sophsbookstore · 5 months
Sims Stream
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Lando Norris x reader 。・:*˚:✧。
Word Count: 1,354
“So, what do you want to do today?” a shirtless Lando said, coming up and hugging me from behind as I make us breakfast.
I turn around, giving him a quick yet passionate kiss before turning back around, just finishing preparing a fruit salad for the both of us, his head nessling between mine and my shoulder, his arms wrapping around my waist.
“Your day off has barely started and you're already bored huh?” I laugh, a smile creeping onto his lips.
“I already trained, did simulator practice, took a nap, and now I want to hang out with you my love.” He squeezes me tighter as I nestle into him.
“Well I was going to stream sims today.” I make my final cut, mixing all the fruit together before putting some in a nearby bowl and handing it to Lando. He gives me a thank you, before turning to lean against the kitchen counter, now facing me.
“I could join you.” he states, scarfing down the fruit, taking a few pieces of fruit from my bowl as well.
“We cant join games” I frown, wishing he could stream with me today.
“I know, you always watch me play video games, I wanna watch you play something you really like doing” he smiles, placing both his and my empty bowls in the sink, wrapping up the leftovers and placing them in the fridge.
I take his hand in mine, leading him to my office/game room. I pull up a chair for him, placing a pillow on the seat as well as the back of the back of the chair for comfort. As I get settled, He takes the armrest of my chair, pulling it closer to him. I drape a blanket over both our legs and start the stream, the sims loading screen shining bright in the backlit room.
As we start talking both to one another and the stream chat, more and more people start joining, freaking out at the sight of Lando and I streaming together for the first time. Chat being so used to just hearing Lando, and never seeing him. Lando starts talking to chat, telling them how excited he is to play with me.
Soon the game fully loads, I choose to start a new game, not wanting to ruin any of the storylines I have going with my other sims lore. “Why don't you make us? We can live out our lives through the sims” Lando asks. Chat, all Lando fans, loving his idea and agreeing immediately.
Embarrassed, I go to my library and select the premade Lando I had made just a few months back on another stream. “Already did.” I blush with embarrassment, he turns to me with a big grin on his face, getting closer to the monitor screen to observe his custom made sim.
“You did so good love, thank you for making me look so handsome” he says leaning closer to me, giving me a forehead kiss. As he gets closer, he moves his hand from his lap to start squeezing my thigh. I lean into his body, moving the armrest out of the way, holding his arm that's squeezing my leg. Chat absolutely loses it at the interaction, spamming mom and dad in the chat.
Once we make some adjustments to our sims outfits we start the game, going into a random starter house, customizing the interior to our liking with what little funds we have, and finding jobs for our respective sims. “Can I be an F1 driver here?” he questions.
“No, but you can be an athlete” he makes a sad face, not getting what he wanted. “The good thing is, there's a lot of job options in the game” this perks him up. I continue to scroll though the list, showing and describing all the jobs to Lando.
“WAIT WAIT WAIT I CAN BE A SECRET AGENT” he practically screams. “Why didn't you tell me, that's way cooler.” 
Lando picks the job of secret agent, I settle with the streamer career, wanting my sim to be as accurate as possible. 
“Can you fuck in the sims?” Lanod says out of nowhere. I playfully smack him on the shoulder.
“Lando there's kids watching, also our sims aren't even dating yet, they are just roommates.”
“How come sim Lando hasn't asked out sim Y/N yet?”
“Maybe he's too scared, sim Y/N is way too hot for sim Lando” I shrug, Lando giving me a side eye. “Dont side eye me, I said what I said, chat did I lie?” chat clearly siding with me.
“Tell sim Lando to ask out sim Y/N, we have to date her before anyone else tries to steal my girl” Blushing, I click on my sim, making Lando's in game alter ego flirt with her.
Soon, my sim walks away from Lando's, moving away to talk to another nearby towns person. Lando watches in disbelief as my sim, against my control, starts talking to another man. “WHAT THE HELL” he stares at the screen, sitting up a little more. Chat going absolutely insane, clipping the moment to probably use for another couples compilation.
“I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, SHE DID THAT ALL ON HER OWN” I argued back. Lando takes the controls, choosing my character and moving her away from the random sim man, to go back to talking to him.
“How do I kill someone in the sims?” he questions, going to the settings and looking around for a kill button.
“You can't, I dont have the mod.” I laugh, holding my stomach with laughter, pulling him away from the screen, to go back to cuddling me.
“Can we download it? I want him dead, he tried to take my girl” lando pouts.
We continued the game, Lando and I switching off the controls whenever we wanted our charters to do something. Soon enough, Sim Lando and Sim Y/N start dating. Lando and I both chanted “kiss, kiss, kiss” when they shared their first kiss with one another.
“Does this mean that we can fuck now” Lando turns to me waiting for my approval.
I sigh, a smile forming on my lips. “Yes lando, they can now.” he cheers, taking the mouse and clicking on the bed, happily selecting the woohoo button.
I take the mouse back from him, moving the game to show a different room. “I don't want to show it on stream, it's an invasion of privacy '' I look at him sternly, he silently nods in agreement.
We wait a couple more seconds, talking to chat about anything that comes to mind until finally seeing the notification that they are done. Lando grabs the mouse before I can, clicking on my sims and taking her to the bathroom. “Lando, what are you doing?” I ask confused.
“I wanna see if Sim Y/N is pregnant.” 
“LANDO WHAT!” I shout taking the mouse back from him instantly. We’re both waiting anxiously (for different reasons) for the notification of sim Y/N’s status. I let out a sigh of relief when she's not.
Lando slumps back in his chair. “Lando what were you thinking? They've only been dating for a day! It's far too soon for them to have a baby! They barely have any money, no space, do you need me to go on?” I lecture him, moving the controls slightly away from him so he cant make anymore rash decisions.
“I just wanted to see what a little us would look like” he said sadly, it breaks my heart, chat spamming awww’s in the chat. “I know it's too soon, I just got excited.”
“Lando it's ok, how about the next stream, we MAYBE have them try?” this perks him up.
“Really! You mean it? Everyone spam baby names in the chat, we’ll use the best one.'' Lando starts talking to the chat about how excited he is for the next stream, and virtual fatherhood.
As I watch Lando go on and on about this potential sim baby, I can't help but get excited for the day it happens in real life.
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ludinusdaleth · 2 months
re: your post about xerxes' innocence and optimism being seen as flaws or almost made into a joke. i think both the outside knowledge that asmodeus is a lying opportunist the internet's borderline hero worship of brennan also adds to this; they believe xerxes is meant to be /punished/ for being stupid and selfish enough to trust a devil.
i think you've hit the target pretty well, anon.
i do want to clarify i dont think zerxus is "innocent" in nature about the gods. he knew who asmodeus was; he read about him often, feeling kinship. but i think that speaks to how fundamentally empathetic zerxus is that he turned his anguish over being lonely, isolated from his son, his husband, even his own party, and turned that to feeling almost.... kindness. and it came pouring out, all these feelings of projection and wishing to care for someone again, onto asmodeus. i deeply sympathize on that front; he wants to believe that anyone can be saved because he doesnt know how to fix himself and the broken pieces of his life. is that arrogance, to seek some shred of kindness to prove that it exists?
what bothers me is labeling zerxus arrogant (and all the other traits people detest him for) came from asmodeus's mouth. at the time, the fanbase would not trust a word he said - not his canon past with divine family, not his anguish over losing that family, nothing that zerxus saw and empathized with - but they did all think asmodeus wasnt lying when he said zerxus was arrogant. when what is significant about asmo calling him that is hes projecting as much as zerx is. and the thing is, in canon we know zerxus's belief isn't fruitless (and i think asmodeus knows it deep down too). we know the gods struggle with emotion as much as mortals do (see literally the same scene, zerxus saying asmo hates so purely because he hates himself and asmo biting his lip in fury knowing he cant respond back without proving him right), and can even be swayed to listen (asmodeus is having to help the other gods and mortals right now). we know folk like jester who saw kindness where there genuinely wasnt and still managed to help others find it anyway. it was simply the wrong place at the wrong time. it was the age of arcanum. it was cruel. and zerxus's flaws, while fascinating and many, were not hubris or arrogance. id say his fatal move was being blinded by love that was marred by projection, and he could not see (between his low intelligence score and his desperation) how his love specifically was so important to be weaponized.
as for the brennan point, i do enjoy his dm'ing, but any time he dms for cr you can feel people act like hes here to.... punish? straighten out the kinks? especially right now. somehow fans expect a man they obsess over being a leftist to justify aeorian genocide, "fix" matt & aabria's very long standing interpretations of gods as complex individuals who canonically colonized exandria in such a way that even mortals call it out. i think a large part of that is why they interpreted zerx as "arrogant terrible man righteously suffers under his choices". but.... even brennan gave zerx a chance because he chose to unwaveringly redeem. even he said that his love & hope was not wrong. luis likes & replies kindly to posts on twitter about people who relate to zerxus for being manipulated & abused for choosing to love. matt has said asmodeus is so aware of how fundamentally good zerxus is that he wont let him leave his side. you may choose to read brennan's interpretation of the devil as a christian one punishing sinners, but cr wouldnt be cr if every story did not come down to unending hope & empathy & belief in others even if it took a thousand years for it to come to fruition. and brennan is part of the enduring of that idea.
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pixlokita · 1 year
im with you, i hate that it feels like its gregory vs cassie in the fandom rn. theyre KIDS.
i also dont think its gregory in the main(?) ending (there are so many things that make it not make sense for it to be him), and it bothers me so much that people are pouncing on “gregory is evil” - he is a CHILD.
i really hope people dont pester you about drawing them as friends, i personally would love some art from you with them being friends <3 as much as i am a fan of the angst potential of that ending, cassie being tricked by the mimic (grimic? is that actually the canon name..?) one last time to pit her against gregory when really neither side did anything wrong is far moe interesting in concept than “gregorys just evil” could ever be imo.
i personally love feral/menace gregory, but hes not evil - again, hes a kid! and hes been in terrible circumstances! im not sure i could even really be mad if that WAS him in the elevator - a genuinely terrifying threat was released, and he might not be able to trust cassies voice, just like she couldnt trust his. we know cassie was okay, that the mimic wasnt with her (well, aside from the arm), but gregory had no way of knowing any of that.
seemingly, hes with vanessa and freddy. if he risked it and it WAS the mimic and not cassie, he could lose everything and more all over again. i cant imagine being a kid having to make such an awful decision. keep your current family safe, or risk everything in case your best friend somehow made it?
he knows how dangerous the plex is. and i can only imagine how much more dangerous hed expect it to be now. he barely made it out with freddys help, and as far as he knows, cassie doesnt have someone there to help her.
i feel so bad for gregory, both in-game, and in the fandom! he doesnt deserve all this hate.
sorry, that wasnt supposed to be a tangent - my point is im a gregory defender and 100% on your side. i hope no one is a prick about you drawing cassie and gregory as friends. ill personally fight them for u pix i promise
I agree with a lot of what you said tbh and heck dude Gregory is indeed a child, he’s even had to do things he didn’t want to do and got the short end of the stick every time. Cassie is a bean also, like she didn’t deserve to be tricked she didn’t deserve to be traumatized and she didn’t deserve to also get the short end of the stick either. It’s just I just really can’t accept that Gregory would do that to her either and ? If I’m wrong then okay? But like that’s just what I chose to believe and what I chose to draw I don’t get why people have to prove me wrong about it or pull lore nonsense into it to make sure I feel like I’m wrong. I mean =w= even retorting to insults like we’re in kindergarten is just ridiculous?Plus other people being stupid made me give up on interacting with anyone on that particular art piece. I felt like the end of ruin wasn’t satisfying so I drew art to feel better and try to understand it better and people took it personally =w= very mature honestly, they could just make their own art and leave mine alone.
