tunasama13 · 1 year
Ah fuck! I traumatized my blorbo again! :(
Another day goes by like the ever so slight movement of the holographic clocks ticking. He took off his mask, knowing nobody was around to see the state he was in.
Everything inside of him hurt, it wasn’t that he was sore or anything, it was the feeling of constant guilt that was once again trying to rise out of his chest and suffocate him from the inside out. Everything is spiraling downwards, way too quickly for his liking.
Everyone was in the common area doing whatever, and he managed to slip away into the shadows without anyone noticing. It wasn’t hard to do, considering everyone was focused on Hobie and Pavitr arguing about the concept of a hotdog being a sandwich.
He’s always been kind of a loner anyways, if anyone noticed him leaving, they likely didn’t think much of it. Good riddance, considering what has been going on since the morning until now.
He was in a pretty pissy mood all day, and the others seemed to take notice of it. He even snapped at them when he didn’t mean to, over something that didn’t even warrant that reaction. He only realized he had yelled at them when Gwen looked visibly nervous, to which he quickly muttered out a ‘Sorry’ and swung away.
Jess was worried, she has been since that day, yet she still backed off, it was normal for him to be like this after the accident.
But today...? He couldn’t even bear to look at himself in the mirror on the wall of the monitor room.
All he saw was a pathetic excuse of a leader, a friend, a husband.
A father.
Before he knew it, the pain became way too much for him to handle, a feeling he had felt so many times for the last month crawled up his throat. Pain. Hatred, Fear... it all gathered in the corners of his eyes.
It hurt so bad, he wanted to scream- No, he couldn’t let them hear him. He’s done such a good job at hiding everything up to this point, he can’t let some stupid episode break his streak.
He stifles a sob, it comes out as a choked sound, helpless, like it came from the people he was supposed to be saving. His hands, no, his whole body was shaking, he was losing control.
“Stupid... stupid... STUPID!!!” He stumbles backwards after slamming his fist into his own temple, only to be caught by the wall behind him. He barely even registered that he was on the floor until everything seemed so much bigger than him.
How would they react if they knew? Would they replace him with someone more competent, less swayed by their emotions? Would they laugh at him? For fucks sake, most of the team was made up of kids, kids who have had their entire lives taken away from them.
What would they even do if they saw him right now?
He’d replace himself too.
He shouldn’t be the one shaking with silent sobs, tears running down his face, he has to be the adult here! But he can’t control anything, it’s like something in his mind was controlling every single movement he made.
A marionette being controlled by the cruel inevitablity of the universe.
He wonders, if he hadn’t been so ignorant, if only he was there in time. She would still be here, their daughter is gone, forever. Nothing could bring her back, and he knew it. He wasn’t Kingpin, falsely motivated by something that would never work in the first place.
He was supposed to be comforting his other team members after losing their person, but no matter how much he tried to push down everything to help, it always swung back to hit him even harder than before.
It was only a matter of time before he broke down in front of everyone, helpless, worthless, pathetic.
“...shut up shut up shutupSHUTUPSHUTUP!” He croaked, pulling on his own hair, hitting himself, doing whatever he could to punish himself for being such a goddamn weakling. His sobs were slowly becoming louder, he needed to shut up. Everything was for the good of the multiverse, and he knew it, so why did it hurt so much? Why did he constantly want to rip his own heart out in hopes he would just stop feeling things?
(Whoopsie doodles TW section for attempted S/H here!)
That’s it, he thinks, he needs something to drag him out of this pit he’s fallen into. His claws pop out with a *shnk!*, he immediately goes for his own throat, expecting to feel the warm gush of blood. Lyla would warn someone if he ripped out his own neck, she was gone for now. At least until the biometrics on his suit would start going crazy from blood loss.
But... nothing happens. All he can feel are his scarred fingerpads harshly digging into his skin, he forgot, he couldn’t cut himself open with his own talons.
‘Stupidshockingbastard you couldn’t even save your DAUGHTER and you forgot your own body’s limits, idiot idiot-“.
He barely registers the feeling of his own nails clawing at his throat, it barely hurts, it’s nothing compared to everything restrained behind the small leak of emotion that had sprung out.
He wonders if just letting this out hurts this much, he could only imagine how absolutely horrible that full tidal wave of held back emotions would feel. He can already feel the pressure building, migraines, constant nausea, falling asleep on his own computer.
Even they were trying to coax him to air out this terrible fucking feeling in one way or another, constantly holding him, giving him sweet little messages and pecks on the cheek before leaving for work. One night they even tried getting him to open up, only for him to selfishly deny them any chance of him opening up and letting everything go.
The hands scrabbling at his neck finally relent, he stares down at them, watching them tremble in tandem with his own heavy breathing.
He wishes he could be like Peter, who was most likely looking for Mayday. He’s jealous, he hates seeing Peter and Mayday do the stuff him and Gabriella used to do before that asshole took his perfect life away from him.
He hears himself yelp and flinch as another set of hands wrap around his own, his heart drops. This is it, he’s been caught, everyone’s going to find out. His breathing immediately picks up as he struggles weakly, trying to pry whoever was holding his hands off of him.
The hands move down to a little bit below his wrist, gently rubbing circles as a grounding method knowing his hands are sensitive.
“It’s okay... you’re gonna be okay... just breathe” It’s a familiar voice, thank shock, it’s just Jess. He’s still not okay though, his quiet sobs relenting as they’re replaced with quick, heavy breathing.
“Lyla told me you weren’t doing good... do you want to talk about it?” She smiles gently, he knows she knows what he went through, she’s trying to help. But some side of him hates it, he hates feeling like a helpless child, someone who needs to be saved.
He pushes her away, getting a surprised sound as he struggles to stand up, his vision spinning.
“No- no... I’m fine.” He bites out, wiping his tears with his wrist. Why is he like this? It’s stupid and foolish, but he can’t stop himself, it’s like he’s on autopilot.
He really didn’t want to seem small, not in control. Jess glares, yet there’s no real heat behind it.
“Okay, I want an excuse to how you could be fine when you’re curled up in the corner crying your eyes out!” Jess crosses her arms as he stumbles a bit, trying to get away.
“Listen Jess, I really don’t want to deal with this right now, I’m tired from today’s shenanigans and I would really appreciate it if-“ He was silenced when Jess grabbed his wrist, she looked pissed, yet still concerned.
“Are you crazy?! Holding everything back isn’t going to fix this! And I don’t care if your excuse is that you don’t want anyone to see you looking “weak”, everyone is already worried about you because of your month long vacation you didn’t explain to them!” She shoots back, it was enough to quiet him down. Leaving him to tremble at the idea of everyone finding out again.
Jess sighs, gently pulling him towards a chair and almost forcefully pushing him down onto it by the shoulders.
“Now, you’re going to tell me what set you off so we can finally get somewhere for once, then I’m getting you a drink and something to eat because you look like five seconds away from death-“ She continued in her rambling, leading him to sigh and draw his knees up to his chest. This was about to be a very long lecture about how foolish he was acting.
Understandable though.
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Cat’s Not-All-Encompassing Character Ranking
Okay, so I have to admit that I omitted a lot of characters I don't have strong opinions on. Most of them were one-off akumas, so don't get your panties in a twist, your faves are probably still on here (and ranked lower than you think).
As a preface again, these are just my personal opinions. They can't hurt you. You can still like characters more or less than me. And I don't care how you feel about them. This list is for me. And the person that asked for it. So shut up. Go make your own rank list if you’re so butthurt. 
We're going in reverse order this time, starting from the bottom:
84. Gabriel Agreste- I mean, is anyone surprised? I am not private about how I think Gabriel should go to jail. Or fall off a cliff. Or be erased from existence. Rip to those that like him, but I’m different.
83. Thomas Astruc- Honestly, he’s down here on principle. Self-inserts are generally a no-no, and I just laugh every time I see him on screen because he really put himself in this show and said boohoo no one appreciates me XD
82. Bob Roth- I feel like this one should also be obvious. He’s just a dick. Terrible human. I give him 0 stars.
81. Tomoe Tsurugi- We all collectively hate her, right? It’s not just me?
80. Su Han- This mans has small peepee energy. And he bad mouthed Fu, so get FUCKED, my dude.
79. Rolland Dupain- Listen, I get it, he liked Marinette in the end, but I could do without the racism.
78. Nathalie Sancoeur- My opinion of Nathalie took a nosedive after the s2 finale. I just do not care that she is in love with her boss. Don’t care that she’s dying. Just do not have it in me.
77. XY- Justin Bieber ass wannabe.
76. Nora Cesiare- I didn’t care for Nora. I know Thomas loves her, but the overbearing sibling trope is tired.
75. Anarka Couffaine- I underestimated how much I don’t really like her. Like, it’s not full-on hate, but I just do not care for her.
74. Otis Cesaire- Got akumatized because a kid said he could outrun a panther. I’m still not over it, Otis.
73. Andre Bourgeois- No love for the crooked mayor. I hope your wife divorces you. 
72. Alec Cataldi- The real villain of Stormy Weather. Like fr why is he such an asshole?
71. Roger Raincomprix- Is Officer Roger just doing his best? Sometimes. But like sometimes this mans just needs to take a chill pill.
70. M. D'Argencourt- Please get out of the 1600s
69. Ella/Etta- These two are basically the same character, and I am indifferent to both of them.
68. KnightOwl/Barbara- Listen, I would have liked you more if you were less controlling.
67. Majestia- Same as above, but like I guess I like you more
66. Theo- *Mean Girls principal voice* Stay away from underaged girls!
65. Andre the ice cream man- I just want a scoop of chocolate, Andre. Is that too much to ask??
64. Amelie Graham de Vanily- We haven’t seen much of her, but she seems like a snake bitch.
63. M. Kubdel- I mean, if my son wanted to resurrect an ancient mummy and believed in aliens, I’d give the family heirloom to my daughter too.
62. Jalil Kubdel- Lolol, buddy, pal, dude, my guy. Chill.
61. Vincent (Adrien's photographer)- Head empty. Mom’s spaghetti. Idk he’s alright.
60. Manon- I don’t hate Manon. She just gets on my nerves every time she talks.
59. M. Ramier- This mans got akumatized a billion times because he gets emotional about pigeons. I mean, honestly mood.
58. Mme. Mendeleiev- She doesn’t put up with Chloe’s shit, and we respect her for this.
57. Baby August- Someone just give this mans some food. He’s a growing boy.
56. Santa Claus- If I were Santa, I too would list Ladybug as the best kid in the world.
55. Art Teacher- He doesn’t even have a name, but I vibe with him. He seems like he likes to paint scenes of nature with his pet squirrels.
54. Prince Ali- Lil mans just wanted to have a good time. I can respect that.
53. Duusu- Duusu, I get that your Miraculous was broken, but get with the program, girl. You is a hostage.
52. Other Kwamis- Idk, all the ones we haven’t seen as much. I don’t have real opinions on them yet. Just neutral.
51. Sass- He gives me dad vibes.
50. M. Damocles- You go, you funky owl man
49. Jean (Chloe's Butler)- He deserves a raise. What is your name, sir? We may never know.
48. Mireille Caquet- She’s pretty cute. No complaints.
47. Aurore Beaureal- Baby’s first akuma. I love her design. She’s a cutie.
46. Claudie Kante (Max’s mom)- This womans just wanted to go to space and live her dream. We stan a hardworking queen.
45. Hot Dog Dan- I like him more than Andre the ice cream fraud. Sure, my hotdog might turn me purple, but if I ask for chili on it, I bet he’d oblige.
44. Nadja Chamack- I mean, she’s doing her best.
43. Audrey Bourgeois- So, as I said in the episode ranking, I have a love-hate relationship with Audrey. She’s the worst, but that’s why I love her. I love her ironically. Like, yeah she’s atrocious, but I just want to watch her burn the world.
42. Luka Couffaine- Directly in the middle, like he’s always been.
41. Nathaniel Kurtzberg- My opinion of Nath improved after Reverser surprisingly. I ship it.
40. Chris Lahiffe- I like Chris better than Ella/Etta. He’s just a little mans out here living life wanting to grow up. Don’t believe it, Chris. Stay little forever. Being an adult suuuuucks.
39. Fang the Crocodile- The goodest boy.
38. Nooroo- I just want to give him a hug.
37. Mlle. Bustier- She’s doing her best, but I mean, when ya whole class keeps getting turned into supervillains, I’m surprised she’s not an alcoholic.
36. Penny Rolling- I just like her. I think she’s neat.
35. Ondine- Mermaid queen! She’s so sweet, and I love her with Kim. I hope we see more of her in the future.
34. Marc Anciel- Marc is a little cutie bean. Idc if he’s based off one of Thomas’s irl friends. He can stay.
33. Wayzz- He loves Master Fu so much I cry.
32. Felix Graham de Vanily- I know everyone hates canon Felix, but tbh he exudes massive chaotic neutral gremlin energy, and I actually kinda vibe with that. And he pisses with his uncle which is a whole ass mood.
31. Tikki- Tikki is very cute, but bby please work on the preaching. You don’t always know what’s right, babe.
30. Sabrina Raincomprix- Sabrina deserves better. I hope we see good things happen for her.
29. Lila Rossi- Surprised? I actually like Lila. The first fic I ever wrote for this fandom was a Lila redemption. I think she is a good antagonist and foil to Marinette. I absolutely want to see her get dunked on in canon, but that doesn’t mean I hate her.
28. Wayhem- I don’t know why, but Wayhem makes me laugh. I love him XD
27. Uncle Cheng- He’s just a good mans with a birb who wants to make you tasty food. What’s not to like?
26. Trixx- Trixx shot up after GoS. Chaotic bean make Eiffel Tower go bendy
25. Jess- She’s pretty cool. She’s a vibe.
24. Aeon- The cutest bean!!! She saw Adrien and Marinette and said yep. Those two are meant to be together. Jess, we gotta make it happen.
23. Ivan Bruel- Ivan is such a gentle bean. We love him.
22. Mylene Haprele- Smol
21. Fei Wu- I still have not watched the Shanghai special with subs, but I liked her.
20. Gina Dupain- The grandma I aspire to be.
19. Marianne Lenoir- I love her. She is good. She and Fu are so cute. And she seems like she would have kicked le ass back in the day. (and even now)
18. Rose Lavillant- I am so excited for Pigella!! Rose is too cute. We love her. 
17. Gorilla- aka Adrien’s real dad. If the series doesn’t end with Gabriel getting yeeted into the stratosphere and Gorilla adopting Adrien, I don’t want it.
16. Clara Nightingale- She’s in love with Marinette. You can’t change my mind. 16 is also how old I hc her to be, so don’t nobody come for me.
