#We are here to help you make your loved ones smile; we are the messengers of happiness devoid of any hassles. Whether it is a midnight deli
luveline · 7 months
hiii jadey <3 i’ve been having a bit of a rough time in college lately and i was wondering if you’d be willing to write some bombshell!reader where spencer talks about being bullied in high school and maybe bombshell can relate? even if not, just a lot of comfort please? i hope you’re doing well!! <333
ty for ur request!!! fem
It’s a blessing and a curse whenever you come around. Spencer’s thinking he hadn’t seen you in a while when your text lights up his screen, a summoning if there ever was one. 
Hi Spencer, I need some help with my laptop. It turns out for about ten seconds and then turns off again. Do you think you can fix it?
He has no idea. Probably. Do you want me to come by SCU? 
No need
“Spencer!” you say, practically glowing as you drop your messenger bag on his already crowded desk. “Sorry, that’s so heavy.”
“You’re here,” he says, surprised. 
You lean down to hug him in his chair. Spencer can’t ignore that he likes every part of you, your arms as they wrap around his shoulders, the perfume on your neck as you touch your cheek to his, even the soft exhale of your breath by his ear. “Hi, Dr. Reid,” you say gently. “Missed you. So happy my laptop isn’t working ‘cos now I get to see you.” 
You pull away with a grin. Your lips are a shade of pink that Spencer won’t soon forget.
“That was fast.” 
“So fast,” you say. “You know I love an excuse to see you and to not be at work.” 
You work very hard, but you’re like anyone. Stealing time is fun and free. “You’re not gonna get in trouble, right?” 
“With who? Hotch doesn’t care if I’m here and Sandy,” —you full body shiver at the mention of your boss— “won’t notice I’m gone for another hour. Besides, I can’t have a broken laptop. They’re pretty cool, right?”
“Yeah, I like them. I just need the WiFi to work everywhere.” You squint at him. “Is that something you can do?” 
Spencer cannot make the WiFi work everywhere you go, but he can soft reset your laptop after a short investigation of the problem. It takes about five minutes, in which you steal Morgan’s chair and get comfortable next to him, legs crossed, hand resting open on your thigh. “You’re so smart. I bet you were very popular in high school.” 
He laughs, startled, a horrible sinking feeling moving through his chest. “What? Why would you think that?”
“‘Cos you’re a genius at everything, right? I bet you were always helping people with their homework.” 
His lips last. He doesn’t know what to say. “I don’t think I talked to anyone in high school who didn’t want to hang me at the top of a flag pole,” he says honestly. 
Your lovely smile falls flat. “What?” 
“I skipped a couple of grades, so I was younger than everybody, and I wasn’t well liked. I was actually bullied pretty badly.” He laughs again with that same brittle panic. He’s talking without thinking, it just spilled out, it’s spilling still, “I used to get beat up for breathing wrong.” 
You’re quiet. Spencer panics worse because why has he told you that? You’re so sweet to him but that doesn’t mean you wanted to know about his worst moments, he can practically feel the affection you had for him melting away as you realise he’s a loser, he’s pathetic–
“I was bullied too,” you say, giving him a tentative smile. “All the way through high school and a little bit after that, too. Maybe that’s why we get along so well, huh?” 
He looks at his hands. “You were?” 
“Yep.” He can hear the strain of wanting to sound normal. “I mean, I didn’t get beat up, Spencer, that’s awful and I’m– I’m so sorry.”
You’re the last person he’d ever want an apology from, because you’re one of the only people he’s ever met who likes him as he is. You could never make him hurt the way he did back then. High school was years ago and it lingers like it happened yesterday. “I can still remember the stuff they used to say to me,” he says. 
“I got made fun of for so much stuff,” you agree. “Boys I didn’t even know would berate me in the halls for just being there. I got called ugly so much I genuinely believed I was for years.” 
“You’re not ugly,” he says immediately. 
“I know.” 
He nods thoughtfully. “It’s hard trying to forget about it. I think if people knew how much I carry with me from then they’d tell me to let it go, but I can’t.” 
“You don’t have to let it go, Spence, so long as you know it’s not your fault it happened.” 
You offer your hand. Spencer stares at it. You wiggle your fingers and he thinks, Oh, grasping it quickly, before you change your mind. Your fingers slide between his and you rub the back of his hand with your thumb, smiling approvingly, eyes crinkled with pleasure. 
“They don’t know what they missed,” you say, a hint of shyness in your voice that’s swiftly covered by your usual confident drawling, “they had unfiltered and unadulterated access to the Spencer Reid, n’ I have to pretend my laptops broken just to see you. So crazy.” 
You give his hand a good squeeze.
“It was sort of broken,” he says as you take your hand back. He’s sure his brain is broken too. 
“Nah, it always does that. I just give it a love tap and it fixes it again.” 
“A what?” He laughs so loudly it turns heads. His crush on you turns to full blown infatuation.
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juletheghoul · 2 months
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a/n: I'm as shocked as you probably are with posting a full chapter today, along with a pretty extensive ask on Friday but here we are. I don't know why this character has inspired such devotion and creativity in me but I am not going to question it. This might be the most toxic chapter yet lol and If you aren't into it. no hard feelings! This is un beta-ed, any mistakes are my own. Shout out to @foli-vora for being a light in a pretty rough week, and for listening to all of my rants and tangents. Love you girlie! 🩷Hopefully you enjoy!
Warnings; 18+ no minors, vague but big-legal age gap, piv sex, dirty talk, gladiatorial violence, exhibitionism, Marcus being a possessive, jealous mess, creampie, heavily leaning into the ownership aspect of their 'relationship', master / slave dynamic (power imbalance), Marcus calls reader Girl, reader calls Marcus Dominus, let me know if I missed any!
Pairing: Marcus Acaciusx F!Reader
word count: 2.7k
reblogs are appreciated
Prev chapter Masterlist series masterlist
The sun rose, much like it did on every other day, and you rose with it. 
With a yawn and a stretch you dressed, cursing at the way your tunic tattered at the seams. You’d have to mend it later, you made a mental note to remember as you rushed to start on your chores for the day. 
You found him splashing water from the jug and basin in his room, and moved quickly and quietly to help him dress for the day ahead. Silently he moved throughout the room, letting you adjust his clothes so they looked their best, he let you push his hair into place and to take the basin to be emptied while he made his way to his study. The sun was still high in the sky when the messenger came for him, bringing him the invitation from the Emperor himself to oversee the gladiatorial games in honour of his victory. His brow furrowed at the news, he would be in the pulvinus with the Emperor along with other Romans of proper birth. 
He didn’t take the news well, to him it was a folly. He had absolutely no wish to be celebrated, as far as he was concerned, his march into the city had been more than enough but he could not deny the invitation. So with a clench in his jaw and a number of frustrated sighs, he accepted, and set about making the preparations. 
The day of the games came and as his constant shadow, you followed to see to his needs and to pour for him. It was difficult to keep the excitement in check, every so often you’d glance down to your new tunic, bright white with details of gold to match your Dominus. Despite your many years of service, none of the people you’d served before had ever brought you to the arena, let alone in the presence of the Emperor, or in such a high seat as the pulvinus. Your march through the city towards the Colosseum was filled with cheers and the screams of people clamoring to see the General of the Roman army up close. 
He did his duty, waved and smiled for their benefit despite his great discomfort, and you did your duty as well–kept your head down, and your attention on him. 
The pulvinus was blessedly covered by rich fabrics, shielding the esteemed guests and slaves alike from the unforgiving rays of the sun. With his cup full, and his attention with the Emperor, you used the moment of reprieve to take in the sights. The opening games had come and gone and now the main event was to start. The gladiators filed out and took their place, awaiting the words that would set them on their path of violence. 
They were a mixed batch of fighters, all of them fearsome in their own way. There was a small, stocky one, his face was all anger and his arms were covered in scars. There was one that towered over them all, his arms and legs long enough to keep anyone from getting too close. There were twins, both of them smiling for the crowd, clearly favoured from the cheers they inspired. There was another, and he was the one that drew your eye. His hair was black as coal with eyes to match and although on the leaner side, the strength in his limbs was obvious. His sword hand flexed at the hilt and you watched him twirl the weapon, test its weight before he looked up to the pulvinus, in truth he reminded you of your Dominus; twenty years younger. 
He smiled up in your direction and your stomach twisted, for a moment you imagined your Dominus down in the sand, fighting for the crowd and it thrilled you. You imagined meeting him as a younger man, what he might have been like, what might he think of you?
“Girl.” His voice cut through your musing, his cup outstretched and you stumbled for only a heartbeat, imperceptible to anyone but him. His eyes tracked what had distracted you, and found the young Gladiator smiling still, and said nothing. His mood soured though and at once you chastised yourself for letting the arena distract you.  
Marcus introduced the main games, the Primus, and he did so without flair, without embellishment but it mattered not, the people screamed and the men before you fought for their lives against a myriad of challengers. You kept your eye on your Dominus, on his cup but the young gladiator –Varus– kept drawing your attention, he looked so like your General that you idly wondered if he could be his son, could he have fathered him during his younger years? It was known to happen, did he see the resemblance? Did anyone?
Varus is relentless, and despite making sure your Dominus’ needs are met your eyes track him, enraptured. It is difficult to be sure who it is he smiles at when he glances up in your direction, it is most likely the high-born Roman women. His skill is undeniable, and again your thoughts drift to a younger, wilder Marcus, would your general have given you those smiles so brazenly at that age?
“He does like to put on a show does he not?” One of the high born ladies remarks and you cannot help but watch as Varus laughs, cutting down those who challenge him with ease, even as some of his brothers fall. “Look how he smiles, he is of a form today.” They giggle between themselves as he points his sword in tribute towards them, or you, or the Emperor, it is hard to tell. 
“He definitely draws the eye.” Marcus speaks, agreeing with them, but you hear his displeasure and when you meet his eyes they are already focused on you. Your stomach drops at the look of displeasure on his face, your momentary lapse had not been taken lightly. Heat and embarrassment fill you to the brim and from then on your eyes find themselves downcast. “More wine, girl.” His tone is colder than you’ve ever heard it, enough to set your nerves alight. 
“Yes Dominus.” Your tone, in turn, is demure and humble and you pray to the Gods that you get through the games without embarrassing him further.
Varus and the twins stand victorious, and the crowd loves them for it, enough to shake the ground with their cheers but you keep your head down. With your error, you expected Marcus to excuse himself and make his way home once the games were over but it wasn’t to be. The Emperor had arranged for his guests to exchange words with the victors, and so down into the sand you went, following where your Dominus went on shaky legs. 
Up close, Varus was taller than your General, but not by much. He was strong, and lean, and covered in blood and gore, it did nothing to take away from his allure. It didn’t seem to bother him, if anything, it only made him more appealing. The resemblance was there, not as close as you’d imagined but there was something there, in the profile, in the gaze, he was a handsome man, but no one held a candle to Marcus in your eyes. 
The Emperor bestowed words of congratulations, and they bowed dutifully. Varus smiled, boldly, unbothered by the ire of your Dominus, his eyes wandered and when they found you they raked over your form unabashedly. He drank in the sight of your thighs through the slit in your tunic, in the curve of your neck and although you had no real interest in this man, you couldn’t help but fidget. 
Your Dominus clenched his jaw, but offered his good will all the same, albeit in a curt manner and once the pleasantries were exchanged, you were blessedly away from the arena, and off towards the villa once more. He’s eerily quiet on the trek back home, even for him and although he’s usually quite forgiving despite his gruff exterior, you pray to the Gods that you haven’t offended him past the point of return. His horse whinnies underneath him while you and his personal guard follow behind, and all at once he is off his horse and handing off the reins. 
“Come girl, I have business here.” He barely looks at you, but you rush to follow where he leads, down a quiet street away from the chaos of the day. You have to take two steps for every one of his in order to stay close. You take it as a good sign, that he calls on you to attend to him after the business in the pulvinus, and you steel yourself to serve to the best of your ability in whatever possible way he may need. He winds through different alleys and it takes a moment for you to wonder idly just where exactly he needs to go before you find yourself pressed up against the wall. 
“Have you grown tired of your Dominus?” His hand wrapped around your throat, pressing you up against the wall. Not tight enough to cut off your breath, but tight enough to make you stand on the tips of your toes. His eyes were cold as frost, but there was passion laced through his words as well as rage. 
“No Dominus–”
“Do. Not. Lie.” His grip tightened for only a second, “Do you think me blind, girl? I saw the way you watched Varus.” The gladiator's name was a curse and for a moment you frowned at him, was this jealousy?
“Dominus, I could never, I was merely distracted–” You brought your hands up, trying vainly to soothe him with gentle touch but the anger burned hot within him, and he stepped closer, kicking your legs apart to press his knee between them. 
“Yes, distracted by him, he caught your eye. Do you desire him?” You felt your heart racing, thumping against his palm at your throat, “Tell me girl, have you forgotten that you belong to me? Do you wish to belong to another?”
“No Dominus! Only you, I–I could not help but notice Varus–” His jaw clenched at the sound of the other man's name upon your tongue. “Because, because he resembled you, Dominus.”
His anger faltered for a moment, but the frown remained, and so you continued. 
“He looked so like you Dominus, and I couldn’t help but imagine you at that age, fighting and smiling at me. I do not desire anyone else, I do not wish to belong to anyone else.” You brought your hands up, tentatively placing one upon his at your throat, and the other on his chest. 
“Did that excite you? Do you wish me to be younger?” There was a vulnerability in his eyes then, obscured by anger but shining through all the same and had he been anyone else, you might have laughed at the absurdity of his complex. 
“It only excited me, to imagine you smiling at me, fighting for me Dominus. I do not wish you to be any other way.” Your hands moved in tandem, one stroking at his arm softly, the other sliding down his chest, towards where his passion grew and pressed against your hip. “Look into my eyes and see the truth in my words, I belong to you, mind, body and soul, only you.” His grip loosened, but he didn’t let go.
“Can you not see how much I desire you? How my heart beats only to the tune of your pleasure?” He isn’t unaffected by your words, you see him drink them down like a fine wine, and he sighs heavily at the feel of your palm on his manhood. “Take me, here and now Dominus, my want for you drips onto my thighs.” 
His eyes close and a heavy breath escapes his lips and you see your chance, you see the tiny fracture in his armor. “May I have your mouth Dominus?” You pulled him closer, while guiding his free hand to the Elysian fields between your legs. His fingers slipped under your coverings and found you wet and wanting and all at once his violence is coloured with passion instead of anger. 
“You will never belong to another, do you understand me girl?” Frantically he pulls at your tunic, moving it up, and pulling the neck down to bare your breasts to him, uncaring of the people who happen by. 
“You are mine, all of you, is mine.” His mouth pressed to yours roughly, stealing the breath out of your lungs. Your hands fumbled at his robes, joining in his madness and releasing his cock. He doesn’t let you touch it however, instead he turns you around and pulls your hips out. You hear him spit into his hand before lining himself up at the mouth of your sex, barely giving you a moment before burying himself to the hilt. 
You can’t help but moan and hold onto his arms, the grit of the wall pressed up against your face. His hand wrapped around your throat once more, holding you still while his hips drove forward, filling you over and over without respite, his other hand found your breast and held it tight, fanning the flames of your arousal for him. 
“This cunt—“ his mouth pressed against your ear, breathing harshly with the force of his exertion, “is mine, mine alone.” The moan clawed its way out from your throat, that he would be this affected by a simple glance should have scared you, but it didn’t. It only made your arousal flow like seawater.
Your cunt was the altar of his devotion, and his prayers were violent.
“Yes Dominus, yours alone.” You pushed back, turning your face as best you could to look him in the eye and his expression pulled another sound from your throat. He was enraptured, eyes blown black and mouth slack as his hips drilled, bouncing against the plump flesh of your backside. “I want to look at you Dominus, I want your mouth–” He groaned, pulling out quickly to turn you back around and within a breath he had one of your legs wrapped around his hip, his hand holding it at the knee, and his cock buried deep. His other hand held you firm by the throat. 
“Tell me girl, tell me you’re mine, only mine.” There was a desperation in his voice that pulled at something within you, something tender despite his brusque movements. 
“I’m yours Dominus, I belong to you–” You threaded your fingers into his hair and yanked him close to you, your grip tight and he moaned, unabashedly, “I only ever want to be yours.”
His eyes close before his lips have found yours, and you feel the way his pace stutters, he is close and all at once you need to feel him spill inside, his need to stake his claim burning you up like a fever. You move one hand down to your sex, to the swollen bundle of nerves begging for attention, and with the other, you hold his hand to your throat. 
“Please Dominus, please fill me with your gift.” You moan the words out, and smile at the way he grinds himself deep with a low groan. The coil in your belly snaps as you feel him spill inside, and your flutters make him hiss, his mouth surging forward to claim yours hard enough to hurt but it matters not. Your heart and cunt are full with him just as it should be. 
His breath comes in pants as he removes his hand from your neck, and your breath hitches when he brushes his lips against your skin in silent apology. You know the moment will pass, and that soon, his mood will change and this interlude will end, as all interludes must but you seize the moment anyway, and pull his face up to meet his eyes. 
“I speak truth Dominus, my heart fills with joy to be yours.” Softly, you wrap your arms around his neck and bring him close, for a moment you are worried that as his blood cools, so does his passion for you but he proves you wrong, and lets you kiss him. More than that, he keeps kissing you as he set your robes to right with gentle hands before pulling out with a hiss. He does not respond, there is no need to, his eyes speak for him. 
Within a few heartbeats, the look is gone and his usual mask is back in place. 
“Come girl, let us away.”
“Yes Dominus.” 
Tag list: @frannyzooey @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @sherala007 @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @maxwell--lord @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi  @stevie75 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @pedritoispunk @studythoreauly @missswriter @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @deadhumourist @felicisimor @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @localddreamers @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @recklessworry @heyitmelexie @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl @chemtrail-mix @breezythesimp @altarsw @artooies-scream @staygolddindjarin @softsweetedbeauty @littlemisspascal @yuiopiklmn @squidwell @just-blogging-around @bbyanarchist @girlofchaos @maddiedrmr @frasmotic @acourtofsnakes @buckybarneshairpullingkink @astoryisaloveaffair @harriedandharassed  @shirks-all-responsibilities @androah @alwaysachorusgirl @dindjarinsmut @captain-jebi @gallowsjoker @tusk89 @dadbodfanatic-x @naiomiwinchester @blazedprince @avidreader73 @mr-underhills-things @avengersfan25 @tastygoldentaters @nyotamalfoy @mymindfuckery @its-nebuleuse @missladym1981 @inept-the-magnificent @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @ladyofmidlo72 @greenvita
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pumpkinbxtch · 5 months
hello, a request please, from apollo x readerposeidon, how does apollo react if hermes tries to flirt with his girlfriend reader (hermes just wants to bother his older brother)
• this is a message for THAT nereid!
— apollo x daughter of poseidon!reader
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warnings: none
a/n: Hi baby. here's your apollo crew being jealous there's nothing more like him than that.
Apollo started biting his nails as soon as he heard your laughter echoing in his dining room, which he found stupid because it was HIS dining room and you were laughing with another guy right in his face. Well, it was not just another guy, it was his brother, which made it a million times worse.
His visits used to be enjoyable, now not so much.
— So, ¿what do you say? — Hermes asked, winking at you, and Apollo wondered about the sudden need to make his life miserable by looking you in that way.
Your lips painted another smile as you playfully shook your head, glancing sideways at your boyfriend, who was struggling not to throw the vase at his brother's face. Honestly, it amused you. “This is for all the times you let that Nereid flirt with you in front of me,” you thought, it was your perfect revenge, and with his brother willing to play along, they were hitting the nail on the head.
— Hmm. What do you say, darling? We can stay in that house for the summer. It's close to the water, and I think it would help me train while waiting for the swimming tryouts.
Apollo forced a smile and nodded silently, if he spoke, he'd surely yell. Hermes played with the crystal glass and leaned slightly towards you.
— Even if my brother can't be with you all the time, you can go on your own — he said, looking at his brother, pretending to be kind, and Apollo felt his blood boil. — I'll keep an eye on her for you, brother.
