#WHOOPS turns out i had more to say than i realised
utterlyazriel · 5 months
let me keep you company
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a/n: a wee break from the doom & gloom of wtssf! it's unedited so i want no flack for that thank u <3 enjoy <3 wc: 5.1k whoops synopsis: You're studying in Velaris and a certain Shadowsinger catches your eyes in more than one way. It takes a while to realise the shadow keeping you company means more than you expect.
For the record, you had never met a Shadowsinger before.
You'd never even seen one. Sure, you’d read about them briefly in your studies and almost every Fae in Prythian had heard about them in whispers and rumours.
Rumours that increased more so when a Shadowsinger rose to become a hand for the Highlord, his own personal spy. Then became the spymaster of the entire Night Court for the next Highlord.
But beyond gossip and unfinished chapters within the scripts of your libraries, the knowledge of Shadowsingers is far limited. They’re rare. For all you know, Shadowsinger’s are a ghost— moving as a shadow, disappearing in and out of the darkness of the world.
You had never met a Shadowsinger before—so it makes sense that you hadn't an ounce of a clue what to expect.
Staring at him now, 6 feet something of pure muscle, you're a bit embarrassed at your own surprise.
Because he's probably— no definitely— the most beautiful Fae you've ever laid eyes on. His hair is tousled and dark, his glorious tan skin that's mostly hidden beneath the black of his fighter leathers, and his amber eyes that laid on you for only one long moment. Breathtaking is the only adequate word for him.
All that beauty and he's a Shadowsinger.
And it's not like you thought he wouldn't be like, well, any other Fae. But also... you kinda did? Mother, you should've known Freya was tricking you when she said they were all just shadow-y corporeal forms.
But she's also not entirely wrong there. There are dozens of wispy shadows that hover around him in constant motion, dipping and flying around his shoulders and if you look close enough, you can see how he seems to ripple at the edges. Shadows blur the edge of his very being.
You wonder if he can disappear into them all together, if that was one of the abilities granted with them. Does he control them? He must, you think, if the title is Shadowsinger.
But looking at him now, his beautiful face turned to face the Highlord you should definitely be listening to, they flit about almost absentmindedly, as though they have a mind of their own.
One curls up by his ear and you watch it, fascinated, more and more questions springing up in your mind— what do they feel like on skin? Do they make any noise? Is that what they're doing now? Talking to—
A sharp elbow jabs into your side, making you jump.
Your head whips to the side, an instinctive scowl almost overtaking your face before you plaster it over with a smile, realising your mistake. Your mentor, Sergei, clears his throat and smiles awkwardly ahead at Rhysand. You blink and take another moment to realise you've been asked a question.
"I'm— I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" You try not to sound as mousy as you feel but the question comes out as a squeak anyway. He is the Highlord of the Night Court after all. You suddenly feel very foolish for being so easily distracted.
Thankfully, Rhysand regards you with an easy smile. He's leaned back in his chair, relaxed, and his violet eyes dance with humour as he flicks his gaze over to where you had just been staring.
"That's alright. Azriel is a piece of eye candy, I can't blame you for staring," He all but purrs, a hint of mirth pulling at his lips as he casts another glance at his Spymaster. You're taken aback by the casualness of his words.
Rhysand continues. "I was only saying that for the duration of your stay, you'll be hosted in one of my homes, the House of Wind. You aren't afraid of heights, are you?"
A smidge of fear pinches at your stomach because, honestly, you aren't overly keen on the idea. But you know better than to turn down the generosity of a Highlord.
You take another glance at the wings of his Spymaster and General and pray that it's not too high up.
"Not... much." You answer honestly.
There's a chuckle from the side of the room and your head swings around at the noise. It's not the Shadowsinger, though he looks as though he's politely trying not to smile, his chin ducked. It's the General, just as beautiful as his brother but in that more rugged way.
He flexes his wings out a bit, showing off their mighty wingspan. "We'll rid you of that fear in no time."
You try for a smile but it might be closer to a grimace.
"Fantastic." You say, not managing to put all your enthusiasm into the word like you hoped.
Another sharp jab of Sergei's elbow in your side. The Shadowsinger, Azriel, huffs a quiet laugh, his amber eyes flashing up to steal another look at you. You try your best not to fluster.
It's going to be a long two months.
As Sergei's apprentice, you're expected to shadow him through his allowed time within Velaris.
Which means if he goes to the library, you go to the library.
There's just one problem; the library is down in the city and your temporary home is up in the mountain. The quickest way down is with wings.
Rhysand— or just Rhys as he had told you to call him— had relayed the information that you could ask either Cassian or Azriel to escort you if you didn't wish to take the stairs.
Cassian, the General, had been the one to fly you down and back the first couple of times you had asked and you weren't in any particular hurry to relive the experience.
Cassian was nice and he was more than friendly but seemingly incapable of understanding any fear of heights. You weren't sure if that was just the only way to fly— swooping and dropping fast enough to make you shriek— but it certainly seemed to be Cassian's way.
Which leaves you with the option of either asking the Shadowsinger or taking the stairs.
You get down about two hundred steps before you start to regret your decision. But, also, how in the Cauldron were you supposed to ask him to take you? (Never mind that you had asked Cassian quite easily, albeit very nervously.)
Oh, hi Shadowsinger who I can't stop staring at for both your abilities and your handsome face—care to sweep me into your arms and carry me places?
As if, you snort to yourself.
You take the thousand stairs all the way to the bottom and trot towards the enormous library, pretending your thighs aren't aching with overuse or that you're out of breath. Thankfully, the library itself isn't too far from the House of Wind, carved into the same side of the mountain.
As expected, Sergei is less than pleased with your tardiness.
"Sorry," The word rushes out of you in a wheeze, probably too loud for the library, as you scuttle in the entrance. A few priestesses turn their heads to look at you and you cringe, raising your hands in apology. "Sorry, I'm sorry,"
You focus back on your mentor and try to catch your breath, all while you explain. "I took the stairs and it took—" You huff out a breath. "—way longer than I thought."
Sergei's face softens a bit at your explanation, his face taking on a pitiful smile. "Still not enjoying the flying?"
"You are?" You ask in response. The thought of Sergei, your old-Fae mentor, swept up in Cassian's arms as he dips and dives makes you chuckle just a bit.
Sergei shakes his head as if to change the topic of conversation, deciding you've wasted enough time already. He turns, beginning to head further into the library and you follow behind him closely, eager to brush over your early morning fumble. The cavernous structure within the mountain yawns out ahead of you and you get all of two moments to wonder just how deep down it goes, when—
"You did not ask for a ride this morning."
Azriel steps up beside you, seemingly from nowhere, his steps falling in time with yours with ease. You jump, startled, and your footsteps falter for a moment. You're relieved to say that you only make one embarrassing noise in your surprise.
"I— oh, it's— I mean, I just..." You trail off, feeling flustered. "...like to walk."
You chance a glance up at him. He's wearing that same polite expression from yesterday, as though he's trying not to laugh and you get too caught up in the swirlings of his shadows to remember to be properly embarrassed. Both of you walk in tandem behind Sergei, slowly descending into the lower levels of the library.
"If you insist," He says, his voice low. It sends something warm down your spine and you pray he doesn't notice how your body temperature is definitely climbing.
His amber eyes pin you with another look, his lips twitching into a small smile. "However, if Cassian is giving you trouble, I would be happy to provide a smoother ride."
You flounder for a moment. You don't want to get anyone in trouble.
"I— he's not giving me trouble," You stammer.
Azriel smiles a little wider as if he can tell how polite you're trying to be. He slows to a meander and you realise only after you walk past him, it's because Sergei has stopped himself, turning down one of the many aisles.
You skid yourself to a halt and turn back, praying your flaming face isn't as obvious as it feels. You're not entirely sure if Azriel is accompanying you today but you're sure that Sergei would've mentioned it if he was.
You dip your head in a strange, awkward bow motion. Then point to the aisle Sergei disappeared into.
"I'll be... going this way."
Azriel's smile grows, like you've told a joke, and he ducks his head. He peers up at you through his dark lashes and you wonder if anyone's ever told him how damn beautiful he is. Probably. You're probably the last in a long line of people. Mother, his eyes though.
"If you don't wish to make the hike the other way," He murmurs.
He extends one of his hands and you watch the dozen shadows swarm around it, one of them separating from the pack to dive to the ground. It shoots forward and spins around your ankle, almost happily. "Just let the shadow know. I would be happy to assist."
When you look back up, he’s already gone without a sound. You try not to look so surprised— you’ve seen someone winnow before but you’re almost certain that the way Azriel moved about silently was something else altogether.
“Y/n!” Sergei’s voice echoes down the shelves, reminding you that you’re still late. You throw a quick glance around to check but it's fruitless; you can’t see the Shadowsinger anywhere.
You turn and bustle down the aisle quickly, not wanting to keep Sergei any longer. It takes only a second to notice the sole, black shadow that dances along behind you.
Guess you have company.
Okay, so, the shadows are definitely their own little guys.
Mainly because you can’t imagine how Azriel would be controlling them when he’s nowhere in sight.
And this one shadow is being awfully helpful.
The first time you drop your quill, knocking it to the ground as you lean over one of the many intricately carved desks, trying to reach another book, you don’t even notice it fall to the ground.
In fact, you have no idea how many times it’s picked up your fallen quill that you’ve undoubtedly knocked over countless times— only that it had given you the fright of your life to have it hover before your face, gripped only by the wispy shadow Azriel left with you.
“Holy shit!” You gasp, your loud voice echoing in the quietness of the library.
Sergei's head whips up, his eyes narrowing at the intruding sound with evident disapproval. You quickly snatch the quill out of mid-air and sink down in your seat. Gods, the echoes in here were doing you no favours.
“Sorry,” You whisper. Your eyes dart down to the shadow that retreated to your side, flickering around your ankle more wildly. “Er, thanks.”
It feels a bit silly to give thanks to something you’re not sure can hear you. But you figure if it can pick up your quill, you're better off using your manners.
Sergei gives you a somewhat bewildered look and you try to appease him with an awkward smile. It works enough for him to continue his work but not without one more lingering glance of worry in your direction. Great. You're talking to shadows and your old-man mentor thinks you're a bit nuts.
The shadow continues its helpful endeavours, following you when you head down different aisles at Sergei's request. It dances across the shelves, dissolving occasionally just to puff back up somewhere else, pulling your attention this way and that. It's playful. Friendly.
You deduce by the end of the day that you know even less about Shadowsinger's than you had thought. The abilities and personality of just one shadow are uncanny; like a silent friend keeping you company. You imagine that Azriel rarely gets lonely with as many as he has. Maybe you'll ask him.
When Sergei and you wind back up the staircases and he dismisses you for the evening, heading into the city for his own further business, you stand at the mouth of the library and ponder if you'll be brave enough to summon the Shadowsinger.
The shadow is still with you, circling your wrist absently. You peer down at it and think of all those stairs. Somewhat nervously, you raise your hand and try to be as casual as possible about talking to a shadow on your hand.
"Hi." You start, trying not to feel foolish. "Um, well, I guess I'm done for the day. Could— could you, if he's not busy that is, uh, let Azriel know? I don't mind waiting if he is."
The shadow zips off barely before you can finish your sentence and your head swings to watch it go, disappearing somewhere to your left.
You can't help but be a little amazed at its speed—it must be an incredible networking system to have a thousand little spies running around for you. No wonder almost all Shadowsingers tend to end up in the same line of work, you think to yourself, still peering in the direction of the shadow when—
Even though he's said your name soft and quiet, Azriel still manages to take you by surprise. You jump and turn, all in one motion.
"Mother!" Your hand holds over your chest, relief curling in at the sides as your fright ebbs away. "That was fast."
"You called," Azriel responds, as if it's the easiest thing in the world. He gives you an almost shy smile.
It makes you fluster a bit and you gesture to the exit awkwardly and wordlessly, if only so you don't have to come up with a response to his intense and endearing answer.
Together, you wander out from the library and creep towards the edge of Velaris. It's a beautiful city and more than deserving of its title, especially when viewed from the House of Wind. You turn and cast your eyes up the mountainside, your familiar nervous fear pitching up from your stomach.
Then you look at the warrior beside you, tall enough that he's got what feels like more than a head's height on you, with his wings reaching above even his own head. His jaw is sharp and his eyes are already on you as your gaze trails up his face. Fuck. He's really pretty.
Now you're nervous for an entirely different reason.
"We can still take the stairs if you wish," He says, his hand sweeping back to the path you had followed along this morning. His shadows move with his hands, a black vortex that whirls around and around. "I'd be more than happy to keep you company."
Mother, he's not helping you in the slightest, being so perfectly nice to you. You regard the stairs and think back to how many hours it took before your thighs stopped aching—and that was on the way down.
"No, we can- we can try flying again." You say, nodding to yourself as if it'll help quell your fear. It takes another moment to realise that means you'll be bundled up in his strong arms, held against his broad chest and you feel a little shiver run through your body at the thought.
Azriel notices it too, his eyebrows knitting together in concern. "You're sure?" He checks.
You nod, not meeting his eyes, trying to keep your nerve. Flying is already something you're not keen on. Flying whilst being swept up in the arms of a Shadowsinger who you think is the most beautiful Fae you've ever seen? You send a silent prayer to the Mother that you don't do something embarrassing, like puking down his front.
"Let me know if you're uncomfortable at any time," He says softly and then he bends his knees slightly, one of his scarred hands resting on your lower back as the other scoops beneath your knees. He lifts you as though you weigh nothing.
It's impossible not to flush as you get nestled against his firm chest, your hands panicking for a moment as you try to think of a normal place to put them. Around his neck? On his chest? Either of them feels far too intimate for a man you've known only a week.
"You don't have to but I would suggest holding on," Azriel comments with a smile, his chest vibrating with the words. You nod, agreeing with him, but don't make a move to do so, only holding your hands out in front of you to indicate you're not sure where to put them.
The shadows adorning his shoulders move on their own, their friendly presence easing your nerves as they slither down to circle around your wrists. There's a gentle tug and you let them move your hands til they're wrapped around Azriel's neck, moving you much closer in the process.
Gods, your faces are close together. Another couple of inches and you could probably press your lips to his perfect ones—a thought that makes you fluster all over again. Was he getting prettier every time you saw him? For not the first time, you thank the Mother that it was Rhys with the daemaeti gift and not Azriel.
"Ready?" He checks, which is sweet. Cassian had just shot up into the sky the first time, without any warning.
You grip your arms around his neck a little tighter and then nod. "Ready," You say, quieter than intended.
You catch just a moment of Azriel's demure smile, your heart swooping at the sight, before you're both launched into the sky with one flap of his wings.
The noise that escapes you is one you're less than proud of, a squawky sound noise of panic that you bury into Azriel's neck. You expect him to laugh like Cassian had, not meanly but playfully, but instead Azriel's arms just tighten around you. As if he was assuring you that he would not let you fall.
By the time you're up at the House of Wind, Azriel making a far more graceful descent than his brother, you're less freaked out and more ready to point some accusatory fingers in the face of the Night Court's General.
That bastard had been fucking with you! The flight with Azriel proved as much, considering how much calmer and smoother it had been. You couldn't help but say as much as you were placed down from Azriel's hold, glad to be back on solid ground.
"I have some words for Cassian, Mother above," You ramble, straightening out your rumpled clothes from the flight. "Did he think I was kidding when I said I was afraid?"
Azriel smiles at your fieriness, his shadows calmer than they were in flight, moving about lazily. His eyes take a fleeting glance at the house behind you before focusing intently back on you.
"Cassian can have a strange sense of humour at times. He means well." He says. Then he grins. "I should like to see you tell him off— not enough people do."
You hmph. "Maybe I will."
You suddenly realise the closeness between you and Azriel, close enough to feel the warmth of his body. His scent of cedar and mist swirls around you, tantalizing and alluring in a way you've never known before. You take a step back to contain yourself.
"I—uh, well, thank you very much." You say, as sweet as you can. "For the ride."
Your eyes catch on one of his dozen shadows and you smile, observing them for a moment. "And the shadow. It was excellent company."
Azriel brightens, an expression of surprise crossing his face before he schools it away. He smiles, brazen and breathtaking. When he speaks, he sounds a little disbelieving. "You like them?"
You nod quickly, noticing how one of his shadows has snuck off again and circulates your ankle speedily. You laugh at the ticklish feeling of it against your skin.
"They're incredible." You breathe, meaning every word. "I imagine you must've ge—"
"Apologies, y/n." A smooth voice cuts in, Rhys stepping up somewhere behind you and stealing both of your attention. He dressed in more casual clothes than you last saw, but not quite Azriel's fighting leathers. "Azriel here is needed for some brief business. Do you mind if I borrow him?"
The way he poses the question, as if Azriel is yours, does something wonky to your heart. You flounder for a moment, stepping back and waving your hand in the direction of the Shadowsinger.
"Of- of course, by all means." You trip over the words and hope you don't sound too eager to escape his company. That couldn't be more untrue.
You turn back to Azriel and fix him with a smile, hoping it's not as nervous as you feel. "I'll... see you around?"
Azriel steals a glance to the side where Rhys awaits before he nods with another reserved smile. Hold on, is that pink on his cheeks?
"Let me know if you need any more help getting to and from the library. I'd be happy to assist."
And then with a quick nod to you, he walks off to join Rhys, his wings tucked in tight, careful to not nudge you. You watch them go, unable to stop yourself from letting your eyes wander down. Damn, all that training did wonders. What was that saying? Hate to watch 'em go, love to watch them leave.
Ahead, Rhys abruptly laughs and peers back over his shoulder, letting you exactly how well you had shielded those thoughts. You flush and scurry into the house as if it'll save you from the embarrassment of what's just happened. You only hope he won't pass the message on to Azriel.
It continues like that for the rest of the week.
Azriel carries you down the height of the mountain and leaves you with a promise that if you need anything, you can tell the shadow and he'll come to find you.
The shadow keeps its usual playful company. Beyond retrieving your dropped quills, it helpfully turns the pages of books for you. When you're focused on what you're writing, it nudges back any loose strands of hair. Once it even brings you a flower from Mother knows where. One single Lily of the Valley, left resting on your desk.
It makes you wonder; are all Shadowsinger's shadows like this? You can't help but imagine these niceties are shaped by Azriel's own soft nature.
Today, whilst you study in the vast caverns of the library, you get an unexpected visitor.
As you take your time scanning through the books in one of the vast aisles, you realise the Fae coming down from the other end of the aisle is none other than the Highlady herself.
"Feyre!" You greet warmly. The two of you had met before when she had taken duties in your home court and if it weren't too bold, you'd say you consider yourself good friends. Feyre smiles, glowing like moonlight, as she realises who it is.
"Y/n," She says your name sweetly and her hug is just as such. She pulls away, ready to inquire about your studies when she spots the trailing shadow behind you.
"Making friends, I see," She comments. Her eyebrows raise almost teasingly as if she's made a certain insinuation. You take a moment to notice what she's referencing.
"It's nice," You say, a defensive lilt to your tone. You hold out your hand and the shadow jumps at the opportunity to skitter around it playfully. "It's like a little friend."
Feyre smiles at your words but chuckles a little. "Except Azriel is anything but little."
You pause at her words, glancing down at the shadow and back up at Feyre. "What do you mean? I thought— they're not- I mean, aren't they...?”
You trail off, unsure of how to word the question you're trying to ask. Feyre smiles, her gray eyes glittering with mirth as she realises what you're figuring out.
"They're all his. Azriel's. He controls them." She tilts her head a bit, watching the shadow that drifts about your hand and wrist. "True, they roam a bit on their own but... Not like this."
"Oh," You murmur, thinking back to that first day in the library.
The playful shadow that lead you back and forth, picking up your quill and turning your pages. It was him, all along.
Something immeasurably warm starts to glow in your chest, a thread that loops through your heart and sends the valves into overdrive. Its warmth grows, something molten hot beginning to bleed in your chest— and it feels wonderful. It feels right.
"Oh," You gasp as you figure it out.
Feyre grins, watching you piece together what the rest of the inner circle has clued together from the very first day. She stands to the side and gestures to the entrance of the library with a tilt of her head.
"Go on then," She urges you.
For a moment, you think back to Sergei who sent you hunting for a certain manuscript Cauldron knows how long ago but the thought is washed away in an instant. You can feel it now, the strong tug in your chest. The connection that binds you to another.
You stride past Feyre, giving a quick thanks! and all but run up the spiral staircases, heading for the entrance. The shadow pings along with you and as you near the top, you look down at it and say through huffed breaths, "You better go get him."
He's waiting by the time you get there.
Against the setting sun, for a moment there's only the silhouette of him— a warrior with tall wings, the edges of him rippling like a mirage. He might just be one; an oasis in your life, the answer that you've been searching for for centuries. You can't believe you didn't notice.
Your footsteps echo on the marble as you march right up to him and Azriel watches you closely the whole time, his amber eyes soft but his expression hinting at his nervousness. Gods, he's wonderful. You can't believe he gets to be yours and you get to be his.
"How long have you known?" You ask because it's the first thing on your mind. You're nearly panting from the exhilaration of your sudden exercise, from the dawning future that's blooming right in front of you. He's your mate. Gods, how could you have missed it?
Azriel smiles, that same tentative one that's been driving you crazy all week. His wings give a little shake behind him, a giveaway of his nerves.
"I... suspected from the beginning." He chooses his words carefully, wary of how you might respond.
You can't help your little gasp, feeling even more of a fool. You curse, ducking your head before you glare back up at him, no real heat in your gaze. You have the urge to give him a little shove, just for keeping you in the dark.
"And you didn't think to tell me?"
One of his shadows spins up unexpectedly, dancing across your shoulders and tickling your cheeks gently. You startle in surprise but something sweeter curls up in your chest at the tenderness of its touch.
"Believe me," Azriel says with a quiet chuckle, his amber eyes darting over your face intensely. "I've been trying."
You melt. Eyes locked with his, you move slowly, letting your arms drift up to drape around his neck like they've done every morning and evening since he began flying you around. You realise acutely that Cassian's behaviour, his shoddy flying, had likely been on purpose. You laugh a little, eyes creasing shut in pure euphoria.
Azriel's hands find your waist and you can feel the slight tremble in them.
"In my defense," You murmur, pushing up on your toes. You're close, so close, your lips hovering just an inch from a kiss—his shadows go wild around you both. It makes you grin. "I had never met a Shadowsinger before."
"Yeah?" Azriel breathes shakily. "Disappointed?"
He says it like a joke but you can hear the note of sincerity in his tone. His hidden worry that he isn't all you dreamed of. It's nearly laughable how wrong he is.
This close you can see his long lashes and every shade of brown in his eyes. You wonder if you'll ever get used to how beautiful he is. Part of you hopes you never do.
"Not in the slightest," You say, nearly a whisper.
Then his lips are on yours, pillowy soft skin against yours, and it feels like coming home. He kisses you, kisses you, kisses you til you're breathless and the glow in your chest could rival the sun in its warmth.
He kisses you and every atom in your body hums and fizzes and comes to life — and all you can do is hold him tight and kiss him back, just as fiercely.
Breaking the kiss to catch your breath, you pant and grin brazenly at Azriel, at your mate, happier than you've ever been. Faintly, you realise that you won't be heading home when the two months of your study are up after all.
Not when you have a man who looks at you so reverently, who kisses you like there's oxygen hidden in the plush of your lips, who holds you like there's nothing more precious in the world.
Not when you know that home is right here, in front of you.
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
whoops one bed you and lando (besties to lovers edition)
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things had been rough in her life and things had been rough in his career. The start of the season wasn't everything McLaren had promised it would be and it had frustrated him. But he didn't quite understand what was going on in her life.
Still, he wanted to help in any way he could. So he had somebody book a nice little holiday for them, just as friends. Two beds and all that.
A cottage in the countryside was booked for them. The description on the website was very clear about two beds. Lando drove them out there. She controlled the music while he drove (even if he didn't like the music she chose, he wasn't going to complain. He'd never complain about anything she did).
When they got to the cottage the two of them immediately ran to find the two bedrooms.
"I've found the master bedroom," Lando said as he opened the room to find a kingsized bed. He dropped his bag on the floor as Y/N walked past him, trying to find the second bedroom.
It didn't take long until she found the door that probably led to the second bedroom. "Found the second... bedroom."
But, as she opened the door, she realised it wasn't the second bedroom. No, it was simply another door to the master bedroom. "Wait, is this the only one?" She asked as she dropped her own bag.
"Maybe it's two singles pushed together," Lando suggested as he pulled back the blankets. Spoiler alert, it wasn't two single beds pushed together.
Y/N looked up at Lando. "What the hell are we gonna do?"
Before either could say anything more, there was a knock on the cottage door. Y/N left her bag where it was to open the door.
It was a kindly old woman standing at the door. She smiled and stepped into the cottage when Y/N opened the door. "Hello, love," she said with a smile. "How are you finding everything?"
