#WandaVision fluff
imdoingsortagay · 1 year
Hi tumblr wife! I saw ur event.. can i have number 25 from the prompt list with Wanda please? 😁 love chomps!
Valentine’s Day planning
Summary: the one time when you let Wanda plan out the Valentine’s Day date for you too
Warning: fluff, Wanda going all out
A/n: sorry this is late i think I'm getting sick lol
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Wanda didn’t mind letting you plan out what the two of you would do during your Valentine’s Day as she knew you had come to enjoy planning.
She would go all out at the bakery for customer orders, never going for a simple cake, muffin, or cupcake order. Now, this was the first time where she would be in charge of planning the events of said holiday and she recruited the best people that she knew to make it as amazing as possible.
Billy and Tommy along with Rose.
" Why are we here mom?" Billy asks the redhead as she gives him a questioning look, having been focusing on a new lego set you had bought him earlier.
"I need you and your brother's help to help me plan a Valentine s date for y/n," she explains as Rose sits quietly, happy to help her friends with stuff like this as her lovely wife didn't have much experience with romance but she put the effort in nonetheless.
" How about you make her a cake heart and call it a day mom? okay, nice talking I'm gonna go back to my room-"
" Hey hey hey," Wanda starts off as she grabs her young son by the arm to prevent him from leaving the living room, " Don't be a smart ass, Tommy, come help us with ideas".
" Are all of you ready to plan this ?" Rose asks the Maximoffs in an excited tone.
" Yes, we are-"
" I'd rather build legos"
" Sure i think".
Luckily for her sons, Wanda knew them well enough before they got bored and let them go to their room to build legos while Rose helped her plan out the rest of the stuff.
2 hours pass by before the two women have a set plan for the date, feeling happy that she was able to come up with this.
the next day
" Wanda, where are we going?" You ask your girlfriend as she leads you through the trail, unsure what she had planned for tonight. She had been holding onto her excitement about the planned date, even going as far as making sure her sons didn't tell you to make it a big surprise.
Not even a big lego set was enough to get them to spill the beans on what she had planned.
" Only a couple more steps til you see what I have done for tonight-"
" Can I open my eyes now?"
" No baby be patient," Wanda says, quicking up her pace as she knows you well enough to ask too many questions.
It helped her in that minute as the both of you made it to the rented cottage, made romantic as the front porch had a table for the two of you. Candles all over the place with all of your favorite foods made by your girlfriend, fairy lights to add to the romantic atmosphere even with the candles.
" Wow," you say, amazed that Wanda had done all that. No wonder the boys didn't tell you.
“You don’t think you went maybe a bit overboard?” you jokingly ask her, giggling when she tries to hit your arm.
" Baby you know me this is all I know how to do," she says and before she goes on you sweep her in for a kiss, happy to have met the wonderful woman who is Wanda Maximoff.
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Y/N cuddles with Wanda on their bed…
Y/N: can I touch your belly?
Wanda: (giggles) it’s your baby too, detka
Y/N: I know. But you’re your own person and I didn’t want to infringe on your space
Wanda: I’d be more insulted if you didn’t touch my belly (giggles)
Y/N: oh alright
Y/N gently caresses Wanda’s pregnant belly. The babies kick…
Y/N nuzzles Wanda, conveying every ounce of love they can give…
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slvtforwandanat · 18 days
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st4r1light · 5 months
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your camera roll if you were dating wanda maximoff
🏷️ @amxrist @yumcoldbrew
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ncis-nerd · 2 months
Soft mommy wanda
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-She would be so gentle with you, scared to break you when you got in your floaty headspace.
-She loved when you got like this becsuse she could do everything for you while you just sat there and looked pretty.
-This also applied in a sexual setting because you'd look at her with those doe eyes and who would she be to resist when you looked at her so willingly, so ready...
-"No thoughts in that pretty little head of yours.." Wanda cooed, attaching her thumb to your lip.
-Having previous knowledge of your oral fixation and allowing you to suck on her thumb. "Mmfhmp" you hummed in contempt.
-"That's it baby, you just need something to suck on. Don't you?" Wanda sighed, adjusting her hold of you. Cradling your head in her arms. "Such a good girl." Wanda praised.
-You were her best girl and she made sure to tell you all the time. Always holding you close and showering you in kisses!!! You'd giggle and tell her you can't breathe but she'd be like "Now we can't have that angel!"
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miaisocool · 3 months
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary - Wanda was your best friend in college that you had feelings for... were your feelings reciprocated or not?
Warnings: Mentions of underage drinking, Angst, Fluff in a way?... YES THIS WILL HAVE A PART TWO!
Word count: 4k
Note: This is inspired by the song Johanna by suki waterhouse :) so i recommend listening to that song..
Part two
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Oh, my Johanna, Johanna...
There you were at a party that wanda invited you to it was just a simple college party nothing else the atmosphere felt weird... and tense your vision was hazy including nothing but people passing out, strobe lights flashing over your face red solo cups plastered all over whoevers kitchen counter.. drinks that you didn't recognize the name of assuming it was something fancy. It made sense since it was apparently some rich kid who's dad owned a big company hosting the party you didn't even recognize anyone there except wanda, clint, tony and maybe natasha?...
You and natasha never got along well due to your past with her meaningless hookups that would end up with nobody in her bed the morning after. It was a on and off thing for a while with you catching feelings for her when she didn't want you and natasha catching feelings for you when you didn't want her it was a confusing thing between you both it was on and off like that for a while during your freshman year of college but, you guys talked it out and discussed how it was better for you both to just keep the relationship between you two EXTREMELY platonic she went on a rant of multiple pros and cons about it and how it would keep your friend group together you didn't care as much as she did but you went along with it. So did she.. she soon got used to it and distanced herself from you she was tired no matter whether or not the friendship included those hookups or if it was platonic she couldn't manage to be friends with you knowing she was gonna catch feelings again. Did she have a good reason to? maybe but those were hookups that you and her both strived off of everyone moved on from it except for her it was somewhat of a cold atmosphere between you and her for a while but its okay now, which you assumed since she gave you a quick smile at this party...
"come on.. go talk to her!" clint nudged your shoulder as he nodded to the direction wanda was in she looked so beautiful.. whenever you got a glance of her the signal of butterflies would turn in your stomach and it made you somewhat smile to yourself it was common for you to do that.. smiling at the thought of wanda or smiling whenever you had a interaction with her you couldn't help it who wouldn't fall for her? he was bothering you all night to go up to wanda and dance with her or at least have a conversation with her but he knew you were too afraid to "I think i just need to sit down.. i dont know clint.. this party is just.." it was true the party was overwhelming with the music pulsating off of the walls even when you stepped outside for some "fresh air" it was nothing but the music still blasting strobe lights were even set up outside to "keep the party going" which was doing nothing but making everyones face in the crowd unrecognizable and the strong scent of weed making the air thick, the scent of sweat and alcohol mingling with the aroma of wanda in your mind wasn't doing you justice she always smelt like cherries and wine in the best way possible the only scent that you could ever get drunk off of, the only scent that ever brought comfort to you when you didn't feel safe, the only-
"Y/n! im so glad you made it!!" Wanda had the biggest smile on her face as her slender fingers caressed your shoulder bringing you the sense of home and getting rid of the overstimulated feelings you had from the party. You were caught off guard with the sight of wanda suddenly coming up to you, you didn't expect it but yes you did how couldn't you? you guys were friends and she was known for being the sweetest to you, you sometimes wonder if thats what made you catch feelings for her. You hated it but no matter how much you did it wouldn't go away.
"wanda.. hey.." it took a while for you to regain your composure as you were drunk off of literally nothing except the thought of wanda in your system well to be honest she was the only thing in your mind that night "i couldn't find you" you lied, you saw her multiple times throughout the night even when clint brought your attention to her and tried to pressure you into talking to her. You avoided her, you felt guilty about it. how could you? wanda was basically your friend that you had feelings for just a friend that you had a really good connection with, the first person to ever show you what true love was like? or was it just fully platonic you always wondered what she thought about your friendship with her..
"i was looking for you!" she giggled her laugh was like the only noise that ever brought you happiness the noises from the party fading away and the soft rustle of the cup she was holding which had a bit of what you assumed was rum her eyes glistening from the backyard lights really making the emerald green remind you of the beautiful grass that you always dreamt about laying in with her and being far away from home you stood there taking in the moment of her presence until she spoke again "let me get a drink for you!" she said loudly but quietly in your ear it was hard to speak with speakers literally making the music blast in your eardrums the music was too loud for you to understand what she said but you made it out in your mind as you nodded she took your hand gently dragging you through the big crowd of people who were all over the place dancing, drinking, smoking or just passed out all over the atmosphere was still a mess but with the sight of wanda your mind was blurred from the chaos of the party the noise quickly faded as you took in wandas features from her dark brown reddish hair to the curves on her body your mind was in awe her presence was like a aura of light in darkness
A few seconds later as your back inside of the house wanda hands you a cup of a drink you couldn't even recognize but you knew it was alcohol you weren't used to liquor but you decided to put on a front for wanda as you chugged it and had sort of a face of grimace as you put the cup back down onto the counter "i know you don't drink" you turned your gaze back to wandas as you spoke
"i know.." it was true you didn't drink but you decided to act tough for her or maybe loosen up once in a while but she knew you.. she knew that you hated parties, hated smoking, hated the thought of being peer pressured, hated alcohol. anything that was sinful for you in general you despised, but this night wanda was your heaven sent angel
"just thought i would've gave it a try you know?" you murmured into her ear the music was still too loud to have a conversation with one of you yelling or whispering into the others ear "I guess its not my thing" wanda brought her hand up to your back as she slowly caressed it up and down making a wave of comfort wash over you.
"it doesn't have to be your thing" her eyes softened as she noticed your discomfortness " Y/n.. you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with" "you don't have to pretend with me you know?" you couldn't help but feel your cheeks warming up and blushing at the sound of your name coming out her mouth and the sentence that tugged at your heart strings heer words truly resonated within you, cutting through the noise of the party and the insecurities that had you held up throughout the party. A reassurance that you didn't have to adjust to anyone else's expectations to belong.
"honestly you could just be yourself and thats all i want" her pupils dilated as she looked into your eyes this caught you off guard "nothing else?" you smiled and teased wanda seeing how far you could push her back into her regular state she quickly hit your shoulder and rolled her eyes as she giggled.
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A flashback to two months ago
You were invited to breakfast by wanda you weren't used to waking up as early as her. This restaurant spot was where you guys would meet up countless times to talk, study or just have a coffee you didn't like waking up early to meet up with wanda like this but you couldn't help but fiend for her presence so you pushed yourself cause it was wanda and you wanted her, you loved her, you desired her. The morning sun was glistening over your skin as you stared at your phone until wanda spoke up "The service is awfully slow today.." you weren't used to seeing wanda be impatient was she complaining too much? no she wasn't it's true the service was very slow it makes sense since it's summer there was many tourists visiting the city just for food, beaches, views and expenses it held. "I could've cooked my own food faster than this.." wanda muttered under her breath you weren't used to seeing cold attitude come from her even her voice was laced with venom but you quickly spoke up and decided to ignore it "i'm sure they're just busy.." you noticed she was biting the inside of her cheek wanda would always do this whenever she had something heavy on her mind or if she was just frustrated. It hurt you seeing her like this so you snapped her out of her thoughts "wanda our foods here" she quickly re adjusted herself straightening her posture in the seat as the server set her food down along with yours "Sorry for the wait, enjoy." the server smiled at you both as he walked away quickly attending other customers. Wanda just rolled her eyes leaving a awkward but comforting silence you weren't sure what to say to cut the tension in the air until wanda spoke up "So.. i have news" you noticed something was off her voice was a bit hesitant before speaking that wasn't normal either she was always so confident before she spoke.. you raised your eyebrow giving a signal to wanda to continue talking as you bit into your food "I've been seeing this guy.." your heart immediately stopped at the mention of a guy wanda is with, the oxygen in your lungs felt nonexistent, the butterflies in your stomach died, it felt like you were suffocating almost, your chest started to burn as you coughed on your food a bit as you tried to force a smile "That's great wanda" you spoke up trying to suppress the feelings of jealousy within you, you wanted to scream at her telling everything you ever felt for her what you loved about her and how much you longed for her but you knew you couldn't. wanda spoke up again silencing the ringing noise in your ears "We're still figuring things out you know?" "I just wanted you to be the first to know" she smiled at you how could you not love wanda? The room fell silent once again, the weight of Wanda's words heavy in the air. You glanced around the restaurant until you swallowed scrambled eggs and your feelings of jealousy "im happy for you" your voice was slightly trembled oh how you wished wanda wasn't so blind..
