completeoveranalysis · 8 months
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youryanderedaddy · 2 months
tw: female reader, obsessive behavior, captivity, fantasy lore, abuse, murder mention, suggestive (?)
"You seem to be upset."
He's leaning against the window not too far away from you. Not too close as well - just far enough for you to feel at ease.
"Aren't you a mind - reader." You respond under your breath, trying to focus on the book you're currently reading - but the letters are escaping you, and you find yourself re-reading the same paragraph for the third time. He sighs, much like a disappointed father, before stepping towards you. And if you flinch just slightly, he doesn't pretend to notice or care.
"What is wrong, my flower?" The man gestures theatrically, soft velvet voice unbecoming of the monster he is flowing easily into the open air. You don't know what to say, really. It's been two years - or so you think, there is no way to keep track of time in this kingdom, not that time goes the same way in the elfen world as it does in the human, yet the part of you still capable of logical thought seems to think so. Two years, and there is very little you haven't already said. Very little left to be said, so your conversations are mostly rehearsed repetitions of what you already know. What you already fear - that you're going to die here. Or even worse. That you've become incapable of aging, so very consumed by this foreign land you detest that you've given up death for a life of boring, purposeless immortality.
"Don't I shower you with lavish gifts?" The noble moves closer, stalking towards you - observing you as if you're a butterfly pinned to a wooden frame under a microscope. "Don't I buy you the shiniest jewels? Not even the queen herself owns such sparkling emeralds." He scoffs, painfully used to your lack of response. You clear your throat, turning a new page - having little to recall about the last. It's completely meaningless just like all the other pages in all the other books you read. How funny, you think. In that distant, dreamy past of yours you were too busy to read - busy with work, busy with family, busy with friends. Busy with life. Now nothing gets in the way of your reading, you have all the time in the world - but there's no one to share the knowledge with. No one to spoil the ending. No time limits. No goal to it all, no final destination. So you read, and you soak the pages with salty tears not remembering a word.
"I am grateful for all the treasures you give me, my Lord." You answer nonchalantly, keeping your pointer at the end of the paper in a desperate attempt to find the sentence exactly where you left it off. You can feel him move closer to you - and the only indication of your growing fear are the shivers that travel down your spine with the beat of your violently full, thumping heart.
"Don't I provide you with all the entertainment your little human heart could possibly bear?" The duke clicks his long sharp nails together once against the other - an ugly metallic sound echoes deep into the ceiling reminiscent of a dying forest clow. "There has never been a lack of wine or music or dance in my court. I've gifted you more golden dresses than you can wear in this life. I've written you more poems than you can read." He keeps going, describing every little thing he's done for you, despite the fact that you've never asked for any of it.
"I admire your taste for indulgence, my Lord." You repeat almost automatically, the praises sitting on your tongue just waiting to be spilt from parted honey lips. Your eyes are glued to the book, but you've given up on reading long ago. Now you're simply trying not to cry - focusing your eyes at one word at a time and blinking repeatedly, manically, feeling as if the world with end the moment you let him see your weakness. You can't believe you still have so much pain in you - enough to feel loss and anger and, what's even worse, hope. Hope that one day you'll be free again.
"And tell me, flower—" His fist wraps around your low ponytail, forcing you to look up at him and meet his eyes for the first time tonight. What's staring back at you might as well be the bottom of the ocean itself, misty and dark, cold and unknown. Human eyes convey so much affection - so much care that you can never mistake it for anything else. With elves it's different - you can spend centuries looking for a hint of kindness, and you'll only get lost in those beatiful bottomless pits. Shiny and sparkling and completely empty. "Don't I give you love? Don't I embrace you tightly every night?" His voice lowers dangerously, barely above a whisper.
"I don't understand what more you could possibly want. Should I prove myself to you? Should I slay a dragon for you? Perhaps I could tie the heads of your enemies with a pretty bow and give them to you as a wedding gift, hmm?" He's babbling incoherently, nails digging into your scalp with unyealding grip. "Would that finally, finally make you happy, beloved?"
"No, no, please let go." You cry out in agony, wriggling out of his hold - but he's too strong, too massive to move. "I'm happy, I'm—" You sob pitifully, weakly pushing at his chest. "I'm happy with you. Please, you make me so happy, just please let go. And please don't hurt anyone."
He slowly pulls away, chest heaving in and out wildly. The scariest part is always his face. It remains unbothered - cold and defined like a statue of a god, his true feelings hidden by a mask of barely contained rage.
"You're happy with me?" He raises an eyebrow, foot stomping on the ground impatiently. You nod hesitantly, too shaken up to comprehend what you're even agreeing to. "Then prove it. Show me just how happy I make you." He grabs your wrist, pulling you face-first into his hard chest. "Do it, and I might reconsider my other more... inhumane methods of courtship." His lips twist into a cruel smirk. "And may the Gods help you."
As you sink to your knees you try to think of what book to read next - but no title comes to mind.
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mikoriin · 10 months
Drunken Nights (SyaoSaku NSFW Fic)
so this is actually a couple years old by now, but its a bit i want to insert into my syaosaku fic 'Love Will Be Ours' which you can read here on ao3. i dont know when this would happen, but i felt it in my bones one day back in 2020 and wrote this. its been revised since then, but i hope you all enjoy all the same!
Drunken Nights (read on ao3)
Pairing: Syaoran Li and Sakura Kinomoto
Media: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Rating: 18+
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, First Time
Sakura has just been coronated Queen of Clow, promising she will lead her people into a new day where war no longer touches their country's soil, and so the kingdom held a huge party to celebrate their new queen. After celebrating hard, Syaoran leads Sakura to her chambers for the night, however, this time, she asks him to stay with her. Feeling like it would be a betrayal to himself if he said no, Syaoran enters his queen's chambers with her and they find themselves entangled in each other.
The coronation party was a success. Everyone was dancing, singing, and laughing, drinking to their hearts’ content celebrating the newly crowned queen of Clow. Their armies had pushed back the Celecian troops and the war was going in their favor for the first time. Everyone important attended the party, from dukes and duchesses to the members of the royal court. The only person missing was Yukito, though he had given Sakura his blessings and good word to her the previous day. Even Fei Wong was there for a bit, though Sakura found that he soon disappeared as things started getting especially lively. 
The thing that surprised the queen the most, however, was just how much Syaoran let loose. She watched him open up to Ryuuoh and Tomoyo, laughing and cheering in a way she had never seen. It warmed her heart. She hadn’t felt as giddy as she did at the party than she had before Touya passed away. It was a nice change of pace from all the politics consuming her life. Now, however,  it was late into the evening and Sakura had excused herself to her chambers as the ambassadors and court members drank themselves sick. 
Snickers and giggles echoed in the empty halls of the palace, music just barely audible in the queen’s ears. Her vision was fuzzy and her stomach swirled with butterflies as she held Syaoran’s hand heading to her chambers, just as the two of them would do any other night. Though tonight, the hand-holding was new. 
“Mr. Fai and Mr. Kurogane were so funny tonight.” Sakura said, swaying their hands between them as they walked side by side. “They’re such a duo.”
Syaoran smiled, “Mr. Kurogane is very strong. He seems indifferent or even cold at times, but he cares. He’s very kind, which is another form of strength.”
Sakura felt her heart swell with glee watching Syaoran talk about someone he loved so dearly. She tightened her grip on his hand.
“And you know, he’s never been easy on me, but he’s taken care of me. Ever since my father died, Mr. Kurogane took me in, even when he didn’t have to. There was no benefit for him, undertaking an inexperienced teeanger with no home or direction.” He continued, a genuine smile painted across his face. “He’s a good man.” 
“Mr. Fai is a lot like Mr. Kurogane.” Sakura chimed in. “His attitude is the complete opposite, always joking and laughing. But, at times he seems like he’s in a faraway world. Like he’s dealing with great pain all by himself.”
She clutched her chest, remembering the way she had been coping with her own pain. Shaking her head, thus ridding the thoughts from her mind, she focused back on Fai. “Despite his pain, I think he’s a good man.”
Syaoran listened to her, just as she had listened to him, feeling warmth seeing her talk about someone she cared about so dearly. Eventually they reached the doors to Sakura’s room, the giddy feeling of being together fading, the sad goodbyes of sleep separating them. Sakura opened the large doors, opening the space into her private quarters. Syaoran began to pull his hand away from hers, but Sakura only held on. 
“Your Highness?” He asked.
Sakura stared at the floor. She didn’t want him to go, but she knew it was time to say goodnight. Biting her lip, she trembled, forcing herself to speak her heart’s true desire. “Stay…”
Syaoran blushed at her request, feeling the butterflies dance around his stomach once again. “Your Highness, I…”
“Please.” She looked him in the eyes now, her face beat red and her eyes screaming for a place to hide, yet she stood her ground.
The knight grew soft at the image of her before him, pleading for him to stay the night with her. How could he say no? He nodded, feeling like it would break every bone in his body to refuse her. Sakura beamed at his answer, leading him into her bedroom. He took in the space he had never seen before, Sakura noticing his head turning every which way. Shutting the door behind her, the queen took her place by his side. Her body trembled as she stood next to him awkwardly. He was actually in her room, in her private quarters where only Tomoyo and her own family had previously entered. 
“Your Highness?” Syaoran asked from beside her, noticing her fidgeting. 
Sakura jumped hearing his voice, she was so nervous she didn’t know what to do with herself. “S-sorry...I know I asked you to come in, but now I’m feeling really nervous.” Her cheeks grew hot.
“Do you want me to leave?” He asked.
Sakura shook her head, grabbing onto his sleeve. “No. I’m nervous, but I’d rather have you with me.”
Syaoran smiled. He felt the same. He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “If the queen wishes for me to stay with her through the night, then I will do so.”
Sakura’s whole face turned bright red at this. Her eyes darted from the floor to the ceiling. Syaoran then realized what he did, and blushed himself, letting go of her hand. “I-I’m sorry.” He sputtered out. 
The two stood there in silence for a moment, before turning to each other and speaking. 
“We should-”
They spoke at the same time, cutting each other off. They tried again; 
“I think-”
Cut off once again. They looked at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. This cleared the awkward vibe between them, the both of them gradually becoming comfortable in the shared space. Sakura took a step toward him, closing the gap between them. She gripped his shirt gently, not looking him in the face. “When my brother died...I felt so cold and empty.” She started, her voice a little shaky. 
“Sakura…” Syaoran started, but Sakura hushed him. 
“It’s okay. I’m okay. Because I’m with you.” She looked up into his amber eyes. “When I’m with you, my sadness, loneliness, and anger all seem to fade away. Touya is still on my mind, and sometimes I’ve even tried to push him out. But when I’m with you, Syaoran, I feel like I can properly say goodbye. And he wouldn’t be angry at me for it, because I know he’s ready to go. And I’m ready to rule my kingdom as a queen Clow deserves.” 
Letting go of his shirt, Sakura took his large hand in hers. “And I would like you to stay by my side.” 
Syaoran looked at her wide eyed. He could feel his chest swell and the butterflies dance around his stomach once again. He looked into her jade eyes, seeing every emotion she was feeling in them. He smiled and leaned his forehead onto hers, bringing his pinky finger up between them. “It’s a promise.” He said. 
Sakura blushed at being so close. She brought her pinky to his, locking their fingers together, sealing the oath between them. They stared into each other’s eyes for a long time, feeling everything at once. Then, Sakura did something neither of them expected, bringing her face closer and closer to his until their lips touched. It lasted only a second, but it was soft and tender. Sakura must have realized what she had done, the panic showing on her face. 
“I’m...I’m so-” Sakura stuttered, not able to finish her sentence. 
Syaoran brought a gentle hand to caress her cheek, cupping her white face in his large palm. He brought his face closer to hers now, their lips brought back together. The kiss was gentle, soft, and warm. He broke the kiss, looking at Sakura again. They stared into each other, the sound of their heartbeats the only thing to be heard. They came closer once again, melting into each other as they kissed. Sakura wrapped her arms around Syaoran’s neck as he cupped her lower back, pressing her entire body against his. 
Sakura moaned slightly into his mouth, the sound driving him crazy. He parted their lips, breathing heavily. Sakura’s eyes were slit open, a hazy look on her face. He bit his lip looking at her, his cheeks changing in color. She was too cute, he wanted her to be his, he wanted all of her. He kissed her again, then her cheek, her eye, and moved to her ear. Sakura yelped at the contact. Syaoran quickly retracted his head. “I’m so sorry! Was that too much?” He asked frantically.
Sakura shook her head. “I’m sorry, I was just surprised.” She ran her fingers through his shaggy hair. “If it’s you, Syaoran, you can kiss me anywhere.”
Syaoran’s heart almost burst out of his chest hearing those words. He wanted to kiss anywhere and everywhere. Wanting to hold her and be one with her. Every bone in his body was screaming at him that this was wrong, that they shouldn't be doing something like this, but at the same time he didn’t care. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the simultaneous beating of their hearts, or maybe it was the fact that he was giving in to a long time desire. Syaoran leaned back into her skin, kissing on her lips again ever so gently. He couldn’t get enough of them, the way they molded into his, their softness, their glossy shine when he pulled away. 
Syaoran continued to kiss her, Sakura accepting every one. He moved down to her neck, kissing along her throat, her collarbone, and her shoulders. 
 “Syaoran…” Sakura whispered in a small voice, her vulnerability so loud in that little tone. 
This was like flicking a switch in Syaoran’s brain. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back gently against the wall. He kissed her again, but this time his tongue slid between the folds of Sakura’s lips. She was surprised at first, but Sakura quickly melted back into the sensation of her knight, allowing their tongues to touch and swirl around each other. She felt her legs shake, her hands gripping the sleeves of Syaoran’s white shirt. Syaoran cupped her face as they kissed, the passionate heat of the moment making a lewd voice leave Sakura’s throat. 
Syaoran pulled away quickly, his face completely red. He looked at Sakura’s face in a complete flush, the queen herself covering her mouth. She seemed so embarrassed, but Syaoran was the one who was feeling shame. He had gotten that out of her, and now after hearing it he felt a fire in his lower abdomen. He pulled back, putting distance between the two of them.
“Syaoran?” Sakura asked, a little nervous that she had scared him away.
Syaoran blushed deeply and stood awkwardly to try and hide the very obvious bulge in his pants. He felt so ashamed that he would think dirty thoughts about his queen, the one he has sworn his life to. Sakura seemed to notice because a quiet oh filled their silence. 