It took Y/N a moment to work out this was the owner of the cottage. "Oh. Oh! Lovely, everything is just lovely," she responded as she tried to match her smile. "But, I thought there was supposed to be more than one bed."
"Yes, we used to have two twin beds in the master bedroom, but since it's mostly couples staying with us for romantic weekends so we swapped it for the king."
As she said it, Lando walked up behind her. "That shouldn't be a problem for young lovers like you," she continued.
Lando swapped his arms around her and placed his head on her shoulder. "That's more than fine," he said.
They said their goodbyes to her and shut the door. "So," Lando began as he turned her towards him. "One bed."
"One bed," she repeated, sucking in a breath. "We can top and tail it."
"And sleep beside your smelly feet? No thanks."
They decided not to think anything of it. It would be fine, they were best friends and they could work through it. This was nothing.
But then they had a few bottles of wine between them.
But then they woke up beside each other, clothes scattered on the floor.
"What the hell happened?" She asked as she shook her head. But then she noticed the dried... stuff on her stomach. "Oh Lando, we didn't. We can't have."
Lando pulled down the blanket and looked between them. "I think we did."
At first things were awkward between the two. They tried to avoid each other at all cost. But in a small cottage where their only company was each other, it was pretty hard.
After two days of avoiding each other, they caved and slept together again. This time the alcohol wasn't influencing them. This time it was natural. The time after that as well. Fuck, they couldn't keep away from each other.
By the time summer break ended and they returned to Formula One, they were basically in love. They walked through the paddock together, like they always did. "I got to go for a meeting," he said and grabbed her hand, pulling her in for a kiss before he left.
"When did that happen?" Asked Oscar as they walked together.
Lando just shrugged his shoulders and grinned.
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n0thingbutlov3 · 3 months
need you now | 2 |
in which readers true feelings are revealed.
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader warnings/tags: angst again (whoops) miscommunication (it’s short dw) fluff, reader is hungover lol, spencer is handsomely disheveled (moans) mentions of blueberry muffins being readers favourite type of muffin (sorry for not being vague but also if you don’t like blueberry muffins??? why) some tears, some swearing, some kissing, suggestiveness at the end of you squint (WHOOPS *evil smirk*) no use of y/n!! wc: 2.1k a/n: call me slim shady because i am back!!! i procrastinated writing this because i was scared everyone was secretly judging my writing and actually hated it and a second part would be a stupid idea but THEN i realised that was a little bit silly so im here B) part one got over 1000 notes (INSANE) all the support has been so so lovely—every note, reblog, and comment means the world to me, thank you!! i hope this part is okayy, feedback is always appreciated :) i hope you enjoy it you choose to read!!! <3 p.s kissing scenes are so difficult to write, i think i done absolutely awful!!!so let’s ignore that…. if you haven’t already and you’d like to, you can read part one here!
Your eyelids twitched as the early morning sun filtered through your bedroom. What was usually a calming wake-up call now felt like being blinded.
You burrowed your face into your pillow, squeezing your eyes shut in an attempt to dull the throbbing in your head. This is why you didn’t drink often.
Asides from the obvious headache and nausea, you always seemed to wake up with a sense of dread; ‘hangxiety’—a friend had called it once. It was creeping up on you now, and even though you weren’t sure exactly what you had done, you knew it was bad. You flipped onto your back, fixing your gaze to the ceiling as if it could tell you what irreparable mistakes you had made last night.
It couldn’t, of course. The only thing you had realised is that you should probably coat it in a new layer of paint soon.
“How’re you feeling?”
You shot up, eyes widening at the sight of a man in your doorway. A man whose sleepy voice and disheveled hair threatened to make you melt, but a man who should not be in your doorway, nonetheless; Spencer.
Your brain was quick to supply you with information then, your memory coming back in hazy remnants. You were upset so you…called Spencer for the first time in months. Yikes. He didn’t answer so you turned to a bottle of high end whiskey instead—yikes, again—and passed out on your couch, only to wake up to your ex-boyfriend in your apartment. Cue more sobbing, a pathetic attempt at asking—no, more like begging—him to get back together with you, and that was it. Well, mostly. There was also the promise of discussing your breakdown in the morning. The morning, which was now.
What the fuck.
“Like I’ve been napalmed.” You weren’t sure you were just referring to your raging hangover.
That prompted a raspy kind of chuckle from him and Jesus Christ—you really shouldn’t have called, because it was going to be infinitely harder to watch him leave when he inevitably told you you were sad loser who needed to get a grip and move on—except, he’d be a lot nicer than that, wouldn’t he? Because even if things were over between you, he was still the sweetest person you had ever met and he’d never say anything to intentionally hurt you. Maybe things would be easier if he did. If he wasn’t so sickeningly perfect—if he just insulted you in the way you were certain you deserved, then maybe you’d get over him quicker.
“So, I-ah-uber’d breakfast—“
Your inner turmoil came to a screeching halt at those words.
“You uber’d? You?”
He scoffed, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
“The team’s been very into it lately and I always finish my paperwork first so it only makes sense that I—stop laughing! I can uber!”
“Sorry! I just can’t imagine the great Doctor Reid stooping to the levels of a fast food delivery app. Do you ever order to the wrong place?”
“No.” he said, unconvincingly. “Well, only once—“
You were laughing again.
He whined, turning on his heel.
“Just take your aspirin and hurry up!” He grumbled petulantly as he left the room, but you could hear the smile in his voice.
After a quick freshen up and taking the pills placed on your bedside table—as per his request—you padded through to the living room, joining Spencer on the couch.
You gasped delightedly as he pulled out muffins from a brown paper bag. To be more specific, blueberry muffins; your favourite.
“Did you know that blueberries are good for fighting hangovers? They’re rich in vitamin C, which helps break down and metabolise blood alcohol. Muffins too, they—what? Do I have something on my face—“
“No! No, sorry,” You had been caught staring—ogling, more like. “I just missed…that.”
“What? My incessant rambling?” He was joking, but you could hear the insecure twinge in his voice—the one that told him he was too much. Over the course of your relationship, you had showed him that he didn’t have to think like that around you—that he was never too much; he was perfect in your eyes. You hated that he doubted that now.
“Yes, actually.” You tried to keep your tone light, unserious. But there was nothing unserious about just how badly you had missed the man sitting beside you. How you could hear his voice in your mind when you drove late at night, giving you statistics on accidents. Or how on other late nights, you swore you could feel his hands ghosting over your skin—only to find out it was your imagination.
If he could see how truthful you were being, he didn’t acknowledge it, turning his attention back to the coffee table.
“I’ll, um, save you the facts on how beneficial coffee is for hangovers, anyway.” He smiled awkwardly, shuffling a paper coffee cup to where your muffin sat.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, “for the coffee, not the withholding of information—i’m a real fiend for coffee facts…especially when they’re related to curing hangovers!” You said a little too cheerily, trying to alleviate the awkward tension. Although, that only seemed to make it worse.
Spencer just huffed out a little laugh in response, taking the wrapper off of his muffin.
The rest of breakfast went by in silence. Not the comfortable silence you always seemed to have with Spencer—when you were together, you reminded yourself—but a strained one. The kind of silence that occurs when there’s something left unsaid, and you’re just waiting for someone to spit it out.
Spencer broke first.
“So we should probably talk…about last night.”
You finished the remainder of your coffee, setting the empty cup down before turning your whole body to Spencer, tucking your legs up underneath you.
“Right, yeah…”
A beat passed, Spencer’s eyes darting around your face—assessing you.
For someone who had imagined this conversation in your mind countless times, you certainly weren’t saying much.
“I—uh…was very drunk.”
Something in him shifted, like he was putting up imaginary walls.
“So you didn’t mean…any of it?” His brow furrowed, his nose twitching slightly.
“Well no, but I—“ You what? Meant every word you said and more? You couldn’t just say that. You had just got a small part of Spencer back and you didn’t want to ruin it by coming on too strong.
He waited for you to add something, anything, to show him that maybe, maybe there was a tiny part of you that still wanted him as badly as he wanted you. But you didn’t. You just sat there, playing with the fabric of your—his—t-shirt.
He couldn’t do it.
He was so tired of loving people only for them to leave like he had meant nothing to them. Was that all he was to you? Someone you could call when your inhibitions were lowered, looking for comfort? He would do anything to be back in your life again, but he couldn’t be a person of convenience; someone you only wanted when you were lonely.
He ran a hand through his hair, swallowing down the tightness in his throat.
“You were drunk and you got carried away, I get it. I think I better go though—“
“What? No, I—“ You bobbed your mouth like a fish, trying to find the words necessary to keep him here. There were too many of them and yet none at all. None except for three. Three words that you wished you had the courage to say months ago, or weeks ago, or last night. But you never claimed to be a courageous person, and you weren’t about to spill your heart out again only for it to end up in rejection.
Spencer stood, making his way to your bedroom to grab his shoes and coat. He didn’t care about his other clothes, he could buy more—he just needed out before he broke.
You sat dumbfounded on the couch, willing yourself to do something, say something. It was like you were frozen. And you stayed frozen. As Spencer shuffled around your bedroom, as he returned to the living room—completely avoiding your gaze—even as he searched for his keys. You hadn’t realised he had driven over here. He didn’t usually drive unless he had to get somewhere urgently. Were you someone worth seeing urgently to him?
He picked up his keys, heading for your door and only then did you realise how dire the situation was. If he left now you weren’t sure he would ever come back.
“No—wait, Spencer!” You stammered, lunging off the couch to try and stop him. He unlocked the door, moving to leave when you grabbed onto his jacket sleeve.
“Please don’t—I love you!”
He turned to face you and you noticed just how wrecked he looked—not at all dissimilar from how you had for the last few months. Had he looked like that the whole time?
You must’ve been staring because when you came back to your senses he was calling your name exasperatedly.
“Do you mean it?”
You were fed up living like this; harbouring so much love for someone and not being able to express it. Even if he didn’t love you back, even if he was over you, you couldn’t go another moment without at least telling him how you felt.
“Yes,” you heaved, “I love you—I never stopped loving you, I was just…” You knitted your brows together, unsure how to phrase what you were feeling.
“I’ve never loved someone the way I love you and that’s…terrifying. I thought the way I felt was wrong, like—when you were on cases, I missed you so much, more than I thought humanely possible and—well, I never wanted to be the kind of girl to base her happiness on another person because that’s how you get hurt. So, I thought the only way to combat that was by…distancing myself. I thought if you weren’t in my life anymore then I’d be able to get a grip and become more independent—“ you huffed, trying to stop the wobble of your voice. “but it didn’t work, because then I was just missing you twice as much, except I couldn’t see you at all—“
“You could’ve answered my messages, we could’ve—“
“So you could return your key? Then things would actually be over. Why do you think I ignored your messages?”
“Why do you think I kept messaging? Angel, I was never going to return that key—at least not willingly—I just wanted to see you, to see if you were doing just as horribly without me as I was without you. You know, I couldn’t even focus on cases—Hotch even suggested I take some time off.”
You frowned, your voice impossibly small. “I’m sorry.”
He took a step toward you, cupping your cheeks in his hands.
“Don’t apologise, you were dealing with your emotions in the best way you knew how. I just wish…” he swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing. “I wish I hadn’t let you go so easily.”
His eyes were shining and—God, you wished you could take it all back. All the pain you had caused him, caused yourself, just because you were too scared to talk about your feelings.
“I wish I hadn’t left.” You blinked away the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes. “Y’know, I read a book on astrophysics because it reminded me of you. I didn’t understand any of it but I couldn’t put it down. I still—“ you let out a watery chuckle. “still have it in my bedroom somewhere.”
Spencer smiled, swiping under your eye at a tear that must’ve escaped.
“Yeah? Maybe I can read it to you—help you understand it.”
“I’d like that.”
You didn't know much about celestial bodies or the ultimate fate of the universe, but you could've sworn you'd seen the stars pictured in that book in Spencer’s eyes when he looked at you.
“Say it again.” He mumbled, tilting his head down so that your faces were just inches apart.
“I love you.”
And then his lips were on yours, impossibly soft and everything you had been missing since you had broken up. He kissed you like you were the oxygen he needed and all you could do was sigh into him because you knew the feeling.
He leaned back all too soon, resting his forehead against yours.
“Well, I should probably go—“ He smirked, but you cut him off before he could continue his teasing.
“You’re not funny.”
He narrowed his eyes, sucking his teeth.
“I don’t know, I—“
You pressed a firm hand on his chest, bunching the cotton of his t-shirt into a fist.
“Stop. Stay—we can have a pyjama day and maybe for dinner, you can show me just how tech savvy you’ve become and uber us some food—“
He rolled his eyes, kicking the door shut before pressing his lips to yours with more force this time.
“Stop talking.”
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reidmania · 1 month
you're my best friend | spencer reid
summary; you tell spencer he is your best friend to you its a indication of more to him its rejection.
warnings; best friends to lovers expect they dont make it to lovers whoops, angst whoops again, i think all lovers should be best friends, (un) requited feelings (ur both idiots) its short and honestly i dont remember writing this, mentions of dating other people but like whatever
an; yk that line in ‘you are in love’ by taylor swift thats like pauses, then say, you’re my best friend, and you knew what it was, he is in love? thats what gave me this idea im also just really fucking sad tonight and i miss my ex idk im also trynna be aesthetic am i aesthetic
any other night you wouldn't of cared to notice the way the streetlights blarred through the raindrops on the window or how the dark clouds lined the sky covering every showing star in their path. you wouldn't have noticed any of that if you weren't so focused on beiing focused on anything else.
anything other than spencer reid who was sitting beside you, driving you home. the case you had just got back from was long and angonizing. it was a complete pain to get through and it wasn't a secret that the entirety of the team were all ready to get home to their families and their own beds.
so, you weren't exactly estatic when remembering you hadn't driven to the office a week ago after being called in for the case, you were instead dropped off by your friend after the two of you needed to talk.
so you were car-less, and tired.
spencer reid, your best friend and possibly the nicest person on earth offered to drive you home without a second thought. even though he was equally as tired and ready to curl up into his own bed, he said he would drive you home and then refused to listen to any argument about it.
"are you okay" your head snapped towards the sound of his voice, his eyes glancing between you and the road, obviously noticing the rather disorientated look covering your features as you stared out the windshield.
you nodded, eyebrows furrowing. "yeah- yeah im just tired" it wasn't a lie, you were tired. you were also insanely confused about the feelings weighing on your chest everytime your eyes lingered on his for a moment too long.
he hummed, eyes returning to the road. you took that as your chance to look back at his face, bad idea.
your eyes danced over the curve of his nose and the line of his jawline and then the softness of his eyes, the flutter of his eyelashes every time he blinked or squinted at the bright lights of the road. you studied every indent over the soft skin of his cheeks and cheekbones that you could see from his side profile and your stomach warmed.
you turned your head away when that feeling returned, the one you were hyperaware of. it made your stomach feel as if it was burning a hole in itself, your heart ache and flutter at once and your head spin with the fact that it was wrong. so wrong.
“how’s ethan” he asked, his eyes remaining set on the road as he voice remained soft and quiet, like it seemed to always be when he spoke to you.
your eyes widened for a brief moment of the guy you had been, half kind of dating — if you could even call it that. you had been on a few dates. ethan worked at the coffee shop not to far from the bullpen, and asked you out two weeks ago. being surrounded by derek, emily and spencer didn’t exactly help the overwhelming expectation that fell on your shoulders in that moment.
derek answered for you, actually, in that moment. he had said you’d love to, and then teased you the entire way back to the bullpen after getting your coffee and you didn’t have the heart to pull out of the date, it wasn’t actually that bad — there was just something not right.
the more you hung out with ethan the more you realised there wasn’t actually anything wrong with him, he was nice, respectful, he made you laugh and you could talk easily. he was nothing short of a gentleman.
it was just, every-time the two of you had a conversation you waited for a absentmindedly long ramble about something random or a correction on one of something you pointed , and it never came. you waited for doctor who to be brought up and it never was. the movies you watched with ethan were rom coms and chick flics, or comedy’s rather than documentaries, or science films, or films in other languages that you had to rely on subtitles for.
he wasn’t spencer.
that was the only issue, and that why you had broken off with him before you went on this case, actually you had just finished breaking it off with him when you got the call which was why you were car-less since he had dropped you off.
you couldn’t in good conscience keep hanging around ethan after realising you had feelings for your best friend. you told him the truth and how understanding and respectful he was about it only made the guilt build deeper in your ribcage.
“i broke it off” you told spencer honestly. you wouldn’t lie or play it off there was no point in that. spencer would find out eventually you just wished that being honest didn’t mean it would come with questions.
his eyebrows furrowed for a moment, as his eyes flickered between the road and your face for a moment, you kept your gaze to the ground of the car, focusing on the carpeted floor rather than the feelings that swarmed in your chest that you honestly wished would just swallow you whole and get you as far away from actually feeling them.
“why? did he do something?” it was curious and gentle, like he was genuinely worried that this guy had done something that had hurt you — and it made your chest ache painfully, you genuinely felt physical chest pain at the sound of his words as they processed through your mind.
you shook your head quickly anyways, “no, he was.. good, great.. i just— didn’t feel it, y’know?” you huffed out, eyes still refusing to meet his. you were scared if you did that the confession would come blabbering pass your lips without a second thought because you were so use to telling him everything.
he let out a sigh of relief, glad that you weren’t upset or that this guy hadn’t done anything to hurt you. “i get it” he replied, his voice was gentle and careful. you wondered if he genuinely did — he always seemed to have a power of just reading your mind yet this time you were almost sure that wouldn’t be the case.
the car was pulling into park out side the front of your house moments later, and you felt a sort of sick feeling in your stomach. one that was indescribable to a t. the sort of feeling that left a bad taste in the back of your throat and made your stomach twist, the sort that left goosebumps trailing down your arms and the hairs stand on the back of your neck.
he said your name so quietly as if he had something important he needed to say. for the first time that car ride, since you had left the bau you met his eyes and every emotion you had pushed down into the darkest part of yourself bubbled all up to the surface again.
his eyebrows were furrowed as if he was trying to debate something, lips parted then closed in indecision, before he let out a half shaky breath, his eyes studying your features like yours to his. you felt your stomach twist.
“i need to tell you-“
you cut him off and you didn’t even mean to, “you’re my best friend, spencer.” that was all you said.
and honestly it held so much weight to you it almost felt like a confession in itself, he was your best friend, he was your person. he knew you better then you knew yourself, he knew you better than anyone ever would, he memories every scar on your skin, every little thing that effected you in a way that differed from others, spencer knew you, you loved him and he was your best friend
he was your best friend in a, i want you in my life forever kind of way. i want you by my side no matter what life throws at us, i want to know that no matter what happens you remain a constant.
you needed him to remain constant.
his lips closed at your words, eyebrows furrowing a little deeper to the point the skin between the crinkled slightly. there was a flicker of something in his eyes that you would’ve noticed if he hadn’t pushed it away before you could.
“you’re my best friend too.” he breathed out.
to spencer, you were the sun. everything obits you and your existence, he would give anything to be a planet that was blessed enough to be in your orbit. if he got a glimpse of you throughout the day his heart would remain beating properly in his chest and his feelings would remain a little lighter on his mind, you were calming, you were his safe place. you were his favourite part of everyday.
you were the one thing that kept him from falling apart half the time. you were his best friend and he was in love with you, so in love with you that he shut his mouth every time you went on a date with a different guy, because if you were happy and he got to keep you as a part of his life he wouldn’t beg for different.
you were his best friend and so he pretended like his heart didn’t hurt so impossibly much when you came to him when those said dates didn’t work out or ended badly and you rambled about how you thought there was something wrong with you, because how could you think that when to him the entire solar system fought to be in your orbit?
if you hadn’t cut him off he would’ve told you all of that.
instead he watched you wave him goodbye as you walked back into your house, a weight on his chest, at the words left unsaid that danced on his tongue behind his closed lips. ‘you’re my best friend’
his mind replayed the words with the reminder that that was all he would be to you, that was all he could be and he wanted to fight it and pull back and tell you exactly how he felt and the deepness his feelings fell to,
but then again at least this way he meant something to you.
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manicpixiefelix · 8 months
all this, and love too (will ruin us)
{ One-Shot for head, heart, hand. }
Summary: The night of Oliver's party and both yours and Felix's moods are ruined upon finding out Oliver had been lying to you both for your entire friendship. While sticking with Felix all night to make sure he doesn't maim Oliver, Felix realises he doesn't like sharing you anymore. You're more than okay with this, but Oliver doesn't seem to be okay with sharing Felix, even if he has no say anymore. Canon tries to happen, but you get there first, so you kill the problem at it's source.
Need to Know: They/Them. Explicitly NB Reader. FWB!Reader/Felix. Reader is from a well off family but has pretty much been adopted by the Cattons.
Warnings: MAZE SCENE; death, murder, violence, nongraphic smut, dominant felix, bathroom blowjob, oliver's birthday party situation, oliver being incredibly manipulative, reader being incredibly manipulative back at him, heavy drinking and drug use, You VIOLENTLY Murder Oliver Quick In The Maze.
A/N: 6074 words. oh god these oneshots are only getting longer and longer. whoops. but also PLEASE heed the warnings. this is the Reader Kills Oliver oneshot (first of two) that i was talking about. not sure how i feel about it. its very unedited.
TAGLIST IN COMMENTS!! // TAGLIST ALWAYS OPEN ! (just message or comment to be added)
On the drive back from his parents' house, Oliver sits in the back. Like a scolded child he keeps his gaze low and voice even lower. None of you speak the entire drive back; you try and focus on the wind in your hair and the hum of the car and not how your stomach is turning. In your mind you see the connections as they light up, small things you'd missed, things that are starting to make a lot more sense.
You wonder what other lies you could have gotten ahead of if Oliver hadn't been so nervous about you going through his file at Oxford.
Every single thing about him was designed specifically to be appealing, to you, of course, but more importantly to Felix. It was meant to be you who knew it all, could see the full board and all the pieces the people around you moved; it was meant to be you who could plan well enough and see far enough out to keep Felix out of situations exactly like this.
Felix is curt and swift the moment he's out of the car, trying to escape Oliver who rushes after him, his desperation echoing through the halls. You're several steps behind Oliver, silent, watching the exchange, watching Oliver cling to an ever-dwindling hope for even friendship, as Felix calls out the weirdness of his ongoing lies, tearing that hope asunder.
"I just wanted to be your friend," is all Oliver can say when pressed about his lies. It's genuine, it breaks your heart, but it doesn't make it better. For a moment, you see conflict as it flashes across Felix's face, but he clearly can't do this right now, needing at least the night, but promising not to tell his family.
As you go to leave, go to follow him, Oliver catches your sleeve, holds it too tight for just a moment -
"I thought you knew," his voice wobbles, but there's something like alarm bells in the back of your mind. Everything about Oliver is purposeful, even now. But you know him, you know how he likes to play.
"No you didn't," you look at his fingers still coiled in your sweater, watch him drop them, "you knew I trusted you." You wouldn't let him shift this blame; the faint dismay you can see in his eyes behind the hurt gives him away. He knew Felix had more emotions than sense, but somewhere along the way he seemed to have forgotten that you were so much more than another adoring fan in Felix's shadow.
"'m sorry," stumbles from his mouth almost like a reaction to the look in your eyes, "for hurting Felix with all this, I- I never wanted that," he shakes his head, dropping his gaze, "or hurt you," tacked on as an afterthought. Both of you know where he was placing the importance of that apology. Everything Oliver Quick does is with purpose.
"I know you are, Oliver," you tell him, standing tall and unflinching as you left him alone.
"If you leave my side tonight I'm going to maim him," is how Felix greets you when you enter your room. Sitting on his bed, you see a little, ornate box open in front of him, and you recognise it as one of the few stashes he had around the estate for desperate times. This one, if you recall correctly, was shoved well beneath Henry the Eighth's bed, and had a decent amount of coke that you'd left here after last Christmas.
"Can't fucking believe- I can't fucking believe him!" He rants, cutting up lines of coke on the little hand mirror Venetia had donated to this particular stash box. Mind working a million miles a minute, you're quiet, letting him rant. Running on autopilot, you begin to strip down to your underwear, pulling out your costume for the night, frowning at it in the afternoon light.
"How complicated is your costume?" Felix asks, finally looking up, gazing over at you and the sheer, shimmering thing in your hands. Without a word, but with a vague shrug, you turn it to him.
The base was like something you'd see at a rave, little more than green underwear, with straps, and beading, and jewels, and loops of green and purple pearls by your hips that would bounce while you walked. The overcoat, though it was far to generous to call it that, was pure gossamer, sheer and green, with hand-stitched silk leaves making up the hem that fell perfectly to your ankles, and intricate, hand embroidery of vines that extended across both shoulders, and both arms, ending with little, purple flowers embroidered by your wrists.
There's large, brown boots with a bit of a hell and some large buckles, and a belt that's half a skirt that hit just below your knee to give you some coverage, at least on your left, sewn to look like it was covered in leaves. Plus a leather thigh harness and flask that Farleigh had gotten you made for your last birthday.
