#Wednesday addams x yn
kolsmikaelson · 2 years
Can you do a teacher catches fem yn and wednesday kissing
caught — wednesday addams x fem!reader
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word count - 357 join taglist
a/n - first time writing for wednesday <3 thank you for your request!
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You’re walking to your botany class when a hand reaches from around a corner and pulls you into the small hallway and a smile is brought to your face when you see Wednesday in front of you. Suddenly, Wednesday’s hands are tangled in your hair, keeping your lips on hers, as she nips at your bottom lip to gain access to the inside of your mouth. You wrap your hands around her waist pulling her chest to yours as you pull back for a moment of air, she opens her eyes and has a faint smile on her face. You look so good like this, you think, her braids are messy and her lips are pink and swollen. You lean back into her and smile into the kiss before you’re interrupted.
The sound of Ms. Weems clearing her throat caused you to pull away from Wednesday’s lips, moving to stand beside her.
“Miss Addams, Miss L/N.” Weems nods at each of you respectfully. “And what exactly are you two doing?”
You feel your cheeks heating up as you open your mouth, “It seems fairly obvious what we were doing, Ms. Weems.” Wednesday speaks, no trace of embarrassment in her voice.
“Wednesday!” you whisper-shout and lightly slap her on the arm, though there’s no point. It’s obvious that Weems heard you.
“Well Miss Addams, I’d suggest that the both of you get to your classes or else you’ll be late and we don’t want that, do we?” She asked, eyebrows raised.
“No ma’am, of course not.” Wednesday replies with a smug smirk on her face as she tugs on your hand and walks past Weems.
Wednesday knocks her hand into yours, her silent way of asking you to hold her hand as you walk together. “God, I can’t believe you did that.” you let out a laugh when she gives you a look as if to say really?. “Actually, yes, yes I can.”
“C’mon we can’t be late again just cause you can’t keep your hands to yourself.” The smile on your face is bright, it’s a lighthearted albeit true comment, each of you know that.
taglist (bolded means I cannot tag you)— @alexxavicry @hockeyboysarehot @bluesongbird @sunflowerlamb @hopexargent @liltimmyst @prettysummerbaby @madisontaxarn @fictionalho @pronsletss @ssprayberrythings
© kolsmikaelson 2022. do not copy, translate or repost my work!
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be-missed · 8 months
Rule Breaker
Wednesday Addams X Vampire!Fem!Reader
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(Picture not mine)
Summary: Wednesday Addams, punished librarian, clashes with Y/N, a rule-breaking vampire. Can Wednesday keep with the antics, or will Y/N push her limits?
A/N: OOC Wednesday (probably) here is a story, my first one for Wednesday. Wednesday was punished by Weems so she's in a Library duty. A short one, I just want to write.
Warnings: Curse words, blood sucking, notify me if there are any.
Echoes of book that fell down from the farthest side of the library can be heard from where Wednesday is. The girl was returning scattered books that students have left on tables that they were once occupied. With a huff, Wednesday let the book on her hand fall on the pile of books in her pushcart and started to walk her way down the aisle.
While walking and getting close to the area of her destination, she can hear a heavy breathing and silent moans. Taking her last step, she was faced by Y/N who is a vampire and man who is on his knees.
"You're getting the wrong idea" Y/N said looking like a deer caught in head lights, trying to hold the man's head in front of her and trying to wipe her face. Wednesday, not surprised with what Y/N is doing just shrugs her shoulder and said "Your action is disrupting the ambient tranquility, and it's adversely impacting the pristine condition of the flooring."
Y/N then pushed the man making it lying on the pristine wood flooring of the Library that made Wednesday's face scrunch, oh how Wednesday wish that she was not the one tasked to be cleaning the floors.
"I'm sorry, they are following me and I have no place to go, so I-" before Y/N gets to finish her sentence, Wednesday cuts her off and said "You know that you can't eat inside the library, yes?" and Y/N nods, Wednesday continues "This is your first offence, you can't bring your food inside or eat inside the library."
Y/N tries to defend herself and says "I know, I'm sorry I have nowhere to g-" but Wednesday cuts her off again, "I couldn't care less about your lame excuses; you're well aware of the rules, so adhere to them. Consider this your first offence"
With a pout, Y/N nods and hold the lifeless man on a kneeling position so she can continue to drain his blood out. But before her fangs touch the man's neck, a book was thrown into her direction. "I said no eating inside the library. Go somewhere else" Wednesday said and Y/N groaned trying to massage her head that was hit by the book, before Y/N leaves, Wednesday added "Oh, of course, after you eat, go back here and clean the mess that you made."
"This is so unfair" Y/N whispers as she see Wednesday disappearing into the see of bookshelves.
A week have passed after the said rule breaking that Y/N did and she was now second in line on the counter for her to borrow the book that she needs for their botany class. She's trying to ready herself to face Wednesday but a voice have popped her out of her bubble.
"I need your I.D" Wednesday asked with her monotone voice and her life-sucking stare. Y/N then opened her bag and tries to find her I.D inside, she seems to have a hard time finding it inside knowing that her bag is carrying a lot of things, from pencil, to beans of plants, to a finger, and a fucking protein shaker.
"Its hanging around your neck, dimwit" Wednesday said with a smirk on her face, looking at Y/N, thinking how dumb can the other girl can be. With that, Y/N gave her I.D to the other girl and stares at her feet. While Wednesday is logging the borrowed book, Y/N the mutters "He's a bad guy, just so you know."
Wednesday not paying attention to what Y/N and continuing to do her duty. Y/N then tapped the table that got Wednesday's attention repeated what she said, "He's a bad guy, the one that you saw."
With a blank look and a scrunched eyebrow, Wednesday said "I don't care about your preference, all I care is you follow the rules and be clean when you are inside the hall." Wednesday then gives Y/N the book that she's trying to borrow, she then gets up the counter and went to the pushcart to return books.
When Wednesday was out of sight, Y/N then pulls the bunched up roses that she picked from the bushes in the garden that she painted black; "A for effort" Y/N thought, if she can't find a black rose then might as well do it herself.
She goes around the counter and put the black roses and the box of dark chocolate beside Wednesday's bag where she saw Thing, everyone knows Thing. They waved to each other and Y/N tells "Please let this be a secret, okay? I'll give you 2 bottles of hand lotions." Y/N bribed and Thing agrees.
Every other day, Y/N just strolls down the library aisle just to get a glimpse of Wednesday with her pushcart in tow, returning books from where they belong to. In every time that Y/N gets caught by Wednesday, Y/N tries to pretend that she's finding a book.
In an instance, when they were in an aisle and Y/N got caught by Wednesday, she then grabbed the nearest book in front of her and acts that she is reading it.
"Are you following me?" Wednesday asked getting closer to Y/N, the other girl then said "Oh, Wednesday, you're here, I didn't see you there" and ended it with a nervous chuckle. Wednesday then just stared at the other girl for a good second and says "You're reading the book upside down and that's a bible you're holding. If you're gonna lie, better sure you have a great alibi"
Y/N then feels a burn on her hand and muttered curses, she then looked up, trying to find in what section they are, "Why the fuck is a bible in the Fictional section? Did you plan this?" Y/N then looked at Wednesday, blowing her burned hand. Wednesday then smirked "Of course, I know what you're doing. You are going in here every other day and you are following me. So what I did was to set you up and make yourself burn your own hand" Wednesday ended her sentence with a chuckle.
"Damn it, okay, I surrender. You are right I'm going here every other day and I'M following you" Y/N admitted, Wednesday then answered "That's not a good plan. If you're trying to kill me, try to come up of a plan that is foolproof" Wednesday then scoff and left Y/N.
Y/N was left with herself and says, "I'm not trying to kill you..."
Black colored roses and boxes of dark chocolate didn't finish there, Y/N tries so hard to put those near Wednesday's bag every week, with a written poem from Wednesday's favorite author or a miniature of a torturing tool that she made.
Another week have passed and finals season is coming, the Library has extended its working hours to accommodate the students that wants to study for their upcoming test.
Wednesday was walking around trying to check if there are naughty students that would use the Library premises for other purposes other than studying, and with that, she's right. She saw drops of blood on the hardwood floor, following the leak, she then saw Y/N.
With a look that can kill, Wednesday stared at Y/N's back where a pool of blood can be seen below her, "What did I say with eating your food inside the library?" Wednesday said with a stern voice, Y/N's back still facing Wednesday and is trying to ignore the other girl.
Wednesday's blood boil with such disregard that Y/N is giving her, she then walked towards the other girl and grabs her shoulders to make her face, and then there was Y/N; clutching her side, leaking with blood, her fangs out, and a disheveled look.
"I didn't eat my food inside, I swear" Y/N whispers, and then groan, still clutching her side that is bleeding. "What happened to you?" Wednesday said with a concerned voice, not because she is pitying Y/N, but she thinks that another monster is back in town, meaning another mystery can be solved.
Y/N said no response since she was focusing to clutch her side that was bleeding. Wednesday noticed that the vampire is losing blood, so what she did was she let Y/N fall into her side and helping her walk, "Where are we going?" Y/N asked, Wednesday then answered "To my room, I'm gonna stitch you up"
Y/N smiled at the thought that Wednesday did care about her and said "So you care about me?" with a scoff, Wednesday looked at Y/N ridiculously and answered "I'm not pathetic like the others, I need you alive so I have an intel on the new monster."
Y/N stopped on her tracks and looked at Wednesday, the other girl then said "Why are you stopping? I need you alive, come on." With a deep sigh, Y/N then continued to walk until they reached Wednesday's room, Enid was out, trying to study for their finals with the group.
Wednesday laid Y/N on her bed while she's trying to find her operation kit that she uses to dissect animals. Y/N was trying to fight her eyes that were trying to close. With a light slap on her face, Wednesday appeared on top of her, sitting in her crotch with a needle and a surgical tweezers on the other.
"Try not to flinch and yell. If you do, I might as well gag your mouth with a cloth" Wednesday then started to stitch Y/N up, knowing that even Y/N can heal herself, this slash is bigger and deeper. Y/N bites her arm to muffle the groans that she was letting out.
As Wednesday closes up the wound, she looks up at Y/N, now with her eyes closed, steady breathing, and a tear stained face. Wednesday checks Y/N's pulse, and getting a heart attack for a second because she only feels a weak heartbeat then realizing that Y/N is a vampire, of course she have a weak pulse.
Wednesday then cursed herself and thinks, why is she acting like a fool in front of this foolish vampire who almost got herself killed. Of course Wednesday knows that the black colored roses, the boxes of dark chocolates, and the miniatures come from the vampire.
It was a lame gesture and a cliché way to show affection, but it doesn't mean that Wednesday didn't like it. It also doesn't help that it came from Y/N, the vampire that is an achiever in all of her classes that she rivals with, but acts so foolish and brainless when it's just the two of them.
Hours have passed, Wednesday is seating in front of her typewriter, continuing the chapter that she left unfished when she heard a movement from her bed, "Don't move, your stitches will be opened" Wednesday said with a stern voice, not looking at Y/N who goes back on laying.
Y/N's eyes then scanned around the room, this wasn't her first time in here because she got partnered with Enid, but mostly with Wednesday on their projects. And in every time that she got partnered with Wednesday, every braincell of hers that almost know all of the information in the world, will be erased when she looks in Wednesday's eyes, or even if Wednesday is just an arm away from her. She gets so dumb and she be acting like a fool in front of Wednesday, when in fact, she is one of the most brightest student of Nevermore.
Y/N then noticed the empty boxes of chocolate that she gave Wednesday near the trash bin and it made her smile, knowing that Wednesday did eat what she gave her. "What kind of poison did you put on the chocolates? I'm starting to think that I'm getting immune to them" Wednesday stuttered, Y/N then acted clueless "Huh? What do yo mean? I don't even know that brand" and chuckles.
Wednesday then stood up and went closer to Y/N and said, "Stop lying, I know you're the one that's leaving the roses, the chocolates, and the miniatures beside my bag. I'm telling you that it is impressive." With a confused look, Y/N then said "What do you mean poison, Wednesday?"
