#WHY AM I LIKE THIS...... it's either i'm super hyper like this! like a kid! emojis n emotes ^-^ n i look v sweet on text i would imagine
bailey-dreamfoot · 1 year
Biblically Accurate Barnacles
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Ok so I do actually probably have to explain this (this will sound a little conspiracy -ish but please bear with me)
So like at first, I just wanted to draw a realistic polar bear Barnacles, but then I thought, hey if I'm drawing him to be biologically realistic as far as his design goes, why not make him biologically accurate in terms of his actual character?
I've talked ab it a bit before, but the jist is polar bears are hyper carnivores, with vegetation like berries making up only a very small percentage of their diet when sea ice is less expansive. And so, the fact that the Captain (and all the other crew members who are mostly carnivores/ omnivores) eats literally no meat of any kind in the show, and consume only kelp based food, they have all got to be dead may times over. Or at the very least very malnourished.
But then I thought of a headcannon I had, where like, Barnacles would visit his sister Bianca and her kids every now and then (bc they have the most wholesome sibling bond I swear-) and they'd just have like family get togethers and family dinner time. And the idea was, since Bianca isn't an animal rescuer or anything, she would still like eat meat and stuff. So when ever the Captain came over, she would make like seal burgers for herself and Orson and Ursa- and make a special veggie burger specifically for her brother.
B u t T h e n - OHHOHOH THEN, I had a wee thought.
So like Octonauts, animal universe, weirdly advanced technology, yada yada we've been through that before. They can build super complicated vehicles, Tweaks inventions range from already existing to borderline sci-fi. So hear me out here-
What if the Technology in the world of Octonauts is advanced enough, that they are able to produce lab grown meat, like scientists are trying to do right now? So then say maybe a group of mostily carnivore sea-explorers and animal rescuers (the Octonauts) have themselves a moral dilemma. Can't eat fish bc they're supposed to be saving them (+ they can talk so that's kinda fucked), but also can't just give up meat bc malnutritions a bitch. So say maybe they either create or just buy this kind of lab grown meat- right? And what if they put it *in* the kelp cakes? It would explain why we see them eating literally nothing else.
Now you may be saying, Bailey thats rediculous, the kelp cakes are called kelp cakes BECAUSE they are made of kelp, of course theres's no meat in them. And I'd say thats a perfectly reasonable assumption, yk? IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE FACT THAT THERES A CONONICAL BURGER KELP CAKE.
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TBH, it's just a wee bit out of place that the burger one is the only traditionally meat based dish here. Everything else is either a fruit or veggie based food. And I'm not even going to get into how the existance of milk and cheese would imply the existance of a dairy industry in this world.
But- not if you use that lab grown- meat idea. Whose to say something like that wouldn't or couldn't expand to other animal based foods, like milk, cream, or cheese?
So yeah thanks for coming to my tedtalk, thats why I draw Barnacles noming on a burg. It's literally 3 am, I am tired.
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vinnamah · 3 months
I feel like I was failed. Grew up in one of those "mental illnesses are all made up for attention" households, and at school I was just that "really weird but super smart gifted kid. A socially awkward and hyper kid"
Never got tested for anything. Kind of screwed me over because, like a lot of gifted kids, I never learned how to study or how to properly learn something that didn't instantly click until I hit college and flunked out. Three times.
Officially disgnosed with GAD and Depression. Self-disgnosed/never officially diagnosed ADHD. Probably on the autism spectrum too. Like I hesitate to take that label because I've not gotten an official diagnosis, and the imposter syndrome is strong. But I do have like all the hallmark "undiagnosed girl because we didn't think girls could have autism until like a decade ago, and we have only ever researched and documented this condition through the lens of white boys"
Not to mention my chronic physical pain. How am I meant to have a job, work enough to afford to live? When neurotypical able-bodied people can't even do so? I'm not. We are not meant to. A lot of us can't, no matter how hard we try!
I'll never be able to afford to see a doctor. Don't have health insurance. These problems prevent me from working more than like 20 hours a week maximum, or going back to school. And getting diagnosed won't magically fix anything either.
I'm in my mid-20's and feel like I've already wasted my whole life. Ruined it and wasted it and failed at it. Just dragging myself along barely surviving the war going on inside my own head at all times. The executive dysfunction, the anxieties, the guilt and shame.
But then I stop and tell myself that it wasn't fair to begin with. Even if I was neurotypical and able-bodied, I'd still be completely fucked, with the state of the country and the world. The economy. The climate. The planet itself. The shitstorm the boomers left for us. All of it. So why not just live life day by day. Fuck it all. Who cares if I flunked outta college 3x and will probably work part-time minimum wage jobs my whole life because I can't handle anything more than that? As long as I can afford to live, who cares? (Problem is right now I can't afford to live) but like who cares that I'll never save up anything for retirement. Neither is probably 70% of my generation. Good chance I'll die before it becomes a problem, and if not, hopefully some sort of system or program gets put into place to help my entire generation our (and generations to come that also are being fucked over by the boomers). And if not, well that's a problem for old-me. Not like I could do anything about it now anyways, so why bother worrying about it and letting it ruin my peace and joy now. Like I'm screwed no matter how you slice it, so may as well try to find joy by living in the moment and ignoring my very Real and Scary future.
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yippee-boi09 · 3 months
Am I autistic?
I'm diagnosed (at age 4) with ADHD, and I really think I'm autistic, but since I have ADHD, my (possible) experience with autism seems there but not there...? I just need to share my experience and see what others think. (And yes, I'll be getting an autism diagnoses in a few months dw)
My sensory issues
I can't stand how sensitive my hearing is. I like blasting heavy metal and vocal kid (and yfm) thought my ear buds because I hate full headphones and how they heat up my ears and squeeze my ears and earrings. But when I'm in a crowd I just want it to be quiet simply because I hate how unpredictable people are. But with my ear buds in the noise feels better. Not to mention my odd taste preference, I can't stand the feeling of chicken having a rough, grainy texture (best I could describe it) but I like it when steak feels that way, I can handle cow turned into a medium steak but I CANNOT stand ground beef, or burger meat, UNLESS it's done in a hyper specific way. I like raw seafood the most, all seafood tastes good to me, especially oysters, I ESPECIALLY enjoy slimy textures like pasta and cooked noodles, I love grease and soft foods. If it's mushy and soft I'll most likely enjoy it UNLESS it's TOO mushy or soft. Not as specific as my touch sensitivity... I hate the bumpy feeling of bathroom carpets but I'm find with floor bedroom sorta carpet, I LOOOVE super soft carpets, like fluffy and poofy things. But I ABSOLUTELY cannot stand cold, hard floors. Wood, marble, plaque floors all make my skin tingle (in a bad way) and it feels so awful I have to wear something on my feet almost EVERYWHERE I go... And my sight isn't as sensitive as my other senses, but I still have sensory issues with my sight, like how I like bright colors and flashy things with lots of colors but it can't be too flashy or else I get a migrane. I do prefer things that don't flash though, even if it looks cool I prefer if I didn't strain my eyes, and I can't stand the sun (I overheat easily) because it burns, it makes me squint my eyes, and I prefer the cold MUCH over the heat. But when I'm sleeping I have a million blankets with the fan blasting to keep my temperature balanced.
Social skills(???)
(Need to mention that I'm an ambivert)
I can't control how loud my voice is whenever I talk, I talk at a normal volume and suddenly I'm too loud, I try talking quietly and suddenly I'm too quiet. Whenever I talk to people I start speaking and then they start speaking over me and idk why they're mad at me for going "and the- and- and- and-" because they stop talking by then start talking again (it seems so weird, if you're not done talking then don't stop lol *my opinion*) I also have a lot of charisma, I can get people to rant about their whole life in seconds but I don't understand how they can keep it up, I end up losing breath or my mouth goes dry SO quickly. And even after scripting out convos in my mind I end up fucking it all up by stuttering or needing a drink because by others logic, "WhEn I pAuSe It MeAnS i'M dOnE tAlKiNg!" And then I either have to stop them or go back and answer them and then go back to my scripted rant, and then they twist the convo to how focused I am on things and I end up misinterpreting things all the time, I end up accidentally addressing things too early which makes me look weird, and then I address things on time but in the wrong way. And afterwords for weeks, even months or years I think about how much better the convo could've gone... Most of my friends consider me easy to talk to, others just find me quirky. I constantly stress over how to talk to specific people and whether or not they find me talking annoying. One thing I will say is whenever I'm talking to someone I'll either go occupied playing video game (i.e. me playing sonic frontiers hard mode final trial while my transfemme friend vents about her dysphoria) or I'll be browsing social media or I'll be messing around with something physical in my hands while looking away from them entirely but still listening. I've learned how to fake eye contact but I only make eye contact abruptly with people I trust the most but I still fucking hate it I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT. I can almost never tell what someone is feeling but I'm very perceptive to the point where I can guess how someone feels about this specific thing or that specific thing and it's so weird. I can understand in an instant that this person pisses you off because to ME it's kinda obvious, but it'll take me AGES to understand a basic explanation of a fear of getting disease which ends up backfiring and making me afraid to go swimming. Another problem I face is taking things Illiterately or TOO literate. If you told me this spider kills people from touch and bring it close to my face I'd laugh at you and coo at the spider (BECAUSE THEY'RE SO CUTE!!! (๑ > ᴗ < ๑)°ᡣ𐭩 . ° . !!) but if you said something sarcastic or jokingly in a serious convo I'd take it as a serious matter. (For example, I was once in trouble and told to "Count the bumps of the ceiling" which was apparently a joke most people threw around apparently??? Anyways, I counted 307 before I was stopped and told it wasn't serious) I cannot tell from the tone of someone's voice whether or not they're joking. (Unless it's a joke I'll get, like a depression or anxiety joke about trauma, or maybe a meme like "You know what that mean, FISH 𓆛") It's why people consider me dense, or kinda "empty headed" DESPITE THE HIVE IN MY MIND TALKING ABOUT EVERY DETAIL IN THE ROOM AND WHAT I NEED TO DO AND FIX BECAUSE I'M STUCK IN A CONVO WITH SOMEONE AND I WANNA GET A COOKIE BUT MY MIND IS GOING OFF ABOUT HOW I NEED TO WATCH THIS OR THAT VIDEO AND FIX MY BED BEFIRE I GO TO SLEEP AUAGAHAGIDHDJD
Stims and others
I have pretty normal Stims and other weird ones, more personal experiences too. I'll unconsciously rock back and forth, flap my arms and hands, bounce my legs, take my feet, and grasp my hands over and over. I have this Stims I'll do where I'll quietly make whistle noises and very high pitch whimpers with my throat, I'll crack my arms and fingers a LOT, since my family's under the belief neurodivergency doesn't exist and think fidgeting toys are bad and distracting. I'm also experienced with overstimulation and meltdowns and hiding them (I grew in a home where hiding your emotions meant you wouldn't get hurt) and a lot of people around me don't believe that I was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age and act as if my experience as a neurodiverse individual is something everyone experiences or I'm faking it for attention and it really makes me feel like I'm taking it too far getting a diagnoses for autism, and I wanted to get diagnosed autism/ADHD people's opinions on my experience and if I really could have autism. (This was also me venting about my neurodivergency and the struggles I have with mental health as someone with a family who believes the terms "ADD, ADHD, and autism" were made up to charge people for medications they DoN't NeEd!")
