mrplantfr · 6 months
Bro, WATCH BECKY PRIM. I've been watching it since 2023 every day and its SO FUNNY AND AMAZING. Its kind of a safe thingy for me. I know what to expect, i know I love it, its comforting. What gets me mad is that it doesn't have a fandom. Go watch becky prim on YouTube, please and thank u
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pinkaditty · 1 year
Hi, hi!
I loved your perverted obey me brothers and you catching them with your underwear. Will you make a part 2 with the other dateables?
If not, no worries!!
I love your work and I hope you have a nice day!
anon. did u know that ur my first ask? did u know that anon? ily. i've been thinking abt this ask since i saw i first got it. i never knew getting an ask could be so euphoric.
Pervert (Obey Me: Shall We Date) Part 2!
summary: you are suspecting that someone is stealing your underwear. it will go missing and randomly reappear like it was never gone. you pretend not to notice, but set a little trap for the culprit… and catch them red handed.
a/n: folks. wow. i did not expect part 1 to be soso popular omg!! ily guys thanks so much for enjoying my stuff waaaah! sorry this second part took so fucking long man so much shit happened. like sooo much im so tired. anyways. here. this part includes the royals, angel, and human. ill be back with the others (thirteen, mephisto, and raphael) soon! they may be slightly ooc bc im unfamiliar with them but ill do my best! also im like literally praying that the characters i wrote here aren't ooc. I tried SO hard please lmk if they are. <;/3
content warning: as usual fem!mc unless you like to imagine yours as a crossdresser (mc's physical attributes are not mentioned but fem undergarments are), and suggestive nsfw content! lmk if there's anything i missed :(
read part 1 here!
For a short while, you had been reassigned to stay at Purgatory Hall/The Demon Lord’s Castle/wherever else the Dateables are due to Satan having accidentally destroyed your section of the House of Lamentation. No big deal, but all of the brothers were less than happy to see you go. It’s okay, though. You’ll be fine among the others…
The story is the same, of course. You think someone has been nicking your intimates in their spare time. Which is, of course, strange but simultaneously exciting. 
You decide to set a trap to find out who they are, leaving your hamper full of clothes in the washroom before leaving to grab some scent beads. When you return, as expected, you can hear someone rifling through your intimates, but it’s not rushed. Rather, it’s calm and calculated, as though said person was desperate to not be heard. You decide to wait outside the door for them. Once they collect the spoils of their work, they quietly slip through the door, only to find you leaning against the wall outside, looking at them expectantly. Your arms are crossed and you’re tapping your fingers on your arm. You raise an eyebrow at them, stifling the urge to cackle at their panicked expression.
“Explain yourself, pervert.” 
You know, simultaneously, you expected him and didn’t expect him at all - at the same time. It wasn’t exactly a secret that Dia was fascinated with humans, especially with you, but… To such lengths? Really? If only Barbatos could see him now. 
For a man that loves to talk… He sure is speechless now.
He’s frozen. The panicked expression remains on his face, his eyes flickering from the surrounding hallways and walls to you, to the floor, and back to the hallways. If there was a way out, he couldn’t find it. Before long, he deflated, resigning to looking down, a pitiful pout on his face. You got the feeling it was partially for show, though.
He whimpered like a hurt puppy before muttering a very formal apology. Keeping his head down, he held out the panties towards you. As you watch him, you realize this man has probably rarely ever felt shame before. It's almost entertaining - watching his eyes spin as he tries to adjust to feeling this way. Though he tries to hide it, you can hear his heaving breaths from here. He was ashamed. You could tell he wasn't ashamed for his actions; rather, he was ashamed because he was caught.
The thought makes you want to laugh, and you do, snatching the panties from his waiting hand. He looks up as you laugh, confused, his lips in a soft pout. His eyes almost look teary, as though he's that sad that you're laughing at him. You stifle your laughter with a hand and wave it off, walking past him into the laundry room to put your panties back in the hamper. Once your laughter dies out, you don't face him, but you do speak to him, knowing he is listening.
"Dia, the next time you find yourself fascinated with me, you can just ask. I'll be happy to spare a worn pair for your sake." 
You hear a surprised gasp, a shuffling of feet, and a relieved exhale. You turn to him, finally, to see him bowing his head in thanks. He's biting his lip and his face is bright red. Probably too embarrassed to make eye contact. He covers his mouth with his hand, muffling his words before speaking.
"Thank you, MC, for letting this slide… And please, don't tell Barbatos…" His face burns red at his final words, and you smile, amused.
"Don't worry, I won't tell." You wink at him before returning to your laundry, hearing his hesitant steps as he walked away.
He's frozen. Mortified. He stands there, rooted to the spot like a statue of stone. He stammers out your name in surprise, nervously shifting his gaze from you to your surroundings. He clears his throat, holding a hand up to his lips, and keeps it there, as though attempting to hide his growing blush. "I-I deeply apologize, MC. I should not have been here… You were not meant to see me… " He sounds out of breath, his words light and mumbled.
He turns away from you at an angle, shutting his eyes tight and keeping his hand in front of his face. You watch him take deep breaths and attempt to steady himself and regain his composure. You had to admit, watching him fumble through such an embarrassment was awfully entertaining. His chest visibly rose and fell with each audible breath. He gently teetered on his feet, as though he could fall over if he couldn't keep up. What a sight to behold, Barbatos at a loss for words and composure. 
You approach him quietly, walking slowly to prevent the click of your shoes from being heard. You know that while he can't hear you, he can feel you, and he knows you're close. He shuffles backwards shyly, attempting to replace the distance you remove with every step. Ultimately, however, he is too slow, and you manage to get close enough to him, cornering him against a wall inside the laundry room. You make no effort to cage him in, but simply watch as he continues to attempt to get ahold of himself. He swallows thickly and slowly opens his eyes, calming down. He lowers his hand back to his side, and looks at you levelly, his expression still embarrassed but not mortified any longer. You smile, raising an eyebrow.
"I'd like my panties now, thanks." You hold out a hand expectantly, and Barbatos obliges, pulling the panties from his coat pocket and placing them in your waiting hand, all signs of embarrassment gone from his face, replaced by his trademark smile instead. His ears however, were a dead giveaway, as the tips of them remained red. You simply chuckle and lean away from him, humming in thanks and placing them back into the hamper. He moves to assist you with your clothes, and does so efficiently, though you watch him carefully to ensure his nimble fingers don’t grab hold of anything else without your permission. When the task is finished, he bows respectfully.
“Is there anything else I can assist you with, MC?” 
You shake your head, smiling. “No, but thank you, Barbatos.”
With that done, his ears still burning red and his smile faltering slightly, he moves to leave. You stop him, grabbing his arm as he passes you. He looks back at you curiously, embarrassment still painted on his face. “And, please, ask me next time.” You smile, your eyes filling with mirth. “I’d be happy to give you a pair later as thanks for your assistance.”
He swallows thickly and his eyes widen. He bites his lip before nodding, thanking you briskly, and walking away hurriedly, his face red.
You think you see a flash of lace in his back pocket as he leaves, but maybe you’re imagining it...
Now, this was a surprise. The angel? Really?
He yelps in surprise, fumbling with the panties and dropping them on the ground, hiding his face in his hands and backing into a wall. He’s visibly shaking, his hands trembling as he hides behind them, not even peeking out to observe your reaction. His knees wobbled and he began to shrink in on himself, eventually kneeling on the floor. You watch him wordlessly, amused. He’s unexpectedly quite dramatic. 
After a few moments, you hear him mumbling to himself. Confused, you tentatively approach him, listening carefully. You catch little bits of what he’s saying before kneeling down, to which he shrinks further and his mumbling speed increases. Then it hits you. He’s… praying.
He’s literally fucking praying. 
You are so thoroughly amused at this that you want to laugh, but you wonder if being a victim of the wrath of Simeon or the almighty was worth it, so you decide against it. You stifle and disguise your laugh as clearing your throat, doing a comically loud “Ahem” to get Simeon’s attention.
Not one to be disobedient, he stops his muttering and slowly lifts his head to look at you. You smile smugly at him, your eyes narrowing with mirth. You reach out towards him and gently touch his chin. He flinches, but doesn’t pull away, looking between your fingers and your face curiously. You hold his chin and lift it upwards, and he follows your movements, adjusting himself so it’s easier to peer upwards at you. You smile wider, even more amused than before. 
“I don’t think that’ll work down here, Simeon.” Your voice is low and taunting, and Simeon gulps, his eyes still not leaving yours. He still doesn’t say anything, merely trembles, as though he were being judged.
Maybe he was, a little bit, but favorably so. It’s not everyday you’d find an angel ballsy enough to do this, right?
You tut at him, clicking your tongue and shaking your head disapprovingly. “Oh, Simeon…” You put on a fake pout, looking at him with pity in your eyes. “Don’t you know better than to do this?”
“Ugh…” Simeon bites his lip. His eyebrows furrow and his mouth creases downwards into a pathetic expression. You continued to stifle your laughter by biting the inside of your cheek. However, you are ultimately unsuccessful and end up bursting into an amused smile and a few breathy chuckles at him. 
When your laughter dies down, you look at him, still holding his chin. “Come now, Simeon.” You smile, winking at him. “All you have to do is ask… If you‘d like another pair.”
Simeon sucks in a breath in shock, and his eyes widen as he looks at you. He suddenly scrambles to his feet, straightening up, his head still bent forward in embarrassment. 
“I-I’m sorry, MC! It won’t happen again!” He swiftly walks past you, not looking at you and barely opening his eyes enough to see, narrowly missing the wall in his rush to leave. You listen to his retreating footsteps and only laugh. Maybe you’d drop by his room later and give him a gift.
Shameless. But he’s old and barely human. He’s also the worst.
He doesn’t react much besides his initial panicked reaction, which soon melts into mirth, a smug smile appearing on his face. He’s confident, but not that confident. His exaggerated smug smile twitches at the corners and his face remains flushed a deep red. He dramatically clears his throat and smiles coyly, the picture of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. “Ah…” He starts, shrugging his shoulders, still smiling, the corners of his lips still twitching. His voice shakes just slightly. “You got me!”
Your face can’t seem to decide if it wants to fall into a disappointed expression at his brazen admission or burst into a fit of laughter at his obvious fear. Instead, it seems to settle on a pitying smirk, and you have to stop it from turning into a full on grin. You sigh and shake your head, not super surprised. 
You approach him, and he visibly stiffens, but his arrogance forces him to stay in place, his confidence crumbling at your certainty. When you stand just in front of him, you hold out your hand, a smug look on your face. “I’ve got you indeed! Hand them over.” Your words are quick and terse, smug smile and knowing look still on your face. Solomon swallows, and looks to the side, gently dropping the panties into your hands. He makes no move to look at you again after that, still facing you but looking away. 
You scoff as you watch him simply stand there. You find it amusing, but you are also dissatisfied at his lack of retorts. You put your hands on your hips and smirk, attempting to provoke him. “Hm. I’d expect a panty thief to be more ballsy. What, cat got your tongue?” Your smug smile only grows and your eyes narrow with mirth. His confidence almost seems to fully crumble under your gaze, and he relents, his blush spreading all across his face. Yet still, he remains silent.
You approach further, your steps slow and deliberately intimidating. He’s rooted to the spot, unable to move, still frantically finding anything to gaze at instead of you. Eventually you stand mere centimeters from him, your body just barely touching his. You smirk at him and lean your head forward, blowing on him before pulling back. He flinches immediately, startled, and bumps into the wall behind him. You giggle at him, thoroughly amused at his frantic nerves. He looks at you pathetically, lips red from worrying at them with his teeth, pupils blown wide, red blush from his forehead to his neck. 
“Aw, don’t look at me like that~!” You tease him, pressing your finger into his cheek. He watches you warily, seemingly at a loss for words. Your lips pull into a wicked smile. “How long has it been, hm?”
Immediately his eyes widen and he stammers out some indignant words, trying to deflect and explain himself. You only laugh at his stammered words, and he eventually stops, worrying at his lips again with his teeth. “Oh, don’t worry, I imagine you have plenty of escapades. But why couldn’t you just ask me?” You tilt your head at him, looking at him with hooded eyes. “Hm? It couldn’t have been that hard to just ask.”
Surprisingly, he only sighs and shakes his head, blush still present. “My dear apprentice, I am only human. Even I still don’t know how to properly act in the face of attraction.” A small, wobbly smile pulls at his lips before he purses his lips again, biting down to stifle any further words. His answer was straightforward, but you can tell he is still nervous. His breathing remains heavy, his eyes are still wide, and he’s still covered in a crimson blush. You laugh again.
Instead of teasing him further, though you really want to, you smile. “Well, now you know. Simply ask, Solomon. I am willing to help you… if you want me to.” You smile before turning away, dropping the panties into your clothes hamper, and starting the wash. It takes Solomon a moment to snap out of it and leave, but he does. You could feel his eyes on you and his magic still lingers in the air.
a/n: *super saiyan yells* thank you for reading waaaaaah! i did my best and im soso sorry if any of these characs are ooc... if they are too ooc i might actually rewrite it fr im so scared :(
anyways as usual feedback is always appreciated, and so are comments, likes, reblogs and asks! (especially asks) please show me your appreciation! i love to know i've done a good job.
@ikevampharem asked to be tagged :3!
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eternity-111 · 5 months
just because of a T-shirt!
NSFW! minors scroll down ⊹
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ you found out that ur favorite t-shirt is missing.. until you come across leviathan. (GN readers x leviathan)
nsfw, blow job, masturbate, getting caught ✧
please don't mind the grammar </3
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After a long day of school, you were so tired that you didn't even have the energy to do your chores and all you wanted to do was play some video games with Levi.
Once you get inside your room, you quickly close the door and quickly change into your go-to outfit. You open your wardrobe to get your favorite shorts, it was a black short with a white stripe on both sides. Next, you reach over to get your favourite t-shirt, A shirt that Levi gifted you last Valentine's Day. But the thing is.. you can't find them...? "I'm sure yesterday I put them here.." you said to yourself. Maybe.. it's on your bed? you quickly head over to your bed but again, no luck. "How about I check my wardrobe again" With an annoyed face, you walk towards the wardrobe and continue to search. it's been 10 mins and you still can't find it! too tired to think of anything, you decided to just wear a tank top. Hey, at least you're wearing something right?
After changing, you headed out to play video games with Leviathan. walking down the hallway you suddenly met Asmo, "Hey hon! Where are you going to~?" You told him that you were heading towards Leviathan's room. "Oh well~ He might be in the middle of an intense battle fight, or maybe exercising~ who knows! but I heard him panting and making weird noises a lot in there..." Asmo replied to you with a smirk and you started to feel suspicious but you brushed it off. Continue walking you wondered what is Levi doing right now. What video games made him make weird noises?! Or is he actually exercising secretly in his room?? Before you can answer your thoughts, you realize that you are now facing the door.
Reaching out for the doorknob you suddenly heard him doing something.. Maybe Asmo was right? You really think that he's in the middle of an intense battle, you don't want to disturb him because you know how important that battle is for him. Especially in situations like this where he's clearly panting..or.. moaning? Hmm.. I don't know maybe you shouldn't open the door or you should? such a curious little sheep. Carefully, you open the doorknob and you see him, yes Levi at his desk, sitting. So he is not exercising, Ha! you knew it but.. you see that his computer is just showing his wallpaper and wait... he's not playing anything! To get a better view, you walked inside.
"Y-y/n..." oh? why is he saying your name? "f-fuck.. y/n.. I need you.. ngh.." yes. he's moaning your name. That's what Asmo meant by "weird noises". And is he masturbating?! while calling your name??! And oh.. wait, is that your missing t-shirt!? trying to get a better look, you carefully walk towards him, you are now behind the one and only, leviathan. His hand is stroking his penis while the other one is holding your T-shirt. Watching him masturbate himself while he's thinking of you surely turns you on. "Y/N..." Without scaring him, you answered him softly into his ears, "Yes? Do you need anything~?" He was so shocked that the flickered, it's not that you scaring him it's just that your voice was so... soft & hot plus.. he didn't know you that watched him jacking off!
"Y-Y/N?! what are you doing here?" while still holding your shirt, looking behind him and he saw you standing so confidently and your eyes.. damn they are so alluring. After looking at you, he quickly hides his penis with the t-shirt he was holding. But you don't want him to do that. you are now in front of him, "I-im so s-sorry I promise it's no-" "Shh, relax. I wanted to help you" cutting his words off, and slowly uncovering his cock. You are now on your knees, and his penis is in your hands. twitching by your sensation. You look up just to see him blushing all over you, you opened up your mouth and suck him off while still holding that eye contact. Shit that turns him on ever more! His size is big but you can still manage to suck most of it in your mouth without gagging. a few minutes later, his breathing changes. from normal to heavy. closing his eyes as took your hair and pulled you even more deeper into him, such a needy little guy. As a response, you whimpered and gagged because you never go this far.
"l-levi.." "s-shut up, don't talk. it makes me turn on even more." And you obey. Still pulling your hair but this time, faster. you can't help but moan so much just by sucking his cock off! you wondered what it feels like to put him deep inside you. groaning at the sensation, he became even more fast and you know that he is close. all you need to do is to make him cum! that's your only job. he opened his eyes and said "Look at me"You obeyed before finally releasing his cum straight to your throat! it's so warm.. you took his cock out of your mouth while closing your eyes. coughing at his cum but you can't let anything spill out! he grabs your chin and look at you directly into your eyes. "look at me and drink my cum" he can be sooo demanding sometimes but that's what makes him hot. You open your eyes and swallow all of it. such a good little lamb. after swallowing his cum, you showed him off by opening your mouth and taking your tongue out. As an approval he kisses you, and you softly moan. He lifts you up to make you sit face to face with him on his chair just for him to kiss all over your neck. And he can tell that you are turned on right now. "I'll help you next, don't worry." you did so good that he wanted to reward you, your job is done now! or maybe not?
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aliaology · 11 months
hello! i love all your writing so far, and i was wondering if you could write for trevor zegras? just like, a bunch of fluff and being at the hughes lake house. if not, it’s fine!!
ofc ♡ just beware i dont know trevor as well as i know the hughes brothers so ill do my best!
also tysm for ur support like actually— i just started on tumblr so this makes me feel so good 😭🤍
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summary: reader and trevor are secretly dating and need to keep quiet!
pairings: trevor zegras x cousin hughes!fem!reader
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the thrill of hiding your relationship felt exciting but so terrifying. although your cousins, cole and alex weren’t the brightest, they weren’t stupid either. they could catch on easily if you or trevor slipped up.
thankfully, neither of you have, yet. you kept everything behind closed doors, as much as you could. but thankfully, you got plenty of time with him, alone.
around 10:30 pm, everyone would be sound asleep. except for you and trevor. you two would giggle as you snuck outside and to the docks. you’d sit at the edge, your side pressed far into his. your hands would be intertwined.
his thumb would rub the side of your hand gently, in a calming manner that made you feel safe. your head would fall onto his shoulder and both of your legs would be ankle deep into the water unless it was too cold.
you two would sit in silence, watching the world around you change. watching the stars light up the night sky. he would watch the little balls of light reflect in your eyes. you would watch the way the waves moved slightly. he would fall in love with you. you would hold onto him tighter, and fall in love with him.
in the mornings, you would be up by 5:00 am, before the rest. you took morning runs and would make breakfast for everyone, in silence. that was until trevor adapted to your schedule, so he could have more time with you. there were days he would stay by himself though, allowing you to have time to yourself because you never get those.
when it was midday, and the boys were out and about, he would steal small kisses from you when no one was looking or around. whether it be in the hallway when you two pass each other, before you go to the bathroom, in the kitchen when he’s the last one out. one time you two almost got caught because he decided to kiss you right with the boys in front of you.
quinn thought it was too quiet and turned around, thankfully you two were paying attention.
you’ve had many, many close calls.
