des-fangirl · 6 months
!!!!!!! THIS?? recommend this vetvimes fic to you DEFENITELY now let me scream under the cut-
i like how the fic is written, also author gets points for *'s being right under the lines it refers to (I've seen them being placed in the very end of fic, this way is cooler ty)
aaaa all this might sound awkward but I. WAS LITERALLY GIGGLING & KICKING MY FEET JUST NOW. ALSO SHAKING MY HANDS IN AIR. AND PLAYING WITH MY LITTLE DRAGON TOY AND HUGGING MY PLUSH SNORLAX and if i did all that while reading ONE fic it means that fic was GOOD!! and i wanted to share this hphpah
ABOUT VIMES!!! HIS REPRESSED (GAY) THOUGHTS!! GOSH i love this so much it was good to read AND UGH MY STUPID OLD MAN YOU'RE HURTING PEOPLE AROUND YOU BY IGNORING SOMETHING YOU CANT QUITE UNDERSTAND, i know staying the same is easier and he's used to ignoring this Silent part of him by now, but i really hope he gets to change in the next chapters, if they are planned!!
also (i hope i got it right) @magpiesketchins is the author? SORRY FOR TAGGING YOU AA i hope this post with me screaming will make you happy pff- 
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doodlegirl1998 · 2 months
Hi good evening 🙏
Izuku and Tanjiro are practically alike, i need to know why i'm more drawn to Tanjiro, meanwhile i feel nothing at all to Izuku. I wonder what differentiate between these two "sunshine"
Thank you
Hi @jellymelting 👋
I think it could be because Tanjiro is treated as a character with agency, his trauma is treated with respect, and we see inside his head often, so we understand how he's thinking. He also has understandable reactions, and it feels consistent with his character (i.e., revealing that he has not forgiven Sanemi for hurting Nezuko.)
Meanwhile, the opposite can be said for Izuku.
Agency? Often thrown out the door by Hori to serve the narrative. 1A vs Izuku was horrible for this, Izuku wanted to leave, yet they beat him into submission (they barely even tried to hear him out and talk to him) and kept him at UA despite his wishes and worries about coming back.
Trauma being treated with respect? Hahaha, no. From a certain point on, all we hear about Izuku's past from was Bakugou's point of view (gross). Apart from that, it is barely brought up. His past quirklessness and the self-esteem issues from the abuse Bakugou put him through Izuku isn't allowed to grow from and the things Bakugou did (including the suicide baiting) are barely brought up, all to help Hori's favourite POS's image. In the end, Izuku still views OFA as All Mights quirk rather than HIS - how tragic is that?!
Thirdly, we haven't seen inside Izuku's head in so long we don't know how he's thinking (instead a lot of the time others theorise what he's thinking to us), which adds distance to the character. Especially when he holds opinions that don't seem to make sense with what was established about his character.
This leads me to the fourth reason, does he have understandable reactions that are consistent with his character? No. Izuku has whatever opinion Hori wants him to. Izuku seemingly liking Endeavor after the sports festival after learning what Endeavor did to the Todoroki's and verbally tearing into him about his treatment of Shoto in particular makes no sense. Izuku calling Bakugou "Kaachan" and holding on to the idolised view of him, despite all the shit treatment he received from him, makes no sense. Izuku not lingering on the similarities between himself and Aoyama (both being quirkless in the past) makes NO sense.
And finally, Izuku being forced to comfort BAKUGOU while he seems barely bothered about losing OFA makes zero sense! IZUKU should be the one devastated here - get the Bakugou's off my page and get Inko and AM to comfort Izuku about this, already!
TLDR - The reasons I listed above are most likely why you feel more connected to Tanjiro vs Izuku.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
i love the way you write yandere mettaton and yandere mettaton fans have been starved for new writings (maybe idk) may i request yandere-daze prompts 8, 11, and maybe 2? i feel like it makes sense idk potential plot: after showing you off to the world as mettaton usually does, a fan gets a lil too close for comfort (could be a friend or a random monster/human) and mettaton has no choice BUT to take action, and poor darling takes it harshly, before eventually getting dragged off somewhere else where mettaton an darling can have a moment of peace. ofc, not without a fight. ya you can use the plot if you want or go nuts, i'll be happy either way /pos
I can try, sure :) Hope I get the vibe of clingy Mettaton right.
Prompts Here
Yandere! Mettaton Prompts 8, 11, 2
“Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
"You think I’m a monster? You’re the one that made me like this!”
“Please pay attention to me!”
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Clingy behavior, Jealousy, Isolation, Controlling behavior, Implied abuse of power, Heavily manipulative behavior, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship implied.
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Ever since monsters returned to the surface, Mettaton has been putting on shows for monsters and humans alike. Of course, he hasn't done it alone. He has you, his beloved co-star, right by his side on every performance.
Many knew you two as a duo, be it on talk shows or concerts. You two were closely linked and had fans of all sorts. There was just one rule when it came to you.
Don't touch.
Mettaton took such a rule seriously. Others could look, talk, and admire you. However... only Mettaton could hold you. This was a rule Mettaton often enforced during shows.
You can look... but you can't touch.
Mettaton adored you during the performances you both shared. He's easily jealous, sure, but in the end he knows you belong to him. At least... he thought that.
Mettaton's eye nearly twitched when he saw you speaking with a fan. His glowing eyes stare as you smile and laugh with them. He tells himself you're just being polite.
Anything for the fans, right?
Perhaps you know them! Yes, they must just be a friend.... He can allow friends, can't he? Why is he still so irritated?
Then he sees you hug them....
No. Touching.
"Sorry, Darlings!" The robot coos, stepping over to you and scooping you against his waist. "Me and my little co-star have to go! It was wonderful to see you!"
It's then Mettaton escorts you away from the large crowd. He keeps you close to him, metallic hands gripping you tightly. You struggle to keep up with him, the star not answering until he pulls you into the dressing room.
"Darling..." Mettaton coos, glowing eyes glaring down at you. "What was THAT?"
"I was greeting someone I knew? They were congratulating me for becoming famous!" You shoot back, Mettaton grimacing in response.
"Whatever happened to our rule? No one touches you but me! No exceptions." Mettaton huffs, the sound coming out like air from a vent. "After all, then everyone would ask to touch you... and I hate sharing."
"You're getting angry over nothing." You try to reason, but Mettaton refuses to listen.
"Nothing? Then surely it shouldn't be hard to cut that person off, no?" Mettaton seethes. "Surely you can do that for me?"
"You don't get to control me because we work with each other." You frown, Mettaton's eyes twitching in irritation. "They're a friend!"
“Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be, Darling!” Mettaton sighs, strolling over to you. "Cut them off... or I'll do it for you."
"What is wrong with you!?" You fight back. "I thought you were just protective... but this is something else entirely."
"What's wrong, Darling?" Mettaton hums, seeing you back away from him. "Scared of me?"
You wouldn't want to admit it, but in this moment you agree. You are scared of him. You're scared of him because he's not usually this... Jealous? Possessive?
"You think I’m a monster?" Mettaton chuckles, eyes never leaving yours as he corners you near a wall. His gaze turns a dull pink before he leans closer. "You’re the one that made me like this!”
Mettaton watches you as you shudder. You stare up at him with fear in your eyes. The sight makes Mettaton hesitate... but he can't deny the fact he feels excited.
"Now, don't look away from me..." Mettaton whispers, watching you try to avoid eye contact once he leans in. "You know I want your attention more than anything else, right?"
