#Warhammer Wednesday
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"we need more women in stem" - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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frogbearwhatever · 1 year
The Mad Grot
(This is a Warhammer flash fiction piece I wrote, it was meant to be for a Cold Open competition but didn’t quite fit the theme and not sure it’s good enough to win, but I’m quite happy with it. I love the Warhammer universes, and am nerding out big over them. I’m still fairly new to it all, so apologies for any mistakes/inaccuracies. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.)
Tupzin threw an elbow into his neighbour's face and darted forward, scrapping a few more feet in the swirling scrum at the mob's centre.
He'd been pushed forward at first, but had no interest in being first to face the humie guns, but the rear held the threat of Brazgot's lashes and squig hounds. 
The best place to be was in the middle of the horde. Unfortunately, every other git knew this, and there was a mass of conniving cowardice at work.
It didn't help that countless squabbles and grudges were getting settled in the ruck too.
Tupzin, hissing angrily, shoved off a grot who tried climbing over him.
That's when he saw Loonza the Mad Grot.
                               *    *     *             
Loonza was angry, he'd wanted to get a place right at the front. 
They was fighting humies, and he wanted to get stuck in straight away.
He was sure if Gork or Mork saw him go down scrapping, they might let him come back as an ork or something, a proppa fighter!
He'd charged up his beloved laspistol, but when unplugging it from the frayed wires, he'd been zapped and woken up to find most of the other grots already scrapping.
Mad Grot. 
That's what they called him, Loonza knew. But they were just as mad as him. Fighting for a few more moments of life.
Not him, though. 
Nope, he knew he'd die eventually, but he was gonna go down swinging and blasting.
He'd had to fight his way through a bit, but most grots, seeing his determined expression, cleared out. 
The eagerness for a fight and determination marked him out as different right away.
There were his clothes too, which were more warlike than the usual grot rags. He's scrounged up plenty of blue, wanting the luck to kill some humies before they got ‘im.
And wedged on his head was a metal pot serving as a helmet. He had his laspistol in hand and a crude knife strapped across his back.
Loonza was ready for a fight.         
             *     *      *
Tupzin shrieked, running towards the human guns. 
He needed a place to hide! 
The ship had landed, or rather crashed, into the planet, and Brazgot had forced them into a charge.
Tupzin had been with hundreds of others but now ran with a small clutch of fellow grots. 
Hopefully, they'd catch any shots sent their way.
The gang ducked behind some rubble, jabbering nervously.
“I think Brazgot's dead! We can just stay here.”
“If 'e’s dead, his squigs loose! I ain't gonna sit and wait to get eaten!”
There was a demented whoop, and Loonza rushed over to them.
Figures. All that blue makes 'im lucky, Tupzin thought. Tho' real luck woulda been not being a grot to start with.
                *     *      *           
Loonza had his pistol slung over his shoulder and his bloody knife in hand. He'd found a humie hiding in a tower with some fancy gun with a tellyscope on it.
Typical humie nonsense! Aiming was cheating, and took the fun outta the fight. Better to just blast away and let Gork and Mork sort it out, innit?
“Wot you lot doing? Fights over there.” He grinned, nodding towards the enemy.
“Get lost you daft snot!” Tupzin snapped. “We is using cover for tacti-kal vantage, ain't we?”
“Youse is hiding!” Loonza cackled. “Well, not me, lads! Loonza's gonna fight!”
 He ran off hooting and hollering.
“That mad git is gonna get 'imself killed.” Tupzin sneered. “Shoulda stayed here, nice and sa-”
That's when the shell hit.
               *      *       *
Loonza had swiped a grenade from a dead humie and now held it like a prize as he ran along a rubble wall that ran through the human lines.
Three humies were crouched behind a big shoota on three legs, blasting away at the orks attacking.
Loonza watched for a moment, mesmerised by the awesome firepower.
'Cor, what I wouldn't give to have a shoota like that one day, Loonza thought, even though the gun was far bigger than him.
Well, if he couldn't have it, why should they?
He armed the grenade and lobbed it into their little nest.
One humie gave a little shriek, and then the gun and the three men vanished in a blast of flame, gore and smoke.
