#WOOPS I slept in
hiro-dotcom · 1 year
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anantaru · 7 months
guys i have a date in an hour but i'd rather take you all out for dinner and drinks later
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sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years
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shadow doodle that got out of hand
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I am literally unable to explain how happy The Nitghmare Before Christmas makes me. Whenever I watch the movie it makes my brain go like OOOOOOOHHHHH LAKY SKEELY MAN- MAN SKELLY WITH THE GHOST DOG- on top of the fact that it's nostalgic and the colors makes me do a happy wiggle.
I love this movie so much
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diathadevil · 1 year
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Watching Käärijä perform in the Yle livestream made me as giddy as I thought it would. 💚😭 (Also thank you to the local audience in chat for translating some of his MC-ing!!!)
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hamartia-grander · 3 months
Hey did you guys know if you don't eat all day and also take adhd meds and then drink a mixed vodka drink you get drunk super quick like after like three or four sips. Did you know that. Don't do that.
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shortcakezzzz · 1 year
i didn't thanks finn <3
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nnnneeev · 2 years
i read every damn fic/headcanon about wizard boy and now i don't have any grrrrr my thirsty a$$ needs some solomon thingy
SAME lol i kept re-reading every fic, hc or anything i can find about him here and on ao3 like it's my daily supplements 😔
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vapesemblestars · 2 years
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Nooooooo explain yourself!!!!!! I want to hear the bad takes!!!!!
Or keep your secrets and stay mysterious :D
OK soooo this is gonna be a hot take but there's countless ships that I've seen and fanfics that I've read from both these fandoms where characters are just SO out of character
(putting a damn cutoff cause this is long)
alot of people will compliment saying that it's in character but genuinely nah
When it comes to the ships, I genuinely just hate any sorta enemies to lovers (only good when written realllly well imo) and honestly... fans will write the characters SO DAMN OUTTA CHARACTER just cuz they're horny or smt and just want to see the two fuck
ALSO they'll say two characters abt to stab each other is sexual tension which like- girl what-
I'm sorry but any character that has a standard for dating kind and genuine people being shipped with a guy who's betrayed them ain't my sorta thing (Look it reminds me of sm traumatic shit alr, ship it if ya want but I'ma look the other way)
I don't want to explain which characters or ships cause sm mutuals support these ships and I don't really wanna hurt them tbh
(It is prevalent in both fandoms, that's all you need to know)
they aren't illegal to ship. It just makes me uncomfortable or sometimes mad because ik people will see those relationships as healthy and set a highly unhealthy standard for themselves, and it crushes me that they think that
but I can't change how others think so..
Anyway, ship and write who you want and how you want if that's how you cope, but in some cases when you're in a healthy state, take a step back and wonder if it might be better to make an oc with this personality instead of forcing it on yer blorbo
(PS. I am literally Rohan Kishibe, and no one can write him better than me lmao)
(same goes for Takayuki Yagami)
actually, even extra note, I fucking hate how out of character ya'll make Soma. He doesn't wanna fuck Yagami. He just wants peace and quiet and to be away from his annoying ass second in command. OH and I fucking hate when ya'll write Daigo outta character too. My bro just wants his life to be fucking normal. He's tired, give him a coffee.
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girraffy · 1 year
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chekovsphaser · 2 years
Mum called me at 3 am to tell me she missed her flight. Then again at 4:30 to tell me she'd gotten another one, she'll be arriving tomorrow instead of today, and that I have to call her hotel to make sure they don't give up her room. Also found out I only have 3 days left of my meds, so I have to go by the doctor's. And I'm still waiting on an email from my work with my login details for the platform which they said would be ready about 24 hours ago. And I still have to finish cleaning my flat.
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foone · 1 year
Your best guess is that you've been in this time loop for something north of 15 years. You've lived that day, April 9th, 1997, something like 6000 times. You think... The second most ironic thing about being in this time loop* is that you have ADHD, and time blindness has always been something you've suffered with.
The time loop hasn't helped. You'll really get into a book, and don't look up from it until it's yesterday. Or, earlier today? Or tomorrow, it's all the same day. You wake up in your bed at 8:27, having slept through your alarm, no matter what happens. You've had plenty of time to do all the classic time loop things: told everyone (they forget the next day), kissed everyone (a surprising number of people turn out to be up for itl), tried to run (you made it all the way to Memphis one day, but it didn't make any difference), tried to make everything perfect and right (harder than you'd think, and there's nothing obvious that needs fixing), and gotten yourself exploded and shot and run over. You even made it into orbit once, NASA still swearing at you on the radio the whole way up. You've robbed all the local banks, kidnapped the mayor, and stolen half the stuff in the town, just to see what people have. Why not? It's hard to have a sense of morality when there are no repercussions to any actions, at least none that last more than 24 hours.
You convinced a scientist to shoot neutrinos at you once, thanks to something you'd read in a book on time. Didn't seem to make any difference, though you could swear the next day felt different, in some hard to define way.
You've gotten into a rhythm of starting each day and just walking out your front door, to visit a different place in the city, and knock on their door. If they're home, you ask questions, then use the answers next time to get further. If not, you let yourself in and see what their house looks like from the inside.
Even their shocking crimes no longer can shock you. Mr. Stevens is a burgler, Jenny J. is halfway through murdering her husband, Alex over on 5th street has a basement full of photos they shouldn't have, and more neighbors than you'd think are cooking meth or growing cannabis in their little backyard sheds or closets.
You can go to the police, you can confront them, you can explose them, or you can get a weapon and go all vigilante on them... It doesn't matter in the long run (and for you, the long run is very short indeed). They'll be fine the next morning, back at it again like nothing happened.
You wake up that same Wednesday morning, put on some clothes, and walk out the door. You got into a gimmick of crossing the road with your eyes closed: you know where the cars are, and if you keep the same pace, they definitely won't hit you. Besides, if you do, you wake up back in your bed. Big woop.
But you don't make it to the road this time. You trip, falling on the hard concrete of the sidewalk. What the hell? Your arms ache from catching yourself, and you have to suppress the time-looper instinct of "I hurt. Restart the loop!",at least until you figure out what happened.
You look back and there's a sneaker sitting on the sidewalk. A perfectly normal shoe, just a little skuffed up. A bit down the sidewalk, there's another, the other foot presumably.
You have a moment of equal parts panic and elation. You're out of the loop? You're out of the loop! This might be Thursday.