Mettaton frowns when he watches you shake. His metal fingers caress your face softly. It's an attempt to comfort you... yet also to steal back your attention.
"Aww, baby, I'm sorry..." Mettaton hums, "You just make me so jealous sometimes... Please pay attention to me, Darling!”
You try your best to reason, but it seems you can't with the delusional robot. Before anything else happens, thankfully, you're interrupted. The door knocks and Mettaton shoots up in shock.
"Y-You two okay in t-there?" Alphys calls through the door. You sigh in relief as Mettaton looks upset he was interrupted. With an irritated noise, Mettaton answers.
"Of course, dear! We'll be out now~!" Mettaton answers in a cheery tone, dragging you once again to follow him outside.
You're lucky you were interrupted when you were...
Who knows what he had planned if Alphys wasn't worried.
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whitecatindisguise · 5 months
Oh my gosh I'm so scared/pos for the "Tails gets Maria-fied" one
Oooooh, you've chosen the fun one.
Okay, to set the scene.
It's a dark night, everyone is asleep. Or so it seems.
Suddenly, an alarm blares. The base is alive. Soldiers running in every direction. Night turns into day as the lights flood the ground and sky alike.
Searchlight passes around, looking, searching. It finally finds its mark as it settles on two running figures. Soldiers immediately surround them. The taller of the two steps forward, pushing the smaller protectively behind them.
"Hello, Shadow the Hedgehog," one of the soldiers steps forward, muzzle of the gun pointing at the hedgehog. "You're coming with us."
It doesn't take long for Tails to figure out the escape plan. It almost seems too easy. They're sneaking through the space base, and Shadow can't help but feel nostalgia. Except it's not good.
It's just like last time. Hunted by soldiers. Doing their best to escape.
Shadow grits his teeth as he promises to not let the past repeat.
Oh, how wrong he is.
"They're after me," Shadow says, as they stare at the single escape capsule.
"You're right," Tails agrees.
Shadow feels a push on his back. He falls forward, the glass falling down behind him. He turns immediately, staring into the sapphire eyes in shock.
"That's why you can't stay."
Shadow screams as Tails hits the switch. Last thing he sees is the door being forced open, soldiers swarming inside and forcing the fox to the ground. Then, it's only darkness.
When he wakes up in the deep jungle, protective glass of the capsule broken on the impact, Shadow already has a plan. He takes out his comm.
"Shadow, you're alive," a joking but also worried feminine voice sounds from the device. "I was afraid you've finally kicked the bucket."
"I need you to tell me where the nearest Chaos Emerald is," he says, ignoring the message. He looks up to the sky, his eyes ablaze. "I've got a score to settle."
And then we have Shadow desperately trying to get Chaos Emerald and not let Sonic know he (unwillingly) left his little brother alone with people who should not be messed with. No, it's not G.U.N.. No, I'm not going to elaborate.
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icarianarts · 4 months
Kung Fu Panda 4 makes me so sad because it had SUCH potential for becoming an interesting movie but it is just. A mess, all the other previous movies had enough of a fun idea to work with (even if the beginnings of 2 and 3 had Po relearning things he had figured out in the last installation to the series) that made them enjoyable.
The Chameleon as a villain just…has such a lackluster reasoning for WHY she is so evil, being turned away from being taught kung fu because she was “too small” is ridiculous when we have characters like Mantis who are much smaller than her and have gone on to learn and become a master in his own right. Hearing how the plans for the movie originally were going to give Tai Lung a redemption arc and give him and Po a friendship/rivalry similar to that of like Goku and Vegeta makes me grip my head in agony over what it could have been…
My rough ideas for improving it:
- Remove Zhen as a character for now. Po has only been the Dragon Warrior for a handful of years and there is no reason for him to be suddenly pressured into giving up the title onto someone else. If anything, we could have Shifu simply asking him if he should expect there to be students trained under Po soon. Like a light-hearted jest similar to a parent going so when am I getting grandkids? Stuff like that. LOL
-The Chameleon could have a backstory similar to Tai Lung. Maybe she was turned away from being taught anything because the way she viewed kung fu and what her personal desires were fundamentally flawed/a great evil sensed within her/etc, this could give a reason for her fixation on Tai Lung as a person, make her think they are alike (which would be revealed by the movie that they are not), have an excuse to explore her sorcery better and like. I don’t know, maybe he refuses to help teach her and in reaction to that she takes his abilities away from him. With what makes him “threatening” stripped away, she could just turn him out into the world and basically discard of Tai Lung from there. This could force him to realize he needs help from Po and the others and the movie could start off much more interestingly…
I always get sad over how the movies don’t fully develop the Furious Five beyond Tigress, I think there is a lot of untapped potential for more world building and character development that can easily get dashed. Sigh! Leaves much to think about and consider.
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centralperkchenford · 11 months
hi! can you do one where while Lucy was pregnant, Tim and Metro answer to a case where Sava was involved and heavily injured and everyone thought it was Lucy, Tim just shutdown for a few minutes before the paramedics/Bailey says it must be Sava and that's only when Tim starts functioning again. Something like when Aaron mistaken Jake as Tim but this time Tim and Lucy aren't together physically because Lucy was on a day off or smth. 🙏🙏🙏
Chenford + Sava is mistaken as Lucy & Tim panics
I hope you like this!
I would fight for you, I'd lie for you Walk the wire for you, yeah, I'd die for you
Tim sits outside the store knowing there is a group of suspects inside and possibly a hostage. He is about to move in they just need to be given the green light so the hostage is hurt. He sees Mad Dog and Po move in to the store. He counts to ten but there’s no signal for him to move in.
And then Mad Dog’s voice sounds over the radio his voice a mix of panic and fear. “We have a heavily injured woman. It’s Detective Lucy Chen.”
Tim’s entire body deflates and before he even realizes what is happening he’s running towards the store, his heart pounding and his mouth dry. He can’t think, he can’t breathe. He sees black spots in front of his eyes and he feels dizzy. In and out. In and out
Oh god!
“Sergeant!” He hears someone calling after him he’s not even sure who it is. His mind is on Lucy and her being injured. Her being the hostage. His baby girl being in danger too. And there’s no one who could stop him from getting to Lucy.
Someone blocks him from coming into the store and he pushes at their chest but they are stronger somehow.
“Sir.” Says a voice. “You don’t—”
“That’s my wife!” He snaps through he knows his voice sounds weak. “She’s pregnant let me in!”
Someone pushes past them and Tim realizes it’s the paramedics. He’s sees the back of Bailey’s head briefly before she inside the store.
“Let. Me. In.” Tim growls angrily even though his brain still isn’t working. His mind is on Lucy. Injured. And the images in his head are terrible.
He looks up to see Mad Dog looking at him sadly, “Sir she’s—”
And then Bailey’s voice sounds from the back of the shop. “Let him in! It’s not Lucy!” She calls. Tim’s heart beats faster and he pushes past Mad Dog and runs to where there’s a group of people gathered.
Bailey sees him first and rushes over to him. “It’s not Lucy Tim. It’s Sava.” She says reassuringly
“Why was she here?” Tim asks softly trying to calm his heartbeat but knowing he won’t be calm until he sees Lucy with his own eyes.
“As far as we know she was just stopping here to get a drink.” Bailey says. “Wrong place at the wrong time.”
Tim nods although he’s not really listening. He grabs his phone out of his pocket and taps on Lucy’s name. She doesn’t answer right away and he sees black spots in front of his eyes until….