15. Tom Dupain- Most. Supportive. Dad. Soft bean. Just wants to make you fresh bread.
14. Sabine Cheng- Good mom vibes. We love to see her.
13. Juleka Couffaine- Shy goth bean. Just wants to have her picture taken. Definitely a lesbian. We stan.
12. Nino Lahiffe- The goodest boy. He’s just out here doing his best, loving his friends.
11. Chloe Bourgeois- Chloe is another one I have a love-hate relationship with. Her brattiness is funny to me. We had high hopes for her. Honestly, she ranks this high because I like to play with her in fic.
10. Max Kante- He smol and smort. And I adore his friendship with Kim and the fact that he made an AI himself at 14. What a legend.
9. Alya Cesaire- Rip to Alya salters, but I’m different. Outside of Chameleon, Alya is fine. She’s a supportive bff. All yall people that are mad she doesn’t kiss Marinette’s ass all the time need to go out and make real friends. I said what I said.
8. Alix Kubdel- I love Alix. I love how she is always so done with all the lovey-dovey bullshit. She is tiny queen, and Bunnix, while OP af, is still super cool. We love to see her.
7. Kagami Tsurugi- I will fight anyone who shits on Kagami. She has done nothing wrong, you guys are just haters. All she did was exist, and yall said, wow what a toxic bitch?? Disgraceful.
6. Jagged Stone- We are going to ignore the deadbeat dad trope that canon thrust upon him. He is a Marinette stan, and we love that.
5. Kim Le Chien- I really love Kim, you guys. Does that surprise you? Listen, my favorite male character types are sweet beans and himbos. Kim is both of these.
4. Master Fu- If you didn’t pick up on how much I love Fu from the episodes ranking, then idk what to tell you. I want him to be my grandpa. I would trust this mans with my life. He did his best. You paint those pictures, you funky little man. I love you.
3. Plagg- My galaxy trash man. Love him. 10/10 chefs kisses all around.
2. Adrien Agreste- The biggest Marinette stan there is. I just want him to kiss her on the face. And marry her. Idk, I just think that would be neat if he could do that. I just want good things for them.
1. Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Honestly, are you surprised? I have always been and always will be a Marinette stan. If you expected anyone else to be in this spot, then clown suit rentals are off to the left.
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HELLO?????????????? Okay I mentioned before I hope they do fashion packs but honestly I want full dolls for every look. I loved every look hands down. I dont think ive ever liked every outfit in a series before but those were just so good???
First peak at the twins AND jett dawson??? Bitch what!!!!
Like Sunny with the baby hairs, Jade serving us some Frankie vibes, Poppy giving some Katniss, Skylar period, Ruby was a one hit ko with that unzip transformation, ahhhh they were all good!!!!!! Was kinda thinking Amaya's would change with the water tho for a second lol but god it was still so pretty. It feels like someone actually knew what they were doing for once. Poppy having real butterflies?????? Holy shit?? Howd you pull that off, that's nuts! Not unheard of tho I suppose
Colin shirking away when Skylar came out made me scream a little. Karma and Krystal clutching at each other was so cute omg. River full on hitting the floor when Amaya came out like mood lmao
Violets hair was amazing the beads/pearls are such a good look, love the little kiss, her little video bit about friends keeping her grounded was so sweet.
Sunny's earrings are to die for, might make myself some. Then later Violet complimenting her animation and calling her hot ajsjdkfkfsdd too sweet, I weep
Jade's makeup look was really good and the way she looked back like yes im hot hello?? Stan tbh
All of them hyping each other up at the end🥺 I cry. Sunny calling ms Wright mom lmfaoooo mood, stan Sunny
Listen Skylar's entire look is just what I want to embody in life but uh was that jean? Was that a jess (jean dress)? Bc umm normally I would hate that but actually it fucks lmao
ALSO was that Emerald I spotted in the crowd??? I want him as a doll too, too cute
Im amazed there actually was water, I thought that was supposed to be kinda dream sequencey lol but then ms Wright made the comment about drying the auditorium so dang. Amazed they didn't slip (i know its animation but they've done it in other things and it happens in real life idk) but the puddles just added to the overall ambience. Also why was Wright acting surprised about it, shouldn't she have know ahead of time?
BELLA!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW SHE HAD TO BE COMING BACK HOW COULD SHE NOT??? but like why didn't she get to leap into Jade's arms huh?? Maybe next time lol also that car👀👀👀 I wanna drive that irl I need a new car anyway LMFAO
God okay there's so many other things to scream about but im just thinking about those dresses. I really truly expected something gaudy and overly saturated, maybe just a weird heavy focus on rainbows. I've never been happier to be wrong. The excellent energy they were giving each other makes me want a friend group like that so bad, we love to see girls supporting girls.
V excited to see whats next!!!
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padmeisqueen · 4 years
I’m sending you another character because I just thought of this one! The whole New Girl group, including Coach (I couldn’t pick just one, that’s sacrilegious!)
Ooh okay!
Jessica Day
Why I like them:  I love how quirky she is, and how she’s a feminine feminist. I’ve always loved Zooey Deschanel’s fight for that in general, that you can be feminist but that means you can still love stereotypically feminine things. You can be soft and passive and emotional at times and still be strong. We’re all dimensional and comples. and that really shows with Jess
Why I don’t: Whenever she gets in modes where she tries to “fix” someone
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 1x03 (Wedding) literally one of my favorite episodes of New Girl. The dancing to Groovy Kind of Love is just *chef’s kiss* perfection
Favorite season/movie adaptation: Season 2, gotta love the Nick/Jess tension and build up
Favorite line: “I brake for birds, I rock a lot of polka dots, I have touched glitter in the last 24 hours. And that doesn’t mean I’m not smart and tough and strong.”
Favorite outfit: Literally obsessed with her entire wardrobe I can’t choose
OTP: Nick/Jess
Brotp: Jess & Cece, but I love all her platonic dynamics so much
Head Canon: She’s the mom that has dance parties in the kitchen with the kids and Nick, and builds tents/forts in the living room that they ALL sleep in and leave up for days
Unpopular opinion: Honestly love all her romantic relationships (even though I’m die hard Nick/Jess fan)
A wish: I liked their wedding and what they were going for, but also kind of wish it was more romantic, less quirky
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Her and Nick break up? Her and Cece end their friendship?
5 words to best describe them: Quirky, smart, funny, determined, caring
My nickname for them: Just Jess I guess haha
Nick Miller
Why I like them:  I love his sarcasm, his humor, his care and love for those around him
Why I don’t: I think sometimes his character was back and forth. Like season 1/2 Nick was less ridiculous and responsible I feel? But then like with the Nick/Jess breakup there were times he was just overly falling apart which I sometimes feel just doesn’t match his original character i don’t know
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Technically 1x03, but to give a different answer, 2x15 (Cooler), I mean... that KISS!
Favorite season/movie adaptation: Season 2
Favorite line: “Nick Miller, turning lemonade into lemons since 1981.” I literally quote this ALL THE TIME
Favorite outfit: I love when he wears green and Jess wears pink, it’s such a good costuming detail of the show
OTP: Nick/Jess
Brotp: Nick & Schmidt (special shout out to Nick & Winston though)
Head Canon: He reads to his kids every night before bed
Unpopular opinion: I honestly didn’t like the Reagan relationship (I liked her character, just not her relationship with Nick)
A wish: Same about the wedding with Jess
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Divorce Jess
5 words to best describe them: Sarcastic, funny, reliable, caring, relatable
My nickname for them: Don’t have one!
Why I like them:  I love love love his development as a character and actually really relate to him in later seasons. Also love how stereotypically “feminine” he is and isn’t this macho masculine guy and that’s seen as okay and accepting
Why I don’t: I hate all references to “Fat Schmidt” (very similar to Monica in friends)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 5x22 (Landing Gear), I’m obsessed with his and Cece’s wedding
Favorite season/movie adaptation: For some reason I’m thinking Season 4
Favorite line: “I want to spend the rest of my life hearing all your stories.”
Favorite outfit: I really love his wedding suit
OTP: Schmidt/Cece
Brotp: Schmidt & Nick (although i LOVE Schmidt & Jess scenes)
Head Canon: He still works from home so he can be a stay at home dad, but also I think he took up party/event planning
Unpopular opinion: I’ll probably never refer to him as Winston Schmidt, I think it’s too weird haha
A wish: I don’t know on this one
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Divorce Cece
5 words to best describe them: Confident, funny, loyal, organized, loving
My nickname for them: Don’t have one!
Winston Bishop
Why I like them:  Everything Winston does is perfect tbh, he’s so funny and weird and I love him
Why I don’t: I honestly can’t think of anything off the top of my head
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 3x01 (All In) The puzzle stuff and him realizing he’s color blind is just iconic
Favorite season/movie adaptation: I feel like season 4?
Favorite line: “I know Word. And I can open a document. Save it. Save as. Print. Print preview.”
Favorite outfit: I love his bird shirts. I know they’re supposed to show he doesn’t have great fashion sense, but honestly I love them
OTP: Winston/Aly
Brotp: Winston & Cece (or tbh Winston & Furguson)
Head Canon: Him and Aly own lots of cats and he has multiple cat trees and towers in their house and it’s just pure and amazing
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think I have one. I guess again just that I genuinely like his fashion style
A wish: Not sure on this one!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Divorces Aly (I know all my answers to this are basically the same haha)
5 words to best describe them: Funny, quirky, confident, caring, loyal
My nickname for them: I mean Winnie the Bish is iconic tbh
Cece Parekh
Why I like them:  How absolutely loyal she is to Jess. We stan positive and developed female friendships.
Why I don’t: I honestly don’t know on this one. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 5x22 (Landing Gear), I literally just love thier wedding so much
Favorite season/movie adaptation: Season 3 or 4 I think
Favorite line: “You got hurt, that doesn’t mean you stop trying”
Favorite outfit: I love her end result wedding dress
OTP: Schmidt/Cece
Brotp: Cece & Jess, Cece & Winston
Head Canon: She just continues being super successful and happy
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think I have one?
A wish: I wanted her and Nick to have a better developed dynamic. I loved their scenes together, but feel like there wasn’t enough
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Divorce from Schmidt or end friendship with Jess
5 words to best describe them: Loyal, hardworking, caring, witty, strong
My nickname for them: Don’t have one (just Cece I guess haha)
Why I like them: His storyline is such a good one for me, as he becomes more complex and grows so much and I just really liked him on the show
Why I don’t: I didn’t really love him that much in the first episode, but maybe it’s because it was just one episode and we didn’t get much of his personality
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 4x22 (Clean Break)
Favorite season/movie adaptation: Season 4
Favorite line: “That boy looks like he was raised in a muffin”
Favorite outfit: For some reason, literally the only outfit I can think of is that green track jacket he wears haha
OTP: Coach/May
Brotp: Coach & Jess or Coach & Winston
Head Canon: He’s the fun uncle to everyone else’s kids and they all love when he comes around
Unpopular opinion: He should have been in more seasons and he should have been in the series finale
A wish: That he was in the series finale
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: That he just is out of the loft group’s lives forever. I just feel like that does a huge disservice 
5 words to best describe them: Confident, funny, supportive, complex, honest
My nickname for them: I guess just Coach haha
Send me a character!
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lovelylogans · 4 years
Personally, I would LOVE to know your gilmore girls opinions
i’m gonna talk about my opinions on rory’s love interests bc they have Developed given my rewatch, bls blacklist the tag “annalise talks gilmore girls” if u don’t want any of this gilmore girls Contente
okay SO when i first watched the show, i watched s1/part of s2 with my mom, like. oh god. oh god like six years ago. oh god i’m old
anYWAY i watched s3 in bits and pieces, and most of my other knowledge was gleaned from, like, internet, until i started writing wyliwf and i started delving deep back into gilmore girls content. i focused primarily on s1, w a bit of emphasis on s5 bc the writing of drama/fights in s5 is Chef’s Kiss, and i wanted to steal incorporate those lines into the later chapters of wyliwf. so far, i have seen s1-s5 of gg, and read scripts of some key episodes of s6/s7. SO.
on my first watch, i really liked rory’s character and related to her a lot, bc early season rory felt a lot like high school me—quiet, bookish, focusing on journalism at school, in a school that Prized academic achievement and was Very Competitive in that sense, but that’s a whole other rant—so i liked her a lot. and then you start looking at later seasons, and hoo boy, my opinion of rory nosedives.
like, she’s pretty naive and innocent in s1-s3, that’s part of her whole character charm, right? she’s a sweet kid and she works to contrast lorelai, esp in scenes w richard and emily. however. HOW. EV. ER.
in s4 she gets to college, right? and her character just. PHEW. P H E W. her and dean and her sleeping with him in the s4 finale when she knows FULL WELL that he is M A R R I E D to someone else and attempts to dignify it with “he’s my dean!” like WHAT. WHAT!!!!!!!! lorelai is correct! he is LINDSEY’S dean!!! lindsey was a perfectly sweet girl who did NOTHING to rory other than help her buy something on a field trip! like yeah she was concerned about money and sure if she was that concerned she should have gotten a job, but dean hardly even WANTED to go to college in the first place, but this is a whole other rant!!!
so like dean, i think, was a decent first love for rory, though i dislike that when jess was introduced they worked to dumb him down when he was shown in s1 to attempt to read the books that rory wanted him to read, but i digress. dean was good in those early seasons, he did not deserve to be dragged on by rory when she was crushing on jess, HOWEVER he is a dick for dumping her in front of the whole town and then later on in front of her yale friends (dumping her in public TWICE like BRO????)
and then we get to jess.
i think jess’ character arc is a good one; bad boy eventually caring for others and taking responsibility and growing up a bit. however.
i think he has a good character arc; i am not team jess when it comes to rory. jess DESERVES BETTER, especially later seasons jess!!!! jess deserves to, like, get someone who is equally into his new york hipster scene, and to get a cool little apartment, and just! someone who fits him better! rory and jess Do Not Fit! you’re telling me that s6 rory, yale girl rory, preppy, frankly spoiled rory, deserves JESS, who has actually put in work to develop himself for the better?? no ma’am!!! no MA’AM!!!!! jess deserves good things!
like his and rory’s relationship worked well for developing them in s2/s3, but like, after that? no! have you SEEN revival rory?????? oh my god revival rory is a whole OTHER RANT, esp from the perspective of a journalist, but like! BRO. BRO. jess deserves better!
which is why, when it comes to rory, though i’m not like “ride-or-die” when it comes to “team x!!!” like some other gilmore girl stans are, like i could probably be persuaded to something else if someone posed a good enough argument, i’m team logan.
i also dislike logan. STICK WITH ME HERE. WALK WITH ME.
as i previously mentioned!!! rory’s character NOSEDIVES!! she sleeps with a married man at the start of s4! who does she meet in s5? LOGAN. 
why was logan not at yale in s4? BUSY SAILING AROUND THE WORLD IN HIS DAD’S YACHT, WHICH HE EVENTUALLY SUNK. logan’s entire character just REEKS of “privileged white male” to me and i find myself VERY unsympathetic to a lot of his character. like oh boo hoo your dad wants you to inherit his MULTI-MILLION-DOLLAR NEWS EMPIRE that is probably GUTTING local journalist teams and putting them all out of work! that must be so HARD for you! oh you got yourself in jail AGAIN but you never enter the system because you are a rich white boy with a powerful family! oh no! your life is so hard! fuck off!!! are you KIDDING ME?!
