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sun-darling · 5 months
Yesterday i went out for a drink with friends i haven't seen in a while, i was never really the type to drink so i had a hard time holding my liquor. By the time the moon was the brightest and the streets fell silent, everybody was drunk and amidst the intoxicatingly festive atmosphere, i was hit with a dread that dazed my perception of reality. So i went out and found somewhere quiet to sit with myself and puff a cigarette.
A sudden voice startled me "oi khrys! you smoke??" It was Ian.
"yeah, or atleast i used to—I had quit 7 years ago" i replied
"Ah, so whats the occasion?"
"You suck at lying dood, I've read your recent work, you're as cryptic as ever. I was only able to piece shit together because you kept yapping about kafka, im pretty sure no one caught on to your references" his voice mumbled as he lit a cigarette between his lips.
"Well, nothing i can do about it"
"i guess" he shrugged
"Whats with the kafka and Milena theme anyway? Do they remind you of that janara girl?"
"What the fuck dude, that came out of nowhere"
"AHHAHAHAHA that wasn't out of nowhere, i know you know"
"shut up"
[...] Silence permeated the night, and in attempt to break it, i uttered—
"Do you know how kafka fell in love with milena?"
"Nope, im not a nerd like you lol" he said with a mischievous grin.
"Seriously im gonna punch you"
"HAHAHAHHAHAHA just go on"
"Milena translated his works and he felt so understood and seen by her translation, and i guess i kind of yearned to be understood too. its apparent with how i wrote so obsessively and incessantly with maddening hunger"
"Is that why you developed a habit of opening the fridge everytime you get out of your room? HAHAHAHAHHAHA"
"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA yeah, nothing's in there that could fill my void though"
"You cringey bastard"
"deal with it prick"
—"Anyway, i yearn to feel what being understood is like, and I'm aware I'm not exactly making it easier for myself. But you know, its like—this is the level of my depth and maybe i was just hoping someone out there was drowning the way i do"
"that's tough" his voice now filled with a hint of melancholy. Or maybe it was alcohol playing tricks on me, but our conversation ended there as we had to go back.
Thinking about it, if you knew me long enough, chances are—you probably heard me say this quote at least once.
"I do not need to be understood, i just need to understand and live with that knowledge peacefully"
and i guess it was just a self justification of why i only have books to turn to and no friends to talk to, but I wasn't really lying about it. I just grew to wonder how it felt to not be the odd one out.
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theboysfromaustin · 11 months
July 17, 2015
Gav stared at the cookbook, hands shaking. Tomorrow was the day. The day. Ian looped one arm around his waist, "We trust you absolutely. You and I have spent a lot of time baking together." "Never a wedding cake!" "Doesn't have to be ornate, we're not fancy, don't forget we spent last night on the couch eating bananas wrapped in peanut-butter covered tortillas for dinner."
"Heh…Um, so…cake flavor?" "Strawberry and chocolate, alternating layers since we're doing four." "Hey, queers, I'm out!" Kazuo waved as Maureen pulled up - they were going to pick up flowers. "Bye, baby! Don't wear yourself out!" "Oh, I won't, sex machine!" "Be good, Kaz! Say hi to Maureen!" Kazuo laughed as he left.
"Alright. Step by step. Big task, but we're two very capable bakers." Anders arrived, lugging in cases of drinks - a lot of it alcohol, "You got a dolly?" "Right side of the garage near the back." "Thanks," he went outside. "Okay. Cake first, we have a stand mixer and a hand mixer." "Can I have the stand mixer? Less chance of me getting my goatee stuck." "Go ahead. Chocolate or strawberry?" "Strawberry." "We have fresh ones to puree. And we're doing a vanilla buttercream to frost."
"Thank you for not saying fondant." "God, I hate fondant." Anders dropped off several boxes, "Gonna get wild tomorrow." "Neighbors should brace themselves." "Dad, what advice about marriage would you give to a single guy?" "Live with them for a while. Years, even. If your weirdness doesn't drive each other away, then congratulations." "Married at 76, what's one old guy thing you'll never give up?" "Peaches and cottage cheese," Ian began measuring ingredients, "You got more?" "Yup." "Good. Load us up.""Dad Kaz out?" "Went with Maureen to get flowers."
"He won't be much help."
"Yes, well, the other option was having him in the kitchen. Helping us." "Okay, flowers are better. He does love hanging out with Maureen, though." "Love her." Anders left to get more drinks, "I'll finish this up, then I can help you. Food truck's ready for tomorrow." "Mmmm, barbecue." "Thank you," Ian dug into his pocket, pulling out a couple hundred dollar bills, "For your time and effort."
"Good dad." "I try." "Too bad you're too old to be a ring bearer." "At least we Maureen's pup Robert to do it. And Martha as the flower girl." Anders left to get another load of crates, Ian and Gav focusing on prepping batter.
"How ya feelin'?" "Like I have to puke. But I'm excited," Kazuo grinned, "I was afraid it was never going to happen." "He's been waiting a long time. I wish Shirley were here…Jeremy…his parents, his brother, your mom and grandparents…" "Lot of people will be missing. I wish aunt Ayaka could make it, but I get that she runs a hotel."
"With this, I have everything I ever wanted. A husband, another partner, a kid…well, if Anders gives us a grandkid, that would be great." Maureen looked over, Kazuo's lower lip quivering, "Hey…" "For so long, I was told I wasn't worthy of love. I proved everyone wrong. If they could see me now…"
"Your mom would be proud of you." "I wish she could see me with my family. See how happy I am." "She knows you're in good hands. She loved Ian." Kazuo smiled, "That's always good to be reminded of." They pulled into the flower shop. Kazuo was suddenly aware that he was wearing a Strapping Young Lad shirt, rainbow belt and strawberry-patterned Crocs. "Don't worry, it's all paid, they're not going to turn you away."
"Still probably the weirdest man to limp through their doors." Maureen put her arm around him, "Anyone bothers you, I'll deck 'em, just like Shirley would." Kazuo grinned, pushing open the door. The woman at the counter looked up, "Hello, how can I help you?" Kazuo stepped up, "Hi, we're picking up arrangements for the Mitsuwa-Gabriel wedding." "Alright, two standing arrangements, and a dozen large table arrangements."
She began to bring them out, Kazuo stiffening. The arrangements were ornate, white and blue flowers intertwined. A tear worked its way down his cheek. "Kaz?" "They're beautiful, and…it's happening. It's really happening." "You deserve it. You've both waited a long time." Kazuo smiled, "Thank you so much. Let's get these home."
Ian leaned on the counter, "Okay. They're baking. One part done." Gav leaned on him, head on his chest, hands on his hips, "I'm happy." "So am I. I've wanted this ever since I was a young man." "You two are perfect together." Anders came in from the backyard, Martha in tow, "Once those are out, can you help me set up tables and chairs? I got the lights." "Yeah."
Ian perked up as the screen door at the front opened, Maureen and Kazuo entering, flowers in hand. "I'll watch the oven," Gav let Ian up, the older man and Anders going to unload the car. Ian kissed Kazuo's forehead as he passed, blush immediately coloring his cheek. The arrangements were set on the table. Ian stepped back, hand to his mouth, eyes shut.
Kazuo slipped one arm around him, "You okay?" "I-I'm sorry. They're beautiful, it's what I've always wanted. Everything's coming together, and…." Kazuo pivoted to his front, hand to his cheek, "This is our beginning. Our forever." Ian hugged him tightly, wincing a bit from the healing tattoo on his chest, "I can't wait for tomorrow." "Neither can I. We're gonna run down that aisle." Ian rested his chin on Kazuo's head,
"I can't wait, husband."
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Casey & Janis Pt.2
Casey: [‘I don’t think I ever can’ as quietly but with uncertainty in the tone that the words don’t suggest because honestly we don’t know, never having had the chance to be that truly vulnerable on main, even with her because there was always this between y’all, but that barrier has gone now]
Janis: [‘there’s no rush’ because we’re not going to suggest that carrying on being unable to cry is healthy because we ourselves know it’s not and we only find it difficult to do, not to his level but there is no pressure for us to sort that or any problem in this moment, and we’re saying there’s time later, for all of it]
Casey: [‘unless-’ unable to stop himself starting that sentence but refusing to finish it because we don’t wanna talk or think about the possibility of going to prison rn, especially not rn]
Janis: [just repeating ourself, quietly but determinedly, like no, whatever happens, we’ll make what we want to happen, happen]
Casey: [‘I can’t’ in a literally childlike way with our quiet desperate sadness because the levels we cannot cope with even potentially being separated from you now, cannot be overstated]
Janis: [when all we can do is console you because we can’t say, as much as we want to, that it isn’t going to happen because we don’t know that, but we can optimistic about the reality of the situation ‘the further we get away from when it happened, the less likely it is’ because you’d call the police as soon as possible, when your injuries and memory of the whole thing were fresh, so we’re pretty sure it’s not happening but we would die before saying you’re 100% in the clear and then them to show up on the doorstep so]
Casey: [simply hugging her, no notes]
Janis: [‘we won’t let anything bad happen to you’ because we’re a team and if it came to it, we would do whatever we could to work it out ‘convince her to drop her statement if I had to’ bit rude of you to imply you’d threaten this girl in some way but nobodies perfect, can’t pretend you wouldn’t]
Casey: [we all remember when he pretended about the school therapist and Janis was ready, he was so touched about it so he obvs does too and so we’re smiling big and he shamelessly loves when she’s giving the energy of her teen self which that very much is]
Janis: [we’re likewise unrepentant so we’re 😏 back, shaking our head ‘nah, they don’t want the aggro, she got in some shit uni on clearance and they wanna get her gone as much as she wants gone, clearly’ speculating wildly but I’m sure that’s basically the gist]
 Casey: [my boo says where’s the lie though and she’s not wrong because you’re gonna go to that shit uni and he’s not going into a cell and not to victim blame but I’m sure your parents know what you’re like hun ‘have to give us all your aggro then’ in the sauciest manner because flashbacks to everything they just did and how hardcore it was in the best way]
Janis: [and respectfully as possible here, actual victims of really vicious assaults, sexual and otherwise, rarely see justice so you know, everyone knows your odds aren’t good; but in the now we are raising a brow at you and grinning ‘if you think you can handle it’]
Casey: [exactly that, I don’t blame you for thinking the worst boy because Ian and Jimothy are your fam and that’s how y’all do but realistically it was never gonna be as bad as you’re catastrophizing whilst panicking, but ANYWAY, raising his own brow ‘you gonna make me prove it again?’ like okay we can do round 2 gal]
Janis: [and it shows you aren’t a raging misogynist because you weren’t like oh well, the law don’t give a shit about you anyway haha bye, like you very much know it isn’t acceptable, you just don’t know how to stop yourself; making a hmm noise like maybe I am but we have to follow it with ‘there’s time’ like let’s not kill ourselves because I’m not going anywhere and also, really, no you don’t need to prove anything]
Casey: [mmhmm, he really could be but as much as he often tries to give it the full Ian he’s really not, speaking of, looking at her with all the love ‘I’ve not hurt you though?’ because it’s not remotely a lol bants/shameless saucy vibe if she can’t walk tomorrow to this boy]
Janis: [just shaking our head instinctively like no, then looking down at our various marks and amending ‘I loved it’ meaning there was nothing I didn’t want at the time, or regret now because it hurts too much ‘you?’ because we also care of course]
Casey: [now we know she’s genuinely okay we can give it the ‘sure?’ as soon as she shakes her head and touch her as if we simply must check you don’t have any internal injuries gal and it’s honestly giving the exact energy of when she was in the bath and he was inspecting her cut feet + the soft but determined vibe of whenever they take care of each other except really hot because duh, he’s just that bitch, can’t be tamed ever and obvs he’ll use his thumb during said v saucy touching to give the same energy as when he does the bottom lip thing ‘mutual too, that’ because he also ofc loved it and has no regrets whatsoever]
Janis: [opening your mouth to say whatever you were going to say in response but you simply cannot, just 🥺 at you ‘can do it again then’ trying to be hilariously casual about it for the bants but the reality of it isn’t anything near casual and there’s no hiding from that]
Casey: [just dying over that face even as he’s trying to do an oh so casual nod to match her vibe ‘but I should kiss it better first’ love the enthusiasm and that you don’t give a fuck about the car gymnastics you’re gonna have to do as per]
Janis: [doing our bit to move up so he has room and also so we can watch him shamelessly ‘you’re unreal’]
Casey: [‘you’ because always we must and like I’m so soz that’s why I had no chill and could’ve hurt you v much and now have to fix it, SO much soft kissing down her entire body basically before he even gets to the task at hand, also gotta since nursing her is the entire vibe here, before giving said task the same energy]
Janis: [when you wanna keep looking at him but at the same time this is so tender that you literally have to hide in your hair because you cannot cope ‘s’for you’ barely getting this out for how overwhelmed we are yet again but it’d be audible still]
Casey: [we’re all just overwhelmed and dying but also living for it on this day, nbd hun just giving you another first here like it’s nothing because can’t tell me his gf was getting this treatment but here this boy is giving it his all rn, SO slow, SO soft]
Janis: [‘I want this so bad’ ‘cos can’t even bring ourselves to past tense it, even when it’s to signify how long we have, in this moment]
Casey: [signing instead of speaking so he doesn’t have to stop these antics even for a sec ‘I know’ but meant in the way she said it before when he couldn’t get his words out cos hard same truly, couldn’t want this more atm or have wanted it for longer and be in total awe it’s really happening finally]
Janis: [doesn’t need to be said that our appreciation right now is beyond blatant, ‘I don’t wanna stop’ like right now, obviously, but we clearly mean beyond this moment]
Casey: [going a bit harder than the insane levels of deliberately gentle he was being to show her that he doesn’t either, even though it’s as blatant from how into it he is and his own reactions to every one of hers]
Janis: [‘or go home’ in a can’t not say that involuntary reaction to you going harder because we can’t help it, like we can’t help the way we’re pulling your hair now, bit of payback]
Casey: [yet again signing because defs not gonna stop to speak after that ‘I’d live in this car with you’ less cheesy and cliche than you’re my home but essentially what we’re trying to say]
Janis: [just nodding vigorously like okay, that’s what we’ll do, no flaws in this plan because we are incapable of nor do we want to think about them right now tah]
Casey: [‘you’re everything I want’ because true, got what we need right here and there is nothing else, soz not soz real world]
Janis: [‘have me’ scratching down the back of his neck and across his shoulders]
Casey: [when you were already trying to do the most because of what she said but then what she does makes you involuntarily do even more because obvs here for it]
Janis: [can’t help but acting feral at the moment, it’s been too damn long in the making]
Casey: [mhmm, and lowkey y’all are always gonna be a bit feral for each other, it’s just who you are, hence him saying ‘cum for me’ as the first words he’s actually spoken since he started this endeavour and the way his voice sounds making that easy to do in itself, nevermind everything else that’s occurring]
Janis: [exactly, there’s zero chance we’re not giving you exactly what you asked for, basically on command because before round two even started we were already too turned on, it’s just as standard; despite the fact we’re literally shaking, moving unsteadily back down frantically so we can kiss you and taste ourself, making a bigger mess of your face than we already did]
Casey: [yep and he was already equally as turned on then too which is why as the kiss is happening, unrepentantly so is him instigating their 2nd hook up, there’s never any recovery time ever, basically pulling a kanye here and not even letting her finish that orgasm before he’s trying to give her, and himself, another one, oh lads]
Janis: [we are biting your lip so hard when you hit it fully, LOOKING at you because our eyes are so wide, moving against you with all the energy we somehow have left here but letting you control it, eventually letting go of your bloody lip to be in your ear like you can’t miss any sound I make, not even the tiny ones that are happening as I breathe ‘are you gonna cum inside me again, Case?’]
Casey: [I don’t care if y’all are in the middle of nowhere, this boy is being too damn loud, stop it sir, but don’t ever, a weaker man would all but cum immediately at her saying that, but he’s simply too extra ‘you gonna make me bleed again?’ proud of you for getting that sentence out, despite the lengthy punctuation of moans and heavy breathing happening]
Janis: [still in this ear, could probably make your ears bleed from the way we’re likewise being too loud, convinced a car going past would hear yous, never mind if a person out walking did; but obviously we’re latching onto your earlobe, not hard enough to break skin yet but hard enough to get a reaction ‘you wanna bleed for me?’]
Casey: [giving you such a reaction she only would’ve not fallen off this car seat fully as a result of it because he would’ve stopped her from doing so ‘owt you’ve ever wanted me to, that’s what I wanna do’ cos everything and anything rn and always tbh]
Janis: [a lowkey evil laugh about it because the energy of that being anything and everything cannot be overstated and we both know it ‘you’re so fucking mine’ before we do bite you hard enough to make this blood trickle down your neck, tracing it with our tongue and then letting you taste it from us]
Casey: [doing exactly the same shit back to her because you’re mine too and that’s the easiest way to signify it without having to speak which he clearly cannot thanks to how hot we found that, don’t like casually remove or swallow an earring though boy, that move is harder to navigate with a pierced ear]
Janis: [it is the shit we do like though so you simply have to ‘I’m biting every inch of you’ with the same energy of it taking you so long to get that out because of everything else you are feeling and doing but we’re determined, taking your dominant hand and bringing it to us, biting the inside of your wrist and being able to make eye contact while we do]
Casey: [sinking his teeth into her shoulder hard in perfect contrast to how soft he was being not very long ago, because get you a man who’ll do both, we love to see it]
Janis: [frankly obsessed, we switch between both energies with ease, the way y’all always go 0-60 whatever the conversation, just natural, baby]
Casey: [you two do amuse me]
Janis: [never mind it’s the middle of the day here, wherever you are lmao]
Casey: [at least he isn’t standing outside the car doing it or y’all aren’t doing it via the boot like some of the actually mental positions I read about on a list, they’re like if you’re in the middle of nowhere, pop off, I’m like okay huns but also maybe don’t]
Janis: [you definitely also need it to be night time to be getting away with that, or keen to be seen, which, right now, isn’t the vibe, we don’t care but it ain’t the kink of it all lol]
Casey: [there’s brazen and then there’s silly and just asking for trouble, no thank you]
Janis: [what’s brazen enough for now is how messed up you are both gonna be from this sesh, purely physically]
Casey: [thank god it’s like Jan/feb time rn so y’all will have layers, cos no sane person would let you in to look at puppies looking absolutely feral as hell]
Janis: [how tragic, no puppies for you heathens]
Casey: [have to go on a hilarious shopping trip to buy scarves if you’re ever done hooking up with each other]
Janis: [clearly not gonna be content to stop until your bodies basically force you to and you get to have that bomb sleep that would have you almost as shook like what because never happens]
Casey: [you were exhausted after the first go so I’m sure that’ll happen after this one, enjoy it lads cos yeah, unexpected and iconic, as everything has been on this day]
Janis: [when it probably will be a police officer who wakes you up ‘cos you’re just on the side of the road and the car you aren’t in would look abandoned until they see two people in this one, I hope you had time to find something to use as a blanket/got some clothes back on so you aren’t naked because 1. Just embarrassing but more importantly 2. We don’t want you to get in actual trouble and if you’re not doing illegal tings, they just have to tell you to move on so we will have to say you had enough wherewithal to get cosy and less shamelessly exposed before collapsing; the way we would just shoot you the least obvious to anyone else ‘let me speak’ look and take over the situation like we’re not a bit disorientated by that mad sleep and everything before it, I think we were in his car so getting out to be like yeah we’re heading off now lads, bye then]
Casey: [absolutely must be kind enough to not let y’all get arrested for indecency because you’ll shit yourselves hard enough when the police appear as it is and it would take everything in him not to automatically kick off purely because he is that shooketh, thank god for Janis’ calming influence and the way she took control of that situation so it couldn’t escalate]
Janis: [that’d be why we immediately jumped in at first because we’re basically thinking don’t incriminate yourself on the off chance they aren’t there for the ex situation of it and thank god we did because they aren’t so we haven’t accidentally made it worse for ourselves here, just having to get in your car and pull away, because they always watch until you’re gone, like fuck off]
Janis: Can pull over when we get [somewhere more in town that has a car park so it doesn’t look like we’ve just moved to another lay-by if they happen to follow us or go the same way] if you need
Janis: couldn’t exactly check on you or even say an in a bit with them breathing down our necks
Casey: I’m alright, might as well save stopping til we proper drop the car off
Janis: okay, keep driving then, surprise party stopping me feeling half asleep still anyway 
Casey: [a cafe in town that we might have stopped in] does a shit brew anyway, be back at ours before you know if you feel knackered again by then
Janis: I don’t even know what time it is, like, if anyone will be about
Casey: [tell her when you’ve checked your car clock or phone and we’ll have to decide if we want anyone to be about so you lowkey can’t go in the gaff or if we’re gonna let it still be a time when nobody would be]
Janis: you must’ve called early this morning
Janis: feels like ages ago anyway, deffo time for a brew
Casey: didn’t feel it to us, must’ve been rowing with her since whatever time we got in the night before
Janis: would make sense
Janis: and I was catching Billie before she went to work, so it was early to be out
Casey: she can’t be ringing them, they’d have been for me ages ago
Janis: I don’t think so either
Casey: why don’t I feel loads more chuffed about it
Janis: you still did it, however much you do or don’t get in trouble for it off anyone
Casey: I had in my head you’d hate me for it
Janis: sorry
Janis: at best I can be pissed off about it
Casey: I dunno about that, you ain’t been very pissed off so far, unless you’ve got a well funny way of showing us it, like 😏
Janis: funnys you
Janis: we were both trying not to think about it though, remember
Casey: not be forgetting none of that before I’m 90, and even then, don’t reckon it’s all that likely to just piss off out my mind
Janis: I hope its as burned into my brain as it feels 
Casey: can do it over if you get scared it’s fading, only have to tell me
Janis: least you know me well enough not to put ask nicely 😏
Janis: only get one first time though
Casey: and you know I could get you to ask however I like
Janis: you’re gonna make me miss you now, are you
Casey: fuck being the dickhead missing you on my own when I could make you pull over instead
Janis: I get it, you want to give ‘em something better to see than 😴
Casey: I wanna see you, but I get it, there’s a massive risk he could recognise your face from out a magazine, looked like the sort who’d be a fan of you and the makeup they have you selling
Janis: sure you’d need under-eye concealer if you worked as hard as the boys in blue 🙄
Janis: I thought you wanted to get home, get the kettle on
Casey: gives his own meaning to bent copper that lad, tah for keeping us away from him, well handy you don’t fancy sharing with nobody
Casey: it’s the less thick idea, but I don’t want to, I never would do when the other one’s getting to have another look at you without needing to stop at the shop and buy my own copy of your latest issue first
Janis: can’t say you didn’t look cute, even if you ain’t meant to say stuff like that no more, so I’ve heard
Janis: I want to see you too, not to have a go though
Casey: who were it told you that 😏
Casey: see me then
Janis: [when it would next make sense to, pull this car over again]
Casey: [love y’all for keeping it extra 5ever because just gonna kiss her immediately as if it’s been a thousand years]
Janis: [we know that that was a rude awakening at any rate but also much more of a headfuck than either of us are fully putting in words so you do need to take a sec and be together again for that alone, never mind the rest ‘alright?’ between kisses like you said it but I’m checking]
Casey: [‘now’ between kisses too because now he is ‘you?’ of course because he needs to check too]
Janis: [nodding, despite the fact this’ll probably make yous bump heads a little there ‘just fucking-’ still between all the kissing we’re doing as if you’re being timed here ‘-weird’ ‘cos there’s no word to describe this day so it may as well be totally ineffective]
Casey: [it goes without saying that when they do bump heads slightly he’s resting his forehead against hers, as always, cos it’s their thing, doing the kind of hug where he lifts her off the ground a lil bit with the intensity of it, still whilst non stop kissing the entire time ‘a headfuck’ honestly what a day, the best and worst]
Janis: [letting ourself be lifted fully by wrapping our legs around you briefly because we wanna hug you that hard back ‘meant to be sorting it’ and putting a finger on either side of his head, still resting our foreheads together, ‘cos we have no regrets about doing it but we’re slightly concerned our timing was a dick move of us]