“Tim?” Her voice sounds over the phone and he slumps against the wall, his entire body feeling heavy.
“Thank god.” He breathes. “Where are you?”
“At home—what’s wrong?” She asks her voice full of concern. And he swallows knowing he has a job to do. But he’s not sure he can look at someone who looks so much like his wife.
“Um.” He starts. “There was a hostage situation and they you were hurt. But it was Sava and I feel… I feel like I can’t breathe.”
Lucy makes a soothing sound. “I’m okay baby. Other than your daughter sitting on my bladder. I’m okay.” She says.
Tim huffs out a laugh and runs his hand down his face. “I love you. Just please..” He trails off and Lucy hums in his ear.
“Breathe Tim.” She says soothingly. “Just breathe. I’m okay. Our baby girl is okay. Now go do your job and come home to me okay?”
Tim nods and pinches his nose. “I love you.” He says a little breathlessly. His heart rate is still going fast. He breathes in and out. In and out. Lucy’s fine, their daughter is fine.
“Sarge.” Says Mad Dog and he looks up to see Mad Dog looking at him. “Um I’m sorry I got confused. They look so much alike.” The man looks guilty and Tim normally would be furious at him for not waiting for proper identification, he understands.
Tim waves him off. “Don’t worry about it. It happened to me with my look a like.” He says and Mad Dog looks like he has questions but Tim talks before he can ask any.
“How’s Sava?” He asks. Mad Dog sighs and looks over to where they are cleaning up the blood.
“She’s hanging on. She was pretty badly injured but it looks like she’s going to make it. We just need to figure out which one of these idiots beat her up.” He says. Tim glances over at the three suspects handcuffed and sitting on the floor.
He sighs and motions for Mad Dog to help him lift them up. His mind is still on Lucy.
Once they are back in the shop and heading back to the station, Tim leans his head back against the headrest trying to breathe. In and out. In and out.
The other officers process the suspects and Tim heads to his office ready to finish up and go home.
When he opens his office door, he almost falls over when he sees Lucy sitting in his chair. She stands up when she sees him and heads over to him.
“Hey.” She says softly and he wraps her in his arms feeling relieved and relaxed for the first time since they found Sava.
“Hi.” He mumbles into her hair. “What are you doing here?” She runs her fingers through his hair knowing it calms him.
“I could tell you were still.. worried. And I knew you wouldn’t relax until you saw me.” She says and he shakes his head because she really does know him.
He brings her in and sways with her for a little bit. “I love you.” He says his voice thick with emotion again. “I don’t know what I would have done if—”
“Hey.” She says turning his face towards her. “I’m fine Tim.” She places his hand on her heart. He feels it beating against his hand and then moves it down to her stomach where their baby girl rests and grows. 2 more months and they would be holding her in their arms.
“I’m okay.” Lucy repeats and Tim nods and kisses her while his hand is still on her belly. “How long until you are off?”
Tim shrugs looking at his desk behind him. “Soon. I hope.” He says. She nods and kisses him one more time before she turns to walk out the door.
Tim watches her go and then sits down at his desk finally being able to breathe normally. She’s okay. Their baby girl is okay. He could do his job knowing that she was safe.
He still was counting down the minutes until she was back in his arms and he was at home. He glances at the pictures on his desk, one of their wedding day and a recent picture of them. And then tucked inside one of the frames was their daughter’s first ultrasound. The one before they even knew what she was. He smiles and gets back to work. He’s got this.
When he gets home he wraps Lucy in his arms and doesn’t let her go for the rest of the night. He knows with their jobs there’s no certainty either of them will come home and they could be like Sava and just get caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. But he’s going to make sure to try and always come home to her just like she will always try to come home to him.
And that’s something he can hold on to.
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celticcrossanon · 8 months
Hi Celia, re Megsy not attending last night. Nah. I think it was John Travolta’s conditions of Haz getting the award. After the backlash started last week, it would reflect poorly on him to pull it back. So he made a few conditions, no photos and no Megsy. Is that why Harry was so salty and insulting to JT in his speech? Was he mad because JT didn’t allow his precious mommy look alike to attend? Accusing him of dining out on the story of JT dancing with Diana for years? The utter gall and audacity, projection and gaslighting much?? Haz is learning from the best narcissist at home. He’s acing those lessons. At this rate he’s gonna alienate all those who extend a hand in friendship to him, because they pity him and they can see he has no balls.
JT has survived Hollywood for decades and you can only do that by having street smarts. If the award was to rescinded in some way down the line, he’ll let others handle that by having the organization put out a statement or something.
Haz is such a POS.
Hi AnonymousRetired,
I did not know that Harry insulted JT in his speech. That is just so rude and so wrong. As you said, projection and gaslighting at its best.
Good on JT if he did make the conditions of no photos and no Megsy. That is street smarts at work, imo, by limiting the damage the Harkles can do in the future when they try to associate themselves with him.
Harry is becoming more horrible every time we see him.
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spacedykez · 2 years
my favorite things about epic the musical
but now we'll be the ones who ✨SLAY✨
i love how fast and intense the part where ody's giving orders is
the soldiers' little "WHOO"s after ody's lines OUGHHHH
*hawk screech* A VISION
"I know that I'm ready!! // I don't think you're ready..."
ody's voice is so SOFT when he's singing "it's just an infant"
zeus's voice is so deep. it fits him
the backing vocals on "if you don't end him now you'll have no one left to save // penelope!!"
ody & zeus's duet. no more needs to be said
"is the price i pay endless pain?" yeah. seems like it. i mean the odyssey makes sure to remind us that you have endured "much suffering" like fifty times so.
the second repetition of "when does a comet become a meteor" with the whole chorus singing....
"and ithaca's waiting!!" is such a satisfying line for some reason
"PENELOPE'S WAITING!!" they have the best relationship of anyone Ever actually.
the men singing "captain, what's the plan?" so satisfying
"we're up we're off and away we go!" yayyyyy
"captain! :D" "polities! :D" (dont talk to me SOBS)
this whole song is just so great tbh.
I LOVE when ody and the men are singing together. so fun. idk why its just satisfying
jungle noises!! also the beat to Open Arms is just SOOOOO very nice i don't know why something about the drums is just so very /pos though
the lotus-eaters' voices are very fun tbh. i love the overlapping vocals. they sound like Creechurs /pos
when the lotus-eaters go "oooooh!" after polites' lines >>>>
the high flute/whatever it its thats playing the melody of athena's lyrics as she sings them? oughh >>>>>
"Let's go!!"
ody's smug little "ha-ha-ha-ha"
you can HEAR the smile in athena's voice when ody tricks her. like. ooh yes this one this is my favorite mortal.
"nah, don't be modest, i know you're a goddess" >>>
i just LOVE how ody sings "you are ATHENA badass in the ARENA unmatched witty AND QUEEN OF the best stra-te-gies we've seen"
ody's little "ohkay" after athena's "we'll see where it ends." god he sounds so just. blorbo. in this song. yknow. hes just so smug cat /aff
warrior of the mind, just, like, in GENERAL, is great
"WHO ARE YOU." you can HEAR the oh shit
i love ody and the Cyclops' whole exchange. just something about it.
i love the cyclops' voice filter? whatever he's got goin on. very cool
"hey cyclops do you know what's better than eating me? GETTING DRUNK!!! yeah trust me dude youll NEVER wanna eat me now"
i appreciate him repeating "nobody" three times so absolutely NO ONE can miss it.
"I'm so glad we see eye to eye" hehe. cause. yeah.
