sanasanakun · 11 months
What is the beef with sidlink on reddit? Lol I went looking for cute art or headcanons and all I got is people acting like gay sidon burned down their house and imprisoned their mother hahahahaha
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justrustandstardust · 3 months
Why y'all pair Geto and Gojo? They're both men it doesn't make sense at all. They are just friends. Respectfully l know people have different views, but why can't men just be friends?
when people say "why can't men just be friends" they seem to think they're making some kind of outstandingly intellectual point. i'm not only going to explain why that is blatantly untrue, but also why this claim imprisons gojo and geto in the very cage you seem so desperate to free them from.
in making this claim, you've created a binary with "friends" at one end and a (presumably romantic) "pair" at the other. you understand the two locations to be diametrically opposed, at opposite poles in a fixed landscape.
queerness, as you understand it, is attached to the "romance" pole within your binary, and heterosexuality is fixed to the "friends" pole. these poles are antithetical to you— either they're friends, or they're lovers. the binary only permits one or the other.
to you, queerness is a a consumptive vacuum that subsumes everything "good" about gojo and geto's relationship. you understand gayness to be the antithesis of heterosexuality; you relegate personhood and agency to the latter whilst deriding the former, resisting what you perceive to be the deliberate action of Turning Them Gay.
this deliberate twisting of their characters then makes them not gojo and geto anymore but two men in love, voiding the intricacies and complexities of their relationship and reducing their dynamic to a one-dimensional romance because that's all you understand queerness to be. either they're regarded as friends and they remain people (retaining their personhood) or they're queered, abandoning their identities because now their only identity is gay.
in attempting to defend them from being queered, you think you're saving them from subsumption by the label. in your mind, you're preserving their nuance and complexity because you seek to protect them from being whittled down from unique individuals into gay-shaped men, who now exist relationally to each other along one axis: romance. to you, there's gojo and geto, the characters you know and love, who are then twisted from their "original form" into being queer.
in seeking to free them from your understanding of queerness, you reify the very structure that you think you're dismantling. you attempt to defend their agency and personhood but you achieve exactly the opposite: you forge their identity on your own terms, pigeonholing them into fixed categories because of your own limited understanding of what it means to be queer.
in constructing queerness oppositionally to heterosexuality, you flatten their characters and push them into a prison of your own making. relegating them to heterosexuality does to them exactly what you're afraid of will happen if they're deemed queer: they become one-dimensional, actively stripped of the agency, dignity, nuance and complexity that you so righteously seek to defend. people cannot be Turned Gay because they are not straight by default; gojo and geto's characters are not being twisted into unoriginality—they are gojo and geto, and they are queer. it is one and the same.
gojo and geto are enemies, and soulmates, and partners, and friends, and lovers, and so much more. what draws people to their connection is that it transcends the binaries of friendship and romance that you so eagerly defend. in pushing for them to be regarded as "just friends" you flatten their characters, imprisoning them in the very cage that you think you're saving them from by rejecting the label of queer.
queerness is not a reductionist subversion of heterosexuality— it constitutes dimensions and layers to identities and relationships, not all of them romantic. queerness goes beyond the static conception within your binary; it is dynamic, complex, agentic and relates to more than merely sexual orientation. in rejecting queerness, you actualize the one-dimensional characterization you so fear through stripping away the integral complexities of their characters that can only be understood through a queered lens. queerness does not reduce— it is constitutive.
gojo and geto are not merely straight or gay, according to your limited understanding. they transcend the binary in which you've imprisoned them, queered in more ways than one. queerness does not take away from the parts of their relationship that make them unique; it is what makes them unique. gojo and geto's connection remains profound, not in spite of their queerness, but because of it.
and to address your comment about how "they're both men"— men have been queer for centuries, regardless of time or place. pick up a fucking book. (or just take a good, hard look at the jjk manga).
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spicybylerpolls · 2 months
It's a shame how guarded the fandom is regarding sex. First and foremost because sex, and specifically shame around sex, is heavily, heavily tied to Mike and Will's story.
If Lucas can have a 69 sign above his head while he's sleeping, why is it so hard to believe Mike and Will are having sexual dreams about each other? Especially if you ship them and acknowledge the 69 sign was obviously signaling a sexual dream?
If Lucas can have a reference to dirty magazines under his bed, why is it so hard to believe Mike and Will also have dirty magazines hidden around their bedroom?
If Dustin can have a reference to masturbation, why is it so hard to believe Mike and Will are also interested in masturbation as well?
They specifically put these references in the other, ORIGINAL, party members, who are the same age as Mike and Will, while also including references for them too (that people just can't accept), signaling all these boys are starting to think about sex. The difference is, Lucas and Dustin don't have any shame surrounding who they're attracted to.
I don't know about you (however I imagine this is a common experience for many queer people) but before I accepted that I was attracted to the same sex, I'd constantly find myself watching the women in porn and consciously trying to focus on the man. I'd tell myself things like "oh - you're just interested in how your body will look when you're older" or "oh - it's normal when you watch porn" etc - basically anything to reaffirm that I wasn't gay. And this is all between ages 13-16.
This is exactly how I see Mike, specifically. Starting to notice his attraction to men but consciously repressing it, telling himself he's normal and it doesn't mean anything. And I think people forget (or maybe just feel uncomfortable talking about) this part - that the sexual attraction, the shame in the sexual attraction, is a huge, huge part of realizing you're queer and coming-of-age as a queer person.
And that's why Mike doesn't want to hug Will at the airport (or a big part of it). It feels awkward, even if he doesn't know why. It feels awkward because he feels ashamed for liking Will. I mean the first shot we get of Mike setting eyes on Will in Season 4 is of him looking at Will's chest and then quickly averting his eyes. This tells us everything we need to know - Mike is attracted to Will, feels ashamed about it and doesn't want anyone to know (or likely doesn't even fully understand it himself, but at the very least, knows it's not "right").
Point being, his shame surrounding specifically his sexual attraction to men is one of his biggest issues and failing to talk about it is a HUGE DISSERVICE to his character!
It also does a huge disservice to Will's character, too. The repercussions of this shame, a lot of the time, is Will's situation - not having your first kiss, all of your friends growing up before you, hating yourself because you have a crush on your best friend. All because he's romantically AND sexually attracted to men. This is what Will's thinking. If he wasn't such a freak, if he didn't want to kiss boys, if he wasn't starting to feel sexually attracted to men, then everything would be so much easier. He wouldn't feel like such a mistake.
This is why I think they'll absolutely have a sex scene in S5 and also why I think it will be explicit. I previously thought it'd likely be implied and that that'd be enough but I don't see it the same anymore. Now, I don't think this means it has to be racy, obviously, but just that the audience would see some of it. Quite frankly, doing an implied sex scene, while I wouldn't be dissatisfied, is a disservice to the story.
See, with Jancy, the implied sex scene works. The tension between these two characters has been building for a season and a half and we know they want to have sex. We don't have to see it, we just need to know that they do.
But with Mike and Will? That's not the case at all.
First of all, the tension has been building for 5 seasons, which is the entire series. An implied sex scene would ultimately be a tame ending to this storyline.
Second, Mike and Will specifically feel shame about this act, Jonathan and Nancy don't. We don't need to see their reaction but we need to see Mike and Will's reactions because it completes their characters. Because they have felt shame about this specific thing, not showing them feeling comfortable doing this, with each other, would be incomplete.
Third, think about Steve and Nancy's sex scene - we're shown it specifically because Nancy feels uncomfortable.