Casey: [‘you are’ cos that bomb sleep cannot be argued with, he didn’t wake up once from a nightmare or angsting and thinking and yet again it goes without saying that everything that happened before meant he also wasn’t freaking out ‘you do’ like it’s a * because not the first or last time she’s calmed him down]
Janis: [‘long as you say so’ because we trust you to not only get what we’re saying here but not lie to us with your answer, so we’re gonna leave it, can’t help that it also sounds vaguely saucy]
Casey: [can’t help but 😏 because it does sound saucy but the EYE CONTACT we’re giving you is too so y’all are even, despite him actually doing it like yeah look I’m okay, it’s all okay]
Janis: [‘this what you meant by see me?’ equally 😏]
Casey: [‘your fault my voice has gone’ no lie detected but we’re just doing it for the reminders, likewise the reason we’re pulling her hair playfully like ugh I’m so mad at you lol]
Janis: [‘you got your hands, you got anything to say’ for the reminders of when you had to sign at us and the other obvious connotations there, checking your ear with our own as we say it]
Casey: [signing something like ouch for the pure pisstake because that ear touching she’s doing rn doesn’t hurt at all and we’re super into it actually factually, pressing down on where he bit her shoulder really hard with his own hand, duh]
Janis: [signing ‘baby’ back as if it is also a pure pisstake but it’s absolutely not and less so when you have us moving closer to you in reaction to the shoulder reminder]
Casey: [doing an OTT yeah poor me style pout purely for the bitten and bloody lip reminder as we pull her even closer and deliberately flash the wrist while we do]
Janis: [‘I’m so mean to you’ said way more like a fact than a oh no, I shouldn’t be, that it usually is, as we’re clearly opening the wound that has barely had time to heal on these lips again, kissing the blood between you]
Casey: [‘but you’re sorry’ said like they were saying sorry to each other right at the start before he even kissed her for the first time]
Janis: [‘you can make me be’ as much of an invitation as an acknowledgement]
Casey: [shamelessly touching her lower stomach like we’re not yet again out here in the world because appaz if you do it right, like between your belly button and the obvious you can hit the g spot from the opposite side]
Janis: [‘oh, what the fuck’ because we’re just like excuse me, how did you just do that, wrapping our arms ‘round your neck for safety as much as proximity here]
Casey: [a look like don’t mind me just using my hands to say what I wanna say as you suggested]
Janis: [moving one of your hands to between y’all, resting it gently on his crotch for a while before pressing more firmly, playing with the waistband like, I could too]
Casey: [fully grabbing her pelvis in response to when she presses her hand against him like ! because it’s even more the one than the hip so the article was telling me idk but if you say so huns, I’m just out here reading about all the sexy zones for a lady haha]
Janis: [my boo is a professional everyone; meanwhile you two are far from it, pushing and massaging his stomach as if it’s gonna have the same effect on him for a bit, purely to let you know we’re not over it ‘good thing we don’t technically need to run now’ with the we ain’t even gonna make it to this club energy]
Casey: [picking her up so he can kiss her stomach without having to fully get on the floor to do it, as if what you’ve chosen to do is any more subtle sir, because I don’t need to do research to know it’s an erogenous zone we’re all aware of that one, and because it gives I would carry you to safety if we had to, don’t worry, vibes]
Janis: [the noise we’re making paired with the way we’re clinging to you making us too adorable to deal with honestly like yes, please do, because he’s the one that actually needs protecting right now so it’s nice of you to show some vulnerability yourself without remotely having to be asked]
Casey: [what the article attractively referred to as the pubic mound is of course another one so slipping his hand under her waistband to massage that as is the crease of the thigh and the inner thigh so while you’re there, boy, it mentioned using ice cubes on that bit specifically and I had to cackle like oh imagine if y’all had been allowed to get that far]
Janis: [can definitely stop teasing yourself and actually get some skin on skin contact for this boy who is doing the most, even if you’re going super slowly and are using just the one finger for barely any pressure to start]
Casey: [pinching her on said thigh again like ! because we all know that’s so hot of you and he is dying already]
Janis: [looking over his shoulder and then behind you like no-one can see us, the police aren’t back, it’s all good, energy because you two aren’t even in a car yet so it’s even more blatant, good job you’re squashed together so you’d have to be really looking to catch all this indecency occurring because currently we are running our nail down you to truly try and kill you]
Casey: [the GASP and the lip bite so you know you absolutely have, trying to kill her back in every possible way now touching wise cos he’s already under that waistband anyway and always competitive and trying to get her too even when literally this close to dying himself]
Janis: [trying to go slow always gives way to fully going IN before too long because we’re unable to not be all over you, hence we’re kissing all over your neck and jawline as we do this, using our full grip, panting between the kissing and biting and sucking we’re doing ‘you’re right, I do want you to myself’]
Casey: [gal I’ve ended up learning about a spots and o spots and things I didn’t even know were a thing, but now I do, you better believe he’s hitting them and from what I’ve read she would simply pass away, I love that y’all could literally be anywhere rn doing all this nonsense, he’s definitely back at her throat as well, his fave place, giving it his full attention via also kissing and biting and sucking ‘I’m going nowhere’ cos the police aren’t coming sweetie and we shall never be parted from her again, nobody can force us to be]
Janis: [‘live inside me’ because we are losing our mind over this and are so fine with that ‘if they come back, don’t stop’ not feasible but not stopping us begging you like it is]
Casey: [when you can’t even properly get your ‘okay’ out with as much feeling as you want to because what are words rn, we’re basically existing on the most indecent noises only but it’s a necessary answer to both parts of what she said, never gonna stop under any circumstances, we’re living laughing loving too hard]
Janis: [‘why the fuck didn’t we do this sooner’ as we’re getting that close we’re the MOST frustrated]
Casey: [doing even more than the most to try and make up for the fact you haven’t been because too relatable on how frustrating that is atm ‘we’re just gonna have to forever’ like soz that’s how long I need to get over the lost time]
Janis: [spitting on our other hand and using both to maximise all we’re doing to you too right now because it is a must ‘when I’m not fucking you, I’m gonna be thinking about it’ like these are the only two states of being now]
Casey: [‘you’re mine, for the rest of your fucking life from here on’ because yeah agreed ‘and that’s as mutual as it gets’ could not be more yours forever gal and everybody knows it so]
Janis: [‘I couldn’t be anyone else’s if I tried, you’ve ruined me and I’m so fucking happy’]
Casey: [‘nor me, since the day I met you’ too true, kissing her so hard like the first time he did today because lowkey not over the fact we can]
Janis: [you know we have to cum, kissing you despite the insane amount of noise we have to make and all the things we are trying to say with no hope at being coherent because we are truly smashing our kisses into you in reply]
Casey: [gonna say you do at the same time, because I can and it’s nice and you haven’t yet, I don’t even need to say at this point he’s being exactly as feral about it]
Janis: [just here, trying to catch our breath and some composure, bringing our hands up and out of your pants to clean up the mess then leaving our mouth open and gesturing like gimme your fingers please]
Casey: [trying not to pass out and fall over honestly haha, but gotta do what she says every single time so, giving her each one individually for the sheer drama]
Janis: [you’re clearly leaning against a wall or a tree or one of the cars to have stayed up this whole time lads, but going in sucking every one of his fingers clean in an unnecessarily extra way because you haven’t done that yet so gotta show off your skills obvs, leaving the last thumb in your mouth and closing your eyes, content af]
Casey: [watching her do this too intently as usual, leaving that thumb in her mouth until we simply cannot deal any longer with how you look and have to whip it out and run it and the wetness across her bottom lip because it’s always the move ‘too cute, you’ as he always said it before and he hasn’t yet during this rewrite]
Janis: [opening your eyes to do a grumpy little face at him like hey ‘that’s mine’ and trying to chase it with our tongue and coax you back in with more licking and wrapping it ‘round said thumb]
Casey: [soz I gotta do the pouty lip thing cos of her grumps, try not to think of your husband because we know that’s really one of his signature moves, it’ll help that he says ‘you’re mine’ again with all the daddy energy of to do what I want with and I shall so no pouting thank you]
Janis: [if you’re thinking about it it’s not going to be for long soz, let the 😍 takeover]
Casey: [really going in sucking on her tongue rn like see I know best, it should be here, forget the thumb]
Janis: [always so into that move, drawing a heart on the roof of his mouth casually]
Casey: [‘changed my mind, you’re allowed to draw’ cos we all remember when he said she wasn’t cos she was turning into Jimothy in all the ways]
Janis: [‘and you’re allowed to tell me what to do right now’ because living]
Casey: [gonna say they were leaning on the car so he can sit her on the bonnet now, just for fun and some slight recovery ‘keep drawing on us then’ not specifying if we mean in a soft manner with a fingertip or harder with your nails or mouth, cos don’t wanna tell you what to do too much and stifle your creativity]
Janis: [when that’ll be cold compared to how overheated your body is so you’re shivering in both the literal and the saucy way at that sensation, holding our finger to said cold metal of this bonnet for a sec so we can use the cold to draw more hearts on you, anywhere there’s remotely a mark because so many at this point]
Casey: [do your own shiver and also draw your own heart but please do hers on her pulse point because when I was doing my skim read I read that bit where they were in the car and he was saucily measuring her pulse and shamelessly can and will steal it as it’s the same energy as her listening to his heartbeat, pop off and do it both on her neck and wrist this time though, why not, as you didn’t bite hers]
Janis: [‘it’s fast again’ because don’t need to tell us that honey, we’re too aware of the effect you’re having on us ‘what you gonna do to calm me down?’ and drawing a smiley face below his belly button with our nails this time like you better, I’m on edge, see]
Casey: [placing his own hand on her chest and taking a deep breath like we know she’ll just automatically copy cos gotta cheekily call you and ourselves out for doing so much of that earlier ‘close your eyes’ never not gonna sound saucy]
Janis: [you know we will, even if we have to grin at the call out with it ‘cos we’re always gonna, likewise closing our eyes, sat here in anticipation]
Casey: [leaving his hand on her chest but running his other along the car until it’s really cold and then stroking her face and back of her neck and everywhere we did during the ice cube moment for that reminder and because it would actually be calming like it is when my boo is genuinely panicking, doing her wrists and chest too which we obvs didn’t that day and eventually putting our fingers in her mouth as well, making sure he keeps making them super cold again for each new area]
Janis: [the contrary but both totally real reaction of another big breath and happy sigh out turning into a frustrated little noise thinking about that day and where it all went wrong because if only, contenting yourself by doing the most like you gotta warm him up after that and it is SO important]
Casey: [the shhing and really genuine sounds of comfort he would do at her little angry noise because he knows why she made it and we have to let you know that no, it shouldn’t be upsetting anymore because that’s all over and now we’re here but can’t fully verbalise that when she’s doing the most and it’s having such an effect on him despite opening his mouth to try]
Janis: [‘you’re so nice to me’ still not opening our eyes, still fully going down on your whole hand right now basically]
Casey: [‘I love you’ it’s been a minute since he said it and we can’t have that ‘you’re my baby’ baby because we’re giving that comforting and nursing you better energy here once again from the moment she was like calm me down thank you]
Janis: [doing the softest little moan at being called baby ‘I love you more’ nuzzling our head into his hand]
Casey: [stroking her hair and cupping her face and all those soft things back as if to say no you don’t, kissing her forehead and the top of her head/hair and so gently scratching her scalp with his nails]
Janis: [lowkey lying on this bonnet now we’re feeling so relaxed, don’t mind the fact you’re in public stop you babes ‘you know what I need’] 
Casey: [‘a little nap’ not as a question cos we see you lying there relaxed af, picking her up and putting her inside the car and getting in himself to big spoon for a sec regardless of whether y’all sleep or not actually, just taking a minute to chill]
Janis: [you truly do need it, even if neither of you sleeps, just wuggle, holding your hands ‘round our belly and drawing tiny hearts on all your knuckles]
Casey: [drawing one on her stomach, simply must, we know realistically you won’t sleep cos you’d be paranoid now of getting woken up like that again or of getting back home too late and everyone being there, but this is cute and necessary regardless, I like to imagine his own stomach rumbles because lord knows when you last ate if you were fighting with your gf from when you came in from your night out/work]
Janis: [looking back as if you’ve really only just remembered you’re people who do need more than just sex to survive ‘food’ like yes, we must procure some ‘what do you fancy?’]
Casey: [‘what’ve we got in?’ cos clearly planning to just raid the fridge when you get back and cba to go to the shop or any unnecessary faffing around when what you really wanna do is drop this car and be gone on your roadtrip]
Janis: [list off some things you do that would be quick and easy to grab and go ‘Bobby don’t eat as much as you’ like he hasn’t been scranning all the food in the house so should all still be legit suggestions lol]
Casey: [‘should do’ like if he wants to be as big and strong as me but his heart’s not fully in the bants because thinking about going home even though they need to and it’s not for long is really not the mood]
Janis: [it absolutely is not right now, for either of y’all, squeezing his hands and using them to push ourselves up and out of this hug, giving them a pat like okay ‘let’s try again’ like 2nd attempt at leaving]
Casey: [‘sooner we’re back, sooner we can be off’ like yep let’s actually do it this time, pulling her up and out of this seat more than she’d done for herself before we change our mind cos too tempting but mustn’t]
Janis: [smiling like exactly, even though it’s a half smile at best because going home makes it all real but gotta do what we gotta do, get in the driver’s seat of your car and get going]
Casey: [giving her a final kiss as she gets in her driver’s seat and being like ‘race you’ and getting in his own because it’ll make it bearable to rush back if it’s a competition but don’t mind me wanting to cry because him saying that reminded me of JJ on the school trip]
Janis: [my boo says how dare we honestly]
Casey: [it’s rude but at least it means you’ll focus on driving instead of pining for each other or dreading approaching home so I’ll suck it up buttercup, park at the nosy neighbours and then get in this gaff, heading straight for the kettle and fridge]
Janis: [sit at the kitchen table like it isn’t totally jarring to see your normal, everyday life all around you again, as if you were truly never gonna come back, before deciding you can’t sit so whilst he’s foraging heading for the door ‘I’m gonna pack another outfit, at least’ like give us as long as we can before facing this]
Casey: [‘chuck us one in’ because quicker if she packs for you too while you sort these food and drinks and you obvs wanna be gone as soon as possible ‘hang on for a shower though, I’ll come with you’ cos simply gotta shower together not just for speed but because it’s comforting whilst dealing with this weird part of the plan]
Janis: [‘will do’ to both requests because yes]
Janis: if you was in his place, would you rather a note or a call about where I’m gone
Janis: neithers ideal but what’s less shitty, even by a bit
Casey: I ain’t in his place nor his head but
Casey: a note
Casey: can read it when the shock’s wore off any even if it’s in a ball having been chucked at the wall
Casey: he’ll only go into it fully hearing you and take nowt you say in, know what he’s like
Janis: yeah, alright
Janis: that all sounds about right
Janis: not saying everything, not that much of a cunt, just what happened enough to explain you need to be away a day
Casey: I’m gonna send you the dog pics from it and leave my phone here
Janis: yeah?
Casey: only dickhead worth talking to is the one I’ll be with
Janis: and the dog, when we find it
Casey: [send her all the pics and deets]
Casey: no having a look til we’re on the road, know what you’re like an’ all
Janis: no spoilers, I hear you
Casey: [bring these foods and drinks upstairs and hope she’s reached your room for packing because honestly it’s the one room in the house that’s only his and so would be the least of a headfuck and most likely to keep you in your bubble as much as you can be, have a casual bed picnic and pretend everything is fine]
Janis: [must actually finish your food and drink this time ‘cos you need to lads, plus you’re on the clock so can’t get too distracted, lowkey looking around his room ‘cos haven’t been in here for a minute, obviously]
Casey: [meanwhile he’s deliberately trying not to look around because of the high likelihood his gf left a few things of hers lying about and those aren’t reminders he wants or needs, not at all casually trying to eat and drink as fast as physically possible so y’all can get in the shower, even though that’ll have its own for you both as well]
Janis: [we know that’s why you are but we understand why you’re not boy ‘don’t make yourself sick’ just genuinely but also like it’s okay energy]
Casey: [‘making me wanna throw up being here’ just blurting that out before we can even think, obvs not just for the gf reasons]
Janis: [just sigh because we know but there’s nothing we can do about that either and it’s a hard same]
Casey: [force yourself to carry on eating even though it’s the last thing you really wanna do and then pull her up and into a standing hug once you both have]
Janis: [hug him back ‘what the fuck are we gonna do’ quiet, truly not expecting an answer but we have to voice it]
Casey: [‘shower and then piss off to find our dog’ we know it isn’t what she means but what we’re trying to say here is one step at a time, we’ll get that done and then we’ll see]
Janis: [do a lil laugh like yeah, okay ‘that easy, like’]
Casey: [handholding to this bathroom, gently but insistently pulling her along like come on, definitely taking her clothes off for her with that same energy and helping her in when we get there]
Janis: [just letting yourself be because there is no sense arguing with it at this moment, nor do we have the energy to because that would mean staying here and fully facing it and we aren’t ready so be in this shower, helping him wash himself]
Casey: [absolutely goes without saying he’s washing her too because we know you don’t have the energy or desire to do this or be here, girl]
Janis: [at least there is never any denying, nor getting used to, seeing you like this or being able to touch you, so even though we can’t get carried away, we still appreciate the fact we’re here together ‘no bubble bath but’]
Casey: [hard same on all counts, as usual ‘gutted, shower sherry has a well nice ring to it’]
Janis: [‘be a bit of a weird marketing strategy’ like was a very specific situation but pop off]
Casey: [‘oldies are always slipping and falling, got the excuse there, and the ad campaign’s writing itself’ imagine, adverts of old people just absolutely pissed having a shower party ‘fed up relatives’d buy loads, such a valid way to bump ‘em off’]
Janis: [actually doing a lol because an amusing mental image, especially picturing the likes of shit nan, obvs ‘only slightly rude of you not to write it with me in mind’ like how else am I gonna get my face out there boy]
Casey: [‘warned you your fit nan’s there half the time’ dying imagining Tess starring in this, bye]
Janis: [pushing you but saving you to give the bants energy of gonna bump you off in this shower now, dickhead]
Casey: [‘nah, nothing I’m up to where you ain’t on it’ for the bants of no need to kill me actually but also just true]
Janis: [‘let you live then’ hugging you from behind like we’re now steadying you but we just wanna]
Casey: [‘tah’ like lol oh thanks but it’s such a soft and genuine thanks because we do wanna live rn we’re living laughing loving despite it all, soz Jimothy, soz Bobby]
Janis: [we wouldn’t feel so guilty if we didn’t want this as much, is the tea]
Casey: [mhmm, just do a hot move to get this gal into a position to start washing her hair for her, obvs giving her scalp scratches again and lowkey a head massage like we’re not on the clock here]
Janis: [like, the more comfortable you get, the better tbh, so we’re not gonna stop you ‘hope you ain’t put 3 in 1 on my head right now’ like I know you and your bleach blonde girlfriends, sir, my hair needs conditioning properly baby lmao]
Casey: [an unimpressed yet amused noise because excuse you but it’s also funny ‘you wanna crack on yourself or what?’ cos clearly neither of us wants that rn so hush lol]
Janis: [squishing your grumpy face always but shaking our head, ‘cos of course not ‘you’ve got the harder job this time’ as we start to wash yours for you in return because that ain’t going to take you long at all and it’ll be mainly a scalp massage]
Casey: [GOING IN and deliberately doing the most when he does condition for her, purely to make a point and not at all to do with his blatant kink]
Janis: [‘you want me to-’ and kneeling down so he can really get in there, nothing suggestive about that at all]
Casey: [y’all send me, of course he’s doing even more than before now, somehow, just focused, not at all turned on as hell, nope]
Janis: [really relaxing your shoulders and letting your head be pushed and pulled in whatever direction as he’s pulling your hair]
Casey: [the way conditioner really can look like sperm is really not helping the suggestiveness lol]
Janis: [it really does lmao, no shame that we’re just gonna ‘you want me to-’ again and proceed to give you head]
Casey: [no shame either in his ridiculously extra reactions as always or how hardcore he’s directing how her head’s moving now, it’s the eye contact for me and the ‘don’t get none in your eye’ that could mean conditioner or jizz or both right here right now]
Janis: [when the only real way you know we’re smiling right now is our eyes because we’re showing you we won’t get none anywhere but in our mouth]
Casey: [all the encouraging sounds and touches ‘good girl, I’d hate if you had to close them’ cos eye contact is everything and good girl makes anyone go feral, just facts]
Janis: [shaking your head slowly from side to side, so you’re fully pressing him into each cheek, never breaking eye contact but picking up the pace for the good girl]
Casey: [always giving it his all with deserved reactions especially with moaning and breathing but the most important one I’d like to note is him taking one hand out of her hair to lock their fingers together and just have a lovely intense handhold because ily so much]
Janis: [squeezing your hand so tightly because love you, love this, truly, coming up for air and doing tiny kisses on the head and then really gently grazing our teeth down the underside, like we’re going to bite you but won’t because would be v painful lol and we’re just claiming you not trying to maim you too]
Casey: [the ‘fuck!’ with all the feeling in the world because simply must and likewise must say her name over and over as if it’s all we can]
Janis: [‘have you said my name like that in here before?’ then shushing ourselves by going back to deepthroating, using our tongue to create extra tight suction, because obviously we mean far quieter than you are being right now but we want louder]
Casey: [trying to say ‘not like that’ because obviously we cannot in the volume sense or the sense that it has never been this good without you actually here, but then that turns into SUCH a loud moan because her antics]
Janis: [signing ‘I did when you run me the bath’ because we definitely were until Jimothy came in to piss, soz but also scuse you]
Casey: [the totally involuntary and dramatic movement of his hips in response to knowing that cos obvs he hoped and thought so but to get it honestly confirmed is another thing, don’t kill her please, she’s already going really deep there, telling her every time he did that day but also any other times that cross his feral little mind rn cos need her to know all of them in as much detail as we are capable of atm, lowkey desperately rambling here haha]
Janis: [we know it’s her kink unlocked so we’re just fully choking ourselves out here because cannot deal with how much he has to say, having to stop handholding so we can touch ourselves right now because it’s a need, signing again ‘when you called her in front of me’]
Casey: [this boy cannot deal with how hot her choking is nevermind how much she’s CLEARLY into it because lbr most gals aren’t really they just power through if it happens, for once making no move to take over and touch her himself because it’s too hot as well watching her do it, not at all casually relaying the rest of the phone call from when she walked away from memory as best we can but saying it all to her this time, but it would take forever because he cannot function]
Janis: [fully putting our other hand around our own throat now and squeezing so hard you can feel it from the inside because of how far you are using our other to grab a razor and use the handle to fuck ourselves, the spit drooling all the way down our body]
Casey: [there is no universe in which any of that wouldn’t make him cum so hard and that reason alone is enough of one to press down on the bite he did to her shoulder as hard while he does, just fully grabbing it and pressing each finger in til she’s also got blood running down her body]
Janis: [when your throat is so full the cum has nowhere to go but out so you let that explode out your mouth and nose, all down you to complete the mess that is your body rn ‘more’ not being specific but very insistent]
Casey: [bringing the little shower head to her and lowkey just waterboarding her with it because we all remember she also likes to drown from their other bath antics we’ve written before]
Janis: [you can tell we like it by the way we’re going so much harder on ourselves, keeping our mouth open until it completely fills with water, plugging our nose at the same time ‘til we have to spit it all out for air]
Casey: [making it beyond clear that he wants her to spit it into his mouth because y’all’s other kink, might as well tick them all off]