Leaning back, Felix reaches out to feel the gossamer between his fingers, frowning for a beat.
"Don't be precious about it."
For a moment, you frown in confusion. Despite your entire outfit being exquisitely and perfectly tailored, you knew you could afford to not be precious about pretty much anything, even this. But that's never been an outright request he's made.
"I'm not?"
Quiet follows, the soft rustle of your garments as you begin to get dressed, and Felix quickly snorting a line of coke.
"I'm going to lose my fucking mind tonight," he mumbles. Even though you're half dressed, you still lean over his shoulder automatically as he lifts the mirror and the rolled bill up to you like an offering, holding the mirror steady for you.
"I need a drink," you groaned, to which Felix immediately agreed.
"God, why don't we stash anything in here?" He lamented, laying back and watching you head to the door once more while you're trying to do up your belt to hold up your partial leaf skirt, still without your overcoat.
"Because that's tacky and we're not alcoholics." Even with your explanation, Felix pouted. Still, it's a quick trip to the Blue Room and the bottle of rum you're glad Venetia hadn't found in the broken piano.
The night gets blurrier, gets better, with half a bottle of liquor in your veins before the sun even sets. As you're making yourself dreamy and ethereal with glitter and gems and makeup in the mirror, Felix drapes himself over your shoulders, pouting again. The drinks and drugs are already hitting you both and you can hear the revelry beginning outside.
"It's not going to last," he says pointedly, and you're confused until you see him trying to poke at the iridescent eyeliner that wasn't quite dry. Rolling your eyes, you smack his hand away. So he makes his point again, adding, "I'm going to get glitter all over me."
You smirked at him in the mirror, tipping your head against his.
"Don't be precious about it."
A spirit amongst the fairies, you greet your college friends with open arms and boundless enthusiasm, always keeping Felix close at hand. He was more subdued than you, more subdued than many of your friends were used to. Whenever you looked at him, it seemed like his gaze was searching, his expression drawn unless someone had caught his attention, and he wore a smile that seemed to convince them.
"Need a drink," his hand around your wrist and no time to protest, Felix dictated your night and it's pace. Frustration and apprehension keep him tense, even as he tries to loosen up; you feel every time that tension spikes, even if you don't know it's cause. His nails dig into you, wherever he's holding you, shoulder, thigh, arm -
In the bathroom, doing lines with India and some guys who claim to be friends of friends of the Cattons, you're leaning against the sink until you Felix nudge your knee with his own. Looking to the door, you see Oliver in white, taking up it's space. Felix only has to gently tap your thigh for you to shift, sitting in his lap.
"You can't ignore me forever," Oliver tells him, watching you both, watching the way Felix wraps an arm around your middle to hold you close and secure on him.
"I can try," Felix practically sings, his nails sinking into your stomach. With his free hand, he offers you his cigarette, raising it to your lips. You drop your gaze as you inhale, trying to only focus on keeping Felix secure in this moment.
"Felix we need to talk," Oliver insists, "Felix, come on man -"
"Look, man, I tried to be nice -" Felix started, and though you tried to gently warn him, pressing against him with Fi on your lips like you hope he won't say something he'll regret, he just holds you tighter and continues on, "but can you fuck off and bother somebody else?"
India half snorts with laughter in the middle of a line of coke, the others all judging Oliver the longer he lingers in the doorway, but Felix drops his gaze. His lips are on your shoulder to keep from saying anything else.
One of guys whose names you don't know asks who Oliver even was, but Felix can't answer; tension again, maybe anxiety or frustration, but his mouth moves from the gossamer and embroidery on your shoulder to your bare skin above the neckline, where your collar meets your throat. His teeth sting. His nails still sting. He swears under his breath before he lets go.
"Sorry," he mumbles finally, sighing and resting his forehead on your shoulder. You tell him it's okay, voice fond, but when you lean over to do another line of coke, you meet India's reproachful gaze. It takes you a long few seconds to connect the dots, to realise what was going on in her head. You're so fucking over everything tonight.
"You know Farleigh was lying to you about us, right?" You say casually, taking your line and sitting back up. Her eyebrows rise in surprise, "I know you think we're all gross and cousin-incest-y -" you hear Felix's faint laughter behind you, and feel him nudge you with his thigh, silently asking you to get up. Both of you do, and Felix manages his first proper smile of the night, even if it is smug.
"But we're not related," he tells her, "thank fucking god," and smacks your ass as the two of you exit, as if to just prove a point.
You're on your knees in a different bathroom when you hear everyone else start to sing happy birthday, but Felix's voice is a low growl of don't you dare stop, and his hands in your hair. Nothing else matters to you in this state of mind, blurry, pliant, desperate to follow his every command. It's as if you've forgotten what exists outside of Felix's hands on you.
The night becomes lights that are too bright, and music too loud, and laughter and glitter and the warmth of the people dancing around you. After a few hours you feel yourself starting to come down from your high, starting to come back to yourself, still on the dance floor. Venetia's dancing with a blonde boy, looking so pretty, like she's having a genuinely fun night, but when you point it out, Felix takes your hand.
"Don't look at Ven," there's that hunger in his eyes, that firm tone he'd been using all night, "don't touch Ven, don't -" he cuts himself off, wets his lips. Looking around for a moment, he spots something in the crowd that makes him scowl. Just a moment, as you follow his gaze, you see Oliver. The moment your eyes lock with his, however, Felix has his lips on your jaw.
"Fucking mine."
There's half a second where you and Oliver are still locked in this moment, you watch the way his expression starts to shift, jaw tensing, something like anger flickering in his eyes. But you can't bring yourself to give a shit about Oliver as Felix has his arms around you, kissing down your throat with a feverish, almost lewd intensity in the middle of the dancefloor.
"Prove it," and you let him drag you from the house, heading towards the place that had always felt a little special for you both, almost a little magical.
"I'm being selfish," Felix announced as you finally hit the tree line just before the maze, "I don't fucking care anymore, I'm being selfish, about you -!" He turns to look at you, only to see you gazing up at him with starry-eyes, hanging on his every word. He breaks into a sheepish grin momentarily, shaking his head as his voice drops for a moment, "oh, you're fucking loving this, aren't you?"
"I want you so bad right now it's actually embarrassing," you agreed with a wide grin, unable to contain your laughter, despite how genuine the feeling was.
"I'm being selfish," he said once more, muttering it this time, though as you entered the maze and the moonlight peaked down upon you, you could see the blush still upon his cheeks, "I don't want anyone else to fucking touch you again, you hear me?" This time, when he looks at you, he thinks he can see hearts in your eyes; your overwhelming love and acceptance, even for this -especially for this- is making it very hard to keep the stern act up, except -
"Anything you say," you tell him, breathless as you approach the centre of the maze, voice edging on desperate, "anything at all." And you see it hits him just where it had needed to, to hear you wanting and wanton and offering yourself to him -
The gossamer overcoat is ruined, scratched all up the back where you're pinned against the statue, half sitting on the base with your legs around Felix's, your fancy green undergarments around one ankle. His nails scratch down the bare skin of your back, fucking into you with furious intent to match.
"You've always been mine," he groans into your ear.
"Felix -" you whimpered. Immediately he was grinning, lips inches from yours, gazing at you through his lashes.
"How's that proving anything?" He teases, low and knowing, and as his hips snap up to meet yours, you take the hint, his name getting louder and louder on your lips as you almost chant it, till his hand is between you both, helping get you off, and you're close and all but screaming his name and -
"Felix." Not from you. Oliver.
"Oh Jesus Christ!" Felix immediately looks murderous, and not in a fun, sexy way. Oliver's demanding to talk to him while you struggle to pull your underwear back on.
"Could hear you out there," Oliver mumbles, half stumbling over his words, unable to look at you, focused on the dirt by your feet instead.
"Kind of the point, Ollie," you snapped, frustrated and now unsatisfied, but dressed once more.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Oliver?" Felix demanded. Oliver advances on him, presses into his space with desperate eyes and a bottle clutched to his chest. He doesn't look at you, he can't fucking look at you, you don't matter. It's Felix and his emotions who lead every situation the two of you share; it's Felix he has to win back over.
But he should have expected you not to leave, should have expected that when Felix pushed him away, shouted for him to get the fuck away, that you would try and step in.
"He's already got you on a leash, can I just have this one fucking moment?!" He snaps at you; he doesn't hit you but you recoil like he has, and Felix's gaze grows cold. Oliver seems to sense this before he even turns back, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I just- they already have everything -"
"Back off." Felix warns sharply, but Oliver can't help himself, won't listen.
"I just gave you what you wanted!" Oliver throws himself at Felix, pins him to the statue, their bodies flush and Oliver rambling, "like everyone else does! Everyone puts on a show for Felix..." his voice drops, childish and weak and wanting, and you watch him press himself closer as he turns gentle, "so I'm... I'm sorry if my performance wasn't good enough..."
"I think..." some part of it was working on Felix, his voice soft and placating, "I think you need to see somebody," or maybe he knows by now exactly how Oliver wants him to act; his eyes never leave Oliver's face, even when he doesn't let him go, "you need help okay, seriously -"
"No, no, I don't," Oliver's voice is rising again, "I just need you to understand how much I fucking love you," a tremble in his voice, sounding so raw, so needy, "you're the only friend I ever had, Felix." The manipulation is so blatant it almost hurts; you don't matter to him in this moment, all that matters is saying exactly whatever Felix needs to believe.
"I mean, doesn't this just prove how much of a good friend I actually am? How well I actually know you?" That hope, that dangerous, heartbreaking note of hope that's going to make your skin crawl. But you're not leaving without Felix, and he's not leaving this moment it seemed, "I'm still the same person, yeah? I'm still the same person," he insisted.
A long few moments pass, Felix's gaze searching Oliver's face for something beyond you. But then, finally, his gaze slips to you. All you can do is shake your head.
"Don't-" Oliver murmurs faintly, tipping his head to try and block you from Felix's line of sight, but Felix turns his attention back, expression helpless.
"I don't know what you are," he breathes, "but I do know you; you make my fucking blood run cold."
The fight drains out of Oliver, as does every last drop of hope. He lets Felix push his hands away, makes himself give Felix space to breathe. After a beat, he looks back at you, unsteady on his feet, pain in his eyes, but then he lurches, quickly shoves his half-finished bottle into Felix's hands, and rushes away to be sick.
Oliver is doubled over, retching, when you get to Felix. Before he can raise Oliver's bottle to his lips, you tuck yourself under his arm and wrap him up in a hug. He's trembling, but you feel the bottle against your back. Felix tucks his face into the crook of your neck, tears unspilled, clinging to his eyelashes.
"Better?" You ask forlornly once Ollie had gone quiet.
"Fuck off," he spits, finally coming back around. You watch him over Felix's shoulder, and the glare he levels at you as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand is almost surprising. Still, you try and show the same compassion you knew Felix would in this moment.
"Wash the taste out of your mouth," you try and tell Ollie gently, moving carefully out of Felix's arms, wrapping your fingers around the neck of the bottle he'd brought with him, "I think you should go to bed after." Oliver doesn't even reach for the bottle, but he does stop, looking between it, and then between you and Felix.
"Please," Felix sighs, head bent and bottle clasped tightly in his hand, "I need this."
"We can get another," you tell him quietly, calmly. Felix's gaze flicks to yours, imploring for just a moment, but dropping again when you don't relent. Felix sighs, once more, but finally relents, handing you over the bottle. Which Oliver has kept his focus on, brow now furrowing.
"I gave you everything else of mine, my drink's not even good enough for you anymore, like the rest of me?" He sneers, reaching unsteadily for the bottle in your hands, though his eyes and their focus betray him. Something lights up in the back of your mind, like one of those memories that made far more sense once Oliver's lie had been revealed. Alarm bells once again.
Felix stumbles to a halt -
"Fucking fine -" but as he tries to reach for the bottle again you step out of his range, beginning to see red as you got closer to Oliver, prickling with suspicion, "what is your problem, Y/N," Felix sounds so fucking tired, but all you can see is the deer of a boy before you growing wide eyed as he looks into yours.
"It's Oliver's," trying with all your might to not jump to conclusions, you hold the bottle out, desperately hoping that you'd connected the wrong dots, that Oliver was just drunk and as helpless as he appeared, that he couldn't be this malicious or vindictive-
"You want me to be sick again?" He tries to stand up to you, bottle pressed to his chest and refusing to step back even as you continue to crowd his space, "fuck off." He's seeming more sober, more alert, more with himself with each minute that passes. The distant noise of the party rings in your ears and all you can think about is the cold bottle between you and how Felix had almost -
"Leave him alone," Felix called out, footsteps in the grass sounding as though he was making his way back to the maze, "he's not worth it."
"He's pathetic," you spit, nose to nose with Oliver now, face heating up as hot, angry tears begin to close your vision. Still, you can see in Oliver's eyes that he's finding fewer and fewer ways to escape the situation.
"I don't care what either of youse think of me anymore," Oliver's lip curls as it quivers, trying to play distraught and callous all at once, "go fuck each other to feel like you're not just a fucking waste of space, vapid cunts -" he can see he's touched a nerve by the way your expression lights up with malevolent fury.
"Fi," there's a shake in your voice that you can't even fight, "please leave."
"Can you please come with me," Felix sounds like he's on the verge of tears, and when you turn, he's reaching for you, his hand shaking, "please can we go?" He begs.
An angel. Your best friend. Your everything. Your Felix.
Seeing him like this, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that Oliver's greed and jealousy would rather see Felix hurt than not in love with him, you couldn't let him get away with it. Finally you start to cry, even if you hadn't meant to, and the sight of it has Felix begging for you to leave with him. Oliver starts pushing, demanding that you both fuck off.
"Give me a minute, My Felix," you tell him, trying to smile, trying to reassure him, "I'll catch up."
"I'm not leaving without you."
"I don't want you to see this," you turn back to Oliver with newfound resolution. He's stepped back, leaning himself against the statue, doubled over, head in his hands.
"See what?" Felix asks dubiously, and Oliver looks up, sees the way you're approaching him, and scrambles to straighten his posture.
"Ollie's going to have a little drink," you offer him the bottle again.
"Tryna make me sick again?" He snarls.
"Then use it to wash your mouth out, then swallow," you order coldly, "and repeat until the bottle's empty."
"Why should I?"
"Because it's just as perfectly fine as when you handed it to Felix," you hissed, voice low enough that Felix himself couldn't properly hear. Oliver narrowed his eyes, matching your tone.
"If I don't?"
"What I will do to you, Oliver Quick, will be much worse than whatever you've put in that bottle, so you'll drink it all up," you leaned in, whispering close and menacing, "and if you do throw it up, I will have you on your belly, like the worm you are, sucking your own sick off of the fucking ground."
"What the fuck is going on?" Felix demanded, and you turned, taking a deep breath and hopefully giving a much more convincing, determined smile.
"He made you cry."
Felix's expression immediately changed. All soft and fragile but understanding, he just asks that you don't be long. You promise not to be. Both you and Oliver watching him go.
Once in the clear, you turn back to your captive audience, keeping your voice low.
"I'm not going to make you drink it," you admit, and though Oliver's confused and on edge, he seems to relax, just a little.
"The fuck do you want from me then?"
"I just need to hear you say it," you step back from him, give him space, even step around to place the bottle at the foot of the statue and lean your forehead against the cool stone.
"Say what -?"
"I'm not fucking stupid, Ollie," you groaned, looking at him out of the corner of your eyes, "you think I could hurt you? I ruin lives behind the scenes, I couldn't -" you flail your hands awkwardly, rocking back on your heels, turning to him properly once more. It appears to work, however, as Oliver is now only regarding you warily, instead of seeming actively cautious. "I was... hurt," you admitted, "I know why you said it, but I was hurt to hear you say Felix was your only friend."
"That's not -" he tried, defences lowering further as he attempted to defend himself.
"No, I get it; I've done terrible things because I love Fi, I couldn't imagine," you cast a pitying, apologetic look to Oliver, "him not loving me back."
And it works. He cracks, little by little. The tears begin to form, the lip starts to tremble.
"It's not fucking fair," it already sounds like there's a lump in his throat, "why do you deserve his love?" He scowls, "why can't I? I can be like you, I can be good -" he babbles, sniffling harshly amongst his defiantly sharp tone, "I know I could be," you gently wrap an arm around him and he fists a hand to tightly in your overcoat that it tears, "I was everything he wanted me to be -"
"I know, Ollie, I know," you carefully remove his antlers, holding them in one hand as you coax him in close, running a comforting hand through his hair.
"I wanted him to love me, I wanted- I never wanted him hurt, but wanted him dead so it wasn't my fault if he didn't love me; he couldn't love anyone -" he breaks down into furious tears, "I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. I hate you, I hate that he loves you without you even trying -" there's no apology in his distress, even as he lets you hold him close, and you, for a few more moments, whisper reassuring nonsense. "I never wanted to hurt him," he mumbled softly, "but I wanted to kill him. I could never hurt him," there's anger and guilt in his eyes as he looks up at you, tear soaked and helpless, "but I wanted to hurt you." What you give him in return is pity, is sweetness and apology, but your blood is burning through your veins.
"You would have regretted it."
"I know..."
"Are you lying?"
"I think I am."
You have what you need, the confession, the intention; validation for your motivation. Hook, line and sinker.
"Hey, Ollie, Ollie, darling look at me, I know, okay, I know-" you try, taking his face in your free hand.
"No you fucking don't!" Oliver insists, but you keep insisting, "don't fucking take that tone, I just told you I was trying to kill Felix to hurt you -!" He thrashes, but your gentleness is unrelenting in this moment. You will give Oliver Quick what he deserves.
"Ollie, look at me, okay? Look me in the eyes, please -" you begged, and finally he did, despair and anger all there amongst the tears, "keep looking me in the eyes," you tell him gently, and firmly, and he does, too curious for his own good and wanting to see where this was going -
"Everything," you give him the faintest, reassuring smile, one hand on his face, shaking, messily wiping tears from his cheeks with your thumb as he keeps your gaze, "is going to be -"
- and you ram one of his antlers into his soft, exposed belly with all your strength. Surprise and pain hit him all at once and suddenly he's scrambling, trying to get your hands off of the headpiece. But he's winded, and suddenly in overwhelming pain.
"- fine," you breathe out, shaking with adrenaline. You have him pinned against the statue, just like he'd had Felix only minutes ago.
"Eyes, Oliver," you ordered coldly, while making sure to keep smiling, even as fresh traitorous tears were gathering and already spilling down your cheeks. Hand in his hair coming to grip him tightly, keeping his gaze level with yours, "what did I say? I want you to look me in the eyes -" and you rip the antlers out before plunging them back into his gut. Lips twisting into an animalistic snarl involuntarily, Oliver splutters and fights and squirms but everything is becoming slippery, and warm, and slick with his blood. The antlers, your hands, and his; hard to get a grip like the firm one you had on your weapon of choice.
"Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-" he chokes out helplessly, bloody hands moving up, trying to grip your arms, your shoulders, your face, "how -fuck- why -?"
"Whatever you had in that bottle is too good for you; you tried to kill Felix, you said so yourself."
As his strength begins to fail, the way he holds your face turns tender, almost gentle, before his hands fall back to rest on yours, both gripping the bloody antler. Oliver's weight rests on the statue, watching you with despair and helpless, pained moans. Cheeks wet with tears, you can't even fathom how you're doing this, or who you will be once it's done.
"You are not the minotaur of this maze," you grit your teeth, leaning your weight on the headdress, driving it into his guts until the bloody antler snapped clean off of the headdress, you still can't bring yourself to stop. It doesn't feel like enough. He tried to kill Felix. So you took the other antler in hand, unable to stop yourself, shaking with rage and tears, "you are the dear in my fucking headlights; you tried to hurt Felix, you tried to kill Felix! You are nothing, nothing, nothing," you punctuate each nothing with another bloody, unnecessary jab until you can't keep going. The second antler collapses to the ground, and you stumble back, hands shaking.
"Didn't want to hurt him," Oliver insists weakly.
"You were someone we loved," you can see the first antler still jutting out of him, stemming the blood flow but undoubtedly causing excruciating pain. But you spare him no sympathy, only a look of absolute loathing, finally taking in what you've done, the blood your fury had shed. "Someone I loved!" Burst from you, raw brutal betrayal scraping its way from your throat, face hot and wet with tears, falling to your knees, looking up at him with an exhausted fury, "you will never hurt him again. I will never give you that chance."
But Oliver's quickly unfocusing gaze slips from you, rising to a point beyond you, out into the maze. A weak, faint, but somehow still triumphant smile works it's way across his lips.
Like in a horror movie, you cast your gaze over your shoulder. You hear when Oliver finally gives out, stop holding himself up on the statue and fall to the ground, but all you can see is Felix at the edge of the maze.
And that look in his eyes.
Oh god, what have you done?
"Felix," tears start welling in your eyes again, and finally he looks away from Oliver's body, his own antler protruding from him, slowly bleeding out, to you. From here, he can't see the blood on your hands, the blood that's all over you, but he can see it all over Oliver, "Fi, please, you need to -" but he's stepping towards you, almost automatically; he looks ill. You have to look away, can't bear for him to see what your rage has brought about.
"I'm not," his words are robotic, still a bit slurred, and he keeps looking at Oliver, "going without you. 'said that." But he stops behind you. Eyes closed, you wait, you can't bear to even look at him. Then, slowly, he moves. When you breathe, it makes you shake, but you slowly open your eyes.
Felix approaches Oliver. You watch the faint, far away smile wears as he sees Felix up close once more.
"Fe-lix," he sighs faintly, reaching out with weak, shaking, bloody hands, feather light finger tips leaving red streaks along Felix's cheeks, his jaw, his lips. Felix's head dips in close, into Oliver's aching touch, his forehead resting against Oliver's in this moment.
"You were going to fucking kill me, Ollie?" Felix whispered through clenched teeth, on the edge of tears.
"'m sorry," Ollie mumbled weakly, shock and blood loss catching up with him as he struggled to keep his eyes open, "didn't want to hurt you."
"You wanted to kill me -"
"It wouldn't hurt."
"It would have hurt them!" Felix grabbed him by the collar with one hand, wrenching the dying boy up enough to see him pointing at you, still kneeling on the ground, second bloody antler laying in front of you. All Oliver could do was make a pained whimper, and Felix dropped him back to the ground, "and you said it yourself-" his voice is venomous, but your breath catches as you realise just how much he must have heard to know that, "and even having a thought like that," he snarls, hatred burning in his eyes, "means you don't fucking know me at all."
Felix is by your side in the very next moment, pulling you into his lap as he leaned back against the base of the sculpture. You're sobbing into your bloody hands, nothing else to do or say. Even as he's shaking, as he's crying too, Felix doesn't let you go, doesn't let you feel anything but secure with him.
"You saw it all, didn't you?" You whispered finally, and feel him nod.
"I said I wouldn't leave without you."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry -" and while he tells you that you don't have to be, the words, the fears, the desperate justifications and rationalisations pour out of you, "he said he was trying to kill you, Fi, and I couldn't- I should have walked away, just gotten him kicked out or taken away or- or- but I couldn't," you gasped, "I couldn't let him ever have that kind of chance again, I couldn't risk that, my mind wouldn't let me -"
"I know, I love you," Felix murmurs weakly, his forehead against your shoulder once more, "dad and Duncan will know what to do, they'll take care of it tomorrow," he sounds so young in this moment, so tired and fragile. You nod quietly, leaning into him. When his hands find yours, threading your fingers together and holding on tightly, Oliver's blood is still sticky on your skin. Neither of you seems to care.
"How did you know something was so wrong?" Felix finally asked, the air cooler and quieter now. You have no idea how much time has passed, but it sounds as though the party was winding down. Oliver's party.
"He wasn't that drunk," you said after a long moment of deliberation, "could see it in his eyes," taking a deep breath, you cast your gaze to the guest of honour, completely still, chest no longer shifting with shallow, frantic breathes, "if he wasn't drunk, why was he sick?" Sighing, you leaned into Felix. You felt so hollow; "everything Oliver Quick did, he did with purpose."
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elizais · 6 months
arguments and make ups
when he realises he fucked up,, -dazai x gn reader warnings: nothing too specifically mentioned that you are arguing over
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proper fallouts with dazai were uncommon. little bickers were bound to happen yet this had spiraled a little from something you just wanted to ask about. you were asking a genuine question over god knows what, it had been a long day for the both of you and sarcastic answer after sarcastic answer had put you both on your last straws.
stood in the kitchen, he was still joking around and it was frustrating. he's a man too smart for his own good, yet he hadn't realised that you were tired and didn't want to drag anything on. sighing, you pinched the bridge of your nose for a moment and looked at him.
