen out.
Miles is the loudest, swinging across the streets while screaming in excitement a few times, including one time when he screams "SHE LIKES MEEEEEE."
This ends up with a bunch of people online not only reposting clips of the video where he screams that, but people speculating who could be the mystery girl who seems to like him. Miles panics thinking Gwen may think he is cheating on her and Ganke needs to be there to calm him down and devise a plan to get gossip people into something else.
Gwen isn't much better, she doesn't really scream anything, however she ends up doing a bunch of daredevil tricks and jumps because her excitement manifests in see-how-many-gymnastics-record-I-can-break.
She ends up scaring the living shit out of her dad, who was trying to react very normally when a coworker show him a clip of just a part of it (she literally did this by a good part of the city, so there are different videos.) The gymnastic Olympic team of the United States is once again trying to recruit Spider-Woman. There are now people making recompilations of videos to see if there is a way to catch the whole thing, and some people had noticed that in some clips it almost looks like she is squealing.
Gwen recruited Peni's help to take down the most incriminating videos, mostly because it was impossible to take all of them down. She also begged Peni to have a way for her dad to not find some videos on his phone. I imagine her dad may be a bit protective of her and while Gwen told him she is dating Miles, she doesn't want her dad to realize how madly she is in love with him.
(He knows, he remembers the Polaroid.)
Because of this, the first few days together they try end up planning dates in other universes, because both of them are waiting for those videos to not be trending. Gwen ends up dancing with Miles in Hobie's universe, while Miles shows Gwen a crazy arcade in Margo's universe.
Miles is ALWAYS smiling, depending on how much he has been in his mind he may look more lovesick or casual. Everyone has been teasing him, Ganke, his parents and Peter B the most.
I already headcanon that Gwen is actually a cuddle bug, she just has trouble leaning into others because of her vulnerability issues. So Gwen is constantly trying to measure how much she tries to hug him, to not look too eager to take his hand or lean on his shoulder. Is a tougher battle than she ever wants to admit.
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Miles ends up drawing Gwen even more often, especially since he has pictures of her and stuff; so before he knows it, he ends up with this beautiful mural of her. He isn't sure when to reveal it to her because he has added so many little detail and drawings he is afraid to come out as creepy.
Like many people, I headcanon Gwen has tried writing songs about Miles. Well the new relationship status made her finish one of those songs, which her bandmates liking, and Hobie also insisted she should play it next time in his universe.
"Next Time" ends up having the spideygang (Miles, Pavitr, Margo and Peni,) at the concert. Hobie remarks that the next song is written by his drummer, and it doesn't take long for Miles to be smiling once more like a lovesick puppy once the lyrics appear.
Gwen is a bit embarrassed, but he says he loved the song, and he would love to hear more if she ever does. He shares some of his art, and she is, of course, melting.
He doesn't take too long before showing Gwen the mural, and Gwen loves it. Is hidden below a bridge, in a place you can only see while being upside down; and she adores how Miles shown her drumming, her dance, he captures her from her eyes to the little tooth gap she has, and yet Gwen cannot stop being amazed at how despite showing all those things she considers flaws, she looks beautiful in all of them.
Miles shrugs saying "I just draw you like I see you."
And THEN, they become a couple of dorks in love who everyone else is getting kind of sick of how corny they are. But they are kind of stupid for each other and had been holding it for a while, so why not scream it from the rooftops?
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sarahghetti · 8 months
absolutely purr-fect; m.k. x reader
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pairing: marc spector x reader, steven grant x reader, jake lockley x reader
summary: you and the boys adopt a cat.
warnings: none! only fluff 'round here, folks.
word count: 2.4k
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if there’s one thing the boys all have in common, it’s that they’re all cat people.
steven thinks they’re particularly cute, and has always liked the idea of having a cat curled up beside him as he reads.
jake got attacked by a dog during a mission once and has been wary of them ever since.
marc just appreciates their independence—the fact that their trust needs to be earned with a little more effort, a little more patience.
(you give him this look when he says that, and steven snorts from inside their headspace. marc pointedly ignores you both.)
they’ve always wanted a cat, but the logistics of it never worked out given their vigilante schedule.
getting someone to drop by and feed gus the ii and his friend once a day? no problem. but leaving a cat at the flat? even if it were in the care of one of their neighbours, the idea makes them uneasy.
but then they met you. and since you’ve moved in with them, the opportunity has become much, much more feasible.
steven often looks through listings from the nearby adoption centres, cooing over the cats they have available.
steven lets out the most precious little gasp, excitement illuminated by his laptop, and you can’t help but lean over to see what he’s looking at. a picture of a scrawny-looking shorthair with a pronounced snout is pulled up on the screen.
“his name is scream,” steven supplies, utterly enamoured.
“scream,” you repeat, and he nods. “well, the flat does have good soundproofing.”
he scrolls down some more and almost instantly, there’s a fluffy mess lounging on the back of a couch that catches your eye. your hand falls on steven’s to stop him from going down any further.
“kit kat!” you take control of the trackpad to circle kit kat’s adorable face. steven shakes his head, raising an eyebrow.
“oh, but does kit kat hold a candle to margarine?” margarine is a kitten so small that she looks like she’d immediately get lost in the mess of books and knickknacks strewn about the apartment.
steven’s posed an impossible question. you pout a little. “I want both.”
he sighs. “me too, love.”
jake sends you a picture of every single cat he spots on the street. they vary in quality—some are so close that you can count each whisker while others are nothing more than a fuzzy blob in the night.
the utter quantity is enviable. you have half a mind to think that they just spend their entire night patrol looking for cats around the city.
that said, if you ask, “did you get to pet it?” the answer is almost always no.
for all of yours and steven’s window adopting online, marc is the one who ends up bringing a cat home.
not even an hour after marc left to patrol, you stir awake to the sound of the front door banging against the adjacent wall. your boyfriend’s quiet voice hisses, “shit.”
“marc?” you yawn, rubbing your eyes as you sit up. usually, he’s mum as a mouse when he comes back, cautious not to disturb you. you squint at him in the dark. “are you okay?”
“’m fine.” his silhouette moves into the living room, and one of the softer lamps is clicked on. “just—”
a sharp little mrow interrupts him, and you both fall silent as it rings out in the flat. was… was that—?
“marc!” you throw the blankets to the side as you jump out of bed, scurrying so fast to his side that you nearly trip over your own feet.
he’s still in the suit, mask and hood retracted, and held gingerly in his gloved hands is a dirty bundle of orange fur. the little guy is dwarfed against marc’s broad chest; narrowed green eyes watch your movements suspiciously. you bring your hand up to let the kitten sniff you, but marc leans away. “careful—he’s a bit touchy.”
“you’re holding him fine,” you point out, and he snorts.
“hardly.” as if on cue, the kitten lets out another piercing cry, squirming and scratching so fiercely that you’re sure it would leave some marks if not for the suit. marc grimaces as he tries to maintain his grip without hurting him, but his eyes widen when you sigh endearingly. “oh, no, don’t you dare—”
“can we keep him?”
while marc knows that he can’t say no to you for very long—a fact that’s going to be the end of him someday, he swears—he does effectively put that conversation on hold until the kitten can see a veterinarian in the morning.
trying to convince you to go back to sleep is a lost cause. you’ve brought home a stray kitten, marc—there’s no way you’re leaving him to try and figure out what to do on his own.
the commotion also wakes up steven and jake. you can only hear marc’s side of the conversation, but it’s clear that they’re as excited as you are for your new guest.
marc’s staring down the mirror, brow furrowed at whatever his alters are telling him through the reflection. the kitten is nonplussed by the argument happening over its head, only sinking further into marc’s arms.
“no, we can’t keep him—”
“aw, come on!” you interject. marc, unable to do anything that could bring you down when there’s that much excitement in your voice, only responds with a restless noise.
“he could already have an owner somewhere,” he reasons. one of them must offer to take over, because his mouth twists into a stubborn scowl soon after. “I’m fine.”
getting marc to take care of himself is a herculean feat, so you switch tactics, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I think they just wanna meet the kitty.”
still, he bristles, and holds the kitten almost protectively against his chest. “the meet and greet can happen after we figure out what we’re doing.”
he steps away from the mirror then, and you pump your fist when his back is turned.
there’s a chance.
it’s the most intense googling research session you’ve ever been a part of.
marc gets most of the grime off its fur with a damp cloth, handling the kitten so gently that it might as well be made of glass. he still won’t let you touch it—too worried that it’ll hurt you somehow.
(you go along with it because yeah, if it does bite you, there’s no way marc’s letting you guys keep it.)
an old cardboard box is pulled out of recycling to serve as a makeshift bed, and some spare towels are neatly spread out on the bottom to provide some bedding.
you watch marc have a staring contest with the kitten as it sits inside, every muscle in his body tensed and ready as if anticipating a fight. the kitten, a valiant opponent, doesn’t seem to show any fear at the sight of your boyfriend, ancient ceremonial armor be damned.
it’s not until it’s contentedly chomping down on some boiled chicken you prepared that marc finally gives up the driver’s seat, getting some rest at yours and the others’ insistence.
jake comes in with a wide, wide grin, immediately crouching beside the box with a disbelieving sound.
“so small,” he comments, twiddling his fingers in a way to entice the little guy. the spark in jake’s eye is enough to know that he’s on your side in the keep-him-or-don’t conversation.
which means that finally, you can ask the question that’s been on the tip of your tongue all night.
“what should we name him?” after the impromptu bath, the orange of its fur gleams a little warmer in the low light of the flat, but you wait patiently as you let kitten sniff you. you bite back a giggle when its whiskers brush against your hand.
jake winces in a way that tells you that he must be getting an earful from inside the headspace, but presses on. “juice? naranja? OJ?”
you raise an eyebrow. “you really want to name him after orange juice, huh.”
“yeah well, steven says some egyptian god.” he rolls his eyes. typical.