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I was drinking hard, acting tough But it was just a crush, just a crush
There you were dancing with wanda you were at least two shots in not enough to be drunk but enough to start pouring out your heart to her of how you wanted to marry her, make her yours, or be hers? your body was starting to loosen up so was the lump in your throat with every secret you held you towards her you couldn't help but notice how beautiful wanda looked even with messy hair your mind would sometimes drift off wondering if that's what she would look like if you ever had the chance to wake up next to her. You couldn't help where your mind was drifting off to but it felt strange, your mouth started to open up as if it was a feeling of vomit the music made you deaf from any words that were about to come out your mouth you tried to protest it but soon your body gave up
"Wanda.." You said her name as if it was a prayer she kept dancing as she heard you speak up the lights looked so beautiful in her eyes as it glistened over her face making wanda a bit unrecognizable and making your vision hazy mixed with the alcohol you had...
You knew she didn't want you, You knew she was with vision, she belonged with vision, She didn't even think of you that way but here you were about to dump your feelings towards her the weight on your chest was starting to feel heavier.
As Wanda danced like a angel gracefully, her laughter ringing out like in your ears, you couldn't help but feel a pang of longing deep within your chest. She was so close, yet so far away, a distant star shining brightly in a sky you could never reach.
"Wanda" You repeated once again... You leaned into her waiting for her to send or give a sign of some assurance that she knew what you were trying to do or if your feelings were reciprocated she soon leaned in and brushed her lips against yours. Your heart started to pound quickly as if it was a ticking time bomb that was about to explode. The kiss was soft, tender she tasted like cherries, rum and wine with a hint of cinnamon you were testing the waters first until she deepened the kiss making it become more passionate with a trembling touch you cupped her face into your hand you could feel how warm her cheeks were getting and the smile forming on her face as you pulled back she pulled back into the kiss making her breath warm and sweet you could tell she wanted this too with the way she pushed her body against yours the longer the kiss continued you pulled back and started kissing onto her neck as she moaned into your ear all you wanted to do in that moment was melt into her arms but it soon came to a end.
The feeling of vomit was starting to get heavier on your chest the more you stared at her figure dancing in the strobing lights
"im gonna get another drink" Your voice trembled with emotion as she nodded and smiled give you assurance that she would be right there just dancing the night away knowing she'll never walk away from you. You wished you could stay there forever with her but you walked away quickly to the bathroom making your way through the crowd getting elbowed a few times and struggling to get out of some tight spaces
You immediately shut the door once you stepped in and looked at yourself in the mirror, your hair was messy droplets of sweat were pouring down your face, watery eyes, pupils dilated. You looked completely out of it, you couldn’t tell what was real or fake, there was still adrenaline running throughout your veins from the sensation wanda had once placed on your lips and the melody she left ringing in your ear it was everything you ever wanted you soon closed your eyes turning on the sink splashing your face with water noticing the vivid image of wanda’s face and the lights you soon opened your eyes and smiled recollecting your thoughts of what just happened you were all happy and thought about how it was finally the right time to confess your feelings to wanda. You resented that vision was going to hold a spot in wanda’s heart even if you wanted to be in a relationship with her but you daydreamed about ways it could work out for the both of you.
Soon after you stopped smiling to yourself and daydreaming what you and wanda could be you soon stepped out the bathroom your eyes being greeted with the sight of clint coming up to you
“i’ve been looking for you everywhere!” He drunkenly swung his arm around you catching you off guard forcing you to regain your balance “Clint right now is not the best time…” You whispered into his ear trying to look for wanda in the crowd. It was hard to look for anyone in general even with the strobe lights flashing and fog in the air masking everyone, making it impossible to find her.
The air was choking up your throat as you tried to get a fresh breath of air from how terrible the party smelled but you had to adapt your senses to it even if it meant passing out all that mattered to you right now was getting to wanda. Your heart started to race the more you were scanning the crowd with desperation of finding wanda but you could barely recognize anyone… The feeling of clint trying to tug you back into his presence wasn’t helping you focus much either and the fact that he was yelling into your ear was just causing you more overstimulation. You bumped into a couple of people having to apologize profusely over and over your voice noticeably shaking with fear and emotion until….
You finally spotted wanda crossing out everyone in the crowd making the lights that were once flashing into your eyes causing a headache, you noticed she was dancing with a tall figure you really couldn’t make out who it was but you noticed it was some tall blond lanky man dancing and grinding against her they looked like two intertwined souls dancing with not a care in the world. You couldn’t help but feel a lump build up in your throat as you spotted the two having such a intimate dance, your throat got even tighter when you recognized it was vision the man who she would brag about all the time and how happy she was with him..
Was that why she was smiling at you all night? Was that why she didn't pull away from your kiss? Your mind drifted off to multiple scenarios maybe she was trying to get her mind off of vision. You knew he wasn't the perfect boyfriend for her well everyone had their reasonings but that's what you wanted to believe so you could swoop in and be with wanda because at the end of the day you believed that you were the one she belonged to. You remembered those nights you stayed up late just to hear her rambling about how many times she caught vision cheating on her you tried to convince her to break up with him not out of jealousy but out of how you wanted the best for her even if that meant not being with you. You didn't really have the right to be upset with her even if she was dancing with vision..
Feeling suffocated by the weight of unrequited love, you needed an escape – something to numb the ache in your chest and quiet everything that was going on in your head. So, without a second thought, you gave Clint a quick glance and pulled him into the kitchen, where all the drinks were stocked.. Your throat was tight and burning enough already, the alcohol was not going to suppress your feelings for her, it wasn't going to suppress the numbness you felt at the sight of wanda dancing with vision but you decided this is what you need to clear your head so you drank away
"Hey.. y/n lets slow down the drinks alright?" although clint was a bit drunk he still had a mind of his own. To be fair he was the only one out of the group who knew you best even since you didn't speak your feelings he could still tell what was wrong with you. You could notice that clint was very concerned and worried for you all you needed to do was to communicate with him so he could stop you for whatever disaster was about to happen.
"I'm fine."
You paused, your hand hovering over the bottle, the weight of Clint's words sinking in. In that moment, you realized that drowning your sorrows in alcohol wouldn't make the pain of seeing wanda with vision go away – it would only numb it temporarily. But either way you took a long chug of whichever alcohol you chose from the counter and how it left a sharp pain in your throat the same sharp pain wanda was leaving..
Clint watched you silently, his eyes filled with understanding and empathy. He knew all too well the pain you were having as he soon came to what made you this way the agony of watching someone he cares for slip through his fingers. "I just need a moment," you muttered, your words slurring slightly as the alcohol began to take effect. But even as you spoke, you couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at your insides, a constant reminder that wanda would never be yours and that her happily ever after would be with vision even in every other universe..
You were already soon too deep it had been a few minutes ever since you chugged multiple cups of alcohol and clint snatched the bottle from you although you tried to fight him and protest but you knew he wasn't doing any wrong so you soon gave up after.. You noticed a few looks coming from the crowd as you started to cause a scene while all clint was trying to do was diffuse the situation as he took the bottles and cups away from you.
Your body was starting to give up as you tried to lean against the counter for support even clint was trying to help you regain your composure your muscles were slacking and the lights started to turn into a hazy vision of a kaleidoscope, the weight of the alcohol and emotions bore down on you, the world around you began to blur and spin. With each passing moment, the room seemed to tilt on its axis, the sounds and colors melding together into a haze.
You tripped over your own foot as you tried to lean against the counter again but without warning you soon saw every overwhelming sense come to a halt as the last thing and all you could perceive were scurried footsteps and Wanda's voice, a distant echo calling out your name in panic and worry. The last sensation being the vibrations of her voice coming through and her hands reaching out to catch your weak body as you felt droplets from what you assumed were tears of concern coming from wanda.. In that moment, as darkness closed in around you, you couldn't help but not have a single thought but for now, all you could do was surrender to the embrace of unconsciousness and wandas arms wrapped around you as she tried to help you.. The voices of the crowd and clint and wanda and then vision were the finally the last thing.
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star-xxx1 · 8 months
after you are done, can you do sub! Bunny wanda next? If thats ok.
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Bunny's ache
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Sub! Bunny! Wanda Maxioff x dom! Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Heavy petplay, degradation, rough treatment, object insertion (carrot), mistress kink, squirting, wanda pushing out the carrot, a bit of anal play.
A/n: THIS IS KINKY, IAM SORRY (But hey, it is kinktober.)
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Wanda lay curled up in her big cage, stuffies, each one adorned with tiny bows or sparkly jewels, a mountain of pillows and pink fairy lights decorating her little heaven Her favourite pink fluffy blanket pulled over her, the comfortable plush foam underneath her fragile body, only added to the sweet warmth. Her favourite teddy bear secured tightly, wrapped in her arms, laced with the scent of her owner, you. Her subtle features were relaxed as she napped, turning over now and again. The tail plug nestled in her tight asshole acting as comfort. She was resting up for playtime, which was quickly approaching. Her bunny ears headband set firmly on her head.
You quietly sat down on the wooden floor and carefully opened the cage door, brushing her soft hair out of her face. "My sweet bunny wake up." Her eyes fluttered open. She yawned cutely, stretching her small body as she sat up, the blanket falling off her shoulders. "It's time for playtime already?" You nodded. "Yes, bunny."
Wanda smiled brightly, her naked form climbing out of the cage and crawling onto your lap with a squeak of delight. "What do you have in store for us today?"
"You'll see." You kissed her flushed cheek, getting up with wanda still in your arms. As you carry her to the bedroom, Wanda's anticipation grows. Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she looks around at the familiar surroundings. You gently placed wanda down on the bed. "Baby, be a good girl and spread your legs." blushing but obeying, Wanda slowly spreads her legs for you revealing her wet, pink shaven pussy. "Good girl." You praised as wanda blushed. "Be a good little bunny and finger that little cunt whilst I go grab something." Her breath hitched at the sudden request. O-okay," Wanda replied, her voice trembling slightly. She slowly reached down between her legs, her fingers finding her wet, sensitive folds. With a deep breath, she started to probe and explore, feeling the warmth and moisture of her arousal. Starting with two fingers. She moaned softly, feeling herself getting wetter already. It didn't take long for her to grow impatient, though. As Wanda continued to pleasure herself, she couldn't help but grow more desperate for your return. Her moans became louder and more needy, her small body trembling with anticipation. She spread her legs even wider, offering easier access to her tight pussy.
When you returned, Wanda whimpered when you approached her, you set something down on the bed next to her. She was practically begging for your touch, her whole body shaking with desire. You pressed the heel of your hand against her clit and she arched back in pleasure, moaning loudly as her orgasm finally hit her, her juices flying everywhere, drenching the sheet beheath her in her squirt. She slowly pulled out her fingers, but you yanked them out her sensitive pussy and forced them into her mouth. Loudly gags escaped her mouth as she tasted herself on her fingers. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she clutched at the blankets beneath her, writhing in ecstasy. "Tasty?" You voice sweet so different from your rough actions. Wanda, still gasping for breath and trying to recover from her intense orgasm, nodded weakly, tears of pleasure and humiliation welling up in her eyes. "Y-yes... tasty," she managed to choke out between gasps. You removed her fingers. Wanda looked up at you, her eyes still glassy with lust and submission. She tried to regain some composure, feeling the aftershocks of her orgasm slowly subsiding. "Lay down" Obediently, Wanda laid down on the bed, presenting her quivering pussy to you. Her heart raced as she waited for your next command.
