#Water soluble Vitamin E
violetsandshrikes · 5 months
Are you anti-supplements as a whole?
That would be pretty hypocritical of me considering i do take a few that have been medically recommended lmao!
However anything I take is always either 1) recommended by a doctor or 2) run by a doctor (and if I ask, it’s because I read it in a peer-reviewed paper and not on a social media post) because bodies are ultimately weird as hell and the balance between helping and harming is razor thin
(Also, I am on supplements due to on-going health issues combined with childhood malnutrition complications!!! Consider your past, future and current circumstances as factors heavily)
Basically, if you really want to supplement, my key advice would be:
• talk to your doctor (if you take psychiatric meds, run past your psychiatrist, if you’re on hormones, check with your endo, etc etc)
• keeps little records (i keep either written or notes on my phone of what i take daily + anything i have noticed in my body whether that be nausea, breakouts, or positive things like high energy etc - this is good advice in general if you have heath issues)
• know about what you take (google scholar is your friend if you can’t find any other reputable scientifically sound sources)
• not mandatory, but knowing a little about common misinfo and scams around the health & wellness industry would probably help more people with being suckered into buying things + health anxiety (for example, i recommend looking into hair/skin/nail supplements which are popular with young women in particular, and how many of them have problematic levels of biotin)
also, i added it in the reblog of that supplement post, but basic knowledge that is helpful to have is basically that:
Water soluble vitamins (C & B complex) -> excreted via urine when in excess -> less chance of toxicity
Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E & K) -> stored in the body -> greater chance of toxicity
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Molokhiya slimy soak (prose, cooking)
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Remove the thick branches of the molokhiya and boil them in boiling water for 1 minute. Beat them with a knife, cut them into small pieces, and add slime (the slime comes out when boiled).
Add the molokhiya to a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, mustard (paste), and olive oil, and mix well. Serve as is.
Molokhiya is rich in nutrients, and olive oil makes it easier to absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as A and E. It also contains vitamins B2, C, K, folic acid, and calcium.
Note: Nalta jute, Jew’s mallow, Tossa jute (alias)
Rei Morishita
モロヘイヤぬめりお浸し(prose , cooking)
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Vitamins are essential nutrients that the body needs in small amounts to function properly. There are 13 essential vitamins that can be categorized into two groups: water-soluble vitamins (B vitamins and vitamin C) and fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K). Each vitamin plays a specific role in maintaining health and preventing deficiencies. Here are some food sources of vitamins:
1. Vitamin A:
Food Sources: Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale, butternut squash, liver, eggs, and dairy products.
2. Vitamin B:
Food Sources: Whole grains, meat (such as poultry, fish, and beef), eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables.
3. Vitamin C:
Food Sources: Citrus fruits (such as oranges and grapefruits), strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, and leafy green vegetables.
4. Vitamin D:
Food Sources: Fatty fish (such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna), fortified dairy products, fortified cereals, eggs, and mushrooms.
5. Vitamin E:
Food Sources: Nuts (such as almonds and sunflower seeds), seeds (such as pumpkin seeds), vegetable oils (such as sunflower oil and safflower oil), and leafy green vegetables.
6. Vitamin K:
Food Sources: Leafy green vegetables (such as kale, spinach, and collard greens), broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and fermented foods (such as sauerkraut and natto).
It's important to consume a varied and balanced diet that includes a wide range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to ensure you are getting an adequate intake of all essential vitamins.
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atulya011 · 4 months
Unveiling the Powerhouse: Vitamin E Capsules for Overall Wellness
This blog dives into the world of Vitamin E capsules, exploring their benefits, uses, and how they can contribute to your overall well-being. Offered here at Atulya Medilink, these capsules are a convenient way to ensure you're getting the recommended daily intake of this essential vitamin.
What is Vitamin E?
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. It exists in eight different forms, but alpha-tocopherol is the most common type found in supplements. Vitamin E shields your cells from damage caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that contribute to various health concerns.
Benefits of Vitamin E Capsules:
Enhanced Skin Health: Vitamin E capsules are renowned for their positive impact on skin health. Their antioxidant properties combat free radicals that accelerate aging, potentially minimizing wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, these capsules may help retain moisture, keeping your skin hydrated and supple.
Stronger Immune System: Vitamin E plays a vital role in supporting a healthy immune system. It helps your body produce white blood cells, which are crucial for fighting off infections and illnesses.
Improved Cognitive Function: Studies suggest that Vitamin E may contribute to cognitive health and potentially reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.
Promotes Heart Health: Vitamin E may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and potentially reduce the risk of heart disease.