Janis: [pinching his mouth open with our thumb and forefinger ‘you let me turn you on, and you fucked her with it’ as we spit this into your mouth with force]
Casey: [swallowing as forcefully before kissing her and with it biting her tongue so she can have that blood in her mouth]
Janis: [lowkey seeing how much blood we can have in our mouth before it starts making us gag, smearing it over him however we see fit ‘I wanted you to stay so bad, we could’ve been doing this the whole time’]
Casey: [‘it makes you sick’ like figuratively but also literally throw up for me then when she does gag as if she’ll do it on command the way she did cum when he told her to]
Janis: [‘why are you the same kind of sick as me?’ genuine amazement like how are you down for everything right now, when the protective case comes off the razor end ‘cos of how hard you’re going so you accidentally cut a few of your fingers, offering them up to him like kiss it better please]
Casey: [‘we’re built the same, that’s why it hurt you, deep, when I lied we weren’t’ kissing each finger individually v slowly like she cleaned hers earlier but then all at once, sucking all of them and getting them as deep in his mouth as he can like I’ll choke and maybe throw up if you’re not gonna, just the kind of couple they are]
Janis: [nodding so seriously like yes it fucking did ‘we’re each others, like actual halfs, not twin bullshit, real mirror’ you don’t even know how we’re reacting as if that’s our own dick like it feels that good right now ‘good boy’ kissing him and trying to press your tongue as far down his throat that he could vom and tapping him like do the same back, like right in each other’s faces, okay, feral]
Casey: [we all know he’s gonna do it, I don’t even need to say it, out here trying to murder each other]
Janis: [I see no way you would be able to not do it back with this proximity so there you go lads, you did that, definite first neither of you has done with anyone else because who on this earth lmao]
Casey: [grandma me is fuming like SO glad I made you eat if that’s what you were gonna bother doing]
Janis: [my boo says a waste, frankly, ‘tis clear y’all disagree though]
Casey: [can’t even hose them down to get them to chill out because they’d only be into it, oh lads, you’re so grim but I love you]
Janis: [soz that we married our first boyfriend so we didn’t get to work all this out, like, but you do need to get back under the shower, wash this away, stroking his back and telling him how good he was]
Casey: [and soz that he’s not only desensitised to gross things from cleaning up his parents blood and sick and piss as a literal child but he did it so often and as an act of love that it literally is part of what he considers love to be, so mutual, stroking her throat which honestly must hurt rn v tenderly and giving her all the compliments, holding her to us as close as we possibly can]
Janis: [mhmm, tea, and love them as we might, she comes from a weird unconventional hippie background where there are no real normal limits or rules in place and that sinks in like it or not so duh; we’re pressing every part of our skin into yours, being a casual weighted blanket ‘I have to be with you, I can’t do it without you no more’]
Casey: [I’m just over here dying cos Jimothy could never with the freaky shit y’all are into, casually like a nun in comparison, soz sir, cradling her like she’s a baby Clove again the way he did when she was sobbing ‘you’re gonna be with me, there’s no more without’]
Janis: [it truly is not your fault lmao, this is next level; ‘I’ve never felt small’ sounds like we’re shading you again Jimothy but we mean like the protected one, ever in our life, casually, nbd]
Casey: [‘it ain’t gotta be all on you now’ the hardcore unspoken I am not him and I can take care of you just as much as you take of me ‘I’ll tell you as many times as needed’ because we just keep saying how mutual everything is but it’s honestly true, y’all are way more equal and that’s the tea ‘show you even more’]
Janis: [‘or you’ softer, ‘cos they’re gonna have a reason to hate me now too and I will be fully on your side in their eyes, obviously; because we know you feel like they blame you for everything and lowkey lads ‘just don’t know how the fuck I’m meant to work when there’s so much you could be showing me’ ‘cos truly wish we were a teen with no responsibilities rn]
Casey: [‘you’ve been on my side since day 1 they just ain’t worked it out ‘cause they don’t see you how you are’ cos yet more tea, she’s on such a pedestal and we all know it, perfect wife, perfect mother even though Bobby and Libi aren’t technically theirs, perfect sister in law to this undeserving bad apple ‘only I know you, I’m the only one who won’t ever be shit scared to have a look under the bollocks they’ve piled over you’ STARING at her so she knows how serious we are about every word we just said ‘why you’re mine and you wasn’t gonna never be his proper’]
Janis: [the way we’re just dead at your words, truly dead and cannot cope because it’s too true ‘why’d you have to be so young’ as if we can go back and age him up, fully admitting things could have been different if he weren’t, which we know but still, there it is confirmed, hugging you so hard, letting this water run off our skin, chasing droplets on yours like you do on rainy windows]
Casey: [‘if they had us first, wouldn’t be no others, we dunno who I’d be then, if you’d be after me at all’ when you know damn well you were both of your parents’ shameless fave and they loved you best, fucked up as they are, soz about it ‘can’t go back, piss about changing things to mean they might end up worse than here’ cos again not soz we’re so happy rn, bit rude to his battered gf but we do feel like that kinda had to happen to bring us here and tip y’all over the edge you’ve been on for ages ‘I don’t wanna do sod all different between you and me today, not none of it’ bringing her out of the shower and wrapping her in a towel sitting her on your lap, while he’s sat on the toilet assumedly, like she’s a bub]
Janis: [😏 but cannot disagree because we all know your parents were blatant, not that we live for Jimmy or Bobby on that score but it’s not as if you really got a swag time out of it either so you know, just smiling at him properly because since you met up again today it has been a whirlwind of dreamlike perfection in all its headfuckery, so we completely agree, brushing your hair for you with our fingers, giving you various styles like a mohawk and a combover etc]
Casey: [joining in and being silly by grabbing some of her hair and putting it on his head like is this the mood for me or no, doing some cliche modelling faces really OTT]
Janis: [fully loling like oh no no ‘I told you you’d be such an ugly girl, babe’]
Casey: [chatting shit about random girls she’s had to work with through the years and dragging them to filth for the pure fun of it, like speaking of ugly girls]
Janis: [we do love to bitch and we know some models especially are unique looking in the ugly way, soz gals, tell him some stories about the gross and insane things you saw models doing because you ladies aren’t even doing it for fun, just eating disorders]
Casey: [in turn tell her about the gross and insane things you’ve seen peeps do at the club because peeps really do get that drunk and/or high and be totally wilding and it’s not even hot and feral like y’all it’s just cringe and awks]
Janis: [everyone knows it’s true, most nights clubs are full of the cringiest people, if not all nights, it’s teens and sad cases who can’t let go or letchy old people there to be pervs so not the vibe and y’all would be an endless source of entertainment for him ‘least you can overcharge ‘em after they’ve had the first ‘round of shots’ ‘cos cards have made that so easy, people don’t know ‘til they look at their account the next day]
Casey: [the way y’all would have to be signing so much of this because there’s no chance your voices aren’t fucked, especially hers with how much her throat would kill and that’d make it funnier cos some of the gestures for the kind of stories you’re telling would be hilarious ‘can afford to keep you if I really crack on’ like a kept woman because what she said about not knowing how she was gonna work]
Janis: [the signing making everything 10x funnier, just in a silly goofy mood now aren’t we, I’m just like thank god you do get away before Jimmy gets back because you’re in no fit state to have this convo now, just like sorry we’ll have to furiously sign at each other; ‘unlikely’ like we’re that high maintenance as we pretend to be with a smirk]
Casey: [likewise I am so relieved you’ll be gone before Bobby and Libi get home from school because they don’t need to see y’all in this state either, I know you two are sheltered hardcore but this isn’t the time or place to be changing that, doing a gesture like she’s twisting his arm behind his back ‘can’t get a day job an’ all, whole point’s getting chance to see you more’]
Janis: [I know you two and you’d think they’d been fighting, and that is an awkward correction to make, not the time nor place, thank you no no; ‘now we don’t have to avoid each other’ because you’d have the early hours when he gets in and before you go to work and then tea time until he goes to his job whenever in the evening, so it’s not nothing, about the same amount of time you get when you both have day jobs, just you go to sleep at different times]
Casey: [‘you’ll be down the club to see the bollocks I told you goes on with your own too fucking cute eyes’ like that’s what she was gonna say and he’s finishing her sentence]
Janis: [‘if the invitation still stands’ like you did so RUDELY leave me hanging]
Casey: [‘I need you anywhere I am’ because how we feel rn]
Janis: [‘I’ll sleep on the coats then’ like a neglected child at a party vibes because okay, let’s never be apart ‘might have to massage some footballers, you’ve got some skill already’ ‘cos all the back rubs ‘unless you wanna learn how to do manicures off Gracie instead’ like wouldn’t that be fun]
Casey: [‘I’ll carry you’ everywhere like she’s a baby in a sling and carrying her back to his bedroom as if he needs to prove it despite having done nothing but pick this girl up today, throwing her down on his bed like an oi to the pisstakes she also said]
Janis: [‘that’s not how I get ‘em on the bed’ 😏 ‘cos imagine but we’re pulling you towards us like come here]
Casey: [ getting on top of her shamelessly ‘next you’ll be telling us I can’t do manicures and that like this’]
Janis: [‘only if the girl is really fucking ugly and I know you won’t enjoy it at all’ shrug like not soz]
Casey: [‘what about like…?’and nibbing her fingernail]
Janis: [laughing ‘have to do feet like that an’all you know’]
Casey: [do get a toe and do it because not remotely the weirdest thing y’all have done today]
Janis: [when we’re just heart eyes at your cray because it matches ours and we’re genuinely having such a lovely time we forgot we could barely stand to be in this house not that long ago ‘nah, you definitely ain’t doing that to no other bitch’ like I have made up my mind ‘can do makeup instead’]
Casey: [‘or this’ kissing and licking the inside of her ankle because it feels the same vibe almost as the wrist as far as those erogenous zones go appaz, ‘promise I’ll not this, neither’ biting it exactly how she did his wrist earlier]
Janis: [I see that, they’re very boney, both joints, and you know it’s our favourite thing in the whole world right now so we’re giving you the exact reaction you want before flipping you over like my turn to work our way down your body to get to your kneecap because again, similar and it’s quite a big area you could get a nice bite on]
Casey: [everyone talks about how behind the knee is yet another zone but I agree, if you’re those bitches, the knee itself would be a mood, so you can have the exact reaction you want back]
Janis: [yeah, the point is we’re savages so we’re doing it on a bit that isn’t nice and fleshy to drive that home, just crawling back up you to kiss you again and lie on your chest]
Casey: [pouting because you know you should get dressed but it’s the literal last thing you wanna do rn, doing her elbow for that exact reason]
Janis: [was hoping you’d do there, got an arm and a leg one each lmao, this is definitely not making us wanna leave this bed either so the ‘we’ll be in the same car this time’ whilst true doesn’t sound as convincing as it could]
Casey: [I nearly forgot it, I was sat there like hmm boney bits, boney bits?’ lol love that we’ve managed to achieve that ‘we’re already on the same bed’ despite knowing we can’t stay here because yeah]
Janis: [‘we’ll barricade the door then’ like okay, again, acting like we can make all the things happen because we don’t have to be realistic and boring today ‘out the window whenever we need anything’]
Casey: [absolutely have to have him pick her up and take her over to the door and stand her up and push her against it like we’re testing our bodies as a suitable barricade option]
Janis: [pulling the handle like okay, if you want to test let’s do it properly]
Casey: [as ever doesn’t need barely any encouragement to go all out and immediately is with hardcore against this door we have this girl, turning her round so he can press her face against it instead of her back, just cos, gotta do a proper test huns]
Janis: [likewise, we don’t need to be genuinely trying to yank this door open like someone breaking in because we so clearly want you to win but we’re never going to make anything easy when it could be a challenge for you to rise to, the GASP we do when you flip us around would be everything]
Casey: [biting her other shoulder from this side and angle because the other one was from the front, defs doing it to try and make it a challenge for you to not be too distracted to keep trying to open the door and not just because that GASP really got us and we SHIVERED in a way that has nothing to do with your out the shower nakedness]
Janis: [the casual way this is unspoken roleplay right now, we all see you, likewise trying to distract you by grabbing one of your hands with our other and putting it where we want it like feel how turned on I am, boy]
Casey: [do because cannot resist that ever, just a finger though to be annoying and like no I cannot be too distracted]
Janis: [angrily doing the most with this one finger like no, more, as we’re still trying our hardest to break the door down whilst being used as a human barricade ‘we’re running out of time’ like you know you wanna]
Casey: [pinning her against the door with his entire other arm across her body because determined to rise to this challenge ‘how much more?’ as we tease you by occasionally adding another finger but then taking it away again, but he is ridiculously turned on ofc and that’s really pressed against you too rn so, not that much of a tease]
Janis: [getting another GASP but it’s slightly muffled by the door which makes it even more of a mood, honestly, ‘you know one accidental move and you could be inside me’ because literally, there are no clothes and you’re both struggling and turned on af so ‘that much more’]
Casey: [‘no accident when I cum inside you, tell me how much you wanna make me’ because we’re really just out here doing that repeatedly today, how is this baby not yours tbh]
Janis: [pushing ourselves back against you with the most blatant intent possible ‘you deserve to cum inside me as often as you need to, I have to make it happen any way I can, any way you ask’]
Casey: [going in when she moves like that but pulling out like the utter tease he is ‘how often do you need?’]
Janis: [‘Casey’ such a whine like noooooooo ‘I need all your cum or it’s wasted’]
Casey: [‘you’re exactly like me’ so buzzing because we’re not afraid to be this blatantly needy with you either, giving her exactly what she needs like okay you’ve earned it no more playing]
Janis: [‘fuck me and they’ll go away’ as if someone truly is at this door but our grasp is getting weaker because this is what we actually want to give our energy to]
Casey: [for me it’s the convo we’re having with a fictional outside the door person, telling them she’s his every way he can think to verbalise that whilst doing the most to get her to properly moan his name over and over]
Janis: [just telling this fictional person that we’re his ‘he can do whatever he wants to me and there’s nothing you can do’ scratching down your own paintwork here]
Casey: [‘you love me’ like tell the fictional person please as we’re going to town on you here]
Janis: [the ‘I love him so much’ being the involuntary blurt out kind of moan, fully in response to the physical ‘no one’s ever gonna compete’]
Casey: [‘you don’t want them to even try, it’s a pisstake any other twats exist, they’re only in our fucking way’]
Janis: [‘you’re the only person that exists here’ and slamming back on you so hard ‘no one can get between us’ pulling him into us with as much ferocity like see]
Casey: [the NOISE, I hope none of your neighbours are in working from home or pulling a sickie rn, meeting her energy by pushing her forward as hard as she goes back because agreed, they simply cannot]
Janis: [‘he’s so fucking sexy, but it’s for me, you can only listen’ because that noise was the best thing we’ve ever heard and we’re only getting more taunting to this fictional person ‘cos damn]
Casey: [‘her’ because same energy as you but gotta do it for this fictional person ‘but you ain’t having that off us’ like nope I’m not gonna even let you hear her and pulling her back from the door enough he can slip his hand over her mouth]
Janis: [the lowkey but not at all lowkey scream that you’re covering, thank god]
Casey: [giving it everything like it’s the first time and we’ve never hooked up before instead of whatever number we’re on]
Janis: [when you can be louder than you even have because your mouth is covered so he can feel all this noise and heat and drool]
Casey: [when you can’t stop yourself from putting your other hand around her throat to feel it as well even though you’re meant to be holding this door closed/her against it, so purely have to do it with the rest of your body]
Janis: [lowkey, somehow having the wherewithal to try and open this door when he gives us this slight window because at this point you wanna burst out onto the landing and get fucked there like no one could come home at any minute]
Casey: [1000% allowing you to fall out onto the landing floor because that is such a whole mood, just going at it there cos can’t and won’t stop even for a sec]
Janis: [the casual carpet burn we’re receiving is giving us life, truly could not be going at it more like animals ‘I’m yours, show everyone’]
Casey: [mhmm, getting her on her hands and knees so it’s really giving nature documentary vibes]
Janis: [crawling away from you purely so your hands are on the first step and putting our head down too as we push back up against you]
Casey: [going so hard it sends her down another step]
Janis: [so about it, the arch getting even more ridiculous]
Casey: [‘you feel so good’ a ridiculous understatement at this point but we’re just blurting it out cos overwhelmed]
Janis: [‘good enough to cum in?’ pleading but loud as fuck]
Casey: [saying ‘yeah’ until it stops being a word or making sense and until we’re literally about to and then we gotta let her know about it ‘I’m gonna’ like it’s not blatant enough from your actions or the way you’re saying it, god bless you, boy]
Janis: [having to grab the railings so you don’t go flying down these stairs head first because the strength of his orgasm followed by yours would make it close, we’re clearly ending down a few more but only appropriately bruised, likewise your name makes no sense now because we’ve said it so much and in so many different ways]
Casey: [literally is too dead to move after that but still drags himself to where she is to check her over with his eyes and make sure she isn’t accidentally more hurt than is acceptable]
Janis: [we’ve both just collapsed but can likewise see it’s only in a good way so just doing such a dreamy smile at you like jesus that was unreal]
Casey: [have to sign cos his voice would fr be gone this time and he’d try to but literally can’t ‘how does it keep getting better?’ because buzzing about it but shook]
Janis: [will likewise be signing ‘what are you doing if you’re not beating your best, like’ thanks for the competitive streak being pathological at this point lmao ‘you’re so-‘ even faltering when signing because how do we ever say it when we can barely comprehend how insane this all is]
Casey: [poke her like no you because never gonna be over how incredible this gal is, like, he already thought he been knew before all this insanity today happened but now he really knows]
Janis: [poking you back like no you boy ‘I missed you’ then doing a lowkey silent little lol because your voice is fucked because as if you could predict it would be like this when you started being friends again or whatever the reunion energy was gonna be]
Casey: [‘any kind of mate and I’d be downstairs sorting you some salt water’ because you have to gargle and spit that out so it’s pure shower antics reminders as well as just being a cure ‘can’t piss off and have you missing me that much though’ can’t move rn more like sir]
Janis: [‘should put some clothes on first, probably’ but the way we’re looking at you thanks to that reminder we’re clearly devastated about that]
Casey: [‘she ain’t been round about my parking nor sent him’ like it’s FINE the nosy neighbours are obvs not in,with a LOOK cos we both know they could’ve been complaining about all y’all’s noise too, moving to get up like imma go rn immediately and cannot so gotta be like help me then and lowkey almost pull you both down the stairs in the attempt, another reminder there thanks to a bannister grab, cos we can]
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abundanceofnots · 3 years
The door to the darkened alley next to the Alibi Room opens behind him, letting out a jumble of voices and loud music. Mickey expected Ian to find him there sooner or later. That’s why he’s so surprised to see that it’s not his husband pushing the heavy door open with his hip, his hands occupied by holding two glasses of beer, but Tami, his—
Well, whatever they are to each other.
Strangers, mostly. Both holding the title of Gallagher family appendages—the husband and the baby mama—who occasionally shared a laugh over some Gallagher bullshit. But that has always been as far as their relationship went.
“Occupied,” he informs her curtly before he takes another drag of his cigarette.
Tami smiles, undeterred.
“I was actually looking for you,” she explains as she lets the door close behind her, cutting the sounds from the inside to mere thumps again.
“Look, if you’re already tired of your baby daddy’s dick, I can’t say I blame ya, but you’ll have to find someone else because, on principle, I don’t fuck Lip’s sloppy seconds—”
Tami makes a face. “Jesus fuck. Is that really the only reason you can think of why I might want to see you?”
His eyes dart around her head of hair as he tries to look at anywhere but her, suddenly feeling very tense.
“Well, fuck you, too. No, here, listen.” She passes him one of the beers. “I saw the way you looked back in there and thought you might wanna talk.”
Mickey’s felt sick all evening. Ever since their big announcement when Ian threw his arm around Mickey’s shoulders, squeezed him tight, and gave him that blinding grin before he told everyone the good news.
There was clapping and noise, so much fucking noise. People were reaching out their hands to tap him on the shoulder or shake his hand, and it made Mickey feel like those hands were all grasping his throat while his blood was pumping in his ears.
His plan was to spend the rest of the party here, where he could breathe again, chain-smoking his way through the ordeal. He thinks he’ll be sick if he drinks anything right now, but he takes the glass from Tami anyway.
“About?” he shoots back noncommittally.
“Why you’re scared.”
On instinct, Mickey scoffs out a laugh. “Fuck off, I ain’t scared.”
“Right,” Tami replies, giving him a pointed look over the rim of her glass as she takes a sip. “That why you’re hiding out here during your own party?”
“Just needed to—” Groaning in exasperation, Mickey pinches the bridge of his nose and composes himself. “I just needed a second away from everyone congratulatin’ me. Or callin’ me daddy Milkovich. Or fuckin’ Kermit asking if I was gonna be the mom or the dad—” He cuts himself off again, measuring Tami with a hard stare. “What’s it to you, anyway?
She responds with a sincere smile.
“Believe it or not, I was scared of having a baby, too.”
Mickey’s brows furrow in confusion. “That why you decided to have another?”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not scared anymore.”
“Sounds fuckin’ stupid.”
“Maybe,” Tami admits with half a shrug.
They spend the next few minutes in silence, Tami drinking her beer and Mickey finishing his smoke, his own beer left untouched.
“But you’re a chick, you know, so it’s different,” Mickey states resolutely after he lights another cigarette, confident he’s found an argument she couldn’t dispute. “You have, like, all those motherly instincts and shit. I don’t.”
For some reason, she snorts and shakes her head. Then, her expression softens again, and she says, “I have it on good authority that there’s one little boy who basically worships the ground you walk on.”
“He’s five. Fuck does he know,” he retorts back derisively, immediately chastising himself because Freddie knew a lot, in fact. Most importantly, how to get underneath Mickey’s skin.
Not that he didn’t love and pester Ian just as much, obviously. Everyone loved Ian, the charming motherfucker. But Mickey and the kid had a special bond, much to Lip’s irritation.
Freddie was one of the main reasons Mickey decided that he was ready to have kids all those months ago. He isn’t so sure of it now, though.
He takes another drag and lets the smoke out through his nose.
“I never thought I’d be this,” he explains ambiguously, not just meaning being a guy who gives enough shit to smoke outside a bar. “Always knew how to survive. I was good at that. I was gonna see forty, most of it behind bars, maybe fifty, if I was lucky enough and didn’t lose a fuckin’ limb at some shitty construction job. And then, one day, I wake up to a tire iron to my spine—”
“If that’s a metaphor, I don’t follow.”
“—and next thing I know, I have a whole ass husband, a fuckin’ condo on the West Side like some yuppie, and I catch myself sayin’ things like, fuck it, let’s have a kid. What’s wrong with me? I can’t fuckin’ do this, can I?”
The truth he’ll never admit to anyone, probably, is that Tami’s right. He is scared. Fucking terrified, really. Because there’s a kid who will have him for a dad, and Mickey feels sorry for it.
The poor bastard isn’t even a proper baby yet. It’s just a sonogram stuck to their fridge. A baby-like matter that Ian’s app insists is the size of cauliflower now. When Mickey finally managed to spot one in Whole Foods, he found himself apologizing to it for some bizarre reason.
He doesn’t want to be like his dad. He wants to do this right, but he doesn’t know if he knows how.
“The most important thing?” Tami breaks the silence then, reading Mickey’s reaction correctly even when he doesn’t say anything. “You don’t bail on this kid. Or Ian, because he’ll need you to be there just as much.”
Mickey bites his cheek and nods. There’s a chance he’d say more, ask Tami for advice even, maybe, if, at that very second, Ian didn’t come out to join them, bursting out of the alleyway door as if summoned.
“There’s the pops-to-be!” he cheers a little too loudly with a smile that splits his whole face. He stumbles forward on clumsy feet and envelops Mickey tightly in his arms. “I was looking for you.”
“Fuckin’ octopus-man,” Mickey laughs, careful not to let the drunk idiot spill his beer. “How much did you have to drink?”