Apollo scoffed — I don't want you keeping any eye on my girlfriend, thanks.
The double entendre floated between you, and you pressed your lips together, trying not to smile.
Hermes ran his hand through his black curls while making loops with his hand, trying to find words to elaborate. That was exasperating, Apollo thought he was just trying to look dashing. For his misfortune, his brother kept talking.
— I think it'll be fine, she needs it for her training, after all, right? — He turned to you with the blue eyes that every son of Zeus seemed to possess. — Although, they should fear you from now on, doll.
Apollo choked at that word and drew both of your attention.
— Is everything alright, Apollo? — Hermes smiled maliciously, and the sun god remembered the stupid rule that whoever gets angry first loses.
— Nothing — Apollo replied, snapping his fingers to start the music. maybe breaking that stupid tension.
When “The Girl Is Mine” by Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney started, you were close to crack up. You couldn’t believe him.
— I love this song, little bro — Hermes hummed while drumming his fingers on the glass table, passing over the message on purpose.
“'Little bro'? I'm the older one,” Apollo thought, annoyed. He couldn't wait to kick that idiot out of his mansion.
The part with the ex-beatle began, and the messenger of the gods leaned closer and starting to sing to you.
— I love you more than he… — Hermes winked at you.
— Okay, enough — Apollo exclaimed, standing up and covering his brother's mouth with his hand. He kept singing even as his voice died in your boyfriend's palms.
 Apollo growled and shot you a furious look before disappearing with him in a golden dust.
As you were left alone in the dining room, you burst into laughter and took a sip of water, impressed by your brother-in-law's performance.
Footsteps echoed in the hallway, and you masked your smile with a serious expression.
 Apollo dusted off his hands and sat back down, his eyes fixed in the center of the table. You cleared your throat and casually propped one leg up on the chair, playing with your hair as you listened to him rant.
— And tell me, my love —your voice echoed through the palace vaults, — how does it feel? — In the midst of those emotions that had him on the edge of a psychotic episode, that question caught him off guard. You raised your eyebrows sanctimoniously and smiled smugly.
— You! — He pointed at you accusingly, and you ran off giggling.
As he tried to catch up with you, he heard the echoes of the palace bringing the reason you played along with his brother's stupid game: “Tell that damn Nereid to screw off, you're mine!” And the brake on his heels, now fearing you'd walk back to him.
Okay, you won. Definitely, Apollo wouldn't even talk to a rock if it kept you from flirting with his brother again.
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megistusdiary · 2 years
giving tighnari an aphrodisiac while you’re hanging out so he’ll sleep with you cause you have a bit of a huge crush on him, but you severely miscalculate how long it’ll last for so you end up stuck underneath him, pussy aching from his neverending thrusts and his cum flowing out, telling you how much he’s in love with you and your cunt and hoping that this never ends. mission accomplished?
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ok sorry i have been gone so long. i actually just finished a monster of a chem report and i am in the mood to write so lets do this >:)
this turned out really long my god- i got really into meaningless plot and dialogue i am so sorry, there's like 1 minute of smut.
also, because i like to keep it consensual, we are gonna say tighnari was already dtf and he knew exactly what those petals do 😏
warnings: rough-dom!tighnari and sub!fem anatomy/pronouns reader
aphrodisiac usage (reader didn't know it was an aphrodisiac she gave tighnari), overstimulation, a lot of cum (unsafe sex 👎), biting, mating press, friends to lovers 🥵🥵, fingering/oral, also mentions of venti because he is your mondstat friend but he is wild
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"and you're sure this is legit?" you asked, brows furrowing as you observed the petals in your palm.
"of course i'm sure, are you seriously doubting a professional?" venti grinned as you pursed your lips. "guaranteed to make even the most stoic swoon." venti pressed his hand to his forehead dramatically.
"alright, alright, i trust you." you carefully pocket the preserved blooms as venti eagerly bounces on his heels. you sigh deeply. "okay, one bottle on me, but that's it- diluc charges an arm and a leg these days."
it had been about a week since that conversation on your last day in mondstat. you originally went for research purposes and catching up with some old friends. sure, you expected a few souvenirs but not 'love blooms.'
you inspected the petals on your desk, trying desperately to focus on your reports.
when you told venti about your little (massive) crush on tighnari, venti was delighted to help you in the most venti way possible. by offering you flowers that make your crush fall in love with you.
because what other advice would that bard give?
you had your doubts, but part of you was intrigued to find out if they were real. you didn't want to test the tea on just anyone in case these blooms really did have some magic in them. or maybe you were just overthinking this. what if-
a soft knock on the wood of your door stirred you from your thoughts as you jumped up from your desk, knocking some of your papers off the surface.
"come in!" you call out, seeing tighnari peek his head around the corner of the wall. "tighnari! what are you doing here?"
tighnari greeted you with a small wave, carrying a basket in his arms. "i apologize for intruding so late, i originally meant to drop this off earlier. but you were asleep when i came by, and i didn't want to disturb you." tighnari smiled sheepishly, and you missed the soft blush dusting his cheeks in the low light from your lamp.
"oh, that's fine! it's great, no worries." you laughed awkwardly. "so, what's in there?" you pointed at the basket as he carefully opened the top.
"collei made it for you. she was feeling good this week, said it was the cooler weather and fresh air. she collected some herbs and fungi, and i think some tea leaves she received from a friend visiting liyue." tighnari mumbled, sifting through the contents.
"tell her i said thank you-"
"you could always come over and tell her yourself, you know. being a messenger is hard work for a forest ranger." tighnari teased.
you smiled at him fondly, shaking your head. it wasn't that you didn't want to visit, on the contrary. you were just terrified of embarrassing yourself in front of tighnari and collei.
"well, i am free tomorrow afternoon, if that's an okay time?"
"sure, i would check with collei first, but i'm positive she's already asleep." he hummed, ears flicking atop his head.
you let the quiet linger for a moment before you cleared your throat. "since you came all this way, would you like to stay for some tea?" you suddenly panicked, reminding yourself it was almost dark out, and tighnari would surely want to go back home as soon as possible. "well, i mean, it's late, so that was a stupid thing for me to suggest. sorry."
"actually, if you don't mind having me, i would love to share some tea. i didn't bring anything to drink on the trek here, and i am embarrassed to admit i'm a bit parched." tighnari's tail curled up as you nodded.
"sure! have a seat, anywhere you like- just maybe not on the chair with all my stuff on it, sorry for the mess." you awkwardly shuffled towards the kitchen, pulling the kettle out to start boiling a pot of water.
and then, the wicked little voice of venti popped into your mind.
now would be the perfect time to test out those petals.
you blinked twice, eyes shifting over to your desk where the petals sat. you smacked your cheeks, shaking your head.
no, that would be a bad idea. you don't even know if they're legit. and what if they're actually poison. can you ever really trust venti's judgement with love potion flowers?
you took a deep breath, instead focusing on rummaging through your cabinet, allowing tighnari to slink around your room unnoticed.
he smiled softly as he gazed at your handwriting. it slowly got sloppier as time went on, hand cramping from writing page upon page.
the ink bottle he had purchased for you from inazuma sat on your desk, almost empty. he made a mental note to purchase more the next time he had the chance.
you had lined up your favorite pens and quills on the desk, your notebooks at the side, scratches and rips on the cloth covers, and-
tighnari arched an eyebrow, glancing over to where you were in the kitchen, busy with digging for decent tea leaves.
he carefully picked the package up, bringing it up towards his face to waft the scent into his nose.
familiar and sweet. the saccharine petals had an aroma he had smelled before, though not from any plants in sumeru. it seemed familiar, like something from mondstat. perhaps he had read about it. something about legends.
tighnari frowned, deep in thought, tail bristling when he finally remembered. of course, mondstat tales of lovers. these flowers brought good luck for couples and those attempting to court their desired partners.
but why would you have them unless-
unless you were trying to court someone? tighnari frowned deeper at that thought.
his ears perked up as he heard you close the cabinets, walking into the room as he quickly situated himself on a chair, neatly folding his tail across his lap.
"sorry it took so long!" you smiled awkwardly. "it's brewing now, it'll just be a few minutes."
"take your time, don't stress yourself out over tea." tighnari shook his head, mentally cooing at your adorable expression when you scratched the back of your neck.
you glanced over at the desk, eyes focused on the petals as you thought of a way to get them without tighnari noticing.
of course, the minute you glanced away, he knew.
and that must mean-
you intended to use them on him? oh, tighnari wished he could say something.
but oh, was he intrigued to see where this path would lead...
and so, he conveniently stood up, excusing himself to the restroom and allowing you to rush and add the petals to the tea. he could hear you clumsily dumping them into his cup, crushing them up.
it was almost endearing in a way to think you wanted to use a love potion on him. how could you not realize you had tighnari wrapped around your finger.
if you had asked tighnari sweetly enough to visit mondstat with you, he would have. if you asked tighnari for another inazuman ink bottle, you'd have one by the next morning. if you asked tighnari to carry you back to his home to visit with collei, he would be more than happy to find a way to do so.
he waited just long enough for you to figure out the petal situation before walking out, adjusting his hair and tail. "oh, is the tea ready?"
"yes, you have perfect timing as always it seems." you laughed as tighnari sat down across from you.
you lifted the kettle, carefully pouring two cups of tea, setting the kettle down and moving his cup to his side. "there we go. i hope you like it- when i was in mondstat i got some flowers for the tea. my friend says they're supposed to be very sweet, and they make tea smooth." you lied through your teeth, praying to the archons that this love spell somehow did work.
you watched as tighnari lifted the cup to his lips, blowing on the liquid before tasting some. it was indeed sweet, unlike most of the bitter brews he makes. "it's very good. a unique sugary taste. maybe i'll have to visit mondstat myself." tighnari hummed, taking larger sips of the tea and watching as your eyes grew comically wide.
"wow, i'm glad you like it so much!" you raised your cup to your lips, feigning a sip as tighnari pretended not to notice. you brushed the hair away from your face, feeling hot as tighnari leaned in closer towards you.
your lips parted, though no words came out as tighnari's nose touched yours. "can i ask you something?"
"anything." you breathed out.
"did you really feel the need to give me a love potion? isn't it obvious i already like you?"
your mouth dropped as you scrambled backwards. "what- i, no, no i didn't- well...it's not what you think, i'm so sorry-"
"i'm not." tighnari shrugged, downing the cup. "i was waiting for you to realize how much i care for you. it isn't easy coming all the way here, you know. especially when it's dark. it isn't easy getting inazuman commodities or fancy sweaters from snezhnaya, you know."
tighnari's words made your face feel hot as you pressed your palms to your cheeks. "why didn't you just say something before?"
"because you're cute when you're flustered." tighnari admitted, surprised at his own boldness. maybe those petals really were affecting him differently due to his anatomy?
you let out a gasp, watching tighnari slowly approach you, crawling closer, almost like a predator stalking his prey.
"tighnari-" you called out to him, feeling him lean over you. his body was warm, radiating heat as you suddenly shook out of your stupor. "tighnari, you feel really hot- i mean warm! you must be sick or something, oh archons, what if i poisoned you. stupid, stupid, i knew i shouldn't have trusted venti." you tried to pull tighnari up, yet he wouldn't budge, instead firmly gripping your chin and tilting your head to look him in the eyes.
"i can tell that love potion isn't doing what you thought it would hm?" tighnari dragged his thumb across your lip, feeling you lean closer to him. "i planned this whole trip to confess to you, honestly. but i think this is a lot more exciting, don't you?"
"tighnari, i've never seen you like this before." you admitted, eyes starry as you gazed up at him. your thighs rubbed against eachother slightly as tighnari suddenly closed his eyes and groaned.
"fuck, i can smell your arousal." you watched as tighnari's pants slowly formed a tent, ears pressed back to his head.
his eyes opened, looking slightly different than before. he almost seemed feral in a way as he suddenly began tearing off your clothes, claws ripping through fabric as you clung onto his shoulders.
he pressed feverish kisses into your skin, pulling your core down against his lap and rutting against you while stripping your form.
how you ended up on your back, knees pressed to your chest was anyone's guess.
you had already come once from him fingering you, licking at your clit and rubbing against your g-spot in the most perfect way, sending you over the edge quickly.
now, he had you underneath him, cock pushing in and out of you at such a rapid pace it had your head spinning. tighnari was mumbling under his breath, almost growling as he fucked into you harshly, heavy balls slapping against your skin.
you cried out for him, tightening as he came deep inside of you. it was thick, dripping out of your hole as you tried to take shallow breaths, gasping as he suddenly started moving again. "what-"
"oh, someone miscalculated their dosage, hm?" tighnari laughed, pressing down harder on the backs of your thighs and fucking you with fervor, grinding into your sweet spot until he had you coming around his cock, trembling beneath him.
he gave you barely any time to recover, playing with your clit and fucking you faster as you sobbed for tighnari, body teetering between extreme pleasure but overstimulation.
you cried out his name, feeling his teeth press along the column of your neck. you arched, allowing him full access to the skin as he hummed his approval, biting down into your skin with the intent of leaving his mark.
you felt him collect the mix of your cum leaking around his dick before coming back to play with your clit, feeling your body shake as he threw you into another orgasm that sent him into his own, filling you up again. his cum leaked out from your hole, though he tried to use his dick to plug it up inside you.
tighnari growled, discontented with the way his cum flowed out of you. "it has to stay in there-" he huffed, beginning to fuck you again as you whined.
"tighnari, wait! slow down- i-"
tighnari silenced you by pressing a deep kiss onto your lips. "it's okay, dear. it's alright. you can take it, i know you can. be a good girl." he smiled, pressing deeper into you, gripping your body and leaving indents from his nails as he grinned wickedly. "good girl."
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shelbgrey · 4 months
Can i ask for a mark sloan x reader (kinda?) but mostly derek sheperd x reader (platonic)
She is younger than derek and she is his person and he is hers, it also helps that she never really had feelings or attraction to mark and always rejects him (maybe she likes someone else in the hospital?) and she is a major merder supporter
I love addison bit she had no right showing up to seattle the way she did💀
Being Derek Shepherd's person headcanons:
Paring: best friend!Derek x reader, Mark Sloan x crush!reader, love interest!Jackson Avery x reader
Summary: the reader is Derek's person and only wants Derek to be happy. Mark is in love with her, but she loves someone else.
A/n: sorry this is so short, I've just lost motivation to write this last few weeks
MasterList ML2
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You just couldn't understand how or why this happened, Addison cheated on Derek and now you were following him to Seattle.
You didn't expect Mark to do this, let alone Addison, but you took Derek's side like you knew he'd do for you.
Derek has been your best friend for as long as you could remember, you guys go way back. To the point you knew each other as kids. You were in the same class as Amilea and that's how you met.
But you didn't become friends through her like you'd expect. Amilea was actually really mean to you growing up. Derek nor the rest of the family knew Amilea messed with you everyday at school.
Derek only found out because Amilea was forced to invite you and her whole class to one of her birthday party's. Derek saw Amilea pushing you around and immediately put a stop to it. Even mark helped a little. Then you guys had sorta been best friends ever since.
Anyway, you moved to Seattle and it actually brought you two closer. He bought a trailer to live in and you got an apartment close by. You guys are close but not close enough to live in cramped trailer with him.
You actually loved the fact he found someone new. Meredith seemed to understand Derek better and he seemed to smile more when she's around.
You and Meredith actually became very good friends and you even lived with her and your other intern friends for a while.
You couldn't stand it when Addison showed up, and she had no right to show up the way she did. It hurt you to see Derek in this position. He wanted to do the right thing so badly.
You were the only one he could genuinely open up to without being judged. If your not good with advice that's okay, he's just thankful your there to listen.
You and Addison did used to be good friends, and you'd be lying if didn't say she was like a big sister to you. You never peged her as a cheater, but here we are.
But even though you had Derek's back through thick and thin, it's wasn't hard for you and Addison to fall back into the routine of your old friendship.
But there has been a few times you've become a messenger or they'd use you against each other.
“Hey, don't shoot the messenger Shep” you said rolling your eyes after passing a message to Derek from Addison.
Then fucking Mark showed up...
He's always flirted with you and even though it seems genuine with you, I think it pisses him off you don't fall into his charms like other women do.
You've always known Mark liked you, but unfortunately you never felt the same way. You knew deep down he was a sweet person, but you only saw him as a close friend.
The last time you regected him was when he started the affair with Addison.
But it's always been you in Mark's eyes and it he can't help but be crushed. I wasn't about sleeping with you anymore, it was more than that. He wants to he the one to make you happy, protect you, and wake up with you every morning.
“what's wrong with me? What I wouldn't give to have y/n look at me the way Meredith looks at you” Mark told Derek one day.
Derek has always been over protective of you. When you were a kid he protected you from bullies now he feels he needs to protect you from certain people at the hospital.
Usually he'd be pissed given the circumstances Mark and him were once in, but he couldn't help but feel nothing but sympathy for Mark. He had seen the way he looked at you. It wasn't the lustful look he gave Addison, but actual love.
But Derek wasn't gonna help set you and Mark up. He knew you didn't love Mark and he wasn't about to put you guys in a relationship that wasn't genuine.
What really crushed Mark was when you started showing interest in Jackson Avery. It was huge mental battle because he cared about you both so much.
You didn't realize this, you thought everything was good between you and Mark. You'd never intentionally hurt him. As far as you were concerned you, Mark, and derek had become this amazing trio again.
What you did know is you never felt this way before until you met Jackson. He was kind to you from the start and honestly loved that fact you wanted to be around him because he was just being himself and you weren't choosing to be around him because he was an Avery.
He'll even listen to you drool over him. “Jesus, you might as well jump his bones right now” he joked.
You were usually the shy one, but you actually stated flirting with him first, which he found adorable. “why have a Harper Avery Award when I have an actual Avery to hang out with... Those awards don't have your eyes”
Derek was actually glad you found someone like Jackson. He loved seeing you smile more and just be more up beat.
“can't help it, he's sweet and funny... And have you seen those eyes?”
Mark did learn to move on and when he found lexi he couldn't help but notice things about you and Jackson he hasn't before.
Like he saw the sparkle in your eyes every time you looked at Jackson. Mark notices the way Jackson treats you and cares for you.
He relised he's thankful your happy and in a loving relationship. He's happy too now, so there's no since at being jealous now.
Everything seemed to be at peace now, you had Jackson, Derek and Meredith got married on a post-it note, Mark had lexi, and Addison went to work at a private practice.
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callsign-rogueone · 8 months
by your side - b.d.
Bodhi Durran x girlfriend!reader Your friends suggest that your recent bouts of nausea might be something more, and it sends you into a spiral, but Bodhi is there for you, as always. [requested] wc: 1.1k 🏷: no spoilers this time? set toward the beginning of Iron Flame (his third year and yours). descriptions of vomit / nausea, anxiety, one (1) reference to sex. healthy established relationship between reader and Bodhi :) writing this one was fun because I know exactly how it feels (it sucks lmao)
“Don’t shoot the messenger,” Imogen says rather indelicately, patting your back as you heave into the grass at afternoon formation for the third time in three days, “but is there any way you could be…”
You blink once, twice, realizing what she’s implying, and the mere idea has your stomach turning again, but there’s nothing left in your system - you haven’t been able to keep food down for days.
“Imogen,” Sloane scolds from your other side, still holding your hair back from your face, “we agreed that now was not the time.”
You take measured sips from your waterskin, trying to rinse the acid from your throat, but the burning feeling doesn’t subside.
You look to Violet, who remains quiet as the grave.
“I agree that it’s a possibility,” she says carefully. “But either way, we’re here for you, and I know he will be too.”
Oh, gods. You hadn’t even considered having this conversation with Bodhi yet. What would you even say to him? Hey, I know we’re in military school and doing this whole double-agent-arms-dealing thing on the weekends and there’s a very real chance that neither of us will make it to next month, but I think I'm pregnant with your child?
The women you’ve come to regard as younger sisters can sense that you’re spiraling.
“He’s a good man,” Sloane says, rare praise from her, “and he loves you. You’ll find a way to get through this together, whatever it is.”