Wanda bit her lower lip, her eyes locked onto yours, as you crawled next to her. "Please, mistress, please touch your bunny, my princess parts hurt." She winned. You kissed her pout away. You trailed the washed carrot up her body. Wanda saw the carrot, trembling with anticipation. Her mouth watered at the thought of it sliding into her tight pussy. "Please...may I have it?" Her breath hitched as she felt the coolness of the carrot against her sensitive skin. Her body arched upwards, seeking more contact. "Beg bunny." You commanded.
"Please, Mistress, i beg you to use your carrot on my tight little pussy." You laughed at her. "Fill me up with it." She begged. She cried out, her back arching off the bed as she felt the slightest touch of the carrot against her swollen clit. Her hands fisted in the sheets, her entire body trembling with need and desire. "Shh." You whispered into your sweet bunnys ear. She whimpered, already feeling the wetness seeping out of her aching pussy. She could feel herself grow even more desperate for you to finally give her what she had been begging for you. her body tense as she felt the carrot teasingly brush against her entrance. Her eyes were locked on yours, filled with trust and longing.
Your movements were slow and deliberate, filling her pussy with the carrot bit by bit. Wanda's legs trembled as she felt yourself inside her, stretching her tight pussy further, the carrot slid deeper into her tight channel. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure mixed with pain, a soft moan escaping her lips. She was completely at your mercy, her body trembling around the intruding carrot.Wanda's tight pussy gripped the carrot, stretching around it as you slowly pushed it inside. She moaned softly, her body tensing in anticipation of the inevitable penetration. You gave her no mercy gaining a fast pace. Wanda cried out as you fucked her with the carrot, her whole body trembling with shock and pleasure. She arched up off the bed, meeting every thrust of the carrot with a gasp and moan. Her cries grew louder, her body writhing under yours as you continued to use the carrot to violate her soaking hole.
"You fucking slut hmm? getting fucked with a carrot? how pathetic are you. Bunny." Wanda could only moan in response, her legs and arms trembling from the force with which you thrust the carrot in and out of her. your over hand came up to roughly play with her nipple, pinching, tugging the poor pink buds. Her nipple hardened under your harsh treatment, causing a shiver to run down her arched spine. She bit her lip harder, trying to contain her screams of pleasure as you continued to use her like this. You stopped fucking her with the carrot leaving it hang out her poor cunt.
"Do it yourself, you stupid mut." She reached down and picked up the carrot, positioned it at her entrance once again. Hesitantly guiding it back inside herself. Her body trembled as she began to push herself onto the carrot, mimicking your earlier actions. "M-mistress," she whimpered. "Look at you, a dumb bunny."
"Mmmm, yes. I'm your pathetic little toy." She nodded, her face twisted in pure bliss. "You like being stretched out, like a mindless whore?" You teased her. "Oh, yes, it feels amazing, please. Mistress, give me more!" She loudly moaned out.
And more you gave her, as she was mindlessly thrusting the cum drenched carrot in and out of her. You pushed the carrot in the whole way. You grabbed her wrists with one hand. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt the carrot pushing against her deepest walls. A moan of pure ecstasy escaped her lips as she felt herself reaching the brink of orgasm.Wanda's body trembled. her eyes were half-closed in pleasure. You roughly grabbed her soft wrist with one hand and restrained them. Grabbing the pink wand from the nightstand. "Push baby."
Wanda's eyes widened in shock as you touched her hyper sensitive clit with the vibrator, almost causing her to lose her state of mind. She grimaced in pain and pleasure as she tried to push the carrot out while also dealing with the intense sensations. Wanda gritted her teeth, tears streaming down her face, as she pushed with all her might., the pleasure to much. But with the vibrator working relentlessly on her poor pink bud, another orgasm apporached fast, sending unbearable pleasure through her. She squirted again, even more powerful. The carrot slid out of her tight pussy with a wet squelching sound. Her screams filling up the room.
Wanda panted heavily, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of the intense orgasm. Her eyes were still glassy and unfocussed, but she gave you a weak smile. "Thank you, Mistress, that was amazing."
You turned the vibrator of stopping the abuse on her clit ans flipped her over onto her hands and knees, presenting her well-fucked pussy to you. She shuddered, still feeling the aftereffects of your incredibly arousing game. Wanda let out a loud yelp as you pulled on her bunny tail plug. her hole contracting around the smooth surface. "Ah fuck." her voice trailed off into a moan as another tremor passed through her.
when you finished taking out the fluffy plug, a long sting of slick hanged from the metal. Wanda whimpered, trying to ignore the ache in her ass, gaping slightly, begging to be filled again. She looked back at you, her eyes pleading for mercy. Her heart was racing, and she could feel herself getting wet again despite the pain and humiliation. Wanda let out a sharp gasp, her body jerking in surprise. The sensation of your tongue against her sensitive flesh sent shivers down her spine, cleaning up her asshole. She tried to push away from you, but your hands held her in place. Her moans turned into soft pleas for more. "Mistress. Please." She whimpered. "Shh bunny, iam going to switch out your tail colour, what do you want?"
"Baby pink."
You opened the nightstand draw to many tails, different shapes, colours, and sizes. You picked out the pink big one, and she shivered as she felt the coolness of the toy against her stretched opening. She bit her lower lip, trying to contain her groans as you began to push it inside her.
"There bunny all done." You kiss the plump flesh of her asscheek. Her ass clenched around the plug, holding it tightly inside her. She collapsed onto the bed, her body finally giving out. "You did so good. You're a good little bunny." You praised picking her up. "Cage or bed after shower?" You asked.
"Bed." She sleepily whispered out.
You scooped her and kissed her sweet lips. Making your way to the bathroom, starting the first step of aftercare. Ready to spoil your precious bunny.
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widowmaxff · 6 months
bad day
pairings: wanda maximoff × fem!reader
warnings: angst (with happy ending), arguing, reader crying, depressed reader — I think that's all!
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When you heard your front door slam shut, you knew Wanda had a bad day on work today. This was actually normal for the two of you, you talk to her and she tells you about the time at the place, having your help so she calms down and everything is okay. And that always worked, you usually ended those days eating pizza in bed while watching your favorite series on TV.
The redhead mumbles loudly as she walks with strong steps, throwing the keys on the living room table where you were, without even saying hello. You get up from the couch quickly, soon following your fiancée up the white staircase to finally reach your shared bedroom. Your gaze reaches Wanda, who was sitting on the edge of the bed with her hands on her face and her elbows resting on her knees. You calmly approach the redhead, thinking of words of comfort for her.
"Wands, are you okay?" You ask, making her laugh ironically before raising her face towards you, which was red, but you didn't know if it was from anger or from running tears.
"What do you think?" You swallow hard at the stiffness in her voice that would normally be sweet and calm. "Don't be an idiot, Y/n. Obviously I'm not okay." You contort your face at those words that came out of your bride's pink mouth. She rolls her eyes when she sees the expression on your face, getting up and going to the closet in your suite.
"Wanda, I was just trying to help you. You don't need to take out your anger on me because you have nothing nice to say to me." You follow behind the girl, who mumbles when she hears your words, but receives only silence in return. "Baby, you can talk and vent to me, you know that. We always do this when you have a bad day."
"For God, Y/n. Just leave me alone, okay?" She shouts in your direction, making you startle and take a step back. "Stop wanting to be an annoying, poor attention-seeking person all the time! Why don't you do something useful instead of getting in the way, hum?" The redhead shoots.
"What the hell! Can't I have a day where I can have a little space?" You feel your throat close as you hear all those hateful words directed at you. Your breathing became unregulated and you felt a great burning sensation in your eyes. Wanda had her fists clenched as she waited for something to come out of her mouth.
"Cat got your tongue now?" She takes a step forward, but you step back, afraid of her. Your fiancée's eyes get darker when she sees that you weren't feeling safe being around her, this wasn't normal.
Wanda knew that you were very insecure about yourself, having thoughts about always disturbing other people's lives and when she talked about you doing this and being annoying, her heart seemed to break into a thousand pieces that would take a long time to put back together. Her speech repeated in your head as you thought about what to say to your fiancée.
"I..." Your lips tremble, almost letting out a sob in the middle of his speech. "Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you." A solitary tear falls from your eyes, making Wanda feel guilty, but her jaw is still clenched. "I'll be in the guest room if you want to talk... or anything else. I will leave you alone. Sorry, Wanda." You turn on your heel as you poke your fingers to ease the nervousness.
Walking out of the room towards the other, trying to hold back the crying sobs that were coming out of your throat. You normally didn't cry in front of your fiancee, you hated doing that, but when she shot those words at you it felt like mean people had put pepper in your eyes and you were trying not to care about it.
When the door to the guest room was locked, the air you were holding in your lungs was finally released, along with the tears trapped in the corners of your eyes. You disturbed people. You were annoying. It was what was repeated in your mind by several voices, but the worst of them was Wanda's, the person who made you want to live every day, but at that moment you just wanted to die and maybe never get in anyone's way again. She never yelled at you or made you feel what you felt now, so the pain felt more unbearable than it already was.
You felt your legs go soft and fall onto the double bed. Your body came together, almost as if you were giving yourself a hug. Placing your left hand over your mouth so that the noises of your crying wouldn't be heard and wouldn't bother Wanda's bad day even more. Your eyes were so tired and red, it felt like the water hadn't stopped falling for so long that you allowed yourself to sleep without your bride's cozy arms.
When morning arrived, you thought about not leaving your room, not even getting out of bed. But despite everything that had happened, you longed to talk to the redhead again, to apologize again. So, when you heard the click of the lock, you took a deep breath and stood in the large hallway of your house. You walked down the stairs towards the kitchen, smelling your favorite breakfast. The red hair was the first thing you saw when you entered the room. Her back was turned as she prepared something on the stove.
Wanda seemed to sense you in the kitchen, quickly turning to look at your swollen face from last night's crying. She sighed deeply before walking up to you and looking into your eyes, which she adored so much. "Can I hug you?" She asks, you clearly agree.
The basis of your relationship was consent, due to some past traumas and insecurities. When she puts her arms around you you feel your body relax into her touch. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't want to say those words... I had a bad day and I know that doesn't justify anything, but I swear I regret every word I said to you."
You don't say anything, because if you said something, you would probably burst into tears again and your eyes were so sore that it was tiring to leave them open. "I know you won't forgive me right away, but know that I love you so much and I regret it so much. You're nothing like I said..." Wanda rambles. "on the contrary, you are the most amazing person to be around. The sweetest person who certainly shines with kindness wherever you go. You would never, ever get in my way, darling." She continues whispering beautiful words to you, making your heart soften at her words. "I love you, never forget that."
"I love you lots too." You finally say, with a hoarse and low voice. "I forgive you, Wanda. But promise me one thing?"
"Whatever you want, my love."
"Promise never to yell at me again? Please." Your voice falters a few times in the short sentence, making Wanda want to beat herself for making you suffer.
"Oh Love. I promise, of course I promise." She looks you in the eyes, caressing your rosy cheeks. "I swear on everything I will never do that to you again." Wanda tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before placing a small kiss on your forehead. You nod at her, faithfully believing her words.
"How about we eat your favorite breakfast now, hum? I don't want to see you with that sad face, I want to try to reward you by making your hunger go away." You laugh before firmly cupping Wanda's face and placing a smacking kiss on her pink mouth. Your day certainly got better when you felt your bride's lips and it will be much better when you enjoy every moment with the love of your life.