Ultimately, there's no need to show Jonathan and Nancy having sex because there's nothing left unresolved. That's what the Duffers actually get right - only showing a sex scene when it's important for the narrative and for the characters. Even Hopper and Joyce point to this, despite them being the oldest characters and the most suitable to have an explicit sex scene, opposed to Steve and Nancy. That's because there's nothing else to tell us about Joyce and Hopper through this sex scene - we know they love each other. I don't see why the Duffers would break this pattern now.
And well, even if you don't want the scene, I don't see how you could argue that the moment Mike and Will decide to have sex isn't extremely important for their characters and would tell us A LOT about how they both feel, especially Mike seeing as we don't get his perspective.
You could argue the kiss would suffice but... does it? A kiss isn't really... sexual. And Romantic, sure. But this wouldn't address the shame they specifically feel about sex. Mike starting to cry while having sex with Will tells us so much more about his character than him crying while kissing Will.
Kissing is also a thing children do. Ending a 5 season, 9 year long coming-of-age project, with two characters who have fought inter-dimensional monsters that quite literally represent their shame, simply kissing? Something we've already seen one of these characters do, multiple, multiple times?
Okay, I guess.
Anyway, I know a lot of these points have already been made, and that this was really long, but I just wanted to say them again because it upsets me so much, especially during rewatch when I see all the themes right in front of me. And I know it upsets other people, other young adults, too. Seeing this experience represented so accurately - one that you might even still feel shame about, one that you went through not too long ago - and not even being able to discuss it openly in the fandom, is sad. Being called a freak or a pedophile for simply suggesting that sex is important here and the Duffers are telling us so. Sex... the thing that literally created us all. And that almost everyone starts thinking about between the ages of 13-14.
Sigh. At least we have this blog. Thank you for that. 🫶🏼
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buddiebeginz · 23 days
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You know I think I find this kind of thinking even worse than people who just never liked Buddie to begin with. People who claim to love Buddie or who were Buddie shippers and who are now trashing Buddie just to prop up Buck/T*mmy are literally some of the worst.
I think everyone should be allowed to like and ship who they want. I'm not a multishipper so I don't ship Buck and T*mmy and I'm not the biggest fan of T*mmy in general but I do see the significance of him in Buck's story.
What I don't get is how so many of you have become so enamored with a ship from very little buildup that you don't care anymore about how important Eddie coming out and Buddie becoming canon is. Also that you'd go back on all of your opinions on Buddie and the history they've shared.
The fact is Eddie coming out as gay is incredibly important. Just as Buck coming out as bi is ground breaking in it's own way and increasing much needed representation for bisexual characters, a character like Eddie coming out would also be ground breaking. Eddie is older, a veteran, Mexican, a single dad, struggles with mental health issues, a firefighter, fits a model of stereotypical masculinity, etc. There are so many people who would be helped to see a character like Eddie have a queer awakening in ways that are different than Buck's.
Buddie becoming canon is also equally as important as the coming out storylines for Buck and Eddie. I know people keep trying to say it's not and keep hating on anyone who dares to talk about Buddie along with Buck's bi awakening but it all matters.
It's not that Buddie has to happen for Buck and or Eddie to be queer but it should. I could write a novel on the history that is shared between these men. They are so much more than just friends honestly not sure how anyone can even see them that way. If you compare them to any other friendship on the show there is so much more there. They also know one another and are there for one another in ways no one else is. Buddie already has this epic love story built up it's why so many of us are waiting for them to reach that next level of their relationship.
Buddie would also be groundbreaking in their own way if they make it a canon ship. We have never really had a slow burn queer romance especially not with two men figuring out their sexuality later in life like this and on a primetime show. It's also not just about Buck and Eddie it's about Christopher too. We've watched Buck and Eddie basically co-parenting together for six years. It would be so amazing and important to have Buck actually recognized as Chris' other dad.
I just don't get how you can watch these men loving and supporting and fighting for one another over six long years and then trash their relationship because one of them kissed someone else and call this new guy basically his soulmate. We don't even really know T*mmy or how a relationship with him and Buck might work out because they're not even in one they're just dating.
I don't get anyone who can't see how Buddie being canon could literally change how queer ships are written in the future. We deserve to have our ships written with the same passion and care as straight ships have been. Also don't say you love Buck and then say you want his endgame love to be some guy you don't even really know. He deserves an amazing love story like the other characters have had on the show. He deserves Eddie who has fought and screamed and chosen him time and time again. Who has literally made Buck Chris' other dad, even put it down legally in writing for all intents and purposes because that's how much Eddie trusts Buck and how much he means to him.
I know the show runners/writers don't let fandom stuff influence all the decisions they make but it has some sway because I fully believe our love for Buddie has helped push things to where they are now. It does seem there is a plan already in place for Buddie to be canon but things can always change in shows I mean Tim said he was still writing and filming episodes. All I know is if the more vocal Buck/T*mmy (endgame) shippers do anything to help derail Buddie happening I'll never forgive you. I'm sure I sound ridiculously dramatic here but this isn't just about me not getting to see a fictional ship. Buddie going canon and Eddie coming out mean so much more and I'm sorry some of you can't see that.
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
Heya! It’s 👽 again, so basically Nicole from class of 09 is really sarcastic and doesn’t seem to care much for how others feel, just saying whatever tf she wants 💀 I could give a few quotes from the game since there isn’t really much written on her personality 😭
“Why would I flirt with a guy to get a free hit of Dust-Off? You can get the whole thing at a store for, like, three dollars.”
“Sorry if I don’t want my legacy to be freaks jacking off to pictures of me.”
“How does a guy who sounds like a cartoon character also have a sex addiction problem?”
Meanwhile she says all this shit with a straight face 😭
Hopefully this makes sense! Anyway, hope you have a good day/afternoon/night!
wait now i feel like i should check out of class of '09 because some of these lines i think i've actually said that last quote verbatim to my friends hahaha
men and minors dni
sevika would think you're the funniest person she's ever met.
you're just constantly saying exactly what she's thinking out loud. and you say it all with a straight face.
you used to get into a lot of shit with your words, but with sevika by your side, giggling and egging you on, nobody bothers fucking with you anymore.
she first starts crushing on you when she overhears you shit talking a stranger. she'd never even met the guy before, but the way you were roasting him had her biting her lip to keep from laughing. she swore if she ever met the fucker she'd give him a piece of her mind. or... your mind.
when she asks you out, it goes something like this.
"so, i was wondering maybe you'd wanna get drinks some time?"
"like a date?"
"yeah like a date."
"oh. thank fuck. i've been wanting to climb you like a fuckin' tree since i first met you, sev." you say with a straight face. sevika doubles over in laughter.
sevika's not anxious, but she's not the type to cause a problem if she doesn't think she needs to. so when you're out in public, and she gets something on her food or order wrong, she always just bites her tongue and rolls her eyes.
she doesn't have to with you around, though.
"she wanted a chocolate shake." you call, knocking on the window of the drive through. "hello?! she wanted chocolate!" you say to the teenager through the glass. sevika's laughing in the passenger's seat the whole time.
silco is terrified of you. when he works sevika too hard, or keeps her from you for two many hours, he's guaranteed to find you standing in his office with a scowl on your face.
"where is she?" you ask. silco freezes in his office chair, cringing at the sound of your voice. "silco, i know your skinny ass can hear me, where's my girlfriend?" you ask. he slowly turns in his chair.
