#We now bring you a scheduled update about the state of our union
pen-observing · 2 years
read your tags on the amazing michael fic & just wanted to mention that i remember when you had a barbatos(?) layout and made so many posts about michael because you were upset with barb </3 but i forgot why! that must've been a year or two ago? definitely more than a couple of months--anyways, you bringing that up gave me a nostalgic giggle, hehe.
I almost made a new barbatos layout rn but from the new anime episode like where he looks like food so it would just be barb's bread head LAHDS LMAOO
Barbatos and I have had our fair share of ups and downs. You see, i am highly emotional and he is almost emotionless but we have been in an on and off relationship since we've known each other 😔😔 he says breaks that last two days cus im upset he wont make me cookies at 3am dont count as breakups but i beg to differ skdhka
Awhh im glad if it made you giggle keke your tags are so entertaining to me + deep a lot of the times!!
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imaseawitch · 3 years
Let's start with the part you don't wanna hear. I'm in a bit of a financial pickle and I could use some help over the next few weeks. Even if you just want to reblog this post, that would be great. Any small thing helps!
Venmo @andicarreon128
Paypal @andicarreon
Now, if you'd like more details, here goes.
TL;DR: I tried to unionize my fellow bartenders in Texas and I lost my job in the shadiest way possible right after.
At the job where I was working, we had a tip pool and all of our earnings went into the tip pool and got divided up based on your position. Bussers are 6 points, food runners 8 points, and servers and bartenders each got 10 points. They never really explained it well.
The issue is that they were working the bartenders way harder than the servers. We would stay later, have way more cleaning/stocking duties, we were responsible for all cash transations as well as depositing the bank, we had a 21 seat bar, and then they started expecting us to take a section of tables the same size as the server. Plus of course we were making all the drinks, and not just alcohol. We didn't have a soda fountain. Every soda, tea, espresso, latte, cappuccino, and even every cup of ice came from the bar. It was ridiculously overwhelming.
So, I got frustrated and sent them an email saying I would give them two weeks notice and they could transfer me to server or accept my resignation. The manager on duty that night assured me that they would accept my transfer. She admitted to me that the bartenders have more responsibilities for the same pay, but that's just how it is. I had the next few days off but when I came back, that manager and another manager sat me down and asked me to explain why I wanted to transfer. I explained that the bartender duties were overwhelming and if I can get the same pay as a server, then I would both bring in more money and be happier. They verbally accepted the transfer. They said the schedule was already made for the upcoming week, but after that they would schedule me as a server. They even thanked me for giving them time to get it worked out.
But then all the other bartenders, my friends as well as coworkers, were still in this shitty position. Everyone was still bitching about the same issues, and it was getting worse instead of better. I told them about how quickly they were willing to transfer me to keep me on the team. I suggested we write something up to ask to be treated more fairly. All but one bartender agreed to sign their name to it. I sent it from my email, but signed the names in alphabetical order.
The managers freaked out about our letter. We didn't threaren anything. We simply stated that the work is overwhelming and that we get ignored when we bring up our complaints. We requested to be paid a base hourly rate of $7.25/hr in addition to our cut of the tip pool, as compensation for the additional duties (without taking money from our coworkers). We also addressed a couple of health and safety issues that we had reported a few times before that had been ignored. (The placement of the coffee machine right next to the POS system, which a bartender already burned her face on, and the rickety and inadequate glassware storage that has dropped wineglasses on several customers because it's wobbly and very difficult to reach.)
We were scheduled without any notice (the schedule just updated in the app) for a meeting at 9:30 on a Saturday. They didn't even tell us about it as a group. The manager casually mentioned it to myself and the other bartender on duty as we were closing on Friday. With the exception of one bartender who had requested the day off for a family event months before, every bartender showed up, including the one who wasn't willing to sign their name to the original email.
We were met by the store director (our bosses' boss's boss), an HR rep, and the director of restaurants (our boss's boss). We were asked to explain why we sent the email. We all participated, explaining how conditions were unfair and occasionally unsafe.
The store director said he would spend more time observing the bar for our restaurant. He said he'd work with the bartenders to make the work "feel more equitable" but he wasn't going to pay us more. So I asked, "How does it work if I'm there an hour later than the servers, cleaning or depositing the bank [which is sometimes a huge problem]? Do I take money from their tips for the extra work I do after close?" And that's when we got hit with the really bad news.
The store director explained to us that there is a 6 hour cap for how much you can earn out of the tip pool. Our shifts are minimum 7 hours long. Weekend closing shifts can exceed 9 hours. But we stop earning more after 6 hours. The servers who get cut early and leave before close make the same as us. We were absolutely shocked. The tension in the room was electric. And then the store director told us we make way too much money to complain. He told us he'd worked management jobs where he didn't make as much as we do.
After that meeting, we all agreed to wait two weeks, see what changes, before we complain further. They moved the espresso machine over, which is actually very helpful, but other than that everything is the same.
So, that meeting was on Saturday morning. I worked Saturday night, Sunday night, and then I came in for my scheduled shift on Monday night. Monday should have been my first day of being a server instead of a bartender. As soon as I got there my manager said, "Oh, they want to talk to you in HR." And walked me down to the HR office. I knew what was happening right away, although I thought I was getting fired.
I have 0 history of misconduct with the company. I haven't had any write ups or verbal warninga about anything. In fact (not to brag) I'm possibly their best employee. I have knowledge and experience beyond what some of my managers have, and I do my job well every day.
It turns out they were accepting my resignation. Even though they already said they were accepting my transfer. They told me to turn in my keycard and go home. They would pay me hourly for today's shift, for my trouble. They told me that they'd already filled my position as bartender and that they aren't hiring anywhere else in the store so they can't transfer me.
They very much are hiring. I see their posts online while I search for new jobs. And not only have they not filled my position, they've actually fired one more bartender (the one who had requested off the day of the meeting) since I left. Because they are accepting my resignation rather than terminating me, they don't have to pay me unemployment. They also did it with less than a week left of the calendar month, so I only had that time to take advantage of my expiring health benefits.
I'm also supposed to move at the end of the month, so that's going to eat all of my savings. I already started a new position at the restaurant where my husband works, but it's only part time, plus there will be a lapse in my paychecks. I'm still searching for another job to try to make up the difference.
So yeah. I'm still active in the group chat with all my former coworkers which is how I know nothing has changed. This company really sucks. I know really feel very optimistic about getting away from them. But the short term financial issues are real.
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jordanianroyals · 4 years
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Princess Dina Mired of Jordan wants to improve global cancer control in her new role 
Wednesday, 18 Jul 20183:30 PM MYT By WONG LI ZA
Despite jetlag and a back-to-back schedule, Princess Dina Mired still looked sharp, without a strand of hair out of place.
More importantly, she knows her facts and does not hesitate to speak her mind.
The Princess of Jordan was in Kuala Lumpur for a four-day visit, on the invitation of the National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM) to promote the upcoming World Cancer Congress (WCC) to be held in Kuala Lumpur in October.
The down-to-earth princess was warm and in good spirits as she met young cancer patients at the NCSM premises in Kuala Lumpur before having one-to-one interviews with members of the media.
Princess Dina, 52, is president-elect of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) – the world’s largest international cancer-fighting organisation with over 1,000 members in 164 countries – and a global advocate for cancer control and non-communicable diseases (NCD).
She was also the Honorary Chairperson of the Jordan Breast Cancer Programme from 2006-2016, advocating early detection and screening of breast cancer for women in Jordan.
In 2011, she was chosen to deliver the keynote speech on behalf of civil society at the first ever United Nations High-level Meeting on NCDs, raising cancer’s profile on the global health agenda.
The Jordanian princess also led the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) in Jordan as director-general for 15 years, elevating the organisation’s standing into a leader in the global movement for people affected by cancer.
Born Dina Mohammad Khalifeh, Princess Dina married Prince Mired Raad in 1992. Together, they have three children – Princess Shirin, 25, Prince Rakan, 23 and Prince Jafar, 16.
For the princess and her family, cancer was something that they came face-to-face with 20 years ago.
In 1997, their second child Prince Rakan was diagnosed with leukaemia when he was barely two years old. He had a relapse during his treatment and underwent bone marrow transplant, with the donor being his sister Princess Shirin.
Prince Rakan successfully completed his treatment in 2000. (Source: The Star)
Asked how that experience has changed her and the family, the princess replied, “I think nobody who goes through such a traumatic journey comes out the same. When you go through something like that, you really understand that the most important and precious thing in life is health. Because when you lose it, you lose control, and you cannot do anything,” she said, as her voice and eyes softened.
Going through such a journey also puts things into context, she added.
“I think what happens is when you come out the other end, you start to enjoy the simple things in life, and you stop sweating the small stuff. You put things into perspective and, I think, you almost say that it’s a blessing to had the cancer because you got the wake-up call,” she said.
Princess Dina readily admitted that they were lucky to be able to afford to go for treatment abroad in the United States and Britain, and that her husband and immediate family were very supportive.
“And even with all of that, it was still very hard, so just imagine the poor people who have to go through cancer. I always say the equation for poverty and cancer is catastrophe.
“So I think people should realise and remember this fact because people who lack financial and emotional support need a lot more support,” she emphasised.
Fighting tobacco and cancer head-on
In line with her cancer advocacy, Princess Dina is also Honorary Chair of the Tobacco Free Portfolios steering committee and Honorary President of the Harvard University Global Task Force for Expanded Access to Cancer Control and Care in the Developing World.
Having been briefed about the local fight against tobacco in Malaysia during her visit, she shared some advice.
“Malaysia, I understand, has had some successes. You raised the price of cigarettes a little, banned smoking in some places, but unfortunately, even though those are positive steps, they are limited.
“I would love for Malaysia to be able to make a dent in the fight against tobacco, and to stop the new generation from smoking. The amount of price hike needs to be able to deter new and young customers from buying cigarettes,” she said.
She pointed out that Malaysia is a signatory to the World Health Organisation’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which has clear guidelines pertaining to things like smoke-free areas, advertising, packaging and labelling.
“I think the people, decision-makers and policy makers should understand that because the wings of the tobacco industry have been clipped in Europe, America and so on, it needs new markets and therefore, is zooming in on the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Why? Because we don’t have strict regulations,” said Princess Dina, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Financial Analysis from Warwick University and a Master’s degree in International Banking and Financial Services from Reading University, both in Britain.
“People need to know that CEOs of big tobacco industries don’t smoke because they know there are thousands of chemicals in it. They know how harmful it is but what they do is they focus on our youth, get them addicted, take our money and then go and sunbathe somewhere!” said Princess Dina unreservedly.
Overall, she commented that Malaysia has some good treatment plans and early detection programmes, but felt that Malaysia’s national cancer control plan needs to be implemented and not just be “sitting on the shelf”.
“What’s the point of having it then? But if it is costed, has a budget and there is an action plan with deadlines and KPIs (key performing index), then it’s going to trickle down to all the policy makers,” she urged.
She also highlighted the need for the country to update the national cancer registry, which was last updated in 2011.
“We are in 2018. How can policy makers make better decisions or know the successes or weaknesses if you don’t have the numbers? Other countries have moved on not only with cancer data, but with non-communicable diseases’ data. And this doesn’t cost money, just political will and organisation,” she emphasised.
Bridging the gap
One of the key roles of UICC is to narrow the gap of cancer control between developing and developed countries.
“What we work on is to unite the global cancer response because many organisations in the cancer community, in earlier years, were working in silos, meaning the cancer agenda was not top priority in the global health community,” said Princess Dina, who will commence her term as UICC President, the first from the Arab region, in October this year.
UICC also holds governments accountable when it comes to implementing the Global NCD Action Plan 2013-2020, which wants to reduce premature mortality from NCDs by 25% by the year 2025. The action plan came about after the UN Political Declaration on the Prevention and Control of NCDs was adopted in 2011.
Equitable access to care is another goal of the UICC.
“The gap has been narrowed but if countries continue at the rate they are at now, we will not be able to reach our goals by 2020.
“And what that means is, we are not saving the lives that we should be saving. People are dying needlessly due to lack of political will and lack of focused policies to fight cancer head-on to make it part and parcel of the health agenda,” she pointed out.
The WCC will be held for the first time in Malaysia, and South-east Asia, in October, bringing together over 3,500 cancer control and public health experts from 150 countries, with 500 renowned speakers.
The programme includes about 90 multi-disciplinary sessions and will cover topics ranging from obesity, tobacco control, HPV vaccination and screening programmes as well as complimentary medicines and economics of cancer care.
The World Cancer Leaders’ Summit – a major annual high-level policy meeting dedicated exclusively to furthering global cancer control – will be held on the first day of the Congress.
The WCC is organised by the UICC every two years in a UICC member country. This year’s congress is hosted by NCSM.
“It is a great opportunity for Malaysia to capitalise not only on the Cancer Leaders’ Summit but also on the Congress. It is an amazing knowledge-sharing event, with a wealth of opportunity to meet top experts in one place and to unite the national effort.
“It is also the time to advocate and pressure decision-makers that cancer and NCD should be the top priority for the Malaysian government, especially with the new government. This is the time to do it right,” she said in conclusion.
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letroadecjustice · 4 years
“Justice Speaks,” vol. 5, issue 001
100 copies of this issue were left on the table in front of the library’s noticeboard Time: 6.20am
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My dear readers, today I woke up late, at 6am. I had spent the entire evening finalizing our first issue of the semester. As my more dedicated readers may know, I have recently become concerned about the town lore, and thus this volume must reflect that. While I am quite certain about my research on the lore, there are bigger things at stake here, such as drama and gossip. So, let’s dive in. 
A protest against the Vietnam draft is scheduled to take place this Friday, September 18th at noon in Baker Hall’s courtyard. All attendees are encouraged to bring signs. This protest is organized by le Troadec’s Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). 
This Saturday at 9pm, Topped Off is hosting a slam poetry evening. Entry is free and all participants get free coffee. Please go read your terrible haikus you wrote in your 100-level English course, I need a good laugh. 
The parks department would like to remind all students that swimming in the Bayou is prohibited and that you will get eaten by an alligator. Again, it would be great for me if you did the opposite of what they said. Don’t let them impede your free speech! It’s your right to get eaten by an alligator. 
The Beatles made waves last Friday by refusing to play in Alabama if their concert was segregated. As much as I hate the British, I would like to commend them for refusing to give into the South’s unbridled racism. That being said, they are scheduled to play TOMORROW in New Orleans and are coming from Cleveland, so there just might be a chance we’ll be seeing them driving through our own little town - keep an eye out. 
Last Tuesday, Walter Ulbricht, leader of East Germany, allowed for elderly East Germans to cross the border and visit relatives in West Germany. We can imagine this is nothing but good news for our own geriatric East German, Dr. Dominick König. 
Passed this summer, the Civil Rights Act finally went into effect for schools this past week, which had many opening their doors for the first time to an integrated student body. 
I would like to remind all students of voting age to register now, as the election is only two months away! Check in with the SNCC to learn how to do so, and don’t forget to vote LBJ. 
While I cannot confirm these, I cannot deny them either. I just believe they are good enough to print, as always, if you’re mad about it, just put the newsletter down. It’s that easy. 