You’re too drained to argue, but that doesn’t stop the swirl of thoughts in your head. 
You, Bodhi, and a child.
Maybe in another life, where the both of you hadn’t been conscripted to Basgiath, and you weren’t in mortal danger all the time… but even then, you’re barely adults yourselves, and your parents won’t be able to help you from the grave. You’d be doing this entirely on your own.
You shake the feeling off. Today is a Saturday, one that you have free. You’ve completed your assignments already. You’ll try to sleep this off, you decide, and if that still doesn’t kick it, you’ll see a healer. 
Sleep comes easily with how exhausted you are, but it does not show you mercy.
Muscled arms cradle a bundle of blankets. You recognize the swirling pattern of Bodhi’s relic easily, having spent many nights tracing the black ink with your fingertips as you lay beside him in the afterglow.
There’s a soft sound of discomfort from the baby. “Shh, darling,” he soothes, rocking them gently. “We don’t want to wake your mama.”
A hand rests on his shoulder; Xaden’s. “She looks just like you,” he says quietly, a soft smile on his face. 
A tiny hand peeks from the blanket, stretching to grasp Bodhi’s finger, which now bears a silver wedding ring.
You shake yourself awake, heart pounding as you move to sit up.
There’s a knock at your door. “It’s me.” Bodhi.
“Come in,” you reply weakly, and you hear the lock click — the day you had moved in, Xaden helped you ward it so that only you and Bodhi could open the door, doing the same for Bodhi’s room down the hall.
“Vi said you weren’t feeling good, so I brought you dinner,” he says gently, sitting on the side of your bed and touching a hand to your cheeks. “No fever,” he observes, kissing your forehead, and continuing to check you over for injury.
You’re going to cry. “Bo,” you say quietly, “I need to talk to you.”
“Anything, darling.” He says, ready to listen, and your heart twists hearing the same petname he’d called your daughter.
“I don’t know if it was a vision or just a dream, but…” you swallow, the words getting stuck in your throat.
Bodhi stills beside you, fearing the worst. 
Your signet gives you clouded images of the future, but they usually aren’t happy sights. You’ve come to talk to him about your visions in the middle of the night many times, as distressed as you are now. 
“What did you see?” He asks gently, taking your hands in his.
“You, holding a baby girl. Xaden was there, too, but I woke up before I could see anything else.”
He doesn’t follow.
“I’ve been throwing up for days, and I think… I think I might be pregnant,” you whisper, eyes brimming with tears. “I’m so sorry.” 
“Oh, darling, don’t apologize.“ He pulls you close, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “I love you, and I will be by your side every step of the way in either case.”
His words of reassurance are the last straw, and you finally start to cry, your tears dampening his collar.
“I’m going to stay right here, for as long as you want me to, and then we can go see the healers, together.”
You nod against his shoulder, too exhausted to respond.
Every step of the way.
He holds your hand all the way across the bridge to the other side of the college, only letting go when a kind older woman in pale blue healer’s robes comes to take you into an exam room.
You stay quiet as she takes your pulse, listens to your heart, and goes through the motions of a physical.
“You appear to be reacting to something you’ve been eating or drinking.” She diagnoses, handing you a small paper bag with medicine to take. “This should help.”
“So I’m not…,” you trail off, and she knows exactly what you mean. She’d seen how terrified you were walking in here, hand in hand with your boyfriend, and instantly realized what you were concerned about.
“Not with child,” she confirms with a knowing smile, and a weight is lifted from your shoulders. Thank Zhinal. 
Bodhi is still waiting outside. He stands as soon as he sees you, ready to draw you into a warm embrace.
“It was those damn berries,” you say, shaking your head, and he laughs, no doubt feeling the same relief as you. The rich sound soothes every nerve in your body.
He tugs you closer, wrapping you in his arms. The paper bag crinkles between you. “The moment we graduate, I’m marrying you.”
“What?” You ask, stunned.
He pulls back so he can look you in the eye.
“I thought about it while you were with the healer,” he says, as if it’s that simple, “and I decided that I want to be there for you for the rest of my life. Through all the visions, good and bad.” 
You smile up at him, pure happiness flowing through you. “I love you, Bodhi Durran.”
“I love you more, darling,” he says, tucking the bag into a pocket of his flight jacket and taking your hand. “Now, I snuck you an extra piece of cake from dinner, and if you aren’t going to eat it, I will.”
You burst into laughter. Yeah, you decide. This is the man you want by your side forever.
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maplleaf · 1 year
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a/n: I can't reply bc this is a side blog. tumblr L 👎also srry for being late been busy with irl things ajeihdjd.
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Meeting new people and creating bonds is like second nature for the crew of the Astral Express. As a part of that family, it's hereby natural for you to do the same. Friends, or even enemies, are common to make; lovers are rare though. When Himeko suggested the youngsters of the Express should go out and bond, she didn't think it'll end up in romance.
Neither you and Gepard fell at first sight, it was closer to falling at first fight, or second to be even more specific. You definitely caught his eye when taking a small tour of Belobog. March 7th is the walking ball of energy; Dan Heng is smart and composed, the grey-haired trailblazer is... trash loving; and to him, you were like the older sibling who keeps everyone in check.
In addition, you seemed interested in his explanation of Belobog's history, the sentence being supported by your volunteer work for Belobog's museum a couple weeks after.
The next time you two met, you threw hands with him. He fought and believed in Cocolia's words, even fought against his sister for it. Yet in the end, he was knocked some sense into and was defeated.
When he saw you fight, something seemed to click like a lightswitch in him. Even if he was blocking you to your goals, you didn't want to hurt him. It end up hurting like hell, yeah, but it didn't leave any marks or cause even worse injuries.
He could see that you held back, and something about that weighed in maybe he was in the wrong. How could someone as gentle as this, be inclined to destroy the last city that exist?
After that, it was like a snowball falling from the top of a mountain until he's hit with the realization that yes; Gepard Laundau is falling for you. The Express didn't leave for awhile, and he finds himself struggling to leave your side in that time. It took some time, but he was eventually invited aboard the Astral Express.
"Pretty, isn't it?"
Gepard smiled in agreement at your words. He gazed into the planet he's been living on, or commonly called Jarilo-IV. Even with the eternal winter decimating the land, it was still a magnificent view.
"Since the root of the eternal winter is solved, Belobog's temperature should be rising," you tried to comfort him, afraid he may be disappointed in the view.
Gepard's blue eyes laid on you. If he were to tell himself from the past that he would fall in love with an alien who helped solve the eternal winter's crisis, his past self wouldn't even believe it for a second.
"...the view is the planet y'know, not me," you teased him, letting out a few light laughter. Gepard's face flushed as he was caught staring, "sorry. You just looked very pretty," he blurted out, now making both of your faces red.
After bracing yourself not to stutter, you broke the silence. "...In any case, even if the Express leave we can still talk to eachother," you told the blonde whilst showing your smartphone. Belobog's phones aren't as advanced as the ones sold by the IPC, but it can still connect and chat with the messenger app of the newer designs. "Here, I'll give you my number."
Gepard gave you his device gladly, with red still dusting over his cheeks.
... away from both of your sight, a wild March 7th watches, taking a picture of you two with her camera. "Stalker Marxh 7th strikes again," the grey haired trailblazer told her and lightheartedly rolling their eyes.
"C'mon, it's cute!" she exclaimed, taking another picture.
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The whole crew watched as Gepard chased after your affection similar to a puppy; a comparison Himeko had made. As long as you're happy, the Express Family is happy. By looking at your reactions to his attempts at courting, it seems you were interested in him as well.
"Young love, adorable isn't it, Welt?" Himeko said whilst drinking her cup of coffee. You just left for Belobog to see the blonde captain once more.
Welt nodded to Himeko as he sat on the couch beside her, his eyes focused on the IPC's news broadcasted on their site. "They should make it official quick, we're leaving for another planet in a few more days," he advised, receiving a chuckle from Himeko.
"Has time really passed that quickly?" the redhead smiled.
When the Express visited the Xianzhou Luofu after receiving a tip from Kafka, for some of them it was their first time; Not you though. Whilst you weren't born in the Xianzhou Luofu, you visited the large ship a couple times before.
That day, the Express Family groupchat is blessed with the picture sent by you. Your hands intertwined with Gepard's. The group chat, mainly March 7th, exploded.
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In your first visit, you were fortunate enough to meet the dozing general. At the time, you didn't even know he was the general of the cloud knights. For you, he was the attractive man who somehow has birds in his hair.
By that, you meant literally. First time you saw him, you saw a bird crawl into his hair like a nest and you blurt out in front of him; "Are you a bird collector?"
Jing Yuan saw you with a surprised yet pleased smile, after hundreds of years of living; he had never been greeted like that before. "It likes to stay there," Jing Yuan chuckled, curious about your behaviour.
"Are you perhaps a visitor?"
You nodded as a response to him. "My friend was supposed to show me around, but I sorta got lost," you laughed sheepishly. "But fuck it! An adventure is an adventure."
Frankly, your carefree nature felt like fresh air compared to the stiff nature that he's always sorrounded by due to his work. To talk freely with someone who doesn't care about status, when your conversation was over; he simply thought it was a pleasant time.
You exchanged numbers right after, and he never saw you again. At least, in person.
When Jing Yuan isn't busy with work or resting, he wouldn't mind having an interesting conversation with you in his pass time. Over time, he starts to develop a small interest in you beyond friendship. What's fascinating is that you never found out what his title is; something that could be a miracle, or your lack of knowledge of the Xianzhou Luofu.... either way, he doesn't mind it.
While you two doesn't talk everyday, he gets a general idea of how you're doing, and your adventures as a Nameless. He doesn't have any strong opinions regarding the Astral Express and its passengers, but the stories that you told brought a smile to his face each time he reads it.
So when he heard about the Express' sudden visit to Xianzhou Luofu, the smile he usually has increased tenfold. The face he saw you had when his hologram appeared was absolutely priceless!
He sees you trying to balance professionalism in front of Yukong whilst clearly wanting to speak freely to him. Your face clearly holding yourself from being angry at the general but still wanting to be polite in front of Yukong.
You crossed your arm followed by an exasperated sigh. "I should've guessed it... your outfit screams 'i am a military person'..." Jing Yuan laughed at your reaction.
"You never asked if I'm a general or not," he retorted, causing you to swing your hand through his hologram.
"How was i supposed to know?!"
Your reaction brought a smile to his face, an expression that your companions at the Express (and Yukong) noted. Welt watched as his fellow passenger of the Astral Express talked with the highly esteemed general like an old friend. He glanced to the person beside him before sighing;
"March, put your camera down."
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The starskiff haven stopped at the dock as Jing Yuan emerged from the transportation. The crisis that the Xianzhou Luofu experienced is finally over as life continued on as usual. For Jing Yuan, he's forced to go through much more paperwork than before, but as long as the Xianzhou Luofu is safe, he can make a few sacrifices.
As walked to the central area, he spots a familiar figure looking over to the clouds. The laziness tiredness that's caused by his recent workload seems to dissappear as he approached the person.
"A spectacular view, isn't it?" Jing Yuan chuckled, talking loud enough for you to hear. Your gaze didn't move from the clouds, as his voice is far too recognizable.
"It is... I might come here again if I can get a vacation day from Trailblazing," you could feel Jing Yuan walking closer to you. Your eyes finally moved to him, "let me guess, your 'secret' job gave you mountains of work to do."
Jing Yuan lets out a few light laughs, leaning against the railing as well. "If you know about it, then it's not a secret anymore," he answered. "But yes, they did."
You sighed, stretching your back before leaning forward to view the majestic view once more. "Too bad~ I guess we can't talk to eachother as often anymore, then."
The white haired general took it as a challenge, raising his eyebrow with a smirk. "How are you so confident? I may end up disturbing you at every hour of the day to prove it wrong."
You faked yourself shuddering at the thought, "no thanks... I'd rather join the anti-matter legion if that's the case."
A curiosity then begin to pollute your mind, begging for an answer. "Why did you hide it from me, the general thing?"
Jing Yuan had to thought of an answer before properly saying it. He didn't want misunderstandings after all. "The people I meet will always be unique and different due to this job, and yet their attitude towards me would be similair; with the exception of a few."
"...you were simply different, a breath of fresh air." He chuckled, "My name is well-known around the Xianzhou Luofu and even beyond; to meet and be close with someone who would strive away from the formalities that I've grown accustomed to, I didn't want it to change."
"All living beings with basic thoughts would change their behavior after knowing something new about someone, if you knew about my occupation and title; I feared there might be a change in behavior," he confessed, knowing you won't react negatively. Jing Yuan felt safe enough to confide in you with his occasional day-to-day life frustrations; this seems like the same to him.
You listened closely to his words, feeling your heart ache in glee. Even if he weren't a general, you would feel the same appreciation for him for opening up to you.
"And do I have any changed behaviors now?" you asked, raising an eyebrow wanting to tease him.
Jing Yuan chuckled, "perhaps... you've became slightly more bold," he teased, receiving a smack to his back from you for payback.
The reaction caused you two to laugh. A comforting silence overcame the general and the Nameless. Quietness began to fill your ears.
Your hand slowly went to Jing Yuan's, trailing until your hand is on top of his. Despite you taking the first initiatives, he was the one who interlocked your fingers first; you following not long after.
Words doesn't need to be spoken, as silence seems so be stronger than any words could've been.
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"I meant it! Dan Heng, you've lived here before right. It's clear there's some kind of spark in the general's expression!"
"And I've never seen them interact before, I don't have any references to make an assumption."
As the two bickered, the grey haired trailblazer held up the foto Tingyun gave them. "It's on a discount~ since you're a friend of the two," she winked, giving them a QR code for the payment.
The picture is of Jing Yuan holding hands with a fellow Nameless and Astral Express crew. Both of them looking at the clouds of the Xianzhou Luofu. It didn't show their faces, only their backs; and yet from where the photo was taken; it's clear as day that they're holding hands.
Tha Trailblazer sighed, "...this feels exploitative," they sighed but still scanning the QR code, paying for the single picture.
"It's fine, since you're a friend it wouldn't be a problem" Tingyun reassured the trailblazer, seeing the payment confirmation on her device. "Thank you for purchasing, loyal customer!"
March 7th heard Tingyun talking to the Trailblazer, her focus drifted towards them. She gave a hand gesture beckoning them to come closer to her, "did you buy Jing Yuan photos? He would probably be fine if you started taking pictures for free after we saved the Luofu!"
"Techniqally...yes?" The Trailblazer answered, showing their two friends the picture. Dan Heng raised his eyebrow, rarely being physically surprised, whilst March 7th excitedly took a picture of the picture.
"No way?! Is this real?" March 7th exclaimed, tapping on the Trailblazer's shoulder excitedly, "quick quick, text (y/n) about it."
Hearing that, the Trailblazer opened up their chat with the person in question. They sent the picture with the question; "whats this??"
You seemed to reply in an instant, ":)"
March 7th looked over to the Trailblazer's shoulder, "let me see..." she's caught dumbfounded at the weird and cryptic answer. "Hey, what's this kind of answer?! Send another one."
The Trailblazer nodded at her request, sending the most clear cut, gramatically correct, tear-bringing sentence;
"Answer plz."
They got left on read.
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Bearer of Bad News
[ series masterlist ]
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prompt: devastating news reaches your ears from an unlikely messenger.
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!wife!reader
fandom: House of the Dragon
word count: 7.2k+
warnings: spoilers, cursing, OC Aemond, author has a thing for pet names and making hardened men simps for their ladies. not really edited, angst, ambiguous ending because why not. ❗️major season one, episode ten spoilers
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"Aemond, please listen to reason, and do not go," you begged your husband as you followed him around your room; hand to your freely-swelling belly firm as if to keep the small babe in place. "Please - I wish I could explain it but I fear for this message you are to carry."
"Hey, hey," Aemond paused in his venture to ready himself for his envoy trip to the Storm Lands; turning to take your hands in his. "Is that what this is about, my sweet? You know you are the love and light of my life," he smirked broadly as if to tease you, "and no Baratheon whore is going to change that. Hmm?"
"Do not remind me of your brother's vile proposal," you sneered, rolling your eyes away from his piercing gaze. "It was disrespectful, at best!"
He chuckled a bit, tugging you in so he could hold your waist. "Come now, my sweet wife. It is just a marriage pact for an alliance. What're the odds I will actually have to marry the broad? Hey?"
"You are not free to marry," you snapped.
"I am honored for the privilege to uphold our ancestral customs. More than one wife is a Targaryen tradition, my pet."
He smirked deeper, "They are but silly words, my love. Who ever Lord Borros offers will not share my bed, nor affection, but only my name."
"Our name," you reminded, "for I am still your wife. I am carrying your Targaryen child, and you will show me respect."
"Of course, darlin'," he relented with a nod. "I meant no offense."
"And she would share our home, too, is it?"
He shrugged, "Perhaps Aegon will take interest in her."
"Oh, that's cruel."
"I do not know how to satisfy you, my love. Help me out here."
"Go back and refuse your brother because you are married to me, and that is enough!"
"They are just words," he sighed, leaning his forehead to yours as his hand cradled your cheek to keep you close. "Ease yourself, my love, please. 'S not good for the babe."
You huffed lightly, "Does not mean you should carry his message to Lord Borros. Please, Aemond, it storms there all the time and that can be dangerous, do not go. Just - do not leave me alone."
"I will only be gone a single day, my love," he promised with patience, leaning in to press his lips to yours. Long gone was his teasing smirk, seeing and feeling your genuine worry for his wellbeing and deciding it was better to comfort your pregnancy-brain.
Helaena had warned Aemond that once with child, the mind kinda slips, but it is not to be held against the woman for it is just a symptom of creating life in their belly.
"Then will you do me a favor?"
"Take Kasta, please."
"Oh, my sweet girl," he chuckled now. "I cannot take your dragon, she is yours, and she still grows. She is not suited for this trip, okay? Worry not, Vhagar will protect and serve me well."
You sighed sadly, "Well, when you've an answer for everything, 'tis a bit hard to be upset."
"You're just worried," he sighed, nodding in understanding. "Hear me, please, my sweet wife. There is nought a thing for you to worry over, there is nothing of concern."
"Well, what if my mother sends an envoy?"
"What if she does?"
"What will you do?"
"Out of respect only for you, I will not engage," he smirked, placating you. "I am eager to return, we might continue to celebrate our child."
"That sounds so strange, my love," you pouted lightly, making him crack a brief smile. "How am I to ensure you are safe? What if I went with you on Kasta?"
"Not a chance in all Seven Hells," he laughed, pecking your forehead twice. "Oh, I love you dearly, my pet, but I am not letting you fly into Storms End - even with a loyal beast like Kasta."
You huffed lightly, "Then take me yourself on Vhagar."
"You are the Princess," he shook his head with a whisper, "and my beloved wife - I will not risk you in any capacity."
"Fine!" You rolled your eyes, pecking his lips before finally pulling back to drop onto the bed - rubbing your swelling belly. "But what if you just didn't go? Hmm? You know?"
"No, pet. Not possible," he answered smoothly, as if he anticipated your words while continuing to ready himself. "What if you were in the Dragon Pit when I returned? So that you might see, as the first, that I am safe and well?"
You thought about it as Aemond pulled leather garb onto his body, smirking at you as he went. "Maybe..."
"Would you like to do my hair, my Princess?" He offered, holding a brush out for you. You snatched it up and grinned to yourself, easing him into a chair before starting on his locks. "Just keep it away from my face, pet. Got a long fly."
"I know how you like it," you smirked, leaning in to kiss his cheek and jaw. "Sit still please." He titled his head back to peck your lips, then settled to allow you to work.
Yet as he did, a hand was never far from you; pinching your hip or lingering near your elbow as you worked. He'd never admit it, but the Prince adore physical touch and often like to express himself through it; relying on most nonverbal communication. When you had his hair secured, you then fixed his eye patch on properly and sighed deeply to yourself, making your husband softly wonder, "What's on your mind, pretty girl?"
"I'll just miss you, I guess," you shrugged. "You truly must go?"
Helaena had also warned Aemond that pregnancy-brain can make some women clingy - though she did not experience it herself.