How to Use Vitamin E Capsules:
Vitamin E capsules are typically taken orally with water, ideally after a meal to enhance absorption. The recommended daily dosage varies depending on individual needs and age. It's crucial to consult your doctor to determine the appropriate dosage for you.
Are Vitamin E Capsules Right for You?
While Vitamin E capsules offer numerous benefits, consulting your doctor is essential before incorporating them into your routine. They can advise you on the appropriate dosage, potential interactions with medications you're already taking, and whether Vitamin E capsules are suitable for your specific health needs.
Atulya Medilink: Your Partner in Wellness
At Atulya Medilink, we are committed to providing you with high-quality healthcare solutions. Our Vitamin E capsules are manufactured adhering to strict quality standards. We offer various dosages to cater to individual requirements.
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uncloseted · 7 months
i see a lot of people on social media who take vitamins and i don't think they've all been to a doctor. is that safe? i want to take vitamins because i'm really tired, my hair, skin and nails are unhealthy, but i thought i had to go to a doctor and get a blood test or something
A lot of pepole do have vitamin deficiencies, and the majority of those people just buy over-the-counter vitamins from their local drugstore/pharmacy.
For example, in the US, around 25% of people are iron deficient (more for people who menstruate), 42% of people are vitamin D deficient, 25% of people are vitamin A deficient, and 70% of people are magnesium deficient. It's also common to be deficient in calcium and vitamin b12, especially for people who are vegetarian or vegan.
A lot of vitamins are water soluble, which means that if you ingest too much of them, you'll just pee it out. Some, like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K are fat soluble, meaning that they get stored in your body’s fat tissue and liver. If you take too much of these vitamins, they can build up in your system and cause problems down the line.
However, the amount you would need to take every day to cause a problem is significantly more than you would be ingesting through a multivitamin, so it is pretty safe. For example, the multivitamin that I take every day has 450mcg of vitamin A, about 50% of the recommended daily intake. To reach vitamin A toxicity, you would need to be consuming 7,500mcg a day. Similarly, it has 800 IU of vitamin D, but you would need to take around 60,000 IU for several months to cause vitamin D toxicity. The ones you want to watch out for are iron toxicity and calcium toxicity, since those can cause serious complications in high doses. But those generally aren't present in an average multivitamin for that reason.
I would still recommend going to a doctor because fatigue and unhealthy skin, hair, and nails suggests that there might be a health problem going on (low iron levels, low calcium levels, or a thyroid problem are the most common culprits). But in general, the worst that happens from taking over-the-counter vitamins is that you waste money on something you don't really need.
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imagine-tayjoe · 8 months
Don't Tell Anyone, But The Secrets About Vitamins Are Here
What would it take to make you feel your best? Have you been struggling with making changes to your lifestyle in order to better your health? The time has come for you to start trying supplements, so read all of the tips about vitamins and minerals presented below to learn more.
Take vitamins to have a healthier body. Your body must be fed and nourished by supplemental nutrients so it can get rid of fat, build new muscle tissue, and recover quickly after workouts.
The best source of vitamins and minerals are fresh fruit and vegetables. Making sure that you eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruit every day can help ensure you get all of the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy. For the best results, eat them raw or very lightly cooked by steaming or poaching.
Have you been having trouble with your vision recently or simply are concerned with maintaining the health of your eyes? Try taking vitamins such as Omega-3, C, E, and Zink. Not only do these help promote good eye care, they also aid in other aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
While most vitamins can be stored at room temperature, you should store oil-based and gummy vitamins in the refrigerator. If you fail to do this, they may become sticky and clump together. Since there will be no definitive way to break them apart, this would render the entire bottle useless.
Make sure you choose your beverages wisely. Try to avoid drinking a lot of coffee, tea, or soda. These drinks all have caffeine, which can keep your body from absorbing certain vitamins and minerals like iron. They can also cause you to increase secretion of water-soluble vitamins in your urine.
The information contained in this article has stressed the importance of vitamins and nutrients. You are going to feel much healthier when you use the tips provided. Share these ideas with your loved ones to help them too.
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thezsisters · 10 months
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Get cooking with me : food nutrition.
Food nutrition is the process by which the body nourishes itself by transforming food into energy and body tissues. The science of nutrition concerns everything the body does with food to carry on its functions. Food provides essential substances called nutrients.
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Essential groups that perform unique functions in our body, and they are;
1. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are a major source of energy of our body, and they come mainly from grains, such as rice and noodles. Besides, other foods such as fruit, root vegetables, dry beans and dairy products also contain carbohydrates.