“Just a couple beers,” Ian answers as he nuzzles into Mickey’s neck.
“Such a fuckin’ lightweight.”
Humming his agreement, Ian snags Mickey’s glass and knocks down most of its contents in one go. He belches before saying in a low voice, “I was planning on dragging your ass to the bathroom later and having my way with you, but since we’re already here, alone...”
He already has his free hand palming at Mickey’s dick over his jeans when Tami makes a sound behind him, something between a snort and a cough.
Ian’s eyes take a minute to properly zero in on her.
“Tami! Hey!” he greets her with exaggerated excitement. “You’re here, too. Why are you here, too? Something wrong?”
Tami looks pointedly at Mickey. “Wanna tell him, or should I?”
He seriously considers being honest for a second, but his next words are out before he can stop them.
“Your brother’s girlfriend was tryna jump me.”
Tami almost chokes on the incredulous huff of laughter she lets out. She finishes her beer and shakes her head, staring Mickey down.
“You’re such a fucking asshole, Mickey, I swear to God. Forget I ever said anything,” she barks at him as she goes for the door.
“Hey, Tami,” Mickey stops her last minute. “Thanks, or whatever.”
Tami rolls her eyes. Still, just before she slips back inside, she throws a quick smile over her shoulder.
“Did you just thank her for trying to fuck you?” Ian inquires stupidly when the door closes behind her.
“Sure,” Mickey sounds off without further explanation.
He turns back to his husband and lightly pats his cheek, letting his hand slide all the way down to his junk in hopes of pointing his attention in the right direction again. “So, about those plans you had—“
But all of a sudden, Ian’s white as a sheet, giving him a look of absolute horror.
“What?” Mickey asks, mirroring his look.
“Think I’m gonna puke.”
“’ Course you are,” Mickey has enough time to groan before Ian bends in half and proceeds to throw up on the sidewalk.
Mickey takes a few steps away, trying to give Ian some privacy, but he’s stopped by a hand clutching his wrist and pulling him back.
“I’m so sorry, Mick,” Ian says in between spits as his hand slides down to hold Mickey’s awkwardly.
“Hey, that’s okay,” Mickey tells him gently—just as gently as he strokes his back in big circles. “I’m here.”
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arrowflier · 3 years
A fic prompt if you'd like: Mickey opening up to Ian about details of his childhood and the abuse he suffered. In 11x06 after Terry is brought home Mickey says he could do anything to him now like "piss on him and let him air dry" and "use his mouth as an ash tray". To me it sounds like those are examples of things that Terry has done to him.
Content warning: child abuse
the things he did
“You’re so much better than that.”
Ian’s words echoed in Mickey’s head while the cooked dinner together. They resonated as they sat side by side at the table to eat, shoulders brushing, rings glinting in the harsh lights of the kitchen. They played on loop as they retired to the living room, alone for once with everyone else out for the night who knew where, sitting close on the sofa as mindless sitcoms droned on from the television.
“What if I’m not?” Mickey asked abruptly, when it got to be too much.
Ian turned to look at him, face full of shadows in the blue light from the tv.
“What if you’re not what?” he questioned, confused, and Mickey shifted away from him, bringing a knee onto the sofa between them to face his husband.
“Not better than that,” he answered, and saw Ian realize what he was talking about. It was in the way his eyes softened in that harsh light, the way his lips turned down at the thought that Mickey might question himself.
He always took it personally when Mickey did that.
“You are, Mickey,” Ian reassured instantly, just as expected. “I know you are.”
Mickey shook his head, looking down. His fingers scratched at the label of his beer, tearing it from the condensation-wet bottle.
“You don’t,” he said quietly. “No one fucking does.” He shook his head, looked up again into Ian’s green eyes. “You don’t just come away from a life like that and turn out alright.”
Ian looked like he wanted to argue. His chin was already pushing out, his lips pressed tight and thin.
Mickey didn’t give him a chance.
“If you knew half the things he did to us, man,” Mickey laughed humorlessly, averting his gaze again. “He should be on death row right now, not sitting next door with a roof over his fuckin’ head.”
“Tell me,” Ian prompted softly, but Mickey shook his head.
“You don’t want to hear this shit, Ian.” At least, Mickey didn’t want him to hear it. Didn’t want him to think of Terry when he looked at Mickey’s face.
“I do though,” Ian countered easily. “Wanna know everything about you, Mick.”
He was always saying things like that. Always trying to challenge the barriers Mickey put up.
But Mickey always challenged his, too, so he supposed that it was a fair enough trade.
“Fuckin’ sap,” Mickey said anyway, glancing up at Ian’s face and down again. “Gonna change what you think of me,” he added more quietly, and bit his lip at how pathetic it made him sound.
“Mickey,” Ian said. That was it, just his name. But it made things better, somehow. “Nothing can change how I feel about you,” Ian went on. “Besides, I was there for some it, remember?”
Mickey snorted, and took a swig of beer.
“How could I fuckin’ forget?”
They sat in silence for a long moment, only the sound of the clock ticking behind them and the strains of an annoying jingle on the TV filling the room. Ian didn’t scoot any closer, didn’t ask Mickey again. He just sat in his presence, calming sipping his own drink, and waited Mickey out.
It was a technique that never failed him.
“It wasn’t too bad when our mom was there,” Mickey started out of nowhere. “She was strung out most of the time, but she cared, you know?” He ran a hand through his hair, scratched his neck. “At least in her own way.”
“And when she wasn’t?” Ian prompted gently. Not pushing, just providing a guiding hand.
Mickey shook his head. “When she wasn’t, things really went to hell.”
A beat. The TV had changed over to some new infomercial, an obnoxiously eager voice droning on about the ‘next best thing’, whatever that was. Mickey ignored it. They both did.
“Iggy and Colin were already used to it, I think,” Mickey expanded. “They were around more the first few times she left, when Mandy and I were still in school. They knew what was coming when she was gone for good.”
Ian made a sound, deep in his throat. He set down his glass on the coffee table, overlapping the multitude of condensation rings that already marred the surface, and grabbed up the carton of cigarettes that lay there. He lit it with a spare lighter, took a drag, and passed it over to Mickey’s waiting hand.
“What about you?” he asked casually. Too casually for the way his fingers shook when Mickey took the cigarette from him.
Mickey scoffed. “Me?” he repeated, then took a drag himself. He held it in as long as he could, breathed it out in a plume of smoke that hid the new wetness in his eyes.
“I was a naive little shit whose mamma hadn’t warned him how bad Terry could get,” Mickey said, then took another hit.
“The first time he hit me—really hit me, not just a cuff around the ears for mouthing off—he laid me out flat on the kitchen floor. I had eaten the last side of bacon, see,” he explained. “Mandy made it for me after school. And Terry’d been savin’ it for after whatever run he was out on.”
Ian stayed silent.
“Couldn’t tell him it was Mandy’s fault,” Mickey went on. “He didn’t care that she was a girl.” Mickey flicked the ashes off the end of the cigarette, watched them fall. Watched the tiny burns it made on the knee of his jeans. “Didn’t care until she was useful.”
Ian swallowed hard at the reminder of what Terry had done to his best friend. But this was about Mickey right now, not Mandy, and as much as she was entrenched in that part of his life, it wasn’t what he needed to get out.
So Ian scooted closer, brushed ashes off Mickey’s knee and rested his hand there, waiting.
Mickey stared at the point of contact, then at his cigarette again.
“You know he used to burn me with these?” Mickey asked abruptly, waving the lit stick in his hand. “Think it was an accident, the first time. Caught me suckin’ on a candy one when I was a kid, told me I needed to man up. Tried to stick a lit one in my mouth, but he was drunk. Used the wrong end.”
He tongued the corner of his lips. “Couldn’t eat for two days while it was healin’.” He chuckled, shook his head. “I was suck a fuckin’ wimp back then, man.”
“Not the worst thing he’s put in my mouth, though,” Mickey continued, on a roll now. His voice was faint, full of that absent quality it got when he wasn’t really there. When he was reliving his nightmares in real time.
“Stumbled into my room more than once looking for the toilet,” he confided. “Forgot there was a second door, I think. He usually just went in the corner, but he got me on my bed more than once.”
Mickey paused, looked up at Ian through his lashes.
“You know why I don’t breathe through my mouth anymore?”
Ian shook his head.
“Wakin’ up to the taste of piss will teach you that trick real quick.”
The cigarette was gone, now, and his beer was only dregs. Mickey stared at a space over Ian’s shoulder, breathing heavy, refusing to let his eyes spill over.
He was done crying for the kid that let his dad walk all over him. He was done crying for Terry. He was done with all of it.
And he really, really wished that were true.
“Frank locked me in the basement, once,” Ian stated suddenly, taking the empty beer bottle out of Mickey’s hand and placing it with his own glass on the table. “During one of my mom’s episodes, when she wouldn’t get out of bed.”
Mickey just looked at him. Let Ian take his hand, turn it over to hold it in his.
“He told Fiona I was at a sleepover, and she believed him—forgot I didn’t really have any friends.” Ian grinned, then, but it was empty, almost sharp.
You had friends, Mickey wanted to say. You had family. You had me.
But the first and the last were lies, and the middle wasn’t always a blessing.
“Lip found me two days later,” Ian told him. “He got suspicious when he saw Frank taking food down there; he was an asshole, but he wasn’t gonna starve a kid on purpose, at least.”
Ian laughed, and rubbed his free hand along the leg of his pants.
“He just didn’t want to look at me.”
Mickey gripped his hand tighter.
“Why are you tellin’ me this?” he asked. “It’s not a fuckin’ competition, man.”
“I’m just saying,” Ian pressed on. “We don’t have to be our dads, Mickey.”
Oh. And there it was. Ian, his husband, ever the optimist.
“What if we don’t get that choice?” Mickey questioned. He’d seen it often enough, after all. Milkoviches that tried to get out, tried to do better for themselves and their kids.
But they always ended up back where they started. They always ended up under Terry’s roof, and under his thumb, just waiting for another chance to break free.
Ian shrugged, and pulled him closer, tucking Mickey’s head into the space between his own neck and shoulder. Mickey made a grumbling sound, but went without protest, tilting his head so that his nose rested near Ian’s collarbone.
“Then I guess we have to kill each other,” Ian stated blandly.
Mickey gave a stunned, barked laugh, breath hitching and releasing in a wash of hot air over Ian’s neck.
“Ian, what the fuck?” he managed, but Ian only gripped him tighter, pressing his face into skin so that he couldn’t speak.
“It’s for the greater good, Mick,” Ian assured him. “Mutually assured destruction, and all that, right?”
He ran a hand down Mickey’s back, scratching lightly.
“I lock you in a basement, you take me out,” he declared. “You piss on me—well, without my permission at least—”
“Ew, Ian, Jesus Christ—”
“I get to murder you in your sleep.” Ian pulled back just enough to look at him, Mickey meeting his eyes without a struggle this time. For all the macabre discussions, Ian’s eyes were bright.
“Deal?” Ian asked, and Mickey finally smiled.
“Yeah, alright, tough guy,” he agreed. “It’s a fuckin’ deal.”
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a ✨drunk and clingy ian✨ one-shot
okay so we all know that saint patrick’s day is a very arbitrary and somewhat meaningless holiday (at least in the u.s. lol)- but we also know that the gallaghers are incredibly fucking irish, so i am using this as an excuse to write some drunk and clingy gallavich fluff (bc i think we all need it!! or at least i do!!!!)
hope y’all enjoy<3
Mickey and Ian came in the door from their final weed security run of a way-too-chilly and grey March afternoon, kicking the slush off of their lace-up boots in a tired but comfortable silence. Mickey had been fantasizing for a good part of the afternoon about his usual afternoon ritual of collapsing onto the couch with a cold beer in his hand, and taking a long lazy nap while shitty game shows played on the TV in the background— but unfortunately, Debbie had other plans. Or so he realized when he turned the corner and his eyes were met with a forest of green and white streamers blanketing the living room, with Debbie determinedly balancing on a kitchen chair to hang them in the doorway.
Mickey did a double-take, shooting a glance at Ian and then back at the festive room again. What the fuck? He quickly racked his brain— there was no way he’d could’ve forgotten Franny’s birthday, that was in the summer—and he was pretty sure that Liam’s birthday was in the winter sometime; so whose the fuck was it? Too many goddamn Gallaghers to keep track of. Finally, Mickey admitted his own defeat.
“Is it someone’s fuckin’ birthday or something?”
Mickey flashed another gaze to Ian in confusion as he said it, hoping that Ian would silently mouth whatever the occasion was to him, or at the very least raise his eyebrows and goad Mickey enough to jog his memory to remember whatever the fuck today was— but Ian just gave an easygoing grin as he took in the room’s decor and let out a laugh.
“Debbie, isn’t this kind of going overboard?”
Debbie looked over her shoulder from where she was now taping a crudely scribbled picture of a shamrock, most likely drawn by Franny, up onto the wall.
“What? If it’s our last Saint Patrick’s Day in the house, the least we can do is go out with a bang,” she answered nonchalantly, and continued fixating on hanging up Franny’s drawing.
Mickey inadvertently let out a scoff and rolled his eyes. Fucking Gallaghers.
“I’m sorry, fucking Saint Patrick’s Day?”
Ian’s lips formed a playful smile and he elbowed Mickey between the ribs. “Yeah, Mick, Saint Patrick’s Day— also known as the unironically most important day of the Gallagher family calendar year. I can’t believe I forgot it was today, with all the work stuff we had going on.”
At first Mickey couldn’t tell if Ian was actually being serious— but in the same second he decided that it didn’t really matter, since Ian’s eyes were bright and shining and there was this weird giddy grin he was sporting from ear to ear, like he was absolutely fucking delighted that it was Saint Patrick’s Day, instead of just a normal goddamn Wednesday. Fucking softie.
And as endearing as that was, Mickey still couldn’t let him off that easily. “There’s no way I’m celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. It’s a fake holiday for yuppie rich kids to go bar hopping—I’m not getting involved in any of your Gallagher bullshit.”
Ian’s grin just grew, like he knew exactly what Mickey was doing. “Hey, you married into this family. If anything, this is your own fault.”
Mickey just rolled his eyes, then continued to unlace his boots and throw them by the doorway.
“The fuck do you do anyways, aside from getting trashed?”
Ian put a hand on Mickey’s upper back to steady himself as he pulled his own shoes off. “I think getting trashed pretty much sums up the festivities. Today’s practically a holy day of observance for Frank, and I’m assuming Debbie’s also just gonna use today as an excuse to get drunk on a Wednesday.”
“Hell yeah I am!” Debbie called from where she was putting the chair back in the kitchen.
Mickey raised his eyebrows. “I knew Gallaghers were white trash, but I had no idea you were this bad.”
“Oh, come on. You don’t have any Ukranian white trash holidays or whatever?”
Mickey held back a bitter laugh. Yeah, they had “holidays,” in the form of days when Terry was celebratorily drunk enough to leave them the fuck alone for 24 hours, rare occasions when his looming shadow was out of the house and a festive lightness bled in in its place. They sort of celebrated Christmas, which was mostly just associated with too many painful memories of Terry ripping open the presents before he or his brothers had the chance, and too many painful stings associated with him having one too many drinks as they sat quietly inside the sagging house and pretended to be a big happy family for one night a year.
But never anything as gaudy and deliberate and ridiculous as observing a C-list, Irish-American holiday just for the hell of it, just for fun—which yes, was probably fueled by Frank’s alcoholism more than anything else, but also made something swell in Mickey’s insides that he didn’t quite know how to place.
And Mickey didn’t know how to let out that entire internal monologue to Ian while Debbie was standing within earshot. “Nah, man. Milkoviches don’t really do… holidays.”
Ian snaked a hand around Mickey’s back, giving his shoulder a squeeze, a grounding touch. He gets it.
“Well, get ready to have your mind blown, Mr. Gallavich, because we’re about to celebrate this hallowed occasion Gallagher style.”
Mickey rolled his eyes again, but let himself lean into Ian’s touch, lean his weight ever-so-slightly against Ian’s chest that was pressed behind him by the doorway. And, okay— as stupid as this was, maybe there was something sort of warm and solid about tradition, about hand-scribbled shamrocks and streamers on the wall, about having days to celebrate just because you wanted to, just because you could…
Just then Franny came hurdling into the room, wearing a baggy green t-shirt and a face-painted shamrock adorning her cheek.
Ian’s face lit up when she stopped in front of them. “Hey Franny! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!”
Franny held out two bottles of beer to Ian and Mickey from where she had been hiding them behind her back.
“Mommy said I should give these to you when you came home!”
Mickey smirked, carefully taking the bottles from Franny’s outstretched hands. “Thanks, kiddo.”
And if all celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day took was knocking down a few beers on a weekday afternoon—well, Mickey wasn’t going to complain about that.
Of course, hours later Mickey realized how severely he’d underestimated Debbie’s enthusiasm— after lounging around the house waiting for the stream of Gallaghers to trickle in from their various daily activities, Debbie had rounded everyone up and they migrated to the Alibi as the sun was setting, where they’d met up with Kev and V and Lip and Tami, who (thank fucking god) looked as vaguely confused and fully apathetic about this whole “Saint Patrick’s Day” situation as Mickey did.
Now it was late, and Mickey was leaning against the bartop of the Alibi sipping a thick, foamy glass of Guinness, which was as close to embracing whatever-the-fuck Irish heritage his husband had as he was possibly going to get.
All of the Gallaghers were here, swirling around the room—Debbie had put on some sort of peppy music as Kev poured everyone drinks, and a couple of other Southside neighbors had heard the bass thrumming and joined the ruckus. The room wasn’t too crowded, but it was pleasantly full of bodies and chatter— Kev had bought bunches of shiny, tacky green mardi gras beads for everyone to wear, and the air in the room was festive and bordering on sloppy in a way that felt very different from how Mickey had envisioned this evening would go.
Mickey was pacing himself, because it was a Wednesday for fuck’s sake— but his husband was an entirely different story. Between the beers at home and the various drinks Debbie had been siphoning into his hands all night, Ian was teetering on the drunkest Mickey had seen him in years—which partially made the tiniest spark of trepidation start to creep into Mickey’s bloodstream, a spark that he immediately extinguished. It was one night, the first in a long time— Ian deserved to have some fun.
And he definitely, definitely was having fun— casually dancing with Debbie and Sandy and whoever else would humor him, grinning with red-hot cheeks and bright eyes— from across the room Mickey could tell how warm his skin would be if he pressed a hand against it, how flushed. Mickey wasn’t really in the mood for dancing, or whatever the fuck stumbling around and chatting and making friends Drunk Ian was up to for the evening, and he was perfectly content to nurse his drink at the bar— which is why it surprised him when Ian pulled himself out of the crowd, slightly stumbling over his own feet, and made the way across the room to where Mickey was leaning at the bar, immediately boxing him in and putting his hands square on Mickey’s waist. Mickey almost imperceptibly let in a sharp breath.
Ian looked down at him, all smiles and shiny eyes— when he spoke the scent of sweet, hot liquor danced on Mickey’s face and all he wanted was to be closer, to breathe it in.
“Are you having fun?” Ian’s right hand traced up Mickey’s side, then back down to its hold on his hipbone.
Mickey raised his eyebrows. “You and your leprechaun family don’t mess around, Gallagher.”
Ian smiled a lazy, tipsy smile, and pecked Mickey’s cheek before Mickey could be embarrassed about it.
“D’you wanna dance with me?”
Ian’s hands slid off of his hips and entangled with Mickey’s hands that had been hanging limply at his sides, walking backwards so their fingers were laced together an arm’s distance apart.
Mickey shrugged noncommittally. “I’ll leave showing the Irish pride to you and the rest of the drunken Gallaghers.”
Ian registered Mickey’s words and opened his mouth to reply, just as Debbie pulled Ian over by the arm.
“Stop sulking with Mickey and do more shots with me!”
Jesus Christ. Ian was going to be wrecked when their alarm went off for work in the morning, and Mickey was starting to debate if he was going to need to have a talking-to with Debbie about the appropriate amount of “Saint Patrick’s Day fun” they were allowed to partake in next year— but for now Ian was happy, and he could stomach one night of hardcore festivities.
Mickey stood at the bar for a while, watching Ian and Debbie get progressively more flushed as they bobbed through the crowd— and then, when Debbie had found some other victim in their mid-twenties to get even more shitfaced with, Ian made his way across the room to Mickey again, plopping onto the barstool beside him and heaving his bodyweight onto Mickey’s left side, burying his face in the crook of Mickey’s neck. Mickey wrapped a tentative arm around Ian’s waist, trying to hold him up from slouching off of the barstool.
“M’tired.” Mickey could feel Ian’s hot breath dancing on his collarbone as he slurred out the words, and felt Ian’s eyelids flutter shut against the side of his neck.
Ian was always giving Mickey measured casual touches, wherever they were—but it was so exceedingly rare that Ian fully let himself go like this, let himself be drunk and happy and just crumple into Mickey, without worrying about holding anyone else up. It felt new, but it felt good— Mickey let the solid weight of his husband’s body leaning against his press him down, rooting him into the Alibi’s sticky floors, feeling the clammy skin of Ian’s forehead that was solidly lodged into the side of Mickey’s neck.
He hated to admit it, but in that moment, something in Mickey was also frozen solid— as much as Mickey had grown in the past few years, something about these situations, about PDA or whatever, still made Mickey feel like he was treading water—like he was fighting to stay afloat while everyone’s eyes were on him, and the strong current was only lifted when he and Ian were in the dark safety of their bedroom. If Mickey was drunk at a bar and sloppily leaning onto Ian, there was no doubt in Mickey’s mind that Ian would hold him, would gingerly touch him and caress him and do more to him than just prop him up— but something in Mickey still hesitated and flashed with warning signs in a crowded room full of people.
But Ian was still breathing hot on Mickey’s neck— so Mickey thought about what Ian would do, if it was Mickey who was tipsy and slumped on his shoulder. He tentatively raised his arm from where it was lying limply by his side, and started to run soothing circles onto Ian’s t-shirt, just above his hipbone where Mickey’s hand was holding Ian up by his waist.
Ian hummed in acknowledgement of the touch— and then he pressed a tender kiss to the crook of Mickey’s neck, where his face was buried. Fuck. Mickey just pulled him in closer, gently tugging Ian’s torso in by his belt loop to hold him steady.
Ian hummed again, then started to press kisses up and down Mickey’s neck. “You smell good.”
Mickey’s heart started to beat a little quicker, his blood running hotter than usual—and Ian couldn’t fucking do this now, while the rest of his family was milling around and dancing and wearing fucking mardi gras beads while flaunting their Gallagher pride.
Ian lifted his forehead off of Mickey’s shoulder, and gently bit at the underside of Mickey’s jaw—and Mickey thought he was going to combust right there, on the spot, in a room full of Gallaghers pressed against the bartop at the Alibi by his very drunk husband.
And in an act of excruciatingly inconvenient timing, Lip sidled up to the bar and sat on the barstool on Mickey’s other side, nursing what Mickey assumed (and hoped) was a diet Coke in a beer glass.
“Hey there, Mick. And, uh, Ian.”
Ian looked up from where he was very engrossed in continuing to nuzzle the opposite side of Mickey’s neck, and glared at Lip from across Mickey’s chest.
“Go away, Lip.” Ian collapsed his head back onto Mickey’s shoulder and closed his eyes again, wrapping his arms around Mickey’s neck like a fucking boa constrictor. Mickey snaked an arm up around Ian’s back, holding him steady on the wobbly barstool.
Lip held back a laugh as he sipped his drink, then took a drag of the cigarette he was holding. “Seems like Ian’s done enough drinking to make our ancestors proud.”
Mickey took a sip of his own beer with his free hand. “Debbie made sure of that.”
Lip raised his eyebrows. “Damn. Guess we’d better keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn’t also have the Frank gene.”
