#We Buy Houses Saint Louis
velocityhomebuyer · 1 year
We Buy Houses Saint Louis
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cadmusfly · 6 months
Tag Yourself: Unabridged Shitty Drawing Marshal of the Empire Edition
Yes All 26 Of Them + Bonus 2
drawn and compiled by yours truly, initial and probably inaccurate research assisted by Chet Jean-Paul Tee, additional research from Napoleon and his Marshals by A G MacDonnell, Swords Around A Throne by John R Elting and a bunch of other books and Wikipedia pages
captions under images
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mike (Michel Ney)
- full of every emotion
- always has ur back
joe (Joachim Murat)
- it's called fashion sweetheart
- will not stop flirting
lens (Jean Lannes)
- bestie who will call u out on ur shit
- does not like their photo taken
bessie (Jean-Baptiste Bessieres)
- actually nice under the ice
- was born in the wrong generation
dave (Louis-Nicolas Davout)
- overachiever
- 20 year old boomer
salt (Jean-de-Dieu Soult)
- people think ur up to no good
- doesn’t cope with sudden changes 2 plans
andrew (Andre Massena)
- actually up to no good
- sleepy until special interest is activated
bertie (Louis-Alexandre Berthier)
- carries the group project
- voted most likely to make a stalker shrine
auggie (Pierre Augereau)
- shady past full of batshit stories
- will not stop swearing in the christian minecraft server
lefrank (François Joseph Lefebvre)
- dad friend
- in my day we walked to school uphill both ways
big mac (Étienne Macdonald)
- brutally honest
- won't let you borrow their charger even if they have 100%
gill (Guillaume Brune)
- love-hate relationship with group chats
- pretends not to care, checks social media every 2 minutes
ouchie (Nicholas Oudinot)
- needs to buy bandages in bulk
- a little aggro
pony (Józef Antoni Poniatowski)
- can't swim
- tries 2 hard to fit in, everyone secretly loves them anyway
grumpy (Emmanuel de Grouchy)
- can't find them when u need them
- complains about the music, never suggests alternatives
bernie (Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte)
- always talks about their other friendship group
- most successful, nobody knows how
monty (Auguste de Marmont)
- does not save u a seat
- causes drama and then lurks in the background
monch (Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey)
- last to leave the party
- dependable
morty (Édouard Mortier)
- everyone looks up 2 them literally and figuratively
- golden retriever friend
jordan (Jean-Baptiste Jourdan)
- volunteers other people for things
- has 20+ alarms but still oversleeps
kelly (François Christophe de Kellermann)
- old as balls but still got it
- waiting in the wings
gov (Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr)
- infuriatingly modest about their art skills
- thinks too much before they speak
perry (Catherine-Dominique de Pérignon)
- low-key rich, only buys things on sale
- “let’s order pizza” solution to everything
sachet (Louis-Gabriel Suchet)
- dependable friend who always brings snacks
- lowkey keeps the group together
cereal (Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier)
- unnervingly methodical and precise about fun
- will delete your social media after u die
vic (Claude Victor-Perrin)
- loves spicy food but can’t handle it
- says they're fine, not actually fine
june (Jean Andoche Junot)
- chaotic disaster bisexual
- will kill a man 4 their bestie
the rock (Géraud Duroc)
- keeps a tidy house
- mom friend with snacks
143 notes · View notes
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I posted this fascinating 1885 townhouse in St. Louis, Missouri, 2 yrs. ago, but it's still on Zillow's site b/c it's so unusual! Thanks to thefurgler for sending it to me, b/c I love to re-post these homes in case anyone missed it. 3bds, 3ba, sold for $325K, which was much less than the $399,500 price tag. (I guess sometimes unique properties are harder to sell.) Enjoy looking at this one.
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The first thing we encounter out front is this sign. What does it mean? The address is 1204 S. 18th St. Notice the Foo Dogs guarding the door.
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The entrance hall has one of those magnificent giant wall mirrors and it was painted gray with silver accents. I'm getting a creepy castle vibe.
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A lot of remodeling was put into this home, but I'm so confused by it. I THINK that this is what was once the sitting room, b/c of the original fireplace. (Notice how low above the coffee table the light fixture is.)
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This piece looks like an architectural salvage church altar. An "altered altar," b/c it has a glass display in the middle.
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Looks like conversation seating.
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Okay, this is recognizable as the guest powder room. Interesting.
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I have no idea where we are or what this is. Looks like a sunporch w/a lap pool, maybe? This house is surreal. Note that the gate is chained.
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Okay, we're in the kitchen. What a weird stove. Nice exhaust hood, though.
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Kitchen cabinetry, a sitting area, and a display case in the wall?
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Going upstairs.
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What is this place?
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Where the hell are we?
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One of the baths.
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Modern gallery?
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Oh, yay, I think we found a bedroom. This house is exhausting.
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You can go out on the roof from here.
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Not much up here, though.
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That glass pyramid is kind of cool, but what could you do with it?
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Bedroom #2 is modern and has an en-suite.
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Big ol' heat stove down in the basement.
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Zen garden in the back yard.