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blueiight · 1 year
Do you agree with the (parts of) fandom take that there was "mutual" toxicity btwn Loustat? I'm trying to think of what exactly Louis does that's so toxic that would make it remotely mutual
i think the urge to find “mutual” abuse shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what power dynamics even look like lol theyre just discomfitted theres near zero openings for them to make a black male character out to be be a big brute and self insert into the fictional man of no color. louis is a master of language, and he never actually says ‘i love u, lestat’. people fixate on it for the wrong reasons, or misinterpret ppl pointing the fact that louis never said those 3-4 words as some false attempt at looking for “mutual abuse”.
louis is not withholding, but trying to claim some semblance of power thru his mastery of language. like @lynnenne said:
Over the course of the season, we see that Lestat is hurt that Louis never says, "I love you." On the surface, this seems like a personal argument between them, but it's actually a symptom of a huge structural problem in their relationship. How can Louis ever make a credible declaration of love when the power gap between them is so huge? …Louis could tell Lestat he loves him morning, noon, and night, but it would be meaningless. And Louis knows this. The one time he tries to leave, Lestat beats him nearly to death. When Claudia tries to flee, Lestat tracks her down and drags her home. They're only as free as the colonizer allows them to be. Lestat believes that vampirism will set Louis free, but he won't even set Louis free. Expecting society at large to be cowed by Louis's vampirism is a delusion on his part.
telling lestat “ima boutta lose the last fucking thing i ever cared about”, “u gone always be alone” [an echo of what armand and nicki told lestat in the books..] & insinuating lestat somehow knew the race riot would occur somehow is incredibly cruel if not erring on delusion w the belief lestat could predict racism but do recall lestat was just as incredibly cruel himself. louis tells lestat in the beginning of episode 3 how theyd gore runaway slaves in jackson square, lestat is a crash test dummy in response to the city leaders cracking down on the azalea, treating this enterprise of pimping as a mere “hobby” of louis like a husband talking down on his wife’s “hobbies” as both lestat and louis can both hear how racist the city leaders are.. was lestat tryna take a seat back& let louis kill them himself? yea and also this passivity in the face of men far weaker than lestat was w/ zero of louis’s obligation to ‘save face’ is jarring. so much for “if disrespect was done to u i wouldve killed him myself” hann les? and in the race riot lestat’s even tryna seduce him& have the riot be their anniversary? in wider context , louis saying those words is a lashing out, a response to treatment already present... and theres no equivalent to what lestat does physically to louis in ep5 that we see so far, and i guess that unnerves ppl& makes them want to draw upon mutual abuse theories? which is crazy cuz im p sure them mens of no color yall watch be tearing eachother up& yall have no problem shipping them otherwise w/o mutual abuse theorizing but i digress. imo what louis placed on & has done to claudia is far worse than w/e hes done to lestat but we all know fanon is generally far more sympathetic to fictional men of no color than they are to a fictional black woman... if by toxicity , they mean that lestat along w/ turning louis out [cant find a better way to phrase this] also draws out louis’s vile attributes & fans the flames for louis’s capacity for cruelty [embrace the beautiful things u r & embrace what u r, ur a killer, louis.] that was already there n i wrote this entire think piece for nothing, then i agree. but mutual abuse theories is just😂😂 i just want ppl to embrace we r all here for the problematic yaoi n stop tryna play stan wars.
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bmpmp3 · 1 month
ive loved it since i first heard it in project diva x years ago, but listening to Tsumi no Namae again (with slightly higher quality headphone audio rather than my vita speakers <3 ) i didnt realize just how crazy the production choices of this song is. wait hold on lemme hashtag musicpost for a minute. im busting out the timestamps
immediate tone setting. bagpipes??? or something like that right out the gate which is wild. clock winding, gear crunching, and real human woman whispering (i think in english but ive never been able to find official lyrics of that section) as well <3 im a sucker for using human voices with synth voices i think it adds a lot of neat texture
the instrument choices lean into a fantasy musical-esque soundscape for obvious reason (the whole song is basically a little original fable or myth type story complete with trickster goddesses and breaking fate's curses etc etc) but the composition is plenty pop rock which is a fun juxtaposition im always a fan of but like SPECIFICALLY those drums that start around a minute in. im not sure what it is, the speed? how loud and hard the drums are? it works so well to give it a forward momentum while also being a bit uncanny. maybe im just imagining how tired the drummers arms would be hitting at that speed and with that amount of power for this long........ but yeah it gives it this unexpected, sorta otherworldly feel, like its just a fraction of a fraction faster than you'd assume. theres like hints of clapping and stuff in there too i think? so much all together but so so so good
and speaking of how tired those drummers arms would be, i do love that this song is six and a half minutes, i love stuff over 5 minutes like YES i am going to waste SO MUCH TIME staring into space and listening really hard (i like to listen to songs on loop <3 half an hour is gonna go away in just a few plays) i love love love love love it
1:38 mark THE BANJO????
1:43 ouuhhhh that we-will-rock-you-type boom-boom-bap-type clap-clap-stomp percussion. ouhhhhhh yesssssssssssssssss.
1:50 the banjo and the flute are now making out in the background. they are making out sloppy style
2:00 there's like this drum breakdown thats incredibly poppy and rock-y which also goes back to the like fun blends of instrument choice and composition
2:23 am i crazy or is there like a tiny tiny little bit of like a static sound as a piece of percussion in this quieter bit... love a mix of fantasy with digital artefacting
3:50 WHAT is that little sound near the right.... it sounds like one of those medieval instruments but i cant remember which one.... and the banjo has made a return
4:35 okay the whole bridge section is crazy but first of all. the dynamics between the deep bass-y sounds going between the two ears.
4:40 and what on EARTH is THAT. like a glitchy static-y bit of vocals going on both sides. AND the flute-y sounding thing is going NUTS up there
4:45 and this is what always makes me lose my mind. that really REALLY deep, circular, almost string sounding instrument? is that a god damn hurdy gurdy. i dont know much about instruments can you tell...... BUT for real that like again adds this haunting, extra bit of synthetic uncannyness to the medieval fantasy fable story
5:18 WHAT is that long like droning sound. is that also bagpipes. whats that classical piece thats supposed to teach you how to differentiate the parts of an orchestra. i need to drill that in my head im fighting for my life out here. ANYWAY those background notes with also these bits of like chattering? people talking or playing?
6:08 and ending off with the glittering little chimes.... awesome
i dunno just holy shit man. this song goes everywhere it wants to. theres a banjo.
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thetobiroppofan · 1 month
one piece rant #3: ugly men who i HATE.
hello little tumblr people who i DONT!!!!!!!!!!! care about i havent been here in a hot second but this isnt a professional blog i am insane and this is an illusion you're all just living in my head anyways hello new post from me THE tobiroppo fan.
id go on a rant abt myself but this aint about me this is about the ugly men i HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
starting off with an agreeable one: THAT FUCKASS PURPLE HAIRED GUY FROM WANO
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wyd when he and twin pull up cause me personally im getting registered to the psych ward
next one
this is the part where im glad to be a small oh little humble tumblr blog yes thats me cause
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he has a bigass forehead
i can play tictactoe on that thing
not to mention those weird ass shades like go back to the dollar store and return those please they look horrible.
that fuckass haircut dont do you no good either please dye ur hair uglyuglyugly
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also this applies to most one piece men but i feel like his neck is massive like way to massive like if i tried to chop his neck itd genuinely be stopped by the amount of mass doflamingo has and shockingly he isnt the only one
eustass kidd i love you but
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What is this. he looks like hes buried
in the sand
he dont look real
im scared
i LOVE YOU eustass kidd like yk i like loud angry characters but
he scares me with that neckgame like thats thicker than those dark oak minecraft trees :(
next one is a bit controversial as well since. i am mutuals with a enjoyer of this char on tt and i dont think thye have my tumblr cause we never talked before nd i dont think they know the lore behind lobotomylegendchick4 but
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The love hate relationship I have with this disgusting ill strucken poor old geeer is more bipolar than a 2018 x reader enemies to lovers fanfic between a guy from a kpop fan
because one day i wake up from my super cozy fluffy bed with my AMAZING trafalgar d water law bootleg plushie staring coldly into my eyes with that stupid fucking face
and i think "man..
I hope Caesar Clown gets his nuts torn off by a rabid dog." and then i go downstairs and trip while walking down and hit my head on the side of the coffee table and have a trip to the ER that lasts 2 days and i miss the release trailer of the new youtooz figures of mihawk arlong and buggy.
only part of that is a lie. you can figure it out.
Other days I wake up and I look at that one fucking pinterest progile that LOVES caesar clown and i think "maybe he isnt that bad" then i remember oh yeah hes morally terrible cause he experimented on kids then i turn and stare at doffy stans for like 5 minutes then think "child experimentation, doflamingo, or the things i see out of the corner of my eye that might be hallucinations cause im probably slowly losing it" then i get distracted by the feeling of
i am hungry now
YOU MADE ME HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last part before i post this and hope the doflamingo and caesar stans dont find me and jump me and leak my address
so in the end
I actually hate a lot of ugly men
but at the moemnt i cant think of one specifically to end this about
tldr: I hate 4% of men in one piece and get hungry and sidestory: I think there is a wasp in my room however maybe im just seeing things its 1:47 am and ive forgotten when i woke up
thanks for reading tumblr blog maybe i did go insane but hey
thetobiroppofan is nothing but a humble small tumblr blog
if i go insane spread my legacy my average 2 viewers on each post
th.thank yo.
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see you guys in
some day
thetobiroppo fan out
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leftboob · 1 month
@raayllum had lightly mentioned some brainstorming about the possibility of Aaravos maybe needing Zym for his grand scheme . This would explain the lengthy wait for his plan to unfold since Rayla had mentioned Zym's egg was impossibly rare to come to be.
And to go off of this theory, what if its true.
The celestial elves are all skywing elves and yet they can potentially gain the blessing of the stars and become star blind, seeing and learning all the stars have to offer. Suppose it is only the sky arcanum that has this bridge to the star arcanum. In that case, Zym could potentially be Aaravos' next phase (maybe after Callum or they overlap) if the show's direction is to circle back to its namesake, The Dragon Prince.
But the only puzzling part is why? He doesn't need anyone's help to connect/use star magic. He never lost his arcanum. If he doesn't need Zym why does his plan need centuries to unfold?
Who are his targets? Everyone responsible for Leola's death, right? He took his revenge on Sol Regem who was the witness that damned Leola. I'm still unclear on Aditi's death, but perhaps she was just a necessary removal to keep his plans in motion. Then those left on his hit list are the other startouch elves of the cosmic order? Except the elder celestial elf stated they cant perma die. Except for Leola.
And of course, a startouch elf would know how to kill another startouch elf.
So the bigger question is what is Aaravos' final plan?
Why does his final plan need this long to carry out?
How does he expect to eliminate the cosmic order?
One thought comes to mind for me, and this is where I think he could have been waiting for Zym's birth.
Star Devourer Dragons
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Aaravos can control people (with dark magic though) but skywing elves can gain the star's influence. What if Aaravos was waiting for Zym's birth to control him? How? Why Zym and not Avizandum or Zubeia?
This is were I lose the picture until more pieces to this puzzle are revealed in (hopefully) the later seasons.
And here's where I just toss in my own prediction or random guess; tdp crew are anime fans. We especially know this with the Naruto run Rayla had going for a little while.
My addition to @raayllum's thought was rooted from this:
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Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Attack
A vengeful man takes control of The Nine-Tailed Fox and unleashes it on to the Hidden Leaf Village, causing untold death and destruction.
That is were I think the direction of the story could go. Potentially. Maybe.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk and a special thank you to @raayllum so sharing this idea I am still losing sleep over it.
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sable-skies · 2 months
QUICK -while that Anon is incapacitated from being hit with TWO Voltron mentions- TALK EVEN MORE ABOUT VOLTRON!
Your biggest issues with the show! Wasted potential! And of course the biggest piece of Drama; SHIPS?!?!??