Meredith Locke is the first cousin of Nikita Khruschev, leader of the Soviet Union. 
How exactly did Dan Mercier get into le Troadec? Well, it wasn’t by test scores. His parents bought his way in. 
The university’s current dean, Clarence Weinzapfel, is a closeted homosexual. I would say power to him, but we all remember how he shut down the gay rights protest last year. 
Eros Illiades is a draft dodger; he submitted fake medical records in order to avoid being sent to Vietnam. 
Emmett Clermont regularly abuses tranquilizers and spent one year of his youth at a rehabilitation center in central Montana. 
Anyone notice how Charlotte Broussard wasn’t present in theology yesterday? That’s because she’s been booked on charges of conspiring to commit domestic terrorism. On top of that, she’s in a lesbian relationship with her roommate, Eve Hansen. 
Sister Carlene, head nun, used to be an exotic dancer in New Orleans. I can confirm this one, this rumor was submitted with photographs that I have omitted for feminist reasons.
Natalia de Leon is currently taking antibiotics for a yeast infection she gained from having sex in S.L.U.G. Better luck next time. 
and what I know all of you damn try hards with no lives have been waiting for...
Due to this being a new volume, I would like to let all new readers know that this is 100% accurate information, as I have an informant in the administration. 
Emmett Clermont, 3rd year Philosophy + Meredith Locke, 3rd year History (a tie!)
Charlotte Broussard, 3rd year PoliSci 
Jonathan Shimony, 4th year Engineering 
Acacia Buchanan, 4th year PoliSci 
and of course, closely following: Park Dae-Jung, Leonard Ramone, Natalia de Leon, Rue Pickens.
If you followed my paper over the summer, you will already be caught up with my research on the town’s mythos. However, if you’re a freshman or someone who isn’t a resident, you likely weren’t reading. So here’s my weeks update:
I still believe that the town legend of witches returning to walk the earth is based in fact. As I uncovered, witches truly were executed in Lucrece and there was a mysterious emigration among a large percentage of female residents immediately following. While I thought perhaps the day of reckoning would be in the future, I now believe that it is upon us right now. Has everyone else felt a shift in the air? Astrologically speaking, 1964 is not a good year for our town. Signs point to major upheaval. Perhaps this has to do with the Vietnam War, but reported sightings of spirits in the Bayou have gone up this summer. 
As the full moon on the 21st gets closer, I recommend everyone wear some piece of silver jewelry and avoid walking alone at night. 
At the start of the term, I received a rather odd letter in my mailbox. It was the first direct interaction the administration has made with me, and I feel compelled to share its contents. 
To the writer and publisher of “Justice Speaks,” Your circus has gone on long enough. The university has endured five semesters worth of libel from your publication. Your remarks on the university’s administration as well as the United States government could constitute as treason. Your so-called dedication to “justice” and “truth” is anything but that! You regularly publish rumors without evidence, as well as the class ratings that we have no idea how you’ve obtained them. There is clearly crime at hand here and we, as a university, are urging you to quit before you get into real legal trouble. Should you continue publishing, we will uncover your identity, you will be expelled, and referred to the police. Sincerely, Dean Clarence Weinzapfel
Well, Clarence, it’s been five long semesters and you haven’t found me yet! Here’s my response: get bent. 
Have thoughts on the newsletter? Drop a note in my mailbox. 
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ingek73 · 5 years
Here Are 20 Headlines Comparing Meghan Markle To Kate Middleton That Might Show Why She And Prince Harry Are Cutting Off Royal Reporters
Over the years, Meghan has been shamed for the same things for which her sister-in-law, Kate, has been praised.
Ellie Hall
BuzzFeed News Reporter
Last updated on January 13, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. ET
Posted on January 13, 2020, at 10:40 a.m. ET
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (aka Prince Harry and Meghan Markle) didn't just shockingly "step back" as senior members of the royal family this week — they gave the UK media a big "fuck-you" for years of what they said was biased and unfair coverage.
The couple's new website on breaking up with years of royal protocol laid out — among a lot of other things — their media strategy, stating that they will no longer participate in the traditional royal press system that grants exclusive access to a select group of UK outlets.
Britain’s royal correspondents, they said, are seen as reliable sources of information. "This misconception propels coverage that is often carried by other outlets around the world, amplifying frequent misreporting," they wrote. Removing themselves from "royal rota" coverage has sparked an outcry among UK media and drew a protest from the National Union of Journalists.
This isn't a new complaint from the royal couple — they just took an unprecedented step to do something about it. Harry and Meghan have said publicly that they believe they have been treated unfairly by the UK press since the moment news broke of their relationship — that they are bullied, that there are racist undertones to coverage of them, and that they have been held to a different standard than Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Prince William and Kate Middleton).
The UK media outlets that currently make up the royal rota are the Daily Express, the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Evening Standard, the Telegraph, the Times, and the Sun.
Here is a look at 20 stories from these outlets that appear to show a double standard between press coverage of Meghan and Kate. BuzzFeed News has reached out to all of the outlets featured below for comment.
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Kate: "Bumping along nicely! The Duchess was seen placing a protective hand on her tummy as she exited the event." Daily Mail: March 22, 2018
Meghan: "Personally, I find the cradling a bit like those signs in the back of cars: Baby on Board. Virtue signaling, as though the rest of us barren harridans deserve to burn alive in our cars." Daily Mail: Jan. 26, 2019
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Kate and William: "Prince William was given one of the green fruit – wrapped up in a bow – by a little boy who's mother is suffering during her pregnancy too... 'He said he'd take it to [Kate] and see what happens – and said good luck for [the boy's] mummy.'" Express: Sept. 14, 2017
Meghan: "The pregnant Duchess of Sussex and so-called 'avocado on toast whisperer' is wolfing down a fruit linked to water shortages, illegal deforestation and all round general environmental devastation." Express: Jan. 23, 2019
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Kate: "Royal sources said yesterday that the Queen understood and endorsed William and Kate’s decision not to spend Christmas Day with her. One said: ‘Her Majesty understands that it is a dilemma that many young couples face and acknowledges how close Catherine’s relationship is with her family." Daily Mail: Dec. 16, 2016
Meghan: "The fact is the Queen expects to have the family around her for the festive season... to the Queen, for whom the tradition of the family gathering is a key date in her calendar, Harry and Meghan’s absence will be a matter of great sadness. It will also be a source of frustration." Daily Mail: Nov. 13, 2019
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Kate and William: "Creating their own companies will allow William and Kate to bring out, should they ever chose to, myriad items of officially-endorsed merchandise from tea towels to coffee cups... Kensington Palace officials said they were doing the ‘sensible thing’ in protecting the couple’s rights." Daily Mail: Jan. 17, 2014
Meghan and Harry: "The Sussexes want to stamp their name on dozens of products including T-shirts, hoodies, journals and gloves for their newly-created foundation Sussex Royal... Experts said Harry and Meghan were actively preparing to quit the Royal Family months ago by filing trade mark applications to commercially protect their brand." Daily Mail: Jan. 9, 2020
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Kate and William: "Prince William yesterday backed brother Harry’s brave admission of his mental anguish — and blasted the monarchy’s 'stiff upper lip' tradition... William said: 'There may be a time and a place for the ‘stiff upper lip’ but not at the expense of your health... '
"'Catherine and I are clear we want both George and Charlotte to grow up feeling able to talk about their emotions and feelings. Over the past year we have visited a number of schools together where we have been amazed listening to children talk about some quite difficult subjects in a clear and emotionally articulate way, something most adults would struggle with. Seeing this has really given me hope things are changing and there is a generation coming up who find it normal to talk openly about emotions.'” Sun: April 19, 2017
Meghan and Harry: "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have bucked royal tradition once again with their latest TV interview — in which they claimed they were 'existing, not living.' The couple ditched the stiff upper lip of previous Royal Family generations and flew the flag for 'Generation Therapy' as they revealed their emotions to the world - but were they right to do so?
"What you make of 'fragile' Prince Harry and Meghan's comments may depend on your generation. Sun parents and kids reveal what they think of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex airing their emotions in public - and whether they have the right to moan in such positions of privilege..." Sun: Oct. 23, 2019
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Kate: "It was reported that new Duchess of Cambridge requested her favorite scented candles and toiletries from luxury fragrance brand Jo Malone be delivered to scent the Abbey. A selection of candles, handwashes and lotions was requested, specifically in citrus spring scents including Orange Blossom, Grapefruit and the ever-popular Lime, Basil & Mandarin." Daily Mail: May 4, 2011
Meghan: "'Meghan wanted staff to go around with these atomizers, like spritzer guns, and spray the chapel with scent before anyone arrived. Royal Household staff stepped in and told her office politely, but firmly, that this was the queen's chapel and it simply wasn't appropriate. I don't believe they said no because they thought it could affect the chapel in any way. It was simply the principle of the thing. This is a place that has held royal weddings, funerals and even contains the royal vault. I don't believe a request of that nature had been made before.'" Daily Mail: Nov. 30, 2018
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Kate: "As far as bridal bouquets go there was nothing particularly regal about Kate Middleton’s modest arrangement of simple, seasonal flowers. Like the bride herself the bouquet was effortlessly elegant and understated.
"Yet behind that modest posy lay a secret story. Kate, the commoner-turned-duchess, had painstakingly selected blooms with real meaning. She is evidently well-versed in the language of flowers, a little-known romantic relic from the 19th century.
"Hence the use of lilac in her bouquet, which signifies the first emotions of love, the lily of the valley meaning a return of happiness, hyacinth standing for constancy, myrtle meaning love and the ivy, which represents fidelity. Then of course there was the suitably named Sweet William, which is shorthand for gallantry." Express: Aug. 29, 2011
Meghan: "[Meghan Markle] was holding a wedding bouquet which flowers were replicated in Princess Charlotte and the other bridesmaids’ flower crowns. Express.co.uk can now reveal the children’ crowns were made of flowers that can be deadly, especially for children. Meghan’s bouquet was made of forget-me-nots as well as sweet peas, lily of the valley, astilbe, jasmine, and astrantia...
"Lily of the valley is a highly poisonous woodland flowering plant and ingestion could be deadly... As Meghan’s bridesmaids were so young, having this flower on their heads could be considered a dangerous decision. Other brides have also used this flowers including Kate Middleton, Princess Eugenie and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall." Express: Oct. 13, 2019
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Kate and William: "The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh missed the small family affair. The decision is understood not to have been taken on health grounds, and to have been mutually agreed by the Queen and the Cambridges some time ago. The Queen, 92, has a busy week ahead, with high-profile celebrations in central London marking the centenary of the RAF on Tuesday, and a visit by US President Donald Trump in Windsor on Friday." Daily Mail: July 9, 2018
Meghan and Harry: "The situation has surprised some senior staff at Buckingham Palace, who feel that the duke and duchess should have planned the day better. ‘There is huge support for the couple in not wanting to conform to tradition. They are young, they are striking out on a different path from other members of the Royal Family and there is enormous goodwill for them. But they shouldn’t do that without regard for tradition,’ said one. ‘Her Majesty was already scheduled to be in Scotland for her annual Holyrood Week and had a prior engagement at the weekend. There is a feeling amongst some that they should have been more accommodating about the date.’" Daily Mail: July 4, 2019
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Kate: "It is a fashion conundrum not many of us will ever face, but what exactly does one wear for tea with the Queen? The Duchess of Cambridge met this challenge head on yesterday by co-ordinating her outfit with the Queen’s powder blue ensemble... The Queen, on her first ­official event to mark her Diamond Jubilee, was dressed in a pastel hat and two-piece coat dress with military-style rows of gold buttons designed by Angela Kelly. Looking relaxed and elegant, her outfit was perfect for what looked like a fun official engagement with the girls." Mirror: Feb. 14, 2013
Meghan: "The Queen's aides had told [Meghan] she would be wearing a green hat as a mark of respect to those who died in the Grenfell Tower fire. The Queen is said to have been 'baffled' when Meghan turned up without a hat as she didn't realize she was supposed to wear one too. A senior aide said: 'I don't think the Duchess fully understood. This was not a request. Those are for others to make, not the Queen.' The Queen's staff are said to have noted the Duchess's mistake or 'lack of deference'" Mirror: Oct. 29, 2018
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Kate: "We see a woman in her prime: stylish, confident and positively radiant, nailing outfit after outfit in the style stakes — and it’s a joy to witness... That old uniform of girlish dresses, tan tights and nude heels has been replaced by dazzling super-chic outfits to satisfy even the most exacting fashionista." Daily Mail: June 16, 2019
Meghan: "Proper royalty is about tradition and duty, self-effacing service and loyalty — year after year after year, season after season... That is not to say that a monarchy cannot or must not move with the times — simply that it has to resist the temptation to be buffeted by passing cultural trends. Fashion is the exact opposite. And as fashion’s most famous bible, Vogue exemplifies the transient nature of the beast." Daily Mail: July 29, 2019
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Full Moon in Pisces: “The Path Home” 
Full Moon in Pisces: “The Path Home” 
By Remembering Mu
Hi beautiful Beings! I know it has been a while since my last update, but I trust you all are well and flowing with these heightened energies beautifully. Many have been moving through a deep release on all levels of anything left that stands between the previous cycle we are shifting out of and the next phase that is birthing itself through us. So whether you are experiencing this as blissful or excruciating, rest in the knowing that you will soon be delivered from this phase and welcomed into your next.
This full moon and energy frequency is guiding us through the fog and the darkness, and ultimately guiding us to a place of reconnection beyond anything we have known before. So even if you are having difficulty imagining that in this moment, walk in full faith and knowing that all is well. When we become caught up in the collective trance, it becomes all too easy to see ourselves as imperfect and unworthy. We are being reminded that we are literally creating our realities with our perceptions. This is a time for us to heal any perception of isolation or separation from Source, this is a time of complete transcendance and a clearing of the lenses through which we see the worlds. Many will be awakening into a greater level of their multidimensional Presence, and begin to truly see the larger pattern of their complete self and purpose for incarnating at this time.
The shadow of Virgo energy is the tendency to want to make one particular area of our lives “perfect” at the exclusion of everything else ~ we develop tunnel vision and see everything in terms of what needs fixing. It’s not that this is necessarily wrong, or that we’re not being guided to look at these areas and to heal them for a reason, but we are being reminded that fixating on any one area can cause us to become static and immovable. We find balance when we look at the totality of who we are across all the dimensions; we are being asked not to lose sight of the bigger picture at this time and to remember our Light. This state of balance is an active process — we must keep the larger picture in mind in order to allow for us to merge back in with the One Heart, with Unity Consciousness, with the Source of All that Is. By rigidly focusing on only one area of our lives, on a need to be perfect, on comparing ourselves to others, we are forgetting that there is only One in all of this and that we are all united — there is nothing and no one to compete with, nothing to compare ourselves to, everything we see outside of ourselves IS us and we are everything that we see. Remember the One Heart, remember Love.