"it's good to see you, dea--"
"fuck off. y'know i could get your whole crew to unionize in two days time, where's sevika?" you ask again. silco groans.
"i need her tonight!" he complains.
"well, how do you think i feel? i can't sleep until i get all my orgasms in, and she's been too tired for sex all week!" you say. silco chokes on his tongue, then gives up his fight.
"she's downstairs!" he says, his voice an octave higher than usual. "please have her back by monday!" he calls after you as you run out of his office.
"yeah, right!" you call back.
silco just laughs.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
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bengiyo · 6 months
Theory of Love Rewatch Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we picked up from Khai's confession at the party as he bared his heart to Third in front of a crowd. Khai apologized to Un, and he decided not to whip Khai's ass because they now share a warrior's bond. Third and Khai talked about what happened and Third eventually gave in to peer pressure to give Khai a chance. Khai pulled out his moves and Third started to fall again. Things were going well, but we have a jealousy bit developing with a new hot girl who seems into Khai. In Khai's defense, he doesn't seem that interested in her and is aware of his own reputation. Meanwhile, Two started seeing Lynn but he was confused about Un, and Lynn now knows about it. Bone and Paan were about to kiss because Paan's fiance is cheating.
I am relieved that Bone and Paan didn't kiss.
Okay, Lynn. I get that you walked in on a gay as hell moment between Two and Un, and also that you were still in just a talking stage, but he was right there in front of you. You can't text message breakup.
Oh, Ching Ching, why does your interference feel intentional?
Ep.11 He's Just Not That Into You
Khai must be serious about this promise to go with his friend to the beach. He would never lie over the PPL.
I will credit Khai on admitting he probably forgot to mention a party to Third. Previously, he'd just be hostile and blame Third.
Khai, you in danger, girl.
Okay, I like them putting this bar scene where a guy hits on Third, only for Third to soundly reject him, before he heads upstairs to Khai.
So they let Gun kiss someone else in 2019 since it was only to piss off Khai, but they were COWARDS in 2021 during Not Me.
I feel bad for this guy. He has this twink suddenly sucking his face before getting decked. Now they're in a screaming match.
"You saw?" is such a bad response. Going into this relationship Third said he didn't want to hurt anymore. Well, here it is.
Third is a mess, but the timing of his drinking in response to being told not to by Two was great.
Oh this fight is uglier than I remember. They're both getting cut on glass, and it definitely looks like Khai is forcing himself on Third.
Mm, Third is regressing, and Khai is not making things clear.
I get Bone's choice here, but I don't want him to fail this class.
I think Bone makes a very classy choice to just observe Gap and then tell Paan earnestly that he thinks Gap truly loves her without taking that conversation from Gap.
See, and this is why I wanted Khai to make it clear to Third on his own. Finding out through Two from what he learned from Te about Ching Ching is not ideal.
Third has watched seven films in a row? That is exhausting. The most I've done is six.
Not this show making me feel bad for Khai because he feels abandoned by all of his friends based on what they misunderstood.
Goddammit, they got me. I am not immune to a promise between men.
I think this episode works fine for the breakup portion required in all romance, but I really don't like Khai's fidelity to Third happening through others. This is how Khai is a lot, so it's within his characterization. It's also in Third's characterization to go running to Khai when he gets worried about him. The train station sequence lands well because it's the kind of big movie moment that Third would have always wanted, but he got there organically because he genuinely cared about Khai. Bone was very classy this episode, and so I have no idea why I remembered him so negatively.
As always, this rewatch is sponsored by @lurkingshan with support from @waitmyturtles and @neuroticbookworm. Tagging @twig-tea by request.
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spiderpussinc · 9 months
Like holy shit. Like that Poly-Anon, what the hell are they on?
You never said you hate poly people or open marriages or anything. Are they Mr. Fantastic cuz boi if that wasn’t a STRETCH!
But yeah, sure we can have the poly relationship, hell I read that shit all the time. I even have some sketches of it in progress. But by far my favorite is divorce!Peter.
You get so much more ideas and history with that. Peter dealing with no longer being with someone he loves, learning how to deal with that while getting feeling with Miguel. Maybe he never even liked MJ that way and couldn’t realize that he was gay and only saw her as a friend until recently.
Hell for extra spice and drama, have it so Mayday still exists during the divorce AU. Have Peter trying to figure out how to be a single dad while figuring himself. Maybe Miguel is fighting to understand if he likes Peter that way or if he just sees himself in him.
Divorce is so liberating for people and it can be so with these people. So many ideas can come from it. I don’t know why so many people hate it when we write or draw divorce.
I think the answer is a pretty clear and loud "homophobia" and this recent insistence on progressive circles to paint same-sex attraction as "inherently limiting" or "biased"; which are both absolutely /insane/ takes. You can't be a man and *JUST* like men, that's a waste! That's suspicious! That sounds like an ulterior motive! (Being gay is passe to a certain type of terminally online guy. Real enlightened allies would fuck anyone at any time! Words don't mean anything!!!!!)
People's insistence to read any interest in m/m relationships as a malicious attack designed to prod at *them* in particular is so fucking tiresome. The world does not revolve around you. Nobody has to care for straight ships and it's not revolutionary to try to reinforce them as a holy central aspect in characterization or storytelling. It's not more dignified or substantial. You just think straight people are inherently 'neutral' or pure because they dominate the media field.
My preferences and my gay art exist in a minuscule internet bubble that doesn't endanger or erase the fact that Marvel is a rampantly cishet company. I can do whatever I want and it doesn't matter; they will keep publishing the same thing they've been publishing. But I *HAVE* had my art stolen multiple times now to be reposted on tiktok or resold on etsy with any gay/trans elements I've put on it scrubbed out - to appeal to this very same straight audience -and that pisses me off. I am not trying to cater to these people and never will. I *HAVE* had my gay art used as a point of ridicule against me for years; and tbh it does nothing to me anymore but I refuse to quietly accept this treatment as default.
I don't have to center the experience of M/F nuclear family in my gay art and I won't; it does not appeal to me, I don't care for it, and I cannot be talked into changing my mind. Anyone finding an issue with this should go outside and touch grass.
Evergreen tweet, really:
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If i say "i like these two gay dudes, I would like to see them kissing" and you hear something else about someone completely unrelated, that sounds like a skill issue
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fourdollarwords · 1 year
...Isaac actually has no right to be hurt Colin didn't tell him he was gay, because it is Isaac's fault he didn't feel safe to do so.
This fandom seems to be blatantly ignoring that out of everyone at Richmond we see Isaac express the most homophobia. Of course Colin didn't feel safe coming out to him! Isaac has made it clear he's not okay with gay men!
And it really fucking bothers me are centering this situation around Isaac and Isaac's feelings about it when this is Colin's story.
This isn't about Isaac. It's about Colin. Colin who did not feel safe letting someone he knows has made homophobic comments and pulls disgusted faces at the idea of two men being intimate.
Isaac doesn't get to be upset that Colin didn't tell him because it was Isaac's attitude and behavior that made Colin not trust him.
Why the fuck is no one getting this? What the fuck is wrong with this fandom?
Um, I think you missed the point of my post. I said that Isaac wants to be righteously indignant, but can't because he doesn't have a leg to stand on. That's what the "can't find his footing" was about. And I'm sorry you're having a hard time in fandom right now, but I haven't really seen a lot of what you're talking about. The reason there's so many posts about Isaac right now is because he's the newest factor in the storyline. And yeah, I've seen a lot of people talk about how Isaac is more upset about the fact that Colin didn't tell him he was gay, but I haven't seen any people claim he is justified in this feeling. If it does go that way, I would love for another character (probably Trent) to call him out on it: "so let me get this right, he didn't tell you, probably because he was worried once you found out you wouldn't want to be friends anymore, and now you've found out and you don't want to be friends anymore" "you don't think he thinks-" "of course he fucking does!!"