We will never get proper closure. We all share Voltron trauma ✌️😔
the people yearn for a five hour video essay talking about why voltron sucks. (I've literally wanted to make one for Years about it but alas, life happens)
i cant do that yet because of my schedule, but I will give you a snippet on some of my thoughts
Forgive me, for I am about to yap like I'm a fucking professor in the subject, got my master's years ago and all it did was give me fandom trauma (/lh, but there's a reason why I don't join fandom discords anymore or anything like that!) so strap in my brother (gender neutral)
I WILL ADDRESS THIS FIRST: Ships. I actually never shipped anything in VLD! No offense to Klance, but I never really got the appeal? And obviously there's that Other Super Popular one that I'm not gonna name because it's fans are gonna kill me, but I didn't like that one either.
For Klance; I think I never got it because I just. never considered them love interests? Like I would see people losing their minds over it and my (at the time, unknown) aroace ass would just slow blink at them like "yeah man i guess. what?". Could it have been good? Maybe, but it was never the horse I backed personally. I will say, some of the content that came from that ship was absolutely phenomenal though, never doubt what yaoi-obsessed teenagers can do.
I won't say much more on the fandom tbh, but trust me I saw some shit. This blog wasn't around back then but I witnessed some things. Remember the socks? I do.
Moving onto the actual show itself, I actually rewatched at least the first season (and half of the second) because a few friends and I were talking about it again and I wanted to try and get some notes for that video essay I'm totally going to do, and I realized that from the get-go the show was absolutely fucked worldbuilding wise.
I'm a big worldbuilding nerd, I never share my various insane projects but I literally make a new google document every week with ideas for various stories I would love to tell. Worldbuilding is such an essential part to telling a good story and having a believable world, and upon rewatching at least season 1, there's some loose foundation set but then completely butchered by season 3.
I will be honest, people always say that season 4 was the worst, and I will agree it did suck, but in my opinion season 3 was the worst for me. I absolutely hated that they started to switch lions, which I understand is a reference to the original 80s show, but it completely disregarded one of the lines in the FIRST EPISODE about how a bond between a lion and it's pilot is scared, cannot be forced, and is a rare thing. only for that to get thrown out the window. AUGH.
I'm a firm black paladin allura believer personally, I think that would have been so much fun seeing her step into the leadership role she pretty much had from the start alongside Shiro! (Never shipped them for anyone worried, they're just really good friends)
Speaking of friends; I don't think the show really established the team's overall bond well enough. Looking back, there's nothing in the show that promises found family friendships and all that, but the showrunners said that would be the case, and I think they were the biggest reason the show failed. (more on that later)
Sin Squad once said in one of their videos that everyone on the team felt more like co-workers and honestly? I still agree on that sentiment. I can believe that Pidge and Hunk are friends, I can believe that Keith and Shiro have a familial bond, I can believe that Hunk and Lance are friends. But Keith and Pidge? Hunk and Shiro? Hunk and Allura? There are so many potential really good friendships that are completely ignored in favor of other established bonds, and I think it makes the whole "we gotta work as a team!" message a lot weaker because of it. They're all co-workers at best, "strangers forced to be friends under the worst circumstances" at worst (shout out to keith for that line, he was actually spitting)
Additionally, and this is just because I'm still a big Keith head at heart (when I was 15 I wanted to go by that name because I was so attached to him. its funny looking back), I really dislike how they treated his character? In season 1 he didn't get much development, but we got the hints of him being half-galra, and I loved that! Season 2 really built on him and S2 E8 "Blades of Mamora" is still my favorite episode. I love that one with my whole fucking heart. Oh my god.
But then season 3 hit, forced him into a leader positions I don't think he ever grew into, and then his. mom. came back. Don't get me wrong, I love Krolia (big fan of women), but all of Keith's angst being cured by spending a few space whale years with his mom continues to completely disregard the bonds he made with his team. And Keith isn't the only one who suffers from this, everyone does.
I understand family is an important bond (despite the fact that I keep many of my personal family members at arms length, for reasons) but every character only got a "complete" arc or ending when they were reunited with their blood family, not the "found family" that the showrunners promised. Pidge's only arc was finding her family, sure there was the stuff about nature and coding being similar but that was for a single episode. Hunk only got development again post season 1 when it was about his family being enslaved. Lance only ever wanted to see his family again, and then he never got an arc past that except for his dead space girlfriend. Shiro never even got an explanation for his family past his totally-boyfriend Adam.
I will say that I disagree with the fandom's opinion that the entire show queerbaited with Klance. I think you had to have Klance-sized glasses on to see that. The show truly did queerbait with Adam though, with promoting and hyping him up for season 7, only for him to barely get a minute of screen time. Actually such a waste of time, and such a waste of an interesting character. Voltron writers and showrunners when i GET YOU.
A final note I'll make because I'll never stop writing otherwise: there was some discussion about whether or not the show's failure was the writers, showrunners, or executives fault. I personally think it was the showrunners who were at fault here. She-Ra came out the same year VLD ended, and it soared in terms of worldbuilding, storytelling, and queer representation.
For She-Ra to come out around 2018, I imagine these shows started development around the same time (Did you ever realize VLD only had a 2 year run time? 75 episodes in 2 years? I did and it made me upset.) They were probably working with same executives, under the same people, same deadlines, etc. She-Ra succeeded (i think), and VLD fell apart and crashed at the end. Hell, in the final year it was airing they were STILL in the storyboard process. I think the showrunner's either majorly mishandled the production of this show, or they were given shit terms and didn't do anything to make something of it. Either way, Lauren Montgomery and Joaqium Dos Santos I will remember your names forever because of it
(On a serious note, I don't actually dislike or hate them. I'm just disappointed in what happened is all)
Anyways that barely like. scratches the surface of many more issues I have with the show, but those are some of the major problems I saw in it!
And for some more positive notes: I love the ost of the episode where Allura's AI-father dies, it still sticks with me even now. (i ugly sobbed at that episode I'm sensitive to parental death), and Keith is still my beloved meow meow, I love him so much I miss him. Steven Yuen the GOAT. I also loved the concept of these bio-mechanical lions, they could've gone a bit more cosmic horror eldritch with them, but it's still good regardless.
shoutout btw to my friends who sat in call with me as I typed this like a madman.
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spextronaut · 1 year
My thoughts on this week’s episode of Mando:
I’m actually writing this bit right here 2 hours before the episode is even out bUT I had to share my idea of, with Din and Bo Katan not getting along very well currently, I would LOVE if they fought (maybe in this episode or the next one?) and Din ended up winning back the Darksaber??? And if it was in front of a bunch of other Mandos and they immediately accept him as Manda’lor unlike how they are with Bo Katan???? I’d scream I really hope that this is where the show is going and if it’s not y’all can bet your asses that I will write fix-it canon divergent fanfic for this concept
It’s episode time I am begging this episode to be good or have Din take off his helmet or Something worth my fucking time
Once again begging the show to do something interesting with the plot and have Din and Bo Katan fight or have Bo Katan lose the saber or Something just to make it fun
Oh god dammit are you seriously making me go back to episode 3 levels of shit?? I hated that plot I just want Din this is bullshit
Wowww it’s so shocking that she’s Imperial 🙄
<Din Djarin33
As someone who has never seen a piece of Star Wars media unconnected to Mando I have no fucking idea what’s happening rn
I want Darth Maul to be here purely because I like the look I have no clue if he’s alive or not
Y’all lost the civil war against the Republic for a reason,,,
The Shadow Council? Are you fucking serious??
Project Necromancer. Are you fucking serious
I’m under the belief, with no prior knowledge, that Anakin Skywalker was the only thing holding the Empire together smh
We aren’t gonna kill the Mandos thank you that’s illegal <3
Ngl I think the only reason Moff Gideon is really “worried” about the Mandos is because he wants a rematch against Din bc he’s pissy about losing the Darksaber last season
Grogu sitting on the table I’m gonna start crying fuck
Bad baby is back!!
oh my fucking god he’s in the robot I’m gonna cry look at this motherfucker. he is so fucking <333
Din is in his extra tired dad arc I fucking love it here
Of course Din and Grogu will volunteer and people will only follow! If Din and Grogu are there! Because DIN IS BETTER AT LEADING PEOPLE THAN BO KATAN AND I WILL FIGHT ALL YALL ON THIS
The Armorer is so fucking suspicious I won’t lie
I’m claiming Grogu as disabled bc like. Mobility device. Speech aid. I can’t be fought about this
Now what in the fuck is that thing
Bo Katan this is why you shouldn’t be any kind of leader you trust people way way way too easily
What in the fucking cult
This. Is why. We. Lie. Shut the FUCK up Bo Katan you’re fucking yourself over (and thus making Din look like a better leader but yk,,,)
once again I am saying Din is a better leader because HE beat Moff Gideon, Bo Katan didn’t and SHE DIDNT EVEN BEAT DIN TO GET THE SABER BACK HRHRHRGE
I’m begging this doesn’t turn to romance please god please do not do this I am begging I’m about to start crying do not. Don’t do this to me
don’t do this. don’t do this im panicking Din shut the fuck UP I hate THIS FUCKING SHOW
I know Din is a follower not a leader but HE DESERVES A LEADER ARC PLEASEEEE WHY IS THIS SHOW LIKE THIS 😭😭
… space chess?
Oh Jesus Christ… Din? Din can you stop this? I want a leader arc god I’m BEGGING
GROGU SLAY!!!!!! I love him so much omfg he <3333
stop. stop. shut the fuck up “he didn’t learn that from me” YES HE DID HOE STFU
no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans smh
Oh Jesus Christ what is that
Imperial Mandos LIKE I FUCKIN SAID
begging this to be the reason that Din gets a leader arc or a helmet removal im fucking begging
Grogu I- 😭😭
Din is slaying he’s in there by himself but he is slaying SO FUCKING HARD I LOVE HIM
are you fucking serious he’s in a goddamn Mando suit
Din is in his bdsm arc did not expect that today
Fuck you Moff Gideon also Din doesn’t have the Darksaber so,,,, honestly thank god he gave it to Bo Katan like fuck yeah dude
helmetless din. I’m begging. please god give me something
If Paz dies I’m rioting smh
I hate that. Grogu was the best part I literally don’t remember anything better happening I’m so fucking disappointed
I’m thankful that they aren’t forcing a romance on us (so far) and it’s not Awful and I’m excited for the almost definitely whole episode helmetless babygirlified Din next week but Jesus Christ that was just. It was awful it was bad
I give it like a 5/10 because it was fine with some good scenes but just. It was bad. I fucking hate this episode and i can’t even explain why like I could previously it just,,, idk it’s bad I don’t like it
Y’all can expect me promoting some fanfiction sometime soon because I’m gonna start a fix-it rewrite starting from episode 6 of TBoBF and reshape the end of that and this season into what I genuinely think would be better
And if you love this season good for you, seriously! I wish I could, but with the foreshadowing from last season and especially the last 2-3 episodes? You can’t even compare them and season 2 was a step down from season 1 it’s just… it’s not comparable and I’m really upset about it
My point still stands about the whole “if the season finale doesn’t get better I won’t come back for season 4” btw I just can’t handle the disappointment over and over again. But if tumblr shows me some really good shit then I might come back for a couple episodes
Overall I’m just disappointed and I really wish that they had writers that genuinely care about the story they were setting up instead of caring about setting up spin offs and selling merchandise but what can I really expect from Disney?
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corens-relisten · 2 months
MAG 65 Binary
Statement of Tessa Winters, regarding a strange computer progran she downloaded from the deep web three months ago. Statement recorded direct from subject, 7th January 2017.
