juju-on-that-yeet · 4 years
It happened so fast he hadn't realized he even moved. All he knew was that suddenly Illinois was on the ground and his fist felt an all too familiar ache. He couldn't find it in himself to care at that moment. His vision was red and glaring with wideyed anger down at the taller man below him.
"Is that all this is to youse!?" 
He bellowed with a voice he barely recognized as his own.
"Some sorta fuckin' pity project!? What, youse feel bad all of a sudden for breakin' the heart of someone youse know? Youse just thinkin' if you play house for a little while, that everythin's gunna go back ta normal, and we can just forget this ever happened!?"
Illinois was holding himself up on his elbow with the tell tale start of bruise blooming by his mouth. 
"Yancy, no, that's no-"
"Don't FUCKIN' lie ta me!"
Lio's mouth closed with an audible snap that made him flinch. 
"If youse- if youse actually felt anythin' for me, youse wouldn't have jus' let me walk outta your room. Youse wouldn't have fuckin' ignored me for an entire week. Youse know what it felt like? Every time we were in tha same hallway, and youse jus' fuckin pull your hat down over your face like youse some bullshit cowboy?" 
Yancy jabbed his finger down at Lio.
"I ain't blind, and youse ain't as slick as youse think you are. Youse couldn't even look at me. Youse were fuckin' disgusted." 
"No, Yancy i wasn't d-"
The greaser's voice echoed down the empty halls and left Illonois' ears ringing in the silence that followed shortly after. He wanted to deny it. He wanted to tell Yancy just how wrong he was, that he wasn't just doing this out of guilt for hurting his friend.
Yancy's eyes continued to burn into the Lio, forcing every ounce of hatred he had into it, as if sheer will would make the adventurer burst into flames on the spot. But... He couldn't. Even now, humiliated, heart shattered, he just couldn't find it in himself to hate Illinois. The only one he hated was himself.
"I never shoulda left tha prison again. No, i never shoulda left tha prison in tha first place." 
Illinois looked like he'd been struck again at those words. 
"You... You don't mean that."
"Right, kuz if anyone here is good at sayin' shit they don't mean, it's youse." 
Illinois flinched again with a grimace. 
"Why'd youse come lookin' for me, huh? Why'd youse bother draggin' me back here? Why couldn't youse just leave me be!? I was outta your hair! I was tryin' to forget you, for all our sakes! So why? Youse really get off on breakin' a bastard's heart that much?" 
This time it was illinois' eyes that flashed with anger. 
"Watch it, Yancy."
If it were under different circumstances, the growl in Lio's voice would have done things to Yancy, but now all he heard was a challenge.
"Sorry, did i hurt your feelin's?"
Now he was just being a dick, and he knew it, but that didn't stop him from sneering at Lio.
"Sucks, don't it?"
Unlike the fairly isolated (yet loud) yelling that clearly warned people to stay away, it was hard to ignore the two bodies pummeling each other down the hallways of the manor. Egos peeked with interest out of doorways to see who was fighting who this time, and most were stunned to find out that is was the jail bird and knockoff Indiana Jones duking it out, throwing each other into walls, exchanging punches, straight up body slamming each other with clear intent to do as much damage possible. 
Their falling out had been rumored about, with Wilford insisting it must have been some sort of lovers quarrel, but with how friendly the two had been in the past, to see them exchanging blows was something no one (except the Host) had seen coming. It was also something that nobody wanted to get tangled up in the middle of. So they just watched the fight pass them by.
It's when Illinois clocks Yancy hard enough to send the man stumbling back into the second floor banister that sends the egos into actual alarm. There's a resounding snap when he connects, and then he's not stopping. It's like time has slowed to a crawl. Illinois saw the realization dawn on Yancy's face as he's falling, the anger in his hazen eyes disappearing, swept away in the wide eyed wave of fear that washed over him like a rip tide pulling him down and out to sea. Lio couldn't move fast enough. His body moved like it was being dragged through mud, arm outstretched, reaching, grasping desperately for his former friend as he sinks out of view below the floor. His vision blurred, images splitting in fractals of red and blue around him as he reached the ledge to stare down at what he'd done. But when he peered over the remains of the railing down to the floor below, he didn't find the tiled floors stained in a spreading pool of blood, nor the dull  emptiness of Yancy's eyes. Instead he saw... Nothing. Just the same pristine tiles of the foyer under him.
"... Yancy?"
 Before Lio could act upon his shock, his vision blurs and once again splits into reds and blues, then all he sees is black.
(Im starting to get sick so imma send you what i got kuz there's no guarentee I'll finish this. No betas we die like men.)
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attllhak · 2 years
Sorry, but this thought wouldn't leave me alone. What if the same the characters from Hyrule Warriors definitive edition from Warriors game, came through the time portal to assist the team? Like what if wind was cornered and nobody couldn't reach him in time and fricking Tetra comes guns ablaze, and Darunia and Ruto covering for an exhausted Time. That would be bonkers. Again sorry for this little rant, I hope you have a great day
So, I've been thinking about this since I got it, since this is a cool thought, and then I was considering more scenarios and such.
Upon writing this out I actually went into more detail about each situation, so I'm adding a cut.
So, Tetra showing up to save Wind is great if just only for the mental image of her immediately turning to him and telling him to get up since he was capable of helping her save him. He has questions, but you know what Tetra has a point. They both end up shouting questions at each other later on, I imagine. Neither has proper answers for the other.
The note of an exhausted Time actually amused me because, we're not at that part yet. That part technically isn't even in the main fic (though it does show up in a different thing). But, that does kinda happen. Regardless, I feel like Time's response to Darunia and Ruto showing up would be some variation of 'This may as well happen. Adult life is already so goddessdamn weird, may as well,'. Ruto and Darunia of course are slightly more thrown by things, not that Time is particularly helpful at the moment. Or ever. He's not helpful when he rests up either, he just hopes someone else will handle this particular issue. Fortunately someone does.
Sky would probably hug Fi. Once they're out of combat, of course, he's not going to put both of them in more danger. But like, that's his friend and he missed her. Fi of course doesn't really react much beyond a 'Hello Master Link,' because emotions are still new to her in that era. She lets him hug her though, and I imagine she'd be awful fond. Emotions may be new, but she does have them.
And then I remembered that Midna was in Hyrule Warriors, and the mental image of the entire battle grinding to a halt around them as Twi absolutely lit into her about that stunt with the mirror took over my mind for a bit. I'm making the executive call that this is true form Midna and not imp Midna because the idea of 5'10 Twilight shouting at the top of his lungs at 7'9 Midna is more amusing to me. You have this very tall, very powerful Twili Queen being chewed out by someone two feet shorter than her for leaving without even committing to a proper goodbye. Like when you come home after you go on a trip for a day and your dog is furious at you when you get back. That wasn't supposed to be a wolf pun, but I mean...
Of course once I got past the Midna reunion, I remembered Agitha is also in this game. So please also imagine Twi running after her and worried about her safety and then having to deal with the fact that she can summon giant bugs and thus doesn't need to be protected as much as he thought she did. Midna, of course, is laughing at him.
Also Ravio is here now, and Legend has to deal with that. He is unable to protect everyone from Ravio's scams, and so he's putting his focus on people like Silent, and Purah, and Robbie, all of whom are too curious for their own good and so might fall for the scam exclusively to get their hands on Ravio's goods.
And then on the note of these extra characters, Marin is also in HW. So, there's also that Legend has to deal with. His dead girlfriend is not dead. This causes him equal amounts of joy and distress, and I'm not sure how well he'd handle that. Not well, I would guess.
And now I'm realizing 3/4 of the namesakes for the Divine Beasts would be here now since Medli is also in HW. So once the shock wears off I want Ruto hugging Mipha and Sidon. I don't know where conversation goes from there, but hugs. Also, Darunia and Daruk would get along great. They'd be fast friends. Also I picture Medli as being still pretty small, since she's on the younger side, so Revali just looking down at this little harp-playing rito girl. They are so different with such different values, that interaction would be interesting if nothing else. (Especially with very defensive Wind there too.)
Of course then there's the fact every single one of these characters know Warriors too, and he'd have to explain why that is. And then the rest of the Heroes reacting about how he never told them he knew their friends. Which could quite easily transition into Silent eagerly grilling all of them for details on their lives and eras because information. I think Midna would vocalize that she thinks Silent is cute.
I don't think I'd ever be able to manage writing this out, because that is way too many characters to keep track of, but the scene where Twi is yelling at Midna is so clear in my head I might have to write it just to get it out of my head. Don't hold your breath though.
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senxitive · 3 years
I love that a pretty woman is Q's downfall 9/10 times. He's such a softie he just can't be rude to a pretty woman! And I love that!
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heymacy · 3 years
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hannie-dul-set · 3 years
wondered why my knee is bruised and hurting then remembered that i elegantly crashed it against the toilet while showering yesterday.
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boo-bookeys · 4 years
So here I am, trying to adjust my hair, minding my own business, and remembering back to when I was in pre-school.
I remembered my second day of pre-school, I was playing, then I was suddenly grabbed by my arms and dragged by another teacher to the time-out chair, after a Care Bear plush I was playing with was confiscated, because they thought I brought it from home, which I was lectured on not doing the day before.
I wasn't lectured by my parents, I haven't thought about it until now, but today when I looked back on it, and analyzed it, was when I asked myself,
"Am I okay?"