“and what does marc say?”
“marc says—” his voice shifts to a monotone drone “’—oh my god stop trying to pet the cat it’s still dirty and hostile and why are we trying to name the damn thing it’s only been here for like an hour it’s not staying jake shut your mouth you’re not funny—’”
your laugh startles the kitten but you can’t help it, burying your head in your arms to muffle the sound to no avail. if you looked up, you’d see the smug look jake is pointing at his nearest reflection.
there’s a nudge at your side as you quiet down. “and what about you, carino? what do you think?”
“hmm.” you tilt your head. “where did marc find him?”
a pause as he listens, then, “in a dumpster. behind that chinese place we like.”
your mind whirs, and you can see that jake is following the same train of thought. egg tart. chicken chow mein. mapo tofu.
you gasp, “dumpling.”
the look on marc’s face when you put ‘dumpling’ on the forms at the veterinarian’s office is priceless.
for what it’s worth, the kitten is in surprisingly good shape. some washing up, a round of vaccinations, and one microchip later, he’s released back into your care with little fanfare, but you’re positively buzzing.
you guys go a little overboard at the pet shop. jake fills the handbasket with an assortment of toys while steven and marc argue incessantly about the best food to buy, which bed he’d prefer.
“thought you didn’t even want to keep him!” steven snarks into the gleam of a metal shelf at some point, and you can practically hear marc’s ensuing scoff.
when you guys get home, jake dumps all the toys on the ground at once, a colourful mess of bells and feathers that almost blend into steven’s existing mess.
to no one’s surprise, dumpling plays more with the disposable plastic bag than the toys themselves. still, that doesn’t matter—jake can lay on his stomach and play with him for hours.
steven, mediocre human food chef, becomes a master cat food chef.
“good god,” you comment as he comes back from the store with his arms full of fancy looking packages. what started as mixing wet food in with the dry has seemingly become a new pinpoint of steven’s focus, and your eyebrows raise a little more with each label you read.
chicken liver, mussels, duck egg—all freeze dried and decked out in cartoony illustrations. dumpling jumps up to take a look, sniffing inquisitively at each bag.
“you’re gonna be eating better than us,” you quip. he’s still a little cautious, shying from sudden movements, so you just let him explore and don’t push when he slinks away.
“little guy only deserves the best, doesn’t he?” steven pulls out dumpling’s fish-shaped dish. you watch, mesmerized as he carefully begins to put food on it; he’s even pulled out the kitchen scale to properly measure everything.
steven talks as he goes, telling you (and dumpling) about each element with the same vigor he would apply to egyptology. organ meats for nutrients, bone broth for hydration, oils for a shiny coat—dumpling looks as baffled as you are.
although—he also looks quite impatient. steven keeps having to push him back to keep him from the dish before it’s ready. his little paws slide on the counter each time.
“ta-da!” steven presents the finished product to you with a flourish. it’s surprisingly well-plated for someone who sometimes eats straight from the pan.
though it doesn’t last long. the second he places it down, dumpling is ravenous. broth is splashed onto the ground. bits of dehydrated powder get caught in his chin. you worry a little that he’s gonna choke somehow.
steven manages to pull his attention away from the scene for a second, turning to you. a proud smile pulls at his lips. “think he likes it?”
with all your efforts, it doesn’t take very long for dumpling to get comfortable; the flat becomes his kingdom.
you find him lounging on the top shelves of steven’s bookcases and leaving stapler-like holes in marc’s research notes with his teeth.
jake is constantly running around looking for his driving gloves because dumpling always manages to get his paws on them and always squirrels them away in separate locations, somehow.
you wake up more often than not to a mouthful of fur—he loves to sleep on your pillow, regardless of whether or not your head is already on it.
“why. why.” marc dangles dumpling in the air by his front legs. an entire piece of sushi—swiped from marc’s plate on the coffee table—hangs from the kitten’s mouth, nearly the size of his head. there is not a hint of remorse. “steven’s putting a dent in our finances to buy you organic beef hearts or whatever-the-hell and you come over here to steal my food?”
the defendant remains silent. marc lets out a low grumble and deposits dumpling onto his lap, sushi and all, keeping his hand on him to stop him from taking anything else.
you lean into his side. “thought you said we shouldn’t give him any scraps, hm?”
it’s true—while jake folded immediately, often sneaking bites to dumpling under the table, and steven excuses a bit here and there just as a treat, love—marc is the strict cat-dad who stubbornly ignores those big, begging green eyes whenever they pop up during a meal.
or at least, he was. marc chews slowly, an obvious delay to answering your question, and so you hum again, prodding. it’s not that he’s hated having the cat around, but for a while it was clear that he was the sole holdout to keeping him.
finally, he swallows. you wait with bated breath as he sighs. “he can have a little bit. just this once, though.”
the last part is said directly to the culprit, who’s purring like a motor with the soils of his hunt. your grin is blinding. marc goes back to eating, but you and dumpling come to the same delightful conclusion—
yeah, it’s not going to be just this once.
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suga-kookiemonster · 9 months
satisfy 06
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summary⇢ “listen,” taehyung says, eyes wide and eager as he smiles at you. “i figure we can just help each other out. i scratch your back, you scratch mine.” but when you find yourself suddenly in need of a massive favor, exactly how much scratching are you willing to do? pairing⇢ seokjin/reader, namjoon/reader, taehyung/reader, …..jimin/reader word count⇢ 4.8k genre⇢ smut | escort!au | ceo!au (kinda) warnings⇢ none, really. just a few suggestive memories and oc having a crisis 👀 a/n⇢ and now, my dear friends, we finally make it to the epilogue! 🥹 thank you to everyone who has stuck with this fic over the years, and i'm extra grateful to everyone who has dropped in my inbox at any point to scream their feelings about it to me--as well as everyone who has enjoyed it enough to reblog and share! 💜💜 you guys are the ones who really keep me coming back to share my writing on this hellsite, and i truly, truly appreciate you for helping keep fandom fun and alive. i hope you've enjoyed this ride as much as i have enjoyed taking you on it! 🥰😈 mood for this chapter is this song~ thanks again, everyone! 💜
chapters⇢ previous | series masterlist
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Just as they were scheduled to, your employers jetted off overseas, leaving you to your own devices for the next three weeks. You weren’t going to lie—it felt bizarre for your calendar to be so open after months of near bursting due to constant activity. But honestly? It was truly refreshing to suddenly have so much downtime. And after your last Kim encounter, you definitely felt your break was well-deserved.   
So, you used the sudden breathing room to catch up on other parts of your life that had been suffering. The next few days were spent burrowed beneath the covers and gloriously unconscious, your truly exhausted body ensuring sleep to be your first priority. Initiating the wildest sexual encounter you had ever had—and probably would ever have—on a Thursday meant that you luckily only had to miss one lecture, and you happily did so, knowing the slides would be online for you to look over later. And though you weren’t asleep the entire weekend, even when you were awake, you didn’t part with the comfort of your bed for long—eating takeout in it and watching true crime documentaries in it and actively ignoring the way your skin tingled when your mind strayed to the other activities you had done in it not too long prior. 
(And if you were being honest, it was a little hard to not linger on what you had done. On what you so easily allowed the Kims to do.) 
When you did allow yourself to linger on it, it almost felt like a fever dream. Some abstract, depraved fantasy that your overactive mind had cooked up. But the ache in your muscles, the tenderness of your pussy—these were tangible proof that it had all been real. That the flashes of hot tongues and gasping breaths and shivering pleasure that kept creeping back, no matter how you tried to distract yourself, were memories, not figments of your imagination. You knew you should probably feel some sort of shame over it, but honestly? Other than astonishment that this was what your life had become, other than the expected fatigue—
You only felt satisfied.
Satisfied that your own needs had been spectacularly met, of course, but also with the knowledge that your employers were even more satiated than you, and that you had done that. You couldn’t help but glow with a sense of pride when your doorbell rang one afternoon and you were handed a gorgeous flower arrangement, the corresponding card detailing that the unexpected, expensive gift was from Kim Seokjin. Months ago, you probably would have felt mortified to receive them—especially with the intimate knowledge of what exactly he was thanking you for—but you had earned those flowers, dammit! Earned that, as well as the absurd amount of money Namjoon unceremoniously wired you in between the texts he sent you every few days to check on you. 
You always gave your all to whatever you set out to do, and this was no different. You were a hard worker, period. No one could fault you for being pleased with the successful results of your efforts.     
So yes, you spent those next few days relaxing and recuperating and feeling rewarded. And when you finally felt enough like a human to leave your nest of pillows and blankets, you used your newfound freedom from distractions to catch up on other parts of your life you had been inadvertently ignoring—the first being your schoolwork, and the second, Jimin. 
You did a double-take when your text thread showed that the last time you had messaged him had been a week and a half ago, unbelieving. Though busy, the two of you never went that long without at least checking in, and for him to not reach out either? You couldn’t help but worry that maybe he had forgotten about you. Found someone much more interesting, someone prettier and much more available to be showered with his attention than you. 
But luckily, your slow spiraling was immediately halted when the timid Hey you sent him resulted in his bubbly, smiley face-filled reply barely a second later. 
And so now, there you were, meeting him in person for the first time in over a month.
“Sorry I’m late,” you told him as you approached the table, slightly out of breath from your hustle there. “Traffic was crazy and the Uber driver seemed afraid of driving, or something? Like, this probably isn’t the job for you if driving in the city makes you that nervous.” Because yes, when Jimin asked if you could meet him for dinner, you were surprised when he chose a spot downtown. And you were even more surprised when you finally arrived and realized that said restaurant was apparently an upscale hotspot, especially considering the meals you usually shared together consisted of nothing fancier than takeout or something you could grab from the convenience store.
He immediately stood up to wrap you in his arms, giving you a comforting squeeze that reflexively had you melting into the warmth of him before he let go. God, he smelled good. “Glad you made it in one piece,” came his amused reply, eyes twinkling as he reached over and politely pulled your chair out for you.  
