lila-went-missing · 7 months
I saw you wanted req's for Clarisse !! and I had a cute (well I thought it was cute) Hear me out !! You're Percy's older sister but you've been at camp for a few years so you and Clarisse have had more time to talk and get closer, sooo coincidentally once Percy came and after he and Clarisse had their fall out she finalized the relationship (not to be petty but just to get under his skin a little bit.. but also she didn't wanna do something to Percy and have you upset with her and ruin the progress y'all made.) But !! Percy only found out when you guys were eating at your table and Clarisse came by and didn't say anything to him, she kissed you but as she was walking away she muttered a half-assed apology to Percy. Bro's dumbfounded but you break the news to him, and as the loving brother he is and the fact you and Clarisse have known each other it's only fair he happy for you !! (You keep him safe from her.) SORRYYY this is so long but Clarisse makes me giggle, I hope you're having an amazing day !
I've been so excited to write this but I'm also such a procrastinator so sorry if this took a long time to come out. You're literally so sweet I hope you have an amazing day.
Warnings: Mentions of blood and wounds, it gets slightly suggestive once but nothing happens, cursing i think, I'm not going to lie to you this sucks especially the ending.
This took forever because I'm the medically expensive one in the family and I've been in and out of doctors offices for over a month now. This isn't proofread, I trust grammarly and move on. I love you all so much, enjoy my lovelies.
When the Waves Come In
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Being a forbidden kid was anything but easy. Monsters could smell you more than others. The gods hated you. Trouble and tragedy seemed to track you down wherever you went, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. The only perks? Having a cabin to yourself and being slightly more powerful than other demigods. If you were being honest, that wasn't really a fair trade.
Not to mention, the other demigods at Camp Half-Blood either hated or praised you. There was no in between. You were claimed only seven months after arriving at camp, this made a lot of unclaimed kids unhappy with you. Like it was your fault that Poseidon was kind of proud of you once? It's not like he's bothered to reach out since then.
Over the last three years of living at camp, you've made some decent friends. You got along pretty well with most of the Hephaestus kids, Beckendorf immediately taking a liking to you for your stubbornness. The Apollo kids liked you, they even let you help lead archery classes. But there was one person that you were closer with than anyone else. Clarisse. Your Clarisse.
You weren't friends. You were so much more than that. But at the same time, you weren't quite together either. It was very complicated. However, there was one thing you were both certain of, you like being near each other, and hated being separated. Oftentimes, she would sit at your table during meals, Chiron choosing to turn a blind eye. You would sneak her dessert every time she lost her privileges. You were her girl, that much, everyone knew.
When a new kid by the name Percy Jackson showed up at camp, you didn't think much of it. New kids arrived all the time, 90% of them never being claimed and getting left to rot by their godly parents in the Hermes cabin. It was sad, but it was the truth. You learned to live with it.
You assumed the same would happen to him, until you saw it. The horn that once belonged to the Minotaur. Grover claimed he had killed it with its own horn. Everyone believed it except Clarisse. You wanted to not believe it, but how else would he have the horn?
Of course, Clarisse being Clarisse, she had to prove that he was a fraud. The first time she did this, she was blasted by water into a wall, effectively shattering a mirror with the impact. She came to you, of course, a bruise forming over her stomach and chest. You were honestly surprised that she didn’t some internal bleeding deal going on.
“I just want him to own up to being a liar!” She ranted. “Is that too much to ask? I mean, he’s 12, he’s like 4’11, he has no muscle what so ever! How am I expected to believe that he, of all people, killed the Minotaur?” She paced back and forth over the floor of your cabin for what felt like an eternity.
“I mean, this kid shows up out of literally no where, and is getting all the glory in the world. Is everyone here really that blind? There’s no way he managed to actually kill it, yet he’s getting all the praise? How does that add up?”
You stood from your place on your bed, walking towards her and placing your hands on her shoulders. Your hands squeeze gently, trying to ground her.
“Breathe,” you whisper, “I know it sounds highly unlikely. I know you’re pissed, you have every right to be.” Honestly, if the only way you could ever get your father’s attention was through glory and winning fights, even then, seldom getting any acknowledgement whatsoever. You have to admit, you’d be pretty pissed in this situation too. I mean the only thing you could do to get anything, even an admittance that you exist, is immediately taken over by this random kid no one’s heard of? Yeah, she’s rightfully pissed.
“But I need you to breathe before you have a nervous breakdown, honey.” Your hands rub up and down her arms, feeling her muscles slowly relax.
“I wouldn’t have had a nervous breakdown.” She mutters.
“I know, but I might’ve.” Knowing her, the way she is behind closed doors, she most definitely would have. But you let her believe that she would be okay.
“It’s just not fair you know? He hasn’t done anything. Even if he did kill the Minotaur, there’s no way he wasn’t running purely on adrenaline and rage. He wouldn’t be able to do that again if he tried. He’s getting all of this praise, and for what? Existing? Being, not even a man, a boy?” Her voice is much much quieter this time, barely making it to a whisper. If it wasn’t for your proximity you probably wouldn’t have heard it.
“I know, I know, love.” You can’t stop yourself from wrapping your arms around her. “Just think, in a week or two, people will probably forget all about it. He’ll go back to being a regular 12 year old, nothing special.” Realistically, you know that sounds kind of bad, but what else are you supposed to say to her.
There was a part of you, no matter how small that part may be, that knew that wasn’t going to happen. Most demigods aren’t able to do something like that and live through it. But you knew he wasn’t like most demigods.
You knew he would get claimed, soon, most likely. From the moment you laid eyes on him it’s like you could feel it. What happened in the bathrooms only confirmed your suspicions. While you didn’t say anything to the girl in front of you, you knew who he was.
He was another forbidden kid. Not just a forbidden kid though, your brother. A son of Poseidon.
Capture the flag was the next day. From the moment you woke up you could feel the energy surging through the air. This was one of the most anticipated events of the summer. The only thing you really won was a party and bragging rights. I guess to camp full of the competitive people you’d ever meet, that was all you needed.
It was definitely all Clarisse needed. She loved to win and hated to lose, a trait she inherited from her father. And she’d be dammed if she was going lose another game of Capture the Flag.
That’s why you’re so confused when she tells you that she’s changing the plan. She never changes the plan, finding solace in a good strategy.
You understood more when she explained what she was doing. Revenge on the new kid for blasting her with toilet water. When you put it like that, it sounds logical. But knowing Clarisse, and knowing what you know, you can’t just go along with it.
“Clar, I really don’t think this is a good idea.” You both paced around each other in your cabin, similar to last night.
“Are you seriously telling me that what he did was okay?” Her voice raises with every word.
“No! I just- I have a bad feeling! I don’t want you to get hurt!”
“I won’t! I can handle myself, you know this!”
“I know! But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to worry about you!” Your heart beats out of your chest with every step you take towards each other.
“I can’t believe this! You really don’t think I can do this!” Before you can even formulate a response, she’s grabbing her stuff and walking out the door.
You follow her of course, yelling her name, but it’s no use. She doesn’t turn around. She doesn’t even pause in her steps. You watch her disappear behind the door of cabin five.
The door to cabin three shuts as you slide down it. Your head hits the wood as you lean back, sure to give you a headache later. You can’t find it in yourself to care though. A tear slips down your cheek. Then another. Then another.
You know it’s a bad idea. She will go after revenge. And she will get hurt. But you also know that there’s literally nothing you can say to her. You want to, but it’ll only make things worse. That's the thing about Clarisse, when she gets her mind set on something, there's no changing her mind. All you can do is patch her up afterwards.
The red team has kept the flag near the water ever since you were claimed. They made sure that you were never far from it, blasting anyone in the face if they got too close for comfort. You weren't going to lie, it was potentially one of your favorite things to do.
So, as per usual, you were patrolling the edge of the water. No one had really gotten close enough, which was very disappointing. Until the new kid ran out of the woods and immediately tripped and fell on his face. Your whole body straightens immediately, muscles tensing. You pull out your sword and move towards him. He probably doesn't want a fight but it's better safe than sorry.
He had a few cuts littering his arms and cheeks. His clothes were dirty and he was now covered in wet pebbles. You could tell that he was disoriented and panicked. You were about to approach him when one of your sort of girlfriend's brothers ran out of the woods after him. Miles. One of her sisters followed suit, Trinity, you think her name was. Dear Hades they're actually going through with it.
Clarisse comes barreling out of the woods after them. Before you can even think about jumping in the sound of metal on metal fills your ears. Swords and shields clash. A spear jabbed at his chest. Her spear. You wanted to get between them, help him, protect him. Even if he didn't know it yet, he was.
But you couldn't. Everything moved so fast you didn't have time to react before they were all rolling over the ground. The water fed off of your emotions, grabbing her siblings and ripping them away from the fight. But it was too late. You saw the spark come from in between them. You heard the wood snap. Half of the spear was in her hands, the other half in his as his body rolled with the momentum.
It felt like time froze for those few seconds. The water was still. The wind stopped blowing, birds stopped chirping. The air around you seemed to disappear. You couldn't breathe. All noises cut out as her guttural scream ripped through the air, lasting for what felt like an eternity.
She ran forward, grabbing the front of his armor and jerking him forward. The conch blew, the blue team ran across the river carrying the flag. She ran off into the woods, it didn't take long for you to follow behind her, grabbing the pieces of the spear as you went.
Before you fully made it away, you saw the trident above his head. That's the moment you realized that you should've placed bets. You would've made bank, but that's not really your concern right now.
You find her in her cabin, facing away from the door, sitting on the edge of her bed. If you look close enough you can see the way her shoulders shake. You place the pieces of her spear on a table near her bed before kneeling behind her. Your arms wrap around her front, pulling her in.
Her back rests against your front, her head tucking back into your neck. You feel the way her shoulders tremble and shake in your gentle hold. For a long time, she doesn't say anything. A few tears slip down your cheeks that you don't mention. You don't push her. It's very rare she lets anything like this happen. She feels like showing these kinds of emotions would make her weak. It didn't matter how many times you assured her otherwise. Sometimes you can't change a person's thoughts when they're the only thing that person has ever known.
After what feels like forever, she speaks. Her voice comes out shaky. It's the kind of soft you only hear late in the night after sneaking into her cabin.
"That spear- it was the only-." A sob escapes her throat and you can feel the way it moves through her whole body, consuming her completely.
"I know honey.." You whisper in her ear. Your arms subconsciously tighten around her muscular frame.
"It was the only proof that he could ever love me." You swear you can feel your heart shatter. You've never liked her dad, but even so, you knew how much that spear meant to her. Her fathers traits were very prominent in her from the moment she was born. Her anger issues kept her in trouble, never getting help. Never being accepted. Her father was the only hope she would ever have until she met you. But even then she was so terrified of losing you...
"It'll be okay.. I promise." Your words a hidden promise of protection.
You're not sure what happens that night but you know something changes. Her arms wrapped around you a little tighter. Her breaths came a little deeper, more relaxed. Your finger over more of her scars, tracing them with the delicacy that was only ever seen in the hands of the greatest artists. When you thought about it though, she was the only work of her art that would ever be worthy of such care.
When you wake the light hits the two of you in a new way. As if Apollo made Helios shine it on the two of you alone so he could write the greatest love hymns that would ever be seen by mankind.
Her siblings don't question your presence. They never do. Why would they when it's so rare the children of Ares are able to find such peace. So rare they can find such a level of acceptance within another person.
For a while you sit there and watch the golden light dance across her bronze skin. The way it shines around her face, the face you've kissed so many times. The face you long to kiss right now. You don't sneak out this morning, instead staying curled into her side. The beating of her heart threatening to lull you back into a peaceful slumber.
Then the conch blows for breakfast, causing her to stir. Her eyes flutter open, turning into pools of golden honey as the light swims in the sweet waters. A small smile creeps onto her lips as her eyes meet yours.
"Hi." You whisper. Your hand strokes over her cheek.
"Hi, baby." Her voice is as soft as the way she looks at you. Before you know it she's leaning forward and placing her lips on yours. It's the first time but it doesn't feel like that. It just feels... right. Something about it is so perfect. The way your lips fit together like long lost pieces of a puzzle.
"What was that for?" Your lips remain parted when you pull away. "I just, wanted to kiss you." She mutters in reply. A blush covers the expanse of her cheeks. You never thought you'd see her so flustered. "Can you do it again? Kiss me again?" She smiles and nods at your words before leaning in and pressing her lips back against yours.
They're soft and warm as they slide against yours. It feels like coming home after a long day of training. Your favorite person right in front of you with open arms.
When she pulls away, she's smiling wider than you've ever seen her. "I really should have done that a lot sooner." You can't help but laugh at her words. "I've only been waiting for four years!"
"Why don't we make up for that?" She leans forward, resting her hand on her waist and pulling your body against hers. A chuckle leaves your throat.
"Maybe later, right now, I really want breakfast." You peck her lips once more before rolling out of bed. "Come on!"
It's not long before you're both dressed and making your way to the dining pavilion. As much as you would like to sit with her, she's already on thin ice with Chiron. You take your time getting your food and burning it, not wanting to be separated until absolutely necessary. Eventually though, you have to part ways and join your newly-claimed brother at the Poseidon table.
"I'm surprised you're not more banged up if I'm being honest." You say as you take your seat. There's not a single scratch on him.
"Annabeth kind of shoved me into the water, next thing I know everything is healed." He answers, you can tell he's nervous knowing your connection with Clarisse.