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Have to be careful back here.
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Covered patio.
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Beautiful block, but you never know what kind of decor could be lurking behind someone's front door. $325K, I wouldn't hesitate to buy it, though.
110 notes · View notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 19 June 1834
7 35
11 40
fine morning F66° at 7 ¾ no kiss Miss W-‘s cousin came last night breakfast at 9 - had the restaurateur and Perrelet fils - to have dinner today (wanting but little) for 5/. and each day afterwards a bon petit diner for our 2 selves and the servants for 10fr. - Perrelet begged me to take charge of a watch for Miss Beckett - yes! with pleasure but would not be answerable for accidents - out at 11 - sent François in with my passport and left my card for Lady Granville – had the porter out to speak to him at the carriage door – said I was merely passing thro’ Paris and therefore left no address – he said he would  therefore put congé on the card and would be sure to deliver it - I think he would and to ensure all that gave him 5/. then drove to the Louvre – there at 11 40 – 40 minutes in the halls of statuary – then ½ hour in the gallery – just looked at the La Belle jardinière (virgin and saviour and Saint John) and the beggar boy by Murillo and 1 or 2 others without stopping to strain our eyes over things of less value - then to the Palace royal walked all round – ordered plate and 100 cards for Miss W- chez Maurisset, and found he had still kept for me the nacre snuff box for IN- with her initials he had  had since I forgot it in May 1831! then to the patissier opposite rue Vivienne for gateaus and petit pates and 2 bottle limonade gazeuse - then bought wine an Gourmand chez corcelet - then went to Delisle’s for gros de Naples etc for dresses – Miss W- happening to inquire about shawls, we were shewen into the shawl room - real India - M. Delisle had just established a house at Bombay and they boasted how they would undersell the people in London - shewed some very handsome shawls at last seeing we much tempted by a long white one  Delisle himself came –said it was worth 8000 fr.  but before coming away (almost an hour there) would let me have it for 3800fr. or £150 –said I would not venture to buy it without asking advice – then to Madame Thomas (rue des Filles St Thomas) for chapeaux – then home for a few minutes and at the exposition del Industrie Française at 4 ¼ - M. Perrelet fils shewed us his own or rather his father’s own things - an instrument shewing 6 six different escapements of watches 5000fr. and yet he would lose by it it had taken so much time and labour - made for the conservation des arts and metiers for the professors to use in their lectures - 2 or 3 other interesting pieces of mechanism which should have been studied rather than merely glanced at - M. P- fils then shewed us round the salle - handsome furniture - cat-skin carpets, etc etc of all sorts and kinds - the exposition closed at 6 that we had not time for the 3 others salles the 4 near together at the end of the Tuileries gardens in the palace Louis 15 in temporary wood erections - exposition lasts 2 months - to be every 5 years - quite often enough - things got spoilt and the time given up was a serious concern to the tradespeople - home at  6 ¼ - dinner at 6 ½ - Madame Figaroll’s couturière (rue des Suresne no. 23 bis) came at 7 ½ - out at 8 ¼  to call on Lady Charlotte Lindsay and Berrys – lady Charlotte au spectacle –sat 3/4 hour (till 9 10) with Miss B-‘s very civil and glad to see me - Miss W- had waited in the carriage – we then went to the concert in Champs Elysées till 10 ¼ - called on the Norcliffes at Meurice’s (out) and home at 10 35 – strawberries and lemonade till 11 - very fine day – F69° at 11 ¼ pm
4 notes · View notes
Lecture Notes MON 19th FEB
The Academy and the Public Sphere 1648-1830
Further Reading: Johann Joachim Wicklemann (1717 - 1768) from Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Works in Painting and Sculpture
Antonie Cotpel (1661-1722) on the grand manner, from 'On the Aesthetic of the Painter'
Andre Felibien (1619-1695) Preface to Seven Conferences
Charles Le Burn (1619-1690) 'First Confrence'
More and Other
The first Academies start in Italy and then begin to spread throughout Europe. However, in this lecture we mainly focus on Paris and London. The Louvre palace, where the royal academy started, was where artists established there thought themselves as elites due to being part of the court, near the ruling and partly due to monetary reasons. (Remember: French Revolution 1793)
Now the other place was the RA, or Royal Academy in London was established to promote art and design (not to be confused with the Art and Design/Craft Movement of 1880-1920). Which focused on displaying and teaching painting and sculpture, only sometimes exhibiting drawing. If your work was exhibited, it was seen as being awarded the highest status and praise.
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Jean-Baptiste Martin, A meeting of the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture at the Louvre Palace, 1712-1721, Musée de Louvre
Although the academies had strict teaching rules and students had to follow. Which meant that art during this time and created by these artists had a regulated style.
While the French salons/academies had no entry fee when they exhibited the work (bi yearly), the British did have a fee of one shilling to view the exhibit (yearly), despite trying to advertise and claiming any person was welcome. When asked and confronted about the fee, they claimed it was to keep out “improper persons” (the poor).