(....okay maybe some of my hatred of logan is a misdirection considering the companies much like huntzberger’s that exist in real life that do gut local journalism. gatehouse media, gannett, tribune publishing, this slightly outdated but still good john oliver bit on journalism. check it out. support your local paper, if you have the financial means.)
logan embodies a lot of the yale privilege that also is a strong part of the society that produces the classism of emily and richard; their families are good friends, and yet, his family says that rory’s family isn’t good enough. let me repeat that. the gilmores. are not good enough. for the huntzbergers. someone estimated the gilmore net worth to be approximately upward of fifty million dollars.
think about that privilege.
and now look at rory; rory, who in the later seasons begins the transition that was originally started at chilton. she joins the dar. in s6 during her dropout period, she basically becomes a miniature emily. in the revival, she walks into a job interview and has no ideas prepared. she complains about being broke and not having a job, despite living alone in an apartment in new york and being offered a job by chilton as long as she got her masters that she turns down, along with the trust fund set up by lorelai the first and, doubtless, the money richard left her when he died. 
during the revival, rory and logan are still together. despite the fact that logan and rory are both cheating on serious partners; logan, with his fiancée, and rory, with her “forgettable” boyfriend of two years (paul, though boring, also deserves better, like holy shit, could you imagine your girlfriend of TWO YEARS consistently forgetting about you and keep meaning to break up with you but she keeps forgetting????????)
they have a similar flippant attitude toward their work, they have similar attitudes toward their romantic partners, they both tend to think of themselves highly due to their family (”my ancestors came over on the mayflower!” rory says hotly as she’s complaining to logan about his family not seeing her as good enough.) logan makes strident romantic gestures that are, frankly, easy to do when he has that much money to toss around. 
rory’s character, as it stood in the revival (which granted i have not watched in full, but i have read reviews and scripts), and logan’s character deserve each other. not dean (who made mistakes, but who is apparently happy now with three daughters and another child on the way) not jess (who is a novelist and cares about his family and DESERVES BETTER) or marty (marty is kind of “boo hoo friendzone :( guy” for me anyway but he does have his merits) but logan. logan and rory deserve each other.
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dxmagedrose · 4 years
Tagged by: my lover @hammurabicomplex​ I’m tagging: anyone and everyone who wants to pick this one up! share with the class if you feel like it! tag me in it!!
FIRST NAME Good fucking question… It’s (sort-of) currently Dylann! I was Kieran before that, though; it’s still used as one of my first names and I’m not used to Dylann quite yet bc I’ve just started using it. 
Indigo is one of my middle names though, and I’ve used it as an online handle elsewhere forever so I use it here now!  [ Fun etymology facts: Dylan(n) is a mythology name generally meaning “born of the wave” (aspiring diver & a water witch at heart). Kieran means “little dark one” bc of my love for horror, && I chose Indigo bc as a kid to be it was neither boy (blue) or purple (girl) and was both and neither as well as my absolute favorite color as this vibrant ass mystical color. ]
STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF hmmmmm…. I’m a horror lover at heart, so as a child (I wanna say 12), I was walking through an antique store (I have a few cool finds, I considered putting my other one as the fact tbh) and I turned the corner and I saw these two dolls staring back at me at the foot of the stairs of this antique building. my blood froze, and i felt my stomach drop. i got actual, physical goosebumps stumbling across these two creepy dolls staring back at me in the corner, and i couldn’t leave the store without them. perhaps the little painted porcelain boy would be somewhat spooky by himself if it wasn’t for the terrifying lidded gaze of the porcelain girl with the hairline fractures and slightly open lips. i cant look at her. i dont really find dolls scary, I like to find the spookier ones ones, and she makes me paranoid as hell. i keep her face covered and her up in my closet except for when i bring her out to show her off proudly as the spookiest thing I have but……. i dont really collect dolls anymore.  even thinking about her brings a fearful tear to my eye.  i don’t like to think about her for very long, but that’s why I’m so fucking proud to own her. ( YES — I’m THAT white person in the horror film )
TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON hhhhh a beardy jawline, high cheekbones, crooked canine teeth >:3c
A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF b.l.t.’s with avocado. ahhhh. my mouth is watering just thinking about it, oh my god. just a bit of salt and pepper???
A FOOD YOU HATE barbecue anything, i hate the taste of bbq sauce, you keep your nasty black goo to yourselves at the grill. twice in my life i have presented with barbecue pizza and both times i cried literal tears. why would you do such a horrible thing to a person? what kind of a monster are you? how do you sleep at night?!
GUILTY PLEASURE the sims. constantly. always. i’ve sunk thousands of hours into my households. oh also uhhhhhh i run two 80s horror blogs, one being a shitpost blog with occasional art of mine and one gremlin fanfic ship blog for horrible, terrible self indulgent fanfics i’ll get the courage to finish writing & post so i can be cancelled on tumblr for at some point. NO, i won’t link them. as i pretend they’re even all that hard to find, within a day i was found on both by someone i admire here a lot :’) ilu bby thnk u eternally for supporting ur local horrifying dumbass wtf
WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN the same clothes i’ve been wearing all day usually, my sweats & long sleeve raglans or my hoodies. i like being cozy day & and out. and ugh. efoort. just throw me in a blanket in a cool room and im out.
SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS serious relationships with some openness or poly. i wish i could fling! just not exactly easy for demisexual autistics lmao.
IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE I think I would be adopted by my grandma as a kid. It would save me some trauma but mostly I think it would get my autism diagnosed way earlier and save me angsting all these years of wondering why & thinking it’s my fault I’m struggling so much and so loud and affectionate and different in a world that i didnt fit in the same way. 
ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON when i get drunk i text people how much they mean to me in my life. does that answer your question? ahhh. i’m sometimes a cuddle monster with friends, i message people with long texts about how much they mean to me, but I sometimes really don’t like to be touched at all. 
A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN FLYPAPER.  F L Y P A P E R.  FLYPAPER.  FLY, and, I can’t stress this enough, fucking PAPER. ( Though also Whole Nine Yards and both Re-Animator & Bride ). I have watched Flypaper already like, 5 times this week and I’m still not done, and the other movies have been on repeat for days in this household within the last year. In the past it has also been Donnie Darko & the new Nightmare on Elm Street.  roast me.
FAVORITE BOOK White Fang by Jack London. Have I actually ever finished it? No. Do I still own a copy I’ve had since childhood thru multiple dogs eating it, taking it to and from school, and highlighting and circling all the best parts of chapter one ever since I was a kid and it was too hard of a book for me to read? You bet your ass. If I ever need inspiration I just reread chapter 1. Although one of my other favorites was Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes. But White Fang is like, a weirdly personal text. We stan London’s writing in this household.
YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE FENNEC FOX!! I used to daydream about having my own named Shiloh when I was a lil kid. they’re adorable little things and i am obsessed. i mean, gimme any fox and im happy, marble foxes, red foxes… but I was obsessed with fennec foxes. Also tbh ferrets. I want a ferret.
TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL] Rosa & @ninetyscnds‘s Luke, Rosa & @iimpulsivity is already screaming my name, Rosa & Constantine, Jesse & Andrea from Breaking Bad, and the joker and harley of 80s sci-fi Dan & Herbert from Re-Ani.  I am but a simple opossum. 
PIE OR CAKE Pie! I’ll take both pumpkin & melty apple over cake. also, cheesecake is more pie than cake soooo, pie wins.
FAVORITE SCENT my dogs / my blanket. :’)  It’s the most grounding smell in the world. 
CELEBRITY CRUSH oliver jackson-cohen, i’m fucking GAY and im angry about it. there i was, minding my own business, and i saw that asshole in a certain SHIRTLESS GIF and it AWOKE SOMETHING IN ME. dont talk to me about it, holy shit im obsessed with beardy men now god fuckkdafjaask i hate him why did he make me this gay i was perfectly fine being into girls but NOOOOOO him and his dumb hairy chest and sweet rugged face and I——  I also am obsessed with the archaeologist & television personality Josh Gates and may or may not be considering making a fan blog for him bc idk if my anthropology docuseries host is Dad or Daddy but i love him lots
IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO I would go on a dive with anthropologists and archaeologists doing fieldwork research in the ancient cenotes of the Yucatán Peninsula. My actual dream job, catch me crying & fantasizing about being underwater documenting Mayan skulls given as offerings. Fuckkkk, I love anthropology so much!!  take me anywhere in the world to immerse myself into culture & archaeology.
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT Introvert. I have a real life friend I see roughly once a month, and that’s it. Plenty of online relationships, I’m chatty, message me all day every day. but i dont do people well.
DO YOU SCARE EASILY I used to! Really bad. I don’t as much anymore. I do get paranoia a lot still. Having therapists telling you that the FBI could be outside your house watching you through your windows will kind of nervous. ( no google results for: yes hello fbi i am a writer please dont put me on watchlists i just have research i need to do for this idea im working on, would you like to try again? ) I have nightmares nightly but not they never make me afraid, they just make me feel like crap. jumpscares and loud noises and seeing people reaching into their pockets dont set off as many brain alarms anymore tho!! progress haha.
IPHONE OR ANDROID I like my android better bc of capabilities but meh
DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES My mom, her husband & I play COD for family game night, and Silent Hill is my life’s blood. I’ve sunken hours into Sims & Skyrim, and Norman Jayden from Heavy Rain is my #1 fictional character in existence, why do i love the druggie babies
DREAM JOB Oh… You’re asking me to pick? I’d love to be an anthropologist doing work out in the field. Underwater archaeology is peak, but I’m also heavily considering being a body recovery diver or police diver. I’d love to see myself in uniform someday, if possible. Just the thought makes me teary eyed & proud.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS fund my person creative & educational endeavors. get myself a spooky ass abandoned house to make my own home to create in, and travel to the world’s best dive sites. just live a mild life of education, creation & exploration. that’s the dream TM.
FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE dr. hill is a gross and whiny lil bitch this post brought to u by the miskatonic crew, how is everyone here an even worse bad guy than herbert west precious dan excluded talk shit get hit tho john winchester from spn and both walter white & todd from breaking bad are all in my crew of hated characters. i jusT…   the reani novel is difficult to read because i have to deal with this old sack of shit.
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yoongimeow-blog1 · 5 years
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Hi! This will be a little blog dedicated to Min Yoongi, better known as Suga, from BTS. He is my bias of the group and I wanna show some more support to him so I decided to make a blog on Tumblr and see how it goes.
So, I want to share 20 facts about me, just so you guys can get to know me a little better. Here we go!
1. My name is Kylie, but you can call me Kye for short if you’d like.
2. I am 20 years old and I was born on February 22nd, 1999, making me a Pisces, just like Yoongi.
3. Most people don’t believe me when I tell them this, but I am related to Johnny Appleseed! I found this out when I was about 8 years old because my grandmother was talking to my mom about it.
4. I have 2 female cats, a black cat named Cinder and a tortoiseshell cat name Dobby. Cinder is a Bombay, but we’re not sure what breed Dobby is.
5. BTS is my ultimate bias group and I’ve been a fan since October 13th, 2016 (aka Jimin’s b-day), so I just hit my 3rd anniversary.
6. Not only do I like BTS, but I love K-Pop in general. I stan over 100 groups, so name a group and I mostly likely stan and have a bias.
7. Still talking about K-Pop, my top 5 favorite boy groups are: BTS, TOMORROW X TOGETHER, ATEEZ, ONEUS, and ASTRO. My top 5 girl groups are: (G)I-DLE, BLACKPINK, EVERGLOW, ANS, and MAMAMOO.
8. I am 5′7 1/2 inches of too damn tall.
9. My bias wrecker in BTS are Jin, J-Hope, Jimin, V, Jungkook, and RM :)
10. I hate bees with a passion. I got stung 22 times when I was little and I’ve been traumatized since.
11. I have 2 siblings. An older brother named Shawn who is 30 and an older sister named Katelyn who is 28. Yes, I’m the baby of the family, no I do not get special treatment or get away with everything because I’m the youngest, in fact I’m blamed for almost everything.
12. I have an astigmatism and I have to wear glasses. Without them, I’m blind as a bat and I run into walls.
13. I struggle with Dyscalculia...which is a disability with math. Google translates it as, “A severe difficulty in making arithmetical calculations, as a result of brain disorder.”
14. I was bullied growing up and didn’t have any real friends until 7th grade. My first friend was named Brieonna (pronounced like Briana) and we’re still best friends to this day. September made it 8 years of friendship.
15. I love video games and I’m suck a fucking nerd for them too. My favorites are Life Is Strange, Tomb Raider (reboot versions), and Dynasty Warriors, but my ALL TIME favorite will always be Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is a video game that’s a cross between anime characters and Disney characters.
16. I may get some hate for this, but I don’t get the hype around Billie Eilish...I mean, she seems nice and all, but I don’t like her music AT ALL.
17. Before K-Pop, my favorite artists were Becky G, Shawn Mendes, Fifth Harmony, Little Mix, Melanie Martinez, Jesse McCartney, Austin Mahone, Big Time Rush, and more.
18. My favorite K-Pop reactor is Aaron Freeman. I really recommend checking out his videos.
19. I’m extremely shy in real life. Like if you try and speak to me in real life, I won’t look at you and I’ll just stare at the ground and speak.
20. I am an artist. I love to draw and sketch. I’ve done a few drawings of Yoongi, so maybe I’ll post them one day :)
BONUS FACT: I type really fucking fast, so if you ever see a spelling mistake, it is not intentional. I am a grammar police to myself and I always make sure everything is spelt correctly. Sometimes I miss a word or two though...
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ohifonlyx33 · 5 years
Day 5: Fandom Appreciation
So here’s the thing... I hate tagging big lists of people because I can’t remember EVERYONE, and I’m terrified of leaving anyone out. So I decided I would sit down and type out the first 10 or so I could think of off the top of my head. 
But don’t feel bad if you’re not on the list and you wanted to be. There’s a pretty good chance I would have added you on the list. If you’ve ever made gifsets and videos that I get to reblog, you’re a big part of this fandom and you deserve recognition and appreciation. If we’ve ever talked about aos together, laughed or cried or screamed over fitzsimmons, or shared a meta--you’ve been a positive influence in fandom. 