I LOVE HER SO MUCH OH MY GOD peak autism istg she just keeps rambling and figuring stuff out by talking to herself shes just kinda hihi
the joke potential for nonbinary people is phenomenal btw
i really appreciate the way she talks abt multiple different versions and the chat bots and stuff (:
so the link could only work for one person huh?
ooh so gibberish and then a few words popping up. the fan starts, uh, dying? sounds like ill lungs and so Tessa turns off the computer but the words stay and continue changing
then, a video. it shows a man eating a piece of the keyboard. omnomnom. theres blood. she finally closes the laptop and drinks till she passes out and tbh real. go off girl like fuck whatever that was TT
she wakes up a bit later and the videos playing on her tv so wtf TT its so real that she was thinking about the explanation and reason and how all this could happen as the guy keeps nomnoming the keyboards :p
it's cold without blood.
the video pops up whenever she looks at a screen so she finally sits and watches it through. its awful. sergei smiles at the end. "the angles hurt when i try to think"
DUDE I LOVE THIS STATEMENT okay so ive thought of getting uploaded to a computer right and of course there are a few people that i cannot imagine losing but i just don't think its realistic and even if it was i dont think we shoulf BUT THATS FOR A DIFFERENT TIME i just love how real she is
super interesting consept too!!
spoilers ahead!
i think this ones the End right? dealing with death and all?
oh interesting the Spiral is the cannon one but its apparently up for interpretation, with the Eye being a possibility bc of tessa being forced to watch, the Extinction bc of technology and taking over humanity, and the Corruption. how do yall see it?
spoilers end!
tim sounds so fucking over it
jon sounds. tired. so tired. their fight just kills me god. i wont comment too much but christ ;-;
and tim cant quit ;-; the static in the background OH MY GOD
freaking out here btw but yk its chill oki bubye
have a pleasant day (:
0 notes
biglisbonnews · 1 year
Tumblr media
Angel Reese Criticized For Taunting Opponent What's more entertaining than watching sports? Probably seeing the unexpected interactions between players, fans and more. During a heated game between the LSU Tigers and Iowa Hawkeyes, the game was viewed a record-breaking amount of times as people saw the skill of LSU's shooting guard/small forward Angel Reese against the Hawkeyes' point guard Caitlin Clark. Obviously, tensions were high and a lot was on the line, so why not engage in some taunts?Paying homage to one of the greatest shit-talkers in history, Reese flashed the iconic "You can't see me" gesture popularized by WWE star John Cena on the court directed toward Clark. She also pointed at her vacant ring finger, signaling a perfect place for a championship ring to sit. It was an exhilarating game and ended in a 102-85 win for LSU, also being the most-watched women's basketball game ever recorded, but folks had other things they were focused on.Related | Brittney Griner Speaks Out Following ReleaseWhile taunting and trash talking is nothing new in the world of sports, Reese was targeted for what some deemed as "classless" behavior. The internet exploded with reactions ranging from entertained to downright angry. \u201c@KeithOlbermann shut your dumb ass up leave angel reese alone.\u201d — Keith Olbermann (@Keith Olbermann) 1680473156 \u201cPeople aren\u2019t mad at Angel Reese for the hand gesture. \nThey\u2019re mad at her pride. \nThey\u2019re mad at her calling out the very apparent double standard. \nThey\u2019re mad at her for not being humble. \nY\u2019all want to treat Black women any type of way but feign shock when we respond.\u201d — Portia J. (@Portia J.) 1680615826 In particular, Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy was called out for his aggressive response to the playful incident, going so far as to call Reese a "classless piece of shit." \u201cClassless piece of shit\u201d — Dave Portnoy (@Dave Portnoy) 1680472977 While none of this should be as controversial as it was made out to be, the situation earned the attention of not just the entire internet, but the world of sports and cultural commentary. The glaring double standard of white athletes' behavior compared to Black athletes has been called into question, especially the way in which Reese, a young Black woman, has been labeled as "aggressive" and "rude," racialized terms that have been used to insult women of color.In a piece for Teen Vogue, Leah Goodridge and Olayemi Olurin wrote: "While navigating anti-Blackness in the workplace, we’ve both been told — as many Black professionals have been — to 'play the game.' But the game, which is rigged with limited boxes, stereotypes, and implicit biases beyond our control, is designed for us to lose."Even Clark, who has been celebrated for her spirited on-the-court taunts, has stepped in to defend Reese. "We're all competitive,” the West Des Moines junior guard said in a conversation with ESPN. “We all show our emotions in a different way. Angel is a tremendous, tremendous player. I have nothing but respect for her. I love her game. The way she rebounds the ball, scores the ball is absolutely incredible. I’m a big fan of her and the entire LSU team."Clark further goes on to say, "She should never be criticized for what she did." \u201cSo Caitlin Clark does the 'YOU CANT SEE ME' and y'all loved it. Now when Angel Reese does it you call it poor sportsmanship.\n\nIowa fans: just accept you lost fair and square. Caitlin deserved the tech, Kim Mulkey did nothing wrong. The officiating was fine.\n\n#WFinalFour\u201d — ScottyChrysForever33 (@ScottyChrysForever33) 1680473769 And that's why teamwork makes the dream work! Photo courtesy Maddie Meyer/Getty Images https://www.papermag.com/angel-reese-trash-talk-2659738113.html
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zer0expektation · 2 years
sometimes i think of an interesting fic concept for a fandom other than this one and think to myself, “gee, this is such a good and obvious concept, surely theres fics like this out there” or “ooh, this piece of media had enough dark elements, surely there has to be some good grimdark aus somewhere” and then i open ao3 and am forcibly reminded of the fact that the dream smp is the only fandom that isn’t obsessed with slash fics and i just have to wallow in the lack of nice content and my own inability to write (and, lets be honest here, commitment to most fandoms outside of the dsmp atm) 
like genuinely, i dont think i can name a single fandom outside of the dream smp that has such a wide array of found family/friendship centered fics
stranger things? its all steddie or byler (as much as i love the both), etc.
my hero? its all bakudeku or tododeku or shindeku or literally everyone with deku.
detroit become human? its all hank and connor or connor and gavin or gavin and nines or markus and simon, etc.
our flag means death? its all co-captains (as much as i adore them as well) or steddy hands, etc.
the mcu? its all stucky or stony (or incest or selfcest lmao), etc.
sander sides? its all prinxiety or analogical or moralogical or lamp or lampd or whatever the new lamp plus janus and remus ship name is (yes more selfcest), etc.
gotham tv? its all nygmobblepot or jim and oswald or bruce and jeremiah (which i have so many questions about, but that is not the point of this post lmao)
etc etc
and i genuinely think its to a lot of these fandom’s detriments that everything has to be centered around a ship no matter what (esp mcu spiderman, pleASE GOD JUST GIVE ME GOOD POST NWH PETER PARKER ANGST THE CLOSEST THING IVE GOTTEN IS FUCKING SPIDERMAN!TOMMYINNIT AUS DO YOU SEE MY PROBLEM) because it really stops fandoms and fan-creators from really exploring the platonic and familial relationships between these characters and that exploration being in the main spotlight. 
like sure, steddie is great, but i would love to read a big fic that is all about Steve and Robin moving away from hawkins together and navigating the city and sharing an apartment together and losing their shared jobs every week and continue to explore and establish new boundries and systems with each other and learning things the other never thought were important but brings such important insight into the other that they need to understand each other even better. 
bylers cool, but i also want to read about will and el finally getting to meet each other and know each other and realise theyre so much more alike than they originally thought, never quite being seen as people, as the kids they are, but instead as these cool beacons of their friends’ efforts against the upside down and the government, and them becoming siblings, becoming the wonder twins, i want to see will trying to teach el how to draw, and el showing will all of her favorite tv shows, and the two becoming so intertwined that they know every preference the other has and how they can support each other through public school of a foreign town.
sure, bakudeku or tododeku’s okay, but i want to read a fic all about izuku growing up quirkless and what that means for his relationships and how much closer he is with his mom than other kids his age and how deep his mistrust of any other adults runs and what that means for how he acts once he finally gets to ua and how he sees all might as a surrogate father in place of the man that left him and his mother for the states and how that and his god worship of the man affects how he treats one for all and how he makes his decisions and how he prioritizes what all might tells him over what is actually good for him.
hank and connor is.. something, but why cant we read about how hank sees his son in connor and how it affects him to watch connor make these self destructive decisions in order to prioritize human life and his instructions over himself, and maybe about hank attempting to scare connor into deviancy, into some kind of self preservation, so that the poor thing can at least make a decision for himself and prioritize himself, and not die.
i love the co-captains as much as the next guy, but i want to read about how stede came across his crew, how he came to find out they like the children’s stories that he only held onto to remind him of his children, how he looked at lucius and saw himself in him, how lucius somehow managed to grab hold of every trait stede was bullied for, that was trained out of him, and emphases them and make them into a special kind of armor, and how stede takes lucius under his wing just to watch over him so that the boy will have someone on his side when he inevitably trips in his dance past (lets face it flirts and insults through) every hurtle that caught the heel of young stede’s shoe. how stede now will look up at that painting of a lighthouse and wonder if the problem wasnt that he wasnt a lighthouse, just that he hadn’t found the shore yet, and now maybe he has.
Do you see what I mean? How many fics are there that are like this that you can name off the top of your head? very few i imagine.
on top of this a lot of fandoms, because of their lack of exploration of non romantic relationships within their media dont only miss out on the sweet or bittersweet but the all fascinating grimdark aus that may spawn out of taking an absolute ship-less lens on the media you consume, i mean, the only fandom i can find any good or nuanced grimdark forced family fics in is, again, the dream smp.
and this has happened multiple times, where im watching something and i cant help but imagine how good a ctrinity style grimdark forced family au fic would be with these characters with these dynamics, btw.
(cw for all of the fun stuff that comes with forced family like kidnapping and implied abuse and characters overall being miserable lol - its not important to read, its just examples of dark aus im talking ab, just scroll to “etcetcetc” to skip past all that stuffs)
multiverse of madness, where instead of wanda trying to get to america and killing her in an attempt of getting her to make a portal to a universe where wanda’s boys exist going as far as it does, america offers herself up as her surrogate daughter and bringing the both of them through to them and living a normal life as a family in exchange for wanda to stop tearing places and people apart in this universe and others and for America’s life to be spared. and so she brings them both to a world with wanda’s boys, and wanda is just so so blinded by her own excitement and joy. she discards of that world’s wanda quickly, careful to ensure the boys were still asleep. then weeks, months maybe, go by and the boys start having nightmares but wont tell her why, what the nightmares are about, instead they wait until the door is closed and wanda’s down the hall to murmur in hushed tones about what they saw. (”shes not mommy, is she? mommy doesnt act like that. where did mommy go?”). america tries to pretend everythings fine and that theres nothing wrong with this twisted family dynamic wanda’s built up, but she cant truly hide its affect on her, the bags under her eyes are heavy and her fingers are always twitching, she flinches when wanda gestures with her arms to wildly and freezes when one of the boys accidentally breaks a glass. wanda doesnt stop using the darkhold. she could stop using whenever she wanted to, is what she tells herself, but she just needs to ensure no one is going to show up and take her boys away from her, she has to make sure america remains by her side, she has to make sure nothing goes wrong again. she can stop whenever she wants to, the thing is, she doesnt want to stop.