Prince Aemond sighed as he stood from his chair to hover over you - the damn bean stalk of a man - and held your waist tightly. "I will meet you in the Pit after," he promised. "Be there at sundown, yes?"
"Of course, my Prince," you promised in a whisper, ensuring the words were meant only for him. Trying to prove your love, you told him in High Valyrian, "I will wait for you forever, if I must. But do not make me."
He chuckled, "Oi, hey, watch it, my pretty wife. You know I can hardly resist when you get to talkin' in tongues."
You grinned against his lips, letting him pressing one, two, three more kisses in parting. "Be careful," you whispered, "and please come back to me."
"I will always do what I can to ensure that, sweet wife," he answered just as quietly, nodding sadly. "I must go..."
You sniffled, "All right. Go on, 's all right, love. Be careful in the Storm Lands, it's not named lightly."
Taking one last look at you, Aemond sighed and squeezed your hand, leaving you with his words, "Be in the Pit later."
You nodded, watching him stride towards the door, but something lurched in your stomach. "A-Aemond?" You call, jogging slightly after him. As if anticipating your movements, he turned swiftly and caught you in a tight embrace; letting his hand lock around the back of your neck to keep you steady as his nose pressed into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply to commit your scent to memory.
He sighed, petting over your hair for a moment as you both savored the feeling of one another. When ready, you pulled back with tears shining in your eyes - but willed them not to fall. You knew it was silly to worry over him for a matter such as this, but you felt sickened by his departure, and prayed for his safety.
"No matter what is to come, know that I love you deeply," he swore quietly, petting over your chin with his calloused fingertips; foreheads resting together to keep proximity. "'S all right, it'll be all right, sweetheart."
"Just come home, and I will wish for little else."
He smirked some, "Pregnancy has made you soft, my wife. 'Tis a good look on you."
"Is it?"
"I adore it," he promised with a chuckle. "Now, kiss me, my pretty girl, and I will return by nightfall."
Surging onto your toes, your arms rose to let you hold onto your husbands neck; his lips finding yours in a passionate, frenzied dance. Just before the kiss grew sloppy, Aemond pressed his lips in meaningful, hardened affection - something you physically felt.
He had to pull back or else risk being tempted into staying; petting the side of your face before turning swiftly and slipping out the door. You heard his footsteps retreat down the hall and slowly claimed a seat on your shared bed - that had only just cooled from your warm bodies finding solace and peace in the sheets from the night.
You kept yourself busy for the whole day, trying not to wonder over Aemond's adventures. You took time to sit with Helaena for a bit, visiting with the twins; answering any of the girl's questions about your pregnancy. "You've grown," she cocked her head softly, eyes set on your belly.
"Oh," you smiled a bit, nodding to the newly-crowned Queen, "yes, it seems the babe grew overnight, and only after I could tell the news."
"He's listening," Helaena nodded. "Like he knows."
You chuckled a bit, laying an affectionate hand to your belly to rub slightly. "Yes, I imagine so, sometimes. Though, between you and me," you lowered your tone to lean in, telling her, "I wager it's a girl."
"Really?" Your sister-by-law asked with intrigue. "How special!"
You hummed and nodded, going back to mindless embroidery as the twins played on the floor near your feet. As usual, the Queen stitched a new bug, but you weren't sure of your design because you continued to fall distracted, leaving your pallet a mess of tangled colorful thread. You tried to play it off, but for the rest of the day, you worried for your husband.
Whether pacing the gardens or pacing your bedchambers, you could not remain still as both your back and stomach knotted themself in stress. You could barely be spoken to the whole day, and come the evening meal, your step-mother, the Queen Regent, Alicent Hightower, was reaching for your hand. "Are you alright, dearest girl? You've barely touched your meal this evening."
You nodded stiffly, "Of course I'm alright."
She sighed knowingly, "I did not like it, either, you should know."
"What might that be, Your Grace?"
"Well, for one, Aegon sending Aemond away to parlay with the Baratheons, and offering his hand to any of his daughters."
You sighed, obediently replying, "The King can do as he pleases."
She sighed, muttering, "Not always. I told him he had no right in offering his brother's hand, but he would not hear me. What of Aemond's reaction?"
"To the Prince, Your Grace, they are but pitiful words that he does not mean," you answered, pushing a bit of stewed vegetables around your plate. "To me? They are unjustly cruel and wittingly disrespectful."
She nodded in agreement, "Worry not, dear girl, I will speak to Aegon, and we will design a new strategy for loyalty."
You half-smiled, glancing across the table to the 'King'. You knew your mother was the rightful heir but considering your position amongst the Greens, you wanted to tread as neutrally as possible. Tearing your eyes away from the boy-playing-King, you tried to focus on your meal but how could you when the sun was set in place to sink?
After asking for leave once stomaching three bites of your meal, that Alicent permitted with a soft kiss to your cheek, you stood from the table, gave a short curtsy to the King, nodding to the Queen, and turned on your heel to escape the dining quarters. When alone in your chambers, you were swift to swing a hooded cloak onto your shoulders; hiding your trademark silver locks, and slipping out of the secret passage your room hosted.
Early one night in your marriage, Aemond had shown you - and together, you were pretty sure you had only found half of the Red Keep's secret passages. Yet this was all you needed, jogging through the stronghold to pass onto the darkening street, and head for the Dragon Pit.
Upon arriving, your hair was the only confirmation guards needed to let you pass, and when you got there, Aemond had yet to arrive. With worry, you paced by your dragon's keep and Kasta watched you with curiosity burning in her eyes. She huffed a few times, making you pause to nuzzle her snout - but she grew larger by the day, and it was harder to offer her affectionate cuddles.
She wasn't the size of Vhagar, but something akin to Meleys, or the Red Queen, that had last been seen when smashing the Dragon Pit to shit during Aegon's coronation. The only reason you were bitter about it all was because, for one, you did not think of it, and two, Princess Rhaenys did not take out Alicent and the Greens when she had the chance. You worried not for yourself, for fire cannot kill a dragon, but when the Princess only turned the Red Queen away and soared out of the closing-Pit, you couldn't help but feel mildly disappointed.
Kasta heard it before you did, but a moment after the large, emerald green dragon picked her head up in alarm, you heard the echoing roar of Vhagar returning. Kasta cocked her head and snorted as she stood to her feet, taking only three steps so she stood completely over you protectively.
"It's Vhagar and Aemond, my love," you spoke softly in your Mother's Tongue. "Not to worry."
But the dragon did not back down, and in fact, let steam billow out of her nostrils. Being one of the larger beasts, your dragon was housed with Vhagar and Meleys, but after the Red Queen's departure, Kasta was left alone today... Making you wonder why she was overly protective in that moment.
You tried to chalk it up to you being pregnant and like Aemond, Kasta only wanted to keep you close to ensure your safety. But when your knees buckled some under the tremor of Vhagar's landing, you wondered if you were imagining things, or if the dragon's movements felt much... Shakier.
Kasta growled when you tried to move and with a squeak, you were wrapped in her heaving paw, being drug back under her stoic form. "Kasta!" You reprimanded sharply. "He's my husband, there is no - " But you gasped when Vhagar gave a mighty roar from within the Pit - sand and dirt trembling from the cracked walls from sheer vibration. Kasta raised her head when you took a step back to feel her breast at your head.
When the thundering steps of Vhagar was heard, your dragon bared her teeth in threat - and you suddenly worried for your position. It was obvious tension ran high and if your other-wise very sweet and docile dragon was riled up, you worried she could smell something alarming on Vhagar. But she kept her paw close to you in a cradle, as if to keep you at bay and under her protection.
"Aemond?" You called when you heard someone grunt and pant from down the way; the echo of the Pit proving useful in this moment.
"Love? That you?"
You tried to step out, but Kasta growled and slammed her arm in front of you to prevent your departure. "Oh, Kasta! Not now!"
But you only earned a threatening growl in return.
"What's happening?" Aemond's voice called, his body appearing at the mouth of your dragon's alcove - taking a step back when her large, emerald head whipped around to glower at him. "Is something wrong?" He asked you, cautious of the dragon growling at him. "The baby?"
"Baby's fine, but I was hoping you could tell me what was wrong," you sighed, stroking over your dragon's hide of her inner arm. "Kasta went on the defense the moment she heard Vhagar. Why would that be, husband?"
But you didn't expect Aemond to stiffen, lifting his gaze up and away from you.
"Aemond?" You wondered gently, trying to steer his attention towards you from behind your dragon's arm. "My love, are you all right? What's happened?" The term of endearment from your desperate lips made your husband flinch, turning away from you in full, and making you snap, "Aemond Targaryen, you tell me what's happened - now!"
Kasta gave a guttural growl when your temper spiked. It made your long, silver haired husband pause. When he turned to look at you again, you could see the few tears falling down his cheeks and knew it was not beads of water dripping from his still-sopping hair. Your dragon stepped out when you did, keeping her body between you both and Vhagar - something you noticed acutely.
"Did something happen with Vhagar, my love? Are you injured?" You asked as you finally approached him, but Aemond uncharacteristically flinched away from your hands as you tried to reach for him. "What's this? What's happened? Are you hurt?"
"I..." He took a breath, tears brimming in his violet eye to fall helplessly down his pale, sunken cheek. "I did not mean for it to happen, love..."
"Okay," you nodded patiently. "So, there was an accident?"
"In a way," he relented, breathing out tautly before leaning to a wall and sliding down it - the look of despair and dejection etched on his face. You slowly approached him. "When I tell you what has happened, I will lose you, too. You will leave, and I will be unable to stop you - but you've got to know how bloody sorry I am."
"Aemond," you sighed. "You're starting to frighten me, my love. What's happened? Please tell me, are you hurt?"
"I'm not hurt... But you said so long as I returned here, to you, you could not ask for anything else, right?" He asked breathlessly, watching you nod as you slowly lowered yourself beside him; facing him so you could watch his face. "Does that still stand... If I've made a terrible mistake that will effect you, too?"
You sighed, "All right. Hey," you nodded, reaching for his trembling, freezing cold hand, "you can do a lot in this lifetime, Aemond Targaryen, but very little will shake the foundation of love that we have. What has happened that's so bad, hmm?"
He whispered, "Might've... Potentially started the war..."
You sighed sadly, sat in the sand, "Oh, Aemond... C'mon, love, you were just to carry a message to Lord Baratheon."
"I know."
"So, how is it you potentially started the war? Hmm?" You shuffled closer to him, trying not to let your heart shrivel from the way he visibly recoiled. "The hell's going on? This isn't like you - we're a team, Aemond. Why're you shutting me out? See - this is in part why I wanted to go, then you'd have no need to explain anything."
He nodded mutely, taking a staggering breath in that worried you more. Aemond didn't often show regret, but here, before you now, it was obvious the young Prince was drowning in it.
"Aemond, please, you're worrying me, my love," you whispered, trying to warm his hands in yours. But still, he could not meet your eyes, and his hands were deadly limp.
"I don't know where to start," his voice crackled into a whisper.
"From the beginning, please," you nodded, readjusting slightly to better look at him. "Sweetheart, just take your time, but please, do not shut me out. I cannot help you if I do not know what plagues you."
In a broken whisper, he admitted, "Once I tell you, you won't think to call me sweetheart - or sweet anything, again. Gods," he breathed, chuckled without humor, "I did not think I would miss something so much but the idea of never hearing you call me a pet name again sends my stomach to my feet."
"My Lord husband is a sweet man," you slowly reached for his face, caressing his jaw so he looked at you, "though perhaps only I get the pleasure of bearing witness to it," you whispered in return, letting your thumb caress his skin. "I will be the judge of what name befits him, for I am the one calling him. But I will need to know what startles him so. I will need to know so I can try to help him through his grief."
He blinked a few times, but your image became blurred as emotion coated his throat, "Please, just... Do not leave me after you know."
Though Aemond might not have felt true, gut-wrenching guilt over what had become of the young Prince Luke, he feared telling you, and feared what would happen once you knew. He knew that he could not, nor would he want to, stop you from fleeing the capital. And after today, the least he could do is assist smuggling you out. The very idea made his stomach clench; where he once planned a future with you and your child, now, his mind flashed with the idea of helping you get back to your mother.
Speaking of, he was jarred into reality by your voice asking, "Did you kill my mother?"
"No," he spoke swiftly.
"Then there is little to worry over," you sighed. "Less you killed my little brothers, then, that is... Different...?" You trailed off when his head hit the wall behind him, restraining the emotion from his face as he kept his head tilted to the side in an effort to avoid you. "Aemond? Hey, look at me, please... Please, Aemond, did something happen? Has something happened to my brothers?"
His hands trembled in yours, his throat croaking, "Yes."
You had to pause, trying to keep a level head. "All right, well, is that the accident you speak of?"
"It is..."
"This is... The accident you caused that's potentially started the war?"
"I'm so sorry," he whispered.
"Answer me, Aemond, please. Is this the accident you speak of that has caused the start of the war? Speak plainly."
Your husband paused to swallow thickly, finally admitting, "Yes. I-It is, my love."
You let out a staggering breath that refused to ease itself. You felt panic overwhelming your chest as worst case scenarios played themselves out in your mind, vaguely feeling Aemond reaching for you as panic took over. His words were muffled seemingly beneath water, leaving you staggering for rational thought and breath. Yet none would come to you - could come to you. Your husband had managed control of your weeping form, turning to switch places; leaving you pressed to the wall as he tried to coach you through your interrupted-breathing.
When the initial shock wore off, your hands were gripping his biceps tightly, demanding, "What happened? What did you do? Please, please, Aemond, you're the - you're the only one. The only one who knows the truth. Please, tell me in full, and tell me in truth - what happened to my brothers?"
He nodded, whispering, "It's not going to be easy to hear, my love."
"I need to," you argued, tugging the sleeve of his squeaky-wet leather jerkin. "Tell me, please, I deserve to know. W-What has become of my baby brothers, Aemond? Please tell me! I have a right!"
He nodded, eye tinged red from emotion, admitting, "I arrived in Storms End before your mother's envoy. I brought the King's words but then came reports of another dragon heading in our direction... So, we waited," he swallowed thickly.
"Who was it? Who did my mother send?"
He sighed, "Luke."
"Gods," you whispered, nodding as you sniffled. "So, Luke arrives, and what?"
"I let my anger get the best of me, pet..."
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= Storms End // hours prior =
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"Where's the bloody Maester!?" Lord Borros demanded, glaring to his court as a man bowed and rushed away to retrieve the one man who could read Rhaenyra's letter.
Aemond did not lift his murderous gaze from Prince Luke's form, making the 14-year-old boy wrap his fist around the hilt of his sword. The Maester jogged into the courtroom, and yet, the Prince did not lift his violet eye from the boy; standing curiously beside a woman with dark hair - assuring the Prince this was one of Borros Baratheon's daughters. Luke found this curious, knowing Aemond was married to his white-haired sister... So, why was he found in low conversation with the pretty Lady Baratheon?
The Maester read the Black Queen Rhaenyra's words, glancing at Luke, before bending at the waist to mutter to Lord Borros the letter's contents. When the words registered, the Baratheon Lord was snarling, "'Remind' me of my father's oath." Thunder rumbled around them. "King Aegon at least came with an offer: my swords and banners for a marriage pact." He looked pointedly to Aemond and his daughter, making Prince Luke's jaw clench. The Lord leaned forward on his 'throne', snarling, "If I do as your mother bids..." His head turned to regard the remaining three daughters left lined up, "Which one of my daughters will you wed... Boy?"
"My Lord... I am not free to marry. I am already betrothed, and by all accounts, Prince Aemond is married to my sister, the Princess Y/N Velaryon."
"She's a Targaryen Princess now, boy, and you should know," Aemond smirked from across the hall, "that taking more than one wife is an honored familial custom."
Borros continued before any more retaliation could be spat, noting to Luke, "So, you come with empty hands. Go home, pup. And tell your Mother that the Lord of Storm's End is not some dog that she can whistle up at need to set against her foes."
Aemond found the response rather poised, decently poetic.
Luke decided to take the diplomatic route and respond, "I shall take your answer to the Queen, my Lord."
Aemond smirked at the response, watching the kid turn to depart the Storm's End hall - but could not resist the confrontation, and called, "Wait..." And when Luke turned, Aemond continued, "My Lord Strong." He watched for a baited reaction, and when Luke turned with anger marring his young features, stalking forward again, Aemond could not hold his tongue any longer. "Did you really think that you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my brother's throne at no cost?"
The boy steeled his feet, understanding that he was being baited now. "I will not fight you. I came as a messenger, not a warrior."
"A fight would be little challenge," Aemond taunted. "No," he decided, lips quirked in a smirk. Then, he reached to palm his eye patch off, revealing the gleaming sapphire he used as replacement, "I want you to put out your eye." He paused a moment to stare at the boy, who looked startled from the reveal, then continuing, "As payment for mine." When Luke appeared purely startled, Aemond finished, "One will serve."
He pulled his dagger from his belt and tossed it towards the Prince; letting it clatter to the stone floor in an ominous echo.
"I would not blind you, the only curtesy I would extend on behalf of my sweet wife," Aemond spoke levelly, a clap of thunder punctuating his words. The look of fear over Luke's face was enough to make his blood sing, but still, it wasn't all he wanted, so, he told the boy after tisking his tongue, "Plan to make a gift of it to my mother."
You fucking Mama's boy, Luke raged in his head.
"No," he decided to speak instead, his voice firm in refusal despite the want to crack from pressure.
Aemond spoke over the rumblings of the storm that raged outside, "Then you are craven as well as a traitor."
"Not here!" Lord Borros demanded, seeing the challenge brew to a knew height - and fearing for the rumors surrounding the One Eyed Prince. He knew the other rumors surrounding the loss of his eye, but while many circulated, each had to do with the Princess Rhaenyra's two dark-haired sons.
The tension was nearly tangible.
Something in Aemond snapped, crackled, and popped out of his heart - sending him surging forward as he cried, "Give me your eye, or I will take it, bastard!"
He stooped expertly to snatch up his dagger, standing tall as Luke armed himself with his sword, and the Lord of Storms End rose from his chair, shouting, "Not in my hall!" Only then did Aemond come to a halt, giving Luke a real up-close look at the damage he inflicted as a small child, in defense of his brother and cousins. "The boy came as an envoy!" Borros reminded them all. "I'll not have blood shed beneath my roof. Take Prince Lucerys back to his dragon." Thunder clapped, lightning flashed. "Now."
When the four knights who escorted him into the hall moved into action, Luke sheathed his sword, offered his uncle one last stale look, and departed the hall - with another glance over his shoulder as he went. Aemond let his lips pull into a smirk, and his fingers deftly flipped his branded dagger back into its sheath at his hip.
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= present // the Dragon Pit =
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"All right," you sighed, sitting with Aemond beside you, hip on hip, thigh against thigh, and his arm laid over the seam of your legs and let both of yours hold his. "So, you lost your temper and threatened the boy. Hardly material that would start battles."
"I didn't get to the worst part..."
You sighed, "Does it explain the dragon's odd behavior?"
"I think," he whispered, pressing his lips over your forehead. "I don't think I can tell you more."
"You're going to have to," you sighed. "Though, by the pain it causes you, Gods, do I wish anyone else could explain it. But you know what really happened, my love. I need the truth of the matter."
"You'll get it," he promised, "I just need a moment... Where you don't hate me in full."
"Aemond," you tisked in worry. "Please stop making that assumption. I need the truth, I need the details - you're owed fair judgement. And now, unless Vhagar decides to start talking, only you can tell me. Borros won't, and I imagine the dragons are involved - or Kasta would not be so defensive."
He nodded mutely, leaning in to inhale the top of your head. "I'm truly sorry... Let me start there. A-And it wasn't my intention to hurt anyone, I only wanted t-to frighten the boy. I could not have my revenge for myself, but I wasn't satisfied in it all."
"Might I say something?"
He nodded, glancing at you once before fearing for the intensity behind your eyes. "Your eye, or lack thereof, has never once taken away from you. I know the ridicule you endured, my love, and I am truly sorry for it, and while I cannot undo years of torment and trauma, please understand that I do not find you lacking. I love you, Aemond, with or without your eye."