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wandanatrules · 6 months
Locker Room
Pairing: shy nerdy g!p wanda maximoff x popular cheerleader reader
This is the fic for the request I got literally so long ago I’ll put the request as the summary, I just started winter break so i’m gonna try to write sorry I haven’t posted in forever school has been on my ass
summary: Hiiii, I saw that you were taking requests and I just had to ask, could you do awkward emo!wanda and cheerleader!r where they’re both in high school or college and wanda likes r nd gets all shy and embarrassed around her, so r takes advantage of this and tries to make her as flustered as she can..and wanda
can’t take the teasing one day so she builds up the confidence to ask her out which eventually leads to them having sex in the girls locker room 🤭
warnings: wanda has a penis, oral (w receiving), heavy make out, smut, foul language, there isn’t really that much smut sorry
Even in her sophomore year of college Wanda was still nervous to talk to girls. She wasn’t the most social person, which played a part in it. It wasn’t that she wasn’t attractive enough to get girls, believe me she was.
She had an athletic build and long flowy hair. She ran track in high school and ever since then maintained the abs and the muscles she acquired from that, by joining the soccer team in college. Wanda was the MVP player, which gave her a lot of female admirers. Many of the females at her games, especially the cheerleaders, would make passes at her but she was too oblivious and shy to notice.
Ever since freshman year the only person that Wanda had her eyes on was you. You were on the cheerleading squad, and well known for your looks and popularity. You also liked Wanda, but for some reason she always rejected your advances.
Tonight was the celebration party for the girls soccer team after winning the tournament. The whole team and all the cheerleaders would be there.
Wanda was nervous to go knowing that parties weren’t usually her scene. Even though she was expected to go since she scored the winning goal and led her team to victory.
You and the other cheerleaders were in the locker room getting ready, before you left for the stadium to join the party.
“I’m gonna try to get with Maximoff tonight” you said to your friends while finishing up your makeup.
“Oh, really?” your friend Maria asked, “She’s so nerdy and shy and awkward all the time.”
You smiled and thought back to a couple of days ago when you tried to flirt with her.
Wanda was standing outside of the soccer locker room, right after practice. She was wearing a muscle tee showing off her toned arms and covered in sweat.
“Hey Wans.” You said to her after sauntering over to her, while putting your hand on her arm. “You looked real good during your practice.”
Wanda’s face turned red and she felt herself getting nervous again. “Oh thanks y/n.” she said while nervously playing in her hair, “I was working on my form for the tournament.”
“Yeah, I bet you're gonna win it for us Wanda, and when you do i’ll give you something to celebrate.” You said in her ear with a seductive voice, before walking away with a sway to your hips.
Wanda let out a deep breath after you walked away, cursing herself after feeling her erection hardening.
As you reminisced in the memory of how cute Wanda looked all flustered you couldn’t help but wait for you to get to the party and see her. You just knew that tonight would be the night you would get your hands on her.
It was later that night and Wanda was talking to her friends from the soccer team, while nursing a drink at the party.
“I’m telling you Wanda, she wants you.” Natasha said, trying to convince her to go over and talk to you.
“No I don’t think so, she’s just friendly.” Wanda insisted while looking over at you.
You were at the other side of the party making eye contact with her, while seductively sucking your straw between your teeth. You lifted your hand and waved her over.
Wanda tensed and looked behind her, not believing you were beckoning her.
“She wants you, you idiot.”, Natasha laughed, as she shoved her over to you. “Good luck.” , she called out behind her
Wanda nervously walked over to you, wiping the sweat off of her palms on to her pants.
“Hi Wanda.” You husked looking up at her with your best doe eyes. “Let’s dance.”, you said, putting your drink down and leading her to the dance floor by the hand.
The song had just happened to change from some loud rap music to a slow and sexy RnB song. You used this to your advantage as you wrapped her arms around your waist and began to sway.
Wanda, tensed not knowing where to put her hands, trying to be respectful of her touches. You sensed this nervousness and placed her hands on your butt.
“You know Wanda, literally everyone has hit on me and asked me out except you. I’ve never had to make the first move like this. Do you not think I'm pretty, Wanda?” You said with that sickly sweet voice that drove Wanda crazy and iginitied a stir in her pants.
“Oh, no y/n definitely, i think you're absolutely gorgeous.” Wanda said nervously, careful to not hurt your feelings.
You turned around to face her with a smile, “That’s exactly what I was hoping you would say. You better come with me so I can give you your surprise for winning us the game.
You took her hand and led her through the crowd out of the party, into the locker room. You pushed her against the wall and kissed her roughly, grabbing handfuls of her arm muscles and abs.
“You know Wanda, I love when I talk to you after soccer practice. When you’re all sweaty and your muscles are all pumped. I use that time to tease you and get you all worked up, and secretly watch you sneak back into the locker room to take care of your little problem.”
Wanda’s lips parted when she felt your hand grip her length and slowly rub up and down.
“Damn Wanda you’re so hard.” You whispered in her ear. “You gonna fuck me?”
Wanda stammered too nervous to respond, lost in the pleasure of you rubbing her length.
“Or did you want me to fuck you?” You said with a smirk as you pushed her down onto the bench with a hand on her chest.
“Yes ma’am you can do whatever you want.” Wanda said repeatedly nodding
You slowly pulled down your panties from under your dress and threw them at her before loosening the straps on your shoulders and pulling the dress down.
Wanda put the panties in her pocket before you pulled her belt off and ripped her pants and boxers down.
You gripped her length, roughly stroking it up and down. Loving the way her face contorted in pleasure and over stimulation. You looked up at her with those big round eyes as you slowly sucked the tip between your lips, before going deeper and deeper.
“FUCK y/n” Wanda groaned thrusting her hips up into your mouth as she holds down your head. The muscles in her arms straining she roughly fucks your mouth. You hold onto her chest to brace yourself as you move your mouth faster.
“Damnit fuck that was so good y/n thank you” Wanda said flustered trying to catch her breath
“That’s so cute Wans, you don’t have to thank me.” You said looking up at her with a smile while licking your lips. “But I do know how you can repay me”…
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ilovewanda · 20 days
Heyyy can you do Wanda x Fem!reader where we are at Tony party and Wanda gets like super protective and jealous?
you got it ;)
take me home
if you guys want me to make a part 2 with smut just let me know
wanda maximoff x reader
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wanda hears a bang and a loud groan as she walks by her and y/n’s shared bedroom. she opens the door cautiously and sees her girlfriend laying on the ground. “angel, what happened?” wanda asks as the rushes to help her girlfriend off of the ground. “this outfit is so hard to walk in, but i wanted to look sexy for you at the party tonight” y/n says with a smirk in her tone. y/n is wearing a short sparkly pink dress that ends at her upper thigh. to finish the outfit she has beautifully done makeup, and 4 inch heels that wanda gifted her for valentine’s day last year.
y/n is estatic to finally be able to go to one of the parties that tony stark is known for throwing. wanda is not so excited, because she has been to so many before and she knows that it is just a bunch of filthy rich drunk men hitting on all of the women all night.“come on, baby let’s go our uber is here!” y/n says. wanda sighs and follows her girlfriend out the door.
once they arrive at the party, y/n takes a moment to take in the huge party and spends a little while imagining how much this party costs. once y/n is done pondering she quickly makes her way to the bar. wanda sighs and sits down at a table and looks around to see if she knows anyone here. most of the other avengers are on a mission right now, so wanda is not familiar with the crowd at this party. y/n makes it back to the table with 6 shots and a margarita. “2 for you, and 4 for me. i also figured we could share a margarita? it’s mango, it’s your favorite!” y/n says excitedly. “i’m not really in the mood to drink right now, thank you though baby. you stay here, i’m going to go talk to tony for a little while, okay?” wanda says as she looks at the alcohol her girlfriend is holding. y/n nods and wanda leaves the table.
y/n drinks all 6 shots and the entire margarita by herself as she waits for wanda to return. she hates to waste alcohol, and she hasn’t been drunk in months so why not? wanda does not notice her girlfriend downing the drinks across the room because she is so caught up in her conversation with tony. when wanda turns and looks over to the table her girlfriend is at, she immediately feels her fists clench and her teeth grit.
fucking todd has taken wanda’s seat at the table and he is laughing along with HER (clearly) drunk girlfriend. wanda hates todd with every fiber of her being due to the way he clearly flirts with y/n every chance he gets. wanda leaves tony with no explanation as she swiftly walks over to the table. she slams her hand on the desk and she turns to face todd. “you will stand up and leave this party right now, and you will never dare to even look at my girlfriend again, do you understand me?” wanda says through gritted teeth.
todd laughs and says “or what?”. wanda’s eyes glow red as she enters todd’s mind and shows him exactly what she will do to him. todd’s smile quickly fades as he realizes who he was messing with. before wanda is able to say another word, todd has ran out of the building.
wanda turns to y/n with a snarl and says “what the hell were you thinking!! you drank way too much and you were letting todd flirt with you!”. y/n looks up at wanda with hazy eyes and says “well it’s not like you were giving me attention anyways, you were talking to tony for like forever!” . most of that sentance was slurred but wanda could understand what y/n was saying to a certain extent.
wanda bends down to whisper in y/n’s ear “you want attention so bad? oh ill certainly give you attention when we get home and you’ve sobered up. you’re in for a huge punishment, don’t you think princess?”. y/n smiles and says “take me home, now.”
pt. 2
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Let's Talk About That Masterlist
Psychiatrist!Avenger!Fem!Reader × Wanda Maximoff
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Summary: You are the young psychiatrist for the Avengers, and you take your job very seriously, but what happens when Wanda joins the team, turning your life upside down?
Warnings: Dom/sub dynamics, Doctor kink, control kink, impact play, pet play, spanking
AU: None
(1) I saw the end when we began
(2) Usually I keep it casual
(3) I tried to bargain with the stars for more than half your heart
(4) I came all this way just to feel this pain
(5) Can we just stand still?
(6) Make you swallow all that pride
(7) And if I'm honest, I just never saw this comin'
(8) Love of my life, would you lie?
(9) Our love's misaligned 'cause you're on my mind every night (coming soon)
(10) Previously On... (coming soon)
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
Y/N walks in to find an actual Pikachu on the couch…
Y/N: Wanda?! Why is there a Pokémon on our sofa?
Wanda: the boys were watching the show and they wanted one.
Y/N: so you made it real?
Pikachu actually nuzzles Y/N…
Pikachu: pika pika
Y/N: okay you can stay. And I’ll get you a coffee pronto.
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slvtforwandanat · 2 days
y/n: *talking about there day*
Candy: *leans over the bench* your so fucking beautiful, you know that?
y/n: *stops talk and blushes* w-what?
Candy: Sshh- bunny *walks over to you and moves you head facing it towards her*
y/n: C-candy i don't understand, what about Allan?
Candy: don't worry sweet princess this will be between us *winks*
y/n: O-oh alright
Candy: *kisses you than slowly sucks on your tongue and grabs your neck*
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The Babysitter (37)
Meet Me In My Office
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MILF Wanda Maximoff X Reader 18+
Summary: In need of money and a way to escape the problems at home, you get a job babysitting two lovely boys named Billy and Tommy Maximoff. What happens when you start to feel things you shouldn't for their mother? Will it bloom into love or leave you heartbroken?
A/N- I would just like to say that there will be some sensitive issues in this story such as alcoholism, homophobia, anxiety as well as more mature content such as smut so, if you continue to read this, please consider this warning.