Sakura bit her lip. She was also feeling something she wasn’t used to. Sure, she had felt it before, and had even had nights where it wouldn't go away until she took care of it. But this feeling was different and intense . She wanted him. But she had never been so intimate with anyone before, and she certainly didn’t want to force herself on him. Sakura looked back up at her knight, realizing he was doing the same as she. She thought about the way he kissed her, soft and slow, deep and passionate. He wanted her too. 
She took a step closer to him, closing the gap between them. She took his face in her hands and pulled him down to meet her lips, kissing him hard.
“Your Highness, we…” Syaoran gasped once their lips parted, his voice a hoarse whisper. 
Sakura kissed him again, this time soft and slow. She pushed him back until he was resting on the wall opposite the side she came from. Parting their lips, she looked at him with glossy eyes. “It’s okay. We’re okay. If it’s us, there’s no wrong answer.” She said,
Syaoran bit his lip, but the look in her eyes swayed him. He nodded and leaned in for another kiss. Sakura accepted it, their tongues clashing again. She let her hands wander now, down his neck to his chest, and down his abdomen. Syaoran flinched when she reached his groin. She cupped the hard bulge in his pants, a moan escaping the knight despite his best efforts. Hearing such a noise come from her beloved made Sakura’s legs weak, feeling a pulsating sensation between her thighs. She grazed her hand over the bulge, tucking her fingers between his pants and his hips. Unbuttoning his front, she shimmied the pants down his hips. His dick sprung out once it was free, the cool air from the room touching his sensitive skin, making Syaoran shiver. 
Sakura took in a breath upon seeing it for the first time. She had never seen one in person before, only read about them and seen them in anatomy studies, and now she was looking at her special person’s. She looked at Syaoran, his face was beat red and his breathing was rigid. He looked at her then, their eyes meeting. Sakura began to gently run her hand up and down the base of his dick. This made the knight moan. Sakura almost squealed at hearing such a noise coming from him, it made her feel a strange sense of pride and embarrassment at the same time. She kissed him, her hand still stroking his shaft. Syaoran practically drooled at the contact, letting his noises into her mouth.
Sakura was going to go crazy, he was being so vocal, something she hadn’t expected, and it turned her on. She broke their kiss, leaning her forehead on his shoulder, her free hand traveling in between her thighs. Her fingers pressed into her dress, running circles into her clit. She moaned now, letting the lewd sound leave her mouth. Syaoran must have noticed because he went silent and watched her. The queen could feel his erection get harder in her hand, precum leaking from the tip. 
“Sakura…” His low, hoarse voice made Sakura want to touch herself more.
Syaoran then grabbed her hands with his, bringing her sticky hand to his lips and kissing her fingers, a sight that could’ve made Sakura explode. He stared at her with fiery eyes, a look he had never given her before, and began to lead her to her bed. He gently pushed her down onto her soft, silk sheets, laying on top of her and kissing her once again. Sakura wrapped her arms around him, pressing her tongue into his mouth. She felt herself tingle and become even more wet as the time went on. 
The knight broke the kiss, leaving Sakura whining. She felt embarrassed, but felt that her entire body wanted him, needed him. Syaoran kissed down her chin and neck, her collarbone and the top of her chest. He pulled the top of her dress down to reveal those little, plump breasts. Bringing his large hands to touch the soft skin around her nipple, squeezing a bit. Sakura breathed heavily watching him play with her bosom, throwing her head back when he pinched her pink nipple.
“Ah~” She moaned.
Syaoran continued to touch her breasts, bringing his tongue to caress the hard flesh that seemed to be asking for his attention. Sakura mewed at the sensation, feeling the flesh between her thighs pulsate, screaming and begging to be touched. “Syaoran...please..” She cried.
The knight took his cue, snaking his arms around Sakura’s thighs and up her dress. He grazed his gentle hand up her leg, finding the fabric of her panties. Sliding soft fingers between her skin and the underwear, Syaoran pulled his queen’s panties down and off her legs, tossing them to the side. He propped her up on the bed more, placing her legs over his shoulders. Sakura was breathing heavily with anticipation, her body trembling as her fingers wrapped around the skirt of her silky dress. She almost moaned just from the feeling of the fabric caressing her creamy skin.
Syaoran slid his head down her thighs, taking in her aroma. Taking in her scent was like awakening a beast inside him, he wanted to devour every inch of her.
Then, his attention fixated on a small little mark on her inner thigh. It was a fleshy pink color, standing out among her otherwise porcelain skin. He focused on it for a moment, only taking his mind off of it when Sakura asked if anything was wrong. “Syaoran?” She asked.
He said nothing, but instead buried his head into her thighs, licking the wet flesh. Sakura cried out in pleasure, clenching her thighs around his head. Syaoran began to lick and swirl his tongue between her folds, hearing the girl in his arms moan above him. His mouth left her vulva for a moment, a string of fluid connected his lips to her skin. He then went for her clit, taking the small ball of nerves into his mouth. Sakura cried and whimpered as Syaoran sucked on her and massaged her inner thighs, playing with the squishy flesh in his hand. 
Sakura breathed heavily, feeling his tongue go over her clit a little too roughly. She yelped, “Syaoran, wait wait!”
Syaoran’s head shot up from between her thighs, taking her hand in his. “I’m sorry, was I too rough?” He asked, genuine concern in his voice. 
Taking a second to calm herself down, Sakura gave him the go ahead to continue, with a reminder to be a bit more gentle. Syaoran noted this in his mind, gliding his tongue over her once again. Feeling her legs relax at the sensation of all of her nerves being touched, Sakura brought her legs away from her knight’s head. They stayed like that for a bit, Syaoran tasting every bit of her. Everywhere he licked sent tingles up Skaura’s spine, a fire being lit in her body. Syaoran began to massage her entrance, hearing her moan and whimper made his heart beat with every noise that came out of her mouth. 
“May I?” He asked, prodding her with his finger. 
“Please do.” She breathed out in response, feeling his index finger enter her.
She bit her lip as his slender finger slid inside her, the sensation setting her entire body ablaze. Syaoran brought his mouth back to her clit, licking it gently, watching her responses to his actions. He could feel her loosen around his finger as he licked around her folds.
“May I add another?” He asked, his voice eager.
Sakura agreed, clenching the sheets of her bed when he inserted a second finger. He pumped them into her, feeling around to find her sweet spot. She jolted when his finger grazed a certain area inside her, biting her lip so she wouldn’t be too loud. Hearing her response, Syaoran decided he would massage that spot a little more, sending lightning bolts up her body. 
“Syaoran-!” Sakura cried out, feeling pleasure overtake her body.
Syaoran gently licked Sakura’s clit while stroking that spot, Sakura’s squirming under him. Her body began to shake and her hips were grinding against his mouth. She let out little moans, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She never thought something could feel this good, and felt like she was going to explode, the spot between her thighs becoming drenched in her own fluids. Syaoran moaned against her, sending vibrations along the folds of her pussy. Sakura moaned into the empty space of the room, her voice echoing off the walls of her chambers, surely if someone were to walk by they would hear her. 
Syaoran laughed a little to himself, feeling confident that he was able to make her feel this way. He continued to finger her, rubbing circles into the spot that seemed to be her favorite, the sound of her moans turning him on. He wanted to touch himself, but pleasing his queen and holding her thighs around his face was much more important. 
“Syaoran, I'm gonna…” Sakura whispered, feeling her body tremble. 
Syaoran used what little time he had left to really pump his fingers into her, watching her to see if this is what pleased her. Sakura moaned, and bucked her hips against his hand which was soaked in her juices. He went for her clit one more time, the notes in his brain reminding him she really liked this spot touched. He swirled his wet tongue over the ball, taking it into his mouth and sucking. This sent Sakura over the edge, and she felt herself cum, calling out her knight’s name. Syaoran took his fingers out of her, licking up her entrance, cleaning up her mess. The queen’s legs were trembling as she threw her arms over her eyes, breathing as if she had just run a marathon. 
Syaoran finally pulled his lips away from her, licking his lips and fingers, making sure to taste her everywhere he touched. Satisfied with his clean up, he brought his head up to meet her eyes, but he found them closed. She had fallen asleep. He smiled, seeing her contented face made his heart warm. Gently, he pulled her legs off of his shoulders and maneuvered around her to pick her up bridal style. She squirmed a bit in his arms, but Syaoran’s touch was gentle and warm as he held her against his body. He carried her to the head of the bed, tucking her into her sheets. She smiled and cuddled her pillow in her sleep. Syaoran knelt down to kiss her on the forehead. 
“Goodnight, my queen.” He whispered, nuzzling his face into her hair before leaving her bedside and her quarters, letting her sleep her drunken haze away. 
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sakuraswordly · 2 years
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Explained(Source Writer: Evilgidgit)
Oh, boy, I’m tackling a tough one. Kingdom Hearts was tricky enough, but this is another whole kettle of fish. I’m not saying Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle is a bad story, manga or anime; it is a very good one, but trying to understand the story in its entirety is a challenge. The manga was written by the team of CLAMP, best known for writing after popular manga like Cardcaptor Sakura, Magical Knights Rayearth, and Chobits. Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle is a big crossover of all of their notable works, and features world jumping with some new incarnations of familiar faces – so it actually is a lot like Kingdom Hearts narrative-wise. Let’s see if I can explain the plot as simply as possible. In Clow Country, Princess Sakura (based on the heroine from Cardcaptor Sakura) likes to hang out with her best friend Syaoran (also from CCS), an archaeologist who is investigating ancient ruins nearby. Sakura lives with her big brother King Toya and the kingdom’s high priest Yukito (both from CCS), her father Clow Reed (a prominent figure in the CCS universe and this one) being dead. Sakura loves Syaoran and intends on confessing to him. However, things go weird when Sakura is drawn to the ruins and her soul materialises as a pair of wings. Syaoran saves her but the wings explode into feathers and scatter across the multiverse of CLAMP’s works. Syaoran is sent to modern day Japan by Yukito, where he meets Yuuko the Witch of Dimensions, a main character of xxxHolic. Yuuko can grant wishes at a certain price of equal value – think equivalent exchange from Fullmetal Alchemist. At the same time of Syaoran and the comatose Sakura’s arrival, Yuuko is visited by the story’s other main characters – Kurogane, a grumpy swordsman who wants to return to his home, another version of Japan called Nihon, after being banished by Princess Tomoyo (another CCS character) to learn what true strength is; and Fai D. Flowright, a cheerful magician who fled from his world to avoid the king Ashura since they have a history together. Yuuko explains that Sakura’s feathers contain her memories and scattered to different worlds and alternate dimensions. Since all three have goals involving world hopping, Yuuko sends them all off together at a price – Kurogane gives up his precious sword, Fai surrenders a magic tattoo that suppresses his immense power, and Syaoran gives up the memories Sakura and he have. Yuuko gives the trio Mokona Modoki, a talking white rabbit creature that can cross dimensions and sense Sakura’s feathers. Mokona also has a twin that stays with Yuuko and used to communicate with her. Sakura begins to regain her memories as the group travel from world to world to find her feathers, which have caused significant changes in several dimensions. Eventually, the story’s first major plot twist occurs. The group go to post-apocalyptic version of Tokyo which is being slowly destroyed by acid rain, with the only drinkable water available at the bottom of the Tokyo Metropolitan Building, protected by one of Sakura’s feathers. The plot twist comes – a second Syaoran appears and it is revealed the one we’ve been following so far is actually a clone. The original Syaoran was captured long ago by the story’s antagonist Fei Wong Reed, also responsible for Sakura’s feather scattering and events related to Kurogane (killing his mum) and Fai (see below). Clone Syaoran was made with half of the original’s heart, and it was only a matter of time before the original Syaoran broke lose. Clone Syaoran loses his heart and becomes an emotionless puppet obedient to Fei Wong, abandoning the group to find the remaining feathers. Beforehand, he rips out one of Fai’s eyes which are the source of his magic, letting him use magic. Fai starts wearing a snappy eyepatch. The real Syaoran’s backstory is revealed – he comes from the universe of Magical Knights Rayearth and crossed dimensions to save Sakura from being captured by Fei Wong. The price to cross worlds was paid by his parents, assisted by Sakura Kinomoto (protagonist of Cardcaptor Sakura), who gave her magic wand to Yuuko as payment. Syaoran’s plan failed and he was captured, though this later turns out to be false. Fai was aware that Syaoran was a clone all along. Fai is severely wounded by the loss of his eye, and has to be turned into a vampire, a process aided by two vampire brothers named Subaru and Kamui, and must drink Kurogane’s blood to live. Sakura wishes to save the Clone Syaoran, loving him, with her friends accompanying her. The travellers eventually end up in Fai’s home world where it is revealed Fai is actually an alias. His real name is Yui and Fai is the name of his dead twin brother. Twins born in Fai’s world bring bad omens so King Ashura put both in a tower while he went on his annual slaughter of his people. Fei Wong offered to free one of them. The real Fai asked him to save Yui, so Fei Wong tossed him out a window and let Yui, but altered his memory so that he believed he sacrificed his brother to save himself. Fai is also hexed with two curses - one that will make him murder anyone who is magically stronger than he is, and the second will cause his magical powers to destroy his own world. Ashura fights the group but Kurogane kills him. As the world begins to collapse,  Fai uses his magic to send everyone to another dimension with the intention on staying in his dying world. Kurogane is having none of it and drags Fai into Modoka’s portal by chopping his own arm off to do it. The group arrive in Nihon, Kurogane’s world, where they meet Princess Tomoyo. Kurogane is given a prosthetic arm by a pair of brothers named Fuma and Seishiro, who are hunting the vampire twins across the worlds. Fai has to give up the last of his magic to Yuuko for Kurogane to use the arm. Sakura is rendered unconscious beforehand, being stabbed by Fai as part of his curse, her body and soul are split apart, with the latter appearing in a dream world. In the dream world, Sakura encounters Kimihiro Watanuki, the protagonist of xxxHolic who works for Yuuko and has a connection to the Syaorans. The Clone Syaoran arrives in the dream world, leading to a fight between both Syaoran. Sakura jumps in the way of their attacks and is killed, destroying her soul. However, she reveals she is in fact a clone herself and the real Sakura has been a prisoner of Fei Wong all along. Fei Wong then steals Sakura’s body to use its stored power. Here is where it gets really complicated. The group set out to find and rescue the real Sakura and end up in Clow Country, which is stuck in some sort of time loop. They discover from Yuuko that Fei Wong lives in an alternate version of Clow Country, based in a different timeline which was altered by him. In that timeline, Syaoran left his world and went to Clow Country after his mother foresaw him doing so, where he met Princess Sakura, whose parents are Nadeshiko and Fujitaka (who is Syaoran’s adoptive father in the current timeline) and Clow Reed was unrelated to her. Sakura had a death seal placed on her by Fei Wong which would expire within seven years, until Syaoran was offered by Yuuko the chance to rewind time at the cost of his freedom. Syaoran agreed, and became Fei Wong’s prisoner. Fei Wong captured Sakura too, and replaced both with their clones. Syaoran could never return home as a result, and Kimihiro Watanuki was created to fill the void of Syaoran’s absence. Fei Wong’s goal is revealed. Long ago, Clow Reed and Yuuko created Mokona together, but Yuuko eventually began to die. Clow wished her for an instant to open her eyes, but the power behind his wish was so strong it caused Yuuko to become trapped in a frozen state between life and death. Clow eventually died but was reincarnated as Eriol Hiiragizawa and Fujitaka Kinomoto respectively, both of whom exist in the Cardcaptor Sakura universe. Fei Wong wishes to break Yuuko’s frozen state to prove himself superior to Clow Reed. He intended on using the magic of Sakura’s memories and body as they travel across time, space and different dimensions to achieve this. Syaoran, Kurogane, Fai, and Mokona confront Fei Wong, and learn Clow Country is actually a future form of the post-apocalyptic Tokyo they visited before. Clone Syaoran arrives and betrays Fei Wong, but is killed. In another twist, both clones appear trapped in a glass container, alive and unharmed. It is revealed that Yuuko and Clow Reed were aware of the two clones and paid prices for them to be reborn – Clow paid possibly with his life, while Yuuko paid by letting her death draw closer. The two were reincarnated in the Magical Knights Rayearth world, reunite, and via a paradox, become the parents of the original Syaoran. Realising they would create an endless time loop, they seal themselves in the glass container until the time is right. Now wielding the magic of Clow Reed, the two break out and confront Fei Wong. Fei Wong uses the original Sakura’s body to achieve his dream, saving Yuuko , but it causes the fabric of the universe to collapse. Kurogane kills Fei Wong while the clones undo the damage to the universe. However, Fei Wong uses a final trap, sending both Syaorans and Kimihiro into a void from which they are not meant to escape from. Both of the clones disappear, leaving Syaoran and Kimihiro. They decide to split the wish payment to escape, but it has dire consequences for both. Kimihiro’s payment is to remain in Yuuko’s shop forever. Syaoran returns to Clow Country where he reunites with his friends, learning the original timeline has been restored. However, Syaoran decides his payment must be to travel through dimensions until he finds a way to revive the clones/his parents. Kurogane, Fai and Mokona agree to accompany him whilst Sakura remains behind in Clow Country. Before departing, Syaoran and Sakura confess their love to each other, and reveal they actually have different but identical names – “Tsubasa”.