With all the heightened energies of this time (that will only continue to accelerate), we are encouraged to spend some time just lying down with nothing but the intention of allowing the Divine to fuse with our bodies. To simply rest on nature’s healing table and allow Heaven to merge in with us, bringing Heaven to Earth. It’s not so much about setting an intention for a rigorous meditation schedule or following any specific meditations or needing to get answers or needing to connect in any kind of particular way, but just to lie down and rest and set the intention for healing, and then to let ourselves receive. Setting an alarm (if needed to remind you) every day and making a commitment to take 10 deep breaths a day on its own would be an incredibly powerful practice. None of this needs to be complicated, in fact the simpler the better right now as the miracles truly do WANT to occur, they will be effortless when we just let go and Be.
Through this, through just Being and allowing and finding balance amongst all the parts and the totality of ourselves, the dots are going to begin to connect and we will have that greater clarity and connection that many have felt to be lacking for some time. We will see the greater pattern, we will find stability and expansion, we will experience the Union of polarity, we will perceive mystical truth. All things are becoming interwoven into the greater home. Wisdom is breaking through and great understanding is arising. Through each of us, the balance of the Cosmos is fulfilled. We are truly beginning to remember who we are, our majestic power, and how much bigger we are than we ever imagined ourselves to be.
Beyond anything, this gateway is offering all those who are ready to traverse the long sought after path home. This path is leading many through the birth canal, through the portal of transcendance and rebirth. All that is needed is to rest in and breathe through the contractions, the physical pains and heightened ascension symptoms that many are feeling ~ just to breathe through it, the breath is the way through. This is also an incredibly huge time for twin flames and all those on a sacred union path, I will make a separate post on this soon. For now, just rest and allow yourself to be delivered. Allow yourself to remember all that you are. Allow yourself to come Home.
Eternal Love always,
~ Meeyah
©️ Remembering Mu
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cecilspeaks · 6 years
136 - The Mudstone Abyss Part 2
Kevin: Age is just a number that counts quickly upward to an ending point.
Welcome to Desert Bluffs.
Hello, Desert Bluffs! Let’s start there. Let’s start with a greeting, a simple hello and of course, a huge smile. Then let’s move right into the good news, the happy news.
Charles and I went on our first date many weeks back, and it was magical! I met up with him in the new town square, which is a sand dune with a cow skull on it. I was wearing my best rabbit fur coveralls and rainbow-striped head band. He was wearing a rose gold lame cravat and soccer shin guards. We went to eat at Desert Bluffs’ newest restaurant, Vermillion, which specializes in lip meat. We shared a bottle of Cabernet and talked comfortably about all the things you shouldn’t talk about on a first date. Politics – we’re both theocrats -, religion – we were both raised in the arborial faith -, sex – we both have had it – and banking. We had some polite disagreements here. Later we went back to my house next to the Temple of Joy. It had been a long time since either of us had had - [chuckling] well, I don’t wanna share too much. So I’ll skip to the next morning, where over coffee we talked about our dreams, or rather dream. It was that same shared dream that all Desert Bluffs citizens have every night with the birds flying in seemingly random directions over the cornfield before crashing their bodies into the ground. Charles, being new in town, had a lot of questions about this dream. But I said that the dream is nothing more than a simple pleasure we all share as a community. It’s fun to know that the whole time sometimes wakes up at the exact same time, sweating and screaming for joy!
After enriching conversation and strong coffee, he said he had to go meet someone. When I asked who, he said, “We’ll talk about it later, it’s not a big deal.” He kissed me and I smiled like I have not smiled in years. I smiled so hard that every glass object in my kitchen exploded all at once. A lacerating confetti of joy.
An update on the construction of the new Mudstone Abyss. Mayor Lauren Mallard reported today that the dig is behind schedule. She sighted a shortage of workers. She had planned for a larger turnout of labor, but this simply has not manifested. I’m disappointed to hear this, Desert Bluffs, but it’s certainly understandable. We all have jobs and responsibilities, and making time to contribute to the building of this great monument can be difficult. Desert Bluffs is a place of hope, of renewal, of refuge for those in need and above all, of joy. The Mudstone Abyss is a celebration of all those things, and I tell you now that the reward will be great. Not just the reward of being devoured by the Smiling God, but the reward of your eternal impact on your town. Think of the Rapa Nui people who built the Moai, or the proud union workers who erected that deco masterpiece, the Chrysler Building. Or the time traveling street artist collective known as Banksy, who built Stonehenge.
Every great monument is built by human hands, and those hands leave their artistry for generations to enjoy, discover, and study. The Mudstone Abyss will be a triumph of Desert Bluffs citizens, and later a tourist attraction, and later a historical landmark, and eventually a curious and misunderstood artefact of a long dead civilization. You can be part of this.
Mayor Mallard and I put our heads together and agreed that the solution here is to set up communes and camps along the dig site to make your commutes easier. Schools and businesses will go on half day schedules so that everyone can make time for the monument. Mayor Mallard, and I support her brilliant idea 100 per cent – believes this is the only task we should be focused on as a town. The Smiling God deserves a physical manifestation of our penitence and devotion. Desert Bluffs deserves a notable landmark, and best of all, if we all worked and lived together, we would get to know each other’s interests, cultures, languages, histories. If we worked together, we could become so much – closer.
And now a word from our sponsors. When we talk apocalypse, we talk fires and spires of smoke and screams and wars and horrid clouds of ash and floods. And this is a comforting vision, because it supposes we’re all in it together. But death is mostly something you keep to yourself. In all reality, the apocalypse is likely going to just be you alone in a room with the flu. Bed, Bath and Beyond: you’re going to need some new sheets.
So after my first date with Charles, we went out again the following week. I showed him around Desert Bluffs, I took him to the Sandy Blossom Bowling Alley and Arcade Joy Compound. We bowled that afternoon and played a few old video games like Ms. Pac-Man, Sleepytime Spider Swallower, and Horse Carcass, all the classics from our youth. We then went for a romantic walk along the beach. Charles thought it shouldn’t be called a beach because there was no body of water, but I pointed out that it was sand, and that there was water somewhere. How close the water is is all a matter of faith. He laughed, and I squeezed his hand. Then we went to the food truck park. He bought some cheese pirogues from the Odessa Dumplings truck, while I went to the Tex-Mex truck and got a burrito filled with fibreglass insulation and refried beans.
The food trucks weren’t nearly as classy as Vermillion, but food is only as good as the company you enjoy it with. And I really enjoyed my time with Charles. It’s hard to intimately connect to people especially as you get older, but my time with Charles made dating seem easy. Why would anyone choose to be single when they could just walk up to the perfect man and say “Let’s know each other”? When life is good, it’s hard to understand how it could have ever been bad.
After dinner, I suggested we could go get a drink together. Unfortunately Desert Bluffs doesn’t have any bars. Not for religious reasons, I explained to him. It’s just that no one’s been able to open one yet. The state places some pretty high taxes on hard liquor transported across dimensional rifts. So I offered to have him back over to my place for some more wine. But he said he had to be going. I protested. Charles said, “Kevin. You fill me with such joy, and I don’t wanna keep secrets. I should tell you I have a son. His name is Donovan and he’s five. He’s a sweet kid.” Charles said he moved here because Donovan starts school next year, and he wanted to raise his boy in a community based in happiness and positivity. But Charles is concerned about bringing dates home with him until he knows they will stay around for a while. “Kevin,” he said, touching my face along the socket of my left eye. “I think you would be great around Donovan.” My smile disappeared from my face. Not because I didn’t feel happy, but because I felt – so many things. My lips couldn’t express them all. He said, “I’m not suggesting we have to be serious right now, we have to figure that out with time.” He then said we should go back to his place, but on the way, he needed to pick up Donovan from Grandma Josephine, who has been babysitting. We spent the rest of the evening drinking sodas at his home. I wanted to touch Charles, to put my hand against his chest again, to kiss him with real passion. But instead we watched Donovan play with toy airplanes and Charles talked about the things parents talk about.
Donovan was nice, but I had to concentrate hard to keep my smile.
[long pause] An update on the construction of the Mudstone Abyss. Nearly everyone in town is now at the dig site, setting into their lean-to’s and pop tents and gathering up the appropriate tools for the physical labor ahead. Mayor Lauren Mallard said she is heartened by the outpouring of support in the past hour. We have made huge strides, already marking out our mile-wide parameter and deepening the pit to almost 1,000 feet. Some stone workers have even begun carving sacred texts from the Book of Devouring. I’m getting reports from the construction area that some of those etchings have begun to glow bright white, as the earth trembles beneath them. Wow! I’m getting chills just thinking about this!
There have been some scuffles among the workers, miscommunication and arguments that devolved into small fights. The Desert Bluffs police department sent two officers, who are also friends of mine from the Temple of Joy, Keon and Kelton, to break up some of these skirmishes. But more fights and arguments happened than they could control. Officers Keon and Kelton reported that parties involved in fights were shouting nonsense at each other. They initially thought some were non-English speakers, but they could not identify the languages. Then they saw young Ryan Nichols, who was an English major at Ala-bay-, Al-bama, at his former university, spouting absolute gibberish at another person. Keon and Kelton reported that sometimes people’s words sounded like normal English, but without any context or meaning, and at other times like unconventional noises that are not common to any human language. But everyone speaks passionately and personally, thinking they’re communicating what they mean, even though they were not. Apparently the fighting became pervasive enough that Mayor Mallard had to make a public address. Here’s a transcript of what she said.
“Desert Bluffs, please do not fight. Remember to take time to smile and relate to one another. If someone says something you do not understand or do not appreciate, simply cauliflower. Roomba starlight rice tank ship. Stallion the ballisters right on through, until balloons.” And then she repeated “until balloons” over and over, with complete conviction and passion. And eventually the fighting stopped, not because of the speech but because of sheer confusion and exhaustion.
As the fighting stopped, so did the construction. No one knew what anyone was saying, longtime friends could not find their words and so resorted to physical gestures. But even Jerry Kramer and his daughter Morgan, who communicate mostly through sign language, found that they could no longer comprehend any of the phrases.
More on this developing situation, but first a look at traffic. Near the dig site for the Mudstone Abyss, several hazy dark shadows, vaguely human-shaped, have begun to appear. They are drifting along city streets, which has caused nearly a dozen minor traffic.. uh.. a-ci-des. Ac-dicent. Acci..dents. There is a ten minute backup entering downtown along sci-fi novel. Al-along rhubarb. Ugh, I can’t oak tree, can’t sparrow modem. Spar-row mmodem. Sparrowmodem. That’s not right. I have to condensate. Ugh. Have to con-den-sate. Yellow refrigerator shelves.
I’m trying to say – crab grass to the petroleum!
[“She Left Without A Goodbye.” by Cerah https://soundcloud.com/cerahmusic]
Machine: First unheard message.
Charles: Kevin. Sorry to bother you, it’s Charles. I need you to get the word out that language doesn’t work right in Desert Bluffs. I haven’t found a single dictionary that expresses normal word structure, I’ve been recording and re-recording this message for the past hour and each time it comes out like alphabet soup. No syntax, no identifiable verbs, no words that even appear to fit together. But I did finally manage to find an old text you wrote about the souls of unpure, those whom the Smiling God cannot clean even upon devour. There’s a certain style of hat you described that can keep your thoughts and ideas pure. I-I drove over to your house, because I remember you had one just like this you told me you wore during sermons. Sorry for going through your stuff, but the hat seems to be working for now.
Anyway, based on my research, I think this dig is (loosing) those spirits back into the world and they’re causing… [whispers] There’s something at my door, Kevin. I-I need to go, OK? Call you back in well, I don’t know.
Machine: End of message.
Charles: [whispering] There’s a hazy dark shadow hovering about my front door, Kevin. It’s not knocking, it’s just hovering in front of my house. I can’t make out a face, I’m peering through a crack in the living room blinds to get a better look. Oh no, I think it saw me!
Machine: End of message.
Charles: OK, it’s gone I think. This giant yellow hat is really remarkable. Anyway, I wanted you to get the word out on your radio show about the dig and let your friend Lauren know as well. If we can fully (stop) this giant (pit), I think we can stem the return of these unpure souls, who I think are dismantling our language.
Also… I haven’t heard from you in a while. I hope bringing Donny around didn’t scare you off. If it did, please just tell me now, OK, I won’t be hurt. That’s a lie. I would definitely be hurt if you stopped seeing me because I have a child, but I won’t be bitter. That’s really it. I won’t be bitter if you tell me now. Now that I think of it, that’s not true either. I’ll be less bitter, less hurt, less angry if you tell me now.
Or maybe you’re busy. I know the Mudstone Abyss has all your attention these days and what with communication failing us, I’m sure it’s hard to think about having dinner or even, I dunno, like a family date. You and me and Donny, maybe a trip to the amusement park or… We were thinking about adopting a cat, is there an animal shelter in Desert Bluffs? That could be a really fun day together.
Either day, when you have a chance, just let me know you got this. I don’t wanna stop seeing you, but I’d rather know sooner than aquifer. Aquifer. What? I mean platter.
Kevin, that shadow is back. He’s not at my window anymore, he’s inside graft huts. No I mean – grant first, grapple wigs grapple wigs, Kevin I – handlebar cereal, OK? Handlebar cereal.
Machine: End of new message.
Today’s proverb: Girl, did you fall from heaven? ‘Cause there’s a giant crater where you landed and radiation levels are spiking.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Trump’s Fourth of July celebration thrills supporters, angers opponents
Trump’s Fourth of July celebration thrills supporters, angers opponents
By Peter Jamison, Samantha Schmidt, Hannah Natanson and Steve Hendrix | Published July 04 at 7:45 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted July 4, 2019 |
Americans gathered in Washington on Thursday as one nation, feeling a little divisible, struggling to maintain unity on the Fourth of July, a summer ritual that normally brings a day-long pause to partisan hostilities. But that was before President Trump updated the day with his unique stamp — speaking of “one people chasing one dream and one magnificent destiny” from a Lincoln Memorial flanked by armored vehicles, with military jets passing overhead — his presence thrilling supporters, angering opponents and creating near-parallel celebrations of the country’s 243rd birthday.
On a sweltering, storm-tossed day, crowds were pulled in opposite directions on a polarized Mall, with “Make America Great Again” caps bedecking the throngs near the Lincoln Memorial and Baby Trump balloons bobbing in protest amid the masses gathered near the U.S. Capitol. There were even two separate fireworks shows, along with plenty of rhetorical firecrackers being tossed where the two sides mixed.
Near the World War II Memorial, midway along the Mall, a man with a sign reading “Facts matter” handed out free pocket Constitutions, and another held a sign with the words “No tanks on our streets. Not on our day.”
They were interrupted by a man who stormed up to the group, cursing and calling a massive inflated Baby Trump nearby “anti-American.” He threatened to destroy it, shouting, “Go, Trump!”
But the ties that unify the union were also on display. A 75-year-old volunteer with the Code Pink activist group managed to appease the man, who said he was an Army veteran who didn’t want the president disrespected.
“I understand,” said the volunteer, Paki Wieland, who wore a pink shirt, a white scarf around her neck and earrings with doves and peace signs. “Everything has polarized in this country.”
By the end, the man shook Wieland’s hand and thanked her for listening but also threatened to return with a bullhorn.