Loonza hopped down and ran along the humie line, occasionally finding a humie hunkered down in the mud.
They was all looking the other way, so he shot them in the back. Nuffin’ wrong with that.
Then he found a whole bunch of 'em all huddled together. Looking away and shooting at the charging greenskins off in the distance.
“Well, this'll do! Hope yer watching, Mork! You too, Gork!” Loonza said cheerfully.
Then with a manic whoop, he charged them.
Diving down into the foxhole he unleashed a volley of lasblasts, scorching the air and catching two of the humies in the head and neck.
The humans yelled, spinning around at this surprise attack and firing in panic.
One humie's shotgun cut down another, and the humie froze, staring at his dead mate, giving Loonza an easy target.
Then Loonza was thrown forward as a shot hit him in the back. He rolled over, dropping the humie who'd shot him, the last survivor in the place.
“Hope you enjoyed the show…” The grot muttered, before everything went black.
           *       *       *
Fixxbash looked at the towering metal form in front of him.
This was the mastapiece of kans, and he'd not wanted to waste it on another cowardly grot who'd still run even when inside his magnificent creation.
But Brazgot assured him this grot was different. They'd called him the Mad Grot, and the little git had killed a buncha humies before getting hisself shot.
“Plug him in.”
The grot he barked at hesitated a moment, saw Fixxbash's heavy wrench and then obeyed, jabbing a wire in through the top of the Killa Kan.
There was a flash, the smell of burnt grot and then the machine roared into life, belching thick fumes from the exhausts.
From inside came a manic cackle, and the arms moved, testing the giant pincers on the left and inspecting the heavy gun on the right.
“Oh, yeah! This is more like it!” A voice cried excitedly.
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maranigai · 10 months
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prettyflyshyguy · 2 months
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This is your regular reminder that I am fully committed to being really weird about toy soldiers, amongst everything else. Horus Heresy Blackshields (Loyalists) are coming together on track for the event next month!
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coralfoxvoid · 1 month
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More of my chaplain, I ended up changing the overcoat to a dark leather. Roughly a 50/50 mix of mournfang brown and abaddon black and an agrax earthshade wash.
Gotta add more purity seals and such to this guy for him to be a proper chaplain for my templars.
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djpain619 · 2 months
Aleniheim Angel Shares Ready To Rumble
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So now my Dwarf Team is finally Fully Finished to my Satisfaction.
Before when I quit painting them they were "good enough" but I wasn't really happy with them. Now after a months long hiatus I was recently hit with the inspiration to finish them. I painted Up the Cheerleaders, Beer Barrels, as well as the Mascot & Fumbble Secret League Positionals. I also went back and touched up all the Linemen and standard Positionals.
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So here are the Cheerleaders and the Beer Barrels. The Barrels will be uses as reroll, turn, & Score Counters. The Cheerleaders will be Cheerleaders.
They will also be used as the Crew & Cargo for my Bugman's Carts... which still require Draft Ponies. I also plan to get some crates and write TNT on them, or order some Minecraft Lego TNT blocks or something so I can run them as Mining Carts.
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Here are my Linemen, Blitzers, and Slayers. For the Linemen I mainly painted the Cheek Vents and Back of the helmets as well as the Belt Buckle abdominal plate... thing. Then I updated the Backpacks to paint the Gauges, the Vents, and a little Blue Glow on the round part that I like to think is a reactor.
For the Blitzers and Slayers I just painted their Beard Jewelry and their straps red to contrast all the white and the Aleniheim Brewery A on their Back Plate. On the Blitzers I painted red stripes on their Shoulder Pads, and the Slayers Shoulder Pads I painted Half & Half.
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I based the Secret League Positionals. This was actually really easy cause I just put them on the old bases for My Totengrad Tyrants Color Guard. The Color Guard has been Drafted as a Full Unit Command & spare Champion for The Old World and are now on Square Bases. So now the Secret League Positionals are on their old hand me down bases.
Speaking of I actually got another sprue of Nobility Team a couple weeks ago. The Linemen & Blitzer have already been assembled and have been added to my Free Company Militia, the Blitzer being the Unit Champion. I even Kitbashed a Sword and Pistol into his hands.