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
I remember somewhere you said you’re very visual about your writing process which is why Jake’s stupid moustache had to go.
Does that mean you have fancasts?
:D ! Y'all ask me such great questions :D
The short answer to this question is 80% of the time no jalksdf. The fics I've been writing lately (comics, Moon Knight) are already a visual medium, so obviously I do just kind of use what the characters actually look like in the comic I most strongly identify with them or the TV show. In the end everything sorts out into a really generic mental animation style that's not really anything in particular. The longer answer is that I fucking WISH I did because my actual lifestyle gets so fucking messy. Like all of this actually severely really bothers me nonstop.
Because so much of what I write is multimedia I can't just play the OG work in my brain. Hey, do the other SW writers who think visually have the problem of like - so Obi-Wan in your mind is live action from ROTS, but Ahsoka is CGI from TCW, and Anakin is either live action ROTS or cartooney if he's younger than 19, and the clones are simultaneously live action Jango Fett and CGI clones and it makes it KINDA hard to visualize things? And the exact same issue when writing comic fics with a cast that is half live action and half cartooney in your brain? Like, am I the only one with this issue?!
It is so problematic for the new story bc of 3 different works with so many different art styles. Mr. Knives Trigun has a highly stylized 90s anime appearance that I don't think of him as, and a super realistic modern CGI appearance with which is how I think of the character, except none of that works for MY Knives, and obviously Millie is 90s anime, and Meryl is some sort of demented mix, Brad & Luida are 300% CGI, and Wolfwood is fucking impossible since he's from one hyper-super stylized woodcut-ass flashback of the CGI anime and AGH. Imagine new Knives Trigun as the 'I'm a healer but' meme guy because that's all I can fucking give you.
Again like this like 'Meg is this an actual problem you have when writing Star Wars, Comics, and Trigun' and the answer is that it's a BIG PROBLEM that BUGS ME. How the fuck do you guys live??? Is this just me?!?!
In brighter but equally uselessly complicated news, New Wave was more complicated since everybody was really specifically designed in my mind in a specific animation style and since I can't draw Y'all Will Never Know it. Obviously it was very 00s animation - you can really safely imagine Bruce as himself from the 00s Batman cartoon. I really liked how much sleeker and skinnier and younger he looks in that design! Steph has the BIG hair from her first Robin arc and Tim has Jake Animorph style Generic 90s Relatable Teen Boy visuals.
Sorry that's not a very fun answer and also not a very real answer :( Fancasts that I do genuinely have is, obviously, all for TMA:
Tim Stoker as a younger, sprucier, Daniel Dae Kim.
Daisy as Kristen Bell.
Elias as Marc Evan Jackson.
Annabelle Cane from Sucker's Bet is a mix of Jadah Marie and my friend from high school, which is unhelpful to you.
Teen Gerry was the kid from Monster Allergy. Yeah really.
Martin as That One Fanart My Friend Drew Of My Martin.
And. Obviously. Jon as That One Fanart My Friend Drew Of My Jon That Just Made Me Go Oh That's Jon Now OK.
(Think of Standard Fanart Basira and that's my Basira. Sasha, Georgie, and Melanie are just more generally designed by my brain.)
Do YOU want to design one of my characters permanently in my brain forever. Just draw nice fanart of them. It's that easy. I'll look at it and go 'oh this is what they look like' and that'll be what they look like in my head, forever, and ever. I promise it'll work.
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derekscorner · 5 months
Kingdom Hearts: Gods & Angels
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Just as the name implies this is a bit of a random shower-type of thought. It's not me complaining or trying to rewrite KH either, what I'm about to describe isn't even a problem objectively.
The thing I'm about to explain is a very much "me problem" that extends to any story I invest in but if you're bored like I am let's indulge a bit.
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Kingdom Hearts: Angels & Gods
You see, I have the type of brain that tries to understand the lore of something. I do not need every answer given since a story should always retain mystery but there will always be some aspect of a world I can't help but hyper-focus on.
In KH's case it's the way life & death work. Initially it was easy to assume that Hades was the de-facto end point since the Disney version of the Olympians are very much godly.
Even in their source film the gods are depicted as immortal and omnipotent over their domain. Even Hades is, in actuality, a very powerful threat both in the movie and KH series.
(you see Hades display super strength in the movie a few times in fact)
Sora always wins with the power of friendship and Hercules has literal god-tier strength so Hades isn't that threatening but to the average living being he's basically a force of nature.
Even with his keyblade and otherworldly magic Sora can't actually kill Hades. He's legitimately immortal, there is no death for him.
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Then later I assumed that each world essentially had it's own afterlife. Which may still be true to some extent at the time of me writing this. The presence of Joshua in DDD solidified this idea for me for a while.
I do keep in mind (as should you) that any Square character that cameos in KH is not the same one you see in the game they appear in. Squal isn't Squal, he's Leon. Cloud isn't Cloud, he's emo Cloud in Vincent Valentines outfit. Their backstories and personalities are rewritten entirely.
Even Zack who appeared in BBS was from the world of Hercules rather than having a history shared with Cloud. The closest being we seen to having a backstory hinted to be similar to their source material was Auron but the very fact he was in Hades underworld means some obvious variation has happened there as well.
This is very important because that means the same level of alteration exists for Joshua, his reapers, and the Shibuya that Neku calls home. We know the reapers game exists, we know that a Composer exists, but the actual accuracy to TWEWY's lore isn't guaranteed.
If anything, you should assume that the Shibuya that Neku calls home in KH is basically its own thing entirely. Especially now that Verum Rex exists with a Shibuya of it's own. (it was confirmed that the two shibuya's are indeed different)
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The Final Headache World
But this all changes with KH3's Final World- hell, it all changes with Dark Road from the mobile titles.
In KH3 we're shown the "Final World" the place you supposedly go when you are done. There is no tricks, there is no miracles, you are as dead as you can be.
Sora literally broke time twice to save the day and still wound up here...or you're supposed too? See thanks to Dark Road or KH4's premise it's confusing.
We know you go to this Final World if you die both in heart, body, and soul. A total demise, KH3 tells us this in-game.
We also know that "Unreality" functions as a type of afterlife for people like Sora too since Strelitzia tells us as such in the KH4 trailer.
So...where do Joshua and Hades fit into that?
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According to Hades here, according to what we've actually seen, the Underworld is your death. A Kh wielder or two die (okay more) in KHDR and they do go here.
The protagonists make a deal with Hades to speak to the spirit of one such dead key kid. Soooo that just makes my brain question "why?".
What dictates these differences. On a surface level you can assume Sora and Strelitzia are in Unreality because they were kicked out of "reality". We know this is true for Sora at the very least, the world at large didn't kill him it flat out removed him from reality as he knows it for breaking time.
But the first time Sora died he went to the Final World not the Underworld. The excuse that Kairi was keeping his heart connected to life is also a stretch because Sora still went to the Final World.
She offered a way back but she did not stop his death leading him to this world.
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So where does the Underworld fit into that? How does Joshua's reaper game fit into this set up? Is there even a common denominator at all?
It's possible that every afterlife is connected to the Final World but that's conjecture on my part not a fact. I only offer it because Hades is shown fully capable of summoning dead people (like Auron or the Key Kid) and Joshua has shown that he's fully capable of retrieving dead people and moving them to worlds not within his domain.
He took Neku's group to the Realm of Sleep, he left his world behind to help reconstruct them. We don't know why he did but the point is that he could.
Hades and Joshua are literally two beings that you witness working on a cosmic scale. They clearly have power over death even in worlds they don't physically live in.
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Kingdom Hearts: Gods & Angels???