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ksapphicbi · 4 years
I just read your tags on my video and I'm d y i n g
HAHAHAHA im so glad my inability to NOT go crazy with excessive tags finally did some good then <3
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virmillion · 4 years
#lab bitches and moans#do////nt reb//////log#let's hear it for my dad folks!!!#got mad that we couldn't watch the second episode of br.eak/ing b.a/d s1 bc my sister knnew i wouldn't like it#and my mom said no we should watch somethinng everyone would enjoy (eg she was defending me)#and also i called him out several times on being huffy with me and sounding angry and such#and that fallback of respect=treat me like an authority vs respect=treat me like a person#and he never does the latter while expectinng me to do the former sort of vibes yk#so i. Said That. said hey u knnow u don't have 2 be angry i just want to know how to set up netflix on here#and when i got it you wennt /thERE ya go/ like im someone driving in front of you on the highway and doinng a poor job of it#bc shockingly enough you have the same tone in every scenario of that similar ilk#and then you got mad at me because i wouldnt explain WHY i didn't want to watch episode two (its tri/gge.ring for me)#AND THEN YOU GOT MAD WHEN I STOPPED ANSWERING!!! YOU SAID /FINNE WHATEVER ILL JUST SHUT UP NOW/#AND GOT MAD WHEN I PARROTTED THAT SAME SHIT BACK AT YOU NOT TWENTY MINUTES LATER#god just. you literally dont respect me as a person. i dont know why it took me this man years to realize but there it is#yeah whatever im the kid you're the adult you knnow better and i shouldn't talk back im lucky for the opportunities and whatnot#guess what!! im scared to be in the car with you because you're always yelling!!! im scared to be NEAR you in public!!!!!#because you always bitch about those stupid masks and how theyre poinntless#and im gonnna out my location here but i dont fucking care bc anyoenr eading this far? feel free 2 come kill me i dont care#but IN PUBLIC you'll stick your arm out in the air and say /heil whitmer/#THATS  NOT *FUNNY* ITS FUCKING *SHITTY AND INSENSITIVE* TO SO MANY PEOPLE#or heil shitmer. love that one for us. fucking dick#and i kNOW i can never come out to you because you called her translator an it#like not even knowing whether shes trans you said /look at that thing translating its so ugly watch its face/#and then you AND ALL YOUR SIBLINGS PRESENT start going off about the stupid trans bullshit everyones makinng up???#COOL. GREAT. THANNKS DAD GOOD 2 KNOW. GUESS I'LL NEVER COME OUT TO YOU EVER BECAUSE I SEE FIRSTHAND WHAT YOU DO#I ALREADY KNNOW HOW YOU FEEL SO CONGRATULATIONS. GUESS YOU SCREWED THE POOCH ON THAT ONE HUH. SORRY NO TAKEBACKS BUD#i will literally NNEVER feel safe to come out to you or talk to you about anything and thats just something i have to live with#and i know that but it doesn't make it suck any less#like. my best bet is just moving far away once im financially stable enough to do so and finding someone and cutting contact
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sailorkamino · 2 years
Hospital Bed Confessions
relationships: jake lockley x fem!reader, established marc spector x fem!reader, steven grant x fem!reader
word count: 2k
summary: As long as Jake can remember he's only had Marc and Steven to protect - then you came into the picture. Jake is scared to admit just how much you mean to him until you're injured, then he can no longer hide his feelings.
warnings: car accident/hospitalization/injuries, protective (but soft) jake, referenced childhood abuse, non sexual showering together, little bit of jealous!jake, jake has never been in a healthy/loving relationship and it shows.
translations: cariño- dear, princesa- princess, mi vida- my life, muñeca- doll
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‘Has Y/N sent her home text yet?’ Steven asks from his reflection in Gus’ II’s and Gil’s fish tank. Jake looks away from the TV, “her what?” His alter looks annoyed, ‘you know what I’m talking about. The text She sends everynight to tell us she got home safe.’
Jake sighs dramatically picking up their shared phone. When he sees the late time illuminated on the screen something twists in his gut. Ever since you started dating Steven, and later Marc, you would send daily texts to whoever was fronting. The amount would vary depending on your workload but there were always three constants: good morning, I’m home, good night. 
Jake clenches his jaw. He tells himself he’s being irrational, clingy even. He tries to keep his voice even when he responds. “No, but she said she was working late.” 
This time it’s Marc that speaks up. ‘She should definitely be home by now. Call her.’ 
“You two are so dramatic,” he grumbles, although he was about to do that anyway. You don’t answer. Jake tries to ignore the worry churning in his gut. You’re an adult, you don’t need him hovering, but something feels off. Marc and Steven are pestering him to go to your flat but he barks at them in Spanish, trying to gather his own thoughts. A notification has them all freezing. 
Jake takes only a moment to read the message before an unreadable expression flickers across his face. He bolts out of the flat, leaving his altars in the dark. If you heard the way he was yelling at the cabbie to hurry up you would be pissed but manners are the last thing on his mind. Once the car comes to a stop he throws some money (including a tip because he’s not a monster) at the poor driver before jumping out. 
He’s practically running through the hallways, ignoring the poor doctors and nurses dodging his path. Finally he finds the room. He bursts through the door but the sight before him makes him freeze. He’s seen, and done, many violent things but seeing you hurt is something he’ll never forget. 
You peer at him for a moment, taking in the unfamiliar stance and the way he holds his jaw, before a tired smile spreads across your cut lips, “Jake.”  He lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and approaches your bed. His hands clench by his sides. He wants to touch you, reassure himself that you’re here, but he’s afraid of hurting you worse. “You should see the other guy,” you joke. He doesn’t laugh, eyes becoming impossibly darker. 
“What happened?” 
You blink slowly at him. You know Jake is incredibly protective but you had never witnessed it towards you. Jake has always kept you at arms length so to speak. You would text some whenever he was fronting but he woukd mostly just tell you about Marc and Steven. He didn’t seem to realize that you cared about him just as much, and wanted to get to know him too.
“I don’t know, it happened so fast. I was driving home, I saw headlights then just… pain.” You wince at the memory.
His gaze is much softer now. “Are you in pain now, cariño?”
The pet name has you grinning, despite how sore your face is. “Some, but not too bad. They have me on a lot of drugs.” His eyes travel your scratched and bruised form. He wonders how many more injuries he can’t see and clenches his jaw. “Where are you hurt?”
You hesitate for a moment, knowing he won’t like the answers. “Umm my back is sprained, broken ribs, whiplash, and a concussion… plus I have some cuts but it’s not as bad as it sounds.” Your attempts to soften the blow do nothing as he curses in Spanish (which is actually really sexy but now is not in the time.) His brows are furrowed in concentration and you can only assume Steven and Marc are griping in his head.
You brush your fingers against his in an attempt to calm him down. He looks down to see you weakly grabbing his rougher hand, effectively making his heart stutter. “Fuck, you’re cold,” he hisses, gently running his thumb over your chilled skin. He lets go of your hand (much to your disappointment) so he can remove his jacket and drape it over your body. You breathe in the familiar cologne that all the boys wear, snuggling into the leather.
“Thank you, Jakey.”
He shakes his head at the nickname as he takes a seat in the plush chair beside your bed. You turn your head to look at him playfully. “You know this isn’t how I imagined our first date.” He scoffs in response, "this isn’t our first date." You feel the sting of rejection and consider hiding under his jacket to cry a little but then he takes your hand in his (where it belongs, in your humble opinion.)
"Once you're better I’ll take you somewhere real nice, okay? But you have to heal up first.”
Your heart rises from where it had fallen in the pit of your stomach to flutter in your chest. “I’d like that,” you hum. Your gaze travels to your interlaced fingers, thinking about your words carefully. “To be honest, I didn’t even think you liked me.”
‘Nice going, locker,’ Marc seethes mentally. ‘You hurt her feelings.’
Jake ignores him as usual. “Oh princesa,” he sighs deeply, “I’ll admit at first I didn’t trust you. Nothing personal, I just didn’t want Marc or Steven to get hurt. But then I saw the way you treated them and I started falling for you too.”
This time his altars are quiet. Your voice is soft when you ask, “why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t know how. I’ve never been in a relationship. I’ve never cared about someone the way I care about you. And you seemed so happy with them.”
Your heart melts at his confession. You’re not naive. You know Jake has a dark side. He’s the manifestation of anger and resentment Marc felt as an abused child, but he’s also a protector. “We’re lucky to have you,” you softly confess.
He looks at you in awe for a moment before you notice his lip slightly quivering. He bows his head but you can still tell he’s holding back tears. “Oh baby,” you coo softly, wanting nothing more than to wrap him in your arms and hold him against your chest, or even wipe his wet cheeks, but your injured back and sides won’t allow it.
‘You deserve to be happy too, mate,’ Steven pipes up, only making his eyes burn more. ‘Yeah man, stop shutting her out. She cares about you,’ Marc adds.
“Are you okay?”
He nods slowly, his altar’s words echoing in his mind. “Sorry princesa, I should be the one taking care of you.”
“Don’t apologize, sweetheart. I’m glad you can be open with me.”
He looks at you with so much adoration it makes you shy. Then he gently kisses the back of your hand, “I should probably let Marc and Steven talk to you. They’re worried sick.”
“Okay, but only if you promise to visit me again, amor.”
He grins at the sound of you using his first language. “I promise, mi vida.”
Within a few days you’re released from the hospital. Your boyfriends insists on staying with you until you’re better.