"no, osamu, it's not-" you spoke, yet he only heard those 4 painful words. you don't call him that. you don't call him osamu. you call him 'samu or something sweet only he can hear. he became instantly lost in his own thoughts, staring off into space and you saw he wasn't listening to your point.
groaning, you walked into the bedroom. neither of you even remembered why or when this started. he stood there, knowing his sweet nothings wouldn't get him out of this situation. he should have just given you the answer straight up and not wind you up like he would for amusement any other day.
nobody ever called him osamu, at work he was dazai, chuuya called him an array of insults and at home he was 'samu. for someone so clever, and who always has a plan, he would have never planned to upset you. his mind began a competition of what voice inside his head could say 'no' the loudest to every possible solution he came up with.
if he was thinking rationally, he would have known you just wanted two peaceful minutes after a stressful day. he waited until he could hear you turn the shower on before quietly leaving the house after taking some leftovers out of the fridge for you to see when you come out to eat.
he wandered up and down yokohama's streets a little, feeling regretful. he knew you wouldn't hold a grudge but he wasn't going to forgive himself. you always treated him so well, never making him feel like a 'demon prodigy' or half of the 'double black' duo, and you unknowingly proved odasaku wrong. he always thought of how oda's words that claimed "there is no place in this world that can fill your loneliness" died the moment he met you.
osamu checked the time, thinking he should head back. he knew it would take more than a silly keychain of toro inoue to save his case yet he still bought one as he passed a corner shop.
arriving back home, you walked out of the bathroom door as he took off his shoes. he quickly shrugged off his coat and rushed towards you, pressing a chaste kiss to your hairline with a whisper of "give me 5 minutes, love." and hurrying to the bedroom and bathroom to get changed and have a shower - knowing it will boost his chances of getting you to cuddle with him as he apologises.
scrolling on your phone on the couch, you heard soft footsteps plodding over. a man who resembled an ashamed dog with his tail between his legs carefully sat down next to you. not looking up from your phone, you could feel his sorrow radiating off of him.
"darling, you know i-" you cut him off, "'samu, it's just been a long day." you responded calmly, looking up at him before a faint smile tugged at his lips. he could tell you were feeling better and wrapped his arms around you. falling down so that his back was laying on the couch and holding you on top of him.
"i'm sorry" he sprinkled in hundreds of times through peppered kisses on your head. giggles filled the room as he wriggled you around, smiling and forgetting about a silly frustration.
whoops!! accidentally forgot this is a blog with silly little fanfictions - consider this an apology pretty pleaseeee also: sorry for not chatting with my mutuals recently! life got in the way and shit hit the fan for a second!!
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year
dbf & corruption link Hotch with plus-sized reader who didn’t think he would ever be interested in HER and is so naive about it omfg the gif u reposted fuckkk I can’t stop thinking about it
Okay I didn't realise I was gonna turn this into a whole fic JWFJEKFKDKFKRK (I'm writing this midway through the fic rn whoops 🫣)
Reader is early 20s and lives at home with her dad. I cba writing too much abt it in the plot sorry lol
Dbf!Aaron Hotchner x plus-size fem!reader|Minors dni NSFW|5.9K words
Warning(s): SMUT, Corruption kink, fingerfucking, sir/daddy kink 👀, almost getting caught
(d/n) = dad's name
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It wasn't often you met your dad's friends, they only really managed a few meet ups a year with how busy people's lives were these days. And so when your dad approached you to inform you he was attending a meal out with said friends you were happy for him. But you didn't expect him to offer you to join him.
"My buddies have been wondering how you're getting on," he had said, standing in the doorway of your bedroom. "You should come along, sunny. The guys are bringing along their partners but eh, you know me. As big of a bachelor as one can be."
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle, but within your stomach you felt it coiling with anxiety. And you knew he could tell from the change of expression on his face.
"Hey... you don't actually have to come along if you're not comfortable. I know you don't really, uh, enjoy these sorts of things."
"No, no! I'll come along. Um, I just don't really remember any of your friends by name." You said quickly. He chuckled and shook his head, and you knew if he was closer he would have ruffled your hair affectionately.
"Fair enough, sunny. That's a relief actually, given that I already booked for you to come along as well."
With a gasp, you thumped your dad lightly.
"Dude!" You cried, making him laugh and step back a little.
"Well, we're aiming to meet up around seven tonight so be sure to be ready by half six." He grinned at you and you felt yourself returning the expression. It was nice seeing your dad looking a lot happier these days.
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By the time you were dressed up ready for the meal that night you were inwardly panicking. Had you overdressed? Underdressed? Why did it even matter what his friends thought? Oh god, having to eat in front of his friends?! Needless to say, you were an absolute mess. Your dad grabbed one of your hands to squeeze it comfortingly as the two of you sat in the back of a taxi on the way to the restaurant and your lips curled up slightly in appreciation. It would be okay. There was no need to panic.
The ride was all too short to calm your nerves and at this point you felt jittery. It was too late to back out now though, and you quickly climbed out of the taxi when your dad walked around to open your door for you, mumbling a quick thanks and smoothing out the skirt of your pretty dress. You hadn't gone with anything flashy, opting to wear a mid-thigh length white dress that was covered in tiny blue flowers with a dropped neckline, some pretty knee-high socks and white sneakers. It made you feel good, your large curves complimented your outfit and you felt less inclined to shy away right now. With a quick adjustment of the strap of your bag, you followed your dad into the restaurant.
Oh... it was certainly more posh than you anticipated. Had your dad's friends always been this fancy?! Those coils of anxiety only tightened more as your dad spoke to the waiter about the booking. And then you were both escorted to a large table where six other people were already seated.
"Well look who it is! (D/n), you're looking well!" One of the men exclaimed cheerfully. You vaguely recognised the faces around the table, but not enough to know them by name. The man's eyes flicked to you and his eyes widened. "Goodness! Is that your little one?! You're all grown up!"
Your cheeks felt hot as you quickly sat down beside your dad, smiling shyly at the outspoken friend.
"Yeah, it's me. I don't think you guys have seen me since I was... eleven?" You conversed quietly. One of the wives of a different friend leaned forward, eyes sparkling.
"You look gorgeous, sweetie!"
Beside you, your dad could feel you trembling slightly and chuckled, waving his friends off.
"Alright, alright let the girl be."
As the attention drifted from you and the conversations changed to the mundane of friends catching up after a long time, your eyes drifted around the table. Your brows slightly pulled together. There was an empty seat next to you on your left. You gently nudged your dad, who turned to you.
"What's up, sunny?" He asked quietly. You offered a quick smile of reassurance.
"Um, is there meant to be someone else here?"
His eyes flicked to the empty chair, then back to you.
"Ohhh right yes! You remember Mr Hotchner, right? He's running a little late but he should be here soon."
No, you didn't quite remember Mr Hotchner. It had been years since you'd heard anything surrounding that name. All you knew was he had a very involved job that took him all over the country. As you sat deep in thought your dad's voice cut through as he made a humming noise, mouth full of beer. You glanced at him, noting he was looking over your shoulder at someone. But before you could turn you heard the chair next to you slide on the polished floor and shuffle as someone sat down in it. A wave of an alluring cologne flooded your senses and you slowly turned back to facing the table, heart racing. Then you heard him.
"I'm sorry I'm late, we just got back from a case. Barely had time to freshen up at home before coming here." Mr Hotchner spoke smoothly, voice deep and sensually gentle. You dared to glance next to you and you clenched your pillowy thighs together. Fucking christ, he was sexy! With the corner of his mouth turned upwards, the man oozed assurance and control as he greeted his friends around the table. Your eyes couldn't stop wandering over his features, the scattered beauty marks on his mature skin, the eyebags under his dark eyes, the prominent slope of his nose that you quickly had to move on from to not let your mind wander too much... His hair was short with a few stray wisps flopping onto his forehead and you could have sworn you could spot a few streaks of grey in it too.
And then he turned to look at you and your father. He raised a brow, feigning surprise.
"Oh hello, Mr (L/n). It's been a very long time since I saw you last. And this must be..." his eyes drifted to you, his lips twitching.
"(Y/n), sir." You managed to say, feeling hot and flustered. You dad chortled.
"My lovely sunny is here to humor her old man! Don't spook her."
"Spook me?" You squeaked. Mr Hotchner chuckled and shook his head.
"He's referring to me profiling people as part of my job. It tends to freak people out." He explained to you in that delicious voice of his. "And please, call me Aaron. Calling me sir makes me feel old."
Aaron didn't look even the slightest bit annoyed, his smirk only growing as his eyes travelled up and down your figure. You shivered.
"I- I see... Could you tell me more about this, um, profiling stuff? I don't really know what you do for a living." You admitted. Aaron had ordered a bourbon, taking hold of the glass and sipping some of the deep orange coloured liquid and setting the glass down again.
"Oh? Well, seeing as you're curious..."
You barely remembered the meal you had ordered, more engrossed in the conversation you were having with this man. He was so fascinating, passionate and when the topic of his son came up his smile softened and he pulled his wallet out to show you a photo of the cute boy. That... hm. You didn't want to think about the fact that he had already been through something as involved as having a child with someone. There was no place for you to be thinking about this man any more than a daughter of his best friend should.
But here you were, spending the night chatting to the man effortlessly whilst your heart fluttered. It was only when your dad tapped you on the shoulder that you realised the evening was coming to an end.
"Hey sunny, I know you're having a great chat with Aaron there but it's time to get going." He said with a chuckle. Your eyes widened slightly and you scowled, shoving him with your shoulder.
"Say less dad, I beg." You shot back quickly, cheeks flushing as you followed along with him pushing away from the table and standing up. Your hands smoothed out your dress, making sure all was in place again and you shuffled closer to standing next to your dad. It was when Aaron rose up slowly from his own seat with an air of grace that you realised you had to crane your neck a bit to look him in the face. The corner of his mouth twitched at the slight widening of your eyes when he straightened up and you dipped your head quickly.
"Don't worry, I'll be sure to try see you again. Although, I'm not certain on when that would be." He spoke, eyes focused on you. Your dad reached forward to shake his hand, seemingly oblivious to what was happening.
"Whenever you're back in town Aaron, you're free to come visit, my pleasure." He shook firmly, but Aaron was barely focussed. With an unwavering eye contact, his smirk widened. You could feel your legs trembling slightly under his fiery gaze.
"Oh, the pleasure is mine."
When their hands dropped, Aaron turned to you and offered to shake your hand as well, his hand smothering yours when you hesitantly reached out to take it. He gazed down at you, his thick lashes framing his gorgeous brown eyes.
"Until next time, (Y/n)." He said quietly and then turned around and walked away. Your dad raised a brow at you as you watched the older man retreat but merely chuckled once under his breath.
"Come on you, taxi's on its way." Your dad pulled you from your daze and you blinked, cheeks feeling warm for being caught staring. With a huff, you slapped your dad's shoulder when you noticed the growing grin on his face.
"Yeah, yeah. Shut up."
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Over the next couple months, you saw Aaron briefly as he passed by in between cases. Each time, no matter for how short of a time, he would stop to chat and get to know you a little more. And every time you felt your crush grow stronger and stronger. But suddenly, he stopped showing up. You never heard from him, not a peep. Humiliatingly, when you idly asked your father if he had heard from the man he showed you the communications he had had from the last time Aaron had been in town to now. To say the least it left you feeling crushed and stupid.
Another month flew by after that before you saw Mr Hotchner again. For the first couple weeks you were secretly hopeful he would show up again, checking up every time you returned from work. But he never showed. And it... well, it didn't feel good to miss someone you had only met properly once and had a couple smaller conversations after that with. Maybe he knew you had a stupid crush on him and was put off from showing up. He had no reason to want someone like you, after all. By the sixth week since you'd seen the man last you'd forced yourself to move on from being hopeful.
And then when you returned home from work one evening you noticed an unfamiliar car parked at the end of the driveway. Tired, you paid it no mind and trudged up to the front door and let yourself in with your key. You shuffled into the house and locked the door behind you, then made a move to enter the living room.
"Hey, dad? I'm home." You called out. There was a scuffle of feet and the very same man appeared with a grin.
"Ah, there you are! We have a guest over, as you probably could tell." He said cheerily and you chuckled.
"Mhm, well I'll just go and change upstairs. Be back in a sec."
With a ruffle of your hair from your dad, you rushed upstairs and decided to take a shower to wash the exhaustion of the day away. After you'd dumped your bag on your bed, you grabbed your towel and a fresh set of lounging clothes to lay out on your bed and made your way to the bathroom which was down the hall. Avoiding looking in the large vanity mirror, you stripped and stepped under the warm water of the shower once you'd switched it on.
"Mmh.." you groaned as the water sprayed down your achy muscles. For a moment, you simply stood there with your eyes closed as you basked in the soothing sensation. A moment later you lathered your plush body with your favourite soaps, taking care to glide your hands over your every curve. Idly, you thought of him, of those hands of his. You switched the water to cold.
Feeling clean and relaxed, you stepped out of the shower and wrapped your towel around yourself. Now all there was to do was return to your bedroom. As you crossed the hall, you heard the tap of footsteps making their way up the staircase. As sneakily as you could, you peeked to see who was ascending and a little squeak escaped you against your will. Still just as devastatingly handsome as the last time you saw him, Mr Hotchner was gaining closer and closer to your location and with a quick jump of action you scurried the rest of the way to your room and all but slammed your door shut.
Your chest heaved, adrenaline pumped through you and shakily you towelled yourself off and redressed in the fresh clothing. Maybe it was better if you changed, you thought as you looked down at the slightly more fitted tank top and shorts you were sporting now.
"No, don't be ridiculous." You mumbled to yourself and after hanging your towel up to dry you forced your legs to move towards your bedroom door and back out to the hallway. It was when you made it to the top of the stairs he called out to you.
"Oh, (Y/n). I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were exiting the bathroom earlier." Aaron said smoothly, startling you to spin on your axel towards him. Shit, had he seen you?!
"Um, it's fine. No harm done." You mumbled in response, shifting your weight from one hip to the other under his dark gaze. His brow twitched.
Much to your dismay, he was by your side quicker than you realised and the two of you descended down to find your dad. With every step, the back of Aaron's hand would brush against the side of your arm accidentally, causing goosebumps to spring up across your skin. What were you to say to this man now?
"It's...it's been a while since you were last in town." You said finally, internally wincing and wishing you'd stayed quiet. The man beside you hummed.
"Had an onslaught of back-to-back cases. This is the first time my team and I have been able to catch a break. And... well, we won't get into it just yet." Aaron responded, his exhaustion barely suppressed behind his words. You wanted answers, to know why he showed up now or all times. Of what he wouldn't get into. Instead, you made a barely audible noise in response.
Glancing at the man you realised he was full on frowning now and you cleared your throat, chest aching.
"Oh! I see you found her then, huh?" The sound of your dad's voice startled you and you quickly stepped away from the older man beside you. Rounding the corner, your dad appeared wearing a jacket and shoes over his clothes, confusing you.
"Dad? Where are you going?" You asked.
"Just going to the store to grab some food."
Aaron frowned and stepped forward, stuffing his hand into his pocket to grab his wallet.
"Here, let me head to the store or at least pay for the inconvenience." He said but your dad huffed and straightened out his jacket.
"No, you're our guest, Aaron. Now grab yourself a drink and relax, buddy."
Shaking his head but smiling, Aaron reluctantly stuffed his wallet away and raised his hands in defeat.
"Next time is on me, (D/n)."
"Deal." Your dad grinned, then he shifted his focus to you. "You be a good host now, got it?"
You grimaced.
"I mean I don't mind going, he's here to see you anyway so.."
"Nonsense, I'm here to visit both of you." The man beside you said, of which your dad chuckled.
"Well there you go, he said it himself. Now I'm going out so we're not waiting too late having dinner."
You scoffed at his words but inwardly your heart was pounding. He was seriously leaving you home alone with Mr Hotchner?! Your eyes flitted to the man, who was seemingly paying attention to your father as he moved towards the front door. It was only when you heard the slam of the door that it truly sunk in; you were home alone with the man you'd grown an embarrassingly big crush on while simultaneously feeling an unjustified anger towards.
On shaky legs, you shuffled towards the kitchen to grab a drink and calm your nerves. Just as you grabbed a glass from the cupboard he spoke.
"Are you alright?" Aaron's voice startled you once again and automatically your hand let go of the glass cup, a crash following as it smashed into glistening, sharp shards. You'd barely gasped when Aaron appeared crouched before you, picking larger shards up immediately.
"I'm sorry." He uttered, snapping you out of your startled trance. You crouched down as well as you shook your head vigorously.
"No, it's okay. It's my fault-"
You looked up and froze, realising your faces were far closer than you'd anticipated. He was frowning, then he straightened up rapidly to dump the shards of glass in his hands in the trashcan.
"Please, leave the clean up to me. I was the one who startled you. Besides, you haven't got shoes on right now. So, can you hop up on the counter top?" He asked you, his tone more firm than you'd heard before. It made your lower lip jut out. You made a noise of acknowledgement, straightened up and braced your palms on the counter top behind you to help yourself onto it. Aaron had turned back to you by this point, a wash of satisfaction traced over his more alert expression at the sight of you safely away from the shards on the ground.
"Vacuum?" He simply said. You winced.
"O-oh.. um, it's in the storage under the staircase."
With a nod, Aaron swiftly left the room, his footsteps echoing through the house. God, could you feel anymore embarrassed than you did already in that moment? He had to clean up after you because you were incapable of functioning around him. You wished you had a crush on someone nearer your age, at least they wouldn't find you so childish as you suspected Aaron did. With your head hanging low you didn't even notice him re-enter the room, not until he padded towards you carefully and set the vacuum down.
"Hey... it's alright, just an accident. I didn't mean to scare you." He said softly. You sniffled and shook your head.
"S'fine. I'm okay." You mumbled. He paused for a moment, then placed a hand on your knee.
"I'll just quickly clean this mess up, alright sweetheart? I'll be with you as soon as I can."
Your head shot up at the pet name, wet eyes wide as you studied his face. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards, despite the concerned furrow in his brow.
"There you are. Just sit tight, don't want any glass to hurt you."
You watched as Aaron set up the vacuum cleaner and, crouched again, he hastily but thoroughly removed the debris from the floor. When he was satisfied, he unplugged the machine and lifted it up, the muscles in his arms bulging in his neat dress shirt. Your eyes followed him, but dropped away when he glanced your way.
"Um thanks, Mr Hotchner." You uttered and made a move to slide off the counter top. And then one of his long legs pressed against your shin, willing you to stay in place.
"Ah, ah, ah wait there." He muttered.
You quivered and shuffled back onto the counter top properly. What on earth..? You watched him leave again, swinging your legs nervously. Surely he had got rid of all the glass, right? You were unable to ponder for long when Aaron returned again, eyes on you as he approached. Your brows creased.
"Um I'm sure I can move, right? You got all the glass."
He hummed, stopping in front of you now, gaze still unwavering.
"Can't be too careful now, can we?" He said with a little smirk. You swallowed thickly.
"May I talk to you about something?"
Your eyes trailed over his face, noting on an emotion you hadn't spotted upon first inspection. Slowly, you shook your head.
"Um yes, you can, Mr Hotchner."
He puffed air out of his nose.
"You don't need to be so formal with me, (Y/n)."
You dropped your gaze.
"Sorry, can't help it." You managed to say, feeling shy and silly. He leaned one hip against the counter beside you, crossing his arms against his broad chest.
"Don't apologise, sweetheart." He shifted his weight, now a little closer still to you. His scent enveloped you, it was soothing. "I... wanted to apologise for disappearing for a long time." He finally said. You shuddered.
"Um, it's okay-"
The sound of him clearing his throat silenced you and rendered you unable to do anything more than stare wide-eyed at him. He hummed and raised a brow.
"Sweetheart, you do know I can tell when someone is lying, right?"
"Mr Hotchner, sir I- I'm not lying, It's okay-"
Aaron moved suddenly, caging you in by placing his hands either side of your wide, plump hips and stared you down.
"Tsk. Don't be naughty by doubling down on lying." He gazed through his thick lashes now, leaning his face closer to yours. His scent overwhelmed you now and you bit back a whimper. "Come now, I upset you and I want to make things right."
You squeezed your eyes shut and gripped onto your shorts tightly, balling the fabric up in your tight fits.
"F-fine. I just... why did you stop visiting all of a sudden?" You wrinkled your nose a little and huffed. "God, I sound like a fucking weird-"
"No. Allow me to explain."
You exhaled quietly, not expecting him to cut you off like that. He sighed and lifted his hands up to rub his face.
"I... well, I had to distance myself from you. Not because I don't enjoy seeing you, it's more the opposite. I have feelings for you which I most certainly should not have, not as a friend of your father." He said, fumbling his thumb and pointer finger together.
You froze.
Was this really happening? Your heart felt like it was racing, your stomach coiling as you stared at him.
"I- Mr Hotchner, you..."
Aaron grimaced and shifted his weight, ready to step back from you.
"I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. I knew this was a bad idea to tell you, but I just thought you should know why I had started avoiding you." He said sincerely, then dropped his arms and turned his body.
You didn't know why you did it, but your hand shot out and you grabbed his shirt.
"-No! Don't- don't go!"
Aaron's breath hitched from your outburst, but he also didn't try to pull away from your touch either.
You felt warm, dropping your gaze whilst your fingers messed with the expensive fabric of his shirt.
"I- I don't want you to leave. You didn't make me uncomfortable." You mumbled. The man waited for you to continue speaking as you opened your mouth and closed it a few times. "I, um, I just wasn't expecting you to say you were interested in me."
Your eyes flicked to his face and you sucked your lower lip between your teeth at the furrowed expression on his face.
"You thought I wasn't interested in you?" Aaron's brows raised and he stepped a little closer towards you. "Sweetheart, I don't tend to talk to people outside of my close circle much at all, and, admittedly, I don't often visit people very often. But I just had to see you again."
His confession made you feel strange in a way you couldn't pinpoint on. Not necessarily bad, but a little unsure. Your eyes met his beautiful dark brown ones.
"Mr Hotchner, I don't see why you-"
"Call me that one more time and you'll be calling me sir instead." He cut you off sternly and you gasped. His left hand moved to rest on the counter just barely brushing against the outer side of your thigh and he leaned towards you, his face almost close enough for the two of you to kiss.
"I want you, sweetheart. I've spent the last few months trying to clear you from my thoughts," He paused to let out a small sigh. "However, you remain embedded within the foundations of my mind and I've come to accept this wholly. But just tell me if you don't want this and I will never bring this to you again, I promise."
Your eyes trailed over his face, tracing the creases and lines of age and you longed to feel them under your fingertips. You grabbed onto his arm.
"I-I want this... please. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you too." You confessed with a shy smile. Aaron chuckled through an exhale of relief and he began to close the gap between your lips and his.
"I was hoping you'd say that."
Desperately, you pressed your lips to his and moved your hands to grip onto his broad shoulders. Responding to you, Aaron's hands moved to grab onto the squish of your hips, digging into them as he pulled you ever closer towards him. Now chest to chest, you whined against his mouth and instinctively, your legs parted enough for him to slip between.
All too soon, you parted for oxygen, your chest heaving and straining under your lounging tee. Aaron brushed his nose against yours sensually, his thumbs stroking your hips.
"I estimate your father will be gone for forty-five minutes at most." He murmured and you whimpered.
"Y-yes, maybe..."
"Sweet girl, I want to make sure you know how I feel, truly."
Your hands tightened their grip on the shirt.
He chuckled, pressing a light kiss to your lips.
"If you'll let me, sweet girl, I want to pleasure you. We'll have to be quick though, at least this time round."
This time, this time. You felt light headed in the best way.
"W-what do you wanna do?" You hesitantly asked him. Aaron slid his hands to the expanse of your thighs with a hum.
"You don't know how much I wanted to slip my hand up your dress that night we met to touch your pretty pussy, sweetheart- "
"M-Mr Hotchner!" You squeaked, cheeks flushing from the dirty confession. A deep rumble reverberated through him and one of his hands lightly slapped your thigh. You jolted, but he held you in place.
"That's it, little girl. I don't want to hear any other title other than 'sir' from you now until I say so, is that clear?"
You nodded. Another slap, slightly closer to your inner thigh. You gasped out.
"Y-yes sir!"
Satisfied, Aaron hummed and grabbed onto your thighs and, with a hint of a smile, he pulled you closer to the edge and spread your legs wider. You yelped, hands grasping onto any part of him you could to steady yourself and he chuckled whilst pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth.
"Mhm, gonna let me take a look, sweetheart?" He murmured against your skin, fingers dancing along the waistband of your shorts. You whimpered.
"I-I-" Fuck, you didn't know what to even say. You'd done minimal things with others before, but they were underwhelming experiences and you preferred to close that chapter of your life. But here you were, sprawled out on the kitchen counter with your father's friend who was more than twice your age, trying to process what he had asked you.
Aaron brushed his nose against yours, bringing you from your racing thoughts.
"Aww, don't know what you want, sweet girl? It's alright, let daddy help you." He cooed. Almost immediately, your body spasmed with the way he addressed himself and he huffed out a quiet laugh. "You like that, huh? Like the thought of calling me daddy?"