“trevor they’re right next door.” you quietly laughed. his smile sent you over the moon as he gazed down at you.
“oh come on— they think im in the bathroom, just let me kiss you” he said in a hushed voice.
you let out a laugh as his head ducked down and his lips met yours. your arms hung loosely around his neck.
you two kind of set yourself up for this. the door was wide open as you two kissed in the middle of it. “how long does it take to piss, dude?” jacks voice rang through the house, muffled by his door.
“ill check on him” quinns muffled groan followed, along with his footsteps.
you two immediately jumped apart, you rushed quietly to your bed, sitting down and grabbing your journal, making it look like you were writing but stopped to talk to trevor, who leaned against your doorframe.
quinn opened the door and saw trevor against your doorframe. “dude, what are you doing?” he questioned.
“talking to y/n… why?” trevor asked.
quinn gave him a weird look before slowly shrugging. “just wondering… you coming back in?”
trevor nodded and went back in the room.
all in all, you and trevor were not the stealthiest when it came to your relationship. lets hope it stays that way.
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might do a part two where everyone finds out xx
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brandogenius · 7 months
Hey could you do boygenius x sick younger artist reader, maybe it’s kind of the beginning of the tour so ya is still kind of shy and intimated by them so they try to hide it until they just can’t anymore and they boys kind of watch of them and take care of them and it becomes like a bonding experience , super excited for you to write the boygenius x ya reader fic series I love ur page and am always checking to see if you’ve updated ❤️❤️
EEEE!!!! i had a lot of fun with this one!! i’m sorry if it’s really long i got carried away!!
consider this part 1 of the young artist au :D an introduction
“fresh soup”
the boys & younger!artist reader!
Part 2 here!
(not proofread!!)
word count: 1,969
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not even two days into the tour and you were in your assigned bunk with the sniffles. as if the universe has different plans for you. you were excited for the tour but having stressed the entire week hoping it all went to plan.
yet here you were. tissue box propped up against your side as you scrolled through social media. the tour bys was on a bumpy road causing you to take deep breaths. it wasn’t helping.
you were the opening act for boygenius. a famous supergroup full of talented musicians. it was your first ever tour and you were nervous. you spent the first day travelling from where you, phoebe, lucy and julien just settled down into their home for the next couple of months.
“kid” startled out of your thoughts, you heard a small tap on the side of the bunk.
“mhm?” you pulled the small curtain open meeting eye to eye with julien. she looked at you with a look of worry and concern
“thought we lost you back at the buss stop. haven’t seen you come out since we drove off. you doing ok?” julien crossed her arms, glancing over you, taking note of the tissue box and scattered tissues in your bed.
“feeling homesick?”
“i’m fine” you avoided her stare, taking interest in the other bunk behind her. your voice was hoarse. sore to swallow and talk. it had you wincing slightly.
“shit- are you sick already?” julien leaned forward a bit, pressing the back of her hand to your forehead. “i said im fine” you frowned.
“doesn’t sound like you’re fine. you want to come out into the lounge and watch some tv with us? instead of being cooped up in here all day” the tattooed woman gave an offer. a small smile on her face. you considered the options. whilst you weren’t that close to the boys or julien you were a bit hesitant on taking up the offer.
weighing the pros and cons felt like it was more cons than pros at this point. what if you got the boys sick? they’d have to cancel the show. you couldn’t afford to get them sick. you’d rather seclude yourself into the safety of your little bunk to wallow in pity and sickness.
“i’m fine- i think id like to stay here, please?” your hand was reaching up to pull the curtains shut when julien nodded. “you sure kid? phoebes makin’ breakfast you want some?”
the thought of having breakfast made you frown. you weren’t sure. you appreciated the thought of julien offering it to you but politely declined. you could make your own breakfast if you wanted to. you didn’t want the boys to use more of what they had themselves. that wasn’t something you wanted to tell julien though.
“i packed some breakfast bars if i need any- thank you though” you gave julien a nod, quickly closing the curtain this time with a small sigh. you listened carefully to julien’s footsteps walking out the door and into the lounge. muffled talking can be heard behind the door. you sighed a little in relief, sneezing a bit as you rolled over onto your other side and shut your eyes for a bit.
unfortunately, people had other plans. the door to the bunk room opened quickly. hurried footsteps made their way down the hallway. you prayed silently, hoping they didn’t stop at your bunk but they did.
“nu uh- absolutely not!” your curtain swung open. you squinted your eyes with a glare, turning over to be met strands of platinum silver hair. phoebe bends down slightly to meet your eyes. “you’re having breakfast, get up and come on” she nodded her head.
“i’m not gonna let you rot away in this ugly-ass bunk. as tour bus buddies, we need to eat and plan for the tour, so come on” phoebe walked down the hallway, humming a tune to herself. an apron was hugging her waist. you stared in confused for a second, watching as she swing a fork around like a microphone.
with a sigh, you flung yourself out of the bunk. your hair was messy and your eyes were dark with bags under your eyes. you wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep but unfortunately, the three musicians in the other room had different plans for you.
“and she has finally left the bunk. seems like the first time we’re finally meeting you!” you quietly opened the door into the small lounge area. it wasn’t big but it wasn’t small either. there was a fridge with cabinets and a sink. on the other side there was a couch with a pull out table.
lucy and julien were sat at the couch. phoebe was hunched over the counter. three pots of cup noodles were opened on the table. a fourth one was being prepared. you took a seat closest to lucy, looking at the tv playing some random cartoon.
“see this bitch” lucy nudged you with her elbow and nodded towards phoebe. “the only woman i know to wear an apron while making cup noodles because she says ‘it’s needed’ needed for what pheebs?” lucy chuckled.
“it’s true- don’t listen to her” phoebe settled the four cups on the small table, taking a seat beside you. “she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. i absolutely need an apron for making these” she twirled the noodles around her fork.
“i wanted to look like a cute sexy housewife while cooking you guys some breakfast- damn, you guys don’t appreciate shit in this house” you listened and ate quietly as phoebe and lucy took into a debate. you looked up, catching julien’s eyes as she rolled her eyes jokingly at the other two.
“so i was told you’re sick? little birdie told me you sound like shit” you look up at lucy as she stared down at you. you continued to twirl your noodles. “you could say that yeah”
“you’re lucky tour isn’t for another two days. you can rest and take plenty of fluids. make sure your vocals are good too.” the taller woman added as she pointed her fork towards you.
“julien is making soup tonight. should help. something warm too” phoebe added
“how are you gonna make soup in a tour bus?” you looked at the three in confusion. maybe there was some type of technique you didn’t even think of. but clearly seeing there isn’t anywhere for a stove or oven you were stuck for ideas.
“our last tour we bought a portable stove. a lifesaver if you want something cooked up, instead of living off pot noodles and snacks. portable stove and a pot and it’s just like at home”
“ahh” you replied. that was interesting. your first time on a tour bus, you wouldn’t have thought about it. you quickly ate the rest of your noodles and leaned back, tugging your legs to your chest. you ended up settling into a peaceful quietness as you and the boys watched spongebob on the overhead tv. you weren’t too interested but it was something to pass the time. you were called out to eat with the boys- you didn’t know if you were able to go back to your bunk even if you so wanted to. you didn’t want to sound or appear rude-
“-yeah?” you shook your head, blinking a bit. three pairs of eyes stared back at you. “huh?” feeling a blush creep up on your cheeks, you quickly looked away, wishing the tour bus would open up and spit you out
“i said, you don’t need to hang out with us here if you don’t want to. we’re not stopping you from going back to the bunk” julien nodded her head. her eyes were kind and soft. there was no anger or upset in them. it made you unclench your shoulders and let out a deep breath.
“i’m just going to sleep for a bit” you whispered. phoebe quickly stood up, making space for you to leave.
“that’s totally fine dude. take all the rest you need. we will be calling you for dinner though” phoebe placed a hand on your shoulder and have it a small squeeze. you smiled slightly, ducking out of the room and back to your bunk.
“knock knock” you opened your eyes to the familiar voice outside the curtains. lucy stood at the bunk this time, moving the fabric aside with a small smile. “dinner time, we’d give it to you here but don’t wanna spill it all over the one place you sleep. wanna come eat with us in the lounge?” you nodded your head, hopping out of the bunk silently.
“just have some soup and go back to bed” lucy placed a hand in your shoulder and led you back into the lounge.
“evening, sleepyhead. get good sleep?” phoebe sat on the couch this time. laptop on the table and feet kicked up on the other side of the couch. julien was hovering over the small portable stove on the countertop. the smell of tomato soup filled the air.
“have a seat- phoebe get your damn legs off the couch, let them sit down” julien turned around, wacking phoebe with her hand as she grumbled. “personal space doesn’t exist with this one around” lucy gestured for you to sit down first, sandwiched between phoebe to your left and lucy to your right.
“how are you enjoying bus life so far?” phoebe sat cris crossed on the furnature, typing away at her laptop. you held your phone in your hand, switching it on to check the time. 5:34pm.
“it’s fine. it’s unusual- probably because it’s my first time on a tour bus” you replied, glancing at phoebes laptop. she seemed to be replying to emails.
“i’d say the last time you were on a tour bus must’ve been for high school? field trips or whatever they are” julien speaks from countertop. “you did graduate couple months ago right?” you nodded to confirm julien’s statement
“i feel so old now” lucy leaned back on the couch. “there’s like.. an actual child on tour with us it’s like we’re babysitting”
“i mean, i just turned 19 like a couple of months so i’m not really a kid anymore” you said with a small smile.
“oh god that’s not a child. that’s a whole fucking teenager” phoebe laughed. “or young adult. either way i feel like a senior citizen- feel like you’re gonna ask me what the great depression is like or something” this has the whole tour bus laughing.
“alright, pipe down meemaw. you’ll get your dinner and then you can watch your game shows later” julien joked, grabbing the ladle and filling the dishes.
“fresh soup from the portable stove coming up. careful- bowls are hot” julien placed the dishes down onto the table one by one. cloth covering her hands as a substitute for an oven glove.
you stared at the soup with a small smile. “thank you” julien shrugged casually “don’t even worry about it, kid”
you listened to the boys start random conversations. they’d always include you in them. it made you feel happy. you were happy to be included.
“would you rather - listen ok important question” phoebe swung her fork around carelessly as she started the conversation . lucy frowned “can you not maybe try spill soup everywhere?” phoebe gave lucy the middle finger. lucy giving her back back. you laughed loudly at the interaction unraveling before you
“ok before i was RUDLEY interrupted. would you rather be a worm or an ant. i feel like this really determines our friendship with you, kid”
you sat there with wide eyes for a moment.
“what type of question is that?”
maybe it wasn’t that bad hanging out with the boys. you’d definitely be doing this more often.
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hydrxnessa · 24 days
Heeeyyyy Hydra! How ya feelin after floor 2 dropped?
hiii !!!! this is gonna be a long rant
okok after several playthroughs and gave up n just ended up watching kreekcraft beat it, i got a Lot of thoughts
floor 2 is DEFINITELY difficult but there's no surprise there. the only nitpick i have is the stark difference with the hotel - as in, in the hotel there are a lot of rooms to breathe, like take a quick breather between the chaos that can happen throughout the hotel.
in the mines, there's hardly room to breathe - screech constantly spawns which is def annoying and i feel they should balance it a bit more; there's waayyy less safe rooms (i.e. infirmary, curious' room etc.) and it sorta feels like the backdoor in terms of you need to leave every room like quickly.
i definitely love the update !! i like the new entities, though keep in mind i havent gone past door 50 so im not sure about the halfway point/ending. the new mechanics are nice, i just think there's room for balancing since yes the difficulty is insane.
i think the devs really outdid themselves and red talked about them revamping their whole system and engine(?) so future updates shouldn't take as long as this one
anyways few more spoilers down below, including the ending vv
guiding and curious getting new death screens, it really does feel more personal that these otherworldly beings are speaking to us personally rather than just floating text on a rainy texture. hiii guiding hiii curious :3 :3
hide getting a redesign + new mechanic was something i was not expecting - i thought that odd red entity that was leaked a while ago was a new entity but apparently not. the heartbeat minigame was a cool twist, definitely had to readjust to the new mechanic. getting ambush in the early doors was Not it as an introduction to it though, seeing as you can no longer jump in and out (despite guiding telling me to, unless im doing something wrong) and have to do a minigame that gets more and more difficult the longer you stay in. could be that you have to get out before hide spawns to get back in but idk.
i just didnt like the fact that hide spawns Instantly in later rooms, or that it also happens in the hotel. i'd rather keep the timed closet than the minigame in the hotel tbh, and just make it seem like an enraged version of hide in the mines.
i reaallyyy love eyes new mechanic - it teleporting around instead of just staying in one spot? love that. also the sound it makes is so satisfying.you're doing great sweeties
screech is like. Super annoying. like i get that its his whole thing but theres a slight difference between bearable annoying and frustrating annoying. i think screech spawns waaayy too often especially with a screech and eyes combo. definitely should lower the spawn rate if they want screech to constantly be a threat throughout the mines and not like it only spawns in dark rooms in the hotel.
i loovee what they've done with halt's new hallway. the hotel one especially, its fucking sick and probably one of my favourite rooms. the mines' one is alright, i dont like the meanders but i guess its a switch up to the linear one in the previous floor. i love u halt keep doing what ur doing
the new seek chase was absolutely amazing, i cant believe we can Jump now. new music is banger, lsplash drop the spotify release NEOOWW . only nitpick is the rng of having to crouch right before an intersection, so you cant see where guiding is trying to lead you before its too late. probably a skill issue on me, but so far i havent beat seek chase yet.
next ramblings are gonna be based on kreekcraft's playthrough since i never got past door 50.
new environment in a sewer-like area is pretty cool, nice switchup tbh
ok the grumble entity is Hella cool. bigger giggle, could be like the mother of a hivemind. whatever it is its pretty cool. again, haven't played through it so idk how to counter grumble other than Hide. can you maybe lure it away somewhere? idk. tbh its giving that final bendy boss in dark revival
the whole 'locate the transponder(?) and enter a code then come back' is cool but definitely drags on for WAYY too long even for its size. library probably takes a third of the time it takes to beat this one. though i do like how the main transponder points to where it is.
ok the ending is Absolutely insane. another seek chase sure, in the new environment. then once you go in 100 (or rather, 200), he fills up the Whole place. like jesus christ seek what is your problem. the parkour looks like it feels a bit janky but that's probably a roblox thing. seek can be worm. silly worm. would you still love me if i was a w
the ending ENDING. my god. literally my jaw was open the whole time. leaving through a pipe into the outside, seeing a motherfucking CASTLE???? a CASTLE. dude. WHAT. hotel>mines>castle is a crazy pipeline.
and grumble comes out of the path behind you but not until SEEK shows up and practically suffocates him. i actually think screeches are just giggles. i have a theory. i wnot go into it in this post. BUT I HAVE A THEORY. CALL ME MATPAT.
and once the door closes seek stares you DOWN. definitely gives the main antagonist vibes unlike figure. also what happened to figure is he just stuck in the mines. seek's following us ig.
oh i forgot about figure tbh. sometimes its sections are a bit janky but i think? i think its cus im always in the section where gloombats spawn beforehand, and figure does NOT like the gloombats. also alarm clocks in the hotel's library, its so funny seeing figure run to it, stomp on it and scream. you fucking toddler/aff
overall i feel like the main issue with this floor is difficulty and also how every room feels like it drags onn. like waayyy too long. but overall, cool update, will be playing a lot more later. i Need to beat this damn floor. literally less than 800 people have beaten it.
ANYWAYS. if u reached the bottom, thanks ??? thanks for listening to my dumb ramblings LMAO. doors art to come soon ... though remember i Am mainly an oc art blog so . don't expect a lot. but asks are always open <3
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shopcat · 2 years
do you have any gif requests in that case?? 😏
i literally DO dont even enable me i have an entire list on my phone. hold on. just for what i'd like to see that i HAVEN'T seen already..
a specific post just for that little jump he does in s3 where u see his entire tummy. so important
the bit where he's pulling his sleeves up at the donation table cuz he looks nice
the car crash scene i haven't seen the car crash scene in a while...
could go well for a like multi part thing of the moment he realises what he has to do and takes that little pause look to the side decision momenthe does -> smashcut to Him Doing it in his final girl big finale moment.. so him at his car in season 1 -> the first hit on the Demogorgon (not the bat twirl sadly), max telling him its billy -> hitting billy, weathertop -> car crash, and then flipped on its head in s4 when he's like im the one going in -> HE gets to be the one being rescued :)
him sleeping in the wheelers basement and robin sleeping in the rv later bc thats special to me. theyre sleepy.
i also think there needs to be more of him in s2 with the bat other than the big obvious scenes like under utilised little moments... i <3 nailbat
eddie jump hopping (jopping) forward trying to scare chrissy into waking up
from the hip pop post number 1, 2, 6 and 8 but honestly a every time he puts his hands on his hips set would change lives. my life... i think they're all in that post minus when he's in the hallway watching nancy and jonathan in s1 and outside the byers yeah its me don't cream ur pants I THINK that's all of them..
the scene where nancy smacks the phone out of his hand when he's being a hysterical girl i just think it's funny
robin sitting on the counter + steve leaning back in his chair twirling his hat. gay people!!!!
him telling barb where his bathroom is then watching to make sure she makes it + telling tommy to shut up when he jokes about jonathan killing will or whatever + passing carol some of his food his little Nice in s1 moments
eddie pulling that jacket? blanket? whatever over him in the rv to hide
robin checking on him in the background after eddie lets him go from the boat house bit
any split second full body/background shot moment like these three AKA he's so eempsy but the first 2 in particular.. so good
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the scene where he and dustin r following the yoga instructor and he just turns around and faces a wall it's one of my favourites ever
ROBIN TELLING HIM the spider is gonna lay eggs in his brain and the laugh she does as she walks off but like that whole scene with the dialogue. theyre so silly
the ULTIMATE For Fox set would be the little finger wave he does to eddie + you KNOW i don't do double vhs popped hip (but with the quote cuz he's sooo...) + the silly kissy face he does when the donation girl asks that tax question in the s4 epilogue + crossing his legs dramatically in the wheeler's basement reading that magazine + the face he makes at his date at the basketball game + the eating banana hand on hip bit and the caption would BE! Gay little steve...