“Alright muñeca, bed or couch?” Jake asks. “What about shower? I smell like the hospital.” You counter, leaning into his solid chest. His arm flexes around your waist as he leads (practically carries) you into the bathroom. “Do you need help, princesa?” He asks. You nod shyly.
You lean against the counter as he gingerly pulls your baggy shirt over your head, leaving your chest bare (you learnt quickly that broken ribs and bras don’t mix.) “There’s my beautiful girl,” he coos. You grin bashfully, looking away as he kneels in front of you to pull down your sweatpants and underwear, leaving a gentle kiss on your hip. “Jake!” You protest shyly with heated cheeks as he stands in front of you.
“Sorry mi vida, couldn’t resist. This is my first time undressing you, after all.” He smirks before ducking into the shower to turn it on. He strips himself before wrapping his large arms around you to help you in the shower. You let out a happy sigh as the warm water hits your sore body
“Stand still so I can wash you,” he instructs, reaching for your fruity body wash. “Wait,” you interrupt, making him freeze. “Can you use yours? I like smelling like you guys,” you sheepishly admit. It’s quiet for a moment, and you’re worried you weirded him out, when his lips brush against your ear,
“Marc wants you to know that that’s the cutest thing he’s ever heard.”
You grin at his words, trying to ignore the goosebumps left in their wake. “Tell Marc he’s cuter.”
“Alright, alright, enough flirting through me.”
You bring one of Jake's large hands to your mouth, pecking his knuckles. “Aw baby, don’t be jealous. You know I don’t play favorites with my boys.”
Jake smiles so big it makes his eyes crinkle. Suddenly belonging to someone doesn’t seem so bad, especially when they belong to you too. He wordlessly kisses your neck and reaches for their body wash. You giggle to yourself but it turns into a gasp when he puts the cold loofah on your back. “Did I hurt you?” He asks worridley, movements stilling. You shake your head softly, “no, I’m ok, just surprised me. I’ll tell you if it hurts.”
Once he’s washed your back and shoulders he helps you turn around to face him. He runs the loofah over your front, being extra careful of your broken ribs. He places intermittent kisses across your face and forehead to distract you from any discomfort, mumbling apologizes against your damp skin.
After you’re cleaned off he helps you out of the shower, running a fluffy towel across your body to dry you off. “Alright, let’s get you to bed, mi vida,” he coos as he walks you to your room and sits you on your bed. He grabs you some underwear then moves to your closet.
“What do you wanna wear?”
You immediately point to your favorite stolen item of clothing. “The black jumper.”
Jake takes it off its hanger, examining it closely. “Is this Steven’s?”
“Mhmm, I always take his clothes.” You confess as he lays it on the bed beside you.
“Well Steven isn’t the one who just helped you shower but by all means,” he grumbles to himself as he helps you pull up your panties. You playfully roll your eyes at his childness. “I already told you, baby, I don’t play favorites, it’s just that Stevie wears the comfiest shirts. And besides, I don’t have any of your clothes yet.”
“Oh, so now he’s Stevie?”
“I tried to call you Jakey and you said you didn’t like it.”
“I was lying! Obviously!”
You scoff at his unprecedented jealousy. “Just get in bed, Jakey. I want to watch Encanto.”
A few Disney movies later Jake leaves to get you dinner and feed Gus II and Gil. When he comes back he’s bearing gifts.
“This one’s from me,” he explains proudly, presenting an oversized Yankees shirt. “And this piece of trash is from Marc,” he groans comically, presenting a Chicago shirt. You giggle at his dramatics, making him smile proudly.
“Oh and the flowers were Steven’s ideas but I picked out the type,” he adds on, holding out a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers. If your body wasn’t in so much pain you’re sure your heart would be beating out of your chest cartoon style.
“I have the best boyfriends ever.”
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
u eat some of eddies gummy bears only to find out they were edibles, n now eddie has to deal with a very high y/n who wont stop gushing about him and being all giddy !!
uhhghhhhhhh this is sooooo adorable I CANNOT I'm sobbing I love this here you go!!!
Also I needed to post a lil bit of harmless fluff bfore I go and post something deranged later today
"Edddddddie. Good afternoon," she giggled, skipping into his bedroom with a bag he recognized all too well in her hand.
"Hey sweetheart. Where'd you get that?" he asked, his voice more than a little apprehensive. If what he was seeing was correct, his goody two shoes lab partner had wandered into his edibles supply and eaten them without asking.
It's not that he would have had any problem sharing them with her if she had asked. But from the looks of it she had eaten what was left of the bag and he assumed she had never even smoked before.
"The living room," she answered, still munching on the gummies in her mouth.
"Fuck. Spit that out right now," he demanded, wincing at his sharp tone and the way she flinched and frowned when he raised his voice.
"Sorry!" she yelped, spitting the contents of her mouth into the plastic bag she was holding.
"Sit down." He paced the room, grabbing an unopened water bottle off of his nightstand and placing it in her hand.
"Im not thirs-" she started but he interrupted her with another barked out order.
"Drink. please." He ran his hands through his already messy hair, anxious about what he could possibly do to remedy this situation.
"Eddie, what's wrong?" she picked up on his change in mood from his usual carefree demeanor and she assumed, partially correctly, that it was her fault.
"You just ate a shit ton of edibles," he admitted, sitting down next to her on the bed finally.
"At least you'll be here to help me right?" she asked hopefully, not so subtly sliding closer to him.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm here," he assured her, taking one of her hands in his and giving it a comforting squeeze.
Flash forward less than thirty minutes and she's laying with her head in his lap and giggling about some stupid joke he had made, now also high from the joint he had just finished smoking.
"Eddie. Eddie!" she whisper-yelled as if she had some big secret to tell him.
She made grabby hands at his face so he bent down into her grasp, making her giggling happily. "Yep, suagarplum? Whatcha got for me, hm?"
"You're so pretty, Eddie," she whined, almost like she was mad about it. She sat up then, pushing him back onto the bed so she could crawl ontop of him.
"Yeah?" he huffed when she settled her weight on his chest, fingers curling into the fabric at the neck of his shirt.
"Like stupid pretty," she added, grabbing his face with both of her hands again.
"I think you're the pretty one." He tried his luck at flirting, figuring things couldn't go that far south since she was lying on his chest caressing his face. Maybe she was just ridiculously high, but maybe she had a thing for him and he was willing to see which one it was.
"Shhhh. I'm trying to focus," she scolded him, slapping her hand against his chest softly before going back to her very important work.
"On?" he questioned because from what he could tell she was just staring daggers into his eyes.
"Your face." her warm fingers brushed over his features, ghosting his brows and cheeks. She placed a thumb on his rosy lips, pushing on the plump skin.
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lunaevangeline · 2 years
Haikyuu Boys
When he says "why are you so hard to love?" in an argument
It's been a week of unending arguments with Oikawa and again, today both of you are still arguing after breakfast.
"But y/n-chan she's only a fan. Why are you so mad about it?"
"How can I'm not mad seeing my boyfriend getting kissed by another girl?" you yelp, putting the glass a bit harsh.
"It's just a greeting!" Oikawa defense himself not feeling anything wrong with it.
"Gosh, whatever! Do as you wish Oikawa Tooru!" you look at him with a cynical look.
"God! I pampered you with many things and you don't even understand that thing? Why are you so hard to love?"
He yells in frustration, head looking down. His middle finger and index finger started to massage his temple.
But when he raises his head to meet your expression, he knows that he messed up.
"Ah, I see.. Sorry, I guess I am," in contrast to the previous high pitch tone, your voice is rather low and you smile weakly.
Before Oikawa can give any further comments, you already left him alone, going to your shared bedroom and slamming the door. Oikawa chooses to sit on the couch, cool down his mind.
It's been an hour since he exchanges stare with the blank screen of the turned-off TV. He feels really bad and wants to make up because he missed you already.
But when he almost reaches the doorknob, he stops himself as he hears you sniffling and talking alone - he guesses you called one of your best friends.
"I don't know, am I really too much?" your words are still jumbled from sobbing.
"I just- want him for me, you know? Maybe I'm just not good enough?" you sigh.
Oikawa's heart drops, he doesn't know that his friendly gesture to his fans made you feel this way.
"Um.. Guess he can replace me easily," your sobs have stopped, turning into a dry laugh.
Hearing your statement makes him open the door without thinking.
"NO I DON'T WANT ANYONE BUT YOU," he yells, half pleading. You are startled at his sudden intrusion.
Your friend who can hear him too chuckles and says a small "good luck" before ending the call.
Oikawa jumps into the bed and hugs you tightly, "Please don't leave me."
You hold a pause, still processing your mind. Then, you positioned yourself so you can talk eye-to-eye with him.
"Tooru, you know boundary right? Some things are okay with me and some things are not. Kissing or a quick peck is not okay for me."
He listens to you attentively.
You sigh, "Now, are you okay if some guy kisses me or holds me too much?"
"No." He yelps in complaint.
"And the same thing applies to me. Even you're a star athlete with millions of fans, you're still my boyfriend right?"
And with these words he just realized, because you never cross the line, he never imagine you being kissed nor touched by any other man.
"You're right, baby. I'm sorry that I never place my feet on your shoes." He takes your hand and places it to meet the warmth of his cheek.
You rolled your eyes, "Geez dummy", but you smile at the end.
"Yes y/n-chan, I'm your dummy and you still keep up with me. Thank you."
"Guess I was wrong, I'm the one who's hard to love."