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2. Proteins
Meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, dry beans and bean products are good sources of protein. Its major functions include building, repairing and maintaining healthy body tissues.
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3. Fats
Fats can be found in foods such as meat, dairy products, nuts, seeds and edible oils. Fats serve as a kind of energy source. They prevent heat loss in extreme cold weather and protect organs against shock. They are responsible for making up part of our body cells and transporting fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K.
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4. Vitamins
There are many kinds of vitamins from various food groups and they participate in different body metabolism such as maintaining healthy skin and hair, building bones and releasing and utilizing energy from foods. Vitamins can be classified into water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Some foods that contain vitamins are mostly fruits, eggs, beetroot, broccoli and so on.
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Minerals are a group of essential nutrients that regulate many body functions such as fluid balance, muscle contraction, and transmission of nerve impulses. Some minerals are structural components of the body, such as calcium in bones and teeth. Dark chocolate, avocado pear, and bananas contain magnesium.
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6. Dietary fibre
Dietary fibre is the indigestible part found in plant. It helps stablise blood sugar, promote gastrointestinal health and prevent constipation. Dietary fibre can be classified into soluble and insoluble fibre.
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7. Water
Water is the most abundant substance in human body and is also an essential nutrient to maintain our health. The major functions of water include regulation of body temperature, production of body fluids, transportation of nutrients and removal of waste products.
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Written by Sharon Appiah
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Vitamin E Acetate: Properties, Benefits, and Uses
In this article, we will explore the properties, benefits, and uses of Vitamin E Acetate: Properties, Benefits, and Uses, a valuable compound. Join us as we delve into the world of vitamin E acetate and its significance in various industries.
Vitamin E Acetate Properties:
Vitamin E acetate, also known as tocopheryl acetate, is a stable form of vitamin E. It is a clear, viscous liquid or solid with a pale yellow color. Vitamin E acetate is derived from natural sources such as vegetable oils, and it is commonly used in dietary supplements, personal care products, and various industrial applications. Some key properties of vitamin E acetate include:
Stability: Vitamin E acetate is highly stable and has a long shelf life. It can withstand exposure to heat, light, and air, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
Solubility: Vitamin E acetate is soluble in various organic solvents such as ethanol, oils, and fats. It has limited solubility in water, but it can be dispersed in water-based formulations with the help of emulsifiers or surfactants.
Antioxidant Properties: Vitamin E acetate is a potent antioxidant, meaning it helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It prevents oxidative stress and supports overall cellular health.
Benefits and Uses:
Dietary Supplements: Vitamin E acetate is commonly used in dietary supplements due to its antioxidant properties. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of cells, tissues, and organs. It supports immune function, helps protect against oxidative damage, and promotes overall well-being.
Skincare and Cosmetics: Vitamin E acetate is a popular ingredient in skincare and cosmetic products. It is known for its moisturizing and nourishing properties, promoting skin hydration and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps protect the skin from environmental stressors and can assist in soothing skin irritation.
Hair Care: Vitamin E acetate is utilized in hair care products for its conditioning and moisturizing benefits. It helps improve the health and appearance of hair, making it smoother, shinier, and more manageable.
Pharmaceutical Formulations: Vitamin E acetate is incorporated into various pharmaceutical formulations, including creams, ointments, and gels. It can enhance the stability and effectiveness of active ingredients and contribute to the overall therapeutic properties of the product.
Industrial Applications: Vitamin E acetate is also utilized in industrial applications such as food fortification and animal feed supplements. It helps enrich food products with essential nutrients and acts as a natural preservative to extend the shelf life of certain food items.
Safety Considerations:
Recommended Dosages: When used as a dietary supplement or in personal care products, it is important to follow recommended dosage guidelines provided by manufacturers or healthcare professionals.
Allergies and Sensitivities: Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to vitamin E acetate. It is advisable to perform a patch test before using any skincare or cosmetic product containing this ingredient.
Regulatory Compliance: Manufacturers and users of vitamin E acetate should comply with applicable regulations and guidelines, ensuring product quality, labeling accuracy, and adherence to safety standards.
Vitamin E acetate is a valuable compound known for its antioxidant properties and various benefits in dietary supplements, skincare, cosmetics, and industrial applications. Its stability, solubility, and health-promoting properties make it a versatile ingredient in a wide range of products. However, it is important to use vitamin E acetate responsibly, follow recommended dosages, and adhere to safety guidelines to ensure its effective and safe utilization.
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healthadvisor4u · 1 year
Natural Remedies That May Help You Reduce Belly Fat and Lose Weight.