You whimpered, hips rolling against his with need.
"Uh-huh, I do."
"Say it then, I want to hear it. Then I'll give you anything you want."
Your eyes widened at the commanding tone he used. Your pussy twitched.
"I- I do, daddy. Wanna call you daddy really badly."
"Mhmm.." Aaron pressed his lips to yours again and your hands gripped his shirt again. You could feel the prominent bulge in his pants against your clothed slit now, subconsciously grinding yourself against it. With a low growl, Aaron pulled his lips from yours sharply and his hands grasped your thighs to pin you in place. You whined, trying to push back and feel the friction against your pussy again.
"Behave, little girl. Now lift your butt up for me." He commanded you and, desperate for his touch, you propped yourself up on your elbows to raise your ass from the counter top. You vaguely heard him call you a good girl before he slipped his finger tips into the band of your shorts and, with a swift pull, he removed them. You squeaked, automatically closing your legs but Aaron growled, tugging your plush thighs apart again. Your chest heaved, arousal flaring within you as you realised he was staring directly at your panties. His mouth twitched.
"Pretty panties on such a pretty girl."
You whimpered when he let go of your right thigh to slide his thick fingers over a wet patch on the crotch of fabric. Your hips bucked, you hadn't realised just how pent up you were.
"D-daddy- please!" You pleaded and he cooed at you with a smirk.
"Want daddy to play with your little pussy, huh? We'll have to be quick if you wanna cum."
You nodded eagerly, grinding your hips against his fingers eagerly.
"Mmh- yes, sir!"
"Good girl. Hold your legs spread for me."
Hooking your hands underneath your knees, you trembled as Aaron moved his right hand to pull your panties to the side, revealing your slick, puffy pussy to him. He hummed in approval, ghosting his fingers over your folds and gathering some of your juices on the tips.
"You're so wet, sweetheart. Is this all for me?" He asked softly. You wiggled your hips a little.
"Y-yeah, daddy~ only for you..."
Aaron groaned as he parted your folds to reveal your hooded clit and dripping entrance.
"Next time I want to eat you out, sweet girl. You're fucking divine looking." He rumbled, swiping his thumb over your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your hips bucked immediately, Aaron hummed. "Gonna fingerfuck you this time, that sound nice, huh?"
"Mmmh, yeah daddy, need it!" You whimpered, at this point just desperate for anything. Aaron kissed you roughly, the sounds of both yours and his lips moving against one another made you squirm. But you gasped out when he slipped his thick middle finger into your entrance, taking you by surprise. And with a smug grunt, Aaron slid his tongue against yours to deepen the messy kiss. One finger became two, sliding in and out of your sopping wet hole and stretching you around the two digits.
The edge of his palm massaged your throbbing, little clit as he curled the fingers upwards inside you, searching for the spot that would have your toes curling. A sudden burning pleasure spread through your lower abdomen and you moaned against Aaron's mouth. You felt his lips curl into a smile, smug as he began to thrust the two fingers up inside you in an unbreaking movement. You heard it then, the messy, gushing sound of your pussy squelching in time with the rapid thrusts and you bucked up into it, feeling the burning pleasure begin to build up. You couldn't kiss back anymore, mouth fallen open now with every whimper and cry as the thrusts increased in speed. Aaron bit down onto your lower lip, then pulled away with a wet kiss.
"You're fucking clenching around daddy's fingers so well, sweetheart. You close, huh? You gonna cum for me?" He coaxed you, the hand that had originally been holding your panties to the side now pressed down on your plush stomach, leveraging his other hand's movement. You sobbed and writhed, eyes fluttering as you struggled to keep them open.
"G-gonna cu-um! Wanna cum, daddy!"
With a grunt, Aaron's fingers moved blindingly fast, your pussy's squelches echoing in the kitchen along with your wails. He pressed his lips to your neck.
"Fucking cum for me, sweetheart. Come on, that's a good girl. Cum." He growled at you. And as your pussy began to flutter and clench around his fingers he ripped them from your hole and instead brushed them over your almost neglected clit. It was almost instantaneous then, the arch of your back, the roll of your eyes, moaning brokenly as you cummed hard.
And then you heard the keys jingling in the lock of the front door.
"Fuck-" Aaron hissed, pulling his hand away and quickly grabbing your shorts so you could pull them back on again. You were shaking, struggling to pull the garment of clothing back on so you could slip off the counter top. You heard running water, spying Aaron washing his hands and when you met his gaze the two of you giggled, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
"G-go up to the bathroom!" You whispered, gesturing to the prominent bulge in his crotch area. He huffed, but grinned and pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
"We'll continue this another time, sweetheart." He whispered. He rushed off out of sight and, whilst on still shaky legs, you turned to wipe down the kitchen top just in time for your father to enter the room.
"Ah, you getting a head start with clearing up ready to eat?" Your dad greeted you and you bit your lip to hold back a giggle.
"Mhm, don't you know it."
Needless to say, Mr Hotchner ended up staying too late to drive home that night.
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Not my best work I gotta say but 😔😔 hope yawl like it anyway SKSKSKSK
Gonna move the taglist to the comment section I think but yeah if you'd like to be tagged in future works lemme know!
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awkwardauthorwrites · 2 years
In The Middle
Word Count: 5.4k (this got away from me, whoops)
Themes: love triangle, pining, angst if you squint. Fem!Reader
Based on this request: Please could I request a Sebastian x Slytherin!reader x Ominis based during HL. After a few months of knowing the reader the boys suddenly realise one day they are falling in love with the reader and start to become a bit bitter towards each other and very jealous if another guy gives her attention. 
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL. I’ve also aged them up to 7th year (all 18+) so it’s been a few years instead of a few months. Also like two swear words?
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Sebastian pretended to read from the book he was holding, but in reality he was watching Y/N and Ominis as they sat on the couch opposite him. His eyes narrowed as Y/N leant in to point to something on the textbook Ominis was holding, her fingers trailing over the braille words slowly. She was too busy trying to decipher the little bumps on the page to notice Ominis move a little closer to her, his face taking on a barely perceptible shade of pink as he brushed his hand against hers. Sebastian wouldn’t have noticed himself if he hadn’t been watching the pair so closely - if he hadn’t been watching Y/N so closely.
“Is that the time?” Y/N looked up at the clock above the fireplace and jumped up. Sebastian bit back his grin at Ominis’ disgruntled expression and looked at the words in front of him, feigning that he had been reading all along. “I promised I would meet Poppy ten minutes ago! Sorry boys, I’ve got to run.” She squeezed Ominis’ hand in apology before pausing in front of Sebastian, her head cocked to the side curiously. 
“Do you want to hold my hand to say goodbye as well?” Sebastian asked dryly. Y/N laughed quietly and shook her head before reaching out and turning Sebastian’s book the right way up. His face burned as her hand lingered on his before she gave them both a sweet smile and left the common room. Ominis turned back to his book, his fingers moving along the page to read what was in front of him.
“Just because I can’t see doesn’t mean I don’t know you’re staring,” Ominis looked in his general direction. “What’s the matter?”
“Do you like her?” Sebastian asked.
“You’re going to have to be more specific.”
“Y/N, you prat.”
“She’s my closest friend after you and Anne, of course I like her.”
“Don’t play dumb, Ominis. You know what I mean.” Sebastian rolled her eyes at his best friend, not that he could see. “Do you have feelings for her?”
“I…I suppose so. Yes.” Ominis’ pale face flushed and he began to fiddle with the corners of the pages of his book. “Do you?”
“Well, indeed.” They both sighed loudly, a slight uncomfortable silence falling over them. Ominis drummed his fingers on the arm of the couch anxiously, his mind reeling with the information. He wasn’t stupid, he knew Sebastian had felt a certain way about Y/N ever since their fifth year. He hadn’t been able to talk about anything but her for weeks until Ominis finally met her sneaking out of the Undercroft, and had done nothing but flirt with her ever since. Sebastian was charming and (if the female population of the school was to be believed) quite attractive. He had heard Y/N laugh breathlessly at his best friend’s advances and even flirt back on occasion. How was he supposed to compete with that?
Oblivious to his friend’s internal turmoil, Sebastian skimmed the page of the textbook he was holding, not really absorbing anything as he went through the motions. As if he wasn’t nervous enough about trying to pursue Y/N, now he had to contend with his best friend. Ominis was smart, funny, and rich; he could offer Y/N so much more than Sebastian ever could and then some. How was he meant to go up against him for her affections?
“What are we going to do?” Ominis asked quietly, his focus still on the book he held.
“I don’t know,” Sebastian sighed again and closed his book. “Should we tell her?”
“You want to tell her?”
“What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Any number of things, now that you’ve said that.”
“You’re free not to say anything,” Sebastian said. Ominis couldn’t tell if Sebastian was being sly or serious without seeing his expression. 
“Am I to believe that after two years of pining you’re finally going to tell Y/N you have feelings for her?” Ominis raised an eyebrow as he looked at Sebastian (or at least, he hoped he was) and closed the book he was holding. 
“Who says it’s been two years?”
“Sebastian, we’ve been friends for longer than I can remember, I know you better than you know yourself.”
“So you think I don’t have the guts to tell her?”
“I never said that.”
“You said after two years I’m finally going to tell her.”
“Sebastian,” Ominis sighed and carefully made his way around the coffee table to sit next to his friend. “Why are you trying to pick a fight?”
“I’m not! I’m just…” Sebastian ran a hand through his hair and turned in his seat to face Ominis. “What if we tell her and she chooses you?”
“Ah, so you’re jealous and insecure,” Ominis smiled without humour and nudged Sebastian. “What if we tell her and she chooses neither of us?”
“That’s not helping, Ominis.”
“I’m just showing you there are worse alternatives.”
“How can you be so calm about this? Would it not kill you if she chose me?”
“It would hurt for a while, sure,” Ominis shrugged. “But I think at the end of the day I just want Y/N to be happy - whether that’s with you, or me, or neither of us.”
“So we’re telling her?”
“Yes, I suppose we are.”
Y/N made her way to the Undercroft, clutching the note from Sebastian and Ominis had sent requesting they meet there. Why they had sent her a note was beyond her - they had all been sitting together at dinner and had left moments before her, only to send a first year to deliver the message. She glanced around to make sure no one was around to watch her and tapped her wand on the entrance to the secret passage before ducking inside. Sebastian and Ominis were both standing in their usual corner, talking in hushed, hurried voices. They stopped suddenly when they heard the gate close behind Y/N and turned to face her.
“Hi,” Y/N felt her stomach flip nervously, but wasn’t quite sure why. There seemed to be a lingering tension in the air that she couldn’t quite put her finger on and it set her on edge.
“Hey, you,” Sebastian grinned at her as she neared, his hand reaching out to brush the back of hers.
“What’s with the secrecy? Why couldn’t we discuss this at dinner?”
“Sebastian and I had something to talk to you about and thought it would be best to do it in privacy,” Ominis said.
“Okay…” Y/N looked between them both hesitantly. “Why does it look like you guys are about to tell me that someone stole from the repository under the castle?”
“It’s nothing that bad,” Sebastian chuckled. “We promise.”
“We hope,” Ominis muttered. Y/N looked at him with raised eyebrows (not that he could tell) before turning the expression on Sebastian.
“I’m starting to get nervous.”
“We both like you,” Sebastian blurted out. Ominis exhaled slowly and faced his friend with a look that seemed to say are you fucking serious?
“Well, I should hope so,” Y/N laughed awkwardly and tucked a stray hair away. “You’re my closest friends.”
“No, Sebastian means we like you. We both have feelings for you.”
“Oh…oh.” Y/N felt her heart stutter in her chest before it started to beat a little faster. “You…both of you?”
“Both of us,” Ominis confirmed with a nod. “We realise this isn’t exactly ideal but that’s why we asked you to meet us here so we could discuss it.”
“How - I mean. Why? I don’t - ”
“I think we might have broken her, Ominis.”
“The first time she’s ever been speechless and it’s when we actually need her to speak,” Ominis rolled his eyes, but there was a small teasing smile on his face.
“It’s a lot to take in!” Y/N protested. “I never thought one of you would admit to having feelings for me, let alone both of you.”
“Are you saying you’ve imagined one of us admitting we like you?”
“Don’t put words in my mouth, Sallow, that’s not what I said.” Y/N pressed a hand to her chest to try and calm her heart, which was hammering away painfully fast. “How can you both…?”
“Is it so hard to believe?” Sebastian murmured. He itched to take her hand in his, to try and ease some of the anxiety she was feeling, but instead crossed his arms and leant back against the wall. He watched Ominis’ fingers twitch and knew he was thinking the same thing. Y/N fell silent, an uncertain expression crossing her face.
“Has she got a look on her face I’m going to be annoyed at?” Ominis asked.
“Without a doubt. What’s running through that pretty head of yours, Y/N?”
“How long?”
“Since fifth year,” Sebastian answered. He watched her eyebrows shoot up in surprise as her face flushed. “If you want full honesty I was entranced by you from the moment you beat me in our first duel in Defence Against the Dark Arts. I never really realised it until after everything went down with my Uncle though - you were the only one who stood by my side the entire time. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“It was last year for me,” Ominis answered before she could turn to him. “Around the beginning of sixth year. I can’t really pinpoint when I realised, but it was when we began spending more time together when I wasn’t talking to Sebastian. I woke up one day excited to be alone with you and that’s when it clicked.”
“So you’ve both had feelings for me for at least a year and you’ve chosen now to tell me? Together?”
“I mean, it took us a while to figure it out. You’re the smart one between us.”
“Speak for yourself Sebastian, I’ve known how you’ve felt for a while now,” Ominis rolled his eyes at his friend before turning his head in Y/N’s general direction. “Have you ever thought of us in that way? Either of us?”
Y/N would be lying if she said no. She had spent the majority of her fifth year pining after Sebastian, dropping everything the minute he sent her an owl requesting to meet up. She never realised he felt the same. After everything that happened with his uncle she decided to push her feelings aside and focus on being his friend, which was exactly what he needed.
Ominis on the other hand…she found herself drawn to him in their sixth year, and much like him started to relish the time they spent together away from prying eyes. She loved his dry, sardonic humour. She started to learn braille for him, mostly as a benefit for them both but also because she got to spend that much more time with him as he taught her.
“Has she run away?”
“No, she’s still here. It’s a shame you can’t see the blush on her face, she’s turned the most enticing shade of red.”
“I can imagine,” Ominis chuckled quietly. “She’s nervous, her heart is beating so fast.”
“Never took you for the shy type, Y/N.”
“It’s a little charming though, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Okay, can we please stop talking about me as if I’m not right here?” Y/N snapped.
“Are you going to answer our question?” Sebastian asked, a hint of amusement dancing on his features. Shy Y/N was a rare sight (one he enjoyed immensely) but the girl who had just snapped at them was his favourite version of her. The one who wasn’t afraid to say what she was thinking and often cut people into pieces with her sharp tongue. He may have been on the receiving end of it more times that he could count but he adored it. He adored her.
“No? Darling we’re both putting our hearts on the line here.”
“I meant no I haven’t thought about either of you that way.”
“You’ve always been a bad liar.”
“Shut up, Sebastian.” She rolled her eyes at him and crossed her arms over her chest. “I still don’t understand why.”
“Why? Surely you don’t mean why do we both have feelings for you?” Ominis looked at her sharply, a frown on his features. He couldn’t see her shrug uselessly or Sebastian send her a scathing glare, but the silence was answer enough. “Are you aware of how extraordinary you are?”
“I mean, the ancient magic is great, don’t get me wrong but - ”
“No,” Ominis shook his head, his voice rough as he interrupted her. “I don’t mean your abilities, I mean you. You didn’t know anything about magic - ancient or not - for the majority of your life and yet you’ve taken to it like a fish in water. You caught up on five years worth of schooling in less than a year. You’re hardworking, determined, ambitious - ” Ominis paused to take in a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair.
“Not to mention, you did all of that and more. You juggled catching up on school around helping everyone and their cat in the Highlands, on top of having your life constantly threatened,” Sebastian continued. “And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, we haven’t even gotten down to how beautiful you are - inside and out. You’re fucking stunning and you don’t even know it.”
“I can’t say much for your outer beauty, I’m afraid,” Ominis gave her a sheepish smile, “but Sebastian is right about you being beautiful on the inside too. You have the kindest soul I have ever met and I will forever be grateful that you came into my life, no matter what happens after this.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“Of course I do,” Ominis held his hand out for hers. Y/N slipped her hand into his after a brief moment of hesitation, her stomach fluttering pleasantly as he squeezed it gently. “You’re one of my best friends and that won’t change, regardless of what you decide today.”
“You’re my best friend too,” Y/N murmured. She caught Sebastian’s eye as he shuffled on his feet and couldn’t help but laugh quietly and grab his hand as well. “Don’t worry Sallow, you’re one of my best friends too.”
“Kind of hoping to be more than that, darling,” he winked at her and brushed his thumb across her knuckles, “but you’re one of my best friends too.”
“Have we made things better or worse?” Y/N asked quietly, looking between both of the boys.
“I’m not quite sure yet,” Omjnis chuckled and shook his head. 
“Imelda and Poppy would have a field day with this,” Y/N let go of both of their hands and wrapped her arms around her waist. “I can’t believe they were right,” she groaned and ran a hand through her hair.
“Hold on. You’ve spoken to Reyes and Sweeting about us?” Sebastian asked.
“Not technically,” Y/N grimaced and Sebastian watched as that beautiful blush rose to her cheeks again. “They’ve just been telling me for a while that you both have feelings for me.” She decided to keep to herself that Poppy was firmly on Team Sebastian while Imelda was Team Ominis, although it would have been wildly entertaining to watch Sebastian protest that Imelda was only Team Ominis so she could stand against him. “They keep pressing me to pick one of you.”
“Does that mean you have thought of one of us?” Sebastian asked. Y/N narrowed her eyes at him playfully and nudged his shoulder.
“Thought about strangling you, maybe,” she teased. They all shared a quiet laugh before Y/N looked between them thoughtfully. “In the spirit of honesty I should probably tell you guys I lied.”
“You don’t say,” Ominis gave her a sly smile. 
“I don’t know about you, Ominis, but I’m appalled.”
“Alright you two,” she rolled her eyes at their behaviour, “don’t make me regret saying anything.”
“I mean, technically you haven’t said anything yet.”
“Yes, care to enlighten the class on your abhorrent behaviour?”
“Well, I was going to tell you which one of you I’ve thought about but now I might just leave you both hanging.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Wouldn’t I?” Y/N asked innocently. The boys both let out quiet groans at her mocking tone and Y/N laughed quietly as they simultaneously ran their hands through their hair. She looked between the pair, from Ominis and his now dishevelled appearance to Sebastian as offered her a soft smile when she caught his eye. “I’ve thought about both of you.”
“You have?”
“I mean,” her face burned as they both turned to her with surprised expressions, “physical attributes aside, you’re both two of the best people I have ever met in my life - before and after Hogwarts. My life quite literally would not be the same without either of you in it and that makes all of this so much harder. I don’t want to lose either of you because of this.”
“You won’t lose us, love.” Ominis reached in her direction, his fingers running down her arm until he could take her hand again. “No matter what we decide - what you decide - we’ll still be right here. Right, Sebastian?”
“Right.” Sebastian took Y/N’s other hand and kissed her knuckles gently. “You’re stuck with us for life, darling. You won’t be getting rid of us that easily.”
“I don’t want to come between you two either.”
“You won’t,” Sebastian reassured her. “Ominis said to me earlier that it might hurt for a while if you pick the other, but all he wants is for you to be happy, and he’s right. We’re both grown men, we’ll get over it. You could pick neither of us and we would respect that and move on. We just want you to be happy - to have a chance to be the person who makes you happy.”
“I don’t…I don’t know how to decide though.” Y/N pulled both of her hands out of theirs again and took a couple of steps back until she could lean against one of the pillars in the room. “This isn’t exactly something we can flip a coin on.”
“I do have an idea,” Ominis offered, his face flushing slightly. “It’s a very Sebastian one though.”
“I don’t know what it is and I’m already offended.” Sebastian nudged Ominis gently, who just grinned and nudged him back.
“What is it?” Y/N asked apprehensively.
“You could always kiss us?” he muttered, his face burning as he said the words aloud. Y/N felt her own face flame as she processed his words and blinked a few times in surprise. Sebastian looked just as shocked at his friend’s idea (and a little disgruntled that he hadn’t thought of it first).
“I - both of you?”
“It’s not the worst idea,” Sebastian said slowly, “and it wouldn’t be at the same time.” He chuckled to try and ease the tension in the room and tried not to sound too excited at the prospect of kissing the girl he had been completely enamoured by for the better part of two years.
“And only if you wanted to,” Ominis added quickly. He looked down at the floor and willed the cool air of the Undercroft to get rid of the blush he knew was on his face. 
“It sounds highly inappropriate.”
“No one would ever have to know,” Sebastian assured her. He stuck his hands in his pockets to try and fight the urge to take her into his arms to try and quell the anxiety she was feeling. “Again, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
“I…” Y/N broke off and looked between them both again as she chewed thoughtfully on her lower lip. A part of her had wondered what it would be like to kiss them both, although she never thought it would be like this. “Okay.”
“Do you want me to take it back?” she raised an eyebrow at Ominis, who seemed to have turned a permanent shade of red.
“I don’t want you to feel pressured into this. Especially if this will be your first kiss.”
“Who said it was?”
“I don’t kiss and tell,” Y/N shrugged, a coy smile on her face. “How are we going to do this?”
“That depends; who would you like first?”
“I’m not picking which one of you kisses me first.” Y/N rolled her eyes and leant back against the pillar for support. “Flip a coin for all I care.” She watched as Sebastian dug into his pockets and pulled a sickle out, his shoulders tight with tension. Y/N couldn’t tell if it was because of the situation they had found themselves in, or because he was desperate to go first. “I do need to add for the sake of my sanity, whoever goes second needs to leave while this happens. I’m not having either of you watch like a hawk while I kiss the other.”
“I mean, technically I can’t watch, but if it makes you feel better.” Ominis shrugged, a small smile on his face as he heard Y/N laugh quietly. 
“You call it then, Ominis,” Sebastian flipped the coin in the air and caught it before covering it with his other hand. 
“Heads.” Sebastian uncovered the coin and Y/N could have sworn none of them were breathing as he took a look at which way the coin landed.
“Heads.” He looked between Ominis and Y/N and took a deep breath before sticking the coin, and his hands, into his pockets. “How long do I…?”
“Fifteen minutes?” Y/N suggested.
“Fifteen minutes?”
“Want me to make it thirty?”
“I’ll take a lap and see you both in fifteen,” Sebastian nodded and left the room quickly, sending Y/N a grin as she laughed at his reaction. The gate for the Undercroft echoed loudly as it slid shut behind him, leaving Y/N and Ominis on their own. She felt her stomach flutter nervously as he walked slowly over to her, his wand pulsing to lead him in the right direction.
“You don’t have to do this, you know?” Ominis murmured as he stopped in front of her. 
“I know. I just…” Y/N took a deep breath to try and fight the anxiety simmering in her veins and turned her head to look up at Ominis. “You both mean everything to me; this isn’t a bad idea. It’s the quickest way for me - for all of us - to work this out.”
“We could always raid Sharp’s potion store for some Amortentia and see what you smell.”
“I already know what I smell,” Y/N muttered shyly. Ominis gently reached for her arm and trailed his fingers up her shoulder and neck until he was cupping her jaw. “You both wear cologne that is too distinctive.”
“So, back to Plan A?”
“Plan A,” Y/N nodded and placed her hand on Ominis’ chest, right over his thundering heart. “Nervous?”
“Just a little,” Ominis admitted.
“You know this works both ways, right? You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to either.”
“My love, without sounding too brash, there is nothing else I would rather be doing.” Ominis met her halfway, his lips brushing over hers gently. Y/N felt her breath get caught in her throat as she kissed him back softly and slipped both of her hands up his chest to rest on the back of his neck. Ominis wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer, his movements unhurried as he kissed her sweetly. He was kissing her as if this would be the first and last time and he wanted to take his time to savour and commit it to memory. He pulled away too soon for her liking and placed his forehead on hers as he caught his breath.
“I need you to know that you mean everything to me, too,” he muttered. “I don’t care if you pick Sebastian after this, you will always be my closest friend, and I will never let this come between us.”
“You don’t need to say anything, love,” he pressed his lips to hers again, his hands tightening on her waist as she wound her fingers into his hair. He let a small noise slip as she tugged at his hair gently and Y/N couldn’t help but repeat her actions to draw it from him again. “Vixen,” he groaned and rest his head on her shoulder. 
“I’m not sure what you mean,” Y/N ran a hand down his back and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “I quite like this dishevelled look on you.”
“I quite like you,” Ominis replied, placing a chaste peck on her neck. Y/N stilled at the sudden action and tilted her head unconsciously to grant him more access. 
“Ominis,” Y/N bit back a moan as he pressed his lips to the pulse point on the crook of her neck. He kissed the spot again, a little more firmly this time, and let his lips linger there as Y/N tightened the grip on his hair. 