Even if we’ve disagreed on some of the finer points, even if I’m a little negative sometimes or I communicate poorly, when I’ve been utterly ridiculous or cringey--I still hope I’ve been a mostly positive influence too. I know I can be the awkward child who keyboard smashes into the void and gets kinda emo about everything, but thanks for putting up with me.
Many people have come and gone, or changed their usernames and gotten lost... but these are the first 10 people I thought of, in no real order, who’ve been around a while, stayed active, and never made me feel excluded or weirder than we all are. Thanks for being amazing guys.
@beth-is-rainpaint gives off kind big sister vibes and we just seem to have very similar tastes. she’s suuuuper friendly and loves aos so much and she always makes me smile with her comments. @ritalara and @weareagentsofnothing are like twins in my mind, because they’re always up for amazing deep meat discourse.  They’re so much fun to nerd out with along with @agl03 aka the sane one on the Crazy Theory Train, the Fandom Mom who guides us and leads us in the path of spoilers and predictions. We’d be lost without her. @nerdlove4thewin Jess has been a staple on this blog for as long as I can remember and I hope that never changes even as she gets busy with life. 
@mynameiseco (aka oswin on youtube) is a legend in my eyes. she makes the most amazing videos and has been super helpful and supportive of my silly little youtube endeavors. she puts me to shame with her prolificacy and expertise.  @bluepianoguyismael​/@ismaelmyblogisamess is THE encourager in the fandom. Ismael always pops up to comment on my youtube videos or like/reblog your post (sometimes when no one else does). Ismael is ALWAYS there
@agent-85​ Jane is just awesome... what more can I say?  One of the best of us. What would my blog even be without her? @besidemethewholed*mntime​ Rebecca sends me motivational quotes every week, a couple times per week. She really is THAT thoughtful and caring. We stan.
The last person on my list is you. The people who follow my blog, who love AoS as much as I do, the people make things and reblog things, the friends who follow me through hiatus, through all my obsessions, through everything. The people who like and reblog. You are all a valid part of this fandom. Thank you for making this one of the best fandoms to be in. It’s been mostly fun sharing this journey with you. And I look forward to sharing it with you all for the next 2 seasons and beyond.
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roobarrtrashmouth · 6 years
Life and Times of the Losers Club
Chapter 4 - Mike and Stan: At the Farm
To read it on AO3 click on the title. 
Tag List
@tinyarmedtrex @honeybeehanlon @constantreadfool @jacksbrak @megelixabethvh  @speakslowtellmelove @african-gem @hawkinsbabe@honkhonkrichard @stanmike @softstanlonn
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October 1992 Friday - After the Game
With the others all dispersed, the two of them walk along a well trod sidewalk in a neighborhood Mike knows almost as well as he knows the acres of the farm.  
Mike takes a moment to steal a glance at his boyfriend in the moonlight. Stan has always been the most handsome guy he had ever seen, but tonight in the moonlight he was more so. The light seems to lay like a blanket over Stan’s curly locks highlighting his blond streaks, his eyes looking almost yellow in the moonlight. His plump lips seem to beg to be kissed. Stan’s eyes are just captivating.
His eyes...
His amber eyes...
His beautiful amber eyes...
In the space of one heartbeat to the next Mike realizes that they have come to a complete stop on the sidewalk beside a giant oak and Stan is staring back at him.
“Is there something on my face?” Stan asks with genuine concern in his voice starting to rub his face. “Shit, do I have more zits on my cheeks? Dammit I thought..”
Mike silences Stan by gently placing the fingers of his right hand on Stan’s lips, but Stan mumbles around them.
“No there isn’t a thing wrong with you. I was just. Well. I was just lost in your eyes. Sorry.” Mike admits.
Stan smiles behind Mike’s fingers, the skin around his eyes crinkling with the size of the smile. Mike is amazed that Stan can communicate the depth of his happiness with just his eyes.
“Cam I haf my mouf back pease?” Stan asks from behind Mike’s fingers.
“Sorry. Yeah.” Mike tells him and smiles back, removing his fingers and letting his hand drop to his side.
Stan reaches out and takes the hand Mike had just had on his mouth into both of his and gently holds it between them. He looks from their hands up to Mike’s face and says, “Thanks. You know it’s easy to fall into your eyes as well and… your arms.” Stan coughs and concludes by running his hands up Mike’s arm.
Mike blushes at the compliment so easily given and the gentle caress that accompanies it.
“We are a couple of houses from my house. Maybe we should not stare into each other’s eyes. That could give us away.” Stan tells him as he drops his hands from Mike’s arm, immediately regretting the fact that he had done so. But a thought jumps into his head, “Also, the sooner we get to my house and I finish getting packed, the quicker we can get to the farm.” Stan smiles lasciviously, wiggling his eyebrows at Mike.
“Well hell. Then lead the way kind sir.” Mike responds by jumping out of Stan’s way and affecting a bow.  
“Thank you, sir.” Stan says and leads the way to his house.
“Mom… Dad... we’re home, Mike’s with me!” Stan announces, putting his keys in his front pocket, as they walk in the front door.
From deeper in the house a duet of, “Hi boys how was the game?” Then Andrea Uris’ distinct voice announces, “We’re in the family room come on back.”
The boys put down their bags and walk back to the family room and Donald and Andrea Uris, Stan’s parents.
Stan didn’t dislike his parents. As a matter of fact, being a male teenager in high school, he had a pretty good relationship with them. Stan and Donald still went birding when Donald was available. Andrea was a loving and supportive mom, who was working part time for the school district. He didn’t tell them everything, naturally, but they were fairly well informed of the goings on in Stan’s life.
“So Mike did you knock ‘em dead tonight?” Donald asks from his place on the couch next to Andrea.  Dallas now playing silently on the TV against the opposite wall.
Before Mike could respond Stan gushes, “You should have seen him tonight. He made 6 touchdowns all by himself. Haven didn’t stand a chance. At one point Ben made this amazing tackle that opened up a hole in the line and there was Mike through the hole and running to beat the devil into Haven’s end zone.”
Donald and Andrea share a knowing smile with each other. Donald pointedly looks at his son and says, “Is that so Mike. I’m sure glad to hear that YOU had a great night on the field.”
Donald and Andrea both begin to chuckle, Mike smiles lovingly at Stan and Stan slowly begins to turn red and slowly looks at Mike, only to see him smiling back at him.
“You could have stopped me you know.” Stan says petulantly to Mike.
“Why would I do that? You should be calling the play-by-play from the box. You’re good.” Mike admits with a smile.
Mike’s honesty earns him a slug from Stan and more chuckling from his parents.
“Sooo not just a good game, but a great one? Did you perform your halftime show Stanley?” Andrea asks halting the bickering.
“No they didn’t. Not tonight.” Then it’s Mike’s turn to gush about how good the band was. Stan’s parents listen to Mike talk about the band before Stan taps him on the shoulder.
“Uhhh, Mikey. They were asking me, their son, the one in the band, how it went tonight.” Stan says giving Mike a sardonic smile.
Returning the smile Mike responds with, “You could have stopped me you know.” At which point they all break out into laughter.
They talk some more about the game before Stan excuses himself to finish packing, leaving Mike alone with his parents.
“Thank you for hauling me back and forth to the farm. I really appreciate it. I know it’s a bit of a drive.” Mike tells them.
Donald waves his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Anytime Mike. You and Stanley have been good friends for years, along with the rest of that horde you both hang around with. The… Legends Club?“
“Losers, Don, The Losers Club. Good lord you’d forget your own birthday if I wasn’t around to remind you.” Andrea tells him.
“Yeah them. You all still pretty tight, right?” Donald asks Mike.
“Yes sir. We are. That’s why Stanny is coming with me tonight to the farm. They’ill all be out there tomorrow to help with the last of the fall picking and help put up all the equipment for the winter. Mom is cooking for us all as payment.”
“Oh lord your poor mother. She’ll have to feed what 6 growing boys and 2 girls. You’ll all eat your parents out of house and home.” Andrea says with horror in her eyes.
Mike shakes his head and smiles at them. “Only 1 girl, Bev, Audra can’t make it tomorrow. That’s pretty much what Bev said. Mom assured me that there’ll be plenty. Mike continues, Thank you for letting Stan stay the night tonight. He’s going to help me get everything set up before the Losers come by tomorrow morning.”
“No problem. You can borrow Stan anytime. As a matter of fact where is he? STAN!” Donald yells to his only child.
“WHAT?” Stan yells back.
“Hurry it up. I don’t want to drop you both off at midnight.” Donald yells back.
“I’ll go see if I can help him.” Mike offers and turns to leave the room heading to the hall that leads to Stan’s bedroom.
“Thank you Mike. I’m going to get my keys. You coming Ann?” Donald asks his wife.
“Of course. Let me get a sweater. It’s chilly out.” She responds.
Mike makes his way down the hall to Stan’s room. He is familiar with this hallway and the room on the left. He’s been here many times. When he gets to Stan’s door he just stands there a moment taking in his boyfriend’s room, again. It’s just so...Stan. The room and bed are neat and tidy. The walls are a robin egg blue. There are bird prints, photos or drawings on two of the walls. On the fourth wall is a tidy desk and over the desk are photos. Photos of the Losers at the quarry, Bassey Park, and the Barrens. Peppered here and there are photos of Mike and Stan, and Stan and Richie to offset the Mike and Stan photos. The fourth wall is a very organized closet that is currently standing open. On the bed there is a duffle bag and a small but growing pile of clothes neatly folded waiting to be placed in the duffle.
Facing the open closet Stan senses but doesn’t see a body in the doorway and says, “I’m just about done dad. I’ll be out in a minute, then we can go.”
Mike shakes his head at Stan’s single mindedness and responds, “Richie would be proud of you already calling me daddy. I just don’t know how I feel about it though.”
Stan whips around and gives Mike a shocked look. “Mike! Shit. Uhhh I didn’t know it was you. I wouldn’t call… you… uhhh… dammit to hell.”
“It’s ok. Never mind. How can I help you?” Mike offers.
Shaking his head. “No need I’m almost done. I was just doing a last minute check. Then we can leave.”
Stan puts all of his clothes in the bag, closes the closet door and the two of them make their way back to the living room, where Mr. and Mrs. Uris are waiting.
“All set? Let’s get this show on the road.” Donald announces and as a group they walk out to the car, while he locks up. With everyone in they start the drive to the Hanlon farm.
The Farm
At the Hanlon farm Jessica and Will are in the kitchen. She is busy prepping food for tomorrow, while Will is watching her work. After many years of marriage he knows better than to interfere in Jess’ domain, only venturing to help at her specific direction.
“Will, love can you go down to the celler and fetch me a jar of pickles? You know where they’re at?” She asks needlessly.
“Ayup. Just the one? Anything else. I don’t want to make 30 trips up and down them damn stairs tonight.” He chides his wife with a smile.
Jessica whirls around and begins to protest when she notices the smile on his face. “Hush and go get me those pickles. Or I’ll make you run up and down those stairs all night long.” She then turns back to the task at hand. All the while listening to her husband laugh at his own joke as he makes his way down the stairs. “The nerve. Giving me sass when I have to feed so many people tomorrow.” She mumbles to herself.
A few minutes later she hears, overly dramatic footstep coming up the stairs and a fair amount of huffing and puffing. A bit of worry creeps into her thoughts at that. Will has been doing more of that lately and she makes a note to call the doctor on Monday to find out what his test results are.  Or at least to pester him to make the call.
“Your pickles my love.” Will hands her the jar with a flourish and bow.
“Thank you. Now can to go get me some beans from down there…” she starts and then breaks into a laugh at the knowing frown that makes its way across his face.
Will takes her into a hug and kisses her on the side of her cheek and they both break into laughter and kisses.
“Michael and Stanley should be here soon.” Jessica notes looking over his shoulder at the clock. She has a dinner prepared for them both, just in case they come home hungry. Jessica has learned that when Stanley comes over to eliminate pork from the menu, even though Stanley has told her she doesn’t have to do anything special for him. Obviously, she simply ignores him.
“I really wish we could have gone to the game tonight.” William says from his place at the large table in their kitchen. It is much larger than the 3 of them need. But the plans that William and Jessica had for a large family faded after Mike had been born. It’s only been recently that the large table has come into use, when Mike’s friends come over and the table is used for games and eating. The sight of all of those kids at her table eating and having a great time together makes Jessica smile, but also makes her think about the what could have beens. Shaking her head at those kinds of thoughts she turns back to the task at hand, making potato salad, for the kids.
From his place at the table Will sees the fleeting look that crosses Jessica’s face and instinctively he knows the thoughts she is having. He also regrets the could have beens, but it’s at that very moment that a side of the house lights up as a car pulls up the drive.
“That must be the kids.”  Will states. “Come on Jess let’s go say hello.”
“You’ve always been a talker William Hanlon. Lord knows no one can shut you up.” She chides him as they walk to the front door.
Donald pulls his car off Pasture Road and into the Hanlon’s long packed dirt driveway.
“Sorry for the dust Mr. Uris.” Mike apologizes to Donald needlessly.
“Mike, son, I’ve told you before it’s not a problem. This car can take a farm lane any old day. It’s fine. Anyway your dad does a fine job at maintaining his road. No potholes or washboard. Hell it’s smoother than certain portions of Jackson St. I’ve been on.” Donald reassures Mike, again.
In the back seat Stan, surreptitiously takes Mike’s hand into his own and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Stan knows that Mike is secretly embarrassed when the Uris’ come to the farm. He lives in an old farmhouse on the outskirts of town and Stan lives in a fine old home in town. Stan has told him numerous times to not think that way. His parent’s don’t care where he lives and more importantly neither does he.  
The car pulls up the farmhouse with its fine white clapboards, two peaked gables painted a light grey that make up the second floor bedrooms, chimneys poking up through the roof, wide wrap around porch with a wood porch swing at one end and a small table a two chairs near the front door. Along the south side of the house is a kitchen garden. Off to this side of the house is a large oak tree and a bit further and behind the house a large double door red barn. The Uris’ headlights illuminate the front of the house as they pull in for a stop.   
“Ok Mike home, safe and sound.” Donald announces and Andrea rolls her eyes at her husband’s corniness.
Just then the red front door to the farmhouse opens and two figures come out and wave. Donald and Andrea wave back as the male makes his way to the car. As he is walking over Mike and Stan jump out of the back seat and get Stan’s things out of the trunk.
“Hello Donald...Andrea. Thank you for fetching Mikey home. We do appreciate it. Do the two of you have a minute to have some tea or coffee?” William offers.
Donald looks at his watch and then at Andrea who smiles. “Yes we do. That sounds great. Thank you. Will.”
“Boys get your junk outta Don’s car and get it into the house. They are going to stay a spell.” William tells the boys. Who had been secretly holding hands over Stan’s duffle bag in the trunk of the car.
“Really? You are?” Stan asks peeking around the side of the open hood of the trunk.