There are many natural remedies that may help you reduce belly fat and lose weight. However, you should also consult your doctor before trying any of them, as they may have side effects or interact with medications. Here are some of the tips that I found from various sources:
Drink lemon juice with warm water every morning on an empty stomach. This may help detoxify your body and boost your metabolism. You can also add some black pepper powder and honey to enhance the fat-burning effect.
2. Eat almonds regularly. They are rich in protein, fiber, vitamin E and healthy fats that may help you feel full, build lean muscle and lower your body mass index (BMI).
3. Drink green tea at least 3-4 times a day. Green tea contains antioxidants and catechins that may increase your energy expenditure and fat oxidation.
4. Include more garlic in your diet. Garlic has anti-obesity properties and may help suppress appetite, regulate blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation.
5. Eat more soluble fiber from fruits, vegetables, legumes, oats and barley. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel that slows down food digestion and absorption. This may help you reduce belly fat by making you feel satiated and lowering your calorie intake.
6. Avoid trans fats that are found in some margarines, spreads and packaged foods. Trans fats may increase inflammation, insulin resistance and abdominal fat accumulation.
7. Do aerobic exercises like walking, cycling, running, swimming or playing badminton for at least 30 minutes a day. Aerobic exercises may help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health.
8. Lift weights or do resistance training at least twice a week. Lifting weights may help you build muscle mass, which in turn may increase your metabolic rate and fat burning.
I hope these tips are helpful for you. Remember to drink plenty of water, get enough sleep and manage your stress levels as well.
Click here to learn more.
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legally-undead · 1 year
Read This To Learn All About Vitamins And Minerals
Even if you already take a multivitamin or other supplement on a regular basis, your diet could still be lacking in important vitamins or minerals. To make sure that you are able to maintain good health, you need to figure out which substances are most important. Use these tips to choose the supplements you need.
Men require different vitamins and minerals than women. A daily vitamin for men should have higher concentrations of B12 and B6. Another helpful vitamin to prevent hair loss is vitamin H. Along with folic acid, vitamin H will help regenerate cells and reduce the signs of aging. Vitamin E and lycopene are also beneficial for male prostrate health.
Vitamins and minerals are a great way to prevent aging and retain that youthful appearance and resilience we had in our younger days. As you get older, you tend to start requiring more nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals to keep your skin soft, fight off colds and promote energy that we would consume far more quickly by relying only on the foods we eat.
Many people who are in need of supplemental vitamins and minerals simply struggle physically with swallowing the pills as they can be large and, in all honesty, horrible tasting. Try drinking water that has vitamins and minerals includes with some sort of fruit taste added. This allows you to get some of the vitamins you require as well as adding to your daily water intake.
Riboflavin and Vitamin B2 are usually found in green beans, asparagus, popcorn and bananas. Dry skin, parched lips, and low red blood cell count are all symptoms of deficiencies. It has been said that B2 can help to ward of anemia and some types of cancer.
Make sure you choose your beverages wisely. Try to avoid drinking a lot of coffee, tea, or soda. These drinks all have caffeine, which can keep your body from absorbing certain vitamins and minerals like iron. They can also cause you to increase secretion of water-soluble vitamins in your urine.
When you aren't feeling well, you have to seek help, and you have done so today. These great tips and tricks will truly guide you down the path to great health. In order to benefit from the time you have spent reading today, draft a plan to buy what you need and do it!
Read more here https://www.linkedin.com/in/vigrxofcstore?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
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getcatcrazy · 2 years
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Benefits of Good Quality Food Meat and Potatoes
Cats are carnivores they draw most of their essential nutritional needs from meat and the nutrients which are easy for them to digest if there are too much plant matter cat’s digestive system does not produce the enzymes necessary to properly process or digest plant matter this can cause obesity, pancreatitis, and arthritic limbs certainly as cats age, when there is too much plant-based carbohydrates.
Potatoes are a staple crop that contain wholesome properties like protein, potassium, b and c vitamins, carbohydrates, and fibre when the correct quantity is put with meat in good quality cat food this keeps a cat healthy.
If a cat has cooked potatoes with oil salt and other ingredients like additives such as French fries this can be difficult for them to digest although cats can benefit from the occasional potato. If a cat is suffering from constipation the fibre content of a potato or sweet potato can help move things along.
With so many brands it is difficult to know if you are getting the correct nutritionally balanced diet when a body gets the correct vitamins, they are unlikely to eat as much since they will feel full.
Key nutrients your cats’ body is roughly 80% water so proper hydration is a matter of significant importance when you take dry food it contains 10% moisture where canned food contains 80% water content.