He sighed and let his hand drift to pull your knees in; letting you lean into his lap in an effort to be closer. "I know neither of us wanted to marry the other initially, but Gods, have I been grateful for it - for you. I need you to know that I do love you, and I am so fucking sorry."
You sighed. "All right, you're sorry, we love each other, we're on the same page. Only... You seem to know what happened, and I cannot help you yet. But for whatever it's worth, while I wish you hadn't, I understand your want for revenge. I am sorry for what my brothers did, and the price you paid."
He sighed against your forehead, "I am sorry for what I did today."
"Let me pass judgement, my love."
With a heavy sigh, Aemond delivered the final, devastating blow. "It was storming profusely - wind, rain, and thunder. The whole lot, making it terrible to see in... Luke had escaped on Arrax but he was tense, flying sporadically, and I know this because Vhagar and I pursued them. I only meant to scare him and give chase, and he was smart enough to dive for the canyons. Vhagar is too big to follow, so, we lost him for a time..."
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= Storm Lands // hours prior =
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Vhagar stretched her wings to their full span as she and her master flew over the canyon; both searching for the boy riding the terribly small (by comparison), paler dragon. Over the howling winds, sideways rain, and clapping thunder, Aemond called in High Valyrian, "You owe a debt! Boy!"
But there was no visibility, and soon, the thick storm clouds swallowed them whole. Aemond still looked from side to side, and perhaps, his dragon had understood his words; because in the next few moments, everything went perfectly wrong. Having used the clouds and raging storm to their advantage, Arrax and Luke had technically been in the clear, but the smaller dragon rebelled first.
Over the winds, Aemond heard Luke shouting in High Valyrian, "No, Arrax!" The next second, a blast of fire shot out from the pale dragon and seared into the neck, jaw, and face of the much larger dragon of war. The challenge was set, and Aemond heard his nephew as they flew away, "No, Arrax! Obey me!"
But Vhagar had accepted the challenge, and there was no controlling the wild beasts. Aemond felt the shift as his dragon roared with her temper flaring, understanding she meant to pursue, and begged her, "NO! No, no, no, no!" The ancient dragon turned, roaring with challenge. "NO, Vhagar! No! Serve me, Vhagar! No!"
The largest dragon known to the Targaryen world then dove off at a sharp angle, ignoring all commands her rider gave; leaving him struggling and dangling from his saddle as the storm swallowed them. In return, Arrax flew upwards with Luke; breaking through the dark clouds to reach the air above the storm, and for a brief moment, found the beauty in the bright sun above the clouds.
He looked around with heaving breath, praying to the Seven that they had evaded and gotten away from Vhagar - just seconds before the legendary beast was breaking out from the storm clouds to cut at another angle. When she did, she was in line with Arrax, and just as the young Prince Luke gave a shriek of fright, the pursing dragon had opened her jaws and swiftly chomped over the entire body of Arrax.
"VHAGAR!" Aemond's voice cracked with pure panic, feeling powerless on his dragon-mount. "No! No!" He muttered between clenched teeth when the truth of reality settled over him. Vhagar gave another bellow into the air, rightening her wings, and letting Aemond glance over her shoulder to spy the last bloody bits of Arrax' wings and tail-tip falling to the ground below.
As his head turned forward, Aemond's eye began to blink rapidly to restrain his immediate panic - fearing for the repercussions of his dragon, and how his loss of control was sure to be his fault.
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= present // the Dragon Pit =
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Your lungs protested for air as your heart felt like it was snapping in two, body numb as you could not believe the words that reached your ears. You had doubled over to cry into your pulled-in knees, sobbing helplessly as you rocked slightly to try and keep blood pumping. Your mind refused to accept your baby brother was dead and gone, but your mind screamed that your husband had killed him.
Yet you couldn't feel yourself anymore.
All you could understand was pain. Suffocating confusion.
And then, outrage set in.
"Why?" You demanded through your tears. "Why? Why would you fucking do this, Aemond? Oh, my God - what were you thinking!?"
"I do not know," he mourned quietly. "I am so sorry."
"He was a child," you wept, shaking there after when realization sunk in. "O-Oh, my God, I-I'm pregnant - t-the-they will - they will seek revenge through o-our children. Aemond, for all the Gods, wh-what have you done? What has Vhagar done?"
"The worst we can imagine," he admitted, tears streaming down his cheek. "I cannot express my guilt, my wife."
"For what?" You couldn't help but snap. "Because you fear for the rift it will put between us, or because you are truly sorry for the loss of your own nephew?"
Aemond nodded, whispering, "What if it is both?"
You whined and dropped your head back to your knees and arms. Kasta was heard growling when your sobs reached her, but she did not dare move from between you and Vhagar. It was like she could smell Luke's blood on Vhagar's lips and teeth, and she wanted to protect you from the discovery.
But you had begged Aemond to tell you the truth. You wanted to know... He warned you of the pain, and you still pushed.
And now you were left with the knowledge that your husband's dragon had eaten your baby brother. Luke: sweet, sweet Luke who could do no real harm - barring his adrenaline rush years ago when he used his brother's dagger to slash Aemond's eye out.
Barring that, and he was the sweetest boy who could do no harm!
You were confused and mortified, outraged, sad, overwhelmed, but so fucking regretful. Regret for not being there for him longer, and then guilt for leaving your little brothers. Never had you wanted the burden your mother bore, and luckily, after your marriage to Aemond, she focused 100% of her energy into grooming Jace as her heir.
And Luke was to be heir of Driftmark, the next (legitimate) Lord of the Tides! He was to learn to command a ship and once the Sea Snake was able, he'd learn the ways of the seas from the very best. He was a child who had his whole life ahead of him, leaving behind an older sister, unborn niece-or-nephew, young fiancé, older brother... Loving mother, devoted step-father.
All of whom would be devastated by this news.
How cruel this world was, and how cruel the Gods could be.
"Please," Aemond begged softly.
"What am I to do, Aemond?" You demanded, staring back at him with a range of emotion playing across your face. "My baby brother, Aemond, what am I to do?"
He shook his head, offering, "If you wish to leave, I will not stop you. I understand how this must make you feel and I would help you and Kasta get out best I can - "
"Aemond?" You snapped. "Am I to understand that you are to be away with me?"
He shook his head slightly, "Why would you stay?"
You scoffed, "Does my loyalty to you mean nothing? Why do you think I did not join Princess Rhaenys when she escaped? And stood on that fucking platform beside you, while they crowned your traitorous brother? Do you think so little of me?"
"But this is different," he argued, ignoring your insult.
"It is! It's much different! And I am devastated, heartbroken, and I would think my husband would want to support me - "
"Do you even want me, anymore?" He asked, brows crinkled as he wore desperation well.
"I am bound to you for life, I took vows... Whether I like it or not, my place has been, and is now, at your side. Your brother would sooner see me dead if I were to flee now - "
"I would never let him hurt you," Aemond insisted, letting his hand hold your cheek securely. "Should you wish to return to your mother's side, I understand, and at the least, I can make sure you get out of the city."
You let your lips roll between your teeth to bite for a moment, then spoke softly as you reached up to hold his wrist, "I am unsure what to feel or do. In a perfect world, what would you see us do now?"
"I never would've taken Vhagar out after Luke," he spoke, "so that we never would have to be here."
"Well, we cannot change the fact that your dragon disobeyed you, right?" He nodded stiffly. "You did not have control, did you?"
"I swear to all the Gods - Old and New - that I did not have control and that I tried to stop her best I could. Both Arrax and Vhagar broke free of our control, did their own bidding. Arrax only wanted to protect his master, and so did Vhagar after the fire..."
"So," you sniffled, eyes red and puffy to slowly pull his hand down to hold in his lap, "we can place no real blame on you... Save for your foolish and fucking childish pursuit that started all of it," you sighed, leaning back into the wall and closing your eyes. "Your dragon ate my brother, Aemond."
"I know..."
"She... Ate him," you repeated, knowing the words stung but for a moment, you wanted him to hurt as you did. "There is no body for us to burn! Nothing for us to mourn!"
"I know," he whispered again, leaning back to the wall beside you.
"What am I to do?" You begged, tears falling helplessly. "If I leave you now or ever, I will be a traitor to you and your family, but if I weren't to return to my mother's side, I would be branded a traitor to her and her allies. Please, Aemond. I don't know what to do."
He sighed, sniffling, "I do not know... But should you choose to stay, I promise not to abandon you. I wouldn't ever leave your side, I would be the husband who deserves a wife like you. It would be my duty to make sure your life is easier as you bring life into this world."
You nodded as you wrapped an arm around your swelling belly, "I'd really like for our kid to know their father."
Aemond sighed, pausing for a moment before admitting, "I'd like our child to know our love - not the deception my mother and brother show their spouses."
You nodded, leaning into his shoulder, "I'd like that, too."
"I need to ask the impossible of you, my love," he whispered into the top of your head. "And know that I am sorry for the pain it will cause."
You sighed in defeat and snipped, "Just ask it."
"Would you... Would you please stay?"
The silence almost echoed around you both; his question hanging in the air only to be punctuated by a warning growl from Kasta, watching a shifting Vhagar move for her alcove with the intention of rest. Your eyes flashed in the bright torchlight, and Aemond watched as tears filled them to slide silently down your cheeks. Then he turned his head, and caught sight of a splatter of blood on his dragon's lips, chin, and chest. The silence prolonged around her thundering steps.
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bxlleville · 10 months
The Sacrifice (part 1) | Elijah Mikaelson
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Summary: You sacrifice yourself to save your boyfriend and his family. (Elijah Mikaelson fanfic)
TW: violence, loss of loved one, blood, emotional damage.
idk if it makes sense to you but just let my imaginations go wild😍
word count: 2618
Part 2
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Elijah covered Gia's body and stood up. You stood by him and looked sorrowfully at Gia's body. You didn't know much about her but she didn't deserve to die because of Klaus. Klaus was so angry and killing Gia was his revenge.
"I'm so sorry about Gia, if I had been here she wouldn't have died" You told you boyfriend.
"That's alright, nothing could have stopped Klaus from killing her." Elijah hugged you from your side and kissed your cheek and turned to camille, who had just drank blood to heal herself.
"are you ok?" you asked in concern and she nodded in response.
"now that you're healed, what did you mean by Klaus had a plan? we had a plan, a plan he has mercilessly destroyed!" Elijah exclaimed in anger. You caressed his back and he calmed down.
"our plan wouldn't have worked elijah" Camille spoke up and both of you looked at her with confusion.
"when Klaus got into my head, he said your plan would fail so he had to enact one of his own"
"and what's this plan of his?" you asked her.
"he has to get her to link to him" Camille told you both and you gasped.
"My brother wishes to bind himself to our enemy? she'll be virtually indestructible." Elijah said as he separated from you and walked closer to her.
"he said I had to convince you guys that everything he had to do, he had to do alone." Camille explained and you groaned.
"he is so stupid! he could get killed! he always thinks he has to do everything on his own and thinks on his own and he doesn't ask for help" you said in frustration as you ran your hands through your hair.
"you had the wrong ingredients to kill dahlia and he has to buy time before he finds the right ones." camille explained further.
"how?" Elijah asked.
"he is going to use the dagger on himself" Camille said and your eyes widened.
"with dahlia's life linked to his, she'll drop dead with him." you realised what Klaus's plan was.
"I'm really sorry about your friend." Camille told him.
"are you?" Elijah questioned.
"I'm not condoning klaus's actions. I'm trying to help you. All I know is, Klaus will do whatever he has to do for-" Camille was probably about to say for family but elijah cut her off.
"Klaus will do whatever he has to do for Klaus! now hayley is not answering her phone. what has he done?" Elijah interrogated.
"don't blame the messenger" you turn around and saw rebekah, the real rebekah, and Marcel, coming into the compound. It was so good to see Rebekah in her old body again, she was forced into another body for so long you never thought she would go back to her old body ever again.
"Rebekah" You smiled widely and ran and hugged her and she hugged back.
"Ava, it's good to see you" Rebekah said as she hugged you back.
"no hug for me?" Marcel asked with a smiled and arms opened as you and Rebekah pulled away. you rolled your eyes and smiled as you ran to hug him and after awhile, pulled away.
"rebekah" Elijah spoke and looked at her from head to toe, surprised to see her in her old body.
"looks like Niklaus has a lot on his to-do list last night, and as for hayley" Rebekah started.
"what happened to her?" you asked.
"When Klaus attacked me, he stole the spell that i used on the crescent wolves" Marcel explained.
"so he would condemn her to the body of a beast?" Elijah asked.
"Hayley will be human once a month." Rebekah told everyone.
"Are you saying she can only see her baby once a month?" You couldn't believe Klaus would do this to Hayley.
"Not for long. we will find her and we help her. But for now we have to focus on those who need saving today. Freya called, Dahlia is incapacitated, they are two hours north at orchard near Pear River, she has Hope." Rebekah told you guys and you knew Elijah would want to go there as fast as he could.
"Take me with you" Elijah nodded and carried you bridal style and sped out of the compound and to where Freya was.
"well my adage holds, nothing good ever happens in a clearing in the woods" Freya said and you chuckled as you and Elijah walked up to her.
"nothing good ever happens where my brother is concerned, with one exception." he looked over at Hope.
"How is she?"
"she's a Mikaelson, she's resilient." Freya said.
"can I hold her?" You asked and Freya nodded and handed Hope over to you.
"hello Hope, you know your auntie Ava? I'm your cool Aunt" you cooed and Freya chuckled. Elijah smiled at your cuteness and walked over to where Dahlia and Klaus were.
"When I woke, they were like this." Freay told you guys.
"Rebekah tells me Klaus has a plan kill to Dahlia, that he knew our plan would not work" Freya said.
"Yes, according to him, our ingredients were incorrect." Elijah explained.
"Klaus infiltrated Dahlia's mind. you didn't break her heart, we needed the blood of the witch she loved most, and you are not that witch, your mother is." You continued explaining to her while rocking Hope.
"So we need esther. well that's impossible, I killed her" Freya told you guys.
"one incarnation" Elijah told Freya and you saw the uneasy expression on Freya's face and felt bad for her.
"Our mother is burried in New Orleans. Niklaus wants us to revive the original body." Elijah explained and Freya nodded.
"Let's get back to the compound" Elijah said and he went over and carried Klaus to the back of the truck before going over to Dahlia and carried her and placed her beside Klaus while you took Hope's carrier to the back seat of the truck and placing her gently into the carrier. Freya got into the passenger seat before Elijah got into the driver seat and drove off.
Once you guys reached the compound, Elijah called Marcel to carry Dahlia in while he carried Klaus and you carried Hope into the compound. you put Hope's carrier on the fountain and took her out of the carrier and went over to the Mikaelsons. You saw that Marcel was bent over Klaus and poking his arm.
"Nik is demented." He stated.
"are we really to dig up our mother, burn her to ash, swap said ash for Kol's and then trick Davina into using her last chance to bringing someone back from the dead, not to mention we lose the opportunity to save Kol, if Davina doesn't turn us inside out?" Rebekah asked.
"and we will just be killing Esther again after all this so we're just back to square one" you added and everyone turned to you.
"what? I'm just saying what we're all thinking" you shrugged your shoulders.
"we could also dig a deep hole and leave both our problems at the bottom of it" Elijah spoke up.
"I say we choose a more permanent option, find the white oak stake, kill Klaus, Dahlia dies with him." Freya suggested.
"oh yea, and so do I, and every other vampire that Klaus has turned." Marcel told her.
Suddenly you heard a trickling noise and you turned your head and looked at Klaus and your eyes widened.
"um, guys, we got a situation" Everyone looked towards your direction and saw that the dagger in Klaus's chest is melting.
"The dagger is bloody melting." Rebekah swore as Elijah knelt down next to Klaus.
"We have no choice but to finish the task niklaus has set." Elijah said out loud and everyone nodded.
"Rebekah and I will go get our mother's ashes while Marcel and Freya will stay here and find Kol's ashes." Elijah explained.
"what about me? I want to help too." You told him.
"darling, you can help by taking care of Hope, where it's safe, I don't want you to get hurt from this." Elijah told you and you scoffed.
"I can take of myself, I'm a witch from the most powerful coven and have been training with Freya for so long" you retaliated.
" I know but Dahlia is a thousand years old, she's way more powerful than you. Please, we don't have time to argue." Elijah says and you couldn't say anything and just nodded.
Rebekah and Elijah left and Freya and Marcel started looking for Kol's ashes. You weren't going to stay there and do nothing so you left for Hope's room and kissed her before placing her gently in her crib.
"I'm sorry baby, auntie Ava have got some work to do" you said and left the room, making sure to put a spell so that no one can enter into the room unless it's one of your friends. you looked for Freya and Marcel, where they were in one of the rooms, looking for Kol's ashes.
"I thought you were supposed to take care of Hope?" Marcel asked.
"I'm not going to just sit around doing nothing when I can be of use. plus i'm with you guys, nothing will happen. and don't worry I put a boundary spell around Hope's room so no one can go in unless it's one of us" you told him and Freya and Marcel nodded.
"Elijah said Klaus kept Kol's ashes in a blue urn, what he didn't do was narrow the field. Heaven forbid one thing not be a damn secret in this family." Marcel explained as he continued to search while you started searching the cabinets.
"Yet, despite your anger, here you are, casting your lot with Klaus. Is that because you believe his plan's going to work?" Freya asked.
"That is the Mikaelson paradox, you want to love and kill each other all at the same time." Marcel said.
"you got that right" you scoffed. The three of you continued to search for the urn. you missed Kol, even though he could be a hard ass, he would still look out for you whenever necessary. you promised yourself to continue to look for a spell to bring him back from the dead after all this was over.
"look who got lucky" you turned and saw Marcel bringing out the urn from a cabinet and looked inside when his smile dropped as you and Freya walked towards him. He flipped the urn and nothing came out of it and you sighed.
"either you have a curious definition of luck or someone got to those ashes before we did." You told him.
"all right we better find a way to stop that dagger from melting because if the theif is who i think it is, we've got a problem." Marcel said out loud.
"I've got an idea, but Ava I need your help." Freya said and you nodded as the 3 of you went to Klaus.
"Just follow my lead" Freya started chanting and you copied her as she poured salt onto the dagger. It was no use, the dagger is still melting.
"It's no use, we can't slow her magic, everything we're trying fails." Freya said and Marcel ran his fingers through his hair. suddenly you heard creaking and you turned to the stairs and saw vines and leaves growing towards upstairs and towards Hope's room. Dahlia is trying to get to Hope.
"There's got to be a way to kill her" Marcel said.
"there is" you looked at Freya and saw her taking out the white oak stake.
"No! Freya!" Both you and Marcel lunged towards Freya to try and stop her but she used her magic to back you guys to the stairs.
"Please Freya, you don't have to do this, we will find another way." You practically begged her to stop what she was doing and think for a second.
"do you really want to kill your own brother? the family you always wanted." Marcel added in.
"This is the family I longed for, but because of her, i'll always be alone." Freya lifted the stake and plunged it towards Klaus's chest but was stopped by Klaus, who had just woken up.
"Sister" Klaus said as he held her hand with both of his and you sighed with relief. Freya let you and Marcel go and she helped Klaus up as Dahlia got up.
"I'm almost impressed by the lengths you'd go to for your little girl, though not enough to let bygones be." She reached out and the stake from Freya's hand flew into hers
"we are still linked, dear aunt. you may not way to punish me with that particular weapon." Klaus said as he walked forward towards Dahlia.
"Hmm, I made sure that the link between us melted along with the dagger. Meaning, i'm quite free to kill you." Dahlia said and Klaus's face dropped. She used her magic to pull Klaus towards her and was about to kill him but Marcel ran forward and saved Klaus. Dahlia used this time to transport you and Freya to hope's room even though you had placed a boundary spell and took a little bit of hope's blood before teleporting to someplace you didn't know. Dahlia started dragging you and Freya inside an abandoned warehouse.
"2 centuries ago, this city hung its traitors right here, I thought it was only fitting that it be your slaughtering grounds." Dahlia told Freya.
"why'd you bring Ava here. she didn't betray you" Freya asked her.