"Perks of being Poseidon's kid, that and our cabin is a lot less crowded." He laughs lightly at your words.
"You're telling me! It's nice not sleeping on the floor." The both of you go quiet for a while, eating in comfortable silence. The breeze is cool against your skin, a nice reminder of the weather barrier. When you look up, Percy is looking behind you with pure fear in his eyes. You expect to be greeted by a monster when you turn, instead you're greeted by your girlfriend.
You can't help but chuckle at the look on Percy's face. You really can't help but laugh at his face when she leans down and presses a kiss against your cheek. "I'll see in training later, right babe?"
"Wouldn't miss it." You kiss her jaw before she turns and jogs off towards the arena.
"She- you-" He looks utterly dumbfounded as what he just witnessed. "What just happened?"
"She's my girlfriend, Percy."
His mouth drops open with the most surprised look you've ever seen. "Oh."
"Is that an issue?" You don't really care if it is, but you ask anyway. "No, no I just, didn't take her as the type to really date anyone." He answers.
"Most people don't, I'll do my best to keep her from pulverizing you." A laugh escapes you before you take your leave.
Life didn't seem too bad.You had a new brother, you were dating the girl you'd been in love with for years. You might even be able to convince her to leave him alone. You'll get her spear fixed as a surprise birthday gift.
You can feel everyone's surprised eyes on you as you walk out. There's no doubt the entire camp knows by now, and there's no doubt that a billion rumors will be floating around by dinner time. But there's a part of that just, can't find it in you to care. How can you when you have everything you've wanted right there in front of you.
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tujhse-raabta · 5 months
pjo fic recs?
ok ok ok first one. The God Complex
this is an apollo x oc, and it is so fucking well written I die because of it daily????? like. lowkey one of the best things I've read. author hasn't updated for like a year, but honestly, you would not regret reading this at ALL. it's a blessing, I am Very Serious
next, i think this one's a classic - Falling For You
i am feral for this. basically percy falls into Tartarus alone, dark percy, percabeth, the ups and downs of dating a demigod who has gone through HELL, god I will never forget how this one fucked me up and I love it sm igkfkgke
next, Son Of Sea Foam
in a world where big three kids have a CURSE ON THEM, it's even more forbidden to be alive !!! silena is the loml as is percy and god I love this one sm. i had to stop reading after the first one bcs [redacted] but the second one is amazing too i just know it gifkfkekcklckcekcm
a perpollo - I have swallowed my pride (to say goodbye)
everytime this updates i cry of happiness and they're so regular it's just like a weekly blessing. it's time travel fem percy and there's so muchr tirkgkrkgkrkglrlvke I CSNT FUNCTION OK THIS IS A MUST READ EVEN IF YOU DONT TOUCH THE OTHERS
The Kistos Trilogy
not very percabeth friendly pls keep that in mind!!! but it's so. it's very Poseidon and Percy and parental love and dark percy and gods i just girkgkekckdlkckdlcldlckekckelvllrkv
having a god for a big brother
THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, ITS AN UTTER AU ANF ITS SO UNIQUE????? BASICALLY OK OKOK SO . percy is a god here and Estelle is his sister / [redacted] oh god the plot twists and the family fluff I love the perpollo yes but I read this for the Annabeth & Luke & Thalia & Estelle & Percy feels!!!!!!
i hear you're alive (how disappointing)
fuckrifkrkfkfkelck this is. the worst that Tartarus could be. basically percy doesn't stop when Annabeth asks him to during akhlys, and terrified + trauma flashbacks cause her to leave him there alone and escape through the doors of death. it's .,,, obviously not percabeth? i find Annabeth surprisingly in character for the WILDLY out of character premise but gods the way this is written is so. fkekgkrkgk. also hazel baby<333
last one I promise lmao - Citizens of Glass
i lied one more because VIRIRKF
The Once and Future God
time travel fix it which I think redeems luke????? i love it it's all so amazing and Percy is actually from 300 years in the future and he's such a smart amazing kid he's SAVING SO MANY PEOPLE AND THE LIGHTNING THIEF HASNT EVEN STARTED????? i love this sm it's the best soup ever
(two more bcs I can't help myself. this for some really really cool god Percy oneshot which left me feeling buzzed and this for a super super unhealthy dark perpollo)
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webanglikethat · 8 months
going insane about … the way that Percy decided to pray to his mom instead of his dad, a “mere mortal” instead of a mighty god, because he believes his dad doesn’t cares about him nor his mother and he never had to earn his mom’s attention nor love, the way everyone else in the camp is describing it to him. love isn’t supposed to be a fire you need to grow, it’s air that surrounds you. just like water. and the sea doesn’t like to be restrained, but neither does love. right?
and ,,, in extremely stark contrast, Sally's prayer to Poseidon is such a !! loud !! testament to a relationship so profoundly understood that words become superfluous. she doesn’t need to say a single world, she doesn’t need to whisper a prayer, she doesn’t need to perform anything. she just needed to exist, right there, at that moment. exist in the same way he loved her. a queen among mortals. because she knew he would come to her. she put faith in him and unwavering trust extended beyond deific reverence; she invested her faith in him as a being, knowing his love could transcend the limitations and restrictions imposed by his godhood.
“ignoring me is one thing, but he doesn’t get to ignore you” yet little does he know he didn’t, he never had. and when he did, it was for their own good, a sacrifice for their well-being, shielding them from the life and the curse he inadvertently bestowed upon his own son. “you had to kill me but it killed you just the same”
and it makes me think of how Sally never described Poseidon as a monster, of how she always thought of him nostalgically. but I wonder, to what extent can the love of a profound being envelop you without sculpting you into a poignant victim of its depth?
and in today’s essay …
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 3 months
Astyanax procrastinates a little that thing about going to save his baba in the same very way I'm procrastinating my thesis a little
Enjoy the snippet
Astyanax was afraid.
He was just a boy after all, so he postponed his departure from Troy a few hours. Enough time to eat something, gather his belongings and clear his head.
He cooked whatever fish he had left, sit at the beach, looking at where the city once stand, lost in thought.
"Would you be so kind to share some food with these old man?"
The boy jumped and coughed, as the bite he was chewing almost shock him.
"I didn't mean to scare you." Said the gray haired man.
"And somehow I believe you". Answered Astyanax. "Please sit with me and suit yourself, if not, it would go to waste."
"That would be tragic."
The stranger took a site at the other side of the little fire, yet Astyanax didn't pay much mind, distracted as he was. That didn't mean he wasn't ready to run away at the very first sign of danger from the old man, but sharing a fish wasn't much of an effort.
The Trojan ruins stood tall in the distance, making Astyanax sad for something he couldn't quiet place. Can you be sad for something you don't remember? Is there such thing as homesickness for a place that was never home? And yet he had spent a week alone wandering in his homeland, and he had known peace there.
"Did you know that those walls were built by Poseidon and Apollo themselves?" The old man's voice brought him back.
"I can't say I have heard that story," replied Astyanax with amusement, "would you tell me more?"
"Would you accept it as payment for the meal?"
"The meal was given freely, but you can pay with your story if that's your wish." Assured the kid.
The old man had a soft expression when he looked at the walls, Astyanax dared to think that he saw something similar to pride in his eyes.
"For irrelevant reasons to this story", started the man, "the two gods were punished by Zeus to live as mortals for a year, and looked for work here, at Troy. The king at that moment wasn't a fair man, and ignorant to the fact he was treating with gods, he only hired the two of them to build the walls."
"That's definitely some shitty behaviour right there."
"Right, sorry. Please keep going."
"The king gave them a year to complete the work, but they did not relent. Poseidon was skilled in the ways of the rock, and Apollo was a diligent work partner. Together, they make the walls grow more and more everyday. The year passed and there was only a thin gap in the wall that could have been done in an hour, but the king said the work wasn't completed in time so there was no payment. And the gods left."
"Let me guess," said Astyanax, with a mischievious smile, "because Zeus' sentence was over, they have regained their power, and make the king face the consequences of his actions."
"You're correct, more or less." The old man confirmed. "I remember when Troy was in its full glory, what a beautiful place it was."
"I don't know, maybe." Melancholy was back in Astyanax's face.
"What's wrong? You are young, but your eyes are old, my boy."
"I...I guess that's a good way to put it. I was born at the war", confessed Astyanax, "but I'm too young to remember Troy, or anything related."
"And yet, here you are."
"Not by choice." Muttered the kid to himself, the old man heard him, but didn't say anything. "Did Apollo came back to Troy?"
"He did," answered the old man, "he sided with the Trojans. The Acheans had disrespect him, and Zeus was telling him to do so." When he said that, Astyanax snorted. "What's so funny about it?
"It's just...the gods, they are gods, yes, but they are also... people, emotional people. I'm sure he even cursed the Achean Camp, just to because he could."
"Something like that."
"See? People."
"Maybe you're right."
"Talking about people, were you there? At the war?"
"I was," the answer was concise, "why?"
"Did you ever meet Hector of Troy?"
There was a silence.
"You could say that, why the question?"
"Could you tell me what was he like?"
"Wise," the answer came quickly, "he was wise, and honourable. He was trying to do the right thing in a time no one was listening." The old man stood up, having finished his food. "I'll leave you to it, thanks for the company, and the meal."
"Thanks you for the stories." Replied Astyanax.
Despite his own words, the old man made no move to leave.
"Your bow, did you make it?"
"Yes, I did, why?"
"It's a good bow, I'm sure every arrow you shoot with it will land right in its target."
"Thank you, that's so kind..." Astyanax stopped talking, because somehow, while he was looking at his bow, the old man had disappeared. " Of you."
He shook his head, trying to calm himself. He was sure he didn't imagine the encounter, the fishbones the stranger had taken out of his food were still there, in a little neat pile. Even the sand where he were was disrupted.
Whatever, he was no threat and meant no harm. Astyanax finished his meal and stood up to put out the fire.
He had spent enough time among ghosts, time to go looking for the living.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello Im happy your request box is open again. Can I request yandere ror x kagaya ubuyashiki!reader?
Ubuyashiki family is known for their soothing personality and presence, causing everyone who listen to them feel at ease and they show respect at the family especially to the leader. The yandere characters are not an exception and they fall hard to the reader. They want to protect her also because she has sickness/curse. Its your choice what will happen in the story.
Gods are odin, thor, loki, poseidon,hades, hermes, heracles
Humans are lubu, qin shi huang, jack the ripper and nikola tesla you can add adam but yandere platonic
-When the gods and warriors of humanity had been invited to meet with the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps, after demons led by Muzan invaded Valhalla, they didn’t know what type of person to expect.
-Many thought being the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps, after meeting many of the corps members and the strongest of the bunch, by the title of Hashira, that you were going to be a fearsome warrior, one that drove fear into the hearts of many.
-They were not expecting you, a petite little female, wearing a beautiful dark green yukata with a haori covered in fall maple leaves all over it, being guided in by your much younger siblings.
-The curse that had taken you when you were alive on earth was still apparent on your otherwise beautiful skin, covering your eyes, leaving you completely blind. While you were no longer in pain due to this curse, as you died in your prime, shortly after your eyes were taken, you still carried the curse and were weak as a result.
-Due to your curse, you never had children, it wasn’t safe to do so, but your younger siblings who you died protecting before they followed, were still young enough to be safe from the curse, and they would never be infected as they couldn’t age.
-All members of your corps, including the Hashira, all kneeled, bowing their heads to you, greeting you as the leader and your guests were all quite surprised to see that you were the leader.
-Despite not being a warrior yourself, the warriors under your care and guidance, and Kojiro, a longtime friend of yours, all treated you with so much respect that it was a little unnerving.
-Your voice was gentle, like a ringing bell, it was smooth and calming, “Thank you all for coming, Rengoku, you were the one who came on behalf of these warriors, you may lead this discussion.”
-Rengoku bowed his head to you as your little sisters helped you kneel down onto your floor pillow before they sat on their own pillows behind you.
-You mostly listened, hearing your corps members talking about where the demons had been spotted while the gods and warriors provided layout information of the different pantheons and more information about where the demons are attacking.
-When things started to get heated you lifted a hand and instantly your demon slayers went silence, bowing in apology as you spoke, your voice soothing, “Anger will solve nothing my dear ones, it will only lead to more problems. We’ve been discussing things for a few hours now. Everyone is dismissed for a break.”
-Your corps members thanked you, not willing to argue but Zeus approached you, sitting nearby, “Wouldn’t it be wiser to continue and wrap things up?” you looked in his direction, your smile soft, “I know you and many others, myself included, would like to have a solution to everything at the moment. But taking a break and getting some to eat would refresh our bodies and minds and make it easier to think more clearly.”
-He chuckled softly, stroking his beard, “You are young, but you are very wise. Very well, we shall take a break.”
-The room quickly became quieter as everyone left to go get something to eat or rest and you dismissed your sisters to do the same, Tanjiro beaming at you saying that he would take them with him, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko, which you smiled softly at, thanking him.
-Once everyone seemed to be gone, you turned your head to the side, “Are you not going with them?”
-He flinched, surprised that you had sensed him so easily as he stood and approached, taking a seat in front of you.