gotham tv (s4), where ra’s successfully kidnapps bruce and takes him and jeremiah under his wing, trying to raise them both to be like him, maybe barbra gets kidnapped aswell. ra’s wants them to act like a family, him as the father, barbra as the mom, and bruce, jeremiah, and talia as their children. at first this is all jeremiah could ask for. hes close with bruce, his need for simultaneous creation and destruction. a brother he didnt hate, and a present father. at first bruce is all angered yelling and venomous insults and scathing sarcasm. he comments on wanting to go home at every opportunity that presents itself, how he preferred alfreds cooking, he liked jim’s stories better, selina taught him cooler things, some days hed even complain about missing the criminals of gotham in an attempt to emphasis just how much he does not want to be here, no matter how cushy the bedding is or how nice the locals. at first all barbra does is attempt to kill, or at the very least injure, ra’s. some days its a steak knife to the gut, some a fountain pen to the face. ra’s is fine every time. hammer to temple. she doesnt buy time for herself, nor bruce. rope around the neck. she cant even injure him in any long term way. boiled water down the front. for a long time talia is jealous of the attention her father gives bruce and jeremiah. he spends long days trying to train the two in tandem, showing them how to protect themselves and how to injure others, how to tell the differences between the dead languages and how to read the basics, how to earn the trust of others and force them to fall into the trap of owing you favors. that is until she discovers how they all ended up here. shes left wondering if her father truly has the right of the world at heart, if she has to respect him and his decisions just because she is his only true daughter. jeremiah isnt having fun anymore. bruce has gone completely silent now. barbra has long since been subdued and doesnt even try to fight anymore. but talia stays quiet, even as the first time she hears bruces voice in months is when he yelps and tries to cover his face from being struck again, even as jeremiah mumbles to himself about someone named jerome, even as barbra spends her time staring whistfully into a bird bath when shes not cleaning or sitting pretty. (she tells talia, one quiet evening - a break from ra’s training bruce and jeremiah until they break, instead they’re allowed to curl up in a corner together and try to decipher books written in hundreds of dead languages - how she’d been engaged once. she wasnt happy, but she loved him nonetheless. she told her that she wondered sometimes how she would have turned out if she hadn’t left, if they got married. would’ve one of them left the other eventually anyways? would she have still ended up here? talia wishes she didnt talk to her, if only because it made staying quiet and continuing to live her life as a bystander harder.)
unfortunately though, the dream smp (as far as ive seen) is the only fandom that explores family relationships and friendships so thoroughly and then delves deeper into more dark and upsetting aus (ive already said it once, but c!trinity!!) without there being a worry about weird romantic or sexual implications or plot points (which i partially blame killing stalking for the existence of - kidnappers arent hot pleeaaase) 
some dsmp fics that i cant imagine being nearly as well done - or created at all - if they were written for different fandoms (all on ao3):
the dead dont dream by penink - ctommy dies during exile, multiple times actually, and dream thinks this is the perfect opportunity to test out the revive book
withered by ThatWeirdGuyInTheBush - Manburg is a real country in a world based on the 1940s, and ctubbo decides hes willing to do something drastic for the good of his country
guided evolution by fathermooshroom - ctommyinnit becomes spiderman, unfortunately being spiderman comes with all of the issues of being spiderman and having a secret identity (i cried uncontrollably multiple times dont let the beginning trick you)
If You Need Somewhere Safe by random_on_main - when ctommy finally escapes logstedshire he takes sam up on his offer of giving him a place to stay rather than hiding in techno’s basement
passerine by thcscus (blujamas) - everyones favorite legendary ctechnoblade gives a visit to an old friend and comes to find out hes a king and has two sons
tommyinnit’s clinic for supervillains by bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti) - tommyinnit is seriously just trying to get through life and happens upon a supervillain passed out and bleeding out in an alleyway on his way home from work one night
cataclysm by thanotaphobia - phil and techno finally conquer the country they’d been at war with for the past several years, but when they discover the lone king to the country is a teenage boy they take him as prisoner rather than killing him
the world forgetting by the world forgot by bonesandthebees (bonesandthecacti) - ctommy has forgotten his entire life, all he knows is that villains kiddnapped and used him for his healing powers, and the superhero dream took him in after rescuing him and allowed him to become his sidekick
its now 5 am, i only made this because i was thinking about that one video of someone talking about how weird it was that the top two relationship tags according to the stats ao3 released where gen (wilbur&tommy and wilbur&techno&tommy) and basically making it obvious they only thought the only reason you would write or read fanfiction would be for ships and slash fics and just,, how sad that is, because this fandom has some of the best fics ive read without even considering putting any romance in the spotlight and i think its far more fulfilling to be able to read fanfiction for the sake of a good story rather than getting to see two characters kiss (which is not to say reading fanfiction to see two character kiss isnt exactly what you need sometimes, im just saying theres more out there to love), and also because i was frustrated by the fact that nothing interesting looking came up when i looked up the tags ‘post series: no way home’ and ‘homeless peter parker’ lmao. if yall have any good post nwh angst pls pls pls send it my way, i need desperately to cry over a character that is not tommyinnit please. im gonna crash now, sorry if this long this is shit - its wayy too fucking early.
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kanmom51 · 3 years
I wouldn’t say that JK was uncomfortable in that clip but he did look like he wasn’t in the mood to me & that’s ok imo !!! lol I’m a hardcore Kookmin lover and that’s what I saw in his face. Everyone can see and interpret different things. Couples or people that are super close with each other are allowed to be annoyed with each other every once and a while.
I’m a firm believer that small instances like that don’t disprove anything for me as much as the super close moments they have-often might I add- don’t necessarily prove anything for some other people.
I, for one, still think they have a really close relationship that goes beyond just friendship & a 1 second clip of Jungkook looking like he wanted to say ‘Really Jimin??, we’re doing this right here and now???’ does not mean that they aren’t close or that Jungkook is ‘uncomfortable’ with Jimin touching him or being close to him. Now THAT narrative is absolute bullshit.
I have received many asks like this or similar to this or just all up about JK's reactions, so I will answer them all in one ask, because I don't want to repeat myself. These are the asks I received (all your voices will be heard):
u cant blame people for thinking jk is not comfortable with jimin because everytime jm does something with him he looks annoyed as hell
ask 3:
Look I've been a supporter since 2017 and Jikook has never once made me cringe or feel awkward. JK has literally almost kissed JM and brushed lips with him and just smiled and never looked awkward. Whatever is happening with Jikook the last several months JK looks stiff and odd anytime JM interacts with him. If he is with JM, then they need to have a talk, cause All I've seen all day long is people calling JM an assaulter and homewrecker and they all say its because of JKs reactions every time.
Ask 4:
If they are broke up, JM needs to learn boundaries. If they aren't, then JM needs to have a long serious talk with JK, cause new army's coming in are already convinced JM makes JK uncomfortable. JK shouldn't have to change to please others, but if JM is his boyfriend, he needs to stop acting repulsed or annoyed or stone faced when JM touches him, cause people feed off his reactions. He fuels it. It really looks like he doesn't want JM touching him if thats the case he needs to leave JM alone too
Ask 5:
JM has looked like an extremely clingy boyfriend lately and usually I love that, I love it even more when its JK being bold and clingy, but the last several months JK's reactions make me cringe for JM. I definitely think JM is over the separation shit, the way RM rolls his eyes or they have to lie and he's probably over everyone shipping his boyfriend with his best friend, but JK isn't going a long with his boldness cause he probably is worried. I just hope this doesn't cause them more problems.
Ask 6:
Either they broke up or JK has become more private about their relationship, because there is no more excuses for JK's reactions toward JM anymore. He KNOWS JM is being hated on every single time they interact, esp here lately and he is doing NOTHING to change the narrative. Therefore its either cause they really aren't together and JK really is uncomfortable or the company told them to tone it down and JK's worried and stiffens up around JM. Its not funny anymore JM is getting formal complaints
Ask 7:
I'm tired of jikook interacting thing when it's only jimin interacting with jungkook and jungkook looks like he's in a funeral. I believe jm likes him but the narratives y'all create about jungkook are so different from his actual reactions and everyone can see that and it's the only reason jimin gets so much hate.
Ask 8:
JM deserves someone who treats him equally. Its clear JK has tapped out of whatever they have and JM isn't letting go. 2017, 2018, 2019 JK would not treat JM this way. In fact, it seemed like JK was ready to tell the world he was dating JM. His boldness in front of cameras, then. He never shunned/made JM look bad. If I did not know Jikook's relationship, I would think JM was an aggressor who makes JK uncomfortable cause that is how it reads no matter how hard we defend it. JK doesn't deserve JM.
Ask 9:
i cried so much today, honestly fuck jungkook. i hope jimin realizes how their "interactions" look on camera and sticks to his word of not even talking to him
ask 10:
JM is telling us one thing, JK is telling us another. Every time something happens with Jikook, its usually because of JM and JK looks uncomfortable, then JK will wear green & purple. JM leans on JK butter pic, JK wears green & purple shirt next day. JM trying to have moments with JK at muster, net day, JK wears purple & green earrings. I'm guessing JK will wear purple & green together soon again. JM deserves better, cause that's not cool if JK is his boyfriend and its not cool of JM if Jk's not
Ask 11:
It's not the same anymore with Jikook and Jk is the main reason. His actions towards Jimin is why its hard to continue defending Jikook. If they're together, then JK needs to treat him better period. I'm not saying he has to kiss his boyfriend in public or shout he's mine, but stop flinching, cringing and sitting there with a pissed look when he interacts if he's your boyfriend. If he's not, set boundaries and leave JM alone and stop leading him on. I'm scared for JM. BH might let him go.
Ask 12:
Genuine Q, why does everyone say jungkook is clingy with jimin? Even always behind the scenes is jimin clinging to him, looking for the tiniest way to interact with him and jungkook is always a passive receptor of all his affections. I like them together but seeing so many people say things I have never seen makes me confused and it's frustrating. Even lee hyun hugged jimin today more friendly than jungkook ever has. ANd I don't mean a 'backhug'.
Ask 13:
If he's going to be fond of JM, I'd rather he show it rather than leave JM out to dry.
So, here we go.
First thing I have to say is, please everyone take a big breath, let it out and lets start talking here.
I will start by saying that neither JK nor JM ow us a thing!! JK doesn't have to prove to us he likes or loves or wants JM, and visa versa.
If they choose to show us, every once in a while, it's their prerogative, not our right.
So, if JK loves JM, if they are in a relationship, it's JM he has to show he loves him, not us.
Where were all of you when JK was practically forcing his arms around JM to hug him after the recording of the Black swan performance? JM clearly didn't seem pleased at that moment. Were you discecting his reaction then? Either way, if your answer to the question is yes or no, you need to stop for a second and think why you were.
Moving on.
JK is not impassive to JM. JK is not hating what JM does. JK is being JK.
I have said this soooo many times before. JK in control of a situation is not the same JK caught off guard or surprised.
When JK is caught off guard he goes into a panic mode of sorts. Many times it looks like a total shut down. Freeze mode, if you wish to call it that. Resting bitch face is also good here.
When JK is in control of a situation he is happy, he is bold, he, in his mind, knows what he’s doing, where he is taking things and f**k the consequences, as far as he is concerned (at least for that split second he decides to do his crazy).
When JK is not in control and caught off guard he loses it. This is a shy introvert that suffers from anxiety. Please don’t let his stage persona confuse you.
JK isn’t uncomfortable with JM. He loves him. And even if you don’t believe they are a couple, I’m sorry, but that is something no one can deny, JK’s love for JM.
JK is an adult, he can be pretty assertive when he wants to. Yes, there is the age hierarchy, but he has shown us on more than one occasion that if he doesn’t want someone to hug him or touch him, he will push them off. We need to understand this. If JK didn’t want JM to touch him, he would push him off. If JK didn’t want JM to jump on him, he wouldn’t have caught him, it’s not like JM would have fallen on the ground. Do I have to remind just how many times JK has lifted JM and loved every single time he has done it.
But you ask, why a big smile on his face then and not this time?
Again, he knew what was coming then, he had control over the situation. He wasn’t caught off guard.
That’s JK, that’s who he is, and you cannot expect him to change who he is, how he reacts, how his face looks just because it doesn’t look good on camera to you, just because fans will dissect it to pieces and then go all nasty and turn it against the one person he loves most.
You can’t turn it on him.
It’s on the fans that as far as I am concerned shouldn’t be even called fans. The haters that instead of loving BTS and all their members are busy trying to break them down.
I will say this both to JM and JK stans:
Those are your bias, each one of them. And you bias loves the other one, JK loves JM and JM loves JK (no matter the level of love, friend, boyfriend, partner, they love each other).
You claim to love them, so how can you point so much anger and hate towards the one person they love so much????
If you don’t have something good to say, don’t say it. Because, saying something bad about the one your bias loves, well, don’t you think it would hurt them too???