A selection of Art Academies:
The Academia di San Luca, Rome, 1593                                             
The Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, Paris, 1648
The Akademie der Künste, Berlin 1696
The Royal Danish Academy of Portraiture, Sculpture, and Architecture, Copenhagen, 1754
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 1688/1701/1725
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, 1752
Imperial Academy of Arts, St Petersburg, 1757
The Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, 1764
Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture, Stockholm, 1766
Royal Academy of Art, London 1768
The Academy of San Carlos, Mexico, 1783
Royal Arts Academy in Düsseldorf,  (1777) 1819
Academia Imperial das Belas Artes, Brazil 1822 (based on an earlier institution)
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Martin Ferdinand Quadal, Life drawing room at the Vienna academy, 1787
United in Guilds, mechanical and practical artists wanted to be recognised as artists from a scoio, utility aspect. Painting and sculpture were valued in liberal and intellectual arts.
At the beginning of the 17th century, most painters were part of the Maîtrise de Saint-Luc, a guild founded in 1391, which controlled the market and sanctioned the method of training artists by apprenticeship.
A group of artists, including the young Charles Le Brun, sought to the escape the Masters and placed themselves directly under the protection of the young King Louis XIV, who was capable of removing them from the constraints of the guild. The Academy was established in 1648.
In 1655 letters patent granted the new company the right to call itself the The Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture (Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture) and decreed that only its members could be painters or sculptors to the king or queen. The Academy moved to the Louvre, where the Galerie d'Apollon hosted the reception pieces (chef-d’oeuvre), works that had to be performed before being approved and then elected an Academician. It oversaw—and held a monopoly over—the arts in France until 1793. The institution trained artists.
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Perspective view of the hall of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture at the Louvre in Paris: [print].
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Sir William Chambers, Somerset House, Now the Courtauld Institute of Art and Gallery
In 1768, architect Sir William Chambers petitioned George III on behalf of 36 artists seeking permission to ‘establish a society for promoting the Arts of Design’. They also proposed an annual exhibition and a School of Design. The King agreed and the Royal Academy of Arts, the Royal Academy Schools, and what you know today as the Summer Exhibition were established. The Royal Academicians were first based in Pall Mall, renting a gallery 30 feet long.
In 1775, Sir William Chambers won the commission to design the new Somerset House as the official residence. The Exhibition Room was 32 feet high and situated at the top of a steep winding staircase, it was described by contemporary literary critic Joseph Baretti as ‘undoubtedly at the date, the finest gallery for displaying pictures so far built’.
In the 1830s, the Academy moved to Trafalgar Square to share premises with the newly founded National Gallery, moving again in 1867 to Burlington House.
Summer Exhibition have been held every year since 1769.
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Attributed to George Shepherd, The Hall at the Royal Academy, Somerset House, 1 May 1810
Before the establishment of Academies and their own openings to the public, there is no or very little actual documented art exhibitions and if there were any they were not documented. Or permanent.
These exhibitions and academies open art to the public, and gain a wider audience, mostly of the Bourgeois, who also usually commissioned the artists of the academy. Or the state did and the church – which was most common. But now individuals could now own art, which commodified art and created private ownership. This also was spurred on by art being more mobile, being painted on canvases which were easier to transport (in some cases).
The idea that came from this was: “art should be affordable”.
Another thing that came from exhibitions and wider audiences was that art became democratised, leaving it open for criticism and interpretation. Although the interpretation aspect wouldn’t be explored till around the 19th century, on wards really.
Teaching at the Academy
The Academy laid down strict rules for admission and based most of its teaching on the practice of drawing from the antique and the living model to support its teaching method and its artistic doctrine. Great importance was also given to the teaching of history, literature, geometry, perspective and anatomy.
In controlling education, the Academy regulated the style of art.
Professors of the Academy held courses in life drawing and lectures where students were taught the principles and techniques of the art. The students then looked for a master among the members of the academy, to learn the trade in their workshop. Only drawing was taught in the Academy and artists learned painting in the studios of the master, often working on his (rarely her) work.
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(Left) Antoine Coysevox, Bust portrait of Charles Le Brun, Marble (Right) Charles Le Brun, The Family of Darius before Alexander, c.1660, 164 x 260 cm
Charles Le Brun became director in 1663 and was appointed chancellor for life. The Academy was administered by a director chosen from among its members, often the King’s favoured artist.
The sketch and finish
Le Brun introduced the sketch (esquisse) to French artistic practice, where it became central to the painter’s training in both official and private academies.
The esquisse was typically a small-scale, rapidly executed work intended to preserve an artist’s première pensée, or initial conception, of a subject. It elaborated composition and colouring, avoiding detail in favour of loose forms and fluid brushstrokes.
These studies were not for exhibition, and exhibited works were expected to be highly finished, often with glassy surfaces and the elimination of brushwork.
During the later eighteenth century some began to see merit in the sketch itself, but it was in the nineteenth century with Romanticism that an ‘aesthetics of the sketch’ really developed. In the 1830s sketch came to be identified with originality and genius.