The majority of posts I've seen this season are about Colin and how scary this whole arc would be for him. How important it is specifically with the rampant homophobia in UK football. There were posts about the fact that Isaac was the one that made the most outright homophobic comment in episode 3, which was important as we know Isaac as a good guy and Colin's best friend. Part of the reason I was so worried about the show having the press out him against his will was because they hadn't given him a reason to come out to the team on his own terms. It wasnt a safe space.
Colin's feelings are of course the most important, and I don't think people are minimizing them. It's just right now Isaac's reaction is gonna be the next thing. I still really hope the fandom theory that Isaac gets benched after punching someone out for saying something homophobic to Colin is true. It would be a good reaction for Isaac in defending his boy and would also be him realizing things he's said in the past that were hurtful.
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omarera · 7 months
How do you understand the part where he talks about clothes, jewelry and make-up and being bothered by people assuming those men who wear them are gay?
I read it as stating that all these things: make-up, hairstyles, clothes, jewellery have no gender or sexuality. But I saw some comments about him having internalized homophobia. And since I don't understand Swedish, I can't decide what is more likely here
Short answer: I agree with your interpretation.
Long answer:
Omar came out in Sweden 2019 and it is general knowledge that he is not straight. He answered questions on that people often asks if he is a boy or a girl and if he was bothered by it. He then said that he is not but he gets tired of getting questions on his gender identity and sexual orientation. This was 2019. And the questions are still coming. And he also asks why people should know his orientation just for the sake of knowing and that he doesn’t want to put a label on himself. He is out and proud. Some have the need to be specific and define themselves to the public and others don’t. This topic is not news in Sweden regarding him. He doesn’t have to address it. The interviewer have focus on him as a person and what he does. It’s not focus on his sexual orientation or gender identity. Or Israel- Palestine for that matter for the people that criticize him for not talking about that.
This part in the interview a few people react on is mentioned when they discuss his development and that he had a period where he was lost in life and tried to find his way. I actually asked some other people when it was published if people will now try to misinterpret this part. People said that “no it’s clear” but we also concluded that people who wants to pick on him will take the chance to twist it and pick on him as always. And now a few obviously do. I looked up some comments (still just a few comments are negative) and it’s quite clear that it is people with an agenda that have a history of negative comments.
Twitter is tiring since it’s one liners and short texts. People take one sentence out of its context. Twist words and make the narrative they want to make. It’s not nuanced. And some just want to drag him.
He says two things:
make-up is for everyone and not only an option or only considered for people who defines themselves in specific ways. As you said, it doesn’t have gender or sexual orientation. And men should be able to wear it without people automatically assuming their sexuality or gender.
He also express in the interview that he is now more secure of who he is and dare to express himself as he wants to and is not ashamed of who he is and how he expresses himself. He also address his hair style in the interview. See below.
My friends and I started trying different types of clothes. We played music and fixed ourselves up. Some tried to put on makeup and nail polish. I really experimented. Those who are not in the know immediately think that a guy who wears make-up is gay or transgender - that bothers me. Make-up should not have to have an orientation, it should be for everyone. Now I wear black eyeliner when I feel like it without being ashamed.
Playing with expressions became a way to find his way home to his inner self and the fact that Omar was named Best Dressed Man of the Year by the magazine Café this spring is something of a receipt for that.
I have realized that I have to feel comfortable, stable and free with who I am if I am to be able to move forward in life.
He runs his hand through his slightly wavy hair and walks over to the mirror to get ready for the photo shoot.
- I would never have dared to have it this way a few years ago. Thankfully, I am much more confident in myself now.
You're not as lost anymore?
- No, I have grown a lot in recent years and now I feel stable enough to take myself forward in life. But I'm probably not quite there yet, the journey continues …
He states he is now confident and comfortable with who he is and how he express himself and that he, as all of us keeps in developing. It’s beautiful that he shares his journey, his insecurities and views and his development with us. Just tiring that people want to twist his words and use it against him. I wonder if those people have always been super secure and confident in expressing themselves as they want and break norms without blinking. Omar gets a lot of shit for the way he breaks norms. And he has been doing it and experimenting in the public eye. And he has always been honest about who he is. Be grateful he is open and shares his journey. They made a thing of the eyeliner in the article. The heading is even “Now I wear black eyeliner whenever I feel like it”.
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you’re my ex but i think i still have feelings for you + lalex or lukebobby pleaseee
Stop staring stop staring he's going to see you staring and he's gonna think you're insane just stop staring oh my god
Alex doesn't actually stop staring until Luke does look his way, at which point he quickly looks down at the table between them and prays that Luke isn't noticing the fact that his face is definitely turning red.
This all could've been avoided if Alex had just stayed home tonight like he wanted to. He could've been tucked in his bed with a nice book or something, but instead he's in this shitty little diner with his traitorous friends which just happens to include his not-ex.
He can't really call Luke an ex because they went on one date when they were sixteen and had one kiss that was more awkward than anything else because Alex had no idea what he was doing anyway and he's pretty sure Luke decided he wasn't gay after that. Or at least, that's what Alex thinks. He can't be sure because it's been almost a year since that date and truthfully, his friendship with Luke never really recovered.
They used to talk about everything but now they never hang out alone. Alex barely sees Luke at all anymore outside of times like these, when he's coerced into big group outings. He'd be fine with not seeing Luke if he didn't still want to see him all the time.
And he'd probably be fine with actually seeing Luke if his chest didn't ache every time he looked at him. It's not like Alex meant to fall in love with his best friend - if this even is love at all. He's pretty sure love isn't supposed to make you feel like you're going to be sick 24/7. If that's all love really is then he doesn't get why everybody's so obsessed with falling in love. It's awful.
But it's fine. He can get through tonight and then he'll be off the hook for at least two weeks, maybe three if he can come up with some good excuses that will put Reggie off from begging him to join them. Reggie means well, he really does, but Alex also can't help but feel like sometimes he's using his obliviousness for evil.
Not that Reggie's evil. Reggie couldn't even hurt a fly. But it does help Alex say no to him more often than he would otherwise. Reggie's puppy dog stare is a powerful thing.
When Alex finally gathers the nerve to look up again, he catches Luke looking at him. Somehow that's even worse than being caught staring, and Alex suddenly decides that he can't be here. He needs to get far, far away from Luke.
"B-Bathroom," he grunts as he scrambles to get up from the table, not caring one bit if it seems like he's about to vomit everywhere or something even more embarrassing. He just needs to put as much space between himself and Luke Patterson as he can.
He bursts into the men's room and quickly shuts himself up in one of the stalls, pressing his back to the wall and covering his face with his hands. Now that he's alone, he can breathe. He can pull himself back together and go back out there with renewed control.
Just… not yet. Maybe in five minutes.
The door to the men's room creaks open and Alex sucks in a sharp breath, holding it as someone walks across the floor and the door shuts behind them.
Oh god, no. Alex shuts his eyes and shakes his head. This is not fucking happening.
"Alex?" Luke says again as he taps on the stall door. "Are you okay?"