-He was silent for only a moment, “How did you sense me so easily?” you smiled gently, it looked so beautiful, “Losing one of my senses years ago helped me train my others to be more sensitive.” He nodded softly, not bothered before he asked you more questions, asking about the corps and how it was that you were the leader when you were so young. He felt a sort of pull to you, wanting to protect you, keep you safe, you seemed so helpless, but he knew you were anything but. His desire only seemed to grow when he asked why you weren’t married and you gave a soft, humorless giggle, “Not many want to marry a woman who is doomed to die from her curse. I can’t even have children safely without risking myself or the child. I was unmarried on earth, and here I remain the same.” His eyes instantly hardened, feeling anger for you before taking the plunge, “Would you marry me?” you were honestly stunned, lifting a hand to your face, “Oh my- you’re quite bold aren’t you. Please don’t tease me like th-” his hands cupped your own between his, “I’m not joking, I would love you, Y/N. I don’t care if you can’t have children, I only want to love you and be at your side.” your cheeks warmed, turning red as you pulled back, your free hand lifting to hide your mouth, “Hearing you actually say it is so different than seeing it in a precognition vision.” He chuckled softly, relaxing, remembering Brunnhilde mentioning that you were able to see glimpses of the future. His hand was gentle, holding your own, stroking the back of your hand gently as you gave him a small nod, which made him inhale deeply, feeling overwhelmed with happiness, but did nothing other than lifting your hand to his lips, pecking the back of it as he made a promise to make you happy. You knew he was telling the truth, he was going to make you so happy, if he survived your Hashira who were rather protective over you.
            -Odin, Poseidon, Hermes, Thor, Lu Bu, Hades, and Jack
-He chuckled softly as he stood, coming over, “You’re quite sharp, aren’t you?” you smiled gently as he took a seat beside you, to look out at the garden, “I could hear your breathing. Having lost my sight helped me strengthen my ears.” He chuckled warmly but nodded softly, not that you could see it, “You’re pretty amazing, Y/N, I hope you know that.” His words took you a bit by surprise, “Oh- you’re very sweet. Thank you.” He chuckled again before speaking, his tone a bit more serious, “But I’m serious, you’re fighting a curse but still leading all of your warriors, and you’re even leading us. You’re so calm!” You felt the breeze drift in from the garden, bring the scent of flowers with it, “A gentle breeze brings no damage, it only soothes, while a gale will only bring destruction and anger. Anger will solve nothing, it will only bring more problems, that���s why I try to keep others calm.” He chuckled softly, putting a hand on your own, surprising you, “Yeah, I get that, and you do it so well. Just sitting here with you, I feel so at ease, it’s almost like we’re married!” you smiled softly, reaching a hand over to his cheek, cupping it after you touched it, “You wouldn’t want to marry someone like me, I can’t even see you, and I can’t have children. You should be with someone who makes you happy.” His hand gripped your own, holding it gently, “That’s for me to decide, Y/N, and you make me happy, I don’t care about having children if I can just be with you.” You were stunned by his words but smiled softly, your eyes closing, “You’re very sweet.” He chuckled warmly, keeping ahold of your hand, but you did nothing to pull it away, it felt so warm, and you felt happy. You could feel what he was feeling, you felt so at ease.
-Loki, Hercules, Nikola, and Qin Shi Huang
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 11 months
hi! i was wondering if i can request a platonic percy jackson headcanon fic where percy, annabeth and grover are on a quest and they find the child of hades! reader who went missing a week before percy came to camp while they were on a quest? (if you’re still taking requests !)
The reader went missing and either ended up somewhere out in the wilderness, without a way to escape because the forest or haunted building wouldn’t let you out – or something else stopped you, perhaps there was some magic involved.
Percy, Grover and Annabeth were on the quest sent from the Gods – they had to return something to its rightful owner.
They were met with a thick dark forest that gave off an eerie and somber feeling.
Soon enough they realized that the forest grounds were moving and becoming into muddy, murky, swamp water.
The thick water barely let the trio escape, thankfully they had the son of Poseidon and Annabeths quick thinking skills. Grover used his pipes to distract the gigantic arms the trees were slashing around to hit them.
When they arrived at a mansion in the middle of the woods, they knew something was up. But they had no choice but to venture further. Who knows? Maybe their quest can finally end here?
The doors of the manor opened (by force) and after some digging and prodding around the rooms, they settled down for the night.
It wasn’t until weird scratching and ghost-like-groaning was heard from the hallway, that the trio got ready for battle.
Ghost in haunted mansions? They could handle it, they think. Can’t be worse than a Minotaur.
There they are, !reader, dragging their feet down the hallways, their mouth opened with black water seeping out of their mouths – a curse.
“Uhhh…they don’t look so good” – Grover. “Really? I couldn’t tell” Percy thought to himself.
Annabeth was clever enough to have nectar in vials that she used to throw on the readers face – momentarily paralyzing whatever that was haunting you and bounding you to the place.
When you were free, and groggy from sleep – you explained yourself. The details were difficult but thanks to the fact that Annabeth has been at camp longer than anyone – she recognized you.
Now that you weren’t a threat, Percy didn’t grip his sword so tight and relaxed slightly. Whatever that was wrong with this mansion, hes not sure if he wanted to find out.
He is giving you strange looks, but he cant help but be skeptical. But then again, he did find Bianca and Nico in that weird ass military school full of weird monsters. And he has met the twelve Olympians – I guess he finally cant get any more surprised.
Small talk would suffice for now, you are part of the quest!
Hes got your back. Annabeth has given you a small dagger to protect yourself with.
Grover might talk to you the most and keep you company.
If you were injured, Percy would be protective (as he is with everyone he considers a friend). Someone from Camp-Halfblood is automatically considered an ally in his book.
He would maybe be curious about your parents – given that his memory might fail him to remember who you are.
Once he finds out you are also part of the big three, he feels relaxed somewhat. Not just Thalia and Tyson – but you too along with Nico. He feels optimistic to know that perhaps you can get along with Nico – but he is most likely far away.
He wouldn’t give much reassurance, but he is one observant motherfucker that will notice when you don’t feel well.
Percy is known to understand and notice small things about people, and really not judge that harshly – even though he can be quite sarcastic he means well.
His sarcasm would be one of his biggest defensives, if you can handle that you are a good friend too.
He wont pry too much – Annabeth being the one asking questions and figuring things out.
Any powers you have that can be useful for the quest, they would like to know.
Skeleton soldiers, controlling live people, summoning any weird creatures, summoning magic or anything of value? Can you tell how people will die and cheat death? Anything is accepted, its better than nothing. And if you don’t know then your best bet is your mind – be a good teammate and be quick witted.
At the end of the quest, you would earn some respect from the trio for completing it with them. Good thing you were able to keep up.
Percy would talk to you and ask you questions in general after the quests.
He would see you as one of the handful he can actually consult to, without feeling embarrassed that its too childish or stupid.
He would think you are cool, anyone who defeats monsters and can keep up with quests are someone he admires. He admires and trusts easily.
Butting heads and anything childish he can get over quickly and grow. At the end of the day he cares for you.
If you are burdened by responsibility as one of the big three, he will understand.
Though Percy is actually more quieter than people think – he doesn’t mind being talkative around you.
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11queensupreme11 · 5 months
Hi,person from the "sweet fever" question!(I recommend u to do a quick read on the fan manga or see a resume so u can understand what I'm talking abt a bit better lol)
I was referring to a succubus womb tatto which can represent female power or something but can also represents other things depending on type of succubus womb tattoo (like one for cum addiction+other thing, one for slave I think,etc)
But I have another question,this situation would remind me of the Hades and Percy pollen situation, so how the yans react to Hades almost doing with Percy TWICE and in one Percy was high on sex pollen? I mean Hades didn't take her virginity but he was CLOSE☠️
omg wait so if character a got the "cum addiction" womb tattoo, they would be given a cum addiction?? and so forth??? omg 🤭 why didn't i learn of this sooner, now i know what kinda fics to search for tonight hehe
I wonder what would happen if Percy got a curse by that bc Aphrodite is TIRED of waiting for something more to happen so Percy's with an insane libido, fever, the temporary succubus womb tatto, etc. I wonder how yans would react and what would happen lol (Unrelated but I love how everyone uses the question things to talk u to just for the "anonymous" thing, I'm one of said followers😭)
(i found these on twitter btw, so im using these ideas for inspo hehe)
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so knowing aphrodite, she would pick a tattoo that SPECIFICALLY suits whatever yan she wants percy to end up with (actually, she'd probably switch it up every day so percy can be with ALL of them lmao, more entertainment for her)
beelzebub: COMMAND/REPROGRAM/TRIGGERED for sure 😭 lowkey, he'd be irked at first because he's already been conditioning her and he doesn't need the help of a stupid mark but eventually he starts to... enjoy it 😏 you know he's gonna order her to do the most lewdest things and video tape it so he can enjoy it in the future. and hey, since the mark's only temporary, he could even use the videos for future blackmail! 🤗
poseidon: LESSER. oh poseidon would LOVE this because finally percy starts to listen to him. he'll tell her that humans are awful and they all deserve to die, and she'll believe him. he'll tell her that it's perfectly okay to love your father, and she'll believe him. he'll tell her that it'd be SUCH a great idea for them to marry and have children and she'd believe him. no more needing to worry about his precious daughter getting corrupted by humanity's morals, she's now all his for the taking, yay!!!!
hades: LIBIDO/SWAY/GAZE. this man is horny for his niece so dont be surprised if he has dirty thoughts about her. imagine the horror percy'll feel when she hears her own uncle's impure thoughts about her?? and the horror she'll feel when she realizes she's actually getting TURNED ON by them??? she'll be so humiliated and confused when she suddenly starts touching herself, but its okay because her dear uncle's there to help her 🥺
apollo: CUMDICTION. aphrodite feels sooo bad that percy barely pays attention to him, so she curses her with a mark that makes her absolutely OBSESSED with him (tho to be more specific, his dick). apollo would be so ecstatic that the love of his life is finally reciprocating his love, that he won't even notice the womb mark when he's fucking her! true love 💖
loki: SUFFER/FORLORN. shocker, right lol 😂 he would totally enjoy this because he gets to do all kinds of sexual torture on her, BUT he's surprisingly also the first one who starts to hate the mark. her reactions aren't genuine, he wants the REAL percy, without this annoying mark! he wants percy to fight back and snap at him with her sassy words, not moan and be forced to submit!!!!
AND AS A BONUS: aphrodite would somehow manage to trick the yans into entering a room and throw percy in there with the pheromone mark! pheromone: any man within 30 meters will become aroused and attracted to her. the closer he is, the stronger it gets, and since these yans are already head over heels for her, the effects would be even STRONGER so rip percy's 🐱
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shmaimy · 1 month
Okay, I had a thought a few days ago and have been trying to get it right. But. I think I figured it out. (Don't expect 100% accuracy)
So, Pallas and Athena. Athena bursts out of Zeus' head, and confusion and chaos and Hera, so Athena ends up at Triton's camp/school/military base thing. There, she meets Pallas, Triton's daughter, and as such, is Poseidon's granddaughter. The two become close, very close. I've seen them be close as sisters and be lovers, and I'm not 100% sure what they were, but, I mean, they were Greek...
Nevertheless, Pallas means everything to Athena. Athena grows close with Pallas' family, I mean, her mom lives in her dad's head and said dad kicked her out, so...
Then, tragedy strikes. Pallas dies at Athena's hand. Whether it is a true accident, or Zeus' pride... Athena doesn't know what to think. She is sent away, basically banished by the grieving, who forget that she, too, is grieving a great loss.
Poseidon remains bitter, and continues pushing Athena away. They both remain bitter towards the other for thousands of years, and encourage their children to do so as well.
Put a pin in that.
Remember how there were a bunch of people that were really angry about Annabeth's casting? They were wrong, of course, but hear me out. Leah does look practically opposite to how Annabeth was described in the books. In fact, Walker looks more like Annabeth than Leah does (though, you gotta admit, they are their characters irl too, especially Walker)(also, i think the Annabeth being assumed to not be smart because she was blonde doesn't work as well as institutionalized and the many other types of racism. Athena's "gift/curse/however Annabeth described it" is still at play, so people really need to stop it with the hate towards Leah and Riordan)
ANYWAY I think it would be interesting if they made blondeness/light hair a Poseidon trait, and that's why Athena has avoided it like the plague since Pallas' death: its too painful. Contrastly, Poseidon gives his children light hair in honor of Pallas, as well as to torment Athena.
Specifically, Percy looks basically exactly like Pallas. It would drive this point further if the casting of Athena looks just like Annabeth, too. Thus, when Athena first tells Percy, "I do not approve of your relationship with my daughter, " we see so much more than just a spat over Athens (I mean, really, a salt water spring?), we see a romance to last the ages, and a tragedy who's thorns grow ever sharper. Athena is not just being selfish, not wanting a reminder of love lost, but she knows the fierceness of an ocean's love, and would not wish it lost on anyone, especially one of her own. Percy has had a choice thrust upon him: he will be the project child. To the best of everyone's knowledge, Percy will die at 16. Athena will do everything in her power to not hear her daughter cry tears over a child of the sea, not even she knows then so well herself.
(It could also be interesting if Percy looks like a mix of Athena and Pallas (because we know genetics are weird with the Gods), since that would cause extra pain in Athena's heart)(also makes Poseidon extra sad)
(OR Athena makes all her children look like Pallas to honor her. I don't like that one as much)
I also really like an idea I had that it was NOT Poseidon and Athena who invented the chariot, or however that went. Pallas and Athena invented it together, and Athena still uses that first chariot to this day.