Wednesday then chuckles "Aren't you trying to kill me? I'm telling you that this poisoned chocolate roulette is a fun way. Now tell me, how many poisoned chocolates do you put inside the box?" Y/N then rolled her eyes, perplexed with Wednesday's view of her gestures.
"Again, Addams, I'm not trying to kill you, okay? The chocolates aren't poisoned. It's not what I'M doing you dumbass" Y/N said trying to sit down from Wednesday's bed. With a smirk Wednesday then answered the vampire "What are you doing then?", challenging the vampire to admit her feelings and to not play around.
"I'm trying to..." Y/N said trying to toy at the loose thread on Wednesday's blanket, "I'm trying to cour-" Y/N got interrupted by an opening door, where Enid is standing, books in front of her.
"Wednesday, a little help?" Enid squeaked out, trying to balance the mountain of books in front of her, Wednesday have no choice but to help her. Putting down the books on her table, Enid then saw Y/N on Wednesday's bed with an annoyed look, then looking at Wednesday scowling at her.
A silence has eaten the room not until Enid said "Oh... I did interrupt something, huh?" With a nervous chuckle, Enid collected her bag and hurries to get out of the room and closed the door.
Waiting for a few minutes, Wednesday then looked at the girl who is sitting on her bed and say, "As you were saying?" with a raised eye brow. Y/N then answered "Never mind that, you were right, I'm trying to kill you."
Wednesday brows met in the middle and she started to clench her fust, because she knows that Y/N will clearly say another thing. Y/N then tries to weakly stand up from Wednesday bed. Nearly falling to the ground, but thankful that Wednesday caught her.
The goth girl sat them on the floor and looks at Y/N's eyes, "Tell me the truth and I'll let you go" Wednesday tells the other girl, Y/N then shakes her head and said "I told you the truth Wednesday, you caught me, I thought that was a foolproof plan and I am wrong."
Wednesday getting annoyed with the other girl said, "You're gonna tell me another thing, Y/N, don't lie to me." Y/N then looked at Wednesday's burning stare, she have no room to run and she was to weak to fight. so with a sigh she tells "'Okay Wednesday, I was doing it to court you, okay? I don't know what else to do, I got so dumb when I'm in front of you and I act like a fool when you are with me. So I can't think of any other way to make you know that I like you and I will die for you, heck, I would even kill for you."
Y/N ended her statement looking at Wednesday's eye. A few beats of silence have passed and a smile grew from Wednesday's lips.
A/N: Hope you like this! Thank you for the support! Comments are appreciated, I wanna know what you think. Also, I do not ignore your comments, I just forget to reply, I would get to them soon.
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deep-fried-egg · 1 year
It's been too long
CW: G!p, I can't write Wednesday that well, smut
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I feel Wednesday pull me into her lap, putting her hands on my hips to make me grind my hips into hers. I feel the bulge in Wednesday's skirt get bigger...her cock's getting hard.
I love feeling her breasts pressed against mine. She's so soft and warm and makes me feel good. Even if it means we have a chance of getting caught by my mother principal Weems.
I really don't need her finding out about our relationship, not when she's as homophobic as she is...I'll get kicked out immediately. But then again...It's been months since me and Wednesday have had sex . Months since we've been intimate with each other.
Wednesday's fingers are digging into my hips. I can smell her perfume, a scent that smells like a mix of cinnamon and vanilla. It's so strong and delicious it's intoxicating...just like her cock is. I feel the tip brush my clit gently, just enough for my nerves to tingle. My nipples become erect as my pussy fills with heat. I want to push down harder, deeper. But I also don't want to be punished. So instead I hold her tight in my arms. I let out a sigh. Then I kiss the corner of her mouth as I lean into her ear. "Please..." I say quietly as her hand starts moving down towards my pussy. "Just be gentle with me..."
Her finger brushes across my sensitive opening before she presses it all the way inside, slowly but firmly. I gasp and squeeze my eyes shut tightly as my hips start moving again in rhythm with her finger. "Just be gentle...with me..." I repeat softly, trying desperately to hold back my moans as to not get caught by my mother.
The last thing we need right now is for my mother to know what we're doing. She'd be furious...she'd never forgive us. She could expell us from college. And we both know I'll probably get kicked out anyway. But this is something we've been wanting to do for a while...since I got expelled from high school. The only thing that keeps me away from Wednesday at least most nights, was my fear of my mother catching us fucking.
Now I wish I'd never said no. But the idea of getting expelled just isn't an option for me. Wednesday slipped off her boxers and pushed her skirt up a bit but didn't fully take it off in case my mother came in.
Wednesday aligned her cock with my hole and slowly started pushing deep into me. "Oh god...you're so wet."
The sound of her voice alone sends a shiver through me. And I moan louder. I need more. I want more of her. More skin. More of her warmth. More of everything. "Oh fuck..." I say as she moves faster. I reach for her breast and run my fingers along her nipple, pinching it slightly. "Fuck...hurry up. Please." Her fingers go back down to my clit.
She circles it lightly as she pushes further inside. I feel myself building up again. "Jesus, I'm gonna-" I grab her head and kiss her hard, pulling her close against me. She pulls out before I could cum though.
"That's what you get for denying me all those weeks." Wednesday said
"No...I wanted...please..." I begged
She kisses me softly and rubs against me. "Don't worry...I'll still give you what you want. But first you're going to 'give me head' or whatever it's called."
I nod and get down on my knees in front of her, just looking at her cock standing tall in front of my face.
I lick my lips and smile, reaching forward to grab the base of it, stroking it with my thumb. "So big," I mumble under my breath. "God, I love this..." I reach up to touch it and then lick the precum off of her tip.
It tasted sweet and salty. I lick her shaft gently before taking her cock in my mouth. I start bobbing my head up and down slowly, working my tongue around her shaft, teasing her with my tongue , then sucking her entire shaft.
She thrusts her hips forwards slightly. "Fuck...just like that...that's what you were meant for." She runs her hands through my hair while she continues to rock my head back and forth. "Ay Dios mío mi amor!"she says, moaning loudly. "Keep doing that..."
I keep sucking her tip, making sure to flick my tongue around the underside every now and again, keeping it covered with my saliva.
As I suck harder, I see Wednesday's body start to tremble. She looks like she's about to cum. I swallow deeply, working my mouth around her entire length as I work the muscles of my throat. It feels incredible as I swallow repeatedly. Finally, after what feels like hours, I finish her off.
I swallow all of her sticky fluid then I stand up, wiping some spit off my chin and look her in the eyes. "Was that...enough?"
Wednesday smiles wickedly and grabs my neck between her hands. "It was..."
"Then you owe me my orgasm."
"Maybe later, I need to start my writing time right now."
"What the fuck! You said if I give you head you'll let me cum! And you're starting your writing time now?" I asked angrily. "How can you write at the same time I'm trying to come?!"
"We can work it out," Wednesday replied coyly before she ran her hands down my bare chest to my belly, grabbing onto it roughly as she squeezed. "But not right now, I have to start my hour writing time."
"No. I am getting that orgasm."
Wednesday laughed. "You wish. Besides, there are more important things than your release!"
My jaw clenched. "Such as what, asshole?"
Wednesday started grinding herself against me, rubbing the back of my thighs roughly. Then she pulled away from me. "My writing time."
"Fuck your writing time! I want to cum! And you promised!"
"You will when I am done. Now sit back down so I can focus on writing."
I sat down on our bed listening to the clacking noise of Wednesday's typewriter when I got an evil plan. I start to rub my clit and moan Wednesday's name which makes her turn her chair around and give me a blank stare before going back to writing. So I proceeded with plan 2 and moan louder.
Luckily I was loud enough to make Wednesday turn around and get up from her desk to come over to where I am sitting on our bed. Before she gets very close, she pulls my hands away from myself and pushes them back on either side of my head. She then bends over me.
"Stop being horny and let me concentrate," she orders. "You're making me so hard it hurts..." Wednesday continued.
"But since your release is so important you need it now...I guess I'll comply" Wednesday said and reached down to rub my clit herself.
My face went red as I moaned. I felt like I wanted to cry when I thought of how bad it would feel if I didn't come soon
I tried my best to remain silent, but Wednesday knew my pain and pleasure too well.
I reached down and rubbed Wednesday's cock while she was fingering me, making us both go crazy. I could hear Wednesday grunting with each stroke as she leaned over me, pressing me back into the bed until my spine hit the back of the mattress. She continued to finger me until I came but then, just as she was about to cum I stopped rubbing her as revenge.
"Ah...Cara Mia... Why did you stop?" she groaned.
"Because I needed revenge for you doing your writing time any denying me of my orgasm."
"I'm going to punish you for that."
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typingfool · 2 years
𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀 / 𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐌𝐀 ;; wednesday addams
Pairing ;; Wednesday Addams x gn!winged!Reader
outline —; Confessing to Wednesday Addams is... something else.
word count —: 2.3k
themes / tags —: reader is gender-neutral. divina is non-binary.
A/N: reblogs and comments are appreciated. there are some other fics i wanted to write for wednesday. have some gender-neutral divina and reader as dorm mates! and some wings too, may i add. enjoy :)
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There is no number or word that can describe love. The only way to describe it is to feel it. To be in it. Similarly, love isn’t a never ending circle, going around and saying the same thing. For centuries, science has explained it too – the love for friends, the love for lovers, the love for parents, the love for certain objects. 
In history, the Greeks have words for love. Sitting in history lessons in one of the many rooms in Nevermore, your wings folded, your eyes staring directly at the board, as the teacher spoke. A school mate, similar to you with wings of down feathers, smiled in your direction, staring intently. 
Some didn’t seem to care about the knowledge they’re learning, some were confused (one of them being you, though, you were just ecstatic that all these people were learning that love isn’t just love). Some were guilty – you knew because you felt them, you felt that they never ‘love’ the way it is expected. 
“Ludus is the playful form of love. This may describe your type of romance; teasing, flirting, and teenage love.” The teacher explained, dragging her tone through the room, the class is quiet, accepting the new form of knowledge into their minds. 
The first period class really had you smiling. A swelled understandment filled your stomach as if it was thirsty for affection and attention. Who knew the Greeks could understand you? In ways more than one. Besides its occasional tales of myths and legends (that you personally indulge in, though too embarrassed to say anything about it), you were surprised that this knowledge is never passed down unto society. 
Only ‘friendship’ and ‘love’ were understood. If the normies altogether had a voice they would probably say; What else is there to it? 
The thought made you snicker. Hours passed; preoccupied students were busy shuffling the hallways, getting ready for the falling night. You watched through the infirmary window as the courtyard emptied out. “You bird!” The nurse called, looking at you with wide eyes. This did not surprise you but it did make you jump in your chair, your feathers in alert mode as you felt ants seeping through your skin. “I told you, this girl, here,” She pointed to Yoko, who snickered in response, hiding her laughter. “She is okay! No need to crowd this place! Look at your wings- Giant!” She reached her hand out, pinching a feather, making you hiss in staggerment. 
“Okay! Okay! I’m just worried about my friend.” You said, cowering out of the door, waving Yoko a goodbye before she could touch the ends of your feathers too. You huffed, wings fluttering in a shiver. The thumping of your own boots thundered in your ears, silencing any form of thoughts that raced through your mind. Silencing the outside world for a while, walking to your dorm subconsciously. 
For a moment, you ceased in a quiet hallway, contemplating whether to comfort Enid in her time of distress. Pending for a second that your wings enclosed in a relaxed position, folding itself. I don’t need to think about this situation, you mentally facepalmed. 
You headed to your dorm, waving a slight hello to Divina. They didn’t let you pass the window though, blocking your view of the outside world before you could fly out. Worry flooded their eyes as they frantically blurted out a word. “The nurse wouldn’t let me-”
You intercepted, putting a hand on their shoulder. “Let you see her? Me too but I’ve seen, Tanaka is fine, it’s just an allergic reaction.” You calmly stated, your wings subconsciously wrapping around them into a hug. They wrapped their arms around your shoulders too, unable to decide whether to hold your waist or back. “She’ll be out before you know it.” You pulled away, smiling. 