You gather yourself from the sidewalk and run back up the path to your door. You open the newspaper... April 9th. This is still the same day. You look back at the road, seeing the patterns of crossing cars you've seen thousands of times before. You listen, and your neighborhood sounds right. You can hear Timothy down the road yelling about baseball, so it's not 9:14 yet.
This isn't a new day. This is the day. This is your day. So why is something different? What, a partial time loop? And almost time loop? Most things are the same, but not all? It makes no sense.
You hear yelling down the road. You jog towards it, as an out of place sound just doesn't happen in your day. Around the corner there's a police officer shouting at a woman who is rapidly disrobing and flinging her discarded clothes at the officer, who is shouting at her and his radio. So far, she seems to be winning, but she's about out of linen ammunition.
You realize you don't recognize her. She's not one of the people you know, and you know everyone. She's someone new, the very anthesis of what a time loop is about. That, combined with recognizing that charicatistic disdain for consequences makes you gasp. My God... She's another time looper. She's done this day before, and it's just repeated, and now she's doing everything to see what happens. You're not alone in this crowded city anymore! You run towards her, eager to introduce yourself.
* Themost ironic thing about being in this time loop is that every copy of Groundhog Day at your local Blockbuster is checked out.
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shinobushaori · 2 months
A/N: Reader is inspired by Sumiyoshi's(Tanjiro's ancestor) wife(Sayako), who I think likes to sleep a lot. I maxed this habit and created dear reader! Enjoy!
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- kochou shinobu x female!reader
warnings: none
word count: 1.4K
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"Aoi-chan, have you seen [Name]?"
Kochou Shinobu sighs for the 4th time today. It was exhausting enough to switch between Hashira duties, looking over wounded patients, and carrying out her own personal research. To make matters worse, her lover and only source of comfort seem to hide herself within the confines of the huge Butterfly Estate.
Aoi, who was carrying a basket of newly folded washed sheets, stopped on her tracks. Her brows furrow in deep thought, "Actually, now that you mention it, Shinobu-sama.. I haven't seen her since last night."
Hearing this, the pain in her head intensified tenfold but her external demeanor remained unchanged. Simply, Shinobu nodded her head, thanking the young girl and allowing her to go back to her tasks.
She walked around the estate for a little while, her steps slow and deliberate as her eyes keenly scans each corners as well as some rooms hoping to find the familiar stiff sleeping body in one of the unoccupied space.
Alas, every room was thoroughly checked and you were nowhere in sight.
Seriously, that girl. She rubbed her forehead. You had a particular habit, one that frequently induced a headache or two from Shinobu, something that you seem to not remove despite the many efforts to enforce healthy routines to you in order to temper this potentially dangerous, otherwise foolish, habit.
And it's sleeping absolutely everywhere.
At first it was fine, cute to Shinobu even. She sometimes found you in the daytime asleep on the engawa, limbs sprawled out on the open, so relaxed and comfortable. Then, she'll kiss your cute face till you wake up. Other times, she would find you in a random corner, snoring and hugging yourself and she would smile seeing the marked drawings on your face.
Then, weeks passed and it quickly transformed into a worrisome habit.
It started at the early stages of the romantic relationship between the two of you, Shinobu noticed that you surrender to sleep quite early, eyes watering and mouth suppressing a yawn. No problem, she thought at that time, kissing and bidding you goodnight as she stays up late to conduct her study. Then, the drowsiness came to her and she went to your shared room to sleep as well.
She pauses on her steps when you were visibly absent from her sight. Confused, she ruled it to you getting either water or fresh air, she herself was guilty of that much.
And with a new objective in mind, she travels towards the kitchen, trying to find you sneaking around and wanting to tease you for it.
You weren't there, that's fine. You were probably just outside!
Not there either. That's when her heart starts to race. Just as she was about to voice out her concern, a familiar groan entered her ear and she jolted before instantly bolting from her spot towards the noise and she stops. Lo and behold, there you were up the tree. Body folded on a branch, in a rather uncomfortable way, Shinobu adds. With a half bitten peach on your mouth and another two on each palm.
And when she asked you why, just why in the absolutely fuck, were you folded on a fucking branch in the middle of the fucking night?
You sheepishly smiled, "Well, I got hungry and climbed a tree to get some peaches. I wanted to get you some too so I got more and then I thought wow it's really chilly and accidentally slept. Woops!"
Woops? She'll woop your ass, that's for sure.
(She didn't, she was too weak for your apologetic kisses and touch.)
She wondered how it was even possible. Sure, you were an experienced slayer with a body built for battles. But sleeping for possibly hours with your body folded on a hard branch without risking your ribs breaking? You were a unique variant, she says that in the most lovingly way possible.
Since that fun, so fun, night. She would always need a whole ass search team just to find where you were hidden away from prying eyes. (Lately, she feels like she'd have to make that to reality)
And this is a continuous problem till now. Where she's currently crawling every hidden hole you could possibly be in. Gods, give her strength.
"Shinobu-sama! Shinobu-sama! We found [Name]!"
Hearing the loud exclaim of the triplets, she immediately left her place and emerged from under the engawa, effectively scaring the three kids with her dark aura.
Shinobu patted their heads with a tight smile, "Where is she?"
Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo gives you their prayers and pointed on one of the rooms.
Shinobu didn't waste time and slid the door harshly. Kanao and Aoi flinching in place, quick to stop bandaging your hand.
Noticing their pause, you whine loudly. "Aoi-chann, hurry up.. it hurts!"
Shinobu scans your being and breathes in seeing you not fully injured. With only a bit of scratches and dirt on your arms and knees, she notes. Aoi, who sense the danger, immediately tries to shift the blame to you.
"Shinobu-sama! Can you believe how we found this stupid girl!?" She pinches your arm and you wince.
"She was sleeping in the proximity of a wild bear!" You tilt your body to avoid her pinching you, rubbing the red spots on your arm.
"How was I supposed to know bears lounge around that spot!? I just finished a mission and was sleepy!"
Kanao tries her best to keep Aoi still, who was visibly fuming on the spot. She sends a troubled look to her sister but Shinobu only stood still with clear veins popping on her face.
Aoi takes you by the collar, "And your first thought was to sleep in the middle of a secluded forest and not come to the Butterfly Estate which was a five minute foot distance!?" You look away, sweating.
"It was a very exhausting mission, okay!?"
"Why, you-?!"