"Fine," Alex replies, cringing as his voice cracks. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
Alex drags his fingers down his face and sighs heavily. "Yeah," he says, though it's not convincing whatsoever. "I'm sure."
Alex waits, his heartbeat echoing in his ears alongside the sound of Luke's feet shuffling back across the floor. He hears the door open and shut again, and then there's nothing but silence in the bathroom.
He gives himself another thirty seconds before he lets himself open the stall door, planning to splash some water on his face before he goes back out to face Luke and everyone else at the table.
To Alex's surprise, he's not alone in the men's room. He stumbles backwards, his back hitting the corner of the stall he just came out of, and Luke lunges to help steady him.
"Sorry!" he says, holding tightly to Alex's wrist. "I didn't mean to scare you."
"What are you--" Alex pulls his arm back, "--doing?"
"I just…" Luke frowns as he lets out a deep sigh. "I wanted to say I'm sorry."
"I didn't mean to… I never wanted… You just…" Luke groans loudly and steps back from Alex, grabbing his hair as he sighs sharply. "This is so not going how I wanted it to."
"How you wanted… what?"
Luke's mouth twists as he scuffs his foot against the floor, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he gives Alex a nervously hopeful look.
"I wanted to ask… for a do-over."
"A… do-over."
"Yeah," Luke sighs again. "I know I screwed up our date, and I just--"
"It's been a year."
"A year, Luke." Alex's voice rises. "A year of you barely talking to me, barely even looking at me."
"I'm sorry! I got scared, and--"
"And what? I'm supposed to forgive you--"
"Alex, please." Luke moves closer to him. "I'm not asking you to forgive me right away. I just want a chance to make it up to you."
"I…" Alex's voice trembles as he looks away, wishing he could hold onto the anger that was coursing through him a minute ago. It shouldn't matter so much that this is what he's been dreaming of happening for months now. It was supposed to stay a dream, not actually happen. He doesn't know how he's supposed to actually deal with this.
"Please," Luke whispers. "I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you."
"Yeah, well." Alex swallows hard and scoffs a little. "You did."
"I know." Luke sniffles as he steps backwards. "And if you… if you wanna hate me, then it's okay. I deserve it."
Alex's shoulders slump as Luke stares down at the floor. He can see that Luke's shaking all over, that he's trying not to cry. It's not the first time he's ever seen Luke like this, though it's been a while.
He doesn't want to shut Luke out, he never wanted to. Maybe he should listen to him. He doesn't have to give him another chance right away, but maybe they could work up to it. At the very least, Alex can maybe let himself hope he could get his best friend back.
"Wait," he says as Luke moves to open the door.
Luke looks up, his eyes red-rimmed and full of tears.
"Okay," Alex manages to say.
"You can try and make it up to me."
"Really?" Luke laughs wetly, a couple tears falling onto his cheeks. Alex's mouth twitches with a smile and he nods, trying not to show how affected he is by the hopeful look on Luke's face.
If this doesn't work out this time, Alex is pretty sure it'll destroy him.
filled prompts
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sharkface · 1 year
3 6 8 13 18 23
This one is under a cut because it's so long <3
3.any recurring images/elements?
Oh my god so so so many. Pretty much every character has their own giant set of symbols not so much because I just looove subtle writing that makes you think but because I find it very hard to bring up motifs in the actual text I write. The most important of them for the main three though:
Bitters: The Judge. The color red, pairs of scissors, cicadas/mosquitos, the white streaks in her hair, street signs. The pip of an apple tree. Justice and order through enforced rules.
Caz: The Jury. The color yellow, stuffed cats, matchboxes, carnivorous plants, crashed cars. Emancipation through anarchy- the law of the jungle.
Clove: The Executioner. The color white, angels, wires/machinery, any and all inescapable enclosed spaces, road crossings. Butcher's fridges. Sterile places subjected to revolting situations. Amnesty through moderation and inhibition.
6.) speaking of tv adaptations, why would yours get cancelled? (other than capitalism)
I know the interesting answer for this question is "I would get CANCELLED for my DARK THEMES and TV ACTIVISM" but honestly I'm not that ambitious or driven as a writer. I kind of just make the things I want to see. I don't think it would be appealing to a network in the first place. I think if it ever got a production contract, it would be an experimental series with a cult following and suddenly be dropped for not making enough money.
8.) what inspired your world building, if anything?
When I originally made these characters it was DIRECTLY because of my obsession with the kagerou project and higurashi. It's a lot more like the former than the latter to this day. Really, any time loop media I've been into has inspired it in some way.
13.) how long have you been working on this project? what has changed from the outset?
9 years! It's been entirely rewritten like, four times now. Some of the characters were repurposed as DND characters and then back to ocs again. Caz was originally my player character in a JJBA themed tabletop. There used to be more main characters but I only found the main 3 and Finch to be appealing enough to me to bother keeping in the story in a meaningful way, which is kind of a shame because I love some of the work I did with other characters. But this is just how writing goes.
It was originally about a group of teenagers with powers who had been repeatedly reincarnated into a world where everyone either had cat features or bird wings. This was because Bitters had been given the ability to create her "perfect world" by a pair of gods taking the form of a flock of birds and a cat after being the last person remaining on earth following a wave of disease that came after a meteor impact, and had been reborn to live in it- But her perfect world didn't pan out the way she wanted it to because she had no reasonable idea of what a "good life" would be like.
Bitters does not have godlike power anymore, lol. It was kind of flimsy as a plot altogether.
18.) what aspect of the story would get you #canceled on twitter?
Probably Clove and Caz's terrible toxic cringe "romance"(if you can call it that). People would accuse me of baiting first and then move on to saying I'm a homophobe for not making the two gay men's relationship completely domestic and healthy. The point of it is that they are badly adjusted people individually and can't foster a healthy relationship with each other just by liking each other. They also never even actually date or anything like that. Outside of the circumstances of their situation they probably wouldn't have even become friends.
23.) describe how everyones character gets butchered once in the public eye?
Caz: The kinnies will descend on him not unlike a hawk to a purse dog. The amount of angst fanart and discourse will be fucking insane. People love taking annoying anime murdertwinks who are deeply pathetic awful people by choice and pretending they are just tortured and can be fixed through romance.
Clove: People are probably going to declaw him into a shy demure "tall calm bf" while not really caring much about his personal arc and draw him in big cozy cable knit sweaters and aprons. Lots of "he's a woman to me" but ignoring him being transfem later on in the plot. That kind of thing.
Bitters: "Mom friend." People will probably not like her because she is mean and kind of unreasonably judgmental and people think it's a plot hole when characters don't behave perfectly logically at all times. She's a woman so I doubt the yaoi enjoyers of this website will even pay substantial attention to her.
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spocks-husband · 19 days
I finally made it to season three of Picard, so as I said I would to a very very good friend who happens to be quite important to the creation of this show (🤭) I am gonna live blog the first episode and possibly others! So yeah let's go :3
-i love the ink spots dude this soundtrack goes so hard
-Shes so cheekbones
-omg she has a gun yasss
-erm that phaser rifle is NOT set to stun 🤓☝🏽
-can I ask why this whole opening scene is made up of like two colors--
-i want a painting of the 1701-D in my house :(
-little Bajoran statue on his desk..... That's there specifically for me......