Also, it could add some nuance to the Mark of Athena. When the Romans stole Athena, they erased Pallas from her story. Minerva looks like Pallas, and her love for Pallas is gone. She is not just searching for herself, she is searching for the string so interwoven with her own they are the same: she is searching for the soulmate erased from her story.
ALSO, or would be interesting to see this dynamic play out in the 4th book, when Percy is thought to be dead.
I want this to be released as a short film (I would be a great Pallas???? Think about it???? Am I selfish to think that??? Ambitious??? Yes???? What's your point?????????)
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mask131 · 16 days
Other Odysseys: Mission Odyssey
This one is sort-of a follow-up to the "Ulysse 31" cartoon. You'll see what I mean...
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Do you know Totally Spies, or Martin Mystery, or Team Galaxy? Those quite specific cartoons coming from a specific set of studios and a quite specific era, with their very distinctive style? Well, there was a fourth cartoon part of this set, so to speak... one adapting the Odyssey. A Franco-German cartoon first aired in 2002. In France we just call it "L'odyssée", The Odyssey, but in English the titled got changed to "Mission Odyssey" (probably to be more appealing to kids?).
This cartoon is another production of the company Marathon Média of the early 2000s pushing forward what has been called the "franime" - a French animation style trying to imitate Japanese anime, or rather marrying some manga visual elements with a more European animation tradition. Where Totally Spies was dealing with the "spy" genre, Martin Mystery with the "horror for kids" and Team Galaxy with "sci-fi space-travel", "Mission Odyssey" actually is meant to tackle a more "traditional" fantasy. And... that's kind of the main problem of this cartoon.
Because when you look at this cartoon... You will see how it clearly was meant to be a D&D-like fantasy show X)
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Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this cartoon and I have positive stuff to say about it... But let's get the bad things out of the way. And the first bad thing is that, if you are looking for a faithful adaptation of Greek mythology, turn away because its handling of the Greek myths is very very loose.
The core story is still the same as the Odyssey: Odysseus tries to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War, but is pursued by the wrath of Poseidon, and must wander from island to island, monster to monster, encounter after encounter, with the final episode seeing him defeat the suitors harassing Penelope (the show is 26 episodes of 24 minutes). And don't get me wrong: unlike "Ulysses 31" which invented out of blue entire episodes completely unrelated to Greek mythology whatsoever, Mission Odyssey ALWAYS takes its elements from Greek mythology, always. But A) In order to provide some padding and extend the story, Odysseus encounters a LOT of monsters and characters NOT part of the Odyssey - Pegasus, the Minotaur, the Amazons, the Gorgons, centaurs, harpies , Lycaon and the Golden Fleece are all at the program. B) The show has an habit of... reimagining the monster and entities of Greek mythology in WILD and bizarre ways.
The Minotaur? He is actually the king of his island and much more human than planned. The Gorgons? They are now two witch-sisters instead of a trio of monsters. Charybdis and Scylla? They are cursed lovers who must be set free from the spell that trap them. The sirens? They're your typical fish-mermaid kingdom. The harpies? They are now an entire kingdom and matriarchy of bird-women, instead of random evil spirits. The Titans? Oh they're just horned-bluish humanoids living in a Norse-inspired frozen land, but very much regular mortal folks. Zephyrus? The human son of Aeolus who ran away from his father's celestial palace to live with other mortals. Etc, etc etc... This show has some of the most unfaithful and misinformative and just plain weird takes on Greek mythology I have seen in kids' cartoons.
The very crew of Odysseus' ship was entirely reinvented. Of course, it is to limit the number of protagonist and make it easier for kids to follow, but outside Odysseus, all of his companions are original characters to the show, and that's where I talked about the D&D vibe: these characters feel like a D&D party the more your think about it. Putting this under this perspective, it starts of make sense why some of the reimaginations are so strange and so unlike Greek mythology: it seems the show's project had some sort of past as a more "fantasy" show before settling for Greek mythology.
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Anyway, enough of the bad stuff! What about the good? Why do I enjoy this cartoon and still advise people to go check it out despite its unfaithfulness?
Because - on the one side, it is VERY imaginative and creative in its reimagination. Sure it is not at all like the legends to have Charybdis and Scylla be doomed lover cursed into monstrous shapes to never be together... But you can't deny it still feels like something out of Ovid's Metamorphosis. Yes it is bizarre to have the Minotaur be the king who built the labyrinth instead of the monster trapped in it, but you see how they play with the legend around. And there's a lot of VERY striking visuals and concepts (like the Moirai spinning their web like creepy old-spider-ladies, or Lycaon trapped at the bottom of a well and sweet-talking people nto letting him out). And it does lead to some crazy scenarios that I quite enjoy: there's an episode about the group GOING DOWN INTO TARTARUS TO FREE POSEIDON OUT OF KRONOS CLUTCHES! How wild is that?
But here's the actual "good" point: while it is takes the "creative freedom" to the max in certain areas, when it decides to stick to the Greek myths, it sticks to it in a wonderful way. It's little details here and there, but they are very much appreciated. For example: the entire story of the Odyssey is here framed as actually some sort of contest or bet between Poseidon and Athena, who are the two main gods dealing with the story, and while the cartoon doesn't linger on the concept of the Trojan War (it's for kids after all), they do replace Odysseus' torment in the line of the Athena-Poseidon competitions, with Odysseus as Athena's champion opposed by Poseidon's own minions, monsters and servants.
There is an episode where the crew of Odysseus gets to the Underworld, and here Hades is not the bad guy, which is VERY interesting for an early 2000s cartoon: he is depicted, like in the myths, as a neutral though frightening entity who honestly will be a pleasant host to visitors as long as they don't stay, and follow his rules, but will become an absolute merciless terror if anyone break his law or tries to commit a crime in his domain. In fact, they do juxtapose him with Poseidon precisely to show how unlike Poseidon who is the bad guy here, Hades is much more benevolent than his brother.
Another little detail I particularly enjoy: Penelope and Telemachus are not forgotten, and every episode begins with a scene about them. Most beautifully: each episode's main theme, monster or MacGuffin is foreshadowed by the motif of Penelope's tapestry. Each day a new tapestry, echoing the adventures her husband will have to face...
But my favorite of this cartoon is, of course, Poseidon.
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I like to say that if you want a complete idea of Poseidon in Greek mythology, through modern kid fiction, you need to look at both the Percy Jackson books and this cartoon. The Percy Jackson books did a great job at showing the good and benevolent side of Poseidon, but they lacked his evil and dangerous side - which is what this cartoon is all about.
It might just be me, as I am a big Poseidon fan, but Poseidon is here an excellent traditional villain. Of course, it is all the codes we know today - he is this over-arching villain who works only through minions, underlings and indirect attacks (because, as per the rule of the gods' games in this show, deities cannot directly attack or influence or protect the humans and have to work through side-ways), he always comes up with a new evil plot each episode, and at the end of it he goes all "I'll catch you next time!". But it works with the character and material, and its a delightful classic move.
You clearly see here Poseidon as the father and ruler of the monsters and dangers of the sea, and I adore his design which is literaly a mix of Disney's Hades and Ursula with some elements from Bai Tza from the Jackie Chan Adventures. He is this blue-skinned, blond, octopus-man whose size constantly shifts and changes from a tiny thing to a giant because he keeps manifesting himself through various bodies of water and so can appear as much out of the ocean as within a cup of water you try to drink. He is clearly shown as cruel and petty, vengeful and destructive, cunning and filled with dark magic... In fact he is even seen trying to cheat repeatedly throughout the series, only for Athena to step in and be like "Nah, not on my watch".
However there's a bonus point: we have a nuanced Poseidon here. The very episode with the Cyclop is quite interesting, as it actually explores Poseidon's relationship with his son Polyphemus - Polyphemus who is here actually more of a dumb idiot and honestly a bit goofy at times (he is still a man-eating giant, but at least he is polite and timid about it), and while Poseidon is short-tempered and get VERY annoyed by his son's idiocy... He doesn't actually lash out at him, he tries to cajole him, and he even conforts him at the end by promising him to create a new eye (in this version, kid-friendly, Polyphemus' eye is a glass-device). Which is a great contrast with how Poseidon threatens and terrifies his other underlings. In fact, many times in the show we see people who are genuinely pleased and happy to see Poseidon, see him as a benevolent and friendly guy and are more than willing to help him - only to realize too late what he asks from them is actually nefarious. It is made VERY clear that, if it wasn't for Odysseus, we could get to see more of Poseidon's good side, but since he is Poseidon's unwilling enemy, all turns against him.
Even more so: this cartoon had the genius idea of analyzing how Poseidon becoming the main villain and the persecutor of Odysseus in this story ends up ruining him. Because as the episodes pile up and Poseidon is more and more foiled by Odysseus, we see him get increasingly frustrated and mad and vengeful, becoming obsessed with this guy. He keeps telling those who think of him as a benevolent god and nice patron to go kill this guy who turns out to be just an innocent traveller or a nice person (oh yeah, Odysseus in this version is your ur-good guy, no blame whatsoever, he is just Superman without the powers, you know), and as a result he loses all the support he had gathered. It is very interesting how it works by the gods: because a few times Poseidon will use the trust and respect other gods put in him to try to turn them against Odysseus, or trick them into attacking him. It happened with Hades, and with Aeolus, and with Hephaistos, and each time, Poseidon's treachery was revealed, leading him to be banished from their realm and earning their enemity. The result is that... As the show progresses we realize how Poseidon's obsession with Odysseus, destructive grudge and desire to cheat to finally beat Athena lead him to become a hated and humiliated god among mortals and immortals, and I think it is a quite a nice twist.
They do enjoy analyzing the ambiguity and ambivalence of Poseidon - for example the Pegasus episode has Odysseus meet Bellerophon, and the hunt for the Chimera is actually put aside in favor of Odysseus trying to give therapy to poor Bellerophon who is in a sort of passive-abusive relationship with his father. In a similar way, the Cronos episode is all about how Odysseus and crew have to rescue Poseidon because, even though he is their enemy, hates them and will see them dead, he is a needed part of the world and removing him literaly kills the sea (all the sea-waters turn into a strange sand-colored crystal), for ultimately he is the sea, violent and stormy, and cunning and filled with monsters, and never making it easy on sailors.
Though my favorite part is definitively how by the end, once Odysseus gets his happy ending, we cut back to Athena and Poseidon concluding their bet... Only for Poseidon to try to convince Athena to take another bet and begin another "game", begging her like some sort of friend with dares like "Okay but what about him not returnign to the sea, not leaving Ithaca? Don't you want to bet on that, on him not resisting the call of the adventure? Please, Athena, let's just have another game. Let's just bet on anything, pleeeaasse". And... it leaves you with this very strange and still kind of happy note that ultimately Poseidon is indeed, not really a bad guy, but just a short-tempered gambling addict doubled with a very sore loser X)
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gaypyro · 3 months
To be honest, in EPIC I think the takes I like the least are the ones trying to absolve Odysseus of Guilt or defend his actions.
Is Odysseus a sympathetic character in over his head who gets screwed by circumstances? Absolutely! But often eh screws himself by leading to those Circumstances by his Pride and obsession with finding the perfect solution. The man is a great tragic hero! But like... a tragic hero often is responsible for their own downfall.
Odysseus has a tendency to think he knows better then anyone else; and its only when faces with an overwhelming force that he stops. This tends to make him operate on a perfectionism that makes it so he tries to find a perfect solution; when pursuing such a solution often just makes it worse.
"The Blood on Your Hands Is Something You Won't Lose, All You Can Choose is Who's" is a very important line as it defines the central themes of the Musical. Odysseus is a military leader and King, who needs to make tough decisions, and trying to stick to his guns and perfectionism instead of actually making sacrifices, until it's to late, bites him in the ass.
Polyphemus, Circe, Poseidon and Zeus, all these threats attack Odysseus over what his decisions lead to in order to either get revenge on those important to them, or keep them safe.
Odysseus never apologizes outside of to the infant he is about to kill. He never expresses genuine remorse for the terrible shit he does, as he is, even from the start, to caught up in his own hype to do so. Polyphemus was attacking him not because he was hungry, or because he broke into his house, but because the sheep were his close friends. If Odysseus simply ransacked his home for food, that would be a thing he'd need to sort over but theoretically defendable with Odysseus' defense of "I was Hungry, here I'll pay you back." When Poseidon orders Odysseus to Apologize for leaving his son blind (Instead of killing him), Odysseus just tries to explain why he blinded him, as if Poseidon is an idiot who can't pick up context clues. And while he doesn't defend himself for sacrificing his men to Scylla, he also doesn't express any remorse for it. While apologizing likely wouldn't fix these issues, it stems from his Pride and later on, desperation.
And Odysseus' Pride doesn't just stop there, it also causes him to think he needs to get as many people out alive as possible before the Thunder Saga. If he killed Polyphemus, or at least didn't try to teach him Mercy and reveal his name; he could have gotten home scot free. If he chose to either brave the storm despite the risk of losing a few ships, or just kill people who tried to open the Bag, he'd not have lost his entire fleet. Odysseus only successfully got everyone out alive when he had literal Divine Intervention from Hermes, who was impressed with his speech.
And when he did start to embrace Ruthlessness, he did so at the cost of his followers, instead of for them! Something no one else was doing. The Cyclops attacked to defend his flock, Circe cursed them to keep her Nymphs safe, the Siren begged for her Sisters lives, Zeus attacked only after he broke a divine law, and even Poseidon, though he lacked the love the other 3 had, still attacked Odysseus for his son's sake. It's little wonder Ares and Aphrodite are so unsympathetic to Ody, by the time he started being willing to go killing people to keep his men safe he also reached the point were he stopped caring for his men. He was a coward in there eyes, and they only let him go when Athena told them he would cause a Bloodbath for the only people he cared about left.