A clap gets the attention of the three of you. You perk up at the sight of your beautiful lover but quickly cower seeing her well-concealed, but one you could recognise from a mile away, anger.
"M-My beloved..-"
Shinobu quickly cuts you off. "Kanao, Aoi. Be a dear and check up on the recently admitted patients, yes?"
The two girls didn't have to be told twice and bolted at the right moment. You grip your fists on their direction in betrayal. When did you raise them this way!? Etched on your face. Aoi simply scowled while Kanao didn't give two fucks and left.
While you were still grumbling, Shinobu took advantage of your distracted state and quietly took a seat behind you. You flinch when two strong arms hold you in place. The familiar aroma of wisteria and floral fills your nose, seemingly melting you to a puddle with a flushed expression.
Shinobu feels the sudden weight and smiles, her fingers hooking around your waist as her head slithers next to yours. She stares at you with a smile and you look away with a protruding bottom lip.
"..are you mad at me, 'nobu?"
Shinobu sighs, holding you closer. "If I had the ability to, I would, dear."
Suddenly, you leave her embrace and face her. Your arms sneaking around her neck, head inches apart from each other and Shinobu feels the heat creep up her ears to see your guilty face upclose.
"I'm sorry.."
She could never resist you, can she?
Shinobu caresses your cheek and slowly pulls you in a kiss. One that always reminds her of the love that still exists within her. Despite the walls of mistrust and rage she had attentively grown, you, without a sweat, successfully break the nearly exploding dam of love and care. She feels you smile and hum into the kiss as both lips respectively move on its own.
As it breaks off, she lays her forehead on yours, panting. "..you worried me."
You simply smile at her, interwining your fingers with hers. "I know, I'm sorry.."
Shinobu closes her eyes, "I forgive you." Like she always does and always will.
Her eyes then flutters open and you blush at the intensity of her stare.
"But you have a lot of kissing and cuddling to pay off~"
"Eh?! Since when did I have such a big debt!?"
"Since now!"
Shinobu concludes that no matter how eccentric your habits and traits is, it doesn't make you less of the person she loves and adores.
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eh conclusion but its 1am and im abt 2 pass out so
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seokgyuu · 1 year
Hello beloved 💕 please give me best friend Dino who helps you get the attention of your crush (any member surprise me) and it results in a messy, hot threesome 😭😭 as rough and as mean as you can muster.
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a/n: well, well nana... you kind of did this to yourself! but i'll gladly write this for you <3 love you, hope you like it my beloved! thank you @playmetheclassics for the banner ily <3
PAIRING: BestFriend!Richboy!Chan x Richgirl!Reader x TennisInstructor!Mingyu
WARNINGS: chan has dirty thoughts, fingering, finger sucking, bit of exhibitionism, once again chan and reader in an elevator, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, mean dom!chan, kinda mean dom!mingyu, degradation (usage of the words: slut, whore), pet names (baby, princess, good girl, baby girl), orgasm denial, tit job, cum eating, creampie
WORDCOUNT: 5.6k (woops)
Requests are open! Check out my 1k special!
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Chan knows you incredibly well. He knows when you’re happy and when you’re sad. Knows when you like to be left alone or when you crave attention. That’s what being a best friend is all about, he thinks. He also thinks that you’re extremely oblivious to the huge amount of attraction he feels towards you. Because besides all those things he knows, there are more things he knows. It’s comical, really, how little you understand what effect you have on him, or anyone really. You don’t know that Chan dies a little every time you take off your clothes in front of him when you change into something comfier. You don’t know how many nights Chan had fought himself not to press himself against your backside when he slept over at your place - in your bed. Maybe it’s his own fault for not telling you, but Chan is content with where he is standing in your life and isn’t exactly keen on confessing he’d like to fuck you. 
“You really think this looks fine?” Chan is sitting on one of the armchairs in the boutique you’re currently in trying on dozens of dresses for one of your Dad’s charity galas. The dress you have on now is off shoulder, long and gold and it fits you so perfectly Chan once again feels the need to drag you anywhere to just… he shifts in his seat.
“You look beautiful in every dress you’ve tried on before, Y/N. Just… pick one.”
“But I don’t know which one!” You turn around to face your best friend, pout on your lips and Chan sighs, closing the incredibly bland fashion magazine he had open on his lap.
“How about the most expensive one? I bet Daddy would be thrilled to see his little girl spend all his money on a dress again.”
Scoffing, you roll your eyes at Chan and look back at the mirror. Maybe this is the one. It’s a bit extravagant, but after all you are the daughter of the host. Chewing on your bottom lip, head tilted to the side, you think about why you’re even trying so hard in the first place. You think of thick arms, of polo shirts that strain against said thick arms, you think of tennis shorts barely able to cover the thighs you would love to sit on or between. 
“Earth to Y/N,” Chan frowns, “will you take this or not? Our lunch reservation is in fifteen minutes!” 
Bringing your head back to its normal position, you sigh dramatically again, throwing your hands up in the air.
“Fine! I’ll get this one.” Hurrying back into the changing room, you don’t notice Chan’s eyes following you, don’t notice the little crack between the curtain, that is supposed to hide your body from stranger’s eyes, and the frame. You don’t notice the hunger in his eyes when he sees the dress slide down your body, nothing but your pink thong adjourning your silhouette. 
Fuck. Chan licks his lips, not able to take his eyes off you. He doesn’t see much, just a bit of your right side and yet it is enough to get his blood stream down south. Ridiculous, he thinks, he is getting absolutely ridiculous. Finally averting his gaze, he gets up, wiping his sweaty hands off on his jeans and looks up when you come out, the dress hanging inside the changing room still as you wave over an employee that gladly takes it to the front with you. 
“I’ll wait in the car.” Chan says now and you nod, giving him a smile as you follow the lady to the cashier, your Dad’s credit card already in your hand and ready to solve its main purpose: make you happy. 
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Lunch is uneventful, except for the fact you finally come clean about your crush on your Dad’s tennis instructor. Chan stares at you, his cute forehead in cute little frowns. Most about Chan is cute. Or at least it used to be. Ever since he started hitting the gym things have been different, but you had decided a long time ago that no dirty thoughts about your best friend were supposed to enter your head, ever. 
“Wait, his tennis instructor? Jesus, Y/N, you know your dad would never ever let you date him.”
“That’s the fun in it!” You beam at him, bringing your glass to your lips and taking a sip.