Protein from meat is needed for muscle growth and tissue repair, which also provides three essential nutrients for optimal health, taurine for vision and heart, arachidonic acid for skin and coat health and vitamin A for vision and coat. Great sources are Chicken, lamb, beef, organ meat and fish. These essential fatty acids provide cats with fuel alongside with vital protection and insulation for internal organs. Carbohydrates provide a source of energy promoting digestive health and normal intestinal function. Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, and copper are all essential for your cat’s teeth and bones. Too much or too little can have serious repercussions. Vitamin’s fat soluble A D E K and water-soluble Vitamins C and B promote normal vision, growth, wound healing, healthy coat, skin, and optimal nervous system. These compounds are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
A cat benefits from having a balanced dry and wet food and some fresh homemade food animals enjoy variety in their diet.
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aroace-cat-lady · 2 years
V7 W6
Vitamins, what happens when there is a deficiency??
Well. A lot. Looks this gonna be a long post.
Depends of which vitamin you are talking about
We have hydrosoluble and liposoluble. It's easier to get a deficiency of water solubles cuz the liposolubles are stored in the body as a reserve (that's exactly what gives them some toxicity)
So the hydrosolubles are vitamin C and complex B.
Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, and it's an antioxidant that helps with cicatrization and connective tissue maintenance. A deficiency causes you an illness called scorbutus, that's characterized by gums pain, hemorrhage, fragility of blood vessels, bone alterations, etc
Then we have complex B, that won the complex thing by hand.
Vitamin B¹ it's also called Thiamine. And it's in charge of the processing of ATP (that's THE energy coin) and passing this energy to the nervous system. It's deficiency causes Beriberi, and it's common in places with a white rice diet. It can alter the periferic nervous system or cause edema because of dilated cardiomyopathy. The deficiency of tiamina can also cause a syndrome called Wernicke-Korsakoff, but that's mostly seen in alcoholics.
Vitamin B² it's called Riboflavin, and it deficiency it's not related to an specific illness, but it seen other vitamin deficiencies.
B³ (niacin) produces NAD, that's one of the molecules needed to create ATP. It's deficiency causes pellagra, that's characterized by the three D's: Dermatitis, Diarrea, Dementia. And if it isn't treated it ends with the 4th D, Dead.
B⁵, pantothenic acid. There's no characteristic human deficiency.
B⁶, pyridoxine. It's the only hydrosoluble vitamin that can be toxic. But it's deficiency causes periferic neuropathy.
B⁷, biotina. You have to be a crazy raw eggs eater to get a deficiency of this. Like. Not joking. Like 20 raw eggs per day. It gives you dermatitis, lost of hair, nauses, low appetite.
B⁹, folic acid. This one helps with the metabolism of monocarbone (remember earlier I talked to you about hemoglobin, and that it transport oxygen to the whole body?? Well, it is more avid to bond with monocarbone than it is to do it with oxygen, so. Bad). It's deficiency causes megaloblastic anemic, that makes the erythrocytes bigger than they should. Also, if pregnant woman don't consume enough B⁹, the baby could born with anencephaly (no brain) or with split spine.
And we have cobalamin (B¹²) that also causes CNS problems, and pernicious anemia (small erythrocytes)
Then we have the liposoluble vitamins
Vitamin A's active form it's retinol/retinal/retinoic acid. It helps with vision, reproduction, tissue maintenance and growth. So the body gets affected these ways in deficiency.
Vitamin D works with calcium. Its defiency causes osteomalacia (adults) and rickets (children).
Vitamin K. Its defiency in adults it's weird cuz the intestinal bacterial flora usually produces it, but some medicines with a component called warfarin (that inhibits the enzyme that process vK) can cause it. Nevertheless, it's more common in new borns, because they dont have bacterias to produce it yet.
Vitamin E. Its not very usual, but new borns can develop hemolysis and retinopathy because they don't have reserves.
Now. Why is water important?? It's the universal solvent by excellence, it has multiple qualities that help to keep balance (thermoregulation, osmolarity, etc etc). It's a really chill pal that doesn't get in any trouble but that thanks to it everything go smoothly.
Thanks again darling *mwah*
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truehealthbooster · 1 year
TrueMEd Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg Support Antioxidant Sugar Metabolism Healthy Liver and Nerve 60 Capsules
📢📢 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝗪𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁
𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗲𝗠𝗘𝗱 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮 𝗟𝗶𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗰 𝗔𝗰𝗶𝗱 𝟲𝟬𝟬 𝗺𝗴 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗔𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗦𝘂𝗴𝗮𝗿 𝗠𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗺 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗵𝘆 𝗟𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗡𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲 𝟲𝟬 𝗖𝗮𝗽𝘀𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀.