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Pierre Charles Jombert, Punishment of the Arrogant Niobe by Diana and Apollo, 1772, Oil paint on canvas, mounted on board, 35.7 x 28.1 cm, Metropolitan Museum, New York
The notion of aesthetic begins developing at the time, since the academies had a monopoly on aesthetic, they chose what they liked and didn’t. Their control on who was displayed in exhibits, could ensure an artist’s success. Rejection from and by the Salons was seen as the highest insult to an artist (and their aesthetic).
In the early nineteenth century the Academy instigated landscape sketch (études) competitions.
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(Left) Pierre Henri de Valenciennes, The Banks of the Rance, Brittany, possibly 1785. Oil on paper, laid down on canvas, 21.3 x 49.2 cm. (Right) Théodore Caruelle d'Aligny, Landscape with a Cave, mid-1820s, Oil on canvas, 62.2 x 45.7cm
Here the importance of studying nature directly was emphasised through the practice of making plein air études, or small studies painted outdoors. Études generally did not serve as compositional models for particular paintings. Rather, these studies of different kinds of terrain and effects of light would be idealized or embellished by classically trained painters in landscapes produced entirely in the studio. From the time of Romanticism on, the sketch aesthetic became more-and-more central, but this was anathema to academic artists.
In 1667 that the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture held the first semi-public show to display the works of its students considered worthy of royal commissions, laying a foundation the “group exhibition”. It was held in the Palais Brion in the Palais-Royal.
In 1725 the Salon moved to the Louvre and in 1737 exhibitions were opened to the public.
From 1748 group of Academicians formed a jury determining which works would be exhibited and where they were to be positioned. In 1673 the first catalogue (livret) was published. It was unillustrated until 1880. Exhibiting at the Salon was a condition of success.
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Nicolas Langlois, Exhibition of works of painting and sculpture in the Louvre gallery in 1699. Detail of an almanac for the year 1700 – Etching and burin.
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(Left) Giuseppe Castiglione, View of the Grand Salon Carré in the Louvre, Oil on Canvas, 1861 (Right) Alexandre Jean-Baptiste Brun, View of the Salon Carré at the Louvre, c.1880, Oil on Canvas
Key information:
France: The Louvre Palace, and other locations otherwise referred to as the Salon(s). The bigger the picture was the higher it was hung. The better and more favoured the artist the higher it was hung. Paintings of historical events were favoured and hung at the very top, all other lower in a specific order descending.
London: Portraits were positioned higher, gallery walls were still crowded all the same with frame to frame hanging, with no caption. Although you could purchase a booklet with all information and extra definitions. While there appeared less hierarchy in the London exhibitions, it still persisted just in a different form. Favoured artists got to choose where their paintings were hung. Even going as far as to developed an insult for paintings being hung so high: “the painting was skied”.
Hierarchy of genres
Inherited from Antiquity and codified in 1668 by André Félibien, secretary of the Academy, the hierarchy of genres ranked the different genres of painting assigning higher and lower significance.
 At the top was history painting, called “le grand genre’: often large paintings, with mythological, religious, or historical subjects. Their function was to instruct and educate the viewer. Its purpose was moral instruction.
 Portraiture, depicting important figures from the past as well as the present.
 Genre scenes, the less ‘noble’ subjects: representations, generally small in size, of scenes of daily life attached to ordinary people.
The so-called ‘observational’ genres of landscape painting, animal painting and still life.
Other genres were added, such as the gallant celebrations, in honour of Antoine Watteau, which did not, however, call into question the hierarchy.
These academies were called chaotic by critics, and kaleidoscopic.
Examples of outliers:
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(Left) Paulus Potter, The Bull, 1647 - 3.4 metres wide. An unusually monumental animal painting that challenges the hierarchy of genres by its size (Right) Jean-Baptiste Greuze, The Marriage Contract (The Village Bride), 1761, oil on canvas, 92cm x 117cm. Musée du Louvre
These paintings also challenged the hierarchy of the Salon: it shows a scene that anyone could recognise.
This hierarchy was underpinned by the Ideal and the Liberal Arts.
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Giogioni, Frieze in the main hall (detail), Fresco, Casa Marta, Castelfranco Veneto, c. 1510
From the Renaissance onwards artists conducted a campaign to be recognized as gentlemen, rather than workers or craftsmen. This centred on a distinction between the Liberal and the Mechanical arts.
The Liberal Arts were divided into the trivium - Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric - and the quadrivium - Geometry, Arithmetic, Astronomy and Music.
These involved imagination and intellect and were suitable activities for gentlemen.
In contrast, the Mechanical Arts were said to involve mere repetitive copying. These were activities conducted by workers and were often called ‘servile’ or ‘slavish’. They were deemed ‘mindless’ and demeaning to gentlemen.
Since the academies were open to not gentlemen, it was still believed they upheld class divisions. Examples of an artist from a lower background who rose through the ranks: J. M. W. Turner.
Academic art, therefore, emphasised imagination and idealization and opposed copying things as they were. Abstract and mental properties were most valued. For instance, drawing was thought more important than colouring, which was often seen as superficial and feminine (cosmetics). Rather than copy a single figure ideal beauty was to be composed from the ‘best’ elements of multiple figures.