It's easy to blame Athena for "Provoking" Odysseus into revealing his name, even if she really, really didn't and he was doing it entirely of his own volition. Similarly, it's easy to blame Eurylochus for opening the bag and being a coward; but unlike Odysseus he tried to actually apologize at the first opportunity (It's what he wanted to talk about at the start of Circe) and had actual regrets. Every problem that plagued Odysseus often was made worse by his Pride, and to try to blame others for them ignores the fact Odysseus has agency, and is smart enough to know better. It's what makes him so interesting as a protagonist; that Odysseus is at the end of the "Selfish and Prideful and Vain." The musical is a tragedy, and his tragic flaw has fueled much of the conflict. He's not an idiot, but he also isn't some victim of fate.
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Do you think you'll tackle Serene and Endymion in your Greek Myths? They are gorgeous btw. ;)
Not all titans were subdued. Not all were lost, or chained, or changed.
Some simply endured, too large and distant to be concerned with matters of titles and thrones.
Helios raged. Even bound within Tartarus, his sun burned brighter and angrier with each day, feeding off the hatred of the cursed titan. Seas turned to deserts as water was baked out of the earth. Apollo scooped up Helios’s chariot, bringing the sun to bear and returning a normal rhythm to the days and nights. Helios’s rage burns him even still, but the chariot has at least accepted its new master.
Artemis becomes associated with the moon because she is her brother’s other half in all things. But she constructs her chariot herself and it is used for races and to transport huntresses and little else.
The moon’s first goddess has never left. She has dragged the moon across the sky in her chariot of starlight uninterrupted for over a millennia.
The titan Selene did not join the fight of the new gods and the titans. She did not defend her brother nor did she attempt to save him.
But neither has she acknowledged the new pantheon. Zeus rules the sky and has demanded an audience with her many times, but she has never granted it. Zeus chases her chariot, but even riding lightning he can’t catch it when she unhooks the moon and no longer has its weight slowing her down.
Poseidon shakes his head and says, “Leave her be. I am the master of the sea and yet if I suddenly had to push forward every inch of the tide myself, I wouldn’t be left with much power to do anything else. All you’re doing is causing problems for the rest of us. Leave Selene to her work.”
Artemis agrees. If even Poseidon thinks bothering the moon titan is a bad idea, then they should listen. Usually he can’t be bothered to have opinions about anyone outside of his own wife, and even that’s rare.
Zeus gives up. Time passes, as it does, and no matter how the sun bucks and fights against her brother’s grip, sometimes going too quick and then too slow, the moon continues at the same steady pace.
Artemis grows stronger beneath moonlight. This must be because of her worshippers, or perhaps her brother’s. She never answers any prayers for tides or from people lost in the darkness, refusing every attempt to give her a power not her own, but her silence doesn’t seem to discourage anyone. Under the night sky her chariot moves impossibly fast and moonlight seems to always find her through the trees, which makes hunting difficult, but she doesn’t dare complain.
She does not want to earn Selene’s ire.
But despite her best efforts, Artemis does not manage to avoid her attention.
She is separated from her huntresses, spending the third night in a row tracking down a leopard that Demeter claims she drove mad on accident. Artemis doesn’t believe her, but the truth is irrelevant. This creature stalks and kills with Demeter’s blessing upon it, taking down all manor of creature and person.
Her temples have been filled with those begging for her aid. She’s blessed many spears, but her blessing doesn’t seem to be able to outweigh Demeter’s.
That irritates her enough that she’s seeing to this personally. She’s going to skin that damn leopard and wear it’s pelt to the next meeting of the pantheon.
One moment she’s skulking beneath a canopy of leaves, following several drops of blood she’s convinced will lead her to her prey, and the next the hair of her arms is standing on end and her heart is beating fast enough to make her light headed.
She swings around, spear raised, convinced that the damn leopard has found her first.
It’s not the leopard.
“You are the one they are praying too,” says a woman, her body soft with roundness and with the palest skin Artemis has seen on a living person. The extra skin beneath her chin gives her a perfectly circular face and the pockmarks across her face and body are a perfect echo of the moon’s many craters.
Selene tucks her ink black hair behind her ear and looks at her with equally dark eyes.
Artemis was born long after the war with the titans and she’s never ventured into Tartarus. She had assumed their presence felt much the same as other gods, that perhaps it was similar to the feeling of getting caught up in Hera’s rage.
It’s nothing like that.
Selene’s power is like a physical weight, as if they’re suddenly underwater and it’s surrounding them everywhere. Artemis lets it push her to her knees, bowing her head and trying to force her heart to calm. “Titan Selene. I swear that I did nothing to encourage them. I have not claimed any of your power.”
She should have done more than ignore them. She should have toppled temples and killed dissenters. She should have redirected their prayers. Anything to prevent what’s happening now.
“Would you like to?”
Artemis risks raising her head. Selene doesn’t sound angry and she doesn’t look it either. “I don’t understand.”
Selene gestures to the sky. “The moon is different from the sun. The sun pushes forward on its own and must be restrained and goaded in equal measure. Untethered, it will still rise and set. The moon must be pulled. It wants nothing more than to rest and unprompted it will stay motionless. If I step from my chariot for even a moment, the moon halts. It is unmoving now, as we speak.”
Artemis looks up. The moon always looks still to her. She wonders if the tides have noticed the difference.
“I have not been able to walk among earth for more than a few moments since I forged my chariot, lest all that follow the moon also go still and silent. They call you a moon goddess.”
“Please don’t make me take your place,” she says, not above begging. If the goddess traps her on her chariot, Artemis won’t have a choice.
Selene smiles, amusement making her eyes sparkle like distant stars. “You are young. You could not survive the chill or the weight for long. But perhaps you could endure for an hour or two.”
“I don’t understand,” she repeats, but some of her fear is starting to recede. Selene is not speaking like she’s going to strike her or curse her.
“There is a man,” she says, then pauses.
“Oh,” Artemis blinks, then, “Um, that’s not really my area. I could ask my brother?”
Selene laughs. “No, that is not necessary. I just need time. Will you steer my chariot each night so that I may walk across the earth unworried? Then you shall be a moon goddess in more than name.”
A titan, offering to share power for so little a reward? There has to be a catch. “Aren’t you worried that I’ll take too much?”
“I am not a goddess as you are a goddess,” she says, her derision light enough that Artemis can choose not to take offense to it. “My power neither grows nor dwindles based on the opinions of mortals. If you gain more, I do not have less.”
It shouldn’t be that surprising. All gods have some level of innate power. But not like this, not something that could alter the course of a planet, not this large and this terrifying.
Artemis decides then that Selene must be the most powerful of the titans. Anything else is too much to think about.
“I accept,” she says.
Selene reaches out, wrapping her thick fingers around her wrist, and then Artemis is somewhere else and she’s freezing.
“You get used to the cold,” Selene says, nudging her to the front of her chariot. The starlight glitters beneath her, driving home how her own silver chariot is nothing more than a pale imitation, no matter how it shines. “I drive the chariot forward with own will.”
Artemis’s works similarly. She focuses, and the chariot lurches forward, but then it jerks backwards. She glances behind, seeing the massive moon attached to the chariot with pulsing, heavy black chains. She tries again, slower, but no matter how much power she puts behind it, the moon won’t move forward a single inch.
“It’s alright,” Selene says. “I’ll help. You’ll grow stronger.”
She leans forward and spits out into space. Her saliva splits into two and then grows, until two massive, pearly white great wolves are standing at attention. Selene summons more of that strange black chain, looping it around the wolves’ chest and forming a hook to pull it through the front of the chariot before handing the ends to Artemis.
They’re heavy enough that she can feel the weight dragging her arms down. “What do I–”
Selene whistles and then wolves bound forward. For a moment they just strain against their chains, but then Artemis adds her own power to push the chariot, and then slowly, painfully, the moon is dragged forward.
“Good,” Selene says, the word settling into Artemis’s bones. “Stop when you must, but not before. I will feel the moon’s stillness and return.”
Her disappearance leaves the air surrounding Artemis even colder, but she refuses to shiver and instead urges the wolves faster with a snap of the celestial chains.
Endymion spends most of his nights on the tallest mountain within walking distance of the city, tracking the stars’ movements so that his fellow astronomers can check their equations against the realities of the heavens.
It takes him much longer than his colleagues and he blames it on an unsteady hand.
The truth is that his hands are perfectly steady. He has a one tablet of star positions and several rolls of linens with paintings of the moon. He’s not a very good artist, but something about it compels him, and so he spends hours each night determined to capture ever crevice and angle.
“Why are you always looking at me?”
He startles, dropping his brush, and turns on his heel to see who on earth is up here with him.
It’s a woman, with long black hair and a large body. There’s a puckered line along her cheek and he resists the urge to press his fingers against it, to follow it’s path until his fingers reach her lips. The soft pink of her plush mouth is the only bit of color on her.
Her question catches up with him and he sputters, “I’ve never seen you before!”
He would remember.
“You are always looking,” she insists, walking towards him. “What do you see?”
“I really haven’t seen you before,” he says, but doesn’t move away when she comes right up next to him. This close, he can see some faint color in her cheeks. He wonders if there are any other parts of her that tinge from pale to pink.
He feels heat rush to his own face at the thought. The bright moonlight that lets him see her so clearly is the same moonlight that’s going to give away his indecent thoughts.
But she doesn’t call him on it, instead pointing down at the crumpled linen. “Why?”
“Oh,” he flushes even more. “I don’t know. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? That’s reason enough.”
Endymion waits for her derision, the same that he’s received every time he’s gotten caught, but instead she curls her hands into the material of his shirt and says, “I agree,” and then she’s yanking him down to press her lips into his.
He tries to convince her to follow him home, but instead she disrobes right there and he can’t argue with that.
“Be here again tomorrow night,” she orders when the sweat is cooling on their bodies.
She likes to order him around. He doesn’t mind. “Won’t you tell me your name?”
“I will not answer questions that you already know the answer to,” she says, and then kisses him again before he can argue.
He means to walk down with her, to escort her home at least, but the moment he turns his back on her, she’s gone.
It takes him seven more nights with her for him to work up the courage to call her Selene.
She smiles and bites his shoulder, the imprints of her teeth a perfect circle.
gods and monsters series, part xxxiii
read more of the gods and monsters series here
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were-wolverine · 9 months
percy jackson ep3 live reaction
yesss the attic it looks perfect
the voice crack on “hi” i’m cackling
“oh geez” HES SO PERCY
annabeth immediately i love him.
percy’s gf requirements: has to be willing to push him down a flight of stairs without hesitation
let percy understand the horses PLEASE
“i chose you” i thought it was gonna be like ‘because you’re my best friend’ but nah he is just suspicious of grover dang. “i trust you” DAMN HE REALLY LYING HUH. poor grover totally believes him too. good thing he earns his trust back eventually and remains his best friend forever
“i’m gonna pack the best snacks” HE IS THE BEST KIND OF FRIEND
why tf are there lobster traps in the cabin. WHERE IS HIS BED???
“i think they’re canadian maybe? or from chuck e. cheese i dunno” he’s literally my favorite person ever
“these are… interesting”
thalia’s tree :(
when do they tell percy that grover was thalias protector 🤔
“the most powerful being in the universe’s best idea to save his daughter’s life… was to turn her into a tree?” YEAH FR GET HIS ASS PERCY
bro really does not know how to read the room 💀 “she met a pinecone’s fate” dude she is talking about her dead friend/sister-figure. grover’s literally like “wtf man”
how tf did they get a taxi from long island to the city bro
“i’m sorry to hear that” UR THE BEST ANNABETH
why is grover singing… THEATRE KID ENERGY
“our voting system’s broken” hgjfhdhd
BIG OOF ????
the autism makes decisions so hard very real
“they smell fear” “that’s bees” EXCUSE ME? BEES WHAT NOW??
damn dodds that’s brutal
“perhaps the most formidable demigod child alive” i adore how they make 12 y/o annabeth so fucking powerful. like i really really love that they do that cuz ppl always talk about how powerful percy is but not how powerful annabeth is
defeated by shitty evacuation skills smh
…we’re lost in the woods, somewhere in new jersey
“i didn’t even know they had forests in new jersey” king. what.
ahhh i wish they just made them 13 i really cannot see them as 12 year olds
annabeth IMMEDIATELY knows it’s medusa lol
thinking abt how sally used medusa’s story to teach lil percy that appearances aren’t everything and “not everything that looks like a monster is a monster”. very interested to see what they do with her in this version of pjo
“and i definitely trust my mom” percy is such a momma’s boy i love it
i hope they don’t make her evil pls pls pls. SHES NOT EVIL SHES AN SA VICTIM. “a survivor” :(
“the gift the gods gave me is i cannot be bullied anymore” yes 🙌
girl really said “it’s not a gift it’s a curse” as if she was there 💀 ilysm but clearly the story you’ve heard isn’t what really happened
“so did i” :( she was a worshipper of athena
“i wasn’t like you, i was you”
ANNABETH “that isn’t what happened” GIRL YOU WERENT THERREEEEE
you tell them medusa !! her and percy get matching “i hate poseidon” shirts
team #trust issues
oop. yeah fuck poseidon.
okay yeah i really like this characterization of her. like a good person with a skewed moral compass. or at least good intentions but not great actions
leetle snakes hiss hiss
annabeth watching percy defeat alecto… she literally has heart eyes hehe
you tell them grover!!!!!!
oh he really did choose grover because he trusted him aw :,)
“i am impertinent” ily
the song 💀 this is why they are besties
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presentprompts · 9 months
Back on my pjo BS! So I haven’t read the new book but my friend has and she said it was a fantastic way of having Percy say goodbye… Well don’t get me wrong, while a happy mortal life is absolutely what he deserves it’s frankly just not what I (and I think a lot of us) saw as his future.