The celebration began as it typically does, with thousands streaming out of Metro stations and lining Constitution Avenue to watch a parade of fife and drum bands, Boy Scout troops and Miss District of Columbia. Amid heat warnings from the U.S. Park Police, the crowds migrated with their sunblock and water bottles and miniature flags to the Mall. The “Capitol Fourth” fireworks show and National Symphony Orchestra concert is a summer ritual for many who live within driving distance and a yearly broadcast on PBS.
But those who had heard about Trump’s speech began anticipating something different.
“This is going to electrify the whole day,” said Paco Sanchez, 45, an Illinois resident attending the celebration with his wife, Nancy Sanchez. “This probably won’t happen again, so we just wanted to experience it, experience history.”
Trump’s event, called “A Salute to America,” was modeled on a Bastille Day celebration with military trappings that captured the president’s imagination in 2017. Air Force One flew over the Mall as Trump approached the podium, protected by rain-streaked bulletproof glass.
The Sanchezes, both “gung-ho” Trump supporters retired from the U.S. Air Force, said it was their first time in the nation’s capital for the Fourth. Nancy Sanchez compared Trump’s appearance to the 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr. from the same marble steps.
“When Martin Luther King Jr. had his speech, people look back on that and say, ‘I was there for it,’” Nancy Sanchez said. “We want to witness this part of history being built.”
Others faulted the president for injecting himself into a day that is usually immune from controversy and politics.
“He’s kidnapped our holiday, and it’s not right, said Deb McKern, who lives on Capitol Hill and had looked forward to Independence Day in Washington after more than a decade working abroad for the Library of Congress. McKern considered skipping the festivities when she learned of Trump’s involvement but ultimately decided to show up and protest.
The military might was gathered mostly near the Lincoln Memorial, with two Bradley Fighting Vehicles parked inside the chain-link VIP enclosure accessible only to those who had acquired VIP tickets from the White House and the Republican Party. But green and camouflage-covered trucks blocked key intersections, part of a D.C. National Guard deployment of 800 members that was roughly triple the number of those in years past. Guard spokesman Lt. Col. Michael R. Odle said the extended nature of the event and additional activities prompted the increase.
Scattered protests took place throughout the day. A flag-burning in front of the White House led to two arrests and a brief skirmish with onlookers, according to the Secret Service. The “Baby Trump” balloon — featuring a scowling caricature of the president in a diaper — was visible much of the day until it was taken down late in the afternoon because of high winds.
Rain and lightning swept over the Mall more than once, causing many to take cover just before 4 p.m. Officials ordered an area near the Capitol temporarily evacuated about 90 minutes later. But the weather cleared enough for a series of flyovers by aircraft from each branch of the military, from Coast Guard helicopters to the Air Force’s B-2 stealth bomber and F-22 Raptors.
At the Lincoln Memorial, families in wearing ponchos and MAGA hats chanted “USA! USA!” as the marble image of the nation’s 16th president loomed over the scene. They cheered the air show over the monuments, and the current president who narrated each sortie with snippets of military history.
“Today, just as it did 243 years ago, the future of American freedom rests on the shoulders of men and women willing to defend it,” Trump said in introducing the roll call of airborne hardware.
Even as the Navy Blue Angels took their turn in the sky, a group of protesters was using a particular Naval aviator to antagonize Trump. A left-leaning political action committee distributed T-shirts depicting USS McCain, the Navy ship named in honor of the late senator John McCain (R-Ariz.), a bitter rival of the president.
“John McCain really gets under Trump’s skin because he killed Trump getting rid of health care,” said Gayelynn Taxey, one of the shirt distributors near the White House, referring to the late senator’s vote defeating Republican legislation to gut the Affordable Care Act.
But for Elaine and Wayne Hill of Auburn, Wash., the protesters’ criticisms ring hollow.
“People are complaining it’s going to be all military and stuff, and that it’s going to be a show of his power, but the tanks are just parked there for us to see,” said Elaine Hill, 57, who along with her husband was wearing a red MAGA hat. “It’s not a show of his power; it’s a show of American power.”
“Right, exactly,” chimed in Sherri Fries, who was sitting on the curb with the Hills at the corner of 13th Street NW and Constitution Avenue NW, waiting for the parade to start. “People just jump to conclusions. It’s a shame.”
As they waited in the sticky morning heat, the three commiserated about the politics of their liberal hometowns.
“Let me shake your hand,” Elaine Hill said to Fries, smiling. “You know, that’s part of why we wanted to come down [to Washington],” she added. “We can’t trust what we see in the news, so we thought, ‘Let’s just see it for ourselves.’”
Despite the debate over Trump’s use of military hardware — a practice critics say is reminiscent of public celebrations by authoritarian regimes — the vehicles imported as props by the armed forces were keeping a low profile as crowds gathered.
The two Bradley armored vehicles were located behind chain-link fences near the Lincoln Memorial, inaccessible to crowds. The tanks could scarcely be seen.
“I wish I could get in there,” Ali Safaei sighed, poking his nose into the fence as he gazed at a Bradley.
Safaei, 30, said he has mixed feelings about Trump — particularly the president’s hard-line policies toward his home country, Iran. Safaei immigrated to the United States more than six years ago and now studies computer science at the University of Maryland. Curiosity drew him to the Mall, but he was disappointed that the tanks were not on display.
Public safety and transportation officials said midafternoon that the day was going smoothly.
D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services treated several people for heat-related ailments, but nobody suffered serious injuries, according to spokesman Vito Maggiolo. He said most of those treated had been at the parade on Constitution Avenue NW.
A spokeswoman for the Metro transit agency said the system was operating on schedule, with no problems reported. Major routes into the District were clear of crashes, with light to moderate traffic, as motorists appeared to be heeding officials’ advice to stay off the roads.
Trump’s appearance was one of many celebrations throughout the Washington region.
In addition to the National Independence Day Parade along Constitution Avenue NW, which began at 11:45 a.m., parades were held in the Palisades and Capitol Hill neighborhoods. Bagpipers appeared in Takoma Park, Md. Cannons and fireworks were to be shot off at Mount Vernon. The Washington Nationals played a home game, winning 5-2.
The traditional site for the holiday’s fireworks along the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool was to be moved to West Potomac Park. The second show was to be launched from flatbed tractor-trailers parked behind the Lincoln Memorial. Police urged habitual attendees at the Mall celebration to familiarize themselves with new access points and road closures.
Rachel Weiner, Rebecca Tan, Laurel Demkovich, Cortlynn Stark, Joe Heim, Fenit Nirappil, Luz Lazo and Peter Hermann contributed to this report.
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blankdblank · 6 years
Crash Pt 6
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And we are left to wonder just how much this round the clock surveillance is costing us for having the King’s Consort, our surprise Queen Pear surely must be racking up quite a bill. But our sources have said there is now a group of Elven guards that have begun rotating with the King’s Guards in protecting the source of our King’s smile.
Another Anchor cut him off. Some may find it exuberant, but seeing the sensible Smial she’s been residing in there is a lot to appreciate that she hasn’t forced the topic of moving in.
He was cut off as well by the female anchor between them. I could imagine the number of women that would jump at the chance to throw herself about the Palace while she mentally plans out all the changes she is to make if the union is finalized.
The first anchor chimed in again. I am curious how that would work. The others looked at him curiously. No, hear me out. She’s a Queen, which in most cultures she has to be the one to offer marriage. How would they even get comfortable enough with all involved to approach the topic? Her lands are still merging together, there are those Spider radicals trying to fight against it. All of this and yet, they do seem happy together. Even going so far as to have started inviting each other to official events.
The female anchor added on. I think it’s a positive thing, to have them be at least that comfortable to stand up and say, as the first monarchs in this situation, that they’re going through the usual steps. Dates, nights in, little tokens here and there, meeting the family which for both of them would also include meeting the public.
One of the men spoke up when she finished. Not to mention Queen Pear has gone so far as to cross of a great milestone in our culture at least, proving her willingness to protect your mate, with your life if necessary. She was attacked and our kin and King were nearly harmed had she and the Royal Family from Greenwood not been so readily prepared for the dangerous rebels still being sourced out in her lands. That in itself should be statement enough as for their growing bond after she all but proposed, if we go by our oldest of proposal traditions. Saving his life then simply touching his hand while on her throne. For me at least I would assume there is already discussion of possible terms for a contract.
The first man spoke again. It does seem, at least from what we know so far, that the pair of Councils involved have begun talks of possibly restarting a long lost round of trade between our Kingdoms. A positive whether or not a union can be finalized.
The woman interrupted again. I doubt any woman, Queen or not would, under this microscope filled world would be so, affectionate, or involved in the King’s busy schedule unless there was some mutual not just attraction but, I’m going to be generous and say a promise, or at least a possibility of it becoming more than just dating.
The men nodded and one added. I agree. To just willingly give away any privacy, even just for publicity or attention obviously chasing after a King requires far more than just a determined woman wishing to claim a King as her own.
The other man joined in. I do think this does have some, at least some, hints of some sort of promise for their future. Our King was gifted that pin for her first event marking him as her favorite. Which I have read up on and learned it is merely a weakening of the term in translation, it is closer to that of Consort for her kin.
The woman spoke again. Which I think is a fitting message. To state it right away and ease King Thorin into her people’s lives when we’ve already seen at least a month of their brewing relationship. On all counts Queen Pear does seem to be well versed in our customs, it really makes me wonder what traditions or expectations our King has to meet. But in all this we are just thrilled to see the pair of them at the State Dinner at the end of the week.
The music came on signaling the commercial break as Thorin shut off the screen and wrapped his arms across your back. A late night drop by after yet another day of touring the final factory on a long list being updated with more efficient machines far safer for the workers brought on a date night to enjoy your next bout of baking with Glorfindel before his flight home again. All this after his bringing the tech team to finish setting up the system to keep you in touch with your Council. 
Warmly under a thick flannel you snuggled beside Dwalin through the film playing an hour prior you had fallen asleep through. Somewhere between then and morning Dwalin had left the room to claim your spare bed you had offered the guards on night watch inside signaling the guards outside to continue their rounds circling the home stealing glances at the King holding you tighter in his sleep.
Loudly the latest chiming of the grandfather clock in the hall sounded as you slipped free from Thorin’s loosening grip to sit up beside his legs as you brushed your hair from your face then glanced around the room curiously. When you stood up Thorin stirred, slowly rubbing his face wondering why you’d left his arms only to stare at you wide eyed in your tearful whisper of, “We’re alone.”
Thorin glanced across the room spotting the door shut to the guest room he could hear Dwalin snoring through then looked at you and tensed seeing the tears welling in your eyes and hands smoothing over your upper arms. Wetting his lips he sat up, “Dwalin probably didn’t want to wake you with his snoring.”
Before he could ask you what was wrong his lips parted after you stated, “I’m not supposed to be alone with anyone but my kin and my Husband.”
Standing up he softly uttered, “Jaqi,” watching a tear roll down your cheek in his steps closer to you. His hand extended silently asking for yours you were cautious at granting him. “Please don’t be upset.”
in a broken whisper you replied, “He closed the door. There’s doubt now.” At the falling of more tears down your cheeks he moved closer offering both hands he was reluctant to place on you, merely holding them carefully a couple inches out from your arms in his move to be closer to you in the scrunching of your face.
He wet his lips then stated, “Jaqi, I’m not allowed to be alone with you either.” Making your eyes rise to meet his. “You said our relationship has to be a great deal based on trust. I trust you, you trust me. We fell asleep on the couch, as poor of a choice of wording as it is, I’m just as tarnished as you are.” Making another tear roll down your cheek. “Dearest, please,” his hands motioned to request one of yours you reluctantly eased into his palm and he led you back to the couch. “Let me show you something.”
His free hand dipped into his pocket to pull out his phone he quickly typed a message that a few moments after caused his phone to buzz when you sat down beside him. “Bofur’s on rounds outside. See, the window blind is open on the side.” You nodded then glanced at the phone looking at the first picture of Thorin flipping through the channels when you had fallen asleep. “When I am alone off the Palace grounds my guards are required to take a picture of me every fifteen minutes, especially when I fall asleep as proof of my safety. So technically, we aren’t alone. Not truly.”
“There’s no doubt then?”
He shook his head locking his eyes with yours as he passed you the phone and wiped your cheeks then stood, crossing the room to ease open Dwalin’s door and walk back to your side again reclaiming his seat. Sweetly his hands rose to wipe your cheeks again, “We can look through them together, alright?” You nodded and shifted to sit closer to him holding up the phone as he said, “Nothing good was on, ended up on the news. So far good things have been said.” You swiped again to the next image, “All four hands visible.” You kept swiping through his comments on each, “Ooh, your hand moved, to my face, maybe I snorted.”
Making you giggle and pass him the phone at the end of the images and locked your eyes with his as his hand rose to gently stroke your cheek. “Dearest. I will speak with the men in the morning, it won’t happen again.” He wet his lips and inched closer to you with a sheepish smile, “It was meant to be a surprise, but with the full day tomorrow, it sort of put back the dinner I planned.” His hand settled around yours, soon joined by the other to cup and caress it adoringly, “I am going to say something,” you nodded as he swallowed dryly, “There’s no one else. No one I would consider to rule alongside. It has only been just barely over a month, but I am certain, our dinner was to aid me in working up to granting you my first gift. A marker just as your pin is, to promise my intentions of an engagement, and to signal the start of forming terms.” His eyes scanned over your face hopefully, “Would you accept my offer of a promise and to start forming terms?”
You nodded and his lips instantly molded to yours in a firm kiss as your hands smoothed around the back of his neck while he drew you onto his lap then broke the kiss to press his forehead to yours. Softly you asked, “You’re certain?”
He nodded then placed a kiss on the tip of your nose then eyed your still exhausted expression, “Now that the door’s open could another nap be possible?” The hopeful gleam in his eyes making you smirk, “I would love to take full advantage of my chances to hold you in my arms until we can finally be alone.”
You nodded, “I could use some more sleep.” His smile eased larger at yours growing, “You don’t snore as badly as your Cousin, thankfully.”
He chuckled then stated, “I could always get those nose strips.”
You smirked kissing his nose, “I don’t mind. Just like having my own life sized teddy bear with a thunderous roar.” Making his smirk grow as he shifted to stretch out again with you across his side and chest as his lips pressed to your forehead. “Night Thorin.”
Lowly he rumbled back nuzzling his head against yours, “Good Night Dearest. I’ll have the gift sent over today and let my Council know.” Typing a message on his phone before setting it aside to sleep.
With the next chiming of the clock came a groggy King opening his eyes to his Cousin shaking his shoulder. Carefully you were cradled in his arms through your irritated grumble at the shifting on his path to take you to your bed where he tucked you in lovingly and kissed your forehead. With his phone back in his pocket and the ring Nori had brought for him eased onto your right index finger he stole one last look at you then headed to the car waiting for him. On his path to the car he glanced over at the equally irritated Dwalin at his side, wetting his lips he locked eyes with Dwalin when his door was opened halting Dwalin in place. “There’s, Jaqi’s not allowed to be alone with me.”