The nude was deemed more suitable, because modern dress was seen as ugly and ephemeral. Some thought the male nude more ideal.
In some senses this is a neo-Platonism, where ideal form exists in the mind of a divinity and things in the world are merely inferior copies of that ideal.
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A second-century Roman marble copy of a Greek statue of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, crouching naked at her bath.
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(Left) Artist Copying a Bust in the Royal academy at Somerset House, c.1780, Watercolour (Right) Academies and art schools had large collections of plaster casts made from antique sculpture.
The lower genres were thought to be too close to mechanical copying, whereas history painting involved imagination, intellectual learning and work with the ideal figure. This is complex because Academic artists and theorists rejected originality for adherence to principles and precedents.
Some important studies:
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David and His School
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J-L David, The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons, 1789
David was a member of the Jacobin Club and friend of Robespierre. He signed the death warrant for the King. With the fall of the Jacobins he was imprisoned and his life endangered. His paintings were very open to interpretation so upper and lower classes to understand and infer meaning from them, he also had political messages in his paintings. Although quite ambiguous, it engaged in emotions also over morality like usual historical paintings.
David’s austere student Wicar suggested that landscape painters should be executed.
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Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Marat, 1793, Royal Museums of Fine Arts, Brussels
Painting around this time was developing Spectacle, as a primary focus to engage people’s emotions, and a shared emotional aspect rather than just class. The Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture was suppressed by the Convention at the request of David (August 1793) and it was in 1796 that the School of Fine Arts was founded. In 1816, The Bourbon Monarchy restored the title ‘Academy’.
In the middle of the nineteenth century Hogarth came to be seen as the founder of the British School.
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Beer Street and Gin Lane, engraving, 1751
The Public Sphere
Habermas: ‘The bourgeois public sphere may be conceived above all as the sphere of private people come together as a public; they soon claimed the public sphere regulated from above against the public authorities themselves, to engage them in a debate over the general rules governing relations in the basically privatized but publicly relevant sphere of commodity exchange and social labour.'
At the Margins
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Johan Joseph Zoffany, The Academicians Of The Royal Academy 1771-72, Oil On Canvas, 101.1 X 147.5 cm
Within this painting there are two paintings on the right most side, two busts of women. These are the two female founders who were not actually allowed in the Academy. However, that’s not to say that women weren’t painting and hosting their own private events, even if they couldn’t be critics and artists academically, so they easily fell into obscurity.
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Republican Madame Roland
Feminist historians have suggested that the Salons hosted by women were an essential part of this culture of debate.
In 18th century France, salons were organised gatherings hosted in private homes, usually by prominent women. Individuals who attended often discussed literature or shared their views and opinions on topics from science to politics. The different Salons belonged to artistic and political factions.
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Elisabeth-Louise Vigée Lebrun, Self-portrait in a Straw Hat, 1782
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stlouissodinstall5 · 4 months
Overcoming the Green Frontier: An Overview of Equipment for Installing Sod
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It's a rewarding endeavor to turn your barren yard into a lush green haven, but installing sod without the proper equipment can be like trying to climb Mount Everest in flip-flops. DIY lawn warriors, do not fear! This tutorial will let you confidently (and blister-free) venture into the green space by dissecting the various kinds of sod installation equipment accessible. best sod installation company St. Louis, Mo
Using a Rototiller to Till Soil This strong equipment turns the earth into a loose, soft substrate that will allow your sod to take root. Perfect for bigger projects, but watch out for hidden utilities and possible harm to already-existing landscaping.
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Pallet Dolly This rolling platform makes moving big bales of sod much easier. Due to the abundance of rental possibilities, it's an affordable short-term solution.
Should I Buy, Rent, or Hire the Help? Your project's size, budget, and level of do-it-yourself expertise will determine whether you should hire, buy, or rent professional sod installation.
Pay Perfect for small- to medium-sized projects if you want to avoid paying as much for long-term storage while still having access to equipment. hardscape design and installation St. Louis, Mo
Purchase Makes sense for big projects or regular makeovers of the yard. Prior to investing, think about storage capacity and resale value.
Employ Give the pros the heavy lifting! If you want a hassle-free experience or for huge, complex tasks, this is the best solution.
Installing Sod in Saint Louis: Your Green Partners For everything green, St. Louis Sod Install is your one-stop shop, whether you decide to do it yourself or hire an expert. We provide:
Superior types of sod Select from a variety of excellent sod that is cultivated locally to fit your soil type, sun exposure, and desired aesthetics.
Easy delivery choices Get freshly cut sod delivered right to your house on a schedule that works for you.
Expert installation assistance Let our knowledgeable staff take care of everything—from site prep to laying and cleanup.
Equipment rental We rent a variety of sod installation tools so you can get the job done quickly and easily.
Are you set to implement your green dream? For professional guidance, premium sod, and the ideal equipment or service option for your lawn makeover, get in touch with St. Louis Sod Install right now!