You shake your head and chuckle, "That's okay because I won't stop loving you though".
The burden has been lifted from your heart and you two staring at each other earnestly, ready to pay back the lost time from the arguments.
His telephone rings for the third time this morning, Kuroo sees your name on the display and decides to answer the call.
"Hi, babe!" He greets you as usual like nothing wrong.
"Where are you Kuroo?" You answer him but rather in a high tone.
"I'm in the office of course." He answers you casually.
"How come? I thought we have already discussed with me to take a day off today?"
"Yes, sorry honey I got an unexpected meeting today. I guess I have left you a note right?"
You rolled your eyes looking at the sticky note on your hand, "Yeah, I saw your note."
"Great. Since we don't have any particular plan today, I guess it is okay." You can hear he's typing, probably still working on his document and not paying full attention to you.
"Don't you know what day is today? I even managed to get a day off from my strict boss", you started to get irritated from his carelessness.
"Of course! Happy wedding anniversary, baby. I will make up to you later. You can choose any fancy gift you want."
"Uhh, I don't want anything. I want you Kuroo. I just want you for today."
Kuroo sighed, finally stopping his type. "Geez, you know it's not possible today? Stop being so childish over an anniversary, we're an adult, y/n."
He continues, "I don't know but sometimes you're just so hard to love."
It takes a moment of silence before you reply to his piercing words.
"Okay. Sorry for bothering you, Tetsu." You finally end the call.
Somehow Kuroo felt he'd gone too far, he decides to make up later when he comes home.
Kuroo comes home to a dark and silent room. "I'm home, kitten!" He shouts from the entrance and searches for your presence, his left-hand holding a bouquet of roses.
When he reached the kitchen, he found a note in your handwriting.
"Happy wedding anniversary, Tetsu. I'm sorry that I'm causing you trouble today. I decide to sleepover today, dinner is in the fridge. -y/n-"
He frowns, it's too late. He really feels bad about how he spat at you but still, you're the one who ends up apologizing. He contemplates how he treats you so bad - he was trying to replace his time for you with fancy gifts.
And he comes into a horror thought: what if at some point you don't want him anymore. It gives him chills and he immediately speeds straight to your best friend's house.
When he arrives, he knocks on the house and greets your best friend politely. He tells her that he's coming to pick you up. Your friend nods in understanding and calls you.
When you see him in the front, you are surprised. You noticed how his eyes are filled with remorse. So, you decided to follow him to the car - not wanting to cause any ruckus on your friend's house.
When the two of you have finally settled on the car, both of you are exchanging a silent stare. You wait for his explanation and Kuroo finally opens his mouth,
"I'm sorry."
"I know sorry is not enough but still, sorry for broken the promise."
When you hear the deep apology from him, your long-held tears are broken. You haven't cried in a while so seeing you in this state really broke his heart. Thought still hesitate, he pulls you into his embrace, stroking the crown of your head.
"I was waiting and searching for you but you are gone. And it seems I've been a nuisance," your sobs as you started to utter your feeling.
He shakes his head, now he holds your shoulders and looks through your eyes.
"You never been a nuisance okay? I was taking you for granted, it was me who's being a jerk."
"I promise this won't happen again, I will keep every promise and treat you like you deserved to."
You nodded and smiled in response. You didn't notice that he almost cried about how relieved he is - that you still wanted to come back to him.
Along the way home, he holds your hand and asks, "So do you want to stop by anywhere? Or do you want anything for make up?"
You shake your head, "No, Tetsu. I just want to cuddle."
He smiles, being reminded that your simplicity is one of the things that makes him heads over heels for you.
"Of course, kitten. You will have my cuddles for the rest of your life though - until you are getting sick of me."
You chuckle and give him a quick peck on his cheek, "I won't."
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shisnhou · 2 years
tw: mind break (?) and exhibition. do tell if i missed any!
the hills
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as a working man who loves to indulge himself and dip out of reality when he‘s working, nanami kento hates being disturbed, whether it may be through a simple clack of a click pen, or a sound of someone slurping their coffee, he absolutely hates it.
and most especially, he hates being disturbed when he‘s spending quality time with you.
"k- ken!" you‘re yelling his name, desperately holding onto the head board with your fingers slipping with every second due to the sweat glistening your skin. meanwhile, nanami from behind you grunts quietly, feeling his own sweat drip down his skin as he feels you tighten around him like a vice grip.
"feeling good, angel?" he asks the question by sweetly whispering into your ear. his hands are tightly holding you by your waist, as he thrusts deep into you, with the natural curve of his pretty and huge cock just hitting your insides in the best way possible.
"mhm!" you‘re babbling your answers that are slowly becoming almost incomprehensible words. your spit slipping from the corner of your mouth, eyes crossing themselves as you hold onto your last piece of sanity. "f- feels so good ken!" you add with your tongue almost lolling itself out of your mouth.
"yeah?" his much bigger hand holds your jaw not so tight and turns your face to look at you. his brown orbs laced with lust meet with your teary yet pleasured ones, making him smile in pure lust. "if you‘re feeling so good then keep yourself here f‘me okay? don‘t slip away from me okay?" he softly orders— not asks— directly under your ear, kissing the sweet spot on your neck.
"o- okay-" you respond, smiling sweetly back at him. "i‘ll be a good girl for you k- ken." it‘s almost as if you have hearts forming in your eyes, just for him; triggering him to almost lose it. in his eyes, there‘s also a certain glint as he looks at you a reserved for you and you only, the same glint in his eyes that stays when he sees you with that sweet smile on your face.
"mhm, be a good girl f‘me okay? and i‘ll—"
and then his phone suddenly rings.
his thrusts don‘t stop as he looks at his phone and then looks back at you. with swift fingers, he kills the call and goes straight back at you; pretending as if it never happened. however, not even a mere minute later, it rings again. for the second time, he‘s killing the call with a suppressed groan , apologizing underneath his breath with his dick still making you go crazy.
"‘m sorry angel, these people just don‘t—" and for the third time, once again, his ring tone blares throughout the room, comparing to the sounds of your pornographic moans, the music in the background, and the skin slapping around the room. "—seem to know how important my quality time with you is." he hisses.
"‘s okay ken, we can finish later." you deliriously smile at him, assuring him with a kiss on his cheek. but nanami kento raises a brow at you, looking at you confused.
"finish later? you think i‘m halting our time together for them?" and in one sudden fluid move: he‘s flipping you and him. now, he‘s underneath you, while you‘re on top of him.
"k- ken?" you‘re flustered, stuttering, whereas he reaches out for his phone with one hand on your ass, kneading the soft skin. "what‘re you up to?" the uncertainty and anxiety lacing your voice does nothing but make him smirk as his fingers lay over the green button on his phone.
"if they‘re going to disturb me: they‘re gonna have to deal with what they‘re disturbing."
and then his finger presses on the green button.
"keep going baby." he presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
his hand ushers you to move, grabbing your ass and making you ride him steadily just the way he likes it. his eyes are on you, and his tongue darting across his lips.
"what do you want?" his voice, although it seems bored, his face tells a different story. a teasing look stays on his face, his eyes squinting in excitement and pleasure as he watches you. his index finger moves to the front of his lips, signifying you to keep quiet.
"i already s— sent you the files." he‘s grinning ear to ear although the middle of his sentence has been cut off because of the feeling of you clench around him tightly. "a week ago, i did. don‘t you try to mess me around."
"no. i didn‘t. i‘m sure." he‘s looking deep into your eyes. the same hand that was on your ass now moving up your nipple, squeezing and tugging at it delectably. the sensation has gotten you to bite down your lip, forcing you to stop the moan from exiting your lips.
"k— ken i‘m close.." you mumble, both your hands now beside each side of his head to support yourself before you could fall on his chest. nanami nods at that, kissing your neck and making a light red hickey before he whispers something you can‘t catch.
"i‘m busy right now, i‘ll get to it later." and then, he‘s thrusting up into you. the sudden pressure and pleasure catches you off-guard, eliciting another erotic moan from you, and instead of stopping you, he seems to be encouraging you: by thrusting his cock in a better angle.
"ken 'm so c- close." you whisper into his other ear. the clenching around his cock makes him go almost ballistic, making him pull you into a searing kiss despite the person on the other line still being present.
"‘m close too pretty." he whispers against your lips, situating the bottom one softly between his teeth. he then loses all sorts of restraint as both hands of his hold your waist, forcing you down on his cock and meeting the thrust halfway, his tip sweetly kissing at your sweet spot once more.
"kento!" and then you‘re moaning so loudly, so lewdly, so sinfully that nanami doesn‘t even have it in him to stop you from doing so, simply allowing it and even letting himself release a loud groan of your name as well.
the other side of the phone has been long forgotten, however the man on the other side is still calling for nanami; frantically yelling his name. nanami curses the man underneath his breath as kisses you tenderly and runs a hand through your hair.
"i‘m gonna have to get back to you later, i‘m busy— busy with what? i‘m doing something— something? i‘m doing the love of my life. i‘ll call you back."