The Babysitter Master list | General Master List
Chapter 37- W/c 4.7k This chapter is entirely 18+ Smut
Tag list- @natsluttt @cerberus-spectre @dorabledewdroop @bibliophilicbi @hopelesslyfallenninlove @simpform1lfs @get-the-fuck-outta-here @natashaswife4125 @marvelwomen-simp @supercorpstan97 @aliherreraaa @aru-son @the-ox-fan20
Meet Me In My Office
A/N- Updates from now will be really slow regarding this fic as I was posting all the chapters from my AO3/Wattpad onto here and we have reached the final one prewritten. I am a college student with a busy life so apologies for the delays in writing. Enjoy the smut :)
As soon as the door was quietly and carefully shut behind you, Wanda's body was pressed up against yours, her hands cupping your jaw, tilting your head up to meet her lips in a sensual kiss. You softly moaned into the kiss, the two of you smiling into it as her thumbs stroked your cheeks, her mouth moving against yours languidly as you leaned into her body, revelling in the feeling of her body so close to yours. Your hands glided down her body, resting on her hips, fingering sliding through the belt loops of her jeans to tug her closer to you, a smile playing on your lips as she pulls back, eyes darkening as she lets her gaze scan across your features.
It had been a tiring and eventful week with the twins now home constantly, yourself and Wanda juggling work and caring for the boys which proved harder than the two of you predicted, leaving you to both trudge into bed with nothing more than an innocent goodnight kiss. Now however, you longed to feel her touch, to be driven mad by her and it was becoming abundantly clear that she felt the same way about you.
The kiss that was slow and intimate swiftly built as desire and arousal pooled between your thighs, Wanda's fingers threading through your hair, tugging your head where she wanted as her leg slotted between your thighs, pressing into your core in the most perfect way. A groan left you when she pulled back from the kiss, your hips subtly grinding against her thigh when her teeth bit down on your lower lip gently and dragged it back, eventually releasing it and peering into your eyes with the most seductive look, the green in her eyes replaced with pure hunger.
"Detka," she sighs out sultrily at the shell of your ear, kissing along your jaw to murmur into your ear as she knew how wet her voice made you. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?" she groans lowly, accent wrapping around her words sinfully, your back arching off the wall to press further into her body, hips still slowly grinding against her leg, pleasure building in the pit of your stomach, "I can't get enough of you."
"Fuck Wanda," is all you can managed back in response, the older woman letting her kisses travel down the side of your neck, sucking faintly to leave a brief red mark before licking up a stripe against the column of your throat, smirking when she could feel the vibrations of your groan. "I need you," you practically whimper, not caring how pathetic you must sound, eyes begging her to do something, anything to you as her lips meet yours again, tongue effortlessly sliding into your mouth and swallowing your desperate sounds.
Her hands glide down your body as her tongue moves against yours, the kiss becoming lewd and messy as you mirrored her earlier actions, threading your fingers through her silky locks, keeping her close. You moaned into her mouth in surprise when her hands reached the back of your thighs, lifting you up and walking towards the bed as your legs wrapped instinctively around her waist, both of you smirking into the kiss. Gently, she lowered you onto the soft mattress, your hair sprawling behind you against the sheets as her body towered over you, eyes flickering between your eyes and lips as she lowered her mouth to ghost yours.
"Tell me what you want, Moya Lyubov," she husks out against your lips, nose brushing yours as she teasingly makes you try to chase her lips, smile turning dominant as she watches you part your lips, head tilting to try and catch her lips, eyes hazy with lust.
"You, just you," you sigh back, her leg returning to the spot between your thighs, firmly pressed against your core earning a moan in response, her eyes somehow darkening even more.
At your words, her mouth meets yours once more but this time it's different. It's hot, desperate and passionate but also loving and intimate, her conveying her love for you into it as she pours everything into the kiss, both of you moaning at the intensity of it. Your hands fist into the hem of her shirt, desperately holding her close as you get lost in the sensations of her addictive lips, touch, sounds. Fuck, she was just intoxicating.
Her fingers move to rest on the underside of your jaw, angling your head up for kiss after kiss as you gasp into each other's mouths, lips relentless as they refuse to part, your hips now comfortably grinding unabashedly against her knee, pleasure coursing through your mind.
"That's it Detka," she praises in a pant against you, eyes closed as she moves her kisses to your jaw, nibbling softly against the skin, sending a shiver down your spine as arousal continues to pool between your legs, panties well and truly soaked. "Use my thigh, that's a good girl," her tone a sinful murmur at your ear once more, a pathetic whimper escaping you.
"Wanda- Fuck," you moan out, hiding your face at the crook of her neck, lips attached to any bit of skin you can reach, mouth parting when she pushes her knee firmer against you for you to grind along, a string of desperate moans leaving you. You can hear her soft sighs and low moans as her body moves against yours, your hips frantically moving against her leg as you can feel the pleasure bubbling inside you, your orgasm swiftly approaching at her actions.
When a choked moan escapes you, clit brushing against her perfectly, Wanda moves her hand to your throat, guiding you away from her neck and forcing you to look into her eyes, submission evident in yours as hers radiate pure dominance. Your eyes flutter shut when another wave of pleasure washes through you, body teetering on the edge of your orgasm as her fingers remain applying a slight pressure to your throat, the older woman unable to stop thinking about how you were such a pretty mess for her.
"Please," you whine out, hands moving to her back, nails digging in through her shirt as you hold onto her as if your life depended on it, mouth crashing back to hers to try and muffle your moans as your hips start to lose their rhythm, moving uncontrollably against her.
"Please what?" she teases, knowing exactly what you want her to say.
"Wanda," you groan, fluttering your eyes open and pleading with her to just give you what you want.
"I want you to say it," she rasps out, moving one of her hands down your body to your hips, guiding you along her thigh, another moan being torn from the back of your throat.
"Please can I come?" you whimper, head lolling back against the mattress as you wait for her permission to come, wanting to be good for her. You always wanted to be her good girl.
"Come for me Detka," she whispers, mouth instantly claiming yours to muffle the guttural noise that leaves you, body crashing into a euphoric state as pleasure courses through you, hands clutching at her as your hips continue to rock against her. Wanda eagerly swallows up all the sinful sounds that leave you, her lips moving to your jaw as you struggle to kiss her back, lost for breath as your eyes flutter shut, body riding out the aftershocks of your orgasm.
Her hand moves from your hips to your hair, brushing the stray strands out of the way as your eyes slowly flutter open, her kisses travelling across your face as you smile against her into the next kiss, this once slower as you gradually recover.
"Good girl," she praises once again, smirking at the way your cheeks instantly turn red, an embarrassed noise leaving you, her slowly pushing her body up slightly, moving to straddle your waist, the sight of her on top of you, breasts in your face, swiftly causing the embarrassment to fade away, arousal consuming your body once more.
"So pretty," you mumble, kissing her collar bones as you sit up, fingers moving to the hem of her shirt, pulling on it impatiently as she smirks at your eagerness. Her fingers replace yours, hands tugging off the clothing item, leaving you to be amazed at the sheer beauty of her, the word Aphrodite floating around in your mind. Your hands move to the soft skin at the curve of her hips, still unable to comprehend how beautiful she was as your lips pepper hot, open-mouthed kisses to the top of her breasts, eyes peering up at her.
"You look so fucking hot under me, Detka," she purrs out, fingers threading through your hair and pulling your head back, your fingers inching their way up her back to the clasp of her bra, deftly unclasping it and pulling the red fabric off her. Wanda keeps her eyes on you as your gaze flickers to her exposed chest, an enamoured and lustful expression taking over your face as your hand moves to cup one of her breasts softly, mouth descending on the other.
A soft, sensual sigh escapes her at the feeling of your tongue swirling over her nipple, hand gently squeezing her other breast, warm and wet mouth having pleasure spiking through her body. You groan around her chest when her hips grind against your lap, her hands gliding across your shoulders, nails scratching down your back making you delirious with arousal.
"Fuck," she groans out sultrily, hand shooting up to the back of your head, keeping your mouth at her chest, "Do that again Detka- shit, just like that, right there," she moans, your teeth grazing her sensitive flesh before sucking on it, eyes looking up to watch her reactions.
After switching to the other breast and lavishing it in an equal amount of attention, Wanda tugs your head away from her chest, having had enough of the teasing as she needed to feel your bare skin against hers.
"Off. Now," she mutters against your lips, hands at the clothes you were wearing, her gracefully sliding off your lap to remove her own clothes, not having the patience to undress each other.
Almost immediately, her body is back on top of you, soft skin pressed deliciously against yours, your hands drifting down to her core, eager to please her. Just as your finger was about to slide through her dripping folds, her hand catches yours, fingers interlocking with yours, other hand copying the action with your other hand.
"Lay back for me," she whispers, smirk playing on her lips as she pins your hands above your head, her core resting above yours as you moan when you realise what she's about to do. "Spread your legs a little wider, Detka," she instructs, pressing her core against yours, both of you letting out a lewd noise at the warmth building in your cores.
"Wanda, you feel so good," you moan out, her body lowering, back arching her body into yours as her hips grind against yours, your hand squeezing hers. Her body rocks against yours, dragging all sorts of sinful sounds out of you as well as her, the feeling of your soaking cunt against hers driving the older woman crazy with desire, body chasing her orgasm. "Harder," you whimper out, the tone of your voice making a guttural groan leave Wanda, her lips crashing to yours to muffle the wanton noise that escaped her.
One of her hands releases yours to clutch the sheet near your head, bracing her body up as both of your hips start to stutter, the pleasure too much for the two of you to handle.
"Are you going to come for me again, Detka?" she pants out, tone teasing as she curses in Sokovian under her breath, lips lingering against your cheek as her hips press down harder against you, a whine leaving you. When all you can do in response is whimper, Wanda takes mercy on you, kissing you once more before resting her forehead against yours, "Yeah? Come with me, Moya Lyubov."
Pleasure crashed over the both of you at her words, your bodies grinding and rocking together as your orgasms wracked through you, moans spilling from your lips at the ecstasy you felt. Your fingers tightened against hers, wanting her close as she rests her bodyweight against you, catching her breath as your lips weakly meet her shoulder, exhaustion creeping up on you.
"Stay with me," Wanda whispers in a small chuckle, her fingers brushing over your cheeks as your eyes flutter open, meeting her softened green. "We need to clean up Detka, then we can sleep, I promise," she murmurs ever so softly, encouraging you to let her guide you into the bathroom to quickly clean yourselves up, her hands roaming your naked body innocently, simply giving you the touch you craved and giving into her want to touch you.
"I love you," you mumble against her shoulder as you lean against her, her arms snaking around your waist and pulling you into bed with her, neither of you bothered about pyjamas as you snuggle together. The feeling of her breasts pressing into you makes a small, drowsy smile to play on your lips, the older woman noticing the action as her fingers scratch your scalp softly, your head remaining at her shoulder as your arms wrap around her, fingers sliding up and down her back.
"I love you too," she whispers to your sleeping form as your body is lulled to sleep by her tender actions.
A soft chuckle woke you up, the feeling of your pillow beneath you moving gently causing your eyes to reluctantly flutter open, searching for the culprit who woke you up. You expect to see humoured green in front of you but are pleasantly surprised at the sight of Wanda's bare breasts, the annoyed expression fading into a shy smile, face nuzzling back against her chest as it was just so comfortable.
"I have to go to work soon Detka, I'm sorry but you have to move," she murmurs, placing a kiss to the top of your head as you grumble in defiance.
"Just take the day off," you mumble, earning an angelic laugh in response, her body shaking once again under you softly.
"I can't Detka," she apologetically whispers, fingers soothingly scratching your scalp naturally. "But how about this," she says, piquing your interest as you marginally pull away from her chest, looking up at her with tired eyes, "You let me go to work, dressed," her words playful earning a smile from you, "And when the twins go to Pietro's at two, you can meet me in my office," you watch how her eyes sparkle with an indecipherable emotion, your mind curious as to what she had planned. "Oh, and wear that small,black skirt of yours, it will make things a lot easier for me," her tone drops an octave at the end of her words, a small groan leaving you at her suggestive words.
Only seven hours till two...