Divina nodded, stepping out of the window. “Tell me how your confession goes.” They teased, opening their closet and picking out a jacket. They headed to the bathroom. 
You opened the window, searching for Ophelia Hall in the many buildings until your eyes landed on the half-rainbow cobwebbed window. “Not yours to know,” You yelled in a responsive tone, hands on the railing, keeping your body balanced, poking your head out of the cold air. Making sure that no one is watching, you search left to right as if you were checking a road before crossing. “Nightshades again?” You asked, pushing your head in, grabbing a jacket of your own. 
Divina fixed their hair, responding with a nod. “At least look decent, who are you meeting? Enid or Addams?” They blindly asked. 
Disbelief left your mouth as a laugh. You loudly shut your closet, running up to the window, shutting it down as if anyone could hear from your own dorm. “Do you think Wednesday would care what I wear?” You emphasized clearly on her name, grabbing a hair brush. You rubbed the back of your neck before remembering the reason for your arrival at their dorm. “And anyway, I wanted to see Enid, she’s upset because of…” Your voice trailed, realizing that Divina is the person you’re talking to. You didn’t want to upset her any further, though luckily, she was busy adjusting her necklace to even listen to you. 
Divina smiled playfully. “Well, people say she’s allergic to color. But honestly, she’s pulling off the black and white outfits.” They replied, shrugging. The sneakers they wore dragged a rushed sound. Though it stopped when they turned on their heel to face you again. “Yet, here you are, putting no effort into your fits.” 
You huffed, rolling your eyes, as you leaned into the mirror. “I’m pretty decent, if you ask me. Or Wednesday.” You happily affirmed. 
Divina shrugged in defeat, waving you off. “Just make sure to be there, Bianca hates you.” 
Shaking your head, you opened the window again, jumping up the railing, spreading your wings. “Tell her the feeling is mutual.” With that, you leaped out, snickering at the response ‘that’s jackshit, Xavier hates you too’, spreading your wings to bring yourself up to the window once more, satisfied that Divina took in the words you most definitely meant. You carefully pulled down the window, leaving a big enough gap for your hands to fit in. 
You flew higher, the cold air reaching your whole body. Jacket or not, the cold bothered you. Though, post-autumn has finally worn out. The start of cold winds were scaring you for the snow. And god, were you thankful that you didn’t have to shovel it all? Yes, of course, you were. 
Your feet landed on the cold ground, as wind slightly pushed you back. You flap your wings in the process, creating a whirlwind that nearly knocked out the musical note stand. Thankfully, you weren’t too far to not catch it and disrupt a loud bang. Cold seeped through your footwarmers, each step you took warmed up your body eventually. Since, you couldn’t fit through the window (credits to the wings you carried), instead, you knocked, poking your head in. 
“Enid!” You called on excitedly, only to find her bed empty, neatly arranged. Your head turned to her roommate’s bed. Next to it is a dissatisfied Wednesday, her hands briefly above the typewriter. “Where is she?” You asked, emphasizing your question even more as you raised a brow. 
Wednesday sighed, standing up from her chair. “Sulking and complaining to Ajax or Divina,” She explained, leading you out of the window by giving your forehead a gentle flick. You mouthed an ‘oh’ shape, knowing where that would lead to. Your mind wandered if Ajax could comfort Enid in such a way, because, knowing him — it would be an easy yet ineffective display, mostly because of his tiny, little serpents. 
The scent of Wednesday Addams attained your senses, though, the spinning of the glass window in front of you distracted it. You can see a new addition to the dorm; a giant detective board, with pictures of disgusting pieces of body parts, it almost made you drop and vomit. Almost, not until Wednesday inquired with a furrowed brow (you could tell); “Why is it your concern?” 
You turned, glancing to the back of her head. Walking up to her was easy, taking mental note not to stand too far nor too close, figuring that Wednesday didn’t like close and intimate proximities. “She was upset that Yoko got an allergic reaction again.” You answered truthfully. You saw her shake gently. A swift chance of courage shook your presence. “I also came here to talk to you actually.” 
Wednesday’s mouth dropped into a firm line, almost frowning. Her solemn face returned, however, when she looked at you. “Make it quick.” She commanded. 
You beamed, wings fluttering in excitement, and Wednesday knew it was going to be a long talk, or night, if you made your move. You propped yourself up at the balcony, sitting comfortably, your eyes straightforward. “Don’t you admire your parent’s love for each other?” 
Wednesday is right, she mentally prepared herself for her own upcoming answer, a tiny voice in her throat buried itself until she gave it full thought. “I do, why?” 
You bit your inner cheeks, nodding to your side, as you cleared your throat. “Their love is called Pragma; long standing love.” Shifting your sentences to something less obvious isn’t something you had me mind. “They might’ve had a friendship too, which is Philia.” 
Wednesday raised her brows, an inquiry isn’t something she’ll speak out in these conversations. But then again, she is an Addams, her opinions most likely matter because of the pressure that she instills on them. “Friendship? Before marriage, there’s… friendship?” She tried not to show the hesitant tone that concluded her sentence, a rushed tone dragged the tension. 
You shook your head in a ‘no’, pushing your hair behind your ear. “Not just before marriage, no. It’s something you have before any type of romance.” Without the knowledge of whose dropping these words but you, yourself, obliged you to speak more. Wednesday seemed confounded in your knowledge, conflict reached blood, as it ran cold. 
The thought of you having experienced a friendship that turned into… whatever her parents had, or, as you called it; Philia and Pragma. She had to admit, bearing that sight is a nightmare. 
Grabbing your wrists, Wednesday stood in front of you, holding your waist as you involuntarily yelped without the support of your hand on the cold marble. Her fingers dug into your side, into your jacket, as her eyes trailed in confusion. The girl in front of you blinked, a stricken flick of anger visible in her expressions. “Have you ever loved someone like that?” Wednesday inquired, glancing up at you, she held your gaze, before averting her own. 
The pacing of your heart quickened, lup-dup, lup-dub, lup-dub, lup-dub, lup-dub. Without the huffed breaths, you would’ve fallen in peace. You were certain Wednesday couldn’t catch you, so you managed to stay alive. Taking a breath and moving closer, inch to inch with Wednesday Addams; nose nuzzled, minty breath of yours, mixed with the scent of… coffee? Something of the sort, you couldn’t tell due to your proximity. “You.” 
Surprisingly, Wednesday didn’t back away when you stepped in closer, she only closed the gap that accompanied the two of you. Catching your lips into hers, moving in sync with your own. Her other hand accompanied your lower back, rubbing it in circles. Your hands found freedom in her jaw, cold fingers against it, underlining the perfect structure. 
Wednesday pulled away, catching her breath, forehead against yours. She gave your lips another peck, which you reciprocated. Your eyes gently shut, recalling the last of what you could see was Wednesday’s half-shut eyes. A flooding warm of heat pulled your stomach down as she deepened the kiss. 
Ecstasy engulfed you and (hopefully) Wednesday. 
Forgetting that breathing existed is something you would’ve never forgotten, afterall, not after this. You needed air although worry didn’t cross your mind, not once, when this is happening. Nothing could be processed actually. The only thoughts that occupy your mind is Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. 
You pulled away, chest heaving up and down for breaths, a still laugh erupting from your throat. “Who taught you how to kiss like that?” You asked, cockiness reached your lips, quirking upwards into a smile. You were pulled up with a jerk of her shoulders, diminishing the cruelty that settled on your lips, which were puffy and pink now. 
Wednesday settled in a firm hug, burying her face into your jacket. A quiet sniffle of laughter carefully rolled out of your tongue. She wrinkled her nose, bringing her chin to your shoulders. She responded, bringing her head up. “My parents, they always kiss in front me and my brother.” 
You nodded in understanding, a hum vibrating your chest in response. You closed your eyes in the warmth of her body near you, feeling a tug of your jacket with her fingers. The exposure of your warm, clothed skin to the wind did not make you please. Not until Wednesday’s mouth found closure in your skin, her warm tongue and soft lips sucking on it carefully. 
This made your eyes open in shock, a kept groan couldn’t contain itself, leaving your mouth with no permission. “Addams,” You meekly called, averting your eyes to the side, though, your head jerked up; giving her more skin to attack. “Someone- someone will notice.” You warned, fingers circling her back as an attempt to call after her. 
Wednesday obliged. Though, she smirked at it, noticing the bruise, pulling your jacket back to its place in your neck. A glimpse of visible purple marks accompanied it. An audible groan left your mouth, hiding your face to the side, as your wings wrapped the two of you. “What?” She asked, closely inspecting the wrapped wings that shook slightly. “Be thankful it’s not your lips, it would’ve been far worse.” She concluded. 
Goosebumps overtook your body. Jumping down from your spot, cautious as to not step on Wednesday. You hugged her closely. “What are we now?” 
Wednesday raised a brow, you were sure a tender smile attended her features. “Pragma and Philia, as you said.” 
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pimpnchips · 3 months
In the night
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jenna hypnosis (makes you extremely gay).
((Also, part of this was from my wattpad story! it’s deleted now, I moved over here instead)
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Summary: Tara plays hard to get..but not for long
The way her hair flowed past her shoulders, how her smile lights the room up, even a single glance from her made your stomach fill with butterflies.
"Just talk to her" Mindy says, popping a chip in her mouth while looking in your direction.
You shake your head, "no it's not that easy, this is a game to her"
Mindy rolled her eyes at your lame excuse for not talking to tara, she had been trying to get you two together by playing both sides, but the both of you were just as stubborn as the other.
"You're just as dumb as you look right now"  looking you up and down staring at your basic black outfit. It wasn't a bad choice but it wasn't mindy's ideal outfit.
"shut the fuck up, what do you know about style" You retort back "you never put enough effort in anything"
Mindy snorted, "are we fighting or flirting?" She teased, sticking her tongue out at you. You look at her raising your eyebrow, "no way in hell would I ever flirt with you"
While the two were busy bickering, Tara walked over and jumped in your lap wrapping an arm around your neck like she always did.
She looked in your face and smiled, "Hi" she said softly, resting her forehead against yours. The butterflies in your stomach multiplied tenfold.
You looked into the brown eyes you have come to love so much, "hey" you replied  smiling back, pulling her close. You heard Mindy clear her throat next to you, reminding the both of you she was still there.
You turned away from Tara just long enough to give her a glare, before turning back to face her again. "Uh, do you wanna get outta here?" You asked, "go for a walk or something?"
She smiled, "Yea, sure, that'll be nice"
You both got up, ready to go outside the apartment complex to go for a walk. Even though it was night the city still looked beautiful, so why not go and enjoy it.
But of course mindy always has something to say so she interjected, "I clearly made this happen" she says, pointing her fingers at the two.
You could only roll your eyes at her and grab onto Tara's hand as the two of you walked towards the exit. You didn’t even realize your action and immediately panicked , trying to remove your hand.
“It’s okay, we can hold hands” She smiles.
You nod, taking deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down. But you couldn’t help the stupid smile on your face or the blush that spread on your cheeks, especially after seeing the way she was smiling and blushing as well. You don’t let your thoughts take over you though, focusing on enjoying the time walking with Tara instead.
Tara pulled you closer to her, “so, what’s been up with you lately?,” she asks, tilting her head slightly. It’s the same action that drives you crazy when you first met, it took all you power not to grab her cheeks and kiss her senseless.
But you resisted it since you weren’t completely sure what she wanted.
“Not much, just work, mostly. Why?,” you said looking at her. The two of you stopped walking and stared at each other.
“I heard that you hooked up with one of the girls in our film class” She said quietly, but the look on her face seemed as if she was upset about it. Her tone sounded off, almost bitter.