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nctsworld · 4 years
two nights, one you
✩‌ jaemin ‌x‌ ‌reader‌ ‌|‌ fuckboy!jaemin | strangers (who f*ck) to (brief) enemies to lovers | ‌10.9k 
SUMMARY‌ ‌⇾‌ a last-minute one night stand gone awry is extended into two nights when you’re snowed in at the cute (but rude) stranger’s apartment on christmas eve. [loosely based on the movie, two night stand] // part of the x-mas in ncity collection  GENRES ⇾ crack | smut | fluff  WARNINGS‌ ‌⇾‌ ‌lots of bickering and dialogue, smut, oral s*x (f and m receiving), fingering, mentions of alcohol/drinking, swearing, bit of angst before the end, jaemin’s an asshole... or is he? RATING‌ ‌⇾‌ explicit TAGLIST ⇾‌ @infnteen​ 
AUTHOR’S NOTE ⇾ it’s late (and long fsldkm), srysry but here it is! i hope the humour comes out in this and look away if falls flat zzz fingers crossed that i can finish the last two installments for this collection asap! 
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⇾ gif created by me, please don’t repost or share without credit!
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Maybe it’s because it’s the evening of Christmas Eve Eve and you’re feeling more lonely than usual.
Maybe it’s due to the two glasses of wine you guzzled down in the span of fifteen minutes that get you buzzed.
Maybe it’s your prominent six-month dry spell and you’re in desperate need for some much needed rain in your drought.    
Or maybe it’s just pure impulsiveness.
Regardless of the reasons, you’re aiming to get laid tonight.  
It’s 9:45pm as you make the rounds on Tinder. You’ve used it in the past, searching for a relationship in vain, but haven’t used it much since you broke up with your last partner. Bringing the app alive again, you’re already bombarded by distasteful messages, off-putting one-liners and jokes, and swiping left more than you’d like.
You haven’t had a one-night stand before, but isn’t there anyone on here that is just a little bit attractive, nearby where you are, around your age, and is somewhat chivalrous about the topic besides saying DTF? Maybe you need to lower your standards if you want to get dicked down tonight.
But then, you land on him.
One Na Jaemin, 20 years old, and only four miles away from you.
Scrolling through his profile pictures and Instagram feed, you assume that he’s into photography, is on the athletic side from the various hobbies he partakes in, and he must be at least half-aware of his beauty because there’s the occasional pic that shows off his lean, toned arms, which, if you can be frank, is more flattering than the shirtless ones you constantly see. Oh, and he attends the same university as you.
The cherry on top? His bio is simple and upfront:
“Not up for anything serious, but always down for a good time ;)”
You swipe right without hesitation.
“It’s a Match!” flashes instantly at you. Your mouth swings open in disbelief.  
Usually, you’d wait for your matches to message you and play hard-to-get, but not tonight. Tonight, you’re initiating and leading all the conversations, completely driven by your thirst.  
Messaging Jaemin is a breeze. He types with more than half a brain, and he flirts, but it isn’t overwhelming or repulsive. Segueing the current topic, you drag your bottom lip upward as you send the following message:  
so, hypothetically... if one were to have good time with you would tonight work?
Not even twenty seconds later and he replies with:
-wow, dont you go straight to the point -im impressed -but yeah -tonight works ;)
He’s quick to send his address.
-let me know when ur here and ill come get you out front!
Smacking your lips together, you squeal to yourself in the comfort of your home, excited to meet with him, but then a thought hangs over you—this feels a little too good to be true. Horrible scenarios run through your head, so your fingers dash across your phone’s keyboard:
tbh i haven’t really done this b4 so im kinda new to this is it ok if we video call or smth? gotta make sure you’re real and not a serial killer i’m sure you understand 😛
-for sure for sure -totally get it -ive had my fair share of fake girls and serial killers so i feel u 😛
Grateful for his consideration, you rush to rearrange your hair after you send him a Zoom link, hoping you look decent enough to not have him back off from his initial offer. He appears in the video call on his phone with the front-facing camera on a few seconds after you connect.
“Hi,” you chirp.
A corner of his mouth lifts. “Hey.”  
Okay, he’s definitely cuter in real-time than in his pictures.  
“You know, I’m not gonna lie, but I lowkey expected to see a dick or something,” you joke in an attempt to dispel your nervousness.  
“Same,” he chuckles, running a hand through his black hair.
Oh God, he’s not just cute—he’s devastatingly gorgeous.
“So, this is my place...”
Jaemin moves around with his apartment in the background, revealing his living room first. Envy prods you as you note the brick walls, high ceiling windows, and well-appointed furnishings.
Recalling his address, you ask, “How’d you get a place in the heart of the city?”
“Lucked out,” he shrugs. His phone shakes a bit as he’s still moving. “My friend slash roommate—who is at his girlfriend’s place tonight, so we have the place all to ourselves—his parents own the condo and they gave me a friend discount on the rent.”
He finally stands in one place and turns the light on to reveal a room. “And this is my bedroom.”
Nothing out of the ordinary. A desk table with a gaming set-up, in tow with a gamer chair, and a decently-sized bed beside a nightstand.
“Oh, and here’s my closet.” Jaemin’s on the move again as he opens his closet doors. “Just to make sure you don’t think I hide the skins of my past one-nighters in here.”
A bubbly laugh rises from you. “Okay, I didn’t think of that before, but now you’ve planted the seed in my head. Maybe you hide them in the other rooms.”
“Nah, my roommate would kill me if I did.”
Both of you laugh in unison, and you bob your head with puffed cheeks.  
“Okay, it all seems very promising. I’m going to get ready and I’ll guess I’ll see you in a bit, Jaemin.”
“Sounds good,” Jaemin nods, then winks. Although you’re sitting down, he’s still able to get you weak in the knees. “See you soon.”
You end the call and rush to bundle up for the snow starting to come down outside. A twenty-minute train ride later, you’re at the front door of a rustic, industrial apartment complex. After informing Jaemin you’re outside, you glance up at the snowflakes falling from the dark pink-grey sky, anticipating for what comes next.
Sex with a hot guy, what can go wrong?  
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So, you must’ve jinxed it because the sex is...  
Unsatisfying. Finished faster than you’d like it to be. Sadly, overall disappointing. If you had to rate it, three out of five stars, at best.
But hey, he came, and you sort of did, and it wasn’t the worst sex you’ve ever had. It half-quenched your dry spell.
And enough happened that it tired you out, leaving you passed out in the handsome stranger’s bed until morning.
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In the morning, your eyes slowly flicker, unused to the foreign, sweet scent engulfing you in your bed. Correction: Jaemin’s bed.
Your eyes flicker faster as you glance through the almost wall-sized window. The snow hasn’t let up from last night. On the contrary, it seems like it’s snowing non-stop. You groan at the thought of going home in this weather.
The bed is without Jaemin’s presence as you reach for your phone on the nightstand. 10:36AM and a few notifications greet you. You rub your eyes and start combing through them, rising upward to sit up on the bed.
“Morning. You’re finally up.”
Peering up from your device, Jaemin’s standing by the door with folded arms. His plain sweater and sweatpants match the colour of his hair. The dazzling smile he gives is so contagious, you’re not even conscious of catching one too.  
“Out you go.”
You blink.
Once, twice, and then you tilt your head as you stare blankly at him, uncertain if you heard him correctly.
After a few moments, because you’re not moving an inch, his smile dissipates and he cocks an eyebrow in expectancy. A serious expression rolls over his face.  
Suddenly, Jaemin strolls to the side of the bed and hitches his thumb towards the door.
You definitely heard him right.
And he’s dead-serious.
You replay the video call from last night, dissecting how you thought he was nice and funny and—
Realization dawns on you.
Why would you expect anything more from a two-faced fuck boy?
Still awestruck by the situation, you’re still solid as a statue, so Jaemin takes matters into his own hands and grasps you by your elbow, casually dragging you from his bed like he’s taking out the trash.  
“What the fuck?!” you screech.
“C’mon, let’s go. Out out.”
“My clothes, though!” you protest in the middle of the hallway. He sighs in frustration, scurries to the bedroom, and returns with a small pile in his arms, then continues to drag you to the front door.  
“Are you always this pleasant with your guests the morning after?” you rage, putting on the rest of your clothes by the door. “You don’t even have the decency to offer me tea or coffee?”
“This was a one-night stand, not a bed and breakfast, sunshine,” he says as he watches you put your shoes on. He’s folding his arms again and leaning against the wall, his attitude dripping with smug. If he wasn’t a stranger, you’d punch it off his face. “You weren’t kidding when you said you were new to this, huh?”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!”
“It means you’re a borderline virgin who needs to toodle-loo, get going and gone because you’re overstaying your welcome as we speak.”
Finishing putting on your coat, you’re fuming as your jaw hangs at the personal jab over your skills in bed. Jaemin swings the door open and shoves you through it.
“But I’ll admit, it was still nice having sex with you!” he chimes with a sickening grin and a hand on the door.  
“Aw, thanks asshole, wish I could say the same,” you sarcastically reply, resting a palm upon your chest.  
He scoffs. “From what I heard last night, I think I can confidently say that you had a great time.”
Flashbacks replay in your mind of your screaming fest from underneath him. Little did Jaemin actually know—
“You know, for someone who I assume has many one-night stands,” you spit with squinted eyes. “I’m surprised you can’t tell when girls fake it.”
You must’ve hit a sore spot because he grinds his teeth and you could almost see the steam coming out of his ears.
Oh yeah, you’re definitely the winner in this fight.
“Okay, you know what, Merry Christmas and fuck you. Have a great life!”
“Fuck you, dickface. Wishing you a miserable Christmas!”
With a bitter smile, you flip him off as he slams the door in your face.
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Carrying a basket filled with dirty clothes, Jaemin’s on the way down to the laundry room in the basement of his apartment with his shoulder scrunched up, squeezing his phone to his ear.
“Bro, she had the audacity to say that I didn’t make her come when she was screaming my God damn ear off—”
As he steps down the short flight of stairs and passes by the foyer area by the main entrance to the building, he notices you’re still here.
“Shit, uh, Jeno,” he mumbles. “I’m gonna have to call you back.”
He stuffs his phone into the pocket of his sweats and calls out to you as he strides closer. “Are you resorting to stalking me by my front door now?”
With crossed arms, you peer over your shoulder, eyes full of bitterness.
“Like I wanna be anywhere near you right now,” you grumble. You jerk your head towards the thick, wooden door. “It’s jammed from the snow.”
The laundry carrier shakes his head and places the basket onto the floor. “A little snow never hurt anyone. You’re probably just too weak.”
Stepping aside and holding out an arm, you signal for him to give it a try.
Jaemin twists the handle and, lo and behold, it doesn’t open. His forehead crinkles as he tries again and again, using more force each time.
Glancing through one of the partially frosted windows adjacent to the sides of the door, he notices the snow has piled enormously high, almost to the height of his chest.
“Well, shit.”  
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Reluctantly, Jaemin brings you back to his apartment. You’re technically his guest and if he left you in the foyer to freeze, trouble would surely come his way, whether it be in the form of his landlords (also known as his roommate’s parents) or the police.
Without a word, he settles a spoon in a bowl, a carton of milk, and a box of cereal onto the small kitchen table.
At first, you stare at it venomously in rejection, thinking you can easily last a day without any hand-outs from this son of a bitch, but your stomach roars ferociously three seconds later.
As you chew across from him, you enjoy the company of your phone over him, while he does the same but with a cup of coffee in hand.
After finishing your food, you adamantly place your phone down and lean back into the chair, boring holes into his head.
“Why are you such an asshole?” you seethe observantly.
“Why are you such a bitch?” he retorts, not pulling his gaze away from his phone.
“Because you started it,” you say slowly, stating the obvious.
“No, you.”
You sigh defeatedly at his childish behaviour. The weather apps predict the snow will (hopefully) die down by tomorrow morning, thus you’re officially stuck with him for the next twenty-four hours or so. Your hands rake through your hair.
“Whether we like it or not, the snow isn’t going away until tomorrow. Merry Christmas Eve to us, I guess.”
He’s still glued to his phone. You exhale another sigh.
“Since we’re not getting out of this until then, can we just...” You soften your voice. “Start over?”
His eyes are still on the screen, but from the way his shoulders tense and how he stops scrolling, you know he’s considering your proposition.
“At least call a stalemate over this.” You drift your hand in the air, gesturing between you and him.
Blowing out air and shaking his head, he rests his phone onto the table.
He crosses his arms, imitating you, and the two of you sit there, staring at each other in a long silence.  
One minute, to be exact.
You’re the one to break the silence game by running your hands over your face, letting out a hybrid of a groan and laugh.
“God, the fact that we had sex makes this kinda awkward, huh?”
Jaemin’s exterior melts slightly, letting out a snicker. He shrugs, “Then let’s just pretend that we didn’t have sex.”
“We can’t just pretend that we didn’t have sex,” you say, holding two upturned palms near your face.
“We did it, it’s done. I’ve seen your penis, you kicked me out, and you labelled me a prude—” You dart a finger towards him. “—which I am far from, by the way. All of those are pretty huge things.”
One of the corners of his mouth raises high. “Are you saying my penis is huge?”
“No, the implication of said penis is huge. Wipe that smirk off your face.”
He stretches an arm, holding an imaginary microphone to your face. “Do you deny that my penis is huge?”
Rolling your eyes, you swat his fist away. “What am I, on trial here?”
“Do you plead the fifth then?”
Annoyed, you roll your eyes again. Why do you get the feeling that you’re probably going to be doing this a lot more today? Another feeling tells you that if you don’t answer his question, he’ll probably pester you until you do.
You tilt your head side to side. “It’s... decently sized.”
“Bigger or smaller than average?”
“Perfect...” His eyes light up. “...ly average.” And a frown rolls over.
He squints his eyes accusingly at your sneer. “Are you lying like you did before about faking it?”
You scoff. “I wasn’t lying about faking it, and I’m not lying now about your average sized dick.”
Jaemin releases a disgruntled grumble and lifts his cup to his face. You notice he likes to take his coffee black and bitter, presumably like his heart.
“So, Miss I’m-Not-A-Prude-and-I’ve-Definitely-Had-Sex-Before.” His eyebrows perk up on the word definitely. “What’s your story? Why the last minute one-night stand?”
Shrugging your shoulders to your ears, you reply, “Haven’t had sex in a while.”
“When’s the last time you had sex?” he asks mid-sip.
“Half a year ago,” you respond nonchalantly, perching your chin into your palms.
Jaemin immediately chokes, almost spraying the coffee through his nose.
“Half a year?!” he gasps. It takes him a few hits to his chest to dispel the coughing. “Six months?!”
“Wow, you can count!” you exclaim in a condescending tone. You change the position of your hands so that your chin is now atop of the back of your curled fingers and tilt your head. “Can you also spell?”
“As a premed student, I can assure you that I am capable of doing both,” he says with a slight strain due to the coughing fit. The humble brag brings on another eye roll. Of course he’s a premed student with the attitude he wears.
“It’s just—” He clears his throat and swallows the last bit of coffee stuck in his windpipe. “—The last time I had a dry spell was for like, a month, tops.”
So the fuckboy gets laid way more on the daily than you expect. You’re torn between being envious over how much action he gets in comparison to you, or remorseful, since you’re now just one of the many notches on his bedpost.
No matter, sarcasm is always the best defence mechanism.
“Good for you, Jaemin. I’m sure you’re very proud of that.”
There’s an awkward beat. His head hangs for a moment while his thumbs stroke the sides of his cup. A strange pinch of guilt occurs. Did you overstep an unspoken line? But then he drags himself back to reality in a heartbeat.
Jaemin brings the cup to his mouth again, mumbling, “At least the sex on your part makes more sense now; you’re rusty as fuck.”
Completely aware of what he said, you trash your guilt entirely and narrow your eyes. “What did you just say?”
Following a long sip, he hums, “Mmm, nothing.” Soon after, he stands up with his cup.
“I’m gonna go game now. Feel free to watch Netflix on the TV and stay in the living room.”
As if you had anywhere else to go...  
He begins to walk towards his room as you mutter under your breath, “I’m not a dog.”
“Says the bitch,” he pipes up, taking you by surprise.  
“Thought we had a stalemate?!” you shout, leaning your head forward as you watch him entering his room.  
“Doesn’t mean we’re on peaceful terms!” he sing-shouts.
The flinging of the closed door echoes throughout the apartment.
Regret surges through you. You just had to choose a fuckboy fluent in assholery and end up incidentally being isolated with him during a snow storm on Christmas Eve.
You wonder if you can handle being around him for the next twenty-four hours without killing him first.
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During the afternoon, you’re on the living room couch, playing a show as mostly background noise while you’re on your phone. At one point, your phone unsurprisingly begins to die and you tread over to Jaemin’s door to ask for a charger and if you can also take a shower. He’s still annoyed by your existence, but at least he hands you a charger and lets you know where the extra towels are.
Stepping into the living room with the towel in your hand as you dry your hair off, you peer out the large living room window and see nothing but white engulfing the streets and buildings as far as the eye can see.
You pray the snow will eventually stop as soon as possible so you can head back home.
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By the middle of the afternoon, Jaemin emerges from his bedroom and shocks you by plopping down on the opposite end of the living room couch from where you’re sitting.
“Bored?” you ask, eyes fixated on the TV screen.
“Nope,” he replies, popping the p as he says it. His slings his arm around the top of the couch.
“Gotta keep an eye on you in case you do something.” Turning away from the screen, he faces you and motions circles with his hand. “You’ve got a little crazy in you, I can feel it.”
You quickly glance over at him, but try to refocus on the TV. “Need I remind you that you’re the crazy one, dragging me out of the apartment right as I woke up.”
That compels him to turn his whole body towards you. “Well, you’re the one who wanted a last-minute one-night stand.”
You match his stance. “As if I’m the first girl in your bed to stay in the morning?”
“Actually, yeah.” He aggressively tilts his head to one side. “Most girls leave before I even get up. The other percentage don’t fight me when I ask for them to go, so it looks like you’re the odd one out.”  
You press your lips together, refusing to admit that maybe he has a point, under the assumption that he’s telling the truth.
Jaemin twists his body back to the screen and adds, “I make it very clear on my profile that I don’t do morning afters, sweetheart.”
And you agree that his profile is clear about his intentions, but that doesn’t mean you can condone his shitty behaviour.
“Well, sorry that I expected just an ounce of respect instead of getting kicked to the curb after you stuck your dick in me,” you grumble, shifting back to the show and crossing your arms.