Walking into the tower, you were amazed as always at the stunning architecture of the building Wanda worked in, gaze glued on the fancy interior of the elevator, watching as the floor numbers ticked by. Impatiently, you waited for it to finally reach Wanda's floor, excited and curious as to what she had planned out, her getting dressed in private this morning, something unusual. She loved to tease you in innocent ways like that, having you watch as she slowly pulled on her underwear or bra, eyes always trained on you with a teasing comment on the tip of her tongue, your mind curious as to why she didn't today.
Knocking on her door, you were soon met with a professional 'come in' from the other side of it, your hand eagerly opening the door. Your gaze landed on the figure sat behind the desk, eyes flickering away from her computer to look at you, smile widening as she slowly pushed herself off her chair, hips swaying as she sauntered over to you.
"Hey Detka," she whispers, pecking your lips before locking the door behind you, hands moving to your waist and carefully guiding you backwards towards her desk, your body eventually being pinned between her and the hard surface.
"Hi love," you murmur back in an equally affectionate tone, tilting your head up to steal another tender kiss.
Her eyes slowly take in your outfit, darkening significantly at the skirt you were wearing, gaze lingering on the teasing skin of your exposed thighs, her head snapping back up to meet your curious and excited gaze. Subconsciously, your tongue ran across your bottom lip, wetting it as you waited for her to make the first move, knowing roughly where this was going.
"Before we do anything Detka," she says, her hands resting on the desk beside your body, her taller stature towering over you, "I need to know if you're going to be quiet or if I'm going to have to gag you with something." Her words directly hit your core, cheeks flushing a deep red as her index finger rests under your chin, guiding your head back up to look at her as you momentarily avoided her gaze. "What's it going to be?"
"The gag... I think," you sigh out, hands holding onto her waist, her smirk almost predatory at your response.
"Remember your non-verbal safeword?" she mumbles into a kiss, wanting to feel your lips before she covers your mouth up, not wanting the whole office to hear you screaming her name.
"Tap your arm or thigh three times to stop," you whisper back, indulging in the messy kiss as her body presses into yours, an abrupt moan escaping you at the hard bulge you felt. "Is that..." Your words trail off as Wanda's hands lift you up onto her desk, lifting your skirt up to expose your panties, a visible wet patch already adorning the lace.
She hums in confirmation as her hand reaches over to the drawer of her desk, pulling out an old silk tie and showing it to you, watching your reaction closely as her hips slowly push up into yours, grinding the strap on hidden by her trousers against where you desperately needed her. When you nod, after another kiss of course, she ties it around your mouth and the back of your head, the fabric muffling your words as you test it's ability, the older woman satisfied with it.
"As much as I love your pretty moans Detka, I hope you understand why I'm doing this," she asks, fingers tracing the fabric around your mouth, lips briefly pressing against your temple. "I don't want my co-workers to know how much of a little slut you are for me," her words have you groaning around the tie, eyes fluttering shut as her hands glide down your body, fingers at your inner thighs, the back of them brushing your dripping core. Your reaction spurs Wanda on, her finger sliding your underwear to the side before gathering your arousal, slowly circling your clit to work you up even more.
"You love this, don't you?" she whispers at the shell of your ear, accent prominent as her thumb moves to circle your clit, letting her finger thrust into you, stretching you out and ensuring you were wet enough for the larger toy. "Being under my control, my beautiful girl to ruin," you moan around the black fabric, the noise dampened making Wanda smirk as she curls her finger inside you, warmth pooling in your core.
You muffle a plea around the gag, eyes staring into hers desperately as your hands clutch at her blouse, trying to pull her body closer. She gives in, not knowing how much time she'd have with you, and swiftly pulls the toy out of the restraining clothes, your eyes darkening as she positions it at your entrance, eyes searching yours for any hesitancy. When it's clear that there's none, she slides the toy into you slowly, revelling in the muffled sound of pleasure that escapes you, her hands going to your hips, holding you in place while your hands glide over her shoulders and settle on her back.
The slow pace quickly vanishes, her hips thrusting into you powerfully as she pounds the toy into you, the filthy sounds of your muffled moans, Wanda's sighs and the toy sliding in and out of you filling the room, adding to your arousal at how fucking hot this was. God, you had dreamed about being fucked on her desk but never thought it would happen especially like this. This was dirtier, hotter, more primal than you imagined as she fucked you like it was the last time. 
Her hips were relentless as she took you on her desk in an animalistic manner, mouth at your neck, sucking a mark she knows will taint your skin, the thought of everyone knowing you were hers thrilling.
Your nails dig into her back when she angles her hips differently, the strap on hitting your sweet spot with every addictive thrust, Wanda's mouth moving to your ear, letting you hear her laboured breaths and seductive sighs. Her teeth nibble on your ear lobe, earning a groan that turns into a choked moan when one of her hands tighten their grip on your hips, the other moving to circle your clit, hips bucking as she continues to mercilessly fuck you.
"You can take it," she rasps out at your ear at a whimper that leaves you, your orgasm swiftly building at her actions, your mind completely fogged with arousal, body burning with every single one of her touches, arousal coating the toy causing it to make a filthy sound with every snap of her hips. "You're doing so well for me," she praises, biting down on your neck as her kisses descended, your nails digging in harder as your body teeters on the edge of your first orgasm, Wanda knowing the signs of your body as your legs moving to wrap around her waist, trying to pull her closer and deeper.
"Please," you muffle around the tie, her lips parting from the newly formed mark on your neck to meet your desperate gaze, her hand moving from your hips to your neck, applying a firm amount of pressure as your eyes practically roll back.
"Come all over my cock, Detka," she purrs out, knowing what your needy gaze was asking her for, a loud muffled moan reverberating around the room as your head moves to the crook of her neck, body tensing and walls clenching around the toy, pleasure crashing through you as you come on her desk, hands clutching at her for support as wave after wave of euphoria floods through you.
"We're not finished yet," she murmurs into your ear, a low groan leaving you as the toy slips out of you, Wanda moving back to help you off the desk, roughly turning you around and bending you over the desk, a guttural noise escaping you.
Your mind can't comprehend the pure desire you feel, skin on fire as she slides your panties down your legs, lifting your skirt once more and positioning herself at your entrance once again. With one thrust, she's back deep inside you, your hands reaching for the end of her desk for support, one of her hands moving to your hair, making a makeshift ponytail and pulling gently, tugging your head back.
"Fuck," she groans at the sight of you, her core throbbing at what she was doing to you, her eyes trained on how the toy slid in and out of you, her free hand lightly spanking your ass, earning a small groan. "You're mine, aren't you," she pants out, pulling your body up, her chest pressed into your back, lips at your neck, your hands bracing your body upright on the table.
You nod your head at her words, mind spinning as pleasure overrides all your senses, head lolling back against her as your eyes convey your deliriously lustful state, eyes practically black with desire.
"All mine," she murmurs, the base of the toy brushing her clit perfectly with the new position, a low curse leaving her lips and fuck you think that's the hottest thing you've ever heard. Her hand returns to your throat, indulging in both of your fantasies as she applies a little more pressure, a deep groan leaving you as your hips push back against her, your second orgasm about to flood through you.
The feeling of her spanking you once more sends you over the edge unexpectedly, body tensing in her arms as she holds you upright, pressing you further into the desk as you rock against the toy buried deep inside you, a string of muffled moans filling the room. Your orgasm is prolonged by Wanda grinding the toy into you, the base of it rubbing against her clit as she chases her own orgasm, following swiftly after you as her hips soon start to slow.
The two of you remain in that position, leaning into each other and catching your breath as you recover from your powerful orgasms, Wanda gently turning you in her arms and untying your gag, lips instantly claiming yours for a soft, loving kiss.
"You ok Dorogaya?" she whispers, eyes searching yours making your chest fill with love. You adored how she could go from being so rough and dominant to so soft and caring, always making sure you were alright.
"I don't think I can walk," you reply honestly, earning a small chuckle from her, her lips pressing against your temple as she pulls out, helping you support yourself against her desk as she quickly discards the harness and toy in her ensuite to clean and move later before returning to you.
"That good, huh?" she teases, wrapping her arms around you and helping you to the sofa at the side of her large office, sitting with you as she fixes your hair, your body leaning against her side.
"Always that good," you sigh back, unable to comprehend the sheer ecstasy the older woman makes you feel, her arms a place of security as you relax against her.
"How about, after I've checked my emails one last time, we head home and have a nice relaxing bath to recover before the boys get home?" she muses, knowing that you were going to be tired after last night and today, her fingers tracing random patterns at your side, lips meeting your hair, lingering as she waits for an answer.
"That sounds perfect on one condition," you say, turning your head to meet her curious green, her entertaining you and raising one of her brows.
"I get to choose the bath bomb this time," you mutter, her chuckling at your answer, nodding inevitably to your command, always wanting to give you everything and more.
"Of course Detka, you can choose the bath bomb," she replies with a hint of teasing to her tone, not that you minded. "I love you," she whispers before getting up, fixing her outfit and quickly going to her desk as you do the same, waiting for her to finish.
"I love you too," you murmur, her arms soon wrapping around yours, ready to take you home. 
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Wanda holds a crying Tommy, and Y/n walks in holding Billy.
Y/n: It's like the kids have gone on a sleep strike.
Wanda: I know, but I still wouldn't trade it for anything.
Y/n: Me neither. Happy Mother's Day, my love.
They kissed right as the twins stopped crying and fell asleep. The two looked at each other before carefully setting their children in their cradles.
Wanda: Now let's really celebrate today.
Y/n: I'll get the sitcoms and popcorn.
She smiled, causing her nose to scrunch as Sparky jumped onto the couch into her lap.
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A/n: Happy Mother's Day!
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miaisocool · 17 days
Johanna (Part 2)
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Pairing: CollegeWanda x Collegereader
Summary - After drinking too much at a college party because of your feelings towards wanda it ends up in a mess!
Warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ Mentions of underage drinking, vomiting, angst, fluff, smut.
Note: Part two of Johanna! if you guys want a chapter three let me know! maybe i'll make one.
Word count: 6k
Part one
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You slowly began to regain consciousness as the after effects of drinking got to you, the dull throb aching each vein in your head as you tried to recompose yourself by slowly lifting your head and make up of where you were, the twinge of embarrassment from passing out in front of everyone was also starting to eat you alive, you felt sluggish and weak your body was in a limp state almost as if you were having sleeping paralysis. You slowly opened your eyes to a blurry vision of nothing but random orbs of light as if your body was finally being carried to heaven and that wandas kiss was the blessing that was delivered from the god above.
You were still trying to make sense of where you were the bright lights assaulting at your sensitive pupils you had to squint despite how awful your vision was right now still trying to figure out where you were. There was also a few sounds of inconsistent mumbling that you tried to figure out although another one of your six senses were still fucked up, your hearing. You couldn't help but make out mumbling of a womans voice talking rapidly non stop although there was ringing in your ears there was still a few sentences of concern you could make out from the womans voice like:
"Is she gonna be okay?"
"what if she doesn't wake up"
"i don't know what to do"
They sounded like whines of dread and sadness coming from the mysterious womans voice you couldn't help but wonder who it was. Although you had a throbbing migraine there was also another pair of sentences you could make out but this time it came from a mans voice as you made sense of it, it sounded like:
"She'll be fine"
"Just please calm down"
He was like the reassurance to the womens voice of concern makinf the situation less tense. The dialogue coming from these two mysterious voices was either the alcohol playing mind tricks on you as you didn't even know or remembered how much you drank although you knew it was a lot, or what you drank. You just grabbed bottles of whatever you could find and chugged straight away. Eventually the back and forth sentences started to take more of a physical than mental toll on you as each word that was spoken, you also wanted to mumble out a few words that would come out your throat but there was a heavier feeling than that like something weighing on you, something making your throat clench trying to get to surface level despite your effort to swallow it down. You were powerless you couldn't do anything much longer you heard a object of some sort being placed somewhere near you, right beside where you were about to vomit immediately as you hear that your body convulses and starts to let out everything from your system, whatever you had to drink or eat was ending up in that container.