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raadbuyshouses · 1 year
Raad Buys Houses - Our Family's Mission
At Raad Buys Houses, our mission is to become the most trusted One-Stop-Solution in Saint Louis, MO and surrounding areas for homeowners looking to sell their houses and move on while achieving the best possible outcome. We understand that the process of selling outdated or damaged houses has been a terrible experience for sellers. Some local real estate investors have taken advantage of homeowners in distress by purchasing their houses at low prices and then reselling them for huge profits. That’s not us! You will get a fair all cash offer.
Visit our social media profiles: Raad Buys Houses - Facebook Raad Buys Houses - Twitter Raad Buys Houses - Instagram Raad Buys Houses - Linked-In Raad Buys Houses - Youtube Raad Buys Houses - Tumblr Raad Buys Houses - Link Tree Raad Buys Houses - Buzzfeed Raad Buys Houses - Pinterest Raad Buys Houses - Houzz Raad Buys Houses - Real Estate Bees
As a homeowner looking to sell, it's crucial to find a trustworthy and reliable solution that prioritizes your needs. It's unfortunate that some investors have taken advantage of distressed homeowners in the past.
By offering a fair all-cash offer, Raad Buys Houses demonstrates a commitment to providing homeowners with a transparent and equitable selling experience. This approach ensures that homeowners receive a reasonable price for their outdated or damaged houses, allowing them to move on with their lives without being taken advantage of.
As the most trusted One-Stop-Solution in Saint Louis, MO, and surrounding areas, Raad Buys Houses not only focuses on providing a fair offer but also aims to deliver a comprehensive solution. This means taking care of the entire selling process, minimizing the hassle and stress often associated with selling a property. By offering a convenient and efficient experience, homeowners can achieve their goals while attaining the best possible outcome.
Overall, Raad Buys Houses appears to be dedicated to building trust, offering fair deals, and ensuring homeowners receive a positive selling experience.
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We asked directions to the market. It was in the centre of the village, but there weren’t many stalls.
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Fish, meat, vegetables and crépes. That was it. That’s okay. The quality was good. We bought some salad stuff and went off to buy a baguette and some croissants for tomorrow’s breakfast. Hédé was very quaint. It had lots of small alleys leading off who knows where. We ventured up a couple.
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One of them hid this gem!
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Hédé being on a hill was strategically placed. The back end of the castle area, which presumably was a bit of a den if iniquity for the local youth, had been transformed to give them a purpose to visit. A skate park and basketball court. Good thinking
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Le Château de Hédé
Hédé has always been a strategic place. The castle would have been built on the site of a Roman castellum, on a rocky outcrop. The keep probably dates from the beginning of the 12th century and the enclosure from the end of the 14th century. The Montfort family owned the castle in 1168. The square tower is apparently a vestige prior to the passage of Henry II Plantagenêt in Brittany.
Can you tell that this is a translation? 🤷
Blanche of Navarre, Duchess of Brittany, who accompanied Saint-Louis to Tunis during the last crusade, died in 1283 in the castle of Hédé
In the middle of the 16th century, the castle was no longer in use and was in a sorry state. At the end of the 16th century, it was used during the wars of religion and occupied successively by the soldiers of Henri IV and by those of the ultra-Catholic league. Later the castle of Hédé became a haunt of bandits. In 1598, Henri IV signed the final condemnation of the castle. The current state of the keep testifies to the use of its stones in the 19th century for the construction of bourgeois houses.
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velocityhomebuyer · 1 year
We Buy Houses St. Louis
Put Your Home In The Best Hands: Work With The Pros At Velocity Home Buyers!
When you start looking for Sell My House St Louis services, you want the entire process to be as straightforward and stress-free as possible. Sometimes you also don't want to spend money on necessary repairs or renovations to make your home more attractive to buyers. That's why you should look into working with the pros at Velocity Home Buyers! 
Velocity Home Buyers are experienced professionals who specialize in buying homes just as they are — no repairs, no renovations necessary. We Buy Houses in St Louis as it is!
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It can save you time and money, valuable resources for selling a home. You won't have to worry about an unpredictable market or potential buyers backing out at the last minute. 
How Does It Work?
Selling your home through Velocity Home Buyers is simple and straightforward. It only takes on only three steps:
1. Submit Your Home's Information: First, tell us about your home and what you are looking for. We'll use the information to make a fair cash offer on your property - usually within 24 hours of the initial submission. 
2. No obligation, no fee offers: The fair cash offer we provide you for We Buy Houses St. Louis is free and comes with no strings attached. You are under no obligation to accept the offer or take further action. 
You also don't need to worry about repairs, renovations, or home staging. We buy homes "as is" so you can sell quickly and conveniently. 
3. Quick Closing Process: If you decide to move forward with Velocity Home St Louis Home Buying service, we'll work hard to close the sale quickly - usually within seven to ten days. After that, you can find peace of mind knowing that your home is in good hands! 
Why Velocity Home Buyers?
At Velocity Home Buyers, we aim to help people get out of sticky situations by buying their homes fast and at fair prices. 
We are experienced professionals who understand the market dynamics and strive to guarantee satisfaction for buyers who want to get rid of their old house for personal or professional reasons. 