You felt bad for making her feel like that, “oh…uh…yeah, we did” you said nodding your head ‘but she’ll never be you’, you added mentally.
Tara looks up at you, seductively almost , “you couldn’t have..just waited for me?” She says slowly. She leans in closer, “I know you wanna fuck me”
she purrs huskily, her breath hot on your skin. You felt your heart beat pick up its pace, a shiver run through your body as your eyes met hers once more.
She smirks at your reaction, leaning back slightly.
This time she doesn’t stop to admire the view. Before you knew it, she had pushed you against the wall, pressing herself up to yours. You could smell her perfume, mixed with the smell of the city pollution.
You couldn’t move, you couldn’t think. All you could focus on was how soft her lips felt against yours. Her arms wrapped tightly around your neck. She tasted sweet, like strawberries. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to feel the warmth radiating off of her. It was intoxicating.
You pulls back slightly, “ I knew you wanted me” you whispered, your confidence coming back.
“Yeah, yeah. Now come here and fuck me” She whispers back, grabbing onto you waist. Your eyes locked, not daring to break contact. She laughs softly, moving her mouth down your jawline. This was definitely going to be better than any night ever. You were addicted to this girl.
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rollingsins · 1 year
say my name
summary: While in bed with Wednesday, you accidentally moan Enid's name.
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!reader
warnings: smut, 18+, jealous!wednesday, fingering, dirty-talk.
word count: 2.2k words.
a/n: :) horny hour, kids.
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Having sex with Wednesday is like a dance. 
A weird, semi-formal gothic dance.
It would start with the lick of her lips. Her eyes, usually wide and emotionless, would narrow slightly. Her pupils would darken. The hair on the back of her neck would stand. 
Then the staring would start. 
Subtle at first, with the quiet tilt of her neck, waiting for you to notice. Then she’d become brazen, open. 
Stare at you unblinking, the slight part of her lips betraying her intent. 
She’d get you things. Water, soda, your favorite book. Like she was trying to court you into bed with her. Rub her hands over your shoulders, weirdly affectionate, so un-Wednesday. Like a black cat in heat. 
She’s doing it now. 
She’d given you a granola bar and a quick kiss to the head before mantling in her spot by her typewriter, just watching. 
“YN,” She’d said, voice low. Lower than usual. The tone she took when it was something she wanted. Something she knew you couldn’t resist. 
“You look very appealing, right now.” 
You’d looked up from your spot on the bed. You’d had your head buried in one of Enid’s dumb romance novels, the kind where everybody seemed to be sans clothes. And you wouldn’t be lying to say the book, combined with the heady look in your girlfriend’s eyes has you more than worked up. 
You cross your legs and bite your lip. 
“I look appealing?” You tease. 
“Alluring.” She corrects.
You tilt your head, smiling slightly. Your belly coils, and all you want to do is pull her onto the bed and on top of you. 
But you can’t resist teasing her a little, first. 
“I look alluring lying on the bed in my sleep shorts?” You ask, blinking. She stands, circling the bed like a lion closing in on its prey. 
“Mmm,” She murmurs, “Very much so.” 
“Huh,” You say, looking back down onto your book. You flip a page, “Well, maybe I should put on some more clothes. I wouldn’t want to allure you away from your writing.” 
Wednesday’s gaze is piercing. 
“That won’t be necessary,” Wednesday says, voice flat. She’s getting closer, hands pressed to either side of the bed, “You won’t be needing your clothes for the next hour or so.” 
“Hour or so?�� You say, trying to pretend like her words aren’t sending white hot arousal soaring through you. Instead, you tilt your head, playing dumb, “Are we going to have a bath or something?” 
Wednesday gives you a look, like she knows exactly what you’re trying to do. 
“No,” She says, voice gravelly. She leans down and brushes her lips against the side of your neck, “I would like to partake in intimacy with you.” 
“Oh,” You say, as you tug her a little closer. You thread your fingers through her dark hair, voice hitching as she presses her lips to your neck, “You want to bang, babe? You should have just said.” 
Wednesday frowns. She pulls back slightly, eyebrow raised. Your words lack eloquence, and despite the hungry look in her eyes, she can’t help but correct you. 
“I would like to be intimate with you, yes.” She says and you kiss her. 
A little while into partaking in intimacy, when Wednesday is half-naked on top of you, kissing you desperately, you hear the sharp thud of the door opening. 
And you panic. 
Enid is the first thing that flashes through your mind. You hadn’t locked the door. Again. 
It wasn’t the first time Enid had caught you like this. 
A couple of weeks ago, Enid had pranced in while Wednesday had her head buried between your legs. 
Enid had screamed, you’d screamed, and clamped your legs shut so quickly you’d jutted Wednesday in the face with your knee. 
It had more than ruined the mood. 
Enid couldn’t look the two of you in the eye for weeks. 
She’d scurried out without a word, and promptly relayed the message you and Wednesday were sleeping together to the entire school. 
You didn’t want a repeat. 
You withdraw only slightly from Wednesday’s lips to call out to Enid, warn her.  
Unfortunately for you, it’s that exact moment Wednesday slides her hands into your pants. Your warning call slips into a low moan. 
The entire room stills. Wednesday’s hand freezes. The door creaks, slightly. It isn’t Enid, you can tell by the quiet pitter-patter of Thing’s fingertips on the floorboards. He makes a timely exit. 
“Enid?” Wednesday says, pulling back. She’s frowning, confusion on her face. There’s something behind her eyes, hurt, and your eyes widen as you realize the implication of what you just said. 
“Oh, no- babe - I wasn’t - I thought it was her at the door-” 
Wednesday turns. 
The door is shut, no evidence of it ever being breached. Thing had closed it behind him, the little shit, taking with him your only evidence. She turns back to you. 
“There’s no one there.”
Wednesday withdraws from you. There’s that look in her face, you know it all too well. That look when she’s trying to figure out a puzzle, or a crime, or a string of violent murders. Appraising you like a gothic Veronica Mars. 
“Do you find my roommate attractive, YN?” She asks, watching very carefully for your answer. 
“No.” You groan, fall back onto the mattress. You rack your brain trying to think of ways to get her to believe you. You know her too well - she’s a skeptic by nature. Always inclined to believe the worst. Even in you, her favorite person. You can feel her eyes on you, scanning you like an x-ray. Trying to discern your intentions. 
“If you were… fantasizing about Enid, that is information I should be privy to.” She says after a moment, voice clipped. You sit up, look her in the eyes. They’re guarded, her walls up. You take her hands in yours, try to push through the barrier. 
“Baby, I wasn’t fantasizing about Enid, I swear. I honestly thought she was at the door.”
Wednesday’s lip twitches. She doesn’t quite believe you.
“Why would I be thinking about Enid?” You say, brushing her bangs out of her eyes, “When I have you?”
Wednesday blinks. 
“Enid is arguably more attractive than me. She possesses a rarer color of eye - a deep blue. I find her sunny disposition nauseating but understand it is a far more alluring trait in a partner than my personal brand of nihilism.”
“That’s not true,” You say, reaching for her hand. She withdraws it from you. Her walls are up, and to anyone else she’d look like she was about to kill you. But you see through it. Behind the stark black of her eyes, she’s hurt. 
You’d moaned her roommate's name, for god’s sake. 
“Enid is not more attractive than you,” You say, hurriedly, trying to fix it, “You have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen and I happen to find your personal brand of nihilism very attractive. I thought it was her at the door, babe, that’s all.”  
Wednesday blinks. 
It’s not in her nature to believe you, this you know. But she knows you by now, she’s studied you harder than her favorite cold cases. She swallows, and gives you the benefit of the doubt. 
“Alright.” She says, voice still a little curt, but lets you pull her back down anyway. 
You kiss a little while longer. 
Her lips are addictive. Consuming. You thread your fingers through her hair, loosening the braids she keeps so perfect all the time. When you break away from her mouth to try and pull at the button of her black slacks, she withdraws again. 
“Enid is in a relationship with Ajax,” She says, eyebrows knit. Her eyes are squinted as she watches yours, “And while I find their coupling odd at best, she seems very happy with him.” 
You groan. 
“Baby,” You say, rubbing your eyes, “I wasn’t thinking about her, I promise. I have no interest in Enid.” 
She stares. 
“You only moaned her name because you thought she was trying to come into the room?”  Wednesday asks, eyes narrowed. 
“It sounds dumb when you say it like that,” You mumble, “You just… put your hands in my… and I just-” 
“Moaned her name.” Wednesday says, voice flat. 
You lean up. Press your hands to her face. 
“I don’t want Enid.” You say, looking her right in the eyes, “I only want you.” 
She stares a moment. Wide brown eyes stare back at you, like she’s trying to decipher the look on your face for any hidden clues. She blinks, finding none. 
“You believe me?” 
Wednesday’s quiet a moment, but then she nods. 
“Good,” You say, “Now come here. Please? I was promised some intimacy.” 
Wednesday leans down and reclaims your lips. Her kisses deepen, tinged with urgency. 
You moan out against her as her hands drop down to pull your shorts clean off your legs. She’s usually slower than this; Wednesday, despite her insistence that she wasn’t, had always been a romantic. 
Usually, she’d kiss you until you were so worked up, you’d have to beg her to touch you. She’d whisper words into your ear, grind down on you until you were a wet, sloppy mess. Like jelly in her hands.
But not tonight. 
Before you can so much as call out her name, she’s sliding your panties down your legs and cupping her hand against your sex. 
You’re wet, embarrassingly so, and so she doesn’t have to tease long. A couple of slow circles around your clit before she’s sinking inside you, her long fingers curling to hit you right in that spot you like so much. 
You gasp as she thrusts, hard, thumb pressing heavy against your clit. Her kisses don’t relent, and you spread your legs a little wider to take her deeper. Your belly coils as she fucks you, her breath hot against your lips. You grip her back with your fingers, sucking on her bottom lip as she sets her pace. 
Hard. Rough. Like it would hurt if you weren’t so turned on. 
She’s going to make me cum in all but three minutes, you think, mind whirling. She’s fucking you like she’s going for an Olympic medal, like if she slows down you’ll disappear on the spot. 
She builds you right to the edge, all tongue and fingers and quiet sharp gasps against your lips. 
And then, she’s withdrawing. Her pace slows, only slightly. Her eyes open, and she presses a long kiss to your lips. 
“Say my name,” She murmurs. Her eyes are dark. Her nose brushes against yours. 
You ignore her, words caught in your throat. 
She’s never been this rough before, and it’s making you so wet you can barely think. All you can feel is the tightening of your belly as her fingers thrust into you. The weight of her body against yours. The quiet little noises of pleasure she makes, the feel of her lips against yours. 
You try to draw her back in, quietly willing her to speed up her pace. 
You’re so, so close. 
She nips at your bottom lip, so hard it draws a little blood. Then, she stills her fingers. 
You groan.
“Baby, please-” 
“Say my name.” She demands this time, eyes flashing. 
This is about Enid. You can tell by the way she’s looking at you. Hungry, a little possessive. She’s claiming you. She’s fucking you harder than she ever has to make you hers. 
You swallow as a new wave of arousal courses through you. You half want to protest. Pull her down and murmur sweet nothings in her ear until all thought of Enid is gone. 
But she’s hot like this. Dark eyes, rough fingers. 
You don’t want it to stop. 
She’s satisfied with this, curls her fingers slightly and brushes up against that spot. You moan. 
“That’s right. Wednesday. Not Enid, or Ajax or Yoko or any other student at this god-forsaken school. I’m the one who gets to do this. I’m the only one who makes you cum, understand? I’m the only name that should be on your lips.”
“Wednesday, fuck.” You gasp as her thumb brushes your clit, slowly, teasingly, like she’s trying to punish you. You lean in, try to kiss her, but she retracts, eyes dark and stormy. 
“Who’s making you cum?” She presses, “Tell me.” 
“You, baby,” You gasp, “Only you.” 
“Not baby,” Wednesday growls, “Not sweetheart, not darling, not honey. Wednesday. Say it. Say my name.”