Dwalin’s lips parted, “I-.”
Thorin shook his head, “Bofur’s pictures calmed her down. Just, when you or the other guards do go to sleep when I’m there just leave the door open.”
Dwalin nodded, “Of course.”
Thorin grinned at him patting him on the shoulder, “Let’s go see what Dain wants this time.” Making Dwalin chuckle and climb in behind him for the drive to meet his feuding kin eventually leading him to the airport for a flight to Moria to handle the problem himself.
Three in the morning drew a loud grumble from you as you rolled over and grabbed your phone Thorin left by the bed ringing loudly. With a glare you brushed your curls from your face to read the name on the screen before you raised the phone to your ear as a car filled with Elves arrived to take you to the airport. Smacking your lips after stating, “I’m on my way.” You sat up in bed brushing the covers down and you tucked your phone in the pocket on your barely visible shorts under your large baggy sweater. 
Groggily you moved to the foot of your bed slipping on your moccasin slippers before you walked through the house to the front door as Gimli followed after you joining you, with a warning text to Thorin about your disturbance. “Your Majesty, surely it can wait for you to get dressed.”
You sighed brushing your hair out of your face, “They woke me at three in the morning, meaning there is no time for pants. Or they better at least hope there won’t be.” Making him smirk at your yawned threatening response.
To the young Dwarf’s surprise you were driven to the private airstrip to another waiting jet that flew you to the ridge between Lothlorien, Moria and Greenwood where he eyed the damage a group of bristling trees growling at the bloody group of Men from Gondor training in your lands for their upper level military rankings that all straightened up and bowed their heads to you. At first your appearance froze them in place, especially your exhausted glare at the Men in question all trying to take in the details of your unkempt appearance in the moon and lantern lit night.
Approaching the General in charge you nodded your head at his deep bow, “Your Majesty. We apologize for disturbing you this late.”
Your eyes shifted over to your Uncle Celeborn in the distance speaking with the trees trying their best to withhold their vengeful swings at the Men. “Well I had certainly hoped it wouldn’t be this soon to get this particular call, again.” To which he nodded his head as you walked over to the group of Men tugging up your sleeves and crossed your arms then asked, “Who stole the wind chimes?”
Between the twelve of them you looked them all over taking in each tick and flinch at your spark filled glare. Their leader Deanorte barked out brashly, “What wind chimes Your Majesty?”
Your eyes locked on his and he visually flinched at the contact, “The ones you and your Men stole from the trees trying to kill you that tore apart half of the barracks trying to retrieve them.” The youngest Son of a Lord from Numenor you knew would be calling you when he heard about this nonsense.
Smuggly he shook his head, “Don’t recall any wind chimes Your Majesty.”
With a nod you stated, “Perhaps this will jog your memory.” Your hand rose as you drew in a sharp breath and eased two fingers into your mouth letting out a trilling five note whistle echoing through the barracks stirring the rest of the Men in the distance that flinched and darted away from the glowing barrack that let out a pulse of light before a group of whistling objects soared straight for you. Halting inches from your raised palm and swayed in circled pulsing brightly easing the anger in the trees watching you looking over the Men. “Look familiar?”
Again Deanorte shook his head, “No Your Majesty.”
Beside you Gimli’s fist clenched spotting the blatant lie signaling your move to walk through their line as they parted as you said, “General, add their faces to the wall.” Behind you Gimli followed glaring at the Man guilty of lying to you as their General bowed his head to your order calling out, “Yes Your Majesty.”
Behind you the Men scoffed as their leader chortled out, “Stealing a wind chime gets out picture up on a wall? What other prizes do we get?”
Hastily as Gimli glanced back their wrists were grabbed and they were shackled and led away to the prison on the base nearby, “Your faces will be added to the Wall of Exiles. Your other prizes include 35 years banishment from Her Majesties’ lands and possibly the dishonorable discharge for the charges of perjury and thievery against the crown when the Numenorean Lords hear of this.”
Deanorte, “Thievery against the crown?!”
Their voices died as you glanced at Gimli motioning him to join your side for you to say softly, “These were gifted to the tree guarding our borders at the crossroads since the waking of my kin in these lands from my ancestors. Each King and Queen gifts more bells and decorations to add to them upon their coronation.”
Gimli nodded, “Ah, so they’re protected relics. Explains the fury for losing such a gift.”
Easily you approached the trees returning the chimes to their former places in the herd of trees that all made their ways back to their homes again. Turning your heat you glanced up at your Uncle who chuckled softly through Gimli answering his phone as the other Men stole more glances at you and their arrested friends then headed back to bed.
Celeborn, “We managed to calm them fairly quickly this time.”
You nodded, “Yes, last time took me to get them calm.” You sighed and smoothed your hair back only to have it sway forward again pooling around your face. “Lord Anorte and Anrios will not be pleased.”
Celeborn replied, “Our laws are clear. Do not harm or upset our trees.”
You nodded and accepted the helicopter ride back to your Uncle’s Palace where he led you straight through to his war room where the screen lit up revealing two Numenorean Lords both scowling at you for the banishment of their Sons until they realized the exhaustion and disheveled appearance in their full body shot of you.
Anrios, “Your Majesty, What is the meaning of this?! Why has my Son been arrested and banished over a simple skirmish damaging the camp?”
“Lord Anrios, Lord Anorte, let me answer your question with another question. Why at three in the morning did I get called all the way out from Erebor because your Sons and their platoon stole enchanted chimes gifted from my ancestors to the trees guarding my borders? I did what was necessary to keep the peace in my lands. We have laws for a reason concerning our trees and they are to be respected by any and all of your Men, or should I inform the trees I have rescinded my judgment and am passing it over to them. I doubt you of all people would understand.”
Their lips parted at once when their bodies shifted awkwardly before Lord Anorte bowed his head answering, “No Your Majesty. We will stand by your ruling. None of us wish a repeat of the siege of Izenguard. We will ensure the Men we send out in the near future are absolutely obedient of those laws.” You nodded and the call ended after final farewells leaving you to turn to the approaching Council locked in a debate over the new laws adding to theirs you spent the following 16 hours sorting out before you were able to fly back to Erebor again. Though in what you assumed would be an empty airstrip you spotted the King with flowers in hand ready to take you home for a dinner and another nap, hopefully with you in his arms.
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decisionforesight · 3 years
Field Service Management Market 2020| Industry Size, Share, Demand, Manufacturers and Forecast Research 2030
The global Field Service Management market was valued at USD 3.1 billion by 2020, growing with 11.2% CAGR during the forecast period, 2021-2030. In the digital era, information technology and communications are two of the most essential issues. New services, businesses, and start-ups emerge, disrupting the market's existing order. ICT has a disruptive effect on company models and day-to-day work.Markets, businesses, and the government all need to adjust to these developments. Governments are putting in a lot of effort to adapt and embrace new technology in order to digitalize the globe in this way.The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry is a key facilitator of economic growth and a key driver of the global digital economy's future development. It brings together the digital ecosystem, which is a worldwide network of commercial and social activities that includes the Internet, mobile devices, and sensor networks.
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Market Dynamics and Factors:
As expenditure on old technology systems falls, essential platforms such as cloud, mobile, social and big data, and analytics will drive growth. Cloud-based technology and automation will drive a greater percentage of technology expenditure towards emerging capabilities like AI, robots, and augmented reality, fuelled in part by cost reductions.
Continuous modernisation and increased access to cloud-based services have fuelled the business industry's shift towards innovation and growth rather than cost reduction.The cloud has reached the mainstream market thanks to a surge in consumer demand for flexible pay-as-you-go models and major IT businesses integrating expensive cloud-based technologies with corporate systems.
As a result, high-end technologies like AI and IoT, which were previously only available to a select few major enterprises and creative startups, are now available to a wide spectrum of small, medium, and large businesses.The future of the IT sector will certainly be shaped by automation. By integrating robots and artificial intelligence (AI) into the workplace, automation has the potential to boost productivity. Employees will actually want to perform more positions and take utilization of human abilities with the guide of these innovations. Computerized methods and advanced partners might conceivably support laborer usefulness, bringing about huge macroeconomic benefits.
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Market Segmentation:
Based on by solution, the field service management market is distributed into billing & invoicing, inventory management, mobile field execution, reporting & dashboards, schedule and dispatch, tracking and performance management, and work order management. Based on by service, the market is categorized into consulting, implementation, and training & support. Based on by deployment type, the market is further classified into cloud and on premises. Based on user type, the market is divided into small & medium enterprises (SME) and large enterprises. Based on by vertical type the market is distributed into BFSI (banking, financial and services insurance) construction & real estate, energy &  utilities, healthcare, manufacturing, telecom & IT, and transportation & logistics. By Geography the field service management market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and RoW. On regional basis, global F&B market can be segmented into Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and RoW.
Competitive Analysis:
Top players profiled in Field Service Management market research report are:
o    Accenture o    Comarch SA o    ClickSoftware Technologies o    Infor o    Klugo Group o    SAP SE o    Astea International Inc. o    Trimble Navigation Limited o    Tech Mahindra Limited
Geographic Analysis:
In North Amerca, In terms of technological innovation, the United States leads the world. According to the World Economic Forum's 2018 Global Competitive Index, the country's competitive advantage is attributed to its economic dynamism, solid institutional foundations, finance systems, and active innovation environment. Since the post-World War II industrial revolution, innovation has been a hallmark of American competitiveness, fueling the country's worldwide supremacy.
Countries who are in the forefront of developing breakthrough technologies and utilising their digital economy' full productive capability might acquire a strategic competitive edge.With the aid of digital apps, digital services and produced data, as well as the underlying digital infrastructure, the Asia-Pacific area has the chance to demonstrate alternative methods to pandemic management and disaster recovery.
During the COVID-19 crisis, for example, the governments of the Republic of Korea and Singapore successfully used digital technology in novel ways to restrict the virus's transmission, aided by lessons learned from past crises and a well-designed enabling policy and regulatory framework.This can aid in the creation and execution of policies in the event of future crises.Global rivalry has risen as Eastern Europe's economy has opened up and Asian newly industrialising nations have advanced in the international market, particularly in the sector of labor-intensive items and medium-intensive technology. It is also critical for European Union nations and areas experiencing increased import competition and manufacturing relocation as a result of foreign direct investment inflows to strengthen their positions in sophisticated technology industries.
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orbemnews · 3 years
What Some Companies Are Saying About Back-to-Office Plans: Live Updates Here’s what you need to know: Some big employers are making plans to call employees back to the office, but others are waiting.Credit…Gregg Vigliotti for The New York Times At one point the target was the start of 2021. Then it was bumped to July. Now September is the new date that many companies have circled on the calendar for bringing back office workers who have been working remotely for the past year. Maybe. Companies are wary of setting hard deadlines, recent reporting by The New York Times found. Some corporations are reopening offices in the spring, and many are saying they will remain flexible, staging returns over several months and planning to allow some workers to continue to work from home. As nerve-racking as it was last year to be abruptly torn from their desks, many people find the prospect of returning distressing. Here is what some of the country’s biggest companies are telling their workers. IBM IBM, which employs about 346,000 people, hasn’t set a strict timeline for when its U.S. workers will return to the office. It expects about 80 percent of its employees to work with some combination of remote and office schedules, depending largely on role. JPMorgan Chase The bank, which has more than 20,000 office employees in New York City, has told employees that the five-day office workweek is a relic. The bank is considering a rotational work model, meaning employees would rotate between working remotely and in the office. PricewaterhouseCoopers The consulting firm, which has about 284,000 employees, is set to open one office in each of its major cities in May, and all of its offices in September. Even when the offices are formally reopened, PwC will allow some workers, depending on their job, to work remotely at least part time. Walmart Most of Walmart’s 1.5 million employees work at the retail giant’s stores, and a vast number have continued to go in to their workplace throughout the pandemic. It said on March 12 that it would start bringing workers back at its Bentonville, Ark., office campus no earlier than July. Its global technology employees will continue to work virtually “for the long term.” Wells Fargo At Wells Fargo, 60,000 employees have worked at bank branches and other facilities during the pandemic, but 200,000 more have worked remotely. The company told its staff in a memo last month that it had set a Sept. 6 return-to-office target and was “optimistic” that conditions surrounding Covid-19 vaccinations and case levels would allow it to keep it. GameStop said it would sell additional stock, up to 3.5 million shares, to finance its move online retailing and to support its finances.Credit…Carlo Allegri/Reuters Wall Street is poised to begin the week on an upswing, with futures pointing to a 0.3 percent rise in the S&P 500. Asian markets also gained in the wake of Friday’s U.S. jobs report, which marked a bigger-than-expected surge in hiring last month. The Nikkei index in Japan rose 0.8 percent, to its highest level since mid March, and the Kospi index in South Korea gained 0.3 percent. Stock markets were closed for holidays in China, Hong Kong and much of Europe. Digesting the jobs report The Labor Department on Friday reported U.S. employers added 916,000 jobs in March, the biggest jump since August, and the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent. The news exceeded expectations, and the gains were broad based, with hiring in the hospitality, retailing and transportation sectors all rising. Adding some uncertainty to the bullish numbers is a rise in coronavirus cases in the United States after weeks of decline. But as Ben Casselman reported in The New York Times: “Few economists expect a repeat of the winter, when a spike in Covid-19 cases pushed the recovery into reverse. More than a quarter of U.S. adults have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, and more than two million people a day are being inoculated.” Bonds and oil Yields on 10-year Treasury notes, which have been on an upward trajectory since October, have stabilized over the last few days. On Monday the yield was down slightly to 1.71 percent. Oil prices fell. Brent crude, the international benchmark, fell 1.9 percent to $63.40 a barrel, and West Texas Intermediate slipped 1.8 percent. Traders have been adjusting their positions since last Thursday’s decision by OPEC and its allies to slowly relax curbs on output. Those controls were put in place in response to the sharp decline in oil demand during the pandemic. Companies GameStop said Monday that it would sell up to 3.5 million additional shares to “further accelerate its transformation” and to strengthen its balance sheet. The struggling bricks-and-mortar retailer, which found itself at the center of a trading frenzy in January, is aiming to become more of an online operation. Additional shares would dilute the ownership of its existing investors — and GameStop’s shares fell more than 10 percent in premarket trading. Air France on Monday is expected to announce it has accepted a government-backed refinance package. Aid for the struggling carrier has been the subject of talks between French government and European Union officials, and on Sunday Bruno LeMaire, the French finance minister, said the basic terms of a deal had been reached, Reuters reported. Shaundell Newsome of Small Business for America’s Future said changes were needed throughout the banking industry to improve outcomes for Black owners.Credit…Bridget Bennett for The New York Times The government’s central small business relief effort, the Paycheck Protection Program, has made $734 billion in forgivable loans to nearly seven million businesses. But minority-owned businesses were disproportionately underserved by the program, a New York Times analysis found. “The focus at the outset was on speed, and it came at the expense of equity,” said Ashley Harrington, the federal advocacy director at the Center for Responsible Lending. The aid program’s rules were mostly written on the fly, and reaching harder-to-serve businesses was an afterthought. Structural barriers and complicated, shifting requirements contributed to a skewed outcome, The New York Times’s Stacy Cowley reports. In the program’s final weeks — it is scheduled to stop taking applications on May 31 — President Biden’s administration has tried to alter its trajectory with rule changes intended to funnel more money toward businesses led by women and minorities. But those revisions have run into their own obstacles, including the speed with which they were rushed through. Lenders, caught off guard, have struggled to carry them out. “Historically, access to capital has been the leading concern of women- and minority-owned businesses to survive, and during this pandemic it has been no different,” Jenell Ross, who owns an auto dealership, told a House committee. The United States is particularly important to the world economy because it has long spent more than it sells.Credit…Scott McIntyre for The New York Times The United States and its record-setting stimulus spending could help haul a weakened Europe and struggling developing countries out of their own economic morass. American buyers are spurring demand for German cars, Australian wine, Mexican auto parts and French fashions. And many Americans have spent their stimulus checks on video game consoles, exercise bicycles or other products made in China. The United States’ comparatively fast recovery involved a little bit of luck — new variants of the virus have just begun to push domestic infections higher — and a large policy response, including more than $5 trillion in debt-fueled pandemic relief, The New York Times’s Jeanna Smialek and Jack Ewing report. “When the U.S. economy is strong, that strength tends to support global activity as well,” said Jerome H. Powell, the chair of the Federal Reserve. But some hazards lurk. The slow pace of the European Union’s vaccination campaign will probably hurt its economy. Poorer and smaller countries, facing severely limited vaccine supplies and fewer resources to support government spending, are likely to struggle to stage an economic turnaround even if the U.S. recovery increases demand for their exports. Chocolate is Britain’s second-largest food and drink export, after whiskey.Credit…Tom Jamieson for The New York Times Small British chocolate makers emphasizing ethically sourced ingredients and bespoke batches became big sellers in Europe in recent years but have been nearly impossible to find there since January, David Segal reports for The New York Times. “We have customers complain to us all the time, ‘Why can’t I buy my favorite British chocolate?’” said Hishem Ferjani, the founder of Choco Dealer in Bonn, Germany, which supplies grocery stores and sells through its own website. “We have store owners with empty shelves.” “We have to explain, it’s not our fault, it’s not the fault of the producer. It’s Brexit,” he said. Chocolate is Britain’s No. 2 food and drink export, after whiskey, according to the Food and Drink Federation. Chocolate exports to all countries hit $1.1 billion last year, and Europe accounts for about 70 percent of those sales. In January, exports of British chocolate to Europe fell 68 percent compared with the same period the year before. The trade deal struck late last year with the European Union has not saved British companies from a maddening, unpredictable array of time-consuming, morale-sapping procedures and from stacks of paperwork that have turned exporting to the E.U. into a sort of black-box mystery. Goods go in and there is no telling when they will come out. Source link Orbem News #BacktoOffice #Companies #Live #plans #Updates
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someinstant · 7 years
A Letter to My Students, (or How to Raise Hell Without Our Help)
Hey, guys.  