Mickey grunted in acknowledgement, then took another sip of his beer, mostly because he didn’t know what else to say. Ian’s head shifted slightly on his shoulder— and Mickey realized he probably needed to haul Ian home ASAP, before he was even more sleepy and incoherent and unable to lug down the street.
Lip noticed Ian’s movement on Mickey’s shoulder and smirked. “I’ve gotta say, I’ve never seen Ian being this clingy before. Even with other guys—no offense, Mick— he usually stayed pretty contained. And you guys aren’t usually too into the PDA department.”
Mickey shrugged, trying not to jostle the heavy weight of where Ian’s head was hanging. Lip was right—he and Ian never really were all over each other, especially not like this, outside of the context of their room, when they were very much always all over each other.
Lip kept studying them, and the corner of his mouth eventually ticked upward. “It’s good. He’s definitely not this… comfortable with anyone else. Including me, which is definitely saying something.”
It felt weird, to get something like what felt like Lip’s full blessing at a raunchy Gallagher party months after he and Ian had gotten married—but that was also exactly what it felt like was happening.
Lip’s eyes suddenly darted across the room, to where Tami was holding up his coat and gesturing to the door. Lip rose from the barstool, stubbed out his cigarette, and put out a hand to clap Mickey on the shoulder as a goodbye.
“Catch up with you later, Mick.” Lip reached out and jokingly tousled Ian’s hair. “Make sure this one doesn’t hate himself too much tomorrow morning.”
Mickey smirked. Ian was practically asleep and drooling on his shoulder, his breathing turned steady—Mickey reached a hand up to card through his hair, then gently shrugged his shoulder to get Ian’s head to rise from where it was jammed on his neck.
Ian raised his head, his eyes bleary and confused at first, then softening around the edges when he met Mickey’s gaze.
“Alright, let’s get you home, carrottop.”
184 notes · View notes
mickey-millagher · 3 years
At long last she’d found aunt Ginger’s body, just the latest of Frank’s many mistakes that she’d had to take care of over the years. Least with the body located she could finally have a moment of peace before the next disaster hit, Fiona thought as she made her way up to steps to the kitchen.
She opened the door.
Mickey Milkovich was bleeding out of his ass onto her countertop.
So much for a moment of peace.
“Ian what the fuck?” She yelled over the yelps coming from the teenage thug being operated on by... Jimmy’s dad.
“I can explain this.” Came Ian’s earnest reply.
Yeah he better have a fucking good explanation to boot, Fiona thought before noticing the woman standing in her living room.
After that in the chaos of having the kids yet again taken away from her, their home and each other. Finding out why Mickey Milkovich was bleeding out in her kitchen didn’t seem very important.
The house was quiet at last, Debbie, Carl and Liam finally being convinced to get some sleep after hours of celebrating their win at count. Jimmy had turned in hours before hand but Fiona couldn’t make herself stick to the kids bedtimes tonight. She knew it probably wasn’t the best start to her guardianship but she’d missed her kids so much and it wasn’t a school night, one late night wouldn’t hurt.
She smiled over at Ian as he crashed back down onto the sofa, handing her one of the beers he’d gone to get from the kitchen, leaving the second on the coffee table for Lip once he returned from the toilet, and opening the third himself.
“Good to be home?”
“Yeah, definitely beats the group home.”
That wasn’t a surprise, she’d spent time in group homes herself, back when she was still considered a kid. They’d been horrible enough but had nothing on what she’d heard about Gunderson House.
“So you still owe me an explanation.”
Ian blinked at her, clearly confused.
“Why the hell was Mickey Milkovich of all people basically being operated on in my kitchen?”
In the weeks since her kids had been taken, there had been a lot more pressing issues on Fiona’s mind than the shot up Milkovich kid. But now that things were settled she wanted answers. Answers it seemed her little brother was reluctant to give if the look on his face was anything to go by.
Ian looked away from her, shrugging.
“It’s kinda a long story.”
“You said you could explain.” Fiona said, reaching over to nudge him slightly. “Well I want that explanation.”
Ian looked up at her then, thats when she realised he’d looked away to hide the tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.
“I’m kinda tired, can we talk about this another time?” It was a question but his voice cracked slightly at the end and he was moving to get up before he’d even finished the sentence.
Fiona wasn’t an idiot, she knew her brothers hid things from her. Honestly there was a whole lot of things she was glad they didn’t talk to her about. Teenage boy stuff she really didn’t need to know. Ian especially, for a kid who’d always worn his heart on his sleeve, had always been good at keeping his cards close to his chest. Fiona had hoped that after he’d felt comfortable to come out to her, that he’d start to let her in, just a little bit more, talk to her about the important things he’d kept hidden away. That hadn’t happened, if anything he was pulling further away. She worried that soon he’d be lost to her completely.
“Hey.” She reached out grabbing his arm. “What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing, just tired, it’s been a long day.” He attempted to smile but it seemed off, fake instead of his usual big dopey grin. Thinking about it, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen it.
“Ian I changed your shitty diapers, you honestly think I can’t tell when you’re lying?”
Ian let out a breath and dropped back down onto the sofa. She could see Lip, standing in the shadows of the kitchen, concerned, ready to jump in to help their brother, same as always. If even Lip didn’t know what was going on with Ian, it had to be bad. She shook her head slightly at Lip, telling him to stay put, the more people the less likely it was that Ian would open up, and she was really starting to get a bad feeling.
“Come on Sweetface, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, I’m handling it okay?”
“Can’t be nothing if there’s something to handle. You know you can talk to me.”
Ian looked at her for a second. “Yeah I know.” He paused for a second, maybe debating finally opening up to his sister. “I’m gonna turn in, night.”
“Ian wait a second.”
Ian didn’t reply, his back already disappearing up the stairs.
Fiona turned towards Lip who’d slowly made his way into the room while Ian had ran upstairs.
“You know what’s going on with him?”
“No, he seemed fine, well about a week ago he came back with bruises and seemed a little shaken up, wouldn’t talk about it but he seemed okay the next day so.”
Fiona frowned, turning to look once again to the stairs, up which where her little brother had just gone. Something was definitely going on with him, it was only a question of if he’d ever let her know what.
It was the sixth day in a row that she’s visited Ian at the Milkovich house. Six days since she got an early release, only to get home to find her brother practically comatose in Mickey’s bed. She still didn’t quite understand what was going on between the two teenagers, just that when Ian came home, Mickey came with him. And now that Ian was sick, the Milkovich was saying Ian was his family and refusing to let him leave. Not that there was much of a chance of moving Ian, getting him to the bathroom was hard enough, let along the few blocks to the Gallagher house. Still she didn’t trust Mickey to be able to take care of him, family or not. So everyday she came over, brought him food, spent hours sitting with him, trying to get him to talk. All the things she’d long since given up doing for Monica. All the things she couldn’t imagine giving up on for Ian.
She eased the door open, no one without a death wish would dare steal from the Milkoviches so the front door was almost always unlocked. She could see a few Milkovich siblings or cousins, she was never sure which, while on her way to Mickey’s bedroom but didn’t pay them much mind, they weren’t who she was here for.
The door to Mickey’s room was slightly ajar, letting Fiona see into the room without making her presence known.
“Come on man you gotta eat something.” Mickey was crouched down on the far side of the bed, a bowl and spoon clutched in his hands.
“Not hungry.”
It was crazy how those two words made Fiona’s heart soar. They weren’t positive but Ian had made such few acknowledgments of them over the past week that it still felt like improvement.
“Couple of spoonfuls and I’ll leave you alone.”
“Ayy Mickey get out here, need your opinion on something.” Came a yell from the living room.
Mickey looked up from the redhead, locking eyes with his boyfriend’s sister from across the room, but seemingly unsurprised to find her there.
“Can I try?” She asked tentatively, not wanting to cause Mickey to have another outburst, not with Ian so vulnerable in the room
Mickey shrugged. “Sure.” He replied, leaving the bowl and spoon on the side table before leaving to settle whatever his family had going on.
“Hey Ian, how’re you feeling today?” She asked taking Mickeys spot on the floor.
Ian just blinked back at her before slowly closing his eyes completely
“Things seem kinda crazy around here, guess crazy just goes with the Milkoviches. Follows them around or something. You know crazy, like that time Mickey was bleeding out in the kitchen. Seems almost like it could be a normal occurrence here, that why I never got an explanation?” Fiona forced a little laugh at the end, she was trying to keep all her interactions with Ian upbeat in the hope in might help him. It hadn’t so far.
“M tired Fi.”
“That’s what you said last time I ask you know.”
Ian made no move to acknowledge she’d spoken that time, a reaction she was slowly getting used to.
“Okay you don’t wanna talk. Can you eat something for me?”
She didn’t get a response that time either.
It was hard to believe this was going to be the last time she sat around this table, in this kitchen, having dinner with her family like she had so many times before. She may have moved out two years ago but the time she’d spent here, growing up and raising her siblings alongside her, was never something she would fully leave behind. Even if now they were selling the house, all of them moving on with their lives like she’d chosen herself when she’d left.
“The amount of shit this kitchen has seen, hope the new owners have bleach.” Lip said with a laugh.
“I feel like I’ve got to ask, but do you mean actual shit?”
“What no, well probably not.”
“Cousin Patrick did leave that toilet in the middle of the living room.” Debbie pointed out.
“Okay maybe actual shit.”
Mickey wrinkled his nose. “You said my house was bad.”
“Like you haven’t left you’re mark on the kitchen, I came home to you bleeding out on the countertops once.”
“Oh fuck yeah, still got the scars from that shit. If I’d been allowed to take my guns.” He paused to glare at his husband. “Then none of that would have happened.”
“How was I suppose to know the drunk old lady had a shotgun?”
“It was your fucking heist, you’re meant to find this shit out!”
“Wait so that’s what happened, you were breaking in somewhere and he got shot?”
Ian shrugged. “Ned asked me to steal some stuff from his wife’s house. Didn’t think anyone would get hurt.”
“Well you thought wrong.” Mickey huffed.
“Aww poor baby.” Ian cooed, putting a hand around Mickey to pull him over and kiss the side of his head. Mickey seemed to be trying to keep glaring throughout but a slight smile broke through. The stability the two of them seemed to have these days was a welcome surprise for Fiona when she’d arrived the day before, she hadn’t been fully sure what to expect from the renewed relationship between the two of them but it looked like this time for the most part the two of them had their act together.
“Wait who’s Ned?” Liam asked.
Ian opened his mouth to speak but Lip beat him to it.
“Ned was this old dude that Ian was banging back in the day to make Mickey jealous. He was also the dad of Fiona’s boyfriend at the time.”
“Thanks for that Lip.”
“I wasn’t fucking jealous.”
“I regret asking.”
The three replies came at the same time, sparking more voices to keep talking over each other and several conversations spiralling at once.
Fiona leaned back, not quite wanting to participate right now, just wanting to bask in the warmth of the chaos of her family home one last time. And processing that finally she got that long ago promised explanation, maybe not quite worth the wait, it was still nice to finally know.
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megthemewlingquim · 4 years
This Is Your Wilderness
Summary: You learn new things about the world you have entered, both the easy way and the harder way.
Pairing: Adam x Reader
Warnings: foul language (it’s a given for Adam), violence, angst
A/N: This is for @just-the-hiddles 's 3500 Follower Writing Challenge! The prompt was Bliss: A shot of pure, self-indulgent euphoria! A scent that is very, very wicked in its own way: the serotonin-slathered scent of pure milk chocolate. This turned out to be much more angsty than I expected, and you can thank @empower-bi-women​ for that little nudge. This is also an AU where Ian never died.
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“Adam, don’t be so paranoid. No one has come around for ages.”
The tall, dark figure at the window sighs. His fingers had only moved the curtain for a second, and he had peeked out and looked down, but now he shifts, lets the curtain fall again. His eyes glint in the dim lighting, and they seem black. “Yeah, but I’m still worried,” he mumbles.
“I could try and get them to stay away,” you say lightly, a suggestion you know will fail tremendously. “Say it’s all fake, what with you and your reclusiveness.” You fiddle with a chess piece, a white rook, in your right hand, glancing back up at Adam. “It’s no trouble.”
“You’re the only zombie I trust now, you know that.” Adam moves back over to where you sit cross-legged on the floor. “You’re all I have. I’ll be damned if I let you go out there alone.”
He sits back down across from you, eyeing his own black chess pieces. Currently, he is down two pawns. “Besides, if the Others find out about you, they’ll… fuck, they’ll kill you. They’d kill you and leave me alone. Because they’d want me to suffer.”
Your eyes widen and your breath hitches. Adam never speaks about the “Others” — at least, never more than a mention of the name.
“Why?” you ask. “Why would they want that?”
“Because I don’t care about their fucking wars. The zombies cause enough trouble as it is. When the vampires and werewolves started their clans, I was not there to join them. I was... I was actually trying to settle down with someone.”
“That’s why you’re in hiding? Because you love?”
“I love, yes. I love and I care and I don’t just survive. This isn’t the goddamn 14th century anymore. I don’t just drink someone and throw their body in a ditch. I get my blood from hospitals. That is if it isn’t fucking... contaminated.” Adam winces. “That’s how Marlowe died.”
“Wait, who’s Marlowe?” you ask. “Was he a friend of yours? Another vampire like yourself?”
He smiles, an amused hum leaving him. “Yeah, he was a friend. Eve knew him longer than I did but we were friends. He was a visionary, an absolute genius. He wrote most of Shakespeare’s plays, y’know.”
You have to take a second to process this, and another to make the timeline match up. “You don’t mean the Christopher Marlowe?”
“He was one of Shakespeare’s biggest influences... and one of Shakespeare's real writers.” Adam smiles. “He really died a couple of years ago. Blood poisoning from a French hospital.”
“Is that why you only use me for your blood?” you ask softly. He nods. You look down, realizing the severity of it all. “So no drugs, huh?” you ask jokingly.
He laughs, a small amused chuckle. “Yeah, no. Drugs... if you’re still helping me out, are off limits. The occasional coffee is okay.”
“‘S okay with me.” You shrug. “As long as you stay safe.”
“And I can say the same to you,” Adam says, coming back over to sit beside you. He brings you close, resting his chin on your head and cuddling you from behind. “All I’d ever want is for you to be safe. Which is why I can’t have you talking to the Others... or anyone who might know them. Do you understand?”
“Yeah,” you say. “I do.”
After a long pause, you perk up.
“We should go to the store.” You glance at the electric clock, which reads 1:43 AM. “I’m sure some convenience stores are open. Do you need anything?”
“You ask me that every time we go,” Adam mumbles amiably. “I don’t need anything, no, but I’ll go with you if you want.”
And so you go.
All you get at the end of the trip is a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and some milk chocolate bars (an essential in your opinion). 
“I’ll go for my actual shopping tomorrow,” you say, getting the gallon out of the freezer. 
The air is cold all through the tiny store, and the surprisingly satisfying scent of beer cooler is all around you. Adam wears his sunglasses and gloves, and looks around the shelves. He has nothing in his hands.
He glances at you. “Okay,” he says hesitantly, standing quite rigidly.
When you step up to the counter, the cashier looks suspiciously at Adam, who stands behind you, looking at a beer bottle: it has a tiny little Dracula on it. He is reading the flavor: blood orange.
It seems like the cashier had not heard the two of you talking, but had only seen you look at each other.
“Is this man here, uh, bothering you, miss?” he whispers.
You do not see it, but Adam’s head lifts, just a little.
“N-no,” you say, trying to make your voice as firm as possible. “No, I’m with him, actually.”
The cashier nods. “Uh huh,” he had said, not sounding convinced at all.
Adam comes up to accompany you at the register. Even through his glasses, you can see that his gaze is piercing. “She’s with me. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’d like to leave.”
Maybe it’s something about Adam’s gaze or his dark tone: the cashier looks slightly worried, but he does what he was told. In a few seconds, you are out, Adam following closely behind you.
“Don’t want anyone coming close to my girl,” he mutters, his breath steaming in the crisp air. “Even if he means well. We’re out in the open now. And I can’t take any chances.”
Without saying anything in response, you both make it into Adam’s car, your little plastic bag sitting peacefully near your legs. Adam turns the key and the car rumbles to a start, and he is just about to shift into drive when he looks up.
He freezes, nostrils flaring in anger. His grip on the shift tightens, and your eyes go from his gloved hand to the dashboard, to see what he sees.
As if on cue...
There are three middle aged men in front of the car, almost completely shrouded by the darkness. The sides of their faces are lit up from the left by the white light of the store’s inside.
Their eyes seem black, and their faces are deathly pale.
“Stay in the car,” Adam hisses, his voice dark and angry.
“Adam—” you try to protest.
“Stay. In. The fucking. Car.” Adam’s teeth are gritted, and his voice gets even angrier, if that’s possible, but he never takes his eyes off of the three men in front of you.
“Wh-what are they going to do? Wh-wh-who are they?” you ask, stammering.
“Lock the doors,” is all he says.
He takes the key out of the ignition. The car stops its rumbling. He opens his driver door and steps out, placing the key in his back jean pocket. He shuts the door behind him.
“Adam!” you whisper, knowing he can still hear you. “Adam, get back here! We can just drive away.”
You see him mouth something: No.
You lock the doors.
Your ears are unable to pick up what they all say: but I will fill in the details.
One of the men steps forward, his white teeth showing in a sickly sweet smile. “Adam,” he says, welcoming in tone. “It’s been a while. When was it we last saw each other, hmm? 1805?”
“Walter… Henry… Jesse,” Adam says quietly, nodding at each of the men. “It has been a while, yes.”
The first man — Walter — glances toward you, and winks. “We've come to talk to you about enlisting. But... this is much more interesting. What’cha got there, huh? A little mouse?”
The name is not positive, nor is it cute. With Adam, it would be. But, right now…
You’re already petrified. From a wink, and a bittersweet smile. 
Your heart pounds.
You know, then, that they can hear it. All of them. They can hear your heart racing, the blood rushing through it. They can probably see you shaking, hear the breath leaving your mouth in trembling whispers.
Adam. Adam, run.
“She’s no one,” Adam says darkly. “She...found out about me. I have to kill her. She can’t know about me. About us.”
“How did she find out?” asks another man. Quite tall, nice looking, with light brown hair and stubble at the jaw and cheeks. A gold chain is around his neck, and he wears a brown jacket and white t-shirt. He is also pale, extremely pale, just like his friends, and his eyes seem black.
“There was a friend of mine who broke the confidentiality agreement. That friend is dead now. I killed him, too. But she also has to go.”
“Did she tell anyone?”
“No, Jesse, she didn’t.”
“Good,” the third man — Henry — says. He looks nice, too. Black hair, olive skin. He looks a little older than Jesse or Walter, though. “We can’t let that happen, now, can we?”
“Hey…” Walter says, getting an idea. His smile is not a good one. “Why don’t we help you out? She’s gonna die anyway, isn’t she?”
Adam, by all means, should say yes. It would give him some more time to banter, to discuss horrible ways of torture and death. It would help to keep your cover. He should shrug, say yes, and let you out of the car. Then, he should rip the other three vampires to shreds.
But he doesn’t.
Adam growls — and though you are not able to hear it, you can see his expression. It is hunger, it is defiance, and it is anger. “You are not to touch her. She’s mine: mine to kill, mine to torture — ”
“Yours to marry, yours to love?” Walter asks, mockingly. “Yours to fuck?”
Adam freezes.
“Nobody we know — you least of all — would ever get that protective of a fuckin’ zombie. What are you not telling us, Adam?”
“Get the fuck away from us,” Adam snarls, suddenly furious. “I don’t want any part in your little wars — and neither does she.”
“So you’re admitting it,” Jesse says, almost excitedly. “You love her, don’t you? That's what this is about?”
“That, and the fact that that he hasn't joined a clan in his entire existence,” Walter murmurs over to Jesse. “We discussed that already.”
“I told you once, I’ve told you a million times: I don’t want to be involved with you,” Adam groans.
“You know it’s frowned upon. Both things,” Jesse says.
“A vampire hasn’t mated with a zombie in centuries. And you remember how that went, don’t you?” Walter takes a singular step forward.
Adam’s eyes narrow. “Don’t,” he growls, his voice practically dropping a whole octave with anger.
“It’s only for the good of our survival, Adam. You mustn’t blame us,” Henry says, a mad glint in his eye.
The next five seconds happen with lightning speed. You only recognize the sound and feel of broken glass when it hits you, and a bloodied hand unlocks the door. You blink, it seems, and you’re suddenly pulled roughly out of the car and onto the cold pavement below. Then, you’re hoisted up into someone’s grasp, and into standing position. They still hold you tightly and roughly, and their grip is harsh. A cold hand is slapped onto your mouth.
You scream through it, though, your voice muffled and frantic.
In an instant, Adam’s alert, animalistic, beastly. He growls again, and spits out, “You will not harm her!”
“Adam, what are they doing?” you pant frantically through the hand covering your mouth, knowing that he can hear it loud and clear.
“We’re gonna fuckin’ skin you alive,” the one holding you whispers, gripping you even tighter when you flail and whimper in fear.
“No, you won’t,” Adam murmurs. “Let her go.”
“How do you think this’ll go, Adam?” Henry asks. “You think you’re gonna come out on top? You think you’re gonna stay away from our destiny? You need to help us, Adam. You need to be a good soldier and join us in the wars.”
“I’ll die first!” spits Adam.
“No. You won’t. But she will... whether you say yes or no. Because you’ve gone against our code anyway. Being with... and mating with... a mortal. Now, Adam, you’re better than this.” Henry’s tone becomes condescending. 
Adam’s eyes glint with offense and anger. “If you say one more word, I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Not if we kill her first.”
You hear something, then. The breathy sigh of someone holding you... it sounds like a grin. A hungry grin.
You’ve heard that noise before. It happens whenever Adam drinks blood... yours included.
Your stomach drops to your feet.
A childish, delusional part of you wants to say something. Hey, ya want some chocolate? We got some in the car, it smells really good! Really sweet! Sweeter than blood!
You go mad, flailing and screaming, trying desperately to escape, but the one holding you keeps you in his grasp.
“It’s dinnertime,” Henry says, and his voice is a growl.
The next ten seconds happen in a blur. You hear several whooshing noises, feel light brushes of wind all around you, and see blurs of black, white, and gray all around you. You also hear growling — feral, ferocious, angry growls.
You land on the pavement, scraping your knees. Not enough to draw blood, but they sting all the same. In a frantic rush, you scramble as far away from the fight as possible. And that is what it is — a fight. A fight between four —
Three vampires. One of them has dropped to the ground in a heap. You fight the urge to vomit when you notice his head is at an extremely abnormal angle. It is not Adam, however.
Adam was the one, you realize, that has broken the vampire you don’t know to be Jesse’s neck. Adam is lunging, swiping, roaring at the other vampires, who are doing the same. They dodge each other’s grasping hands and punches. You can see flashes of white in the middle of this: fangs.
“Go!” Adam screams, and the breath leaves your lungs. You’ve never heard Adam shout. His voice has never risen above an indoor voice or a menacing mutter.
“Not without you!” you cry desperately. “Adam, they’ll kill you!”
This time, you know there’s no argument to be had. You run as fast as you can away from the scene, tears stinging your eyes and your legs burning with the effort.
Eventually, you have to stop your running and settle for walking on the cracked sidewalks. Something howls as the night grows deeper and darker. Fortunately, you know the way home, and you also know that whatever is out there, howling at the moon, will not hurt you. Adam made sure of that one.
You’re a lone figure, shrouded in darkness, walking back to safety with cold arms and stinging knees. Occasionally, you glance behind your shoulder, but you don’t see anything.
After a long while, you start to hear the rumble of a car’s engine driving up behind you. You look behind you and see that this car is driving quite close to the sidewalk. Moving further to your right, you avoid it — that is, until it slows to your walking pace and stays beside you. Keeping your head down, you try to walk a little faster. The car, you notice, looks a bit like Adam’s, but it is not. Your heart pounds, and you almost start to run when a car window is rolled down, and —
“Hey — what’re you doin’ out here?” A soft voice. He sounds like he’d be a surfer in another life.