“Your heart is racing,” he muttered against her skin. 
“It’s entirely your fault.” He grinned at her words and slowly ran his hands up her sides until his fingers were tracing the features on her face with a look of pure concentration. “What are you doing?”
“Seeing you.”
“How does it work?”
“A lot of imagination and practice.” The corner of his mouth twitched as he ran his fingers over her cheekbones. “Sebastian was right, you are stunning.”
“So are you,” she replied shyly. The sound of the gates for the Undercroft made them reluctantly pull apart, although Ominis’ hand lingered on her jaw gently as he stepped away. Sebastian came into view, his gaze going to how close they were standing. Something akin to jealousy flashed behind his eyes, but he shook his head and plastered a charming smile on his features as he neared the pair.
“Well, you certainly look like you enjoyed yourself, Ominis.” He reached out and ruffled his friend’s hair playfully. Ominis swatted his hands away with a mock glare and began to brush his hair back into its usual slicked back style. 
“I guess it’s my turn.” He squeezed Y/N’s hand gently before making his way out of the Undercroft, the gate sliding shut behind him.
“Dare I ask how that went?” Sebastian asked quietly.
“Do you really want to know?”
“No, not particularly.” Sebastian hooked his thumb under Y/N’s chin and tilted her head up so she could meet his gaze. “I guess the downside to going second is Ominis has already told you that we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to?”
“He did.”
“Did he tell you how beautiful you are before he kissed you?”
“He did after.”
“Well, while I wish I could’ve said it all first, you should know that you’re breathtaking.” Sebastian leant in and gave her a soft, sweet kiss. “I’m head over heels for you, darling.” He muttered before pressing his lips back to hers. The second kiss was more frantic, his lips moving desperately against hers as he caged her against the wall. Where Ominis was trying to savour the moment, Sebastian kissed her with a fierceness that lit all of her nerves on fire. Y/N was aware of every part of his body that was pressed against hers as he tugged her lower lip between his teeth gently and couldn’t help but to let out a low groan.
“I’m here,” he pulled her tighter against him, his skin searing hers where they touched. Kissing Ominis made her feel warm inside, like climbing into a hot bath after a cold day, or sipping on a glass of firewhiskey. Sebastian, on the other hand, made every nerve ending feel electrified as he held her close. Y/N could feel the fireworks Poppy had once mentioned from a book of hers. Y/N found herself losing track of the time as Sebastian’s movements slowed, his kiss losing some of its desperation in favour of leaving her breathless. 
It wasn’t until she heard the gate for the Undercroft slide open that she jumped, pushing him away from her reluctantly as Ominis came back into the room. He seemed to pick up on the tension in the air as Y/N smoothed her hair and Sebastian fixed his tie, both of their faces bright red. The three of them stood in an awkward silence, none of them knowing how to continue through the uncharted territory they had stepped into. 
“So…” Y/N rocked back on her heels nervously and shot Sebastian a glare as he started to chuckle. “Shut up, Sallow.” He raised his hands in mock defeat, his eyes darkening as they roamed over her swollen lips and rumpled uniform. Y/N felt her blood boil at the gaze and quickly turned away from him. “I think I need some time to think.”
“Take all the time you need,” Ominis nodded slowly, oblivious to the scowl Sebastian shot her. He clearly didn’t believe that she needed time to think this over, to decide which one of them she was going to pick - if any.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve already decided for yourself.”
“No, I haven’t, I just…I just need a little time,” Y/N lied. She turned and started to make her way out of the Undercroft before they could question her further, ignoring them both as they called her name as the gate slid shut on her retreating figure.
Y/N had managed to successfully avoid both Sebastian and Ominis in the days that followed - a task that wasn’t the easiest, considering they were all in the same house. Luckily for her, boys were not allowed in the girls’ dorms, so Y/N had taken to hiding out in her rooms as soon as classes were over. Imelda and Poppy didn’t know exactly what had happened in the Undercroft, but had managed to piece together that both of the boys had admitted to having feelings for her. Needless to say, Imelda wasn’t too pleased at Y/N hiding out to avoid speaking to them but she still glowered protectively if either of them walked a little too close to her.
“How much longer do we have to watch you snivelling like a Gryffindor?” Imelda asked nonchalantly as she polished her broom.
“Imelda! We said we would be thoughtful about this,” Poppy gave the Scottish witch a reproachful look before turning to offer Y/N an apologetic smile. 
“Actually that was pretty nice for Reyes,” Y/N rolled her eyes and plucked at a few blades of grass. “I expected her to tell me at least a Gryffindor would be brave enough to face this head on.”
“Your words, not mine,” Imelda offered her a saccharine smile and laughed as Y/N flicked grass in her direction. “Look, we all know you’ve made your decision. Why can’t you just go tell them?”
“It’s not exactly easy telling one of my best friends I like the other better.”
“Sure it is. I tell Poppy I like her better than you all the time.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“And you’re a coward.”
“Didn’t they say they wouldn’t hold it against you?” Poppy cut in, trying to keep the peace between the two Slytherin girls. “They’ve both already prepared for the worst, Y/N.”
“I agree, if anything you’re just dragging out their misery.”
“That’s not what I meant, Imelda!” Poppy turned to her with a frown. Imelda laughed at the horrified expression on her face and reached out to pat her hand. 
“No, but it’s the kick Y/N needed to get moving, isn’t it, Y/L/N?”
“…yes,” Y/N groaned and stood up, brushing the grass from her robes before she bid her friends goodbye and walked away in search of one of the boys.
“Five galleons says she’s picked Ominis?”
“Imelda.” Poppy shook her head, but there was a smile playing on her face. “Make it ten, and my money is on Sebastian.”
Sebastian's Ending
Ominis' Ending
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pariahsparadise · 2 years
ye of little faith | e. p.
nav. | m.list
summary: eustace doesn't believe that edmund has a girlfriend.
wc: 800
pairings: edmund pevensie x fem!reader
warnings: VERY unedited. also it's 1am and i just wrote this in a burst of inspiration, so please don't expect it to be good.
a/n: i don't really know if this will make sense to anyone lol, i think i wrote it in a confusing way, but hopefully it's okay. it's mostly eustace's pov, i wanted to try something new. also, this exact scenario has been in my head for months now.
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“There’s no way he has a girlfriend,” Eustace tells Lucy, barging into the room. She immediately knows who he’s talking about, able to hear Edmund on the phone downstairs, voice softer than it usually is, taking the tone he automatically opts for when he speaks to Y/N.
“Why?” Lucy asks, half-heartedly entertaining her annoying cousin while she thumbs through the pages of her book. Unfortunately for her, Eustace Scrubb brightens at the attention, straightening up and launching into a rather well-thought out spiel.
“First of all, it’s Edmund we’re talking about. He’s awkward, way too hostile and bad-tempered. Not to mention, he’s barely of average height, and his hair? Absolutely ridiculous.”
“Y/N likes it,” Lucy says mildly, earning a scoff from Eustace.
“Y/N.” he says with disbelieving scorn, “As if she actually exists. You expect me to believe that a woman as beautiful and intelligent as you lot claim she is would actually be interested in Edmund? And so interested that she calls and writes to him multiple times a week? Yeah, right. I bet that Ed’s hired an escort to help him forget about how lonely he actually is. Or he’s paying some poor girl to play the part of a caring partner.” Eustace has had many such theories, the more creative ones dealing with blackmail and holding family members hostage, but so far, monetary imbursements seem to be the most likely.
“Sure, Eustace,” Lucy mumbles, having checked out of the conversation a while ago. He shakes his head at her disinterest, convinced that he is right, and leaves the room, muttering to himself disbelievingly.
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A few days later, a painting gushes out water and swallows them whole, so poor Eustace, although having taunted his cousins with his skepticisms about the magical land of Narnia and called them fools for believing in the same, is forced to confront that he was wrong. 
Eustace is soaking wet and miserable, still slightly panic infused. He can’t believe his eyes, convinced that he hallucinated the last fifteen minutes. Sitting on the ship, the Dawn Treader, he watches as his cousins are recognised as King and Queen. He’s related to royalty. 
With a humorous snort, he realises that this is more believable than Edmund Pevensie having a girlfriend.
Hell, even the talking rat next to him is more believable.
He goes to voice the same, but is distracted by a joyous whoop descending from the sky, followed by a splash in the ocean. Eustace is too busy trying to catch a glimpse of the figure underwater to notice the hopeful glances Edmund and Lucy exchange, the faint tremour in Edmund’s hands as he snatches a telescope from a passing crew member, getting a clearer view.
“It is her!” Ed cries, only barely held back from jumping overboard by Caspian, who laughs fondly at the Just King. Eustace tries to hear what the Prince tells Edmund, but all noise turns to mush the second he sees the young woman surface, a brilliant smile on her face.
At first glance, he thinks it’s a siren. He’s heard stories about their enchanting beauty and ethereal forms, and Eustace does genuinely believe that this woman is too gorgeous to be human like he is. As she swims closer, though, and the ship's crew help pull her onto the ship, Eustace notices the lack of a tail. And though her hair is soaked and strewn across her face, and her clothes suction themselves to her skin, none of it takes away from her radiance.
It also doesn’t distract him from the fact that she’s walking right towards him. 
Eustace’s mouth goes bone dry, and he gulps nervously, afraid she’ll talk to him and afraid she won’t, when suddenly, Edmund swoops past him and towards the woman. He snatches her up in a passionate embrace, hands securing her to him as he twirls her around in sheer delight.
When they kiss, chaste but heady, Eustace decides that he has never actually known anything about anything.
He’s scouring the sky for flying pigs when he hears Edmund’s self-satisfied voice behind him, “And this, my very real girlfriend, Y/N, would be my cousin, Eustace Scrubb.”
“How do you do?” Eustace says weakly, extending a hand, trying his hardest not to faint when you take it.
“Pretty well. If only Edmund would- what was it again?- stop holding my family hostage, I think I’d be great,” you rib amiably, throwing back one of Eustace’s earliest theories back into his now scarlet face.
“No, darling, you’ve got it wrong, I’ve currently got your dogs kidnapped and ready to be shipped to the pound, remember?” Edmund joins in on the fun, his smile widening as he earns a couple of chuckles from you, and a darker flush from Eustace’s cheeks. 
Eustace Scrubb, though unwilling, is forced to admit, after watching the two of you interact, gravitating towards each other naturally, at ease with the love that surrounds you, his cousin’s eyes brighter than he’s ever seen them, that it is very believable for Edmund Pevensie to be dating Y/N L/N after all. 
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freeuselandonorris · 4 months
❤️ here to request lando/max f, first kiss... pls :)
tysm this is the perfect prompt for nortrell!! i ended up doing a kinda 5+1 here ig? five times they could've kissed and one time they did? idk~
It could have happened years ago, is the thing. Almost has, a couple of times.
There’d been a few nights even back when they weren’t much more than kids, sharing the tiny, basic hotel rooms Ricky Flynn rented out for them after kart races. Nights when they’d watched Naruto on DVD on Lando’s tiny little laptop, cross-legged on the same bed, and Lando would rest his head on Max’s shoulder to see the screen better, so close his breath warmed Max’s cheek. 
Or the first night out they’d had after Lando signed his F1 contract. They’d gone out drinking – the last big night, Lando said, because he’d have to be good from now on, had a reputation to think about – with Theo and a group of Lando’s other mates, some Max knew, some he didn’t. It had all been a bit of a blur after the sambuca shots, apart from the feeling of Lando’s arms around his neck as Max spun him round, whooping. Half a dickhead attempt to make him sick, half genuine delight. Lando’s mouth had smeared wet and slick across Max’s cheek, over his top lip. Max’s breath had stuttered in his chest and he’d dropped Lando from his arms. Lando had bumped his chin off Max’s shoulder, spilling his vodka cranberry down Max’s arm in the process. 
And there’d been lockdown, of course, when they’d seen barely anyone but each other for months on end and sometimes it hadn’t seemed to matter much what they did, because nothing was ever going to be the same anyway. The nights they’d fallen asleep curled in the same bed. Waking with Lando’s sweaty face pressed into the hollow between Max’s shoulder blades. The way Lando stopped bothering to shut his bedroom door fully even when he was wanking, and Max just got used to the sound of his soft, hitching breaths as he walked past to go for a piss. Their tangled limbs on the sofa. Entire days spent watching the Fast and the Furious movies in chronological order because there was fuck all else to do. Lando running his toes idly up and down Max’s bare calf.
The closest they’d come – the most dangerous night of all – had been after everything went tits up with Luisa. Halfway through a night of pizza and self-recrimination, where Max hadn’t done much but occasionally say hmm and yeah but you know what girls are like, mate, Lando had turned to him with a wild and desperation expression and said I just want – I want to not feel like this for a bit, I want to not have any thoughts. I want to not think about it. Max had swallowed hard and patted his knee, shuffled off to the fridge and returned with beers.
Lando’s career goes from strength to strength. Their paths cross every few months. Every time, Max feels the phantom pull of their bodies. Lando’s eyes on his face, tracing a well-worn path from his eyes to his mouth and back again.
Max realises he can’t remember any of the reasons why this is a bad idea.
When he finally lets it happen, it’s almost an anticlimax. There’s no reason for it. No special occasion. Just Max, on Lando’s sofa in his untidy Monaco apartment that smells of cleaning products and cologne. Stone cold sober, apparently in full possession of his sanity. Turning to Lando midway through PSG v Dortmund extra time, and pressing their mouths together. Simple as that.
It’s soft. Just a gentle touch of their lips. He feels Lando’s inhale, the tiny wet point of his tongue-tip. 
He pulls back just enough to look Lando in the eye. Lando blinks. He doesn’t look shocked. 
“Mate,” he says, a breathy giggle. “What took you so long?”
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twstjam · 1 year
Back to your regularly scheduled twstjam simping!!! This post is also gonna be different though, because as I thought of this for Malleus I also began thinking of it for Sebek as well so now I'm doing it for all of Diasofam
Diasomnia + the Just One Bed trope prompts/scenarios
(Or at least, they were SUPPOSED to just be prompts but after Malleus I got a bit carried away with the others agdjdhdjdhd. Whoops? Oh also
DISCLAIMER: None of these are canon-compliant and I imagine them all to have a medieval fantasy setting)
You're a traveler who had unknowingly run into the Crown Prince of Briar Valley who's on the run because Briar Valley is currently unsafe for him and he is being hunted by bounty hunters. Seeing him as a fellow aimless traveler, you decide to let him join you and the two of you grow close. The two of you have always slept in different beds or tents of course out of respect for the other's space, until, one night, while in a town, the only inn that the two of you can find with an available room only has one bed in it. Having no other options, you both take it. You had intended to let Tsunotarou take the bed. He hasn't told you much about where he's from and you don't want to pry, but you know that he's from a high-class family and isn't all that comfortable yet with a rough lifestyle. Malleus had thought he'd be okay with it too, used to being the one prioritized, but he realises that he sees you as more than just a retainer like the ones that used to accompany him and the thought of you sleeping on the floor while there's a perfectly nice bed itches his scales. So, he makes you sleep in the bed with him and you wake up in the morning with his body curled around you, warm and comforting and protective, and for the first time ever you feel like you're home.
(The rest of Diasomnia are below the cut!)
Sebek is your friend but to be honest you don't know him too well. You're both always so busy with your own lives, you working for Crowley and him for Lord Malleus, so you rarely see each other. You're much closer and more comfortable with the other friends in your friend group, but still you wouldn't mind getting to know him more. You unexpectedly get a chance when, while on one of your jobs for Crowley, you end up in a spot of trouble and to your surprise Sebek comes to your rescue as he had also been assigned a job in the same area as you. You notice that though the two of you aren't that close and though he has a tough time dealing with a deeply-ingrained prejudice against humans, he had saved you anyway. You also notice that when you thank him and compliment his skill, he puffs out his chest with pride and his cheeks turn slightly red and you also notice that he's absolutely adorable. He seems more comfortable with you now as the two of you walk the marketplace together for supplies. Combat and the role of protector were things he prided himself in, so maybe your approval of it warmed him up to you more. Still though, it's daunting when the only available room at the only available inn has only one available bed. You offer it to him, but he refuses to let you be the more gracious one of the two of you and also to allow your frail human body to sleep on the floor. A few minutes later, you're both on your backs in the bed, pillows piled between you in a makeshift wall. It's awkward to say the least. So awkward that neither of you can sleep, so you fill in the silence with mindless chatter. Sebek listens. He also talks. Loves to talk, about anything and everything, and loves it more that you listen. The two of you wake up in the morning groggy but content, having tired yourselves out with endless conversation late into the night.
Silver (ft: angst and bittersweet ending, also not very conventional usage of the trope but I tried agshgddh)
You first saw him in a dream. Whether he was a knight in shining armor or some sort of guardian angel you had no idea. All you knew was that he was absolutely stunning. So beautiful that you didn't think it was possible he could be real. He is real though. Extremely real. He was a fellow trainee and a fellow royal guard and your friend and now he's wanted by the royal family because it was discovered that he's been secretly passing information to the fae. He disappears in the middle of the night but you see him again in your dreams so you go look for him, look for answers, because maybe you're a fool and maybe you're naive but you can't imagine your sweet, earnest comrade who in your opinion is much too gentle to be a guard could be so malicious as to betray you and your other friends in the royal guard. You see him in your dreams. He tries to run from you but you chase him and he lures you into the dark forests of the fae and they swarm you, but there's a fluttering of bats' wings and Silver is there right in front of you and his eyes are filled with pain and disbelief as he looks at you. Silver takes you to his childhood home and tends to your wounds. You discover that he's human but has always been fae, has been surrounded by them since before he learned how to walk, and his father is none other than the most fearsome one of them all: General Vanrouge. You don't want to believe him. Even though the proof is all around you in the homey lived-in cottage you're sitting in, you refuse to believe him, to believe that your friendship was all a part of his big undercover act to gather information for the fae, for his father. So instead, you lie back in his childhood bed and try to process it all. Silver looks like he wants to say something, apologise maybe, but he dozes off before he can. You can't help but laugh. It tastes bittersweet on your tongue and your eyelids are drooping and you fall asleep next to him just like you used to. At least in your dreams it's easy to pretend everything's alright.
Lilia (ft: Enemies to Lovers trope)
Fae General Vanrouge is your sworn enemy and rival and you thought that you'd feel triumphant at his capture, but instead the image of him beaten, bruised, and bloody makes you feel sick to your stomach. You realise that you're the only one who views him as an adversary and an equal. To everyone else, he's just an animal. A monster meant to be slaughtered—and you are the one that they want to bestow that honor on. They want you to execute him, in front of all your people and your men, to the ugly music of jeers and mockery and laughter. You know he's a killer. Have seen it with your own eyes. You've seen his downfall in your sleep, dreamt of it in each waking moment you were on the battlefield, so why does the actual moment feel so horrific and wrong? It's the look in his eyes. You see yourself reflected in them along with the blood that has been spilled by both your hands and his and make the morbid realisation that this monster is the only one you have ever understood and the only one who has understood you, a fellow monster, in return. He slips out of his chains because of course he does who were you kidding and you should stop him but you don't. Your betrayal is witnessed by many. The king wants an execution but like Hell you'll let it be you, so just like Vanrouge, you flee and disappear. Just like Vanrouge, you end up in a blanket of darkness and unintentionally stumble on your long-time enemy in the woods. Just like Vanrouge, you make a begrudging truce and go on the run together because you know the human lands well and he doesn't and two heads are better than one. The two of you accept an unoccupied inn room despite it only having one bed out of desperation and spend a long time competing with each other to decide who gets to sleep on it. The both of you put off sleeping on it together and you know you will sleep on it together because you're both exhausted and sore from a long time on the road and because you both understand each other too much after so long dancing on the battlefield together but neither of you are quite ready to come to terms with it yet. You have to eventually though, because it's late and you're both in desperate need of rest and so you both fall into bed next to each other and your scarred limbs and calloused skin slot together perfectly. You hold each other with bloody, war-torn hands and feel more comfortable than either of you have ever felt with anyone else.
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simp999 · 1 year
I saw that you were taking requests for tf2 and I was wondering if you could you the moment the tf2 mercs realise that they enjoy reader being around? Maybe it can be seen as platonic or romantic? Like theyre just hanging out with reader and suddenly theyre like hmm. I enjoy your presence
Thank you if advance!!
Yay my first request!! This is the exact kind of thing I like to write www thank you for swinging by, and I hope you enjoy!! I may have gotten a little carried away-
The Moment the Mercs Realise They Enjoy Being Around Reader
Total wc: 2.3k
Mercs included: All
Scout: (slight angst, whoops)
-Enjoyed being around you since you first joined as a merc buuut
-The moment he realised he wanted to be around you more was when you gave him comfort.
-Sure, he's used to getting up to shenanigans with you on and off the battlefield, but this was a different side of him that nobody really got to see. 
-And you accepted it without a problem.
-One night, when most of the mercs were playing cards or off doing their own thing, you noticed that Scout wasn't with the main crowd. Usually, he was chomping away on junk food and teasing the others when they lost a round of cards (even though he lost quite often.)
-You excuse yourself from the table, and go check on him.
-Before you get the chance to knock, you can barely hear soft sniffles coming from his room.
-You gently knock on his door, and wait a decent amount of time before carefully opening the door.
-It seemed he hadn't heard the knock, or maybe tuned it out, but his first reaction was to turn away from you and hide his face with his hands.
-It hurt to see him like this. We all have those days, but you hated to see him fighting this on his own.
-You wordlessly went and sat near him on his bed, but not too close to cause any discomfort.
-When he finally tilted his head towards you, you could make out his red face and puffy eyes. You wanted nothing more than to swaddle and hug him, but comfort comes first.
-You lean towards him with your arms semi-open, welcoming him into a hug if he so chose.
-Without a second to lose, he barreled into you and let his tears fall freely.
-You did nothing but rub gentle circles over his back and offer a few soothing words here and there, letting him get it all out.
-You would have expected him to start talking about everything, being the talkative boy he is, but he did nothing but let the tears run for a while.
-Once he finally calmed from sobs to sniffles, you gave him a small kiss on his hairline.
-"You're still special, alright? Doesn't matter what you may have gone through, people will still love you."
-But the part that got him was the fact that you asked no questions. You didn't force him to open up. You always wanted him to feel comfortable, which was.. rare, for him, to say the least.
-That's when Jeremy realised that he felt safe and comfortable around you.
-The first time Soldier realised he enjoyed you being around was when you wouldn't roll your eyes or complain like the others.
-Of course, his drills sometimes got out of hand, but you never groaned or sounded annoyed about it.
-Rather, you would still state your thoughts, but you wouldn't be an ass about it.
-Specifically, the first day that Soldier had overworked the mercs while you were around. You noticed that some of them were looking a little woozy, and Scout seemed like he was about to pass out.
-You spoke up to him before he started the next drill.
-"With all due respect, Soldier, we can't become stronger if half of us are ready to pass out. We can take a break to regain our strength then…"
-He had completely tuned you out after that.
-He's never heard that from anyone before.
-"With all due respect."
-There was no malice in your tone, either.
-Soldier would never admit it, but he might go easier on you than others, now.
-Not to mention the fact that you weren't afraid to stand up to him, even within the first few days of barely knowing him. He tends to seem intimidating at first glance.
-Also, this stays between us, but the phrase "with all due respect" can mean no respect at all. 
-but Solly doesn't have to know that :)
-Our favorite Firebug always enjoyed having you around, that's a given when new mercs join!
-But the moment that they realised they wanted to be near you more was when you didn't baby them.
-You still treated them with respect, which was rare from most.
-Of course, you would still draw with them and make pillow forts and do things that were seen as childish, and you seemed to enjoy it, too!
-But one day, they wanted to help Engineer in the workshop with a project that was a little more difficult than usual.
-Engineer knows as well as we all do how... chaotic Pyro can be. But he didn't even give them a chance to try.
-You were working on a mini project of your own in the workshop and happened to hear the conversation.
-Then, you quipped with an idea.
-"What if we watched over them? As long as they don't do anything unsafe, then there's no problem with giving it a shot."
-You then looked over at them and seemed to catch on to their awestruck expression- even with the mask on, and gave them a big smile.
-You guided them through their project, helping them out when needed or asking Engie if you needed tips for something.
-Even when they were about to do something unsafe, you carefully explained why it was a bad idea. Not in a condescending way, either. Just a quick -"Woah, hey! Wrong tool for the job, Py. Let's ask Engie for the right one."
-The moment Heavy realised he enjoyed having you around was when he noticed the others being a little less stupid around the base.
-Which sounds pretty odd to say, but he's often the voice of reason, always telling the others to "Get off the counter!" And "Stop setting everything on fire!", and the usual "Stop eating Heavy's sandviches!"
-They began to not listen when he spoke, and he's been struggling with keeping them in check when the base needed it most lately.