“Yes, we are.” Andrea responds getting out of the passenger side of the car.
Mike grabs one handle of Stan’s duffle and leads him to the house. Stan has the other handle of his duffle and his pillow. On their way to the house they walk past Will, Mike stops to give him a hug. Then they make their way up to his mom. She stops Mike and gives him a hug and a kiss. Stan gets a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Evening Stanley. Go on and take your belongings up to Mike’s room. You’ll be staying with him there tonight. I hope that’s ok? We’ll talk about the game later. ” Jessica tells the boys shooing them into the house.
“That’s just fine.” Stan responds and the two of them head into the house and upstairs.
Jessica turns and smiles at her guests. She has always liked the Uris’. Stanley and Michael have been friends for years and it was perfectly natural that they would spend some time together. The Marsh girl’s and Hanscom boy’s mothers gathered far less frequently, but they had gotten together a couple times. As she thought about it the only parents of the kids that didn't’ at least stop and talk to one another were the Denbroughs, but that was understandable considering what happened to their youngest, and that horrible Sonia Kaspbrak. She was frequently the topic of conversation between the Hanlon’s, Uris’ and Toziers’.  Speaking of Richard and Edward that was the one secret her and Will kept from the other parent’s. They could tell that those two were sweet on each other. She did feel like she should tell Maggie but that wasn’t her place. It was up to those two boys to do. She briefly wondered if they were as obvious around the other parents as they seemed to be here on the farm with her and Will.
From the top of the steps Jess calls, “Andrea… Don how in the world are the two of you? Come in I have coffee and a roll for you.”
“Thank you Jessica. We can’t stay long.” Andrea says as the four of them make their way to the kitchen.
Upstairs in Mike’s room Stan and Mike were busy high-fiving each other over the fact that Stan was practically ordered to sleep in Mike’s room.
“I can’t believe I was just told to share your room.” Stan says to Mike as he pulls him into a hug.
“I know. She knows there’s only one bed in here and I know she won’t stand for you to sleep on the floor. Are you OK sharing a bed with me? I promise not to put the moves on you tonight.” Mike tells him chivalrously.
Stan smiles, “Well that’s too bad. I was hoping you would put some moves on me tonight.”
“STAN!” Mike exclaims.
“I’m joking. Really I’m… I’m really not ready…” Stan admits red flaring up his neck to his ears and looking at his feet in embarrassment.  
“That’s ok. Cuddle?” Mike chuckles and shoulder bumps Stan to relieve the tension.
“Cuddling would be great. Maybe some spooning?” Stan asks.
“Spooning… yeah ok. We can figure out which of us is the big spoon and who is the little spoon.” Mike smiles at Stan and pull him into a hug.
At that they break up the hug, blush and busy themselves with putting Stan’s items away.
“Will… Jessica that was delicious. Your coffee is always the best. But we really have to be off.” Donald sadly admits. They had only been there for half an hour but that had been enough time to talk about the kids, work and the farm. Basically enough time to renew their own friendship with each other.
“Jessica that sweet roll was delicious. Can you give me the recipe?” Andrea asks Jessica.
“Of course. It’s an old family one. Would you like it right now?” Jessica asks.
“Oh lord no. Next time will be just fine.” Andrea waves off Jessica who had started to rise from the table.
“I’ll send it home with Stanley.” Jessica offers.
“Perfect.” Andrea tell her.
They all stand and make their way to the base of the stairs. At which point William yells, “BOYS! Stan, come down your folks are leaving.”
The two of them come stampeding down the stairs. Stan gives his mom a hug and peck on the cheek and his father a hug. “See you on Sunday.” He tells them.
“You mind Will and Jessica. She has permission to swat you one if you get out of hand.” Andrea admits.
“Mom. I would never get out of hand. Do I look like Richie?” Stan says actually offended.
“No sweetie, you don’t. But still Jessica swat him if the need arises.” Andrea smiles at Jessica.
“Of course. With all them boys here one of them is bound to get out of  hand.” Jessica admits.
Mike and Stan look at each other and chorus, “Richie.”
Andrea and Don head back to their car and the four of them wave as he turns around and heads back down the drive to Pasture Rd.
“So Mikey how was the game?” William asks.
The two boys begin to giggle as they head back into the house.
“What’s so funny?” Will asks.
Later that night, long after William and Jessica have gone to bed. Stan and Mike sit on opposite sides of the bed, in their pajamas, holding hands and talking about the day’s events and what’s coming up tomorrow. Both of them delaying the obvious.
“Mike I really should get to sleep otherwise I won’t be any use to you tomorrow.” Stan finally admits.
Mike tells leans over and whispers in Stan’s ear, “You are always useful to me. Dead on your feet or not. But you’re right we need to call it a night.”
Mike’s whisper made Stan break out in gooseflesh from what felt like the top of his head to his toes. After some surreptitious glances they settle back and lay down on Mike’s bed.
Stan comes to the sudden realization that he is actually sleeping with his boyfriend for the first time in his life. Sure they may not have sex, tonight, but he was in fact sleeping with Mike. Just the thought of it was enough to make his heart race, his temperature to rise, the breathing quicken, and a swelling in his pajamas to take place. “FUCK, I hope Mike can’t tell I have a boner.” He thinks.
Mike was also having very similar thoughts and feelings. But as he struggles with the sudden stiffness in his pajamas he couldn’t be happier. “This is what I want to do for the rest of my life.” He thinkst. “Lay in bed with the most handsome guy in the world.”
“Good night Stan.” Mike said quietly.
“Night, Mikey.” Stan replied equally as quiet.
The two laid side-by-side for the next hour neither one really falling asleep nor quite awake. Eventually sleep claimed them. Without knowing they turned on their sides and Mike slowly pulled a willing, and still sleeping Stan, to him. Stan subconsciously takes Mike’s hand and sighs and find out who the small spoon is.
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thorne93 · 6 years
The Newcomer (Part 16 - FINAL)
Prompt: You’re Y/N Beauchamp, daughter to Wendy Beauchamp. When you’re sent away to Spenser Academy, you have no idea what waits for you there…
Word Count: 1035
Warnings: language, violence, anger…
Notes: This is for @xx-multi-fandom-imagines challenge! Crossover of The Covenant, and the show Witches of East End. Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes and @carryonmyswansong. Wouldn’t be possible without brainstorming with @carryonmyswansong, so thank you for that, darlin!
Ten years later…
“Hey, darling, we’re going to be late if you don’t hurry up,” you reminded as you put your earrings in.
“I know,” Chase said. “I’m going to make a quick phone call and get ready.”
You grinned at him, excited to see him in that dark suit you’d picked out.
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Ten years ago today, your husband was a monster, ready to kill your best friend, nearly a brother to you. But after your cousin made you a potion, and your other cousin created a spell, all that changed.
When you injected Chase, he woke up a new man. The power inside him no longer ate at his body, so the basal desire for more power was gone. The side of him that turned him into a stark raving lunatic addict was changed as well, thanks to Ingrid’s spell. The darkness inside him was gone. Now, Chase was free to use his magic to his heart’s content and it not age him.
As for your best friends, Freya made a huge batch and the four boys drank the elixir, causing them to heal internally as well. The elixir made their power a mutual positive growth, rather than a parasite living off the host, draining the witch of his power.
And you couldn’t end there. You worked with Freya to make a potion that would help reverse some of the effects on Caleb’s father. Slowly but surely, he was returning to the rightful age he should’ve been, and then his power would no longer leech off of his body either.
As for you and Chase, well immediately following his recovery from the elixir, he apologized one thousand ways from Sunday to you. He said it was the magic making him dark, and you believed it, because Chase since that night, has been nothing but an absolute king to you, and the other guys. He never laid another hurtful hand on you, and treated you like royalty. After college, you got engaged, and married within a year.
Chase and the guys now met regularly to discuss business deals, at least once a week for guy stuff. Chase and you spent all your holidays at home with your family. He had become the perfect partner. Loving, affectionate, sweet, understanding, patient, brilliant, and kind.
You and the guys were always in constant communication as well. You all met once a week too, without Chase, just as old friends. The five of you would get together and do magic, shoot the shit, and enjoy each other just as you did back in high school.
When Chase and you discussed your future, you knew that he’d still want to use magic to do things to give him advantages. But you didn’t want to give him this freedom so he could abuse it, so you two devised a plan. You found people with potential, people with great manuscripts, people with great inventions, people with great ideas for inventions, people with great investment ideas -- and you invested in them.
You didn’t take their ideas, you didn’t swindle them out of it, you didn’t do anything except financially support them, and help make their dream a reality. In return, you gained the profits. All you did was use your gut feelings and a spell to locate those that had great ideas in the works.
None of you were even thirty, but you and Chase were the youngest self-made billionaires in the western hemisphere. The two of you were business tycoons that demanded respect and attention when you walked into a room. When you spoke, everyone listened. It was intoxicating, but in a good way. You were helping dreams come true, and you were merely living off those wise investments.
The party was at Caleb’s mansion. He still lived at the Danvers estate, taking care of his mom, but he and Sarah were engaged. Pogue had Kate, and they had both grown up a little bit, growing into their own. They weren’t engaged, but you were sure it wasn’t far off. Reid and Tyler had both met great gals while in college, and they came tonight as well.
Your family found out that hiding you away from the king was actually the worst thing to do, because when you went home to help them, the King weakened rapidly just by trying to attack you so many times to the point that your Aunt could stop him. So now, your family was happy and whole.
As soon as you arrived at Caleb’s, all heads turned to stare at you and Chase, the magnitude of your presence alone was enough to command attention. You ascended the steps, your arm wrapped in Chase’s, and gracefully made your way through the crowd to the star of the bash, along with your three other friends.
“Happy birthday, Caleb,” you said sweetly before pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek.
“Yeah, Happy birthday man,” Chase said with a shake of his hand.. Caleb raised a glass to the two of you, thanking you for coming. Just then, a girl came by with champagne, Chase and you grabbing one.  
You raise your glass to make a small toast. “To Caleb, a man who opened his heart and home to me ten years ago, making me a part of his family. I can never repay you.”
“Oh, I think you did when you saved my life from this one right here,” he remarked with a smile and a wink at your husband.
“Hey, I think I did okay for the newcomer,” you noted thoughtfully.
“Okay?” Pogue said. “You did a hell of a job. To Y/N, because without her, this night wouldn’t be possible. We owe you our lives. Thank you, Y/N.”
A tiny smile touched your lips, a small blush colored your cheeks.
“What can I say, except I’ll always be there for my family,” you remarked with a warm smile, to which everyone raised their glasses and clinked, celebrating another milestone that happened only because one person, one witch, who loved people so much, had to change fate.
Yes, fate could be funny sometimes… but with a little help from magic, that could all change...
Forever Tag:
Sebastian Stan:
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callmetippytumbles · 7 years
Thoughts on THOTS: Chapter 14 Peen Parade
So after a lot of encouragement from @lizzybeth1986, @violetflipflops and @feisty-mary, I have decided to gonad up and start posting stand alone reviews instead of bumming off of Lizzy. So here we are.
So this has been quite the week.  So much to discuss. Let’s make like the Black Eye Peas and get it started. Heads up, its a long one.
I feel like PB has been very generous this week.  They are like, “Call us Santa & Co. ‘cuz we outchea giving gifts to all the LI stans” PB: Here you go Liam stans. Liam Stans: Thank you, PB
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PB: We see you Drake stans, here is something for you too. Drake Stans: Thank you so very much, PB.
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PB: Maxwell stans? Maxwell Stans: Yeah? PB: I don’t know if we have anything for you Maxwell Stans: *faces fall, eyes well up with tears* PB: Sike! We got y'all too. Maxwell Stans: 
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Hana Stans: What about us? PB:
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I am a Liam stan, but even I feel away about Hana’s treatment these past few chapters. I mean a lot of her diamond scenes are initiated on the idea that she is helping you impress someone else.  I haven’t really tried to romance Hana so I can’t speak to the romance part. We were in Hana’s home country for the last TWO chapters but the diamond chapters with her don’t offer very much about or even center Hana. Hana is from China but the folklore about koi cam from Liam? I could go on but there are people who talk about this WAY better than I do.  I am just saying it’s one thing to make a point to include a diverse, LGBTQ+ character there, its another to do so in a meaningful way.  If Hana is there simply to be an endlessly supportive bestie and a love interest but doesn’t really get the same careful development that the other male love interests get this relegates her to a token.  That’s messed up.
I wouldn’t quite call it the Ultimate Sausage Fest because nobody’s dicks touched.  I would call it a Peen Parade. Lots of dudes and shitty gaudy parade clothing.
Like Home Alone 2, we are lost in New York. Everything about this chapter is like:
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No seriously.  So. Many. Questions. I will get back to those. For the sake of being linear I want to address something. That fuckass bitchass assass voicemail that IT left to MAXWELL. I am over here listening like:
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I have a phone too Demon.  Why didn’t you ring up MY line directly?  I know why: You’s a bitch. Not that Meredith Brooks “I’m-gonna-reclaim-bitch” bitch or Lizzo’s “I’m-100%-that-bitch” bitch. Nah. I mean bitch as in you are a coward. Also, this is a fuckass task to set up some real fuckery in the coming chapters. Maybe even force a book three.  
I am surprised that the Demon didn’t show up at all. In fact, the Demon has been conveniently absent a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I am not exactly looking to see that dusty heifer befoul my sight.  But the Demon not being around means that IT is up to something. What that something is, I don’t know.  
For instance IT could be also looking for Tariq too.  Tariq could be minding his business at some riddiculously expensive restaurant doing a great job at being not in Cordonia but a shitty job at keeping a low profile. 
He is talking to a waiter like “I would like to go off menu and have a fillet mignon, medium rare but slightly more rare than medium with a Bearnaise sauce…” Before the waiter can tell him that he can’t go off the menu like that, the Demon shows up in a hoodie and Drake’s sunglasses like this:
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“How 'bout a side of knife?” IT says and then stabs Tariq in the chest. I mean Connie may not literally be a MurderKing, but that demon being a MurderQueen2B? Would not put it past IT.  
Also can we talk about the ring, why did A Demon use Dean’s engagement ring from RoE? I thought IT would have at least wanted William’s ring from RoE. Then again, the ring is to symbolize a union with a man IT doesn’t give a solitary fuck about what so ever.  If she doesnt care about the man why would she care about the ring?  Personally, I am just going to take it as one of many indications that this was indeed a fuckass errand.
Drake was there, he wants to dress up Liam like a pirate.
Okay, with that out the way.
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Well questions.
Drake, I know that you are simple ass dude kind of dude. I can appreciate that. ��I just can’t suspend my disbelief that you are really going wedding gift shopping for your best friend who is a monarch at NotIKEA or at a hardware store. What are you thinking? I know this has more to do with PB only having so many backgrounds than Drake actually being this inept. PB either make the background you need or rethink your story.  