© 2013 - 2023 Evilgidgit
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annebrontesrequiem · 3 years
also if i can request both.. clones Sakura and Syaoran ♡
Ooh of course! Clone!Sakura and Clone!Syaoran have so much potential for interesting headcanons, especially since I partially have no idea what's going on when it comes to timelines, memories, and other nonsense. But also because they are very sweet and very cute and they deserve the world.
Headcanon A:  realistic
Syaoran knows how to sew, mend, alter, and otherwise handle fabrics and clothing very well. It was one of the survival skills that Fujitaka taught him, and Syaoran made sure to put it to good use. He even mended some of Fai's and Kurogane's clothing, and can sew straighter, tighter, and faster than Sakura who, though she was also taught, gets too impatient to be very very good at it.
Sakura, though a bit of an airhead, has a knack for winging tests. It's part of her luck gifted by the gods. She has never failed a test given to her by her tutors, even if she can barely remember what answers she put. She can also usually remember what she needs to when there's a real need for it. Regardless of having her head up in the sky Sakura is not at all dumb.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
One of the reasons that Touya doesn't like Syaoran, besides all the 'usual' stuff is that when Syaoran first arrived in Clow Country Touya was attempting to read a very complex history of the Kingdom and its ancient cultures. Syaoran walked in on Touya reading it one day and said "I liked that book". Though somewhat impressed that Syaoran was opening up, Touya could not forgive being outdone by a seven (?) year old.
Sakura once tried to learn how to walk on stilts as she thought that her brother wouldn't make fun of her if she did - after all she'd be taller! Syaoran tried to teach her, but their lesson got interrupted by Yukito, who, of course, told Touya. After a week of teasing Sakura completely gave it up.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Syaoran sometimes talks in his sleep. Sometimes it's things he wish he could have said, sometimes it's trying to warn the people he loves of danger, sometimes it's the thoughts of his real counterpart, their subconscious bond coming out in sleep. The most heartbreaking ones are the ones where Syaoran is murmuring about Sakura, dreaming about their childhood all the while knowing in his heart that she cannot remember him. Fai and Kurogane don't tell him about it, and try to keep Sakura from realizing what Syaoran is saying, as they know it will only cause more pain.
After Sakura swore that she would become stronger she forbade herself from crying in front of anyone. Not the people whose worlds she feels she has ruined, not Kurogane, not Fai, not Mokona, not this new 'Syaoran'. However, after she promised this to herself she would sneak into the room she was using, or the bathroom, or a closet, and just have a total crying meltdown. She just cannot truly keep her emotions completely stamped down, even if she doesn't want others to see how much it's getting to her.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Syaoran has a beautiful singing voice. He just does. Regardless of lack of formal training or practice his voice is undeniably compelling.
Sakura was kept from learning magic until she was a little bit older, at least until she was seven. Even though Touya began learning the basics at four and Yukito was basically prepped to do magic since birth Sakura's sheer magic power meant that Clow wanted to make sure that she had a normal and completely carefree childhood. Thus she started learning later.
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yououui · 4 years
four times
KuroFai Week Day 7 - Vulnerability
“If you want to die so badly, I’ll kill you myself. Until then, live.”
Kurogane doesn’t say it outright, but the hidden meaning between his words doesn’t seem very hidden.
I’ll kill you myself — I would never kill you
Until then, live — so we’ll be together for the rest of our lives
I want you to stay by my side. I love you too much to let you die.
Kurogane wonders if Fai truly understands, one blue eye widened in shock. It’s the most alive he’s looked since his eye was gouged out, his pale lips parting like he’s about to say something. Instead, he just shuts his eye and he smiles. His brow furrows slightly, like he’s frustrated, but he’s still smiling. The fact that he musters up enough energy for even that makes Kurogane’s chest swell.
Kurogange lets his hopes rise that maybe, after this, Fai will understand that he’s not expendable. That they care about him too much to let him just die. That Kurogane cares about him too much.
“Good morning, Kurogane.”
Kurogane tries to avoid feeling hopeful after that.
“Why did you do it?”
Fai asks the question with a broken voice as he gently touches the spot where Kurogane’s arm should be, so softly that Kurogane can barely feel it so as to not irritate the wrapped wound. Kurogane glances at the mage—he looks terribly sad, an expression Kurogane never wants to see reflected in those eyes again, but at least he’s alive. And Kurogane will always take the honesty over the false smile hiding Fai’s death wish.
Kurogane almost says something teasing. Almost calls the question stupid to lighten the mood. But Fai is being the most honest that Kurogane has ever seen him, and so he deserves the same treatment in return.
“I love you,” Kurogane says it so simply, so easily, his voice low but not hiding.
That was the most honest answer he could give. Also the fact that Kurogane would never leave someone he cared about to die, even if he didn’t necessarily love them, but the love was the easiest explanation. He loved Fai. He’d let himself die before he ever let anything happen to him. Cutting off an arm wasn’t exactly easy, but even with the pain and the soreness and the headache that wouldn’t go away, he’d do it a million times over if it meant Fai would survive.
Kurogane can see Fai try to hold back his emotions, his lips trembling as he presses them tightly together, but then his jaw wobbles and the tears fall from his eye like diamonds reflecting the moonlight. Fai is almost speechless the rest of the evening, his throat tight and his breath gasping, even when he’s stopped crying. Kurogane doesn’t receive Fai’s response by the time he falls asleep, but he doesn’t mind. Fai stays by his side until the next morning and beyond, and that’s all he needs.
Kurogane wakes in a far too soft bed. He doesn’t recognize where he is at first, but after getting a look at the sandstone walls, he recognizes it to be a room within the kingdom of Clow. He sighs and goes to brush a hand through his hair, but nothing happens. Right, his prosthetic arm got destroyed. He tries again with his right arm this time.
Eventually he gets up. His body is sore and there are some bandages on wounds that must have been tended to while he was unconscious, but the memory of what happened gives him enough energy to move anyway. It’s over. Finally, it was all over.
He puts on the slippers next to his bed and goes to the door to leave. He opens it to Fai, standing on the other side with his fist raised as if about to knock. Fai looks mildly surprised, his eyes—both eyes, both beautiful blue eyes—big and blinking.
“You’re up!” Fai squeaks. He clears his throat and smiles sheepishly. “Sorry. I sensed you up and I wanted to see how you’re doing.”
“Fine other than some soreness,” Kurogane says as he steps aside to let Fai in.
“Where were you off to?” Fai asks as he walks inside.
“To find you,” Kurogane tells him simply.
Fai looks at Kurogane and opens his mouth to say something, then stops and closes it again. Kurogane raises a brow and is about to tell Fai to just say what he wants to say, but before he can, slim arms are thrown around his neck, slender fingers threaded into his hair, and soft lips press against his own.
Kurogane stumbles back, his one arm wrapping around Fai’s waist, but kisses back without any question. Fai smiles against his lips as he pulls back slightly. “I don’t think I ever said it back,” He whispers. “But I love you too, Kuro-sama.”
They’re separated just enough to look into each other's eyes, and Kurogane thinks that he could never see the sky again so long as Fai continued to look at him. Kurogane kisses him again and pulls him deeper into the room. Fai has enough sense to kick the door shut.
Kurogane groans and scratches the back of his neck irritably, the parchment in his hand crumpling slightly from his frustration. Nearby, Fai is leisurely reading a book. As he turns the page, he says, “With the way you’re moaning and groaning over your vows, you make me think you don’t really want to marry me, Kuro-sama.”
“Shut up,” Kurogane drawls as he stands to go to their liquor stash hidden in one of their trunks.
Fai laughs and puts his book down takes the cup offered to him as Kurogane takes a seat beside the mage. “What is it, then?” Fai asks as Kurogane fills his cup. “Tell me.”
“I just… Don’t wanna have to say all that crap,” Kurogane grumbles, pouring his own cup. “In front of everyone.”
“Oh, come now, Kuro-pon. It’s not that bad,” Fai tells him with a flippant wave of the hand. “It’s just traditional vows that everyone has to say when they marry, no one will think twice about you saying them. Now, if you really want to be embarrassed, recite what you said in bed last night and—”
Kurogane cuts Fai off with a big hand to the top of his blond head. Kurogane ruffles his hair a bit too hard so his blond ponytail gets all messed up. He knows it doesn’t really hurt, but Fai still waves his fist in the air and whines, “Kuro-sama! That. Really. Hurts!”
Kurogane scoffs as he pulls his hand back and takes a sip. Fai dramatically pushes his hair from his face, then smiles softly at Kurogane. “Seriously. Does it really bother you so much?” Fai asks, gesturing to the vows forgotten on the floor.
“I just. Don’t. Want everyone else. To hear,” Kurogane says stiffly.
Because Kurogane isn’t the kind of person to hide his feelings, so long as he is in the right company. Fai has seen him in states that others probably thought just didn’t exist for Kurogane, but that was because Fai was the closest person in Kurogane’s life. His best friend, his partner, soon to be his legally official husband. Since long before Fai himself would share his own emotions, Kurogane had no problem showing his vulnerability to the mage; Fai was safety. He was home.
But in front of the entire Shirasagi court? The Empress? Souma!? Hell, even Tomoyo, another person he trusted with his emotions, had never seen him be so affectionate with Fai before. 
Fai sighs with an exasperated, lovely smile and shakes his head. “Give me your hand,” He says suddenly as he puts his cup down. Kurogane eyes him wearily but does as he’s told, laying his flesh hand in Fai’s palm.
Immediately, Kurogane feels warm magic spread over his skin and travel up his arm. He’s felt Fai’s magic before—he still has it lingering within him, where Ginryuu is magically stored in his hand—but this feels different. Fai’s magic, even when used innocuously, has an incomprehensible power behind it. It crackles like lightning, burns like fire, shifts the atmosphere from the sheer force of it.
This, though, this feels soft. No harsh edges, just comfort. It’s soothing, almost, like it could lull Kurogane to sleep if he allowed it to. He curls his fingers around Fai’s hand, holding it tighter. Fai returns the sentiment.
“In Celes,” He explains. “Wedding ceremonies were done in private. After all, it’s not like a couple needed to prove to anyone that they loved each other. And after they were finished, then everyone would gather to drink to celebrate the new marriage until we were all passed out on the banquet floor. The couple included.”
Fai smiles fondly at a memory from a life long gone. More magic spreads from his palm, until his and Kurogane’s hands are glowing pale blue.
“They’d use this spell,” Fai continues, squeezing his hand. “It connects the two. It makes them able to feel each other, so no words need to be spoken.”
So, Kurogane realizes, that’s what he is feeling. It isn’t Fai’s magic, it’s Fai himself. Warm, soft, comforting, loving. Fai’s feelings mix with his own until he can’t tell which are his anymore.
As if to seal the spell into place, Fai lifts their hands and kisses the back of Kurogane’s hand, and then the magic glow fades away. Neither of them let go of the other, though. “And that’s it,” Fai says with a smile. “We’re married. By Celesian standards, anyway.”
“Don’t think that’ll make Tomoyo give up on parading us around tomorrow,” Kurogane grumbles.
“Then, just take my hand,”  Fai tells him. “You’ll say all the things that are expected of you, but only I’ll be the one to know what you’re really feeling. No one else has to know. Just you and me.”
Kurogane looks down at their clasped hands. “Don’t think we needed a spell for you to know that,” He says quietly.
Fai laughs quietly and nods in agreement. Because after all, who knows Kurogane’s feelings better than Fai, and Fai’s better than Kurogane? “No,” Fai whispers as he leans in close to kiss Kurogane’s cheek. “I suppose we didn’t.”
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yukikathesnowflower · 3 years
The magician and the moon princess
Chapter 06 | The Exile
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Pairing: Clow Reed x Seretini (self-created character)
Genre(s)/theme(s): mild angst, fluff, fantasy, magic, romance
Summary: Their date continues after lantern-making. | Masterlist
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Her bemused eyes glanced around her surroundings, wondering how to light up her lantern without any matchsticks.