And you want to know the real kicker? This bothers me personally not just for these questions about death but because my brain jumps the shark to the divine.
Death is always governed by something in any religion and what I have just described is an angel based on monotheistic religion and a pagan god working on a cosmic scale.
(technically composers are more like super-reapers or lower ranked angels than true angels but Joshua has the wings so semantics)
What is bothering me is that I do not comprehend how the cosmic landscape works. I know Hades is the god of death for everyone thanks to Dark Road, even Xigbar pokes fun at Hercules for having help in "high places". The Olympians in KH effect the universe as a whole.
But...Joshua exists and so does he. Do the gods just pick worlds to personally run? Do they make them? Between Joshua and the church in Notre Dome how do pagan gods like the Olympians or even Callisto from Pirates of the Caribbean fit in?
It's these kind of questions that my mind wanders too in KH and any story. I want to know, it bothers me that there's no concrete law.
Hell, I bet you even forgot that Davy Jones Locker was in KH3, it's an after life as well! Calisto is barely shown in KH3 but she's there, she's a sea goddess.
I didn't forget but I don't know where they all fit.
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There is no answer for any of this and honestly it would be wiser from a writers standpoint to not try and do so. I just needed to rant about it for a bit.
I hope you enjoyed this trip through my insanity, I hope that I cured your boredom and never forget; this is a very me problem.
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farmerlesbian · 1 year
5, 15, 21, 33
5. Are you “out” publicly? yeah! i am visibly lesbian and visibly trans/nonbinary/gnc and i flag very obviously almost all the time. i am publicly out to everyone. i'm not really able to hide it either if i wanted to.
15. How has your identity changed over time? oof well.. i .. hm. i spent a long time essentially unlabeled for my orientation because i struggled to reconcile being nonbinary and being into Ladies. and i hadn't really had many homo experiences so i wasn't even sure who i was into.
ok let's wind back a bit. so when i was a kid i knew something was.. there. i was incredibly afraid of it. (i guess now we're gonna answer the neurodivergent question haha) i couldn't even name it for myself in my own head. i would not. i was absolutely terrified.
now for context you need to know i was somewhat.. ostracized? i was lowkey bullied and i was very self-conscious, socially awkward, insecure, lonely. you know how people say little girls can tell someone is neurodivergent better than doctors? yeah. so i was extremely concerned with being Normal and being like accepted and having successful social interactions. i did not face concerns about family acceptance or religious homophobia or transphobia. this was about peer acceptance and social isolation/success.
so this is why i was terrified of the ... thing i could not name. so i wouldn't even say i was closeted because i wasn't out to myself. i remember.. telling myself something along the lines of.. like needing to be strong, and keep this secret forever and never let it out never tell anyone, ever. if i can do that it will be okay. this hyper-vigilance.
so i self identified as "boy-crazy", as a half-subconscious strategy to avoid scrutiny. i also tried very hard to make sure to act very Normal about girls and not be too avoidant with my eyes. i developed crushes on boys. now to be clear looking back on it, i intentionally did this and made sure to be conspicuous about it. oh what a time. i even had boyfriends.
around high school time i was on the internet a lot. i added tumblr to the websites i was going on and i found nonbinary people. i was fascinated by androgyny and nonbinary people, and i was learning about like social justice stuff a lot and i was like kinda Ally mode. i can't remember much exactly, i was also very much sleep deprived for much of later high school and mentally not well. i was friends with some gay people. i knew some people who were out by this time. i don't think i was thinking of myself as gay at this time yet. probably open to the idea of neutrality as a gender at this time. if i'd known a word for it i probably would have claimed it and identified with it.
then i went to college and i think something inside me knew i was like planning to be gay in college? like i completely subconsciously was like waiting for it. i was still deeply nervous and afraid but i was around a lot of new people and it's socially acceptable / normal to like experiment and stuff in college. i started experimenting with expressing attraction to women when talking with friends, or using words for myself like butch or dyke. (i didn't really know what the words meant i just was trying them on). i was around a lot more people who were out. i started trying out flirting with girls. i probably thought of myself as bi around this time.
then sophomore year i ended up on in 'gender inclusive housing' - a floor of one door building where any people could be roommates regardless of gender. we called it the queer floor. my RA was trans, manyyy of my floormates were lgbtq. there were a handful of straight people of the floor but the majority were queer. it was dramatic but fun honestly and an incredible experience being surrounded by that, and all the people i met through these people. i definitely started identifying as nonbinary and neutrois and using they/them around this time. i think i used demigirl a little bit but didn't feel super strongly towards it. i met my now-wife in the spring. i don't recall using any super specific words for my orientation other than like queer. i didn't know for sure what my orientation was so i was just keepin it vague. i didn't even really know for sure my gender i just knew somethin was going on!
couple years went by and i met a lesbian friend i became close with and i became more comfortable claiming it as an identity, at the same time as being nonbinary. around that time i started this blog.
and more years have gone by and i still feel like lesbian and nonbinary are true. I feel more secure and confident in being able to be both not a woman or girl or aligned with it at all and also being a lesbian, as well as confident in being into some nonbinary people and still being a lesbian. i think the specifics of my gender labels would include: trans, nonbinary, transgender and transsexual, transmasc (i guess? i'm unsure how i feel about this label and its usefulness in general or its accuracy for me. i kinda feel like sure i guess it is technically correct), neutrois, androgyne, neutral. stuff along those lines.
21. What message would you give to your younger self? bro... i don't even know. "it doesn't have to be great or even good, it just needs to be done". "it's okay to be gay it's okay to say it, it isn't going to help you to try to hide it and you shouldn't expect yourself to keep that hidden away forever it will eat you up inside and you don't deserve that".
33. What about your LGBT identity do you feel proud of/ want to recognize/celebrate? I'm proud that I'm me! I'm proud to be a dyke. I'm proud to be nonbinary. I'm proud to be exactly who I am, whether it's popular or not, whether anyone else gets it or not. I'm proud to be one member of a vibrant and beautiful and messy family. 🌈
send asks / #ask farmer lesbian
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It took me a really long fucking time to acknowledge why i can't handle boundaries/end up being manipulative as fuck to real and sometimes online people.
EVERYBODY FEELS LIKE I HAVE TO WALK ON EGGSHELLS WITH! I truly did not understand stand that consciously, i only ever chalked it up to social anxiety. No matter how many times i told myself i wish there was a class on how to talk to people and what people will judge you on.
I grew up with parents who would be gone from home long periods of time (due to their jobs bc we were poor and childhood divorce). And when they came home would either fight eachother or their children (me and my siblings). Belittling us for little things we did or want which oftentimes was extremely normal kid stuff. And because i was the youngest, i was an honorary child of the eldest teenage sister who obviously was a bad mother but also actively bullied me for years.
Not to mention parents who would constantly tell me don't trust anyone, everyone is judging you and out to get you. So they sheltered you home minimizing play time or hanging out with other kids. I actively remember being a kid and trying to set up healthy boundaries like "hey mom, it really hurta me when you yell at me for crying when i get shots or needles, I'm trying my best." And her going "fuck off, you're just sensitive and you need to get over it by now." Or my dad actively triggering me when he does his angry sound tell so i asked him to please do it less and he angrily calls me a child in a long drawn out paragraph and huffs away.
I was/sometimes still am stuck in a toxic cycle of needing to learn how to set up boundaries for myself and telling people, namely my family, to fuck off if they don't. I used to have a hero complex where i would help people at the expense of myself to often but then i said fuck that and now I've made my over defensiveness even more obvious.
But i also couldn't acknowledge this extends to EVERYTHING. In real life when someone says you did a bad thing suddenly it feels like a volcano of the most angry emotions stir inside of me BECAUSE I AM FURIOUS.
I'M FURIOUS that no one acknowledges how hard it was to walk on eggshells all the time. How I'd need to pat myself on the back every time i completed a social interaction successfully or comb through every detail of them to find something to improve on. I never felt i was progressing to normal but that i was stuck incompetent forever.
I get told a lot that I'm very mysterious and never tell anyone anything and this is why. I HAVE MAJOR TRUST ISSUES. This is where the hyper-independence, the closed offness, the combative nature against people i trust especially comes in. Why I'm always surprised people who don't see me everyday or run to me anytime the see me say I'm their friend. I'm sure i came off super cold when i asked them why but i was genuinely surprised. Because being teased, bullied, and dismissed by everyone close to me growing up fucked up my view of people and relationships.
I don't mean for any of this to come off as an excuse but as an explanation. And me trying to reach people who've gone through the same things i have but kept getting back into the cycle of needing to defend yourself by all means possible to people who just said "please stop, i don't like this," or any other variation of you have done something wrong. Especially if you went over the line online and someone said "hey thwt way too over familiar, don't talk to strangers like that." because yea STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET ARE NOT YOUR THERAPIST OR PUNCHING BAGS.
I really need people to understand this isn't from entitlement, it's subconscious mistrust in everyone you meet bc subconsciously i believed everyone was out for me. Someone i needed to defend against before or after they talk to me. No matter how nice and gentle it comes doesn't matter. Everyone has to be lying and think it's the biggest deal in the world actually or this is a greater sign of you being awful all along. Like everone did that to everyone elae. And if anyone just casually calls this narcissism I'm hitting you with a 2x4. Those posts never resonated with me. They felt dismissive for me personally.
Coming from someone who knows they're mentally fucked up but not knowing exactly how for all your life but especially in the past 5+ years of not going to therapy except when it was closeby and free a couple times but never being truly open with them because you learned vulnerability equals dismissal and pain 99% of the time.