“You’re unbelievable. And… and wait, he is coming to the charity event? How on earth did you get your father to invite him?”
“Oh, that was easy. I just told him it would be a fun idea to mix the crowds. You know, get all the instructors and managers from the club to the party, have them take place, feel as if they are actually a part of high society for once instead of just working for us. He was pleased by my innovative.”
Chan blinks at you, watches how you giggle and put your glass back down, how your tongue licks over your lips to catch some left-over ginger ale. He decided he really needs to get someone to fuck in the next few days or else he is going to explode.
“I can only repeat myself: You’re unbelievable.” 
“Thank you. Anyways, I’ll need you to help me out at the gala.”
Chan’s ears perk up at that and so do his eyebrows.
“My help? With what?”
And here comes the reason why you really told him about your crush. 
“I need you to talk to him, About me. You know, just… play wingman. Tell him what a great girl I am, how much I do for charity, that I always keep up with the news, that I read a lot-,”
“So, you want me to lie to a man I’ve never met? Gotcha.”
You shoot him an angered look.
“No, I want you to… exaggerate the truth a little, that’s all.” You pick up a cherry tomato with your fork, while Chan shakes his head, laughing.
“I haven’t seen you pick up a book in years, not to mention the news? Please, do you even know there is a war going on?”
“Shut it.” You throw your napkin at him.
“I am serious, Chan. I want him. And you’re my best friend, so you’re gonna help me get him, isn’t that right?”
Something inside Chan shifts. He feels something like jealousy roam through him and another frown appears on his face. Jealousy? Since when did he feel jealous about you and any guy? He had watched you go home with tons of dudes before, had even seen you give head to one (it was involuntarily and not on purpose and to this day he hadn’t told you (it had also been the main point of many of his fantasies since then)), so why on earth was he feeling this way right now?
“Right. And what’s in it for me?”
“My love and affection?” You grin and Chan rolls his eyes, a small smirk still playing on his lips.
“Fine, I’ll help you,” he stops for a second, contemplating something in his head, his smirk turns bigger and his head tilts to the side, “I’ll help you under one condition.”
“And what’s that?” You lean back, attentive look on your face. Chan copies your movement. Then, his smirk turns smug.
“I’ll let you know at the night of the party. Alright?”
And because you would have never thought of what his condition turned out to be, you happily agreed.
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The night of the gala comes sooner than anticipated. You find yourself in your golden gown at the front of the room on stage with your parents, you and your mother standing by your father’s side as he welcomes everyone to the event and thanks them for coming. You barely listen to him, eyes roaming the room for one special person - only to be greeted with something, or more, someone else.
Chan is standing at the back of the room, a glass of champagne in his hands. He looks absolutely incredible. Black tux fitting like a glove, a slim tie around his neck. There is a vest underneath his jacket, the white dress shirt seemingly glowing in the light of the room. His hair is blonde. It wasn’t blonde two days ago. Your mouth is dry and a traitorous throbbing is right there between your legs. To make matters worse, he is turning around to someone you hadn’t noticed before even though you had been looking for him. 
Mingyu nods at something Chan says, his gelled back dark hair showing off his sculptured face. He was also wearing a black tux, definitely not as expensive as the one Chan was wearing, but definitely not less expensive looking. Your head is droning. How did Chan find Mingyu already? And how do they look so good together? 
Meanwhile, Chan is talking to Mingyu. He had recognised him from a picture on the club’s website. Posing with your Dad, shaking his hand as he smiles into the camera. Chan knew right then that this guy was right up your alley. 
“You’re friends with Mr.Y/L/N’s daughter?” Mingyu asks as he looks over at the stage where he spots you. His eyes are taking in your body in that dress, drinking in every single bit of you he can for as long as he can without it being obvious. Chan nods, a small grin on his face.
“Yes. We’ve been friends for years.” He confirms and Mingyu, even though he doesn’t want to take his eyes off you, looks back at him.
“I see. So you go to these things often?” The hand that is holding his glass is moving in a circle, as if to underline what he was talking about. Chan nodded, bringing his glass to his lips.
“Unfortunately, yeah. My parents are here somewhere too, they have been doing business with Y/N’s family for as long as I can remember.”
Mingyu nods again, following Chan’s movement and sipping from his glass as well. Then, his eyes fall back on you. You, who is standing next to your mother, your one hand holding your clutch beside your body and the other holding the glass of champagne that he is also currently drinking. He wonders if it would taste better from your lips.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Chan suddenly asks and Mingyu feels caught. Clearing his throat, he slowly looks at the man next to him.
“Well, yes.”
“I’m glad you think so. She actually has her eyes on you, you know.”
Mingyu thinks he heard wrong. His eyebrows shoot up.
“She has what now?”
“Her eyes on you. She’s the reason you’re here tonight. Made her Dad invite all the instructors and managers from the club, just so she could get a chance to see you here.”
Heat shoots through Mingyu, heat that is somewhat a mixture of flattery and embarrassment. He decided to focus on the former and lets a small grin spread on his lips.
“Is that right?” 
“Yup.” Chan drinks again before falling into friendly applause like the rest of the room when your father ends his speech. He doesn’t think he even caught a single word of it aside from “Welcome everyone”. 
“She wants to fuck you.” 
Mingyu goes still at that, his hands freezing mid clap. Again, he lets his eyes settle on you and how you kiss your father on the cheek, how you then continue to walk down the steps of the stage. He can see the slit in your dress, the way your leg looks, the high heel accentuating it even more and making Mingyu lick his lips. 
He couldn’t lie - whenever you came to the club to either visit your dad, take your own lessons (which he was still about not being able to take over) or to simply sit by the pool up top; Mingyu would always sneak looks at you. You definitely were on his mind more than you probably should’ve considering your Dad tipped him more than any other person he trained. But he couldn’t help himself, not with the way you looked in your tennis skirt, in your polo shirts, in your bikini. He had to stop himself more than once from going to the next bathroom to jerk off to the fresh image of you in his head. Pathetic, really.
And now, here he is with your best friend who tells him you want him just as much. Mingyu’s grin turns cockier.
“How convenient,” he says, “I really want to fuck her, too.”
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Chan takes you by the arm, leading you outside approximately five minutes later. The gala is, conveniently, held in one of the top hotels of the city and Chan had been kind enough to book nothing less but the penthouse for you and Mingyu… and him. Mingyu is already up there, waiting for the two of you.