“Allow me to help you to light your lantern candle.” 
In a split second, a spark of flame appeared on the tip of the candle of her lantern. The hot air emitted from the candle induced the lantern to float, in slow motion as it released from her hands. It flew toward the pale yellowish round moon as soft wind breezes, joining the other lanterns glistened in the night sky.
“It’s beautiful…” mesmerized by the scene around her, her eyes danced in wonder as she watched the lanterns adorn the night sky with their magnificent glow.
Clow lit up the candle of his lantern by casting another fire spell, releasing it into the air.
“Have you written anything onto your lantern?”
He turned his gaze at her, the corners of his lips curved up lightly.
“Eh? Am I supposed to write something on it?”
She turned her confused gaze back to him.
“Well…usually people would write some well-wishes onto the lanterns before releasing it into the sky.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!” she gasped.
Her panicking eyes immediately glanced around the sky, searching for her lantern among the hundreds in the sky. Realizing her lantern was already out of reach, she let out a depressing sigh.
“If you have the chance to write on it,” the smile on his face was evident even in his eyes as he gazed back at her, “what would you want to write?”
A spark of irritation at his words lit up her violet eyes, annoyance obvious in the way she pursed her lips.
“May peace and harmony upon the Moon Kingdom and the Earth Kingdom. That’s what I want to write on my lantern.” she retorted.
With a snap of his fingers, the exact words were imprinted into the paper shade of her lantern. And all she could gape in incredulity as those bloomed across the lantern.
“How did you know that lantern was mine?” 
“Well, you drew a small pink poppy flower on the paper shade when you were making your lantern.”
“You noticed it?” Disbelief colored her question.
She gazed at him for a second before looking away as slight pinkness began to emerge from her cheeks — astonished that he was able to notice such a trivial matter. Amused by her reaction, he let out a chuckle.
“Since you already know what I wanted to write on my lantern…” her eyes stared at him intensively, “To be fair! You have to tell me what you wrote on your lantern!” 
He gave a gentle smile while his ocean blue eyes met hers.
“May peace and harmony upon the worlds…that was what I wrote on my lantern.”
‘It’s…the same as…mine?!’
Surprise flashed across her face, astounded that he had a similar thought as her. 
Her eyes softened, letting out a satisfied smile as she turned away from him. She gazed up to the starry sky, glancing at the luminous moon.
“Let’s go. It’s almost time for me to return to my kingdom…” walking away from the bricked bridge, away from the floating lights. Clow followed closely behind her.
They returned to the quiet town where no one else lingered.
“Thank you for today,” she turned to him, her cheeks aflamed with a bashful blush.”…I had a wonderful time.” shyness in her rendered her unable to meet his gaze.
The tenderness in his smile reached his eyes. “I’m glad you enjoyed today.” 
The finality in his tone tugged her head up, finally gaining the courage to look right at him. “G-Good night!” she turned away from him, rushing toward the town gate.
“If you ever get into trouble, you can look for me. I’ll be at my usual place.”
Astonished by his words, she could not move another step forward. She hesitated for a while then turned her gaze. 
However, he was nowhere to be found, seemingly disappearing into thin air.
Disappointment left her in a sigh as she turned back to the gate.
Through the towering gate, she left the city and entered the dusky forest before vanishing from there.
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Upon returning to her palace through her self-discovered secret pathway, her mind continued to run over the meaning of his words before he disappeared. 
'What does he mean?'
Crossing her arms, her fingers touch her own chin while her head is lowered down slightly. Deep in her own thoughts, she shut down all her senses of the surroundings, strolling at a slow pace. 
“Your Highness?!…Your Highness!!”
“Milly?” she raised her head after hearing a familiar high-pitched voice, shouting out her title. A young woman was rushing toward her, panicking with anxiety.
“Y-Your Highness! Y-You finally came back! Her Majesty has summoned you to the throne room!” she panted breathlessly, her hands clinging onto her mistress’s arms.
“Queen Serenity?” her eyes blinked in puzzlement, “Why is she summoning me at this late hour?”
“I-I’m not sure either!” her panicking gaze shifted around her sides, trying to recall her memories of the day.
“Milly,” her tone softened as she gazed at her attendant, “Calm yourself down first.”
“Ah! I remember! This afternoon, Her Majesty came over without any pre-notice. She was looking for you...and asked about your whereabouts!”
‘That’s weird...Serenity was all along aware of my whereabouts…’ her mind tried to ponder over the situation.
“Countess Veronica also came along with Her Majesty,” Milly added.
Upon hearing that irks name from her lips, her pondering thoughts have become clear.
Countess Veronica...one of the elders of the Moon Kingdom. Often sneering at her in a look of disdain, deeming she was an inauspicious being for not bearing the moon crescent mark.
‘Look like I have let my guard down recently.’ she let out an exhausting sigh.
“Your Highness?” she gave a perplexed stare at her mistress.
“I will go to the throne room. Milly, help me change my clothes.”
Milly nodded her head and followed her mistress back to her chamber. She took out a pure white silk gown with puffed sleeves from the wardrobe, assisting her mistress to dress on. Gowned in confidence, Seretini made her way to the throne room.
“Her Royal Highness Princess Seretini has arrived!'' the guards announced her arrival as she entered the glistering room. 
The crowds, who fixed their disdain gazes at her, begin to whisper words into each other’s ears. Ignoring their gazes, she walked toward the platform where the glittering crystal throne was placed. Her unwavering eyes looked at her sister, who was sitting on her throne. 
Countess Veronica stood on the right before the platform — her olive-green eyes were leering slyly at the princess.
“Greeting to your Majesty, the glory of the White Moon.” bending her knees with one foot in front of the other underneath her skirt, she greeted her sister with a formal curtsy.
“Princess Seretini, where were you the whole day?” 
A slight chilling flowed through every vein of her body, she could sense her sister’s hostility toward her. 
“Your Majesty, is my absence a concern?” holding back her anxiety, her purple eyes gazed at her sister firmly as she retorted, “Wasn’t I given freedom in your kingdom?” 
‘Why are you asking about my whereabouts in public, Serenity?’
“Your Highness is indeed given freedom in this kingdom,” Countess Veronica stepped forward, moving closer to the princess, “however, it is not meant for beyond this kingdom.” her devious eyes glanced at her.
‘What is she plotting this time?’ she gave a displeased stare at the countess, who was swaying around her.
“As I have reported to you this morning, your Majesty.” She turned her gaze towards the queen, “I suspect our princess is betraying our kingdom for liaising with our enemy!” raising up her volume of voice, trying to attract ears to hear every word coming out from her wily lips.
“Countess Veronica,” hiding her clenched fist, she addressed her accuser in a calm manner, “may I know who is the enemy you are referring to?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, your Highness!” raising her voice even further as she turned her gaze back to the princess, “Of course, it is the Earth Kingdom!”
Her purple eyes could not hide the rage within her.
“I was intending to pay a visit to your palace today. Instead, I encountered you in the garden when I was on my way. You were wearing commoner clothes.” Her scornful eyes peeked at the princess, “I sensed it was suspicious, therefore I followed you secretly and saw you used a teleportation spell to the earth!”
‘She followed me?!’ her eyes widened.
The whispering noises surrounding them started to get louder.
“Your Majesty, I suggest you sentence this traitor to death before causing further harm to our kingdom!” she pointed her finger at Seretini.
‘What?!’ she exclaimed silently, turning her shocked gaze at her sister, ‘Serenity, you wouldn't have the same mindset as her, right? You knew that the Earth Kingdom was not really our enemy, right?’
Queen Serenity, who was listening to the whole conversation in silence, finally started to open her lips.
“Countess Veronica.” unswerving by the words of the countess, “Isn’t this sentence too heavy? I don’t permit death sentences in my kingdom.” her blue eyes gazed at her in disagreement.
“I apologize, your Majesty. It was a rush of me to suggest such a gruesome sentence.” the countess awkwardly bowed her head, “However, this incident shouldn’t be overlooked!”
The queen shut her eyes for a second, letting out an exhausted sigh after being pressurized by the persistent countess. She looked at her elder sister in distress.
“I sentenced Princess Seretini to be exiled from the Moon Kingdom!”
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Published on 10/08/2021
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meimi-haneoka · 5 years
Thoughts on Chapter 34 of CCS Clear Card
Aaaaand here we are again, at that time of the month, ready to talk and scream (?) about another of Clear Card’s chapters! Sakura and Syaoran have sorted out their problems, no more lies and secrets between them, Sakura even had the chance to witness in front of her eyes how her wishes can instantly turn into “incidents”, and her resolute face at the end of Chapter 33 hinted that she’s not gonna succumb to her fate!
What possibly could go wrong?
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The calm before the storm
First of all, I have to admit it. Those talking with me on the Clow Kingdom discord server might have already heard this, but this chapter left me totally disoriented. I don’t know whether it’s due to CLAMP not planning the storyboard properly (unlikely) or because it was supposed to feel like this, as the focus is all on the cliffhanger on the final pages (after all, this is future volume 7′s last chapter), but the feeling I got is that the flow of events is a bit rushed. We have many POV in this chapter, first we’re with the kids, then Kero and Suppi, then Nakuru and Yukito, then the kids again. 32 pages might not have been enough to develop everything properly, but we had to arrive to that cliffhanger.
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And some things look definitely off. Like, Tomoyo is finally made aware of the fact that Sakura is the one creating the cards. And her reaction is “Oooh.” . She’s totally....unfazed? o_o Even seeing the Clear Card that represents her, she just comments with “���あ”?! Ok, Tomoyo might not be a drama queen ok no scratch that, she totally is, but I expected a bit more of surprise from her. Instead, she gushed over the Rewind card’s cuteness and started her usual ranting about recording this and that. It’s getting a bit repetitive and stereotypical, CLAMP? Tomoyo is so much more than that. She may not be my favorite ever but I do like her and her perceptiveness. I went so far that I even imagined she already knew Syaoran was the one behind the Sakura Card’s disappearance. So much for that. I hope CLAMP will find the time to bring out a shiny moment for Tomoyo, as I understand that the pages are what they are, and they have to develop the plot for the new characters, so they inevitably have to sacrifice the screen time of other characters.
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We have a brief moment of Suppi explaining everything to Kero, and here I go “eh?” again at the story: Sakura says “Kero-chan is at home, this morning a guest came over” .... Ok? Did Sakura see that it was Suppi??? DIDN’T SHE INSTANTLY GO “WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR ELUSIVE MASTER?” on him??? Ok maybe not with those terms, but....isn’t she surprised, didn’t she ask him why he was there? Again, a totally confusing part. We’ll see if that’ll get explained later on. We have a cute moment between the two small guardians, and again we have a character who acts nonchalantly about the situation, justifying it with “It’s Sakura. She’s gonna do something about it.”
I wouldn’t want to break your world made of unicorns and tasty gourmet dishes, but this is exactly the reason why Sakura is in the situation she is, right now!!  It’s a problem she’s got in herself and she can’t do much about it, at the moment. This is what she is. A 12/13 year old girl with a scary amount of power in herself, that is growing by the minute (and we’ll see how, in this chapter). A power she can’t control. Sakura being Sakura is the source of the problem in itself.
I know, it’s supposed to show that he’s totally trusting his mistress, like he effectively says to Suppi. But he’s the 2nd character out of 3 who is acting in a  way too relaxed manner, in this chapter.
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The third one is Yukito. It’s Nakuru to remark this fact, adding that it’s better that way. Sure, if everyone started feeling gloomy it would be a big mess. But even being too relaxed, in a situation like this, might lead them to overlook important things. BTW, it seems Eriol arranged paperwork to enroll Nakuru in college! That’s totally an Eriol move! XD Keeping Nakuru and Yukito together without disrupting Yukito’s normal life, great idea.
Sakura’s anxiety
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But it’s when the kids arrive to the classroom, that the “fun” starts. The girls are talking about the swimming class they will have today, and Sakura is her usual cheerful self.
Then, Akiho arrives.
Sakura turns around normally, but when she sees her, anxiety start churning inside of her.
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Sakura, who never ever felt anything about Akiho, not even after Kaito rewound time, feels something is wrong with her friend. The moment we’ve been waiting for 26 chapters. But there’s more, she can’t shake the feeling even during the swimming class (OFFICIAL SCHOOL SWIMSUITS, BTW!! they’re even more conservative than before and it’s alright XDD).
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Of course, eh, her frown doesn’t escape observative-boyfriend-Syaoran's stare. She asks him if he can feel something from Akiho, and he says no, AND HE’S NOT LYING DAMMIT, he really can’t feel anything, but how can he explain ALL THE REST to her, with the spell placed upon him? Of course, this is Syaoran we’re talking about, so he tries to say something anyway, and finds himself not emitting a single sound. See, there’s so much to talk about in so few pages, like how we’re again presented with the fact that Akiho is similar to Sakura in the good reflexes too, AND FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER Sakura’s smile to Akiho is so forced and lukewarm that you CAN really feel something is terribly wrong. Or, how we cannot talk about the first YAMACHIHA FLIRTING SCENE EVER?? I was so happy, in a moment of such tension those two managed to give us a breather before going back to the utter mess that is about to unfold. I love those two and their relationship <3
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BUT LOOK WHO’S BEING A TOTAL CREEPER WATCHING KIDS IN SWIMSUITS? Our legendary asshole Yuna D. Kaito, of course!! XD Now, I have to be sincere. This is another of those “???” scenes because, ok, they try to explain that he’s there to cause some trouble now that Sakura knows the origin of the cards, but I still didn’t get why he’s doing that. What’s the connection between the two things? He smiles warmly while taking out his staff and he’s the usual smartass we love to hate!
Shit definitely goes down again
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Then, panic unfolds. We have the final proof that in this chapter, Sakura could feel things before happening TWICE: one is as soon as Akiho arrives to school, having an uneasy feeling that she never had while looking at Akiho, and now, seconds before Kaito stopped time with his magic. Actually, scratch that: they might be 3 TIMES, as she pulls out her key and Reflect Card even before the real attack comes to her. This is all fun and games, until you actually stop to realize...that Sakura’s power might have increased once again, leading her to new heights of worrisome strong magical powers. 
A whirlpool raising from the pool attacks Sakura, to which she effortlessly responds using “Reflect” and here I’m once again confused because the scene just doesn’t flow right, there’s at least a panel missing to show that the one attacking her is “the pool” and those “arrows” don’t come out of nowhere, like the rest of this attack anyway, as it felt totally random (this might be the part pertaining to Kaito, anyway).