So, if you're looking for a fast and hassle-free way to sell your home, look no further than Velocity Home Buyers. Our experienced professionals are ready to help you make the best decision for your situation - so don't hesitate to get in touch today! 
With our quick closing process and stress-free approach, we guarantee you'll be happy with our We Buy Houses St. Louis services. 
Let us show why We Buy Houses Saint Louis is the best choice for selling your home!
Find Us On Google Map (Velocity Real Estate Investments, LLC)
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webuyhousesstlouis · 1 year
What need to I Do To promote My residence fast St Louis rapid? earlier than identifying to sell your St Louis residence, don't forget whether or not or not your house would require that capacity client make maintenance? whilst it is probably tempting to sincerely accept a decrease provide, it’s essential to remember the fact that a purchaser’s willingness to cope with any problems can damage the sale. ultimately, you don’t need to sell your house for less, however you can must compromise for a quick sale.
whilst promoting to a coins for the house consumer is the first-rate manner to promote fast, maximum cash for homebuyers in St. Louis, low ball sellers. often desperate sellers get the bottom gives because of the truth they want to promote the residence as-is. The simplest positive way to avoid this is to discover a sincere coins-for-home looking for organisation as a way to now not attempt to low-ball you, and that’s where we are available in.
we are the maximum professional St. Louis cash home customers and don’t waste a while with lowball offers. We offer critical cash because we're a intense cash-for-home buying enterprise.
sell My house speedy sell St Louis – Do You locate your self In An uncommon Housing situation? Are you facing job loss, divorce, perhaps a switch, otherwise you can not keep up with payments? Do you often ask, “how do I promote my house rapid?”
The fact is that as a assets owner, you will probable discover yourself in a as an opportunity uncommon scenario with a domestic that desires to be liquidated short.
in the course of the past 15 years of purchasing houses, we’ve sold houses in all kinds of situations. We’ve happily handled homes that had peeling paint, doorways that have been falling off the hinges, broken roof tiles, and a few roofs with holes. some of the homes we bought had squatters. In each example, us buying that much much less than perfect domestic meant we had been relieving the home owner of a splendid deal of strain. further, it additionally meant that the owner of a house may want to circulate on with their existence ASAP.
We Buy Houses St Louis and have a popularity for presenting a dependable provider. In fact, our crew will manage the complete domestic looking for technique as quickly as you settle to promote.
Why are We the leading Saint Louis domestic buyers? at the same time as you pick to sell your own home to us, its situation does not depend. we are capable of offer you a fair rate based totally on current-day marketplace costs and the scenario of your private home. That’s how you can sell your house speedy, in a hassle-free way.
anticipate you're like most of the property owners we’ve purchased from. in that case, the very last element you need is having to cope with huge equipped intervals, paying hefty realtor commissions, and going through the irritating way of selling a home.
What if we informed you that there was a manner to promote your house with out price? without hiring 8261261b8ee23b46c3c262a065603e2e real property answers! also, there's no want to attend a long term and go through the painful way of getting to reveal your home to dozens of strangers within the wish of getting a high-quality provide.
You don’t understand how a lot cash you have to spend to give your private home a sellable look. you may ought to give up more money for other incidental expenses which have been adding up regularly beneath your nose. Incidental charges like legal charges which can be associated with the property sale and inheritance sale, or the fee of maintaining ownership of the belongings at the identical time as it's far being offered, and plenty of others.
while you choose us to promote your St Louis MO home fast, we are capable to shop for your home as is and also you don’t should spend for the ones incidental prices. From us, you surely gets a trustworthy provide and you could preserve the whole sale amount.
additionally, consider retaining 100% of the sale rate in region of paying up to 10% in the manner of final prices. similarly, you don’t must pay a realtor’s price, pay for renovation, pay call expenses, and renovations. finally, you don’t want to pay us anything to get a straightforward coins offer. You also are below no duty to simply accept our provide or promote to us.
you could promote your own home in as few as 10 days! we've got sold houses nicely well worth tens of thousands and thousands inside the beyond decade, making us one of the most sincere coins-for-domestic customers in the city with an A+ rating with the aid of the usage of the BBB.
want to get a suggestion? experience unfastened to the touch us these days, offer us as masses detail approximately your St Louis residence, and we’ll shoot you a proposal! It’s that simple.
The leading home shoppers St Louis The fact is that promoting your house through placing it to be had available on the market does not paintings for anyone. we're the main coins for domestic searching for company and will buy houses in any scenario. As actual estate investors, we buy those homes to resell them or use them as rental belongings after spending a fortune on renovations.
whether or not or now not your home is in horrible shape otherwise you want coins to cowl exceptional fees, you may anticipate us to make certain which you receives a commission inside the shortest time feasible! moreover, we make selling actual property a short procedure.
need to get an offer to sell fast? want to find out greater about how we buy homes during Missouri? experience loose to name us nowadays or fill out our brief shape above. Our team might be greater than happy to discuss the entirety with you.
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teenageread · 2 years
Review: the Bridge of Little Jeremy
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Jeremy’s mother is about to go to prison for their debt to the State. He is trying everything within his means to save her, but his options are running out fast.