She juts her hand up a final time. You cry out, moan her name once more as your orgasm flashes through you. You clutch at her back, legs locked around her thighs, starry-eyed as she leans down and kisses you desperately though it. 
You sigh, body slumping back into the mattress. 
She comes down with you, tilting her neck slightly to press lazy kisses to your neck. When you open your eyes, she’s watching, fingers still buried deep inside you. 
“I wasn’t moaning her name,” You say, breath ragged, trying to plead your case once more. 
Wednesday hums. 
“No,” She says, and her tone of voice says she finally believes you, “But you were moaning mine.” 
She offers you a small smile - sweet, with only the tiniest hint of a smirk. A smile of victory.
“Do that again,” You say, pulling her back down, “And I’ll moan your name as many times as you want.” 
She leans down, and kisses your neck. Arousal sparks back through you. Her fingers draw, like a pistol ready to be fired.
“Wednesday.” You gasp.
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itskattkm · 9 months
The air in my lungs
Chapter 2
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Cairo Sweet x Fem Reader
Summary: A stroke of fate changes you and leads you into the arms of Cairo Sweet. Will she be your downfall or save you?
Warnings: 18+, Grief, Injuries, Smoking, Trauma, anxiety, sexual content, student x teacher mentioned, harm, blackmailing, bad grammar
A/N: Based and inspired by Millers Girl. Mr. Miller himself isn’t really present but will be mentioned. Hope you guys enjoy.
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Cairo was meeting her friend Winnie at the grandstands by the football field. Winnie was quite the opposite of Cairo. She was defiantly the more permissive and sex addicted one of them both. They couldn’t be more different but somehow they get along pretty good. Cairos eyes were watching you in the distance talking with some other students. She assumed they were your friends.
Cairo sat down beside Winnie, still thinking about what the last words you said. “I think she likes me.” Cairo whispered, looking over at you almost like a predator. Your gaze glued on her with a serious expression. When she took another cigarette from her backpack she smirked to herself. Winnie laughed and lit up her own cigarette while following Cairos gaze “Y/N Y/L/N? How come that? You barely noticed her before”. Cairo looked back at Winnie with a smirk, and blew some smoke of the cigarette she was smoking. “She just said some flirting things, and I think I might be getting somewhere.” She said, a smug look on her face. “Oh yeah, and she called me her ‘dear.’”
Winnie had a dirty grin on her lips while watching you and your friends talking in the distance. “What ever happened to y/n this summer. It defiantly made her hot and pretty bold as i heard so far and the fact that she got your attention… damn” Winnie was really impressed of the things she had been hearing about you so far and the way you acted and looked spoke for itself.
“I don’t know what happened but everyone quite recognized that her character changed and the way she’s styling herself now” said Winnie
“I can see she got your attention now as well?” Cairo asked Winnie, now looking at her instead of you. “I should have known you would have a thing for her.” Cairo smirked. “I don’t” said Winnie strong and serious before she nudged Cairos shoulder
“She’s all yours. But I have to admit she’s got something… that’s turning me on defiantly”.
Cairo smirked, and nudged Winnie back. “Well, let’s say I may or may not be interested.” She said, and then looked at You. “I’ve noticed y/n changed too. I think she started dressing more.. I don’t know, nicer? She’s also been wearing her makeup different. So natural and her attitude has also changed as well. I wonder… if she thinks that she’ll be able to get me with all those things now?”.
“She was like you back then. So quiet… so nice. Now she’s hot and don’t seem to care at all what people think” said Winnie and made it clear that you and Cairo were indeed the same back then.
“Back then?” Cairo asked, smirking. She took another drag of her cigarette before she spoke again. She looked at you for a quick second, then back at Winnie. “Y/n back then wouldn’t have spoken to me. She’s only talking to me now because I think she wants something from me. Probably my body or something.” Cairo didn’t know how far to push these hints about you, but Winnie’s reactions were pretty positive. Winnie giggled “Yeah back then my friend.
Before we became friends, damn… you were hiding your hot body under those oversized blouses… thanks to me you wear Nice dresses and some good shorts or skirts now. I made you look fuckable”
Cairo smirked, and then turned to Winnie. She wanted to see how Winnie would react to this. “Do you think I look good in those dresses, btw?” She asked, trying to find an excuse to talk with Winnie, but still keeping an eye on you. She took another drag of her cigarette, and waited. “Sure i do otherwise I wouldn’t have forced you, bestie” said Winnie laughing and looked at you in the distance. “So what you’re going to do with her then?”.
Cairo was blushing now. She looked at you in the way you smiled. The way the slight breeze waved through your hair while wearing some tight black jeans with a slightly crooked top. Enough to show some skin but not enough to see your stomach. Cairo noticed Winnie’s look as well. She smiled slightly, and shrugged. “Who knows-” She said, teasing Winnie. “I think I’ll try to get close to her first.” Cairo didn’t want to reveal too much about her plans yet. She took another drag of her cigarette.
“Maybe you can finally lose your v card, instead writing all that good porn” said Winnie serious but had that cheeky grin on her lips. The lipgloss she was wearing reflected slightly in the sun. Cairo smirked again with a slight glist in her eyes while watching you. “Yeah, maybe I will.” She said, laughing a little at the thought. She didn’t expect Winnie to make such a bold statement. She was blushing a little bit, but made sure that she looked unbothered. She took another drag of her now empty cigarette before throwing it to the side. She then looked up at Winnie. “So..” She said, “What do you think about y/n in general?” She changed the subject, trying to find out what Winnie thinks about you a little more.
“Think what?” Asked Winnie while leaning her head back and enjoying the sun on her exposed chest. “What do you think about her?” Cairo repeated, her tone of voice still smug and slightly teasing. “I mean, do you like her? Or are you just flirting for fun? You’re giving me weird hints” She added. She smirked slightly at Winnie again, and leaned back in her seat. “Im a slut did you forget?” Said Winnie joking “I’m not interested in her. She’s indeed hot and probably fun… but she’s all yours. I want you to get laid finally”. Cairo nodded, not surprised by Winnie’s words at all. She smiled at Winnie, but then turned her attention to you, trying to figure out if she was showing any interest in you. She looked over at Winnie again, smirking still. “Well, you know I might go for her.” She said, raising an eyebrow.
Winnie sighed slightly relived and said “Go my bestie… go for the hunt. Make all that hot stuff you always write about come true”
Cairo smiled. “I’ll try to.” She said, and then looked at Winnie. She couldn’t deny her attraction to you anymore. But there was the question of whether you would accept and return the favor. “Have you and Y/N been acting like.. friends then?” She asked, smirking. She glanced over at you again for just a second. She then looked back at Winnie. Winnie shook her head “I never talked to her to be honest. But I was there when she had almost a brawl in sports class… some girl had been bullied and I don’t know why but she wanted to make sure that the bully stop. I gave her a high five after that and called her hot. That was our first and last interaction”.
Cairo smirked, glancing over at you once again. “I wonder if y/n noticed your flirting with her.” She whispered with a smile. She now couldn’t stop looking at you, who was talking with several other girls and a few boys. You were looking at Cairo every now and then, it felt somewhat awkward. “I think y/n might have taken an interest in me.” She told Winnie. “I mean, who wouldn’t? I’m beautiful.” Cairo smirked confident knowing well her worth. “That’s the right spirit” said Winnie proud and nudged Cairos shoulder.
Cairo looked back at Winnie, nodding. “Do you think I got a chance?” She asked. She looked at you again. You looked over at Cairo, then turned around again so she would see only your back. Cairo saw Winnie staring at you as well. “I mean, she does look good. It’s just..” she mumbled, thinking out loud.
“Just what?” Asked Winnie curious. “Just the fact that she’s so much older than me, you know?” Cairo said. She took another drag and put the cigarette out before looking at Winnie. “Plus, she’s so much more experienced than me. I wouldn’t know what to do.” Cairo admitted, her voice a lot more subtle and softer now. She couldn’t stand looking at you, not because she didn’t like it, but because she was now nervous and self-conscious. “Four years older is for you ‘so much’?”Winnie giggled. She then watched you one last time and said “Let me make my research about that girl. Maybe she’s not as experienced as we think”.
Cairo shrugged, then turned her attention to you. She saw you flirting with someone. Or so Cairo thought. She couldn’t tell 100%. You had your arm around the girl’s waist that was standing beside you, and was smiling like you were having the best time of your life as you leaned in to the girl’s neck. You moved your head closer to the girl before looking over at Cairo and smirking. Cairo’s smirk faded, as she watched. “So it seems like she is interested in women after all.” She mumbled to Winnie, and then looked down. Cairo slowly began to feel jealousy… and slightly annoyed by your teasing.
What Cairo didn’t knew was that you were hugging your best friend. Your other best friend Lucas then said “They are probably talking about you… they keep staring”.
You couldn’t help but chuckled about that fact.
Cairo saw you hugging the girl, and felt her heart drop a bit. She was actually interested in you, and was hoping maybe you might reciprocate it. “Oh…” Cairo mumbled, before smiling slightly. She looked over at Winnie. “I think I’m going to shoot my shot after all.” She said, a nervous smirk on her face. The feelings you made her feel made Cairo go mad almost and she hated it.
“Do that” reassured her Winnie. The lunch break was over and Cairo went to her next class. She had swimming class and she knew that you also would be there since you were classmates.
When Cairo made her way to the other end of the private school, and entered lockers room, it was filled with all girls from her class. Everyone got changed into their black tight swim suits. Her heheh were looking for you but you were nowhere. Then suddenly she heard your voice. It seems like you were arguing with the coach in her office. Coach Rey came out of her office in her usual swim suit, shorts and blue sports jacket she was blooming into her whistle, making my ears go numb for a sec before screaming “ everyone who’s already changed to the pool now!”
Since Cairo was one of those girls that were already changed she made her way through the locker room and went to the pool. She put her hair into a ponytail and looked up at the ceiling while walking along the edge of the pool.
The ceiling was made of glass so there would be enough light, in summer it was opened sometimes so it wouldn’t get stuffy in here.
Cairo was nervous before the swim class with you and she even got changed as fast as possible, as her hands were shaky somehow. She wasn’t sure what she should say to you yet. She was also trying to not stare at you when you finally arrived as yeh last one form our class. You seemed mad, and Cairo felt somewhat bad, despite not knowing what the argue with the coach was all about. As they walked to the pool and got into position on the edge of it, Cairo decided that she should start talking to you. “So, why are you mad?” She asked, sounding concerned, despite being interested.
“None of your bussines” you said a bit cold and walked towards the swimming track she had to swim in, making feel Cairo somehow caught if guard with that attitude. Cairo followed behind you and got in her place beside the track next to you quietly. She took a deep breath, and then tapped you on the shoulder. “Hey.” You looked to the side your piercing gaze meeting hers, instantly looking serious. Slowly your eyes wandered along Cairo’s swimsuit for a moment, and then Cairo herself. Your face stayed serious when you looked Cairo up and down. Cairo felt her face get a bit warm, and she tried to ignore it. Then Cairo finally spoke again. “Okay, so it’s none of my business, but why was the teacher yelling at you?”.
To Cairos surprise you answered “I didn’t wanted to attend the class” It was a pretty hard monotone way but still, you answered. You talked. Slow we went to the edge of the pool waiting for the sign of the coach to jump into the water and start swimming our tracks. Cairo still felt nervous around you, but kept her face straight, and her tone polite, even though she knew you wasn’t as nice with her right now. “So you were just skipping it?” Cairo asked, still standing on the edge of the pool, her face feeling a bit more hot. The way you looked in that suit made you even more attractive. But again, Cairo tried to ignore it. She wanted to start her approach to you by talking. She knew that the moment they jumped in the pool, it would be difficult to say anything.
While Cairo was watching you and got lost in your presence you looked into the water and felt your pulse rising. You started to get nervous.
“I got my reasons and she didn’t seem to care” you said in a low tone waiting for the whistle of the coach. Feeling anger deep in your chest.