Anyway the whole point of the shopping trip is to gift Liam Jess’s compass from RoE and for PB to force Halle to demonstrate terrible taste by putting Drake in those god awful sunglasses.  Drake didn’t protest because he only knows about whiskey, beige food and meat, and whatever his official job is in court.  Issa look. I will get back to these terrible ass clothes later.  Just know I am in my feelings.
This UN dinner is a fraud! How did Halle have to talk to some Italian ambassador in Capri but doesn’t talk to a single dignitary other than the Champagne Mami? How come Halle had to be there, Liam has to be there, Champagne Mami has to be there but the Demon is conveniently missing? 
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What about the rest of the female members of the court? 
A UN dinner is the perfect place for a multiligual, ambitious woman like Kiara who would like to work for any of the foreign ministries to network.  I will not under any circumstances believe that Kiara was like “It’s ShondaThursday. I can’t!” Especially in the age of DVR and HULU.  Apparently Kiara was there in passing.  She was the one who recommended the roof to Maxwell.  Knew that Kiara is too smart to pass up this opportunity.  Still sucks not to see her though.
I could believe that Penelope would skip this.  Penelope hates parties like this which is something that she said at the last foreign dignitary party. The Demon isn’t going to be there. Penelope can be like “Well if Madeleine isn’t gonna be there, I am skipping the bullshit too.  If anyone is looking for me I will be hugging up on some dogs at the animal shelter. Deuces." 
I might believe that Olivia may not show up for a few reasons. One, free food and booze is not a motivator for her as it is for the rest of us simpletons. Nothing is as good as anything in Lythikos. Even the air in Lythikos is more airy-er. NY air smells like piss.  Olivia could skip the entirety of NY for that reason alone. Two, since the courting season or whatever Olivia does not give a fuck about participating in royal court.  She’ll be there when she’ll be there. Lastly but also most importantly, Connie done fucked up when he thought to threaten The Duchess of Lythikos. Olivia is a lot of things, but she isn’t the one.  Sure ain’t. Olivia didn’t come to that sad, retirement community center party because she was busy doing this:
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Making some calls…
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She is coming for that ass Connie.  She may pull the plug before Halle.  The only thing that could possibly keep Connie from getting his whole ass handed to him by Olivia as opposed to aggressive end stage lung cancer is if Connie tells her the whole truth about her parents.  I could see Olivia at least pausing to get those answers. Then she’ll be like:
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Why isn’t Hana there? She is a member of the court and has no reason to miss this.  It’s not like she is scouring New York for practice puss.  I can appreciate that so much of Hana’s life is in flux right now. However I do not see Hana as the type to just let herself be driftless without some kind of anchor even during a time like this.  While she is unsure of what she wants or what’s next I think that Hana would have still come to the UN shindig.  If anything else, Hana knows how to be at an event like this, can benefit from networking, and it could be affirming for Hana. Not in this massive way but in that she knows how to do this. So I call bullshit.
Hana can’t be in attendance but Maxwell can be there to embarass the whole fuck out himself? I know you have home training.  Why are you like this? It’s not the time to literally play with your food. Maxwell really has no sense of time and place whatsoever. This is why Bertrand has to get you together sometimes.
As for the Champagne Mami herself, I really like her. I know that she could be in on the fuckery if not an active participant of whatever that Demon is up to. However, I still really like her and I am going to make her my mom now.  I could see Champagne Mami and Halle just living, enjoying each other’s company. They are cackling in the corner of some stuffy ass party in the UK. Waiter: Would you like some spotted dick? Adelaide: Are the spots something that can be cleared up with antibiotics? Asking for a friend. Halle: Girl, you so bad! Adelaide: No you are. *They cackle together loudly*
So, at any minute PB is just gonna be like:
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So the Demon is not even the duchess of its country, just a county. Your inferiority is showing again heifer.  Maybe the Demon takes all of its time wielding the little power IT has in a way that inflicts pain because it reflects how truly powerless IT feels. Hmm.
That tidbit came from the .000003 seconds that Justin dropped by.  He certainly made his time count.  If I have to assemble a team to beat A Demon I am picking Justin and Olivia.  Dassit. Justin is a great strategist that can outsmart the Demon and Olivia is additional brain power + brawn.
I am really happy for Maxwell stans.  Y'all have been waiting, biding your time, and your patience and persistence has paid off. I am hoping that the romance upgrade includes some character development for him. I did not play the scene for romance but Halle and Maxwell do have a real moment where she thanks him for making this experience happen for her. If Maxwell didn’t think that Halle could make Liam happy he would not have been inspired to sponsor her.  His sponsorship made this whole experience possible. So even when he regresses in a way that makes me wonder if he has any untreated brain injuries, this whole experience is thanks to him. I am glad that is acknowledged in writing.
Maxwell stans you are one step closer to making this happen:
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I am happy with the Liam diamond scene this week.  He is literally crazy in love with Halle.  I ain’t mad at it.  He gets sweeter and sweeter every time we are alone with him.  He is so sweet I am actually concerned that Halle is going to wake up and Liam has transformed into a Haribo gummy bear.
But Liam also did this:
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What are you trying to say? This only tells me that Liam hasn’t actually tasted a Cordonian Ruby straight from the tree recently if not longer. I think Liam’s perpetual boner for Cordonia could be having an adverse affect on his taste buds. Them apples are nasty raw. Just a fact.
I know if Liam and Halle were to literally start fucking in Central Park, Hana stans would rightfully start a riot. With that said, I know that he has that on a list somewhere.
These clothes.  Bruh.  We need to talk. 
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Drake’s was the least offensive since it was really the sunglasses that killed it. 
Halle’s dress is kind of matronly.  It reminiscent of what a girl would wear to a cotillion.  Halle is literally waiting to be presented to black high society arm in arm with the son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Fontaine. And even when Liam got to dress down, Halle had to stay in this awful get up.  So now Halle has to be out here looking like some budget Glinda the good witch holding hands with a dude in joggers. Yuck!
As for Liam’s outfit, I am here for the tight shirt, I am not as bothered by the novelty aspect of it (it might be kind of cute). Liam picked the pants. I now know that Liam has never shopped for his own clothes a day in his life and it should remain that way. Liam has many talents but clothes shopping ain’t one.  Liam is a fucking king and he can live without ever having to learn. He will be just fine.
What really has me feeling a way about these clothes is two things.  One, for all of these cothing options you have to pay diamonds.  You pay your hard earned money to dress poorly.  Spending that money but still coming out like Ugly Betty. On top of that insult, not only did you spend money on this, PB has the whole entire nerve to blame Halle (MC) partially (Liam, Halle made the top) or entirely (Drake’s outfit is all Halle) for these poor satorial choices.  Halle’s character has been assassinated y'all.  Halle has been defamed.
So Bertie is back just in time to tell us that we are going to LA to look for Tariq.  I am not sure what finding Tariq is going to do.  Connie is the one behind all of the bullshit.  Unless the Demon did something to blackmail Connie, I don’t see how this clears the way for Liam and Halle to get married.  Also, I guess your enemies did get bolder Connie.  How effective is your leadership if the Demon can blackmail its way directly to the throne?  Also, what does the Demon have over you that you just can’t diffuse?
So we are going, going, off, off ,to Cali, Cali. At least Liam is letting us use his jet. How much do you want to bet that we are going to end up on a beach so PB can use that beach background?  Maxwell stans are probably going to taste Maxwell’s dick before Drake stans will taste his. That has to sting, but not as much as Hana stans not having a passing mention of Hana in this chapter. Y'all better get your ducats ready. Liam stans may not really see Liam. I am a little sad, but PB is not disrespecting me as intensely and thoroughly so Imma shut up and let it stand.
I still want a panda for my royal wedding. I would also like to kick that demon into a pit 300 style.
Also wrapping up my first fan fic.  I hope to have it out in the next couple of days. “Why am I saying that here?” asked nobody.  I need peer pressure to make me stop being so nervous and get it done.
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turkiyeecom · 5 years
Taylor Swift's 'You Need To Calm Down' Video Is Full Of Easter Eggs — Let's Break Them All Down
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YouTube/Taylor Swift As promised, Taylor Swift dropped the highly anticipated music video for her bright and pride-filled new single, "You Need To Calm Down," this morning (June 17) on Good Morning America. Quickly since its release last week — and at just the right time given that it's Pride Month — the song has already become an LGBTQ+ anthem. Packaged in a box that's perfectly pop, the song takes aim at haters and homophobes while spreading a digestible message that's important for all to hear: We support and love the LGBTQ+ community, and we reject those who don't. Unsurprisingly, the new video is just as direct as the song itself, and Swift even rallied together some very familiar faces to help drive home the single's message of love and acceptance. Ellen DeGeneres, Adam Lambert, Ryan Reynolds, Laverne Cox, Ciara, the cast of Queer Eye, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Hayley Kiyoko, RuPaul, and several others were called in to be a part of the star-studded video. Even Katy Perry, who was engaged in a longtime feud with Swift, made a cameo, further proving Taylor's point that it's much easier to spread love rather than hate. But even though the video's main message is clear, we all know that there's typically way more to a Taylor Swift music video than what's on the surface. Take the "ME!" video, for example. Just about everything that was packed into that roughly four-minute video alluded to something else fans could expect from her upcoming seventh studio album, which we now know will be titled Lover. And while Swifties did an excellent job dissecting each and every Easter egg their queen left for them when the video was released, they're also well-aware that making these small discoveries is part of what makes being a fan so fun. That said, it should come as no surprise that the "You Need To Calm Down" video came full of even more clues for diehard Swifties to uncover. Fortunately, we've made the process a bit easier for you by taking the magnifying glass out ourselves and combing through all the wildest fan theories on social media. Here's what we found. A reference to Cher For many Swifties, the framed quote that says, "Mom, I am a rich man," was one of the first Easter eggs to jump out at them upon watching for the first time. However, it's important to note that these particular words were never said by Taylor herself. In fact, the quote comes from a 1996 interview with Cher, and it was actually the pop icon's response when her mother suggested that she should settle down and marry a rich man. (Yeah, right!) While the framed quote definitely makes a statement, it's unclear at the moment just how it will link back to Lover. Knowing Taylor and her attention to detail, though, it'll all make sense eventually — likely when the album drops on August 23. A not-so-subtle hint at track 5 Another more obvious clue came when Hayley Kiyoko shot a bow right into a target labeled "5." As all true Taylor stans know, the fifth tracks on Tay's previous albums have been some of the most heartbreaking, including "Cold As You," "Dear John," "All Too Well," and many other tearjerkers. This could only mean one thing: Track 5 is going to be an emotional one, and are we ready for it? Probably not. It also shouldn't be overlooked that Hayley is the one to shoot the arrow here. More likely than not, this could mean that track 5 on Lover is a collaboration, which is something fans have been dreaming about ever since they performed "Curious" together on the Reputation tour. Not to mention, Swift has been hinting at track 5 for a while now. Ellen's tattoo One of the harsh realities of being a Taylor Swift fan is that most of the time, things only make sense in hindsight — like her recent interview on Ellen, for example, where Taylor jokingly asked if the talk show host would like to be featured in one of her upcoming music videos. Turns out, that was another hint. Ellen appeared in "You Need To Calm Down" getting a tattoo by none other than Adam Lambert. The tattoo, which says "Cruel Summer," could literally mean anything, but Twitter's best guess is that it's the title of one of the songs on the upcoming album, and possibly her next single. On the other hand, it's worth noting that Kanye West has an album of the same name, and given their history, this could just be shade. A 13-hour watch We all know that watches only go up to the number 12, but when Taylor peers down at her watch in this scene, we see that the numbers go all the way to 13. This, of course, is an ode to the pop star's favorite number, and it's definitely not the only time she references it in the video. It's actually shocking how many ways she's found to throw 13s all over the place. Ryan Reynolds painting the Stonewall Inn If you thought perhaps there was an Easter egg hidden in the brief scene where Ryan Reynolds was painting on a canvas, you'd be correct. Upon closer inspection, the actor is actually painting the Stonewall Inn — the site of the 1969 riots that started the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Taylor also performed at the New York City landmark on Friday night in a display of solidarity. The red dice as a possible album countdown Did you notice those red dice in the music video? According to some fans, the numbers on the dice add up to the number of days left until Lover's release. The problem? Fans are coming up with a few different numbers, and for many, the mathematics are simply not checking out. (For what it's worth, Lover is still 67 days away.) The hair, the stars, the necklace In this scene alone, there's a lot to unpack, so let's start with the hair. Not only is Swift rocking the rainbow hair of our dreams in this portion of the video, but many fans were quick to point out that colors match the bisexual flag. Of course, we love an inclusive queen, and we also love her commitment to continuing her "13" motif as the video progresses. If you look closely, you'll notice that the number is on her necklace, and there are also 13 stars on her shirt. She's nothing if not detail-oriented. A mailbox exclusively for love letters Clearly, love is a major theme throughout this music video, so the filled-to-the-brim mailbox that says "love letters only" could very well just be an on-theme detail rather than a full-blown Easter egg. However, fans think there's a chance this could be another hint, and while the future Lover connection still remains to be seen, it's possible that she'll squeeze something about love letters and mailboxes into the lyrics somewhere. After all, that's kind of what she's known for. A bottle of pink champagne You're going to want to hold on tight, Swifties, because this Easter egg has the possibility to turn into the pop collaboration of the century. After all, Ariana Grande just so happens to have a song called "Pink Champagne," which is why some fans are utterly convinced that a duet is on the way. But not so fast — other theories suggest that "Pink Champagne" will merely be a title of one of the songs on the album, and not necessarily a collaboration at all. Still, we're going to roll with this Ari collab theory while we can because, wow, that would be epic. The familiar teacups There's no denying that the teacups used by Taylor, Todrick, and the cast of Queer Eye seemlessly fit the aesthetic of the video, but is there more to it than just that? On Twitter, many Swifties have speculated a connection between the teacups and one of Swift's favorite sitcoms Friends, since Phoebe used what appeared to be the same teacup on the show. Sure, it's possible that Taylor and Phoebe could just have similar taste in fine china, but let's not forget the Friends pins that Swift was wearing in her May cover of EW. Katy Perry's cheeseburger costume Ready for a case of the chicken or the egg? If you moved past the shock of Taylor and Katy putting their rocky past behind them, you may have noticed this isn't the first time the "Never Really Over" singer has dressed up as a cheeseburger. In May, Perry also wore a burger costume to the Met Gala — but was this outfit a subtle (if outlandish) preview for the "You Need to Calm Down" music video, or was it the inspiration for what ultimately inspired their looks for the epic scene? Hmm... The homophobic protesters The "ME!" singer made another reference to her favorite number in the shot with the aerial view of the protesters. If you count the amount of people protesting, it comes out to 13. Again, this could just be another opportunity to stay consistent with the use of her favorite number, or perhaps it's an even bigger nudge toward track 13 on the album. The reference to an anti-LGBTQ+ senator At first glance, the misspellings in the homophobic signs held by protesters might seem like a statement against their uneducated and ignorant views toward the LGBTQ+ community. And while that's certainly part of it, we'd like to turn your attention to one particular sign, which says, "Get A Brain Morans!" While staying on track with the spelling errors, this sign also seemingly calls out Kansas senator Jerry Moran, who's taken an anti-LGBTQ+ stance throughout his career in politics. Music Taylor Swift Read More Read the full article
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The other day I spoke about how Matt and i are different because the way we had to deal with the FBI growing up I just had to tell the truth. Yes I did have to fight back and I shot a couple people (one almost died cause I shot a main blood thing when I shot off his penis and he uses a prosthetic device but he says he grew from it and now treats women with respect) and I ran people over with cars. But those were isolated when they would intentionally try to hurt me and I reacted by defending myself. Otherwise I would just tell the truth and someone would handle it for me or they would go away. Matt had to fight back on smaller things that were more like everyday occurrances so he just had to get an attitude and not do what people say, not be a people pleaser. So he has to understand a person before he's nice to them. Unlike me. I'm just nice to everyone. Not that Matt's not nice but I'm more naïve. Jesse on the other hand, he has secrets he can black mail with. So he's totally different. he's more the cage fighter type, in the boxing ring. We all know that. He fights with threats and fists. Matt and I do, too, but Jesse more so. That's his #1 Matt's #2 - 4 And my last resort. Only after Jesse fights and loses will he shut up and listen. Matt and I listen first. If they say something dumb then Matt doesn't listen, of course, and fights back if he has to. I state how I feel and then I insist to be left alone and when I'm not then I take whatever actions I need. My father is extremely different than their fathers. Matt's mom (deceased) is alot like my dad but she is a little more supportive when violence occurs. My dad just sits down and watches while I shoot people but she's very egging on and helping me drug the people trying to drug me. Quite hilarious when the guy who thought I was gonna be sleeping soon was passed out sitting up. (I was extremely kind to him, even offered my bed for him to sleep in since I was busy waving around the gun I stole out someone's holster) My father was in the military so he had our Military Offices fight for us. We just told my dad what the FBI did and then someone intervened. I shot them after my dad retired because they were spouting how no one was going to help us. My dad wasn't home when they invaded our house. So I helped myself. He just came in and was all what the hell?! And I was all "hi dad" waving the gun at him and he was all "oh your safe" and sat down all relieved and drained. When he found out there was people shot and bleeding all over, I just got a "SABRINA!" And then anytime I should shot someone but didn't (Stan, Clint, Carl). There was alot of people there. Anyway point I was asked to explain the differences between Matt and Jesse. Jesse is just like friends. Like we are in this together, we are all bad people. And only hangs out if they're gonna be bad. Otherwise he doesn't like being around them because they just remind him of me. So he tends to fight with them so that he can see me. Jesse has no depth and is quite boring. Jesse claimed I had written about him when I had written about Matt. That is not true. I wrote about Matt when I wrote about Matt. I did not write about Jesse in that post. Jesse is quite immature.