"she may not have betrayed me, but she is the firstborn of the most powerful covern, I can use her as my power source. not to mention all of you care for her, it would be a good punishment to make you guys see her suffer while you stand there and aren't able to do anything." You feared the worse as she dragged you and Freya inside and made you guys kneel before her as she place a boundary spell around you guys.
"I actually pity you, over the course of our long lives together, I could see you were broken, I used to think it was my fault, but in time, I've learned your ability to love died long ago" Freya said with tears forming in her eyes.
"Darkness isn't born you know, it's created, by snuffing out of a light. so however you thought you might mend me, please no you never could. Whenever I looked into your eyes, I saw your mother, the sister who turned my heart to stone, and with that stone I will crush each and everyone of her children." Dahlia told her. She came to your side and cut your wrist and collected some of your blood.
"what are you doing?" Freya asked her but Dahlia ignored her. she cut her hand and blood dripped from her hand and she started chanting.
"she's linking me to her, I can feel it." you told Freya.
"I'm so sorry Ava, you should never have had to be dragged into my family's drama." Freya said with tears in her eyes. you could feel you eyes welling up too.
"that's not your fault, I knew the risk when I started dating a Mikaelson and I still stuck by, and I would do it all over again if it meant being with Elijah." you said with a smile. you had a plan of your own and you started chanting and you transported yourself spiritually/physically (you'll get it later) to where Klaus was as he is the only one who could help you with the plan
part 2
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idanceuntilidie · 5 months
Though of something
Yandere x victim reader
(The yandere starts toying with their prey before losing interest in their original darling… and somehow I got inspired by “I love amy”)
Finally getting back to writing!! Hope you enjoy it pooks I hope this was okay.
GN yandere x GN reader
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You grip the pen tightly, scribbling another love letter across the, slightly damp from your sweat, paper. The letters were rushed, slightly smudged from your hand. It was still not good enough and you wrote too little. 
Groaning you lay your head on the desk, giving up.
“Hey are you done yet?”
“Why are you laying down then?”
“Because I have been doing this all day.”
“Not all day silly! Just 5 hours!!”
You hate it here.
Getting up your, too heavy for your comfort, head you look at what you have written already, which not surprising was actually a bunch of random words glued together in a pathetic attempt of romancing the person who the letter is for.
Before you had a chance to throw it away, like the rest of worthless poems you wrote in these past 5 hours, it was quickly snatched.
“You suck.”
A very uncomfortable feeling appeared in the pit of your stomach, or maybe it was there all along? You wipe your sweaty hands across your jeans, huffing and avoiding any form of contact with the person who was behind you. “But it’s okay since we are friends after all” A warm breath, a shudder and a giggle. They sat next to you, their soft hands leading yours. Oh wow, they did their nails today, what a pretty red color. You look at them, eyes focused on pretty blonde locks, and brown eyes focused on the paper that is stained with your saliva. Yuck, that’s embarrassing but you focus on the paper also. Your hand glides through the paper, writing in such pretty cursive that you wouldn’t be able to do it yourself.
“See? That’s how you do it” 
“Ah um, if you can do it why make me?” You chuckle lightly pulling your hand back but when you look at them, their eyes are on you now. They are brown, and you know it, but holy shit right now they look black. A void without emotions, but they smile. Perfect white teeth, pretty lips, goddamn. “Because we are friends, no? I want to spend time with you.”
You blush, wow, it feels nice. It makes you feel hot, a little lightheaded if you will, but that’s normal, you are just embarrassed. You play with your sweaty hands, a small smile appears on your lips. It’s silly, everyone warned you about Alice, but they have been really nice to you so far, giving you food, driving you to school. Taking care of you generally, the two of you probably became best friends and it has only been a month since they asked you to be friends.
Best friends huh? You always wanted one. The only thing they wanted back was to help them get closer to some guy. You don’t know him that well, hell, you don’t really remember his name but you were desperate for some friendship.
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Alice tilts their head, how odd you are. A small little bug they can crush in their hands, but you are useful to them. Of course, they wanted to get rid of you as soon as they saw you. Naturally you were in their way, but seeing as you knew their darling you could be a useful asset, since they don’t want to get close to them. YOU could be their personal little messenger, and you in fact were for a whole month.
Of course because of Alice no one wanted to get close to you and your little friends abandoned you since you hung out with them. It was funny, entertaining even. You were like a little puppy looking for someone to take care of them, you were also a little pathetic they had to admit. Clumsy, forgetful and very VERY awkward. You were cute though, and now that they have a good look on you they are very sure of that. Ha, you were even cuter than their darling.
Alice scrunches their nose in disgust, where did that thought come from? Ah, well, it’s not like it’s false, you are quite pretty and cute.
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“Alice? Alice o-oh God.” There is blood, it makes your stomach churn uncomfortably. The first thought that appeared in your head was that Alice was in trouble. You look at the last message they sent you, full of grammar mistakes and too short. You carefully step into their house, it looked wrecked and the stench of blood was becoming too much. You should call the police, but that was pushed aside by the need to make sure your best friend was okay. Stupid little you wandered deeper, like those people in horror movies that were about to get killed. “Shh” Someone placed their hand over your mouth, pressing their body to yours. They were strong despite their appearance. “Y/N, it took you so long, I swear if you didn’t come I would have just dragged you here myself.” It was Alice, part of you was glad they were okay. The other wanted to throw up because the hand that covered your mouth was bloody. You could taste it.
“Here let me show you the surprise.” Despite looking frail, Alice was strong, they picked you up with ease. You didn’t scream, not a word or sound left your mouth. You were simply too scared, it made your head buzz with thoughts to the point your vision became blurry. Alice carried you to their basement, it was dim and it smelled worse than upstairs. There was a light bulb in the middle, its lighting focused on the person sitting under it.
“L-Lucas?” Your eyes met the milky white ones of the boy sitting under the light bulb. Alice placed you on the ground and even urged you to come closer to the body. Lucas, the guy that Alice was so in love with, was dead. He was sitting in his fucking based, disembowled. Instead of the organs there were your favorite flowers.
You fell to your knees, holding a hand to your mouth as you threw up. The vomit trickling down your chin and falling to the floor. You felt like Lucas was staring at you, the thoughts in your head were screaming, yelling at you to get up and fucking run. You felt too weak, like you were in some bad dream. Alice rubbed your shoulders, they didn’t seem to mind that you just threw up all over yourself. They didn’t seem to mind that you were covered in tears, snot and blood. In fact they looked like they enjoyed it. “Surprise!”
They chirped, smiling widely.
Perfect teeth, perfect lips, smile and face.
Your vision was blurry, head fuzzy.
You saw the perfect little Alice grab something, and then you went out like a light.
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itstheghostofmypast · 6 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
Okay- so, first of all, thank you so much Anon, for this ask and I'm sorry I responded to late, but I had to take my time with this one.😭💖.
So here it goes, (i know i said i'd do two biases, im sorry guys, i love yall too much and i get too invested the word count was killing me)
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1) @edenesth
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Park Seonghwa- Rivals to Lovers
Here me out, he owns an old book shop across the street, he's been there longer than you too. This was his turf, his town, his people, people who loved to read in his cozy library, with its olden print books, worn out pages, read through by generations of the same family.
All was great until one spring she shows up, with her whole pastel plus minimalistic vibes, all with the cutesy trinkets and plants, with warm lights- he noticed some books too, but they were only for show- in conclusion it was a horrid place.
A horrid place where most teens would go to after school now, no longer going to his bookshop, where they'd gossip, read novels or mangas, or even look at pretty pictured magazines (the safe kind, mind you he kept nothing nasty). What's worse was that the older folk began to go there, too! Especially because of how nice she was to them, so polite and so pretty and - ANNOYING.
He even went to 'inspect' the place, with a sour mood and an ill intention, though he was greeted with a burst of sweet aroma, one that had his stomach growling and his inner foodie, begging him to pick at least one of the many pastries or have a cup of steaming, delicious coffee. What came next was worst, her, with her gentle smile and angelic features.
"Hello! Welcome to Spring Avenue, how may we help you today?"
"You're taking my traffic."
"I'm sorry, I don't understand."
"Of course you don't."
With that he had walked out, starting a cold war, between the two. Ironically, she was a pacifist, never a fighter, but boy, did he piss her off, he knew all those buttons that would have her steaming like a hot latte.
The war had begun;
It all began when he put a " 10% off sign on Mangas, Fashion Magazines and Manhwas" that took a god chunk of her traffic.
In retaliation, she launched a "Friendship campaign, any customer that brings a friend gets a cake slice free."
Spend 2 hours reading here and leave with a borrowed book/novel of your choice."
"Buy a coffee and get a cookie free."
This continued throughout the season, so did their rivalry, to an extent that led their divided customers sense the tension. And like usual, highschoolers are escapists and this little feud of Seonghwa and her's was a problem they'd like to avoid, from her cafe they could see their beloved bookshop owner Seonghwa scowl at them, and if they were leaving the bookshop, the kids could feel the uneasiness in her smile that she give them once they'd pass her by.
"Congratulations, you're in loss." She sighed, closing the file, earning a scowl from the cafe owner, "Hey, I'm just here to check your bills, loss, and profit stuff, don't shoot the messenger."
"Alexia, come on." She whined, this was her dream, she'd put in her life's savings for this, "What should I do, Lexi?"
"Gosh, maybe not give out stupid discounts four times in a month?" Alexia sighed, rubbing her face, leaning back to stare at the bookshop across the street, "San said he knows the owner, maybe you guys could do a collab, instead of trying to each other's traffic."
"Who's San?" She asked her best friend, slash account manager and Public Relations officer- wait, was she dating!?
"Oh- uh- hey would you look at the time?" Alexia got up, grabbing her disposable coffee cup and bag, "Tell you what, you ask the bookshop owner dude about this? Okay? I'll get back with the details on Monday!" She called out as she walked towards the door, ignoring the cafe owner's questions about this San, "BYE LOVE YOU!"
That's how she found herself standing Infront of his bookshop that evening, still debating if she should go in or not? Was this idea even worth it, the guy was rude, annoying, stupid, incredibly handsome and sweet with kids and- the hell.
"Can I help you?" His deep voice came out of no where
She almost jumped out of her skin, only to turn around and spot the man she had been hating for the past ten months, standing there in all his angleic glory, with that ugly sweater and that overly comfortable scarf, not to mention his hair, his undercut had grown, quiet well too, perhaps he really was blessed with good genes.
"I uh..." she trailed off, pouting to herself, thinking of how he'd react, maybe he would make fun of her, or insult her or even go as far as to tell the town about her poor business management skills.
"Are you still open?" his question had caught her off guard, staring at him quietly wanting to see if this was a trick, only it wasn't, for when she nodded, he had looked around and then asked if he could...get a cup of coffee from there.
Of course she had said yes, why on earth would she say no to a customer, she needed the business. Unfortunately, that one cup of coffee, turned into two, then three, well- not as unfortunate as she would like it to be.
The two, mind you, who still didnt like each other, began to learn a lot about each other. He learnt how she was genuinely a sweet, caring and gentle person, her persona was indeed not fake but very real, this is who she was. She on the other hand, learned that he had inherited this business from his family, and he was an avid reader- sort a geek, a cute geek, a cute geek that could eat a whole chocolate cake with three mugs off coffee like it was nothing.
It wasn't until the third week of him visiting her cafe, that when he had stepped out to go there, he had bumped into her. She had almost fallen, but he was quick, gripping her wrist and pulling her into his chest, only to laugh when she mumbled an excuse, though he was glad she couldn't hear how his heart was hammering against his chest, wanting to stuff itself in the breast pocket of her coat.
That day she had asked him if she could check out his book shop, because she had been looking for old English bakery recipes and she couldn't find it anywhere, not any store around or online. Of course he had taken her to the right isle, in the right section in no time, this bookshop was his life and collecting and sifting through books was his passion, that day he had seen her passion, she had sat there, on the floor the entire night, reading book after book, mumbling to herself as she noted down recipes. He had sat next to her, helping her jot down notes, bringing her coffee- well not as good as hers, but good enough. At one point he had even ordered them a late night snack, well snacks, because he's a growing boy. He had closed the shop with the two inside, even pulled out a blanket and some cushions from the lounging area so she could comfortably work- she was a passionate girl and ironically he had realised something that night, only it turned into a full blown epiphany in the morning.
Next morning she had woken up right next to him, her head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around her as the blanket was draped over the two, they had fallen asleep while reading- oh my, he really was pretty up close.
Though the two pretended nothing had happened, nothing had changed, however, everyone around them had noticed, the highschoolers would giggle when he'd come to her cafe for a cup of coffee, or how the older folk would pat him on the back when she'd step into the bookshop calling him out for help, with her little, "Hwa?"
Neither really knew how it happened, but one night while closing up he had waited outside for her, telling her he'd drop her home, even though she lived close by. Slowly this had become part of their routine, he'd often talk about the latest manga or an issue to the Star Wars comics or whatever on earth he'd talk about, but she'd always listen. Always smile and laugh at his jokes, while he'd readily accept any test recipes she'd try, telling her that his stomach was like a blackhole.
But when do the two get together? Simple, on New Years Eve, when he had to close his shop but she had decided to leave her cafe open, wanting to cater to all those who were celebrating the arrival of the new year with their loved ones, she knew Seonghwa had to go home anyway and she didn't want to spend the night alone since her family was out of town. What she did not expect was a few minutes before the strike of midnight, the cafe door chimed open as she turned to greet the customer, only to freeze at the sight before her- Seonghwa entering with a bouqet of origami flowers, smiling at her as he slowly walked to her;
"I- I know you don't like plucking flowers or bouqets, so I made you these."
"You...made these?"
"I...because I..." but before he could finish his sentence his ears picked up the count down, causing him to quickly place the flowers on the counter and as soon as the fireworks rang in her ears, it was as if she could feel the burning warmth in her body, taking a second to process how his lips were on hers, his hands cupping her face as her hands instinctively went up to grip his coat, pulling him even closer. Who knew that one day she'll end up opening a cafe that also served as a bookstore, who knew that one day, her little, evil, handsome rival bookseller, would be the New Year's kiss she never knew she needed, the man she never knew she needed, the lover that she was blessed to have.
2) @yessa-vie
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Jeong Yunho- Neighbors to Lovers
No, she was not the new tenant, he was, and for some ungodly reason he was also extremely ill-prepared to live alone. Like any other weekend, she was leaving her apartment to go to the cafe to sit in peace and finish her novel, but God had other plans. She had opened the door to come face to face with a tall, good-looking man, though the smile he wore scared her- he was one of those extroverts.
No, he was not mean at all, nor was he the manipulative kind, Jeong Yunho really didn't know how the pre-installed dishwasher worked, that's why he had come to her that fateful weekend, about to knock on the door but she had beat him to it, opening the door before he could, earning a sheepish smile in return- who knew his neighbour would be so gorgeous, who knew purple could look so good on someone?
"Hey, I- I moved in across the hall, apartment 19, lol, I guess we're neighbours, huh?"
She had only nodded meekly at his question, pulling her satchel closer to her person, not because she didn't like him, no, but because she wasn't much of a talker anymore, not so confident either and also- because regardless of how good looking this stranger was, he was still a stranger.
"I'm Yunho- Sorry to bother you, I know you must be going somewhere, but I- I uh- I wanted to know if you know how to operate the dishwasher?"
That's how she found herself in his apartment, leaving the maindoor wide open, so she could escape if something were to happen, but to her surprise he was just a regular idiot, one who thought the dishwasher was a rack used to dry the dishes- men.
That night Yunho met an angel, one who seemingly had her life planned out, held together well, while he was still trying to build something out of his- data analyst or not, living alone was not the easiest thing to do, yet, she seemed so nonchalant about it.
Overtime however, she noticed how he would come over to ask her for help often, sometimes it was the 'fridge isn't working right' other times it was the 'how much water do you add to rice while boiling it?' Honestly, she would've told him to piss off if it were anyone else, but it was her polite neighbour, her sweet polite, new neighbour who would pass her by in the corridor every morning, smiling at her and wishing her a good morning- even if she wasn't a morning person.
Ironically, he continued to ensure they cross paths, only because he wanted to get to know her, to talk to her, he really needed a friend, and since moving here meant Mingi and him could no longer hang out 24/7, he really needed another person to talk to, someone who was not Hongjoong from the finance department.
Ironically, she did not protest or tell him to get lost, instead she's quietly help him whenever he'd approach her, giving him a shy smile then going back to her apartment. That purple door tempting him to go back and knock on the old wood, wanting to know what Narnia like secrets she hid behind.
She let it be, truthfully, she wanted fo befriended him, but during these little adventures, she realised she had begun to neglect her book, the same book she had a deadline for, the same book she had been working on day and night, and now this puppy pops up and takes all her attention?
So what does she do? Simple, she starts to create some form of distance, leave before he'd be awake, come back home later too, also even if he did come to knock on her purple door, she wouldn't be there to answer it, so technically she wouldn't feel guilty right?
Wrong, instead God had punished her with a severe writer's block, one so bad that she had missed two of her deadlines, and according to her publisher, she was on her last chance. That's how she found herself at the very cafe where she would find solace, now on the verge of tears, staring at the laptop in pure agony, maybe this was payback for leaving him unattended and ignoring him or maybe she was never meant to be a writer.
A fresh cup of coffee was placed next to her hand, causing her to quickly pull back and look at the stranger, only her panicked eyes met a softer, more timid gaze, a gentle smile gracing her presence.
"Hey... you looked like you needed the juice." He smiled, gesturing towards the chair, as if asking for permission to sit down next to her, to which she nodded.
"I uh..." she paused. Should she even be asking him how he's been? Does she have the right to do so, or are they just neighbours- well, at this point, two strangers living across each other.
"I read your books by the way," he began, giving her a gentle smile, as he felt the way she had tensed up, honestly, initially he thought she was like that because his presence made her uncomfortable, but he soon realised it wasn't him, but she usually was this tensed all the time, this nervous and unsure, which made no sense to him because she was one of the most well functioning person he had met in the city, and he was glad to have moved in next to her, "It's great, the plotline is amazing and the details- you really captured the essence, I particularly liked the world you created, honestly, when I moved here I thought everyone wore those 'blockers' too. To not...feel stuff you know," he turned to look at her, only to catch her staring at him, a small chuckle escaping him when she cleared her throat, averting her gaze, "You were the only one who was nice enough to help me, even for the stupidest of tasks...it means a lot."
She stared at him in awe and disbelief. She had been trying to avoid him for almost a month now, couldn't he tell? Or was he just playing dumb- I mean he totally could be dumb, he didn't know a toaster comes with settings, just thought the numbers were there for the appeal.
After that the two began to "spend time together", it was strictly casual mind you, nothing personal, though he would drop by more often than usual, sometimes after work, sometimes on the weekends- to have dinner with her, he'd bring dessert, or to watch a movie with her, he'd bring the snacks- no, nothing domestic at all.
Or so they thought, because a few months in, he had come over by swinging the door open, yes he had the keys and she had his keys, only to find her standing there all dressed up.
"Where are you off to? What about movie night?"
"Oh no..." she gasped, "Yuyu, I forgot to tell you I had a date tonight." A date? Why? With whom?
"Wait, why?"
"What do you mean why?"
"Why would you go on a date when we- I mean...isn't it weird? Shouldn't you be more focused on your book, instead of this temporary romance?"
"Temporary romance?!"
"W-wait, I didn't mean it like that. It came out wrong-"
"I said get out!"
That happened a week ago, she had been avoiding him for a whole week, she had been ignoring his calls, his texts, his knocks- no he didn't barge into her apartment, it took him a great amount of time to get her to open up to him and he idiotically clowned himself. So he decided to go to the next thing, go to the official reading of her book launch.
He waited there at the back, listening to her intently, taking in each word, who knew he would ever fall in love with, her neighbour, the same girl who had helped with the dishwasher, brought him dinner at night, spent time teaching him the usual ropes of living alone- who knew the very same girl had changed the plot of the book, basing it on her life, expressing how the shy, depressed protagonist, who thought dying her hair purple would make her feel better, realised that the only thing that would make her feel better would be a companion, a tall, handsome man, with a heart of gold- it was not that she needed a man, no, she just needed a friend, and she had finally found one, the inspiration to her writer's block, the Chandler to her Monica, the- HE DIES!? 