“Morning afters lead to attachments, and attachments lead to feelings, and feelings lead to relationships,” he says the string of words clinically, as if it’s a mantra that he lives by.
Your eyebrows knit together as you whip your head towards him once more, studying him.
“And what’s so wrong with that?”
Deliberately averting your gaze, Jaemin grates his tongue between his teeth, a slight tsk audibly heard, and his chin juts out. There’s definitely a story behind his ways. He huffs and changes the subject.  
“Seriously?” He holds a hand out. “You’re watching this trashy show?”
Squinting your eyes at him, you could probably interrogate him further, but you decide otherwise.  
“It may be trashy,” you concur, looking at the TV. “But it’s my trashy comfort show.”
Following an over-the-top acted out scene between the show’s main love interests, Jaemin shoots up from the couch.
“Yeah, no, I can’t handle this. Can we either put on something else or game or something?”
“Why don’t you go back to your room to game, Mr. I’m-Not-Bored?”
“Like I said, I gotta keep an eye on you,” he says while bending over in front of the TV, already setting up the Playstation. He tosses you a controller as he strides to his side of the couch again.
He mumbles to himself, “Need to make sure you don’t go crazy from the lack of human interaction.”
Either Jaemin is selfish and only looking out for himself, or he wants to make sure you’re not feeling lonely in a stranger’s home.
Likely the first reason, you deduce—because why would a guy like Jaemin care about a mere one-night stand?
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Admittedly, you’re not the best at games, especially at fighting ones. You can comprehend the move lists, but you like to live by button smashing the controller and repeating moves over and over.  
So it’s hilarious when you beat Jaemin every round with your surprisingly fruitful technique.
“Okay, this is bullshit,” Jaemin complains, sticking his tongue out in irritation. His ass is currently being handed to him on a plate again since you’re almost done killing his character off. “You must be lying to me; you have to be a pro player or some shit.”
Jaemin’s health bar is dangerously low as your character jabs his with a sword. He winces out loud and you snicker.
“Why do you think I always lie about everything?! Dude, you have serious trust issues,” you joke before you steal the opportunity to slice his character. One more hit and he’s done for.
“I do not! I just—nooo!”
You rise to your feet and pump your arms in the air, turning in circles in joy over yet another win.
Sulking, Jaemin eyes your little dance from his end on the couch, but as he watches you more, a feeling balloons in his chest. Something he hasn’t felt in a long time.
Finally coming down from your post-win high, you spot an emerging grin from the corner of your eye, making you pause.    
“What?” you eye him suspiciously.
Your suspicion pops the sensation in his chest and, like a fish out of water, his eyes widen and his grin melts away.
“Nothing, uhm.” He ruffles his eyebrows and palms the back of his neck, quickly facing the TV. “Let’s go one more round and then we can switch to another game—”
Suddenly, the TV and surrounding lights switch off. Both of you waver your eyes, anticipating for them to come back on, but they unfortunately don’t.  
Jaemin rushes over to the window. When he swivels his head towards you, his face darkens.
“Looks like it’s at least the whole block. The streetlights are out too.”
Without another word, he dashes to the linen closet and brings back several blankets. He calmly explains that there won’t be heat since it’s connected to the electricity, so it’d be best to keep warm with the extra layers.
Not wanting to scare you, he doesn’t add the fact that due to the huge windows in the apartment, more unnecessary cold air will come in, but you’re already cognizant of it from your own logic and since the remaining heat dissolves rapidly.
You groan and retreat into the massive blanket over your shoulders, turtling your head.
You can’t believe you’re going to fucking die in this asshole’s apartment on Christmas Eve.
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On the ends of the couch in your makeshift blanket jackets, both of you attend to your phones for a while.
From what people and the news outlets are saying, it’s not just the block, but the whole city grid is out. You frantically text your friends, giving updates on how you are and half-jokingly telling them that you’re going to die with your dreadful one-night stand. Some time passes and Jaemin tosses his phone  off to one side.  
“Well, since there’s nothing else to do and we should probably conserve our phone batteries—” You glance up at him from your phone and pout. Slowly nodding in agreement, you toss it aside too. “—why don’t we play a game of ‘I’ll-Give-You-Pointers-on-How-to-be-Better-in-Bed’?”
A smile burgeons on his irritatingly handsome face and your eyes roll. At this point, you wonder if the reaction is conditioned into you. “It’ll be my early Christmas gift to you.”
“Wow, so thoughtful, how could I ever thank you?” You drag the blanket closer to your chest in false gratitude.
You think for a serious moment if you really want to go through with this. Hearing Jaemin run his mouth on you unwarranted is already painful, but to give him the go-ahead to do so? Especially criticizing your skills in bed?  
You blow out a sigh, noting the slightly visible cloud. You’re grateful Jaemin has thick, downy blankets.  
Well, if you’re going to die, may as well know what went wrong, right?
“Fine, but if we’re playing this game, we have to say everything honestly and take the criticism we get.” You point a stern finger. “No rebuttals, just acceptance.”
“Wait.” Jaemin crinkles his face in genuine confusion as his hand peeks out from his blanket.
“You have things to criticize about me in bed?”
Your lips tremble before you burst into laughter. Displeasure is on Jaemin’s tight-lipped face as you laugh for a while, almost keeling over in your blanket ball onto the hardwood floor. “How conceited are you, oh, my fucking God?”
He slices his hand through the air. “I’ve never had any complaints—”
“Because you’re too busy focusing on your own orgasm, you selfish dickwad,” you say as your laughter dies down.  
He sits in his snit for a few more moments until he gets over it.
“Fine, fine,” he huffs. Jaemin knows he’s not going to enjoy this, but he’s the one who suggested it. He can’t back out now. “Let’s just get this over with, you go first.”
With your blanket held by your chest, you hop off your end of the couch and shuffle over in front of him where he’s seated. Beaming, you begin.
“Let’s start with foreplay.” Jaemin’s eyes light up with confidence, thinking he’s at least decent with that. You crush his expression as your lips purse and you shake your head.
“What do you mean?! I kissed you as you took off your clothes.”
You stick your free hand out from your blanket, extending your index finger.
“One: you only kissed my lips. You know, there are other parts of me to kiss, like, I don’t know, my neck, my arms, my shoulders.”
You extend another finger. “And, two: it’s weird to not help someone take off their clothes. Like you’re in a super rush to get somewhere or something—”
“We’re fucking!” he cuts in sharply. “This is a one-night stand, not a relationship.”
Closing your eyes and dropping your head, you pinch the bridge of your nose. You sigh in exaggeration.
“Thought we agreed no rebuttals...” you softly sing-say.  
Jaemin’s head sinks a little into his blanket. “Sorry.”
Removing your hand, you shrug. “Maybe there’s some rule that I don’t know about one-night stands, so this could be on me.”
You start to aimlessly tread back and forth in front of him, dragging the blanket along too. “But fuck, foreplay is foreplay for a reason. You work your way up to the heat of the moment and it makes sex much better, regardless if you’re in a relationship with the person or not.”
“Next point.” You stop walking and direct your focus on him. Pointing your finger and looking him dead in the eye, you ask, “Do you know what a vagina is?”
He snorts with a simper. “Uhhh, is this a rhetorical question?”
“No, I’m legit asking,” you say with a raised eyebrow and snarky smile. “Because when you went down on me, all you flicked your tongue at was the outside of it, also called the labia if you didn’t know.”
“I’m premed, of course I—”
“Which is great! But you didn’t go any deeper nor did you go near my clit.”
You thrust your finger again. “Do you also know what that is?”
“Yes...” he groans with the flickering eyelids.
You swipe your arm through the air. “Maybe make use of it, and not only when you go down on girls. Even during sex, touching it is great.”
“And lastly,” you continue. “I’ll be honest here, you have a decent dick.”
Jaemin waggles his finger. “So you were lying before—”
“I wasn’t lying,” you retort firmly. “But anyways, you’ve got the stuff, but why don’t you put it to better use?”
With the following words, you attempt to gesture with your body and execute moves as graphic visuals. Jaemin giggles at the sight.
“Vary the speeds and the angle, don’t just slam it in me and go crazy fast from the get-go. Build up to the climax. Jesus, I couldn’t even get close to coming because you’re like a jackhammer from start to finish.”
When you finally finish, Jaemin’s giggles morph into hollow laughs. Frustration is blatant on your face, pondering if he even absorbed a single word you said.  
After he calms down, he asks, “Are you done?”
You mumble, “Yeah, I think so.”
The two of you switch places. He shuffles onto his feet with his blanket while you sit back on the couch.
Jaemin pulls the blanket across the floor as he ambles. “Okay, your head game is decent—”
“Excuse you, my head game is strong.”
“Uh-uh, rebuttal,” he points out.  
You sigh. Pinching your fingers together, you drag the invisible zipper across your mouth, then wave your hand, allowing him to resume.
“Your head game is decent. You definitely can deepthroat, but—” He mirrors you from before and extends his index finger.
“One: this happened only a few times, but your teeth scraped against my dick, which is why I assumed you were a borderline virgin.”
You fume silently at the accusation, attempting to not speak up with a heap of rebuttals. But he wasn’t wrong—if you teethed on his dick, that’s a classic virgin move.
“But that’s okay, because we already established that you’re just rusty.” Jaemin flashes you a fake comforting smile as he continues to pace. You flash him one back.
“And two—” He holds another finger out. “Don’t be scared to use your hands and stroke me. Give my dick some love. If it’s too wet, just wipe your hands on the bed or something.”
“Okay, duly noted,” you hum. “Next.”
“Don’t be scared to touch me.”
“I touched you so much during—”
He shoots you a glare. You roll your mouth inward, your lips disappearing instantly.
“Your hands were mostly on the sheets, which is hot, but guys like to be felt up too.”
The attractive individual peers up for a second, thinking to himself. “Even hotter when a girl feels herself up during the fucking, but that’s beside the point. Baby steps, just remember to touch the other person.”
Jaemin does a full-stop and faces you.
“And just... don’t fake it.” Distress is evident in his pout. You hate to admit it, but it’s a little cute. He raises an arm and jerks it in the air. “Why do girls fake it?”
“Because guys with egos like you can’t handle criticism,” you reply bluntly.  
“What are we doing, having this conversation, hm?”
“We wouldn’t be having this conversation if it didn’t snow in and keep us here together.” You peel a hand away and gesture to the window. “If I walked out of here this morning, you would’ve just fucked the next girl the same.”
He defends himself, “Faking it just feeds our egos.”
“Yeah, well, if I told you afterwards that I didn’t come, what would you do?”
“Try to make you come in other ways?”
Shaking your head, you scoff. “Guys like you aren’t that considerate.”
“You’re right.” He assents, holding his pointer finger against his chest. “Because guys like me aim to please.”
A brilliant thought leaps in his mind and Jaemin gasps. You can only assume bad things from the wicked smile he sends your way.  
“Why don’t we try it again?”
Perplexed, you squint at him.
“Try what again...?”
“Sex,” he says enthusiastically.
You blankly stare at him.
“You’ve gotta be joking,” you deadpan.
“I mean, there’s nothing else to do and it’ll keep us warm.” 
You continue to stare at him until you groan.
“Oh, my God...” Your blanket droops a bit off your shoulders as you drag your palms across your face. “I cannot believe I’m stuck in this snowstorm with you out of all people...”
Sitting next to you, Jaemin persistently reasons with you. “Think of it also as another learning experience for the future partners we’ll have.”
“Yeah, if we don’t die first!” you shriek.
“We’re not going to die,” Jaemin replies in a mocking tone and a dart of his tongue.  
Outside the window, the snow seems to have slowed down, but not by much.  
God, Jaemin better be fucking right because you want to live to see another day.  
“Fine,” you mutter and match his gaze. “But we have to be vocal throughout the whole thing. Say whatever’s on our mind.”
“Fine,” he agrees to your terms. He produces the same wicked smile again. “But can we film it then? So we can study it after?”
You fire him a death glare that melts his face off, even in the frigid atmosphere.
“I’m joking, I’m joking,” he says, waving his hand.
They say that jokes are half-meant true, but you think Jaemin fully meant it. Still in your blanket jackets, Jaemin snags your free hand and leads you to his room.
“You gotta give me credit for trying, though.”
“No.” You shake your head with an unwilling smile creeping on the edge of your lips. On second thought, maybe the joke was a little funny, but you still stand by your opinion that he’s the most annoying person in the world. “I don’t think I will.”
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“Thank God Chenle has so many scented candles...”
On the edge of Jaemin’s bed, huddled by the blanket, you watch him light up several large jars, placing them on his nightstand and desk in hopes to brighten the room. It’s already late afternoon, but one could mistaken it for nighttime with the muddy sky due to the snow.
“Is Chenle your roommate?”
“Yeah,” Jaemin answers with a slight shiver, igniting the last candle near the bedside. He removed his blanket when he went to nab the matches and candles. “His girlfriend gets free ones from work, so she always gives him a shit ton, even though he never uses them.”
With a glowing hue against his face, he blows out the match. He makes his way to you, a cocky grin plastered on him, as he says, “Guess we’re making use of them now, though.”
Before you can even respond, Jaemin gets right down to business—sitting beside you on the mattress, he palms your face and drags you in for a kiss. You softly yelp, but immediately reciprocate.
The cover falls off your body as you reach to touch him, fingers drifting over his solid arms.
You don’t want to stroke his large ego, and maybe it’s because you haven’t had anyone else on you in a while, but Jaemin’s kisses are something else.
The cushiony pair of lips always executes enough pressure against your mouth, increasing and decreasing on command in perfect tandem and timing. His hands hover over your waist and the nape of your neck, fingers sinking into your hot skin.  
His mouth trails downward the side of your neck. You crane your head back, indulging in his caresses as soft moans trickle out.
He gently signals for you to recline back and lay onto the mattress, moving the sea of blankets aside. Inclined on his elbow, almost atop of you, his cool fingers glide under your top layers, his thumb stroking against your stomach.
Pulling away from your body, he tugs on the ends of your clothes. You rise from the bed to better the angle for him to discard of them.
The hairs on your skin are standing on end from the frigid air, but you’re too focused on Jaemin’s mouth migrating over your upper arm and your bra-covered chest to care. Without notice, he stuffs a cup of the bra to one side and takes your bosom into his mouth.
Air’s seized from your lungs and your core contracts from the pleasure. Your fingers tug on Jaemin’s luscious locks and his free hand squeezes your unoccupied breast.    
After a few twirls of his tongue and a gentle drawing of his teeth on the pointed tip, he mumbles hotly into your chest while he thumbs your other nipple, “Foreplay still non-existent?”
“It’s better, I guess,” you sigh with fluttering eyes. His chuckling reverberates against your cleavage, a sign of amusement from your obstinacy. A gasp pierces the room as Jaemin repeats his actions onto the other breast.
He aids you in taking off the rest of your clothes and, obviously aware of your goosebumps and shuddering, tells you to get underneath the blankets while he strips himself.
Under the toasty ocean of layers, despite how both of you are bare-boned and how easy it is to jump into the main act, Jaemin purposefully continues to prolong the foreplay. Side by side, your lips meld endlessly; your legs and hands are intertwined in an amorous pretzel.
Jaemin ensures he doesn’t leave any part of you untouched—the pads of fingers virtually graze over every inch of your body. Each grip and drag of his digits sends you in a frenzy. Your chest is pressed into him and your eyes are blinded with desire.
In the back of your mind, you think about how you were right about foreplay working up to the heat of the moment—literally, because you’re dripping, he’s hard, and you two have embraced so much that you don’t need the blankets anymore.  
On the other hand, you wonder if Jaemin was right about skipping foreplay, because with every whisper of each other’s name, the intimacy rises immensely. You don’t know him, and neither him with you, but you’re both freely drowning in one another in a plane beyond the lust.
Although the room’s beginning to smell of a mix of all the scented candles, Jaemin hones in and drinks in your sweet aroma and your entirety behind his hazy eyes and already tousled hair. All of a sudden, one drag of his fingers over a particular sensitive spot on your body makes you giggle.
“I’m ticklish over there.”
“You mean right—” He drums his fingers over the area again. “—here?”
With a toothy grin, he generates more suffering from you and you begin to lively howl. Soon enough, you beg him to stop.
“You’re such an asshat, c’mon, let me live!”
When he ceases, his head hangs over yours and your gazes connect.
The same feeling blooms in his chest from before in the living room.
He gulps as his eyes waver over your face, unknowingly tracing your beautiful features and etching them into his memory.
Your starry eyes. Your glowing aura. Your everything.
You barely register the change in his expression because he quickly tramples on his moment of weakness by kissing you passionately.
Jaemin whips the blankets aside as he lowers himself between your legs. Your eyes are fixated on him, matching his stare, until he starts to devour you by swiping against your lustrous folds. Your back bows, and, following a few more licks, Jaemin makes a point of his knowledge of the vagina by spreading your lips and ravishing your pussy, tongue penetrating deeply.
Rippled moans release in harmony with your undulating chest. You swear you’re getting more wet, too wet, likely making it overwhelming for Jaemin, but he’s eagerly lapping every drop up.  
“How’s that?” he inquires with a grin, hovering over your trembling nether lips. His mouth is evidently glossy, even under the dim lighting.
“Good,” you pant in the most nonchalant tone you can muster up. “Very good-ahhh—”
Jaemin kindly interrupts you by tonguing your clit as he fingers your sex deeply, shattering your fake indifference.
“Move your tongue up more,” you direct, creasing your eyebrows in despair. He follows your direction, and droning moans ensue.
Jaemin’s immersed in your pleasure, but also adding to his own. The more he laps up your wetness, the more he grinds his length against the bed, aching to be inside of you.
Your desire pulses faster, contracting tighter against his fingers, body winding tensely by the second.
“Fuck, Jaemin,” you whine, leaning your head to one side with a parted mouth. “I’m close.”
He draws back and temporarily replaces his tongue with his thumb.
“Good,” he pants, cocking his head to one side. His eyes are filled with determination. “Because I’m not stopping until you come at least two more times tonight.”
You exhale a light laugh. “That’s ambiti-ohgodohgod—”
His tongue works wonders on your clit once more, so much that he has to brace your bucking hips.
Okay, maybe Jaemin did learn a thing or two and actually listened to what you said during your critique.
But now it’s time to demonstrate to him what you’ve learned.
You don’t need much of a break to catch your breath, nor do you want to immediately freeze due to inactivity, so you pull Jaemin in for an intense kiss, tongue dipping into the remnants of your own nectar, then beckon for him to take your former place on the bed.
Perched on the bottom of your feet, you’re on one side of Jaemin, lackadaisically fisting his prominence. After a few strokes, you gradually swallow his inches, keeping in mind to relax your jaw and to not rush in order to avoid any potential teething. You do this to prove yourself worthy of giving head, but also in spite, because you absolutely do not need Jaemin to brand you a virgin again.  
You read his quiet groans and his long fingers running lazily through your hair as a positive sign and advance further.