Each serving of Truemed's Alpha Lipoic Acid contains 600 mg of the supplement. Every cell in the body has this incredibly potent antioxidant, which aids in turning glucose into energy. Vitamins C and E are less effective than alpha lipoic acid. As a fat- and water-soluble antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid may help in the fight against free radicals, making the body's systems more effective overall, including the heart. As the body fights against free radicals, antioxidants get depleted; however, alpha lipoic acid may help replenish antioxidants to restore their activity. Furthermore, alpha lipoic acid may support heart health and long life.
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👉𝗪𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗢𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸: https://lnkd.in/gEufV5SE
✅𝗪𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸: https://lnkd.in/gdsaC8jD ✅𝗔𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗼𝗻 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸: https://lnkd.in/gquGtEE5
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healthuncle · 2 years
Why You Should Eat Apples Every Day?
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Eating apples every day is a healthy habit your good health. The numerous apple benefits make them the most preferred and loved fruit across the globe.
Regular consumption is linked to a lower risk of developing major diseases including diabetes and cancer. Additionally, the soluble fiber in the fruit can aid in weight loss and digestive health.
Nutrient-rich apples are a fantastic option to maintain good health. They contain a lot of fiber, minerals, vitamin C, and antioxidants.
Therefore, it is advised to eat the complete fruit, including the skin and meat, to get the most nutritional value from apples.
This article will not only tell you everything about apple benefits, but also answer a few basic questions regarding nutrition value, consumption, and more. So, let’s start first with apple nutrition.
What Vitamins And Nutrition Does An Apple Contain?
Even if you are aware of the health benefits of apples, you might be interested in how they achieve this. Find out more about the vitamins and other nutrients that make apples such a nutritious powerhouse.
The amount of vitamin C in apples is huge. This strong natural antioxidant is capable of fending off pathogenic pathogens.
Apples include the B-complex vitamins as well. Riboflavin, thiamin, and vitamin B-6 fall under this category. That keeps the neurological system and red blood cells healthy.
Apples also contain vitamin K. This vitamin aids in the production of proteins, strengthening your bones. Apple vitamin E helps to support a stronger immune system and better skin.
Apples include a wealth of healthful components in addition to vitamins. The following are some additional health advantages of eating apples:
Apples contain a lot of dietary fiber, which is a form of carbohydrate. Most well-known for its ability to both prevent and treat constipation. Remember that the apple peel contains the majority of the fiber; thus, keep the peel whole.
There are numerous phytonutrients in apples as well. These polyphenolic substances have antioxidant properties. Additionally, they can reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune system.
Important minerals including calcium, potassium, and phosphorus are present in apples. Your bones are strengthened by calcium, muscles are developed by potassium, and waste is filtered by phosphorus.
Let’s go straight forward and learn more about 10 significant apple health benefits.
Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Apples Every Day
If you regularly eat apples, you will get the below-listed benefits from fruit apples.
Apple Is Good For Weight Loss:
Do you want to know the secret to reducing weight? It’s easy. Restricting your caloric intake or burning more calories than you ingest is all it takes to lose weight.
Apples are excellent for weight loss since they are high in fiber and low in calories. You can achieve a healthy weight by consuming fruit apples, rather than high-calorie baked items.
Your “brain will get the message that food is there” for a longer period of time because of the high fiber content.
Apples’ high water content also helps you eat fewer calories because it keeps you satisfied for longer.
A low-calorie snack like apples might help you feel satisfied for a longer time, which can help you avoid overeating. So, Apples are beneficial for weight loss in general because of their high fiber and water content.
Apple Benefits For Skin:
You are all aware that apples are a nutrient-dense food with a variety of benefits. But can this superfood change the way your skin looks? Unexpectedly, the answer is yes. Apple extract is now a common ingredient in the products of many reputable skincare brands. See what this fruit is capable of.
The phenolic acids and flavonoids in apples are abundant. Flavonoids have antioxidant properties that aid in defending the skin from free radical harm brought on by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, pollution, and other environmental stressors.
Apple acetic acid possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that can guard against skin infections.
Apples may also help with acne. The apple cider vinegar’s citric acid may also aid in reducing acne-related irritation.
The apple’s vitamin E will keep the skin supple and moisturized, while the juice from the slices will tighten up the skin and aid in preserving the pH balance of the skin.
Apple Benefits For Diabetes:
Although it’s a widespread myth, persons with diabetes cannot eat apples but it’s not true. People with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes can also eat apples in moderate quantities.