You did your best to tamp down the familiar delighted butterflies that always sprung up within you when you were near him. There was something more pressing that needed to be addressed. “Jimin,” you hissed out the corner of your mouth, warily looking around. “You didn’t tell me this restaurant was so nice! I would’ve dressed up more.” Because as it was, your simple cocktail dress wasn’t really cutting it. The tables had cloth tablecloths that no doubt were removed and washed between each seating. There were multiple chandeliers sparkling from the ceiling, for fuck’s sake! Jimin had told you to wear something more on the nicer side, but he never told you this nice, and you could tell immediately that you were underdressed. You had been so excited to see him again that you just got in the car without even bothering to google the place first. 
Jimin waved a dismissive hand, visibly unbothered as he retook his own seat. For his part, he had actually taken the time to throw on a rather smart blazer over his dress shirt and slacks, his hair carefully styled and slicked back. “You look beautiful, as you always do.”
Your eyes shifted to the table, a shy but pleased smile inching across your lips. “Thank you.”
“Thank you for meeting me. I was worried you’d forgotten about me.”
You couldn’t help the incredulous snort that escaped you. “Me forget about you? No, of course not, Jiminie. I’m sorry for dropping off the face of the earth—I’ve just been so busy—”
Jimin’s raised hand halted your rambling, the gentle crinkle of his eyes calming your frazzled nerves. “Don’t worry,” he smiled. “I totally get it—I was just teasing. I could tell you had a lot going on, and so I just didn’t want to bother you. You have nothing to be sorry for.” 
Didn’t you, though? Would he feel the same way if he knew just what had been taking up all your time? You reflexively swallowed, sifting uncomfortably in your seat. “Yeah, school has been running me ragged.” And it’s not a lie. Just not the full truth.
“No kidding. I think I got seven hours of sleep total last week, so like I said, I totally get it.” Before it even registered that he was reaching for you, his hand was already enveloping yours, thumb rubbing soothing circles into your palm. “I’m just happy we have the chance to get together now. I missed you.” 
You felt yourself immediately soften into putty at his admission. “I’ve missed you too, Jimin,” came your soft reply. Dazedly, you tried your best not to visibly show how much his unexpected touch was making your heartbeat skyrocket, but from the pleased curl of his lips, you weren’t entirely sure you were successful. 
It didn’t matter, because just as easily as he had reached into your space, he was now letting go, pulling his appendage back to his side of the table to pick up his menu.  
As if waiting for a lull in your conversation, the waiter chose that moment to approach your table. “Welcome to Serendipity. Have the two of you dined with us before?”
“I haven’t,” Jimin replied, expectantly looking your way for your response and finding you scrabbling for your menu instead.
“Me neither,” you squeaked, flustered that you had been too busy making heart eyes at Jimin to even give it a cursory browse. “Is there anything you recommend?”
The waiter reached over a little to direct you a slip of paper on your table that had gone unnoticed until this moment. “You can find our current specials here—I’m a big fan of the salmon, but everything on there is excellent. And we’re actually currently running a dinner for two special, that’s been really popular. One appetizer to share, two entrées, and a dessert to share.”
Yes, it didn’t surprise you that that would be popular—along with how nice the restaurant was, you had noticed immediately when walking in that it was filled with couples who were clearly having romantic nights out.
“I think we’re still deciding on food.” Jimin’s voice cut through your thoughts. “But can we please see a wine list?”
Wine? Your brow raised, not opposed, but surprised. In all the time you’ve known each other, alcohol has certainly never been a stranger—you’ve had late night study sessions together, accompanied by chicken and beer; you’ve gotten shitfaced together at bars after particularly rough exams. But something about this felt…different. In this restaurant, much fancier than you anticipated, surrounded by couples, sitting across a candlelit table from where Jimin was poring over a wine selection that you knew had to be really expensive—this was undoubtedly more intimate.  
You idly cleared your throat, not daring to linger too long on the dots your mind couldn’t help but connect. Because it obviously couldn’t be that. It had to be a coincidence.
“_____,” Jimin said, the slight raise in his voice cluing you in that this wasn’t the first time he had tried to get your attention. “How does this one sound?” 
You blinked our of your thoughts, finding both him and the waiter looking at you expectantly. “Whatever you choose is fine!” you croaked, slapping on a smile for good measure.    
“Excellent choice. I’ll bring it right out,” the waiter said with an affirmative tilt of his head, and then the two of you were alone again. 
It was quiet for a bit while you both properly perused your menus, though from the corner of your eye, the curious glances Jimin was sending you didn’t escape your notice. You were acting weird. You were acting weird and he could clearly tell you were acting weird, but ever since you noticed the restaurant’s romantic atmosphere, you couldn’t help it.
“These prices are kinda wild, huh?” came your attempt at normal conversation.
Jimin took it in stride, lips curling in amusement. “Yeah, they’re definitely overcharging for those stuffed mushrooms. But don’t worry about it—I invited you out, so this is my treat.”
You shook your head immediately. “No, no, I can’t let you do that! I was just making a comment. Don’t worry, I have enough money to pay.”
He let out a bemused sigh, shaking his head, and if you didn’t happen to be looking directly at him, you might have missed him say under his breath, “You’re not gonna make this date easy for me, huh?”
You immediately choked on your own spit, eyes bugging at what you thought you heard. “D-Date?” you repeated incredulously.
Jimin’s spine went stiff, eyes widening as if he hadn’t meant to say that out loud. You could only watch in amazement as it was his turn to look shy, pointedly averting his gaze to his menu and letting out a chuckle that sounded suspiciously nervous to your bemused ears. When you continued to gape at him, waiting for some sort of explanation, he was forced to continue.
“Yeah,” he hedged cautiously. “That’s what I’d hoped. Would that be a bad thing?”
You couldn’t answer right away, staring him down like he had grown two heads and wondering when he was going to burst out laughing with a Gotcha! You should have seen your face.  
Always one for great timing, the waiter chose that moment to come back with your wine, taking his sweet time pouring it into each of your glasses and cheerfully chatting about the region it came from. You didn’t hear a single word, too focused on the way Jimin studiously avoided your stare, on the noticeable flush that had risen up his neck and was fanning across his cheeks. It was only after you apologetically asked for more time for your meal orders—your mind too frazzled to pick something on the spot—that he left again. Jimin took a long swig from his wineglass.
“Sorry,” he murmured, still not looking at you. “I probably should have let you know my intention beforehand, but I was nervous you wouldn’t come, or I’d chicken out of doing it, or—”
“Your intention?” you parroted dazedly. 
Another generous swallow of wine, the liquid courage coaxing his eyes to meet yours. “I wanted to take you out somewhere really nice,” he admitted. “Show you a good time and work up the nerve to properly ask you out again.”
“On a. Date?” Your lashes fluttered, an involuntary response to your brain short-circuiting. “With me.”
His lips twitched. “Yes, with you, silly.”
“You’re really going to make me say it? Before our food gets here?” He was fiddling with his napkin, but despite his clear nervousness, his gaze was now unwavering and his voice was clear. “Because I like you, _____. I have for a long time.”
These were words that you had only heard him whisper in your wildest dreams, when your subconscious thoughts were no longer being restrained by your common sense. And as such, you could only gape at him, sure you were about to wake up any second.
Your unintentional silence triggered Jimin’s tongue into overdrive, and you could only struggle to make sense of his rambling as he proceeded to tell you how much your friendship meant to him and how he was afraid confessing how he felt would affect it, but he just couldn’t take it anymore. How his feelings for you were growing by the day, and the recent time spent away from you was maddening and only confirmed to him how much he wanted to be with you. And so he felt he had to at least put it out there and try.
And the longer he talked, the more your eyes welled up with horrified tears, panic gripping you by the throat and squeezing, tight, tight.
This was nothing short of a nightmare. 
You would have never agreed to your arrangement with the Kims if you had thought in a million years Jimin would have ever been a serious option for you. 
Absolutely not. You would have swallowed your pride, maybe taken that loan from Tae instead. Would have also taken as many odd jobs as you could to pay him back, would have forgone sleep completely and struggled a ten times more than you were now just so you could pay off your debts. Hell, you would have even just fucking dropped out. Would have taken the semester off and attempted to come back whenever you could scrounge up the appropriate funds. 
But never, never ever, would you have done what you had done. 
Because now, not only were you contractually unable to be with the man you’ve—in an attempt at self-preservation—refused to acknowledge you were in love with, but even if you found some legal way to quit now…there was zero chance Jimin would still want you when he knew. Less than zero. And you couldn’t blame him for that, because who would?
Beyond overwhelmed, you did the only sensible thing you could in that moment—you burst into tears.
Your sudden sniveling immediately halted Jimin’s rambling, eyes wide in alarm and looking every bit as distressed as you. “Ah—don’t cry!” He leaned over the table, cradling your face in his hands and swiping your tears with his thumbs. “You don’t have to feel the same way, _____. I’ll get over it, please don’t cry—”
“No,” you blubbered, beyond miserable. He couldn’t be more wrong. “I do! Jimin, I feel exactly the same way, I just…” Your eyes welled up anew, unable to tell him the truth. “I c-can’t.” 
“You can’t?” he repeated, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. His eyes roved your face for any possible answers, nibbling slightly on his bottom lip in thought. “…Is this…” His thumbs were still caressing your cheeks, gaze gentle and open as he quickly glanced around to see if anyone was paying the two of you any attention. When it was clear no one was giving your table more than a few curious glances, he said quieter, “…Is this about the arrangement you have with Tae?”
Everything froze. Your eyes locked, Jimin patiently waiting for your reply. Hysteria trickled through your veins, held only a bay by the disbelief slamming into you harder than a freight train. “W-What arrangement?” you blurted reflexively, a touch too loudly to be believable. 