You recognize it. “I-I-Ian?” you stammer, your eyes widening. You turn to the car and exhale a sob of complete relief. It is Ian, driving slowly beside you and looking at you with the utmost concern.
Ian has known you for a long while, ever since you started dating Adam. He has always been sweet, kind, and considerate, and has always been a good friend to the both of you.
“Y-yeah,” Ian says softly, “what... what’s the matter, sweetheart? You ok?”
You shake your head. “No,” you mutter. “A-Adam got into some trouble. We were attacked in the parking lot of some shitty convenience store. He t-t-told me to run, and I did. R-Reluctantly.” 
“Holy shit...that’s fucked up,” Ian says incredulously. He leans “Is Adam still there?”
You feel tears rising to your eyes again and you sniff. “I don’t know where he is... or if he’s ok, and — and — I don’t wanna go home and wait and find out that —” Your voice is dangerously close to cracking.
“Hey,” Ian says, his voice a little firmer now. It still keeps its compassion. “Y’want me to take you home?”
“Would you?” you ask desperately.
“Of course, sweetheart, come on in.” He leans over and, with a little grimace of exertion, unlocks and opens the door. You can't get into the car fast enough. You slam the door beside you and slump against the seat.
“We're gonna get you home, ok? It's not far from here. Want me to turn the heater on?”
You drive in silence for most of the trip. Ian must know you don't want to talk too much.
Ian's head comes into your peripheral vision. You're looking down at your feet.
“Hey... Adam's gonna be fine,” he says softly. “He can take care of himself. Something about him just tells me that. My guess is that he's driving home now, actually. He probably fucking destroyed whoever did this to you.”
You nod. You know it's true.
“He cares about you a lot. He loves you. I've... I've never seen Adam look at someone the way he looks at you. Well, maybe except his wife. But... that was some time ago. And she—”
He stops himself. You can both feel the tension there, and you shuffle nervously in your seat.
“Anyway,” Ian continues hesitantly, “he — he cares about you. He'll come back, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you whisper.
You get to the house, Ian driving slowly up to the curb. The house, as always, is dark.
“Check the back?” you ask. Ian drives further, and you crane your neck to eye the garden. There's an empty spot where the car normally would be.
Your heart sinks.
“Hey, sweetheart...” Ian says. “It's alright... I'm sure he's just...” But he trails off. “A fight wouldn't take this long,” he mutters under his breath. You can still hear it.
There's a pause in which none of you move. You're hesitant to get out of the car and into the house. Ian watches you, waits for you. The rumble of the car is quiet and hypnotic.
“I don't... I don't wanna go in alone,” you say, and you inwardly scoff at your own childishness.
“I can stay with you if you want,” Ian says. “Adam mostly leaves his doors unlocked, doesn't he?”
“Why is that?”
You hesitate. “I don't know.”
But you do know. Regular people are pretty much out of the question — they wouldn't come in, because they think the house is abandoned. If they do come in, Adam could play it off as nothing suspicious and get them to leave as soon as possible. The werewolves wouldn't hurt you, and vampires suffer awfully bad luck if they enter a threshold uninvited. If the Others did come in, well... Adam could take care of them, couldn't he?
“Maybe it's because he's all reclusive. He probably doesn't think anyone will actually come in. Those rock 'n roll kids are exactly that. Kids. They won't do anything.”
You nod. “Er... could you stay with me, Ian? Please?”
He smiles. “Yeah,” he says. “I can do that.”
Ian parks the car on the edge of the road, and shuts off the engine. The cold seeps in your skin again and reaches your bones.
You both get out of the car and walk up to the door. It opens without any struggle.
The house itself is completely dark, and there's no sign of Adam anywhere. The room upstairs — Adam's studio — is completely silent and dark, and he's not in his bed.
Without any words, you two go into his studio again and turn on some lights. Together, you sit on his couch and wait.
After some time, Ian sits up suddenly.
“Oh, shit! We should've called the cops!” Ian cries.
You shake your head. “No,” you say.
Ian looks at you, baffled.
“Ian, Adam's... not one for the police. And, like we said before, Adam can take care of himself. He's strong like that. I'm sure he's...” you trail off. “I'm sure he's fine.”
“Did they have any weapons on them?”
“I don't think so,” you say, remembering the flashes of pointy white teeth.
“Then, what the hell happened afterward? Why isn't Adam back yet? If they didn't have any weapons, and you know Adam can throw a punch and take care of himself, then why the hell isn't he back yet?”
“I don't know,” you say miserably. A part of you thinks Ian is somehow mad at you, but the rational part of you takes over, and decides that he is not.
Ian pauses.
“Fuck it, I'm calling the cops.”
“No,” says a voice behind you. It is sharp and commanding, but you recognize it in a heartbeat.
You turn to look. Standing in the doorway, all battered, bruised, bloodied, is Adam. His sunglasses are nowhere to be found, and neither are his gloves.
“Oh, my God,” you whimper, rushing toward him. Immediately, you're engulfed in his scent, his warmth, his comforting embrace. It's a rush of relief. “You're — you're okay,” you whisper, sniffing as tears of relief come to your eyes.
“Baby, it's alright,” Adam murmurs, “I'm here. I'm here and I'm okay. It's all OK. We're fine.” He rubs your back with a hand.
“Adam, what the fuck happened, man?” Ian asks. “We were worried sick.”
“I'm sorry,” Adam says. “That took way longer than expected. I was also questioned by the authorities. They're looking for the kids now.”
Something tells you that this is not what happened.
Ian looks at Adam skeptically. But, after a few seconds, he shrugs. “I mean... I'm just glad you're alright, man. And I'm glad she's safe, too.” He gestures toward you with a small smile.
“Thank you, Ian,” Adam says gratefully. “Thank you for keeping my love safe. Thank you for staying with her. Now... I think it's time for you to go... Do you need anything before you take off? You can piss in the garden if you need.”
“You sure you don't need anything? You wanna take a look at those bruises?”
“We'll be fine, thank you,” Adam says.
Ian blinks. “You never fail to amaze me, Adam.” He stands up, and rubs your shoulder. “G'night, sweetheart. You're in very good hands now.”
“Thanks, Ian. See you soon, ok?” you say.
“Alright.” He starts to walk down the stairs. “If you guys need anything at all, just hit me up. Later.”
You and Adam don't speak until you both hear his car driving away from the house.
“What did they do to you?” you ask immediately, suddenly frantic and worried, stepping away to get a good look at Adam.
You blink, it seems, and Adam's bruises, cuts, and overall tired appearance are gone. He looks perfectly normal now.
“They did that,” Adam says. “I killed two of 'em. One of them got away.”
“Did anyone see you?”
“No, thank God for that.”
But there's something... off... about the way Adam looks. He seems sad, worried.
“Adam... what is it?” you ask slowly.
“One of the Others got away. He's bound to have talked to his clan by now. I'm still not gonna join them. And I'm sure as hell not gonna give you away and leave you.”
“So... what's gonna happen?”
Adam takes a deep breath. “How do you feel about Tangier, Morocco?”
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gallavictorious · 3 years
Mickey Milkovich is Dead (and also a magpie)
You ever think about Mickey as a magpie? No? Well, if you wanna, read on –
Say Mickey gets hit by a car and dies somewhere between 1x03 and 1x07 (NO DO NOT WORRY THIS IS NOT SAD AT ALL I PROMISE). Say he comes before this deity / spirit / what-have-you who declares that Mickey has been a bit not good in life and is about to be sent something unpleasant but he’s so very young and also they can see that he has the potential for goodness so he’s going to get a chance to learn to…learn to love? Care for others? Embrace his true nature? Something like that. Anyway, as a test, his soul is being put into the body of a magpie for the duration of one month and during that time he is required to take care of and protect the person who was supposed to be his one true great love, Ian Gallagher. If he gets Ian to care about him in turn, he'll go to a nice afterlife place. (Yes, this is all very Beauty and the Beast. Deal with it.)
Cue Mickey spluttering about not being fucking gay and even if he was he wouldn't go for that scrawny redhead, also newsflash spirit person, Gallagher is dating my fucking sister, and how the fuck's a magpie supposed to protect anyone anyway, why not make him a pitbull or a fucking tiger, etc, etc. The spirit person obviously doesn't pay any heed to Mickey's outraged rant and hey presto! It is a bird!
Magpie Mickey's first instinct would probably be to fly the hell away from everything, but he's just a little bit curious about why the hell that idiot spirit would claim that Ian Gallagher is supposed to be his one true love. Okay, sure, the kid is pretty cute, he guesses, Mickey's always got a thing for red hair and freckles, but he's always seem like a bit of a pushover, soft, so what gives? (Also, if the guy's into dudes, why the hell has he taken up with Mandy? Mickey's not gonna let some closeted homo hurt his sister. Yeah – that's it. He's out to protect Mandy, that's all.)
Aaand you can imagine how it goes, as Mickey starts following Ian around and keeping an eye on him to figure out what the appeal's supposed to be. He soon finds himself getting a little bit intrigued, 'cause it seems Gallagher is actually kind of funny and smart and not anywhere near as soft as Mickey first thought? Also, yep, he's very, very gay, but it seems Mandy knows all about it so maybe Mickey doesn't need to pick his eyes out over it...
One day Mickey spots Ian being followed by some local lowlife, seemingly picking Ian out as an easy mark, and when the villain moves in to put a knife to Ian's neck Mickey's immediately in his face, talons out and beak at the ready. (Why? 'Cause Mandy would be sad if something happened to her fake boyfriend, obviously. What with their mum running off and then Mickey dying, she's got enough to be sad about already.) Mickey scares the would-be robber off, but maybe he catches the knife to a wing and is a little bit hurt and Ian has to nurse his unlikely saviour back to health? Brings him home and researches how to care for a wild animal – and it's weird but the bird doesn't seem all that wild, he's skittish but kind of docile and Ian knows he's just imagining things but it's like the magpie can actually understand every word he's saying?
Mickey finds himself reacting VERY strangely to Ian holding him so gently and then telling him he's being so good, he's doing so well, just a sec and Ian will be all done.
And then... they're friends. Ian now has a bird companion that kind of of just hangs around? Fiona won't have it in the house but Ian, with Debbie's help, makes him a cozy nest outside and bribes Carl into leaving the magpie alone rather than catching it for one of his experiments and brings Mick scraps and yeah, being a magpie fucking sucks but it doesn't all suck, maybe.
Ian tells Mickey all sorts of things, things he's never tell another person. Confides in him, complains about being in Lip's shadow, talks about his dreams and ambitions. Mickey thinks he should find it annoying, the way Ian won't shut up, but to his surprise he doesn't mind? He likes listening to Ian's voice. No one's ever wanted to tell Mickey things before. No ones's ever looked at him like they're happy to see him.
Mickey starts following Ian to school and to work, and when he sees Ian with Kash he is not pleased (because it's fucking disgusting, Ian getting with that old dude, not because he's fucking jealous or anything). Maybe starts doing shit to disturb them whenever they're making out, like attacking the door or, if he makes it into the shop, picking stuff up with his beak and tossing it around, ripping into the chip bags, shitting all over the register (or all over Kash). Ian's upset, but he's not that upset. “You're a fucking asshole,” he tells Mickey that evening, once Mickey's (not at all guiltily, but maybe a little worried that Ian will be pissed) makes it back to the Gallagher back porch.
Mickey's not sure why Ian calling him an asshole in that exasperated, fond tone of voice feels so right.
When Ian worried over the family being low on cash Mickey takes to brazenly swooping down and stealing bills right out of people's hand just as they've drawn them from an ATM. (That's actually really fucking funny, and Mickey keeps doing it just for shits and giggles until animal control is alerted and he almost gets caught.)
And then one day Mickey hears an unfortunately familiar voice calling his name from a great distance, Mikhailo, because the month is up and it's time to go, Mikhailo, and no, what the hell, he doesn't want to go, fuck heaven, he wants to stay with Ian, but he is fading, fading –
BOOM! He wakes up in a hospital bed because SURPRISE he isn't dead after all, just slipped into a coma after the car accident, but now he's awake, and it was all just a dream! (Yes, you bet your sweet ass I went with that cliche. Would you rather have Mickey be truly dead? Uh-huh. Didn't think so.)
Once he gets out of the hospital and back to his normal, shitty life, Mickey – for no particular reason, fuck you very much – decides to give school another shot, so he shows up for class and during lunch break he doesn't seek out some weakass kid to steal lunch money from, but just so happens to find himself in the vincinty of one Ian Gallagher.
Gallagher is watching him warily and when Mickey asks for a cigarette – asks, rather than punching Ian in the face and taking the packet out of his pocket – he looks downright startled. But he pulls out a smoke and hands it to Mickey and then they stand there in silence and this is awkward as fuck and Mickey is cursing himself, what the hell is he doing, it was just a dream, he doesn't actually know Gallagher, so why –
He notices that Ian is turning his head this way and that, as if he's looking for something.
”You expecting someone?” Mickey asks gruffly, for something to say.
”No, it's just, there's this bird that's kinda been following me around, but I haven't seen it since last night and... ” Ian trails off, shaking his head a little sheepishly as if realizing that what he's saying sounds insane. ”Never mind.”
Mickey doesn't say anything, but as he drags the cigarette smoke down into his lungs, he can feel his heart beat just a little bit faster, with sudden hunger and hope.
”You, uh, wanna do some shooting practise together after school?” he dares. ”Know a good spot.”
And Gallagher looks startled as fuck again – confused and maybe a little bit worried, like he thinks it's some kind of trap – but after a moment, he shrugs. ”Sure.”
(Oh, and since I am extremely against any notion of eternal damnation and the like, that spirit was never some guardian of the afterlife. If you want to imagine that it wasn't all a dream, imagine that she was some mischivious South Side spirit who'd gotten a little bit fascinated by Mickey and pulled some magic to give him a glimpse of a better life and a kick up his gay ass while he was in a coma. Well done, that spirit.)
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We're Worlds Apart (6)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: language, smoking (cigarettes), mentions of sexual activity (but no actual scenes), Blaise (you know what i mean <3)
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: would y'all be interested if i added a smut chapter? also fun fact! the little date bit where y/n thinks about her worst date is based on my real life experience. only we didn't go to mcdonald's, we went to in-n-out. and it was terrible
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Blaise Zabini.
This man was the walking definition of lust. Flirtatious, smooth, and most definitely a womanizer. He didn’t hide it in his actions and you didn’t care. He could break your heart and have you crying for weeks, but man, if he wasn’t gorgeous.
Blaise Zabini looked as if he was carefully molded by Aphrodite. A man almost too beautiful for the world, and you’re going on a date with him. He nearly knocked the air out of your lungs when he asked to take you out to the fanciest, most expensive restaurant in Buffalo. And who were you to say no?
The whole window incident was completely forgotten. He could see more if he’d like— “Hey Y/N?” Your employee brought you out of your thoughts. A soft blush was on your face as you tried to act like you weren’t thinking of your neighbors’ friend. “Uh, yeah, what’s up?”
“Did you want me to put the crystal beads in the front? They’ve been really popular today.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” You had a few more hours of your day left before going back home. You had called over two of your best friends to catch up and help you pick out an outfit for your date that coming Saturday. It was currently Thursday, but in case nothing in your closet was good enough, you’d at least have some time to go shopping with them. Which was probably going to happen anyway.
It was a really good day; it got really busy with customers and the usual nuisance was gone today. But no matter how busy it was, you still felt like time was passing by slowly. In all honesty, what you really wanted was to be able to see Blaise today even if it was for just a minute, just to say hi.
Your last date was six months ago and, well. If it went well, you wouldn’t be attending the date you were going to later on the weekend. It was a horrifying date; he took you to a fucking McDonalds on the first (and last) date, only paid for his own meal, and made weird sexual innuendos nearly the whole time. And the worst bit was that even though it was a terrible date, you decided to give him another shot by texting him saying that you’d like to go to another date and he never texted you back.
Blaise was only going to be around for a month, you know this. And you kinda felt bad for taking some of his time away from his best friend whom he was visiting for, but he asked you out. So, if he’s alright with it you should be, too.
After the store closed, you stayed an extra hour just to make sure everything was cleaned up and ready for tomorrow. As much as you were in a rush, you hated clutter and didn’t want to have to wake up earlier to clean. Most likely, your friends were gonna want to drink a little. Traffic home wasn't great, but once you got home you got exactly what you asked for.
Outside, Blaise stood against a wall smoking a cigarette on Draco’s porch. God, even the way he stands is hot you thought. He saw you pull in your driveway and put out the last of the bud onto the ashtray. Blaise made his way to you and your heart was beating hard. “Good evening, gorgeous,” he said in that mesmerizing British accent. I’d kill to hear that voice in the morning.
“Hello,” you sighed in contentment. He was about to say something before your friends pulled up next to your car. Internally, you groaned. You just had to hope they wouldn't say anything to embarrass you. Without taking the chance, you started thinking of a reason to excuse him back to Draco’s house but it was too late as your friends were already rushing to your side. Act normal, act normal, act normal—
“Hey Y/N, who's this?” Miranda probed. Her voice was suggestive and you caught how she looked Blaise up and down. Bianca, the shyest of the three stood aside and waved at him.
“Blaise, these are my best friends Miranda and Bianca,” your hands gestured to the girls by your side. “Guys, this is Blaise.”
He took their hands and kissed the top of them. “Well, you ladies have a goodnight. I’ll see you later, Y/N.” He winked at you before he left.
Miranda let out a sigh before she spoke, “God, you’re so lucky.” She started heading into your house and pulled out a bottle of wine from her purse. Yeah. I am.
Draco has no idea what he walked into.
Santa Marie’s was absolute chaos. There was nearly a horde of injured wizards and witches that he and his team had to help. People filled the waiting room and beds were constantly being changed for the next patient.
The worst bit of it was that no one had any memory as to what happened. “This is a really strong memory charm. Not as bad as how Lockhart was left, though. Any idea who could’ve done this?” Draco worked as he healed one person after the next. He’s been running around with Ian at his side.
“Not really. This is the first time I’ve ever seen anything like this. Hell, this is probably the first time anything like this ever happened at Santa Marie’s,” Ian pondered. It was true. Something like this hasn’t been seen in this hospital. But Draco wasn’t going to sit around and do nothing about it. He became Head Healer at Santa Marie’s for a reason and he was going to prove he deserves this position.
When he found a few minutes to himself, he called his landline at home to let Blaise and Theo know that he might not come home for the night. Theo was the one to answer the call and offered to take Draco some clothes if need be, but Draco already had a bag in his office just in case something kept him there. Guess today’s that day.
“Are you by yourself?” Draco asked.
“Yeah, Blaise left about twenty minutes ago,” Theo confirmed.
“Where’d he run off to? Not like he has other friends around,” Draco chuckled. He used the time to eat a sandwich from the cafeteria vending machine. Wasn't as filling, but he figured it’ll do for now until he would be able to eat an actual meal.
“Don’t you remember? Blaise got his date with… what’s her name again? The muggle, witch one, fuck if I know,” Theo said. That’s today? Draco had forgotten all about it. Of course, if he had remembered, he’d probably be distracted from his work today. Wait, why?
Theo regained his attention by calling his name multiple times thinking Draco had just hung up. “I’ll call you later. Still got loads of work to be done.”
“Hey, do you think they’ll do it-” Draco cut the call off before he could listen to the end of that sentence. Last thing he wanted on his mind while he worked was Blaise doing… things with you. It wasn’t because he liked you. You’re his neighbor and things could get pretty weird. It took months just to get along and have one engaging conversation.
And honestly, Draco still didn't like how you were a Wiccan. He may not understand what exactly it means, but it didn't matter. What would even happen if for some reason, Blaise actually showed you what real magic looks like? That was what really concerned Draco. Showing a muggle magic. He didn't know what those laws were like under the Magical Congress, but under the Ministry it was only allowed to show muggles magic and the wizarding world if it had the promise of marriage or you were a mudbl— muggleborn.
And Draco knew Blaise. His longest committed relationship was probably three months, so marriage is a definite no. Draco didn't know why he was even worried about it, it's just one bloody date. He figured that America made him soft as he stood ther overthinking about literally nothing. He was so immersed in his thoughts that he almost didn't feel Ashley flick his forehead. “Ow! That hurt!”
“I’d be worried if it didn't. You were standing there like a damn zombie. You ready to get back out there?” Ashley sassed. Draco scarfed the last of his sandwich and followed Ashley back to the emergency room. Ugh, I want this day to end.
It was the best date you ever had. You weren't in love or anything, but you were definitely tired out. The dinner was amazing and the conversations were engaging and interesting. But it's the events after the dinner that you remember.
Unlike boyfriends and girlfriends before, Blaise took his time with you. Slow, sensual and just perfect. It was quite suspicious, actually. What man is this perfect? There's something up. Weird foot fetish, secret Star Wars nerd. Or worse. Star Trek you thought.
Two days after the date, your best friends drove straight to your house after a single text was sent. There was no way Miranda and Bianca were going to read about the details on a phone screen, no. They wanted to hear the explicit details with their own ears.
“He did what?” Miranda nearly choked on the wine. There was a certain confidence in your aura. You slept with a man hand crafted by the gods and it was the best time of your life.
Bianca sat bashfully listening to your story, but she leaned forward to hear you better. “Little trashy for a first date, but who the hell cares? Ten out of ten, would definitely do again.” You smirked at the end of your corny joke. Your friends looked at each other and rolled their eyes. “Alright, we get it. What now, though? He's only here for a month. What's gonna happen now?” Miranda questioned.
“Dunno. But for now, I'm just having fun. At first, I thought it'd be weird since his friend isn't the most pleasant to live next to, but Blaise is different.” You could only assume they were different, but considering you were getting along way better you figured it was safe to assume they were.
“What does your neighbor even look like? I haven't seen him anywhere,” Bianca noticed. Now that you realize, you haven't seen your brooding neighbor in a couple days. Not that you cared. “Actually, I don't know. Work, probably,” you shrugged your shoulders as you brought your wine glass to your lips.
“Where does he work?” Miranda asked.
“In the emergency room at a hospital,” you answered.
“Oh. You know where?” Miranda kept at it. “No, we don't really talk much. Took me nearly six months to even find out that he even talks, let alone what he does for a living.” Just as you were about to take another sip, a certain black car was pulling up.
From afar, you could see the dark circles extremely prominent under Draco’s eyes and noticed him wearing the same clothes he left the house in a couple days ago. You actually pitied him, but admired him at the same time.
Being a doctor is no easy task, and here was one across the yard working day and night to help people. “Is that him?” Bianca noticed him from out the window. You nodded in response and took another sip of wine.
“I'm moving to England. There's no way that they have this many attractive men. Watch me pledge allegiance to the Queen, I don't care,” Miranda rambled. You laughed at her in response. “You said there's another person visiting him?”
“Yeah, why?” you quirked an eyebrow. “What does he look like?” Miranda looked at you with wide, hopeful eyes. You shrugged your shoulders, “Haven't seen him yet. Never comes out but I think I heard him once in the backyard.”
After a couple hours of talking and laughing, the two best friends decidedly went home and called you once they arrived safely. The night was chilly and the sky was clear. You admired the sunset and the orange and purple hues in the sky from the bench of your porch. If you could, you'd paint the scenery.
The sound of a door opening made you look to the side and saw Draco pulling out a cigarette. He looked around and once his eyes landed on yours, he reached in his pocket for the lighter. Once it was lighted, he took a deep inhale and let the smoke out with a long puff.
“Long couple days?” you asked from across. He took another puff before he started walking to the fence separating your yards. You did the same and leaned against it next to him. “Feel like shit,” he said under his breath.