Your bias, the person you claim to admire, care for, support, he chose to love this other person. Why don’t you give him some credit that he knows what he’s doing? That if that other person was treating him badly, he would no longer be with him, no longer gravitate towards him. No one is forcing him to always, always, be by his side, rub his neck, hug him, talk about him (always positive things, at that, unless it’s giving us information we didn’t really need to know about the other, like how long they shower, how loud they snore, who they were with at 4 am etc.).
PLEASE give your bias the well deserved credit that he knows what his wants and needs are. If JM didn’t want to be with JK, if he felt his needs weren’t being met, he wouldn’t be with him. Same said about JK.
They know how to disconnect, how to distance themselves and still stay professional, and yet, they choose to be at each other's side. That should say something to you.
So, my suggestion to you is to just leave them alone. Yes, I said it.
Let them be who they want to be. We cannot impose our needs for JK to show TKK’s he likes it when JM goes on the way he does on JK. He is who he is. If JM is unhappy with it, well he won’t put up with it, believe me. He is not a damsel in distress and doesn’t need the fans to save him from mean ole’ JK. JM is a strong ass man, I’ve said this many times before. He can take care of himself, and believe me, if he had a problem with JK’s reaction, the boy knows how to deal with it without fans coming to his rescue.
Fans need to stop inserting themselves into these young men’s lives. We are spectators, no more no less.
If you can enjoy them while understanding that, great. If not, well maybe the right thing is to take a breath, re-evaluate things and then come back.
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mingot-studios · 3 years
Things currently polluting my mind (will be added to as i think of things)
 How bad the Star vs. Finale was, and weather i should even bother trying to watch the show again at this point
The fact that the next JoJolion chapter is coming out soon and I STILL haven’t read 107 with my mom even though I’ve already read it
Not being caught up on One Piece and having 0 IDEA of whats happening at this poin as well starting to flaws with the series (racism, transphobia, and homophobia) that i knew was there but chose to ignore and weather it should hinder my relationship with the series. Also wanting to murder Oda for demoting Franky to ‘Pervy Grandma’ (srsly wtf oda)
Upset Infinity Train was cancelled even though i never watched it, and wonder why the fans cry for it to come is suddenly not happening?
The fact i’m going to be returning to in person schooling which is my personal HELL
my brother leaving for college upstate (Me and my brother have never really been that close, we fight alot but I cant imagine life without him)
The fact that my procrastination has gotten so bad that I nearly had to retake PE, World History, and English
The Owl House coming back on the 12th but i had downloaded the first 2 episodes but haven’t watched them and debating if i should, also having a meltdown  over Disney screwing the show over and having its third be 3 or 4 (i cant remember) 44-minute specials
The fact that me and brother STILL haven’t finished our Yume 2kki Let’s Play
I haven’t been watching anime regularly with my mom
I haven’t posted anything to my DeviantArt or YouTube in months
I have so much energy right now but no outlets
I still haven’t tried out my drawing pad i got for my birthday last year
I have so many drawing ideas but my spiral sketchpad is filled up and I have yet to get a new one
Ive many intricit and detailed story ideas that i know im gonna forget if i dont write them down bu due my procrastination i haven’t done so im prolly gonna lose everything
The fact Thurston Waffles hasn’t posted anything since late April as well as the fact that he’s got Kidney problems
So many ideas for videos but I only have WindowsMovieMaker and the HumbleBundle my mom got me idk YEARS ago won’t install
I’m gonna be 17 at the end of September, which i only have until next June before I graduate High school, have to give up my Chromebook, start thinking about college and getting a job, possibly moving out and living on my own, the knowledge that my parents are in their late 50′s and early 60′s so hey might be gone sooner than most parents and I dont know how to function without my parents doing everything for me
These weird tingles ive been getting in my body for he pas couple days
The fact that im not gonna a kid soon and im gonna have to grow and stop doing whatever i want whenever i want and i’m gonna never accomplish my dream of creating a successful cartoon and will probably end up at a dead end job I HATE just to make ends meet and eventually dying alone because I dont wanna be in a relationship or have kids
Everything is too overwhelming. The light, the sound, my thoughts, its all too much. I wanna curl up into a tiny ball and disappear from this awful experience called life
i hate being so passionately when i’m upset, everyone else is calm but i have meltdowns and freaks outs over things i shouldn’t even care about or are miniscule (Comes with being autistic i guess)
I have 0 patience and i hate it
I’m starting to regress back to being a childish brat after all the progress i’ve made
i’m constantly surrounded by either criticism or praise that contradict each other so i dont know what to believe about myself
the fact that i have so many great story ideas but i cant write a cohernt thought with proper grammer or sytax or spelling o save my life, nor the art skill or the patience or the tech to draw comics
i haven seen my therapist in days and i need help but i know im not actually gonna change 
having gender panic
I have no in person friends and ive forgotten how to interact with people
ive become a noodle limbed nerd
Ive gotten super skinny
I want someone o break through my shell and help me change bu I know thats just a fantasy and im the only one who can do that but im too lazy to put effort into it
everything i used to enjoy suddenly feels tedious monotonous repetitive and uninteresting
I feel trapped and scraed 
The fact after being bulied so much the only way i can really assert myself is to get violent and angry because they would want me breakdown and cry
I have this image in my head of who i want to be; And badass that people including adults, are scared of and know not to fuck with me or they’ll get hurt (Basically Jotaro, bu I’ve had this image since before i even knew what jojo was) And the fact I KNOW that i’s a pointless endever and that i only dig my own grave when i get mad but its like ingrained Branded into my my psyche so im always going to larp that vision of myself but not get anywhere and only regress further
I want to address my problems and change but I never do and stay static and regress
I cant take crticisim even though i know its true
The reason im so scared of writing fanfiction is because i know its gonna be a mess despite what i think is a great story and people will end up mocking it and what little self confidence i have will shatter
Star Vs wasted potential
the fact that I dont know where to take the whole “Rubi dies at the  end of he first season but comes back o life except she’s not actually she’s just a walking meat sack containing an anchint eldritch god that will, sooner or later, burst out of her and destroy her body, and she’s fighting for control of her ow body due to Skarlotus trying to devor her soul and Data’s medience is only delaying the inevitable” storyline of my concept cartoon, The Crypto Club
I have an AMAZING idea for an Invader Zim storyline that has fascism, rascism, mass genocide, child soldiers, political intrigue, propaganda, baiscally space hitler and more (okay that came out sound REALLY bad, but NONE of it painted as good!) It also involves Zim and Dib coming together to stop an even bigger threat and there is a really ironic ending that brings my OC GA83′s story full circle
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asexualzoro · 4 years
list of reasons i find Brook ridiculous
for brook’s birthday, ive decided to follow up my other two posts of this genre by dragging yet another idiot swordsman. i have everybrook open on my phone next to me. here we go
- first and foremost his most ridiculous crime is existing. as he’s already so ridiculous as a character, im going to talk only about things hes done
- i want to know, did Brook make a conscious effort to change his laugh to sound like his favorite song? how long did it take? what was the in between period like? what did his crew have to say about this? the rumbar pirates were big on playful teasing, did they let Brook live this down? 
- ALTERNATIVELY: was brook’s laugh already like that? is that why bink’s sake is his favorite song? is that why it was York’s favorite-- oh we only made it two bullet points before i made myself sad
- relatedly i cannot make fun of anything Brook did in his backstory it will make me too sad. hes spared for now
- i DO want to say from a writing standpoint its so fucking ridiculous to me that he mentions twice being a convoy captain in the past and it never comes up again. oda?? why even bother to include something that cool if you weren't even going to do anything with it?? you could have said hes just always been a pirate but no. oda?? oda
- there was that bit where a bunch of people thought Brook was satan and addressed him as such (i think Satan-sama in the original, and the translation i read was like... Lord Satan or Lord Demon or something). not only did Brook never correct them, but he also ran with it and later used this case of mistaken identity as a reason to threaten to eat a man’s heart 
- also both men and women were showing him their underwear in that bit. bi rights
- those satanists let Brook get kidnapped while saying they would try to summon him back. do you think they're still at it
- Brook is older than... basically every old man in the series. Garp, Whitebeard, Rayleigh... all of them. something about that is so weird to me and i cannot place why
- Brook has seen and can prove the existence of an afterlife in One Piece canon and its then never addressed again
- Brook missed so many huge events while being dead. im looking at a timeline rn and these include the obvious, like, roger’s execution and subsequent effect on in-world culture and society and whatever. but also things like the destruction of ohara (which was in his home sea), the founding of the world power known as the revolutionary army (which was about 20yrs ago), and the births of every other member of his crew. wack
- he seems to know about stuff related to the pirate king post time skip, and i wonder if thats because someone told him or he’s just playing along now. maybe he just thinks Luffy made up the term pirate king cuz it sounds cool and he wants to support his captain’s interests
- if he DID ask though, like, who did he ask? his managers? did he pull aside some fan asking for an autograph at a concert like “hey, you look like a knowledgable young lad, mind helping me out?”
- i would love to be there when someone takes the time to explain roger, the pirate king, raffle, the One Piece.... and Brook asks them “what is the One Piece?”.... and someone has to look him in the eye (...or not) and tell him “i don't know” 
- Brook has technically died of fright (his soul left his body), like... at least once? it was luffy’s fault
- Brook was an urban legend on the florian triangle and i doubt he even knows that about himself
- when they're heading to fishmen island Brook gets all scared when they encounter a possible ghost ship and Usopp slaps him
- when captured by big mom he sleeps so godamn soundly and securely that he is harder to wake up than she is and this fact nearly gets a bunch of his crew killed
- Brook is the only character i can think of who has ever broken the fourth wall. he only did it once. maybe seeing the afterlife means he now knows hes in a manga. or maybe being isolated for 50 years just made his head be not screwed on right
- speaking of, there’s a bit in WCI at the wedding where Brook is decapitated. i don't know how it goes in the anime, but in the manga like... no one is shown to have decapitated him. his head just pops off. maybe he was just having fun
- also the bit where he rips the fake face off in wci. when someone calls him gross he cries
- there’s a bit in fishmen island where Brook is trying to ask Nami if he can see her panties (disgusting bastard) and he inadvertently protects her from being dehydrated by some guy they were fighting. except the panel setup reminds me a lot of / mimics ace protecting Luffy from Akainu, and it haunts me
- speaking of bits from fishmen island that haunt me, there's a page where it’s strongly implied Brook fucked a mermaid (maybe two). i will of course include the page here
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- yeah. sorry. 
- when Brook first meets the strawhats he invites himself inside because “it’s cold out!” but he later admits in punk hazard that he cant feel cold. he was just lying
- no one introduces himself to Brook except Luffy for the entirety of thriller bark
- half related, Franky cradles Brook in his arms / carries Brook around for like a full scene in thriller bark 
- there's a link two second bit in film gold where the crew is just relaxing while they're planning for how they're going to get Zoro back and they're all shown eating burgers from pirate mcdonalds or whatever. and Brook is eating a burger and hes so messy that hes got burger on his forehead, and Franky is next to him just looking at him
- Brook also wears fake skin in that movie
- Brook has a running gag where he gets upset when things refuse to eat him and i was going to make a joke about it but im wondering if maybe hes just afraid of being left behind........ made myself sad again
- he cries when a dragon won't eat him tho
- Brook admits to reading monster hentai when talking to Sanji and Kin’emon and if i have to be burdened with knowing that so do you
- when hes trying to figure out the weakness of the zombies on thriller bark he overhears one ate a salted fish and lost its shadow and immediately assumes “oh, must have been the fish!” idiot man
- where does his sword cane go when hes not using it. it just appears. where does he store it
- there's a bit where the strawhats all use a combo attack at thriller bark and the first step is firing an electrically charged Brook in a slingshot through oars/oz. he ends up in a wall and no one ever pulls him out. i don't even think the manga shows how he got down
- enemies post time skip regularly assume Brook is dead when they manage to knock the crew out and it makes me wonder how popular of a rock star Brook actually was
- Brook goes on a mini rant to no one while they're descending to fisherman island where he wonders aloud how he sees without eyes and it makes me lose it
- this isn't Brook technically but Nekomamushi is based on a song Brook’s voice actor wrote about his cat.