Apples include a type of sugar called fructose, which is better for you than glucose. Additionally, the fiber in apples helps to lessen the impact of blood sugar levels in the body.
Your body does not manufacture enough insulin to meet your needs if you have type 2 diabetes. Consuming apple-soluble fiber regularly helps improve blood sugar control and minimize insulin resistance.
So, red apples are a healthier alternative to other sugary foods when you want something sweet. They are extremely nutrient-dense fruits that any type of diabetic can also consume.
Apples Can Support a Healthy Immune System:
The probability of contracting germs and viruses rises when the immune system is weak. Frequent sneezing, a runny nose, a sore throat, and a fever are classic signs of a poor immune system.
It’s no secret that apple’s vitamin C is one of your body’s finest weapons against annoying colds and other ailments. White blood cells are produced by the body with the support of vitamin C, which helps the body fight disease-causing germs and viruses.
According to studies, you may boost the number of antioxidants in your blood by a stunning 30% just by ingesting more vitamin C. This can assist your body’s defenses in preventing inflammation.
Additionally, apple skin contains a lot of quercetin, an antioxidant that helps control inflammation and your immune system.
Apples Good For Your Heart:
Apart from the nutrients they provide, apples are naturally heart-healthy. They are heart-healthy since they are nil in cholesterol, sodium, and saturated fat. All of these might be detrimental to heart health in big doses.
High blood levels of vitamin C were found in individuals with lower BMIs and blood pressure, both of which are associated with a lower risk for heart disease.
Consuming apples regularly seemed to reduce cholesterol levels as well as two other markers linked to plaques and inflammation in arterial walls.
Additionally, apples contain a lot of pectins, a soluble fiber that prevents cholesterol from being absorbed in the gut and urges the body to utilize the waxy substance rather than storing it.
So it proves, apples and other fruits are essential components of a heart-healthy diet.
Apple Benefits Gut Health:
These days, gut health is a very popular issue. Trillions of bacteria, both healthy and bad, are present in the gastrointestinal system and together they make up the microbiome. It all comes down to feeding the beneficial bacteria with what you consume to maintain a healthy microbiome.
Apples do not get nearly enough credit when it comes to the finest foods for digestive health. A juicy apple is your best bet if you want to feed your intestinal bacteria.
People are unaware that an apple has close to 100 million bacteria inside of it. Additionally, they have a variety of fibers, which are important for gut health.
Pectin, a prebiotic starch, is a type of starch found in apples. Prebiotics are crucial because they support the “healthy” bacteria in your stomach by providing food.
Freshly picked organic apples, however, contain a more varied and unique bacterium population. So, it’s time to give the traditional fruit the recognition it deserves.
Apple Good For Pregnant Women:
Several health advantages of eating apples during pregnancy apply to both you and your unborn child. Consuming apples frequently can assist to increase your iron levels since anemia is a pretty typical problem during pregnancy.
Due to hormonal changes, constipation affects a lot of pregnant women. Dietary fiber, which is abundant in apples, can aid in bowel movements and general digestion. Consequently, if you experience irregular bowel movements or excess gas, try consuming meals high in dietary fiber, including apples.
Your energy is increased by apples’ combination of natural sugars, which also raises blood sugar levels. When fatigue strikes, this can be really useful.
You’ve probably heard that folic acid supplementation is crucial to prevent some birth abnormalities during pregnancy. Eating apples provides you with a natural source to increase your body’s levels of folate because apples contain this vitamin.
Apple consumption during pregnancy may lessen the chance that the unborn child may eventually develop allergies and asthma.
Apple Benefits For The Brain:
A University of Massachusetts Lowell study found that eating apples boosts the amount of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain as well as its production.
The hormone acetylcholine performs a variety of functions, one of which is controlling neuroplasticity, or the brain’s capacity to adapt and form new structures.
Memory is enhanced by higher acetylcholine levels in the brain. The preferred course of treatment for Alzheimer’s disease involves medication with the aim of boosting acetylcholine levels in the brain to slow down patients’ mental decline.
The results of the current study demonstrate that eating foods high in antioxidants, such as apples and apple juice, can help lessen issues related to memory loss.
Apple Help To Fight Cancers:
Apples have one of the highest antioxidant capacities of any fruit. Eating an apple a day (or more) has been related to a lower risk of colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers.
According to studies, apples’ antioxidant content may help lower the incidence of the aforementioned cancers. Antioxidants have been proven in laboratory tests to slow the growth of cancer cells.
Eating apples may help prevent lung cancer, according to other human research.