It was Jimin’s turn be caught off guard, hands slowly dropping from your face and returning to his side of the table, though he was still leaned over it so he could still whisper to you, “You know.” He looked at you pointedly, mouth downturning a bit in his confusion. “With him and his brothers. The arrangement.” 
Jesus Christ, this was not happening. There was no way that this was actually happening to you. There was no way that the man who unknowingly held your heart in the palm of his hand was fully aware that you were fucking his best friend for money. Deny, deny! “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”
He didn’t say anything for a few moments, still visibly puzzled. But the two of you only sat in an awkward silence for a few more moments before he snapped his fingers, a light bulb clearly going off. “Ah! You can’t say anything because you signed an NDA, right?” 
You swallowed thickly, unable do anything more in that very moment than stupidly stare at him like a deer in the headlights. 
“I’m sorry, that was stupid of me,” Jimin chuckled, smacking his forehead for good measure. “I don’t know why I didn’t realize that sooner. Obviously you’re under NDA.” 
You weren’t sure how to respond to that. Weren’t sure from the gentle smile he was now sending you if he even expected a response from you. Luckily, Jimin kept talking. 
“But it’s okay—I already know everything, so you don’t have to hide it,” he reassured you. You didn’t feel assured. You felt like you were in the Twilight Zone. “Taehyung told me about your agreement when you started it months ago.”
If you were flustered before, that was nothing on what you were feeling now. Now, half-thoughts were ricocheting across your brain too quickly for you to grasp anything of substance but your internal screeching. “You know everything?” you repeated incredulously. This time it was you who leaned over the table, meeting him in the middle. “Taehyung told you?!”
“Of course he did!” Color rebloomed across his cheeks, but he didn’t shy away from the bewildered stare down you were giving him. “He’s my best friend and he wanted to make sure he wouldn’t be stepping on any toes. He…knows how I feel about you.” When you only continued to stare at him, he nervously added, “Who do you think got me the reservation for this place to begin with? The waitlist is literally a year out.”
“I’m sorry, I just—” You pulled back so you could reach for your wineglass, allowing yourself a few healthy sips to give your mouth something to do other than flap about like an idiot while you stalled. Jimin didn’t call you out on it, just waited patiently and topped off your glass when you set it back down again. 
You took a few steadying breaths, ultimately choosing to lean back closer to Jimin. To the casual onlooker, the two of you were just another couple making heart eyes over a romantic dinner. And considering the rather lewd and illegal turn your conversation had just taken in this very public place, that only worked in your favor. “Let me get this straight,” you whispered, carefully choosing your words in case you still managed to garner an unwanted audience. “Taehyung told you the deal he has with me. Months ago.” Jimin nodded. “And you’ve known this entire time about our…arrangement, but never told me you knew.”
“I swear I didn’t at all mean to keep that a secret,” he murmured, expression contrite. “I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or embarrass you or anything like that, so I’ve just been waiting on you to bring it up at your own pace. But I didn’t take into account that you would never bring it up because you would be under NDA, which, again, now that I say it out loud was an extremely stupid assumption of me not to make. I’m sorry.”
“So. You have feelings for me,” you reiterated, ignoring the delighted shiver that raced up your spine at the words. You had to be sure. “But it didn’t bother you that your best friend…propositioned me? You have no problem with me being…involved with him and his brothers?”
“You were caught between a rock and a hard place and the grind never stops. You know I know that better than anybody,” he replied with a shrug. He swallowed, discreetly ensuring no one was paying the two of you any attention before he added, “You think you’re the only one who’s sucked dick for money?”
Your eyes widened, jaw dropping a little before you could catch it. Was he…implying what you thought he was implying? There was no way. You had to be reading into it. 
But ultimately, all of this was irrelevant. When the ghost of Seokjin’s mouth on you came to you unbidden—the phantom weight of Taehyung’s body, the haunting reprimand of Namjoon’s stern hand—
You shook your head, unsuccessfully dispelling those unwanted, lingering thoughts. Your gaze skirted to the table, despondent and embarrassed as you finally set free your hushed admission. “Jimin, I’ve done more than suck dick for my money.” 
There was a pause, an agonizing one that felt like an eternity, and then he was lifting your chin with a finger and guiding you to meet his eyes.
“Again.” He reached for your hands, thumb tracing patterns over your knuckles. His smile was a soft secret. “You think you’re the only one?” 
He held your gaze, not looking away even though your mouth just flapped uselessly as you struggled to regain your bearings. So he did mean—
“Does knowing that bother you?” Jimin asked quietly, expression now carefully neutral. Seriously asking, and giving you the proper space to process and answer. “Does it change anything?”
“No.” The truth, though delayed, left you as easily as a breath. He was still Jimin. “Of course not.”
Jimin’s resulting grin turned his eyes into crescents. “Soooo…what I’m hearing is that we’re clearly on the same page and are both Team Fuck Bitches, Get Money.” 
Boy, did you wish you could smile back. Wish you could share in his obvious relief. But while you assumed his exploits were in the past, the same couldn’t be said for you, who was actively under contract. “Jimin, I’m still…employed,” you couldn’t help but point out. “And still will be for a while. That really doesn’t bother you?”
“It really doesn’t,” he insisted. But your continued hesitance had him pulling back from you, hands busying themselves with reaching for his wineglass as he carefully asked, “Should it? Is there something else I should know?” A couple sips of wine to steel himself before a  cautious, “Do you have feelings for any of them?”
“No!” you blurted. Despite the amount of time and intimacy you had been spending with the Kims, romantic feelings had never even crossed your mind. Your pussy certainly felt some things when she was getting some action, but your heart had never gotten involved. Your heart was too busy crowding in your throat at that very moment, threatening to fling itself at the man in front of you.
Jimin took your sincerity for what it was, a pleased twist to his lips. “Then it’s all fine with me. And again, Tae’s been aware from the beginning that I’ve been intending to ask you out, so that expectation has been there since the beginning. All three of them agreed to the deal knowing that I might be in the picture if I ever decided to put my big boy pants on and tell you how I feel. They’ve been expecting it, so they’re cool with it.”
“They’re cool with it,” you parroted blankly, completely flabbergasted. This was absolutely not how you foresaw this night going, and you never would have thought your life would ever take a turn like this in a million years. “They’re cool with it, and so are you?”
“I don’t mind sharing your time,” he shrugged. “So long as I’m not sharing you.”
“And you don’t see that as the same thing in this…situation?” you asked incredulously. “That doesn’t seem fair.”
Jimin puffed out an amused laugh. “Wow, you really are trying to talk me out of this, huh?”
You waved your hands. “Absolutely not, that is the last thing I want! I just. I come with a lot of baggage, and I don’t want any of it to come as a surprise. As busy as I’ve been the last couple weeks? That’s becoming a reoccurring normal. And Jimin, I just feel really shitty.” You swallowed. “Because I can’t promise you everything that you deserve to be promised right now.”
Jimin’s face softened as he listened to you, visibly much more comfortable now that you had successfully reassured him just how badly you wanted this. And oh, did you want it. You weren’t sure how this could ever work, but god did you want it to.
“Not fair,” he repeated under his breath, eyes glazed over in thought. “Hmmm.” 
“Is there anything I could do?” you hedged. You weren’t really sure what that could possibly be, considering the ironclad situation you were in. But now that you had been given a glimmer of your heart’s desire, you couldn’t let it fade away. Not if you could help it.  
His reply wasn’t immediate, still lost in thought. But when his eyes finally refocused on you, smoldering and intense, you couldn’t help the way your breath caught in response, the way your heart quickened. “Here’s an idea of what we can do to make it fair. What if you continue to work for them, just as you are now. And then…” 
He was thoughtlessly swirling his wineglass, momentum pulling the ruby liquid into slow, circling waves that would be rather hypnotizing if you weren’t already caught in the snare of his gaze. When he leaned across the table again, the way you followed suit was as easy as breathing. A lovesick sailor willingly lured to possible danger by a siren’s song. “Whatever you do for them, you do for me. How does that sound?” 
You let out a soft breath, just the thought of it immediately electrifying your every atom. Sparks danced excitedly beneath your skin, his soft, sultry tone curling your toes in their shoes. 
His Adam’s apple dipped excitedly, lips parting.
“So sorry to interrupt,” someone suddenly said from beside you. It was the waiter again. You had completely forgotten about him. Completely forgotten everything other than the restless tap of Jimin’s fingers against the table. “I just wanted to check in to see if you were ready to order?” 
“Yes, I think so.” You didn’t look away from Jimin—still hadn’t even glanced at the menu. Your tongue swiped over your lips, and his gaze darkened in response. 
“But I think we’d like it to go.”
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ssturniolo · 10 months
Bunnies and birthdays
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𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 - Chris x fem!reader
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶 - after thinking everyone forgot her birthday, y/n was met with a pleasant surprise.
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 - swearing, kissing, I think that’s it? (Not proofread)
𝔞/𝔫- I know it’s bad and rushed I just needed to get something posted.
You’ve never made your birthday a big deal, and most definitely have never expected any gifts. But you were still surprised and slightly disappointed when you woke up to no ‘Happy Birthday’ messages. Well, at least not from any of your friends. Not even from Chris.
Remembering that the triplets told you they were bad with birthdays, you just assumed they had forgotten. Rolling over in bed, you prop yourself up on your elbows and send Chris a quick text.
Y/n-hey love, wyd today? Wanna hang out?
Chrizz🫶-sorry can’t talk rn
Sighing, you pull yourself out of bed, and walk into your living room, flopping onto the couch. You spent the day watching your favorite Disney movies, eating popcorn, and online shopping to distract yourself.
Just as the end credits of ‘Bambi’ roll onto the tv, a message from Chris pops up on your phone.
Chrizz🫶-y/n,come to my house I need you
Jumping off the couch, you rush towards the door, mind racing. This sounds urgent. Is he ok? What if something bad happened? You couldn’t help but think the worst, as you drove quickly to their house.