(“You won’t mind if I join, right?” Chan looks at Mingyu with one crooked eyebrow. Mingyu chuckles.
“Oh, absolutely not. I actually think that’s a brilliant idea. Did you have her before?”
“Nope, it’s about time, though.” Mingyu nods, clinking his glass against Chan’s.
“Well, I am looking forward to fucking her with you.”)
“Chan, what-”, but you don’t get far because the second you’re out of sight from the room, Chan has you pressed against one of the grand pillars, knocking the air right out of you.
“Mingyu is upstairs waiting for you.” His breath hits your face and you feel goosebumps erupt all over your body. With wide eyes you can’t help but stare at him, his voice ringing in your ears.
“And I think I’m ready to tell you my condition, baby.”
Baby. Your thighs press together.
“W-What is it?” You stumble out, feeling Chan suddenly part those pressed together thighs with his own. You gasp. He smirks.
“The condition is,” his lips are right by your ear, his hands gripping your hips, “I get to join.”
When you suck in a breath, Chan kisses you roughly. Your eyes roll back before squeezing shut, your hands automatically finding his neck as his tongue slides into your mouth, a breathy moan slipping from your mouth into his. Chan feels himself grow hard already and he moves his one hand down, over your thigh to the slit of your dress and you whimper when you feel his fingers gliding over your core. 
“You think that’s a good idea, baby? Me coming upstairs with you? Me fucking your pretty little pussy like I should have done ages ago, hm? What do you say?” 
Honestly, you’re not sure how he expects you to answer with his fingers shoving your underwear to the side and sliding them through your folds. So, instead of using your voice, you nod your head, chasing his lips with yours again. Chan chuckles lowly, moving his head back, leaving you without his kisses. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he makes, “so, so needy. Tell me, Y/N, are you a slut?” You bite down on your lip, your hips moving against his fingers that are still seemingly aimlessly roaming your pussy. But you know better. Know that he is teasing you. Even though you’ve never been intimate - you know.
“Answer me. Are you a slut?” His index and thumb find your clit, pinching it right then and you moan out loud, your head falling into yet another rapid nod.
“Y-Yes, I am. I am a slut, Chan.”
“That’s what I thought.” He pulls you close again, lips crashing into yours at the same time as his fingers find your sopping entrance, pushing in two right away, your leg moving to wrap around his thigh.
“F-fuck, Ch-Chan!” You cry out, breaking the kiss and Chan’s other hand is right there underneath your chin, holding it up.
“Shut it, slut. Or do you want someone to hear Daddy’s perfect little girl getting finger fucked in the hallway of his oh-so important business event?” 
His fingers work at merciless speed and you shake your head, pressing your lips together to somehow maintain your moans inside. Chan takes the opportunity to kiss your neck, bite at your shoulder and suck a pretty red mark onto your collarbone, all while you stay quiet with your pussy sucking in his fingers like a starved man eats his bread. 
“God, you’re so tight, can’t wait to feel your pussy squeeze my cock like that.” Chan whispers into your ear before pulling his fingers out and bringing them to his face, sucking them clean. The view makes your mouth drop and your pussy cry. 
“Channie…” The reality of how hot you find your best friend is suddenly crashing down on you. There he is; his fingers that were just inside of you in his mouth, his eyes dark and his hair blonde. This is crazy. You are crazy.
“Mingyu is waiting, baby. Don’t you want to go upstairs?” His voice is sultry and has you swallowing as you nod, Chan taking your hand and leading you to the elevator. As much as you probably should think about what this is going to mean for your friendship, you decide that you’ll have time to figure this out later. Tomorrow, maybe. Or next week. Right now you just want to hold his hand and feel the throbbing of your pussy and think about what Chan and Mingyu will do to you. Together.
Behind you, a group of what are presumably tourists come to a halt, Chan’s hand creeping around your waist, your hand left vacant. His fingers feel hot even through your dress and when he pulls you closer, you suppress the urge to let out a pathetic little moan. You wonder if Chan knows how insanely turned on you are - until you remember he literally just felt your wetness. 
The ping of the elevator makes you and the group of people move, you and Chan ending up at the end of it, the group pressing their respective buttons, while Chan kindly asks one of them to press the one for the highest floor. The penthouse. You almost chuckle at that because of course he would get the penthouse to do this. The people don’t seem to care much, or at least they don’t show you if you do and just continue their talking. The heat radiating from Chan mixed with the smell of his perfume almost drives you insane. And when you suddenly feel the hand that had been around your waist move, sliding up the slit of your dress, over the inside of your thigh, to then slip into your panties, thumb pressing down on your clit, massaging it sensually, you can already hear the van coming to pick you up to the psychiatric ward. 
“Don’t make a noise, pretty baby, you don’t want all of them knowing what a little slut you are, hm?” He is right there, lips so close to your ear and you slightly nod, pressing your legs together, but Chan’s hand is in the way, his movements becoming harsher. Stars seem to be appearing in front of your eyes and you feel like your knees are about to give in. You try to concentrate on anything else, failing miserably. Chan’s breath keeps hitting your neck, his quiet voice continuing to say dirty things to you that make your pussy clench around nothing. He quickens his pace as more and more of the people leave the elevator and you are holding on for dear life, trying hard to stay put, to not make a sound, to not let anyone know what Chan is doing to you. 
When finally there is no one left but you, Chan presses you against the wall, kissing you hard as his fingers slip inside you like they did back on the ground floor. He is fast and hard and his tongue is in your mouth, licking against yours like a madman. He swallows your moans and you lift your leg up, once again wrapping it around his thigh and you feel your orgasm closing in on you. When he brushes his thumb against your clit, just barely really, you cry out in pleasure, lips leaving him as your head bounces against the wall behind you, your moan loud and needy, his name dropping off your lips like a song. The doors of the elevator open with another ping and you come hard, Chan fucking you through your orgasm with your fingers. 
“I see you already opened her up for us, how nice of you.”
Mingyu’s voice is something you should have expected but hadn’t. Still feeling the aftermath of your orgasm, you blink a few times, seeing Mingyu standing right in front of the elevator, a diamond glass filled with what you presumed to be whiskey in his hand. His tie was already loosened around his neck, a few buttons open and, fuck, just the sight of him made your pussy clench around Chan’s fingers. Chuckling, he pulled them out of you, once again sucking them clean. 