However, the peel should not be discarded because it contains the majority of the antioxidants that fight cancer. Apples may help in the fight against cancer, even though there isn’t one guaranteed way to do it.
Apple Benefits For Sexual Enhancement:
Having a good sex drive is related to feeling both physically and emotionally healthy. It is therefore not surprising that the meals you eat help to enhance your sexual life.
According to a recent study, eating two apples a day will help you have more sexual endurance. Apples are a rich source of quercetin, an antioxidant flavonoid that has been shown to improve endurance.
Including apples in your diet can improve your sex life in a number of ways. They contribute to boosting stamina and libido.
High blood pressure in women can cause a decrease in libido and sexual desire. Especially if it makes you tired. Their body’s reaction to sexual activity may change if there is less blood flow to the vagina. You might be able to resolve both problems by eating apples.
Eating apples could improve your sexual health and function, regardless of whether you are worried about low testosterone levels, erectile dysfunction, or prostate health.
Apples are a healthy addition to any diet. They are full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can help control appetite and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Regular consumption of apples, especially with the nutrient-rich skin on, can add essential vitamins and minerals to any diet. Except for allergies and poisons from eating a lot of apple seeds, apples have very few dangers.
Apples come in a wide range of variations. Although they have diverse nutritional profiles, the amounts of sugar, carbs, and protein they contain are generally similar.
After learning about all the benefits apples may provide, make sure to remember to incorporate apples into your diet on a regular basis.
If you enjoyed reading about the benefits of apples, please spread the word.
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Why Is Nutrition So Important?
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A healthy diet is crucial to allow your body to function effectively and remain healthy. Six kinds of nutrients make up food. These nutrients include macronutrients, protein, carbohydrates as well as fats and micronutrients which include minerals and vitamins. It can be challenging to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle, lose weight, and live a happy life if your diet isn't the right combination.
If you have read any of my articles, you will see how I place such a big focus on the 3 macronutrients since they are the basis of your fitness or weight loss goals! In this regard I'll give you a brief description of the six classes of nutrients and discuss why they are essential for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
1. Protein
2. Carbohydrates
3. Fats
4. Vitamins
5. Minerals
6. Water
Good nutrition is essential for building muscle.
Proteins break down in your body into amino acids after you eat protein-rich foods. These amino acids are then used to build and repair any muscles. This is great news for those who train or are physically active. This will allow you to recover faster than if protein is not consumed. Protein is a crucial component of every tissue within the body. It is essential to ensure you are getting sufficient protein from your diet. Your immune and nervous system also depend on protein.
Good Nutrition Provides Energy
When talking about nutrition and our bodies my preferred analogy is the racecar. To maintain your car's optimal performance, it is essential to maintain it with regular fuel, change the oil frequently and get new tires. You'll eventually be devalued in your body when you fail to do these things. But, if the correct actions are taken and followed, you'll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle and reaping the rewards that come with this.
Carbohydrates are a food that gives you energy to get through the day. Glycogen is a key ingredient to maintain the energy levels of your day. After you consume carbs, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin. Insulin assists in allowing the carbohydrates to be stored in the muscles, or in fat. The body stores carbohydrates that are also known as glycogen. Glycogen (stored carbohydrates) is essential to be present in your body prior to training. These will provide energy and assist in losing more fat in a shorter time.
Good Nutrition and Fats?
One of the most popular diet myths is that fats cause you to gain weight. In the first place that, without fats, you'll not be able to survive. They are one of three macronutrients. The stored fats are the main source of energy.
Fats are a source of 9 calories per gram. They keep your body warm during colder seasons. They lubricate joints, which gives you more flexibility and mobility in your exercise routine. Fats are also a dwelling spot for fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are stored within our body's fat , and may be toxic if a large amount is consumed.
Most people don't know what the distinction is between monounsaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated oils. This is a typical misconception that I see. Take a look at my Truth About Fats Article for additional information.
Vitamins and Minerals
Minerals and vitamins are essential minerals that our bodies require to function properly but also allow chemical reactions to happen in a quicker rate. They are required just like the 3 macronutrients, but only in small quantities. Vitamin B complex is beneficial for health because they reduce carbs, which will provide you with energy. Although vitamins and minerals are available from certain foods, they are often not sufficient to support the healthy lifestyle and weight loss.
Don't Forget About Your Water
The people who are overweight or unhealthy don't drink sufficient fluids. This is among the biggest problems I see. They substitute water for sugary sodas, or other drinks that are high in sugar. Around 65% of our bodies are composed of water. It is essential for our bodies to live. Water is as vital as a nutritious diet. It also acts as a cleanse and detox your body.
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