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Last Up is the DEATHCOPTER. I really just did the Pilot's eyes and the Beer foam. I also painted the Aleniheim Angel Shares A on the Underside of the DEATHCOPTER's Hull.
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nowitsabby · 9 months
Prototype paint scheme for my traitor guard (Helot chaos cult) gang
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Sorry I don't have a light box with spinny plate yet lol. I've missed painting, this is like the first thing I've done in 2 years
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holyfirethem · 9 months
Started the glowy warp magic bits on this Alan Moore look-alike sorcerer
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the-techdub · 10 months
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Some Skitarii nearly finished and ready for combat
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frustratedasatruar · 2 months
July 31st
(In response to my participation in this week's WiP Wednesday) (I also participated on July 10th)
As of this moment, I have received 16 total comments requesting one of my five WiPs. The Distribution is:
Bionicle 40K, WiP.odt
@akumteir, @adhdavinci, (2)
No Common Anarchist, Star Wars WIP.odt
@zyrafowe-sny, (1)
O Lei, O Lai, 'Alor (Star Wars Time Travel WIP).odt
@auburnlaughter, @1attheedge, (2)
Quirk; Witchcraft (Teen Titans+MHA) WIP.odt
@wizisbored, @aparticularbandit, @scifikimmi, @violet-prism-creatively, @stonemaskedtaliesin, @post-and-out, (6)
Untitled Star Wars disaster-lineage WIP.odt
@enigma-the-mysterious, @somefishycat, @whimsicalmeerkat, @owlbearwrites, @eriquin, (5)
Bionicle 40K, WiP.odt
The tall Skakdi shrugged, “Big enough. You said that they are called Orks? Well, they stand perhaps as tall as,” she started to point at Jaller, then seemed to reconsider and pointed to Naparu instead, “you, there. Their armour is heavy, and strong. They carry both ranged and melee weapons, I would reckon them to be more dangerous in close than at range. They are strong and fast. We didn’t witness any elemental powers among them, but I would caution that they would say the same of ourselves.”
No Common Anarchist, Star Wars WIP.odt
Cal climbed up onto a ledge and ambushed a pair of scout-troopers, one of whom he shoved off into the bottomless void beneath the tomb, and the other who managed to parry him once before being cut in half diagonally. “Count Dooku and Lord Vader don’t even have remotely similar fighting styles,” was Trilla’s eventual reply. “Oh, that’s weak, and you know it!"
O Lei, O Lai, 'Alor (Star Wars Time Travel WIP).odt
“Aurek, Senth, Aurek, Jenth Jenth, space, Vev, Esk, Nern, Trill, Resh, Esk, Senth Senth.” “Species?” “Rattataki,” Asajj offered to the physician. They gave her a flat look in response, which Asajj interpreted as nonrecognition, “Near human, from the Outer Rim.” “’The Outer Rim’ she says, like it isn't three quarters of the galaxy,” Asajj heard the doctor mutter as they turning back towards their desktop console. She fought back a cringe of embarrassment, I have nothing to be ashamed of.
Quirk; Witchcraft (Teen Titans+MHA) WIP.odt
“Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos…” As an empath, this morning Raven would have said that her classmate Mineta Minoru lacked compassion entirely. She didn’t spend any large amount of time focusing on him, but in the handful of incidents she had been present for regarding him it had been entirely absent. He was a vile little cur, ruled utterly by his own lusts. Raven tried not to judge people for their emotions as a rule, but instead to judge their actions. And Mineta’s actions were consistently selfish, and often cruel.