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And, as if anyone called her: hello there, “vessel-mode” Akiho! (Ah, actually “vessel” is not a thing anymore, as the term has been completely erased in the tankobon release of volume 6, the latest out. The term “vessel” has been replaced with 中, “inside”. I’ll do a post about it, later on.) Just like last time, the usual assholes are talking through her again, using her as an intercom (though, I’m not sure if these are the Squids or the Association), commenting on Sakura’s powers and then attacking her, still using Akiho, stating that they have to bind her to this book. Yes, the verb used is really “to bind, to file” and it’s relative to books etc. 
Soooooo, now what I want to know is:
Is something irreparable about to happen? Will Sakura be trapped in that book?
But most importantly, will Kaito rewind time once again and make the fandom riot like they never had before??? I really want to see if CLAMP are going to put their fan’s patience on the line like that ^^””” Still, it probably feels too soon to wrap this up, considering Kaito said there aren’t enough cards not many chapters ago. She did 3 in one day, yes, but if Kaito was about to cause something before the assholes interfered, it’s probably because he wanted her to give birth to another card. And now we have to see if this will happen or not.
If you’re wondering when next chapter is going to be released, please read my post on the matter.  UPDATE: a confirmation of a break for the July issue came from Nakayoshi’s Twitter account, you can read more HERE .
Thanks to @horitsuba for the scans featured here and thank you for sticking around to the end of this rant!! Mwah mwah! XDD
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crystalrequiem · 6 years
The Voice that Urged Orpheus
[Part 2/6(?)] [TRC] Summary: Kurogane is very hot, reasonably paranoid, and adds tallies to his running total of failed proposals. Tags: Kuro/Fai, Canon Universe, Post-Canon, Warnings:  suggestive thoughts and implications (nothing graphic), So fluffy you may cry, Is it still slow-burn if they’re already in a relationship? because that’s basically what this is. [Part 1] [Part 3]
Hello again. Wow! the reaction to this was WAY stronger than I thought! I really appreciate all the love and feedback. It’s really kept me going. Hope you like this one as well! Still planning on eventual citrus content of some sort. we’ll see when we get there. This thing has the loosest outline I believe I’ve ever written.
He doesn’t manage to ask before the end of the night. They retire to their shared room, and Kurogane tries fruitlessly to summon meaning in the shape of words. Of course, alone with no one to interrupt them he has an even more difficult time staying focused on talk. Fai interrupts his thoughts with every breath—a gorgeous distraction he wants to lose his wits to again and again. Kurogane winds up forgoing verbal communication mid-sentence, finally overwhelmed by the sight of his love bathed in moonlight. Fai’s… enthusiastic response suggests he may have battled similar frustrations throughout Tomoyo’s soiree. So, he doesn’t regret putting the discussion off a second time.
But then he can’t ask in the next day either. Or the one after that. Somehow, every time he tries to mention ideas of certainty and forever, his tongue locks in place and he loses his footing. Or worse, he knows what he wants and how he means to ask, but someone or something steps in before he can complete the thought. Before he knows it, they’ve already moved on to the next world and he still hasn’t managed to broach the subject for more than two phrases of a sentence.
Gods, it shouldn’t be this hard. “Hey mage, can we settle down together after all this is over?” or hell, even something as simple as, “I want to know what you want from this,” feels beyond him. He keeps running it over in his thoughts—over thinking it. He starts to worry less about his own proposal, and more over Fai’s imagined response. Things like ‘marriage’ don’t even exist consistently across every world, and he doesn’t know how such customs were handled in Celes. Maybe there’s no point to putting a name on their relationship and he’s just complicating things unnecessarily. Or maybe—
Kurogane shakes his head, as if that will empty it of the tangled logic that plagues him. Dithering over what to do isn’t something he makes a habit of. No sense trying to guess at what Fai will say—He wants to ask, so he’ll ask. Simple as that. Whatever comes after… comes after.
For now, he has to keep his focus. This new world they’ve landed in doesn’t bear any familiar faces, and they have no idea what sort of dangers it might hold. In architecture and climate it reminds him of Clow, though the air boils even hotter here. Unfortunately, it doesn’t share a language with Sakura’s home. Whatever basis for its elegant, connected scrawl, Syaoran can’t read it and it looks nothing like the letters of Nihon or Celes. They find themselves in the uncommon and unenviable position of illiteracy, without local currency or any obvious way to earn it. On the other hand, strangely shaped humanoids and talking creatures wander the streets feely, so at least they don’t have to hide Mokona.
Or…. He doesn’t think they do. As far as he can tell, the traveling clothes they got from the Kingdom of Clow echo the styles he sees on the street, and he spots hair and skin colorations of nearly every shade in the milling crowd. Still, they garner stares from everyone they pass. His fingers twitch, itching for the hilt of a sword.
“Ah, so you’ve noticed too,” Fai murmurs, dropping back a step and leaning his way. Mokona maintains an obliviously cheerful soliloquy perched on Syaoran’s shoulder, but the kid looks tense. Good. He might have to try to figure out some kind of awareness training regimen otherwise.  
“Hard to miss,” he grouches back. The mage hums in agreement, his face a placid mask for his hardened gaze to hide behind. “Should we skip town?”
“Not yet I think—I’d rather not sleep in the desert if we can avoid it.” Fair enough, he supposes. Still, the eyes on the back of his neck make his skin crawl, and he marches forward tense as a strung bow.
Wide swaths of pale fabric stretch between the rooves of the white-washed abodes overhead, granting a measure of merciful shade to the market-goers.  Even so, the heat is enough to swell his joints and set his shoulder aching where it joins the prosthetic. He does his best not to give any hint of his discomfort to their audience, but the effort takes its toll.
By the time they find something that looks like a curio shop, even the manjuu has noticed the stares and the burning desert sun sees all of them wilting in the heat. Syaoran lifts the sheet that serves as the store’s front entrance aside and they step into the cooler space with a collective sigh of relief. Kurogane pauses just a moment longer in the doorway to watch for followers, but despite the plentiful staring it doesn’t seem they’ve picked up a tail.
“Wao~ so much to look at! Mokona wants to touch everything—”
“Maybe not everything? We have to be careful, okay?” He heaves a tired sigh at the kids’ antics and leans against a narrow space of wall just at the door, careful not to jostle the wrong arm. The room is deceptively large and stacked with rows and rows of shelves. It appears to be empty. Not so huge he won’t be able to tell if they get into trouble, but large enough he can afford to hang back and let his arm rest a while.
“How about you just don’t touch anything.” He grouches to the empty air they leave behind. If they hear, they give no indication. With a tch, he shakes his head and turns back toward the center of the room, only to catch Fai’s narrow-eyed glare. “…what?”
The mage doesn’t say a word. He simply reaches up, taps once on Kurogane’s shoulder, and watches nonplussed as his whole body recoils in pain.
“Stubborn man,” Fai murmurs. Frustration colors his voice, but the look on his face is so fond it pulls at Kurogane’s heart.
“You’re one to talk.” He takes a deep breath and tries to smooth his expression back to something unbothered. Looking at his worried jerk of a partner helps. Fai’s hair is a tangled mess, even pulled back. Wisping strands escape the hold of his ribbon and stick to his face, glittering with sweat and already just a touch too pink. His fair skin certainly won’t do him any favors in this world… “I’m fine. It’s just the heat.”
“Is that all?” Fai grins and looks both ways, makes sure that no one is there to see before he starts weaving a spell. His hands are a blur of motion, tracing familiar characters in blue and white.
It probably says something that Kurogane doesn’t even think to duck away or put a stop to whatever the mage plans to cast. When did he start trusting Fai so completely? He can’t point to an exact moment. He just knows it feels strangely natural to watch without worry as Fai’s spell lights the space between their bodies, cradled between them like a secret.
“When are you going to learn to ask for help, Kuro-sama?” Fai chides just as he traces the last rune, and his charm snaps into place. Magic sinks into Kurogane’s cloak. He doesn’t usually have much aptitude for sensing the stuff, but like most things, he’s tuned to Fai. It flashes like ice water through the fibers of his clothes, leaving an echo on his skin that sees him shiver for more reasons than one. “Not too cold, I hope? It’s supposed to give you something on the cool side of normal. Maybe—” This time when he feels Fai starting to pull the magic forward, he stills his lover’s hands with his own.
“It’s fine, I’m just—” Just. Just what? “Somehow still learning how amazing you are.” True, but embarrassing as hell to say out loud. “Distracted by how hot that was,” also true, also embarrassing for different reasons. “Glad you’re here,” “shocked you can always read me so well,” and “trying to figure out how to ask you to marry me,” all slide firmly into the mental trash.
Kurogane sets his jaw, shakes his head and starts over, shifting his hold on Fai’s hands until the two of them stand linked like a pair of dancers about to begin. The distant sounds of Syaoran and Mokona speaking together somewhere nearby drift muted and muddled through the air—a quiet reminder that he has other things to worry about. They still don’t know whether this world is safe. That hasn’t changed. He takes another second’s breath, wishing he could convey this messy tangle of sentiment bundled in his chest, and mutters only, “thanks.”
“Yeah,” Fai sighs, seemingly caught in the sincerity of the moment. Minor sunburn makes him no less beautiful when he smiles, quiet and slow, like dawn breaking. They waste a good handful of seconds staring into each other’s eyes like fools before Fai re-discovers his senses. “Or—I mean you’re welcome! Of course. You’re always welcome. I only… wish I could do more.”
The way his gaze drifts towards the false arm as he talks leaves a sour taste in Kurogane’s mouth. There he goes again, blaming himself for a decision that wasn’t his to make. It shouldn’t be so frustrating. In all fairness, if it weren’t Fai saying the words—if he didn’t know exactly what foolish paths the mage’s mind sees fit to walk, it wouldn’t frustrate him. But he does. And it does. More than that, it frightens him. Left alone with his demons, Fai has a nasty habit of abandoning the will to live. He can’t let that happen again. He won’t, embarrassment be damned.
Kurogane growls, veins surging with an angry heat Fai’s charm can’t cool. He pulls his idiot in closer, determined not to let Fai’s doubts fester.
“You do enough,” he blurts, but even to his own ears it sounds like a chastisement and not the reassurance he desperately wants to communicate. Swallowing frustration, he tries to clarify for his wide-eyed audience of one. “You do—you are enough. More than enough. No matter what. even if you never cast another spell in your life.”
In the breathless moment that follows, he watches tears form, heart twisting in his chest as they gather and darken Fai’s long eyelashes. He wishes he could eradicate them at the source—somehow convince Fai of his own worth despite the long years of tragedy that constantly tell him otherwise. Kurogane doesn’t know if he can, but he knows he wants to try. He’ll keep trying forever if that’s what it takes.
He frees the fingers of his good hand from Fai’s and lifts them to brush away the first tear track that snakes its way downward, heart so full of love that it aches. He could say it now, he thinks. He really, really could. His lungs fill with air, the words flow from thought to throat and he opens his mou—
“Sorry about that! Had to take care of a few things in the back. Welcome to The Enchantress! What can I do for you?” A third voice mixes with Syaoran and Mokona’s conversation and Fai falls back into his careful persona with a jolt. He pulls away, stepping backwards so quickly he nearly careens into an over-stacked shelf. Damnit.
“Fai?” Kurogane wants to reach out and steady the blond, but not at the risk of startling him worse. Nearby, he can hear the kid stumbling through the process of introductions and asking whether they might sell a few items. He knows they need to head over there.
“Sheesh, Kuro-wan, you can’t just spring things like that on a guy.” Fai’s cheerful tone rings hollow. He doesn’t look back until any evidence of tears have been scrubbed thoroughly from his face. “I’m fine,” he lies. Kurogane just stares, one eyebrow raised in clear disbelief. “Alright! Alright, you… Later. Okay?”
Later. Sure. Why not? He huffs and trails in Fai’s wake through the shelves. The pain of his shoulder lessens with every second as the spell works its magic and helps him cool down. Kurogane curses his own stupid inability to communicate and wishes he knew how to weave charms for emotional hurt.
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hoogiehowser · 6 years
:::::::::: MOVIES ::::::::::
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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) I liked this so much I ended up seeing it twice. The animation is on a whole different level from everything else in theaters I just can’t believe it. Nothing has immediately endeared me to a character more that when Miles gets to the place where he’s going to put up graffiti and yells “BROOKLYN!” to get the echo. Absolutely perfect. 
Happy Death Day (2017) The trailer looked good but the trailer for the sequel looked even better. Good time repeating movie. Way better than Blood Punch. I’m excited to see more of this.
Alien: Covenant (2017) Had no clue what to expect going in but I actually dug it. It’s just Alien again like every Alien movie but what they do with David from Prometheus makes it really interesting. There’s also some straight up slasher movie sleaze that definitely appeals to me.
MacGruber (2010) It’s just a bunch of dick jokes while a bad action movie happens. There’s no clever spin to it.
Better Luck Tomorrow (2002) Wanted to watch this due to the Fast & Furious connection. It’s a great movie about overachievers and getting away with shit. I think Justin Lin is a great director and his unique voice benefits every movie he does.
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Collateral (2004) I didn’t realize until the credits that this was a Michael Mann movie but it was so obvious in hindsight. The premise is simple, Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx are great, and everything comes together in a genuinely cool film.
Wilson (2017) Based on a comic I don’t particularly like from Dan Clowes’ grumpy old man phase. The cool thing about the comic is that each page works on its own and has a different art style. The movie can’t do that. But it’s still faithful to the book which means it feels like a series of one page gags strung together until it finishes. Woody and Laura Dern are great though and it is pretty funny at times.
Blumhouse’s Truth or Dare (2018) There was another truth or dare based horror movie a year before that was a Syfy original. The Syfy one is better. The problem with them both is the supernatural contrivances that make people play truth or dare against their will. It’s such a strained premise.
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Guy Ritchie made a King Arthur movie and it feels exactly like you’d expect. 
Thoroughbreds (2017) Girl who can’t feel emotions befriends girl who is very politely hiding her extreme emotions. Things get bad when they start to think about murder. Anton Yelchin plays a druggie scumbag loser. It’s such a good movie. 100% my kind of thing.
:::::::::: TV ::::::::::
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The Great British Baking Show (Beginnings, Collections 1-4) Got addicted to this one. I love cooking competitions shows and pleasant ones are usually the best. I like seeing competitors that like each other. I like Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry not trying to tear people down. I love Mel and Sue. It’s just a nice show for the nice people.