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thorne93 · 7 years
Old Flame, New Problems (Part 5)
Prompt: You’re in a serious relationship with Sebastian Stan, when news from your first love informs you that he’s now single and in need of a friend. Will your old flame burn out or will the flames get fanned and consume you?
Word Count: 4427 (I’m not even sorry)
Warning: language, angst, fighting (verbal), cheating, drama
Notes: This idea came to me when news hit about Hayden and Rachel splitting. Of course I’m sad that a long time relationship such as theirs is ending, but it also means he’s single sooo…Also, no hate towards Rachel. I don’t know her, don’t know what really happened between them, etc. It’s a fic and in no way reflects what I think of either of them or their precious daughter ^.^
Beta’d by my #1 gal @like-a-bag-of-potatoes and flashbacks are in italics
Forever Tags: @capsmuscles @cocosierra94 @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @myparadise1982sand @missinstantgratification @thejemersoninferno @rda1989 @marvelloushamilton @munlis @thefridgeismybestie @bubblyanarocks3 @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @hardcollectionworldtrash @igiveupicantthinkofausername @kaliforniacoastalteens @feelmyroarrrr @kaeling
Sebastian Stan Tag: @nedthegay @lostinspace33 @alwayshave-faith @elleatrixlestrange @buenostardissherlock @lenawiinchester @the-red-world-of-jess-chibi @memory-of-a-goldfish @mellsstark
Old Flame Tag: @blackwidow-romanoff @seargantbcky
“Come on, what do you say?” he asked, a light twinkling in his beautiful eyes.
“I say it’s...a big commitment,” you admitted.
“Yeah...I know...But it’s been over a year and if we live together I’ll get to see you more, isn’t that what you want?” Sebastian questioned, concern on his perfect features as he leaned over the table in his apartment.
“Absolutely, babe.I want to see you as often as possible. I just want to be sure that this is what you want too.”
“I want to be with you,” he vowed sweetly before leaning over to kiss you. “And any way we can make that happen, I’m game.”
Sebastian wasn’t answering texts or phone calls from you. You had given him the night to cool off, chill out, get away from you. But by noon the next day, you were reaching out to try to work things out, yet he wasn’t answering.
You’d spent all night crying, lulling yourself to sleep with the sounds of your own sobs. Happy memories on replay in your mind, taunting you with what was probably destroyed now. Everything in your house reminded you of him, and this heartache was choking you.
When he didn’t pick up, you decided to tell Hayden what happened, he was a part of this now after all.
“Hey, so how’d it go?” Hayden asked.
“How do you think?” you grumbled. “I told him, he shouted, I shouted back, and he left. He won’t answer my calls…” You stared at your feet as you sat on the shared bed of you and Sebastian’s.
“Y/N...I...I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?” he offered, concern lacing his velvety voice.
You sighed. “No...Not that I know of. He has to come back eventually for clothes though.”
“Y/N….I feel so bad. I shouldn’t have done what I did and you two wouldn’t be here now,” he stated, upset.
You shook your head. “It’s not your fault. I kissed you too, remember? I was there too. If I didn’t want it, I should’ve stopped you.”
Quietness passed between you and Hayden, neither of you really knowing how to respond to what you said.
“Yeah...I just think it was old feelings….I was upset from Rachel and you were mad at Sebastian…” he tried, trying to rationalize it.
“Right. Just...old feelings,” you agreed, wishing that were the case. Why did you feel this way? You hardly thought of Hayden except around holidays and big events. So why now were you suddenly feeling a pull back to him?
Maybe you remembered just how much you loved him at one point. Maybe you remembered what it felt like to be near him. Maybe you remembered how he supported you. Maybe you were just experiencing the “grass is greener” effect and the recent issues with Seb made you wear rose colored glasses with Hayden.
“So that’s all it was for you?” you breathed suddenly.
“Yeah, just...just me missing Rachel and not thinking clearly.”
“Well thanks for making me the rebound, Hayden. Hope I helped you out while I destroyed my relationship,” you spat before hanging up. You were so angry you couldn’t see straight. Of course, you still couldn’t blame this all on him. You were the one to go up to his farm in the first place, you technically kissed him. But after saying you were just a distracted mistake, it hurt.
But did you want it to be more? If he said he was still in love with you and wanted you, what would it change? Would you stop loving Seb? Would you give up on everything you had with him? At least if you ruined your relationship it would’ve meant something.
Which brought you back to what Sebastian had asked: did you love him?
You didn’t even know. Of course part of you would always love him. He was your first love. But were you still in love with him? Yeah, you loved the way you felt around him, you loved seeing him, he made you laugh and smile...But maybe he was just a friend...The kiss didn’t feel like you were kissing a friend though. It felt...just as it had been between you two.
You were so confused you didn’t even know what to do. You hadn’t eaten since the night before the Good Morning America show. You didn't eat all day yesterday, and hadn’t eaten today. You were too upset to even consider food.
So you did what you usually do when you need advice.
You called your older brother.
After four rings, he picked up. “Hello?”
“Hey,” you greeted. “What’s up?”
“Not much. Trying to get this kid to shut the hell up,” Levi answered, the loving anger in his tone. You grinned, remembering your nephew could be a handful.
Levi had practically raised you, due to your mom working hard to provide for you two and your dad being sick. He wasn’t a mushy gushy kind of man, but he had a heart ten times the size of his body. He reminded you a lot of your uncle. He could say something that, to other people sounded awful, but to you just made you laugh. Just like telling his toddler to shut up.
“Jesse giving you trouble?” you asked as you started to pace again.
“Always is. How’s everything up there?” he asked. Your brother was living back in Tennessee with his wife and only ten minutes away from your mom.
You took a deep breath, a little nervous and embarrassed to tell him this, but you knew out of anyone, he’d understand.
“Not too good,” you answered honestly. “That’s why I’m calling. Uh....Sebastian and I had a fight and he left last night and I haven’t heard from him.”
“Shit. That’s pretty serious,” he remarked. “What happened--no! Jesse, put that down!”
“I...cheated on him,” you said, the words sounding a million times worse out of your mouth than in your head.
After a second, he casually asked, “Well...why did you do that? Who’d you do it with?”
“Hayden. We just kissed. He and Rachel split up, he asked me to come up because he didn’t want to be alone…I went...and two nights before I left...we ended up kissing.”
“Okay, so you told Sebastian and then what?”
“He yelled at me, I yelled a bit back, and then he left.”
“Right...Well...Hang on...” You heard some doors closing and you knew he was stepping out on his back deck to light a cigarette, and to get away from his loud pets and kid. “Okay, now. Jesus Christ it was loud in there. Can’t fuckin’ hear myself think. Anyway...So he left? Did he say where he was going?”
“No and he hasn’t been back.”
“You try calling?”
“Of course. And texting. No response.”
“Well…”--he took a puff--”shit, kid. I don’t know. One hell of a mess you got yourself into,” he noted with a laugh. You gave a weak smile on your need in response. “Not much you can do. Try his friend’s homes.”
“I’ll do that,” you said.
“Of course, if it were me, I’d need to cool down and come back on my own terms,” he added.
Slightly irritated with the sort of riddles, you asked, “So should I go after him or not?”
Another puff before he answered. “Go after him. If you find him, tell him you’re sorry and you wanna work shit out. If he tells you to fuck off, leave him alone for a few more days then repeat. If after the third time of going to him he still hasn’t come back or tells you to leave him alone again, then he’s probably left you or going to leave you.”
Cold, sharp pain shot through you at his words.
“Sucks, but it is what it is. Why’d you do it?” he wondered. “You still love the guy...or?”
“That seems to be the question of the hour,” you huffed. “I don’t know. I just...I was there. I missed him.”
“Why’d you think it was a good idea to go up and see your ex anyway?” he asked.
“I don’t know. He said he needed a friend.”
“And you believed that?” he accused.
“Hey, it wasn’t like that. It was a one time thing.”
“Right,” he said sarcastically. “Who started it?”
“He did but--”
“That’s all you need,” he interrupted. “He knew you were in a relationship.”
“But I kissed him back,” you countered. Levi was indifferent when it came to your partners. He would tell you which ones he thought were stupid, but usually he saved any comments for after the relationship ended. When you and Hayden parted ways, he just said that things would work out.
“Doesn’t matter. He started it. But before you go running after Sebastian, you need to figure out if you and the Canadian are really over,” he said.
“I want Sebastian,” you responded without hesitation.
“Just be sure that’s what you want,” he countered, a knowing in his voice. “Take it from someone who’s bounced between people, you’ll just end up hurt and fucking yourself and everyone else over if you don’t figure the shit in your head out now.”
“Yeah...I know,” you sighed. “Well...Thanks, I’m gonna go start the manhunt.”
He laughed. “Good luck. Let me know if you need anything else.”
“Will do. Say hi to Julia and Jesse for me,” you said.
“Yep. Talk to you later.”
“Later. Bye.”
Your brother wasn’t the most touchy feely man in the world. In fact, he never was. But he wasn’t insensitive either. He was wise and gave good advice all the time.
Once you hung up, you decided you needed to calm down before you started knocking on doors all over the city. You got in the shower, took a long hot shower to ease your muscles and nerves. It didn’t help much, but it helped a little. You threw on a shirt, jeans, and sneakers. You decided to at least show up presentable and you threw on a little bit of makeup and blow dried your hair to look a little more appealing. If you were going to show up to whisk your prince away from his tower, the princess had to look worth the part.
After your nerves settled, you set out. First you went to Chris Evans’ house, but he said he hadn’t heard from him and that he wasn’t staying there. Next you tried Mackie’s place, no luck there. Third, you went to Chace Crawford’s.
You knocked on the door and Chace answered.
“Hey, I’m sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if Sebastian was here,” you said as he leaned on the door.
“Hey, Y/N,” he greeted. “Haven’t seen you in a long time.”
“Yeah, I know,” you said. You were about to ask again if he was there but a disheveled Sebastian came into view from behind him. “Sebastian,” you breathed, your body reacting warmly to him.
He just stood and stared at you, his eyes glassy, red, puffy. He’d been crying. Your heart no longer felt warm.  
“Can we talk?” you pleaded.
“About what?” he deadpanned before pursing his lips.
“About what I did? About moving forward? About us?”
Seb looked to Chace and gave a slight nod so he stood back and opened the door to allow you to come in.
Quietly, you thanked Chace and followed Sebastian to the guest bedroom. You closed the door behind you as Sebastian sat on the side of the bed and you stayed standing.
“I’m sorry,” you said. But your words didn’t elicit much of a response from him. Then you got down on your knees in front of him, resting your hands on his jean clad knees. “Sebastian, I’m so sorry. I know I betrayed you, I know I hurt you and I’m sorry that I did that, and for what I did with Hayden. There’s no excuse. You trusted me to go up there and spend days on end with him with no supervision and I betrayed that.”
He still wouldn’t look at you.
“You have every right to be hurt, pissed, angry, and not want to talk to me. I get that. I’m not asking you to forgive me.” You bit your lip and tried to think of the best thing to say next. “But I still love you. I want to move forward with us. If you don’t want to, that’s fine, I’d understand. If you do, then I’m all for doing whatever I can to make this work.”
“Do you love him?” he rasped in a rough voice, still unable to look at you.
You sighed. You should’ve known he would ask that. You got up and sat beside him on the bed.
“I think...there will always be a part of me that loves him,” you admitted. “It may not be what you want to hear, but it’s the truth and I’ll always try to be honest with you. That’s why I even told you about us kissing in the first place. It may have taken me a couple of days, but I did tell you. But Sebastian...he was my first love, I can’t just turn those feelings off,” you answered, your eyes on his profile.