Carefully, you rest your tongue beneath the underside of his cock and bob your head, licking him until he’s sopping with your saliva. His grip in your hair grows in strength as his length reaches the end of your throat, his groans becoming more and more drawn-out.
A needy whimper leaves him as you suddenly withdraw. Dribbles of your spit follow, and you wipe it off with the back of your hand.  
“How am I doing?” you glow in a pant, lazily stroking the doused shaft.
He simply nods with half-lidded eyes, barely able to look at you. “Yeah.”
You snicker at him in his breathless position, a prickle of pride running through your spine over the fact that you blew his mind as much as you blew his dick.
“Use your words, Jaemin.”
Teasingly, your fingers curl around his blunt head, soothing the sensitive tip and sending jolts throughout him.
“Fuck—” he pulls his bottom lip upward. “Awesome. You’re doing awesome.”
“Anything to critique?”
“Mm-mm,” he shakes his head restlessly. You revel a bit more in having the upper hand on him a little while longer. You grip him tighter and hasten your speed, leaving him gasping for air.
“Am I still rusty?”
“Nope, nope,” he croaks, voice rising to a whine. “Definitely not rusty.”
“You sure?” His cockiness has transferred over to you.
“Yes, yes—fuck, slow down, please,” Jaemin begs.    
Granting his wish, you abate your rhythm and free his inches from your touch.
You wipe your hands on the sides of the bed while Jaemin rummages through the drawer of his nightstand and hastily rolls over the rubber over himself before he prepares to enter the body beneath his.  
Recalling your advice, Jaemin mindfully starts off slow. You sigh blissfully in sync to his thrusts. He adjust himself, attempting another angle, and you draw in air between your teeth.
“There, there—“
Jaemin’s quick-witted and keeps at it, plunging a bit more vigorously. Out of habit, your hands grasp onto the bedsheets, but you wittingly attach them to his frame. Hands grazing his neck, his firm pecs, and his taut muscles.  
“Touch-touch my stomach,” he orders in a hush.
You hands follow through and feel up the flexed valley of his abs. Feeling up evolves into desperate gripping and even the slight dragging of your nails.
“Your abs are so fucking hot,” you state thoughtlessly, eyes eating up the view alongside his cock disappearing in and out of you. “Jesus, fuck.”
“Yeah?” he rasps with that devilish smirk of his. God, you want to smack it off him, but not right now—not when you’re reaching euphoria. “You’re not just saying that?”
Oh, you’ve definitely stroked his ego now, but there’s no turning back. Truth spills from you on a whim.
“You’re a fucking masterpiece,” you gasp acutely.
You’re starting to wither away, yet, as if they have a life of their own, your hands drift away from him and find a new home atop your breasts.
“You make me feel so good, Jaemin...”
Jaemin’s eyes go wide. His mouth hangs at the lewdness of you touching yourself.
“Fuck, holy shit.”
His gaze doesn’t leave your ecstatic face or humming body for a second as you knead your breasts and tweak your nipples between your fingers. Your back arches further when Jaemin deepens his sweet, fulfilling thrusts. He’s holding himself back, not wanting to end this beautiful deed just yet.
The stimulation bursts over your body, both from your own doing and Jaemin’s.  
You plead, “Faster, please, faster.”
And he complies, but he also rubs your bundle of nerves, causing a tight knot in you to build up and your shallow moans transform into heavy screams. You clasp onto his back and claw at the protruding shoulder blades.  
You clench, both with your core and your nails digging into him, but Jaemin’s unrelenting, capturing your second peak for the evening.
Instead of coming after you, he shockingly veers lower and closer to you and curbs his pace.
“Was that real?”
You respond with an exhausted nod. Oddly, the smile he shows this time isn’t arrogant, but warm and teetering the line of tenderness. His lips fuse with yours before they stray towards your neck. The passion stews as he sucks your tits, all the while lunging laxly into you.  
With an obscene pop!, Jaemin removes himself from your nubs.
“Ready for the last round?”
His fast thrusts, hitting you precisely in the best spot, cloud your already weakened logic, deterring you from making any response.    
Perspiration is blatant on both individuals. For him, his forehead glistens gorgeously with his damp hair. For you, the back of your bent knees are gluing together. Your bodies are about to pass out, but you both persevere until the end.
As you convulse and perish together in beautiful agony, coincidentally enough, the bulbs in the room and in the streets leap to radiance.
Together, you collapse onto the bed side by side, panting heavily and laughing.
“Told you we weren’t going to die.”
You turn your head to see Jaemin looking at you with a cheeky grin. In retaliation, you stick your tongue out.
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By nighttime, it’s finally stopped snowing outside. However, the streets won’t be cleared until morning, at the very least.
But... you’re surprisingly okay with that.
In a turn of events, the sex inexplicably makes the two of you warm up to each other. There still is targeted banter and tension between you, lingering from before, but it’s less hostile and more playful.
During a fancy Christmas Eve dinner of microwavable pizzas, you poke fun at each other’s majors and discuss your respective hobbies in depth, especially his love for photography. Jaemin even asks if he can take a picture of you, claiming that the kitchen lighting actually looks nice on someone for once.  
“Is that how you collect the memory of your one-night stands? Instead of hanging their skins in your closet, you sweet-talk your way and keep all the photos of them?” you joke, referring to the video call from yesterday night. It feels like an eternity ago, but snowstorms tend to do that.
He chuckles behind the camera as he snaps a photo of you scrunching your face cutely.
“Yeah, but you’re the first one who has clothes on,” he says, glancing down at the photo on the camera roll.  
“Ugh, gross,” you cringe and take a sip of tea.
Jaemin doesn’t add anything further. He leaves out the fact that he never keeps any traces of his one-night stands, that you’re the first girl he’s taken a picture of in a while.  
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After a few hours of more talking and even some gaming with one another, sleep is much needed. Jaemin offers an extra toothbrush and a sweater and pair of sweats to sleep in. You’re facing each other on his bed, noses almost touching.  
“It’s been a while since I haven’t had sex with a girl before I slept next to them,” he whispers, adjusting himself comfortably. The side of his face rests on his piled hands. “It’s kinda nice.”
You cover your mouth as you yawn, then lay your hand back under your head, reflecting the same position as Jaemin.
“You know, it might be my sleepiness talking, but maybe you’re not the worst person in the world to be stuck with during a snowstorm.”
A lovely chuckle echoes in your ear. “I’m glad you’ve had a change of heart.”
After a few moments, your eyes are fluttering to a close until he softly calls out your name.
“Hm?” you stir awake, but not by much.
“Do you...?”
Jaemin doesn’t know what’s gotten to him, doesn’t quite understand why the defences he built for so long are crumbling down in only a day of knowing you.  
And yet, something urges him to give it a chance.
Blowing out a shaky sigh, he anxiously intertwines his fingers with yours. You hum softly at the action and a small smile blooms on your face.
“Do you want to go on a date with me sometime?”
“Hm?” His question doesn’t take you aback as much as you would be if you were fully awake. But even in your drowsy state, you have quips in hand. “Jaemin, the notorious fuckboy and serial one-night stander, wants to go on a date?”
“Yeah,” he replies gently, brushing your loose hair out of your face.
Another yawn. “I thought you said you don’t want feelings and relationships and all that shit.”
His fingers trace your pretty jawline and shrugs. “One date doesn’t mean we’re going to be in a relationship, I’m sure you know that.”
You pause for a good two seconds, but the two seconds feel like forever for Jaemin.
“Mmm, fine. One date, just one.” You barely hold up your pointer finger. “And only because it’s Christmas tomorrow. ‘Tis the season to be giving...”
Relief washes over Jaemin in the form of a smile. Embracing the blatant feeling in his chest this time, he plants a light kiss on your nose and wishes you sweet dreams, even though you’ve already fallen soundly asleep.  
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Sunlight pours over your eyes on Christmas morning.
Déjà vu peculiarly creeps up on you, but the only thing that’s the same as yesterday is waking up in Jaemin’s bed.
He’s next to you this time, deep in his peaceful slumber, instead of waiting for you to leave by his doorframe. The snow has finally stopped, and you think you hear the faint noises of snow plows outside. You inhale deeply and also notice the faded aroma from all the scented candles from last night.
The scenes of yesterday flicker across your mind. The incredible sex. The talking. The dinner. The interlocking of his fingers with yours.
The date he asked you out on.
You stare at him, watching him sleep with a sense of content.
Turning your body, you routinely check your phone, which is charging beside his. You have a slew of Merry Christmas texts from several chats and a few private messages from your friends.
Your attention falls on Jaemin’s phone when it lights up with a notification, likely texts from his friends and family too.
But that’s not what you’re focusing on.
Your heart sinks at the sight of his lockscreen.
It’s a picture of him and a girl kissing.
A twinge emerges in your chest and twists harder and harder.
Jaemin being a fuckboy, you can respect. People can do whatever they want with their lives.
But to cheat?
That’s unforgivable, and a true sin if there ever was one.
You scramble to dash out of there, careful not to make any noises in fear of waking Jaemin up. However, Jaemin’s sensitive to the sounds of the front door, so he rouses awake. His eyes flit open, noticing how you’re gone. He then sees his phone blowing up and adds two and two together.
With his phone in hand, Jaemin rushes to get on a coat and stuffs his feet into his boots, not giving a shit that he’s wearing his thin pajamas in the coldness. He’s bounding down the flight of stairs and onto the bright, white wonderland of the streets.
He swivels his head and catches sight of you almost past down the block, slowly trekking through the thick snow. Jaemin sprints, as much as he can, and hops towards you.  
He yells your name, making others on the street turn, but you don’t. You continue forward without looking back.
“Wait! I can explain!”
You’re trying to gain speed, but cardio isn’t your friend. Thankfully for Jaemin, it’s a close friend for him.
“I don’t wanna fucking hear it, Jaemin,” you grunt, hearing the rapid crunching of his shoes coming closer. “Get lost.”
“No, listen to me for a second.”
The boyish man grasps you by the arm and turns you around. You throw his arm away from you and he holds his hands in the air, letting you know that he respects your space. He drops his hands and sees that you’re seething, even worse than you were when he kicked you out yesterday.
“How are you going to explain your lockscreen with you kissing your fucking girlfriend?! Hm?”
“Ex,” he pants in clarification. “Ex-girlfriend.”
Your eyebrows mesh together in utter confusion.
“Okay? That doesn’t make me feel any better, knowing that you’re still hung up on your ex.”
Jaemin shakes his head and rakes a hand through his hair. You note the large clouds he exhales and how he’s barely wearing any clothes. A tinge of sympathy passes through you, wanting to give him some of your clothes for extra layers, but you smother that quickly in your state of rage.  
“I’m not hung up on her. Remember you asked me yesterday why I don’t want girls to stay the next morning?”
You cock your head impatiently, as if saying, “Yeah.”
“Well, I don’t want to attach myself to girls. I can’t. I...”
He lowers his head to one side. Shutting his eyes, a long puff emits from his mouth.
“She cheated on me.”
The snow plows in the distance can’t compare to the pumping of your heart in your ears. All the feelings you felt in the last day, but especially in the last fifteen minutes, jumble together in your head, making you feel uneasy and unsure of what to exactly feel or comprehend of the situation.  
But you do know one thing, despite the fact that you two barely know each other, the pained look on his face is real—that this is the untold story behind his ways.  
Jaemin lifts his head and holds out his phone for emphasis. “The lockscreen serves as a constant reminder that dating and feelings will and can fuck me up.”
Carefully, he steps a little closer to you and slowly cups your face in his shaking hands. You don’t pull away nor is there the same anger from moments before, so he daintily runs his thumbs over your cheeks.
“Until you showed me yesterday that maybe I’m willing to give it all another shot. Risk it all for fuck knows what, but you make it look like it’s worth it.”
He continues his ramble after adjusting some of your hair from the ongoing breeze.
“Sure, it’s Christmas today, but I don’t want you to say yes to going on a date with me just because it is. I want you to say yes because maybe you like spending time with me just as much as I like to spend it with you.”
You’re completely disoriented—your eyes are shifting everywhere but his eyes and your lips are quivering with no words coming out. He sighs understandingly. 
“Look, I know you’re probably having second thoughts and you don’t have to give me an answer right now. Think on it for as much time as you need, but I want you to know that I genuinely like you and I want to go on an actual date with you.”
He peels his hand away from your face and raises it into the air as if taking an oath.
“I, Na Jaemin, the notorious fuckboy and serial one-night stander, will devote to monogamy once again if it means I can date you.”
His hands grab yours, kisses the back of them, and then he presses one kiss onto your icy cheek prior to walking away.
“Merry Christmas,” he says with a sad smile. “You know where to find me if you change your mind.”
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Later that evening at your large family’s Christmas party, you take another dreadful gulp of your wine.
It’s the happy holiday season, but why does everyone feel the need to stick their nose in your dating life? Well, really, a lack there of.
“Why are you still single?” Layers of their voices resound the same question in your head. You take another swig.
Potential unsaid answers that you kept to yourself fly around as you swish the drink in your glass.  
Because you choose to be.
Okay, not really, but it’s the easiest answer.  
Because you haven’t found the right guy to get you back in the game.
What does that even mean? What makes the right guy even right?
The right guy? It’s someone who makes you laugh, someone who gives as good as they can take it, someone who wants you just as much as you do.
The cogs move in your head as you take one more sip before you finally come to the conclusion—  
Because you didn’t find the right guy until last night.
Despite the mess of today and yesterday morning, you realize that Jaemin is... actually sort of sweet. Annoying, yes, but he keeps you on your toes. It’s a plus that he’s easy on the eyes, but it’s a bigger plus that he’s even easier to talk to.
And if he can find it in his scorched heart to trust you, you can find it in your heart to trust him too.  
You quickly say your good-byes to your family and let them know you have other plans with friends tonight.
As the Uber rolls up to his apartment building, you realize you probably should’ve messaged him on Tinder, but it’s worth a shot to see if he’s home. Anyways, impulsiveness is a controlling entity, as evident from your Christmas Eve Eve��s adventure.
And in retrospect, perhaps Jaemin was the perfect pick of the crop after all.  
Someone’s entering the building and lets you in behind them. You take the stairs two at a time and hear booming music coming from his floor. At first, you assume it’s from other apartments, but it’s all coming from one—his.
Without a thought, your knuckle taps the door.  
A handsome figure that’s definitely not Jaemin opens the door. Behind him, you see a group of young men scattered around the living room, and some have a few girls tucked under their arms.
The man eyes you up and down with a spark in his eye. He’s not Jaemin, but he surely reminds you of him.
“And who might you be?” he asks.
“Who’s at the door, Jeno?” An unknown male voice hollers in a high pitch from the couch. He’s one of the guys with a girl attached to him.
You blink. “Uhm, I’m—”
“She’s with me!” Jaemin shoves the flirty stranger aside and tugs you by your wrist, making headway to his bedroom. He flips the light switch on and the door clicks shut.
“What are you doing h—”
You cut him off with a kiss.
An innocent one, at first, with hints of alcohol on each other’s lips. Your arms wrap around the other and the passion increases with the mingling of your tongues, each party tasting and confirming the specific drinks you both consumed tonight.  
Jaemin forces himself to pull away and presses his forehead against yours. “Did you just come all the way here to kiss me, or...?”
“Maybe I came over to ask... if I can stay with you for another night?” you playfully ask, fingers intertwining behind the nape of his neck.  
He chuckles heartily. His fingers sink into the sides of your waist. “Is my dick that great? The sex with me that amazing?”
“Mmm, that’s definitely a benefit,” you agree, fluttering your nose against his. “But I want more than that—“ You poke a finger to his chest. “—I want the man behind the dick.”
Your gazes converge, bringing you together as one.
“I want to go on that date with you. I want you, Jaemin.”
He flashes a megawatt smile that could compete with a million Christmas lights, but it fades suddenly and you’re unsure why he seems like he’s about to bawl his eyes out.
“That’s so beautiful, I might cry.” He brings a finger to his eye, pretending to shed a tear.
Oh, yeah—you’re definitely going to need to hire someone to constantly shove your eyeballs back into your sockets if you’re going to date Jaemin.
“Oh, shut up,” you whisper, yanking him in for another kiss.
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Three dates later, including a memorable New Year’s Eve, you finally decide to rid of the Tinder app for good.
With his arm around you on his living room couch, Jaemin glances over your shoulder.
“Really? You’re finally deleting your Tinder?”
You snort in disbelief. “That’s gold, coming from the King of Tinder himself. When did you delete?”
He turns to face the television and shrugs coolly.
“Maybe I didn’t.”
“Wouldn’t put it past you,” you nod, eyes still on your phone.
“Nah, I’m kidding, I did.”    
You sharply turn your head.
“No way. When?” you press with narrow eyes.  
A shy smile emerges on Jaemin’s face as he picks his pants over his thighs.
“On the night of Christmas Eve, after you agreed to go on a date with me.”
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w0nnielov3 · 2 years
random drabble ?!?!?)!/&/$
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#paring!!: vampire!enha x princess!reader | recommend listening to this while reading
Warning if ur listening to the song!!: there’s people laughing and talking ,, there’s a bell ringing ,, a loud static noise ,, glass breaking ,, loud walking … think that’s it?
warning!!: a few curse words ,, there’s definitely grammar mistakes I wrote this at 4am ,, bats ,, biting ,, idk what else sorry :(
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The sounds of laughter and people conversing filled my ears as i Fix my dress greeting guest left and right. I felt this weird sudden feeling of someone staring at me …or people ,, I turn to see seven familiar faces looking right at me …yet I couldn’t pin point why they were so familiar? Weird. One of them sent me a smile while the others kept staring ,, although a little freaked out I just continued making my way around the guest. People staring wasnt that odd …you’re the princess silly. I starting making my way up the flight of stairs when I hear a sudden bell but it rung twice …”thats odd?” swinging my head around I look towards the bells to see two of the boys from earlier staring right at me ,, one of them smirking while the other just smiled. Then the lights went out …a loud shutting rang through the castle.
quickly making my way up the stairs I made a sharp left once I reached the top ,, all I could think of was hiding ,, as well …who were these people? They were so familiar yet so unfamiliar ,, maybe father knows them? But they seem to be around my age and father doesn’t befriend children …how annoying. I made my way towards a bookshelf that was at the end of the hall ,, I pulled a Shakespeare book to which the wall opened revealing a room. Making my way inside I watch as the door closed back up. Letting out a sigh I turned to look at a dim hallway ,, surely it was creepy but I guess this is what father would do. I started walked through the very long but dim hallway. I could hear my own heels clicking on the ground ,, but thats when I heard another set of footsteps …yet they were very subtle.
running down the hallway I realized there isn’t really time for thinking anymore ,, but how the hell did someone get in here without me noticing …Oh father would be disappointed. Maybe taking these heels wouldve been a great idea instead of breaking into a sprint so quickly ,, oh for gods sake. Almost reaching the end of the hallway I noticed there were two paths ,, without thinking I took the right one. I picked up my dress so I would be able to run a little faster and not trip. I tried listen closely to whoever was behind me and realized a pattern …there were multiple people ,, I mentally sighing at myself for being so stupid and letting my guard down.