"what..? WATCH OUT!!" >>>>>>
the whole not exactly call-and-repeat thing that ody and his men do during this song. just. man i love this musical.
when the men r singing in the background of ody singing >>>>
"captain..?" POLITESSSSSSSS :((((((((
the BANGING... like. its so emotional /pos.
the cyclops singing a version of the song ody and his men were singing before >>>>>
the sort of focusing-in thing at the start of Remember Them? i dont know. its just very satisfying
remember them is just a great song all around. amazing. 10/10 no notes
i lied i have notes. i LOVE the guitar riff thing? that happens around when ody says "SCATTER"
"captain" "wait" >>>>>
the cyclops sounds so SAD when hes saying "don't go! :("
"my comrades will not DIIIIII-EEE-IEEEE in vain." they always say it like "diii-EEEE-iiiiiieeee" and its very funny
the line "selfish and prideful and vain" is so funny after reading the odyssey. this goddess raised your child for you and saved your life like 1932094234 times. have some goddamn respect. gods.
"YOU'RE NOT LOOKING FOR A MENTOR I'M NOT LOOKING FOR A FRIEND!" callbacks to previous songs >>>>>>
"wiser, why's your" love that. (sounds alike)
the little stuttering the music does at the end of this song!!! so satisfying.
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ae-neon · 4 months
Lil hotd rant 🙃
When I was talking to this team black girl on tiktok, not even championing team green, just telling her it's weird to act like team green makes no sense
And she brought up that people swore oaths and that's why they owed Rhaenyra loyalty and I was like, sure in theory, but ppl break oaths all the time. If that's all it took, no one would have joined Robert's side in the rebellion and no one would have taken up the sword against Joffery. When ppl think the next in line is not legitimate or good for the country, they rebel
and knowing that, Rhaenyra should have invested in politicking her way out of those rumours or just stopped having bastard children or made aegon her heir or something. Like be proactive about it
And she told me it shouldn't matter that the children are bastards because they are hers and again, in theory sure, but in Westeros no???
I brought up that the whole conflict that kicks off things in GoT was Ned thinking Joffery is a bastard. So we know that having bastards is a huge problem in the culture of Westeros outside of Dorne and she told me not to being GoT into HotD
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And like this is part of why the later got seasons and hotd from the start are plagued with writing issues
They had Jaime and them shaming Brienne for being a virgin like they were at a high school lunch table ignoring that WE ARE IN A MEDIAEVAL WORLD WITH ITS OWN LAWS AND CULTURE AND
Like ofc some things can be looked at with a more objective stance. Like ofc aegon is a pos rapist who should die but acting like he can't be king because of that is ignoring that so many kings have been exactly that??
The world has its rules. And part of that is why Dany and Rhaenyra are not alike. Rhaenyra isn't trying to change the rules or the world, she just wants her turn to be acknowledged. And that's fine but acting like she's the harbinger of feminism and liberty is actually insane
At the end of the day the show (not the book) is just a messy, jumbled, rushed, sometimes terrible, divorce drama
Can't believe ppl were comparing it to early got seasons give me a fucking break
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silver-wield · 9 months
hmm in the premise that SE is definitely set out to be killing a non existent ship in the trilogy (preferably in part 2 already), I just don't understand how anyone can think the story would go astray from it's array of chekhov's guns. Tbh, when I first watched AC, as a kid, in my mind I just assumed tifa was his gf and z and a were like his comrades who died. The part where he called him "mother" did help tons for me to think of it this way. It was only after 15 years? That I discovered there was even a debate? So I spoiled myself and by the principles of storytelling, FF7 seems to have the trope of quite literally any amnesia tropy kdrama plot I've ever seen that also exist in jp media. Aka, anything that happened during his amnesia phase does not count after finding out who he is, because he was most party manipulated to not remember things by the narrative and its character. Mind you, this is just me spoiling myself for a small context of a game i haven't played yet and only have superficial understanding of the characters. Also, the part in lifestream really sells it lol, he gets himself back? Because he was false before? It's so weird why this is even confusing.
So, I had a conversation with my bro about this and he's a debater, I told everything about the "LTD" and it's a long talk but he says, it's a non-debate. Since cloti is sourced explicitly in the game and sources, answering cloud's feelings as the main question.. the ltd asks "what does he feel for a?" But the thing is, it can also be asked "what does he feel for z?" Easily can be romantic IF we base thier "logic" of ca on zack + cloud. Canon wise both are stated as friends to him. But romantic? For both, it LITERALLY doesn't exist. It's not as to make it vague per say, but that the writers, story, and characters have no idea that it's even needed to be answered. Aka it is by default platonic. Not vague, it's platonic as stated by canon sources as it's the only one that exists. The LTD is a cult like idea that continued to persist in the fandom of FF7. But never in the mind of it's creator. This is their mistake. They find this as an activity of the fandom, but reality is, it undermines their work greatly. Destroying all the characters, and story they've made and for what? Cheap pity fan service? That's lazy. This isn't a charm of the game, but a mistake of its delivery. I mean as evident as how many pitied tifa in AC. Essentially it's like 1+1=2 (canon) but someone says it's 3. In short it's BS, but a lot are biting on "maybe it is 3" and ignoring all the proof for the sake of negating. Hence a non-debate because canon has already won and will always win.
Now, I saw a zerith point out how they're so happy they're even getting anything. Tbh I found this strange, a good story would utilize the successful built up if zack and they are thank god. But why do I see this as a random person? And they don't? I feel there's trauma in this fandom, and I hate that for all of you and a story that has intense potential. Which leads me to a "funny" thought. It seems for so long, cas have been going on about their way to misinform everyone, thus encouraging incels, dudebros, bandwagoners alike. This does not seem to sit well with devs, I sure hope so. I feel like the fact that they've been this toxic, is the reason why SE is extra mean to them and is even planning to finally give them an answer to the "what does c feel for a?" After all these time? A question that was never important to begin with because it's already platonic by default but copers want more. It is because of this desire, most likely "he doesn't feel romantically inclinde, even if you as a player did, he does not, never will, never did" would be the answer. SE could have let them have their merry way, but they've been pos. So they made the compilation, imperfect, but there's Zack, now Zerith is coming around and with closure, Cloti is being emphasized. They added stuff for cloti and more important, reduced what was "theirs". Had cloud's mocap actor emphasize cloti and downplay ca. We even had a trailer quite literally exposing to the whole world how disgusting the idea of ca is, and if you liked it? Lol get help , your morals are astray. There's so much much more, and for some reason if this is successful, if SE actually gives a shit for art and not cheap money? Then lmao, cas made all of this happen just because they can't stop fcking things up. The existence of a problem, that needs to be fixed. Because of that, ZA will be pushed on their faces, and they will definitely not like CT more with all the sexual built up in part 1. I'm obviously joking to " thank them", of course, the devs who lost their patience are to be thanked as they've been inspired to take responsibility for their shortcomings as well. But yeah, if everyone understood OG on the get go? And AC didn't get much shit? Nobody pitied tifa? doubt we would be even getting this much content for cloti, maybe cloud, and quite especially tifa.
It's a strange journey, but I hope I'm right about them having integrity. I sure hope so. I hope they don't leave room for pity, I hope they are ruthless with it. I don't think I ship anyone but I am a sucker for a masterpiece, and I very much want this to be one.