-If he reaaaally wanted to, he could shut the whole base up with a loud "ENOUGH!!" That would reverberate through the walls, but it would only be followed by a quick "Uh-huh, try and make me," from Scout
-But you
-Oh, you.
-You didn't need a loud voice to scare them.
-Or big muscles.
-All you needed was to be great at making them feel guilt. Like a gentle parent lecturing their kid on their miserable grades.
-You're never angry, no,no. 
-Just disappointed.
-Scout ate one of heavy's sandviches when you first got there, and the longest record of parental scolding was broken right then and there.
-Never happened again, though!
-Engineer first realised that he enjoyed your presence when you showed an open mind, and willingness to learn.
-He'd had too many people come up to him over the years claim to want to watch what he's working on, only to constantly tell him he's not doing it right or not using the proper tool for the job
-Seriously gonna question the man with 11 PhDs? Yeah, I wouldn't.
-But the worst is when he has to be paired up with other men on the same job that never listened to his ideas or thought process.
-When you came along to his workshop and asked him if you could watch over and learn from him, he was hesitant. It's not like he had performance anxiety, he was definetly confident in his skill. But he wasn't sure if he could keep it together if he has one more PhD-less person confidently tell him he's doing something wrong.
-But, he was pleasantly surprised by your questions and actions. You always asked before touching anything, and listened intently when he explained stuff. You even left a while in, only to come back with lunch for the both of you so you could continue talking about his project.
-Even the one time you did think he may have done something wrong, you asked him to explain why he did it that way instead of another. 
-The moment Demo realised that he loved having you around, was when you cared for him when nobody else did.
-Everyone else was so used to him coming back to base extremely drunk, barely able to walk on his own.
-The most they'd do anymore is give him some pain meds then let him fend for himself, which usually left him waking up sore from falling asleep on the floor.
-But when you came along,, oh boy.
-He may not have remembered much, if any, of the night before, but he does know that he woke up all comfortable in bed, next to a plushie that had not been there before.
-He also noticed a glass of water and pain meds on his bedside table, and on the floor beside his bed, a bucket incase he felt sick.
-He couldn't figure out who could have done this for him, since he never really hung out with you since you became a merc.
-A few quick introductions and that was about it.
-But when he sat around the table playing poker with the guys and one of them slips the fact that you had slung his arm around your shoulder while carrying him to his room, and that you were the one to tuck him in, he may have felt embarrassment as well as butterflies.
-Medic treated you as any other merc when you had first joined. Healing you if he could, and only really focusing on his own thing.
-But, when you started to hang around the base with the mercs to get more comfortable with everybody, that's when he noticed something.
-Your crude sense of humor.
-Sometimes even downright dark.
-It wasn't rare for you to crack a joke that had the others simply staring at you, some with a surprised look on their face, others seeming a little uncomfortable. Which is hard to do, coming from a team of killers.
-You didn't want anyone being uncomfortable around you though, so you toned it down.
-But, whenever you were with Medic, he would silently encourage it. He didn't really pay attention to the wide, almost creepy grins he'd give when you told an especially gory joke.
-They're not all bad, though! Some are just a little.. silly.
-The line that made Medic realise he enjoyed you little quips, was when Scout has given himself a paper cut.
-He immediately was frustrated with it, and had to announce it to the team right away. Without missing a beat, you immediately replied with; "Whoop, guess we gotta amputate."
-It was just so.. unexpected? He may have let out a small snort at that one.
-Sniper took a while. It's not like he's the first to go up to a new merc and ask to be friends, you know.
-Though, his moment of realisation came after you went out of your way to appreciate him, and slowly spend more time with him.
-You'd sit a comfortable distance away from him, and never forced small talk.
-You would always made sure to congratulate him on any especially nice shots,
-And eventually, you two had made it to the point of being almost comfortable enough for you to hang out in his Sniping nest.
-The reason I say almost, is because he still felt quite awkward having someone be in his space. He's just not used to it.
-But you weren't hovering over his shoulder, you simply had a book in your hand as you sat in the corner of his nest.
-His exact moment of realisation was when he caught himself info-dumping to you about animals. Especially dangerous ones.
-It was a simple question, really. You had run across an animal in your book and figured that Sniper's probably the guy to ask about if you wanted to know more about it.
-So, you quietly, as to not disturb his concentration, asked him about snakes.
-Usually his answers to most questions were single words, or a curt nod or shake of his head, but he had accidentally let himself slip as he taught you about what markings to watch out for and what snakes would be common in your area.
-When he finally did catch himself, he froze, and glanced over at you.
-You, who had nothing but wonder and curiosity in your eyes.
-Maybe he'll keep you around to keep him less bored.
-Look, Spy doesn't grow attached to anyone. 
-...Easily, that is. 
-But, he may silently gain some.. favoritism if you manage to get on his good side
-There's not much this man cares for. He wouldn't favor you any more if you bought him flowers, or wore expensive perfume.
-He'd honestly prefer it if people left him alone. 
-But there is one thing he cares about, and it doesn't even involve you interacting with Spy himself.
-That's right. Scout. Jeremy.
-The moment that Spy began to not feel more comfortable around you, but maybe feel soft- if we can even call it that- is when he caught wind of you watching over Scout.
-You often stole his Bonk cans right out of his hands, or nudged his sides when he hasn't eaten in a while. 
-You probably annoyed the hell out of Scout, but Spy could see that it was for the best. 
-It's almost as if you saw Jeremy as your own kid- just, with more of an annoying-sibling type vibe when it came to caring for him.
-It's exactly what Scout needed.
-Not that you'd notice it, because Spy's good at his job, but it sometimes seems like taking you down from behind isn't an option.
Thank you for making it to the end!! :D
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loquaciousferret · 11 months
Saints and Sinners
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Summary: The yearly Halloween rendezvous with your long-term no-strings lover Joel Miller is set to be shaken up when he invites a third- Javi Peña- to your hotel room.
No-outbreak AU | Joel Miller and Javi Peña existing in the same universe AU
Pairings: Javier Peña x f!reader x Joel Miller
Word Count: 5.7k (whoops)
Warnings below the cut | 18+ Only
Content Warnings: MATURE 18+ Disrespect of religion including the Cross. No real physical description of reader other than female anatomy and she can be lifted by or sit on top of both males. Alcohol consumption, sex whilst under the influence, oral both m and f receiving, facesitting, facefucking, unprotected sex with a stranger, consensual voyeurism and exhibitionism, facial, spitting, degradation, pet names, anal play, MMF threesome, a suggestion of but not actual infidelity, discussion of age gap between the sexual partners.
A/N: Hey homies, I’ve come out of retirement for one day only for halloween (It’s also my birthday) this started off just something hot but accidentally turned fluffy and deep towards the end. Consider that my birthday gift to myself. I hope you enjoy!
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You analyse your appearance in the mirror for what might be the hundredth time, straightening the garish crystal-covered cross that hangs on a delicate chain from your neck. The base of it just slightly tucks into the cleavage that is spilling from the top of the satin black mini dress. A few strands of hair peak out from the matching black covering on your head, framing your face perfectly. Sexy nun. What a great Halloween costume. Offensive? Probably. But hot? Definitely.
Joel had texted you a few hours previously with the room number for your usual luxury downtown hotel. 308. Surprise inside. The message had read. A man of few words was Joel Miller, but you didn’t mind. Your annual meeting didn’t need much introduction.
You checked the time on your phone and realised you were in a rush. Your scheduled Uber, the chariot that would deliver you to Joel, would be there in half an hour. You quickly grabbed your bottle of wine, still only half finished, and poured yourself another large glass. After all this time, the nervous butterflies that gathered in your stomach prior to seeing him should have faded, but on the contrary, they seem more powerful each passing year.
By the time you had finished off the bottle you were rushing to cover yourself with a long black coat and put your heels on to head out the door. The nerves had barely subsided and the alcohol only served to hinder your balance as you hurried to the car.
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You arrived at the hotel, which you hadn’t visited since this time last year. It was a looming black structure that stood out against the rest of the buildings on the street. Once inside the lobby, it was like you were in another dimension altogether. It was dimly lit and strongly scented with candles and diffusers. It was soundproofed well, to the extent that you would never know you had just stepped off of a busy city street. It was familiar and yet mysterious every time you visited. It certainly wasn’t the sleazy motel you would imagine to typically be used for you and Joel’s purposes. You didn’t know how often other people typically visited hotels. They are usually a place of passing. So, after visiting on the same weekend every year for five years, you felt like perhaps you were a regular.
You spoke to the man at the desk who welcomed you with warm eyes and a kind smile. It was the kind of place where the staff always made you feel important. He handed you a wallet made of thick black card with the hotels gold logo embossed on the front.
“The keycard is just inside. Take the elevator to the third floor and you’ll find 8 on your right.” He says. “And I’m here all night, should you need anything at all.”
“Thank you.” You say, and proceed nervously to the elevator. The hand holding the wallet is actually shaking. Pull it together.
The elevator ride to the third floor is over quicker than you would have liked, and suddenly you are stepping out into a dim corridor. The same thick scent that fills the lobby also lingers here. Deep and musky, like oud, and yet fresh at the same time. The whole thing is a sensory experience.
You turn to find 308 and take deep breaths with each stride. You’re about to see him again. With each year that passes, you always worry things will have changed, and yet they never do. He is always the same Joel, the same scent, the same strong frame, the same quirks in his speech. He is something entirely familiar to you, just as you are to him. Two halves of a pair entirely in tune with one another, able to predict each others every word, every movement. He is the one constant you can always rely on. You just know him.
But when you insert the keycard and let yourself into the room, you are staring into the face of someone entirely unfamiliar.
“Uhh- I-“ You began to stutter. There must have been some mistake, but you don’t know what to say. ‘I’m sorry, I think uh- I-”
“Don’t worry.” He said with a smooth Texan accent. “You’re in the right place. You’re Joel’s girl, right?”
Your eyebrows draw together in confusion as you try to piece it together. The question, asked with such casualness as though he already knew it to be true, was so complicated that you could barely wrap your head round it. You weren’t Joel’s girl, not even close. Why did he think that? How does he know Joel?
Once you looked at him properly, you realised that whilst he was younger, this stranger, his resemblance to Joel other than that was striking. He looked more like him than his own brother. The same hooked nose and serious brow bone, but his hair was shorter and straighter, dark brown not yet peppered with grey like Joel’s. And unlike Joel’s scruff of stubble, this man was clean shaven except for a thick moustache.
So this was the surprise. You realised. Where the hell did he find this guy?
“What is this?” You ask. It came out harsher than you expected and you cringed at yourself for being so rude. But this was not part of the arrangement, and you hadn’t prepared yourself. The butterflies in your stomach swelled painfully.
“I don’t know, sweetheart.” He said. “Some kind of Halloween treat I guess.”
“Is it? Seems like more of a trick to me.”
The man chuckled, unphased by your comment. Whatever this was, well, you had a pretty good guess, and whilst you weren’t against it in theory, you were pissed Joel had pulled something like this. But he always had to change the rules and shock you. It was just part of his addictive game.
The man rose from the comfortable chair in which he had been slouched, thighs wide, manspreading and confidently exposing a bulging package inside his tight jeans. He reached for a bucket containing an expensive champagne, popped it open without any fuss and poured two large flutes full. He held one out for you and you took a tentative step towards him.
“I don’t bite.” He said, flashing a toothy grin that made you doubt his statement.
You took it from him anyway, your hand brushing against his large warm one as you clutched the stem. You took a sip and the warm bubbles floated down your chest and into your stomach, heat radiating where it mixed with the white wine from earlier.
Damn this whole situation, you think, and yet you can’t fool yourself into thinking you won’t do exactly what Joel intended you to do with this guy. When he calls, you answer. When he gives, you take. And when he tricks you into meeting a handsome stranger and screwing him, for whatever reason, you oblige just so.
“So, um…”
“So, Javi.” You say. “What are you supposed to be dressed as?”
“Uhhh…” He hums as if he hadn’t really thought about it. “A cop.” He says eventually.
“Then where’s your uniform?” You challenge.
“Undercover cop I guess.” He shrugs, smirk plastered on his face. “You on the other hand. You went all out, huh?”
“Oh, this old thing?” You say, running your hand up your side from the hem of the dress to your cleavage, which you lean towards him for a better view.
His tongue flicks out across his lower lip. You giggle and lean back to where you had been sitting before, but he reaches an arm out to wrap around your waist and pull you a little closer towards him.
“How do you know him?” You ask. You don’t want to pry, but if you’re going to let him fuck you, you want at least a few details.
“Uhh…” His responses don’t come easily to any of your questions, as if he is consistently just thinking up answers before offering them. “We met at poker.”
“I didn’t know he gambled.” You say.
Javi looks at you with a quizzical expression, like it was obvious. Like Joel and gambling are synonymous and it wouldn’t make sense not to immediately associate them. It stings for some reason.
“Right.” He says, expression still twisted. “So not his girl then, I guess. Then how do you know him.”
But you hum too while you think of your answer, and so you give Javi some slack for his own hesitation.
“Old friends.” You say simply, giving nothing away. “How did this come about though?”
He laughs a little, ducking his head as if unsure whether to be honest. “A bet.”
“A bet?” Your eyes widen and you respond in shock. You’re rightfully offended by the insinuation, but it doesn’t make you angry. If anything, it sends another aching sensation between your legs. “He- He bet me? You won a bet for me?”
He laughs at that, a proper laugh, like the suggestion itself was downright ridiculous, although you are unsure why. You had considered it a pretty sound conclusion. “Actually, no.” He explains. “It was Joel who won the bet.”
Your eyebrows are drawn together in thought and he smirks as he watches you piece what you can together.
“So…” You say, unsure what to think of it all. “So he really wants us to do this?”
“I guess so.” He says, finishing off his champagne. Yours is empty too and he takes the glass from you, heading back to the desk to find the rest of the bottle. “You want another?” He asks.
You shake your head no and he comes and sits down next to you on the bed again.
“Is he… Is he coming? I mean are we supposed to wait or- or- do we have t-“
He cuts you off and puts a comforting hand on your thigh.  “Hey, there is no ‘have to’. Whatever you like. I’m a man of the law, darlin’. I won’t make you.” He pauses just for a beat. “Unless that’s what you’re into.”
You flush at the insinuation, looking away from him. Damn your bashful complexion. Damn Joel for this twisted trick. Damn this handsome dude for making it impossible not to throw yourself into his lap and kiss him.
He responds to you immediately, his hands wasting no time feigning respectfulness before attaching to your ass and groping you through the tightly stretched fabric.
You grind into him as he deepens the kiss, one hand leaving your ass to come round and grip your jaw. The thick denim of his jeans stimulates you through the thin barrier of your underwear.
“Dirty girl.” He says as you speed up your movements, grinding yourself against his growing bulge deliberately to pleasure yourself. “That outfit just pretend or somethin’? Where’d ya learn to do that?”
You don’t speak back and you focus on unbuttoning his shirt instead, not breaking the kiss as you work at the buttons. The alcohol has affected your dexterity and eventually he pulls back and starts undoing them himself. You reach for his belt instead, unclasping it and then pulling down the zip on his jeans.
By then his shirt is off, and you take in the wide expanse of honey skin. He is slimmer than Joel, but still built strong. Lean and toned muscle take the place of Joel’s, which are hardened by life but softened by age. It’s not just the resemblance that had you comparing the two. You compared every lover to Joel. Eventually you just had to stop sleeping with anyone else, because no one measured up. There was simply before Joel, and after Joel. And after Joel, well… nothing else would suffice. Apart from this handsome stranger nominated by Joel personally. That, you were willing to try.
You fumble clumsily with his jeans until he takes over that, too. He grinds his palm into the hard bulge as he does so. You smirk a little when the trail of hair that is peeking out is revealed further, showing he isn’t wearing underwear.
He pushes them down his legs, not bothering to remove them fully, lays backwards, and then his hands are grabbing at your sides and pulling you up further so you are sitting on his stomach.
“You’re just something else, ain’t ya?” He says, his voice thick with desire for you.
You flush and he starts to take apart your costume, removing the head piece and uncovering your hair which remains perfect underneath. Then, he reaches behind you and unzips the dress, his touch gentle but still urgent, fuelled by desire. You raise your arms to let him slide it over your head, exposing your bare chest, and his hands immediately move to cup your breasts, kneading gently and toying with your nipples with his thumbs.
“Look at you…” He coos.
You basked in his attention. He was softer than Joel. Sweeter. Then you scolded yourself for comparing them and tried to enjoy the moment, leaning down to kiss him.
He pushed you away. “Uhuh.”
You frown, but he is quickly grabbing your thighs and pulling you further up his chest towards his face. You let him guide you until you are hovering over him, his mouth kissing at you through your lace underwear.
You let out a desperate sigh and you feel him smirk under you. He presses another few kisses before opening his mouth and dragging his tongue up and down your underwear.
You feel yourself shaking a little already, and you put effort into breathing deeply to avoid pathetically moaning so soon.
You gasp as Javi brings his hand up to your underwear, pulling it aside so his tongue has access to your wet core.
As soon as his tongue connects, he lets out a groan. Your knees shake and whilst you had been trying to hover slightly before, you end up fully sitting on his face. This encourages him even more, sloppily eating you out, his nose brushing your clit. He licks, sucks, and kisses each spot perfectly. His moustache tickles a little and you realise you have never slept with a dude with one before.
“Oh, god-“ You gasp, cutting yourself off with a loud moan. “Javiii-“
He moans into you as he eats you out hungrily, sending vibrations around your aching core.
“Fuck-“ You say. You rip yourself out of his grasp and shuffle down his body where his cock stands, hard and throbbing. You had to stop him before you came all over his face. Joel wouldn’t have appreciated that.
You glide your dripping cunt up and down his shaft, wetting it before rising up on your knees and taking it gently in your hand. You sink down onto it and watch his expression. He grits his teeth in pleasure.
You let it fill you for a moment, not moving while you adjust to his length. He has less girth than Joel, but not much. His length is equal, hitting a spot deep inside you as you gently rock back and forth. Once you are prepared, you start to move, slowly at first, but with gradually increasing pace and force.
Using your hands to help you balance, you start to bounce in a quick rhythm up and down his length. Your tits jiggle in his face, the cross hitting against his lips. He takes it between his teeth and you giggle, your hole fluttering and pulsing as you do so. This causes him to spit it out, his mouth opening in a sensual moan.
“Fuck, baby, you ride this cock so damn good-“ He pants, hands grabbing at your ass greedily, spreading your cheeks and helping you with your momentum as you bounce on his length shamelessly. The praise encourages you to keep trying hard to please him.
Your moans are desperate as you keep going, your head thrown back and your mouth open. Your eyes roll pornographically. When you eventually summon the strength to open them and look down at him, you see him transfixed on you.
“Yeah, yeah just like that.” He grunts, “Fucking ride that dick, baby, yeah. Oh yeah just like that”
You are too wrapped up in the sensations, the sounds, of you and Javi, that you don’t notice the door opening. It’s heavy footsteps on the lush carpet that break you out of your trance. You whip your head round, the motion of your hips not faltering, as you make eye contact with him. Joel. At last.
He smiles a dark smile, his eyes wide as he takes in the scene before him. You realise how depraved it must all be from his perspective, the bejewelled Cross sticking to your tits with sweat as you bounce on this stranger’s cock.
“Don’t be rude, baby.” Are the first words out of his mouth. “Keep your eyes on what you’re doing.”
You break away from looking at him reluctantly, focussing your attention back on Javi, whose head is thrown back into the pillows, mouth falling open and eyes now closed in pleasure. You see sweat glistening on his throat and something urges you to lean down and lick a wide stripe up it, the salty taste beautiful on your tongue.
You try to pay attention to Javi and not let yourself get distracted by Joel’s movements. You hear the splash of liquid into a glass and realise you had observed his favourite whiskey earlier, right next to the champagne bucket. The signs of him had been all over the room already and you hadn’t noticed.
You continue to chase your pleasure, the alcohol supplying you with a rare confidence that left you able to perform for both men with little shame. You slow down your movements, feeling Javi deep inside you and grinding your clit against the dark curls at the base of him. Your moans become louder as you do so, rubbing against him rhythmically until you feel the tension of an orgasm building.
“I’m gonna cum.” You gasp, your voice strained.
“No you’re not.” Says the voice from behind you.
Javi’s eyes are open again, watching you, taking in every expression on your face. He smirks at Joel’s words and grips your thighs, preventing you from moving.
“Please-“ You gasp, unsure which of the two men you are pleading with. Your hips jerk involuntarily to chase the same sensation you had been creating previously but Javi keeps a firm grip on you.
“No. You’re going to step being selfish and ride him like a good girl.” Joel instructs. “And you’re gonna hold it. The only cock you’ll come on will be mine.”
You whimper pathetically, turning your head to look at Joel, who is sitting in the armchair I the corner of the room with a perfect view of the bed, hopeful that your wrecked expression might make him take pity on you.
“What did I tell you about manners already?” He scolds, unmoved by you. “Don’t look at me. Look at him.”
When you do, you find Javi’s expression is amused. He doesn’t add to the exchange, simply observing you and Joel’s dynamic, listening as the other man bends you to his will so easily.
You brace your hands on his chest once again and try to follow Joel’s instruction, abandoning the pleasure you had been giving yourself by grinding on his cock and going back to bouncing on it. You can’t find your rhythm and Javi helps you, thrusting his hips upwards into you.
Joel tuts disapprovingly as he watches, taunting, “You’ve forgotten how to ride a cock properly, huh? Need a lesson?”
You whine in frustration and embarrassment, giving up on your own movements and letting Javi control the pace from under you, rutting up into you with enough force that you still need to grasp at his chest to keep your balance. Your tits align with his face and he reaches up with his mouth to suck at one of your nipples.
You hear Joel moving and before you can wonder what he is doing, there are hands on you. His large palms wrap around your waist from behind, holding you tightly. Javi stops moving and Joel starts to control you, lifting you up and dropping you down harshly onto Javi’s cock. You let out a high pitched moan, to Joel’s displeasure.
“Be quiet.” He says. “This isn’t for you.”
He does it repeatedly, forcing you up and down again and again until you lose all control of your upper body, collapsing back into Joel’s wide frame. You bite your lip to hold back your moans, and then Javi helps you by reaching up and sticking a thumb into your mouth. You suck it obediently and you hear him curse under his breath.
“You gonna show him what else your mouth can do, baby?” Joel growls into your ear.
You nod eagerly and Joel lifts you off of Javi. You whimper, the sensation of being empty is unpleasant. Joel laughs darkly.
“Greedy little cunt.” He says. “Doesn’t wanna go a second without being filled up, huh?”
You ignore his teasing and get onto all fours, crawling between Javi’s legs, knowing that simultaneously, you are giving Joel the perfect view of your wet pussy. But he doesn’t touch you again and you hear his footsteps moving away from the bed. You are disappointed but after being chastised twice for looking at him, you manage to resist that urge and focus on Javi’s cock.
You start with just licking, gathering up the taste of your own juices from his shaft. You moan lightly and feel your pussy throb.
“Such a tease.” Javi says, tangling one hand into your hair. The other tucks behind his own head as he lounges back in the luxurious bedding, the image of nonchalance.
His comment doesn’t stop you, though. This is your style. You lick the tip, swirling round it with your tongue. He chases your mouth with a thrust of his hips but you pull your head back at the same time, stopping him from controlling the pace. He growls in displeasure but you choose to maintain the little semblance of control for a while longer. You replace your tongue with a hand, wrapping it around him and letting your mouth travel lower, teasing his balls with light kitten licks. He groans and you take one into your mouth fully, sucking lightly.
“Jesus-“ He sighs, bucking his hips up again involuntarily. You continue for a moment, swirling your tongue around it as it fills your mouth before releasing it with a pop and swapping the position of your mouth and hands once again.
Your hands massage his balls lightly and you finally take the head of his cock into your mouth. You lower your head slowly, very slowly, until it’s halfway in and hits the back of your throat, before rising off of it again just as slowly. He’s more patient than Joel, who would have put a stop to this much before now.
You do it again, your speed increasing only incrementally. He twitches inside your mouth and you feel his fingers gripping your hair tighter in a sign of his impatience. Soon, the game is up, and he starts forcing your head up and down urgently. You gag and splutter all over his cock but he doesn’t slow down. You are so wrapped up in it, that it takes you a while to register a weight on the bed behind you, until eventually, your attention is grabbed by a hard cock gliding up and down your wet seam.
You moan around Javi’s cock which leads him to relent in his pace a little, choosing to savour the feeling instead.
“Now you remember what I told you.” Joel says. “Don’t take your eyes off him.”
You can’t respond other than to try and nod which leads the tip of Javi’s cock to prod forcefully into the back of your throat. You gag again and feel your hole convulse, Joel grits his teeth.
He presses the tip into you slowly and within just an inch, you are so full. Full of Javi in your mouth and full of Joel now, too. You moan as he pushes further and further in, your sweet sounds sending vibrations around Javi’s cock that have him cursing incessantly.