He finally looked at you, unspoken emotions dancing all over his face.
“But...are you still in love with him?”
“Not like I am with you...I love you, Sebastian. I guess...I just got caught up in how it was to be around him again,” you said, your eyes going to the floor.
“So if you’re around him and he’s single, this will happen again?”
You chewed your lip while you pondered his question. “We never got closure, Hayden and me. We didn’t leave on bad terms, so there was nothing to help me get over him. Even when he and Rachel got together, had a baby...It didn’t help. I still loved him. Between seeing him again and you and I being so...rocky lately, it just happened. So I think...our kiss...was a way of getting it out of my system.”
His eyes drifted down, hurt evident in them.
“Rocky? How do you mean?” Sebastian wondered with a frown.
A little sigh escaped your lips. “Well...you were gone for six months, we saw each other a handful of times on video chat. Not to mention when you did call, it was distracted. The dinner the other day was the first time you gave me any attention. Between not seeing you, you not reading my book, you hardly paying attention to me, not returning my calls or texts for hours while I was up in Canada...I don’t know...I was hurt. I felt….neglected. It’s not an excuse. I’m just justifying what I did, but you should know it wasn’t just on a whim. I had a reason for...straying.”
He nodded, his hands still worrying themselves. “I talked to Chace,” he began, “and I think I know why I was so upset. Because I know you love him, I know that you two didn’t end badly, so I was just scared you’d go up there, fall back in love...and leave me.”
You nodded, understanding his fear.
“I would understand if you wanted to leave...I betrayed you. I am sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, but last night you talked about commitment, and I think that the two of us have built a life...a good life, and I don’t want to throw that away.”
“I don’t either,” he breathed as his face swiftly came up to face yours. “I need to know that you’re all mine though,” he said, taking your hands in his. “I need to know nothing like this will ever happen again.” His eyes were probing yours, their blue swirling with burning questions.
“I swear,” you vowed emphatically. “Never again.”
“I love you and I wanna make this work. I know I haven’t exactly been a stellar boyfriend lately….so I can’t fault you for going into another man's arms. I took you for granted. You work hard to keep our home looking wonderful, you always make me great meals, you’re always there when I need you, and you manage to crank out best sellers...I guess I forgot how much you meant to me...”
You shook your head. “It wasn’t all your fault. No matter how bad things get between us, I should’ve just talked to you instead of doing what I did.”
Sebastian gave you a gentle smile. “So we both fucked up, both did things we aren’t proud of, and we’re sorry for it. So...Now can we get back to our lives?”
The two of you left Chace’s, thanking him and apologizing all the same for intruding on him and bringing your drama to him. He said it was no bother and was happy to have some company. You and Sebastian went home, feeling lighter, happier, and better for the honesty and the chance to put all of this behind you.
As soon as you got home, it felt natural to be back here. Comfort and serenity hugged your form as you dropped your purse next to the door.
Sebastian made a bee-line for the bedroom and you looked after him curiously.
“Babe?” you called, an uneasy feeling settling over you. Just as you started after him, he reappeared with a grin and something in his hands.
“So...I hope it’s not too late...I wanted to give you these earlier, but...well, yeah we know what happened there,” he said, his words coming out quickly.
“What is it?”
“It’s tickets to that show on Broadway you’ve been talking about. We haven’t had a nice night out in about eight months, with me getting ready for leaving for filming and you with your writing….Then everything since I’ve been back. I thought it would be nice to have a night out. You don’t have to cook, a little entertainment...What do you say?”
Your face lit up like a Christmas tree as you said, “Yes! Absolutely!” You threw your arms around him and kissed his cheek. “This is so thoughtful. I didn’t think you were listening when I was telling you about that stuff,” you admitted, taking the tickets in your hand and looking at them.
“Of course I was. I listen to everything you tell me, even if I’m zoned out at the time and acting like an idiot.” He grinned sheepishly. “Well if you wanna go, it starts in two hours so…”
“Oh! Right! Okay!”
Discarding your clothes quickly, you two found a nice ensemble to wear out to the show then dinner afterwards. You chose a simple cocktail dress and sandals, flipping your hair into an updo and freshening up your makeup. Seb chose a nicer outfit and you two set off for your impromptu date night.
The show was spectacular. It dazzled and delighted you beyond expectation. After the show, Sebastian escorted you to a hot new lounge where only the most elite were let in, considering the waitlist was going back a year. The food was spectacular, the drinks delicious, and they had a great live band and dancing. Seb grabbed your hand without hesitation when a fast paced big band and swing number strummed up. He knew your love for both old music and dancing. The two of you danced until your feet were sore and then danced some more.
At around midnight, you two went out into the darkness of Manhattan, only to have a surprise shower come pouring down on you two. The taxis were filling up fast due to the rain and it seemed like you wouldn’t get any. Sebastian had to shout over the pounding rain to ask if you wanted to walk a couple of blocks before getting a cab, to see if maybe there would be a free one along the way.
Of course, something about being soaking wet, thriving with energy from dancing, and having a magical night seemed to really get your motor going. The way Seb’s hair clung to his wet face, the way his clothing was soaked so badly you could see the outline of his chest when cars passed, and the way his lips seemed to be perfectly dampened by the rain, it made you nearly ravenous.
The two of you were running and laughing for three blocks before you finally pushed him against a building and kissed him hard, passion burning between you two. It was the first time you’d kissed in over twenty-four hours, and it felt like the first time you’d ever touched - fiery and electric. He greedily nipped at your bottom lip, a smile on his perfect mouth in between the kisses he planted hungrily on you. Both hands tangled in your wet mane, and yours in his.
Two blocks later, you grabbed a cab, barely able to keep your hands off each other. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, you were back at your apartment, clamoring onto each over as if your lives depended on it. His lips barely left yours and your hands barely left his body as he walked you backwards through the entire apartment, until you made it to the bedroom, where the two of you ended up under the covers, naked limbs tangled together, exchanging sloppy kisses and heated touches. The only sounds to be heard was your heavy breathing and whispered I love you's as the two of you reconnected in the most passionate of ways...
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thorne93 · 7 years
Who Will Win? (Part 9)
Prompt: Jefferson (Once Upon A Time) sees you on the sidewalk one day, his “dead” wife.
Word Count: 1828
Warning: Threats, language, angst, sadness, sick parent/parent death, season 4/5 spoilers
Notes: This will span from season 1 through 5, if you don’t want spoilers, maybe don’t read this, haha. Also, the reader’s Storybrooke name is Alice. Beta’d by the amazeballs @like-a-bag-of-potatoes and badgered @amarvelouswritings Thank you both! Could never get this done without you!
Tags:  @amarvelouswritings @cocosierra94 @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @myparadise19982sand @missinstantgratification @thejulesworld @nedthegay @marvelloushamilton @thefridgeismybestie
Sebastian Stan Tags: @nedthegay @lostinspace33 @alwayshave-faith @elleatrixlestrange @buenostardissherlock @the-red-world-of-jess-chibi
Who Will Win Tags: @mrs-lancelot @elivanah @ultrarebelheart @learisa @isis278
Five years later. It had been five years since the curse was broken and you were reunited with your beloveds. The first two years were nearly perfect. Sure, you still had your not-so-good job at the wedding shop, but at least it you had Jefferson and Grace. That’s all you needed. It also helped that you were becoming best friends with Emma Swan. She was a brave, beautiful, fearsome young woman. Henry and Grace got to be friends through you two.
Your dad’s health was stabilizing and he was staying decent for the first four years after that, but within this last year, he was going downhill rapidly. He was going in and out of ICU, coming on and off life support, to the point that they said they could no longer put him back on life support due to the damage that the tube would cause in his throat. The staff, at some point, had accidentally mixed up the tubes, and when they were giving him pills, they ended up in his lungs. His organs would fail and then they would be okay. It seems he would slip in and out of comas easily.
Just as happy as you were to have the good memories, the unpleasant ones returned as well. You remembered that you lost your dear uncle when you were twelve, leaving young boys to fend for themselves while their mother concerned herself with chasing men. You remembered your father’s only sister out of six siblings had passed away too right before the curse was cast.
Slowly, you were learning that many family members and friends that you had been close with were passing away. Each death, you had no closure for. No funeral to go to, most of the time, the news hitting you years after the fact. Even cherished pets had gone missing or perished, which hurt nearly just as much as all the other passings in your life. It seemed that those who you were close with in life were gradually passing away, each one a swift blow to your heart. Every time one of them left Earth, they took a piece of your heart with them. All of that old and new anguish and grief came right back in your heart and mind. In a way, you wished you could go back to being blissfully ignorant during the curse.
Not to mention you found out your brother had taken a wife and you couldn’t come to the wedding because they didn’t know where you were. And your mom’s health was failing, but you were stuck in Storybrooke, while they lived in the Enchanted Forest.
A lot of heartache had plagued you, but you tried to remain positive. You knew one day, one way, you would find your way home to the Enchanted Forest.
Your job was getting increasingly irritating however though, the angry brides were getting on your last nerve, and it had recently transformed into a prom/formal event boutique, making for more orders, more whining women, and more things to mess up.
But the more pressing thing at first was Grace. For the first year or so, you dedicated so much time to her. In her mind, before the curse, you had been gone for three years, and her and Jefferson thought you were dead, so you tried to delicately explain what happened. The last thing you remember was being out at the market, then the next thing you knew, you woke up without any realization of who you truly were. You walked around in a fuzzy state until you became a nurse for a medical compound. You had found out since then that Regina was the one to curse you, she took away all your memories to give you amnesia. But thanks to Snow and Emma, you were determined to forgive her and after you learned why she went dark, you didn’t blame her for being so upset. Her mother was an awful person that had twisted the goodness inside her. She was becoming a best friend of yours too. Jefferson wasn’t thrilled about the idea at first, since he didn’t trust her at all, but you had told him that everyone deserves happiness and a second chance and you two owed her one. If Snow White could forgive her, so could the both of you.
You learned all about her, her hobbies, her schooling. You three immediately moved in with Jefferson and your life restarted. All of you couldn’t exactly pick up where you left off, but you could do your damndest to make sure you were close with Grace again. She seemed to adjust to the change rather well, and now she was thirteen, a budding young woman. You were trying so hard to makeup for all the years you missed. Teaching her how to be a young woman, polite, sweet, patient, and kind, but to also be the best warrior in the land. You taught her how to wield a sword and properly fight.  
But six months ago, things took a turn for the worst. They couldn’t do anything else for your father. They called and told you hospice was the only way to go, and you and Jefferson were going to get the house setup that day to bring him home. They told you he was having trouble breathing, and you had seen that the night before. The three of you had visited him in the hospital. He could hardly breathe or talk. Only two hours after the hospice call, they called with the worst news that had ever hit your ears.
“Y/N?” Dr. Whale, or rather, Dr. Frankenstein, had greeted.
“I’m so sorry to have to tell you this...but your father just passed...I am so sorry. We did everything we could.”
You stood stunned. It felt like your knees would buckle.
“Are--Are you sure?” you stammered. He’d been revived before, numerous times. Why was this time any different? What happened now? What could he possibly not conquer? You all joked and called him Iron Man because he fought off the impossible for years and years.
“Yes, ma’am, I’m so sorry. If there is anything we can do to help, let us know. We will keep him in his room until you arrive.”
“Thank you,” you had said numbly.
You ran and told Karen before calling Jefferson, already sobbing heavily, not able to catch your breath.
“Jefferson, Jefferson!” you screamed into the phone as you were shaking, trying to drive home.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” he wondered, panicked.
“My Dad..He’s...he’s gone,” you said, afraid to say the words, as if saying them would make it real, and make you shatter.
“Oh no, sweetheart. I am so sorry...Are you on your way home? Do you need me to come get you?”
“I--I’ll be fine,” you lied before hanging up and letting the tears flow freely. The man who made you everything you were was gone.
And after that day, you were never the same. You saw life so much more differently. You couldn’t get the message back home to your loved ones, and you had to deal with the services all alone, except for what Jefferson could offer.
Your job was the worst job to be in for a woman who had lost her father. The women who came in all had fathers who would walk them down the aisle, but when you remembered your own wedding day, your father was far too sick to do that. It caused a seed of bitterness and hatred to settle in your heart.
Coupling the bitterness of your job with the actual dealings of orders and customers, you grew to practically hate your job. Your daughter was turning into more of a teenager now that she was thirteen, and becoming a bit hard to deal with. It seemed like no matter what you did, nothing mattered. You would fix one thing on the house, another would break. You’d make one customer happy, another would be there to complain. You’d make a meal but it would go bad. From repairs on the house, your cars, caring for your husband and daughter, grocery shopping, handling your father’s affairs as best you could (since you had to deal with his StoryBrooke estate and eventually the Enchanted Forest side of things as well), stress at work, trying to keep up with laundry and cleaning….It was all so much. Every day was a struggle and a battle.
Not to mention all the missions you were roped into with The Charmings. Every battle, every mission, every adventure, every problem they had, became yours. You remembered in the Enchanted Forest you all were actually pretty good friends, and now that your memories were back, you were always with them, helping them in one way or another. They were almost like an extended family.
(This opens where the season 4 finale is sort of ending)
The Darkness was swirling, going throughout the streets, trying to find a new host. It was too powerful to contain in the sorcerer’s hat. It had circled around everyone, finally settling on Regina, who looked terrified. Rumpelstiltskin had just had the darkness pulled from him and you, the Charmings, Regina, Robin, and Jefferson ran out after it. The usual hero group.
“Regina!” Robin screamed as the Dark Magic tornadoed around her. “What’s it doing?” he asked.
“What Darkness does,” Emma answered. “It’s snuffing out the light.”
“Well I’m not gonna let it,” Robin said before charging at the swirling mass. But as soon as he got close, it jolted him back.
“That’s not gonna work on this thing,” Emma shouted. “We have to tether it to a person to contain it!” she informed. She started towards the Darkness before Regina shouted.
“Emma, no! There has to be another way,” Regina tried, you could tell it was squeezing the life out of her.
“There isn’t. You’ve worked too hard to have your happiness destroyed.” She was about to thrust the knife into the darkness, to contain it, when you ran up and pulled the dagger from her.
“What are you doing?” she demanded.
“You are the only Savior we have,” you answered. “You are the only thing that can stop this evil. The only thing that can stand a chance, is you.”
“Y/N, no! No, wait!” Jefferson shouted before running up to you. “I can’t lose you, not again. Please...There has to be another way…”
“I’m sorry, Jefferson, but...we can’t let our friends do this…Emma can fix this, I know she can. No matter what happens, no matter what becomes of me, know that I love you and I love Grace.”
You kissed him, tears spilling, as he kissed you hard back before you pushed him back and thrust the dagger into the Darkness, where it coiled its way around the dagger, around your hand, around your body, consuming you, until suddenly it was all black around you.
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