So yeah, i highly recommend looking back on your childhood and examining when you were dismissed or had your boundaries broken. Then work on active trust with people and be open to more people because not processing my trauma but trying to steamroll being a functional persom also fucked me up.
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frankyweeny · 1 year
Hello all. A little known fact about me is that I've been playing the trombone for over five years, and, as you could probably assume, I am a band kid. As such, I am going to assign Undertale characters the instrument I think they would play in a band
Getting the obvious ones out of the way, Sans is trombone and Undyne is piano
Frisk is clarinet. Why? Because I cannot name a single clarinet player I feel like I've never met one. I've seen them in band but I swear to god they just don't talk or something
Flowey would play flute. It seems like such a kind gentle instrument/section but some flute players are VICIOUS y'all
I feel like. Toriel would play the euphonium. I can explain why she just feels like a big low brass gal. Like I can picture her on the euphonium so clearly. Also almost every euphonium player I've met is super polite and nice
Blooky plays the trombone. Trombone players are either quiet and kinda nerdy or batshit insane and they fall into the former category (as do I)
Papyrus is trumpet I can't deny it. He's loud, he's boastful, and also it matches with Sans cuz they're both brass 👍👍
Alphys is a clarinet girl. I don't know why it just makes sense. Don't ask any more questions
Mettaton plays the sax. Probably like a tenor idk. This one feels like low hanging fruit but if I said anything else I'd be lying
On that topic Maddie plays Bari sax. It just makes sense to me
Muffet is percussion. She has six arms cmon. I think she'd stick to mallet instruments like uhhhh. The marimba and uhh. Glockenspiel?? Can you tell im not a percussion guy
Asgore is tuba. He's big and he's very nice. As tubas tend to be. Also he matches with Tori
Asriel (god of hyper death version) is percussion. He would go crazy on a drum set I'm telling you
Chara is flute. I don't know why don't ask me
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dragonballwish · 2 years
Sorry I wasn't trying to be hurtful, i'm kind of new to this series and mostly know it from memes and stuff I see online and Krillin is usually presented as a joke character. Like people say even his wife doesn't even like him (though I think the overrepresentation of her cheating on him is super weird) so I was just wondering why some people seem to see it so differently.
<3 I’m happy to answer anything you’re curious about haha even if it’s insensitive or potentially drama-inducing, and sorry I thought you low key just didn’t like krillin sjjdjff I’ll defend him until I die
I can guarantee anyone who talks like that is either projecting, haven’t seen the entire show (a LOT of db fans haven’t even seen the whole first half (og db)), or both.
18 LOVES Krillin, first of all. Everyone just thinks she’s hot (she is) and thinks krillin isn’t (they’re wrong he’s so scrimbly <333) and so they’d rather have her cuck krillin with master roshi than to be her true canon self in their relationship- which is actually the most wholesome ship in the canon series!! Like Fr !!!! They are the perfect couple in every way !!!! And they love each other !!! And krillin is not happy being cucked !!!!!!!! And 18 would NEVER !!!!!!!
Krillin being presented as a joke character technically isn’t wrong— Toriyama is pretty much first and foremost a gag-manga creator and so every character has really goofy traits. A lot of haters or just kinda db-fights-only stans tend to hyper focus only on the fights and serious traits— which is why a lot of people who haven’t really gotten into db only really know Goku as a fighting guy when he’s actually a goofball ?
Also like. Krillin doesn’t have a nose I feel like that makes people go ???? But it’s literally just a gag Toriyama made him win fights with lack of sense of smell—
Krillin gets the opposite representation obvi— a lot of people don’t really see him as that strong (which is wrong) and since he’s not as strong as goku and vegeta and other non-human characters, he tends to be sidelined while also still getting opportunity for commentary. Sometimes it’s that krillin is there to fight as first line of defense before goku comes and demolishes an opponent, or other variations of whatever, sometimes it’s that krillin is part of the main plot line but the final villain of the arc is defeated by— yep. Goku. Not that I’m complaining haha
I think because a lot of people haven’t seen krillin as a kid and haven’t experienced just how much growth he’s had from little bastard teen to a guy that is just so thankful to be alive and wants to protect those around him, they tend to oversimplify him to the traits that are shown in Z which is pretty solid in sidelining all the characters that were given way more spotlight in og db. I’m rambling so much oh god
Ignoring all that growth tends to only show traits that are surface-level in my opinion ? Like if you saw krillin hesitating to put his life on the line in Namek saga and thought “a coward?” It’s more along the lines of “this is my last chance at life and oh my god I’m the last line of defense for five year old gohan (my best friend’s toddler son) and bulma (one of my first friends)”. That kinda thing. That was just me saying stuff but literally connotation for all the characters changes when you’ve seen them from the beginning and it also adds kinda a connection with them like I watched this guy from adolescence I love him like my own son. (Low key that’s a lot of gohan stans I am convinced but you didn’t hear it from me)
For a show about aliens, krillin is definitely the most relatable and most human (even without the nose).
Anyways. If you haven’t already,, go watch og db and experience !!! Or read the manga (which cuts out a lot of filler. All of filler. The fights also feel better paced. And the paneling is iconic Fr) and just bask in the glory that is bastard og characters !! Every character feels so different when you see them from the beginning and understand their growth. Almost every sidelined character in Z was once the biggest opponent Goku had ever faced LOL
Anyways this got long sorry for rambling
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
hello lovelyyyyy 😖🙏
so i'll be requesting a matchup if you don't mind??? i don't really care if it's regular/premium unless i have to pay or smth bc i dont want to be broke again 😭
i am a cis female that goes by she/her but i feel a bit dysphoric sometimes but usually nothing crazy. idk what my sexuality is but probably something like demisexual
i have really long brown hair w/ natural highlights that i love but at the same time i am super obsessed with the fluffy short hair that kinda covers your eyes???? i really want it but it probably wouldn't look good on me.
i have dark blue eyes that a lot of people compliment me on, even though i dont think that they're that pretty. i struggle with a lot of body insecurity and struggles with EDNOS in the past. i'm around 5'6" but since im european my parents said that i'll probably end up around 5'8-9" :((
my favorite colour is light purple/black and i am forever in between going full on pastel-kawaii or goth/alt.
my zodiac sign is gemini, and i tend to be very impulsive and blunt. my mbti is intp-t, and my personality is a little.... odd?? im just always labeled as the 'weird' kid, and i tend to agree with them 😅 im very quiet and uncomfortable with people i dont know, but when i'm with my family im super hyper and excitable. im also very very dramatic and tend to say whats on my mind without thinking. i get distracted easily and hyperfixate on something for a while before moving onto something else i like (this happens with music, food, books, games, etc)
i absolutely love any type of music and am almost always listening to something. i also love reading and writing, and my dream is to become a professional author. my favorite types of books are apocalyptic and psychological thrillers
i have ocd, mdd, and i struggle with a lot of paranoia or abandonment/trust issues. i tend to either bottle everything up or just vent to people i dont know that well and i really dont like it.
i have a lot of repressed memories from my childhood, so i tend to lean towards cute or childish things like stuffies/colouring books/etc. i dont have any best friends or anything, so i tend to create characters in my head and be friends with them instead.
my love language is physical affection / words of affirmation and i have a habit of internalizing everything people say to me, and still carry around a lot of things people told me in the past that hurt my feelings.
idk if i should include anything else and im sorry this is so long but i usually end up going a bit overboard lol ψ(`∇´)ψ
also my fav emojis are 🧊🤍🍨🛒☕🙈 and idk why
you were so difficult to match up because I had so many different ideas for good matches and I didn’t know which one to choose so I went with Toby because I think he’s the best one :) 
also, few things about your ask that i’d like to mention: a) that hairstyle sounds so cute b) dark blue eyes are awesome (i got boring old brown), c) fuck ENDOS (I had ARFIDs a couple years back which, judging from google, falls under the category of ENDOS, so I feel your pain. Recovery for the win, though!) d) oh man i know hyperfixations all too well e) i love reading & writing too f) hey i want to be an editor/publisher someday! g) that line about not having best friends so you make up characters hits fucking hard  🖐️ like me too 😭 h) don’t worry, the more info i have, the better it will be and the easier it is for me, i) i find it kinda funny/cute that not only do you have favorite emojis but they’re also kinda obscure ones too lol
I Match You With: Toby!
Similar Likes: reading & writing (just writing random stuff down in journals though, nothing serious), cute things,
Similar Dislikes: n/a
Why You'd Make A Good Match: Toby is a lot like you so naturally you'd be the best of friends at first before it took a more romantic turn. He was always called the weird kid in school, so he knows what that's like. He's excitable and hyper most of the time and will definitely feed off of your own energy so it's like double the excitement! He also knows what it's like to be insecure about your body (he's got that body insecurity as well) so he's always encouraging you to be kinder to yourself because he doesn't want you feeling like he does. He also would be very supportive of your OCD, MDD, and abandeonment issues and would work super hard to ensure you’re recovering and doing well with all of these things. He’s a very caring boyfriend and your mental health matters to him (also be sure to keep an eye on his own mental health). On a lighter note, he would love to listen to you read your favorite books to him! He enjoys reading but it can be hard with all the tics so it's a nice bonding activity for you to curl up together and read to him.  
Potential Relationship Clashes: He is also easily distracted and goes through hyperfixations, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you both understand the other. On the other hand, you'll have to listen to Toby info-dump about his hyper fixation when you'd really rather talk about/indulge in yours (and vice versa), and it can be hard if the pair of you are supposed to remember something important or stay focused on one task because of how easily you both are distracted.