After some time I noticed the footsteps stopped.
i still kept my guard up as i didnt want to make the same mistake but I slowed down ,, I wanted to take my heels off but maybe they want me to stop so I’ll just keep them on. I finally reached the end of the hallway and noticed four doors ,, they all had symbols but i didn't really know what they meant. There was a snake ,, a bat ,, a wolf ,, and a fox ,, I just went with the bat since it seem less deadly …i‘d be scared to see what’s behind those other doors. I opened the door slowly and was met with yet another all hallway …yet this one was practice pitch black. I stepped inside leaving the door opened behind me so there could be some light. I started walking but I was cautions ,, it was extremely hard to see with barely any light so I just kept my hands stretched out keeping my hands on each wall. as I was a few feet away from the entrance I heard the door close shut causing me to snap my head back to be met with what seem scarlet eyes.
“Not again…”
yep you guessed it …im running again ,, it was much harder to run in the dark but I made the best out of it but it did frighten me a little when I could suddenly hear wings flapping. I felt something brush against my arm a couple of times but I just kept running ,, but then I felt it brush against my face which slowed me down a little. I started to brush whatever was going near my face away as I held my dress up with my free hand. I was at my limit with these heel and was near kicking them off or honestly breaking them. The flapping stopped as I near what seemed like the exit of this horrid tunnel ,, the end seem a lot more lit yet still slightly dim. Finally making my way to the exit was I met with a large room that was filled with tubes and machine and a lot of tubs. I also noticed this platform that was quite high.
A felt a chill run down my spine as I turned around to be met with yet again seven pairs of eyes staring right at me. I backed up a little before turning around to only bump into someone ,, I look up to see one out of the seven ,, he was quite tall and had very pretty features …he reminded me of a prince in some sort of wa- PRINCESS FOCUS. i backed up again to yet again bump into someone else ,, in a blink of an eye there were all in front of me. But something was wrong …i cant pin point it but there’s something wrong.
“What do you want from me.” I spat out
But silent filled the room as they all continued to stare at me ,, the one behind me laughed Lowly as the two that rung the bell earlier just smiled at me. The others just stared ar me blankly …what were these Morans waiting for?!?
I flinch when I hear a door slam open ,, footsteps falling right after. They were long but they were soon cut off by the sound of glass breaking ,, I look up to be met with the same scarlet eyes I saw in the dark tunnel.
“We want you.”
My eyes widen at his words as he continued to make his way towards me. I tried to move away but I was held by the person behind me ,, I felt a sudden shock when I realize I couldn’t move at all …its like I was paralyzed. The person in front of me smirks before leaning towards my ear
“Goodnight princess…”
Thats when I felt it ,, something sharp was inserted into my neck but it didnt feel like a needle …it was like very sharp teeth. I let out a loud yell as I felt the pain sink in ,, I felt my vision blacken as I felt myself …float?
-??? POV-
“Now you’re one of us.” We watched as the princess started to rise …a small smile appeared on my face
“Maybe your father will learn to never steal what’s ours.” I let out a small laugh as I watch the princess fall back towards the ground ,, I quickly caught her and laid her on the ground.
I watch as she opened her eyes and I was met with the most beautiful set of scarlet eyes ever.
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© w0nnielov3
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you posted about daddy bailey and his teaching his kid a lesson in the server and i would love to hear ur expansion on it 👀👀 pls necro im starving/hj
I gotchu Milky, no problem at all. Kept PC gender neutral, and it gets a teensy bit angsty. Some spanking, too. And PC attempts somno but gets nowhere.
So the thing that inspired it was a gif I found of a dude forcefully pushing his partner down into face-down-ass-up while he was taking off his belt. It gave me Bailey vibes.
Then I had the big thought of daddy Bailey putting his bratty little kid in their place.
Now, he usually just leaves you be. Leaves you to be a fucking pain in his ass, never acknowledging you at all. Because Bailey knows the only reason why you act out is to get his attention.
He's been busy your whole life. Just you and him, no mom, so he had left you in the hands of sitters, or when you got older, expected you to just take care of yourself. All the while he'll be at the orphanage, taking care of kids that aren't even his. So of course, you have to get his attention.
It had started with some vandalism, underage drinking, dressing in promiscuous ways. His response? Warning you to be fucking careful. No yelling, no telling you to change or stop. Just "Watch out kid."
So you had to turn it up a bit. Setting the paper in bins on fire when your teachers would leave. Using a stapler on your friend's back (with their consent, of course, but their mother still yells at you for it).
Despite the way you dress, you never do more than oral with others. It doesn't feel right. You never know why, until you come home to see daddy dearest passed out in his bed. And his shirt is riding up his stomach, showing off the lean muscles there.
There's a stirring. A hotness to your cheeks. Clamminess to your hands. Why should you deny yourself it? Why would you ever stop? He ignores you every hour of every day, but if you climb on top of him and use his to get rid of your virginity? Well, he can't ignore that.
Determined to just get something out of him, you strip. The mattress creeks under your weight, the old thing having springs that dig into your palms as you crawl up and onto your father's hips. He doesn't wake, perfectly still as you look him up and down. The tattoos that peak from under his clothes are ones you used to trace over as a kid when he'd let you sleep in his bed. The shadow of stubble he has is ever present, even after he's shaved. And so are the dark circles under his eyes from how little rest he truly gets.
You don't look like him much, he claims. Says you look like your ma, whoever she was. And he fucked her, so he should find you attractive. Attractive enough to look over the incest part is unlikely, but it's a risk you want to take. Just anything to get some approval, for once in your life.
Reaching out, you grasp his belt, using your thumb to start threading the loop back through the buckle. Just as you're about to pull the pin through the hole, a hand grasps your neck.
Everything stops. The room is silent, your chest seizes up and you can't seem to work up the confidence to look your now-awake father in the eyes.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he spits, anger and disbelief colouring his words.
When you only splutter in response, he throws you backwards. Your back hits the floor, making you feel winded for a second as you scramble away. Bailey stands, grasping you by the hair and forcing you to look up into his eyes as he bends over you.
"I'm going to pretend this didn't happen. You're going to your room, and you're going to fucking think about this and get over yourself. I don't understand how I raised such a needy little freak."
With that, he parades you out of his room by your hair, shoving you into the hallway and slamming the door shut behind you. Alone on the floor, your clothes still in his room, you let yourself crawl to your room, hiding under your blankets when you get there as the shame and regret end up filling your chest.
He was right. You'd gone way too far. Now he's going to see you as a freak for the rest of your life and never give you that little bit of love you want.
You're not aware of your dear dad in the next room over sifting through your clothes. Completely unaware that he finds your underwear, considers it for a few seconds, and then presses the material to his nose as he finishes undoing his belt. He can hear you sobbing. He likes the sound. So he props himself up against his headboard, quietly jacking off while listening to you ever quietening cries.
Poor thing. He keeps you away because he doesn't want you getting hurt. But he can't exactly explain that to you without you stubbornly insisting you'll be fine. And even if he did think his baby was the best looking person he's ever seen, so much so that he's got off to the thought of them several times, your misplaced lust towards him was only a product of your need for affection. You'd get over it soon.
At least, that's what he thinks. And you honestly did try to. Until you found your underwear in the laundry basket with fucking cumstains on them. That lying sack of shit. Kicking you out, hurting you while he uses you to finish anyways. You have to get him back. You're petty, it's something you got from him.
So you find yourself in his bed again, as he's away at work, this time working yourself to satisfaction with a dildo. One you like to imagine is Bailey's size. You'd even used a fuck tonne of lube so that this will be as messy as possible, not stopping until your fluids are drenching the sheets and then deciding to take it a little further by leaving your toy in his bed to find. As you leave to go to your own room, you remark on how nice it is to smell like him. Bailey's scent, and your own.
It, coupled by the several orgasms you'd pushed yourself through, send you straight to sleep. No dreams, no nightmares, just a deep and peaceful sleep where nothing is wrong and every muscles feels heavy. It's a loud bang that pulls you away from the rest. Daddy's back.
The bang was your door hitting the wall as Bailey barges in, nothing but fury in his eyes as he makes his way over to your bed.
"You think you're fucking funny? Is that it, you little shit? You think you're playing games?"
All of this is said as he makes his way to you, but you're not all that scared. You can see that tent in his pants, can hear how the words lack the bite they have when he's really angry.
Rolling over onto your front, you get up on your hands and knees, presenting your hole for him to see, no shame as you wiggle your hips and sigh wistfully.
Bailey grabs your hair again, this time with his other on your waist, pushing you down so that your face is smushed into your sheets but your ass is still high and ready to be taken.
"Hurry up," you whimper as he fumbles with his belt, receiving a smack on your ass in response.
Bailey huffs, pulling down his pants and underwear just enough to get his cock out. It's thicker than you'd thought it would be. It makes your insides tingle in anticipation.
Leaning over you, one hand on the back of your neck while the free one lines him up with your hole, Bailey closes his eyes and hisses as he sinks in. All of that playing with yourself made it easy to do so, even if you were a little dry.
There's no waiting, no adjusting, just a brutal fucking at mach-20 speed as your finger nails dig into and almost rip your sheets.
"Take it like the good whore you are," Bailey spits, eyes fixated on your own. Yours aren't focused on anything, completely glazed over and rolling back from his battering of your poor little hole.
Even with all of the sex toys you own, none of it compares to the real thing. None of it can replicate that heat that you feel coming from your dad's body, nor the grunts he lets out. Your wrists get tired from fucking yourself this hard all too quickly, but daddy's hips don't stop.
This is all you want. His undivided attention on you for more than five seconds. Him making you feel good, him just taking care of you. He's doing all of that right now. He's giving you exactly what he'd denied you for so, so long.
Your wrists are snatched and pulled behind your back, making it so that your face takes the brunt of Bailey's thrusts. His leather belt snakes around your wrists, binding them tightly together.
"Stop looking so happy, this is meant to be a punishment," Bailey growls, again smacking your ass, only harder than before. Jokes on him, you love the stinging pain. You love how he'll leave hand-shaped bruises on your skin.
Slowing his pace, Bailey spanks you with a rhythm. Thrust in, thrust out, spank. Thrust in, thrust out, spank. The hammering of his dick may be slower, but he's pounding harder than before. That familiar pressure in your gut grows, that tenseness of your muscles reaches almost painful.
It's when he leans over to whisper in your ear that you take him so well; that you take him like you're made to be his personal little cocksleeve, that makes you cum. Now you're making a mess of your own bed, calling out for your dear dad to hurry up and finish inside of you. You need it, you need to know what it feels like.
He obliges not a few minutes after, biting into the skin of your back as his cock jerks inside of you, hot spurts of seed ending up dribbling down your thighs and joining your own liquids.
Bailey swallows hard as he lets you go. Watches you wiggle around to get comfy, your wrists still behind your back. He should have more control than he did just then. He should have kept to himself and never even acknowledged the stunt you'd pulled. Too fucking late now.
"Daddy? Can you get my wrists?"
Are you making your voice higher on purpose? Making yourself sound small and weak so that he'll coddle you?
Fuck you because it works. He's energised from the sex and wants to actually take care of you for some reason. He never has, has he? Never looked after his little one properly. You're not little anymore. You're an adult, about to graduate and likely get a job or go to uni. He's missed so much.
"Yeah, I've got you."
With steady hands, Bailey frees you from his belt, laying down beside you as you snuggle into his side with a content sigh. He hands you your water bottle when you ask, smiles at you jabbing his side when he steals a sip.
So much lost time. He'll have to make up for it now, he supposes.
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It’s not Stress
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Request: I love ur writing so far!!! Cant wait till you blow up (my main goal….is to) on here !! Could i get a 👉👈 ten x reader where theyre great friends and y/n gives him a run for his money in taking charge (which makes him feel lowkey safe. Im thinking, to be very romantic and forward about it, he would like to hide his face in their stomach when hes feeling bad and would not be against the idea of them handling things for a while then instead of him. Basically its a “*she* takes care of *me*” situation) but the doctor has been slowly falling for them and it is starting to stress him out. Bcs of his view of them he Does Not want to confess because They Would Never Feel The Same (coming up with any and all reasons they wouldnt). This pressure has been building for a while, cause the feelings only seem to grow, and hes acting more and more Stressed About Something. Yn eventually notices and kind of unintentionally corners him on it. And yeah basically he is so fucking scared he just freezes up and emotions ensue……definitely let me know if this makes sense!!!!
WC: 2.8K
A/N: you ever just have a request that makes a million ideas run through your brain and then you’re writing it and suddenly you forget all of them? Cause ya me too! I do like this, but it wasn’t what I imagined and so I hope I did okay for you Anon? Thank you for requesting though <3 ha I struggled titling for WAY too long…
You hate running, which is honestly quite ironic with how often you and the Doctor find yourselves needing a quick escape and right now, with that knowledge running through the Doctor’s brain, along with the fact you weren’t currently by his side, he was getting worried. She’ll be fine, he repeats in his mind as he turns down a corner, patting his pockets before pulling out his screwdriver to open the door in front of him.
He didn’t know what was waiting in the room before him but he didn’t expect to walk in on almost 10 angry aliens all looking at him like he killed their Queen. Although he kind of just accidentally did.
He turns back around, ready to make a run in the other direction before more aliens march down the hallway toward him.
He was trapped and he knew it. They had guns and weapons and he had his screwdriver but he was going to use it like his life depends on it, because it most certainly does.
“I wouldn’t come any closer if I were you.” He points his screwdriver to the oncoming aliens and when they get close enough and start shooting at him, he sonic’d the closest weapon. Sparks fly out of it only seconds before its dropped to the floor and the Doctor spins to sonic another weapon behind him and as soon as he does so, the weapons start to fall, the aliens attentions was turning to something besides the Doctor. He didn’t have time to question what it was before the familiar whirring sound he knows and loves echo against the metal walls of the room. The Doctor turns one final time to face the blue of the TARDIS appearing right across the room. The other aliens stand stunned as the door opens and the Doctor smiles.
It was you, coming to save the day.
After you, the next thing he sees is the gun in your hands as you shoot back at an alien who shot you. The Doctor can’t look away from you, his arms falling by his side and he can’t tear his smile from his face.
You manage to take out a couple of the aliens before you were ready to get out of there, only to realize the Doctor still isn’t onboard. He was just standing in the middle of the action, watching you. What a rather confusing look he was giving you as well. “Well, don’t just stand there and look pretty, Doctor!” You shout at him and pull him from his trace. You gesture over your shoulder to the open doors of your home. “Get in!”
His feet had never moved quicker. “Yes, ma’am!” He shouts and runs to you, locking his hand with yours and yanking you after him as he runs. You slam the door behind you and lock it, tossing the gun off to the side and joining the Doctor at the controls.
“Lets get us out of here, Doctor.” You tell him while helping fly the TARDIS away. He’s comfortable with your hands at the controls, both of you working together to fly just like he taught you.
He tries to slip behind you at the same time you reach in front of him to turn a nob. You collide together, your laugh skipping his hearts as you pat his chest and let him pass.
“Thanks for that, by the way.” He speaks quiet and clears his throat. You hum in confusion and glance at him.
“For what?” He gestures to the door and you nod when you catch on. “Eh, had a feeling my Doctor could use a pick up.”
My Doctor.
You say it so simply and yet it weighs heavy on his chest. You were his best friend whether he wanted more or not.
“Where’d you get the weapon?” He throws a glance over to the gun you discarded.
You pretend to not remember for a second as the Doctor raises a brow at you and smirks. “From their Queen.” You finally say, hiding your face from the Doctors view. Was he expecting you to have said you pulled a weapon off their dead leaders body with was still guarded by her subjects? No. Did it impress him? Weirdly, very much so.
“Oh you’re so very clever.” He says fondly and you look to see the fascination towards you on his face and it warms your heart right alongside your cheeks.
“Well I’m going to go take a shower, and a nap, try to get some of this alien-“ you pull your shirt away from your body just enough to see some goo you’ve managed to get all over you from escaping but you grimace, “you know what, I don’t think I want to know what this is, I just want it off.” The Doctor laughs with you as he eyes the mess you’ve gotten yourself into. “You’re welcome to join me, Doctor.”
“In the shower or for a nap?” He jokes believing he knows the answer already to be the nap.
“Either. Both. Your choice.” His eyes widen and his head whips to the side to stare at you. You just wink at him, patting his shoulder and walking off. Were you serious? Did you really want him to join you in the shower and to sleep? He’s still staring at you when you turn around. “Oh! When I wake, we have to go pick up Donna! She said her vacation’s over and she’s ready to get back out there, whatever that can mean.”
Not serious. You weren’t serious. Of course you weren’t. The Doctor hopes you don’t catch onto the thoughts running through his head as he focuses on your words. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll pick her up while you get some rest. You need it after the day we just had.”
You smile, always thankful for him before giving him a look over as well. “When you’re finished picking her up, get some sleep too. You’re better well rested.” He nods at you and you turn to go before stopping and looking over your shoulder. “Try to have an easy landing this time, please? I’m tired of waking up and I’m on the floor on the other side of the room.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say Donna.” The Doctor sticks his hands into his pockets as he walks next to his annoyed friend. “There’s nothing between Y/N and me.”
“Not yet.” She corrects as she grows tired of trying to get you and him together. “I thought if I gave you two some alone, you’d work something out!”
The Doctor wrinkles his nose, stopping his step for a moment. “That’s why you took a vacation?”
“Have I ever taken a vacation before, Doctor?” She asks like it’s obvious and the Doctor can’t deny that she’s got a point. “Where is Y/N?” She finally asks, wondering why the Doctor went alone to pick her up and to the coffee shop in town after she wanted one for the road.
“Ah, she’s napping.” Donna nods and the Doctor kicks rocks by his feet. “Asked if I wanted to join her. And in the shower as well.”
Donnas eyes widen and she smirks. “Well there you go Doctor. Join her!”
“Nah.” He shakes her head. “She was just joking.”
“Call her bluff.” Donna sips on her coffee, hiding her smirk behind her cup.
The Doctor groans in annoyance. “Donna.” He chastises but Donna just laughs.
“I’m serious! Next time she offers, join her!” He stays reluctant and Donna rolls her eyes and stops walking. “Do you love her?”
“Donna, it’s not like-“
“Do. You. Love her.” She repeats, growing tired with his reluctance on the matter.
“Yes, yes I love her.” He finally concedes and Donna cheers victorious.
“Then tell her! For a genius, you’re clueless.”
He thinks for a moment before shaking his head again.
Donna groans loudly. “Nah?” She mocks him.
He avoids the look she throws. “She’s not interested in me like!”
“Not interested?”
“We’re just friends! Best friends!”
“Best friends?!”