Opening the front door, you rush inside, only to find, well… nothing. All the lights were off and the house seemed quiet and still. Almost too quiet.
Just as you reach the top of the stairs, the lights flick on, temporarily blinding you as all of your friends pop out, screaming ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ in unison. Grabbing the railing so you don’t fall down the stairs, relief floods over you. They didn’t forget.
You smile, taking it all in. The beautiful decorations, the cute birthday cake, the triplets even flew some of your friends from home in. It was perfect. Except one thing. Scanning the room of familiar faces you couldn’t help notice there was one missing. Chris.
After giving hugs and thanking everyone, you walk up to Matt, a confused look on your face. “Where’s Chris?” You ask, still a bit on edge from his previous text.
Furrowing his brows, Matt looks around the room. “He should’ve been up here by now, he’s probably still in his room.”
Thanking him, you walk down the stairs to Chris’s room.
About to turn the knob, you freeze as you hear a crash from inside the room.
“Fuck” Chris’s voice comes out muffled through the door but you can still hear the annoyance.
Slowly entering the room, your met with the sight of Chris on all fours, seemingly searching for something. Noticing your presence, Chris flashes a smile at you before continuing to search.
“Watcha looking for?” You question, bending down as an attempt to help him look for whatever he seems to be missing. Before he can respond, a movement in the corner of his room catches your attention.
You turn to find a small, grey bunny cowering in the corner of his room. You gasp, slowly moving towards the small creature to pick it up. With the bunny now in your arms, you turn to Chris who is already looking at you.
Motioning towards the rabbit, he scoffs. “That little shit tried to kill me.”
“Why’d you have in it the first place?” You question, giggling at his over exaggeration.
“I.. um.. know how much you love thumper from ‘Bambi’ so I thought I would get you your own” he says, finally meeting your eyes.
“It’s- it’s mine?” You whisper, as a smile slowly creeps across your lips.
“Better be, because I’m sure as hell not keeping it”
Setting the bunny on his bed, you run up to Chris, wrapping him in a bear hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank youuu” you squeal into his ear.
Pulling away, he rests his hands on your hips and smiles down at you. “Happy birthday ya goof” he says before leaning down to plant a soft kiss on your lips.
I’ve had this idea for awhile and it was supposed to be written and posted on my birthday but as you can see, that didn’t happen. Ik it kinda sucks but hey, it’s something.
XOXO - Zoe
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misshoneyimhome · 6 months
“…he simply assumed you were his girlfriend and forgot to ask, but that's another story.”
BABE IMMA NEED THE STORY lol why do I feel like that is a true to reality thing that our lil Will would do😑😭
Okay, so I know you didn’t exactly ask for the WHOLE story, and only just the part where he didn’t ask her to be his girlfriend… but, what can I say - this is just one of my dearest Willy fantasies, so I felt like jotting it all down 🙈
A part of: I’m only one call away | William Nylander (& John Tavares)
Warnings; sexual activity (not explicit);
Word count; 3.8K
・✶ 。゚
I’m only one call away (the other story) | William Nylander 🖋️ (⚡️)
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The bar was boiling as you headed to the counter for another round of drinks. But getting there was tougher than it sounded. With your lack of height and broad shoulders, you attempted to squeeze through the crowd but didn't have much luck.
And just as you spotted an opening to slip through, a bigger guy accidentally knocked into you, making you lose your balance and stumble backwards.
But to your surprise, another large figure was right behind you and instinctively caught you in his arms.
"Oh shit, sorry about that," you shouted over the music, looking up at the tall guy who'd inadvertently become your cushion.
"No worries, lucky I was around, huh?" the man chuckled as you steadied yourself.
And you couldn't help but pause and stare.
Even though it was pretty dim inside the bar, you could still make out that he was a looker. His sleek, light-coloured hair and rugged beard complemented his blue eyes and wide, cocky grin. Clad in a snug, white tank top with a thick chain around his neck and what seemed like quite loose trousers.
Yep, his vibe definitely screamed trouble.
"Well, I'm still sorry," you flashed him a sweet smile, attempting to avert your gaze. Yet, his eyes remained fixed on you, making it quite challenging for you to look away.
"How about you buy me a drink as an apology?" he suggested with a confident grin.
"I suppose that'd only be fair," you replied, returning his expression before both of you made your way towards the bar counter. His large figure definitely helping you out. 
And before you knew it, you were deeply engrossed in a conversation with this stranger.
Well, as it turned out, the stranger happened to be none other than Toronto's star hockey player, William Nylander. He was out with his brother Alex, who had come over from Pittsburgh to spend time with him. But as Alex had found another group to chat with, William took the chance to strike up a conversation with you.
Your smile and laughter seemed to captivate him effortlessly. And moreover, you were intriguing, funny, and undeniably sexy.
And William felt compelled to make a move on you because, from his experience, girls like you weren't exactly easy to come by. If such a thing as 'girls like you' even existed. Typically, he was surrounded by eager girls seeking his attention all the time, but you didn't fit that mould.
You simply exuded calmness and confidence while also posing interesting questions about him, ones that people typically didn’t bother to ask, assuming they already knew the answers. But unlike many, you weren't swayed by third-party journalism, online theories, or eye-catching headlines.
So, after a couple of hours spent chatting, enjoying a few drinks, and sharing laughter over the most cheesy jokes, William escorted you out of the bar and a short distance down the street, planning to see you off as you’d take the underground home.
However, a part of him wasn't ready to bid you farewell just yet. So, before you were about to walk down the stairs, he gently pulled you back by your wrists, drawing you into his arms for a passionate kiss.
And as you both slowly parted, you looked up at the tall Swede.
"Why not just tell me what you really want, hockey star?" you smirked, well aware of the thoughts occupying his mind - thoughts that too had been on your mind all night.
"Let's head to my place," he flashed a mischievous grin and a wink.
"What about your brother?" you chuckled lightly.
"What about him? He can crash at one of the other guys' places or a hotel. He's probably found a girl too," he replied nonchalantly, the smirk still playing across his lips. And after a gentle nod from you, he then took your hand and led the way to his condo.
And the night turned out to be quite something.
William knew his way around not just on the hockey rink but also in the bedroom, showing a undeniable skills of how to please a woman. He made your needs a priority, aiming to ensure you experienced pleasure before he did, with his impressive oral skills, striving to bring you to at least one orgasm before engaging in passionate and long-lasting sex. He even managed to provide you with pleasure in different positions, creating a heated atmosphere filled with sweat and loud moans.
And following three intense orgasms (and William remembering to use protection – points for that), you found yourselves lying together, engaging in conversation once more.
Surprisingly, he let you to spend the night, which contrasted with his usual approach to casual hook-ups.
However, in the morning, he woke up to find you were no longer there. And it stung a little. Even though he knew it might have been a one-time thing, a small part of him wished it could have been more. But after a sigh and accepting the reality, he noticed a post-it note on his nightstand.
"Sorry hockey star, had to leave. Last night was fun, so if you ever feel for some company again, just drop me a text ;) [your phone number] – y/n"
A grin spread across his handsome face as he read your note, and it didn't take long before he couldn't hold back and decided to text you.
Willy: Hey, want to maybe do it again sometime? 😉
Y/n: Who's this? 😅
Willy: William?
Y/n: Ah, the hockey star! Sorry, didn't have your number, so wasn't sure who was texting 😉
William facepalmed himself. Of course, you didn't recognise who was texting. He was the only one with your number, not the other way around.
Willy: Of course not, sorry 🙈
Y/n: No worries 😉 But sure, I'd love to do it again sometime – just let me know when you're free
William pondered for a moment. He had just over a week left in Toronto before heading to Sweden with Alex for the summer, so he knew he had to act fast.
Willy: How about tomorrow night? 😉
Y/n: Wow, you do not waste any time, do you 😂
Willy: I'm off to Sweden soon, gotta be quick 😉
Y/n: Well, in that case, I guess we'll have to make the most of it before you leave 😉 See you tomorrow night.
And indeed, you did.
In fact, you got to see all of William in his true naked form for most of the night. It started on the sofa, with fervent kissing leading to swift undressing, before heading back to his bedroom, you shed the rest of your clothes, keeping each other warm during passionate sex. Followed by a steamy shower and your second climax of the night.
And then a third one the following morning.
This time, waking up next to the handsome man, a smile graced your lips as you admired his features. William was a heavy sleeper, his muscular, slightly hairy chest rising and falling rhythmically, accompanied by deep snoring. He looked rather beautiful in his slumber, well, as beautiful as anyone can look while asleep. And then your attention was drawn to his morning wood, standing proudly under the sheets, almost inviting you to touch. However, you resisted the temptation, opting to let William continue sleeping while you slipped into his t-shirt from the previous night and made your way to his kitchen.
But as William then gradually woke up, his initial thought was that you had once again left without a word. And not finding a note this time, he assumed it might be the end of your encounter.
Yet, he heard faint sounds coming from the kitchen, and upon investigating, he discovered you standing by the counter, engrossed in your phone while enjoying a cup of coffee.
His husky morning voice greeted you with a smile and a tender kiss, followed by an embrace with his naked body.
And this time, you couldn't ignore his persistent erection.
Swiftly, William lifted you onto the counter, your lips connecting again as morning breath mingled, and his cock found your eager entrance.
And less than 48 hours passed before you were once again entwined with the Swedish lad.
You couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of it all - that what was initially meant to be a casual one-night stand had now led to spending your evening together with William for the third time within a week.
And this time, you were at your place cooking dinner. William had texted you while you were on your way home from the grocery store, and instead of just heading back to cook for yourself, he insisted on picking you up. Consequently, you found yourself preparing a meal for both of you.