-i love my beautiful boyfriend Jean-Luc
-omg I know the computer voice she's my favorite person ever 🤭🤭
-THE old uniform omg I'm screaming
-the lighting is giving sub rosa for some reason
-that was very cryptic Beverly are you fucking your grandma's old ghost boyfriend again
-why would she cut them off?? That's. Very odd
-its been two seasons of this already but can I ask why the Romula OH MY GOD SHE KISSED MY BOYFRIEND
-sorry I'm normal I promise
-The fat ones help 😭😭
-if they make Deanna and Will fight I will LOSE MY SHIT
-i'm so glad will is gonna be actually relevant in this season I missed him sm 😭
-this reminds me of the Orion bar on Nimbus III that you go to for that one mission in Star Trek Online that I can't beat lmao
-does being able to recognize and distinguish different star trek alien scripts make me a nerd ☹️
-i wasn't all that attached to them actually it's fine
-why is everyone having a mental breakdown and it's only episode one 💀
-i wanna have my bones crunched by a hot Orion man........ He's so green and beautiful.........
-earth space dock is a lot quieter outside STO lmao
-neo constitution?????
-making seven use her human name when she pretty explicitly doesn't like that is sooo cute........ I don't trust this new captain.......
-is geordi not gay. Is that not actually canon. Did I make that up. I think I made that up.
-wathcing Jean-Luc and Will harass each other is my favorite thing so far
-New captain is kinda hot unfortunately ☹️
-Oh god and he's an asshole. That's my type. Oh God. Oh no.
-dude I can't stand this man. But also I need him.
-"bragging rights" will please
-everytime Jean-Luc gets something about modern starfleet wrong and embarrasses himself I contemplate suicide
-fuck this guy actually
-nvm he's not hot anymore he was mean to my boyfriend
-raffi needs help dude is she okay 😭
-Uhhhh what's up with this. Handler thing.
-the warrior comment made me think Klingon but that's probably very very wrong lmao
-AWWW THEY GOT BUNK BEDS!! They're having a sleepover :3
-angry Will is really really hot. Sorry. Sorry. I'll leave.
-seven is so cool I'm losing it
-yeah no I can't stand this guy
-The special effects in this show are so bomb I actually don't care what you all are going to say, you have no whimsy and joy
-Jonathan Frakes has never done anything wrong in his life and I'm obsessed with him
-will stop playing with the cremated remains
-i'm so tired of British people dude
-YEAHHH BEAT HIS ASS WILL aw he's done nvm...
-HER WHAT???? HER HUH????? HELLO????
-oh that ship is totally fine and not terrifying at all
Overall rating, 9/10. Very solid.
0 notes
homo-rashi · 7 months
Kinktober 2023 | First Kiss
Original Male Character x Original Male Character
“I don't get it, how come he is a part spider but he doesn't make his own webs? Why does he have to physically make them?” Akihiko asks, Yuu lowering the movies they're watching, Spiderman, to answer another one of Akihiko’s questions. He doesn't mind because he has seen it many times before. 
“In the comics, he could make his own web fluid, but they made him have to physically make it in the movies for some reason, I don't know, maybe to show he is smart and good in a lab?” Yuu doesn't have a real answer but he tries his best. He turns the volume back up and they continue watching in silence for a few minutes.
“So, Tom Holland…” Akihiko teases, 
“Are we gonna talk about our taste in men on our first date?” Yuu lowers the volume, fully prepared to also bring up how attractive he finds Zendaya. 
“I'm just saying…I have always had a thing for American men.” Akihiko says and Yuu can't help but hold back a laugh. 
“I think he is british.” Yuu teases, 
“But he sounds american.” Akihuko argues, 
“He is playing an american! Of course he sounds american.” Yuu laughs again,cuddling closer into Akihiko. Now that he feels less awkward, still embarrassed but less so. He is enjoying cuddling…a lot. 
“If you like American men, do you find me attractive?” Yuu aks, realizing only after he said it how much of a bold question it was, 
“Japanese men are elite. Especially cute bisexual ones who like strawberry sandwiches.” Akihiko brings a hand up and and presses a single finger onto the tip of Yuu's nose. The finger lingers, and then turns into a hand resting on his cheek. Suddenly, he doesn't want to talk about how hot he finds Zenday anymore, or Tom Holland, even though he is more of a Tony Stark kinda guy, Spiderman is too young for him.
“Who do you find attractive?” Akihiko asks, quietly, His words barely audible over the low playing sound of the TV. 
“I've never dated anyone before, I only ever thought I would date and marry a woman.” Yuu says in all honesty, 
“Really?” Akihiko pulls back his hand gently and reaches for the remote, muting the movie all together, “Why is that?” Yuu looks at Akihiko, and he is serious, he genuinely doesn't know, 
“I'm Japanese, I live in Japan…We- I mean, Two men can’t even get married. Being gay doesn't exist here…I’m lucky I actually find women attractive, it's not like I would have been unhappy, just- Did you ever question if you were gonna come out?” 
“I look gay.” Akihiko shrugs. “I’m feminine. I have long hair. I have a soft voice, I like nice things. Before I went to America, people said things behind my back, thought things…When I came back, I just never went back into the closet. I don't regret it. Nobody is confrontational here, nobody says anything to my face. My friends all came around. I have even dated a few men.” What Akihiko says seems like a best case scenario to him, a dream…. 
“I've never even kissed anyone.” Yuu admits. He figured Akihiko had dated, maybe not men…even knowing he is gay, it's just not something people do in Japan, to be actively gay…It sounds weird in his head when he thinks of it like that. 
“You will be my first kiss with someone I genuinely believe likes me for me.” Akihiko says, boldly, Yuu can't help but bush at what that means, 
“You want to kiss me?” Yuu asks shyly
“So bad. All night I've wanted to kiss you many times.” Akihiko pauses, “But I'm glad I didn't.” Yuu instantly feels himself get a little sad inside, Akihiko being happy he didn't kiss him, probably means he did something wrong, and he knows what but he is trying to forget that ever happened. 
“Why?” He asks, hoping Akihiko doesn't bring up his accident, his wet clothes still sitting on the floor of this man's bathroom.
“Because now, I can make this so much more special knowing it's your first.” Yuu doesn't have time to change these panicked thoughts of rejection into anything but confusion as Akihiko pulls his chin up, their eyes meeting. “Can I kiss you?” He asks quietly, 
“You want to?” Yuu whispers back, 
“More than anything.” It feels like not even a second passes after Yuu nods, that Akihiko lips are pressed against his, the blanket falling from his lap as he sits up straighter, leaning into Akihiko. The feeling of his stubble on his upper lip is strange, but he likes it. He never thought about how that would feel, kissing a guy who also has facial hair. Albeit not a lot. Yuu opens his eyes mid way through the kiss, but sees Akihiko has his closed so he does that, not knowing really what the norm is. Before he knows their lips are parting and he is sad, He wasn't done. 
“How was that?” Akihiko asks, Yuu doesn't answer because he doesn't know how to speak the feeling he is currently experiencing, instead he gets on his knees, gently placing one on either side of Akihiko, pulling him back into a kiss, this time deeper, this time he knows what he wants. This time, he decides when he has had enough. But from how good he is feeling, he will never have enough of this. 
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
Is there any ethical way to consume BLs? Considering their toxic genre? And I mean this irrespective of one's sexuality or any other identity.
Sorry I know you said that from now on you would be discussing/answering asks about MA and KP ( the ship).
I don't mind talking about the metaphorical implications of consuming BL dramas. My previous post was more in reference to not wanting to respond to and receive anymore VP questions honestly. Everything else is fair game, because you should have seen how many messages in my inbox were about VP. Yes, I hate the ship (and the loudmouth shippers) but that's the only thing people were sending me messages about. Naturally, that started to bother me. So, you can ask about any and everything except for VP.