Throughout the series Percy has always distinguished himself as just… More than every other demigod. While others are definitely powerful, he’s always stood out, and that’s even with his own obviously bias narrative where he downplays himself.
Percy doesn’t want to be immortal, doesn’t want to be a God, and wouldn’t it be a quintessential Greek tragedy for him to become one anyway? Not because of the Gods offering it, but through his sheer power.
So how would I tackle a subject thousands of other fics have also used? Well ‘cos I’m weak for Perpollo, I’d start in the Trials book. Everything in canon until then, but it changes as soon as Percy opens the door. Let’s have him join the quest, let’s have him watch Apollo, a God turned mortal, struggle through his trial and emerge a better person at the end of it. Let’s have Apollo watch this amazing demigod put his life on the line again and again and still stay humble. All the while in the background Percy’s own power is growing dramatically, yet unnoticed by either him or Apollo for varying reasons. Apollo was a God, what does he know as the norm power level of Poseidons children? And Percy is a long time expert at ignoring the obvious. By the end of the story they’ve obviously fallen for each other but neither admit it, convinced it’s one sided.
So I know Apollo becomes a God again without Zeus’ input but I’m imagining this dramatic scene in Olympus where Apollo tries to deny God hood again, after he and Percy finally admit there feelings. Maybe his immortality isn’t definite until he’s welcomed back into the council? Anyway, Apollo tries to tell Percy he loves him and wants to stay mortal cos Percy loved him as a man! Not a God! But Percy won’t let him, hushing him with a kiss and saying how he was a ‘terrible mortal’ and ‘meant to be a God!’ And then leaves. So Apollo becomes a God again, heartbroken as he believes Percy doesn’t love him after all.
Fast forward maybe a year? Later and both are still pining after the other, but won’t admit it as they both think it’s best for the other. When suddenly while on a quest for his father, Percy’s mortality finally burns away. Now where does that leave them? Apollo doesn’t want to approach the new God as he still thinks Percy rejected him due to lack of feelings! And Percy doesn’t wanna approach Apollo as he thinks the sun God must hate him now! Luckily someone has sense, because neither of them do, and assigns Apollo to guide Percy on a quest to find his domains.
I’m imagining this surprisingly slow burn considering they already love each other, as they find their equilibrium again with Percy now a God. His journey to find his domains would take him on a journey mirroring his early quests as he slowly says goodbye to his mortality and the people that represent it.
As for the end I’m thinking Percy having a final goodbye with his mum, where he sees she finally has the safe mortal life, and child, that won’t be taken from her by the Gods. Sally’s backstory always seemed so sad to me and with a lot of opportunity for a story of its own. In Percy’s goodbye I think we could get a really good end to Sally’s character arc, something about finally ending generational curses of bad childhoods. Sally clearly loved her son and was willing to die for him, but ultimately her keeping him with her was extremely dangerous! Not only due to monsters, but that she brought Gabe into their lives, just so she could keep Percy. The end would be as much about her learning to move on as it is about him.
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toasecretsanta · 9 months
(1 of 2 fics)
Merry Christmas ToA fandom!!!
I [@firealder2005] was given @literallyjusttoa this year, and this fic is based off her prompt of Poseidon and Apollo bonding time!!!
I will have the fic up on my Ao3 once the submission is posted :3
Warnings: Just to be safe, I have the fic rated M for implied noncon because. well. Ancient times be ancient times, you know?
This was meant to be combined with the other fic I have but uh. I got carried away lmao
Let us begin!
Save Me, ‘Cuz I’m Fallin’
A soft curse left his lips as he adjusted his grip on the stack of bricks in his arms. Apollo blew a puff of air towards a curl of hair that had fallen into his eyes, warily scanning the people around him as he set his bricks down. He tucked that free strand back behind his ear, wiping his dusty, achy hands on his tunic as the slowly-growing wall before him casted a long shadow over him, the sunset looming from behind.
“Hey!” Apollo slightly jumped as a hand clamped down on his shoulder, roughly spinning him around. One of the guards stationed around the wall glared at him, eyes partially obscured by the helmet on his head. Apollo wondered why people wore those if they obstructed their view. It was terribly constricting.
The guard shook him again. “The king demands your presence. He’s not happy with you.”
Apollo swallowed and began surreptitiously looking for his one and only ally within these ever-growing, ever-entrapping walls — Poseidon. In the years he’d been quite literally slaving away in Ilios, he always felt a lot more comfortable dealing with its king without the older, formidable god at his side. Even if at times there wasn’t much Poseidon could do…
Apollo was thankful to catch sight of his uncle. Poseidon’s hair had grown unruly during their punishment, yet he was still able to cut an imposing figure through the polis as the slaves of Ilios were finally able to pause their back-breaking work and rest.
“Come on!” The guard grabbed his arm and yanked him forward. Apollo stumbled, the sandals on his feet slipping over the pebbles beneath them, and the guard snorted as he fell onto his knees. “Get up!” he barked, the fold of his cape snapping as the former god staggered back to his feet. “We don’t have all night!”
Apollo ducked his head and mutely nodded, wincing a bit as the scrapes on his knees stung. A quick look told Apollo they would heal within seconds, but it did little to reassure the nervousness growing in his throat. Gods, he hated it when Laomedon called for him…
He attempted to swallow the lump. No luck.
Glancing almost desperately over his shoulder, Apollo managed to catch Poseidon’s eye and gave him his best HELP! LAOMEDON WANTS TO TALK TO ME! look. It must have translated quite well, for Poseidon began shoving his way through the dwindling crowd and stormed after Apollo and the guard, who still had not removed his adamantine-grip from his arm. Rude.
“You! Guard!” His uncle’s voice boomed through the air. A slave he may be now, but nothing could ever take away the blood-freezing depths of his words. “Where are you taking my nephew?”
The guard’s head had snapped around to face Poseidon, who loomed a good foot taller than the Dardanian. Despite the angry behemoth before him, the guard clearly had a nice stash of bravery somewhere within him — or he was stupid, depending on your point of view.
Personally, if Apollo had been on the receiving end of the furious stare Poseidon was giving this Dardanian, he would have scampered out of the way faster than Arion could run.
“Your indolent nephew,” the guard sneered. “Is to come to the king. He has some words to share with him.”
“Very well,” Poseidon tersely replied, eyes storming like the Adriatic Sea on a bad day. “Lead the way.”
The guard hesitated, his grip on Apollo’s arm loosening a bit, much to his relief. He pulled it out of his grasp and hid a wince at the twinge that shot up to his shoulder. Thanks a lot, he grumbled, rubbing at the blossoming bruise. Not like that’s gonna make carrying bricks even more of a pain or anything…
Then again, he healed fast. Maybe he wouldn’t have to deal with a stinging arm in the morning.
Though…Apollo nervously folded his hands together as the Dardanian guard jerkily motioned for him and Poseidon to follow. By the attitude of the guard, he clearly didn’t think Apollo would exist when Eos decided to paint the sky pink with her fingers.
Apollo kept his eyes fixed on the dirt below, ignoring the sleepy city around him. He stifled a yawn that pulled at his throat, and jumped when Poseidon nudged his shoulder with his own.
“You good?” he murmured under his breath, eyeing the guard marching before them with an intense look of dislike.
The younger god nodded, shakily inhaling as he muttered a “yes” in response.
“As always.”
A ghost of the jovial grin Apollo remembered appeared on his uncle’s face. “Just remember — once that stupid wall is done, we’re out of here.”
Apollo felt his own lips curl into a smile just as the guard quickened his pace and entered the throne room. Yeah, he couldn’t wait for this stupid punishment to be over. Apollo swatted at the sheer curtains hanging from the doorways, tensing as he spotted the king of Ilios seated on his throne, fingers tapping the armrest ominously.
“The slave you ordered, sir,” the guard bowed.
Laomedon barely gave Apollo a glance. “Why is he here?” He idly lifted a finger to point at Poseidon, who crossed his arms and glared at the king.
The guard cleared his throat, mouth opening as he clearly scrambled to explain how he was cowed into letting Poseidon in, when the king sighed and waved him away.
“Nevermind,” he inspected his nails. “Just go.” The guard quickly bowed once more before shuffling off.
Apollo clasped his hands before him and kept his gaze on the three steps leading up to the throne as Laomedon’s stare finally declared him entertaining enough for attention.
“So,” the king idly leaned forward, eyes fixed on Apollo. It made him distinctively uncomfortable. “I read the recent report on my wall’s construction.” A beat passed. “And I saw something…rather disappointing.” Laomedon rose from his throne and stood at the top of the stairs. “You do remember why your father made me your master, correct?”
Apollo silently nodded as Poseidon’s glare darkened.
“Good,” Laomedon took a step down. His voice darkened. “Then why,” Another step. “Are you failing,” His robes swished as he took the final step. “To meet your assigned quota?” The king’s scowl was harsh, burning into Apollo’s skin as he bit his lip.
“I–I,” Apollo stammered. Damn, he knew this was going to come back to bite him! “I know, I was supposed to get it done by today but I had to cover Aeacus’s quota too—”
“Quiet,” Laomedon’s eyes were still dark as Apollo’s jaw snapped shut against his will. “I don’t want excuses, Apollo. Zeus said to make sure you and Poseidon learned your places in the presence of a king, and that is exactly what I shall do.”
Apollo gulped and tried to hold back a tremor as Laomedon’s ruthless gaze pinned him down. “And this isn’t the first time you’ve been late,” Apollo dropped his gaze from Laomedon’s. “I let those be then, because I thought perhaps you still needed a little extra time to learn. Apparently I was wrong.”
Laomedon’s face split into a smirk. “Come here,” he snapped to the empty space in front of him. “Now.”
In less than a second, Apollo moved to obey. He gritted his teeth, once again attempting to fight against the compulsion, but like every single time before, it was no use.
A hand flashed out and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him to a stop. Poseidon’s gaze was as sharp as a shark’s as he stared Laomedon down. “No. He can stay right here to listen to what you have to say.”
Laomedon tutted. “Poseidon, let him go and stay put. Apollo — come here.”
Jerkily, Poseidon’s hand released Apollo and the younger god attempted to shoot his uncle with an assuring smile. He feared he only managed a grimace.
Taking a steadying breath, Apollo rolled his shoulders back and approached Laomedon, who was still smirking at his fuming uncle before snapping his dark eyes to him. The way the king steepled his fingers gave him an eerie resemblance to Zeus.
Of course, Apollo reflected as he steadily met Laomedon’s self-satisfied stare. He doesn’t quite have the intimidation factor down nearly as well. Though he had to admit, the way the king’s eyes flashed at Apollo’s nerve to meet him eye-to-eye was also very reminiscent of Zeus.
Apollo didn’t know if he meant it as a compliment or not.
Laomedon sighed, as if Apollo had caused him immense stress and disappointment. He tipped his head and clucked his tongue. “Now all that’s left is to find a proper punishment for you.”
The god recoiled at that, but Laomedon didn’t let him get far. He snatched the front of Apollo’s tunic and yanked him back toward him and grabbed his chin. “Since the wall isn’t tough enough work for you, perhaps a few months tending my lovely fields? By yourself?”
The ichor in his veins turned to ice. “That’ll take forever!” he protested.
“The winter months are almost upon us,” Poseidon added. Apollo couldn’t see his face, but he knew his uncle must be thunderous by the dark rumble of his words. “Not only would it be impossible for Apollo to accomplish alone, even with his lyre, but it would deprive your people of much-needed food the next year. Surely you’d know this.”
Laomedon’s eyes glanced behind Apollo, where Poseidon presumably was, hands still tight on Apollo’s tunic and face. He hummed. “I suppose,” he shrugged. “I would hate to have to punish my people because of you, Apollo.” The king’s brow furrowed, as if contemplating his choices. Personally, Apollo didn’t think it was a very good look on him.
Then the king got a wicked gleam in his eyes that also wasn’t a good look on him and set Apollo on edge.
“Of course…” Laomedon nearly purred and wow, his grandmother Rhea’s lions would be offended by how bad he made it sound. The king’s lips curved, a cruel tilt to his head, as he bared his teeth in a grin. “I could just sell you. Though I’d hate to be deprived of your company…”
A sharp inhale was sucked into Apollo’s lungs just as Poseidon let out a snarl.
Laomedon tilted Apollo’s head from side to side. His brows furrowed once more, though in a way that was like a lazy housecat able to play with an exhausted mouse at its paws. “You would fetch a fine price with that pretty face…”
The heart in his chest cavity thumped like a lone, rabid wolf ready to lash out to defend itself from a band of hunters. Apollo swallowed and shook his head.
“Believe me, I wouldn’t,” he nervously laughed. Under any other circumstances, he actually would have been quite offended at the idea that he wouldn’t be worth a lot of drachma, he was a gorgeous, talented god after all thank you very much, but he didn’t fancy getting tossed in the amphora and haggled over like livestock either. “Like you said, I’m awful at work — who’d want a slave who can’t work?”