Surprisingly, dinner turned out to be quite delightful, as you both realised that your connection wasn't solely based on incredible sex; you could engage in conversations about a variety of topics. Joke about almost anything. It was simple and yet wonderful. And of course, the evening then culminated in some of the most passionate sexual experiences you'd ever had - on your dinner table, in your bedroom, and then in the shower the following morning.
Sex with William felt like pure heaven. He wasn't just good-looking and a good fuck; he also took the time to explore every avenue of pleasure. Moreover, you felt completely at ease in his presence.
You could walk around in the naked without worrying about whether he liked your body or not. At least his unwavering hard-on’s around you seemed like a positive sign in your book.
And now a little over a week had passed since your very first encounter, and you found yourself back at William's place. You even got the chance to meet his brother Alex before the Pittsburgh player bid the two of you adieu for some alone time.
But this night wasn't about casual dinners or deep conversations. Nope, William was determined to spend every single minute indulging in your breathtaking body, ensuring he left you with an unforgettable sexual experience.
And let's just say, he absolutely succeeded.
The morning after, you practically felt numb in your lower regions and legs, as William had ensured you wouldn't forget him while he was in Europe for the off-season. He'd even left some love bites on your inner thighs and collarbone as a colourful reminder of your incredible time together.
Not that you minded one bit.
It was hard to imagine being with anyone else anytime soon. How could you? William had made you feel absolutely amazing for the past ten days. No one else could match up to his level.
And for the next few months, the two of you texted and called each other almost every single day, despite the time difference. Sometimes it was sexual, other times just a good chat about random things.
But most notably, his family seemed to catch on. And Alex naturally couldn't keep it to himself, which only encouraged their sisters and Rasmus Sandin to join in on the teasing. 
"Ooh, who is she?" Danielle quipped as William seemed glued to his phone whenever he knew you'd be awake.
"Is she your lover?" Stephanie added playfully.
"Or maybe a girlfriend even?"
"Or boyfriend?"
But William simply chuckled at their teasing, brushing it off as sibling love. He knew deep down they only wished for his happiness.
It was the first time William felt a genuine longing to return to Toronto that wasn't solely because of hockey. Usually, his time in Europe with family was so enjoyable that only hockey and his teammates made him miss life back in the Canadian city. But this time, he found himself looking forward to seeing you again.
And within just two days after he returned, he invited you back to his condo. He had missed you more than he had anticipated, and since you were now in the same time zone, he wanted to spend some non-virtual time with you. 
Especially because he knew the hockey season would kick off soon with camp, training, media commitments, workouts, and then the pre-season games. His hectic schedule would soon engulf him again, so he aimed to spend the little free time he had left by being with you.
And as the season began, William knew it was time to refocus his attention, as this season was pivotal, considering his contract extended to its end, and negotiations with the Toronto Maple Leafs’ manager loomed.
So, he brought his A-game, giving his all to ensure this would be his best season yet. But amidst the hard work, there was someone else on his mind: you.
He simply didn't want to let you slip away. Even with his demanding schedule making it tougher for you both to spend time together, he couldn't shake the desire to have you around.
And to his relief, you stuck by him.
Even if it meant coming over late at night, having quick sex, and bidding him goodbye in the morning as he had to rush for early training sessions.
However, a small part of you did feel a bit uncertain about it all. You wondered if you were investing too much of your time and emotions into a man, you weren't officially dating; someone with whom you only shared incredible sex with and spent countless hours talking. The few girlfriends you confided in warned you that you might be wasting your time on someone not serious about being with you. They cautioned that you might just be a pastime for him, similar to what frat boys would typically do.
"Don't fall for him! He'll just use you and then discard you like men always do with good-hearted girls," they warned out of care.
But despite the warnings from your friends, their words had no sway over your feelings towards William. Every moment spent with him felt incredibly worthwhile, regardless of the undefined status of your relationship.
However, then, a shift occurred in your situationship.
William extended an invitation for you to attend the home games at the Scotiabank Arena, offering you tickets you simply couldn't resist. So, naturally, you went on a Saturday night, followed by another visit on Monday, and then again on Friday.
And it was on that Friday that William decided to introduce you to his teammates, merely as a "friend" he was seeing. However, his teammates weren't easily fooled, and they quickly noticed how he looked at you, how his gaze never strayed from you, or his hands from your waist as you stood among the team and their partners.
Which naturally they all teased him with following that evening.
' Lover boy,' 'Romeo,' and various other playful jibes filled the locker room as William couldn't contain his smiles whenever your name came up or thoughts of you crossed his mind.
From that night, it was like something shifted within William. Strange emotions that had been lingering since that very first encounter in the bar. A blend of pleasure when thinking about everything concerning you and a hint of jealousy at the prospect of you spending time with someone other than him.
And casual sex was no longer going to suffice to cover these new, deeper feelings.
But like many other twenty-seven-year-old men, William found it challenging to articulate his deep feelings. It wasn't until the team's Captain took notice and decided to have a conversation with him about it, where he encouraged William to open up and simply tell you how he truly felt.
"So, have you told her how you feel?" John Tavares asked out of the blue during a training session while lacing up his skates next to William.
"No... I'm not sure what to say. I mean, I know I really like her... but I don't even know what we are…"
Despite feeling like you, both could discuss anything, the exact definition of your situationship was never explicitly mentioned.
"Just tell her that - that you like her a lot," John chuckled with a friendly shrug. "What else is there to it?"
So, on the following night, William invited you over to his condo, just like many times before. However, this time, you sensed a shift in his demeanour.
He arranged for take-out from his beloved sushi place, selected a movie, and set up the couch to create a cosy atmosphere for the two of you to snuggle up.
"Are you alright, Willy?" you chuckled lightly, surprised by his sudden change in behaviour. 
Well, truth be told, he still maintained his signature confident and smug expression, and initiating sexual gestures under the blanket. But it was after your passionate round of sex that his words altered everything between you.
Lying on your sides, facing each other with content smiles, sharing laughter and conversation as you often did, his gaze locked onto yours. 
"Y/n..." he began, taking a deep breath, gathering his thoughts and emotions. "I... think I like you. Like, a lot."
His voice was gentle and hesitant, his eyes searching for any signs of your reaction to his confession.
"Wait, the great hockey star of the Toronto Maple Leafs likes me?" you chuckled lightly, rising gently with a stretched arm to peer down at the man beside you.
"Yeah, I guess I do," he smiled up at you in his typically nonchalant manner.
"So, what does that mean - Are we dating? Like, tonight was a date?" your eyes sparkled with excitement as you awaited William's response, which prompted a nod from him.
"I'm not really good with words, you know... so I thought this was a way to let you know that I don't just want us to be friends with benefits."
And to put it mildly, the thrill of actually dating William Nylander led to another round of intimate bedsheet activity between you. 
However, dating with William wasn't exactly easy. It required flexibility, patience, honesty, and open communication - qualities that weren't always his forte. Yet, because you were both rather mad for each other, navigating his demanding schedule and his communication style seemed to work out reasonably well.
But despite the positive strides in your situationship, a part of you couldn't help but wonder what was going on in the mind of the Swede. Everything felt so right between you two. He introduced you to his team, took you out for dinner, and even entrusted you with a spare key to his condo. But neither of you had broached the serious question: what exactly were you to each other?
You found yourself grappling with the question: were you still just dating, or was it possibly something more? 
The uncertainty lingered, but you hesitated to ask William directly. You were afraid of potentially ruining the wonderful connection you shared, worried it might scare him off. Perhaps he wasn't ready for a serious relationship just yet, unwilling to commit fully or publicly declare himself as taken and no longer free to flirt with other girls.
So, you decided to let the issue rest and focused on enjoying the time you spent together.
That was until about two weeks later, after a Leafs game against the Penguins, where you were with William, meeting up with Alex and some of his teammates.
"Hey y/n, good to see you again," William's younger brother greeted you warmly with a gentle hug as you met him post-game.
"Good to see you too, Alex," you smiled back at him, and soon, some of his closest friends joined you in the arena's hall.
Naturally, William exchanged boyish handshakes with his friends. And then, to your surprise, they all turned to you with curious smiles.
"So, this is my girlfriend, y/n," William casually introduced you to the lads, and you had to control yourself, nearly choking on your own saliva at his words. Girlfriend?
The Pittsburgh players greeted you warmly, and you tried your best to casually return their friendly smiles, but inside, you were on the brink of losing it.
And after spending a little over an hour with the opposing team, as they eventually had to call it a night, you found yourself seated in William's car on the way back to his place. Throughout the ride, your mind raced with thoughts on how to bring up the topic but remained silent as you struggled to find the right words.
However, upon arriving at his condo, your face betrayed your curiosity more clearly than you intended.
"What?" William asked, puzzled by your intense expression.
"Girlfriend?" you pointed out, seeking clarification.
"What do you mean?" William responded, his brows furrowing in confusion, not quite grasping why you were so taken aback.
"Willy, you introduced me as your girlfriend to Alex and his friends…" you softly pointed out.
"Yeah, because you are my girlfriend..." William smiled, casually grabbing a few snacks from the cupboard.
"Wait, I'm your girlfriend?" you replied in surprise.
"Of course," he simply chuckled, leaning against the kitchen counter as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"What do you mean 'of course', Willy?" you were genuinely puzzled. "I didn't know we were... I mean, serious."
"Wait, so I'm not your boyfriend?" William asked with a soft laugh, while enjoying his Gifflar.
"Well, I don't know... I mean, we haven't really talked about it, since no one’s asked," you tried to explain your perspective.
But William just chuckled again. "Nobody asks anymore... do they?"
"Well, it might be a good idea to ask, considering I didn't know you thought that we were... together like that," you stood before him, expressing a hint of uncertainty with a soft smile.
"I mean… I just thought we were serious, you know, since we both like each other and we spend so much time together – like, you’re always here, and neither of us is seeing anyone else... right?" he explained, trying to clarify.