It would have been a different story if I were receiving messages about other things to balance the VP messages out, but I wasn't so here we are.
But anyway, onward and upward!
Ethical? I honestly don't think so. If I'm being honest, there is no ethical way to consume media within this genre because the entire foundation of BL dramas was built on every -ism/-phobia you can think of - racism, colorism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc. I know some people like to praise how 'gay' these shows are but it's interesting how the women that could be interesting and complex are usually painted as the 'villain' or as the woman who's standing in the way of true love. Essentially, these shows bring to life the very embodiment of what fandom usually does to female characters that get in the way of their slash ship. I'll use slash ships as an example because I have more experience with those fandoms than I do with BL fandoms.
For example, you could have two male characters who are best friends and nothing more (in canon) and one of these men will suddenly get a female love interest and the fandom will tear her to absolute shreds. They're going to demonize her; they're going to make her out to be the worst person in the world. Her only crime is the fact that she's the reason these two men can't end up together romantically. When in reality, the writers of these shows often have their own homophobia going on and these two men were never going to end up together to begin with (think St/ucky from the MCU). However, these stans would much rather rake an innocent woman over the coals than to admit and accept that fact.
Essentially, BL dramas actively lean into who these women are in relation to the fandom and in relation to what she symbolizes for these two men. Out of all the BL dramas I've seen where there is a woman featured prominently, I've yet to see her simply be the wrong person for this male lead. It's always a matter of these shows illustrating how 'evil' and 'conniving' she is. You never see too many female characters who are apart of the triangle being someone who the male lead simply fell out of love with. Why can't we get something like that? Where the only reason he ends his relationship with her is because he no longer loves her and she's a normal person; she's not a 'bitch' or any other offensive stereotypical trope. She's just a normal person whose boyfriend fell out of love with her because they outgrew each other. Sure, some people could consider that to be boring. However, most of these shows are shallow with flimsy plot points so I don't think it would hurt to include a 'boring' reason as to why this male lead has to end this relationship - a boring reason that wouldn't denigrate and demonize her.
But it's like I said before - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If these shows that include these weird -isms/-phobias into their storyline are constantly receiving praise and accolades from the fans, there's no incentive for the industry to change it. If no one is complaining about these things or if people are still watching these things, then why would the industry attempt to shift into a different arena? The industry only cares about the bottom line - money. That's what the industry cares about. I think I may have said something in direct opposition to what I'm about to say now, but this is me thinking and changing my mind about this concept. At the end of the day, these shows are the industry. There's no ethical way to consume this media without your support ultimately funding the industry that's just going to continue to produce this offensive content. For example, buying KP merch through BOC ultimately funds the lifestyle for Daemi, right? Ultimately, they still own the rights to KP. Unfortunately, they will still get a piece of the pie because KP still technically belongs to them. You're buying tickets to the KP World Tour; I'm sure Daemi gets a percent of all of those profits, as well. We're disgusted by them for what they've done but you're still supporting them in a roundabout way whether you want to or not.
There is no ethical way to consume BL dramas; that's my answer. I just don't have a solution for you, anon. The deeper you go, the more convoluted and complicated it gets. Ultimately, we have no real power. We have power to enact some changes, but not enough to completely destroy and reconstruct the industry. It’s sad really, because there’s some amazing underrated talent in this industry and there’s even some underrated gems when it comes to certain shows, as well. Both of these things are simply wasted on an industry that refuses to step outside of the box and do something different. They don’t have to completely break away from the romance aspect if they don’t want to, but can we get something different than stereotypical, offensive tropes for once? You don’t want to support an industry that believes in doing this, but you also want to be able to support talented actors and well-written shows, so how would you go about doing that ethically? Which is why I said there is no way to ethically consume this media.
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ahhhsami · 3 years
I really like what you said the other day in response to someone who mistakenly thought Asami was white. I do have some comments on another part of her identity you mentioned in that response. Hear me out, but I don't think that it is fair to say Asami is not a lesbian. She could be. She could also be bi or pan.
Lots of lesbians date men before coming out. This is due to compulsory heterosexuality or comphet which basically means societal pressures makes women feel compelled to be attracted to men. Yes, the society in Avatar is different. However, in Turf Wars it is explained that homophobia does exist in this world, so it would make sense that people would be closetted or take longer to figure things out. In the comic, Asami is also nervous to tell Korra's parents about their relationship because of this homophobia. Kya even explains that the fire nation is the most homophobic of the nations. The fire nation helped form Republic City and Asami is ethnically fire nation. Therefore, this influence would definitely be present in her life which could make her feel compelled to date men.
I'm not saying that Korra or Asami are definitely lesbians, but they could be. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's never explicitly stated if they are lesbians or bisexuals in Avatar or any real world official media. Therefore, they could be either of them. If a lesbian sees some of themselves in the characters and projects their identity a little bit, there is nothing wrong with that. If a bisexual sees some of themselves in the characters and projects their identity a little bit, there is nothing wrong with that. I don't think it's erasure to say that they could be either, but it is erasure to say they can't be one of them.
I'm a transgender lesbian. I strongly identity with most of Korra's traits. We have very similar, flaws and strengths. She feels like the only person I have ever identified with in media. One of the many ways I relate to Korra is her roamances. One time I dated one of my best friends, a straight man. At first I was head over heels and extremely excited. I saw a future with us. After several months I kept saying stuff like, "This part of our relationship would be better if I was with a woman," and stuff like that. Just like Korra in season 2, I started getting angry at him very easily, sometimes over nothing. We love board games, but couldn't finish one without someone getting pissy. I eventually realized that I couldn't do this anymore and I told him I made a mistake and that I'm not attracted to men. We are still very good friends and if I could be attracted to men, he would be the perfect boyfriend for me. Sometimes I think Korra is a lesbian like me. Sometimes, I think she's bi and just Makko wasn't a good fit. Either way is a perfectly fine way to think about it. No matter what, she is a badass sapphic and I'm glad we can all be inspired by her in some way.
Hey first off, I want to thank you for sending this and being really awesome about the way you've approached this. You don't always see it on tumblr, so it's much appreciated!
There's a lot you've said, so instead of responding completely line for line, I'm just going to write my complete opinion about this and hopefully it makes sense.
Bryke had made two official statements after the airing of the show, none that overtly say that they are bisexual, but it is heavily implied, especially in Bryan's statement which is the first post linked (x)(x). As quoted by Bryan, "Despite what you might have heard, bisexual people are real!"
Comphet is a legitimate issue in the world today, but I personally never got that feeling from Korra or Asami (through the series or comics). I believed that their relationships with Mako were genuine and it just didn't work out (all of them being the issue, not just Mako, lol). But again, that is my own personal viewpoint.
Erasure is the thing that I want to tackle most and hopefully I can do that cohesively and in an understandable way. The idea of labeling and identities on a personal standpoint is fluid and is on a spectrum. As a person, you don't need to label yourself or you can label yourself if you'd like, you can be as you are and that's okay. Personally, I identify as Queer because Bisexual does fit me, but just not completely in the way I'd like it to. Pan doesn't fit quite right, neither does Lesbian. So, thus I label myself as Queer leaning towards Bisexual tendencies.