Your stomach rebels against everything, It's a violent expulsion, leaving you gasping for breath and trembling with the effort, your eyes so watery worsening your vision, the taste of bile burning your throat this continues to go on for a minute at least but soon you start to panic, your chest rising up and down coming in shallow breaths, your heart pounding out of your ribcage, you weren't used to vomiting but when you did you dreaded the moment it would come. But soon you start to come down from your panic as you felt slender fingers start to brush through your hair sending waves of goosebumps all throughout your body as the persons hand made way to your scalp giving you light, sweet caresses, you just wanted to fall asleep right then and there
"its okay.. im here.."
The voice softly cooed to you you hadn't bothered to open your eyes until you realized it was wanda all the memories of what happened before you passed out last night started coming back to you in flashes.
Her kissing vision, she was always mistreated by him and always ran to you when something went wrong or a if a fight broke out between the two. Of course you despised the thought of him, you wanted to be him, you wanted to hold the place of being someone that belongs to wanda. you knew you were the right one for her, but she didn't want you. it made you frown, you wanted to fight against the tears that were starting to build up in your eyes. Wanting to relieve the heart ache of this nature with self pleasure with the thoughts of wanda or thoughts of just going into her arms and being comforted by her smell, like cherries, cinnamon and vanilla. Or her voice that was oh so soft spoken like music to your ears, you smiled ear to ear everytime she spoke a word to you. Most of the time you didn’t listen as you were too busy having dreams of being with her. But you soon snapped yourself out of it as you realized all you have for now is her presence and that's the most you can cherish in this moment. The sight of wanda letting her guard down around you painted a smile on your face and gave you a warm feeling as she continued to coo softly to you calming you down after your panic attack you try to mutter out a few words as you came down from your trance.
As you spoke her name she propped your head up sliding a pillow underneath your head somewhat assisting you in gaining conscience as you took in what was going on and where you were.
"Im so sorry.."
"i didn't mean to worry you."
You whispered your voice barely above a breath.
Her eyes softened as she met your worried gaze she continued to brush her fingers through your hair as you laid your head onto the pillow she immediately shook her head as she took in your apology
"hey.. don't apologize alright? you have nothing to be sorry for.."
Her fingers continued to trace patterns from your scalp over to your cheek. She softly caressed it washing the tension from your muscles that you were carrying since last night. You felt vulnerable and exposed to her, like her touch was a spell for whatever emotions you went through in the past 24 hours she was the remedy or your guardian angel in a way. A small smile tugged at the corner you finally let your guard down and stopped trying to put on the tough act around her, you believed her, in her presence you felt cared for, understood and not alone.
There were some tears that you were trying to fight as the remnants of your panic attack slowly faded away each swipe of wandas thumb against your cheek fighting against that, easing your anxiety.
"I dont know what came over me..."
You choked up again. There were a few tears that were bound to escape as you spoke.
Wanda's expression remained understanding, her eyes filled with empathy her pupils were slightly dilated or were you looking too much into it?
"i promise you its okay.. please Y/n i hate seeing you like this."
she reassured you, her voice steady and calming. You loved seeing her like this, she would always be patient with you no matter what, well sometimes, it's not like you guys were perfect. Of course there were a few arguments here and there but that never took her away from you.
You hugged her burying your nose into her hair taking in her scent, her skin, the way her arms fit around you like a puzzle piece almost if you guys were made for each other she smelt like cherries, cinnamon and vanilla, again she was a blessing in disguise everything you ever wanted.
It was a bitter sweet moment at first until clint walked in and spoke up disrupting the moment of love between you and wanda
"hey, im gonna take y/n to her apartment.. so i'll just.."
Clint awkwardly walked towards the kitchen counter grabbing his keys from the heart shaped clay ash tray, it brought you memories from when you and wanda hung out for the first time. Wanda decided it was a good idea if you guys went clay sculpting as a "cute date idea" you warned her beforehand that you weren’t a artist and that creative when it came to things that involved art. She also warned you beforehand that she was in the same position as you. So when it was time for her to reveal her clay sculpture to you, you were amazed and teased her about being so talented, which she was, she was oddly good at everything and anything. was it her charming personality? or was it cause you loved her?
You removed yourself from wandas arms noticing her grasp gave you a sense of longing her hands stayed on longer than yours did. Her eyes didn't open to clints voice but only opened to when she felt your weight shift away from hers you could see a sense of disappointment in her body language but you quickly brushed it off as if it was nothing but you knew it was something.
"Call me when you get home safe alright?"
The words coming from wandas mouth made you smile really hard but you held back only smiling a bit to act all cold towards her and put on a front as if you weren't in love with her. But then clint immediately drifted to the front door then he made his way to his car opening first the passenger side because he knew you were still coming down from your hangover he walked over to the drivers side and started up his car waiting for you to get in.
You decided to speak up and finally give wanda a sentence of reassurance instead of leaving her high and dry or just leaving her with the thoughts that were consuming her alive since last night.
"Yeah i will."
Even your tone was cold. You knew what was coming you were mentally preparing for it, you were already distancing yourself from wanda you couldn't take it anymore, was it her fault? no, of course not, she was very dear to you. It was just some stupid feelings you had for her, it wasn't your fault either. If you could ever pick a person to be in love with for the rest of your life it wouldn’t be wanda. It hurt you too much, seeing her with vision one day and then cradling into her arms the next? no it was too much for you. You hated it and just couldn't take it anymore.
For the next few weeks on campus you started avoiding wanda. The messages she would casually send to you daily were starting to turn in messages that were sent once in a while.. maybe once a week at best! you left her with nothing but read receipts either that or you turned it off after a while but she wasn't stupid she knew she wasn't getting left on delivered, You were even starting to take different routes to your classes so you could avoid meeting her or her gaze that you once longed for. Whenever she was brought up in conversation with shared friends you kinda didn't talk at all until the topic was switched. Obviously it caused you heart ache as you forced yourself to distance away from her. You started crying yourself to sleep some nights or soothing yourself the way wanda once soothed you. You couldn’t escape the void of lonelinesses that was once filled by wanda but not anymore because you wanted to distance and “protect your feelings” from her.
You knew things were getting bad when your mental breakdowns started consuming you, it felt like your mind was drowning in a sea of vulnerability and a deep depression that would never go away. In those moments you often found yourself imagining what would it be like if wanda was there with you. She would take you in a warm embrace like a guardian angel fighting against the problems in your head, her soothing voice where she would whisper your name over and over mixed in with words of affirmations or some reassurances telling you that everything was gonna be okay. You depended on her like a lifeline it made you grounded and gave you strength to hold on just for her. You hated that you had to deal with this because of a sore decision you had too make.
At least two months had passed since the incident with wanda, and you kept avoiding her. Initially, it hurt to see how much she tried to keep in contact, calling, texting, even showing up at places she knew you’d be. But eventually, she got the memo as you distanced yourself more and more. You convinced yourself that your feelings for her were gone, though deep down, a part of you knew that wasn't the truth. As the days turned into weeks, the love you once had for Wanda faded, and you no longer saw her as a friend, just a stranger. Did it hurt? Not anymore. You had become cold, and shutting her out seemed like the best decision for your peace of mind. Or at least, that’s what you wanted to believe.
The following day you found yourself at a party it sort of gave you flashbacks to when you saw wanda, how beautiful she was dancing in the flashing lights, everyone else was blocked out from your sight, your bodies pressed against each others as she filled your ears with her beautiful moans, your lips brushing against her neck as you kissed it, her arms wrapped around your neck trying to get more of you, your arms wrapped around her waist as she assisted you what body part to kiss, her neck, her chest. You quickly drank away the memories as you poured another shot of rum quickly drowning your system in alcohol, it was becoming a coping mechanism for you, imagining wanda. but she wasn't there, drinking copious amounts of alcohol it was ruining you physically and mentally. Wanda and Vision had been dating for at least three, maybe four months now? you couldn't keep track since they were so on and off. You hoped that Wanda wouldn't be at this party because you knew if you saw her, she’d want answers about why you had been so distant and you would just give her a quick apology and storm off. The lights were flashing over the crowd and over your face blurring out anyone there except clint because he was always right by your side taking care of you making sure you didn't turn into a drunken mess like last time. The faint smell of weed and cigarettes filling the air around you, making you slightly cough.
You pushed your way throughout the crowd to get away from the packed crowd of people but as you were shoving your way through them with multiple apologies your eye couldn't help but catch a glimpse of vision and wanda together you slowly realized that wanda was here, and she wasn't alone. Vision stood beside her, his arm casually draped over her shoulders. They looked comfortable together, laughing and talking as if they were a perfect couple but you knew deep down that they weren't. A tightened feeling quickly made its way to your throat as you saw vision lay his lips upon wandas. Did she belong to you? no, of course not, but you were once there before. It deeply hurt you. It hurt you to the point where you needed to let your emotions out so you dragged your presence away from clint and made your way outside. As you dragged yourself with tears in your eyes blurring everything from your sight you felt a familiar shoulder rub against yours as you walked away. It was her, It was wanda, you recognized the familiarity from when you guys would cradle into each others arms.
You quickly turned away, hoping that Wanda hadn’t noticed you. But it was too late. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw her glance in your direction, her eyes widening in recognition and her pupils dilating in limerence. The look on her face told you everything: she had seen you, and she wasn't going to let this go. She once longed for you and needed a answer now. Of course you also missed her, she was a part of you, the thought of her consumed you, YOU LOVE HER, YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH HER but you hate that you are because, it's ruining your life.
You made your way outside as you quickly took your phone out of your pocket to order a uber until-
You almost dropped your phone out of your hand as you met her cold gaze that was once sweet to you but you knew that all hell was about to break loose. Her voice was firm. Too firm.
"y/n please talk to me."
"wanda this isn't the time or place." You quickly shut her out. She was trying to get to you but you didn't want that because of your selfish ways.
“Then when?” she demanded, her eyes searching yours. Her eyes were searching for at least a hint or feeling that showed you cared “You avoid me for months and can't give me a fucking answer?" There she was again, she knew you hated confrontation but this was the best way she was gonna get to you.
"Im going home." You said firmly looking at your shoes kicking against the cold concrete as you started to step away until she took your arm into her grasp
"You're not leaving me again. Im getting you a uber." This wasn't reassurance from wanda that everything was fine but it was a simple confrontational talk of hers.
While in the uber your gaze lingered out the window as you breathed in wandas comforting scent until you turned your head to finally break the silence
"You know, im really happy for you."
"Yeah i mean, your in a relationship, he's a good looking guy i'm very happy for you two"
The words felt forced you looked at your hands until you heard the sound of wanda chuckling a bit at your compliment, she knew it was false, you hated vision, she knew you were trying to put on a front to hide a feeling.
Wanda got out of the uber first immediately running to your side and opening the door for you, you smiled at her as she wrapped her arm around your waist walking into your apartment complex.
Your mind was foggy from Wanda's presence, but you managed to gather yourself enough to hand her your keys. She unlocked the door to your apartment and gently helped you onto the couch.
You lay there for a while, hearing the sounds of her moving around the kitchen. Glasses clinked against the marble counter, ice cubes dropped into a glass, and water poured. Her footsteps grew louder as she walked back towards you.
"Up," she instructed softly.
You smiled at how gentle wanda was being, it brought you back memories of the months before the incident with you and wanda. She gently assisted you into a sitting position, knowing you felt a bit sick. Her hands were firm but comforting as she propped you up, ensuring you were more comfortable and less likely to feel nauseous.
Sitting beside you, she propped herself up, her posture relaxed yet attentive. Her presence offered you a peace of mind. With a gentle yet steady hand, she held the glass steady for you, her fingers lightly supporting its weight as you took small sips.