What He Loves The Most About You: Toby loves how cute you are and how you're both best friends before anything else! He has the same love languages as you, so that works out in that department because you both feel appreciated and loved by the other at all times. Toby thinks your eyes are super pretty and you are 100% deserving of every compliment you get. Toby also would love to hear about the characters you've made up, he thinks it's super interesting and would honestly just love to listen to you talk about anything and everything all day long.
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aquanova99 · 3 years
so, seeing as you're up to trying to do matchups. here's a little test run I guess? don't be upset if you can't include everything I add, it's just to give information. i'm apologizing now because this is going to be long.
My name is Ghost! I'm transgender ftm, INTP-T. I was born March 31st, therefore I'm a Aries. I go by he/they/xe/its, although I am considering a few new ones. I feel very hyper right now for no reason, so I apologize if this sounds like it switches from topic to topic. Likes whoever, although I prefer male/masc people. Poly! Huge horror geek! I grew up watching horror movies, or just rather disturbing things. I have literally been in the creepypasta fandom since I was eight, basically nine. I constantly make my in real life friends and family worried, I love watching gorey stuff and have literally smiled at a few scenes. My favorite horror movies as of now still has to be either House of a 1000 corpses or House of Wax.
Huge music person as well! I will listen to almost anything but country willingly. It's not that I hate it, it's just not my first choice. My first choice is and always will be rock music! I love a lot of rock bands like Guns N' Roses, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Queen, KoRn, Slipknot, and etc. I listen to a lot of ICP as well, my favorite song that I seem to be slightly hyperfixating on is "in my room" by them! Although I do listen to a lot of more calming music like piano! My music literally has to be blaring or I'm upset about it, it's why I normally wear earbuds/headphones whenever listening to music.
I'm a really really loud person whenever I'm not very focused. Which is very rare because I have the SHITTEST focus. I like drawing a lot, and I like taking photos of random things. I am a collector ngl, I love collecting animal bones, rocks/crystals, books, statues, rocks, sea-shells, and stuffed animals. I love walks so much, but like it has to be in a specific place or heavily surrounded by woods. No talking, no arguing, nothing but the sound of my music and the sound of nature. It helps me relax, so it normally helps me focus after I get back. Although whenever I'm not calm I'm rather loud and chaotic. I can be quite impulsive, and I'm currently trying to fix that problem. I have like really bad anxiety and depression, although I'm currently coping through it. My room is either very very messy or very clean, no in-between. fun facts about me bc.... yes; ❒ i have a lot of rather weird photos in my gallery, it doesn't matter if it's on my phones or my pc. like think of Barbie knives and shit. ❒ i used to do gymnastics as a kid ❒ i used to be able to sing ❒ i love the rain and thunderstorms, will deadass go outside and dance in it ❒ I am an animal lovers, we grew up my entire life rescue animals and taking care of them. lemme know if you need more information !!
Okay this was actually kind of easy but only because I’m cheating. I think you would go great with Garrett and Kate. They both seem like they would love horror movies and you can’t tell me Garrett doesn’t love that kind of music, whereas Kate and you would always be outside finding places to explore and Garrett would keep asking you guys to come along because he’s head over heels for you two. Garrett is messy and Kate is super clean, no I am not taking feedback on that. Both of them would absolutely go dancing in the rain with you, are you kidding me?
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cyberwavelit · 5 years
Gamer's Debt (Short Story)
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"Crap, all I wanted was the gold chest so I can buy some extra lives. If I don't get any more extra lives, I'll lose all my gold when I die. How am I supposed to win if I have to pay for every damn thing?" Joden stepped down the ramp of his Blourgan cruiser and surveyed the alien landscape. It was barren except for the remains of a small village that he had just annihilated with a two-ton necro-missile.
"That's life. People are generally selfish, impatient, and insecure. Game companies use these weaknesses to motivate players. Maybe you shouldn't have blown up the village, is all I'm saying." The pilot of the cruiser, Jershamalama, spoke through his comm.
"But how does anyone get the hell out of this game if they can never win? I've been stuck in this hell hole for thirty days! My body’s back in the real world, rotting away.”
"Hey, you wanted to play, didn't you? Maybe if we travel to a non-npc sector we can trade off some of this junk we get every time we kill an enemy.” His pilot stared at him from the cockpit.
Joden looked back, “I feel like a slave. That garbage is only worth a pinto cent. It’ll take decades to get to the end game. And besides, that's if we can take off with all that junk. It'll take us a few hours to get back into the atmosphere. It's like a Fetch-22."
"You mean a fetch quest?"
"Yeah, something like that." said Joden taking out his cent-o-meter. It consumed his health bar as it scanned the surrounding sector. His eyes darted around his visor interface, looking at all the blips and bubbles that pinged. “I wish I could afford the Super Hyper Gold Jetpack that all the booster players use.”
“They only release that on the first Wednesday of every other month with a sign-on fee, an option to buy stocks in EternaEntertinament, a monthly fee, a mental evaluation, and maintenance fees when your able to grab it from one of the random places it spawns, like the Hell planet Infernum or the planet Madness Descent. Plus, I hear they only give you like a 3 second jump.”
“What?!” He nearly tripped over a crumpled alien body. “You can’t be serious. My mom’s going to kill me. I told her I was going to school. I figured I could just sign up for a few games, try my hand at Galactic Teamslayer, and be back at the rent-a-plex by nine. That was a month ago!”
“Relax. They won’t even notice you’re gone. Most parents have been sucked into this new thing called Binge Child Raising. EternaEntertinament created it too. It’s a simulation where adults can raise children and not have them become reclusive, angst-ridden failures. They’re really gouging everyone for money, real and fake, young and old.”
Joden was too focused on the horizon where a few blips were going off. They were purple, which meant that they were low-value targets. Everything seemed to be purple. “I never asked--how long you been here?”
“You shoulda seen it when it was it first came out. The servers would never load and you had to sit there, in the darkness, watching a timer run out as they patched their simulation. It was like holding your breath under water.” The pilot sucked his teeth. “Hang on a sec. Have to rate the game again—after this ad.”
“Yeah, I hate doing this every hour.” The astronaut picked up a child’s toy from the clutched hand of a sloblarian. “Wonder what this is worth. I heard that we used to play with things like this, not just video games where you pay to win. Up, hang on a sec, got an ad playing.”
Joden’s reality changed. He was sitting on a park bench. A duck came up to him, honking and pulling at his pants. The countdown to the end of the ad appeared in his peripheral. It quaked and quaked until Joden threw down a few coins to skip it.
Back in game world he was still holding the toy. He threw it down with distain and a lack of remembrance for such physical trifles.
He was then asked to rate the game. He voted as he always had, giving it a one-star out of three. There was a chime and a message: “We’re sorry you’re not enjoying your time in our game world. Perhaps if you were more openminded and understanding of the fact that you may not always get what you want, you might have a better experience with our merchandise. Please lower your expectations. Thank you.”
Joden coughed to drown out the message he had heard a hundred times. “I’m so tired of game companies stealing from us. Don’t they realize that it’ll only make the game suffer?”
“Yeah,” responded the pilot, “let’s go steal something.”
“I’m so tired, Jersh. I just want to go somewhere where we can kill an alien race and grind their bones into dust. What’s so wrong with that?”
“If you only knew, kid. On its launch the game world wasn’t even finished. Eterna used the gamers to construct most of the planets using the build-and-play incentive. Those gamers signed a contract that said that they had to make at least four hundred ‘products’ before they could actually the game. They called it the ‘fix-it-later’ release. The products they were referring to was one galaxy. Those designer gamers are probably still waiting…”
“Four hund--?” Joden held up his fist to the pilot, who had been watching from the ship’s windshield. “That’s extortion!”
“Welcome to the world. They get away with it because it’s a game world. You can do anything in the game world like gambling, murder, blackmail, forced labor, and forced sodomy. Nothing’s real so nothing matters.”
The astronaut had disembarked about five hundred meters from the ship. Steam bellowed from its worn exhaust. “Why did you call me kid? How old are you? I mean I know you have the same avatar as me…”
“Age doesn’t matter either. Yeah, I couldn’t afford the customizations either.” Jersh tapped his helmet. “So, I guess we both have the same face.”
“And same weapons, gear, armor, boots, ships, weapon skins, and abilities.” He noticed a large oval blob on his visor’s HUD. It was moving closer behind a small series of stone pillars.
“Oh no, I have the blue-skinned Rigormortis rifle. It’s got this badass blue stripe on the side. Cost me 20,000 gold, 200 platinum, and 4 of my lifesaving’s accounts. If I didn’t have this stripe, I’d probably go insane or worse, color blind.”
“Shut up, dude. Something’s coming. I think it’s a surviving sloblarian. I hear they get angro really quick. I don’t want to die here, man. I never bought a 600-gold resurrection pack. It’ll take sixty days to load back in…”
Jersh responded, sounding distracted, “You’re fine. Just cap it in the head or something.”
The purple blob was twenty meters away. If it wanted to attack it would have to come out into the open and charge him. He could tell there was movement but it was more restless than threatening. Joden took out his rifle and fired at the rock tower. The gun exploded in his hands, sending his obliterated fingers in multiple directions.
“Ah damnit! I forgot about the maintenance fee!”
The figure bounded from the pillar and slunk slowly towards the enemy astronaut. It skulked across the yellow, Phallusian sand with its omni-dexterous flippers. Arriving to the hunched-over human its tugged at his spacesuit and motioned for him to come closer.