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None of the devs have ever thought about that ship, and even when asked point blank Nojima was all "idk" and had to come up with something on the spot but even that was negative because he stated Aerith cares more about the planet than she would Cloud
Which is obvious from how she has zero respect for him
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justanotherwriter140 · 9 months
Kung Fu Panda 4 - The Trailer
Another really, really long discussion post.
I know I'm late to the party. Oops!
Well, I think it's as good of a time as any to write another discussion post because what's better to write about than the Kung Fu Panda 4 trailer? Nothing, evidently, because take a wild guess what I'll be rambling about today.
The first (and possibly last—aside from the Christmas day teasers and product advertisements) Kung Fu Panda 4 trailer was posted to YouTube on December 13th, just under three months before the film's current release date (March 8th). It quickly gained mass public attention, garnering over 140 million views across all social medias on which it was released within its first day of being online. That's...utterly insane.
As an avid Kung Fu Panda fan, I'm thrilled at the attention the new film is getting; however, I'm not ignorant to the many concerns that both fans and casual viewers alike have regarding the content shown in the trailer. In this post, I want to acknowledge and discuss any and all opinions I've seen so far, both positive and negative.
Before I begin, though, I want to let it be known that this isn't a hate post. I want to be respectful and fair above anything else. I will be discussing things that I dislike in the trailer as well as things that I like, and if you don't agree, that's alright! This isn't a persuasive essay, it's an extensive ramble of personal indulgence in the terrifying freedom with which the internet presents us in today's day and age.
So, given that freedom, let's talk about the Kung Fu Panda 4 trailer! Spoilers, nitpicks, and annoyingly specific thoughts lie ahead.
My attention is immediately brought to the changes in the art style. I enjoy stylization a lot, and I think that if done well, it could work favorably when applied to the KFP franchise. The previous movies have toyed with temporary art style changes, usually in backstories and dreamscapes, all examples of which were done expertly and fit well within the respective films in which they appeared. I guess that's all to say I'm definitely on board with alternative art styles being utilized for storytelling purposes (or just because they look awesome).
With that said, though, I'm very much hoping to see the incredibly intricate painting backgrounds/landscapes make a comeback. They've always been a highlight of the films for me and I think that they're a unique detail that adds to the franchise's feel. Suffice it to say, I will be disappointed if that tradition is dropped.
I can't think of a good segue, but I want to point out a detail many fans online were discussing upon the trailer's release: Shifu's staff.
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The golden band that has been wrapped around Shifu's (formerly Oogway's) staff since the second film has miraculously disappeared. This is a very odd inconsistency with Shifu's character design.
While it's a small detail, I wanted to point it out and hear some other opinions as to why the staff suddenly looks different. I'm assuming the shot hasn't been fully rendered and as a result, some of the easter eggs that the fans (including myself) like to nitpick simply haven't been added yet.
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Outfit change (kind of)!
The trailer features a snippet of Po's battle with a sting ray, which could be interesting seeing as none of the previous films prominently featured any kind of marine life. I'll admit that I'm a bit skeptical about the overall importance of this battle (I'm primarily referring to the relevancy this has to the rest of the film) as the sting ray never appears again in the trailer, but I want to refrain from making snap judgments until I actually...you know...see the movie.
Something tells me this is an introductory sequence of sorts—not necessarily what the film opens with, but perhaps the first time we see Po. The hat and cape are reminiscent of KFP's iconic opening, and the bridge that Po later pins the sting ray against somewhat resembles the bridge in the first movie's dreamscape.
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This frame looks cool, but I could have gone without the "Keep your surf off my turf!" bit. On a positive note, I like the paint stroke in the background, it gives a very distinct vibe and I can appreciate it.
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The progression of Po's expressions in the "inner peace/dinner please" sequence is fun to watch.
On the other hand, the implications of this scene do not line up with the other movies at all, and—put bluntly—they scare me a little bit.
I fully believe that every individual will realistically have to achieve "inner peace" multiple times in their life. We are constantly changing and growing, and our understanding of ourselves and the world around us will reflect that change.
However, this is the fourth installment of this series, and when themes are repeated three times within the same franchise, they become redundant. It is a sequel's job to make sure that themes aren't repetitious and that the audience feels like they're experiencing something different each time.
Please understand that I don't mean the idea of inner peace should be completely dropped, as I think that the sudden irrelevance of inner peace in a KFP movie would stick out like a sore thumb. Even so, as things are currently, I don't think we need another movie about finding inner peace.
That all is to say Po's seeming inability to achieve even a temporary sense of inner peace in this segment is jarring. If it's a trailer-specific clip or a skit included for laughs, that's fine! But I'm sorry guys, I can't do another "Po finding inner peace" arc. I'm not strong enough.
Moving on!
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The portal looks awesome! Bonus points if the tendrils are made to look like bits of paper—maybe in reference to the Dragon Scroll?
Viola Davis as the Chameleon was an amazing choice, kudos to the casting director!
The lizard army looks pretty cool! I'm excited to see them in action.
As for Tai Lung's legitimate resurrection, I don't know how I feel about it. The "bringing back dead characters" trope has never been a personal favorite of mine, but I want to wait and see what the film has to offer. I understand everyone's qualms regarding this specific plot point, though, and all the ones I've seen so far are valid.
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The Chameleon looks cool! I love seeing fanart of her on Tumblr, as well, all of the artists I've seen so far have given such interesting and fun interpretations of the character. I'm excited to see what she brings to the franchise!
Admittedly, I have some reservations regarding her "powers." The third film already explored the notion of stealing life force/kung fu from other kung fu masters (both alive and dead), and as many other fans have pointed out, the Chameleon's abilities seem awfully similar.
I've seen a lot of people talking about how the shadow in the frame above looks like it could belong to Shen, and I don't disagree, but my attention is more so on the fact that the Chameleon has Po's staff—maybe traveling to a foreign city with an outlaw wasn't the best idea.
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As for Zhen, anything I could say about her has already been said, for better or worse. I didn't find her voice to be especially irritating in the trailer, but (in my opinion) her design is unfitting for the KFP universe. It's not bad at all, but it doesn't fit.
I can't see myself caring too deeply for her character, but this likely won't be of any consequence because—this is a theory I've seen floating around, I haven't heard anything solid to give credit to the idea—I don't think she's going to end up as the Dragon Warrior.
As for her dynamic with Po, I'm interested. While their interactions have been short and not especially telling in advertisements, it seems like they have the potential to be an entertaining duo. We shall see.
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We're back to the fun frames—this looks super cool! The circular structure in the middle of the palace (?) reminds me of a tulou, which is a traditional Chinese communal home of sorts.
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I'm very happy to see Li and Mr. Ping making an appearance, they had a fun dynamic in KFP3 and they each have very sentimental and meaningful relationships with Po. The frame above seems to imply that they accompany Po to the city, which has the potential to create a really fun atmosphere for the film.
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This looks cool, too! The action sequences look like they're going to be fun.
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Zhen's earring looks eerily similar to the architecture of the Chameleon's lair, which leads me to believe that Zhen is either working with the Chameleon at the time of the film or is a former student of the Chameleon.
With that said, I feel like the "plot twist betrayal" is incredibly obvious, but that's likely the point—the movie could very well play it off as being extremely evident (maybe even to a comical degree).
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The posters of Zhen are very KFP-esque, and I appreciate the comical frequency of the posters—having so many on one wall almost overlapping one another is overkill.
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Sorry, I had to.
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Po and Shifu's dynamic has always been top-tier, and hopefully, KFP4 adds to the long list of awesome interactions between them.
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This is a 6-second sequence comprised solely of Po choking on peach petals. Alright!