Toei Spider-Man (Episodes 1-5) I’m not a big toku guy but Spider-Verse got me curious about various Spider-Men. Takuya Yamashiro wasn’t bitten by a radioactive spider, he was injected with blood from the last survivor of Planet Spider and carries out a mission against Professor Monster’s Iron Cross Army to avenge Planet Spider and his own father. Next to nothing present from the classic Lee/Ditko Spider-Man and that’s totally alright. I’m going to try to watch more because the episode where Spider-Man has to donate his blood to hurt child has some serious heart.
The Prisoner (Episodes 7-17) I started watching this a while ago but only now got around to finishing. Mostly super clever plots and the atmosphere is always great. Patrick McGoohan sells it every single time. Some of the later episodes go really off the rails though. There’s an entire wild west episode. Nothing in this stretch tops my favorite episode, The Schizoid Man, where Number Two brainwashes Number Six to act differently and then forces Number Six to pretend to be Number Six while a different man is already pretending to be Number Six. The ending is solid though and carries a really good tv series to a confusing, surreal end.
Cutthroat Kitchen (Season 7, Episodes 1-7) Polar opposite of The Great British Baking Show. It’s the Mario Kart of cooking competition shows. Everyone tries to fuck each other over and Alton laughs at them the entire time. It’s brilliant.
:::::::::: PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING ::::::::::
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TJPW Tokyo Joshi Pro ‘19 (January 4) I don’t follow TJPW and don’t know any of their wrestlers besides Meiko Satomura but I watched this because it was on before Wrestle Kingdom. Meiko vs Reika Saiki definitely made the show worth watching and the rest was pretty alright. Lots of fun, new personalities that I like.
NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 13 (January 4) Probably the most I’ve looked forward to a show and it absolutely delivered. For the past few years I’d watch WK and recommended matches but in in July I started following everything NJPW. That added investment made this WK special. Ibushi/Ospreay tore it up and I really hope Ibushi recovers soon. Jay White/Okada shocked me. Naito/Jericho was fucking brutal. And Kenny Omega vs Hiroshi Tanahashi was a match I was so invested in that I thought I was going to cry. If you haven’t checked out New Japan yet this show would make an excellent start. GO ACE!
Impact Homecoming (January 6) Impact has gotten pretty good. I’ve only seen a few of their most recent ppvs but it’s obvious that they have a wealth of talent and they’re willing to tell the kind of dumb stories that I really like. Since Homecoming was in Nashville I went and it was one of the best shows I’ve been to. The energy was insane all night and LAX vs Lucha Bros has to be the best match I’ve seen live. Now that they air on Twitch I’ve been following the weekly show and enjoying it quite a bit.
WWE Royal Rumble (January 27) I always love the rumble but the rumble was weird. Both rumble matches were okay but filled with dumb stuff and way too many recovery spots that were immediately deflated by the person getting eliminated. I like the winners. AJ/Daniel didn’t deliver like I wanted. Sasha and Ronda had a good match. I loved how Finn Balor worked Brock Lesnar’s diverticulitis. Fun show.
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NXT UK Takeover Blackpool (January 12) NXT UK doesn’t really grip me aside from the women’s division. I liked this well enough but nothing really changed my mind. Finn Balor made a surprise appearance and he looked like such a star compared to everyone else. Excited to see what WALTER can do here though.
GCW 400 Degreez (January 12) GCW’s brand of hardcore indie nonsense is my absolute favorite. 400 Degreez isn’t the best they’ve done but it was full of disgusting beautiful deathmatch bullshit. Markus Crane vs Nate Webb especially.
NXT Takeover Phoenix (January 26) Takeover always delivers. Johnny Gargano vs Ricochet was definitely the match of the night. I don’t dig the War Raiders schtick but their match was great. Bianca Belair and Shayna Baszler also killed it.
:::::::::: COMICS ::::::::::
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One Piece by Eiichiro Oda (Volumes 1-10) I wanted something long to start reading so why not One Piece? Enjoying it so far. I like getting the crew together and Usopp’s story in particular is great. Oda is a master cartoonist. I love every time we get reaction faces.
Spider-Man: Fever by Brendan McCarthy Spider-Man fever got me wanting to revisit Spider-Man: Fever because I remember liking it. I still like it. Doctor Strange accidentally opens a doorway into a spider dimension and Spider-Man gets caught in Doctor Strange’s bathtub and the alternate dimension spiders take him. All this and McCarthy’s art make Fever pretty far out. 
Spider-Man 2099 by Peter David, Kelley Jones, and Rick Leonardi (1-15) Miguel O’Hara wasn’t bitten by a radioactive spider, he had Peter Parker’s DNA put into him by weird future DNA machine and he wages war against the gigantic corporations that control everything. I like Spider-Man 2099. Miguel is so different from the Peter Parker archetype and he’s got claws and fangs. He’s brutal. It’s got a neat post-hero future kind of like Batman Beyond. I stopped reading because the next part is a crossover with Punisher 2099, Ravage 2099, Doom 2099, and X-Men 2099. I’ll hopefully pick it back up because I want to know what happens with the hologram that’s in love with Miguel. 
Spider-Man by Kazumasa Hirai & Ryoichi Ikegami Yu Komori was bitten by a radioactive spider and he definitely wishes he wasn’t. It starts off a lot like our usual Spider-Man but the villains are so much more tragic and Yu deals with some heavy shit. Ikegami’s art evolves from cartoony to serious as the tone of the book changes. He’s a really incredible artist who is consistently pulling neat tricks and trying new things. I really liked this and it may top my favorite Spider-Man comics. It’s just so bleak and unforgiving to poor Yu. By the way, the final plotline is exactly the same as the Sonny Chiba movie Wolf Guy. Turns out the comic that movie was based on was written by the same guy that write Spider-Man. An odd find.
:::::::::: VIDEOGAMES ::::::::::
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Axiom Verge Had my eye on this for a long time and finally picked it up on sale on my Switch. It’s okay. There are a lot of clever ideas here that I don’t think work for me. But I do like the decorrupter and the teleport. Some of the movement feels great but some stuff like the grappling hook feels awful. I hate the story. Completely incoherent sci-fi nonsense. But it’s a fun game and I enjoyed my time with it.
Hollow Knight I’ve spent about 30 hours on this game and I feel like I’m close to the end of the story. I absolutely love it. The movement, the combat, and the exploration all feel excellent. I’ve played over ten metroidvanias in the past year (I really like them) and this might be the best. My favorite part about them is how you’re almost never wasting time because there are new secrets to discover all across the map and Hollow Knight does such a good job with that.
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months
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Clamp absolutely set the precedent for this with our visit to Shura/Shara all those years ago. We’ve SEEN the possibility of being in the past and future of the same world and teleporting between the two. We knew the feathers could appear pretty much anywhere in the timeline of a world, given how time works differently across the mutliverse, and we DID just straight up go backwards and forwards in time via Mokona, so it’s absolutely possible for them to appear in the Past of the Kingdom of Clow. 
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle as a pseudo-not-really-but-kind-of-sequel-event to Cardcaptor Sakura but ACTUALLY ALSO being the sequel-kind-of-but-not-exactly sequel to X/1999???? Or Alternate Timeline X/1999? Where things are ever so slightly different but the world was ruined in the same way?
And that’s Definitely the feather they’re talking about, isn’t it? The feather that Sakura left in Acid Tokyo is still in the Reservoir right now, and is the reason the water is magic and loves her so much - because it’s a piece of her, and -... well, a piece of her clone. But it’s a piece of SAKURA, and so they resemble and resonate with each other, and that's why the water is so close to her, but 'Sakura' can’t absorb the feather because she’s already a full person and those aren’t her memories, but the memories of her clone.
Meanwhile Sakura (ie, our cloned Sakura) is currently on the other side of the portal at a point in time that DIDN’T exist a few seconds ago, for Original 'Sakura', but the rest of the universe has moved on and decades have passed (even though no time at all has passed for her) and now the feather from her clone has ended up in the past that set up the reservoir potentially centuries before she was even born. 
Oh my god?
Oh my god. 
I’m going to be thinking about this forever. 
No wait I’m not done ACID TOKYO WAS like THE point in the narrative where everything changed forever. And from a Tsubasa point of view it felt like a world picked at random for all the Important Narrative changes to take place - but it never was! It was the most important world of all! It was the Clow Kingdom!
So Syaoran lived his life in the Clow Kingdom, and then his soul collapsed in Acid Tokyo, which was ALSO the Clow Kingdom, and then he went and died defending Lava Lamp, in the Clow Kingdom. All at completely different points in the timeline but all in the exact same world. 
Though I will say I am thoroughly baffled by the connection between the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and THE CLOW RUINS???
Oh my god they’re in the same location aren’t they. The reservoir was underneath it and now it’s under the ruins. I suppose they have Magic so they could probably reshape them however they want but WHAT A CON CLAMP HAVE PULLED ON US
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rosecoloredmuses · 3 years
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Name: Rika Furude
Canon: Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
At first glance, Rika Furude may seem like the cutesy priestess of the Furude Shrine who happens to be wise beyond her years. But in reality, she is a cynical woman who has spent the better part of a century repeating the events of June 1983 in hopes of escaping a brutal fate. Despite encountering countless worlds where she and her friends meet a grisly end, Rika never gives up in her search for a miracle that will let her live into the future.
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Name: Hanyuu
Canon: Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Hanyuu became a goddess after she was sacrificed at a Watanagashi ceremony by her own daughter in order to atone for people’s sins. For most of the series, she can only be seen by her descendant, Rika, whom she shares senses with (Rika takes this as an opportunity to bully her). She is the one responsible for Rika’s ability to endlessly loop through June 1983 by traveling between various “fragments”, or worlds, only incarnating as a human to aid her friend in what would become the final loop. Hanyuu is a timid, sweet girl who can turn absolutely terrifying when angered. Her favorite foods are cream puffs and sweets, while she hates spicy foods.
Name: Princess Peach
Canon: Super Mario
Princess Peach is the beloved ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom and famous Damsel in Distress. Kind and caring, Peach takes the danger she frequently finds herself in in stride. She’s more willful than most give her credit for. If she’s not placed in a cage or otherwise restrained, she will do everything in her power to help Mario to rescue her if not attempting to escape herself. Has a major sweet tooth and can’t resist cake.
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Name: Sakura Kinomoto
Canon: Card Captor Sakura
Sakura Kinomoto is most known for capturing all of the Clow Cards and converting them to Sakura Cards, making her one of the most powerful magic users in existence. However, the Sakura Cards became clear after a series of strange dreams during her middle school years. And to add to the confusion, new Cards began suddenly appearing with a new form of the Sealing Wand to match. Now, Sakura captures these new Clear Cards while trying to live a normal middle school life and figuring out the mystery of her missing Sakura Cards. (main verse takes place at the end of Clear Card anime)
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Name: Madoka Kaname
Canon: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Madoka is an average girl living with her mother, father, and younger brother in Mitakihara City. She treasures both her family and friends more than anything in the world and doesn’t think much of herself. However, her peaceful days come to an end when she is approached by a creature named Kyubey with an offer: make a contract and become a Magical Girl in exchange for one wish. (Verses include: uncontracted, contracted, and Ultimate Madoka)
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Name: Anya Forger
Canon: Spy X Family
Anya is an (alleged) six-year old girl who was previously tossed between various orphanages and adoptive families before being adopted by Loid Forger for the purposes of a spy operation. For the purposes of said operation, Anya attends Eden College. However, there is one thing Anya keeps secret: she is a telepath and knows the true motives of her adoptive parents.
Name: Ichigo Momomiya
Canon: Tokyo Mew Mew
Ichigo is a first year high schooler who has aspirations of an idea high school romance. However, things are complicated when she’s injected with the DNA of an Iriomote Cat and tasked with fighting the Chimera Anima and the aliens who create them as a Mew Mew. Ichigo is a sweet girl who loves helping others, even if she is a bit of an airhead at times.
Name: Chisato Nishikigi
Canon: Lycoris Recoil
Adopted by the organization Direct Attack and trained as a killer from a young age, Chisato Nishikigi is a top-tier Lycoris. However, these days she works at the Cafe LycoReco, helping wherever she can. When it comes to selling coffee beans, looking after a class of kindergartners, or acting as a bodyguard to a woman who ran afoul of some arms dealers, Chisato will put her physical prowess and intellect to good use. Chisato is a genius whose awareness is enough to let her dodge bullets, even from point-blank range. Despite her training and status as a government-sanctioned assassin, she considers life to be precious and refuses to kill even her enemies.
Name: Lettuce Midorikawa
Canon: Tokyo Mew Mew
(insert bio here)
Name: Hibiki Tachibana
Canon: Senki Zesshou Symphogear
(bio to be added)
Name: Miku Kohinata
Canon: Senki Zesshou Symphogear
(bio to be added later because bios are the bane of my existence)
Name: Izuku Midoriya
Canon: My Hero Academia
(Bio to be added later. maybe.)
Name: Popuko & Pipimi
Canon: Pop Team Epic
Who are they? Friends? Rivals? Lovers? Who cares— they’re two peas in a pod! Popuko is the short one who’s quick to anger and Pipimi is the calm tall one.
0 notes
dainarps · 7 years
Three Parts of a Whole
Two kingdoms apart
But meant to be one
Two parts of one whole
The moon and the sun
A union for three
And peace shall be won
Together as always
The moon and the sun
Yukito had heard the ancient prophecy hundreds of times over the course of his life, but had never understood what it meant until the notice came down from Clow Reed himself. Clow Reed, in the before times, had created the kingdom of the moon to watch over the darkness, to live in the shadows, and thrive in the night. His lover, Yuuko Ichihara, created the kingdom of the sun to complete the circle, making a kingdom that would thrive with nature and light.
The kingdoms are getting restless. A union between the moon and sun kingdoms has been requested. Know this: if the union is not achieved, war will befall both kingdoms.
It didn’t give Yukito much room to say no. Either he was going to marry the prince of the sun kingdom, or he was going to doom the country to war. Yue, however, had been none too happy about his decision to say yes—though, he didn’t exactly want the world to plunge into war, either. This was obviously the better option, but what Yukito didn’t realize at the time of signing the agreement, was that he would have to marry the sun prince as well. Yukito had summoned him as a child of only ten, spending nearly two full days trying to complete the process of summoning a familiar—something only the royal family could do. He offered out a piece of his heart to help in his creation, the rest of him had been born of nothing but magic leftover from the birth of the kingdom. He had been at Yukito’s side ever since, both because he had chosen the boy’s heart, and because he wanted to be there. Although Yue had a consciousness of his own, from that day, he and Yukito were tied. He felt the tug on his heart when Yukito traveled too far without him, the pain in his chest when he experienced sadness or heartbreak, the warmth of his happiness. When Yukito child, Yue had acted alongside the high priest, Fay, as members of the royal council, assisting the prince in making the proper decisions and learning how to rule. This often required meetings with other governmental leaders, and occasionally, with the person who had brought their kingdom out of the darkness and lit it daily with the light of the moon—the source of his power.