“Gross dude, it wants to talk to me. What should I do?” The rounded head bobbed up and down like a rubbery ball. It seemed to be injured or at least miserable.
Joden heard distinct crunching noises emanating from the pilot’s mouth. “IDK. Step on it I guess.”
The polymorphous blob at his feet opened its crevice-like mouth and appeared to gasp for air. But it wasn’t gasping. It was whispering. He leaned down and listened.
“Dunk…prrray…Donk pppreeeey.” It was saying, and gargled as its lips flapped. “Doooonnk plllaaaaay. Chooose nut to pprraaaaay. Fyind sumting essl to do wilth yourg tyhme.”
“Oh, hell no!” shouted the man, as he squashed the creature’s face with his boot. It was like stepping on a water balloon filled with pebbles. He looked at where his hands used to be and screamed into the sky. “What does it all mean? Why do I always have to be punished! I’ve been in the same place for too long!”
"It's not good to live in a dream.” More crunching came from the ship. “You sometimes forget what life is like."
Virtual blood splashed onto the dry dirt from his nubs. A few splatters mixed with the alien’s internal fluids. The reflective pool at his feet showed his avatar’s face, the same face of his pilots. He searched rapidly for any signs of wealth or material possession. There was nothing but ooze and viscera. Tattered cloth around the dead alien’s head was smushed and torn.  
He turned toward the ship with a look of bewilderment. “How many gamers are trapped here? We can’t be the only ones. This game isn’t anything like what they advertised. They lied to us! Who would want to be stuck in this perpetual nightmare of pay-to-play, pay-to-build, pay-to-live, pay-to-pay mechanics?”
“I don’t think you get it.” The pilot was still eating. “Companies do this to consumers because consumers let them. The general belief is that consumers are very smart but when’s the last time you heard someone say: ‘I won’t buy that because it goes against my code of ethics?’ None, no one’s ever said that. People like spending money. It’s in our blood. Its our nature to trust rich people. They seem to have all the right answers even when they don’t. They make the truths that we all follow. Besides, how could they get all that money if they had bad intentions.”
Joden used his character’s remaining strength to rush back towards the Blourgan cruiser. He felt a draft of air coming in the direction of the ship, and heard the engine roaring to life. “What the hell are you doing?”
The mercenary vessel hovered three feet off the ground and its nose pointed at the runner. Its pilot could be seen through the windshield, “Sorry newb, you’re becoming to be a real downer.”
“I thought you were my friend!” he whimpered, his nubs heaving back and forth.
The ship elevated to ten feet. “None of us are really friends. We’re all just trying to make a living. And I need one more kill for the Slayer Award. We’re all just numbers.”
As he came to the plateau where he had disembarked, he held up his invisible hands to shield his face. “I just want to go home! I just want to go home.”
A cybersonic laser beam burst from the cruiser’s forward cannons. He felt the hot bathing light of the beam and then felt nothing at all.
“I can’t get out…I can’t…” He awoke in darkness. A screen appeared that read the same message he received hundreds of times, “You have died. Looks like you have low gear and feeble weapons. Would you like to buy a booster pack?”
“No.” he responded.
“A looter box?”
He said the same words over and over before. The message continued, “You have elected to refuse game-provided assistance. This is a poor decision. In order to continue gameplay without using game-provided assistance please insert thirty-seven-point-one resurrection tokens.”
He wanted to cry but said, “I don’t have any.”
The automated voice paused and spoke again after popping up a sixty-page form. “Well that sucks. In order to continue please complete the loan agreement in front of you. The loan is for $6,000. Sign here, here, and here.”
Joden lowered his shoulders and looked at his current debt. It read: “-387,000.” He breathed out, collapsing his chest, and grew red-faced. “No!” he shouted.  
There was another pause and the form disappeared. For several moments there was darkness and silence. “Very well.” The automated voice returned. “You have chosen reincarnation. Goodbye.”
“No!” he screamed defiantly. “No!”
Then, all of a sudden, he felt strange. He looked out through oddly-colored eyes. His hands had returned but they had three fingers instead of five. When he tried to speak, he could only gasp through what felt like a straw. The sand that he walked on grew hardened in his webbed feet. An alien girl danced toward him, carrying a toy. She hugged him with pencil-thin arms and turned towards the sky. Tattered robes fell along his arm and he patted the girl’s head. He looked up, to where the girl was gazing and saw a massive fireball break through the atmosphere. A necro-missile came out of the fiery plume, heading straight for their small, stony village. 
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ernmark · 7 years
Hi I love all your penumbra metas. In the latest episode I'm still confused by what actually went wrong with the dome, was it the society or the dome that didn't work?
Is this gonna be a thing I do?
I am totally cool with this.
Again, major detailed spoilers for Promised Land under the cut.
And an anon asked:
Thanks for explaining the end of the episode! I’m a little confused about what happened with the dome in the first place. I mean, I know the free dome wasn’t real. And Erin tried to get her son(?) to get it to work and he was a giant dick trying to torture people looking for it. Did Erin set up the dome stuff prematurely? Did it ever exist? Marshall’s son felt really bad and wanted to warn everyone. Where did the hallucination gas fit in? Did Erin and company think they had it but didn’t?
One thing to keep in mind is that we’re deliberately not given the full story, so all we’re left with is bits and pieces that we can glue together to kind of get a vague impression of what happened, but the way I put them together won’t necessarily be the way you put them together. 
So let��s get to it, shall we?
Why was the Free Dome important?
Real estate on Mars is expensive, outside of super low-income neighborhoods like Oldtown, The Boiler, etc. 
This is because 90% of Mars’s surface is uninhabitable. If you want to live somewhere, you better be willing to fork over a ton of cash for a tiny place, or else you’re going to be buddying up with your immediate family/seven of your closest friends/etc. 
JUNO: Mars only has a couple cities and a few desertoutposts cuz the radiation will bake you like a potato if you stay out theremore than a few hours, and Domes can’t be built just anywhere. So if you want anew city, you’ve got to figure out how to build a place to build it. You haveto invent a better Dome.
Life cannot exist underground, because the ambient radiation is just too strong:
PILOT: A lot of space in this subway. I wonder why I neverbuilt anything down here. Some housing or something.
PIRANHA: People lose their marbles if they live under Martianground too long. Radiation burns, Brainswell…
STRONG: You know whatbeing under all this radioactive sand too long does to you? Drives you crazy.Makes you see things.
This is likely why the subway has been closed off everywhere except Oldtown– most likely it wasn’t safe for the people working there, or for the people using it for transit.
Oldtown was the only part of Hyperion City that still had a connection to the Old Subway, behind a boarded-up door in a nondescript office building. (Stolen City)
This is probably also why the only thing that lives in the sewer are giant mutant rabbits. 
Notably, though, both the subway and the sewer system are in fairly good repair because they’re both under Hyperion City and its protective dome. The same doesn’t hold true for structures built outside of that protection:
People hadbuilt things down here, signs and lights and tracks, but the radiation hadclearly done damage even this deep below the surface. Fixtures corroded. Trackslike time had taken a blowtorch to them.
Even the existing domes are fragile. We know that Hyperion City’s has some places that are protected better than others.
RITA: Well… sounds like a pretty bad sandstorm is gonna hit this afternoon. You’ll probably want to be out of Oldtown by then; the shield over there’s about as strong as used tissues. They went into lockdown three times just last month. (Day That Wouldn’t Die)
Our Man-Who-Wasn’t picked a good neighborhood to set up shop in: the Old Industrial District, a place blasted by sandstorms and cosmic rays so hard that not even the roaches would live there anymore. The shields protecting the rest of Hyperion didn’t reach this far, and so neither would most of its citizens. It was the perfect place to do bad business – so long as you didn’t mind a tumor or two. (Prince of Mars)
That’s important: You can’t build domes just anywhere, and the domes that do exist have to be heavily shielded from sandstorms and cosmic rays. 
If you can solve those two problems, then you can build a dome wherever you want, you can build as many of them as you want, and all the unclaimed land on Mars is effectively yours for the taking– and that means that you now have the power to decide who gets to live there and who doesn’t. Do you give affordable housing to anyone who wants it, like Erin Marshall D’Arc? Or do you do like Pilot wanted, and make the hyper-wealthy pay top dollar so they can have their own personal golf course? Either way, that’s an incredible amount of power.
The Family D’Arc
So we have three main characters in this story: Erin, the scientist; Marshall, her son; and his kid, Domer 3 (they’re never given a name, but that’s what the script calls them).
We started in a reception hall that didn’t lookprepared to receive anybody. There were portrait frames on the walls, but mostof them were empty, and the ones that weren’t just showed family photos. A momand her son –- the D’Arcs, probably. The kid all grown up, moody, wild-eyed.The only full portrait in the room had the face scratched out – and theydidn’t look like Erin or Marshall. 
Erin was a military scientist who thought she had a solid technology on her hands, and believed in it enough to run away with a group of other believers. Erin was an optimist who seemed to genuinely believe in her Utopian dream.
After her death, her son Marshall took over leadership of the dome.
MARSHALL: Cuz Ma might’ve had allthat crap about everyone being her neighbor or whatever, but guess what? She’sdead.
The character descriptions in the script talk about how Marshall was a believer who wanted desperately to be good enough, but neither he nor the Free Dome ever lived up to expectations, and that broke him.