I want to talk to you today about schools, protests, and your rights-- and powers-- as students.
I’m writing this here, and not saying this directly to you in class because I’m over a barrel on this one: I teach in a public school in a conservative area, and I have no union behind me to support my advocacy on your behalf.  That means I have limited legal protections if I choose to protest openly at school.
I find this separation of politics and education ridiculous and harmful, frankly: why treat politics as though it’s something to avoid? Every aspect of our lives is part of the fabric of power and policy, and a failure to understand or discuss that makes us less effective as citizens and involved members of our communities.  If I act like talking politics is toxic, if I model that behavior for my students, guess what happens? We wind up with generations of citizens who don’t know how to discuss ideas and policy constructively, and I’m rather convinced that’s part of the reason we’re in this mess in the first place.
I should probably state that I’m a high school social studies teacher, and this-- the notion of public schools as being an institution which has inherently political goals-- is where I live. It’s why I teach at a public school and not a private one. That was-- and is-- a political choice for me: I sincerely believe that we as a community have an obligation to lift each other up through education, and that every kid deserves a challenging, relevant, and creative education, no matter what.
There is nothing I love more than teaching, and no one I love more than my students.  I know that sounds terribly cliche, but it’s the truth: y’all make me so proud I can’t breathe sometimes.
And I’m so proud of what I see students doing right now in this country, and I want to help however I can.  I have called my state and local representatives daily since the shooting at Stoneman Douglas.  I’ll continue to do so. I have set up a meeting with my school administrators, and several colleagues and I are planning to go to the next school board meeting to make comments. I’ve donated money. I plan on going to the #MarchforOurLives near me on March 24th.  And I vote.
Oh, man, do I vote.
But I’m limited in what I can do in the classroom.  
I cannot tell you how much I want to walk out with my students on March 14th and April 20th. But if I do, I’m fairly sure I won’t be allowed to walk back in-- and I have to think about this long-term. I have to weigh what I can do in the classroom, and what I can do outside of it.  And I know I’m effective in the classroom, and what I do there matters.  I need to be there, for a lot of reasons.  
So here’s what I can do.  I’m going to try to help you figure out how to save yourselves, because I don’t know that I can do it for you.  So. Here we go:
I. Organize Yourselves Outside of School
The temptation is going to be to try to do your political organizing inside the school building, before or after hours, because that’s where you are. But if your school is anything like mine, that means you’ll likely have to register as a club or organization to get access to facilities, and that means you’ll need a faculty sponsor.  And that means we’re responsible for making sure you don’t violate school or district policy.
We all need plausible deniability on this, guys.  If I know kids are organizing something that is against school policy, I have a professional obligation to report it.  If you’re planning a walkout or something that might be frowned upon by your administration, do your organizing at someone’s house, at the public library, at the coffee shop, at the park down the street.  
II. Don’t Just Organize Your Friends
If you want your actions to really take root, you need a coalition of voices.  If you and your friends are talking about taking action, that’s fantastic. But what about everyone else at your school? Who else is interested?  High school is really, really inherently clique-y: make a concerted effort and reach out.  If you’ve only got one segment of the student population in your group, why is that?  Are you really hearing all voices if everyone in your organization looks like you?
III. Make Plans and Set Goals
If you want change you’re going to need to have priorities.  What is it you want?  Do you want school-wide change?  District-wide? State? National? What problem are you trying to solve?  Be concrete.  Do you want more resource officers in your school? Do you want the doors replaced so that they open inwards and can be braced against intruders? Do you want universal background checks for guns and ammo?
Get a whiteboard or some paper and start listing it out.  Don’t just talk and argue back and forth: write it down-- all of it-- and then prioritize.  What is your school-wide goal?  Your district goal? State? National?  
Once you figure out what your Big Goal might be, work backwards: what steps do you need to take to get there? It’s not going to happen overnight, so what are the first things you need to do? Take it one bite of the apple at a time.
IV. Get Wonky and Research
Once you’ve figured out what you want, or at least what your targeted concerns are-- break out those research skills we’ve been trying to teach you for ages.  For real: I know you probably hate hearing this, but you’re going to need to hit the library and pull some sources on this, especially if your goals are rooted in policy. If you want to change legislation, you’re going to need to know:
*What the existing laws say on the subject at a local/state/national level
*How your representatives have voted on those issues in the past
*What policy work might be in the pipeline on the subject
This means you’re going to have to familiarize yourself with the terms of debate.  Like, when I call my senators about gun control, if I want to know what they’ve said on the subject, I search their campaign websites because their staffers keep those babies updated with every speech and press release.  But I don’t search for “Gun control;” with my senators, that’s a non-starter.  Instead, I search for “Second Amendment,” because they’ll talk about that, but not gun violence.  
So you’re going to need someone (or many someones) on research.  Make SURE your sourcework is solid; be prepared to be questioned-- over and over and over-- about the validity of your argument.  Come armed with a bibliography and correct quotes.  Bring the receipts. 
V. Divide and Conquer
You don’t all have the same skill sets. In your first couple of meetings, I’d strongly suggest that you have everyone write down what skills they have, what they’re good at, and what they think they MIGHT be good at.  Do you have people who don’t mind speaking in public? It’s good to know who they are.  Do you have organizers among you? Find them. Who’s the best at research? Technology? Who can write? Do you have artists?  
Artists might be good for posters, or t-shirt design, or flyers.  Your writers might help with speeches, if that’s where you want to go, or press releases, or social media management.  Find something for everyone to do; this needs to be collaborative and organized.  Figure out who is responsible for what, and hold each other accountable.
VI. Know the Consequences
I do not, in the slightest, want to scare you away from taking action in whatever way you see fit, provided that you harm no one.  (That last bit is so, so important. Please. Folks out there are going to want to discredit you however they can. Don’t hurt yourselves or others, guys.)  But I do want you to go into this clear-eyed and purposeful. 
So if you decide to walk out or protest at school, make sure you know the disciplinary code inside and out.  Look on your school and district websites: does protest or a walk out fall under student disruptions to learning?  Or is there particular material in your district’s code of conduct that protects your right to protest?  This is going to vary wildly depending on your local school district.  
I’ve been thinking about this aspect of student protest a lot lately; the walk out on March 14th is scheduled for 10:00, which is right at class change before second period for us. I think I’m going to just forget to take attendance that day, which might help in preventing a situation where students are penalized for participation. I certainly won’t fill out any administrative referrals on this matter-- but I can’t speak for other teachers.  So.  You’d best know what consequences you’re looking at: are we talking about detention?  ISS? OSS? Expulsion?  Could you be removed from leadership positions within your other activities as a result? For those of you who are seniors, what does this do to your potential college or career plans? 
Again, this isn’t to scare you away from acting. If anything, it’s to make sure that you know exactly what power structures you’re up against before you start.  If you know what the punishments are, you can prepare for them effectively.
If you’re not sure what the consequences are, I really think you need to do the next part:
VII. Get Your Administration and/or School Board on Record
Schedule a meeting with them BEFORE you take any action that directly involves your school or district. Go as a group, and take an adult ally with you (I’ll talk more about this in a moment). Have a list of topics and questions you want to address.  Take notes during the meeting. Push for a definitive answer on questions like: what are the consequences to a walk out? Can we protest on school property? You need an answer to that one, by the way: it’s not a good look for schools to call the police to remove you for trespassing, but you need an answer so you can plan for any possible responses.
Think of it this way: by meeting with your administration or school board before you protest, you’re showing that you’re willing to pursue all possible options for dialogue and change.  That’s important.
VIII. Find Adult Allies and Supporters
A lot of you have got these are home: your parents. If you can-- and I won’t say that all you will have that support at home, because I’ve been a teenager and also I’ve been teaching them long enough to know that it’s not that easy-- ask them for their support.  Their instinct is going to want to be to protect you, to take hold of the megaphone and do the political version of the Driving Mom Arm, but as far as you’re able to do so, I’d suggest that you ask them to stand behind you, not in front.  Other adults are likely to take you more seriously if you’ve got adults with you-- which is a separately unfair issue-- but you need to make it absolutely clear that YOU are the ones speaking.
Sit down with your group and try to figure out: who are the adults in your orbit who you can ask for help?  What resources do you have, collectively?  Is there someone at your place of worship who’s good at organizing? Is your sister in law school? Who can drive you where you need to go? 
And I know a lot of you are going to say: your teachers might be the ones you look to for help and support in this.  And some of us may be able to help you directly with school action-- but some of us may not be able to.  Any action I take in support of my students in a walk out is likely going to have to be in my guise as a private citizen. So be aware of our limitations as employees of our respective school districts.
IX. Be Focused and On-Message in Every Action
We teach you this when you write essays: make sure your thesis is clear, and provide supporting evidence. 
If you choose to protest or take a particular mass action, have a unified message that you can ALL explain.  One of the things that makes our modern politicians so effective-- and so damn frustrating-- is how good they are at messaging.  You need ONE message, ONE thesis for each action, and you need to practice bringing every conversation you have, every question you field, back to that ONE point.  So if you’re protesting for tighter gun controls outside your state capitol and someone says, “But gun control laws don’t work; Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and has incredible rates of gun violence,” you need to know your shit and know how to pivot.  Acceptable answers might include:
* “But Indiana, which is right next door to Illinois, has very weak gun laws, and a huge percentage of the guns used in crimes in Chicago come through Indiana.  Which is why it is so important that we address gun control here, in _________, at our local level.”
* “That argument, at its heart, argues against the very idea of rule of law: because people break laws, no laws should exist.  I think that’s a terribly pessimistic way to approach a problem, which is why I’m here, advocating for _____________.”
Always end with what you want.  Practice in your groups.  Role play.  Get an adult to pepper you with questions. If you’ve got people in your group with public speaking experience-- debate team, mock trial, Model UN, theater, whatever-- have them work with the group on good public speaking skills.  It’s okay if you’re nervous, and it’s okay if you get tongue-tied. But it’s easier to go public if you’ve practiced what you’re going to say and how you want to say it.
X. Go Public
Don’t just retweet or reblog. Y’all are SO GOOD with social media, but the people you need to reach aren’t necessarily the ones on IG or Twitter or Tumblr.  (I am not saying don’t use those platforms; use them. Use them a LOT and use them wisely.)  But you need to use traditional media, too.  Media cycles are usually short, because the conversation stalls out on a given topic.  Don’t let it.
Ask for help, or look up how to write a good press release.  If you’re planning a protest or school walk out, you need to let the people with cameras and printing presses know, because the people whose minds you need to change?  The people who are putting up roadblocks to progress?  Those are the media forms they use.  Get on local news.  Write to your local or regional paper. I’d suggest contacting the reporter at the education desk-- sometimes there’s a dedicated blog or column that deals with that subject, and they’re more likely to be interested in what students have to say. Hell, start with your school paper if you can’t go bigger. If you’ve got a video production class in your school, get the students who know how to do video editing and who have the resources to help you make your own videos and content for media release.  Got techie types in your group? You might want a website.  Get a mission statement up there, put up your press releases, and use it as a rallying point.
XI. Be Careful About Money
Oh my god, PLEASE be careful with this. Decide how you’re going to handle money or fundraising-- if that’s what you want to do-- before you do it. If you’re going to collect funds for a given cause, you’re going to need to figure out how to do that.  You’re probably going to need an adult on this-- preferably one with an accounting background. Depending on how big you go, you’re going to need to do some legal stuff to set up non-profits and such, and I am not at all the person to advise you on that. But I will say: you want to be able to account for every dollar you take in, and every dollar you spent.  Spreadsheets are going to be your friend.
And be thoughtful about the motives of folks who want to donate money to you: what is it they want? Is there anything hanging on to the money that is being offered? Just-- be careful with this.
XII. Respect Each Other
You’re not always going to agree with everyone in your group. You’re going to have different priorities, sometimes. You may ultimately find that you’re not working towards the same goal. You may find that you don’t have the energy, or the time, or the resources to keep going.  But remember: you started this because you cared about each other, your school, your community, and maybe also your country.  No matter what else happens, remember that. Those are positions worthy of respect. Allow for graceful exits, evolution, and debate. Lift each other up, because this is going to be hard.
And if anyone else has suggestions, feel free to add them in. I want y’all to be armed to the teeth with the best information we can give you.