“You look like shit,” you commented. Draco glared at you and you laughed at him. It took him a couple seconds to drop his glare and then he started laughing as well. When you looked at him, you noticed how his eyes crinkled and how bright his smile was. It was the first time you'd ever seen him like this and it made you feel a bit warmer inside. You remembered how when he'd first moved in, all you wanted was to be friends with your new neighbor and have moments like this.
The silence lasted a while when your laughters died down. He finished the last of the cigarette and stepped on it as you just stood and wandered into nothing. Whether it was an awkward silence or not, you didn't know. But considering you were comfortable, maybe it wasn't.
You looked at your neighbor and reached one of your hands out to him. Draco looked confused, like he once did when you first went to his door and reached for a handshake. He stood still as he expected you to say something. The expression spoke for him so you finally explained yourself, “Friends?”
Draco seemingly thought about it, eyes going back and forth from your hand to your eyes. He then looked at his house for some reason and met your eyes again. Hesitantly, he shook your hand, “Friends.”
This was going to be an odd friendship for sure, but after months of trying, a friendship began.
next chp
(っ◔◡◔)っ taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla @fangirlanotherjust @originalsoulcollector @opiomancy @lipstickandloveletters @ninacotte @daedric-sorceress @frecklesandfirecrackers @hahee154hq @disartrous @oh-those-barricade-boys @lunalovecroft
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meandmyechoes · 2 years
Celebration Day 1 livestream log
Andor trailer, Willow trailer, Willow Panel
01:05:30 Katee Sackhoff
01:14:00 Ian McDramid
02:21:15 Ashley Eckstein
25:10 “I might not be your live-action Ahsoka but I want to be your real life version of Ahsoka Tano” [tears up]
26:10 specific advice or guidance for RD? 
You know what that’s a great question, I’ve never actually met R. We’ve never met. We’ve never spoken. But it’s a dream of mine. So I talk about throwing your dreams out to the universe, and it would be an absolute dream to meet her one day. It’d be a dream to do a cameo on the Ahsoka series. It’d be an absolute dream! [pause] Hopefully one day it will… it will happen and um, I know it will and I would love to meet R. We’re all part of Team Tano. We’re one Team Tano and I just, I can’t wait. [wipes tears]
27:12 [Books]
I’m so, so grateful for the platform Star Wars has given me, and like you’ve… and now heard me blabble and cry up here. I don’t take it lightly, I take it very seriously. So I have the chance to write a couple books now, one we’re gonna announce tomorrow, it’s called Star Wars Every Day and it comes out in October. It’s a lifestyle book on how to live your best Star Wars life all year long. One thing I’m very very very proud of because it’s a passion project I’ve worked on for five years now, so one lesson that Ahsoka taught me is ‘Patience’. Lots and lots of patiences. I launched a new video called ‘Star Wars: Mindful Matters’. [host] They are just 2-3 minute short videos where I get to teach mindful lessons, mindful lessons that we learn from Star Wars. Our favorite characters from Star Wars teach these lessons, but I teach how you can do them too. So I share exercises, and they are clinically-based mindful exercises. They’re on the Star Wars Kids channel and starwarskids.com, but I want to preface, they are for everyone. We put them on the kid’s page, because we want parents to know that these videos are safe for kids to do, because our kids need to learn these lessons now more than ever. We’ve all been through a really rough two years but some of our kids. They’re on the Star Wars Kids channel and starwarskids.com, but they are for everyone. Because Star Wars is for everyone, right?
29:50 Her Universe “From the Archives” new collection
02:46:00-03:41:00 High Republic Panel
03:44:00 Casetify
03:56:00 Her Universe “From the Archive” collection
04:00:02 Rocklove
04:04:15 Hayden & Ewan
08:42 Hayden on animated series. “I’m glad I watch them, I’m a fan too.”
10:10 Are you surprised to see the fans’ reaction now as adults vs 20yrago? meant a lot to us to feel the warmth with media and the fans having grown up
11:30 What’s been going on with obi-wan in-between? 
12:36 What are we seeing from Anakin? Vadr? conflict of self-identity. thrill to come back and continue the journey and explore this character at this point.
13:48 “This is where the fun begins.”
04:17:50 Moses Ingram and Rupret Friend
Moses audition, RF introduces his character
19:12 did you go back on Rebels or FO for research? RF: yea MI: well I actually didn’t. I feel like I had so much freedom to make Reva who she wanted to be,you know, being her in live-action for the first time. I mainly just focused on the prequels.
19:45 What did you bring to the character that you hope will connect with the fans? RF: A lot of people here already know this but the less of superans wouldn’t: the Grand Inquisitor used to be a Jedi so to me, that’s like super important for this. MI: I think that’s a tough one. I think she aims to please, in more ways than one, and, I’ll leave you with that.
20:20 What was your experience with SW prior to landing this role? MI: Prior to this, I knew Vader, and I knew Obi-wan, and it’s hard to believe it but I’ve never seen the movies. and so it was really this experience that opened up the door to Star Wars to me. and I actually prefer this way now that I can have so many personal memories like Celebration, ykwim. So it’s certainly sth I’ll remember forever. RF: [I’m] quite a lot older than Moses. We used to totally dress up as the characters and run around in the woods and pretend to be.
04:23:30 Deborah Chow
What is it with SW that resonates with you most? I always like the sci-fi/fantasy genre
What’s your approach and what you bring from your personal fandom? Coming from Mando, and this is all legacy characters, we want to be very respectful of the canon and make sure we were lining up with everything but at the same time do something new and tell new stories. I think one of the most interesting thing that we have in the show is that we are with characters we know and love, but we’re at a different point in their lives.
24:54 How has the characters changed from their most recent appearances? OBI has tremendous weight, trying to grapple everything that happened in rots
25:45 how different is it working on new vs. legacy characters? we have more freedom because we weren’t with legacy characters/ learning from dave and stagecraft help with Kenobi on set.
26:37 stagecraft. writing with volume in mind.
for fans to take away? have more time to explore, take away about knowing something more about the characters
04:47:20 Taylor Gray (Ezra)
crew. Dave very involved, learn a lot, breaks character down
49:10 reaction to learning Ezra will lead Purigll
49:45 most rewarding?
50:20 message to fans
04:55:20 Exec. Producer of Andor
05:05:03 Sideshow
dark/intensity, formative years danger intrigue
5 years before RO, 12 eps
Mon Mothma is still in the Imperial Senate and trying to fight from the within
10:45 Hot Toys con-exclusive Chrome Clone (matte) and Death Troopers (gloss)
05:13:14 Favreauloni (replay)
Did you expect Mando do go global? No idea. Lots of projects at Lucasfilm at that time, the small story really connected with people with lockdown.
14:50 How do you keep secrets? DF: It’s really difficult. We don’t even tell most everybody on set what’s going all the time and that’s not always as intentional. We come up with little code names and things. We think of how we would’ve felt to see the fans themselves and try to think like that and JF: and it’s like trying to wrap Christmas presents around the house. DF: and sometimes we forget people coming in like R didn’t even know she was in a scene with Luke we kept calling him Plo Koon which… JF: That was just nickname. DF: When we made that the code, remeber we thought ‘well that make sense because people that I would bring him back because people know I like that character’ but we didn’t. JF: In the concept art we wouldn’t even have them draw Luke, we have them draw that character. DF: All these awesome paintings of Plo Koon and I’m like ‘I only get to see these, no one else got to see this.’ We thought of putting then in though, at one point. JF: We even had a CGI head of that character, so when you saw the daily in the editing room, it looks like that was the character. We actually paid for visual effects we didn’t use just to fool people working on the show.
16:16 Filoni’s hat. Ahsoka series. Manhattan beach.
17:00 fave part about making SW. 
18:12 Ahsoka could know this kid’s name because she can “speak with him somehow only a Jedi could” “and they you go over the costume in great details the fabrics.” you build this thing several months and you walk through the door to the stage and [everything]’s there and it’s AWESOME. and it’s the whole crew not just one person. because we know the only person it really was was George. and he created this and we get to play in it. The spirit of everything we should be doing is he’s hopefully looking over all this and still guiding it because he left us such a great galaxy to play in.
19:42 sneaking in Filoni wolves. small Kurosawa figure somewhere in the set every episode DF directs. golden triangles hometown tribute.
21:54 how has dynamic changed since S1. sending scripts over to each other for comments. flipped writer/commenter for them.
05:29:05 Diego Luna and Geneivere O’Reilly
DL: the same but not the same, remind us people can transform. he’s surviving. 
33:24 GOR: space to tell MM’s story. all the information she knows can now bring to the audience. We start with her in Andor steeped in Empire. She begin this story in a political society, trying to collaborate with people to engage in opposition to this ever-looming autocracy that is Palpatine. She is trying her hardest. Obviously she failed, but maybe that’s interesting to watch.
35:30 what’s the most rewarding part of the SW exp? DL: a lot, hard to choose one. back with this family, explore, expectation your work can generate. invited from the beginning. change to meet every part of the crew, and takes part and understand every decision, feels special.
38:30 Andor in Three Words G: Thriller, Adventure, Revolution DL: Thriller, Adventure, Darkness
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apolloloki97 · 3 years
"Solid as Stone" Ian Gallagher x Mickey Milkovich
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Summary: What if when Monica came back, Ian went to find Mandy that day, but found Mickey. Instead of going right to the store for a hookup, Ian runs away distraught after not finding his best friend. Mickey can't help but follow and comfort the redhead he has clearly fallen for.
Or when Ian is freaking out, Mickey is there to comfort him.
Word Count: 2679
Warning: Swearing
Song I Wrote To: “Stone" by Jaymes Young
Note: This is just a bit of an AU what if kind of thing. I just liked it and I love comforting and soft Mickey and I know that day he could tell that Ian was torn.
Monica was back and Ian didn’t know how to deal with any of it.
As soon as she rolled back into town, Ian felt as if he was suffocating and he had to get out. He didn’t even care if Terry was home at that moment, he needed to see Mandy.
His thoughts kept flicking to Mickey but he knew that regardless of the kind of situation they were in, Mickey would throttle him before he even considered offering Ian a comforting hand. Mickey had been very clear about the nature of their relationship if you could even call it that. Ian knew that there was more to them just random hookups, but he didn’t have time to unpack any of it at the moment.
Mandy had to be the one and he needed her now.
Ian arrived at the front of the Milkovich house and barrelled up the steps, his breathing still labored. His fist made contact with the wooden door, frantically begging someone to open up. It took a moment before the front door was wrenched open and it wasn’t the Milkovich sibling Ian had wanted to see right then, but one he was always wishing to see no matter what. Mickey, who had a cigarette in his mouth, seemed surprised at Ian’s frantic look. “Gallagher?” he asked.
“Mandy, is she here?” Ian breathed out, trying to see behind Mickey and into the house.
“Is Mandy here?” Ian asked again, his breathing still sporadic. “I need to see her.” Mickey frowned as he took in the state of Ian as the younger boy seemed to be running off pure anxiety. Something was definitely wrong with him and it surprised Mickey as he realized he was incredibly concerned about Ian Gallagher. However, after all the time he had spent around the kid, he had come to pick up on all of Ian’s idiosyncrasies.
“She’s not here,” Mickey told him, glancing over his shoulder where Terry was passed out on the couch. “She went away with Iggy for a couple of days.” Ian let out a breath, still very jumpy, as he looked back and forth, trying to figure out what he was going to do. “Gallagher, the hell is wrong with you?”
“Nothing, nothing,” he rushed out as he glanced behind him, almost as if he expected Monica to be running after him, but the street remained silent. “I… I gotta go,” he stammered before nodding to himself, turning around, and half-stumbling down the steps. Mickey watched after him for a few seconds, still very confused at Ian’s behaviors. Ian shuffled out into the street and then Mickey nearly jumped out of his skin as a car screeched to a halt right in front of the redhead. Honking blared through the neighborhood as the man behind the wheel cursed at Ian who was raising his hands in apologies.
As soon as Ian was out of the street, the car sped off, leaving Ian to stare at it for only a second before he moved to run down an alley in between the houses, still somewhat out of it. Mickey glanced back inside his house for a second before swearing, “Fucking Gallagher.” Grabbing his coat, he shut the door behind him and took off after the redhead.
It didn’t take long for Mickey to pick up on Ian’s trail as the kid had the loudest footsteps on the Southside. Mickey kept telling himself that the only reason he was doing this was that he wanted to know if Ian was on something and if he could get a hit. However, behind the denial, he knew the truth. He did care about Gallagher and he could tell Ian was going through something.
It was only another block that Mickey finally found him. Ian was on the ground, his back against the wall of the empty alleyway and he was breathing harder than he was when he had shown up on Mickey’s porch. Slowly, Mickey approached him, keeping an eye on the redhead’s hands. He knew Ian well enough to know that the kid could punch just as well as anyone on the Southside and he wasn’t looking forward to being on the other side of one of those freckled fists if he startled him.
“Gallagher?” Mickey tried, but Ian remained frozen, his eyes only on the cold asphalt. “Gallagher,” he tried again, but still, Ian remained oblivious to his presence. With a sigh, Mickey ran a hand through his hair before finally stepping right into the other boy’s view. “Ian?” he asked, softer this time. Ian’s breath stuttered for a second before his eyes flicked to the worried blue ones above him.
“What do you want?” Ian asked and while the words sent a dagger to Mickey’s heart, it was a valid question. Why had he followed him? Ian had no reason to trust that Mickey Milkovich cared for him. Mickey hated that he had led him to believe that he was only using him for sex, but he understood. Mickey was never one for affection, but it wasn’t as if he had any role models to learn from. Colin had tried to somewhat raise his younger siblings, but there was only so much he could do. Mickey was on his own in this department, but he was hoping Ian could be the beginning of his effort to show the compassion he clearly felt.
“What happened?” Mickey asked, finally crouching down to get on Ian’s level. The boy in front of him looked frailer than Mickey had ever seen him. The Gallaghers were known to be tough sons of bitches, but everyone had their breaking point, Mickey supposed.
“My mom,” Ian said. “My mom came home and just fucked it all up.” Mickey nodded, understanding immediately. If you knew about the Gallaghers and especially if you knew about Frank, you knew about Monica. Terry hated the woman and Mickey finally could see why. If the way Ian was acting was evidence of how her kids felt when she came back, she definitely should have stayed gone.
“Hurricane Monica,” Mickey simply said. Ian looked at him in surprise. Mickey sank to the ground next to Ian, their shoulders almost touching. “Fiona’s mentioned her a few times at the Alibi, Frank, too. I think we all get the picture enough to know she ain’t exactly mother of the fucking year.”
“That’s an understatement,” Ian said and Mickey was glad to hear that his breathing was sounding a little better. Ian let his head fall back to rest on the bricks behind him. “She always does this, Mickey,” Ian began and Mickey remained quiet, just letting Ian talk. “She comes into town and makes it seem like she’s going to stay. Debbie and Carl don’t deserve that shit.”
“Neither do you,” Mickey said automatically. Ian’s eyes flickered to Mickey’s who was just staring in front of him, his hands playing with the cigarette he still held.
“She’s my mom,” Ian tried to rationalize.
“So?” Mickey said, finally looking at him again. “Frank is your dad and he’s a piece of shit. Terry is my dad and he’s...he’s… fuck he’s the fucking worse.” Ian could hear the hesitancy in Mickey’s voice. Everyone knew how horrible Terry was, but Ian was starting to think there was more to the racist asshole than nobody else knew. “My father hates me,” Mickey finally continued. “He hates me and he doesn’t even know that…”
“That you hook up with guys?” Ian offered, not wanting to push Mickey by slapping the “gay” label on him. He had learned his lesson with that before.
“He’d kill me if he knew,” Mickey said. “And if I had the chance to get the hell out of dodge to be away from him, I would. I don’t care if they’re our parents, they don’t owe us shit if they’ve never been parents, you know?” Ian was quiet for a minute before he nodded, letting out a shaky breath.
“I don’t know what to do, Mick,” Ian said, casually dropping the nickname he had been trying out for a while. If it was any other time, Mickey would have made a comment about it, but he just enjoyed the rush that went through him at Ian saying his name.
“What do you want to do?” Mickey asked. “Cause that’s all up to you, man.”
“I want her to get the fuck out,” Ian said. “If she’s leaving again, it’s gonna be on our terms this time, not hers.” Ian struggled to keep his hands still and his emotions in check. The last thing he wanted to do was cry in front of Mickey. This was why he needed Mandy.
However, Mickey Milkovich surprised him as he always did.
Tattooed fingers suddenly covered freckled ones and Ian’s hand was enveloped in a warm and firm grip. Ian looked up at Mickey who was looking at him with actual concern.
“Don’t let her ruin you,” Mickey said firmly.
“She’s already done that,” Ian said, trying not to focus too much on the hand in his.
“Says who, huh?” Mickey countered. “Who says you’re fucking ruined? You’re not. You’re…” Mickey trailed off for a second. His eyes flickered from Ian’s lips and then back to his face. “You’re damn solid, Gallagher. A fucking tower of stone, so don’t think that some woman can just come back and fuck with you just because she’s your blood. Blood don’t mean shit when it comes to family anyways.”
Ian was looking at him with wonder in his eyes. He had never seen this side of Mickey and he was already mourning the fact that he may never again for a while once they left that alley. In case he was right, Ian clutched onto Mickey’s hand tighter, letting him feel the other boy’s pulse beneath his fingers.
“Thanks,” he breathed, almost afraid to speak any louder in case it shattered whatever peace they had built.
“Still wish Mandy was here instead?” Mickey asked and there was no malice behind it.
“Absolutely not,” Ian admitted as he glanced down at Mickey’s mouth. They were silent for a moment before Ian asked about something Mickey had just said. “Would you really leave to get away from Terry?”
“I wouldn’t go far,” Mickey admitted, looking at him through hooded eyes. “I could never go too far from you, could I? Who’d run after you when you’re going out of your fucking mind?” Ian smiled, trying not to laugh.
“I don’t know, I’m sure I could find someone,” he said and then boldly continued, “maybe Kash has a friend around his age.”
That did it.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Mickey growled as he grabbed onto Ian’s neck and slammed his lips against the other boy's mouth. Ian reacted immediately, tugging Mickey closer to him. Mickey’s heart was slamming in his chest and he knew it was risky to kiss Ian out in the open, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop. He had been wanting to kiss him since the first time he had seen Ian smile. It wasn’t until they had sex for the first time that that need to kiss him had intensified tenfold. Mickey grabbed at Ian’s coat, trying to make the distance between them nonexistent.
When Ian slipped his tongue into Mickey’s mouth, Mickey was done for. He could never go back to just having sex after this. This was...indescribable and he needed it all. Mickey was as inexperienced as it got when it came to kissing men, but Ian seemed to be a master according to Milkovich. Ian ran his hands up Mickey’s arms and then up to his neck where his large hands took hold of Mickey’s face as he continued to devour the other boy’s mouth.
Eventually, they both needed to breathe and Mickey was the first to pull back, though he didn’t go far. “That was…” Ian began, his breathing heavy but this time for a completely different reason.
“Long overdue,” Mickey finished, his breath matching pace with Ian’s. “I didn’t mean to do that like this. You know in a shithole,” he said, gesturing to the disgusting alley.
“Our whole neighborhood is a shithole,” Ian pointed out causing Mickey to smile slightly. Ian couldn’t help himself as he pressed another kiss to Mickey’s lips before leaning back again. “Don’t think I’m not going to take advantage of being allowed to do that now.”
“Who says this ain’t a one-time thing, firecrotch?” Mickey asked, raising one of his very expressive eyebrows.
“Me,” Ian said simply and Mickey rolled his eyes, but didn’t move away from Ian. His expression then turned concerned once again.
“Feeling better?” Mickey asked and Ian nodded.
“Getting there,” Ian admitted, referring back to his Monica meltdown. “You helped quite a bit,” he said cheekily and Mickey just snorted. “Thanks, Mick,” Ian said and Mickey could hear all the sincerity behind his words. Mickey nodded and then sat back beside Ian, their shoulders pressed together as if they were afraid to not be touching each other.
“Don’t think you can’t come to me when you’re in trouble, Gallagher,” Mickey said. “I ain’t gonna fucking turn you away. Not you.” Ian nodded again and then leaned his head on Mickey’s shoulder.
“I don’t want to go home,” Ian admitted. Mickey leaned into Ian and nodded.
“Me either,” said Mickey as he thought about his father back on their worn-out couch.
“Monica has to go,” Ian whispered.
“I could make that happen, you know?” Mickey said casually. “I still have that uncle down at the foundry.” Ian jabbed him in the ribs, but Mickey knew he was smiling.
“No thanks,” Ian said with a sigh. “Murder wouldn’t look good on you.”
“Please,” Mickey scoffed, “everything looks good on me.”
“And off, too,” Ian added and that got Mickey’s attention. Ian was looking up at him and when Mickey met his eyes, he could see just a hint of mischief in his green eyes.
“Are you coming onto me, Gallagher,” Mickey said.
“Always,” Ian said as his hands pushed into Mickey’s dark hair.
“I ain’t havin’ you get on me in some back alley,” Mickey said. “I have standards, asshole.”
“Then it’s a good thing I have keys to the store,” Ian said with a lower voice. Mickey chewed on that thought for a second before jumping to his feet and dragging Ian with him.
“You are a fucking menace,” Mickey whispered to Ian who just beamed at him, and then Ian’s smile turned softer.
“So, I’m solid huh?” Ian asked, looking at Mickey who wasn’t running away for once.
“As stone,” Mickey agreed. “You’re gonna be just fine, Red. Monica issues or not, you,” he said, poking Ian in the chest, “are gonna be fine.” Ian could have cried then, but he settled on grabbing Mickey by his coat and kissing him hard. Mickey kissed him back, still trying to get used to the feel, but he figured he’d get the hang of it soon.
Ian pulled back first this time and smiled at Mickey, grateful that he had been the Milkovich sibling to answer the damn door. “Thanks,” he whispered.
“You already said that,” Mickey reminded him.
“And I’ll keep saying it, dumbass,” Ian teased and then began walking backward, gesturing to Mickey to follow him.
Mickey just smiled and jogged to catch up with Ian. As the two of them headed to the store, Mickey forced himself to watch where he was going because all he could focus on was that Ian was back to being Ian and he, Mickey, had helped bring that smile back. Cautiously, he took Ian’s hand for just a fraction of a second before letting go. It was brief, but Ian knew what it meant. Sure, he was solid, unmoving, but to Mickey, Ian was his rock, the one that kept him grounded when everything else was trying to pull him away and if he’d let him, Mickey also wanted to be that for Ian.
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Lady Fair
Darcy Lewis was more than a little nervous for her first day working as Tony Stark’s assistant. She had only met Mr. Stark two weeks ago for the interview and it had gone terribly, or so she thought, and then she had been hired. Maybe Thor had influenced his hiring decision or maybe Tony Stark just wasn’t thinking so clearly without Pepper there to assist him anymore. No one was thinking clearly after Thanos...Darcy only hoped she didn’t mess this up. This job was the only hope she had of getting her life back together.
Darcy parked her car at the big parking lot next to the complex, shouldered her gypsy style oversized purse, and made her way to the double doors. She swiped her security badge, entered the code that she had written on a post-it note, and entered the building. Her instructions said to take the elevator to the third floor and look for the room marked 3-C. She stepped off the elevator, passed 3-A then 3-B. She could see 3-C ahead when a noise further down the hall got her attention. Darcy followed the sound to an open doorway and found herself on a balcony overlooking a gymnasium. Below her, several of the Avengers were training. She watched them for a few minutes and then turned and went back to the room that was to be her office.
The office was sparsely decorated. She tossed her purse into and empty desk drawer, plunked down into the wheeled chair which she spun in a circle a few times before turning her attention to the DVDs on the desk marked, “New Hire Orientation Packet.” With a sigh, Darcy put the first disc into the player.
By lunch time, Darcy slipped out to watch the Avengers train yet again.
“Darcy Lewis!” Thor caught sight of her a called out. “I was not aware you would be here today! Come down and I will introduce you to my friends!”