“Common, go over to him, I know you want to.” Chan takes your hand, softly pulling you towards the opened doors of the elevator, Mingyu’s eyes set on you. You can see the fire burning in them already, sensing the heat coming from him even before you stand right there in his space. 
“Hi.” You whisper, eyes looking up at the tall man, who smiles and tilts his head.
“Hi, pretty girl.” 
It feels like a rush is going through you when you find yourself grinding on Mingyu’s lap with Chan sitting on the armchair next to the couch, a glass of gin in his hand as he watches you. Mingyu has his hands on your ass, guiding your hips against his crotch. 
“N-Need it inside.” You cry out and Mingyu smirks, hands tightening their grip on your ass. 
“Is that right? Do you need my cock to split you open, princess?” You nod rapidly, making him chuckle. He leaned forward, kissing your jaw, not moving to take out his cock at all. You whine. 
“M-Mingyu, pl-please.” Never had you ever wanted a cock inside you as much as right now. You want to feel him, want to squeeze him. But Mingyu still doesn’t budge. His pants are open already and when you look down you can see the clear outline of his apparently huge cock and your mouth is watering. 
“I think you need to learn a bit about patience, baby. Didn’t you already cum? And you are still being greedy?” His hand shoots down, slapping your ass and your head falls back as you moan, Mingyu licking his lips as he watches your body shake. 
“You should suck him off, don’t you want his cock in your mouth, slut?” Chan chimes in, legs crossed as he watches attentively. Mingyu looks over at him, grinning.
“What a great idea, Chan,” he says, before looking back at you, “what do you say, will you be a good little slut and get on your knees for me?” 
You do it. Of course you do it. Your mind is blank except for the need to please and be pleased. Your nimble fingers shove down his pants and briefs, them now pooling at his ankles and your eyes seem to pop out as you look at his cock, his leaking, throbbing cock, that makes your mouth water and more of your slick drip into your panties. You let your hand grab the base, your eyes wandering over the prominent vein at the side and the slit glistening with pre, then you look up at Mingyu who feels like he could probably shoot his load right onto your face if you just continued to look at him like that.
“Now, now. Get to it.” He orders and you nod, eyes back on his length in your hand. First, you stretch out your tongue, let it slide over his red tip and Mingyu groans quietly. He tastes salty and still somehow good enough for you to suck his tip into your mouth, hoping to milk more of him. The sounds he makes spur you on, causing you to begin bobbing your head, your hand jerking off the part your mouth can reach. Mingyu’s breathing grows labored and his hand finds the back of your head, gripping a fistful of your hair.
“Fuck, such a good girl, common, take more, I know you can.” He begins to shove you down and you gag when his tip hits the back of your throat. He revels in the sound you make, his hips bucking up. 
Meanwhile, Chan has his cock out, stroking it lazily as he watches you on Mingyu’s cock. He imagines it’s his you’re choking on and wonders how wet you are right now. Precum leaks out of his cock and he uses it to rub himself with more ease. 
“Can I fuck your throat?” Mingyu breathes out, his cock now in all the way and you nod to the best of your abilities. Immediately, he thrusts up, his head spinning from the way it feels to have your tight heat around him. He feels your throat restrict, sees the way tears build up in your eyes and he can’t help but move again, quicker this time. He loses himself in the pleasure, head thrown back as he moans your name, both hands on the sides of your face, holding you in place as he uses you like a toy. You love it. Love the tears that now stream down your face as you breathe through your nose, love the way he feels inside your throat, the way he will probably leave bruises. His moans make your core throb harder with every passing second and you sneakily let your hand move down, pressing down and circling your clit, the moan you let out having Mingyu’s cock twitch.
“Oh fuck, b-baby, gonna cum, can I cum down your throat?” He is still frantically fucking your mouth and you again nod as best as you can, having him shoot his load down your abused throat three seconds later.
“God, yeah, sh-shit, swallow it all for me, my perfect whore, swallow it, common.” He is riding out his orgasm, eyes squeezed shut as you do swallow it all, every last drop of his pleasure. 
Chan now sees your hand, sees the way you try to make yourself come and he gets up, cock hanging in the air as his hands both grab you from Mingyu, who is recovering from his high.
“Think you can just touch yourself without us noticing? Stupid slut, come on.” He bends you over, your hands finding the small coffee table and without any warning, Chan tears off your panties, dress shoved above your ass and his cock rams into your needy core at godspeed. You scream his name, hands grasping the edges of the table and Chan slaps down on your ass cheek, eyes focused on the way his cock slides in and out of you over and over again. Mingyu watches from the couch, his spent cock twitching at the sight. He leans back, grabbing the glass he had discarded on the side table earlier, taking a sip as he watches Chan fuck into you.
“Ch-Chan!” You moan again, your hips trying to move, but he holds you steady.
“Don’t you dare cum, slut, you cum only when I allow you, got it?” Chan pulls your hair with his one hand, pulls you up against his chest, both of you standing up right as he fucks into you, your eyes rolling back, legs spreading lightly. 
Soon, Chan changes the position, has you kneeling on the armchair he previously sat on, your torso hanging over the backrest as he fucks into you from behind. He grunts, rutting his cock into you quick and hard and it takes everything in you not to come undone.
“Pl-please let me cum, need to cum s-so bad!” You cry out, more and more tears streaming over your face, but Chan just spanks you once again, shaking his head.
“Shut up, only moan my name, got it? Don’t wanna hear another word.” He feels your pussy clench around him, feels the way you squeeze him, how you want to milk him and he chuckles evilly. 
“God, you really are a whore, such a dirty fucking whore, likes to get her throat fucked and told what to do. Bet you’d be able to fuck yourself on my cock for hours, baby.”
You whimper, nodding as your body jolts forward every few seconds, Chan’s thrusts hard with no mercy in sight. 
“Get her over here, I shall use those pretty tits for my entertainment.” Mingyu is fully hard again by now, and Chan nods, his cock slipping out of you and you sob, missing him already. Chan wraps his arm around your waist and softly pulls you off the chair, instead letting your dress fall off your frame, finally having you completely bare in front of him.
“Shit, you’re gorgeous, baby,” he mumbles, hands groping your tits only for a second before Mingyu clears his throat. Grinning, Chan moves you back to the couch. You get on all fours, Chan kneeling behind you, his hands massaging and slapping down on your ass, instead of his cock, his fingers find their way inside your sopping hole. There are stars dancing around your head at this point. 