Cairo nodded, and said nothing for a moment. She felt her pulse rising too. She knew what she wanted, and she had to get it. She didn’t have a lot of time left. You were clearly interested in her, but not the way Cairo wanted her to be. She took a breath, and then spoke again. “I really like your swimsuit.” Cairo complimented, still trying to stay polite. She hoped this would catch you off guard a little. At the same time Cairo could slap her self, why was she acting so stupid… so awkward and cringe. What happened to the hot teasing and tension?
While Cairo was struggling with how she could approach you, you were fixated at the movements of the water and didn’t heard any surrounds. You only heard your own heart beat and began to see flashbacks.
“What is it?” Cairo asked, looking at you with a more serious tone. She was starting to get a bit worried. Something was off. You were so diffrent suddenly. She also looked at you up and down, but then turned away, knowing that you would probably notice that looking too. Your swimsuit just highlighted how attractive you were, even though you wasn’t acting the way Cairo wanted.
Then the tone of the whistle brought you back and you jumped into the water. You began to dive in. Your heart pounding harder. On the edge of a panic attack. You were swimming so fast. Basically for your life. More flashbacks were in your head. You breathed unsteady and as soon as you reached the other side of the pool you held almost scared on the rail of the pool before getting out and leaving. Cairo watched you as she dove into the water. Your swimsuit highlighted how attractive you were, her body almost perfect in Cairo’s eyes the way you moved in the water. But there was something wrong with you now. You weren’t acting like you used to. You were nervous. And you were having a panic attack. Cairo’s heart was beating faster than ever before. Why did this have to happen?
Your fast movement out of the pool and out of Cairo’s sight made Cairo very afraid. She had wanted to keep talking to you. Find out what was going on, wanting to get close to you. Even tho Cairo was curious about what was going on with you, she had to keep swimming like the others. You just left the class without saying another word to the coach but she seemed to know what the problem was. Cairo could see it in the eyes of Miss Rey. The way she held her whistle and hesitated to blow in it. Watching you leave and disappear in the lockers room with a worried and frustrated expression.
Cairo continued to swim, but her heart was beating rapidly, and she felt very nervous. She really wanted to find out what the issue was with you. But she couldn’t. She had to swim, trying not to think about it. Bit your presence before, in the pool felt like torture, knowing that Cairo couldn’t do anything about it now. But at the same time, she couldn’t take her eyes off your body. The urge of lust and desire mixed with worry and curiosity. The weirdest mix Cairo had ever felt before. But she knew that what ever was going on with you, was way more important than her sexual attraction towards you.
The first ones who would managed to swim twenty tracks were always allowed to leave earlier so they could get changed and shower in peace.
Cairo swam her 20 tracks as quickly as she could, wanting to move on from you for now but not being completely able to do so. She rushed out of the pool, and quickly headed towards the locker room, hoping to find you in there. She was curious to see what was wrong, and if she might still have a chance. She looked at her watch and realized the time. She still had some time left before the next class, but she needed to find you before that. When she entered the lockers room and walked past the showers she managed to see you from behind. Already showered and almost fully clothed. Cairo saw big scars along your back before they were covered by the sweatshirt you had pulled on.
Cairo was now even more concerned. She immediately decided she had to try to talk to you again. She still looked quite attractive, even though you were now wearing full clothes and your back was covered by your sweatshirt. But Cairo tried to not care about that, she was more concerned with the visible scars. She didn’t want to invade your privacy, but couldn’t ignore that either. Cairo made a quick decision, and walked up to you from behind. “Are you okay?” She whispered, touching carefully your shoulder. You turned around and seemed slightly surprised. You readjusted your sweatshirt and got your backpack. “Yeah I’m good” you said monotone and short while closing the locker. Your hair was still slightly wet and a few water drops were falling down from her hair tips.
Cairo looked at you, and could tell this conversation would be the hardest yet, and she didn’t even know why. “Y/n, the scars on your back.” Cairo spoke slowly, trying to get your attention. “Why are they there? Are you okay?” You probably had no idea how much you actually meant to Cairo. Yes there was some sexual tension. The flirting was playful and teasing but Cairo still wanted to do anything she could to help you, because she cared. You leaned your forehead on the locker and sighed loud. When you looked back at Cairo the was so much anger in your eyes… it was like your eyes turned way much darker. “None of your bussines” she said cold with a hoarse voice before leaving the lockers room.
Cairo felt her heart break a bit. There was a wall between them, that you were putting between them. But Cairo didn’t know how to destroy that wall, and couldn’t help to feel hurt. You had been cold, and indifferent now. The fact that you had scars on your back didn’t help the issue either. But maybe you just didn’t trust Cairo. She felt ashamed, and decided that she wanted to talk to you later before they would leave for their next class. For now though, she looked down, walking slowly out of the locker room after getting showered and changed herself.
There was a fifteen minute pause before the next classes would start. Cairo was searching for Winnie while feeling slightly restless. Then finally she found Winnie in the hallways of the school, it was near the parking lot. “Hey could you already find out anything about y/n? She acted so different at swimming class and had scars all over her back…” began Cairo a bit worried. Winnie nodded. “Sorry I haven’t yet. I’ll see if I can find out anything. But whatever’s going on, I hope y/n is okay. You know I know you have thing for her, don’t you?” Winnie told Cairo, smiling widely. Cairo smiled back a bit, her eyes followed every person that passed them, hoping it would be you. She wanted to see you now. No. She needs to see you now. “Anyways… I’ll come over to your place later. I’ll tell you then everything I could find out” Said Winnie. “Yeah, that sounds great.” Cairo replied, smiling at Winnie. She was still thinking about talking to you, and she hoped that she would get to do that soon. But right now she couldn’t do anything, and had to wait. She would just have to be patient. She thought about the scars, and worried about you.
How did things change so fast in just two days? Not even… it was only one day.
The cheeky and bold kiss yesterday… and the flirting today. It was like you had wrapped Cairo around your finger without even trying. Cairo felt like a mess when she was around you. She was overwhelmed by her feelings… mostly by her sexual attraction towards you. But why did you even care that much about her now? It should have been only a flirt… some quality time to get the experience of sex instead of writing about it. So what was it? Why was Cairo so weak around you?
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grimreaperschild · 1 year
knife play
summary: Wednesday fucks you into the middle of next week
warnings: smutt, knife play, blood idk
a/n: it’s a little short and shitty but i just needed to blast through this writers block, much love-🦷
It had started off innocently enough, teasing Wednesday always did a little squeeze to her thigh under the table or pulling her into a secluded classroom to make out, it usually ended up with her under you whimpering out your name hands tied above her head.
But today you pushed a little too far by asking Rowan for his notes knowing how she felt about the slightly weird but sweet boy and now you were on your knees in her empty dorm, enid being too busy with Ajax giving Wednesday the perfect opportunity to teach you a lesson. You feel the cool mettle of her favourite dagger under your chin tilting your head up to meet her eyes the blade was as black as her irises the handle wrapped in worn brown leather “what do you have to say for yourself” her words bring you out of your thoughts as you study her small figure she’s discarded her blazer and skirt somewhere leaving her in a white shirt sleeves rolled up sweater vest and a pair of deep red boxers.
You feel a sharp crack against your cheek that snaps your head to the side and leaves you stunned “I asked you a question” you peer up into her eyes “I don’t care for your questions” you watch as her eyes narrow and a small smirk appears on her face “you seem to have forgotten who you belong too, let’s remind you” before you can answer she turns grabbing her favourite black strap on from under her bed “wow, I’m sooo intimidated” you let out a dry chuckle that’s cut short as the smaller girl grips your arm and all but drags you onto the bed, little but surprisingly strong you let out a grunt as your head is pushed into the pillow as you arch your back.
Wednesdays hands find your thighs scratching lightly, she runs a finger through your slick humming appreciatively as you let out a muffled groan “so wet for me, such a needy slut” you gasp as you feel the point of her dagger trail down your spine “safe word” “red” “good girl” you feel the head of her cock at your entrance and you push yourself back wanting friction, you gasp as she thrusts into you not giving you time to adjust before she sets a slow deep pace hitting just below the spongy spot you want her in the most you let out a cry into the pillow as one hand grabs your waist hard enough to leave bruises and the other hand hovers the knife over the soft flesh of your hip “mine” she purrs as she lets the knife slip into your skin making you let out a disgruntled yelp, pain and pleasure mixing making you feel slightly lightheaded.
You hear a groan from behind you as blood trickles down your hip and onto Wednesdays hands “is this ok” she asks though there’s no sweetness to her words “don’t stop” you gasp out into the pillow as you feel the cold steel cut into your hip a few more times leaving a warm sticky feeling in its wake, you push yourself back into Wednesdays strap eager to have her deeper, she grabs both your hips and slams into you hitting the spot you’ve been craving a loud whine leaves your mouth as you feel a familiar heat build in your lower stomach the flow of blood from your hip is making her hands on you sticky as the noise of skin on skin fils the room.
The pillow swallows most of your moans as Wednesday brings you over the edge pulling your hips back so aggressively with each thrust that the bed squeaked in protest, light explodes behind your eyes as you cum but she doesn’t stop, busy chasing her own release leaving a burning pain in your stomach that quickly pushes you over the edge again, her name leaves your mouth followed by a succession of guttural moans that finally have her hips stuttering as she cums.
She drops next to you still buried deep in you and you turn to Inspect the new addition to your body and find the neatest W.A craved into your hip, she presses a tender kiss to your temple, “my girl” you smile as you snuggle into your lover “all yours, weds”
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devilsjacket · 2 years
Wednesday growing comfortable around you and becoming upset when you’re gone for too long
Wednesday: Where were you?
You walking through the door: huh?
Wednesday: where were you? You’ve been gone for so long.
Y/n: uh I told you I was going for my morning run-
Wednesday hugs you tightly
Wednesday: I- I may have longed for you to come back a little sooner.
Y/n: I missed you too Wednesday
You smile and kiss the top of Wednesday’s head
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goddessfloresz · 24 days
Her Recovery p1.
ONESHOT ❦︎ (very) [OC] FemReader x Larissa Weems
°° Reader is named Florere Dulcie since I dislike using Y/N when writing. 😓
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" 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎. 𝚆𝚑𝚘 ��𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍'𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚐𝚊𝚢? "
Being part of the Nevermore Family has unleashed something inside of you. The fear of being judged for expressing yourself was washed away once you had taken a step into the academy. For the first time in your life during your early-thirty's, you felt the freedom of expression you had ever so craved for. Being a professor means having the advantage of wearing anything that came into mind, of course it would need to be appropriate for teaching.
It took some time for you to adjust into Nevermore. The first week was quite a hassle since you already had a lot in your hands.. To moving in the teachers dorms, to organizing your class schedule, to designing your classroom, to decide what lessons you would be teaching for the curriculum, gosh there was too many to even decide! Welcome to the career you chose, I guess.. If only you weren't five foot two tall then you would've pursued modeling that kept calling out for your name. And here you are pursuing the job of teaching, to be able to at least inspire youngsters. But the main reason was.. you missed your daughter. You missed taking care of her, missing the presence of a child. In fact, you never thrown out a single picture of your daughter. Why couldn't you call your ex-husband if you're child-deprived? You couldn't, of course. You left your child's life without oh so suddenly.. and probably you were the villain in their eyes, so why would you bother to even try? Having this motherly instinct led you to Nevermore Academy to teach with passion. No wonder the students had immediately added you to their favorites list.
..Feeling as if Nevermore was your home.
You were plain, nothing special looked on you, you were 'normal' when you first set foot into Nevermore for the job interview. The observant principal took notice of how you drastically changed into this 'fashionista' that the staff and students had called you, because of basically how you had started to literally turn Nevermore into your fashion show. There was not a single day that you didn't capture anyone's attention..