The name alone sent a shiver down his spine, and Yue knew that it had never been his place to fall in love with him, but he had done it regardless. He watched him from afar at meetings, even mingled with him at parties. He was certain Clow knew, but he never said a word. This was something that they would both have to keep to themselves. In the same respect, though, that didn’t mean Yue wanted to give his hand in marriage to someone else.
It would be complicated, especially once Yukito’s feelings for the other prince started to change. Yue knew that he would feel those same feelings, and that his heart would be pulled along in that direction. If the sun prince wanted to marry all of Yukito, too, he would have to take Yue. Part of Yukito’s heart resided in him, keeping him alive as long as Yukito lived. Not to mention, Yukito was convinced that poem was about the two of them, and the sun prince, as well. Yue didn’t know what to believe.
“Now, it’s going to be about two weeks of travel. On the first morning of the second week, you’ll have arrived in the kingdom of the sun. Things are a bit different there—the moon almost never rises. It’ll take some getting used to—“ “It’s only fair that we move there,” Yukito interrupted his chief of staff, Watanuki. “So, even if there’s an adjustment period, it’s okay. He doesn’t know that he’s marrying two people come wedding day, so if we can keep him comfortable, I think that would be ideal.”
Watanuki sighed and rubbed his forehead. “I still can’t believe that slipped your mind, your highness. Of all the things…” Yukito laughed and rubbed the back of his head. “I’m still young! Very new to this princely thing.” “Yukito, you and Watanuki are the same age, 18 years, and Watanuki still manages to be far more responsible,” Yue said.
Demonstrating the point he had just made, Watanuki had moved to count the number of pieces of luggage, making sure that everything was there from the prince’s wardrobe to the betrothal gift.
“See?” Yue said.
Watanuki’s cheeks pinked a little and he turned to face them, shaking his head. “No, no, that’s not true. I’m just doing my job.” Yukito laughed and stood from his chair, patting Watanuki on the shoulder. “Don’t be modest. You know you go above and beyond! You keep my schedule, my meetings—you even know where my glasses are if I put them down somewhere different! And that is why you’re my chief of staff—and why you’re coming along with us.” Watanuki had no family—this position was all he had. Watanuki, Fay, and Yue would be the only ones staying with him after the ceremony. They were the closest to him, and he wasn’t sure how he would survive without Watanuki’s and Fay’s aid.
With the luggage packed, and the caravan ready, they set off early in the morning, the full moon above them blessing their trip. Citizens of the kingdom gathered along the route, waving and cheering and hoping to get a glimpse of their prince—who happily waved at everyone they drove by, smiling so much that Yue didn’t know how his lips didn’t fall off.
The reactions of citizens when they reached the kingdom of the sun was a bit different. People still gathered along the route, but it was almost as if they were a sideshow to the circus. People wanted to get their first look of the new prince and make their judgements and guesses about him. Of course, they had heard some things—that he was a bit forgetful, absolutely kind, and of course handsome, but that was all they knew. Yukito knew as much about Prince Touya as his citizens knew about himself. He had heard that Touya was a bit firm and stern, but had been known to have a soft side, especially when it came to his sister. Yukito liked that—family was important.
The transition from his own kingdom to the sun kingdom took a toll on everyone in the caravan. The heat was excessive to them, having spent most of their lives in chillier temperatures, and the fact that the sun was still up when it was time to rest bothered them quite a bit. Yukito ended up sleeping almost entirely under Yue, who burrowed himself beneath blankets and pillows to block out the sun. Yue’s magic was dependent on the moon, and though the moon still existed, and he could feel its strength, the sun made him feel weary.
They arrived at the castle a little less than a week before the wedding, and servants from both the caravan and the sun kingdom arrived to assist with placing guests and luggage. A temporary room had been prepared for each of the guests, who were escorted by a servant of the castle. Yukito explained that Yue would be staying with him, and although he received a funny look, it was allowed. The room was probably supposed to be inviting, with bright colors, a large bed, and plenty of space, but it just felt strange to both himself and Yue. There were going to be so many things that they would have to get used to from now on. Yukito began unpacking his belongings, until Watanuki arrived and practically shouted at him for touching his things and doing work that was meant for someone else. It made Yukito a bit uncomfortable to think like that, but he stepped aside anyway and let Watanuki do his job. “You’ll be having a formal meeting with the prince of the sun kingdom this evening. I’ll come to fetch you, but here,” Watanuki retrieved a time piece from his pocket and tossed it to Yukito. “It’s difficult to tell time here, so use this. It’ll need to be wound occasionally, so keep an eye on it. Now, for the formal meeting, I suggest wearing your robes and the small, silver circlet—Yue, I recommend you wear one as well. Yukito is positioning you as an equal here, and in a few days, due to marriage, you will be. So, you might as well start acting like it…”
Watanuki laid everything out for them both, Yue getting increasingly uncomfortable as time went on. He was dressed in formal robes, given a dainty crown to wear, and when he looked at Yukito and realized he was wearing very much the same thing, he nearly felt ill. They weren’t supposed to be on the same level. He was supposed to be here to serve Yukito, not act as the second prince of the moon kingdom… As promised, Watanuki arrived at their door in the evening to escort them to the meeting, walking them down the halls, somehow already knowing the layout, explaining to them how the meeting would just be the three of them, dinner would be served, and the time afterwards would be spent as free time should they want to spend more time together.
“I’ll be just outside the door if you need me,” Watanuki said, pushing the door open and holding it there for both of them. “Remember, be nice,” he added, looking pointedly at Yue as he walked past him and into the room. Watanuki shut the door behind them and took up post outside it, doing his best to look like he belonged there. He blended in with the people of the sun kingdom well enough, because of his hair, though his eyes were a dead giveaway that he was different. Yukito was pleased to find that, indeed, the table had been set for three. Word was getting around, then. He hoped that Prince Touya hadn’t heard of this little…dilemma yet. He wanted to be the one to tell him, and apologize for his error. Yue stood beside Yukito, and slightly behind him. The room certainly was private, with large, open windows lining one side, allowing for the sun to shine in and for a breeze to tousle their hair. Were it not for the fact that he felt so exhausted by the change, he might even go so far as to say the view was beautiful. In the distance there were sand dunes, hinting at a desert, but for as far as he could see in other directions, there were luscious tropical forests, green grass, stucco style buildings and beautiful flowers in the garden just outside. Perhaps when he had the chance, Yue would go spend some time out there. Perhaps...this wouldn’t be so terrible.
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sakuraswordly · 2 months
Tsofph season 1: Episode Hikaru Shidou
Kinomoto: Hikaru-chan! Where are you?!
Kamui: Hikaru!!
Somewhere else
Chester: Hikaru! Answer if you're there!
Syaoran: How is it?
Chester: It seems like she isn't here.
Syaoran: Last time we landed in different places in that other world. Let's search over there now.
While Walking
Syaoran: The ruins?
Chester: I remember last night. In the desert, I saw the ruins of the castle. Those ruins were always covered in a sand storm and sometimes the entire country shook. Almost as if.........
Syaoran: ......................!!
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*End of Flashback*
Syaoran: The ruins were trying to fly away from that desert and were thrusting around.
Chester: So that's mean......
Syaoran: That ruin.......is actually in the land of Clow.
Chester: But how.....? This didn't connect to my necklace at all......
Syaoran: But I was so sure.......you never ever appear in the Kingdom of Clow at all.....the only one who appeared from another world is "Syaoran".
Chester: Syaoran?
Syaoran: ........................
Chester: Maybe you're a very very important person......a family.....
After the defeat of Seishirou and rescue Chester
Chester: I remember what happened to my sister and my purpose for continuing to live.......I am not more than a puppet that Fei Wang Reed create me!!
Syaoran: .....................
Chester: I am only a body clone, however, and was created purposefully without a heart so that I could gather feathers without any emotional restrictions. Even I was reborn.....I am nothing more than a puppet too.....the reason I can live because to take revenge for my little Ami......I don't really care about protecting the world or whatever. If I can just kill Dhaos, I'll be satisfied........I never really believed I deserved to be with you. Every day I thought about ending it all… just acting like a stranger from that day on.
Syaoran: You can start over, Chester-san!
Chester: I can't Syaoran........I just can't.............I was afraid to lose you... Just like back then...
Chester-san is crying. He's crying and doesn't know what to do, which just makes him cry even harder. He was so lost.......he didn't know what to do now.... all I can do was to be there for him.
Someone I want to protect. Someone important to me. Someone I never thought I would lose again.
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Syaoran.........my father.......
Syaoran knows nothing about his origin or his true purpose and aimlessly wanders the streets where he's eventually found by the archaeologist, Fujitaka. At that time Syaoran had no name, no memories of his past, and no sight in his right eye because of the seal. Fujitaka readily adopts him as a son and names him 'Syaoran'. The two travel to many countries for excavation work which leads Syaoran to meet Princess Sakura of Clow Country. Even though Syaoran is blunt and emotionless from his mysterious past, Sakura takes an immediate interest in him. Her kind heart and open personality draws Syaoran to her and she very quickly becomes the thing Syaoran cherishes most in life.
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Chester: If you hurt someone, then even if I can heal my wounds, the sin of hurting them doesn't go away, doesn't it? No matter how hard I try, I can't erase the mistakes I've made.
Syaoran: I will stay with you until the very end, Syaoran.
Chester: ...............................
Syaoran: Not until the end......." always "......
Chester: But I will cause so much pain to you.
Syaoran: I also have my burden. You and my mother already share this burden enough....let me avoid helping you, please. And don't forget.....we need to save Sakura from her curse as well and I didn't on my own like in the past.
Chester: Me too. I am not alone. But didn't it feel comfortable to be around them?
Syaoran: Well yeah.....
Chester: Then that's good enough. Syaoran...if you still continue on this path.....then, that makes things simple. Please don't let me say you're quit. Hang in tight until the end, even if you have to clench your teeth! You're here because you want to be, and that alone is good enough!
Syaoran: Chester-san..............
Chester: Protect Sakura......the person that you love the most. Don't forget what Lelouch told you. If you do, I can continue to live in this world for you.
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shiobookmark · 3 years
Rereading Tsubasa...
Let’s see if I can hold this all in my head. It’s actually not too convoluted when read all at once, Clamp just loves being confusing and then trying to backtrack and explain.
Fei Wang Reed wants to bring Yuuko back to life and is accumulating power in order to do that and break apart the rules that forbid the return of the dead. In order to do that he needs a body that has seen multiple dimensions.That’s what his plan is, it’s why he does all this stuff. A lot of other stuff he does seems to be to create timeline confusion, such as manipulating Syaoran into saving Sakura from the point of death. Because if one person can do it, so can he.
If you bear that in mind and work forward chronologically, things make more sense. Clow unintentionally froze Yuuko’s time upon her death, because he wished for her to open her eyes just one last time, and his magic made it happen. Fei Wang wants to complete the wish and bring her back for real in order to surpass Clow. It’s very petty. Fei Wang eventually creates Ultimate Sakura by combining reverted time little girl Sakura with Clone Sakura’s body and a feather that’s built up power over eons. This is to shatter dimensions and bring Yuuko back. First, original timeline stuff:
Syaoran’s parents sent him to Clow dimension to try and save Sakura. We’re lead to believe that his parents are CCS Sakura and Syaoran but they’re not. CCS Sakura gave his mother her sealing wand to pay Yuuko for Syaoran’s trip to Clow. It’s a red herring. Everyone knew ahead of time that Syaoran’s choice on Sakura’s seventh birthday would set things in motion. Yuuko made the Mokonas for that purpose.
Sakura hears a call to the ruins much as she did in the first chapter. Syaoran is with her in the ruins in the morning and Fei Wang Reed tries to attack her, she’s protected by the water spirit in the temple.  He reaches for her, she tries to tell him her true name. He hesitates a moment and is unable to rescue her so Fei Wang gives her a death curse. Syaoran runs out of time in Clow and is transported back to Yuuko’s shop. He chooses to never see his parents or world again in order to go back to Clow and try and save Sakura from the curse. But he fails and the curse begins to kill Sakura on her coming of age birthday, so her mother stops time.
Syaoran wishes to turn back time so that he would not hesitate and save Sakura from the mark. But doing that makes a distortion in time which most greatly affects the people who know about the mark, Sakura’s parents, and Syaoran himself. He’s made a child again, leaving a void in relationships and time that’s filled by Watanuki, who is now the child of Syaoran’s parents, taking his place as their son. The distorted time means his parents suffer and Watanuki himself suffers and may disappear at any moment because it’s all unstable. Watanuki is the same person as Syaoran, created to fill the hole in the timeline. The reason he attracts spirits is because he subconsciously senses he shouldn’t exist and is suicidal without being entirely aware of it. Given revelations about who Watanuki/Syaoran’s parents are and that they have no memory of Watanuki... we can assume it’s because his timeline is broken. He shouldn’t exist.  Yuuko says ‘fuck that’ and takes Watanuki under her wing, trying to ensure he becomes a person in his own right so he won’t disappear. This is why in XXXholic she encourages his adventures and relationships with Doumeki and Himawari.
As further payment for turning back time, Syaoran is imprisoned by Fei Wang Reed for years, losing his freedom.  Fei Wang hints that because Watanuki looks like Clow, this was part of Clow’s plan. This doesn’t come up later. I think Clamp dropped another Red Herring. Syaoran has split the timeline, which helps further Fei Wang’s plans. (Because he’s trying to break reality and bring Yuuko back to life, so I think this helps shatter ‘reason’ more.) Syaoran is pretty sure this distortion in time is why Yui and Fai were born as twins and why Kurogane’s parents died. I think this is meant to be ‘general chaos and calamity’ rather than anything specific. Fai and Kurogane rightly point out that trying to take responsibility for literally everything bad ever happening is kind of arrogant so don’t do that shit. They’re really on the same page now and I love to see it. Power couple!