- Brook literally doesn't have a brain. like i know we all know that but its so fucking funny. we make jokes about other strawhats only having one braincell or whatever but Brook straight up 100% just has a seashell where his brain is supposed to be 
-  why does he have rubber glove looking hands when hes haunting the castle at wano i fucking hate them
- relatedly, there’s a bit where Brook mentions he’s been, at kinemon’s interaction, sitting in a well for like... possibly days? is he okay
- honestly i love everything about Brook’s actions as a ghost in wano bc its so fucking funny but my FAVORITE fact is that Brook is in the wikipedia article about starving skeletons
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im leaving you with that. appreciate ur local skeleton today
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warmau · 5 years
kick it!au x nct 127
more like punk!au 127, but it’s inspired by the n version of the album!
only heir to one of seoul’s biggest tech businesses, but no matter how much his parents try to get him to act like one 
he really could give a rats ass about it 
sometimes his parents think he’s doing it on purpose - the over the top outfits and the heavy music
the skipping out on important meetings, the hanging out with people who don't even imagine what kind of tax bracket his parents are in
but taeyong just cant bring himself to want to give his whole life away 
to slaving over some company in some high office in a building so far off from the wonders life has to offer
he’d rather run around and experience what he can while he’s young and his body can handle it 
so for a while, he just runs away - it sets of a massive panic throughout the city of seoul as his parents send out search teams and private investigators
and the police are put on the case 
you watch the news and sigh, spotting taeyong spread out like a comfortable cat on your couch
“you know sooner or later they’re going to find out you’re here.”
“no they won’t. you were an intern in our legal department - you never even officially met me.”
he answers, playing with the threads off of his holed up tshirt before sitting up
“hey - if you really don't want to be involved in this, just run away with me to London like i offered.”
you take a bite of toast
“won’t that just get me more involved - we’ll both become fugitives. well i will, you’ll probably be saved by your parents money.”
taeyong’s eyes darken and his beautiful features fall sullen
you hear him hit the back the pillow with a soft thud
“i wish i wasn't living my life on the back of my parents - it’d make everything so much easier.”
you get up, leaning over the couch to look down at him 
you met him when you’d gotten fired from your internship actually
why? because you threw hot coffee on some creep manager trying to feel you up and taeyong, who’d been passing by the floor, had watched mesmerized as you’d yelled at him for even thinking of touching you
it was the most badass thing he’d ever seen and when you were dragged away and tossed out of the building
he’d run up to you and offered to help you out
you thought he was saying he’d get you your job back - which you didn’t want because you didn’t want to work with creeps
but taeyong had actually meant getting you a favor at another company
even if he was a punk kid with no interest in business, he was still pretty charismatic with the other kids his age with parents in high places
he was the reason you had a comfortable life now - so when he shoed up on your doorstep you couldnt say no
now you’re looking at him and he’s looking up at you - the lost look in his eyes makes you so sad
“i cant run away with you anywhere, but you’re welcome to stay here for as long as you want.”
his lips turn up in a smile but before you can pull back he leans forward and you feel the softness of his mouth brush yours
you freeze with your hands digging into the couch and taeyong puts out his own palm on your cheek
“what if i wanna stay here with you forever?”
his tongue runs along the outline of your bottom lip and you feel the strength in your arms sort of fade
���are you doing this just to piss off your par-”
you start when you pull back, but he shakes his head and taeyong is not good at lying
“no. im doing all of this because i do want to be with you.”
jaehyun & johnny
guitarist and drummer of their garage punk band that they started in highschool together
to be honest, johnny had suggested it as a way to get themselves more popular - and jaehyun had thought it’d be a fun way to pass the long summer days
but now they’re actually pretty well known in the underground scene
and have went on to play booked shows in packed bars and events
they even have self designed merch which is kinda,,,well,,,,their fans love them anyway lol
you’re actually a server at one of the bars they play pretty frequently, and even though most of the crowd is pushed up on the stage when they play
there are some stragglers or bored significant others who occupy the tables in the back and who you have to deal with 
they usually complain to you about the loud, thrashing music - but you have to say - you kind of dig the duo’s chaotic energy
plus jaehyun always looks handsome in leather black jeans and hair slicked back, while johnny looks just as enticing with disheveled brown long bangs and a right sleeve full of tattoos 
you think some of the people in the crowd don’t even fancy the music that much either - the two musicians are pretty much a sight to enjoy on their own
you actually favor,
jaehyun - the guitarist and the main singer who always looks cold and put together
you sometimes akin him to more of like a businessman than a punk musician
but he really does have a lovely voice when he isn’t screaming into a mic
also - he tips better than most people - when he comes back to the bar to get a drink after the show
fans usually follow behind him like ants on honey
but he always makes it a point to get a few minutes before them so he can chat with you
his questions are usually about how you like the songs, you have the sneaking suspicion he’s the one who writes them
and you always enjoy the moments before his hoard attacks him
one evening you collect his bill and are surprised at the large tip again - but also at his number scrawled at the bottom and a question
thinking of writing my first love song, i think you can really help with that.....if you’d want to.
johnny - the drummer and the wilder part of the two
he’s got tattoos and is always jumping around and throwing drumsticks into the crowd 
he looks like a mess when he’s up there, feeling the music and going insane with the fans cheers
but when he gets off stage he has those long sweaty bangs in his face
and usually is missing a part of his shirt that either tore or was torn off
he always finds you after, when you run back to the kitchen which is beside the back of the stage
usually for more snacks for the bar - and he always coaxes something free out of you 
you like his one-liners and genuinely happy smile so you dont mind
and sometimes he tells you about a new tattoo or a new city he’s going to get or visit
one evening he stops you when all you’ve got is a wine bottle in hand and asks if you have a second
you agree and follow him into a part behind stacked speakers and almost drop the wine when he pulls his shirt up by his teeth
through muffling you understand him saying “look, i got my first hip tat!”
you see the tiger that’s disappearing down below his belt
“how big is the whole thing?!”
you ask and he winks, letting his shirt fall back down
“well if you want to see the whole thing - why don’t i wait for outback later?”
you agree - only to think about it ten minutes later and be like 
employee at the local vintage records shop
the owner pretty much entrusts all of the store to taeil, whose music taste is highly respected in the community and is also very very,,,,,,,very specific
but unlike most people who love to come in here and argue about what genre or band or artist is the best
he just likes to,,,,,,,,vibe
which is why people feel either comfortable around him - because he’ll listen to them rant with a smile as he checks them out
or kinda weirded out because like - does he ever raise his voice above a softhearted whisper?!?!
pretty cute with his blonde mullet and pretty silver earrings - a loved flannel over his shoulders
because of taeil’s work and the general popularity of vintage records as an aesthetic, the shop gets a little more busy
and so the owner hires you - who unlike taeil who favors ska-punk and beach vibes
you are a strictly heavy metal person
the grimier - the better
and when you start working your job, you cannot handle taeil’s playlist 
and you can’t handle his laidback attitude to match
so you always have something to say - half because you mean it but also half because you want some reaction from taeil
but taeil never does, if you spend half an hour shittalking the album he picks he just kind of shrugs it off
if you put on some swedish death tunes - he just lets you play the music without a comment
you guys look kind of funny next to each other because he’s just punky dad chic and your wardrobe is bleak and black
people can tell where your favorite sections are and they are on opposite sides of the store
one afternoon, you’re begging the store owner to buy copies of this obscure band most people dont care about but who you LOVE for the store
he keeps saying no because he’s pretty sure no one will buy it
when taeil strolls in for his shift
the boss turns and asks taeil for his opinion and you give up completely because 
there’s no way he’s gonna ask the boss to order a heavy metal record-
“yes, let’s order it. i trust their taste.”
taeil smiles your way before turning the corner
the boss sighs and pats your shoulder, promising he’ll put it on the list for the next order
you just stand there, before breaking from your shock to find taeil
you do - he’s unpackaging new goods - and gives you a soft, happy smile when you call out his name
“why’d you stand up for me back there? you hate my music.”
“i never said i hated it.”
you scrunch up your nose
“so you’re a heavy metal fan now?”
“no, but you are and if you like it then it’s good right?”
you don’t understand, confused you say again - “but you hate it-”
he puts down the record in his hand and turns toward you 
he tilts his head and goes,
“but i don't hate you, in fact i like you quite a lot so im willing to put up- i mean listen to the music you like because i know it makes you happy.”
the words swirl around in your head and you feel something warm flood into your veins
“you ,,,, like me a lot?”
“yes, i thought it was obvious how shy i was around you.”
you try not to laugh in disbelief, because you’re pretty sure he’s never even changed his facial expression since you started here
but whatever - you kinda like that (a lot) about him too
your local back alley tattooer and piercer 
not actual back alley, more like in his apartment, but still - does he have a license for this? who knows 
he loves doing colorful, crazy pieces - usually with a magical element or a pinup style
and if you give him a big project, he goes absolutely nuts on it
he himself has tattoos up the back of his neck and all the way down to his ankles
he has almost thirteen piercings' in one ear, with his infamous tongue piercing, bellybutton, and two studs above his hipbones 
pain doesn’t exist for him - and neither do boundaries when it comes to art or fashion
he’s almost always photographed or stopped when he goes outside
long hair up in a bun, he pulls out one of the sticks holding it and is like “it’s also a pocket knife if i click here-”
thick collar, long skirts or ripped up sweaters
he’s a very fun person to both work with or just be around LOL
you don’t really think that though - actually you’re super nervous when you see him
your friend though, the one who insisted on coming to yuta for their nose piercing, is hyped
she’s buzzing around him - getting excited and also flirting 
but for someone reason ,,, he keeps looking over her shoulder at you
“well, let me get the needle ready-”
he starts and you ask if it’s been sterilized
he laughs in response and your friend shushes you
but something feels all weird about this
you lean in to her as yuta gets his instruments ready
“do you really want this? why don’t you just get another ear-”
“don’t worry! it’ll be fine!”
you hear a voice chime in behind you both, “exactly - it’ll be peachy.”
you bite your lip as you watch yuta approach but just as you want to make sure again
your friend sees the needle and
passes out
you catch her - eyes wide and scared
“wh-oh my god! we need a doctor!”
Yuta sighs, rolling his eyes and putting the needle back down
he takes your friend from your arms and lays her down on the couch nearby
“no we don't. ill get some ice.”
“she’s passed out! what do you mean we don’t - we need to call-”
“it happens all the time.”
he disappears and then shuffles back in with an icyhot, he drops it in your hand and you stare at him
he pulls up a chair and sits down in it, “she’ll be back up in a couple minutes. we just have to wait.”
you’re skeptical - now more than ever - but you place the ice on her forehead and sit back up
“sooo, are you also looking to get a piercing?”
he suddenly inquires, leaning his elbows on his knees and giving you a look that makes you feel like you’re being seared under a lamp
“w-what, no. she just asked me to come along for support.”
“you’d look good with a nose piercing, or maybe a lip piercing, or the shy types always get something crazy like-”
his eyes drop down a little lower and you huff, fighting off a weird buzz in your chest
“no! i don't want any, and i don't want to be convinced either thank you.”
he shrugs and sits back 
“you sure? not even i offer to do it for free?”
you roll your eyes, “does free mean free or is there a clause missing?”