She found a set of stairs to her left and soon crossed to where Thor stood. It was good to see him again. It was good to see someone familiar, and safe. The past few months had been anything but safe and that had nothing to do with Thanos and everything to do with Ian. After everything she had suffered in childhood Darcy had always had a weakness for men who would “rescue” her. Ian had not been what he seemed, not once he got drunk. Taking a job in another state had been the simplest way to leave him but she hadn’t officially broken it off yet. She’d been too afraid he would show up at her door drunk when she did. The anxiety of knowing what was coming had been following her for three days since she moved out. Now, as she approached Thor, she felt safe for the first time in months.
“Darcy this is, Steve Rogers, Nebula, Rocket, Bruce Banner, Natasha...Darcy used to work with Jane Foster. Now she works for Tony,” he told them after he had listed off their names. Then he turned to Darcy. “I thought you would not arrive until next week. It is good to see you here today.”
“I wasn’t gonna be here until next week,” Darcy admitted. She had done everything she could to get there sooner, or rather to get away from home. “But I made some calls and Mr. Stark let me come early.”
“Well I am glad he did. It is good to see you,” Thor said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s good to see you too,” Darcy leaned into his touch just slightly and had to force herself not to start crying. “You changed your hair. It’s a good look.”
“Are you moving into the complex?” Natasha asked her. “Or are you commuting?”
“I’m moving in. I have a few bags in my car and the rest of my stuff is getting sent at the end of the week.”
“Then let us assist you with carrying in your bags,” Thor offered. It was not a request.
“Thor she’s gotta eat lunch,” Nat protested. “We can help her with her bags this evening.”
“Or I can order lunch while you guys grab the bags,” Bruce offered.
Darcy led the way out to her car, followed by Thor. He could manage her four bags easily enough. She reached her car and realized she had forgotten something. “Shit. I don’t have my keys. They’re back inside at my desk.”
“Then I will go get them for you,” Thor said.
He took only one step away before Darcy grabbed his arm. “Wait!”
Thor stopped moving and looked down at her with concern and curiosity. “You seem on edge,” he commented. “Is everything alright or do you have something to fear?”
“I don’t really know,” she said. She was on edge every moment wondering when Ian was going to realize she had left for good and knowing there was a very good chance he would take up stalking her. He fit the profile anyway. Then she looked down at her hand and realized she still had a tight grip on Thor’s arm. She made herself let go. “I’ll go with you to get the keys.” She headed in the direction of the facility entrance but Thor didn’t follow her.
“Darcy?” he called after her.
She stopped walking but didn’t turn to face him for fear that if she did she’d just fall apart. She wished she had a bag of skittles about then. A candy rush might be enough to get through the next few hours without a meltdown. Thor approached her and stood at her side. He reached over to her arm and pushed aside her long bell sleeve revealing a bruise she had been careful to keep hidden, apparently not careful enough.
“Who gave you this bruise?”
“My boyfriend,” Darcy admitted.
“You have left him behind and you fear he is searching for you?” Thor asked, understanding her situation more quickly than she had expected.
Darcy nodded again, this time unable to stop a few tears from escaping.
“If he finds you, he will not harm you,” Thor said firmly.
Darcy let out a sob and then impulsively she turned and threw her arms around Thor, hugging him tightly. He quickly got over his shock and hugged her in return. She didn’t really cry. Darcy wasn’t one for tears very often. Life had been too hard for too many years for her to be bothered with crying. But she did hold on tightly. Thor could protect her but more than that, he wouldn’t hurt her. Not ever. He couldn’t have been worthy of the hammer of he had been that kind of person. The fact was that for the first time since she was eight, she was hugging someone who truly wouldn’t harm her. It made her unwilling to let go anytime soon. It wasn’t that she was attracted to Thor. Sure, he was hot, but she had set aside her crush on him when Jane started dating him. No this was something more basic, a need for a protective family that she’d never had before. Or maybe it didn’t hurt that he was hot. She couldn’t be sure. She only knew that they needed to go back inside and get her keys, and she just couldn’t let go.
“Darcy?” Thor spoke up after what must have been three minutes.
She shook her head, still holding onto him. “Nope. I think this breaks the record on the longest safe hugs I’ve ever had. Can’t let go now.” She rattled off the words.
“Safe hugs? Are there other kinds?” Thor asked, a little confused.
“Sure there are. There are hugs from your creepy stepfather who only wants to hug you because he’s a pervert. And hugs from your real father only when your mom is watching just so he can prove he’s not a deadbeat. And hugs from three boyfriends as an apology for beating the shit out of you.” Darcy told him more than she’d meant to but she couldn’t help it.
She felt Thor sigh on hearing her words and his arms tightened around her a little more firmly. “Then stay a while longer. I have plenty of time.”
Darcy only stayed another minute and then she made herself pull away from Thor and return to her office for her keys. They went back to her car and carried her bags to her new apartment within the complex.
“Yours is right across the hall from mine,” Thor pointed out as she unlocked the door.
“Are you gonna be one of those neighbors I can like borrow baking ingredients from because I always forget to buy stuff?” Darcy asked him as she dropped the smallest of her bags, the only one she had carried, into a nearby recliner.
“You may borrow from me whatever you wish if I have it.” Thor offered generously. “If there is something I should keep a supply of…”
“I don’t actually do that much baking. The only supplies I need are stuff like gummy bears and skittles.” Darcy said, leading the way back out of her apartment to join the others in the lunch room. They had almost reached the others when Darcy stopped once more to say something to Thor. “If you could...not say anything about what I said about Ian and hugs…” she began.
“I will not speak of it,” Thor told her.
The knock on her door at well past 11PM startled Darcy. She put aside her pint of ice cream and went to the door. Thor stood on the other side.
“Your light was on. I brought you this,” he held up packages of gummy bears and skittles.
“Wow,” Darcy said. “The god of thunder is bringing me gifts now?”
“Even gods can use a few friends. Besides, you know I am only an alien and not truly a deity.”
“I know...you wanna come in? I’m just watching My Fair Lady for the fiftieth time..”
Thor entered a little hesitantly and then joined her on the sofa, surprising her by taking the seat in the center so he was sitting next to her. Darcy couldn’t say that she minded that. “I am not familiar with this, My Fair Lady. Is it an important movie that you’ve watched it forty-nine times?”
“I don’t know how many times I’ve watched it really. Only that it was a lot. It’s probably not that important to most people but it is a classic. I just happen to like it a lot.”
As the film wore on, Darcy leaned a little closer to Thor, letting her head rest on his shoulder. Some part of her hoped that he would put an arm around her. He didn’t. Even so, it was enough to sit as they were.
“Why did Eliza return to Higgins in the end? It seemed he was rather harsh with her while he taught her,” Thor said as the film came to an end. “Or what I mean to say is, why do you like this film?”
“You think I like men who are controlling?” Darcy asked, a little defensively.
“I did not say that,” Thor replied.
Darcy sighed, “You didn’t have to. It’s probably true. It’s not like I do it on purpose though. But it’s like Eliza. She cared for Higgins because he offered her new possibilities. She got to wear fancy dresses and not have people look down on her anymore. She got to dance at the most beautiful parties. People can say that’s shallow but a life of poverty with a dad who would sell her out is pretty crappy too. Higgins was an upgrade. Maybe I just look for guys who have something better to offer.”
Thor remained silent for a short while and Darcy was afraid it was going to start getting awkward.
“I am sorry Darcy, that I frightened you on the day I arrived on earth. I frightened you enough that you felt you needed to use your taser on me. I had not realized the significance of that until now.”
“And what exactly is the significance?” Darcy wasn’t sure what he was trying to say.
“Only that you have not been treated with the kindness you deserve and I did nothing to help you when I could have.”
“I don’t...I don’t know that there’s anything you could have done…” Darcy said.
“I might have at least checked in on you when I was with the Avengers these past few years. You were Jane’s closest friend and it never occured to me that you could be in danger.”
“If I was in danger it was my own fault because I make stupid decisions,” Darcy said bitterly.
Thor turned towards her just slightly. “Darcy, you bear none of the blame for what others have done to you. None. The fault is theirs alone.”
“Thanks,” she said in a near whisper. “Maybe I needed to hear that...and maybe if it’s not too much trouble I’ll need to hear it again sometime.”
“Then I will tell it to you again and if you wish it, I will offer you a hug from time to time.”
“Yeah…” Darcy said, emotion in her tone. “I wish for that.”
He moved his arm so that he could put it around her and she leaned closer and rested her head against his chest. The hour was already late enough that she might have fallen asleep alone but this time Darcy was more than thankful that she didn’t have to. Thor stayed where he was and let her sleep in his hug.
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highly-flammable · 4 years
Reacting to Legacies 3x03 (SPOILERS):
1. So ARE we FINALLY getting to some proper firstborn Mikaelson witch breakdowns?
2. Oh well, apparently no. They'll just try to wave it off as some one time thing probably.
3. So Hope and Landon are on a break. Okay. TBH watching them sass each other is interesting.
4. The guidance counselor is pretty much a compulsion monster, is that it? Well, I do like his wardrobe.
5. Alyssa's concern for MG is so fake I can't.
6. Nobody other than Jed read for Stefan? THE DISRESPECT.
7. Lizzie playing Caroline makes total sense but them asking Josie to play the lead without even an audition looks a bit bad TBH. Like, give the other interested people a chance, at least.
8. I find it a bit repetitive how there are mind-controlling monsters popping out again and again.
9. So MG is basically going through a phase similar to what Cami was going through when Klaus used to compel her at the beginning of TO. Considering Quincy's fondness for Cami, he must have liked playing that.
10. I understand that Landon is supposed to be a capable songwriter in-universe but it takes more than that to write and direct a musical and it's very weird that they didn't even find a guest star to pose as a Drama or English teacher who is guiding him or something. WHERE ARE ALL THE TEACHERS?
11. I kinda feel like some of the lead characters in this show are colour-coded. I see Hope and Landon in red and blue a lot (the two gowns we have seen Hope wearing also fall into this pattern) and Josie wears yellow in like, every other episode. If I recall correctly, Lizzie wears a lot of white, too. I wonder what the reasoning behind these choices are.
12. Well, I liked Hope and Landon's relationship in S1, I have no idea what was going on with it in S2, and I still don't know what to think about it.
13. Lizzie casts herself in Caroline's role and then chokes at rehearsal. Not totally unrealistic but still feels a bit forced to me. Would have been better if Landon cast her because she's Caroline's daughter and Lizzie was a bit apprehensive in the first place because she didn't want to mess up the role.
14. I appreciate the show taking a moment to talk about Lizzie's bipolar disorder though. It's been a while.
15. "Bonnie just disappears for long periods of time"? Dude, she's still super important and you're putting her in the play. Right? RIGHT?!
16. Landon, THANK YOU for pointing out how weird Caroline and Alaric's relationship was. The guy deadass got engaged to her and had a pissing contest over her with Stefan, that will never not gross me out.
17. So the monster is mind controlling Landon to put Klaus into the play. Saw this coming IG.
18. Hope is painting again, like her dad used to do when he felt things were going out of control. I've been rewatching TO and this is making me so emotional. I MISS KLAUS AND HIS SHENANIGANS. And not a single character on Legacies comes close to Klaus, Elijah and Hayley for me. (Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings but Legacies really is a downgrade from TVD and TO)
19. Ugh, why would he use the contents of the letter as lyrics? Dude, is it because you're mind-controlled? No, I don't like this. Klaus loved Hope to the ends of the earth and wanted everyone to know but Hope wants to keep things private, and her wishes should have been respected.
20. So apparently Landon tries not to put Klaus' villainous antics into the show. Well, okay, it's definitely a copout but since he is Hope's boyfriend, makes sense. But I don't understand why the musical HAS TO BE about the Salvatore school. The accreditation excuse is lazy, writers! Also, Landon, my dude, Klaus was a major donor of the school. Put that in instead of the other things, stop pissing off your girlfriend FFS. Even if you're mind-controlled 🤦🏻‍♀️
21. I do find it funny how Landon is all gaga over Klaus' use of language though. The guy really did have the best lines, didn't he? (Tied with Elijah, I suppose, for me)
22. The other singers of the first song are really good so Kaylee sounds a bit rusty in comparison. Also, she reminds me too much of Dark!Josie with the hair and makeup. From a distance, she can be mistaken for Nina though.
23. I love that the backstage activities are being shown.
24. I'm digging Jed as Stefan and I really like his singing voice. And the Hero Hair wig cracked me up. Kaleb is obviously good at singing at it's nice to hear more from him. I also like how Chris Lee didn't try to exactly emulate Ian and played Damon how someone who has only heard about him might play him.
25. Is Hope painting herself before the pit or something? Or is this supposed to symbolize her despair at her parents' loss? ALSO, I WANT SOMEONE TO MENTION HAYLEY :( Why is Hayley so ignored?!
26. The same person probably wrote MG's notes and Caroline's letter IRL and therefore, in-universe, MG has Caroline's handwriting and it's funny to me.
27. Jenny sings well, I like it. I don't understand the song though, was Caroline actually ever feeling this insecure? I feel like the song became a lot more about Lizzie than her mother. (It's been forever since I watched TVD, if anyone has yet to guess, I prefer watching TO)
28. The doppelganger thing cracked me up.
29. Wait why did the monster attack Josie?! Ohhhh he's forcing Landon to improvise and put Klaus' song at the end. Well, I guess it makes it seem a bit less like Landon's fault. But would Hope know that?
30. It's hilarious how they lowkey make a call back to Nina leaving TVD and them having to put Elena in a sleep spell though.
31. Landon having a hissy fit is funny to me. Aria needs more comedic scenes.
32. Wait, where did Jade come from? Has she been in the school all these weeks?
33. While the scene seems a bit shabby to me, Klaus talking to Hope reminds me of their scene from TO 4X03. I needed more of Summer Fontana and Joseph Morgan together. Also, the donation did get mentioned, YASSSS. Man did some horrific things but he did fund the school so maybe a little less badmouthing in the presence of his daughter now that you know the story, eh, students?
34. The fact that the guidance counselor actually wore a leather jacket and a henley is cracking me up. It's really bizarre.
35. "Terrible painter" XD Klaus would have eaten you for saying that if he were alive.
36. Um, Hope, wouldn't you ask your family if you are doing enough to make your father proud, instead of this random bloke who supposedly met him once?! Maybe call Freya or Rebekah.
37. Why is this monster being nice to Hope? Doesn't it try to break people up or something? You'd think he'd try to piss her off even more and ruin her relationship with Landon.
38. Stefan was trying to be more like Damon by sacrificing himself? Um, what?
39. Well, this musical at least gave Stefan and Caroline a goodbye scene. I wonder how much the twins remember Stefan, must have been a bit emotional for Lizzie to play that. Jenny's singing was gooood, really liked it.
40. JED WAS GONNA KISS LIZZIE AND I WANTED IT TO HAPPEN. But a forehead kiss does work.
41. Hope's playing Elena now? What?
42. Ngl I want Hope and Jed to be friends. She needs more of a connection to her wolf side. Both of her parents wanted her to be surrounded by wolves and she's barely interacting with the wolves in this show, which always makes me sad.
43. So this monster can also do little spells and move physical objects eh? Whatever, this is random.
44. And this monster brings people back together? Why?
45. So when Hope is singing, is she doing it as Elena or Hope? She came on stage as Elena, but I thought the song is about Hope. So WHAT IS IT?
46. Oh Damon's on stage, so Hope is singing as Elena and it's a call back to the graveyard scene from the TVD finale.
47. Danielle sings pretty well. It's good she decided to perform this time.
48. Okay, that lifting up scene was adorable. I feel like Hope and Landon are at their cutest when they're a bit spontaneous. But she's Elena on stage and it lowkey looks like Landon crashed her romantic scene with Damon to kiss her so I'm cackling.
49. How much older is Jade supposed to be than Josie?
50. So is Josie going to leave the school for a while and that's why Ethan will be back in the picture?
51. Jade used to babysit Josie? Okay, it is hella awkward.
52. Josie why, don't do this, yikes. Kissing her once doesn't make it non-creepy.
53. The Sheriff feels kinda shoehorned to me. Also, I don't care for Matt Davis or his character.
54. So Candice did the voiceover for Caroline's letter. That's nice for the show. I still don't understand why the letter showed up in Hope's fireplace though LOL.
55. This episode should have spent more time exploring the aftermath of the loss of Rafael. The abrupt shift from the last episode wasn't nice.
56. Yeah, kids, talk out your problems, thanks.
57. I feel like Klaus is too much of a controversial figure that Hope's conflict about her father's reputation would be resolved in one day. This is feeling undercooked. Speaking of, when is one of Klaus' or Hayley's enemies coming after Hope, because she did inherit all of them. Would make for better storytelling than this monster of the week nonsense. And yeah, still no mention of Hayley, I hate this.
58. The monster's characterization was really odd to me and I am so tired of this format SMH.
59. So they toyed with MG for weeks to get a vampire for the spell? That sounds like too much effort. There are tons of vampires from Klaus and Rebekah's bloodline, they couldn't find another? Also, I wonder who is the wolf that they will use.
Well, I felt like this episode was mostly okay, but not that well-cooked or epic or whatever. What is horrific is that they didn't show Bonnie, though. They could have at least gotten a female black guest character who is one of the witch students or something. This is very offensive.
Also, I don't think it makes sense for the show to do any more musicals in the future. This ain't Riverdale.
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arrowflier · 3 years
heyyy ! so, could you write a fanfic where after the wedding gallavich svetlana comes back and she and ian become besties? I would love to see them go shopping and doing stuff together.
and i need to say i love everything you write, your account is pure serotonin
The knock on the door came early in the afternoon, when both of them were half asleep on the sofa trying and failing to watch the newest big action movie.
"You get it," Mickey groused from his position with his head on Ian's lap, burying his face against a broad, boxer-clad thigh. Ian didn't reply.
The knock came again, louder and more insistent, and he rolled so he could glare up into Ian's face. "You not fuckin' listenin', man?" he grumbled, snapping his fingers to get the other man's attention. "Get the damn door."
"Kinda hard with you on top of me, Mick," Ian replied easily, barely lifting his own head from the hand propping it up from the side of the sofa. Ian grinned when Mickey cursed, and swatted at his back when Mickey finally gave in a rolled to his feet.
"Yeah yeah, I'm comin'!" Mickey yelled when the knocks just kept coming, stumbling toward the front door and rubbing his tired eyes.
"If it's that new fuckin' neighbor again, I'm gonna kill her this time," he muttered just loud enough to hear, smirking at Ian's sharp laughter as he threw open the heavy wooden door of the apartment.
"What's with all the--" he started, then trailed off when he saw who it was.
"Racket?" he finished in a whisper. Because there, right in front of him, outside his safehouse that he happily shared with his husband away from their families and their pasts, was the second-greatest reason he almost never got to have any of it.
The whore had come home.
They stood there watching each other warily until Ian came up behind him, peering past him to see who was in the doorway. The hand he casually placed on Mickey's hip tightened when he registered what he was seeing.
"What..." he mumbled, taking the door out of Mickey's frozen hand to open it wider. "Svet?" he questioned disbelievingly when it only showed her more clearly.
"Hello orange boy," Svetlana greeted, not unkindly, before turning her gaze back to Mickey. "Worthless ex-husband," she said more flatly. "We must talk."
A week later, Ian reassured Mickey one more time before leaving for the evening.
"This is good, Mickey," he promised, coming up behind his husband where he was 'not primping, that's gay Gallagher' in front of the hallway mirror.
He wrapped his arms around Mickey from behind, and pretended not to notice the way Mickey breathed out heavily and leaned back into him. Instead, he just stroked a hand over the line of buttons on Mickey's shirt, and pressed a kiss to the back of his head.
"You're just gonna spend some time with him," Ian murmured. "Get to know him a little bit, yeah?"
Mickey didn't say anything, but Ian didn't bother to fill the silence. He knew his husband better than that.
"What if he doesn't like what he learns?" Mickey finally asked, voice hushed. "About me, I mean."
Ian spun him around so he could look directly into his eyes, wide and faintly wet.
"He will," Ian said simply. "But if he doesn't, well." He shrugged. "I guess Svet kills both of us."
That got a choked laugh out of Mickey, and then they were interrupted by a knock on the door.
For the second time in a week, Mickey went to answer it.
This time, it opened not just to Svetlana, standing there in a fashionable dress and a stern expression on her tastefully painted face, but to a young boy with a head of wispy blonde hair and two familiar, ice-blue eyes.
"Hi Yevgeny," Mickey managed, voice little more than a croak.
The boy gazed up at him solemnly, silently. Then his lips quirked up as he said, "Hi dad."
"You think this is good idea, orange boy?" Svetlana asked Ian as they left the building a few minutes later. "Ex-husband was never good with child."
Ian shook his head as he held open the door for her, following her out onto the street.
"I wish you'd stop calling him that," he told her. "He's my husband now, after all."
He glanced at her as he said it, and was surprised to see the barest glimpse of a soft smile on her face before it dropped away again.
"Yes," Svetlana admitted. "What he always wanted."
Ian couldn't suppress his own grin.
They walk in silence toward the shopping center down the street, Svetlana's fancy heels clicking on the pavement as Ian own worn shoes scuff along beside her.
"He's changed a lot, you know," he offered abruptly as they waited for streetlight to change at the corner. "Since you knew him."
Svetlana eyed him until the signal changed, then took off across the street.
"I know this," she tossed out over her shoulder. "Or Yevgeny would not be here, desire to know father or not."
Ian could respect that. He jogged to catch up, halting with Svetlana when she stopped in front of a storefront.
He looked up at the sign, confused. "What are we doing here?" he asked. "Thought we were grabbing a bite while Mick bonds with the kid."
"We will eat," Svetlana promised. "But first, I shop." She took a moment to look Ian up and down, a calculating glint in her eye, then smiled almost predatorily.
"You shop too," she decided. "Give my--your husband nice thing to look at."
Ian flushed as she turned and entered the store. He stood awkwardly outside, eyeing the display, until a woman walking by in the other direction gave him a disgusted look. Then he shook off his nerves, and followed Svetlana into the lingerie store.
"I cannot believe you bought!" Svetlana giggled as the climbed the stairs to the apartment two hours later. "Sales lady could not believe either!"
Ian snorted, a small bag swinging from his hand as they exited the stairwell. "What she couldn't believe was how good it looked," he boasted. "Did you see the way she kept looking at me?"
He unlocked the door as he said that last bit, and it opened to reveal Mickey's scowling face.
"The way who looked at you?" he asked immediately, and it sent Ian and Svetlana into a whole new chorus of giggles.
They only quieted when Yev's voice came from further into the apartment.
"Daddy," the boy called, "is that them? Are they back?"
Mickey coughed, rubbing his mouth as his ears turned red at the moniker.
"Uh, yeah kid," he answered gruffly.
"Did you ask them yet?"
Mickey rolled his eyes.
"No, not yet, let them get in the fuckin' door first." He sounded annoyed, but Ian could see that he was flustered.
"Language," Svetlana admonished as she pushed past into the entry. Ian offered Mickey a smile and a quick kiss as he followed, tossing his bag on the little table by the door. He shook his head when Mickey looked at it with a raised eyebrow, and mouthed later.
"Ask us what?" Svetlana got right to it.
"Uh," Mickey tried to start, but didn't get a chance when Yevgeny came barreling in from the living room.
"Momma!" he squealed, latching himself onto her leg. "Daddy says he was gonna watch a movie with Ian, can we stay? Can we?"
Svetlana dropped a hand to his head, smoothing through blond curls. She looked at Mickey, who was clearly nervous, rubbing his neck and trying not to meet her eyes. She looked at Ian, who was trying not to show how much it meant to hear Yev refer to him by name, like he remembered who he was.
Then she looked at Yev, happy and free, with no knowledge of the ever-present trauma between the adults of the room, just staring up at them all with his heart in his eyes.
"Yes," she answered. "Yes, I think we can."
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