“They would if they were a god,” much to Apollo’s growing horror, Laomedon seemed to actually be considering the idea, like actually thinking about it. “I’m sure Zeus would understand that you needed a harsher hand.”
“Absolutely not,” Poseidon interjected, his own scowl as harsh as the suggestion Laomedon had put forth. “First of all, my brother assigned us to you — he would not approve of you selling Apollo off. Secondly…” the older sea god drew himself to his full height and pinned the king with a raging stare. “I will not let you. You try it, and I swear I will kill you myself.”
Apollo hardly dared to breathe as slave and master — or god and mortal, he reminded himself — stared each other down. Poseidon’s face was simultaneously as stony as the walls of Ilios itself, and as wrathful as the seas he ruled. He was a true contradiction, and one not to cross.
Laomedon seemed to have realized that himself. His jaw ticked, eyes narrowing with a hint of…unease, perhaps? Wariness?
A cruel master Laomedon may be, but at least he wasn’t a stupid one. Poseidon would have killed him long ago if he had been.
“Then tell me, Poseidon,” Laomedon sounded equally irritated and irate. “What should Apollo’s punishment be?” The unease in his dark eyes was replaced with a brief flash that instinctively made Apollo wary. “Perhaps serving me more…directly in my palace?”
Apollo scowled. “I’d rather fight Python again.”
“Not to mention,” Poseidon called. “We’ll be down a worker for the walls — you said you want them built within a year, yes? Taking Apollo away from it would slow production.”
Laomedon gave a long sigh, absently brushing his thumb over Apollo’s cheek as he gave Poseidon a look.
“Well, since you’re so interested…” Laomedon released Apollo’s jaw — much to the god’s relief — but kept his grip on his tunic. The younger god attempted to subtly rub at his chin as Poseidon drew forth, the salty scent he carried with him drifting around Apollo. He inwardly breathed a sigh of relief at his uncle’s closeness.
“You can decide,” the king triumphantly declared. The relief Apollo felt was instantly squashed, and he stared with wide eyes first at Laomedon, then at Poseidon. His uncle had tensed, jaw clenched as he glared at Laomedon with nothing but pure dislike. “But of course,” Laomedon added slyly, finally relinquishing his hold on Apollo’s tunic with a lazy shrug, flicking at a strand of golden hair. “I retain the right to deny it and proceed with my idea.”
A wail of despair welled in Apollo’s throat, though he thankfully managed to swallow it back down. Though maybe a whimper escaped in the process.
This was it. Laomedon wasn’t going to be deterred by threats of what Zeus would do to him. There was no way he was going to accept whatever idea Poseidon came up with, not if he could humiliate a god of Apollo’s caliber.
Apollo silently cursed his father for taking off with Laomedon’s uncle. Why, oh why did Laomedon have to take his anger out on the most gorgeous god on Olympus? Was it because Ganymede had been snatched for his beauty and he was trying to make himself feel better by demeaning Apollo in such a way?
If so, he was so petty. Apollo hadn’t even been involved in that whole fiasco!
Poseidon had yet to say anything, his silence brewing a dangerous hurricane of potent emotions.
Laomedon, on the other hand, seemed to almost be enjoying himself. “We don’t have all night,” he tutted. “And I have a dowry to begin preparing for Proclia’s future marriage, so please do not waste my time.”
Apollo vaguely remembered Proclia. She was about thirteen, with long red hair and kind brown eyes. She had kindly given him some water one day when he’d been exhausted from brick-laying — much nicer than her pig of a father.
He hoped she was married to someone good. Though Laomedon didn’t seem to have an eye for such suitors. Maybe he could nudge Hymenaeus into helping…hmm…
Poseidon crossed his arms, face still shadowed with his storm, before he tersely nodded. “Very well. I suggest Apollo protect your cattle in the fields of Mount Ida. It’s been attacked lately by wild dogs, wolves, and other various beasts, am I correct?”
Laomedon frowned and tipped his head. “You are,” he agreed. “I have been losing the young cattle lately…ever since my father was king, anyway,” he added with a curl of his lips. Apollo winced and inwardly thought, Ganymede. The youth had used to protect Ilios’s herd of cattle…up until he caught Zeus’s fancy.
Apollo then arched a brow. Was it possible Poseidon was trying to appease Laomedon’s resentment of his uncle’s apotheosis with Apollo’s services in the very fields Ganymede had been taken from? He supposed it would be best to temper that anger…
…though did it have to come at the cost of him?
Laomedon, however, didn’t seem convinced. “Difficult that service may be,” he mused, fingers steepled once again. “I’m afraid I’m not quite satisfied with it. Any amendments to make? If not, I’ll be all too happy to get your nephew started on his new assignment.”
Assignment! Apollo scoffed, yet his hands shook at the possibility. He clenched them tightly as a  low growl left Poseidon’s throat. “An amendment it is, then,” he clenched his own fists and sarcastically muttered; “Do you have any suggestions?”
The king thoughtfully hummed. “You know, perhaps I do.”
Poseidon blinked. Apollo tensed. Clearly, his uncle had meant the comment in jest, but Laomedon had not taken it that way.
“How about this…” Laomedon crossed his arms and studied the two of them. “Apollo works in the fields, protecting my prized cattle, while you, Poseidon, take on his work on the walls. I’m sure you can handle a double workload better than Apollo.” Apollo quietly huffed at the slight. “Aeacus is almost recovered from his bout of sickness anyway,” Laomedon continued. “So he can continue his third of the wall soon enough.” The king then raised a finger. “But the condition is that Apollo will also get the mortar and bricks you will build with…from my palace.”
Apollo glanced at Poseidon out of the corner of his eye. His uncle caught it. Despite his unease, Apollo knew this was the best deal they were going to get. He gave a slight nod — I can do this. 
Poseidon inclined his head. “We accept the terms.” He announced.
Laomedon slyly smiled. “Good. Now go,” he pointed at the curtain-covered door behind them. “Best get some rest. You have work tomorrow.”
Work they had, indeed. 
Over the months, as Eurus’s autumn winds turned away and allowed Boreas’s chilly breath to descend over Ilios, Apollo spent his mornings quickly gathering as much mortar and bricks as he could, thanking his godly strength that he was able to carry so much, dodging running into Laomedon in the process, and delivering it to Poseidon before rushing to Mount Ida and perching on an outcrop, keeping a careful eye on the cattle and the wintry woods around him. A few times he had to fend off a particularly hungry wolf before communicating to it about a much better place to hunt, with deer roaming despite these barren months. The little guy had given him a thankful nuzzle before darting away in the direction Apollo had pointed.
“Never seen a wolf do that, before,” a feminine voice made Apollo jolt and he spun around, still half-kneeling from where he’d been speaking with the wolf. A girl around his age — that is to say, his human age of eighteen — stood before him. Her pale hair was braided, like bundles of flax woven into a fine basket. Pearls sat in her braids. Her dark skin was clean. Her eyes were like pools of fresh, spring water. Her peplos a rosy pink, like Eos’s lovely dawn. “They usually growl when they see humans.”
Apollo self-consciously adjusted his straw hat, thankful the only thing marring his own visage was the occasional smudge of dirt, though that itself was minorly annoying when faced with a pretty girl.
“Well,” he modestly shrugged and rose to his feet, casually leaning against his shepherd’s staff. “I suppose that’s because most humans don’t have anything good to say.”
The girl considered him. “I suppose,” she nodded. “I wouldn’t know the first thing to say to a wolf anyway. I’d probably communicate something along the lines of ‘I want to eat your young’ instead of ‘Hello, my name is Ourea. What’s yours?’.”
Apollo cracked a grin. “Was that an indirect way of introducing yourself? And to get my name?”
The girl — Ourea, Apollo noted, a name meaning ‘mountains’, as well as the name of some of Gaea’s offspring — smiled and gave a modest shrug of her own. “Perhaps. Not everyday you meet a man who can speak wolf.”
“It’s sadly a lost art,” Apollo mock-sighed. “Very few are able to master such a skill.”
“Oh?” Ourea drifted closer and intently stared at him. Her eyes were very distracting. Apollo had never really paid attention to the beauty of water before, but wow. It definitely deserved a few odes, perhaps even a sonnet. The way the sunlight shone off her eyes…it was like marveling at a sunset over the sea.
“Care to teach me?”
Apollo smiled. “Wouldn’t hurt to try.”
Ourea was rather good company. She was in the field waiting for him when he came to watch the herd, and he would impart to her the language of wolves — their code, their way of life, and how they communicated. She had trouble with it at first, which was a given. Mortals weren’t usually interested in learning about each other, let alone an animal, but he was fascinated with Ourea’s determination to push through his lessons.
They met everyday. Winter began to wane. Poseidon would give him a sly look every morning he came to drop off the day’s delivery of mortar and bricks, and shot a shit-eating grin his way at night when he returned a bit more flushed than usual and his tunic ajar.
Some people would think it weird that Poseidon wasn’t objecting to Apollo dating his daughter — after all, fathers were supposed to want their daughters to actually be able to marry the man they were seeing.
Poseidon though wasn’t a mortal father. He rarely interacted with his children, though he lent a hand if they asked for it. When Apollo had inquired about his opinion, his uncle had merely shrugged and said; “If Ourea wants you, I see no reason why she can’t.”
Apollo had to admit. Ourea’s presence was becoming a particular bright spot in Ilios. Not only would she meet him in the meadow, but also at the walls in the mornings and watch as he passed the materials to her father, waving cheekily at him whenever he playfully wrinkled his nose at her.
One particular bright spot was a nice night between them the day the walls were finished. The formidable stones rose high into the air, fortifying the main city even better than the outer city’s walls did — because they were built by two gods, of course.
And maybe Apollo had helped speed the process up a bit by playing his lyre as the construction came close to the end. His godly power had been greatly reduced thanks to his punishment, but he’d been able to manipulate the bricks into their proper places, creating a strong barrier to protect Ilios’s people — people who included Ourea…and his own child now.
He still remembered the day she told him, breath lingering around his ear, eyes shining as she whispered; “I’m expecting!”
Poseidon had clapped him on the shoulder and congratulated both of them. And nine months later, Ourea failed to arrive in the meadow. Apollo spent the rest of the day anxiously pacing the field, his restlessness no doubt warding off would-be attackers, though few they were as Notus’s summer sighs began.
Apollo practically ran back to Ilios in his haste to find Ourea, and find her he did. Her mother was busy attending to her, while his lover sat up in bed, a bundle in her arms. Her hair was down and pearlless, but her smile was as bright as the sea’s gems.
“Ileus,” she said. “After our city.”
The god bent down and placed a gentle kiss first on Ourea, then on Ileus. “Perfect,” he murmured. “He’s perfect.”
He and Poseidon were still technically in Laomedon’s service, even with the walls complete. Thanks to their godly intervention, the walls were finished earlier than planned — which was good, for Apollo could pop in and visit Ourea and Ileus more often, but also irksome. He missed having his full godly power at his disposal. He could’ve properly helped Ourea’s birthing pains. He could’ve — would show Laomedon what happens when you treat not one, but two gods cruelly.
Though despite the disgruntlement and unease Laomedon put in him, Apollo made a silent promise to protect this city. Not all of its inhabitants were as demeaning as their king — most treated him and Poseidon with the respect gods of their caliber deserved, and very few had dared to belittle Ourea for having a child out of wedlock, not with the knowledge that Apollo had fathered him.
All in all, Apollo was in high spirits. The walls were done. He and Poseidon were about to get paid for their work once autumn came about. Ourea swore Ileus was trying to imitate a wolf’s howl the night before — bless his little soul, already taking after his parents!
The snakes put a bit of a damper on his mood, three months later.
It happened fast. The guards along the walls raised the alarm as three massive drakons rushed the walls. Apollo had been transfixed to the spot, unable to tear his eyes away as the first drakon rammed into Poseidon’s wall. It screeched when it failed to topple it.
The second attempted the same with Apollo’s wall. It too fell prey to its invulnerability.
Meanwhile the third…Apollo remained rooted to the ground as it crashed through Aeacus’s third of the wall. Stone crumbled. Mortar cracked. Ash was flung into the air as the drakon stomped through, roared triumphantly, before turning tail and charging away, its brethren on its heels, screaming like a battalion of armed warriors.
Faintly, Apollo heard Poseidon swear and sensed Ourea clutch Ileus to her chest, as if afraid the drakons would return and snatch him away. The baby’s bright blue eyes stared at the drakons in awe, his pale hair askew.
Equally as faintly, Apollo could hear the rumbles of stone falling, though the walls around him remained intact, except for Aeacus’s third. He could feel the tremors echoing through the ground, the clanging of bronze-on-bronze.
A war would be fought here. A great one.
Apollo’s smokey green eyes rolled back into his head and his breaths turned harsh;
“Unyielding walls, made of stone,
Heed my words and be known.
None shall shake your roots of steel,
But beware the tenth year.
Red-haired Pyrrus to pluck you down,
And Ilion will fall by Aeacus’s crown.”
Hands grasped his shoulders and shook. Apollo dazedly jerked his head, blinking with bewildered pale gold eyes at the creased face of Poseidon.
“Apollo,” his uncle’s dark green eyes were fixed on him with a serious, intent expression. “Apollo, was that…”
The younger god swallowed and nodded. “I believe so.” He breathed through his nose. “It was a prophecy.”