Untitled Star Wars disaster-lineage WIP.od
“Well,” young-Kenobi started, clearly uncomfortable but pushing through, “did I at least succeed?” That got a real, if small, smile out of Leia, “Yes. You were able to distract Vader long enough for us to get back to your ship and escape.” “Ah, good,” he said faintly, “And, who’s Vader?” Leia felt the semi-healed injection wound on her arm throb, she felt the needle pushing in, she felt Darth Vader’s mind surrounding hers, she felt him pummeling from all directions, she felt him trying to pry her apart for answers. She felt his hand on her shoulder, holding her still, making her watch while-! She felt Qui-Gon’s hand on her own, and took a deep, gasping breath, “Darth Vader is the Em-” “You don’t have to tell-” “Is the Emperor’s enforcer. He’s been hunting Jedi across the galaxy since before I was born. He murdered-” Leia hiccuped, -Fulcrum- “-Ahsoka and brought her severed head to show off to us at the Senate. He killed Obi-Wan Kenobi, and before that Obi-Wan Kenobi told Luke that Vader had murdered Anakin Skywalker too.”
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two-reflections · 4 months
WIP Wednesday ✨
Very little progress this week, only managed to paint for like an hour on Monday, but some of these guys have eyes now.
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The Bad News: Though it hasn't been formally announced, the votes are visible and I seem to have lost the writing competition on the Salamander discord pretty hard lol. [EDIT - SO ACTUALLY I came joint second place with like 4 other people!? I guess some votes shifted after I last checked. Weird, because votes seemed to be closed when I checked, but I'll take it lol.] Still enjoyed myself, and will participate again!
The Good News: Now the competition is over, I can share my kroot fic with you all! I need to edit it a bit since it's currently a bit too reliant on the weekly prompts in the comp, but it should be out soon. 😁
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"I don't have one. Someone tagged genderbent art of him with "transitioning could have fixed her", so here we are." - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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frogbearwhatever · 11 months
From the prompts "flame", "scant" and "jack o lantern"
Flame's reflection danced in his mad eyes.
"She carries the taint." He cried, raising the torch. "She must burn."
The girl sobbed. Struggling against the ropes she looked even smaller. The men shifted unhappily, but none willing to voice objections to a baron's son.
Tyodor shoved through the throng, firing a baleful look at the them.
He strode passed the lordling with scant acknowledgment.
Swinging his axe he carried, he severed the ropes, freeing the girl.
"Run, girl."
She needed no second urging.
"Traitor! Chaos' slave!"
The lordling went for his sword, but Tyodor was quicker.
The torch fell, igniting the pyre. Tyodor freed his blade and the man fell into the fire.
"My lord died fighting the beastmen." He growled at the crowd.
They nodded.
The man's skull became a Jack'o'lantern in the flames
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dorkass-nerd · 2 months
holy cow i realised that i'm actually on time for this to be wip wednesday. i've been working on a servo skull design that's gonna go alongside a dude i'm drawing. wanted to draw the skull seperately so i can get in on all the details without drawing on the wrong layer and fucking the other drawing up.
but also i can make it bigger on a new canvas so i can get more of the small details in
anatomy fucking SUCKS people are SO HARD TO DRAW
but this is my first time drawing anatomy so
i'm being gentle with myself
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maybe i should give him a name hmmmm
name suggestions?
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prettyflyshyguy · 2 months
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Hi everyone life comes at you fast and god gives his strongest burdens to his prettiest princesses but nothing will stop me from completing these guys in time. I have three weeks.
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delta-lethonomia · 2 months
Belated WIP Wednesday
There comes a time in life, her father’s voice echoed in her head, where you must decide whether the rabble are to fear you, or to love you. Her heart pounded rabbit-quick as she looked down her rifle, the common folk scattering like ants from her red-dot sight. Ideally, it should be both. Laurenzia’s heart was a staccato thing. Her skin flushed; her mouth was dry, her eyes, wide and focused—the stomping of dusty shoes and screaming children and Marazhai’s mad laughter, narrowing and dying to nothingness as she breathed deep—lined up her scope, the metal of her rifle warm against her cold, sweaty hands— POW. She took the shot: an old woman, her rags run black with grease and powdered white with corpse starch, dropped to the ground with a garbled half-scream as her ankle dissolved into nought but splattered bone shards and pink mist. The scream echoed in her ears as elation curled its cold tendrils down her spine in mockery of a lover's touch.
Lil' Marazhai/f!Rogue Trader one-shot in the works. The joys of the BDSM space elf is that he's an excellent vehicle for going as dark and depraved as my little heart desires (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
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