And William's smirk faded slightly as he started to realise that perhaps you weren't ready for exclusivity yet and might have considered seeing other people.
"Of course, Willy," you chuckled lightly, moving a step closer to him. "I'm just a little surprised that you thought we were, I don't know, in an actual relationship?"
His smile returned as he set aside his snacks, gently placing his hands on your hips.
"I'm sorry, y/n/n… I guess I was just so excited about it that I forgot to ask you... but yeah, I definitely think we’re in a relationship," he said warmly, locking eyes with you in a tender moment.
"Alright then… I guess I'm just a little clueless about these things and maybe a bit old-fashioned," you smiled up at him, running your hands up his chest and around his neck, drawing yourself nearer to him.
"Well, in that case… y/n y/l/n, will you be my girlfriend?" William gazed into your eyes intensely as he asked the question.
Pretending to consider it for a moment, you let out a light chuckle. 
"Yes, William Andrew Michael Junior Nylander Altelius, I'd like to be your girlfriend."
With wide smiles, you then sealed your commitment to each other with a deep, heartfelt kiss, solidifying your love and newfound official relationship status.
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jazminrhode1 · 9 months
Hi hello! Omg I luv ur writing so much especially what you write for Matt (matt girl over here :P). I was wondering if you could write something where Matt and the reader have feeling for each other but are sure if the other feels the same and then they get drunk (or not) and confess their feelings? SOmething like that? Thank you very very much!!
You Do Love Me, Right? Matt Sturniolo x Reader One Shot
Summary: You have chemistry with Matt but, you need to know how he feels.
Word Count: 1202 words
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As you walked into the party with all your friends, there were people everywhere. You grabbed your besties hand so that you wouldn’t be separated by the crowd. The house was tucked away in the Hollywood Hills and you weren’t exactly sure where you were. You certainly didn’t feel like you belonged there.
You felt like you could finally breathe when you made it to the backyard, away from the sweaty people dancing and blaring music. You could see all the lights of Los Angeles way out past the infinity pool. You were certain you didn’t belong here.
“Y/n!” you heard someone scream over the music and excited chatter. As you scanned the crowd on the back lawn, you saw Matt making his way toward you, followed closely by Nick and Chris.
“Y/n!” he called again, from a couple of feet away as he jogged over and pulled you into a hug. “I’m so glad you could make it,” he said as he stepped aside to let Nick and Chris in.
Matt was the main reason that you came to this party. You weren’t just friends, you weren’t dating, you were floating in the abyss somewhere inbetween. You could’t count the number of conversations that you had with just your eyes across rooms at parties just like this one. You were embarrassed at the number of times that you cancelled plans with your friends just so that you could see him. He had such a hold on you so much so that even the mention of his name made you dizzy. 
That wasn’t friendship right? Your friends didn’t call you up at all hours of the night just to ask you how you were. You didn’t fall asleep on FaceTime with your friends talking about Pokemon and all the ways that you related to Eeyore. Your friends didn’t leave their phone or keys on your countertop to have an excuse to come back after they left. You never felt like you had to hide your chemistry with your friends and the gentle touch of a hand didn’t make you want to die.
“What are you y’all doing?” Chris asked from the other side of the firepit. 
Matt was sitting beside you, his hands in his lap, a little too close for comfort. “What?” he asked, confused before he realized the room on the bench to his left. He locked eyes with you and slid over to make some more room for you and your friends.
“God, why don’t you sit on her fucking lap, dude?” Chris joked, followed by a smirk.
He always did that. You were both like magnets, drawn together. He always sat or stood a little too close. He always found moments to graze your arm or grab your hand in passing. It sent electricity pulsing through your body but, it was usually subtle enough for others not to notice.
A couple of songs later, you went with your friends to go and grab a drink from inside. Your friends cornered you and asked what was happening with Matt but, you just shrugged your shoulders and laughed it off.
To be quite honest you weren't sure what you were. You liked him and you could have sworn he liked you too. You loved him but, you weren’t sure if he loved you back.
You spent the rest of the night bumping into people you half knew and meeting others you had seen online. You knew people who would kill for an invite to this party but, this was just not your scene. If Matt wasn’t here you would have made up an excuse as to why you couldn’t go out tonight.
As you slipped away from your friends and snuck upstairs, you locked yourself in a half-bath in the hallway. You touched up your makeup in the mirror and sat on the marble vanity to catch your breath. You could have spent all night in here with him, hiding from everyone else and doing nothing.
That was the thing about Matt. You didn’t need to be doing anything at all to have fun. You liked his company. Nick and Chris thought that his stories were slow and unentertaining but, you could have listened to him talk all night.
As you scrolled through your phone you realised just how many memories you had with Matt. The picture of him asleep on your lap on the plane from LA to Boston. The picture you took of him from the passenger seat when you went for a drive to Malibu. There was the picture you took with a couple of fans that you met when you were out in Denver. There was the picture you took of him and the bouquet of flowers he got you for your birthday.
You didn’t know if it was the White Claw or if you were misreading the signs but, you could have convinced yourself that you and Matt had feelings for each other. Drunk at a party wasn’t exactly how you wanted to tell him how you felt. Fuck it. What did you have to lose?
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and texted Matt, “Where are you?”. “By the pool” he replied.
“You wanna get out of here?” he sent. “Meet you out front,” you sent back.
As he headed toward the front door he saw you coming down the stairs. He took your hand in his as you both raced through the yard and up the street toward his car. You had no idea how Nick and Chris were going to get home but, at this point, you didn’t care.
As you drove down Santa Monica Boulevard toward the beach, your stomach was turning. Were you really going to do this? Were you really going to risk it all? Did he even feel the same way? Were you sure of that? Your head began to spin and you weren’t sure if it was nerves of that fucking White Claw.
As he pulled into the parking lot, you saw the moon reflect off the ocean. Now was as good a time as any to tell him how you felt. At least if he didn’t feel the same there was enough alcohol in your system to shield the blow to your ego. Before you worked up the nerve, he turned his whole body to face you.
“I keep telling myself that I might be crazy and that this might be nothing at all,” he started, “But, Y/n, when I’m with you… There’s something here, right?”
You nodded slowly.
“Ok, because we’ve been laughing it off for a while and I wasn’t sure but, you do love me, right?” he paused.
You nodded again. “You love me?” he asked.
“I love you, Matt,” you said as your lips crashed with his. Your face was in his hands and you climbed onto his lap.
After what felt like forever, you pulled away, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. His gaze penetrated your soul as he said the words you had always wanted to hear from his lips and his lips only.
“God, I fucking love you, Y/n,” he said.
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hueningsloverr · 8 months
౨ৎ playing roblox w/ txt !
pairing : ot5 x reader  summary : how i think roblox with tubatu would go!! word count : 0.4k
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choi soobin -
he's a natural disasters kind of guy
like an og, 2015 roblox player
i think he probably played a LOT with kai during their trainee days
he doesn't really branch out and try new things
controversial, but most likely to get his account banned
he'd rage, once in a while
just let it all out
kai and gyu wouldn't listen during practice today? tyun wasn't feeling good? jjunnie was out doing something else?
bottled up emotions would come just flying out
very quick to apologise + very embarrassed
choi yeonjun -
flee the facility type of guy
“its not that serious”
screams, cries, and throws his computer across the room
tyun at some point has had to restrain him
but he always spares you whenever you're on diff teams <3
until he doesn't
so quick to switch up
but at the end of the day, to him it is actually just a game
he'll use it to make destroy gyu or kai sometimes
but he doesn't care that much
he just likes getting to spend time with you
choi beomgyu -
he would BEG to play adopt me
lowkey would just want to scam kids
but you would do it together <3
would also adore those silly roleplay games (where he gets to grill 7 year olds taking their online relationship too seriously)
whenever you two play you have to make sure he doesn't say anything that would get his account banned
def has like 10 burner accounts
he rotates hating on kids and getting suspended
most likely to have moa find his account tbh
he like barely hides it
kang taehyun - 
he would be so contempt playing some sort of chill vibe game
you guys would sit for hours just chatting away listening to the music
then he'd ask to play toh
would beat ur ass
and would laugh abt it.
gyu is definitely his mentor
you will catch this man 'studying' each map
learning how to beat the levels as fast as possible
just wants to prove he's the best in some way🤧
huening kai -
the type to play royal high and love it
he'd have a cute little avatar and everything
the type to buy female sets
100% an og player
and 100% hates the new updates
“its so expensive~”
has over 2M diamonds
literally has every gamepass under the sun
probably started playing with hiyyih while he was a trainee
so they could still bond and have their ‘special’ thing
but of course you're allowed to play
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authors note: im in such a slump right now that all ive been doing is homework and playing roblox, so take a 3 AM draft all about txt and roblox 😻
©2023 — all rights reserved to hueningsloverr , please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Can you do the tf2 mercs walking on their crush (m!reader) masturbating
includes scout, medic, spy, sniper, engi, demoman, heavy, soldier
minors dni
Oh. God.
Immediately slams the door with a loud "SORRY"
thinks he has a heart attack, but honestly? he was okay to die happy then and there.
Scout's always been a bit of a voyeur anyway, and just accidentally bursting in to see his totally-not man crush jerking it? Jeremy nearly jumped into bed too.
the image will randomly appear in his mind over the next few weeks, causing his face to burn bright red for a moment.
He can't look you in the eye for about a week, let alone talk to you.
the memory totally locks into his jerk it material for the next week.
honestly? mans would probably just continue on about what he was doing. crush or not, medic is a busybody.
"Oh no no, I don't mind, anyway I've been looking for my forceps and I was here last-"
Internally screaming fr
totally gossips to Archimedes
Ludwig makes sly comments after catching you about how your stress levels seem lower.
may or may not brush up on your thighs a little more during medical procedures
Asks to inspect your dick fr
"Whoops, sorry mate, didn't know." Externally as he shuts the door
Warns other people not to bother you, and if someone's insistent, he shuts them down with an evil look in his eye. "I said he's busy."