Mingyu licks his lips, he is leaning against the armrest, his cock in his hand. He watches the way your face contours in nothing but pleasure as Chan fucks his fingers in and out of you. 
“Chan’s right, you are gorgeous.” The words make you clench and whimper and when Mingyu reaches for your arms, basically having you cage him in, Chan moving with your body, fingers pulled out of you so his hands could hold your hips in place. Your tits are hanging right over Mingyu’s cock now and he bites his lip, before bringing his hands to them, thumb pressing down on your stiff nipples. He can’t really reach them with his mouth right now, but fuck, the urge to put his lips around them is making his cock leak again.
“You wanna fuck her tits?” Chan asked then and Mingyu nodded, your hips moving against Chan's groin. 
“You’re gonna let me fuck your pretty tits, baby?” Mingyu squeezes them hard and you nod frantically.
“Y-yes, pl-please fuck my tits, want your cum all over them.” Mingyu moans at that and soon enough his cock is engulfed by your breasts, the feeling of the slick from sweat skin around him almost too much at once. He begins to thrust almost at the same time as Chan fucks his cock back into you. 
The two men have their way with you, fucking your respective body parts at their own speed and you feel like you’re about to explode. Your moans don’t stop, saying both of their names repeatedly, and only when Chan wraps his arm around you, thumb beginning to circle your clit do you realize how close to release you are.
“Ch-Chan, f-fuck, I’m so cl-close.” You stutter out and Chan smirks, pinching your clit with his thumb and index.
“Yeah? Is our little slut close? Do you think you deserve to cum yet?” Chan moves to slap your clit, a wave of pleasure shooting through you and when he does it again, you feel yourself leaking into the couch, your cum dripping down your thighs, leaving a stain. Chan twitches inside of you, realizing he just got you to squirt - even before your orgasm. He curses under his breath.
“Fuck, Mingyu, look, our dirty slut squirted all over the couch.” He feels his balls tightening, feels his head spinning, his vision going blurry as he comes, thick white ropes of his juice landing inside your pussy, getting fucked into you repeatedly by Chan.
Mingyu cries out, seeing the stain behind you and his eyes roll back as he slips his cock out of your tits and instead jerks himself off, his load landing all over your tits and collarbone the next second. Both of them climaxing in and on you gets you over the edge and your already overstimulated pussy squeezes Chan as you cum, exhaustion mixed with euphoria filling you, your eyes falling shut as you found yourself pressed against Mingyu, his arms around you as his cum now lands on his clothed torso. He doesn’t care in the slightest. 
“Holy fuck.” Chan pulls out of you, sinking into the soft cushions of the couch, wiping the sweat of his forehead with the back of his hand. He watches you on top of Mingyu, your naked body, his cum dripping out of your core and he stares at it for a moment, fascinated by the way how pretty your pussy looks when it’s spent like that.
“You did you well.” Mingyu kisses the top of your head and you sniff against his neck, feeling like all energy has left your body all while you’ve never felt this satisfied in your life.
“Let’s get you into the shower, baby girl.” He continues then, helping you sit up, your chest still smeared full of his cum. He sighed at the view.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.”
He gets up and pulls you with him, picking you up into his arms bridal style and you giggle as you look over at Chan who still seems frozen in place.
“Wanna join?” You ask tiredly and Chan nods, sure that there was nowhere else he’d rather be than in the sower with you and Mingyu right now.
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lovezbrownies · 21 days
WOOP WOOP LETS GOOO. I have request. So I felt really nostalgic after seeing a doll that I used to have (it was a lalaloopsy doll) anyway what if gen or queen nia gave the reader something that they used to have. It can be a doll or book. Anyway what is reader started paying more attention to that item instead of gen or Nia cause it reminds them of their childhood.
Attention. (Yandere!Queen x GN!Reader.)
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Nia's Masterlist - General Masterlist
Synopsis: How dare you neglect your queen with some ridiculous teddy? She will certainly show you the consequences! indirectly
Nia Bloodwen x GN!Reader
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Nia is a queen with so much work! But she hates doing any of those queenly duties, shoving all that paperwork to the closest assistant and then hosting another gala or party for some stupid made-up event or holiday. The only duty she enjoys is when she gets to fly all around the world and see the party customs in different nations, but also to drag you around new cities! Nia loves sightseeing with you, paired with dressing up in ridiculous disguises, so no one knows who you two are!
Over the two years you’ve been together (albeit forcefully together), Nia has bought you a lot of stuff, strange things and expensive things, scary things and cute things. But this? This is the best thing she’s ever gotten you! Not only is it super adorable, but also incredibly fluffy! It was just perfect, you didn’t even think Nia would be capable of getting you something so amazing like that! 
And since then you haven’t let it out of your sight, you slept with it nestled in your arms, you would read your books with it squished in your arms, and you felt a little silly doing this but you’d even eat with it deep in your arms. Even when you two would visit a small city in Xelera that cute little plush would come with you! While you were in bliss, Nia was in absolute torture. You’ve been neglecting her, failing to show her affection, yeah sure you talk with her but what good is that if you’re not spooning her! 
Usually, she was the one cuddling up to you while you read, now it’s that damn plush, when you slept she would cuddle into your chest, taking your arms and wrapping them around her, but now? That damn plush is in the way, and if she dared move it you’d somehow wake up and get upset with her. She was sick of the plush, Nia patted herself on the back when she initially saw how happy you were, and was ecstatic when you gave her a peck on the cheek out of joy!
Nia planned on getting you things more similar to the plush however after seeing what would happen if she did she decided against it, and knowing you you’d probably fill up your supposedly shared bed with more plushies, so many in fact that you’d be the only one able to fit in, leaving Nia asleep on the floor no doubt! Nia seethes thinking of such a thing, you two were supposed to eat breakfast together but you ate as quickly as you could before running off to binge-watch your show. With the damn plush in hand of course.\
Nia is tired of this, beyond that even! How is she ever meant to fall asleep without you embracing her, letting her listen to your heartbeat over and over? Yet she’s been hardly sleeping, the cold pillow is not as welcoming as your warm chest. The blankets don’t warm her up as your arms do. Nia has been pushed over the limit, this has got to be dealt with, she proclaims to her head. That plush will be assassinated by the end of the week, that she will be sure of!