“Stop repeating what I’m saying!” He yells at her, earning a look from a older woman walking beside them for a moment as Donna offers her a smile that tells her everything is fine and to keep walking. The Doctor collects himself, straightening his jacket before shoving his hands back into his pockets. “She wouldn’t feel the same.”
Donna heard about enough. “Oi! Spaceman! It’s all in your head!” Donna smack his forehead lightly and the Doctors brows furrow.
“What was that for?” He asks, rubbing the slap area.
“To get your brain working again Doctor because you’re going to bloody need it.”
The Doctor didn’t wake you up when he landed, that was nice of him. The Doctor had been acting strange lately, you weren’t sure what it was but whatever it was is stressing him out greatly. You could see it when he looked at you or if he zoned off for more than a few seconds. It was worrying you, you always worried for the Doctor no matter what but this just seemed different.
You had just woke up from your nap by a knock at the door as you call for whoever it is to come in. You had a feeling you knew exactly who it was and you were proven correct at the first sight of a converse shoe slipping inside your room.
“Did you pick up Donna then?” You grin sleepily at him, pushing yourself up on your elbows and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“All picked up and taken care of.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and avoids looking at you. It makes your heart sink a little because you know he’s stressing himself again.
“Doctor, are you alright?”
He meets your eyes finally, giving your face a scan. “Of course I’m alright.”
You raise a brow at him and cross your arms. “Really?” He nods. “Because there was a whole 5 minutes between my question and your answer.” He was silent again and The Doctor was hardly ever silent. “Come here Doctor.” You gesture him over and the Doctor, despite his confusion, slowly walks to your bed. You pull your covers back and urge him to join you. He hesitates but the Doctor can’t pass this up. He pulls his jacket and shoes off before sliding in next to you and next thing he knows, you’re holding him close to you, his head laying atop your stomach and his lanky figure curling near the foot of your bed but he was comfortable and once your hand starts threading through his hair, the Doctor was in heaven. He relaxes in your hold, his eyes falling closed as he buries his face against your stomach. You can feel his smile through your top and it brings one to your own face. He’s relaxed and happy and it’s the first time you’ve seen him like this in a while. “Doctor, if you’re stressed about something, you can tell me.” Your voice was so soft, so full of care for the Doctor that he stiffened in your arms because how was he supposed to lie to you? He couldn’t out right say the stress was from keeping his love for you hidden but he knows you. You’d get the truth out from him whether he wanted it or not.
“It’s nothing.” He tries but the meek attempt only earns a scoff from you.
“Well now I know it’s something.” Your hand stops in his hair, the comfort was still there but the Doctor knew you were waiting for him to tell you the truth. “If it’s truly nothing then you don’t have to tell me, but whatever this is it’s taking a toll on you Doctor and I won’t let you go through this by yourself. You go through enough without me.”
“I don’t want to go through anything without you.” He mumbles just quiet enough where you can’t hear him. You know he said something but you can’t place just what.
“Doctor, you can tell me anything, you know that. I mean, I tell you everything about me. I don’t think I have a single secret I’ve kept from you.”
Except that I’m in love with you.
He doesn’t say anything, still stiff in your arms as you grown and push the both of you off the bed.
“Ow!” The Doctor almost whines when his body hits the floor, not prepared for the betrayal that was you literally pushing him off. You reach a hand out to help him up and he takes it, keeping his hand slipped with yours even after he’s on his feet.
“I need you to tell me what’s wrong Doctor.” He avoids your eyes and your heart sinks. “Is it me?” You ask very afraid of the answer. Either you did something or he knows something and now he’s stressing out over it. He doesn’t deny your question. “It’s me, isn’t it?” Still nothing. “You’re stressing over me.” The Doctor knew you weren’t asking this time. You can read him like a book, but by the look on your face you were guessing the ending and something tells him you weren’t going to be guessing correctly.
He knows, you think as you let your hand fall from his. He knows the one thing you’ve kept hidden from him.
“It’s not stress, Y/N. You wouldn’t understand.” The Doctor settles on and takes a deep breath. It gives you hope because maybe it’s something you wouldn’t understand, then he doesn’t know anything.
But why would it involve you?
“How about you tell me, Doctor?” You grab both of his hands this time. “Help me understand.”
It’s a look he gives you that finally makes you understand. Well, it’s not a look he gives you but a look he gives your lips. Just a simple glance down yet filled and want and need and it’s a look you’ve given him loads of times when he’s not looking or not aware. That’s when you begin to realize that the Doctor seems to have the same secret as you do and you were going to do something about it. He loses his hold on your hands for what seems like the millionth time but before he has the chance to complain, you grab the collar of his jacket and collide your lips with his.
You can tell the Doctor wasn’t expecting it. For a moment when your lips touched, you could feel him processing before he grabs your waist and pulls you closer, sending a gasp through both of you when your bodies collide.
You can’t resist the upturn of your lips when you separate, leaning your forehead against his and trying to control the rapid beats of your heart, although it was no match for the twin beating of the Doctor’s.
“I didn’t expect that.” The Doctor mumbles and you can feel his soft breath on your lips as you laugh, going back in for a quick peck that the Doctor makes last just a little longer.
“Well, what can I say?” You shrug and throw your arms over his shoulder, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “A girl just can’t resist a man in a police box.”
He smiles gently, wrapping his arms fully around you as you hug him, burying your face in his shoulder and he does the same. “You think we can do that more often?” He asks when he pulls his head up momentarily before he hides it again.
You shrug, pretending to have to think it over. “Maybe we can sit and talk about it over over coffee.” The Doctor straightens up and meets your eyes and you bite your lip. “Second thought, a coffee shop’s a little boring for two time travelers. What, Doctor, is the closet and most beautiful planet that you can think of for our date?”
His eyes lights up, rambling into a spiel about a garden-like planet, with the kindest residents the Doctor had ever met and a sunset that lasts hours just so you could watch it’s beauty. “It’s the perfect place for our date.” The grin he wears, along with the way he’s still holding you so close to him, is just one reason why you would go anywhere with him for your date.
“I’m driving.” You say and peck his lips quickly before rushing out of the room. The Doctor watches you leave and a few seconds later, he’s rushing after you, wrapping his arms around your waist from the behind as you drive the TARDIS to the planet. You had to lug around the Time Lord on behind you any time you needed to move and press a button, but for a date with him, it was worth it.
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bliss-bud · 3 years
@writeranon69 I LOST UR SUNBURN LURKING ASK... the one where you talk about how aubrey lurks around and likes scaring sunny from behind,, im so sorry writer ueue
so to make up for that!! heres a little ficlet based on that cause. THAT IS MY MOST FAVORITE THING EVER!!!
Run, Rabbit, Run! 
word count: 1,354 (yeesh)
#sunburn 🎀☀️
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Sunny shuffled around the hallways of Basil’s house. Focused. Determined. Right now, he was A Man On A Mission. And nothing would maker him falter.
He precariously turned corners, checking his rear every now and then and awkwardly positioning his arms half-way through the air to protect himself. 
His eye flickered left and right. He was on high alert. Why?
Aubrey was lurking. Duh.
But what does that mean? Well, there were moments in time where Aubrey would vanish from Sunny’s sight, lost to the walls of the house in a millisecond. And when that happened, it would only mean one thing; an ambush. 
Usually, from behind- Aubrey would rush up to Sunny, pouncing from her hiding place of lurky-ness to devour her prey; poor Little Sunny. 
You see, it was a form of revenge for Aubrey. There had been a running joke amongst the friend group that Sunny was undetectable, as his footsteps ran so light that no one could ever hear or see him move. If he was no where to be seen, then you better watch your back; he’s probably behind you. 
Sunny made it a habit to surprise Aubrey this way- sneak up on her when she wasnt expecting it, moving fast and quietly to then STRIKE!! But his strikes were more affectionate gestures than they were actual attacks. 
Sometimes it was a flower quickly placed in her hair. Sometimes it was a leaf, placed expertly and balanced on Aubrey’s head. Other times, it was a kiss. Quick, soft and sweet. However here is where Aubrey wanted revenge; Sunny would never stick around to kiss her properly, leaving her to wait until they were alone once more to get what she deserved.
Which brings us now to Sunny’s current dilemma; Aubrey wanted to settle the score, and her plan was already in motion. 
The hallways grew eerily silent, Sunny’s more than quiet footsteps resounding loudly through the hall. Where could she be? If Sunny let his guard down for even one second, he’d ultimately lose! The shame would be far too much to bear!
Sunny passed through the house once more, finding himself dead centre in Basil’s living room. Time had passed since he began this venture of his. Far too much time. 
Sunny squinted. He must not lose patience now! He has a reputation to upkeep, for gods sake! With that, Sunny shuffled in a circle on more time, scanning the parameter once more and-
A sneeze. He sneezed.
The horrendous sound bounced off the walls, practically echoing through the silent house. 
‘Oh god no.’ Sunny thought. Clamping two hands down loudly over his face, Sunny had the sudden and hard realisation that it was too late. Surely, Aubrey would have heard him! Goddamnit, Basil, why must you love spring flowers so much!!
Sunny felt his feet freeze. He had lost. With his new-found familiarity of mortality, Sunny prepared himself for his inevitable fate. 
Any moment now, Aubrey would leap out from hiding and ensure Sunny’s permanent defeat and-- 
Aubrey’s voice boomed, cutting through the tense silence like a hot knife to butter. In one, big, strong, swift motion, Aubrey had seized Sunny’s torso, lifting him ever so slightly into her arms. 
With her face resting softly against the back of Sunny’s shoulder, and with Sunny’s feet hoisted up quickly from the safety of the floor, Sunny’s dread set in like stone. 
“There’s no where to run, Sun!!!” Aubrey laughed manically, her smile so wide it made her look like a large fox ready to devour a small little mouse. Poor mouse. 
Sunny thrashed his legs in Aubrey’s grasp, using all of his mighty strength to escape her clutches.
This was it!! This was the end of the line for Sunny Suzuki!!! Accepting defeat, Sunny let himself grow weak against Aubrey’s hold. 
He felt pathetic to result to pleading, but he did what must be done;
“Aubreyyy!!” Sunny whined, “Put! Me! Down-HA--” 
A strange sound crawled out through the back of Sunny’s throat. What? Could id be? Was that a--
“WAS THAT A LAUGH????” Aubrey yelled. Mortified, Sunny shook his head fevourishly. 
“NO!! NO IT WASNT, AUBREY, WAIT-HA-AAIT--” Sunny’s words were soon drowned it strained giggles as Aubrey ran her fingers over Sunny’s torso in her death-lock. Her sharp-toothed grin grew larger as she continued to prod at his sides, Sunny’s chest rising and falling faster and faster. 
“oooHHH MY GOD YOU’RE LAUGHING!!” She said with pure and utter glee, glee that could only come from someone who knew- for a fact- that they had won the war. 
“NOOOO!! HAHA- AUBREY NO STOP-- HUAHAHA--” Sunny continued to plead, his own smile growing surprisingly quickly. In his laugh-induced demise, all Sunny could even try to do was wiggle in Aubrey’s hold. 
After a few seconds, enough was enough; the beast had worn itself out. 
“OOF, WAIT, Sunny-- Ah you’re gonna kick me!!” Aubrey exclaimed. With a huff of her breath, Aubrey slowly set Sunny down. However, there was one problem; Aubrey had completely missed the floor and in Sunny’s panic, he had sent them both tumbling down towards the ground. 
In a mess of limbs and giggles, Aubrey hit Sunny’s chest with an ‘ough’. Whipping her head up, Aubrey’s hands flew to Sunny’s face, smushing his cheeks a little in the way she held him ever so gently. 
“Sunny!!” She said. “You’re such a rascal, oh my god!!! You could have killed me, man!!” 
Sunny squinted at her, and he had only one response; he stuck his tongue out at her. 
Mocking feigned offense, Aubrey gaped and Sunny, scoffing at him. 
“Oh that is IT--” Aubrey’s fingers jabbed quickly at Sunny’s ribs, sending laughs erupting from his chest again. 
“NO STOP DONT START!!” Sunny fumbled at Aubrey’s hands, barely mustering enough strength to grab her hands and thread his fingers through hers to stop the onslaught of giggly attacks. 
With his head resting against the carpet now, Sunny opened his eyes to see Aubrey on top of him, their intertwined hands keeping her face inches away from his. He swore he could have felt the way her eyelashes brushed his forehead. 
Aubrey, all goofy smiles and love struck laughter, bowed her head to the nape of Sunny’s neck, her hair tickling his ears. 
“You’re sooo difficult Sunny.” She mumbled. 
“Mhm.” Sunny mumbled back. 
For one moment, the dissipated laughter turned to warm silence, the only sound the sound of two chests rising and falling in unison. 
The next, a peck sounded through the air, soft and quick and fleeting- Aubrey barely had enough time to compose herself before she felt the sweet warmth of Sunny’s lips leave hers. 
And with a thump, Aubrey’s hands fell to the floor. Wait-- 
With one swift movement of the arm, Aubrey brushed back a wad of tangled pink hair from her face, eyes flitting down to where Sunny lay just a millisecond before. 
No, She thought. He couldn't have. He would dare! Aubrey scoffed into the air once more. 
“Sunny!! Oh my god, you’re so MEAAN, get back here!!” 
“But im right here.”
Aubrey’s childish ruse was cut short by Sunny’s soft voice. Aubrey turned her head towards Basil’s sofa, to where Sunny sat on the floor, cross legged with arms wide; open and waiting for Aubrey to join him. 
Walking over to his side, Aubrey plopped down in front of him and put her hands in his waiting palms as her hair floated back down to the ground. Aubrey held Sunny’s stare, falling back into her intensity. She shuffled forward, inching her face closer and closer to his.
She smirked. He blushed. Just a little.
“You. Suck. Big-time.” She whispered directly into his lips.
“Sure.” He mumbled back, words barely intelligible as he closed his eyes.
Then, as Sunny sat in front of her, waiting with bated breath, Aubrey kissed him. Properly this time.
And as softness returned to the air, she kissed him again. And again, and again, and again. 
Lets just say that, in the end, Aubrey got what she wanted.
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yyuuna · 3 years
i’m not sure if your requests are open ( ignore this if they aren’t :00 ) but the fake dating trope witj todoroki and bakugo bdjnebfb
fake dating
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—fake dating with them
includes: s. todoroki / k. bakugo
pairing: various x reader
genre: fluff
disclaimer: lowercase intended
warning: swearing
a/n: i triED 🏃🏻‍♀️ i’ve seen tropes like this all the time but i still couldn’t get it done nicely but here u go,,
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despite having literally no idea about what’s going on, he’s no snitch
simply doesn’t care
will submit to ur plans because he’d think why not?? a friend is in dire need of help, so why shouldn’t he help?
ok, on to the story
as u were walking down the hallway of the school building’s second third floor, u spot someone
his name is sora, ur stalker during middle school—he’s rly creepy
by creepy, i mean he used to harass you with his undying love during lunch time, touching you whenever he can, bombard you with diabetes during valentines day, invading your privacy, lying to everyone that you’re together
a squeak make its way out to escape from your lips as your widened eyes stare at sora
thankfully, the joyous screams and boisterous laughs coming from the school fair had weakened his senses, thus not being able to immediately see your cowering figure
he was hard to shoo away back then
despite being able to defend yourself from him back then, him being annoying is rather intolerable
so u sneakily go down the stairs cz u dont want sora to notice nor harass u
buttttt sora caught sight of you—after all, you’re the reason he came to UA’s school fair
“[name]! come back here!” he yelled, jogging to make his way to you
ur run suddenly accelerated tenfold
u kinda caught todoroki’s attention bcz ur shoes were clacking rly loud on the floor
todoroki was just standing there, looking at u
he just got out of the classroom
“oh thank god—todoroki!” you gestured to him as your panic withers away
well at least until sora’s voice stiffened you again
“[name], let me talk to you.” sora grabbed your shoulder rather too harshly
“what do you want? why are you even here?” u back away, but he only gets closer
“what, didn’t you miss me?” he smirked, contradicting the disgusted scowl on your face
todoroki awkwardly stood there, silently watching the exchange
“c’mon, everybody knows we’re together, so i wanted to take you out with a couple of friends” sora took ahold of your hand, caressing your palm
honestly, you just want to go home
so your eyes swiveled at anything but him, looking for nothing in particular
until ur sight lands of todoroki
“shou~can we go to our date now? im rly hungry” u interlocked ur hand with his as u escape from sora’s hold
ok, he was genuinely confused but uh
“uh sure...” todoroki said
sora scoffed “psh, him? ur boyfriend?”
at this, todoroki’s ear started to heat up—and no his quirk is not in on this
he does have a crush on u, but he doesn’t know he actually has a crush on u. all he knows is that he admires ur strength and many more traits than he does to anyone else
“whatever, we’re still not done, [name]” sora smirked, his finger seductively tracing your jaw before leaving u two
todoroki obviously sensed the danger, pulling u closer to him
“i’ll walk w u” he stared at u
u two started walking towards the exit of the campus, not bothering to separate ur hands—which is most likely his idea
“uh, thanks...sorry about earlier. i didn’t mean to use u—well i kinda did but he’s creepy”
“okay” he casually said
nearing the exit, u began walking to the opposite direction, only to be stopped when he didn’t seem to let go of ur hand
“i thought u were hungry?” he asked
“no i—well yeah, im hungry but it was also with the pretend part, right? i mean, we aren’t together to go on a date” u chuckled awkwardly, though his face stayed indifferent
“date...? is that so....” he trailed off, looking down in thoughts “then if you’re hungry, we should go on that date”
he’s cluelesssssss
“eh? well sure i guess...?”
that’s ur first date. by first date i mean there r following dates
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sooo im not sure if this is exactly fake dating but the concept is there,, skshjs i need more ideassss
kinda aged up? i mean u two r on an official mission
he’s the type of person who’s against fake dating shit because it’s “fucking stupid” but honestly, he inwardly don’t mind at all
anyway, the group of villains u two were assigned to catch was in a high official party (a ball of some sort), so obv u attend there
as u two were slowly getting information, leading them where u can easily catch them without getting the civilians’ attention, u heard one of ur enemies’ micro transceiver (walkie talkie microchip things on their ear)
“enemy is wearing a fur coat, has [h/c] hair that’s tied up, and is around [height] feet tall” said the person on the other line
the enemy’s eyes widened, but before he could catch u, u ran towards ur partner, bakugo, and pulled him to one of balconies
“what the hell?!”