He gasped, appalled at the way she had ended the story, where at the end, on his deathbed the man tells his beloved how she never needed him, but he needed her to function, to live through each day- bloody hell.
He waited for them to leave when he finally approached her, somewhat upset-no, he was very upset, as she stopped cleaning up to look at him, raising a questioning brow, "What?"
"I can't believe you!"
"Funny, Jeong, I should be the one saying that."
"What!? You killed me!?"
"I come here to declare my undying love- no I come here to tell you how much you mean to me and apologise for never asking you out but getting upset when someone actually asked you out and you KILL ME IN YOUR NOVE?"
"First of all, I accept your apology, secondly, the protagonist was DEFINITELY NOT YOU, I made him up WAY BEFORE I met you."
"Oh..." he stared at her then looked around the almost empty bookshop, maybe he should just leave-
"So...Will you ask me out properly now or...'l"
"Move in with me."
"Too fast."
"Was worth a shot." He smiled when she let out a small laugh shaking her head at his antics, "Take me to dinner, Yunho." She smiled watching him lean closer then pause, as if asking for her permission,  "Can I...?" His question was answered when she gripped him by the lapels of his coat, pulling him closer to crash her lips against his, smiling when he wrapped his arms around her, pulling back only to press his forehead against hers,
"We move into my apartment..."
"What? Mine's great-"
"Yunho, have you seen the window and the balcony on mine?"
"Your apartment it is boss."
3) @jaehunnyy
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Choi San- Bestfriends to Lovers
Idiots, these two were complete idiots who were utterly in love with each other but were also too blind to realise that - why? Simple, because both feared that confessing to the other may ruin the long-held, deep bond.
A bond that had developed at the ripe age of childhood, middle school, to be more accurate. The day he had come to school, bored out of his mind, staring outside the window, wondering if he could jump on the closest tree to escape this prison. What he had not expected was an angel to come and sit beside him, well technically, the teacher had made her sit next to him, and he hadn't noticed her until she poked his shoulder lighter, causing him to jerk back and gasp, earning a few chuckles from the glass as the teacher just sighed in defeat.
"Do you need help with that?" She asked, pointing at the math equation in front of him. He looked at his notebook and remembered that's what they were supposed to me doing- damn that was a lot of daydreaming.
"Yeah, I guess...do you... know how to solve it?" He asked the new girl, too afraid to make eyecontact.
"Here, I'll show you." Turning to face him, she pulled his scribbled notebook closer.
"I'm San by the way."
That day onwards, a nice and quiet introvert at the back of the class finally began to crack open. From time to time, you'd hear him whispering to her, talking about some anime or a film. Often, he'd be telling her about his cat, Byeol, and how pretty she was. During break you wouldn't see San next to her for the first five minutes, no, he'd be sprinting across the campus,jumping down the stairs to go to the canteen to get her something to drink with her lunch, or a sweet snack, regardless of how many times she'd say 'it's fine.' During self study hours, she wouldn't be studying, no, she'd be busy tutoring her athletically gifted friend, he was...a little dumb, but that's okay, he was hardworking and she'd tell him she'd help him where he'd get stuck, explain and tutor where needed- especially in math.
As they grew older, he grew into his body, his self-esteem issues slowly subsiding, his feelings for her deepening, yet, never enough to tip the scale, at the bring of an edge but never enough to flow out he had to keep it all under control, because that's just how San was, patient and calm, he would never take a step if there was an ounce of the doubt when it came to how she felt about him. Though watching her spread her wings into the beauty she was, well, was somewhat problematic for him. Especially when she'd come to him, smiling like that, greeting him with the gentle voice of hers, asking him if he liked her haircut.
"What do you think?"
"It's...very nice."
"Just very nice?"
"You'd look pretty to me even if you were bald."
Conversations like these would have her heart hammering against her ribcage, and she'd pray to God that he couldn't hear it. She'd pray for it when he'd be walking home side by side, his shoulder bumping into hers, or his hand brushing against hers, when he'd take her bag from her, clicking his tongue at how heavy it would be,
"You trynna' build muscles like me?" He'd ask, though he was still very fragile, he'd only started going to the gym when he noticed how the 'basketball team captain', had decided to ask her to 'help tutor him too', though she had politely declined.
"Hmm? Of course not, Advanced Math books are just big like that..."
"Why do you do this to yourself, dove?" A nickname she had gained over the time, one used only by him.
"Because I wanna teach one day, I love teaching, I want to make sure people realise subjects aren't difficult or they aren't dumb, it's just that they're not taught properly."
Yup, he was smitten, on his knees, begging for her please ( he was also an idiot).
Ended up in college with her, though in a different major, like hell the now 'mountain of a man', no longer the kitten-like fragile boy, was going to major in math- business was a way better option.
This wasn't a bad situation, though they rarely had a few classes together, she'd still make time to see him, to text him as soon as class would end, but he'd already be standing at the exit, waiting for her with a coffee in hand and a dimpled smile, reserved just for her.
In no means was Choi San an extrovert, but somehow along the line he had met one, who later claimed that his MBTI had changed to an introvert too, though he doubted that notion- Jung Wooyoung.
Boistorous, noisy, obnoxious but a genuinely nice person at heart, Wooyoung was his companion in his major's classes, he was also the first person to know about San's little secret, since San trusted him enough to know, though Wooyoung assured him he had figured it out as soon as San introduced him to her as his "bestfriend".
"You're an idiot." Wooyoung snorted, taking off his shoes as he walked into the 4th years tiny apartment.
"What? Why?"
"You really think I didn't know?"
"How did you kno-'
"You can be bestfriends with a girl since childhood, unless a) one of you confessed to the other and got friendzoned but still chose friendship or b) neither of you confessed but are secretly crushing over the other."
"Wow, should've been a psychologist instead of a business major."
"What can I say, Sannie? I am a man of many talents."
Things progressed like this for a long time, Wooyoung watched from the sidelines how the two would basically act like a couple that was not a couple- almost everyone at campus thought they were a couple and Wooyoung was basically the third wheel. Not that he minded, and San appreciated him for that, he was glad Wooyoung's relationship with his dove was platonic- borderline sibling-like.
But Choi San was a fool, one that Choi San, at the fresh age of 25 wished that perhaps he'd be able to take the next steps, but something at the back of his mind held him back, were his personal desires as important as this friendship?
Which is why he stood there watching his best friend get ready for her date, her date with Wooyoung. After a conversation he did not like, but what could he say? He was too afraid to even confess, and well, Wooyoung wasn't a bad guy, and technically, he was his friend.
"I'm gonna ask her out, Sannie." The brunnet sighed, before taking a sip of his coffee, humming at the bitterness, perhaps this bitterness was sweeter than the bitter taste that had developed in San's mouth at the statement.
"W-why?" The bigger man with the fragile heart whispered.
"Because...I like her...I'm sorry but...I gave you time, so much of it and...I just wanted you to be the first one to know...if she says no, we'll all still be friends, but if she says yes...San, I won't hold back."
That had led to her first anniversary with Wooyoung, then the second and finally a day before their third anniversary San had texted the couple how he wouldn't be able to make it to their anniversary party because he had work that day and he wished them the best.
What he did not expect was someone knocking on his door at 2 am, opening the door to find a tear stained Wooyoung, only for him to punch the taller man in the face, watching him stumble backwards then wipe his eyes and sigh, "I swear- if you weren't such a great guy, I would've stabbed you."
"What the F*CK WOOYOUNG?"
That night was the first time he had seen Wooyoung cry, cry about how when she read the message she had become a mess, one that even Wooyoung couldn't fix, begging him for forgiveness how she made a mistake, how even though she was happy with Wooyoung, her heart belonged to someone else, someone who she thought she could move on from since he never confessed, since he never liked her back the way she did, and though the text was a confirmation of that, she couldn't bear lying to Wooyoung, to give him only half the love of what he deserved, knowing he deserved someone who would teach him the true meaning of love, because she was a teacher with only one student in mind, the idiot of a man- Choi San.
That night San couldn't sleep, not a wink, he processed the words over and over again, so did she like him? Should he confess to her? Now? Wouldn't that make it awkward? Or should he wait? Would that be a mistake?
Though his questions were answered in the morning when the doorbell rang at 7 am, making the sleepy man sigh as he stumbled to the door with blurry eyes, opening it still half asleep, only the slap he received woke sobered him up quickly,
"SHUT UP! DONT TAKE HIS NAME! I HURT HIM BECAUSE OF YOU!" Never in the many years of knowing her, had she raised her voice like that.
"NO! LISTEN TO ME!" She yelled before shoving him inside so she could continue yelling inside, "I like you- and you- you d*ck you could tell him you liked me but you couldn't tell me!? All those horrible dates you watched me go to, but you couldn't stop me?! You knew you liked me yet you let Woo ask me out!?"
"I- I didn't wanna ruin what we had..."
"San, I- what if I had married Woo? Huh? Then what? When you already had half my heart, I-"
She couldn't finish her sentence though, because the next thing she knew, he was smothering her with all that pent up love, his lips pressing against hers with a ferocity she had ever seen in her gentle Sannie, wanting to claim what he was too scared to touch before.
He only pulled back when she lightly pushed him back, gasping for air, looking up at him all flushed and pink, her swollen lips just enticing him even more,
"W-what was that?" She breathed out.
"Never say you're marrying anyone but me, I would've ruined the wedding even if it meant being thrown out."
"You're an idiot Sannie."
"No, I just had a teacher who could teach me math, but couldn't teach me how to love properly - guess she was learning too."
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Infinite Solutions (snippet)
Hey hey, lovelies!
Here's a little snippet of the Professor!Andy Barber x Professor!Reader series/mini-series (haven't decided yet, lol). I've made a poll asking whether or not I should pursue this fic, and I've been getting great responses. So, there is a possibility it may become a series. 🤭🤭🤭
Anyways, Enjoy!!
Pairings: Law!Professor!Andy Barber
Word count: 700
Warnings: None yet
Summary: *It's still a surprise, hehe*
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“You’re doing it again,” you hear a rough voice say. Looking away from the chalkboard, you see the dark-haired, blue-eyed man giving you a tired, tilted smile. You smile back, confused. “Huh?”
He sighs and nods his head, as if asking if he could enter. You nod, allowing him. “You’re going to break it,” he points at the white chalk in your fist. You hold it as though it’s the last thing to your name; you were so focused you didn’t know you were holding onto it for dear life.
“You’re supposed to be at home, sweetheart. Not break your head over some problem,” he waves his hand towards the blackboard. You bite the inside of your cheek, forcing your facial features to not react to the “sweetheart”. He looks at his expensive watch that sits nicely on his exposed forearm.
You take in his look, from the neat brown loafers to the nicely fitted black slacks to the light blue button-down where the sleeves were folded to his elbows, to the dark blue tie tucked nicely around his thick neck.
You push those thoughts aside, and you listen to him complain that you shouldn’t be here, at the university, this late at night.
“Just solving a problem,” you counter, placing the chalk back on its shelf. Andy sighs and nods, “I understand, but you know sleep is important, right?” You walk to your desk to pack up your stuff and you feel him follow you. He ducks his head to catch your eye, “right?”
You nod mindlessly, zipping up your messenger bag. You reach for the heavy textbook you haul all the time, but Andy grabs it before you could. “Let me,” he insists, as he adjusts his coat over the hinge of his elbow. You nod and say your thanks; you switch off your desk lamp and CPU, as your final routine for the night.
“Shall we?” He whispers, his deep blue eyes glinting against the moonlight streaming through your office window. You nod and your lips slightly twitch upwards, “sure, yeah. You gonna walk me to my car?” He chuckles and shakes his head, “that gonna be a problem?” His Boston accent incredibly strong.
You shake your head and lightly smile, “not at all, Barber.”
You both walk towards your door, and he holds it open for you, and you walk past him nodding your thanks.
The Boston chill hits you like a freight train, and you shiver instantly. Andy and you make a beeline towards your Corolla at the back of the parking lot. He makes you laugh with his dad jokes, and you ask him about little 3-year-old Jacob, and he says that he really appreciated you going to Jacob’s pre-school's Mother’s Day event.
“Ah, it’s really nothing. Anything to make that little troublemaker smile,” you brush off the compliment. Andy shakes his head, “No, I really do appreciate it a lot. You know, ever since Laurie left-.”
You nod, “Andy, It’s fine. And I really don’t mind helping you and Jakie out, really.” Andy gives you one of the softest smiles ever, and it warms your whole body despite the freezing chill of Massachusetts.
You press the button on your car keys, and your dark grey Corolla beeps. Andy opens the driver's side and as you’re about to get in, you stop and turn to face him. Your eyes widen as you didn’t realize how close you two were.
You could see the green specks in his eyes, and the little grey hairs in his thick beard. “I uh,” you start, staring at his lips. But your mind trails further to a place where it makes the tip of your ears flare red. You shouldn't be feeling these things towards Andy, he's a good friend of yours. A most importantly, your co-worker. Yes, you were in different faculty’s, but still.
Worst thing is, you could see that he feels the same. He senses the slight desire, the slight neediness you both have for the other. It's been simmering since the day you two met. The way he grips onto the door, the way he hands you back your textbook. He can’t stop looking at you, he can't stop thinking about you.
You're both waiting for the other to do something or the other, waiting for the bubble to burst.
“Goodnight,” he whispers, his eyes darting between your lips and eyes. “Night,” you whisper back, and you pull yourself from your frozen position and get in the car. He shuts the door gently, before lightly tapping on your window and waving goodbye. You replicate the same gesture, before pulling out of the lot.
Alright lovelies!!!
What do we think?
This is the offical first piece of writing I will be posting on here. So, any feedback, thoughts or even comments are really appreciated!!
Till next time!
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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lover-i-lover · 1 year
Spencer's magic bag
Oh, Spencer's magic messenger bag. He has almost anything in that bag. Why don't we look at some times that bag has saved you and made everything better.
Your case had gone late into the night and early morning, you were bagging on getting some sleep on the plane back, but the jet's blinds are broken. Leaving the sunshine state in the early morning, does not grant you the grace you were hoping for. You drop yourself down in the darker part of the plane, but the sun is still a big pain in the ass. Somehow Spencer is fine, he's not tired, hungry or anything and it makes you so mad. It shouldn't but you're fucking cranky, and sadly you know it. You hold an arm over your eyes as the sucky sun shines through the plane. You're really wishing you haven't forgotten your sunglasses in your suitcase. You give a slight groan and hear Spencer chuckle. You drop your arm and slump back in your seat, making room for Spencer to sit beside you. You lean your head into the crook of his neck. Spencer sets his messenger bag by his legs and throws an am around your shoulder. "What's wrong?" he questions, letting your head rest for the first time in hours.
"Nothing..." You sigh, knowing even if you decide to tell him there's not much he can do to help. Spencer needs his sunglasses, and if he does have painkillers it's probably the kind you need to have with food. "Something is clearly wrong, I'd like to help" He squeezes your shoulder and you snuggle op to him, bringing your legs op on his legs. "There's nothing to do Spence, but thank you" You say, hoping you'd be allowed to cuddle op to him even though the team is around. Spencer grumbles something to the affect of Yes but still, love you, I'm here. You nod slightly, still warm from the burning sun. A few minutes pass with you snuggled op to him. Suddenly, Spencer goes to pull you off and you almost whine. You know Spencer isn't big on PDA, but you were hoping that Spencer would grant you the grace the sun was denying you, though you haven't said it you expected him to notice.
"Something's hurting you" He states questioningly, gently tilting your head back onto the seat. You sigh, that didn't take long. "It's just a headache, the sun isn't helping" You half groan, shifting to lay against the one stretch of wall without a window. Spencer gives a sad smile, glad he was right, yet sad he was right because of course he doesn't like to see you hurt. You watch as he grabs his bag and brings it into his lap, that fucking confused you. He keeps books and case files in that thing, what's he looking for. You close your eyes. Tired and hot. Suddenly something is slipped onto your face, your eyes fly open in surprise. Sunglasses. You look to the top of Spencer's head, his own sunglasses set neatly behind his ears. "You just, have an extra pair of sunglasses?" you ask, as he brings you back into a snuggle. "Of course i do" He confesses, pressing a short, sticky kiss to your forehead. You smile, reminding yourself that you need to write a thank you letter to Diana for raising some a smart, sweet, and considerate son. "Thanks Spence" You mutter. Spencer smiles, pulling his own sunglasses down over his eyes, ready to fall asleep next to you. He shuffles close, leaning his head atop yours. You give a small happy hum, and let yourself sleep for the first time in two days.
You've had a bad day. That's what you tell Spencer as you get in the elevator with him, your arms crossed over your chest, heavy bag slung over your shoulder. Your stomach grumbles and you're reminded that you've not had your usual lunch with Spencer because you've had an enormous amount of paperwork and just did not have the time. "Ahh. Thank you Baby" You whine as he slips the bag off your shoulder. Spencer chuckles and hikes the bag op on his own shoulder. You swear that man has no limit to what he can hold on his shoulders. He could carry 20 bags on one shoulder and not even get winded. You lean on his non bag shoulder and he sets an arm around you. You lay a hand on your stomach, hoping to quiet it. Spencer spares your stomach a glance and your face heats op in embarrassment. You definitely want your stomach to shut op now, and you're kinda regretting letting Spencer take your bag.
"Is something wrong?" He asks, rubbing your side lightly. The question seems odd to you. Is something wrong?, not what is wrong? Normally Spencer would already know something is wrong, or he'd wait to see if you give any more clues. Something must seem very wrong to him, if not he wouldn't be asking. "I'm hungry, starving actually" You confess, hoping that he would take pity on you and get you a snack at some local corner store. "Ha" he sighs, petting your side before letting og of you. You whine and sigh at the same time, whining for him to keep being a pillow and sigh because he won't hold you. "Just a minute Princess" He opens his own bag, digging around for something. For a second you hope he's got a snack, before remembering that he doesn't keep food with his books because some are first edition that he can't risk getting dirty.
You sigh again, and resign yourself to hunger until you get home. But hopefully just until you hit the street and find a store. Spencer nudges you. "Here" he says, and you open your eyes to find Spencer handing you a tapper wear box, layered in two plastic bags. "What is it?" You asks, undoing the plastic. "An extra lunch, a ham and cheese sandwich, crackers, half an apple, half a pear, and a box of apple juice. I always have one" He says, taking the plastic bags from you. Your stomach rolls in happiness as you lean op to kiss him. "You are magic!" you swear and open the lunch. You stuff the de-cored apple in your mouth and chew, then the de-cored pear. You sigh happly as the food settles in your stomach. "How does it not go bad?" you ask, starting to pick op the crackers. "I make the extra one and if someone doesn't need it. Then i eat it the next day and make a new extra" Spencer says, setting an arm around you. The elevator door opens and you two step out as you munch on his food. You remind yourself yet again, to write that damn thank you letter to Diana. Maybe it's better if you go see her actually. It's been a while since you two went to see her.
The jet had just taken off when you realised. Well, more remembered. It was suspose to be a fun surprise for Reid later, but you got a not so fun susprise. It would just have been unpleasant timing. Had you been wearing underwear. So that's how you find yourself crying in the bathroom. You're wearing a skirt with no underwear and you just got your period. You don't wanna move off the toilet but you can't stay in the bathroom for ever. It's a 2 hour flight. What are you gonna do? had you packed underwear just in case? oh god you don't remember. You grab your phone off the sink. Which one of the girls might have underwear in your size? Emily? Would she even have an extra pair? Would any of them? You about to text JJ, hoping her mom instincts might mean she'd have an extra pair, when you get a text from Spencer.
I know something is wrong, please tell me what so i can help you
You sigh. God damn you've been in for too long. You grab some paper and dry your tears. You love that man. So, so much. You'd die for that man right now. You switch to your chat tread with your boyfriend.
I'm having some femmine issues, would you mind checking my bag for underwear and a pad?