There was just something about printed leopard clothing that set your heart ablaze, it was as if it was made just for you to wear. Especially the fur coats that you'd always love to wear during seasonal winters. Not to mention, you'd always have an eye for vintage fashion. You even made sure your hair had the style of Hedy Lamarr, an iconic Hollywood actress. It took almost six months of working in Nevermore to bring this celebrity or rather.. outcast out of you.
..And that made Larissa feel nothing more than proud of you because of your improvement.
Compliments never failed to make you flattered no matter how many times you've had received it from your students and faculty staff. It has been six months working under Nevermore, and it already feels like you know this place like the palm of your hand. This Academy was full of secrets waiting for their discovery and you were more than proud to figure out just that. But working for Nevermore also has its ups and downs.. For example; The murder of Rowan, one of the Academy's students. Gosh.. it never failed to give your skin goosebumps just from the thought of it. You were always late by the news of on-going happenings inside the school grounds, only being updated when your co-workers talk about certain topics. Plus, the fact that Wednesday Addams never failed to make the principal's blood boil.
Just as you thought everything chaotic was dying down, you were so wrong.
..Here you are, visiting Principal Weems's quarters in Jericho's Hospital for the third time in a week. Praying to the deities that she'll recover from the hell she just had experienced. If only that darn Marilyn Thornhill was caught earlier. You were worried like it was the end of the world when you had miraculously arrived just on time because of some rising voices inside the botany teacher's room. Greeted by the fact that the Principal's mouth was foaming, with her body fully paralyzed from whatever injected serum was stabbed on her.
If only.. if only you were not the type of woman who would shy away from their love interest. Then you would've spent more time with the apple of your eyes..
It as was if you regretted every single decision you made to avoid Larissa in any way because you simply had feelings for her. The whole semester was on pause because of this certain situation.. like how the whole academy stopped functioning for a certain while. Just as if you were sulking the fact of your awful decisions in life, blaming yourself in every possible way. You stopped on your tracks when the door to the principal's hospital room was half open. Taking a small peek before completely opening it, you couldn't believe your eyes that your co-workers had arrived and gathered before you.
Your eyes widen a bit when you heard a particular voice, none other than belonging to Principal Weems herself. Talking amongst the crowd almost sorroundings her bed.. Thank the heavens above for being able to hear your goddess's voice once again!
" Ah, Miss Florere, you've arrived just in time! " One of your co-workers welcomed your arrival with open arms. All heads turning unto you as you stood frozen still unto the door frame, including the head of a particular blonde. Your eyes immediately landing on eachother, taking note of her pale and natural look.. " You're more than welcome to come in, Miss 'Dulcie'. " The maiden name of your mother immediately snapped you back unto reality. You almost totally forgot that you had changed your complete identity when you decided to use your mother's maiden name than use the 'Gustavo' name. And gosh.. the way Larissa almost held you in chokehold by simply tapping her tongue to pronounce your name. This woman will surely be the death of you someday..
" Of course.. " you replied with a stutter as the blush on your cheeks grew and stepped a foot inside as you closed the door from behind. The atmosphere was comfortable and cheerful, despite the gloomy background still being there. But set that aside, everyone was here for the principal's quick recovery after all. It honestly surprised you because you almost saw her die before your eyes..
This certain situation made you feel at ease and relief now that Larissa's health has been stabilized.
Watching everyone talk comfortably to Principal Weems made you unable to contain that smile. Making your heart swell as you listened attentively on their conversations. " Regarding the second semester, please notify the students that it'll be postponed until further notice. We must prioritize the students mental health recovery from everything that has happened within the school grounds. " Her strong British accent quickly making anyone listen inside the room. Gosh.. this woman had just woken up from slumber and already thought about a strategy regarding the schools administrations? What is she even doing during her sleep, work? But not to mention, it was still pretty impressive. As expected from Principal Weems herself..
" Oh set the responsibilities aside, Principal Weems! Please.. focus on your recovery also. " A sentence that made almost everyone nodding their head, " Not to mention.. Miss Florere here got everything under control when you were gone. " Your co-worker said with a smile as all eyes were on you for the credits. You couldn't help but giggle slightly before replying, " Oh please.. Its not much of a big deal. I just made sure to send each of the student's parents some letter regarding the incident. Explaining everything they needed to know and give some reassurances on their child's education inside Nevermore Academy.. " You couldn't help but glance at Larissa who seems to have a pleasing smile and seeming to notice the way her tense body relaxed.
" Not to mention, Miss Florere here made sure to bring you some flowers everyday. "
" It's the least I could do.. " You couldn't help but mutter shyly as you lowered your gaze on all the credits you've received. Unknowingly that all of the little things were noticed by the staff and we're exposed to the Principal itself. Larissa couldn't help but grow her smile more, seemingly applauding you silently as you felt her gaze bore unto you. But her gaze quickly returned when conversations seem to spark again.. and there you were behind the crowd, flattered by all the credits you had received.
As time passes by, the nurse had came in the room to remind the dear visitors about the curfew regarding visiting hours. Which made that gloomy atmosphere somehow seep in upon the reminder.. It was honestly a hard thought that you would be leaving this woman all alone for the sake of recovery. After few more conversations, the staff had decided it would be best to leave earlier to avoid some scolding from the medical health workers. You were the last to leave.. making you stop on your tracks once again when you heard Larissa's voice from behind.
" Professor Dulcie.. for a moment? " The only woman who called you by your mother's maiden name.
" Yes? " You turned around, breath immediately hitching as you made eye contact with her beautiful blue orbs.
" Would you fetch me my laptop? And perhaps other things like.. anything that could cure my boredom during my recovery. Could you bring my items tomorrow evening? " Her voice ever so gentle and soft, making you almost immediately melt on the spot.
" Of course.. anything for you, Principal Weems. " The last sentence was totally unplanned, it came out of your mouth automatically. Was this the effect by being under her gaze?
In which, Larissa responded with a giggle. Making your eyes slightly widen from realization of what you had just said. Gosh you are more than exposing yourself! But my gosh.. her giggle was beautiful too, almost making you weak on your knees. You wished you could hear it everyday..
" I'll take note of that, Professor. " She replied with that pearly whites of hers.
That certain interaction replayed in your head, because you were sure that her reply had a hint of playfulness. Or where you just being delusional? But oh well.. this was it. The start of getting to know Larissa, and aim for establishing a friendship with her. After all that happened in a blink of an eye? That you almost lost the source of your heart beat? You were now firm with your decision to establish a friendship with the Principal of Nevermore Academy. Or possibly.. even more than friends.
In fact, you couldn't sleep last night. Larissa's reply kept ringing into your head like a bell.. it was the reason behind your sleepless night. You were certainly aware that you were acting like a complete teenager girl fan girling over some 'stupid' crush. But oh dearest Larissa was more than 'just a crush'. She was your muse, your goddess.. you are so in love. And you aren't denying it anymore.
You carefully gathered everything essential unto the desk of the principal. Her laptop, her documents, her notebook and pen, the clothes and hairpins she needed once she got fully healed, her hygiene kit, and.. her signature red lipstick? Of course, you thought that it would be better to bring it. Since you've barely seen her never wear the red lipstick, thinking that every woman has her comfort, and the red lipstick was exactly what you think Larissa needed. You couldn't help but feel something was missing.. but you were also sure you've gotten everything important. You shrugged that thought off immediately when you've checked every stuff needed, and packed it into this large leather bag of yours. You wouldn't be bothered if you left it into the possession of Larissa. As you said.. you would do anything for this woman.
The Principal's face lit up once you've finally showed up into the hospital quarters.
" I've got everything. " You tried not show how nervous you actually were. Because you were unsure if you even got the essential things she requested and needed.
" Thank you so much, dear. " You couldn't help but blush at the pet name, as you basically helped set up the laptop on her bed desk. Seeming to notice that she was way more lively than usual.. it seems like she's recovering real well. Which made you unable to hide your smile at that thought, because that's exactly what you were wishing for.
As silence crept in, you hesitated for a moment to start a conversation as Larissa was now focused on turning on her laptop. Staring at her signature red lipstick inside the bag, you were practically fighting demons inside of you to make such a decision that took so much courage..
" I don't think the principal would survive without her red lipstick.. " You cracked a joke as you showed her, her signature red lipstick. Larissa couldn't help but raise a brow as she looked at you, but the moment she layed eyes on her lipstick she couldn't help but smile ear to ear.
" Hm? How did you know? " The blonde replied to your joke with a giggle, seeming to ride with your joke. You couldn't help but giggle in reply too, handing her the red lipstick as the blush on your cheeks grew.
" My dear professor.. I can't apply my lipstick without a without a mirror. " Larissa said as she opened her lipstick, her gaze running back to you. " Oh right! I think I got it..- Oh. " You immediately turned around to clutter inside the bag over nothing. So that's what you were missing, a mirror.
" I-I'm sorry, Principal Weems.. I don't think I have brought any- "
" Can you help me put it on? "
" ..What? "
" What I meant is.. May you please kindly help me apply the lipstick, Professor? "
𝙰/𝙽: Soo, this chapter is almost inspired by a fanfiction I've red in AO3, I've sadly forgotten the title and name of the author.. Hope you enjoyed this one! Honestly speaking; I discontinued this due to academics work load.. it was supposed to be a full available book in Wattpad. And I can't find the right time to do it sadly.
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drghostwrite · 1 year
Give you everything
I did it again guys… I found a quote and it reminded me of someone. This is a linked story to Always You but I didn’t wanna call it or three bc it was more of an inspired post that went with the series.
Pairing: Larissa Weems x reader
Quote: ‘Cause I could give you everything, the stars and the sun. But still, I’m not enough’
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******************************************************** You slowly tried to roll over you 6 month bump was small but still made it difficult enough, feeling the cool sheets and blankets brush over exposed skin. You pulled back to sleep for seconds before reaching a hand over to be met by nothing, the warmth of your wife wasn’t by your side, your eyes fluttered open to see moonlight peaking through the dark curtains on the windows. You ran your hand over her pillow feeling the coolness as if she had never laid there, you heard her moving and assumed she was coming to bed so you allowed yourself to fall back asleep.
You were awoken minutes later feeling the bed dip behind you, you slowly opened your eyes pivoting to sit and turn around, only to be met by Larissa sitting with her back to you.
“Larissa?” You reached a hand out running it over her shoulder, she trembled almost as if she was scared under your touch. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing love I just couldn’t sleep.” She still hadn’t faced you but you could feel her masking it in her voice.
“Are you sure?” You asked sitting up more.
“I um…” she wiped a hand over her face seeing her features slump.
“come here,” you slid over giving her room to lean back into you, instead she redirected herself laying her head on your lap and facing your bump. You saw the tears that had slid down her face, you could tell the puffiness was starting to show in her eyes. You ran gentle hands over her exposed skin feeling her relax into your touch.
“what’s going on love?”
“I just…”
“it’s okay.”
She let tears fall as her voice broke, “I don’t know… Y/N I can’t give you this.”
“Give me what, what’re you taking about?”
“This life, I can’t give you all the glitz and glamour, I can’t promise a safe house where no monsters can get us, I want to give you everything but I can’t.”
“I never asked you to.”
“Larissa Weems you’re everything I’ve ever wanted, this baby is everything I’ve ever wanted. Believe it or not you are my safe space and the one I want to run to when things get hard, I want to live this life with you, I choose everyday to walk through this with you by my side because I love you.”
“Y/N…I never was the most popular or the smartest or the prettiest.”
“Hmm well that’s not why I married you… to me you are the most gorgeous woman in the world, popularity or smarts or riches isn’t what attracted me to you and if that’s what someone else loves about you then that’s why I’m the one you married not them.”
she looked into your eyes hopeful slowly sitting up, “I’m the one carrying your baby, our baby, not them.” She looked down placing a delicate hand on your bump, you replaced a hand over hers holding it close and used the other to lift her chin, you looked into her eyes and placed a kiss one hers lips she quickly deepened the kiss, she could feel your baby moving underneath her hand and you felt her fingers spread against the taut skin.
“I’m going to take it that someone else agrees with you.”