Fei Wang made a clone of Syaoran and the original Syaoran gave him part of his soul so he wouldn’t be a killing machine. Reed couldn’t remove it and it wouldn’t affect his compulsion to seek feathers, so he sent him to a new timeline to grow up with Sakura. (Remember original timeline Sakura is frozen waiting for Syaoran to save her.) Sakura was drawn to the ruins and her memories scattered, at which point Reed made a clone of her body and soul and destroyed her original body, leaving only her original soul. Or so he thinks. His goal was to have a body that’s experienced a bunch of different dimensions, which is why he scattered the feathers. The purpose behind the clone was so that he’d have a backup file, basically. He made a clone of Syaoran because he couldn’t control real Syaoran.
He manipulated Fai/Yui so he’d have a mole acting in his best interests but I honestly can’t recall a time that Fai actually did anything? Kurogane and Mokona were the only free agents. I think he killed Kurogane’s parents as an attempt to manipulate him, but Tomoyo took care of him and so that never happened. Clone Sakura remembered that she was a clone in the Tokyo arc, and regained her ability to see the future. She foresaw that Fai would kill Original Syaoran and gave up her good luck and a bunch of other stuff to both ensure that Fai would stab her instead, and that she’d survive the process by being split from her body and sent into the world of dreams. Which lead to Syaoran vs Clone Syaoran and Clone Sakura’s soul dying when they both stabbed her.
So now we have an original soul and a clone body of Sakura. Two Syaoran’s, the original intact with his soul and the clone. So far so good. By the way this is why the Syaoran we first knew had no memories. He was a clone. He was blind in his right eye because that’s where the soul given to him by the original Syaoran was kept, and how original Syaoran saw through his eyes.
So we’re going down into Clow’s ruins where original timeline Sakura is frozen at the moment before being given the curse mark, she’s been there this whole time just frozen and waiting for Original Syaoran to come save her. Clone Syaoran and Fei Wang show up. Kurogane and Fai are a battle couple against Fei Wang, really do love to see their understanding. They’ve very close and operating as a unit. Great to see Fai happy and content as well.  Syaoran and Clone Syaoran work together to land a blow on Fei Wang, but Clone Syaoran is killed in the process.  The poor boy dies asking Syaoran to return Sakura’s feathers, thanking Kurogane, Fai, Mokona and Syaoran for his life. When you consider this is the Syaoran we knew for so long, it hurts. Honestly a weakness of this plot is that real Syaoran is identical in personality and experience, it’s easy to forget. Clone Syaoran returns Fai’s magic, having tended to it and used it so much that Fai is now essentially back at full strength. They confront Fei Wang, but it turns out he just used Kyle Rondart as a body double and Kyle was simply another created being. Why he was after the feathers...? Who knows. Time starts to move again, the Clone Sakura’s body is floating and Syaoran dives to save little kid Sakura before she can be cursed again. Mokona senses feathers. But there were no feathers in the Kingdom of Clow? Except now there are because Sakura left one in Tokyo, and Tokyo is Clow’s past. The water protected original timeline Sakura because her feather was in it. Timey wimey, don’t worry about it.
The feather has accumulated power over the long time in the ruins and Clone Sakura’s body is etched with memories of different dimensions, then there’s time reverted little girl Sakura who is a ‘pure existence’ and they combine into one Sakura.  Because Syaoran saved Sakura from the moment of death, it calls Yuuko out of her suspended time.  She then reveals that Original Syaoran’s parents trapped themselves in the tube thing, waiting for years without aging, without being able to touch the person they love most. This is so they can confront Fei Wang and restore the dimensions he is shattering. Turns out what happened to Clone Syaoran was that he went to the world of dreams and Clone Sakura’s soul combined with Original Sakura’s supposedly destroyed body. Because they’re created beings they don’t die and can be reborn, circumventing the ‘not coming back from death’ rule. It’s very handwavy, go with it. Clow played the part of Sakura’s father in the new timeline because the distortion displaced Fujitaka and killed Nadeshiko. He gave his power and his life so she could be reborn. Yuuko pays the price for Clone Syaoran to be reborn by restarting her time and dying. The Clones are reborn with their memories intact. Sakura is on a school trip to Hong Kong with Umi, Hikaru and Fuu. There she meets Syaoran and it’s a lovely moment.  Years later they have a baby through a difficult birth. It’s Original Syaoran. Yup. The timeline is really messed up. But when you consider that even in the ‘original timeline’ Syaoran’s father was still Syaoran, it becomes clearly an ouroboros, inevitability thing. It’s a closed loop of time.
Clone Sakura has dreamed that at the end of all this the real Sakura and Syaoran will be separated forever. The Clones don’t want that, so they pay the price of being separated for gods knows how long so they can break out of the time loop.
There’s a lovely scene with Kurogane scolding the clones, Fai relieved they’re alive and Mokona tearing up. The kids were happy and had good lives.  The Clones realise that they’re loved by their surrogate family despite it all. But Yuuko is now dead, because her time restarted the moment she fulfilled the trade with the clones. So Fei Wang can’t surpass Clow. Fei Wang tries to turn back time and search the dimensions for a place where Yuuko exists and separate one pair of Sakura and Syaoran as the price. The other pair (the originals I think) try to save them and they all get sucked into the tube. They affirm that they love each other as parents/kids and other halves of themselves and through the power of determination choose a future where they can all be together. The Sakuras together have the power to traverse dimensions and use it to escape the tube, risking destroying every dimension. Even Fei Wang is freaked out.
But it’s better than a closed loop of time. Because a closed loop is the same as death.
The Sakuras use their feather memories to restore the dimensions but the Syaorans get trapped in limbo with Watanuki. Because Syaoran’s existence has to pay the price for his crime of shattering time, and they are all Syaoran.
But Clone Syaoran vanishes since the ‘original’ has ceased to exist and this creates the fissure they need for Watanuki and Syaoran to return. Clamp loves their circular logic. Watanuki and Syaoran have to pay a price for returning.  Watanuki can never leave the shop, which means he never dies, waiting for Yuko to come back even though she never will. She might reincarnate but she won’t be the same. And Syaoran can’t stay in one dimension. The memories of the Clones remain with the originals in the form of memory feathers, but otherwise they no longer exist. This leaves Syaoran and Watanuki as fragments of a destroyed timeline, so they needed to pay a price for continued existence. That’s the staying in one place and never staying in one dimension. That way they don’t disturb the timeline too much, apparently because they don’t linger long.
Sakura’s original parents have been restored so she’s fine.
Syaoran’s goal is to find bodies for the clones so they can all exist together. Mokona has an item that’s stored memories of other dimensions, so they can return to Clow and places they’ve already visited more often. Sakura and Syaoran affirm their love for each other and reveal that they have the same true name: Tsubasa, meaning ‘wings.’ Whew! Got it all down. I blame most of the stupid convoluted nonsense on the fact Clamp loves to tell things out of order, rely on wordy exposition, and the shorter chapters toward the end.  Not enough Kurogane and Fai. I want a spin off with just those two. Also, is Fai still a vampire?
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yououui · 7 years
Feels Anon: Kurogane and Fai share their real names on their terms.
this turned out a lot sweeter and mushier than I thought it would so I hope y’all like dessert!
The evening wind in Clow brings a chill, despite the strong heat that beats down on the sand when the sun is up. Fai doesn’t mind too much though, not enough to grab something to cover his arms as he steps out onto the small balcony attached to his room.
To his and Kurogane’s room.
He supposes it shouldn’t be any different than it was before. They shared rooms numerous times, across more worlds than they could count. 
Things are very different now.
The stars hanging in the sky are bright, providing a soft glow over the kingdom even though the moon is completely hidden that night. Fai never paid much attention to the stars. In Valeria and in Celes, white clouds would often obscure any view of them he could get. Now, he wonders if the stars are the same here as they were there, and in Nihon, and every other world they’ve visited. He is going to have to remind himself to pay more attention.
Fai’s attention is pulled from the sky when a light blanket is dropped over his shoulders, and he looks to find Kurogane standing by his side, leaning against the balcony railing with his back to the kingdom. Kurogane looks back and crosses his arm.
“If you’re not going to get any sleep, you could at least try to not catch a cold,” He says, his voice low and rumbly and vibrating deep within Fai’s chest. 
Fai rests his elbows on the balcony ledge and leans forward on them. He smiles up at Kurogane and quirks up his brows. “Should you be talking?” He asks, looking pointedly at Kurogane’s bare torso, and then back up to Kurogane’s face, amused.
Kurogane scoffs and shakes his head. “You’re the one that’s constantly cold.”
Fai laughs and looks away, down at the people on the ground below them, guards and civilians alike. “Yes, Kuro-sama is very much like a walking furnace.”
Kurogane looks over his shoulder to see what Fai is seeing, and then back at the blond. Fai feels Kurogane’s eyes on him, but does not look back. “What are you doing out here so late, mage?”
Fai smiles wistfully at the nickname, a reminder that yes, he is a wizard again with his eye returned. “Just thinking,” He says. “There are many things to think about.”
Kurogane grunts in response, and Fai knows Kurogane well enough to know that the ninja is agreeing with him. Fai thinks over everything that has happened. Not just in the last few days, but since the beginning, since before the beginning. He glances over at Kurogane, who is looking up at the sky now. The empty space where his left arm should be is even more apparent when he is not wearing a shirt to cover it up. There are pieces of the prosthetic arm from Piffle still attached to his shoulder and chest, but they are covered by bandages.
Kurogane notices Fai’s look and reaches up to pull at a lock of Fai’s hair, free from any restraints to hang around his shoulders. “Stop looking so guilty every time you look at me,” Kurogane says, his tone gentle.
Fai frowns and looks away, partly to save Kurogane the grief of having to see his expression and partly because he can only stand looking at Kurogane’s wound for so long. “Sorry,” He says under his breath.
“And for fuck’s sake, stop apologizing,” Kurogane says, his tone exasperated. There’s a pause. “If anything, I should be apologizing.”
Fai looks over at Kurogane in shock, and he almost looks offended. It’s kind of amusing. “For what?” Fai asks, standing up straight so that he can look properly at Kurogane. “What on earth could you possibly have to apologize for?”
Kurogane shrugs. “A few things.” At Fai’s questioning expression, Kurogane clicks his tongue and looks away. “I still… Feel bad for seeing your past without your permission.”
Fai blinks and furrows his brows. “That wasn’t your fault.”
Kurogane shrugs. “Still feel bad. It wasn’t something I should have seen. Your true name wasn’t something I should have heard. Not without your permission.”
“My… True name?” Fai repeats softly. “That was just… Another lie that was exposed. It’s not… You shouldn’t feel bad for that. Not when I was the one keeping it from everyone.”
Kurogane looks up at the sky, his eyes moving across the different constellations. “In Nihon, true names are sacred. They’re not something to be shared easily.”
Fai’s eyes widen at Kurogane’s words and their implications. His gaze skitters away, back down at the ground. The guards have changed position. “So Kurogane isn’t your ‘true’ name?”
Kurogane swallows. “No,” He says.
Fai nods, but does not say anything. He also does not lift his gaze, his hair covering his eyes in a way that is very familiar to Kurogane. Kurogane glances down at Fai, then back up at the sky, and then he curses under his breath and pushes himself off the railing to kneel on the stone. Fai lifts his head and looks down at Kurogane in confusion, his wide eyes glancing back and forth as if he is waiting for something else to appear.
“What are you doing?” Fai asks when no punchline seems to come.
“I have to be kneeling to reveal my name,” Kurogane says. The stone is cold against his knee through his light pants.
“Your–what? Kuro-sama, what on earth are you saying?” Fai asks. He reaches down to grab Kurogane’s bicep to pull him back up. “You don’t need to reveal anything to me, stand up–”
“My being belongs to my master,” Kurogane says, cutting Fai’s words short. “But my blood belongs to you.”
Fai’s breath hitches. Kurogane wants to lift his head to see Fai’s expression, but he must keep his gaze lowered. 
“My blood and my soul,” Kurogane finishes. “I vow to live by that on my true name, which only my master knows.”
Kurogane finally does lift his head, and Fai looks absolutely terrified, like he is about to run for his life. His hand is still holding onto Kurogane’s arm though, and his grip tightens. Kurogane is sure that there are tears swimming in Fai’s eyes.
Fai swallows and takes in a shuddering breath. “You-ou,” He sighs, tasting the name on his tongue. Kurogane thinks that it should feel wrong for someone else to know his true name, someone other than his parents or Tomoyo. Instead, it sounds very right on Fai’s lips.
Kurogane stands, and Fai’s gaze follows him up, stays locked on Kurogane’s eyes. His hand is still around Kurogane’s arm. “It’s not much,” Kurogane says, his voice soft between them. “But it’s yours.”
There are definitely tears in Fai’s eyes now, threatening to spill over. He lowers his head to hide them, his forehead falling against Kurogane’s chest, and his hand slips down Kurogane’s arm to squeeze his hand. 
Kurogane wishes that he had another hand in that moment just so that he could ruffle Fai’s hair. Instead, he just smiles and shakes his head. “Didn’t think it would be that big of a deal,” He says, and Fai sniffs.
“That’s because you’re an idiot,” Fai says, his voice teasing even though it is thick with tears. He reaches up with his other hand to wipe his face, and when he looks up at Kurogane, his face is red and his eyes are puffy, but he is laughing. “How am I supposed to make nicknames with a name like that?”
Kurogane rolls his eyes, but he is still smiling. “I’m sure you’ll figure out a way,” He says, his fingers squeezing Fai’s hand just a little tighter.
Fai hums in agreement and stands up a little straighter, lifts his chin just a little bit more. “Yes, I’m sure I will, You-kun.”
Before Kurogane can say anything about the name, Fai is kissing him, and any complaints he may have had gets lost in Fai’s lips. Their mouths eventually separate, but they do not move apart. Fai looks up at Kurogane’s face and smiles.
“Valeria and Celes were not as fancy as Nihon,” He says, his voice just barely above a whisper. “So I don’t need to give any extra flare to tell you my real name.”
Kurogane is smiling–he hasn’t stopped smiling–and he quirks up a brow. “I already know it.”
“Yes, but you made such a big event out of telling me your name,” Fai says, and there is just a hint of amusement in his voice. “I want to tell you, too. I want to tell you myself that my real name is Yuui.”
Big blue eyes are warm, stars reflecting in them like a still lake, and Kurogane’s heart swells. He grins, his teeth bright in the darkness of the evening, and he lets go of Fai’s hand to wrap his arm around Fai’s back. Fai laughs as Kurogane pulls him in for another kiss, his hands coming up to land gently against Kurogane’s cheeks.
They do not fall asleep until the sun is beginning to rise. Fai has come up with a multitude of new nicknames by the time they do. Kurogane finds that he does not mind at all, not when it means Fai is by his side.
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