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The textures on the chair are beautiful! The silk of Shifu's clothes looks wonderful, too; however, I have to nitpick (not to be genuinely critical, rather just an observation) the arrangement of Shifu's robe (?). If you reference Shifu's appearance earlier in the trailer, the robe goes over his left shoulder instead of his right.
The image above could be mirrored (inverted?) for the sake of the trailer. In the previous clip, Po was facing the right side of the screen—having Shifu facing left could be a way to relate two segments that (obviously, considering the backgrounds) aren't in the same scene.
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Anyway, points for awesome weapons!
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(Sorry for the bad quality, I couldn't find a great frame to pause on.)
The color palette of this frame is gorgeous, the shades work with one another very well and the way they're applied reminds me of the colors used in the first KFP movie.
I love the architecture! Interestingly enough, the designs to the far left and against the red wall in the background remind me of ancient South American compositions.
The swirling designs on this doorway (?) look very similar to the ones in the frame! While I know it's more than unlikely for there to be South American influence in a KFP movie, when I say "all of my thoughts about the KFP4 trailer," I mean all of them.
To my knowledge, the picture above is of Mayan architecture (which is often confused with Aztec and Inca). Please correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't deeply researched any of the previously mentioned empires in years.
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This looks awesome. I love how the "camera" is moving, almost swinging, and how the characters are briefly disproportionated so the shot looks more dynamic.
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I really like the look of this part. The color palette is fun, the animation is impressive, and the glowing chameleon trap is a new addition to the films—none of the other movies have featured traps before!
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This door (?) in the background is cool-looking!
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I...like the colors.
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To be completely transparent, the Furious Five's absence is enormously disheartening. I'm aware that the director stated that they're all on separate missions—which I'd be fine with if the movie either utilizes a B-plot following their respective missions or somehow intertwines their missions with the overarching storyline—and that they'll "make an appearance," but...☹️
I don't see the FF as side characters that can reasonably be absent from a film with no repercussions plot-wise (and viewer-wise, depending on the audience). Each member represents a form of kung fu, and they have proven influential to Po's character throughout the series (especially Tigress, but that's neither here nor there given the context).
That all is to say I miss the Furious Five. KFP4, give me five minutes of content, it'll tide me over for the next five years. I can write so much based on a singular micro-expression, you have no idea.
The Furious Five's absence is disconcerting, but otherwise, I'm not completely turned off from the film yet. It has a subpar trailer but one could reasonably argue that all of the KFP movies had lacking trailers (purposefully so, likely for the sake of being deceptive).
Believe what you like! We won't know anything for sure until the film releases, and even then, movies are subjective (which is both a blessing and a curse).
Thank you to those who decided to deal with my erratic trailer thoughts and read this post! I know I didn't discuss the storyline/plot in much detail, but I want to hold off on doing so until the film releases.
If you're interested, all of my thoughts regarding the story (that I still stand by) can be found in my previous "really, really long" post. I refrained from discussing the storyline much in this specific post because the trailer wasn't especially telling of the overall story, and I've already expressed my opinion regarding the film's plot.
Rest assured, I'll be writing a very lengthy plot-centric post come the release of the film. I'm very excited to admire the animation and hear the iconic Hans Zimmer KFP soundtrack (because we already know it's going to be phenomenal).
To end on a positive note...
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It's giving accidental renaissance.
Happy (belated) New Year and thanks for reading---I need a break. 😭
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justalexisfine · 3 months
Blade and Ula kind of sound alike. I think it's mostly because they both lose their shit over things like that. /lh, friendly tone, nbr
We try hard to keep Ula from negatively getting triggered. We still haven't started a list for anything because we keep forgetting to set up Simply plural. We keep having horrible imposter syndrome but we truly believe we're a collective, even if we're so intertwined and tangled.
We notice that we tend to forget what the others do semi shortly after fronting. It's strange looking at posts Ula made and being like "oh, she said that, didn't she?" Or same with Ula looking at posts from me or Frankie, and Frankie looking at our posts. We don't think it's any type of amnesiac barrier, we're just super forgetful and lately it's gotten worse 'cause of stress. /lh
yeah, I was about to say that. /lh, pos, friendly tone
we also try hard to keep Blade from getting negatively triggered, really. although it's sorta tricky. that's kinda why The Abyss is there, to keep others from hurting anyone or the body when they break down. The Abyss is controlled by Yarrow /lh
we also have imposter syndrome, although it's faint. see, all of us are alike is some way, shape, or form, so most of us act almost the same. although there are subtle changes, of course. /lh, gen
we don't have any amnesiac barriers, either. I'm not sure why. we're also forgetful, really /gen, lh, friendly tone
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
As a story writer, BNHA is an utter insult to story telling in general. And it sickens me that people literally praise it as peak story telling.
Other anime series like Death Note, Madoka Magica, and Dragon Ball has similar themes and character arcs and did them a MILLION times better than this series ever did!
I'm one who greatly values the rule of "show don't tell" and building up believable chemistry between the characters that I just don't get from this series.
1-A say they're connected and can work together as one but we never get any scenes of the class just hanging out and only talk about subjects that are happening right now. We don't know any of their likes or dislikes, their hobbies, what they like to do and more.
Izuku is forced to be miserable and alone so it can be misery for the sake of misery or played up for poor tasting comedy. And to be forced away from his first true friends to be with the Cash Cow Triplets because that apparent pairing makes the most money.
And that's... the saddest thing about the whole business nowadays.
Telling a good story isn't a priority anymore, it's adding things that'll make them the most bank.
Sorry for this rant I just wanted to get that off my chest.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
I agree as someone who likes to write fics and read a lot of stories myself I do see where you are coming from.
MHA is built on a strong foundation, interesting premise, world building and loveable characters (eeehhh mostly...) yet as time has gone on really prominent cracks have begun to show in MHA.
Particularly, Hori's "tell don't show" method - an inverse of the good writers advice "show don't tell." For example - so many characters kiss Bakugou's ass, call him a prodigy, a "manly friend", a "hard worker", "the best", "has grown a lot" when with how this kid acts he should be LOATHED. By everyone, staff and students alike.
Aizawa is one of his most staunch defenders despite Bakugou being the type of student he should (from what we are told about him and see of his backstory) despise.
Kirishima is his self proclaimed best friend yet Bakugou is the type of person (from what we are told about him) he should also hate with a passion.
Shoto expresses the desire to be friends with Bakugou yet from his upbringing, he should instantly see Bkg is a POS (a mini Endeavor in a lot of ways) and hate him on principle - especially because of how Bakugou is still acting openly hostile and abusive to Midoriya.
Midoriya still calls him "Kacchan" which implies closeness yet Bakugou viciously bullied him mercilessly for year's. He should from what we see also loathe Bakugou or grow to do so yet he never does.
All of this creates a strong sense of cognitive dissonance and dissatisfaction throughout the story.
Class 1A say they are connected but are they really, and is Aizawa their defacto father figure? I would say no. Despite Hori telling us otherwise - he doesn't make the effort to SHOW us.
Class 1A can show they care what Bakugou feels like being rescued but hound Midoriya and drag him back to UA without a care in the clusterfuck that was Class 1A vs Izuku.
Class 1A can rightfully dunk on Mineta for all the times he acts a disgusting pervert yet look on as Bakugou takes his aggression physically, verbally and in an explosive manner out on Midoriya for the 100th time. Even Midoriya's friends (Ocha, Iida, Tsyu, Aoyama and Shoto) and his mentor All Might look on with a fond smile at the "rivals."