“hmm I’m sure they do.” You said with a chuckle biting your lip.
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kolsmikaelson · 2 years
can you do wednesday and fem yn are dating and are like gomez and morticia and they sit beside eachother in herbology and are all over eachother till miss Thornhill says something
just like your parents — wednesday addams x reader
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word count - 569 join taglist warnings - mentions of excessive pda
a/n - i hope this is what you were wanting, enjoy <3
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When you were around Wednesday, the butterflies rustling around your stomach turned into a stampede of wild animals, unbeknownst to you Wednesday felt the same — though you might admit it, she never would — Wednesday felt her heart flutter the moment she laid her eyes on you. If she hadn’t known any better she would have thought there was something wrong with her.
From the moment you met one another in Ophelia Hall, you knew you’d fall for the dark haired girl. You weren’t sure what exactly brought your attention to her, maybe her dark sense of humor or when you were paired to work at Weathervane together and you’d crack stupid jokes and see a small ghost of a smile on Wednesdays face.
Fast-Forward, six months later you were sitting in Ms. Thornhills class, you were seated in the back of the small room — you’d playfully dragged her behind you to the desks but she hadn’t put up any sort of fight — when you’ve pulled out your notebooks your hand unconsciously gravitated towards hers. You knocked your hand into her own playfully to get her attention. The dark haired girl swiftly placed her hand in yours comfortably before looking to the front of the room where Ms. Thornhill had begun speaking.
Wednesday’s hands would always linger on your skin, no matter the reason why, it was something you noticed early on — though you weren’t complaining, you loved it. Out of your friends, she only ever became physical with you. Over time it became increasingly more apparent to not only you, but most others around you. Some days she would link her pinky finger with yours as you walked the halls, others she would wrap her hand around your waist and pull you toward her side. It became more of a thing in your shared classes as well. Especially in Thornhills class, the two of you shared not only a favorite class but a favorite teacher too.
As you were working on the assignment that Ms. Thornhill had given at the beginning of the class you were leant over whispering sweet words into Wednesday’s ear all while giving her small kisses when Thornhill approached your table. Quickly you separate from your girlfriend, the work on the table was suddenly much more intriguing.
“Miss L/N, you aren’t in trouble, you can look at me.” she says with a soft smile on her lips.
“I just have to say girls, the other day Principal Weems brought something to my attention and I think I must agree with her. You two are just like your parents, Wednesday. Morticia and Gomez never could keep their hands to themselves, it seems neither can you.” she grins when she sees the blush that was brought to Wednesday’s cheeks. She wasn’t alone, as you could feel the heat rushing to your own face.
“Oh no, I didn’t mean it as a bad thing. It’s quite adorable actually.”
You smile as the redhead walks back to her desk, waiting until she turns to let your head fall onto Wednesday’s shoulder and let out your laughter.
“Oh my god I can’t believe she just compared us to your parents.”
“Well, it seems that we’ve got some catching up to do, next time they’ll be the ones compared to us.” she sighs, turning your head to face hers and she presses her lips to yours with a small smile.
taglist (bolded means I cannot tag you) — @alexxavicry @hockeyboysarehot @bluesongbird @liltimmyst @prettysummerbaby @fictionalho @ssprayberrythings @yejis-biggest-simp @ke1ramar1e @fallonaurr @willowbee @pinkpantheresslover @fangirlingismylife @dark-academia-slut @natashamaximoff69 @kenzi-woycehoski @jimzk
© kolsmikaelson 2022. do not copy, translate or repost my work!
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eddieboi23 · 2 years
Y/n: Um… are you ok? I saw you fall in the hall yesterday
Wednesday: I didnt fall, I attacked the floor.
Wednesday: I’m fucking talented.
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deep-fried-egg · 1 year
Don't be a brat.
This includes: brat taming, g!p vada, Dom!vada, top! Vada, sub! R, bottom! R, fem! R, spanking, Vada cumming inside
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"Yeah y/n. Juice wrld is 100x better than sublime." Vada said as she mindlessly scrolled through Instagram . She was sitting on the couch, feet up and legs stretched out.
"Have you even heard sublime?" Y/n asked Vada who only shrugged. "It sounds like someone just wants to be a pain in the ass. Who listens to juice wrld anyway?"
"The people that have a brain, that's who." Vada retorted back, then continued scrolling through her feed. "What do you know about people that have brains." Y/n mumbled under her breath.
"What was that?" Vada said with narrowed eyes. "Nothing, don't worry about it." Y/n answered, knowing that it would only annoy Vada further.
"That didn't sound like nothing." Vada set her phone down "If you wanna be a fucking brat I might have to fuck the attitude out of you."
"You won't," Y/n replied flatly, but didn't look up from her lap.
"Oh yeah?" Vada got off the couch and stood directly over Y/n. "Is that a dare or what?" Before Y/n could respond, Vada leaned over and gave Y/n a kiss. Y/n tensed, ready for the other girl to push her down, but instead she felt arms wrap around her waist and pull them closer. Y/n felt Vada's hand move from her hip to her ass, squeezing and massaging the area while their lips remained locked together.
"Vads... Just get to it already." Y/n said between kisses when Vada started to nip at Y/n's lower lip, eliciting a whimper of pleasure from her girlfriend."I don't like your tone, Y/n." Vada whispered in Y/n's ear before pressing another kiss against her neck. Y/n shuddered when Vada started sucking hard on her pulse point
The brunette girl moved her hands from Y/n's ass to her thighs where she pulled y/n into a tighter embrace. When Y/n let out a small gasp of air Vada took the opportunity to slide her tongue into Y/n's mouth. Y/n moaned at the sensation, allowing Vada to deepen the kiss.
"lay down on my lap brat." Vada commanded as she sat down next to me. Of course, I obliged. Immediately I did as told
Vada squeezed my ass before quickly pulling how my pants and panties so my bare ass is facing her.
"I'll only give you ten for today, but if you pull this shit ever again I'll double it." Vada threatened before giving you a harsh smack then a gentle rub.
"One." I can already feel myself getting wet...
"Two." somehow this slap was even harder than the first one, but it came with a quiet "sorry"
"Three..." This was the softest spank she's given me so far, I'm surprised she hasn't asked me if I'm still okay with this-
"Is this still okay?" Nevermind. I give Vada a quick nod before flinching from another smack.
"Five? Yeah five." I softly smile at the fact that she forgot the number she's at.
"Six." At this point my arousal is spreading to my thighs.
"Seven, can I continue?" She asks again.
"Yes, vada it's fine now stop aski-" I get cut off by a hard smack.
"Eight." She said louder than the other numbers.
"Nine and a half..."
"And ten."
At this point I am dripping onto her shorts, it's fucking embarrassing that pain turns me on this much. To be honest it's not only the pain it's the fact that I can feel her hard cock pressing into me as well.
"fuck I bet you're so wet for me that I don't need to use lube..." Vada inches her hand closer and closer to my center.
"I'm not wet at all." I managed to get out right when she was about to touch my heat.
"let's see if you're lying or not even though I already know you are." Vada ran her fingers through my center and came up with an embarrassing amount of slick.
"I knew it."
"come back up on the couch. Face down, ass up." This time I did get on the couch but I didn't get into the position she wanted me in. Instead I just laid down on my back.
"Did you hear what I asked? I said face down ass up." Vada said but I didn't budge.
"Do you just want to be punished?" I still did not move.
I realize that she wont fuck me unless I'm in that position so I gave up trying and finally moved.
"you know I'm gonna have to punish you again for that?" Vada said while rubbing the tip of her cock against my clit... I didn't even realize she took her shorts off.
"Vada..." I tried to say an entire sentence but apparently I'm not allowed to talk anymore.
"Nope. Be quiet slut." I feel vada completely pull away which causes me to whine into the cushion Vada is pressing my face into.
"Oh do you want me inside?" I nodded into the cushion but that wasn't good enough.
"Actually, you can talk... So use your words."
"Yes... please I want you so fucking bad Vada." I reached behind me trying to find her cock but she slapped my hand away and she grabbed it herself.
"No touching, got it?" With that, Vada slid her dick inside me causing me to groan loudly. I couldn't help but squirm and let out a loud moan.
"Fuck you're tight." Her fingers dug into my hips as she thrust faster and deeper into me.
"Vada...." I said again and this time she stopped moving and looked up at me. She gave me a devilish smile. "Say my name again." I swallowed thickly and looked into her eyes. "Vada...please..." This time, it sounded more like a whimper. The brunette smirked and kept fucking me.
"Where did all your brattiness go? You were arguing with me a couple of minutes ago." Vada teased before giving me one particularly rough thrust, this time causing me to moan. I clenched my teeth shut and bit my bottom lip to stifle any other noises I could make. "I like your feisty side babe, I hope you keep being a little fucking brat long enough for us to work through your bitchiness." Vada chuckled darkly as she slowly moved her hips forward causing me to tighten around her dick. She stopped and waited for a few seconds then went back to thrusting inside of me. I moaned as she began to pick up speed, thrusting harder each time. I was panting heavily, sweat forming on my forehead.
"Are you going to behave now?" Vada said, a smug smirk adorning her features.
"Uh huh." I said quietly, breathing heavily. "Good girl." she purred. As Vada continued to pump her dick into me until I neared my release... but instead of letting me cum Vada immediately pulled out.
"What the fuck?" I hissed angrily, just wanting her to make me cum as soon as possible.
"Don't complain brat. You know why I'm not letting you cum yet" Vada replied nonchalantly.
"Because you need to learn some manners."
"I didn't even do anything this time!" I snapped, annoyed.
"Stop talking. You're lucky I'm too horny to stop fucking you right now..." Vada said as she slammed her body back into mine before picking up her pace once again, this time leaving no space between us. My whole body shook as my nails dug harshly into the couch cushions.
"Please..." I whined in desperation as Vada increased the speed of her stroke. "Please." My voice was becoming hoarse and the pressure building up inside me became unbearable.
"Apologize for being such a fucking brat earlier."
"Sorry... for being a brat." I mumbled as tears gathered in my eyes from how uncomfortable being kept on the edge of an orgasm is. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I continued to apologize over and over again as she sped up even more, causing me to cum all over her cock. Vada was about to cum as well and I could feel her tense up, I knew it was coming...
A low growl came out of Vada's throat as she pounded into me roughly and cumming deep inside of me. Vada slowly pulled out and moved away from me so I could finally lie on my back. My eyes met hers as we both breathed heavily, I ran my hand down her chest gently caressing it while she placed lazy kisses down my neck.
"You know I don't actually think you're a brat or a whore right?" Vada questioned, bringing our foreheads together.
"I know." I sighed contently as she continued to place soft butterfly kisses across my face.
" I wouldn't have gotten my way if you weren't so obedient... you're the perfect little sub, don't ever forget that." Vada whispered in my ear before kissing me deeply.
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kaimeioneclipse · 2 years
Happy Birthday Wednesday
You knock on Wednesdays and Enid" dorm room holding a bag behind your back. Wednesday opens the door with a fast reaction knowing you were on the other side.
Wednesday: "Y/N! Where have you been? I've been looking all over the school for you."
Y/N: "My bad I've been out with Enid most of the day."
Wednesday: "Oh what were you two talking about?"
Y/N: "Nothing much, just stuff and things and we did a bit of shopping"
Wednesday: "Well why wasn't I included?"
Y/N: ".....Wait....are you jealous"
Wednesday: "What a preposterous idea, you think I would get jealous that Enid got to spend the whole day with you. Especially on a special day"
Wednesday began to sulk
You smile and pull out a bag from behind you
Y/N: "Happy Birthday, Mi Caria. you thought I was gonna forget your birthday and not get you something?"
Wednesday opens the bag and pulls out a jet-black ribbon with a skull and raven on it.
Wednesday: "Mon Cher..,"
She jumps into your arms and kisses you deeply. I think she liked your present.
Kaimei's Short Stories
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Enid: Are you a cuddler?
Wednesday: I'm a machine of death
Y/N: She's a cuddler
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