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ericvick · 4 years
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Appraisal, Sales, Processing Products; Training From Home; Vendor Tidbits
Unlike 2008, when, arguably, the lenders, banks, and investment banks, via lending & underwriting policies and lax securitization procedures, were the villains and scapegoats, this time around banks and lenders can help save people. We are not the villains. And while I’m at it, health care workers and those in the food service, regardless of their country of origin, are the true heroes: watch this short video. (Warning: tissues may be needed.) On with the show! Don’t you like how ads have gone from, “Buy a Toyota” to, “This is a difficult and uncertain time for us all. Buy a Toyota.” Every company out there is re-evaluating their stance about allowing employees to work from home. But when you decide to return to that high-rent commercial space, here are some thoughts on how to re-occupy it. Ah-nold Schwarzenegger is good at occupying spaces; I ran this short clip of him in his hot tub discussing staying at home about a month ago but it is worth a repeat. It is certainly more fun than reading about JCPenny missing a bond payment yesterday, or how forbearance impacts credit.
Lender Services and Products
Episode 006 of the Clear to Close podcast from Maxwell has just been released. A special edition episode with a roundtable discussion on the pros, cons, data, and effectiveness of shifting to remote work featuring some best practices and tips for leading a team in a remote environment. Highly recommend you check it out as we all try to adapt to working from home together. Download and subscribe from your favorite podcast platform: Apple, Spotify, Google Play, Soundcloud, or listen in your browser here.
Early Pay-Off penalties are a downside to a red-hot refinance market. At UNIFY CRM, we understand that when lenders are hit with an EPO, addressing this with your warehouse banks or investors after the fact puts you at a significant disadvantage. The solution? UNIFY CRM offers real-time Mortgage Inquiry Alerts. The alerts provide Loan Officers with timely conversations with borrowers who are considering refinancing with a competing lender triggering an early payoff of their mortgage. Go ahead of the curve, rather than always reacting to it. Contact UNIFY CRM to learn how to better protect your Mortgage Company and better serve past & current borrowers.  
Tidal waves continue at Vendor Surf, the only B2B search engine in the industry, with unmatched reach and credibility. UPDATE: Since COVID-19, visitor traffic is 62% higher than the 2019 monthly average. Plus, over half of our traffic now comes from internet search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) via organic SEO. If they can trust us by sending industry searchers our way, we hope you will too. Now in its third year showcasing the most innovative solutions and recognized brands, taking countless days out of your initial due diligence, Vendor Surf is the premier destination for decision makers at banks, mortgage companies and credit unions. Sourcing committees, and operations leaders alike, rely on Vendor Surf as the digital hub that intelligently connects them to desired vendor partners. Searchers can “Find ’em Fast,” on-screen and in real-time, via over 3,000 search filters. See WHO JOINED the revolution in 2019.
Speaking of working from home… Did you see how a local division of American Pacific Mortgage scaled revenues by 280% while working remotely? How did they do it? Remarkably simple, online, collaborative checklists that coordinate workflows, doc lists, approval steps, 3rd party deliverables, compliance checkpoints, and priorities for every team member. Charlie Christensen, Sr. Loan Officer at EMG said “We generated 280% more revenue with our existing team. TeamworkIQ’s simple, automated checklists have saved us countless hours and significantly boosted production. Now I can focus nearly all my time on clients.” Indica Weatherwax, Operations Manager and Loan Processor at EMG remarked “We now handle 4x more deals every day than before. Everything feels organized, less chaotic”. TeamworkIQ’s automated Lead to Loan Process kit is now free for mortgage teams. Book a meeting today and a TeamworkIQ expert will work with you to tailor the solution to your team’s process.
Mortgage Coach introduces the first of its kind “gamification” for mortgage technology. Just in time to meet the challenge of balancing the current refinance wave and the spring homebuying season. The Mortgage Coach platform, training, and community turns the average loan originator into black belt mortgage advisors. With the addition of gamification elements like badges, awards, and recognition built into the Mortgage Coach Advice Engine, mortgage professionals are incented to elevate their mortgage advisor skills faster and have competitive fun in the process. Mortgage Coach gamification introduces a unique incentive for each loan originator to master the Mortgage Coach skills that separate the average loan originator from the very best. Mortgage lenders with a team of Mortgage Coach Black Belts are guaranteed to boost their production and profitability. Contact [email protected] to learn how our new gamification platform can help you modernize your sales force faster.
How are you responding to the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic? Read Black Knight’s white paper to gain insight into the current and forecasted impacts to the industry, recommendations you should consider in addressing these changes, and innovative solutions uniquely suited to meet your most challenging needs.
ACI users can now complete desktop and exterior-only appraisals with more robust data with OpenHouse, an innovative new valuation technology that supports social distancing and recent temporary measures from Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, FHA and VA. ACI OpenHouse allows appraisers to facilitate an exchange with a property contact or homeowner to obtain key property information and subject photos earlier in the appraisal process and import the resulting data directly into an appraisal report using the ACI platform. This is done in a matter of minutes and allows the appraiser to download a PDF summary of the inspection for the work file. Click here to learn more or contact us for more info.
Training and Webinars (From Home!)
You’re invited to Floify’s “Top Tech for a Remote Mortgage Team” webinar today at 11:00AM PT. With nearly 88% of organizations encouraging or requiring their employees to work from home, lenders are facing new challenges, including how to manage demand and maximize profitability in these unique market conditions. In this 30-minute webinar, Floify’s senior leadership team will explore the challenges mortgage professionals are facing in 2020, how lenders are adapting to remote and work-from-home scenarios, the productivity solutions lenders are implementing to reach their business goals, the benefits of an all-digital mortgage operation, and how you can take advantage of these opportunities, too. Don’t miss this opportunity to level up your lending operation. Register for Floify’s “Top Tech for a Remote Mortgage Team”webinar now.
Join Mitch Kider and Michael Kieval for a WBK Webinar, “Cybersecurity for the Mortgage Banking Industry, A Focus on Risks from Remote Work in the Coronavirus Crisis,” on April 23 at 2 pm ET. This webinar will focus on cybersecurity risks to companies from the shift to remote work and from other changes caused by the Coronavirus crisis. We will discuss how these changes affect your business, how regulators expect you to react, and some best practices for keeping your company safe in this era of remote work.
Today Colorado’s CMLA is hosting a webinar to help you learn basic “e” terms and their paper counterparts and cover the importance of an eVault and eSigning platform and the role the MERS® eRegistry plays in the industry. (If you do not have a MERS® Org ID, email [email protected] to request an Org ID for your webinar registration.)
Mortgage professionals must look to secure their business activities while delivering vital communications to their clients during periods of lockdown. Today learn about your roadmap for making business continuity plans with Canadian Mortgage Professional online event: Coronavirus: Keeping Brokers’ Businesses Running.
NAMMBA is hosting a Town Hall event and virtual conference on Friday, April 24, from 1-4PM ET. The event will include a session with Dave Stevens, Mitch Kider, and Rob Chrisman (who?) talking about the State of The Industry. The Town Hall will bring together industry stakeholders, policy makers, and CEOs to discuss the impact of COVID-19 to the mortgage and real estate industry. These sessions will be 30 – 45 minutes in length and feature a “fireside” chat conversation.
Tax returns changed again. Radian National Training program highlights what is and is not changing. Register for Plaza’s complimentary webinar on Monday, April 20th designed to help you understand those changes and how they might impact your loan reviews.
Join the West Chapter of MMLA on Thursday, April 23 for a Virtual Luncheon. Discussions will include our new normal, overcoming new obstacles, and finding new best practices hosted by Andy Baker and Andrew Clarkson from the Mortgage Breakdown. There will also be a group of panelists to give us a glimpse of their specific industry changes.
MBA’s inaugural delivery of School of Mortgage Banking (SOMB) Online is scheduled for April 27 – May 31, no need to travel. This live, online version of MBA Education’s flagship classroom course will give you the opportunity to learn the most important aspects of mortgage lending, get expert insider industry knowledge, gain practical skills and grow in your career.
Join NAMMBA on Tuesday, April 28th at 2:00 EST for a free webinar presented by Freddie Mac. Learn more about low down payment offering with Home Possible and how they are expanding homeownership opportunities for borrowers with low to moderate income.
Miscellaneous Vendor News
CoreLogic has announced to its customers today that the company is releasing its enhanced Loan Safe Report available with the optional Secure Insight closing agent risk data. The release follows the announcement in early March that CoreLogic and Secure Insight had entered into an agreement to integrate the SI closing agent verified funding wire and agent risk data into Loan Safe.  For more information regarding this new offering please contact Rebecca Wagman.
IndeComm was approved by DBRS Morningstar as a third-party due diligence provider for securitizations.
DocMagic launched AutoPrep, enabling the company’s Total eClose platform to accept documents from any source, including non-e-enabled documents. “AutoPrep leverages sophisticated artificial intelligence, OCR and machine learning technologies to scan and parse documents, locate all signature and notary regions, then electronically tag them for eClosing, thus changing any document into a fully e-enabled document in seconds. As a result, lenders can use loan documents produced by virtually any document provider, from standard documents to partially e-enabled documents, with Total eClose and benefit from the technology’s end-to-end, 100 percent paperless eClosing process.”
NotaryCam announced it has observed a significant increase in remote online notarization (RON) adoption and utilization for real estate transactions in Florida over the past three months. Since January 1, which is the date Florida’s RON law went into effect, the company has experienced a 100% month-over-month increase in RON closings.
Capital Markets
The financial markets have been focused more on the progress containing Covid-19 and the government’s policies and stimulus aimed at minimizing the economic damage caused by the shelter in place orders than the worsening economic data. The rate of new cases appears to be flattening globally and the European experience paints a picture of what the U.S. may expect over the next couple weeks as some nations begin to contemplate reopening businesses.
While that is promising news, a full reopening of the economy is still a long way off. In the US, Vice President Pence indicated that major metropolitan areas would show signs of the virus near its end in additional to widespread testing to confirm who is infected as well as who has antibodies. The economic toll of the virus has been significant as seen in the most recent statistics. The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index experienced its largest one-month drop in the history of the series falling 8.1 points in March and a separate survey by the NFIB showed most businesses only had enough resources to survive one to two months. If the shutdown continues longer, they will need to utilize governmental aid from the Payroll Protection Program or the Fed’s Main Street Lending Program to restart and continue operations.
After bemoaning the lack of non-coronavirus related news yesterday, I received a rousing article from Brent W. in the Midwest. Kraft foods has reported that macaroni and cheese sales, which grew just 1.6 percent in 2019, were up 27 percent during the 13 weeks that ended March 21 compared with the same period last year. Year-over-year sales of rice, beans and pasta more than tripled during the week that ended March 21, according to Nielsen. Fresh meat sales doubled, and vitamin-C rich oranges grew 57 percent. Packaged-soup sales shot up 237 percent, while canned meat was up 282 percent. Kroger, the nation’s largest grocery chain, reported a 30 percent jump in March sales at stores open at least a year. That is heartwarming news, unlike March retail sales falling by 8.7 percent and factory output dropping the most since 1946. That dismal economic data did have a discernible impact on U.S. Treasuries, which rallied across the curve by amounts not seen in a couple weeks. The 10-year yield closed the day -11 bps to 0.64 percent.
Today’s economic calendar is underway with Jobless Claims for the week ending April 11 (5.2 million, continuing claims 12 million), March Housing Starts (-22 percent!)/Building Permits (1.353 million, decent), and Philadelphia Fed manufacturing for April (ugh: -56.6). Later this morning, we receive some Fed speak, with both New York Fed President Williams and San Francisco’s Daly taking the stage. Thursday’s Desk MBS purchase schedule sees a repeat of Tuesday with the Desk purchasing up to $15.675 billion. We begin the day with Agency MBS prices unchanged (yay!) and the 10-year yielding .62 percent.
ACC Mortgage, the oldest and one of the last Non-QM lenders standing, has launched a simple NON-QM pricing tool, free to any mortgage professional. Simply click here to price a loan. Products are currently limited, but we are funding. You have options! Want to talk about a potential deal? Call 877-349-0501 or e-mail us the scenario. If you’re interested in joining our team, please send your resume to the president, Robert Senko, for consideration.
0 notes
jccamus · 5 years
Here Are 20 Headlines Comparing Meghan Markle To Kate Middleton That Might Show Why She And Prince Harry Are Cutting Off Royal Reporters
Here Are 20 Headlines Comparing Meghan Markle To Kate Middleton That Might Show Why She And Prince Harry Are Cutting Off Royal Reporters https://ift.tt/2Rf0FOG
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Here Are 20 Headlines Comparing Meghan Markle To Kate Middleton That May Show Why She And Prince Harry Are Cutting Off Royal Reporters
Over the years, Meghan has been shamed for the same things for which her sister-in-law, Kate, has been praised.
Last updated on January 13, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. ET
Posted on January 13, 2020, at 10:40 a.m. ET
Mark Cuthbert / Getty Images
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (aka Prince Harry and Meghan Markle) didn't just shockingly "step back" as senior members of the royal family this week — they gave the UK media a big "fuck-you" for years of what they said was biased and unfair coverage.
The couple's new website on breaking up with years of royal protocol laid out — among a lot of other things — their media strategy, stating that they will no longer participate in the traditional royal press system that grants exclusive access to a select group of UK outlets.
Britain’s royal correspondents, they said, are seen as reliable sources of information. "This misconception propels coverage that is often carried by other outlets around the world, amplifying frequent misreporting," they wrote. Removing themselves from "royal rota" coverage has sparked an outcry among UK media and drew a protest from the National Union of Journalists.
This isn't a new complaint from the royal couple — they just took an unprecedented step to do something about it. Harry and Meghan have said publicly that they believe they have been treated unfairly by the UK press since the moment news broke of their relationship — that they are bullied, that there are racist undertones to coverage of them, and that they have been held to a different standard than Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Prince William and Kate Middleton).
The UK media outlets that currently make up the royal rota are the Daily Express, the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Evening Standard, the Telegraph, the Times, and the Sun. Here is a look at 20 stories from these outlets that appear to show a double standard between press coverage of Meghan and Kate. BuzzFeed News has reached out to all of the outlets featured below for comment.