“free means you pay nothing, but maybe you’ll consider getting coffee with me.”
this catches you off guard - you nearly lose grip on the icyhot on your friends forehead when you turn to him
“s-sorry, are you flirting with me while my friends passed out on your couch?!!??”
yuta grins
“yeah, i am. isn’t that normal?”
politically outspoken activist, nazi stomper, no bullshit from anyone graduate student 
doesn’t look punk on the outside but put on his headphones and it’s straight up songs about anarchy only
won’t tell anyone where the secret little tattoo he got is, but people place bets on where and what they think it is
jaehyun thinks it has to be like a quote from chomsky but taeil thinks it might be something sappy and sentimental like a flower for his mom
it’s actually just a cool looking sword on the side of his ribs that he got half because he wanted to prove he could take the pain LOL
he really doesn’t fuck around when it comes to his beliefs though - like he doesnt think it’s radical to want human rights for everyone and if anyone wants to get in his face about it 
then he will get back in their face about it
and listen he’s gotten into some fights, and even though he’s mostly lank and brains - he’ll take a punch with pride and throw his own if anyone says some dumb shit in his vicinity
“you look more like a prep then a punk” someone once comments and doyoung doesn’t even bat an eyelash to retort “i don't need a mohwak to fight for respect. and ill have you know - i do own a leather jacket so shove it.”
you’re a student in one of doyoung’s classes who thinks he’s really cool, but also intimidating
his dark eyes and lack of humor kind of make him unapproachable, but also pretty attractive
you’re kind of sad that you can’t talk to him about upcoming ralies and class work because you don’t know what you two could have in common
when one day you and doyoung arrive to class early and suddenly the quiet classroom is full of loud, hard, punk rock
you turn around and doyoung’s big eyes are somehow even bigger
“m-my bluetooth disconnected. sorry.”
he scrambles to turn down the volume, but you jump up
“you like rage against the machine? i love them!”
doyoung perks up
“really, usually people tell me they’re outdated and don’t fit well,,,,you know - how i look.”
you shake your head, “who cares what you look like - their music started a movement!”
you move your seat up closer to doyoung and ask if you can see his playlist
he shows it to you proudly and before you know it you two are in a deep discussion about bands and music and shows
the professor and students trickle in and before you know it it’s time for class to start
before it does, you happily exclaim to doyoung
“i didn’t think we’d ever have something in common - im so happy i can talk to you now!”
“you couldn’t talk to me before?”
doyoung takes note of the blush that dusts your cheek and the way your fingers twitch in your lap
“ah - i just, you know it’s hard to talk to someone you like.”
doyoung is about to ask that you say that again, just so he can confirm it and get that giddy feeling again
but the professor starts the lecture 
too bad the whole time doyoung can’t help but steal looks at you - counting down the minutes till the class is over and he can ask you to come with him for lunch
you guys can listen to music and,,,,,,,maybe talk about how to change the political world,,,,,together <3
definitely flunking a lot of his classes, but so pretty when you look passed the crazy orange hair that no one blames him for it 
he’s always falling asleep behind textbooks 
and doodling butterflies or whatnot in the corners of his notes
he loves baggy clothes, decorated with pins and paint, every now and then he’s even got little bandages on his cheeks and fingers 
he looks like he came out of a cartoon - delicate features and colorful clothes
he opens his locker and love notes fall out no matter what day it is 
and his headphones keep getting confiscated by teachers
he should technically be your biggest enemy
considering he breaks uniform violations, doesn’t do his homework, and frequently hangs out in the halls when he should be there
and you’re a prefect that’s got straight A’s 
but you,,,,,,,just cannot be mad at jungwoo
anyone else, you’re the first to hand out detention slips or lug them into the deans office
but with jungwoo - there’s what you’d just call favoritism
people think it’s kind of hilarious though because you’re trying so hard to hide your crush on jungwoo but it’s so obvious
and jungwoo is so clueless about your crush and the fact that you give him so many slides that when people complain about how he didn’t get in trouble but they did for doing the SAME thing
he’s like huh what? 
you keep getting told to stop being so lenient with him, he’s not going to learn if he’s not told he’s doing something wrong
but when you’re faced with him again
that big puppy smile and the cute little flower studs in his ears
you just cant
you just shoo him out of the sight of any other prefects or teachers so he wont be caught
one afternoon as you’re checking the halls during study period - you spot jungwoo hanging out on the ledge of the window to the top floor
beside him is a half eaten sandwich and a forgotten book
he looks so picturesque you feel guilty interrupting him 
but you know you’re not the only one on duty so you touch his shoulder gently
“jungwoo, kun might find you if you’re just sitting here.”
“you found me.”
he says with a gentle smile
“yes, but you know i don’t want you to get in trouble - so do you think you can go up to the roof?”
he nods, gathering his things and as you turn to leave, he takes a hold of your wrist and tugs you behind him
but it’s too late, you’re already up the stairs and being pulled through the roof’s door
jungwoo twirls you around and you want to tell him you have to get back to your job
when he pulls you against his chest
your face heats up as you squeak in shock
he stares down into your eyes - the usual gloss of dreaminess seems a little more serious
“do you like me?”
your heart feels like it has stopped in your chest - no matter who’d asked you about your crush before, it was never jungwoo himself so it was always easy to lie
“wh-why are you asking me?”
he blinks, long dark lashes in contrast to his bright hair
“i want to know if you like me.”
“but why- y-you’ve never asked me before.”
he shrugs, saying it as if it’s the easiest thing to admit in the world
“because i like you so if you like me too - i can ask you on a date.”
skater boy who wants to go pro
spends hours in the park and in lots trying new tricks and just skating because if there’s one thing he loves
it’s the rush, the feel of the board and the air that passes by him as he cruises down the block
he’s pretty oblivious to the fact that he’s the most liked skater, maybe even person, in his neighborhood
because he will jump off his board to help old ladies cross the street and willing to bust it and eat dirt if a kid accidentally stumbles in front of him
he’s always kinda banged up, with something broken or sprained or slightly bloodied from messed up tricks or accidents
but he works it, along with the chino pants and old band tshirts and beanies 
he secretly got his nose pierced last summer, but he’s gotta keep hiding it from mom and dad lol
he takes part in a lot of local competitions because he really wants to get his foot in the pro game
and (not surprising to anyone but him) he has a lot of local fans
some are just fellow skaters who love his happy attitude, others are lovestruck teenagers who think the sweet skater is prime boyfriend material (they’re right)
you aren’t a huge skating fan, you actually don’t know much about it, but you sometimes get dragged along with friends to the events
they’re free and it’s fun to pass the time
you’re at one, sipping a slushie and listening to your friends argue about the upcoming show
when you notice a boy in a beanie off the right of the course
he’s practicing flips, his skateboard a strong neon green with what you assume are his initials - ML
“who is that?” you ask offhandedly and your friends all answer in unison - “oh! that’s the favorite - mark lee.”
you are about to look away, but then you end up catching mark’s gaze
when your eyes lock - he smiles and it shows off the sweetness that you can see people would go crazy over
you nearly miss your slushie straw as you try to smile awkwardly back
for the first time, you’re extremely excited to see one of the runs - mark takes his position at the top of the ramp and you edge forward in your seat
your friends comment about it - but you’re not the only one getting hyped - it seems like the whole place is waiting to see him succeed
you hold your breath a little as he lands the first trick, then the next, then the next
its going so well and you think you might even just get up and cheer when right on the last second - he hits a rail and the board flies off - it leaves mark tumbling down
he catches himself with his hands but you can see the pain and shock spread over his face
the crowd gasps - but no one moves
actually, you’re waiting for EMTs or someone to show up - but it’s just mark limping up and chasing after his runaway board
“where are the doctors - or someone to help?”
you turn and your friends just shrug, “it’s not a super big event so they usually don’t have anyone.”
you don’t know what comes over you, you’ve seen people slam before at these things but this just feels different
you get up from your seat and push down through to the back the course
you find mark sitting out near the curb of the parking lot, nursing what you can guess is a pair of pretty hurt palms
and you rush over
“are you ok?”
he looks up at you and you notice he’s abandoned his beanie - black hair a wild mess
“ah yeah, no worries. ill be good for my second-”
all you have are the napkins from your slushie, which you use quickly to dab at the small cuts on mark’s hands 
he’s so caught off guard by your sudden makeshift first aid, that mark just stares wide eyed as you try to help
“let me go find some ice or something, it looks like it really hur-”
“its ok! i fall all the time!”
you frown, “but your hands-”
he goes pink at the ears, because your voice is full of real concern, and plus he didn’t just smile so big at you before for no reason
you are as adorable from a distance as you are up close, probably even more actually
“im ok, thanks for worrying but i do need to get back to the course.”
you drop your hands from his and sigh, “ok. but after do you promise you’ll at least get some bandages?”
you nod and get up, watching mark stand with you and wince as he flips his board up into his hands
you still feel worried, but mark suddenly goes
“actually, would you mind coming with me after - i mean you don’t have to if you’re with your frie-”
“they won’t mind. of course ill come, at least that way ii know you didn’t go back on your promise!”
mark thinks your little laugh is the cutest thing hes heard in a while, it rings through his ears for the rest of the competition 
and when he humbly places third, he finds you in the crowd - and shakes his board up at you
the whole row you’re in turns your way
your friends all raise their eyebrows
but you’re just thinking about getting him those bandages (and maybe getting his number?) 
skater boy who is a pro
youngest in the scene right now with more than three world championship titles under his board 
sponsored by monster energy, vans, hell even companies like samsung are looking to put their money in him
his videos have millions of views on youtube and everyone whose trying to get into skating sees him as an icon to worship
the only person to land some of the hardest tricks known in the sport on his first runs 
always bright, with one little braid hanging from his hair - the mullet look was so well accepted by fans that he decided to keep it
(even had longtime friend and fellow skater jeno come over and dye it blonde for him)
and in general, he can take a fall like anyone - but when he does land his tricks he’s always bursting with energy and dance moves out on the course
you know him, how could you not, working as one of the go-pro camera crew for skating events
but when you’re assigned to be his follow along for the upcoming qualifiers being held in your city you almost lose it 
because not only are going to get to film THE haechan, but you’re going to be so close to him for the entirety of the competiton too
the fan in you comes to life, but you try to keep your cool when the day comes - introducing yourself with a handshake and a big smile
you’re nervous but what you don’t expect (and don’t actually even notice) is haechan is too
because - oh god, this is the first camera person he’s ever gotten that is on THIS level of cute
you’re so caught up in trying to get the perfect footage of him, that you don’t see how he keeps peeking at you out of the corner of his eye
when he trips over one of his boards and nearly crashes into another skater you assume it’s pre-competition jitters
but it’s actually just because you’re getting quite close to him - and haechan hasn’t ever had butterflies LIKE this
five minutes before the competition goes live, he requests that his manager switch you and one of the other skaters camera crew
it’s so soul crushing - you’re kind of left in a blank shock - until your new skater is shaking your shoulders
you think you must have done SOMETHING,,,,,no one has ever complained about you before??? you didn’t think you were even being the slightest bit annoying - even though you were trying REALLY hard not to ask for at least an autograph??
you spend the entire competition overthinking it until finally - after haechan wins and is done with all his interviews and handshakes
you manage to track him down and immediately bow at a 90 degree angle
“im so sorry if i did something wrong, i really didn’t think you’d ask to switch - please tell me what i did to upset you so i don’t do it again!”
your head is still down and haechan suddenly feels like the trophy in his hand weighs a ton
he clenches his teeth and mutters
“you didn’t do anything,,,,,,your crime is just being really-”
you slam up and your eyes are big and shaking, haechan feels like the worst person on earth as he swallows
“your cime is just being really,,,,really,,,,,really,,,,,,cute.”
your voice cracks, because you’re pretty sure you misheard him
he scratches his head, almost bonking himself on the temple with the trophy
charismatic always silly and shining haechan suddenly looks coy 
“c-cute, you’re just really cute and i couldn’t focus on my tricks so - please don’t take it to heart.”
your stomach does a flip, both out of relief and out of disbelief 
“o-oh,,,,i-- well - im sorry for being-”
“don’t apologize for being cute!”
you jump and nod, haechan signs and mumbles again
“i made you feel bad didn’t i? well,,,let me make it up to you and take you to lunch,,,”
you nearly drop your go-pro because 
holy shit haechan is asking me out on a date,,,,,,in a roundabout way but,,,,,it’s definitely an invite for a date
“sure-id love to!”
haechan tries to hide his grin
but when his manager catches him twirling the trophy around and whistling with a dreamy look in his eyes later that day
it’s just obvious 
someones in love 
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