“A prophecy?” Ourea breathed, blue eyes as wide as the pools of water in Ilios’s forests. “But what…what could it mean?”
Apollo frowned, biting his lip for a moment as he considered the prophecy, absently snapping his fingers for a papyrus scroll and reed pen. He quickly scrawled the prophecy down, studying the words.
Prophecies were tricky things. They liked to make you think you figured them out, or successfully averted them, before pulling the rug out from under you. (Just ask Acrisius)
However…he squinted suspiciously at the words before him.
Unyielding walls, made of stone, heed my words and be known.
Apollo eyed the walls of Troy as citizens and slaves alike clustered around the broken wall, clamoring over each other about how to fix it.
None shall shake your roots of steel, but beware the tenth year.
Unease filled his stomach. Beware the tenth year…tenth year the walls were built? Or perhaps…
The sound of bronze weapons clashing and the ground cracking apart from an earthquake ripped through his ears once more.
No. Beware the tenth year of war.
Red-haired Pyrrus to pluck you down, and Ilion will fall by Aeacus’s crown.
The wall. The wall that fell…it was built by Aeacus, not a god. That made it the weakest point, the prime place for attack…
Or it meant —
Apollo shoved the thought away. No. No. Ilion couldn’t…
“Apollo?” Poseidon asked. “Do you know what it means?”
The younger god glanced between the intense eyes of his uncle and the anxious ones of his lover.
“I have…a suspicion,” he admitted. He met Ourea’s worried face and softly said; “I think it says the walls will fall…and so will Ilion.”
Ourea pressed a hand to her mouth, eyes widening as she held Ileus tighter, making him whine as he attempted to wiggle out of her hold, making grabby hand at Apollo. He held out his fingers and allowed Ileus to snatch them, lips curving slightly as the boy attempted to stick them in his mouth.
Poseidon had turned and stared consideringly at the walls. Apollo stiffened as he heard him mumble “Good riddance” with a slight vindictive gleam in his storming eyes as people darted around, beginning to hastily repair the damage done to the wall.
Apollo couldn’t find it within himself to agree. He knew Poseidon only said it because of how harshly Laomedon had treated them, but personally, Apollo didn’t believe Ilion deserved to crumble to the ground because of the actions of one lousy king.
Plus…Apollo fervently looked into Ourea’s concerned eyes. Placing a kiss on her lips before ruffling Ileus’s hair, making the child babble, he knew one thing about himself.
Ilion was his city. And he would do his damndest to circumvent its fate — or at the very least, delay the inevitable for as long as possible.
They were his people, just like he was their god. And nothing would ever change that.
He eyed the palace with wariness. Steeling himself, he tapped Poseidon’s shoulder and said; “We should talk to Laomedon. He needs to know.”
Poseidon hummed and shrugged. “Very well. He’s also due to pay us back for our work.”
With that, his uncle marched towards the palace, leaving the commotion of the crumbled walls behind. Apollo took Ourea’s hand and gently squeezed it, smiling lightly as he clutched the papyrus with Ilion’s fatal fate written upon it.
“We’ll be back,” he whispered. He hesitated, then drew both her and Ileus into a hug. Ourea’s free hand rested on his arm as she laid her head on his shoulder. “And don’t worry,” he added quietly. “I’ll keep Ilion safe.”
“How?” Ourea’s words were muffled slightly. “If it’s prophesied…”
Apollo rubbed her back and kissed her hair. “I’m the god of prophecy,” he grinned. “I’ll find a way.”
I hope, he left unsaid.
Apollo blinked, mouth slightly open as he stared incredulously at Laomedon. The king sat on his throne, as relaxed as a lazy lion, the side of his face leaning on his hand as he coyly smirked at the two gods.
“No?” Poseidon spat. “That was the deal, you ungrateful, impious bdelyròs!”
Laomedon clucked his tongue, shaking his head. “No need for that kind of language, Poseidon. Especially around your nephew.”
Apollo glared at him. “I’ve heard worse, thanks.”
The king shrugged. “I suppose you have,” he agreed, raking his gaze over the younger god. “You have had some…choice words, at times. But I digress,” Apollo scowled at how relaxed Laomedon looked, like he wasn’t insulting them — oh, he knew very well how demeaning this was! It wasn’t enough that ordered them about and yanked them around for his own amusement, abusing the control he had over them, but now he denied them their deserved pay!
“You have made a very unwise decision,” Poseidon softly stated, mouth curving slightly into a snarl. “When we regain our places on Olympus, we are no longer in your service, nor under your command. We are free to do as we please…” he narrowed his eyes and gave the bored king a mocking smile. “I can promise you my wrath will be felt quite soon.”
“Ah…” Laomedon clutched his chest, as if suddenly struck with a heart-attack. Apollo secretly wished for it to happen, for the terrible man to bite the dust. “The thing is, Poseidon…neither of you are allowed to harm me, even after your punishment is finished.” He bared his crooked teeth in a grin. “I’m untouchable, while I can still very much touch you.”
Apollo clenched his fists, the papyrus in one of them crumpling, before crossing his arms. “Says who?” He demanded.
“Says your father,” Laomedon’s grin was sharp as he sat up straight in his throne. “After all, the lesson was all about not challenging a king, was it not? Taking vengeance on me would mean you haven’t learnt your lesson.”
Apollo was furious. He wasn’t allowed to give Laomedon a piece of his mind? To throttle him for everything he put him through? Completely unfair! How could father let him do this?
Angry, Apollo stalked up the stairs and slapped the papyrus onto the throne’s arm. “Maybe this will get you to rethink,” he hissed as Laomedon’s dark stare first roamed over him before idly glancing at the papyrus. “Or do you not care about Ilion’s destruction?”
Laomedon’s face twisted and he seized Apollo by the strap of his chiton, yanking him close enough for him to murmur darkly; “Careful there,” His hot breath made Apollo flinch away. “I still own you.”
He ripped himself out of Laomedon’s grip and gave him a vehement stare. “You own nothing,” he muttered contemptuously. Apollo glanced over his shoulder to Poseidon, who had his arms crossed and face twisted into a mean scowl.
Apollo turned back to Laomedon. He pointed to the papyrus. “The future of your kingdom is on that scroll,” he darkly warned. “I really think you should reconsider this choice — it may lead to Ilion’s ruin.”
Laomedon gave a disbelieving snort. “Ilion is the crown jewel of Anatolia,” his nose scrunched up as he gave the younger god a condescending look. “Our warriors are of the highest caliber. My children married to powerful allies. Very few would dare to challenge us — let alone be able to destroy us, dear Apollo.” 
He then leaned forward, finger tapping idly on the papyrus as he hummed. “Not to mention you are our patron god, duty-bound to come to our aid.” He glanced at the scroll and lightly snorted. “Barely half of this makes sense! Garbled nonsense.”
Apollo’s jaw clenched. “Smart men can decipher a mystery,” he growled. “Wise men learn from it.”
His stomach twisted as Laomedon pretended to not hear him. Apollo glanced at his uncle, whose stormy expression made him shiver.
He had warned Laomedon. He warned him of the present and future danger to Ilion. But he refused to listen.
And that arrogance will cost him. Dearly.
It is, after all, part of the duty of a god, Apollo reflected as he and Poseidon silently exited the throne room, stalking through the grand halls with glowers. Hubris is so commonly a mortal’s fatal flaw…and Laomedon will be no different.
I refrained from my usual rambles so if you want my rambles see my Ao3 for the fic upload there! :3
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bakawitch · 5 months
Mermay time >:3
Casteshipping au where Bakura was an infamous pirate captain who went down with his ship. Due to a cursed artefact present on his ship when he died, sometime after his death, he woke up on his ship as an aquatic humanoid. He never really leaves the ship or its general area and stays extremely territorial of it.
Enter a runaway (swimaway?) siren prince from Atlantis who has a Little Mermaid fascination with humans syndrome going on for him. He sneaks onto Bakura's ship, hoping to find some sort of exciting human regalia, only to be confronted by a very angry creature, pointing a sword at his neck. Bakura chases him around the ship, but unfortunately, due to the lack of a tail, he's considerably slower than the intruder.
Eventually, the siren starts taunting him and asking questions, which Bakura is very surprised to be able to understand (an effect of the curse). They end up talking, and the siren introduces himself as Atem. Bakura tells his story, which Atem finds really exciting, and he instantly develops a new special interest in piracy. They hang out for a while, and even after leaving, Atem stops by a lot to listen to more of the ex pirate captain's tales, given that he's not in one of his famous 'let's stab the pretty merguy' moods.
One day, Bakura ends up showing Atem the mysterious artefact that trapped him in the ocean, and Atem instantly recognises it as a lost divine treasure with mystical powers that is said to be from Poseidon himself. Atem tells him that supposedly it gives the wearer some sort of authority over the ocean and urges Bakura to put it on out of curiosity. Bakura does so with hesitation, and initially, nothing happens. After a few seconds of silence, though, the old ship suddenly starts shaking and moving. Atem and Bakura make it out on the deck, and they realise that the ship somehow started sailing underwater. Bakura wants to see how much control he can really exert over the ship, and he uses the currents to push it up to the surface.
Atem obviously falls on the floor because tail, but otherwise, he's extatic because he's technically never been this close to the sun. Bakura is also very appreciative of the sun, but now he doesn't really know what to do. Atem suggest that they just sail around for a while and see where the wind takes them. Bakura agrees and away they sail.
They end up rebuilding Bakura's old crew with other supernatural outcasts, and Atem discovers that he can make legs for himself. They go on fun vengeance adventures and treasure hunts, and they become the au's equivalent of the Flying Dutchman (I will come up with a name for their ship, I swear). Atem gets to live out his pirate fantasy away from the court, and Bakura gets over the betrayal of his old crew. They do an impromptu mid-fight marriage Pirates of Caribbean style, and they live happily ever after. The end :)
(Unless Atem's abandonment of his role as crown prince eventually comes to bite them back in the butt in the inevitable sequel.)
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
Percy Jackson
Stars on the Water by liketolaugh
"I dunno, I just think it would make a lot of things easier for a lot of people," Percy said to Thalia, when she just stared at him. His cheek rested in his hand, a rare pensive look leaving his eyes distant and unfocused. "Mom has Paul now, so it’ll be easier on her if she doesn’t have to worry about me mucking things up. Dad won’t have to keep threatening war every time Zeus gets his toga twisted. The prophecy’s done, so I won’t be bringing it down on Nico. And no one will have to worry about me blowing up another volcano."
On Heists and Home Economics by chellethewriter
Over the last few days, Annabeth has spent a great deal of time imagining what was stolen, what could cause Percy and the Stolls so much antagonism and strife. She imagined valuables and prized possessions and even—thanks to Malcolm—something as ridiculous as an engagement ring.
But never, not once, had she considered the possibility of a baby doll.
Because who in Hades would?
“That wasn’t just some children’s toy!” 
And Annabeth can feel it. She can feel Percy's rage bursting forth with his words—a pressure that whips through the pavilion like the briny wind of a sea storm. It's something primal, she thinks. Something desperate. So when Percy rises to his feet, climbing and cresting like a tidal wave, Annabeth doesn't blame the Stolls for shrinking toward the floor. If she didn't know Percy so well, she would do the same. 
“That doll,” Percy grits out, “is worth fifty percent of my Home Economics grade!"
Of Storms and Bloodlines by inkncoffee
When people thought of Poseidon they thought of the sea; Poseidon, Lord of the Seas, Commander of the Waves, the Stormbringer. Upon consideration they would add Earthshaker, for catastrophic events such as earthquakes were hard to forget. Few remembered, however, that Poseidon was also Lord of the Horses. Stormbringer and Earthshaker tended to squeeze that one out.
Percy had been able to talk to horses for as long as he could remember. He liked to think he understood them. Although he's not entirely sure why the new stallion thinks he's its foal.
Poseidon is not jealous that Percy thinks a horse makes a better father figure than himself. At all.
Not By Design by inkncoffee
Being a stepfather was hard enough even when your new stepson wasn't the greatest demigod of his time.
Paul's journey from that guy dating Sally to being Percy's father.
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun!
Broody Feelings by writerkat
Quite abruptly, Balam's behavior takes a sudden turn for the aggressive. Though some know why, no one knows how.
It may be wind up up to Iruma to find that out. As well as how to get Balam back to being the gentle giant he's always been.
A Spoonful of Sugar by silvershadowkit.
The stress of living in the Netherworld finally causes Iruma to succumb to the worse of human conditions: the common cold. How do his friends and family react in this moment of crisis?
He's Doing Just Fine by ScatteredNova (Timewormbloom)
Asmodeus and Clara discover the truth behind Iruma's parents and decide that it's their responsibility to make up for the love and affection he missed out on growing up. But they somehow miss the fact that Iruma is doing just fine without his previous family, and he's enjoying his new one very much.
Just a Bit Warmer by Creativitee
Iruma gets himself, quite literally, stuck in a bad situation. He calls on his familiar somewhat accidentally for a little bit of help.
Kalego is more than displeased at the situation to say the least, until he realizes it may be just a bit more dire than first glance shows.
simmering heat by tagteamme
Shen Qingqiu gets hit by a curse that is a little different than the hedonistic traps he and his husband normally fall victim to. In fact, it’s the opposite— in order to make it out of this curse alive, Shen Qingqiu must abstain from touching Luo Binghe.
This should be nothing more than a much-needed holiday for his old hips and waist, right?
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