But all of that is background information. From what we see in the episode itself, Marshall was… not a nice person. His tests were murderous, sadistic, and full of gaslighting and victim-blaming, and the way he addressed his prospective “neighbors” was nothing short of abusive. 
So you’reprobably wondering why I stopped you out in these irradiated badlands, with allthe oogidies and the boogidies waiting to getcha. I’ve got three answers forthat. Answer one: it’s none of your business. Two: my testing materials havegot to last a long time, forever probably, and it’ll help wear-and-tear if lessof you make it to them. Three: it’s still none of your goddamn business.
“Anyone whowishes to enter the Free Dome must be generous, and give more of themselvesthan they can afford. So sit upon this Chair of Charity and give to us… fromyour blood.”
Congratulations.You’re a very generous idiot. Here’s the Dome… and here’s your blood back,weirdo. Just do me afavor: if you feel like you’re gonna bite the big one, show yourself out,alright? We’re already behind schedule without cleaning up your carcass.Marshall out.
That’s it!Easy, right? Just hold the Dome and walk straight. No matter what. You hear me?No matter what. (AN UNDERCURRENTOF DARK, DARK ANGER) And if youknow what’s good for you, you’ll listen.
That’s way beyond unreasonable. But it wasn’t just toward the test-takers. His kid flat out tells us that this was regular behavior for him.
Dad was a good guy, too. I mean… well, no hewasn’t. 
I never met her, but Dad… Dad wasn’t good beforethe radiation either.
(Notably, this is the same kind of language that Juno uses to describe his own mother.)
We don’t know Domer 3′s name, but we know that they lived outside of the dome with Marshall long enough to know him (and his abuse) before the radiation made him worse; we also know that Erin didn’t live to meet her grandchild. 
After Marshall presumably died, Domer 3 seems to be the last person here. They recorded warning messages to keep everybody away, and encoded a kill switch into the final recording so that once it was activated, nobody could enter the Free Dome again.
There is a fourth character here, but we only know them incidentally. I don’t know whether they were Marshall’s ex-partner or his co-leader, but Marshall really did not like this person:
MARSHALL: … a test tosee how generous you are. You want in you gotta have a sense of charity. Notlike that weasel Malvin, I swear ifyou’re listening to this, Mal, I’m gonna tear your—
Alright, fine.Test of Faith. You’ve got to do whatever I say exactly, right? That’s how youprove you can be faithful. That you’re going to listen when I tell you to dosomething. That you’re not just going to run out. Malvin.
I suspect Malvin is not Domer 3, because otherwise Domer 3 would have been given a name in the script. Also because Malvin clearly left on their own terms, whereas Domer 3 was clearly the last one there.
So what went wrong?
As near as I can put it together, there were two main problems, one structural and one societal.
Structurally, the dome tech just didn’t work.
I’m sure it did in the short term– after all, the dome sample that Pilot received was powerful enough to protect them from most of the dangers of the third trial, and it was stated to be a much less powerful version of the real thing. 
I genuinely believe that Erin set up her city on the other side of those doors in the end. But what worked in a lab setting just couldn’t hold up to the brute force of sandstorms and constant cosmic radiation. As soon as the dome failed, everybody had to rush back into the relative safety of the underground areas on the other side of the door. The ruins of the city were likely warped by radiation and ground up by sandstorms until they were reduced to nothing at all.
Underground, Erin kept trying to fix the dome tech, and then brought in her son to give it a go. Both of them failed.
I wish they made it. I wish it was possible. Erin, I think she really thought, even if she couldn’t do it… maybe Dad could. She believed in him so much. And when he realized he couldn’t make it work, he just… (BIG SIGH) It was bad. He was… bad.
They were underground in the facility long enough that they started to hallucinate death millipedes, undercrows, and from the sound of it, the functioning dome itself:
I don’t know how it happened. The undergroundradiation, maybe, making them see things, or… maybe they just wanted to see it. 
What exactly happened to them isn’t elaborated upon, but the implication is that they assumed that the tech worked and walked into the desert unprotected, which killed them within a few hours.
(Just to clarify: there was never any hallucinatory gas; the hallucinations were a result of the brainswell, which was in turn a result of the underground radiation.)
But there were some societal issues at play, too.
I’m gonna step back for a second into the real world: historically, there have been a handful of experimental Utopian colonies over the years, with varying degrees of success. A common thread, though, is that a lot of them tend to fall apart when people stop dividing things evenly and start hoarding and hiding an unfair share of the goods for themselves (among other things). The test of charity suggests that this is one of the things that went down here. Once again:
MARSHALL: … a test to see how generous you are. You want in you gotta have a sense of charity. Not like that weasel Malvin, I swear if you’re listening to this, Mal, I’m gonna tear your—
But it’s not the only thing that went wrong. 
Erin’s answer to a galaxy-ending conflict wasn’t to address any of the existing problems that broke the world, but to just pack up and move somewhere else.  Which is not that great of a strategy.
Your wholething is that the world’s a train wreck, so you open up a new city and just letanybody who wants walk in? That’s not anew world. That’s not a utopia. That’s the old one all over again. Justsmaller.
Erin’s strategy was apparently to please everybody, which is also not a great leadership strategy, especially in a small place with limited resources. Marshall had a lot of things to say about that, but he wasn’t much better. Apart from being seriously abusive, Marshall wasn’t the kind of leader that could command respect, which he clearly resented. 
… what isthis, second? Uh, Test of Faith, how about that? Listen to whatever I say.Somebody’s got to. Somebody should.
Hey, you listened. Nice work. If you’re alive. Which you probably aren’t. Because you probably didn’t listen. Nobody does. Why would you? Why would anybody? 
On a societal level, the Free Dome was doomed to fail even before the brainswell started making people hallucinate and taking away their ability to think rationally.
From the sound of it, people stopped listening to the D’Arcs, they started hoarding things, and then they started leaving or dying, until the only ones left were Marshall and his kid. And then it was just Domer 3, who shut down the whole thing and walked away.
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sosjimin · 8 years
What do you think the boys are like? I'm new to army and want to know their individual personalities
So, let’s summarize the boys then! Welcome to the fandom by the way, and also, i’m not an expert, but you can easily get to know them a bit better by watching videos/shows they’ve participated, it’s a great source! I will try to keep this short, lets go. (No, i failed, i couldn’t keep this short, enjoy reading all the little details about members personalities
Jin: he’s the oldest member, his age gap with the youngest member of bangtan (Jungkook) is like 5 years, he’s not an introvert nor an extrovert, it varies, at first glance he looks like a quiet person, but when he’s with the members he’s so playful, and he makes dad jokes all the time hahaha, the king of dad jokes, he’s also a very confident, and has high self esteem! It’s really funny whenever he jokes and laughs at his own jokes (he does that all the time) and also he’s very passionate about cooking and food in general, if you want to get to know him more i recommend you look for his Eat Jin episodes either on youtube or VAPP because he talks about him and all that, it’s really cool, and him being the oldest member makes him have a leader type of temperament. Cares a lot about his members, always wanting to take care of them, he also cooks for them, i feel like he would be such a great father in the future
Yoongi/Suga: so he’s the lethargic one in the group (as he said himself) because he’s always in the mood for sleep or either very quiet (sometimes on his cellphone) but that DOES NOT make him a cold person, he’s far from that (he’s a pisces come on, i am one too, we are soft), he can get easily excited and energetic when he’s either on stage (enjoying himself) or doing something that he’s really passionate about (composing for example), and i do believe we can call him an introvert, he also has a really strong personality, he knows what he likes, does what he wants to do, it’s not like he doesn’t care, but more like if he doesn’t like something, he will not do it, period. But the thing is that, if you listen to his mixtape he released called Agust D, and read the lyrics, you’ll see that he shared a lot of personal experiences and stories with us there, he too is a human, who suffered with depression, and pisces people tend to be closeted and not show their emotions that much, so he was brave enough to share that with us, you can learn a bit more about him reading lyrics of some songs. sometimes pisces have this ‘i don’t care’ attitude, but deep down we have the biggest soft spots for people that we really like, and things that we love to do. Also, he’s definitely very independent. An inspiration.
Namjoon/Rap Monster: our leader, namjoon is a hard to understand person, but once you get to know him, you’re gonna love him. he’s definitely an introvert, he’s the type that enjoys long walks on the beach, or just going to a quiet park with a book to sit down and read, maybe even enjoy the scenery and clear his mind. He tends to overthink most of the time, being the leader, there’s this pressure on him for always having to be perfect and strong for his members, hence why he’s always having those deep philosophical thoughts inside his head all the time, this too because like i mentioned before, he also reads a lot! He’s quiet, emotional, sensitive, analytical and of course a perfectionist, started rapping underground and composing when he was really young, mostly because of all the pressure of high school (he used to be one of the top students, with a high IQ) he decided that the best way to express his feelings was through his lyrics, so he started composing and fell in love, rap is also a way he used to let it all out. He tends to also analyze things too much and is always setting high standards for himself, so definitely like i mentioned before as well, it’s a lot of pressure on him. He loves writing long deep messages for armys, either telling a story that has a deep meaning, or just using metaphors to tell how much he loves and appreciate us. He’s always trying to find a way to improve, and he’s definitely very empathetic, likes to have long deep convos, artistic and very creative. And, by being an introvert like i also mentioned, he tends to go to parks/beaches type of places to be alone, a good way to get away from all the noise of the world, and have some time alone. He’s truly inspirational. And if you ever see some bangtan bombs, you’ll probably notice he’s always on his phone right? He loves writing lyrics and his thoughts! 