He thinks the little yelp you let out was too fucking cute.
Whenever he thinks about it, he hides his face in his hat
He feels like such a gross pervert because he's aroused by seeing you, especially since it was an accident.
doesn't talk to you ever again but you have a much taller and deadlier shadow that follows you. Not that you mind or anything, but a "hi" would be nice.
"Nice cock, mind if we compare?"
Very easygoing, might even slip in a coy "aww, without me?" to ease the tension.
He still asks the question he had tho, not really bothered by the situation
"Eh, we all jerk off. It's not a big deal"
Still shuts the door after you throw a pillow at him as he laughs
as soon as the door shuts, his brain finally comes back online.
Tavish teases you constantly after, maybe using the accident to drop a few sly flirty lines your way.
makes fun of your dick size on reflex. sorry i dont make the rules.
"I'll show you a man's cock!" energy, but still respects your dignity and leaves you to yourself.
assures you that it's all natural, and that every man gets horny.
Yes, even him. Especially after he saw what you looked like.
The way your face turned red and you yanked the blankets up, god, he was an awful person.
loudly clears his throat before he leaves, but the blush is still able to be seen.
you can see the tent in his pants, poor man couldn't hide it if he tried.
he didn't mean to, really! He just wanted to see if you were still interested in weapon upgrades!
He just... froze. You couldn't tell exactly where he was staring, but he was definitely staring at you. You shout at him to leave when his brain finally starts working again
"oh my god I'm so sorry I'll leave-" SLAM
absolutely tries to block out the memory and shames himself for being a peeping tom and refuses to touch himself to the thought.
You get a lot of gifts at your room for your weapon
Jane accidentally lets EVERYONE know about what you're doing.
You tell him to shut up, he gets onto you about back talking a member of the army.
He realizes what you're doing immediately, but powers through the feeling of discomfort for the sake of "not having favorites"
you are absolutely his favorite though
Whenever Soldier decides to mess around, on those blue moon events, he thinks of you and your chest/torso. good god, you are hot.
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stormblessed95 · 5 months
"I'm glad I checked why tkk was trending only to see Tae and JK stuck with each other in whole LA and LV concerts.."
Here I was, drinking a cappuccino and eating animal cookies, and I nearly had coffee going up my nose from the way I snorted after reading that.
as someone who was at the concerts for both LA and LV - a total of 2 in each location, let me tell you rn that social media is a trap. I think I even mentioned this after attending the LV concert; whatever moments people catch and put online can be overtly exaggerated and often times missed because things move way too fast during a concert.
and on social media those moments are glorified and used to prove whatever someone wants to prove depending on the agenda they have, but IRL it's so much different.
You wanna know about tension, jk sitting on tae's lap was literally that of two people just chilling and listening, there was absolutely nothing in the air during that. But you wanna know about jk going over to jimin and placing his arm around him and staring, was palpable in the ear and bitches (it's me, i'm one of the bitches) that was screaming because it literally came out of nowhere.
but the thing is people use those very valid moments that should celebrate tae and jk's friendship and how comfortable they are, and instead put a romantic connotation behind it.
and i've said it before jimin and jungkook antis wouldn't know romance if it you in the face with a semi truck, that's how obtuse people are. I wouldn't even said that y'all have blinders on, you're wearing glasses and they're as opaque as Vantablack.
people really just say anything on the internet so they can come off as edgy and different and unique and cool, when really, all they accomplish is making me feel sorry for the fact that you'll fall for anything. I get it though, that's what happens when you cant think for yourself.
I'm going back to my coffee and animal cookies, because one cat cookie has more substance than the lot of you.
ahhhh man I can't add a gif..... *sigh* picture me showing a cat cookie slowly being dunked into a coffee cup!.
Hmm, i don't have that gif, but I'll give you spirited away tea and cake? 🥰
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sleep-can-wait · 7 months
So lately life has been shit.
I honestly thought it'd get better so I didn't really say much but it hasn't so yeah. I have boards coming up (common knowledge at this point) and it's so stressful everyday I feel like crying. The teachers scream at you to get out of their classroom if you so much as turn your head to look at the person back of you because I guess they're stressed too over boards.
The amount of homework I have is piling so high it could touch a cloud eveyday I have to complete, what, 5 past papers that each take 1 hour minimum long? There's so much to do and impossible headlines and all the teachers are acting so terrible and strict and every single fucking day I dread entering a classroom.
If I don't do the homework on time a disappointment I'm not taking anything seriously I'm a failure I have 10 papers each 40 questions long to complete in 2 days I can't do it that fast.
To make it worse I barely am at home cuz I'm running around to get my eyes checked, fix my glasses, do the groceries, and other random shit I have no time for.
I stay up to 2 am every night trying to complete everything and my body has taken a toll and I'm starting to get really sick plus my periods have started and the week before I had awful pre- period cramps and my stomach feels like its getting stabbed over and over again every minute of every day.
I'm scared I'm terrified I'm so so so stressed it's all getting to ridiculously large and I shake every time I'm about to enter a classroom because goddamn have the teachers's blood pressure skyrocketed.
That's why I no longer read Aru Shah fanfic or am no longer active on wattpad. That's why I keep disappearing for long periods of time with no explanation and don't have the time to catch up on everything I missed once I come back. That's why I'm so isolated from everyone and no longer deserve the title Archivist.
It's up to you guys to feel whether I should keep the title of Archivist in this fandom or not. Whatever your decision is, I'll accept it and I do understand completely why. I'll just revert back to my og nickname as Sleep because honestly, I need that shit right now.
No, this isn't goodbye, it's just why I'm so unactive and maybe why I'll be a little less online from here. It's why I don't really participate in the discussions this fandom has anymore, and trust me when I say it shatters my heart to be so alone and far away in this fandom. It's hella lonely and sometimes I feel like I should just quit and leave because being left out is my greatest fear. But I won't. At least not yet.
Thank you for reading.
-Your Local Archivist (probably won't be that for much longer though)
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everybodyshusband · 1 month
cold love hot blood
dewdrop, dewdrop & mountain (the band ghost)
mature | gen. | 7.2k words | hurt no comfort, self harm, graphic descriptions of blood/injury, dead dove: do not eat, self-hatred, circular narrative, water ghoul dew, unreliable narrator
—i posted this fic to my ao3 almost a year ago then took it down but it's going back up all because three whole people said they'd be interested to see it back up ksdfjsdfj please mind the tags, know your limits and if you're not in a place where it's safe for you to read this fic then please don't. compromising your safety for a work of fiction isn't worth it i promise you. come back later (or not at all if that's what's best for you <3)
*disclaimer that is mostly for the tumblr staff in the event of an(other) attempted nuking of my account: this is NOT "content that urges or encourages others to: cut or injure themselves; or commit suicide rather than, seeking counselling or treatment." i believe in and support recovery and this is a fictional narrative depicting a person who is not yet at that stage, which i believe is an important story to tell in regards to "joining together in supportive conversation with those suffering or recovering from depression or other conditions" as well as opening up a "dialogue about these behaviours" as they are indeed "incredibly important" and i do believe that "online communities can be extraordinarily helpful to people struggling with these difficult conditions." (quotes taken directly from the guidelines you so kindly sent me a few months ago)
snippet and ao3 link under the cut !!
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It takes a while, but when Dewdrop doesn’t respond, Mountain’s voice drops in volume when he next speaks, presumably making sure no one else will be able to hear him. How considerate, Dewdrop thinks, his internal voice dripping with sarcasm. “I’m not leaving until I know you’re going to be safe, and if that means I have to break this door down to get to you, mark my words, droplet, I will.”
With all the events of today swirling around in his head, Dewdrop barely registers the words; they float into his head, muffled, as if he’s underwater. He doesn’t know what drowning feels like in this body—and he knows he never will, that it’s just not possible for a water ghoul to drown, no matter how much he may wish he could—but he’s sure it can’t be dissimilar to this. He can’t hear. He can’t see.
He can’t breathe.
Everything’s catching up to him again. The emotions from earlier that caused him to do this in the first place—gone for the short while in which he turned his efforts towards self-mutilation are—now returning in full force. And that, along with the sting in his arms and thighs, and Mountain’s apparent concern for him are just too many things for his fucked-up, rotted-through, useless self to handle all at once. Dewdrop knows the earth ghoul doesn’t really care. All he’s doing is dishing out mandated, insincere affections in the hopes that Dewdrop will believe him and Mountain will be able to avoid the trouble of having to deal with the water ghoul properly later on after a reprimand from their Papa. After all, he’s just Dewdrop. Why would Mountain even care anyway?
Dewdrop really doesn’t know what to do. There’s so much happening in his head, and he doesn’t know how to handle any of it. He squeezes his eyes shut tightly, raising his arms to dig the palms of his hands as harshly as he can against the sockets. Maybe if he pushes his eyes back into his skull he won’t have to see the messes he’s created; the web of lies that Mountain has been slowly unravelling without Dewdrop’s knowledge, and the crimson glazed tiles he’s standing on. He keeps his eyes closed but removes his palms from where they’re putting pressure on the sockets and fights back the urge to scream. When he finally opens his eyes again, the room spins in front of him and he feels himself slump against the sink, trying and failing to catch himself with weak arms before he falls. He knocks something off the sink in his fruitless effort to keep himself upright, and whatever it is clatters to the floor alongside Dewdrop, smashing everywhere. It must have been the ceramic soap dispenser the new air summon had so painstakingly made barely a week ago. She’d spent hours fussing over every little detail, taking days to create a proper design, never resting until she was sure it was perfect. It’s broken now. Irreparable. Useless. At least we match, Dewdrop thinks, somewhat deliriously. His blade clatters against the broken clay as it falls to the floor alongside him. It’s not of any consequence. It’s only his lifeline after all.
[read the rest on ao3 !!]
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