Joel’s hands reach to take both of your hips and as soon as he has sheathed himself fully, he is pulling out again and setting an aggressive pace. This is his favourite position and you imagine it is only enhanced for him, as it is for you, by seeing your mouth all filled up too, rendering you incapable of speech, locked in place between the two men.
He hammers into you and you lose control, the blowjob becoming messier, spit dribbling all down Javi’s cock so that it is sliding in and out of your throat with little resistance. Neither of them limit the harshness of their actions, Joel pounding into your cunt and Javi into your throat. The sensation is unlike anything you have ever felt. You don’t think you can get any fuller until you feel Joel’s wet thumb prodding at your ass.
You cry out as he slips it inside you. He groans, low and satisfied. “You like that baby, huh? You like us taking up every single one of your slutty holes? Filthy whore that you are. Jesus-“
You moan at his words and Javi starts to twitch inside your mouth. He pulls your mouth off of him suddenly, not wanting to finish yet. You lower your head turning your cheek so that it rests on his thigh, your back arching in an extreme fashion. He just watches, rubbing himself gently as Joel continues to abuse both of your holes from behind.
Then eventually he pushes you off of him and moves, your eyes are closed but Joel watches what he is doing as he gets off the bed and stands at its edge, pumping his cock in his hand. Joel manoeuvres you so you are facing Javi again.
“Can I come in her mouth?” Javi asks Joel.
Joel lets out a mean laugh. “You don’t have to ask that, man. What else is a whore’s mouth good for?”
You whimper, your cunt throbbing and pulsing around Joel, unbelievably turned on by hearing them talk about you, not to you, like you aren’t even the third participant in this event.
Javi rubs his cock over your face, your cheeks, slapping at your chin with it. Just because he can. Your mouth falls open and he feeds the tip to you slowly, giving you a false sense of security before roughly slamming in the rest of the length. It forces you backwards, impaling you harder on Joel’s cock and the now two fingers which are exploring your asshole.
You feel as though you are the rope in some sick game of tug of war, the way the two of them pass you back and forth between them. Eventually you can’t even separate the sensations both men are giving you and you are left weak and boneless, just moving with the hammering tide that pulls you in and pushes you away again and again.
It’s Javi’s pace that falters first, moans and expletives escaping from his lips until his salty hot load fills your mouth. He half pulls out and spills the remainder over your cheeks and nose. It drips all over your face and he holds you up by your chin. His thumb drifts over the hot spend and directs it towards you mouth. You swallow it all and suck his fingers clean.
“Jesus, I could watch that all day.” He says. But he doesn’t, and he walks away from you after only a brief few seconds. With Javi satisfied, Joel flips you over so you are on your back. He lifts your feet, placing both ankles on his shoulders, ploughing you harder than you thought possible. You had imagined he was fucking you full force before, but like always, he ends up having just that little bit more to give.
You moan and whine helplessly, his pace unrelenting and his stamina downright cruel. You are unable to open your eyes, absolutely exhausted from him and Javi’s treatment. He doesn’t mind, satisfied with your performance already and happy to use you for his pleasure when you are in this state, soft and pliable to his every will.  You vaguely register the sound of the door opening and then closing, the two men offering noncommittal farewells to one another.
“Oh, my baby.” Joel is whispering gently. “You did so well for me. You impressed me so much, sweetheart, I’m so proud of you.”
His rambling seems to go on for a long while, but then again, you don’t know how much of a concept of time you even have left. Some of his words seem distant, like they’re coming to you through a filter. Some of them are so unbelievable that you discount them as just being part of a dream.
“I’m so proud of you, my sweet girl. Always so good for me. Always do so well for me. My sweet baby.”
He must think you’re asleep, talking like this. You still aren’t entirely convinced you are awake either.
Your name falls from his lips like a prayer as he finishes inside you. You think he holds you like that for longer than usual, until he is completely soft and slips out of you, both his and your juices leaking onto the bed. He cleans you up and he kisses you. He kisses you everywhere, your face, your neck, your chest, down your stomach. You keen towards him unconsciously, weak hands grabbing at whatever part of him you can reach and ending up tangled in the curls at the nape of his neck.
“What am I gonna do with you, my girl? Hmm?” He hums into the crook of your neck.
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You must have fallen asleep, although you’re not sure for how long. When your eyes flutter open, it’s still dark, and you register a weight in the bed next to you. You turn towards it.
Joel’s eyes are already open and he is gazing at you intently.
“Hi.” He says.
“Hey.” You say. You can’t help the word from trailing off into a giggle. He renders you downright stupid.
He reaches out a hand to your cheek and strokes it with the pad of his thumb, before moving to push some hair behind your ear with his other fingers. These are his rare affectionate gestures, and whilst you aren’t experiencing them for the first time, they certainly aren’t frequent.
“It’s been a long year.” He says.
You never talk about the time you spend apart. All that matters is the precious, no, sacred, time that you do get together.
“It always is, for me.” You say. He tenses a little in response and you curse yourself silently for having said too much.
To your relief, he relaxes again and pulls your body closer to him. Warmth radiates from the place where your head meets his broad chest. He kisses into the top of your head, inhaling deeply the scent of your shampoo. It’s coconut. He kisses you again and again.
Suddenly, he speaks.
“I don’t know if I can do this again.” He says.
You freeze up. A chill runs down your spine. He wants to break off the arrangement? Somehow you feel blindsided, even though every year the possibility crosses your mind that he’ll finally do it.
Maybe that’s why he brought you Javi. Maybe he thought you would hit it off and you could just move on with him, offered up to you like meat on a platter for your own convenience. Your mind runs through the last few hours in an instant, looking for any sign, any hint from Joel that was this coming. You find none.
He, blissfully unaware of every thought racing around your head, continues, rubbing salt in the wound.
“I just- I just don’t think I can do it again. I’m sorry.” He repeats.
Your heart is racing, your stomach doing backflips. This was inevitable. He’s probably met someone else. Someone who he wants more from than what he wants from you. Someone his own age who thinks the same things he does. Someone who understands the references and jokes that fly over your head. Someone who is the opposite of everything that you are insecure about. Someone powerful and equally matched for him.
But then he speaks again, quieter this time. “Listen baby, the waiting it’s just- I can’t do it anymore. How could one night a year ever be enough? I need ‘em all.”
Oh my god. You honestly thought you must have been dreaming for a moment, unable to process his words and reconcile them with actual reality.
He is silent for a long while and you realise he must be waiting on a response, but you can’t find words.
“I- I-“
You hesitate and he cuts you off. His voice is guarded now.
“No, yeah. You don’t have to explain. It’s whatever. I figured you must have someone else anyway. Didn’t wanna assume but… Yeah. It figures.”
“No.” You say quickly. “There’s no one else. There hasn’t been anyone else for- for years.”
A silence grows again. And eventually, you are first to fill it.
“How could there be anyone else?” You say. “I just stopped trying to find anyone else. It’s always been you for me, Joel. No point trying to fight that.” Your voice trails off to a whisper.
He puts a thumb under your chin, raising it so your eyes meet his for the first time during the exchange. His brown irises sparkle, lighter than you have ever seen them. He presses his lips to yours and kisses you desperately, muttering practically intelligibly about “My baby. God why didn’t I just ask sooner? My sweet baby. All mine.”
You drift off to sleep again, a tangle of limbs, breathing each other in. You don’t know what will happen in the morning, but at least you know that this time, it won’t be a year until you see Joel again.
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Thanks for reading! Masterlist
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rogueddie · 2 years
Going on a roadtrip was both the best and worst idea that Eddie has ever had.
Oddly enough, the kids are great. Especially the boys. Between him and Steve, it's almost embarrassing how easy it is to keep control of them.
The girls too- Max is smart enough to know not to wander off alone and El tends to follow her lead. It often leads to them bullying Steve into taking them where they want to go, often having to grab his hand and drag him around when he doesn't go fast enough.
But, now that they've reached the end of their trip, Eddie is wondering if it wasn't a bad idea. Not just because Steve is obviously having some trouble both with the water and having his scars on display...
They'd become fast friends in the Upside Down. Although, he had thought it was simple trauma bonding. Imagine his horror when he realises that not only is it easy to be friends with King Steve, it's just as easy to fall in love with him.
"Eddie?" Steve awkwardly sits down beside him, looking a little embarrassed. "Would it be ok if, uh, you came... with me? Into the water, I mean. It's fine if not, just-"
"Steve," Eddie quickly cuts him off, "it's fine. That's ok, just give me a minute to make sure nothing flies away, yeah?"
Steve quickly nods, helping Eddie shove things back into their bags and then putting them on top of the towels. It's not windy at all but it's better to be safe than sorry.
"You know you don't have to go in, right?" Eddie asks, watching as Steve stalls, carefully brushing sand off himself. "I'm sure the kids will get over themselves. And if they don't, they'll have to deal with me."
The little laugh, the soft smile, feels like a reward.
"Thanks Eddie, really. I want to do this. I can't keep just... being scared. I need to deal with this shit."
"Ok," Eddie nods, matching his slow walk towards the sea. "Doesn't have to be like this though, could go slower. You can back out any time. No one will laugh."
"Right. You'll make sure they won't huh?" He doesn't say it like it's a joke. More like he understands just how fiercely protective Eddie feels about him.
"Exactly." They stop, just a few feet from the water. "We could hold hands, if that'll help?"
Steve just nods, grabbing his hand. Smiles a little tight when Eddie laces their fingers. And they don't need to talk, the look Steve gives him is enough to get his message across. So Eddie just gives him a little nod, scooting so their shoulders are pressed together, gently pulling him forward.
Eddie keeps a close eye on Steve as they slowly make their way deeper into the water. Doesn't complain that they have to stop a lot, just holds onto Steves hand a little tighter, hoping he understands that Eddie isn't going to let go.
When they finally get far enough out that they have to tread water, Steve is relaxing. He laughs a little, turning to Eddie with an ecstatic look on his face.
"Alright?" Eddie asks, unable to hold back his own grin.
"Yeah!" Steve whoops, ducking his head under the water for a quick moment. He doesn't look any less joyful. "I, uh... don't think I can do much more than this but- fuck, Eddie, I'm swimming!"
Eddie can't help but laugh, reveling in how infectious Steves joy is. "You're amazing, big boy! This is fucking impressive!"
"Really?" Steve is grinning though, as though he already understands that- he most likely just wants to hear it.
"So impressive!" Eddie can't help but drift a little closer. "God, Steve, every time I think you can't get better you always do."
Steve fucking giggles. And at first, Eddie thinks he's grabbing onto his shoulders for support, but Steve uses his grip to pull himself closer. "I'm pretty sure that's just you."
"Maybe," Eddie tries to pull a 'what-can-you-do' face, since he can't shrug with Steve using him as as support. "Doesn't mean I'm wrong."
Steve, abruptly, looks a little serious. "You act like I can do no wrong."
"I'm pretty sure that's impossible for you. It's against your nature."
"Really? You truly believe there's nothing I could do that would upset you?"
"You wouldn't hurt me intentionally."
Steve stares at him for a moment. His jaw tightens, visibly coming to some resolve, a look of determination.
He's cut off by Steve quickly ducking forward, pecking him on the lips. Steve still has his jaw clenched when he leans back, only a little bit of fear peaking through his eyes.
Eddie blinks at him for a moment. "Please tell me you didn't do that just to prove a point. Please. Steve, you- you gotta tell me if you meant that like- like-"
"Eddie," Steve almost sighs his name, sounding so painfully relieved. He presses their foreheads together. "Yeah, yeah I meant it like- like that. It's not just proving a point, god, you're so much more than-"
Eddie cuts him off by actually kissing him, not just a peck, grabbing onto Steves hips to hold him closer.
They're so distracted, it takes them an embarrassingly long time to notice that the kids are heckling them.
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malarkgirlypop · 2 months
MEDIC! Part 32 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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This chapter is short and sweet! Minus the sweet, whoops.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, @b00ks1ut , @mstiemountainhop, @awaterfalls anyone else please let me know.
Don avoided me like the plague. No one seemed to notice thankfully, they were busy training again, preparing for the warfare they would head over to face in Okinawa. I made myself useful but still there was little for me to do. The injured had been shipped off the aid stations and then home due to it all being finished over here. They kept only the fit young men who they would use again when they went to help the troops in the Pacific. 
When I wasn’t busy stocking medical supplies or treating minor injuries the men sustained in training, I walked aimlessly through Austria. I replayed the scene with Don, thinking about all that was said. I had hoped he would come around soon enough but still, he kept his distance. I also thought about leaving, I kept an eye out for the shimmer. I had made up my mind that if I were to see it, I wouldn’t hesitate to go back. I wouldn’t say goodbye, I would leave. That’s why whenever I left the base I packed all of my belongings and brought them along with me. Not that I had much in the first place, most of my possessions already resided in my medic bag. 
After finishing my menial task of stocking shelves I headed for the door, but a voice stopped me in my tracks. 
“Major Winters wants to speak to you Em.” Spiers had caught my elbow as I brushed past him quickly with my head down. I faced away from him, my eyes still glued to the door. I sighed nodding.   
Speirs led the way through the building to Winters’ office. He opened the door greeting the pair that spoke in hushed whispers, they straightened seeing they had been interrupted. Lew and Dick smiled as I stepped into the room. I hadn’t spoken to them in months. I never wanted to bother them, they were always so busy. 
“Thank you Speirs.” Dick dismissed the Captain. He saluted before exiting the room. 
Winters’ eye landed on me, I cast my stare down to the ground, fidgeting with my hands. I felt as if I had been brought into the principal's office. 
“Please take a seat.” Richard gestured to the chair that sat in front of the desk. I shuffled forward, dropping my bag to the ground and sitting.
“How have you been?” Dick asked politely. 
I flicked my eyes towards him, my chin still lowered to the floor.   
Lew awkwardly cleared his throat at my rigid response. 
“Well I’m glad to hear it.” Winters’ said after a beat when he realised that was all I was going to say. 
“Emily, I called you in today to talk to you about the future.”
I froze after hearing the words, ‘the future’. I glanced up again, both Lew and Dick stared at me with expecting looks. They wanted me to say something, but I couldn’t get my mouth to work. I nodded my head, encouraging Winters’ to continue. 
“I noticed that you never registered. We never officially offered a contract, but we assumed you would at least ask to be compensated.” 
“No, sir. I don’t want any money. I’m a volunteer.” I shook my head. There would be no use for the money I received. I didn’t have a bank account to hold it, people would ask too many questions. It was better just to remain undetected. 
“Yes, but even volunteer’s get paid.” Dick clarified.
“You can give my earnings to the other’s, or donate it to charity. But I do not want that money.” I stated firmly. 
Both Lew and Dick looked perplexed. I’m sure they wondered why on earth I was turning down a decent pay. 
“Is that all?” I asked rather impatiently. This meeting was making me even more anxious than I already was. 
“No. We wanted to discuss other things as well.” Dick stuck out his hand ushering me to sit back down in the seat I had started to rise out of. 
“The fighting in the Pacific is brutal. More cruel than what we have experienced. I just wanted to inform you that you do not need to go.” Winters’ face was pale, his expression sour. 
I knew of the brutality of the Pacific. The Japanese were ruthless, they didn’t care about their own survival, only the triumph of their country. It was an honour for them to die for their nation. A heroic death to be killed in action, they would rather die than go home injured, or pull back. 
“They have enough medic’s over there.” He pulled me from my thoughts. 
“But aren’t we sending men, sir?” 
“Then you will need more medic’s to care for those who will be travelling over there, am I wrong?” I challenged the Major. 
He sighed. 
“I’m going to be honest, Emily. I don’t particularly want to send any of the men over there, but they don’t really have a say. However, like I said before, you aren’t registered, and I don’t want you to go over there, not if we have a choice.” His brow furrowed in concern. For his men, for me. 
“Thank you for your consideration, but I will be going if need be.” I gave a tight smile. 
The men shifted awkwardly in their seats. I know I was being difficult, but there was no point putting on a show, and pretending I was fine. It didn’t matter in the end.
“What are your plans for after the war? Are you returning home?” Lew asked, trying to ease the tension in the room. 
“No, I don’t intend to return back to America.” I shook my head, keeping my eyes trained to the floor. Even though I couldn’t see the men I knew they were exchanging glances. 
“What is your plan?” Dick asked hesitantly.
“I’m not sure. Maybe I will stay in Austria if we don’t leave, or somewhere else. I haven’t planned anything. But that’s fine no one is waiting for me back home, so I’m free to do as I please.” 
“Have you spoken to Malarkey about this?” Winters’ asked. 
The mention of his name made me snap my head up to stare at Dick. 
“Why would I need to speak to Don about this?” I questioned, venom laced in my tone. 
“Oh, well.” Winters’ stumbled over his words. 
“You two are together are you not?” Nixon finished Dick’s ramblings. 
“No offence, Sir. But I’m not sure how that’s any of your business?” 
My retort left the pair with their mouths hung open. I didn’t mean to be so bitter, but I couldn’t stop it. I was hurting. I knew they were only asking because they cared for me. But I wanted to cut ties and just flee. 
“I’m sorry. I think I should go.” I stood from my seat before they dismissed me, giving a half-hearted salute before rushing out the door. 
My breaths left me in short gasps as I tried to control the sobs that desperately wanted to escape my mouth. Hot tears streamed down my face, as I put my head down and made my way out of the building. I crashed into several shoulders, mumbling quiet apologies, never lifting my head to see who I was saying sorry to. 
I stumbled outside, gasping for air in between my sobs. I covered my mouth trying to muffle the awful sounds. 
“Emily?” I heard from behind me. I turned away from the voice, hiding my face from view. 
“”Em?” Speirs asked again, walking closer. 
I rushed away, but I could hear his footsteps following after me. I headed towards the forest, I wanted to be out of sight. 
Choking and spluttering I lent against one of the trees for support as I cried. 
Speirs moved me away from the trunk I clung to, pulling me into his arms. 
“I fucked up.” I blubbed out. 
“Shhhhh.” Speirs hushed, pressing me into his chest. His hand cradled my head, his fingers tangling in my hair in a soothing manner. 
His chin rested on top of my head, he held me until my crying stopped. By then I had crumpled to the ground in a heap as Speirs hugged me close. 
“What’s going on?” Ron asked as I finally pulled away. His thumbs caught the stray tears that streaked down my cheeks. 
“I’m not going home.” I told him. His brows furrowed in concern. 
“Is this about not having anywhere to go? Cause if that’s it, you can come with me.” 
I shook my head. 
“I can’t stay. I don’t want to burden anyone.” My heart hurt. I didn’t want to be a sad reminder of the war, like some stray dog someone brought home because they felt bad for it.
“I can’t ask that of anyone. That’s cruel. People have families they actually need to care for.” I crumpled a dry leaf in my hand watching its shattered remains scatter to the floor. 
“We love you, why can’t you ask that of us?” Speirs asked, his head dipping down to try and meet my eyeline. 
“I’m used to being alone. It’s my normal niche. This isn’t normal for me to be surrounded by so many people. I think I need my space.” I didn’t truly mean those words that left my mouth, but I needed to convince myself that I couldn’t stay. The more I believed it, the better. I couldn’t have any doubts when leaving.
“Do you really mean that?” Spiers asked. 
Ron knew me well. Which pulled a bitter laugh from my throat. This universe was cruel, giving me everything I ever wanted and then snatching it all away.   
“I have no place here.” I muttered. 
“What about Malarkey?” Speirs asked.
“What about him?” I snapped.
“I thought you two were in love?” Speirs asked tentatively. 
“Yeah, well things change!” I huffed. “But what does it matter? It still doesn’t change the fact, I’m not going home. I will serve until everyone else leaves, and then I will make my own way. That was always my plan, I look after me, cause no one else will! I will not be someone’s responsibility! I don’t want the charity, someone to take me home and then regret it. I can’t ask that of strangers.” 
“You think we’re strangers?” Speirs sounded hurt. 
I lifted my head to look at him. “Yes, we are. We aren’t a family, you do not carry the responsibility of an older brother, I am not yours to try and take care of! You have family, people who need you. I am not one of those people. I don’t want your pity.” The words felt like acid in my mouth. Seeing Speirs’ mask slip slightly and crack at my harsh words, sent pain shooting through my chest. He quickly regained his composure, taking a deep breath. Ron rose to his feet, a tight smile graced his features. 
“If you say so, Lane.”
That was all he said before we strided away. I had done it once a-fucking-gain. Pushed all those who cared for me away. God I was good at ruining everything.  
Chapter 33
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abitofboth · 5 months
even more owen carvour hcs because I’ve got brain worms or something
he got his ears pierced when he was younger, and even though he rarely wears them now, he’ll put studs in every now and then just so the holes won’t close up.
he’s a bit of an insomniac. sleep doesn’t come easy to him and he can spend hours just tossing and turning. half the time he’ll just give up and find something else to do- read a book, go over mission plans, sit at the window with a cigarette and watch the world go by.
a shakespeare snob through and through. he has a quote ready to go for every single situation possible and he doesn’t care how many eyes roll every time he whips one out.
he’s semi-decent at drawing. not the best, but he does have a sketchbook he uses in his downtime that he’ll draw whatever’s in front of him in.
he learnt how to hot wire cars when he was bumming around as a kid. every time he gets the chance to steal a car on a mission it’s like he’s 13 all over again, filled with the thrill of not getting caught.
he thinks mrs mega is maybe the best woman alive. her and her antics entertain him endlessly and he adores how much she loves curt. he hasn’t met her many times, but every time he gets the pleasure of staying at the safe house he finds himself wishing he had a mum like her.
he has a soft spot for barb. every time curt makes a mean passing remark about her he’ll smack him across the arm.
he’s thought about (more often than he’d like to admit) running away with curt. taking them both far from the danger and secrets and living life quietly as just the two of them. (and a cat. his fantasy definitely involves him being with curt and owning a cat. he has two hands for a reason!!)
he never got to meet tatiana before he was in his cunty villain era, but if curt and owen would have found her before the fall in their prime time I just KNOW that they would have been the ultimate team (I literally drew it hehe). owen and tati would have been bitchy best friends and I don’t even doubt it for a second.
he and curt have had so many ���romantic” patching up sessions after missions. before they were officially together, there were so many uncertain gentle touches and lingering caresses where they both wish they could say and do more. the moments when there’s been some serious blood loss and things that would normally remain unsaid start slipping out are the moments when the two start realising that they might just feel the same way about each other. (I also literally wrote this hehe :P)
in a similarly trope-y way, there have been so many ‘Whoops! Only One Bed!’ situations. before they got together owen loved being able to sleep curled up right next to his crush (he hates the term ‘crush’ btw), and then after they got together it just gave him an excuse to spoon him all night long.
curt snores. owen hates it.
he can ride motorbikes and he can do it well. he loves when curt rides behind him and clings onto him with his arms around his waist. he drives extra fast to sate curt’s adrenaline junkie tendencies (and he loves the way curt laughs out of pure joy right next to his ear).
if he finds himself being tortured, as spies do, his go to is pretty much get so cocky and smarmy until it pisses off the torturer so much that owen can find an opportunity to overpower them and fight back. works like a charm.
once, he was captured and had his head forced underwater and was threatened with being drowned to death. the whole experience fucked him up for a good while.
regularly gets curt to light his cigarette for him while he’s holding it in his mouth.
every injury the fall gave him is a painful reminder of curt. even years down the line, every time a scar smarts or his knee plays up he’s filled with too many emotions to name.
he doesn’t actually remember a whole lot of the actual fall happening, it’s all very patchy, but he has vivid memories of curt’s horrified face getting further and further away from him as he got closer to the floor.
he learnt how to play an old family violin when he was a kid, and he’s gotten a little rusty over the years but he can still play a pretty tune on one.
he loves late night walks through cities. he thinks it’s the best way to really get to know a place. plus, it’s like he can hide in the shadows for a few hours and be someone other than owen carvour.
he’s a bit of a lightweight when it comes to booze. it doesn’t take many drinks to get him tipsy, and he’ll be full on drunk before you know it. curt can handle alcohol much better than him and has had to drag him away from bars more times than he can count.
he’ll frequently stop to fix curt’s tie and collar if they’re in disguise. everything needs to be perfectly in place or he thinks curt’ll look sloppy and give them away.
when they’re more into their relationship, owen starts buying in coffee to keep in his flat, and curt starts taking tea bags back to america with him every time he visits the uk.
spicy, be warned
post fall he tried sleeping with someone else but he could literally think of nothing but curt the entire time. he was never eager to try again.
if he’s in a submissive mood, he will go nuts if you call him a ‘good boy’. ‘my good boy’ is even better.
if he’s pent up he’ll just unashamedly jerk off in the shower whether he’s alone in there or not.
if he’s feeling particularly decadent and has the time, he’ll touch himself with a cigarette in his mouth and a bottle of wine in his hand.
shotgunning. he’ll take a drag and kiss it into curt’s mouth. they both think it’s hot as fuck.
if truth serum is something at their disposal, he's definitely used it during sex.
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