I am disgusted at the abusive mockery of a rivalry... a rivalry is Sasuke vs Naruto - or even Shigaraki vs Izuku not Bakugou (abuser) vs Izuku (his victim.)
There was a moment in the war arc, where Izuku shouted to AFO!Shig that losing their homeroom teacher, Aizawa would be the worst outcome of the battle. And, as it wasn't the argument of Eraser the tactical asset being lost that would be the worst outcome but him as a teacher, I was left thinking - Izuku, why do you think this?
Hori gave us no moments where a bond between Aizawa and the rest of the class was built up to see him as this defacto father figure to 1A - especially not with Izuku - in fact Hori did the opposite by making Aizawa behave like he has.
"Problem Child" - is not a fond nickname from Aizawa to Midoriya to me. To anyone who thinks it is I would like them to consider that it is coming from an expell-eager hardass of a Teacher who has never been shown to like Izuku.
Realistically, the repercussions of Aizawa's actions here written without plot armour, Midoriya would be an anxious wreck being called this by him and would be wondering when he actually will get the boot out of U.A.
So again, there's the cognitive dissonance and here's Hori's favourite "tell don't show"... UGH.
There's so so many other examples of this style of writing in MHA - all the simping for Endeavor, Aizawa and Bakugou done by other characters because we are meant to like them now.
Side note - Rei simping for Endeavor is just baffling to me and not in a good way like 🤮. It was such a poor narrative choice it made me wonder if this poor woman was actually being treated in that mental hospital or just brainwashed to be more ammendable to her abusive husband. What good Doctor would let their patients abusive husband's manipulative presents through? Fuck right off with that Hori.
With your concluding statement I agree - making a good story and concluding it at the right time isn't a priority anymore. In general, just look at the MCU. That francise should have naturally ended with Endgame yet Disney is still trying to drag it on to milk out the dollars until it becomes unprofitable.
With MHA, narratively it has gone down the toilet. Hori's heart isn't in it anymore and we can all tell. He (and his editors) placed Izuku at the heart of the cash cow triplets to bring them in the money. And it has worked.
So, Izuku will always be miserable with Bakubitch always around like a cancer sucking out all Izuku's joy and growing over what was meant as his story. I don't expect a happy ending for Izuku anymore. I just hope he isn't dead at the end of all of this and manages to save Shigaraki - which is the most I can hope for him at the moment.
To conclude, don't be sorry for the rant I responded with one of my own. :)
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penncilkid · 1 year
Hi hey hello, since this lovely celebration has fallen in such a lovely month, I thought I'd make a lil self-promo post so:
Are you interested in supporting more Black and trans creators and/or are into audio roleplay content?
Well then, hi! I'm PK! I'm a genderfluid audio roleplay / narrative "asmr" creator as well as an artist in general. I'm also very unapologetically Black. I make audios featuring characters of various genders, including trans/non-binary (and all my audios are gender-neutral to allow anyone to insert themselves). I also have a handful of canonical Black characters (Shoutout to Solstice, I miss you dearly /lh). As an avid fan of all kinds of media, I strive to create works that make people go wild in the same way I lose it over other creators' works (/pos)! So if that interests you, I hope you'll join me on my creative journey.
In addition to the self-promo, though, I would like to add something else: while my blog is primarily for my channel and such, it's also geared towards the other audio roleplay fandoms I'm a part of. As much as I love being a part of these fandoms, being Black in these spaces can be very draining.
Sometimes, it feels near impossible to see representation of anyone who looks like me if it's not coming from someone not-white. Or if we are represented, it's the same handful of characters that are widely "accepted" as not-white. Which isn't fair (/lh).
This is why I create. Not just for the fandom, but my own work as well. I want to see people like me in the spaces I love and enjoy. And if that means I have to roll up my sleeves and do it myself— I'm Black, that's nothing new for me (/lh).
So to my fellow Black fandom creators today (and every day):
You are amazing, you deserve to be here, and ain't nobody gonna say otherwise.
Make those headcanons as self-indulgent as you damn well please. Project onto speakers and listeners alike. Commit to those designs, even if it goes against the "accepted" fanon. We deserve to be seen, even if we have to take it into our own hands. Now go fuck shit up (/pos).
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saetoshis · 2 years
Ship your moots💕💕!!! Alsooo when is your birthday ??
WAHH IT'S MY TURN?? YAYY eeek! my bday is oct. 26, so vv soon!!!
apologies if i forgot anyone SOBSOBB i prommy i'll try to get everybody >_< n' i wanna do non-normative ones!! nothin too CRAZY obvious, but if i pick ones that are just not ur taste, forgive me LMFAO 🤗
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kels!! i don't interact w you much sobsob i wanna more!! but i think chifuyu or megumi!! idk for some reason they just came to mind!
emily!! we just rlly started talking but it seems like u like shy guys so tbh... i kinda picture you with giyuu or yuki (from fruits basket) for that reason!!
i'd say eren but tbh!! to stray away from the obvious, i'm thinkin' douma for you my friend. he's so teasy n condescending, fits in rlly well w your tastes !!!
ABBY!! ur so bubbly n kind hearted!! sooo i think i picture you most with ayato or nanami! just bcuz they're so serious, you're good for them! like cmon, take a break n be playful for god's sake 😋
AUDRI !! this is like a super new mutual situation BUT! u seem so goofy n lighthearted!! i think i picture u a lot with chrollo or maybe loid forger cause of their seriousness! it balances i think 😁
nymphie !! i can see you with gyuutarou or akaza !! like super caring men but also batshit insane is the vibe i get 🤗
XELLLL see... i think i see u with yoriichi ?? or even kagaya??? cuz i feel like they're good at reeling you in n being a calming rock for you :P
ARESS !! for you, i'd say todo (jjk) or maybe kidd... big cocky men is what i picture with you ehehe
apollo !!! tbh i see you with chrollo or mitsuya! i just picture you guys going to museums together or enjoying theatre
KATAA ! omfgfg i see you with diluc for sure! serious man that complains all the time, i think ur bubbly self would be good for him ehe
SNOWWW tbh !! i see you with suna or osamu miya from haikyuu!! romantic, kinda shy boys i just kinda get that vibe idk!!
VAL !! other than marco, i might even say kisaki from tokyo revengers just because they kinda look VERY alike?? but also i see you with sweet koby too!!
dallas !! ofc i'd say kisaki, but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say sanemi instead... you seem to like aggressive men /pos n' he DEF fits that description
CHERRY !! instead of tanji i'm gonna ship you with tengen !! big big man, super big heart, loves u vv much !!
AVEX ! i could see you with sakusa kiyoomi from haikyuu, or nanami ! i couldn't even explain it, i just get that vibe yk??