You find yourself blushing a bit, it's not something you like discussing with Spencer. It's not that he doesn't understand. He's actaully a bit too understanding sometimes. Letting you take out your frustration on him when you don't know what else to do and letting you cry on his shoulder when you've realized what you've said. There's a knock on the door and you gather yourself before answering it. Spencer slips you a small bag you don't recognize. You take it and shut and lock the door. You sit back down and open the bag. You could hug that man to death right now. A few months ago, you'd caught Spencer looking through your underwear drawer. He insistsed that he wasn't looking to take anything, and he didn't. You laughed about, if he wasn't gonna take anything then way was he looking? You have your answer now. The bag has a pair of black boy short and 4 pads. Is it kinda weird that he brought you underwear and somehow has it on him exactly when you need it. Maybe, do you care right now? Fuck no.
You fix yourself, making sure there would be no evidence of your little accident. You stick your head out from the bathroom and motion for Reid. Spencer quietly comes to you. No one bothering to look at you two. You pull him inside the bathroom. He looks both suprised and a little scared. You lock the door behind him. "Do they not fit?" He asks. "No, they fit fine. But my god, i could just-" You grab his face and kiss him feverishly. He doesn't quite give you the response you hoped for, only kissing you gently. He places his hands on your waist, gently pulling away from you. "I'm sorry, we're on the clock" You mumble, petting his cheek. "But thank you so much" you murmur, pressing another quick kiss to his lips before you send him out ahead of you. You gather yourself for a moment before walking back out.
You sit down next to Spencer, throwing your legs over his, snuggling op to him quickly. "Better?" He asks. You nod. "Thank you" You whispser, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "Anytime" spencer smiles slightly.
You lay down on the couch on the jet. Feeling so tired and small. You just wanna go home. While the team knows you're a little so you don't have to hide or try to stay big. JJ was the first to notice and give you a blanket to snuggle with. It was a hard case, really hard case, a mother and a son killing the son's father figures before killing killing his actual dad. Spencer's sitting with your head in his lap, petting your hair. You wish you were home with Spencer, home with your daddy and stuffies and little gear. You glance op to Spencer, blinking a bit. He glances down to you. "You okay baby?" Spencer asks, setting his book aside to give you all his attention. You bite your bottom lip, toying with your thumb as well, hoping for permission to suck your thumb.
Spencer tilits his head in confusion. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asks, petting your hair gently. "Daddy..." You mumble, not wanting the others to hear. "Daddy's here" He whispers back to you. You pout, snuggling closer, blinkinng at him uselessly. You shuffle around a bit, bitting harder at your lip, hoping he'd cach your hints too. "Oh, baby don't hurt yourself" Spencer says, petting you cheek. You whine and Spencer grabs his bag and looks through it. You sigh lowly, why's he ignoring you? Suddenly Spencer's slipped a pacifier into your mouth, you huff in surprise. "Better?" He asks. You nod happily, sucking on the pacifier. "Good, need anyting else?" Spencer asks gently, petting you hair and face. You mumble through the pacifier, hoping he'd understand you. "Stuffie? You have stuffie?"
Spencer reaches into his bag again, pulling out a small stuffie, before tucking it close to your chest. "There you go little one" Spencer coo's lowly, continuing to pet your hair. You snuggle close to him, happy to have some comfort. You didn't even know Spencer brought a pacifier with him in his bag, but you're not complaining. You're very happy. "Okay, just get some sleep little one" Spencer coo's, gently petting your back, you relax at his touch, feeling asleep quickly.
You are woken op by the jet landing and Spencer gently rousing you. You hum, still sleepy. "What?" You ask, blinking a few times to really open your eyes. Spencer's helping you to your feet, arm around your waist. You pout when you realize you no longer have your pacifier. Spencer gently coaxes you op and fixes your clothes. You whine lightly, looking around for your pacifier. He slips it back in your mouth and you smile sleeply. "Come on Baby, Emily's taking us home" Spencer says, guiding you down from the plane stairs. "Cold" You mumble, shivering. "I know baby it's okay" He reasures you as the two of you get in the back of Emily's SUV. Spencer gently buckles you in and lays his jacket over you. "Thank you daddy" You mumble without thought. Spencer blushes and you can hear Emily laughing lightly. But only barely, you're too tired to care. You lean close to Spencer, snuggling close.
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autumnslance · 14 days
FFXIV Write 2024: 11 Surrogate
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A Desertwalkers Weird West AU Story (I did not intend to write any of the FC AUs, but such things happen. How the Strikers' perpetual helpfulness lands them a new home...)
“Now hold on just a minute,” Zaine said, staring at the Landsguard officer. The doppro rider stared back, impatience evident. “This was supposed to be a temporary position.”
“I am simply the messenger,” the officer replied with a shrug of his mottled shoulders. “Take it up with the city if you wish to change the terms of the contract.”
Zaine stared down at the paper before him. He had sort of fallen into helping Stonewood’s judiciary with the claims office, as he was a decent mediator, able to make friends with both locals and those coming to the plains of Xak Tural for work in the ceruleum refineries and railway expansion. There were land disputes, and water disputes, and animal issues, and crop concerns...
But he was just here for the interim. They would find a real officer from Tuliyollal to take over, and Zaine and his sister could move on, exploring the land as they had planned. Once things settled down a bit for Stonewood and the friends they had made here.
The writ from the city, delivered by the increasingly impatient Landsguard officer, not only confirmed Zaine permanently for the role, but expanded the responsibilities—as someone dealing with the local property issues would also be responsible for estate settlement and the probate of wills.
“I might have to,” Zaine said, a headache coming on. “I didn’t really think they would hire an immigrant drifter into such a position.”
Then again, he and Aeryn had stood up to Baelsar and his aggressive expansion on behalf of this town and neighboring communities. That probably had a chunk to do with it.
The officer chuckled. ��What you get for being good at it,” he said. “And Tuliyollal is more concerned with what one chooses to do, than where one is from. We could not have formed our nation otherwise.”
“Suppose that’s true,” Zaine muttered. “All right, I won’t take more of your time. I’d best speak to my sister and see what we do from here.”
“Great. Have a good day,” the officer said, leaving before Zaine could get his own farewell in.
Well. All right then.
He closed up his office for the day (and it really was his office now, wasn’t it?) and stepped out into the hot, dusty street. He thought of getting a drink, thought better of it, and continued on to the schoolhouse, where Aeryn had been helping out.
Aeryn was outside, class apparently dismissed for the day. She was talking to one of the adolescent students, a petite redhead she seemed fond of. Or maybe it was the girl’s uncle, a smarmy, fair-haired, gunblade-using bodyguard for the local coven, and sometimes bouncer for the Cat’s Eye Cabaret. Normally Aeryn didn’t notice anyone who noticed her. But there was...something...in the way her and the bodyguard interacted that made Zaine’s brotherly hackles rise.
His sister saw him coming now, smiling and waving cheerfully, her student following suit. Nice girl, that Ryne. Her mum was a lovely blonde mining foreman, often busy, hence the girl spending more time with her uncle. There was some connection to the cabaret owner, too. Zaine hadn’t thought he needed to worry too deeply about complicated family dynamics around here.
Maybe he would have to start.
Ryne stayed long enough to greet him before skipping off to meet with her friends, taking the hand of a dark-haired gal as the youths rushed off. Aeryn let out a deep breath. “I have something to talk to you about,” she said with no preamble.
“I have something to talk to you about,” Zaine answered, walking with her toward the rooms they were renting. “You go first.”
“The superintendent rode out today,” she said. “They want to extend my contract.”
Zaine frowned. “Thought this teaching gig was a temporary thing?”
“I thought so too, but they’re having trouble finding anyone qualified willing to come out here, and I’m apparently doing well enough for the board and the parents both. And the children are all so good…”
“And you want to stay,” Zaine said.
“I’ve thought about it,” Aeryn admitted. “It still may not be forever, but...for awhile?” She looked over at him.
“Well,” he said. “That could work. Considering my interim position isn’t so interim now.”
“Were you fired?”
“What? No! Why is that your first assumption?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’ve only known you my whole life.”
“Whatever, smartypants. It’s the opposite actually. They made my role permanent.”
Aeryn hugged him, grinning. “This is a good thing, right?”
He hugged her back. “I mean, yeah. I didn’t really expect it so it caught me off guard.”
“This is what you get for standing up to Baelsar.”
“I guess. You did too, though, and that might have convinced the board to keep you around.”
She shrugged. “I helped a little. You did most of it.”
He shook his head. He couldn’t ever seem to convince her that she was, possibly, more instrumental to such actions than himself. She would continue to blow it off until getting angry if pushed, so he let her change the subject.
“If we’re staying, we need somewhere to live besides a couple rented rooms.”
“I’ve thought about it,” he said. “Funnily enough, I am aware of available land around here. There’s a couple acres just outside town that I think between the two of use we could afford and manage, with our other work.”
“When you say a couple—”
“Literally two.”
She considered that, then nodded. “It’d be nice to have our own place. Weird, maybe, but nice.”
They stopped at the same time and looked at one another. Zaine began to smile, which made Aeryn smile in return.
“All right,” he said. “I guess we’re staying.”
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fan-goddess · 10 months
For kinktober:
Billy Washington x face sitting
Modern Aemond x getting caught
Tom bennettt x public sex
would adore if you could do these, I love your writing so much! 💕
Authors Note: thank you for these love and the compliment! Gonna do the Billy Washington x face sitting one here and I’ll do the other ones separately so it’s just easier. Thank you for waiting for this as long as you did, I realised I sort of did them in the wrong order ha still boo you like these ♥️
Warnings: Praising, f oral, face sitting, teasing, hint at m oral, (if I miss any let me know)
Taglist: @sofiyathecunt, @marvelgirl123, @sylasthegrim, @mochi-rose, @valeskafics, @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @blue-serendipity, @helaelaemond @omgbrcat
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You and Billy had been dating for quite some time now, and for the whole time, you’d noticed that he’d always been eager to please.
Whether that was with a nice hot cup of tea when you got back from a stressful day at work, or even just calling the local Chinese place for food when he could tell that you were too tired to try and attempt to cook anything that night.
It was also unsurprising to the both of you when you realised how eager to please Billy was in other areas of your relationship too.
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“I’m back love!” You yell, chucking off your coat onto the hook and flinging your messenger bag somewhere by the sofa, before walking to the direction of the bedroom.
“Hey babe” Billy smiles, sneaking up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist and pulling you into him, so he can give you a quick affectionate kiss on the forehead.
“How was your day? Did you chat to Lana? I swear she said something about calling you sometime today… or it may have been tomorrow?” You muse, dragging Billy to the bed and laying down next to him, humming slightly in content as his arms wrap around you once more as your head rests on his chest.
“Yeah, spoke to Lana earlier. She’s doing alright for herself. Had a couple dates with that fella of hers and got another tomorrow. Had a call of the job centre too. Some mechanic place is hiring for apprenticeships and stuff and I got an interview next week.”
“Billy thats bloody brilliant!” You grin, bringing your hands up to cup his face before practically yanking him in for a deep kiss, chuckling slightly against his lips in amusement as you feel how eager Billy is for your kisses and general affection.
“I’ve got no work to do, so I’m free all afternoon for whatever you desire my love.” You grin, a mischievous smile painted on your lips as Billy’s own face turns a light shade of pink from bashfulness. It’s always fun teasing him and seeing the way he gets.
“Well, there is something I’ve been wanting to try for a while. Since you’ve been saying about me taking charge more-“
“Billy I don’t care if you’re more submissive or dominant in this relationship! I just care about you not thinking you need to bend over backwards for me! Cause I’ll be here no matter what kinks you suddenly pull out! Well, I will run for the actual hills if you suggest anything feet related, but that’s a different matter-“
“It’s not fucking feet love!” Billy laughs, the noise making your chest practically ache from happiness as the stress seems to somehow physically drain from his face.
You always loves Billy’s laugh. The small barely noticeable stress wrinkles you never tell him about seems to magically smooth away, and almost make him look strangely innocent.
“It’s… well… I wanted to maybe have you sit on my face…”
“You want what?” Your eyes furrow at Billy’s murmur. But when he repeats it louder and clearer, your breathes go ragged and you can already feel your legs clenching together in anticipation.
“I want you to sit on my face. So I can eat you out, till you can’t take it anymore…”
“Oh…” You hate how breathless you sound. But the thought of Billy doing that to you is doing too many unholy things to your head that you can’t help but bite your lip in deep thought. “Yeah… I think we can definitely do that baby.”
“Good!” It’s so precious how he smiles so bashfully in front of you. He’s like a whole new man. Like he didn’t just suggest something that made your face blush bright red from his request mere moments ago. “So get on my face now.”
Your heart feels as if it could explode with how hard your blood was pumping to your face right now, but you can’t help but nod eagerly to Billy’s demands and quickly strip yourself nude, your clothes flying all over the room as you focus on Billy, and Billy only.
You’re awkward in your movements at first, never having a man do this so intimate thing with you before, and yet Billy takes this in stride. Before you can even get to sit yourself on his chin, he grabs at your thighs and clumsily forces your whole body on his face, where you can’t help but grind slightly on as one of the most intense feelings of your life hits you.
It’s strange, to have Billy’s wet warm tongue piercing your wet cunt, and to have his nose simultaneously nuzzling your clit, but it’s amazing, perfect, and is honestly making you feel practically delirious.
Yet even with the intense feeling, the worry of suffocating your beloved boyfriend is more important. So when you try to lift yourself up a bit to give him some room to breath, you find yourself letting a loud sigh of surprise and pleasure as Billy only goes and pulls you straight back, holding your legs even tighter in his grip to stop you from moving.
“Don’t move again…” Billy murmurs, “Fucking gorgeous…”
You can only sigh in agreement, and can’t help yourself from grinding further on Billy’s eager face, completely disregarding your earlier worries. Your hands clasp desperately where they can, which in your case, is Billy’s shaggy hair that tickles your lower half slightly. Though when you tighten your grip slightly, you can feel Billy groan slightly as he eats you out, seemingly aroused by your tight grip on his body.
You quickly begin whining in approval though. “Fuck Billy so good for me!” Adoring the way he becomes to desperate to hear your praise, and the way his actions seem to quicken to appease you.
His own groans of pleasure may be muffled, but they certainly are enthusiastic, as the vibrations somehow seem to only heighten your pleasure.
You can feel the bed shake slightly, and when you turn your head slightly to look behind you, your mouth falls open on its own accord as you see Billy’s hard cock straining in his underwear. His hips even mimicking small thrusts in order to get some kind of stimulation for himself.
It’s almost endearingly amusing to you to see the small wet patch forming in his underwear from his own arousal. You think he could almost cum alone from eating you out. A thing you soon almost find yourself doing as Billy’s movements get rougher.
“Oh my god I’m gonna cum Billy!” You whine, your grip on Billy’s hair becoming rough as the knot in your stomach tightens, on the brink of bursting, only spilling over when you begin to rut your pussy on his willing mouth like a woman possessed.
It’s so intense, that you find yourself somehow more aroused and yet thankful with Billy’s tight grip on your thighs, that turns almost bruising as he makes sure you don’t almost fall off his face. And when your legs begin to cramp and you move to lay beside your lover and properly look at him, your breath feels like it’s been swept away as you see your juices shining all over his face.
You can feel your face burn red in embarrassment, covering your face with your hands as you try to hide your shyness. “Billy, you’ve got well, me all over your face love…”
You can hear him hum slightly and when you peak through your fingers to see what he does, your legs unconsciously clamp together seeing his tongue trying to pick up as much of you as he can, his fingers too trying to catch any he was unable to get with his tongue.
“You’re gonna kill me someday Billy Washington!” You grin, moving to give him a firm kiss on his damp cheek, and giggling when you see his beautiful bashful smile. The Billy you’re used too, the submissive Billy, coming back to you right before your eyes.
Speaking of your eyes, they once again trail to Billy’s crotch, where his cock still strains against the fabric of his pants with a distinct wet patch still drawing your main attention.
“Do you want me to help you out with that baby?”
“Only if you want to darling.”
Your hand teases the outline of him, your smile smug as he whines into the air. “Of course I want to sweet boy, I’d be crazy not to.”
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sunflowerrosewood · 3 months
Innocent Yet Intelligent ~ Oswald Cobblepot
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
Warnings: none
You were the new elementary teacher for 2nd graders in Gotham city. You are Jim Gordon’s sister named Y/n and you recently moved back. You were finishing up some school work and grades before Jim messaged you that he was going to pick you up from work to take you back to your shared apartment. Luckily the police department was only a few minutes away. So you completed some grading as Jim messaged you he was here.
“What took you so long?” Jim asked as you pulled your messenger bag into the car.
“I was completing some grading while you were on your way. I finished the last assignment when you told me you were here.” You said as he smiled at you.
“You always are so kind to those kids.” Jim said as you laughed.
“Just because I’m a teacher in Gotham doesn’t mean I have to be bad.” You laughed as Jim’s phone went off. You barely heard the conversation except Jim saying to meet at the police department and he would talk there. 
“Sorry we have to make a pit stop by the police department.” Jim apologized as you buckled your seat belt.
“I’m not surprised. But I’m not in a rush to get home.” You said as Jim nodded his head and drove back to the police department.
Once you got there, Jim wanted to have you come inside because he was afraid this meeting would last long. You told him that you would bring in some lesson plans and grading to keep you busy.
So the two of you walked into Gotham PD and you saw a man in a tuxedo, black straight hair, and a limp in one of his legs. You couldn’t help but feel your heart skip a beat as he met your eyes. 
“Thank you for meeting me Jim and who might this beautiful lady be?” The man asked as Jim rolled his eyes. 
“The lady you are commenting on is my sister Y/n. She’s going to be working on some lessons while we meet. I wasn’t going to leave her in the car.” Jim introduced as you playfully roll your eyes.
“I could introduce myself you know?” You said as Jim shrugged his shoulders. “Who might this be?”
“My name is Oswald Cobblepot.” Oswald introduced as he kissed your hand. 
"Oh I didn't know you meant the Mayor?" You said towards Jim while blushing. 
"Can we get this meeting started or do you two still need to flirt some more?" Jim snapped as you shrugged your shoulders.
"I'm fine here. I don't mind it Jim." You said as Jim walked towards the meeting room. "My apologies Oswald, he is overprotective."
"If you don't mind, I'd like to see you after?" Oswald offered.
Before you could answer, Jim pulled Oswald into the office. Your smile fell as you were itching to tell Oswald you'd love to. As you sat down to work on work, you missed the conversation that went on before the "real" conversation.
"Look Oswald, stay away from my sister. She is innocent and I don't need you corrupting her." Jim snapped while holding Oswald's collar.
“Jim, Jim, Jim. I know you are protective of her but she likes me like how I like her.” Oswald said as Jim continued to hold his collar.
“Either stay away or don’t plan on corrupting her. She’s the only family I have left.” Jim growled as Oswald held his hands up.
“I wasn’t planning on harming her. Look, I think she looks nice and I’d like to ask her out. I’m not planning on making her some evil ruler of Gotham. I don’t want her to change.” Oswald said as Jim sat him down.
As the meeting Jim and Oswald had begun to slow down, you had finished up what you were going to teach tomorrow. Jim and Oswald came out still chatting as you started to put things away.
Your notebook dropped off the desk and onto the floor and spilled some of your papers. You muttered under your breath and began to pick up the papers.
“Here, I’ll help.” Oswald said as he picked up some papers and handed them to you. “So about that date?”
“I’d love to see you again. The paper you just picked up is my number, take it.” You said softly as Oswald tuck it into his tuxedo’s pants. 
“Then I will be calling you soon.” Oswald said as he gave you the notebook and kissed your hand. “See you soon Y/n.” 
You noticed Jim seemed to be understanding and ushered you to the car. Oswald walked out with the two of you and opened the door to get into Jim’s car. It seemed they both had a silent understanding before Oswald was picked up in his limo and Jim drove back to his apartment. Jim told you later that he was okay with the two of you dating and wanted you to go with Oswald.
So when the text message came in if you would go on a date that Saturday, you immediately said yes and were excited for the weekend. You wondered what date you would end up going on.
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