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i think i made errors idfk
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
thinking about best friend!iwaizumi 😚
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when iwaizumi’s phone buzzed the first time, he ignored it and kept playing his game. he had matsukawa, hanamaki, and oikawa on a voice chat—all of them yelling over the other while they played fifa. 
his eyes looked over at his phone when it buzzed a second time and that’s when he noticed your name flash across the screen. he was quick to answer you while his friends continued to bicker, thankful they couldn’t see the smile on his face as he thought about you.
from: dumbass🙄💙: i need a man’s opinion…
iwaizumi rolled his eyes, wondering what stupid question you had in mind. still, he didn’t hesitate to write a response.
to: dumbass🙄💙: am i the only man u know?
he’s about to put his phone back down when you text back immediately. 
from: dumbass🙄💙: i don’t think you’d want me to ask oikawa 🥴
well, you’re not wrong about that and now iwaizumi’s interest is piqued.
to: dumbass🙄💙: ok fine. but im playing fifa with the boys so i might not respond quick
from: dumbass🙄💙: ok i just need to know if i should post this photo or not 😅
that’s what your dire situation is? you need iwaizumi to pick between the probably dozens of photos you took today? he sets his phone back on his nightstand and turns his attention back to the boys, who finally started arguing and settled on a match.
iwaizumi’s phone buzzes again but he ignores it for a few moments while the four of them play. it takes less than ten minutes for oikawa to pause the game again, sparking even more arguments between the boys. feeling annoyed, iwaizumi reaches for his phone again and swipes open your message.
what he sees nearly makes him drop his phone.
it was a photo—you’re kneeling in front of the mirror in your bedroom, wearing the tiniest bikini iwaizumi’s ever seen. part of your face is covered from your cellphone taking the photo, but you’re leaning in, pushing your cleavage out.
“fuck…” he grunted under his breath, freezing when he thought his friends might have heard, but the screaming never stopped. taking another deep breath, iwaizumi finds the courage to text back.
to: dumbass🙄💙: did u mean to send that?
from: dumbass🙄💙: of course i did, dummy!!! should i post it on my story?
to: dumbass🙄💙: don’t u think its a little much?
it’s not enough if he’s being honest. iwaizumi wants to see more. he’s seen you naked a bunch of times—like when you were too drunk to go back to your place and you crashed in his apartment. he’d find you pajamas to change into and before he could be a gentleman and turn around, you’re already stripping in front of him, giggling at the deep blush spreading across his face.
from: dumbass🙄💙: i’m putting it on my close friends. this is what young people call a thirst trap, haji 😌
to: dumbass🙄💙: uhhuh 🙄 and ur trapping who?
from: dumbass🙄💙: my ex 😅😅😅
from: dumbass🙄💙:  he keeps looking at my story so i’m showing him what he’s missing out on 
iwaizumi’s completely checked out of whatever oikawa and hanamaki are yelling about now, not even hearing matsukawa laughing in the background either. he remembers when you and your loser ex broke up a few weeks ago. iwaizumi came over as soon as you called, you climbed into his lap and cried.
it was hard to be sympathetic considering this was the third time it happened, but it was even harder for iwaizumi to turn you away. he’d hold you in his arms until you’d stop crying, let you pick whatever movie you wanted to watch to calm you down, and he’d even let you kiss him.
each time you got your heart broken by some idiot who didn’t deserve your time, iwaizumi let you take your frustrations out on him. kissing and grinding against him. he used to stop you before the two of you could go too far, but eventually he found himself bouncing you in his lap, you crying out his name when you came around his cock.
but after a few days, you and your boyfriend made up. iwaizumi stopped convincing you to leave him for good. instead, he’d bide his time until you came crying to him again and, of course, he’d never turn you away.
the chime on his phone brings his attention back to you.
from: dumbass🙄💙: wait i have a better idea!! take some pictures with me? 🥺
from: dumbass🙄💙: that’ll really get his attention
iwaizumi’s not stupid, he knows when he’s being used. but you’re his best friend and you need him. his cock definitely isn’t twitching at the thought of pushing your bikini bottom to the side and fucking you dumb on your bedroom floor. you’d let him too. just so you could cry out about how big his cock was how none of your other boyfriends could make you cum so hard.
he leaves the voice chat without letting anyone else know, though he wouldn’t be surprised if any of them noticed. iwaizumi quickly taps out a response before grabbing his shoes and heading out the door.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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slut4buckysarm · 2 years
— Everything We Never Wanted | B.Barnes
au; enemy.
pairing; bucky barnes x reader.
summary; bucky barnes and you have been silently competing since the day you met. now you are competing over who can make the other more jealous and the both of you can't help but give in. [кукла=doll]
word count; 2.9k.
warnings; smut [fingering, fingering cum back in?, p in v, ass slapping, hair pulling, rough sex, mirror/bathroom sex], language, angst [punching, blood, shoving]. 18+. MDNI.
Do NOT copy, repost, translate or rewrite my work.
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— "jealousy was a good look on him".
It was your dress. It truly was. The way it lifted up your thigh every time you swayed your hips was driving Bucky crazy. If he knew that you would be acting out this way he would've never let you enter the doors of the party. He would have stripped your clothes off right there and fucked you until you couldn't walk. He would have made the whole block hear your moans as you both couldn't give less of a fuck that you were on full display. You wouldn't care. As long as you were with each other, everything would be fine.
But now, seeing you brush up against Steve and allow his hands to graze your curves ignited something in Bucky that he found himself feeling quite often when it came to you. He was using every muscle in his body to hold him back from tearing into Steve's throat with his metal arm.
Control yourself Bucky.
Dancing with the blond's hands running along your waist you can feel Bucky's eyes watching your every movement. Jealousy seeps out of each of his pores and you can't help but feel glee. Just as you bring your head closer to Steve's and rest it along his cheek, Bucky's had enough.
Next thing you know Bucky's finger is in the air and calling over a stripper. You watch attentively as she walks up to him, her hips swaying as he smirks your way. "Hey, you alright"? Steve's voice snaps you out of your trance and the eye contact between Bucky and you breaks in a matter of a second. You look up at Steve as his eyes completely undress you as if his hands weren't doing enough. "Yeah no, I'm good". You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer, nuzzling against his head. As the both of you move to the beat of the music you lock eyes with Bucky once again and you watch as the girl wearing neon green sits down beside him and runs her hands up his thighs. Anger flows through your veins and it's enough to get you convicted for murder but you can't.
Buckys playing a game that you intend to win.
You move your hands on top of Steve's and place them on your lower back. "Like what you feel"?
"Sure do".
"You wanna feel lower"?
His eyes light up at that and without another word needing to be said he moves his palms to your ass and squeezes with a tight grip, one that has Bucky moving the dancer off of him and striding up to you with an aura of pure anger around him.
"Steve back up," you warn as you try to shove the blond before Bucky has the opportunity to do anything but you don't move him in time. Just as you're about to stop him, Bucky's fist makes contact with Steve's cheek and Steve hits him back. A group of men rush over to separate the two and Bucky makes sure to get one final punch in before he has your wrist in his grip and is dragging you to the restroom.
"Let go of me James!" you yell over the music as you try to release yourself from him.
He ignores you and swings open the door to the men's room, shoving you up against the wall.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing"? He speaks in a calm manner but you can see through his facade. His flared nostrils and forehead vein give away his true state and you can't help but smirk.
"Is this funny to you"?
"A little" you answer through your eyelashes and the innocence in your voice has his cock growing against his pants and his patience running short. "I'm not in the mood for your games кукла".
"Games"? You laugh in Bucky's face as if he just told you the joke of the century. "I wasn't the one with the stripper practically undressing me".
"Oh because having Steve grab your ass is much different". Sarcasm reeks from him.
Just as you're about to hit him with a comeback, your eyes wander to his forehead and you see the bruise on his temple. Your hand immediately grabs his chin and turns it to the side. "What are you-". You don't give Bucky a chance to finish his question before you harshly release his jaw.
“Sit down,” you mumble as you push him onto the sink. You take a roll of toilet paper in your hand and roll out a few sheets.
You turn the faucet of a neighbouring sink on and groan when it only creaks. “Shit. There’s no water,” you mumble, irritated.
“Use your spit”.
“That’s not hygienic,” you reply disgusted.
He shrugs and you lick your finger. You start to wipe the blood off and squint knowing that it must burn.
“Why are you doing that?” Bucky asks confused.
“Why am I doing.. what?”
“With your face. You’re squishing it together. It’s weird.” he laughs.
You roll your eyes and straighten out your face.
He keeps staring you in the eyes and it bubbles something within you.
He slowly shakes his head while still maintaining eye contact.
“You’re staring,” You say still wiping the blood off of his temple.
“Shamelessly so, yes,” he replies, electric blue eyes piercing through your umber ones.
You can’t help but smile “God, you could’ve gotten seriously hurt. And over what? A stupid competition”.
"There was never a competition".
"There's always a competition". You don't miss a beat. "I mean that's kind of our thing".
Bucky's mood instantly lightens as you tell him about the special connection between the two of you. He feels like he could listen to your voice for hours. Hell, he'd kill to listen to your voice for hours.
"We have a thing"?
Scrunching the used tissue into a ball, you throw it into the trash bin. Your inner kid frowns as the paper doesn't make it into the bin.
"Yeah." you laugh as you go to pick it up. "Everything we do is against each other. And don't even lie about it," you warn with a finger in the air.
"Come're" Bucky speaks and you walk towards him. "Give me some examples".
"Okay well let me think.." you put a finger on your chin as you fake being deep in thought. "Oh! What about when we were at a party and tried to out provoke each other not mere minutes ago". Bucky would like nothing more than to kiss that self-approving smirk right off of your face.
"Come on кукла. I'm being serious".
"Alright" you sigh as you get ready to present him with your list. "Well we competed on who would get to go on that mission to infiltrate the HYDRA base. And the White House. And the Queen's Ball".