BELLA TBH... other than me, i ship you with shigure from fruits basket or kambe daisuke from millionaire detective, just cuz u seem to like men that have a lil bit of crazy in them 😻
DON !!! i see you with nami or mitsuri from demon slayer !! just super sweet girls, love being doted on and love doting on you !! but in reality i ship u with me 🤗
CADIEEE ngl i see you with getou from jjk... just cuz u definitely have a thing for mentally insane men 😋
VLYNN OMFG i see you with itto absolutely, big big man with a sweet heart just seems right for u hehe
SLEEPY !! i absolutely see you with gyomei or asahi from haikyuu! big sweet men who love u very much :P
PURPLE ! i hate to say something other than law bc law n you are CANON, but i'd put you with kageyama tobio from haikyuu! just because he's kinda shy, n definitely always complaining abt something ehe, seems like ur type :P
NEPPY IM NOT GONNA LIE ! i think zhongli or even silva zoldyck, idk why?? they just seem right?? like big n old men idk why i get that vibe 😁
KIREII !! tbh i see you with gintoki, he's so goofy, sweet n has strong morals ! he just seems like your type i think !!
idk why but emmie!! i see you with connie from aot, like goofy yet superrr sweet men is what i see with you! big protector energy
BUNNI !! i totally see you with hinata shoyo. it's just his super sweet attitude n he's so doting n loving!! def a good match i think
BEST FOR LAST OMG JES !! listen listen i totally see you with chrollo or toji!! idk what it is, but strong n just slightly crazy men is what i see with u!!
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sun-undone · 2 years
Raw thoughts here, so sorry for the scattered mess!
I wanted more of the Pogues together.
It felt like there was too much time with just John B and Big John.
Cleope was cute.
I actually wanted to like Topper, but nah. I hope Rafe continues to be a villain, because I don’t need more people sympathizing with him (and so not here for a love triangle with him). Also, Rafe is a POS for melting down the cross. I was hoping to see him get his ass handed to him by Pope and JJ.
Jiara moments for me were the creme de la creme (let’s be honest, they were the reason I got invested in the show — both together and apart). There are so many positives here, but I want to share my complaints first lol I wanted more scenes with them! Maybe more feral JJ. Better closure between Pope and JJ. More kisses (hello, final episode?). And I’m sad about the time jump because we didn’t get to see key moments at the start of their relationship. And I was hoping the machete scene in the jungle would have been better, like an ambush or something.
Mike pissed me off, but it was nice to see Kie’s mom making an effort. Wish we could have seen some form of reconciliation between the Carerras and JJ.
Okay, but he longing/angst etc. was so good. THE HUGS. Holy shit. AND THE KISS. And we actually got the “I love you” — I cried. And I cried after it was all over because now we have to wait at least another year. Excuse me? I keep replaying these scenes, and I’m just basking in them. So much to dissect here.
HI HELLO thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!! overall, i agree with pretty much every point you've made here ajshdakjdh but let's see if i can ramble about more specifics. the answer is yes and strap in cause this is a mess
the lack of pogues content (core 4 and entire group alike) is my absolute biggest gripe about the season. it legitimately made me so sad to see them split up for what felt like the majority of the season. it was definitely one of my worries going into the season since we knew it would be more romance based and the pogues have been paired off, but damn. i really thought they'd still find a way to have the pogues working together more often. it really felt like they were barely a part of the entire mystery, and it actually made me so angry that only jarah b got to see el dorado or even really do anything in south america. the pogues are the heart of the show, but i think with all the drama and the massive scope of the plot in this season, they got massively pushed to the side, and that stings. the first 2 episodes were gold mines for pogue content, while the rest of the season is a massive drought
the john b and big john stuff was also a big issue, one that's definitely directly connected to the lack of pogue content. and i understand why there was that rift, and in theory, i do like the arc for john b. i just wish it was paced better. in no world would i ever want the pogues' dynamics to suffer in favor of big john development like ?????? who wanted that????? i was also rooting for him to die the entire season so. glad he did and i'm not sorry about it.
cleope was so fucking cute!!!!!! i love how sweet and generally uncomplicated their romance was, it was such a needed tonal shift from jarah b and jiara. i kind of wish they'd done a bit more with fleshing out cleo's backstory as well as the "no love club" thing, which they literally only mentioned twice. but on the positives, i adored seeing cleo interact with pope's parents, her reaction to getting a room all to herself, and them pretending to be engaged in episode 5 that was fucking hilarious. their chemistry was off the charts
i never want to like topper but i actually did not expect to hate him even more than i already did, cause i literally thought that was impossible. but no. would you look at that. he's managed the impossible. i hope he burns in hell!!!
speaking of burning in hell, yeah rafe still sucks but is still the most compelling villain on this damn show by far. it was cool seeing him fly off the handle and go too far with his independence and then have to reel it back in by the end. i do wonder where the hell he ended up though, since we never saw him again after the airstrip. the whole ending scene was weird, but it was extra weird that we didn't get any sign of him, not even a tease. and yeah, i was hoping so badly for jj specifically to FINALLY get to fight rafe this season but. guess not. the pogues barely interacted with rafe at all cause carlos took up so much room as the new big bad.
jiara was overall such a highlight for this season!!!! i do think the writers hyped it up a little bit too much, calling them "the romance of the season" was kind of misleading imo, but YES WE HAVE CANON JIARA!!! i 100% agree about having another jj and pope conversation near the end of the season, i was truly SHOCKED that they never confided in each other about their respective relationship troubles, or really that none of the pogues talked to any of them at all???? not getting to see sarah ask kie about jj post-reunion hug was actually a fucking travesty and i'll never forgive the pates for it honestly. that one moment of john b realizing it in episode 9 was ADORABLE but god it just made me wish we'd gotten more of it. that's really how i feel about so much of the bright spots of this season, lots of potential and groundwork that was laid, but rushed execution. BUT there's also so many positive things to say about jiara!! the fucking hugs we got were incredible and so emotionally charged, every time kie looked at jj you could see her affection written so clearly across her face, and i ADORED how she was so open in expressing it to him. (although i wish there was more direct exploration into the trauma that didn't allow jj to accept that love at first, and more insight into what exactly changed on that front between the anniversary party and the kiss cause it kind of felt like something was missing there). i was hoping for a bit more feral jj too, but i was very pleasantly surprised by the slightly less aggressively feral, but more soul-crushingly worried feral jj that we got. plus the entire scheme of breaking kie out of kitty hawk was so great, he was on a mission and failure was not an option. and then adding onto all that, we got lots of great banter, lots of longing, some beautiful score and soundtrack moments, all in all: we won.
but even with that being said, i'm also 100% with you about the weirdness of the finale, in terms of jiara. i was floored that we didn't really get much of anything for our one episode with established jiara?????? not even a hand hold or a protective arm around the shoulders, idk i haven't rewatched it yet so maybe i'm missing some crumbs, but cleope and jiara in the finale were both so lackluster (aside from cleope's love confession of course that was so fucking adorable). it felt like they had no real reason to even be in south america in the first place, and the limited screen time they did have felt so wasted.
and then yes. we have the time jump. oh the time jump. i had a bad feeling we'd get one, but i was hoping with everything in me that it'd just be a couple of months. not eighteen of them. i can't even express how bummed that ending made me, it was so rushed and didn't really explain anything, and it sucks that we've missed out on such formative periods for both jiara and cleope. BUT my lovely jiara friends are giving me some hope for young adult pogues and all the goodness that could come from that and seeing established jiara a little bit older and more free. i'm also hoping that with the characters finally being older, the show might let itself get more mature again cause holy shit i miss when they let these kids curse whenever they wanted. also jiara sex scene that's all i'm saying
and last but not least, mike fucking carrera. bane of my existence. another gripe with the time jump is that he and anna are cheering for kie?????? so maybe they've reconciled off screen????????? i sure fucking hope not. i really felt for anna for a while too, i liked that she was making an effort to mediate and try to see kie's perspective while mike was so blinded by his own ties to the cut. but anna lost me again when she went along with sending kie away after all. that scene was genuinely bone-chilling, and i don't see any reconciliation from that. kie is with the pogues now. period.
this got so long so fast i am so sorry
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