“they’re onto us!” u whisper yelled, hiding ur coat somewhere while taking off ur hair tie
u heard footsteps, perhaps they have already found out where u both went
“there’s no time!” u hissed, pushing bakugo on his knee
“OH MY GOD...YES! OF COURSE I’LL MARRY U!” u excitedly chanted
bakugo was about to throw profanities when the enemies entered his peripheral vision
u saw this too, but the enemies seemed like they were still about to pester u two
lmao so u pulled the blond up, laying ur face on the crook of his neck to imitate a make out session
and ur right thigh laid against his hip before u pulled his hand to grab it
his other palm encased ur waist, helping u
u can feel his heartbeat accelerating as ur body rests against his own
and ofccc pda makes people uncomfy
“sir, we lost her” u heard one of the enemies relay before they leave them
ur breath fanned his neck as his ears figuratively burned
“get off, dumbass” though his words were harsh as a sand paper, the way he pulled u away, on the other hand, was gentle as a feather
“u know once the agency learns about this, they’re gonna send your annoying ass with me all the time for fucking missions” he scowled despite actually wanting to have u as his partner
“yeah...probably some fake couple missions”
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tags; @mayukhii @innersooya
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t0shii · 4 years
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hq boys when you're feeling anxious or stressed
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suna rintaro, hinata shoyo, oikawa toru x gn!r
!warnings! mentions of anxiety, reader comparing themselves to others, mentions of food & hunger, driving. this is like all fluff no angst rlly tbh.
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he could tell something was up but conviced himself he shouldnt pry as he had already asked you twice if you were feeling alright, to which you reasurred him with a "yep" both times, it was suspicious but he thought maybe you just wanted to be left alone. meanwhile you weren't sure why you lied him, you obviously were not doing okay at the moment. currently he was driving you home and your anxiety was going absolutely crazy from the amount of school work that was piling up on you, it's unfair you thought to yourself, looking out the window. not only were you stressed from work but trying to keep up with your friend was hard, to say the least. they were phenomenal students, straight As in their transcript and though your grades were just fine, you couldn't help but feel inferior and insecure. it's unfair how effortlessly smart they are and how i'll never be able to catch up.... oh boy if your thoughts weren't running wild before they definitely were now, you hadn't even realized your boyfriend pulling into your driveway until he slightly tapped your shoulder. "are you sure you're alright? i don't wanna pressure you ofcourse but, you know you can tell me anything right?" ... and there were the water works! the little string holding you together had snapped just like that. you sat there in the passengers seat sobbing into your hands and suna rintaro hadn't a clue what to do in the moment.
"give me just a sec" you heard him mumble but not before he gave you a kiss as light as a feather on the top of your head. somehow you didn't notice him exit the car and rush to your side until he opened your door and hugged you so tight you honestly couldn't breathe. after a few seconds your boyfriend let go of the embrace which, to his dismay, only made you cry even harder. now, he knew he was known for being quite... stoic but he was definitely panicking on the inside and it was really difficult to remain calm on the outside. your boyfriend carefully reached over you to unbuckle the seatbelt that you had yet to unclasp. "lets go inside baby." his voice was so gentle it would've taken you by surprise had you not still been crying. you nodded in response and he helped you carefully out of the car, holding your hand all the way to the door, "d'ya have your key?" you nodded trying your best to unlock the door, after a few struggled and shakey attempts you finally had your door unlocked but not without rins help because he couldn't bare to watch you struggle any longer.
stepping inside rin helped you take your shoes off, removing his own after, "bedroom?" having calmed down a little you whispered "yes," with a small nod. he nodded with you in response and took you to your bedroom. after helping you change into comfy clothes he helped you into bed, crawling in right behind you. your back was snug against his chest and he held you super tightly, it was silent for a few minutes until finally he spoke up, "please tell me how i can help" you could feel your lip quiver. "well... you don't have to say anything right now, you know i can wait. i'll even leave if you want, i just wanted you to know that you can tell me whenever you're ready and that i'll listen." neither of you were sure when you'd be ready to admit what had gotten you so upset but you felt comfortable knowing suna rintaro would be there whenever you were ready, whether it be minutes from now or even months.
your silence on the walk home was starting to concern him.. maybe im just talking too much... he thought, "hey... im sorry if im talking your ear off.. how was your day angel?" to say he was disappointed with your response would be an understatement. not thar you HAD to talk but usually you were talkative with him and the worry in his tummy was only growing more. a simple, "oh.. my day was alright sho," simply woundn't cut it! "hey, are you feeling okay?" it was silent for a few seconds before you answered a mumbled "i think so, are you feeling alright, sho?" he simply nodded with a "mhm" and you told him to continue on with his story from earlier.
he complied but only to fill the silence. hinata decided to trust you when you said you were okay because you know your own feelings and he knows for a fact he's made it clear before that you could and should let him know if something was bothering you. though you enjoyed listening to hinata's stories you only found yourself getting lost in your own mind whilst he rambled on.you could tell he was suspicious of your behavior but was grateful he had left his curiosity behind because you were sure you would snap if he had asked you if you were okay again, you really didn't want to cry in front of him. truth is, your thoughts were running wild, stressing over the smallest things; assignments due at the end of the week, what you were gonna get your boyfriend for your anniversary, how you were gonna make time for your friends surprise birthday party and helping sho with his studied all the while trying to take care of your own self and keep your own grades afloat. "y/n..? we're at your house.. are you sure your alright? you look a little pale, are you ill?" crap! how had you not noticed you were approaching your own driveway you wanted to slap yourself for being so clueless. you couldn't help but feel horrible for not listening to your boyfriends story also.
"yes sho i'm fine really, i just didn't have time to eat lunch today but i have food inside so don't worry m'may?" he looked at you suspiciously and you knew he was onto you, "y'know y/n, i'm not gonna force you to tell me what's going on but just know i'll always be here for you, okay?" he gave you a small smile before engulfing you into a tight hug, it honestly melted your heart. surprisingly, you didn't start crying on the spot. "y'know, i wanted to trust you when you said you were okay but now i'm not so sure if you were telling the truth," he mumbled into your shoulder. you sighed, giving up the facade. "sho.... i just don't know what to do honestly, i have alot on my plate right now and i'm really stressed with all the responsibilities ive piled onto myself," you admitted. he nodded lifting his head from your shoulder, giving you the brightest smile, "well, i can always help out! i might not be the mooost helpful person ever but i'll try my best, and if anything i'm good moral support!" you giggled at that but suddenly you felt your lip quiver from the sudden guilt you feeling, "i'm sorry for lying to you sho-", "hey! its alright! you dont need to apologize. especially dont need you crying on me now!" he smiled cupping your face in his hands, wiping away a few stray tears of whom managed to escape.
you smile back at him and thought of how silly it was that you tried keeping your feelings a secret from your boyfriend of two years, hinata shoyo, feeling glad that you confided in him. he knew you were upset as soon as he saw you that very morning, he could read you like and open book and you knew that fact very well. still though, you tried your best to hide yourself from him, though it was hard considering you sitting right next to him in the passenger seat of his car. finally after a whole day of being worried sick, he was tired of leaving things left unsaid "babyyyy," he sang for you from the kitchen, "please come here a sec!" he yelled for you louder. soon you came trudging down the hallway, blanket wrapped around your body, he couldn't help but smile at how adorable his s/o looked.
"c'mere quickly," he said will a grin, opening his arms for a hug, which you gladly accept, wrapping your arms around his waist tightly. "now, i know you know that i know that you're not feeling well, so please tell me what's got my angel so upset?" he said softly rubbing his hand lightly over your back, his voice a little muffled from his cheek being squished against the top of your head. you let out a breath you hadn't even realized you were holding, "'m sorry tooru, i don't know what's wrong with me today.... just not feeling well." you felt him nod against your head in response, "well good thing your amazing boyfriend is here to make you feel all better huh?" you let a out small giggle at that. "you know you can tell me when you're feeling down right? you shouldn't keep things bottled up inside", "i know tooru... im sorry, i just dont really know wbat i'm feeling so down about though," you admitted shyly. "hey that's okay! there absolutely no need to apologize for that, here, look at me, angel," he tilts your face so you're looking up at him, his big soft hands holding your face, thumbs stroking your cheeks lightly, "i'm here whenever you figure it out, hell, even if you dont figure it out or there just isn't any reason at all. you know i'm always, always, always here. i promise you that, m'kay?" he finishes his little speech with a smile, smothering your face in kisses. you could only feel relieved, thankful and loved. because you knew that you would always have your soulmate, oikawa toru by your side.
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( a/n ; ahh so im sorry if this has any spelling or grammatical errors it's sort of late as i'm writing this! and im too lazy to proof read.... also it might just all be word vomit and if it is im so sorry 😩 ++ i'm positive ive kept the reader gn throughout the whole thing but if there are slip-ups i promise i'll do better next time! i rlly wanted to write some hq boys when ur feeling anxious and beyond stressed because i have been MEGA struggling with my own anxiety lately, especially bc of school so i just needed to let my feelings go! anywhooo i hope everyone who reads this has an amazing day or night! ) p.s. im new to writing so be nice 2 me or whatever 😩🙄😌👍🏻
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sakuatsutingz · 4 years
hi can you possibly do osamu, atsumu and tsukishima when they see someone hitting on their crush (not s/o,yet)? thank youu!!
ofc !! i love this req tho omg,, enjoy !! — jamie
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osamu, atsumu & tsukishima when their crush is being hit on
masterlist here
request here
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so osamu has been your best friend since you guys were basically in diapers gn
and you were always attending his games in inarizaki, cheering him on !!
little did you know, samu has had a crush on you for the longest time
his heart would always go ➡️↘️↙️⬅️↗️⬇️⬆️⬇️↖️↙️ whenever you attend his games and cheer the loudest for him
well ure not just a big ass crush to him
youre his best friend and he doesnt wanna ruin your precious friendship <//3
cue years of mutual pining between u two because of that sighs
even aTSUMUS growing impatient
the line between being friends and something more is coming more to a blur every time you guys see each other
like people would think you guys are a couple already because of how close you two act towards each other <//3
but on one fateful day before his vball match started u were already in the hallways, making ur way to the gym where osamus game takes place
and it just so happened a man, who is only slightly taller than you, walked up to u and rested his arm around ur sHOULDER.
u were basically panicking bc u didnt know what to do
“heya doll, what are you doing looking all pretty here ? i say i should take you out.”
your eyebrows furrowed as soon as you heard him, and before you could shove him away from u, you were already caged between the wall
and the lord rlly said ‘let osamu witness all of this’ and boom osamu was there making his way to the water fountain with atsumu and he basically just dropped his water bottle at the sight of you uncomfortably between a wall and a stranger
as soon as he locked eyes with your quivering ones he speedwalked towards the two of u and pushed the guy away from you
“you should know, ya’ shouldn’t mess with what’s not yours.”
said osamu, bringing you closer to his chest with his left arm wrapped around your waist AAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
the man took the hint and awkwardly walked away as soon as he heard those words
the two of you then made ur way back to the gym, his hand never leaving ur side
well, maybe when you started teasing him
“‘what’s not yours’ ? are you implying that someone owns me, ‘samu-samu ?”
he stopped walking, making you flinch a little at the sudden halt of movement
“you were always mine, got it ?”
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you've known him since the beginning of high school
and you've always stood out to him !!
you always took his flirting just as a joke
friendly thing to say </3
even though he was being dead serious the whole time
but at the same time he would literally shy away from every opportunity in asking u out
u knew him well and so does he !!
just like osamu, u attended every one of atsumus vball games, cheering him on in his passion !!
honestly he would always do his best to impress u whenever you watch him practice with the inarizaki vbc
heck he would even use 1OO% of his power just !! for u !! to notice !!
whenever he flirts w u the entire team just leaves the two of u alone
bc atsumu has probably spilled about his ever growing crush on u to them
by accident
or maybe osamu was the one to spill the tea
before a match started you visited him on the bench just to check up on him real quick
but someone from the opposite team ran up to you before atsumu noticed your presence
“i’d never thought i’d meet someone so gorgeous like you here, why not you go sit there and cheer for me, yeah?”
meanwhile osamu notices the player go dangerously close to your face, and your eyes plead for help to his own
osamu points it out to his brother and iMMEDIATELY ATSUMU SPIKES A BALL TO THE GUY’S FACE
his aura is TERRIFYING
like do you know that weird yellow smoke thing that shows when the twins did their quick attack
but like you go bby <33
the guy runs back to his own team with a bruised face as tsumu spRINTS TOWARDS YOU
911 i need an emergency my heart stopped beating
“sorry, just had to. i wanted to let ev’rybody know that miss y/n is mine and mine only, ‘kay?”
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you, him, and yams have been a trio since elementary school
it was always you three in your own little world
he doesn't remember when he first started to form a crush on you
just like ?? since forever ??
but he's rlly good at hiding his feels sOBS
basically only yamaguchi knows
but it's not too hard to figure out he has some sort of feels for you <33
he's a lot nicer to you then he is to most people oops
also is always offering to help you !!
like if your struggling with a class
mans is there to tutor you IM DYING
you don't often go to their games
and if you do it's usually cause yams invited you
he invited you to a game !!
and you knew it was important if he invited you so you agreed to it <33
you ended up going on the bus with karasuno to get to the arena cause you didn't have a way to get there
and as your loading the bus or wtv ,,
someone from karasuno comes up to you
wayyy too close tho </3
it was clear your uncomfortable with their advances
but they didn't seem to care
clearly it was getting tsukki pissed gn
yamaguchi was trying to calm him down
it wasn't working SJSJDJ
he ended up basically glaring at the person flirting with you
before walking behind you
and pulling you into a back hug !!
kinda just looks at the other guy then to you
"is there a problem here babe? this person annoying you?"
grumpy dino can be v intimidating and this was one of those moments </3
the other guy backs off and ya'll get on the bus
and the only open seats happen to be next to each other for you and tsukki COUGH COUGH
"so, babe huh?"
he just lowkey rolls his eyes and is like
"don't act like you didn't already know, you're mine, okay?"
and the otp of y/n x tsukki came true
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after-witch · 4 years
Darling, Light of My Life(Yandere Light x Reader)
Title: Darling, Light of My Life (Yandere Light x Reader)
Synopsis: He’s not going to hurt you. He just wants you to give him the bat book. 
@kentucky-fried-hawks​​ said IM SO HAPPY U OPENED REQUESTS YAY i love ur overhaul content but i also haven't seen anyone write for light yagami so maybe the iconic axe scene from the shining with yandere light yagami x reader?
notes: yandere
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The hardwood stairs, expensive and polished, squeaked obscenely with every step you took up the staircase. Walking backwards was terrifying, and your foot trembles slightly as you feel blindly for each narrow landing. You have to walk backwards, because he was in front of you, and turning away made you feel like prey, like a little mouse being chased by a cat.
But Light Yagami was no cat. He was real, flesh and blood, walking up the stairs just as slowly as you scrambled away from him. He holds his hands open, mimicking warmth and patience and understanding. But the expression on his face, passive and cold, said otherwise.
Your take another step backwards up the stairs.
"(Y/N)... give me the book."
You shake your head mutely. His lip twitches, ever so slightly. The passive, simmering fury on his face makes you wonder if it might peel off. If Light might simply reach up and dig under his skin and pull it away, revealing his true self underneath. This was supposed to be a week-long trip to rekindle your relationship, after you'd wanted to leave--he was busy, busy, busy.  And controlling. And cold. He promised to change. He booked a private lodge, a place for you two to talk and cuddle; an expensive cabin surrounded by snow and beauty. And cold. 
You weren't supposed to pry into his things. Another point of contention in your relationship: his secrecy. But you did. And you found a book, something odd and black and labeled 'Death Note,' resting inside an unassuming black briefcase he'd tucked into the back of your shared closet. You didn't touch it... it seemed wrong. But you'd snatched the case and opened it, and that was when he'd caught you, and now--well, now. Here you are, backing up slowly as your boyfriend advances on you with an expression of slowly evaporating patience.
"Did you touch it, (Y/N)? Tell me the truth. I won't be mad." You can't say that you believe him. He takes another step forward, this time not stopping, so you speed up your progress towards the top of the staircase.
"Stop it!" You say. Your voice is a mixture of defiance and fear. "Just... stay there, Light. Tell me--tell me what this is."
He gives you a condescending smile. "Give me the case and I'll tell you"
"No!" The defiant words surprise him, by the look on his face--they even surprise you.
Your foot scrambles for purchase behind you, but you realize you've made it to the top of the stairs. Light sees it, too. He looks at you. You look at him.
And then you run.
You hear his feet pounding after you as you sprint, heart thudding, twisting and turning along the myriad of hallways in the lodge. Please-please-please, you think, hide-hide-hide. A childish part inside of you half-expects to see someone or something every time you turn the corner, adding to your fear. 
You throw open the door to one of the other bedrooms and sprint into the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it in an instant. Your breath comes in great big gulping heaves. It almost hurts.
You press yourself up against the bathroom door and look around. It’s green, a pale, sickly sort of pastel green that makes you think of hospitals and pea soup. 
There's a small window--too small to fit through, and you can see the snow piled high next to it, anyway. You don't know what to do. You weren't thinking when you opened the case, you weren't thinking when he caught you and you ran, and you weren't thinking when you locked yourself in a room with no escape.
The thin hope that he won't find you is dashed when you hear his footsteps enter the room.
"(Y/N)..." His voice is painfully normal, almost teasing. As if you were playing hide and seek. As if he didn't chase you into the hall, up the stairs, and round and round the winding halls of this place.
He knocks on the door. Calm. Deliberate. One, two, three knocks. The sound is deafening inside the bathroom and you crawl childishly into the empty tub. The plug is dark red and rusted over but you sit over it anyway. 
"Let me in, honey." The emphasis on honey is anything but sweet. "Just give me the book and let's talk about this. It's nothing serious. You're overreacting."
You clutch the case to your chest. If it was nothing, why did he look so mad--so terrified--when he saw you staring at the book inside his secret case? It was something. You didn't know what... yet. You slide the case into your lap and stare at it. He asked if you touched it, didn't he?
"Fine," you hear from the other side of the door. "I'll be right back."
You barely listen as his footsteps fade. You're staring at the case. Did you touch it, (Y/N)? You flip open the latches on the case and stare at the black book inside. 
There’s a sudden bang on the door--no, not a bang, your realize. A crashing, loud, splintering thud. You stare at the door, eyes wide in horror, and realize he’s going to take it down.
“I warned you,” he says, voice calm; a stark contrast to the loud, violent splintering of the wooden door.  Your hands tremble as they clutch the side of the open case. Should you try to get out the window, anyway? Dig through the snow?
Part of the door finally gives way, and you can see Light’s face through the crude opening. His face is impassive, smooth. His eyes seem to glow with a simmering anger underneath. He’s not used to you defying him like this. 
“I’m done playing games. Give me the book.”
He watches as your hands hover above the cover.
“Don’t you dare.”
You do dare. The book feels… like a book. You stare down at it, feeling almost relieved. It’s just a book. You are being silly. You are overreacting. You’re sitting in a tub, inside a bathroom, running from your boyfriend because he kept a book in a case. 
You look back up at the door, back up at Light watching you through the hole he’s chopped open. And then your blood freezes in terror. Light is there---but Light is not alone.
Behind him is a demon.
It waves to you. And you scream.
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