Daily Mail / 2018, Daily Mail / 2019
Kate: "Bumping along nicely! The Duchess was seen placing a protective hand on her tummy as she exited the event." Daily Mail: March 22, 2018 Meghan: "Personally, I find the cradling a bit like those signs in the back of cars: Baby on Board. Virtue signaling, as though the rest of us barren harridans deserve to burn alive in our cars." Daily Mail: Jan. 26, 2019
Express / 2017, Express / 2019
Kate and William: "Prince William was given one of the green fruit – wrapped up in a bow – by a little boy who's mother is suffering during her pregnancy too... 'He said he'd take it to [Kate] and see what happens – and said good luck for [the boy's] mummy.'" Express: Sept. 14, 2017
Meghan: "The pregnant Duchess of Sussex and so-called 'avocado on toast whisperer' is wolfing down a fruit linked to water shortages, illegal deforestation and all round general environmental devastation." Express: Jan. 23, 2019
Daily Mail / 2016, Daily Mail / 2019
Kate: "Royal sources said yesterday that the Queen understood and endorsed William and Kate’s decision not to spend Christmas Day with her. One said: ‘Her Majesty understands that it is a dilemma that many young couples face and acknowledges how close Catherine’s relationship is with her family." Daily Mail: Dec. 16, 2016 Meghan: "The fact is the Queen expects to have the family around her for the festive season... to the Queen, for whom the tradition of the family gathering is a key date in her calendar, Harry and Meghan’s absence will be a matter of great sadness. It will also be a source of frustration." Daily Mail: Nov. 13, 2019
Daily Mail / 2014, Daily Mail / 2019
Kate and William: "Creating their own companies will allow William and Kate to bring out, should they ever chose to, myriad items of officially-endorsed merchandise from tea towels to coffee cups... Kensington Palace officials said they were doing the ‘sensible thing’ in protecting the couple’s rights." Daily Mail: Jan. 17, 2014 Meghan and Harry: "The Sussexes want to stamp their name on dozens of products including T-shirts, hoodies, journals and gloves for their newly-created foundation Sussex Royal... Experts said Harry and Meghan were actively preparing to quit the Royal Family months ago by filing trade mark applications to commercially protect their brand." Daily Mail: Jan. 9, 2020
Kate and William: "Prince William yesterday backed brother Harry’s brave admission of his mental anguish — and blasted the monarchy’s 'stiff upper lip' tradition... William said: 'There may be a time and a place for the ‘stiff upper lip’ but not at the expense of your health... ' "'Catherine and I are clear we want both George and Charlotte to grow up feeling able to talk about their emotions and feelings. Over the past year we have visited a number of schools together where we have been amazed listening to children talk about some quite difficult subjects in a clear and emotionally articulate way, something most adults would struggle with. Seeing this has really given me hope things are changing and there is a generation coming up who find it normal to talk openly about emotions.'” Sun: April 19, 2017
Meghan and Harry: "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have bucked royal tradition once again with their latest TV interview — in which they claimed they were 'existing, not living.' The couple ditched the stiff upper lip of previous Royal Family generations and flew the flag for 'Generation Therapy' as they revealed their emotions to the world - but were they right to do so? "What you make of 'fragile' Prince Harry and Meghan's comments may depend on your generation. Sun parents and kids reveal what they think of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex airing their emotions in public - and whether they have the right to moan in such positions of privilege..." Sun: Oct. 23, 2019
Kate: "It was reported that new Duchess of Cambridge requested her favorite scented candles and toiletries from luxury fragrance brand Jo Malone be delivered to scent the Abbey. A selection of candles, handwashes and lotions was requested, specifically in citrus spring scents including Orange Blossom, Grapefruit and the ever-popular Lime, Basil & Mandarin." Daily Mail: May 4, 2011 Meghan: "'Meghan wanted staff to go around with these atomizers, like spritzer guns, and spray the chapel with scent before anyone arrived. Royal Household staff stepped in and told her office politely, but firmly, that this was the queen's chapel and it simply wasn't appropriate. I don't believe they said no because they thought it could affect the chapel in any way. It was simply the principle of the thing. This is a place that has held royal weddings, funerals and even contains the royal vault. I don't believe a request of that nature had been made before.'" Daily Mail: Nov. 30, 2018
Kate: "As far as bridal bouquets go there was nothing particularly regal about Kate Middleton’s modest arrangement of simple, seasonal flowers. Like the bride herself the bouquet was effortlessly elegant and understated.
"Yet behind that modest posy lay a secret story. Kate, the commoner-turned-duchess, had painstakingly selected blooms with real meaning. She is evidently well-versed in the language of flowers, a little-known romantic relic from the 19th century.
"Hence the use of lilac in her bouquet, which signifies the first emotions of love, the lily of the valley meaning a return of happiness, hyacinth standing for constancy, myrtle meaning love and the ivy, which represents fidelity. Then of course there was the suitably named Sweet William, which is shorthand for gallantry." Express: Aug. 29, 2011 Meghan: "[Meghan Markle] was holding a wedding bouquet which flowers were replicated in Princess Charlotte and the other bridesmaids’ flower crowns. Express.co.uk can now reveal the children’ crowns were made of flowers that can be deadly, especially for children. Meghan’s bouquet was made of forget-me-nots as well as sweet peas, lily of the valley, astilbe, jasmine, and astrantia... "Lily of the valley is a highly poisonous woodland flowering plant and ingestion could be deadly... As Meghan’s bridesmaids were so young, having this flower on their heads could be considered a dangerous decision. Other brides have also used this flowers including Kate Middleton, Princess Eugenie and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall." Express: Oct. 13, 2019
Kate and William: "The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh missed the small family affair. The decision is understood not to have been taken on health grounds, and to have been mutually agreed by the Queen and the Cambridges some time ago. The Queen, 92, has a busy week ahead, with high-profile celebrations in central London marking the centenary of the RAF on Tuesday, and a visit by US President Donald Trump in Windsor on Friday." Daily Mail: July 9, 2018 Meghan and Harry: "The situation has surprised some senior staff at Buckingham Palace, who feel that the duke and duchess should have planned the day better. ‘There is huge support for the couple in not wanting to conform to tradition. They are young, they are striking out on a different path from other members of the Royal Family and there is enormous goodwill for them. But they shouldn’t do that without regard for tradition,’ said one. ‘Her Majesty was already scheduled to be in Scotland for her annual Holyrood Week and had a prior engagement at the weekend. There is a feeling amongst some that they should have been more accommodating about the date.’" Daily Mail: July 4, 2019
Kate: "It is a fashion conundrum not many of us will ever face, but what exactly does one wear for tea with the Queen? The Duchess of Cambridge met this challenge head on yesterday by co-ordinating her outfit with the Queen’s powder blue ensemble... The Queen, on her first ­official event to mark her Diamond Jubilee, was dressed in a pastel hat and two-piece coat dress with military-style rows of gold buttons designed by Angela Kelly. Looking relaxed and elegant, her outfit was perfect for what looked like a fun official engagement with the girls." Mirror: Feb. 14, 2013 Meghan: "The Queen's aides had told [Meghan] she would be wearing a green hat as a mark of respect to those who died in the Grenfell Tower fire. The Queen is said to have been 'baffled' when Meghan turned up without a hat as she didn't realize she was supposed to wear one too. A senior aide said: 'I don't think the Duchess fully understood. This was not a request. Those are for others to make, not the Queen.' The Queen's staff are said to have noted the Duchess's mistake or 'lack of deference'" Mirror: Oct. 29, 2018
Kate: "We see a woman in her prime: stylish, confident and positively radiant, nailing outfit after outfit in the style stakes — and it’s a joy to witness... That old uniform of girlish dresses, tan tights and nude heels has been replaced by dazzling super-chic outfits to satisfy even the most exacting fashionista." Daily Mail: June 16, 2019 Meghan: "Proper royalty is about tradition and duty, self-effacing service and loyalty — year after year after year, season after season... That is not to say that a monarchy cannot or must not move with the times — simply that it has to resist the temptation to be buffeted by passing cultural trends. Fashion is the exact opposite. And as fashion’s most famous bible, Vogue exemplifies the transient nature of the beast." Daily Mail: July 29, 2019
https://ift.tt/2QOXZZ2 via BuzzFeed News January 13, 2020 at 11:50PM
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Rugby World Cup: New Zealand v Ireland - radio & text
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Live Reporting
By Alex Bysouth
All times stated are UK
Posted at 10:0710:07
No time for goodbyes
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
Lose, and this will be Joe Schmidt’s final game in charge of the Irish team and Rory Best’s last match as a professional player.
Both have said they will retire after the World Cup.
Posted at 10:0510:05
‘Can’t be second fiddle’
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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PA MediaCopyright: PA Media
Ireland coach Joe Schmidt:“You can’t go out against an All Blacks side and accept you are second fiddle.
“There are a number of players within the side that have contributed to a fair bit of history for us.
“The first win over the All Blacks, the first time we won at home against the All Blacks, but a few other milestones along the way.���
Posted at 10:0510:05
Post update
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
Looks like the All Blacks’ social media squad are just as nifty as their rugby-playing companions…
Posted at 10:0510:05
Post update
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Denis Hickie
Former Ireland winger
The win over New Zealand 12 months ago feels a long time ago considering where Ireland are now. They weren’t able to kick on from that game and the Six Nations really didn’t go well for them.
The performances in the warm-ups were mixed and they’ve taken that into the World Cup.
Posted at 10:0410:04
Ashton predicts…
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
Video content
Video caption: Rugby Union Weekly’s Chris Ashton makes his predictions for the World Cup quarter-finalsRugby Union Weekly’s Chris Ashton makes his predictions for the World Cup quarter-finals
Posted at 10:0210:02
Lowry to bring magic touch?
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
The Ireland squad were visited this week by a man who knows a thing or two about pulling off a sporting shock…
Golfer Shane Lowry, who won his first major at The Open at Portrush earlier this year, will also be in the stands to follow the quarter-final clash in Tokyo.
Joe Schmidt’s side will be hoping he can lend them a touch of that Claret Jug magic…
Posted at 10:0010:00
Post update
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
BBC Radio 5 Live are across this one – tune in to follow all the build-up with just 15 minutes now to go until kick-off…
Click the link at the top of this page to listen, stick on t’wireless or use the BBC Sounds app.
Posted at 9:589:58
Post update
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
Ireland may have won two of their past three meetings with the All Blacks, but this is a very different New Zealand side to the won they felled 11 months ago.
Centre Jack Goodhue and scrum-half Aaron Smith are the only starting backs who played in that defeat in Dublin last year, which is also the last time the All Blacks failed to score a try.
Twelve players who began Ireland’s victory last November keep their place with Robbie Henshaw, Conor Murray and Iain Henderson replacing Bundee Aki, Kieran Marmion and Devin Toner.
Posted at 9:569:56
All Blacks trust in youth
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
New Zealand have trusted Jack Goodhue and Anton Leinert-Brown, both 24, to solve their midfield conundrum, while the experienced Brodie Retallick is named at lock despite little game time in Japan.
Retallick, capped 78 times, was restricted to just 30 minutes of action, against Namibia, in the group stages as he returned from a dislocated shoulder but will renew his vastly experienced partnership with Sam Whitelock in the second row.
Beauden Barrett will once again operate at full-back with Richie Mo’unga at fly-half while Cody Taylor is preferred to Dane Coles at hooker.
Experienced duo Ryan Crotty and Ben Smith are not included in Steve Hansen’s matchday 23 with Sonny Bill Williams only among the replacements.
Posted at 9:529:52
Post update
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
The Ireland fans are out in force in Tokyo.
Going through their line-out routines with a boot… there’ll be one chilly-footed fan at the stadium.
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
Posted at 9:519:51
On the market…
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
Video content
Video caption: Hottest ticket in town – Irish and Japanese fans face quarter-final swapHottest ticket in town – Irish and Japanese fans face quarter-final swap
Posted at 9:519:51
Ticket troubles
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Michael Morrow
BBC Sport NI at Tokyo Stadium
Ireland fans are once again here in numbers, with many of them leaving it late to secure their ticket for Saturday’s second quarter-final.
Last night there was a hastily arranged but by all accounts immensely successful ticket swap held near Tokyo’s Asakusa Station for fans who had jumped the gun in booking their quarter-final tickets.
When planning their trip a fair few Irish fans predicted, not unreasonably, that their side would top Pool A and therefore feature on Sunday night.
Of course, Ireland didn’t finish top of their pool, leaving many an Irish fan with a ticket for Japan v South Africa as opposed to their team’s meeting with the All Blacks.
Despite the drama, there’s no shortage of green inside the stadium, noise shouldn’t be an issue either.
Posted at 9:509:50
Rested? Or undercooked?
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
With their final pool match against Italy being called off, New Zealand head into the knockout stages well rested – but is there a danger they could be underdone, having not played for 13 days?
“Having a week off is not a bad thing. It’s allowed us to work really hard last Friday,” said coach Steve Hansen.
“Our GPS numbers were equivalent or just above what a normal Test match would be so we don’t feel like we’ve lost any opportunity to get ourselves where we need to be.”
Posted at 9:489:48
All Blacks hit their straps
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
New Zealand topped Pool B despite their final group game with Italy being cancelled because of Typhoon Hagibis.
Steve Hansen’s side remain on course for a third consecutive World Cup after passing their biggest test on the opening weekend with a 23-13 win over South Africa in Yokohama, before breezing past Namibia and Canada.
Despite their scheduled encounter with the Italians being called off, the All Blacks qualified for the knockout stages with the highest average points (52) of any side in the competition.
Posted at 9:459:45
Post update
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
Don’t want to sway your opinion, but this is what Opta reckons…
Posted at 9:449:44
Get Involved – pick your World Cup winner…
After England swatted aside Australia earlier, and with two-time defending champions New Zealand about to get under way, we want to know who is best placed to win the World Cup, and why?
Can Ireland halt the All Blacks? Will hosts Japan spring another surprise against South Africa? Will Wales maintain their title hopes against France?
Let us know using #bbcrugby
Posted at 9:419:41
Post update
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
Posted at 9:419:41
Hansen to ‘set-up’ Schmidt?
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
New Zealand coach Steve Hansen hinted earlier in the week he could “set-up” Ireland boss Joe Schmidt with his approach for the quarter-final.
Schmidt is renowned for his detailed analytical approach, with the New Zealander has guided Ireland to two victories over the All Blacks in their past three meetings.
“We’ve got weaknesses like everybody else, so you’ve got to look at your own weaknesses as much as anybody else’s,” said Hansen.
“You know that Joe does a lot of studies, so that can be a strength and a weakness. I might be able to set him up.”
Posted at 9:399:39
‘Surreal’ moment for Sexton
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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ReutersCopyright: Reuters
Conor Murray and Johnny Sexton will become Ireland’s most-capped starting half-back duo as they line up together for the 56th time.
Speaking to the media on Friday, Ireland fly-half Sexton said it is “a little bit surreal”.
“It’s been a long time in the back of our minds, this quarter-final,” Sexton said. “We’re here now. It’s a little bit ‘I can’t believe it’s finally here’.”
Posted at 9:379:37
Sexton takes the lead
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Michael Morrow
BBC Sport NI at Tokyo Stadium
This week the Irish press corps were treated to two media conference masterclasses from Johnny Sexton.
The first was the morning after Ireland’s win over Samoa in Fukuoka and Sexton made sure the media were well aware of the buoyant, confident mood running through the camp as he fielded every question in a jovial manner.
The second, at yesterday’s ‘captain’s run’ during which Sexton was the only Irish player to make the trip across Tokyo to the stadium from the team base near Disneyland, was all about quiet confidence and focus.
He had a kind word about his younger team-mates, batted away questions about the potential for this to be Joe Schmidt’s last game and told us that his team were excited, not nervous.
Off the pitch he’s pretty impressive, but he’s better and much more crucial still on it. If Ireland are to get a win today, their best player is going to need to be firing on all cylinders from the first minute.
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