Hoseok/J-Hope: ahh he’s a literal sunshine, the most optimistic and charismatic member - Your angel, your hope - he’s also really noisy, and energetic the type that randomly starts dancing and playing music in your room at 3am asking you to join him, but anyway lmfao, he’s always smiling, a cheerful, positive and friendly person. He’s the mood maker of the group, so count on him to cheer up the place anytime. He once mentioned that his stage name (J-hope) fits him very well since he aims to give hope to the members, and to ARMYs as well
Jimin: so, he’s a really cute and shy person. he’s the tiniest one of the group (comparing to the other members lmfao). but he’s not only abs like most ppl talk/care about, he’s a genuinely nice person, and he’s super empathetic as well, which makes him such a good and caring friend, someone who everyone wants to be friends with. whenever a member is sad/worried or overthinking too much, he’s there to help, sometimes even putting their feelings before his own, that’s how much he cares about his close friends. he’s the type to closet his feelings too, because he always want’s so to show us a good image, wanting to impress and please ppl most of the time, he manages to hide it by smiling and give us the impression he’s shrugging it off, but he usually opens up his playfulness and youthful acts with close friends. he used to be super self conscious about his body, but that has changed as time passed and he matured a lot, he’s now an explosion and a strong person on stage, he has lots of self confidence and he can get kinda selfish when he’s on stage because like i mentioned there’s that whole pressure on him for setting such high standards for himself, and always wanting to please ppl, but he still manages to do it with a giant smile on his face (which is one of the things that can brighten up anyone’s day, his eye smile is the reason why i fell for him). He’s really passionate about anything he does, like dancing for example, and he’s always wanting to improve. I mentioned above, how he can sometimes closet his feelings and it pains me sometimes, because i really wish he wasn’t that scared to maintain such a “manly and strong image”, i really wish he could show us his true emotions more often, like when he does logs and talks to us about how he’s feeling, that type of thing, but i noticed that lately he has been doing that, and i’m proud of him. And, he’s such a sweet, caring, naive and lovely person, protect him at all costs. His smile is beautiful and can cheer up anyone, his eye smile is so pretty it can make flowers bloom.
Taehyung/V: so this kid has a really quirky personality, he’s such an interesting, eccentric and unique person, he can easily create his own monologues while doing laundry, and play two characters at the same time. he’s really funny, naive, down-to-earth and carefree person, he’s kinda like Yoongi, he does whatever he wants to and he doesn’t care about what other ppl think about him (take his fashion sense/style for example, he loves huge tshirts, he even used to cut it himself, and make giant holes on it haha, truly a king of DIY). he has such a deep and beautiful voice, and has also a very model-like proportioned body. He’s a really cool guy who everyone would want be friends with, he’s all bubbly and energetic like Hoseok. If he’s happy or in a good mood, you’ll see it, because he can get hyper really easily, but when he’s tired he can get quiet easily. He’s open and expressive of his feelings. Nevertheless, he’s the one who’s more attached to his family, whenever he has the chance to mention his parents and/or grandparents, he does it, either to thank them, or to say how much he loves and cherish them, he has younger siblings and he loves childrena so much! i feel like he would be the greatest father in the future! He’s an animal lover too
Jungkook: last but not least, our famous golden maknae, the youngest one in the group! when he first joined bighit, he used to be very shy, during trainee days and even when they debuted, during their first years, that hasn’t changed much, except the fact that he grew up now, and he too has a quirky and interesting personality, and he feels more relaxed and comfortable around bangtan members. The type of boy that, would rather stay home making his covers for example, playing video games (he loves overwatch btw) or watching a movie, reading comics and such, than going out. I see him as an introvert guy, he opens up his playfulness and youthful acts to his close friends and bangtan members only, and he’s kind of private about his own personal feelings too, only a few selected ppl would know about it. He’s not called the golden maknae for nothing, this nickname carries a bigger meaning, altho hes the youngest one in the group he’s such a talented boy, like anything he does he’s good at, it either being dancing or singing, even shooting an arrow, he’s good at anything
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🔥🔥🖤I'm Here For You, My Angels🖤🔥🔥
TRIGGER WARNING!!! No pity sympathy or attention I’m not glorifying anything, this is all written by me , and my experiences, yes I’ve always been a girl lol I just dress how I want to !!! 🌙🔥🌟Hey its izzy, My goal is to save help fix care and support and be there for all living and non living things, the universe, the worlds. And the galaxys ans everything. I wanna make my own hotline. Since i already help everyone and everything obsessivly. Ill do anything i can to makw a difference. Stay alice uall im always here.🥀🖤🦋 It’s Izzy again , Hello, don’t be afraid , insanity’s coming to take u away , I’d stay up all night if it meant saving someone’s life , I’d be the super hero in every movie , with a hint of insanity , or maybe all hints lol. I’ve been to 215 mental hospitals, 3 foster homes (2 were abusive) group homes , homeless 13 times, many unlocked/locked , short and long term treatment centers, a level 14 residential treatment center in Utah (Copper Hills Youth Center) , no home from 2011-2018, crisis centers , boarding cares , rehabs and I’m part of the LBGTQ COMMUNITY!!! I’m Izzy (I’ve always been a girl) I’m a biromantic asexual, I hate sex. Don’t date at all,I’m 21 , I have an unbiological son , Anthony Castillo-Martinez, who got taken away from me cuz of false accusations, stay strong yo It’s Izzy here once again Hey if u wanna die tonight , let me convince you otherwise, ur worth it and people are to blind to see that You shine so bright that the sun covers its eyes , trust me I know what it’s like , over 10+ mental illnesses, and trauma occurring 24/7 from 2001-2018, Bipolar isn’t just mood swings , it’s dangerous mania and physcotic breaks Schizoaffective isn’t just voices and visions , it’s possessing and physcotic episodes, ur so out of reality , ur demons come inside u , they become alive , getting paranoid man , there after me , I made a whole world in my head x not knowing reality Anorexia isn’t just an eating disorder, it’s calories and starving yourself and obsessively hating your body , no matter how skinny you get u still feel fat, feeding tubes and passing out and hospitals OCD isn’t just obsessing , it’s fearing something bad will happen if u don’t do what it tells u ODD isn’t just defiance , it’s massive explosions that come out of nowhere BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER isn’t just anger , it’s everything intensified and it’s out of reality spells ADHD isn’t just not concentrating, it’s not knowing who u are at times ,it’s jumping off walls and uncontrollable hyper ness and uncontrollable behavior PTSD isn’t just trauma ,it’s reminders of the trauma , it’s nightmares and flashbacks and it effects ur daily life, trust me I have had trauma occurring 24/7 from 2001-2018 , no pity sympathy or attention , from torture abuse rape , drugged up , anything man I’m non functional INSOMNIA I can’t sleep for days , no matter how many meds I take , I still lie awake , I hate sleep but it is also an escape from reality, I stay up for days , but I’m not intoxicated , I can’t sleep at all. DEPRESSION oh man , I wanna die every day , I’m drowning In an ocean and I can’t swim ,I feel worthless hopeless alone , like I have no reason , it comes at random times , I can’t escape this state of mind , I’m trapped in my mind . ANXIETY is something that u feel like ur crawling out of your skin , panic attacks so bad I got rushed to the hospital , I’m scared 24/7 , anxiety also catches u In ur sleep , u have restless dreams , you feel like u can’t breathe , like everything’s either slowing down or speeding up. ADDICTION AND ALCOHOLISM I’m over 1 year sober from drugs and alcohol , I was getting tortured for drugs , I used 24/7 to numb my pain , the drug was just as addicted to me than I was to it , it was my only friend , I’m on step 2 and I have an amazing sponsor DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY FUED , I can’t process reality , I dissociate to many alternate universes, I’m out of reality I’m in a dream I feel like I’m in a movie , physically I’m here but mentally I’m not , I’m so far gone .where am I , who am I , what why when am I ?? MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER , am I you or am I , I . I have many alters that switch , the demons possess me , I don’t know who I am, over 50+ alters/demons I become them , we become clueless AUTISM I got diagnosed when I was a kid , I get marked “retarded” but I have high functioning autism (aspbergers) or however the fuck u spell it . I was always in special ed SUICIDE I’ve attempted suicide over 100+ times, and I wanted to never wake up or even be born or exsist , I feel like I’m poison to this earth , and nobody wants me , I wouldn’t care if I didn’t wake up , I’ve been there before, I tried every method of suicide there is , but I learned that suicide ends ur pain but passes it to someone else ,I wanna be painless .if any of are suicidal, plz message me , I’ll stay up all night so I can save your life SELF HARM until u see it bleed and take away all our pain , we continue to make scars and we can’t stop,I’ve been self harming ever since age 9, and I’ve self harmed in every method possible , and I’m not proud of it, I’m not glorifying at all, if any of u feel like hurting yourself plz talk to someone, talk to me .please I know it’s addicting..... I’m here for you all NARCOLEPSY I fall asleep out of nowhere , even In the day, it’s hard man ,I never got put on medication for it cuz my doctor said my medication CAUSED IT !! CRITICALLY/clinically INSANIE Multiple doctors diagnosed me “Critically/Clinically Insane” I’m the most high maintenance case in the system. Now that we’re done here, please don’t go , I’m here to lift u up,I’m here for all u like I said in the beginning of this post . Thank u all for breathing for being alive for being here , I’m tearing up as I write this , i wish I could fix and save all the living and non living c, read the first part of this post again . If u need me I’m here , I’ve always been a girl lol I just dress how I want to .
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