Then Jeremy discovers a treasure under Paris.
This discovery may save his mother, but it doesn’t come for free. And he has to ride over several obstacles for his plan to work.
Meanwhile, something else is limiting his time…
Jeremy has a heart condition that keeps him out of school and allowed to roam around Ile Saint-Louis and the heart of Paris. Accompanied by his faithful German shepherd, Leon, Jeremy and Leon look for a way to save Jeremy’s mother from the police. See, Jeremy and his mother could not afford a house on Ile Saint-Louis, and only lived there because Jeremy’s grandparents left his mother their house. So when the inheritance taxes began to want their claim of Mom’s inheritance, those were prices they could not afford. Avoiding the bailiff who has come to repossess their furniture, Jeremy knows he needs to make money fast. Known for his art, Jeremy teams up with his friend Paolo to sell some of Jeremy's work to tourists. Doing his daily exploring, Jeremy stumbles upon a great treasure that, if done correctly, could save his mother from jail time, and provide Leon the life he deserves. Yet, not everyone is looking out for Jeremy, especially his own body. As Jeremy's heart struggles to keep up with Jeremy’s and Leon’s adventures, his mother pushes for surgery, with the hopes of making Jeremy’s life normal again, one that it has not been for a long time. 
Indrajit Garai writes this innocent eye narrative of a little boy named Jeremy, his dog Leon, and the adventures they have in downtown Paris. Where many books have Paris as the setting, none tells it like Garai who un-romanticizes the city, showing the true life of what it means to live here, especially for those who cannot afford it. This book has a central plotline of inheritance tax, taxes you pay on something you inherit, which causes problems for Jeremy’s mother, who cannot afford to pay these taxes on the house she was given. With Jeremy's dad dying in military service, we see a single mom trying to provide for her medically ill son. Garai should have written her to be a supermom, strong and independent; yet the mother Garai writes about seems to be weak, passive, and truly does need her son’s help to pay for things. Jeremy as a character was a strong, independent child, which is how he and Leon ended up in a lot of situations, not many young boys do. You can see his loyalty to those he calls close to him, like his worry over Paolo, and his protectiveness over his mother and their neighbor whom Jeremy calls a pervert. With a strong friendship towards his dog, Jeremy and Leon’s relationship was the star of the show. Unfortunately, where the characters rock, the plot was slow, as Garai took their time with Jeremy and his other adventures, making the entire book seem like a stroll. It was just a hard plot to care about, as the looming threat of Jeremy’s mother going to jail was never a real threat, of mom spending a night in jail or a midnight escape, it was a hard reason to keep moving on with the story. The side plots were also either non-existent or more boring than the main plot, making the story difficult to finish. With a horrible ending, Garai pulls the heartstrings for no reason, making you madder than sad with the way they end things. This is a solid okay novel, not one to remember, but a cute one to read if you are in for the hardships of this economy, and what it is doing to people in Paris.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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velocityhomebuyer · 1 year
Home Buyers St Louis
Looking To Sell Your Home? Here's How To Find The Right Home Buyers!
A home is one of the most important aspects of life, and it can mean so much to those who inhabit it. It is a place for love, laughter, and comfort – a haven from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. 
But sometimes, life takes unexpected turns, and it can become necessary to sell a home. It can be a stressful experience, and getting the right St Louis House Buyers for your home is essential. 
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If you're looking to sell your home, here are some tips for finding the right home buyers:
1. Research Your Market:
Before putting your home on the market, it's important to know who the potential St Louis Home Buyers in your area are. Certain companies specialize in buying houses as it is, so it's a good idea to look into these options. 
It will not only save you time and money in necessary repair work, but it will also ensure you get the best price for your home.
2. Reach Out To Local Real Estate Agents:
Your local real estate agents will have a good understanding of the local market, and what types of buyers are looking to purchase homes in your area. It is worth calling them up and asking questions about how they can help you find a buyer. 
They can provide you with contact information for potential buyers or direct you toward other options that could be beneficial in finding the right home buyers. 
3. Look for estate agents that offer Free Cash Offer:
If you are in a rush to sell your home, look for estate agents that offer free cash offers. This deal allows the buyer to purchase the property with no commission fees or hidden costs, making it much easier for both parties involved. 
5. Work with a Company with No Obligation and No Fees Offers:
Some companies provide cash offers with no obligations or fees if you're in a bind and need to sell your home quickly. 
Home Buyers St Louis will provide the relief of selling your home fast -- but it also offers immediate cash, so you don't have to wait around for financing solutions.
Plus, these services specialize in helping people who find are facing foreclosure or other financial worries and can provide you with the cash you need to stay afloat.
Selling your home can be a stressful experience. But with the right knowledge and preparation, you can make it much easier for yourself to find the right buyers and get the best possible deal. 
By taking the time to research your market and reach out to local real estate agents specializing in We Buy Houses St Louis MO services, you'll be in a much better position to sell your home successfully. 
So why wait? Start searching We Buy Houses St. Louis home buyers today, and ensure you get the best deal possible! 
Find Us On Google Map (Velocity Real Estate Investments, LLC)
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