"Those were all life-threatening examples Y/N".
You stay silent. He's right. You made sure to go out of your way to take over or at the very least join in on missions that could have Bucky ending up dead and he did the same. You were realizing that you cared for each other and it scares you.
New territory always has.
"I don't like you Bucky". You finally speak when you realize that his hands have made their way down to your waist.
"That's okay," he assures you calmly.
"As a matter of fact, I fucking hate you"! Your voice starts to get louder and anger starts to bubble within you although you're not sure exactly what you're angry about.
"That's okay," he speaks again.
"I fucking hate you and your stupid voice and your stupid mouth and your stupid... hair". You blabber out as you shove your hands into his chest. "God I hate you so much"!
"That's okay".
"Stop saying that it's okay! Argue back asshole!" you yell, this time shoving him so hard his back smacks onto the mirror.
"Argue back!" you hit him again.
No answer.
"Argue back!" and again.
No answer.
"Argue back". Without enough energy to carry out your past actions, you just relax your shoulders in exhaustion and Bucky immediately gets up and pulls you into a hug.
Bucky's arms hold you tight and at that moment it feels as if all of your problems suddenly transformed into no more than minor inconveniences.
"I don't even know what I'm upset about." you confess into his chest.
"Would you hate me for real if I said 'it's okay'?" he jokes as he lets go of you.
"I would" you smile, running a hand through your hair.
The both of you stand there for a second and reflect. Both of you want each other. Want to devour in each other's tastes and scents, but the one thing you share in common is the fear you hold of ruining what you already have.
Fuck it.
You place your index and middle fingers onto Bucky's peck and slowly move them upwards. He immediately takes in a sharp breath and darkens his eyes. His lip tugs under his teeth as his eyelids flutter. "What're you doing sweetheart"?
All you do is smile innocently as you bring your hands up to cradle his face. Pulling his head down to meet your mouth you make sure to let your lips brush against the lobe of his ear. "I’m not wearing any underwear. Thought you’d like to know". The purity in your whisper sends a shiver up his spine.
"You're not making this easy for me кукла," Bucky growls as his grip around your waist tightens.
"Give in James. Please. I need you so bad." you whine as you take his earlobe between your teeth and suck on his skin.
Your actions finally bring him to his breaking point. He picks you up and places you down on the sink, the water droplets soak through the fabric of your dress and to your skin. Without any hesitation, Bucky presses his lips against yours and you do the same back. The kiss is harsh but in a good way. It's full of love yet so much aggression and it's the type that has your hands reaching for his face. His stubble brushes against your skin as his tongue slips into your mouth and glides along your teeth. You moan into Bucky's parted lips as you push your hips up to his and feel his hard-on up against your cunt.
He grunts in between kisses when you start to roll your hips. "кукла fuck".
When you finally give him a segway, Bucky brings his middle and ring fingers to your face and pops them in your mouth. Once he's convinced that your tongue has done sufficient, Bucky slips his fingers out with ease and motions for you to lift your dress.
Once the silk is rolled up your thighs Bucky runs the tips of his fingers up and down your soaking slick. His chest fills with heat as he sees your eyebrows scrunch in anticipation.
You need his fingers and he wants nothing more than to give them to you.
"Yes. Yes! God just hurry James".
"That's what I like to hear". Bucky smirks before shoving his fingers into your little hole, watching as you move up the sink and adjust around his digits.
Your hand wraps around the back of his neck, pulling him closer so that the only thing separating the two of you is the sink. Bucky can't help but tell you how good you're doing by sucking on your neck when your moans and whines fill the air. It's music to his ears to hear how wet you are just by his fingers alone.
As you feel his fingers curl against your g spot you can't help but tug at the locks of Bucky's hair. That earns you a faster pace.
The coil in your stomach tightens and you don't know how much longer you're going to last. "James oh my- feels so good"!
You're moaning his name over and over again as your back arches closer to Bucky's chest. "You're doin' so well".
"Feels so fucking good" you repeat as you throw your head back.
Hearing his endless praises sends you off your edge and an orgasm like never before hits your body. Waves of pleasure ripple through you and your thigh shakes under Bucky's metal palm as you try to squeeze your legs together only for them to be pulled apart by the metallic mechanism.
"James" you whine, still trying to press your thighs together as you come down from your high.
"Can't let you do that sweetheart. I wanna see this pretty little pussy of yours before I destroy it with my cock".
"James please". You're practically begging him to hurry up as he fumbles to pull his pants down and once they finally are, he pulls you off of the sink and spins you around. You bend as you watch him roll your dress up in the mirror. His eyes light up when he catches sight of your dripping wet pussy. "Ah" you yelp when you feel his hand smackdown onto your ass leaving a burning sensation on the supple skin.
"Please just fuck me".
"My pleasure". With that Bucky lines his cock up with your entrance and meets your eyes for an answer. His hips ease into you as soon as you nod your head. You hiss as he waits for you to give him the go and when you do, it's the best feeling in the world. Hearing Bucky grunt through every thrust had your stomach filling with butterflies and he loves it. Seeing you look a mess all thanks to him not only strokes his ego but also confirms that you are all his now.
Bucky finally has what belongs to him.
Bucky finally has what's his and he doesn't plan on losing it.
"God fuck"!
"Don't think he can even help you now кукла. This was what you wanted, wasn't it? This is why you were acting out in front of my friends"?
"Yes, shit yes"!
"Just needed my cock to fill you up. S'that what it was"?
With his dick pounding in and out of you without mercy all you can manage is a nod.
"Yeah, it was". Smug bastard. "Why act up fuck when you can’t take it, huh”?
Bucky can feel you clenching down on him and he knows that you're close. He slides his left hand under the front of your dress and grabs your bare tits, messaging and tugging at your nipples.
His right-hand moves to your hair and he uses it to wrap your hair in a ponytail. Bucky tugs back on it as he feels himself draw closer to his release. Just as he's about to stop and check up on you Bucky catches you smirking back at him in the mirror earning you a slap on your ass.
God if only you knew what you did to him.
"James don't stop. Please just don't stop".
"Christ I love how you're sqeezin' down on me. Gonna milk this cock real good arent you кукла?" he grunts as he lowers himself to meet your ear.
"Gonna milk it. Gonna milk it James," you mumble absolutely cockdrunk out of your mind.
"Good girl. That's a good fucking girl". James can feel your walls flutter around him and he speeds up his pace. The sounds of your whines, Bucky's moans, skin slapping against skin, and the faint beat of the music fill the room as the both of you reach your highs.
With ripples of euphoria washing over you, again and again, you're finding it hard to concentrate. The restroom becomes a big blur of foggy white and your arms give out.
You thank every higher power that Bucky's arm swings under your body before you have a chance to slam into the dirty sink.
With his own orgasm hitting him and your thigh shaking, he finally has the opportunity to slide out of you and he watches as his cum drips out of your hole.
"Ah, кукла. You look so beautiful." he smiles as he spins you around and places you back onto the sink. "But we can't let that go to waste. Can we now"? Bucky's looking at you with the biggest innocent eyes as you don't know what he has in mind, but god are you in for the surprise.
"No" you reply matching his energy.
"No doll. No, we can't," he mumbles as his lips curve into a smirk. You lean back as you watch Bucky bring his index and middle finger back to your cunt and slide them in with no problem at all. He starts to pump his fingers in you, sliding his cum back inside of you, while attacking your lips with his own.
"Mmm James" you mumble as he bites on your lower lip.
"Ya'sweetheart"? Oh, he really is a bastard.
"Just like that". Your words make Bucky's eyes glimmer. Your lips slot open over his and he moves his kisses to your neck. He sucks on the skin so hard that you know he's going to leave marks. "Just a little more James. M'so close".
Hearing those words, Bucky's fingers speed up and curl against your velvet walls.
In a few more seconds, your eyes roll to the back of your head and your third orgasm hits you like a train. Your hands grip Bucky's biceps and he pulls you close to his chest to help you through your high.
Maybe there was a plus to jealousy.
— la fin.
please give feedback and reblog if you enjoyed.
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possessivedesires · 2 years
How would the yandere Hashira react to their Darling (who's also a hasira) coming home severely Injured and they were trying to hide it cause they knew if they were seen that injured their "partner" would force them to retire?
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“Where are they?” The loud voice made you freeze in mid step, knowing that you were busted. Of course Shinobu would send a letter out to Kyujuro, not knowing of the tendencies he has when it comes to you. No one knew, because no one believed you. Kyujuro was the perfect Angel, the perfect man. Who would ever believe anything he has done to you?
“Firelily.” He was pissed, you knew that. His eyes didn’t hesitate to scan over your body; seeing the bandages covering your body. When you tried to look over at one of the butterfly girls for help, his hand moved his haori to block them from you. “We talked about this.”
He said with the sweet smile on his face, hiding the anger easily. It terrified you; wondering what awaited for you. Silently cussing Shinobu for sending him a letter, but know she was just wanting to help. “I-I know but-“
“Do you know what I would have done if I lost you?” You flinched at hearing him, looking down at hearing the concern in his voice. Even with him treating you awfully, you could never deny that he cares for you. Truly he does, just in his toxic way. “I thought-“
“You thought? Baby, love of my life, this…” He stepped closer to you, lifting your chin to stare at him. “This is why you don’t think. This is why you need to depend on me and only me. I can take care of you, I can protect you.”
“There’s no arguing. Let’s go. Now.”