Random and spontaneous trips weren’t rare for you, Nia didn’t like to stay in the palace for long, so whenever she discovered a new small village on her map of Xelera she’d excitedly tell you to pack your bags and keep where you two are headed a secret, that was tradition for her! So Nia will use this against you, somehow busy you while you pack, hiding away your plush while you weren’t looking.
And by the moment you entered the carriage on the way to the small village you’d remember the horrible truth, you forgot your poor plush back in the palace! “Oh, wait wait! I forgot Little Busenhein back home, wait can we go back?” You look towards Nia, eyes pleading and innocent, it almost makes her feel guilty. Almost, “Nope, too late. Sucks to suck, babe. Now, hug me.”
And for the entire week, you were there, longer than you two usually spend in a village, you went without your stupid plush, and Nia has been thriving! You had nothing else to hug and cuddle now except your dear and loving wife. Not only that but she’d stick to your side whenever you two go out (in your horrible disguises), Nia is a big fan of PDA obviously, but when she’s been neglected for so long? It’s even worse now!
Either way, this entire week she has compensated for all the missed moments of physical affection, in more ways than one, if ya know what I mean, wink wink. And now, you two returned home, searching all over the place for the plush as soon as you entered Khas. And when you failed to locate that fucking idiotically named plush, you had come to Nia, oh how she loves it when you depend on her!
Worry was etched onto your face as you approached Nia, “Nia, have you seen Little Busenhein? I can’t find him anywhere, I swear he was in the library…” Nia looked up at you, she was the picture of clueless, although she knew exactly what happened to that stupid bear, “Oh my, well I haven’t seen that little devil, dear! Maybe Cassidy would know? I’ll call for her and she’ll look for that blasted runaway.” Nia then got up and marched to the phone line, feining concern over the stupid plush.
Nia hung up the phone, looking back at you she beckoned her arms, leaving them wide open, “Honey~ Come here let me comfort you!~” 
Your wife then forces you on her lap, cuddling into your back, waiting with you for the maid to come, knowing Cassidy did exactly what Nia told her to do. You wait patiently, your leg hopping up and down nervously, and just in the nick of time Cassidy walks in. "Your royal highness, your highness," She addresses both of you, bowing down deeply, "How may I be of assistance to my queen?" Her voice was regal and calm, and she gave a slight nod towards her queen as she straightened her back, indicating that the job was done.
Nia felt joy as she grinned in madness, though her joy didn’t last long as you sprung up from her lap, out of embarrassment and need to know the location of your beloved plush, “There was a white plush here, long ears, purple eyes, and pink vest and bow, have you seen it?” You quickly sputtered out, desperate for information. Cassidy shifts her pupils over to you, head held high she pretends to think over everything she had done the past week.
And then her eyebrows jumped up, eyes bright and clear, before her face shifted into a grimace, she bowed deeply and regretfully to you, her voice filled with remorse as she spoke, “I deeply apologize for my terrible error! I-I am so sorry! I thought it was someone else’s, I didn’t think it’d be yours!! S-So I-I threw it away! Please forgive me, your grace!!” Her tone was apologetic and weak, just as she rehearsed.
When Cassidy first got the order to enter the Queen’s wing of Khas and clean it she found a letter on the floor, specifically addressed to her. The letter requested for the plush to be thrown away, and when the queen returns and calls for Cassidy she has to act stupid, act like it was an accident. And of course, the ever-loyal woman she is Cassidy followed every order to a tea, including this one.
Nia felt pride echo within her, watching the loyalty presented to her. While Nia could give less of a shit about her servants they obviously hold her up high in their feeble minds, how adorable. You however shatter her heart, with your sad eyes, brows all scrunched up, and your gorgeous smile now a frown, “I- it’s fine, it was an acci-”
Nia spoke up, her voice loud and thundering, making you flinch and look back at her, “No! It isn’t fine, actually, it’s horrible! How dare you come into your Royal Highness’ private wing and throw away something most obviously cherished! This is clearly a malicious attack! And you shall pay the price for the mental turmoil you caused my darling!” ‘I should try acting after, goodness I’m amazing!’ Nia thinks as she witnesses the maid’s face twist into a look of horror, and as you look back at her shocked
And with the loudest highest voice this short small woman could muster she yelled out, “GUARDS!!” You and Cassidy flinch not only due to Nia’s glass-shattering scream but also due to the doors slamming open, the two guards usually situated in front of the living room doors bust in, with other guards behind them running down the halls, weapons in hands. 
Cassidy looks around, panicking she starts to back away from the guards and closer to the two of you, “What!?! N-No! This- You-Y–” “STEP AWAY FROM THE QUEEN! DO NOT GET CLOSER!!” One guard shouts loudly, cutting off Cassidy’s attempt to defend herself. More guards begin to file in the room, while more from all around Khas begin to run towards the living room after being called in through the radio by the guards who heard Nia’s scream.
Yet even with the warning given by one of the guards, poor overwhelmed Cassidy kept stepping backward, closer and closer to the Queen, who inevitably reached out to grab you keeping you close to her own body, “N-No! This-Thi- I-” Once more the maid was cut off, but this time a guard had tackled her to the ground, immobilizing her as soon as they could, while the rest closed in, creating a big circle around the now restrained Cassidy. 
It all happened so fast for you, one moment you were looking for your plush and now some poor maid is being arrested for throwing it away. You honestly didn’t think you or that plush deserved all this mess, and that woman accidentally threw it away so no harm no foul right? “N-Nia are you sure we should be doing this? I mean it was an accident, can’t we just let her go..?” You looked back at her, her face rock solid and serious, “No. No darling, you and everything you care for is very important, which is why anything that harms you, even emotionally, must be taken seriously.” 
You sigh, guilt encompassing your entire body as you watch the innocent woman get man-handled out of the room as she yells for her queen ot save her, little does she know her queen was so happy everything went so smooth! “Your Royal Highness! We, the Royal Guard, apologize for disturbing you! The problem has been taken care of, we wish you a happy day!” One of the guards hangs back, saluting you and Nia, before shutting the door behind him.
 Nia lets out a sound of exasperation, “Goodness! Finally, I thought they’d never leave!” She takes your hand, pushing you towards her favorite couch, she forces you to sit down on the left side while cuddles right up to your right side, “I love you sooo much, honey… Scratch my back for me I’m super sleepy! Need your amazing hands to soothe me, honey!”
Finally Nia has you all to herself, a smile is plastered on her face as you reluctantly do as your told, no point in arguing with your clingy wife.
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