But this idea and concept of labeling is very different when it comes to media and it's not focused on a real life person and their experiences. Labeling in media is important and that is because of positive representation in society. Often times, bisexual characters are portrayed in negative ways, so when there is positive portrayal and representation, this is important to the nth degree. Korra and Asami also weren't just side characters, they were main characters. So to have a clearly positive portrayal of bisexual characters on a mainstream show, that was huge. On top of this, this was a children's show, so to be a little kid or even someone older, finally seeing someone that is like you would be a significant moment in your life. This is honestly another reason why I love Korrasami so much, because of my own struggles with identity.
This all can be countered with the idea that they're lesbians and wouldn't that be good representation too? Yes, it would be, but it also wouldn't be as significant when taking into account all of TV/Film media.
If we breakdown and take in all of the positive representation of Lesbians vs Bisexuals, it would be more significant for them to be bisexual in a time where there was little to no good bisexual representation. In 2013 '64.7 percent of inclusive films included gay male characters. 23.5 percent included lesbian characters, and 17.7 percent contained bisexual characters.' Presently, on cable TV 34% of regular and recurring LGBTQ characters were lesbian and 18% of regular and recurring LGBTQ characters were bisexual. On streaming, lesbian representation makes up 28% and bisexual representation makes up 19%. These numbers don't even break down if it's positive representation either! So again, although real life sexuality is fluid or can be on a spectrum, media labeling is more rigid and representative of a specific area. Making it extremely significant and influential when there is a character labeled a specific way, bisexual in this case.
To this day, people still deny that bisexual people exist. Often times the debate is whether a person is gay or straight, but nothing more. So erasure is a big deal and claiming that Korra or Asami are lesbians can be detrimental in ways that people may not have thought of at first. People can obviously identify with a character and feel attachment to them, but there is no reason to not feel that attachment if their sexual orientation may differ from your own.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
I'm so sorry if I've already asked you this (I can't remember which blog I asked) but what would Kiri, Denki & Baku do after cheating? Like how would they feel, how would they tell the reader (if at all) and the aftermath of it
angst? angst. 
good request btw!
A/N: I’m currently drunk and sad so let’s see how well I can rip y’all’s hearts out. Thank goodness you didn’t ask for a good ending. I have such a strict rule for cheaters. I personally got cheated on (can’t believe i let a man play me like that...smh) and had to learn the lesson the hard way. Never take them back. It subconsciously affirms that you will take them back even if they do it again. Even if the person loves you, it doesn’t matter. Love and respect are two different things and, obviously, they didn’t have the latter for you. 
So, what I’m trying to say is…there’s no romantically happy ending for this one :/
Of course, everyone and every relationship are different. Girls and gays, do what is best for your heart. That is all the advice I can give. Men…y’all can perish.
Sidenote: Please stay safe and well, both physically and mentally. Wash your hands and fucking take Corona seriously.  
With love, always 🖤
Warnings: Sad tingz :(
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
it was just a kiss
just one
his childhood friend was going through a rough time
their father just died and their ex dumped them bc they needed time away
they were always such good friend
kirishima remembered all the times in middle school they’d support him when he didn’t believe in himself
so when he was holding them, while they were crying, he just couldn’t pull away when they leaned in
before he knew what happened, they were kissing 
he kissed them back and he didn’t break away until you called his phone
it eats him up
every day
he immediately says they can’t see each other anymore
Kirishima literally wants to die
every time you and him are together, he feels the weight of his guilt grow
every time you two kiss, all he can think about is how dirty he feels
you are so in love with him
you’re oblivious to his guilt-ridden face
all the extra gifts and affection he gives you makes you so happy, you don’t realize that he’s doing it bc he’s so ashamed of himself
he keeps it in for 2 weeks
then, as you two are in bed, watching a movie, he just blurts it out
you just stare at him and he’s spilling everything to you
he’s sobbing, swearing that he wasn’t thinking and that he loves you 
he swears he loves you
“shut up”  you keep saying
he tries to hold you, but you rip his hands off you
you’re screaming at him, asking him how he could ever do that to you
“i never did anything to make you do this! how could you, you lying asshole?”
you know you were good to him 
all he does is look away, unable to face you 
you just leave to stay at your friend’s house
you break down to them
you didn’t come back
you never came back 
kirishima was never really the same afterward
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Kaminari Denki:
you two were fighting a lot
ever since you moved in together, it was harder to be around one another
it was fun at first, but then it got annoying
you two would catch each other at bad times and just grate on each other’s nerves
one particular screaming match ended with denki leaving the apartment
he didn’t come back for the rest of the night
you were on the phone with your friend talking it out
you realized you were being too hard on him and decided to do your best to be better in the future
he comes home, drunk, and you help him to bed
when he wakes up, you’re at his side, nursing his hangover
when he’s coherent, you burst out in tears and apologize for acting crazy
your apology brings him to tears and he apologizes as well
you two make up and the future is bright
you two work on yourselves and your relationship couldn’t be better
but denki has a dark secret that eats him up
on the night of your fight, he slept with some random person from the bar he went to
he was drunk, but not that drunk to not remember it 
he thought you two would break up and didn’t think it was a big deal at the time
now he regrets it so much
you were the best thing to ever happen to him
maybe you two butt heads, but you were his soulmate
he was sure of it
and now…
he loved you too much to tell you
so he swore he would just love you with his entire being to make up for it
but when you two went out for Mina’s birthday, to the same bar
the person comes up to him and tells him the night they spent together was amazing
you immediately ask what they means and it confirms your fears
he cheated on you
kaminari is chasing after you 
“y/n, wait! i can explain–”
“is that why you changed? bc you felt bad for fucking another person?”
“no baby. i mean yes, but please–”
“fuck you, kaminari. we’re done.”
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Bakugo Katsuki:
everything was fine
that day, you and your husband had kissed each other goodbye
you had to stay home and catch up on some paperwork
you forced him to go celebrate kirishima’s birthday for the both of you
he didn’t really drink so he was prepared to have a bad time
but his friends convinced him to drink
mans cannot hold his liquor
all of sudden, he’s in a separate room with another person
you two hadn’t had sex in so long bc of the kids and well…
he’s fucking them and he remembers wondering if the gasp he heard from the other side of the door was real
maybe it was true that midoriya liked you a little too much considering you were his friend’s (?) spouse
but this didn’t have anything to do with his feelings
even if he did get the slightest bit of satisfaction knowing he was right that katsuki didn’t deserve you when he recorded the sounds of the moans
sends it to you
katsuki was cheating on you and izuku refused keep it to himself 
izuku: y/n, i’m so sorry. this might not be the way to tell you, but i had to. you deserve to know the truth. 
you must have listened to the recording at least 700 times trying to convince yourself it was the wrong person
but you heard your husband and the other person moan your husband’s name each time
you take the kids to your mom’s house for an indefinite amount of time
you had business to tend to 
you: thank you for sending me this
izuku: y/n…are you okay? do you need me to do anything for you?
you: i’m fine, i just need some space. thank you for being a real friend. i appreciate you
izuku: anything for you…i’m so sorry again
bakugo somehow makes it home and passes out
he wakes up to you breaking your wedding photos
“what the fuck, y/n–”
“i gave you everything! and you wanna go fuck other bitches!?”
he’s confused and you play the recording
all the color drains from his face as bits and pieces of it come back to him
he’s trying to get you to calm you down
you’re throwing things and cussing him in and out
he grabs your arms but immediately stumbles back at the bloody look in your eyes
“fuck with me, bakugo, and i swear i’ll ruin your life”, you hiss
he’s begging you to forgive him
you throw your ring at him and grab your car keys
“when the kids ask why we’re not together, you can give them the reason”
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