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“Oh sweetheart.” You had no where to go but to her place; she had all the medical supplies and you could die without getting your injuries checked. Tears slipped over your face, staring at the woman who was giving you that innocent smile and letting you know just how much you were in trouble.
“Hush now sweetheart; we don’t want you to waste your precious energy.” Shinobu had already decided that she was going to take you out of commission when you returned for the fact she didn’t like to be separated from you. But this… This made her realize just how much you needed to stop fighting demons.
You tried to struggle when she wrapped you in her arms, ignoring her sweet shushing. There was a sharp point to the back of your neck; sedatives kicking into your system while you began to slump forward in her arms. “There there, rest easy my love. I’ll take care of everything for you.”
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This is the one that you could hide the easiest from. Mostly because he doesn’t know how to show his feelings; all the craziness is just bottling up more and more because he doesn’t know how to release it until it just cracks.
Like now.
“B-babe…?” He whispered, lowering the sword from his hand. There was a crash that made him panic in thinking there was a demon, but it was only you on the kitchen. Blue eyes were focused on the wounds crawling up your skin; poking out from poorly wrapped bandages. “It’s n-“
“Don’t… Dont tell me that this is nothing!!” He exclaimed, raising his voice and making you jump lightly. You’ve never heard him yell at you before, the sword digging into the wooden floor as he marched over to you. You backed up, trying to put the chair between the two of you and grabbing back on the cabinet. After being taken and forced to live with the hashira, this… this is the time you’ve honestly felt nervous of him. You’ve never seen him act like this before so you didn’t know how to predict what he was gonna do.
“Why did you even go?” He demanded, putting his hands on the table. You opened your mouth to answer, but Giyuu knew you. He knew what your answer would be. “Who gives a fuck about those people? You… You are the only thing I care about! I don’t care if all those people die!”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. A hashira, a demon slayer, not caring about the lives at stake. Giyuu looked at your wounds again. “The thought of losing you… No… I won’t…”
He shook his head; making his way over to you and grabbed your arm before you could stop him. He tightened his arm when you tried to wiggle out of his grasp while he pulled you back to the bedrooms. “You’re no longer allowed to step out of this house, I won’t lose you too.”
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“Babe, I’m back home.” He announced loudly, kicking off his shoes by the door while he put his katana on the table. Pale purple eyes immediately shot toward the direction of your shared room at hearing the crash, his hands only slamming open the door seconds later.
You were trying to collect the broken shards of a medicine jar, the medicine spilled over the floor. Sanemi narrowed his eyes, wondering why you need the medicine jar in the first place and his eyes turned to look at the bloodied bandies where you were sitting.
“S-say something!” You yelled out; the silence was pressuring for you- making it feel like you couldn’t breath. Sanemi was never quiet, so to know he was standing there and just… watching you; the thought terrified you. Your body flinched when he stopped in front of you, crouching down before his hand lifted up your jaw roughly. “What happened?”
“Demon…” He mused as if it was some joke, then stood up. Your eyes widened as you watched him walk toward the door. “Wha-what? What are you doing?”
“I’m going to to talk to the master.” Your eyes widened at hearing that, quickly running toward him and flinched when you felt him grab you. His arm wrapped around your throat, locking his arm as he held you close. “Don’t fight against me, I’m not gonna let you go out on missions anymore. From hear on, you’re dead. I’m gonna go tell the master that I found your body and you’re gonna spend out your days here. By my side. Understand it?”
You tried to argue with him, but Sanemi kept a hold on you till you passed out. Immediately taking his hand off, fingers pressing against your neck to check if you were okay and put you in bed. He tucked you in, thumb brushing over your cheek. “I do this because I love you.”
*Before his own retirement
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“There’s my darling!!” Tengen cheered excitedly, sliding in front of you with a large grin. Your eyes widened; not expecting to see the hashira home yet since he wasn’t due to be back for another three days. Three days you would have time to clean up, but his smile dropped when he saw the blood on you.
“Darling, what is this?” He narrowed his eyes at you, making you quickly try to wipe the blood from your skin. “I-it’s nothing.”
“This doesn’t look like nothing.” He even put quotations on the word, hand reaching out to grab your arm. You winced are the pain spiking up your dislocated arm. “See! This is what I’m talking about!”
“Lord Tengen, I’m f-“
“Don’t. If you finish that sentence I will lose my goddamned mind.” He pulled you closer, putting his hand on your lower back to guide you into the house. You looked down at the wives were watching you; they didn’t dare to step out to say anything when Tengen was angry like this. No one could win with him.
“Hey! Wait! What are you doing?!” You exclaimed as the shackle was put around your ankle; trying to tug it out from his grasp. “What do you think?”
“L-Lord Tengen, I thought we moved on from this!” You exclaimed; not wanting to be chained up again. He wasn’t listening to you, getting the medicines that he would need. “Can’t have my darling leave again; now can I? Hmm? You don’t need to do that job anymore.”
“You can’t be ser-“
“Girls; you’ll watch her when I’m not here. Right?” He looked to the three women who nodded immediately to his request. Good luck getting out.
Warnings: murder
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You don’t know that Muichiro even knew you were hurt; not hearing him when he was close. Especially because he said nothing as he watched you tried to clean the wound and bandage it up.
But he knew he had to do something.
“Oh? It’s the (your hashira pillar).” You looked over at hearing the surprised Kinoe to your left. “I heard they retired yesterday.”
“They’re looking good for retirement.”
“But aren’t they so young? Maybe they just weren’t ready for being a hashira yet.” Retirement? That word stuck with you, making your way over to the kinoes. “Um… what do you mean im retired?”
“Huh? Whatcha mean by playing innocent? Everyone knows you retired yesterday. Muichiro told the master.”
“What? No I didn’t. I just got back from a mission yesterday… and I was going to give my report to the master.” You were confused. But the kinoes didn’t have time to answer because the familiar spoke out from the side. “Y/n.”
“Muichiro… We need to talk.”
“I know.” His pale blue eyes looked over at the kinoe standing there; feeling annoyed with their presence before he looked back to you. “Why… Why didn’t you talk to me about this? I don’t want to be in retirement.”
“It wasn’t up for decision.” You were surprised at hearing that, but your eyes only widened when his sword slashed through the two kinoes standing there. They shouldn’t have gossiped about you. “M-M-M-“
“Let’s go home.” He said, turning his body to face you. Not a thought behind those eyes; only dreaming on living with you and spending out his days by your side. “Now.”
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There was no hiding the scent of blood from Kaburamaru; no matter how much you tried. Obanai knew as he saw those crimson petals on your clothes; there was no way that he was going to let you do anything remotely dangerous again.
“I’m fine, I swear.” You tried to argue with him, but Obanai was having none of it. He didn’t believe you; fighting against you when you tried to push him away from taking care of you. “Stop! Stop just stop it.”
He growled, demanding your cooperation. It got to the point where he had to restrained you, being able to focus clearly on your wound and taking care of it. “You’re not leaving again.”
“But I said-“
“You’re not leaving again. That’s final.”
“You can’t-“
“I can and I will. Do remember who’s hands your family’s lives are in.” He hated to use that above your head, but necessary times call for necessary plays. Your hands clenched at hearing that and he picked up your sword from the bedside. “Wa-wait what are you doing?”
“You won’t be needing this again.”
“Wait no-!” Pieces of your sword fell to the ground, Obanai breaking it without a remorseful thought. Mix matched eyes looked over at your sulken form, tears slipping down your cheeks. “I’ll be talking to the master. Be good and don’t make me hurt you when I return.”
It was an empty threat, sorta, Obanai was not above breaking your legs to keep you from running. There was no more leaving the house; he wouldn’t let this happen again.”
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“Honeybunches!” Mitsuri cheered happily as you arrived back home, jumping in your arms and hugging you close. You winced, tears springing toward your eyes at the pain flaring but still hugged your psychotic lover back. But she noticed the wince.
“Sweetie?” She asked, leaning her head back; looking down at you and her eyes widened when she noticed the tears in your eyes. “Baby! Why are you crying? No no no no don’t cry.”
She immediately wiped away your tears, peppering your face in kisses. “Don’t cry! I’m right here for you! You’re home now, no reason to cry.”
That’s not the reason I’m crying… You thought, getting reminded of your injuries with all of her movement. Her hands gently pet your hair, putting her forehead against yours. “You’re all home now. And~ I’ve talked to the master, sooooo you’re on vacation. Permanently.”
“I know we talked about you retiring and I thought it was a brilliant idea because you want to stay home with me.” Your head shook, feeling like your heart was stuck in your throat. No, you felt like you were sick. This was another one of her sick delusions; another one of her thoughts where she really thought you’d played along. “What? Aren’t you happy? Don’t you want to spend time with me?”
Tears sprung in her eyes, making you feel guilty. Of course she knew how it effected you; that’s why she uses it to get what she wanted whenever it comes to you. A small sign came from you; letting her down and she grinned at you. “Come on! Let’s go spend our time together! We have so much to catch up on and all the time to do so!”
It didn’t matter if you were hurt or not, Mitsuri didn’t want you to be leaving anymore. So even if you can back completely fine; the end result would have been the same.
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“Sweetie?” You didn’t hide your wounds, thinking that you were fine. But he could hear the way the bandages rubbed when you moved; it made the hashira frown. “What happened?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about lov-“
“You’re lying.” His hands gently held onto your face, thumb rubbing lightly over your skin. “You know I hate when you lie to me. Did you get hurt?”