As you drank, you couldn't help but notice the softness of her expression, the concern noticeable in her eyes. It was moments like these that reminded you of what once was of your connection, she searched for a hint of longing in your eyes, a hint of anything that would tell her that you're emotionally available.
"You're avoiding me"
Wanda's voice cut through the silence like a knife, her words soft but laden with a profound sense of hurt and frustration. The words hung heavy in the air like a accusation as you looked at her
"It was a accident."
you lied, the words left a bitter taste in your mouth as you looked at her. you knew the truth—you were avoiding her—but admitting it felt like facing the inevitable collapse of the friendship you have with her or once had.
"You can't accidentally avoid me."
Wandas words started striking at you like venom, you could feel the weight of her words pressing down on you, a crushing weight that threatened to suffocate you.
"you really wanna know why im avoiding you wanda?"
You finally lashed out at her, you decided that this was the best time to pour out all your feelings to her, it was like word vomit you couldn't control or take back the words that were about to come out your mouth.
"i fucking hate seeing you with him wanda."
Tears were staring to slightly spill out your eyes with each word weighing down your chest making you choke on your words the more you spoke her gaze softened at your vulnerability.
"As long as you're happy that's all that matters.."
Wanda's gaze softened, her eyes searching yours for something you couldn't quite name. "Are you?" she asked quietly, her voice barely a whisper.
The question hung in the air between you, heavy with unspoken emotion. It was as if she could sense the sadness within you, the conflicting emotions that threatened to consume you whole. And in that moment, as you looked into her eyes, you knew that you couldn't keep hiding behind a facade of false happiness.
"No... of course I'm not," you confessed, your voice tinged with a rawness that echoed the ache in your heart. "Seeing you with Vision, it hurts me to my core. Sometimes I find myself sitting there, praying that I could just stop loving you altogether."
Wanda's expression softened, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sympathy and understanding. Without a word, she reached out, her hand finding yours in a gentle embrace she tried to take you into her arms but you fought back as you cried more almost having a mental breakdown but you soon let down your guard and let her wrap her arms around you.
This goes on for a minute or two until she pulls you back to look into your eyes and finally see the emotion that she was searching for, for months she just wanted to see that emotion in your eyes that showed a hint of love towards her.
"i love you.. okay? no one could ever change the love i have for you y/n."
Wanda wasn't perfect either of course the kisses, hugs, touch you shared with her, they lingered in her mind, a constant reminder of what once was, and what could have been. She always longed for you, even in the moments when she tried to convince herself otherwise.
"I don’t think I’ll ever love someone as much as i loved you.."
"You're my person y/n."
She looked into your eyes, her gaze raw and vulnerable, revealing the depth of her emotions. You looked back into hers you started to put your guard down as she grasped you in her arms.
You pulled away slightly to make room to see her whole face, she had a demeanor that showed she was longing for something, she was longing for you, for her lips on yours. The words start to spill from your mouth like vomit.
"I love you."
Wandas restraint finally breaks and she hungrily pushes her lips onto yours practically devouring you, you were so weak you let her take control of the kiss for a while until you return the kiss and press into her almost as if your bodies were morphing together but then after a while you give up. She was soft, like the girl you’ve always known wrapping her arms around you to support the weight she was pushing onto you in a hungry desire, she held onto you like she cares. You hold back a bit as you try to prop up onto her lap you struggle a bit but, she finally gives in and assists you by grabbing your waist gently and laying you onto her lap, you started to moan her name over and over some whines here and there, you placed a knee between her thigh you pulled away again as you cupped her face in a bitter sweet moment.
"is this okay?"
She nodded as she looked at you her eyes darkened but not by lust by the love that she always carried for you, as you propped yourself up on her thigh, you started to grind down into her, your core started to slightly weep onto your underwear almost enough to seep through the pants you had on.
"i love you.. so much wanda.."
You moaned out her name very softly. You were breathless almost it felt like your heart was a ticking time bomb that was about to explode any minute, it felt like a dream, you couldn't believe what was happening.
She smiled almost stupidly as she felt you grinding down against her thigh, with every thrust she was in a trance, she couldn't help but assist your movements with her hands placed upon your waist controlling your speed and motion, they soon made their way inside of your shirt as she fondled with your chests making you whimper a bit more.
You could taste all of her, the scent of cherries, wine and vanilla that always kept you longing even more for her was blessing the aroma of your apartment.
Your hands roamed her body, feeling the heat of her skin through her clothes, while her fingers tangled in your hair, pulling you even closer. She deepened her tongue into yours the faster you moved, the more urgent the desire became, building to a climax that left you both gasping for air. Your heart pounded in your chest, matching the rapid pace of your movements as you edged closer and closer. looking into her eyes you couldn't believe you were having this moment with someone you loved for so long. She slowly pulled your body weight off of her, her hand making its way towards the zipper of your pants as she looked at you for assurance to keep going.
As you looked at her gaze, you communicated with her without speaking a single word, your face softened as you took in the warmth of wandas presence you felt your chest flutter as you nodded then her hand slipped into your waistband slowly inserting her two cold fingers into your warm, wet core you slightly hissed at the feeling until you slowly sunk yourself deeper onto her fingers grinding a bit faster. She smiled at you again as she noticed your desperate movements it made her desire for you skyrocket, you finally let out a heavy exhale as you were holding your breath for so long from being so tense from the situation as she looked into your eyes while softly running her fingers through your hair helping a wave of comfort come over you as she pressed her lips against your forehead while pumping her fingers into your core as you breathed heavily before plastering and peppering her faces with kisses. Your movement was somewhat weak from the spell that wanda was putting you under almost as if she was a witch.. maybe a love witch.
"im sorry if it's bad-"
You immediately cut her off with pressing a kiss to her you felt her smile come onto your lips while you pressed against hers making her melt like ice cream.
"nonono- it... it feels so good wanda."
You said almost breathlessly as you smiled and assured her. This gave her more confidence as she started to speed up her movements not in a rough way, but in a way that lovers made love to each other. She felt her wrist start to cramp up a bit so she started using her thumb to draw circles over your clit as you threw your head back giving her mouth enough space to place kisses onto your neck leaving you with marks that were going to be very visible the next morning. More whimpers started to escape your mouth as you almost felt her knuckles go slightly deeper when you plunged your body weight lower onto her hand slightly giving you a sense of overstimulation.
"you feel so good y/n.."
You finally snapped out of your trance still having wandas fingers pump your clit not too aggressively but not too soft but just enough to go at a regular pace you couldn't help but feel a bit of shock as her pupils dilated even more with each thrust she sent to your core she was looking at you as if you were a god, holding you to the highest power or maybe to her this was what heaven looked like.
"im going to..-"
Finally a tight feeling in your stomach started to take over you as much as you tried to hold back for wandas pleasure you couldn't help but be selfish and let your own desire take over. As soon as she heard those words she started pumping her fingers at a faster pace making you slump into her arms even more causing her to wrap a arm around your waist as she lifted your shirt up with the swift movement of her mouth and started sucking on your breasts mumbling a few sentences over and over like:
"You're so perfect."
"I love you.."
In the moment you didn't mind if those words weren't true but you knew later on you would beg to know whether or not the statements that spewed from her mouth were true.
You finally reached your climax as you felt your throat tighten your words were incoherent as they were muffled by your moans of wandas name over and over, your breasts being latched on by wandas mouth causing a wet sensation all over your body, your fingers tangled up in her hair causing a mess, and your core felt empty as she pulled her fingers away from your throbbing core, you noticed the mess you made over wandas hand slowly dripping to her elbow you couldn't help but hide yourself as you nuzzled into her neck. Wanda immediately protested this, she pulled your head back to give you a clear view on how much you meant to her, she slowly brought her fingers to her mouth until you grabbed her wrist trying to fight her from doing the act that would drive her away from you but she pulled away from your grasp and immediately licked her fingers clean as she stared into your eyes with love filled in them. You were shocked from the sight as no had ever been so kind to you something that was yours was in her mouth, more hers than yours now.
Again, she pressed her lips forcefully against you, making you taste the mix of your juices and her lips mixing a feeling of love within you, You pulled away as you tried to catch your breath coming down from your high you were about to close your eyes until you felt her pick your sore body up from the couch and moving it to your bedroom providing more comfort for you both as you laid next to her you couldn't help but smile at the image that you dreamed about for months, it finally came true and that's all you needed.
She let out a slightly shaky breath, her chest rising and falling in a tender rhythm the same way your chest was also rising and falling down while you were still coming down from your high. Her fingers, warm and soft, gently caressed your cheek, tracing delicate patterns as if she was trying to remember the outline of your face. Each stroke was a silent testament to her feelings.
Her pupils dilated with adoration, and you couldn't help but smile from ear to ear at her touch. Yet, despite the bliss of the moment, the intrusive thoughts started to gnaw at you. Desperate to push those thoughts away, you spoke up, your voice barely a whisper.
"You're gonna regret this wanda.. i know after this.. tomorrow morning you'll just go back to being with vision.."
The words slipped out with your breath, and as soon as they did, you wished you could take them back. You watched helplessly as her expression shifted from one of pure love to a sadness that brought tears to your eyes. Regret washed over you.
"Why would you say that?" she asked softly, her voice trembling. Her eyes, which moments ago had been filled with love and adoration, now shimmered with unshed tears. Her brows knitted together in a mix of confusion and hurt, the corners of her mouth trembling as she tried to understand your words. "Why would you think I'd ever do that?"
You looked down, unable to meet her sad gaze, feeling the weight of her emotions pressing down on you with guilt lingering on your tongue. You could almost feel the ache in her heart, the way her hope had faltered in the face of your doubt, you regretted every word you said.
"I- i dont know-"
She took a shaky breath, her hand reaching out to touch your cheek once more, as if seeking reassurance. "Do you really think im that type of person?" she asked, her voice breaking slightly. "That you believe I would ever regret loving you? shit, even making love to you?"
Her words hit you causing you to be a emotional train wreck as the tears that were lightly shedding started to pour out of your eyes as you sobbed reaching for her grasp in a moment of comfort wanting to just run away. The vulnerability of her words really showed you how much wanda cared about you, she was willing to fight for what she believed in, and that made you love her even more.
"I just dont wanna get hurt" You confessed, it wasn't wandas fault that you felt this way but from your past you were so used to partners abandoning you at your lowest and you even begged them to stay, you hated seeing yourself so miserable so when it was time for your college years you started to rely on meaningless hookups for a sense of something but it never brought you anything.
She wiped your tears as she brought you into her arms carefully taking in your scent and ruffling her fingers through your hair to send comfort to you as she shushed you, knowing the more you talked the more you were willing to cry.
"I would never do that to you."
"I think loving you.."
A beat, she sighed for a second catching her breath as she almost started to break down again from the sight of you crying.
"I think loving you was the best decision i made in my life, don't ever let your thoughts consume you like that again okay?"
Her unwavering love, the sheer depth of it all, filled you with a mix of hope and slight regret. You nodded slowly, swallowing the lump in your throat.
"I'm sorry it was just a stupid thought" You chuckled rubbing your eyes as they slightly burned from how much tears you poured out tonight you were slightly embarrassed but you didn't mind since you had wanda there for you.
She pulled you away from her slightly so she can make sure you take in her words with bittersweet promises and love.
"Don't ever push me away again.."
"I love you."
You smiled at her words, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. She leaned in, her lips meeting yours in a soft, tender kiss. you seemed to melt away in her presence as she gently laid you down again, her arm wrapping securely around your stomach. She snuggled up to your body soothing all your worries.
Your eyelids started to grow heavy, and everything around you began to come into a blur. Yet, just before you surrendered to wandas comforting embrace, you managed to gain a bit of consciousness. With a sleepy smile, you mumbled back to her, your voice soft and filled with love.
"I love you too.."
Each touch of hers was a silent declaration that she was willing to stay with you no matter what. Finally lulling you asleep.
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