“Was it on your mission?”
“Yes…” He hummed, thinking about what he needs to do to. His hands moved to your back, pulling you closer to him to hug you closer. “I’m going to go get some supplies from Shinobu; please get some rest my love.”
He guided you to the bed, helping you lay down as he left the house. But he didn’t head toward the butterfly mansion, no, he went immediately to Kagaya. He was going to fake your death, going to keep you back at his house. Gyomei made a promise to protect you and he was going to keep that promise.
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gingeraleluke · 2 years
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: vinnie hacker x fem!influencer!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: nikita gets a little to handsy with vinnie.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: swearing, sexual convos, betrayal, bestie!nikita flirting with y/n’s man, brief mentions of violence + an uncomfortable vinnie
𝗔/𝗡: this one is pretty simple and short but i hope u guys like it <3 I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST NIKITA, THIS IS FICTION
interviews/confessionals in bold!
“who are the two closest people in the house?”
“the two closest people, like bestie wise? y/n and nikita. without a doubt.” larri’s reply was almost instant.
“i don’t even know how they get along so well, but they do.”
“probably y/n and nikita.” vinnie answered, smiling and nodding. “yeah, they’re really close…”
“best friends of the house, y/n just evens out nikita’s crazy in the best way.” thomas explained, “i don’t known how they do it.”
“i don’t want to watch that though!” vinnie complained, exaggerating his hands and leaning the back of his head against the couch.
“well, i’m not watching shrek again, and we want to watch it.” y/n motioned to nikita who was busy petting her dog.
y/n and vinnie had just finished watching twilight, when nikita arrived. the two were now arguing over what to watch, nikita amused by the two of them.
“BUT WE DONT HAVE TO WATCH SHREK, WE CAN WATCH SHREK 2!” vinnie yelled at the top of his lungs, making y/n smack him.
“vinnie, shut up! you’re gonna get the dog going.” she scolded, making her boyfriend apologize softly.
“i don’t mind watching shrek.” nikita butted in.
y/n looked over at her, confused, yet nikita’s eyes never left vinnie. she knew damn well, that nikita would NEVER pick shrek over 13 going on 30.
“what are you talking about?”
“what?” she asked innocently, vinnie playing off the whole conversation and starting the movie.
it was, in fact, the first one and not the sequel. y/n couldn’t help but wonder why nikita would do that, usually always taking y/n’s side, even if she didn’t agree.
y/n had been best friends with nikita for almost six years, and despite all the stupid shit she’s done, she always stuck with her.
she knew how dumb she was, though.
yet, it was always nikita who was there for her. she helped her stay sober at parties, and gave her a roof to stay under whenever she was lonely. while she wasn’t perfect, she was always a good friend to y/n. the two were the definition of complete opposites, yet they still got along.
vinnie and y/n had only been dating for four months. nikita knew about her feelings towards him, but she was still always vocal about how attracted to him she was— but since y/n and him weren’t dating yet, she never cared. she just assumed that once they became official, nikita would lay off.
apparently, that wasn’t the case.
“imagine if he got a boner..”
y/n finished her episode of euphoria and headed downstairs for her snack break, passing by the camera crew, she saw jake, calvin, mia, alex, kouvr, and jack in the kitchen, laughing. grabbing the m&m bowl on the counter, she began eating some, taking a seat beside kouvr.
“if who got a boner?”
the whole room went tense at her question, and everyone stopped laughing. they had all just gotten back from ice skating, y/n enjoying the quietness of the house to film some videos before relaxing in her bed.
jack looked at alex, his lips forming a line as if something awkward had happened. “um….vinnie.” alex scratched the back of his neck.
she stopped chewing, “why would vinnie get a boner?”
she heard multiple boys snort and mia left the room, her eyes wide.
“nah, it’s just a joke..” he replied.
“well i don’t get it, what’s the joke? explain.” she looked over at kouvr for validation, but she was just focused on her salad, purposely ignoring y/n’s gaze.
“it’s uh—“
“nikita sat on vinnie’s lap.” kouvr cut her boyfriend off, gazing at y/n. she knew she deserved to know and that the boys would beat around the bush about it.
“what?” she grimaced, hearing some of the boys snigger about it. she couldn’t tell if it was a joke or not.
“are you joking?” kouvr shook her head.
y/n’s eyes darted around the group, wanting an explanation. “wha-what do you mean ‘she sat on his lap’? wh-why? what was the reason?”
honestly? y/n wasn’t surprised. nikita was always touchy with vinnie, something she assumed would stop at small arm touches and hugs— she never thought she would go as far as to sit on him. she was sick of letting nikita think that it was okay. sick of that jealousy flooding her chest when she’d spend a little too long hugging her boyfriend.
vinnie may not have seen it, but she did.
no matter how good of a friend nikita was, this wasn’t okay.
alex put his hands up, “i don’t know! ask them!”
“when—where was this?”
“just now, on our way back here. she sat on his lap for the whole fucking car ride, until we dropped her off.”
“did vinnie say anything?”
“yeah, just that he was uncomfortable and wanted the driver to speed up.”
“he said that to her?” she asked.
“no, he texted it to jack.”
the laughter from the boys, somewhat comforted her. she tried not to lose her shit and began laughing herself. “what, so her ass was on his crotch?”
“pretty much.”
y/n dropped the jar. “where is he?”
alex shrugged and pointed upstairs.
vinnie looked guilty from the second y/n opened that door, and that made her even more scared.
“what the fuck happened?”
vinnie let out an emotionless laugh, and spun his gaming chair around. “they told you?”
“yeah, why didn’t you?”
“because she’s your best friend.” his expression was full of remorse, something y/n didn’t expect.
“vinnie, i don’t care who she is, she fucking touched on you? i mean, hugs and arm touches are one thing, but she fucking sat on your lap!”
“are you mad at me?” he looked up at her like he was a lost puppy and reached out for her arm, forcing her to look at him.
“why would i be mad at you?”
“i don’t know, i was scared that you wouldn’t believe me..”
“oh, trust me, vinnie, i believe you.” she ran her hand through his hair. “are you okay, though?”
“yeah, y/n, it’s just nikita. i was just uncomfortable.. it felt like i was cheating on you and everyone was laughing about it.”
“why did she even do that?”
“she said she was chilly from the rink.”
what kind of stupid fucking excuse—
“bruh, she wants me to beat her ass, clearly.”
“i know—“
“cold from the rink? so you sit on my mans LAP?! that is reserved seating for muah, bitch, i think the fuck not— i’m so done with her shit.” she pulled out her phone.
“what are you going to do?”
“i’m gonna confront her and make sure she never does that ever again, it’s not okay.”
vinnie nodded, watching her grab her keys.
“wait!” he stopped her from walking out.
“you promise you aren’t mad at me?”
“of course not.”
y/n and nikita were seated on her couch, in the middle of a heated discussion.
“you can understand why i’d be upset about you sitting on my boyfriend, right? like you can see that?”
“okay, so why the fuck would you pull some shit like that, nikita?! like, that’s honestly so fucked up..”
y/n wasn’t sure what to do.
she was angry and felt betrayed, plopped down in the center of a maze with too many endings.
“i’m sorry, i wasn’t thinking.”
“i just don’t know if i can believe you..”
“y/n, i fucked up. i’ll admit it, i went over the line, but i promise you, i will NEVER do that again.” nikita begged, a face mask still covering her skin and her pink robe on her body.
“yeah, you fucked up. i don’t know if i can trust you nikita..” y/n was on the verge of tears.
“please, i love you. you know how touchy i can be, i swear i had no evil intentions y/n—“
“but it hurt me and you made vinnie uncomfortable! it’s fucking embarrassing! everyone saw, nikita! how would you feel if i was fucking sitting on your boyfriend’s lap?!”
“i-i didn’t think about it that way—“
“yeah, well, next time you’re cold, stay cold.”
“you promise you’re okay?”
“yes, baby.” the two were nuzzled up on their bed, the room pitch black if it wasn’t for the tv. 13 going on 30 was playing and the two made small talk while watching, her tracing over his bare stomach and occasionally finding his ticklish spots.
“are you okay?” he asked, looking down at her. his jawline was resting on her until she turned to face him.
“yeah.. i just need some space from her.”
“i’m sorry…i know she meant a lot to you.”
“she still does. i think she’s just lonely…she’s not used to being the single one— usually i was always the single one.” vinnie nodded, playing with her hair while she spoke.
“you didn’t get a boner right?”
“WHAT?!” he leaned back, almost hitting his head on the wall.
“well alex was joking about it!”
“absolutely not!”
“vin, i won’t be mad—“
“NO!” he was amused at the idea, always seeing nikita as a sister and nothing more. “why do you keep asking?!”
“i don’t know…” she huffed, facing the tv again.
“are you jealous?”
“what?!” she squealed, “why would i be jealous?!”
“because your best friend had her ass against me for thirty minutes straight and you weren’t there to do anything about it…?” he teased.
“you are jealous! why are you jealous?! i’m literally balls deep inside of you, almost every day—“
“you’re so lucky there aren’t cameras here right now, if they had heard the dirty things you just said..” she laughed, shaking her head.
“yeah, yeah.” the two stayed quiet, y/n falling asleep in his arms.
vinnie must have noticed.
“are you asleep?” he whispered, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear and waking her up.
she groaned in reply.
“vinnie, what?!” she snapped.
“i have a question..”
“can we watch shrek 2?”
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